Fundamentals of English Grammar 4th Betty Azar (Student)
Fundamentals of English Grammar 4th Betty Azar (Student)
Fundamentals of English Grammar 4th Betty Azar (Student)
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Betty S. Azar
Stacy A. Hagen
To my sister, Jo
For D. P. and H. B.
with appreciation
Preface to the Fourth Edition ................................................. x
Acknowledgments ........................................................ xm
4-3 Negative, question, and short-answer forms ........................87
4-4 Present perfect with unspecified time .............................90
4-5 Simple past vs.present perfect ..................................94
4-6 Present perfect progressive .....................................98
4-7 Present perfect progressive vs.present perfect ......................101
4-8 Past perfect ................................................108
7-6 Polite questions: would you, could you, will you, can you ..........189
7-7 Expressing advice: should and ought to .........................190
7-8 Expressing advice: had better .................................191
7-9 Expressing necessity: have to, have got to, must ..................193
7-10 Expressing lack of necessity: do not have to;
Expressing prohibition: must not ...............................195
7-11 Making logical conclusions: must ..............................197
7-12 Tag questions with modal auxiliaries .............................199
7-13 Giving instructions: imperative sentences .........................200
7-14 Making suggestions: let's and why don't .........................203
7-15 Stating preferences: prefer, like ... better, would rather ............204
Appendix SUPPLEMENTARY GRAMMAR CHARTS ............................. 395
Unit A: A-1 The present perfect vs.the past perfect ............................ 395
A-2 The past progressive vs.the past perfect .......................... 396
A-3 Still vs. anymore ........................................... 396
A-4 Additional verbs followed by that-clauses ......................... 397
A-5 Additional expressions with be + that-clauses .................. ... 397
Unit B: B-1 Phrasal verbs ................................................ 398
B-2 Phrasal verbs: a reference list .................................. 399
Unit C: C-1 Preposition combinations: introduction ........................... 402
C-2 Preposition combinations: a reference list ......................... 402
Fundamentals of English Grammar is a developmental skills text for lower-intermediate and
intermediate English language learners. It uses a grammar-based approach integrated with
communicative methodologies to promote the development of all language skills in a variety of
ways. Starting from a foundation of understanding form and meaning, students engage in
meaningful communication about real actions, real things, and their real lives in the classroom
context. Fundamentals of English Grammar functions principally as a classroom teaching text
but also serves as a comprehensive reference text for students and teachers.
The eclectic approach and abundant variety of exercise material remain the same as in the
earlier editions, but this fourth edition incorporates new ways and means. In particular:
Numerous listening exercises help students interact with the spoken language in a variety
of settings that range from the relaxed, casual speech of everyday conversation to more
academic content. An audio CD accompanies the student text, and a full listening script
can be found in the back of the book.
Students can read and respond to a wide selection of readings that focus on the target
grammar structure(s).
New writing activities that practice target structures have been created for every chapter. A
writing sample precedes each task so students have a model to follow.
Based on our corpus research, grammar content has been added, deleted, or modified to
reflect the discourse patterns of spoken and written English.
The Warm-Up exercises are a brief pre-teaching tool for the charts. They highlight the key
point(s) that will be introduced in the chart that follows the Warm-Up exercise. Before
beginning the task, teachers will want to familiarize themselves with the material in the
chart. Then, with the teacher's guidance, students can discover many or sometimes all of
the new patterns as they complete the Warm-Up activity. After students finish the exercise,
teachers may find that no further explanation is necessary, and the charts can serve as a
useful reference.
The Listening exercises have been designed to help students understand American English
as it is actually spoken. As such, it includes reductions and other phenomena that are part
of the natural, relaxed speech of everyday English. Because the audio uses English that
may be spoken at a rate faster than what students are used to, they may need to hear
sentences two or three times while completing a task.
The Listening exercises do not encourage immediate pronunciation (unless they are
linked to a specific pronunciation task). Reteptive skills precede productive ones, and it is
essential that students be able to hear the speech patterns before they begin using them in
their own speech.
Students are encouraged to listen to longer passages the first time through without
looking at their text. Teachers can then explain any vocabulary that has not already been
clarified. During the second listening, students complete the assigned task. Teachers will
want to pause the audio appropriately. Depending on the level of the class, pauses may be
needed after every sentence, or even within a sentence.
It is inevitable that sound representations in the text will at times differ from the
instructor's speech, whether it be due to register or regional variation. As a general rule, if
the instructor expects that students will hear a variation, or if students themselves raise the
questions, alternate representations can be presented.
A listening script with all the listening exercises can be found at the back of the book.
The Readings give students an opportunity to work with the grammar structures in extended
contexts. One approach is to have students read the passage alone the first time through.
Then they work in small groups or as a class to clarify vocabulary questions. A second reading
may be necessary. Varied reading tasks then allow students to check their comprehension, to
use the target structures, and to expand upon the topic in speaking or writing.
As students gain confidence in using the target structures, they are encouraged to express
their ideas in complete paragraphs. A model paragraph accompanies each assignment and
question-prompts help students develop their ideas.
Peer editing can be used for correction. A useful technique is to pair students, have
them exchange papers, and then have the partner read the paragraph aloud. The writer can
hear if the content is what he or she intended. This also keeps the writer from
automatically self-correcting while reading aloud. (Self-correcting can be a problem if
writers are unaware that they are making corrections as they read.)
For classes that have not had much experience with writing, the teacher may want to
assign students to small groups. Each group composes a paragraph together. The teacher
collects the paragraph and adds comments, and then makes a copy for each group
member. Students correct the paragraph individually.
W hen correcting student writing, teachers may want to focus primarily on the structures
taught in the chapter.
Each Let's Talk activity is set up as one of the following: pairwork, small group, class
activity, interview, or game. Successful language learning requires social interaction,
and these tasks encourage students to speak with others about their ideas, their everyday
lives, and the world around them. Students tend to speak more easily and freely when they
can connect language to their own knowledge and experiences.
We couldn't have done this fourth edition without the many talented professionals who assisted
us. We began our revision with the insights and suggestions from these reviewers: Michael
Berman, Montgomery College; Jeff Bette, Westchester Community College; Mary Goodman,
Everest University; Linda Gossard, DPT Business School, Denver; Roberta Hodges, Sonoma
State American Language Institute; Suzanne Kelso, Boise State University; Steven Lasswell,
Santa Barbara City College; Diane Mahin, University of Miami; Maria Mitchell, DPT Business
School, Philadelphia; Monica Oliva, Miami Sunset Adult Center; Amy Parker, University of
Michigan; Casey Peltier, Northern Virginia Community College.
We are fortunate to have an outstanding editorial staff who oversaw this book from planning
to production. We'd like to thank Shelley Hartle,- managing editor extraordinaire, whose
meticulous and perceptive editing shaped every page; Amy McCormick, editorial director,
whose vision, attentiveness, and care for the series guided our writing; Ruth Voetmann,
development editor, for her keen eye, valuable advice, and unfailing patience; Janice Baillie, our
outstanding copy-editor who scrutinized and honed every page; Sue Van Etten, our
accomplished and very talented business and web-site manager; Robert Ruvo, our skilled and
responsive production manager at Pearson Education.
We'd also like to express our appreciation to the writers of the supplementary texts: Rachel
Spack Koch, Workbook; Kelly Roberts Weibel, Test Bank; and Martha Hall, Teacher's Guide. They
have greatly enriched the series with their innovative ideas and creativity.
Finally, we'd like to thank the dedicated leadership team at Pearson Education that guided
this project: Pietro Alongi, Rhea Banker, and Paula Van Ells.
The colorful artwork is due to the inspired talents of Don Martinetti and Chris Pavely.
Finally, we would like to thank our families, who supported and encouraged us every step of
the way. They are a continual source of inspiration.
Betty S. Azar
Stacy A. Hagen
o Exercise 1. Listening and reading.
rfJ Part I. Listen to the conversation between Sam and Lisa. They are college students in
� California. They are beginning a weeklong training to be resident assistants* for their dorm.
Track 2 They are interviewing each other. Later they will introduce each other to the group.
*resident assistant = a student who lives in a dormitory and helps other students with everyday life in the dorm; also called an "RA."
Part II. Read the conversation in Part I. Use the information in the conversation to complete
Sam's introduction of Lisa to the class.
SAM: I would like to introduce Lisa Paterson. Lisa is from Boston . She has been here
Part Ill. Now it is Lisa's turn to introduce Sam to the class. What is she going to say? Create
an introduction. Begin with I would like to introduce Sam.
o Exercise 4. Warm-up. (Charts 1-1 and 1-2)
Read the statements and circle yes or no. Choose responses that are true for you. Share your
answers with a partner (e.g., I use a computer every day. OR I don't use a computer every day.).
Your partner will report your information to the class (e.g., Eric doesn't use a computer every day.).
1. I use a computer every day. yes no
2. I am sitting in front of a computer right now. yes no
3. I check emails every day. yes no
4. I send text messages several times a day. yes no
5. I am sending a text message now. yes no
Simple Present ( a) Ann takes a shower every day. The SIMPLE PRESENT expresses daily
habits or usual activities, as in ( a)
(b) I usually read the newspaper in
...v the morning. and (b).
"' �0 ...::s
0. c: ,E The simple present expresses general
(c) Babies cry. Birds fly.
statements of fact, as in (c) .
In general, the simple present is used
It doesn't snow in Bangkok. for events or situations that exist
(e ) QUESTION: always, usually, or habitually in the
Does the teacher speak slowly? past, present, and future.
Present Progressive (f) Ann can't come to the phone The PRESENT PROGRESSIVE expresses an
right now because she is taking activity that is in progress (is occurring,
a shower. is happening) right now.
...... ( g) I am reading my grammar book The event is in progress at the time the
!+:: right now. speaker is saying the sentence. The
s· I
(h ) Jimmy and Susie are babies.
event began in the past, is in progress
They are crying. I can hear now, and will probably continue into the
� future.
�SS them right now. Maybe they are
hungry. FORM: am, is, are + -ing
It isn't snowing right now.
Is the teacher speaking right
Present Time 3
1·2 Forms of the Simple Pr��ent and ��� .. p_��se�tiltoi" f�$il��--�-��l�:
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pronoun+ be I + am = I'm working.
you, we, they + are = You're, We're, They're working.
he. she, it + is = He's, She's, It's working.
Lunch at the Fire Station
It's 12:30, and the firefighters are for their next call. They are taking their lunch
1 2
break. Ben, Rita, and Jada are sitting at a table in the fire station. Their co-worker Bruno
is making lunch for them. He is an excellent cook. He often makes lunch. He is fixing spicy
4 5 6
chicken and rice. Their captain isn't He is doing paperwork. He skips lunch on busy
7 8 9
days. He works in his office and finishes his paperwork.
10 11
3. Ali (speak) ----------- Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right
now he (speak) English.
Present Time 5
6. A: Look. It's Yumiko.
B: Where?
A: Over there. She (walk) ----------- out of the cafe.
0 Exercise 10. Game: trivia. (Charts 1- 1 and 1-2)
Work in small groups. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses. Then circle "T" for true or "F" for false. The group with the most correct
answers wins.*
1. In one soccer game, a player (run) seven miles on T F
2. In one soccer game, players (run) seven miles on T F
3. Right-handed people (live) 10 years longer than T F
left-handed people.
4. Mountains (cover) 3% of Africa and 25% of Europe. T F
5. The Eiffel Tower (have) 3,000 steps. T F
6. Honey (spoil) after one year. T F
7. The letter "e" (be) the most common letter in English. T F
8. It (take) about seven seconds for food to get from T F
our mouths to our stomachs.
9. A man's heart (beat) faster than a woman's heart. T F
10. About 145,000 people in die world (die) every 24 hours. T F
Present Time 7
Partner A
I ;
4 s 6
2 3
4 s 6
o Exercise 12. Let's read and write. (Charts 1-1 and 1-2)
Part I. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Hair Facts
Here are some interesting facts about our hair. Human hair grows about one-half inch
per month or 15 centimeters a year. The hair on our scalp is dead. That's why it doesn't hurt
when we get a haircut. The average person has about 100,000 strands of hair.* Every day we
lose 75 to 150 strands of hair. One strand of hair grows for two to seven years. After it stops
growing, it rests for a while and then falls out. Hair grows faster in warmer weather, and
women's hair grows faster than men's hair.
1. How fast does hair grow?
2. Why don't haircuts hurt?
3. About how many strands of hair are on your head right now?
4. Where is a good place to live if you want your hair to grow faster?
Part II. Choose one part of the body, for example: fingernails, skin, eyebrows, eyes, heart,
lungs, etc. Make a list of interesting facts about this part of the body. Organize the facts into a
paragraph. Begin with the given topic sentence. Note: If you are researching information on
the Internet, search this topic: "interesting __ facts" (e.g., interesting hair facts).
Topic sentence: Here are some-interesting facts about our __ .
2. I go to bed late.
3. I skip breakfast.
6. I am an early riser.**
Present Time 9
100% always Frequency adverbs usually occur in the middle of a
j. almost always sentence and have special positions, as shown in
usually examples (a) through (e) below.
(c) Do you always eat breakfast? In a question, frequency adverbs come directly after
the subject.
(d) Ann usually doesn't eat breakfast. In a negative sentence, most frequency adverbs come
in front of a negative verb (except always and ever).
(e) Sue doesn't always eat breakfast. A/ways follows a negative helping verb, as in (e), or a
negative form of be.
(f) CORRECT: Anna never eats meat. Negative adverbs (seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never)
INCORRECT: Anna doesn't never eat meat. are NOT used with a negative verb.
(g) - Do you ever take the bus to work? Ever is used in questions about frequency, as in (g). It
-Yes, I do. I often take the bus. means "at any time."
(h) I don't ever walk to work. Ever is also used with not, as in (h).
INCORRECT: I ever walk to work.
Ever is NOT used in statements.
Part II. Walk around the room and find people who do the activities with the same frequency
SPEAKER A: I always take the bus to school. Do you always take the bus to school?
SPEAKER B: No, I don't. I sometimes take the bus to school. Do you usually go to bed late?
SPEAKER A: Yes, I do. I usually go to bed late.
Present Time 11
o Exercise 17. Looking at grammar. (Chart 1-3)
Complete the sentences using the information in the chart. Use a frequency adverb in each
sentence to describe Mia's weekly activities.
Mia's Week s M Tu w Th F s
1. wake up early x
2. make breakfast x x x
3. go to the gym x x x x x
4. be late for the bus x x x x
5. cook dinner x x x x x x x
6. read a book x x x x x x
7. do homework x x
8. go to bed early
2. She breakfast.
5. She dinner.
6. She a book.
o Exercise 19. Warm-up. (Chart 1-4)
Combine the given words into sentences. Add -s where necessary. Do not add any other words.
1. A dolphin \ swim
2. Dolphin \ swim
(b) PLURAL: two birds, three birds, many birds, all birds, etc. PLURAL = two, three, or more
(e) A bird sings outside my window. A singular verb follows a singular subject.
It sings loudly. Add -s to the simple present verb if the subject is
Ann sings beautifully. (1) a singular noun (e.g., a bird, Ann, Tom) or
She sings songs to her children. (2) he, she, or it.*
Tom sings very well.
He sings professionally.
*He,she, and il are third person singular personal pronouns. See Chan 6-10, p. 164, for more information about personal pronouns.
l Sentence
�- -- . -
Present Time 13
o Exercise 21. Listening. (Chart 1-4)
{J Listen to the statements. Add -s where necessary. Write 0 if no -s is needed.
co 1 Natural disasters: a flood
Track 6
1. The weather ---12._ cause_s__ some natural disaster_s__ .
2. Heavy rains sometimes create __ flood __ .
3. A big flood __ cause__ a lot of damage.
4. In town __ , flood __ can damage building __ , home__·_, and road __ .
5. After a flood __ , a town __ need __ a lot of financial help for repair __ .
- - . '"
( a) visit ---t visits Final -s, not -es, is added to most verbs.
speak ---t speaks INCORRECT: visites, Speakes
(b ) ride ---t rides Many verbs end in -e. Final -sis simply added.
write ---t writes
(c) catch ---t catches Final -es is added to words that end in -ch, -sh, -s, -x, and -z.
wash ---t washes
miss ---t misses
fix ---t fixes Final -es is pronounced fazJ and adds a syllable.*
buzz ---t buzzes
(d) fly ---t flies If a word ends in a consonant+ -y, change the -yto -i and add -es, as in (d).
( e) pay ---t pays If a word ends in a vowel+ -y, simply add -s,** as in ( e).
INCORRECT: paies or payes
( f ) go ---t goes The singular forms of the verbs go, do, and have are irregular.
do ---t does
have ---t has
*See Chart 6-1, p. 147, for more information about the pronunciation of final -s/-es.
**Vowels = a, e, i, o, u. Consonants = all other leners in the alphabet.
1. A frog j um pt\.
2. Frogs j ump. · � (no change)
3. A boat float on water.
4. Rivers flow toward the sea.
5. My mother worry about me.
6. A student buy a lot of books at the beginning of each term.
7. Airplanes fly all around the world.
8. T he teacher ask us a lot of questions in class every day.
9. Mr. Cook watch game shows on TV every evening.
10. Water freeze at 32°F (0° C) and boil at 212 °F ( 100° C).
11. Mrs. Taylor never cross the street in the middle of a block. She always walk to the corner
and use the crosswalk.
Present Time 15
o Exercise 26. Game. (Charts 1-4 and 1-5)
Your teacher will assign each student an item number. (If there are fewer than 24 students,
some students will have two numbers. If there are more than 24 students, some students will
have the same number.) Find your number in the list and write the words that appear beside
it on a slip of paper. Then close your book.
Walk around the classroom and say your words to other classmates. You are looking for
the other half of your sentence. When you find the person with the other half, combine the
information on both of your slips of paper into a sentence.
Write the sentence on the board or on a piece of paper. Make changes to the verb if
Example: 1. A star
2. shine in the sky at night
- A star shines in the sky at night.
1. A car 11. An elephant
2. causes air pollution. 12. A hurricane
3. stretch when you pull on it. 13. produce one-fourth of the world's coffee.
4. A hotel 14. Oceans
5. support a huge variety of marine life. 15. use its long trunk like a hand to pick
6. A bee things up.
7. Does exercise 16. Brazil
8. cause great destruction when it 17. supply its guests with clean towels.
reaches land. 18. A rubber band
9. A river 19. collects nectar* from flowers.
10. improves your health? 20. flows downhill.
a. don't know b. am not knowing
It __ more like a small animal, maybe a cat or squirrel.
a. sounds b. is sounding
1·6 Non-Action Verbs o�'Y-1 oltj ef>Y'
(a) I know Ms. Chen. Some verbs are generally not used in progressive tenses.
INCORRECT: I am knowing Ms. Chen. These verbs are called "non-action verbs."* They express
(b) I'm hungry. I want a sandwich. a situation that exists, not an action in progress.
INCORRECT: I am wanting a sandwich.
Non-action Verbs
hear believe be own need like forget
see think exist have want love remember
sound understand possess prefer hate
know seem belong agree
mean look like disagree
(f) Tom has a car. In (f ): When have means "own" or expresses possession,
it is not used in the progressive.
(g) I'm having a good time. In (g): In expressions where have does not mean "own"
(e.g., have a good time, have a bad time, have trouble,
have a problem, have lunch, have a snack, have company,
have an operation}, have can be used in the progressive.
*Non-action verbs are also called "non-progressive" or "stative" verbs.
Present Time 17
5. A: There's goes Salma on her new racing bike.
B: Yeah, she really __ bikes.
a. is loving b. loves
A: That's for sure! She several.
. .
a. 1s ownmg b. owns
his name.
B: That's Mr. Martinez.
A: That's right! I (remember) ----------- him now.
* look far away = look like you are thinking about other things; daydream
**change= coins
4. A: (you, believe) _____________ in ·ghosts?
B: No. In my opinion, ghosts (exist) _ _______ only in people's
5. Right now the children (be) _______ at the beach. They (have)
___________ a good time. They (have) ___________
shovels, and they (build) ___________ a sandcastle. They (like)
___________ to build big sandcastles. Their parents (lie)
___________ on the beach and (listen) ___________
to music. They (listen, not) ______________ to their children's
conversations, but they (hear) them anyway.
Present Time 19
.1·7 Present Verbs: Short Answers to Yes/No Questions
Question Short Answer Long Answer
QUESTIONS WITH oo/oOES Does Bob like tea? Yes, he does. Yes, he likes tea.
No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't like tea.
QUESTIONS WITH BE Are you studying? Yes, I am.* Yes, I am (I'm) studying.
No, I'm not. No, I'm not studying.
Are they studying? Yes, they are.* Yes, they are (they're) studying.
No, they 're not. OR No, they're not studying. OR
No, they aren't. No, they aren't studying.
*Am, is, and are are NOT contracted with pronouns in short answers.
INCORRECT SHORT ANSWERS: }es, I'm. Wis, she's. Wis, they 're.
5. A: (Jean, study) --------------- at the library this evening?
B: No, She (be) _______ at the gym. She
(play) _________ table tennis with her friend.
A: (Jean, play) _________ _
_ table tennis every evening?
B: No, She usually (study) _________ at the library.
A: (she, be) _______ a good player?
B: Yes, She (play) _________ table tennis a lot.
A: ( you, play) ___________ table tennis?
B: Yes, _______ . But I (be, not) _______ very good.
Part II. Complete each question with the unreduced form of the words you hear.
Example: You will hear: Do you want to tell me what the problem is?
You will write: Do you want to tell me what the problem is?
Present Time 21
o Exercise 34. Let's talk: interview. (Chart 1- 7)
Make questions with the given words. T hen walk around the room and ask and answer
questions. Your answers should have both a short and a long response.
Example: be\ Texas\ in South America?
SPEAKER A: Is Texas in South America?
SPEAKER B: No, it isn't. Texas is in North America.
1. the earth\ revolve\ around the sun \ right now?
2. the moon\ revolve\ around the earth\ every 28 days?
3. be\ the sun and moon planets?
4. be\ Toronto in western Canada?
5. whales\ lay\ eggs?
6. your country\ have\ gorillas in the wild?
7. be\ gorillas\ intelligent?
8. mosquitoes\ carry\ malaria?
9. you\ like\ vegetarian food?
10. be\ our teacher\ from Australia?
11. it\ rain\ outside\ right now?
12. be\ you\ tired of this interview?
2. A: What are the children doing? (they, watch) TV?
B: No, they . They (play) outside.
5. A: What (you, think) ___________ about at night before you fall asleep?
B: I (think) about my day. But I (think, not) ________
about anything negative. What (think) _______________ about?
A: I (think, not) ___________ about anything. I (count)
_______ sheep.*
*count sheep = fall asleep naturally by closing your eyes and counting imaginary sheep
Present Time 23
o Exercise 37. Reading, grammar, and listening,. (Chapter 1 >
Part I. Read the passage and choose the correct completions.
Aerobic Exercise
Jeremy and Nancy believe exercise is important. They go to an exercise class three times a
week. They like aerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise is a special type of exercise. It increases a person's heart rate. Fast
walking, running, and dancing are examples of aerobic exercise. During aerobic exercise, a
person's heart beats fast. This brings more oxygen to the muscles. Muscles work longer when
they have more oxygen.
Right now Jeremy and Nancy are listening to some lively music. They are doing special
dance steps. They are exercising different parts of their body.
How about you? Do you like to exercise? Do your muscles get exercise every week? Do
you do some type of aerobic exercise?
1. Jeremy and Nancy E) are thinking exercise is good for them.
2. They prefer, are preferring aerobic exercise.
3. Aerobic exercise makes, is making a person's heart beat fast.
4. Muscles need, are needing oxygen.
5. With more oxygen, muscles work, are working longer.
6. Right now Jeremy and Nancy do, are doing a special kind of dance.
7. Do you exercise, Are you exercising every week?
8. Do you exercise, Are you exercising right now?
IJ Part I withListen
Part II. to the passage and complete the sentences with the words you hear. Cover
a piece of paper.
Track 10
Aerobic Exercise
Jeremy and Nancy ________ exercise is important. They ______ to
________ more oxygen to the muscles. Muscles ______ longer when they
______ more oxygen.
Right now Jeremy and Nancy ____________ to some lively music. They
--------- special dance steps. They ___________ different
12 13
parts of their body.
How about you? ______ you ______ to exercise? ______ your
14 15 16
muscles ______ exercise every week? ______ you ______ some type
17 18 19
of aerobic exercise?
Omar's Visit
(1) My friend Omar is owning his own car now. It's brand new.* Today he driving to a
small town north of the city to visit his aunt. He love to listen to music, so the CD player is
play one of his favorite CDs - loudly. Omar is very happy: he is drive his own car and listen
to loud music. He's look forward to his visit with his aunt.
(2) Omar is visiting his aunt once a week. She's elderly and live alone. She is thinking
Omar a wonderful nephew. She love his visits. He try to be helpful and considerate in every
way. His aunt don't hearing well, so Omar is speaks loudly and clearly when he's with her.
(3) When he's there, he fix things for her around her apartment and help her with her
shopping. He isn't staying with her overnight. He usually is staying for a few hours and then is
heading back to the city. He kiss his aunt good-bye and give her a hug before he is leaving.
Present Time 25
o Exercise 1. Warm-up. (Chart 2-1)
Check (,/) the statements that are true for you. Share your answers with a partner.
1. __ I stayed up late last night.
2. __ I slept well last night.
3. __ I was tired this morning.
(a) Mary walked downtown yesterday. The simple past is used to talk about activities or situations that began
(b) I slept for eight hours last night. and ended in the past (e.g., yesterday, last night, two days ago, in 2010).
(c) Bob stayed home yesterday morning. Most simple past verbs are formed by adding -edto a verb, as in (a),
(d) Our plane landed on time last night. (c), and (d).
(e) I ate breakfast this morning. Some verbs have irregular past forms, as in (b), (e), and (f). See Chart
( f ) Sue took a taxi to the airport yesterday. 2-4.
(g) I was busy yesterday. The simple past forms of be are was and were.
(h) They were at home last night.
NEGATIVE I, You, She, He, It, We, They did not (didn't) work yesterday.
QUESTION Did I, you, she, he, it, we, they work yesterday?
SHORT ANSWER Yes, I, you, she, he, it, we, they did. OR No, I, you, she, he, it, we, they didn't.
SHORT ANSWER Yes, I, she, he, it was. Yes, we, you, they were.
No, I, she, he, it wasn't. No, we, you, they weren't.
o Exercise 2. Looking at grammar. (Chart 2-1 >
Create your own chart by writing the negative and question forms of the words in italics. Omit
the rest of each sentence.
Negative Question
1. He needed water. He didn't need Did he need
2. She drank tea.
3. They played baseball.
4. I left early.
5. They wore boots.
6. � had time.
7. It was fun.
8. lou were late.
Listen to each sentence. Choose the correct completion(s). More than one completion may
be possible.
Track 11
Example: You will hear: It snows ...
You will choose: � every day. now.
1. French. together. last week.
2. right now. yesterday. last summer.
3. in the evening. last night. behind the mountains.
4. at this moment. our class. yesterday.
5. two weeks ago. right now. at this moment.
Pasf Time 27
o Exercise 5. Listening. (Chart 2- 1 >
!'» The differences between was/wasn't and were/weren't can be hard to hear in spoken
&I English. The "t" in the negative contraction is often dropped, and you may only hear an /n/
Track 12 SOUnd.
Part I. Listen to these examples.
Part II. Circle the words you hear. Before you begin, you may want to check your
understanding of these words: wedding, nervous, excited, ceremony, reception.
At a wedding
1. was wasn't 6. was wasn't
2. was wasn't 7. was wasn't
3. were weren't 8. was wasn't
4. were weren't 9. were weren't
5. was wasn't 10. were weren't
Drop final -e. Double final consonant. Change -ie to -y. Just add -ing.
Add-ing. Add-ing. Add-ing.
Part II. W rite the -ed form of each verb under the correct heading.
Double final consonant. Change -y to-i. Just add -ed. Just add -d.
Add-ed. Add -ed.
2-2 Spelli�g
_ of -ing and -ed Forms - --
End of Double the Simple
Verb Consonant? Form -ing -ed
-e NO (a) smile smiling smiled -ing form: Drop the -e, add -ing.
hope hoping hoped -ed form: Just add -d.
Two NO (b) help helping helped If the verb ends in two consonants, just
Consonants learn learning learned add -ing or -ed.
Two Vowels NO (c) rain raining rained If the verb ends in two vowels + a
+ One heat heating heated consonant, just add -ing or -ed.
One Vowel YES ONE-SYLLABLE VERBS If the verb has one syllable and ends in
+ One one vowel + one consonant, double the
(d) stop stopping stopped
Consonant consonant to make the -ing or -ed form.*
plan planning planned
NO TWO-SYLLABLE VERBS If the first syllable of a two-syllable verb is
I . stressed, do not double the consonant.
(e) v1s1t visiting visited
offer offering offered
·------------ ·------------------------ ------··------ -- -------·-··---------------------------------------
YES ( f ) prefer preferring preferred If the second syllable of a two-syllable
admit admitting admitted verb is stressed, double the consonant.
-y NO (g) play playing played If the verb ends in a vowel + -y, keep the
enjoy enjoying enjoyed -y. Do not change the -y to -i.
(h) worry worrying worried If the verb ends in a consonant + -y, keep
study studying studied the -y for the -ing form, but change the -y
to -ito make the -edform.
-ie ( i ) die dying died -ing form: Change the -ie to -y and
tie tying tied add -ing.
-edform: Just add -d.
PastTime 29
7. play
8. study
9. try
10. die
11. sleep slevt
I (no -ed)
co 1
Complete the sentences with the verbs you hear. Pay special attention to spelling.
1. Shhh. The movie is _______
Track 13
6. We the party.
2-3 The Principal Parts of a Verb
Regular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
see saw seen seeing
make made made making
sing sang sung singing
eat ate eaten eating
put put put putting
go went gone going
(2) THE SIMPLE PAST The simple past ends in -ed for regular verbs. Most verbs are regular, but
many common verbs have irregular past forms. See the reference list of
irregular verbs that follows in Chart 2-4.
(3) THE PAST PARTICIPLE The past participle also ends in -ed for regular verbs. Some verbs are
irregular. It is used in perfect tenses (Chapter 4) and the passive
(Chapter 10).
(4) THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE The present participle ends in -ing (for both regular and irregular verbs). It
is used in progressive tenses (e.g., the present progressive and the past
Past Time 31
2-4 Common Irregular Verbs: A Reference List
o Exercise 10. Looking at grammar. (Chart 2-4)
Complete the sentences. Use the simple past of any irregular verb that makes sense.
More than one answer may be possible.
1. Alima walked to the office today. Rebecca -=dr�o���e _____ her car. Olga
________ her bike. Yoko the bus.
2. It got so cold last night that the water in the pond _______
3. Katya had a choice between a blue raincoat and a brown one. She finally
_______ the blue one.
5. Last night around midnight, when I was sound asleep, the telephone ________
It _______ me up.
6. The sun _______ at 6:04 this morning and _______ at 6:59 last
8. Ms. Morita _______ chemistry at the local high school last year.
10. The police _______ the car thieves quickly and ________ them
to jail.
11. The earthquake was strong, and the ground ________ for two minutes.
12. A bird _______ into the grocery store through an open door.
13. My dog _______ a hole in the yard and buried his bone.
PastTime 33
o Exercise 11. Looking at grammar. (Charts 2-1- 2-4)
Create your own chart by writing the simple past, negative, and question forms of the words in
italics. Omit the rest of each sentence.
Simple Past Negative Question
3. A: (you, go) _________ away last weekend?
B: No, _______ . I (stay) _______ home because I (feel, not)
_________ good.
wake up at 4:00 A.M.
clean her apartment
ride her bike five miles
get vegetables from her garden
watch a cooking show on TV
make soup for dinner
bring her elderly mother a meal
read the day's paper
fix herself lunch
_________ a book.
PastTime 35
SITUATION 2: Sluggish Sam is lazy and slow. He doesn't get much done in a day. Here is his
typical day.
sleep for 12 hours come home
wake up at noon lie on the couch
take two hours to eat breakfast think about his busy life
go fishing begin dinner at 8:00
fall asleep on his boat finish dinner at 11 :00
Yesterday, Sam . . .
�==-,�------ for 12 hours.
�=���- - -
- up at 5:00 A.M.
