Dissimilar - Metal - Welds - of - Stainless Steel

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A Review Study of Dissimilar Metal Welds of Stainless Steel and Mild Steel by TIG
Welding Process

Article · February 2019

DOI: 10.22214/ijraset.2019.2044

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1 author:

Aamir Sayed
Poornima University


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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 7 Issue II, Feb 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com

A Review Study of Dissimilar Metal Welds of

Stainless Steel and Mild Steel by TIG Welding
Aamir R. Sayed1, Yogesh V. Kumbhare2, Nikhil G. Ingole3, Parvin T. Dhengale4, Nainish R. Dhanorkar5
Assistant Professor, 2, 3, 4, 5BE Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JD College of Engineering, Nagpur, India

Abstract: Tungsten inert gas welding is the (TIG) is additionally called gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Tungsten Inert Gas
Welding which is known as TIG welding is relatively high strength welding technique. is a kind of advance welding process
which become a popular choice when a weld of high-level quality or considerable precision welding is needed ?
The objective of study is to understand the various welding parameter like welding current, voltage, gas flow rate, inert gas,
welding speed, electrode etc. In this work we discuss about the Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of joining heat treatable of stainless
steel and mild steel. Output parameters such as hardness of welding, tensile strength of welding, DPT, spectrography by using
optimization philosophy. The main effort is to investigate optimal machining parameters and their contribution on producing
better best weld quality.
Keywords: TIG, stainless steel and mild steel, tensile properties , hardness, microstructure.

Welding is a joining of two or more parts by the application of heat and pressure, such joints are permanent in nature. In which
process coalescence of materials is produced by heating them to recrystallization temperature with or with or without use of pressure
and with or without the use of filler material. Welding is used for permanent joints of metals. TIG welding is a part of welding
process and it can be wildly used in modern industries for joining either similar or dissimilar materials. By the used of TIG welding
process we can join easily join Stainless steel plate and mild steel plateare there are various engineering applications such as nuclear
reactor , civil construction , thermal power plant , vessels and heat exchangers and it is also used for various industrial applications.

Fig. 1: Diagram of TIG welding plate

The materials used for dissimilar welding were SS-316 and MS-E350BR, nominally 8 mm in thickness. The chemical compositions
of SS-316 and MS-E350BR alloy are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

% C Mn Si p S Cr Mo Ni N
316 0.08 2.0 0.75 0.045 0.03 18.0 3.00 14.0 0.10
Table 1. Chemical compositions of SS-316

% C Mn S P Si Nb+V+Ti N C.E.Value
E350BR 0.20 1.50 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.25 - 0.42
Table 2. Chemical compositions of E350BR

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 7 Issue II, Feb 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com

The various propertie of stainless steel (SS316) and mild steel (E350BR) [6] are as follows:
Property Minimum Maximum Units (S.I) Minimum Maximum Units (Imp.)
value (S.I) value (S.I) value (Imp.) value (Imp.)
Atomic 0.0069 0.0072 m^3/kmol 421.0977 439.7650 in^3/kmol
Density 7.87 8.07 g/cc 491.308 503.689 In/in^3
Compressive 170 310 Mpa 25.6574 44.9676 ksi
Tensile 480 620 Mpa 69.6158 89.9876 ksi
Elastic limit 170 310 Mpa 25.6574 44.9676 ksi
Melting point 1648 1673 K 2506.73 2551.76 °F
Specific heat 490 530 J/kg.K 0.379191 0.410145 BTU.ft/h.ft^2.F
Table no. 3. Propertis of SS315

Property Minimum Maximum Units Maximum Minimum Units

value value value value
Density 7.87 8.086 g/cc 491.308 503.986 In/in^3
Tensile 440 456 Mpa 63800 63976 psi
strength ,
Tensile 379 389 Mpa 53700 53865 psi
strength ,
Modulus of 205 210 Gpa 29700 29797 psi
Bulk modulus 140 150 Gpa 20300 20367 psi
Shear 80 90 Gpa 11600 11797 psi
Poissons ratio 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29
Table No. 4. Properties of E350Br


The electrode in this process is non-consumable made from engineering material Tungsten. This process involves striking an arc
between a nonconsumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The weld pool and the electrode are protected by an inert gas is
passed around electrode from the same torch. Inert gas usually argon, helium, or a suitable mixture of these is used to prevent the
atmospheric contamination by garneting envelop around weld pool, molten metal and HAZ.

Figure: Schematic representation of TIG welding process

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 371

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 7 Issue II, Feb 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com

When the gar is supplied by the tank, then it gets ionized and an arc is generated in between electrode and work piece. There is a
generation of heat that cause base metal weld with filler rod and filler metal fall on the heated joint. Positive polarity of DC source
forming one of the workpieces. The electrodes connected to the negative polarity. The power source could be constant voltage AC
or DC power source, with electrode negative and it yields a stable arc and smooth metal transfer with least spatter for the entire
current range.

A. Equipment
The main equipments for TIG welding process are welding power source , high frequency unit and cables. For doing Tig welding
process we also required welding torch , tungsten electrode and filler metals. To get best quality of welding we also required inner
gas cylinder , pressure regulator and flow meter . Usually inert gas is used to prevent welded joints from atmosphere contamination
and atmospheric gases also. Cooling water is also required for cooling the system and gas solenoid valve is also main equipment for
TIG welding.

B. Applications
TIG welding can used for welding aluminum , magnesium , copper , nickel and their alloy , carbon , alloy and stainless steel. TIG
welding is also used for welding sheet metal and thinner section . It is also used for transistor cases , instrument diaphrahms and
can-sealing joints.

