Bub 2017003

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Republic of the Philippines Province of Hoilo Municipality of Calinog OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MAYOR December 7, 2015 ATTY. ANTHONY NUYDA Regional Director Department of Interior and Local Government Region VI Dear Director Nuyda, Greetings! We are submitting herewith pertinent documents relative to the implementation of the Grassroots Budgeting for the FY 2017 budget preparation. Attached are the following: 1. List of Validated Priority Projects with all pages signed by the three (3) CSO representatives identified 2. Project Brief for each proposed project 'hope you find everything complete and in order. Very truly yours, ALEX A. CENTENA, PI Municipal Mi ANNEX C Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan - List of Priority Projects Template for FY 2017 Giy7 Municipality CALINOG Mayor ‘ALEXA CENTENA Poverty Reduction Strategy Bottom-up Budgeting Programs & Projects ‘Objectives 19 reduce poverty in the municipalty of Calinog ‘A. LIST OF PRIORITY POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECTS WITHIN BOTTOM-UP BUDGETING (BuB) MENU OF PROGRAMS shor mums caor Inci — fror7-16-002 Sea 2,800,000) 2,800,000.00 - Jinotusan Pea. : ; 2}schoot uBranies Joeped 2017-02-04 {2 unit schoo! ibrary Buildings 2,600,000.00] _2,600,000.00 entro, catinog) 7 faicon ( Ftementary a}racutty Room Depes f20%7-02.003 {2 unit Facuty Room Buildings eee 2,600,000.00) _2,600,000.00 schoot (ray carangan, catinog) procure MENT oF speciaLzeD og en, ous ano maTeRias FoR |oepts f2o17.02.011 2,000,000.00 | 2,000,000.00 SHS WORKSHOPS AND LABORATORIES. lanes Page 1 of 3 JCONCRETING OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD Jwarangay Cahi S]WITH CANAL & RIPRAP(CAHIGON Joswo [2017-07-006 [Concrete Roadswith Canal Riprap — /PSANBAY Fanieon 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 | SUPANGA) ee |CONCRETING OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD. [barangay ncrete Roads with Canal & Ripray a 000,000.00 CAVIMMCANAL-RPRAR(TABUcAN axnu) [°S®O 2017-07-006 concrete Roadswith Canal & Riprap [PSION 000,000.00 3,000,000.01 HIGH VAUE CROPS PROGRAM ~BANANA 2 Units Village Type Banana Processing [Barangay San ate mean raiice vr) Jon faorzore29 iy ree 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 —s lesTABLISHIMENT OF HOME CARE SERVICES &| JFACILITYFOR ELDERLY (Protective Services — Pot. rizat tau, esac Joswo |2017-07-008 Home CARE FACILITY eaters 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 fo rare TOTAL AMOUNT '22,000,000.00 — 22,000,000.00 ——2,600,000.00 B. OUTSIDE THE MENU PROPOSALS (ON TOTAL AMOUNT Page 2 of 3 C. LIST OF PRIORITY POVERTY REDUCTION PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED BY LGU COUNTERPART FOR BOTTOM-UP BUDGETING (BuB) 4] isu na 2| Leu) nla 3 Leu) na z isu n/a TOTAL AMOUNT C Submitted by: es ‘Signature Above Name City / Municipal Mayor CSO Endorsement Pantawid Pamilya Parent Leader ¢ a JIMMY, an ‘Signature Above Name Basic Sector Organization (Note: Every page must be signed by the LCE and the 3 CSO Representatives) Page 3 of 3 municipality with indigenous cultural communi Masaroy and Garangan area has an oy applications, ANNEX D ‘PROJECT BRIEF TEMPLATE FOR PROPOSED BOTTOM-UP BUDGETING (BUB) PROJECTS |. BASIC INFORMATION T RAMEOBEROIECT LOTTITUNG CADT =| CITY OR MUNICIPALITY CALNOG PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL N. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES GOVERNMENT AGENCY National Commission on indigenous People QuECTVES Secutty of Tenure fo IP Community TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS en LOCATION OF PROJECT {identify barangay/s and/or siio/s)_| Bray. Cahigon. Binolusan Pequeno TARGET BENEFICIARIES (Indicate number and sector it SE Panay Bukidnon Tribe BUDGET: | Requested from National Govemment 2,800.000.00 LGU Count 0.00 Total P 2800,000.00 Panay-Bukidnon is an indigenous Visayan group of people who reside in the Capiz-Lambunao mountainous area of Panay in the Westem Visayas. Calinog is one of the ity located in the 13 mountain barangays. One of the concem of this Panay bukidnon is there securlly of tenure.Porttion of Agcalaga, proved CADT the rest of the area have CADT To fast tract the completion of the required documents it needs a budgetary allocation. Ml. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be vunderlaken) Activities includes the following: 1. Community Meeting/Assembly 2. Ground delineation and Validation 3. ADSDPP Formulation 4. Titing IV. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET i TRILLA CSO Member Noted EN x floss TOMULTO ol PDC ANNEX D. PROJE ri ML BASIC INFORMATION ‘CONCRETING OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD NAMB CR ROIECT | WITH CANAL 8 RIPRAP(CAHIGON SUPANGA) CITY OR MUNICIPALITY MGS PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY Depariment of Social Welfare and Development Office OBJECTIVES TO INCREASE FARM YIELD TO INCREASE INCOME CONVINIENT TRANSPORTATION TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS | Concrete Roads with Canal & Riprap LOCATION OF PROJECT (Identify barangay/s and/or sitio/s) Barangay Cahigon to Supanga TARGET BENEFICIARIES (indicate number and sector if applicable) - IP Community (Panay Bukidnon) BUDGET: Requested from National Govemment m Total P 5,000,000.00 P 5,000,000.00 VII. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Barangay Cahigon - Supanga road is traversed daily not only by single motorcycles carrying students and workers but also farmers. Because no jeepneys ‘oF mini buses ply this route, the poor farmers have to carry on their backs sacks of fice, bales of bananas or other farm produce until Barangay Toyungan in order to sell them in exchange for basic needs. During the rainy season, the road especially in the mountain barangays is not Passable; hence the farmers cannot sell their produce in the market. Their families would starve and the children will not be able to go to school. The objectives are to increase farm yield and at the same time increase household income. Vill, PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) The scope of work will include ground preparation, Portland cement concrete Pavement and line ditch canal and riprap. tem 100 - Clearing and Grubbing tem 104 - Roadway and Drainage Excavation tem 201 - Aggregate Base Course Item 500. - Pipe Culvert & Stone Drainage ltem311_- PCCP (Critical portion only) ~ Half Lane Only splol- Line Ditch Canal 1X. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM MOOE co TOTAL BUDGET Prep LO AMACA Member Noted enople NOLITO TOMULTO oi@mPpc ANNEX D PROJECT BRIEF TEMPLATE FOR PROPOSED BOTIOM-UP BUDGETING (BuB) PROJECTS Il. BASIC INFORMATION NAME OF PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR SHS WORKSHOPS AND LASORATORIES. CITY OR MUNICIPALITY CAUINOG PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY Department of Education OBJECTIVES This project is intended for LGUs with SHS sites offering academic, TVL arts and design and sports tracks. It aims to improve | education outcomes particularly on | improving the functional knowledge of students across a range of leaming areas {and technical skils. Further, it also provides emphasis on enhancing higher-level thinking skils among students. TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS Senior High school Laboratory Equipment for Malitbog National High School and | Calinog National Comprehensive High | Schools LOCATION OF PROJECT | (Identity barangay/s and/or sitio/s) Malitbog Centro, Calinog & Simsiman, Calineg TARGET BENEFICIARIES | (Indicate number and sector if Senior High School Students of MNHS & applicable) CNCHS BUDGET: | Requested from National Government P 2,000,000.00 LGU Count 0.00 Total 2,000,000.00 IV. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES The Senior High Schoo! will start these coming school year 2016-17, the Malitbog National High School and Calinog National Comprehensive High School are the 2 identified Schools to cater the Senior High School in the municipality of Calinog. As of now these 2 schools lacks laboratory equipment and instruments for the specialization of Senior High ‘School students. So, To ensure that the SH students are equip with technical knowledge and skils. These laboratory equioments is needed. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) The Laboratory equipment will include: ‘Malitbog National High Schoo! Welding Machine Oxygen - Acetylene Cutting Outfit Set Air Compressor Machine-Pipe Threader Mechanical Vise Caliper Measuring Tools And Other reialed equipmeni/insirumen! ONE MReEDE Calinog National Comprehensive High Schoo! 1. Computer Units and Instruments 2. Tools for Troubleshooting 3. instructional Maferials, such as projector VI. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET Prepared by: A TARO CAS Principal Noted ENGR. feb TOMULTO: oie Mfc CT |. BASIC INFORMATION OTT ANNEX D_ NAME OF PROJECT FACULTY ROOM. CITY OR MUNICIPALITY CALINOG | PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL (Identify borangay/s and/or sitio/s) | GOVERNMENT AGENCY Department of Education OBJECTIVES | To establish a facully room for meetings and other faculty related activities. TARGETERISICAL OUTPUTS 2 Unit Faculty Room Buildings |tocanon oF pRovecr Jaicon Elementary School (Bray. Libo, Calinog) Intap-an Elementary Schoo! (Bray. Garangan, Calinog) TARGET BENEFICIARIES (indicate number and sector it Teachers/Faculty of Jaicon and intapian | applicable) Elementary Schools BUDGET: Requested from National Govemment P 2,600,000.00 0.00 | Total P 2,600,000.00 | |. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Provide working place for the faculty/ Nl. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, undertaken) teachers with privacy and safekeeping. | Including activities that will be The building will be multi-purpose. Aside from being used as faculty room, if can be used by the school head and teachers an id conference room. The building will also Provide working space, tables and cabinets for the school head and teachers. They can keep their records, reports and other documents Ml, PROPOSED BUDGET for fast retrieval when needed, BUDGET ITEM MOOE co TOTAL BUDGET Prey by: (0 AMACA Member Noted ENGR, JOLITO TOMULTO. oc Appc ANNEX D_ PR REF TE BOTT UDGETI Ml, BASIC INFORMATION i) PROCUREMENT OF SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR SHS WORKSHOPS AND LABORATORIES CAUNOG NAME OF PROJECT CITY OR MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL | GOVERNMENT AGENCY Department of Education This project is intended for LGUs with SHS__| sites offering academic, TVL, arts and design and sports tracks. It aims to improve education outcomes particularly on | CoeCINES improving the functional knowledge of students across a range of leaning areas ‘and technical skis. Further, it also provides emphasis on enhancing higher-level thinking skils among students. Senior High schoo! Laboratory Equipment | TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS for Malitbog National High School and Calinog National Comprehensive High Schools LOCATION OF PROJECT : : Malitbog Centro, Calinog & | entity borangay/s and/or stio/s) | Mento | TARGET BENEFICIARIES | (Indicate number and sector it Senior High School Students of MNHS & | applicable) CNCHS BUDGET: Requested from National Government 2,000,000.00 | LGU. Counterpart 0.00 Total 2,000,000.00 IV. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES The Senior High School will start these coming school year 2016-17, the Malitbog National High School and Calinog National Comprehensive High School are the 2 identified Schools to cater the Senior High School in the municipality of Calinog. As of now these 2 Schoo's lacks laboratory equipment and instruments for the specialization of Senior High School students, So, To ensure that the SH students are equip with technical knowledge and skis. These laboratory equipments is needed. \V._ PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) The Laboratory equipment will include: ‘Malltbog National High School Welding Machine Oxygen - Acetylene Cutting Outfit Set Ait Compressor Machine-Pipe Threader Mechanical Vise Caliper Measuring Tools And Olher related equipmeni/insirument ONO DRONE Calinog National Comprehensive High Schoo! 