The Cosmic

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Winds and rocks

spin around a halfling as she churns the
space around her. A light orbits her head, constantly Applibot - Alchemist
unleasing bolts of white fire that detonate near a group of Miles-Johnston

Ogres, blinding them. Moments later a small star appears in

their midst and with a sickening bone crunching sound they
are forced on to their knees.
A figure clad in shimmering, scorching orange armour
conjures a blazing shield as the dragon claws into him. The
claws scrape against the shield, fire ripping up its arms as it
did, burning it. The armoured figure conjures a Javelin of light
and stabs the beast, cooking it from the inside.
A Satyr in a long rippling cloak begins to fade as dark energy
leaks in through the space around him. Within seconds the
area around him is a midnight shimmering fog, when the fog
vanishes the Satyr is gone, only a scorch mark of a
constellation on the ground remains.
Alpha and Omega
All existences hangs in the cosmos. While seemingly inert
the Universe holds infinite power and is the master of all that
live in it. Cosmics tap into this ancient Universal knowledge
through a variety of ways. Whether it be extensive research,
or finding some otherwordly or ancient text that allows the
creature to talk to the fundamental forces of the Universe.
This ability to understand the Universe on some level has
driven some cosmics insane, and the more they comprehend
the more likely it is to find their sanity slipping. There is a
legend among Cosmics that the pinnacle of your Abilities is
shedding your mortal body and concious and becoming one
with the Universe, transcending death and life.
Cosmic Aspects
The three cosmic aspects harnessed so far are the power of
stars, ever-powerful and burning hot. Those that use this
power wrap it around themselves like armour, bearing the
brunt of enemies attacks, and channel the power into their
weapons. Dark clouds hanging in space, Nebulae are large
mysterious areas of space that obsucre more of the cosmos
than we could know. Nebula Architects shows these features
in their magic. Spiralling monoliths of power and energy,
Vortexs of power stand shining and devastating against the
vast darkness of space. Vortex cosmics tap into a small
amount of this energy, wielding it with devastating effects.
Mysterious interlopers
Many Cosmics seek to be actively involved in the events of the
world. Due to their altered perceptions of reality they often
see things in long term perspectives, seeking to nudge events
or proceedings subtly which may not have affects now but
will escalate in to great changes in time. Whether concious or
not, cosmics are drawn to intrigue and actions as they are
intertwined with the Universe they cannot often sit quietly
when presented with something of interest

Cosmic | Kiamo
Astral Assembly Creating a Cosmic
While many come across their cosmic powers by themselves. The most important questions to consider when creating
Many come in to their powers through the interference of the your Cosmic is the how the cosmic perceives their powers,
elusive Astral Assembly. Little is known about the Astral how those effects might influence your behaviours, and how
Assembly, knowledge of its members and whereabouts are those around you perceive your powers. When you tapped
closely guarded secrets, not even some of the most powerful
cosmics know much about the Assembly. It is speculated that into the knowledge of the Universe did you become
the Assembly is led by some acnient being with an obscure disillusioned with your current life up to this point? Did
goal, a cosmic path the Universe and individuals must tread. people cast you aside as you stepped into dark an unkown
areas of magic? Is the character concious of their dialog with
Those cosmics and agents that do work for the Astral the Universe and how do they see it? A curse? A blessing?
Assembly are few and far between and their knowldege of Cosmics are known for their mystique, knowledge, and
their masters is limited. However it is likely that you will see power. There are many that would wish to study you, learn
those with the power of Cosmics in significant places in your powers and those with less morals may pose a danger
society, Advisors to kings, country Arch-mages, generals of you; maybe they already have. Do you wish you could
hide or
armies. Whether this is by design or merely an elevation remove your power?
After your journey begins as a cosmic, it
based on the usefulness of their powers and knowledge is yet might happen
upon a new road. Are you a brutal fighter who's
to be seen. connection to their power severed your emotions and you
seek the ability to feel again? Are you a mysterious sage,
Transcendence seeking to help people with your knowledge and gain trust?
Along their journey of becoming more powerful and You might justify horrific short term actions to justify the
harnessing the universe around them, the Cosmic's bigger picture, or maybe there is no bigger picture?
perception grow, time slows, space breaks down, lives are but
drops in the ocean of all. At this point many Cosmics lose Quick build
touch with humanity, becoming apathetic or insane. Many You can make a Cosmic quickly by following these
others seek to merge their essense with the Universe, suggestions. First your Intelligence should be your highest
breaking down all physical and mental barriers and joining ability score, then either Constitution or Dexterity depending
the vast cosmos. However there are those that hold on to on your Architecture. Choose the Sage or Haunted one
their minds, living among people and steering the course of background.
time down a direction they choose. In the end, their wants
will become reality.

