Employee Engagement and Development .
Employee Engagement and Development .
Employee Engagement and Development .
Umeshchandra Suresh Dandgavhal
Dr. Ganesh Chavan
(MBA. Ph.D.)
MARCH 2021
Industry Integrated Learning Programme (Part- time)
This is to certify that the Summer Internship Project report entitled “Effect of Employee motivation on Growth of
Organization” submitted by Umeshchandra Suresh Dandgavhal (192102036012) in partial fulfillment of the degree
in Master of Business Administration (Industry Integrated Learning Programme, Part Time) of Sandip University is a
record of his/her own work carried out under my supervision and guidance. The matter enclosed here is not submitted
The Summer Internship Project entitled “Effect of Employee motivation on Growth of Organization”
submitted by Umeshchandra Suresh Dandgavhal (192102036012) in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of Sandip University, Nashik is hereby
approved for the award of the degree.
(1) External
(2) Internal
Place: Nashik.
This report entitled “Effect of Employee motivation on Growth of Organization” is the outcome of my summer
training atYouth Empowerment Foundation.
I wish to express my gratitude to Mrs. Nilesh Badgujar Department Head, Youth Empowerment Foundation, Pune
for providing me an opportunity to carry out my summer project in this esteemed organization.
This report is the result of contribution, guidance and co-operation received from all the executives of various
departments of Youth Empowerment Foundation, Pune our college authority, and my family members also both
implicitly and explicitly. Never can this report be claimed as an individual effort.
I profusely thank my project guide Dr. Ganesh Chavan for their guidance through out of the project work.
I owe my sincere thanks to all those who helped me during my summer internship project work and took special effort
to see that I could learn as much as possible during the visit. Finally work alone cannot express and thanks to everyone
who gave their valuable time, skills, and enthusiasm and to all who have offered support and understanding to make
this project work a success.
11 ANNEXURE 45-48
My internship was virtual at Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF). Work from home internship
was great exposure to the foundations as well different industries. After going through my internship,
I had 1st hand experience of how NGOs work. How they motivate employees or interns, I had
experience how to deal with new interns and how to motivate them. The title of my project is “Effect
of Employee motivation on Growth of Organization” As the title indicate it is the study of employee
motivationand how employee get motivated and study of the motivational factor and performance in
Those employees are intrinsically (Internally) rewarded by accomplishments in the workplace,
are satisfied with their performance and are individuals with high self-esteem. Therefore the vital part
ofmanagement is to help make work more efficient or satisfying and rewarding for employees and to
keep employee motivation constantly with organizational objectives.
Some employees are motivated by achievement for meeting there may be the personal goals or
professional goal. Many employees are self-devoting and self-motivated. Incentives or stipends and
rewards have a minor effect on employees who feel motivated only when they have skills and quality,
and individuality identifies with their job description within the organization. These individuals
perform effectively for the sake of the personal challenge their work provides.
There are so many ways employers can motivate employees and enhance the productivity of an
organization. Because there are so many factors they influence workers in different ways , employees
can use motivation strategies and different techniques. For example, to influence workers who are
money motivated, an employer may apply strategies to enhance the cash payment instantly to
employees who meet short-term production goals, an employer could implement a program that
encourages friendly competition between workers to meet production numbers. At the conclusion of
the program employee can publicly recognize top performers for a job well done
From a manager’s perspective, it is important to understand what prompts people, what influences
them, and why they persist in particular actions. By getting to know what motivates employees the
most, the management can design Procedures, policies, systems and functions that can create a
workforce of happy and motivated employees who in turn would be more than willing to move the
organization forward.
Performance is described as the value of the set of employee’s behaviours that contribute either
negatively or positively to achieve the organizational target. Job performance is nothing but the it
contains behaviours that are within the control of the employee but it places a border on the
behaviour related to performance, motivation will encourage the employee of the organization to
seriously do his/her work and responsibility job too. As we know good pay or salaries is also a
valuable instrument to play a significant role improving employee performance and improve the
productivity of an organization
Employees are human resources to the organization and organizational success employees who
are motivated are always aware of his/her determination at achieving that aim. In the organization
motivation impact the employee performance especially those employee who have less skills they
are motivated more and contribute 100% with the work
In simple words Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs,
desires, drives or wants within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to
accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s
behaviour can be –
concept of motivation:
The motivation is originally imitative or initiative from the latin word“movere’’ that means
“move” Guay et al. (2010) discuss that motivation mentions the drive essential behaviour.
