2015 ICAS Computer Skills Paper F W Answers

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1. Jim was word processing his history homework.

.!..._,_;,...;....;.......:--.-'':.....;.'-' ~ --& ·' - ·- .........

jllllllJi 111!lJc.\

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher that was responsible for some developments in
mathematics. He was born around 560 B.C and died around 480 B.C. He was originally
from the city of Samas, Ionia, but moved away from his home to escape the tyranny of

He then formatted his document to look like this .

.. . ~~
Mediterranean Sea and
Samas was an island
inside that area. From
Samas he moved to the
city of Croton. In Croton
he established a school.
The school was a
phtlosoplucal and
religious school.

Pythagoras is
remembered not just for
his contribution to
Pythagoras mathematics. His

Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher that was

· 1.-_w._co.1:na ...dP\.!Plnl:"Tru,...,ts i n m gtbem atjcc._ H,..

Which formatting option did Jim use?


~ --
Qne Ihree .Left Bight

(B) (C)
f f

2. Which of these is a URL?

0 ~ http://< ""' ~..,, wikimedia.or9 "' Ma1n_P~! P ~ C ~ Wikimedia Comm_ c;, CategoryPlanets of L

COM ONS Wikimedia Commons
ew Viewsource t-ts«>ry Planets


IW1 P"90 a da1al>a5e ol 23 167 167 freel)' usaDle ,.,...,., Nes to any-can

WeiCOme i===

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2015 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper EC EAA 2

3. Kim typed numbers into the cells of column B of her spreadsheet. The cells displayed '####' instead of

./J A B
1 Colours
2 Red ####
3 Blue ####
What is the most likely reason for this?
4 Green ####
5 Grey #### (A) Kim typed characters instead of numbers into the column.
(8) The column is not wide enough to display the numbers.
6 Silver #### (C) The rows are not high enough to display the numbers.
~ (D) Kim is using a non-English keyboard .

4. Catherine wrote this report for homework. She wants to make some changes to the report before she
submits it.

f ile sdit Y.iew jnsert FQrmat T~ble Iools ~indow Help

d~~ - ~ - L<b ~ ~ =~ /

i ~~ !;!) 88 - m ~ 115 " fl ~ W Close Preview

On October 14 in 1066 the Norman-French army fought the English army 11 kilometres ~

1/ 2 I I ~ oom a - ---- -a ns %

Why is Catherine unable to select the formatting toolbar?

(A) She needs to zoom in first.

(B) She needs to zoom out first.
(C) The report is in Print Preview mode.
(D) Her computer is not working properly.

3 2015 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper E C EAA

5. When William sends an email using his mobile phone, an extra line of text is added. He wants to customise
the text that is added.


Sent from my phone

William should change this text in

(A) the phone email client. (8 ) the phone hardware.

(C) the phone operating system. (D) the phone service provider.

6. Sally typed the address of her school website into the address bar. When she pressed the Emer .,. tr.E
school website was displayed.

What type of softwa re did Sally use to display the website?

(A) presentation (8) HTML editor (C ) web browser (D)

7. Aaron wrote this report about bears, using a wor.d processor.

1 2 3 4 6 • 7 8 • 9 1p . • 11 12 13 14 1~ 16 . . !.?

... Human activities threaten bears and their env ironments. There are eight
N species of bear, six of which are listed as either endangered or vulnerable.
Healthy bear populations tell us when an ecosystem is balanced, so bears
... fll"e known as an indicator species.

He then changed the text to look like this.

L -:z • 1 2 3 4 • . ~ . • •6 • 7 • 8 9 10 ll • • 1J 13 , 14 l? 16 • • .!:

... Human activities threaten bears and their environments. There are

eight species of bear, six of which are listed as either endangered or

vulnerable. Healthy bear populations tell us when an ecosystem is

~ balanced, so bears are known as an indicator species.

What was the formatting changed to?

