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ISSN 2322 – 0023 IJAESS (2014) Vol.2, No.

2, 24-28
Research Article
International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Sciences


Kiran Sahul*, Dheerja Singhll,

G.D.H.G. College Moradabad . U.P (India) (I*,

ABSTRACT: Mental health is that behaviour, perception and feeling which determines a person’s overall level
of personal effectiveness, success, happiness and excellence of functioning. It depends on the development and
retention of goals that are neither to high not low to permit realistic successful maintenance of belief in one’s
self as worthy, effective human being and Marital adjustment is the state in which there is an overall feeling in
husband and wife of happiness and satisfaction with their marriage and with each other. The aim of the present
study is to find out the level of Mental Health and Marital Adjustment among working and non-working
Married Women. Further to find out difference between working and non-working married women regarding
mental health and marital adjustment. For this purpose 200 women (100 working and 100 non-working) were
selected. To measure Mental health Pramod Kumar’s Mental health Inventory(6)and to measure Marital
adjustment O.P. Mishra and S.K. Srivastava’s Marital adjustment Inventory (8 ) were used in the present
study; result indicated that both working and non-working women have higher level of Mental health and
Marital adjustment. No significant differences are found in Mental health as well as in Marital adjustment of
working and non-working married women.

Key words: Mental Health, Marital Adjustment, working and Non-working Married Women.
1. INTRODUCTION: Mental health describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence
of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health may include an individual‟s ability to enjoy life and
procure a balance between life activities and effort to achieve psychological resilience. Mental health is an expression
of emotions and signifies a successful adaption to a range of demand most recently, the field of global mental health
has emerged, which has been defined as the area of study, research and practices that place a priority on improving
mental health and achieving equity in mental health for all people worldwide.
Mental health is not merely an absence of mental illness, but it is also the ability to cope with problems in life,
mental health is as important as physical health to everybody. A good mental health is essential for leading a good life
effectively if he / she are suffering from stressed and strains and is struggling with mental health problems such as
depression or unsteady feeling due to academic, social or mental pressure; with poor mental health one loses overall
effectiveness (1). Mental health is balance between all aspects of life- social, physical and spiritual aspect of a person.
It imparts on how we manage our surroundings and make choices in our lives clearly it is an integral part of our
overall health (1).
The WHO (2) constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important consequence of this definition is that mental health is
described as more than the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.
Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. In this
positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a
community.Some facts of women‟s mental health are:

1. Recorded rate of anxiety and depression are one and a half to two times higher in women than in men.
2. One study showed that 57 percent o0f those attending emergency departments for self-harm are women.
3. 13-15% of new mothers experience postnatal depression.
4. 90% percent of the 1.6 million people in the U.K. who have an eating disorder are female.

The importance of maintaining a good mental health is crucial to living a long and healthy life. Mental health
when good can enhance when poor prevent someone from living a normal life. According to Richards Compania and
Sahu & Singh/International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science, Vol.2, No.2 25

