LUK Peisui 2012

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Zoe Pei-sui Luk

BA, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006

MA, University of Pittsburgh, 2009

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

University of Pittsburgh



This dissertation was presented


Zoe Pei-sui Luk

It was defended on

April 24, 2012

and approved by

Alan Juffs, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics

Charles Perfetti, University Professor, Department of Psychology

Paul Hopper, Paul Mellon Distinguished Professor of the Humanities, Department of English,

Carnegie Mellon University

Dissertation Advisor: Yasuhiro Shirai, Professor, Department of Linguistics

Copyright © by Pei-sui Luk




Zoe Pei-sui Luk, PhD

University of Pittsburgh, 2012

Transitivity has been extensively researched from a semantic point of view (e.g., Hopper &

Thompson, 1980). Although little has been said about a prototypical intransitive construction, it

has been suggested that verbs that denote actions with an agent and a patient/theme cannot be

intransitive (e.g., Guerssel, 1985). However, it has been observed that some languages, including

Japanese, have intransitive verbs for actions that clearly involve an animate agent and a

patient/theme, such as ‘arresting’ (e.g., Pardeshi, 2008). This dissertation thus attempts to

understand how causality is differentially interpreted from transitive and intransitive

constructions, including non-prototypical intransitive verbs, by rating and priming experiments

conducted in both English and Japanese. In Experiment 1, participants (native English and

Japanese speakers, 20 each) were asked to read sentence pairs with transitive and intransitive

verbs in their native language and rate how likely they thought it was that the animate entity

mentioned in the sentence pair was responsible for the event. The results show that in Japanese,

the sentences with agent-implying intransitive verbs were rated closer to those with transitive

verbs and significantly higher than non-agent-implying intransitive verbs. In Experiment 2,

participants (42 native English speakers and 46 native Japanese speakers) read the equivalent

sentence pairs and answered a question that asked whether the instrument mentioned in the

sentences could cause the event to happen. It was hypothesized that participants would respond

faster to the transitive sentence than the intransitive sentences, because it was assumed that the

transitive sentences would lead the participants to evoke an agent and thus an instrument whereas

the intransitive sentences would not. The results, however, were not consistent with the

hypotheses in that the agent-implying verb pairs (both transitive and intransitive) were responded

to significantly slower than the non-agent-implying verb pairs. The results are explained through

(1) the preference to focus on sub-event (change of state) rather than the super-event (causation)

in Japanese, and (2) the telicity and punctuality of the agent-implying verbs.


KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. XII

PREFACE ................................................................................................................................. XIII

1.0 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... XIII

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................ 6

2.1 FORMAL APPROACH TO TRANSITIVITY ................................................. 6

2.1.1 Decomposition of verb meanings.................................................................... 9

2.2 FUNCTIONAL APPROACHES TO TRANSITIVITY ................................. 12

2.2.1 Transitivity from a semantic perspective .................................................... 12

2.2.2 Construction Grammar ................................................................................ 13

2.2.3 Cognitive Grammar ...................................................................................... 16

2.2.4 What is the prototypical intransitive construction? ................................... 19


AND JAPANESE ................................................................................................................ 21

2.3.1 The Japanese verb system............................................................................. 22 Lexical versus morphological transitivity ......................................... 22 Morphological and semantic markedness......................................... 24

2.3.2 Cross-linguistic differences in lexical transitivity ....................................... 25


TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE CONSTRUCTIONS ......................................... 30

2.4.1 A note on ergative and active languages ...................................................... 34


DIFFERENCES ON THE ATTENTION TO AGENT .................................................. 36


MODEL ............................................................................................................................. 39

2.7 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 43

3.0 THE STUDY ............................................................................................................... 47

3.1 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................... 47

3.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ............................................................................... 47

3.3 SINGER ET AL. (1992) .................................................................................... 48

3.4 EXPERIMENT 1 ............................................................................................... 51

3.4.1 Participants .................................................................................................... 51

3.4.2 Method ............................................................................................................ 52

3.4.3 Materials ......................................................................................................... 53 English version .................................................................................... 53 Japanese version .................................................................................. 53

3.4.4 Hypotheses ...................................................................................................... 54

3.4.5 Results ............................................................................................................. 55 The English version............................................................................. 55 The Japanese version .......................................................................... 56 Between-language comparisons ......................................................... 57

3.4.6 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 58

3.5 EXPERIMENT 2 ............................................................................................... 60

3.5.1 Participants .................................................................................................... 61

3.5.2 Materials ......................................................................................................... 62 The English version............................................................................. 62 The Japanese version .......................................................................... 66

3.5.3 Procedures ...................................................................................................... 67

3.5.4 Hypothesis ...................................................................................................... 68

3.5.5 Results ............................................................................................................. 70 English version .................................................................................... 70 Japanese version .................................................................................. 71

3.5.6 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 72

3.6 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 75

4.0 GENERAL DISCUSSION ........................................................................................ 78

4.1 FOCUSING ON SUB-EVENT IN JAPANESE .............................................. 79


INTRANSITIVE VERBS .................................................................................................. 85


4.4 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 92

5.0 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................... 94

5.1 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 94

5.2 THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS ................................................................ 95

5.3 FUTURE RESEARCH ...................................................................................... 97

APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................ 100

APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................ 111

APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................ 125

APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................................ 130

APPENDIX E ............................................................................................................................ 137

APPENDIX F ............................................................................................................................ 143

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 149


Table 1. Hopper and Thompson's (1980) components of transitivity........................................... 13

Table 2. Summary of hypotheses for Experiment 1 ..................................................................... 55

Table 3. Mean ratings of causality in English and Japanese (standard deviations in parentheses)

....................................................................................................................................................... 56

Table 4. Comparisons of ratings in Japanese ................................................................................ 57

Table 5. Structures of List A and B .............................................................................................. 64

Table 6. Japanese verbs used in Experiment 1 and 2.................................................................... 67

Table 7. Summary of hypotheses for Experiment 2 ..................................................................... 69

Table 8. Mean response times of English- and Japanese-speaking participants in the priming task

(standard deviations in parentheses) ............................................................................................. 71

Table 10. Verb pairs used in the present study and their types of alternation .............................. 83

Table 11. Sorace's (2000) Auxiliary Selection Hierarchy ............................................................ 90

Table 12. English items in Experiment 2 .................................................................................... 126

Table 13. Japanese items in Experiment 2 (Non-agent-implying) ............................................. 131

Table 14. Japanese items in Experiment 2 (agent-implying) ...................................................... 134

Table 15. English baseline and filler items in the priming experiment ...................................... 138

Table 16. Japanese baseline and filler items in the priming experiment .................................... 144


Figure 1. The organization of the language system under Jackendoff's theory (the cells in grey

are part of the linguistic system; the module for phonetic representation is not shown here) ...... 11

Figure 2. The conceptual space for voice and transitivity (adapted from Croft, 2001, p. 317) .... 15

Figure 3. Profiling of different constructions (adapted from Langacker, 2008, p. 385; thickened

lines indicate the aspect of the event being profiled, the simple arrows indicate the change of

state, the double arrows represent the exertion of force, “tr” stands for “trajectory”, and “lm”

stands for “landmark.”) ................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 4. Dichotomous verb type hierarchy proposed by Malchukov (2005, p. 81) .................... 33

Figure 5. Mean ratings in English and Japanese (error bars = 1SD) ............................................ 57

Figure 6. Mean response times in English and Japanese (error bar = 1SD) ................................. 71

Figure 7. Action-type perspective in English (adapted from Kageyama, 1996, p. 276) .............. 79

Figure 8. Become-type perspective in Japanese (adapted from Kageyama, 1996, p. 284) .......... 79

Figure 9. Causative action chain (adapted from Shibatani, 2006) ................................................ 89


3SG third person singular

ACC accusative case

adj adjective

CAUS. causative

intr. intransitive verb

NOM nominative case

PART partitive case

PASS passive

PAST past tense

PRES. present

TOP topic

tr. Transitive verb


Transitive and intransitive constructions have interested me since I studied Japanese as a third

language. This study would not have been possible without my committee members. I would like

to express my heartfelt gratitude to my advisor, Yasuhiro Shirai, who has been helping me with

my research since my undergraduate years. It was Professor Shirai who further stimulated my

interests in Japanese and Japanese linguistics.

I would also like to thank Charles Perfetti. His lectures have been the inspiration for the

methodology for the research questions that I have been interested in for many years. His

expertise has also helped me modify my experiment to better fit its purposes. From him, I have

learned a lot about conducting quantitative research. I am also extremely grateful to Alan Juffs

and Paul Hopper. Their expertise in Linguistics and their sharp minds have contributed so much

to this dissertation.

I am indebted to the organizations that provided me with financial support for this

dissertation. These grants include the Language Learning Dissertation Grant Program, the Arts

and Science Summer Research Fellowship, and the Andrew Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship from

the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh.

Many other people have helped me along the way. I thank Susan Dunlap, Benjamin

Friedline, Wendy Martelle, and Fawn Draucker for proofreading all the English items in the

experiment. I also thank Junko Yamashita of Nagoya University for coordinating the recruitment

process and Takao Bando for arranging a venue for my experiment. I would also like to thank

Claude Mauk, Na-rae Han, and Mary Lou Vercelloti for helping me recruit participants, and

Lauren Collister and Andy Jeske for distributing the questionnaires to their friends for me. I am

also grateful to Pat Cochran and Irene Wright for their administrative support in the department

during my studies.

I am also extremely grateful to have had the chance to meet these amazing people who

gave me support through different means (ranging from having parties together to having a

conversation on the bus) during this journey: Derek Chan, Katherine Martin, Nozomi Tanaka,

Kristopher Geda, Jie Cui, Wenhao Diao, Sanako Mitsugi, Christina Schoux Casey, Carrie

Bonilla, Sally Kim, Bill Price, Nausica Miguel, Mike Olsen, Jing Wang, Ping Wang, Adrienne

Washington, Lorraine Denman, and Meghan Dabkowski. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to my

friends back home, who encouraged me when I felt down and lacking in confidence. I would also

like to thank friends whom I knew here in Pittsburgh and in Nagoya, whom I cannot list because

of limited space. Without you, my journey would have been a rather lonely one.

Finally I would like to express my gratitude to my family and my fiancé, who never cease

to give me love and the power to move on.


The transitive and intransitive constructions are the two most basic sentence structures in most

human languages. While we are using the terms “transitive” and “intransitive” as if they have

very clear and simple definitions, we find that this is not the case if we delve deeper into the


Traditionally, transitivity is defined semantically (Kittila, 2002). That is, an event is said

to be transitive if it involves a transfer of energy from one participant to another. For example, he

killed the woman would be a typical transitive event, because it typically involves a transfer of

energy from the subject he to the object the woman, and the object undergoes a change from

being alive to dead.

The formal approach, on the other hand, adopts a completely different view. In the formal

approach, the number of arguments is the determining factor in whether a sentence is transitive

or not: a transitive sentence has two arguments, namely a subject and an object, and an

intransitive sentence only has a subject (e.g., Lazard, 1998). It disregards the semantics of the

events; in English, both he killed the woman and Susan likes roses are transitive sentences,

although in the semantic approach the second sentence would not be considered as transitive

because there is no transfer of energy to or change of state of the object.

One interesting fact about transitivity is that there are mismatches between semantic

transitivity and syntactic transitivity across languages. In other words, the range of situations that

can be described by the so-called transitive case frame in one language may not be the same as

the range in another language. Kittila (2002) gave examples from various languages and

discusses what a prototypical transitive construction is in each of those languages. For example,

if we compare the German sentences in (1) and (2) with the Finnish sentences in (3) and (4)

given in Kittila (2002), we can see that German and Finnish differ.

(1) er töte-te den Mann

He.NOM kill-PAST.3SG the.ACC man

“He killed the man”

(2) er betrachte-te den Mann

He.NOM the.ACC man

“He looked at the man”

(3) hän tappo-i miehe-n

s/he.NOM kill.PAST-3SG man-ACC

“He killed the man”

(4) hän katso-i mies-tä

s/he.NOM see-PAST.3SG man-PART

“He looked at the man”

These examples show that whereas German uses the same accusative marking for both

sentences, Finnish uses the accusative marking for (3) and the partitive marking for (4). Thus we

can see that there are cross-linguistic differences in the mapping of semantic transitivity and

syntactic transitivity (i.e., case markings): the German transitive construction is used for both

situations, but the Finnish transitive construction is only used for the situation of relatively high

semantic transitivity (i.e., the action of killing), not for the situation of relatively low semantic

transitivity (i.e., the action of looking). In other words, transitive constructions in both languages

are prototypically used with prototypical transitive verbs such as kill (as the transitive case frame

is often defined as the case frame that is used with prototypical transitive verbs), but they differ

in the marginal uses (i.e., non-prototypical situations such as look).

In fact, this cross-linguistic difference can be so substantial that languages may even use

different parts of speech to describe the same situation. For example, in English we would say

John likes Mary, which, from the formal approach, has a transitive argument structure with the

verb like. In Japanese, however, one would say jon-wa marii-ga suki da ‘John-TOP Mary-NOM

like (adj.)’, where suki is an adjective and the sentence has an adjectival construction.

Moreover, different languages have different restrictions on the use of the transitive and

intransitive constructions. Some languages such as Japanese and Marathi allow the change of

state that must be caused by an animate agent to be described intransitively. For example,

whereas English has only a transitive verb for the action of finding, Japanese has both transitive

and intransitive counterparts for the action. It follows that English speakers would be unable to

describe the action using an intransitive verb. They would have to resort to the passive

construction if they prefer to background the agent (e.g., the book was found).

If what defines the transitive and intransitive constructions is not consistent across

languages, do we understand agentivity, which is the major difference between the transitive and

the intransitive construction, in the same way in different languages? This is the question that

this study attempts to address.

Despite all of these differences that we have observed in the use of transitive and

intransitive constructions in different languages, many linguistic theories treat their definitions as

if they are universal. In generative approaches, for example, each verb specifies its theta-grid –

that is, which thematic role(s) it selects – in the lexicon. The thematic roles, specified in the

theta-grid, are projected onto the syntactic structure, which will be interpreted through linking

rules. Since the Logical Form (LF) level is universal (Hornstein, 1995) and ‘transitive’ and

‘intransitive’ are defined at the syntactic level, the assignment of theta-roles such as agent and

patient will only differ if the specifications in the theta-grid are different. However, the fact that

an intransitive (unaccusative) verb only has one theta-role (i.e., patient or theme) would still be

universal. In fact, even some functional approaches, such as Langacker’s (2008) Cognitive

Grammar, do not address the differences concerning agentivity across languages. This will be

discussed in Chapter 2.

The present study focuses on two languages, namely English and Japanese. These two

languages were chosen because they exhibit many differences in terms of their use of the

transitive and intransitive constructions, which will also be explained in Chapter 2.

Because the terms ‘transitive construction’ and ‘intransitive construction’ can have

different meanings depending on the approach (i.e., syntactic versus semantic), it is important to

define these terms in this dissertation for the ease of explanation. In this dissertation, the

‘transitive’ construction is defined as the case frame that is used with the most prototypical

transitive verbs, such as kill, destroy, and break (Tsunoda, 1985), in that language. In the case of

English, the NOM-ACC case frame is the English transitive construction. In other words, any

sentence that has the form [NP V NP] is treated as a transitive sentence. In the case of Japanese,

the transitive construction has the form of [NP-ga/wa NP-o V], where ga is the nominative case

marker, wa is the topic marker, and o is the accusative case marker. Ga is often replaced by wa

in natural Japanese discourse because the noun phrase that bears the nominative case marker in a

sentence is usually old information that becomes the topic of the sentence. The intransitive

construction is the construction that only accommodates one noun phrase. The English

intransitive construction then has the structure [NP V] and the Japanese intransitive construction

has the structure [NP-ga/wa V].

This dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 introduces the formal and functional

approaches to transitivity, and the differences among languages, particularly between English

and Japanese, regarding the use of the transitive and intransitive constructions. Chapter 3

describes two experiments, namely the rating experiment and the priming experiment, and

reports the results of both experiments. Chapter 4 discusses the results of the studies in relation

to the research questions and previous research. Chapter 5 provides the conclusion and directions

for future research.


In this chapter, I will review the different linguistic approaches to the issue of transitivity, as well

as empirical studies that examine the use of the transitive and intransitive constructions in

different languages.


Generative grammar defines the transitive and intransitive constructions based on the

number of arguments in a sentence. In this approach, each verb in the lexicon has its own theta

grid, which specifies the number and the type of thematic roles the verb can assign (e.g., Carnie,

2006; Chomsky, 1981; Guerssel, Hale, Laughren, Levin, & White Eagle, 1985; Haegemen,

1993). The original proposal was that syntactic structures are generated based on the theta grids

of the verbs, and that they go through Logical Form for interpretation (e.g., Carnie, 2006). For

instance, the verb put has the categorical features [+V, -N], specifying that it is a verb, and the

theta grid [AGENT, THEME, GOAL] (Juffs, 1996). Therefore, we obtain a sentence like John

put the book on the table, and the sentence has three arguments, with John being the agent, the

book being the theme, and the table being the goal. It should be noted, however, that there are

also disagreements within the framework about the notion of theta roles (e.g., Jackendoff, 1985).
Researchers who adopt this approach also made efforts to understand how syntactic

surface structures map onto semantic structures. For example, Pinker (1989) proposed that

linking rules, which could be universal and innate, help children learn that the subject of a

sentence is an agent, which is true for most transitive sentences.

Regarding intransitive verbs, it has been proposed that there are two kinds of intransitive

verbs, namely unergative verbs and unaccusative verbs, and that they have different syntactic

structures. Unergative verbs, such as run, walk, and laugh, involve a person or an animate entity

performing the action. Unaccusative verbs, on the other hand, describe a change of state, and the

entity that occupies the subject position usually does not have the ability to perform the action

(i.e., is a non-agent). Examples of unaccusative verbs are break (intransitive), appear, and melt


Perlmutter (1978), and later Burzio (1986), proposed that these two kinds of verbs have

different deep structures. They argued that unergative verbs have a theta grid with an external

argument, whereas unaccusative verbs have a theta grid with an internal argument that will

occupy the subject position of the surface sentence through movement. Because of this

difference in syntactic structures, they have different meanings: the unergative one has a

volitional interpretation, and the unaccusative one has a change-of-state interpretation.

Some researchers under this framework are interested in the origin of the theta grids of

verbs. For example, Levin (1993) proposed several groups of verbs that have

transitive/inchoative alternations in English. These groups include ROLL VERBS (e.g., roll,

slide, twirl), BREAK VERBS (e.g., chip, crack, tear), and VERBS OF CHANGE OF STATE

(e.g., freeze, grow, increase). In contrast, groups of verbs that do not allow this alternation

include VERBS OF CUTTING (e.g, saw, cut, drill), VERBS OF TOUCHING (e.g., kiss, pat,

tickle), and VERBS OF KILLING (e.g., murder, assassinate, slaughter). Guerssel, Hale,

Laughren, Levin, and White Eagle (1985) looked at four typologically distinct languages,

namely English, Berber, Warlpiri, and Winnebago. They explained that a verb such as break

basically denotes a change of state, and the transitive use of the verb only adds a cause to it. On

the other hand, a verb like cut involves the use of an instrument, and inevitably requires the

existence of an agent. They therefore claim that the verb cut 1 “would never be found in the

inchoative construction” (Levin, 1993, p. 10). In other words, the verb cut would never be

intransitive. A similar explanation can be used for the lack of intransitive counterpart for the

VERBS OF TOUCHING, since these verbs inevitably involve the body parts of an animate


However, cross-linguistic variations are often not accounted for in this approach. Cross-

linguistic differences are explained through language-specific differences in the number of

arguments a verb assigns in different languages. For example, English has the verb catch, which

is always transitive, but as we will see in the next section, some languages, such as Japanese,

have an intransitive counterpart for catch, which only selects the object being caught to be the

subject of the sentence. One could say that this is language-specific: the English catch has a

theta-grid with two arguments, and Japanese just happens to have an intransitive verb for it.

However, this is problematic, because if our conceptualization of the world is universal, as

suggested by Guerssel et al. (1985) (i.e., all of us perceive the action of catching to involve two

participants), and the way of understanding the theta-grid of a given verb is also universal (i.e.,

we understand that the action of catching involves two participants and therefore we know that

Note that Japanese has a transitve-intransitive pair of the verb ‘cut’: kiru/kireru. This will be discussed extensively
in Section 2.3.

the verb catch must have two arguments), we should not see this difference in theta-grids across


In fact, theta theory was also questioned by many (e.g., Bowerman, 1988; Juffs, 1996;

Pinker, 1979) in relation to language acquisition. Juffs (1996) claimed that the theory is not

enough to explain how children acquire the fact that some verbs allow alternations while others

do not. For example, in English one can say He loaded the trucks with bricks or He loaded the

bricks onto the truck, but one can only say He poured the water into the glass, not *He poured

the glass with water. A similar situation occurs in the transitive/intransitive alternation: both The

sun melted the ice and The ice melted are grammatical, whereas only John sweated (not *The sun

sweated John) is grammatical. Juffs (1996) argued that the acquisition mechanism of these

alternations is different from that of past tense morphology (i.e., children overgeneralize -ed to

irregular verbs, such as runned instead of ran), because in the latter case children would

eventually hear the correct form (i.e., ran), which will remove the erroneous form from their

grammar. In contrast, in the case of verb alternation, the transitive and intransitive constructions

can co-exist without ruling one another out. He therefore suggested that there must be some

‘internal resources’ (p. 183) that guide children to acquire these alternations, such that they know

which verbs can alternate and which cannot.

2.1.1 Decomposition of verb meanings

Seeing the inadequacies of the theta theory, Jackendoff (1985, 1987) introduced the

notion of a conceptual structure, which has access to both the linguistic system and the cognitive

system. The conceptual structure consists of a number of innate rules, which are in turn made up

of ‘primitive conceptual categories’ (1987, p. 375), such as EVENT, PLACE, THING, PATH,

etc. For example, for the sentence John went in to the room, the conceptual structure would look

like: [ Event GO ([ Thing JOHN], [ Path TO ([ Place IN ([ Thing ROOM])])])].

Under this theory, the conceptual structure is specified in the verb. For example, the

lexical entry for the verb enter has the specifications shown in (5):

(5) enter
[- N, + V]
[_____ (NP j )]
[ Event GO ([ Thing ] i , [ Path TO ([ Place IN ([ Thing ] j )])])] (Jackendoff, 1987, p. 377)

As we can see from (5), the verb not only specifies the argument structure (i.e., [_____ (NP j )]),

but also specifies the conceptual structure, as shown in the fourth line in (5).

Juffs (1996) further developed this theory to explain how the acquisition of alternations is

facilitated. For example, he suggested that a verb containing a PATH element will allow the

argument structure exemplified by John poured the water into the glass, but not John poured the

glass with water. On the other hand, a verb containing a STATE element will allow the opposite

– that is, John covered the bed with a sheet, but not John covered a sheet onto the bed. Verbs

that allow alternations (e.g., load) will have an empty slot in the conceptual structure, which will

be filled by either PATH or STATE, depending on the intention of the speaker.

But how do we develop such an argument structure as well as a conceptual structure that

is associated with a particular verb? Jackendoff (1985) proposed that we have conceptual well-

formedness rules (WFRs) that are innate. These conceptual well-formedness rules, together with

the inputs from the visual system, motor system, etc, create a conceptual structure of a ‘projected

world’ (p. 28) (see Figure 1). The projected world is the world that we experience; it may differ

from the true world, and because of that the projected world is subjective. However, Jackendoff

argued that, although our conceptual structure is based on the subjective projected world rather

than the real world, it would not pose a problem in communication, because the processes we use

to create the projected world in each of us are the same (p. 30). In other words, although the

projected world is subjective, we end up creating very similar projected worlds through the use

of the same organizing processes. Jackendoff’s ideas are summarized in Figure 1 (adapted from

1983, p. 21).

syntactic WFRs conceptual WFRs

syntactic Correspondence rules conceptual

structure structure

lexicon visual motor etc.

system system
Figure 1. The organization of the language system under Jackendoff's theory (the cells in grey are part of the

linguistic system; the module for phonetic representation is not shown here)

If it is really the case that we perceive the world in similar ways and differ only in the

way we describe them, we would still need to spell out the crosslinguistic differences in the

syntax-semantics mappings we observed, especially regarding transitive/intransitive alternations.

In Jackendoff’s terms, if the conceptual WFRs are the same for all human beings regardless of

their native tongue, then there must be cross-linguistic differences in the correspondence rules.

To summarize, the formal approach defines transitivity in terms of the number of

arguments associated with a verb, which is in turn determined by the theta-grid of the verb

specified in the lexicon. It has also been argued that our universal conceptualization of the event

is responsible for how we understand the number of arguments, and thus theta-grids, of different

verbs. However, these proposals fail to account for cross-linguistic variations or for tendencies in

what can be, and are more often, lexicalized as transitive or intransitive verbs. Decomposition of

verb meanings has been proposed to supplement these inadequacies, but we are still bound to

spell out the differences between languages regarding what can be described using transitive or

intransitive constructions.


This section turns our attention to the functional approaches to transitivity. Before reviewing two

functional approaches, Construction Grammar and Cognitive Grammar, I will first discuss

transitivity from a more general semantic perspective.

2.2.1 Transitivity from a semantic perspective

In opposition to syntactic transitivity, which has a clear boundary between transitive and

intransitive constructions, Hopper and Thompson (1980) proposed that semantic transitivity is a

continuum measured by a number of components (Table 1). As an example given by Hopper and

Thompson, Jerry knocked Sam down is higher in transitivity than Jerry likes beer, because the

former is an action, is telic, punctual, and has high affectedness and individuation of the object,

whereas the latter has a low value in each of these components. It is generally agreed that the

most transitive, or the prototypical transitive construction in every language, would be the case

frame that is used for an event that has a ‘high’ value for all the parameters in a particular

language. A typical event would be an action such as ‘killing’ or ‘breaking,’ which has one

participant who transfers a force to another participant, and a second participant who undergoes a

complete change of state. In English, for example, the transitive case frame would be [NP-nom V

NP-acc], as in John killed Mary.

