Assets - Bank Statement #1 - Checking

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Aconhok Aet Rapor fr: Daron rt sCCOUNTCHEK etn cc aa en0 EDT port ID: c271138-360-4abo-a67d 3067831 Nome Darren Orta Order ‘ence Se-7675-0b11-8889-501acSt4as ™ eral Oneseren@araicon Laan Number 2188405508 Poe Nurbe NA Daya Requested cody roo Sofi Fre Dapt Account Retosh sods ASSET REPORT SUMMARY AVERAGE & CURRENT BALANCES Tass ADetnions tor toms with rumen superset ‘maybe found at he endo é the document ste st sf e er siot Set oo é ¥ * ws * & ‘tuba 6808 NA 4476267063 -S08KaT ° Cibank 6615 NA 760159 999503 10647.77 ° Total Assets 15,091.54 DIRECT DEPOSITS ate Desert Fanci ination Account Number Account Amant hot os 8262021 ACH Eearone Cro BOROUGH OF BERGE DIRECT Gane es ‘Crna 205082 ACH met oe Dresepoet 1221 ACH Eearons Cre BOROUGH OF BEAGE DRECT Gane 0 wna 22474 ACAD pat oe Dreoepaet ono va0e! ACH Electric Cred} VAGPTREAS S1OVABENEF —ciark one Swing 950749 ADO DBrecepont ca2sz0e! ACH Badin rest BOROUGH OF BERGE DRECT Cink 0 onesing 205282 ACH bee Dresoepost coca! ACH Eee Cred! IDPS LOANS-PFRSAUPERS Ct os ‘oncing 1988500 ACH respon caN720e1 ACH Eleven Cred: NIOPSLOANS-PFRS PERS Can 8 oreaing 00 ACHOepoat Drecepoat caisaze! ACH Beans Cros BOROUGH OF BERGE DIRECT. Gitank 0 ‘esing 285081 ACH pot oe resonant 20.201 ACH Eleven Cred! AVAGPTREAS IO VABENEF Gitar cane somos 389749 —_ACHOapst Droop ALL DEPOSITS: me Desertion Fancltinetion Account Number Account Amant ‘hoe we cane! AGH Easton Gre BOROUGH OF BERGE DRECT Grtane xe ‘oneting 285082 AGH oe Dreeoernat se zne! Taner Frey Cheng 06.088 #1270 ONLINE Rate iar cou sores 20000 Yarlaciet ence #010008 eat y: Susan Fergusson Bond See Merigege LLC - cnt ates a shor nomen unt oan arcs wi kale me ol von pam orowsrnee exten sunorza acess te oceans) earned wthin he ep, nd at Yanscton datas een pros recy by tenant or nal est, Aconhok Aet Rapor fr: Daron rt sCCOUNTCHEK etn cc aa en0 EDT port ID: c271138-360-4abo-a67d 3067831 cern Function fecomtumber Accom Amant oo a aa cies rr a i TIED Chet Oi Towt) ova chap Cabo oe eam t9m Talo Sratuoerunte 2s sora oak ca2at Ao Beam et BOROUGH OF CEROE DRECT cb o Cty 218874 sohomt e coer ae) Yan rm Casing 0680 #120 CRIN Af cxir an a en Ee ca ee csiy 080 map C0200 Dah Cod Pte uw COGS TD AA Cibo on Seon 138 csovate! Yan Pa chia 227 ori #27 OMLNE cr a swings 25000 Yarrint Rrerasin caovater ROWEnene CudlOVAGP TREASSIOVRAHEF cir en Seinge 38749 Aa rece Se ee a ieang —e0se82 chomp ver coer seer! AEmare edINDPOLOMME-PFRSNEFRS Clb on Ciesing 988800 acre carbo cetsatel tas Ona mY DcTuPHANK ONG IOC cba 7 Gosia a0 wisn sr cazscte) samen canon a a O18 era See car a Goong s80m0 anne telnet Ze Geet PHY IDSAGRATEOIO ONG IMAC Cth on Seam 1000 ceiratet Ao Erarc Gest NOPBLOMEPFRS