Journal of Bioresearch 3(2): ..... (July - December, 2024) Print: ISSN 2771-585X
Ipsita Banerjee 1 , Soumya Nandi 2 , Samiran Hota 2 , Sonali Ghosh 3 and Annalakshmi Chatterjee* 2
Department of Nutrition, Paramedical College Durgapur, Durgapur - 713212, Paschim Bardhhaman, India
Laboratory of Food Chemistry & Microbiology, Food & Nutrition Division, Department of Home Science, University of
Calcutta, Kolkata -700027, India
Department of Physiology, Ram Mohan College, Kolkata–700009, India
*Corresponding author: annalakiicb@gmail.com
Received: July 6, 2023; revised: October 10, 2023; accepted: October 20, 2023
Available Online: November, 2023
Abstract: Though the medical sciences have made enormous advances, plants are still considered as a potential source of
drugs for treating various diseases worldwide.Plants are used extensively for the treatment of different health conditions with
a high rate of recovery. The present study on ethnobotany was carried out to identify the plants and their parts that are used
for the treatment of snakebite by the tribal population of Jhargram district. The study was conducted by taking interviews of
the knowledgeable informants like tribal medical practitioners, elderly members of the tribal community and house-wives with
structured questionnaire in the remote places of the district. The study investigated and listed 43 plants that are commonly
used for snakebite treatment. Among them, herbs are dominated followed by trees, climbers, shrubs and grass. There are
total 29 families, out of which 23 families were dicotyledons and 6 families belong to monocotyledons. This ethnobotanical
study mainly emphasized on the documentation of those plants which are used for snakebite treatment and found it important
for future use. The study may also influence other pharmacologists, ethno botanists and phytochemists for further extensive
studies on medicinal plants used by tribal people of different parts of West Bengal.
Key words: Ethnobotany, Knowledgeable informants.Medicinal plants,Snakebite, Traditional knowledge
Prevalence of snakebites all over the world has affected humans India about around 60 species are considered to be venomous
since the beginning of civilization, especially in the locations (Mana et al., 2019, Chaudhuri et al., 2019). As because of the
with presence of highly venomous snakes. Snake bite has climate and a rich snake fauna in west Bengal, the most cases
been reported by WHO as one of the most mistreated diseases of envenoming are reported in the farmers, plantation workers
which led to causalities worldwide (World Health and herdsmen’s mainly from the rural or remote areas.
Organization, 2007). WHO has also reported that Extensiveness of myths and superstitions has led to promotions
approximately around 2,500,000 snakebites crop up annually of unscientific and unreasonable methods of snakebite handling
worldwide which in turn leads to 1,25,000 causalities, out of in rural areas with low availability of proper treatment.
the total number, 1,00,000 takes place in Asia itself and India Since the beginning of time immemorial being the
contributes to almost 50000 of this data (Chaudhuri et al., major sources of bioactive compounds, medicinal plants-based
2019). Out of the recorded 216 species of snakes residing in remedies have attracted the eyes of researchers and medicine
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
practitioners worldwide because of their naturally healing Protease, Amino acid oxidase, Hyaluronidase, Cholineterase,
properties. It has been found that around 25% of the total Phosphodiesterases (Mitra and Mukherjee 2014, Upasani et al.
drugs prescribed come from different medicinal plants (Pullani 2017). The major physiological issues caused by snake venom
and Prabha 2020, Upasani et al. 2018). Ethnobotany considers are tissue injury at the site of snake bite (cytotoxicity), renal
as the systematic and scientific study of the traditional damage, renal failure, cardiotoxicity, flaccid paralysis
knowledge of rural and tribal people related to plants and (neurotoxicity), coagulopathy and hemorrhage (hemotoxicity).
their uses in medical purpose and religion (Upasani et al. Sometimes, it may also cause death (Upasani et al. 2017, Casewell
2018). There is a wide use of ethnobotanical science for et al. 2020).
understanding how indigenous knowledge can be used on Keeping the background in mind, the objective of
the utilization of natural resources (Shukla et al. 2022). Rural this ethnobotanical study is to document and provide
and tribal people of all over the country rely on different information regarding the medicinal plants used for treating
indigenous methods of treatment like Ayurveda, Unani and snakebites by the tribal communities in the Jhargram district
Siddha. The acceptance of plant-based remedies is increasing of West Bengal.
day by day. The traditional methods along with Ayurveda,
Unani and Siddha largely serve the rural and tribal people Materials and method
due to unavailability of modern treatment facilities in different Source of data
parts of India (Pullani and Prabha 2020, Bose et al. 2015). The data has been collected by preparing structured
Developing countries have a growing attempt of incorporating questionnaires and interviewing the knowledgeable informants
traditional medicines and herbal preparations for local health like tribal medical practitioners, elderly members of the tribal
care and treatments. India is famous for having a great community and house-wives. The questions were based on the
knowledge on medicinal plants. Various tribal groups in India, medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment and the part of
still depend on the medicinal plants for their primary health plants used for treatment. The information has been gathered
care (Bose et al. 2015, Mandal et al. 2020). Now-a-days many extensively from different parts of Jhargram district of West
researchers involve themselves in acquiring potential Bengal. Reported plants were identified on account of literature
ethnobotanical knowledge for the treatment of different and taxonomic workout (Shukla et al. 2022,Bose et al.
diseases (Bose et al. 2015). 2015,Mandal et al. 2020,Konar et al. 2022, Datta et al. 2014).
