NetBackup101 AdminGuideI Server

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Administrator's Guide,
Volume I

UNIX, Windows, and Linux

Release 10.1
NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I
Last updated: 2022-09-08

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Section 1 About NetBackup ...................................................... 34

Chapter 1 Introducing the NetBackup interfaces ......................... 35

About NetBackup ......................................................................... 35

NetBackup documentation ............................................................. 37
About NetBackup administration interfaces ........................................ 37
About security certificates for NetBackup hosts ............................. 38
About setting up the NetBackup Administration Console on UNIX
..................................................................................... 39
Administering remote servers of different versions ......................... 40
Logging in to the NetBackup Administration Console ..................... 41
Using the NetBackup Administration Console ..................................... 44
NetBackup configuration wizards ..................................................... 46
Running the Troubleshooter ........................................................... 48

Chapter 2 Administering NetBackup licenses ............................... 50

About administering NetBackup licenses ........................................... 50

Section 2 Configuring hosts ...................................................... 54

Chapter 3 Configuring Host Properties ........................................... 55

About the NetBackup Host Properties ............................................... 57
Methods to set the NetBackup configuration options ...................... 57
Connecting to a host to view the host properties ........................... 58
Changing the host properties on multiple hosts at the same time
..................................................................................... 59
Exporting host properties ......................................................... 60
Access Control properties .............................................................. 60
Authentication Domain tab of the Access Control properties ............ 61
Authorization Service tab of the Access Control properties .............. 62
Network Attributes tab of the Access Control properties .................. 62
Active Directory host properties ....................................................... 64
Bandwidth properties .................................................................... 65
Contents 5

Bandwidth limit usage considerations and restrictions .................... 67

Add Bandwidth Settings dialog box for Bandwidth properties ........... 67
Busy File Settings properties .......................................................... 68
Activating the Busy File Settings in host properties ........................ 69
Clean-up properties ...................................................................... 70
Client Name properties .................................................................. 73
Client Attributes properties ............................................................. 75
Add Client dialog box .............................................................. 77
General tab of the Client Attributes properties .............................. 77
Connect Options tab of the Client Attributes properties ................... 82
Windows Open File Backup tab of the Client Attributes properties
..................................................................................... 84
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients ......................................... 88
VxFS file change log for incremental backups property ................... 91
Client Settings properties for Windows clients .................................... 93
How to determine if change journal support is useful in your
NetBackup environment ..................................................... 96
Guidelines for enabling NetBackup change journal support ............. 97
Cloud Storage properties ............................................................... 98
Credential Access properties ......................................................... 100
Data Classification properties ........................................................ 101
Creating a Data Classification ................................................. 103
Default Job Priorities properties ..................................................... 104
Understanding the Job Priority setting ....................................... 106
Distributed application restore mapping properties ............................. 107
Encryption properties ................................................................... 109
Additional encryption methods for Windows clients ...................... 110
Enterprise Vault properties ............................................................ 111
Enterprise Vault Hosts properties ................................................... 113
Exchange properties ................................................................... 114
About the Exchange credentials in the client host properties .......... 117
Exclude Lists properties ............................................................... 118
About the Add to Exclude List and Add Exceptions to Exclude List
dialog boxes .................................................................. 120
Syntax rules for exclude lists ................................................... 122
About creating an include list on a UNIX client ............................ 125
Configuring the exclude list on a Windows client from a UNIX
primary server ................................................................ 125
Traversing excluded directories ............................................... 127
Fibre Transport properties ............................................................ 128
About Linux concurrent FT connections ..................................... 131
Firewall properties ...................................................................... 132
Enabling logging for vnetd ...................................................... 136
Contents 6

General Server properties ............................................................ 137

Forcing restores to use a specific server .................................... 139
Global Attributes properties ........................................................... 140
About constraints on the number of concurrent jobs ..................... 143
Setting up mailx email client .................................................... 145
Logging properties ...................................................................... 145
Logging levels ...................................................................... 147
Login Banner Configuration properties ............................................ 149
Removing login banner screen and text ..................................... 152
Lotus Notes properties ................................................................. 152
Media properties ........................................................................ 155
Results when media overwrites are not permitted ........................ 160
Recommended use for Enable SCSI reserve property .................. 161
NDMP Global Credentials properties .............................................. 162
Network properties ...................................................................... 164
Network Settings properties .......................................................... 166
Reverse Host Name Lookup property ....................................... 167
IP Address Family Support property ......................................... 169
Port Ranges properties ................................................................ 169
Registered ports and dynamically-allocated ports ........................ 172
Preferred Network properties ........................................................ 172
Add or Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box ................. 175
How NetBackup uses the directives to determine which network
to use ........................................................................... 177
Configurations to use IPv6 networks ......................................... 180
Configurations to use IPv4 networks ......................................... 181
Order of directive processing in the Preferred Network properties
.................................................................................... 182
bptestnetconn utility to display Preferred Network information
.................................................................................... 183
Configuration to prohibit using a specified address ...................... 184
Configuration to prefer a specified address ................................ 184
Configuration that restricts NetBackup to one set of addresses
.................................................................................... 185
Configuration that limits the addresses, but allows any interfaces
.................................................................................... 186
Resilient Network properties ......................................................... 186
Resilient connection resource usage ........................................ 189
Specifying resilient connections ............................................... 190
Resource Limit properties ............................................................. 192
Restore Failover properties ........................................................... 194
Assigning an alternate media server as a failover restore server
.................................................................................... 196
Contents 7

Retention Periods properties ......................................................... 197

Changing a retention period .................................................... 199
Determining retention periods for volumes ................................. 200
Retention Periods with end dates beyond 2038, excluding Infinity
.................................................................................... 201
RHV Access Hosts properties ....................................................... 201
Scalable Storage properties .......................................................... 203
Configuring advanced bandwidth throttling settings ...................... 205
Advanced bandwidth throttling settings ...................................... 205
Servers properties ...................................................................... 207
Adding a server to a servers list ............................................... 210
Removing a server from a server list ......................................... 211
Enabling NetBackup clustered primary server inter-node
authentication ................................................................ 211
About the certificate to be used for adding a trusted master server
.................................................................................... 213
Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed
(host ID-based) certificate ................................................. 214
Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed
certificate ...................................................................... 219
Removing a trusted primary server ........................................... 220
Changing the primary server that performs backups and restores
for a client ..................................................................... 222
SharePoint properties .................................................................. 222
Consistency check options for SharePoint Server ........................ 224
SLP Parameters properties ........................................................... 225
About batch creation logic in Storage Lifecycle Manager ............... 230
Throttle Bandwidth properties ........................................................ 231
Add Bandwidth Settings dialog box for Throttle Bandwidth
properties ..................................................................... 232
Timeouts properties .................................................................... 232
Universal Settings properties ......................................................... 236
Logging the status of a redirected restore .................................. 238
User Account Settings properties ................................................... 239
Unlocking a user account ....................................................... 240
Locking a NetBackup Administration Console session manually
.................................................................................... 241
UNIX Client properties ................................................................. 241
VMware Access Hosts properties ................................................... 242
Windows Client properties ............................................................ 244
Configuration options not found in the Host Properties ........................ 244
About using commands to change the configuration options on UNIX
clients and servers ................................................................ 245
Contents 8

Configuration options for NetBackup servers .................................... 246

ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 246
ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup master server
.................................................................................... 247
AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 247
AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE option for NetBackup servers .......... 249
servers ......................................................................... 250
BPBRM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers ....................... 251
BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 253
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS options for UNIX primary servers ............. 253
BPDBM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers ....................... 257
BPRD_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers ......................... 258
BPTM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers ......................... 259
BPEND_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers ........................ 261
BPSTART_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers ..................... 261
CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup primary
and media servers .......................................................... 262
CHECK_RESTORE_CLIENT option for NetBackup servers .......... 263
CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 264
CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 264
CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers .............. 265
servers and clients .......................................................... 267
.................................................................................... 268
CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH for clustered primary server ........... 268
server ........................................................................... 269
CLUSTER_ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for clustered primary
server ........................................................................... 270
CLUSTER_ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for clustered primary
server ........................................................................... 270
CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 271
primary servers .............................................................. 274
Contents 9

DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers

and clients ..................................................................... 275
DISABLE_CERT_AUTO_RENEW option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 277
DISABLE_JOB_LOGGING option for NetBackup servers .............. 278
NetBackup servers .......................................................... 279
servers ......................................................................... 279
servers ......................................................................... 280
DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 281
servers and clients .......................................................... 281
DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE for NetBackup servers ................. 284
ECA_CERT_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients .................. 285
ECA_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients ................. 288
ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients .................... 289
ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 290
ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 291
and clients ..................................................................... 292
ECA_DR_BKUP_WIN_CERT_STORE for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 293
ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 294
ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 294
ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 295
EAT_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients ............ 297
servers and clients .......................................................... 298
servers and clients .......................................................... 298
ENABLE_DIRECT_CONNECTION for servers ........................... 299
ENABLE_MQBROKER for servers ........................................... 300
ENABLE_NBSQLADM option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 301
Contents 10


servers ......................................................................... 301
servers ......................................................................... 302
GENERATE_ENGLISH_LOGS option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 303
servers ......................................................................... 304
GUI_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers ..................... 305
servers ......................................................................... 305
GUI_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 306
HOSTDB_RESYNC_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 307
servers ......................................................................... 308
servers and clients .......................................................... 308
INITIAL_BROWSE_SEARCH_LIMIT option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 309
INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION for servers ........................ 310
IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY option for NetBackup servers .................. 311
JOB_PRIORITY option for NetBackup servers and clients ............. 312
KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB for NetBackup servers and clients ........... 314
KMS_CONFIG_IN_CATALOG_BKUP for NetBackup primary
server ........................................................................... 316
LIMIT_BANDWIDTH option for NetBackup servers ...................... 316
NetBackup master servers ................................................ 317
MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE option for NetBackup servers and clients
for legacy logging ........................................................... 318
MAX_NUM_LOGFILES option for NetBackup servers and clients
for legacy logging ........................................................... 319
MEDIA_UNMOUNT_DELAY option for NetBackup servers ............ 319
MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY option for NetBackup servers ............ 320
MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup servers .......................... 321
MPX_RESTORE_DELAY option for NetBackup servers ............... 321
MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE option for NetBackup servers ........... 322
NAT_SERVER_LIST for servers .............................................. 323
NB_FIPS_MODE option for NetBackup servers and clients ........... 323
NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers ............. 324
Contents 11

NBSD_POLL_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and clients

.................................................................................... 325
NBSD_DUMP_COUNT option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 325
NBSD_MONITOR_CPU option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 326
NBSD_MONITOR_MEMORY option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 327
NBSD_MEMORY_UNIT option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 327
NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 328
NBSD_DEADLOCK_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 329
NBSD_ALWAYS_DUMP option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 330
servers and clients .......................................................... 330
NBSD_INCREASE_LOG_LEVEL option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 331
servers and clients .......................................................... 332
NBSD_CAPTURE_DISK_IO option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 332
NBSD_NUMBER_OF_READINGS option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 333
NBSD_READING_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 333
NBSD_PURGE_OLD_EVIDENCE option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 334
servers and clients .......................................................... 335
NBSD_JDK_HOME option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 335
NBSD_EVIDENCE_PATH option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 336
NBSD_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients .......... 337
NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 337
servers and clients .......................................................... 338
NetBackup servers and clients .......................................... 339
Contents 12

NBSD_MONITOR_POLICY_NAME option for primary server

.................................................................................... 339
servers and clients .......................................................... 340
NBSD_EVIDENCE_SIZE_LIMIT option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 341
NetBackup servers and clients .......................................... 342
NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING option for NetBackup primary
server ........................................................................... 342
PREFERRED_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers .............. 343
RANDOM _PORTS option for NetBackup servers and clients
.................................................................................... 356
RE_READ_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers ................... 357
REQUIRED_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers ................. 358
RESILIENT_NETWORK option for NetBackup primary servers
and clients ..................................................................... 359
servers ......................................................................... 360
REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP option for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 360
SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option for NetBackup servers
and clients ..................................................................... 361
SERVER option for NetBackup servers ..................................... 362
SERVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 365
SERVER_PORT_WINDOW option for NetBackup servers ............ 365
servers and clients .......................................................... 366
servers ......................................................................... 367
SYSLOG_AUDIT_CATEGORIES for NetBackup primary server
.................................................................................... 368
TELEMETRY_UPLOAD option for NetBackup servers ................. 369
THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH option for NetBackup servers .............. 370
TRUSTED_PRIMARY option for NetBackup servers .................... 373
ULINK_ON_OVERWRITE option for NetBackup servers ............... 374
USE_AUTHENTICATION option for NetBackup servers ............... 375
USE_URANDOM for NetBackup servers and clients .................... 376
USE_VXSS option for NetBackup servers and clients .................. 377
VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients .................... 378
servers ......................................................................... 379
Contents 13

VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers ........................ 380

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE option for NetBackup servers
.................................................................................... 382
VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 383
for servers and clients ...................................................... 384
and clients ..................................................................... 385
VMWARE_TLS_MINIMUM_V1_2 for NetBackup servers and
clients .......................................................................... 386
Malware scan timeout configuration for NetBackup server ............. 387
Configuration options for NetBackup clients ..................................... 388
ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION for clients ......................... 388
APP_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup clients ................... 389
BACKUP_BTRFS_SNAPSHOT option for NetBackup clients ......... 389
BACKUP_FIFO_FILES option for NetBackup clients .................... 390
BPARCHIVE_POLICY option for NetBackup clients ..................... 391
BPARCHIVE_SCHED option for NetBackup clients ..................... 392
BPBACKUP_POLICY option for NetBackup clients ...................... 393
BPBACKUP_SCHED option for NetBackup clients ...................... 394
BUSY_FILE_ACTION option for NetBackup clients ...................... 395
BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY option for NetBackup clients ............... 396
BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER option for NetBackup clients ............ 397
BUSY_FILE_PROCESSING option for NetBackup clients ............. 398
CLIENT_NAME option for NetBackup clients .............................. 398
COMPRESS_SUFFIX option for NetBackup clients ..................... 400
CRYPT_CIPHER option for NetBackup clients ............................ 400
CRYPT_KIND option for NetBackup clients ................................ 401
CRYPT_OPTION option for NetBackup clients ........................... 402
CRYPT_STRENGTH option for NetBackup clients ...................... 403
CRYPT_LIBPATH option for NetBackup clients ........................... 404
CRYPT_KEYFILE option for NetBackup clients ........................... 405
clients .......................................................................... 406
DTE_CLIENT_MODE for clients .............................................. 407
ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_ENCRYPTION for clients ................. 408
IGNORE_XATTR option for NetBackup clients ............................ 409
INFORMIX_HOME option for NetBackup clients ......................... 412
KEEP_DATABASE_COMM_FILE option for NetBackup clients
.................................................................................... 412
KEEP_LOGS_DAYS option for NetBackup clients ....................... 413
LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup clients ................... 414
Contents 14

LOCKED_FILE_ACTION option for NetBackup clients ................. 415

MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup clients ........................... 415
MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY option for NetBackup clients ........... 416
NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup clients ................ 417
OLD_VNETD_CALLBACK option for NetBackup clients ............... 417
REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES option for NetBackup clients
.................................................................................... 418
RESTORE_RETRIES option for NetBackup clients ...................... 419
RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR for NetBackup clients .............................. 420
SERVER option for NetBackup clients ...................................... 421
SUBSCRIBER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT for clients ..................... 422
SYBASE_HOME option for NetBackup clients ............................ 423
USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS option for NetBackup clients
.................................................................................... 424
USE_FILE_CHG_LOG option for NetBackup clients .................... 424
USEMAIL option for NetBackup clients ...................................... 425
VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup clients .......................... 426
WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL option for NetBackup clients ................ 427
WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_USE option for NetBackup clients
.................................................................................... 428

Chapter 4 Configuring server groups ............................................. 430

About NetBackup server groups .................................................... 430
Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group ................................. 430

Chapter 5 Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT

servers in NetBackup ............................................... 433
About NAT support in NetBackup ................................................... 433
Important notes .......................................................................... 435
Workflow to enable NAT hosts in NetBackup domain ......................... 436
Configuring the NetBackup Messaging Broker service ........................ 437
Removing NAT support from NetBackup .......................................... 437
Communication with clients other than NAT clients ............................ 438
Performance characteristics of NAT support ..................................... 438

Chapter 6 Configuring host credentials ......................................... 440

About configuring credentials ........................................................ 440
About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup ............ 441
Registering a Snapshot Manager server in NetBackup ................. 441
Configuring Snapshot Manager plug-ins in NetBackup ................. 442
Contents 15

Chapter 7 Managing media servers ............................................... 445

Activating or deactivating a media server ......................................... 445

Adding a media server ................................................................. 446
Registering a media server ........................................................... 447
Deleting all devices from a media server .......................................... 448
Removing a device host from the EMM database .............................. 451
About decommissioning a media server .......................................... 451
About decommissioning limitations ........................................... 452
Before you decommission a media server .................................. 453
Post decommission recommendations ...................................... 454
Decommission actions ........................................................... 454
Previewing references to a media server ......................................... 457
Decommissioning a media server ................................................... 458
About the vm.conf configuration file ................................................ 460
ACS_mediatype entry in vm.conf ............................................. 460
ACS_SEL_SOCKET entry in vm.conf ....................................... 461
ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX) ...................... 461
ACS_SSI_HOSTNAME entry in vm.conf .................................... 462
ACS_SSI_INET_PORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX) ...................... 462
ACS_SSI_SOCKET entry in vm.conf ........................................ 463
vm.conf (on UNIX) .......................................................... 463
ADJ_LSM entry in vm.conf ..................................................... 464
API_BARCODE_RULES entry in vm.conf .................................. 465
AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry in vm.conf in NetBackup
versions 8.0 and earlier .................................................... 465
AUTO_PATH_CORRECTION entry in vm.conf ............................ 466
AUTO_UPDATE_ROBOT entry in vm.conf ................................. 466
AVRD_PEND_DELAY entry in vm.conf ..................................... 467
AVRD_SCAN_DELAY entry in vm.conf ..................................... 467
CLEAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf .......................... 467
CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW entry in vm.conf ............................... 468
CLUSTER_NAME entry in vm.conf ........................................... 468
DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS entry in vm.conf ................................. 468
EMM_RETRY_COUNT entry in vm.conf .................................... 469
EMM_CONNECT_TIMOUT entry in vm.conf .............................. 469
EMM_REQUEST_TIMOUT entry in vm.conf ............................... 469
ENABLE_ROBOT_AUTH entry in vm.conf ................................. 470
INVENTORY_FILTER entry in vm.conf ...................................... 470
MAP_ID entry in vm.conf ........................................................ 470
MAP_CONTINUE_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf ............................ 471
MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS entry in vm.conf ........................ 471
Contents 16

MEDIA_ID_PREFIX entry in vm.conf ........................................ 472

MM_SERVER_NAME entry in vm.conf ...................................... 473
PREFERRED_GROUP entry in vm.conf .................................... 473
RANDOM_PORTS entry in vm.conf .......................................... 473
REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry in vm.conf ................................. 474
SERVER entry in vm.conf in NetBackup versions 8.0 and earlier
.................................................................................... 474
SSO_DA_REREGISTER_INTERVAL entry in vm.conf ................. 475
SSO_DA_RETRY_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf ............................ 475
SSO_HOST_NAME entry in vm.conf ........................................ 475
VERBOSE entry in vm.conf .................................................... 476
Example vm.conf file ............................................................. 476
How to access media and devices on other hosts ........................ 476
Host name precedence in the vm.conf file .................................. 477

Section 3 Configuring storage ................................................ 478

Chapter 8 Configuring disk storage ................................................ 479
About configuring BasicDisk storage ............................................... 479
About configuring disk pool storage ................................................ 479
Inventorying a NetBackup disk pool ................................................ 480
Changing OpenStorage disk pool state ........................................... 480

Chapter 9 Configuring robots and tape drives ............................ 482

NetBackup robot types ................................................................. 483

About the device mapping files ...................................................... 484
Downloading the device mapping files ............................................ 484
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup ...................... 485
About device discovery .......................................................... 486
About device serialization ....................................................... 487
About adding devices without discovery .................................... 488
About robot control ................................................................ 488
About drive name rules .......................................................... 489
Configuring robots and tape drives by using the wizard ....................... 490
Updating the device configuration by using the wizard ........................ 490
Adding a robot to NetBackup manually ............................................ 491
Robot configuration options .................................................... 493
Managing robots ........................................................................ 495
Changing robot properties ...................................................... 495
Deleting a robot .................................................................... 496
Moving a robot and its media to a new media server .................... 497
Contents 17

Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually ..................................... 498

Tape drive configuration options ............................................... 499
Configuring drive name rules ......................................................... 502
Adding a tape drive path .............................................................. 504
About SCSI reserve on drive paths ........................................... 504
Drive path options ................................................................. 504
About no rewind device files on UNIX ....................................... 506
Adding a shared tape drive to a NetBackup environment .................... 506
Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts ........... 506
Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts ....................... 508
UNIX device correlation example ............................................. 509
Managing tape drives .................................................................. 510
Changing a drive comment ..................................................... 510
About downed drives ............................................................. 510
Changing a drive operating mode ............................................ 511
Changing a tape drive path ..................................................... 511
Changing a drive path operating mode ...................................... 512
Changing tape drive properties ................................................ 512
Changing a tape drive to a shared drive .................................... 513
Cleaning a tape drive from the Device Monitor ............................ 513
Deleting a drive .................................................................... 514
Resetting a drive .................................................................. 515
Resetting the mount time of a drive .......................................... 515
Setting the drive cleaning frequency ......................................... 516
Viewing drive details .............................................................. 516
Performing device diagnostics ....................................................... 517
Running a robot diagnostic test ................................................ 517
Running a tape drive diagnostic test ......................................... 519
Managing a diagnostic test step that requires operator intervention
.................................................................................... 520
Obtaining detailed information for a diagnostic test step ................ 520
Verifying the device configuration ................................................... 520
About automatic path correction ..................................................... 521
Enabling automatic path correction ................................................. 521
Replacing a device ..................................................................... 522
Updating device firmware ............................................................. 524
About the NetBackup Device Manager ............................................ 524
About external access to NetBackup controlled devices on UNIX .......... 525
Stopping and restarting the device manager ..................................... 525
Contents 18

Chapter 10 Configuring tape media ................................................ 527

About NetBackup tape volumes ..................................................... 528

About NetBackup volume pools ..................................................... 528
About reserved volume pool name prefixes ................................ 529
About scratch volume pools .................................................... 530
About NetBackup volume groups ................................................... 531
NetBackup media types ............................................................... 532
About WORM media ................................................................... 534
About using volume pools to manage WORM media .................... 535
About using unique drive and media types to manage WORM
media ........................................................................... 536
Disabling WORM volume pool name verification ......................... 537
About WORM media and the Quantum drive .............................. 537
Supported WORM drives ........................................................ 537
About adding volumes ................................................................. 538
About adding robotic volumes ................................................. 538
About adding standalone volumes ............................................ 539
About configuring media name and attribute rules ............................. 539
Adding volumes by using the wizard ............................................... 540
About media settings rules ............................................................ 540
Configuring media settings ........................................................... 541
Media settings options ........................................................... 543
About barcodes .......................................................................... 550
About barcode rules .............................................................. 552
Configuring barcode rules ............................................................ 554
Barcode rules settings ........................................................... 556
About media ID generation rules .................................................... 558
Configuring media ID generation rules ............................................ 559
Media ID generation options ................................................... 561
About media type mapping rules .................................................... 562
Adding volumes by using the Actions menu ...................................... 563
Volume properties ................................................................. 564
Configuring media type mappings .................................................. 567
About adding media type mapping entries ................................. 569
Default and allowable media types ........................................... 569
Managing volumes ...................................................................... 573
Changing the group of a volume .............................................. 573
About rules for moving volumes between groups ......................... 574
Changing the owner of a volume .............................................. 574
Changing volume properties ................................................... 575
About assigning and deassigning volumes ................................. 576
Deleting a volume ................................................................. 577
Contents 19

Erasing a volume .................................................................. 578

About exchanging a volume .................................................... 579
About frozen media ............................................................... 581
About injecting and ejecting volumes ........................................ 582
About rescanning and updating barcodes .................................. 584
About labeling NetBackup volumes .......................................... 586
About moving volumes ........................................................... 588
About recycling a volume ....................................................... 590
Suspending or unsuspending volumes ...................................... 591
Managing volume pools ............................................................... 592
Adding or deleting a volume pool ............................................. 592
Changing the properties of a volume pool .................................. 593
Managing volume groups ............................................................. 594
Moving a volume group .......................................................... 594
Deleting a volume group ........................................................ 595
About media sharing ................................................................... 596
Configuring unrestricted media sharing ........................................... 596
Configuring media sharing with a server group .................................. 597

Chapter 11 Inventorying robots .......................................................... 599

About robot inventory .................................................................. 599
When to inventory a robot ............................................................. 600
About showing a robot's contents ................................................... 602
About inventory results for API robots ....................................... 603
Showing the media in a robot ........................................................ 604
About comparing a robot's contents with the volume configuration
.......................................................................................... 605
Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration .................. 606
About previewing volume configuration changes ............................... 607
Previewing volume configuration changes for a robot ......................... 608
About updating the NetBackup volume configuration .......................... 610
Volume update prerequisites ................................................... 610
Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents
.......................................................................................... 611
Robot inventory options ............................................................... 613
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility .................................... 614
How vmphyinv performs a physical inventory .............................. 616
Example volume configuration updates ........................................... 620

Chapter 12 Configuring storage units .............................................. 629

About the Storage utility .............................................................. 629

Using the Storage utility ......................................................... 630
Contents 20

Creating a storage unit ................................................................. 631

Creating a storage unit by copying a storage unit ........................ 634
Changing storage unit settings ................................................ 634
Deleting storage units ............................................................ 635
Media Manager storage unit considerations ............................... 636
Disk storage unit considerations .............................................. 638
NDMP storage unit considerations ........................................... 643
About storage unit settings ........................................................... 645
Absolute pathname to directory or absolute pathname to volume
setting for storage units .................................................... 645
Density storage unit setting ..................................................... 646
Disk type storage unit setting .................................................. 646
Enable block sharing storage unit setting ................................... 646
Enable multiplexing storage unit setting ..................................... 647
High water mark storage unit setting ......................................... 647
Low water mark storage unit setting .......................................... 648
Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting ................... 648
Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting ............................ 649
Maximum streams per drive storage unit setting .......................... 651
Media server storage unit setting ............................................. 651
NDMP host storage unit setting ............................................... 653
On demand only storage unit setting ......................................... 654
Only use the following media servers storage unit setting .............. 654
Properties option in the Change Storage Units dialog box ............. 655
Reduce fragment size storage unit setting .................................. 657
Robot number storage unit setting ............................................ 658
Robot type storage unit setting ................................................ 658
Select disk pool storage unit setting .......................................... 658
Staging schedule option in Change Storage Units dialog ............... 658
Storage device setting for storage units ..................................... 659
Storage unit name setting ....................................................... 659
Storage unit type setting ......................................................... 659
Enable temporary staging area storage unit setting ...................... 659
Use any available media server storage unit setting ..................... 660
Use WORM setting ............................................................... 660
About universal shares ................................................................ 661

Chapter 13 Staging backups .............................................................. 664

About staging backups ................................................................ 664

About basic disk staging ............................................................... 665
Creating a basic disk staging storage unit ........................................ 666
Creating a schedule for a basic disk staging storage unit .............. 667
Contents 21

Configuring multiple copies in a relocation schedule ........................... 668

Disk staging storage unit size and capacity ...................................... 671
Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit
.......................................................................................... 673
Disk Staging Schedule dialog box ................................................. 674
Initiating a relocation schedule manually .......................................... 677

Chapter 14 Configuring storage unit groups .................................. 678

About storage unit groups ............................................................ 678

Creating storage unit groups for backups ......................................... 679
Creating storage unit groups for snapshots ...................................... 681
Deleting a storage unit group ........................................................ 683
Storage unit selection criteria within a group ..................................... 683
Media server load balancing ................................................... 684
Exception to the storage unit selection criteria ............................ 686
About disk spanning within storage unit groups ................................. 687

Section 4 Configuring storage lifecycle policies

(SLPs) ........................................................................ 688
Chapter 15 Configuring storage lifecycle policies ........................ 689

About storage lifecycle policies ...................................................... 689

Creating a storage lifecycle policy .................................................. 690
Modifying the hierarchy of operations in a storage lifecycle policy
.................................................................................... 693
Deleting a storage lifecycle policy ................................................... 694
Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command ............ 695

Chapter 16 Storage operations .......................................................... 697

Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy ..................................... 697

Backup operation in an SLP .......................................................... 697
Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP .................................... 699
Duplication operation in an SLP ..................................................... 701
Import operation in an SLP ........................................................... 703
Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP ....................................... 705
Determining where and when the Index From Snapshot operation
occurs .......................................................................... 707
Replication operation in an SLP ..................................................... 708
Snapshot operation in an SLP ....................................................... 711
Primary snapshot storage unit ................................................. 713
Contents 22

Primary + Replication source snapshot storage unit ..................... 713

Replication source + Replication target snapshot storage unit
.................................................................................... 714
Replication target snapshot storage unit .................................... 714
Replication source + Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage
unit .............................................................................. 715
Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage unit ......................... 715
Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy
.......................................................................................... 715

Chapter 17 Retention types for SLP operations ........................... 718

Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations ........................ 718

Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations ......................... 720
Rules and recommendations for using the Capacity Managed
retention type ................................................................. 721
Capacity managed retention type and disk types that support SIS
.................................................................................... 721
Expire after copy retention type for SLP operations ............................ 722
Fixed retention type for SLP operations ........................................... 722
Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations .................. 723
Mirror retention type for SLP operations .......................................... 724
Target retention type for SLP operations .......................................... 725

Chapter 18 Storage lifecycle policy options ................................... 726

Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings ..................................... 726

New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings ....................... 730
Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box ...................... 730
Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box ......................... 734
Creating a new window for a storage lifecycle policy operation
.................................................................................... 736
Excluding days from a window for a storage lifecycle policy
operation ...................................................................... 737
Storage lifecycle policy validation dialog box .................................... 738
Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab .................................... 739

Chapter 19 Using a storage lifecycle policy to create multiple

copies ............................................................................ 741
About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy ................ 741
How the order of the operations determines the copy order ................. 742
About ensuring successful copies using lifecycles ............................. 742
Contents 23

Chapter 20 Storage lifecycle policy versions ................................. 744

About storage lifecycle policy versions ............................................ 744

Storage lifecycle changes and versioning ........................................ 745
When changes to storage lifecycle policies become effective ............... 747
Deleting old storage lifecycle policy versions .................................... 747

Section 5 Configuring backups .............................................. 749

Chapter 21 Creating backup policies ............................................... 750

About the Policies utility .............................................................. 751

Planning for policies .................................................................... 752
Windows example of one client in multiple policies ...................... 755
Policy attributes that affect how clients are grouped in policies
.................................................................................... 756
About Microsoft DFSR backups and restores .............................. 756
Creating a backup policy .............................................................. 759
Adding or changing schedules in a policy ........................................ 760
Changing multiple policies at one time ............................................ 761
Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage
lifecycle policies ................................................................... 762
Copying or moving policy items to another policy ............................... 762
Copying a policy to create a new policy ........................................... 763
Copying a schedule into the same policy or different policy .................. 764
Deleting schedules, backup selections, or clients from a policy ............. 764
Policy Attributes tab .................................................................... 765
Policy type (policy attribute) .................................................... 766
Data classifications (policy attribute) ......................................... 770
Policy storage (policy attribute) ................................................ 770
Policy volume pool (policy attribute) .......................................... 773
Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute) .................... 775
Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute) ........................................ 779
Job priority (policy attribute) .................................................... 780
Media Owner (policy attribute) ................................................. 781
Go into effect at (policy attribute) .............................................. 781
Follow NFS (policy attribute) ................................................... 782
Backup Network Drives (policy attribute) .................................... 783
Cross mount points (policy attribute) ......................................... 785
Compression (policy attribute) ................................................. 789
Encryption (policy attribute) ..................................................... 791
Collect disaster recovery information for Bare Metal Restore (policy
attribute) ....................................................................... 793
Contents 24

Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and

without move detection .................................................... 793
Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute) .............................. 797
Disable client-side deduplication (policy attribute) ........................ 801
Enable granular recovery (policy attribute) ................................. 801
Use Accelerator (policy attribute) ............................................. 802
Enable optimized backup of Windows deduplicated volumes ......... 822
Keyword phrase (policy attribute) ............................................. 825
Snapshot Client and Replication Director (policy attributes) ........... 826
Perform block level incremental backups (policy attributes) ........... 826
Use Replication Director (policy attributes) ................................. 826
Perform snapshot backups (policy attributes) .............................. 828
Microsoft Exchange Attributes (policy attributes) ......................... 828
Schedules tab ........................................................................... 828
Schedule Attributes tab ............................................................... 829
Name (schedule attribute) ...................................................... 830
Type of backup (schedule attribute) .......................................... 830
Synthetic backup (schedule attribute) ........................................ 839
Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute) ................... 840
Calendar (schedule attribute) .................................................. 842
Frequency (schedule attribute) ................................................ 842
Instant Recovery (schedule attribute) ........................................ 844
Multiple copies (schedule attribute) ........................................... 845
Override policy storage (schedule attribute) ................................ 849
Override policy volume pool (schedule attribute) ......................... 850
Override media owner (schedule attribute) ................................. 850
Retention (schedule attribute) .................................................. 851
Media multiplexing (schedule attribute) ...................................... 854
Start Window tab ....................................................................... 861
Adding, changing, or deleting a time window in a policy schedule
.................................................................................... 861
Example of schedule duration ................................................. 864
Excluding days from a schedule .................................................... 865
Include Dates tab ....................................................................... 866
Calendar scheduling with the Include Dates tab .......................... 866
How NetBackup determines which schedule to run next ..................... 868
About schedule windows that span midnight ..................................... 870
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based
schedules ........................................................................... 871
Creating an open schedule in the NetBackup Administration
Console ........................................................................ 875
Runtime considerations that affect backup frequency ................... 876
About the Clients tab ................................................................... 877
Contents 25

Adding, changing, or deleting clients in a policy .......................... 877

Browse for Hyper-V virtual machines ........................................ 879
Backup Selections tab ................................................................ 880
Adding backup selections to a policy ......................................... 882
Verifying the Backup Selections list .......................................... 890
How to reduce backup time ..................................................... 893
Pathname rules for Windows client backups ............................... 894
Pathname rules for Windows disk image (raw) backups ................ 897
Pathname rules for Windows registry backups ............................ 898
About hard links to files and directories ..................................... 899
Pathname rules for UNIX client backups .................................... 901
Pathname rules for the clients that run extension products ............ 909
About the directives on the Backup Selections list ....................... 909
Files that are excluded from backups by default .......................... 922
About excluding files from automatic backups ............................. 923
Files that are excluded by Microsoft Windows Backup .................. 924
VMware Policy tab ...................................................................... 925
Hyper-V Policies tab .................................................................... 927
Exclude Disks tab ....................................................................... 928
Disaster Recovery tab ................................................................. 930
Adding policies to the Critical Policies list of a catalog backup
policy ........................................................................... 934
Creating a Vault policy ................................................................. 935
Creating a BigData policy ............................................................. 936
Performing manual backups ......................................................... 938
Active Directory granular backups and recovery ................................ 939
System requirements for Active Directory granular NetBackup
backups and recovery ..................................................... 940
Creating a policy that allows Active Directory granular restores
.................................................................................... 940
Restoring Active Directory objects ............................................ 942
Troubleshooting granular restore issues .................................... 943

Chapter 22 Synthetic backups ........................................................... 946

About synthetic backups .............................................................. 946

Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores ....................... 947
Synthetic full backups .................................................................. 950
Synthetic cumulative incremental backups ....................................... 952
Schedules that must appear in a policy for synthetic backups .............. 954
Adding clients to a policy for synthetic backups ................................. 954
Change journal and synthesized backups ........................................ 955
True image restore and synthesized backups ................................... 955
Contents 26

Displaying synthetic backups in the Activity Monitor ........................... 955

Logs produced during synthetic backups ......................................... 956
Synthetic backups and directory and file attributes ............................. 956
Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method ............................ 957
Configuring multiple copy synthetic backups ............................... 958
Configuration variables for multiple copy synthetic backups ........... 959
Multiple copy synthetic backups configuration examples ............... 960
Optimized synthetic backups ......................................................... 961
Optimized synthetic backups for deduplication .................................. 961

Chapter 23 Protecting the NetBackup catalog .............................. 962

About the NetBackup catalog ........................................................ 962

Parts of the NetBackup catalog ...................................................... 963
About the NetBackup relational database .................................. 966
About the NetBackup image database ...................................... 970
About the catalog backup of cloud configuration files .................... 972
Protecting the NetBackup catalog .................................................. 973
About catalog backups .......................................................... 974
Using the Catalog Backup Wizard to configure a catalog backup
.................................................................................... 975
Using the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure a catalog
backup ......................................................................... 979
Configuring a catalog backup manually ..................................... 982
Backing up NetBackup catalogs manually .................................. 984
Concurrently running catalog backups with other backups ............. 985
About catalog policy schedules ................................................ 985
How catalog incrementals and standard backups interact on UNIX
.................................................................................... 986
Determining whether or not a catalog backup succeeded .............. 987
Strategies that ensure successful NetBackup catalog backups
.................................................................................... 987
Recovering the catalog ................................................................ 988
Disaster recovery emails and the disaster recovery files ..................... 988
Disaster recovery packages .......................................................... 989
About disaster recovery settings .................................................... 990
Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages ............... 991
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive ................ 993
Enabling intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number
of .f files ........................................................................ 996
Creating a catalog archiving policy .......................................... 1000
Catalog archiving commands ................................................ 1001
Catalog archiving considerations ............................................ 1003
Contents 27

Extracting images from the catalog archives ............................. 1004

Estimating catalog space requirements .......................................... 1004
NetBackup file size considerations on UNIX systems .................. 1006
About the binary catalog format .............................................. 1006
Moving the image catalog ..................................................... 1006
About image catalog compression .......................................... 1009

Chapter 24 About the NetBackup relational database .............. 1013

About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation ............. 1013
About NetBackup master server installed directories and files
.................................................................................. 1016
About the NetBackup configuration entry ................................. 1025
Sybase SQL Anywhere server management ............................. 1025
Sybase SQL Anywhere and clustered environments ................... 1026
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows
........................................................................................ 1027
About the General tab of the NetBackup Database Administration
utility .......................................................................... 1028
About the Tools tab of the NetBackup Database Administration
utility .......................................................................... 1033
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX ............ 1039
About the Select/Restart Database and Change Password menu
options ....................................................................... 1041
About the Database Space and Memory Management menu
options ....................................................................... 1042
About the Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu options
.................................................................................. 1044
About the Move Database menu options .................................. 1045
About the Unload Database menu options ............................... 1046
About the Backup and Restore Database menu options .............. 1047
Post-installation tasks ................................................................ 1048
Changing the NetBackup database password ........................... 1048
Moving NBDB database files after installation ........................... 1049
Adding a mirrored transaction log ........................................... 1051
Creating the NBDB database manually .................................... 1053
About backup and recovery procedures ......................................... 1055
Database transaction log ...................................................... 1056
About catalog recovery ......................................................... 1056
Commands for backing up and recovering the relational databases
.................................................................................. 1057
About the catalog backup process .......................................... 1058
Unloading the NetBackup database .............................................. 1059
Contents 28

Terminating database connections ................................................ 1060

Chapter 25 Managing backup images ........................................... 1062

About the Catalog utility .............................................................. 1062

About searching for backup images .............................................. 1064
Verifying backup images ............................................................. 1066
Viewing job results .................................................................... 1067
Promoting a copy to a primary copy .............................................. 1067
Duplicating backup images ......................................................... 1070
Multiplexed duplication considerations ..................................... 1075
Jobs that appear while making multiple copies .......................... 1076
Expiring backup images ............................................................. 1076
About importing backup images ................................................... 1077
About importing expired images ............................................. 1078
Importing backup images, Phase I .......................................... 1079
Importing backup images, Phase II ......................................... 1081

Chapter 26 Configuring immutability and indelibility of data

in NetBackup ............................................................. 1083
About immutable and indelible data .............................................. 1083
Workflow to configure immutable and indelible data ......................... 1084
Deleting an immutable image from storage using the bpexpdate
command .......................................................................... 1085
Removing an immutable image from the catalog using the bpexpdate
command .......................................................................... 1087

Section 6 Deployment Management ............................... 1088

Chapter 27 Deployment Management .......................................... 1089

About deployment policies utility ................................................... 1089

Deployment policy management .................................................. 1091
Copying a deployment policy to create a new deployment policy ......... 1095
Copying or moving policy items to another policy ............................. 1096
Attributes tab ............................................................................ 1097
Schedules tab .......................................................................... 1098
Adding or changing schedules in a deployment policy ...................... 1099
Copying a schedule into the same deployment policy or different
deployment policy ......................................................... 1100
Deleting schedules or hosts from a deployment policy ...................... 1100
Manually initiating deployment jobs with a policy .............................. 1101
Contents 29

Perform client initiated upgrade with VxUpdate ................................ 1102

Deployment job status ................................................................ 1102

Section 7 Configuring replication ....................................... 1105

Chapter 28 About NetBackup replication ...................................... 1106

About NetBackup replication ....................................................... 1106

About NetBackup Auto Image Replication ...................................... 1107
One-to-many Auto Image Replication model ............................. 1109
Cascading Auto Image Replication model ................................ 1109
About the domain relationship for replication ............................. 1112
About the replication topology for Auto Image Replication ............ 1113
Viewing the replication topology for Auto Image Replication ......... 1115
About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication ............ 1120
About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image
Replication .................................................................. 1124
About Auto Image Replication import confirmation ..................... 1128
Auto Image Replication setup overview ................................... 1129
How to resolve volume changes for Auto Image Replication ......... 1130
Removing or replacing replication relationships in an Auto Image
Replication configuration ................................................ 1133
About restoring from a backup at a target master domain ............ 1147
Reporting on Auto Image Replication jobs ................................ 1148
About NetBackup Replication Director ........................................... 1149

Section 8 Monitoring and reporting ................................... 1151

Chapter 29 Monitoring NetBackup activity .................................... 1152
About the Activity Monitor ........................................................... 1152
Setting Activity Monitor options .................................................... 1154
About the Jobs tab .................................................................... 1156
Viewing job details in the Activity Monitor ................................. 1157
Deleting completed jobs in the Activity Monitor .......................... 1157
Canceling a job that has not completed in the Activity Monitor
.................................................................................. 1158
Restarting a failed (completed) job in the Activity Monitor ............ 1158
Suspending and resuming jobs in the Activity Monitor ................. 1158
Printing job list information in the Activity Monitor ....................... 1159
Exporting Activity Monitor data to a text file ............................... 1159
Copying Activity Monitor text to a file ....................................... 1160
Contents 30

Changing the Job Priority dynamically from the Activity Monitor

.................................................................................. 1160
About the Daemons tab .............................................................. 1161
Using the nbrbutil utility to configure the NetBackup Resource
Broker ........................................................................ 1167
Types of NetBackup daemons ............................................... 1172
Monitoring NetBackup daemons ............................................ 1172
Starting or stopping a daemon ............................................... 1172
Displaying all media servers in the Activity Monitor ..................... 1173
About the Processes tab ............................................................. 1173
Monitoring NetBackup processes in the Process Details dialog
box ............................................................................ 1178
About the Drives tab .................................................................. 1179
Monitoring tape drives .......................................................... 1180
Cleaning tape drives from the Activity Monitor ........................... 1180
About the Error Logs tab ............................................................. 1181
About the jobs database ............................................................. 1181
Changing the default bpdbjobs_options values .......................... 1182
About the BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS environment variable .............. 1183
bpdbjobs command line options ............................................. 1185
Enabling the bpdbjobs debug log ........................................... 1185
About the Device Monitor ............................................................ 1186
About media mount errors ........................................................... 1186
About pending requests and actions ............................................. 1187
About pending requests for storage units ................................. 1188
Resolving a pending request ................................................. 1188
Resolving a pending action ................................................... 1189
Resubmitting a request ........................................................ 1190
Denying a request ............................................................... 1191

Chapter 30 Reporting in NetBackup ............................................... 1192

About the Reports utility ............................................................. 1192

Running a report ....................................................................... 1195
Copying report text to another document ........................................ 1196
Saving or exporting a report ........................................................ 1197
Printing a report ........................................................................ 1197

Chapter 31 Email notifications .......................................................... 1198

Send notifications to the backup administrator about failed backups

........................................................................................ 1198
Send notifications to a host administrator about backups ................... 1199
Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts ..................... 1200
Contents 31

Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows ............................ 1201
Send notifications about KMS certificate expiration .......................... 1201

Section 9 Administering NetBackup ................................. 1203

Chapter 32 Management topics ....................................................... 1204

Configuring the NetBackup Client Service ...................................... 1204

Units of measure used with NetBackup .......................................... 1205
NetBackup naming conventions ................................................... 1206
Wildcard use in NetBackup ......................................................... 1207
Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy ............ 1209

Chapter 33 Accessing a remote server .......................................... 1213

Prerequisites for accessing a remote server ................................... 1213
Allow access to another server .............................................. 1213
Authorize users of one server to access another server .............. 1214
Accessing remote servers ........................................................... 1215
Troubleshooting remote server administration ................................. 1216

Chapter 34 Using the NetBackup Remote Administration

Console ....................................................................... 1218
About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console ...................... 1218
About authorizing NetBackup users .............................................. 1221
Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics .................................... 1221
About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications ................... 1224
About authorizing specific tasks in the Backup, Archive, and Restore
user interface ..................................................................... 1225
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration
Console ............................................................................ 1226
BROWSER_BINARY_PATH .................................................. 1226
.................................................................................. 1227
FIREWALL_IN .................................................................... 1227
FORCE_IPADDR_LOOKUP .................................................. 1229
INITIAL_MEMORY, MAX_MEMORY ....................................... 1230
MEM_USE_WARNING ........................................................ 1231
NB_FIPS_MODE ................................................................ 1231
NBJAVA_CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW ....................................... 1231
NBJAVA_CORBA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT .................................. 1232
NBJAVA_CORBA_LONG_TIMEOUT ...................................... 1232
Contents 32

NETBACKUP_API_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT ......................... 1233

PBX_PORT ....................................................................... 1233
USE_URANDOM ................................................................ 1233
VNETD_PORT ................................................................... 1234
About improving NetBackup performance ...................................... 1234
About running the NetBackup Administration Console locally ....... 1235
About running a console locally and administering a remote server
.................................................................................. 1235
Enhancing console performance ............................................ 1236
Determining better performance when the console is run locally
or uses remote display back ............................................ 1237
About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup Administration console
........................................................................................ 1238
Adjusting the time zone in the NetBackup Administration Console
or the Backup, Archive, and Restore console ...................... 1239
Configuring a custom time zone in the NetBackup Administration
Console or the Backup, Archive, and Restore console .......... 1239

Chapter 35 Alternate server restores ............................................. 1241

About alternate server restores .................................................... 1241

About supported configurations for alternate server restores .............. 1242
About performing alternate server restores ..................................... 1243
About modifying the NetBackup catalogs ................................. 1244
Overriding the original server for restores ................................. 1245
About enabling automatic failover to an alternate server .............. 1247
Expiring and importing media for alternate server restores ........... 1248

Chapter 36 Managing client backups and restores .................... 1250

About server-directed restores ..................................................... 1250
About client-redirected restores .................................................... 1251
About restore restrictions ...................................................... 1252
Allowing all clients to perform redirected restores ....................... 1253
Allowing a single client to perform redirected restores ................. 1253
Allowing redirected restores of a specific client’s files ................. 1254
Examples of redirected restores ............................................. 1254
About restoring the files that have Access Control Lists (ACLs) .......... 1260
About setting the original atime for files during restores on UNIX ......... 1261
Restoring the System State ......................................................... 1261
About the backup and restore of compressed files on VxFS file systems
........................................................................................ 1264
About backups and restores on ReFS ........................................... 1265
Contents 33

Chapter 37 Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers

........................................................................................ 1266

Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers ........................... 1266

Shutting down and starting up all NetBackup services and daemons
........................................................................................ 1267
Rebooting a NetBackup server .................................................... 1268
Rebooting a NetBackup media server ........................................... 1268
About displaying active processes with bpps on UNIX ...................... 1269
About displaying robotic processes with vmps on UNIX ..................... 1270

Chapter 38 About Granular Recovery Technology ..................... 1271

About installing and configuring Network File System (NFS) for Active
Directory Granular Recovery ................................................. 1271
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) ................ 1272
Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a media
server ......................................................................... 1273
Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a client ....... 1276
Disabling the Client for NFS on the media server ....................... 1278
Disabling the Server for NFS ................................................. 1280
Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows clients for backups
and restores that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) ........ 1282
Configuring a different network port for NBFSD ............................... 1283
Section 1
About NetBackup

■ Chapter 1. Introducing the NetBackup interfaces

■ Chapter 2. Administering NetBackup licenses

Chapter 1
Introducing the NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NetBackup

■ NetBackup documentation

■ About NetBackup administration interfaces

■ Using the NetBackup Administration Console

■ NetBackup configuration wizards

■ Running the Troubleshooter

About NetBackup
NetBackup provides a complete, flexible data protection solution for a variety of
platforms. The platforms include Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems.
NetBackup administrators can set up periodic or calendar-based schedules to
perform automatic, unattended backups for clients across a network. An
administrator can carefully schedule backups to achieve systematic and complete
backups over a period of time, and optimize network traffic during off-peak hours.
The backups can be full or incremental: Full backups back up all indicated client
files, while incremental backups back up only the files that have changed since the
last backup.
The NetBackup administrator can allow users to back up, restore, or archive the
files from their computer. (An archive operation backs up a file, then deletes it from
the local disk if the backup is successful.)
NetBackup includes both the server and the client software as follows:
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 36
About NetBackup

■ Server software resides on the computer that manages the storage devices.
■ Client software resides on computer(s) that contain data to back up. (Servers
also contain client software and can be backed up.)
Figure 1-1 shows an example of a NetBackup storage domain.

