A Note on Percolation
Lucio Russo
C.N.R., Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica,
Istituto di Fisica Teorica detl'Universitg di Napoli,
Mostra d'Oltremare, Pad. 19, 1-80125 Napoli
1. Introduction
40 L. Russo
2. Definitions
Two points in 7/2 which differ only by one unit in one coordinate are called
adjacent; they are called *adjacent if they are adjacent or such that both their
coordinates differ by one unit ~. A finite sequence (x~, ..., xn) of distinct points in
7/2 is called a (self-avoiding) chain if x i and xj are adjacent if and only if li-j]
=1 and a circuit if (x 2,...,x.) is a chain and xj is adjacent to x 2 and to x,;
*chains and *circuits are defined in an analogous way. A subset y ~ 7 / a is
connected [*connected] if, for all pairs x, y of points in Y,, there is a chain
[*chain] made up of points in Y, having x, y as terminal points. The boundary
[*boundary] of a given subset y ~ 7 / z is the set 0Y[~* Y] of all points in 7 / Z \ y
that are adjacent [*adjacent] to at least one point in I4.
Remark. The external boundary of a connected set is *connected and the
external *boundary of a *connected set is connected 2.
We consider the configuration space f2 = { - 1, 1}z2. If co e f2, the (+)clusters
[(+)*clusters] of co are the maximal connected [*connected] components of
co-~ (1); (-)clusters and (-)*clusters are defined in the same way. A (+)chain in
co is a chain included in co-t(1) 3. Two sets A, BeT/2 are (+)connected in co if
there is in o9 a (+)chain starting in A and ending in B.
If g is a translation invariant probability measure on f2, the #-probability
that a given site of the lattice belongs to a (+)cluster of size k is
where for any finite connected subset 7 of ;~2 containing the origin, C~+ is the set
of all configurations co such that 7 is a (+)cluster in co, and JTI means number of
sites in Y-
We put:
In [8] a definition of matching graphs is given, which, in particular, applies to the graphs G
= {~2, L}, G* = {712, L*}, where L[L*] is the set of bonds between adjacent [*adjacent] points in 7/2
2 A statement equivalent to this remark is proven in [8] for any pair of matching graphs. All the
following can be restated in this more general case
3 Here and in the following we will not distinguish between chains and their images
A Note on Percolation 41
We have
s( t= 2 kpk( t= Y,
k=l k=O
We denote with a bar, - , the functions analogous to Pk(~), P~(#), S(#)
referred to as (-)*clusters.
We are particularly interested in the case of the measures:
#x = [ I G (2.4)
i~Z 2
If A is a square in 7/2 and we call PA(X) the #x-probability that the origin is
(+)connected with aA, we have:
(2.7) implies that Poo(x) is an upper semicontinuous function; this and the
obvious non-decreasing property of P~ (x) imply that P~o(x) is a right-continuous
The critical points are defined by:
pc=Sup{x[Poo(x)=O}, p*=Sup{xIP*(x)=O}.
Note that if we call E~o the event that there exists in co an infinite (+)cluster,
the zero-one law implies that Poo(x)>0 if and only if #x(E~)= 1, so that Pc can
also be defined as the separation element between the x's such that #x(E~)=0
and those such that #x(Eoo)--1.
It is easy to check that 0 <Pc < 1: one can get crude bounds on Pc by applying
the Peierls argument.
We have
~(E~)__<~ P~(~)=s(~)< ~.
k=0 k=0
Hence the Borel-Cantelli lemma implies that #-a.e. at most a finite number of
the events E k can occur. For a given configuration co, if none of the Ek's occurs
the origin (0, 0) ~ 7Z2 belongs to an infinite ( -)*cluster. Also, if a finite, non-zero,
number of Ek's occur and n is the largest integer such that co ~ E,, it is clear that
co((n + 1, 0))= - 1 , and the point (n + 1, 0) cannot belong to a finite ( - ) * d u s t e r ?,
because in this case 6" ? should intersect the 1-axis in some point (N, 0) such that
N > n + 1, co~E N. Hence #-a.e. co contains an infinite (-)*cluster.
