Nat19 Class - Sword Saint

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Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Sword saints are warriors who walk the path already taken The Tools of the Swordsman
by another, looking to achieve such legendary skill that they,
too, will be remembered by history. The true sword saints of The sword saint relies on special techniques that involve
the past were figures who achieved a level of skill beyond converting mental acuity and focus into short feats of
mastery in their craft. Though modern practitioners call superhuman ability. They utilize their own spiritual energy -
themselves sword saints, this is only to draw a parallel chakra - while performing this technique, enabling them to do
between themselves and these heroes. In practice, they everything from summoning elemental energy to conjuring
would usually only call themselves warriors, fighters, up tools and poisons. These techniques are called focus
samurai, or otherwise. It is unbecoming for them to address techniques, and each ancient sword saint passed down theirs
themselves as sword saints unless they are arrogant, but this in their stories and teachings. Techniques outside these exist
does not always stop them. ‘Phantom saint’ is a term they as esoteric techniques, mastered by individual practitioners
commonly use, describing their emulation of an ancient and stored on scrolls, in temples, etc. Esoteric techniques are
swordmaster’s lifestyle, combat skills and practices until they difficult to find and often incomplete compared to the
come truly into their own. mastered techniques passed down by sword saints.
Warriors by a Creed
The Sword Saint The sword saints seek power for a reason, and not
necessarily one based on good intentions. They want to
Focus Max Per create the perfect version of themselves and turn into a
Level Bonus Features Points Turn symbol for the people to fear, respect, vilify, or honor. Even
1st +2 Focus Channeling 3 2 those that wouldn't admit this know it must be the result of
2nd +2 Dragon Surge 4 3
their final goal since a sword saint must, by definition, be the
paramount warrior of their generation. Most of them
3rd +2 Path of Devotion, 5 3 structure themselves as they see fit, setting rules and
Devotion Feature principles they will always follow: some never kill the
4th +2 Ability Score 6 4 innocent, some never draw their weapon first, some protect
Improvement the weak. These tendencies help to give form to their
5th +3 Extra Attack 7 4
personal sense of duty, but more importantly can be noted
and used when others tell their story.
6th +3 Devotion Feature 8 5 Despite their need for historic validation, there is one
7th +3 - 9 5 unifying principle that is always true: the stories told of them
must be inspired, not fabricated. A sword saint will not
8th +3 Ability Score
10 6 embellish or brag of their accomplishments. Any significant
deeds they do must be recorded honestly and passed down
9th +4 Spiritual Armor 11 6 by those inspired to do so.
10th +4 Soul of Luxus 12 7
11th +4 Devotion Feature 13 7
Creating a Sword Saint
12th +4 Ability Score 14 8
When making a sword saint you should consider which
Improvement weapon types you plan to focus on. The various paths of
devotion focus on different weapon sets, with the fighting
13th +5 Extra Attack 15 8 styles indicating which is which. Your character can live a
14th +5 Saint Weapon Bond, 16 9 variety of lives depending on what their focus might be: some
Devotion Feature want to be remembered, some look for strength to protect a
15th +5 - 17 9
community or person, and some have a bloodline legacy to
live up to. You should consider why your character so deeply
16th +5 Ability Score 18 10 dedicates themselves to improving their skills and, if they
Improvement ever achieve the prowess they seek, what they plan to do with
17th +6 Devotion Feature 19 10 it.
18th +6 Moment of Tranquility 20 11
Perhaps they have a master they serve or served; a mentor
may have charged them with aspiring to greatness or
19th +6 Ability Score 21 11 carrying on a legacy. The inciting incident for their goals
Improvement could have been a personal introspective one, or just being
20th +6 Unlock Potential 22 12 inspired by a great warrior they saw or heard about.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Quick Build Sword Saint Focus Techniques
You can quickly make a sword saint by following these
suggestions: your highest ability score should be Strength or Adept Moment
Dexterity depending on the type of weapon you plan to use When you make a skill check with a skill you have proficiency
when you take a path of devotion; your Wisdom determines in, you may spend 1 focus point as a bonus action to roll 1d4
your save DCs, so it should be your next highest; after this, and add it to the result.
you should focus on Constitution. Finally, take the Inheritor
background with the inherited gift being something that Cunning Vertical
helps you learn your path. On your turn you may spend 1 focus point to take the
Disengage action as a bonus action.
Class Features Falcon Wing Deflection
As a sword saint you have the following features. You may spend 2 focus points as a reaction to a melee
weapon attack being made against you to gain a bonus to
Hit Points your Armor Class equal to your proficiency bonus, which
- applies before resolving the triggering attack. This bonus
Hit Dice: 1d10 per sword saint level lasts until the start of your next turn. You must be wielding a
Hit Points At 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier. weapon you have proficiency with to use this reaction. If you
Hit Points At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your are restrained or knocked prone you lose the bonus from this
Constitution modifier per sword saint level after 1st. effect.
Proficiencies Falter Fleeting
- On your turn you can spend 1 focus point as a bonus action to
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields move an additional number of feet equal to your proficiency
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons bonus multiplied by five.