Figure 1-1 NetBackup storage domain example

master server

Media servers


Media Manager tape Storage unit disk pool
storage unit


NetBackup accommodates multiple servers that work together under the

administrative control of one NetBackup master server in the following ways:
■ The master server manages backups, archives, and restores. The master server
is responsible for media and device selection for NetBackup. Typically, the
master server contains the NetBackup catalog. The catalog contains the internal
databases that contain information about NetBackup backups and configuration.
■ Media servers provide additional storage by allowing NetBackup to use the
storage devices that are attached to them. Media servers can also increase
performance by distributing the network load. Media servers can also be referred
to by using the following terms:
■ Device hosts (when tape devices are present)
■ Storage servers (when I/O is directly to disk)
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 37
NetBackup documentation

■ Data movers (when data is sent to independent, external disk devices like
OpenStorage appliances)

During a backup or archive, the client sends backup data across the network to a
NetBackup server. The NetBackup server manages the type of storage that is
specified in the backup policy.
During a restore, users can browse, then select the files and directories to recover.
NetBackup finds the selected files and directories and restores them to the disk on
the client.

NetBackup documentation
For a complete list of NetBackup technical documents for each supported release,
see the NetBackup Documentation Landing Page at the following URL:
The documents are in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF), viewable with
the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download the reader from
No responsibility is assumed for the installation and use of the Adobe Acrobat

About NetBackup administration interfaces

NetBackup can be administered with several interfaces. The best choice depends
on personal preference and the workstation that is available to the administrator.

Table 1-1 NetBackup administration interfaces

Name of Description

NetBackup web With the NetBackup web user interface (UI), you can administer many NetBackup activities and
user interface configurations, including role-based access control. For specific information about the web UI and
its features, refer to the web UI administrators' guides that are available at the following website:
To start the NetBackup web UI:

■ Open a web browser and go to https://masterserver/webui/login.

Note: Users must have a role that is configured for them in NetBackup RBAC.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 38
About NetBackup administration interfaces

Table 1-1 NetBackup administration interfaces (continued)

Name of Description

NetBackup The NetBackup Administration Console contains all the available configuration and features
Administration for NetBackup, with the exception of role-based access control.
From the master server you can configure and manage the storage devices on all of your media

See “Administering remote servers of different versions” on page 40.

NetBackup includes an administration console for all the supported versions of NetBackup. Select
the version of the console that is compatible with the NetBackup server that you want to administer.
To start the NetBackup Administration Console

■ On Windows, select NetBackup 8.x Administration Console from the Start menu.
■ On UNIX, run the jnbSA command.

Note: To log in to any NetBackup Administration Console, your login credentials must be
authenticated from the connecting master or media server.

Character-based, Run the tpconfig command to start a character-based, menu interface for device management.
menu interface
Use the tpconfig interface from any terminal (or terminal emulation window) that has a termcap
or a terminfo definition.

Command line NetBackup commands are available on both Windows and UNIX platforms. Enter NetBackup
commands at the system prompt or use the commands in scripts.

All NetBackup administrator programs and commands require root or administrator user privileges
by default.

See “About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications” on page 1224.

For complete information on all NetBackup commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

To view help for the commands, use the UNIX man command.

See “Using the NetBackup Administration Console” on page 44.

See “Administering remote servers of different versions” on page 40.

About security certificates for NetBackup hosts

NetBackup uses security certificates for authentication of NetBackup hosts. The
NetBackup security certificates conform to the X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
standard. A master server acts as the NetBackup Certificate Authority (CA) and
issues NetBackup certificates to hosts.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 39
About NetBackup administration interfaces

NetBackup provides two types of NetBackup host security certificates: Host ID-based
certificates and host name-based certificates. Host ID-based certificates are based
on Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) that are assigned to each NetBackup host.
The NetBackup master server assigns these identifiers to the hosts.
Any security certificates that were generated before NetBackup 8.0 are now referred
to as host name-based certificates. NetBackup is in the process of replacing these
older certificates with newer host ID-based certificates. The transition will be
completed in future releases and the use of host name-based certificates will be
eliminated. However, the transition is ongoing and the current NetBackup version
continues to require the older host name-based certificates for certain operations.
NetBackup uses the certificates that are issued from either a NetBackup Certificate
Authority or an external certificate authority for host authentication. If you intend to
use external certificates on your master server, you configure the certificates in a
post-installation process. The media servers and the clients that use external
certificates can either configure external certificates during the installation or
upgrade, or after the installation or upgrade.
More information about the post-installation process is available:
For information on external CA support in NetBackup and external CA-signed
certificates, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

About setting up the NetBackup Administration Console on UNIX

NetBackup provides two Java-based administration consoles through which the
administrator can manage NetBackup. The consoles can be run on either of the
following systems:
■ Directly on a supported Java-capable UNIX computer by running
/usr/openv/java/jnbSA &
The jnbSA command is described in the NetBackup Commands Reference
Use the -r command to connect to the compatible version of the console for
the server that you want to administer.
■ On a Windows computer that has the NetBackup Administration Console
From the multiple versions of consoles installed, select the version of the console
that is compatible with the NetBackup server that you want to administer.
Startup procedures and configuration information is explained in the following topics.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 40
About NetBackup administration interfaces

Administering remote servers of different versions

The NetBackup web user interface (web UI) is only available for NetBackup 8.1.2
and later. This interface is available on the master server and supports the version
of NetBackup on that server. You do not need to locate and open a specific version
as you do with the NetBackup Administration Console. See the documentation for
the NetBackup web UI.
The NetBackup server installation provides multiple versions of the NetBackup
Administration Console to administer remote servers of different versions. When
starting the console, select the version of the console that is compatible with the
NetBackup server that you want to administer.
Alternatively, from the command line, you can use the jnbSA command with the -r
option to launch the console. For example, to connect to a 8.0 master server from
a 8.1 UNIX master server, enter the following command on the 8.1 master server:
./jnbSA -r 8.0

Several versions of the interface exist. Use the -h option and review the -r options
to find out which versions are supported.
If no -r option is specified, the default is the NetBackup version of the current
master server.

Note: To log on to any NetBackup Administration Console, your logon credentials

must be authenticated from the connecting master or media server.

Backward compatibility with triple-dot versions

The NetBackup Administration Console is backward-compatible between a patch
release (x.x.x.x) and a major (x.x) or minor release (x.x.x) that shares the same
first and second digits.
For example, the 8.1.x.y console is compatible with a 8.1 master server. However,
a NetBackup 8.1.x.y console cannot administer a 8.0.x.y master server. See
Figure 1-2 for various examples.

Figure 1-2 Examples of supported and unsupported back-level console


7.7.3 7.7.3 8.1.x.y 8.0.x.y

No Yes No Yes

8.1 7.7 8.0.x.y 8.0

See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.

Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 41
About NetBackup administration interfaces

Logging in to the NetBackup Administration Console

Use the NetBackup Administration Console to administer and monitor NetBackup
To log in to the NetBackup Administration Console
1 On a Windows host where the NetBackup Administration Console is installed,
select Start > Programs > Veritas NetBackup > NetBackup version
Administration Console.
On a UNIX computer, use the jnbSA command:
/usr/openv/java/jnbSA &

The Login screen is displayed.

Note: If the FIPS mode is enabled while you launch the NetBackup
Administration Console, it is indicated on the title bar of the Login screen.

2 The login screen for the NetBackup Administration Console displays a name
in the Host name field.
The default host name is the last host that you successfully logged in to. The
drop-down list contains the names of other hosts that you logged in to.
To log in to a different host, type the name of another host.
If the server you enter is a media server or client, the media server or client
must have a security certificate installed.
See “About security certificates for NetBackup hosts” on page 38.
3 Select one of the following login options:
■ User name and password
In the login screen, type your user name and password. To log in to a
Windows server, enter both the domain of the server and the user name
as follows:


The domain_name specifies the domain of the NetBackup host. If the host
is not a member of a domain, the domain_name is not required.
■ Windows Active Directory login credentials
With this option, you can bypass the authentication that is required using
the user name and enable Single Sign-on (SSO).
Users with administrative as well as non-administrative privileges can use
SSO. The user with administrative privileges needs to right-click and select
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 42
About NetBackup administration interfaces

the Run as administrator option while launching the NetBackup

Administration Console. Selecting this option enables the user to view
the console with administrative privileges.
Note the following about SSO:
■ The SSO option is available only when both the NetBackup master
server and the NetBackup client are Windows hosts.
■ After the first successful login using SSO, the Use Active Directory
login credentials option remains in the enabled state for the next login
attempt on the same server for the same client.
■ The NetBackup Administration Console on a UNIX master server
does not show the option to use the Active Directory credentials.
■ UNIX hosts can log in to the application server using the user
name-based authentication.

■ Single sign-on, Certificates, or Smart Cards through the Web UI

This option enables you to access the NetBackup web UI for authentication
using single sign-on (SSO), certificates, or smart cards.
Review the following information
■ This option is disabled if the single sign-on, certificates, or smart cards
configurations are not enabled on the master server. If these
configurations are not available on the master server, a message is
■ To authenticate through this option, ensure that the master server is
configured for smart cards, user certificates, or SAML 2 FA single
See the Configure NetBackup for Single Sign-On (SSO) topic in the
NetBackup Web UI Administrator’s Guide.
■ This option is not supported on NetBackup clients and media servers.
■ This option is not supported in NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) mode.
■ This option is available through the standalone remote Java consoles
and for the master server.
Users with one of the following permissions can access the NetBackup
Administration Console using this login option:
■ RBAC administrator
■ Entry in the auth.conf configuration file
■ Enhanced auditing (EA) administrator
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 43
About NetBackup administration interfaces

The user authentication process with the Single sign-on, Certificates, or

Smart Cards through the Web UI option:
■ The web browser is automatically launched and the NetBackup web UI
login page is displayed.
If the browser is not automatically launched, configure the
BROWSER_BINARY_PATH option in the nbj.conf configuration file to launch
a browser.
See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
■ Authenticate on the web UI using the certificate, smart cards, or
single-sign-on option if these options are configured.
■ Once the authentication is successful using the web UI, you can close
the web browser and return to the NetBackup Administration Console
to continue.

4 Click Login to log in to the NetBackup application server program on the

specified server. The interface program continues to communicate through the
server that is specified in the logon screen for the remainder of the current

Note: If the FIPS mode is enabled while you logon to the NetBackup
Administration Console, it is indicated on the title bar of the NetBackup
Administration Console.

See “User Account Settings properties” on page 239.

Notes about using the NetBackup Administration Console

■ The NetBackup Administration Console is best viewed at a screen resolution
of 1280 X 1024 or higher. The minimum supported screen resolution to use the
console is 1024 X 768.
■ The NetBackup Administration Console does not support user-defined
characters (UDC) and vendor-defined characters (VDC) because of the
implementation of Java’s encoding converters.
■ On non-English versions of Windows and UNIX systems, the NetBackup
Administration Console may display non-US ASCII characters incorrectly.
This issue can lead to functional failures.
This issue results from a character encoding mismatch between the NetBackup
server and the NetBackup Administration Console. For a detailed description
of the configuration, refer to the following article:
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 44
Using the NetBackup Administration Console

■ To use the NetBackup Administration Console on a Windows computer, the

Microsoft Windows UAC (User Access Control) feature must be disabled. See
the following link for instructions:
■ If there is more than one NetBackup server, the NetBackup Administration
Console can be run on more than one server at one time. However, if more
than one administrator makes changes to the configuration, the results are
See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.

Using the NetBackup Administration Console

The NetBackup Administration Console provides an interface for the administrator
to manage NetBackup.

Item Description

Current master server The name of the currently selected master server. The information in the
NetBackup Administration Console applies to this server only.

Login Activity Displays the information about the current user's logon attempts and the
password expiration date.

Backup, Archive, and Restore Administrators can use this utility to perform backup and restore operations
of NetBackup clients.
Note: The server-directed restores for policy types Standard and
MS-Windows are also available on the NetBackup web UI.

Activity Monitor Displays NetBackup job information and provides the control over the jobs,
services, processes, and drives.

See “About the Activity Monitor” on page 1152.

Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 45
Using the NetBackup Administration Console

Item Description

NetBackup Management Contains many utilities to manage NetBackup:

■ Reports - Use to compile information to verify, manage, and troubleshoot

NetBackup operations.
See “About the Reports utility” on page 1192.
■ Policies - Use to create and specify the policies that back up a group of
See “About the Policies utility ” on page 751.
■ Storage - Use to configure storage and storage lifecycle policies (SLPs).
See “About the Storage utility ” on page 629.
■ Catalog - Use to create and configure a catalog backup.
See “About the Catalog utility” on page 1062.
■ Host Properties - Use to customize NetBackup configuration options.
See “About the NetBackup Host Properties” on page 57.
■ Applications - Contains the instances on SQL and on Oracle clients that
are used to build an Oracle or a SQL Intelligent Policy.
For more information, see the NetBackup for Oracle Administrator’s Guide
and the NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator’s Guide.

Media and Device Management Contains the utilities for managing the media and devices that NetBackup
uses to store backups:

■ Device Monitor - Manages the drives, device paths, and service requests
for operators.
■ Media - Adds and manages removable media.
■ Devices - Adds, configures, and manages storage devices.
■ Credentials - Adds, removes, and manages logon credentials for NDMP
hosts or storage servers.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 46
NetBackup configuration wizards

Item Description

Security Management Contains the utilities to manage settings for security and host:

■ Security Events - Use to view the logon details about the current
administrator and the user-initiated changes that are made to NetBackup
For more information about Security Events, see the NetBackup Security
and Encryption Guide.
■ Host Management - Use to carry out NetBackup host operations, such
as adding or removing host ID to host name mappings, reset host, or add
comment for a host.
■ Certificate Management - Use to manage NetBackup certificates and
view external certificates.
■ Global Security Settings - Use to configure security settings for the
NetBackup domain.
■ Access Management - NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) is the legacy
access control method for NetBackup and is no longer being updated. It
is recommended that you use role-based access control (RBAC) with
the web UI.

Other licensed utilities Additional licensed utilities appear under the main NetBackup nodes.

Logging Assistant A tool that helps administrators configure, gather, and upload debug logs.

For more information, see the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide.

Deployment Management Contains a utility for the main component of VxUpdate that serves as a client
or a host upgrade tool.

See “About deployment policies utility” on page 1089.

For more information regarding VxUpdate, see the NetBackup Upgrade

NetBackup configuration wizards

The easiest way to configure NetBackup is to use the configuration wizards available
in the NetBackup Administration Console.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 47
NetBackup configuration wizards

Table 1-2 Configuration wizards

Wizard Description

Getting Started Wizard Configures NetBackup for the first time. The wizard leads the user through the
necessary steps to a working NetBackup configuration.
The Getting Started Wizard is comprised of the following wizards, which can also
be run separately, outside of the Getting Started Wizard:

■ Device Configuration Wizard

■ Volume Configuration Wizard
■ Catalog Backup Wizard
■ Policy Configuration Wizard

Configure more advanced properties through the individual utilities.

Note: Do not use the Getting Started Wizard to configure policies for Replication

Device Configuration Wizard Click Configure Storage Devices to configure NetBackup to use robotic tape
libraries and tape drives.

Storage Server Configuration Click Configure Disk Storage Servers to create the servers that manage disk
Wizard storage.

The wizard appears if a NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option license

is installed.

Cloud Storage Server Click Configure Cloud Storage Servers to add or configure a cloud provider.
Configuration Wizard
For more information, see the NetBackup Cloud Administrator's Guide.

Disk Pool Configuration Wizard Click Configure Disk Pool to create pools of disk volumes for backup by one or
more media servers.

The wizard appears if a NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option license

is installed.

Volume Configuration Wizard Click Configure Volumes to configure removable media to use for backups.

Catalog Backup Wizard Click Configure the Catalog Backup to set up catalog backups. Catalog backups
are essential to recover data in the case of a server failure or crash.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 48
Running the Troubleshooter

Table 1-2 Configuration wizards (continued)

Wizard Description

Policy Configuration Wizard Click Create a Policy to set up one of the policy types:

■ A policy to back up file systems, databases, or applications.

■ A policy to protect VMware or Hyper-V virtual machines.
■ A policy to back up NDMP hosts.
■ A policy to back up Oracle data.

Note: Do not use the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure policies for
Replication Director.

Import Images Wizard This wizard is available only on computers running Windows. Click Import Images
to import NetBackup images in a two-part process.

See “About importing backup images” on page 1077.

Catalog Recovery Wizard Click Recover the Catalog to recover a catalog backup in a disaster recovery
Note: This wizard is also available on the NetBackup web UI. To recover the
catalogs, on the top right, click Settings > NetBackup Catalog Recovery or on
the left pane, select Recovery, and then NetBackup Catalog Recovery.

For more information about NetBackup disaster recovery, see the NetBackup
Troubleshooting Guide.

Running the Troubleshooter

Use the Troubleshooter to understand the status of a job.
To run the Troubleshooter
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, do one of the following:

To understand the status of a ■ In the left pane, click Activity Monitor.

job in the Activity Monitor ■ In the right pane, select the Jobs tab at the bottom
of the pane.
■ Select a job from the list.
Introducing the NetBackup interfaces 49
Running the Troubleshooter

To understand the status of a ■ In the left pane, expand NetBackup Management

job in a report > Reports.
■ In the left pane, click the name of the report you want
to run.
For some reports, you must first expand a report
group, and then click the name of the report.
■ In the right pane, click Run Report.
■ Select a job from the list that is generated.

To look up a status code Go to step 2.

2 Click Help > Troubleshooter.

3 If no explanation appears, enter a status code and click Lookup.
The Troubleshooter provides assistance for NetBackup codes only. Use the
NetBackup help to find information for Media and Device Management codes.
Chapter 2
Administering NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About administering NetBackup licenses

About administering NetBackup licenses

NetBackup license keys are added when the software is installed. Licenses can be
added later in the License Key dialog box for separately-priced options.
To access NetBackup licenses on a UNIX computer, use either the menu-driven
license utility ( utility) or the bpminlicense command.
See the following topic for instructions:
Starting the NetBackup license utility on a UNIX computer

Accessing licenses for a NetBackup server

Use the following procedure to access licenses for a NetBackup server.
To access licenses for a NetBackup master or a media server
1 To view the licenses of the current server:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
2 Select the license details to view as follows:

Summary of Displays a summary of the active features that are licensed on this
active licensed server. This view lists each feature and the number of instances of
features the feature that are licensed.
Administering NetBackup licenses 51
About administering NetBackup licenses

All registered Displays the details of the license keys that are registered on this
license keys server.
details This view lists the following:

■ Each license key

■ The server where the key is registered
■ When the key was registered
■ The features that the key provides

Adding NetBackup licenses

Use the following procedure to add NetBackup licenses to the selected server.
To add a license to a server
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
2 Click New.
3 Enter the license key and click Add or OK.
If you added a license on a computer, restart all of the NetBackup utilities and
the NetBackup Administration Console.
4 Perform a manual catalog backup after the licenses are updated.
An immediate, manual catalog backup prevents stale licenses from being
restored in case a catalog restore is necessary before the next scheduled
catalog backup.
See “Backing up NetBackup catalogs manually” on page 984.

Printing NetBackup licenses

Use the following procedure to print the licenses that are installed on a NetBackup
To print a list of NetBackup licenses
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
2 Click Print.

Deleting NetBackup licenses

Use the following procedure to delete a license that is installed on a NetBackup
Administering NetBackup licenses 52
About administering NetBackup licenses

To delete a license
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
2 Select the license that you want to delete from the license key list. If the key
has more than one feature, all of the features are listed in the dialog box.
3 Click Delete.
4 Click OK or Yes to delete the key and all of the features that are associated
with the key. The license key cannot be restored.
If you deleted a license, restart all of the NetBackup utilities and the NetBackup
Administration Console.

Viewing NetBackup license key properties

Use the following procedure to view the properties of a NetBackup license.
To view the properties of a NetBackup license
In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
Double-click on a license.

Exporting NetBackup licenses

Use the following procedure to export NetBackup licenses.
To export NetBackup licenses
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Help > License Keys.
2 Click Export.
3 Enter the path and the file name where you want all licenses to be exported.
4 Click Save.

Starting the NetBackup license utility on a UNIX computer

Use the following procedure to start the NetBackup license utility on a computer
running UNIX.
To start the NetBackup license utility on a computer running UNIX
1 From the command line, run

2 At the prompt, enter one of the following menu selections, then press Enter:
■ Type A to add a new license key, then type the license key at the prompt.
■ Type D to delete a license from the list, then type the license key at the
Administering NetBackup licenses 53
About administering NetBackup licenses

■ Type F to list only the licenses that are currently active. Expired licenses
do not appear in this listing. Specify a local or a remote host.
■ Type L to list all registered licenses—active or inactive. Specify a local or
a remote host.
■ Type H for help on the License Key Utility.
■ Type q to quit the utility.
Section 2
Configuring hosts

■ Chapter 3. Configuring Host Properties

■ Chapter 4. Configuring server groups

■ Chapter 5. Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup

■ Chapter 6. Configuring host credentials

■ Chapter 7. Managing media servers

Chapter 3
Configuring Host
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the NetBackup Host Properties

■ Access Control properties

■ Active Directory host properties

■ Bandwidth properties

■ Busy File Settings properties

■ Clean-up properties

■ Client Name properties

■ Client Attributes properties

■ Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

■ Client Settings properties for Windows clients

■ Cloud Storage properties

■ Credential Access properties

■ Data Classification properties

■ Default Job Priorities properties

■ Distributed application restore mapping properties

■ Encryption properties
Configuring Host Properties 56

■ Enterprise Vault properties

■ Enterprise Vault Hosts properties

■ Exchange properties

■ Exclude Lists properties

■ Fibre Transport properties

■ Firewall properties

■ General Server properties

■ Global Attributes properties

■ Logging properties

■ Login Banner Configuration properties

■ Lotus Notes properties

■ Media properties

■ NDMP Global Credentials properties

■ Network properties

■ Network Settings properties

■ Port Ranges properties

■ Preferred Network properties

■ Resilient Network properties

■ Resource Limit properties

■ Restore Failover properties

■ Retention Periods properties

■ RHV Access Hosts properties

■ Scalable Storage properties

■ Servers properties

■ SharePoint properties

■ SLP Parameters properties

■ Throttle Bandwidth properties

Configuring Host Properties 57
About the NetBackup Host Properties

■ Timeouts properties

■ Universal Settings properties

■ User Account Settings properties

■ UNIX Client properties

■ VMware Access Hosts properties

■ Windows Client properties

■ Configuration options not found in the Host Properties

■ About using commands to change the configuration options on UNIX clients

and servers

■ Configuration options for NetBackup servers

■ Configuration options for NetBackup clients

About the NetBackup Host Properties

Note: The Host properties can also be configured on the NetBackup web UI.

The configuration options within the Host Properties let an administrator customize
NetBackup to meet specific site preferences and requirements. Some options cannot
be configured by using the NetBackup Administration Console.
To change the properties of another client or server, the NetBackup server where
you logged on using the NetBackup Administration Console must be in the
Servers list on the other system.
See “Servers properties” on page 207.
See “Allow access to another server” on page 1213.
For example, if you logged on to server_1 using the NetBackup Administration
Console and want to change a setting on client_2, client_2 must include server_1
in its Servers list.

Methods to set the NetBackup configuration options

A NetBackup administrator can use one of the following methods to read or set the
default configuration options or to change those options that do not appear in the
Host Properties:
Configuring Host Properties 58
About the NetBackup Host Properties

Table 3-1 NetBackup Host Properties configuration methods

Method Description

NetBackup Administration Most properties are listed in the NetBackup Administration Console in the Host
Console interface Properties. To navigate to the various properties, select NetBackup Management >
Host Properties. Depending on the host to be configured, select Primary Servers,
Media Servers, or Clients.

See “About the NetBackup Host Properties” on page 57.

NetBackup Web UI interface Most properties are listed in the NetBackup web UI in the Host Properties. To navigate
to the various properties, select Hosts > Host Properties. Depending on the host to
be configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients.

Command line Use the nbgetconfig command or bpgetconfig command to obtain a list of
configuration entries. Then use nbsetconfig or bpsetconfig to change the options
as needed.

These commands update the appropriate configuration files on both Windows (registry)
and UNIX (bp.conf file) primary servers and clients.

Use the nbemmcmd command to modify some options on hosts.

Detailed information on these commands is available in the NetBackup Commands

Reference Guide.

vm.conf file The vm.conf file contains configuration entries for media and device management.

See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II for more information.

Backup, Archive, and Administrators can specify configuration options for NetBackup clients.
Restore client interface
See the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore Getting Started Guide.

Connecting to a host to view the host properties

The NetBackup Administration Console displays properties for NetBackup primary
servers, media servers, and clients under Host Properties.
Use the following procedure to connect to and to view the host properties of a
primary server, a media server, or a client.

Note: To connect to a host and view the host properties on the NetBackup web UI,
on the left pane, select Hosts > Host Properties. On the right pane, select the
Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients.
Select the host, and from the Actions menu, select Connect.
Configuring Host Properties 59
About the NetBackup Host Properties

To connect to and view host properties of primary server, media server, or

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties.
2 In the left pane, select Master Servers, Media Servers, or Clients.
3 In the right pane, perform one of the following to connect to a host:
■ Highlight the host by selecting the row. The host is connected to after
approximately 3 seconds.
■ Right-click a host and select Connect.

Changing the host properties on multiple hosts at the same time

You can change the host properties for multiple hosts at one time. This can be done
by one of the following procedures:
■ Changing multiple hosts in the Host Properties
■ Changing multiple hosts in the Policies utility

Note: In a clustered environment, host properties must be made on each node of

the cluster separately.

Changing multiple hosts in the Host Properties

To change the properties on multiple hosts
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties.
2 Select Primary Server, Media Server, or Clients.
3 In the right pane, select a host. Hold down the Shift key and select another
4 With multiple hosts still selected, click Actions > Properties.
The properties dialog box displays the names of the selected hosts that will be
affected by the subsequent host property changes.
5 Make changes as necessary.
6 Click OK.
Configuring Host Properties 60
Access Control properties

Changing multiple hosts in the Policies utility

To change the properties on multiple hosts from Summary of All Policies
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, navigate to Policies > Summary
of All Policies in the middle pane.
2 Under Summary of All Policies, expand Clients.
3 In the right pane, hold down the Shift key to select multiple clients.
4 With multiple hosts still selected, right-click and select Host Properties.
5 Change the client properties in the dialog box.
6 Click OK.

Exporting host properties

Use the following procedure to export the properties of a host.
To export the properties of a host
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Primary Servers, Media Servers, or Clients.
2 Select a host. If you want to select multiple hosts, hold down the Shift key and
select another host.
3 Click File > Export.
4 In the Export dialog box, name the file, browse to the directory where you want
to save it, and click Save.

Access Control properties

NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) is the legacy access control method for
NetBackup and is no longer being updated. It is recommended that you use
role-based access control (RBAC) with the web UI. See the NetBackup Web UI for
Security Administrator's Guide.
Use the Access Control host properties in the NetBackup Administration Console
to configure NetBackup Authentication and Authorization. The properties apply to
currently selected primary servers, media servers, and clients.
The NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property displays,
regardless of which tab is selected. It determines whether the local system uses
access control and how the system uses it.
The NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property contains
the following options.
Configuring Host Properties 61
Access Control properties

Table 3-2 NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property


Option Description

Required Specifies that the local system should accept requests only from the remote systems that use
NetBackup authentication and authorization. Connections from the remote systems that do not
use NetBackup authentication and authorization are rejected. Select Required if maximum
security is required.

Prohibited Specifies that the local system should reject connections from any remote system that uses
NetBackup authentication and authorization. Select Prohibited if the network is closed and
maximum performance is required.

Automatic Specifies that the local system should negotiate with the remote system about whether to use
NetBackup authentication and authorization. Select Automatic if the network contains mixed
versions of NetBackup.

For more information about controlling access to NetBackup, see the NetBackup
Security and Encryption Guide.

Authentication Domain tab of the Access Control properties

The Authentication Domain tab contains the properties that determine which
authentication broker a computer uses. A primary server that uses NetBackup
authentication and authorization must have at least one authentication domain
If a media server or client does not define an authentication domain, it uses the
authentication domains of its primary server.
The Authentication Domain tab on the Access Control dialog box contains the
following properties.

Table 3-3 Authentication Domain tab properties

Property Description

Available Brokers Select a broker, then click Find to list all of

the available authentication domains.

Available Authentication Domains list List of available authentication domains.

Add button Select the authentication domain(s) that this

host can use and click Add.

Selected Authentication Domains list List of the authentication domains that are
selected for the host to use.
Configuring Host Properties 62
Access Control properties

Table 3-3 Authentication Domain tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Remove button Select the authentication domain(s) that you

no longer want to use and click Remove.

Authorization Service tab of the Access Control properties

The Authorization Service tab refers to the authorization service that the local
NetBackup server uses. The Authorization Service tab does not appear as a
property for clients.
The Authorization Service tab contains the following properties, which you can
configure for a primary or a media server.

Table 3-4 Authorization Service property options

Option Description

Host name Specifies the host name or IP address of the authorization service.

Customize the port number of the Specifies a nonstandard port number. Select Customize the port
authorization service number and enter the port number of the authorization service.

Note: Define a host to perform authorization if you configure this tab for a media
server to use access control.

Network Attributes tab of the Access Control properties

The Network Attributes tab contains a list of networks that are allowed (or not
allowed) to use NetBackup authentication and authorization with the local system.
The Network Attributes tab on the Access Control dialog box contains the
following properties:
Configuring Host Properties 63
Access Control properties

Networks The Networks property indicates whether specific networks can or cannot use NetBackup
authentication and authorization with the local system. The names on the list are relevant
only if the NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property in the Access
Control dialog box is set to Automatic or Required.

It is recommended to set NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property

to Automaticon the primary server until the clients are configured for access control. Then,
change the NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property on the primary
server to Required.

If a media server or client does not define a NetBackup Authentication and Authorization
network, it uses the networks of its primary server.

NetBackup Product The NetBackup Product Authentication and Authorization property in this tab determines
Authentication and whether the selected network uses access control and how the network uses it.
See “Access Control properties” on page 60.

Add Network dialog box

The Add Network dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-5 Add Network dialog box properties

Property Description

Host/Domain Indicates whether the network to be added is a Host name or a Domain name.

Host Details Specifies that if the network is a host, one of the following items must be entered:
■ The host name of the remote system. (
■ The IP address of the remote system. (

Domain Details ■ Domain Name/IP

Enter a dot that is followed by the Internet domain name of the remote systems. (.domain)
or the network of the remote system, followed by a dot. (10.0.0.)
■ If the domain is specified by IP, select one of the following items:
■ Bit count
Indicates that the mask is based on bit count. Select from between 1 and 32.
For example: Mask has the same meaning as subnet mask
■ Subnet mask
Select to enter a subnet mask in the same format as the IP address.
Configuring Host Properties 64
Active Directory host properties

Active Directory host properties

Note: The Windows client Active Directory properties can be configured on the
NetBackup web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select
the Windows clients. From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and
then click Windows Client > Active Directory.

The Active Directory properties in the NetBackup Administration Console apply

to the backup of currently selected Windows Server clients. The Active Directory
properties determine how the backups that allow Active Directory granular restores
are performed.
See “Creating a policy that allows Active Directory granular restores” on page 940.

Figure 3-1 Active Directory dialog box

The Active Directory dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 65
Bandwidth properties

Table 3-6 Active Directory dialog box properties

Property Description

Perform consistency check before backup Checks snapshots for data corruption. Applies only to snapshots that
when using Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Services (VSS) performs.
Service snapshot provider
If corrupt data is found and this option is not selected, the job fails.

See “Windows Open File Backup tab of the Client Attributes

properties” on page 84.

Continue with backup if consistency check Continues the backup job even if the consistency check fails.
It may be preferable for the job to continue, even if the consistency
check fails. For example, a backup of the database in its current state
may be better than no backup at all. Or, it may be preferable for the
backup of a large database to continue if it encounters only a small

Bandwidth properties
Note: The Bandwidth properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server. From the
Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click Bandwidth.

Use the Bandwidth properties to specify network bandwidth limits for the NetBackup
clients of the selected server.

Note: The Bandwidth properties apply only to IPv4 networks. Use the Throttle
Bandwidth properties to limit IPv6 networks.
See “Throttle Bandwidth properties” on page 231.

The actual limiting occurs on the client side of the backup connection. The bandwidth
limits only restrict bandwidth during backups. By default, the bandwidth is not limited.
The Bandwidth properties apply to currently selected primary servers.
Configuring Host Properties 66
Bandwidth properties

Figure 3-2 Bandwidth dialog box

To manage entries in the Bandwidth dialog box, select one of the following buttons.

Add Adds an entry to the bandwidth table for each of the selected clients.

Change Changes an entry to the bandwidth table for each of the selected

Remove Removes the selected entry from the bandwidth table.

When a backup starts, NetBackup reads the bandwidth limit configuration as

configured in the Bandwidth host properties. NetBackup then determines the
appropriate bandwidth value and passes it to the client. NetBackup computes the
bandwidth for each new job based on the number of jobs that are currently running
for the IP range. NetBackup does not include local backups in its calculations.
The NetBackup client software enforces the bandwidth limit. Before a buffer is
written to the network, client software calculates the current value for kilobytes per
second and adjusts its transfer rate if necessary.
Configuring Host Properties 67
Bandwidth properties

Bandwidth limit usage considerations and restrictions

Some usage restrictions apply to the bandwidth limit settings in the Bandwidth
dialog box. The following table lists the restrictions and describes the specific
behaviors that you may need to consider.

Table 3-7 Bandwidth limit usage considerations and restrictions

Client or operation Bandwidth limit behavior or


■ Standard Bandwidth limit is meant primarily for file

■ MS-Windows system backups using Standard and
MS-Windows policies. It is not implemented
for most other policy and client types.

Local backups If a server is also a client and data does not

go over the network, bandwidth limits have
no effect on local backups.

Setting required bandwidth Bandwidth limits restrict maximum network

usage and do not imply required bandwidth.
For example, if you set the bandwidth limit
for a client to 500 kilobytes per second, the
client can use up to that limit. It does not
mean, however, that the client requires 500
kilobytes per second.

Distributing the workload of active backups You cannot use bandwidth limits to distribute
the backup workload of active backups by
having NetBackup pick the most available
network segment. NetBackup does not pick
the next client to run based on any configured
bandwidth limits.

Add Bandwidth Settings dialog box for Bandwidth properties

The Add Bandwidth Settings and the Change Bandwidth Settings dialog boxes
contain the following properties.

From Host Specifies the beginning of the IP address range of the

clients and networks to which the entry applies. For

To Host Specifies the end of the IP address range of the clients

and networks to which the entry applies. For example:
Configuring Host Properties 68
Busy File Settings properties

Bandwidth (KB/Sec) Specifies the bandwidth limitation in kilobytes per second.

A value of 0 disables the limits for an individual client or
the range of IP addresses covered by the entry. For
example, a value of 200 indicates 200 kilobytes per second.

Busy File Settings properties

The Busy File Settings properties in the NetBackup Administration Console
apply to currently selected UNIX clients. The Busy File Settings properties define
what occurs when NetBackup encounters a busy file during a backup of a UNIX

Note: The Busy File Settings properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the UNIX clients.
From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Busy File

Figure 3-3 Busy File Settings dialog box

Configuring Host Properties 69
Busy File Settings properties

The Busy File Settings dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-8 Busy File Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

Working directory Specifies the path to the busy-files working directory. On a UNIX client, the value in the
user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists. By default, NetBackup creates
the busy_files directory in the /usr/openv/netbackup directory.

Operator's email Specifies the recipient of the busy-file notification message when the action is set to Send
address email. By default, the mail recipient is the administrator. On a UNIX client, the value in the
user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists. By default,
BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER is not in any bp.conf file and the mail recipient is root.

Process busy files Enables busy files to be processed according to the host property settings. NetBackup
follows the Busy File Settings if it determines that a file changes during a backup. By
default, Process busy files is not enabled and NetBackup does not process the busy files.

Additional information about busy file processing is available in the NetBackup

Administrator’s Guide, Volume II.

File action file list Specifies the absolute path and file name of the busy file. The metacharacters *, ?, [], [ - ]
can be used for pattern matching of file names or parts of file names.

Add Adds a new file entry. Enter the file and path directly, or browse to select a file.

Add to All Adds a new file entry for all of the clients currently selected. Enter the file and path directly,
or browse to select a file.

Remove Removes the selected file from the file action list.

Busy file action The following options specify which action to take when busy-file processing is enabled.
On a UNIX client, the value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

■ Send email sends a busy sends a busy file notification message to the user that is
specified in Operator’s email address.
■ Retry the backup retries the backup on the specified busy file. The Retry count value
determines the number of times NetBackup tries a backup.
■ Ignore excludes the busy file from busy file processing. The file is backed up, then a
log entry that indicates it was busy appears in the All Log Entries report.

Retry count Specifies the number of times to try the backup. The default retry count is 1.

Activating the Busy File Settings in host properties

To activate the settings in the Busy File Settings host properties, use the following
Configuring Host Properties 70
Clean-up properties

To activate Busy File Settings

1 Copy the bpend_notify_busy script:


to the path:


2 Set the file access permissions to allow group and others to run bpend_notify.
3 Configure a policy with a user backup schedule for the busy file backups.
This policy services the backup requests that the repeat option in the actions
file generates. The policy name is significant. By default, NetBackup
alphabetically searches (uppercase characters first) for the first available policy
with a user backup schedule and an open backup window. For example, a
policy name of AAA_busy_files is selected ahead of B_policy.

Clean-up properties
Note: The Clean-up properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server. From the
Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click Clean-up.

The Clean-up properties in the NetBackup Administration Console refer to the

retention of various logs and incomplete jobs. The Clean-up properties apply to
currently selected primary servers.
Configuring Host Properties 71
Clean-up properties

Figure 3-4 Clean-up dialog box

The Clean-up dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 72
Clean-up properties

Table 3-9 Clean-up dialog box properties

Property Description

Keep true image restoration Specifies the number of days to keep true image restore information on disk.
information After the specified number of days, the images are pruned (removed). Applies
to all policies for which NetBackup collects true image restore information.
The default is one day.
When NetBackup performs a true image backup, it stores the following
images on the backup media:

■ Backed up files
■ True image restore information

NetBackup also stores the true image restore information on disk in the
following directories:

On Windows:




NetBackup retains the information for the number of days that this property

Keeping the information on disk speeds up restores. If a user requests a

true image restore after the information was deleted from disk, NetBackup
retrieves the required information from the media. The only noticeable
difference to the user is a slight increase in total restore time. NetBackup
deletes the additional information from disk again after one day.

Move restore job from incomplete Indicates the number of days that a failed restore job can remain in an
state to done state Incomplete state. After that time, the Activity Monitor shows the job as Done.
The default is 7 days. The maximum setting is 365 days. If Checkpoint Restart
for restores is used, the Restore retries property allows a failed restore job
to be retried automatically.

See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.

See “Checkpoint restart for restore jobs” on page 777.

Configuring Host Properties 73
Client Name properties

Table 3-9 Clean-up dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Move backup job from incomplete Indicates the maximum number of hours that a failed backup job can remain
state to done state in an incomplete state. After that time, the Activity Monitor shows the job as
Done. The minimum setting is 1 hour. The maximum setting is 72 hours.
The default is 3 hours.

When an active job has an error, the job goes into an Incomplete state. In
the Incomplete state, the administrator can correct the condition that caused
the error. If an Incomplete job does not complete successfully and is moved
to the Done state, the job retains the error status.
Note: A resumed job reuses the same job ID, but a restarted job receives
a new job ID. The job details indicate that the job was resumed or restarted.

Note: This property does not apply to suspended jobs. Suspended jobs
must be resumed manually before the retention period of the job is met and
the image expires. If a suspended job is resumed after the retention period
is met, the job fails and is moved to the Done state.

Image cleanup interval Specifies the maximum interval that can elapse before an image cleanup is
run. Image cleanup is run after every successful backup session (that is, a
session in which at least one backup runs successfully). If a backup session
exceeds this maximum interval, an image cleanup is initiated.

Catalog cleanup wait time Specifies the minimum interval that can elapse before an image cleanup is
run. Image cleanup is not run after a successful backup session until this
minimum interval has elapsed since the previous image cleanup.

Client Name properties

Note: The Client Name properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the client. From the
Actions menu, click Edit client properties and then click Client Name.

The Client name property in the NetBackup Administration Console specifies

the NetBackup client name for the selected client. The name must match the name
the policy uses to back up the client. The only exception is for a redirected restore,
where the name must match that of the client whose files are to be restored. The
client name is initially set during installation.
The name that is entered here must also match the client name in the Client
Attributes dialog box for the primary server. If it does not match, the client cannot
browse for its own backups.
Configuring Host Properties 74
Client Name properties

Note: Using an IPv6 address as a client name in a policy can cause backups to
fail. Specify a host name instead of an IPv6 address.

See “Client Attributes properties” on page 75.

Figure 3-5 Client Name dialog box

If the value is not specified, NetBackup uses the name that is set in the following
■ For a Windows client
In the Network application from the Control Panel.
■ For a UNIX client
The name that is set by using the hostname command.
The name can also be added to a $HOME/bp.conf file on a UNIX client. However,
the name is normally added in this manner only for redirected restores. The
value in the $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.
Configuring Host Properties 75
Client Attributes properties

Client Attributes properties

Note: The Client Attributes properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the primary
server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click Client Attributes.

In the NetBackup Administration Console, the Client Attributes properties apply

to the clients of currently selected primary servers.
The Global client attributes property applies to all clients, unless overridden as
described in the following table.

Table 3-10 Global client attributes group box

Attribute Description

Allow client browse Allows all clients to browse files for restoring. This attribute is overridden if
the Browse and restore ability option on the General tab is set to Deny
both for a particular client(s).

Allow client restore Allows all clients to restore files. This attribute is overridden if the Browse
and restore ability option on the General tab is set to Allow browse only
or Deny both.
Configuring Host Properties 76
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-10 Global client attributes group box (continued)

Attribute Description

Clients Specifies the list of clients in the client database on the currently selected
primary server(s). A client must be in the client database before you can
change the client properties in the Client Attributes dialog box.

The client database consists of directories and files in the following


Windows: install_path\NetBackup\db\client

UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client

If a client is not listed in the Clients list, click Add to display the Add Client
dialog box and add a client to the client database. Enter a client name in the
text box or click the browse button (...) and select a client.

See “Add Client dialog box” on page 77.

The name that is entered here must match the Client Name property for the
specific client. If it does not match, the client cannot browse its own backups.

See “Client Name properties” on page 73.

Use the bpclient command to add clients to the client database if dynamic
addressing (DHCP) is in use.

Additional information about busy file processing is available in the NetBackup

Administrator’s Guide, Volume II.

On UNIX: You also can create, update, list, and delete client entries by using
the bpclient command that is located in the following directory:


General tab Specifies how to configure the selected Windows primary servers (clients).

See “General tab of the Client Attributes properties” on page 77.

Connect Options tab Specifies how to configure the connection between a NetBackup server and
a NetBackup client.

See “Connect Options tab of the Client Attributes properties” on page 82.

Windows Open File Backup tab Specifies whether a client uses Windows Open File Backup. Also, specifies
whether Volume Snapshot Provider or Volume Shadow Copy Service
is used as the snapshot provider.

See “Windows Open File Backup tab of the Client Attributes properties”
on page 84.
Configuring Host Properties 77
Client Attributes properties

Add Client dialog box

To add a client to the database, enter the name of a client, or browse to find a client.
The Add Client dialog box contains the following properties.

Enter client name Specifies the name of the client to be added to the database.
Enter the name of the client to add.

... (browse) Finds the list of current clients and displays them in the Browse
for computer window. Select the client to add to the database
and click Add.

Add Adds the specified client to the client database (client name
displays in the Clients window).

Close Closes the Add Client dialog box.

Help Displays more information about how to add a client.

General tab of the Client Attributes properties

The properties on the General tab apply to selected Windows primary servers. The
tab appears on the Client Attributes dialog box.
Configuring Host Properties 78
Client Attributes properties

Figure 3-6 General tab of Client Attributes dialog box

The General tab contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 79
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-11 General tab properties

Property Description

Offline Backups until: Makes the specified clients in the General tab unavailable for backups until
the specified date and time. By default, clients are online and included in the
policies in which they are listed.

When Offline Backups until is selected for a client, no jobs are scheduled
for that client. Since the client is not part of any job, no backup status is listed
for the client.

If a client is taken offline, any job that includes the client and is already
running is allowed to complete.

If a backup or restore job is manually submitted for a client that is offline, the
Activity Monitor displays the job as failed with a status code 1000 (Client is
Note: Changes to this property do not appear in the audit report.

The ability to take clients offline is useful in a number of situations.

See “Offline option usage considerations and restrictions” on page 80.

Offline Restores until: Makes the specified clients in the General tab unavailable for restores until
the specified date and time. By default, clients are online and available for

Maximum data streams Specifies the maximum number of jobs that are allowed at one time for each
selected client. (This value applies to the number of jobs on the client, even
if multistreaming is not used.)

To change the setting, select Maximum data streams. Then scroll to or

enter a value up to 99.
The Maximum data streams property interacts with Maximum jobs per
client and Limit jobs per policy as follows:

■ If the Maximum data streams property is not set, the limit is either the
one indicated by the Maximum jobs per client property or the Limit
jobs per policy property, whichever is lower.
■ If the Maximum data streams property is set, NetBackup ignores the
Maximum jobs per client property. NetBackup uses either Maximum
data streams or Limit jobs per policy, whichever is lower.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.
Configuring Host Properties 80
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-11 General tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Browse and restore ability Specifies the client permissions to list and restore backups and archives.
Select the client(s) in the General tab of the Client Attributes dialog box
and choose a Browse and restore ability property.

To use the Global client attributes settings, select Use global settings.

■ To allow users on the selected clients to both browse and restore, select
Allow both.
■ To allow users on the selected clients to browse but not restore, select
Allow browse only.
■ To prevent users on the selected clients from the ability to browse or
restore, select Deny both.

Free browse Specifies whether the clients can list and restore from scheduled backups.
(This setting does not affect user backups and archives.)

This property applies to the privileges that are allowed to a non-Windows

administrator or non-root user who is logged into the client. This property
also applies to the users that do not have backup and restore privileges.

Windows administrators and root users can list and restore from scheduled
backups as well as user backups regardless of the Free browse setting.

Deduplication Specifies the deduplication action for clients if you use the NetBackup Data
Protection Optimization Option.

For a description of the client-side deduplication options and their actions:

See “Where deduplication should occur” on page 81.