NPFS cbr wn Cesna——0m0 sso meme aT cere oa Ceang OX tant telzate! Ao Beane Gest BOROUGH OF BERGE ORECT cba on Cesig—20ne8t noha eS econ ceovate! AO Ema Gud OVACPTREASSIOVA ENE cark a seme 858149 Ret ecoet omHeR accounts Frac nto a secon 9 som Cua san Fereton Ban set sorgap Lc ; cnt ates a shor nomen unt oan arcs wi kale me ol von rama orowsrnee exten sunorza acess te oceans) earned wthin he ep, nd at Yanscton datas een pros recy by tenant or nal est, Account Ascot Roport fr: Darren Orta \AACCOUNTCHEK ade arg mom = por ID: c2711138-360-4abo-a67d 396783110001 CCtibank 6906 - Checking-6808, Current Balance: 5,044.07 Available Balance: 5,044.07 ‘Account Name(s) DARREN ORTA VFI CASHFLOW Last? Last20 Last ‘Account Number 6808 VFI osposte 2osee2 4.71734 9002197 Account Type Checking VFI \ytncrawals 155599 2121658 2570.15 Employer Bergenteia Fie Dept Net 49643 (1649928) 4242.82 oe 180: Void by AccountChek . werageBalnce — 4.71968 6.27063 4,447.62 NA FE Veit by Financial inituton ‘TRANSACTION HISTORY 01/29/2021 — 03/29/2021 (60 days) ot essen vest cast tn tuanaen eat Pan WALGREENS STORE 19 MACLIFTON SO we Porver Caanate! bated Pucaie coat rsiasiow CTCRITOMEMHACHENDACIDEES eh) Sang csaect can Wingual 20 F170 A MI NWAGHNGTON VE BEROEWPELD OOD mu Sian cases rw Prear Atte CUTENSoFst en aaa tsenet bet PNPraaro 6 WROLESAIE 0 0 Rode MALSSIS oom Caanate! —_orAVPwonara A108 BERGENRELD ASST eae aa there —_-Arleeroi en -lPrarel FP onan Atop Caeecte! Taner ene it 0605 F270 ONLNE Reo #8) (930 Tansee Coe02t-ACHEvroie Ost: USAACOM PNT CREDT CRO XEN ‘sna a om om ten bet Gu pacts ea 70 DUNT WOOL ROUTING ATO om Daeg Eo Sou seats Canine ose ATM 7 ELST OARFELO NAS (2000 mu Caeacte! Dom Gv Pas 2 on #ETOMY SALAD WHE G01 iam taacte! trace 40 ep 7D nes Os UPTON NY 207% 70 ano Caeaete! vat CPcan CORDON FETOCUPS FROZEN YOOURT-CCLFTONN! ea) agentes ar #VPsuno 8 WHOLESAIE 9 ROERITAPORE SHED ee is casei Owa it san ec Cagacte! Biv Pcate THE HOME DEPOT ps PSSA HOUSED inn Forse tsezee Det PN Pare UNAS GARTELDNNSOSTS tis ‘cccee es SST TT ties oo faraatet abt ca mca 08 622% 27 NOCHE COLOMBA CICLIIONN 18) carseat Fase LOL 61080 NEW BD BERGENFEL NSS (esi Csinate! __attcaructare 1 e2 aie MITOKMGLAFEELIMCODPATANIZOT? 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Dobe Co Puchase C011 08.0p 1270 FF CHANGS. 40085 WEST NEW YORK NY em aszoe Dobe Cat Puchas 0/0 6748491270 DUNKIV MOBILE 004470013 MA 21071 (e500) Singur aso Dobe Ps PurtateJBMDL-DIK MAN STORE MC GUIRE AFB RIUSOSISS os0) onr22001 {ACH Boerne Det GH Francia GUF Pym (a0) AutorenioPayent cura AGH Econ Debit - CHASE CREDIT CRD EPAY 19000012008 (ay ConstCarsPayrent a ESE tcc Debi -USAACOM PAYWNT CREDIT GAD 000000000048858 = ‘Gash Wiha! 10508 #1270 ATM 406 S WASHINGTON AVE BERGENFIELD N- (400.0) an sus0s