Tools: None Overwhelming Advance
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom When you miss a creature with a weapon attack you can
Skills: Choose three skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, spend 2 focus points to roll a d20 and must use the result in
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, place of the d20 of your attack roll, possibly changing the
Perception, Survival outcome of the attack.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Dragon Surge
equipment granted by your background: Starting at 2nd level, you can expend 2 focus points on your
(a) chain shirt or (b) studded leather, a longbow, 20 arrows turn to use a dragon surge. When you do this you can take an
(a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial additional action and possible bonus action (if you still have
weapons it). This feature cannot be used twice on the same turn or
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 4 javelins during the same turn when you use another feature that
(a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack allows you to take another action (such as a fighter's action
Focus Channeling When you use your dragon surge feature you gain an
You have a certain number of focus points equal to 2 + your additional 15 feet of movement that can be taken
level as a sword saint. Focus can be spent on various abilities immediately. If it is not used you lose this movement at the
you gain as a sword saint, automatically gaining the abilities end of your turn.
listed under sword saint focus techniques. You can only use a Each time you use it the amount of focus points it costs
number of focus points each round equal to half your total increases by 1 until you spend at least 1 minute without
focus point maximum + 1. You start counting for the purposes making an attack roll, cause another creature to take damage,
of this limit at the start of your turn each round. or take damage from a hostile creature.
The save DC for focus techniques = 8 + your proficiency Path of Devotion
bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
You regain your focus points whenever you complete a long At 3rd level you choose a path of devotion. You pledge
rest. yourself to a style of combat and lifestyle from the paths of
devotion listed, and gain the 3rd-level features listed.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Ability Score Improvement If you lose this weapon you always know which direction
it's in and the condition of the weapon.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can take one feat you meet the conditions for, Moment of Tranquility
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or increase two Starting at 18th level, if you end an encounter with 2 or fewer
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't remaining focus points, you immediately regain enough focus
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. points to have 3 total. These points cannot be used for your
Extra Attack dragon surge feature.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, Unlock Potential
when you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of
attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level in this When you reach 20th level, you learn any three focus
class. techniques that you do not already know. Whenever you
complete a long rest you can meditate and adapt to other
Spiritual Armor means of combat, switching out one of your known focus
techniques for one that you don't currently know.
Starting at 9th level, you can transform your resolve and
tenacity into a type of energy that protects you from harm. As
a bonus action, you may expend any number of focus points Paths of Devotion
to gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier The sword saint walks a path of devotion. They study the
plus your proficiency bonus per focus point expended. These teachings of a famous sword saint who defined a generation,
temporary hit points vanish when you complete a short rest. trying to emulate their style and skills while putting their own
The total number of points you can expend as part of this twist on them. The paths teach various lifestyles, mentalities,
feature is limited to the amount you normally are limited to and practices that support the skills of those individuals.
using in one turn, even if you have another feature that allows A sword saint will usually gravitate to the teachings that
you to ignore that limit (such as your saint weapon bond). best suit their outlook on life. The methods by which they
Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again learn their path can be from scrolls, books, stories passed
until you complete a long rest. down, a teacher, or other sources of information. To some
rare sword saints, these skills come to them in visions or
Soul of Luxus through meditation.
Starting at 10th level, when you complete a short rest you
regain all of your expended focus points. Way of Blue Metal
The Way of Blue Metal is an ancient tradition forged by an
Saint Weapon Bond elven swordsman who sought out inner peace. Among all of
Starting at 14th level, you can attune yourself to a specific the ways of devotion, it is the most attuned to the chakra that
weapon of your choice and allow your spirit to connect to it. is employed when focusing on the superhuman feats sword
To do so you must perform a ritual over the course of a short saints are capable of.
rest, requiring sacred incense and other materials unique to The swordsmen who follow the Way of Blue Metal are
your traditions that are collectively worth 500 gold pieces. capable of learning the various skills of many different paths,
Mixing these materials with a drop of your own blood, you incorporating them into their own style of swordsmanship. In
imbue the weapon with a connection to your spirit that marks critical moments in battle, they find peace that can restore
it as yours. Its hue may change, and the weapon may gain their focus and let them keep fighting.
new aesthetic characteristics in response to your spirit. This Defined by versatility, one of the key features of these
weapon is now considered to be your saint weapon. swordsmen is traced back to legends that it was taught to its
You must be attuned to this saint weapon as if it were a original practitioner by a series of dragons who each
magical item. If it is a weapon that requires ammunition, it contributed their knowledge to its form. That practitioner
can now create unremarkable ammunition magically when learned to harness the elements, drawing out the power of
used (if it must reload, creating new ammunition takes the their own chakra and forcing it to manifest as elemental
same action you would take to reload it normally). If it is a energy representing their soul's nature.