Offline option usage considerations and restrictions

The ability to take clients offline is useful in a number of situations. For example,
in the event of planned outages or maintenance, client systems can be taken offline
to avoid the unnecessary errors that administrators would then need to investigate.
This option can also be used to anticipate new clients in the system; listing them
in policies but configuring them as offline until they are in place and ready to be
The following actions can be performed if a client is offline.

Table 3-12 Offline option actions

Type of job or operation Action or restriction

A client is offline and the job is already in progress Offline clients continue to be included in any job.
Configuring Host Properties 81
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-12 Offline option actions (continued)

Type of job or operation Action or restriction

A client is offline and job retries were started before the Job retries continue as normal.
client was taken offline

Any duplication job that is associated with a storage Continues to run until complete.
lifecycle policy and an offline client

Restore jobs Can be run for offline clients.

The user attempts a manual backup for an offline client The backup fails with a status code 1000 (Client is offline).
The user can either wait until the client is brought online
again or bring the client online manually. Use either the
NetBackup Administration Console or the bpclient
command to do so before resubmitting the manual job.

Archive backups Not allowed for offline clients.

Administrators restarting or resuming jobs Not allowed for offline clients.

Caution: If the primary server is offline, hot catalog backups cannot run.

Where deduplication should occur

The Deduplication property specifies the deduplication action for clients if you use
either the NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option. Table 3-13 describes
the client-side deduplication options.
The clients that deduplicate their own data and the primary server must use the
same name to resolve the storage server. The name must be the host name under
which the NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials were created. If they do not
use the same name, backups fail. In some environments, careful configuration may
be required to ensure that the client and the primary server use the same name for
the storage server. Such environments include those that use VLAN tagging and
those that use multi-homed hosts.
NetBackup does not support the following for client-side deduplication:
■ Multiple copies per each job configured in a NetBackup backup policy. For the
jobs that specify multiple copies, the backup images are sent to the storage
server and may be deduplicated there.
■ NDMP hosts. The backup jobs fail if you try to use client-side deduplication for
NDMP hosts.
Configuring Host Properties 82
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-13 Client-side deduplication options

Option Description

Always use the media server (the Always deduplicates the data on the media server. The default.
default) Jobs fail if one of the following is true:

■ The deduplication services on the storage server are inactive.

■ The deduplication pool is down.

Prefer to use client-side deduplication Deduplicates the data on the client and then sends it directly to the storage

NetBackup first determines if the storage server is active. If it is active, the

client deduplicates the backup data and sends it to the storage server to be
written to disk. If it is not active, the client sends the backup data to a media
server, which deduplicates the data.

Always use client-side deduplication Always deduplicates the backup data on the client and then sends it directly
to the storage server.

If a job fails, NetBackup does not retry the job.

You can override the Prefer to use client-side deduplication or Always use
client-side deduplication host property in the backup policies.
See “Disable client-side deduplication (policy attribute)” on page 801.
More information about client deduplication is available in the NetBackup
Deduplication Guide.

Connect Options tab of the Client Attributes properties

The properties in the Connect Options tab describe how a NetBackup server
connects to NetBackup clients. The tab appears on the Client Attributes dialog
Configuring Host Properties 83
Client Attributes properties

Figure 3-7 Connect Options tab of Client Attributes dialog box

The Connect Options tab contains the following options.

Table 3-14 Connect Options tab properties

Property Description

BPCD connect back Specifies how daemons are to connect back to the NetBackup Client daemon
(BPCD) and contains the following options:

■ Use default connect options

Uses the value that is defined in the Firewall host properties of the client’s
NetBackup server.
See “Firewall properties” on page 132.
■ Random port
NetBackup randomly chooses a free port in the allowed range to perform the
legacy connect-back method.
■ VNETD port
NetBackup uses the vnetd port number for the connect-back method.
Configuring Host Properties 84
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-14 Connect Options tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Ports Specifies the method that the selected clients should use to connect to the server
and contains the following options:

■ Use default connect options

Uses the value that is defined in the Firewall host properties of the client’s
NetBackup server.
See “Firewall properties” on page 132.
■ Reserved port
Uses a reserved port number.
■ Non-reserved port
Uses a non-reserved port number.

Daemon connection port Specifies the method that the selected clients should use to connect to the server
and contains the following options.

■ Use default connect options

Uses the value that is defined in the Firewall host properties of the client’s
NetBackup server.
■ Automatic
Connects to the daemons on the server using vnetd if possible. If the daemons
cannot use vnetd, the connection is made by using the daemon’s legacy port
■ VNETD only
Connects to the daemons on the server by using only vnetd. If the firewall
rules prevent a server connection using the legacy port number, check this
When selected, the BPCD connect back setting is not applicable.
In addition, the Ports setting uses Non-reserved port, regardless of the value
■ Daemon port only
Connects to the daemons on the server by using only the legacy port number.
This option only affects connections to NetBackup 7.0 and earlier. For
connections to NetBackup 7.0.1 and later, the veritas_pbx port is used.
■ See “Resilient Network properties” on page 186.

Windows Open File Backup tab of the Client Attributes properties

Use the settings in this tab only if you want to change the default settings.
By default, NetBackup uses Windows open file backups for all Windows clients.
(No clients are listed in the Client Attributes dialog box.) The server uses the
following default settings for all Windows clients:
Configuring Host Properties 85
Client Attributes properties

■ Windows Open File Backup is enabled on the client.

■ Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
■ Snapshots are taken of individual drives (Individual drive snapshot) as opposed
to all drives at once (Global drive snapshot).
■ Upon error, the snapshot is terminated (Abort backup on error).
Snapshots are a point-in-time view of a source volume. NetBackup uses snapshots
to access busy or active files during a backup job. Without a snapshot provider,
active files are not accessible for backup.

Figure 3-8 Windows Open File Backup tab of Client Attributes dialog box

Table 3-15 Windows Open File Backup tab properties

Property Description

Add Adds a NetBackup client to the list, if you want to change the default settings for Windows
open file backups.
Configuring Host Properties 86
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-15 Windows Open File Backup tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Remove Deletes a client from the list.

Enable Windows Open Specifies that Windows Open File Backups is used for the selected clients.
File Backups
This option functions independently from the Perform Snapshot backups policy option
that is available when the Snapshot Client is licensed.

If a client is included in a policy that has the Perform Snapshot backups policy option
disabled and you do not want snapshots, the Enable Windows Open File Backups for
this client property must be disabled as well for the client. If both options are not disabled,
a snapshot is created, though that may not be the intention of the administrator.

For more information, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator’s Guide.

Snapshot Provider Selects the snapshot provider for the selected clients:

■ Use Veritas Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP)

This option is used for back-level versions of NetBackup only. Support for those client
versions has ended.
■ Use Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
Uses VSS to create volume snapshots of volumes and logical drives for the selected
For information about how to do Active Directory granular restores when using VSS, see
the following topic:
See “Active Directory host properties” on page 64.
Configuring Host Properties 87
Client Attributes properties

Table 3-15 Windows Open File Backup tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Snapshot usage
Note: The Individual drive snapshot property and the Global drive snapshot property
only apply to the non-multistreamed backups that use Windows Open File Backup. All
multistreamed backup jobs share the same volumes snapshots for the volumes in the
multistreamed policy. The volume snapshots are taken in a global fashion.

Selects how snapshots are made for the selected clients:

■ Individual drive snapshot

Specifies that the snapshot should be of an individual drive (default). When this property
is enabled, snapshot creation and file backup are done sequentially on a per volume
basis. For example, assume that drives C and D are backed up.
If the Individual drive snapshot property is selected, NetBackup takes a snapshot of
drive C, backs it up, and discards the snapshot. NetBackup then takes a snapshot of
drive D, backs it up, and discards the snapshot.
Volume snapshots are enabled on only one drive at a time, depending on which drive
is to be backed up. This mode is useful when relationships do not have to be maintained
between files on the different drives.
■ Global drive snapshot
Specifies that the snapshot is of a global drive. All the volumes that require snapshots
for the backup job (or stream group for multistreamed backups) are taken at one time.
If snapshot creation is not successful, use the Individual drive snapshot option.
For example, assume that drives C and D are to be backed up.
In this situation, NetBackup takes a snapshot of C and D. Then NetBackup backs up
Cand backs up D.
NetBackup then discards the C and D snapshots.
This property maintains file consistency between files in different volumes. The backup
uses the same snapshot that is taken at a point in time for all volumes in the backup.
Configuring Host Properties 88
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

Table 3-15 Windows Open File Backup tab properties (continued)

Property Description

Snapshot error control Determines the action to take if there is a snapshot error:

■ Abort backup on error

Stops the backup if there is an error during the backup job (after the snapshot is created).
The most common reason for a problem after the snapshot is created and is in use by
a backup, is that the cache storage is full. If the Abort backup on error property is
selected (default), the backup job cancels with a snapshot error status if the backup
detects a snapshot issue.
This property does not apply to successful snapshot creation. The backup job continues
regardless of whether a snapshot was successfully created for the backup job.
■ Disable snapshot and continue
Destroys the volume snapshots if the snapshot becomes invalid during a backup. The
backup continues with Windows open file backups disabled.
Regarding the file that had a problem during a backup—it may be that the file was not
backed up by the backup job. The file may not be able to be restored.

Note: Volume snapshots typically become invalid during the course of a backup because
insufficient cache storage was allocated for the volume snapshot. Reconfigure the cache
storage configuration of the Windows Open File Backup snapshot provider to a configuration
that best suits your client’s installation.

Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

Note: The UNIX Client Settings properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the UNIX
clients. From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click UNIX
Client > Client Settings.

The UNIX Client Settings properties in the NetBackup Administration Console

apply to currently selected NetBackup clients running on the UNIX platform.
Configuring Host Properties 89
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

Figure 3-9 Client Settings (UNIX) dialog box

The UNIX Client Settings dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-16 UNIX Client Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

Locked file action Determines what happens when NetBackup tries to back up a file with mandatory
file locking enabled in its file mode.
Select one of the following options:

■ Wait
By default, NetBackup waits for files to become unlocked. If the wait exceeds
the Client read timeout host property that is configured on the primary
server, the backup fails with a status 41.
See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.
■ Skip
NetBackup skips the files that currently have mandatory locking set by another
process. A message is logged if it was necessary to skip a file.
Configuring Host Properties 90
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

Table 3-16 UNIX Client Settings dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Keep status of user-directed Specifies the number of days to keep progress reports before the reports are
backups, archives, and restores deleted. The default is 3 days. The minimum is 0. The maximum is 9,999 days.

Logs for user-directed operations are stored on the client system in the following


Reset file access time to the value Specifies that the access time (atime) for a file displays the backup time. By
before backup default, NetBackup preserves the access time by resetting it to the value it had
before the backup.
Note: This setting affects the software and the administration scripts that
examine a file’s access time.

Note: If NetBackup Accelerator is used to perform the backup, this setting is

ignored. Accelerator does not record and reset the atime for the files that it
backs up.

See “Accelerator notes and requirements” on page 806.

Megabytes of memory to use for Specifies the amount of memory available on the client when files are
file compression compressed during backup. If you select compression, the client software uses
this value to determine how much space to request for the compression tables.
The more memory that is available to compress code, the greater the
compression and the greater the percentage of computer resources that are
used. If other processes also need memory, use a maximum value of half the
actual physical memory on a computer to avoid excessive swapping.

The default is 0. This default is reasonable; change it only if problems are


Use VxFS file change log for Determines if NetBackup uses the File Change Log on VxFS clients.
incremental backups
The default is off.

See “VxFS file change log for incremental backups property” on page 91.

Default cache device path for For additional information, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator’s
snapshots Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 91
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

Table 3-16 UNIX Client Settings dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Do not compress files ending with Corresponds to adding a COMPRESS_SUFFIX =.suffix option to the bp.conf
list file.

Specifies a list of file extensions. During a backup, NetBackup does not compress
files with these extensions because the file may already be in a compressed

Do not use wildcards to specify these extensions. For example, .A1 is allowed,
but not .A* or .A[1-9]

Files that are already compressed become slightly larger if compressed again.
If compressed files with a unique file extension already exist on a UNIX client,
exclude it from compression by adding it to this list.

Add Adds file endings to the list of file endings that you do not want to compress.
Click Add, then type the file extension in the File Endings dialog box. Use
commas or spaces to separate file endings if more than one is added. Click
Add to add the ending to the list, then click Close to close the dialog box.

Add to All Adds a file extension that you do not want to compress, to the lists of all clients.
To add the file extension to the lists of all clients, select it in the list on the Client
Settings host property, then click Add to All.

Remove Removes a file extension from the list. To remove a name, either type it in the
box or click the browse button (...) and select a file ending. Use commas or
spaces to separate names.

VxFS file change log for incremental backups property

The Use VxFS file change log for incremental backups property is supported
on all platforms and versions where VxFS file systems support FCL.
The following VxFS file systems support FCL:
■ Solaris SPARC platform running VxFS 4.1 or later.
■ AIX running VxFS 5.0 or later.
■ HP 11.23 running VxFS 5.0 or later.
■ Linux running VxFS 4.1 or later.
The File Change Log (FCL) tracks changes to files and directories in a file system.
Changes can include files created, links and unlinks, files renamed, data that is
appended, data that is overwritten, data that is truncated, extended attribute
modifications, holes punched, and file property updates.
Configuring Host Properties 92
Client Settings properties for UNIX clients

NetBackup can use the FCL to determine which files to select for incremental
backups, which can potentially save unnecessary file system processing time. The
FCL information that is stored on each client includes the backup type, the FCL
offset, and the timestamp for each backup.
The advantages of this property depend largely on the number of file system changes
relative to the file system size. The performance impact of incremental backups
ranges from many times faster or slower, depending on file system size and use
For example, enable this property for a client on a very large file system that
experiences relatively few changes. The incremental backups for the client may
complete sooner since the policy needs to read only the FCL to determine what
needs to be backed up on the client.
If a file experiences many changes or multiple changes to many files, the time
saving benefit may not be as great.
See “Backup Selections tab ” on page 880.
The following items must be in place for the Use VxFS file change log for
incremental backups property to work:
■ Enable the Use VxFS file change log for incremental backups property for
every client that wants NetBackup to take advantage of the FCL.
■ Enable the FCL on the VxFS client.
See the Veritas File System Administrator’s Guide for information about how to
enable the FCL on the VxFS client.
■ Enable the Use VxFS file change log for incremental backups property on
the client(s) in time for the first full backup. Subsequent incremental backups
need this full backup to stay synchronized.
■ Specify the VxFS mount point in the policy backup selections list in one of the
following ways:
■ Specifying the actual VxFS mount point.
■ Specifying a directory at a higher level than the VxFS mount point, provided
that Cross mount points is enabled.
See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

If the policy has Collect true image restore information or Collect true image
restore information with move detection enabled, it ignores the Use VxFS file
change log for incremental backups property on the client.
The following table describes the additional options that are available on the VxFS
file change log feature.
Configuring Host Properties 93
Client Settings properties for Windows clients

Table 3-17 VxFS file change log feature options

Option Description

Activity Monitor messages Displays any messages that note when the file change log
is used during a backup as follows:

Using VxFS File Change Log for backup of pathname

Also notes when full and incremental backups are not


Keeping the data files The data files must be in sync with the FCL for this property
synchronized with the FCL to work. To keep the data files synchronized with the FCL,
do not turn the FCL on the VxFS client off and on.
Note: If NetBackup encounters any errors as it processes
the FCL, it switches to the normal files system scan. If this
switch occurs, it appears in the Activity Monitor.

VxFS administration Additional VxFS commands are available to administrate the

FCL in the Veritas File System Administrator’s Guide.

Client Settings properties for Windows clients

Note: The Windows Client Settings properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Windows
clients. From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click
Windows Client > Client Settings.

The Windows Client Settings properties apply to currently selected Windows

Configuring Host Properties 94
Client Settings properties for Windows clients

Figure 3-10 Windows Client Settings dialog box

The Client Settings dialog box for Windows clients contains the following properties.

Table 3-18 Windows Client Settings properties

Property Description

General level Enables logs for bpinetd, bpbkar, tar, and nbwin. The higher the level, the
more information is written. The default is 0.

TCP level Enables logs for TCP.

Scroll to one of the following available log levels:

■ 0 No extra logging (default)

■ 1 Log basic TCP/IP functions
■ 2 Log all TCP/IP functions, including all read and write requests
■ 3 Log contents of each read or write buffer

Note: Setting the TCP level to 2 or 3 can cause the status reports to be very
large. It can also slow a backup or restore operation.
Configuring Host Properties 95
Client Settings properties for Windows clients

Table 3-18 Windows Client Settings properties (continued)

Property Description

Wait time before clearing archive Specifies how long the client waits before the archive bits for a differential
bit incremental backup are cleared. The minimum allowable value is 300 (default).
The client waits for acknowledgment from the server that the backup was
successful. If the server does not reply within this time period, the archive bits are
not cleared.

This option applies only to differential-incremental backups. Cumulative-incremental

backups do not clear the archive bit.

Use change journal

Note: The Use Change Journal option applies to Windows clients only.

This option works together with the Use Accelerator policy attribute and the
Accelerator forced rescan schedule attribute.

See “Accelerator and the Windows change journal” on page 805.

See “Use Accelerator (policy attribute)” on page 802.

See “Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute)” on page 840.

Incrementals based on Specifies that files are selected for the backups that are based on the date that
timestamp the file was last modified. When Use change journal is selected, Incrementals
based on timestamp is automatically selected.

Incrementals based on archive Specifies that NetBackup include files in an incremental backup only if the archive
bit bit of the file is set. The system sets this bit whenever a file is changed and it
normally remains set until NetBackup clears it.

A full backup always clears the archive bit. A differential-incremental backup clears
the archive bit if the file is successfully backed up. The differential-incremental
backup must occur within the number of seconds that the Wait time before
clearing archive bit property indicates. A cumulative-incremental or user backup
has no effect on the archive bit.

Disable this property to include a file in an incremental backup only if the date
and time stamp for the file has changed since the last backup. For a
differential-incremental backup, NetBackup compares the date/time stamp to the
last full or incremental backup. For a cumulative-incremental backup, NetBackup
compares the timestamp to the last full backup.
If you install or copy files from another computer, the new files retain the date
timestamp of the originals. If the original date is before the last backup date on
this computer, then the new files are not backed up until the next full backup.
Note: It is not recommended that you combine differential incremental backups
and cumulative incremental backups within the same Windows policy when the
incremental backups are based on archive bit.
Configuring Host Properties 96
Client Settings properties for Windows clients

Table 3-18 Windows Client Settings properties (continued)

Property Description

Time overlap Specifies the number of minutes to add to the date range for incremental backups
when you use date-based backups. This value compensates for differences in
the speed of the clock between the NetBackup client and server. The default is
60 minutes.

This value is used during incremental backups when you use the archive bit and
when you examine the create time on folders. This comparison is done for archive
bit-based backups as well as date-based backups.

Communications buffer size Specifies the size (in kilobytes) of the TCP and the IP buffers that NetBackup
uses to transfer data between the NetBackup server and client. For example,
specify 10 for a buffer size of 10 kilobytes. The minimum allowable value is 2,
with no maximum allowable value. The default is 128 kilobytes.

User directed timeouts Specifies the seconds that are allowed between when a user requests a backup
or restore and when the operation begins. The operation fails if it does not begin
within this time period.

This property has no minimum value or maximum value. The default is 60 seconds.

Maximum error messages for Defines how many times a NetBackup client can send the same error message
server to a NetBackup server. For example, if the archive bits cannot be reset on a file,
this property limits how many times the message appears in the server logs. The
default is 10.

Keep status of user-directed Specifies how many days the system keeps progress reports before NetBackup
backups, archives, and restores automatically deletes them. The default is 3 days.

Perform default search for Instructs NetBackup to search the default range of backup images automatically.
restore The backed up folders and files within the range appear whenever a restore
window is opened.

Clear the Perform default search for restore check box to disable the initial
search. With the property disabled, the NetBackup Restore window does not
display any files or folders upon opening. The default is that the option is enabled.

How to determine if change journal support is useful in your

NetBackup environment
Using NetBackup support for the change journal is beneficial only where the volumes
are large and relatively static.
Suitable candidates for enabling NetBackup change journal support are as follows:
■ If the NTFS volume contains more than 1,000,000 files and folders and the
number of changed objects between incremental backups is small (less than
Configuring Host Properties 97
Client Settings properties for Windows clients

100,000), the volume is a good candidate for enabling NetBackup change journal
Unsuitable candidates for enabling NetBackup change journal support are as follows:
■ Support for the change journal is intended to reduce scan times for incremental
backups by using the information that is gathered from the change journal on a
volume. Therefore, to enable NetBackup change journal support is not
recommended if the file system on the volume contains relatively few files and
folders. (For example, hundreds of thousands of files and folders.) The normal
file system scan is suitable under such conditions.
■ If the total number of changes on a volume exceeds from 10% to 20% of the
total objects, the volume is not a good candidate for enabling NetBackup change
journal support.
■ Be aware that virus scanning software can interfere with the use of the change
journal. Some real-time virus scanners intercept a file open for read, scan for
viruses, then reset the access time. This results in the creation of a change
journal entry for every scanned file.

Guidelines for enabling NetBackup change journal support

The following items are guidelines to consider for enabling NetBackup change
journal support:
■ Change journal support is not offered for user-directed backups. The USN
stamps for full and incremental backups in the permanent record do not change.
■ NetBackup support for change journal works with checkpoint restart for restores.
See “Checkpoint restart for restore jobs” on page 777.
■ Support for change journal is not offered with several NetBackup options.
If Use change journal is enabled, it has no effect while you use the following
options or products:
■ True image restore (TIR) or True image restore with Move Detection
See “Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and without
move detection” on page 793.
■ Synthetic backups
See “About synthetic backups” on page 946.
■ Bare Metal Restore (BMR)
For more information, see the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Administrator’s

See “How to determine if change journal support is useful in your NetBackup

environment” on page 96.
Configuring Host Properties 98
Cloud Storage properties

Cloud Storage properties

Note: The Cloud Storage properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server. From
the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click Cloud

The NetBackup Cloud Storage properties in the NetBackup Administration

Console apply to the currently selected primary server.
The hosts that appear in this Cloud Storage list are available to select when you
configure a storage server. The Service Provider type of your cloud vendor
determines whether a service host is available or required.
NetBackup includes service hosts for some cloud storage providers. You can add
a new host to the Cloud Storage list if the Service Provider type allows it. If you
add a host, you also can change its properties or delete it from the Cloud Storage
list. (You cannot change or delete the information that is included with NetBackup.)
If you do not add a service host to this Cloud Storage list, you can add one when
you configure the storage server. The Service Provider type of your cloud vendor
determines whether a Service Hostname is available or required.
Configuring Host Properties 99
Cloud Storage properties

Figure 3-11 Cloud Storage host properties

Cloud Storage host properties contain the following properties:

Table 3-19 Cloud Storage

Property Description

Cloud Storage The cloud storage that corresponds to the various cloud service
providers that NetBackup supports are listed here.

To add a cloud storage to the Cloud Storage list, click Add.

To change properties of a cloud storage that you added, select it

in the Cloud Storage list and click Change.

To remove a cloud storage that you added, select it in the Cloud

Storage list and click Remove.

Associated Storage The cloud storage servers that correspond to the selected cloud
Servers for storage are displayed.

To change the properties of a cloud storage server, select it in the

Associated Storage Servers for list and click Change.
Configuring Host Properties 100
Credential Access properties

Note: Changes that you make in the Cloud Storage dialog box are applied before
you click OK in the Host Properties dialog box.

For more information about NetBackup cloud storage, see the NetBackup Cloud
Administrator's Guide.

Credential Access properties

Note: The Credential Access properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Credential Access.

Certain NetBackup hosts that are not named as clients in a policy must be enabled
to access NDMP or disk array credentials. Use the Credential Access properties
dialog box to enter the names of those NetBackup hosts.

Figure 3-12 Credential Access dialog box

Configuring Host Properties 101
Data Classification properties

The Credential Access dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-20 Credential Access dialog box properties

Property Description

NDMP Clients list To add an NDMP client to the NDMP Clients list, click Add. Enter the names of the
NDMP hosts that are not named as clients in a policy.

Disk clients list To add a Disk Client to the Disk Clients list, click Add. Enter the names of the
NetBackup hosts that meet all of the following criteria:

■ The host must be designated in a policy as the Off-host backup host in an alternate
client backup.
■ The host that is designated as the Off-host backup computer must not be named
as a client on the Clients tab in any NetBackup policy.
■ The policy for the off-host backup must be configured to use one of the disk array
snapshot methods for the EMC CLARiiON, HP EVA, or IBM disk arrays
Note: The credentials for the disk array or NDMP host are specified under Media
and Device Management > Credentials.

Note: Off-host alternate client backup is a feature of NetBackup Snapshot Client,

which requires a separate license. The NetBackup for NDMP feature requires the
NetBackup for NDMP license.

Data Classification properties

Note: The Data Classification properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Data Classification.

The Data Classification properties apply to currently selected primary and media
Data classifications must be configured in the Data Classification host properties
before storage lifecycle policies can be configured.
See “Data classifications (policy attribute)” on page 770.
Configuring Host Properties 102
Data Classification properties

Figure 3-13 Data Classification dialog box

The Data Classification dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 103
Data Classification properties

Table 3-21 Data Classification dialog box properties

Property Description

Rank column The Rank column displays the rank of the data classifications. The order of the data
classifications determines the rank of the classification in relationship to the others in
the list. The lowest numbered rank has the highest priority.

Use the Move Up and Move Down options to move the classification up or down in
the list.

To create a new data classification, click New. New data classifications are added to
bottom of the list. To increase the rank of a data classification, select a line and click
Move Up. To decrease the rank of a data classification, select a line and click Move

Name column The Name column displays the data classification name. While data classifications
cannot be deleted, the data classification names can be modified.
NetBackup provides the following data classifications by default:

■ Platinum (highest rank by default)

■ Gold (second highest rank by default)
■ Silver (third highest rank by default)
■ Bronze (lowest rank by default)

Description column In the Description column, enter a meaningful description for the data classification.
Descriptions can be modified.

Data Classification ID The Data Classification ID is the GUID value that identifies the data classification and
is generated when a new data classification is added and the host property is saved.
This column is not displayed by default.

A data classification ID becomes associated with a backup image by setting the Data
Classification attribute in the policy dialog box. The ID is written into the image header.
The storage lifecycle policies use the ID to identify the images that are associated with

ID values can exist in image headers indefinitely, so data classifications cannot be

deleted. The name, description, and rank can change without changing the identity of
the data classification.

Note: Data classifications cannot be deleted. However, the name, description, and
the rank can be changed. The classification ID remains the same.

Creating a Data Classification

Use the following procedures to create or change a data classification.
Configuring Host Properties 104
Default Job Priorities properties

To create a data classification

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
2 In the left pane, click Data Classification.
3 Click New.
4 Add the name and description in the New Data Classification dialog box.
5 Click OK to save the classification and close the dialog box.

Note: Data classifications cannot be deleted.

6 Select a line in the Data Classification host properties and use the Move Up
and Move Down options to move the classification level up or down in the list.

Default Job Priorities properties

Note: The Default Job Priorities properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Default Job Priorities.

The Default Job Priorities host properties let administrators configure the default
job priority for different job types. The Default Job Priorities host property lists the
job types and the configurable default priority for each.
Configuring Host Properties 105
Default Job Priorities properties

Figure 3-14 Default Job Priorities dialog box

The job priority can be set for individual jobs in the following utilities:
■ In the Jobs tab of the Activity Monitor for queued or active jobs.
See “Changing the Job Priority dynamically from the Activity Monitor” on page 1160.
■ In the Catalog utility for verify, duplicate, and import jobs.
■ In the Reports utility for a Media Contents report job.
■ In the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface for restore jobs.
The Default Job Priorities dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-22 Default Job Priorities dialog box properties

Property Description

Job Type and Job Priority list This listing includes 18 job types and the current configurable priority for each.
Configuring Host Properties 106
Default Job Priorities properties

Table 3-22 Default Job Priorities dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Job Priority The Job Priority value specifies the priority that a job has as it competes with other
jobs for backup resources. The value can range from 0 to 99999. The higher the number,
the greater the priority of the job.

A new priority setting affects all the policies that are created after the host property has
been changed.

A higher priority does not guarantee that a job receives resources before a job with a
lower priority. NetBackup evaluates jobs with a higher priority before those with a lower
However, the following factors can cause a job with a lower priority to run before a job
with a higher priority:

■ To maximize drive use, a low priority job may run first if it can use a drive that is
currently loaded. A job with a higher priority that requires that the drive be unloaded
would wait.
■ If a low priority job can join a multiplexed group, it may run first. The job with a
higher priority may wait if it is not able to join the multiplexed group.
■ If the NetBackup Resource Broker (nbrb) receives a job request during an
evaluation cycle, it does not consider the job until the next cycle, regardless of the
job priority.

Understanding the Job Priority setting

NetBackup uses the Job Priority setting as a guide. Requests with a higher priority
do not always receive resources before a request with a lower priority.
The NetBackup Resource Broker (NBRB) maintains resource requests for jobs in
a queue.
NBRB evaluates the requests sequentially and sorts them based on the following
■ The request's first priority.
■ The request’s second priority.
■ The birth time (when the Resource Broker receives the request).
The first priority is weighted more heavily than the second priority, and the second
priority is weighted more heavily than the birth time.
Because a request with a higher priority is listed in the queue before a request with
a lower priority, the request with a higher priority is evaluated first. Even though the
chances are greater that the higher priority request receives resources first, it is
not always definite.
Configuring Host Properties 107
Distributed application restore mapping properties

The following scenarios present situations in which a request with a lower priority
may receive resources before a request with a higher priority:
■ A higher priority job needs to unload the media in a drive because the retention
level (or the media pool) of the loaded media is not what the job requires. A
lower priority job can use the media that is already loaded in the drive. To
maximize drive utilization, the Resource Broker gives the loaded media and
drive pair to the job with the lower priority.
■ A higher priority job is not eligible to join an existing multiplexing group but a
lower priority job is eligible to join the multiplexing group. To continue spinning
the drive at the maximum rate, the lower priority job joins the multiplexing group
and runs.
■ The Resource Broker receives resource requests for jobs and places the requests
in a queue before processing them. New resource requests are sorted and
evaluated every 5 minutes. Some external events (a new resource request or
a resource release, for example) can also trigger an evaluation. If the Resource
Broker receives a request of any priority while it processes requests in an
evaluation cycle, the request is not evaluated until the next evaluation cycle

Distributed application restore mapping properties

Note: The Distributed Application Restore Mapping properties can be configured
on the NetBackup web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select
the primary server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties,
and then click Distributed Application Restore Mapping.

Some applications, such as SharePoint, Exchange, and SQL Server distribute and
replicate data across multiple hosts. Or, the configuration includes a cluster where
communication occurs across multiple nodes. Use the Distributed Application
Restore Mapping to provide a mapping of the hosts in the database environment
so that NetBackup can successfully restore the databases. See the administrator's
guide for the database agent for more details.
For example, for a SharePoint farm, assume that the farm has two application
servers (App1 and App2), one front-end server (FE1) and one SQL database
(SQLDB1). The Distributed Application Restore Mapping for this SharePoint server
would be as following follows:

Application host Component host

Configuring Host Properties 108
Distributed application restore mapping properties

Application host Component host



The Distributed Application Restore Mapping dialog box contains the following

Table 3-23 Distributed Application Restore Mapping dialog box properties

Property Description

Add Adds a component host that is authorized to run restores on a SharePoint, Exchange,
or SQL Server application host.

For SharePoint, NetBackup catalogs backup images under the front-end server name.
To allow NetBackup to restore SQL Server back-end databases to the correct hosts
in a farm, provide a list of the SharePoint hosts.

For Exchange, any operations that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) require
that you provide a list of the Exchange virtual and the physical host names. Also include
the off-host client and the granular proxy host.

For SQL Server, this configuration is required for restores of a SQL Server cluster or
a SQL Server availability group (AG).
Note: For VMware backups and restores that protect SharePoint, Exchange, or SQL
Server, you only need to add the hosts that browse for backups or perform restores.
You also must configure a mapping if you use a Primary VM Identifier other than VM
hostname. See the administrator's guide for the database agent for more details.

Note: Use either the client's short name or its fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
You do not need to provide both names in the list.

For more details, see the following:

NetBackup for SharePoint Server Administrator's Guide

NetBackup for Exchange Server Administrator's Guide

NetBackup for SQL Server Administrator's Guide

Change Changes the application host or component host of the currently selected mapping.

Remove Removes the currently selected mapping.

Configuring Host Properties 109
Encryption properties

Encryption properties
Note: The Encryption properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the clients. From the
Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Encryption.

The Encryption properties control encryption on the currently selected client.

Multiple clients can be selected and configured at one time only if all selected clients
are running the same version of NetBackup. If not, the Encryption properties dialog
box is hidden.
More information is available in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Figure 3-15 Encryption dialog box

Configuring Host Properties 110
Encryption properties

The Encryption permissions property indicates the encryption setting on the

selected NetBackup client as determined by the primary server.

Table 3-24 Encryption permissions selections

Property Description

Not allowed Specifies that the client does not permit encrypted backups.
If the server requests an encrypted backup, the backup job
ends due to error.

Allowed Specifies that the client allows either encrypted or

unencrypted backups. Allowed is the default setting for a
client that has not been configured for encryption.

Required Specifies that the client requires encrypted backups. If the

server requests an unencrypted backup, the backup job ends
due to error.

Choose the encryption properties in Table 3-25

Table 3-25 Encryption dialog box properties

Property Description

Enable standard Pertains to the 128-bit and the 256-bit options of NetBackup Encryption.

Client Cipher The following cipher types are available: AES-256-CFB and AES-128-CFB.

AES-128-CFB is the default.

Note: If you have 9.1 or earlier hosts in your environment, it is recommended that you select
stronger client ciphers for the hosts, such as AES-256-CFB or AES-128-CFB.

More information about the ciphers file is available in the NetBackup Security and Encryption

Additional encryption methods for Windows clients

In addition to NetBackup client and server data encryption, Microsoft Windows
clients also have access to methods of encrypting the data on the original disk.
Each of the following methods has its own costs and benefits. NetBackup supports
each method for protecting Microsoft Windows clients.
Configuring Host Properties 111
Enterprise Vault properties

Encrypting File System

The Encrypting File System (EFS) on Microsoft Windows provides file system-level
encryption. EFS is a form of encryption where individual files or directories are
encrypted by the file system itself.
The technology enables files to be transparently encrypted to protect confidential
data from attackers with physical access to the computer. Users can enable
encryption on a per-file, per-directory, or per-drive basis. The Group Policy in a
Windows domain environment can also mandate some EFS settings.
No NetBackup settings are involved in protecting these encrypted objects. Any
object with an encrypted file system attribute is automatically backed up and restored
in its encrypted state.

BitLocker Drive Encryption

BitLocker Drive Encryption is a full disk encryption feature included with Microsoft's
Windows desktop and server versions.
Disk encryption is a technology which protects information by converting it into
unreadable code that cannot be deciphered easily by unauthorized people. Disk
encryption uses disk encryption software or hardware to encrypt every bit of data
that goes on a disk or a disk volume.
As with EFS, no NetBackup settings are involved to use BitLocker for encryption.
Unlike EFS, the encryption layer is invisible to NetBackup, with the data being
automatically decrypted and encrypted by the operating system.
NetBackup does nothing to manage the encryption process and therefore backs
up and restores the unencrypted data.

Note: If you recover a Windows computer that has BitLocker encryption enabled,
you must re-enable BitLocker encryption following the restore.

Off-host backup is not supported with volumes that run Windows BitLocker Drive

Enterprise Vault properties

Note: The Enterprise Vault properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Windows
clients. From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click
Windows Client > Enterprise Vault.
Configuring Host Properties 112
Enterprise Vault properties

The Enterprise Vault properties apply to currently selected clients.

To perform backups and restores, NetBackup must know the user name and
password for the account that is used to log on to the Enterprise Vault Server and
to interact with the Enterprise Vault SQL database. The user must set the logon
account for every NetBackup client that runs backup and restore operations for
Enterprise Vault components.

Figure 3-16 Enterprise Vault dialog box

The Enterprise Vault dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-26 Enterprise Vault dialog box properties

Property Description

User Name Specify the user ID for the account that is used to log on to Enterprise Vault
(DOMAIN\user name).

Note: In 10.0 and later, credentials are stored in the Credential Management
System (CMS). If you get an error that CMS is unable to process the credentials,
ensure that the host name is configured in the host mappings settings.
Configuring Host Properties 113
Enterprise Vault Hosts properties

Table 3-26 Enterprise Vault dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Password Specify the password for the account.

Consistency check before Select what kind of consistency checks to perform on the SQL Server databases
backup before NetBackup begins a backup operation.

Enterprise Vault Hosts properties

Note: The Enterprise Vault Hosts properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Enterprise Vault Hosts.

The Enterprise Vault Hosts properties apply to currently selected primary servers.
Special configuration is required to allow NetBackup to restore SQL databases to
the correct hosts in an Enterprise Vault farm. In the Enterprise Vault Hosts primary
server properties, specify a source and a destination host. By doing so, you specify
a source host that can run restores on the destination host.
Configuring Host Properties 114
Exchange properties

Figure 3-17 Enterprise Vault Hosts primary server properties

The Enterprise Vault Hosts dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-27 Enterprise Vault Hosts dialog box properties

Option Description

Add Adds the source and the destination hosts within the Enterprise Vault configuration.
You must provide the name of the Source host and the name of the Destination host.

Change Changes the source host and the destination host, an entry that you select from the
Enterprise Vault Hosts field.

Exchange properties
Note: The Exchange properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the Windows clients. From
the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Exchange.
Configuring Host Properties 115
Exchange properties

The Exchange properties apply to the currently selected Windows clients. For
clustered or replicated environments, configure the same settings for all nodes. If
you change the attributes for the virtual server name, only the DAG host server is
For complete information on these options, see the NetBackup for Exchange Server
Administrator's Guide.

Figure 3-18 Exchange dialog box

The Exchange dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-28 Exchange dialog box properties

Property Description

Snapshot verification I/O throttle This property only applies to MS-Exchange-Server backup policies with Exchange
2007. This version of Exchange is no longer supported.
Configuring Host Properties 116
Exchange properties

Table 3-28 Exchange dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Backup option for log files

Note: This property only applies to MS-Exchange-Server backup policies.
during full backups
Choose which logs to include with snapshot backups:

■ Back up only uncommitted log files

■ Back up all log files (including committed log files)

Truncate log after successful

Note: This property only applies to MS-Exchange-Server backup policies.
Instant Recovery backup
Enable this option to delete transaction logs after a successful Instant Recovery
backup. By default, transaction logs are not deleted for a full Instant Recovery
backup that is snapshot only.

Exchange granular proxy host

Note: This property applies when you duplicate or browse a backup that uses
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT).

You can specify a different Windows system to act as a proxy for the source client
when you duplicate or browse a backup (with bplist) that uses GRT. Use a
proxy if you do not want to affect the source client or if it is not available.

For complete information on this option, see the NetBackup for Exchange Server
Administrator's Guide.

Enable single instance backup

Note: This property only applies to MS-Exchange-Server backup policies with
for message attachments
Exchange 2007. This version of Exchange is no longer supported.

Perform consistency check Disable this option if you do not want to perform a consistency check during a
before backup with Microsoft DAG backup. If you check Continue with backup if consistency check fails,
Volume Shadow Copy Service NetBackup continues to perform the backup even if the consistency check fails.

Exchange credentials Note the following for this property:

■ This property applies to MS-Exchange-Server and VMware backup policies

with Exchange recovery.
■ You must configure this property if you want to use GRT.

Provide the credentials for the account for NetBackup Exchange operations. This
account must have the necessary permissions to perform Exchange restores.
The permissions that are required depend on the Exchange version that you have.
The account also needs the right to “Replace a process level token.”

For complete information on this property, see the NetBackup for Exchange Server
Administrator's Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 117
Exchange properties

About the Exchange credentials in the client host properties

The Exchange credentials in the client host properties indicate the account that has
necessary permissions to perform Exchange restores. The permissions that are
required depend on the Exchange version that you have.
Note the following:
■ In NetBackup 10.0 and later, credentials are stored in the Credential Management
System (CMS). If you get an error that CMS is unable to process the credentials,
ensure that the host name is configured in the host mappings settings.
■ To use GRT, configure the Exchange credentials on all granular clients.
Alternatively, you can configure the Exchange credentials only on the granular
clients that perform restores. In this case, for the entire domain add “Exchange
Servers” to the “View-Only Organization Management” role group. Perform this
configuration in the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) or in Active Directory.
See the following Microsoft article for more information:
■ The account that you configured for the Exchange credentials must also have
the right to “Replace a process level token.”
■ For database restores from VMware backups, the Exchange credentials that
you provide must have permissions to restore VM files.
■ If you want to restore from a VMware snapshot copy that was created with
Replication Director, do the following:
■ Provide the Exchange credentials in the Domain\user and Password fields.
■ Configure the NetBackup Client Service with an account that has access to
the CIFS shares that are created on the NetApp disk array.

■ If you specify the minimal NetBackup account for the Exchange credentials in
the client host properties, NetBackup can back up only active copies of the
Exchange databases. If you select Passive copy only in the Database backup
source field when you create a policy, any backups fail. The failure occurs
because the Microsoft Active Directory Service Interface does not provide a list
of database copies for a minimal account.
Configuring Host Properties 118
Exclude Lists properties

Exclude Lists properties

Note: The Exclude Lists properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Windows clients.
From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Exclude

Use the Exclude Lists host properties to create and to modify the exclude lists for
Windows clients. An exclude list names the files and directories to be excluded
from backups of the selected Windows clients.
For UNIX clients, use the nbgetconfig and nbsetconfig commands to gather and
modify the exclude list files from the /usr/openv/netbackup directory on each
client. nbgetconfig and nbsetconfig can also be used on a UNIX server to create
an exclude list on a Windows client.
See “Configuring the exclude list on a Windows client from a UNIX primary server”
on page 125.

Figure 3-19 Exclude Lists dialog box

Configuring Host Properties 119
Exclude Lists properties

Exclude Lists properties apply only to Windows clients.

For information about creating exclude lists for UNIX clients, see the following topic:
See “About excluding files from automatic backups” on page 923.
If more than one exclude or include list exists for a client, NetBackup uses only the
most specific one.
For example, assume that a client has the following exclude lists:
■ An exclude list for a policy and schedule.
■ An exclude list for a policy.
■ An exclude list for the entire client. This list does not specify a policy or schedule.
In this example, NetBackup uses the first exclude list (for policy and schedule)
because it is the most specific.
Exclude and include lists that are set up for a policy or for a policy and schedule
are not used to determine if an entire drive is to be excluded when NetBackup
determines if a backup job should be started.
Normally, this is not a problem. However, if a policy uses multistreaming and a drive
or a mount point is excluded, that job will report an error status when it completes.
To avoid the situation, do not use the policy or the policy and schedule lists to
exclude an entire volume.
The Exclude Lists dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-29 Excludes Lists dialog box properties

Property Description

Use case sensitive exclude Indicates that the files and directories to exclude are case-sensitive.

Exclude lists Displays the policies that contain schedule, file, and directory exclusions as follows:

■ Add
Click to exclude a file from being backed up by a policy. The exclusion is configured
in the Add to exclude list dialog box, then added to the Exclude list. When the
policies in this list are run, the files and directories that are specified on the list are
not backed up.
■ Add to all
When multiple Windows clients are selected, click Add to all to add the selected
list item to the Exclude list for all selected clients. Add to all is enabled only when
multiple Windows clients are selected for configuration.
■ Remove
Click to remove the selected policy, schedule, or file from the Exclude list.
Configuring Host Properties 120
Exclude Lists properties

Table 3-29 Excludes Lists dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Exceptions to exclude list Displays the policies, schedules, files, and directories that are excepted from the
Exclude list. When the policies on the Exceptions to the exclude list run, the files
and directories on the list are backed up if they were part of the original file list and
were subsequently excluded. The list is useful to exclude all files in a directory but one.

For example, if the file list of items to back up contains /foo, and the exclude list
contains /foo/bar, adding /fum to the exceptions list does not back up the /fum
directory. However, adding fum to the exceptions list will back up any occurrences of
fum (file or directory) that occur within /foo/bar.

Options include the following:

■ Add
Click to create an exception to the Exclude list. The exception is configured in the
Add exceptions to exclude list dialog box, then added to the Exceptions to the
exclude list.
When the policies on the Exceptions to the exclude list run, the items on the
exceptions list are backed up (if they were part of the original file list and
subsequently excluded). Effectively, you add files back into the backup list of a
■ Add to all
When multiple Windows clients are selected, click Add to all to add the selected
list item to the Exceptions to the exclude list for all selected clients. When the
policies on the exclude list run, the items on the exceptions list are backed up on
all selected clients.
■ Remove
Click to remove the selected policy, schedule, or file from the Exceptions list. After
the item is removed from the Exclude list, the item is excluded from the backup.

About the Add to Exclude List and Add Exceptions to Exclude List
dialog boxes
The Add to Exclude List dialog box and the Add Exceptions to Exclude List
dialog box contain the following fields:
Configuring Host Properties 121
Exclude Lists properties

Table 3-30 Add to Exclude dialog box

Field Description

Policy The policy name that contains the files and the directories
that you want to exclude or make exceptions for. You can
also select the policy name from the drop-down menu. To
exclude or make exceptions for the backup of specific files
or directories from all policies, select All Policies.

Schedule The schedule name that is associated with the files and the
directories that you want to exclude or make exceptions for.
You can also select the schedule name from the drop-down
menu. To exclude or make exceptions for the backups of
specific files or directories from all schedules, select All

Files/Directories Either browse or enter the full path to the files and the
directories that you want to exclude or make exceptions for.

Figure 3-20 Add to Exclude List properties

Adding an entry to an exclude list

Use the following procedure to add an entry to an exclude list for a policy:
To add an entry to the exclude list
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Clients. Double-click on a client.
2 Under the Exclude List, click Add.
3 In the Policy field, select a policy name from the drop-down menu or enter the
name of a policy. Select All Policies to exclude these items from all policies.
Configuring Host Properties 122
Exclude Lists properties

4 In the Schedule field, select a schedule name from the drop-down menu or
enter the name of a schedule. Select All Schedules to exclude the specified
files and directories from all schedules in the policy.
5 In the Files/Directories field, either browse or enter the files or directories to
be excluded from the backups that are based on the selected policy and
6 Click Add to add the specified files and directories to the exclude list.
7 Click Apply to accept the changes. Click OK to accept the changes and close
the host properties dialog box.

Adding an exception to the exclude list

Use the following procedure to add an exception to the exclude list for a policy:
To add an exception to the exclude list
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Clients. Double-click on a client.
2 Under the Exceptions to the Exclude List, click Add.
3 In the Policy field, select a policy name from the drop-down menu or enter the
name of a policy. Select All Policies to add these items back into all policies.
(In other words, these items are to be excluded from the exclude list.)
4 In the Schedule field, select a schedule name from the drop-down menu or
enter the name of a schedule. Select All Schedules to add these items back
into the schedules.
5 In the Files/Directories field, either browse or enter the files or directories to
be added back into the backups that are based on the selected policy and
6 Click Add to add the specified files and directories to the Exceptions to the
Exclude List.
7 Click Apply to accept the changes. Click OK to accept the changes and close
the host properties dialog box.

Syntax rules for exclude lists

It is recommended that you always specify automounted directories and CD-ROM
file systems in the exclude list. Otherwise, if the directories are not mounted at the
time of a backup, NetBackup must wait for a timeout.
The following syntax rules apply to exclude lists:
■ Only one pattern per line is allowed.
Configuring Host Properties 123
Exclude Lists properties

■ NetBackup recognizes standard wildcard use.

