Anx 1 - ULS
Anx 1 - ULS
Anx 1 - ULS
A Design of Single Cell Box
2 SIDL Calculation
The Single Cell Box Bridge is meant for Four lane carriageway with service road. The overall width
of Box is as per General Arrangement Drawing. The Bridge shall be made with Twin cell RCC box
type structure with independent return wall. The details of box are given in design data & figure - 1.
In the design of structure, clear cover is considered as 50 mm for top slab & webs and for bottom
slab, clear cover is considered as 75 mm. This design note deals with design of the Twin cell RCC
box structure.
The analysis of box structure has been done considering 3D model. The box has been analysed for
its self weight, superimposed dead load ( due to wearing coat and guard stone ) and earth
pressure using STAAD.Pro. Two cases of earth pressure for Dry condition are considered
separately. In one case, earth pressure at rest with dry density of earth is considered to produce
maximum earth pressure while in other case, a lower value of coefficient of active earth pressure
with dry density of earth is considered to produce active earth pressure. Hence following cases of
earth pressure are considered
(a) Coefficient of Earth Pressure as 0.50 when soil at rest & Density of Earth as 1.8 t/m 3 for Dry
(b) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure as 0.2794 & Density of Earth as 1.8 t/m 3 for Dry condition.
Analysis for Live Load for class 70R tracked & Boggie load have been done using STAAD.Pro. Live
Load positions are identified for maximum hogging and sagging bending moment at different
sections and corresponding load intensities per metre width are evaluated
degree =
Skew Angle 30 0.52 radian
Cos ( q ) 0.87
Sin ( q ) 0.50
70RT = 0.15 %
40T-BOGGIE = 0.25 %
CLASS A = 0.33 %
Reference Code :
IRC : 6 - 2000
IRC : 21 - 2000
1 Dead load :
Self weight of slab:
Dead load of skew solid slab is used in Stadd-Pro Software input file using self weight command.Output of
bending moment and shear force for various members is shown in tabular format in subsequent pages
50 400
b) Wearing coat
Thickness = 65 mm
Density = 2.2 t/m3
Dead load of crash barrier, wearing coat and Footway is used in stadd-pro software input file using member load
command on appropiate members.Output of bending moment and shear force for various members in shown
in tabular form in subsequent pages.
3 Live load :
The analysis of skew box bridge has been worked out by grillage analogy method as 70R track and 40T wheel type
vehicular loading is considered for calculating absoulate max mid span moment for design.
Combination of live load for worst effect is considered according
to Clause 207.4.1,table 2 of IRC:6-2000..Vehicle is kept at a minimum distance from the crash barrier.Impact on
the live load has been considered for the span ranges as per Clause 211.3(a) of IRC:6-2000.Output of absolute
bending moment and shear force for various members for different load combinations is shown in tabular
form in subsequent pages.
Design of the box is carried out per meter width and longitudnal reinforcement is designed accordingly.
Distribution reinforcement is calculated based on Clause 305.18 of IRC:21-2000.
DESIGN OF SINGLE CELL BOX ( 1 x 7.79422863405995 x 7 )
Surcharge ( 1.2 m )
Earth Pressure
at mid of Web
CASE : 1
Dry Condition :
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.50 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 0.853 = 1.023 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.50 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 2.047 t/m
DESIGN OF SINGLE CELL BOX ( 1 x 7.79422863405995 x 7 )
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.50 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 2.047 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.50 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 2.047 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.50 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 0.853 = 1.023 t/m
CASE : 2
Dry Condition :
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.2794 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 0.853 = 0.572 t/m
DESIGN OF SINGLE CELL BOX ( 1 x 7.79422863405995 x 7 )
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.2794 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 1.144 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.2794 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 1.144 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.2794 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 1.706 = 1.144 t/m
LL Surcharge Pressure ( 1.2m height of Earth ) = 0.2794 x 2.00 x 1.2 x 0.853 = 0.572 t/m
As per Clause - 214.2, IRC - 6 : 2000 , the braking force shall be 20% for the first two lanes plus 5%
for the lanes in excess of two.
