Ijems 5 (6) 372-389
Ijems 5 (6) 372-389
Ijems 5 (6) 372-389
Although the dream and challengeof producinga developed.The aim of this paper is to review the
liquid that possessesstrong magnetic properties significantadvancesin the field of magneticliquid
had been in the scientific comm4nity for a long technology and to present challenges for future
timel; the first successfulcolloid was not realized innovations. Important properties of various
until the early 1960s by a researcher,Papell2at commercial ferrofluids have been discussed.The
NASA. This ferrofluid was kerosenebased,had a operational principles of a number of magnetic
high evaporation rate and was not suitable for fluid devicesalong with field examplesis expected
many industrial applications. After a few years of to illuminate the unique aspectsof this spaceage
NASA fund~d magneticcolloid re'f'earchat AVCO, technology. ,
Ferrofluidics corporation was founded by the two
visionaries, Rosensweig and Moskowitz, to Magnetic Fluids
commercialize the technology. At that time, Magneticparticles,large or small, are utilized in
although the scientific disciplines were well many practical devicesand are of great industrial
established,the technology was unproven in the significance(Fig. 1). Ferrofluids occupythe lowest
industrial market and lacked rigorous evaluation. limit of magnetism,with a particle size of about
Today, after about 30 years of existence, 0.01 Ilm and share this regime with aquatic
ferrofluids are a global industry with estimated magnetotacticbacteria4.It has beenspeculatedthat
annual revenuesof $150 million. Becauseof their asthe particle becomessmaller in sizethe magnetic
unique features,products basedon magneticfluids moment becomes vanishingly small. In particles
have become a corner stone of many high tech with diametersof 0.002 J.1lllonly feeble magnetism ..
industries. Ferrofluid is a subject of researchat is observed5. The particles suitable for magnetic '
various leadinginstitutesthroughoutthe world. It is ink are roughly 0.1 Ilm and for toners 0.3 Ilm. The
a material that has enticed v~rious scientific particles used in magnetic recording media are
enq~irie~ a.nd o,ffers ch~llenging fundame~tal closeto 0.5 Ilm. In production of permanentferrite
studles.1n dispersion~hemls~ a~d s~all particle magnets,."the particle size employed is IJ.1lll.The
magnetism. For practlc~l ap~lIcatlons It has.been particles are made of ferrimagnetic or
sought after and investigated. by diverse ferromagnetic materials such as Fe 0
engineering disciplines such as mechanical, CrO2, Y-Fe20 3, or MFe120 19 (M= Ba, Sr or ~b "
I . I h . I b. d. I I h " I
e ectrlca , ~ emlca, tome Ica, e ectrome~a~lca Except for the caseof ferrofluids, the particles are
and acoustical. The total number of publications multidomain. Furthermore particles in a ferrofl "d
and ~~tent~'as of 1997 adding to the pr~vious are incorporated in a li~uid medium possess~~g ..
score In this fiel.dare 5800 and 2?70 respectlvel~., colloidal features, whereas in other cases either
To meet vaned marketand requirements,
devices havea wide they form a suspensionor are imbedded in a sol"d
range of ferrofluids been matrix. I
, .:',~}C
15 D = 45 Ao
10 FWHM = 23 Ao
~ IIi
..~ 0.3 0,5 .~
in 0.1 0.1 J.; f t
.! ~ ~ j ! ~
~ 0.01 }J/. ..~ ~
'0 .f f
PrVllers Copiers-yDi,k. Speak",sMClowave
Seals g
Man.,;cT 'PO' ""'Ior. 8f.k~ D = 60 AO
FWHM = 31 AO
Fig. I -lndustaes developed around various sizes of
magnetic particles.
*;JI;; * FWH~
l' ","""..rsurfN
. diameters obtained with magnetization measurements.
MagnetIc '
100 AO -.; ..r Surfactant 0 Carri.r
The model of a ferrofluid is a three component :g
material with one homogeneous phase (Fig. 2). The i! 11 10 100
particles that have typically been used in Ferrorfiuid Mogn~imtlon,Gouss
commercial ferrofluids are the ferrimagnetic Fe304
.h .. I F Fig. 4 -Particle separation as a function of saturation
, Wit an Inverse spIne structure. or reasons of magne
t.lza t.Ion 0
f a
fierro fl UI.d (Courtesy. Rosenswelg . R E -
colloidal stability the average particle diameter IS personal communication).