araz001 ‘Caan vierans O75 11270 ATM JEWELL ST GARFIELD NIUSASt (0ana0) am oraz001 Dobe PIN Purtate WAWA 8396 GARFIELD NIUSDEISS 90) recores ara ‘Tardere Money rh 0605 #1270 ONLINE Rterance #010008 ‘aona0) Tarbes or22001 Zale Dt PAY ID CTIOwpaT BB ORG IDBAC NANE:DAMONT BROWN (17.0) onvz001 Debs Cond Purchase 0208 O71e #1270 DUNKIN #900781 25 BERGENFIELD Ny 00) Sing onuriz001 Date Cars Paras 00100 0-299 41270 80 TITS MEXICAN STR Gartld NI 21009 om cnriz001 Debs PI Purse ALDIGO'E® BERGENFIELD NNUSOSISS oe eocees axa2001 Dobe PIN Purchase IDL #741080 NEW BAD BERGENFIELO MLUSOSYSH onan) noa2001 Dobe PI Pacts IDL #141080 NEW BAD BERGENFIELD NJUSDENSE 2) cacao Dobe Cad Puerase 0208 67559 #1270 WPSG. INC. 610-8578070 PA 21035 os) nga Dobe Cal Puchace 0208 6p #1270 KING FALAFEL ELIWOOO PARK NY 21067 (x10) 002001 ble Dozost 040 Marusdopos 002001 {ACH Een Debt - USAA COM FAYMIT CREDIT onD eDUENOONONEREE (sao) cacao Debe PIN Purchase ALDI 60163 BERGENFIELD NJUSOSIS# (es2) creeores n052001 Dobe PIN Pactag IDL #141080 NEW BAD BERGENFIELO NJUSHSNSE 28) ao42001 Debe PI Purtaes IDL #341020 NEW BRIO BERGENFIELD MWUSOSYSt es x0a2001 ‘Caen Wineral 02509 #1270 ATM 241 N WASHINGTON AVE BERGENFIELD N (e000) an uss ncacee Dobe Cars Prchave 0228024 1270 JAIMITOS RESTAURANT CLIFTON NS 21061 00) Singur en0a2001 Dobe Card Pures Retin 022641270 JR CIGARS, COM INC 3962200872 NJ 21058 179 naz00 Dobe Cad Pucnae 0226 0925p #1270 ANTHONY 1041 CUFTON CLIFTON NU (7292 x20 abe Car Purchase 0225 8229 #1270 NZI SUSH EAST AUTHEAFO Ni 21058 (eos) no2z001 Debs PIN Parase SUPA FRSH 85 Ackerman Clon NIUSOSISE 038) naaz001 abe Cat Puehase 0227 1197441270 CIGARS NC. 009190429 FL 21060 (sa) 002001 Dobe PI Pachase IDL #141080 NEW BAD BERGENFIELO NJUSDENSE ea ago Dobe Cars Purenace 225 0:55 1270 HACKENSACK UNIVERSITY 8655719253 (75.0) nize abe Cor Puehase 0224 12:19 #1270 OUNKNV MOBILE 004470013 WA 1057 {10009 tingout envz0a1 Debs PIN Purtate THE HOME DEPOT #oes0 PASSAIC NLUSOSIS2 (an72) omaimeronent av ‘bank loa Tartar 0227 07-37 5222264052559 210227C THANK NOBILE (11890) TarsaDoit novz001 roa 128 (25.00) heck nz001 Tas Money Markt 097 07581270 ONLINE Rance W 00S 194 (es0a0) TantDebt novz001 hea 127 «s0000) heck azo Debs PIN Purchase USPS PO XG 25 VETSERGENFIELD NJUSOSISS @70) Businesssevens z262001 [AGH Bec Dot USAA PC PAYMENT (oan) Tamme ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkheeny ates at he abe oat te ana carectin aeagance wth he spel trms of eves. pag act -AcsouniChok Aseot port or: Darron Orta \/aCCOUNTCHEK Resta ter So oat eo Citibank 6806 DARREN ORTA ow — cok cat oe aS TT as are = ee =a ene m3 SS ee eee re eee ae — 2202021 ea oo202001 ax62001 e620 onr22001 Dobe Cat Purchase 02/1967203 41270 VENMO 855012440 NY 21051 Debs Cad Purchase 19 O:5tp #1270 