Motivation is the internal feeling that encourages an employee to achieve the target and thought
that motivation it could be observed from two side expressed that motivation is mainly the inner
feeling or desire that initiates with a people either intentionally or unintentionally to complete the
work perfectly because its pleasurable and not obligatory for what will be expected in arrival.
For the firm employee motivation is one the policies to improve effective work management
between the organization and employee. Motivation is very significant for the organization or
management to treasure a method to motivate their worker. When workers realize that their views
are considered to be valued it provides them an intellect of belongingness which can motivate the
employees. The incentive always accomplished the demand and requirement of the worker and in
return the persons repay it through hard work and honesty. The main objective of the firm is to
classify the need and wants and replying it to the most elementary method of all firms to get the
commitment of the worker.
Motivation can also play a key part in enhancing the performance or productivity of organization,
power an individual needs can either institutional or personal. Company managers with high need
of institutional power tend to be more effective than those with high need for personal need.
Motivation is divided into two major types-Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. An employee’s
objectives are connected to his or her purpose for attractive duty. Objective can be sectioned into
mastery objective which can be compared with intrinsic value and performance objective which
can be compared with extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation:
Intrinsic motivation is connected to work content which happens when employees execute an
action from which they develop gratification for simply appealing in the effort themselves. Many
scholars defined intrinsic motivation as the performing of an action for its innate happiness
relatively than for some distinguishable significance. Intrinsic motivation denotes to the innate
future of job and distinguishing connected with work itself, for capability to discuss to personnel
an intellect of interest, accomplished, achievement and responsibility
Intrinsically motivated employees are encouraged to perform for the existing enable rather than
because of outside stress and incentive. In one-way intrinsic motivation exoduses within employee
and other way intrinsic motivation exoduses in the relationship between doing and employee. For
some activities workers are intrinsically motivated and not others, but not everyone is intrinsically
motivated for some specific duty or work.
Extrinsic motivation:
Extrinsic motivation is an idea that affects whenever an activity is complete in direction to achieve
some distinguishable results. its transaction with the external surroundings means what the
organization has to suggest. According to Herzberg (1969) , extrinsic motivation frequently
mentions work features that are outside of the job themselves ,given that incentives like pay,
promotion, job security etc.
Appraisal of this measurement imitates a worker's want for the satisfaction of public desires from
the effort doing. Thus, extrinsic motivation is disparities with intrinsic motivation. Let suppose a
schoolchildren do his or her exercise only because he worries parent permission for not
responsibility is extrinsically motivated because he is doing his work in instruction to achieve the
distinguishable result of ducking endorsement. It can happen by the providing of benefits which
can be also touchable like grades, money, and privilege and impalpable like pride. The extrinsic
fact of employee motivation is apprehensive with the quality substantial remuneration at effort.
Extrinsic provided by the organization that are tangible of other In the organization motivation
impact the employee performance especially those employee who have less skills they are with the
Advantages of Employee Motivation
- High Efficiency
- Reduction in Labour turnover
- Effective Utilization of Manpower Resources
- Readiness for Change Achieving Organizational Goals Helps with Attitude of Employees
1] High Efficiency
One way the management of the firm can boost the efficiency and performance of their employees
is to use motivation as a tool. Motivation helps transform the employee’s talents and knowledge
into actual performance and activity. Demotivated employees affect the overall efficiency of the
firm and also can cause other employees to be demotivated.
2] Effective Utilization of Resources
Motivation helps stimulate employees. Thus, they make the best possible choices, and so the best
utilization of the factors of production and other resources. Motivated employees try to minimize
their wastages and costs to better their performances. This will help with the firm maximize their
potential and make the best use of their limited resources.