Table 1. Hopper and Thompson's (1980) components of transitivity

A. PARTICIPANTS 2 or more participants, A and O 1 participant
B. KINESIS action non-action
C. ASPECT telic atelic
D. PUNCTUALITY punctual non-punctual
E. VOLITIONALITY volitional non-volitional
F. AFFIRMATION affirmative negative
G. MODE realis irrealis
H. AGENCY A high in potency A low in potency
I. AFFECTEDNESS OF O O totally affected O not affected
J. INDIVIDUATION OF O O highly individuated O non-individuated

This semantic analysis is useful in helping us define a prototypical transitive sentence.

This will be discussed further in Chapter 4. In the following, two functional approaches, namely

Construction Grammar and Cognitive Grammar, will be discussed.

2.2.2 Construction Grammar

In Construction Grammar, everything from a morpheme (e.g., plural -s) to a general

syntactic structure (e.g., the transitive construction) is treated as a construction (Croft, 2001).

This is in contrast to Generative Grammar, which distinguishes between lexical items and

syntactic rules. There is no distinction between surface and deep structures in Construction

Grammar, either. Instead, constructions are directly mapped onto meanings. For example, a

ditransitive construction, such as John baked Mary a cake, has the meaning of one entity (‘John’)

causing (‘cake’) another entity (‘Mary’) to receive something (‘a cake’) (Goldberg, 1995). In this

theory, language users have an abstract construction [NP 1 V NP 2 NP 3 ] stored, and it is linked to

the meaning ‘NP 1 transferring NP 2 to NP 3 .’ This linkage between the abstract construction and

the meaning is formed through receiving input of similar sentences (e.g., I gave him the book,

she handed her dog some leftovers, etc.). The construction is eventually abstracted to become a

construction with empty slots in which certain NPs can be placed. What type of NPs can fit into

which slot is also acquired through abstraction. For example, since most (if not all) ditransitive

sentences in the input have an animate NP 2 , language users find it less acceptable for the second

NP to be inanimate (e.g., #she handed the box a book) (e.g., Tomasello, 2003). It also follows

that syntactic constructions are no different from other lexical items such as nouns, verbs, etc. in

the sense that syntactic constructions are also directly linked to some kind of meaning.

Moreover, in this approach, constructions can be language-specific. That is, constructions

present in one language are not necessarily also present in another language. For example, the

plural construction in English [noun-s] does not exist in Chinese. 2 Following this argument, the

transitive construction in English is not necessarily equal to the transitive construction in

Japanese, in the sense that the English transitive construction may cover a different range of

situations than the Japanese transitive construction does. As illustrated above, the English

transitive construction covers a wide range of situations, including those with low semantic

transitivity such as John likes Mary. In Japanese, an adjectival construction would be used for

this situation (i.e., Mari-ga suki-da ‘(someone) like (adj)’ Mary). Similar cross-linguistic

differences can also be found in the intransitive constructions, which will be discussed further

later in this chapter.

Although Chinese does have the plural marker men, its uses are very restricted and it can only attach to pronouns
(e.g., ta ‘he/she) and some human nouns (e.g., tongxue-men ‘students’).

The advantage of construction grammar over theta theory is that the former is able to

capture both universal similarities and variations across languages. For example, in the case of

transitivity, Croft (2001) proposed a semantic map for different situation types, as shown in

Figure 2.








Figure 2. The conceptual space for voice and transitivity (adapted from Croft, 2001, p. 317)

Figure 2 illustrates the conceptual space for transitivity and the syntactic structures used

based on the conceptual space. For instance, if the patient is salient and the agent is suppressed, a

passive construction would be used. Linguistic universals are therefore captured through the

postulation that all linguistic constructions in a particular domain (e.g., argument structure) are

based on the same conceptual space (e.g., the saliency of the agent and the patient). Linguistic

diversity, on the other hand, is explained in terms of different constructions occupying different

areas of the same semantic map.

The advantage of Construction Grammar is that it allows fuzziness at the boundary

regarding the mapping of syntax and semantics. For example, the basic factors (i.e., saliency of

agent and patient) shown in Figure 2 may be true for all languages, but different languages may

have different ‘area sizes’ for each construction. The anticausative/unergative area may be larger

for Japanese than for English because Japanese allows more types of events to be described

intransitively. However, Construction Grammar is still insufficient for pinpointing the

differences: how large, for example, can the anticausative/unergative area become? Although

this is not the main question of this dissertation, I will address this issue in the Discussion section

in Chapter 4.

2.2.3 Cognitive Grammar

Another functional approach that helps us understand the syntax/semantics mapping in

transitivity is Cognitive Grammar, proposed by Langacker (1986; 2008). Cognitive Grammar

provides more semantic characterizations that generative grammarians seldom address (but see

Jackendoff, 1990). It is concerned with the relationship between conceptualization and language

form, which will be the objective of the present study. Before discussing how transitive and

intransitive constructions are described in Cognitive Grammar, I will first discuss two of the

most relevant construal dimensions suggested by Langacker (2008), namely ‘focusing’ and


In Cognitive Grammar, the meaning of an expression is closely associated with how the

speaker construes an event, and the construal is grounded in general cognitive abilities. As Croft

(1990) claims, any event can be described along a causative-inchoative-stative continuum.

Which is uttered depends on what the speaker wants to focus on and to which elements of the

event he/she wants to give prominence. In describing John opening a door, it is clear that the

causative sentence John opened the door gives prominence to both the causer John and the

causee the door, and focuses on what John does, whereas the inchoative sentence the door

opened only gives focuses on the door and the change of state, and does not give prominence to

the causative nature of the event. The stative sentence the door was open only focuses on the

final state of the door.

Some of the basic terms involved in event construal in Cognitive Grammar are scope,

base, profile, trajectory, and landmark. The scope of an expression is ‘the conceptual content

appearing in the subjective viewing frame inherent in its apprehension’ (Langacker, 2008, p. 63).

The base is a selection of ‘a certain body of conceptual content’ (p. 66). It can be maximally the

entire scope, or narrowly only certain part of the scope. Langacker also metaphorically describes

the base as something being ‘onstage.’ A profile is a substructure of the base that receives

attention. A trajectory is an entity that receives primary focus, and a landmark is one that

receives secondary focus. In the case of the word elbow, which Langacker uses as an example to

illustrate these concepts, the human body is the scope, the arm is the base because it is

impossible to talk about an elbow without evoking the idea of an arm, and the elbow is the part

that gets the profile.

Now we turn back to the constructions of interest. The intransitive construction and the

passive construction, according to Langacker (2008), differ in terms of profiling. He claims that

the intransitive construction profiles the event as a ‘thematic process’ and does not mention the

force or the agent that causes the change (p. 385), whereas the passive construction profiles both

the theme and the agent, but does not give ‘prominence’ to the agent. In other words, in an

intransitive construction, the causer and the transfer of force do not even form part of the base,

whereas in a passive construction the causer and transfer of force are part of the base and are also

profiled. This is illustrated in Figure 3, which is adapted from Langacker (2008). The profiling of

the transitive construction and the middle construction are also included for comparison.

tr lm tr tr

(a) transitive (b) intransitive (c) passive (d) middle

Figure 3. Profiling of different constructions (adapted from Langacker, 2008, p. 385; thickened

lines indicate the aspect of the event being profiled, the simple arrows indicate the change of

state, the double arrows represent the exertion of force, “tr” stands for “trajectory”, and “lm”

stands for “landmark.”)

From Figure 3 we can see the image schemas of the different constructions. A transitive

construction such as John killed Mary has John as the trajectory, who exerts a force on Mary

(illustrated by the double arrow), who is the landmark and undergoes a change of state from

being alive to dead (illustrated by the single arrow), and the entire process is profiled. The

intransitive construction is the same as the passive construction in that they both give

prominence or foreground to the entity that undergoes changes. They differ in that the

intransitive construction does not evoke an agent, whereas the passive construction does evoke

an agent or a causer and profile it. On the other hand, Langacker explains, a middle construction

such as the door opened easily does evoke an agent, because the adverb easily implies a

volitional exertion of force by an agent; thus, it is part of the ‘onstage’ element, but it is not


This characterization seems perfect for English intransitive verbs, since unergative verbs

(e.g., run, laugh) that describe the mostly volitional action of an agent do not involve an external

causer, and English unaccusative verbs also do not imply an agent. However, Japanese agent-

implying unaccusative verbs (e.g., tsukamaru ‘be caught’), which will be discussed in the next

section, pose a problem for Langacker’s characterization of intransitive constructions, since it

does not profile an agent and causation, whereas the agent-implying verbs clearly evoke an

agent. The schema of these verbs seems to resemble the passive or the middle construction.

2.2.4 What is the prototypical intransitive construction?

Interestingly, whereas the prototypical transitive construction is often defined, as we have

seen previously, the prototypical intransitive construction is not, either in the formal or the

functional approach. Malchukov (2005) pointed out that the intransitive construction is often

defined “in negative terms, as a clause not conforming in formal and semantic terms to the

transitive prototype” (p. 80).

Many linguists, however, have implicitly agreed that intransitive constructions are often

used with events that involve only one participant, at least in our conception of these events. For

example, we have discussed above the arguments of Guerssel et al. (1985) and Levin (1993).

Following Guerssel et al. (1985), Haspelmath (1993) also argued that “the most important

specific semantic condition on inchoative/causative verb pairs is the absence of agent-oriented

meaning components” (p. 93). He contrasted cut with tear: Cut has the agent-oriented

component, because it involves the use of a sharp instrument, whereas tear does not. The result

is that tear has an inchoative counterpart and cut does not.

However, this does not help us identify a prototypical intransitive construction, because

there is a split in intransitivity, either from a syntactic or semantic perspective. As mentioned

above, generative linguists distinguish between unergative and unaccusative verbs. This

distinction was demonstrated by Perlmutter (1978), who argued that Dutch, together with French

and Italian, uses different auxiliaries for the two types of intransitive verbs (which is often

termed aux-selection). Moreover, as illustrated by Croft (2001), the intransitive construction is

used when either the agent or the patient is salient. This phenomenon appears to be universally

attested (e.g. van Valin, 1990). For example, Pardeshi (2010) describes Marathi as having two

types of verbs, one involving an actor with intention (e.g., run, stand, etc.) and the other an actor

without intention (e.g., die, fall, etc.). Similarly, Matsuse and Kiryu (2010) also characterize a

prototypical intransitive construction in Newari as a case frame that is used with unergative and

unaccusative verbs.

Summarizing this section, we have discussed transitivity from a semantic perspective,

and reviewed the analyses of the issue of transitivity from two functional approaches, namely

Construction Grammar and Cognitive Grammar. Construction Grammar has the advantage of

capturing the universal aspects of language while still allowing cross-linguistic differences.

Cognitive Grammar describes the transitive and intransitive constructions in terms of event

conceptualization, but I argue that the characterization for the intransitive construction may not

work as well in Japanese.

The possibility of a prototypical intransitive construction was also discussed. It is

generally concurred that an intransitive construction is the case frame that is used to describe an

event with only one participant. However, unlike the prototypical transitive construction, which

is often discussed in the literature (Hopper & Thompson, 1980; Tsunoda, 1985), the intransitive

prototype is not addressed in the literature, perhaps because of the split in intransitivity that poses

difficulty for characterizing an intransitive prototype. In the following, I will discuss a type of

intransitive verbs called ‘agent-implying’ intransitive verbs in Japanese, which seems to be in the

middle of this split in terms of its semantics. 3



In previous sections, we have seen (1) how transitivity is defined in syntactic and semantic

terms, (2) the treatment of transitivity in different linguistic theories, and (3) that there is a lack

of attention to a prototypical intransitive construction. This section focuses on the differences

between English and Japanese, which are the target of the present study, especially in the use of

the intransitive construction.

One might wonder why the term ‘agent-implying intransitive verb’ is used instead of the term ‘middle
construction,’ which already exists in the literature. The reason is that the term middle construction is not very clear,
and is ‘applied to a wide range of grammatical phenomena’ (Croft, Shyldkrot, & Kemmer, 1985. p. 179). The new
term therefore helps us identify the major grammatical issue that is of interest to us.

2.3.1 The Japanese verb system Lexical versus morphological transitivity

Before I discuss the differences between English and Japanese, it would be useful to

describe Japanese to readers who are not familiar with the language. Japanese is an agglutinating

language: morphemes can be added to verb stems and each morpheme usually has one clear

meaning. For example, the past/perfective morpheme –ta can be added to a verb like korosu

‘kill’ to form koroshi-ta to mean ‘killed.’ More morphemes can then be added to it. For example,

the passive marker –rare can be added to form koros-are-ta ‘was killed.’

Japanese also has a causative morpheme –sase. For instance, it can be attached to the

verb nomu ‘drink’ to form nom-ase-ru ‘make (somebody) drink’ (Kuroda, 1965). It follows that

this morpheme increases the number of arguments (i.e., valency) associated with the verb. That

is, the number of arguments increases to two if the morpheme is added to an intransitive verb,

which originally allows only one argument.

One question raised is how the morphologically complex verbs differ from their transitive

counterparts, because in English, a transitive verb such as break can be paraphrased into cause to

break, and the morphology –sase in Japanese appears to be doing a similar job.

However, although the end product would look like a transitive verb in the sense that it

can have two arguments, it has a different meaning than the transitive counterpart. According to

Shibatani (1973), in the -sase construction the subject of the matrix sentence (i.e., the noun

phrase that has -ga/wa as the case particle) is typically the causer and the subject of the

embedded sentence (i.e., the noun phrase that has -o as the case particle in the case of an

intransitive verb and -ni in the case of a transitive verb) is the causee. For example, in (6b), Tarō

is the causer who caused Jirō to run.

(6) a. Jirō-ga hashir-u

Jiro-NOM run-present

‘Jiro runs.’

b. Tarō-ga Jirō-o hashir-ase-ta


‘Taro caused Jiro to run.’

In addition, since the ‘causee’ is the agent of the verb in the embedded sentence, it has to

be animate or something perceived to be able move on its own (i.e., a robot, a car, etc.) in the

case of motion verbs. For example, one cannot say *Tarō-ga isu-o taore-sase-ta to mean ‘Taro

caused to chair to fall down,’ because isu ‘chair’ is inanimate. 4 It should also be noted that -sase

has another meaning apart from ‘causing’; it can also mean mean ‘let’ or ‘giving an opportunity

to do something’ (Shibatani, 1973), and generally cannot mean direct causation.

Another issue concerns the regularity of the morphological processes involved in the

transitive/intransitive alternation in Japanese. Although there are some regular alternating

patterns, it is not at all predictable from any (e.g., semantic) aspects. For example, verb pairs

such as tsuku (intransitive)/tsukeru (transitive) and aku (intransitive)/akeru (transitive) might

make one think that the one with -ϕ- is intransitive and the one with -e- is transitive. However,

there are also verb pairs, such as wareru (intransitive)/waru (transitive) ‘break,’ in which the

opposite is true.

In sum, the lexical causatives are different from the morphologically complex verbs

formed from the addition of -sase. Moreover, although there appears to be some morphological

It should be noted that there are exceptions. For example, McCawley (in press) suggested that one can say Tarō-ga
enzin-o tamar-ase-ta ‘Taro caused the engine to stop,’ where the embedded subject is inanimate. However,
Shibatani (1973) stated that this sentence can only be used when Taro stopped the engine in an unusal way (e.g.,
striking it with a big hammer).

regularity in the transitive/intransitive verb pairs, there are many exceptions (Jacobsen, 1992). In

this dissertation, I only focus on the transitive lexical verbs, and not the morphologically derived

causative verbs. Morphological and semantic markedness

Regarding the relationship between morphological complexities and the

conceptualization of events, Jacobsen (1992) proposed that the less morphologically complex

counterpart in a verb pair indicates the more basic ‘cause’ of the event. In other words, if a

change in state of an entity is more often seen to be caused by an external force (e.g., break,

destruct, etc.), the transitive will be unmarked and its intransitive counterpart will be marked; on

the other hand, if a change is more often seen to occur spontaneously (e.g., sink, grow, etc.), the

intransitive will be unmarked and its transitive counterpart will be marked. For example, the

transitive waru ‘break (an egg)’ is morphologically unmarked and its intransitive counterpart

wareru ‘(an egg) break’ is marked, because the action of breaking is often perceived to occur

under the influence of an external force. Similarly, the intransitive sodatsu ‘grow’ is

morphologically less complex than its transitive counterpart sodateru, because the event of

growing is often seen to occur spontaneously.

Interestingly, many agent-implying verb pairs in Japanese used in this study are

equipollent, which means both counterparts are equally unmarked (or marked) morphologically 5.

In a sense, this contrasts with Jacobsen’s proposal, because agent-implying events, as the name

suggests, often involves agents, and thus the influence of an outside force. For example, although

One might argue that the Japanese verb pairs used in this study may not be representative of the entire set of paired
Japanese verbs. For the purpose of the present study, the verbs were selected randomly in the sense that attention
was not paid to morphological markedness. The issue of representativeness, and thus Jacobsen’s claim about
morphological markedness, is left for future research.

the action of finding must involve a person or another animate entity that catches another entity,

the transitive mitsukeru ‘find’ is equally morphologically complex to its intransitive counterpart

mitsukaru. For tsukamaeru (transitive) and tsukamaru (intransitive), the intransitive counterpart

is even less morphologically complex, although the action of catching typically involves two

distinct entities. I will continue this discussion in Chapter 4.

2.3.2 Cross-linguistic differences in lexical transitivity

As previously discussed, Croft (1990) argued that any event can be described in any form

along the “causative-inchoative-stative” continuum. However, languages differ regarding what is

allowed to be described inchoatively using an intransitive verb. English, for example, does not

allow the action of finding to be described using an intransitive verb (e.g., *The book found). If

the speaker prefers to background the agent, he/she has to use a passive construction (i.e., the

book was found).

As also discussed earlier, Guerssel et al. (1985) and Levin (1993) proposed that verbs that

describe actions that involve an agent, such as verbs of cutting, cannot be intransitive (e.g., I cut

the rope versus *the rope cut). However, some languages such as Japanese and Marathi do allow

the change of state that must be caused by an animate agent to also be described intransitively. In

fact, it is possible to say cut in Japanese as inchoative as in (8). An example with the transitive

counterpart is given in (7). It is noted that although the English translation uses a passive form of

the verb because there is no corresponding intransitive verb in English, the verb in the Japanese

sentence is an intransitive verb.

(7) Ken-wa roopu-o kit-ta.

Ken-TOP rope-ACC cut(tr.)-PAST

“Ken cut the rope”

(8) roopu-ga kire-ta

rope-NOM cut(in.)-PAST

“(the) rope was cut”

Interestingly, the verb kireru can also be used to describe a situation where the rope is

broken not as a result of cutting, but as a result of attrition or strong pull without any intention of

cutting, even though it forms a pair with the transitive kiru ‘cut’, which denotes an action of

cutting with the use of scissors or a knife. 6 It is used to indicate the resultative state that the rope,

for example, is broken. Therefore, one may argue that its meaning is close to the English verb


A more typical example that shows that an intransitive verb can be used to describe an

event that must involve an agent in Japanese is tsukamaru ‘catch’ (intransitive), which is

demonstrated in (9), and its transitive counterpart is shown in (10).

(9) hannin-ga tsukamat-ta

criminal-NOM catch(in.)-PAST

‘(the) criminal was caught’

(10) kēsatsu-ga hannin-o tsukame-ta

police-NOM criminal-ACC catch(tr.)-PAST

‘(the) police caught (the) criminal’

Exceptions are metaphorical uses such as en-o kiru ‘to cut the connection with someone.’ However, even here
Japanese allows the intransitive counterpart en-ga kireta ‘the connection was (spontaneously) severed .’

Again it is noted that tsukamaru, despite its passive translation in English, is an

intransitive verb and the person who was caught is the subject of the sentence. The structure is

parallel to that of an English sentence with an unaccusative verb, such as the cup broke. The

event of catching (or being caught) is obviously caused by an animate agent, and in English one

can only say the criminal was caught, using the passive construction.

Pardeshi (2008) calls this type of intransitive verbs “agent-implying” intransitive verbs.

This is similar to the antipassive (e.g., Mary ate) in the sense that although an object is not

overtly expressed, the presence of an object, or the patient, is understood (Kittila, 2002). The

difference between agent-implying intransitive verbs and the antipassive is that agent-implying

intransitive verbs have the patient or theme as the subject of the verb and the agent is ‘hidden’

(e.g., in hannin-ga tsukamat-ta ‘criminal got caught,’ it is clear that X (agent) caught the

criminal, but X is not expressed), whereas the antipassive has the agent expressed but the patient

or theme hidden (e.g., in Mary ate, it is clear that Mary ate something – that is, Mary ate X

(patient), but X is not expressed).

Interestingly, the difference between agent-implying intransitive verbs and the non-agent-

implying intransitive verbs is also manifested in the syntax of Japanese. To demonstrate the

contrast between Japanese and English, let us first consider the English example in (11).

(11) a. John broke the window.

b. The window was broken (by John).

c. *The window broke by John.

d. The plate broke by itself. (Levin & Rappaport, 1995, p. 88)

(11a) is an ordinary transitive construction. (11b) is a passive sentence, and adding by

John is possible, because the passive implies an agent. On the other hand, (11c) is not

grammatical. However, Levin and Rappaport Hovav (1995) suggested that it is possible to say

(11d), where adding ‘by itself’ to an intransitive sentence is acceptable. It is acceptable because

“itself” is not an external causer. This shows that the fact that the addition of “by John” would

make an intransitive sentence unacceptable is a result of a semantic violation and not a syntactic

violation, because “by itself,” which has the same syntactic status as “by John,” is acceptable.

Thus it further supports the claim that English intransitive verbs do not imply an external agent.

Now consider the Japanese examples in (12) and (13). Kowasu/kowareru ‘break’ in

Japanese also behaves like English break, since it is grammatical to add jon-ni ‘by John’ to the

passive sentence (12b) but ungrammatical to the intransitive sentence (12c). However, in (13),

the verb pair tsukamaeru/tsukamaru ‘catch/get caught’ actually allows jon-ni ‘by John’ to be

added to the intransitive sentence. It should be noted that although (13c) is translated into passive

in English, the Japanese sentence has an intransitive verb meaning ‘catch,’ which is absent in


(12) a. tarō-wa mado-o kowashi-ta

Taro-TOP window-ACC break-PAST

‘Taro broke the window.’

b. mado-wa jon-ni kowas-are-ta

Window-TOP John-by break-PASS-PAST

‘The window was broken by John.’

c. *mado-wa John-ni koware-ta

window-TOP John-by break(intr.)-PAST

‘The window broke by John.’

(13) a. kēsatu-wa hannin-o tsukamae-ta

Police-TOP offender-ACC catch-PAST

‘The police arrested the offender.’

b. hannin-wa kēsatu-ni tsukamaer-are-ta

Offender-TOP police-by catch-PASS-PAST

‘The offender was caught by the police.’

c. hannin-wa kēsatu-ni tsukamat-ta

Offender-TOP police-by catch(intr.)-PAST

‘The offender was caught by the police.’

From this simple test, we can see that there seem to be two types of intransitive verbs in

Japanese, non-agent-implying and agent-implying: for the non-agent-implying verbs (e.g.,

kowareru ‘break’), adding the agent to the sentence using NP-ni ‘by NP’ is not acceptable. On

the other hand, for the agent-implying verbs (e.g., tsukamaru ‘get caught’), adding NP-ni to

indicate the agent is acceptable.

To summarize, I have discussed how Japanese and English manifest differences in what

can be lexicalized as transitive and intransitive verbs: English does not allow events that must

involve an agent to be described intransitively, whereas Japanese does. Moreover, unlike

ordinary unaccusative verbs such as break in English, agent-implying verbs in Japanese, while

taking the patient or theme as the subject, allow an agent to be expressed with the use of a

postposition ni ‘by.’



Different languages also differ in terms of how the transitive and the intransitive

constructions are used. Ikegami (1981, 1991) proposed that there are languages (e.g., English)

that prefer to give prominence to the human, and there are languages (e.g., Japanese) that prefer

to describe an event as if it happens spontaneously, and that these two types of languages are on

a continuum in terms of how much prominence is given to a human agent. Ikegami further

suggested that English and Japanese form the two extremes of this continuum. The tolerance of

Japanese for causative events being described intransitively, as we have seen above, seems to be

consistent with Ikegami’s proposal: intransitive constructions do not give prominence to the

agent and causation, and since Japanese has more types of intransitive verbs, the language should

allow more for causative events to be described intransitively, and thus make less mention of

agent and causation.

Alfonso (1966) argued that although English has both a transitive construction (i.e., we

decided that…) and a passive construction (i.e., it was decided that…), which is often used for

agent-backgrounding, English-speakers do not seem to prefer one form over the other. However,

he suggested that Japanese speakers do have a preference for agent-backgrounding constructions,

especially in the form of intransitive constructions. Jacobsen (1992) also expressed a similar

view. He states that there are many situations where a transitive construction would be preferred

in English, as in (14a), but the same event would be expressed with an intransitive construction

in Japanese, as in (14b).

(14) a. Have you found an apartment yet?

b. Apāto wa mō mitsukari-mashi-ta ka?

Apartment TOP already find(intr.)-POL-PAST Q

‘Has an apartment been found yet?’ (Jacobsen, 1992, p. 106)

As noted above, Ikegami claimed that other languages also fall onto this continuum of

human agent prominence. Ikegami (1991) proposed that German and Old English should be

between English and Japanese on the continuum. An example he gave to support his claim is that

in German one would say something that literally means ‘I raised the hand,’ without giving

prominence to the owner of the hand, whereas in English one would say I raised my hand,

explicitly stating the owner of the hand. In the case of Old English, the only way to say “I made

him come” is ic dide þœt he cume, which literally means ‘I did that he comes,’ whereas I made

him come in Modern English has causality more explicitly encoded. He claimed that the

agentivity of this sentence is very low, because it basically means ‘I acted in such a way that he

might come,’ and does not seem to involve direct causation. Thus, he suggested that neither

German nor Old English prefer to give prominence to human beings as much as Modern English

does. As mentioned above, Pardeshi (2008) suggested that some South Asian languages, such as

Marathi, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, also utilize intransitive constructions to denote actions that

must be brought about by an animate agent, even though they are from different language

families (Marathi and Hindi are Indo-European languages, while Tamil and Telugu are

Dravidian languages). In fact, a study by Pardeshi and Yoshinari (2010), the details of which will

be discussed in section 2.4, seems to suggest that Marathi’s preference to suppress a human

agent is even stronger than that of Japanese, which in turn is stronger than that of Korean.