_________ hiking.
_________ home.
________ _
dinner at 5:00.
0 Exercise 16. Listening. (Charts 2-1- 2-4)
Part I. Did is often reduced at the beginning of questions. The pronoun that follows did may
also change. Listen to the reduced pronunciations with did.
Track 14
1. Did you ---+ Did-ja Did you forget something?
Did-ya Did you forget something?
2. Didi Dih-di Did I forget something?
Di Did I forget something?
3. Did he Dih-de Did he forget something?
Did he forget something?
4. Did she ---+ Dih-she Did she forget something?
5. Did we Dih-we Did we forget something?
6. Did they ---+ Dih-they Did they forget something?
Part II. You will hear questions. Complete each answer with the non-reduced form of the verb
you hear.
1. Yes, he did . He cut it with a knife.
2. Yes, she She it all yesterday.
3. Yes, I I them yesterday.
4. Yes, they . They it.
5. Yes, you . You it.
6. Yes, she . She them.
7. Yes, he . He it to him .
8. Yes, I . I them yesterday.
9. Yes, he . He it.
10. Yes, you . You her.
Past Time 37
o Exercise 18. Looking at grammar. (Charts 2-1-+ 2-4)
Rewrite the paragraph. Use the past tense. Begin your new paragraph with �sterday morning.
Every morning, Jake reads the newspaper online. He wants to know the latest news. He
enjoys the business section most. His wife, Eva, doesn't read any newspapers on her computer.
She downloads them on her ebook* reader. She looks at the front pages first. She doesn't have
a lot of time. She finishes the articles later in the day. Both Jake and Eva are very
knowledgeable about the day's events.
Part II. Open your book and read the statements. Circle "T" for true and "F" for false.
Part Ill. Listen to the passage again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear.
A Deadly Flu
Every year, the flu -----'------- 200,000 to 300,000 people around the world. But in
1918, a very strong flu virus ______ millions of people. This flu ______ m
1918 and ______ until 1920. It ______ around the world, and between
4 5
20 million and 100 million people _____ Unlike other flu viruses that usually
______ the very young and the very old, many of the victims ______ healthy
young adults. This ______ unusual and ______ people especially afraid.
9 IO
0 Exercise 20. Warm-up: listening. (Chart 2-5)
Part I. Listen to each pair of verbs. Decide if the verb endings have the same sound or a
different sound.
Track 17
Example: You will hear: plays played
You will choose: same
1. same different 3. same different
2. same different 4. same different
Part II. Listen to the sentences. They contain past tense verbs. What sound does the -ed
ending have: /ti, /di, or /;,d/?
Example: You will hear: Jack played a game of tennis.
You will choose: /ti
(@) /;,d/
1. /ti /di fad/ 3. /ti /di /;,di
2. /ti /di /;,di 4. /ti /di fad/
(b) called = call/di Final -ed is pronounced /d/ after voiced sounds.
rained = rain/di You make a voiced sound from your throat. Your voice box vibrates.
lived = live/di Examples of voiced sounds: /1/, /n/, /v/, lb/, and all vowel sounds.
robbed = rob/di
stayed = stay/di
(c) waited = waitldd/ Final -ed is pronounced /,;,d/ after "t" and "d" sounds.
needed = need/dd/ Adding fad/ adds a syllable to a word.
Track 18
PastTime 39
o Exercise 22. Listening. (Chapter 1 and Chart 2-5)
{} Listen to each sentence and choose the correct completion.
cD 1 Example: You will hear: We worked in small groups ...
Track 19
0 Exercise 24. Let's listen and talk. (Charts 2-1 -> 2-5)
Part I. Listen to the conversation between two friends about their weekends and answer the
Track 21
Part II. Complete the conversation with your partner. Use past tense verbs. Practice saying it
until you can do it without looking at your book. Then change roles and create a new
conversation. Perform one of the conversations for the class.
A: Did you have a good weekend?
B: Yeah, I ----------------------------�
A: Really? That sounds like fun!
B: It ______ great! I ----------------------
How about you? How was your weekend?
Column A ColumnB
1. I looked at the limousine. a. First I looked at the limousine.
The movie star was waving Then the movie star waved.
out the window. b. First the movie star began waving.
2. I looked at the limousine. Then I looked at the limousine.
The movie star waved at me.
PostTime 41
2-6 Simple Past and Past Progressive
Simple Past (a) Mary walked downtown yesterday. The SIMPLE PAST is used to talk about
(b) I slept for eight hours last night. an activity or situation that began and
ended at a particular time in the past
(e.g., yesterday, last night, two days
ago, in 2007), as in (a) and (b).
Past Progressive (c) I sat down at the dinner table at The PAST PROGRESSIVE expresses an
6:00 P.M. yesterday. Tom came to activity that was in progress ( was
my house at 6:10 P.M. occurring, was happening) at a point
I was eating dinner when Tom of time in the past (e.g., at 6:10) or at
.. came. the time of another action (e.g., when
(d) I went to bed at 10:00. The phone Tom came).
rang at 11:00. In (c): eating was in progress at 6:10;
I was sleeping when the phone eating was in progress when Tom
rang. came.
FORM: was/were + -ing
(e) When the phone rang, I was sleeping. when = at that time
(f) The phone rang while I was sleeping. while = during that time
Examples (e) and (f) have the same meaning.
SHORT ANSWER Yes, I, she, he, it was. Yes, you, we, they were.
No, I, she, he, it wasn't. No, you, we, they weren't.
o Exercise 26. Looking at grammar. (Chart 2-6)
Complete each sentence with the simple past or past progressive form of the verb(s) in
1. At 6:00 P.M. Robert sat down at the table and began to eat. At 6:05, Robert (eat)
was eatin@ dinner.
3. In other words, when Ann (come) ___ ____ through the door, Robert (eat)
_________ dinner.
5. While Robert (sleep) _____ ____ , his cell phone (ring) _______
6. In other words, when his cell phone (ring) _______ , Robert (sleep)
7. Robert left his house at 8:00 A.M. and (begin) to walk to class.
PastTime 43
o Exercise 27. Looking at grammar. (Chart 2-6)
Complete the sentences, orally or in writing, using the information in the chart. Use the
simple past for one clause and the past progressive for the other.
stand in an elevator send a text message run into an old friend drop her glasses
o Exercise 28. Let's talk. (Chart 2-6)
Your teacher will tell two students to perform a task. After they do, two other students will
describe it. Only the teacher's book is open.
Example: To A: Write on the board. ToB: Open the door.
To STUDENT A: Please write your name on the board. (Student A writes on the board.)
What are you doing?
STUDENT A: I'm writing on the board.
TEACHER: Good. Keep writing.
To STUDENTB: Open the door. (Student B opens the door.) What did you just do?
STUDENTB: I opened the door.
To STUDENT A: Please stop writing.
To STUDENT C: Describe the two actions that just occurred, using when.
STUDENT C: When ( __ ) opened the door, ( __ ) was writing on the board.
2. a. Carlo was fishing at the lake. A fish was jumping out of the water.
b. James was fishing at the lake. A fish jumped out of the water.
QUESTION: Who saw a fish jump just one time?
Pastnme 45
o Exercise 30. Reading. (Chart 2-6)
Read the passage and then read the statements. Circle "T" for true and "F" for false.
The first cell phone call took place* in 1973. A man named Martin Cooper made the first
call. He was working for the Motorola communications company. When Cooper placed the
call, he was walking down a street in New York. People stared at him and wondered about his
behavior. This was before cordless phones,** so it looked very strange.
It took another ten years before Motorola had a phone to sell to the public. That phone
weighed about a pound (.45 kilogram), and it was very expensive. Now, as you know, cell
phones are small enough to put in a pocket, and millions of people around the world have them.
2. A: This is the express lane. Ten items only. It ______ like you have more than
ten. _______ count them?
B: I _______ I ______ ten. Oh, I ________ I have more.
A: The checkout stand next to me is open.
o Exercise 32. Looking at grammar. (Charts 1-1 and 2-6)
Underline the present progressive and past progressive verbs in the following conversations.
Discuss the way they are used. What are the similarities between the two tenses?
1. A: Where are Jan and Mark? Are they on vacation?
B: Yes, they're traveling in Kenya for a few weeks.
2. A: I invited Jan and Mark to my birthday party, but they didn't come.
B: Why not?
A: T hey were on vacation. T hey were traveling in Kenya.
3. A: What was I talking about when the phone interrupted me? I forget!
B: You were describing the Web site you found on the Internet yesterday.
4. A: I missed the beginning of the news report. What's the announcer talking about?
B: She's describing damage from the earthquake in Pakistan.
YesterdayToshi and Oscar (sit) were sitting in the library. Toshi (do)
_______ his homework, but Oscar (study, not) . He
13 14
(stare) _________ out the window. Toshi (want) _______ to know
15 16
what Oscar (look) _________ at. Oscar (point) _______ to the
17 18
skateboarder. He (say) _______ that he was amazing. Toshi (offer)
_______ to teach him some skateboarding basics.
PastTime 47
o Exercise 34. Warm-up. (Chart 2-7)
Check (I') the sentences that have this meaning:
First action: We gathered our bags.
Second action: The train arrived at the station.
1. __ We gathered our bags before the train arrived at the station.
2. __ Before the train arrived at the station, we gathered our bags.
3. __ After we gathered our bags, the train arrived at the station.
4. __ As soon as the train arrived at the station, we gathered our bags.
5. __ We didn't &ather our bags until the train arrived at the station.
(c) I went to bed after I finished my work. These words introduce time clauses:
(d) Before I went to bed, I finished my work.
(e) I stayed up until I finished my work. until
+ subject and verb = a time clause
as soon as
(f) As soon as I finished my work, I went to bed. while
(g) The phone rang while I was watching TV.
(h) When the phone rang, I was watching TV. In (e): until= to that time and then no longer**
In (f): as soon as = immediately after
( i ) When the phone rang, I answered it. In a sentence with a time clause introduced by when, both
the time clause verb and the main verb can be simple
past. In this case, the action in the when-clause
happened first.
In (i): First: The phone rang.
Then: I answered it.
(j) While I was doing my homework, my In (j): When two actions are in progress at the same time,
roommate was watching TV. the past progressive can be used in both parts of the
*A clause is a structure that has a subject and a verb.
**Until can also be used to say that something does NOT happen before a particular time: I didn't go to bed until Ifinished n-ry work.
o Exercise 35. Looking at grammar. (Chart 2-7)
Check (,/) all the clauses. Remember: a clause must have a subject and a complete verb.
1. __ applying for a visa
2. __ while the woman was applying for a visa
3. __ the man took passport photos
4. __ when the man took passport photos
5. as soon as he finished
6. he needed to finish
7. __ after she sent her application
8. __ sending her application
______________ before -------------�
3. First: I lived on a farm.
Then: I was seven years old.
Until -----------------------------
--------------- until---------------
Past Time 49
4. First: I heard the doorbell.
Then: I opened the door.
While - ---------------------------
--------------- while _______________
3. Yesterday afternoon I (go) _______ to visit the Lopez family. When I (get)
_______ there, Mrs. Lopez (be) in the yard. She (plant)
_________ flowers. Mr. Lopez (be) _______ in the garage.
He (change) _________ the oil on his car. The kids (play)
_______ in the front yard. In other words, while Mr. Lopez (change)
_________ the oil in the car, the kids (throw) _________
a ball in the yard.
6. It was a long walk home. Mr. Chu (get) _______ tired and (stop)
_______ after an hour. He (rest) until he (feel )
_______ strong enough to continue.
D· Exercise 39. Ustening. (Chapter 1 and Charts 2� 1- 2-7)
"1 Listen to the passage with your book closed. Then listen again and complete the sentences
t:!I with the words you hear.
Tn,ck 23
Jennifer's Problem
Part II. Look at the sentences you checked. Are these statements no longer true? If the
answer is "yes," another way to express your idea is with used to. Which of these sentence(s)
are true for you?
1. I used to remain quiet when someone asked me a question.
2. I used to check my dictionary frequently.
3. I used to ask people to speak very, very slowly.
4. I used to translate sentences into my language a lot.
PestTime 51
2·8 Expressing Past Habit: Used To
(a) I used to /ivewith my parents. Now I live in Used to expresses a past situation or habit that no longer
my own apartment. exists at present.
(b) Ann used to beafraid of dogs, but now she FORM: used to + the simple form of a verb
likes dogs.
(c) Al used to smoke, but he doesn't anymore.
(e) I didn't used to drinkcoffee at breakfast, but NEGATIVE FORM: didn't used to
now I always have coffee in the morning. (OR didn't use to)*
(OR I didn't use to drinkcoffee.)
Didn't use(d) to occurs infrequently. More commonly,
( f ) I never used to drink coffee at breakfast, but people use never to express a negative idea with used to,
now I always have coffee in the morning. as in (f ).
*Both forms (used to and use to) are possible in questions and negatives. English language authorities do not agree on which is
preferable. This book uses both forms.
3. Now you live in this city. Where did you live before you came here?
Where ______________ ?
4. Did you work for the phone company at some time in the past?
______________ for the phone company?
5. When I was younger, I slept through the night. I never woke up in the middle of the night.
I ______ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ in the middle of the night, but now I do.
I through the night, but now I don't.
6. When I was a child, I watched cartoons on TV. I don't watch cartoons anymore. Now I watch
news programs.
I ____________ cartoons on TV, but I don't anymore.
I news programs, but now I do.
o Exercise 42. Interview: find someone who .•... (Chart 2-8)
Walk around the classroom. Make a question with used to for each item. When you find a
person who says ''yes," write down his/her name and go on to the next question. Share a few
of your answers with the class.
Find someone who used to . . .
1. play in the mud. ---+ Did you use to play in the mud?
2. play with dolls or toy soldiers.
3. roller skate.
4. swing on a rope swing.
5. catch frogs or snakes.
6. get into trouble at school.
7. dress up in your mother's or father's clothes.
3. Tom _________ tennis after work every day, but now he doesn't.
3. Margo was used to teach English, but now she works at a publishing company.
7. My family used to going to the beach every weekend, but now we don't.
Past Time 53
o Exercise 45. Let's read and write. (Chapter 2)
Part I. Read the passage about a famous author. Then read the statements. Circle "T" for
true and "F" for false.
J. K. Rowling
Did you know that J. K. Rowling used to be an English language teacher before she
became successful as the author of the Harry Potter series? She taught English to students in
Portugal. She lived there from 1991 to 1994. During that time, she also worked on her first
Harry Potter book.
After she taught in Portugal, she went back to Scotland. By then she was a single mother
with a young daughter. She didn't have much money, but she didn't want to return to teaching
until she completed her book. Rowling enjoyed drinking coffee, so she did much of her writing
in a cafe while her daughter took naps. She wrote quickly, and when her daughter was three,
Rowling finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.*
Many publishers were not interested in her book. She doesn't remember how many
rejection letters she got, maybe twelve. Finally a small publishing company, Bloomsbury,
accepted it. Shortly after its publication, the book began to sell quickly, and Rowling soon
became famous. Now there are seven Harry Potter books, and Rowling is one of the wealthiest
and most successful women in the world.
1. Rowling finished the first Harry Potter book in 1993. T F
2. Rowling did a lot of writing in a cafe. T F
3. At first, publishers loved her work. T F
4. Soon after her book came out, many people bought it. T F
5. Rowling still works as a teacher. T F
Part II. Choose a writer or a singer you are interested in. Find information about this person's
life. Make a list of important or interesting events. Put the information into a paragraph. Edit
your verbs carefully.
*In the United States and India, this title was changed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
o Exercise 1. Warm-up. (Chart 3-1)
Which sentences express future meaning? Do the future sentences have the same meaning or a
different meaning?
1. The train is going to leave a few minutes late today.
2. The train left a few minutes late today.
3. The train will leave a few minutes late today.
(c) Sam is in his office this morning. Today, tonight, and this +
morning, afternoon, evening,·
(d) Ann was in her office this morning at eight, but now she's at a week, etc., can express present,
meeting. past, or future time, as in
(e) Bob is going to be in his office this morning after h;s dentist (c) through (e).
NOTE: The use of shall (with I or we) to express future time is possible but is infrequent and quite formal; for example: I shall leave
at nine tomorrow morning. We shall leave at ten tomorrow morning.
il lbercise 2. listening. (Cnalit 3-0
Listen to each sentence. If it expresses future time, circle yes. If it does not, circle no.
en 1 Example: You will hear: The airport will be busy.
Trad:. 2S
�ou will choose: no
At the airport'
1. yes no 5. yes no
2. yes no 6. yes no
3. yes no 7. yes no
4. yes no 8. yes no
(a) We are going to belate. Be going to is followed by the simple form of the verb,
as in (a) and (b).
(b) She '.s going to cometomorrow.
INCORRECT: She's going to comes tomorrow.
(e) "Hurry up! We're gonnabe late!" Be going to is more common in speaking and informal
writing than in formal writing. In informal speaking, it is
sometimes pronounced "gonna" /g�m�/. "Gonna" is not
usually a written form.
56 CM�PTER ,3
o Exercise 4. Looking at grammar. (Charts 3-1 and 3-2)
Complete the sentences with a form of be going to and the words in parentheses.
1. A: What (you) do) are you @Oin@ to do
B: I ( pick) ------------- up a prescription at the pharmacy.
Future Time 57
o Exercise 6. Ustening. (Charts 3-1 and 3-2) -. ·
{J Part I. Listen to the pronunciation of the reduced forms of going to in the conversation.
**nm a credil check = get information about a person's financial history including the employer's name, one's income, the
amount of money in the bank, and a history of late or unpaid bills
o Exercise 8. Let's talk: pairwork. (Chapters 1 and 2; Charts 3-1 and 3-2)
Work with a partner. Complete the conversation with your own words. Be creative! The
conversation reviews the forms (statement, negative, question, short answer) of the simple
present, simple past, and be going to.
SPEAKER A: I rode a skateboard to school yesterday.
SPEAKER B: Really? Wow! Do you ride a skateboard to school often?
SPEAKER A: Yes, I do. I ride a skateboard to school almost every day.
Did you ride a skateboard to school yesterday?
SPEAKER B: No, I didn't. I came by helicopter.
SPEAKER A: Are you going to come to school by helicopter tomorrow?
SPEAKER B: No,I'm not. I'm going to ride a motorcycle to school tomorrow.
A: I yesterday.
you yesterday?
B: No,I .I
A: Are you tomorrow?
B: No,I . I tomorrow.
Future Time 59
3.3 Forms with Will
STATEMENT I, You, She, He, It, We, They will come tomorrow.
NEGATIVE I, You, She, He, It, We, They will not (won't) come tomorrow.
QUESTION Will I, you, she, he, it, we, they come tomorrow?
CON TRACTIONS I'// she'// we'll Will is usually contracted with pronouns in both
you'// he'// they'// speech and informal writing.
Bob + will = ''Bob'//" Will is often contracted with nouns in speech, but
the teacher + will = "the teacher'//" usually not in writing.
*Pronouns are NOT contracted with helping verbs in short answers.
CORRECT: }fa, I will.
INCORRECT: res, I'll.
Part II. Listen to the sentences and write the contractions you hear.
2. I paid the bill this morning. ________ get my check in the next day or two.
3. We have the better team. _______ probably win the game.
4. Henry twisted his ankle while running down a hill. _______ probably take a
break from running this week.
6. I invited some guests for dinner. ________ probably get here around seven.
7. Karen is doing volunteer work for a community health-care clinic this week.
_______ be gone a lot in the evenings.
o Exercise 11. Ustening. (Chart 3-3)
{J Part I. Listen to the sentences. Notice the pronunciation of contractions with nouns + will.
7. This information __________ all the side effects*** for this medicine.
Future Time 61
3.4 Certainty About the Future
100% sure (a) I will be in class tomorrow. In (a): The speaker uses will or be going to
OR because he feels sure about his future activity.
I am going to be in class tomorrow. He is stating a fact about the future.
90% sure (b) Po will probably be in class tomorrow. In (b): The speaker uses probably to say that
OR he expects Po to be in class tomorrow, but he is
Po is probably going to be in class not 100% sure. He's almost sure, but not
tomorrow. completely sure.
(c) Anna probably won't be in class tomorrow. Word order with probably:*
OR (1) in a statement, as in (b):
Anna probably isn't going to be in class helping verb + probably
tomorrow. (2) with a negative verb, as in (c):
probably + helping verb
50% sure (d) Ali may come to class tomorrow. May expresses a future possibility: maybe
OR something will happen, and maybe it won't
Ali may not come to class tomorrow. happen.**
I don't know what he's going to do. In (d): The speaker is saying that maybe Ali will
come to class, or maybe he won't come to class.
The speaker is guessing.
(e) Maybe Ali will come to class, and maybe Maybe + will/be going to gives the same
he won't. meaning as may.
OR Examples (d) and (e) have the same meaning.
Maybe Ali is going to come to class, and
maybe he isn't. Maybe comes at the beginning of a sentence.
*Probably is a midsemence adverb. See Chart 1-3, p. 10, for more information about the placement of midsemence adverbs.
**See Chart 7-3, p. 182, for more information about may.
My day tomorrow
o Exercise 14. Looking at grammar. (Chart 3-4) "-!
For each situation, predict what probably will happen and what probably won't happen. Use
either will or be going to. Include probably in your prediction.
1. Antonio is late to class almost every day.
(be on time tomorrow? be late again?)
-+Antonio probably won't be on time tomorrow. He'll probably be late again.
2. Rosa has a terrible cold. She feels miserable.
(go to work tomorrow? stay home and rest?)
3. Sarni didn't sleep at all last night.
(go to bed early tonight? stay up all night again tonight?)
4. Gina loves to run, but right now she has sore knees and a sore ankle.
(run in the mara.thon race this week? skip the race?)
Future Time 63
IJ agree
o Exercise 17. Ustening. (Chart 3-4)
Think about life 100 years from now. What will it be like? Listen to each sentence. Do you
or disagree? Circle yes or no. Discuss your answers.
Track 30
Predictions about the future
1. yes no 6. yes no
2. yes no 7. yes no
3. yes no 8. yes no
4. yes no 9. yes no
5. yes no 10. yes no
An Old Apartment
Ted and Amy live in an old, run-down apartment and want to move. The building is old
and has a lot of problems. The ceiling leaks when it rains. The faucets drip. The toilet doesn't
always flush properly. The windows don't close tightly, and heat escapes from the rooms in the
winter. In the summer, it is very hot because there is no air conditioner.
Their apartment is in a dangerous part of town. Ted and Amy both take the bus to work
and have to walk a long distance to the bus stop. Their apartment building doesn't have
laundry facilities, so they also have to walk to a laundromat to wash their clothes. They are
planning to have children in the near future, so they want a park or play area nearby for their
children. A safe neighborhood is very important.
Part II. Ted and Amy are thinking about their next apartment and are making a list of what
they want and don't want. Complete the sentences with will or won't.
Our next apartment
1. It won't have leaky faucets.
3. It have windows that close tightly.
Part Ill. Imagine you are moving to a new home. Decide the six most important things you
want your home to have (It will have . .. ). You can brainstorm ideas in small groups and then
discuss your ideas with the class.
(b) She will succeed because she works hard. Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
(c) I bought some wood because I am going to build Be going to (but not will) is used to express a prior
a bookcase for my apartment. plan (i.e., a plan made before the moment of
In (c): The speaker plans to build a bookcase.
(d) This chair is too heavy for you to carry alone. Will (but not be going to) is used to express a
I 'II hefpyou. decision the speaker makes at the moment of
In (d): The speaker decides or volunteers to help at
the immediate present moment; he did not have a prior
plan or intention to help.
Future Time 65
0 Exercise 20. Looking at grammar. (Charts 3-1 - 3-5)
Discuss the italicized verb(s). Is the speaker expressing plans made before the moment of
speaking (prior plans)? If so, circle yes. If not, circle no.
1. A: Did you return Carmen's phone call?
B: No, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I'll call her right away. yes no
2. A: I'm going to call Martha later this evening. Do you want to talk to
her too? yes no
B: No, I don't think so.
3. A: Jakob is in town for a few days.
B: Really? Great! I'll give him a call. Is he staying at his Aunt Lara's? yes no
4. A: Alex is in town for a few days.
B: I know. He called me yesterday. We're going to get together for dinner
after I get off work tonight. yes no
5. A: I need some fresh air. I'm going for a short walk.
B: I'll come with you. yes no
6. A: I'm going to take Hamid to the airport tomorrow morning.
Do you want to come along? yes no
B: Sure.
7. A: We're going to go to Uncle Scott's over the break. yes no
Are you interested in coming with us?
B: Gee, I don't know. I'll think about it. W hen do you need to know? yes no
2. A: Why are you carrying that package?
B: It's for my sister. I 'm @Oin@ to mail it to her.
Listen to each question and circle the expected response (a. or b.).
1. a. Sure, I'll do it.
Track 31
b. Sure, I'm going to do it.
2. a. Yes. I'll look at laptop computers.
b. Yes. I'm going to look at laptop computers.
3. a. Yeah, but I'll sell it. I don't need it now that I live in the city.
b. Yeah, but I'm going to sell it. I don't need it now that I live in the city.
4. a. Uh, I'll get your coat and we can go.
b. Uh, I'm going to get your coat and we can go.
Future Time 6 7
3·6 Expressing the Future in Time Clauses and If-Clauses
time clause In (a) and (b): before I go to class tomorrow is a future
(a) Before I go to class tomorrow, I'm going to eat time clause.
breakfast. before
time clause after
(b) I'm going to eat breakfast before I go to class when + subject and verb = a time clause
as soon as
(c) Before I go home tonight, I'm going to stop at the The simple present is used in a future time clause.
market. Will and be going to are NOT used in a future time
(d) I'm going to eat dinner at 6:00 tonight. After I eat clause.
dinner, I'm going to study in my room. INCORRECT: Before I will go to class, I'm going to eat
(e) I'll give Rita your message when I see her breakfast.
(f) It's raining right now. As soon as the rain stops, INCORRECT: Before I am going to go to class tomorrow,
I'm going to walk downtown. I'm going to eat breakfast.
(g) I'll stay home until the rain stops All of the example sentences (c) through (h) contain
(h) While you're at school tomorrow, I'll be at work. future time clauses.
( i ) Maybe it will rain tomorrow. If it rains tomorrow, In (i): If it rains tomorrow is an if-clause.
I'm going to stay home. if + subject and verb = an if-clause
When the meaning is future, the simple present (not
will or be going to) is used in an if-clause.
2. The boss will review your work after she will return, returns from vacation next wee),(.
3. I'll give you a call on my cell phone as soon as my plane will land, lands.
4. I don't especially like my current job, but I'm going to stay with this company until I
find, will find something better.
5. When you will be, are in Australia next month, are you going to go snorkeling at the
Great Barrier Reef?
o Exercise 26. Looking at grammar. (Chart 3-6>
Use the given verbs to complete the sentences. Use be going to for the future .
1. take, read
I to
'm i;aoini;a read
��"-'-'-'-',.__,_.,�=- the textbook before I take the final exam next month.
2. return, call
Mr. Lee ____________ his wife as soon as he ________
to the hotel tonight.
3. make,go
Before I ________ to my job interview tomorrow, I __________
a list of questions I want to ask about the company.
4. visit, take
We ------------- Sabrina to our favorite seafood restaurant when she
__________ us this weekend.
5. keep, call
I ____________ my cell* on until Lena ________ **
7. get, eat
If Eva ________ home early, we __________ dinner at 6:30.
Future Time 69
Change roles.
5. Maybe you'll be tired tonight.
6. Maybe you won't be tired tonight.
7. Maybe it'll be nice tomorrow.
8. Maybe we won't have class on Monday.
What will the home of the future look like? Imagine life 50 years from now. What kinds of
homes will people have? Here are some interesting possibilities.
The living room walls will have big plasma screens. Instead of pictures on the wall, the
screens will show changing scenery. If walls have different scenes, people may not even want
many windows. As you know, fewer windows will make it easier to heat a house.
The house will have special electronic features, and people will control them with a remote
control. For example, a person can lie in bed at night and lock all the doors in his or her house
with one push of a button. Before someone arrives home from work, the remote will turn on
the lights, preheat the oven, and even turn on favorite music. The bathroom faucets will have a
memory. They will remember the temperature a person likes, and when he or she turns on the
water in the tub or shower, it will be at the correct temperature. Maybe bedroom closets will
have racks that move automatically at the touch of a button. When the weather is cold, the
racks will deliver clothes that keep a person warm, and on warm days, the racks will deliver
clothes that keep a person cool.
Finally, homes will be more energy-efficient. Most of the heat will probably come from
the sun. Of course, solar heat will be popular because it will be inexpensive.
Which ideas do you like? Which ones do you think you may see in your lifetime?
Part II. Complete the sentences with information from the passage. More than one answer
may be possible.
1. When people look at the living room walls, they _______________
8. If a home has solar heat, the cost of heating the home _____________
Part III. Imagine you can build your dream house - 50 years from now. It can be any type of
house you want. Think about the style, size, kinds of rooms, location, etc. Write a paragraph
about this house. Begin with this topic sentence: My dream house will have ....
3. Before Tim (go) _____ to bed last night, he (take) _____ a shower.
7. Tim always (brush) _____ his teeth as soon as he (get) _____ up.
Future Time 71
3· 7 Using the Present Progressive to Express Future Time __ _
(a) Tim is going to come to the party tomorrow. The present progressive can be used to express future
(b) Tim is coming to the party tomorrow. time. Each pair of example sentences has the same
(c) We 're going to go to a movie tonight. meaning.
(d) We 're goirig to a movie tonight. The present progressive describes definite plans for
home this evening. the future, plans that were made before the moment of
(e) I'm going to stay
(f) I'm staying home this evening. speaking.
A future meaning for the present progressive is
(g) Ann is going to fly to Chicago next week. indicated either by future time words (e.g., tomorrow)
(h) Ann is flying to Chicago next week. or by the situation.*
( i) You 're going to laugh when you hear this joke. The present progressive is NOT used for predictions
(j) INCORRECT: You're laughing when you hear this about the future.
joke. In (i): The speaker is predicting a future event.
In (j): The present progressive is not possible;
laughing is a prediction, not a planned future event.
*COMPARE: Present situation: Look! Mary's coming. Do you see her?
Future situation: Are you planning to come to the parry? Mary's coming. So is Alex.
72 OHl\1PTER 3
o Exercise 33. Listening. (Chart 3-7)
{J Listen to the conversation and write the words you hear.
en I Going on vacation
Track 32
Future, Time 73
0 Exercise 36. Warm-up. (Chart 3-8)
Circle all the possible completions.
1. Soccer season begins __ .
a. today b. next week c. yesterday
2. The mall opens __ .
a. next Monday b. tomorrow c. today
3. There is a party __ .
a. last week b. tonight c. next weekend
4. The baby cries __ .
a. every night b. tomorrow night c. in the evenings
(e) INCORRECT: I wear my new suit to the wedding next Most verbs CANNOT be used in the simple present to
week. express future time. For example, in (e): The verb
CORRECT: I am wearing/am going to wear my new wear does not express an event on a schedule or
suit to the wedding next week. timetable. It cannot be used in the simple present to
express future time.
o Exercise 37. Looking at grammar. (Charts 3-7 and 3-8)
Circle all the possible completions.
1. The concert __ at eight tonight.
a. begins b. is beginning c. is going to begin
2. I __ seafood pasta for dinner tonight.
a. make b. am making c. am going to make
3. I __ to school tomorrow morning. I need the exercise.
a. walk b. am walking c. am going to walk
4. The bus __ at 8: 15 tomorrow morning.
a. leaves b. is leaving c. is going to leave
5. I __ the championship game on TV at Jonah's house tomorrow.
a. watch b. am watching c. am going to watch
6. The game __ at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon.
a. starts b. is starting c. is going to start
7. Alexa's plane __ at 10: 14 tomorrow morning.
a. arrives b. is arriving c. is going to arrive
8. I can't pick her up tomorrow, so she __ the airport bus into the city.
a. takes b. is taking c. is going to take
9. Jonas __ to several companies. He hopes to get a full-time job soon.
a. applies b. is applying c. is going to apply
10. School __ next Wednesday. I'm excited for vacation to begin.
a. ends b. is ending c. is going to end
Picture A Picture B
Future TIme 75
o Exercise 39. Let's talk. (Chart 3-9)
Describe the action that is about to happen in each picture. Use be about to. Work in pairs,
in small groups, or as a class.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
o Exercise 40. Game. (Chart 3-9)
Think of an action to perform. Don't tell what it is. Get ready to do it, but just before you
perform the action, ask the class to describe what you are about to do. Perform with a partner
if you wish. Use your own ideas or suggestions from the list.