(A) centre aligned and double line spacing

(8 ) right aligned and paragraph hanging indentation
(C) double line spaced and paragraph first line indentation
(D) double line spaced and paragraph hanging indentaton

2015 ICAS Digital Technolog.es Pape< E C EAA 4
8. Sandra is making a presentation about her family and their origins. After interviewing her grandmother, she
saved three images and typed some notes on her laptop.

Sandra's teacher suggested that she keep a backup of her presentation .

Which of these is the best way for Sandra to make a backup?

(A) save a copy to a USB drive (B) pri nt out her files
(C) save a copy to another folder on her laptop (D) save a screenshot of her work

Use the following information to answer questions 9 and 10.

Jessica was viewing a photo of her dog on her computer. She then edited Photo 1 to make Photo 2.

Photo 1 Photo 2

9. What did Jessica do to Photo 1 to make Photo 2?

(A) zoomed in and added a frame (B) cropped and added a frame
(C) resized and added a background (D) zoomed out and added a background

10. Jessica wants to save the photo and then upload it onto a blog . She needs to save it as the smallest file

Which file format should Jessica use to save the photo?

(A) jpg
(B) bmp
(C) html
(D) tif

5 201 5 ICAS Digrtal Technolog~s Paper Ee EAA

11. Kevin made a table of the invertebrates he observed in his garden.

Invertebrates in the garden

Name Where When How many I

earthworm garden midday 6 I
spider rocks afternoon 2 I
snail vegetable patch evening 15 I
ant path morning 100 I
beetle garden midday 5 I
caterpillar vegetable patch morning 2 I
centipede rocks afternoon 3 I
He sorted the table using these options.

§ ort by
[Column 4 D T~: "'"'N=um-'='be"""r_ _ __ _..g_ O Ascending

My list has
Using: ' Paragraphs =a 0 Qescending

0 Header row 0 No header ro'.o!(

, Qptions ... ,

Which of these shows Kevin's table after it was sorted?

Name Where When How many Name I Where When H09- '!
ant path morning 100 earthwe>m' garden midday 1VG
beetle garden midday 5 spider rocks afternoon <5

caterpillar vegetable patch morning 2
-sna vegetable patch
centipede rocks afternoon 3 ant morning
earthworm garden midday 6 beetle garden midday 13
snail vegetable patch evening 15 caterpil lar vegetable patch morning 12
spider rocks afternoon 2 centJpede rocks afternoon 12
(A) (8 )

Name Where When How many Name I Where When 1-- I

spider rocks afternoon 2 ant path morning 11oc

caterpillar vegetable patch morning 2 sna1· vegetable patch evening I'? ~
centipede rocks afternoon 3 earthworm garden midday le
beetle garden midday 5 bee lie I garden midday I ::
earthworm garden midday 6 centJpede rocks afternoon I ~
snail vegetable patch evening 15 spider rocks afternoon 12
ant path morning 100 caterp1!1ar I vegetable patch morning 12
(C) (D)

2015 ICAS Digilal Technologies Paper E C EAA 6

12. Cindy and Lindsay each did an internet search to find information about yellow mice.

I yellow mice

Web Images Shopping Videos News More Search

About 25,400,000 results (0.30 seconds)

Lindsay's search

"yellow mice"

Images Shopping Videos News More


About 34,200 results (0.23 seconds)

Cindy's search

Why does Cindy have fewer search results than Lindsay?

(A) Lindsay's search was over a different period of time.

(B) Cindy was only searching for an exact phrase.
(C) Cindy was only searching for images of yellow mice.
(D) Lindsay was searching for all pages that do not include the phrase "yellow mice".

13. Joanne was using the internet when this page was displayed.

404 error: File not found

The !.!.Bl. you requeste d was not found.

Did you mean to type htto;/lru.wlkipe dia. orgtwikf/fgsfds? You will be automatically
redirected there in five seconds.

Maybe you would ltke to look at:

• The m a in page
• The list of Wik1med1a downloads

What is the most likely reason Joanne received this error message?

