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The Central Bank of Sri Lanka,
yesterday announced the reduction
of the Standing Deposit Facility Rate
(SDFR) and the Standing Lending
Facility Rate (SLFR) of the Cen-
tral Bank by 100 basis points (bps)
to 9.00 percent and 10.00 percent,


respectively. TO PAGE 02


Defence State Minister Pramitha annually from ships traversing near Sri The State Minister pointed out that sibility of creating ENC to the Navy in
Bandara Tennakoon announced plans to Lankan waters. He made these remarks the existing nautical charts are man- the future. State Minister Tennakoon
amend the National Hydrology Act, pav-
ing the way for the creation of Electronic
Navigation Charts (ENCs) that could
while addressing a Press Briefing held
under the theme ‘Collective Path to a Sta-
ble Country,’ at the Presidential Media
aged by the British Hydrographical
Office according to an agreement with
the NARA Institute. Therefore, steps
commended the President’s leadership,
noting improvements in national security
and the economy. He stressed the con-
generate an estimated US$ 200 million Centre (PMC) yesterday (24). will be taken to hand over the respon- tinual importance TO PAGE 02


Leader of the House
and Education Minister
Dr. Susil Premajayantha


The Excavation told Parliament yester-
of Upper Elahera day that steps have been
Canal (UEC) to taken to appoint 4,672 new Prin-
carry water from cipals and they will be attached to
the Moragahakanda countrywide schools at the start of
Reservoir in the Central the next new school term.

IGP, TID DIRECTOR GIVE Province to the North

Central and Northern
He said that monthly training is
being given to these Principles at the


Province commenced
provincial level.
on Thursday at the
The Minister said this while reply-
Konduruvawa worksite
in Polonnaruwa under ing to the question raised by the MP
in the upcoming days. The pledge the patronage of the Kumarasiri Ratnayake.
The Inspector General of Police and was given when a petition was calling Irrigation, Mahaweli He said that a special programme
the Director of the Terrorism Investi- for legal action regarding plans that Development and has been implemented for the Prin-
gation Unit gave a pledge to the Court have been made to hold illegal Heroes’ Sports Minister Roshan cipals who are currently working in
of Appeal yesterday (24) that they will Commemorations in the North-East, Ranasinghe.The remote areas and prevailing vacan-
take necessary legal steps under the including the release of a video urg- project is funded by cies in the education administration
existing general law and the Criminal ing Tamils to​​ take up arms which the Asian Development service will be filled as soon as pos-
Procedure Code regarding the illegal has been made using artificial intel- Bank. sible.
Mahaviru Samaru (Heroes Commem- ligence using a voice similar to that of (Picture by Sarath The Minister stated that there
orations) programmes to be held in LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran’s Welagedara, Elahera are 808 vacancies in the Education
the Northern and Eastern Provinces daughter. TO PAGE 02 Group Corr) Administration Service TO PAGE 02

Physicists detect second-most powerful CID launches probe on Sri

cosmic ray from beyond our galaxy CBSL LOWERS LENDING RATE TO 10 % Lankan infant selling racket
Finance State Minister Dr. Ranjith Siyambalapitiya yesterday VARUNA DAYARATNE
Researchers have detected the sec- exact origin of this “ultra-high-energy” said that the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has decided to Investigations have been launched by the Criminal
ond-most powerful cosmic ray to have particle from outer space remains a lower the loan interest rate to 10%. He said that this measure Investigations Department (CID) on an organized
come from outside our galaxy. But the mystery. TO PAGE 02 will pave the way for a positive economy. criminal group who are involved in selling Sri Lankan
The State Minister said that the Central Bank of Sri Lanka infants to foreigners for adoption.
has lowered its policy interest rates for the fourth time, paving The CID stated that they had received a complaint on
the way for a positive economy in the country. TO PAGE 02 the infant trafficking abroad racket TO PAGE 02
TO CHARGE DANUSHKA Case against Attendant gets 20 years’ RI,
WITH STEALTHING: COURT Ven. Gnanasara Thera fine for murder attempt
Police who prosecuted
Sri Lankan cricketer later
he was acquitted following
a judge-alone trial in Sep-
on February 15 An attendant who tried to kill a doc-
tor, his wife and two children by mixing
ago, was sentenced to 20 years Rigor-
ous Imprisonment by the Embilipitiya
cleared of sexually assault- tember. poison into the water tank of the official High Court Judge Buddhika Sri Ragala
ing a woman at her Syd- Police had alleged The case filed against Bodubala Sena Leader, residence of the Chief Medical Officer yesterday. A Rs.20,000 fine was also
ney home acted “unreason- Gunathilaka had removed a Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera for making of the Sevanagala Hospital, 11 years imposed. TO PAGE 02
ably”, a court has been told. condom without consent, a statement at a press conference that violated
Danushka Gunathilaka also known as “stealthing”, inter-ethnic and religious harmony was yesterday
(32), was finally allowed to during a sexual encounter fixed for defence evidence on February 15, 2024
leave Australia after about
10 months on bail after
with a woman he met on
Tinder. TO PAGE 02
by the Colombo High Court. TO PAGE 02
Diana’s case: Court refuses
Injunction Order against SJB
Former CID Director Shani files Ja-Ela missing DILSHAN THARAKA
The Colombo District Court yesterday
awegaya (SJB) Leader Sajith Premadasa
and General Secretary Ranjith Madduma-
Rs.1,000 Mn lawsuit against arrest PC’s body found in
issued an order rejecting to issue an
injunction order against Samagi Jana Bal-
bandara over the case filed by Tourism
State Minister Diana Gamage. TO PAGE 02
The Criminal Investigation Department for the damage done to his self-esteem by

Sedawatte canal
(CID) Director Shani Abeysekera, has filed arresting him on false charges and remand-

Accident case: CA suspends

a case before the Colombo District Court ing him by improperly using the judicial
demanding compensation of Rs.1,000 mn process. TO PAGE 02


The body of the Police Constable, who

HC trial against MP Ranawaka

went missing after jumping into a canal near
the Ja-Ela area while pursuing a suspect, had


been recovered yesterday (24). TO PAGE 02
NELKA MEDAGEDERA Patali Champika Ranawaka, requesting


The Court of Appeal issued an interim to suspend the hearing of the case filed

Ampara Hospital restraining order yesterday (24) suspend-

ing the trial filed against former min-
ister Patali Champika Ranawaka at the
before the Colombo High Court.
This order was declared by the presiding
judge Nishshanka Bandula Karunaratne

doctor found dead

Maligakanda Magistrate Lochana Abey- Corporation and the Director General of Colombo High Court, under four charges of the Court of Appeal Judge with the
wickrama yesterday allowed the Crimi- Health Services in connection with the including causing serious injury to a concurrence of Judge M. C. B. S. Moraes.
nal Investigation Department to obtain investigation into the import of 22,500 youth in Rajagiriya area by reckless driv- The decision of the Attorney General
statements from six persons including the vials of substandard human immunoglobu- ing in 2016. to file two cases against the petitioner on
Treasury Secretary, the Deputy Secretary,
Chairman of the State Pharmaceuticals
lin antibody vaccine by preparing fake
documents. TO PAGE 02
in dormitory
This order was issued after consider-
ing the basic facts regarding the revision
petition submitted by the former minister
the same charge was determined to be a
legal issue and the relevant interim order
was issued. TO PAGE 02
Digamadulla special corr.

Girl dies, two injured in A doctor working in the eye ward of

Ampara General Hospital was found dead in 13 ISRAELI HOSTAGES
truck, three wheeler collision
the dormitory he was staying, Ampara Police

VARUNA DAYARATNE teenage girl who was travelling in the three-

said. As this doctor did not come to the ward
where he works as scheduled, nurses in the
ward had made several calls to his phone.
A three-wheeler and a bowser truck that wheeler died and another young girl and her As there was no response, a nurse sent a Thirteen Israeli hostages released by according to local media, as part of a truce
was transporting bitumen had collided in the mother who were injured from the accident hospital employee to the residence where he Hamas have now crossed into Egypt, deal with the militant group. TO PAGE 02
Galewela City Center yesterday (24), and a had been admitted TO PAGE 02 was staying. TO PAGE 02
DN page 2 NEWS S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3

Case against... From page 01 Diana’s case: Court... From page 01 Sri Lanka to amend... From page 01 Colombo Kitchen
When the case was
taken up before Colombo
the Colombo High Court.
The case was filed by the
Colombo Chief District
Judge Sandun Withana
cated that Sajith Premada-
sa and Ranjith Madduma
of ensuring national
security, citing lessons
Unfortunately, the
institutions entrusted named Blue Ribbon
Bandara are working as with this responsibility
winner in Good Food
High Court Judge Attorney General under issued this order after con- learned from the Easter
Adithya Patabendige, the two counts following a sidering a case filed by members of another Party Sunday attack, empha- have neglected their
prosecution informed complaint lodged by Azad State Minister Diana and they have filed a case sizing the obligation of duties since 1983,

Awards 2024
court that they concluded Salley against a contro- Gamage challenging the before the court regarding the army to safeguard resulting in the current
the case as the prosecu- versial statement made by holding of positions in the disciplinary action citizens regardless of nautical charts being
tion. The case was fixed Ven.Gnanasara at a press Samagi Jana Balawegaya taken against them by the race, religion, or caste. over a hundred years
for the defence evidence conference on March 30, against Opposition Leader, United National Party The role of ensuring old. In line with the rec-
on February 15, 2024 by 2016. SJB Leader Sajith Prema- before. national security cannot ommendations of the The restaurant, based in Worcester Park
dasa and its Secretary She has also mentioned be dismissed by simply International Hydro- in Merton, first opened its doors in 2019 on
Ranjith Madduma Bandara. in the complaint that since stating that there is no graphical Office, the use the cusp of the outbreak of Covid-19. It
Central Bank reduces... From page 01 The case will be taken up
again on February 12.
it appears that the defend-
ants are working as mem-
war in a country. As a
nation, we understood
of printed nautical
charts is set to be com-
serves authentic Sri Lankan cuisine and
cocktails made by Chef Sylvia Perera, who
Petitioner Gamage has bers of another Party, they this lesson vividly dur- pletely phased out by trained as a chef in Australia.
The Monetary Board tion of policy interest rates, been cited in the petition are not capable of being ing the Easter Sunday the year 2026. Conse- The restaurant continued to trade and has
arrived at this decision fol- along with the monetary that, according to the Con- members of Samagi Jana attack. A country’s army quently, the transition become a successful business in the last
lowing a careful analysis of policy measures carried out stitution of the Samagi Balawegaya.She has also exists to ensure the to electronic navigation four years, winning a number of awards
the current and expected since June 2023, sufficient Jana Balawegaya, a person requested court to issue an security of the entire maps is imperative. including best Sri Lankan restaurant of the
developments in the monetary easing has been who is a member of an order preventing Sajith nation, obligated to safe- At present, the NARA Year 2023 at the Asian Restaurant Awards,
domestic and global econo- effected in order to stabi- outside party cannot be a Premadasa and Ranjith guard every citizen Institute has entered Top three restaurants in the Surry Life Chef
my, with the aim of achiev- lise inflation over the member of the Samagi Madduma Bandara from regardless of race, reli- into an agreement with of the Year Awards, and winner at the Good
ing and maintaining infla- medium term. “The Mone- Jana Balawegaya. working in the positions of gion, or caste. the British Hydrographi- Food Awards 2023.
tion at the targeted level of tary Policy Board under- The complaint has indi- Samagi Jana Balawegaya. The budget of the cal Office for the crea- Chef Sylvia Perera said: “Family run inde-
5 per cent over the medium scored the need for a swift Defence Ministry has tion of nautical maps pendent restaurant with authentic food,
term, while enabling the and full pass through of been passed in Parlia- covering the ocean amazing cocktails and incredible Sri Lankan
economy to reach and sta-
bilise at the potential level,
monetary easing measures
to market interest rates, CBSL lowers lending... From page 01
ment. In any country
around the world, a sig-
region belonging to Sri
“We opened in late 2019, just before the
a release issued by the Cen- particularly lending rates, nificant allocation of Hence, the time has pandemic, and our success throughout the
tral Bank of Sri Lanka said. by the financial institu- The State Minister tion rate.The loan interest funds is made for the arrived for Sri Lanka to pandemic and beyond is a testament to the
The release said that the tions, thereby accelerating pointed out that the Cen- rate from 6% was raised to security of the nation. establish itself as a high quality of food incredible service we
the Board took note of pos- the normalization of mar- tral Bank has lowered the 16% and the 5% deposit However, some politi- nation capable of creat- provide our guests”. (Local London)
sible upside risks to infla- ket interest rates in the deposit interest rate to 9% interest rate was raised to cians are misleading the ing nautical maps. To
tion projections in the near period ahead. Headline and the loan interest rate 15% accordingly.However, people by claiming that achieve this goal, the
term due to supply-side fac-
tors stemming from the
inflation continues to
remain low, reflecting sub-
to 10%. The minister
pointed out that the Cen-
today the rate of inflation
which was at the level of
the amount allocated for
our country’s national
President has intro-
duced a new bill to Par- Police ‘unreasonable’... From page 01
expected developments dued demand conditions. tral Bank raised interest 70% has come down to security is excessive. It’s liament, aiming to
domestically and globally. Headline inflation, as rates as a measure to dis- 1.3% due to financial poli- important to note that empower the hydrologi- Judge Sarah Huggett, who also presided
However, the Board viewed measured by the year-on- courage purchases when cy decisions of the govern- the funds allocated to cal office by amending over the trial, said during a costs hearing on
that such near-term risks year change in the Colom- Sri Lanka was sinking into ment. As a result, the the Ministry of Defence the existing legislation. Friday that she had “significant concerns”
would not materially bo Consumer Price Index a serious economic abyss interest rates have been are not solely for the Once the Act is passed, about the prosecution’s case.
change the medium-term (CCPI, 2021=100), was and was ranked fifth in the lowered, the minister fur- maintenance of the the responsibility for “I’m firmly of the opinion that if the prose-
inflation outlook, as infla- recorded at 1.5 per cent in world in terms of the infla- ther stated. three armed forces; creating electronic navi- cution had-before the proceedings were insti-
tion expectations of the October 2023, compared there are 23 institutions gational maps will be tuted- been in possession of evidence and all
public remain anchored and
economic activity is pro-
to 1.3 per cent in Septem-
ber 2023.Food inflation Ja-Ela missing PC’s... From page 01
under the Ministry of
transferred to the Navy.
In the interim, the
the relevant facts, it would not have been rea-
sonable to institute the proceedings,” she said.
jected to remain below par continued to be negative Addressing budget country has incurred Gunathilaka was arrested and charged with
in the near to medium (year-on-year) for the The deceased is an officers who chased after allocations, State Minis- substantial financial four counts of sexual assault in November
term. Further, the Board fourth consecutive month unmarried PC named the suspect had also ter Tennakoon clarified losses, amounting to bil- 2022 after the woman reported the matter to
viewed that with this reduc- in October 2023. Krishna Muthari Pirada- jumped into the canal, that out of the total of lions of rupees in reve- Bondi Police. (The Australian)
pan attached to the Ja-Ela after which one of them Rs. 423 billion allocated nue.