thrown weapon, you can use a bonus action to recall it if it is Blue Metal Features
within 100 feet of you, causing it to fly into your hands as Level Features
long as there is an unobstructed path it can take to travel to
you. 3rd Focus Mastery, Focus Techniques
You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with 6th Central Aura
your saint weapon as long as you are attuned to it. This 11th Extra Focus
weapon and its attacks are considered magical for the
purposes of overcoming damage resistance if it wasn't 14th Purity of Form
already magical. When attuned to a saint weapon, you no 17th Roaring Dragon Surge
longer have a limit to the number of focus points you can
spend each round as long as you still have focus points to
spend. If the focus points being used involve an attack roll, the
saint weapon must be used for the weapon attack.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Focus Mastery Those who follow in their footsteps learn defensive
Beginning at 3rd level, when you take this path of devotion, techniques that give them durability and staying power in
whenever you score a critical hit you regain focus points combat. They seek creative ways to defeat their opponents
equal to your proficiency bonus. rather than overpowering them directly. Musashi's brilliance
has not been replicated, but their approach and style have
Focus Techniques been co-opted into techniques that allow others to exploit
Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you opponents by quickly pin-pointing weaknesses in their
learn any three focus techniques. defenses and overwhelming them simultaneously.
To follow this path is to hold a blade in each hand,
Central Aura unrelentingly seeking out joy and purpose to a fault. They live
Whenever you reach 6th level, you choose one of the fully and pursue what they feel is right for them. Musashi
following energy types: cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You discovered a certain pure truth through this way of living and
learn to attune your internal energy to that element and bend became unbeatable. Others reaching the same place is not
it into a protective shroud. Any time you would take damage outside the realm of possibility.
of that type, you may spend 2 focus points as a reaction to Way of Musashi Features
negate the damage from that effect, gain temporary hit points Level Features
equal to the damage roll, and gain resistance to that type of
damage for as long as you have those temporary hit points. 3rd Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting, Focus
Additionally you may, as an action, spend 2 focus points to Techniques
imbue a weapon you're wielding with the same element you 6th Point Zero
selected for your central aura. For 10 minutes your weapon 11th Way of Five Souls
attacks deals extra damage of that damage type equal to half
your sword saint level (rounded down). 14th The Undeniable Path
17th Heartless Dragon Sweep
Extra Focus
Whenever you reach 11th level, you learn additional 3 focus Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting
techniques, choosing any you wish to. Your focus point Beginning when you take this path of devotion at 3rd level,
maximum increases by an amount equal to your Wisdom when you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
modifier. ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
Purity of Form If another feature gives you the option of taking another
Beginning at 14th level, as long as you are wielding your fighting option you cannot take the two-weapon fighting
sword saint weapon, all of your focus techniques cost 1 fewer option again.
points (minimum 1). Focus Techniques
Roaring Dragon Surge Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level you learn
Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to use an advanced the following focus techniques:
version of the dragon surge technique. Your regular use of Exemplary Deflection
dragon surge no longer causes it to cost extra focus points on As a reaction to a weapon attack you can see hitting you, you
subsequent uses. may spend 1 focus point to reduce the damage from the
Whenever you use your dragon surge, you can spend an attack to half.
additional focus point to use a roaring dragon surge, gaining
advantage on weapon attacks you make with your saint Reposition
weapon until the start of your next turn. Those attacks deal When a creature makes a melee attack against you and
an additional 1d10 damage of your weapon's type on a misses, you may spend 2 focus points to move immediately
successful hit. up to 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
The amount of extra movement you gain from your dragon
surge is increased to 30 feet when using a roaring dragon Scatter Petals
surge. After you take an attack on your turn and use your bonus
action to make an additional attack with an off-hand weapon,
Way of Musashi you may expend 1 focus point each time you make another
A notorious figure in the history of sword saints, Musashi weapon attack with your primary weapon to take an
was a rambunctious and disloyal swordsman who bounced additional off-hand attack.
from master to master. He was an innately skilled individual
however, developing a style of two-weapon swordplay that
remains unmatched. His belief was that no action should ever
be wasted, and so should be in service to making an attack,
even when defending.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Point Zero Way of Rust Features
Beginning at 6th level, you learn how to defend against Level Features
critical situations with expert proficiency. When a creature 3rd Eroding Attribute, Focus Techniques
scores a critical hit against you, you can use your reaction to
negate the extra damage caused by the critical hit. As part of 6th Cellular Rust
the same reaction, you can make two weapon attacks against 11th Body of Steel
a creature within reach (one with your primary weapon and 14th Overedge Erosion
one with your off-hand weapon).
Additionally, creatures that gain bonuses (such as sneak 17th Withering Despolitation
attack, or flanking from surrounding an enemy, or benefit
from other creatures being adjacent to them or their target) Eroding Attribute
cannot gain those benefits or use those features against you. Beginning when you take this path of devotion at 3rd level,
If those features have other triggers that cause them to work, your melee weapons are empowered by creatures they bring
such as advantage for sneak attack, they still work as normal close to death. Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0
under those conditions. hit points on your turn with a weapon attack you can
immediately make another attack with the same weapon
Way of Five Souls against another creature within reach.
Starting at 11th level, you gain proficiency in all saving That attack and all other attacks you make with that
throws you don't already have proficiency in. weapon until the start of your next turn gain a +1 bonus to
their attack and damage rolls. You can gain this bonus to
The Undeniable Path attack and damage rolls a number of times per round up to
Starting at 14th level, you can bond to a second weapon as your proficiency bonus.
your saint weapon, gaining all the same benefits as the first.