3] Reduction in Labour Turnover
This is an important aspect of the importance of motivation. Higher motivation also means better
job performances which lead to job satisfaction among employees. And so the employees do not
want to miss out on opportunities and seek to do more and better work. This will lead to
commitment and loyalty among employees which leads to lower absenteeism and labour turnover
among employees.
4] Readiness for Change
Every organization function in a very dynamic business environment. And with the changes in the
environment, the organization also must change to adapt and keep up with times. When such
technological, environmental etc changes occur in the organization sometimes employees are
hesitant to accept and adapt to such changes. But motivated employees are more likely to adapt to
these changes. They are generally more ready to accept the changes and get to work
5] Achieving Organizational Goals
The best way to motivate employees is to line up their personal goals with those of the
organization. The motivated then work tirelessly to achieve not only their personal goals but also
the goals of the company. Demotivated employees will not be overly enthusiastic about achieving
organizational goals.
6] Helps with Attitude of Employees
Sometimes certain employees of an organization have a negative or indifferent attitude. But the
manager can use the tools of motivation to change their attitudes. A positive, optimistic employee
who is properly motivated is an asset to the organization. And motivation is the key to this change
Chapter -2
Company Profile:
“YOUTH EMPOWERMENT FOUNDATION” Youths are the arrow to the future. Youth
empowerment foundation is one such organization to direct these arrows through their initiatives
and programs. Empowering youths to grow, learn and be the torchbearersfor the future is one of
the major impacts the organization aims to achieve. YEF is a non profit organization founded in
June 2017 by Mr. Rambabu Sharma.
Inspired by his own life journey, the founder along with his family and teams has laid a strong
foundation to educate the underprivileged children of the society and hence bridge the gap between
them and the world. As explained by the founder himself in his story, poverty and education are
inextricably linked, because people living in poverty may stop going to school so they can work
which leaves them without literacy that they need for their careers. Education in all different forms
is a key for breaking the cycle of poverty. It increases food security , decreases malnutrition,
enhances the standard of living and improves gender equality. It teaches children what they can
and should expect from adults and in turn also shows adult the benefits of respecting their children
Different kinds of training and initiatives such as Hamari Pathshala, candle making, English
learning. Computer learning and training YEF is providing a platform that will help these children
to grow for themselves as well as for the society. Skills taught by YEF such as an additional
language or any skills help these children to be on their own and hence be the strongest pillars of
the society in every aspect. It also helps to develop confidence which in turn adds to their mind
development, motivation and mental health. Being able to look up to themselves for their careers
and being independent leaves them with a spark that bring out the best in these children
YEF is a working for daily wage worker and working with PAN INDIA, in this Covid-19
pandemic YEF distributing groceries to this daily wage worker.
● To examine the effect of motivational factors on employee performance.
● To determine the motivation factors and their feedback on employee motivation and
employee performance.
● To conduct the study in the work from home in Youth Empowerment Foundation
● To seek 30 random employees respond to questionnaires.
● To collect project related primary data from employee of the organization
Literature review
Researcher has studied different types of research papers and existing projects on employees motivation
and performance.
The word motivation is basically imitative from the Latin word mover, its meaning is to move. Guay et
al (2010) discuss that motivation mentions the drive essential behaviour. motivation is internal feeling
that encourages an individual to involve in a specific manners and thought that motivation it could be
observed from two side Gouws(1995) expressed that motivation is the inner feeling or desire that initiate
with a people either intentionally or unintentionally to complete the job excellently because its
pleasurable and not obligatory for what will be expected in arrival. For the organization employee
motivation is one of the best policies to improve effective work management between the organization
and employee.
Surbhi,(2012) discuss Motivation is very significant for the organization or management to treasure a
method to motivate their workers. When workers realize that their views are considered to be valued it
provides them an intellect of belongingness which can motivate employees. The incentive always
accomplishes the demand and requirement of the workers and in return the individuals repay it through
hard work and honesty. The main objective of the organization is to classify the needs and wants,
replying it to the most elementary method of all organization to get the commitment of the workers
Supremacy motivation can also play a key part in increasing the performance or efficiency of
organization, power in individual need can be either institutional or personal. In the organization
managers with a high need of institutional power tend to be more effective than those with high need for
personal need (Habbibh and Noran, 1999). Motivation is divided into two major parts: Intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation. An employee's objective can be sectioned into mastery objective
which can be compared with intrinsic value and performance objective which can be compared with
extrinsic motivation ( Broussard and Garrison, 2004).