Table1-Particle density
MagnetiZhtion 11nm 10nm 9 nm 8 nm 7 nm
1 2.5xl014 3.4xlW4 4.7xl014 6.7xl014 10xl014
5 1.3xl01s 1.7xl01s 2.4xlWs 3.4xl01s 5.0xl01s
25 6.3xl01s 8.5xl01s 1.2xl016 1.7xl016 2.5xlW6
50 1.3xlW6 1.7xl016 2.4xl016 3.9xl016 5.0xl016
100 2.5xl016 3.4xl016 4.7xl016 6.7xl016 1.0xl017
200 5.1xl016 6.8xl016 9.4xl016 1.3xl017 2.Oxl017
300 7.6xlW6 1.0xl017 1.4xl017 2.Oxl017 2.5xl017
400 1.0xl017 1.4xl017 1.9xl017 2.7xl017 4.0xl0~
Co Fe-N; Sm-Co, Nd-Fe-B etc. which may be Table2-Liquid carriers usedin synthesis
considered, as candidates for colloidal particles in Inorganicsolvent:Aqueous
the preparation of magnetic fluids, either the Organicsolvents:Heptane, Xylene,Toluene,
chemistry or the long-term stability of these Oils: Esters. .
materials have not yet been proven comparedwith H.ydrocarbons: MineraIandSynthetIc
d h . d fi . S I f h I.. bl Sllahydrocarbons .
Fe304an t e mlxe emtes. evera 0 tee Igl e Perfluoropolyethers
materials possesslarge magnetic momentsand thus Polyphenylethers
are attractive to advance the technology into the Glycols
realm of high magnetizationferrofluids. Silicones
Th .I b . d .
e partlC es may e vlewe as sp enca
h . I Vegetable:Sunflower,
7.2X10"o./cm Table3-Achievable parameters in commercial
S t t...
;: 80'1.
100", a ura IonmagnetIzation, 25°C 1100G
-~ , Externalfield for 90%Saturation 1600Oe
~60t, 1 " 1 . Permeabilit
u ..,
' 0" mtla magnetIc y 200G' 25°C 2. 5
~ 20'; P~rom~gnetic coefficient,1000Oe,20°C 3.5xI0-2emu/gK
, VISCOSity, 27°C 10000cp
0'" ViscosityIndex 300
2 3 4 5 6 Th I d ..
S .erma Evaporatlon.conrate,
25°C 215mw/mK
~ at 'Ions
UCC~SSIV~ G~nar 175°C 2.7xI0-9gicm2s
Fig. 5 -Improvements made in colloidal stability of Upper Temperature 250°C
ferrofluids. Lower Temperature -80°C
VapourPressure,25°C -10-11Torr
175°C Particle.
size ..55 A
0.3 2.1 2 CoefficIent
of Fnctlon 0.05
'"' 250 9 cm Electrical Resistivity, 25°C 35x1090-cm
Fig. 7 -Elements of a multistage magnetic fluid rotary seal. material to the last step of fabrication of integrated
Voice Coil
6 DDf'
I Fixed Elemen1s1...
to the main seal there are also other ferrofluid seals absorb.or1~pede the X-rays as air would and at the
in the machine which are used to control the s~e tl~e I~ cools the wafer and tJte ~ask. The seal
position of various shutters interposed between the ?eslgn ~s .dlfferent from the conventional struct.ure
wafer and the target, The shutters start and m that It IS a face seal rat.her than a rotary device.
terminate the process .The purpose of the seal IS to allow a very small
S .-1
.IX uegrees 0
A ~ fl
. d
I movement of the mask relative to the wafJr with
t .