( I ) Class - 70 RT
( II ) Class - 70 RT + Class - A :
Width of Hog. Shear
member Max. Sag. Sag. Mom. / Max. Hog. Max. Shear Member No Mom. / Force /
Mom. meter Mom. Force
meter meter
m tm tm/m tm tm/m t t/m
1 127 1.500 38.454 25.636 27.788 18.525 19.930 13.287
2 128 1.500 41.363 27.575 23.528 15.685 17.883 11.922
3 129 1.500 43.969 29.313 20.595 13.730 16.057 10.705
4 130 1.500 53.797 35.865 9.324 6.216 11.741 7.827
5 131 1.500 55.841 37.227 6.915 4.610 8.529 5.686
6 132 1.500 55.210 36.807 6.422 4.281 5.406 3.604
7 133 1.500 51.912 34.608 7.845 5.230 8.637 5.758
8 134 1.500 45.662 30.441 11.879 7.919 11.988 7.992
9 135 1.500 38.804 25.869 19.646 13.097 15.330 10.220
10 136 1.500 30.290 20.193 30.265 20.177 18.662 12.441
11 137 1.500 21.276 14.184 45.916 30.611 21.988 14.659
12 138 1.500 10.898 7.265 64.961 43.307 25.324 16.883
13 139 1.500 7.147 4.765 72.739 48.493 26.578 17.719
14 140 1.500 4.485 2.990 78.144 52.096 27.468 18.312
15 141 1.500 19.329 12.886 70.104 46.736 29.542 19.695
16 142 1.500 23.558 15.705 61.724 41.149 28.643 19.095
17 143 1.500 38.556 25.704 34.749 23.166 27.380 18.253
18 144 1.500 51.056 34.037 12.693 8.462 23.013 15.342
19 145 1.500 62.859 41.906 0.000 0.000 18.653 12.435
20 146 1.500 71.378 47.585 0.000 0.000 14.275 9.517
21 147 1.500 76.432 50.955 0.000 0.000 9.881 6.587
22 148 1.500 77.700 51.800 0.000 0.000 6.238 4.159
23 149 1.500 74.236 49.491 0.000 0.000 10.557 7.038
24 150 1.500 66.025 44.017 5.482 3.655 14.892 9.928
25 151 1.500 53.066 35.377 17.755 11.837 19.223 12.815
26 152 1.500 37.724 25.149 38.797 25.865 23.466 15.644
27 153 1.500 33.628 22.419 45.374 30.249 24.456 16.304
28 154 1.500 28.368 18.912 53.669 35.779 25.850 17.233
29 323 1.500 37.270 24.847 30.361 20.241 19.966 13.311
30 324 1.500 40.085 26.723 26.017 17.345 18.156 12.104
31 325 1.500 48.193 32.129 16.130 10.753 16.697 11.131
32 326 1.500 53.890 35.927 9.572 6.381 13.382 8.921
33 327 1.500 55.467 36.978 7.946 5.297 9.771 6.514
34 328 1.500 55.574 37.049 6.305 4.203 5.502 3.668
35 329 1.500 52.251 34.834 7.689 5.126 8.714 5.809
36 330 1.500 45.950 30.633 11.626 7.751 12.085 8.057
37 331 1.500 38.940 25.960 19.411 12.941 15.461 10.307
38 332 1.500 30.386 20.257 30.138 20.092 18.836 12.557
39 333 1.500 21.346 14.231 45.972 30.648 22.212 14.808
40 334 1.500 10.897 7.265 65.265 43.510 25.593 17.062
41 335 1.500 7.118 4.745 73.133 48.755 26.864 17.909
42 336 1.500 4.439 2.959 78.596 52.397 27.760 18.507
43 337 1.500 18.642 12.428 70.898 47.265 29.923 19.949
44 338 1.500 22.966 15.311 62.405 41.603 29.021 19.347
45 339 1.500 38.303 25.535 35.015 23.343 27.739 18.493
46 340 1.500 51.032 34.021 12.687 8.458 23.287 15.525
47 341 1.500 63.035 42.023 0.000 0.000 18.852 12.568
48 342 1.500 71.697 47.798 0.000 0.000 14.423 9.615
49 343 1.500 76.847 51.231 0.000 0.000 9.997 6.665
50 344 1.500 78.070 52.047 0.000 0.000 6.059 4.039
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of Hog. Shear
member Max. Sag. Sag. Mom. / Max. Hog. Max. Shear Member No Mom. / Force /
Mom. meter Mom. Force
meter meter
m tm tm/m tm tm/m t t/m
1 99 1.500 134.707 89.80 0.000 0.00 61.856 41.24
2 100 1.500 118.180 78.79 0.000 0.00 57.666 38.44
3 101 1.500 77.355 51.57 0.000 0.00 52.083 34.72
4 102 1.500 43.936 29.29 10.035 6.69 42.097 28.06
5 103 1.500 18.054 12.04 22.989 15.33 32.756 21.84
6 104 1.500 2.464 1.64 31.230 20.82 23.968 15.98
7 105 1.500 0.000 0.00 33.596 22.40 15.658 10.44
8 106 1.500 0.000 0.00 30.266 20.18 7.726 5.15
9 107 1.500 0.000 0.00 23.370 15.58 12.030 8.02
10 108 1.500 0.000 0.00 12.282 8.19 18.623 12.42
11 109 1.500 16.324 10.88 0.000 0.00 25.344 16.90
12 110 1.500 42.888 28.59 0.000 0.00 32.434 21.62
13 111 1.500 53.708 35.81 0.000 0.00 36.615 24.41
14 112 1.500 61.342 40.89 0.000 0.00 38.553 25.70
15 113 1.500 61.702 41.13 0.000 0.00 38.728 25.82
16 114 1.500 50.815 33.88 0.000 0.00 36.816 24.54
17 115 1.500 16.728 11.15 0.000 0.00 32.115 21.41
18 116 1.500 0.000 0.00 11.280 7.52 23.703 15.80
19 117 1.500 0.000 0.00 26.240 17.49 17.041 11.36
20 118 1.500 0.000 0.00 37.478 24.99 12.500 8.33
21 119 1.500 0.000 0.00 45.196 30.13 9.095 6.06
22 120 1.500 0.000 0.00 49.766 33.18 5.998 4.00
23 121 1.500 0.000 0.00 50.492 33.66 7.900 5.27