Example: (Students A and B hold out their hands to each other.)
Possible gu.ess: They are about to shake hands.
stand up sneeze pick up a pen erase a word
open the door fall down close your book look up a word
close the window cry write on the board get out your wallet
(c) Ann is cooking dinner and (is) talking on the It is not necessary to repeat a helping verb (an
phone at the same time. auxiliary verb) when two verbs are the same tense and
(d) I will stay home and (will) study tonight. are connected by and.
(e) I am going to stay home and (am going to) study
2. Helen will graduate soon. She (move) _________ to New York and (look)
_________ for a job after she (graduate) _________
Future Time 77
3. Every day my neighbor (call) _____ me on the phone and (complain)
_______ about the weather.
5. I'm beat.* I can't wait to get home. After I (get) _____ home, I (take)
__________ a hot bath and (go) to bed.
2. A: Are you going to take the kids to the amusement park tomorrow morning?
B: Yes. It (open) _____ at 10:00. If we (leave) _____ here at 9:30,
we'll get there at 9:55. The kids can be the first ones in the park.
5. A: Look! There (be) _____ a police car behind us. Its lights (flash)
B: Not that I know of. Mine says, "Your life _________ long and happy."
Part II. Work in small groups. Together, write a fortune for each person in your group.
My Cousin Pablo
I want to tell you about Pablo. He /\ my cousin. He comes here four years ago. Before he
came here, he study statistics in Chile. He leaves Chile and move here. He went to New York
and stay there for three years. He graduated from New York University. Now he study at this
Future Time 79
D Exercise 46. Let's write. (Chapter 3)
Pretend that you have the ability to see into the future. Choose a person you know (classmate,
teacher, family member, friend) and tell this person in writing about his/her future life. Give
some interesting or unusual details.
My Son's Future
My son is 15 years old now. In the future, he will have a happy and successful life.
After he finishes high school, he will go to college. He really loves to study math. He
also loves to build bridges out of toothpicks. He will study engineering, and he will
specialize in bridge building. He likes to travel, so he will get a job with an international
company and build bridges around the world. He will also work in poor villages, and his
bridges will connect rural areas. This will make people's lives better. I will be very proud
of him.
o Exercise 1. Warm· up. (Chart 4- 1 >
Do you know the past participle form of these verbs? Complete the chart. What is the
difference between the past participle forms in items 1-4 and 5-8?
Simple Simple Past
Form Past Participle
5. go went @one
6. begin began
7. write wrote
8. see saw
D Exercise 2. Ustening . (Charts 2-3, 2-4, and 4-1)
Write the words you hear.
co I Example: You will hear: go went gone
Track 34
You will write: go went @One
4· 2 Present Perfect with Since and For
(a) I've been in class since ten o'clock The present perfect tense is used in
this morning. sentences with since and for to express
� situations that began in the past and
(b) We have known Ben for ten years.
We met him ten years ago. We still continue to the present.
know him today. We are friends. In (a): Class started at ten. I am still in
/ 'I/
class now, at the moment of speaking.
INCORRECT: I am in class since ten o'clock
this morning.
(e) CORRECT: I have lived here since May.* Notice the incorrect sentences:
CORRECT: I have been here since May. In (f): The present progressive is NOT
(f) INCORRECT: I am living here since May used.
(g) INCORRECT: / live here since May In (g): The simple present is NOT used.
(h) INCORRECT: I lived here since May
(i) INCORRECT: I was here since May In (h) and (i): The simple past is NOT
*Also correct: I have been living here since May. See Chart 4-6 for a discussion of the present perfect progressive.
1. -�---- two months. 11. school began.
2. -"'-'-'-'-"'-"'-----
since September. 12. last year.
3. _ _____ yesterday. 13. 2008.
4. ______ the term started. 14. about a year.
5. ______ a couple of hours. 15. September.
6. _ _
____ fifteen minutes. 16. a long time.
The Smiths have been married . . . I've known about Sonia's engagement . . .
2. We've been in class {
3. I've been in this city ... .. .. .... .. {
4. I've had an ID* card ............. {
5. I've had this book ............... {
*ID = identification
o Exercise 7. Looking at grammar. (Chart 4-2)
Complete each sentence with the present perfect form of the given verb.
Since 1995, Theresa, a talk-show host, ...
1. work has worked for a TV station in London.
10. think a lot about the best ways to help people feel
comfortable on her show.
4. I can't wait to get home to my own bed. I (sleep, not) _________ well since
I (leave) _______ home three days ago.
6. Otto (have) _______ a lot of problems with his car ever since he (buy)
________ it. It's a lemon.**
( a) I have not (haven't) seen Tom since lunch. NEGATIVE: have/has + not + past participle
( b) Ann has not (hasn't) eaten for several NEGATIVE CONTRACTIONS: have + not = haven't
hours. has + not = hasn't
(c) Have you seen Tom? QUESTION: have/has + subject + past participle
(d) Has Ann eaten?
(e) How long have you lived here?
( f ) - Have you ever met a famous person? In (f): ever= in your lifetime; from the time you were born to
- No, I've never met a famous person. the present moment. Questions with ever frequently use the
present perfect.
When answering questions with ever, speakers often use
never. Never is frequently used with the present perfect.
In the answer to (f), the speaker is saying: "No, I haven't met
a famous person from the time I was born to the present
Short Answer
( g) - Have you seen Tom? SHORT ANSWER: have/haven't or has/hasn't
- Yes, I have. OR No, I haven't. NOTE: The helping verb in the short answer is not contracted
(h) - Has Ann eaten lunch? with the pronoun.
- Yes, she has. OR No, she hasn't. INCORRECT: Yes, I've. OR Yes, he's.
B: No, I haven't
-'-'=�-"----· I (eat, never) have never eaten an insect.
Example: You will hear: I saw a two-headed frog once. Have you ever ... ?
You will write: Have you ever seen a two-headed frog? yes
1. Have you ever a two-headed snake? yes no
8. Have you ever so embarrassed that your face got hot? yes no
o Exercise 14. Let's talk and write: interview. (Charts 2-3, 2-4, 4-2, and 4-3)
Part I. Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions. Begin your questions
with How long have you and the present perfect. Answer questions with since, for, or
never and the present perfect.
Part II. Use the information from your interview to write a paragraph about your partner. You
can add some information to make it more interesting. Use the following paragraph as an
example. Notice the present perfect phrases in green.
I'd like to.tell you a little about Ellie. She has lived in Vancouver, Canada, for six
months . She has studied English for five years. She has been at this school since
September. She likes it here.
She has short hair. She has worn short hairfor a few years. Of course, she
doesn't have a mustache! She has never worn glasses, except sunglasses.
Ellie doesn't have a roommate, but she has a pet bird. She has had her bird for
one month. Its name is Howie, and he likes to sing.
She is interested in biology. She has been interested in biology since she was a
child. She has never been married. She wants to be a doctor. She wants to become a
doctor before she has a family.
Toshi has already eaten lunch. Eva hasn't eaten lunch yet.
(a) Toshi has just eaten lunch. The PRESENT PERFECT expresses an activity or
(b) Jim has recently changed situation that occurred (or did not occur) before
jobs. now, at some unspecified or unknown time in
before now the past.
Common time words that express this idea are
C"-• just, recently, already, yet, ever, never.
0 (c) Pete has eaten at that An activity may be repeated two, several, or
restaurant many times. more times before now, at unspecified times in
(d) I have eaten there twice. the past, as in (c) and (d).
before now
o Exercise 16. Looking at grammar. (Chart 4-4)
Circle all the possible answers for each question. Work in small groups and then discuss your
answers as a class.
Sara is at home. At 12:00 P.M., the phone rang. It was Sara's friend from high school.
They had a long conversation, and Sara hung up the phone at 12:59. It is now 1 :00.
Which sentences describe the situation?
a. Sara has just hung up the phone.
b. She has hung up the phone already.
c. The phone has just rung.
d. Sara hasn't finished her conversation yet.
e. Sara has been on the phone since 12:00 P.M.
Mr. Peters is in bed. He became sick with the flu eight days ago. Mr. Peters isn't sick very
often. The last time he had the flu was one year ago. Which sentences describe the situation?
a. Mr. Peters has been sick for a year.
b. He hasn't gotten well yet.
c. He has just gotten sick.
d. He has already had the flu.
e. He hasn't had the flu before.
Rob is at work. His boss, Rosa, needs a report. She sees Rob working on it at his desk.
She's in a hurry, and she's asking Rob questions. What questions is she going to ask him?
a. Have you finished?
b. Have you finished yet?
c. Have you finished already?
3. Has Andy taken his car for an oil change already? _______________
Examples: You will hear: I have to leave. My order's taking too long.
You will choose: @ has
You will hear: I have to leave. My order's taken too long.
You will choose: 1s �
At a restaurant
1. 1$ has 3. lS has 5. lS has
2. IS has 4. IS has 6. lS has
o Exercise 20. Listening. (Charts 4-2 ---+ 4-4)
IJ Answer the questions and then listen to the job interview. Listen again and complete the
sentences with the words you hear. Before you begin, you may want to check your
T�� �s understanding of these words: clinic, prison, volunteer, low-income, patient, challenge.
A job interview
Mika is a nurse. She is interviewing for a job with the manager of a hospital emergency room.
He is looking at her resume and asking her some general questions.
jobs so often?
MIKA: Well, I'm looking for something more fast-paced,* and ________
that this hospital provides great training for its staff, and it offers excellent
patient care.
INTERVIEWER: Thank you for coming in. I'll call you next week with our decision.
MIKA: It was good to meet you. Thank you for your time.
3. What are the differences in the ideas the verb tenses express?
(g) Ann had a red bike for two years.
(h) Sue has had a red bike for two years.
4. Who is still alive, and who is dead?
(i) In his lifetime, Uncle Alex had several red bicycles.
(j) In his lifetime, Grandpa has had several red bicycles.
o Exercise 23. Looking at grammar. (Chart 4-5)
Look at each verb in italics. Is it simple past or present perfect? Check (./) the box that
describes whether the verb expresses something that happened at a specified or unspecified
time in the past.
*In informal spoken English, the simple past is sometimes used with already. Practice using the present perfect with already
in this exercise.
7. A: This is a good book. Would you like to read it when I'm finished?
B: Thanks, but I (read) already) -------------- it. I (read)
_______ it a couple of months ago.
o Exercise 26. Listening. (Charts 2-4 and 4-5)
For each item, you will hear two complete sentences and then the beginning of a third
sentence. Complete the third sentence with the past participle of the verb you heard in the
Track 39 first tWO Sentences.
Example: You will hear: I eat vegetables every day. I ate vegetables for dinner last night.
I have ...
You will write: I have eaten vegetables every day for a long time.
Al and Ann are in their car right now. They are The PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE talks about how
driving home. It is now four o'clock. long an activity has been in progress before now.
(a) They have been driving since two o'clock. NOTE: Time expressions with since, as in (a), and for,
(b) They have been driving for two hours. as in (b), are frequently used with this tense.
They will be home soon. STATEMENT:
have/has + been + -ing
Present Perfect Progressive Po is sitting at his desk in class. He The PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE
� sat down at nine o'clock. It is now expresses the duration (length of time)
nine-thirty. of an activity that began in the past and
(e) Po has been sitting in class is in progress right now.
since nine o'clock. INCORRECT: Po is sitting in class since
( f ) Po has been sitting in class nine o'clock.
for thirty minutes.
(g) CORRECT: I knowYoko. NOTE: Non-action verbs (e.g., know, like, own, belong)
(h) INCORRECT: I am knowing Yoko. are generally not used in the progressive tenses.*
(i ) CORRECT: I have known Yoko fortwo years. In (i): With non-action verbs, the present perfect is
(j) INCORRECT: I have been knowing Yoko for two years. used with since or for to express the duration of a
situation that began in the past and continues to the
*See Chart 1-6, Non-Action Verbs, p. 17.
98 CHAPTER 4 ·
1. I (sit) am sittin@ in the cafeteria right now. I (sit) have been sittin@
here since twelve o'clock.
2. Kate is standing at the corner. She (wait) for the bus. She
(wait) for the bus for twenty minutes.
1. Right now you are sitting in class. How long have you been sitting here?
2. When did you first begin to study English? How long have you been studying English?
3. I began to teach English in (year). How long have I been teaching English?
4. I began to work at this school in (month or year). How long have I been working here?
5. What are we doing right now? How long have we been doing it?
6. (Student's name), I see that you wear glasses. How long have you been wearing glasses?
7. Who drives? When did you first drive a car? How long have you been driving?
8. Who drinks coffee? How old were you when you started to drink coffee? How long have
you been drinking coffee?
Part II. Listen to the sentences. Complete them with the words you hear: noun + have/has.
weather has
1. The --'--'-=����---- been warm since the beginning of April.
5. You slept late. Your __________ already gotten up and made breakfast.
Roger is moving to a new apartment. I have helped him move furniture several times this
I sure was busy last week. I helped Roger with his homework, and I helped him move to a new
a. In which situation does the speaker emphasize the duration or the time that something
b. In whi_ch situation(s) is the speaker finished with the activity?
c. Do you think the activity in situation 1 or 2 is more recent? Why?
*else is an adverb and is frequently contracted with have and has in phrases such as no one else, someone else, anyone else, elc.
**sloppy = careless or messy
4· 7 Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect u� 1.H 1 oltj {!::?.JD
Present Perfect
(b) Gina has talked to Tarik on the phone many times The PRESENT PERFECT expresses
(before now). (1) repeated activities that occur at unspecified
(c) INCORRECT: Gina has been talking to Tarik on the times in the past, as in (b), OR
phone many times.
(2) the duration of present situations, as in (d),
(d) Gina has known Tarik for two years. using non-action verbs.
(e) INCORRECT: Gina has been knowing Tarik for two
(f ) I have been living here for six months. OR For some (not all) verbs, duration can be expressed
(g) I have lived here for six months. by either the present perfect or the present perfect
(h) Ed has been wearing glasses since he was ten. OR
Ed has worn glasses since he was ten. Examples (f) and (g) have essentially the same
( i ) I've been going to school ever since I was five meaning, and both are correct.
years old. OR Often either tense can be used with verbs that
I've gone to school ever since I was five years old. express the duration of usual or habitual
activities/situations (things that happen daily or
regularly), e.g., live, work, teach, smoke, wear
glasses, play chess, go to school, read the same
newspaper every morning, etc.
4. A: My eyes are getting tired. I (read ) ________ _____ for two hours.
I think I'll take a break.
B: Good idea.
5. A: I (read) this same page in my chemistry book three times,
and I still don't understand it.
B: Maybe I can help.
6. A: Do you like the Edgewater Inn?
B: Very much. I (stay) ___________ there at least a dozen times. It's
my favorite hotel.
9. A: Ed (play) ___________ tennis for ten years, but he still doesn't have
a good serve.
B: Neither do I, and I (play) _____________ tennis for twenty years.
10. A: Where does Mrs. Alvarez work?
B: At the power company. She (work) ___________ there for fifteen
years. She likes her job.
A: What about her husband?
B: He's currently unemployed, but he'll find a new job soon.
A: What kind of experience does he have?
B: He (work) ___________ for two different accounting firms and at
one of the bigger software companies. With his work experience, he won't have any
trouble finding another job.
irLanguage. com
Today's Weather
what a day! ________ already ______ rain, wind, hail, and sun. So, what's
in store* for tonight? As you ________ probably ________ , dark clouds
_____________ . We have a weather system moving in that is going to
bring colder temperatures and high winds. _____________ all week that
this system is coming, and it looks like tonight is it! ________ even
________ snow down south of us, and we could get some snow here too. So hang
onto your hats! We may have a rough night ahead of us.
2. a. __ Ayako has been living in Jerusalem for two years. She likes it there.
b. __ Beatriz has lived in Jerusalem. She's also lived in Paris. She's lived in New York
and Tokyo. She's lived in lots of cities.
Part II. Work with a partner. Take turns being the parent and the sick person. Complete the
conversation. Practice the new conversation with your partner.
Possible symptoms:
a fever chills a sore throat
a runny nose achiness a stomachache
a cough a headache sneezmg
A: Hi, Mom/Dad. I was just calling to tell you that I can't come to __ . I'm afraid
I'm sick.
B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
A: Yeah, I got sick Wednesday night, and it's just been getting worse.
B: Are you going to see a doctor?
A: I don't know. I don't want to go to a doctor if it's not serious.
B: Well, what symptoms have you been having?
A: I've had __ , and now I have __ .
B: Have you been taking any medicine?
A: Just over-the-counter stuff.
B: If your __ doesn't go away, I think you need to call a doctor.
A: Yeah, I probably will.
B: Well, call me tomorrow and let me know how you're doing.
A: Okay. I'll call you in the morning.
2. Please tell Mira to get off the phone. She __ for over an hour.
a. is talking b. has talked c. has been talking
Have you heard about the problem of disappearing honeybees?
Why are honeybees important to fruit and many other crops?
Honeybees have been disappearing around the world for several years now. In the United
States, billions of bees have already died. Europe, Australia, and Brazil have also reported losses
of honeybees. This is a serious problem because bees pollinate* crops. Without pollination,
apple, orange, and other fruit trees cannot produce fruit. Other crops like nuts also need
pollination. In the United States, one-third of the food supply depends on honeybees.
Scientists have a name for this problem: colony collapse disorder (CCD). Bees live in
colonies or hives, and thousands of beekeepers have been finding their hives empty. A hive that
once held 50,000 bees may just have a few dead or dying ones left.
There have been many theories about why this has happened; for example, disease, pests,**
unnatural growing conditions, and damaged DNA.*** Scientists now think that the cause may be
a combination of a virus and a fungus, but they need to do more research to find a solution to this
very serious problem.
*pollinate (verb) = fertilize; pollination (noun) = the process that causes a plant to make a new plant
1 06 CHAPTER 4
o Exercise 40. Grammar and writing. (Chapters 1, 2, and 4)
Part I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
_______ people from all these places, and they (become) _________
17 18
my friends.
Part II. Write three paragraphs about yourself. Use the passage in Part I as a model. Answer
these questions:
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. How long have you been here?
4. What have you done since you came here? OR
5. What have you learned since you began studying English?
6. Who have you met in this class? OR
7. Who have you met recently?
8. Give a little information about these people.
KAR.EN: Jane met me for lunch. She was so happy. She had passed her driver's test.
a. Jane talked to Karen. Then she passed her test.
b. Jane passed her test. Then she talked to Karen.
4· 8 Past Perfect
Situation: The PAST PERFECT is used when the speaker is talking
Jack left his apartment at 2:00. Sue arrived at his about two different events at two different times in the
apartment at 2:15 and knocked on the door. past; one event ends before the second event happens.
(a) When Sue arrived, Jack wasn't there. He had left. In (a): There are two events, and both happened in the
past: Jack left his apartment. Sue arrived at his
To show the time relationship between the two events,
we use the past perfect (had left) to say that the first
event (Jack leaving his apartment) was completed
before the second event (Sue arriving at his
apartment) occurred.
(b) Jack had left his apartment when Sue arrived. FORM: had = past participle
(c) He'd left. I'd left. They'd left. Etc. CONTRACTION: I I you I she I he I it I we I they + 'd
(d) Jack had left before Sue arrived. When before and after are used in a sentence, the
(e) Jack left before Sue arrived. time relationship is already clear so the past perfect is
( f) Sue arrived after Jack had left. often not necessary. The simple past may be used, as
(g) Sue arrived after Jack left. in (e) and (g).
Examples (d) and (e) have the same meaning.
Examples (f) and (g) have the same meaning.
(h) Stella was alone in a strange city. She walked The past perfect is more common in formal writing
down the avenue slowly, looking in shop windows. such as fiction, as in (h).
Suddenly, she turned her head and looked behind
her. Someone had called her name.
1 08 CHAPTER 4
o Exercise 42. Looking at grammar. (Chart 4-8)
Identify which action in the past took place first (1st) and which action took place second
1. The tennis player jumped in the air for joy. She had won the match.
a. _1=s�t __ The tennis player won the match.
b. �2
=n=d"---_ The tennis player jumped in the air.
2. Before I went to bed, I checked the front door. My roommate had already locked it.
a. ____,2=n-=d"---- I checked the door.
b. _1=s.....t__ My roommate locked the door.
4. I laughed when I saw my son. He had poured a bowl of noodles on top of his head.
a. ___ I laughed.
b. ____ My son poured a bowl of noodles on his head.
5. Oliver arrived at the theater on time, but he couldn't get in. He had left his ticket at
a. ____ Oliver left his ticket at home.
b. ____ Oliver arrived at the theater.
6. I handed Betsy the newspaper, but she didn't want it. She had read it during her lunch
a. ____ I handed Betsy the newspaper.
b. ____ Betsy read the newspaper.
7. After Carl arrived in New York, he called his mother. He had promised to call her as
soon as he got in.
a. ____ Carl _made a promise to his mother.
b. ____ Carl called his mother.
1. I have been studied English for eight years, but I still have a lot to learn.
2. I started English classes at this school four weeks ago, and I am learning a lot of English
since then.
4. I have been thinking about how to improve my English skills quickly since I came here, but
5. Our teacher likes to give tests. We has have six tests since the beginning of the term.
6. I like learning English. W hen I was young, my father found an Australian girl to teach my
brothers and me English, but when I move to another city, my father didn't find anyone to
teach us.
7. I meet many friends in this class. I meet Abdul in the cafeteria on the first day. He was
8. Abdul have been study English for three months. His English is better than mine.
o Exercise 1. Warm· up. (Chart 5-1)
Choose the correct completion.
A: __ you need help?
a. Are c. Have
b. Do d. Were
B: Yes, __.
a. I need c. I have
b. I'm d. I do
4. 1%s, Did it expensive? No, it wasn't, didn't.
5. Is, Does it ringing? Yes, it is, does.
6. Are, Do you going to answer it? Yes, I am, do.
7. Was, Did the call important? Yes, it was, did.
8. Have, i%re you turned·your phone off? No, I haven't, wasn't.
9. Will, Are you call me later? Yes, I will, are.
2. A:
B: No, (Snakes don't have legs.)
3. A:
B: Yes, (Mexico is in North America.)
4. A:
B: No, (I won't b"e at home tonight.)
5. A:
B: Yes, (I have a bike.)*
6. A:
B: Yes, (Simon has left.)
7. A:
B: Yes, (Simon left with Kate.)
8. A:
B: Yes, (Acupuncture relieves pain.)
*In American English, a form of do is usually used when have is the main verb: Do you have a car?
In British English, a form of do with the main verb have is not necessary: Have you a car?
o Exercise 4. Listening. (Chart 5-1 >
Listen to each question and choose the correct response.
co I
Example: You will hear: Are you almost ready?
Track 45
You will choose: a. Yes, I was. b. Yes, I do. @Yes, I am.
Leaving for the ai,rport
1. a. Yes, I am. b. Yes, I do. c. Yes, it does.
2. a. Yes, I did. b. Yes, I was. c. Yes, I am.
3. a. Yes, I will. b. Yes, it will. c. Yes, it did.
4. a. Yes, they are. b. Yes, it did. c. Yes, it is.
5. a. Yes, I am. b. Yes, I will. c. Yes, I do.
*See also Chapter I, Exercise 33, p. 21, and Chapter 2, Exercise 20, p. 39.
, .�r · . •• ... •
,- ,,
< �: ,.. ,.. ,
,.. • ' -..... ' ""
(e) Will you graduate next year? Example (a) is a yes/no question.
( f ) When will you graduate? Example (b) is an information question.
(k) Who came to dinner? When the question word (e.g., who or
(I) What happened yesterday? what) is the subject of the question,
usual question word order is not used.
Notice in (k) and (I) that no form of do
is used.
o Exercise 8. Looking at grammar. (Chart 5-2)
Read the information about Irina and Paul. Then make complete questions with the given
words and choose the correct short answers.
Irina and Paul live a simple life. They have a one-room cabin on a lake in the
mountains. They fish for some of their food. They also raise chickens. They pick fruit
from trees and berries from bushes. They don't have electricity or TV, but they enjoy their
life. They don't need a lot to be happy.
A: _____________ back this weekend? I'm having a party, and I'd like
to invite them.
a. At noon.
b. On Fifth Street.
c. Because the joke was funny.
Question Answer
(a) Where did he go? Home. Where asks about place.
Last night. A question with when can be answered by
Two days ago. any time expression, as in the sample
(b) When did he leave? {
Monday morning. answers in (b).
Seven-thirty. A question with what time asks about
(c) What time did he leave? Around five o'clock. time on a clock.
A quarter past ten.
(d) Why did he leave? Because he didn't feel well.* Why asks about reason.
(e) What did he leave for ? Why can also be expressed with the phrases What ... for and How come, as
( f ) How come he left? in (e) and (f).
Notice that with How come, usual question order is not used. The subject
precedes the verb and no form of do is used.
*See Chart 8-6, p. 221, for the use of because. Because I didn't feel well is an adverb clause. It is not a complete sentence. In this
example, it is the short answer to a question.
2. A: My kids are transferring to Lakeview Elementary School because it's a better school.
B: What was that? Where ? OR
B: What was that? Why ?
5. A: I stayed home from work because I wanted to watch the World Cup final onTV.
B: Huh?! Why ? OR
B: Huh?! What for?
Column A ColumnB
1. Who flew to Rome? a. A small plane flew to Rome.
2. Who did you fly to Rome? __ b. Pablo flew to Rome.
3. What did you fly to Rome? __ c. I flew a smc.111 plane to Rome.
4. What flew to Rome? d. I flew Pablo to Rome.
Question Answer
Question Answer
s s
1. Who knows? Someone knows.
0 0
2. Who(m) did you ask? I asked someone.
o Exercise 20. Let's read and talk. (Chart 5-4)
Work in small groups. Ask your classmates for the meaning of the italicized words in the
passage. Refer io a dictionary as necessary.
Example: type
STUDENT A: What does type mean?
STUDENT B: Iype means kind or category.
Types of Books
There are several different types of books. You may be familiar with the categories of fiction
and nonfiction. These are the two main types. Fiction includes mysteries, romance, thrillers, science
fiction, and horror. Nonfiction includes biographies, autobiographies, history, and travel. There are
other types, but these are some of the more common ones. Which type do you like best?
Question Answer
(a) What does Bob do every morning? He goes to class. What + a form of do is used to ask
(b) What did you do yesterday? I went downtown. questions about activities.
(c) What is Anna doing (right now)? She's studying. Examples of forms of do: am doing,
(d) What are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to go to the beach. will do, are going to do, did, etc.
(e) What do you want to do tonight? I want to go to a movie.
(f ) What would you like to do tomorrow? I would like to visit Jim.
3. A: tomorrow?
B: I'm going to visit my relatives.
* What do you do? has a special meaning. It means: What is your occupation,yourjob? Another way of asking the same
question: What do you do for a living?
(a) TOM: May I borrow a pen from you? In (a): Ann uses which (not what) because she
ANN: Sure. I have two pens. This pen has black ink. wants Tom to choose.
That pen has red ink. Which is used when the speaker wants someone to
Which pen do you want? OR make a choice, when the speaker is offering
Which one do you want? OR alternatives: this one or that one; these or those.
Which do you want?
(b) I like these earrings, and I like those too. Which can be used with either singular or plural
BOB: Which (earrings Jones) are you going to buy? nouns.
SUE: I think I'll get these.
(c) JIM: Here's a photo of my daughter's class. Which can be used to ask about people as well as
KIM: Very nice. Which one is your daughter? things.
(d) SUE: My aunt gave me some money for my birthday. In (d): The question doesn't involve choosing from a
I'm going to take it with me to the mall. particular group of items, so Bob uses what, not
BOB: What are you going to buy with it? which.
SUE: I haven't decided yet.
What kind of
What kind of asks for information about a specific
type (a specific kind) in a general category.
*The difference between what country and which country is often very small.
o Exercise 27. Warm· up. (Chart 5-7)
Answer the questions.
I. This is Ted's daughter. Whose daughter is that?
a. That's Terry. b. That's Terry's.
(a) Whose (book) is this? It's John's (book). . Whose asks about possession.*
(b) Whose (books) are those? They're mine (OR my books). Notice in (a): The speaker of the question
(c) Whose car did you borrow? I borrowed Karen's (car). may omit the noun (book) if the meaning is
clear to the listener.
Who's and whose have the same
(d) Who'sthat? Mary Smith. pronunciation.
(e) Whose is that? Mary's.
Who's is a contraction of who is.
Whose asks about possession.
*See Charts 6-11, p. 166, and 6-12, p. 168, for ways of expressing possession.
Nina Rita
Column A ColumnB
1. How tall is your sister? __ a. By bus.
2. How old is your brother? __ b. In five minutes.
3. How did you get here? __ c. I don't. I only know his sister.
4. How soon do we need to go? __ d. Fifteen.
5. How well do you know Kazu? __ e. Five feet (1.52 meters).
I drove. I By car. How has many uses. One use of
I took a taxi. I By taxi. how is to ask about means (ways) of
(a) Howdid you get here? I took a bus. I By bus. transportation.
I flew. I By plane.
I took a train. I By train.
I walked. I On foot.
(b) How old are you? Twenty-one. How is often used with adjectives
(c) How tall is he? About six feet. ( e.g., old, big) and adverbs (e.g., well,
(d ) How big is your apartment? It has three rooms. quickly).
( e) How sleepy are you? Very sleepy.
(f ) How hungry are you? I'm starving.
(g) How soon will you be ready? In five minutes.
(h ) How well does he speak English? Very well.
( i ) How quickly can you get here? I can get there in 30 minutes.
Long John
John is 14 years old. He is very tall for his age. He is 6 foot, 6 inches (2 meters). His
friends call him "Long John." People are surprised to find out that he is still a teenager. Both
his parents are average height, so John's height seems unusual.
It causes problems for him, especially when he travels. Beds in hotels are too short, and
there is never enough leg room on airplanes. He is very uncomfortable. When he can, he
prefers to take a train because he can walk around and stretch his legs.
CD 1
Complete the conversations with the words you hear.
1. A: are these eggs?
Track 52
o Exercise 35. Warm· up: trivia. (Chart 5-9)
Match each question in Column A with the best answer in Column B. *
Column A ColumnB
1. How often does the earth go completely a. About six times a year.
around the sun? b. Several hundred times a day.
2. How often do the summer Olympics c. Once a year.
occur? d. Every four years.
3. How often do earthquakes occur? __ e. Exactly 22 times a day.
4. How many times a year can a healthy
person safely donate blood? __
5. How many times a day do the hands
on a clock overlap? __
Every day. How often asks about frequency.
Once a week.
(a) How often do you go shopping? About twice a week.
Every other day or so.*
Three times a month.
(b) How many times a day do you eat? Three or four. Other ways of asking how often:
How many times a week do !'day
you go shopping? Two. a week
how many times
How many times a month do 8 month
you go to the post office? Once. a year
How many times a year do
you take a vacation? Once or twice.
Frequency Expressions
a lot every
occasionally every other
once in a while once a
day I week I month I year
not very often twice a
hardly ever three times a
almost never ten times a
*Every other day means "Monday yes, Tuesday no, Wednesday yes, Thursday no," etc.
Or so means "approximately."
I. check email
2. listen to podcasts
3. go out to eat
4. cook your own dinner
5. buy a toothbrush
6. go sw1mmmg
7. attend weddings
8. download music from the Internet
Ben has a problem with insomnia. He's unable to fall asleep at night very easily. He also
wakes up often in the middle of the night and has trouble getting back to sleep. Right now he's
talking to a nurse at a sleep disorders clinic. The nurse is asking him some general questions.
I. _____________ you?
2. _____________ you?
(c) - How far is it from Mumbai to Delhi? How far is used to ask questions about distance.
-725 miles.
(d) - How far do you live from school?
- Four blocks.
(e) How many miles is it from London to Paris? Other ways to ask how far:
( f ) How many kilometers is it to Montreal from here? • how many miles
(g) How many blocks is it to the post office? • how many kilometers
• how many blocks
(c) How long does it take to cook rice? Twenty minutes. How long asks about length of time.
(d) How long did it take Al to drive to work today? Two hours.