lons as we
overcomIng the friction of an elastomer type seal or
of an axially polarized ceramic magnet and However, today the fluid applications are more
magnetically permeable steel elements: the front wide spread,they are successfullyused not only in
plate, black plate and pole piece. However, some tweeters but also in woofers, midranges,
recent speakerdesigns also include powerful Nd- compression drivers, alarm type speakers,
Fe-B magnets with polarization in ~he radial intercoms and under water acoustical systems.The
direction. Inside the gap is suspendeda bobbin or speaker industry now takes advantage of several
voice coil with one or more layers of copper or other attributes of ferrofluids such as the
aluminum windings. The majority of speakers simplification of cross-over networks, sealing,
contain a single magnetic gap and a cylindrical corrosion protection and improved production
coil. There are also commercial speakerswith dual yields which previously lacked diligence. The large
magnetic gaps and a flat voice coil14.Commonto demand for ferrofluids in loudspeakersand related
all speaker constructions is the formation of a applications mainly created the need for the
magnetic air gap
when excited withinan
coil can vibrate
in the freely
frequency development
with of tailored
properties a new generation of ferrofluids
to solve more difficult ..
range of 20-20,000 Hz. The coil is connectedto a problems. Some of the more unusual speaker
dust cap, spider and diaphragm. The diaphragm applicationsare describedbelow:
oscillates with the coil and produces compression Spiderlesswoofer-FeiTofluids have traditionally
and rarefaction of surrounding air, thus generating been used for the centering of voice coils in
sound waves. The ferrofluid resides in the gap and tweetersI5. Ferrofluid has also been employed to
is retained by the prevailing magnetic field. It is a align a flat voice coil of a line source speakerl4.
freely suspendedcolumn of liquid enveloping both However, more recently ferrofluid was designedto
sides of the coil and cannot be easily dislodged by provide a support mechanism for the coil in the
impact or g-forces of the moving mass. The coil most demanding application, i.e., a line of 4 to 8
now travels in a liquid medium rather than air; and inch woofers. These drivers reproduce low
this feature brings about a vast improvement in frequencysonic information by moving a large coil ~
speakerperformance. The thermal conductivity of and heavy diaphragm. The forces acting on the
ferrofluid is about four times that of air and the spring- mass systemare quite large. A corrugated
viscosity of ferrofluid, which may be adjusted, is disk element made of a flexible fabric called the
several orders of magnitude higher than air. The 'spider' aligns the coil in the gap so that it vibrates
fluid forms a bridge betweenthe moving coil and in a truly axial direction without any rotation,
the stationary metal structure. The structure serves rocking or uneven motion. Such a coil
two functions: (i) it acts as a heat sink for the coil displacementis necessaryto ensure low distortion
which becomesvery hot during operationand (ii) it of sound. The retention of the ferrofluid iri these
establishes a velocity gradient across the film of drivers posed a challenge during operation as air
ferrofluid introducing a viscous damping term into pressure is created in various cavities causing
the force equation of the moving spring- mass ferrofluid to spew out of the gap. Furthermore, i
system. The presence of ferrofluid controls the ferrofluid magnetostaticforces neededto be high
mechanical damping coefficient (Qm) of the enough to counter the mechanical forces. A high
vibrating system. The Qm-factoris proportional to magnetization and low viscosity ferrofluid was
the viscosity of the colloid. With a properchoice of found suitable for this application. The fluid
viscosity, the resonance peak can be critically provided the centering force for the coil and thus
damped leading to a smooth frequency response the requirementfor the disk elementwas alleviated.