You can attune to both as if they were a single magic item, Focus Techniques
gaining access to all of the features you would normally gain Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you
from attuning to both individually. learn the following focus techniques:
Heartless Dragon Sweep Detoxify
Starting at 17th level, as an action you can spend 6 focus You use your control over your ki to clear your mind and body.
points and make a sweeping strike against all creatures On your turn you may spend 1 focus point to immediately end
within 10 feet of you. You make an individual weapon attack an effect causing you to be paralyzed, charmed, poisoned,
with one of your saint weapons against each one, resolving frightened, or stunned.
the attacks as you normally would. Exemplary Deflection
Every creature you hit must make a Constitution saving
throw against you focus technique DC. Any creature that fails As a reaction to a weapon attack you can see hitting you, you
takes an additional 2d12 damage of your weapon's damage may spend 1 focus point to reduce the damage from the
type and is stunned until the end of your next turn. attack to half.
You cannot use this technique and dragon surge in the Fearful Surge
same turn. Whenever you use your dragon surge, you may spend an
Way of Rust additional focus point to emanate an aura of fear as well. All
creatures within 20 feet of you who can see or hear you must
Not known for one particular individual, the Way of Rust is a attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure they are
heretical school of combat that begins with conjuring up or frightened of you for 1 minute. Creatures frightened this way
hunting down a rust spirit, trapping it within a weapon, and reattempt the Wisdom save at the end of their turn, ending
plunging it into one's body. This binds the spirit, a yokai that the effect on a success. If a creature succeeds on either
feasts off metal, into the body and creates a symbiotic saving throw they become immune to your fearful surge for
relationship that turns both into a living weapon. 24 hours.
This rust spirit inhabits the blood and muscles of its host,
hungering constantly for metal. It acts to preserve itself and Cellular Rust
its host as best it can, but neither the wielder nor the spirit Starting at 6th level, your body has become affected by the
can force the other into action. It hungers not only for metal, rust merged with it. It becomes partially metallic, your skin
but for the iron in the blood of other creatures. developing rusty patches. After this point you gain resistance
The longer a creature lives bound to this spirit, the more to necrotic and poison damage, have advantage on saving
mechanical and jaded they become until their sense of self throws against being poisoned, and you add your proficiency
seems to almost evaporate entirely. bonus to any Strength-based Ability check you make. If you
have proficiency in any Strength-based skill check you
instead double your proficiency bonus for that check.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Body of Steel If they fail, any Armor Class bonus the item grants is
Starting at 11th level, you are always armed as the rust spirit reduced by 1 and damage rolls with the weapon suffer a -1
within you allows you to conjure up weapons made of rusty penalty. If the armor's Armor Class bonus is reduced to 0 or
metal with a blood-like tinge. At will, you can create these the weapon's damage penalty equals half or more of the
magic weapons in your hands, creating new ones that shatter weapon's damage die (for example, 4 or higher for a weapon
quickly after being used to make an attack. If they leave your that deals 1d6) the equipment is destroyed entirely.
possession, they immediately crumble to dust or break apart.
You can summon up any type of melee weapon you are Withering Despoliation
proficient with as long as they have a metal component, and Starting at 17th level, your skills sharpen and your weapons
these versions have the same damage die and properties of a leave a rust-like residue upon all things they strike. This rust
regular version of that weapon, with the following exceptions: enters into their skin and blood, rotting it away instantly as it
tries to consume them. At the end of each of your turns when
These weapons are considered magical and have a +1 you made at least one weapon attack that hit a creature, you
bonus to attack and damage rolls. You cannot create may spend 2 focus points to use your bonus action to
weapons that emulate the magical effects of any other aggravate rust particles left behind by your attack.
weapons or items you know. All creatures that you hit during your turn must make a
When you deal damage with these weapons, you roll one Constitution saving throw against your focus technique DC.
more of the weapon's damage die again and add that On a failed save they each take 1d10 necrotic damage for
much necrotic damage to the result. each time you hit them this turn. A creature that fails is also
If a creature attempts to cast a spell or uses a feature that poisoned until the end of your next turn as their body fights
damages or affects weapons (such as heat metal), you can off remaining rust in their body.
immediately destroy the rust weapon before the effect
takes hold, in which case the feature or spell is still
considered spent.
If you create a weapon with the thrown property and use it
to make a ranged weapon attack, the weapon can only be
thrown up to its normal range, and if thrown up to its long
range it will crumble to dust before reaching the target.
Overedge Erosion
Starting at 14th level, the rust within your body has taken
hold and become a parasitic entity that hungers for yet more
metal to feast upon. You gain the ability to perform one of the
following two actions whenever you make a weapon attack:
Eroded Power Strike. Once per turn, when wielding a non-
magical weapon made of metal, you can allow the rust within
you to devour part of it or all of it in exchange for a burst of
strength. When you make this weapon attack, you roll 1d6
and add it to the attack roll. After the attack resolves that
weapon is rusted, and suffers a permanent -1 penalty to
attack rolls. Once a weapon has suffered this penalty an
amount of times equal to half the maximum result of its
highest damage die, it crumbles or shatters and is destroyed.