See “Wildcard use in NetBackup” on page 1207.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
■ If all files are excluded in the backup selections list, NetBackup backs up only
what is specified by full path names in the include list. Files can be excluded by
using / or * or by using both symbols together (/*).
■ Spaces are considered legal characters. Do not include extra spaces unless
they are part of the file name.
For example, if you want to exclude a file named
C:\testfile (with no extra space character at the end)
and your exclude list entry is
C:\testfile (with an extra space character at the end)
NetBackup cannot find the file until you delete the extra space from the end of
the file name.
■ End a file path with \ to exclude only directories with that path name (for example,
C:\users\test\). If the pattern does not end in \ (for example, C:\users\test),
NetBackup excludes both files and directories with that path name.
■ To exclude all files with a given name, regardless of their directory path, enter
the name. For example:
rather than
This example is equivalent to prefixing the file pattern with
and so on.
The following syntax rules apply only to UNIX clients:
■ Do not use patterns with links in the names. For example, assume /home is a
link to /usr/home and /home/doc is in the exclude list. The file is still backed
up in this case because the actual directory path, /usr/home/doc, does not
match the exclude list entry, /home/doc.
■ Blank lines or lines which begin with a pound sign (#) are ignored.
Configuring Host Properties 124
Exclude Lists properties

Example of a Windows client exclude list

Assume that an exclude list in the Exclude Lists host properties contains the
following entries:





Given the exclude list example, the following files, and directories are excluded
from automatic backups:
■ The file or directory named C:\users\doe\john.
■ The directory C:\users\doe\abc\ (because the exclude entry ends with \).
■ All files or directories named test that are two levels beneath users on drive
■ All files or directories named temp that are two levels beneath the root directory
on drive C.
■ All files or directories named core at any level and on any drive.

Example of a UNIX exclude list

In this example of a UNIX exclude list, the list contains the following entries:

# this is a comment line


Given the exclude list example, the following files and directories are excluded from
automatic backups:
■ The file or directory named /home/doe/john.
■ The directory /home/doe/abc (because the exclude entry ends with /).
■ All files or directories named test that are two levels beneath home.
■ All files or directories named temp that are two levels beneath the root directory.
■ All files or directories named core at any level.
Configuring Host Properties 125
Exclude Lists properties

About creating an include list on a UNIX client

To add a file that is eliminated with the exclude list, create a
/usr/openv/netbackup/include_list file. The same syntax rules apply as for
the exclude list.

Note: Exclude and include lists do not apply to user backups and archives.

To illustrate the use of an include list, we use the example from the previous
discussion. The exclude list in that example causes NetBackup to omit all files or
directories named test from all directories beneath /home/*/test.
In this case, add a file named /home/jdoe/test back into the backup by creating
an include_list file on the client. Add the following to the include_list file:

# this is a comment line


To create an include list for a specific policy or policy and schedule combination,
use a .policyname or .policyname.schedulename suffix. The following are two
examples of include list names for a policy that is named wkstations that contains
a schedule that is named fulls.


The first file affects all scheduled backups in the policy that is named wkstations.
The second file affects backups only when the schedule is named fulls.
For a given backup, NetBackup uses only one include list: the list with the most
specific name. Given the following two files:


NetBackup uses only include_list.workstations.fulls as the include list.

Configuring the exclude list on a Windows client from a UNIX primary

An administrator can change the exclude list on a Windows client from a UNIX
primary server by using the nbgetconfig (or bpgetconfig) and the nbsetconfig
(or bpsetconfig) commands.
Configuring Host Properties 126
Exclude Lists properties

Configuring the exclude list on a Windows client from a UNIX primary server
1 From the UNIX server, use the nbgetconfig command to access the exclude
list on a Windows client.
For example, where:
nbprimary1 is a UNIX primary server.
nbmedia1 is a Windows computer and a NetBackup client.
On nbprimary1, run the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbgetconfig -M nbmedia1 EXCLUDE

The output lists the exclude list on nbmedia1:

EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\*.lock

EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bprd.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpsched.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\*
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\misc\*

2 Create an exclude list on the UNIX server.

For example, file ex_list on nbprimary1:

vi /tmp/ex_list

The contents of ex_list consists of the following files and directories:

more /tmp/ex_list
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bprd.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpsched.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\*
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\misc\*
Configuring Host Properties 127
Exclude Lists properties

3 From the UNIX server, use the nbsetconfig command to set the exclude list
on a Windows client.
For example, run the following command on nbprimary1 to make ex_list the
exclude list on client nbmedia1:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsetconfig -h nbmedia1 /tmp/ex_list

4 On the UNIX server, use the nbgetconfig command to view the new exclude
list on the Windows client.
For example:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbgetconfig -M nbmedia1 EXCLUDE

The output lists the updated exclude list on nbmedia1:

EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\*.lock

EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bprd.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpsched.d\*.lock
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\*
EXCLUDE = C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\misc\*

Traversing excluded directories

An exclude list can indicate a directory for exclusion, while the client uses an include
list to override the exclude list. NetBackup traverses the excluded directories if
necessary, to satisfy the client’s include list.
Assume the following settings for a Windows client:
■ The backup policy backup selection list indicates ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES. When a
scheduled backup runs, the entire client is backed up.
The entire client is also backed up if the backup selection list consists of only:
■ The exclude list on the client consists of only: *
An exclude list of * indicates that all files are excluded from the backup.
■ However, since the include list on the Windows client includes the following file:
C:\WINNT, the excluded directories are traversed to back up C:\WINNT.
If the include list did not contain any entry, no directories are traversed.
In another example, assume the following settings for a UNIX client:
■ The backup selection list for the client consists of the following: /
Configuring Host Properties 128
Fibre Transport properties

■ The exclude list for the UNIX client consists of the following: /
■ The include list of the UNIX client consists of the following directories:

Because the include list specifies full paths and the exclude list excludes everything,
NetBackup replaces the backup selection list with the client’s include list.

Fibre Transport properties

Note: The Fibre Transport properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Fibre Transport.

NetBackup Fibre Transport properties control how your Fibre Transport media
servers and SAN clients use the Fibre Transport service for backups and restores.
The Fibre Transport properties apply to the host type that you select in the
NetBackup Administration Console, as follows:

Table 3-31 Host types for Fibre Transport properties

Host type Description

Primary server Global Fibre Transport properties that apply to all SAN clients.

Media server The Fibre Transport Maximum concurrent FT connections

property applies to the FT media server or servers that you selected
in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Client The Fibre Transport properties apply to the SAN client or clients
that you selected in the NetBackup Administration Console. The
default values for clients are the global property settings of the primary
server. Client properties override the global Fibre Transport
Configuring Host Properties 129
Fibre Transport properties

Figure 3-21 Fibre Transport host properties for a primary server

Table 3-32 describes the Fibre Transport properties. All properties are not available
for all hosts. In this table, FT device is an HBA port on a Fibre Transport media
server. The port carries the backup and restore traffic. A media server may have
more than one FT device.
Configuring Host Properties 130
Fibre Transport properties

Table 3-32 Fibre Transport dialog box properties

Property Description

Maximum concurrent FT This property appears only when you select an FT media server or servers in the
connections NetBackup Administration Console.

This property specifies the number of FT connections to allow to the selected

media server or media servers. A connection is equivalent to a job.
If no value is set, NetBackup uses the following defaults:

■ For NetBackup Appliance model 5330 and later: 32

■ For NetBackup Appliance model 5230 and later: 32
■ For NetBackup Fibre Transport media servers: 8 times the number of fast HBA
ports on the media server plus 4 times the number of slow HBA ports. A fast
port is 8 GB or faster, and a slow port is less than 8 GB.
You can enter up to the following maximum connections for the media server or
servers to use:

■ On a Linux FT media server host: 40.

It is recommended that you use 32 or fewer connections concurrently on Linux.
On Linux hosts, you can increase that maximum by setting a NetBackup touch
See “About Linux concurrent FT connections” on page 131.
■ For NetBackup Appliance model 5330 and later: 40.
■ For NetBackup Appliance model 5230 and later: 40.
■ On a Solaris FT media server host: 64.

NetBackup supports 644 buffers per media server for Fibre Transport. To
determine the number of buffers that each connection uses, divide 644 by the
value you enter. More buffers per connection equal better performance for each

Use defaults from the master This property appears only when you select a client or client in the NetBackup
server configuration Administration Console.

This property specifies that the client follow the properties as they are configured
on the primary server.

Preferred The Preferred property specifies to use an FT device if one is available within
the configured wait period in minutes. If an FT device is not available after the
wait period elapses, NetBackup uses a LAN connection for the operation.

If you select this option, also specify the wait period for backups and for restores.

For the global property that is specified on the primary server, the default is
Configuring Host Properties 131
Fibre Transport properties

Table 3-32 Fibre Transport dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Always The Always property specifies that NetBackup should always use an FT device
for backups and restores of SAN clients. NetBackup waits until an FT device is
available before it begins the operation.

However, an FT device must be online and up. If not, NetBackup uses the LAN.
An FT device may be unavailable because none are active, none have been
configured, or the SAN Client license expired.

Fail The Fail property specifies that NetBackup should fail the job if an FT device is
not online and up. If the FT devices are online but busy, NetBackup waits until a
device is available and assigns the next job to the device. An FT device may be
unavailable because none are active, none have been configured, or the SAN
Client license expired.

Never The Never property specifies that NetBackup should never use an FT pipe for
backups and restores of SAN clients. NetBackup uses a LAN connection for the
backups and restores.

If you specify Never for the primary server, Fibre Transport is disabled in the
NetBackup environment. If you select Never, you can configure FT usage on a
per-client basis.

If you specify Never for a media server, Fibre Transport is disabled for the media

If you specify Never for a SAN client, Fibre Transport is disabled for the client.

NetBackup provides one finer level of granularity for Fibre Transport. SAN client
usage preferences override the FT properties that you configure through Host
For more information about NetBackup Fibre Transport, see the NetBackup SAN
Client and Fibre Transport Guide.

About Linux concurrent FT connections

NetBackup uses the Maximum concurrent FT connections Fibre Transport host
property to configure the number of concurrent connections to a Fibre Transport
media server, up to the total that is allowed per host.
See “Fibre Transport properties” on page 128.
If the total number of concurrent connections on Linux is too low for your purposes,
you can increase the total number of concurrent connections. The consequence is
that each client backup or restore job uses fewer buffers, which means that each
job is slower because of fewer buffers. To increase the number of concurrent
Configuring Host Properties 132
Firewall properties

connections, reduce the number of buffers per connection. To do so, create the
following file and include one of the supported values from Table 3-33 in the file:

Table 3-33 shows the values that NetBackup supports for the
NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS_FT file. NetBackup supports 644 buffers per media server
for Fibre Transport.

Table 3-33 Supported values for buffers per FT connection

NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS_FT Total concurrent Total concurrent

connections: NetBackup connections: Linux FT
5230 and 5330 and later media server

16 40 40

12 53 53

10 64 64

If you want, you then can limit the number of connections for a media server or
media servers by using the Maximum concurrent FT connections of the Fibre
Transport host properties.

Firewall properties
Note: The Firewall properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On the
left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be configured,
select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions menu,
select the Edit option, and then click Firewall.

The Firewall properties describe how the selected primary servers and media
servers connect to legacy services running on that NetBackup host.
Servers are added to the host list of the Firewall properties. To configure port usage
for clients, see the Client Attributes properties.
See “Client Attributes properties” on page 75.
Configuring Host Properties 133
Firewall properties

Figure 3-22 Firewall dialog box

The Firewall dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 134
Firewall properties

Table 3-34 Firewall dialog box properties

Property Description

Default connect options By default, NetBackup selects firewall-friendly connect options under Default connect
options. However, the default options can be set differently for individual servers under
Attributes for selected Hosts.

By default, the firewall settings are configured to require the fewest possible ports to
be open.

These properties correspond to the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option.

To change the default connect options for the selected server, click Change.

Click Change to change the Default connect options. Change the Firewall properties
in the Default Connect Options dialog box.
Note: If VNETD only is selected as the Daemon connection port, the BPCD connect
back setting is not applicable. If VNETD only is selected as the Daemon connection
port, Use non-reserved ports is always used regardless of the value of the Ports

Hosts list To change the default connect options for any host name, add the host name to the
host list. Servers do not automatically appear on the list.

■ Add option
Click Add to add a host entry to the host list. A host must be listed before it can be
selected for configuration.
■ Add to all option
Click Add to All to add the listed hosts (along with the specified properties) to all
hosts that are selected for host property configuration. (That is, the hosts that are
selected upon opening the Host Properties.)
■ Remove option
Select a host name in the list, then click Remove to remove the host from the list.

Attributes for selected hosts Connect options can be configured for individual servers.

These properties correspond to the CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option.

Configuring Host Properties 135
Firewall properties

Table 3-34 Firewall dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

BPCD connect back This property specifies how daemons are to connect back to the NetBackup Client
daemon (BPCD) as follows:

■ Use default connect options (An option for individual hosts)

Use the methods that are specified under Default connect options.
■ Random port
NetBackup randomly chooses a free port in the allowed range to perform the
traditional connect-back method.
■ VNETD port
This method requires no connect-back. The Veritas Network Daemon (vnetd) was
designed to enhance firewall efficiency with NetBackup during server-to-server and
server-to-client communications. The server initiates all bpcd socket connections.
Consider the example in which bpbrm on a media server initially connects with
bpcd on a client. The situation does not pose a firewall problem because bpbrm
uses the well-known PBX or vnetd port.

Ports Select whether a reserved or non-reserved port number should be used to connect to
the host name:

■ Use default connect options (An option for individual hosts)

Use the methods that are specified under Default attributes.
■ Reserved port
Connect to the host name by a reserved port number.
■ Use non-reserved ports
Connect to the host name by a non-reserved port number.
Configuring Host Properties 136
Firewall properties

Table 3-34 Firewall dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Daemon connection port This option only affects connections to NetBackup 7.0 and earlier. For connections to
NetBackup 7.0.1 and later, the veritas_pbx port is used.
If configuring connections for NetBackup 7.0 and earlier, select the Daemon connection
port method to use to connect to the server:

■ Use default connect options (An option for individual hosts)

Use the methods that are specified under Default connect options.
■ Automatic
The daemons on the server are connected to by vnetd if possible. If it is not possible
to use vnetd, the daemon’s traditional port number makes the connection.
■ VNETD only
The daemons on the server are connected to by vnetd only. Select this property
if your firewall rules prevent connections to the server by the traditional port number.
■ Daemon port only
The daemons on the server are connected to by the traditional port number only.

Note: If vnetd only is selected as the Daemon connection port, the BPCD connect
back setting is not applicable. If vnetd only is selected as the Daemon connection
port, Non-reserved port is always used regardless of the value of the Ports setting.

Defaults Set property settings back to the defaults.

Enabling logging for vnetd

Use the following procedure to enable logging for vnetd.
To enable logging for vnetd
Create a vnetd directory in the following location:
■ On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\vnetd
Or, double-click mklogdir.bat in the install_path\NetBackup\logs\
directory to populate the logs directory with log subdirectories, including
one for vnetd.
■ On UNIX: /usr/openv/logs/vnetd
Configuring Host Properties 137
General Server properties

General Server properties

Note: The General Server properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, or Media Servers. From the Actions menu,
select the Edit option, and then click General Server properties.

The General Server properties apply to selected primary and media servers.

Figure 3-23 General Server dialog box

The General Server dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 138
General Server properties

Table 3-35 General Server dialog box properties

Property Description

Delay on multiplexed restores This property specifies how long the server waits for additional restore requests
of multiplexed images on the same tape. All of the restore requests that are
received within the delay period are included in the same restore operation (one
pass of the tape).

The default is a delay of 30 seconds.

Check the capacity of disk storage This property applies to the disk storage units of 6.0 media servers only.
units every Subsequent releases use internal methods to monitor disk space more frequently.

Must use local drive This property appears for primary servers only, but applies to all media servers
as well. This property does not apply to NDMP drives.

If a client is also a media server or a primary server and Must use local drive is
checked, a local drive is used to back up the client. If all drives are down, another
can be used.

This property increases performance because backups are done locally rather
than sent across the network. For example, in a SAN environment a storage unit
can be created for each SAN media server. Then, the media server clients may
be mixed with other clients in a policy that uses ANY AVAILABLE storage unit.
When a backup starts for a client that is a SAN media server, the backups go to
the SAN connected drives on that server.

Use direct access recovery for By default, NetBackup for NDMP is configured to use Direct Access Recovery
NDMP restores (DAR) during NDMP restores. DAR can reduce the time it takes to restore files
by allowing the NDMP host to position the tape to the exact location of the
requested file(s). Only the data that is needed for those files is read.

Clear this check box to disable DAR on all NDMP restores. Without DAR,
NetBackup reads the entire backup image, even if only a single restore file is

Enable message-level cataloging This option performs message-level cataloging when you duplicate Exchange
when duplicating Exchange images backup images that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) from disk to tape.
that use Granular Recovery To perform duplication more quickly, you can disable this option. However, then
Technology users are not able to browse for individual items on the image that was duplicated
to tape.
See the NetBackup for Exchange Administrator's Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 139
General Server properties

Table 3-35 General Server dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Media host override list Specific servers can be specified in this list as servers to perform restores,
regardless of where the files were backed up. (Both servers must be in the same
primary and media server cluster.) For example, if files were backed up on media
server A, a restore request can be forced to use media server B.
The following items describe situations in which the capability to specify servers
is useful:

■ Two (or more) servers share a robot and each have connected drives. A restore
is requested while one of the servers is either temporarily unavailable or is
busy doing backups.
■ A media server was removed from the NetBackup configuration, and is no
longer available.

To add a host to the Media host override list, click Add.

Click Add to All to add a host to the list for all of the hosts currently selected.

To change an entry in the list, select a host name, then click Change.
Configure the following options in the Add Media Override settings or Change
Media Override settings dialog box:

■ Original backup server

Enter the name of the server where data was backed up originally.
■ Restore server
Enter the name of the server that is to process future restore requests.

Defaults Sets all properties back to the default settings.

Forcing restores to use a specific server

Use the following procedure to force restores to use a specific server.
Configuring Host Properties 140
Global Attributes properties

To force restores to use a specific server

1 If necessary, physically move the media to the host to answer the restore
requests, then update the Enterprise Media Manager database to reflect the
2 Modify the NetBackup configuration on the primary server. Add the original
backup media server and the restore server to the Media host override list in
the General Server host properties.
3 Stop and restart the NetBackup Request Daemon (bprd) on the primary server.
This process applies to all storage units on the original backup server. Restores
for any storage unit on the Original backup server go to the server that is
listed as the Restore server.
To revert to the original configuration for future restores, delete the line from
the Media host override list.

Global Attributes properties

Note: The Global Attributes properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click Global Attributes.

The Global Attributes properties apply to currently selected primary servers. The
Global Attributes properties affect all operations for all policies and clients. The
default values are adequate for most installations.
Configuring Host Properties 141
Global Attributes properties

Figure 3-24 Global Attributes dialog box

The Global Attributes dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-36 Global Attributes dialog box properties

Property Description

Job retry delay This property specifies how often NetBackup retries a job. The default is 10 minutes.
The maximum is 60 minutes; the minimum is 1 minute.
Configuring Host Properties 142
Global Attributes properties

Table 3-36 Global Attributes dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Schedule backup attempts NetBackup considers the failure history of a policy to determine whether or not to run
a scheduled backup job. The Schedule backup attempts property sets the timeframe
for NetBackup to examine.
This property determines the following characteristics for each policy:

■ How many preceding hours NetBackup examines to determine whether to allow

another backup attempt (retry). By default, NetBackup examines the past 12 hours.
■ How many times a backup can be retried within that timeframe. By default,
NetBackup allows two attempts. Attempts include the scheduled backups that start
automatically or the scheduled backups that are user-initiated.
Consider the following example scenario using the default setting 2 tries every 12

■ Policy_A runs at 6:00 P.M.; Schedule_1 fails.

■ Policy_A is user-initiated at 8:00 P.M.; Schedule_2 fails.
■ At 11:00 P.M., NetBackup looks at the previous 12 hours. NetBackup sees one
attempt at 6:00 P.M. and one attempt at 8:00 P.M. The Schedule backup attempts
setting of two has been met so NetBackup does not try again.
■ At 6:30 A.M. the next morning, NetBackup looks at the previous 12 hours. NetBackup
sees only one attempt at 8:00 P.M. The Schedule backup attempts setting of two
has not been met so NetBackup tries again. If a schedule window is not open at
this time, NetBackup waits until a window is open.

Note: This attribute does not apply to user backups and archives.

Policy update interval This property specifies how long NetBackup waits to process a policy after a policy is
changed. The interval allows the NetBackup administrator time to make multiple changes
to the policy. The default is 10 minutes. The maximum is 1440 minutes; the minimum
is 1 minute.

Maximum jobs per client This property specifies the maximum number of backup and archive jobs that NetBackup
clients can perform concurrently. The default is one job.
NetBackup can process concurrent backup jobs from different policies on the same
client only in the following situations:

■ More than one storage unit available

■ One of the available storage units can perform more than one backup at a time.

See “About constraints on the number of concurrent jobs” on page 143.

Compress catalog interval This property specifies how long NetBackup waits after a backup before it compresses
the image catalog file.
Configuring Host Properties 143
Global Attributes properties

Table 3-36 Global Attributes dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Maximum vault jobs This property specifies the maximum number of vault jobs that are allowed to be active
on the primary server. The greater the maximum number of vault jobs, the more system
resources are used.

If the active vault jobs limit is reached, subsequent vault jobs are queued and their
status is shown as Queued in the Activity Monitor.

If a duplication job or eject job waits, its status is shown as Active in the Activity Monitor.

See “About the Jobs tab” on page 1156.

Administrator email This property specifies the addresses where NetBackup sends notifications of scheduled
address property backups or administrator-directed manual backups.

To send the information to more than one administrator, separate multiple email
addresses by using a comma, as follows:,

More information is available on the configuration requirements for email notifications.

See “Send notifications to the backup administrator about failed backups” on page 1198.

About constraints on the number of concurrent jobs

Specify any number of concurrent jobs within the following constraints.

Table 3-37 Constraints on concurrent jobs

Constraint Description

Number of storage devices NetBackup can perform concurrent backups to separate storage units or to drives
within a storage unit. For example, a single Media Manager storage unit supports as
many concurrent backups as it has drives. A disk storage unit is a directory on disk,
so the maximum number of jobs depends on system capabilities.
Configuring Host Properties 144
Global Attributes properties

Table 3-37 Constraints on concurrent jobs (continued)

Constraint Description

Server and client speed Too many concurrent backups on an individual client interfere with the performance
of the client. The best setting depends on the hardware, operating system, and
applications that are running.

The Maximum jobs per client property applies to all clients in all policies.
To accommodate weaker clients (ones that can handle only a small number of jobs
concurrently), consider using one of the following approaches:

■ Set the Maximum data streams property for those weaker client(s) appropriately.
(This property is found under Host Properties > Master Servers > Double-click
on a specific master server > Client Attributes > General tab.)
See “General tab of the Client Attributes properties” on page 77.
■ Use the Limit jobs per policy policy setting in a client-specific policy. (A
client-specific policy is one in which all clients share this characteristic).
See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

Network loading The available bandwidth of the network affects how many backups can occur
concurrently. Two Exabyte 8500, 8mm tape drives can create up to a
900-kilobyte-per-second network load. Depending on other factors, the load might be
too much for a single Ethernet. For loading problems, consider backups over multiple
networks or compression.

A special case exists to back up a client that is also a server. Network loading is not a
factor because the network is not used. Client and server loading, however, is still a

Figure 3-25 Maximum jobs per client


/home Policy A Tape Drive 1

Tape Drive 2
/usr Policy B


Note: Catalog backups can run concurrently with other backups. To do so, set the
Maximum jobs per client value to greater than two for the primary server. The
higher setting ensures that the catalog backup can proceed while the regular backup
activity occurs.
Configuring Host Properties 145
Logging properties

Setting up mailx email client

NetBackup supports setting up email notifications by using mailx client.
To set up a mailx email client
1 Navigate to the /etc/mail.rc location.
2 Edit the file to add the SMTP server settings.
For example, set

Logging properties
Note: The Logging properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Logging.

The logging settings determine the behavior for NetBackup logging on the primary
server, media server, and the clients:
■ Overall logging level or global logging level for all NetBackup processes.
■ Overrides for the specific processes that use legacy logging.
■ Logging levels for the services that use unified logging.
■ Logging for critical processes.
■ On clients, the logging level for database applications.
■ Log retention settings for NetBackup and for NetBackup Vault (if it is installed).
All NetBackup processes use either unified logging or legacy logging. You can set
a global or a unique logging level for certain process and services. Retention levels
limit the size of the log files or (for the primary server) the number of days the logs
are kept. If you use NetBackup Vault, you can select separate logging retention
settings for that option.

For complete details on logging, see the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 146
Logging properties

Table 3-38 Logging dialog box properties

Property Description

Global logging level This setting establishes a global logging level for all processes that are set to Same
as global.
The Global logging level affects the legacy and unified logging level of all NetBackup
and Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) processes on the server or client. This setting
does not affect the following logging processes:

■ PBX logging
See the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide for more information on how to access
the PBX logs.
■ Media and device management logging (vmd, ltid, avrd, robotic daemons, media
manager commands)

Process specific overrides These settings let you override the logging level for the specific processes that use
legacy logging.

Debug logging levels for These settings let you manage the logging level for the specific services that use unified
NetBackup services logging.

Logging for critical The option lets you enable logging for the critical processes:
■ Primary server processes: bprd and bpdbm.
■ Media server processes: bpbrm, bptm, and bpdm.
■ Client process: bpfis

Note the following:

■ If you enable Logging for critical processes, also enable the option Keep logs
up to GB. If you disable this option it may adversely affect NetBackup operations.
■ This option sets the log retention to the default log size.
■ Clicking Defaults does not modify the Logging for critical processes or the Keep
logs up to GB options.
■ To disable the logging for critical processes, modify the logging levels for those

Keep logs for days Specifies the length of time NetBackup keeps information from the error catalog, job
catalog, and debug logs. Note that NetBackup derives its reports from the error catalog.

The logs can consume a large amount of disk space, so do not keep the logs any
longer than necessary. The default is 28 days.

Keep logs up to GB Specifies the size of the NetBackup logs that you want to retain. When the NetBackup
log size grows to this value, the older logs are deleted.

■ For primary and media servers, the recommended value is 25 GB or greater.

■ For clients, the recommended value is 5 GB or greater.
Configuring Host Properties 147
Logging properties

Table 3-38 Logging dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Keep Vault logs for If NetBackup Vault is installed, select the number of days to keep the Vault session
directories, or select Forever.

Logging levels
You can choose to apply the same logging level for all NetBackup processes. Or,
you can select logging levels for specific processes or services.

Table 3-39 Logging level descriptions

Logging level Description

Same as global The process uses the same logging level as the Global logging level.

No logging No log is created for the process.

Minimum logging (default) A small amount of information is logged for the process.

Use this setting unless advised otherwise by Veritas Technical Support. Other settings
can cause the logs to accumulate large amounts of information.

Levels 1 through 4 Progressively more information is logged at each level for the process.

5 (Maximum) The maximum amount of information is logged for the process.

Global logging level

This setting controls the logging level for all processes and for those processes that
are set to Same as global. You can control the logging level for some NetBackup
processes individually.
See the section called “Overrides for legacy logging levels” on page 147.
See the section called “Unified logging levels for the primary server” on page 148.

Overrides for legacy logging levels

These logging levels apply to legacy processes logging. The logging levels that are
displayed depend on the type of host (primary, media, or client).
Configuring Host Properties 148
Logging properties

Table 3-40 Logging level overrides for legacy processes

Service Description Primary Media Client

server server

BPBRM logging level The NetBackup backup and restore X X


BPDM logging level The NetBackup disk manager. X X

BPTM logging level The NetBackup tape manager. X X

BPJOBD logging level The NetBackup Jobs Database Management X

daemon. This setting is only available for the
primary server.

BPDBM logging level The NetBackup database manager. X

BPRD logging level The NetBackup Request Daemon. X

Database logging level The logging level for database agent logs. X
For details on which logs to create and refer
to, see the guide for the specific agent.

Unified logging levels for the primary server

These logging levels apply to NetBackup services logging and are only available
for the primary server.

Table 3-41 Logging levels for NetBackup services

Service Description

Policy Execution Manager The Policy Execution Manager (NBPEM) creates policy and client tasks and
determines when jobs are due to run. If a policy is modified or if an image expires,
NBPEM is notified and the appropriate policy and client tasks are updated.

Job Manager The Job Manager (NBJM) accepts the jobs that the Policy Execution Manager
submits and acquires the necessary resources.

Resource Broker The Resource Broker (NBRB) makes the allocations for storage units, tape drives,
client reservations.
Configuring Host Properties 149
Login Banner Configuration properties

Logging values in the registry, bp.conf file, and unified

You can also set logging values in the Windows registry, the bp.conf file, or in unified

Table 3-42 Logging levels and their values

Logging level Legacy logging - Windows Legacy logging - bp.conf Unified

registry logging

Minimum logging Hexadecimal value of 0xffffffff. VERBOSE = 0 (global) 1

processname_VERBOSE = 0

If the global VERBOSE value is set to

a value other than 0, an individual
process can be decreased by using the
value -1. For example,
processname_VERBOSE = -1.

No logging Hexadecimal value of 0xfffffffe. VERBOSE=-2 (global) 0

processname_VERBOSE = -2

Login Banner Configuration properties

Note: These settings can also be configured in the NetBackup web UI.
To do so, on the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the primary
server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click User account settings > Sign-in banner configuration.

Use the Login Banner Configuration properties to configure a banner screen that
appears each time a user logs into the NetBackup Administration Console or
the Backup, Archive, and Restore client.
A different login banner can be configured for any primary server, media server, or
client. By default, no banner heading or text is configured so no banner appears to
the user.
Figure 3-26 shows example banner text for a media server.
Configuring Host Properties 150
Login Banner Configuration properties

Figure 3-26 Login Banner Configuration dialog box

Table 3-43 Login Banner Configuration dialog box properties

Property Description

Login Banner Heading Enter the text that is to appear in the banner.

Text of login banner Enter the text for the banner message. The maximum is 29,000 characters.

Show Agree and Disagree buttons on Enable this option to require the user to agree to the terms of service before
the login banner the user signs in.
Configuring Host Properties 151
Login Banner Configuration properties

Figure 3-27 NetBackup Administration Console - Login Banner with agreement

option enabled

Figure 3-28 NetBackup Administration Console - Login Banner without

agreement option
Configuring Host Properties 152
Lotus Notes properties

The banner text for the NetBackup Administration Console is located in the following
On Windows: install\netbackup\var\LoginBanner.conf
On UNIX: /usr/openv/var/LoginBanner.conf
To configure the banner for the NetBackup web UI, see the NetBackup Web UI
Administrator’s Guide. To migrate the banner that is used for the NetBackup
Administration Console to the NetBackup web UI, see the nbmlb command in the
NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Removing login banner screen and text

To remove the banner and the text that appears after a user logs into NetBackup,
use the following procedure:
To remove the login banner screen and text
1 Open the Login Banner Configuration host properties for the appropriate
2 Clear the Login Banner Heading text and the login banner text.
3 Click OK.

Lotus Notes properties

Note: The Lotus Notes properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the clients. From
the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Lotus Notes.

The Lotus Notes properties apply to the clients that are currently selected and that
run NetBackup for Domino.
For more information, see the NetBackup for HCL Domino Administrator’s Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 153
Lotus Notes properties

Figure 3-29 Lotus Notes dialog box

For UNIX servers: If you have multiple installations of Domino server, the values
in the client properties or the bp.conf only apply to one installation. For other
installations, specify the installation path and location of the notes.ini file with the
LOTUS_INSTALL_PATH and NOTES_INI_PATH directives in the backup policy.

Table 3-44 Lotus Notes client host properties

Client host Description


Maximum The maximum number of logs that can be prefetched in a single restore job during recovery. Specify
number of a value greater than 1.
logs to
If this value is less than or equal to 1, NetBackup does not gather transaction logs during recovery.
One transaction log extent per job is restored to the Domino server’s log directory.

Configuring Host Properties 154
Lotus Notes properties

Table 3-44 Lotus Notes client host properties (continued)

Client host Description


Transaction Specify a path where NetBackup can temporarily store the prefetched transaction logs during recovery.
log cache For example:
■ On Windows: D:\LogCache
■ On UNIX: /tmp/logcache

If you do not specify a path, during recovery NetBackup restores the logs to the Domino server's
transaction log directory.
Note the following before specifying the Transaction log cache path:

■ If the specified path does not exist then it is created during restore.
■ The restore job fails with a Status 5 error if the user does not have write permission for the folder.
■ Transaction logs are restored to the original location, the Domino transaction log directory, if a
path is not specified.
■ If the value of Maximum number of logs to restore is less than or equal to 1 then this path is
ignored. The logs are not prefetched; one transaction log per job is restored to the Domino Server’s
log directory.
■ If there is not sufficient space to restore the specified number of logs, NetBackup tries to restore
only the number of logs that can be accommodated.

INI path Enter the NOTES.INI file that is associated with the server used to back up and restore the Lotus
database. Use this setting to specify the correct .INI file to back up and restore from Domino partitioned
servers. Specifying the .INI file for non-partitioned servers is not necessary.
Specify the absolute path to the NOTES.INI file:

■ On Windows:
If the notes.ini file is not located in the default directory, indicate its location in the INI path box.
For example:
■ On UNIX:
If the notes.ini is not located in the directory that is specified in the Path, indicate its location here.
For example:
Include the directory and the notes.ini file name.
Configuring Host Properties 155
Media properties

Table 3-44 Lotus Notes client host properties (continued)

Client host Description


Path Specify the path where the Lotus Notes program files reside on the client. NetBackup must know
where these files are to perform backup and restore operations. The value in this box overrides the
Lotus registry key, if both are defined.
Specify the path where the Lotus Notes program files reside on the client:

■ On Windows:
Specify the path for Lotus program directory (where nserver.exe resides). For example:
■ On UNIX:
Specify a path that includes the Domino data directory, the Lotus program directory, and the Lotus
resource directory. For example:

The Path value overrides the Lotus registry value, if both are defined.

Media properties
Note: The Media properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On the
left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be configured,
select the Primary Server, or Media Servers. From the Actions menu, select the
Edit option, and then click Media.

The Media properties apply to the primary servers and media servers that are
currently selected. Media properties control how NetBackup manages media.
Configuring Host Properties 156
Media properties

Figure 3-30 Media dialog box

The Media dialog box contains the following properties.

Configuring Host Properties 157
Media properties

Table 3-45 Media dialog box properties

Property Description

Allow media overwrite This property overrides the NetBackup overwrite protection for specific media types.
property Normally, NetBackup does not overwrite certain media types. To disable overwrite
protection, place a check in the check box of one or more of the listed media formats.

For example, place a check in the CPIO check box to permit NetBackup to overwrite
the cpio format.

By default, NetBackup does not overwrite any of the formats on removable media, and
logs an error if an overwrite attempt occurs. This format recognition requires that the
first variable length block on a media be less than or equal to 32 kilobytes.
The following media formats on removable media can be selected to be overwritten:

■ When ANSI is enabled, ANSI labeled media can be overwritten.

■ When AOS/VS is enabled, AOS/VS media can be overwritten. (Data General
AOS/VS backup format.)
■ When CPIO is enabled, CPIO media can be overwritten.
■ When DBR is enabled, DBR media can be overwritten. (The DBR backup format
is no longer used.)
■ Remote Storage MTF1 media format. When MTF1 is enabled, Remote Storage
MTF1 media format can be overwritten.
■ When TAR is enabled, TAR media can be overwritten.
■ When MTF is enabled, MTF media can be overwritten. With only MTF checked, all
other MTF formats can be overwritten. (The exception is Backup Exec MTF
(BE-MTF1) and Remote Storage MTF (RS-MTF1) media formats, which are not
■ When BE-MTF1 is enabled, Backup Exec MTF media can be overwritten.

See “Results when media overwrites are not permitted” on page 160.
Configuring Host Properties 158
Media properties

Table 3-45 Media dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Enable SCSI reserve This property allows exclusive access protection for tape drives. With access protection,
other host bus adaptors cannot issue commands to control the drives during the

SCSI reservations provide protection for NetBackup Shared Storage Option

environments or any other multiple-initiator environment in which drives are shared.

The protection setting configures access protection for all tape drives from the media
server on which the option is configured. You can override the media server setting
for any drive path from that media server.

See “Recommended use for Enable SCSI reserve property” on page 161.

See “Drive path options” on page 504.

The following are the protection options:

■ The SCSI persistent reserve option provides SCSI persistent reserve protection
for SCSI devices. The devices must conform to the SCSI Primary Commands - 3
(SPC-3) standard.
■ The SPC-2 SCSI reserve option (default) provides SPC-2 SCSI reserve protection
for SCSI devices. The devices must conform to the reserve and release management
method in the SCSI Primary Commands - 2 standard.
■ To operate NetBackup without tape drive access protection, clear the Enable SCSI
reserve property. If unchecked, other HBAs can send the commands that may
cause a loss of data to tape drives.

Note: Ensure that all of your hardware processes SCSI persistent reserve commands
correctly. All of your hardware includes Fibre Channel bridges. If the hardware does
not process SCSI persistent reserve commands correctly and NetBackup is configured
to use SCSI persistent reserve, no protection may exist.

Allow multiple retentions This property lets NetBackup mix retention levels on tape volumes. It applies to media
per media in both robotic drives and nonrobotic drives. The default is that the check box is clear
and each volume can contain backups of only a single retention level.

Allow backups to span tape This property, when checked, lets backups span to multiple tape media. This property
media lets NetBackup select another volume to begin the next fragment. The resulting backup
has data fragments on more than one volume. The default is that Allow backups to
span tape media is checked and backups are allowed to span media.

If the end of media is encountered and this property is not selected, the media is set
to FULL and the operation terminates abnormally. This action applies to both robotic
drives and nonrobotic drives.
Configuring Host Properties 159
Media properties

Table 3-45 Media dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Allow backups to span disk This property lets backups span disk volumes when one disk volume becomes full.
The default is that this property is enabled.

The Allow backups to span disk property does not apply to AdvancedDisk or
OpenStorage storage units. Backups span disk volumes within disk pools automatically.
The following destinations support disk spanning:

■ A BasicDisk storage unit spanning to a BasicDisk storage unit. The units must be
within a storage unit group.
■ An OpenStorage or AdvancedDisk volume spanning to another volume in the disk
For disk spanning to occur, the following conditions must be met:

■ The storage units must share the same media server.

■ The multiplexing level on spanning storage units should be the same. If there are
any differences, the level on the target unit can be higher.
See “Enable multiplexing storage unit setting” on page 647.
■ A disk staging storage unit cannot span to another storage unit. Also, a disk staging
storage unit is not eligible as a target for disk spanning.
■ Disk spanning is not supported on NFS.

Enable standalone drive This property lets NetBackup use whatever labeled or unlabeled media is found in a
extension nonrobotic drive. The default is that the Enable standalone drive extension property
is enabled.

Enable job logging This property allows the logging of the job information. This logging is the same
information that the NetBackup Activity Monitor uses. The default is that job logging

Enable unrestricted media This property controls media sharing, as follows:

sharing for all media
■ Enable this property to allow all NetBackup media servers and NDMP hosts in the
NetBackup environment to share media for writing. Do not configure server groups
for media sharing.
■ Clear this property to restrict media sharing to specific server groups. Then configure
media server groups and backup policies to use media sharing.
■ Clear this property to disable media sharing. Do not configure media server groups.

The default is that media sharing is disabled. (The property is cleared and no server
groups are configured.)

See “About NetBackup server groups” on page 430.

Configuring Host Properties 160
Media properties

Table 3-45 Media dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Media ID prefix This property specifies the media ID prefix to use in media IDs when the unlabeled
(non-robotic) media is in nonrobotic drives. The prefix must be one to three alpha-numeric characters.
NetBackup appends numeric characters. By default, NetBackup uses A and assigns
media IDs such as A00000, A00001, and so on.

For example, if FEB is specified, NetBackup appends the remaining numeric characters.
The assigned media IDs become FEB000, FEB001, and so on. (Note that this
numbering does not work with the Configure Volumes wizard).

Media unmount delay To specify a Media unmount delay property indicates that the unloading of media is
delayed after the requested operation is complete. Media unmount delay applies only
to user operations, to include backups and restores of database agent clients, such
as those running NetBackup for Oracle. The delay reduces unnecessary media
unmounts and the positioning of media in cases where the media is requested again
a short time later.

The delay can range from 0 seconds to 1800 seconds. The default is 180 seconds. If
you specify 0, the media unmount occurs immediately upon completion of the requested
operation. Values greater than 1800 are set to 1800.

Media request delay This property specifies how long NetBackup waits for media in nonrobotic drives. A
configurable delay is useful if a gravity feed stacker is used on a nonrobotic drive. A
delay often exists between dismounting one media and mounting another. The default
is 0 seconds.

During the delay period, NetBackup checks every 60 seconds to see if the drive is
ready. If the drive is ready, NetBackup uses it. Otherwise, NetBackup waits another
60 seconds and checks again. If the total delay is not a multiple of 60, the last wait is
the remainder. If the delay is less than 60 seconds, NetBackup checks after the end
of the delay.

For example, set the delay to 150 seconds. NetBackup waits 60 seconds, checks for
ready, waits 60 seconds, checks for ready, waits 30 seconds, and checks for ready
the last time. If the delay was 50 seconds (a short delay is not recommended),
NetBackup checks after 50 seconds.

Results when media overwrites are not permitted

If media contains one of the protected formats and media overwrites are not
permitted, NetBackup takes the following actions:

If the volume has not been previously ■ Sets the volume’s state to FROZEN
assigned for a backup ■ Selects a different volume
■ Logs an error
Configuring Host Properties 161
Media properties

If the volume is in the NetBackup media ■ Sets the volume’s state to SUSPENDED
catalog and was previously selected for ■ Aborts the requested backup
backups ■ Logs an error

If the volume is mounted for a backup of the The backup is aborted and an error is logged.
NetBackup catalog The error indicates the volume cannot be

If the volume is mounted to restore files or list NetBackup aborts the request and logs an
the media contents error. The error indicates that the volume
does not have a NetBackup format.

Recommended use for Enable SCSI reserve property

All tape drive and bridge vendors support the SPC-2 SCSI reserve and release
method. NetBackup has used SPC-2 SCSI reserve since NetBackup 3.4.3, and it
is the default tape drive reservation method in NetBackup. SPC-2 SCSI reserve is
effective for most NetBackup environments.
The SCSI persistent reserve method provides device status and correction and
may be more effective in the following environments:
■ Where NetBackup media servers operate in a cluster environment.
NetBackup can recover and use a reserved drive after a failover (if NetBackup
owns the reservation). (With SPC-2 SCSI reserve, the drive must usually be
reset because the reservation owner is inoperative.)
■ Where the drive has high availability.
NetBackup can resolve NetBackup drive reservation conflicts and maintain high
drive availability. (SPC-2 SCSI reserve provides no method for drive status
However, the SCSI persistent reserve method is not supported or not supported
correctly by all device vendors. Therefore, thoroughly analyze the environment to
ensure that all of the hardware supports SCSI persistent reserve correctly.
It is recommended to carefully consider all of the following factors before Enable
SCSI reserve is used:
■ Only a limited number of tape drive vendors support SCSI persistent reserve.
■ SCSI persistent reserve is not supported or not supported correctly by all Fibre
Channel bridge vendors. Incorrect support in a bridge means no access
protection. Therefore, if the environment uses bridges, do not use SCSI persistent
■ If parallel SCSI buses are used, carefully consider the use of SCSI persistent
reserve. Usually, parallel drives are not shared, so SCSI persistent reserve
Configuring Host Properties 162
NDMP Global Credentials properties

protection is not required. Also, parallel drives are usually on a bridge, and
bridges do not support SCSI persistent reserve correctly. Therefore, if the
environment uses parallel SCSI buses, do not use SCSI persistent reserve.
■ The operating system tape drivers may require extensive configuration to use
SCSI persistent reserve. For example, if the tape drives do not support SPC-3
Compatible Reservation Handling (CRH), ensure that the operating system does
not issue SPC-2 reserve and release commands.
If any of the hardware does not support SCSI persistent reserve, it is not
recommended that SCSI persistent reserve is used.

NDMP Global Credentials properties

Note: The NDMP Global Credentials properties can be configured on the
NetBackup web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the
primary server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties,
and then click NDMP Global Credentials.

The credentials that are entered for NDMP Global Credentials can apply to any
NDMP host in the configuration. However, the Use global NDMP credentials for
this NDMP host option must be selected in the Add NDMP Host dialog box for
the NDMP host.

Note: The Use global NDMP credentials for this NDMP host option is not
available from the NetBackup web UI.
Configuring Host Properties 163
NDMP Global Credentials properties

Figure 3-31 NDMP Global Credentials dialog box

The NDMP Global Credentials properties dialog box contains the following

Table 3-46 NDMP Global Credentials dialog box properties

Property Description

User name The user name under which NetBackup accesses the NDMP server. This user must
have permission to run NDMP commands.

Password Enter the password.

Confirm password Re-enter the password.

To access the Add NDMP Host dialog box, add an NDMP host under Media and
Device Management > Credentials > NDMP Hosts.
Figure 3-32 shows the Add NDMP Host dialog box. In the Credentials section,
select Use global NDMP credentials for this NDMP host so that the NDMP Global
Credentials apply to that host.
Configuring Host Properties 164
Network properties

Note: Be careful when you add an NDMP host. If you add NDMP host credentials
using the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), you must also indicate the fully
qualified domain name on the client for lookups. That is, the server list in the Backup,
Archive, and Restore administration console must list the NDMP host by the FQDN
as well.
If you add NDMP host credentials using its short name, you can use either the short
name or the FQDN in the client server list.

Figure 3-32 Add NDMP Host dialog box

For NDMP Global Credentials

to apply, this must be selected
on the NDMP host as well

Network properties
Note: The Network properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Windows clients.
From the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click Windows
Client > Network.

Use the Network properties to set the properties that define requirements for
communications between clients and the primary server. The Network properties
apply to currently selected Windows clients.
Configuring Host Properties 165
Network properties

Figure 3-33 Network dialog box

The Network dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-47 Network dialog box properties

Property Description

NetBackup client service This property specifies the port that the NetBackup client uses to communicate with
port (BPCD) the NetBackup server. The default is 13782.
Note: If you change this port number, remember that it must be the same for all
NetBackup servers and clients that communicate with one another.

NetBackup request service This property specifies the port for the client to use when it sends requests to the
port (BPRD) NetBackup request service (bprd process) on the NetBackup server. The default is
Note: If you change this port number, remember that it must be the same for all
NetBackup servers and clients that communicate with one another.
Configuring Host Properties 166
Network Settings properties

Table 3-47 Network dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Announce DHCP interval This property specifies how many minutes the client waits before it announces that a
different IP address is to be used. The announcement occurs only if the specified time
period has elapsed and the address has changed since the last time the client
announced it.

Network Settings properties

Note: The Network Settings properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Network Settings.

The Network Settings host properties apply to primary servers, media servers,
and clients.
Configuring Host Properties 167
Network Settings properties

Figure 3-34 Network Settings dialog box

The Network Settings dialog box contains properties for Reverse Host Name
Lookup and IP Address Family Support.

Reverse Host Name Lookup property

The domain name system (DNS) reverse host name lookup is used to determine
what host and domain name a given IP address indicates.
Some administrators cannot or do not want to configure the DNS server for reverse
host name lookup. For these environments, NetBackup offers the Reverse Host
Name Lookup property to allow, restrict, or prohibit reverse host name lookup.
Administrators can configure the Reverse Host Name Lookup property for each
Configuring Host Properties 168
Network Settings properties

Table 3-48 Reverse Host Name Lookup property settings

Property Description

Allowed setting The Allowed property indicates that the host requires reverse host name lookup to
work to determine that the connection comes from a recognizable server.

By default, the host resolves the IP address of the connecting server to a host name
by performing a reverse lookup.

If the conversion of the IP address to host name fails, the connection fails.

Otherwise, it compares the host name to the list of known server host names. If the
comparison fails, the host rejects the server and the connection fails.

Restricted setting The Restricted property indicates that the NetBackup host first attempts to perform
reverse host name lookup. If the NetBackup host successfully resolves the IP address
of the connecting server to a host name (reverse lookup is successful), it compares
the host name to the list of known server host names.

If the resolution of the IP address to a host name fails (reverse lookup fails), based on
the Restricted setting, the host converts the host names of the known server list to IP
addresses (using a forward lookup). The host compares the IP address of the connecting
server to the list of known server IP addresses.

If the comparison fails, the host rejects the connection from server and the connection

Prohibited setting The Prohibited property indicates that the NetBackup host does not try reverse host
name lookup at all. The host resolves the host names of the known server list to IP
addresses using forward lookups.

The NetBackup host then compares the IP address of the connecting server to the list
of known server IP addresses.