24 122 1.500 0.000 0.00 45.886 30.59 13.916 9.28
25 123 1.500 9.211 6.14 33.507 22.34 21.626 14.42
26 124 1.500 38.185 25.46 11.312 7.54 31.545 21.03
27 125 1.500 49.243 32.83 4.579 3.05 38.149 25.43
28 126 1.500 63.927 42.62 0.000 0.00 42.334 28.22
29 295 1.500 132.672 88.45 0.000 0.00 60.643 40.43
30 296 1.500 116.425 77.62 0.000 0.00 56.497 37.66
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of Hog. Shear
member Max. Sag. Sag. Mom. / Max. Hog. Max. Shear Member No Mom. / Force /
Mom. meter Mom. Force
meter meter
m tm tm/m tm tm/m t t/m
1 169 1.500 0 0.000 21.023 14.015 4.553 3.035
2 170 1.500 0 0.000 19.675 13.117 4.497 2.998
3 171 1.500 0 0.000 16.158 10.772 4.462 2.975
4 172 1.500 0 0.000 12.667 8.445 4.431 2.954
5 173 1.500 0 0.000 9.215 6.143 4.402 2.935
6 174 1.500 0 0.000 5.793 3.862 4.379 2.919
7 175 1.500 0 0.000 2.386 1.591 4.369 2.913
8 176 1.500 1.129 0.753 1.367 0.911 4.373 2.915
9 177 1.500 4.5 3.000 1.258 0.839 4.391 2.927
10 178 1.500 7.963 5.309 1.339 0.893 4.422 2.948
11 179 1.500 11.474 7.649 1.4 0.933 4.464 2.976
12 180 1.500 15.046 10.031 1.436 0.957 4.518 3.012
13 181 1.500 16.433 10.955 1.437 0.958 4.597 3.065
14 182 1.500 18.084 12.056 1.422 0.948 4.712 3.141
15 365 1.500 0 0.000 20.283 13.522 4.256 2.837
16 366 1.500 0 0.000 19.014 12.676 4.239 2.826
17 367 1.500 0 0.000 15.684 10.456 4.23 2.820
18 368 1.500 0 0.000 12.362 8.241 4.226 2.817
19 369 1.500 0 0.000 9.045 6.030 4.224 2.816
20 370 1.500 0 0.000 5.733 3.822 4.222 2.815
21 371 1.500 0 0.000 2.424 1.616 4.222 2.815
22 372 1.500 1.034 0.689 1.442 0.961 4.224 2.816
23 373 1.500 4.259 2.839 1.389 0.926 4.229 2.819
24 374 1.500 7.594 5.063 1.488 0.992 4.236 2.824
25 375 1.500 10.945 7.297 1.614 1.076 4.25 2.833
26 376 1.500 14.329 9.553 1.726 1.151 4.285 2.857
27 377 1.500 15.64 10.427 1.758 1.172 4.369 2.913
28 378 1.500 17.213 11.475 1.776 1.184 4.495 2.997
29 561 1.500 0 0.000 19.59 13.060 4.061 2.707
30 562 1.500 0 0.000 18.374 12.249 4.058 2.705
31 563 1.500 0 0.000 15.179 10.119 4.057 2.705
32 564 1.500 0 0.000 11.995 7.997 4.054 2.703
33 565 1.500 0 0.000 8.816 5.877 4.051 2.701
34 566 1.500 0 0.000 5.64 3.760 4.05 2.700
35 567 1.500 0 0.000 2.464 1.643 4.05 2.700
36 568 1.500 0.911 0.607 1.6 1.067 4.052 2.701
37 569 1.500 3.953 2.635 1.61 1.073 4.056 2.704
38 570 1.500 7.152 4.768 1.764 1.176 4.063 2.709
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of
MEMBER member Max. Sag. Max. Hog. Sag. Mom. / Hog. Mom. /
NO. Mom. Mom. meter meter
m tm tm tm/m tm/m
1 127 1.500 8.310 0.045 5.540 0.030
2 128 1.500 7.892 0.044 5.261 0.029
3 129 1.500 7.647 0.043 5.098 0.029
4 130 1.500 5.787 0.042 3.858 0.028
5 131 1.500 4.633 0.037 3.089 0.025
6 132 1.500 3.499 0.034 2.333 0.023
7 133 1.500 2.366 0.036 1.577 0.024
8 134 1.500 1.140 0.213 0.760 0.142
9 135 1.500 0.258 1.198 0.172 0.799
10 136 1.500 0.150 2.596 0.100 1.731
11 137 1.500 0.139 4.219 0.093 2.813
12 138 1.500 0.123 5.865 0.082 3.910
13 139 1.500 0.109 6.452 0.073 4.301
14 140 1.500 0.093 6.846 0.062 4.564
15 141 1.500 0.199 4.907 0.133 3.271
16 142 1.500 0.195 4.736 0.130 3.157
17 143 1.500 0.203 4.142 0.135 2.761
18 144 1.500 0.178 3.546 0.119 2.364
19 145 1.500 0.150 2.931 0.100 1.954
20 146 1.500 0.124 2.311 0.083 1.541
21 147 1.500 0.106 1.727 0.071 1.151
22 148 1.500 0.097 1.169 0.065 0.779
23 149 1.500 0.093 0.615 0.062 0.410
24 150 1.500 0.088 0.510 0.059 0.340
25 151 1.500 0.542 0.620 0.361 0.413
26 152 1.500 1.052 0.745 0.701 0.497
27 153 1.500 1.185 0.782 0.790 0.521
28 154 1.500 1.357 0.825 0.905 0.550
29 323 1.500 8.110 0.125 5.407 0.083
30 324 1.500 8.172 0.118 5.448 0.079
31 325 1.500 7.690 0.101 5.127 0.067
32 326 1.500 6.650 0.083 4.433 0.055
33 327 1.500 6.091 0.072 4.061 0.048
34 328 1.500 4.711 0.053 3.141 0.035
35 329 1.500 3.490 0.048 2.327 0.032
36 330 1.500 2.146 0.214 1.431 0.143
37 331 1.500 0.878 1.223 0.585 0.815
38 332 1.500 0.235 2.524 0.157 1.683
39 333 1.500 0.197 4.276 0.131 2.851
40 334 1.500 0.185 6.035 0.123 4.023
41 335 1.500 0.172 6.652 0.115 4.435
42 336 1.500 0.158 7.072 0.105 4.715
43 337 1.500 0.242 5.221 0.161 3.481
44 338 1.500 0.256 5.023 0.171 3.349
45 339 1.500 0.253 4.297 0.169 2.865
46 340 1.500 0.227 3.579 0.151 2.386