curve of the driver, a requisite for a hi-fi speaker The woofers are vented through the pole piece and
system. The fluid protects the coil from bum out rear plate to relieve excess pressure enabling
under high power levels. The fluid is known to ferrofluid to stay in the gap. The magnetic flux
increasethe transient power handling capability of density in the gap is more than 10,000 Gauss,the 'f
a. driver by as much as a factor of four. The coil excursion about6 mm, the power rating in the
magnetic fluids in the beginning were rangeof 150 Wand the operatingfrequency20 Hz-
predominantly used in tweeters, which reproduce 2 kHz. Both the cone and bobbin are made of
treble sound and are known to be highly aluminum. The spun aluminum diaphragmremains
underdampedand susceptible to thermal failures. unaffected under water, Fig. 11, and its rigidity
Fig.12-Outline of atactilesound
Fig. 13 -Computer disk drive spindle equipped with a current through the bearings. This may cause a loss
electrically conducting magnetic fluid seal. of accuracy, pitting of the bearings and a shortened
Figure 14. Cross section of a permanent magnet stepper motor. the rotating shaft so that the bearing grease vapors
Exclusion seal for hard disk drive Conventional elastomer type seals were not
A magnetic disk drive spindle equipped with a adequate as they self-generated particles due to
ferrofluid exclusion seal is shown in Fig. 13. The friction. A ferrofluid exclusion seal is a low
shaft of the spindle is supported by two precision pressure, thin profile seal designed to protect the ~
ball bearings. One end of the shaft is attached to a critical elements of a rotating system from
motor (for rotation of the spindle) and the other is deleterious environments. The torque and power
fixed to a hub (for placement of memory disks). A requirements of the seal are minimal which makes
magnetic pick- up head stores or retrieves the technology attractive. Although these seals are
information from the rotating disk. In a floppy disk also utilized successfully in textile, robotics and
drive, the head rides on the surface of the disk in an marine industriesl2, the largest application has been
intimate contact, but in a hard drive the head in the computer industry. Presently, about four
initially rests on the surface of the disk but as soon million of these seals are manufactured per month
as the disk begins to rotate, it is aerodynamically to serve the needs of the computer industry. The
lifted at a height of about 0.2 J.1m above the surface first exclusion seal application was in a 14" disk
of the disk. The latter technology, called the drive spindle, followed by 10" and 8" drives used'
Winchester drive, enables one to achieve a high in main frame computers. The shaft diameter for
magnetic storage density. The operating the 14" drive was 46 mm and smaller for the
environments for the head and the disk must be others. The speed of rotation for all these spindles
kept clean. Even a small dust particle (typical was 3600 rpm with the sealing pressure
length of the shaft. Such a structure will invariably problem!? The maximum stepper motor housing
use a higher amount of ferrofluid than the single temperature is about 130°C. Being in sealed
stack. Each yoke is composed of a number of teeth environments, the ferrofluid evaporative losses are
along its circumference; The teeth on the second minimal. The fluid life is generally not an issue.
yoke are displaced by half a pole pitch from the However, the capillary migration of magnetic fluid
first one but are of exactly the same shape and through the laminations must be prevented by
number. For a 1.8° angular displacement there are proper adhesive bonding of the individual sheets.
50 teeth on each yoke, and the adjacent teeth on The advantages of using ferrofluids in PM steppers
either yoke are spaced apart by 7.2°. The stator of a are: noise reduction, decrease in settling time,
1.8° stepper is comprised of 8 electrically increased torque output at resonance, co"rrosion
energized laminated poles with each pole equipped protection and heat transfer. These benefits are
with 5 teeth spaced the same as on the rotor. The realized by the viscous shear effect of the ferrofluid
teeth of adjacent poles are 1/4 of a tooth pitch retained by the magnetic field between the stator
displaced from each other. When the stator is and rotor teeth. Sporadic commercial activities
excited with four phase windings, the shaft relatmg to ferrofluid steppers have existed since
executes 200 steps in one revolution. Each step is a 1985, but it was not until 1992 that more consistent
result of the ,nagnetic force of attraction acting to market acceptance was realized. It is estimated that
align the rotor teeth with the stator teeth of there are close to 200,000 steppers operating at this
opposite polarity. When a phase is energized, the time in the field. A most recent application is
electromagnetic flux thus generated passes through described below:
the pole into the ~ir gap, then into the yoke, Automated stage lighting-In the entertainment
thro.ugh.the m~gnet, mto the yoke? then to the stator industry, automated stage lighting is quite
laml~at!ons, mto the magnetically ~e~eable commonly employed. Originally conceived to
housmg and bac~ throug~ the stator lammatlon to eliminate the need for a lighting technician to climb
the pole of o.pposltepolarity. ..into the rafters to refocus lights and change their
.Several dlffere?t types of ferroflulds are used m colored lenses, automated lighting has also gained '1
steppers dependmg upon the nature of the wide popularity because of its ability to create
special effects. The automated function is
PUMP controlled by steppers which interface with a
computer. In fact the whole show can be
MOTOR programmed in advance. A schematic of the
lighting arrangement is shown in Fig. 15. A size 17
L stepper is used in a mechanism designef to move a
lens in front of a high intensity bulb. The motor
VAPO was deficient in positional accuracy, and because
of vibrations it was also noisy. A mechanical
LIQUID damper was used to correct this problem but "1
""'-' '"'"
""'" ., "'"" --- without avail. The fluid filled motor not only
~ -::::::::::-
-::: -=--~ substantially increased the positional accuracy, but
also reduced the noise. Additionally, the lens
became quite hot due to its close proximity to the
BUSHING bulb. The heat flowed along the shaft of the motor
and resulted in an unacceptably high rotor
temperature. By bridging the gap b~tween the rotor
and stator, ferrofluid provided a path for heat flow
into a larger sink, lowering the operating
temperature of the rotor by 30°C.
