Orca Basisset5 0 4
Orca Basisset5 0 4
Orca Basisset5 0 4
3 Basis 1
There are standard basis sets that can be specified via the “simple input” feature in the keyword line.
However, any basis set that is not already included in the ORCA library can be provided either
directly in the input or through an external file. See the BASIS input block for a full list of internal
basis sets and various advanced aspects (section 9.5). Effective core potentials and their use are
described in section 6.3.3.
Note: Past versions of ORCA used to load all-electron basis sets also for elements Rb–I
with the above keywords for double- and triple-zeta basis sets. The Rb–I basis sets
originated from non-relativistic all-electron basis sets of the Turbomole library (such as
“TZVPAlls”). This automatic substitution is now deprecated. However, we offer
temporarily the ability to reproduce that behavior by adding the prefix “old-” to the
above keywords, e.g. “old-TZVP”.
Diffuse def2 basis sets
Minimally augmented def2 ba- Augmented def2 basis sets by diffuse s and p functions
sis sets to Truhlar [1]. Recommended for general use.
The same functionality is offered for the “def” basis sets, e.g. “ZORA-TZVP”. In this
case too, the relativistically recontracted versions refer to the elements H–Kr. To
replicate the behavior of past ORCA versions for elements Rb–I, the prefix “old-” can
be used with these keywords as in the non-relativistic case.
All-electron Karlsruhe basis sets up to Rn for exact two-component methods (X2C). [4]
The “-2c” variants, e.g. “def2-TZVPall-2c”, are intended for two-component calculations
including spin–orbit coupling. The “-s” variants, e.g. “def2-TZVPall-s”, are augmented
with additional tight functions for NMR shielding calculations. [5] Note that two-
component methods are currently not implemented in ORCA.
x2c-SV(P)all 2c version: x2c-SV(P)all-2c, NMR version: x2c-SV(P)all-s
x2c-SVPall 2c version: x2c-SVPall-2c, NMR version: x2c-SVPall-s
x2c-TZVPall 2c version: x2c-TZVPall-2c, NMR version: x2c-TZVPall-s
x2c-TZVPPall 2c version: x2c-TZVPPall-2c, NMR version: x2c-
TZVPPall-s x2c-QZVPall 2c version: x2c-QZVPall-2c, NMR version: x2c-QZVPall-s
4 6 General Structure of the Input
x2c-QZVPPall 2c version: x2c-QZVPPall-2c,File
NMR version: x2c-
6.3 Basis 5
EPR-II Barone’s basis set (H, B–F) for EPR calculations (double-
EPR-III Barone’s basis set for EPR calculations (triple-zeta).
IGLO-II Kutzelnigg’s basis set (H, B–F, Al–Cl) for NMR and EPR
IGLO-III Larger version of the above.
aug-cc-pVTZ-J Sauer’s basis set for accurate hyperfine coupling constants.
Auxiliary basis sets. Auxiliary basis sets for the RI-J and RI-MP2 approximations can also be
6.3 Basis 35
specified directly in the simple input:
36 6 General Structure of the Input
NOTE: ORCA versions before 4.0 allowed the use of multiple keywords to invoke the same def2
Coulomb or Coulomb+exchange fitting basis set of Weigend. To avoid confusion all these keywords
are now deprecated and the auxiliary basis sets are simply called using “def2/J” and “def2/JK”.
NOTE: Starting from version 4.1 ORCA internally stores up to five basis sets for each calculation:
the obligatory orbital basis set; an AuxJ Coulomb-fitting basis for the RI-J, RIJDX/RIJONX, and
RIJCOSX approximations; an AuxJK Coulomb- and exchange-fitting basis used for RIJK; an AuxC
auxiliary basis for the RI approximation in dynamical electron correlation treatments (such as RI-
MP2, RI-CCSD, and
DLPNO methods); and a complementary auxiliary basis set (CABS) for F12 methods. “/J” basis sets
given in the simple input are assigned to AuxJ and likewise for the other types. Non-standard
assignments like AuxJ="def2/JK" are possible only through the %basis block input (see section 9.5.1).
For DKH and ZORA calculations ORCA provides relativistically recontracted versions of the Karlsruhe
basis sets for elements up to Kr. These can be requested by adding the prefix DKH- or ZORA- to the
normal basis set name. Note that for other non-relativistic basis sets (for example Pople-style bases) no
recontraction has
been performed and consequently such calculations are inconsistent! The basis set and the scalar
relativistic Hamiltonian are specified in the keyword line, for example:
If an auxiliary basis set is required for these recontracted Karlsruhe basis sets, we recommend the use
of the decontracted def2/J. This can be obtained simply by using the keyword “! SARC/J” (instead of
the equivalent “! def2/J DecontractAuxJ”) and is the recommended option as it simultaneously
covers the use of SARC basis sets for elements beyond Krypton.
For all-electron calculations with elements heavier than Krypton we offer the SARC (segmented all-
electron relativistically contracted) basis sets [6–11]. These were specifically developed for scalar
relativistic calculations and are individually adapted to the DKH2 and ZORA Hamiltonians. In this case
the Coulomb-fitting auxiliary basis set must be specified as SARC/J, or alternatively the AutoAux
keyword (9.5.2) can be employed to create auxiliary basis sets.
Specifically for wavefunction-based calculations of lanthanide systems we recommend the more heavily
polarized SARC2 basis sets [12].
Other basis sets suitable for scalar relativistic calculations are various versions of the all-electron
correlation- consistent basis sets that are optimized for the DKH2 Hamiltonian and can be called with
the suffix ”-DK”. The relativistically contracted atomic natural orbital (ANO-RCC) basis sets of Roos
and coworkers were also developed for the DKH2 Hamiltonian and have almost complete coverage of
the periodic table (up to Cm).