Alternatively, if the weapon has not suffered from this
penalty at all you can choose to destroy it entirely on the first
use, in which case the bonus to the attack roll is 1d10
instead. If the weapon used for this feature is made of
adamantine you have advantage on the attack roll.
If you use this feature with a piece of non-magical
ammunition the bonus is only 1d4, and the ammunition is
destroyed after the first use. You cannot use a weapon
created using your body of steel feature for this effect.
Steel Devourer. If you are attacking a creature that is
wielding a non-magical weapon or armor, and you deal
damage with the attack, you can have the rust within you
attempt to consume their equipment. Choose one piece of
armor, a shield, or a weapon they possess that is made of
metal. If that equipment is non-magical and not made of
adamantine they must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC
equal to 8 + your Constitution Modifier + your proficiency
bonus) to avoid the effect.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Way of Tadakatsu Thunder Joust
When you move 10 or more feet toward a creature in a
The Way of Tadakatsu takes lessons from a powerful, straight line, you can spend 1 focus point to gain advantage
bombastic military general who never received a single on the next weapon attack you make against them this turn. If
wound during his career. A sword saint who threw himself you hit with this attack, and the target is no more than one
into battle after battle in a long, perilous war in service to his size category larger than you, the target must make a
lord; he is a paragon of endurance and might. Those who Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is knocked
follow in his path study stories about his legendary spear, prone.
which he would raise high into the air while charging forward
on his trusted mount. Rally and Conquer
His teachings grant skills necessary to support allies, fight Beginning at 6th level, whenever you hit a creature with a
against large groups of soldiers, wield large powerful melee weapon attack, you knock them off-center somewhat,
weapons with ease, and survive killing blows. By the time a stealing their attention and covering for those around you
warrior masters this path, they can reduce their opponents using aggressive tactics.
defenses and shrug off weapon strikes as long as they know As long as that creature stays within your attack range with
they're coming. These warriors will more than likely find that weapon, your allies can roll 1d4 and add it to the result
themselves seeking glory and adoration, enjoying the roar of of any attack rolls they make against them.
a crowd and the thrill of combat. Your allies do not benefit from this effect if you are
Way of Tadakatsu Features incapacitated or blinded.
Level Features
Enduring Bulwark
3rd Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting, Focus Beginning at 11th level, whenever you would be reduced to 0
Techniques hit points by damage you can spend 1 or more focus points to
6th Rally and Conquor instead drop to 1 hit point. You gain temporary hit points
equal to 1d6 per focus point you spend.
11th Enduring Bulwark You can use this feature once, regaining your use of it when
14th Rising Dragonfly you complete a short or long rest.
17th Unslayable
Rising Dragonfly
Beginning at 14th level, your saint weapon is imbued with a
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting powerful bond to you that allows you to strike with it at
Starting when you take this path at 3rd level, when you roll a length. For one attack each round you can treat your saint
1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon as if it has the thrown property. Its normal range is
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can re-roll 50 feet and its long range is 150 feet.
the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or When you make this attack, you cause the weapon to
a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile transform magically into a spear while it is thrown, though it
property for you to gain this benefit. keeps its properties, damage dice, damage types, and magical
If another feature gives you the option of taking another effects.
fighting option you cannot take the great weapon fighting Whenever the weapon is thrown and hits its target it deals
option again. an extra 1d12 damage, then quickly snaps back to you to
transform into its regular form. You can make more than one
Focus Techniques attack this way a turn if you spend 1 focus point each time
Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you you do.
learn the following focus techniques: The creature this weapon hits is struck by a cutting wave of
Blasting Spear energy that weakens them momentarily, forcing them to
When you make a melee attack with a weapon that deals make a Constitution saving throw against your focus
piercing damage, you may spend 2 focus points to forgo the technique DC. If the creature fails, its Armor Class is reduced
attack roll. Instead, all creatures in a 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide by 1d4 + 1 until the start of your next turn. During this period
line originating from you make a Dexterity saving throw, it cannot be reduced further this way.
taking the weapon's damage on a failed save or half as much Unslayable
on a successful one. Beginning at 17th level, you become almost untouchable,
Majestic shrugging off blows with vigor and strength. As long as you
On your turn, you may spend 2 focus points as a bonus action aren't incapacitated, whenever you take bludgeoning,
to have all attacks made against you be made with piercing, or slashing damage you take 10 fewer points of
disadvantage until the start of your next turn. damage from that attack or effect. This reduction does not
stack with other effects granting a similar reduction in
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Constitution saving

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Way of the Ghost Phantom Smoke
The Way of the Ghost is a style of combat taken from a Starting at 6th level, you can use your bonus action to
legendary assassin who liberated their homeland from an detonate a ki-infused smoke bomb centered on yourself. The
invading army. Though they had fewer numbers, the ghostly white smoke from the bomb fills a 20-foot-radius
swordsman relied on tactics unbecoming one who valued sphere and acts identically to the fog cloud spell (requiring no
honor, but successfully drove off their enemies. They use concentration).
stealth, assassination, poison, and fear to strike down their While within this cloud you have blindsight that extends to
foes. the edges of it, and you are considered invisible to other
Their name was lost but stories of their war live on, creatures inside it.
inspiring talented swordsmen to turn to the path of stealth You can use this feature twice, regaining expended uses
and necessity to achieve their goals. One who takes on the when you finish a long rest.