Intrinsically motivated employees are encouraged to perform for the exciting or trial enabled rather than
because of outside stress and incentive. In one way intrinsic motivation exoduses within employees and
in other ways intrinsic motivation exoduses in the relationship between doing and employees. For some
activities workers are intrinsically motivated and not others, but not everyone intrinsically motivated for
some specific duty or works.(Guay et al. (2010).
Extrinsic motivation is an idea that affects whenever an activity is complete in direction to achieve some
distinguishable result. Its transactional with external surroundings means what the organization has its
suggestion. According to Herzberg (1968) expressed that extrinsic motivation frequently mentions work
features that are outside to the job themselves, given that incentives like pay, promotion, job security
and funds sufficiency. In other aspects extrinsic motivation contains the more figurative benefits in
relations of customer appreciation and communal endorsement and other community support. Appraisal
of this measurement imitates a worker's want for the satisfaction of public desires from the effort doing.
Thus extrinsic motivation id disparities with intrinsic motivation. Let suppose a schoolchildren do his or
her exercise only because he worries parent permission for not responsibility is extrinsically motivated
because he did his work in instruction to achieve the distinguishable results of ducking endorsement. It
can happen by the providing of benefits which can be also touchable like grades, money and privilege
and impalpable like praise. The extrinsic facet of employee motivation is apprehensive with the quality
position on substantial remuneration at effort. Extrinsically or material reward provided by the
organization that are tangible and visible to others (Bellernger et al 1984).
According to Landy (1985) and different study work on ability of workers shows the reality of the
persons who are satisfied with their job role will have greater work performance or employee
performance and thus greater job discharge than those who are not happy with their work. Further it is
stated that workers are more likely to turnover if they are not satisfied and have minimal motivation to
show good performance. As per (Ahmad,2012) The employee performance of maximum satisfied and
happy employees is maximum so the company easily grabs its desired objective through this maximum
worker participation. In the area of human resource persons performance is all about the employees
performance in an organization or firm. For the company employee performance is vitally needed to
make hard-work or struggle to support slight performance. But if the company cannot motivate their
employee, labours successfully, so it's quite hard for the organization to exit in the competitive world of
1. Planning
2. Developing
3. Rating
4. Monitoring
5. Rewarding.
First stage us planning. Planning means to make a strategy, setting objective and delineations duty and
timeline to complete the goal. Mentoring is basically continuously measuring presentation and giving them
positive responses to employees and effort collections on their betterment towards the accomplishment of
their goal. In the developing stage the worker is speculative to enhance any reduced performance that has
been throughout the time surrounded one has been employed at the firm or organization. Rating describes
the complete performance of employees in this stage is measurement of reward distinguish exceptional
behaviours such as that which is better than probable. Employees performance is basically influenced by
ability and motivation (Liu, C. H, 2013).
According to Ottenbacher and Hrrington(2007) suggested that for organizational creativity and inventions
employees play a very important role in a company. These innovative employees are the basis of economic
benefits in the firm. Motivation impacts employees/workers performance in a company by giving various
kinds of incentives and rewards. Performance of workers is deliberated as what a personnel does and what
he does not do employees performance included quality and quantity of productivity, existence at effort,
accommodative and co-operative nature and deadline of results. Employees performance is needed
prejudiced by motivation as if employees are really happy or motivated than they will do work very
enthusiastically and by which performance will enhance
Reward and incentives are very important for employees to shift the unhappiness into happiness Mehmod
(2013) also describes in his research that employees are satisfied that they will do the work with the most
vital and try to do a better job which will lead to good performance. Enthusiastic employees are mainly
concerned towards self-sufficient and more self-driven compared to low motivated employees. Motivated
employees are extremely involved and elaborate in their work, more eager to proceed with duties.