(A) The page design has changed since she last visited it.
(B) The keyboard she is using is not working correctly.
(C) The page has been moved to another location.
(D) The page is blocked by her school's filter.

7 2015 ICAS 01grtal Technologies Paper EC> EAA

14. Bella is making a slideshow in which each slide is to show for exactl:, 20 seconds once she has stanec
the presentation.

Animations Slide Show RevieN v- Developer Acrobat

A [No sound)

lit! Fast

~Apply To All 00:00 :

What settings does Bella need to use?

(A) click 'On Mouse Click', then change the time to 00:20
(B) click 'On Mouse Click', change the time to 00:20, then c11e1-· 'A';y;, 1 to All'
(C) click 'Automatically After', then change the time to 00:20
(0 ) click 'Automatically After'. change the time to 00:20, then clia •..;::::ip y to All'

15. This is a screenshot of some of Krystal's browser settings.

Content settings

0 Allow all sites to show pop-ups
@ Do not allow any site to show pop-ups (recommended)

I Manage exceptions ... I

0 Allow all sites to track your physical location
0 Ask when a site tries to track your physical location (recommended)
@ Do not allow any site to track your physical location
I Manage exceptions I
0 Allow all sites to show desktop notifications
@ Ask when a site wants to show desktop noofications (recommended)
0 Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications
I Manage exceptions ... I

Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Any site can track Krystal's location.

(B) Any site can show pop-up advertisements.
(C) Krystal must approve any person to send her messages
(D) Krystal must approve any site to show desktop notif:catons

2015 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper E 0 EAA 8

Use the following information to answer questions 16 and 17.

Two year groups at a school were surveyed about changing the school uniform . The principal used this data
to create a table in a word processing document.

Yes No
Year? 125 52
Year8 135 30
Total 82

16. The principal entered a formula to calculate the total number of students who answered 'Yes'.

What formula did the principal enter?

(A) =SUM('YES') (B) =SUM(B2 :B3) (C) =SUM (B 1:82) (D) =SUM(TABLE)

17. The principal wants to add an extra column to total the responses for each year group in the survey.
Which of these is the best way to do this?

Year? 125
Year a 135
Total 260

Yes ':,~£~,.t.:.i I
Year 7 125
(B) ~ ~opy
Year8 135 30
.t!. fist<
Total 260 82 jnurt
Q<l<I< Ctlls.-
~ !i!tf!J< Ctlls -·
Yes ~~~ l~~,·~~51
Year? 125 52 cl' Cut
Year8 135 30 ..... ~opy

~ fart•
Total 260 82 jnstrt lnstrt Columns to th• 1tlt
Qtlttt Cells..• lnstrt Columns to th• J!i9ht

Year? 125 52 cl' Cut
(D) ~ ~opy
Year8 135 30
~ fart•
Total 260 82 inst rt lns•rt Columns to th• 1•ft
Qtlttt Ctlls.- lnstrt Columns to th• J!i9hl

9 2015 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper E IC> EAA

18. Ali wrote a formula in cell C2 and copied it to cells 02 to 12. To calculate the value in a cell, his fof'T'"1_..a ===~
three to the value in the cell to the left of it.

1-J '/x J: = =62+3

A c D c H

51.__ __fil
I' 1 11 14 17 20 23


. . . t/2

He changed the value in cell 82 from 5 to 9.

What will now appear in cell E2?

(A) 21 (B) 18 (C) 15 (D) ...


19. Sue copied text from her company website. She wants to paste it into a letter she is typing. When tr'2 :x: ::
pasted, it needs to use the same style as the other text in the letter.

Which option should Sue choose?

Paste Special

O Easte IHTML format I

Unformatted text (B)
O Paste link Formatted text (C)
j Bitmap .. 1 1 (D)

~ (can:ceD

20. Ms Dennis is doing a search in her school's student database.

Are From Year: Year 9

Are From Class: Science 2

[21 Are From Activity: ~C_h_oi_r--~

[2'J Have a Medical Alert

Which students will this search return?