47 341 1.500 0.198 2.971 0.132 1.981
48 342 1.500 0.168 2.361 0.112 1.574
49 343 1.500 0.145 1.742 0.097 1.161
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of
MEMBER member Max. Sag. Max. Hog. Sag. Mom. / Hog. Mom. /
NO. Mom. Mom. meter meter
m tm tm tm/m tm/m
1 169 1.500 0.00 0.99 0.000 0.661
2 170 1.500 0.00 0.89 0.000 0.596
3 171 1.500 0.00 0.64 0.000 0.423
4 172 1.500 0.00 0.45 0.000 0.302
5 173 1.500 0.00 0.31 0.000 0.207
6 174 1.500 0.16 0.17 0.105 0.112
7 175 1.500 0.38 0.04 0.255 0.025
8 176 1.500 0.62 0.02 0.414 0.013
9 177 1.500 0.87 0.01 0.578 0.005
10 178 1.500 1.12 0.00 0.745 0.000
11 179 1.500 1.37 0.00 0.915 0.000
12 180 1.500 1.63 0.00 1.084 0.000
13 181 1.500 1.72 0.00 1.146 0.000
14 182 1.500 1.82 0.00 1.213 0.000
15 365 1.500 0.00 0.84 0.000 0.558
16 366 1.500 0.00 0.75 0.000 0.501
17 367 1.500 0.00 0.57 0.000 0.378
18 368 1.500 0.00 0.43 0.000 0.289
19 369 1.500 0.00 0.30 0.000 0.199
20 370 1.500 0.18 0.17 0.121 0.110
21 371 1.500 0.41 0.04 0.270 0.027
22 372 1.500 0.63 0.03 0.419 0.017
23 373 1.500 0.85 0.02 0.566 0.011
24 374 1.500 1.07 0.01 0.711 0.005
25 375 1.500 1.29 0.00 0.861 0.000
26 376 1.500 1.53 0.00 1.018 0.000
27 377 1.500 1.62 0.00 1.078 0.000
28 378 1.500 1.72 0.00 1.145 0.000
29 561 1.500 0.00 0.78 0.000 0.519
30 562 1.500 0.00 0.69 0.000 0.461
31 563 1.500 0.00 0.54 0.000 0.361
32 564 1.500 0.00 0.42 0.000 0.277
33 565 1.500 0.00 0.29 0.000 0.193
34 566 1.500 0.21 0.16 0.142 0.109
35 567 1.500 0.44 0.05 0.290 0.031
36 568 1.500 0.66 0.04 0.440 0.025
37 569 1.500 0.89 0.03 0.593 0.023
38 570 1.500 1.13 0.03 0.750 0.019
39 571 1.500 1.37 0.02 0.910 0.014
40 572 1.500 1.61 0.01 1.076 0.008
41 573 1.500 1.71 0.01 1.143 0.005
42 574 1.500 1.83 0.00 1.218 0.002
43 757 1.500 0.00 0.82 0.000 0.548
44 758 1.500 0.00 0.73 0.000 0.485
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
m tm/m tm/m tm/m tm/m tm/m tm/m
1 169 1.500 0.00 14.02 0.00 0.66 0.00 14.68
2 170 1.500 0.00 13.12 0.00 0.60 0.00 13.71
3 171 1.500 0.00 10.77 0.00 0.42 0.00 11.20
4 172 1.500 0.00 8.44 0.00 0.30 0.00 8.75
5 173 1.500 0.00 6.14 0.00 0.21 0.00 6.35
6 174 1.500 0.00 3.86 0.11 0.11 0.11 3.97
7 175 1.500 0.00 1.59 0.26 0.02 0.26 1.62
8 176 1.500 0.75 0.91 0.41 0.01 1.17 0.92
9 177 1.500 3.00 0.84 0.58 0.00 3.58 0.84
10 178 1.500 5.31 0.89 0.75 0.00 6.05 0.89
11 179 1.500 7.65 0.93 0.91 0.00 8.56 0.93
12 180 1.500 10.03 0.96 1.08 0.00 11.11 0.96
13 181 1.500 10.96 0.96 1.15 0.00 12.10 0.96
14 182 1.500 12.06 0.95 1.21 0.00 13.27 0.95
15 365 1.500 0.00 13.52 0.00 0.56 0.00 14.08
16 366 1.500 0.00 12.68 0.00 0.50 0.00 13.18
17 367 1.500 0.00 10.46 0.00 0.38 0.00 10.83
18 368 1.500 0.00 8.24 0.00 0.29 0.00 8.53
19 369 1.500 0.00 6.03 0.00 0.20 0.00 6.23
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
LL (unfactored) LL (unfactored)
Width of member MEMBER NO. Max SF Max SF/m
m t t/m
1 127 1.500 4.494 2.996
2 128 1.500 3.002 2.001
3 129 1.500 1.702 1.135
4 130 1.500 1.436 0.957
5 131 1.500 1.491 0.994
6 132 1.500 1.577 1.051
7 133 1.500 1.657 1.105
8 134 1.500 1.728 1.152
9 135 1.500 1.789 1.193
10 136 1.500 1.835 1.223
11 137 1.500 1.871 1.247
12 138 1.500 1.904 1.269
13 139 1.500 1.942 1.295
14 140 1.500 1.968 1.312
15 141 1.500 0.597 0.398
16 142 1.500 0.571 0.381
17 143 1.500 0.532 0.355
18 144 1.500 0.527 0.351
19 145 1.500 0.532 0.355
20 146 1.500 0.534 0.356
21 147 1.500 0.531 0.354
22 148 1.500 0.524 0.349
23 149 1.500 0.514 0.343
24 150 1.500 0.501 0.334
25 151 1.500 0.488 0.325
26 152 1.500 0.477 0.318
27 153 1.500 0.476 0.317
28 154 1.500 0.479 0.319
29 323 1.500 5.702 3.801
30 324 1.500 4.642 3.095
31 325 1.500 2.550 1.700
32 326 1.500 1.625 1.083
33 327 1.500 1.648 1.099
34 328 1.500 1.635 1.090
35 329 1.500 1.751 1.167
36 330 1.500 1.882 1.255
37 331 1.500 1.971 1.314
38 332 1.500 2.028 1.352
39 333 1.500 2.065 1.377
40 334 1.500 2.088 1.392
41 335 1.500 2.106 1.404
42 336 1.500 2.119 1.413
43 337 1.500 0.669 0.446
44 338 1.500 0.653 0.435
45 339 1.500 0.626 0.417
46 340 1.500 0.608 0.405
47 341 1.500 0.591 0.394
48 342 1.500 0.576 0.384
49 343 1.500 0.563 0.375
50 344 1.500 0.552 0.368
51 345 1.500 0.544 0.363
52 346 1.500 0.544 0.363
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of member MEMBER NO. Max SF Max SF/m