Way of the Ghost forsakes their name when they fight, Vanquisher's Toxin
becoming a symbol like their progenitor. Starting at 11th level, you can expend a focus point to use
Way of the Ghost Features your bonus action to coat a light weapon with a hallucinatory
Level Features toxin that remains in effect for 1 minute.
The next time you deal damage to a creature, it is infected
3rd Stealth Slayer, Focus Techniques by the toxin for 1 minute, during which time they see multiple
6th Phantom Smoke ghostly images of creatures they focus on. When
hallucinating this way, they must roll 1d20 when they make
11th Vanquisher's Toxin an attack roll against a creature, missing automatically on a
14th Mortal Blood Coil result of 11 or higher.
17th Phantom Replacement At the end of each of the creature's turns it makes a
Constitution saving throw, ending the hallucinatory effects on
a success. If the creature ends the effect this way it becomes
Stealth Slayer immune to the same toxins for 24 hours.
Starting at 3rd level, when you take this path of devotion you This feature has no effect on undead, constructs, or
do not suffer disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks from creatures that don't rely on sight.
wearing medium armor.
Whenever you hit a surprised creature in combat, you Mortal Blood Coil
automatically score a critical hit, and when you score a Beginning at 14th level, whenever you kill a creature with
critical hit this way you roll the weapon's damage die an your attuned saint weapon you roll 1d20. On a result of 16 or
additional two times and add it to the damage roll. higher, you rip a great deal of blood from your target, which
swirls around your weapon as a bloody aura. When this
Focus Techniques happens you gain 1d4+1 temporary focus points that
Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you disappear at the end of your next turn.
learn the following focus techniques: While you have these temporary points, whenever you hit
Heel Cut any creature with your saint weapon for the first time since
When you hit a creature that is large or smaller with a melee the start of your last turn that creature must make a wisdom
weapon attack, you may spend 1 focus point to force them to saving throw, becoming frightened of you for 1 minute on a
make a Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is failed save. The creature may repeat the saving throw at the
knocked prone. end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
If a creature succeeds either save to end this effect, they
Scorpion Mark cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you This feature has no effect against a creature that is undead,
may spend 2 focus points to mark them as your primary a construct, or has no blood.
target, analyzing their movements and gaining a supernatural
awareness of their intentions. For up to 1 hour you cannot be Phantom Replacement
surprised by the creature, they cannot gain advantage on any Beginning at 17th level, whenever a creature misses you with
attack against you, and you have advantage on all Wisdom a weapon attack you may spend 3 focus points as a reaction
(Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to track to have your body peel away into a ghostlike mist while you
or follow them. If you hit them with a weapon attack during become invisible until the end of your next turn. As part of the
this time you deal an additional 1d8 damage. You must reaction you can move up to half your movement speed
concentrate on this effect as if it were a spell. immediately.
While you are invisible by this or any other effect, your
Severance saint weapon deals an additional 2d8 psychic damage when
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you you hit with it, as long as the creature you attack cannot see.
may spend 2 focus points to force them to roll a Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, the target is dealt a wound that
causes them to suffer disadvantage on all of their attack rolls
for the rest of the encounter. At the end of each of their turns
they repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Way of Tomoe Thunder Lotus
This path of devotion follows after a legendary swordsman Beginning at 6th level, whenever you hit with an attack using
who refined their skills as a bowman to a point past a weapon you are proficient with, you may spend 2 or more
perfection. Their prevailing myth is of challenging a god of focus points to charge the attack with lightning, unleashing a
lightning and succeeding in impressing them, and was thus blast of it against the creature. You can only use focus points
granted the power of the storm. Those who follow their path past the 2nd equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded
learn to manifest this lightning and train their eyes to a point up).
past perfection. At a range these swordsmen are unmatched. The target creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
Stories of the legendary swordsman Tomoe speak of them against your focus technique DC. If they fail, they take 2d8
as a tragic figure who always conquered the battlefield, but lightning damage plus 1d8 lightning damage for each focus
lost out on love and fulfillment in return. In exchange for the point you spend past the 2nd. If the creature is wearing metal
power of lightning, those who take on this path solemnly armor they have disadvantage on the Dexterity saving throw.
accept that they accept Tomoe's karma onto themselves as If the weapon you used is your attuned saint weapon, it
well. deals an additional 1d12 lightning damage when you use this
Way of Tomoe Features
Level Features Eyes of the Saint
Beginning at 6th level, whenever you make a ranged attack
3rd Fighting Style: Archery, Focus Techniques you do not suffer disadvantage from hostile creatures being
6th Thunder Lotus, Eyes of the Saint within 5 feet of you or from firing at the weapon's long range.