1. Computer Units and instruments 2. To's for Troubleshooting 3. Instructional Materials, such as projector VI. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM MOOE TOTAL BUDGET Prepared by: ANI “ARO CICS Principal Noted ENGI « fohrouno TOMULTO OIC MPDC ANNEX D PRI IEF ROP. RC |. BASIC INFORMATION NAME OF PROJECT SCHOOMaRARY CITY OR MUNICIPALITY ene PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY Department of Education ‘OBJECTIVES To establish a convenient library for | elementary student TARE aiesatt OUTPUTS 2 Unit School Library Building Guiso Elementary Schoo! (Bray. Guiso, LOCATION OF PROJECT Calinog) ere aenene ors Coelion S013) WG ree emetic (rots Cento) Calinog) TARGET BENEFICIARIES (indicate number and sector if Pupils of Guiso Elementary School & applicable) Calinog Central School | BUDGET: | Requested trom National Government P 2,600,000.00 = =9,00 | Total 2,600,000.00 | I, PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES The Department of Education aimed to provide quality education among Filipinos to prepare them to become globally competitive individuals, ‘Guiso Elementary School and Calinog Central Schoo! in the District of Calinog | is two of the center of Academic and Non-Academic activities in district. To deliver quality services, it is deemed wise to provide safe and conducive leaming place to their populace. This schools needs to have its own school library for the reason that one of the Classroom of Guiso Elementary School is use as Library at the same time a classroom and in the part of Calinog Elementary School, their School Library is not safe for teachers and pupils because of the old and condemn library. IF this problem of two schools will be addressed, the quality of education and teaming will increased for the reason that they have @ convenient and safe schoo! lisrary building. Ml. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) 2 School Library Buildings with amenities that will cater the entire pupils of Guiso Elementary School and Calinog Central School, Actual visitation will be conducted by DepEd Engineers/employees to assess the ‘rea and validate the needs. IV. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET Prepared by: HanelBemtGors CSO Member Noted igh NOUTO TOMULTO MPDC IEF ED IV. BASIC INFORMATION ANNEX D_ NAME OF PROJECT CITY OR MUNICIPALITY CONCRETING OF FARM TO MARKET ROAD WITH CANAL & RIPRAP(TABUCAN-BADU) CALINOG. PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL Department of Social Welfare and (Identify barangay/s and/or Sitio/s) GOVERNMENT AGENCY eae = TOINGREASE FARM YIELD ORECTIVES - _ TOINCREASE INCOME = __ CONVINIENT TRANSPORTATION Tee SesuoleUTs Concrete Roads with Canal & Riprap | LOCATION OF PROJECT Barangay Tabucan to Badu TARGET BENEFICIARIES (indicate number and sector if applicable) People in Barangay Tabucan, Ipil, Lonoy, Aglibacao, Badu & Toyungan BUDGET: Requested from National Goverment LGU.Count Total P-3,000,000.00 0.00 P 3,000,000.00 X. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Barangay Tabucan-Badu road is traversed dally not only by single motorcycles carrying students and workers but also farmers. During the rainy season, the road especially in the mountain barangays fs almost Rot passable, hence the farmers cannot sell the produce in the market. Their families would starve and the children will not be able fo go fo school. The objectives are to increase farm yield and at the same time increase household income. XI. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) The scope of work will Include ground preparation , Portiand cement concrete Pavement (half lane) and line ditch canal. tem 100. - Clearing and Grubbing Item 104 - Roadway and Drainage Excavation Hem 201 - Aggregate Base Course tem 500. - Pipe Culvert & Stone Drainage Hem 311 - PCCP (Critical portion only) - Half Lane Only sPLOL Line Ditch Canal Xil. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET AMACA, E Member Noted anor Betiowro TOMULTO PDC ANNEX D SED BOI 1D V. BASIC INFORMATION NAME OF PROJECT HIGH VAUE CROPS PROGRAM — BANANA. PROCESSING PLANT (VILLAGE TYPE) CITY OR MUNICIPALITY CAUNOG PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OBJECTIVES TO PROMOTE BANANA & CREATE ADDITIONAL LIVELIHOOD INCOME OF THE CSOs & POs of the Municipality { TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS 2 Units Vilage Type Banana Processing LOCATION OF PROJECT ar (Identify barangay/s and/or Sitio/s) | Barangay San Nicolas | TARGET BENEFICIARIES | ee tee ndsectnk Farmers Associations & Cooperatives BUDGET: Requested from National Govemment P 2,000,000.00 LGU Counterpart 200,000.00 Total P 2,200,000.00 | XIILLPROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES XIV. Calinog is an agricultural municipality primary products are rice, banana, com, coffee, sugar cane and others. One of the formers is where to market or to sale there products specifically the banana in which it a perishable crops. Likewise, there is no processing plant for such crops. By establishing this processing plant, farmers has the option fo sell their Products and even encourage them to plant more bananas as there additional livelinood income. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project, including activities that will be undertaken) The expected products of these processing plant area ketchup, Banana chips, Pinasugbo & Banana Jam. ‘XV. PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET Noted ener fbetiouro TOMULTO OIC MPDC JECT BRIEF Tt VI. BASIC INFORMATION ANNEX D_ PRI ESTABLISHMENT OF HOME GARE SERVICES & RANE OL ECE) FACILITYFOR ELDERLY (Protective Services — Programs and Services) CITY OR MUNICIPALITY ne PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE & GOVERNMENT AGENCY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES | To cater Senior Citizens that are indigent. TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS | HOME CARE FACIUTY LOCATION OF PROJECT (Identify barangay/s and/or Sitio/s) Pob. Rizal llaud TARGET BENEFICIARIES (indicate number and sector if applicable) Indigent Elderly BUDGET: P 2,000,000.00 P 2,000,000.00 XVI. PROJECT RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Health is Wealth, one of the flag ship program of priority programs of both lecal and national government is to take care the vulnerable sector of the society. These are the people that belong to the poor families considered as indigent people. The municipality of Calinog has plenty of the indigent that need medical and financial assistance. With this program, the ESTABLISHMENT OF HOME CARE SERVICES & FACILITY FOR ELDERLY, the indigent elderlies are assured for their health and medical assistance aside from the assistance from the Local Government and other financial institutions. XVII. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Explain the project. including activities that will be undertaken) XVIII PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL BUDGET Noted ence sbthouro TOMULTO ic Mepc Republic of the Philippines Province of lloilo MUNICIPALITY OF CALINOG LOCAL POVERTY REDUCTION ACTION TEAM MINUTES OF LOCAL POVERTY REDUCTION ACTION TEAM MEETING HELD IN LIGA HALL, CALINOG. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, CALINOG, ILOILO ON NOVEMBER 24, 2015 AT 9:00 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Attendance Attendance is attached hereto. The Local Poverty Reduction Action Planning (LPRAT) Workshop begun at exactly 9:30 in the moming with Hon. Rene Hurtada, Vice Mayor/ Acting Municipal Mayor presiding. A Roll Call by Engr. Jose Nolito Tomulto, Secretariat/OIC MPDC ‘Mrs. Mary Jean Fantonalgo, MLGOO present JMC 7 and site some of the important part in JMC 7 regarding the prioritization of BUB 2017. She also added that the LPRAT member should prioritize projects that have a big impact in the municipality and also at the same fime a poverty reduction programs/project. In this workshop/prioritization the LPRAT members must not only identified BUB 2017 {amounting to 22 milion pesos) but also they have to identify the initial/dratt list of BUB 2018 and 2019. After Mrs. Fantonalgo, Engr. Tomulto present the Menu of Programs and Projects Per agency that the LPRAT members basis for their proposed program and projects. The following is the agreed list of program/projects for BUB 2017 by the LPRAT with corresponding amount of Grant and LCC. Ttormune J NCP] — iy cADT | cahigon, Cant iste Binornan | 2200000 | 290000000 Poa, 7] SHOOT Dapea | Tans | -Z0ni School | — Gui ilpeartes Gergoles | ° Ubeary | Gemontary uling | school (tay. | Gut, | Cains) | Caines | | Conta | School (Fob. | || Cento, | Cainog} 2,400,000.00 | 2.600,000.00 A A 3] FACULTY Doped] Banio Taieon ROOM mace Bemeniary ‘schoo (8. 2UnitFocuty | Ubet: catinog) shades | tnpian | 240000000 | 260000000 | - Bemontary School (roy. Gorongon, Cainoa) 7 | PROCUREMENT |~Depéd | —Angelico | Seniorhigh ‘OF SPECIALIZED ‘Coseres | schoo! EQUIPMENT, peice areas FoR Exieregiied||Notboo a Mailtog | Cento, worKsHors Nationaltigh | Calinog & | 2000.00.00 | 2.000.00000 | - AND, Schootand | Simsiman, LABORATORIES Cainog | Cainog Notional ‘Comprehensiv High School TE] CONCREING | _OSWO | Danilo OF FARM TO amaca | Concrete | aorange MARKET ROAD Roodswith | scpucanto | ao00nm000 | a0on0r000 | - WITH CANAL Canal & er RIPRAPICARIG ten a ON- SUPANGAL SP-CONCREING | DSWD | Danioama | concrete ‘OF FARM IO a oadswity | Barangay MARKET ROAD adewilt | Tabucanto | 3100000000 | 300000000] - Witt CANAL Badu RPRAPITABUC pre ANBADU) 7 | HIGH VAUE DA | Toerecia ‘CROPS arene | 2Usis Vilage PROGRAM Type Banana | Barangay San EASA eee len 2.000,000.00 | 2.000,000.00 | 200,000.00 PROCESSING Pent PLANT (NIMLAGE TYPE) @ ] ESTABLSHMENT | —DSWO | — Forfa OF HOME Bautista ‘CARE SERVICES ob. Ria! RESTOR HOMECARE | aud. | 200000000 | 2000,00000} ELDERLY racury | hus (Protective 8. Services ~ Programs ond Semees) of mae 00, 500°00 Tora | aawon60e | Pa n00;0005 | 2.z00;00000 @ o For BUB 2018: National High ‘Schooland ‘Calinog National ‘Comprehensiv High Schools 2 Drainage ‘sWO | ~Angeico Canal Caseres Simsiman, ‘Canog, | 0000000 | s00.000.00 : 3 Concietng of |~D3WD ) Dario | — Concrete FMR (Supanga ‘Amaca | Roads with | supanga to 10 Caratagan) Canal Caragan | 8.500,00000 | 8.500,000.00 Riprap 47 Concretng of |“ BSWO | ~Angaico | — Concrete Fak (Gama Caseres | Roadswith | Gama Gde to Gde to Jamin. mre “lamin-ay | 3020.000.00 | 3,000,000.00 = oy) 2 er 5 Concretng of | DswO | Danio | —Gonerete Fv (San amaca | Roadswith | san Nicolas to \alesee mee yan | 20001000.00 | 2.000,000.00 : aoa Riprap TOTAL | 20,000,000} 20,000,000 LL 9 9 J For BUB 2019: oT Saree eo ae. | ae ae ae pet! feo ce 7] Conceteeal | osm} aaa ra psn Seoes{l eee Yo Owak) Roads with Impatidan to Conte” | “Swat” | sscom0020 | son00%000 | om 3] Seip] peNO | bas cee fe Suponaa freee | mesa ferme: | enana||cenann|| Riprap I TOTAL] 20,000,000. | 20,000,0005 0 lo The presiding officer asks if there was other announcement. There were no other matters to take up the LPRAP Workshop adjoumed at 2:35 in the afternoon. Attested: RENE A., ‘ADA, DMD Presicing Officd/Acting” Mayor PICTURES LPRAT WORKSHOP y, M 10g, LOCAL POVERTY REDUCTION ACTION TEAM MoveMBR 24, 20/5 NAME ls a ADDRESS SIGNATURE 7 Mueul L. GARcoue | —_spsemec GUID, CHLINLEG « No WO Z__|papiro L- AU aed LPRAT Nice ~CMVR] BAR _PLCOV-+4S CALLIG pak? Jenn PFAnzopece) djLG On.) rns, Jolt Modste & HPD Lapa oper : Geet Tr fspde SMAI, CAME Uo + Cena MIREWO Cakn 7 DeYRTRI b- Ya taco RD CAA FOR! 06 FOR = ATR | M , MENA ; EG Bee Be Cohuvine © Peamylag ee a Gyre. , Galpeg Minfa C- cd AD | Pep Caureg hig: S leds srr Ca i

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