If the comparison fails, the NetBackup host rejects the connection from the server and
the connection fails.

Reverse Host Name Lookup changes outside of the

Administration Console
In some cases, a primary server may not be able to view the host properties of a
media server or client in the NetBackup Administration Console. The NetBackup
customer's DNS reverse host name lookup configuration may be one possible
reason why the Host Properties may not be visible.
In this case, since changing the NetBackup Reverse Host Name Lookup host
property requires being able to view the Host Properties, you’ll need to use another
method to change it.
Configuring Host Properties 169
Port Ranges properties

Configure the REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP option by using the nbgetconfig and

nbsetconfig commands. The nbsetconfig command configures the option on
Windows and UNIX primary servers and clients.
See “Methods to set the NetBackup configuration options” on page 57.
The REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP entry uses the following format:

For example:

The values of ALLOWED, RESTRICTED, and PROHIBITED represent the same meaning
as the values in the Network Settings host properties.

IP Address Family Support property

On the hosts that use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, use the IP Address Family
Support property to indicate which address family to use:
■ IPv4 only (Default)
■ IPv6 only
■ Both IPv4 and IPv6
While the IP Address Family Support property controls how host names are
resolved to IP addresses, the Preferred Network properties control how NetBackup
uses the addresses.

Port Ranges properties

Note: The Port Ranges properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Port Ranges.

Use the Port Ranges properties in the NetBackup Administration Console to

determine how hosts connect to one another. These properties apply to selected
primary servers, media servers, and clients.
Configuring Host Properties 170
Port Ranges properties

Figure 3-35 Port Ranges dialog box

The Port Ranges dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-49 Port Ranges dialog box properties

Property Description

Use random port Specifies how the selected computer chooses a port when it communicates with
assignments NetBackup on other computers. Enable this property to let NetBackup randomly select
ports from those that are free in the allowed range. For example, if the range is from
1023 through 5000, it chooses randomly from the numbers in this range.

If this property is not enabled, NetBackup chooses numbers sequentially, not randomly.
NetBackup starts with the highest number that is available in the allowed range. For
example, if the range is from 1023 through 5000, NetBackup chooses 5000. If 5000 is
in use, port 4999 is chosen.

This property is enabled by default.

Client port window Lets the administrator define the range of non-reserved ports on the selected computer.
NetBackup can use any available port within this range as the source port when
communicating with NetBackup on another computer.
Configuring Host Properties 171
Port Ranges properties

Table 3-49 Port Ranges dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Use OS selected non Lets the operating system determine which non-reserved port to use.
reserved port

Client reserved port This setting defines the range of reserved ports to use as the source port for the
window connection to NetBackup services. (By default, a NetBackup host uses a non-reserved
port to connect to destination host names.)
If the following conditions are true, NetBackup chooses a port from the specified range:

■ The destination host name is local to the connecting host.

■ The local host name configuration uses a reserved port for the source port rather
than a non-reserved port.
■ The destination port is a daemon port. The local host name uses a daemon port
for the destination if one of the following is true:
■ The destination connect option for the local host name specifies that a daemon
port be used.
■ Attempts to connect to destination ports 1556 and 13274 on the local host fail,
which causes the daemon port to be used.

Server port window This property specifies the range of non-reserved ports on which NetBackup processes
on this computer accept connections from NetBackup when the connection is not to a
well known port. This property primarily applies to bpcd call-back when vnetd is
disabled in the connect options and the local host name is configured for non-reserved

This property also applies in the situation where a third-party protocol is used, such as
NDMP. It specifies the range of non-reserved ports on which this server accepts
NetBackup connections from other computers. The default range is 1024 through 5000.

Instead of indicating a range of ports, you can enable Use OS selected non reserved
port to let the operating system determine which non-reserved port to use.

This setting applies to the selected primary or media server. The Accept connections
on non reserved ports property must be enabled in the Universal Settings dialog
box for hosts running NetBackup 7.0.1 and prior versions.

See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.

Server reserved port This entry specifies the range of local reserved ports on which this computer accepts
window connections from NetBackup when the connection is not to a well known port. This
property primarily applies to bpcd call-back when vnetd is disabled in the connect
options for a local host name.
Configuring Host Properties 172
Preferred Network properties

Registered ports and dynamically-allocated ports

NetBackup communicates between computers by using a combination of registered
ports and dynamically-allocated ports.

Registered ports
These ports are registered with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
and are permanently assigned to specific NetBackup services. For example, the
port for the NetBackup client daemon (bpcd) is 13782.
The following system configuration file can be used to override the default port
numbers for each service:
On Windows: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services
On UNIX: /etc/services

Note: It is not recommended to change the port numbers that are associated with
PBX (1556 and 1557).

Dynamically-allocated ports
These ports are assigned as needed, from configurable ranges in the Port Ranges
host properties for NetBackup servers and clients.
In addition to the range of numbers, you can specify whether NetBackup selects a
port number at random or starts at the top of the range and uses the first one

Preferred Network properties

Note: The Preferred Network properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Preferred Network.

Use the Preferred Network properties in the NetBackup Administration Console

to specify to NetBackup which networks or interfaces to use for outgoing NetBackup
traffic from the selected hosts. These properties apply to currently selected primary
servers, media servers, and clients.
Configuring Host Properties 173
Preferred Network properties

Note: The Preferred Network setting in NetBackup does not apply to the Granular
Recovery Technology (GRT) and VMware Instant Recovery features. Network
settings that are configured in the operating system are used for these features
during communication.

Preferred Network entries are not needed if NetBackup is configured using host
names with IP addresses to which the operating system resolves and then routes
When external constraints prevent the environment from being corrected, Preferred
Network entries may be useful as follows:
■ Can be used to prevent NetBackup from connecting to specific destination
■ Can be used to cause NetBackup to connect only to specific destination
■ Can be used to request a subset of local interfaces for source binding when
making outbound connections.

Caution: When used for source binding, the operating system may not honor the
source binding list provided by NetBackup. If the operating system implements the
weak host model, asymmetrical network routing may result. If asymmetrical routing
occurs, the remote host may reject the inbound connection if it implements the
strong host model. Similarly, stateful network devices may also drop asymmetrical
connections. To ensure the use of specific outbound interfaces for specific remote
hosts or networks, make sure that the OS name resolution and routing configurations
are correct; create static host routes if needed. Ensure that all network drivers
properly implement the IP and TCP networking protocols.

The local Preferred Network entries do not affect the forwarding profile that the
local host returns to a remote host during initial CORBA connection setup; it will
contain all the local plumbed interfaces. However, the End Point Selection algorithm
within the remote process will utilize its local Preferred Network entries to evaluate
the profile when selecting the destination for the subsequent CORBA connection.
With respect to source binding, the Preferred Network properties offer more
flexibility than the Use specified network interface property in the Universal
Settings properties. The Use specified network interface property can be used
to specify only a single interface for NetBackup to use for outbound calls. The
Preferred Network properties were introduced so that administrators can give
more elaborate and constrictive instructions that apply to multiple individual networks,
or a range of networks. For example, an administrator can configure a host to use
Configuring Host Properties 174
Preferred Network properties

any network except one. If both properties are specified, Use specified network
interface overrides Preferred Network.

Note: Do not inadvertently configure hosts so that they cannot communicate with
any other host. Use the bptestnetconn utility to determine whether the hosts can
communicate as you intend.
See “bptestnetconn utility to display Preferred Network information” on page 183.

Figure 3-36 Preferred Network dialog box

The Preferred Network dialog box contains a list of networks and the directive that
has been configured for each.
Configuring Host Properties 175
Preferred Network properties

Table 3-50 Preferred Network dialog box properties

Property Description

List of network The list of preferred networks contains the following information:
specifications for
■ The Target column lists the networks (or host names or IP addresses) that have been
given specific directives. If a network is not specifically listed as a target, or if a range
of addresses does not include the target, NetBackup considers the target to be available
for selection.
Note that if the same network considerations apply for all of the hosts, the list of directives
can be identical across all hosts in the NetBackup environment. If a directive contains
an address that does not apply to a particular host, that host ignores it. For example,
an IPv4-only host ignores IPv6 directives, and IPv6-only hosts ignore IPv4 directives.
This lets the administrator use the same Preferred Network configurations for all the
hosts in the NetBackup environment.
■ The Specified as column indicates the directive for the network: Match, Prohibited,
or Only.
■ The Source column lists source binding information to use to filter addresses. The
Source property is an optional configuration property.

Ordering arrows Select a network in the list, then click the up or down arrow to change the order of the
network in the list. The order can affect which network NetBackup selects.

See “Order of directive processing in the Preferred Network properties” on page 182.

Add Click Add to add a network to the Preferred Network properties. The directive for the
network is configured in the Add Preferred Network Settings dialog box.

See Table 3-51 on page 176.

Add to all The Add to all button is active when multiple servers are selected.

Change Select a network in the list, then click Change to change the Preferred Network properties.
The directive is changed in the Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box.

See “Add or Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box” on page 175.

Remove Select a network in the list, then click Remove to remove the network from the list of
preferred networks.

Add or Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box

The Add Preferred Network Settings dialog box contains the following properties.
Configuring Host Properties 176
Preferred Network properties

Table 3-51 Add or Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

Target Enter a network address or a host name:

■ NetBackup recognizes the following wildcard entries as addresses:
Matches any IPv4 address.
■ 0::0
Matches any IPv6 address.
■ 0/0
Matches the address of any family.
■ If the target is a host name which resolves to more than one IP address, only the first IP
address will be used.
■ If a subnet is not specified, the default is /128 when the address is non-zero and /0 when the
address is 0. This applies to both Target and Source properties.
A subnet of /0 cannot be used with a non-zero address because it effectively negates all of
the bits in the address, making the target or the source match every address. For example,

Note: Do not use the following malformed entries as wildcards: 0/32, 0/64, or 0/128. The left
side of the slash must be a legitimate IP address. However, 0/0 may be used, as listed.

Match The Match directive:

■ Applies when Target is a destination address.

■ Indicates that the specified network, address, or host name is preferred for communication
with the selected host.
■ Does not reject other networks, addresses, or host names from being selected, even if they
do not match. (The Only directive rejects unsuitable targets if they do not match.)
■ Is useful following a Prohibited or a Only directive. When used with other directives, Match
indicates to NetBackup to stop rule processing because a suitable match has been found.
■ Can be used with the Source property to indicate source binding.

Prohibited Use the Prohibited directive to exclude or prevent the specified network, address, or host name
from being used.

The Target is applied to both the source and the destination addresses. If a Source is specified
and the Prohibited is indicated, it is ignored but the target is still prohibited.

If the matched address is a destination address, evaluation stops. If this was the only potential
destination, the connection is not attempted. If there are additional potential destinations, they
are evaluated starting over with the first entry.

If the matched address is a source address, it is removed from the source binding list.

Caution: On some platforms, prohibiting a local interface may cause unexpected results when
connecting to remote hosts. Prohibiting a local interface does not affect connections that are
internal to the host.
Configuring Host Properties 177
Preferred Network properties

Table 3-51 Add or Change Preferred Network Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

Only The Only directive:

■ Applies to destination addresses.

■ Indicates that the specified network, address, or host name that is used for communication
with the selected host must be in the specified network.
Use the Only directive to prevent any network from being considered other than those specified
as Only.
■ If the address that is being evaluated does not match the target, it is not used and evaluation
stops for that address. If the address being evaluated was the only potential destination, the
connection is not attempted. If there is an additional potential destination, it is evaluated
starting over with the first entry.
■ Can be used with the Source property to indicate source binding.

Source Use this property with the Match or the Only directives to identify the local host name, IP
addresses, or networks that may be used for source binding.

If a subnet is not specified, the default is /128.

If this host has an IP address that matches Source, that IP address will be used as the source
when connecting to the destination. If the Source is not valid for this host, it is ignored.

How NetBackup uses the directives to determine which network to

Each host has an internal table of preferred network rules that NetBackup consults
before it selects a network interface to use for communication with another host.
The table includes every interface-IP address combination available to the selected
host. Based on the Preferred NetBackup directives, the table indicates to
NetBackup whether or not the host is allowed to use a given network.
This topic uses the example of two multihomed servers (Server_A and Server_B)
as shown in Figure 3-37. Server A is considering which addresses it can use to
access Server_B, given the Preferred Network directives configured on Server_A.
When Preferred Network directives are used to place restrictions on targets, they
are added from the perspective of the server making the connection. The directives
on Server_A affect its preferences as to which Server_B addresses it can use.
Configuring Host Properties 178
Preferred Network properties

Figure 3-37 Multihomed servers example

Directives on Server_A indicate
what interfaces it can use to
access Server_B

Production interface
Backup interface

Backup interface Backup interface

2001:db8:0:11e::1efc Server_B

Figure 3-38 shows a table for Server_B. Server_B has multiple network interfaces,
some of which have multiple IP addresses. In the table, yes indicates that NetBackup
can use the network-IP combination as a source. In this example, no directives
have been created for the host. Since no networks are listed in the Preferred
Network properties, any network-IP combinations can be used for communication.

Note: The following topic shows the bptestnetconn output for this example
See “bptestnetconn utility to display Preferred Network information” on page 183.
Configuring Host Properties 179
Preferred Network properties

Figure 3-38 From Server_A's perspective: Available IP addresses on

Server_B when no directives are indicated on Server_A

IP addresses
IPv4 IPv6
2001:0db8:0:1f0::1efc --- Yes
Network interfaces Yes ---

2001:0db8:0:11c::1efc --- Yes

2001:0db8:0:11d::1efc --- Yes

2001:0db8:0:11e::1efc --- Yes Yes ---

Figure 3-39 shows a table for the same host (Server_B). Now, the Preferred
Network properties are configured so that all IPv4 addresses are excluded from
selection consideration by NetBackup. All NetBackup traffic is to use only IPv6

Figure 3-39 From Server_A's perspective: Available IP addresses on

Server_B when directives to use IPv6 addresses only are
indicated on Server_A

IP addresses
IPv4 IPv6
2001:0db8:0:1f0::1efc --- Yes
Network interfaces No ---

2001:0db8:0:11c::1efc --- Yes

2001:0db8:0:11d::1efc --- Yes

2001:0db8:0:11e::1efc --- Yes No ---

The following topics describe various configurations:

■ See “Configurations to use IPv6 networks” on page 180.
■ See “Configurations to use IPv4 networks” on page 181.
■ See “Configuration to prohibit using a specified address” on page 184.
■ See “Configuration to prefer a specified address” on page 184.
Configuring Host Properties 180
Preferred Network properties

■ See “Configuration that restricts NetBackup to one set of addresses” on page 185.
■ See “Configuration that limits the addresses, but allows any interfaces”
on page 186.

Configurations to use IPv6 networks

The following Preferred Network configurations instruct NetBackup to use only
IPv6 addresses as targets in outbound calls for the currently selected hosts. The
configurations satisfy a topology where all backup traffic uses an IPv6 network and
other traffic uses other networks.
One configuration uses the Prohibited directive (Figure 3-40) and one configuration
uses the Match directive (Figure 3-41).
The more efficient method to specify one address family, (IPv6, in this case), is to
prohibit IPv4. The behavior of the Match directive is not as exclusive as Prohibited.
In this case, Match may not necessarily exclude other address families.
Figure 3-40 uses the Prohibited directive with a wildcard to indicate to NetBackup
to not consider using any IPv4 addresses. In this situation, NetBackup must use
an IPv6 address.

Note: The default configuration is for NetBackup to use only IPv4 addresses.
If you have not previously changed the Network Settings > IP Address Family
Support option to Both IPv4 and IPv6 or IPv6 only, creating a directive that
prohibits all IPv4 addresses renders the server mute.
See “IP Address Family Support property” on page 169.
See “Network Settings properties” on page 166.

Figure 3-40 Prohibit IPv4 addresses as targets

Figure 3-41 uses the Match directive with a wildcard to indicate to NetBackup to
prefer IPv6 addresses. In this case, NetBackup tries to use an IPv6 address, but
may consider IPv4 addresses if necessary.
Configuring Host Properties 181
Preferred Network properties

Figure 3-41 Match IPv6 addresses as targets

Figure 3-42 shows another configuration that allows NetBackup to choose from
multiple IPv6 networks.
Given the multihomed example configuration, the directive indicates the following:
■ Four IPv6 networks, from fec0:0:0:fe04 through fec0:0:0:fe07, are described
as targets.
■ For all addresses in these networks, a source binding address that is derived
from the IP addresses of host name host_fred is used.
See “How NetBackup uses the directives to determine which network to use”
on page 177.

Figure 3-42 Indicating a range of IPv6 networks

Configurations to use IPv4 networks

The following Preferred Network configurations instruct NetBackup to use only
IPv4 addresses as targets in outbound calls for the currently selected hosts. The
configurations satisfy a topology where all backup traffic uses an IPv4 network and
other traffic uses other networks.
One configuration uses the Prohibited directive (Figure 3-43) and one configuration
uses the Match directive (Figure 3-44).
The more efficient method to specify one address family, (IPv4, in this case), is to
prohibit IPv6. The behavior of the Match directive is not as exclusive as Prohibited.
In this case, Match may not necessarily exclude other address families.
Configuring Host Properties 182
Preferred Network properties

Figure 3-43 uses the Prohibited directive with a wildcard to indicate to NetBackup
to not consider using any IPv6 addresses. In this situation, NetBackup must use
an IPv4 address.

Figure 3-43 Prohibit IPv6 addresses as targets

Figure 3-44 uses the Match directive with a wildcard to indicate to NetBackup to
prefer IPv4 addresses. In this case, NetBackup tries to use an IPv4 address, but
may consider IPv6 addresses if necessary.

Figure 3-44 Match IPv4 addresses as targets

Order of directive processing in the Preferred Network properties

NetBackup sorts all directives into decreasing order by the Target subnet length
so that the more specific network specifications, such as complete host names or
IP addresses, match first. (For example, a Target with a /24 subnet is processed
before a Target with a /16 subnet.) In this way, NetBackup can honor host-specific
If multiple directives have the same length subnet, NetBackup looks at the order in
which the directives are listed.
Use the up or down arrows to the right of the list to change the order of the directives.
NetBackup processes each resolved destination address and each prospective
source address relative to the directives. Directives that contain addresses that do
not apply to either host are ignored.
Configuring Host Properties 183
Preferred Network properties

bptestnetconn utility to display Preferred Network information

The bptestnetconn utility is available to administrators to test and analyze host
connections. Use the preferred network option (--prefnet or -p) to display
information about the preferred network configuration, along with the forward lookup
information of a host on the server list.
For example, bptestnetconn -v6 -p -s -H host1 displays the directives in the
order in which NetBackup processes them, which may not be the order in which
they are configured.
■ The bptestnetconn command is described in the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.
■ The following article contains best practices for using bptestnetconn command:
Figure 3-45 shows the bptestnetconn output when run on Server_A, for Server_B.
That is, bptestnetconn is run from Server_A's perspective. Based on the directives
configured on Server_A, for Server_B, bptestnetconn shows the available IP
addresses on Server_B. In this example, no directives are configured on Server_A.

Figure 3-45 bptestnetconn for Server_B with no directives listed

[root@Server_A netbackup]# bptestnetconn -f --prefnet -H Server_B

FL: Server_B -> : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11d::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11e::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:d8b:0:1f0::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11c::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
Total elapsed time: 0 sec

Host for which lookup List of networks available to Any source is available to
is performed Server_B use for a connection

The following directive is added to the Preferred Networks properties on Server_A:

Configuring Host Properties 184
Preferred Network properties

In the configuration file the directive appears as follows:

PREFERRED_NETWORK = 2001:0db8:0:11c::/62 ONLY

This directive provides NetBackup with the information to filter the addresses and
choose to communicate with only those that match the :11c, :11d, :11e, and :11f
networks. The addresses that do not match the Only directive are prohibited, as
shown in the bptestnetconn output.
Figure 3-46 shows the bptestnetconn output for Server_B, given this directive.

Figure 3-46 bptestnetconn for Server_B with directive

[root@Server_A netbackup]# bptestnetconn -f --prefnet -H Server_B

FL: Server_B -> : 11 ms TGT PROHIBITED
FL: Server_B -> : 11 ms TGT PROHIBITED
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11d::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11e::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
FL: Server_B -> 2001:d8b:0:1f0::1efc : 11 ms TGT PROHIBITED
FL: Server_B -> 2001:db8:0:11c::1efc : 11 ms SRC: ANY
Total elapsed time: 0 sec

List of networks available to Directives make some targets

Server_B unavailable to Server_B

Configuration to prohibit using a specified address

Figure 3-47 shows a configuration that prohibits NetBackup from using the specified
address, or in this case, addresses.

Figure 3-47 Prohibited target example

Configuration to prefer a specified address

Figure 3-48 shows a configuration that makes NetBackup prefer to use one range
of destination addresses over others that might be available.
Configuring Host Properties 185
Preferred Network properties

Other available destination addresses will only be used if one of the following is
■ No destination address exists that is in this range, or
■ A Match is specified for those addresses using a larger subnet mask, or
■ A Match is specified for those addresses with a same length subnet mask and
the address is ordered above this directive.
A Prohibited directive can be used to prevent the use of an address within this
range. The Prohibited directive would need either a longer subnet mask, or a
subnet mask of equal length with the Prohibited directive ordered above the Match
directive. Additional Match directives may be used to indicate the additional backup
networks that are allowed.

Figure 3-48 Match network selection with the source

Configuration that restricts NetBackup to one set of addresses

Figure 3-49 configures NetBackup to use only the specified range of destination
addresses, and the allowed source addresses must also be in the same range. The
only exception is if other directives with larger subnets are present, or with
equal-length subnets but ordered above this one.

Figure 3-49 Only network selection with the same source binding address

A host with the Only directive configured considers only those target addresses in
the subnet. Additionally, source binding to the local interface must
be done on the subnet.
Configuring Host Properties 186
Resilient Network properties

Configuration that limits the addresses, but allows any interfaces

Figure 3-50 shows a configuration that allows only the addresses that start with the
specified prefix to be considered. No source binding is specified, so any interface
may be used.

Figure 3-50 Limiting the addresses, without any source binding

Resilient Network properties

Note: The Resilient Network properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Resilient Network.

The Resilient Network properties appear for the primary server, for media servers,
and for clients. For media servers and clients, the Resilient Network properties
are read only. When a job runs, the primary server updates the media server and
the client with the current properties.
The Resilient Network properties let you configure NetBackup to use resilient
network connections for backups and restores. A resilient connection allows backup
and restore traffic between a client and a NetBackup media server to function
effectively in high-latency, low-bandwidth networks such as WANs. The data travels
across a wide area network (WAN) to media servers in a central datacenter.
NetBackup monitors the socket connections between the remote client and the
NetBackup media server. If possible, NetBackup re-establishes dropped connections
and resynchronizes the data stream. NetBackup also overcomes latency issues to
maintain an unbroken data stream. A resilient connection can survive network
interruptions of up to 80 seconds. A resilient connection may survive interruptions
longer than 80 seconds.
The NetBackup Remote Network Transport Service manages the connection
between the computers. The Remote Network Transport Service runs on the primary
server, the client, and the media server that processes the backup or restore job.
Configuring Host Properties 187
Resilient Network properties

If the connection is interrupted or fails, the services attempt to re-establish a

connection and synchronize the data.
NetBackup protects only the network socket connections that the NetBackup Remote
Network Transport Service (nbrntd) creates. Examples of the connections that are
not supported are:
■ Clients that back up their own data (deduplication clients and SAN clients)
■ Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) for Exchange Server or SharePoint Server
■ NetBackup nbfsd process.
NetBackup protects connections only after they are established. If NetBackup cannot
create a connection because of network problems, there is nothing to protect.
Resilient connections apply between clients and NetBackup media servers, which
includes primary servers when they function as media servers. Resilient connections
do not apply to primary servers or media servers if they function as clients and back
up data to a media server.
Resilient connections can apply to all of the clients or to a subset of clients.

Note: If a client is in a different subdomain than the server, add the fully qualified
domain name of the server to the client’s hosts file. For example, is a different subdomain than

When a backup or restore job for a client starts, NetBackup searches the Resilient
Network list from top to bottom looking for the client. If NetBackup finds the client,
NetBackup updates the resilient network setting of the client and the media server
that runs the job. NetBackup then uses a resilient connection.
Configuring Host Properties 188
Resilient Network properties

Figure 3-51 Primary server Resilient Network host properties

See “About the Daemons tab” on page 1161.

Table 3-52 describes the Resilient Network properties.

Table 3-52 Resilient Network dialog box properties

Property Description

Host Name or IP Address The Host Name or IP Address of the host. The address can
also be a range of IP addresses so you can configure more
than one client at once. You can mix IPv4 addresses and
ranges with IPv6 addresses and subnets.

If you specify the host by name, it is recommended that you

use the fully qualified domain name.

Use the arrow buttons on the right side of the pane to move
up or move down an item in the list of resilient networks.

Resiliency Resiliency is either ON or OFF.

Configuring Host Properties 189
Resilient Network properties

Note: The order is significant for the items in the list of resilient networks. If a client
is in the list more than once, the first match determines its resilient connection
status. For example, suppose you add a client and specify the client IP address
and specify On for Resiliency. Suppose also that you add a range of IP addresses
as Off, and the client IP address is within that range. If the client IP address appears
before the address range, the client connection is resilient. Conversely, if the IP
range appears first, the client connection is not resilient.

The resilient status of each client also appears as follows:

■ In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Policies in the left pane and then select a policy. In the right pane, a
Resiliency column shows the status for each client in the policy.
■ In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Clients in the left pane. In the right pane, a Resiliency
column shows the status for each client.
Other NetBackup properties control the order in which NetBackup uses network
See “Preferred Network properties” on page 172.
The NetBackup resilient connections use the SOCKS protocol version 5.
Resilient connection traffic is not encrypted. It is recommended that you encrypt
your backups. For deduplication backups, use the deduplication-based encryption.
For other backups, use policy-based encryption.
Resilient connections apply to backup connections. Therefore, no additional network
ports or firewall ports must be opened.

Note: If multiple backup streams run concurrently, the Remote Network Transport
Service writes a large amount of information to the log files. In such a scenario, it
is recommended that you set the logging level for the Remote Network Transport
Service to 2 or less. Instructions to configure unified logs are in a different guide.
See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide.

Resilient connection resource usage

Resilient connections consume more resources than regular connections, as follows:
■ More socket connections are required per data stream. Three socket connections
are required to accommodate the Remote Network Transport Service that runs
on both the media server and the client. Only one socket connection is required
for a non-resilient connection.
Configuring Host Properties 190
Resilient Network properties

■ More sockets are open on media servers and clients. Three open sockets are
required rather than one for a non-resilient connection. The increased number
of open sockets may cause issues on busy media servers.
■ More processes run on media servers and clients. Usually, only one more
process per host runs even if multiple connections exist.
■ The processing that is required to maintain a resilient connection may reduce
performance slightly.

Specifying resilient connections

Use the following procedure to specify resilient connections for NetBackup clients.
See “Resilient Network properties” on page 186.
Alternatively, you can use the resilient_clients script to specify resilient
connections for clients:
■ Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\resilient_clients
■ UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/resilient_clients
To specify resilient connections
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Primary Servers in the left pane.
2 In the right pane, select the primary server on which to specify properties.
3 On the Actions menu, click Properties.
4 In the properties dialog box left pane, select Resilient Network.
5 In the Resilient Network dialog box, use the following buttons to manage
resiliency for clients:
Configuring Host Properties 191
Resilient Network properties

Add To add resilient settings

1 Click Add.

The Add Resilient Network Settings dialog box appears

2 Enter a client host name, an IP address, or an address range.

If you specify the client host by name, it is recommended that you

use the fully qualified domain name.

For address ranges, use Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

notation (for example, or fd00::/8).

3 Ensure that the Resiliency On option is selected.

4 Click Add.

5 Repeat until you have finished entering clients or address ranges.

6 When you finish adding network settings, click Close.

Add To All If you select multiple hosts in the NetBackup Administration Console,
the entries in the Resilient Network list may appear in different colors,
as follows:

■ The entries that appear in black type are configured on all of the
■ The entries that appear in gray type are configured on some of the
hosts only.

For the entries that are configured on some of the hosts only, you can
add them to all of the hosts. To do so, select them and click Add To All.

Change To change resilient settings

1 Select the client host name, the IP address, or the address range.

2 Click Change.

The Change Resilient Network Settings dialog box appears

3 Select the desired Resiliency setting.

4 Click OK.

Remove Remove the select host or address rang

1 Select the client host name, the IP address, or the address range.

2 Click Remove.

The client is removed immediately; a confirmation dialog box does

not appear.
Configuring Host Properties 192
Resource Limit properties

Move an item in the list of items

1 Select the client host name, the IP address, or the address range.

2 Click the appropriate button to move up the item or move down the

The order of the items in the list is significant.

See “Resilient Network properties” on page 186.

6 After specifying resilient connections, click OK.

The settings are propagated to the affected hosts through normal NetBackup
inter-host communication, which can take up to 15 minutes.
7 If you want to begin a backup immediately, restart the NetBackup services on
the primary server.

Resource Limit properties

Note: The Resource Limit properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click Resource Limit.

The Resource Limit properties in the NetBackup Administration Console control

the number of simultaneous backups that can be performed on a VMware or Hyper-V
resource type. These settings apply to all policies for the currently selected primary
For example, a VMware Resource Limit of four for Datastore means that NetBackup
policies can perform no more than four simultaneous backups on any particular

Note: The Resource Limit properties apply only to policies that use automatic
selection of virtual machines (the policy's Query Builder). If you select virtual
machines manually on the Browse for Virtual Machines dialog box, the Resource
Limit properties have no effect.

The Resource Limit dialog box contains the following properties, depending on
which application is selected.
For more information about the specific resource types, click Help.
Configuring Host Properties 193
Resource Limit properties

Figure 3-52 Resource Limit dialog box with VMware application selected
Configuring Host Properties 194
Restore Failover properties

Figure 3-53 Resource Limit dialog box with Hyper-V application selected

Restore Failover properties

Note: The Restore Failover properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Restore Failover.

The Restore Failover properties in the NetBackup Administration Console

control how NetBackup performs automatic failover to a NetBackup media server.
A failover server may be necessary if the regular media server is temporarily
inaccessible to perform a restore operation. The automatic failover does not require
administrator intervention. By default, NetBackup does not perform automatic
failover. These properties apply to currently selected primary servers.
Configuring Host Properties 195
Restore Failover properties

Figure 3-54 Restore Failover dialog box

The Restore Failover dialog box contains the following properties:

Table 3-53
Property Description

Media server Displays the NetBackup media servers that have failover protection for

Failover restore Displays the servers that provide the failover protection. NetBackup
server searches from top to bottom in the column until it finds another server
that can perform the restore.

A NetBackup media server can appear only once in the Media server column but
can be a failover server for multiple other media servers. The protected server and
the failover server must both be in the same primary and media server cluster.
The following situations describe examples of when to use the restore failover
Configuring Host Properties 196
Restore Failover properties

■ Two or more media servers share a robot and each has connected drives. When
a restore is requested, one of the servers is temporarily inaccessible.
■ Two or more media servers have stand alone drives of the same type. When a
restore is requested, one of the servers is temporarily inaccessible.
In these instances, inaccessible means that the connection between bprd on the
primary server and bptm on the media server (through bpcd) fails.
Possible reasons for the failure are as follows:
■ The media server is down.
■ The media server is up but bpcd does not respond. (For example, if the
connection is refused or access is denied.)
■ The media server is up and bpcd is running, but bptm has problems. (For
example, bptm cannot find the required tape.)

Assigning an alternate media server as a failover restore server

You can assign another media server to act as a failover restore server for your
media server. If your media server is unavailable during a restore, the failover
restore server takes its place.
To assign an alternate media server as a failover restore server
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left panel, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers.
2 In the right pane, double-click on the primary server you want to modify.
3 In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Restore Failover.
4 Click Add.
5 In the Media server field, specify the media server for failover protection.
6 In the Failover restore servers field, specify the media servers to try if the
server that is designated in the Media server field is unavailable. Separate
the names of multiple servers with a single space.
7 Click Add. The dialog box remains open for another entry.
8 Click Close.
9 From the Restore Failover dialog box, click Apply to accept the changes.
Before the change takes effect, you must stop and restart the NetBackup Request
Daemon on the primary server where the configuration was changed.
See “About enabling automatic failover to an alternate server” on page 1247.
Configuring Host Properties 197
Retention Periods properties

Retention Periods properties

Note: The Retention Periods properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click Retention Periods.

Use the Retention Periods properties in the NetBackup Administration Console

to define a duration for each retention level. You can select from 0-100 retention
In a policy, the retention period determines how long NetBackup retains the backups
or the archives that are created according to the schedule. These properties apply
to selected primary servers.

Figure 3-55 Retention Periods dialog box

By default, NetBackup stores each backup on a volume that already contains

backups at the same retention level. However, NetBackup does not check the
retention period that is defined for that level. When the retention period for a level
Configuring Host Properties 198
Retention Periods properties

is redefined, some backups that share the same volume may have different retention
For example, if the retention level 3 is changed from one month to 6 months,
NetBackup stores future level 3 backups on the same volumes. That is, the backups
are placed on the volumes with the level 3 backups that have a retention period of
one month.
No problem exists if the new and the old retention periods are of similar values.
However, before a major change is made to a retention period, suspend the volumes
that were previously used for that retention level.

Note: If a backup or duplicate job is configured with a retention level greater than
25 and the storage unit specified in the policy is managed by a pre-NetBackup 8.0
media server, the backup jobs associated with the policy fail with the following error
Retention level <number> is not valid.
As a workaround, you can either upgrade the media server to NetBackup 8.0 or
later or set the retention level between 0 and 25 in the policy. Note that the retention
period for level 25 is always set to expire immediately and this value cannot be

Note: In case of a manual import, if a primary or media server that runs an earlier
version than NetBackup 8.0 imports a backup image created on a NetBackup 8.0
primary server and configured with a retention level greater than 24, the import job
resets the retention level to 9 (infinite). As a workaround, you can import such
backup images from a primary or media server that runs NetBackup 8.0 or later.

See “Determining retention periods for volumes” on page 200.

See “Suspending or unsuspending volumes” on page 591.
The Retention Periods dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-54 Retention Periods dialog box properties

Property Description

Value Assigns a number to the retention level setting.

Units Specifies the units of time for the retention period. The list includes hours as the smallest
unit of granularity and the special units, Infinite, and Expires immediately.

Retention Level The retention level number (0 through 100).

Configuring Host Properties 199
Retention Periods properties

Table 3-54 Retention Periods dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Retention Period A list of the current definitions for the possible levels of retention. By default, levels 9
through 100 (except level 25) are set to infinite. Retention level 9 cannot be changed
and the retention period is always set to infinite. Retention level 25 also cannot be
changed and the retention period is always set to expire immediately.

See “Retention Periods with end dates beyond 2038, excluding Infinity” on page 201.

With the default, there is no difference between a retention level of 12 and a retention
level of 20, for example.

The Schedule Count column indicates how many schedules currently use each level.
If the retention period is changed for a level, it affects all schedules that use that level.

The Changes Pending column uses an asterisk (*) to indicate that the period has
been changed and not applied. NetBackup does not change the actual configuration
until the administrator accepts or applies the changes.

Schedule Count Lists the number of schedules that use the currently selected retention level.

Schedules using this Displays a list of the current policy names and schedule names that use the retention
retention level level.

Impact Report Displays a summary of how changes affect existing schedules. The list displays all
schedules in which the retention period is shorter than the frequency period.

Changing a retention period

Use the following procedure to change a retention period.
To change a retention period
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers.
2 In the right pane, double-click on the primary server you want to modify.
3 In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Retention Periods.
Configuring Host Properties 200
Retention Periods properties

4 Select the retention level to change.

By default, levels 9 through 100 (except level 25) are set to infinite. If the levels
are left at the default, there is no difference between a retention level of 12 and
a retention level of 20. Level 9 cannot be changed and the retention period is
always set to infinite. Retention level 25 also cannot be changed and the
retention period is always set to expires immediately.
See “Retention Periods with end dates beyond 2038, excluding Infinity”
on page 201.
The dialog box displays the names of all schedules that use the selected
retention level as well as the policy to which each schedule belongs.
5 Type the new retention period in the Value box.
6 From the Units drop-down list, select a unit of measure (days, weeks, months,
years, Infinite, or Expires immediately).
After you change the value or unit of measure, an asterisk (*) appears in the
Changes Pending column to indicate that the period was changed. NetBackup
does not change the actual configuration until the administrator accepts or
applies the changes.
7 Click Impact Report.
The policy impact list displays the policies and the schedule names where the
new retention period is less than the frequency period. To prevent a potential
gap in backup coverage, redefine the retention period for the schedules or
change the retention or frequency for the schedule.
8 Do one of the following:
■ To discard your changes, click Cancel.
■ To save your changes and leave the dialog box open to make further
changes, click Apply.
■ To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

Determining retention periods for volumes

Use the following procedure to determine retention periods for volumes.
To determine retention periods for volumes
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media
2 In the right pane, find the volume on the list and examine the value in the
Retention Period column.
Configuring Host Properties 201
RHV Access Hosts properties

To see all volumes that have the same retention period, click the Retention Period
column header to sort the volumes by retention period. This column heading is
hidden by default.

Retention Periods with end dates beyond 2038, excluding Infinity

For NetBackup versions before 9.0, there is a retention period limitation. Due to
UNIX epoch time and the year 2038 problem, any expiration time that exceeds
January 19, 2038 is automatically set to expire on January 19, 2038. The images
with such expiration times will expire in January 19, 2038 regardless of what the
original intent of the retention levels was.
This issue does not apply to retention levels for which the retention period is set to
Infinity. NetBackup never expires media with a retention set to Infinity unless
instructed to do so by the NetBackup administrator.
Starting with NetBackup version 9.0, retention periods that extend beyond the year
2038 are supported. This retention period support is applicable not only to images
but tape media as well.
Some backup images that are created with earlier versions may have expiration
dates of January 19, 2038 after upgrade. You can correct the date issue with any
of the images during upgrade or the records with end dates of January 19, 2038.
To correct the retention periods of infinity during upgrade, refer to the following
To correct the records with end dates of January 19, 2038, refer to the following

RHV Access Hosts properties

Note: The RHV Access Hosts properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click RHV Access Hosts.

Use the RHV Access Hosts properties in the NetBackup Administration Console
to add or remove RHV backup hosts. These properties apply to currently selected
primary servers.
These properties appear when the NetBackup Enterprise Client license is installed.
Configuring Host Properties 202
RHV Access Hosts properties

Figure 3-56 RHV Access Hosts dialog box

The backup host or appliance acts as a channel to establish an indirect

communication between the NetBackup primary server and the RHV manager. The
backup host is a NetBackup client that performs backups or restores on behalf of
the virtual machines.
A NetBackup primary and media server can also be configured as the backup host.
However, you do not need to add the primary or media server acting as a backup
host to the RHV Access Hosts list.
The backup host is referred to as the recovery host when it performs a restore
You can add servers to and remove servers from the access hosts list:

Add Click Add and enter the fully qualified domain name of the backup host.

Remove Select the backup host in the list and click Remove.

For more information, see the NetBackup Web UI RHV Administrator's Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 203
Scalable Storage properties

Scalable Storage properties

Note: The Scalable Storage properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the media server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit media server properties, and then click
Scalable Storage.

The Scalable Storage Cloud Settings properties contain information about

encryption, metering, bandwidth throttling, and network connections between the
NetBackup hosts and your cloud storage provider.
The Scalable Storage properties appear only if the host is supported for cloud
storage. See the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware and Cloud
Storage Compatibility List for your release available through the following URL:
The Scalable Storage properties apply to currently selected media servers.

Figure 3-57 Scalable Storage Cloud Settings host properties

Configuring Host Properties 204
Scalable Storage properties

Table 3-55 describes the properties.

Table 3-55 Scalable Storage Cloud Settings host properties

Property Description

Key Management Server If you configured a key management service (KMS) server, the name of the primary
(KMS) Name server that sends the request to the KMS server is displayed here.

Metering Interval Determines how often NetBackup gathers connection information for reporting
purposes.The value is set in seconds. The default setting is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
If this value is set to zero, metering is disabled.

Total Available Bandwidth Use this value to specify the speed of your connection to the cloud. The value is
specified in kilobytes per second. The default value is 102400 KB/sec.

Sampling interval The time, in seconds, between measurements of bandwidth usage. The larger this
value, the less often NetBackup checks to determine the bandwidth in use.

If this value is zero, throttling is disabled.

Advanced Settings Click Advanced Settings to specify additional settings for throttling.

See “Configuring advanced bandwidth throttling settings” on page 205.

See “Advanced bandwidth throttling settings” on page 205.

Maximum concurrent jobs The default maximum number of concurrent jobs that the media server can run for the
cloud storage server.

This value applies to the media server, not to the cloud storage server. If you have
more than one media server that can connect to the cloud storage server, each media
server can have a different value. Therefore, to determine the total number of
connections to the cloud storage server, add the values from each media server.

If you configure NetBackup to allow more jobs than the number of connections,
NetBackup fails any jobs that start after the number of maximum connections is reached.
Jobs include both backup and restore jobs.

You can configure job limits per backup policy and per storage unit.

See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.

Note: NetBackup must account for many factors when it starts jobs: the number of
concurrent jobs, the number of connections per media server, the number of media
servers, and the job load-balancing logic. Therefore, NetBackup may not fail jobs
exactly at the maximum number of connections. NetBackup may fail a job when the
connection number is slightly less than the maximum, exactly the maximum, or slightly
more than the maximum.

A value of 100 is generally not needed.

Configuring Host Properties 205
Scalable Storage properties

Configuring advanced bandwidth throttling settings

Advanced bandwidth throttling settings let you control various aspects of the
connection between the NetBackup hosts and your cloud storage provider.
The total bandwidth and the bandwidth sampling interval are configured on the
Cloud Settings tab of the Scalable Storage host properties screen.
See “Scalable Storage properties” on page 203.
To configure advanced bandwidth throttling settings
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Media Servers in the left pane.
2 In the right pane, select the host on which to specify properties.
3 Click Actions > Properties.
4 In the properties dialog box left pane, select Scalable Storage.
5 In the right pane, click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Throttling
Configuration dialog box appears.
The following is an example of the dialog box:

6 Configure the settings and then click OK.

See “Advanced bandwidth throttling settings” on page 205.

Advanced bandwidth throttling settings

The following table describes the advanced bandwidth throttling settings.
Configuring Host Properties 206
Scalable Storage properties

Table 3-56 Advanced Throttling Configuration settings

Property Description

Read Bandwidth Use this field to specify the percentage of total bandwidth that read
operations can use. Specify a value between 0 and 100. If you
enter an incorrect value, an error is generated.

If there is insufficient bandwidth to transmit the specified amount

of data within a few minutes, restore or replication failures may
occur due to timeouts.

Consider the total load of simultaneous jobs on multiple media

servers when you calculate the required bandwidth.

Default value: 100

Possible values: 0 to 100

Write Bandwidth Use this field to specify the percentage of total bandwidth that write
operations can use. Specify a value between 0 and 100. If you
enter an incorrect value, an error is generated.

If there is insufficient bandwidth to transmit the specified amount

of data within a few minutes, backup failures may occur due to

Consider the total load of simultaneous jobs on multiple media

servers when you calculate the required bandwidth.

Default value: 100

Possible values: 0 to 100

Work time Use this field to specify the time interval that is considered work
time for the cloud connection.

Specify a start time and end time in 24-hour format. For example,
2:00 P.M. is 14:00.

Indicate how much bandwidth the cloud connection can use in the
Allocated bandwidth field. This value determines how much of
the available bandwidth is used for cloud operations in this time
window. The value is expressed as a percentage or in kilobytes
per second.
Configuring Host Properties 207
Servers properties

Table 3-56 Advanced Throttling Configuration settings (continued)

Property Description

Off time Use this field to specify the time interval that is considered off time
for the cloud connection.

Specify a start time and end time in 24-hour format. For example,
2:00 P.M. is 14:00.

Indicate how much bandwidth the cloud connection can use in the
Allocated bandwidth field. This value determines how much of
the available bandwidth is used for cloud operations in this time
window. The value is expressed as a percentage or in kilobytes
per second.

Weekend Specify the start and stop time for the weekend.

Indicate how much bandwidth the cloud connection can use in the
Allocated bandwidth field. This value determines how much of
the available bandwidth is used for cloud operations in this time
window. The value is expressed as a percentage or in kilobytes
per second.

Read Bandwidth This field displays how much of the available bandwidth the cloud
(KB/s) storage server transmits to a NetBackup media server during each
restore job. The value is expressed in kilobytes per second.

Write Bandwidth This field displays how much of the available bandwidth the
(KB/s) NetBackup media server transmits to the cloud storage server
during backup jobs. The value is expressed in kilobytes per second.

Servers properties
Note: The Servers properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On the
left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be configured,
select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions menu,
select the Edit option, and then click Servers.

The Servers properties display the NetBackup server lists on selected primary
servers, media servers, and clients. The server lists display the NetBackup servers
that each host recognizes.
The Primary Server field contains the name of the primary server for the selected
host. (The name of the selected host appears in the title bar.)
The Servers dialog box contains the following tabs:
Configuring Host Properties 208
Servers properties

Table 3-57 Servers dialog box properties

Tab Description

Additional Servers tab This tab lists the additional servers that can access the server that is specified as Primary

During installation, NetBackup sets the primary server to the name of the system where
the server software is installed. NetBackup uses the primary server value to validate
server access to the client. The primary server value is also used to determine which
server the client must connect to so that files can be listed and restored.

To configure access to a remote server, add to the server list the name of the host seeking
Note: For a Fibre Transport (FT) media server that has multiple network interfaces for
VLANs: Ensure that the FT server’s primary host name appears before any other interface
names for that FT media server host.

For more information, see the NetBackup SAN Client and Fibre Transport Guide.

See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.

Media Servers tab This tab lists the hosts that are media servers only. Hosts that are listed as media servers
can back up and restore clients, but have limited administrative privileges.

If a server appears only on the Media servers tab, the server is a media server. Media
servers can back up and restore clients, but they have limited administrative privileges.

A server that appears on the Media servers tab and the Additional servers tab may
introduce unintended consequences. A computer that is defined as both a primary server
and a media server gives the administrator of the media server full primary server
privileges. By listing the media server in both places, you may inadvertently give the
media server administrator more privileges than intended.
Configuring Host Properties 209
Servers properties

Table 3-57 Servers dialog box properties (continued)

Tab Description

Trusted Primary Servers Use this tab to add the remote primary servers that you trust using NetBackup CA-signed
tab certificates and to view the primary servers that are already trusted.

See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.

See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed (host ID-based)
certificate” on page 214.
Note: The NetBackup Administration Console does not support adding a trusted
primary server using an external CA-signed certificate.

See “Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed certificate” on page 219.

Note: If either the source or remote primary server is clustered, you must enable
inter-node communication on all of the nodes in the cluster. Do so before you add the
trusted primary server.

See “Enabling NetBackup clustered primary server inter-node authentication” on page 211.

You cannot remove a trusted primary server when an Import SLP is configured in that
primary server's domain.

Information about Auto Image Replication and storage lifecycle policies is available.

See “About NetBackup Auto Image Replication” on page 1107.

See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

Configuring Host Properties 210
Servers properties

Figure 3-58 Additional servers tab in the Servers dialog box

Adding a server to a servers list

Depending on the tab that is selected, you can add a primary server, media server,
client to the server list in the Additional servers tab, the Media servers tab. All
tabs appear in the Servers properties dialog box.
To add a server to a list
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
2 Depending on the host to be configured, select Primary Servers, Media
Servers, or Clients.
3 In the right pane, double-click the primary server, media server, or client that
you want to modify.
4 In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Servers.
5 Select the tab that contains the server list that you want to modify.
Configuring Host Properties 211
Servers properties

6 Click Add.
To add multiple hosts, select more than one media server or client in step 2
and click Apply To All in step 5. However, you can add only one primary server
to the list at a time.
7 In the Add a New Server Entry dialog box, enter the name of the new server.
8 Click Add. The dialog box remains open for another entry.
9 Click Close.

Note: If you add a media server, run nbemmcmd -addhost to add the media server
to the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) in the NetBackup database of the primary

Removing a server from a server list

You can remove a primary server or a media server from the Additional servers
list. You can also remove a media server from the Media servers list.
To remove a server from a server list
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
2 Depending on the host to be configured, select Primary Servers, Media
Servers, or Clients.
3 In the right pane, double-click the primary server, media server, or client you
want to modify.
4 In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Servers.
5 Select a server from the Additional servers list, the Media servers list.
6 Click Remove.