Attendant gets 20 years’ RI,... From page 01

Police station.
The incident where the
went missing. It was later
revealed that the Police
this year, only Rs.169
billion were designated
The indirect losses,
particularly from insur-
ance surcharges, have
Vaccine fraud: CID... From page 01
police constable went officer in question had for the armed forces,
The prison sentence plaint to the Sevanagala missing after jumping into suddenly gone underwater while the remaining been even more signifi- The Magistrate also ordered the Health
was imposed on Nammu- Police that someone had the canal took place on and went missing after- funds supported disas- cant. Fortunately, owing Ministry Secretary to provide the documents
ni Arachchige Nimal Ran- poisoned the water tank Thursday (23) afternoon, wards. ter management, mete- to the President’s judi- related the appointment of former Health Min-
jith (53), a resident at his official residence when a suspect, being His body was reportedly orological departments, cious decisions, the istry Secretary to the Criminal Investigation
of Sevanagala, who had and tried to kill him and chased down by a group of found yesterday near the and various institutions Navy has willingly Department
worked as an attendant at his family members. police officers, had jumped Sedawatta Canal in the under the Defence Min- accepted this responsi- As this stock of medicine was imported
the Sevanagala Hospital Sevanagala Police, who into the canal in a bid to lagoon area of Pamunuga- istry. bility. It is estimated through an Indian Credit Line, the Magistrate
at that time. The doctor conducted an investiga- evade arrest. Four police ma in Negombo. He highlighted the that this initiative could also ordered the Health Ministry Secretary to
who was remanded was tion, had arrested Nimal diverse roles of these yield approximately US$ hand over all the documents required for the
exonerated and acquitted
due to no evidence being
Ranjith, an attendant who
worked at the Sevanagala LTTE commemorations... From page 01
institutions, including
educational establish-
200 million per year,
with the potential for
investigation by the Criminal Investigation
presented against him. Hospital, and another ments like the National even higher indirect
Charminda Vithanage doctor from the same hos- State Counsel Shamindra flag at heroes’ commemora- Cadet Corps, Civil income.
who served as the Chief
Medical Officer of the
pital as suspects in the
incident and produced
Wickrema, who represented
the respondents of the peti-
tion programmes to be held
in other countries while in
Defence Department,
and Kotelawala Defence
In 2024, steps will be
taken with the support
Physicists detect... From page 01

Sevanagala Rural Hospital them before the Embilip- tion, Inspector General of Sri Lanka the flag will University. Around of a World Bank loan to
had submitted a com- itiya Magistrate’s Court. Police, the Director of the include all its flamboyant 200,000 patients receive modernise and enhance Observed in Utah, this is believed to be the
Terrorism Investigation Unit colours. treatment in the outpa- the accuracy of forecasts most powerful cosmic ray detection since the
Accident case: CA suspends... From page 01
and the Attorney General
gave this pledge.The petition
He also mentioned that
intelligence agencies have
tient department of the
Kotelawala Defence Uni-
in the Department of
Meteorology (Weather
‘Oh-My-God’ particle in 1991 that left physi-
cists puzzled.
was called before a panel of received information that versity Hospital each Intelligence). Many Named ‘Amaterasu’ particle after the sun
The relevant interim be handed over and contin- judges comprising of Court the LTTE flag will be used year, where military per- countries generate goddess in Japanese mythology, the second-
order shall remain in force ued. of Appeal Judges Maya- in the Mahaviru commemo- sonnel also play a cru- income through high most powerful cosmic ray has energy equiva-
till the hearing of the peti- The petition has pointed dunne Corea and ration programmes planned cial role. technology, and recog- lent to “dropping a brick on one’s toe from
tion is completed. The hear- out that this decision of the S.U.B.Karaliyadde. The peti- to be held this year. He said It’s essential to recog- nizing this, efforts are waist’s height”, the international team of phys-
ing of the petition was High Court Judge is against tion had been filed by Anan- further that the intellectuals nize that military per- underway to issue pre- icists mentioned in their study published in
scheduled to begin on the law.Therefore, the da Jayamanna, a retired Mil- who died for the rights of sonnel not only serve in cise weather forecasts the journal Science. PTI
March 4 next year. Appeal Court was requested itary Officer. the Tamil nations are not defence but also take by leveraging advanced
The Attorney General had
filed a case before the
Colombo High Court
to issue an interim order to
stay the High Court
proceedings. It was also
The Director of the Army
Intelligence Division, the
Inspector General of Police,
being commemorated by any
other people and that only
the LTTE members who
the lead during times of
national disasters. Con-
sequently, it’s important
technical equipment and
providing comprehen-
sive training to officials.
4,672 new Principals... From page 01

against former minister requested that the court the Director of Terrorism died are being remembered. for everyone to under- Simultaneously, and the evaluation of the results of Open
Patali Champika Ranawaka acquit him of the related Investigation Unit, and the The President’s Counsel sub- stand that the funds through the National Competitive Examination for Sri Lanka Edu-
under four charges related charges. Chief of State Intelligence mitted facts that by conduct- allocated to the Defence Building Research Insti- cation Administrative Service conducted
to a car accident that alleg- On the advice of attorney Suresh Sallay and the Attor- ing illegal commemorations Ministry are not exclu- tute, there is an initia- recently is currently underway and steps will
edly took place Sanjeewa Kaluarachchi, ney General had been named of heroes, a lot of trouble sively for the army. tive to legislate a Build- be taken to appoint 404 qualified candidates
in the Rajagiriya area in President’s Counsel Faisz as respondents. and disturbances may arise Notable allocations in ing Code for the future. as soon as possible.
2016. Mustapha and Counsel When this petition was in the North and East the budget include Rs. Without such a code, The Minister said that no school will be
This petition was submit- Gamini Panditharatne repre- taken up for hearing, Presi- regions.Senior State Counsel 2.5 million for a task there is a risk of issues allowed to be isolated under the upcoming
ted by Patali Champika sented Ranawaka. dent’s Counsel Uditha Igala- Shamindra Wickrema, who force to prevent human arising from buildings education reforms and it is planned to estab-
Ranawaka stating that the Deputy Solicitor General hewa, who appeared for the appeared on behalf of the trafficking and efforts constructed without lish 1250 cluster schools across the country.
judge rejected the initial Dilan Ratnayake appeared petitioner, stated that it has Inspector General of Police by the Navy to intercept proper standards. Accordingly,all the nearby schools will be
objections raised by his law- on behalf of the Attorney been planned to hold about and the Director of the Ter- drugs valued at Rs. The National Building operated as a group of schools.
yers that the case could not General. 50 heroes’ rorist Investigation Unit, 33,917 million. Research Institute has The Minister said that there are isolated
commemorations in the stated that he had also The State Minister been entrusted with this schools in districts like Moneragala and par-
Girl dies, two injured... From page 01
North and East areas from
November 27 onwards, on a
received information in this
regard.Accordingly, under
outlined plans to revital-
ize the National Hydro-
responsibility, and there
is a directive to com-
ents do not have the enough income to main-
tain those schools.
grand scale. He presented Section 106 of the Code of logical Office to capital- plete the preparation by He said that under the upcoming education
to Dambulla and Galewela hospitals. A nineteen-year- facts that mentioned that as Criminal Procedure and the ize on the approximate- the year 2024. reforms, a system will be set up where the
old girl named Lochana Kavyanjali, a resident of Siripura a result of the commemora- existing general law, such ly 45,000 ships passing This effort aims to schools in the cluster will be taken care of by
area, died in the accident.The deceased was having her tion of dead LTT members, illegal hero celebrations will near Sri Lanka annually. establish a certain the other schools within the cluster and thus
birthday falling today (25).The father, mother and their unnecessary disunity and a be dealt with, he said. The The creation of ENCs is standard and responsi- the resources will be divided between the
two daughters who had gone from Dehiattakandiya, destructive situation may President’s Counsel, who essential to harness bility for the buildings schools.
Siripura area to attend a wedding in Kurunegala area in arise between the races in appeared for the petitioner, income potential from constructed in the coun-
the three-wheeler met with this fatal accident, Police the country. A video had said that he was satisfied this maritime traffic. try.
said. been created using a voice with the senior lawyer’s
similar to the voice of LTTE pledge and thanked him.The
13 Israeli hostages...
Former CID Director...
From page 01
leader VelupillaiPrabha- senior state counsel said
From page 01 karan’s daughter using artifi- that no counsel appeared for
cial intelligence, stating that the other respondents in the Twelve Thai nationals into Egypt with hostages. It
Inspector General of Senior Deputy Inspector the Tamil people should take petition, the Director of have also been freed by is not clear if the convoy in
Police Chandana Wickre- General in charge of the up arms, and arrangements Army Intelligence and the Hamas, Thailand’s Prime the video contains Thai or DHARMARATNE (nee KANKANIGE)
maratne, Senior Deputy Western Province. have been made to display Chief of State Intelligence, Minister Srettha Thavisin Israeli hostages.The Times of SUJATHA. (Retired Sectional Head
Inspector General of Abeysekara has men- the relevant video at the and he had not received any has said. The Thai hostages Israel has said the first group (Science) Girls High School,​Kandy,​past
Police in charge of the tioned in his petition that heroes’ commemoration pro- advice from them. Accord- were released as part of a of Israeli hostages have been pupil of Devi Balika Vidyalaya,​Colombo),​
Western Province Desh- Colombo Crimes Divi- grammes. He presented ingly, the Bench informed separate deal with Hamas handed to the Red Cross wife of late Upali Dharmaratne (Dpty Chief
bandu Tennakoon, Assis- sion’s ASP Neville Silva these facts while mentioning the petitioner to send notice mediated by Qatar and after arriving in Egypt. Secretary NWP,​Director Ministry of Policy
tant Superintendent of and IP Jagath Nishantha that this information has to them again. The Bench Egypt. Footage has shown The hostages had been Planning and Implementation),​mother
Police of Colombo Crimes had pressured various peo- been confirmed by intelli- considered the facts and Red Cross vehicles travelling held captive for 49 days. of Piyashri Subaru Melbourne Group,​
Division Neville Silva, ple during these investiga- gence sectors. He also said decided to conduct a further through the Rafah crossing SKY News former Area Manager Sri Lankan Airlines,​
Inspector Jagath Nishan- tions, to make false state- arrangements have been hearing of facts regarding Dhanishka IPD Colombo (Pvt) Limited,​
tha and the Attorney Gen-
eral have been named as
ments against him.
He has mentioned that
made to display the LTTE the petition on December 1.
CID launches probe... From page 01
mother-in-law of Manori (Former IFS),​
Anjelo (Arandaka),​former Philipines and
defendants in the petition.
In this petition filed
accordingly, the respond-
ents had taken him into Ampara Hospital doctor... From page 01 from a Norwegian citi- operation of infant traf-
China Airlines,​grandmother of Rivinaka,​
daughter of late K.D.J. Appuhami and
through attorney Manjula custody and produced him zen of Sri Lankan origin ficking abroad from late Ms L.P. Suriyapperuma,​sister of
Balasuriya, Shani Abey- before the Gampaha Mag- He went to the house and have taken the doctor to the on which they launched Kandy to sell for adop- Nimal Dayaratne (UK),​late Prof. Thilaka
sekera claims that the istrate’s Court and then called the doctor and since Ampara General hospital in the investigation. tion to foreigners which Meththananda (History Dept,​Pera),​
officers of the Colombo remanded him in custody there was no response, he an ambulance.A spokesper- The Criminal Investiga- has been presented with
Jayantha,​ Bandu,​ late Ranjith,​ Ananda,​
Crimes Division (CCD) and after many months he came back to the hospital son of the Ampara General tion Department had relevant facts to the court
conducted an investigation was released on the advice and informed Police and also Hospital said that the doctor informed the Colombo by CID and a probe has
Upali,​Palitha,​sister-in-law of Gamini
against him with malicious of the Attorney General. informed the owner of the was already dead when he Chief Magistrate Prasan- been initiated on this (CWE),​ Chintha,​ Amitha,​ Ananda,​ late
intent and revenge on the Abeysekera had filed house. The hospital employ- was taken to the hospital. na Alwis on Thursday case. After considering Tissa,​Lalitha (UK),​E.A. Meththananda
firearms found in connec- this case demanding com- ee returned to the doctor’s The doctor identified as (23) about this illegal the facts presented by the (NHDA),​ late Piyasiri,​ Chandrika,​ Nalini,​
tion with the murder of pensation of Rs.1,000 mil- residence with a group and Prasanna Bandara Ratnay- selling racket of Sri Lan- CID, the Colombo Chief Janaki. Has passed away. Remains will lie
millionaire businessman lion on behalf of the disre- when he opened the window ake was a resident of kan infants to foreigners Magistrate has ordered at A.F. Raymond’s Funeral Parlour from
Mohammad Shyam. pute targeting his self- they have seen the doctor Kurunegala.An autopsy has for adoption, CID sources the CID to immediately 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. on 25th November.
He has pointed out that esteem in a malicious sleeping on his bed. to be conducted regarding said. carry out an investiga- Pansukulaya will be at 2.00 p.m. on 6th
this investigation was con- manner due to the The group called the doc- this death and therefore, the According to what was tion, apprehend all the November followed by Cremation at 5.00
ducted according to the respondents misusing the tor but there was no body has been kept at the revealed, the organized suspects involved in the p.m. at the General Cemetery Borella. (Old
decision of the Inspector judicial process through response from him, so they Ampara General Hospital gang of criminals has racket and produce them Crematorium). 077488
General of Police and the this. opened the front door and mortuary. been carrying out this in court.
S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 3 DN

