Well Stimulation, Acidizing - Peyman Daneshfar

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Well Stimulation,


Peyman Daneshfar
Field Technical Supervisor
✓ Basic Definition (Well Stimulation, Formation Damage, Skin Factor, …)

✓ Acid Definition

✓ Acid Type And Definition

✓ Soaking agitation, Fracture Acidizing and matrix acidizing

✓ Matrix Acidizing Principle

✓ Acidizing Damage, Additive

✓ Diversion Technique

✓ Preflush, Overflush

✓ Laboratory Test

✓ Matrix Acid Job Example

Well stimulation is a necessary
intervention intended to enhance
permeability and improve the
flow of hydrocarbons from the
reservoir to the wellbore.

‘‘Steady-state flow’’
Steady State Flow is defined as a flow
regime where the
Mother Formula pressure
point in
at any
reservoir remains
constant over time.

➢Well Stimulation Treatment Considerations :
❑ Type of formation and mineral composition of the formation.

❑ Type and amount of damage.

❑ Contact time available for chemical treatment.

❑ Physical limitations of well equipment.

❑ Bottom hole pressure and temperature.

❑ Possible contaminants such as water, mud, cement filtrate and bacteria.

❑ Treating fluid compatibility with contaminants present and reservoir fluids.

❑ Formation properties such as acid solubility, permeability and porosity

➢ The reduction of permeability in a reservoir rock caused by the invasion of
drilling fluid and treating fluids to the section adjacent to the wellbore.

Note, Often call skin damage.

➢ Formation Damage may occur during Drilling, Completion, Workover and Kill
Jobs, Production, Stimulation and … Operations .

Tubing Gravel Pack Perforations Formation
Organic deposits
Silicates, Aluminosilicates
Water block
Wettability change

Scale is a mineral subcategory of Deposition.

Depositions :

▪ Mineral (Scale)

▪ Organic

▪ Mixed

➢ Skin factor is a dimensionless parameter that quantifies the formation
damage around the wellbore.

➢ It also can be negative (which indicates improvement in flow) OR positive

(which means formation damage exists)

➢ Skin effect simulates the permeability change around the wellbore.

The total Skin (St) is the value that is obtained directly
from a well-test analysis.
▪ An oil well produces 57 Barrel Per Day BPD under the following reservoir

and producing conditions:

K = 10 md, H = 50 ft, ßo = 1.23 res bbl/stb

µo = 0.6 cp, Pe = 2,000 psi, Pwf = 500 psi
rw = 0.33 ft, re = 1,320 ft

• What is the Skin Factor?

• Is there potential for Stimulation?

➢ Acidizing involves pumping acid into a wellbore or geologic formation that is
capable of producing oil and/or gas. The purpose of any acidizing is to improve a
well's productivity or injectivity.

✓ Remove near wellbore formation damage and decrease skin factor

✓ Restore damaged matrix permeability in near well-bore reservoir area

✓ Improve matrix permeability in near well-bore reservoir area

✓ Maximize well productivity

✓ Remove deposits from well tubular/wellbore cleanout.


I. Mineral : HCL – HF - …

II. Organic : Acetic Acid (CH3OOH) – Formic Acid (CH2O2) - …

lOVO : Organic acid react slower than Mineral acid.

Can be use as additive in any reservoir formation


lOVO : Dolomites are similar to limestones with the exception

that they generally react more slowly with hydrochloric acid.

• Formic acid is the simplest carboxylic
acid, containing a single carbon

• Acetic acid is also known as ethanoic acid,

ethylic acid, vinegar acid, and methane
carboxylic acid

Rule Of Thumb :
SG HCl% Acid = 1 + (No.%/200)

▪ Ammonium Bifluoride is a less-toxic
➢ Mud Acid is a mixture of HCL and HF acids, it is normally prepared
colorless salt and when added to water,
in two strengths .
ABF becomes a less aggressive version
a - Regular MUD ACID ( 12 - 3 ) A mixture of 12 % HCL & 3 % HF ,
of hydrofluoric acid.
prepared by dissolving 400 lbs. of Ammonium Bifluoride in 1000 gals

15 % HCL .

b - Super MUD ACID ( 12 - 6 ) A mixture of 12 % HCL & 6 % HF ,

prepared by dissolving 800 lbs. of Ammonium Bifluoride in 1000 gals
▪ ABF is a much safer product to handle
18 % HCL . and dose correctly than a solution of HF
in water. Hydrofluoric acid is highly
toxic and corrosive, and is far more
dangerous to handle and get a correct
dose. There are also hydration issues
that make mixing more difficult.