Fig. 16-A verticalsumppumpwith a magneticfluid seal Preservation and protection of the environment
of hazardous
gases. has become a major concern in the world. The
MIxER BLA belt. Lighter materials float to the top, and the
Fig. 18-Schematic of a static material separator using g/mL can be separated with the resolution of 0.1
of the shaft was 10-50 rpm. The seal operated 30 kg(h. T?e re~overy of .go.ld in placer and ore
successfully in these environments. deposits With thiS process IS In the range of 98.6-
Various methods exist for concentration and sands and rocks are always mixed in with weak and
separation of ores19 and a number of them utilize strong paramagnetic compounds. After the -~
gravimetric principles and rely upon the density of conventional gravity beneficiation process, the gold
the processing fluid. Heavy liquids such as concentrate is subjected to three stage separation.
methylene bromide and acetylene tetrabromide The first two steps remove the magnetic impurities;
possessing densities of up to 5 g/cc are some times the trailing is then passed through the sink~float
employed in centrifuges for this purpose. However, apparatus for final recovery of gold.
these liquids are toxic, threaten personnel safety The second system is known as Magstream(R).
and pose environmental hazard. A ferrofluid, on The magnetic fluid along with the particles to be
the other hand, can have an apparent density as separated rotate in a vertical duct placed in a
high as 20 g/cc and it can be controlled in precise magnetic field (Fig. 19). A septum at the lower end
steps with a magnetic field gradient. Water based of the duct divides the mixed mineral slurry into of
ferrofluids, generally recommended for this two fractions. Each particle in the separator is
application, are nontoxic, inexpensive, can be subjected to four radial forces22: the outward
easily diluted and reclaimed from the wet particles. centrifugal force, inward buoyancy force resulting
Table5 -Results of mineralseparation
(CrJurtesy..Bahjal Koshaba,CanameraGeological Ltd., Canada)
Ferrofluid MSGWI I
Magnetization 167.4G
Density 1.23g/mL
FeedRate 15g/mL
# weight,g ferrofluid (L) (H)
A 215.5 1.05 370 113.58 101.92 08\10 09\10 06\10
B 136.96 1.05 370 75.44 61.52 09\10 10\10 10\10
C 235.51 1.05 370 201.44 34.07 10\10 10\10 06\10
D 233.38 1.05 370 177.78 55.6 08\10 07\10 05\10
E 231.05 1.05 370 172.12 58.93 10\10 10\10 07\10
F 198.94 1.05 370 162.12 36.82 07\10 07\10 07\07 '""
G 198.32 1.05 370 167.94 30.38 10\10 08\10 07\10
H 198.77 1.05 370 176.84 21.93 09\10 08\10 07\10
VALVE mechanical stop or butt affixed near the center
prevents the slug from being ejected out of the
bore. A spring attached to the plunger keeps it
away from the center when the coil carries no
c\XTent.Thus a reciprocating motion of the plunger
is produced as the coil is excited with a series of
electFical pulses. This back and forth movement
can ~ used to actuate a valve, which in turn may l
control a flow of liquid or gas. In miniature
solenoid valves this displacement is of the order of
1mm. A magnetic field is created in the gap
between the plunger and the butt. The higher the
Fig. 21 -Components of a solenoid valve and location 01 value of the magnetic field (or the current in the
ferrofluid. .