RONYS ROCKIN GRILL BERGENFIELD NU 2108 Dobe Cou Puchase 0220 2-19 #1270 VENMO BS5824430 NY 21053, Dobe Cat Purchase 2/19 1057841270 VENWO Bss12490 NY 21051 Dobe Card Pures 27 W299 81270. CIGARS. COM INC 3362200672 1 21050 Dabs PIN Purchate WALGREENS STORE 241 NWEERGENAELD NIUSOS{S9 ‘hank loa Tartar 0219 08-24 Saszzap4o4s0008 210219CITIEANK MOBILE Dobe PI Parnas IDL #141080 NEW BAD BERGENFIELD NJUSDBNSA Dobe Card Pucnas 23 075% ¥1270 WETZELS PRETZELS W5-6 EAST AUTHER- Dobe Cort Puohas 92/8 6329p #1270 VENMO 888124490 NY 21017 Debs Cad Puchace 0213 00479 #1270 ENN S120 NY 21016 (Debs Cat Puehas 2/12 06929 #1270 OUNKIN #399869 035 CFTON NJ 21084 Dabs PI Puchate BIS WHOLESALE 40110 Rafer NAUSOS1SD| Mole Doses Dobe Card Purenao 02/11 0968 #1270 OUNKIN #200781 G26 BERGENFIELD NU Dobe Cad Puchac 0167-19 #1270 JORDAN SWEETS PATERSON NJ 21063 abe PI Purchate IDL #141020 NEW BAD BERGENFIELD NWUSDSISt {CH Eocrni Db - CHASE CREDIT CAD EPAY 5127907378 ‘Caen Wire 1242p 41270 ATM JEWEL ST GARFIELD NIUSOSY [AGH Eocronie Det USAA PAC PAYMENT [AGH Eacrare att - GR Fae GM Pmt ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkheeny ates at he abe oat te ana carectin aeagance wth he spel trms of eves. (00020) (600) oma («ono (1746) (9000) eo (630) 25) (ora0) (05407 06) (2200) {1040 wan (s000) (vona0) (a0) ‘eao) “rarsaDeoh bingout Paymenservios Taleo Paymenervios Taste 0.00 Manvabeposi 10.0 Paymensevise “TardaDooh ‘rnngout 000 Monuaberosi vingout ao) ‘AutomeniePaynent pean sat? -AcsouniChok Aseot port or: Darron Orta \/aCCOUNTCHEK Resta ter So oat eo Citibank 6806 DARREN ORTA ow — cok cat oe a a aT a ae a —————E—EEee SS ee Se a a eer eee a ceaacear eee eee eee tee cise a sear araanoe TwetnnnuanD en — ee eee ee — oa em pace an asin Se aera = = Se oceania oo _— apes mums calico cesheg aaa ca pee re = — ics amine ar is oiewe penne ie ee - = er = ——————— oe ee — a — aa a ————————ee a finns — ee — et aT aa ina ne es ea corner aoe anna oneNTER Is aoe mmm rm mt S25 uma Siceceaceomt eae ba —— a = ee eens 52 ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkhereay aes athe above ation sane carectin aceardarca th he spears ot eres. pros recy by tenant or nal est, pean sat? \AACCOUNTCHEK CCibank 6814 - Cit Savings Account6814 -AcsouniChok Aseot port or: Darron Orta Intrmation cuentas of: 02°90202% = 18:19 EDT Rossve Key: P2VXG77 por ID: c2711138-360-4abo-a67d 396783110001 Current Balance: 10,647.77 Available Balance: 10,647.77 ‘Account Name(s) DARREN OTA VFI CASHFLOW Last? Last 0 Last 90 ‘Account Number 8814 7A Depesits aa aan vn Account Type Savings ¥FI yndrawals NA NA NA Employer Bergenfield Fue Dept fe a nae NSF ° 180: Void by AccountChek wverageBalance —10,476-20 NA FE Veit by Financial inituton ‘TRANSACTION HISTORY (01/29/2021 — 03/28/2021 (60 days) ate Description evi ret Togs eaz62001 “Tartr Fam Checking fn #1270 ONLINE Retorance #010009 ‘000 Traneecoat aza2001 rw Paynent om isrestncome vra200 “ardor From Choching 05:08a #1270 ONLINE Retornco #010008 so.c0 TartaCrodt caz001 Taster Fom Checking 0227 07:35 #1270 ONLINE Relerence #005131 5000 TranleCedt ozza2001 Ines Payer oa Irerecincme ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkheeny ates at he abe oat te ana carectin aeagance wth he spel trms of eves. pean 7017 A \/aCCOUNTCHEK rst oss Se Name Karen Orta Order 1D ‘eoN6Da6e-7675-eb11-0889-501ac544asd ‘™ = os oe Sane a = a ay wie Co oc STERIEY snion schemas us PeDetiniions for terms Sass oe é mug on “ « ee Py ee ee ee é w w w ad * & cameos a : cae wa einer comes a ; Gas ae SS oe 6h = Te = ee aS ee reeset — om a SS rors ea caw own OUT rL ue oa = SEE = ee ere ene oe = orc ees ee ss cs ces i Le = ere = on ee ———— _ sansa pause a aetna ee = ee oe ee = a cia usa nes == Bee ee ener enone = ee r= nouns AteaamccntsOEGPA-LAUSMLONEN Ce oe ———— aes ee _ _ ———— eee ‘AcoouniChok Assot Roport or: Karen Orta ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkhereay aes athe above ation sane carectin aceardarca th he spears ot eres. peas a1 orowsrnee exten sunorza acess te oceans) earned wthin he ep, nd at Yanscton datas een pros recy by tenant or nal est, Ack Asa Papo fr: Karan a sCCOUNTCHEK etn srr cc ne ea0 Or Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 cern ecciiiittn lecular com ack roe a ca0aste1 AO Eedore ns SATE OFHY-LAUEMPLOMMEN car sa a cmap re = cesing 0m achowpe a = cleang sate schon onnera teeste1 A Ema rs DUNDOORDN ce ne conn a000 Rt coe ca2scte\ Ao Baer Ces SATE OF LAUEMPLOMMEN cx wi Ciesing ——a8ec0—_sosoant oecoerat ye) AON Bowne Gost SE OFNI-LAVEVRLOWNEN orb wn comin 30000 Ret ocoeret CeiTete1 Ao Eker Crs ROBO Fis cites sere Cans 28 scm cece eae ee eer eeeeee ee eae = Cesy 3000s Se eT ee ee = cesng sss schon omer See AMSAT RSWEGEM CALTON ae = sng 8600 schon vba ceiete1 AO Sedona SATECFHY-LAUEMPLOMMEN cir sae cesng 0m schon coer coe a a — ceang ata scram oecoernt rr = reang toa achompo cate A ew on SONI ct wa Csng ——am0—_sohomt roe ce0eat ACH Exar Ces STATEOFHY-LAUEMPLOWMEN crx sn resi asemn—sohomet roe ce0v2te! AO Een es STATEOFHY-LAUEMPLOMMEN cbr sere Ciesins mom schon oecbeat ae AASaae eee eer = Ceaing 198185 schmpt eco ALL DePosirs oo ee ee ae vse Se cto! Ya Fa Chg (008 C50 11 OMLME car = SS ee oboe Re, AARC ARES NAGATA cae = Ceaing M000 schon caste! oscars rucae nn 6228 0s SOMES cir — arr omhacrenc 26 cuascte1 Re Eran ws OUNDOOBDD catex sat Gesty 2m Awa cocoa ter a Ora en OMEN Pts 0 a casas bahomeiare han Orbs oI MENS U Cibo soe coin mame patente ee a = ceang—atea0 schon coe Cua san Fereton Ban set sorgap Lc ; cnt ates a shor nomen