Cosmic Mage
Guild House Games

Cosmic | Kiamo
The Cosmic
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Astral beacon, Spellcasting, Starlight 2 2 — — — —
2nd +2 Twin Star 2 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Cosmic Architecture, Star Sense 2 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 3 — — — —
5th +3 Constellation, Starlight 2d6 2 4 2 — — —
6th +3 ─ 2 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Cosmic architecture 2 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 4 3 — — —
9th +4 Gravity Wave 2 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 ─ 3 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Cosmic Architecture, Starlight 3d6 3 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 Cosmic wind, Graviturge 3 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 ─ 4 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Cosmic Architecture 4 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 ─ 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 Celestial Dark, Starlight 4d6 4 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 ─ 4 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Cosmic Architecure, Eternal 4 4 3 3 3 2

a) A scholar's pack or b) an explorer's pack

Class Features
As a Cosmic, you gain the following class features. Spellcasting
At 1st level you are able to harness spellcasting. See Chapter
Hit Points 10 for the general rules of Spellcasting and the end of this
Hit DIce: 1d8 per Cosmic Level document for Cosmic spells and the Cosmic Spell list.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Cnstitution Modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Preparing and casting spells
Constitution modifier per Cosmic level after 1st. The Cosmic table shows how many spell slots you have to
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
Proficiencies spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher.
Armor: Light armor You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light rest.
crossbows You prepare the list of Cosmic spells that are available for
Tools: Choose two from: Calligrapher's Supplies, you to cast. To do so, choose a number of Cosmic spells from
Cartographer’s tools, Jeweler’s tools, Navigator’s tools your spell list equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence Cosmic level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Insight, investigation, level for which you have spell slots.
History, Nature, perception, and Religion You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish
a long rest. Preparing a new list of Cosmic spells requires
Equipment time spent harnessing cosmic energy and incantations you
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level
equipment granted by your background: for each spell on your list.
a) A quarterstaff or b) a dagger The cosmic spell list can be found at the end of the class.
a) Silk robes and an arcane focus or b) Padded armor and
a components pouch
Cosmic | Kiamo
Spellcasting ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Cosmic spells, Twin Star
since you learn your spells through Ancient knowledge
imparted by the Cosmos. You use your Intelligence whenever At 2nd level, as an action you summon your astral beacon to
a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use spin around your head, orbiting it for 1 minute. Your astral
your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC beacon has 10AC and HP equal to your Cosmic level x 2.
for a Cosmic spell you cast and when making an attack roll While your Astral Beacon is orbiting you at the start of every
with one. turn it targets a creature of your choice within 60ft with
Starlight. Twin Star lasts 1 minute, until it’s destroyed, or
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Modifier + Intelligence dismissed. Twin Star can be used once per short or long rest.
Spell attack Modifier = Proficiency Modifier + Intelligence Cosmic Architecture
When you reach 3rd level, you choose a Cosmic Architecture,
Spellcasting Focus shaping your the aspect of the Universe that has shaped your
Your spellcasting focus can come in the form of many things; knowledge. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and
from a shard of meteor to the crystalised mind of a beholder. again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
Typically your focus comes in the form of something
otherwordly that allows you, on some level to communicate Universal Common
with the Universe, whether at a concious or unconcious level.
For instance a Nebula Cosmic may have captured moonlight, At 3rd level your mind learns how to better understand the
or a Solar Cosmic has a book made of bright, incandescent cosmos. learn to speak either Celestial or Abyssal
Starlight Beginning at 5th level, as an action you project an image of a
At 1st level, as an action choose one creature you can see constellation into the sky above you. Choose a number of
within 60ft, you unleash a bright flash of starlight towards creatures up to your Intelligence modifier within 30ft of you
them. The target must make a consitution saving throw to gain one of the following effects, depending on which type
against your Cosmic spell DC. On a failure they take 1d6 of constellation you projected:
radiant damage and are blinded until the start of your next Icon: you project the image of an icon of some sort, a
turn, on a success they take half damage and aren’t blinded. horseshoe, a lamp, or any inanimate object. Every
The damage of starlight increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at creature under the effect of Icon have their spell DC’s,
11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level. attack rolls and damage rolls increased by 1
Astral Beacon Person: You project the image of a person, a warrior, a
monk, or any humanoid creature with sapience. Every
Also at 1st level, a star-like light sits above you in the sky, this creature under the effect of person gains advantage on
star is only visible to those that you choose to point it out to either Wisdom, intelligence, or charisma saving throws
and can only be seen at night. You may use an action to
summon your Astral beacon in a location within 60ft of you Beast: You project the image of a beast, a dragon, a lion, or
that you can see. It sheds 20ft of bright light and 30ft of dim any bestial creature. Every creature under the effect of
light and lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it. Any Beast gains 1 AC and heals 1 HP at the start of their turn.
invisible creature in this light is revealed while it remains in This feature does not work when a creature is on 0hp.
the bright light. You can perform this once per short or long
rest. Constellation lasts 1 minute, until the cosmic that
projected it is incapacitated, or until dispelled and can only
be used once per long rest