Only 31 out of 179 foreign

investment projects functioning
Oversight Committee demands progress report
Out of 179 Foreign Invest- place when the Sectoral results through the related approved the performance the Ceylon Industrial Devel-
ment Projects, only 31 pro- Oversight Committee on projects. report of the Project Manage- opment Board 2020, Annual
jects are efficacious - the National Economic and The Committee pointed ment and Monitoring Depart- Report of the Sri Lanka Tour-
Committee instructs officials Physical Plans met in Parlia- out that the expected objec- ment. ism Development Fund 2020,
of Project Management and ment recently under the tives are not being achieved Following the said discus- Performance Report of
Monitoring Department to Chairmanship of MP Mahi- through these projects and sions, four performance Local Loans and Develop-
submit a progress report as ndananda Aluthgamage. that the foreign debt of the reports including the perfor- ment Fund 2021, Perfor-
soon as possible. Whilst it was disclosed country is increasing rapidly, mance report of the Project mance Report of Plantation
Given the consideration of that approximately Rs. 2.6 and the reason for this is the Management and Monitoring Industry Ministry 2022 were
the performance report of the trillion have been received weakness of the relevant Min- Department and three annual considered at the Committee
Project Management and for Foreign Investment Pro- istries and their operating reports were considered in meeting held.
Monitoring Department, the jects from foreign funded institutions as well as the the Sectoral Oversight Com- MPs and Committee Mem-
current status of Foreign institutions, the Committee project monitoring units mittee on National Economy bers Harshana Rajakaruna,
Investment Projects was emphasized that it is very established for the implemen- and Physical Planning. Sudath Manjula, Nipuna
taken up for discussion where regrettable that the foreign tation of these projects. Accordingly, the Perfor- Ranawaka, Gunathilaka Raja-
it was disclosed that only 31 loans and grants obtained for Accordingly, the Commit- mance Report of Public paksha and non- committee
projects out of 179 Foreign the country’s capital expendi- tee instructed the officials Finance Department 2022, members and MPs Gamini
Investment Projects are effi- ture through such projects present to submit a report in Performance Report of the Waleboda and Wasantha
cacious. are not properly implement- this regard within one National Planning Depart- Yapabandara were present at Sectoral Oversight Committee on National Economic and Physical
The inquiry into this took ed to achieve the desired month. The Committee also ment 2022, Annual Report of the Committee meeting held. Plans Chair MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage.

Anuradhapura’s abandoned MP Senaratne’s harbour

leasing case fixed for April 1
chilli cultivation revived DILSHAN THARAKA
The case filed against
SJB MP Rajitha Sena-
ratne and two others over
filed indictments against
three accused including
former Minister Rajitha
Senaratne, Ceylon Fisher-
he was serving as the
Fisheries Minister.
The Bribery Commis-
sion alleged that by

World Bank Funded Agriculture

allegedly causing a loss to ies Harbour Corporation knowing this transaction
the Government when (CFHC) former Chair- would cause unlawful loss
leasing out the Modera man Upali Liyanage and to the Government, the

Sector Modernization Project continues

Fisheries harbour to a CFHC former Managing former Minister had
private company while he Director Neil Ravindra motivated the members
was acting as the Fisher- Munasinghe under sec- of the CFHC Director
ies Minister in 2014, was tion 70 of the Bribery Act Board to lease out the
NIMAL WIJESINGHE duced at Mahailluppallama fixed for further trial on on five charges. fisheries harbour to Sea
Anuradhapura Additional
Government farm such as April 1, 2024 by the The Bribery Commis- Gulf UK Private Ltd.
District Group corr.
MICH-hybrid-01 and 02 Colombo High Court. sion alleged that the for- The indictments had
Although Anuradhapura chilli varieties etc., along The case was taken up mer Minister had unlaw- been filed under five
District was in the fore- with marketing facilities. It before Colombo High fully taken a decision to counts under section 70
front in chilli cultivation in was disclosed that due to Court Judge Navaratne lease out the Modera of the Bribery Act and
the country in the recent the high density cultivation Marasinghe. Fisheries harbour to Sea section 113 and 102 of
past, it dropped to almost system the fertilizer Commission to Investi- Gulf UK Private Ltd. at a the Penal Code. The
zero level in the last dec- requirement is very less gate Allegations of Brib- lower price between prosecution had named
ade. Under the circum- and the Polythene cover ery or Corruption (CIAB- August 1, 2014 and 17 individuals as witness-
stances the Government controls the weeds inva- OC) Director General November 1, 2014, while es.
paid special attention to sion and evaporation, ena-
revive the chilli cultivation bling to grow around
by implementing the World 13,000 plants in a 1/2 plot
Bank Funded Agriculture of land instead of 6,000
Anuradhapura Additional Government Agent Sandya N. G. Abeysekara District
Sector Modernization Pro- plants under the traditional

Josephian Christmas Carols on Dec. 3

Planning Director Sugath Nayanandha Thirappane Divisional Secretary I.G.A.R.S.I.
ject mainly in the dry zone, cultivation system, which Bandara ASMP's Evaluation and Operation Director R. M. L. Rathnayake at the
at a time we are depending helps to gain a very high chilli cultivation observation tour.
on imported chillies at a yielding of chillies.
level of more than 95 per- Farmer Antony Peris Puliyankulama, Thirap- The Annual Josephian Christmas The title of this year’s Carols is ‘Jesu
cent. During 2023/24 said that he started the pane. Carols will be held on December 3, Salvator Mundi’, which means ‘Saviour
Maha Season it was target- chilli growing under the There are around 460 2023 at the Stanley Abeysekara Sports of the World’.
ed to grow chillies in 1,500 guidance of ASMP in last farmers now engaged in Complex cum Auditorium. The College Choir consisting of 90
hectares in Anuradhapura April on 1/2 acre land in chilli cultivation under the This will be presented by the St. members will be presenting a wonderful
District expecting 22,000 Puliyankulama and so has World Bank funded Agri- Cecilia’s Choir of St. Joseph’s College, array of carol songs in English, Sinhala,
metric tons harvest’, harvested chilies in 20 har- culture Sector Moderniza- Colombo 10. Tamil and Latin languages.
emphasized Anuradhapura vesting turns. He stated tion Project in Ketakala
Government Agent Janaka enthusiastically that he has and Kiralogama villages in
Jayasundara. He made earned more than Rs. Thalawa Divisional Secre-
these comments after the seven million from his chil- tariat division. The pro-
inspection of a highly suc- li cultivation. ject spends nearly a sum
cessful chilli cultivation Antony's wife and two of Rs 125,000 for arrang-
maintained in Puliyankula- sons too are fully engaged ing a 1/2 acre chilli nurs-
ma in Thirappane, DS divi- in chilli and vegetable culti- ery including the cost for
sion by a farmer H. M. vation, leading a prosper- 80 grams of M.I.C.H.
Antony Peiris. ous life. Anuradhapura hybrid chilli seeds per
Under the Agriculture Additional Government selected chilli farmer. Also
Ministry's World Bank Agent (land) Sandya N. G. under the World Bank
funded Agriculture Sector Abeysekara District Plan- funded ASMP around 150
Modernization Project, 100 ning Director Sugath Nay- farmers in Rajangane
farmers in the area were anandha Thirappane Divi- track one to track five are
selected to take to scientif- sional Secretary successfully engaged in
ic commercial chilli cultiva- I.G.A.R.S.I. Bandara scientific cultivation of
tion and the project pro- ASMP's Evaluation and sour plantains (Banana)
vides them necessary agri- Operation Director R. M. for export market initially
culture gear, fertilizer, L. Rathnayake were also exporting 12,500 kilo-
water supply techniques, present at the chilli cultiva- grams of sour plantain to
quality chilli seeds pro- tion observation tour in Dubai.

SL’s ageing population hinders

development challenges - Dr. Gunawardena
Sri Lanka’s Ambassador and population is tapped and to
the Permanent Representative promote gender equality in
to UNESCAP C. A. Chaminda labour, the Sri Lankan Govern-
I. Colonne led the Sri Lanka ment has set up institutional
delegation to the Seventh mechanisms, including legal
Asian Pacific Population Con- reforms to enable the integra-
ference held recently at the tion of women into the work-
United Nations Economic and force.
Social Commission for Asia Dr. Gunawardena was a
and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in panel member of the round table
Bangkok, Thailand. discussion on achievements,
Delivering the country state- challenges, gaps and emerging
ment, Health Services Director issues in the implementation of
General, Health Ministry Dr. the Asian and Pacific Ministeri-
Asela Gunawardena said that al Declaration on Population
Sri Lanka’s population is rapid- and Development.
ly ageing. By 2030, 1 in 5 peo- The Sri Lanka delegation
ple will be above the age of 60 comprised of Director General
years which will affect Sri Lan- of Health Services, Health Min-
ka’s political, economic and istry Dr. Asela Gunawardena,
social structures and have Director General, National Plan-
implications for achieving the ning Department R. H. W. A.
2030 Development Agenda. It Kumarasiri, Additional Director
is imperative to take necessary General, Department of Nation-
steps to ensure that social, eco- al Planning, Shiranthi Dammika
nomic and health policies and Ratnayake, Additional Director
programmes evolve to address General, Department of Census
the challenges ahead. and Statistics, Shyamalie Deepi-
As a nation that has achieved ka, First Secretary/Deputy Per-
gender parity in education manent Representative to
enrollment and high female UNESCAP, A.W.S. Samanmali
completion rates, their partici- and First Secretary (Commer-
pation in the labour force has cial)/Deputy Permanent Repre-
remained low. To ensure the sentative to UNESCAP,
full potential of Sri Lanka’s Vireshika Bandara.
DN page 4 EDITORIAL S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3

S a t u rd ay, N ove m b e r 2 5, 2 0 2 3

gion we embrace should not be used as

factors to judge or condemn us. We
Giving peace should refrain from passing judgment
on others solely based on the company
a chance they keep or the beliefs they hold.



