ch15 Krugman 10e
ch15 Krugman 10e
ch15 Krugman 10e
Money, Interest
Rates, and
Exchange Rates
• What is money?
• Money supply
• Money demand
• A model of the money market
• A model of the money market and the foreign
exchange market
• Short-run and long-run effects of changes in
money on prices, interest rates, and exchange
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What Is Money?
Md/P = L(R,Y)
Aggregate demand of real monetary assets is a function of
national income and interest rates.
Copyright ©2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 15-9
Fig. 15-1: Aggregate Real Money
Demand and the Interest Rate
The downward-sloping
real money demand
schedule shows that
for a given real income
level Y, real money
demand rises as the
interest rate falls.
An increase in real
income from Y1 to Y2
raises the demand for
real money balances
at every level of the
interest rate and
causes the whole
demand schedule to
shift upward.
Monetary policy
actions by the Fed
affect the U.S. interest
rate, changing the
dollar/euro exchange
rate that clears the
foreign exchange
The ECB can affect the
exchange rate by
changing the European
money supply and
interest rate.
A permanent
increase in a
country’s money
supply causes a
proportional long-run
depreciation of its
However, the
dynamics of the
model predict a large
depreciation first and
a smaller subsequent