1) t he greater the fiorce on t he pIunger. A s t he
slug approaches the butt, the force increases rapidly
was attributed to the differences in the sediments due to a decrease in the reluctance of the magnetic
and not to any inadequacies in the fundamental flux path. The plunger strikes the butt with the
principles of the separation process. Subsequent maximum force; creating noise, vibrations and
experiments have shown that the weight of PCD chattering. Random noise of solenoid valves poses ,
(H) could be as low as 20 g with 100% recovery of serious restrictions in their utility in machines
the indicators. If desired it is possible to further which must perform quietly. For example, in
separate IL (SG 4.72) from the other two minerals medical applications such as dialysis equipment,
at the split point of SG 4.1. IL will be collected at blood chemistry instruments, blood pressure
the outside of septum and PY and CD at the inside. monitors and ventilators/respirators it is necessary
that the valyes be quiet for patient's comfort.
Quietsolenoidvalve The presence of ferrofluid in a solenoid valve
A solenoid consists of a hollow bobbin with a may lead to several advantages such as noise
wound coil and a plunger or magnetic slug which is reduction, lubrication of moving parts, corrosion
free to move inside the bore (Fig. 21). When the resistance, and increased force on plunger and heat
coil is energized with an electrical pulse, a dissipation. The fluid fills all of the gaps inside the .,
magnetic field is produced in and around the core. solenoid. A small external magnet retains the fluid
As a result of this field the plunger is magnetically when the valve is not.functioning.
attracted towards the center of the coil. A A miniature solenoid valve was filled with a
SOL ENOIO VALVE and the butt through the ferrofluid seal that
provides the noise control.
Conditions 2Hz
55 0 Nois~ l~\'t' I
I. 5 .Responst" T'
,1me(msec) Transformers .
The use of magnetic liquids in transformers, FIg.
;~ '35 23, is a relatively new area. The ferrofluids for t~is
30 application are typically based on petroleu~ o~l.s,
25 which are liquids of choice for heat conductIon m
20 transformers. Large transformers such as
15 distribution, traction and power transformers are
10 5-0 cooled with dielectric oils2 .The heat generated by
8 ::l.:':.~":.
~-_. the current passing through the primary and
No Ferrofluid With Ft"rrofl uid secondary windings as well as the heat generated
by the eddy currents in the laminated core of the
Fig. 22 -Comparison of solenoidnoise leveland response transformer must be conducted away to avoid an
time withandwithoutterrofluid.Conditions:2 Hz, I eV. excessive temperature build- up. The temperature
degrades the insulation, increases power losses and
reduces the op~rating life of the transformer. It is
high viscosity fluorocarbon based ferrofluid. The suggested that for every 4°C rise in temperature the
valve operated at 12 VDC with a frequency of2 or insulation life is reduced 24by 30%. The core is
20 Hz. The- noise level of the valve was measured cooled by the natural convective flow of the oil.
after it reached the steady state temperature of When transformer oil is converted into a ferrofluid,
45°C with a B&K acoustical meter in an anechoic the heat transfer is significantly improved. There is
chamber. Without the ferrofluid, the noise level an additional force that comes into play by virtue
was 50 dBA and with ferrofluid it decreasedto 32 of the fact that the liquid now has magnetic
dBA almost indistinguishable ~om t.he backg~ound properties. This force, called the magnetic body
noise; Fig. 22. There was a SlIght Increase m the force, is considerably higher than the buoyancy
response time of the valve; it increa~ed from 5.0.!0 force. The origin of this force is the chan~e in
5.5 ms in the presence of ferrofluld. The pu."-m magnetization of ferrofluid with temperature 5. At
current was about 60 mA, less than the specIfied elevated temperatures the magnetization of
value of 65 mA. This was believed to be cfue to an ferrofluid is lower than at room temperatu~e. The
increase in the magnetic permeability of the air gap ferrofluid next to the windings is not as strongly
in the presence of ferrofluid and the resulting attracted in comparison to the fluid awa~from the
increase in acceleration of the plunger.. The val~e windings in the cooler regions of the transformer.