(A) students in Year 9 who are in Science 2 and are in the choir
(B) students in Year 9 who are in the choir and have a medical alert
(C) students who are in the choir and have a medical alert
(D} students who are in the choir and are in Science 2

2015 ICAS D1g1tal Technologies Paper Ee EAA 10

21 . Asher has selected a sample of audio as shown.

-- - - - - -- --- - .. -
-1.0 0.0 1.0 1'J 3.0 4.0
5.0 6.0 7.0
t ~T'"9

-- I
0 -,

IXAud••:<- •1 0-
x Audio..:rd ·1 0-
- ~~

-·· • j
What will he see after clicking on delete?

- - -- - ..
-- - - - - ...,.,.
- 1,.0 0.0
1,.0 to 3;0 4;0 5.0 6;0 1,.0 8.0

~hld10~ ~ _....,._
(A) x AJJd o.,;1"9:0C:

X Autho Tra~

• I
1 er
• •••• I

Io- f I

- 1.0

X AJ..d·~ 1)- ~

[x Au<~:~

I X\Aud.o T...x~ o- :

--...- - - - -... - - --··- - .. ---

2f 3.0 •,.o 5.0

6.0 7.0


-i I
- ~-0 o.o

- --

2;11 3;"
.. - - - - - .. -
L 4.0
s,.o 6.0 7.0

-- I
rAud•O T<a'" 11)-~
• I

1x All•••:'"'" • 10- • ~ -1••• I I

~Aud~ 1)- ff
- - - + - - ... - - .. ~
- 1,-0 0.0 1,.0 ~'.l ¥ 4.-o s,.o 6,.0 1,.0 8.0
' '

-·· • --
X Auo10 Tradl • 1 E-
v 0-'f
(D) [XAWoo: ra,, • 11)-
X At..d+o Tta;:tc • 1 ~ '-

··~ I I
v f I I

11 2015 ICAS Digna! Technologies Paper E © EAA

Use the following information to answer questions 22 and 23.

Brian is creating a presentation on caterpillars. His presentation must not go for more than two min .... ~es

22. He wants to show his title slide for 5 seconds and show his closing slide for 10 seconds. All other slides ,\
be shown for 20 seconds each.

What is the maximum number of slides Brian can have in his presentation?

(A) 15 (B) 11 (C) 7 (D) 5

23. Brian is using a word processor to create palm cards for his presentation.

Caterpillar speech____ ___,

File Edit Insert Page layout References

LJ <J ~IA_ria_1_ _ _ _~l"'~I @:]!]

T Clipboard
B I 1l.

What should he do if he wants the same

picture to appear as the background on each

(A) insert it to the outline view

(B) insert it as a watermark
(C) insert it as clip art
(D) insert it as a link

24 . Chris created a presentation about his trip to Costa Rica. It contained many slides. Chris wanted :o :
different combinations of slides to different groups of people.

What is the best way for Chris to do this?

(A) export all the slides as images

(B) make new presentations for each audience
(C) create Custom Shows to launch from the title slide
(D) use hyperlinks to slide locations from the title slide

201 5 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper E ~ EAA 12

25. Billy opened the 'My Files' folder on his desktop.

My Fi les - D X
My Files

My Files 10:10AM

He then clicked on the minimise button.

What should his desktop look like?

(A) (B)


.., ..
(C) (D)

13 2015 ICAS D19rtal Technologies Paper E IC> EAA

Use the following information to answer questions 26 and 27.

Jon used this spreadsheet to record the number of supporters who attended sporting ma:::ras -: _sec; t e
data to create a pie chart.

26. Jon wanted to add a label to the segment of the graph which represents the Champ ans

Which segment should he label?