Combining the discussions of previous studies, we might hypothesize a hierarchy of human

agent prominence, as shown in (15).

(15) Hypothesized hierarchy of human agent prominence

Marathi  Japanese  Korean  Old English/German  Modern English

The observation that English prefers transitive constructions more than Japanese seems to

be manifested in the differences in the use of the ‘transitive case frame’ in the two languages.

Tsunoda (1985) proposed that two-place predicates are prototypically used at the left end of the

scale, as shown in (16), and more different case frames are used as one goes down the scale.

(16) Direct effect on patient (e.g., kill, break) > perception (e.g., see, hear) > pursuit (e.g.,

wait, search) > knowledge (e.g., know, understand) > feeling (e.g., love, need) >

relationship (e.g., possess, lack) > ability (e.g., capable, proficient)

For example, whereas only the NOM-ACC case frame is available for the action of

killing, which belongs to the leftmost category (i.e., the verb kill only occurs in a NOM-ACC

case frame), there are at least two frames for ‘feeling’: NOM-ACC (e.g., Mary likes apples) and

NOM-OBL (e.g., Mary is angry with him).

As shown in Tsunoda (1985), although the NOM-ACC frame has a rather similar

distribution in both English and Japanese, Japanese has more case frames available at the right

end of the scale. For example, in Japanese, the transitive case frame is used for perception (e.g.,

Jon-wa fujisan-o mi-ta ‘John saw Mt. Fuji’), and the transitive case frame is also used for some

of the perception verbs (e.g., John saw Mt. Fuji). However, for feeling, which is further down the

scale, Japanese uses different case frames such as NOM-ACC, NOM-DAT, NOM-NOM, and

DAT-NOM, whereas English uses NOM-ACC and NOM + prepositional phrase (e.g., NOM

angry with X) (Tsunoda, 1985).

Malchukov (2005), on the other hand, has a slightly different view. He pointed out that

Tsunoda’s scale does not predict which is preferred by the language among all the options

available. He further modifies Tsunoda’s scale into a dichotomous hierarchy, as shown in Figure


contact pursuit (motion)

perception emotion (sensation)

Figure 4. Dichotomous verb type hierarchy proposed by Malchukov (2005, p. 81)

Malchukov claims the following:

Japanese is more permissive in extension of the transitive pattern along the first sub-

hierarchy, as noted above it treats pursuit predicates (and even many motion verbs) as

transitive. On the other hand, English is more liberal than Japanese in extending of the

transitive pattern along the second sub-hierarchy as it assimilates mental verbs to the

transitive pattern (Malchukov, 2005, p. 91).

In other words, Malchukov proposed that whereas English uses more transitive constructions in

some ways, Japanese uses more transitive constructions in others.

As mentioned in previous section, Malchukov (2005) pointed out that a prototypical

intransitive construction is usually not defined semantically. In other words, we do not have any

predictions on the distribution of the intransitive case frame along any continuum in each

language, and thus the differences between languages. That is, whereas a prototypical transitive

construction is defined and it is plausible for us to predict that it is used for prototypical

transitive events such as effective actions, a prototypical intransitive construction is not defined.

Therefore, we are unable to pinpoint what kind of situation an intransitive construction is mostly

used for.

2.4.1 A note on ergative and active languages

So far we have only discussed nominative-accusative languages, where the sole argument

in the intransitive construction bears the same case marker as the subject of the transitive

construction (e.g., nominative case as in she died instead of accusative case as in *her died).

However, in some languages, the argument in the intransitive construction is marked with the

same case marker that is used for the object of the transitive construction. These languages are

called ergative languages. In these languages, the subject of the transitive is marked with ergative

case, and the object with absolutive case. The argument in the intransitive construction is

therefore also marked with absolutive case. There are also languages that are called active

languages, in which the argument of the intransitive construction is sometimes marked with the

case of the subject of the transitive construction and at other times marked with the case of the

object of the transitive construction.

From a functional perspective, the way in which the intransitive argument is marked in

ergative languages does not seem to have much effect on how we understand transitivity,

because the marking system is a syntactic or morphological issue and has less to do with the

semantics. 7 For example, even if we use the accusative case for the argument in intransitive

sentences such as her runs or him died, it does not affect how we understand the events, because

this is what an intransitive construction looks like in that language.

However, this may be an interesting issue in active languages, where there is a split in the

markings for the sole argument in the intransitive construction. For example, Holisky (1987)

described Tsova-Tush as having this split: If the subject is in the first or second person, for

intransitive verbs that denote uncontrollable states (e.g., tremble), the argument is marked with

the nominative case, which also marks the patient in a transitive sentence (i.e., resembling

ergative languages). On the other hand, for intransitive verbs that denote intentional actions (e.g.,

run), the argument is marked with the ergative case, which also marks the subject of a transitive


An even more interesting fact about this language is that some verbs can bear either the

nominative or the ergative case, depending on how much intention is involved. For example, one

can say ‘I fell’ using either the nominative or the ergative case: When the nominative case is

used, it denotes a situation where the falling was accidental, whereas when the ergative case is

used, it means the falling was intentional.

This interesting phenomenon in active languages leads us into thinking about the status of

unergative and unaccusative languages. More on this will be discussed in Chapter 4.

In this section, we have seen that researchers have made claims about how English and

Japanese differ in the use of transitive and intransitive constructions. Specifically, Japanese

This may be a problem for the formal approach that adopts the idea of a deep structure, since the deep structure
distinguishes between an external and internal argument based on the meaning of the verb, and movements to the
‘subject’ position are involved, while the notion of a subject is not properly defined in ergative languages because of
the use of the absolutive case for both the transitive ‘object’ and the intransitive ‘subject’ (e.g., Croft, 2001; Dixon,
1979). However, since this dissertation is not adopting this approach, this issue will not be pursued further.
Discussions of ergative languages from a formal perspective can be found in works by Alec Marantz (e.g., Marantz,

prefers to suppress the notion of a human agent and use more intransitive constructions. It has

also been suggested that English uses the transitive case frame more liberally in some ways than

Japanese does, which is probably one of the reasons that English appears to prefer to give

prominence to the agent more than Japanese does.



Now we turn to some evidence from a psycholinguistic experiment that is related to the

difference in attention to the agent in native speakers of different languages. Psycholinguistic

evidence is important because even if there are cross-linguistic differences in transitive and

intransitive constructions, there may not be differences in comprehension or event

conceptualization. Psycholinguistic evidence is thus essential in exploring the universal and

language-specific aspects in these areas.

Fausey, Long, Inamori, and Boroditsky (2010) compared the attention and memory of

English and Japanese native speakers on the agent. They conducted two experiments. In the first

experiment, they asked English and Japanese native speakers to view 16 videos that were either

intentional or accidental events (e.g., popping balloons using a tack vs. popping a balloon while

reaching). The participants were instructed to describe the situations in their native languages.

They found that native speakers of both languages mostly use the transitive construction to

describe intentional events, but for accidental events, English native speakers tend to use more

transitive constructions than Japanese native speakers. In the second experiment, participants

were asked to view videos of an actor performing an action, and after each video they were

shown photos of two persons, the person in the video they saw and another actor who did not

appear in the video. They then had to answer the question “who did it the first time?” using the

keyboard. What they found was consistent with their hypotheses: whereas both the English and

Japanese native speakers remember the agent equally well for intentional events, the English

native speakers remember the agent significantly better than the Japanese native speakers do for

accidental events. They attributed the results to the more frequent mentioning of the agent

through the use of transitive constructions in English for accidental events.

Similar to Fausey et al. (2010), Pardeshi and Yoshinari (2010) compared how Japanese,

Korean, and Marathi native speakers describe intentional and unintentional events. They were

interested in the correlation between the intention of the agent and the use of the transitive

construction. They showed videos to the three groups of participants, and asked them to describe

what happened in the videos in their native language. They found that the native speakers of all

three languages use more transitive constructions for intentional events. In contrast, for

unintentional events, Japanese and Marathi native speakers prefer intransitive constructions,

whereas Korean native speakers still prefer transitive constructions for unintentional events.

Marathi uses even more intransitive constructions than Japanese does for unintentional events.

These results showed that languages differ in the criteria by which they determine which

construction to use: Japanese and Marathi put more weight on intentionality than Korean, such

that when intentionality is removed, far fewer transitive constructions are used.

Yoshinari, Pardeshi, and Chung (2010) investigate how native speakers of Japanese,

Korean, and Marathi describe unintentional events. The participants were instructed to imagine

they were invited to have dinner at a friend’s place, during which an event (e.g., a dish broke)

happened under different situations (e.g., “being drunk,” “being careless,” “being dizzy,” and

“earthquake”). They were then asked to rate how responsible they were for causing the event to

happen and how capable they were of avoiding causing the event to happen. They were also

asked what they would say to the friend about what had happened.

They found that the three groups of native speakers did not differ in how responsible they

felt in each situation except for the “being dizzy” situation, but they showed different preferences

in their use of transitive and intransitive verbs. Among the three language groups, the Japanese

participants used the most transitive verbs, whereas the Marathi participants used almost no

transitive verbs when describing the event. They thus concluded that the use of transitive verbs is

correlated with responsibility in Japanese, but not in Marathi, and to a lesser degree in Korean.

Luk (2010) compared the frequencies of the use of transitive, intransitive, passive, and

adjectival constructions in Chinese, English, and Japanese. She used a Japanese novel and its

Chinese and English translated versions as a parallel corpus. She also used Hopper and

Thompson’s (1980) parameters as a measure of semantic transitivity. She found that whereas all

three languages prefer to use transitive constructions for high semantic transitivity events, only

Japanese prefers intransitive constructions for low semantic transitivity events. Moreover, for

some of these incidences, it is impossible to describe the events using the intransitive

construction in English. The results are consistent with Fausey et al’s (2010) and Pardeshi and

Yoshinari’s (2010) studies, which claim that the languages do not differ in terms of the use of the

transitive construction when the semantic transitivity is high, but they do differ when the

semantic transitivity is low.

To summarize, we have seen that languages vary in the way they use the transitive and

intransitive constructions. From the studies discussed, we saw that the intransitive construction

does not seem to have the same properties across languages: unlike English, Japanese allows

agent-implying events to be described intransitively, and it uses intransitive constructions to

described unintentional events. Moreover, Japanese has a higher tendency to use intransitive

constructions. However, for pragmatic reasons, Japanese native speakers use more transitive

constructions when the speakers themselves may be responsible for causing an event to happen.

In other words, it appears that showing responsibility is more important than the presence of an

agent in choosing a transitive construction over an intransitive construction.

Cognitive approaches to linguistics have become popular in recent decades as an

alternative theory to generative linguistics to explain the nature of human language (e.g., Croft,

1990, 2001; Croft & Cruse, 2004; Evans, Bergen, & Zinken, 2007; Geeraerts, 2010; Langacker,

2008; Talmy, 2000; Tomasello, 2003). However, little psycholinguistic evidence has been

collected to show the various claims made by cognitive linguists (but see Gonzalez-Marquez,

Mittelberg, Coulson, & Spivey, 2007). For example, the image schemas proposed by Langacker

(2008) have not been supported by experiments that test how native speakers understand these

constructions. The present study thus attempts to test these claims using a psycholinguistic



So far we have discussed several linguistic theories, both from the formal and functional

perspectives, which provide descriptions of transitive and intransitive constructions and their

differences. However, what do readers actually have in their minds when reading these

sentences? How do we test whether these descriptions are correct? Before going into the research

questions, the next section introduces a psycholinguistic model for discourse comprehension on

which I will rely in this dissertation: the Situation Model.

The Situation Model is one of the well-researched theories of discourse comprehension

first proposed by Kintsch and van Dijk (1978). They proposed that while reading a narrative, the

reader integrates the information and constructs a mental representation called the situation

model. In this theory of discourse processing, there are three basic levels, namely the surface

code, the textbase, and the situation model. The surface code refers to the exact wording and the

syntax. The textbase is a text proposition derived from the surface code. The textbase, together

with the reader’s world knowledge and experience, is further transformed into the situation

model, which is a ‘microworld’ created by the reader. In the present study, a comprehension

theory is necessary for designing the methodology. While Cognitive Grammar provides a

linguistic theory that outlines the differences between the linguistic constructions of interest, a

psycholinguistic theory is needed as the basis for understanding what hearers or readers do with

the linguistic information they have heard or read, such that a plausible methodology can be


Various studies have shown the existence of a situation model in the mind of a reader.

For example, before the term “situation model” was coined, Bransford, Barclay, and Franks

(1972) conducted an experiment that showed that the situation described by a sentence can affect

the memory of the hearer about the sentence. Participants listened to either (17a) or (17c), and

were later presented with (17b) or (17d) and asked whether it was the sentence that they heard.

(17) a. Three turtles rested on a floating log, and a fish swam beneath them.

b. Three turtles rested on a floating log, and a fish swam beneath it.

c. Three turtles rested beside a floating log, and a fish swam beneath them.

d. Three turtles rested beside a floating log, and a fish swam beneath it.

They found that participants who listened to (17a) were more frequently mistaken that

they had heard (17b) than people who heard (17c) and were presented with (17d). The reason is

that (17a) and (17b) basically lead to the construction of the same situation model, and the

participants recalled their memory based on the situation model. However, (17c) and (17d) do

not lead to the same situation model, and thus do not alter the participants’ memory.

Johnson-Laird (1983) claimed that at least five dimensions are involved in a situation

model, namely temporal, spatial, causal, motivational, and person- and object-related

information. A handful of studies have investigated each of these dimensions (e.g., for temporal:

Magliano & Schleich, 2000; Rinck, Hähnel, & Becker, 2001; Therriault & Raney, 2007; for

spatial: Blanc & Tapiero, 2001; Dutke, Ribback, & Wagner, 2003; Hakala, 1999; Zwaan & van

Oostendorp, 1993; for causal: Blanc, Kendeou, van den Broek, & Brouillet, 2008; Fletcher &

Bloom, 1988; Singer, Halldorson, Lear, & Andrusiak, 1992; Suh & Trabasso, 1993; Trabasso &

van den Broek, 1985; for person- and object-related information: de Vega, 1995; Radvansky,

Wyer, Curiel, & Lutz, 1997; Wilson, Rinck, McNamara, Bower, & Morrow, 1993).

Although the situation model is said to be a product of linguistic and pragmatic

knowledge as well as world knowledge (Glenberg, Meyer, & Lindem, 1987), few studies are

dedicated to investigating the role of linguistic knowledge in the construction of different

situation models. To my knowledge, there are only two studies that have investigated the effect

of linguistic knowledge on the construction of situation models, both of which focused on tense-

aspect markers. Magliano and Schleich (2000) tested how different aspect markers affect the

activation of a certain event in the construction of a situation model. In one experiment, the

participants were asked to read passages on a computer screen in one of two conditions, either

action in progress or completed. After some sentences in the passages, a verb phrase appeared on

the screen and the participants had to respond as quickly and accurately as possible whether the

verb phrase occurred in the passage. They found that the participants responded faster for in-

progress actions than completed actions, and thus claimed that activation for in-progress actions

is maintained longer than for completed actions.

Madden and Zwaan (2003) also investigated the role of perfective and imperfective

aspect markers in the construction of a situation model in English. They conducted three

experiments. In the first experiment, participants read a sentence having either the perfective

(i.e., past tense) or imperfective (i.e., progressive) marker and then were presented with two

pictures, one showing a completed event and the other an event in progress. The participants then

had to choose the picture that they thought was a better representation of the event described by

the sentence. They found that the participants were more likely to choose the pictures showing

completed events than those showing on-going events after reading perfective sentences (e.g.,

The man made a fire), but were equally likely to choose either picture after reading imperfective

sentences (e.g., The man was making a fire). In the second experiment, the same sentences were

used, but only one picture was shown after reading a sentence, and the participants had to

respond whether the picture matched the sentence. The results showed that the participants

responded faster to pictures showing completed actions than pictures showing on-going actions

after reading perfective sentences, but they did not respond differently to either type of picture

after reading imperfective sentences. In the last experiment, the pictures were shown before the

sentences, and the participants had to respond whether the pictures and the sentences are related.

Again, they found that they responded faster to completed pictures than the ongoing ones after

reading perfective sentences, whereas there was no difference in response times after reading

imperfective sentences. The results therefore suggest that readers utilize perfective markers as

cues to construct a situation model of a completed event. In the case of the imperfective

sentences, the lack of effect may mean that readers construct situation models of different stages

of an ongoing event.

The investigation of transitive and intransitive constructions, which is the goal of the

present study, is closely related to causality. Transitive constructions semantically refer to the

external cause of change of state (Jackendoff, 1972, 2003; Langacker, 2008). Since causality is a

well-researched dimension in the situation model theory, the present study attempts to

manipulate the linguistic forms to see how different situation models are constructed in the mind

of the reader. In other words, the present study is interested in whether and how readers create a

situation model of a causative event when reading a transitive and an intransitive sentence,

respectively. Section 3.2 will discuss a study by Singer et al. (1992), which examined whether

inferences are made from world knowledge during discourse comprehension. While linguistic

information was not the major interest of Singer et al. (1992), this dissertation uses the same

methodology to investigate the role of linguistic information (i.e., transitive and intransitive

constructions) in the Situation Model framework, and thus discourse comprehension.


This chapter began by discussing the views of different linguistic theories on transitivity. The

formal approach views transitivity from a syntactic perspective, defining a transitive construction

as having two arguments and an intransitive construction as having one argument. Some linguists

under this approach attempt to explain the relationship between the meanings of verbs and

transitivity alternation. They suggested that actions that imply an agent (e.g., cut) cannot be

described using an intransitive verb.

The chapter continues with functional approaches, Construction Grammar and Cognitive

Grammar. Construction Grammar correlates the different type of constructions (e.g., passive,

unergative, etc) with the saliency of agent and patient. Cognitive Grammar also attempts to link

syntactic structures with semantics. Using notions such as base, profile, trajectory, and landmark,

Cognitive Grammar characterizes the transitive construction as one with an agent and causation,

and the intransitive (unaccusative) construction as one without an agent or causation.

However, these theories do not give us very a satisfactory characterization to

accommodate agent-implying intransitive verbs, such as tsukamaru ‘be caught’ and mitsukaru

‘be found,’ found in Japanese and some other south Asian languages such as Marathi but absent

in English. These verbs in Japanese allow the agent to be expressed with the postposition (i.e.,

ni) that takes an agent, which suggests that an agent is understood to be involved in the event.

The functional approaches lead us into discussing the prototypes for the transitive and the

intransitive constructions. By definition, the transitive case frame is used for prototypically

transitive events such as the action of killing. On the other hand, a prototype for the intransitive

constructions is not yet clearly defined.

It further reviews previous research on the differences between languages in their

preference of the transitive and intransitive constructions in Japanese. English is said to prefer

giving prominence to human agents, whereas Japanese prefers to suppress the human agent. This

is also manifested in the choice of case frames in these two languages. It is also shown that,

because native English speakers use more transitive constructions for unintentional events than

native Japanese speakers do, they have better recall for the agent than native Japanese speakers.

Thus, there is a lack of understanding of the intransitive construction cross-linguistically.

The present dissertation fills this gap by investigating how this under-researched kind of

intransitive verb is comprehended by native speakers. Moreover, it helps us understand the

relationship between grammar and event conceptualization: do English and Japanese speakers

have the same situation in mind, but merely use different constructions (i.e., the meanings of the

constructions are different in different languages), or do they indeed have different situations in

mind, which leads to the use of different constructions (i.e., the meanings of the constructions

remain the same across languages)?

This dissertation is important in understanding the universals of transitivity in language.

We have seen that there seem to be some universal factors that govern transitivity alternations.

For example, the action of killing is cross-linguistically lexicalized as a transitive verb. On the

other hand, we also see cross-linguistic differences in the use of both the transitive and

intransitive constructions. Therefore, by examining different types of transitive and intransitive

verbs, we get a better picture of how much is universal and how much is language-specific,

which may inform us about the nature of human language.

Moreover, while there are a considerable number of studies that examine transitive and

intransitive in specific languages and in language in general, these studies often only involve the

use of linguistic data and examples. There seems to be a lack of use of psycholinguistic

experiments to study transitivity. The present dissertation therefore not only deepens our

understanding of how language users comprehend transitive and intransitive constructions,

which is new in the field of linguistics, but it also introduces a plausible psycholinguistic

methodology for studying the issue of transitivity.



The purpose of the study is to investigate whether causality, and therefore an agent, is involved

in the Situation Model of the reader when native speakers of English and Japanese read transitive

and intransitive sentences. It thus psycholinguisically tests Langacker’s (1986, 2008)

characterizations of different linguistic structures: do we construe transitive constructions

differently than we do intransitive constructions? More importantly, it addresses the question of

whether native speakers interpret causality from agent-implying intransitive verbs in Japanese

the same way as from transitive verbs (or ordinary intransitive verbs). This is important because

the processing of transitive and intransitive sentences regarding the presence/absence of an agent

is not extensively studied. The study is also the first to examine the processing of non-

prototypical intransitive verbs, namely the agent-implying intransitive verbs.


The general questions are: What is the nature of agent-implying verbs? Do Japanese native

speakers interpret them the same as they do ordinary (more prototypical) intransitives? The

specific research questions are:

Question 1: Are English native speakers more likely to interpret causality from transitive

constructions (e.g., He broke the cup) than from non-agent-implying intransitive constructions

(e.g., The cup broke) in English?

Question 2: Are Japanese native speakers more likely to interpret causality from transitive

constructions (e.g., Ken-wa koppu-o wat-ta “Ken broke the cup”) than from non-agent-implying

intransitive constructions (e.g., koppu-ga ware-ta “the cup broke”) in Japanese?

Question 3: Are Japanese native speakers more likely to interpret causality from transitive

constructions (e.g., kēsatsu-wa Ken-o tsukamae-ta “the police arrested Ken”) than from agent-

implying intransitive constructions (e.g. Ken-wa tsukamat-ta. “Ken got arrested”) in Japanese?

Question 4: Are Japanese native speakers more likely to interpret causality from agent-implying

intransitive constructions (e.g., Ken-ga tsukamat-ta “Ken got arrested”) than from non-agent-

implying intransitive constructions in Japanese (e.g., koppu-ga ware-ta “the cup broke”)?

Question 5: Are Japanese native speakers more likely to interpret causality from non-agent-

implying intransitive constructions in Japanese (e.g., koppu-ga ware-ta “the cup broke”) than

English native speakers are with English counterparts (e.g., The cup broke)?

Question 6: Are Japanese native speakers more likely to interpret causality from transitive

constructions in Japanese (e.g., Ken-wa koppu-o wat-ta “Ken broke the cup”) than English native

speakers are with English counterparts (e.g., Ken broke the cup)?

3.3 SINGER ET AL. (1992)

In the following, I discuss Singer et al’s (1992) priming study on causal bridging

inference, on which the methodology of the present study is based. Because transitivity is

closely related to causality, and the priming nature of the experiment enables us to detect subtle

differences between transitive and intransitive in terms of whether each of them implies an agent,

Singer et al (1992) forms a good basis for the present study.

In the first experiment, Singer et al. (1992) investigated whether causal inference is made

through general knowledge when situation models are constructed. The participants read either

of the two-sentence passages in (18a) and (18b), and responded to a question regarding general

knowledge as in (18c):

(18) a. Dorothy poured the bucket of water on the fire. The fire went out. (causal)

b. Dorothy placed the bucket of water by the fire. The fire went out. (temporal)

c. Does water extinguish fire?

It is noted that although the items in (18) also involve some degree of linguistic

manipulation, it was not their goal to investigate the effect of the linguistic form. They found that

the participants were able to answer the question in (18c) faster in the causal condition than in

the temporal condition. They also found that the participants took longer to read the second

sentence in the temporal condition than in the causal condition. They explained that this is

because the participants were primed by the first sentence in the causal condition, where the

participants constructed a situation model in which the water extinguished the fire as a result of

Dorothy pouring water on it, with reference to the common knowledge that water extinguishes


In the third experiment, they looked at the relationship between the degree of causation

and the response time. There were three conditions, namely near causal (i.e., stepped on), far

causal (i.e., didn’t see) and temporal (i.e., jumped over), shown in (19) (the three different

conditions are separated by slashes).

(19) a. Ken (stepped on/didn’t see/jumped over) the banana peel.

b. Ken fell down.

c. Are banana peels slippery?

They found that the reading times for the second sentence in the near causal condition

were significantly faster than in the far causal condition, for which the reading times were in turn

significantly faster than in the temporal condition. However, they found that the answer times for

the near causal condition were only marginally significantly faster than for the far causal

condition, for which the answer times were also only marginally significantly faster than for the

temporal condition. These results suggest that different degrees of inferences are made based on

learners’ general knowledge and experience. This finding is highly relevant to the present study,

because transitive constructions are usually associated with direct causation, and intransitive

constructions are often associated with far causation. Instead of using the different degrees of

causation as an independent variable as in Singer et al.’s study, the present study uses the

different linguistic forms as an independent variable to investigate whether transitive and

intransitive constructions would cause readers to construct different situation models.

In summary, the situation model theory is a promising way to tap into the semantics of a

linguistic structure, and linguistic forms can alter readers’ activation of certain aspects of a

situation. Furthermore, Singer et al. (1992) provides us with a good foundation for the present

study, in the sense that we can use a similar method to test readers’ interpretation of causation

from different linguistic structures. In the present study, linguistic forms will be the independent

variable – that is, we will manipulate the linguistic forms to examine what kind of inferences

participants make with transitive and intransitive constructions.