➢ Soaking-Agitation (Perforation Cleaning – Acid Wash)

➢ Fracture acidizing : Injection rates above F.P

➢ Matrix acidizing : Injection rates below F.P

lOVO: The pressure required to create a fracture is termed “fracture pressure”.

➢Agitation can be accomplished by one of three methods:
I. The acid can be spotted across the perforations to allow a short soaking period

II. Pressure is applied against the perforations without exceeding the bottom hole
fracturing pressure (BHFP)

III. Acid is spotted across the perforations and allowed to soak for a few minutes

➢ Primary Purpose : Restore flow capacity by removing restrictive damage to fluid flow in the

➢ In fracture acidizing, the acid is injected through natural or induced fractures at pressures
usually exceeding the formation's fracture pressure.

➢ Fracture acidizing involves the injection of acid down the well at a rate faster than the
formation can accept it by way of the natural flow channels. Since the rock will not accept all
of the acid, pressure builds up. Finally the rock ruptures and the acid is injected down a
fracture .

➢ Fracture acidizing is an alternative to hydraulic fracturing and propping in carbonate

➢ In fracture acidizing, the reservoir is hydraulically fractured and then the fracture faces are
etched with acid to provide linear flow channels to the well bore.

lOVO : Low permeability carbonate Formations are the best candidates for fracture acidizing

lOVO : Fracture acidizing DIFFERS from hydraulic fracturing, in that in hydraulic fracturing,
hydraulic-fracturing fluids usually are not chemically reactive and a proppant is placed in the
fracture to keep the fracture open and provide conductivity
• Two major problems involved in acid fracturing:
– fracture closure after etching relatively
Homogeneous carbonates,
– plugging of the fracture if appreciable undissolved
fines are released by the acid.

➢ Three factors that influence the type and amount of etching in the fracture are:

- Rock properties : In fracture acidizing the acid reacts with the faces of the fracture to produce
an irregular etch pattern

- Type of acid

- Contact Time : The pumping rate and the total volume of acid pumped determine the contact
time of live acid with the fracture faces. Contact time has a direct bearing on the amount of
etching obtained.

➢ Some Important factors affect on fracture geometry :

o Injection rate

o Fluid viscosity

o Fluid volume injected

o Fluid loss

o Rock properties

o Formation fluids

o Formation stresses

o Reaction rates

Matrix acidizing is accomplished by injecting chemicals to dissolve and/or
disperse materials near the wellbore that impair well production in
sandstones or to create new, unimpaired flow channels between the
wellbore and a carbonate formation.

➢ Matrix acidizing should only be considered when the formation's native permeability can

provide hydrocarbon flow at economical rates after damage has been removed.

➢ Typically, the lower permeability limit for matrix production is about 10 md for an oil

well, or about 1 MD for a gas well.

➢ Usually use for Two common Formation Type :

I. Sandstone

II. Carbonate

➢ Sandstone matrix acidizing is a process aimed at increasing the formation
permeability in the vicinity of the wellbore by dissolving some formation
material with a mixture of HF and HCl Acid.

➢ The primary purpose of sandstone acidizing is to stimulate the

permeability of the formation.

➢ Optimizing HCl : HF Acid Strength from Core Flow Studies.

➢ Temperature has a marked effect on the reaction rate of hydrofluoric acid

with sand and clay.

➢ Removal of the clays can lead to large increases in the flow improvement ratio,
whilst removal of the silica coating, allowing dissolution of the carbonate deposits
increases formation solubility. The overall effect of these two actions is significant
increases in reservoir productivity.

➢ The use of high concentrations of hydrofluoric acid cause sand formations to

become unconsolidated, and can create problems by promoting the production of
sand. This process is caused by the removal of too much of the silica and
carbonate cementing materials present in the formation. “ SAND PRODUCTION “

➢ Carbonate matrix acidizing is a well‐stimulation technique where acids are injected
at less than the formation fracturing pressure to bypass damaged zones around the

➢ In carbonate reservoirs, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is the most commonly applied

stimulation fluid .

• HCl Concentration in carbonate reservoir is normally 5% - 10% - 15% - 28%. (Depend
on Circumstances)

• Acid volume range from 10 to 200 GPF (also 500 GPF) of carbonate interval.