~ A B c D E F G H
2 Number of
Teams Supporters
3 Giraffes 1561
4 Warriors 1574
Sirens 1259
Mathletes 4851
7 Champions 2314

27. Jon entered a formula in cell 03 to find out what percentage of the supporters belonged to me G c:=es -:
then copied and pasted that formula into cells 04 to 07 to calculate the percentage of suppor:ers ro- -e
other teams.

What formula should Jon have entered into cell 03?

(A) =C3/SUM(C3:C7)*100
(B) =$C$3/SUM(C3:C7}*100
(C) =C3/SUM($C$3:$C$7)*100
(0) =$C$3/SUM($C$3:C7)*100

28. Angela checked her tablet's memory.

She decided to clear the cache.

Which of the following statements ·s NOT cc.~:::t?

(A )
(C) The most up-to-date vers 011s o" s es
(0 ) The processing speed or '"!er ::a e:

2015 ICAS Digital Technologies Paper E OEAA 14

29. Andrea's computer took 108 seconds to copy 'Video A' to her USB drive.

-; e
Video A 36MB
Video B 00:04:30 61 MB

How long will it take to copy 'Video B' to the same location?

(A) 81 seconds (B) 108 seconds (C) 144 seconds (D) 183 seconds

30. Joanne's usual pattern of phone use is that she makes 200 two-minute phone calls each month, sends 25
text messages each day and uses 60 MB of data each day.

Joanne is comparing mobile phone plans. She wants to pay the least amount each month to cover all her
phone usage.

Which mobile phone plan should Joanne choose?

$30 Plan
Monthly included credit for calls $350
Call charges 50 cents connection fee+ $1 per minute
Included data 500 MB
Extra data Charged at 5 cents/MB

$40 Plan
Monthly included credit for calls $400
Call charges 50 cents connection fee+ $1 per minute
Included data 1 GB
Extra data Charged at 5 cents/MB

$50 Plan
Monthly included credit for calls $500
Call charges 50 cents connection fee + $1 per minute
Included data 1.5 GB
Extra data Charged at 5 cents/MB

$60 Plan
Monthly included credit for calls $550
Call charges 50 cents connection fee + $1 per minute
Included data 2 GB
Extra data Charged at 5 cents/MB

31 . Greg is building a website for his cricket club. He wants the URL of every page of the finished website to
include the name of the cricket club.

How could Greg do this?

(A) purchase a domain name

(B) copyright the website name
(C) have a professional develop the home page
(D) have the club name in the title of the home page

15 2015 ICAS DigilalTedlnologies Paper E C EAA

32. David uses a database to record the payment history of the companies with which he is doirg bus'ness.

file fdrt )!iew !nsett !OCIS ~ t:e'P

~ " t:iiJ · t
ID Company Na-
Easy Publishing
Total 8ool:s Olle-due
Multi """' 8mbonr so.oo Nil
SereMy 8ool:s Wagga S0.00
Reading Here ~ S220..00 Awaiting next
Serenity 8ool:s Dapto so.oo
of 383

How can David most easily find out how many companies do NOT owe him money at the mo""'erC

(A) apply a filter to the column labelled 'Amount Outstanding'

(B) apply a filter to the column labelled 'Company Name'
(C) apply a filter to the column labelled 'Client Notes'
(D) apply a filter to the column labelled 'City'

33. Alice made a database of names and addresses. The surname is stored in the field Las:_ a ...... e.

She wants to find all records with the surname Gordon .

Which WHERE statement should she use?

(A) WHERE 'Gordon' = 'Last_Name'

(B) WHERE 'Last_Name' = Gordon
(C) WHERE Gordon = Last_Name
(D) WHERE Last Name = 'Gordon'

34. Mia made a new email signature called 'Home'. She wants this new signature applied to ever) e"la she

Signatures and Stationery Ef2EI

!;'mail Signatures Ifersonal Stationery
Select signature to edit Choose default signature

Default J•· Email <i_ccount: IMy Email IYl

Home New messages: ISchool

· 1~
School l!I
Replies/forwards: ISchool IYl
I J:!.ew J IQ<;ie:e] l .scave ! ~
Edit signature

ICalibri (Body) ~ ~ B I !l 1Automatic ~ - - -

IFcom M;a

~ 1ea-.;ei

What should Mia do?