m t t/m
1 99 1.500 9.639 6.426
2 100 1.500 8.590 5.727
3 101 1.500 6.938 4.625
4 102 1.500 4.894 3.263
5 103 1.500 3.199 2.133
6 104 1.500 1.830 1.220
7 105 1.500 0.746 0.497
8 106 1.500 0.272 0.181
9 107 1.500 0.845 0.563
10 108 1.500 1.363 0.909
11 109 1.500 1.801 1.201
12 110 1.500 2.180 1.453
13 111 1.500 2.392 1.595
14 112 1.500 2.468 1.645
15 113 1.500 1.200 0.800
16 114 1.500 1.146 0.764
17 115 1.500 0.951 0.634
18 116 1.500 0.627 0.418
19 117 1.500 0.361 0.241
20 118 1.500 0.179 0.119
21 119 1.500 0.154 0.103
22 120 1.500 0.194 0.129
23 121 1.500 0.210 0.140
24 122 1.500 0.186 0.124
25 123 1.500 0.252 0.168
26 124 1.500 0.419 0.279
27 125 1.500 0.553 0.369
28 126 1.500 0.616 0.411
29 295 1.500 9.153 6.102
30 296 1.500 8.075 5.383
31 297 1.500 6.440 4.293
32 298 1.500 4.511 3.007
33 299 1.500 2.940 1.960
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Width of member MEMBER NO. Max SF Max SF/m
m t t/m
1 169 1.500 0.311 0.207
2 170 1.500 0.320 0.213
3 171 1.500 0.325 0.217
4 172 1.500 0.327 0.218
5 173 1.500 0.323 0.215
6 174 1.500 0.318 0.212
7 175 1.500 0.315 0.210
8 176 1.500 0.315 0.210
9 177 1.500 0.316 0.211
10 178 1.500 0.319 0.213
11 179 1.500 0.320 0.213
12 180 1.500 0.315 0.210
13 181 1.500 0.304 0.203
14 182 1.500 0.288 0.192
15 365 1.500 0.283 0.189
16 366 1.500 0.285 0.190
17 367 1.500 0.286 0.191
18 368 1.500 0.286 0.191
19 369 1.500 0.286 0.191
20 370 1.500 0.286 0.191
21 371 1.500 0.287 0.191
22 372 1.500 0.288 0.192
23 373 1.500 0.289 0.193
24 374 1.500 0.291 0.194
25 375 1.500 0.292 0.195
26 376 1.500 0.291 0.194
27 377 1.500 0.288 0.192
28 378 1.500 0.280 0.187
29 561 1.500 0.292 0.195
30 562 1.500 0.292 0.195
31 563 1.500 0.292 0.195
32 564 1.500 0.290 0.193
33 565 1.500 0.289 0.193
34 566 1.500 0.288 0.192
35 567 1.500 0.289 0.193
36 568 1.500 0.291 0.194
37 569 1.500 0.294 0.196
38 570 1.500 0.298 0.199
39 571 1.500 0.302 0.201
40 572 1.500 0.306 0.204
41 573 1.500 0.319 0.213
42 574 1.500 0.328 0.219
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
m tm/m tm/m tm/m
1 99 1.500 41.24 12.05 53.29
2 100 1.500 38.44 10.74 49.18
3 101 1.500 34.72 8.67 43.39
4 102 1.500 28.06 6.12 34.18
5 103 1.500 21.84 4.00 25.84
6 104 1.500 15.98 2.29 18.27
7 105 1.500 10.44 0.93 11.37
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
m tm/m tm/m tm/m
1 169 1.500 3.04 0.21 3.24
2 170 1.500 3.00 0.21 3.21
3 171 1.500 2.97 0.22 3.19
4 172 1.500 2.95 0.22 3.17
5 173 1.500 2.93 0.22 3.15
6 174 1.500 2.92 0.21 3.13
7 175 1.500 2.91 0.21 3.12
8 176 1.500 2.92 0.21 3.13
9 177 1.500 2.93 0.21 3.14
10 178 1.500 2.95 0.21 3.16
11 179 1.500 2.98 0.21 3.19
12 180 1.5000 3.01 0.21 3.22
13 181 1.500 3.06 0.20 3.27
14 182 1.500 3.14 0.19 3.33
15 365 1.500 2.84 0.19 3.03
16 366 1.500 2.83 0.19 3.02
17 367 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.01
18 368 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.01
19 369 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.01
20 370 1.500 2.81 0.19 3.01
21 371 1.500 2.81 0.19 3.01
22 372 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.01
23 373 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.01
24 374 1.500 2.82 0.19 3.02
25 375 1.500 2.83 0.19 3.03
26 376 1.500 2.86 0.19 3.05
27 377 1.500 2.91 0.19 3.10
28 378 1.500 3.00 0.19 3.18
29 561 1.500 2.71 0.19 2.90
30 562 1.500 2.71 0.19 2.90
31 563 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.90
32 564 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.90
33 565 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.89
34 566 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.89
35 567 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.89
36 568 1.500 2.70 0.19 2.90
37 569 1.500 2.70 0.20 2.90
38 570 1.500 2.71 0.20 2.91
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Summary of maximum bending moments from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: tm/m
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
Hog 30.114 16.967 54.459 16.967 42.727
Sag 36.454 68.708 15.925 68.708 30.229
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
Hog 41.941 16.967 66.286 16.967 54.554
Sag 48.281 68.708 27.752 68.708 42.057