• lOVO : Organic acids such as formic or acetic acid are used, mainly in retarded-acid
systems or in high-temperature applications, to acidize either sandstones or

➢ For effective Matrix Acidizing of carbonate reservoir, following acid
systems are used :

• Emulsified acid system : Acid emulsified with hydrocarbon (diesel)

• Gelled acid system : Acid modified with gelling agent (polymer/viscoelastic


➢ Wellbore Clean out - include spotting, soaking or circulating acid, or small bullhead
treatment – Volume : range from 10 to 25 GPF.

➢ Near-Wellbore Stimulation : Radius of Treatment : 2-3 Ft, Volume : range from 25 to 50

GPF , Effect On Skin : Ranging from : 0 to -2

➢ Intermediate Matrix Stimulation : Radius of Treatment : 3-6 Ft, Volume : range from 50 to
150 GPF , Effect On Skin : Ranging from : -2 to -3

➢ Extended Matrix Acidizing : Radius of Treatment : above 6 Ft, Volume : range from 150 to
500 GPF , Effect On Skin : Ranging from : -3 to -5

lOVO : EMA treatments can result in production improvement comparable to hydraulic


❖ Candidate Selection (Recognition) is the process of identifying and selecting wells for treatment
which have the capacity for higher production and better economic Return.

❖ Review numerous wells.

❖ Review of well logs/records, reservoir characteristics and information on the

completion/previous workovers.

❖ Map the productivity of each well.

❖ Establish reasonable upper production potential for fracturing and matrix stimulation

❖ Evaluate potential mechanical problems.

❖ Focus on wells with the highest reward and lowest risk

➢ When matrix acidizing horizontal wells, all aspects of job design that apply to vertical wells should be

➢ In most cases the acid has a tendency to enter the formation in a zone close to the vertical section thus,
obtaining only partial stimulation. ---- Overcome problem : Use Diversion Technique

lOVO : “Bull-heading” acid into horizontal wells has generally proven to be unsuccessful.

Article Study : Horizontal wells acidizing indicate that the more horizontal length that is acidized, the more

production is possible - Acidizing 25% of the horizontal length properly will provide approximately 75% of

the productive potential if all of the length has been acidized properly. This important result became the 75-

25 rule.

➢ Mechanical diversion techniques

❑ Mechanical isolation of pay zones with packers

➢ Chemical diversion techniques

❑ Ball sealers

❑ Particulate diversion

❑ Foamed acid diversion

❑ Viscous fluid diversion


➢ Ball sealers are rubber-coated balls that are designed to seat in the perforation.

➢ Reactive fluids carry the balls and place on the perforation tunnel of high perm

zone, locks them, diverts acid to other intervals

➢ Fine particles are added and placed against the high perm/less damaged zone
Creates a relatively low permeable filter cake on the formation face of high
perm zone .

➢ Resists flow of reactive fluid to high permeable zone and divert the fluid to the



• When using foam diverting techniques, the first stage of the acid solution is
injected into the formation as in a conventional acidizing job. This is followed by
an aqueous solution of a foam producing surfactant which is displaced into the
formation with a compressed gas such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

• Foam restricts the flow of reactive fluid to high perm layer and diverts the fluid
to low perm layer.

• Foaming the acid reduce the effective amount of acid, So 28% HCl should be
used in preparing the foamed acid to maximize the amount of acid available.


➢ The advantages of foam diverting techniques over conventional diverting

methods using solid blocking materials are as follows:

❑ Foam produces a block within the formation rather than a solid block at the well
bore. It contains no solid particles thus reducing potential for damage to

❑ The compressed gas aids in cleaning silt and undissolved particles from the
formation and in the clean-up of fluids.

❑ Adaptability to a wide range of temperatures 70 °F to 350 °F.



➢Halliburton VCA – DIVERTER
Viscosity Control Acid


VDA - Viscoelastic diverting acid

➢ VDA viscoelastic diverting acid, a self-diverting, polymer-free acidizing fluid, can be used alone
or with other treating acids to maximize zonal coverage in carbonate reservoirs. It viscosifies as
it stimulates in carbonate formations, diverting the remaining acid treatment fluid into zones of
lower injectivity for :

❖ improved zonal coverage across long intervals and high permeability contrasts

❖ efficient wormholing behavior in a wide range of conditions(un invaded zone)

❖ better leakoff control than straight hydrochloric and non-crosslinked gelled acid

❖ high fluid efficiency during acid fracturing treatments

❖ simple mixing for a smaller equipment footprint.