Proposition I means that if there are neither infinite (+)clusters, nor infinite
(-)*clusters, both S(x) and S(x) must diverge. This is intuitively clear, because
in this case each site in 7Z: is "surrounded" by infinitely many finite clusters of
both types. Actually, for the measures #~, this is the only case in which the mean
cluster size can diverge. In order to prove this we need some additional lemmas.
Lemma 1 ( F K G inequalities). I f we consider in f~ the partial ordering < defined
setting co1 <co2 if and only if col(x )_<co2(x) for all x s;g2 and we call an event A
positive [negative_] if its characteristic function is increasing [decreasing], then if
A and B are both positive (or both negative)
Proof If Po~(x)>0, Theorem 1 implies that #x-a.e. there are infinitely many
(+)circuits surrounding the origin (otherwise, if n is the largest integer such that
(n, 0) belongs to such a circuit, the site (n+ 1, 0) should belong to an infinite
(-)*cluster). #x-a.e. all but at most a finite number of these circuits must belong
to the same infinite (+)cluster (otherwise no infinite (+)cluster should exist).
Hence for any e > 0 there is L 0 such that for all L > L o the event A L "there is in
A L a (+)circuit surrounding the origin and included in an infinite (+)cluster"
has #x-measure bigger than 1 - e, We call A~ (i = 1,... 4) the event that there is in
AL a (+)circuit surrounding the origin and (+)connected in A L with the i-th side
of AL. The symmetry properties of #x and the inequalities (3.1) imply:
4 z
(here and in the following " ~ " means complementation). On the other hand it
is obvious that
A~iL c A L~ , .
hence #x(AL)<e
-i 1/4 and by using again inequalities (3.1)
i j 1/4 2
#x(ALc'~AL)>(1-e ).
Proof Given e>0, we choose two integers n, L o such that, for all L>=Lo, with
#x-probability bigger than 1 - g:
a) there is in A, a (+)circuit surrounding the origin and belonging to the
infinite ( +)cluster.
b) there is in A L a (+)chain connecting two given opposite sides of A L.
c) there is a (+)circuit surrounding the origin and contained in A L \ A n.
The existence of n, L 0 follows from Lemma 2 and the arguments used in its
proof. Let L > L o. Besides A n and A L, we consider the two translates of A L
We call sf(A) (i= 1, ...,4) the four sides of a square A, where sl(A ) is the "left
side" and the others are numbered clockwise. Using b) and the inequalities (3.1)
in the same way as in the proof of Lemma 2 we get that with #x-probability
bigger than 1 - e 1/z there is in B i a (+)chain connecting sl(B1) with s3(B1) and
having as endpoint a site of the 2-positive-half-axis; using (3.1) and c) we get that
with #x-probability bigger than (1-~1/2)(1-e) such a chain can be found in
B I \ A .. We call C the set of the chains of this type. If c e C we call c' the chain
obtained by reflecting c with respect to the 2-axis and we call S c[Sc,] the set of
sites in BI[B2] ',below c[c']". We order C by putting cl<c 2 if S~1~Sc2. It is
easy to see that if in a given configuration co there is a non-empty set 1 of
(+)chains belonging to C, then there is in I only one maximal element, namely
the chain c I = (~* ([,_)S~))c~B 1.
We define
Dc={coef21in co c is the maximal (+)chain connecting sl(Bx)
with s3(B~) and it is (+)connected in B i with s2(Bi) }.
We have:
where we have used the fact that if there is a (+)chain in B 1 connecting s2(B1)
with s4(B1), then c is certainly (+)connected with s z(B1).
