27 Key Covers Bundle

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Key Cover

Row Main Body of Key Cover

1 Chain 4 and join as ring then 6 sc 6
Leave an opening to pull through the key ring cord
2 6 inc 12
3 (sc, inc)* 6 times 18
4 (sc, inc, sc)* 6 times 24
5 (3 sc, inc)* 6 times 30
6 (2sc, inc, 2sc)* 6 times 36
7-17 36 sc 36

Row Ball for pulling key ring cord

1 Chain 4 and join as ring then 6 sc 6
2 6 inc 12
3-4 12 sc 12
5 6 Dec 6
Key Cover Patterns

1 5 Ply Milk Cotton
2 Crochet Hook 3mm or KeGou Hook # 8
3 6mm beads for eyes
4 Key Ring
5 2-3mm leather cord string / crocheted chains

Row Main Body of Key Cover

1 Chain 4 and join as ring then 6 sc 6
Leave an opening to pull through the key ring cord
2 6 inc 12
3 (sc, inc)* 6 times 18
4 (sc, inc, sc)* 6 times 24
5 (3 sc, inc)* 6 times 30
6 (2sc, inc, 2sc)* 6 times 36
7-17 36 sc 36

Row Ball for pulling key ring cord

1 Chain 4 and join as ring then 6 sc 6
2 6 inc 12
3-4 12 sc 12
5 6 Dec 6
Brown Bear Boy & Girl
Row Muzzle
1 Ch 3, turn and sc, (3 sc in same st), inc
Place at row no 10-15 of main body of key cover

Row Ears start at row no 3 of main body of the key cover

1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 5 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Bow
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6 inc 12
3 (sc, inc)* 6 times 18
4 (sc, inc, sc)* 6 times 24

Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 5 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Eyes
1 Use White 6sc in MR 6
2 6 inc 12
3 Change to light blue (sc, inc)* 6 times 18

Row Beak
1 6sc in MR 6
2-3 6sc 6
Row Wing
1 6sc in MR 6
2 (sc. inc)* 3 times 9
3-4 9sc 9
5 (sc. dec)* 3 times 6
Place at row no 11 of main body of the key cover

Row Ears start at row no 3 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 5 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Bow (Red)

Ch 2 and insert hook oin first chain to create ring
1 (Ch 2, make 4 dc in the first ch, ch 2, slst)* 2 times
Row no 13-17 of the main body of the key cover change to red/pink color

No Face
Row Face
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6 inc 12
3 (sc, inc)* 6 times 18
4 (sc, inc, sc)* 6 times 24

Row Ears
1 6sc in MR with choc then change color 6
2-5 6sc 6
Place at row no 2-4 of main body of the key cover

Blusher (Red)
1 6sc in MR 6

Place eyes at row no 6-7 of main body of the key cover

At the space of 4 stitches

Lion (crochet onto the main body of the key cover)

Row Hair
1 Ch 1, (4hdc, skip 1, slst)* 9 times
Place eyes at row no 10-11 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 5 stitches
Black Bear
Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 8 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Inner ears

1 4sc in MR 4

Row Eyes
1 6sc in MR 6
Place eyes at row no 5-7 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 4 stitches

Row Blusher
1 6sc in MR 6

Row Muzzle
1 Ch 6, turn, inc, 3sc, (3sc in same st), 3sc, sc 12
2 2inc, 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, inc 18
3 (sc, inc)* 2 times, 3sc, (sc, inc)* 3 times
3sc, (sc, inc)* 1 times 24
Place muzzle at row no 8-16 of main body of the key cover
Row Ears start at row no 3 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 6 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Eyes
1 Ch 3, turn and inc, (3sc in same st), sc
Place eyes at row no 7-10 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 4 stitches
Row no 16-17 of main body is black color

Row Ears
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6 inc 12
3-10 12sc 12
Place at row no 3-4 of main body of the key cover
Place eyes at row no 8-9 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 5 stitches

Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch1, in next stitch make (2sc), (hdc, dc), (dc, hdc), ch 1

Row Trunk
1 6sc in MR 6
2-3 6sc 6
4 (sc, inc)* 3 times 6
5-7 9sc 6
Place at row no 9 of main body of the key cover
Place eyes at row no 8-9 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 6 stitches

Connie Rabbit
Row Ears
1 Ch 8, turn, 2sc, 2hdc, 3dc

Row Inner ears

1 ch 6, turn, 2sc, 3 hdc
Place at row no 2-4 of main body of the key cover
Place eyes at row no 9-10 of main body of the key cover
At the space of 4 stitches
Sally chick
Row Beak
1 Ch 15 turn, 13sc, (3sc in one st), 12sc, inc 30
2 30sc 30

Row Ears
1 8 sc in MR 8
Place at row no 9-10 of main body of the key cover

Row Eyes
1 Ch 6, turn, inc, 3sc, (5sc in same st), 3sc, (3sc in same st)
2 2inc, 3sc, 5inc, 3sc, 3inc
Place at row no 3 of main body of the key cover

Row Muzzle
1 CH 8, turn, inc, 5sc, (5sc in same st), 5sc, (3sc in same st) 20
2 2 inc, 5 sc, 5 inc, 5 sc, 3 inc 30
2 inc, 11sc, 4 inc, 11sc, 2 inc 38
Place at row no 10-17 of main body of the key cover