(A) click on 'Perso!'ia S~ orer;,

(B) rename the s1g"a::."e - o,......e to "Every email'
(C) select 'Home fa .. oo:.." · .e '""essages aPd q e;;l es=:- -a.~
(D) select 'Home for .s ~essages and :Jefa .... • -"c .. :;;:;: 3. - - -

2015 ICAS Digrtal Technologies Paper E O =..:.-

35. This robot is programmed to move in all directions. The robot is currently facing south. With each step, the
robot moves 1 metre (m) forward. The map shows the robot's target position .

• Target


Start • ·- - - - - - • - - - - - - - I
~ 15m

Which set of commands will cause the robot to move to its target position?

turn ~ 90 degrees turn ~ 90 degrees

move 15 steps move 15 steps
turn ") 270 degrees turn ") 90 degrees
move 20 steps move 20 steps

(A) (B)

turn _.) 90 degrees turn _.) 90 degrees

move 15 steps move 15 steps
turn _.) 90 degrees turn _.) 270 degrees
move 20 steps move 20 steps

(C) (D)

36. Most of the pages in Kim's assignment are to be printed in portrait orientation. The page with the graph is to
be printed in landscape orientation.

-------- -----
- - - - - -·- · -----
- -------
------- - ·---
- - · -----



---- ~---

------ -
- - ------
--~-- -·------
------ ----- ------
------ ------
------ -------
---·- ---
------- --------

What formatting should Kim use?

(A) insert page breaks and change the orientation

(B) insert section breaks and change the orientation
{C) chan9e the text wrapping to wrap around th8 graph
(D) insert page breaks after odd pages and change the orientation

17 2015 ICAS D191tal Technologies Paper E O EAA

37. Ray is using this spreadsheet to record the hours his staff worked in his chicken shop.


J•nuarv W.-1 I Wffk2 WHk3 Week4 WHk5 Totll j
R-- IOwrtlmlt ov.rtlme R..ui.r !Overtime R-lor Overtime R--·lor Overtime
Houn llOI 36 217 26 2231 49 208 25 216 34 12!>41
Total R-·••r tto..n 1084 Total overtime houn 170
Febtuary Weelt1 I WHk2 Weaks WHk4 ITotll I
I~ I~ D-•lat Ovettlme ReM ••·· IOvertime Reoular Overtime j I
Houn 2301 34 242 25 2261 42 217 28 I io.ui
Total .._ .., Houts I

Morch w.-1

Total overtime hours

WHk4 WHltS
ITotll l
l '
Re~••r l0vert1me
2201 39
51 !.203
Total "-'hr Hours 1086 Total overtime hours 197
WHk2 WffkS WHk4 Totll i
'"""' R-
!Overtime Ruulv Overtime Rooulor IOvertime R-·lar IOvertime
Houn 2051 23 214 32 1861 30 2041 34 92!
Toal.._,,,., Hours 809 Total ovtrtlme hours 1191

He made a graph of the regular hours worked over a four-month period .

Regular Hours
1200 ----



• Regular Houn



January February March April

He wants to change the graph to show the regular and overtime hours each month.

What should Ray do to his graph?

(A) add a new data series

(8 ) change it to a line graph
(C) switch the rows and columns in the data
(D) add a new data series and change it to a pie chart

38. Layers are used in digital ·mage editing to separate different elements of an image. Some file formats
preserve these layers \vhen saving and others merge everything into a single layer.

Which file type preserves the ayers?

(A) tif (8 ) jpg (C) bmp (D) gif

2015 ICAS Dlg1tal Technologies Paper E 0 EA.A 18

39. Sui is using a graphics program to draw a picture. The Layers palette is shown.

ori' Layer1

~ri' Layer2
~ri' Layer3

ori' layer4
~ rf' Layers
~rf' Layers
Which image will be displayed?