Experiment 1 is a rating study involving the offline judgment of transitive and intransitive

sentences in both English and Japanese. In particular, it explores whether native Japanese

speakers understand the presence/absence of an agent the same way for both agent-implying

intransitive verbs and non-agent-implying intransitive verbs.

3.4.1 Participants

Experiment 1 consists of a rating task that has two versions: one in English and one in Japanese.

In each version, there were two lists, which will be explained in the following section. The

English version was administered to English native speakers and the Japanese version to

Japanese native speakers.

20 English native speakers completed the English version of the rating tasks. They were

all in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when the task was administered to them. They

were recruited through friends. They were native speakers of English with little knowledge of a

second language. This was confirmed orally before they participated in the experiment. Ten of

them completed List A and ten of them completed List B.

20 Japanese native speakers completed the Japanese version. 17 of them lived in Tochigi

and Aichi Prefecture, Japan, and three of them lived in Pittsburgh when the task was

administered. Those who lived in Aichi Prefecture or Pittsburgh were graduate students who

were believed to know English, whereas those who lived in Tochigi were adults who were

working and were believed to have limited experience with another language, including English.

Again, ten of them completed List A and ten of them completed List B of the Japanese version.

3.4.2 Method

The rating task consists of sentence pairs like the one in (20). The participants were instructed to

read the sentence pairs and answer how likely that the event was caused by the person mentioned

in the pair of sentences by rating a statement like (20c) on a 7-point scale, 7 being very likely and

1 being very unlikely. In other words, the larger the number, the more likely that the participants

interpreted the event as a causative one.

(20) a. John was playing basketball inside his house.

b. While he was playing, he broke a clock (transitive)/a clock broke (intransitive).

c. John was responsible for causing the clock to break.

For each context, there are two conditions, namely transitive and intransitive. Each

participant only read one of these conditions.

3.4.3 Materials English version

The two lists of the English version contain the same sentence pairs as the two lists of the

English version in the priming experiment. Since the rating task was created based on

Experiment 2, the construction of the questions will be explained in Section 3.5. There were 40

items in each list. The statements that were rated by the participants were all in the format “X

was responsible for causing Y to [intransitive verb],” where X is the animate agent mentioned in

the sentence pair, and Y is the object that undergoes changes. It took the participants about 10-15

minutes to complete the task. The two lists used in the rating task are shown in Appendix A. Japanese version

Similarly, the two lists in the Japanese rating task consist of the same sentence pairs as

the two lists in the Japanese priming task (see Section 3.5). Because Japanese has agent-implying

verb pairs that do not exist in English and one of the purposes of the present study is to

investigate the properties of these verbs, 20 additional items were added to each list, making a

total of 60 in each list. Unlike in the English version, the statements for rating were of different

formats. This is to maintain the naturalness of the language, because in Japanese other factors

such as mood can affect the structure of the sentence.

There were 20 contexts constructed with 20 agent-implying verbs. Including the two

conditions (i.e., transitive and intransitive), there were 40 items. Both List A and List B had 10

transitive and 10 intransitive items. The participants took about 20-30 minutes to complete the

task. The questionnaire is shown in Appendix B.

3.4.4 Hypotheses

Based on the research questions in Section 3.2, we hypothesized the following for the results of

the rating experiment:

Hypothesis 1: English native speakers would rate the (non-agent-implying) transitive condition

higher than the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition in English, because the English (non-

agent-implying) transitive construction explicitly states the causer of the event, whereas the

English (non-agent-implying) intransitive construction with non-agent-implying verbs does not.

Hypothesis 2: Japanese native speakers would rate the (non-agent-implying) transitive condition

higher than the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition in Japanese, because the Japanese

(non-agent-implying) transitive construction explicitly states the causer of the event, whereas the

Japanese (non-agent-implying) intransitive construction does not.

Hypothesis 3: Japanese native speakers would rate the agent-implying intransitive condition

higher than the non-agent-implying intransitive condition in Japanese, because Japanese agent-

implying intransitive verbs imply causation, whereas Japanese non-agent-implying intransitive

verbs do not.

Hypothesis 4: Japanese native speakers would rate the Japanese agent-implying transitive

condition higher than the agent-implying intransitive condition, because the agent-implying

transitive condition explicitly gives prominence to the agent, whereas the agent-implying

intransitive condition does not.

Hypothesis 5: Japanese native speakers would rate the Japanese (non-agent-implying)

intransitive condition higher than English native speakers rate the English (non-agent-implying)

intransitive verbs, because Japanese native speakers in general use more intransitive

constructions to describe causative events.

Hypothesis 6: Japanese native speakers and English native speakers rate the (non-agent-

implying) transitive condition in their respective languages equally, because the transitive

constructions in both languages explicitly state the causer of the event.

The hypotheses are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary of hypotheses for Experiment 1

Condition English 6 Japanese

transitive (e.g., break, kowasu) A C 2*

intransitive B D
(e.g., break, kowareru)
agent-implying transitive -- 5 E
(e.g., tsukamaeru) 4*
agent-implying intransitive -- F
(e.g., tsukamaru)

Note: The numbers refer to the respective hypotheses mentioned above, and * indicates a
significant difference for that comparison.

3.4.5 Results The English version

The mean rating was 6.36 (out of 7) for the transitive condition and 4.1 for the

intransitive condition. Because the ratings did not follow a normal distribution, a paired

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used. Results show that the transitive conditions were rated

significantly higher than the intransitive (W(20) = 397, Z = -5.32, p < 0.001), meaning that

participants interpreted the transitive sentences to involve causality to a larger extent than the

intransitive sentences.

55 The Japanese version

For the Japanese version, the mean rating was 5.48 (out of 7) for the transitive condition,

4.17 for the intransitive condition, 5.99 for the agent-implying transitive condition, and 5.08 for

the agent-implying intransitive condition. Again, because the ratings did not follow a normal

distribution, a Friedman test was used. The test revealed a main effect for constructions (χ2 (3) =

4.80, p < 0.001). A Tukey’s HSD post-hoc analysis further revealed that significant differences

were found between intransitive and agent-implying intransitive (p < 0.05), intransitive and

agent-implying transitive (p < 0.001), and transitive and intransitive (p < 0.01). The mean ratings

and the standard deviations of the English and the Japanese versions are summarized in Table 3

and Figure 5, and the pairwise comparisons are shown in Table 4.

Table 3. Mean ratings of causality in English and Japanese (standard deviations in parentheses)

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying

transitive intransitive
English 6.36 (1.22) 4.1 (1.83) N/A N/A
Japanese 5.48 (1.83) 4.17 (2.18) 5.99 (1.77) 5.08 (2.03)


4 English

3 Japanese

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying
transitive intransitive

Figure 5. Mean ratings in English and Japanese (error bars = 1SD)

Table 4. Comparisons of ratings in Japanese

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying

transitive intransitive
Transitive -- p < 0.01 n.s. n.s.
Intransitive -- -- p < 0.001 p < 0.05
Agent-implying -- -- -- n.s.
transitive Between-language comparisons

A Mann-Whitney test was run to compare the ratings for the English transitive condition

and those for the Japanese transitive condition, as well as the ratings for the English intransitive

condition and those for the Japanese intransitive condition. It was found that the English

transitive condition was rated significantly higher than the Japanese transitive condition (W(40)

= 110, p < 0.05) was, whereas there was no significant difference between the English

intransitive condition and the Japanese intransitive condition (W(40) = 211.5, p > 0.05).

3.4.6 Discussion

We hypothesized the following in the previous chapter. Based on the results, we have the

following generalizations:

Hypothesis 1 is confirmed. The native English-speaking participants rated the (non-agent-

implying) transitive condition higher than the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition in


Hypothesis 2 is also confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants rated the (non-agent-

implying) transitive condition higher than the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition in


Hypothesis 3 is confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants rated the agent-implying

intransitive condition higher than the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition in Japanese.

Hypothesis 4 is not confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants did not rate the agent-

implying transitive condition significantly higher than the agent-implying intransitive condition.

Hypothesis 5 is not confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants rated the Japanese

(non-agent-implying) intransitive condition equally with the native English-speaking participants

in the English (non-agent-implying) intransitive verbs.

Hypothesis 6 is not confirmed. The native English-speaking participants rated the English (non-

agent-implying) transitive condition higher than the native Japanese-speaking participants did in

the Japanese (non-agent-implying) transitive condition.

In both English and Japanese, participants rated the items higher in the transitive

condition than in the intransitive condition. This is expected, because the transitive sentences

explicitly state that the human participants in the sentences caused the event to happen, whereas

the intransitive sentences (e.g., the clock broke) do not state explicitly how the event happened.

Therefore, it was expected that participants would think that the human participant in the

sentence was responsible for causing the event to happen when reading the transitive sentences,

and thus give higher ratings for those sentences, whereas they would allow other possibilities as

to the cause of the event for the intransitive condition, and thus give lower ratings in the

intransitive condition.

What is interesting is the result of the Japanese agent-implying intransitive condition. A

significant difference was found between the agent-implying intransitive condition and the non-

agent-implying intransitive condition, but no significant difference was found either between the

agent-implying intransitive condition and the transitive condition, or between the agent-implying

transitive condition and the agent-implying transitive condition. We can see that there is a rather

large difference between the mean rating in the agent-implying transitive (mean = 5.99) and the

agent-implying intransitive (mean = 5.08) conditions, which we would expect to be significant.

The lack of significant difference between these conditions may be attributed to the small

population size (N=20). However, the data at least suggest that native Japanese-speaking

participants see the agent-implying intransitive as being closer to transitive verbs than the non-

agent-implying intransitive verbs. This is consistent with our hypothesis that agent-implying

intransitive verbs, although they do not require an agent to be expressed in the surface syntactic

structure, do imply the presence of an agent. This is in opposition to Langacker’s (2008)

characterization of the intransitive construction, where no agent is understood.

It was also found that the English transitive sentences were rated significantly higher than

the Japanese transitive sentences. However, no explanation is offered at this point.


Experiment 2 consists of a priming experiment. The methodology is largely based on Singer et

al. (1992). The major difference is that, instead of manipulating the event such that inference

may or may not be made, linguistic structures are manipulated (i.e., are the independent

variable). An example is shown in (21).

(21) a. John was playing basketball beside his house.

b. While he was playing, he broke a clock (transitive)/

c. While he was playing, a clock broke (intransitive).

d. Can a basketball break a clock?

All participants read (21a), and then either a sentence involving a transitive structure, as

in (21b), or a sentence involving an intransitive structure, as in (21c). Finally, they have to

answer a general knowledge question such as (21d).

The rationale is explained in the following. (21a) gives the context of the event. When the

participants read (21b), it would be normal for them to infer that John broke the clock with the

basketball (e.g., by accidentally throwing the ball in the direction of the clock). Since this

inference is created while reading the second sentence, participants would be primed and be able

to answer the question in (21d) faster. On the other hand, participants who read the intransitive

sentence in (21c) would not immediately infer that it was the basketball that caused the breaking

of the clock. In fact, they may be more likely to understand this as “something caused the clock

to break while John was playing basketball.” Because the situation model of the basketball

breaking the window is not created in the participants’ minds, they should answer the question in

(21d) more slowly than those participants who have read the transitive counterpart. In other

words, the transitive condition is close to the near causal condition in Singer et al. (1992), and

the intransitive is close to the far/temporal conditions.

Because (21d) is a general knowledge question, the participants may notice that they do

not really need to read the pair of sentences to be able to answer the question. To make sure the

participants actually read and understood the sentence pair, a question asking about the content

of the sentence pair followed the general knowledge question. In the case of (21), it would be a

question such as “Did John play beside a house?”

3.5.1 Participants

The priming task was in two languages: English and Japanese. The English version was

completed by native English speakers, and the Japanese version was completed by native

Japanese speakers.

42 native English speakers completed the English version. Half of the participants

completed List A and the other half completed List B, which will be explained below. They were

all college students in the vicinity of Pittsburgh. Because the participants were mainly recruited

through announcements in classes that were taught by professors in the Department of

Linguistics at the University of Pittsburgh, 90% of them were taking Introduction to Linguistics

at the time of participation. None of them are purely monolingual, because they were required to

take language courses at the university, but during recruitment it was stressed that only native

speakers who did not speak a second language fluently were eligible for the experiment, and this

was confirmed orally before the experiment. They were compensated USD$10 for their


46 native Japanese speakers completed the Japanese version. Again, half of the

participants completed List A and the other half completed List B. They were all undergraduate

students at Nagoya University, Japan. They were recruited through announcements in English

classes. Because they were university students, they were believed to be intermediate learners of

English. They were compensated JPY¥2000 (about USD$26). The compensation for the

Japanese participants was set higher because of the higher living costs in Japan.

3.5.2 Materials The English version

In order to construct stimuli like (20), I looked for English verbs that involve causative

alternation. For example, break as in John broke the window is transitive, and the window broke

is intransitive. Verbs like eat are not included; although one can say either John has eaten lunch

already or John has eaten, the intransitive sentence does not involve an unaccusative verb. I

found 43 suitable English verb pairs. Then I looked for the equivalents of these English verbs in

Japanese. Interestingly, those that exist in English also exist in Japanese, but not the other way

around. In other words, if a verb allows transitive/intransitive alternation in English, the

corresponding verb in Japanese also allows transitive/intransitive alternation, but an alternating

verb pair in Japanese may not be alternating in English. This is not surprising, as discussed in

Chapter 2, Japanese is more tolerant than English in terms of allowing alternation, because

Japanese also allows actions that must be caused by an animate agent to be described using an

intransitive verb.

20 verbs of the 43 verb pairs were then used to make 40 stimuli (2 items per verb) that

describe two different situations, resulting in a total of 80 items. The remaining verbs were not

used either because the transitive and intransitive counterparts of a verb can hardly be used in

similar situations that only differ in causality (e.g., the river split into two smaller streams vs.

John split the river into two smaller streams) or because they are one verb in Japanese (e.g., both

pop and crack are translated as waru/wareru in Japanese). Care was taken to ensure that either

possibility – that is, whether the event is caused by a human agent or not – are possible. This was

to prevent the participants from making the same inference from the discourse regardless of the

linguistic information. For example, in (20), it is possible that John broke the window in the

course of playing basketball when the transitive counterpart is used, and when the intransitive

counterpart is used, it is also possible that the window broke during the time John was playing

basketball, but he had nothing to do with the breaking of the window. In contrast, if the stimulus

is “John threw the ball at the window. He broke the window/the window broke,” then the

stimulus is a bad one because for both the transitive and intransitive verbs, the participants would

probably come up with a similar situation – that is, John threw the ball at the window, the ball hit

the window, and the window broke into pieces. In this case, there probably would not be a

difference in response times because both groups of participants are primed by the same situation

model created when they read the sentences.

Other factors that were controlled for were the uses of perfective and imperfective

markers, as well as the back- and fore-grounding of the objects mentioned in the questions. As

we have seen in Magliano and Schleich (2000) and Madden and Zwaan (2003), readers tend to

have a better memory for verbs with imperfective markings than for those with perfective

markings in English. Therefore, all the test verbs were in past tense (i.e., perfective). Similarly,

backgrounded objects are predicted to be less activated than foregrounded objects. Therefore,

this was also controlled.

The 80 items were divided into two lists, namely List A and List B, in the following way:

For a given verb, if the transitive item in the first context was in List A, the intransitive version

of the same verb in the second context was put in List B. It follows that the intransitive item in

the first context and the transitive version in the second context was in List B. In other words, in

each list there were one transitive and one intransitive item of the same verb. This is further

illustrated in Table 5. The transitive/intransitive verb pairs used in both experiments were break,

wake, ring, shatter, stop, cool, burn, spill, move, roll, collapse, rotate, twist, increase, melt, open,

pop, peel, grow, and tilt. A complete list of sentences is shown in Appendix C.

Table 5. Structures of List A and B

Verb Context Condition List

Context 1 Transitive (he broke a clock) List A
(break: clock) Intransitive (a clock broke) List B
Context 2 Transitive (he broke a fence) List B
(break: fence) Intransitive (a fence broke) List A

In addition to the 80 items, there were 20 baseline and 40 filler items (shown in Appendix

E). The baseline items had a similar pattern to the stimuli, but the second sentence was purely a

temporal one. An example would be “Mary was washing dishes. While she was rinsing the

dishes, the phone rang.” Obviously, the act of washing dishes in no way causes the phone to ring.

The purpose of the baseline items was to test whether the participants would respond faster in the

controlled conditions (i.e., transitive and intransitive) than when there was no inference can be


Each filler item consisted of a general knowledge question about an object that was

mentioned in the first sentence, but not related to the situation. For example, after reading “John

was watching a movie with a bowl of popcorn. While he was watching, the popcorn spilled,” the

participants had to answer the question “Is popcorn made from plastic?” Because all the target

and baseline questions would elicit “yes” as an answer, the filler items also served the purpose of

introducing “no” as the answer.

Since participants might react faster to sentences with the more frequent counterpart of

the verb pair than the less frequent counterpart, the frequencies of the verbs were taken into

account. In order to do so, the BNCweb corpus (2010) was consulted. This is the web-based

version of the British National Corpus, of which 90% is written texts that consist of regional and

national newspapers, journals, academic books, fictions, school and university essays, etc., and

10% is spoken data from people of different ages in a wide range of contexts. The corpus is

estimated to have a size of 100 million words.

In order to find out the relative frequency of transitive to intransitive, the following steps

were taken. First, the target verbs were searched for in the corpus. The search results came out in

the order of the extracts that contain the verb (e.g., the extract that is named A1 will be listed

earlier than another extract that is named B3), but they were randomized in order to avoid the

effect of factors such as year of publication, nature of the text, etc. Then the first 100 results were

analyzed manually, and put into one of the following categories: transitive, intransitive,

excluded. Phrasal verbs were excluded. For example, we broke up were excluded for the verb

break. Although one might argue that there is a semantic connection between break up and the

prototypical meaning of break, there is not an easy way to draw a line to include or exclude any

of these; therefore, all phrasal verbs were excluded altogether.

The procedures for Japanese verb pairs were simpler. Unlike English verbs, Japanese

verbs have distinctive forms for the transitive and intransitive counterparts, and there are no

phrasal verbs similar to those in English. For this purpose, Nihongo no goi tokusei (Lexical

properties of Japanese) (Amano & Kondo, 2000) was utilized. It is a database that lists the

frequencies of the words used in news articles published from 1985 to 1998.

The relative frequencies were then calculated using the formula (transitive

frequency)/(transitive frequency + intransitive frequency). This was done because the methods of

extracting the frequencies are different for English and Japanese. Whereas the English method

results in a fixed total number of tokens (i.e., 100) for each verb pair, the Japanese method does

not. The formula thus eliminates this difference. The Japanese version

The Japanese version had basically the same test items as the English version, except for

20 extra items. These 20 items were constructed with 20 agent-implying verb pairs 8 that are

absent in English (e.g., tsukamaeru/tsukamaru “get caught”). The agent-implying verbs were

selected from the appendix in Jacobsen (1992). The list of verbs is shown in Table 6. The items

are shown in Appendix D, and the filler and baseline items are shown in Appendix F.

The criterion for a verb being agent-implying is that the intransitive counterpart of the verb would be translated by
Jacobsen (1992) into English as passive (e.g., be caught) or become [past participle of the transitive counterpart]
(e.g., become connected).

Table 6. Japanese verbs used in Experiment 1 and 2

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Non-agent-implying

transitive intransitive
kowasu ‘break’ kowareru ‘break’ mitsukeru ‘find’ mitsukaru
okosu ‘wake’ okiru ‘wake up’ tsukamaeru ‘catch’ tsukamaru
narasu ‘ring’ naru ‘ring’ tasukeru ‘help’ tasukaru
kudaku ‘shatter’ kudakeru ‘shatter’ turu ‘fish’ tureru
tomeru ‘stop’ tomaru ‘stop’ soroeru ‘collect’ sorou
hiyasu ‘cool’ hieru ‘cool’ sadameru ‘decide’ sadamaru
kogasu ‘burn’ kogeru ‘burn’ sonaeru ‘provide’ sonaeru
kobosu ‘spill’ koboreru ‘spill’ tsunagu ‘connect’ tsunageru
ugokasu ‘move’ ugoku ‘move’ kimeru ‘decide’ kimaru
korogasu ‘roll’ korogaru ‘roll’ mazeru ‘mix’ mazaru
taosu ‘collapse’ taoreru ‘collapse’ ueru ‘plant’ uwaru
mawasu ‘turn’ mawaru ‘turn’ chirakasu ‘spread’ chirakaru
nejiru ‘twist’ nejireru ‘twist’ tsutaeru ‘inform’ tsutawaru
fuyasu ‘increase’ fueru ‘increase’ todakeru ‘send’ todoku
tokasu ‘melt’ tokeru ‘melt’ umeru ‘bury’ umaru
akeru ‘open’ aku ‘open’ someru ‘dye’ somaru
waru ‘pop’ wareru ‘pop’ hameru ‘fit in’ hamaru
muku ‘peel’ mukeru ‘peel’ tsukeru ‘switch’ tsuku
sodateru ‘grow’ sodatu ‘grow’ nuku ‘remove’ nukeru
katamukeru ‘tilt’ katamuku ‘tilt’ tateru ‘build’ tatu

3.5.3 Procedures

The present study largely follows the procedure of Singer et al. (1992), which is described in the


The experiment was conducted using the software E-Prime, and the participants read the

sentences and questions on a computer screen. The participants read in a self-paced manner. The

They first read the first sentence. When they had understood the sentence, they pressed the

spacebar to continue. Then the second sentence appeared. After they had understood the

sentence, they pressed the spacebar again. A fixation “+” then appeared for 500 ms. Then the

first question (i.e., the general knowledge question) appeared. The participant had to answer the

question as quickly and accurately as possible within 5s. If no response was received in 5
seconds, the answer was considered as “incorrect.” After the participants had answered the first

question, the second question appeared. The participants again had to answer the question in 5

seconds. After the question was answered, the next item appeared, and the procedures repeated.

A training session with 8 items unrelated to the purpose of the present study was

administered to the participants to familiarize them with the procedures. All items in the trial

session were randomized in such a way that all participants did the items in a different order. The

English-speaking participants and the Japanese-speaking participants took 30 and 40 minutes on

average, respectively, to finish the task.

3.5.4 Hypothesis

Based on our research questions, the hypotheses were as follows:

Hypothesis 1: English native speakers would respond faster in the (non-agent-implying)

transitive condition than in (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition, because (non-agent-

implying) transitive constructions, but not (non-agent-implying) intransitive constructions, allow

participants to create causative inference.

Hypothesis 2: Japanese native speakers would respond faster in the (non-agent-implying)

transitive condition than in the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition, because transitive

constructions, but not non-agent-implying intransitive constructions, allow participants to create

causative inference.

Hypothesis 3: Japanese native speakers would respond faster in the agent-implying intransitive

condition than in the (non-agent-implying) intransitive condition, because agent-implying

intransitive verbs imply causation, whereas non-agent-implying intransitive verbs do not.

Hypothesis 4: Japanese native speakers would respond faster in the agent-implying transitive

condition than in the agent-implying intransitive condition, because agent-implying transitive

verbs more explicitly allow participants to create causative inference by stating the agent than

agent-implying intransitive verbs.

Hypothesis 5: Japanese native speakers would respond faster in the Japanese non-agent-

implying intransitive condition than English native speakers in the English non-agent-implying

intransitive verbs in Japanese, because Japanese native speakers in general use more intransitive

constructions to describe causative events (Fausey et al., 2010).

Hypothesis 6: Japanese native speakers would respond as fast as English native speakers in the

transitive condition in their respective languages.

Again, the hypotheses are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7. Summary of hypotheses for Experiment 2

Condition English 6 Japanese

transitive (e.g., break, kowasu) A C 2*

intransitive (e.g., break, kowareru) B 1* D
agent-implying transitive -- E 3*
(e.g., tsukamaeru) 5 4*
agent-implying intransitive -- F
(e.g., tsukamaru)

Note: The numbers refer to the respective hypotheses mentioned above, and * indicates a
significant difference for that comparison.

3.5.5 Results English version

Questions to which participants did not respond and response times that were greater than

3 standard deviations from the means for each question were excluded. The mean accuracy of

answers to the target question was 92.9% (range = 88.0 – 99.0%). The data were treated in this

way because response time data can vary considerably (e.g., some participants took particularly

long for one question because they were not paying attention at that moment) and it is a common

practice to treat response time data (e.g., Wilson, Rinck, McNamara, & Bower, 1993; Rinck,

Bower, & Wolf (1998) used 2.5 standard deviation). These treatments excluded about 2% of the

entire data. After the exclusion of outliers, the means for the transitive and intransitive

constructions were 1402 milliseconds (SD = 598) and 1403 milliseconds (SD = 620).

When the experiment was designed, it was predicted that the relative frequency of

transitives and intransitives in discourse (i.e., the frequencies obtained for each verb using the

BNCweb) might have an effect on the response times, in the sense that participants would react

faster to more frequent member of the verb pair than to the less frequent counterpart. However,

an ANCOVA test revealed that the effect of relative frequency was not significant (p = 0.955).

Therefore, relative frequencies were excluded from the model.

An ANCOVA model with participant as a random effect and the length of the question

(measured in number of letters) and type of construction (e.g., transitive and intransitive) as the

fixed effects showed a significant effect of lengths of the questions (p < 0.05), but the effect of

the type of construction was not significant.

70 Japanese version

Likewise, zero response times and response times greater than 3 standard deviations from the

means for each question were excluded. The mean accuracy of answers to the target question

was 95.0% (range = 90.0% - 99.2%). These treatments excluded about 2% of the data. Response

times to four items in the agent-implying condition were also excluded. This is because they did

not satisfy the criterion that they would be translated into passive or the become-past participle

form in English. After the exclusion, the mean response times are as shown in Table 8 and

graphically in Figure 6.