Sigil of the Cosmos

Blue Tatsu
Cosmic | Kiamo
Moon Knight
Dave Rapoza

Gravity Wave Celestial Dark

At 9th level, when you summon your astral beacon it has a At 17th level, you can make your corporeal body fade away as
hover speed of 20ft. As a bonus action while it’s summoned you mask your essence in dark energy. As part of this action
you can move it and emit a wave of gravity from it. Choose a choose one of the following effects:
number of creatures up to your Int mod within the bright Phase: choose a number of creatures you can see within
light of Astral beacon, they must make a strength saving 30ft, you and these creatures Travel into the astal plane to
throw on a failure being forced prone and taking starlight the nearest Prime Material Pool
damage in force damage. After using this feature, astral
beacon vanishes. You can use this feature once per long rest. Lightspeed: until the end of this turn you have a
movespeed of 200ft, creatures cannot make attacks of
Graviturge opportunity against you
Upon reaching 13th level, you have complete control over Stardust: Target a non-living object no bigger than a 20ft
your own gravity, you gain resistance to force damage. You cube. Unless magical, that object disintegrates
gain a hover speed of 20ft
You can use Dark Matter once per long rest. Attempting to
Cosmic Wind use this feature in an antimagic field causes it to fail and the
Also at 13th level, as a reaction you can grant the effects of action to be expent
'Graviturge' to a willing creature of your choice for 1 minute.
Until you finish a long rest you do not gain any benefit from Eternal
your 'Graviturge' feature. At 20th level, your body is more aligned with the Universe
than towards your natural biology. You stop aging and cannot
be affected my effects that would age you magically
Cosmic | Kiamo
Majesty of Carina
Nebula Architecture Upon reaching level 11, as an action you can reach out and
Stardust Pillar touch one creature, for 1 minute they have advantage on all
From 3rd level, as an action you conjure a 5ft square, 10ft tall Persuasion and Deception rolls and attacks against them
pillar, allies within 10ft of this pillar deal bonus damage equal have disadvantage. Once the creature deals damage, this
to your Starlight damage when making weapon or ranged effect is dispelled. Only one creature can be affected by this at
spell attacks, and gain resistance to psychic damage. The a time.
pillar lasts 1 minute, or until dismissed. You can use this
feature once per short or long rest. Umbral Shroud
At 15th level, as an action you turn the area within 60ft radius
Obsfucate of you into night that lasts until the end of your turn. As part
Starting at 7th level, as an action You expel a large of this action, choose a number of willing creatures up to
smokescreen of starry smoke in a 20ft radius in a point you your intelligence modifier, you can move them to any location
can see within 60ft centered on yourself that lasts until the within the area of Umbral Shroud. If the creature is unwilling
end of your next turn, all creatures in this area are heavily it must make a Charisma saving throw against your Cosmic
obscured. As part of the action, designate a number of spell DC to prevent being moved
creatures up to your Intelligence modifier, they are unaffected You can use this feature once per long rest.
by the smoke and can see normally.
The starry smoke spreads around corners and can be Ionize
dispersed with a strong gust of wind. You can use this feature When your reach level 20, whenever you use Obfsucate, you
a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per can choose to charge it with energy, all creatures not
long rest designated to be unaffected must make a constitution saving
throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn

Cosmic Wizard
Mike Jordana
Cosmic | Kiamo
Solar Architecture Solar Pull
Heart of the Star At lvl 15, as a reaction when a creature moves 10ft away from
Starting at level 3 when you choose this subclass you gain you. You intensify your own gravity pull, drawing in creatures.
proficiency in shields and 3 martial weapons , these are your All hostile creatures within 30ft must make a strength saving
solar weapons, attack and damage rolls made with solar throw. On a failure they're pulled to the closest available
weapons use your intelligence modifier for hit and damage space next to you. taking starlight damage in fire damage. On
rolls. Additionally while not wearing armour, your AC = 14 + a success they're not pulled and take half damage
int modifier.
Molten Ire Upon reaching 20th level you gain the ability to unleash a
At level 7, enemies wilt under your blade and in your devastating shockwave of fire. As an action, all hostile
presence. When you take the attack action, you may make 2 creatures within 30ft of you must make a dexterity saving
weapon attacks. Attacks made with a Solar weapon deal an throw. On a failure they take 53 (15d6) fire damage and are
extra 1d4 fire damage that ignores resistance, this damage set on fire, you can use this feature once per long rest. This
increases to 1d6 at level 15 happens automatically if you are reduced to 0hp, regardless if
You also gain proficiency in Intimidation checks. you’ve used it already. This damage cannot be reduced in any
Blazing Bulwark
From level 11, as an action you flare your solar armor and
brace for attacks. Until the start of your next turn all damage
you receive from weapon attacks is halved. Half of any
damage dealt by a melee weapon attack is reflected to your
attacker as fire damage. While this feature is active you gain
fire resistance. You can use Blazing Bulwark a number of
times equal to your intelligence modifier per long rest.


Cosmic | Kiamo
Vortex Architecture
When you take this subclass at 3rd level, whenever you use
Twin Star, instead of targeting a single creature, you target a
sphere with a 10ft radius, making an attack roll against every
creature in the radius. You gain resistance to radiant damage
Cosmic Shunt
At 7th level, when hitting a creature with a single target spell
you can choose to push them a number of feet up to 5 x int
modifier directly away from you. If they hit another creature
or solid object they take bludgeoning damage equal to your
‘Starlight damage’
Spacial Tear
At 11th level, as an action, you create a 5ft wide, 10ft tall
temporary rift next to you in space. As part of the same action
you create a connecting rift up to a point you can see or have
seen within 1 mile. A creature can step through the rift to it’s
connecting rift by spending 5ft of movement. The rift lasts for
1 minute. You can use this feature once per long rest.
Shooting Stars
At 15th level, as a bonus action small rocks materialize and
around a creature of your choice for 1 minute. 10ft around
them is difficult terrain and hostile creatures entering it take
‘starlight’ damage if starting their turn in it or moving into it
on their turn. You can use accretion disk once per short or
long rest
Upon reaching level 20, you can use Starlight as a bonus
action on your turn, its radius extends to 20ft. Your Twin Star
is immune to all damage except force damage. You have 2
uses of Twin Star per short or long rest