(A) (8 ) (C) (D)

40 . Andy made the following table.

Chocolate Products
Product Name I.ii Nuts lril Fruit :!. Other llYJ Sale Price j .j]
Chocolate Strawberries Strawberries $4.99
Peanut Crunch Peanuts $1.20
Fruit and Nut Peanuts Raisins $2.59
Coated Fudge Fudge $1.10
Cherry Pieces Cherry $3.99
Almond Dream Almond Fudge $2.50
Bakewell Almond Cherry $1.99

Andy filtered for non-blanks on one field and then ordered on another field. His table then had Fruit and Nut
as the first row.

How did Andy filter and order his table?

(A) filtered on Nuts, ordered on Sale Price in increasing order

(8) filtered on Fruit, ordered on Sale Price in increasing order
(C) filtered on Nuts, ordered on Sale Price in decreasing order
(D) filtered on Fruit, ordered on Sale Price in decreasing order

19 2015 ICAS Dig~.al Technologies Paper E (,) EAA

Copyright in this booklet is owned by Educational Assessment Australia. UNSW Global Pty Limited, unless otherwise indicated.
Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright. Educational Assessment Australia apologises for any
accidental infringement and welcomes information to redress the situation.

Question 2 Wikimedia Commons logo licensed under the Question 23 Caterpillar image by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 <<http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
Unported licence <<http://creativecommons. File:Papilio_Machaon_JPG01.jpg» licensed
org/1icenseslby-sa/3.0>>. under the Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence «http://
creativecommons. org/I icenses/by-sa/3. 0>>.
Question 13 Mozilla Firefox screenshot image by
MaGlc21aNTern <<http://commons.wikimedia.
org/wiki/File:Firefox_screenshot-404 error Question 35 Mars Exploration Rover image courtesy
in Wikipedia.png>> licensed under the of NASA «http://www.nasa.gov». Image
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 credit: NASA/JPUCornell University.
Unported licence <<http://creativecommons. Command images created using Scratch
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Australia Year 7
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Indonesia Year 8
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New Zealand Year 8
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UNSWGlobal Educational Assessment Australia

DT I 2015 Digital Technologies ICAS

• .

Question Number
Papers A & B
Answer Keys .

Papers C & D
Paper E & F
ln1ernalional Competilions
and Asscssmcnls for Schools

Papers G & H
2 A A B D
3 B B B D
4 A D c A
5 c D A B
6 D c c D
7 B D c A
8 D A A c
9 A A B A
10 c D A B
11 A B D D
12 A A B c
13 B B c A
14 c D D B
15 c c D A
16 B B B B
17 A A D c
18 B B B D
19 B c B A
20 D A c D
21 B c A B
22 D D c c
23 D A B D
24 c c c c
25 A D c A
26 B c A B
27 c A c D
28 D B B B
29 c B D B
30 A c D c
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© 2016 Educational Assessment Australia is an education group of UNSW Global Pty Limited, a not-for-profit provider of education, training
and expert opinion services and a wholly owned enterprise of UNSW Australia. ABN 62 086 418 582
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Educational Assessment Australia

·DT I 2015 Digital Technologies ICAS

• .

Question Number

Papers A & B
. Answer Keys

Papers C & D
Paper E & F
l nternalional Compelilions
and Assessments for Schools

Papers G & H
32 D A A
33 c D A
34 D c D
35 B c D
36 B B
37 A c
38 A A
39 D B
40 c c
41 A
42 A
43 c
44 D
45 B

Contact Details
Telephone: +61 2 8344 1016
Email: info@eaa.unsw.edu.au
W ebsite: www_eaa _unsw.edu.au

© 2016 Educational Assessment Australia is an education group of UNSW Global Ply Limited, a not-for-profit provider of education, training
and expert opinion services and a wholly owned enterprise of UNSW Australia_ ABN 62 086 418 582
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