➢ Potential Formation Damage Caused By Matrix Stimulation Fluids :

✓ Deconsolidation of the rock matrix

✓ Generation of migrating (Fine Mobilization)

✓ “secondary precipitation”

✓ *"Water blocks“

✓ Fluid and additive incompatibilities

✓ Wettability changes


➢ Corrosion Inhibitor

➢ Surfactant

➢ Non-Emulsifier

➢ Anti-sludge Agent

➢ Iron Controller

➢ Mutual Solvent

➢ Friction Reducer

➢ Clay Stabilizer

➢ Diverting Agent

➢ Alcohols

➢ Compatibility : compatibility of the additives with each other and with the
acid, The most common problem encountered here is the mixing of an anionic
additive with a cationic additive. This can sometimes cause a precipitate to

➢ Solubility : Some additives are soluble in acid at low concentrations only. At

high concentrations, these additives will flocculate out. If the additive is oil
soluble, it will float to the top.

➢ Dispersibility : If an oil soluble additive is to be used, a dispersant must be

added to the acid system. A good example of this is the use of xylene in acid.

➢ Formation Properties

➢ Deviation (Vertical / Horizontal)

➢ Oil/Gas or Injection well

➢ Open hole/Case Hole

➢ Perforation Interval

➢ Reservoir Properties

➢ Fracture Gradient




➢ Lab Test and Procedure

❑Compatibility Test

❑Corrosion Test

❑Iron Control Test

❑Emulsion Test

❑Diverter Performance (VDA/VCA/…)



➢ Acid and Diverter Volume Calculation with Lab Test Additive Dosage Depend On :

- Acid Stochiometric reaction with formation rock

- Gravimetric/Volumetric dissolving Power of Acid Solution

- Radius of Wormhole Penetration

- Acid/Rock Properties

- ….


➢ Pumping Pressure Calculation

• The Maximum Surface Injection Pressure (Surface Treating Pressure) calculation is

depend on TVD Depth, Fracture Gradient and Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient.

• Safety Margin : 5 % - 200-500 Psi


➢Pumping Rate Calculation


➢ Gather all data and match together to find best solution :

I. *Pre-Flush : used ahead of an acid treating solution to prepare or condition the formation
which is going to be stimulated so the formation will accept the acid in the most
favorable sections and without creating damage.

II. Main Acid + Diverter (Repeat to Cover all Reservoir Perforation Interval)

III. *Over-Flush : displaces unreacted acid into the formation, displaces acid reaction
products away from the wellbore, cleans corrosion inhibitors to restore a water-wet
condition and good oil/gas effective permeability, and re-establishes oil/gas saturation
near the wellbore.

IV. Displacement


➢ Simulation

- In this Step, Use one of reliable software to simulate your engineering calculation and

- Check your approximate results.

❑ Now, Matrix Acidizing Design Completed and ready to be Operational Job.

lOVO: Always, always and always … consider your assets and equipment in DESIGNING.

➢ The Preflush allows the formation to react with acid in the oil producing interval whilst
restricting the invasion of acid into the water producing strata.

➢ In sandstone formations, it is generally recommended that the hydrochloric and hydrofluoric

acid mixtures (Mud Acid) be preceded by a PreFlush of hydrochloric (HCl) acid commonly at a
concentration of 15% HCl.

➢ This PreFlush serves two purposes:

o It dissolves carbonates in the formation so that the following hydrofluoric acid will remain active
to dissolve the clays and silicates.

o It removes calcium compounds, minimizing the formation of insoluble precipitates

➢ Other PreFlushes include:

o Aromatic solvents and diesel for removal of hydrocarbon deposits or as carrier fluids for acid retarders

and anti-sludging agents.

o Mutual solvents and alcohols, for the prevention and removal of water blocks, improved clean-up and

water-wetting, and where clay minerals are present.

o Hydrochloric acid for the prevention of precipitation of acidizing by products with hydrofluoric acid.

➢ Over-flushing is the displacement of the acid treating solution with
more than the volume of fluid required to clear the tubing and casing.

➢ when using retarded acid systems, the reaction time can be longer
than the injection time. Greater penetration may then be obtained by
over displacing the acid. The exact amount of over-flush used is related
to the reaction time of the acid, therefore, for maximum penetration,
just enough overflush should be used to keep the acid moving within
the formation until it spends.