Staff Of Whirlwinds

Alchemy Magic Circle

Cosmic | Kiamo Italian Allegria
Cosmic spells Penumbra
1st-level Necromancy
Magic harnessed from the Universe. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
1st level Components: s, v
Astral Arrow Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
1st-level conjuration You shroud a creature in a dark light that withers all who
Casting Time: 1 action approach them. Any creature that starts its turn or willingly
Range: 90 feet moves within 10ft of a creature with penumbra takes 1d6
Components: s, v necrotic damage and loses that same amount off their total
Duration: instant max health. Normal max health is restored at the end of a
A white arrow materialises in the air above you, stretching long rest
out. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can Solar eruption
see within 90ft. on a hit the arrow wraps them in light, 1st-level evocation
restraining them until the start of their next turn
Casting Time: 1 reaction, upon taking damage
Daybreak Range: 90 feet
1st-level conjuration Components: s, v
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: instant
Range: 60 feet A column of light 10ft in diamater bursts down from the
Components: s, v sky or ceiling centred on the creature that attacked you. All
Duration: instant creatures in the area must make a dexterity saving throw. On
With a burst of sound and golden light you summon a a failure they take 2d6 fire damage, and 2d6 fire damage at
burning spear in your hand. Make a ranged spell attack the start of their next turn. On a success they take half
against a creature within 60ft, on a hit, they take 2d8 damage and take no damage at the start of their next turn.
fire/radiant damage, and take 1d6 fire/radiant damage at the
start of their next 1d4 turns as the daybreak is stuck in them 2nd level
during this time. Hitting a creature with a daybreak stuck in Abyssal step
them with another daybreak increases the initial damage by 2nd-level conjuration
1d8 per daybreak in the creature Casting Time: 1 action
Casting this spell at a higher level increases both damage Range: 60ft
dice by 1 per spell level (2nd level =3d8 + 2d6 damage) Components: s, v
Duration: instant
Nightglow You conjure a blade made of dark energy and teleport 30ft
1st-level enchantment in a straight line to a point you can see. Make a melee spell
Casting Time: 1 action attack against all creatures between the start and end of this
Range: 30 feet line. On a hit the target takes 4d10 force damage and are
Components: s, v slowed by 10ft on their next turn.
Duration: 10 minutes
Choose a number of creatures up to your Intelligence Siphoning void
modifier. For the next 10 minutes they can't be perceived by 2nd-level Necromancy
creatures with Darkvision while standing in darkness Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30ft
Onyx Prison Components: s, v
1st-level transumatation Duration: instant
Casting Time: 1 action You release a wave of dark purple energy in a 30ft radius
Range: touch around you. Creatures in this area must make a constitution
Components: s, v saving throw, taking 3d6 necrotic damage on a failure. On a
Duration: 1 round success they take half damage. You gain a number of
You touch a creature, attempting to trasmute the outer- temporary HP equal to 2 x the amount of targets hit
layer of its skin into Onyx. The creature makes a constitution
saving throw, on a failure it is turned into an Onyx statue until
the end of its' next turn. While an Onyx statue it is immune to
all damage. On a success nothing happens.

Cosmic | Kiamo
Solar Wind Void voice
2nd-level conjuration 2nd-level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self Range: self
Components: s, v Components: v
Duration: instant Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
Wings glowing in a colour of your choice erupt out of your Choose a creature you can see within 30ft. Your voice
upper back. You have flying speed during your current turn, begins to echo faintly with an unearthly choir. Unsettling
your first attack on this turn has advantage and deals an extra them. If a creature listens to you for the full duration choose
1d8 force damage. While your wings are extended attacks of one of the following effects:
opportunity made against you are made with disadvantage. At They become permanently afraid of you, removable by a
the end of your turn these wings vanish. remove curse spell
They view you as a friendly acquaintance for the next 24
Starfarer hours
2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 bonus action 3rd level
Range: touch Astral spirit
Components: s, v 3rd-level divination
Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
You in some ways control the gravity affecting a creature, Casting Time: 1 action
allowing them to lessen and strengthening it at will. while a Range: 60ft
creature lessened or strengthened you gain the following Components: s, v
effects: Duration: 1 minute
Lessened You summon a shimmering transluscent silhouette of
yourself in a space within 60ft. While the spirit exists you
You gain +10 movespeed share senses with it, being able to see and hear through it at
you do not suffer fall damage will, as well as move it up to your movespeed on your turn.
you gain 10ft to your jump 10ft height and distance When you are concentrating on a spell, the spirit
Strengthened concentrates on it instead, meaning you don't lose
concentration of a spell until the spirit breaks concentration
You have advantage on strength checks or is destroyed. The spirit cannot move further than 60ft from
creatures have disadvantage to escape your grapple you, has 1HP and 10AC. While the spirit is concentrating on
You cannot fall prone or be moved against your will. a spell you cannot maintain concentration on any spells
The affected creature may change whether gravity is
lessened or strengthed at the start of every turn. Midnight remnant
3rd-level divination
Vacuum pocket
2nd-level Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20ft
Casting Time: 1 reaction Components: s, v
Range: 60ft Duration: 1 hour (concentration)
Components: s, v
Duration: instant You create a remnant in your likeness made of inky void. As
When a creature enters an area within 10ft of you, you clap an action you can control the remnant to move and act, it
shares your stats but cannot make any actions other than
your hands together, rapidly emptying the area around the dash. As a bonus action while the remnant exists you can
creature of air then having it slam back in. The creature step through the void, appearing where the remnant is. After
makes a constitution saving throw. On a failure they take 4d6 this the remnant vanishes.
thunder damage and are deafened for one minute. On a
success they take half damage and aren't deafened Overcharge
3rd-level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft
Components: s, v
Duration: instant
You channel the energy of a star into a willing creature
within 30ft. At the start of the creatures next turn they gain
10hp, can attack 2 extra times upon taking the attack action,
and weapon attacks deal 2d8 extra fire damage.