Muse Burke, “There is growing evidence that is showing emotional abilities are associated with prosocial behaviour
such as stress management and physical health.” Without emotional support mental health is at risk (3).
According to Kornhouser, “Mental health is those behaviour, perception and feeling that determine a person‟s
overall level of personal effectiveness, success, happiness and excellence of functioning as a person. It depends on the
development and retention of goals that are neither to high not low to permit realistic successful maintenance of belief
in one‟s self as worthy, effective human being (4).
Mental health is an index which shows the extent to which the person has been able to meet his environmental
demands- social, emotional or physical. However, when he finds himself trapped in a situation he does not have
matching coping strategies to deal with it effectively, he gets himself mentally strained. This mental strain is generally
reflected in symptoms like anxiety, tension, restlessness or hopelessness among others. If it is felt for too long and too
extensively by the person, these symptoms may take a definite form (or get „syndromized‟), representing a given
illness. Mental health, therefore, should not be confused with mental illness; it is a study of pre-illness mental
condition of the person (5).
Mental health, such as represents a psychic condition which is characterized by mental peace, harmony and
content. It is defined by the absence of disabling and debilitating symptoms, both mental and somatic in the person
A mentally healthy person should also be understood as dynamic and conscientious person who is found to be
reasonable, rational in the choice of means for the realization or his/her pious ends.
Indian women have been gradually coming out of traditional roles and entering into the male dominated areas. In
recent years the role and status of the women have been changed tremendously. With increasing female education and
more liberty for their rights and privileges, women‟s attitude towards their stereotyped role is changing. Their
participation in education and work place has also led to their increased socio-familial roles.
Mental health has been reported as an important factor influencing an individual‟s various behaviours, activities,
happiness and performance. Mental pressure is a vital cause of the mental health problems which arise due to various
conditions. If the mental condition is good, women can take various responsibilities of a family and herself,
understand the complications, try to solve them, plan for future and adjustment with others by becoming mentally
strong. Mental health can be defined as the ability to make adequate social and emotional adjustments to the
environment, on the plane of reality
Mental health scores highlight that working women are trapped in a situation where they are getting difficulty in
coping strategies to deal with it effectively and get mentally strained. Excess work, less freedom, high need for
motivation and working situations are powerful source of stress among working female. Therefore, emotional balance,
adjustment process, tolerance level and other personality attributes are under great threat, which affect negatively the
mental health.
Marriage is a commitment with love and responsibility for peace, happiness and development of strong family
relationships. Marriage as "socially legitimate sexual union, begun with a public announcement and undertaken with
some ideas of permanence; it is assumed with more a less explicit marriage contract, which spells out the reciprocal
rights and obligations between the spouses and future children (7).
Marital adjustment as „the state in which there is an overall feeling in husband and wife of happiness and
satisfaction with their marriage and with each other (8).
Locke & Wallace (9) defines marital adjustment as: “accommodation of husband and wife to each other at a given
All the marriages are aimed at happiness in one or another way. Most couples marry filled up with expectations.
Some of the expectations will be realistic while others unrealistic. This is due to the complex nature of marriage and
each individual is as complex as a universe. Therefore, in marriage two universes close together.
According to Spanier and Cole (10) - “Marital adjustment is a process, the outcome of which is determined by a
degree of (a) troublesome marital differences (b) interpersonal tension and personal anxiety (c) marital satisfaction (d)
dyadic cohesion (e) consensus on matters of importance of marital functioning.
The ultimate measurement of marriage is the degree of adjustment achieved by the individuals in their marriage
roles and in interaction with one another. A well-adjusted marriage may be defined as a union in which the husband
and wife are in agreement on the chief issue of marriage.
There is a list of six areas of marital adjustment, which is defined by the psychologist, such as, religion, social life,
mutual friends, in laws, money and sex. Another psychologist defines ten areas of marital adjustment, i.e. values,
couple growth, communication, conflict resolution, affection, roles, cooperation, sex, money and parenthood. A study
on marriage and marital adjustment in USA presents social activities and recreation, training and disciplining of
children, religion, in law relationship, financial matters, sexual relationship, communication, mutual trust and
companionship as the areas of marital adjustment.
Sahu & Singh/International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science, Vol.2, No.2 26

According to O.P. Mishra and S.K. Srivastava (11) in marriage husband and wife should scarifies their egoistic
attitude, to avoid mutual conflicts, feel mutual satisfaction, respect the each other interest and fulfil the expectations
and aspiration related to marital life, all these will work in maintaining the good marital adjustment according to him
the six dimensions of marital adjustment are: 1) Feeling for spouse 2) Harmonious relations 3) Communication 4)
mutual understanding 5) sexual relations 6)other factors related to the marital life.
Previous research on the relationship between wife employment and marital adjustment has produced conflicting
results: some investigations report a positive relationship between wife employment and marital adjustment others
suggest a negative relationship.
Nathawat and Mathur (12) did a study in India about marital adjustment and subjective well-being in Indian-
educated housewives and working women. Their results indicated that working women had better marital adjustment
and subjective well-being. Working women reported high scores on general health, life satisfaction and self-esteem
measures & lower scores on hopelessness, insecurity and anxiety whereas the housewives had lower scores on
negative affect than the working women.
Researches demonstrated that Non-working married women are better marital adjusted than working married
women this implies that working women cannot pay full attention to their family and are unable to satisfy their
members. Whereas the non-working married women have more time to their household task and their married life
goes smooth. According to the researches working married women cannot properly adjust with their married life
because they have many roles to play at a time to find out the level of mental health of working and non-working

2. OBJECTIVES: Objectives of the present study are as follows:

 To find out the level of marital adjustment of working and non-working married women.
 To find out difference between working and non-working married women regarding the level of mental health and
marital adjustment.
 To find out the level of mental health of working and non-working women

 There will not be any significant difference between the mental health of working and non-working women.
 There will not be any significant difference between the marital adjustment of working and non-working women.