Enabling NetBackup clustered primary server inter-node

NetBackup requires inter-node authentication among the primary servers in a cluster.
For authentication, you must provision an authentication certificate on all of the
nodes of the cluster. The certificates are used to establish SSL connections between
the NetBackup hosts. The inter-node authentication allows the following NetBackup
Configuring Host Properties 212
Servers properties

NetBackup Administration The NetBackup Administration Console in primary server

Console clusters requires the NetBackup authentication certificates
for correct functionality.

Targeted A.I.R. (Auto Image Auto Image Replication in which a primary server is in a
Replication) cluster requires inter-node authentication among the hosts
in that cluster. The NetBackup authentication certificates
provide the means to establish the proper trust relationships.

Provision the certificates on the cluster hosts before you add

the trusted primary server. This requirement applies
regardless of whether the clustered primaryed server is the
source of the replication operation or the target.

See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image

Replication” on page 1120.

See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed (host ID-based)
certificate” on page 214.
To enable clustered primary server inter-node authentication
On the active node of the NetBackup primary server cluster, run the following
NetBackup command:
■ Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpnbaz -setupat
■ UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpnbaz -setupat
NetBackup creates the certificates on every node in the primary server cluster.
The following is example output:

# bpnbaz -setupat
You will have to restart Netbackup services on this machine after
the command completes successfully.
Do you want to continue(y/n)y
Gathering configuration information.
Please be patient as we wait for 10 sec for the security services
to start their operation.
Generating identity for host ''
Setting up security on target host:
nbatd is successfully configured on Netbackup Primary Server.
Operation completed successfully.
Configuring Host Properties 213
Servers properties

About the certificate to be used for adding a trusted master server

Source or target master servers may use NetBackup CA-signed certificates (host
ID-based certificates) or external CA-signed certificates.
For more information on NetBackup host ID-based certificates and external CA
support, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
To establish trust between source and target master servers, NetBackup verifies
the following:

Can the source If the external CA configuration options - ECA_CERT_PATH,

establish trust using defined in the NetBackup configuration file of the source master server,
external CA-signed it can establish the trust using an external certificate.
In case of Windows certificate trust store, only ECA_CERT_PATH is

For more information on the configuration options, refer to the

NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.

Which certificate The target master server may support external CA, NetBackup CA, or
authorities (CA) both. The following settings show the CA usage information of the
does the target master server:
master server
■ In the NetBackup Administration Console - NetBackup
Management > Security Management > Global Security Settings
■ In the NetBackup web user interface - Security > Global Security
Settings > Secure Communication.

The following table lists CA support scenarios and certificate to be used to establish
trust between the source and the target master servers.
Configuring Host Properties 214
Servers properties

Table 3-58 Certificate to be used for trust setup

Source master CA usage of the Certificate to be used for trust setup

server capability target master server
to use external

Yes External CA External CA

The source master See “Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed
server can use certificate” on page 219.
NetBackup CA and
external CA for NetBackup CA NetBackup CA
communication with a See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed
remote master server (host ID-based) certificate” on page 214.

External CA and NetBackup prompts to select the CA that you want to use for trust
NetBackup CA setup

■ If you choose to use external CA, do the following:

See “Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed
certificate” on page 219.
■ If you choose to use NetBackup CA, do the following:
See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup
CA-signed (host ID-based) certificate” on page 214.

No External CA No trust is established

The source master NetBackup CA NetBackup CA

server can use only
NetBackup CA for See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed
communication with a (host ID-based) certificate” on page 214.
remote maser server
External CA and NetBackup CA
NetBackup CA
See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed
(host ID-based) certificate” on page 214.

Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed (host

ID-based) certificate
Replication operations require that a trust relationship exists between the NetBackup
servers in the different domains.

Before you begin

Perform the following steps on both the source and the target server:
■ Identify the NetBackup versions that are installed on the source and the target
Configuring Host Properties 215
Servers properties

■ Obtain the authorization tokens of the remote server.

Use the bpnbat command to log on and nbcertcmd to get the authorization
■ Obtain the fingerprints for the remote server.
To obtain the SHA1 fingerprint of root certificate, use the nbcertcmd
-displayCACertDetail command.

■ Ensure that you have one of the following permissions:

■ System administrator permissions with root permissions for UNIX,
administrator permissions for Windows, or a NetBackupCLI user for
appliances with software versions 3.1 and later.
■ Access to the NetBackup Administration Console, where you have
<username> ADMIN=ALL permissions through auth.conf.
■ Enhanced Auditing (EA) user permissions through authalias.conf.
■ For remote Windows master server, if the user's domain is not same as that
of the authentication service, you must add the domain with LDAP using the
vssat addldapdomain command. See the NetBackup Commands Reference
Also, this user must have RBAC security administrator permissions. See the
NetBackup Web UI Administrator’s Guide.

Adding a trusted master server, when both the source and

the target servers are NetBackup version 8.1 or later
Use this procedure to add a trusted master server when both the source and target
servers are NetBackup version 8.1 or later.
See “Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed certificate”
on page 219.
To add a trusted master server, when both the source and the target servers
are NetBackup version 8.1 or later
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Master Servers in the left pane.
2 In the right pane, select the master server and Actions > Properties.
3 In the properties dialog box left pane, select Servers.
4 On the Trusted Master Servers tab, click Add.
Configuring Host Properties 216
Servers properties

5 Enter the fully-qualified host name of the remote master server and click
Validate Certificate Authority.

6 In the Validate Certificate Authority dialog box, verify if the CA certificate

fingerprint of the remote server is correct.
To proceed, click Yes.
If the fingerprints don’t match, click No. Contact the remote server admin to
provide the correct fingerprints.
7 Enter the trusted master server details using one of the following methods.
■ (Recommended) Select Specify authentication token of the trusted
master server and enter the token details of the remote master server.
■ Select Specify credentials of the trusted master server and enter the
user name and password. Note that this method may present a possible
security breach. Only an authentication token can provide restricted access
and allow secure communication between both the hosts.
To establish trust with a 3.1 NetBackup primary appliance, use the
NetBackup CLI credentials.
Configuring Host Properties 217
Servers properties

8 Click OK.
9 Perform the same procedure on the remote master server that you added in
step 5.

Adding a trusted master server, when both the source and

the target server are NetBackup version 8.0
Use this procedure to add a trusted master server when both the source and target
servers are NetBackup version 8.0.
Configuring Host Properties 218
Servers properties

To add a trusted master server, when both the source and the target server
are NetBackup version 8.0
1 Ensure that the Enable insecure communication with NetBackup 8.0 and
earlier hosts option is enabled in the global security settings.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Master Servers in the left pane.
3 In the right pane, select the master server and Actions > Properties.
4 In the properties dialog box left pane, select Servers.
5 On the Trusted Master Servers tab, click Add.
6 Enter the fully-qualified host name of the remote master server and click
Validate Certificate Authority.
Configuring Host Properties 219
Servers properties

7 Enter the Username and Password of the remote master server host.

8 Click OK.

More information
See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.
For details on usage reporting in the web UI, see the NetBackup Web UI for
Administrator's Guide.
For more information on commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference
Guide. For details on the authalias.conf, see the NetBackup Security and
Encryption Guide.

Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed certificate

You can now establish a trust between source and target primary servers using an
external CA-signed certificate.
For more information on the external CA support, refer to the NetBackup Security
and Encryption Guide.
See “About the certificate to be used for adding a trusted master server” on page 213.
Configuring Host Properties 220
Servers properties

Note: The NetBackup Administration Console does not support adding a trusted
primary server using an external certificate.
If you try to add a trusted primary server with an external certificate using the
NetBackup Administration Console, an error is displayed.

To add a trusted primary server using an external certificate

1 Configure the following external certificate configuration options on the source
primary server:

Note: In case of Windows certificate store, configure only the

ECA_CERT_PATH configuration option.


Note: Do not use the ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE on the MSDP servers

that are used for MSDP direct cloud tiering as it is not supported with MSDP
direct cloud tiering.

2 Run the nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster command on the source primary

For more information on the commands, refer to the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.
If the source and target primary servers are configured with external certificates
issued by different certificate authorities, refer to the following section from the
NetBackup Deduplication Guide: Configuring external CA for secure communication
between the source MSDP storage server and the target MSDP storage server

Removing a trusted primary server

To remove a trusted primary server, you must perform the following procedure on
both the source and the target server.
Configuring Host Properties 221
Servers properties

Note: If either your source or the target server is on version 8.0 or earlier, follow
the procedure that is prescribed in the respective guide.

To remove a trusted primary server

1 Ensure that all replication jobs to the trusted target primary server are complete.
You can use nbstlutil stlilist to list the state of all storage lifecycle
policy-managed operations. To cancel jobs use nbstlutil cancel.
See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide for information about the
nbstlutil command.

2 Delete all storage lifecycle policies (SLPs) that use the trusted primary as a

Note: Before deleting a storage lifecycle policy, ensure that there are no backup
policies that indicate the SLP for the Policy storage.

3 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management

> Host Properties > Primary Servers in the left pane.
4 In the right pane, select the primary server.
5 On the Actions menu, click Properties.
6 In the properties dialog box left pane, select Servers.
7 In the Servers dialog box, select the Trusted Primary Servers tab.
8 On the Trusted Primary Servers tab, select the trusted primary server that
you want to remove and click Remove.
The Remove Server confirmation dialog box is displayed.
9 Click Yes.
10 When you finish removing trusted primary servers, click OK.
11 Restart the nbsl service.
12 Repeat the steps on the source primary server.

Note: In case of multiple NICs, if you have established trust using more that one
host NIC and if you remove the trust relationship with any one host NIC, the trust
with all the other host NICs is broken.
Configuring Host Properties 222
SharePoint properties

Changing the primary server that performs backups and restores for
a client
Use the Make Primary option to change the primary server that performs backups
and restores for a client. This option does not change a host into a primary server.

Note: The client can also change their primary server in the Backup, Archive, and
Restore interface by selecting Actions > Specify NetBackup Machines and
Policy Type. In this dialog, select the primary server to use for backups and restores.

This option is useful in a disaster recovery situation or in a NetBackup environment

where Auto Image Replication is configured. For example, select a client in the
source domain, then use Make Primary to temporarily point the client to the primary
server of the target domain. After changing the primary server, restores from the
target domain can be initiated.
To change the primary server that a client uses for backups and restores
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
2 Depending on the host to be configured, select Clients.
3 In the details pane, double-click on the client that you want to modify.
4 In the dialog box, click Servers.
5 From the Additional servers list, select a server.
6 Click Make Primary.
In the configuration file, the new primary server appears as the first server entry
in the list.
Changing the primary server does not prevent the former primary server from
initiating backups for the client. As long as that server continues to be listed
on the client’s server list, the primary server can perform backups.

SharePoint properties
Note: The SharePoint properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the Windows clients. From
the Actions menu, select Edit client properties, and then click SharePoint.

The SharePoint properties apply to currently selected Windows clients to protect

SharePoint Server installations.
Configuring Host Properties 223
SharePoint properties

Figure 3-59 SharePoint dialog box

The SharePoint dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-59 SharePoint dialog box properties

Property Description

Domain\User name Specifies the domain and the user name for the account you
want to use to log on to SharePoint (DOMAIN\user name).

Note: In 10.0 and later, credentials are stored in the

Credential Management System (CMS). If you get an error
that CMS is unable to process the credentials, ensure that
the host name is configured in the host mappings settings.

Password Specifies the password for the account.

Configuring Host Properties 224
SharePoint properties

Table 3-59 SharePoint dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Consistency check before Specifies the consistency checks to perform on the SQL
backup Server databases before NetBackup begins a backup
operation. These checks are performed for both
server-directed and user-directed backups.

If you choose to perform a consistency check, you can select

Continue with backup if consistency check fails.
NetBackup then continues to perform the backup if the
consistency check fails.

SharePoint granular restore For any VMware backups that protect Federated SharePoint
proxy host configurations, provide the name of the back-end SQL server.
This server acts as the granular restore proxy host for the
catalog hosts (front-end servers in the farm).

For complete information on these options, see the NetBackup for Microsoft
SharePoint Server Administrator’s Guide.

Consistency check options for SharePoint Server

The following consistency checks can be performed before a SharePoint Server

Table 3-60 Consistency check options

Option Description

None Do not perform consistency checking.

Full check, excluding Select this option to exclude indexes from the consistency check. If indexes are not
indexes checked, the consistency check runs significantly faster but is not as thorough. Only
the data pages and clustered index pages for each user table are included in the
consistency check. The consistency of the non-clustered index pages is not checked.

Full check, including Include indexes in the consistency check. Any errors are logged.
Configuring Host Properties 225
SLP Parameters properties

SLP Parameters properties

Note: The SLP Parameters properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click SLP Parameters.

The SLP Parameters properties in the NetBackup Administration Console allow

administrators to customize how storage lifecycle policies are maintained and how
SLP jobs run. These properties apply to the SLPs of the currently selected primary
Change the parameters in either the Host Properties or use the command line.
Whenever a storage lifecycle policy parameter is changed from the default, the
change creates the nbcl.conf configuration file.
The nbcl.conf file is found in the following locations. It is present only if the default
of any parameter has been changed.
■ On Windows:

■ On UNIX:

To use the command-line method, use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig
commands to change the defaults. For information about these commands, see
the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Table 3-61 describes the SLP Parameters and the default of each. It also lists the
configuration options and the syntax to use with the command-line method.
Use the drop-down menu in the Units column to change the units of measurement
for size or time.

Table 3-61 SLP Parameters

Property Description

Minimum size per The smallest batch size that can run as a single duplication job. The job does not run
duplication job until enough images accumulate to reach this minimum batch size or until the Force
interval for small jobs time is reached. Minimum: 1 kilobyte; no maximum size. Default:
8 gigabytes.

Configuration option default: SLP.MIN_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB = 8 GB

Configuring Host Properties 226
SLP Parameters properties

Table 3-61 SLP Parameters (continued)

Property Description

Maximum size per The largest batch size that can run as a single duplication job. Minimum: 1 kilobyte;
duplication job no maximum size. Default: 100 gigabytes.

Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_SIZE_PER_DUPLICATION_JOB = 100 GB

Maximum size per A.I.R. The largest batch size that can run as a single job for Auto Image Replication. Minimum:
replication job 1 kilobyte; no maximum size. Default: 100 gigabytes.

Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_SIZE_PER_BACKUP_REPLICATION_JOB =

100 GB

Maximum images per The largest number of images in a single batch that can run as a single job. Default:
snapshot replication job 50 images, with no minimum number or maximum number.

Use this parameter with the Limit I/O streams disk pool option which limits the number
of jobs that can run concurrently to each volume in the disk pool.


= 50

Minimum images per A.I.R. The fewest number of images in a single batch that can run as an Auto Image
Import job Replication import job. The job does not run until either the minimum size is reached
or the Force interval for small jobs time is reached. Minimum: 1 image; no maximum
number of images. Default: 1 image.

Configuration entry default: SLP.MIN_IMAGES_PER_IMPORT_JOB = 1

Maximum images per A.I.R. The largest number of images in a single batch that can run as an Auto Image
Import job Replication import job. Minimum: 1 job; no maximum number of images. Default: 250

Configuration entry default: SLP.MAX_IMAGES_PER_IMPORT_JOB = 250

Force interval for small jobs The age that the oldest image in a batch must reach after which the batch is submitted
as a duplication job. This value prevents many small duplication jobs from running at
one time or running too frequently. It also prevents NetBackup from waiting too long
before it submits a small job. Default: 30 minutes, with no minimum number or maximum


Configuring Host Properties 227
SLP Parameters properties

Table 3-61 SLP Parameters (continued)

Property Description

Job submission interval Indicates the frequency of the job submission for all operations. No minimum interval
or maximum interval. Default: 5 minutes.

By default, all jobs are processed before more jobs are submitted. Increase this interval
to allow NetBackup to submit more jobs before all jobs are processed. Set the interval
when the list of available images is scanned for those that can be batched together
and jobs submitted. A shorter interval allows for a better response to changing system
workloads at the cost of increased processing.

Configuration entry default: SLP.JOB_SUBMISSION_INTERVAL = 5 MINUTES

Image processing interval The number of minutes between image-processing sessions. Set the interval when
newly created images are recognized and set up for SLP processing. Default: 5 minutes.

Configuration entry default: SLP.IMAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL = 5 MINUTES

Cleanup interval The time between when a job finishes and before NetBackup removes the job artifacts
for the completed job. No minimum interval or maximum interval. Default: 24 hours.

Configuration entry default: SLP.CLEANUP_SESSION_INTERVAL = 24 HOURS

Extended image retry The amount of time to wait before an unsuccessful operation is added to the first job
interval that runs after the delay. (This applies to all SLP jobs.) The extra time gives the
administrator additional time to solve a problem that prevents job completion. No
minimum interval or maximum interval. Default: 2 hours.

Configuration entry default: SLP.IMAGE_EXTENDED_RETRY_PERIOD = 2 HOURS

Unused SLP definition Concerns the deletion of SLP versions where a more recent version exists. The setting
version cleanup delay controls how long a version must be inactive before NetBackup deletes it. Default: 14

Configuration entry default: SLP.VERSION_CLEANUP_DELAY = 14 DAYS

See “Deleting old storage lifecycle policy versions” on page 747.

Tape resource multiplier Limits the number of concurrently active duplication jobs that can access a single tape
media storage unit to xx times the number of available drives. Allows tuning to avoid
overloading the Resource Broker, yet makes sure that the devices are not idle. No
minimum multiplier or maximum multiplier. Default: 2 (multiply access to the write drives
by two).

Configuration entry default: SLP.TAPE_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER = 2

Configuring Host Properties 228
SLP Parameters properties

Table 3-61 SLP Parameters (continued)

Property Description

Disk resource multiplier Limits the number of concurrently active duplication jobs that can access a single disk
storage unit to xx times the number of available drives. Allows tuning to avoid
overloading the Resource Broker, yet makes sure that the devices are not idle. No
minimum multiplier or maximum multiplier. Default: 2 (multiply access to the write drives
by two).

Configuration entry default: SLP.DISK_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER = 2

Group images across SLPs If this parameter is set to Yes (default), multiple SLPs of the same priority can be
processed in the same job. If No, batching can occur only within a single SLP.

Configuration entry default: SLP.DUPLICATION_GROUP_CRITERIA = 1

Configuration entry for no, do not allow


Window close buffer time Sets the amount of time before a window closes when NetBackup does not submit
new jobs using that window. Minimum 2 minute; maximum: 60 minutes. Default: 15

Configuration entry default: SLP.WINDOW_CLOSE_BUFFER_TIME = 15 MINUTES

Deferred duplication offset For deferred operations, jobs are submitted x time before the source copy is due to
time expire. Default: 4 hours.

Configuration entry default: SLP.DEFERRED_DUPLICATION_OFFSET_TIME = 4


Auto create A.I.R. Import Used for Auto Image Replication, indicates whether an SLP (that contains an Import
SLP operation) is created automatically in the target domain if no SLP is configured there.
Default: Yes, an SLP is created in the target domain.

Configuration entry default: SLP.AUTO_CREATE_IMPORT_SLP = 1

How long to retry failed How long NetBackup retries an Import job before it stops and deletes the record. After
A.I.R. import jobs the initial four attempts, the retries become less frequent. Default: 0 (do not retry after
the initial four attempts).

Configuration entry default: SLP.REPLICA_METADATA_CLEANUP_TIMER = 0 HOURS

Configuring Host Properties 229
SLP Parameters properties

Table 3-61 SLP Parameters (continued)

Property Description

Pending A.I.R import How long NetBackup waits before it generates a notification that an Auto Image
threshold Replication copy is still in import pending state. After an Auto Image Replication copy
has been replicated, NetBackup puts the source copy into import pending state. If the
copy is in import pending state for the time period that this threshold sets, NetBackup
generates a notification. Notifications are sent to the NetBackup error log and are visible
in the Problems report. Notifications may also be sent to an email address, if specified.
Default: 24 hours

Configuration entry default: SLP.PENDING_IMPORT_THRESHOLD = 24 HOURS

See “About Auto Image Replication import confirmation” on page 1128.

Email address to receive The email address that receives pending A.I.R. import notifications. Default: None.
Configuration entry format: SLP.NOTIFICATIONS ADDRESS =

Minimum size per The smallest batch size that can run as a single replication job. The job does not run
replication job until enough images accumulate to reach this minimum batch size or until the Force
interval for small replication jobs time is reached. Minimum: 1 kilobyte; no maximum
size. Default: 8 gigabytes.

Configuration option default: SLP.MIN_SIZE_PER_REPLICATION_JOB = 8 GB

Force interval for small The age that the oldest image in a batch must reach after which the batch is submitted
replication jobs as a replication job. This value prevents many small replication jobs from running at
one time or running too frequently. It also prevents NetBackup from waiting too long
before it submits a small job. Default: 30 minutes, with no minimum number or maximum



Command-line units of measurement for the SLP

The abbreviations are case-insensitive for units of measurement.
The following abbreviations can be used where sizes are indicated:

bytes kb kilobyte kilobyte(s) kilobytes mb megabyte

megabyte(s) megabytes gb gigabyte gigabyte(s) gigabytes tb

terabyte terabyte(s) terabytes pb petabyte petabyte(s) petabytes

The following abbreviations can be used where units of time are indicated:
Configuring Host Properties 230
SLP Parameters properties

sec second second(s) seconds min minute minute(s) minutes

hour hour(s) hours day day(s) days mon month

month(s) months week week(s) weeks year year(s) years

About batch creation logic in Storage Lifecycle Manager

The Storage Lifecycle Manager service (nbstserv) is in charge of creating
duplication jobs for storage lifecycle policies. Part of duplication job creation includes
grouping the backup (or source) jobs into batches.

Note: Restart nbstserv after making changes to the underlying storage for any
operation in an SLP.

One objective of the batching logic is to prevent media contention for tape operations,
including virtual tape libraries (VTL).
Batching logic applies to both disk and tape. (Though the method to prevent media
contention for disk is to use disk pools and then to limit I/O streams to disk pools.)
The batching logic requires that for each evaluation cycle, nbstserv consider all
completed source jobs when determining which duplication job to run next. By
default, nbstserv performs the evaluation once every 5 minutes.
nbstserv avoids overloading the Resource Broker (nbrb) queue with jobs. Too
many jobs in the queue make the role of the Resource Broker harder and slows
down system performance.
By default, nbstserv now creates groups based on the Group images across
SLPs parameter in the SLP Parameters host properties. By default, multiple storage
lifecycle policies with the same priority can be batched together.
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.
This batching logic change affects how duplication jobs appear in the Activity
Monitor. Storage lifecycle policies that have been combined into one job appear
under a single policy name: SLP_MultipleLifecycles. If a storage lifecycle policy
has not been combined with another, the name appears in the Activity Monitor
under the name of the SLP: SLP_name.
Users may see some duplication jobs that, although in the running state, do not
duplicate data because they have no resources to read or write. These jobs continue
to run until they receive resources to complete the job.
To turn off grouping by duplication job priority, set the Group images across SLPs
parameter to No in the SLP Parameters host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 231
Throttle Bandwidth properties

Throttle Bandwidth properties

Note: The Throttle Bandwidth properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Select the primary server.
From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then click
Throttle Bandwidth.

Use the Throttle Bandwidth properties to specify a limit for the network bandwidth
or transfer rate that NetBackup clients use on a network. The actual limiting occurs
on the client side of the backup connection. These properties limit only backups.
Restores are unaffected. The default is that the bandwidth is not limited.
The Throttle Bandwidth properties are similar to the Bandwidth host properties,
but offer greater flexibility in IPv6 environments.

Figure 3-60 Throttle Bandwidth dialog box

To manage entries in the Throttle Bandwidth dialog box, select one of the following
Configuring Host Properties 232
Timeouts properties

Add Add a network or host to the Network or Host list using the Add
Bandwidth Settings dialog box.

Change Change the selected network or host property using the Change
Bandwidth Settings dialog box.

Remove Removes the selected network or host from the Network or Host

Add Bandwidth Settings dialog box for Throttle Bandwidth properties

The Add Bandwidth Settings and the Change Bandwidth Settings dialog boxes
contain the following properties.

Network or Host The network or host to which the throttle applies.

Bandwidth (KB/Sec) The bandwidth or the transfer rate in kilobyte per second for
the network or host indicated. A value of zero disables
throttling IPv6 addresses.

Timeouts properties
Note: The Timeouts properties can be configured on the NetBackup web UI. On
the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Timeouts.

The Timeouts properties apply to selected primary servers, media servers, and
Configuring Host Properties 233
Timeouts properties

Figure 3-61 Timeouts dialog box

The Timeouts dialog box contains the following properties.

Table 3-62 Timeouts dialog box properties

Property Description

Client connect timeout Specifies the number of seconds the server waits before it times out when it connects
to a client. The default is 300 seconds.

Backup start notify timeout Specifies the number of seconds the server waits for the bpstart_notify script on
a client to complete. The default is 300 seconds.
Note: If using the bpstart_notify script: The Client read timeout
(CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option) must be equal to or greater than the Backup start
notify timeout (BPSTART_TIMEOUT option). If the Client read timeout is less than
the Backup start notify timeout, the job can timeout while the bpstart_notify
script is running.
Configuring Host Properties 234
Timeouts properties

Table 3-62 Timeouts dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

File browse timeout Specifies how long the client can wait for a response from the NetBackup primary
server while it lists files.
Note: If it exists, the value in a UNIX client’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence
to the property here.

If the limit is exceeded, the user receives a socket read failed error. The timeout can
be exceeded even while the server processes the request.

Use OS dependent timeouts Specifies that the client waits for the timeout period as determined by the operating
system when it lists files, as follows:

■ Windows client: 300 seconds

■ UNIX client: 1800 seconds

Media mount timeout Specifies how long NetBackup waits for the requested media to be mounted, positioned,
and ready on backups, restores, and duplications.

This property applies to currently selected primary servers.

Use this timeout to eliminate excessive waiting time during manual media mounts. (For
example, when robotic media is out of the robot or is off-site.)
Configuring Host Properties 235
Timeouts properties

Table 3-62 Timeouts dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Client read timeout Specifies the number of seconds that NetBackup waits for a response from a client
before the operation attempt fails. This timeout can apply to a NetBackup primary,
remote media server, or database-extension client (such as NetBackup for Oracle).
The default is 300 seconds.

If the server does not get a response from a client within the Client read timeout
period, the backup or restore operation can fail.
The sequence on a database-extension client is as follows:

■ NetBackup on the database-extension client reads the client’s client-read timeout

to find the initial value. If the option is not set, the standard 5-minute default is used.
■ When the database-extension API receives the server’s value, it uses it as the
client-read timeout.

See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

It is recommended to increase the timeout value in the following situations:

■ The client-read timeout on a database-extension client is a special case. Clients

can initially require more time to get ready than other clients. More time is required
because database backup utilities frequently start several backup jobs at the same
time, slowing the central processing unit. A setting of 15 minutes is adequate for
many installations.
■ Backing up directly to a MSDP cloud storage server. If the value is not increased
for both the primary server and the media server, you may see jobs failing with the
following message in the job details:
Error bpbrm (pid=119850) socket read failed: errno = 62 -
Timer expired
Note that increasing the timeout is not needed it you use a storage lifecycle policy
to first back up to an MSDP storage server and then duplicate the data to an MSDP
cloud storage server using an optimized duplication operation. (This operation is
the recommended method of operation.)

Note: If using the bpstart_notify script: The Client read timeout

(CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option) must be equal to or greater than the Backup start
notify timeout (BPSTART_TIMEOUT option). If the Client read timeout is less than
the Backup start notify timeout, the job can timeout while the bpstart_notify
script is running.

Backup end notify timeout Specifies the number of seconds that the server waits for the bpend_notify script
on a client to complete. The default is 300 seconds.
Note: If this timeout is changed, verify that Client read timeout is set to the same or
higher value.
Configuring Host Properties 236
Universal Settings properties

Table 3-62 Timeouts dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Media server connect Specifies the number of seconds that the primary server waits before it times out when
timeout it connects to a remote media server. The default is 30 seconds.

Universal Settings properties

Note: The Universal Settings properties can be configured on the NetBackup web
UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Depending on the host to be
configured, select the Primary Server, Media Servers, or Clients. From the Actions
menu, select the Edit option, and then click Universal Settings.

Use the Universal Settings properties in the NetBackup Administration Console

to configure basic backup and restore settings. These properties apply to selected
primary servers, media servers, and clients.

Figure 3-62 Universal Settings dialog box

Configuring Host Properties 237
Universal Settings properties

The Universal Settings dialog box contains the following options.

Table 3-63 Universal Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

Restore retries Specifies the number of attempts a client has to restore after a failure. (The default is
0; the client does not attempt to retry a restore. The client can try up to three times.)
Change Restore retries only if problems are encountered.

If a job fails after the maximum number of retries, the job goes into an incomplete state.
The job remains in the incomplete state as determined by the Move restore job from
incomplete state to done state property.

See “Clean-up properties” on page 70.

A checkpointed job is retried from the start of the last checkpointed file rather than at
the beginning of the job.

Checkpoint restart for restore jobs allows a NetBackup administrator to resume a

failed restore job from the Activity Monitor.

See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)” on page 775.

Browse timeframe for Specifies how long ago NetBackup searches for files to restore. For example, to limit
restores the browse range to one week before the current date, clear the Last full backup
check box and specify 7.

This limit is specified on the primary server and applies to all NetBackup clients. A limit
can be specified on an individual client to reduce the size of the Search window. The
client setting cannot make the browse window larger.

By default, NetBackup includes files from the time of the last-full backup through the
latest backup for the client. If the client belongs to more than one policy, then the browse
starts with the earliest of the set of last-full backups.

Last full backup Indicates whether NetBackup includes all backups since the last successful full backup
in its browse range. This property must be disabled to enter a value for the Browse
timeframe for restores property. The default is that this property is enabled.

Use specified network Specifies the network interface that NetBackup uses to connect to another NetBackup
interface client or server. A NetBackup client or server can have more than one network interface.
To force NetBackup connections to be made on a specific network interface, use this
entry to specify the network host name of that interface. By default, the operating
system determines the one to use.

Allow server file writes Specifies whether a NetBackup server can create or modify files on the NetBackup
client. For example, enable this property to prevent server-directed restores and remote
changes to the client properties.

After the Allow server file writes property is applied, it can be cleared only by modifying
the client configuration. The default is that server writes are allowed.
Configuring Host Properties 238
Universal Settings properties

Table 3-63 Universal Settings dialog box properties (continued)

Property Description

Logging the status of a UNIX only:

redirected restore
No progress log is produced for a redirected restore if the requesting server is not
included in the server list for the server that performs the restore. (A progress log is
an entry in the Task Progress tab of the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.)

Without the entry in the server list, the restoring server has no access to write the log
files to the requesting server.
Consider the following solutions:

■ To produce a progress log, add the requesting server to the server list and log into
the requesting server.
■ In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Primary Servers.
■ In the details pane, double-click on primary server you want to modify, and click
Servers from the options pane.
■ Add the restoring server to the server list.
■ Log on to the restoring server. Check the Activity Monitor to determine the success
of the restore operation.

Accept connections from This property no longer applies.

non-reserved ports

Client sends mail Specifies whether the client sends an email to the address that is specified in the
Universal Settings properties. If the client cannot send email, use Server sends mail.
The default is that this property is enabled.

Server sends mail Specifies whether the server sends an email to the address that is specified in the
Global Attributes properties. Enable this property if the client cannot send mail and
you want an email notification. The default is that this property is disabled.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

Client administrator’s email Specifies the email address of the administrator on the client. This address is where
NetBackup sends backup status reports for the client. By default, no email is sent. To
enter multiple addresses or email aliases, separate entries with commas.

Logging the status of a redirected restore

A redirected restore may not produce a progress log. The name of the requesting
server must appear in the server list for the server that performs the restore.
Otherwise, no progress log is produced for a redirected restore.(A progress log is
an entry in the Task Progress tab of the Backup, Archive, and Restore client
Configuring Host Properties 239
User Account Settings properties

Without the entry in the server list, the restoring server has no access to write the
log files to the requesting server. Add the requesting server to the server list and
log into the requesting server.
To produce a progress log
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers.
2 In the right pane, double-click the primary server you want to modify.
In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Servers.
3 Perform one of the following actions:
■ Additional servers
From the Media servers list, click Add.
■ Media servers
From the Additional servers list, click Add.

4 In the Add a New Server Entry dialog box, enter the name of the new server.
5 Click Add. The dialog box remains open for another entry.
6 Click Close.
7 Log on to the restoring server.
Check the Activity Monitor to determine the success of the restore operation.
See “About the Jobs tab” on page 1156.

User Account Settings properties

Note: These settings can also be configured in the NetBackup web UI.
To do so, on the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the Primary
Server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click User Account Settings.

Use the User Account Settings properties to customize the idle timeout and
account lockout time for users of the NetBackup Administration Console and the
NetBackup web UI.
Configuring Host Properties 240
User Account Settings properties

Figure 3-63 User Account Settings dialog box

Table 3-64 User Account Settings dialog box properties

Property Description

GUI Idle Timeout Logs out the user session if there is no GUI activity for the specified period of time.

Select Enable auto log off timeout. Then select the number of minutes after which
the session should be terminated.

Account lockout The number of failed logon attempts after which to lock an account out of the console
or the web UI.

Select Enable account lockout . Then configure the following settings:

■ Number of failed login attempts allowed: The number of attempts after which to
lock the user account.
■ Account lockout duration: The time period after which an account is unlocked.

Unlocking a user account

A user account is locked if the number of invalid login attempts exceeds the specified
number or if the idle timeout duration passes. The user account remains locked
until the account lockout period passes. However, user accounts can be unlocked
Configuring Host Properties 241
UNIX Client properties

before the lockout period passes if there is an immediate need to access the
NetBackup Administration Console or the NetBackup web UI.
To unlock a user account
1 From the Actions menu, select the Unlock users option.
The Unlock Users dialog box lists the names of the users whose accounts
are locked.
2 Select the users who you want to unlock and click Unlock.
Select the Refresh option on the top right of the Unlock Users dialog box.
The user accounts that were unlocked do not appear in the list.

Locking a NetBackup Administration Console session manually

A NetBackup session locks automatically if it is left idle or inactive. A NetBackup
Administration Console session can also be manually locked. For example, if a
user has to temporarily leave and does not want to close the active session. The
user must log in again to access the session.

Note: The console is locked even when multiple dialog boxes are open.

Locking a NetBackup session manually

1 On the File menu, select the Lock the console option or select the lock icon
on the top left.

Alternatively, press Alt + K to lock the console.

2 NetBackup prompts you to log in again to access the session. Enter a valid
password to log in.

UNIX Client properties

Use the UNIX Client properties in the NetBackup Administration Console to
define properties of clients running on the UNIX platform.
Configuring Host Properties 242
VMware Access Hosts properties

Figure 3-64 UNIX Client dialog box

See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.
See “Lotus Notes properties” on page 152.

VMware Access Hosts properties

Note: The VMware Access Hosts properties can be configured on the NetBackup
web UI. On the left pane, select Hosts > Host properties. Next, select the primary
server. From the Actions menu, select Edit primary server properties, and then
click VMware Access Hosts.

Use the VMware Access Hosts properties in the NetBackup Administration

Console to add or remove VMware backup hosts. These properties apply to
currently selected primary servers.
These properties appear when the NetBackup Enterprise Client license is installed.
Configuring Host Properties 243
VMware Access Hosts properties

Figure 3-65 VMware Access Hosts dialog box

The backup host is a NetBackup client that performs backups on behalf of the virtual
machines. (This host was formerly known as the VMware backup proxy server.)
The backup host is the only host on which NetBackup client software is installed.
As an option, the backup host can also be configured as a NetBackup primary
server or media server.
The backup host is referred to as the recovery host when it performs a restore
You can add servers to and remove servers from the access hosts list:

Add Click Add and enter the fully qualified domain name of the backup host.

Remove Select the backup host in the list and click Remove.

For more information, see the NetBackup for VMware Administrator’s Guide.
For more information, see the NetBackup Web UI for VMware Administrator’s Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 244
Windows Client properties

Windows Client properties

Use the Windows Client properties in the NetBackup Administration Console
to define NetBackup properties for Microsoft Windows clients.

Figure 3-66 Windows Client dialog box

Windows Client properties include specific host properties for configuring Windows

Configuration options not found in the Host

Most NetBackup configuration options can be found in the Host Properties of the
NetBackup Administration Console. However, some options cannot be accessed
in the Host Properties.
To change the default value for an option that is not found in the Host Properties,
first use the nbgetconfig command to obtain a list of configuration options. Then
use nbsetconfig to change the options as needed.
Configuring Host Properties 245
About using commands to change the configuration options on UNIX clients and servers

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

About using commands to change the

configuration options on UNIX clients and servers
When commands (nbsetconfig or bpsetconfig) are used to change the
configuration options on UNIX NetBackup servers or clients, the commands change
the appropriate configuration files.
Most options are found in the following configuration file:

If a single UNIX system is running as both a client and a server, the bp.conf file
contains options for both the client and the server.
The bp.conf file observes the following syntax:
■ Use the # symbol to comment out lines.
■ Any number of spaces or tabs are allowed on either side of = signs.
■ Blank lines are allowed.
■ Any number of blanks or tabs are allowed at the start of a line.
Each nonroot user on a UNIX client can also have a personal bp.conf file in their
home directory:


The options in personal bp.conf files apply only to user operations. During a user
operation, NetBackup checks the $HOME/bp.conf file before

Root users do not have personal bp.conf files. NetBackup uses the
/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file for root users.

Stop and restart all NetBackup daemons and utilities on the server after you make
a change to the bp.conf file on a UNIX primary server. This action ensures that all
of the NetBackup processes use the new bp.conf values. This action is not required
for changes to bp.conf files on a client or to a $HOME/bp.conf file on the primary
The SERVER option must be present in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on
all NetBackup UNIX clients and servers. During installation, NetBackup sets the
SERVER option to the name of the primary server where the software is installed. It
Configuring Host Properties 246
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

is the only required option in the bp.conf files. NetBackup uses internal software
defaults for all options in the bp.conf file, except SERVER.
The SERVER entries must be the same on all servers in a primary and a media server
cluster. It is recommended that all other entries also match on all servers. (The
CLIENT_NAME option is an exception.)

Configuration options for NetBackup servers

The following topics are about configuration options for NetBackup servers. Nearly
all of these options can also be set in the Host Properties in the NetBackup
Administration Console.

Note: On Windows platform, NetBackup supports 7-bit ASCII characters for the
file paths that are to be specified for security-specific configuration options.

ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE option for NetBackup servers

This option overrides the NetBackup overwrite protection for various media formats
on removable media.

Table 3-65 ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example On the primary server (and media servers if applicable), add the following entry to
permit overwriting the cpio format:

Configuring Host Properties 247
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-65 ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary Servers or Media
Console property Servers > Double-click on server > Media > Allow media overwrite.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup master server

The ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER option specifies the server (master server or media
server) that is enabled to detect backup anomalies in your NetBackup domain.
The ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER option is set only on the master server. The value of
the option can either be the master server name or the associated media server

Table 3-66 ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup master server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

By default the ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER option value is set to

the master server name after the NetBackup software is installed
or upgraded on the master server.

ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER = master_server_name

Use the following format to set the option value to the media
server name if you want to enable the media server to detect
backup anomalies in your environment:

ANOMALY_PROXY_SERVER = media_server_name

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN option for NetBackup servers and

This option defines a set of NetBackup product authentication principles.
Configuring Host Properties 248
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-67 AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN information

Usage Description

Where to use A primary server, media server, or client that uses NetBackup product authentication
and authorization must have at least one AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN entry listed for
this option. More than one domain can be specified.

If a media server or client does not define an authentication domain, it uses the
authentication domains of its primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN = domain "comment"

mechanism broker [port]

This option may appear more than once in the configuration file.
The following variables are defined:

■ domain is an Internet domain name or a Windows domain name.

■ "comment" is a quoted comment that describes the authentication domain.
■ mechanism is the authentication mechanism.
The keywords for various mechanisms are as follows:
■ NIS: Network Information Service version 1
■ NIS+: Network Information Service version 2
■ PASSWD: Local UNIX password file on the specified broker
■ VXPD: The NetBackup product authentication and authorization private database
■ WINDOWS: Windows Active Directory or primary domain controller
■ broker is the host name or IP address of the authentication broker.
■ port is the port number of the authentication broker. The default is the standard port
number for authentication brokers.
Configuring Host Properties 249
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-67 AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN information (continued)

Usage Description

Example AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN = "Typical UNIX logins"

AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN = OurEnterprise "Typical Windows logins"
UNIX Logins on host broker3" PASSWD

In this example:

■ is the Internet domain name and OurEnterprise is the Windows

domain name.
■ The broker on host name broker1 handles both NIS and private authentication
for NetBackup product authentication.
■ The broker on host name broker2 handles Windows authentication for NetBackup
product authentication.
■ broker2 uses the non-standard port number 5544.
■ The broker on host name broker3 uses its local /etc/passwd file for NetBackup
product authentication.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary Servers, Media Servers,
Console property Clients > Double-click on server > Access Control > Authentication Domain.

See “Authentication Domain tab of the Access Control properties” on page 61.

AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE option for NetBackup servers

This option defines the NetBackup Product Authorization Service that the local
NetBackup server uses.

Table 3-68 AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE information

Usage Description

Where to use A primary server that uses NetBackup product authorization must define an authorization
service. If a media server does not define an authorization service, it uses the
authorization service of the primary server.
Configuring Host Properties 250
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-68 AUTHORIZATION_SERVICE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The following variables are defined:

■ host is the host name or IP address of the authorization service.

■ port is the port number of the authorization service. The default is the standard port
number for the authorization service.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary Servers or Media
Console property Servers > Double-click on server > Access Control > Authorization Service.

See “Authorization Service tab of the Access Control properties” on page 62.


This option allows client aliases to be automatically added to the NetBackup
database when bpdbm detects a new client in a backup policy.

Table 3-69 AUTO_ADD_ALL_ALIASES_FOR_CLIENT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 251
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-69 AUTO_ADD_ALL_ALIASES_FOR_CLIENT information


Usage Description

How to use By default, AUTO_ADD_ALL_ALIASES_FOR_CLIENT is not present in the configuration

file. When AUTO_ADD_ALL_ALIASES_FOR_CLIENT is not present, the option is
enabled. That is, bpdbm is allowed to add client aliases automatically.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following entry prohibits bpdbm from adding a client alias automatically:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BPBRM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers

The BPBRM_VERBOSE option is used for debugging purposes. It controls the amount
of information that NetBackup includes in the bpbrm debug log.

Table 3-70 BPBRM_VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 252
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-70 BPBRM_VERBOSE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use The default is that BPBRM_VERBOSE is the same value as the VERBOSE option (Global
logging level). The BPBRM_VERBOSE option overrides the VERBOSE option in the
configuration file.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPBRM_VERBOSE = -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example ■ To use the same value as the VERBOSE option, enter:

This option is the same as setting the BPBRM logging level in the Logging host
properties to Same as Global.
■ To log the minimum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPBRM logging level to 0 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log additional information, enter a value of 1 through 5:
This option is the same as setting the BPBRM logging level to 1 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log the maximum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPBRM logging level to 5 in the Logging
host properties.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Logging > BPBRM logging level.

See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide for more information about the debug

See “Logging properties” on page 145.

Configuring Host Properties 253
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH option for NetBackup servers and clients

NetBackup denies access to a file that is specified for NetBackup operations if the
path is a non-default path. For example, a path that is specified for progress log or
rename files.
You must use the BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH option to allow access to non-default custom

Table 3-71 BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH = Absolute pathname to the directory

Example The following are the example entries on a NetBackup server or client:

BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH = directory1

BPCD_ALLOWED_PATH = directory2

Create a separate entry for each directory.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS options for UNIX primary servers

Use BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries to customize the output of the bpdbjobs process.
Add a BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS option for every column you want to include in the output.
Add BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries to the bp.conf file to customize the output of the
bpdbjobs process.

Table 3-72 BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS information

Usage Description

Where to use On a UNIX NetBackup primary server.

Configuring Host Properties 254
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-72 BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Add BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS to the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.

Add an entry for every column to include in the output by using the following format:

BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS = COLDEFS_ENTRY [minimum_size [true |


The following variables are defined:

■ COLDEFS_ENTRY is the name of the column to include in the output.

■ minimum_size is the minimum column width. If not specified, the default is a width
of 5.
■ true indicates that the column should expand as needed. If not specified, true
is the default.
■ false indicates that the column should not expand beyond the minimum_size.

Example The order of the entries determines the order in which the column headings appear.



The appearance of BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entries in the bp.conf file has the following

■ The addition of any BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS option overrides all default columns.

■ All users on the local system see only those columns that are specified in the
bp.conf file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

Table 3-73 shows possible COLDEFS entries and the column which is created by
Configuring Host Properties 255
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-73 COLDEFS entries

COLDEFS entry Column Name

ACTIVEELAPSED Active Elapsed (elapsed active time)

ACTPID Active PID (PID of job)




COMPLETION Completion (percent complete)

COMPRESSION Compression (yes or no)


DEDUPRATIO Dedupe Ratio (shows deduplication rate in

bpdbjobs command output)


DSTMEDIA_SERVER Dest Media Svr (writing media server)

DSTMEDIAID Dest Media ID (writing media ID)

DSTSTORAGE_UNIT Dest StUnit (writing storage unit)

ELAPSED Elapsed (elapsed time)


ESTFILE Est File (estimated number of files)

ESTKB Est KB (estimated number of kilobytes)






LASTBACKUP Last Backup (date and time)

MAINPID Main PID (PID that spawns job, if applicable)

Configuring Host Properties 256
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-73 COLDEFS entries (continued)

COLDEFS entry Column Name

NUMTAPESEJECT Media to Eject (number of tapes to eject;

Vault only)

OPERATION Operation (current operation)







PROFILE Profile (Vault only)

RETENTION Retention (retention period)


ROBOT Robot (Vault only)

RQSTPID Request PID (PID requesting job, if




SESSIONID Session ID (Vault only)








Configuring Host Properties 257
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-73 COLDEFS entries (continued)

COLDEFS entry Column Name


TYPE Type (job type)

VAULT Vault (Vault only)

BPDBM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers

The BPDBM_VERBOSE option is used for debugging purposes. It controls the amount
of information NetBackup includes in the bpdbm debug log.

Table 3-74 BPDBM_VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use The default is that BPDBM_VERBOSE is the same value as the VERBOSE option (Global
logging level). The BPDBM_VERBOSE option overrides the VERBOSE option in the
configuration file.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPDBM_VERBOSE = -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 258
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-74 BPDBM_VERBOSE information (continued)

Usage Description

Example ■ To use the same value as the VERBOSE option for, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPDBM logging level to Same as Global
in the Logging host properties.
■ To log the minimum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPDBM logging level to 0 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log additional information, enter a value of 1 through 5:
This option is the same as setting the BPDBM logging level to 1 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log the maximum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPDBM logging level to 5 in the Logging
host properties.

The following examples show two entries which enable logging, while they minimize
the growth rate of the bpdbm debug file:



Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Logging > Global logging level > BPDBM logging level.

See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide for more information about logging.

See “Logging properties” on page 145.

BPRD_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers

Used for debugging purposes, the BPRD_VERBOSE option controls the amount of
information that NetBackup includes in the bprd debug logs.

Table 3-75 BPRD_VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 259
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-75 BPRD_VERBOSE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use The default is that the value is the same as the VERBOSE option (Global logging level).
The BPRD_VERBOSE option overrides the VERBOSE option in the configuration file.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPRD_VERBOSE = -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example ■ To use the same value as the VERBOSE option, enter:

This option is the same as setting the BPRD logging level in the Logging host
properties to Same as Global.
■ To log the minimum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPRD logging level to 0 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log additional information, enter a value of 1 through 5:
This option is the same as setting the BPRD logging level to 1 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log the maximum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPRD logging level to 5 in the Logging
host properties.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Logging > BPRD logging level.

See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide for more information about the debug

See “Logging properties” on page 145.