ne could not but hope and pray that the tempo-
Just as we select friends based on
rary ceasefire in Gaza in force from today would nce Venerable Ajahn shared values, interests, or personal
be a permanent one or for at least the four-day Brahm Maha Thera connections, religion is a personal
cessation of hostilities to be extended. This will hope- found himself facing a choice that allows us to pursue spiritu-
fully end the massive loss of lives and destruction that peculiar question from al happiness in a way that resonates
has caused a hell on earth for the citizens of Gaza. the audience. with our individual beliefs and convic-
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed "What would you do," they asked, "if tions. By making this choice, we exer-
to effect a pause on the Israeli onslaught on Gaza in someone were to flush the sacred cise our right to seek spiritual fulfill-
exchange for the release of the 50 hostages taken by Dhammapada down the commode?" ment and cultivate a sense of inner joy.
Hamas on October 07. As a Buddhist monk, this question- In the face of those who spread nega-
could stir a whirlwind of emotions tivity or garbage, our role should not
Hopefully, saner counsel will prevail on both sides with
within him. While the Dhammapada be to confront them with hostility or
their leaders showing willingness to compromise to wasn't the only authoritative text in aggression. Instead, we should strive
see an early end to the carnage that has brought Buddhism, it held a special place in the to persuade and influence them
untold suffering on the people of Gaza. hearts of Buddhists, akin to Catholics’ through our actions and words. Like
The relentless Israeli bombardment has caused the cherished Bible. In the face of those who spread negativity or perfumed souls, we can rise above the
destruction of not only civilian dwellings but also The room fell silent, awaiting the garbage, our role should not be to confront them chaos and negativity, emanating a fra-
major hospitals where power and fuel too have been Venerable Maha Thera's response. grance of love, compassion, and under-
cut off putting many lives of patients at risk. Among With a serene smile, he replied, "In with hostility or aggression. Instead, we should strive standing.
them are pregnant mothers and premature babies not such a situation, I would simply sum- to persuade and influence them through our The quote by Edwin Markham beau-
to mention the thousands of civilians who have mon a plumber." actions and words. Like perfumed souls, we can rise tifully captures the essence of inclusiv-
In another tale recounted by Vener- ity and acceptance. Instead of erecting
sought refuge in them.
able Ajahn Chah Maha Thera, a monk above the chaos and negativity, emanating a barriers that exclude others based on
It is also time that the US which has extended firm
backing towards Israel to intervene at this decisive
found himself being insulted by some- fragrance of love, compassion, and understanding. their differences, love and understand-
one who referred to him as a ‘dog’. ing have the power to draw circles that
moment to ensure the ceasefire continues indefinitely. Rather than letting this insult disturb likened a society with multiple reli- Rather than engaging in divisive encompass all. By embracing a spirit of
Already many allies of the US among including Can- his inner peace, the monk calmly gions to a harmonious orchestra. responses or retaliating with further love and acceptance, we can create a
ada and France have expressed their horror and turned around, checked for a tail, and Venerable Maha Thera described insults, let us embody the true essence space where diverse beliefs and per-
revulsion at what is taking place in Gaza which hope- realised he had none. He continued on how an orchestra becomes more of our respective religions. Let us spectives can coexist harmoniously.
fully would hasten the hand of Uncle Sam to act with his path without feeling the need to enchanting and captivating with the exemplify the teachings of compassion, Ultimately, it is through the power of
circumspection. respond. presence of various instruments. Each tolerance, and unity. By doing so, we love, empathy, and respectful dialogue
Hamas and its fellow travellers such as Hezbollah Reflecting on the situation, he instrument, with its unique sound and demonstrate that the true beauty and that we can bridge gaps, foster under-
remarked, "That person called me a melody, contributes to the creation of a strength of our faith lies not in its con- standing, and create a more inclusive
should also seize on this opportunity to de-escalate
dog, but I don't possess a tail. There- beautiful symphony. Similarly, he tainer, but in the transformative power and compassionate world for all.
their counter attacks on Israel if for no other reason fore, I have nothing to worry about. emphasised that a society consisting of of its teachings, which have the poten- In the novel ‘Life of Pi’ by Yann
that sparing their citizens from further torment and And so, the story ends." diverse religions has the potential to tial to enrich and enlighten all human- Martel, the protagonist, Pi Patel,
misery. blossom into a remarkable tapestry of ity. embarks on a remarkable journey of
Countries such as Iran and Lebanon which are demon- GARBAGE CARRIERS harmony and unity. Indeed, each religion has its unique faith and self-discovery. Faced with
strating open hostility towards Israel and in fact pro- The presence of literal garbage in Sri Lanka, a country known for its goals, destinies, and paths to salvation. the challenge of survival at sea, Pi
viding moral support to Hamas fighters too should our surroundings seems to have rich religious diversity, exemplifies Buddhism seeks Nibbana, Christianity finds solace and strength by embrac-
now hold back for the same reason and give a chance become increasingly pervasive, with this potential. However, at times, cer- and Islam have their own distinct des- ing multiple religions. He sees the
for a respite from war. This is also the ideal opportu- fewer people available to clean up the tain politicians and influential figures tinations, and every religion offers its beauty and wisdom in each belief
nity for the UN to play a more proactive role to ensure mess. Unfortunately, this physical attempt to disrupt this harmonious own understanding of salvation. The system and chooses not to confine
manifestation of garbage mirrors the balance with their unwelcome acts of revered Teachers of these religions himself to a single path. Pi's character
not only that the ceasefire holds but also work
metaphorical garbage that exists with- division and negativity. Their actions have provided guidance and teachings serves as a poignant reminder of the
towards a permanent solution to the problem. in people's minds. This mental garbage can be seen as a form of unwanted to lead their followers along the path to power of embracing diversity and
worryingly, though, the Israeli Prime Minister has can take the form of divisive politics, garbage, aimed at stirring up discord salvation. finding common ground among differ-
declared that the war against Hamas will certainly not chauvinistic religious beliefs, and or serving personal agendas. These paths may differ and let us ent religions.Pirecognises that each
end until their main objectives have been realized- other harmful ideologies. We must Yet, the example set by Sri Lanka's recognise that as long as we remain religion offers its own unique perspec-
meaning, the total annihilation of Hamas. Hamas has gain a deeper understanding of this religious coexistence remind us of the immersed in worldly desires and pleas- tive and understanding of the divine.
not agreed to release all the hostages in their custody phenomenon. intrinsic value in embracing diversity. ures, none of us can claim that one path He finds inspiration in the teachings
which portends ill for an early resolution of the con- When a deranged individual howls By honouring and respecting each is definitively correct while others are of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam,
flict. This is why it is incumbent that the US and all at you, their words hold no weight other's faiths, we can weave together a wrong. Engaging in such judgments weaving together a tapestry of beliefs
concerned to intervene to negotiate for all hostages because you recognise their state of society that is truly beautiful—a soci- and comparisons only serves to create that sustains his spirit and guides him
madness. You are not moved or affect- ety where different religions coalesce division and hinder our own spiritual through his arduous journey. Pi's
to be released that would certainly provide for a posi-
ed by their outbursts because you to create a symphony of understand- progress. open-mindedness and willingness to
tive outcome. understand that they lack rationality. ing, compassion, and shared humanity. Instead, let us approach the diversity embrace various religions demon-
As the events in Gaza continued to unfold in all its hor- Instead, you choose to focus your of religious paths with humility and strate his deep appreciation for the
rific detail, convoys carrying food and other aid start- energy on more important matters. CONTENTS, NOT THE CONTAINER respect. Each path carries its own universal truths and values that
ed arriving for the besieged Gazan citizens via a These tales, like the ones I have shared When confronted with insults unique wisdom, practices, and underpin all faiths.
humanitarian Ian corridor from the Egyptian border above, are abundant in our social cir- directed at our own religion, it is approaches to spiritual growth. By fos- In the grand tapestry of humanity,
amidst claims that what was being provided would cles. They serve as valuable lessons, important to recognise that what the tering an attitude of open-mindedness we are blessed with a kaleidoscope of
hardly fulfil the ground needs. This in a scenario teaching us to stand tall and resolute other person is attempting to under- and seeking to understand, appreciate, religious beliefs and practices. Just as
where there is no knowing how far the conflict is going in the face of those who spread mental mine is merely the container of our and learn from one another, we can Pi found strength in the amalgama-
to rage and how many more deaths will result adding garbage. faith. They may try to insult Bud- deepen our own spiritual journey while tion of different faiths, we too can
By internalising these stories, we dhism, Christianity, Islam, or any embracing the richness and diversity of learn from his example. By recogniz-
to the 15,000 plus lives already lost. The appeal made
learn to navigate through the chaos other religion, but they can never truly the human experience. ing the common threads that unite
by Pope Francis too has so far failed to bring about a created by individuals who promote destroy the profound wisdom and Rather than engaging in debates religions—such as love, compassion,
rapprochement which leaves the US as the only negativity and divisive thinking. We beauty embedded within these ancient about the superiority or inferiority of and the pursuit of truth—we can fos-
promising actor with its close ties to Israel to hammer realise that their words and actions and revered belief systems. different paths, let us focus on living ter understanding and harmony
out a deal before things reach a point of no return with hold no true power over us. We The teachings that have withstood according to the principles and teach- among diverse communities.
more sufferings inflicted on the innocent civilians .As maintain our dignity and focus on the test of time, carrying messages of ings of our own faith, seeking inner The stories I’ve just shared, the
mentioned, Israel has insisted on the release of 250 more meaningful pursuits, refusing love, compassion, peace, and under- transformation and cultivating love, wisdom of Venerable Ajahn Brahm,
hostages taken by Hamas in the wake of its October to be swayed by the toxic environ- standing, are the true essence of our compassion, and understanding and the example of Pi Patel in ‘Life of
07 raid on a musical show in Israel as the first step ment they create. In this way, we rise faith. These teachings transcend any towards all beings. In doing so, we cre- Pi’ remind us of the importance of
towards easing raids on Gaza which so for up to now above the garbage and become bea- insults or attempts at degradation. ate an environment of harmony and embracing religious diversity. We are
cons of light and wisdom amid the They remain unshakable, resilient, and unity, recognising that the ultimate called upon to transcend the confines
has failed to elicit a response .It is a matter for gratifi-
darkness. enduring. goal of all true religious paths is to of dogma and exclusivity, and instead,
cation ,therefore, that the prolonged stalemate is now As a collective entity of different guide us toward a life of goodness, seek unity amid our differences. By
showing signs of being resolved with both sides BEAUTIFUL SYMPHONY religions, we must cultivate unwaver- peace, and spiritual liberation. cultivating a spirit of respect, love,
agreeing to compromise somewhat despite the rheto- Venerable Ajahn Brahm Maha Thera ing faith in the resilience and inherent Our religions can be likened to the and acceptance, we can build bridges
ric . Now is the time, therefore, for a collective appeal took one opportunity to shed light on power of these teachings. By recognis- names we are given and the friends we of understanding that connect people
to be made by all prominent world leaders setting the acronym of his name, Brahm. He ing that the content of our faith is far choose. Just as we have the freedom to of all faiths. Together, let us celebrate
aside all geopolitical conflicts and other differences revealed that it stood for B(uddhist), more profound and resilient than any change our names and select our the richness of our religious tapestry
to the Hamas militants to abide by the request by R(oman Catholic), A(nglican Chris- external attacks, we can rise above the friends, we also have the autonomy to and strive for a world where compas-
releasing all hostages taken on behalf of their own tian), and M(uslim). But he didn't stop insults and remain steadfast in our choose our religion. However, the sion, harmony, and mutual respect
population who could face total annihilation going by there. Drawing a profound analogy, he convictions. friends we associate with or the reli- flourish.
what TV footage has been unravelling during past
one and a half months since the start of the hostili-
Both sides too should think about the full implications
of their actions, and particularly how it is going to be
viewed by the world at large. Israel has gone on to
receive much sympathy from the world community
following the annihilation of 6 million of its people dur-
ing the holocaust. It should now ensure that this sym-
pathy is in no way sullied by its campaign in Gaza
which is being watched in all its horror by the same
world community.
In the meantime it must also be said that while pros-
pects of peace are indeed beckoning with the current
ceasefire, a two State solution is the only viable
answer to the Israel -Palestine conflict. All Gulf and
Arab States must recognize Israel's right to exist - a
stand taken by the Palestine Authority in the West
Bank. Israel, in turn, must recognize the State of Pal-
estine with clearly defined borders and enclaves. The
status of the Holy City of Jerusalem must also be
clearly defined.
In fact the Holy City, from where three religions origi-
nated, must be the foundation on which that solution
is formulated.


War is not just the shower of bullets and bombs
from both sides, it is also the shower of blood
and bones on both sides. - Amit Kalantri
S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3



the Iranians, under the late Quds Force
he ongoing war between leader Qasem Soleimani who was assas-
Israel and Hamas has sinated by the US in 2020, through their
brought to the forefront construct of a vast concoction of militias
the single biggest chal-
lenge that the regional
across Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon
aimed at deterring Israel and if needed, Can there be liars who
normalisation process was expected to
face at some point, that of the issue of
the Arabs, seem to have succeeded.
For the I2U2, the ongoing crisis is a speak like honey? Yes,
Palestine. From reports of United States
(US) diplomats raising concerns with
setback, but not an existential one. The
minilateral format may lose some steam that’s not only possible,
Washington D.C. of losing face in the
region to a rising body count in Gaza,
in the coming months but remains
important as an institution. However, we see it all the time.
the conflict has passed many red lines the ideation of it as a nimbler diplomacy
over the last month. design with successful delivery mecha- One could lie using a
However, the recent emergency ses- nisms, a potential alternative to post-
sion of the Organisation of Islamic WWII international frameworks, is yet mellow tone and in
Cooperation (OIC) along with the Arab to be proven. Perhaps this crisis is an
League held in Riyadh to discuss Gaza
showcased the lack of an Arab consen- (UAE), and the US, which is seen as a And much like the UAE, the Saudis
opportune time for such minilaterals to
work with pre-existing regional forums
ways that please the
sus beyond condemnation and the diver-
gent long-term interests of participating
pilot to what this “new” Middle East
(West Asia) can achieve.
were also moving towards a normalisa-
tion process with Israel. Saudi Crown
to show their worthiness. The US–Israel
block within the I2U2 is operating more
ear, with utmost
states. Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi
also attended, meeting his Saudi coun-
In this respect, the UAE’s response to
both Hamas’s terror attack against Israel
Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS),
only days before the Hamas attack, had
on a bilateral level with the UAE main-
taining both distance and balance. India
politeness. Such voices
terpart after more than a decade follow-
ing a diplomatic détente achieved earli-
and the latter’s subsequent military
operations in Gaza has been both tem-
said in an interview that the Kingdom is
inching closer every day towards nor-
is also walking a tightrope in the crisis
when it comes to balancing its own for-
can provide a lie with a
er this year brokered by China. Tehran
has made no bones about its support for
pered and for many, unexpected. Abu
Dhabi’s initial response was to condemn
malising ties with Israel but added cave-
ats that the success of such an initiative
eign policy and domestic political com-
pulsions. While New Delhi abstained
truth-like varnish. Such
Hamas and Hezbollah, marketing them
as part of the Palestinian resistance, and
Hamas’s actions against Israel, calling it
a “serious and grave escalation”. Since
also depended on Israeli deliverables on
Palestine. While scholars like F Gregory
from a United Nations General Assem-
bly (UNGA) call towards demanding a
liars can be even held in
not mere proscribed terror groups. In
Riyadh, Rwaisi asked his Muslim coun-
then, the Emiratis have maintained a
level of balance, but cracks within the
Gause III recognise that fundamentals
of Saudi-Israel normalisation are still
humanitarian truce in Gaza, it voted
against Israel a few days later again at
high regard as people of
terparts to designate Israel’s armed
forces as a terror organisation.
Accords system seemed to be visible.
While the UAE reaffirmed their backing
available, Gulf monarchies, having lived
through the shocks of the Arab Spring,
the UNGA denouncing Israeli settle-
ments gnawing into Palestinian territo-
impeccable integrity.
But for the likes of Saudi Arabia, the for what the Accords stand for, their will tread more carefully than some are ries (India has voted in favour of this
United Arab Emirates (UAE), and oth- partners in Bahrain, who had also nor- currently anticipating. resolution annually). This fed into New
ers, strategic interests at play are long- malised relations with Israel, paused Even if Hamas’s actions were not pri- Delhi’s stance for a sovereign Palestini-