Table 8. Mean response times of English- and Japanese-speaking participants in the priming task (standard

deviations in parentheses)

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying

transitive intransitive
English 1402 (598) 1403 (620) -- --
Japanese 1292 (585) 1328 (618) 1573 (613) 1563 (643)




1000 Japanese


Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying
transitive intransitive

Figure 6. Mean response times in English and Japanese (error bar = 1SD)

Again, an ANCOVA test was used, with participant as a random effect and the length of

sentences (measured in number of characters) and type of construction as the fixed effects. The

model suggests main effects for both the length of sentences and the type of construction. Post-

hoc pairwise comparisons showed that participants responded faster (1) in the intransitive

condition than in the agent-implying intransitive, (2) in the transitive condition than in the agent-

implying intransitive condition, (3) in the intransitive than in the agent-implying transitive

condition, and (4) in the transitive condition than in the agent-implying transitive. The results are

summarized in Table 9.

Table 9. Pairwise comparison of response times in Japanese

Transitive Intransitive Agent-implying Agent-implying

transitive intransitive
Transitive -- n.s. p < 0.001 p < 0.001
Intransitive -- -- p < 0.001 p < 0.001
Agent-implying transitive -- -- -- n.s.

The results show that participants responded significantly more slowly to agent-implying verb

pairs than to the non-agent-implying verb pairs. To explain this finding, we will look at this issue

from a broader perspective, which will be discussed in Chapter 4.

3.5.6 Discussion

Revisiting our hypotheses, we obtained the following generalizations:

Hypothesis 1 is not confirmed. The native English-speaking participants did not respond faster

in the transitive condition than in non-agent-implying intransitive condition.

Hypothesis 2 is also not confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants did not respond

faster in the transitive condition than in the non-agent-implying intransitive condition.

Hypothesis 3 is not confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants did not respond faster

in the agent-implying intransitive condition than in the non-agent-implying intransitive condition.

On the contrary, they responded faster in the non-agent-implying intransitive condition than the

agent-implying intransitive condition.

Hypothesis 4 is not confirmed. The native Japanese-speaking participants did not respond faster

in the agent-implying transitive condition than in the non-agent-implying intransitive condition.

Hypotheses 5 and 6 are not verified, because fair cross-linguistic comparisons were not possible

due to the difference in the way the lengths of questions are measured; that is, the length of the

questions in Japanese was measured in terms of the hiragana syllabary and Chinese characters,

whereas the length of the questions in English was measured in terms of the number of letters.

The results of the transitive and intransitive conditions in both English and Japanese are

inconsistent with our hypotheses, in that the transitive condition is not significantly faster than

the intransitive condition. There is one reason that this may be the case. If we look at the results

of the questionnaires, we can see that the mean ratings for the intransitive questions in both

English and Japanese are very close to 4 (i.e., neutral), which means that the participants think

that both possibilities are plausible – that is, the event may or may not be brought about by the

person mentioned in the sentence. To illustrate, when the participants read the intransitive item

John was playing basketball inside his house. While he was playing, the clock broke, they may

still interpret this as John breaking the clock. In other words, the participants in the priming task

may have somehow created a situation in which the person in the sentence performs an action

that causes the event to happen, even when reading the intransitive sentences.

This speculation was tested using Spearman correlation tests between the ratings and the

response times. Instead of using the actual ratings, the average ratings were transformed to 1, 0,

and -1 according to the value of the ratings. Ratings larger than 4 were coded as 1, those less

than 4 were coded as -1, and those equal to 4 were coded as zero. The ratings were transformed

in this way because we were interested in whether the evoking of an agent will cause the

participants to react faster to a question that implies an agent. In a sense, an agent is either

evoked or not. In other words, a rating of 7 is similar to a rating of 6 because both of them would

mean that an agent is evoked. A similar method was adopted by Zwaan, Langson, and Graesser

(1995), who also argued that some factors (e.g., whether two events are causally related or not)

are dichotomous. Thus, this is believed to be a reasonable method of transformation.

The response times were also transformed to eliminate the effect of the length of the

questions. The response times were divided by the natural log of the lengths of the number of

letters in English and the number of characters (hiragana syllabary and Chinese characters in

Japanese) of the questions.

It was found that the correlations between the transformed mean ratings and the

transformed mean response times were significant in both English (ρ(79) = -0.24, p < 0.05) and

in Japanese (ρ(119) = -0.25, p < 0.05). The results therefore suggest that the response times and

the ratings are negatively correlated, and the claim that the lack of significant differences

between the transitive and the intransitive conditions in both English and Japanese may be due to

the rather neutral mean ratings for the intransitive condition is supported.

It is also surprising that response times for the agent-implying verbs (both transitive and

intransitive) were significantly longer than the transitive and the intransitive condition in

Japanese. This suggests either (1) that the Japanese participants created a situation model from

reading the sentences without evoking an agent or instrument, or (2) that there is some other

source of processing difficulties for these verbs, or both. How are agent-implying verbs different

from non-agent-implying ones? In fact, little is said about agent-implying verb pairs in the

literature. At this point, we can only speculate on what is so special about these verbs. The next

chapter will discuss the possible explanations of the results obtained. I argue that both are

possible causes for longer response times of the participants.


Chapter 3 describes the two experiments conducted for the present dissertation, their

results, and the discussions of the results. Experiment 1 involved a rating test in which

participants were presented with sentences in their native language and were asked to rate how

likely the events described in the sentences were caused by the animate entity also mentioned in

the sentence pairs. The sentence pairs contained either a transitive or an intransitive sentence

(i.e., the transitive and intransitive conditions). Results show that the native English-speaking

participants rated the transitive condition significantly higher than the intransitive condition,

which means that English-speaking participants think it is more likely that the events were

brought about by an animate agent when reading the transitive sentences than when reading the

intransitive sentences.

Similarly, Japanese-speaking participants rated the transitive condition significantly

higher than the intransitive condition. What is interesting is that the Japanese participants also

rated the agent-implying intransitive condition significantly higher than the (non-agent-implying)

intransitive condition, meaning that the Japanese participants were more likely to infer the

presence of an agent when reading the agent-implying intransitive condition than when reading

the non-agent-implying intransitive condition. This appears to contradict with the claim that the

intransitive construction is understood to have no (implied) agent, which is often suggested in

previous research (e.g., Guerssel et al., 1985; Haspelmath, 1993; Langacker, 2008; Levin, 1993).

Experiment 2 involves a priming experiment designed based on Singer et al. (1992), in

which the participants were asked to read the same sentence pairs as in the rating test, and

respond as quickly as possible to a question regarding whether the potential instruments

mentioned in the sentence pairs have the potential to cause the event to happen. It was

hypothesized that participants would respond faster to the question if they had read a sentence

that would lead them to create a situation model of a causative event (i.e., transitive, agent-

implying transitive, and agent-implying intransitive). However, for both English and Japanese,

the participants did not respond faster in the transitive condition than in the intransitive

condition. In the case of Japanese, the agent-implying verb pairs (both transitive and intransitive)

were responded to more slowly than the non-agent-implying verb pairs.

The lack of a significant difference between the transitive and intransitive conditions in

both English and Japanese is explained in relation to the results of the rating test in Experiment

1. The mean ratings for the intransitive conditions in both English and Japanese were close to 4,

which is in the middle of the scale. In other words, participants may have created a causal event

while reading the intransitive sentences. The significant correlations between the mean ratings

and the mean response times in both English and Japanese support this explanation.

It has been confirmed that the Japanese participants required more time for sentences

with agent-implying verb pairs. Because agent-implying verbs are rather new in the field and no

extensive research has been done on them, the next chapter will discuss the possible explanations

for the results.


In the literature review, we have seen that there seems to be a different category of intransitive

verbs in some languages, namely “agent-implying intransitive verbs” (Pardeshi, 2008). To our

knowledge, these verbs exist in Marathi, Hindi, and also Japanese. In the rating experiment, we

have seen that the agent-implying intransitive verbs indeed behave differently from the non-

agent-implying intransitive verbs in the sense that Japanese native speakers see the agent-

implying intransitive to imply an agent, making it closer to the transitive and less similar to the

non-agent-implying intransitive.

However, the priming experiment did not yield consistent results. First, the transitive and

intransitive conditions did not show a significant difference in either English or Japanese. This

may be due to the fact that some of the participants also came up with a situation where causality

is involved when reading an intransitive sentence, as shown by the mean rating of 4 for the

intransitive conditions in both languages. The participants, however, responded to the agent-

implying verb pairs, both the transitive and the intransitive, significantly more slowly than to the

non-agent-implying verb pairs. The question we need to address here is why this is the case.


Because agent-implying intransitive verbs are not widely discussed in the literature, we can only

make some speculations based on the results we obtained. One possibility is that these verbs

have a stronger tendency than other verbs to force the readers to focus on the results, or at the

change of state of the patient, rather than the causation. Kageyama (1996), for example,

discussed a super-event (x ACT on y) and a sub-event (y BECOME STATE z), and claims that

English views an event from the perspective of a causer, taking the super-event as the basic and

extending it to the resultative state of the patient, as illustrated in Figure 6. Japanese, in contrast,

views the event from the perspective of the patient that undergoes changes, taking the sub-event

as the basic and gradually extending attention to result and the causation, as shown in Figure 7.

actor result

Figure 7. Action-type perspective in English (adapted from Kageyama, 1996, p. 276)

action causation become result

Figure 8. Become-type perspective in Japanese (adapted from Kageyama, 1996, p. 284)

This claim that Japanese focuses on the sub-event rather than super-event helps explain

our results. When Japanese participants read the agent-implying verbs, they may focus more on

the patient and its end state and pay less attention to the process that caused the change of the

state of the patient. Thus, when they read sentences in the priming experiment, even though the

sentences have verbs that are agent-implying, their attention was on the patient/theme

undergoing changes (i.e., the sub-event), rather than the action the caused the sub-event (i.e, the


This idea coincides with Ikegami’s (1981) claim that Japanese is a BECOME-language,

and develops it further by providing an explanation of the difference between English and

Japanese in terms of their event conceptualization. Ikegami (1981, 1991) claimed that Japanese

prefers to describe an event as if it happens spontaneously. This means that Japanese prefers not

to focus on the external cause of an event. Similarly, Kageyama (1996) suggested that Japanese

focuses on the sub-event, which describes the change of state. Causation or the causer, even if it

exists, does not receive attention of the speaker. In other words, Kageyama gave a more concrete

cognitive difference between English and Japanese by elucidating the issue in terms of the

conceptual structure.

However, we will still have to explain why agent-implying verb pairs are different from

non-agent-implying verb pairs, since participants took significantly longer to respond to the

agent-implying verb pairs than to the non-agent-implying verb pairs. Recall that agent-implying

intransitive verbs are non-prototypical intransitive verbs across languages. They are so

uncommon that Guerssel et al. (1985) claim that verbs that involve an instrument (e.g., cut)

cannot be intransitive because the word cut implies an instrument such as a knife or a pair of

scissors, an instrument further implies an animate agent who is able to make use of the

instrument, and an action that involves an agent cannot be described intransitively. 9 In other

words, although a prototypical intransitive construction is often not as defined as a prototypical

transitive construction, one might at least conclude that a prototypical intransitive construction is

not understood to involve external causation. Therefore, agent-implying intransitive verbs in

It is noted by Gruerssl et al (1985) that middle constructions such as the meat doesn’t cut easily is possible.

Japanese, and also in other languages, are non-prototypical, in the sense that they imply an agent,

yet are intransitive verbs.

On the other hand, they are not prototypical transitive events, either. Recall that a

prototypical transitive event involves an entity A exerting a force intentionally onto another

entity B, causing entity B to undergo changes. However, 18 out of the 20 agent-implying verb

pairs (exceptions are someru/somaru ‘dye/be dyed’ and tateru/tatsu ‘build/be built’) do not

involve internal changes in the patient/theme. The change involved is at most a change in

location. For example, todokeru/todoku ‘deliver/arrive’ only involves a change in location or

possession of an object, but does not involve in any internal changes to the object (e.g., the

object changes from being solid to liquid). Thus, these events are also not prototypical transitive

events. In fact, it is probably because of their non-prototypical transitive nature that their

intransitive counterparts exist. That is, agent-implying (in)transitive events are neither

prototypical transitive or prototypical intransitive; they belong to an intermediate category

between the transitive and intransitive poles.

Why, then, do these non-prototypical verbs exist in Japanese? From a usage-based

perspective, they must have emerged from the needs of the language users. As discussed above,

Japanese has a tendency to pay less attention to causation and prefers to describe events as if

they happen spontaneously (e.g., Ikegami, 1981, 1991; Kageyama, 1996). In fact, if we look at

the morphological complexity of the verb pairs used in the two tasks, they were mainly either

“causative alternations” (5 out of 20) or “equipollent alternations” (13 out of 20) in Haspelmath’s

(1993, p. 91) terms, where causative alternations refer to verb pairs of which the inchoative is

more basic and the causative counterpart is derived, and equipollent alternations refer to verb

pairs of which neither the inchoative is derived from the causative, nor the causative from the

inchoative. The non-agent-implying verb pairs, on the other hand, appear to have a more even

distribution between the two types of alternation plus the anticausative type of alternation (i.e.,

the transitive counterpart is more basic). The agent-implying and non-agent-implying verb pairs,

as well as their alternation types, are shown in Table 10. In other words, the existence of these

non-prototypical intransitive verbs in Japanese may signify native Japanese-speakers’ preference

to focus on the change of state for these events, regardless of whether the verb is transitive or


Table 10. Verb pairs used in the present study and their types of alternation

Transitive Intransitive Alternation Agent- Non-agent- Alternation

type implying implying type
transitive intransitive
kowasu kowareru anticausative mitsukeru mitsukaru equipollent
‘break’ ‘break’ ‘find’
okosu ‘wake’ okiru ‘wake equipollent tsukamaeru tsukamaru causative
up’ ‘catch’
narasu ‘ring’ naru ‘ring’ causative tasukeru tasukaru equipollent
kudaku kudakeru anticausative turu ‘fish’ tureru anticausative
‘shatter’ ‘shatter’
tomeru ‘stop’ tomaru ‘stop’ equipollent soroeru sorou causative
hiyasu ‘cool’ hieru ‘cool’ equipollent sadameru sadamaru equipollent
kogasu ‘burn’ kogeru ‘burn’ equipollent sonaeru sonaeru equipollent
kobosu ‘spill’ koboreru causative tsunagu tsunageru equipollent
‘spill’ ‘connect’
ugokasu ugoku ‘move’ causative kimeru kimaru equipollent
‘move’ ‘decide’
korogasu korogaru equipollent mazeru ‘mix’ mazaru equipollent
‘roll’ ‘roll’
taosu taoreru anticausative ueru ‘plant’ uwaru equipollent
‘collapse’ ‘collapse’
mawasu mawaru equipollent chirakasu chirakaru equipollent
‘turn’ ‘turn’ ‘spread’
nejiru ‘twist’ nejireru anticausative tsutaeru tsutawaru equipollent
‘twist’ ‘inform’
fuyasu fueru equipollent todokeru todoku causative
‘increase’ ‘increase’ ‘send’
tokasu ‘melt’ tokeru ‘melt’ equipollent umeru ‘bury’ umaru equipollent
akeru ‘open’ aku ‘open’ causative someru ‘dye’ somaru equipollent
waru ‘pop’ wareru ‘pop’ anticausative hameru ‘fit hamaru equipollent
muku ‘peel’ mukeru ‘peel’ anticausative tsukeru tsuku causative
sodateru sodatu ‘grow’ causative nuku nukeru anticausative
‘grow’ ‘remove’
katamukeru katamuku causative tateru ‘build’ tatu causative
‘tilt’ ‘tilt’
Total N of anticausative 6 2
Total N of causative 6 5
Total N of equipollent 8 13

The longer processing time is thus probably due to the non-prototypicality of the types of

events: they are neither prototypical transitive events nor prototypical intransitive events.

Prototypically, events with an agent should be described transitively. Therefore, we see that in

the majority of languages, there is no problem in lexicalizing these events with transitive verbs

(e.g., kill, find). However, the nature of these events seems to cause the sub-event to be more

salient. For example, in the criminal-got-caught example, based on our world knowledge and

experience, we know that it is almost always a police officer who catches a criminal. What we

often care about most is whether the criminal is caught or not. This might have forced the

language to ‘create’ an intransitive verb for the situation. In fact, the large number of equipollent

alternations in the agent-implying verb pairs supports this claim, in the sense that, whereas it is

more ‘normal’ for these events to be described by transitive verbs, the intransitive counterparts

have come to be equally important, and thus morphologically more basic.

Therefore, the non-prototypicality of these verbs may be the source of slower processing

times. In fact, we have seen that in many linguistic domains, non-prototypical cases are usually

more ‘difficult.’ For example, children are reported to learn past tense morphology with telic

verbs earlier than atelic verbs, because atelic verbs with past tense morphology are non-

prototypical (e.g., Andersen & Shirai, 1994).

This explanation gives us an interesting perspective on the intransitive construction

across languages. As discussed in the literature review, it has been generally believed that actions

that must involve an animate agent cannot be described intransitively (e.g., Guerssel et al., 1985;

Levin, 1993). However, we have shown that Japanese, together with some other languages, have

agent-implying intransitive verbs. Contrary to our hypotheses, Japanese native speakers do not

seem to evoke an agent immediately while reading these intransitive verbs. Instead, they

appeared to focus more on the change of the patient/theme. That means the form (i.e., transitive

or intransitive) of a verb is not limited by the objective viewing of the action described by the

verb. Rather, it can be determined by the subjective viewing of the action. In other words,

regardless of whether an action involves an agent or not from an objective perspective, if the

speaker chooses to focus only on certain parts of the entire causation event, the event can still

described intransitively. This claim contradicts the approach to verb semantics adopted by Levin

(1993) and Guerssel et al. (1985), who suggest that verb forms are based on our universal

conception of an event. The present study seems to suggest that, although our universal

conceptualization of an event might be a major factor jn whether a verb is transitive or

intransitive, subjective preferences may alter this general constraint in some languages.



The second possible explanation is concerned with the punctuality and telicity of these

verbs. In Japanese, -te i- has either a progressive or resultative meaning, depending on the lexical

aspect of the verb to which it attaches. For a verb with duration (e.g., hashiru ‘run’), attachment

of the -te i- marker results in progressive reading (i.e., hashit-tei-ru ‘running’). For a punctual

verb (e.g., shinu ‘die’), attachment of the marker would result in resultative meaning (i.e., shin-

dei-ru ‘being dead’) (e.g., Shirai, 2000). Using this test, we can see that eight out of 20 of the

non-agent-implying intransitive verbs are durative (e.g., tokeru ‘melt’), and that some of these

verbs are even atelic (e.g., mawaru ‘turn’) 10 . On the other hand, all 20 agent-implying

intransitive verbs used in this study have a resultative meaning when the –te i- is attached,

meaning that all the intransitive verbs have a punctual property (see Table 10 for the list of


In fact, a similar observation was also made by Shirai (1998). He claimed that intransitive

change-of-state verbs are almost always punctual (i.e. achievements) while their transitive

counterparts are often durative (i.e. accomplishments). We have seen that all 20 agent-implying

intransitive verbs in this study are punctual, and that there are some non-agent-implying change-

of-state verbs that are potentially interpreted as durative (e.g., mawaru ‘turn’).

If the meanings of these agent-implying intransitive verbs are not durative, they probably

do not linguistically refer to a process. For example, when the participants read the sentence

‘hannin-ga tsukamatta ‘the criminal was arrested,’ the situation model that they would create in

their mind might be a criminal in jail or in a police car, but they may not have the situation in

which a policeman put a handcuff on the criminal’s hand or other events that happened before

the criminal was under the control of the police. Therefore, even though these verbs imply an

agent, the lack of linguistic focus on the process may have caused the participants to neglect the

external cause and only focus on the result of the event. In other words, there is a distinction

between linguistic meaning and real-world denotata: only part of what happens in real world is

expressed linguistically.

These verbs are potentially interpreted as durative: naru ‘ring,’ hieru ‘cool,’ ugoku ‘move,’ korogaru ‘roll,’
mawaru ‘turn,’ fueru ‘increase,’ tokeru ‘melt,’ sodatu ‘grow’.


The non-prototypical use of the intransitive construction leads us into thinking about what a

prototypical intransitive construction is. As mentioned above, Malchukov (2005) pointed out that

a prototypical intransitive construction is defined in negative terms, as something that is not

transitive. However, this characterization seems to be inconsistent with Hopper and Thompson

(1980). As discussed in the Chapter 3, one of Hopper and Thompson’s parameters is punctuality:

punctual events such as ‘breaking a bone’ are considered to have higher transitivity than non-

punctual events such as ‘building a house.’ If a prototypical intransitive construction is what is

NOT a prototypical transitive construction, one should expect a typical intransitive construction

to be non-punctual.

However, many unaccusative intransitive verbs that are often considered to be

prototypical intransitive verbs (e.g., break, fall) are in fact punctual. The present study has also

presented some non-prototypical intransitive verbs (i.e., agent-implying intransitive verbs), and

claimed that many of them are in fact punctual. Therefore, it seems that the claim that

‘intransitive’ equals ‘not transitive’ is not totally accurate.

We have also discussed in Chapter 2 that a split in transitivity, namely unergative and

unaccusative, is often seen in languages. In fact, we can also see a ‘split’ in terms of the lexical

aspect of these two kinds of verbs. As mentioned above, many unaccusative verbs such as die

and fall are punctual and telic. On the other hand, many unergative verbs such as walk and run

are durative and atelic.

While split intransitivity was often explained in syntactic terms by generative linguists

(e.g., Burzio, 1986), there are also discussions on the issue from a semantic perspective. Van

Valin (1990), for example, argued that split intransitivity is better explained in semantic terms.

Using Vendler’s verb classification, he claimed the following for verbs that take one macrorole:

“[I]f the verb has an activity predicate in its LS (logical structure)…the macrorole will be actor;

otherwise it will be undergoer.” (van Valin, 1990, p. 227)

To illustrate, the verb run has a logical structure run’ (x), where the predicate run’ meets

the requirement of an activity based on Dowty’s (1979) test. Because it has only one argument in

the LS, the argument will be an actor. In the case of broke, for example, it has the logical

structure BECOME broken’ (x). Because it does not have an activity predicate based on Vendler’s

test, the argument will be an undergoer.

This is interesting, because it matches with our observations regarding the correlation

between split intransitivity and lexical aspect. Van Valin’s claim is that a verb with an activity

will have an agent as the macrorole or subject. Since an activity by definition is durative, verbs

that take the agent as the subject should then be durative. This is indeed the case. We have seen

that unergative verbs, which by definition are verbs with an external argument (and thus agent),

are often duratives, which take an agent/actor as their subject. The unaccusative verbs, on the

other hand, contain a non-activity predicate, and thus they could be durative (e.g., the wheel is

turning) or punctual (e.g., the man disappeared), although based on our observations it seems

that punctual unaccusative verbs are more common.

Despite the split-view on intransitivity being dominant in the field, Shibatani (2006)

seems to suggest that there is no need to distinguish between unergative and unaccusative,

claiming that the only difference between causative and non-causative events is whether the

action originates “with an agent heading the action chain distinct from the agent or patient of the

main action” (p. 230). If there are two distinct agents, then it is a causative; if not, it is a

noncausative. This is illustrated in Figure 8.

Agent 1  Agent 2  Action


make walk

Figure 9. Causative action chain (adapted from Shibatani, 2006)

He explains that John made Bill walk has two distinct agents, and thus is a causative

sentence. It contrasts with Bill walked, which only has one agent, and thus is a non-causative

sentence. He also explained that John killed Bill is also causative because there are two distinct

entities. Thus it seems that he does not distinguish between Bill walked and Bill died, which

would be the non-causative version of John killed Bill, in the sense that both types of events (i.e.,

unergative and unaccusative) lie on the same action chain.

Comparing the split-view and Shibatani’s view on intransitivity semantically, it appears

that the major difference is the degree of control: unergative verbs such as run and walk involve

the subject’s control over the event (e.g., the subject has the power to start and stop the running),

whereas unaccusative verbs such as break and melt do not (e.g., the subject does not have the

power to decide when to break). On the other hand, the two types of intransitive verbs are similar,

as characterized by Shibatani, in the sense that the subject in both cases could be argued to be an

undergoer. In the case of run or walk, the subject is the one that undergoes movement and the

activity of running/walking; in the case of break or melt, the subject is the thing that undergoes

changes of state.

In fact, Sorace (2000) suggested that unaccusative and unergative verbs are on a

continuum. She proposed a hierarchy of intransitive verbs based on auxiliary selection in

Western European languages such as Italian and French, and argued that the hierarchy is

sensitive to telicity and agentivity. The hierarchy is shown in Table 11.

Table 11. Sorace's (2000) Auxiliary Selection Hierarchy

CHANGE OF LOCATION (e.g., ‘arrive’) selects BE (least variation)

CHANGE OF STATE (e.g.,‘decay’)
EXISTENCE OF STATE (e.g., ‘sit’)
UNCONTROLLED PROCESS (e.g., ‘tremble’)
CONTROLLED PROCESS (NONMOTIONAL) (e.g., ‘chat’) selects HAVE (least variation)

Looking at Italian, French, German, and Dutch, she demonstrated that unaccusative and

unergative verbs are not two distinct categories, but lie on the two extremes of a continuum, in

the sense that, while verbs on the unaccusative end (i.e., change-of-location, change-of-state

verbs) usually only select ‘be’ as the auxiliary, and verbs on the unergative end (i.e., verbs

denoting controlled processes) often only select ‘have’ as the auxiliary, there are intermediate

verb classes (i.e., classes in the middle of the hierarchy) that can select either. She also showed

that verbs on the ‘be’ end tend to be telic and those on the ‘have’ end tend to be agentive. These

observations coincide with van Valin’s (1990) characterizations discussed above.

Although the present study does not focus on prototypical intransitive verbs, by looking

at the non-prototypical use of intransitive verbs (i.e., agent-implying intransitive), we at least

have a better idea of what a prototypical intransitive construction should be: a case frame that is

used to describe either an uncontrolled change-of-state event, or a controlled agentive event. 11It

also expands our current understanding that intransitive verbs are not limited to (perceived-)

agent-less events.