Cosmic | Kiamo
Planet Crack Reverse polarity
3rd-level Evocation 4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60ft Range: 20ft
Components: s, v Components: s, v
Duration: instant, 1 minute Duration: instant
You slam your hands into the floor, sending waves of Harnessing the power of the planets' magnetic field you
energy rippling through it. The area in a 60ft cone is cracked magnetise all creatures in a close radius and pull them in. All
and broken, becoming difficult terrain. All creatures in this creatures within 20ft of you must make a constitution saving
area must make a dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 throw. On a failure they are pulled 10ft to you, are stunned for
bludgeoning damage on a failure and falling prone. On a 1d4 rounds, and take 5d6 force damage. On a sucess they
success they take half damage and aren't knocked prone. take half damage and are not pulled or stunned.
Sanity Eclipse Slingshot
3rd-level enchantment 4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft Range: 200ft
Components: s, v Components: s, v
Duration: 1 minute (concentration) Duration: instant
You leak a small amount of the knowledge of the universe Choose one creature, or object weighing up to 1 tonne
into the mind of a creature, attempting to drive them (2200 pounds) within 20ft. If the creature is unwilling they
temporarily insane. Choose a creature within 30ft, they must must make a Charisma saving throw, on a failure they are
make a Intelligence saving throw. On a failure they are affected by the spell, on a success, nothing happens. You
overwhelmed with visions and are paralyzed. They can make control their gravity, lifting them, and slingshotting them
an intelligence saving throw at the end of their turn to end around your head, sending them flying 200ft in a straight line
this effect. If the spell lasts its whole duration the creature in a direction you choose before falling to the ground,
gains a long-term madness. stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the
object would strike a creature, that creature must make a
Sun ray Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the
3rd-level evocation target and stops moving. When the object strikes something,
Casting Time: 1 action the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning
Range: 60ft damage.
Components: s, v Universal order
Duration: instant 4th-level Abjuration
Raising a glowing palm you blast a column of intense fire Casting Time: 1 action
in a 60ft long, 10ft wide line in a direction of your choice. All Range: self, 10ft
creatures in this area must make a dexterity saving throw, on Components: s, v
a failure they take 6d8 fire damage. On a success they take Duration: 1 minute (Concentration)
half damage. Undead and fiends make this saving throw with
disadvantage. You begin exuding a wispy, translucent aura 10ft around
you. The aura returns all things to their base form, before
4th level form. All creatures in this aura lose any damage or magic
resistance. All creatures armor class returns to their natural
Purifying flames armor or 10+dex mod (whichever is higher). Additionally
4th-level evocation creatures lose proficiency in all skills in this area. This aura
Casting Time: 1 action also extends around your astral spirit if it is present.
Range: 60ft
Components: s, v
Duration: instant
Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within
range. Any spell of 4th level or lower on the target ends. For
each spell of 5th level or higher on the target, make an ability
check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the
spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
Successfully dispelling a friendly creature with this heals the
target for 4d8 + int mod. Successfully dispelling a hostile
creature deals 4d8 + int fire damage to them.