itness stands are court-append-
term and the current inflection point trade and recalled their ambassador for marily intended to disrupt the above an nation, a two-state solution, and ages. That’s where we are
poses a challenge to their vision. Over consultations. narratives, doing so would be a big maintained a voting balance between questioned about whether or
the past few years, diplomatic and stra- However, despite the ongoing scram- boon. A Saudi normalisation with Israel, Arab and Israeli interests. not we witnessed and, if we did,
tegic reorientation within the region ble to find a political and diplomatic the former being home to the Two Holy Mechanisms such as the I2U2, and we are called upon to describe what we saw.
highlighted rapidly shifting interests, sweet spot, it is unlikely that these new Mosques, would be a tectonic event. It even the India-Middle East-Europe Eco- Not all witnesses have to testify in court,
moving from a history of conflict to a Arab-Israel mechanisms will collapse would also re-draw the lines in the sand nomic Corridor (IMEEC) announced before a judge and a jury. We see things all
future where functional stability is seen given the Gazan conflict or due to a geostrategically, with an Arab-Israeli on sidelines of the G20 summit in Sep- the time. We try to make sense of what we
of essence. The Abraham Accords, more confrontational posture between block with American backing standing tember, are here to stay. A collision see. We form opinions. We come to conclu-
signed in 2021, launched a new era of Arab states and Iran.“The (Abraham) in unity against Iran, an unpalatable between the “new” and “old” Middle sions. And not always are we questioned
cooperation and normalisation not only Accords are our future,” said Ali Rashid prospect for the Shia state. In response, East was expected, specifically with the about these things.
between the Arab states and Israel but Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Defence, Iran, over the years, has perhaps mobi- issue of Palestine. The Hamas attack What if we were, though? What if we were
also between the US and the wider Interior, and Foreign Affairs Committee lised the most utilitarian version of a has rekindled the centrality of the Pales- called upon to bear witness? Would we
region. A direct outcome of this nor- of the United Arab Emirates Federal strategy once envisioned by Pakistan’s tinian crisis, that any future design of always speak the truth, the whole truth and
malisation was the setting up of new National Council at an event organised erstwhile military dictator Zia-ul-Haq, the region, economic or political, cannot nothing but the truth of what we saw, heard
initiatives, such as the I2U2, an eco- by the European Jewish Association and that of targeting an adversary through a ignore Palestinians. Hamas’s message and felt?
nomic and trade ecosystem between the American Israel Public Affairs Com- “thousand cuts”. While Zia failed in this through terror was as much for the We don’t have to. No one deserves to be
India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates mittee. endeavour against his adversary India, Arabs as it was for the Israelis. questioned at each and every turn. Indeed,
few are tormented thus. However, there are
times when we can’t shrug shoulders and
move away. There are times when ‘not now’ or


‘too busy’ are simply unacceptable. There are
times when summoned to a forum of one kind
or another, we cannot excuse ourselves.
When such occasions arise, people can
respond in two broad ways.

There are those who are evasive when
asked ‘what do you know?’ When they know
they say ‘I do not know’ and when they don’t
they still insist ‘I know.’ They say ‘I saw’ when
they haven’t seen and ‘I saw not’ when in fact
DISHAN JOSEPH they have. Their responses are informed by

ceaseless prayer that defines monastic self-interest. They assess marginal costs
ount Athos is the larg- life as a whole. Generally, there are two against marginal benefits. They seek profit
est Orthodox monastic ways of praying: in private (in the cell and desist from uttering anything that could
community in the world and at work) and collectively (during the result in a loss, in terms of their understand-
and, for this reason, has liturgy in the church and at the refecto- ing of such things.
been dubbed the center ry). They do not speak the truth, the whole truth
of Orthodox monasticism. Its recorded and nothing but the truth. They bear false wit-
history begins with the first appearance DIVINE CUISINE ness. They subvert truth and justice. They
of ascetics thirteen centuries ago, which The food cooked by the monks on speak or are silent; either way they foul the
was followed three centuries later by the Mount Athos is a flavor-packed amalga- air. In the Gūthabhāṇīsutta, the Buddha
emergence of organized communities mation of the knowledge, style and expe- observes that such speech is dung-like.
with rules and a communal life. Mount rience each cook brings to the communi- Then there are others who will not waver
Athos, also known as the Holy Mountain ty; a wonderful medley shaped by strict when it comes to bearing witness. They will
is an autonomous republic of Eastern dietary rules. say ‘this I saw’ and ‘this I heard.’ And if they
Orthodox monks situated in northeast- The cuisine on Mount Athos is excel- did not, they would say ‘no, I did not see’ and
ern Greece. In Greek, Mount Athos is lent, simple, delicious, with recipes ben- ‘no, I did not hear.’ Their responses are col-
called “Agio Oros” which refers to the eficial for health. The cuisine of the oured by self-interest. Such speech, the Bud-
2033-meter mountain the Holy Mountain Athonite monks is based on vegetables, dha says, is like flowers.
is honored by Eastern Orthodox Chris- legumes and what the sea that surrounds The Buddha also speaks of a third type,
tians as a holy land and place of pilgrim- Mount Athos has to offer.No meat all speech that is like hone.
age.The byzantine emperor recognized year round, recipes with lots of vegeta- ‘And who has speech like honey? It’s some-
Athos as a territory for male hermit bles and fruits. We strictly observe fast- one who gives up harsh speech. They speak
monks in 885, banishing from the terri- ing. It is a simple, healthy diet, with in a way that’s mellow, pleasing to the ear,
tory all resident layman and shepherds. fasting and non-fasting recipes. This is lovely, going to the heart, polite, likeable and
Tradition indicates that Virgin Mary the secret that protects the monks from agreeable to the people. This is called a per-
and John the Evangelist encountered a cancer, as well as from other diseases and son with speech like honey.’
stormy sea, on their way to visit Lazarus gives them longevity. The humble monks It follows then that there can be a fourth
in Cyprus and they were forced to seek a eat with self-restraint. kind of speech. It is harsh. It displeases the
shelter in a port, which is now the Holy The cardinal rule of monastic diet has ear. It is impolite. It does not come from the
Monastery of Ivira. The Virgin Mary sians, as since the foundation Russian the 10th century, the monastery’s name also shaped this cuisine’s identity: monks heart. It is not agreeable to anyone. It is cer-
admired the wild beauty of the place and monks still live here. The construction of in Greek means tightened. Among the in these communal monasteries are not tainly not like honey.
asked God to give her the mountain as a the present monastery, begun about 1800 treasures there is a large part of Napoleon allowed to eat meat. Fish is the “good” Can there be liars who speak like honey?
present. Then our Lord responded: “Let and it was finished in 1865. At the end of Bonaparte’s tent and the Cross of Pulche- stuff, reserved for holidays and special Yes, that’s not only possible, we see it all the
this place be your lot, your garden and the 19th century, it’s supported about ria lies at the catholicon’s altar. In the feasts like Easter. The rest of the year, time. One could lie using a mellow tone and in
your paradise, as well as a salvation, a 2000 monks. Today about 60 monk Greek library we find 372 manuscripts and 8000 they live on vegetables, pulses, pasta, ways that please the ear, with utmost polite-
haven for those who seek salvation”. and Russians, live here.Here we find the printed books today. grains and other seafood.They make their ness. Such voices can provide a lie with a
Since then, Mount Athos is called "The second biggest bell on earth after that in In spite of the great transformations of own bread. Red pepper, so popular all truth-like varnish. Such liars can be even held
Garden of the Virgin Mary". Saint Petersburg which weights 13tons, the Athonian landscape in the 20th cen- over northern Greece, is a staple in the in high regard as people of impeccable integ-
The first organized monastery was together with 32 smaller ones. tury, the monks of the monastic republic dishes of Mount Athos, widely used, rity.
constructed in 963 by St. Athanasios the Xiropotamou Monastery- is a monas- of Mount Athos describe the forest to along with black pepper, to add sweet- The problem is the dung. Sooner or later
Athonite and took the name Megiste tery of Mount Athos built in the 11th visitors as “untouched” by time and ness, color and intensity.All of the mon- the bad odours escape. When this happens
Lavra; in essence, it constituted the century probably by the monk Paul Xiro- change, calling it a virgin forest. asteries grow their own vegetables. the lie and the liar are exposed.
beginning of Athonite monasticism, potaminos and this monk gave his name The second problem is that a lie is essen-
which has remained unaltered until the to the monastery. The catholicon(main LIFE AND PRAYER LEAVING MOUNT ATHOS tially a plugging of a hole in a story. One lie
present day.The Monasteries of Mount chapel)is dedicated to forty martyrs. Those who have read The way of a The monasteries of Mt. Athos are hun- has to be protected with another lie and
Athos are occupied predominantly by Magnificent treasures are kept, the most Pilgrim are familiar with the expression dreds of years old, and hundreds and another and another. Maintaining falsehood is
Greeks, but also brotherhoods of Geor- famous is perhaps the largest known frag- 'The Jesus Prayer. It refers to a short thousands of monks have ended their tedious. Truth-water seeps in and after a while
gian, Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian, and ment of the true Cross, in this fragment prayer the words of which are: 'Lord earthly lives in them. But where are all of it comes faster than you can throw it out.
Serbian monks.Cloaked by beautiful one of the holes left by the nails is visible. Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the graves of the reposed?To repose on Sooner or later and the odious vessel sinks.
chestnut and other type of Mediterrane- Furthermore are kept part of the clothes me, a sinner' constantly repeated. The the Holy Mountain, in fact, is actually There’s a smell of dung these days that is
an forest, the steep slopes of Mount which covered Christ and part of the Way of a Pilgrim is the story of a man considered a kind of recognition of the traceable to the offices of the most powerful
Athos are punctuated by twenty impos- crown of thorns. who wanted to learn to pray constantly. deceased’s righteousness. individuals, groups, classes and countries in
ing monasteries of Mount Athos and Saint Paul Monastery-Founded by Paul The prayer is profoundly rooted in the After the customary prayer rule is this world. There's flower-fragrance too. It is a
their subsidiary establishments.Consist- Xiropotaminos, in the 10th century a spirit of the gospel, and it is not in vain read, the deceased monk is carried by his timeless battle. The liars use honeyed tones
ing of 20 monasteries and approximately famous monk during that time who also that the great teachers of Orthodoxy have fellow brethren to his place of rest and is but words have a way of rebelling and of trip-
2,000 pious monks it is a spiritual oasis. built the monastery of Xiropotamou. In always insisted on the fact that the Jesus buried. Afterwards, on top of the grave ping the lie-masters.
Simonos Petras Monastery- One of the the church a beautiful iconostasis made Prayer sums up the whole of the gospel. the brethren mount a low four-pointed Infinitely easier and wholesome to speak
most impressive buildings on the Mount of marble is in very good condition today. This is why the Jesus Prayer can only be wooden cross on which, using simple the truth, regardless of consequences, don’t
Athos area, It was built in 12th century Serbian rulers donated land money and used in its fullest sense if the person who paint, is made the most concise inscrip- you think?
from Saint Simon, on a rocky place 250m gift to the monastery. In the library are uses it belongs to the gospel, is a member tion: the name of the monk and the date malindadocs@gmail.com. www.malinda-
over the sea, with a stunning view. saved 12500 printed books. Today about of the Church of Christ.Central in each of of his death. The monks of Mount Athos words.blogspot.com.
Saint Panteleimonos Monastery- Has 35 monks live here. the three spiritual stages of monastic life live a life of prayer, on this miraculous
as well the title the monastery of the Rus- Esphigmenou Monastery- Founded in (novice, monk, elder) is the practice of mountain.
DN page 6 NEWS S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3

Commemoration of Child Abuse Prevention Day

Misuse of digital technology has caused

many social problems including child abuse
Education Minister Dr. Susil Pre-
majayantha said that even in many
developed countries of the world,
Internet use is implemented with reg-
ulation, and misuse of digital technol-
ety is in a non-stop competition, and
because the nature of competition is
to strive for achievement, we find a
generation under mental pressure and
stress, so it is essential to pay more
- Dr. Susil Premajayantha
and 25 District Development Com- putes, lack of attention to children ate manner, and said that attention
ogy has caused many social problems attention to the field of psychiatry in mittees hold monthly development and illiteracy have had an impact and has been paid to it in the upcoming
including child abuse. The minister future training programmes, the Min- committee meetings and through necessary measures should be taken education reform measures.
expressed these views while partici- ister further pointed out here. these, a great deal of intervention can by conducting further surveys in this State Minister Geetha Kumarasing-
pating in a programme organized in The Minister also pointed out that be done for these problems. It was regard. he, Senior Deputy Inspector General
commemoration of the occasion of the there are many officials at root level to mentioned that problems such as Also, the Minister stated that some of Police Deshbandu Tennakoon and a
Child Abuse Prevention Day, which identify social problems that arise at injustice, abuse, and drug addiction people argue that it is inappropriate large number of school teachers, stu-
was held on November 19. regional level in Sri Lanka and to take where children are concerned are to introduce sex education in schools, dents, parents, Police officers and
In the face of ever-increasing socio- steps to provide solutions to them. problems within the family corpora- and that it should be included in the civil Defence officers attended this
economic problems, the current soci- 331 Divisional Secretariat Divisions tion, children's isolation, parental dis- school curriculum in a more appropri- event.