BPTM_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers

The BPTM_VERBOSE option is used for debugging purposes. It controls the amount
of information that NetBackup includes in the bptm debug logs.
Configuring Host Properties 260
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-76 BPTM_VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use The default is that BPTM_VERBOSE is the same value as the VERBOSE option (Global
logging level). The BPTM_VERBOSE option overrides the VERBOSE option in the
configuration file.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPTM_VERBOSE = -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example ■ To use the same value as the VERBOSE option, enter:

This option is the same as setting the BPTM logging level in the Logging host
properties to Same as Global.
■ To log the minimum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPTM logging level to 0 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log additional information, enter a value of 1 through 5:
This option is the same as setting the BPTM logging level to 1 in the Logging
host properties.
■ To log the maximum amount of information, enter:
This option is the same as setting the BPTM logging level to 5 in the Logging
host properties.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Logging > BPTM logging level.

See the NetBackup Logging Reference Guide for more information about the debug

See “Logging properties” on page 145.

Configuring Host Properties 261
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

BPEND_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

The BPEND_TIMEOUT option specifies the number of seconds to wait for the
bpend_notify script on a client to complete.

Table 3-77 BPEND_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default timeout is 300 seconds (five minutes).

Note: If this option is changed, verify that the CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option is set
to the same value or higher.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Timeouts > Backup end notify timeout.

See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.

BPSTART_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

The BPSTART_TIMEOUT option specifies the number of seconds to wait for the
bpstart_notify script on a client to complete.

Table 3-78 BPSTART_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use
Configuring Host Properties 262
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-78 BPSTART_TIMEOUT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default timeout is 300 seconds (five minutes).

Note: If using the bpstart_notify script: The Client read timeout
(CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option) must be equal to or greater than the Backup start
notify timeout (BPSTART_TIMEOUT option). If the Client read timeout is less than
the Backup start notify timeout, the job can timeout while the bpstart_notify
script is running.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.

Console property

CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup primary and

media servers
This option lets you specify an unauthenticated proxy server that NetBackup uses
to relay Usage Insights data to Veritas. At this time, NetBackup does not have a
method to verify that the value is set correctly. The Usage Insights interface displays
a message indicating the number of days since the data was successfully uploaded
to Veritas. The only protocol currently supported is http.
This option lets you specify an unauthenticated proxy server that NetBackup uses
to relay Usage Insights data to Veritas. With this option there is no way to verify
that the value is set correctly. The Usage Insights interface displays a message
indicating the number of days since the data was successfully uploaded to Veritas.
This option only supports the http protocol.
Use the CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER option only if you have NetBackup 8.3 to
NetBackup 9.0.
If you upgrade to NetBackup 9.1 and later, use the nbcallhomeproxyconfig
command and the CALLHOME_PROXY_NAME option or manually configure the
proxy using the NetBackup Web UI.
Configuring Host Properties 263
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-79 CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary and media servers.

How to use Set the CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER option on your server with the bpsetconfig
command and the format shown:

echo CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER = protocol://url:port | bpsetconfig

Or start bpsetconfig and enter the key and value pair at the prompt as shown:

# bpsetconfig
bpsetconfig> CALLHOME_PROXY_SERVER = protocol://url:port

Use Ctrl+D on UNIX or Ctrl+Z on Windows to send the configuration changes.

More information about the bpsetconfig is available in the Net Backup Commands
Reference Guide.




# bpsetconfig

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

CHECK_RESTORE_CLIENT option for NetBackup servers

The CHECK_RESTORE_CLIENT option specifies that the client to be restored to is
checked before the restore starts. An unresponsive client can slow restores for
other clients that have data on the same tapes.

Table 3-80 CHECK_RESTORE_CLIENT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 264
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-80 CHECK_RESTORE_CLIENT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

This option specifies the number of seconds that the server waits when it connects
to a client. If the server needs to wait longer than the time specified, it times out.

Table 3-81 CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default timeout is 300 seconds (five minutes).

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Timeouts > Client connect timeout.

See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.

CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW option for NetBackup servers and clients

This option specifies the range of non-reserved ports on this computer that are
used as source ports when connecting to NetBackup on other computers. This
setting applies to daemon or service socket connections to the server and to the
client hosts as well as call-back from bpcd.
Configuring Host Properties 265
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-82 CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers and clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW = start_port_range end_port_range

If 0 is specified for the first number (default), the operating system determines the
non-reserved port to use.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example permits ports from 4800 through 5000:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Port Ranges > Client port window.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.

CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

The CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option specifies the number of seconds that NetBackup
waits for a response from a client before the operation attempt fails. For example,
if the primary server does not get a response from a client within the
CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT period, the backup or restore operation fails.

Table 3-83 CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary and media servers.

Configuring Host Properties 266
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-83 CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT is not present on the server or the database

agent and the client-read timeout is 300 seconds (five minutes). This time is a
reasonable default. Change only in the event of problems.

CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT on a database agent is a special case because these types

of clients can initially require more time to get ready than other clients. Database backup
utilities frequently start several backup jobs at the same time, which can slow the CPU.
The sequence on a database agent is as follows:

■ NetBackup on the database agent reads the client’s CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT to

find the value to use initially. If the option is not set, the standard default of five
minutes is used.
■ When the database agent API receives the server’s value, it uses it as the
It is recommended to increase the timeout value on the primary and the media server
in the following situations:

■ For database agents, a setting of 15 minutes is adequate for many installations.

■ Backing up directly to an MSDP cloud storage server. If the value is not increased,
you may see jobs failing with the following message in the job details:
Error bpbrm (pid=119850) socket read failed: errno = 62 -
Timer expired
Note that increasing the timeout is not needed if you use a storage lifecycle policy
to first back up to an MSDP storage server and then duplicate the data to an MSDP
cloud storage server or an MSDP cloud LSU using an optimized duplication
operation. (This operation is the recommended method of operation.)

Note: If using the bpstart_notify script: The Client read timeout

(CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT option) must be equal to or greater than the Backup start
notify timeout (BPSTART_TIMEOUT option). If the Client read timeout is less than
the Backup start notify timeout, the job can timeout while the bpstart_notify
script is running.

Example The following example configures a client read timeout of 15 minutes.

Configuring Host Properties 267
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-83 CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary Servers or Media
Console property Servers > Double-click on server > Timeouts > Client read timeout.

See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.

CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW option for NetBackup servers

and clients
The CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW option specifies the range of reserved ports
on this computer that are used for connecting to NetBackup on other computers.
This setting applies when the computer connects to a client (bpcd) configured to
accept only reserved ports.
Connections to other daemon ports use only the CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW, not the

Table 3-84 CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW = start_port_range end_port_range

The default is from 512 through 1023. Note that if 0 is specified for the first number, a
non-reserved port is used instead. The operating system chooses the nonreserved

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example permits ports from 900 through 1023:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Port Ranges > Client reserved port window.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.

Configuring Host Properties 268
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


This option controls how often NetBackup scans the Snapshot Manager servers to
discover cloud assets to display in NetBackup.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.
Note: These commands require administrator privilege on
the NetBackup primary server. For assistance, contact the
NetBackup administrator.

The default is 2 hours. The minimum is 2 hours, the maximum

1 year.

Use the following format:


For example:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: After changing this option, stop and restart the
NetBackup services.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

Equivalent NetBackup web UI No equivalent exists in the NetBackup web UI.


CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH for clustered primary server

The CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH option is specific to clustered primary server. It
specifies the path to the external CA-signed certificate of the virtual name.

Table 3-86 CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On clustered primary server.

Configuring Host Properties 269
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-86 CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

CLUSTER_ECA_CERT_PATH = Path to the certificate

of the virtual identity

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.


The CLUSTER_ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE option is specific to clustered primary
server. It specifies the path to the text file where the passphrase for the virtual name
certificate's private key is stored.
CLUSTER_ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE is optional. You should define this option if the
virtual name certificate's private key is encrypted.
See “CLUSTER_ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for clustered primary server”
on page 270.


Usage Description

Where to use On clustered primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.
Use the following format:


passphrase file

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 270
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

CLUSTER_ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for clustered primary server

The CLUSTER_ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH option is specific to clustered primary server.
It specifies the path to the private key for the external CA-signed certificate of the
virtual name.
If the virtual name certificate's private key is encrypted, you should define the

See “CLUSTER_ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE for clustered primary server”

on page 269.

Table 3-88 CLUSTER_ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On clustered primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


private key of the external certificate

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

CLUSTER_ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for clustered primary server

The CLUSTER_ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH option is specific to clustered primary server.
It specifies the path to the certificate bundle file that contains all trusted root CA
certificates in PEM format.

Table 3-89 CLUSTER_ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On clustered primary server.

Configuring Host Properties 271
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-89 CLUSTER_ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


external CA certificate

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration Console host properties.

CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers and clients

The CONNECT_OPTIONS apply to connections to the local host only, as follows (they
do not apply to connections to remote hosts):
■ Whether processes on host are reached:
■ By using the Veritas Exchange (PBX) or Veritas Network daemon (vnetd)
port only.
■ By using the daemon ports only.
■ By first using the PBX, then the vnetd port, and then the daemon ports if

■ Whether subsequent call-back connections with host use the traditional call-back
method, use vnetd, or use a PBX/vnetd forwarding connection.
■ Whether connections to host use reserved or a non-reserved source port number.

Table 3-90 CONNECT_OPTIONS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers, media servers, or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 272
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-90 CONNECT_OPTIONS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CONNECT_OPTIONS = host [ 0 | 1 | 2 ]
[ 0 | 1 | 2 ][ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3]

The following variables are defined:

Host is a host name local to this host. You may have multiple CONNECT_OPTIONS
entries in the configuration, and localhost overrides other local host names. If a
local host name is not specified in any CONNECT_OPTIONS entries, the values from
the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option are used.

See “DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers and clients”

on page 275.

The first setting indicates the type of port to use as the source port for connections to
service daemons on host:

0 = Connections on this computer should be from a reserved source port number. It

is selected from the CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW range.

1 = Connections on this computer should be from a non-reserved source port number

that is selected from the CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW range. (The default is 1.) If this option
is selected for use with the daemon port and host is running a version of NetBackup
older than 7.1, enable Allow non reserved ports for the selected host.

In the NetBackup Administration Console, see the Universal Settings dialog box
under Host Properties > Media Servers.

2 = Use the method that the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option


See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.

Configuring Host Properties 273
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-90 CONNECT_OPTIONS information (continued)

Usage Description

The second setting indicates the call-back method to use with host. (This applies if
configured to use the daemon port or if bpcd cannot be reached using ports 1556 or

0 = Use the traditional call-back method. Host connects back to a random port number
that this computer has selected from the SERVER_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW range,
or SERVER_PORT_WINDOW range as determined by the first setting.

1 = Use the vnetd no call-back method. Connect to vnetd instead of a random port.
If this computer is NetBackup 7.0.1 or later, attempt to connect to port 1556 before
attempting to connect to vnetd. The connection is outbound to host if the third setting
is 0 or 1. The connection is inbound from host if the third setting is 2.

2 = Use the method that the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option defines


The third setting affects which destination port number to use for connections to daemon
services on host.

0 = Use vnetd if possible, to connect to a daemon on this computer. If it is not possible,

connect by using the traditional port number of the daemon. If this host is NetBackup
7.0.1 or later, attempt to connect to port 1556 before attempting to connect to vnetd.
If bpcd is reachable through port 1556 or vnetd, then the first two settings are ignored
and all connections to host are outbound and use non-reserved ports.

1 = Use vnetd to connect to a daemon on host. If this computer is NetBackup 7.0.1

or later, attempt to connect to port 1556 before attempting to connect to vnetd. The
traditional port number of the daemon is not used if the connection cannot be established
using port 1556 or vnetd. If bpcd is reachable through port 1556 or vnetd, then the
first two settings are ignored and all connections to host are outbound and use
non-reserved ports.

2 = Use only the traditional port number of the daemon to connect to a daemon on
host. If the daemon is bpcd, the second setting is then used to determine the call-back

3 = Use the method that the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option defines

Configuring Host Properties 274
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-90 CONNECT_OPTIONS information (continued)

Usage Description

Example 1 The configuration file can contain CONNECT_OPTIONS settings for local host names.

CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 0 0 0

In this example, local connections to daemons on local host shark attempt to use port
1556. If the previous attempt was unsuccessful, then the connections try vnetd. If that
attempt is unsuccessful, the daemon port is used. If the connections are successful
using 1556 or vnetd, then the first two settings are ignored.

$ bptestbpcd -host shark

0 0 1 -> ->

Example 2 CONNECT_OPTIONS = host 0 1 2

In this example:

■ Connections to daemons on the local host must use the daemon port numbers.
■ Call-back connections are to vnetd on this computer.
■ The source ports for the daemon connection is bound from the reserved port number

Example 3 CONNECT_OPTIONS = host 1 1 2

In this example:

■ Connections to daemons on the local host must use the daemon port numbers.
■ Call-back connections are to vnetd on this computer.
■ The source ports for the daemon connection is bound from the non-reserved port
number range.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Click Primary
Console property Servers, Media Servers, Clients > Double-click on server > Firewall.

See “Firewall properties” on page 132.


Use the DATAACCESS_AUDIT_INTERVAL_HOURS option to set an interval to periodically
add audit records for the browse image (bplist) operations into the NetBackup
Consider the following example:
Configuring Host Properties 275
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

The DATAACCESS_AUDIT_INTERVAL_HOURS option is set to 2 hours. All the audit

records for the bplist operations are cached for 2 hours. One of the many similar
bplist audit records is identified and is added into the database every 2 hours.
This option prevents the database size from increasing exponentially because of
the bplist audit records.
To add all the bplist audit records from the cache into the NetBackup database,
run the following command on the primary server:
nbcertcmd -postAudit -dataAccess


Usage Description

Where to use On primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


The default interval is 1 hour.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers and

The DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option specifies the default values for the
CONNECT_OPTIONS configuration option. If a host name is not specified in any
CONNECT_OPTIONS option, the value from the DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS option is

Note: The DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS apply to connections to the local host only;

they do not apply to connections to remote hosts.

See “CONNECT_OPTIONS option for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 271.
Configuring Host Properties 276
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-92 DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers, media servers, or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS = [ 0 | 1 ][ 0 | 1 ][ 0 | 1 | 2 ]

The default value is 0 1 0.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The first setting indicates the type of port to use as the source port when connecting
to the bpcd daemon port on the local host. It also indicates the type of server port if
using the traditional call-back method.

0 = Connections on this computer should use a reserved port number. They are selected
from the CLIENT_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW range for source ports and from the
SERVER_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW range if using the traditional call-back method.

1 = Connections on this computer should use a non-reserved port number. Connections

are selected from the CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW range for source ports and from the
SERVER_PORT_WINDOW range if using the traditional call-back method.

The second setting indicates the call-back method to use. (This setting applies if
configured to use the daemon port or if bpcd cannot be reached using ports 1556 or

0 = Use the traditional call-back method. The destination host connects back to a
random port number that this computer has selected from the
determined by the first setting.

1 = Use the vnetd no call-back method. Connect to vnetd instead of a random port.
Attempt to connect to port 1556 before attempting to connect to vnetd. The connection
is outbound to the destination host if the third setting is 0 or 1. The connection is inbound
if the third setting is 2.
Configuring Host Properties 277
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-92 DEFAULT_CONNECT_OPTIONS information (continued)

Usage Description

The third setting affects which destination port number to use when attempting
connections to daemon services on the destination host.

0 = Use PBX or vnetd to connect to a daemon on the destination host if possible,

otherwise connect by using the traditional port number of the daemon. Attempt to
connect to port 1556 before attempting to connect to vnetd. If bpcd is reachable
through port 1556 or vnetd, then the first two settings are ignored and all connections
are outbound and use non-reserved ports.

1 = Connect to a daemon on the destination host by using PBX or vnetd. Attempt to

connect to port 1556 before attempting to connect to vnetd. The traditional port number
of the daemon will not be used if the connection cannot be established using port 1556
or vnetd. If bpcd is reachable through port 1556 or vnetd, then the first two settings
are ignored and all connections are outbound and use non-reserved ports.

2 = Connect to a daemon on the destination host by using the traditional port number
of the daemon only. The first setting is used to determine the port range and the second
setting is used to determine the call-back method.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary Servers, Media Servers,
Console property Clients > Double-click on server > Firewall.

See “Firewall properties” on page 132.

DISABLE_CERT_AUTO_RENEW option for NetBackup servers and

This option disables the automatic renewal of host ID-based certificates.
For more information about the automatic renewal of host ID-based certificates,
see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-93 DISABLE_CERT_AUTO_RENEW information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers and clients.

Configuring Host Properties 278
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-93 DISABLE_CERT_AUTO_RENEW information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

DISABLE_JOB_LOGGING option for NetBackup servers

This option disables the logging of the job information that the NetBackup Activity
Monitor requires.

Table 3-94 DISABLE_JOB_LOGGING information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is that this option is not present in the configuration file and that job logging

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Media > Enable job logging.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

Configuring Host Properties 279
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


NetBackup servers
This option disables the nonrobotic drive operations. During a backup, NetBackup
automatically attempts to use standalone volumes in nonrobotic drives.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbemmcmd command to change the option. For example:


For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following command enables nonrobotic drive operations.


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Media > Enable standalone drive extension. The default is that this option
is enabled.

See “Media properties” on page 155.


This option prevents backups from spanning media.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 280
Configuration options for NetBackup servers



Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is that the entry is not present in the configuration file and backups are
allowed to span media.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Media > Allow backups to span tape media.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE option for NetBackup servers

This option denies the list and restore requests for all clients. When this option is
present, clients cannot list or restore any files that they have backed up through
this primary server.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is that the entry is not present in the configuration file and clients can list
and restore their files.
Note: Override the DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE option for individual clients
by changing their list_restore setting.
Configuring Host Properties 281
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-97 DISALLOW_CLIENT_LIST_RESTORE information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Client Attributes > Allow Client Restore.

See “Client Attributes properties” on page 75.

DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE option for NetBackup servers

This option denies the restore requests for all clients. When this option is present,
clients cannot restore the files that they have backed up through this primary server.

Table 3-98 DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is that the entry is not present in the configuration file and clients can restore
their files.
Note: To override the DISALLOW_CLIENT_RESTORE option for individual clients,
change their list_restore setting.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Client Attributes > Allow Client Browse.

See “Client Attributes properties” on page 75.

DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES option for NetBackup servers

and clients
The DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES entry prevents the NetBackup server from
creating files on the NetBackup server or client. This entry prevents NetBackup
servers from remotely performing restores or remotely changing client configurations.
For further information on the commands that are described in the following tables,
see the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 282
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-99 DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES information (in the

NetBackup Administration Console or command line)

Where to use How to use Notes when used Notes when used Default behavior
on local host remotely

NetBackup NetBackup Allow server file Allow server file The server writes are
Administration Management > Host writes can be set on an writes cannot be set allowed.
Console Properties > all-in-one host that from the NetBackup
Double-click on primary contains the primary Administration
server, media server, or server, media server, Console. On the media
client > Universal and client. server or client, use the
Settings > Allow DISALLOW_SERVER_
If the media server and
server file writes FILE_WRITES entry.
client are not on the
See Table 3-101.
primary server, you
must use the
entry on the media
server or client.

NetBackup File > NetBackup Allow server-directed Allow server-directed The server-directed
Backup, Client Properties > restores can be used restores cannot be restores are allowed.
Archive, and Allow server-directed only from a Windows used remotely. On the
Restore restores computer. media server or client,
Windows client use the DISALLOW_
entry. See Table 3-101.

bpsetconfig For command DISALLOW_SERVER_ bpsetconfig and DISALLOW_SERVER_

or examples, see FILE_WRITES can be bpgetconfig can be FILE_WRITES = No
bpgetconfig Table 3-100 and enabled and disabled. run only from the
(use only on Table 3-101. primary server or media
primary server or server.
media server)
nbsetconfig DISALLOW_SERVER_
nbgetconfig using bpsetconfig or
(use on primary nbsetconfig cannot
server, media be set remotely (can
server, or client) only be set locally).
Configuring Host Properties 283
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-100 bpsetconfig and nbsetconfig examples for local host

Command Command examples for local host

bpsetconfig From the local primary server or media server

On Windows:



bpsetconfig> <ctl-Z>




bpsetconfig> <ctl-D>

nbsetconfig From the local primary server, media server, or client

On Windows:



nbsetconfig> <ctl-Z>




nbsetconfig> <ctl-D>
Configuring Host Properties 284
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-101 bpsetconfig and nbsetconfig examples for remote host

Command Command examples for remote host

bpsetconfig From the remote primary server or media server

On Windows:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpsetconfig -h host


bpsetconfig> <ctl-Z>


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig -h host


bpsetconfig> <ctl-D>

nbsetconfig From the remote primary server, media server, or client

On Windows:

install_path\NetBackup\bin>nbsetconfig -h host


nbsetconfig> <ctl-Z>


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsetconfig -h host


nbsetconfig> <ctl-D>

DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE for NetBackup servers

Use the DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE option if you do not want the data to be encrypted
even if the data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode of the backup image is enabled.
The DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE option is applicable for all backup images.

Table 3-102 DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers.

Configuring Host Properties 285
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-102 DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:



The default value of the DTE_IGNORE_IMAGE_MODE option is


■ NEVER - Use this option to specify that the data-in-transit

encryption takes place based on the DTE mode of the
■ ALWAYS - Use this option to specify that the DTE mode of
the image is always ignored during data-in-transit encryption
irrespective of whether the NetBackup host supports the
encryption or not. Data-in-transit encryption takes place
based on the global DTE mode and client DTE mode.
■ WHERE_UNSUPPORTED - Use this option if you have
NetBackup hosts earlier than 9.1 in your environment and
you do not want the jobs to fail for these hosts when the
DTE mode is enabled for the image. With this configuration,
data-in-transit encryption happens based on the global and
client DTE mode settings. The image DTE mode is ignored.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console property Console host properties.

ECA_CERT_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_CERT_PATH option specifies the path to the external CA-signed certificate
of the host. This option is mandatory.
NetBackup supports the following certificate sources for host certificates:
■ Windows certificate store

Note: The Windows certificate store is not supported for clustered primary
Configuring Host Properties 286
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

■ File-based certificates

Certificate order in the certificate file

A certificate file must have a certificate chain with certificates in the correct order.
The chain starts with the server certificate (also known as the leaf certificate) and
is followed by zero or more intermediate certificates. The chain must contain all
intermediate certificates up to the Root CA certificate but should not contain the
Root CA certificate itself. The chain is created such that each certificate in the chain
signs the previous certificate in the chain.
The certificate file should be in one of the following formats:
■ PKCS #7 or P7B file that is either DER or PEM encoded that has certificates in
the specified order
■ A file with the PEM certificates that are concatenated together in the specified

Table 3-103 ECA_CERT_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.
For file-based certificates, use the following format:

ECA_CERT_PATH = Path to the external certificate

of the host

For example: c:\server.pem

For Windows certificate store, use the following format:

ECA_CERT_PATH = Certificate store name\Issuer

name\Subject name

You can specify multiple certificate selection queries in a

comma-separated format.

ECA_CERT_PATH = Store name1\Issuer name1\Subject

name1,Store name2\Issuer name2\Subject name2

See “Specifying Windows certificate store for ECA_CERT_PATH”

on page 287.
Configuring Host Properties 287
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-103 ECA_CERT_PATH information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration Console host properties.

Specifying Windows certificate store for ECA_CERT_PATH

NetBackup selects a certificate from any of the local machine certificate stores on
a Windows host.
In case of Windows certificate store, ECA_CERT_PATH is a list of comma-separated
Each clause is of the form Store name\Issuer\Subject. Each clause element contains
a query.
$hostname is a keyword that is replaced with the fully qualified domain name of the
host. Use double quotes when a \ is present in the actual path. For example,

$shorthostname is a keyword that is replaced with the short name of the host. Use
double quotes when a \ is present in the actual path. For example,

The 'Store name' should be the exact name of the store where the certificate resides.
For example: 'MY'
The 'Issuer' is optional. If this is provided, NetBackup picks the certificates for which
the Issuer DN contains the provided substring.
The 'Subject' is mandatory. NetBackup picks the certificate for which the Subject
DN contains the provided substring.
You must ensure to:
■ Add the root certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities or Third-Party
Root Certification Authorities in the Windows certificate store.
■ If you have any intermediate CAs, add their certificates to the Intermediate
Certification Authorities in the Windows certificate store.

Example - Certificate locations with WHERE CLAUSE:

■ My\Veritas\$hostname, My\ExampleCompany\$hostname
Where (certificate store is MY, Issuer DN contains Veritas, Subject DN contains
$hostname) OR (certificate store name is MY, Issuer DN contains
ExampleCompany, Subject DN contains $hostname)
Configuring Host Properties 288
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

■ MY\Veritas\"NetBackup\$hostname"
Where certificate store name is MY, Issuer DN contains Veritas, Subject DN
contains NetBackup\$hostname
■ MY\\$hostname
Where certificate store name is MY, any Issuer DN, Subject DN contains

■ MY\\$shorthostname
Where certificate store name is MY, any Issuer DN, Subject DN contains

■ MY\Veritas\NetBackup $hostname
Where certificate store name is MY, Issuer DN contains Veritas, Subject DN
contains NetBackup $hostname
If you provide a space between words, it is considered as a valid character.

Example - Certificate locations with invalid data:

■ MY\\
The Subject DN should have some value.
■ My\$hostname
The Subject DN should have some value.
■ \\$hostname
The certificate store name should have exact value of the store in which the
certificate resides.
■ MY\CN=Veritas\CN=$hostname
The Subject DN and issuer DN cannot contain =, and also specific tags like

ECA_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_CRL_CHECK option lets you specify the revocation check level for external
certificates of the host. It also lets you disable the revocation check for the external
certificates. Based on the check, revocation status of the certificate is validated
against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) during host communication.
You can choose to use the CRLs from the directory that is specified for the
ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option in the configuration file (bp.conf on UNIX or
Windows registry) or the CRL Distribution Point (CDP).
See “ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 289.
Configuring Host Properties 289
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-104 ECA_CRL_CHECK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


You can specify one of the following:

■ DISABLE (or 0) - Revocation check is disabled. Revocation

status of the certificate is not validated against the CRL during
host communication.
■ LEAF (or 1) - Revocation status of the leaf certificate is
validated against the CRL. This is the default value.
■ CHAIN (or 2) - Revocation status of all certificates from the
certificate chain are validated against the CRL.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_CRL_PATH option specifies the path to the directory where the Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRL) of the external certificate authority (CA) are located.
These CRLs are copied to NetBackup CRL cache. Revocation status of the external
certificate is validated against the CRLs from the CRL cache.
CRLs in the CRL cache are periodically updated with the CRLs in the directory that
is specified for ECA_CRL_PATH based on the ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS option.
See “ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS for NetBackup servers and clients”
on page 290.
If the ECA_CRL_CHECK or HADOOP_CRL_CHECK option is not set to DISABLE (or 0) and
the ECA_CRL_PATH option is not specified, NetBackup downloads the CRLs from
the URLs that are specified in the CRL distribution point (CDP) and uses them to
verify revocation status of the peer host's certificate.
See “ECA_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 288.
Configuring Host Properties 290
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Note: For validating the revocation status of a virtualization server certificate, the

See “VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients”

on page 383.
For validating the revocation status of a Hadoop server certificate, the
HADOOP_CRL_CHECK option is used.

Table 3-105 ECA_CRL_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

If certificate validation is required for VMware, RHV servers,

Nutanix AHV, or Hadoop, this option must be set on the
NetBackup primary server and respective access or backup
hosts, irrespective of the certificate authority that NetBackup
uses for host communication (NetBackup CA or external CA).

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format to specify a path to the CRL directory:

ECA_CRL_PATH = Path to the CRL directory

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console property Console host properties.

ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS option specifies the time interval in hours to update
the Certificate revocation lists (CRL) in the NetBackup CRL cache with the CRLs
in the directory specified for the ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option.
See “ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 289.
The ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS option is not applicable if CDP is used for CRLs.
By default, CRLs in the cache are updated every one hour.
During host communication, revocation status of the external certificate is validated
against the CRLs from the CRL cache.
Configuring Host Properties 291
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-106 ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

ECA_CRL_PATH_SYNC_HOURS = Number of hours

Minimum number of hours that you can specify - 1 hour

Maximum number of hours that you can specify - 720 hour

The default value is one hour.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS option specifies the time interval in hours to download
the CRLs from the URLs that are specified in the peer host certificate's CRL
distribution points (CDP).
The ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS option is applicable when you use CDP for CRLs.
See “ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 289.
After the specified time interval, CRLs of the certificate authority are downloaded
from the URLs that are available in CDP.
By default, the CRLs are downloaded from the CDP after every 24 hours.

Table 3-107 ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 292
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-107 ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

ECA_CRL_REFRESH_HOURS = Number of hours

Minimum number of hours that you can specify - 0 hour, which

indicates that CRLs from the CDP are not periodically

Maximum number of hours that you can specify - 4380 hours

The default value for the option is 24 hours.

Note: CRLs are also downloaded from the CDP during host
communication if they are expired or not available in the CRL
cache, irrespective of the time interval set for the

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

ECA_DISABLE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT for NetBackup servers and

When NetBackup is configured to use the certificates that an external CA has
signed, such certificates are automatically enrolled with the primary server during
host communication. If you want to disable automatic enrollment of such certificates,
When automatic enrollment is disabled, you can enroll the external certificates
manually using the nbcertcmd -enrollCertificate command.
A certificate must be enrolled with the primary server before it can be used for host
By default, automatic certificate enrollment is enabled.

Table 3-108 ECA_DISABLE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 293
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-108 ECA_DISABLE_AUTO_ENROLLMENT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration Console host properties.

ECA_DR_BKUP_WIN_CERT_STORE for NetBackup servers and

The ECA_DR_BKUP_WIN_CERT_STORE option specifies whether you want to take a
backup of the Windows certificate store information during catalog backup or not.
By default, Windows certificate store information is backed up during catalog backup.

Note: If the Windows certificate store information is not exportable, it cannot be

backed up during catalog backup.

Table 3-109 ECA_DR_BKUP_WIN_CERT_STORE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

If you do not want the catalog backup operation to take a backup

of the Windows certificate store information, use the following


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 294
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE option specifies the path to the text file where the
passphrase for the external certificate’s private key is stored.
You should specify the ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE option only if the certificate’s
private key is encrypted.
See “ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 294.

Note: You should not specify the ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE option if you use
Windows certificate store.
See “ECA_CERT_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 285.

Note: Do not use the ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE on the MSDP servers that

are used for MSDP direct cloud tiering as it is not supported with MSDP direct cloud

Table 3-110 ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.
For information about these commands, see the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE = Path to the passphrase


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH option specifies the file path to the private key for the
external CA-signed certificate of the host.
This option is mandatory for file-based certificates.
If the private key of the certificate is encrypted, you should specify the
Configuring Host Properties 295
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

See “ECA_KEY_PASSPHRASEFILE for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 294.

NetBackup supports PKCS #1 and PKCS #8 formatted private keys that are either
plain text or encrypted. These may either be PEM or DER encoded. However, if it
is PKCS #1 encrypted, it must be PEM encoded.
For encrypted private keys, NetBackup supports the following encryption algorithms:
■ DES, 3DES, and AES if the private key is in the PKCS #1 format
■ DES, 3DES, AES, RC2, and RC4 if the private key is in the PKCS #8 format

Note: You should not specify the ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH option if Windows

certificate store is specified for the ECA_CERT_PATH option.
See “ECA_CERT_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 285.

Table 3-111 ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

ECA_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = Path to the private key

of the external certificate

For example: c:\key.pem

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration Console host properties.

ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients

The ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH option specifies the file path to the certificate bundle
file that contains all trusted root CA certificates.
This certificate file should have one or more certificates in PEM format.
Do not specify the ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH option if you use the Windows certificate
The trust store supports certificates in the following formats:
Configuring Host Properties 296
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

■ PKCS #7 or P7B file having certificates of the trusted root certificate authorities
that are bundled together. This file may either be PEM or DER encoded.
■ A file containing the PEM encoded certificates of the trusted root certificate
authorities that are concatenated together.
This option is mandatory for file-based certificates.
The root CA certificate in Cloudera distribution can be obtained from the Cloudera
administrator. It may have a manual TLS configuration or an Auto-TLS enabled for
the Hadoop cluster. For both cases, NetBackup needs a root CA certificate from
the administrator.
The root CA certificate from the Hadoop cluster can validate the certificates for all
nodes and allow NetBackup to run the backup and restore process in case of the
secure (SSL) cluster. This root CA certificate is a bundle of certificates that has
been issued to all such nodes.
Certificate from root CA must be configured under ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH in case
of self-signed, third party CA or Local/Intermediate CA environments. For example:
In case of AUTO-TLS enabled Cloudera environments, you can typically find the
root CA file named with cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem at path
/var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/agent-cert. For more details, refer Cloudera

Table 3-112 ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

If certificate validation is required for VMware, RHV servers, or

Nutanix AHV, this option must be set on the NetBackup primary
server and respective access hosts, irrespective of the certificate
authority that NetBackup uses for host communication
(NetBackup CA or external CA).

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.
Use the following format:

ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH = Path to the external CA


For example: c:\rootCA.pem

Configuring Host Properties 297
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-112 ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

EAT_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients

Used for debugging purposes, the EAT_VERBOSE option controls the amount of
information NetBackup includes in the authentication service (AT) client logs that
pertain to NetBackup processes.

Table 3-113 EAT_VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

EAT_VERBOSE = [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

The default is that the entry is not present in the configuration file.

The AT logs are generated for the NetBackup processes based on the default logging
level, which reports only errors.

Following are some of the NetBackup processes that use the AT service:

■ bpnbat
■ bpnbaz
■ nbcertcmd
■ nbsl

If the EAT_VERBOSE entry is present in the configuration file, the verbosity of AT logs
for the NetBackup processes is based on the EAT_VERBOSE option. The AT logs are
stored in the respective process log files.

To disable AT logging for NetBackup processes, set the EAT_VERBOSE option to -2 in

the configuration file.

Use the following format:

Configuring Host Properties 298
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-113 EAT_VERBOSE information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property


servers and clients
Use the ECA_WIN_CERT_STORE_TIME_LAG_MINUTES option to work around the
communication failure issue that may occur when the server system time and client
system time do not match. Because of this time difference, the secure connection
may not be established between the two communicating hosts as the security
certificate may not be valid yet. The current system time may be behind the 'Valid
from' time of the selected certificate.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.
Use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.


and clients
The ENABLE_CRITICAL_PROCESS_LOGGING option lets you automatically log critical
NetBackup processes. Log directories for the critical processes are created and
logging begins when this option is enabled in the Logging host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 299
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Initially, the bp.conf file does not contain


After logging for critical processes is enabled, a corresponding

entry is added in the bp.conf file as follows:


Note: You should not modify the

the logging for critical processes, modify the logging levels for those

Equivalent NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Primary

Administration Console Servers, Media Servers, Clients > Double-click on server >
property Logging > Logging for critical processes.

See “Logging properties” on page 145.


With NAT clients in place, NetBackup primary servers and media servers are
configured only to accept communication requests from clients.
Servers cannot communicate directly with clients. The ENABLE_DIRECT_CONNECTION
option lets you establish a direct connection between servers and clients when
Here are some example scenarios where servers need to directly connect to clients:
■ When the NetBackup domain consists of clients that are not behind any firewall
or are not using any gateway
■ When the NetBackup domain consists of clients with earlier versions
By default the direct connection between servers and clients is disabled.
Configuring Host Properties 300
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-116 ENABLE_DIRECT_CONNECTION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

To enable a direct connection between servers and clients, use the

following format:


Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration host properties.


The ENABLE_MQBROKER option is automatically set to TRUE when you configure the
NetBackup Messaging Broker or nbmqbroker service on the primary server using
the configureMQ command.
If you want to stop the communication between the primary server and NAT clients
or NAT servers, you can manually disable the ENABLE_MQBROKER option.
After you change the option value, restart the primary server services.

Table 3-117 ENABLE_MQBROKER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

To stop the communication between the primary server and NAT

clients, use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 301
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

ENABLE_NBSQLADM option for NetBackup servers and clients

This option enables or disables the nbsqladm command.

Table 3-118 ENABLE_NBSQLADM information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view or change the

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default value is 1.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example On the server or the client, edit the entry as follows to disable the command:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property


This option specifies that an automatic failover media server be used if a server is
temporarily inaccessible for a restore. This failover does not require administrator


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 302
Configuration options for NetBackup servers



Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS = failed_host host1 host2 ...


■ failed_host is the server that is not operational.

■ host1 ... hostN are the servers that provide failover capabilities.

The default is that NetBackup does not perform automatic failover.

When automatic failover is necessary for a server, NetBackup searches from left to
right through the associated FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS list. It stops when
it finds one that is eligible to perform the restore.
Note: The configuration file can contain multiple
FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS entries and each entry can list multiple servers.
However, a NetBackup server can be a failed_host in only one option.

After a FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS option is added, stop and restart the

NetBackup Request daemon on the primary server where you plan to change the

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Restore Failover.

See “Restore Failover properties” on page 194.

FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup servers

This option forces the restore to go to a specific server, regardless of where the
files were backed up.

Table 3-120 FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 303
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-120 FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER = from_host to_host

Where from_host is the server that performed the original backup and to_host is the
server to use for the restore.

Stop and restart the NetBackup Request daemon on the primary server after adding
the FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER option. Physically move the media to to_host
before attempting a restore. Update the Media Manager volume database to reflect
the move.

This setting applies to all storage units on the original server. Restores for any storage
unit on from_host go to to_host. To revert to the original configuration for future restores,
delete the option.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > General Server > Media Host Override.

See “General Server properties” on page 137.

GENERATE_ENGLISH_LOGS option for NetBackup servers and

This option enables the generation of an English error log, and English trace logs
for the bparchive, bpbackup, bpduplicate, bpimport, and bprestore commands.
This option is useful to support personnel to assist in distributed environments
where different locales result in logs that contain various languages.
An English text error log (indicated by the suffix _en) is created in the following
■ On Windows: Install_path\NetBackup\db\error
■ On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error

Table 3-121 GENERATE_ENGLISH_LOGS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 304
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-121 GENERATE_ENGLISH_LOGS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Setting the GENERATE_ENGLISH_LOGS option also forces the -en argument on the
execution of the following commands when the progress log is specified (-L):
bparchive, bpbackup, bpduplicate, bpimport, and bprestore.

The suffix _en indicates the English text progress log.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property


This setting determines the amount of time that a user account is locked out after
the user exceeds the maximum of failed logon attempts. After that time period the
account is unlocked.

Table 3-122 GUI_ACCOUNT_LOCKOUT_DURATION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default value is 15 minutes.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > server > User
Console property Account Settings > Account lockout duration
Configuring Host Properties 305
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

GUI_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

This setting logs out the user session if there is no GUI activity for the specified
period of time.

Table 3-123 GUI_IDLE_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


GUI_IDLE_TIMEOUT is disabled by default.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > server > User
Console property Account Settings > GUI Idle Timeout

GUI_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS option for NetBackup servers

This setting limits the number of concurrent API sessions that a user can have
active. API sessions are used for some applications in the NetBackup Administration
Console. This setting does not apply to API key sessions or to other applications
like the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore interface.

Table 3-124 GUI_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 306
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-124 GUI_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

GUI_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS = number of sessions

Where number of sessions is the number of sessions that users can have open

GUI_MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS is disabled by default.

Equivalent Administration None.

Console property

GUI_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS option for NetBackup servers

This setting determines the number of failed logon attempts after which to lock an
account out of the NetBackup Administration Console or the NetBackup web UI.

Table 3-125 GUI_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

GUI_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = number of attempts

Where number of attempts is the number of logon attempts after which to lock the user

The default value is 5.

This option is disabled by default.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > server > User
Console property Account Settings > Number of failed login attempts allowed
Configuring Host Properties 307
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-125 GUI_MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent NetBackup web UI Security > User sessions > User account settings > User account lockout.

HOSTDB_RESYNC_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and

The HOSTDB_RESYNC_INTERVAL option specifies the time interval to synchronize
host’s information to the NetBackup primary server's host database.

Table 3-126 HOSTDB_RESYNC_INTERVAL information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default value is 24 hours (1 day).

The maximum value for this option is 168 hours (7 days). The minimum value for this
option is zero.

Setting the option to zero disables periodic updates to the host database. It also disables
updates to the host database after the bpcd service restarts.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example sets the time interval of 72 hours (3 days) to allow data
synchronization with the host database:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property
Configuring Host Properties 308
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


This option specifies the timeout period for creating a virtual disk during restore of
a Hyper-V VM that was backed up with the WMI method.

Table 3-127 HYPERV_WMI_CREATE_DISK_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Change the HYPERV_WMI_CREATE_DISK_TIMEOUT by using the bpsetconfig

command or the nbsetconfig command.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

The default is 24 hours. The range for this option is 0 hours to 240 hours. A value of
0 means the restore job never times out during virtual disk creation.

Example The following entry tells the NetBackup restore job to wait 48 hours for creation of the
Hyper-V virtual disk.


More information on this configuration option is available in the NetBackup for Hyper-V
Administrator's Guide.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property


servers and clients
This option indicates the number of days a failed restore job can remain in the
incomplete state before it is moved to the done state.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 309
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-128 INCOMPLETE_JOB_CLEAN_INTERVAL information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is 7 days.

Where x is a value between 0 and 365. A value of 0 indicates that failed, incomplete
jobs are never automatically moved to the done state.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Clients >
Console property Double-click on server > Clean-up > Move restore job from incomplete state to
done state.

See “Clean-up properties” on page 70.

INITIAL_BROWSE_SEARCH_LIMIT option for NetBackup servers

and clients
This option specifies the number of days back that NetBackup searches for files to
restore. It can improve performance when large numbers of backups are performed.

Table 3-129 INITIAL_BROWSE_SEARCH_LIMIT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 310
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-129 INITIAL_BROWSE_SEARCH_LIMIT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is that NetBackup includes files from the time of the last full backup through
the latest backup for the client. If the client belongs to more than one policy the browse
starts with the earliest of the set of last full backups.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

When this option is specified on a UNIX client, it applies only to that client. The option
can reduce the size of the Search window from what is specified on the server (the
client setting cannot make the window larger).

Example The following example limits the browse range to the seven days before the current


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Universal Settings > Browse timeframe for restores.

See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.


The INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION option lets the primary server or the media
server publish the messages to the message queue broker during communication
with NAT clients or NAT servers (or NAT hosts).


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers.

Configuring Host Properties 311
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-130 INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide. Use the following format:

To initiate a reverse connection with NAT hosts, use the

following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console Console host properties.

IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY option for NetBackup servers

The IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY option indicates whether NetBackup on this host supports
only IPv4 or both IPv4 and IPv6.
If any of the SERVER entries do not support IPv4, NetBackup uses the setting that
indicates both IPv4 and IPv6.

Table 3-131 IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use On the hosts that use both IPv4 and IPv6, use this option to indicate which address
family to use.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


AF_INET indicates that the host supports only IPv4.

AF_INET6 indicates that the host supports only IPv6.

AF_UNSPEC indicates that the host supports both IPv4 and IPv6.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 312
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-131 IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Network Settings.

See “Network Settings properties” on page 166.

JOB_PRIORITY option for NetBackup servers and clients

Use this option to set the priority for a job type.

Table 3-132 JOB_PRIORITY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

JOB_PRIORITY = P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11

P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24

Variables P1, P2, and so on indicate the priority for each backup type.
Table 3-133 shows the default priority values.

The actual default values for the option appear as follows:

JOB_PRIORITY = 0 0 90000 90000 90000 90000 85000 85000

80000 80000 80000 80000 75000 75000 70000 70000 50000
50000 0 0 0 0 0 0

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example To give backup jobs a priority of 50000 and duplication jobs a priority of 30000, change
the JOB_PRIORITY entry as follows:

JOB_PRIORITY = 50000 0 90000 90000 90000 90000 85000 85000

80000 80000 80000 80000 75000 75000 70000 70000 30000
50000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Configuring Host Properties 313
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-132 JOB_PRIORITY information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Clients >
Console property Double-click on server > Default Job Priorities > Job Priority.

See “Default Job Priorities properties” on page 104.

Table 3-133 lists the order of the job types and the various job type defaults.

Table 3-133 Default job type priorities

Field Represents this action Default

P1 Performing a backup 0

P2 Performing a database backup (a catalog backup) 0

P3 Performing a restore 90000

P4 Recovering a catalog 90000

P5 Performing a staging operation 90000

P6 Performing the duplication jobs that Vault starts 90000

P7 Cleaning up images 85000

P8 Importing images 85000

P9 Requesting tapes 80000

P10 Cleaning a tape 80000

P11 Tape formatting 80000

P12 Performing device diagnostics 80000

P13 Verifying an image 75000

P14 Running a media contents report 75000

P15 Labeling tape media 70000

P16 Erasing media 70000

P17 Running a duplication job 50000

P18 Performing an inventory 50000

P19 This field is not currently in use 0

Configuring Host Properties 314
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-133 Default job type priorities (continued)

Field Represents this action Default

P20 This field is not currently in use 0

P21 This field is not currently in use 0

P22 This field is not currently in use 0

P23 This field is not currently in use 0

P24 This field is not currently in use 0

KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB for NetBackup servers and clients

The KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB option specifies the size of the NetBackup logs that you
want to retain. When the NetBackup log size grows up to this configuration value,
the older logs are deleted.

Table 3-134 KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 315
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-134 KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Initially, the bp.conf file does not contain KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB


Enable the Keep logs up to GB option in the Logging dialog box

on the NetBackup Administration Console to set the log retention
in GB. A corresponding entry is added in the bp.conf file as follows:


If you disable the Keep logs up to GB option, the bp.conf file

shows the corresponding entry as follows:


To set it to a different value, update the bp.conf file using the

nbsetconfig command.

Use the following format to set KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB to a new

value in the bp.conf file:


'X' indicates the log size in GB.

Note: For NetBackup servers, the recommended value for the
KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB option is 25 GB or greater.

For NetBackup clients, the recommended value for the

KEEP_LOGS_SIZE_GB option is 5 GB or greater.

This entry should appear only once in the bp.conf configuration


Equivalent NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers

Administration or Clients > Double-click on server > Logging > Keep logs up to
Console property GB.

See “Logging properties” on page 145.

Configuring Host Properties 316
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

KMS_CONFIG_IN_CATALOG_BKUP for NetBackup primary server

Use the KMS_CONFIG_IN_CATALOG_BKUP option to include the KMS configuration
as part of the disaster recovery (DR) package during catalog backup.

Table 3-135
Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

By default, the KMS_CONFIG_IN_CATALOG_BKUP option is set

to '0' (zero).

To include the KMS configuration in catalog backup as part of

the disaster recovery (DR) package during catalog backup, use
the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Console property

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH option for NetBackup servers

This option specifies a limit for the network bandwidth that NetBackup clients use
on a network. The actual limiting occurs on the client side of the backup connection.
This option limits only backups. Restores are unaffected. The default is that the
bandwidth is not limited.

Note: LIMIT_BANDWIDTH applies only to IPv4 networks. Use the

THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH option to limit IPv6 networks.

See “THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH option for NetBackup servers” on page 370.

See “Throttle Bandwidth properties” on page 231.
Configuring Host Properties 317
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


NetBackup master servers
The MANAGE_WIN_CERT_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY option lets you disable the automatic
permission management of the private key of the certificate in Windows Certificate
This option is applicable for Windows Certificate Store and only when the NetBackup
services are running in the Local Service account context.
When NetBackup services are running in the Local Service account context, the
services need to have permissions to read the private key for certificate in Windows
Certificate Store.
When the MANAGE_WIN_CERT_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY option is set to Automatic, the
NetBackup service that is running in the privileged user account context grants
access to all other NetBackup services for reading the private key whenever
By default, permissions for the private key are automatically managed. When the
MANAGE_WIN_CERT_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY option is set to Disabled, the permissions
of the private key need to be managed manually.

Note: It is not recommended to set the MANAGE_WIN_CERT_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY

option to Disabled.

To manually update the permissions when this option is Disabled, run the following
nbcertcmd -setWinCertPrivKeyPermissions -reason audit reason -force

Refer to the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide for more details on the
command-line options.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup master server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

Configuring Host Properties 318
Configuration options for NetBackup servers



Usage Description

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console property Console host properties.

MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE option for NetBackup servers and clients for

legacy logging
The MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE option specifies the maximum size that you want to set for
a log file. When the log file size in NetBackup matches the MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE
setting, the next logs are stored in a new log file.