Row Nose
1 6sc in MR 6
Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 6 dc, ch 1, slst

Row Inner ears and nostrils

1 6sc in MR 6

Row Nose/mouth
1 Ch 8, turn, 6sc, (3sc in same st), 5sc, inc 16
2 inc. 5sc, 3 inc, 5sc, 2inc 22
3 sc, inc, 5sc, (sc, inc)* 3 times, 5sc, (sc, inc)* 2 times 28

Row Teeth x 2
1 Ch 4, turn, 3sc

Row Eyes
1 6sc in MR 6

Row Nose
1 6sc in MR 6

Row no 16-17 of main body is red color

Row Face
1 Ch 5, turn, 2sc, hdc, (5hdc in same st), hdc, 2sc 11
2 2sc, hdc, 5hdc-inc, hdc, 2sc 16
3 2sc, hdc, (hdc, hdc-inc)* 5 times, hdc, 2sc 21
4 2sc, hdc, (2hdc, hdc-inc)* 5 times, hdc, 2sc 26
sc one round

Row Face
1 Ch 8, turn skip 3, 4dc, (3dc in same st), 4dc, ch 3, slst in last st
2 Ch 3, turn, inside ch 3 make dc-inc. 4dc, 3 dc-inc, 4 dc,
inside ch 3 make dc-inc,ch 3, slst in last st
3 ch2, turn, inside ch3 make hdc-inc, 6hdc, hdc-inc, hdc, 2hdc-inc,
hdc, hdc-inc, 6 hdc, inside ch 3 make hdc-inc, ch 2, slst in last st
4 Sc one round

Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make (2dc, 1trc, 2dc), ch 1, slst

Row Nose
1 Ch 6, turn, inc, 3sc, (3sc in same st), 3sc, sc 12
2 2 inc, 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, inc 18
3 (sc, inc)* 2 times, 3sc, (sc, inc)* 3 times, 3sc, (sc, inc)* 1 time 24
Place at row 8-15 of the main body on the key cover

Row Mouth
1 ch 10, turn, 8sc, (3sc in same st), 7sc, inc 16
Place at row 11-13 of the main body on the key cover

Row Flower
1 (ch 2, dc, ch2, slst)* 4 times

Row Tail
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6sc 6
3 2sc, 2 inc, 2sc 8
4 3sc, 2 inc, 3sc 10
5 4sc, 2inc, 4sc 12

Row Back side starts at row no 2 on the main body of key cover
1 slst, (sc, hdc, dc) (dc, hdc, sc) slst repeat for 5 times
Row Muzzle
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6 inc 12

Row Ears start at row no 3 of main body of the key cover

1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make 5 dc, ch 1, slst

Big Chick
Row Crest
1 6sc in MR 6
2-4 6sc 6

Row Small crest x 3

1 5sc in MR 5
2-3 5sc 5

Row Beak x 2
1 5sc in MR 5
2-3 5sc 5
Place at row 11-12 of the main body of the key cover

Row Wing
1 6sc in MR 6
2-5 6sc 6
Place at row 11 of the main body of the key cover

Row Ears
1 6sc in MR 6
2-6 6sc 6
Place at row 2-4 of the main body of the key cover

Row Eyes
1 6sc in MR 6

Row Tummy
1 Ch5, turn, 3sx, (3sc in same stitch), 3sc 12
2 3sc. 3inc, 3sc 15
3 3sc, (sc, inc)* 3 times, 3 sc 18
4 3sc, (sc, inc, sc)* 3 times, 3 sc 21
5 3sc, (3sc, inc)* 3 times, 3sc 24
sc along the bottom

Row Ears
1 Ch 4, turn, 2sc, (3sc in same stitch), 2sc 7
2 3sc, (3sc in same stitch), 3sc 9
3 4sc, (3sc in same stitch), 4sc 11
Place at row 3-7 of the main body of the key cover

Row Mouth
1 Ch 16, turn, 7sc, (3sc in same stitch), 6sc, (3sc in same stitch),
5sc, dec3, 5sc, inc
2 inc, 7sc, (3sc in same stitch), 7sc, 3inc, 4sc, dec3, 4sc, 2inc

Row Nose
1 6sc in MR 6
2 6sc 6

Row Eyes
1 6sc in MR 6

Row Forehead
1 Ch 9, turn, 8sc 8
2-3 8sc 8

Row Tongue
1 Ch 5, turn, 3sc, (3sc in same stitch), 3sc

Row Mouth
1 Ch 8 join to make ring
2 8 inc 16
3 16sc 16
4 8 Dec 8
Row Ears start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make (2dc, 1 tr, 2 dc), ch 1, slst

Row Ch 2 and insert hook oin first chain to create ring
1 (Ch 2, make 4 dc in the first ch, ch 2, slst)* 2 times

Row Eyes start at row no 4 of main body of the key cover
1 Ch 1 , in next stitch make dc, (6dc in same stitch), ch 1, slst

Row White part of eyes

1 6sc in MR 1

Row Red Bow

1 6sc in MR 6
2 6inc 12
3 (sc, inc)* 6 times 18
4 (sc, inc, sc)* 6 times 24

Row Crown (to replace the ball for pulling keyring cord)
1 Ch 8, join to create ring
2 8sc
3 (sc, hdc, dc)(sc, hdc, dc) repeat for 4 times

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