You score a critical hit with a ranged weapon on attack
11th Raikou Bombardment rolls of 19 or 20, and when you score a critical hit you roll one
14th Lightning Blossom Stance of the weapon's damage dice and add it to the damage roll.
17th Arrows of the End
Raikou Bombardment
Beginning at 11th level, as an action on your turn you can
Fighting Style: Archery spend 3 focus points while wielding a ranged weapon to arm
Starting at 3rd level, when you take this path of devotion, you it with spiritual lightning, firing bolts of lightning from it
gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged instead of ammunition.
weapons. As part of this action, you choose a space within the
If another feature gives you the option of taking another normal range of your weapon. All creatures in a 15-foot
fighting option you cannot take the archery option again. sphere centered on the space must attempt a Dexterity
You ignore the loading quality of weapons with which you saving throw against your focus technique DC. Any creature
are proficient, and drawing a weapon with the thrown that fails takes lightning damage equal to 1d10 + the
property is a free action as long as you immediately throw weapon's damage dice. On a successful save creatures take
that weapon as part of an attack. half as much damage.
Any creature that fails their saving throw by 5 points or
Focus Techniques more is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you
learn the following focus techniques: Lightning Blossom Stance
Majestic Beginning at 14th level, you have resistance to lightning
On your turn, you may spend 2 focus points as a bonus action damage. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, if it is
to have all attacks made against you be made with the first time you hit that creature since the start of your most
disadvantage until the start of your next turn. recent turn, that attack deals extra lightning damage equal to
1d8 + half your sword saint level.
Rise Up, Soar Far
You can spend 1 focus point to be able to make high jumps Arrows of the End
and long jumps on that turn without having to move Beginning at 17th level, you acquire a keen eye with ranged
beforehand. You gain an additional 10 feet of movement that weapons that allows you to more easily score critical hits.
can only be used for these jumps. Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack you
score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20, and when you do
Wind Chain score a critical hit, you roll three more of the weapon's
When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1 damage dice and add them to the result.
focus point to extend the range of the attack to 30 feet. All As a bonus action on your turn you can designate a
weapon attacks with the same weapon may benefit from this creature within your weapon's reach to protect from harm as
effect until the end of your turn. These attacks are treated as long as you're wielding a ranged weapon you're proficient
melee attacks. with. If any creature attacks your protected target before the
start of your next turn, you may use your reaction to make an
attack against them, which resolves first. If you hit, you deal
weapon damage as normal and the creature has
disadvantage on any more attacks they make until the start of
their next turn.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Way of Yamato Mirage Dash
The wielder of the legendary katana, Yamato was a Beginning at 6th level, whenever you take the Dash action
swordsman obsessed with power and status. They honed you can quickly strike a creature you pass, making a single
their fighting style so that their opponents would be cut down melee weapon attack as part of the action as long as you
by a flurry of strikes before they could realize they had even move at least 10 feet beforehand.
been struck. Those who follow the teachings left behind by If a creature you hit with this weapon attack attempts to hit
this swordsman are devoted to becoming killing machines, you with an opportunity attack on the same turn, they have
focused on delivering instant killing blows and striking with disadvantage on the attack.
every movement they make. Angelus Vortex
Way of Yamato Features Beginning at 11th level, whenever you hit a creature with a
Level Features critical hit you also quickly unleash a flurry of small slashes,
assaulting every opening you can see in the blink of an eye.
3rd Fighting Style: Dueling, Focus Techniques The creature suffers from these wounds for 1 minute,
6th Improved Critical, Mirage Dash during which time they take an amount of damage at the start
of each of their turns equal to one of the damage dice of the
11th Angelus Vortex weapon you hit them with.
14th Judgement Cut At the end of each of the creature's turns, they make a
17th One Thousand Cuts Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
The effect also ends if the creature receives magical healing,
but the amount they heal is halved.
Fighting Style: Dueling To use this feature, the weapon used must be your saint
Starting at 3rd level, when you take this path of devotion and weapon or be able to benefit from the dueling fighting style.
you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other
weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that Judgement Cut
weapon. Beginning at 14th level, the first time on your turn you hit any
If another feature gives you the option of taking another given creature with a weapon attack using your saint weapon,
fighting option you cannot take the dueling option again. you can teleport in a hasty ghost-like manner to any
unoccupied space within 15 feet of them. This movement
Focus Techniques does not count against your movement speed on this turn.
Whenever you take this path of devotion at 3rd level, you Each time you use this feature, then hit another creature
learn the following focus techniques: that you haven't hit on this turn, your saint weapon deals an
Blue Crescent additional one of its weapon die of damage. Only attacks that
When you make a melee weapon attack with a weapon that are part of the same Attack action benefit from this extra
deals slashing damage, you may spend 2 focus points to damage.
instead attack all creatures within range with the same One Thousand Cuts
weapon. Starting at 17th level, when you make a weapon attack with a
You roll a separate attack and damage roll for each melee weapon on your turn you can momentarily enter an
creature within range. Effects that trigger on attack rolls such accelerated state of mind and body. You may expend 6 focus
as smites, sneak attack, etc must be applieed to each attack points to make an attack that strikes many times
made this way seperately. simultaneously with a single weapon. If your attack hits, you
Iaijutsu can roll your weapon damage against the target creature as if
If you are surprised on your turn, you may spend 2 focus you had hit them a number of times equal to your Dexterity
points to no longer be surprised and take your turn normally. modifier (dealing damage die and your modifiers each time).