Active languages may be an exception, because different verb types (e.g., run vs. arrive) may appear in different
case frames.

To conclude, although the priming task did not give results consistent with our

hypotheses, both the rating experiment and the priming experiment have shown that agent-

implying intransitive verbs do have a special status: (1) The rating experiment shows that agent-

implying intransitive verbs are different from non-agent-implying intransitive verbs in the sense

that native speakers understand the presence of an agent for the former and not for the latter, and

(2) the priming experiment illustrates the non-prototypical nature of agent-implying verb pairs,

such that longer processing time was needed for the participants to comprehend them.

The inconsistency in the results of the two experiments may be due to the differences in

the nature of the two experiments. First, the rating experiment is an offline task, whereas the

priming experiment is an online task that requires a speedy response. The rating experiment may

allow more time than the online priming experiment does for the participants to connect their

real world knowledge with the linguistic meanings of the sentences when trying to comprehend

them. Therefore, in the rating experiment, they may be able to understand that actions such as

finding and arresting need to be done by human agents, which is something they may not be able

to do in the priming task. Second, the rating experiment asked about the agent directly, whereas

the priming experiment asked about the instrument, assuming that the instrument would imply

the agent. However, the connection between agent and instrument may not be as strong as

previously assumed. Therefore, the priming experiment produced different results than the rating



In this chapter, I discussed two possible explanations for the results obtained from the rating and

the priming experiment. First, as argued by Kageyama (1996), Japanese is a language that

prefers to focus on the sub-event (i.e., y BECOME z). This preferred-focus on sub-event in

Japanese may have caused the native Japanese participants to focus more on the change of state,

and less on the causation process (i.e., the super-event). Moreover, the existence of non-

prototypical agent-implying intransitive verbs may indicate the preference or the importance in

conceptualization in Japanese to focus on the sub-event for these particular events that can be

described with agent-implying intransitive verbs. Therefore, the Japanese participants might not

have created a situation model with a super-event involving agent (e.g. police) for these events

and responded more slowly, regardless of whether they had read a transitive sentence or not. The

atypical (neither transitive nor intransitive) nature of agent-implying verbs is also argued to be a

source of longer processing time.

The second explanation goes hand in hand with the first one. It concerns the lexical

aspect of the agent-implying intransitive verbs. It has been shown that whereas some of the non-

agent-implying intransitive verbs are durative, all 20 agent-implying intransitive verbs in this

study are punctual. That means none of the agent-implying intransitive verbs refer to a process.

Participants, therefore, may have responded more slowly because of a lack of priming by a

process described by the verbs. Of course, the results of the present study could be an outcome of

both explanations.

The chapter continues with a discussion on what a prototypical intransitive construction

is. It is suggested that the current characterization of a prototypical intransitive construction as a

non-transitive construction contradicts Hopper and Thompson (1980). On the other hand, the

observation that unergative verbs are often durative, while unaccusative verbs are not necessarily

so, matches Van Valin’s (1990) claims about split intransitivity from a semantic point of view. It

also discusses an alternative view by Shibatani (2006) and Sorace (2000), who suggested that a

split may not be necessary. We argued that it can be reconciled with Van Valin’s position.



The present study involving two experiments investigates the transitive and intransitive

constructions with regard to the evoking of an agent. The results and explanations are

summarized as follows:

1. The results of the rating task suggest that native Japanese speakers do see agent-implying

intransitive verbs as being closer to transitive verbs in the sense that the former must also

involve an agent, and as less similar to the non-agent-implying intransitive verbs. This is

consistent with our hypotheses.

2. The priming task did not give consistent results. Neither the native English- nor Japanese-

speakers responded significantly faster in the transitive condition than in the intransitive

condition. Given the neutral ratings for the intransitive condition in the rating task, it is

suggested that both causative and non-causative readings were plausible, and participants

may have interpreted the animate entity as the cause of the event even when reading in

the intransitive condition.

3. The native Japanese speakers responded significantly more slowsly in the agent-

implying conditions (both transitive and intransitive) than in the non-agent-implying

conditions. This is explained by the Japanese participants’ focus on change and results

rather than on the process of causation when reading in the agent-implying conditions.

The punctual nature of the agent-implying intransitive verbs is also discussed.


The present study has a few important theoretical implications. First, it points out that events

with agents can also be described using an intransitive frame. This is inconsistent with some of

the works in the literature which claim that only agentless events can be intransitive (e.g.,

Guerssel et al., 1985; Levin, 1993). This raises the issue of differences in conceptualization and

semantics: speakers of different languages may perceive an event the same way, but may not

choose to express it the same way. In this study, we showed that Japanese speakers interpret the

presence of an agent with agent-implying intransitive verbs, as shown in the rating experiment.

This implies that a conceptualized agent may not be expressed linguistically in some languages

such as Japanese, and thus that there is a distinction between what is perceived and what is

expressed. Therefore Guerssel et al.’s (1985) proposal is at best adequate only for prototypical

intransitive cases.

Second, it contributes to creating a clearer picture of the distribution of the transitive and

intransitive constructions across languages. In Construction Grammar, for example, Croft (2001)

proposed that the transitive and intransitive constructions, together with other constructions such

as the passive, lie on a semantic map with the saliency of the agent and the patient as the

determining factors for their locations, as shown in Figure 2 (on p. 15). The present study, by

looking at agent-implying intransitive verbs in Japanese, broadens our understanding of the non-

prototypical use of the intransitive construction in Japanese. As mentioned before, it has been

generally believed that intransitive verbs must be agentless (e.g. Guerssel et al., 1985; Levin,

1993). This study provides empirical evidence showing that agent-implying intransitive verbs are

different from the non-agent-implying ones, and that they are less prototypical than the non-

agent-implying ones. We can thus add more details to Croft’s semantic map. For example, rather

than accepting only “more salient” and “less salient,” we can add intermediate categories such as

“perceived, but not focused” and “not perceived.” Moreover, by comparing Japanese with

English, we have a better idea of crosslinguistic differences in the use of the intransitive

constructions. This study shows that Japanese allows broader use of the intransitive construction

to be a means of defocusing the agent. The intransitive constructions in the two languages, as

shown in Figure 2, will thus occupy different areas on the semantic map. We can further develop

a typology of transitivity by examining the areas occupied by the intransitive construction in

different languages. For example, we may find that some languages may allow the intransitive

construction to be used for a perceived but defocused agent, while others do not. We can then

create types of languages based on the commonalities bewteen the intransitive constructions in

different languages.

Third, this is the first study that utilizes the situation model to investigate how language

users understand the transitive and intransitive constructions, and it contributes to both the fields

of psycholinguistics and linguistics. As we have seen previously, there are only a few studies that

examine the role of linguistic knowledge in the construction of a situation model. From a

psycholinguistic perspective, this study thus informs us of the role of the transitive and

intransitive constructions in the construction of an event with or without an agent. In particular,

we saw that agent-implying verb pairs are processed differently from the non-agent-implying

ones. From a linguistic perspective, the differences in the response times in the priming

experiment provide psycholinguistic evidence for the semantic differences between agent-

implying verb pairs and non-agent-implying ones. This study thus provides a psycholinguistic

method to tap into the comprehension of these constructions regarding agentivity.


(1) Agent-implying verbs in other languages and language typology

Pardeshi (2008) has suggested Marathi, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu also have agent-

implying verbs. We have shown the agent-implying verb pairs do behave differently from non-

agent-implying ones in both rating and priming experiments, though in different directions. It

would be interesting to test with a survey whether other languages, such as German, Chinese,

and Korean, which are also argued to lie on Ikegami’s (1981, 1991) human prominence

continuum, also have this kind of agent-implying verb, and if so, how native speakers of these

languages comprehend these verbs in psycholinguistic experiments. If we find that native

speakers of those languages also respond differently to the agent-implying intransitive verbs, it

would support our claim that agent-implying intransitive verbs are different from non-agent-

implying ones cross-linguistically. If this is in fact a new category of intransitive verb along the

transitive-intransitive continuum, we might be able to propose a typology of transitivity:

languages that have them, and languages that do not. This would further help us understand the

universality and diversity in the mapping of event conceptualization and grammar across


(2) A prototypical intransitive construction

We have discussed that a prototypical intransitive is often defined in negative terms

(Malchukov, 2005) – that is, as something that is NOT transitive. However, this characterization

seems to be inconsistent with the punctuality parameter in Hopper and Thompson (1980), as

there are in fact many unaccusative intransitive verbs that are considered to be rather prototypical

(e.g., break, fall) but are punctual. Therefore, more research is needed for a more satisfying

characterization of a prototypical intransitive construction. A prototypical intransitive

construction, in addition to a prototypical transitive construction, would further deepen our

understanding of a typology of transitivity in human languages.

(3) A baseline for testing the effect of priming

In the priming experiment, no real baseline was included to compare any priming effect.

It was hypothesized that participants would respond faster to the transitive condition than the

intransitive condition. However, we did not find significant differences between these conditions

in either language. That raised the question of whether the participants were primed in both

conditions or in neither condition. A possible baseline would be having the participants read the

same first sentence, and then a completely unrelated second sentence, and answer the same

question. For example, the participants may read “John was playing basketball inside his house.

While he was playing, he fell,” and then would have to answer the same question “Can a

basketball break a clock?” In this task, we would expect a slower response time, which may

serve as the baseline without any priming.

(4) Processing of agent-implying transitive counterparts in English

In this dissertation, I only examined agent-implying verb pairs in Japanese (e.g., the

transitive and intransitive versions of ‘catch’ in Japanese). To our surprise, these verb pairs in

Japanese, even the transitive version, were processed more slowly than the ‘regular’ verb pairs. I

posit that the slower processing time is due to the non-prototypical nature of these events: they

are neither typical transitive events nor typical intransitive events. It would therefore be

interesting to test whether this explanation is valid by including the corresponding English verbs

(e.g., catch, find, etc.). If the agent-implying transitive verbs in English are also processed more

slowly than the non-agent-implying transitive verbs, then we can confirm that the non-

prototypical nature of these verbs is the cause of the longer response times seen in the present





In the following, you will read 40 pairs of sentences, followed by a statement. Based on the
information given in the two sentences, your task is to rate how likely the situation described by
the statement in bold fonts is by circling the number on a 7-point scale, 7 being very likely, 4
being neutral, and 1 being very unlikely.

Very Neutral Very likely
Peter graduated from college two years ago.
Right after he graduated, he married his girlfriend
Statement: Peter is over 20 years old. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

There are no right or wrong answers. Just rate it based on your experience.

Do NOT think too hard. Just rate it based on your own general knowledge.

Please work on your own. Do NOT discuss it with other people.

Very Neutral Very
unlikely likely
1. John was playing with a basketball inside his house.
While he was playing, a clock broke.
John was responsible for causing the clock to break. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Mary was playing the piano at home.

While she was playing, she woke her baby brother up.
Mary was responsible for causing her baby brother
to wake up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. John arrived at the door of his friend's house, and he

saw a pushbutton beside the door.
He waited, and he rang the doorbell.
John was responsible for causing the bell to ring. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. Mary wanted to cool some beverages, so she took out

some ice and an ice pick.
Then the ice shattered.
Mary was responsible for causing the ice to shatter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. Peter heard strange sounds after switching on the

washing machine.
While he was examining it, he stopped the machine.
Peter was responsible for causing the machine to
stop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. Susan was going to have a party, and she was putting

beverages into the fridge.
As she was making preparation, she cooled the beer.
Susan was responsible for causing the beer to cool. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. John was smoking beside the fireplace, and he fell

While he was sleeping, he burned the carpet.
John was responsible for causing the carpet to burn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Peter ordered a glass of wine in the restaurant.

As soon as it came, he spilt the wine.
Peter was responsible for causing the wine to spill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. Susan saw a car outside her house.

She got into it, and she moved the car.
Susan was responsible for causing the car to move. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. Peter was practicing golf with a golf club.

As soon as he walked to the ball, he rolled it.
Peter was responsible for causing the golf ball to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


11. The construction company prepared some explosives

to destroy a very old building.
A few moments after they arrived there, the building
The construction company was responsible for
causing the wall to collapse. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. David was fixing his bike.

While he was lifting the bike, the wheel rotated.
David was responsible for causing the wheel to
rotate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. David was fixing the power supply cable of the

computer and was holding a pair of pliers.
While he was fixing it, he twisted the wire.
David was responsible for causing the wire to twist. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. Joe was a chairman of the tennis club at his school,

and he introduced some new policies.
During that time, the number of members increased.
Joe was responsible for causing the number of
members to increase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. Sally was going to make a chocolate cake, and she

took out some chocolate and hot water.
While she was making it, the chocolate melted.
Sally was responsible for causing the chocolate to
melt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. Joe was looking for his key while in front of his house.
As soon as he picked up his key, he opened the door.
Joe was responsible for causing the door to open. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17. Sally was playing with soap bubbles.

While she was catching one, it popped.
Sally was responsible for causing the bubble to
burst. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. Betty went to the beach, and she had a bad sunburn.
She felt itchy, and her skin peeled.
Betty was responsible for causing the skin to peel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. Betty went to the oldest high school in town.

While she was a student there, a sunflower grew and
it became the biggest sunflower in the school.
Betty was responsible for causing the sunflower to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


20. Joe was looking at a picture when an earthquake

After the earthquake, the picture tilted a bit to the
Joe was responsible for causing the picture to tilt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. Peter was playing football in the front yard.

While he was playing, he broke the wooden fence.
Peter was responsible for causing the wooden fence
to break. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. Mary was chatting with her friend on the phone.

While she was chatting, her father woke up.
Mary was responsible for causing her father to wake
up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. Peter came to his aunt's apartment building, and he

saw a buzzer.
While he arrived at the door, the buzzer rang.
Peter was responsible for causing the buzzer to ring. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

24. Joe was playing with an air gun.

While he was playing, he shattered a light bulb.
Joe was responsible for causing the light bulb to
shatter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25. Mary was making a cake, and she turned on the

After a while, the blender stopped.
Mary was responsible for causing the blender to
stop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. Susan was making iced coffee, and she was taking out
some ice cubes.
After a while, the coffee cooled.
Susan was responsible for causing the coffee to cool. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

27. Susan was cooking a fish on a stove.

When she was cooking it, the fish burned.
Susan was responsible for causing the fish to burn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28. Joe was a mischievous boy.

While he was having breakfast, the milk spilled.
Joe was responsible for causing the milk to spill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29. Sally was shopping at the grocery store.

While she was trying to pick some apples, the cart
moved into the aisle.
Sally was responsible for causing the cart to move. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. Sally was playing soccer with her friends.

When she was playing, the ball rolled.
Sally was responsible for causing the ball to roll. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

31. David was going to renovate a house that was

damaged by a fire, and he brought a lot of tools with
When he got into the house, he collapsed one of the
David was responsible for causing the wall to
collapse. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

32. David noticed that the radio reception was not very
When he picked up the radio, he rotated the antenna.
David was responsible for causing the antenna to
rotate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33. John and David were in a professional wrestling

During the match, David's wrist twisted.
John was responsible for causing David's wrist to
twist. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

34. Betty thought she was too skinny because she had
not been eating much.
A few months later, she increased her weight.
Betty was responsible for causing her weight to
increase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

35. Betty was cooking dinner, and she took out some
A few minutes later, she melted the butter.
Betty was responsible for causing the butter to melt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36. John gave Mary a present for her birthday.

When she was given the present, the box opened.
Mary was responsible for causing the box to open. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37. A puppy was running after a balloon.

Then the puppy popped the balloon.
The puppy was responsible for causing the balloon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to pop.

38. Susan was going to use a knife to cut an apple.
She grabbed the apple, and she peeled it.
Susan was responsible for causing the apple to peel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

39. John moved to a house with a bare front yard, and he

bought some seeds.
A few months later, he grew some flowers.
John was responsible for causing the flower to grow. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

40. John was trying to take a picture of a clock on the

When he was about the take the picture, he tilted the
John was responsible for causing the clock to tilt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


In the following, you will read 40 pairs of sentences, followed by a statement. Based on the
information given in the two sentences, your task is to rate how likely the situation described by
the statement in bold fonts is by circling the number on a 7-point scale, 7 being very likely, 4
being neutral, and 1 being very unlikely.

Very Neutral Very likely
Peter graduated from college two years ago.
Right after he graduated, he married his girlfriend
Statement: Peter is over 20 years old. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

There are no right or wrong answers. Just rate it based on your experience.

Do NOT think too hard. Just rate it based on your own general knowledge.

Please work on your own. Do NOT discuss it with other people.

Very Neutral Very

unlikely likely
1. John was playing with a basketball inside his house.
While he was playing, he broke a clock.
John was responsible for causing the clock to break. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Mary was playing the piano at home.

While she was playing, her baby brother woke up.
Mary was responsible for causing her baby brother
to wake up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. John arrived at the door of his friend's house, and he

saw a pushbutton beside the door.
He waited, and the doorbell rang.
John was responsible for causing the bell to ring. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. Mary wanted to cool some beverages, so she took out

some ice and an ice pick.
Then she shattered the ice.
Mary was responsible for causing the ice to shatter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. Peter heard strange sounds after switching on the
washing machine.
While he was examining it, the machine stopped.
Peter was responsible for causing the machine to
stop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. Susan was going to have a party, and she was putting

beverages into the fridge.
As she was making preparation, the beer cooled.
Susan was responsible for causing the beer to cool. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. John was smoking beside the fireplace, and he fell

While he was sleeping, the carpet burned.
John was responsible for causing the carpet to burn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Peter ordered a glass of wine in the restaurant.

As soon as it came, the wine spilt.
Peter was responsible for causing the wine to spill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. Susan saw a car outside her house.

She got into it, and the car moved.
Susan was responsible for causing the car to move. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. Peter was practicing golf with a golf club.

As soon as he walked to the ball, it rolled.
Peter was responsible for causing the golf ball to
move. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. The construction company prepared some explosives

to destroy a very old building.
A few moments after they arrived there, they
collapsed the building.
The construction company was responsible for
causing the wall to collapse. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. David was fixing his bike.

While he was lifting the bike, he rotated the wheel.
David was responsible for causing the wheel to
rotate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. David was fixing the power supply cable of the

computer and was holding a pair of pliers.
While he was fixing it, the wire twisted.
David was responsible for causing the wire to twist. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. Joe was a chairman of the tennis club at his school,
and he introduced some new policies.
During that time, he increased the number of
Joe was responsible for causing the number of
members to increase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. Sally was going to make a chocolate cake, and she

took out some chocolate and hot water.
While she was making it, she melted the chocolate.
Sally was responsible for causing the chocolate to
melt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. Joe was looking for his key while in front of his house.
As soon as he picked up his key, the door opened.
Joe was responsible for causing the door to open. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17. Sally was playing with soap bubbles.

While she was catching one, she popped it.
Sally was responsible for causing the bubble to
burst. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. Betty went to the beach, and she had a bad sunburn.
She felt itchy, and she peeled her skin.
Betty was responsible for causing the skin to peel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. Betty went to the oldest high school in town.

While she was a student there, she grew a sunflower
and it became the biggest sunflower in the school.
Betty was responsible for causing the sunflower to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

20. Joe was looking at a picture when an earthquake

After the earthquake, he tilted the picture a bit to the
Joe was responsible for causing the picture to tilt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. Peter was playing football in the front yard.

While he was playing, the wooden fence broke.
Peter was responsible for causing the wooden fence
to break. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. Mary was chatting with her friend on the phone.

While she was chatting, she woke her father up.
Mary was responsible for causing her father to wake
up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. Peter came to his aunt's apartment building, and he
saw a buzzer.
When he arrived at the door, he rang the buzzer.
Peter was responsible for causing the buzzer to ring. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

24. Joe was playing with an air gun.

While he was playing, a light bulb shattered.
Joe was responsible for causing the light bulb to
shatter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25. Mary was making a cake, and she turned on the

After a while, she stopped the blender.
Mary was responsible for causing the blender to
stop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. Susan was making iced coffee, and she was taking out
some ice cubes.
After a while, she cooled the coffee.
Susan was responsible for causing the coffee to cool. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

27. Susan was cooking a fish on a stove.

When she was cooking it, she burned the fish.
Susan was responsible for causing the fish to burn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28. Joe was a mischievous boy.

While he was having breakfast, he spilled the milk.
Joe was responsible for causing the milk to spill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29. Sally was shopping at the grocery store.

While she was trying to pick some apples, she moved
the cart to the aisle.
Sally was responsible for causing the cart to move. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. Sally was playing soccer with her friends.

When she was playing, she rolled the ball.
Sally was responsible for causing the ball to roll. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

31. David was going to renovate a house that was

damaged by a fire, and he brought a lot of tools with
When he got into the house, one of the walls
David was responsible for causing the wall to
collapse. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

32. David noticed that the radio reception was not very
When he picked up the radio, the antenna rotated.
David was responsible for causing the antenna to
rotate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33. John and David were in a professional wrestling

During the match, John twisted David's wrist.
John was responsible for causing David's wrist to
twist. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

34. Betty thought she was too skinny because she had
not been eating much.
A few months later, her weight increased.
Betty was responsible for causing her weight to
increase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

35. Betty was cooking dinner, and she took out some
A few minutes later, the butter melted.
Betty was responsible for causing the butter to melt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36. John gave Mary a present for her birthday.

When she was given the present, she opened the box.
Mary was responsible for causing the box to open. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37. A puppy was running after a balloon.

Then the balloon popped.
The puppy was responsible for causing the balloon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to pop.

38. Susan was going to use a knife to cut an apple.

She grabbed the apple, and it peeled.
Susan was responsible for causing the apple to peel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

39. John moved to a house with a bare front yard, and he

bought some seeds.
A few months later, some flowers grew.
John was responsible for causing the flower to grow. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

40. John was trying to take a picture of a clock on the

When he was about to take the picture, the clock
John was responsible for causing the clock to tilt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





全く どち とても
不正確 らで 正確

正雄は二十歳以上です。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




全く どちら とても
不正確 でもない 正確
1. 健二は家の中でバスケットボールをしていた。
時計がこわれたのは健二の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. 恵子は家でピアノを弾いていた。
弟が起きたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. 健二は友達のうちの玄関まで来て、ドアの横のボタン
ベルが鳴ったのは健二が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. 恵子は飲み物を冷やすのに、氷とアイスピックを持っ
氷が砕けたのは恵子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5. 雅人は洗濯機に電源を入れたら、洗濯機から変な音
洗濯機が止まったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. 洋子はパーティーの準備をしていて、飲み物を冷蔵
ビールが冷えたのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. ジョンは暖炉のそばでタバコを吸っていて、寝てしま
カーペットが焦げたのはジョンが原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. 雅人はレストランでワインを注文した。
ワインがこぼれたのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. 洋子は家の外に車を見た。
車が動いたのは洋子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. 雅人はゴルフクラブを使ってゴルフの練習をしてい

ボールが転がったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. 建築会社の社員はとても古い建物を壊すために、ダ
建物が倒れたのは建築会社の社員がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. 智也は自分の自転車を直そうとしていた。
だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. 智也はペンチを持っていて、パソコンのケーブルを直
ワイヤーがねじれたのは智也の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. 直人はテニスサークルの部長をしていて、新しい方
部員の数が増えたのは直人の成果だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. 裕子はチョコレートケーキを作ろうとしていて、チョコレ
チョコレートが溶けたのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. 直人は家の前で鍵を探していた。
ドアが開いたのは直人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17. 裕子はシャボン玉で遊んでいた。
シャボン玉が割れたのは裕子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. 京子は海に行って、日焼けした。
皮がむけたのは京子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. 京子は都内で一番古い高校に通っていた。

ひまわりが育ったのは京子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

20. 直人は絵をながめていたら、地震が起きた。
絵が傾いたのは直人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. 雅人は庭でボールを蹴っていた。
柵が壊れたのは雅人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. 恵子は友達と電話で話していた。
父が起きたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. 雅人は親戚のおばさんの家に来て、インターホンを
インターホンが鳴ったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

24. 直人はエアーガンで遊んでいた。
電球がこなごなに砕けたのは直人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25. 恵子はケーキを作るため、ミキサーをかけた。
ミキサーがとまったのは恵子の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. 洋子はアイスコーヒーを作るのに、氷を取り出した。
コーヒーが冷えたのは洋子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

27. 洋子はコンロで魚を焼いていた。
魚を焦がしたのは洋子のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28. 直人はわんぱくな男の子だ。
ミルクがこぼれたのは直人の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29. 裕子はスーパーで買い物をしていた。
カートが動いたのは裕子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. 裕子は友達とサッカーをしていた。

ボールが転がったのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

31. 智也は火事で壊れた家を修理しようとして、いろいろ
壁が倒れたのは智也が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

32. 智也はラジオの調子が悪いことに気がついた。
アンテナが回ったのは智也がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33. 格闘技の試合で田中選手と鈴木選手が対戦した。
からだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

34. 京子はあまり食べないので、自分が痩せていると思っ
体重を増やしたのは京子の努力だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

35. 京子はご飯を作っていて、冷蔵庫からバターを出し
バターが溶けたのは京子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36. 健二は恵子に誕生日のプレゼントをあげた。
箱が開いたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37. 小犬は風船を追いかけていた。
風船が割れたのは小犬が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

38. 洋子は包丁でりんごを切ろうとした。
皮がむけたのは洋子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

39. 健二は草木の生えていない庭のある家に引っ越して
花が育ったのは健二のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

40. 健二は壁にある時計を写真にとろうとした。

時計が傾いたのは健二が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41. 恵子は試験を受けていて、早く終わったので、答えを
間違いが見つかったのは恵子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

42. 警察は犯人を追っていた。
犯人が捕まったのは警察のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

43. 健二は子供が溺れているのを見た。
子供が助かったのは健二のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

44. 直人は釣り竿を持って、湖に行った。
魚がつれたのは直人のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

45. 洋子はケーキを作ることにしたので、スーパーに行っ
材料が揃ったのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