(e) How long did you study last night? Four hours.
(f) How long will you be in Hong Kong? Ten days.
(g) Howmany days will you be in Hong Kong? Other ways of asking how long:
howmany+ ,
o Exercise 42. let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 5-11)
Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions using it + take. Share a few
of your answers with the class.
1. How long does it take you to ...
a. eat breakfast? � It takes me ten minutes to eat breakfast.
b. get to class?
c. write a short paragraph in English?
d. read a 300-page book?
2. A:
B: A week. (Mr.McNally will be in the hospital for a week.)
3. A:
B: A long time. (It takes a long time to learn a second language.)
4. A:
B: Six months. (I've been living here for six months.)
5. A:
B: Six years. (I lived in Oman for six years.)
6. A:
B: A couple of years. (I've known Mr.Pham for a couple of years.)
7. A:
B: Since 2005. (He's been living in Canada since 2005.)
A birthday
1. When's your birthday?
{h) What do you � Whaddaya think? What do you and What are you both can be reduced
( i) What are you � Whaddaya thinking? to "Whaddaya" in spoken English.
is (j) Where's Ed? Only contractions with where, what, or who + is are
What's that? commonly used in writing, such as in letters to friends
Who'.she? or emails. They are generally not appropriate in more
formal writing, such as in magazine articles or
reference material.
0 Exercise 45. Ustening. (Chart 5-12)
Listen to the contractions in these questions.
Track 55
1. Where is my key? 8. Why is r.l)e teacher absent?
2. Where are my keys? 9. Who is that?
3. Who are those people? 10. Why did you say that?
4. What is in that box? 11. Who did you talk to at the party?
5. What are you doing? 12. How are we going to get to work?
6. Where did Bob go last night? 13. What did you say?
7. Who will be at the party? 14. How will you do that?
1. -------------------- going?
3. -------------------- that?
5-13 More Questions with How
Question Answer
(a) How do you spell "coming"? C-O-M-1-N-G. To answer (a): Spell the word.
(b) How do you say " yes" in Japanese? Hai. To answer (b): Say the word.
(c) How do you say /pronounce this word? -- To answer (c): Pronounce the word.
(d) How are you getting along? real In (d), (e). and (f): How is your life? Is your life
(e) How are you doing? Fine. okay? Do you have any problems?
( f ) How's it going? Okay.
NOTE: Example (f) is also used in greetings: Hi,
Bob. How's it going?
(h) How do you do? How do you do? How do you do? is used by two speakers
when they meet each other for the first time in a
somewhat formal situation, as in (h).*
*A: Dr. Erickson, I'd like to introduce you co a friend of mine, Rick Brown. Rick, this is my biology professor, Dr. Erickson.
B: How do you do, Mr. Brown?
C: How do you do, Dr. Erickson? I'm pleased co meet you.
1. together 7. beginning
2. people 8. intelligent
3. daughter 9. Mississippi
4. beautiful 10. purple
5. foreign 11. rained
6. neighbor 12. different
(c) A: What should we do this afternoon? NOTE: How about and what about are frequently used
B: How about going to the zoo? in informal spoken English, but are usually not used in
(d) A: What about asking Sally over for dinner next
B: Okay. Good idea.
(e) A: I'm tired. How about you? How about you? and What about you? are used to
B: Yes, I'm tired too. ask a question that refers to the information or
(f) A: Are you hungry? question that immediately preceded it.
B: No. What about you? In (e): How about you?= Are you tired?
A: I'm a little hungry. In ( f): What about you?= Are you hungry?
Choose the best response. Then listen to each conversation and check your answer.
co I Example:
Track 59
SPEAKER A: What are you going to do over vacation?
SPEAKER B: I'm staying here. What about you?
SPEAKER A: a. Yes, I will. I have a vacation too.
@ I'm going to Jordan to visit my sister.
c. I did too.
1. A: Did you like the movie?
B: It was okay, I guess. How about you?
A: a. I thought it was pretty good.
b. I'm sure.
c. I saw it last night.
2. A: Are you going to the company party?
B: I haven't decided yet. What about you?
A: a. I didn't know that.
b. Why aren't you going?
c. I think I will.
3. A: Do you like living in this city?
B: Sort of. How about you?
A: a. I'm living in the city.
b. I'm not sure. It's pretty noisy.
c. Yes, I have been.
4. A: What are you going to have?
B: Well, I'm not really hungry. I think I might order just a salad. How about you?
A: a. I'll have one too.
b. I'm eating at a restaurant.
c. No, I'm not.
Negative (-) Affirmative ( +) Negative When the main verb is negative, the
Expected Answer tag question is affirmative, and the
( f ) You don't know Tom, do you? No. expected answer agrees with the
(g) Marie isn't from Athens, is she? No. main verb.
Tag questions have two types of intonation: rising and falling. The
intonation determines the meaning of the tag.
(h) It will be nice tomorrow, won't it? A speaker uses rising intonation to make sure information is correct. In
(h): the speaker has an idea; the speaker is checking to see if the idea
is correct.
( i ) It will be nice tomorrow, won't it? Falling intonation is used when the speaker is seeking agreement. In (i):
the speaker thinks it will be nice tomorrow and is almost certain the
listener will agree.
YES/No QUESTIONS In (j): The speaker has no idea. The speaker is simply looking for
(j ) - Will it be nice tomorrow? information.
- Yes, it will. OR No, it won't. Compare (h) and (i) with G).
Listen to each pair of sentences and answer the question.
CD 1 1. a. You're Mrs. Rose, aren't you?
Track 60
b. Are you Mrs. Rose?
QUESTION: In which sentence is the speaker checking to see if her information is correct?
D Exercise 57. Grammar and listening. (Chart 5-15)
Complete the tag questions with the correct verbs. Then listen to the questions and check
your answers.
Track 61
1. Simple Present
a. You like strong coffee, don't · you?
b. David goes to Ames High School, he?
c. Leila and Sara live on Tree Road, they? .
d. Jane has the keys to the storeroom, she?
e. Jane's in her office, she?
f. You 're a member of this class, you?
g. Oleg doesn't have a car, he?
h. Lisa isn't from around here, she? ·
i. I'm in trouble, I?
2. Simple Past
a. Paul went to Indonesia, ________ he?
b. You didn't talk to the boss, ________ you?
c. Ted's parents weren't at home, ________ they?
d. That was Pat's idea, _______ it?
4. Present Perfect
a. It has been warmer than usual, it?
b. You've had a lot of homework, you?
c. We haven't spent much time together, we?
d. Fatima has started her new job, she?
e. Bruno hasn't finished his sales report yet, he?
f. Steve's had to leave early, he?
o Exercise 61. Listening. (Chapter 5)
Listen to the questions and choose the correct answers.
Part I.
CD 1 Example: You will hear: How often do you brush your teeth?
You will choose: @ Three times a day.
Track 63
b. Yes, I do.
c. In the evening.
1. a. I love it. 4. a. Two miles.
b. Jazz and rock. b. Three blocks.
c. The radio. c. Ten minutes.
2. a. I was really tired. 5. a. Amy is.
b. At 7:30. b. Amy's.
c. A package. c. That is Amy.
3. a. A little sick. 6. a. Next week.
b. No, I'm not. b. A few days ago.
c. Howard's fine. c. On Fifth Street.
Part II. Listen to each conversation and choose the sentence that best completes it.
7. a. My wallet. 9. a. Yes, I am.
b. At the box office. b. My company is moving to another city.
c. I think so. c. I loved my job.
8. a. It usually comes by noon. 10. a. It's great.
b. By truck. b. I'm a construction supervisor.
c. One time a day. c. We're doing really well.
burger chicken strips soft dr�: cola, lemon soda, iced tea
cheeseburger fish burger milksha�es: vanilla, strawberry, chocolate
double cheeseburger veggie burger (small, medium, large)
fries salad
Once upon a time, there was a king with three unmarried daughters. One day while the
king was thinking about his daughters' futures, he had an idea. He thought, "I'm going to drop
three jewels among the young men in the village center. The men who find* the jewels will
become my daughters' husbands." He announced his plan to all of the people of his kingdom.
The next day, the king took an emerald, a ruby, and a diamond into the village. He walked
among the young men and dropped the jewels. A handsome man picked up the emerald. Then
a wealthy prince found the ruby. But a frog hopped toward the diamond and took it. He said
to the king, "I am the Frog Prince. I claim your third daughter as my wife."
When the king told Trina, his third daughter, about the Frog Prince, she refused to marry
him. She hid from her friends and grew sadder every day. Meanwhile, her two sisters had
grand weddings.
*The simple present is used here because the story is giving the king's exact words in a quotation. Notice that quotation marks
("...") are used. See Chart 14-8, p. 000, for more information about quotations.
Eventually, Trina ran away and went to live in the woods, but she was very lonely and
unhappy. One day Trina went swimming in a lake. Trina became tired in the cold water and
decided to give up. She didn't want to live anymore. As she was drowning, the frog suddenly
appeared and pushed Trina to the shore.
"Why did you save my life, Frog?"
"Because you are very young, and you have a lot to live for."
"No, I don't," said the princess. "I am the most miserable person in the world."
"Let's talk about it," said the frog. Trina and the Frog Prince sat together for hours and
hours. Frog listened and understood. He told her about his own unhappiness and loneliness.
They shared their deepest feelings with each other.
One day while they were sitting near the lake, Trina felt great affection for the frog. She
bent down and kissed him on his forehead. Suddenly the frog turned into a man! He took
Trina in his arms and said, "You saved me with your kiss. An evil wizard changed me from a
prince into a frog. I needed to find the love of a woman with a truly good heart to set me free.*
You looked inside me and found the real me."
Trina and the prince returned to the castle and got married. Her two sisters, she
discovered, were very unhappy because their husbands treated them poorly. But Trina and her
Frog Prince lived happily ever after.
1. What did the king want for his daughters?
2. Why did a frog claim Trina for his wife?
3. What did Trina do to escape the marriage?
4. Where did she meet the frog again?
5. Why did she kiss the frog?
6. What did an evil wizard do to the frog?
7. What kind of lives did her sisters have?
8. What kind of life did Trina and the Frog Prince have?
Part II. Write a story that begins Once upon a time. Use one of the given topics.
1. Read the story again and then retell it in your own words. Write one or two paragraphs.
Do not look at the story when you write.
2. Write a fairy tale that you are familiar with, perhaps one that is well known in your culture.
3. Create a story with your classmates. Each student writes one or two sentences at a time.
One student begins the story. Then he or she passes the paper on to another student, who
then writes a sentence or two and passes the paper on - until everyone in the class has
had a chance to write part of the story, or until the story has an ending. This story can
then be reproduced for the class to edit together. The class may want to add art and
"publish" the final product as a small book.
Singular Plural
(a) one bird two birds To make most nouns plural, add -s.
one street two streets
one rose two roses
(b) one dish two dishes Add -es to nouns ending in -sh, -ch, -ss, and -x.
one match two matches
one class two classes
one box two boxes
( c) one baby two babies If a noun ends in a consonant + -y, change the y to i and add
one city two cities -es, as in (c) .
(d} one toy two toys If -y is preceded by a vowel, add only -s, as in (d}.
one key two keys
(e) one knife two knives If a noun ends in -fe or -f, change the ending to -ves.
one shelf two shelves EXCEPTIONS: beliefs, chiefs, roofs, cuffs, cliffs.
( f ) one tomato two tomatoes The plural form of nouns that end in -o is sometimes -oes and
one zoo two zoos sometimes -os.
one zero two zeroes/zeros
-oes: tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, echoes
-os: zoos, radios, studios, pianos, solos, sopranos, photos, autos,
-oes or -os: zeroes/zeros, volcanoes/volcanos,
tornadoes/tornados, mosquitoes/mosquitos
(g) one child two children Some nouns have irregular plural forms.
one foot two feet
NOTE: The singular form of people can be person, woman, man,
one goose two geese
child. For example, one man and one child = two people.
one man two men
(Two persons is also possible.)
one mouse two mice
one tooth two teeth
one woman two women
two people
( h} one deer two deer The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular form.
one fish two fish
one sheep two sheep
( i) one bacterium two bacteria Some nouns that English has borrowed from other languages
one crisis two crises have foreign plurals.
5. a tax
6. one boy
two dishes
a lot of
C:J�!f-!' C:J<iG=;,.re,,.
7. a hobby several
9. a two halves
People (8) Food (5) Things people catch (5) Places people visit (4)
o Exercise 5. Check your knowledge. (Chart 6-1 >
Edit the newspaper ad by making the appropriate nouns plural. There are eight errors.
(a) seats = seat/s/ Final -sis pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds. In (a): /s/ is the sound of "s"
maps = map/s/ in "bus."
lakes = lake/s/ Examples of voiceless* sounds: It!, /pl, /kl.
(b) seeds = seed/z/ Final -sis pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds. In (b): /z/ is the sound of "z"
stars = star/z/ in "buzz."
holes = hole/z/ Examples of voiced* sounds: /d/, Ir/, /1/, Im/, /b/, and all vowel sounds.
laws = law/z/
(c) dishes = dish/'3z/ Final -sf-es is pronounced /'3z/ after -sh, -ch, -s, -z, -gel-dge sounds.
matches = match/'3z/ In (c): faz/ adds a syllable to a word.
classes = classfaz/
sizes = sizefaz/
pages = page/'3z/
judges = judge/;:)z/
*See Chart 2-5, p. 39, for more information about voiceless and voiced sounds.
Listen to the words. Circle the sound you hear at the end of each word: Isl, lzl, or /-;Jz/.
1. pants Isl lzl /gz/ 4. pens Isl /zl /gz/
Track 2
Listen to each pair of words. Decide if the endings have the same sound or a different sound.
Example: You will hear: maps streets
Track 3
You will choose: � different
You will hear: knives forks
You will choose: same
1. same different 5. same different
2. same different 6. same different
3. same different 7. same different
4. same different 8. same different
CD 2
Listen to the sentences and circle the words you hear.
1. size sizes 3. fax faxes 5. glass glasses
Track 5
1. Name things people need to take with them when they travel.
2. Name things you do when you have free time.
3. Name important people in your life.
Part II. Read your lists. Make sentences using the following information. Share some of your
sentences with the class.
1. People need to take __ with them when they travel.
2. I when I have free time.
3. __ have been important in my life.
Part III. Answer these questions about your answers in Part II.
2. Birds fly.
Birds f( y (none)
subject verb object of verb
6·4 Objects of Prepositions
-- -- -- --
------------ - -- - --- - - -
b. __ We were at a meeting.
o Exercise 19. Reading. (Chart 6-4)
Read the passage and then answer the questions.
emergent layer--------+
- '
Rainforests have different areas where animals live. These areas are called habitats.
Scientists have given names to the four main habitats or layers of a rainforest.
Some animals live in the tops of giant trees. The tops of these trees are much higher than
the other trees, so this layer is called the emergent* layer. Many birds and insects live there.
Under the emergent layer is the canopy. The canopy is the upper part of the trees. It is
thick with leaves and vines, and it forms an umbrella over the rainforest. Most of the animals in
the rainforest live in the canopy.
The next layer is the understory. The understory is above the ground and under the leaves.
In the understory, it is very dark and cool. It gets only 2-5% of the sunlight that the canopy
gets. The understory has the most insects of the four layers, and a lot of snakes and frogs also
live there.
Finally, there is the forest floor. On the surface of this floor are fallen leaves, branches, and
other debris.** In general, the largest animals in the rainforest live in this layer. Common
animals in this habitat are tigers and gorillas.
1. Name two types of animals that live in the tops of giant trees.
2. Where is the understory?
3. Where do you think most mosquitoes live?
4. What are some differences between the emergent layer and the forest floor?
*emergent = in botany, a plant that is taller than other plants around it, like a tall tree in a forest
**debris= loose, natural material, like dirt
Unlucky Lisa has a birthday every four years. She was born ...
10. February 29th. 13. 2000.
11. February 29th, 2000. 14. February 2000.
12. February. 15. the winter.
Cool Carlos is a fashion designer. He's thinking about clothing designs ...
16. ____ the moment.
17. ____ the present time.
18. ____ the past.
o Exercise 22. Let's talk: interview. (Chart 6-5)
Complete each question with an appropriate preposition. Interview seven classmates. Ask
each person one question.
1. What do you like to do ____ the evening?
2. What do you usually do ____ night before bed?
3. What do you like to do ____ Saturday mornings?
4. What did you do ____ January 1st ofthis year?
5. What were you doing ____ January 1st, 2000 (the beginning of the new
6. How do you spend your free time ____ January?
7. What will you do with your English skills the future?
6·6 Word
- -
Order: Place and Time
- � - - -� - --- �- . -�- -�- -- � -�- -- --- --
S V PLACE TIME In a typical English sentence, "place" comes before '1ime," as in (a).
(a) Ann moved to Paris in 2008.
INCORRECT: Ann moved in 2008 to Paris.
We went to a movie yesterday.
S-V-0-P-T = Subject-Verb-Object-Place-Time
(basic English sentence structure)
(b) We bought a house in Miami in 2005.
TIME S V PLACE Expressions of time can also come at the beginning of a sentence,
(c) In 2008, Ann moved to Paris. as in (c) and (d).
(d) Yesterday we went to a movie. A time phrase at the beginning of a sentence is often followed by a
comma, as in (c).
6· 7 Subject-Verb Agreement
SINGULAR SINGULAR A singular subject takes a singular verb, as in (a).
(a) The sun shines. A plural subject takes a plural verb, as in (b).
Notice: verb + -s = singular (shines)
noun + -s = plural (birds)
(b) Birds sing.
(k) People in my country are friendly. People is a plural noun and takes a plural verb.
o Exercise 26. Looking at grammar. (Chart 6-7)
Work in small groups. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb from the list.
Discuss the words you use to describe different animal sounds in your native language.
7. The neighbors in the apartment next to mine is very friendly and helpful.
Listen to the passage. Listen a second time and add -s where necessary. Before you begin,
you may want to check your understanding of these words: sweat, fur, paw, flap, mud.
Track 6
How do animal __ stay cool in hot weather? Many animal __ don't sweat like
1 2
human __ , so they have other way __ to cool themselves.
3 4
Dog __ , for example, have a lot of fur __ and can become very hot. They stay __
5 6 7
cool mainly by panting. By the way, if you don't know what panting means, this is the sound of
Elephant __ have very large ear __ . When they are hot, they can flap their huge
13 14
ear __ . The flapping ear __ act __ like a fan and it cool __ them. Elephant __ also
15 16 17 18 19
like to roll in the mud __ to stay cool.
(b) The tall woman wore a new dress. We say that adjectives "modify'' nouns. Modify means "change
(c) The short woman wore an old dress. a little." An adjective changes the meaning of a noun by giving
(d) The young woman wore a short dress. more information about it.
(e) Roses are beautiful flowers. Adjectives are neither singular nor plural. They do NOT have a
INCORRECT: Roses are beautifu/s flowers. plural form.
( f ) H e wore a white shirt. Adjectives usually come immediately before nouns, as in (f).
INCORRECT: He wore a shirt white.
Adjectives can also follow main verb be, as in (g) and (h).
(g) Roses are beautiful.
(h) His shirt was white.
2. empty, wet, hot The waiter poured coffee into my cup.
3. fresh, clear, hungry Mrs. Fields gave the kids a snack.
4. dirty, modern, delicious After our dinner, Frank helped me with the dishes.
Part II. Complete the sentences with the same words you added in Part I. Some of your
completions might sound a little odd or funny. Read your completed passage aloud to another
group or to the rest of the class.
As she was walking down the street, a/an _______ thief stole her package.
The _______ girl pulled out her cell phone and called the police, who caught the
thief _______ a nearby building and returned her package to her. She took it
immediately to her _______ grandmother, who was glad to get the package
1. chicken le@s 4.
2. fresh chicken 5.
*When one noun modifies another noun, the spoken stress is usually on the first noun: a grammar book.
0 Exercise .36. Ustening and speaking. (Charts 6-1---+ 6-9)
Part I. Listen to two friends talking about finding an apartment.
CD 2 Part II. Complete your own conversation. Perform it for the class. You can use words from
Track 7
the list. NOTE: This conversation is slightly different from Part I.
B: How come?
B: I just helped a friend find one. I can help you. What else do you want?
I don't want
B: Anything else?
B: That's expensive.
(c) Mike has a new blue bike. A pronoun can refer to a single noun (e.g., Kate) or to a noun phrase.
He bought ityesterday.
In (c): it refers to the whole noun phrase a new blue bike.
2. Do bees sleep at night? Or do they work in the hive all night long? You never see them
after dark. What do they do after night falls?
a. they = __________
c. they = _________
3. Table tennis began in England in the late 1800s. Today it is an international sport. My
brother and I played it a lot when we were teenagers. I beat him sometimes, but he was a
better player and usually won.
a. it= ___ ______
d. he = _________
4. Don't look directly at the sun. Don't look at ______ directly even if you are
wearing sunglasses. T he intensity of its light can injure your eyes.
5. Recently, I read about "micromachines." ______ are machines that are smaller
than a grain of sand. One scientist called ______ "the greatest scientific invention
of our time."
Picture A Picture B
4. Our son's room is downstairs. one more than one
5. Men's clothing is on sale at the department store. one more than one
6. This looks like a woman's shirt. one more than one
(c) I have mine I have mypen. following it.
(d) You have yours. You have yourpen. A POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE is used only with a noun
(e) She has hers. She has herpen. following it.
(f) He has his. He has his pen. INCORRECT: I have mine pen.
INCORRECT: I have my.
(g) We have ours. We have ourpens.
(h) You have yours. You have yourpen.
( i ) They have theirs They have theirpens.
(j) -- I have a book.
/tscover is black.
COMPARE its vs. it's: In (k): its (No apostrophe) is a possessive adjective
(k) Sue gave me a book. I don't remember itstitle. modifying the noun title.
( I ) Sue gave me a book. It's a novel. In (I): It's (with an apostrophe) is a contraction of it+ is.
COMPARE theirvs. therevs. they're: Their, there, and they're have the same
(m) The students have theirbooks. pronunciation, but not the same meaning.
(n) My books are over there their= possessive adjective, as in (m)
(o) Where are the students? They're in class. there= an expression of place, as in (n)
they're= they are, as in (o)
10. a. Adam and Amanda are married. They, Them live in an apartment building.
b. Their, There, They're apartment is on the fifth floor.
c. We live in the same building. Our, Ours apartment has one bedroom, but their,
theirs has two.
d. Their, There, They 're sitting their, there, they're now because their, there, they 're
waiting for a visit from their, there, they're son.
myself (a) I saw myself in the mirror. Reflexive pronouns end in -self/-selves. They are used
yourself (b) You (one person) saw yourself. when the subject (e.g.,/) and the object (e.g., myself) are
the same person.
herself ( c) She saw herself.
himself (d) He saw himself. INCORRECT: I saw me in the mirror.
itself (e) It (e.g., the kitten) saw itself.
ourselves (f) We saw ourselves.
yourselves (g) You (plural) saw yourselves.
themselves (h) They saw themselves.
(k) I enjoyed myself at the fair. Enjoy and a few other verbs are commonly followed by a
reflexive pronoun. See the list below.
5. It is important for all of us to have confidence in our own abilities. We need to believe in
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
o Exercise 51. Warm-up. (Chart 6-14)
Choose the picture that matches the description.
One flower is red. Another is yellow. The other is pink.
Picture A Picture B
(a) There is a large bowl of apples on the table. Paul Another means "one more out of a group of similar
is going to eat one apple. If he is still hungry after items, one in addition to the one(s) already mentioned."
that, he can eat another apple. There are many
Another is a combination of an + other, written as
apples to choose from.
one word.
The Other
(b) There are two apples on the table. Paul is going to The other means "the last one in a specific group; the
eat one of them. Sara is going to eat the only one that remains from a given number of similar
other apple. items."
Picture A
Picture B
4. It rained yesterday, and from the look of those dark clouds, we're going to have
_________ rainstorm today.
5. Nicole and Michelle are identical twins. The best way to tell them apart is by looking at
their ears. One of them has pierced ears, and _________ doesn't.
Picture A
� --�
Picture B
6· 15 Plural Forms of Other: Other(s) vs. The Other(s)
The Other(s)
There are four apples on the table. Paul is going The other(s) means "the last ones in a specific group,
to take one of them. the remains from a given number of similar items."
(d) Sara is going to take the other apples. The other (without an -s) can be used as an adjective
(adjective) + (noun) in front of a noun or the word ones, as in (d) and (e).
(e) Sara is going to take the other ones. The others (with an -s) is a plural pronoun; it is not
(adjective) + ones used with a noun.
( f) Sara is going to take the others. In (f): the others= the other apples
7. There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square.
_________ figures are a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle.
8. Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved lines.
_________ have straight lines.
o Exercise 56. Let's read and write. (Charts 6-13 ___. 6-15)
Part I. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Calming Yourself
When was the last time you felt nervous or anxious? Were you able to calm yourself?
There are a variety of techniques that people use to calm themselves. Here are three that many
people have found helpful.
One way that people relax is by imagining a peaceful place, such as a tropical beach.
Thinking about the warm water, cool breezes, and steady sounds of the ocean waves helps
people calm themselves. Another popular method is deep breathing. Inhaling deeply and then
slowly exhaling is an easy way for people to slow their heart rate and relax their body. Still other
people find exercise helpful. Some people benefit from a slow activity like a 20-minute walk.
Others prefer activities that make them tired, like running or swimming.
How about you? How do you calm yourself when you feel nervous? Do any of these
methods help you, or do you do other things to relax?
1. What are three ways people relax when they are nervous? (Use one and another in your
2. Why do some people choose activities like running and swimming as a way to relax?
3. Imagine you are trying to relax by thinking of a peaceful place. What place would you
think of ?
4. How do you relax when you are nervous?
Part II. Read this paragraph _ by one student who tells how he relaxes when he's nervous.
Part III. Write a paragraph about how you relax when you are nervous. Follow the model.
Give specific details about how you relax and what the results are.
Sometimes I feel nervous, especially when I have to My
__________ and I realize that I have to calm myself down. This is the
technique I use: ____ __ __ ___
SINGULAR another apple another Notice that the word others (other+ final -s) is used only as a
PLURAL other apples others plural pronoun.
6. My boyfriend gave me a ring. I tried to put it on my ring finger, but it didn't fit. So I had
to put it on _________ finger.
7. People have two thumbs. One is on the right hand. _________ is on the
left hand.
8. Sometimes when I'm thirsty, I'll have a glass of water, but often one glass isn't enough, so
I'll have _________ one.
9. There are five letters in the word fresh. One of the letters is a vowel.
are consonants.
10. Smith is a common last name in English. _________ common names are
Johnson, Jones, Miller, Anderson, Moore, and Brown.
3. a. There are several roads the speakers can take.
b. There are two roads the speakers can take.
4. a. There are only two ways to get downtown.
b. There are more than two ways to get downtown.
5. a. The speaker had more than four pets.
b. The speaker had only four pets.
A: That doesn't work for me. For example, if I'm feeling lonely and I go to a movie by
myself, I look at all _________ people who are there with their friends
and family, and I start to feel even lonelier. So I try to find _________
things to do to keep myself busy. When I'm busy, I don't feel lonely.
9. There are two pool at the park. The smaller one is for childs. The another is for adults.
11. I don't like my apartment. Its in a bad neighborhood. Is a lot of crime. I'm going to
o Exercise 2. Looking at grammar. (Chart 7-1 >
Make sentences with the given verbs + come. Add to where necessary. Use this model:
Leo __ tonight.
Example: can --+ Leo can come tonight.
1. may 6. might
2. should 7. had better
3. ought 8. has
4. will not 9. has got
5. could not 10. is not able
10. Alexa! Stop! You must not __ run into the street!
(g) Our son could walkwhen he was one year old. The past form of can is could.
(h) He couldn't walkwhen he was six months old. The negative of could is couldn't or could not.
( i ) He can read Ability can also be expressed with a form of be able to.
(j) He is able to read Examples ( i) and ( j) have the same meaning.
(k) She could read Examples (k) and (I) have the same meaning.
(I) She was able to read
*A glottal stop is the sound you hear in the negative "unh-uh." The air is stopped by the closing of your glottis in the back of your
throat. The phonetic symbol for the glottal stop is 171.
2. A frog ______ live both on land and in water, but a cat ______
4. People with a Ph.D. degree ______ use "Dr." in front of their name, but people
with a master's degree ______
Can you ...
1. speak more than two languages? (Which ones?)
2. play chess? (How long have you played?)
3. fold a piece of paper in half more than six times? (Can you show me?)
4. draw well - for example, draw a picture of me? (Can you do it now?)
B: Well, I ___________ you right after school, but how about at 5:00?
A: Great!
4. __ You can have dessert, now.
5. __ You may have dessert, now.
6. __ She can't stay up late.
7. __ She might not stay up late.
(d) It may not rain tomorrow. Negative: may not and might not
(e) It might not rain tomorrow. (Do not contract may and might with not.)
( f ) Maybe it will rain tomorrow. In (f) and (g): maybe (spelled as one word) is an
adverb. It means "possibly." It comes at the beginning
of a sentence.
(g) Maybe John is sick. (adverb) INCORRECT: It will maybe rain tomorrow.
(h) John may be sick. (verb)
_ In (h): may be (two words) is a verb form: the
auxiliary may + the main verb be.
Examples (g) and (h) have the same meaning.
INCORRECT: John maybe sick.
( i ) Yes, children, you may have a cookie after dinner. May is also used to give permission, as in (i).
(j) Okay, kids, you can have a cookie after dinner. Can is often used to give permission, too, as in U).
NOTE: Examples (i) and U) have the same meaning,
but may is more formal than can.
(k) You may not have a cookie. May not and cannot (can't) are used to deny
You can't have a cookie. permission (i.e., to say "no").
o Exercise 10. Looking at grammar. (Chart 7-3)
Complete the sentences with can) ma ) or might. Identify the meaning expressed by the
modals: possibility or permission.
In a courtroom for a speeding ticket
1. No one speaks without the judge's permission. You may I can not speak until the
judge asks you a question. Meaning: Ivermission
2. The judge _______ reduce your fine for your speeding ticket, or she
_______ not. It depends. Meaning:
3. You _______ not argue with the judge. If you argue, you will get a fine.
4. You have a strong case, but I'm not sure if you will convince the judge. You _______
wm or you _______ lose. Meaning:
o Exercise 15. Looking at grammar. (Charts 7-2 and 7-4)
Does could express past, present, or future time? What is the meaning: ability or possibility?
3. A: Where's Alicia?
B: I don't know. She could be at the mall.
4. When I was a child, I could climb trees,
but now I'm too old.
5. Let's leave for the airport now. Yuki's
plane could arrive early, and we want
to be there when she arrives.
6. A: What's that on the carpet?
B: I don't know. It looks like a bug.
Or it could be a piece of fuzz.
1. Lisa walked to school today. Now she wants to go home. It's raining hard. She doesn't
have an umbrella, and she's wearing sandals.
2. Joe and Joan want to get some exercise. They have a date to play tennis this morning, but
the tennis court is covered with snow.
3. Roberto just bought a new camera. He has it at home now. He has the instruction
manual. It is written in Japanese. He can't read Japanese. He doesn't know how to
operate the camera.
4. Albert likes to travel around the world. He is 22 years old. Today he is alone in Paris. He
needs to eat, and he needs to find a place to stay overnight. But while he was asleep on the
train last night, someone stole his wallet. He has no money.
In a home office
A: Look at this cord. Do you know what it's for?
B: I don't know. We have so many cords around here with all our electronic equipment. It
B: I have an idea. It _________ for the cell phone. You know - the one I
(a) May I please borrow your pen? Yes. People use may I, could I,* and can I
(b) Could I please borrow your pen? Yes. Of course. to ask polite questions. The questions
(c) Can I please borrow your pen? Yes. Certainly. ask for someone's permission or
Of course. agreement.
Certainly. Examples (a), (b), and (c) have
Sure. (informal) basically the same meaning.
Okay. (informal) NOTE: can I is less formal than may I
Uh-huh (meaning 'yes") and could I.
I'm sorry, but I need to use it
(d) Can I borrow your pen, please? myself. Please can come at the end of the
question, as in (d).
(e) Can I borrow your pen? Please can be omitted from the
question, as in (e).
1. A: Hello?
B: Hello. Is Ahmed there?