This damage is dealt as if it were all one weapon attack for
Wind Chain the purposes of reactions, damage reduction, damage
When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1 thresholds, etc. If you score a critical hit with this attack it
focus point to extend the range of the attack to 30 feet. All does not add extra damage die, but instead the attack deals
weapon attacks with the same weapon may benefit from this maximum damage.
effect until the end of your turn. These attacks are treated as You cannot use this feature on the same round as dragon
melee attacks. surge or action surge. To use this feature you must use your
saint weapon or a weapon that can benefit from your dueling
Improved Critical fighting style.
Starting at 6th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit
on a roll of 19 or 20.

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Path of Devotion Focus Techniques Rise Up, Soar Far
You can spend 1 focus point to be able to make high jumps
Blasting Spear and long jumps on that turn without having to move
When you make a melee attack with a weapon that deals beforehand. You gain an additional 10 feet of movement that
piercing damage, you may spend 2 focus points to forgo the can only be used for these jumps (Path: Tomoe)
attack roll. Instead all creatures in a 30-foot-long, 5-foot-wide
line originating from you make a Dexterity saving throw, Scatter Petals
taking the weapon's damage on a failed save or half as much After you take an attack on your turn and use your bonus
on a successful one. (Path: Tadakatsu) action to make an additional attack with an off-hand weapon,
you may expend 1 focus point each time you make another
Blue Crescent weapon attack with your primary weapon to take an
When you make a melee weapon attack with a weapon that additional off-hand attack. (Path: Musashi)
deals slashing damage, you may spend 2 focus points to
instead attack all creatures within range with the same Scorpion Mark
weapon. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you
You roll a separate attack and damage roll for each may spend 2 focus points to mark them as your primary
creature within range. Effects that trigger on attack rolls such target, analyzing their movements and gaining a supernatural
as smites, sneak attack, etc must be applieed to each attack awareness of their intentions. For up to 1 hour you cannot be
made this way seperately. (Path: Yamato) surprised by the creature, they cannot gain advantage on any
attack against you, and you have advantage on all Wisdom
Detoxify (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to track
You use your control over your ki to clear your mind and body. or follow them. If you hit them with a weapon attack during
On your turn, you may spend 1 focus point to immediately this time you deal an additional 1d8 damage. You must
end an effect causing you to be paralyzed, charmed, poisoned, concentrate on this effect as if it were a spell. (Paths: Ghost)
frightened, or stunned. (Path: Rust)
Exemplary Deflection When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you
As a reaction to a weapon attack you can see hitting you, you may spend 2 focus points to force them to roll a Constitution
may spend 1 focus point to reduce the damage from the saving throw. On a failure, the target is dealt a wound that
attack to half. (Paths: Musashi, Rust) causes them to suffer disadvantage on all of their attack rolls
for the rest of the encounter. At the end of each of their turns
Fearful Surge they repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
Whenever you use your dragon surge, you may spend an (Paths: Ghost, Muramasa)
additional focus point to emanate an aura of fear as well. All
creatures within 20 feet of you who can see or hear you must Thunder Joust
attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure they are When you move 10 or more feet toward a creature in a
frightened of you for 1 minute. Creatures frightened this way straight line you can spend 1 focus point to gain advantage on
reattempt the Wisdom save at the end of their turn, ending the attack roll. If you hit, and the target is no more than one
the effect on a success. If a creature succeeds on either size category larger than you, the target must make a
saving throw they become immune to your fearful surge for Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is knocked
24 hours. (Path: Rust) prone. (Path: Tadakatsu)
Heel Cut Wind Chain
When you hit a creature that is large or smaller with a melee When you make a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1
weapon attack, you may spend 1 focus point to force them to focus point to extend the range of the attack to 30 feet. All
make a Strength saving throw. On a failure the creature is weapon attacks with the same weapon may benefit from this
knocked prone. (Paths: Ghost) effect until the end of your turn. These attacks are treated as
melee attacks. (Paths: Tomoe, Yamato)
If you are surprised on your turn, you may spend 2 focus
points to no longer be surprised and take your turn normally.
(Path: Yamato)
On your turn, you may spend 2 focus points as a bonus action
to have all attacks made against you be made with
disadvantage until the start of your next turn. (Path:
Tadakatsu, Tomoe)
When a creature makes a melee attack against you and
misses, you may spend 2 focus points to move immediately
up to 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. (Paths:

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Multiclassing Requirements
To multiclass into the Sword Saint, you must have at least 15
in Dexterity or Wisdom, and at least 13 in the other.
Multiclassing Proficiences
When you multiclass into it you gain proficiency with light
armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons and martial

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)
Open Game License
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
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Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

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Mike Herrmann (Order #41492001)

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