We consider now the following events:
a) and the inequalities (3.1) imply that # x ( F ) > l - e 1/4. On the other hand, for
any c ~ C , / ~ c~/~c' ~ ~ and #~(E~) = #x(E~'); hence we have
so that
We consider now the event A = ~ (/)r c~Ej. (3.2), (3.3) and the remark that for
any c ~ C De and E~ are independent events imply:
We call A' the event obtained from A by reflection with respect to the 2-axis. A
and A' are positive events; hence
#x (A c~A') > (1 - ~)4(1 - el/2)2 (1 - el/8)2.
A Note on Percolation 45
The lemma is proved by the remark that if A c~A' occurs, then there is a
(+)chain in BlwB 2 connecting sl(B 0 with $3(B2).
Lemma 4. If P~o(x) > O, then lim RL, a(x) = 1 (where RL,3(x) is defined in an
obvious way). L~
Proof This lemma is an easy corollary of Lemma 3; it suffices to observe that if
we consider a rectangle R of sides L and 3L as the union of three adjacent
squares Qz, Qz, Q3 and if there are (+)chains connecting the opposite smaller
sides of the rectangles Qx ~ Q2 and Q2 C.)Q3 and there is a (+)chain connecting
the two sides of Q2 adjacent to/~ (note that all these are positive events, so that
(3.1) can be applied), then there is also in R a (+)chain connecting the smaller
sides of R.
Theorem 2. Po~(x)> 0 if and only if _fi~(x)= 0 and S(x)< oo.
<4(Lo(x))2+ ~ (a,+l--an)fla.(X)
The last series is convergent if e is small enough. This, together with Theorem 1,
proves Theorem 2.
We consider the square Aa~.. (4.3) and the inequalities (3.1) imply that the event
"no site in A,~ belongs to a (-)*cluster of size greater than a," has a #~-
probability greater than
On the other hand if the origin belongs to a hole H of size between a,2 and a,+
2 1,
then B(H) must intersect Aa~" and all sites in B(H) belong to a (-)*cluster
greater than a,. Hence we get:
qk(X) _--<1-- (1-- 0")Sa,"= 1 -- (1 -- 0")S(2Co(x))838
k=ana+ t
(where we have supposed 3s0 < 1/2, as it is certainly true if Lo(x ) is big enough).
The bound (4.4) together with the remark that Qk(X) is a non-increasing
sequence imply the convergence of (4.2).
Proposition 3. If P~ (x ) > O, then S (x ) < c~.
Proof. It is an immediate corollary of Proposition 2.
Proposition 4. I f 0 < x < 1, x =gPc, then Po~ is infinitely many times derivable in x.
P r o @ If x < G the statement is trivially true. Suppose x > Pc. We observe that
where 7 runs over the family of all finite connected subsets of ~2 containing the
origin. Differentiating term by term we get the series:
5. Concluding Remarks
If one defines, besides Pc and p*, the other two "critical points"
T h e o r e m 2 can be written
Pc + G* =~c+p~*=l. (5.1)
If one can prove, as one expects, that the relation p c + p * = 1 holds, then (5.1)
should imply that Pc--no, so that the m e a n cluster size should diverge in at most
one point. We r e m a r k that conversely if one is able to p r o v e that p c = G s, then
the relation Pc + P * = 1 should follow directly from Proposition 1.
The p r o b l e m above is related to the other open p r o b l e m of the continuity
properties of P~ in G. In fact the right-continuity of P~ implies that it is
continuous in Pc if and only if P~(pc)=0; at least for the triangular lattice by
T h e o r e m 1 this is certainly true if pc=no (so that both are equal to 1/2) because
in this case Poo(Pc) = / 5 (G).
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank N. Kuiper and D. Ruelie for their kind hospitality at the
I.H.E.S. at Bures-sur-Yvette, where most of this work was written. I am also indebted to H. Kunz
and J. Lebowitz for their interest and encouragement and especially to M. Pulvirenti for many
helpful discussions.
5 This should be an assumption very similar to the one made in [8] that the function "mean
number of clusters per site" has Pc as unique singular point
48 L. Russo
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