A: Yes, he is.
B: to him?
A: Just a minute. I'll get him.
3. A: Hello?
B: Hi. This is Bob. to Pedro?
A: Sure. Hold on.
-------------------- - --
4. A: Good afternoon. Dr. Wu's office. ___________ you?
B: Yes. I have an appointment that I need to change.
A: Just a minute, please. I'll transfer you to our appointment desk.
5. A: Hello?
B: Hello. ___ ________ to Emily?
A: She's not at home right now. ___________ a message?
B: No, thanks. I'll call later.
6. A: Hello?
B: Hello. ___________ to Maria?
A: She's not here right now.
B: Oh. ___________ a message?
A: Sure. Just let me get a pen.
7-6 Polite Questions: WouldYou, CouldYou, Will You, Can You
Polite Question Possible Answers
(a) Would you please open the door? Yes. People use would you, could you,
(b) Could yo� please open the door? Yes. Of course. will you, and can you to ask polite
(c) Will you please open the door? Certainly. I'd be happy to. questions. The questions ask for
(d) Can you please open the door? Of course. I'd be glad to. someone's help or cooperation.
Sure. (informal) Examples (a), (b), (c), and (d) have
Okay. (informal} basically the same meaning.
Uh-huh. (meaning "yes") Would and could are generally
I'm sorry. I'd like to help, but considered more polite than will and
my hands are full. can.
3. You're in a restaurant. You are about to pay and notice the bill is more than it should be.
The server has made a mistake.
(d) You need your sleep. You should not (shouldn't) NEGATIVE: should + not = shouldn't
stay up late. (Ought to is usually not used in the negative.)
(e) A: I'm going to be late for the bus. What should I do? QUESTION: should+ subject+ main verb
B: Run! (Ought to is usually not used in questions.)
( f ) A: I'm tired today. The use of maybe with should and ought to
B: You should/ought to go home and take a nap. "softens" advice.
(g) A: I'm tired today.
B: Maybe you should/ought to go home and take a In (f): Speaker B is giving definite advice. He is
nap. stating clearly that he believes going home for a
nap is a good idea and is the solution to Speaker
A's problem.
In (g): Speaker B is making a suggestion: going
home for a nap is one possible way to solve
Speaker A's problem.
o Exercise 25. Let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 7-7)
Work with a partner. Partner A states the problem. Partner B gives advice using should or
ought to. Include maybe to soften the advice if you wish.
had better
wash them. and ought to: "This is a good idea. This is good
(b) You're driving too fast! You'd better slow down. Had better has more of a sense of urgency than
should or ought to. It often implies a warning about
possible bad consequences. In (b): If you don't slow
down, there could be a bad result. You could get a
speeding ticket or have an accident.
(c) You'd better not eat that meat. It looks spoiled. NEGATIVE: had better not
(d) I 'd better send my boss an email right away. In conversation, had is usually contracted: 'd.
8. Mr. Lim is having a surprise party for his wife. He ought told people soon.
•Toe idiom come down with something = get a sickness, like a cold or the flu
*-Should (NOT ought to or had better) is usually used in a question that asks for advice. The answer, however, can contain should,
ought co, or had better. For example;
A: My houseplants always die. What should I do?
B: rvu'd better get a book on plams. Thu should try to find out why they die. Maybe you ought to look on the Internet and see
if you can find some information.
1. I forgot my dad's birthday yesterday. I feel terrible about it. What should I do?
2. I just discovered that I made dinner plans for tonight with two different people. I'm
supposed to meet my parents at one restaurant at 7:00, and I'm supposed to meet my boss
at a different restaurant across town at 8:00. What should I do?
3. Samira accidentally left the grocery store with an item she didn't pay for. Her young
daughter put it in Samira's shopping bag, but she didn't see it. What should Samira do?
4. I borrowed Karen's favorite book of poetry. It was special to her. A note on the inside
cover said "To Karen." T he author's signature was under it. Now I can't find the book.
I think I lost it. What should I do?
(b) I'd like to go with you to the movie this evening, but Have to is used much more frequently in everyday
I can't. I have to go to a meeting. speech and writing than must.
(c) Bye now! I've got to go. My wife's waiting for me. Have got to is typically used in informal conversation,
I'll call you later. as in (c).
(d) All passengers must present their passports at
customs upon arrival. Must is typically found in written instructions or rules,
(e) Tommy, you must hold onto the railing when you as in (d). Adults also use it when talking to younger
go down the stairs. children, as in (e). It sounds very strong.
( f) Do we have to bring pencils to the test? QUESTIONS: Have to is usually used in questions, not
(g) Why did he have to leave so early? must or have got to. Forms of do are used with have
to in questions.
(h) I had to study last night. The PAST form of have to, have got to, and must
(meaning necessity) is had to.
( i ) I have to ("hafta") go downtown today. Notice that have to, has to, and have got to are
(j) Rita has to ("hasta") go to the bank. commonly reduced, as in (i) through (k).
(k) I've got to ("gotta") study tonight.
Complete the sentences with the words you hear. Before you begin, you may want to check
your understanding of these words: apply, applicable, legal, nickname, previous, employer.
Track 15
Applications are considered for aU positions without regard to race., color, religion,sex, national origin.
age, marital or veteran status, or in the presence of a non-related medical condition or handicap.
o Exercise 33. Let's read and talk. (Charts 7-7 > 7-9)
Read the passage and then give advice.
A Family Problem
Mr. and Mrs. Hill don't know what to do about their 15-year-old son, Mark. He's very
intelligent but has no interest in learning. His grades are getting worse, and he won't do any
homework. Sometimes he skips school and spends the day at the mall.
His older sister Kathy is a good student, and she never causes any problems at home.
Kathy hasn't missed a day of school all year. Mark's parents keep asking him why he can't be
more like Kathy. Mark is jealous of Kathy and picks fights* with her.
All Mark does when he's home is stay in his room and listen to loud music. He often
refuses to eat meals with his family. He argues with his parents, his room is a mess, and he
won't** help around the house.
T his family needs advice. Tell them what changes they should make. What should they
do? What shouldn't they do?
Use each of these words at least once in the advice you give:
should ought to
shouldn't have to/has to
have got to/has got to must
had better
(c) Bus passengers must not talk to the driver. Must not expresses prohibition (DO NOT DO THIS!).
(d) Children, you must not play with matches!
1. You must not drive when you are tired. It's dangerous.
2. I live only a few blocks from my office. I don't have to drive to work.
3. Liz finally got a car, so now she drives to work. She ___________ take
the bus.
B: Yes,Mom.
7·11 Making Logical Conclusions: Must
(a) A: Nancy is yawning. In (a): Speaker Bis making a logical guess. He bases
B: She must be sleepy. his guess on the information that Nancy is yawning.
His logical conclusion, his "best guess;' is that Nancy
is sleepy. He uses must to express his logical
(b) LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Amy plays tennis every day. COMPARE: Must can express
She must like to play tennis. • a logical conclusion, as in (b).
(c) NECESSITY: If you want to get into the movie • necessity, as in (c).
theater, you must buy a ticl<et.
(d) NEGATIVE LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Eric ate everything COMPARE: Must not can express
on his plate except the pickle. He must not like • a negative logical conclusion, as in (d).
pickles. • prohibition, as in (e).
(e) PROHIBITION: There are sharks in the ocean near
our hotel. We must not go swimming there.
2. A: You haven't eaten since breakfast? That was hours ago. You must be
B: I am.
3. A: Gregory has already had four glasses of water, and now he's having another.
B: He be really thirsty.
6. A: Brian has watery eyes and has been coughing and sneezing.
B: Poor guy. He _______ have a cold.
7. A: Erica's really smart. She always gets above 95 percent on her math tests.
B: I'm sure she's pretty bright, but she ________ also study a lot.
2. Jennifer reads all the time. She sits in a quiet corner and reads even when people come to
visit her. love books? like books better than people? like to talk to people?
3. Lara has a full academic schedule, plays on the volleyball team, has the lead in the school
play, is a volunteer at the hospital, takes piano lessons, and has a part-time job at an
ice-cream store. be busy all the time? have a lot of spare time? be a hard worker?
4. Simon gets on the Internet every day as soon as he gets home from work. He stays at his
computer until he goes to bed. be a computer addict? have a happy home life? have a lot of
At work
A: Your eyes are red. You (be) ________ really tired.
B: I am!
o Exercise 41. Warm· up. (Chart 7-12)
Complete the questions with the correct words from the list. Two words don't fit any questions.
(f) They have to leave, don't they? Tag questions are also common with have to, has to,
(g) They don't have to leave, do they? and had to.
(h) He has to leave, doesn't he? Notice that forms of do are used for the tag in
( i ) He doesn't have to leave, does he? (f) through (k).
(j) You had to leave, didn't you?
(k) You didn't have to leave, did you?
*See Chart 5-15, p. 140, for information on how to use tag questions.
9. If you want to catch your bus, you should leave now, _________ you?
1. Open your mouth.
2. Stick out your tongue.
3. Say "ahhh."
4. Let me take a closer look.
5. Don't bite me!
(d) Close the window. The simple form of a verb is used in imperative
(e) Please sitdown. sentences. In (d): The understood subject of the
(f) Sequiet! sentence is you (meaning the person the speaker is
(g) Don't walkon the grass. talking to): Close the window= You close the window.
(h} Please don't waitfor me. NEGATIVE FORM:
(i) Don't be late. Don't + the simple form of a verb
o Exercise 44. Let's talk. (Chart 7-13)
Part I. Read the steps for cooking rice. Put them in a logical order (1-9). Work with a partner
or in small groups.
1. Measure the rice.
2. Cook for 20 minutes.
3. Pour water into a pan.
4. Bring the water to a boil.
5. Put the rice in the pan.
6. Don't burn yourself.
7. Set the timer.
8. Turn off the heat.
9. Take the pan off the stove.
Part II. W rite instructions for cooking something simple. Share your recipe with the class.
Puzzle steps:
1. _______ down the number of the month you were born. For example,
3. _______ 5 to it.
4. ------- it by 50.
6. ______ 250.
Part II.Now follow the steps in Part I to complete the puzzle. In the final number, the last·
two digits on the right will be your age, and the one or two digits on the left will be the month
you were born.
Part II. Write three paragraphs. Use the topic in Part I, or give general advice to people who
want to ...
1. improve their health. 4. find a job.
2. get good grades. 5. get a good night's sleep.
3. improve their English. 6. protect the environment by recycling.
o Exercise 47. Warm-up. (Chart 7-14)
Check (./) the items that are suggestions.
1. __ Why do bears hibernate?
2. __ I have a day off. Why don't we
take the kids to the zoo?
3. __ Let's go see the bears at the zoo.
7-14 Making Suggestions: Let's and Why Don't
(a) - It's hot today. Let's go to the beach. Let's and Why don't we are used to make
- Okay. Good idea. suggestions about activities for you and another
person to do.
(b) - It's hot today. Why don't we go to the beach?
- Okay. Good idea. Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
Let's = let us
(c) - I'm tired. In (c): Why don't you is used to make a friendly
- Why don't you take a nap? suggestion or to give friendly advice.
- That's a good idea. I think I will.
(c) I like apples better than oranges. like + noun + better than + noun
(d) I like watching TV better than studying. like + -ing verb + better than + -ing verb
(e) Ann would rather have an apple than an orange. Would rather is followed immediately by the simple
( f ) INCORRECT: Ann would rather has an apple. form of a verb (e.g., have, visit, live), as in (e).
(g) I'd rather visit a big city than live there. Verbs following than are also in the simple form, as
(h) INCORRECT: I'd rather visit a big city than to live there. in (g).
INCORRECT: I'd rather visit a big city than living there.
( i ) I'd !You'd I She'd I He'd I We'd !They'd rather have Contraction of would = 'd
an apple.
(j) Would you rather have an apple or an orange? In (j) : In a polite question, would rather can be
followed by or to offer someone a choice.
2. When I'm hot and thirsty, I like cold drinks better than hot drinks.
3. When I'm hot and thirsty, I'd rather have a cold drink than a hot drink.
6. I'd rather drink tea ______ coffee.
12. I would rather read a book in the evening ______ visit with friends.
*Use a rising intonation on the first choice and a falling intonation on the second choice: Which do you prefer,� or �s?
**It is possible but not necessary to repeat a preposition after than.
CORRECT: I'd rather live in an apartment than in a house.
CORRECT: I'd rather live in an apartment than a house.
B: You call the vet.
a. will had better c. may
(d) PERIOD: I saw a cat. You saw a mouse. Without and, two complete sentences are separated by a
(e) INCORRECT: I saw a cat, you saw a mouse. period, as in (d), not a comma.**
A complete sentence begins with a capital letter; note that
You is capitalized in (d).
*In a series of three or more items, the comma before and is optional.
ALSO CORRECT: I saw a cat, a mouse and a dog.
**A "period" (the dot used at the end of a sentence) is called a "full stop" in British English.
o Exercise 2. Looking at grammar. (Chart 8-1)
Underline and label the words (noun, verb, adjective) connected by and. Add commas as
noun + noun
1. My mom puts milk and sugar in her tea. -+ (no commas needed)
5. The teenage girls at the slumber* party played music ate pizza and told ghost stories.
7. My mom dad sister and grandfather came to the party to see my son and daughter
8. When he wanted to entertain the children, my husband mooed like a cow roared like a lion
I dropped the vase. = a sentence A comma is usually used when but or or combines two
It didn't break. = a sentence complete (independent) sentences into one sentence,
(d) I dropped the vase, butit didn't break. as in (d) and (e).
(e) Do we have class on Monday, oris Monday a A conjunction can also come at the beginning of a
holiday? sentence, except in formal writing.
ALSO CORRECT: I dropped the vase. But it didn't break.
I saw a cat. And you saw a mouse.
*Sometimes the comma is omitted when and connects two very short independent clauses.
ALSO CORRECT: The rain fell and the wind blew. (NO COMMA)
In longer sentences, the comma is helpful and usual.
o Exercise 6. Looking at grammar. (Charts 8-1 and 8-2)
Complete the sentences with and, but, or or. Add commas as necessary.
I. I washed my shirt, but it didn't get clean.
5. I was hungry ______ didn't eat on the plane. The food didn't look appetizing.
9. W hich would you prefer? Would you like to play tennis golf Saturday?
I0. Wrw made the call? Did Bob call you did you call Bob?
Column A ColumnB
I. I was tired, so I __ .· a. didn't sleep
2. I was tired, but I __ . b. slept
**PDA = personal digital assistant; a small device that has some computer functions
4. I didn't have an umbrella, ______ I didn't get wet because I was wearing my
7. Scott's directions to his apartment weren't clear, _____ Sonia got lost.
2. A female elephant is pregnant for approximately twenty months and almost always has
only one baby a young elephant stays close to its mother for the first ten years of its life.
3. Dolphins sleep with one eye open they need to be conscious or awake in order to breathe if
they fall asleep when they are breathing, they will drown so they sleep with half their brain
awake and one eye open.
Paying It Forward*
(1) � few days ago, a friend and I were driving from Benton Harbor to Chicago.
(2) ,Pe didn't have any delays for the first hour but we ran into some highway construction
(3) near Chicago the traffic wasn't moving my friend and I sat and waited we talked about
(4) our jobs our families and the terrible traffic slowly it started to move
(5) we noticed a black sports car on the shoulder its blinker was on the driver
(6) obviously wanted to get back into traffic car after car passed without letting him in I
(7) decided to do a good deed so I motioned for him to get in line ahead of me he waved
(9) all the cars had to stop at a toll booth a short way down the road I held out my
(10) money to pay my toll but the toll-taker just smiled and waved me on she told me that the
(11) man in the black sports car had already paid my toll wasn't that a nice way of saying
*paying it forward = doing something nice for someone after someone does something nice for you. For example, imagine you
are at a coffee stand waiting to buy a cup of coffee. The person in front of you is chatting with you and pays for your cup of
coffee. You then buy a cup of coffee for the next person in line. You are paying it forward.
Paying ii forward means the opposite ofpaying it back (repaying a debt or an obligation).
. .
8·4 Using A�xi�i��y��tjbs after !J�t · . · _· .
(a) I don't like coffee, but my husband does. After but, often only an auxiliary verb is used. It has
(b} I like tea, but my husband doesn't. the same tense or modal as the main verb.
(c) I won't be here tomorrow. but Sue will. In (a): does = likes coffee
(d) I've seen that movie, but Joe hasn't. Notice in the examples:
(e) He isn't here, but she is.* negative + but + affirmative
affirmative + but + negative
*A verb is not contracted with a pronoun at the end of a sentence after but and and:
CORRECT: ' . ' but she is.
INCORRECT: ' . ' bur she's.
10. Alan will read a book soon, but his brother(s) ________
Part II. Complete each sentence with the correct affirmative auxiliary verb.
1. Nicole doesn't eat red meat, but her sister -�doe� s� ___
3. Nicole isn't eating red meat, but her sister _______
5. Nicole didn't eat red meat last night, but her sister(s) ________
6. Nicole hasn't eaten red meat recently, but her sister ________
7. Nicole hasn't eaten red meat recently, but her sisters ________
8. Nicole isn't going to eat red meat soon, but her sister ------·
9. Nicole isn't going to eat red meat soon, but her sisters _______
10. Nicole won't eat red meat soon, but her sister(s) _______
Example: You will hear: My husband saw a tree fall, but I ...
You will write: didn't
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
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- ..
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8·5 Using And+ Too, So, Either, Neither:_______,. ____::·_ �-�- -'.-. _ -._ -�.},}-
S +AUX+ TOO In affirmative statements, an auxiliary verb + too
(a) Sue works, and Tom does too. or so can be used after and.
Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
(b) Sue works, and so does Tom. Word order:
subject + auxiliary + too
so + auxiliary + subject
(e) - I'm hungry. And is not usually used when there are two
- I am too. I So am I. speakers.
o Exercise 17. Looking at grammar. (Chart 8-5)
Complete the sentences with the given words. Pay special attention to word order.
5. Andy walked to work last week, and his roommate(s) ________ too.
10. Andy will walk to work tomorrow, and so _______ his roommate(s).
Connecting Ideas 21 7
Part II. Complete each sentence with the correct negative auxiliary verb.
5. Karen didn't watch TV last night, and her sister(s) ________ either.
9. Karen isn't going to watch TV tomorrow, and neither ________ her sisters.
10. Karen won't watch TV tomorrow, and neither ________ her sister(s).
5. Most Canadian children will learn more than one language, and _________
10. South Korea had a Nobel Prize winner in 2000, and _____________
*Never makes a sentence negative: The teacher is never late, and neither am I. OR I'm not either.
o Exercise 20. Let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 8-5)
Work with a parmer. Speaker A says the given sentence. Speaker B agrees with Speaker A's
statement by using so or neither.
Example: I'm confused.
SPEAKER A (book open): I'm confused.
SPEAKER B (book closed): So am I.
1. I studied last night.
2. I study grammar every day.
3. I'd like a cup of coffee.
4. I'm not hungry.
5. I've never seen a vampire.
6. Running is an aerobic activity.
7. Snakes don't have legs.
8. Coffee contains caffeine.
Change roles.
9. I overslept this morning.
10. I don't like mushrooms.
11. Swimming is an Olympic sport.
12. Denmark doesn't have any volcanoes.
13. I've never touched a crocodile.
14. Chickens lay eggs.
15. Elephants can swim.
16. I'd rather go to (name of a place) than (name of a place).
7. I believe in ghosts.
8. I didn't study hard for the last test.
9. I'm going to exercise for an hour today.
10. I like strawberries.
11. I haven't worked very hard this week.
12. I don't enjoy birthdays.
_______ has studied English for more than a year, and ______ too.
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·-:�;;,:'··!_:,.:':-.:; , .... __,.._....._....._ .
(a) He drank water because he was thirsty. Because expresses a cause; it gives a reason. Why did he
drink water? Reason: He was thirsty.
(c) ADVERB CLAUSE: because he was thirsty An adverb clause is NOT a complete sentence:
because he was thirsty = NOT a complete sentence
Because introduces an adverb clause:
because + subject + verb = an adverb clause
(g) CORRECT IN SPEAKING: In spoken English, an adverb clause can be used as the
- Why did he drink some water? short answer to a question, as in (g).
- Because he was thirsty.
5. Talya and Patti laughed hard. \ The joke was very funny.
1. Jimmy is very young. )Secause he is afraid of the dark, he likes to have a light on in his
bedroom at night.
2. Mr. El-Sayed had a bad cold because he was not feeling well he stayed home from
the office.
7. Jim sat in the shade drank iced-tea and fanned himself with his cap because he was hot
tired and thirsty.
8. Because Jim was hot he stayed under the shade of the tree but Susan went back to work.
0 Exercise 28. Listening. (Charts 8-1 - 8-6)
0 Listen
Listen to the passage. Then add commas, periods, and capital letters where appropriate.
CD 2
again as you check your answers.
Track 21
Understanding the Scientific Term Matter
The word matter is a chemical term. ¢1atter is anything that has weight this book your
finger water a rock air and the moon are all examples of matter heat and radio waves are not matter
because they do not have weight happiness dreams and fears have no weight and are not matter.
2. went, didn't go
a. Even though it was late, we _____ home.
b. Although it was late, we home.
c. Because it was late, we _____ home.
___________ our friends live on an island, it isn't easy to get there by car.
7. People ask Kelly to sing at weddings ___________ she has a good voice.
1. Even though the test was fairly easy, most of the class __ .
b. passed
c. did pretty well
2. Jack hadn't heard or read about the bank robbery even though __ .
a. he was the robber
b. it was on the front page of every newspaper
c. he was out of town when it occurred
3. Although __ , she finished the race in first place.
a. Miki was full of energy and strength
b. Miki was leading all the way
c. Miki was far behind in the beginning
4. We can see the light from an airplane at night before we can hear the plane because __ .
a. light travels faster than sound
b. airplanes travel at high speeds
c. our eyes work better than our ears at night
5. My partner and I worked all day and late into the evening. Even though __ , we stopped
at our favorite restaurant before we went home.
a. we were very hungry
b. we had finished our report
c. we were very tired
6. In the mountains, melting snow in the spring runs downhill into rivers. The water carries
soil and rocks. In the spring, mountain rivers become muddy rather than clear because
3. a. he was sick.
b. he had graduated already.
c. he was happy for me.
4. a. I mailed it.
b. I decided not to mail it.
c. I sent it to a friend.
What is the most common substance on earth? It isn't wood, iron, or sand. The most
common substance on earth is water. Every living thing contains water. For example, a
person's body is about 67 percent water, a bird's is about 75 percent water, and most fruit
contains about 90 percent water.
In addition, 70 percent of the earth's surface is water. Besides being in lakes, rivers, and
oceans, water is in the ground and in the air. However, most of the water in the world is
saltwater. Only 3 percent of the earth's water is fresh, and just one percent of that is available
for human use. The rest is saltwater, and people can't drink it or grow food with it.
Water is essential to life, but human beings often poison it with chemicals from industry
and farming. When people pollute water, the quality of all life - plant life, animal life, and
human life - suffers. Life cannot exist without fresh water, so it is essential that people take
care of this important natural resource.
Part II. Complete the sentences with because/although/even though/so.
1. __________ 70 percent of the earth's surface is water and water is in every
living thing, it is the most common substance on earth.
5. __________ water is essential to human life, people need to take care of it.
6. Water is essential to human life, __________ people need to take care of it.
o Exercise 36. Check your knowledge. (Chapter 8)
Edit the sentences. Correct the errors in sentence structure. Pay special attention to
1. Even though I was sick, ffilt I went to work.
3. The children crowded around the teacher. Because he was doing a magic trick.
7. Although I like chocolate, but I can't eat it because I'm allergic to it.
8. I like to eat raw eggs for breakfast and everybody else in my family too.
9. A hardware store sells tools and nails and plumbing supplies and paint.
2. Take notes on the information you find. For example, here is some information about
giraffes from an Internet site.
Sample notes:
� have long necks (6 feet or 1.8 meters)
� can reach tops of trees
� need very little sleep (20 minutes to two hours out of 24 hours)
� eat about 140 pounds of food a day
� can go for weeks without drinking water
� get a lot of water from the plants they eat
� can grab and hold onto objects with their tongues
� don't have vocal cords
� can communicate with one another
(but humans can't hear them)
Sample paragraph:
Interesting Facts About Giraffes
Giraffes are interesting animals. They have long necks, so they can
reach the tops of trees. They eat flowers, fruit, climbing plants, and the
twigs and leaves from frees. Although they eat about 140 pounds of food
a day, they can go for weeks without drinking water. They get a lot of
water from the plants they eat too. They have very long tongues and
these tongues are useful. Because they are so long, they can grab
objects with them. Even though giraffes don't have vocal cords, they can
communicate, but people can't hear their communication.
C:J�!,,,' C:J&JcJ:.;,.re/"
o Exercise 1. Warm-up. (Chart 9-1)
Compare the lengths of the lines.
1. Line D is as long as Line __ . Line A
2. Line A isn't as long as Line __ . LineB
3. Line Eis almost as long as Line __ . LineC
LineD ____
(c) Ted is 20. Tina is 21. Negative form: not as ... as.* Quite and nearly are
Ted is not as old as Tina. often used with the negative.
(d) Ted is not quite as old as Tina. In (d): not quite as ... as = a small difference.
(e) Amy is 5. She is not nearly as old as Tina. In (e): not nearly as ... as= a big difference.
(f) Sam is just as old as Tina. Common modifiers of as ... as are just (meaning
(g) Ted is nearly/almost as old as Tina. "exactly") and nearly/almost.
o Exercise 2. Looking at grammar. (Chart 9- 1 >
Complete the sentences, with just as, almost as/not quite as, or not nearly as.
Part I. Compare the fullness of the glasses.
- �
I\ -
3 4
A g c D �
1. An ant isn't as big as a housefly
3. large as
4. sweet as
5. important as
6. quiet as
7. hot as
9. relaxing as
Complete the sentences with the words you hear.
Track 23
1. Lara
2. Sylvia
Comparisons 231
o Exercise 5. Game. (Chart 9-1 >
As ... as is used in many traditional phrases. These phrases are generally spoken rather than
written. See how many of them you're familiar with by completing the sentences with the
given words. Work in teams. The team with the most correct answers wins.
ox mule
2. Did Toshi really lift that heavy box all by himself? He must be as strong as
3. It was a lovely summer day. School was out, and there was nothing in particular that I had
to do. I felt as free as _________
5. How can anyone expect me to sleep in this bed? It's as hard as _________
7. Why are you walking back and forth? What's the matter? You're as nervous as
8. Thanks for offering to help, but I can carry the box alone. It looks heavy, but it isn't. It's
as light as _________
9. When Erica received the good news, she felt as high as _________
o Exercise 6. Warm-up. (Chart 9-2)
Compare the people.
(a) "A" is older than "B." The comparative compares this to that or these to those.
(b) "A" and "B" are older than "C" and "O:' Form: -eror more (See Chart 9-3.)
(c) Ed is more generous than his brother. Notice: A comparative is followed by than.
(d) "A," "B;' "C," and "D" are sisters. "A" is the The superlative compares one part of a whole group to
oldest of all four sisters. all the rest of the group.
(e) A woman in Turkey claims to be the oldest Form: -est or most (See Chart 9-3 for forms.)
person in the world. Notice: A superlative begins with the.
( f ) Ed is the most generous person in his family.
Comparisons 233
o Exercise 8. Listening. (Charts 9-1 and 9-2)
r» Listen to the statements. Do you agree or disagree? Circle yes or no. Before you begin, you
C5.I may want to check your understanding of these words: talkative, cooked, tasty, raw.
Track 24
I. yes no
2. yes no
3. yes no
4. yes no
5. yes no
6. yes no
7. yes no
8. yes no
2. __ is messier than
.J. __ is more readable than
4. __ is better than
5. __ is the best.
6. __ is the worst.
9.3 Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives
and Adverbs
Comparative Superlative
ONE-SYLLABLE old older the oldest For most one-syllable adjectives,
ADJECTIVES wise wiser the wisest -er and -est are added.
TWO-SYLLABLE famous more famous the most famous For most two-syllable adjectives,
ADJECTIVES pleasant more pleasant the most pleasant more and most are used.
busy busier the busiest -Er and -est are used with two-
pretty prettier the prettiest syllable adjectives that end in -y.
The -y is changed to -i.
ADJECTIVES WITH important more important the most important More and most are used with long
THREE OR fascinating more fascinating the most fascinating adjectives.
IRREGULAR good better the best Good and bad have irregular
ADJECTIVES bad worse the worst comparative and superlative forms.
-LY ADVERBS carefully more carefully the most carefully More and most are used with
slowly more slowly the most slowly adverbs that end in -ly. *
ONE-SYLLABLE fast faster the fastest The -er and -est forms are used
ADVERBS hard harder the hardest with one-syllable adverbs.
IRREGULAR well better the best Both farther and further are used
ADVERBS badly worse the worst to compare physical distances: I
far farther/further the farthest/furthest walked farther than my friend did.
OR I walked further than my friend
did. Further also means
"additional": I need further
NOTE: Farther cannot be used
when the meaning is "additional."
Comparisons 235
0 Exercise 10. Looking at grammar. (Charts 9-2 and 9-3)
Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs.
2. good 9. slowly
2. I heard some polite laughter when I told my jokes, but everyone laughed loudly when Janet
told hers. Her jokes are always much __________ than mine.
3. Many more people die in car accidents than in plane accidents. Statistics show that
driving your own car is __________ than flying in an airplane.
4. Professor Sato speaks clearly, but I have trouble understanding Professor Larson's lectures.
Her lectures are much __________ than Professor Sato's.
5. Is there a storm coming? The sky looks __________ than it did an hour ago.
6. That tablecloth has some stains on it. Take this one. It's __________
7. We're having another beautiful sunrise. It looks like an orange fireball. The sky is even
_______ __ than yesterday.
8. If a cat and a duck are out in the rain, the cat will get much __________ than
the duck. The water will just roll off the duck's feathers, but it will soak into the cat's hair.
*Spelling notes:
• When a one-syllable adjective ends in one vowel + a consonant, double the consonant and add -erl-est: sad, sadder,
• When an adjective ends in two vowels + a consonant, do NOT double the consonant: cool, cooler, coolest.
• When an adjective ends in -e, do NOT double the consonant: wide, wider, widest.
o Exercise 12. Listening. (Chart 9-3)
Listen to the sentences and choose the words that- you hear.
co 2
Example: You will hear: I am the shortest person in our family.
Track 25
My family
1. young younger youngest
3. I gave my old computer to my younger sister because I had no __ use for it.
a. farther b. further
5. I like my new apartment, but it is __ away from school than my old apartment was.
a. farther b. further
6. T hank you for your help, but I'll be fine now. I don't want to cause you any __ trouble.
a. farther b. further
Comparisons 237
o Exercise 14. Let's talk: pairwork. (Charts 9-2 and 9-3)
Work with a partner. Make comparison sentences with morel-er and adjectives in the list.
Share some of your answers with the class.
2. a pool\ a lake
3. an elephant's neck\ a giraffe's neck
4. taking a trip\ staying home
5. iron\ wood
6. going to the doctor\ going to the dentist
7. gold\ silver
8. rubber\ wood
9. an emerald\ a diamond
10. a feather\ a blade of grass
o Exercise 16. Warm-up. (Chart 9-4)
Complete the sentences with the names of people you know. Make true statements.
1. I'm older than is.
(d) He works harder than I do. Frequently an auxiliary verb follows the subject after than.
(e) I arrived earlier than they did. In (d): than I do= than I work
( f ) Ann's hair is longer than Kate's. A possessive noun (e.g., Kate's) or pronoun (e.g., mine) may
(g) Jack's apartment is smaller than mine. follow than.
2. Peggy is thirteen, and she feels sad. She thinks most of the other girls in school are far
more popular than _______ __
3. The kids can't lift that heav y box, but Mr. El-Sayid can. He's stronger than
4. Jared isn't a very good speller. I can spell much better than _________
5. I was on time. Carlo was late. I got there earlier than _________
6. Mariko is out of shape. I can run a lot faster and farther than _________
7. Isabel's classes are difficult, but my classes are easy. Isabel's classes are more difficult than
_________ . My classes are easier than _________
8. Our neighbor's house is very large. Our house is much smaller than
_________ . Their house is larger than _________
Comparisons 239
0 Exercise 18. Warm· up. (Chart 9-5)
Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Circle yes or no.