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Summary of maximum shear force from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: t/m
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
25.129 0.000 36.610 0.000 33.677
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
39.752 0.000 51.233 0.000 48.300
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Summary of maximum bending moments from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: tm/m
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
Hog 87.879 12.923 38.951 12.923 77.428
Sag 5.535 35.045 0.978 35.045 8.266
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
Hog 93.276 12.923 44.349 12.923 82.826
Sag 10.932 35.045 6.375 35.045 13.663
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Summary of maximum shear force from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: t/m
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
49.182 3.368 28.894 3.368 42.087
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
56.010 3.368 35.722 3.368 48.915
Design of RCC Box for MNB at D.Ch. 281+957
Summary of maximum bending moments from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: tm/m
Summary of maximum shear force from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: t/m
Mid-span 6.372
Mid-span 15.253
Summary of maximum bending moments from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: tm/m
Summary of maximum shear force from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: t/m
5.941 Mid-span
15.016 Mid-span
Summary of maximum bending moments from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: tm/m
Summary of maximum shear force from analysis (excluding torsion) unit: t/m
Mid-span 1.615
Mid-span 3.281
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
Hog 41.941 16.967 66.286 16.967 54.554
Sag 48.281 68.708 27.752 68.708 42.057
Haunch end Mid span Haunch end Mid span Haunch end
39.752 0.000 51.233 0.000 48.300
Maximum bending moment due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 35.05 t.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined bending moment of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
(Critical member1492)
Maximum bending moment due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 105.54 t.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined bending moment of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
(Critical member3262)
Above mentioned moment is at the corner node of model, therefore, can not be used for bottom slab
design. Bending moment for this member at end of haunch is established as below:
BM at end of haunch DL+SIDL+EP+LLS = 33.6 t/m
(at 0.7/2+0.25=0.6m) LL = 5.586 t/m
Total 39.2 t/m
Maximum shear force due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 53.29 T.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined shear force of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
Maximum shear force due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 51.87 T.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined shear force of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
Maximum bending moment due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 95.96 t.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined bending moment of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
(Critical member351)
Above mentioned moment is at the corner node of model, therefore, can not be used for side wall
design. Bending moment for this member at end of haunch is established as below:
BM at end of haunch DL+SIDL+EP+LLS = 25.8 t/m
(at 0.7/2+0.25=0.6m) LL = 11.27 t/m
Total 37.1 t/m
Maximum bending moment due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 84.01 t.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined bending moment of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
(Critical member3319)
Maximum shear force due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 67.67 T.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined shear force of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
Maximum shear force due to DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load = 66.86 T.m/m
(From sheet,'Summary for combined shear force of DL,SIDL,EP,BR & Live load)