46. 直人は散弾銃を持って、山へ狩りに行った。
獲物の狙いが定まったのは直人がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

47. 洋子は新しい家に引っ越すことにして、家具屋さんに
家具が備わったのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

48. 智也は馬を飼っていた。
ひもが柵につながったのは智也がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

49. 社員が集まって会議をした。
発売日が決まったのは社員のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

50. 裕子はケーキを作ることにして、砂糖や小麦粉やスプ

砂糖と小麦粉が混ざったのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

51. 裕子は花が好きで、友達から花の種をもらった。
花がたくさん植わったのは裕子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

52. 子供はおもちゃで遊んでいた。
おもちゃが散らかったのは子供のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

53. 智也は光一に秘密を話した。
裕子が秘密を知ったのは光一のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

54. 雅人は郵便局に行って、恵子に荷物を送った。
荷物が届いたのは郵便局のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

55. 雅人はシャベルを使って、宝を隠そうとしていた。
宝が埋まったのは雅人がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

56. 川の隣に工場ができた。
川が黒くなったのは工場の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

57. 京子は友達と指輪を買いに行った。
指輪がはまったのは京子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

58. 健二は真っ暗な部屋にいて、スイッチを探していた。
電気がついたのは健二の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

59. 京子は歯医者さんに行った。
歯が抜けたのは歯医者さんがやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

60. ある会社が土地を買い、建築会社にホテル建設を依
ホテルが建てたのは建築会社がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




全く どち とても
不正確 らで 正確

正雄は二十歳以上です。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




全く どちら とても
不正確 でもない 正確
1. 健二は家の中でバスケットボールをしていた。
時計がこわれたのは健二の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. 恵子は家でピアノを弾いていた。
弟が起きたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

3. 健二は友達のうちの玄関まで来て、ドアの横のボタン
ベルが鳴ったのは健二が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. 恵子は飲み物を冷やすのに、氷とアイスピックを持っ
氷が砕けたのは恵子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. 雅人は洗濯機に電源を入れたら、洗濯機から変な音
洗濯機が止まったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6. 洋子はパーティーの準備をしていて、飲み物を冷蔵
ビールが冷えたのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. ジョンは暖炉のそばでタバコを吸っていて、寝てしま
カーペットが焦げたのはジョンが原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. 雅人はレストランでワインを注文した。
ワインがこぼれたのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. 洋子は家の外に車を見た。
車が動いたのは洋子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10. 雅人はゴルフクラブを使ってゴルフの練習をしてい
ボールが転がったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

11. 建築会社の社員はとても古い建物を壊すために、ダ
建物が倒れたのは建築会社の社員がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12. 智也は自分の自転車を直そうとしていた。
だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13. 智也はペンチを持っていて、パソコンのケーブルを直

ワイヤーがねじれたのは智也の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

14. 直人はテニスサークルの部長をしていて、新しい方
部員の数が増えたのは直人の成果だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

15. 裕子はチョコレートケーキを作ろうとしていて、チョコレ
チョコレートが溶けたのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. 直人は家の前で鍵を探していた。
ドアが開いたのは直人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17. 裕子はシャボン玉で遊んでいた。
シャボン玉が割れたのは裕子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

18. 京子は海に行って、日焼けした。
皮がむけたのは京子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

19. 京子は都内で一番古い高校に通っていた。
ひまわりが育ったのは京子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

20. 直人は絵をながめていたら、地震が起きた。
絵が傾いたのは直人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. 雅人は庭でボールを蹴っていた。
柵が壊れたのは雅人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. 恵子は友達と電話で話していた。
父が起きたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. 雅人は親戚のおばさんの家に来て、インターホンを
インターホンが鳴ったのは雅人が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

24. 直人はエアーガンで遊んでいた。
電球がこなごなに砕けたのは直人のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

25. 恵子はケーキを作るため、ミキサーをかけた。
ミキサーがとまったのは恵子の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

26. 洋子はアイスコーヒーを作るのに、氷を取り出した。
コーヒーが冷えたのは洋子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

27. 洋子はコンロで魚を焼いていた。
魚を焦がしたのは洋子のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

28. 直人はわんぱくな男の子だ。
ミルクがこぼれたのは直人の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

29. 裕子はスーパーで買い物をしていた。
カートが動いたのは裕子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

30. 裕子は友達とサッカーをしていた。
ボールが転がったのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

31. 智也は火事で壊れた家を修理しようとして、いろいろ
天井が倒れたのは智也が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

32. 智也はラジオの調子が悪いことに気がついた。
アンテナが回ったのは智也がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

33. 格闘技の試合で田中選手と鈴木選手が対戦した。
からだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

34. 京子はあまり食べないので、自分が痩せていると思っ
体重を増やしたのは京子の努力だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

35. 京子はご飯を作っていて、冷蔵庫からバターを出し
バターが溶けたのは京子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

36. 健二は恵子に誕生日のプレゼントをあげた。
箱が開いたのは恵子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37. 小犬は風船を追いかけていた。
風船が割れたのは小犬が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

38. 洋子は包丁でりんごを切ろうとした。
皮がむけたのは洋子が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

39. 健二は草木の生えていない庭のある家に引っ越して
花が育ったのは健二のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

40. 健二は壁にある時計を写真にとろうとした。
時計が傾いたのは健二が原因だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

41. 恵子は試験を受けていて、早く終わったので、答えを
間違いが見つかったのは恵子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

42. 警察は犯人を追っていた。
犯人が捕まったのは警察のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

43. 健二は子供が溺れているのを見た。
子供が助かったのは健二のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

44. 直人は釣り竿を持って、湖に行った。
魚がつれたのは直人のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

45. 洋子はケーキを作ることにしたので、スーパーに行っ
材料が揃ったのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

46. 直人は散弾銃を持って、山へ狩りに行った。
獲物の狙いが定まったのは直人がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

47. 洋子は新しい家に引っ越すことにして、家具屋さんに
家具が備わったのは洋子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

48. 智也は馬を飼っていた。
ひもが柵につながったのは智也がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

49. 社員が集まって会議をした。
発売日が決まったのは社員のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

50. 裕子はケーキを作ることにして、砂糖や小麦粉やスプ
砂糖と小麦粉が混ざったのは裕子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

51. 裕子は花が好きで、友達から花の種をもらった。
花がたくさん植わったのは裕子のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

52. 子供はおもちゃで遊んでいた。
おもちゃが散らかったのは子供のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

53. 智也は光一に秘密を話した。
裕子が秘密を知ったのは光一のせいだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

54. 雅人は郵便局に行って、恵子に荷物を送った。
荷物が届いたのは郵便局のおかげだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

55. 雅人はシャベルを使って、宝を隠そうとしていた。
宝が埋まったのは雅人がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

56. 川の隣に工場ができた。
川が黒くなったのは工場の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

57. 京子は友達と指輪を買いに行った。
指輪がはまったのは京子がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

58. 健二は真っ暗な部屋にいて、スイッチを探していた。
電気がついたのは健二の責任だ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

59. 京子は歯医者さんに行った。
歯が抜けたのは歯医者さんがやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

60. ある会社が土地を買い、建築会社にホテル建設を依
ホテルが建てたのは建築会社がやったからだ。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Table 12. English items in Experiment 2

Item Verb First sentence Transitive/ Question 1/

Intransitive sentence Question2
1 break John was playing with a While he was playing, he broke a clock./ Can a basketball break a clock?/
basketball inside his house. While he was playing, a clock broke. Did John play inside a house?
2 wake Mary was playing the piano at While she was playing, she woke her Can the sound of a piano wake a baby?/
home. baby brother up./While she was playing, Could Mary play the piano?
her baby brother woke up.
3 ring John arrived at the door of his He waited, and he rang the doorbell./ Does a pushbutton ring a doorbell?/
friend's house, and he saw a He waited, and the doorbell rang. Did John go to see his cousin?
pushbutton beside the door.
4 shatter Mary wanted to cool some Then she shattered the ice./ Then the ice Can an ice pick shatter ice?/
beverages, so she took out some shattered. Did Mary break the ice pick?
ice and an ice pick.
5 stop Peter heard strange sounds after While he was examining it, he stopped Can a power switch stop a washing machine?/
switching on the washing the machine./ While he was examining it, Did the washing machine need to be repaired?
machine. the machine stopped.
6 cool Susan was going to have a party, As she was making preparation, she Can a fridge cool beer?/
and she was putting beverages cooled the beer./ As she was making Did Susan take the beer out?
into the fridge. preparation, the beer cooled.
7 burn John was smoking beside the While he was sleeping, he burned the Can a cigarette burn the carpet?/
fireplace, and he fell asleep. carpet./ While he was sleeping, the carpet Did John burn his trousers?
8 spill Peter ordered a glass of wine in As soon as it came, he spilt the wine./ As Do you have to touch the glass to spill the wine?/
the restaurant. soon as it came, the wine spilt. Was Peter in a restaurant?
9 move Susan saw a car outside her She got into it, and she moved the car./ Does stepping on the gas cause the car to move?/
house. She got into it, and the car moved. Did Susan saw a truck?
10 roll Peter was practicing golf with a As soon as he walked to the ball, he Do you need a golf club to play golf?/
golf club. rolled it./ As soon as he walked to the Was Peter holding a golf club?
ball, it rolled.
11 collapse The construction company A few moments after they arrived there, Can explosives collapse a building?/
prepared some explosives to they collapsed the building./ A few Was the building a very old one?
destroy a very old building. moments after they arrived there, the
building collapsed.
12 rotate David was fixing his bike. While he was lifting the bike, he rotated Can a person's strength rotate a bike's wheel?/
the wheel./ While he was lifting the bike, Did David own a bike?
the wheel rotated.
13 twist David was fixing the power While he was fixing it, he twisted the Can pliers twist a wire?/
supply cable of the computer and wire./ While he was fixing it, the wire Was David fixing his cell phone?

was holding a pair of pliers. twisted.
14 increase Joe was a chairman of the tennis During that time, he increased the number Can a policy increase the number of members?/
club at his school, and he of members./ During that time, the Was Joe a student?
introduced some new policies. number of members increased.
15 melt Sally was going to make a While she was making it, she melted the Can hot water melt chocolate? /
chocolate cake, and she took out chocolate./ While she was making it, the Did Sally use a fork?
some chocolate and hot water. chocolate melted.
16 open Joe was looking for his key while As soon as he picked up his key, he Can a key open a door?/
in front of his house. opened the door./ As soon as he picked Did Joe have his key?
up his key, the door opened.
17 pop Sally was playing with soap While she was catching one, she popped Does touching a bubble cause it to burst?/
bubbles. it./ While she was catching one, it Was Sally playing with a toy car?
18 peel Betty went to the beach, and she She felt itchy, and she peeled her skin./ Can a hand peel skin?/
had a bad sunburn. She felt itchy, and her skin peeled. Did Betty go to the beach?
19 grow Betty went to the oldest high While she was a student there, she grew a Is watering needed to grow a flower?/
school in town. sunflower and it became the biggest Did Betty go to high school?
sunflower in the school./ While she was a
student there, a sunflower grew and it
became the biggest sunflower in the
20 tilt Joe was looking at a picture when After the earthquake, he tilted the picture Can a hand tilt a picture?/
an earthquake occurred. a bit to the left./ After the earthquake, the Was Joe painting a picture?
picture tilted a bit to the left.
21 break Peter was playing football in the While he was playing, he broke the Can a football break a wooden fence?/
front yard. wooden fence./ While he was playing, the Was Peter playing baseball?
wooden fence broke.
22 wake Mary was chatting with her friend While she was chatting, she woke her Can a human voice wake a person up?/
on the phone. father up./ While she was chatting, her Was Mary on the phone?
father woke up.
23 ring Peter came to his aunt's apartment When he arrived at the door, he rang the Do you need to push buttons to ring a buzzer?/
building, and he saw a buzzer. buzzer./ While he arrived at the door, the Did Peter go to the park?
buzzer rang.
24 shatter Joe was playing with an air gun. While he was playing, he shattered a light Can an air gun shatter a light bulb?/
bulb./ While he was playing, a light bulb Was Joe holding an air gun?
25 stop Mary was making a cake, and she After a while, she stopped the blender./ Can a power button stop a blender?/
turned on the blender. After a while, the blender stopped. Was Mary eating a cake?
26 cool Susan was making iced coffee, After a while, she cooled the coffee./ Can ice cubes cool coffee?/
and she was taking out some ice After a while, the coffee cooled. Did Susan make some tea?

27 burn Susan was cooking a fish on a When she was cooking it, she burned the Can a stove burn a fish?/
stove. fish./ When she was cooking it, the fish Was Susan cooking vegetables?
28 spill Joe was a mischievous boy. While he was having breakfast, he spilled Do you need to touch the container to spill milk?/
the milk./ While he was having breakfast, Did Joe have orange juice for breakfast?
the milk spilled.
29 move Sally was shopping at the grocery While she was trying to pick some apples, Does pushing cause a cart to move?/
store. she moved the cart to the aisle./ While Did Sally want some apples?
she was trying to pick some apples, the
cart moved into the aisle.
30 roll Sally was playing soccer with her When she was playing, she rolled the Can a foot roll a ball?/
friends. ball./ When she was playing, the ball Did Sally play soccer with some friends?
31 collapse David was going to renovate a When he got into the house, he collapsed Can a hammer collapse a wall?/
house that was damaged by a fire, one of the walls./ When he got into the Was the house damaged by a hurricane?
and he brought a lot of tools with house, one of the walls collapsed.
32 rotate David noticed that the radio When he picked up the radio, he rotated Can moving the antenna fix radio reception?/
reception was not very good. the antenna./ When he picked up the Did the radio require an antenna?
radio, the antenna rotated.
33 twist John and David were in a During the match, John twisted David's Can a wrist be twisted by bare hands?/
professional wrestling match. wrist./ During the match, David's wrist Was David hurt?
34 increase Betty thought she was too skinny A few months later, she increased her Can eating help increase weight?/
because she had not been eating weight./ A few months later, her weight Did Betty weight more than before?
much. increased.
35 melt Betty was cooking dinner, and A few minutes later, she melted the Can a stove melt butter?/
she took out some butter. butter./ A few minutes later, the butter Was Betty going to use some butter?
36 open John gave Mary a present for her When she was given the present, she Can a hand open a box?/
birthday. opened the box./ When she was given the Did Mary give someone a present?
present, the box opened.
37 pop A puppy was running after a Then the puppy popped the balloon./ Can a puppy's paw or teeth pop a balloon?/
balloon. Then the balloon popped. Did a kitten cause the balloon to pop?
38 peel Susan was going to use a knife to She grabbed the apple, and she peeled it./ Can a knife peel the skin of an apple?/
cut an apple. She grabbed the apple, and it peeled. Was Susan going to eat an apple?
39 grow John moved to a house with a A few months later, he grew some Do seeds grow into flowers?/
bare front yard, and he bought flowers./ A few months later, some Were the seeds given to John?
some seeds. flowers grew.

40 tilt John was trying to take a picture When he was about the take the picture, Can a hand tilt a clock?/
of a clock on the wall. he tilted the clock./ When he was about to Was John holding a camera?
take the picture, the clock tilted.




Table 13. Japanese items in Experiment 2 (Non-agent-implying)

Verb First sentence Transitive Intransitive Question 1 (Target) Question 2

1 壊す/ 健二は家の中でバスケットボ バスケットをしている時、 バスケットをしている バスケットボールで時計を壊す 健二は家の中で
壊れる ールをしていた。 健二は時計を壊した。 時、時計が壊れた。 ことができますか? 遊んでいました
2 起こす 恵子は家でピアノを弾いてい ピアノをひいている時、 ピアノをひいている ピアノの音で人を起こすことがで 恵子はピアノを弾
/起き た。 恵子は弟を起こした。 時、弟が起きた。 きますか? けましたか?

3 鳴らす 健二は友達のうちの玄関まで 健二は少し待ち、そして 健二は少し待ち、そし ボタンでベルを鳴らすことができ 健二はいとこに会
/鳴る 来て、ドアの横のボタンを見つ ベルを鳴らした。 てベルが鳴った。 ますか? いに行きました
けた。 か?
4 砕く/ 恵子は飲み物を冷やすのに、 そして、恵子は氷を砕い そして、氷が砕けた。 アイスピックで氷を砕くことができ 恵子はアイスピッ
砕ける 氷とアイスピックを持ってきた。 た。 ますか? クを折りました
5 止める 雅人は洗濯機に電源を入れ 洗濯機を調べている時、 洗濯機を調べている 電源のボタンで洗濯機を止める 洗濯機を直す必
/止ま たら、洗濯機から変な音がし 雅人は洗濯機を止めた。 時、洗濯機が止まっ ことができますか? 要がありますか?
る ているのに気づいた。 た。
6 冷やす 洋子はパーティーの準備をし 準備中に、洋子はビール 準備中に、ビールが 冷蔵庫はビールを冷やすことが 洋子はビールを
/冷え ていて、飲み物を冷蔵庫に入 を冷やした。 冷えた。 できますか? 冷蔵庫から取り
る れていた。 出しましたか?
7 焦がす ジョンは暖炉のそばでタバコを 寝ている間に、ジョンはカ 寝ている間に、カーペ タバコでカーペットを焦がすこと ジョンはズボンを
/焦げ 吸っていて、寝てしまった。 ーペットを焦がした。 ットが焦げた。 ができますか? 焦がしましたか?

8 こぼす 雅人はレストランでワインを注 ワインが来たが、すぐに ワインが来たが、すぐ ワインをこぼすにはグラスを触る 雅人はレストラン
/こぼ 文しました。 雅人はワインをこぼした。 にこぼれた。 必要がありますか? にいましたか?
9 動かす 洋子は家の外に車を見た。 洋子はその車に乗り、そ 洋子はその車に乗り、 車を動かすにはアクセルを踏む 洋子はトラックを
/動く して車を動かした。 そして車が動いた。 必要がありますか? 見ましたか?
10 転がす 雅人はゴルフクラブを使って 雅人はボールに近づき、 雅人がボールに近づ ゴルフをする時ゴルフクラブが必 雅人はクラブを手
/転が ゴルフの練習をしていた。 ボールを転がした。 くと、ボールが転がっ 要ですか? に持っていました
る た。 か?
11 倒す/ 建築会社の社員はとても古い 彼らはそこに到着すると 彼らがそこに到着する ダイナマイトで建物を倒すことが 建物はとても古か
倒れる 建物を壊すために、ダイナマ すぐに建物を倒した。 とすぐに建物が倒れ できますか? ったですか?
イトを用意した。 た。

12 回す/ 智也は自分の自転車を直そう 自転車を持ち上げると、 自転車を持ち上げる 人の力で自転車の車輪をくるく 智也は自転車を
回る としていた。 智也は自転車の車輪をく と、自転車の車輪がく る回すことができますか? 持っていました
るくる回した。 るくる回った。 か?
13 捻る/ 智也はペンチを持っていて、 直している時に、智也は 直している時に、ワイ ペンチでワイヤーをねじることが 智也は携帯を直
捻れる パソコンのケーブルを直して ワイヤーをねじった。 ヤーがねじれた。 できますか? していましたか?
14 増やす 直人はテニスサークルの部長 部長の任期中に、直人 部長の任期中に、部 部長の方針によって部員の数を 直人は学生です
/増え をしていて、新しい方針を提 は部員の数を増やした。 員の数が増えた。 増やすことができますか? か?
る 案した。
15 溶かす 裕子はチョコレートケーキを作 ケーキを作っている時 ケーキを作っている時 お湯でチョコレートを溶かすこと 裕子はフォークを
/溶け ろうとしていて、チョコレートと に、裕子はチョコレートを に、チョコレートが溶け ができますか? 使いましたか?
る お湯を取り出した。 溶かした。 た。
16 開ける 直人は家の前で鍵を探してい 鍵を拾うと、直人はドアを 鍵を拾うと、ドアが開 鍵でドアを開けることができます 直人は自分の鍵
/開く た。 開けた。 いた。 か? を持っていました
17 割る/ 裕子はシャボン玉で遊んでい 裕子はシャボン玉を捕ま 裕子はシャボン玉を シャボン玉は触ると割れます 裕子はおもちゃ
割れる た。 えようとしている時に、シ 捕まえようとしている時 か? の車で遊んでい
ャボン玉を割った。 に、シャボン玉が割れ ましたか?
18 剥く/ 京子は海に行って、日焼けし かゆくなって、京子は皮 かゆくなって、皮がむ 手で皮をむくことができますか? 京子は海に行き
剥けた た。 をむいた。 けた。 ましたか?
19 育てる 京子は都内で一番古い高校 その頃、京子はひまわり その頃、ひまわりが育 ひまわりを育てるには水をあげる 京子は高校に通
/育つ に通っていた。 を育てていて、そのひま っていて、そのひまわ 必要がありますか? っていましたか?
わりが学校で一番大きい りが一番おおきいひま
ひまわりになった。 わりになった。
20 傾ける 直人は絵をながめていたら、 地震が起きた後、直人は 地震が起きた後、絵が 手で絵を傾けることができます 直人は絵を描い
/傾く 地震が起きた。 絵を左に傾けた。 左に傾いた。 か? ていましたか?

21 壊す/ 雅人は庭でボールを蹴ってい ボールを蹴っている時、 ボールを蹴っている ボールで柵を壊すことができま 雅人は野球をや

壊れる た。 雅人は木の柵を壊した。 時、木の柵が壊れた。 すか? っていましたか?
22 起こす 恵子は友達と電話で話してい 電話で話している時、恵 電話で話している時、 電話の声で人を起こすことがで 恵子は電話で話
/起き た。 子は父を起こした。 父が起きた。 きますか? していましたか?

23 鳴らす 雅人は親戚のおばさんの家に 雅人は玄関に着いたとた 雅人は玄関に着いた インターホンを鳴らすにはボタン 雅人は公園に行
/鳴る 来て、インターホンを見た。 ん、インターホンを鳴らし とたん、インターホン を押すことが必要ですか? きましたか?

た。 が鳴った。
24 砕く/ 直人はエアーガンで遊んでい 遊んでいる時、直人は電 遊んでいる時、電球が エアーガンで電球をこなごなに 直人はエアーガ
砕ける た。 球をこなごなに砕いた。 こなごなに砕けた。 砕くことができますか? ンを手に持って
25 止める 恵子はケーキを作るため、ミキ その後、恵子はミキサー その後、ミキサーが止 ボタンでミキサーを止めることが 恵子はケーキを
/止ま サーをかけた。 を止めた。 まった。 できますか? 食べていました
る か?
26 冷やす 洋子はアイスコーヒーを作るの そして、洋子はコーヒー そして、コーヒーが冷 氷でコーヒーを冷やすことができ 洋子はお茶を作
/冷え に、氷を取り出した。 を冷やした。 えた。 ますか? っていましたか?

27 焦がす 洋子はコンロで魚を焼いてい 焼いている時に、洋子は 焼いている時に、魚が コンロで魚を焦がすことができま 洋子は野菜を調
/焦げ た。 魚を焦がした。 焦げた。 すか? 理していました
る か?
28 こぼす 直人はわんぱくな男の子だ。 直人は朝ごはんを食べ 直人は朝ごはんを食 飲み物をこぼすには容器を触る 直人は朝オレン
/こぼ ている時、ミルクをこぼし べている時、ミルクが 必要がありますか? ジジュースを飲み
れる た。 こぼれた。 ましたか?
29 動かす 裕子はスーパーで買い物をし りんごを選ぼうとしている りんごを選ぼうとしてい 押すことによってカートを動かす 裕子はりんごが
/動く ていた。 とき、裕子はカートを動か るとき、カートが動い ことができますか? 欲しかったです
した。 た。 か?
30 転がす 裕子は友達とサッカーをして 遊んでいる時、裕子はボ 遊んでいる時、ボール 足でボールを転がすことができ 裕子は友達とサ
/転が いた。 ールを転がした。 が転がった。 ますか? ッカーをやってい
る ましたか?
31 倒す/ 智也は火事で壊れた家を修 家に入った時、智也は壁 家に入った時、壁が ハンマーで壁を倒すことができ その家は台風で
倒れる 理しようとして、いろいろな工 を倒した。 倒れた。 ますか? 壊れましたか?
32 回す/ 智也はラジオの調子が悪いこ ラジオをいじっている時 ラジオをいじっている アンテナを回すことによって受信 そのラジオにはア
回る とに気がついた。 に、智也はアンテナを回 時に、アンテナが回っ が良くなりますか? ンテナがありまし
した。 た。 たか?
33 捻る/ 格闘技の試合で田中選手と その時、田中選手は鈴 その時、鈴木選手の 手で人の手首をねじることがで 鈴木選手は痛か
捻れる 鈴木選手が対戦した。 木選手の手首をねじっ 手首がねじれた。 きますか? ったですか?
34 増やす 京子はあまり食べないので、 数ヶ月後、京子は体重を 数ヶ月後、京子は体 食べることによって体重を増や 京子は前より重く
/増え 自分が痩せていると思ってい 増やした。 重が増えた。 すことができますか? なりましたか?
る た。
35 溶かす 京子はご飯を作っていて、冷 数分後、京子はバターを 数分後、バターが溶 調理でバターを溶かすことがで 京子はバターを

/溶け 蔵庫からバターを出した。 溶かした。 けた。 きますか? 使うつもりでした
る か?
36 開ける 健二は恵子に誕生日のプレ 恵子はプレゼントをもらっ 恵子はプレゼントをも 手で箱を開けることができます 恵子はプレゼント
/開く ゼントをあげた。 た時に、箱を開けた。 らった時に、箱が開い か? をあげましたか?
37 割る/ 小犬は風船を追いかけてい すると、小犬は風船を割 すると、風船が割れ 爪や牙で風船を割ることができ 猫がその風船を
割れる た。 った。 た。 ますか? 割りましたか?
38 剥く/ 洋子は包丁でりんごを切ろうと りんごを手にすると、洋子 りんごを手にすると、り 包丁で皮をむくことができます 洋子はりんごを食
剥ける した。 はりんごの皮をむいた。 んごの皮がむけた。 か? べようとしていま
39 育てる 健二は草木の生えていない庭 数ヵ月後、健二は花を育 数ヶ月後、花が育っ 肥料があると植物は良く育ちま 健二は種をもらい
/育つ のある家に引っ越してきて、花 てた。 た。 すか? ましたか?
40 傾ける 健二は壁にある時計を写真に その瞬間、健二は時計を その瞬間、時計が傾 手で時計を傾けることができま 健二はカメラを持
/傾く とろうとした。 傾けた。 いた。 すか? っていましたか?