was contin~ously operated for a penod of SIX The time varying magnetic fields, already present in
months at 2 Hz and at a pressure of 50 kPa thus the tr'ansformer due to the flow of electric currents,
accumulating over 15 million cycles with out any cause the ferrofluid to circulate, thus providing the
problems. Separately, a life test was performed on heat transfer which is predominantly radial in
a different valve operating at 20 Hz. The valve direction. The winding temperature may be
actuated for 20 million cycles at which time the test decreased by as much as 10°C with the fluid.
was stopped; its electrical and seal parameters were ...
measured and then the device was disassembled for In addition to heat transfer and elImInatIon of
inspection of wear. The solenoid met all the hot spots, ferrofluids for. transformer app!ic~tions
operating specifications and no wear was.observed. mus~ also ~osse~s electrIcal p~ramet~rs.s~mIlar.to
A model is proposed for the dampIng of the the InsulatIng otis such as hIgh resIstIvIty, hIgh
solenoid valve with ferrofluid. It is believed that breakdown voltage, negligible charging tendency,
this is not viscous damping since this type of low dielectric constant and low power factor.
"" damping is affected by the temperature, which was Whereas much work has been done to show that
found not to be the case. The damping mechanism ferrofluids can be used for cooling26, the
is understood to be of dash pot type. It is the ~ploration of their electrical behavior has just
movement of entrapped air between the plunger begun.
1 Elmore W C, Phys Rev, 54 (4) (1938) 309,1092.
Fig. 23 -Schematic diagram of a power transformer filled 2 Papell S S, US Pat. 3,215,572, 1965.
with a ferrofluid. 3 Bhatnagar S P & Rosensweig R E, J Magn Magn Mater,
149 (1955) 198. ~
..4 Guell 0 C, Brenner RB, Frankel R B & Hartman H, J
Other Applications Theo Bioi, 135 (1988) 525.
In addition to the visibly successful and 5 Yaacob 11,Nunes A C & Bose A, J Coil In[ Sci, 171
commercially promising products just discussed, (19?5) 73. ..
there is a class of small but unique applications of 6 Cralk.D J & Teb.ble, FerromagnetIsm and ferromagnetIc
0 12 .0 domaIns (John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York), 1965.
ferroflulds which lie between the two extremes. 7 Bozorth R M, Ferromagnetism (D. Van Nostrand
These areas have been proven technologically but Company, Inc., Princeton, NJ), 1964.
the level of business activity has been low. 8 Wohlfarth E P, in Ferromagnetic Materials: A handbook
F errofluids particles can be used as metal on the properties of magnetically ordered materials, edited
tal t £" wth f b fib h o h . tu by Wohlfarth E P (North-Holland Publishing C~mpany,
ca ys s lor gro. 0 coar ?n I ers ': IC m rn Amsterdam), 1980, 1.
are employed m fabrIcation of high strength 9 Rosensweig R E, Ferrohydrodynamics (Cambridge
composite materials, for observation of magnetic University Press, Cambridge), 1985. '1
domains or magnetized regions in memory disks, 10 M~sart R, in Magn~tic fluids and applications handbook,
tapes and pipe weldments and for diagnostic and edited by Berkovsk.l B & Bashtovoy V (Begell House,
0. do 0 h bo d. 1 fi Id M .Inc., New York), 1996,24.
clmlcal stu les m t e tome Ica Ie. agnetlc 11 Rosensweig R E, US Pat. 3,620,584 (to Ferrofluidics
liquids are utilized for quality control of complex Corp.), 1971.
internal mechanical structures such as turbine 12 Raj K, in Magnetic fluids and applications handbook,
blades, in precision film bearings, in a variety of edited by Berkovski B & Bashtovoy V (Begell House,
0 d o h h 1 1 d Inc., New York), 1996, 657.
sensmg ~vI~es ~uc as t e eve an p~essure 13 Raj K, & Moskowitz R,.J Magn Magn Mater, 85 (1990)
sensors, m mertla dampers for smoothmg of 233.
torsional oscillations, in precision grinding and 14 Raj K, Moskowitz B & Casciari R, J Magn Magn Mater,
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