C. Advantages
No flux is used in TIG welding, that’s way there is no danger of flux entrapment if we welding refrigerator and air conditioner
system components. During TIG welding process there is clear visibility of arc and job , so operator can execute a better control on
the welding and can easily get best quality of welding. BY the use of TIG welding we can weld in all position sound weld can
produced with less spatter. TIG welding is also suitable for the high quality welding joints of thin metals.


TIG gives high quality of weld and weld deposition rate both are influenced very much by the various welding parameters and joint
geometry. Proper execution of process and control of different numbers of parameters is essential for successful and best output.
Normally a welded joint is produced by different combinations of welding parameters and joint geometries. The weld bead
geometry, penetration depth and total weld quality depends on the following operating variables.

A. Electrode size, Welding current.

B. Arc voltage. Arc travel speed.
C. Welding position. Filler material size.
D. Gas Flow rate, Shielding Gas composition.
E. Electrode extension.[4]
B.Y. Kang et.al [1] study of the experimental investigations of weld characteristics for a single of shielding gases (Ar) and
(Ar+67%He) of shielding gas in austenite stainless steel GTA Welding on the material of Stainless Steel 304 by used the specimen
of 200L x 100w x 12 thick .and analysed. The effect of both shielding gas on same input parameter. after comparison study the
conclude that Ae+67%He show same welding effect. cause cost cutting possible.
Dr. Simhachalam et al [2]. has performed a welding experiment on stainless steel -316 (18Cr-8N). The specimen size is
40X15X5mm for experiment and welding is perform by TIG welding. In that performance selecting input parameters such as
welding current, voltage, speed and time against response of mechanical properties like tensile strength and hardness the required
parameter is achieved by using MINITAB software and find that significant effect was occurred by varying current same effect
found when filler rod change but current give more effect
Abhimanyu Chauhan [3] perform a tungsten inert gas welding on 5mm thick plate. Without using filler material. the welding
performed by maintaining completely different gap between plates to be welded. The tensile strength and weld bead geometry of the
weld has been investigated here. It is noted that, with maintaining a minimum gap full penetration welding of the plate can be done
which gives strength which is almost similar to the base material and maximum depth of penetration was acquired with parametric
combination of maximum current and minimum welding speed.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved 372

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887
Volume 7 Issue II, Feb 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com

Indira Rani et. al [4] investigated the mechanical properties of the weldments of AA6351 during the GTAW /TIG welding with non-
pulsed and pulsed current at different frequencies. Welding was performed with current 70-74 A, arc travel speed 700-760 mm/min,
and pulse frequency 3 and 7 Hz. From the experimental results it was concluded that the tensile strength and yield strength of the
weldments is closer to base metal. Failure location of weldments occurred at HAZ and from this we said that weldments have better
weld joint strength Brijesh K. Mauryal et.al [5] Experimentak analysis of dissimilar metal welds of mild steel and stainless steel by
Brijesh Kumar Maurya1, Balwant Pratap2, Avaneesh Kumar3, Gopal Rana41 2 3 4 Students.
In this paper they cleared that ultimate tensile strength is always same for 12 and 18 PSI gas pressure.This suggest that if increasing
the gas pressure than required value the the strength of weld joint decreases and strength for weld joint is best for average gas

In given experiment we are perform a TIG welding by wearying parameter voltage, current and gas flow rate. in that experiment
argon is used as a shielding gas. For perform an experiment required TIG welding setup. first, we find influence welding parameter
which is highly affected the welding properties then perform a combination of welding . And test is by various testing technique like
1) Spectrography, 2) Microstructure, 3) Ultrasonic test, 4) DPT Dye Penetration Test 5) Hardness, 6) Tensile, 7) Bending. 8) X-ray
Test (Radiography Test). All processes are being carried out as per ASME standards. Then find an optimum input parameter for
tensile strength and percentage of elongations. After finding optimum parameter change shielding gas with Ar+67%He and perform
a welding process. Then test it and find that it is suitable for our application or not .and which kind of change occurred in
microstructure find it by comparing them.

This paper gives the idea of the working of the TIG welding and from above Literature reviews it is clear that various work has been
done on TIG welding. To study and optimized the welding output such as tensile strength, hardness of weld joints etc. on varying
the input parameters such as welding current, voltage, gas flow rate , welding speed etc. and also some work on TIG welding with
summing gases has been carried out on various material similar as well as dissimilar materials.

[1] B.Y. Kang, Yarlagadda K.D.V. Prasad, M.J. Kang, H.J. Kim, I.S. Kim (2009), The effect of alternate supply of shielding gases in austenite stainless steel GTA
welding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology.209
[2] D. Simhachalam, N. Indraja, M. Raja Roy (2015). Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel by TIG Welding at Weld Zone.
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) (26),3
[3] Abhimanyu Chauhan, Abdul samad, Dr. Y. B. Mathur (2017). Experimental Study on Autogenous TIG Welding of Mild Steel Material Using Lathe Machine.
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering 3(9).
[4] Indira Rani, M., & Marpu, R. N. (2012). Effect of Pulsed Current Tig Welding Parameters on Mechanical Properties of J-Joint Strength of Aa6351. The
International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES),1.
Pratap2, Avaneesh Kumar3, Gopal Rana41 2 3 4 Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, U.P. India (IRJET)
[6] https://www.azom.com/properties?ArticleID=863

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