Theories of motivation:
Human behaviour is goal-directed. Motivation causes goal-directed behaviour. It is through motivation that
needs can be handled and tackled purposely. This can be understood by understanding the hierarchy of
needs by the manager. The needs of individuals serve as a driving force in human behaviour. Therefore,
a manager must understand the “hierarchy of needs”. Maslow has proposed “The Need Hierarchy
1. Basic Physiological Needs: Basic requirement of an individual such as food, shelter, clothing and
air, water, etc.. are considered as basic physiological needs. Since these needs are essential for the
survival and sustainability of human beings. Hence these needs are located at the initial stage of
Maslow's need hierarchy theory.
2. Safety and security need: After the fulfilment of basic needs human beings expect safety and
security of themselves as well as of their family. These securities are in the form of job security or
3. Social needs: social needs are a kind of cognitive requirement of human beings. When this need
is not met , it creates a lot of imbalance in the mind of an individual which adversely affects his
health. Since man lives in a society , he socialises himself by interacting with other people, sharing
his feelings with others.
4. Esteem needs or Ego needs: Egoistic needs are of two types, internal and external. Self
confidence, self motivation, skills, ability, competency, etc are some of the factors that are based
on internal egoistic needs and are earned after an immense hard work by an individual. persons
having inward esteem need always receive ‘earned gratitude’ by the society. External egoistic
needs focus on building good will and status of an individual that achieves some higher position,
socially and politically powerful.
5. Self- Actualisation needs: It is a stage of self-fulfilment in which people realise their highest
potential for self development in a unique way
2. Herzberg’s motivation theory:
Motivational factors : according to Herzberg, unlike hygiene factors, motivational factors positively
satisfied the human being for a much longer term. According to motivational factors, basic physical needs
are just an additional benefits the employees
Recognition : managers should motivate the employees by praising and appreciating them for their hard
work and good performance.
Achievement : while performing any job, employees must develop a sense of achievement and they must
realise that their hard work will be rewarded at the end of the day. For this manages can use some sort of
reward to motivate the employees
Promotion and growth : one more way to organization can motivate its employees is by providing them
with numerous opportunities for their advancement that can help them in their career growth
Responsibility : managers should try to make their subordinates accountable by minimizing their
interference and excessive control over their job performance. Employees should be made solely
responsible for their performance and must be provided with job ownership.
Meaningfulness of the work : the more meaningful and challenging tasks are given to the employees, the
more interesting and motivating that task becomes for them.
The Porter-Lawler model is the extension of Vroom’s theory , Vroom’s theory elaborated the factors
responsible for development of efforts whereas Porter and Lawyer’s theory states that it is not necessary
that effort will always result in better performance and satisfactions. The expectation of getting rewards
and the value of those rewards for an employee are the factors that develop and determine the effort of an
employee. But the performance of an employee depends upon his capabilities and his perception aboutthe
role which he has to perform. In simple terms, when an individual applies efforts, he improves his
performance and when this performance is combined with rewards, the employee reaches his maximum
Subjective probability E P: Under this probability, an employee is expected to apply maximum efforts
and improves his performance to achieve the desired goal.
Probability P O: After considering the valence or value of the outcomes , employees are expected to
improve his performance that helps in achieving desired output.
Value of Rewards: The value of reward is different for different employees working in an organization.
That is why the performance of the employees depends upon the degree of attractiveness for result and
Probability between effort and rewards: When the employees know that the effort made by him will
result in certain rewards, he will increase his effort , but if even after increasing his effort , he does not
receive any reward, then he will not put in his extra efforts. Thus, the employees are well aware of the
probability between the efforts applied and reward received.
Role perceptions: Role perception includes what and in which direction effort will be applied by an
individual. It also determines what an individual means by successful completion of tasks given to
Perceived Equity of rewards and satisfaction: Every individual working in an organizations experts
appropriate satisfactory reward from the organization on the basis of his performance. The difference
between the reward expected and the reward received determined the level of employee’s satisfaction or
dissatisfaction. The Greater the difference between the two rewards, greater is the level of satisfaction or
Accomplishment of job: This component focuses on the achievement level of an individual while
performing a task.