1. I enjoy very cold weather. yes no
2. It's cooler today than yesterday. yes no
3. It's much warmer today than yesterday. yes no
4. It's a little hotter today than yesterday. yes no
(c) INCORRECT: Tom is very older than I am. Very is NOT used to modify comparative adjectives and
INCORRECT: Ann drives very more carefully adverbs.
than she used to.
(d) Tom is much I a lot I far older than I am. Instead, much, a lot, or far are used to modify comparative
(e) Ann drives much I a lot I far more carefully adjectives and adverbs, as in (d) and (e).
than she used to.
( f) Ben is a little (bit) older than I am OR Another common modifier is a little/a little bit, as in (f).
(informally) me.
3. Compare the cost of two kinds of shoes (boots, sandals, tennis shoes, flip-flops, etc.):
_________ are not as expensive as ________
4. Compare the cost of two kinds of heat: (gas, electric, solar, wood, coal, etc.):
_______ heat is not as cheap as ________ heat.
Less and not as ... as are used with adjectives and adverbs
of more than one syllable.
ONE SYLLABLE: Only not as ... as (NOT less) is used with one-syllable
(c) A pen is not as large as a book. adjectives or adverbs, as in (c).
INCORRECT: A pen is less large than a book.
Comparisons 241
0 Exercise 23. Listening. (Charts 9-1 - 9-6)
co 2
Listen to each sentence and the statements that follow it. Choose "T" for true or "F" for false.
Example: France\ Brazil
Track 27
You will hear: a. France isn't as large as Brazil.
You will choose: 0 F
You will hear:
You will choose: T ®
b. France is bigger than Brazil.
(c) There are more people in China than there are in More is also used with nouns to make complete
the United States. comparisons by adding than.
(d ) Do you have enough coffee, or would you like When the meaning is clear, the noun may be omitted
some more? and more can be used by itself.
o Exercise 25. Game: trivia. (Chart 9-7)
Work in teams. Write true sentences using the given information. The team with the most
correct sentences wins.*
1. more kinds of mammals: South Africa \ Kenya
--+ Kenya has more kinds of mammals than South Africa .
. 2. more volcanoes: Indonesia\ Japan
3. more moons: Saturn\ Venus
4. more people: Sao Paulo, Brazil\ New York City
5. more islands: Greece\ Finland
6. more mountains: Switzerland\ Nepal
7. more sugar (per 100 grams): an apple\ a banana
8. more fat (per 100 grams): the dark meat of a chicken\ the white meat of a chicken
Comparisons 243
o Exercise 27. Warm-up. (Chart 9-8)
Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Circle yes or no.
1. The grammar in this book is getting harder and harder. yes no
2. The assignments in this class are getting longer and longer. yes no
3. My English is getting better and better. yes no
. f .
• . ' a comp_arat1ve
"_ • -., · .... _- -•
• , -1
,,.-...-�.... -� � � . •
. .. - - .•• -
. , ".
· • "
- -· _ �"c
.-�• -··
(a) Because he was afraid, he walked faster and Repeating a comparative gives the idea that
faster. something becomes progressively greater, i.e., it
(b) Life in the modern world is getting more and increases in intensity, quality, or quantity.
more complicated
5. The line of people waiting to get into the theater got ______________
_______ until it went around the building.
7. I've been looking for a job for a month and still haven't been able to find one. I'm getting
8. The rain started as soon as I left my office. As I walked to the bus sto p,it rained
______________,and I got __ ____________
9. I started to row the boat across the lake, but my arms got ____________
___________ , so I turned back.
o Exerc1se 29. Warm-up. {Chart 9-9)
Do you agree or disagree with the following idea? Why?
If you pay more money for something, you will get better quality. In other words,
the more expensive something is, the better the quality will be.
. � � ' !
9·9 Using Double Comparatives· : .
(a) The harder you study, the more you will learn. A double comparative has two parts; both parts begin
(b) The more she studied, the more she learned. with the, as in the examples. The second part of the
(c) The warmer the weather (is), the better I like it. comparison is the result of the first part.
In (a): If you study harder, the result will be that you
will learn more.
(d) -Should we ask Jenny and Jim to the party too? The more, the merrier and the sooner, the better
-Why not? The more, the merrier. are two common expressions.
(e) -When should we leave? In (d): It is good to have more people at the party.
- The sooner, the better. In (e): It is good if we leave as soon as we can.
Comparisons 245
o Exerc1se 29. Warm-up,. (Chart 9-9)
Do you agree or disagree with the following idea? W hy?
If you pay more money for something, you will get better quality. In other words,
the more expensive something is, the better the quality will be.
(d) - Should we ask Jenny and Jim to the party too? The more, the merrier and the sooner, the better
-Why not? The more, the merrier. are two common expressions.
(e) -When should we leave? In (d): It is good to have more people at the party.
- The sooner, the better. In (e): It is good if we leave as soon as we can.
Comparisons 245
2. Mike and Julie were nervous, but Amanda was the most nervous of all.
4. Scott got a bad score on the test. It was one of ______ _____ scores
____ the class.
6. There are a lot of good cooks in my family, but my mom is _________ cook
____ all.
9. Everyone who ran in the race was exhausted, but I was ____________ all.
3. Most birds are small, but not the flightless North African ostrich. It is
--------------------- in the world.
Comparisons 247
o Exercise 34. Looking at grammar. (Chart 9-10)
Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the words in italics.
1. I have had many good experiences. Of those, my vacation to Honduras was one of
___________ _ _ ____________ lhave ever had.
2. Ayako has had many nice times, but her birthday party was one of _________
_____ she has ever had.
3. I've taken many difficult courses, but statistics is one of ___ _ _ _______
_______ I've ever taken.
4. I've made some bad mistakes in my life, but lending money to my cousin was one of
_________________ I've ever made.
5. We've seen many beautifulbuildings in the world, but the Taj Mahal is one of _____
_________________ I've ever seen.
6. The final exam I took was pretty easy. In fact, it was one of ___________
_________ I've ever taken.
Part II. Listen to the sentences. Circle the sentence (a. or b.) that is closest in meaning to the
one you hear.
Track 28
5. a. His jokes are funny. b. His jokes aren't funny.
6. a. It tastes great. b. It doesn't taste very good.
7. a. The mattress is hard. b. I haven't slept on hard mattresses.
8. a. The movie was scary. b. I haven't watched scary movies.
Comparisorns, 249
o Exercise 39. Looking at grammar. (Charts 9-1 - 9-10)
Complete the sentences with any appropriate form of the words in parentheses. Add any other
necessary words. In some cases, more than one completion may be possible.
1. Lead is a very heavy metal. It is (heavy) heavier than gold or silver. It is one of
(heavy) the heaviest metals -�of__ all.
2. Mrs. Cook didn't ask the children to clean up the kitchen. It was (easy)
_______ for her to do it herself _____ to nag them to do it.
4. Crocodiles and alligators are different. The snout of a crocodile is (long) ______
and (narrow) _______ than an alligator's snout. An alligator has a (w ide)
_______ upper jaw than a crocodile.
5. Although both jobs are important, being a teacher requires (education) _______
_______________ being a bus driver.
6. The Great Wall of China is (long) __________ _ structure that has ever
been built.
9. It's possible that the volcanic explosion of Krakatoa near Java in 1883 was (loud )
noise ____ recorded history. People heard it 2,760
miles/4,441 kilometers away.
10. (hard) _________ I tried, (impossi ble) ------------
the math problem seemed.
11. World Cup Soccer is (big) _________ sporting event ____ the world.
It is viewed on TV by ( people) ____________ any other event in sports.
12. When the temperature stays below freezing for a long period of time, the Eiffel Tower
becomes six inches or fifteen centimeters (short) _________
14. You'd better buy the tickets for the show soon. (long) _____________
you wait, (difficult) --------------- it will be for you to get
good seats.
15. No animals can travel (fast) ___________ birds. Birds are (fast)
___________ animals -of all.
Comparisons 251
9·11 Using The Same! Siniilar, Different, Like,Alike
(a) John and Mary have the same books. The same, similar, and different are used as adjectives.
(b) John and Mary have similar books. Notice: the always precedes same.
(c) John and Mary have different books.
(d) Their books are the same.
(e) Their books are similar.
(f ) Their books are different.
(g) This book is the same as that one. Notice: the same is followed by as;
(h) This book is similar to that one. similar is followed by to;
( i ) This book is different from that one. different is followed by from.*
( j ) She is the same age as my mother. A noun may come between the same and as, as in U).
My shoes are the same size as yours.
(m) She looks like her sister. In addition to following be, like also follows certain verbs, primarily
It looks like rain. those dealing with the senses.
It sounds like thunder. Notice the examples in (m).
This material feels like silk.
That smells like gas.
This chemical tastes like salt.
Stop acting like a fool.
He seems like a nice guy.
(n) The twins look alike. Alike may follow a few verbs other than be.
We think alike. Notice the examples in (n).
Most four-year-olds act alike.
My sister and I talk alike.
The little boys are dressed alike.
*In informal speech, native speakers might use than instead of.from after different. From is considered correct in formal English,
unless the comparison is completed by a clause: I have a different attitude now than I used to have.
2. But geese are not the same ______ ducks. Geese are usually larger and have
longer necks.
4. Geese are like ______ ducks in some ways, but geese and ducks are not exactly
5. An orange is similar ______ a peach. They are both round, sweet, and juicy.
6. However, an orange is not the same a peach.
7. An orange is different a peach.
8. An orange is like ______ a peach in some ways, but they are not exactly alike
Listen to each passage. Complete th� sentences with the words you hear.
Gold is similar ______ silver. They are both valuable metals that people use for
jewelry, but they aren't ______ same. Gold is not ______ same color
2 3
______ silver. Gold is also different ______ silver in cost: gold is
______ expensive ______ silver.
Two Zebras
Look at the two zebras in the picture. Their names are Zee and Be-e. Zee looks
______ Bee. Is Zee exactly ______ same ______ Bee? The pattern of
8 9 10
the stripes on each zebra in the world is unique. No two zebras are exactly ______
Even though Zee and Bee are similar ______ each other, they are different
______ each other in the exact pattern of their stripes.
Comparisons 253
o Exercise 43. Looking at grammar. (Chart 9- 11>
Compare the figures. Complete the sentences with the same (as), similar (to), different
(JromJ t)ike, or alike.
2. Figure A is Figure B.
4. A and C are
5. A and C are D.
6. C is A.
7. B isn't D.
6. I'm used to stronger coffee. I think the coffee at this cafe tastes _______
7. Meet and meat are homonyms; in other words, they have _________
Birth Order
In your family, are you the oldest, youngest, middle, or only child? Some psychologists
believe your place in the family, or your birth order, has a strong influence on your personality.
Let's look at some of the personality characteristics of each child.
The oldest child has all the parents' attention when she is born. As she grows up, she may
want to be the center of attention. Because she is around adults, she might act more like an
adult around other children and be somewhat controlling. As the oldest, she might have to take
care of the younger children, so she may be more responsible. She may want to be the leader
when she is in groups.
The middle child (or children) may feel a little lost. Middle children have to share their
parents' attention. They may try to be different from the oldest child. If the oldest child is
"good," the second child may be "bad." However, since they need to get along with both the
older and younger sibling(s), they may be the peacekeepers of the family.
The youngest child is the "baby" of the family. Other family members may see him as
weaker, smaller, or more helpless. If the parents know this is their last child, they may not want
the child to grow up as quickly as the other children. As a way to get attention, the youngest
child may be the funniest child in the family. He may also have more freedom and turn out to
be more artistic and creative.
An only child (no brothers or sisters) often grows up in an adult world. Such children
may use adult language and prefer adult company. Only children may be more intelligent and
serious than other children their age. They might also be more self-centered because of all the
attention they get, and they might have trouble sharing with others.
Of course, these are general statements. A lot depends on how the parents raise the child,
how many years are between each child, and the culture the child grows up in. How about you?
Do you see any similarities to your family?
Comparisons 255
Part II. Read the statements. Circle "T" for true and "F" for false according to the
information in the passage.
1. The two most similar children are the oldest and only child. T F
2. The middle child often wants to be like the oldest child. T F
3. The youngest child likes to control others. T F
4. Only children may want to spend time with adults. T F
5. All cultures share the same birth order characteristics. T F
controlling immature
cooperative loud,
creative mature
flexible outgoing
Part II. Compare yourself to other members of your family. Write sentences using the
structures below:
1. not as
2. more ...than
3. -er ...than
4. the most ...
Part III. Write a paragraph comparing your personality to that of another member of your
family. Follow these steps:
1. Write an introductory sentence: I am different from I similar to my ...
2. Choose at least four characteristics from the list. For each one, make some type of
3. Write a few details that explain each comparison.
4. Write one or two concluding sentences.
Sample paragraph:
My Father and I
I am different from my father in several ways. He is more hard-working
than I am. He is a construction worker and has to get up at 6:00 A.M. He often
doesn't get home until late in the evening. I'm a student, and I don't work as
hard. Another difference is that I am funnier than he is. I like to tell jokes and
make people laugh. He is serious, but he laughs at my jokes. My father was
an athlete when he was my age, and he is very competitive. I don't like playing
competitive sports, but we watch them together on TV. My father and I are
different, but we like to spend time with each other. Our differences make our
time together interesting.
o Exercise 47. Check your knowledge. (Chapter 9)
Edit the sentences. Correct the errors in comparison structures.
1. Did you notice? My shoes and your shoes arej same.
6. One of a biggest disappointment in my life was when my soccer team lost the
10. Professor Bennett's lectures were the confusing I have ever heard.
Comparisons 257
o Exercise 1. Warm-up. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2)
Choose the sentence in each item that describes the picture above it. More than one answer may be
1. a. The worm is watching the 2. a. The bird caught the 3. a. The bird ate the worm.
bird. worm. b. The worm was eaten.
b. The bird is watching the b. The worm was caught
worm. by the bird.
,. ..
10· 1 Active SentenceJI and Passive S�ntences , �, � �
Active Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
(a) The mouse ate the cheese.
(b) The cheese was eaten by the mouse.
Active Passive
S by+ 0 In (d): The subject in an active sentence is the object
(d) 'The package' was mailed 'by Bob.' of by in a passive sentence.
. .
10·2 Form.of the Passive
be + past participle Form of all passive verbs:
be + past participle
(a) Corn is grown by farmers.
(b ) Sara was surprised by the news. Be can be in any of its forms: am, is, are, was, were,
(c) The report will be :written by Mary. has been, have been, will be, etc.
Active Passive
SIMPLE PAST The news surprised Sara. Sara was surprised by the news.
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Diana is copying the letters. The letters are being copied by Diana.
PAST PROGRESSIVE Diana was copying the letters. � The letters were being copied by Diana.
PRESENT PERFECT Jack has mailed the letter. The letter has been mailed by Jack.
FUTURE Mr. Lee will plan the meeting. -----+ The meeting will be planned by Mr. Lee.
Sue is going to write the report . � The report is going to be written by Sue.
260 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 4. Looking at grammar. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2)
Check (./) the sentences that are passive.
At the dentist
1. __ The dental assistant cleaned your teeth.
2. __ Your teeth were cleaned by the dental assistant.
3. __ The dentist is checking your teeth.
4. __ Your teeth are being checked by the dentist.
5. __ You have a cavity.
6. __ You are going to need a filling.
7. __ The filling will be done by the dentist.
8. __ You will need to schedule another appointment.
be + past participle
262 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 8. Warm· up. (Chart 1 o -3)
Check (.I) the sentences that have objects. Underline the objects.
1. The tree fell over.
2. The tree hit the truck.
3. The tree fell on the truck.
4. __ Fortunately, the driver didn't die.
5. The tree didn't kill the driver.
.. - .i.: ·
�· ' ;:-,-'I • � ,,,..,.,,,..•{<l ' -< �'" • -· ,
•• ..,. � '-'�"':. ,,_ ;
Column A ColumnB
1. Alexander Eiffel _h_ a. killed in a car crash in 1997.
2. Anwar Sadat _c_ b. died in 2009.
3. Princess Diana ./c. shot in 1981.
4. Marie and Pierre Curie __ d. painted the Mona Lisa.
5. Oil_ e. elected president of the United States in 1960.
6. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin f. discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938.
Luther King Jr. __ g. arrested** several times for peaceful protests.
7. Michael Jackson __ ./h. designed the Eiffel Tower.
8. Leonardo da Vinci __ 1. released from prison in 1990.
9. John F. Kennedy __ J. discovered radium.
10. Nelson Mandela
*See Trivia Answers, p. 421.
**arrested = taken to jail
o Exercise 11. Warm· up. (Chart 10-4)
Complete the sentences with information from the front of this book.
1. This book, Fundamentals of English Grammar, was published by _________
10·� Us�g the by-rhrase ·--�. · :·· ___:·-·-�-·�-··· _____ ··. . .... __
__ ___ _ _
(a) This sweater was made by my aunt. The by-phrase is used in passive sentences when it is
important to know who performs an action.
In (a): by my aunt is important information.
(b) My sweater was made in Korea. Usually there is no by-phrase in a passive sentence.
(c) Spanish is spoken in Colombia. The passive is used when it is not known or not
(d) That house was built in 1940. important to know exactly who performs an action.
(e) Rice is grown in many countries. In (b): The exact person (or people) who made the
sweater is not known and is not important to know, so
there is no by-phrase in the passive sentence.
( f ) My aunt is very skillful. She made this sweater. Usually the active is used when the speaker knows
(g) A: I like your sweaters. who performed the action, as in (f), where the focus of
8: Thanks. This sweater was made by my aunt. attention is on my aunt.
That sweater was made by my mother. In (g): Speaker 8 uses the passive WITH a by-phrase
because he wants to focus attention on the subjects of
the sentences. The focus of attention is on the two
sweaters. The by-phrases add important information.
266 CHAPTER 10
0 Exercise 15. Listening. (Charts 10-1 - 10-4)
Complete the sentences with the words you hear. Before you begin, you may want to check
your understanding of these words: treated, bruises, reckless.
Track 31
A bike accident
A: Did you hear about the accident outside the dorm entrance?
B: No. What
B: he _______ ?
A: Yeah. Someone _______ an ambulance. He _________ to
City Hospital and _________ in the emergency room for cuts and
8. Yesterday Lee and I (hear) _______ about Scott's divorce. I (surprise, not)
______________ by the news, but Lee (shock)
10. Roberto (write) _______ that composition last week. This one (write)
_________ yesterday.
Swimming Pools
Swimming pools are very popular nowadays, but can you guess when swimming
pools ______ first ______ ? ______ it 100 years ago? Five hundred
2 3 4
years ago? A thousand years ago? Actually, ancient Romans and Greeks ________
the first swimming pools. Male athletes and soldiers ________ in them for training.
Believe it or not, as early as 1 B.C., a heated swimming pool ___________ for
a wealthy Roman. But swimming pools _____________ popular until the
middle of the 1800s. The city of London _______ six indoor swimming pools.
Soon after, the modern Olympic games ________ , and swimming races ____
10 11
included in the events. After this, swimming pools ________ even more popular,
and now they __________ all over the world.
268 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 18. Warm-up. (Chart 10-5)
Read the paragraph and then the statements. Circle "T" for true and "F" for false.
Getting a Passport
Jerry is applying for a passport. He needs to bring proof of citizenship, two photographs,
and the application to the passport office. He also needs money for the fee. He will receive his
passport in the mail about three weeks after he applies for it.
1. The application process can be completed by mail. T F
2. Proof of citizenship must be provided. T F
3. A fee has to be paid. T F
4. Photographs should be taken before Jerry goes to the passport office. T F
5. The passport will be sent by mail. T F
Active Modal Passive Modal Auxiliaries Modal auxiliaries are often used in the
Auxiliaries (modal+ be + past participle) passive.
Bob can mail it. It can be mailed by Bob. modal + be + past participle
Bob should mail it. It should be mailed by Bob. (See Chapter 7 for information about the
Bob ought to mail it. It ought to be mailed by Bob. meanings and uses of modal auxiliaries.)
Bob must mail it. It must be mailed by Bob.
Bob has to mail it. It has to be mailed by Bob.
Bob may mail it. It may be mailed by Bob.
Bob might mail it. It might be mailed by Bob.
Bob could mail it. It could be mailed by Bob.
8. Be careful! If that email file has a virus, it could destroy your reports.
Your reports if that email file has a virus.
Are you wearing jeans right now, or do you have a pair at home?
If so, who were they made by?
270 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 21. Warm-up: trivia. (Chart 10-6)
Do you know this trivia?* Complete the sentences with words from the list.
- -.
10·6 Using Past Participles as Adjectives (Non-Progressive Pa�sive)
be + adjective Be can be followed by an adjective, as in (a)-(c). The
(a) Paul is young. adjective describes or gives information about the
(b) Paul is tall. subject of the sentence.
(c) Paul is hungry. Be can be followed by a past participle (the passive
form), as in (d)-(f). The past participle is often like an
be + past participle
adjective. The past participle describes or gives
(d) Paul is married. information about the subject of the sentence. Past
(e) Paul is tired. participles are used as adjectives in many common,
(f) Paul is frightened. everyday expressions.
(g) Paul is married to Susan. Often the past participles in these expressions are
(h) Paul was excited about the game. followed by particular prepositions + an object.
( i ) Paul will be prepared for the exam. For example:
In (g): married is followed by to ( + an object)
In (h): excited is followed by about ( + an object)
In ( i ): prepared is followed by for ( + an object)
*I'm tired of the cold weather. = I've had enough cold weather. I wane the weather co get warm.
I'm tired .from working hard all day. = I'm tired because I worked hard all day.
o Exercise 24. Looking at grammar. (Chart 10-6)
Complete the sentences with the present form of the given verbs. Note the boldface
prepositions that follow them.
are scared
1. Most children -����-- of loud noises.
2. Jane ___________ in ecology.
3. Don't clear the table yet. I ______ not ________ with my meal.
4. I ___________ with my progress in English.
5. Tony ___________ to Sonia. They have a happy marriage.
*can't put a book down = can't stop reading a book because it's so exciting/interesting
Listen to the sentences and write the prepositions you hear.
CD 2
Track 33
Example: You will hear: Linda loves her grandchildren. She is devoted to them.
You will write: -=to"----
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
1. Dennis isn't doing well in school this semester. He is worried about his grades.
3. I live in a three-room apartment with six other people. Our apartment _______
5. I'm going to go straight to bed tonight. It's been a hard day. I __________
7. This milk doesn't taste right. I think it ___________ . I'm not going to
drink it.
9. According to the job description, an applicant must have a master's degree and at least five
years of teaching experience. Unfortunately, I ______ not ________
that job.
274 CHAPTER 10
Complete the sentences with the words you hear.
co 2
Track 34
Example: You will hear: My earrings are made of gold.
You will write: are made of
6. Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station from here?
! ___________
7. Your name is Tom Hood? ____ you __________ Mary Hood?
9. Oh, no! Look at my sunglasses. I sat on them and now they __________
Picture A Picture B
(e) Did you hear the surprising news? Like other adjectives, participial adjectives may follow be, as in
examples (a) through (d), or they may come in front of nouns, as in
( f ) Roberto fixed the broken window.
(e) and (f).
*The past participle of regular verbs ends in -ed. For verbs that have irregular forms, see the inside front and back covers.
2. The is frightening.
3. The is excited.
4. The is exciting.
5. The is thrilling.
6. The is delighted.
276 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 32. Looking at grammar. (Chart 10-7)
Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the verbs in italics.
1. Talal's classes interest him.
a. Talal's classes are interestin@
2. Emily is going to Australia. The idea of going on this trip excites her.
a. Emily is ___________ about going on this trip.
b. She thinks it is going to be an trip.
3. I like to study sea life. The subject of marine biology fascinates me.
a. Marine biology is a ___________ subject.
b. I'm . by marine biology.
4. Mike heard some bad news. The bad news depressed him.
a. Mike is very sad. In fact, he is ___________
b. The news made Mike feel very sad. The news was ___________
Listen to each sentence and circle the word you hear.
co 2 SITUATION: Julie was walking along the edge of the fountain outside her office building. She
Track 36
was with her co-worker and friend Paul. Suddenly she lost her balance and accidentally fell into
the water.
Get + Adjective Get can be followed by an adjective. Get gives the idea of
(a) I am getting hungry. Let's eat. change - the idea of becoming, beginning to be, growing
(b) Eric got nervous before the job interview. to be.
In (a): I'm getting hungry. = I wasn't hungry before, but now
I'm beginning to be hungry.
Get + Past Participle Sometimes get is followed by a past participle. The past
(c) I'm getting tired Let's stop working. participle after get is like an adjective; it describes the subject
(d) Steve and Rita got married last month. of the sentence.
278 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 35. looking at grammar. (Chart 10-8)
Complete the sentences with the words in the list.
1. This food is delicious, but I can't eat any more. I'm getting full
2. This work has to be done before we leave. We'd better get and stop
wasting time.
3. I didn't understand Mariam's directions very well, so on the way to her house last night I
got _______ . I couldn't find her house.
4. It's hard to work on a car and stay clean. Paul's clothes always get ________
from all the grease and oil.
5. Tim doesn't like to fly. As soon as he sits down, his heart starts to beat quickly. He gets
really _______
6. We'd better go home. It's getting _______ , and you have school tomorrow.
7. Simon wants to get _______ , but he doesn't want to work. That's not very
8. If you plan to go to medical school, you need to get ________ about the time
and money involved and start planning now.
9. Mr. Andersen is losing some of his hair. He's slowly getting ________
2. 5.
3. 6.
1. When I stayed out in the sun too long yesterday, I eot sunburned
2. If you're sick, stay home and take care of yourself. You won't _________
if you don't take care of yourself.
3. Alima and Hasan are engaged. They are going to ___________ a year
from now.
6. Put these towels back in the dryer. They didn't _________ the first time.
8. Anastasia has to move out of her apartment next week, and she hasn't found a new place
to live. She's _____________
9. Tashiro was in a terrible car wreck and almost --------- He's lucky to
be alive.
280 CHAPTER 10
12. Good restaurants _________ around dinner time. It's hard to find a seat
because there are so many people.
15. Sam is wearing one brown sock and one blue sock today.
He _________ in a hurry this morning and
didn't pay attention to the color of his socks.
A Blended Family
Lisa and Thomas live in a blended family. They are not related to each other, but they are
brother and sister. Actually, they are stepbrother and stepsister. This is how they came to be in
the same family.
Lisa's mother got divorced when Lisa was a baby. Thomas' father was a widower. His
wife had died seven years earlier. Lisa and Thomas' parents met five years ago at a going-away
party for a friend. After a year of dating, they got engaged and a year later, they got married.
Lisa and Thomas are about the same age and get along well. Theirs is a happy, blended family.
2. Alice was born and raised in Chicago. She _________ living in a big city.
3. My hometown is New York City, but this year I'm going to school in a town with a
population of 10,000. I ___________ living in a small town. I
_________ living in a big city.
Part II. Complete the sentences with be accustomed to, affirmative or negative.
5. Spiro recently moved to Hong Kong from Greece. He is accustomed to eating
Greek food. He isn't accustomed to eating Chinese food.
282 CHAPTER 10
2. What time going to bed?
Part JI. Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering the questions in Part I.
2. There are some foods I didn't like when I first tried them, but now they're okay. For
example, the first time I ate _______ ____ , I didn't like it, but now I'm
used to eating them.
(b) I am used to living in a big city. In (b): be used to is followed by the -ingform of a
verb (a gerund).*
*NoTE: In both used to (habitual past) and be used to, the "d" is not pronounced.
4. I ______ used to sit in the back of the classroom, but now I prefer to sit in the
front row.
5. When I was a child, I ______ used to play games with my friends in a big field
near my house after school every day.
6. It's hard for my kids to stay inside on a cold, rainy day. They ______ used to
playing outside in the big field near our house. They play there almost every day.
2. I got used to going to bed late when I was in college, but now I have a job and I need my
sleep. These days I (go) am used to@Oin@ to bed around ten-thirty.
4. Ms. Wu has had a vegetable garden all her life. She (grow) ___________
her own vegetables.
5. Oscar has lived in Brazil for ten years. He (eat) _____________
Brazilian food. It's his favorite.
7. I have taken the bus to work every day for the past five years. I (take) _______
______ the bus.
(b) We are supposed to write a composition. In (a): The idea of is supposed to is that Mike is
expected (by me) to call me. I asked him to call
(IDEA: The teacher expects us to write a composition.)
me. He promised to call me. I expect him to
call me.
(c) Alice was supposed to be home at ten, but she In the past form, be supposed to often expresses
didn't get in until midnight. the idea that an expected event did not occur, as
(IDEA: Someone expected Alice to be home at ten.) in (c).
Zoos are common around the world. The first zoo was established around 3,500 years ago
by an Egyptian queen for her enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor
established a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later, zoos were established for the
purpose of studying animals.
Zoos were supposed to take good care of animals, but some of the early ones were dark
holes or dirty cages. At that time, people became disgusted with the poor care the animals were
286 CHAPTER 10
given. Later, these early zoos were replaced by scientific institutions. Animals were studied and
kept in better conditions there. These research centers became the first modern zoos.
Because zoos want to treat animals well and encourage breeding, animals today are put in
large, natural settings instead of small cages. They are fed a healthy diet and are watched
carefully for any signs of disease. Most zoos have specially trained veterinarians and a hospital
for their animals. Today, animals in these zoos are treated well, and zoo breeding programs have
saved many different types of animals.
CD 2
Part Ill.Listen to the passage. Complete the sentences with the verbs you hear and then
answer the questions.
Track 40
Zoos are common around the world. The first zoo was established around 3,500
years ago by an Egyptian queen for her enjoyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese
emperor ____________ a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later, zoos
the early ones were dark holes or dirty cages. At that time, people __________
disgusted with the poor care the animals ____________ Later, these early
288 CHAPTER 10
o Exercise 54. Reading and writing. (Chapter 1 O)
Part I. Read the passage and underline the passive verbs.
My Favorite Holiday
(1) New Year's is the most important holiday of the year country. New Year's is
celebrated for fifteen days, but my favorite day is the first day.
(2) The celebration actually begins at midnight. Fireworks are set off, and the streets are
filled with people. Neighbors and friends greet each other and wish one another good luck for
the year. The next morning, gifts are exchanged. Children are given money. It is wrapped in
red envelopes because red is the color for good luck. When I was younger, this was always my
favorite part of the holiday.
(3) On New Year's Day, everyone wears new clothes. These clothes are bought especially for
the holiday. People are very polite to each other. It is considered wrong to yell, lie, or use bad
language on the first day of the year. It is a custom for younger generations to visit their elders.
They wish them good health and a long life.
Part II. Choose a holiday you like. Describe the activities on this day. What do you do in the
morning? afternoon? evening? Which activities do you enjoy the most? Make some of your
sentences passive.
.. ,· ..
11•1 A vs. An � - -• - ..
- --- ..
--- ,.� � -� , ·'.i,
� . . -- ,.:·,:: .
:'.,� - ,_·.,-�-- . ..... � �
(a) I have a pencil. A and an a re used in front of a singular noun (e.g., pencil, apartment) . They
(b) I live in an apartment. mean "one."
(c) I have a small apartment. If a singular noun is modified by an adjective (e.g., small, old), a or an comes
(d) I live in an old building. in front of the adjective, as in (c) and (d).
A is used in front of words that begin with a consonant (b, c, d, f, g, etc.): a
boy, a bad day, a cat, a cute baby.
(e) I have an umbrella. For words that begin with the letter u:
( f) I saw an ugly picture. (1) An is used if the u is a vowel sound, as in an umbrella, an uncle,
(g) I attend a university. an unusual day.
(h) I had a unique experience. (2) A is used if the u is a consonant sound, as in a university, a unit,
a usual event.
0 Exercise 2. Looking at grammar. (Chart 11-1 >
Add a or an to these words.
1. _a_ mistake 10. __ urgent message
0 furniture
some furniture
"" A noncount noun:
(1) cannot be counted with numbers.
INCORRECT: one furniture
(2) is NOT immediately preceded by a/an.
INCORRECT: a furniture
(3) does NOT have a plural form (no final -s).
INCORRECT: furnitures
*See Chart 1-5, p. 14, and Chart 6-1, p. 147, for the spelling and pronunciation of-sf-es.
*CORRECT: I bought some furniture for my apartment. OR I bought furniture for my apartment. See Chart 11-8 for more
information about the use of 0 and some.