Reinforcement Additional
Bar No Dia Spacing M1
1 20 140 2750
2 25 140 3063.269
3 20 140 5455.96
4 20 140 550
5 16 140 200
5A 12 140 -
6 20 140 325
7 16 140 5455.96
8 16 140 2800
9 10 140 200
10 10 140 200
11 16 200 400
12 16 200 400
13 16 175 400
14 10 4 nos 150
15 10 4 nos 150
16 10 140 1100
17 10 10 nos 150
18 12 5 nos -
19 12 140 1121
20 25 140 -
21 25 - -
Shear Reinforcement
No of
Location Dia spacing edge up No of Bar No of Bar
to Length
Bottom UP TO 0.3a
10 4 200 2.34 11.69 8
1 Total span c/c of expansion joint = 8.00 normal(m) 10.44 skew(m)
2 Effective span c/c of bearing = 7.60 normal(m) 9.92 skew(m)
3 Expansion Gap = 20 normal(mm) 26.11 skew(mm)
4 Distance b/w c/c expansion joint and tar
paper bearing = 0.2 normal(m) 0.26 skew(m)
5 Width of carriageway = 10.5 normal(m) 13.71 skew(m)
6 Width of crash barrier = 0.45 normal(m)
7 Width of Safety Kerb or Footh path = 0.75 normal(m)
8 Total width of deck slab = 12.9 normal(m) 16.84 skew(m)
9 Depth of slab = 650 mm
10 Thickness of wearing coat = 65 mm
11 Type of bearing = Tarpaper bearing
12 Density of concrete = 2.4 t/m3
13 Density of wearing coat = 2.2 t/m3
14 Grade of concrete = M 30
15 Grade of steel = Fe 500
16 scbc = 10 N/mm2
17 m = 10
18 sst = 240 N/mm2
19 N.A.constant n = 0.294
20 L.A.constant j = 0.902
21 Q = 1.326 N/mm2
22 Skew Angle 40 degree = 0.70 radian
23 Cos ( q ) 0.77
24 Sin ( q ) 0.64
70RT = 15 %
70RW = 25 %
CLASS A = 33 %
Design Consulting Services for 4/6 laning of the Pune-Solapur Section of NH-9 from Km40/000 to 144/400
KM 175+990
16 a17 12 150 -
Design Consulting Services for 4/6 laning of the Pune-Solapur Section of NH-9 from Km40/000 to 144/400
Check For Shear :
21.031 10.605 7.541
Live Load (with impact) 17.755 7.191 5.113
Total = SF = 38.787 Total = EQ. SF = 12.655
Design Consulting Services for 4/6 laning of the Pune-Solapur Section of NH-9 from Km40/000 to 144/400
hori div = 5
Joint Coordinates Skew 63 degree
Tan 63 1.9626 rec. div = 13
Vertical Members Sin 63 0.8910
Cos 63 0.4540 tri = 10
Horizontal Members Skew Right
C/C Bearing 18.77 8.52
Width of Bridge 13.50 m
18.77 m 0.836
3.75304 3.753043 3.75304 3.753043 3.75304 3.75304 1.33663
*1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6
1 14 27 40 53 66 79
*97 *15 *109 *121 *133 *145 *33 *157
1.67199 *85 *13 *18 *22 *27 67 1.00126 m
2 15 28 41 54
*86 *98 *110 *122 *134
1.67199 *14 *17 *21 *26 *32 *146
3 16 29 42 55 80
*87 *99 *111 *123 *39 1.00126 m
1.67199 *16 *20 *25 *31 68
4 17 30 43 *135 *158
*88 *100 *112 8.52 m *38
1.67199 16.7199 m *19 *24 *30 *147 81
5 18 *124 56
*89 *101 31 69 *45 1.00126 m
1.67199 *23 *29 44 *37
6 19 *113 *136 *159
1.67199 *90 *28 *36 *125 57 *148 82
*102 32
7 *43 *51 1.00126 m
*35 *114 45 *137 70
*91 20 *160
1.00126 *42 *50 29.7363 m
*34 58 *149 83
8 *103 33 *126
13.5 m 63 degree *41 *49 71 *57 1.00126 m
*115 46 *138
*92 21 *161
1.00126 *48 *56 *150
*40 *104 34 59 84
9 *127
*47 *55 72 *63 1.00126 m
*93 47 *139
22 *116 *162
1.00126 *62 *151 85
10 *46 *54 60
*105 35 *128 *69
1.67199 m
*61 *140 73 *163
*94 *53 48 86
13.0164 m 23 *117 *68 *152 *74 1.67199 m
1.00126 *60 61 74 *164 87
*52 *129 1.67199 m
11 *106 36 *67 *141 *73 *153 *78 *165
*59 49 62 75 88
*118 *154 1.67199 m
*95 24 *66 *130 *72 *142 *77 76 *81 *166
1.00126 37 50 63 89
*58 *107 *119 *143 *80 *155 1.67199 m
12 *65 *71 *131 *76 *83 *167
25 38 51 64 77 90
1.00126 *96 *64 *108 *70 *120 *75 *132 *79 *144 *82 *156 *84 1.67199 m
13 26 39 52 65 78 91
*7 *8 *9 *10 *11 *12
***********DEAD LOAD************
LOAD COMB 101 *** DL + SIDL + EP ( K = 0.5 ) ****
101 1 1 2 1 3 1
LOAD COMB 102 *** DL + SIDL + EP ( K = 0.2794 ) ****
102 1 1 2 1 7 1
LOAD COMB 103 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
103 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 104 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
104 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 105 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
105 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 106 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-R *****
106 1 1 2 1 7 1 8 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 107 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-R *****