Cosmic | Kiamo
Universal attraction Cosmic Horrors
4th-level Abjuration 5th-level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 reaction, upon a creature moving within Casting Time: 1 action
20ft of another. Range: 30ft
Range: 60ft Components: s, v
Components: s, v Duration: 1 minute (Concentration)
Duration: 1 minute (concentration) You awaken a creature to incomprehensible thoughts and
Choose 2 creatures you can see in range that are within ideas. The creature makes an intelligence check. On a failure
20ft of each other. If either of the creatures are unwilling they they take 4d8 psychic damage and begin hallucinating an
can make a Charisma saving throw to resist the effect. On a abjuration attacking them. At the start of every turn while
failure they are tethered to each other, incapable of moving affected they take an extra 4d8 psychic damage. The creature
more than 20ft from each other. If a creature attempts to can repeat the intelligence saving throw to end the effect at
move away from the other, they stop. This includes forced the end of its' turn. If a creature dies from this their body
movement, such as being dragged or falling. A creature can twists and contorts into a abjuration of the DM's choice. This
use its action to make a strength check against the spell DC abjuration is not hostile to the caster
to break the tether.
Galaxia Storm
Worldsmith 5th-level Conjuration
4th-level Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: self, 30ft radius
Range: 90ft Components: s, v
Components: s, v Duration: 1 minute (Concentration)
Duration: instant The sky or ceiling above you bursts into lights, the
Your cosmic powers allow you to shape the world like clay. depiction of a spiral galaxy churning with stars and cosmic
Choose one of the following effects: clouds. Choose a point within 90ft. All hostile creatures
within 30ft of that point have white-hot lights rain down on to
Summon 4 Stone pillars 5ft in radius and up to 90ft high them and dark clouds entangling them. Hostile creatures that
within 60ft start their turn in this area or willingly move into it must
Turn a 30ft cube of stone into sand, mud, or clay, or vica make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 4d8 fire
versa damage, and have their movespeed reduced by 20ft. On a
Turn a 10ft cube of stone into iron success they take half damage and aren't slowed
Summon a Gargoyle who immediately rolls initiative and
fights for you for 1 minute Solar Eclipse
5th-level Illusion
5th level Casting Time: 1 action
Black Hole Range: self, 50ft
5th-level Conjuration Components: s, v
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute
Range: self, 150ft You blanket a 50ft radius in a dark light, as if the air itself
Components: s, v had turned black with a deep orange glow back-lighting
Duration: instant reality. Friendly creatures in this area can use an action to
You summon a point of unfathomably intense gravity for a turn invisible, maintaining invisibility until they take an action
moment. All creatures within 20ft radius of the area must or leave the area, you can turn invisible as part of this action.
make a strength saving throw. On a failure they are pulled to Hostile creatures must roll a dexterity saving throw when
the center of the radius and take 6d10 force damage. On a starting their turn in this area or moving into it willingly. On a
success they take half damage and aren't pulled towards the failure they glow orange, weapon and spell attack rolls have
middle. advantage against them, and they gain no benefit from
invisibility. On a success they suffer no adverse effects while
Celestial Emissary in the area. Creatures other than cosmics in this area cannot
5th-level Divination teleport.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: s, v
Duration: 1 hour
Chosen by the stars, You temporarily tune someone to the
essence of the Universe. For the duration you have
proficiency in all skills and tools. Any skills you were
proficient in before casting this spell you have advantage on
for the duration.
Cosmic | Kiamo
Starbreaker 3rd Level
5th-level Evocation Haste
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Blink
Range: self Counterspell
Components: s, v Daylight
Duration: 1 minute (concentration) Fireball
You imbue your attacks with powerful gravitational energy, Hypnotic Pattern
making weapon attacks land with catacylsmic gravitational Melf's Minute Meteors
force. Each attack deals 2d10 extra force damage. On a Speak with Dead
successful attack, the creature must make a constitution Slow
saving throw. On a failure they are stunned until the end of Call Lightning
their next turn. Sanity Eclipse
Midnight Remnant
Cosmic Spell list Sun Ray
Planet Crack
Control Flames 4th Level
Dancing Lights Arcane Eye
Firebolt Banishment
Mind Sliver Divination
Minor Illusion Evard's Black Tenatcles
Ray of Frost Gravity Sinkhole
Sacred Flame Purifying Flames
Shocking Grasp Reverse Polarity
Storm Sphere
1st Level Summon Aberration
Absorb Elements Universal Attraction
Arms of Hadar Universal Order
Astral Arrow Wall of Fire
Bless Worldsmith
Cause Fear
Daybreak 5th Level
Detect Magic Awaken
Dissonant Whispers Black Hole
Magnifiy Gravity Celestial Emissary
Nightglow Commune
Onyx Prison Cosmic Horrors
Penumbra Creation
Solar Eruption Dawn
Silent Image Galaxia Storm
Silvery Barbs Geas
Tasha's hideous laughter Immolation
2nd Level Starbreaker
Augury Solar Eclipse
Abyssal Step
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
Flaming Sphere
Immovable Object
Siphoning Void
Solar Wind
Tasha's Mind whip
Vacuum Pocket
Void Voice
Vortex Warp

Cosmic | Kiamo

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