unt oan arcs wi kale me ol von ra 2 12 rowdes dieay bythe bank of Financial stiton Ack Asa Papo fr: Karan a sCCOUNTCHEK etn srr cc ne ea0 Or Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 Date Description Fine inition Account Number Account Amount too Type (702001 Dest Card Puchase Rain 0219 45101 AMZN Mp US. Citak see creaung am 202061 ACH Becton Cre STATE OFNJ-LAUEMPLOYEN cba sa ‘cheang 30000 ACH epost Bresdepost azaz021 Mable Depot bara. 0 Saves 7o0c0 — Mansabepost 3222021 Tanlr From Checling €221 0038 #6101 ONLINE cibark 20 Seis 6000 WarsrCret Petrone #010008 172801 ACH Bleconic Cred EAS TREAS 210 TAXEIPQ cara sna cesing 40000 ACH apne Tacotind DrostDerost 172001 Taner From Cheng 076n #610" ONLINE Rte Gitar 0 Savings 20000 arsercrat nce # 00889 ca1620e1 ACH Ectone Cred! UNTEDARLNES DIRDEP —_cibank soma Oren 1.08495 _ACHDpoot Drocterost aN62001 ACH Eaton Crt STATE CFNI-LAUEMPLOYVEN Can soe Chesing 2800 ACH epost DreDepost ntez02t —Tansler From Chesking 08:22a £610" ONLINE Rete cibark 200 Savings 6000 WarelaCret ence #004705 152001 ACH Gece Crest STATE OFNI-LA VEMPLOMUEN citar 02 Checing 30000 ACHE Droatepost 152021 Tansler From Cheling 0213 1005a 46101 OMLNE cibark 00 seve 2000 WarwaCeet Fetrone #02400 ns0ct—Tansler From Cheting Oa 6:12 W101 ONLINE Ciba 00 seve 2000 Warwacret Fetrene# 010002 wr2z0et —Inres Payment Cobar 20 Savings 002 ewestncore 112081 ACH Elecrone CrodtRU SDU NuxxxDE00 tar som cheang§—16400——_ACHOopoe Drosterost 0ns0e1 ACH Econ Crt STATE OFNI-LAUEMPLOVUEN Citak 02 Greang «28600 ACH epost Dirosterost ncazeet ACH Gecrorc Crt STATE OFNI-LA UEMPLOWMEN iba 02 hecing 20000 ACH epost DreDepost caz0et Tanai From Cheling 0207 05058 W610! ONLNE ciibark 00 seve e000 Warwieceet ce021 Tanslr From cheling 6805 8:5ep #6101 ONLINE ciibark 20 Saves 2000 Warsi ease! ACH Electonc Cre NY SOU NnooREDEO hark sna Creing 19400 ACD Droaterost oazeet Tanaler Fram Cheng 07:70 #610" ONLINE Rete ciibank S200 ‘evn 4000 WarwieCeeat 08 #008057 ga20e1 ACH BeroncCredt STATE CFNJ-LAUEMPLOVEN cibank sea cresing tao ACH ent Dreadepost 02061 ACH Eaton Greg STATE OFNI-LAUEMPLOWVEN cba some oreang 30000 ACH epost Dreatepost caeiz021 ACH Ecrone Cred! UNITEDARLINES DIRDEP ark soa chesing 20544 ACH epost Dreatepost 02021 Taner From Ghedking 07:17 #610" ONLINE Rte- ciibark a0 Saves 2000 WarsiaCret nce #001138 cuovz0et Tanti From Cheting 0227 07:98 W810! ONLINE ciibark 0 seve 2000 Warwiacret Fesreno #c0100) onovz0et —Cipark —Glebal_— Taner 0207 0737 ciibark sa Cr §5252728405125551 210227 CTIBANK MOBILE 2252021 ACH Elecrone Cred NJ SDU NNXRODEO coer soa creaing 3000 AcHOepost DresDepost 2282021 ACH Beaton Cost STATE OFNI-LAUEMPLOYWEN cibark sata resing «28600 —_ACHO Opec DresDepost e2a%0e1 Gane Global Taner 022912 Gia som Greaing 10000 —arsieCret SB5200R40500974 210290 BANK MOBILE unaey Wiaucnwcrumen 00 ee eae Ack Asa Papo fr: Karan a sCCOUNTCHEK etn srr cc ne ea0 Or Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 cern ecciiiittn lecular com ack roe a cenaste1 AO Sear CnslSATEOFHY-LAUEMPLOWMEN car sa Clesiy 0m soho pene canasct Yar Fm chasing 221 663i 1 OME car = seme) Hate ae oman te Tao) ona cae i ceshg ome Taian Sretuoeene se goTaA OOK catectes Yan ran Chay Oa sear CRIN Ale car = Senge m8 Yareciet cones Ko Enea Gs FORWOOD Fes cn ae Clesig 289 soon coer corratet —AOHENrene Cad UNTEDARLNES UAL car = eaing S000 achompot recent ee a ea — eang stone achat oecosrn Cotaste! 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Ta Pa ching Vat GEt0p wT OMLNE ctr a7 Se cee Fare r ie ceo AO Emawe CRUIUNTEDARLNES DRDEP cba on Qeaty 5S AD coe omHeR accounts Fraction Aco amber Account saint Cua san Fereton Ban set sorgap Lc ; cnt ates a shor nomen unt oan arcs wi kale me ol von rasta orowsrnee exten sunorza acess te oceans) earned wthin he ep, nd at Yanscton datas een pros recy by tenant or nal est, \AACCOUNTCHEK Fidelity Investments - FA 401K PLAN ‘AcoouniChok Assot Roport or: Karen Orta Intrmation curent aso: 02902021 - 18:20 EDT Ressve Key: 7056R05 Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 Current Balance: Account Names) Karon Ona VFI Account Ownership Verifled by Accountcek ‘Account Number ‘Account Type Investment Verified by FL Employer nies Aitines NSF o Margin Batance Na ‘Vested Balance NA Accrued interest Na 401K Loan Amount Na TRANSACTION HISTORY ‘01/29/2021 — 09/29/2021 (60 days) ate Description evi ret Togs z0e001 ‘Change in Marat Value 8 ezeaza1 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES. 25) 2022001 CONTRIBUTION vam INVESTMENT POSITIONS Smoot Description UnitPrice Units Marat Vous VANGUARD TARGET Z05eBinded Fund vestments NA srr 4 7047 sie2000 VANGUARD TARGET 205SBlndedFuns vestments NA svar 3 sre? ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC ‘eturttekrerety ates athe aboe heaton U0 a \AACCOUNTCHEK Citibank 5290 - Savings Plus Account-5290 ‘AcoouniChok Assot Roport or: Karen Orta Intrmation curent aso: 02902021 - 18:20 EDT Ressve Key: 7056R05 Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 Current Balance: 3,461.00 Available Balance: 3,461.00 ‘Account Name(s) KAREN ORTA VFI CASHFLOW Last? Last20 Last ‘Account Number 5290 VFI Osposte 8098 1461.00 1,936.92 Account Type Savings ¥FI yndrawals NA NA NA Employer Unita Atines Net 8088 1461.00 1996.92 NSF ° Eee 180: Void by AccountChek PverageBalnce 999501 2.59017 2,852 NA FE Veit by Financial inituton ‘TRANSACTION HISTORY (01/29/2021 — 03/28/2021 (60 days) ate Description evi ret Togs eaza2021 “Tartr Fram Checking 09728 8:4 #6101 ONLINE Ratoranoe #010008 om Traneecoa