Table 3-137 MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig (or bpgetconfig) and the nbsetconfig (or bpsetconfig)
commands to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format to set MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE to a new value in the bp.conf


'X' indicates maximum size of a NetBackup log file in MB.

Note: MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE should be set to an integer number, which should be
greater than '0'. If you have set MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE to an invalid value such as 0 or
-100, it is automatically set to the default value (500 MB).

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property
Configuring Host Properties 319
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

MAX_NUM_LOGFILES option for NetBackup servers and clients for

legacy logging
The MAX_NUM_LOGFILES option specifies the maximum number of log files that you
want to be retained in a NetBackup log directory. When the number of log files in
the directory matches the MAX_NUM_LOGFILES setting, the oldest log file is deleted.

Table 3-138 MAX_NUM_LOGFILES information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig (or bpgetconfig) and the nbsetconfig (or bpsetconfig)
commands to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format to set MAX_NUM_LOGFILES to a new value in the bp.conf


'X' indicates maximum number of NetBackup log files that are created in a log directory.

MAX_NUM_LOGFILES should be set to a number that should be greater than one (1).
If you have set MAX_NUM_LOGFILES to an invalid value such as 0 or 1, it is automatically
set to the default value, which is infinite. However, in the bp.conf file, the
MAX_NUM_LOGFILES entry appears as follows:


Zero (0) indicates an infinite value.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

MEDIA_UNMOUNT_DELAY option for NetBackup servers

When MEDIA_UNMOUNT_DELAY is specified, the media unload is delayed for the
specified number of seconds after the requested operation has completed. (Applies
only to user operations.)
Configuring Host Properties 320
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-139 MEDIA_UNMOUNT_DELAY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is a media mount delay time of 180 seconds.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The delay is set to 120 seconds in the following example:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Media > Media unmount delay.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY option for NetBackup servers

This option specifies the number of seconds that NetBackup waits for a non-robotic
drive to become ready.

Table 3-140 MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Change the MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY by using the nbemmcmd command.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

The default is that NetBackup does not wait for non-robotic drives to become ready.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following command indicates to NetBackup to wait 150 seconds for a non-robotic
drive to become ready for use.

nbemmcmd -changesetting -MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY 150

Configuring Host Properties 321
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-140 MEDIA_REQUEST_DELAY information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Media > Media request delay.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup servers

This option is similar to the SERVER option.
A host that is listed as a MEDIA_SERVER can back up and restore clients. However,
if the host is not specified as a SERVER, the host has limited administrative

Table 3-141 MEDIA_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

MEDIA_SERVER = media_server_name

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Servers > Media Servers.

See “Servers properties” on page 207.

MPX_RESTORE_DELAY option for NetBackup servers

This option applies to multiplexed restores. The MPX_RESTORE_DELAY specifies how
long the server waits for restore requests of files and raw partitions. In this case,
the option applies to the files and raw partitions in a set of multiplexed images on
the same tape. All of the restore requests that are received within the delay period
are included in the same restore operation (one pass of the tape).
Configuring Host Properties 322
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-142 MPX_RESTORE_DELAY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is 30 seconds.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example configures a server to wait 15 minutes.


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > General Server > Delay on multiplexed restores.

See “General Server properties” on page 137.

MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE option for NetBackup servers

This option instructs NetBackup that if the client is also a media server and this
option is present, backups for this client must occur on a local drive. If all drives are
down, another may be used. If the client is not a media server, this option has no

Table 3-143 MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbemmcmd command to change the option. For example:

nbemmcmd -changesetting -MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE yes

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 323
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-143 MUST_USE_LOCAL_DRIVE information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > General Server > Must use local drive.

See “General Server properties” on page 137.

NAT_SERVER_LIST for servers

The NAT_SERVER_LIST option is used to specify NAT servers with which NetBackup
servers in a public network can establish a reverse connection. If the option is not
configured, the NetBackup servers are considered to be in the same network.

Table 3-144 NAT_SERVER_LIST information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

NAT_SERVER_LIST = NAT server 1 NAT server 2

The NAT server names should be separated by spaces.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console Console host properties.

NB_FIPS_MODE option for NetBackup servers and clients

Use the NB_FIPS_MODE option to enable the FIPS mode in your NetBackup domain.

Table 3-145 NB_FIPS_MODE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 324
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-145 NB_FIPS_MODE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

By default, the NB_FIPS_MODE option is disabled.

To enable the option, use the following format:


To disable the option, use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console Console host properties.

NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

The NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT option specifies the number of seconds to wait before
the Remote Network Transport Service (nbrntd) shuts itself down. The Remote
Network Transport Service provides resilient network connections. After it is shut
down, NetBackup must restart the service if a new resilient connection for backups
or restores is required.

Table 3-146 NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default timeout is 300 seconds (five minutes).

By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 325
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-146 NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT information (continued)

Usage Description

Example In the following example, the Remote Network Transport Service shuts off after 15


See “RESILIENT_NETWORK option for NetBackup primary servers and clients”

on page 359.

NBSD_POLL_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_POLL_INTERVAL option specifies the interval in seconds after which the
service checks the status of the registered process. The default value is 600.

Table 3-147 NBSD_POLL _INTERVAL Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:




By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_DUMP_COUNT option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_DUMP_COUNT option specifies the maximum number of process dumps
that are collected for a registered process. You can specify the value between 1
and 10. Default value is 3.
Configuring Host Properties 326
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-148 NBSD_DUMP_COUNT Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:




By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_MONITOR_CPU option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_MONITOR_CPU option specifies the process to monitor the CPU usage in

Note: Do not specify percentage in (%) sign.

Table 3-149 NBSD_MONITOR_CPU Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.


PROC_NAME1:CPU_percent, PROC_NAME2:CPU_percent,

NBSD_MONITOR_CPU = bpdbm:40, bpbrm:50

By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 327
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-149 NBSD_MONITOR_CPU Information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_MONITOR_MEMORY option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_MONITOR_MEMORY option specifies the process to monitor the memory

Note: Do not enclose the value in single or double quotes.

Table 3-150 NBSD_MONITOR_MEMORY Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.


NBSD_MONITOR_MEMORY = nbsl:8196, bpdbm:4096

By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_MEMORY_UNIT option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_MEMORY_UNIT option specifies the unit for the memory calculations which
is used in the process from the total system memory. If the unit is PERCENT, then
the calculations are based on the percent of memory. If the unit is ABSOLUTE,
then the calculations are based on the absolute value in MB. Default value is
Configuring Host Properties 328
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Note: Do not enclose the value in single or double quotes.

Table 3-151 NBSD_MEMORY_UNIT Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK option specifies the process to monitor the deadlock.
The CPU and memory usage are the frequent long intervals which are assumed
as deadlock. Default value is 60 minutes, but you can set the value based on the

Note: Do not enclose the value in single or double quotes.

Table 3-152 NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 329
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-152 NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK Information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



NBSD_MONITOR_DEADLOCK = nbwmc, adminconsole,


By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_DEADLOCK_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_DEADLOCK_INTERVAL is an interval after which to consider that the process
is inactive. Default value is 60.

Table 3-153 NBSD_DEADLOCK_INTERVAL Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:




By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 330
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

NBSD_ALWAYS_DUMP option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_ALWAYS_DUMP option specifies the service to always dump whenever the
CPU breaks the threshold or to let the service manage it logically based on the
average of previous readings. Default value is 0.

Table 3-154 NBSD_ALWAYS_DUMP Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_CAPTURE_PROCESS_DUMP option for NetBackup servers

and clients
The NBSD_CAPTURE_PROCESS_DUMP option specifies whether to capture the process
dump. You can set the value to 1, if you want to capture the process dump after
the threshold is reached. Default value is 1.

Table 3-155 NBSD_CAPTURE_PROCESS_DUMP Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 331
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-155 NBSD_CAPTURE_PROCESS_DUMP Information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_INCREASE_LOG_LEVEL option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_INCREASE_LOG_LEVEL option specifies to increase the log levels for the
VXUL processes automatically and make changes in the nblog.conf file. Logs for
the legacy processes are not changed as it might lead to huge levels.

Table 3-156 NBSD_INCREASE_LOG_LEVEL Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 332
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

NBSD_CAPTURE_NETWORK_STAT option for NetBackup servers

and clients
The NBSD_CAPTURE_NETWORK_STAT option specifies to set the value as 1, if you want
to monitor the network connections at the time of an event. Default value is 1.

Table 3-157 NBSD_CAPTURE_NETWORK_STAT Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_CAPTURE_DISK_IO option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_CAPTURE_DISK_IO option specifies to set the value as 1, if you want to
capture the system DISK IO stats at the point of an event. Default value is 1.

Table 3-158 NBSD_CAPTURE_DISK_IO Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 333
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-158 NBSD_CAPTURE_DISK_IO Information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_NUMBER_OF_READINGS option for NetBackup servers

and clients
The NBSD_NUMBER_OF_READINGS option specifies the number of reading to capture
in case of the threshold event. Default value is 50.

Table 3-159 NBSD_NUMBER_OF_READINGS Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_READING_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_READING_INTERVAL option specifies to take the reading at a specific
interval. Default value is 5.

Table 3-160 NBSD_READING_INTERVAL Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 334
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-160 NBSD_READING_INTERVAL Information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_PURGE_OLD_EVIDENCE option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_PURGE_OLD_EVIDENCE option purges the old evidences present in the
directory given in NBSD_EVIDENCE_PATH. You must copy the old evidence before it
is lost. Default value is 0.

Table 3-161 NBSD_PURGE_OLD_EVIDENCE Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 335
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


servers and clients
The NBSD_CAPTURE_WITHOUT_THRESHOLD option specifies to capture the evidence
set without any threshold for the registered processes. This takes precedence over
all the threshold flags. It is required in case we need to gather the evidence without
any threshold event but at a set regular interval. Default value is 0.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_JDK_HOME option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_JDK_HOME option specifies the path to the JDK Home folder. The path is
required to execute JSTACK on a java process. For example: If JDK is installed in
c:\\jdk, JAVA_HOME should be set to c:\\jdk.

Note: Do not enclose the value in single or double quotes.

Table 3-163 NBSD_JDK_HOME Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 336
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-163 NBSD_JDK_HOME Information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.


NBSD_JDK_HOME = c:\\jdk1.8

By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

NBSD_EVIDENCE_PATH option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_EVIDENCE_PATH option specifies the path to the folder where you want
to store the generated evidence. It is a mandatory value. The nbperfmon does not
run if the value is not specified. Ensure, the folder has sufficient space to gather
the logs.

Note: Do not enclose the value in single or double quotes.

Table 3-164 NBSD_EVIDENCE_PATH Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 337
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

NBSD_VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_VERBOSE option specifies to enable the verbose logs for the performance
of the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (NBSD). Default vaule is 0.

Table 3-165 NBSD_VERBOSE Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.

NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR option for NetBackup servers and clients

The NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR option enables to monitor all the NetBackup processes
on the NetBackup host with default CPU and Memory threshold values. The default
CPU threshold is 90% and default memory threshold are 60%.
To change default threshold values refer

Note: NBSD_CAPTURE_WITHOUT_THRESHOLD parameter is ignored when

NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR is set to 1.

Table 3-166 NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 338
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-166 NBSD_AUTO_MONITOR Information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.


servers and clients
The NBSD_AUTOMONITOR_CPU_THRESHOLD option enables to monitor all the NetBackup
processes in the NetBackup host with default CPU and Memory threshold values.
The value is in percentage and can have values in between 1 and 100.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 339
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


NetBackup servers and clients
The NBSD_AUTOMONITOR_MEMORY_THRESHOLD option defines the memory threshold
value used for monitoring all the NetBackup processes. The value denotes the
memory usage percentage of the total memory process. This value is considered
for threshold decision making. The value is in percentage and can have values
between 1 and 100.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.

NBSD_MONITOR_POLICY_NAME option for primary server

The NBSD_MONITOR_POLICY_NAME option specifies the policies to monitor the CPU,
memory, and deadlock thresholds. The process launched after the policy execution
is automatically added for monitoring with default threshold values.
This parameter is only applicable for primary server. The value for this parameter
is a comma separated list of polices to monitor.
NBSD_MONITOR_POLICY_NAME=Policy1, Policy2, Policy3.

Note: Do not enclose the value in quotation marks.

The default CPU threshold is 90 percent and default memory threshold are 60%.
To change default threshold values refer
Configuring Host Properties 340
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Note: Only the clients mentioned in the policy are considered for monitoring and
the processes that are launched on those policy clients after the policy execution
are monitored.
NBSD_CAPTURE_WITHOUT_THRESHOLD parameter is ignored when

Table 3-169 NBSD_MONITOR_POLICY_NAME Information

Usage Description

Where to use Only on the primary server.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.


servers and clients
The NBSD_MONITOR_SYSTEM_FOR_HOURS option defines the time in hours after which
the nbsmartdiag process automatically stops. By default, the service runs for 7 days
(168 hrs) and then stops itself. The value 0 means the process runs forever.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

Configuring Host Properties 341
Configuration options for NetBackup servers



Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.

NBSD_EVIDENCE_SIZE_LIMIT option for NetBackup servers and

The NBSD_EVIDENCE_SIZE_LIMIT option defines the size limit in GB in the evidence
folder. The value of 0 means no limitation on size.

Note: If the size before the evidence captured is less than the set size, the evidence
is captured and not stopped in between even if the size exceeds. The next evidence
is not captured.

Table 3-171 NBSD_EVIDENCE_SIZE_LIMIT Information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.
Configuring Host Properties 342
Configuration options for NetBackup servers


servers and clients
The NBSD_PUSH_MONITOR_DATA_TO_REMOTE option Allows nbsmartdiag to push the
list of identified processes with the default threshold values during the policy
execution to the respective clients or media servers.
This option is effective when a user mentions the policy name into the


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary, media, or client servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.



By default, this entry is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup AdministrationConsole

Console property host properties.

NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING option for NetBackup primary

Use the NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING option to stop storing the NetBackup audit
events in the NetBackup database.
By default, the NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING option is enabled and the NetBackup
audit events are stored in the NetBackup database. If you disable this option, the
nbauditreport command, the NetBackup Administration Console, and the
NetBackup web UI will not show any audit events.
Disabling the NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING option is not recommended.

Table 3-173 NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server.

Configuring Host Properties 343
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-173 NETBACKUP_NATIVE_AUDITING information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

To stop storing the NetBackup audit events in the NetBackup

database, use the following format:


This setting is not recommended.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console property Console.

PREFERRED_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers

The PREFERRED_NETWORK option is not needed in an environment if NetBackup is
configured with appropriate host names. The operating system must resolve to the
correct IP addresses and then route the addresses correctly.
When external constraints prevent the environment from being corrected,
PREFERRED_NETWORK entries can be useful in the following situations:

■ To prevent NetBackup from connecting to specific destination addresses.

■ To cause NetBackup to connect only to specific destination addresses.
■ To request a subset of local interfaces for source binding when outbound
connections are made.

Caution: When used for source binding, the operating system may not honor the
source binding list provided by NetBackup. If the operating system implements the
weak host model, asymmetrical network routing may result. If asymmetrical routing
occurs, the remote host may reject the inbound connection if it implements the
strong host model. Similarly, stateful network devices may also drop asymmetrical
connections. To ensure the use of specific outbound interfaces for specific remote
hosts or networks, make sure that the OS name resolution and routing configurations
are correct; create static host routes if needed. Ensure that all network drivers
properly implement the IP and TCP networking protocols.

The local PREFERRED_NETWORK entries do not affect the forwarding profile that the
local host returns to a remote host during initial CORBA connection setup; it will
Configuring Host Properties 344
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

contain all the local plumbed interfaces. However, the End Point Selection algorithm
within the remote process will utilize its local PREFERRED_NETWORK entries to evaluate
the profile when selecting the destination for the subsequent CORBA connection.

Table 3-174 PREFERRED_NETWORK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

The option uses the following syntax:

PREFERRED_NETWORK = target[/subnet] directive [source[/subnet]]

Note: The source option is not allowed for the PROHIBITED directive.

Multiple PREFERRED_NETWORK entries can be specified. During evaluation, the entries

are sorted by length of target subnet. Entries with the largest (more precise) subnet
are compared before entries with a shorter (less precise) subnet. If two entries have
equal subnet specification, they are compared in the order configured, from the top of
the list to the bottom.

If a subnet is not specified, the default is /128 when the address is non-zero and /0
when the address is 0. This applies to both target and source addresses.

A subnet of /0 cannot be used with a non-zero address because it effectively negates

all of the bits in the address, making the target or the source match every address.
For example, 0/0.

The following topics describe details about each option:

■ See “target[/subnet]” on page 345.

■ See “directive” on page 345.
■ See “source[/subnet]” on page 346.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Preferred Network.

See “Preferred Network properties” on page 172.

See “PREFERRED_NETWORK examples” on page 347.

Configuring Host Properties 345
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

The target[/subnet] option indicates a host name or range of addresses to be
compared to the prospective source or destination addresses being evaluated. The
following are examples of how to indicate a target or a subnet:

A host name myserver.domain

An IP address

A network with subnet

Any IPv4 address

Any IPv6 address 0::0

Any address 0/0

A host or a network name that cannot resolve causes the target to be ignored.
However, any associated source is added to the source binding list.

The directive option determines how the target is compared to the source and/or
the destination address that is being evaluated. The following directives can be

MATCH Applies to destination addresses.

If the address that is being evaluated matches the target, then the address
is immediately selected to be used and evaluation stops. If the target is
not matched, evaluation continues with the next entry.

ONLY Applies to destination addresses.

If the address that is being evaluated does not match the target, it is not
used and evaluation stops for this address. If this was the only potential
destination, the connection is not attempted. If there is an additional potential
destination, it is evaluated starting over with the first entry.
Configuring Host Properties 346
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

PROHIBITED The target applies to both source and destination addresses. If a source
is specified, it is ignored and the target is prohibited.

If the matched address is a destination address, evaluation stops. If this was

the only potential destination, the connection is not attempted. If there are
additional potential destinations, they are evaluated starting over with the
first entry.

If the matched address is a source address, it is removed from the binding

list. However, if source entries exist, the shortened binding list may not be
used. (See “source[/subnet]” on page 346.)

Caution: On some platforms, prohibiting a local interface may cause

unexpected results when connecting to remote hosts. Prohibiting a local
interface does not affect connections that are internal to the host.

source[/subnet] is optional and indicates a host name or IP address range that
is requested to be used as the local interface for outbound connection to addresses
in the target.
source[/subnet] is applicable to the directives ONLY and MATCH, but not to the
directive PROHIBITED.
■ The operating system may not honor the source request.
■ NetBackup does not request a source which has already been PROHIBITED.
■ A host or network name that cannot be resolved, or that is not local to the host,
is ignored, but the evaluation status of the target is still used.

Source binding evaluation

The prospective source binding list is provided by the operating system and consists
of all of the local plumbed interfaces that are not loopback (, ::1) and
not link-local (, fe80::/64).
The PREFERRED_NETWORK entries are then evaluated in the sort order by longest
subnet first, then position when subnets are equal. Any local interfaces that match
a source entry are moved to a second list if still present in the first list. Any local
interfaces that match a target PROHIBITED entry are removed from the first list if
not already moved to the second list.
If local interfaces were moved to the second list, that list becomes the tentative
binding list. If the second list is empty, and interfaces were removed from the first
list, then the shortened first list becomes the tentative binding list.
Configuring Host Properties 347
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

If a destination matches the target of an entry with a source, the tentative binding
list is searched for the first match to an entry in source. If a match is found, that
interface becomes the source requested by NetBackup for the outbound connection.
Otherwise, if the tentative binding list is the shortened first list, then it becomes the
source binding list for the outbound connection.
Otherwise, ANY becomes the source binding list for the outbound connection.

Note: If the source binding list is not ANY, most operating systems will arbitrarily
use the first interface in the list provided by the application. Because of this behavior,
it is best to not use PROHIBITED entries for local interfaces and to minimize the use
of source entries.

Table 3-175 Basic examples

Description Entry

Allows connectivity to the host names that resolve to PREFERRED_NETWORK = MATCH through It does not affect
outbound interface selection:

Allows connectivity to the host name that resolves to PREFERRED_NETWORK = MATCH, and requests that the operating system use as the outbound interface.

Instructs the host to use the interface IPs of Host_A for all PREFERRED_NETWORK = 0/0 MATCH Host_A
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Prevents NetBackup from connecting to any destination PREFERRED_NETWORK = ONLY

address outside the range of through The source interface will be ANY unless one
or more are PROHIBITED.

Prevents NetBackup from connecting to any destination PREFERRED_NETWORK = ONLY

address outside the range of through Requests that the operating system use as the outbound interface.

Prevents NetBackup from connecting to any destination PREFERRED_NETWORK = 2001:1234:1efc::/48

addresses outside of the indicated IPv6 subnet. The source ONLY
interface will be ANY unless one or more are PROHIBITED.
Configuring Host Properties 348
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-175 Basic examples (continued)

Description Entry

Prevents NetBackup from using any address between PREFERRED_NETWORK = and as the source or destination PROHIBITED
for a connection.

If it matches a local interface, NetBackup will provide an

ordered list of the remaining interfaces as the source
binding list for the outbound interface when other entries
do not specify a source. Using PROHIBITED with local
interfaces is discouraged. See the details in the following

See “directive” on page 345.

Prevents the host from using IPv4 addresses. PREFERRED_NETWORK = PROHIBITED

Prevents the host from using IPv6 addresses. PREFERRED_NETWORK = 0::0 PROHIBITED

Prevents the host from using the address of the PREFERRED_NETWORK = production_server
production_server. PROHIBITED

Using bplocaladdrs to troubleshoot

Use the bplocaladdrs command to observe the local interfaces that are provided
to NetBackup by the operating system and the order in which they are provided.
bplocaladdrs returns the following output for the host (bob) in the examples in the
following topics.

$ bplocaladdrs

Using bptestnetconn to troubleshoot

Use the bptestnetconn command to observe the order in which entries are
evaluated and the evaluation results. The TGT or SRC indicates whether the
destination is permitted and which source binding list NetBackup provides to the
operating system. A value of ANY indicates that the outbound interface is not
constrained by NetBackup.

$ bptestnetconn -asp -v6

FL: myprimary -> : 5 ms FAST (< 5 sec) TGT PROHIBITED
FL: mymedia -> : 6 ms FAST (< 5 sec) SRC:
Configuring Host Properties 349
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

PREFERRED_NETWORK rules are applied in this order:



$ bptestnetconn -asp -v6 -H myclient

FL: myclient -> : 6 ms FAST (< 5 sec) SRC: ANY

PREFERRED_NETWORK rules are applied in this order:



Complex examples
The following examples are more complex and use a NetBackup server (bob), that
uses the following network interfaces:

eri0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2

inet netmask fffff800 broadcast

eri0:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2

inet netmask fffff800 broadcast

eri1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3

inet netmask fffff800 broadcast

Normal outbound connectivity to the following four hosts (billcat, muzzy, beetle,
lilo), uses the first interface. Internal connections use the destination interface as
the source interface.

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy ->

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle ->

$ bptestbpcd -host lilo

Configuring Host Properties 350
Configuration options for NetBackup servers ->

$ bptestbpcd -host ->
$ bptestbpcd -host ->

Example 1
Using a local interface as the target for MATCH entries has no affect. In this example,
the source interface is unaffected by the local MATCH entry.


$ bptestbpcd -host billcat ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy ->

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle ->

$ bptestbpcd -host lilo ->
$ bptestbpcd -host ->
$ bptestbpcd -host ->

Example 2
Similar to Example 1, using a local interface as the target for ONLY entries has no
affect on source binding. It does, however, prevent connections to destination
addresses (in the absence of other directives that more closely MATCH the
destinations). Connections internal to the host are not affected.


$ bptestbpcd -host billcat

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(billcat) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(muzzy) failed:
Configuring Host Properties 351
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

25 cannot connect on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(beetle) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host lilo

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(lilo) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host ->

$ bptestbpcd -host ->

Example 3
Using MATCH entries, the outbound connections to a specific host or network can
be preferred over the defaults. In this example, connections to a specific host and
a separate network are requested to use the second outbound network interface.



$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Preferred by the first entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy (Implicitly permitted using defaults) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle (Preferred by the second entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host lilo (Implicitly permitted using defaults) ->

Example 4
Adding an ONLY entry prevents connections to any other hosts that are not on the
specified network, or matched by prior entries.


Configuring Host Properties 352
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Preferred by first entry) ->

<16> bptestbpcd -host (Does not match 1 or 2, excluded by 3)

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(muzzy) failed: 25 cannot connect

on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle (Preferred by second entry) -> (Required by third entry) ->

Example 5
Changing the ONLY to PROHIBITED explicitly excludes connections with those
destination hosts and implicitly allows connections to unspecified hosts. The
PROHIBITED network is non-local and does not affect source binding.



$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Preferred by the first entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy (Implicitly permitted) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle (Preferred by the second entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host (Does not match 1 or 2, prohibited by 3)

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(lilo) failed: 25 cannot connect

on socket

Example 6
Conversely, moving the ONLY to the top of the list does not prevent the MATCH entries
from being evaluated because the ONLY is for a less restrictive IP range than the
MATCH entries. The latter are evaluated first for those hosts.


Configuring Host Properties 353
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Preferred by the second entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host (Does not match 2 or 3, excluded by 1)

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(muzzy) failed: 25 cannot connect

on socket

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle (Preferred by 3 before required by 1) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host (Does not match 2 or 3, excluded by 1)

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(lilo) failed: 25 cannot connect

on socket

Example 7
The subnet on this ONLY entry matches both billcat and muzzy, but does not affect
the outbound interface confirming that ONLY is used for destination address filtering
and not source address filtering. Otherwise, all connections would fail because both
local interfaces, and, are not in that subnet.



$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Preferred by second entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy (Preferred by first entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host (Excluded by first entry)

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(beetle) failed: 25 cannot connect

on socket

Example 8
Here, all three remote hosts are reachable, but notice that the source interface is
the one remaining after is PROHIBITED. This includes the apparent
target MATCH for billcat, which actually failed to match because the source was
previously PROHIBITED. Notice that internal connections are not affected by


Configuring Host Properties 354
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat (Matched second, but first prohibited that source) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host muzzy (Implicit match and pruned source) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host beetle (Implicit match and pruned source) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host (Not affected by first entry) ->

$ bptestbpcd -host ->

Example 9
This example demonstrates two nuances of source binding evaluation that result
in the use of ANY interface instead of the non-prohibited interfaces. The second
entry removes the local interface from the source binding list before
the third entry is processed making that source unavailable. The source on the
first entry causes the shortened list created by the second entry to be ignored during
all evaluations.



FL: billcat -> ... SRC: ANY (First source implicitly negates
second target)
FL: muzzy -> ... SRC: ANY (First source implicitly negates second
FL: beetle -> ... SRC: (Matched first, used
first in range)
FL: lilo -> ... SRC: ANY (Second target explicitly negates third
In Example 8, the source on the first entry matches two local interfaces. The interface was chosen over as the source when
connecting to beetle because that interface was returned first by the operating
system as shown in the bplocaladdrs output for this example. (See the section
called “Using bplocaladdrs to troubleshoot” on page 348.)
Configuring Host Properties 355
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Example 10
This example shows how the binding list is shortened by prohibiting a local interface.
When ANY was the default source binding list, the outbound interface for these
destinations was (See the section called “Example 1” on page 350.)
Prohibiting a different local interface causes NetBackup to provide a shortened list
and the operating system selected as the source IP. Because this
operating system uses the strong host model, that interface is not valid for these
destination IPs and the connection attempts fail.


FL: billcat -> ... SRC:,

FL: lilo -> ... SRC:,

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(billcat) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket
$ bptestbpcd -host lilo
<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(lilo) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket

If the operating system is changed to the weak host model, the TCP SYN for each
connection is transmitted out the default interface ( onto the network, but with a source IP of If there is a network
route from the network to the destination hosts, then the SYN will
reach the destinations. But the reply is only successful if there is an asymmetrical
route back to the network from the destination host. Notice the spoofed
source IP in the successful connection which does not reflect the network onto
which the TCP SYN packet was actually sent.

$ bptestbpcd -host billcat

<16> bptestbpcd main: ConnectToBPCD(billcat) failed:
25 cannot connect on socket
$ bptestbpcd -host lilo ->

Any legacy Required Interface or Required Network configuration is automatically
converted to a Preferred Network representation internally.
Consider primary server bob, as described in a previous topic. (See
“PREFERRED_NETWORK examples” on page 347.)

Configuring Host Properties 356
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

This entry is equivalent to the following entry for IPv4:


If IPv6 is enabled, using IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY = AF_UNSPEC, the following is

equivalent for IPv6:

PREFERRED_NETWORK = 0/0 MATCH fc44:53f9:cb30:201:250:56ff:febc:e85f

Both bind the specified source interface for all outbound connections because 0/0
matches all destinations. But notice the length of subnet (/0): any other directive
with a source binding and a longer target subnet will supersede these entries.
Similarly, because both the IPv4 and IPv6 examples have the same subnet length,
only the first of these two would be honored if both were configured.
Similarly, if a required network was configured:

REQUIRED_NETWORK = 10.82.105/21

It translates to the following:


Which restricts destination addresses to the specified network without affecting

source interface selection.
■ In the event that both REQUIRED_INTERFACE and PREFERRED_NETWORK are
specified and if they conflict, REQUIRED_INTERFACE overrides.
requesting_client or destination_client fields in user-directed requests
to bprd for image list or restore.

RANDOM _PORTS option for NetBackup servers and clients

This option specifies whether NetBackup chooses port numbers randomly or
sequentially when it requires one for communication with NetBackup on other

Table 3-176 RANDOM _PORTS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 357
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-176 RANDOM _PORTS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

■ If RANDOM_PORTS = YES (default), NetBackup chooses port numbers randomly

from those that are free in the allowed range. For example, if the range is from 1024
through 5000, it chooses randomly from the numbers in this range.
■ If RANDOM_PORTS = NO, NetBackup chooses numbers sequentially, starting with
the highest number available in the allowed range. For example, if the range is from
1024 through 5000, NetBackup chooses 5000 (if the number is available). If 5000
is not available, port 4999 is chosen.

By default, this option is not present in the configuration file and NetBackup uses the
random method for selecting port numbers.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Port Ranges > Use random port assignments.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.

RE_READ_INTERVAL option for NetBackup servers

The RE_READ_INTERVAL option determines how often NetBackup checks disk storage
units for available capacity.

Table 3-177 RE_READ_INTERVAL information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 358
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-177 RE_READ_INTERVAL information (continued)

Usage Description

Example The reread interval is changed to 15 minutes in the following example:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > General Server > Check the capacity of disk storage units.

See “General Server properties” on page 137.

REQUIRED_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers

The REQUIRED_NETWORK option specifies the required route for backup traffic in an
environment where the network traffic is segregated.
For example, an environment can contain a production network at
and a backup network at

Table 3-178 REQUIRED_NETWORK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: If the variable is set and the network is not available, all connections fail and
no backups are performed.

Example The required network is set to in the following example:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Preferred Network > Only.

See “Preferred Network properties” on page 172.

Configuring Host Properties 359
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

RESILIENT_NETWORK option for NetBackup primary servers and

The RESILIENT_NETWORK option specifies the computers that should use a resilient
connection for backups and restores.

Table 3-179 RESILIENT_NETWORK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use any of the following formats:



RESILIENT_NETWORK = network address/network_mask ON|OFF

You can mix IPv4 addresses and ranges with IPv6 addresses and subnets.

By default, RESILIENT_NETWORK is not present in the configuration file.

Examples The following are examples of valid forms for this entry:




RESILIENT_NETWORK = 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:0 ON

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Clients >
Console property Double-click on server > Resilient Network.

See “Specifying resilient connections” on page 190.

Note: The order is significant for the items in the list of resilient networks. If a client
is in the list more than once, the first match determines its resilient connection
status. For example, suppose you add a client and specify the client IP address
and specify On for Resiliency. Suppose also that you add a range of IP addresses
as Off, and the client IP address is within that range. If the client IP address appears
before the address range, the client connection is resilient. Conversely, if the IP
range appears first, the client connection is not resilient.
Configuring Host Properties 360
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

See “NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers” on page 324.


The RESUME_ORIG_DUP_ON_OPT_DUP_FAIL option specifies that NetBackup should
perform normal duplication if an OpenStorage optimized duplication fails.

Table 3-180 RESUME_ORIG_DUP_ON_OPT_DUP_FAIL information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, this entry is not present and NetBackup does not perform normal duplication
when an optimized duplication fails.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP option for NetBackup servers and

This option lets administrators allow, restrict, or prohibit reverse host name lookup.

Table 3-181 REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 361
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-181 REVERSE_NAME_LOOKUP information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Clients >
Console property Double-click on server > Network Settings > Reverse Host Name Lookup.

See “Network Settings properties” on page 166.

SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option for NetBackup servers and

The SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option configures the ciphers that NetBackup
uses for OpenSSL to encrypt communication through the vnetd network daemon.
The SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option is a colon-separated list of permitted
OpenSSL cipher strings. For the permitted cipher strings, requirements, and
limitations, see the OpenSSL cipher documentation.
You can use this option to change the ciphers that NetBackup uses. If you configure
this option, NetBackup writes a message about your configured cipher strings to
the vnetd nbpxyhelper VxUL logs. The following is an example:
"Using user configured cipher list: cipher_string:cipher_string:...

Warning: Be careful when you configure the SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option.

Permitted OpenSSL lower-level primitives may overlap with the ciphers that provide
no authentication or no encryption. Hosts that do not have a cipher in common in
their cipher lists cannot communicate with each other.

Table 3-182 SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers, media server, or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 362
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-182 SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


Replace cipher_string with a permitted OpenSSL cipher string.

By default, the SECURE_PROXY_CIPHER_LIST option is not present in the configuration


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

SERVER option for NetBackup servers

The first SERVER option in the bp.conf file must point to the primary server where
the bp.conf option resides. During installation, SERVER is automatically set to the
name of the system where the NetBackup primary server software is installed.

Table 3-183 SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers and media servers.

Note: For a Fibre Transport (FT) media server that has multiple network interfaces
for VLANs, ensure that the FT server’s primary host name appears before any other
interface names for that FT media server host.

For more information, see the NetBackup SAN Client and Fibre Transport Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 363
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-183 SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use An entry for the SERVER option must be present in the configuration file on all NetBackup
servers and clients. It is the only required NetBackup option. This option is not used
in $HOME/bp.conf files on a client.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference
Note: This topic discusses the bp.conf entries on the server. However, note that
every SERVER option in a client bp.conf file must be a NetBackup primary or media
server. That is, each system that is listed as a SERVER must have either NetBackup
primary or media server software installed. The client service on some clients cannot
be started if the client name is incorrectly listed as a server.

If you configure NetBackup media servers for a primary server, the bp.conf file on
the primary server must have a SERVER entry or MEDIA_SERVER entry for each. As
previously mentioned, the first SERVER entry in the list designates the primary server
itself. The SERVER entry or the MEDIA_SERVER entries should be added after the first,
self-referencing option.

A NetBackup primary server can be backed up as a NetBackup client by the servers

that belong to another cluster. In that case the bp.conf file on the primary server
should have SERVER entries for those servers as well.
Configuring Host Properties 364
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-183 SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

Example The following is an example entry on a primary server:

SERVER = Primary_server (this primary server itself)

SERVER = NB_server (primary server of another cluster)

SERVER = Media_server_#1

MEDIA_SERVER = Media_server_#2


The first SERVER entry on all the media servers must point to the primary server for
those media servers. A media server can have only one primary server. However, a
media server can be backed up as a NetBackup client by the servers that belong to
another cluster, in which case the configuration file on the media server should have
SERVER entries for those servers as well.

The following is an example entry on a media server:

SERVER = Primary_server (for this media server)

SERVER = NB_server (primary server of another cluster)

SERVER = Media_server_#1

MEDIA_SERVER = Media_server_#2


The SERVER entries must be the same on all servers in a primary and a media server

If a SERVER entry is added or modified in the bp.conf file on the primary server, stop
and restart bprd and bpdbm so that NetBackup recognizes the change. (The NetBackup
request daemon and NetBackup database manager.)
Note: If the first SERVER entry (the primary server) is modified on a media server, the
Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) also needs to be updated. To update EMM, run
nbemmcmd -updatehost to change the primary server for a media server.
Configuring Host Properties 365
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-183 SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Media Servers
Console property > Double-click on server > Servers.

See “Servers properties” on page 207.

See “FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS option for NetBackup servers”

on page 301.

SERVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers

SERVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT specifies the number of seconds that the primary server
waits before it times out when it connects to a media server.

Table 3-184 SERVER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default timeout period is 30 seconds.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The example permits a timeout of 60 seconds:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Timeouts > Server connect timeout.

See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.

SERVER_PORT_WINDOW option for NetBackup servers

The SERVER_PORT_WINDOW option specifies the range of non-reserved ports on which
NetBackup processes on this computer accept connections from NetBackup on
other computers when the inbound connection is not to a well known port. This
Configuring Host Properties 366
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

primarily applies to bpcd call-back when vnetd is disabled in the connect options
for the remote NetBackup server or client and that host is configured for
non-reserved ports. This also applies to NDMP call-back to the media server during
remote NDMP backups.

Table 3-185 SERVER_PORT_WINDOW information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or media servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

SERVER_PORT_WINDOW = start_port end_port

The default range is from 1024 through 5000.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example permits ports from 4900 through 5000:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Media Servers
Console property > Double-click on server > Port Ranges > Server port window.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.


servers and clients
This option specifies the range of local reserved ports on which this computer
accepts connections from NetBackup on other computers when the inbound
connection is not to a well known port. This primarily applies to bpcd call-back when
vnetd is disabled in the connect options for the remote NetBackup server or client.

The SERVER_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW option applies when a server connects to a

client that is configured to accept only reserved ports. This option is generally not
useful on clients.
Configuring Host Properties 367
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-186 SERVER_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or media servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

SERVER_RESERVED_PORT_WINDOW = start_port end_port

The default range is from 512 through 1023.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following example permits ports from 900 through 1023:


Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers or Media Servers
Console property > Double-click on server > Port Ranges > Server reserved port window.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.

SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR option for NetBackup servers

The SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR option forces NetBackup to check all directories
on a UNIX client into which files are restored. If the file to be restored is under a
symbolically linked directory, NetBackup does not restore the file.

Table 3-187 SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 368
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-187 SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

For example, if the UNIX client requests a restore for /home/user/.cshrc and
/home/user is a symbolic link, NetBackup does not restore .cshrc.

The addition of SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR helps minimize potential security

and data loss problems if the restore is performed with root permissions. Without
SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR in the bp.conf file, NetBackup follows any
symbolically linked directories and restores files to that location.
Note: Restore job performance is reduced by using this option.


other if both are specified, with one exception:
When the following options are enabled:

■ Overwrite existing files option


Then, when a restore job comes across a symbolic link, the link is unlinked before the
job checks, and the files and directory are restored.

For example, /home/user/ is backed up as a directory and, when restored, it is a

symbolic link to a directory.
These settings have the following outcomes:

■ With SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR set (and Overwrite existing files

indicated), no files are restored into the directory the symbolic link points to, and
the symbolic link remains.
Overwrite existing files indicated), the symbolic link directory is unlinked, the
original directory is restored, and all files within the directory are also restored.
■ With neither option set (and Overwrite existing files indicated), NetBackup follows
the symbolic link and restore all files into the directory to which the symbolic link

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Port Ranges > Server reserved port window.

See “Port Ranges properties” on page 169.

SYSLOG_AUDIT_CATEGORIES for NetBackup primary server

Use the SYSLOG_AUDIT_CATEGORIES option to send the NetBackup audit events to
the system logs. You can view NetBackup audit events in the system logs. For
Configuring Host Properties 369
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

example, on a Windows system, use Windows Event Manager to view NetBackup

audit events.

Table 3-188 SYSLOG_AUDIT_CATEGORIES information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

SYSLOG_AUDIT_CATEGORIES = audit_category1,

For example, to send events of the POLICY and JOB audit

categories to the system logs, use the following format:


To send events of all audit categories to the system logs, use

the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Console property

Equivalent NetBackup Security > Security events > Audit event settings.
web UI property

TELEMETRY_UPLOAD option for NetBackup servers

TELEMETRY_UPLOAD allows NetBackup to collect data about how the product is used
in a NetBackup environment. The information becomes part of a continuous quality
improvement program (NetBackup Product Improvement Program) that helps the
NetBackup development and support teams understand how customers configure,
deploy, and use the NetBackup product. The data is used for only product
development and problem analysis purposes in the company.
The telemetry collection agent runs on every NetBackup server. The telemetry
collection agent does not run on NetBackup clients.
Configuring Host Properties 370
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-189 TELEMETRY_UPLOAD information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary and media servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The default is YES.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH option for NetBackup servers

This option specifies a limit for the network bandwidth or transfer rate that NetBackup
clients use on a network. The actual limiting occurs on the client side of the backup
connection. This option limits only backups. Restores are unaffected. The default
is that the bandwidth is not limited.
While LIMIT_BANDWIDTH associates a bandwidth or transfer rate with all client IP
addresses in a range between two IP addresses, THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH is more
useful in an IPv6 environment. THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH associates a bandwidth setting
with a subnet description.
For example, the following subnet will get 400kbs bandwidth:
2001:db8:cb30:120::/64 400

Table 3-190 THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 371
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-190 THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format in a single line:

THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH = xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:

yyyy:yyyy:yyyy:yyyy::/nnn zzz

Each THROTTLE_BANDWIDTH option specifies the bandwidth value and the IP address
of the clients and networks to which it applies.
The following variables are defined:

■ xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx is the subnet portion (64-bits) of the IPv6 address range. (For
example, 2001:db8:1:110.)
■ yyyy.yyyy.yyyy.yyyy is the host portion (64-bits) of the IPv6 address range. (For
example, 0:0:0:8b72.)
■ nnn is the number of mask bits that, when applied to the IPv6 address, identifies
the range of addresses that are considered for throttling. The valid range is 0 to
128. Mask bits are applied left to right across the address range.
■ zzz is the bandwidth limitation in kilobytes per second. (For example, 200.) A value
of 0 disables throttling IPv6 addresses covered by this option.

Bandwidth examples The following are LIMIT_BANDWIDTH examples:

■ Configure a bandwidth limit of 500 kilobytes per second for all computers on the
subnet 2001:db8:1:110 as follows:
LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/64 500
■ Configure a bandwidth limit of 700 kilobytes per second for a particular client
(2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72) as follows:
LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 700
■ To disable bandwidth limiting for a client in a subnet that has a bandwidth limit,
specify 0 for the kilobytes per second:
LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/64 500
LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 0
In this case, no limiting occurs for the client with IPv6 address

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Bandwidth.

See “Bandwidth properties” on page 65.

Configuring Host Properties 372
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

IPv6 address rules for NetBackup clients

The IPv6 address ranges can specify individual clients or entire subnets.
■ An IPv6 address can take the following forms:
■ a.b.c.d.
Where a, b, c, and d are hexadecimal integers in the range 0-ffff.
■ a
A 32-bit integer that represents the full IP address in network byte order.
(The big endian, the most significant byte is first on the wire.)

■ Enter IPv6 addresses as hexadecimal numbers.

■ Neither the subnet nor the host part of an IPv6 address can be zero.
■ Only ordinary IPv6 addresses are accepted.
■ Do not create multiple entries that specify the same range of IPv6 addresses.
If multiple entries are created, NetBackup uses the last one found.
In the following example, NetBackup uses the second entry:

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/48 500

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/48 200

This rule also applies to multiple entries that specify an exact client address, as

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 200

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 100

■ Do not specify IPv6 address ranges that overlap one another.

Consider the following:

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/48 500

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/48 500

The ranges overlap, and bandwidth limiting results are unpredictable.

■ Specify a range of addresses in one entry and an address for a specific client
in other entries.
If a client is covered by an entry that specifies its exact IPv6 address and by
another entry that specifies a range of IPv6 addresses, NetBackup uses the
bandwidth value in the entry with the exact IP address.
The following sets the bandwidth for a range of IPv6 addresses:

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110::/48 500

The following sets the bandwidth for a specific address that is within the range:
Configuring Host Properties 373
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 200

In this case, NetBackup uses the specific entry (bandwidth of 200) for the client
whose address is 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72. This capability can also be used
to exclude specific clients from bandwidth limiting. The order of the range and
specific address entries in the bp.conf file is not significant.

Rules for setting bandwidth values for NetBackup clients

Set bandwidths for individual clients to one of the following values:
■ 0 (no bandwidth limiting), or
■ Less than or equal to any value that is set for the IPv6 address range that
contains the IP address for the client.
For example, the following is valid:

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/64 500

LIMIT_BANDWIDTH = 2001:db8:1:110:0:0:0:8b72::/128 300

If the bandwidth is set higher for a client than is set for the range, NetBackup ignores
the individual setting. NetBackup uses the value for the range instead. In this case,
the client receives a share of the bandwidth that is specified for the network.
If the bandwidth limit for a client is equal to or lower than the value for the range,
the client uses the lower of the following settings:
■ Its share of the network bandwidth value.
■ Its individual bandwidth value.
The bandwidth value that NetBackup uses for a client is always at least one kilobyte
per second.

TRUSTED_PRIMARY option for NetBackup servers

The TRUSTED_PRIMARY option lets administrators indicate a specific storage lifecycle
policy in a target primary server domain to configure Auto Image Replication. The
ability to replicate to a specific target domain SLP is supported between MSDP
storage servers and PDDO storage servers.

Table 3-191 TRUSTED_PRIMARY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or media servers.

Configuring Host Properties 374
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-191 TRUSTED_PRIMARY information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Add TRUSTED_PRIMARY on the primary server in the source domain and the primary
server in the target domain.

Example On the source domain primary server, enter the name of the target primary server:

TRUSTED_PRIMARY = Target_Server_Name

On the target domain primary server, enter the name of the source primary server:

TRUSTED_PRIMARY = Source_Server_Name

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Servers > Inter-domain Primary Servers tab.

See “Servers properties” on page 207.

ULINK_ON_OVERWRITE option for NetBackup servers

When a UNIX client indicates Overwrite existing files as a restore option, the
UNLINK_ON_OVERWRITE option forces NetBackup to perform the following actions:

■ Check for the existence of a file to be restored.

■ Unlink the file if it exists.
■ Restore the file.
The file can be any normal file, symbolic link, hard link, or empty directory.
The addition of UNLINK_ON_OVERWRITE helps minimize potential security and data
loss problems from following existing symbolic links. It also guarantees that files
are restored exactly as they were backed up.

Table 3-192 ULINK_ON_OVERWRITE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 375
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-192 ULINK_ON_OVERWRITE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use This option should appear only once in the configuration file.
Note: Restore job performance is reduced by using this option.

If the UNLINK_ON_OVERWRITE option is not indicated in the bp.conf file but the
Overwrite existing files option is specified, the behavior of NetBackup is different
when it restores symbolic links. (Or, if the option is set to NO.) NetBackup unlinks
existing files or empty directories when it restores symbolic links, hard links, or special
files (CHR, BLK, and FIFO).

However, NetBackup does not unlink when it restores normal files or directories, which
can be problematic. NetBackup follows the symbolic link and creates or replaces the
files that the symbolic link points to. Or, it replaces the directory that the symbolic link
points to.


each other if both are specified, with one exception:
When the following options are enabled:

■ Overwrite existing files option


Then, when a restore job comes across a symbolic link, the link is unlinked before the
job checks, and the files and directories are restored.

Example For example, if the /home/user/ path was backed up as a directory and, when restored,
it is a symbolic link to a directory:

■ With SKIP_RESTORE_TO_SYMLINK_DIR set (and Overwrite existing files

indicated), no files are restored into the directory the symbolic link points to, and
the symbolic link remains.
Overwrite existing files indicated), the symbolically linked directory is unlinked,
the original directory is restored, and all files within the directory are also restored.
■ With neither set (and Overwrite existing files indicated), NetBackup follows the
symbolic link and restore all files into the directory the symbolic link points to.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

USE_AUTHENTICATION option for NetBackup servers

The USE_AUTHENTICATION option can be used to audit user information without
enabling NetBackup Access Control (NBAC).
Configuring Host Properties 376
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-193 USE_AUTHENTICATION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

The option uses the following parameters:

■ ON
(Default.) The user is authenticated and is audited. Authentication is achieved
without enabling NBAC.
The user is not authenticated and is not allowed to perform any operation. