Incidence of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Oil Palm in
Incidence of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Oil Palm in
Incidence of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Oil Palm in
1. Introduction
Basal stem rot (BSR) disease caused by Ganoderma boninense remains as the most destructive
disease of oil palm in Indonesia for decades [1-3]. The disease has caused a significant loss of
fresh fruit bunches (FFB) production, up to 35%, in several plantations due to 50% declining of
standing palms per ha area [1, 4]. Meanwhile, the economic losses due to BSR was estimated at
USD 256 million for every 1% incidence in Indonesia [2] and approximately USD 500 million
per year in Southeast Asia [5]. BSR is therefore classified as the most important disease on oil
palm in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia.
G. boninense was previously believed to only affected the old palm, but has recently found
attacking immature palm of less than 1-yr-old [6]. The fungus also capable of spreading through
wind using basidiospores and causes upper stem rot disease [7]. The incidence of BSR tends to
increase following oil palm planting generation. Susanto and Sudharto [8] reported that BSR
incidence of the old palm in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd planting generation was 17%, 18% and 75%,
respectively. On the other hand, the disease incidence of immature palm in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th planting generation was 0%, 4%, 7%, and 11%, respectively.
In North Sumatra, oil palm is so popular for it has been planted in historically-different
planting areas due to land limitation. These includes replanting area from oil palm and
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Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/468/1/012036
converted area from rubber, cacao or even wetland. However, there is lack of information on
how these different planting areas contribute to the incidence of BSR disease.
Many efforts have been introduced to mitigate BSR disease in the field, including
modification of replanting and cultural techniques, utilization of biocontrol agents, chemical
control using fungicides [6, 9-12], and recently, utilization of Ganoderma-tolerant cultivars
[13]. Chemical control using fungicide showed a promising result in laboratory testing but not
in the field [11, 14, 15]. Meanwhile, biological control often showed an inconsistency result in
the field [15, 16]. This seems to be related on the abundance of Ganoderma inoculum in the
field, particularly in Ganoderma-endemic area.
Most of Ganoderma inoculum can only be removed during replanting. Thus, a modification
in oil palm replanting protocols is required, particularly starting the 3rd-generation planting
where Ganoderma inoculum are abundant. Meanwhile in living palms, approach to prolong the
economic life of oil palm infected by G. boninense is also needed, aiming to harvest as many as
FFBs before the palm collapsed.
This paper discusses the incidence of BSR in different planting areas, including conversion
areas from other crops and abandoned land. We also demonstrated how surgery and mounding
capable of prolonging the economic life of infected palms. In addition, we studied the effect of
3 different replanting techniques on the incidence of BSR disease in the field.
2. Methods
Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/468/1/012036
2.3. The effect of replanting methods on BSR incidence
The study was conducted in the 4th generation planting area in Sei/Aek Pancur estate, North
Sumatra where BSR incidence reached more than 80% in the previous generation. Three
replanting methods were tested, consisted of standard replanting method [17], standard
replanting method with big hole planting system [6], and combination of big hole planting
system with root sanitation (Fig. 2). The incidence of BSR was observed annually in each area.
a b c d
e d g h
Figure 2. A preview of standard replanting method with big hole and root sanitation. (a-c)
creation of big hole planting point following bole removal, (d) collection of root masses, (e)
uprooting root masses of oil palm, (f) oil palm seedling planted in the centre of big hole, (g-h)
big hole planting point made on sanitized area.
Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/468/1/012036
Figure 3. Growth of basal stem rot disease incidence over years in different planting areas.
Figure 4. Correlation between basal stem rot disease incidence and palm age in the 2nd
generation planting area in Bukit Sentang estate.
Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/468/1/012036
Collapse palms in surgery and mounding treatment showed that Ganoderma infection is still
developing, possibly from the root base that cannot be removed during the surgery activities.
Despite Ganoderma infection cannot be stopped, the economic life of infected palms can be
prolonged for 2 to 3 yr during which FFB can still be produced and harvested [10, 14, 20]. The
success of surgery and mounding depends on the accuracy of infected stem tissue removal. If
the infected tissue is not completely removed, generally the palm will collapse in the 1st yr after
Figure 6. The incidence of basal stem rot within 3 different replanting methods.
Disease avoidance through inoculum removal during replanting is one of the success keys in
Ganoderma disease management [22]. However, the total removal of all inoculum sources from
an old stand in a Ganoderma endemic area is practically imposible. Thus, the modification in
Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 468 (2020) 012036 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/468/1/012036
replanting method aiming at removing as many of the larger tissue sections as possible. Stump
tissue, consisted of bole and thick crust of roots immediately surrounding it, is the most
important inoculum source of BSR disease [18]. Most of this part can be removed by excavating
the soil using a big hole of 3x3 m at 1.5 m depth. In this study, the infection of Ganoderma in
big hole system was observed starting the 3rd yr. This is probably because the roots of the palm
have a lower chances of get in contact with Ganoderma inoculum in the first 2 yr after planting.
Prasetyo, Susanto and Utomo [23] previously reported that roots of oil palm in a big hole
planting system will only spread laterally within the hole in the first 3 yr and thus avoiding
contact with Ganoderma inoculum outside the hole.
Infected roots, on the other hand, play a significant role in BSR disease infection in
replanting area. Current replanting methods are directed largely to reduce the amounts of large
oil palm remnant such as stumps and trunks [12, 17, 24] but most of the root debris stays
untouched inside the area. Thus, adopting the replanting method in rubber plantation, we
removed as much root debris as possible, more than 1.5 tonnes roots/ha area, in combination
with stumps removal via big hole planting system. This replanting method resulted in smaller
disease incidence compare to standard replanting procedure and big hole planting system. Palms
showing BSR symptoms were observed starting in the 7th yr after planting, suggesting that the
removal of roots remnant will greatly suppress Ganoderma infection in the beginning phase of
oil palm development.
4. Conclusion
The infection rate of Ganoderma was faster in oil palm replanting area at 7.68% per yr,
followed by land conversion from wetland, cacao, and rubber at 4.67%, 3.81%, and 1.06% per
year, respectively. Surgery-mounding of Ganoderma-infected palms can prolong the lifetime of
the infected palms for 2 to 3 YAT. Meanwhile, removal of Ganoderma inoculum sources during
replanting contributes to lower BSR incidence on oil palm in the first 9 yr after planting
whereas the incidence of BSR was keep maintained under 5%.
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