4. McClelland’s Needs Theory :
McClelland affirms that we all have three motivating drivers, and it does not depend on our gender or
age. One of these drives will be dominant in our behaviour. The dominant drive depends on our life
Achievement: A need to accomplish and demonstrate own competence People with a high need for
achievement prefer tasks that provide for personal responsibility and results based on their own
efforts. They also prefer quick acknowledgement of their progress.
Affiliation: a need for love, belonging and social acceptance People with a high need for affiliation are
motivated by being liked and accepted by others. They tend to participate in social gatherings and may
be uncomfortable with conflict
Power: a need for control of one's own work or the work of others People with a high need for power
desire situations in which they exercise power and influence over others. They aspire for positions with
status and authority and tend to be more concerned about their level of influence than about effective
work performance.
Research Methodology
Research Methodology:
Research methodology is the method of research to find out a solution to a problem or to compare and
find out the relation between variables to collect data and find out innovative ideas. In research
methodology, researchers use various methods to clear a given problem efficiently. The research
methodology whole explains methods and instruments which are used to collect, data analysis and
It is a process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business decisions. The
methodology may include publications research, research paper, interview, survey and other research
technique and could include both present and historical data
Data collection:
Data collection will consist of originally collected information for specific purposes at hand from the
sample; it will be the first hand information. The collected information and primary data will be subjected
to further data analysis and interpretation. The primary data will be edited and there after it has been
presented in the forms of table, graph, pie, charts and diagram.
Primary data:
Primary data will be collected by the means of questionnaires. Questionnaires will have closed ended and
multiple choice questions and different types of questions to border look for study. And primary data has
been obtained through personal discussion with managers and seniors of the organization. This data is
more reliable and minimally risky. Primary data collected by the purpose of project immediately at hand
Secondary data:
It will mainly consist of information that has already been published somewhere and has been collected
for another purpose. The external sources of secondary data are generated from sources outside the
● Reference books
● Internet
● Research papers
● Research articles
Research instrument:
Research instrument mainly used for collection of primary data is as follows:
For this survey the questionnaire method is used. A structured questionnaire has been prepared to get the
relevant information from the respondents. The questionnaire consists of a variety of questions presented
to the respondents for their responses.
To better understand the opinion of all respondent employees in the organisation the data collected is
analyzed in simple pie-chart and graphical format.
Research design:
A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting a research project. The research design used
for this project is a descriptive research design as it is used in describing facts and characteristics of a
sample population under observation. In this project, it is used to describe the key motivator individual
employees and to determine their various motivational profiles.
For the fulfilment of this purpose, primary data had to be collected through a questionnaire that was to be
filled by a sample of employees from Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF).
Sample Size:
Sr.no. Respondent Total number
1. All department employees and 28
Sampling Technique:
This sampling is a type of non-probability sampling method in this sampling method sample is taken
from a group of people easy to contact or to reach.
Questionnaire: It is a direct form of collecting data from respondents. It is a more flexible method of data
collection. Mainly used structured questions and multiple choice questions as well as used in
Data Analysis and Interpretation
1 Satisfied 16 75%
2 dissatisfied 3 14%
3 Average 1 5%
4 Highly satisfied 8 6%
Total - 28 100%
Role of HR trainee in organization
14% satisfied
Highly satisfied
Interpretation: Above pie chart shows many of people in the organization are highly satisfied with their
HR trainee in the organization. Around 81% of people are satisfied with their HR trainee.
Q.2 Management is really interested in motivating the employee?
1 Strongly dissatisfied 1 4%
2 Dissatisfied 1 4%
3 Neutral 4 17%
4 Agree 18 64%
total - 28 100%
Mnagement motivating the employees
4% 4%
strongly dissatisfied
stongly agree
Interpretation: This pie chart shows the management of the organization is interested in motivating
employees. Around 78% of people strongly agree and agree that management involves getting employee
Q.3 Does the management involve you in decision making which is connected to your department?