77 children pass Year 5 Scholarship in Akuressa CEB must earn revenue for
customers to benefit
- Minister
Power and Energy Minis-
ter Kanchana Wijesekera
told Parliament yesterday developed for bunkering. Do
that electricity consumers not think wrongly about the
would be provided with Electricity Act. Don’t be
relief if the Ceylon Electrici- afraid of that. The Bill will be
ty Board (CEB) earned submitted to Parliament for
more income. consideration in January. If it
The CEB earned revenue is not possible to pay for an
of Rs.16 billion last October .However, it electricity connection at once, a system is
has been making losses for the last ten made to get the connection to pay in
months.He said that it is expected that installments. An initial charge of 3,000
such an income will be received in Novem- rupees was taken to restore the discon-
The 77 students of MR/Godapitiya Maha Vidyalaya who won the first place from Akuressa Education Region ber as well. nected supply. I was advised to deal with
with the principal and the deputy principals in charge of the departments. The main problem with the CEB is the that amount according to the amount of
First place in allegations regarding the electricity bill. the bill. I hope to reduce it to less than
VIJITHA SALGADU the first place in Akuressa est number of marks in Matara Matara district, The electricity bill was revised in August. Rs.2,000.
Akurassa Central Special region. The student Jinuthi district and the first place. Jinuthi Dinsari He indicated that the amendment was He also said that the proposed 18 per-
77 children of MR/Godapitiya Dinsari Senanayake, who is Principal A.K.M. Wijesinghe Senanayake, one made after nine years. From 2014 till last cent Value Added Tax (VAT) increase will
Maha Vidyalaya in Akuressa studying in this school, obtained appeared for a group photo with of the two August, the Treasury has given money to not be applicable to diesel and kerosene.
region have passed the Year 5 194 marks and is one of the two the group of deputy principals students of the cover expenses. CPC also like this and “The final decision on the proposed
Scholarship examination held children from the Southern in charge of leading depart- Southern both institutions collapsed due to non- VAT increase will be taken on December
this year and their school won Province who obtained the high- ments. Province. implementation of the proper tariff sys- 10 this year. However, attention has been
tem. A cost representation fee system was paid to exempt kerosene and diesel from
introduced last February. VAT.The construction of Sri Lanka’s sec-
The Public Utilities Commission ond oil refinery in the Hambantota area

Fully-fledged IT Room gifted to Kahatana (PUCSL) has not proposed decommis-

sioning. It continues to function as the
body that regulates the Electricity Board.
will begin next month.
Minister Wijesekera said that the cabi-
net sub-committee has already given

Primary School from Korea

He challenges me to tell me where it is approval for this project and hopes to get
said to be deactivated. If there is more approval from the cabinet next week.
income, that benefit is given to the peo- “Once the second refinery is operation-
ple. There were no laws on lubricant al, Sri Lanka will focus on exporting pet-
licensing. We invited Abhilash and gave ro-chemicals and petroleum products,” he
licences. A legal system is also being said.

This year's budget is for women

from various sectors of the
country - Shanthini Kongahage
On November 23 of this year IT learning facilities of the school
(2023), the Embassy of the Repub- while allowing the students to
lic of Korea in Sri Lanka held a experience a great learning envi-
handing-over ceremony of a fully- ronment.
fledged IT Room worth approxi- The event was attended by the SHIROMI ABAYASINGHE
mately LKR 6 Million to Kahatana Korean Ambassador, Miyon LEE; ment and expressed their heartfelt while creating a better educational economy. The Minister of Education said
Kanishta Vidyalaya in Gampaha Country Director of KOICA, Kim gratitude to the Korean Govern- environment for the school. Educa- Chairperson of the Eksath Lak Vanitha in Parliament that they hope to spend 550
District. Myung Jin and the Ambassador ment and the supporting team for tion is a strong area of cooperation Peramuna, leader of the Kandy District million rupees on behalf of education. At a
Kahatana Kanishata Vidyalaya is handed over the IT Room to the organizing this great donation between the two countries. The Shanthini Kongahage said that all relief moment of time when everyone thought it
a rural school in Gampaha District students of the Kahatana Kanishta amid the crisis situation in Sri government of Korea has invested provided through the budget by President was not possible to allocate so much of
that educates about 375 students Vidyalaya. At the ceremony, the Lanka. in the Sri Lankan educational sec- Ranil Wickremesinghe has been prepared money through the budget, such an alloca-
from vulnerable families in the Principal of the Kahatana Kanishta Adding to this, the Government tor through the KOICA projects so that it will be received by families. tion has been done. It was not possible to
area. The establishment of a fully- Vidyalaya in Gampaha, Amila of Korea believes that this project and has allocated 47% of the total She made this comment during a media implement the important decision of pro-
fledged IT room aims to ease class- Udayanga Balasooriya and the staff will be helpful in enhancing the assistance to the education sector briefing held yesterday (23) at the Siriko- viding two million deeds during the era of
room congestion and improve the highly appreciated the establish- learning abilities of the students in between 2021-2025. tha Party Headquarters. the government of good governance. Now,
Shanthini Kongahage also had the fol- it is being implemented again. Action has
lowing to say; been taken to supply without shortages,

State Minister Sanath Nishantha Royal College 68th Annual Islamic Day A country's economy and existence rice such as Keeri Samba and sugar which
depend on the budget the government pre- is required for the festive season. Another
sents. This year's budget is for women contribution towards the economy is the
and Awards ceremony at Navarangahala from various sectors of the country. We signing of an agreement after sixty years

handed two week suspension

hoped that the Opposition will point out
the shortcomings of this budget and dis-
cuss how we can take it forward. Anyhow,
with the Shell Company, worth 110 million
dollars to run 200 fuel filling stations.
Especially, as the economic research
iour of MP Sanath Nishantha in the second reading of the budget was department declared by 2023/2024 the
Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abey- Parliament the day before yester- passed in parliament with a majority. negative rate of economic growth will be
wardena announced in Parliament day. This budget has been presented covering overcome and it has been forecast that it
on Wednesday that the Water Sup- Thereby, the suspension will be all fields such as poverty-stricken people, can reach 1.8. The Opposition should, rath-
ply State Minister Sanath Nishan- effective from yesterday. middle-class people, and business people, er than always saying our country is bank-
tha, has been suspended from Par- The Speaker also said that he groups engaged in small businesses, public rupt, see these things in a far more effec-
liament sittings for a period of two condemns the indiscipline that service, elders, retired persons, and even tive manner and talk about them. It should
weeks. occurred in Parliament that day. school children. It is of significance that it be mentioned that the second phase of the
The Speaker told Parliament that State Minister Sanath Nishantha has been prepared so as to ensure that all Port City has commenced too.As a result,
he took the decision in terms of the was accused of stealing the file of relief is directed at the family. The decision our youth will be given the opportunity to
powers vested in him under Stand- Opposition Leader Sajith Premada- made by President Ranil Wickremesinghe obtain a job in the private sector. The
ing Order 146. sa when he was presenting a ques- Chief Guest Sinan Onais receiving Islamic Societies 65th Edition of
on behalf of more than fifty thousand per- World Bank has said that they have
He further said the decision had tion under the Standing Order 27/2 "Sout Ut Tullab" publication from Principal Thilak Waththuhewa. Islamic sons living in flats is of utmost importance. approved a sum of USD 150 million in
been taken due to the unruly behav- in Parliament. Society teacher in charge Azeema Hussain and Islamic Society Presi- Even people living in Mahaweli zones had order to create economic stability in Sri
dent Umair Haris were also present. Picture by: Ruzaik Farook a huge problem with the deeds of their Lanka. We expect 1.5 million tourists in
houses. Solving that is a massive achieve- the country, by the end of the year. We
ment. Not only providing estate workers have the possibility of using assistance to
Colombo CHC orders six accused of slandering RUZAIK FAROOK
The Royal College Islamic Soci-
since its inception in 1958. The
Islamic Day, a tradition that dates
with a land of 10 perches but ensuring full
ownership is of great importance.
develop these industries. We have imple-
mented a programme where we will be
Court show cause within one month ety hosted the 68th Annual Islamic
Day and Awards Day ceremony at
back to 1955, has remained a piv-
otal part of Royal College's herit-
Arrangements have been made through
this budget to provide the Suraksha Insur-
able to attract 5 million tourists by 2029.
The Treasury has said that the Internation-
DILSHAN THARAKA The case was filed against its Navarangahala recently. It was held age. ance to school children that which was pre- al Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared that
The Colombo Commercial High Managing Director Kasun Raja- under the guidance of Islamic Soci- Sinan Onais, former Secretary, sented by the government of good govern- they will be granting USD 330 million. At
Court yesterday ordered to six paksa, its Directors Thusitha Raja- ety Chairman Umair Haris. This Royal College Islam Society ance in 2020 and which they were deprived the same time, while receiving the agree-
accused including the Directors and paksa, Bhathiya Amarakoon, Asan- year's event marked a significant (1990) cum Student Chairman of and once again protecting the family as ment of China, restructuring debt has
Secretary of a leading shoe manu- ka Rajapaksa, Nelani Rajapaksa and milestone as the society launched (1991) was present as chief guest. an entity economic relief has been granted proved to be very successful and this has
facturing company and its secretary its Secretary Waruni de Silva, for the 65th edition of the "Sout Ut The 2023 Islamic Day was cel- to mothers and fathers. School uniforms been stated by the IMF as well. We are due
to produce their facts and file objec- acting contrary to the Court order Tullab" souvenir, an annual publi- ebrated with great enthusiasm, and printing of text books has been done to receive a special sum of five billion dol-
tions within month for action to not issued to remove relevant Shoe cation that holds special impor- attracting a diverse audience of under Chinese assistance. At the same lars as assistance for the oil refinery
be taken against them for slander- Company?s Managing Director tance for the community. over 1,000 attendees, including time parents have been provided with huge inHambantota. An agreement has been
ing the Court. Sajith Rajapaksa from the all posi- The term "Sout Ut Tullab" students from Grade 1 to 13, par- economic relief by providing school chil- reached with Sinopec of China too. It
The case was taken up before tions he held at the Company. translates to "The Student's ents, Past Islamic Society board dren with footwear. Also, providing lunch should be noted that all young people in all
Colombo Commercial High Court The case will be taken up again Voice," and this publication has members, teachers, and adminis- for selected schools is also an immense fields have been granted all necessary pro-
Judge Priyantha Fernando. on December 05. been a long-standing tradition trative staff. relief. All of these strengthen a family's visions to make the future better.
S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 7 DN

Ambassador Samarasinghe addresses Most Ven. Niyangoda

Vijithasiri Anunayake
University Club of Washington Thera turns75
The Most Venerable Deputy
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the asinghe, highlighted the importance of and commenced the process towards Patriarch (Anunayake thera) of
United States Mahinda Samarasinghe, 2023 which marks 75 years of relations securing a programme. His successor, Malwatte Chapter of Siam Sect,
on Tuesday (21) addressed the Univer- between Sri Lanka and the United current President Ranil Wickremesing- Ven. Niyangoda Sri Vijithasiri
sity Club of the City of Washington States. He outlined the history of peo- he, demonstrated the political commit- Anunayake Thera reaches 75
D.C. and briefed the well-attended ple to people contact even preceding ment to undertake the necessary years of age on November 26. The
gathering on 1948 when Sri Lanka gained independ- reforms which had led to the IMF pro- uniquely great service rendered
the current situation in Sri Lanka, as ence. He stressed that as much as gram being granted to Sri Lanka and by Ven. Anunayake Thera for the
well as the challenges and opportuni- Americans had contributed greatly to currently being implemented. The religious, cultural and social
ties for the future. the uplift and welfare of Sri Lankans in Ambassador outlined the various gov- resurgence of the country will be long remembered and valued by the
The event, hosted by the Club’s many fields, that Sri Lankan migrants ernance and economic reforms under- people of Sri Lanka and is sure to be recorded in our history in
International Committee at the Keefer over the years had given of themselves taken and which are continuing at pre- golden letters.
Memorial Library, provided an occa- and had excelled in many fields of sent. He explained the efforts at debt The University Club of the City of Seventy-five years ago, on November 26, 1948, a son was born to
sion to inform and update influential endeavour. Sri Lanka - American rela- restructuring with principal creditors Washington D.C., inaugurated in 1904 Herath Rajakaruna Wasala Mudiyanselage Kuda Banda Niyangoda
members of the community in the tions have, over the years, grown and including China and the Paris Club of and brings together a range of person- and Molagoda Rajakaruna Wasala Mudiyanselage Bisomenike, both
United States’ capital on progress in are based on commitment to democra- creditors including India.The Ambassa- alities representing a diverse range of parents being teachers who were residing at Molagoda Walawwa,
Sri Lanka.Ambassador Samarasinghe cy and mutual respect, he added, stat- dor stated that Sri Lanka would ensure professions and disciplines. Its inaugu- Niyangoda in Harispattuwa electorate. The boy had basic education
was introduced by Oonagh McDonald, ing that for the next 25 years and that all creditors would be treated ral President wasSecretary of War, Wil- in Piyadassi Maha Vidyalaya, Molagoda and Science College, Matale.
CBE, a former Member of the beyond, the bilateral relationship will equally. The Ambassador then partici- lian Howard Taft who later was elected It may be due to the merits accumulated over a long cycle of Sansara,
U.K.House of Commons and a distin- grow even stronger. pated in a question and answer session President of the United States. Speak- on May 26, 1964, he was ordained at Niyangoda Purana Viharaya by
guished author and researcher on He explained Sri Lanka’s efforts at moderated by Linda White, Head of er of the House Tip O Neill, former the name of Niyangoda Vijithasiri, under the tutelage of Ven. Ethul-
banking and finance. She welcomed recovery from the economic crisis the International Committee of the President Richard Nixon, numerous gama Dewarakkita Nayake Thera, Bambaradeniye Medhananda
the Ambassador as a person having a since 2021 and stated that he initiated University Club and responded to a Supreme Court Justices, Secretaries Maha Thera, Gallelle Nandasara Thera and Henepola Nandasiri
wealth of experience across a diverse contact with the International Mone- wide range of questions ranging from (Ministers) of the Cabinet and several Nayake Thera.
range of fields, who could provide a tary Fund (IMF) in 2022. Thereafter, investment opportunities, migrant leaders in business, government and Ven. Vijithasiri, the novice monk was entered to Dharmaloka
unique perspective on Sri Lanka. former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa worker remittances, tourism and academia, are counted among its mem- Pirivena in Niyangoda and Ratnasela Pirivena in Wegama to com-
In his remarks, Ambassador Samar- communicated with the IMF in writing regional economic andsecurity matters. bership. plete his novice education. He was able to enrich his young life as a
Buddhist monk in close association with Most Ven. Yakkaduwe Sri
Pragnarama Nayake Thera, The parivenadhipathi of Vidyalankara