107 1 1 2 1 7 1 9 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 108 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-R *****
108 1 1 2 1 7 1 10 1 11 1
LOAD COMB 109 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
109 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 110 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
110 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 111 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
111 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 112 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
112 1 1 2 1 7 1 8 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 113 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
113 1 1 2 1 7 1 9 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 114 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
114 1 1 2 1 7 1 10 1 12 1
LOAD COMB 115 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
115 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 116 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
116 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 117 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
117 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 118 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
118 1 1 2 1 7 1 8 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 119 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
119 1 1 2 1 7 1 9 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 120 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
120 1 1 2 1 7 1 10 1 13 1
LOAD COMB 121 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
121 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 14 1
LOAD COMB 122 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
122 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 14 1
LOAD COMB 123 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
123 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 14 1
LOAD COMB 124 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
124 1 1 2 1 7 1 8 1 14 1
LOAD COMB 125 DL + EC + EP + SUR_OS + B-L *****
125 1 1 2 1 7 1 9 1 14 1
LOAD COMB 126 DL + EC + EP + SUR_BS + B-L *****
126 1 1 2 1 7 1 10 1 14 1
Design Consulting Services for 4/6 laning of the Pune-Solapur Section of NH-9 from Km 40/000 to 144/400
0.84 W1
4.57 Beff / 2
0.81 W1 W2
Beff / 2
( Figure - 2 )
5 Cos ( q ) 0.64
6 Sin ( q ) 0.77
Case a No of span
1 1.63 m14 1.63 m27 1.63 m40 1.63 m53 1.63 m66 1.63 m79
0.763 m 1.44 m 0.763 m 1.44 m 0.763 m 1.44 m
1.53 m 15 1.53 m 41 1.53 m 67 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
3 1.53 m 29 1.53 m 55 1.55 m 80
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.53 m 17 1.53 m 43 1.55 m 68 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
5 1.53 m 31 1.55 m 56 1.55 m 81
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.53 m 19 1.55 m 44 1.55 m 69 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
7 1.55 m 32 1.55 m 57 1.55 m 82
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.55 m 20 1.55 m 45 1.55 m 70 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
8 1.55 m 33 1.55 m 58 1.55 m 83
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.55 m 21 1.55 m 46 1.55 m 71 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
9 1.55 m 34 1.55 m 59 1.55 m 84
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.55 m 22 1.55 m 47 1.55 m 72 1.55 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
10 1.55 m 35 1.55 m 60 1.55 m 85
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.55 m 23 1.55 m 48 1.55 m 73 1.53 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
11 1.55 m 36 1.55 m 61 1.53 m 87
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
1.55 m 24 1.55 m 49 1.53 m 75 1.53 m
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
12 1.55 m 37 1.53 m 63 1.53 m 89
1.44 m 1.44 m 1.44 m
Y X 1.55 m 25 1.53 m 51 1.53 m 77 1.53 m
Load 1
Z 1.44 m0.763 m 1.44 m0.763 m 1.44 m0.763 m
13 1.63 m26 1.63 m39 1.63 m52 1.63 m65 1.63 m78 1.63 m91
1 11 22 32 43 53 64
12 33 54
2 23 44 65
13 34 55
3 24 45 66
14 35 56
4 25 46 67
15 36 57
5 26 47 68
16 37 58
6 27 48 69
17 38 59
7 28 49 70
18 39 60
8 29 50 71
19 40 61
9 30 51 72
20 41 62
Z 10 21 31 42 52 63 73