1 Yes 14 39%
2 No 3 30%
3 May be 11 31%
4 - 28 100%
employees involve in decision making
May be
Interpretation: It seen 39% of people are agreed the management involve employees in decision making
of their department and some people are like 31%of people are might be thought the management involve
them. This scenario reflects the positive image of organization.
1 Strongly disagree 0 0%
2 Disagree 1 4%
3 Neutral 9 32%
4 Agree 16 57%
5 Strongly agree 2 7%
Total - 28 100%
Job security
7% 4%
Strongly disagree
32% Disagree
Strongly agree
Interpretation: Above pie chart shows the 57% of people agreed the job security exists in this
organization.7% of people strongly agree and 32% of people are not sure about the job security.4%
of people completely disagree with job security in their company.
2 No 10 36%
Total - 28 100%
Interpretation: Good relationships with co-worker or peers are very effective for employee
motivation. As seen in the pie chart above, 64% of people are sure that good relations with peers
make employees motivated. 36% of people do not agree that good relationships with co-worker
are effective for motivation.
2 3-4 4 14%
3 Above 4 8 29%
Total - 28 100%
3 to 4
57% Above 4
Interpretation : Pie chart shows the people are agreed the financial incentives increases the work
productivity of employees. It saw that 57% of people rated between 0 to 2 scale and 0 to 2 scale
describe “yes” and between 3-4 people rated 14%. Above 4 rated 29% people
1 Yes 21 75%
2 No 7 25%
Total - 28 100%
financial incentives
Interpretation: Above pie chart clearly shows the 75% of people voted for financial incentive to
enhance employee motivation. Other hand, 25% of people who do not agree with financial incentives
are not motivated to work.
1 Yes 26 93%
2 No 2 7%
Total - 28 100%
Interpretation : above pie chart shows the majority 93% of the population are saying their
organization recognizes and acknowledges employees work it is a very positive perspective
towards the organization. But 7% of people do not agree the company recognizes and
acknowledges their work.
1 Yes 27 96%
2 No 1 4%
Total - 28 100%
rewards system
Interpretation : It is observed that maximum people believe the rewards system genuinely
followed in the organization majority 96% people are agreed and very few 4% people are not
Q .10 Relevant needs satisfaction leads to high motivation ?
4% 4%
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Interpretation : it is seen that 71% of people agree and 21% people strongly agree that relevant
need leads to high employee motivation. Also it was observed that 8% of people do not agree.
Q.11 Work environment also important for motivation ?
work enviroment
Strongly disagree
43% Disagree
Interpretation: pie chart shows a healthy work environment really motivates employees
46%+43%= 89% of people agree and strongly agree the work environment motivates employees.
4% of people are not sure about it and 7% of people completely disagree that a work environment
helps motivation.
Q .12 Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated and enhance performance ?
Strongly disagree
43% Disagree
Strongly agree
Interpretation: As per observation above chart shows half of population 50% agreed performance
appraisal activity increases employees motivation and performance 43% people strongly agree and
4% people disagree and 3% people strongly disagree.
Q.13 Promotion and bonus are really motivated employees?
Interpretation: pie chart shows the whole population agreed the promotion and bonus really
motivate employees. 100% people agree.
Q .14 Do you think the appreciation and offering recommendation letters influence your
performance ?
may be
Interpretation: it is seen that 86% of people agree that appreciation and recommendation letters
influence your performance. 7 % people are not sure and 7% people are not agreed.
Q 15 Do you think non-cash rewards motivate employees?
43% Yes
May be
Interpretation: It is observed that half of majority 43% people agreed and half of majority 43%
people not agreed that non-cash rewards really motivated the remaining 14% people not sure.
Q.16 Reasonable periodical increases in salary motivates you ?
periodical Increment
0 to 2
29% 3 to 4
above 4
Interpretation: Above pie chart represents the 53% of people rated between 0 to 2 scale and
29% of people rated between 3 to 4 scale 18% of respondents rated above 4 scale.
Limitations And Findings
⮚ In this project the certain limitations occur while doing the research. The limitations of
the study is the difficulties faced by the researcher during the research work
⮚ While doing data collection for research some of employees are not willing to give any
type of feedback or not ready to fill questionnaires.
⮚ There is another one experience researcher had some of the employees answer why we
should give our organization feedback.
⮚ Time constraint was one of the biggest limitations during the data collection.
⮚ While doing data collection for research some employees totally avoid the questionnaire.
This kind of limitations faced by the researcher
⮚ Here is the mention of the same. The certain limitations might be affected by the
researcher project.
⮚ The data collection through only the questionnaire because of current COVID-19
scenario organization should be run through work from home basis.
⮚ Data collected only from those employees who are currently working with an
⮚ During the data collection employee and the employee of the only same companies so
employees were somewhat reluctant to give fair feedback. As all research study found
there is always limitations of the time and the cost to this research
⮚A maximum employee was most motivated by the financial incentives provided by the
⮚ Many employees are motivated by recognition and having a sense of acknowledgement.
⮚ Employees value relationships at the workplace and they get motivated.
⮚ Reasonable, periodically, increases salary motivated employees most.
⮚ Job security was the most motivating factor. It is seen that 64% of people agree that job
security motivates employees most.
⮚ Biggest majority were 100% of the people feels the promotions and bonus motivates
employee most
⮚ It is seen that the half of the employee means 57% of people agree non-cash rewards also get
motivates employee
⮚ It ismeasured that 93% of people agree the performance appraisal influences employee
motivation and employee performance.
⮚ Data analysis concludes that 89% of people feel the healthy work environment also plays a
vital role in employees motivation and performance.
⮚ It is observed that 96% of people agree that the rewards system influences employee
motivation and employees performance.
⮚ Majority employees 93% of respondents totally agreed the recognition motivates employees.
⮚ It is seen that 79% of people involved in decision making which are related to their
department this scenario helps employees motivation.
⮚ Maximum employee 81% of this organization feels satisfied or highly satisfied with their role
of HR trainee.
⮚ They should increase their acknowledged and appreciation in the company because that
employee and interns feels confident and satisfied with their work.
⮚ They should give maximum non-cash reward to employees because NGOs or foundations
mainly focus on non-cash reward for employee motivation.
⮚ They should need proper work distribution and responsibility according to various
departments for better work management.
The purpose of this study is to find out the impact or effect of employee motivation or motivational factor on
employee performance in “Youth Empowerment Foundation” (NGOs). This project or study was directed
with a set of research methodology. Data was mainly collected by questionnaire with open ended and
close ended questions.
The final observation and conclusion indicates that there are positive impacts of employee motivation
on employee performance. Motivational factors are key tools for enhancing employee performance.
Employee performance would be attained when an individuals or persons is motivated to ensure effort
by his or her personal determination’
The result proposed that if the YEF organization motivates their employees by using these motivational
factors key elements such as non-cash rewards like recommendation, appreciations, promotions, work
environments, recognition and good relationship with co-worker. Hence it will automatically expand
employee motivation and employee performance.
Hence organizations can easily achieve their target and focus objective. All the employees in the
organization were motivated by being recognized by colleagues and superiors
and also having a need for achievement and a sense of competition. At the same time they were
dependent on other colleagues and superiors and always sought some guidance from them. The reason
for them being dependent may be due to the fact that they all were team oriented and showed a high need
for affiliation so depending on other fellow employees came naturally to them.
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Chapter -11
▪ Satisfied
▪ Dissatisfied
▪ Average
▪ Highly satisfied
▪ Strongly disagree
▪ Disagree
▪ Neutral
▪ Agree
▪ Strongly agree
Q.3 Does the management involve you in decision making which is connected to your department?
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ May be
▪ Strongly agree
▪ Disagree
▪ Neutral
▪ Agree
▪ Strongly agree
Q,5 Good relationships with co-worker effective for motivation and performance?
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Disagree
▪ Neutral
▪ Agree
▪ Strongly agree
Q .12 Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated and enhance performance ?
▪ Strongly agree
▪ Disagree
▪ Neutral
▪ Agree
▪ Strongly agree
Q .14 Do you think the appreciation and offering recommendation letters influence your performance ?
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ May be
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ May b