292 CHAPTER 11
11·3 Noncount Nouns
Individual Parts ---+ The Whole Noncount nouns usually refer to a whole group of things
(Count Nouns) (Noncount Nouns ) that is made up of many individual parts, a whole
category made of different varieties.
(a ) letters
For example, furniture is a noncount noun; it describes a
---+ mail whole category of things: chairs, tables, beds, etc.
(b) apples ---+ furniture
fruit etc.
etc. Mail, fruit, and jewelry are other examples of noncount
nouns that refer to a whole category made up of
(c) rings individual parts.
---+ jewelry
15. Parents usually have helpful suggestion __ for their kids. yes no
16. Sometimes kids have helpful advice __ for their parents. yes no
2. Two things I don't like about big cities are _________ and
294 CHAPTER 11
(c) Abstractions*
beauty fun health ignorance luck selfishness
courage generosity help kindness patience time
experience happiness honesty knowledge progress violence
*An abstraction is an idea. It has no physical form. A person cannot touch it.
7. I admire Professor Yoo for her extensive knowledge __ of organic farming methods.
2. soap__ 7. storm--
3. suggestion__ 8. toothpaste__
4. suggestion__ 9. stuff
296 CHAPTER 11
a restaurant an island
a museum a hotel
a popular department store an airport
(b) a lot of chairs a lot of furniture A lot of is used with both count and noncount nouns.
(c) many chairs much furniture Many is used with count nouns.
Much is used with noncount nouns.
(d) a few chairs a little furniture A few is used with count nouns.
A little is used with noncount nouns.
5. __ Lydia doesn't like learning too much new vocabulary in one day.
*Much and many are more commonly used in questions than in affirmative statements.
298 CHAPTER 11
Match the sentences to the pictures.
- .
glass (a) Windows are made of glass. (b) I drank a glass of water.
(c) Janet wears glasses when she reads.
light (h) I opened the curtain to let in ( i) Please turn off the lights (lamps).
some light.
paper ( j ) I need some paper to write a note. (k) I wrote a paper for Professor Lee.
( I ) I bought a paper (a newspaper).
time (m) How much time do you need to (n) How many times have you been to Mexico?
finish your work?
work (o) I have some work to do tonight. (p) That painting is a work of art.
coffee (q) I had some coffee after dinner. ( r) Two coffees, please.
chicken/fish (s) I ate some chicken/some fish. ( t) She drew a picture of a chicken/a fish.
experience ( u) I haven't had much experience (v) I had many interesting experiences on my trip.
with computers. (I don't have (Many interesting events happened to me on my
much knowledge or skill in using trip.)
300 CHAPTER 11
1. That was a great meal. I ate a lot of chicken. Now I'm stuffed.*
2. Are you hungry? How about a little chicken for lunch?
3. When I was a child, we raised a lot of chickens. __
4. I bought a few chickens so I can have fresh eggs.
5. There's a little chicken in your yard. __
6. That's a big chicken over there. Who does it belong to?
4. paper Students who take careful lecture notes can use a lot of
9. hair Brian has a white cat. When I stood up from Brian's sofa, my black slacks
were covered with short white _______
11. glass In some countries, people use ________ for their tea; in other
countries, they use cups.
12. glass Many famous paintings are covered with ________ to protect them.
13. iron _______ (is, are) necessary to animal and plant life.
14. iron _______ (is, are) used to make clothes look neat.
16. experience You should apply for the job at the electronics company because you have a
lot of _______ in that field.
17. chicken Joe, would you like (a, some) more ________ ?
19. light There (is, are) a lot of _______ on the ceilings of the school
20. light A: If you want to take a picture outside now, you'll need a flash. The
_______ (isn't, aren't) good here.
B: Or, we could wait an hour. (It, They) will be brighter then.
11 • 7 Using Units of 'easure with Noncount Nouns
(a) I had some tea. To mention a specific quantity of a noncount noun, speakers
(b) I had two cups of tea. use units of measure such as two cups of or one piece of.
A unit of measure usually describes the container (a cup of,
(c) I ate some toast. a bowl of), the amount (a pound of, a quart of),* or the
(d) I ate one piece of toast. shape (a bar of soap, a sheet of paper).
302 CHAPTER 11
o Exercise 24. Looking at grammar. (Chart 11- 7)
What units of measure are usually used with the given nouns? More than one unit of measure
can be used with some of the nouns.
Part I. At the store
1. a -="-,!="------
0 of olives
2. a -��----
box of crackers
5. a _______ of tuna
6. a _______ of soup
7. a _______ of sugar
8. a _______ of wine
9. a _______ of soda
13. a cur2/<a.lass
' of green tea
15. a of candy
16. a of bread
17. a of cake
19. a of soup
20. a of pizza
Shopping list
A: So what else do we need from the store?
B: Let's see. We need a few jars of _________ . We should also get a box of
_________ . Oh, and a couple of bags of _________
A: Is that it? Anything else?
B: I guess a few cans of _________ would be good.
I almost forgot. W hat should we do about drinks?
A: How about some bottles (or cans) of _________ ?
B: Good idea.
A: By the way, I thought we could serve slices of _________ . How does that
B: Sure.
304 CHAPTER 11
o Exercise 26. Warm-up. (Chart 11-8)
Read the conversations. Why does Speaker A use a or the? Discuss what both Speaker A and
Speaker B are thinking about.
Conversation 2
Conversation 3
Noncount Nouns: 0
( g ) 0 Fruit is good for you. In (g): The speaker is talking about any fruit, all fruit,
( h ) 0 Coffee contains caffeine. fruit in general.
( i ) I like 0 music.
See Chart 11-5 for other words that can be used with
plural count nouns, such as several, a few, and a lot of.
See Chart 11-5 for other words that can be used with
noncount nouns, such as a little and a lot of.
306 CHAPTER 11
11·8 Guidelines for Article Usage (continued)
( s) Did you feed the dog? In (s): The speaker and the listener are thinking about
( t) Kay is in the kitchen. the same specific dog. The listener knows which dog
(u) The sun is shining. the speaker is talking about: the dog that they own,
(v) Please close the door. the dog that they feed every day. There is only one
(w) The president is speaking on TV tonight. dog that the speaker could possibly be talking about.
( x ) I had a banana and an apple. I gave In (x): A speaker uses the when she/he mentions a
the banana to Mary. noun the second time.
First mention: I had a banana ...
Second mention: I gave the banana ...
( y ) Did you feed the dogs? In (y): The speaker and the listener are thinking about
(z) The pencils on that desk are Jim's. more than one dog, and they are thinking about the
(aa) Please turn off the lights. same specific dogs.
(bb) I had some bananas and apples. I gave In (bb) the is used for second mention.
the bananas to Mary.
(cc) The fruit in this bowl is ripe. When the is used with noncount nouns, the speaker
(dd) I can't hear you. The music is too loud. knows or can assume the listener is familiar with and
(ee) The air smells fresh today. thinking about the same specific thing.
(ff) I drank some coffee and some milk. The coffee In (ff): the is used for second mention.
was hot.
NOTE: a, an, and 0 are not possible for the situations
described in (s) through (ff).
Conversation 2
Conversation 3
308 CHAPTER 11
Conversation 4
-� Ct<.>
6 •
Conversation 6
6. A: Where's professor?
B: She's absent today.
310 CHAPTER 11
B: Yes.
A: Did you set alarm clock?
B: Yes.
A: Then let's turn out lights.
B: Goodnight, dear.
A: Oh, don't forget your appointment with doctor tomorrow.
B: Yes, dear. Goodnight.
In ancient times, people did not use coins for money. Instead, shells, beads, or salt were
used. Around 2,600 years ago, the first metal coins were made. Today most money is made
from paper. Of course, many people use plastic credit or debit cards to pay for goods. In the
future, maybe we'll use only cards, and paper money won't exist.
312 CHAPTER 11
o Exercise 33. Looking at grammar. (Chart 11-8)
Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or some.
1. I had a banana and an apple. I gave the banana to Mary. I ate the
2. I had _____ bananas and ______ apples. I gave _____
bananas to Mary. I ate _____ apples.
IJ Exercise 34. Listening. (Chart 11- 8)
Listen to the passage. Then listen again and write a/an, the, or 0. Before you begin, you may
want to check your understanding of these words: roof (ofyour mouth), nerves, blood vessels,
Track 43 avoz"d
Ice-Cream Headaches
Have you ever eaten something really cold like ice cream and suddenly gotten _a�--
headache? This is known as _ ___ "ice-cream headache." About 30 percent of the
population gets this type of ___ headache. Here is one theory about why ___
something cold touches these nerves, they want to warm up ____ your brain. They
make ____ your blood vessels swell up (get bigger), and this causes ____ lot of pain.
7 8
____ ice-cream headaches generally go away after about 30-60 seconds. _ __ best
9 10
way to avoid these headaches is to keep cold food off ____ roof of your mouth.
3. Would you please turn ____ radio down? ____ music is too loud.
4. Last week I read ____ book about ____ life of Indira Gandhi, India's only
female prime minister, who was assassinated in 1984.
6. ____ water is essential to human life, but don't drink ____ water in the Flat
River. It'll kill you! ____ pollution in that river is terrible.
7. People can drink ____ fresh water. They can't drink ____ seawater because it
contains ____ salt.
314 CHAPTER 11
0 Exercise 36. Warm· up. (Chart 11 -9)
Complete the questions with the or 0.
Would you like to see . .
1. the Amazon River? 6. Australia?
( c) He lives in 0 France. The is NOT used with the names of most countries.
0 Brazil is a large country. INCORRECT: He lives in the France.
Have you ever been to 0 Thailand?
The is used in the names of only a few countries, as
(d) He lives in the United States. in (d). Others: the Czech Republic, the United Arab
The t:Jetherlands is in Europe. Emirates, the Dominican Republic.
Have you ever been to the Philippines?
(e) He lives in 0 Paris. The is NOT used with the names of cities.
0 New York is the largest city in the United States. INCORRECT: He lives in the Paris.
Have you ever been to 0 Istanbul?
(f) The Nile River is long. The is used with the names of rivers, oceans, and
They crossed the Pacific Ocean. seas.
The Yellow Sea is in Asia. The is NOT used with the names of lakes.
(g) Chicago is on 0 Lake Michigan.
0 Lake Titicaca lies on the border between Peru
and Bolivia.
( h) We hiked in the Alps. The is used with the names of mountain ranges.
The Andes are in South America. The is NOT used with the names of individual
( i ) He climbed 0 Mount Everest mountains.
0 Mount Fuji is in Japan.
316 CHAPTER 11
11-10 Capitalization
1. The first word of a sentence We saw a movie last night. Capitalize = use a big letter, not a
It was very good. small letter
3. Titles used with the names of I saw Doctor (Dr.) Smith. I saw a doctor. BUT
people There's Professor (Prof.) Lee. I saw.Doctor Wilson.
4. Months, days, holidays I was born in April. NOTE: Seasons are not capitalized:
Bob arrived last Monday. spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter.
It snowed on New Year's Day.
6. The names of courses I'm taking Chemistry 101. Here's your history book. BUT
I'm taking History 101.
7. The titles of books, articles, Gone with the Wind Capitalize the first word of a title.
movies The Sound of the Mountain Capitalize all other words except
articles (the, a/an), coordinating
conjunctions (and, but, or), and
short prepositions (with, in, at, etc.).
8. The names of languages and She speaks Spanish. Words that refer to the names of
nationalities We discussed Japanese customs. languages and nationalities are
always capitalized.
9. The names of religions Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Words that refer to the names of
Islam, and Judaism are major religions are always capitalized.
religions in the world.
Talal is a Muslem.
19. On valentine's day (february 14th), sweethearts give each other presents.
20. I read a book called the cat and the mouse in my aunt's house.
*When north, south, east, and west refer to the direction on a compass, they are not capitalized: Japan is east of China.
When they are part of a geographical name, they are capitalized: Japan is in the Far East.
318 CHAPTER 11
Jane Goodall
(1) Do you recognize the name/ane goodall? Perhaps you know her for her studies of
(2) Jane goodall was born in england, and as a child, was fascinated by animals. Her
favorite books were the jungle book, by rudyard kipling, and books about tarzan, a fictional
(3) Her childhood dream was to go to africa. After high school, she worked as a secretary
and a waitress to earn enough money to go there. During that time, she took evening courses in
journalism and english literature. She saved every penny until she had enough money for a trip
to africa.
(4) In the spring of 1957, she sailed through the red sea and southward down the african
c_oast to mombasa in kenya. Her uncle had arranged a job for her in nairobi with a british
company. When she was there, she met dr. louis leakey, a famous anthropologist. Under his
guidance, she began her lifelong study of chimpanzees on the eastern shore of lake tanganyika.
(5) Jane goodall lived alone in a tent near the lake. Through months and years of patience,
she won the trust of the chimps and was able to watch them closely. Her observations changed
forever how we view chimpanzees - and all other animals we share the world with.
Part 111. Read the sample paragraph about the organization called Roots and Shoots. T hen
write your own paragraph about an organization that is doing something to help people or
animals. Focus on correct article usage and capitalization. Note the articles in green in the
passage. Follow these steps:
(1) Choose an organization you are interested in.
(2) Research the organization. Find the organization's website if possible. Take notes on
the information you find. Include information about its history, why it was formed,
the person or people who formed it, and its goals.
(3) Review Chart 11-10 and check your paragraph for proper capitalization.
(4) Edit your paragraph for article use. You may also want to ask another student to
read it.
320 CHAPTER 11
o Exercise 1. Warm -up. (Chart 12- 1 >
Check (./) the completions that are true for you.
I have a friend who . . .
1. lives near me. 3. __ likes to do exciting things.
2. is interested in soccer. 4. __ is studying to be an astronaut.
(1) I met a man = an independent clause; it is a A clause is a structure that has a subject and a verb.
complete sentence. There are two kinds of clauses: Independent and
(2) He lives in Chicago = an independent clause; dependent.
it is a complete sentence. • An independent clause is a main clause and can
(3) who lives in Chicago= a dependent clause; stand alone as a sentence, as in (1) and (2).
it is NOT a complete sentence. • A dependent clause, as in (3), cannot stand alone
(4) I met a man who lives in Chicago = an as a sentence. It must be connected to an
independent clause + a dependent clause; independent clause, as in (4).
a complete sentence.
o Exercise 2. looking at grammar. (Chart 12- 1 >
Check(/) the items that have complete sentences.
1. __ I know a teenager. She flies airplanes.
2. __ · I know a teenager who flies airplanes.
3. __ A teenager who flies airplanes.
4. __ Who flies airplanes.
5. __ Who flies airplanes?
6. __ I know a teenager flies airplanes.
(d) The woman that lives next to me is talkative. In (b) and (d): The adjective clause immediately follows
the noun it modifies.
INCORRECT: The woman is talkative that lives next
to me.
322 CHAPTER 12
o Exercise 4. Looking at grammar. (Chart 12·2>
Circle the two sentences that express the ideas in the given sentence.
1. The librarian who helped me with my research lives near my parents.
a. The librarian lives near my parents.
b. I live near my parents.
c. The librarian helped my parents.
d. The librarian helped me.
2. The veterinarian that took care of my daughter's goat was very gentle.
a. The veterinarian took care of my goat.
b. The goat was gentle.
c. The veterinarian treated my daughter's goat.
d. The veterinarian was gentle.
1. The hotel clerk who gave us our room keys speaks several languages.
5. W hile I was waiting at the bus stop, I stood next to an elderly man started a conversation
with me about my school.
Him can also be changed to who or whom, as in
(d) The man was friendly. I met (e) and (f).
t As an object pronoun, that is more common than who in
who speaking. 0 is the most common choice for both speaking
whom and writing.
Whom is generally used only in very formal writing.
(e) The man who I met was friendly.
(f) The man whom I met was friendly.
324 CHAPTER 12
o Exercise 10. Looking at grammar. (Charts 12-2 and 12-3)
Check(./) the sentences that have object pronouns.
1. _.L_ The children who we invited to the party are from the neighborhood.
2. __ The children that we invited to the party were excited to come.
3. __ The children whom we invited to the party had a good time.
4. The children who live next door are a lot of fun.
5. __ Marie and Luis Escobar still keep in touch with many of the students that they met
in their English class five years ago.
6. __ People who listen to loud music on earphones can suffer gradual hearing loss.
7. __ I know a couple who sailed around the world.
8. __ The couple whom we had over for dinner sailed around the world.
1. a. The couple was two hours late. b. I invited them for dinner.
2. a. The man snored the entire flight. b. I sat next to him on the plane.
3. a. The man tried to shoplift some groceries. b. The police arrested him.
1. __ He should get a pet that likes to run and be outside, like a dog.
2. __ He needs to get a pet which is easy to take care of, like a fish or turtle.
3. __ He should get an animal that he can leave alone for a few days, like a horse.
4. __ He needs to get an animal his neighbors will like.
326 CHAPTER 12
12·4 Using
� Pronouns in Adjective Clauses to Describe Things
- --�
3. The bus that I take to school every morning is usually very crowded.
4. Pizza which is sold by the slice is a popular lunch in many cities throughout the world.
5. Piranhas are dangerous fish that can tear the flesh off an animal as large as a horse in a few
Adjective Clauses 327
D &:ercise 11. looking ,at ,grammar. :(Chart 12-4)
Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence. Give all possible forms.
1. a. The pill made me sleepy. b. I took it.
-+ The pill that I took made me sleepy.
-+ The pill 0 I took made me sleepy.
-+ The pill which I took made me sleepy.
2. The people D sat in the stadium cheered for the home team.
4. The teenagers returned the wallet they found on the sidewalk.
6. The tree branch was lying in the street caused problems for drivers.
Example: You will hear: The doctor who treated my mother was very knowledgeable.
You will choose: � that which whom 0
1. who that which whom 0
2. who that which whom 0
3. who that which whom 0
4. who that which whom 0
5. who that which whom 0
6. who that which whom 0
7. who that which whom 0
8. who that which whom 0
Column A ColumnB
1. A hammer is a tool .... that is used a. She/He leaves society and lives completely
to pound nails. alone.
2. comedian is someone .... b. He/She tells jokes.
3. An obstetrician is a doctor .... c. It forms when water boils.
4. Plastic is a chemical material .... d. It is square at the bottom and has four sides
5. An architect is someone .... that come together in a point at the top.
6. A puzzle is a problem .... e. She/He designs buildings.
7. A carnivore is an animal .... f. He/She delivers babies.
8. Steam is a gas .... .lg. It is used to pound nails.
9. A turtle is an animal .... h. It can be shaped and hardened to form
10. A hermit is a person .... many useful things.
1. It can be difficult to solve.
11. A pyramid is a structure ....
J. It eats meat.
k. It has a hard shell and can live in water or
on land.
330 CHAPTER 12
12· 5 Singular and Plural Verbs in Adjective Clauses
- -. - -- --- --- - -- �
-- - ---- - �- - -- -�- -�- -- -
(a) I know the man who is sitting over there. In (a): The verb in the adjective clause (Is) is singular
because who refers to a singular noun, man.
(b) I know the people who are sitting over there. In (b): The verb in the adjective clause (are) is plural·
because who refers to a plural noun, people.
4. Most people that(liveJ lives) in Montreal speak French as their first language.
8. Professional athletes who(playJ plays) tennis for a living can make a lot of money.
9. Biographies are books which(tellsJ tell ) the stories of people's lives.
10. A book that(tellsJ tell ) the story of a person's life is called a biography.
11. I talked to the men who (wasJ were) sitting near me.
12. The woman that(wasJ were) sitting next to me at the movie was texting on her cell phone.
12·6 Using Prepositi 1ns in Adjective Clauses
PREP OBJ That, whom, and which can be used as the object
(a) The man was nice. I talked to him. (OBJ)of a preposition (PREP) in an adjective clause.
REMINDER: An object pronoun can be omitted from an
(b) The man that I talked to was nice. adjective clause, as in (c) and (h).
(c) The man 0 I talked to was nice. In very formal English, a preposition comes at the
(d) The man whom I talked to was nice. beginning of an adjective clause, followed by either
whom or which, as in (e) and 0). This is not common
(e) The man to whom I talked was nice. in spoken English.
332 CHAPTER 12
3. a. The woman pays me a fair salary. b. I work for her.
2. We went ____ a movie. The movie we went ____ was very good.
3. We stayed ____ a motel. The motel we stayed ____ was clean and
8. The interviewer wanted to know the name of the college I had graduated ____
11. My sister and I have the same ideas about almost everything. She is the one person
____ whom I almost always agree.
12. What's the name of the person you introduced me ____ at the restaurant last night?
I've already forgotten.
13. My father is someone I've always been able to depend ____ when I need advice
or help.
15. Your building supervisor is the person ____ whom you should complain if you have
any problems with your apartment.
Listen to the sentences and choose all the true statements.
en 2
Example: You will hear: The university I want to attend is in New York.
@ I want to go to a university.
Track 45
You will choose:
b. I live in New York.
@ The university is in New York.
1. a. The plane is leaving Denver.
b. I'm taking a plane.
c. The plane leaves at 7:00 A.M.
2. a. Stores are expensive.
b. Good vegetables are always expensive.
c. The best vegetables are at an expensive store.
3. a. My husband made eggs.
b. My husband made breakfast.
c. The eggs were cold.
4. a. I sent an email.
b. Someone wanted my bank account number.
c. An email had my bank account number.
5. a. The hotel clerk called my wife.
b. The speaker spoke with the hotel clerk.
c. The hotel room is going to have a view.
Hiraki is from Japan. When he was sixteen, he spent four months in South America. He
stayed with a family who lived near Quito, Ecuador. Their way of life was very different from
his. At first, many things that they did and said seemed strange to Hiraki: their eating customs,
political views, ways of showing feelings, work habits, sense of humor, and more. He felt
homesick for people who were more similar to him in their customs and habits.
As time went on, Hiraki began to appreciate* the way of life that his host family had.
Many activities which he did with them began to feel natural, and he developed a strong
334 CHAPTER 12
friendship with them. At the beginning of his stay in Ecuador, he had noticed only the customs
and habits that were different between his host family and himself. At the end, he appreciated
the many things which they also had in common.
1. who
2. that
3. who
4. that
5. which
6. that
7. which
Part II. Complete the sentences with information from the passage.
1. One thing that Hiroki found strange ___________________
whose brother
*Whose and who's have the same pronunciation but NOT the same meaning.
Who's = who is: Who's (Who is) your teacher?
��������������-- whose
Examples: a. The woman is taking some time off from work. b. Her baby is sick.
-+ The woman whose baby is sick is taking some time offfrom work.
a. The man said there isn't a lot of damage. b. You hit his car.
---+ The man whose car you hit said there isn't a lot of damage.
336 CHAPTER 12
o Exercise 32. Let's talk: pairwork. (Chart 12-7)
Work with a partner. Take turns changing the b. sentences to adjective clauses by combining
each pair of sentences with whose.
SITUATION: You and your friend are at a party. You are telling your friend about the people at
the party.
2. The lamp that I fJ I which I bought downtown is beautiful but quite expensive.
5. The man ___________ I found in the doorway had collapsed from heat
338 CHAPTER 12
o Exercise 36. Ustening . (Chapter 12)
Listen to the conversation. Complete the sentences with that, which, whose, or 0.
co2 Friendly advice
Track 47
B: Why do you think I should read an article _________ deals with exercise
and stress?
A: If you stop and think for a minute, you can answer that question yourself. You're under a
B: The stress _ _ __ _ _ _ I have at work doesn't bother me. It's just a normal
1. The color of paint ,James chose for his bedroom walls . was an uµus�al shade ? f . blue.
2. The man-----------------------------
called an ambulance.
340 OHAPTER 12
5. The professor teaches Chemistry 101 is very good.
6. The people who I painted their house want me to do other work for them.
7. The people who I met them at the party last night were interesting.
10. Before I came here, I didn't have the opportunity to speak to people who their native
language is English.
12. The people who was waiting to buy tickets for the game they were happy because their
I have a friend who is a vegan. As you may know, a vegan is a person who eats no animal
products. When I first met him, I didn't understand the vegan diet. I thought vegan was
another name for vegetarian, except that vegans didn't eat eggs. I soon found out I was wrong.
The first time I cooked dinner for him, I made a vegetable dish which had a lot of cheese. Since
cheese comes from cows, it's not vegan, so he had to scrape it off. I also served him bread that
had milk in it and a dessert that was made with ice cream. Unfortunately, there wasn't much
that he could eat that night. In the beginning, I had trouble thinking of meals which we could
both enjoy. But he is a wonderful cook and showed me how to create delicious vegan meals. I
don't know if I'll ever become a complete vegan, but I've learned a lot about the vegan diet and
the delicious possibilities it has.
Part II. Write a paragraph about someone you know and something interesting or unusual
about his/her life. Try to use a few adjective clauses in your paragraph.
Sample beginnings:
I have a friend who ....
I know a person who ....
I've heard of a movie star who ....
' ,
13· 1
Verb + Gerund1
VERB GERUND A gerund is the -ing form of a verb. It is used as a
(a) I enjoy walking in the park. noun.
In ( a): walking is a gerund. It is used as the object
of the verb enjoy.
Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds The verbs in the list are followed by gerunds. The
enjoy (b) I enjoy working in my garden. list also contains phrasal verbs (e.g., put off) that
finish (c) Ann finished studying at midnight. are followed by gerunds.
quit (d ) David quit smoking. The verbs in the list are NOT followed by to + the
mind (e) Would you mind opening the window? simple form of a verb (an infinitive).
postpone ( f) I postponed doing my homework. INCORRECT: I enjoy to walk in the park.
put off (g) I put off doing my homework. INCORRECT: Bob finished to study.
keep (on) (h) Keep (on) working. Don't stop. INCORRECT: I'm thinking to go to Hawaii.
consider ( i ) I'm considering going to Hawaii.
think about (j) I 'm thinking about going to Hawaii. See Chart 2-2, p. 29, for the spelling of -ing verb
discuss (k) They discussed getting a new car. forms.
talk about (I) They talked about getting a new car.
1. The Boyds own a bakery. They work seven days a week and they are very tired. They are
thinking about ...
a. _________ fewer hours a day.
b. their shop for a few weeks and going on vacation.
c. _________ more workers for their shop.
2. Joseph wants to live a healthier life. He made several New Year's resolutions. For example,
he has quit ...
a. _________ cigars
b. high-fat foods.
c. _________ until noon on weekends.
3. Martina is a procrastinator.* She puts off ...
a. her bills.
b. _________ her assignments to her teacher.
c. _________ her apartment.
2. The Porters' car is too small for their growing family. They're considering
_ ________ a bigger one.
3. When Martha finished _________ the floor, she dusted the furniture.
4. Beth doesn't like her job. She's talking about _________ a different job.
5. A: Are you listening to me?
B: Yes. Keep ---------· I'm listening.
6. A: Do you want to take a break?
B: No. I'm not tired yet. Let's keep on _________ for another hour or so.
7. A: Would you mind _________ the window?
B: No problem. I'm too hot too.
Track 48
Example: You will hear: A: I enjoy watching sports on 1V, especially soccer.
B: Me too.
You will write: enJoy watchin@
1. A: When you _________ your homework, could you help me it:\ the kitchen?
B: Sure.
5. A: I've been working on this math problem for the last half hour, and I still don't
understand it.
B: Well, don't give up.
344 CHAPTER 13
o Exercise 6. let's talk: pairwork. (Chart ?3-2')
Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions. Use the expressions with
go + -ing listed in Chart 13-2.
1. Patricia often goes to the beach. She spends hours in the water. What does she like to do?
-+ She likes to go swimming.
2. Nancy and Frank like to spend the whole day on a lake with poles in their hands. What do
they like to do?
3. Last summer Adam went to a national park. He slept in a tent and cooked his food over a
fire. What did Adam do last summer?
4. Tim likes to go to stores and buy things. What does he like to do?
5. Laura takes good care of her health. She runs a couple of miles every day. What does
Laura do every day? (There are two possible responses.)
6. On weekends in the winter, Fred and Jean sometimes drive to a resort in the mountains.
They like to race down the side of a mountain in the snow. What do they like to do?
7. Ivan likes to take long walks in the woods. What does Ivan like to do?
8. Sonia prefers indoor sports. She goes to a place where she rolls a 13-pound ball at some
wooden pins. What does Sonia often do?
9. Liz and Greg know all the latest dances. What do they probably do a lot?
10. The Taylors are going to go to a little lake near their house tomorrow. The lake is
completely frozen now that it's winter. The ice is smooth. What are the Taylors going to
do tomorrow?
11. Mariko and Taka live near the ocean. When there's a strong wind, they like to spend the
whole day in their sailboat. What do they like to do?
12. Tourists often get on tour buses that take them to see interesting places in an area. What
do tourists do on these buses?
13. Colette and Ben like to jump out of airplanes. They don't open their parachutes until the
last minute. What do they like to do?
14. What do you like to do for exercise and fun?
(a) Tom offered to lend me some money. Some verbs are followed by an infinitive.
(b) I've decided to buy a new car. Infinitive = to+ the simple form of a verb
(c) I've decided not to keep my old car. Negative form: not + infinitive
to fly to I to @O to
1. I'm planning -���'-"-'"-""'��- Chicago next week.
6. Nadia appeared _________ asleep, but she wasn't. She was only
346 CHAPTER 13
9. My friend offered _________ me some money.
11. My wife and I wanted to do different things this weekend. Finally, I agreed
_________ a movie with her Saturday, and she agreed
_________ the football game with me on Sunday. broccoli
13. I can't wait _________ my family again! It's been a long time.
(a) It began raining. Some verbs are followed by either a gerund, as in (a),
(b) It began to rain. or an infinitive, as in (b). Usually there is no difference
in meaning.
Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
o Exercise 11. looking at grammar. (Chart 13-4)
Choose the correct verbs.
1. It started _______ around midnight.
a. snow @snowing @to snow
2. I continued _______ even though everyone else stopped.
a. work b. working c. to work
1. cook
--+ I like to cook. I I like cooking. I I hate to cook. I I hate cooking. I I Mn 't mind cooking. I
I Mn 't enjoy cooking. I Etc.
2. live in this city
3. wash dishes
4. wait in airports
5. fly
6. eat food slowly
7. speak in front of a large group
8. drive in the city during rush hour
9. go to parties where I don't know anyone
10. listen to music while I'm trying to fall asleep
11. get in between two friends who are having an argument
12. travel to unusual places
348 CHAPTER 13
3. I think, "I can't wait (get) out of here!" OR yes no
"I can't wait for this person (stop) talking." yes no
4. I say, "Would you mind .(repeat) that?" yes no
5. I begin (nod) my head so I look like I understand. yes no
6. I start (look) at my watch, so it appears I'm in a hurry. yes no
7. As soon as the person finishes (speak) yes no
I say I have to leave.
8. That's not what I meant! I meant (say) _________ just the opposite.
9. Julia can't stand (sleep) _________ in a room with all of the windows
11. Sam's tomato crop always failed. Finally he quit (try) _________ to grow
tomatoes in his garden.
Complete the sentences with the infinitive or gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. I want (relax) _________ tonight.
6. Mr.and Mrs.Bashir are thinking about (sell ) _________ their old house
and (buy) _________ a new one.
350 CHAPTER 13
8. Do you like (go) _________ out to eat and (let) _________
someone else do the cooking?
10. Before you leave the office tonight, would you mind (unplug) _________
the coffee pot, (turn off) _________ all the lights, and (lock)
_________ the door?
352 CHAPTER 13
1. be interested 6. be nervous
2. be worried 7. be excited
3. thank your friend 8. feel
4. apologize 9. plan
5. be afraid 10. be tired
7. I want you to know that I'm sorry. I don't know if you can ever forgive me ____
(cause) _________ you so much trouble.
10. The kids are responsible ____ (take) _________ out the garbage.
11. Monique lost her job. That's why she is afraid ____ (have, not) ________
_______ enough money to pay her rent.
B: Well, we haven't seen the new Museum of Space yet. There's also a new art exhibit
354 CHAPTER 13
13·6 Using By and With to Express How Something Is Do��- .. �-�-
(a) Pat turned off the TV by pushing the "off" button. By+ a gerund is used to express how something is
(b) Mary goes to work by bus. By or with followed by a noun is also used to express
(c) Andrea stirred her coffee with a spoon. how something is done.
by chance by mistake by check (but: in cash)
by choice by hand** by credit card
4. I took my temperature
6. Rebecca tightened the screw in the corner ofher eyeglasses _____ her fingernail.
9. Talya protected her eyes from the sun _____ her hand.
10. My grandmother makes tablecloths _____ hand.
356 CHAPTER 13
o Exercise 27. Warm-up. (Chart 13-7)
Read the passage and then agree or disagree with the statements.