Deputy HC meets Indian Chamber of Commerce

Pirivena, Peliyagoda. Ven. Vijithasiri entered a higher ordination on
Vesak full moon poya day in 1970, at Malwathu Maha Viharaya.
In 1968, Ven. Vijithasiri Thera entered to University of Peradeniya
and obtained Bachelor of Art degree and Post Graduate Diploma in
Education. After completing the studies, Ven. Anunayake Thera

and Industry (ICCI) of Coimbatore

began his career as a teacher of Nalanda Pirivena, Kuda Uduwa,
Horana and Gnaneshwara Pirivena affiliated to Gangaramaya in
Colombo 02. Later he served at schools including Girihagama
School, Paranagama School, Mahaweli Maha Vidyalaya and King-
swood College, Kandy.
Highlights incentives offered Ven. Thera was entrusted with the "Thewawa" ceremony of Sri
Dalada Maligawa, which is a highly respected task among the Bud-

to Indian entrepreneurs dhist monks in 1991.

The Thera was appointed as a member of Supreme Sangha Council
of Malwatte Chapter of Siam Sect by Royal
At the invitation of the Coimbatore tan set-up and other incentives offered close bilateral rela- Pandit Most Ven. Sirimalwatte Sri Ananda
Chapter Indian Chamber of Commerce by Sri Lanka to Indian entrepreneurs. tions of both nations. Mahanayake Thera in 1986.Ven. Vijithasiri
and Industry (ICCI), Sri Lanka’s Depu- The Deputy High Commissioner fur- Minister (Com- Thera has provided his invaluable service
ty High Commissioner to South India ther emphasized on the improving merce) Gnanatheva Sri Lanka’s Deputy High Commissioner to South India Dr. for the Annual Upasampada Ceremony of
Dr. D. Venkateshwaran and Minister political and financial stability of Sri made a presentation D. Venkateshwaran addressing the ICCI’s 14th General Malwathu Viharaya as a "Karmacharya"
(Commerce) G. L. Gnanatheva partici- Lanka and invited Indian entrepre- on India - Sri Lanka Council Meeting held recently. and a "Upadyaya" for several decades. He
pated at the ICCI’s 14th General Coun- neurs to make use of the opportunities business opportuni- was elevated to the positions of Deputy
cil Meeting held recently. Following to set-up their business in Sri Lanka ties in the emerging Registrar and Registrar of Malwatte Chap-
the meeting, a Sri Lanka India Busi- and export to other destinations situation with the panoramic view on ness Information Forum of the ICCI ter in 1990 and 1993 by Most Ven. Ram-
ness Information Forum was held through Sri Lankan FTAs. Further the existing trade, investment and was a long awaited event for the busi- bukwelle Sri Vipassi Mahanayake Thera.
under the Chairmanship of Vice Presi- DHC stated that Sri Lanka’s Tourism tourism potentials of Sri Lanka. The nessmen from Coimbatore to reach the The Supreme Sangha Council of Malwatte
dent of ICCI Rajesh B Lund. and Real Estate sectors are already meeting concluded with an interactive worldwide consumer markets and Chapter conferred on him the prestigious
The Deputy High Commissioner being successfully utilised by high level session and discussions on a potential industries through Sri Lanka’s free position "Anunayake" in 2004.
highlighted the culture, logistical Indian entrepreneurs, and need to be business visit to Sri Lanka to explore trade agreements. More than one hun- Ven. Anunayake Thera was awarded an
advantage, air connectivity, linguistics further explored by more businessmen more opportunities and meet with dred leading businessmen of Coim- honorary doctorate from a Korean Univer-
connection, geo-locations, cosmopoli- who should capitalise on the growing stakeholders. The Sri Lanka India Busi- batore participated. sity and an honorary D.Litt. degree from
Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. 2K Paint only (Home
The government of Myanmar honoured visit) cars,​ buffers,​

Man arrested for sexually

him with Mahasaddhammajotikadhaja doors (one day
prestigious title. Vidyalankara Pirivena, the service) accident
prominent Buddhist Institution conferred repairs (2 K Cut
him as 'Sthavira wansalankara sasana and Polish 4 hrs.)

abusing girl in Ingiriya

Keerthi Sri'. Ven. Thera was appointed as 0742603365. 070919
the inaugural chancellor of Wickramarach-
chi University of Indegenious Medicine by
His Excellency President of Sri Lanka. As
VARUNA DAYARATNE the Anunayake Thera, Ven. Thera repre-
The suspect had deceived the sented all the national and religious com-
A 67-year-old man who sexually young girl by handing over one mittees and functions throughout the coun-
abused an 11-year-old girl after hundred rupees to her and even try on behalf of The Most Venerable,
handing over 100 rupees to her has though she refused the money, Mahanayake Thera and supreme sangha
been arrested by the Ingiriya the suspect had managed to council of Malwatta Chapter of Siam Sect.
Police yesterday (24). convince her to come out of her Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri Anunayake
During the interrogation, it was home and take her out with Thera provided his maximum contribution
revealed that this man was a per- him. to uplift Buddha Sasana as the representa- English speaking
manent resident of the Ampara The sexually abused girl has tive of Malwatta chapter in several state tourist driver 30
area and was presently living tem- been admitted to the hospital for and international scale works.
year experience,​
porarily at his parents’ home, examinations.Ingiriya Police is Switzerland’s Ambassador in Colombo Dr.Siri Walt arrived at sacred Temple of the In 1990s, he actively participated to
which was just a few houses away conducting further investigations prepare the legal and constitutional acts all-island roads well
Tooth Relics and participated religious observances. She later called on Diyawadana
from the abused girl’s house. into the incident. Nilame Pradeep Nilanga Dela. related to Buddha Sasana. His knowledge- known. Telephone
able, compendious speeches have become 0713826593. 076785
famous in the society due to the interest-

SL Ambassador hosts “Music Life around Us” Celebrating Turkish

ing vocal and verbal pattern unique to
him. The selfless services rendered by
Most Ven. Niyangoda Vijithasiri Anuay-
ake Thera, brought greater light to the

Republic’s 100th Anniversary

Buddha Sasana. His actions portrayed a 2K Paint only (Home
most efficient and esteemed personality. visit) cars,​ buffers,​
May the blessings of the Triple Gem be doors (one day
bestowed on the Anunayake Thera to live service) accident
In solidarity with the 100th Anniver- musicians to the residents of Ankara, many more years in fostering the Sam- repairs (2 K Cut
sary of the establishment of the Repub- especially diplomatic corps, through clas- buddha Sasana. and Polish 4 hrs.)
lic of Turkey, the Ambassador of Sri sical music concerts. 0742603365. 070919
Lanka to Turkey, Hasanthi Urugoda- At the beginning of the event one DIMUTHU PUNSARA COLAMBAGE
watte Dissanayake hosted the 42nd minute of silence was observed in memo-
Concert of "Music Life around Us" at ry of the victims who passed away due to
the Official Residence of the Ambassa- the earthquake that occurred in the
dor on 20 November 2023. As a part of South-eastern part of Turkey on February
cultural diplomacy, the Ambassador 06, 2023.
supports the initiatives of the founda- Welcoming the guests, the Ambassador
tion to strengthen bilateral cultural rela- appreciated the initiative of "Music Life nation, and series of steps taken to guests were served Sri Lankan delicacies
tions between Sri Lanka and Turkey around Us" for the way it brought expats empower girls and women. Over 70 and Ceylon tea.
through music and hosted the Concert in Ankara into the Turkish cultural land- Ambassadors and other diplomats in
by the famous Cellist in Turkey Yusuf scape through music. Referring to the Ankara, Turkish academics, media,
€elik. founding of the Republic, she also representatives from the local munici-
"Music Life Around Us - 42" organiza- expressed her admiration of Veteran pality, Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka MARKETING EXECUTIVES
tion in Turkey was founded by Zeynep Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founding father in Turkey and many other Turkish IN THE PACKAGING
Erkan and Zeynep Ersavci, with the aim of the Republic of Turkey, for recognizing nationals attended the Concert.
of introducing talented young Turkish the role of women for development of the At the end of the Concert the SECTOR
We are a manufacturing company
in packaging business, looking for

School holidays from December 22 to February 2 experienced & Trainee Marketing

Executives for immediate recruitment.

Vocational training courses for O/L, A/L students MARKETING EXECUTIVES

IRANGIKA RANGE Minimum 1 year experience required.
Open University will start these cours- subjects of their choice and study this
Education Minister Dr.Susil Prema- es together. course. TRAINEE MARKETING EXECUTIVES
jayantha said in Parliament yesterday The Minister was replying to a ques- He said that the children can study
that the school holidays for the third tion raised by MP Samanpriya Herath. this course for four months until they School-Leavers preferred.
term for the government and govern- Accordingly, the first course will be get their A-Level results, and after the
ment-approved schools will start on started for 237,000 children appearing children are selected for the universi- Attractive Salary + Motorbike +
December 22 and last until February 2, for the A-level examination this year ties, the rest of the children will be Performance driven commission will
2024. and arrangements have been made to selected for the appropriate courses by be on offer.
The Minister said that a number of start those courses after December 15. conducting an examination.
vocational training courses will be The Minister said that the applica- The Minister said that this course Interested applicants should send CV
started for the children facing the G.C.E tion for this course will be called imme- will give the children the opportunity to to :
O/L and A/L examinations and the diately after the conclusion of A/L study the most suitable profession and
National Institute of Education, the examination and in addition to the the low income children will also be Email : sahandinna@gmail.com
Vocational Training Authority and the English language and information tech- given the opportunity to study these Contact No : 0112916573
nology, they can choose two technical courses.
S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 3 page