In India, different districts of West Bengal have a large
number of tribal habitats mainly due to the availability of Study area
appropriate environment (Ghosh et al. 2015). The districts include The selected area for conducting the present study is Jhargram
Purulia, Bankura, Jhargram, Alipurduar, Paschim Medinipur, district of West Bengal Fig. 1 (a and b). The district is renowned
Jalpaiguri, Jharkhand, Darjeeling and so on. Tribes living in these for its majestic wooded beauty along with Belpahari range.
districts majorly depend on the rich flora for their day to day This place becomes attractive for the royal palaces, ancient
purposes (Dolai et al. 2021). The main physiological issues treated temples and folk tunes. This district is located at 22.45° N and
by using the local medicinal plants are stomach problems, 86.98° E. The district has its head-quarters at Jhargram.
anaemia, common cough and cold, snake bite, insect sting, Currently the forests of this district are located under the
fractured bone, diarrhea, dysentery and so on (Mandal et al. sub-division of Paschim Medinipur district. It has eight
2020). The venom secreted from the glands of snakes is modified community development blocks which include Binpur-I,
saliva, and a combination of various enzymes and proteins. Binpur-II,Gopiballavpur-I, Gopiballavpur-II, Nayagram,
The major enzymes present in the snake venom are ATP-ase, Sankrail.
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
7. Akanada (Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae (Shrub) LatexRootsLeaves Root bark paste is usedorally
R.Br) andlatex isapplied ontothe
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
9. Dhutra (Datura metel L.) Solanaceae (Shrub) Root Garlic pastetaken withDhutra
rootare used insnakebite.
1 2 . Gamar (Gmelina arborea Verbenaceae (Tree) RootBark Decoctionof the root andbark is
Roxb.) usedas oral liquid insnakebite.
1 3 . Gudmar (Gymnemasylvestre Asclepiadaceae (Climber) Root The root is famous for itsaction
(Retz) R.Br.ex Schult) againstreputed as aremedy
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
1 8 . Alkushi shrub (Mucuna Fabaceae (Climber) Seed Seeds paste used orally forsnake
pruriens (L.) Dc.) venoms.
1 9 . Ghikalla (Momordica dioica Cucurbitaceae (Climber) Root The root paste frommale plant
Roxb) isapplied externally on
2 2 . Tentul (Tamarindus indica Caesalpineaceae (Tree) Seed Seed extract isused orally for
L.) snakebite.
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
2 4 . Nishinda (Vitex negundo Verbenaceae (Tree) Root Root extract isgiven orally
Linn.) alongwith warmwater.
2 8 . Githa (Thunbergia Acanthaceae (Climber) Whole plant Whole plant especially root and
grandiflora Roxb) rhizome paste is used for
2 9 . Chanchi (Alternanthera Amaranthaceae (Herb) Whole plant Paste of whole plant is given as
sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex an antidote to snake bite.
3 0 . Baunati (Amaranthus Amaranthaceae (Herb) Whole plant Paste of whole plant along with
viridisL.) residue got after washing
unboiled rice is used against
snake venom.
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
3 4 . Hurhure (Capparis Capparaceae (Shrub) FruitSeed Dried and powdered fruit and
zeylanica L.) seed with warm water is used
against snake venom.
3 6 . Mukta jhuri (Acalypha Euphorbiaceae (Herb) Whole plant Paste of whole plant is given for
indica L.) an antidote of snake bite.
3 9 . Sirish (Albizia Fabaceae (Tree) Root Fresh root paste used for snake
procera (Roxb.) Benth. LC) bite externally.
Ipsita Banerjee et al., 2024 Medicinal plants used for snakebite treatment
4 0 . Brahmi (Bacopa Plantaginaceae (Herb) Whole plant Whole plant is dried and given
monnieri (L.) Wettst. LC) with warm milk.
found snakes against which these plants are used as antitoxins other pharmacologists, ethno botanists and phytochemists for
are Indian rat snake, Common vine snake, Red sand boa, further extensive studies on medicinal plants present in
common Krait, Russell’s viper, Spectacled cobra and so on. Jhargram district of West Bengal.
The present investigation has also found that all the plants
recorded are available and grow abundantly in the Jhargram Acknowledgement
area and generously used as therapeutics. The authors are thankful to the Sub Divisional Officer,
It has been found that the knowledge of Jhargram for the administrative support. The forest officials
ethnomedicinal treatment transmitted from one generation and the local people those helped during the field work are
to another orally. However, the study observed that most of remembered here with thanks.
the traditional plants are eroding fast and the present
generation are not willing to carry on the tradition. References
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