4.1 SAMPLE: A sample of 200 women (100 working and 100non-working) was taken the sample characteristics as
1. No. Of the respondents - 200 (100 working and 100 non- working married women)
2. Level of the sample - Working and non-working married women.
3. Age range - 35-45
4. Income- 8,000-27,000

4.2.1 MENTAL HEALTH INVENTORY: Mental health inventory developed by Pramod Kumar (5) was used to
measure mental health of the respondents. There are 11 items in this inventory, which are divided in to 2
areas. These areas are psychological and physical. In this inventory there are 6 psychological items and 5
physical items, rated at 4 point scale. The reliability of split half method is .83 and test-retest reliability is .81.

4.2.2 MARITAL ADJUSTMENT INVENTORY: Marital adjustment inventory by O.P. Mishra and
S.K.Srivastava (8) was used to measure marital adjustment of the respondents. There are 55 statements in this
inventor, which are divided in to six areas. These areas are feeling for spouse, harmonious relations,
communication, mutual understanding, sexual relation and other factors related to the married life. There are
different numbers of items in all these areas. For these items 5 point rating scale was used. The reliability of
split half is .76 and test-retest reliability is .83.

5. RESULTS: In order to find out the level of mental health and marital adjustment mean is calculated and to find
out the mean difference between working and non-working married women t-test is applied.
Sahu & Singh/International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science, Vol.2, No.2 27

Dimensions Mean SD SED t-test

Working Non-working
married married
women women
Mental health 22.28 22.62 5.72 1.58 0.30

Psychological 12.34 11.86 3.26 .68 0.71

Physical 9.94 10.76 3.12 .58 1.41

Marital adjustment 213.4 215.78 24.68 52.72 0.05

Feeling of spouse
48.32 48.92 7.19 1.44 0.42

Harmonious relations
54.68 55.34 8.05 1.64 0.40

Mutual understanding 20.36 20.56 3.68 0.85 0.24

Sexual relations 42.7 43.22 7.20 1.56 0.33

Other factors related to

the marital life 27.48 28.66 4.16 0.88 1.34

19.46 19.08 3.39 0.75 0.51

Table-1 significance of difference between two means

As table depicted that there is not any significant difference between working women non-working women on
mental health. Thus the hypothesis No.1 “There will not be any significant difference between working and non-
working women on mental health” is proved from the result of present study. Similar pattern of result is also found,
when we look at the mean value of working women (22.28) and non-working women (22.62). As far as dimensions of
the mental health are considered, it also shows that there is not any significant difference. Thus it can be sad that due
to social and economical changes, both working and non-working married women have good mental health.
Colleen P.O‟Neill and Amos Zeichner (1) examines the relationship job and home environment conditions,
job stress, coping and health outcomes in 230 working women. The women sampled were employed full time and
73% were managers and professional with advance degrees. The level of job distress was found to be the best
predictor of the degree of depression, anxiety and physical symptoms. The tendency to use avoidance coping was also
a significant predictor. The result support the nation that stress in the environment has a negative impact of the
physical and mental health of working women. The results are compared to those of previous relevant studies of men.
The findings are also discussed in term of mitigating effect of coping on health.
As table depicted that there is no significant difference between working and non-working married women on
marital adjustment. Thus the hypothesis No.2 “there will not be any significant difference between the marital
adjustment of working and non-working married women” is proved from the result of the present study. Mean value
of working women (213.4) and non-working married women (215.78) is also indicated similar level. As far as the
dimensions of the marital adjustment are considered, it also shows that there is not any significant difference. Thus it
can be said that due to better understanding, mutual trust and sharing both working and non-working married women
have good marital adjustment.
Ms. Hina Ahmed Hashmi, Ms. Maryam Khursheed and Dr. Ishtiaq Hasan (13) are aimed at exploring the
relationship between M.A. & M.H. of the study consisted 150 working and non-working married women (75 working
married women and 75 non-working married women). Their age range between 18 to 50 years. Their education was at
least graduation and above. Results indicated highly significant relationship between M.A. & M.H. The findings of the
results also show that working married women have to face more problems in their married life as compared to non-
working married women. The results further show that highly educated working and non-working married women can
Sahu & Singh/International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science, Vol.2, No.2 28

perform well in their married life and they are free from depression as compared to educated working and non-
working women.
Marriage may have important influences on mental health. A happy marriage may provide substantial emotional
benefits. For many people, marriage creates an important sense of identity and self-worth. Moreover, a spouse may
provide emotional intimacy and support, fulfilling an essential human need for connection. Consequently, married
people may be happier, more satisfied, and less depressed than those who are unmarried. These emotional benefits
may, in turn, improve their physical health, by reducing the stress, depression, and other mental health problems can
take on physical well-being.


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