Sports Editor : 011 242 9223 e mail : sports.dailynews@lakehouse.lk

Sineth leads Sri Lanka

Nippon Paint Rugby League under 19 team for
kicks off on December 1
The third edition of the ‘Nippon
Asia Cup
Paint Sri Lanka Rugby Major League
Tournament’ for the 2023/24 season,
conducted by Sri Lanka Rugby (SLR),
will kick off on December 1 with the
participation of eight teams.
After the suspension was lifted by
World Rugby, the rugby-loving frater-
nity in the country will have the
opportunity to witness seven weeks of Sineth Jayawardena ( Capt) Malsha Tharupathi ( V.Capt)
captivating games, where the top
eight teams will compete across ven- DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA from next January. Earlier Under 19
ues in the Western and Central Prov- Sri Lanka under 19 team led by world cup scheduled to be hosted in
inces. Sineth Jayawardena will take part in Sri Lanka but due to SLC suspension
"At the outset, I am obliged to the Men’s Under19 Asia Cup cricket it has moved to South Africa
thank the Minister of Sports and his tournament which will be held from Sri Lanka under 19 team currently
Ministry officials, who played a pivot- December 8 to 17 with Dubai host- undergoing training at Pallekele
al role along with Asian and the World ing the event. International cricket stadium and
Rugby and all other stakeholders who India the defending champions their residential training period is
worked tirelessly to lift the ban for us. will take on Afghanistan in the open- very successful added senior mem-
Group Captain Nalin de Silva the Sri Lanka Rugby President and Nemantha Abeysinghe, Director/General Manager of Nip- ing match of the event on December ber of the Team management. The
Without their contribution, we pon Paint (Pvt) Limited sponsor of Sri Lanka Rugby Major League Tournament poses for a group photograph with captains
wouldn't have got this ban relaxed to 8. Meanwhile, Pakistan will also be team will come back to Colombo on
of the eight clubs along with the Nippon Paint Trophy (from left to right) - Mohan Wimalaratne(Police), Avantha Lee (CH & seen in action as they face Nepal in November 30 and is scheduled to
play a tournament of this nature." FC), Thilina Weerasinghe (Navy), Lavanga Perera(Kandy ), Soyuru Anthony (CR andFC, Azmir Fajudeen (Havelocks) Ashan
"As the governing body, we are the second match of U19 Asia Cup. A depart on December 4 the However
Bandara (Army), Parakrama Ratnayake (Air Force).
extremely delighted to kick-start total of eight teams will be partici- Daily News learnt that Sri Lanka
Rugby in the country after a lapse of The tournament committee headed Force, Navy, and CR & FC - are the Association (SLRRA) has designated pating in the upcoming competition under 19 team so far not got Sports
over a year. We are thankful to our by Rear Admiral Udaya Hettiarachchi four teams that will vie for honours. eight of their top referees to officiate The nations have been divided Ministry approval and the team list
sponsor Nippon Paint, who generous- has decided to give a one-week break According to the SLR Tournament in this year’s tournament, with a into two groups of four teams each. already sent to the Ministry.
ly came on board for the third con- between December 17 to 28, coincid- Committee, women's games are sched- three-member advisory committee Defending champions India have Jehan Mubarak is the National
secutive year. We also appreciate the ing with the Christmas festival season. uled to kick off before the men's games, reviewing their performances. been clubbed alongside Nepal, under 19 team head coach while
eight clubs and their officials for con- Following this break, the tournament commencing at 3.45 p.m. The women's "We are very thankful to SLR for Afghanistan and arch-rivals Pakistan Sampath Perera Assistant coach
senting to participate in this year’s will resume and continue until Febru- games will have a timing of 20 minutes inviting us for yet another season for in Group A. ,Fast bowling coach Chamila
tournament during challenging times ary 21 before proceeding to the knock- per half with a five-minute break. the third consecutive year. Our focus Group B, on the other hand, con- Gamage,Spin coach Sachith Pathi-
for the country," said Group Captain out stage "We have decided to schedule the extends to supporting youth and sists of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Japan rana and fielding coach Gayan Wije-
Nalin de Silva at the media briefing. The top four teams at the end of the women's games before the men's young individuals in various other and hosts UAE. It is worth noting koon are with the supporting staff
The curtain-raiser of this year’s league stage will advance to the Cup games in December, due to the pre- sporting disciplines. Being a sponsor, that Nepal, UAE and Japan joined ..Former Sri Lankan player Jayan-
tournament will see Havelocks host Championship, while the bottom four vailing weather conditions, where we we aim to create a conducive environ- the competition owing to the top tha Seneviratne once again was
Air Force in a night game at 6.30 p.m. will scrum down in the Bowl Champi- observe early darkness. Only the ment for sports and ensure that we three rankings (outside regular mem- appointed as Under 19 team Man-
on December 1 (Friday). Three games onship. matches hosted by Havelocks will be unite all under our National flag, a bers) they secured on their path ager.
are scheduled for Saturday (2nd SLR has also considered the wom- played under lights which have met fundamental belief for us," said towards the tournament. Under-19 Squad for Asia Cup
December), and defending champions en's segment, with four teams partici- the requirements to host night Nemantha Abeysinghe, Director/Gen- Three different venues in Dubai and World Cup ( Subjected to
Kandy will host CH & FC on Sunday, pating in a 10-a-side league. The games," said Udaya Hettiarachchi. eral Manager of Nippon Paint (Pvt) have been assigned to stage all 15 approval from the Sports Minis-
December 3, in Nittawela. Defence Services teams - Army, Air The Sri Lanka Rugby Referees Limited. matches of the competition, namely ter)
the ICC Academy Oval-1, ICC Acad- Sineth Jayawardene (Skipper),
emy Oval-2 and the Dubai Interna- Pulindu Perera, Rusada Gamage,
Under 13 Division One Inter Schools Cricket tional Cricket Stadium Raveeshan Nethsara, Sarujan Shan-

Vidyartha - St. John’s Sri Lanka team already in good muganadan( wk) Dinura Kalupaha-

Dilmeth (6/11) leads Mazenodians to win

form beating West Indies in Sri na, Vishva Lahiru, Garuka Sanketh,
Lanka while they beat Pakistan in Vishen Halambage, Ruvishan Perera,

clash today De Mazenod College, Kandana, 6/24, Hirun Manyage 2/22, Jalith
Lahore and hope to make better
show at this Asia Cup.In fact this
Asia Cup is good exposure for all
Malsha Tharupathi (Vice Captain),
Vihas Thewmika, Duvindu Ranatun-
ga, Hirun Kapurubandara( wk)
secured a dominant victory over Indeev 2/0) teams before the under 19 world cup Dinuka Tennakoon Reserve: Janith
HAFIZ MARIKAR which will be hosted by South Africa Fernando, Supun Waduge
St. Thomas' College, Kotte, by an +At Ahungalla (No result) Sri
Vidyartha College led by Anishka
innings and 48 runs in the first- Devananda College: 91 (45.2)
Gunaratne will be in Colombo today to play
round fixtures of the Under 13 (Nishith De Silva 50, Senuja Vehan
in the quarter final of the Under 19 Inter-

Zimbabweans to tour
Division One Inter Schools Crick- 5/27, Kevin Geemitha 2/18) Mahi-
Schools Division 2 Tier A Limited Over’s
et Tournament, yesterday. Dil- nda College: 22/0 (6)
Tournament at Thurstan Grounds against
meth Imendra of De Mazenod +At Kotte (No result) Sri Jaye-
St. John’s College Panadura led by Deneth
College, claimed 6 wickets for 11 wardenepura Maha Vidyalaya
Prasanga. Vidyartha College Kandy

Sri Lanka in January

runs. Kotte: 57/3 (19) (Savidya Somapala
advanced to the quarter final as third
In another noteworthy display, Dilmeth - De Mazenod 2/11) vs Royal College Panadura
placed team in their group and St. John’s Githma - Nalanda
Lithma Imadith of Nalanda Col- +At Panadura (No result)
College Panadura advanced to the quarter
lege Colombo took 5 wickets, ya: 49 (27.2) (Githma Imadith 5/9) Ananda College Colombo: 148
final as runner up in their group. St. John’s
leading his side to a 4-wicket vic- and 59/4 (13) (Dimath Dinudika (50) (Thuhina Mirando 43, Akein
College Panadura squad: Deneth Prasanga DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA chise cricket tournaments to prior-
tory over Dharmapala College Pan- 37, Harith Amarasinghe 2/17) Nal- Dias 37, Dineth Hettiarachchi 33)
Peiris (Captain),Geethma Fernando, Chanu- The series between Sri Lanka and itize national duties. This decision
nipitiya. anda College Colombo: 61 (22.2) Sri Sumangala College Panadu-
ka De Mel, Himash Adithya, Sandun Mendis, the Zimbabwe National Men’s, com- stems from concerns over injuries,
Rahula College Matara and (Githma Imadith 32, Sanuga Dul- ra: 34/6 (41) (Enuka Wickramar-
RavinduPerera, Ravindu Karunarathna, Hiru- prising three ODIs and three T-20s, with Matheesha Pathirana and Lahi-
Maris Stella College Negombo mika 4/16, Chalinu Sethnula 2/8) athna 3/3)
sha Peiris, Madusha Mendis, Lasin- will commence on January 6. ru Kumara both getting injured dur-
recorded first-innings wins in their and 48/6 (10.4) (Chalinu Sethnula +At Godigamuwa (Maris Stel-
duBandara, Gimshan Wijesekara, Charinu The three-match ODI series will ing the World Cup, and Dushmantha
fixtures, while other matches con- 2/10, Sithum Senuwara 2/13) la College Negombo won the
Fernando, Kusal Fernando,Vidath Rukshan, be held from January 6 to January 11 Chameera and Dilshan Madushanka
cluded without results. +At Panadura (No result) St. first inning) Galahitiyawa Cen-
Pasan Peiris, Nuwan Harshana, Kalana at the Pallekele International Cricket joining the World Cup after recover-
Chief scores: John’s College Panadura: 140 tral College: 82/8 (50) (Sandul
Madushan, SandunPadmathilaka, Thaveesha Stadium. ing from their injuries.
+At Kandana (De Mazenod (45.3) (Chenuka Rehan 93, Deneth Sithumina 27, Imash Warnakulas-
Rajapaksha, Tharul Laksanda, Udara The action then shifts to the Ran- The Afghanistan cricket team is
College Kandana won by inning Fernando 3/11, Dinaru Fernando uriya 3/6, Shinaan Askar 3/23)
Maddumage(Head Coach), giri Dambulla International Cricket expected to arrive to play a T20
and 48 runs) St.Thomas’ College 3/39, Rehandu Silva 2/9) Moratu Maris Stella College Negombo:
Vidyartha College Kandy squad: Stadium, where the T20 series, is series and a test match, followed by
Kotte: 45 (19.4) (Nilesh Miron Vidyalaya: 54/8 (41) (Sanithu 131/4 (31) (Anuhas Wickramasin-
Anishka Gunaratne (Captain), Sahan Chan- scheduled to be played from January the Sri Lanka-Bangladesh cricket
4/10, Dilmeth Imendra 3/2, Bipun Yunath 3/9, Dishan Santhuja 2/18) ghe 58, Navith De Silva 39, Malisha
drasiri, Shevan Moses, Dineth Bulankula- 14 to 18. All matches, both ODIs and series in Bangladesh
Alwis 3/11) and 26 (14.4) (Dil- +At Kalutara (Rahula College Senal 2/25)
ma, Janidu Ranweera, Anuja Rathnayake, T20Is, are set to be day/night Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe cricket
meth Imendra 6/11, Nilesh Miron Matara won the first inning) +At Panadura (No result) St.
Bhashitha Nandanatissa,Chamalka encounters. match Schedule ODI Series
3/7) De Mazenod College Kan- Rahula College Matara: 141/5 John’s College Panadura: 140
Bandara, Danupa Kodikara, Pubudu Thara- Despite ICC's suspension of Sri 1st ODI – 6th January – Pallekele
dana: 119/8 (22.5) (Demien Sovis (41.3) (Hirun Manyage 64, Onitha (45.3) (Chenuka Rehan 93, Dinaru
ka, Kalana Kumarasiri, NishmikaKumara, Lanka cricket, the greenlight has 2nd ODI – 8th January – Pallekele
28, Pemidu Tharusha 2/2, Nethum Senith 30, Sadalu Methmal 2/20) Fernando 3/39, Deneth Fernando
Anuhas Ranaweera, Yashmitha Dissanaya- been given for the bilateral matches 3rd ODI – 11th January – Pallekele
Rayan 2/23) 26/4 (15.2) (Thenuka Thusaraka 3/11, Rehandu Silva 2/9) Moratu
ka, Kavindu Hettiarachchi, IsuruUdalaga- to proceed unabated from the Zimba- T- 20 Series
+At Pannipitiya (Nalanda Col- 3/8) Kalutara Vidyalaya: 101 Vidyalaya: 54/8 (41) (Sanithu
ma, Kavinda Jayawardena, Sachintha bwe series. 1st T20I - 14th January – Dambulla,
lege Colombo won by 4 wickets) (33.2) (Rison Kevin 26, Inuka Yunath 3/9, Dishan Santhuja 2/18).
Munugoda, Shaluka Rambukpitiya, SLC disallowed the national team's 2nd T20I – 16th January – Dambulla
Dharmapala College Pannipiti- Nethmin 22, Jeneth Methmira (YK)
Champika Siriwardena (Head Coach) fast bowlers to participate in fran- 3rd T20I – 18th January – Dambulla

Nations Trust Bank ties up with Royal Colombo Golf Club for five years
HERBERT PERERA RCGC, including the Bank’s Captain of the Royal Colombo Winner and Overall Winner of
Nations Trust Bank has com- Corporate Banking and Com- Golf Club, Dr. Rohitha Silva said the Tournament. Nations Trust
mitted to a five-year partnership mercial Banking customers, “We are delighted to embark on Bank will also host a separate
2024 - 2028, with Royal Colom- American Express Card mem- a long- term partnership with junior golf tournament for chil-
bo Golf Club (RCGC) with a bers, Private Banking Mem- Nations Trust Bank. We believe dren who are enthusiastic golf
Royal heritage of 144-years lead- bers, and FriMi customers. that the tournaments that we players.
ing upto its 150th year’s celebra- “We engaged with RCGC in host together will add to the The junior golf tournament is
tion, marking the continuation response to the positive feed- enjoyment on the green for both in line with the Royal Colombo
of the Nations Trust Golf Cham- back we received from the professional and amateur golf Golf Clubs junior golf develop-
pionship. golfing community following players alike, and thereby con- ment programme and will also
This collaboration aims to the tournament we hosted tribute further to the growth of create awareness and build
bring together avid golf players, early this year. This partner- the golf sport.” national level golfers to partici-
offering them the chance to par- ship will allow us to offer an The tournaments will feature pate in international tourna-
ticipate in competitive golf tour- enjoyable experience to our attractive trophies and prizes ments.
naments while fostering a sense customers and guests and we across various categories such The Royal Colombo Golf Club
of camaraderie. The tourna- look forward to a mutually as Men’s and Ladies, Masters together with Nations Trust
ments will be accessible to a beneficial partnership,” said and Seniors. Special awards will Bank hopes to bring new insight
large number of participants, Chief Marketing Officer of include Longest Drive at the 8th and an enhanced enthusiasm to (From left to right) Sheahan Daniel – Executive Vice President of Consumer Banking, Nations Trust Bank,
including Nations Trust Bank Nations Trust Bank, Sanjaya Hole, Closest to Pin at the 13th flourish the sport of golf among Sanjaya Senarath – Chief Marketing Officer of Nations Trust Bank, Dr. Rohitha Silva – Captain, Royal
customers who are members of Senarath. Hole, the Nations Trust Bank Sri Lankans. Colombo Golf Club, and Gehan Siribaddana – Marketing Communication Secretary of Royal Colombo Golf
Club. Picture by Herbert Perera
Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Saturday, November 25, 2023

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