onzaz001 “Taner Fom Checking 07'5ta #6101 ONLINE Relerenco #007325, se Tarelacedt nza2001 MobleDooost 0.00 Manuaberost onzazoe1 ‘Tarder From Checking 0972105: 4610" ONLINE Reornce #010003 om Tarlaredt onr72001 ‘TarfrFom Checking 07a 46107 ONLINE Reference #05609 00.00 Tarlac are2001 ‘andar Fom Checking 0:28 6101 ONLINE Feorence 004705 on ‘anstecreat ons2001 “rsfr Fam Checking 03 Wan 4510" ONLINE Rterance #002490 =m TeansterGoc caso ‘Tafor Fem Chasing 3/8 05:28 E101 ONLINE Raterance #010002, on ‘atercreat ar22001 Ines Paymant ow Irresincone noaz021 “Taner Fem Checking 0307 05:58 F610" CNLINE Raeance #01000 om Taretaceat xa ‘Tandar Fam Cheching 0308 8:89 #6101 ONLINE Rernce #001498 om TareteCedt noa202 ‘arsder From Checking 07:17 46101 ONLINE Relernce #000057 om TarslaCredt nov2001 “arf Fam Chasing 07:17 46107 ONLINE Relrnce #001795 a0 Tarelecredt aoyz001 “rrr Fam Chasing 0727 67268 AGO ONLINE Rteance #00184, oo artes 2202001 “rst Fam Checking 0271082945101 ONLINE Ratorance# 005602 oe Transercoct cora202 ‘Tarder Fem Checking 10.8 46101 ONLINE Relerence ¥ 000819 a8 Taretecedt ze20e “Tarr Fam Checking 0215 07:1a 6101 ONLINE Ratornoe #008717 oo Tranetecroat czezoa1 ‘Tander Fem Checking 0214 07518 46101 ONLINE Ratornce #001384 suse Taretaceat 2122021 Ire Payment oot Ireestncome| x20 TarsdrFom Checking 07:38 46101 ONLINE Reference #009276 om Tarlac 200201 Taser From Ohekrg 1228p 46101 ONLINE ference #004403 e501 TateCreat a2 ‘Tanfr From checking 0131 OEsp #10" CNLINE Reference #001807 soc ‘ralecreat ‘ce mgunsed by: Susan Fergusson at Bond Stet Mrigage LLC Detountonkheeny ates at he abe oat te ana carectin aeagance wth he spel trms of eves. reas sta /AccountGhek Asset Report for: Karen Orta ace OUNTCHEK rade ark = Feport ID: 25848050-d8eb-4ede-0040-0105281 76101 CCibank 5282 - Checking-5262 Current Balance: 4,756.28 Available Balance: 4,756.28 ‘Account Name(s) KAREN ORTA VFI CASHFLOW Last? Last20 Last ‘Account Number 5282 VFI Deposits soe 986880 11,486.09 Account Type Checking VFI Yyenarawals mii 49120512732 Employer Unita Aine Net o101 2866.76 358.77 NSF ° a eee eae 180: Void by AccountChek PerageBalnce 4.88545 3.487.41 2,774.27 NA FE Veit by Financial inituton ‘TRANSACTION HISTORY 01/29/2021 — 03/29/2021 (60 days) oe essen vest cet we caactet Tan in at 921 5.010101 MLE elo 4 (so Teneo cance Dat Cud Poco 0925234 F010 NEN SEY NALS AND SRCLFIONNI E30 ronotuetniree csctei bu cn Puch 0924 na Gi PASSA VALLEY WAERC CUTON Ww)” 81865 fs came: Sr Sd Pca Ot Stp rT SANTOMS PEEAGARTUEGHAMELON 70) ino eset Duet Ca Pocus Ft 0923 WOT SOMES UNFORS HAMENSAE NI ne cases ut ca Pucate D8 1404410 DUNKEL CAELOWUEIOES — oe om ewes toe but Gn ues ne ei KFC PASGAG NE {sen Caos! —_Tasriny ah o7 sw! 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