Table 14. Japanese items in Experiment 2 (agent-implying)

Item Verb First sentence Transitive Intransitive Question 1 (Target) Question 2

1 見つけ 恵子は試験を受けていて、 答えを見直している時、 答えを見直している 間違いを見つけるのに注意が 恵子はご飯を食
る/見 早く終わったので、答えを 恵子は間違いを見つけ 時、間違いが見つか 必要ですか? べていましたか?
つかる 見直した。 た。 った。
2 捕まえ 警察は犯人を追っていた。 その後、警察が犯人を捕 その後、犯人が捕まっ 警察は犯人を逮捕しますか? 犯人は警察に連
る/捕 まえた。 た。 れに行かれました

まる か?
3 助ける 健二は子供が溺れているの そして、健二は子供を助 そして、子供が助かっ 大人は子供を助けることができ 子供は山に登りま
/助か を見た。 けた。 た。 ますか? したか?

4 釣る/ 直人は釣り竿を持って、湖 そして、直人は魚を釣っ そして、魚が釣れた。 釣り竿で魚を釣ることができます 直人は湖に行き
釣れる に行った。 た。 か? ましたか?
5 揃える 洋子はケーキを作ることに そして、洋子は材料をそ そして、材料がそろっ 材料をそろえるためには買い物 洋子は小麦粉を
/揃う したので、スーパーに行っ ろえた。 た。 をする必要がありますか? 買いましたか?
6 定める 直人は散弾銃を持って、山 まもなく、直人は獲物の まもなく、獲物の狙い 獲物の狙いを定めるには散弾 直人は川に行き
/定ま へ狩りに行った。 狙いを定めた。 が定まった。 銃のスコープが要りますか? ましたか?

7 備える 洋子は新しい家に引っ越す 引っ越した後、洋子は家 引っ越した後、家具が 家具を備えるために買い物をす 洋子はソファを買
/備わ ことにして、家具屋さんに行 具を備えた。 備わった。 る必要がありますか? いましたか?
る った。
8 つなぐ 智也は馬を飼っていた。 馬の体を洗う時、智也は 馬の体を洗う時、ひも ひもを柵につなげる時結びます 智也は馬に餌を
/つな ひもを柵につないだ。 が柵につながった。 か? あげていました
がる か?
9 決める 社員が集まって会議をし 会議で、社員は新製品の 会議で、新製品の発 発売日は話し合って決めるもの 新製品ができまし
/決ま た。 発売日を決めた。 売日が決まった。 ですか? たか?

10 混ぜる 裕子はケーキを作ることに ケーキを作っている時、 ケーキを作っている スプーンで砂糖と小麦粉を混ぜ 裕子は塩を入れ
/混ざ して、砂糖や小麦粉やスプ 裕子は砂糖と小麦粉を混 時、砂糖と小麦粉が ることができますか? ましたか?
る ーンなどテーブルに置い ぜた。 混ざった。
11 植える 裕子は花が好きで、友達か 二ヵ月後、裕子は庭に花 二ヵ月後、庭に花がた 植物を育てるのに種をまくことが 裕子は木を育て
/植わ ら花の種をもらった。 をたくさん植えた。 くさん植わった。 必要ですか? ましたか?

12 散らか 子供はおもちゃで遊んでい 遊んでいる時、子供はお 遊んでいる時、おもち 子供はおもちゃを投げたりしま 子供はおもちゃを
す/散 た。 もちゃを散らかした。 ゃが散らかった。 すか? 片付けましたか?
13 伝える 智也は光一に秘密を話し その後、光一は裕子に秘 その後、裕子に秘密 秘密を伝えるには言葉が必要 光一は智也から
/伝わ た。 密を伝えた。 が伝わった。 ですか? 秘密を聞きました
る か?
14 届ける 雅人は郵便局に行って、恵 三日後、郵便局が荷物を 三日後、荷物が届い 郵便局は荷物を配達します 恵子は雅人から

/届く 子に荷物を送った。 届けた。 た。 か? 荷物をもらいまし
15 埋まる 雅人はシャベルを使って、 そして、雅人は庭に宝を そして、庭に宝が埋ま 物を埋めるにはシャベルで穴を 雅人は宝を盗ま
/埋め 宝を隠そうとしていた。 埋めた。 った。 掘りますか? れましたか?

16 染める 川の隣に工場ができた。 その後、工場が川を黒く その後、川が黒く染ま 汚水で川が黒くなりますか? 川は前よりきれい
/染ま 染めた。 った。 になりましたか?

*17 はめる 京子は友達と指輪を買いに 試そうとして、京子は指輪 試そうとして、指輪が 手で指輪をはめますか? 京子は指輪が欲
/はま 行った。 をはめた。 はまった。 しかったですか?

*18 つける 健二は真っ暗な部屋にい そして、健二は電気をつ そして、電気がつい スイッチで電気をつけることがで 健二は部屋にい
/つく て、スイッチを探していた。 けた。 た。 きますか? ましたか?
*19 抜く/ 京子は歯医者さんに行っ その後、歯医者さんが歯 その後、歯が抜けた。 抜歯用ベンチで歯を抜けること 京子は図書館に
抜ける た。 を抜いた。 ができますか? 行きましたか?
*20 建てる ある会社が土地を買い、建 その後、建築会社がホテ その後、ホテルが建っ ビルを建てるには人手がたくさ 会社は土地を買
/建つ 築会社にホテル建設を依 ルを建てた。 た。 ん要りますか? いましたか?



Table 15. English baseline and filler items in the priming experiment

Item Type Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Question 1 Question 2

1 Baseline Mary was washing dishes in While she was rinsing the Are dishes breakable? Was Mary in the
the kitchen. dishes, the phone rang. kitchen?
2 Baseline Mary was jogging in the She stopped, and sipped Do parks have trees? Was Mary sitting on a
park. water from the water bench?
3 Baseline Sally was reading a book in After she finished reading, Is a library usually Did Sally borrow the
a library. she put it back on the shelf. quiet? book?
4 Baseline David was repairing a clock. All of a sudden, he saw a Does a clock require Did David see a cat?
mouse running across the electricity?
5 Baseline The manager was having a While they were discussing Do offices have tables? Did the secretary join
meeting with his colleagues. business, his secretary the meeting?
6 Baseline David was riding a bike to While he was on his way, he Does a bike have two Was David still a
school. fell from his bike. wheels? student?
7 Baseline Sally was sleeping on the While she was sleeping, a Is a sofa soft? Was Sally awake when
sofa. thief broke into her house. the thief broke in?
8 Baseline The photographer was Suddenly, a fire truck came Are buildings made of Did the photographer
taking pictures of the and blocked his view. concrete? want to take some
building. pictures?
9 Baseline Susan was drawing a duck While she was drawing, her Can ducks swim? Could Susan draw?
with crayons. mother baked some
10 Baseline Peter was growing some While he was giving water Are tomatoes Would there be more
tomatoes. to his plants, he found some perishable? tomatoes?
new buds.
11 Baseline Susan was cooking a Suddenly, her brother Do chickens have legs? Was Susan cooking a
chicken. startled her and she cut fish?

12 Baseline Peter was typing a report in When he was about to Is a report made of Did David use a pen?
his bedroom. finish, he found that it was paper?
snowing outside.
13 Baseline Joe was talking on the While he was talking, Do phones have dialing Was Joe talking to
phone. someone shouted at him pads? someone?
from behind.
14 Baseline Betty was unwrapping her As soon as she opened the Is Christmas in the Did Betty's parent give
christmas present from her box, she found a pair of winter? Betty presents?
parents. shoes.
15 Baseline Joe was watching ice All of a sudden, the power Is ice cold? Did the TV go black?
hockey on TV. went out.
16 Baseline Betty was lying on the grass Suddenly a dog rushed to Can the sun tan people?Did the dog frighten
under the sun. her and she panicked. Betty?
17 Baseline Joe was waiting for a bus at While he was waiting, a girl Is a bus bigger than a Did Joe want to take a
the bus stop. came to him and asked for car? bus?
18 Baseline Betty was buying apples at a When she tried to pay, she Are apples red? Was Betty buying some
grocery store. found that she lost her banana?
19 Baseline John was moving a desk As soon as he walked into Can desks be made of Did John see ants in his
into his bedroom. the room, he found a large wood? bedroom?
20 Baseline John was tidying up his Suddenly, he had a very bad Are closets for clothes? Was John washing his
closet. headache. car?
1 Filler John was watching a movie While he was watching, the Is popcorn made from Was John eating dinner?
with a bowl of popcorn. popcorn spilled. plastic?
2 Filler John was crossing the road. While he was crossing, a Can a man lift a bus? Did John finish crossing
bus hit him. the road?
3 Filler Mary was making a While she was making it, Can the moon melt the Was Mary making a
snowman at night. the snow melted. snow? snowman?
4 Filler John was drinking a beer. While he was drinking, he Can alcohol extinguish a Was John having an
made a fire. fire? alcoholic drink?

5 Filler Mary was reading a While she was reading, a Can a dog read? Was Mary at a café?
magazine in a bookstore. dog barked at her.
6 Filler Susan was getting a haircut. After she got an haircut, she Does a hair salon sell Did Susan's hair become
ate a cupcake. cupcakes? shorter?
7 Filler Susan was walking beside a While she was walking, she Can a fish walk? Did Susan swim in the
river. saw a fish in the river. river?
8 Filler John was brushing his teeth While he was brushing his Can teeth tear wood? Did John use a
in the bathroom. teeth, a person knocked at toothbrush?
his door.
9 Filler John was mowing the lawn. While he was mowing, he Does a frog eat grass? Did John kill a squirrel?
killed a frog.
10 Filler Susan was listening to her While she was listening, she Can a cat sing? Did Susan own a cat?
favorite singer. patted her cat.
11 Filler Peter was suffering from a While he was taking a rest, Does aspirin cause Did Peter take some
very bad headache. he took some aspirin. headaches? medicine?
12 Filler Susan was opening a While she was opening it, Do scissors open a door? Did Susan cut herself
package with a pair of the door opened. with the scissors?
13 Filler David was writing a letter to While he was writing, it Can a pen shovel snow? Did David call his
a friend. started snowing. friend?
14 Filler Susan was taking pictures of While she was taking Can a penguin fly? Were there penguins at
penguins at the zoo. pictures, a penguin jumped the zoo?
into the water.
15 Filler Joe was playing with a After he tossed the frisbee, Is a frisbee edible? Did Joe toss the frisbee?
frisbee with his dog. the dog bit it.
16 Filler Joe was assembling a chair While he was assembling it, Can a screw driver cut Did Joe make a
with a screwdriver. the plastic cracked. plastic? bookcase?
17 Filler Sally was cutting meat in While she was cutting it, she Can a knife cut the Was Sally using a knife?
the kitchen. dropped the knife. floor?
18 Filler Sally was polishing her While she was polishing Can a brush cut Did Sally hurt herself?
shoes. them, she cut herself. someone?
19 Filler Sally was baking a cake in While she was baking it, she Can an oven freeze Did Sally put the cake
the oven. froze the cream. cream? into the oven?

20 Filler John was driving a car up a While he was driving, the Does fog improve Did John walk up a hill?
hill. fog increased. visibility?
21 Filler Betty was shoplifting in a While she was shoplifting, Is it legal to shoplift? Did Betty pay?
store. the police arrived.
22 Filler Betty was working in her While she was working, a Can a car collpase a Did a bus crash into the
office. car crashed into the building? building?
23 Filler Joe was painting his house. While he was painting, a Can wind blow away Did Joe use a paint
strong wind blew. paint? brush?
24 Filler Joe was cleaning his ears. As soon as he finished, he Do people use ears to Was Joe washing his
saw a squirrel outside his see? hands?
25 Filler Joe was watching a feather When the feather reached Is a feather heavy? Did Joe catch the
flying in the air. the ground, he heard a loud feather?
26 Filler Betty was washing her car. While she was washing it, Are diamonds soft? Did Betty have a
her diamond ring slipped off diamond ring on her
of her finger and fell. finger?
27 Filler Joe was studying for the While he was studying, a Are hurricanes safe? Was Joe going to have
exam. hurricane came. an exam?
28 Filler Peter was washing While he was washing, he Can a colander hold Was Peter washing
vegetables in a colander. poured water into the water? some apples?
29 Filler Peter was getting onto a bus, While he was getting onto Can you pay the bus Did Peter pay the driver
and was holding a bag of the bus, he paid the driver. driver with donuts? when he got out of the
donuts. bus?
30 Filler Betty was watching some While she was watching, an Can an old woman run Did Betty see some kids
kids play in the park. old woman chased after the very fast? in the park?
31 Filler Peter was making a desk While he was making it, he Can a saw drill holes?
Did Peter use a
with a saw. drilled some holes. hammer?
32 Filler Betty was washing her After she washed her hands, Do people wear shoes Did Betty wash her feet?
hands. she put on her shoes. on their hands?

33 Filler Peter was putting on a coat While he was putting it on, Are coats for summer? Did Peter forget his
as he was about to leave the a lady rushed in. coat?
34 Filler Mary was hanging some After she hung them, the Can touching clothes Did Mary put the
laundry. clothes dried. cause them to dry? laundry into a dryer?
35 Filler Mary was walking out of While she was walking, the Can touching water Was it cold outside the
the house with a glass of water froze. cause it to freeze? house?
water on a cold winter night.
36 Filler Mary was going to make While she was making it, Can a refrigerator make Was the refrigerator
some bread, and she took the refrigerator stopped bread? broken?
out some dough from the working.
37 Filler David was playing with a While he was playing, the Can a ball roll uphill? Was David playing with
ball beside a hill. ball rolled. a ball?
38 Filler David was visiting a corn While he was visiting it, he Does a corn field grow Was David visiting a
field. ate an apple. apples? museum?
39 Filler David was oiling his bike. While he was oiling it, he Can oil dissolve in Was David riding on his
spilled his glass of water. water? bike?
40 Filler David went on a picnic with While he was having a Can you catch fish with Did David bring food
some food and cutlery. picnic, he caught some fish. a knife? with him?



Table 16. Japanese baseline and filler items in the priming experiment

Item Type Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Question 1 Question 2

1 Baseline 恵子はキッチンでお皿を洗 お皿を洗っている時、電話 お皿は割れますか? 恵子はキッチンにいま
っていた。 が鳴った。 したか?
2 Baseline 恵子は公園でジョギングを 恵子は立ち止まって、蛇口 公園には木があります 恵子はベンチに座って
していた。 で水を飲んだ。 か? いましたか?
3 Baseline 裕子は図書館で本を読んで 裕子は読み終わって、その 図書館は静かなところ 裕子は本を借り出しま
いた。 本を棚に戻した。 ですか? したか?
4 Baseline 智也は時計を直していた。 突然、智也はねずみがテー 時計は電気が必要です 智 也 は 猫 を 見 ま し た
ブルを通り過ぎるのを見 か? か?
5 Baseline 部長は部下と会議をしてい 会議をしている時、部長の オフィスにテーブルが
た。 秘書が入ってきた。 したか? ありますか?
6 Baseline 智也は自転車に乗って学校 智也は途中で転んだ。 自転車は車輪が二つあ
に行った。 か? りますか?
7 Baseline 裕子はソファで寝ていた。 裕子が寝ている時、泥棒が ソファはやわらかいで
入ってきた。 すか?
8 Baseline 写真家はビルの写真を撮っ 突然、消防車が来て、前を ビルはコンクリートで 写真家は写真を撮りた
ていた。 さえぎった。 できていますか? かったですか?
9 Baseline 洋子はクレヨンでアヒルを 洋子が絵を書いている時、 アヒルは泳げますか? 洋子は絵がかけました
書いていた。 母親がケーキを焼いてい か?
10 Baseline 雅人はトマトを育ててい 雅人は水をあげている時、 トマトは腐りますか? これからはトマトがも
た。 新しい芽を発見した。 っとできますか?
11 Baseline 洋子はチキンを焼いてい 突然、弟に驚かされて洋子 チキンは足があります 洋子は魚を調理してい
た。 は自分の手を切った。 か? ましたか?
12 Baseline 雅人は部屋でレポートを書 レポートが終わったころ、 レポートは紙でできて 雅人はペンを使ってい
いていた。 雅人は雪が降っているのに いますか? ましたか?
13 Baseline 直人は電話で話していた。 直人が電話している時、誰 電 話 は 音 が 鳴 り ま す 直人は誰かと話してい

かが近くで叫んでいた。 か? ましたか?
14 Baseline 京子は両親からのクリスマ 箱 を 開 け た ら 、 靴 が あ っ クリスマスは冬にあり 京子は両親からプレゼ
スプレゼントを開けようと た。 ますか? ントをもらいました
していた。 か?
15 Baseline 直人はテレビでアイスホッ 突然、停電になった。 氷は冷たいですか? テレビの画面が消えま
ケーを見ていた したか?
16 Baseline 京子は太陽の下、芝生で寝 突然、犬が走ってきて、京 人は日焼けしますか? その犬は京子を驚かせ
転がっていた。 子は驚いた。 ましたか?
17 Baseline 直人はバス停でバスを待っ 直 人 が バ ス を 待 っ て い る バスは車より大きいで 直人はバスに乗りたが
ていた。 時、女の子が直人に道を聞 すか? っていましたか?
18 Baseline 京子はスーパーでりんごを 払おうとした時、財布を落 りんごは赤いですか? 京子はバナナを買って
買っていた。 としたことに気がついた。 いましたか?
19 Baseline 健二は机を部屋に移動して 健 二 は 部 屋 に 入 っ た と た 机は木でできたものも 健二は部屋で蟻を見ま
いた。 ん、大きなねずみを見つけ ありますか? したか?
20 Baseline 健二はクローゼットの中を 突然、頭が痛くなった。 クローゼットは洋服を 健二は車を洗っていま
片付けていた。 入れるための家具です したか?
1 Filler 健二はポップコーンを食べ 映画を見ている時、ポップ ポップコーンはプラス 健二は晩御飯を食べて
ながら、映画を見ていた。 コーンがこぼれた。 チックから作られます いましたか?
2 Filler 健二は道路を渡っていた。 道路を渡っている時、健二 人間の力でバスを持ち 健二は道路を渡り終わ
はバスに引かれた。 上げることができます りましたか?
3 Filler 恵子は夜、雪ダルマを作っ 恵子が雪ダルマを作ってい 月は雪を溶かすことが 恵子は雪ダルマを作っ
ていた。 る時、雪が溶けた。 できますか? ていましたか?
4 Filler 健 二 は ビ ー ル を 飲 ん で い ビールを飲んでいる時、健 アルコールで火を消す 健二はお酒を飲んでい
た。 二は火をおこした。 ことができますか? ましたか?
5 Filler 恵子は本屋で雑誌を読んで 恵子が本を読んでいる時、 犬は本が読めますか? 恵子は喫茶店にいまし
いた。 犬が吠えていた。 たか?
6 Filler 洋子は髪を切ってもらって 髪を切った後、洋子はケー 床屋でケーキを売って 洋子は髪が短くなりま

いた。 キを食べた。 いますか? したか?
7 Filler 洋子は川に沿って歩いてい 歩いている時、洋子は川の 魚は歩けますか? 洋子は川で泳いでいま
た。 中に魚を見た。 したか?
8 Filler 健二はトイレで歯を磨いて 健二が歯を磨いている時、 歯で木を切ることがで 健二は歯ブラシを使い
いた。 誰かがドアをノックした。 きますか? ましたか?
9 Filler 健二は草を刈っていた。 草を刈っている時、健二は カエルは草を食べます 健二はリスを殺しまし
カエルを殺した。 か? たか?
10 Filler 洋子は大好きな歌手の歌を 歌を聞いている時、洋子は 猫は歌が歌えますか? 洋子は猫を飼っていま
聞いていた。 猫を撫でた。 したか?
11 Filler 雅人は頭痛がした。 休んでいる時、雅人はアス アスピリンは頭痛の原 雅人は薬を飲みました
ピリンを飲んだ。 因になりますか? か?
12 Filler 洋子ははさみで小包を開け 洋子が小包を開けている はさみでドアを開ける 洋子ははさみで指を切
ていた。 時、ドアが開いた。 ことができますか? りましたか?
13 Filler 智也は友達に手紙を書いて 智也が手紙を書いている ペンで雪を掘ることが 智也は友達に電話しま
いた。 時、雪が降り始めた。 できますか? したか?
14 Filler 洋子は動物園でペンギンの 洋子が写真を撮っている ペンギンは飛べます 動物園にペンギンがい
写真を撮っていた。 時、ペンギンが水に飛び込 か? ましたか?
15 Filler 直人は犬とフリスビーをし 直人がフリスビーを投げた フリスビーは食べられ 直人はフリスビーを投
ていた。 ら、犬がフリスビーに噛み ますか? げましたか?
16 Filler 直人はドライバーで椅子を 椅子を組み立てている時、 ドライバーでプラスチ 直人は本棚を作ってい
組み立てていた。 椅子のプラスチックの部分 ックを切ることができ ましたか?
にひびが入った。 ますか?
17 Filler 裕子はキッチンで肉を切っ 肉を切っている時、裕子は 包丁で床を切ることが 裕子は包丁を使ってい
ていた。 包丁を落とした。 できますか? ましたか?
18 Filler 裕子は靴を磨いていた。 靴を磨いている時、裕子は ブラシで手を切ること 裕子は怪我をしました
手を切った。 ができますか? か?
19 Filler 裕子はオーブンでケーキを ケーキを焼いている時、裕 オーブンでクリームを 裕子はケーキをオーブ
焼いていた。 子はクリームを凍らせた。 凍らせることができま ンに入れましたか?
20 Filler 健 二 は 車 で 山 を 登 っ て い 山を登っている時、霧が深 霧は視界を良くします 健二は山を歩いて登り

た。 くなった。 か? ましたか?
21 Filler 京子は店で万引きをしよう 万引きをしている時、警察 万引きは合法ですか? 京子はお金を払いまし
とした。 が来た。 たか?
22 Filler 京子は仕事中だった。 その時、車がビルにぶつか 車でビルを倒すことが ビルにぶつかったのは
ってきた。 できますか? バスでしたか?
23 Filler 直人は家の壁をペンキで塗 壁を塗っている時、強い風 風でペンキを飛ばすこ 直人はペンキのハケを
っていた。 が吹いてきた。 とができますか? 使いましたか?
24 Filler 直人は耳を掃除していた。 耳の掃除が終わったら、直 人は耳で見ますか? 直人は手を洗っていま
人は外でリスを見た。 したか?
25 Filler 直人は羽根が飛んでいるの 羽根が落ちると、直人は大 羽は重いですか? 直人は羽根を捕まえま
を見ていた。 きな音が聞こえた。 したか?
26 Filler 京子は車を洗っていた。 車を洗っている時、京子は ダイヤモンドは柔らか 京子はダイヤモンドの
ダイヤの指輪を落とした。 いですか? 指輪をしていました
27 Filler 直人は試験のための勉強を 直人が勉強している時に、 台風は安全ですか? 直人は試験を受けます
していた。 台風が来た。 か?
28 Filler 雅人はざるで野菜を洗って 野菜を洗っている時、雅人 水はざるにたまります 雅人はりんごを洗って
いた。 はざるに水をかけた。 か? いましたか?
29 Filler 雅人はドーナツを持って、 バスに乗った時、運転手に ドーナツはバス代にな 雅人はバスを降りる時
バスに乗った。 バス代を払った。 りますか? バス代を払いました
30 Filler 京子は子供たちが遊んでい その時、おばあさんが子供 おばあさんは速く走れ 京子は公園で子供を見
るところを見ていた。 たちを追いかけた。 ますか? ましたか?
31 Filler 雅人はのこぎりで机を作っ 机を作っている時、雅人は のこぎりで板に穴を開 雅人はハンマーを使い
ていた。 板に穴を開けた。 けることができます ましたか?
32 Filler 京子は手を洗っていた。 手を洗った後、京子は靴を 人は靴を手に履きます 京子は足を洗いました
床に履いた。 か? か?
33 Filler 雅人はコートを着て、レス その時、女の人が急いで入 コ ー ト は 夏 に 着 ま す 雅人はコートを忘れま
ト ラ ン を 出 よ う と し て い ってきた。 か? したか?
34 Filler 恵 子 は 洗 濯 物 を 干 し て い 恵子が洗濯物を干した後、 手で触ることによって 恵子は乾燥機に洗濯物

た。 洗濯物が乾いた。 服が乾きますか? を入れましたか?
35 Filler 恵子は水を持って、家を出 恵子が歩いていたら、水が 手で触ることによって 家の外は寒かったです
た。 凍った。 水が凍りますか? か?
36 Filler 恵子はパンを焼こうと思っ 恵子がパンを焼いている 冷蔵庫でパンが焼けま その冷蔵庫は壊れてい
て、材料を冷蔵庫から出し 時、冷蔵庫が止まった。 すか? ましたか?
37 Filler 智也は小高い丘でボールで 智也が遊んでいる時、ボー ボールは坂を上ること 智也はボールで遊んで
遊んでいた。 ルが転がった。 ができますか? いましたか?
38 Filler 智也はトウモロコシ畑を訪 トウモロコシ畑で、智也は トウモロコシ畑はりん 智也は博物館に行きま
れた。 りんごを食べた。 ごを育てますか? したか?
39 Filler 智也は自転車に油を差して 油を差している時、智也は 油は水に溶けますか? 智也は自転車に乗って
いた。 水をこぼした。 いましたか?
40 Filler 智也は食べ物と食器を持っ ピクニックで、智也は魚を ナイフで魚を釣ること 智也は食べ物を持って
てピックニックに行った。 釣った。 ができますか? いましたか?


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