➢ Occasionally it is not convenient to flow back the well immediately

after acidizing. In such cases, the treating fluid should be over-flushed
with water or brine to reduce the contact time of live acid on the
tubing and casing.

➢ Successful matrix acidizing job is done Perfect, when the well cleaning operation (Clean-Up)
after the acidizing is done perfect and correctly. (BE CAREFUL ABOUT *SHUT IN TIME)

➢ In fact, in addition to the specialized discussion of acid and acid operations, you need a
professional choke-man (knows his job well about acidizing clean-up) to see the result of the
operation better. (Or Need a Experience Completion Engineer Knows Acidizing Operation)

➢ Shut-in time is the length of time a well is closed in after a stimulation treatment is completed,
before flow back is initiated. This time is determined by the type of acid used and by downhole
factors such as formation type, bottom hole temperature and bottom hole pressure. After an
acid solution has been neutralized by reaction with the formation, it is no longer a stimulation
fluid. However it may become harmful to the formation permeability if allowed to remain


➢ The purpose of backflow after an acid job is to remove liquids, gases, solids and emulsions from the well.

➢ The goal is to leave the well with minimum obstructions to production and the lowest potential for future problems.

➢ Products : If the returns are not dirty then it is reasonable to conclude that the well is cleaning up poorly.

▪ Gas – CO2 is a byproduct, N2 is often used as an energy source.

▪ H2S can be present if Fe2S is acidized.

▪ Emulsions (and sludges) – a frequent by-product of interaction between oils and spent acids.

▪ Usually gas cut and silt and surfactant stabilized

▪ Foams – spent acids and some oils foam

▪ Solids - The back flowed acid should contain solids. If it does not, the solids are staying in the well. The solids liberated
from acid reaction of formation are often the right size to stabilize emulsions.


➢ Remember that the main liquid flow back from an acid job is calcium chloride brine with a
higher density and more emulsification problems.

➢ Denser fluids are more difficult to lift and may precipitate scales and minerals that are not

typically seen in production operations. Recover spent acid fluids as quickly as

possible to minimize problems.

➢ Monitor the pressure response when the acid contacts the formation and during injection

Collect and analyze spent acid returns

Compare productivity improvement with productivity potential (By Real-time computer


❑ Using acid on formations which are inadequately perforated, or on sandstones which are not damaged.

❑ Using the wrong type of acid to remove the damage.

❑ Using dirty water in the PreFlush or overflush.

❑ Lack of Hydrochloric Acid Preflush when using Hydrofluoric Acid with sandstones.

❑ Inadequate mud acid volume

❑ Lack of immediate clean-up with mud acid, even with acid post-flush, allows deposition of precipitates.

❑ Failure to clean the acid or water tanks.

❑ Additive misuse or overuse.

❑ Fracturing sandstones with acid (except with very small volume perforation breakdown treatments)

❑ Step1 : Engineering Plan Design Procedure

❑ Step2: Load Acid and Additive + Special Equipment (If need)

❑ Step3: Safety Meeting / Paper Work (Such As Permission and JSA … )

❑ Step4: Rig up HP Line and Equipment to Well

❑ Step5: Pressure Test

❑ Step6: Pumping ( As Program) – Monitoring Pressure, Rate On Real Time Data

❑ Step7: Secure Area and Well

❑ Step8: Clean-up Operation

❑ Step9: Secure Well - Rig Down All HP Line and Equipment

• Production Enhancement : Carbonate Matrix Acidizing Treatment – Halliburton
• Advance in Carbonate Stimulation- Rick Gdanski, Halliburton
• Basic Applied Production Technology- Well Stimulation
• Optimization of Acid Treatments by Assessing Diversion Strategies in Carbonate and Sandstone
formations – R.Poyyara, V.Patnana, M. Alam
• A comprehensive analysis of carbonate matrix acidizing using viscoelastic diverting acid system in
a gas field, M.Keihani, J.Mahdavi, P.Daneshfar, F, Yousefmarzi
• Dana Energy “Well Stimulation” Presentation, Iran – M.Yousefi, A.Bahri -Jan-2022
• “Stimulation Course”, Elkem
• “Stimulation Services”, PICO Energy
• “Acid Stimulation”, Petro EDGE
• Stimulation theory and applications, S.El zeghaty
• Non-damaging Matrix and Fracturing Acids. Some Key Considerations ,SPE, Malcolm Knopp

Thanks For Your Attention
Best Regards
You Can Be in Contact by : p.daneshfar.oil.eng@gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daneshfarpeyman/


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