Bag Technique
Bag Technique
Bag Technique
Procedures Rationales
3. Place the bag on the table or any To protect the bag from getting contaminated
flat surface lined with paper lining
with the folded part touching the
table (clean side out)
4. Position the bag’s handle or strap To facilitate access to the bag and its contents
beneath the bag
5. Ask for a basin of water and a glass This will be used for handwashing.
of water if the faucet is not Handwashing should be done outside the work
available. Place these outside the area to prevent contamination of the bag and
work area its contents
This is where the articles are placed to maintain
6. Open the bag, take the linen/plastic their cleanliness and prevent any contamination
lining, and spread over the work
field or area (clean side out)
9. Put on the apron (right side out) Protects the nurse’s uniform
sliding the head into the neck
strap and neatly tie the straps at
the back
10. Remove all items needed for a Placing the needed articles in a certain corner
specific case from the bag and of the work area makes it readily accessible
place them at one corner of the
work area
11. Place the waste paper bag Soiled articles should be properly disposed of
outside of work area in a waste paper bag to prevent contamination
12. Close the bag Prevents unnecessary exposure of the bag and
its contents
13. Proceed to the specific nursing Provides care and comfort and hastens
care or treatment recovery
14. After completing nursing care Prepares the articles for future use
or treatment, cleanse and
sanitise the materials used
16. Open the bag and put back all For organisation and easy access
articles in their proper places
17. Remove the apron folding away Prevents contamination of bag and its contents
from the body, with soiled side
folded inwards, and the clean side
out and place it inside the bag
Perineal Care
Procedures Rationales
1. State objectives of the procedure • To remove normal perineal
secretions and odors.
• To promote client comfort.
• To promote enhanced wound
healing or restored skin integrity.
2. Perform thorough hand hygiene. Removes number of microorganisms
Wear gloves
3. Introduce self and verify client’s Patient identification validates correct patient
identity (using two identifiers) and correct procedure
4. Explain procedure to the client Discussion and explanation allay anxiety and
prepares the patient for what to expect
8. Position client in dorsal recumbent To relax abdominal muscle and for proper
position visualisation of area to be cleaned
13. Pour warm water over the To wash and rinse perineum
14. Dry perineum and episiotomy • Dry perineum thoroughly, paying
wound carefully with sterile gauze particular attention to folds
between labia
• Moisture supports growth of many
15. Remove bedpan and dry the To prevent growth of microorganisms and
patient's buttocks prevent contamination
17. Assist client on putting a clean Prevents contamination of vagina and urethra
perineal pad from anal area
18. Reposition client To provide comfort to client