A White Lie
Jane gave her friend Lisa a book for her birthday. When Lisa opened it, she tried to look
excited, but her husband had already given her the same book. Lisa had just finished reading it,
but she thanked Jane and said she was looking forward to reading it. Lisa told a "white lie."
White lies are minor or unimportant lies that a person often tells to avoid hurting someone
else's feelings.
1. Telling white lies is common. yes no
2. It is sometimes acceptable to tell a white lie. yes no
3. I sometimes tell white lies. yes no
(c) Coming to class on time is important. Notice: The verb (is) is singular because a gerund is singular.*
(d) It is important to come to class on time. In (b): It is used as the subject of the sentence. It has the same
meaning as the infinitive phrase at the end of the sentence: it
means to ride horses.
*It is also correct (but less common) to use an infinitive as the subject of a sentence: To ride horses is fun.
1 - -
358 CHAPTER 13
o Exercise 31. Looking at grammar. (Chart 13-8)
Complete the sentences with the given information. Use/or (someone) and an infinitive
phrase in each completion.
1. Students should do their homework.
It's really important for students to do their homework
4. A fish can't live out of water for more than a few minutes.
It's impossible ---------------------------
9. I usually can't understand Mr. Alvarez. He talks too fast. How about you?
Is it easy _____________________________ ?
Body Language
Different cultures use different body language. In some countries, when people meet one
another, they offer a strong handshake and look the other person straight in the eye. In other
countries, however, it is impolite to shake hands firmly, and it is equally rude to look a person in
the eye.
How close do people stand to another person when they are speaking to each other? This
varies from country to country. In the United States and Canada, people prefer standing just a
little less than an arm's length from someone. But many people in the Middle East and Latin
America like moving in closer during a conversation.
Smiling at another person is a universal, cross-cultural gesture. Although people may
smile more frequently in some countries than in others, people around the world understand
the meaning of a smile.
Part II. Complete the sentences with information about body language.
1. In some countries, it is important --------------------
360 1QHAPJER 13
� -
13·9 E�re�.sing P�rpose with In Order To and_For
-Why did you go to the post office? In order to expresses purpose. It answers
(a) I went to the post office because I wanted to mail a letter. the question "Why?"
(b) I went to the post office in order to mail a letter.
In (c): in order is frequently omitted. Examples
(c) I went to the post office to mail a letter.
(a), (b), and (c) have the same meaning.
(d) I went to the post office for some stamps. For is also used to express purpose, but it is
(e) I went to the post office to buy some stamps. a preposition and is followed by a noun
INCORRECT: I went to the post office for to buy some stamps. phrase, as in (d).
INCORRECT: I went to the post office for buying some stamps.
Column A ColumnB
1. I called the hotel desk _e_. a. keep their feet warm and dry
2. I turned on the radio b. reach the top shelf
3. Andy went to Egypt __ . c. listen to a ball game
4. People wear boots __ . d. find the population of Malaysia
5. I looked on the Internet ./ e. ask for an extra pillow
6. Ms.Lane stood on her tiptoes __ . f. chase a mean dog away
7. The dentist moved the light closer to my face __ . g. help her pay the rent
8. I clapped my hands and yelled __ . h. get some fresh air and exercise
9. Maria took a walk in the park __ . 1. see the ancient pyramids
10. My three brothers, two sisters, and parents all came to town ______ my
Car Sharing
In hundreds of cities around the world, people can use a car without actually owning one.
It's known as car sharing.
Car sharing works like this: people pay a fee to join a car-share organization. These
organizations have cars available in different parts of a city 24 hours a day. Members make
reservations for a car, and then go to one of several parking lots in the city to pick up the car.
They pay an hourly or daily rate for driving it. They may also pay a charge for every
mile/kilometer they drive. When they are finished, they return the car to a parking area for
someone else to use.
Car sharing works well for several reasons. Some people only need to drive occasionally.
Oftentimes, people only need a car for special occasions like moving items or taking long trips.
Many people don't want the costs or responsibilities of owning a car. The car-share
organization pays for gas, insurance, cleaning, and maintenance costs. Members also don't have
to wait in line or fill out forms in order to get a car. They know a variety of cars will be available
when they need one.
Car sharing also benefits the environment. People drive only when they need to, and fewer
cars on the road means less traffic and air pollution. As more and more cities become
interested in reducing traffic, car-share programs are becoming an effective alternative.
362 CHAPTER 13
Part II. Complete the sentences with information from Part I. Use gerunds or infinitives.
1. ___________ is helpful to people who don't own a car.
PARTNER B: No. It's too _________ for me to pick up. How about you?
PARTNER A: No, I'm not _________ enough to pick one up. What about the
too+ adjective+ (for someone) + infinitive Infinitives often follow expressions with too.
too heavy to lift. Too comes in front of an adjective. In the
(a) That box is
too heavy for me to lift. speaker's mind, the use of too implies a
(b) A piano is
too heavy for Bob to lift. negative result.
(c) That box is
enough+ noun + infinitive The box is too heavy. I can't lift it.
(d) I don't have enough money to buy that car. The box is very heavy, but I can lift it.
(e) Did you have enough time to finish the test?
*Enough can also follow a noun: I don't have money enough to buy that car. In everyday English, however, enough usually comes
in front of a noun.
2. weak/lift Most people are too weak to lift a refrigerator without help.
364 CHAPTER 13
o Exercise 41. Looking at grammar. (Chart 13-10)
Combine each pair of sentences.
Part I. Use too.
1. We can't go swimming today. It's very cold.
___. It's too cold (for us) to go swimming today.
2. I couldn't finish my homework last night. I was very sleepy.
3. Mike couldn't go to his aunt's housewarming party. He was very busy.
4. This jacket is very small. I can't wear it.
5. I live far from school. I can't walk there.
7. No matter how wonderful a trip is, it's always good (get) ________ back home
and (sleep) _______ in your own bed.
8. I keep (forget) _________ to call my friend Jae. I'd better write myself a
9. Exercise is good for you. Why don't you walk up the stairs instead of (use) ______
the elevator?
2. _________ others about themselves and their lives is one of the secrets of
_________ along with other people. If you want to make and
_________ friends, it is important _________ sincerely
interested in other people's lives.
3. Large bee colonies have 80,000 workers. These worker bees must visit 50 million flowers
_________ one kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of honey. It's easy
___________ why "busy as a bee" is a common expression.
Uncle Ernesto
Have you ever had an embarrassing experience? My Uncle Ernesto did a few years ago
while on a business trip in Norway.
Uncle Ernesto is a businessman from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He manufactures
equipment for ships and needs to travel around the world to sell his products. Last year, he
went to Norway to meet with a shipping company. While he was there, he found himself in an
uncomfortable situation.
Uncle Ernesto was staying at a small hotel in Oslo. One morning, as he was getting ready
to take a shower, he heard a knock at the door. He opened it, but no one was there. He
stepped into the hallway. He still didn't see anyone, so he turned to go back to his room.
Unfortunately, the door was locked. This was a big problem because he didn't have his key and
he was wearing only a towel.
366 CHAPTER 13
Instead of standing in the hallway like this, he decided to get help at the front desk and
started walking toward the elevator. He hoped it would be empty, but it wasn't. He took a deep
breath and got in. The other people in the elevator were surprised when they saw a man who
was wrapped in a towel.
Uncle Ernesto thought about trying to explain his problem, but unfortunately he didn't
know Norwegian. He knew a little English, so he said, "Door. Locked. No key."
A businessman in the elevator nodded, but he wasn't smiling. Another man looked at
Uncle Ernesto and smiled broadly.
The elevator seemed to move very slowly for Uncle Ernesto, but it finally reached the
ground floor. He walked straight to the front desk and looked at the hotel manager helplessly.
The hotel manager didn't have to understand any language to figure out the problem. He
grabbed a key and led my uncle to the nearest elevator.
My uncle is still embarrassed about this incident. But he laughs a lot when he tells the story.
Part II. Check (.!) all the sentences that are grammatically correct.
1. a. __ Uncle Ernesto went to Norway for a business meeting.
b. __ Uncle Ernesto went to Norway to have a business meeting.
c. __ Uncle Ernesto went to Norway for having a business meeting.
5. a. __ It wasn't difficult for the hotel manager fi guring out the problem.
b. __ It wasn't difficult for the hotel manager figure out the problem.
c. __ It wasn't difficult for the hotel manager to figure out the problem.
13. Instead of settle down in one place, I'd like to travel around the world.
368 CHAPTER 13
14. I enjoy to travel because you learn so much about other countries and cultures.
,. i -
(d) I know where my book is. A noun clause can begin with a question word. (See Chart 14-2.)
(noun clause)
(e) I don't know if Ed is married. A noun clause can begin with ifor whether. (See Chart 14-3.)
(noun clause)
( f ) I know that the world is round. A noun clause can begin with that. (See Chart 14-4.)
(noun clause)
*A phrase is a group of related words. It does NOT contain a subject and a verb.
A clause is a group of related words. It contains a subject and a verb.
o Exercise 3. Warm-up: pairwork. (Chart 14-2)
Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Make true statements.
1. PARTNER A: Where do I live?
PARTNER B: I know I don't know where you live.
2. PARTNER B: Where does our teacher live?
PARTNER A: I know I don't know where our teacher lives.
*A question mark is used at the end of this sentence because Do you know asks a question.
Example: Do you know when ihey left?
Do you know asks a question; when they lefi is a noun clause.
Noun Clauses 3 71
0 Exercise 4. Looking at grammar. (Charts 5-2 and 14-2)
Decide if the given words are a noun clause or an information question. If a noun clause, add
I don't know. If an information question, add a capital letter and a question mark.
372 CHAPTER 14
7. A: When was the first wheel invented?
B: I don't know. Do you know _____________________ ?
3. A: What is a lizard?
B: I don't know----------------------- �-
374 CHAPTER 14
5. Why are all the lights on?
6. There's water all over the floor. What happened?
7. What did the plumber say about the broken pipe?
8. What is the repair going to cost?
6. A: Ann was out late last night, wasn't she? When (she, get) _________ in?
B: Why do you want to know when (she, get) _________ home?
A: Just curious.
(d) I don't know if Eric is at home or not When if introduces a noun clause, the expression or not
sometimes comes at the end of the clause, as in (d) ..
(e) I don't know whether Eric is at home (or not). In (e): whether has the same meaning as if.
*See Chart 14-10 for the use of if with ask in reported speech.
376 CHAPTER 14
o Exercise 12. Looking at grammar. (Chart 14-3)
Complete the noun clause in each conversation. Use if to introduce the noun clause.
1. A: Are you tired?
B: Why do you want to know if I am tired?
A: You look tired. I'm worried about you.
Noun Clauses 37 7
o Exercise 13. Let's talk: interview. (Charts 14-2 and 14-3)
Interview your classmates. Begin your questions with Do you know. Try to find people who
can answer your questions.
1. What does it cost to fly from London to Paris?
2. When was this building built?
3. How far is it from Vancouver, Canada, to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia?
4. Is Australia the smallest continent?
5. How many eyes does a bat have?
6. What is one of the longest words in English?
7. Does a chimpanzee have a good memory?
8 .. How old is the Great Wall of China?
9. Do all birds fly?
10. Did birds come from dinosaurs?
378 CHAPTER 14
14·4 Noun Clauses That Begin with That
S V O A noun clause can be introduced by the word that.
n r---i
(a) I think that Mr. Jones is a good teacher. In (a): that Mr. Jones is a good teacher is a noun clause.
(b) I hope that you can come to the game. It is the object of the verb think.
(c) Mary realizes that she should study harder. That-clauses are frequently used as the objects of verbs
(d) I dreamed that I was on the top of a mountain. that express mental activity.
(e) I think that Mr. Jones is a good teacher. The word that is often omitted, especially in speaking.
(f) I think 0 Mr. Jones is a good teacher. Examples (e) and (f) have the same meaning.
4. Did you notice Yusef wasn't in class yesterday? I hope he's okay.
5. I trust Linda. I believe what she said. I believe she told the truth.
14·5 Other Uses of That-Clauses
(a) I'm sure that the bus stops here. That-clauses can follow certain expressions with
(b) I'm glad that you're feeling better today. be + adjective or be + past participle.
(c) I'm so rry that I missed class yesterday.
The word that can be omitted with no change in meaning:
(d) I was disappointed that you couldn't come.
I'm sure 0 the bus stops here.
(e) It is true that the world is round. Two common expressions followed by that-clauses are:
( f ) /tis a fact that the world is round. It is true ( that) ....
It is a fact ( that) ....
*See Appendix Chart A-5 for more expressions that can be followed by that-clauses . .
B: So do I. I'm surprised Andrea didn't get the job. I think she is more qualified.
4. A: Are you aware you have to pass the English test to get into the university?
380 CHAPTER 14
5. Are you surprised dinosaurs lived on earth for one hundred and twenty-five million
(125,000,000) years?
6. Is it true human beings have lived on earth for only four million (4,000,000) years?
Part II.Complete the sentences with words from the list. Use noun clauses. Discuss your
sentences with other students.
1. I believe/think ____________ is useful for ___________
2. I am certain -----------------------------
2. A: Is Ben marryingTara?
B: I hope not.
a. Speaker B says Ben is not going to marry Tara.
b. Speaker B doesn't know if Ben is going to marry Tara.
c. Speaker B doesn't want Ben to marry Tara.
(e) A: Did you fail the test? Negative usage of hope in conversational responses:
B: I hope not. hope not.
In (e): I hope not= I hope I didn't fail the test.
INCORRECT: I don't hope so.
(f) A: Do you want to come with us? Other common conversational responses:
B: Oh, I don't know. I guess so. I guess so. I guess not.
I suppose so. I suppose not.
NOTE: In spoken English, suppose often sounds like
382 CHAPTER 14
2. A: Are we going to have a grammar test tomorrow?
B: I don't believe so.
3. A: Will Margo be at the conference in March?
B: I hope so.
4. A: Can horses swim?
B: I believe so.
5. A: Do gorillas have tails?
B: I don't think so.
6. A: Will Janet be at Omar's wedding?
B: I suppose so.
7. A: Will your flight be canceled because of the storms?
B: I hope not.
(d) Mike said, "Yes, I agree. They're graceful and When there are two (or more) sentences in a
playful. Do you have a cat?" quotation, put the quotation marks at the beginning
(e) INCORRECT: Mike said, "Yes, I agree." "They're and end of the whole quote, as in (d).
graceful and playful." "Do you have a cat?" Do NOT put quotation marks around each sentence.
As with a period, put the quotation marks after a
question mark at the end of a quote.
(f) "Cats are fun to watch," Jane said. In (f): Notice that a comma (not a period) is used at
(g) "Do you have a cat?" Mike asked. the end of the QUOTED SENTENCE because Jane said
comes after the quote.
In (g): Notice that a question mark (not a comma) is
used at the end of the QUOTED QUESTION.
*Other common verbs besides say that introduce questions: admi1, announce, answer, ask, complain, explain, inquire, repon, reply, show,
siaze, wrile.
**Quotation marks are called "inverted commas" in British English.
6. }OHN F. KE1'1NEDY: Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for
your country.
384 CHAPTER 14
o Exercise 27. looking at grammar. (Chart 14-7)
A teacher recently had a conversation with Roberto. Practice punctuating their quoted speech.
(TEACHER) You know sign language, don't you I asked Roberto.
(ROBERTO) Yes, I do he replied both my grandparents are deaf.
(TEACHER) I'm looking for someone who knows sign language. A deaf student is
going to visit our class next Monday I said. Could you interpret for her I
(ROBERTO) I'd be happy to he answered. Is she going to be a new student?
(TEACHER) Possibly I said. She's interested in seeing what we do in our English
He felt unloved by everyone, and he decided to run away from the farm. He asked other
animals on the way, "Do you know of any ducklings that look like me?" But they just laughed
and said, "You are the ugliest duck we have ever seen." One day, the duckling looked up and
saw a group of beautiful birds overhead. They were white, with long slender necks and large
wings. The duckling thought, "I want to look just like them."
He wandered alone most of the winter and finally found a comfortable bed of reeds in a
pond. He thought to himself, "No one wants me. I'll just hide here for the rest of my life."
There was plenty of food there, and although he was lonely, he felt a little happier.
By springtime, the duck was quite large. One morning, he saw his reflection in the water.
He didn't even recognize himself. A group of swans coming back from the south saw him and
flew down to the pond. "Where have you been?" they asked. "You're a swan like us." As they
began to swim across the pond, a child saw them and said, "Look at the youngest swan. He's
the most beautiful of all." The swan beamed with happiness, and he lived happily ever after.
Part II. Work in small groups and answer this question: What lessons does this story teach?
Part III. Write a story that includes quoted speech. Choose one of these topics:
Kathy and Mark said that we I they didn't like our I their new apartment.
386 CHAPTER 14
14· 8 Quoted Spee�h vs. Reported Speech
QUOTED SPEECH auoTED SPEECH = giving a speaker's exact words. Quotation marks
(a) Ann said, "I'm hungry." are used.*
REPORTED SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH = giving the idea of a speaker's words. Not all of the
(c) Ann said (that) she was hungry. exact words are used; pronouns and verb forms may change.
Quotation marks are NOT used.*
(d) Tom said (that) he needed his pen.
That is optional; it is more common in writing than in speaking.
*Quoted speech is also called direci speech. Reported speech is also called indirect speech.
4. Rick said to us, "I'll meet you at your house after I finish my work at my house."
--+ Rick said that ______ would meet ______ at ______ house
after ______ finished ______ work at ______ house.
(a) QUOTED: Joe said, "I fee/good." In formal English, if the reporting verb (e.g., said) is in
(b) REPORTED: Joe said (that) he felt good. the past, the verb in the noun clause is often also in a
(c) QUOTED: Ken said, "I am happy." past form, as in (b) and (d).
(d) REPORTED: Ken said (that) he was happy.
-Ann said, "I am hungry." In informal English, often the verb in the noun clause
(e) -What did Ann just say? I didn't hear her. is not changed to a past form, especially when words
- She said (that) she is hungry. are reported soon after they are said, as in (e).
(f ) -What did Ann say when she got home last night? In later reporting, however, or in formal English, a
- She said (that) she was hungry. past verb is commonly used, as in (f).
(g) Ann says (that) she is hungry. If the reporting verb is present tense (e.g., says), no
change is made in the noun clause verb.
388 CHAPTER 14
o Exercise 33. Looking at grammar. (Charts 14-8 and 14-9)
Change the quoted speech to reported speech. Change the verb in quoted speech to a past
form in reported speech if possible.
1. Jim said, "I'm sleepy."
---+ Jim said (that) he was sleepy.
(d) QUOTED: Ken asked me, "Are you tired?" Asked is used to report questions.
REPORTED: Ken asked (me) if I was tired.
(e) Ken wanted to know if I was tired. Questions are also reported by using want to know,
Ken wondered if I was tired. wonder, and inquire.
Ken inquired whether or not I was tired.
( f ) QUOTED: I said (to Kay), "I am not tired." The verbs answer and reply are often used to report
REPORTED: I answered I replied that I wasn't tired. replies.
7. I had a short conversation with Alice yesterday. I ______ her that I would help
her move into her new apartment next week. She ______ that she would welcome
the help. She _____ me if I had a truck or knew anyone who had a truck. I
_____ her Dan had a truck. She she would call him.
8. My uncle in Toronto called and that he was organizing a surprise party for
my aunt's 60th birthday. He me if I could come to Toronto for the party.
I ______ him that I would be happy to come. I ______ when it was. He
______ it was the last weekend in August.
o Exercise 36. Let's talk: pairwork. (Charts 5-2, 14-2, 14-3, and 14-10)
Work with a partner. Write down five questions to ask your partner about his/her life or
opinions. Interview your partner and write down the answers. Then report to the class some
of the information you found out about your partner. Include both the question and the
response. Use either formal or informal verb forms.*
STUDENT A's question: Where were you born?
STUDENT B's response: In Nepal.
STUDENT A's report: I asked him where he was born. He said he was born in Nepal.
STUDENT B's question: Who do you admire most in the world?
STUDENT A's response: I admire my parents.
STUDENT B's report: I asked him who he admires most in the world. He said he admires his
parents the most.
*In everyday spoken English, native speakers sometimes change formal/later noun clause verbs to past forms, and sometimes
they don't. In an informal reporting situation such as in this exercise, either informal/immediate reporting or reporting tenses
are appropriate.
390 CHAPTER 14
o Exercise 37. Looking at grammar. (Charts 14-8 � 14-1 O)
Complete the paragraph based on what the people in the picture are saying. Use the form al
sequence of tenses.
Nothing. I'm
Whal are you going not hungry.
to have? I've already
One da y Katya and Pavel were at a restaurant. Katya picked up her me nu and looked at it.
Pavel left his menu on the ta ble. Katya asked Pa vel what he was r3oin@ to have . He said
------------------� an ythi n g because he
-----------· He ___________ already. Katya was
surprised. She asked him why ___________ He told her
1. In the middle of class yesterday, my friend tapped me o n the shoulder and asked me what I
was doing after class. I told her that I would tell her later.
2. When I w as putting on my coat, Robert asked me where I was going. I told him that I had
a da te with Anna. He wanted to know what we were goi ng to do. I told him that we were
going to a movie.
Listen to Roger's report of his phone conversation with Angela. Then listen again and write
the missing words.
Track 52
Angela called and _________ me where Bill ___________
392 CHAPTER 14
Sadly, in 2008, Randy Pausch died. Before his death he was able to put down his thoughts
in a book, appropriately called The Last Lecture.
Part II. Work in small groups. Make sure the members of your group understand each
quotation in Part I. Then, individually, choose one of the quotes to agree or disagree with.
Use some of these phrases and support your statement with reasons.
I agree I disagree that I think I don't think that
I believe I don't believe that It's true that
7. Is true that people are basically the same everywhere in the world.
10. Sam and I talked about his classes. He told that he don't like his algebra class.
11. A woman came into the room and ask me Where is your brother?
12. I felt very relieved when the doctor said, you will be fine. It's nothing serious.
.. -
A· 1 The Present Perfect vs. Th� Past Perfect _
------------ --------------·-----
--------------�----- -
Present Perfect (a) I am not hungry now. I have The PRESENT PERFECT expresses an
already eaten. activity that occurred before now, at an
3:; unspecified time in the past, as in (a).
Past Perfect (b) I was not hungry at 1 :00 P.M. The PAST PERFECT expresses an activity
I had already eaten. that occurred before another time in
the past.
p.; In (b): I ate at noon. I was not hungry
at 1 :00 P.M. because I had already
eaten before 1 :00 P.M.
Past Perfect (b) I had eaten when Bob came. The PAST PERFECT expresses an activity
that was completed before a particular
time in the past.
In (b): I finished eating at noon. Bob
came at 1:00 P.M. My meal was
completed before Bob came.
,, ,,
- ��
- - Still_vs. more_;__ ___ _______ _ _________ _ ___ ________ ___ __ _ _____ ___ ·� ___
(a) It was cold yesterday. It is still cold today. We still need to Still= A situation continues to exist from
wear coats. past to present without change. Still is
(b) The mail didn't come an hour ago. The mail still hasn't come. used in either affirmative or negative
Position: midsentence*
(c) I lived in Chicago two years ago, but then I moved to another Anymore = A past situation does not
city. I don't live in Chicago anymore. continue to exist at present; a past
situation has changed. Anymore has the
same meaning as any longer. Anymore is
used in negative sentences.
Position: end of sentence
conclude that guess that pretend that show that
demonstrate that imagine that recall that suspect that
fear that indicate that recognize that teach that
figure out that observe that regret that
find out that presume that reveal that
*See Chart 14-4, p. 379, for more information.
Scientists have concluded that dolphins can communicate with each other.
l i
B • 1 Phrasal Verbs
(a) We put off our trip. We'll go next month instead of this In (a): put off= a phrasal verb
month. (put off= postpone) A PHRASAL VERB = a verb and a particle that
(b) Jimmy, put on your coat before you go outdoors. together have a special meaning. For example,
(put on = place clothes on one's body) put off means "postpone."
(c) Someone left the scissors on the table. They didn't A PARTICLE = a "small word" (e.g., off, on, away,
belong there. I put them away. back) that is used in a phrasal verb.
(put away = put something in its usual or proper place) Notice that the phrasal verbs with put in (a), (b),
(d) After I used the dictionary, I put it back on the shelf. (c), and (d) all have different meanings.
(put back = return something to its original place)
Three-Word Phrasal Verbs Some two-word verbs (e.g., drop in) can become
three-word verbs (e.g., drop in on).
(m) Last night some friends dropped in. In (m): drop in is not followed by an object. It is
an intransitive phrasal verb (i.e., it is not followed
by an object).
( n ) Let's drop in on Alice this afternoon. In (n): drop in on is a three-word phrasal verb.
. Three-word phrasal verbs are transitive (they are
followed by objects).
B· 2 Phrasal Verbs: A Reference List
A ask out = ask (someone) to go on a date get over = recover from an illness or a shock
get together (with) = join, meet
blow out = extinguish (a match, a candle) get through (with) = finish
break down = stop functioning properly get up = get out of bed in the morning
break out = happen suddenly give away = donate, get rid of by giving
break up = separate, end a relationship give back = return (something) to (someone)
bring back = return give up = quit doing (something) or quit trying
bring up = (1) raise (children) go on = continue
(2) mention, start to talk about
go back (to) = return to a place
E eat out = eat outside of one's home L lay off = stop employment
leave on = (1) not turn off (a light, a machine)
F fall down = fall to the ground (2) not take off (clothing)
figure out = find the solution to a problem look into = investigate
fill in = complete by writing in a blank space look over = examine carefully
fill out = write information on a form look out (for) = be careful
fill up = fill completely with gas, water, coffee, look up = look for information in a dictionary,
etc. a telephone directory, an
find out (about) = discover information encyclopedia, etc.
fool around (with) = have fun while wasting
p pay back = return borrowed money to
G get on = enter a bus/an airplane/a train/a pick up = lift
subway point out = call attention to
get out of = leave a car, a taxi
( continued)
o EXERCISE 2. Looking at grammar. (Charts 8-1 and 8-2)
Check (/') the correct sentences. In some cases, both are correct.
1. __ I turned the light on.
__ I turned on the light.
NOTE: See the Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook appendix for more practice
exercises for phrasal verbs.
, · l · r · ·· ·
C· 1 Preposition Combina:tions:. Intr.oduction · .
� •1 _ .I ., . , ,, _ , ,
ADJ+ PREP At, from, of, on, and to are examples of prepositions.
(a) Ali is absent from class today. Prepositions are often combined with adjectives, as in (a), and verbs,
V + PREP as in (b).
(b) This book belongs to me.
' • •I ••
.C· 2
I '
. C·2 Prep9s�tion Combinations: A �efere�ce List (continued) . _
H be prepared for
happen to protect ( this) from ( that)
be happy about (something) be proud of
be happy for (someone) provide (someone) with
hear about I of (something) from (someone)
help (someone) with (something) Q
hide (something) from (someone) be qualified for
hope for
be hungry for R
read about
be ready for
insist on be related to
be interested in rely on
introduce (someone) to (someone) be resonsible for
invite (someone) to (something)
be involved in s
be sad about
K be satisfied with
be kind to be scared of I by
know about search for
separate (this) from (that)
L be similar to
laugh at speak to I with (someone) about (something)
leave for (a place) stare at
listen to subtact (this) from (that)
look at be sure of I about
look for
look forward to T
look like take care of
talk about ( something)
M talk to I with (someone) about (something)
be made of tell (someone) about (something)
be married to be terrified of I by
matter to thank (someone) for (something)
be the matter with think about I of
multiply (this) by (that) be thirsty for
be tired from
N be tired of
be nervous about translate from (one language) to (another)
be nice to
0 be used to
be opposed to
p wait for
pay for wait on
be patient with warn about I of
be pleased with I about wonder about
play with be worried about
point at
be polite to
prefer (this) to (that)
Exercise 6, p. 5.
Chapter 1: Present Time 1. Irene designs video games.
2. She is working on a new project.
Exercise 1, p. 1. 3. She is sitting in front of her computer.
SAM: Hi. My name is Sam. 4. She spends her weekends at the office.
USA: Hi. I'm Lisa. It's nice to meet you. 5. She's finishing plans for a new game.
SAM: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?
USA: I'm from Boston. How about you?
SAM: I'm from Quebec. So, how long have you been Exercise 9, p. 6.
USA: Just one day. I still have a little jet lag. A problem with the printer
SAM: Me too. I got in yesterday morning. So we need to 1. Does it need more paper?
ask each other about a hobby. What do you like to 2. Does it have enough ink?
do in your free time? 3. Are you fixing it yourself?
USA: I spend a lot of time outdoors. I love to hike. 4. Do you know how to fix it?
When I'm indoors, I like to surf the Internet. 5. Do we have another printer in the office?
SAM: Me too. I'm studying Italian right now. There are 6. Hmmm. Is it my imagination or is it making a
a lot of good websites for learning languages on the strange noise?
USA: I know. I found a good one for Japanese. I'm
trying to learn a little. Now, when I introduce you
to the group, I have to write your full name on the Exercise 21, p. 14.
board. What's your last name and how do you Natural disasters: a flood
spell it? 1. The weather causes some natural disasters.
SAM: It's Sanchez. S-A-N-C-H-E-Z. 2. Heavy rains sometimes create floods.
USA: My last name is Paterson - with one "t": 3. A big flood causes a lot of damage.
P-A-T-E-R-S-0-N. 4. In towns, floods can damage buildings, homes, and
SAM: It looks like our time is up. Thanks. It's been nice roads.
talking to you. 5. After a flood, a town needs a lot of financial help for
USA: I enjoyed it too. repairs.
Exercise 5, p. 4.
Lunch at the Fire Station Exercise 24, p. 15.
It's 12:30, and the firefighters are waiting for their next 1. talks 9. mixes
call. They are taking their lunch break. Ben, Rita, and 2. fishes 10. bows
Jada are sitting at a table in the fire station. Their co 3. hopes 11. studies
worker Bruno is making lunch for them. He is an 4. teaches 12. buys
excellent cook. He often makes lunch. He is fixing spicy 5. moves 13. enjoys
chicken and rice. Their captain isn't eating. He is doing 6. kisses 14. tries
paperwork. He skips lunch on busy days. He works in 7. pushes 15. carries
his office and finishes his paperwork. 8. waits
(J Exercise 33, p. 21.
Part I. Chapter 2: Past Time
At the doctor's office
Exercise 4, p. 27.
1. Do you becomes Dyou Do you have an
1. We studied ...
2. Mr.Green wrote a magazine article ...
2. Does he becomes Dze Does he have an
3. The sun sets ...
4. A substitute teacher taught ...
3. Does she becomes Duh-she Does she have an
5. Mr.Watson drove a sports car ...
4. Do we becomes Duh-we Do we have an
appoinnnent? Exercise 5, p. 28.
5. Dothey becomes Duh-they Dothey have an
Part I.
1. I was in a hurry. I wasn't in a hurry.
6. Ami becomes Mi Am I late for my
2. They were on time. They weren't on time.
3. He was at the doctor's. He wasn't at the doctor's.
7. Is it becomes Zit Is it time for my
4. We were early. We weren't early.
8. Does it becomes Zit Does it hurt? Part II.
Part II. At a wedding
1. Do you have pain anywhere? 1. The bride wasn't nervous before the ceremony.
2. Does it hurt anywhere else? 2. The groom was nervous before the ceremony.
3. Does she have a cough or sore throat? 3. His parents weren't nervous about the wedding.
4. Does he have a fever? 4. The bride and groom were excited about their
5. Does she need lab tests? wedding.
6. Am I very sick? 5. The ceremony was in the evening.
7. Is it serious? • 6. The wedding reception wasn't after the wedding.
8. Does he need to make another appointment? 7. It was the next day.
9. Do they want to wait in the waiting room? 8. It was at a popular hotel.
10. Do we pay now or later? 9. A lot of guests were there.
10. Some relatives from out of town weren't there.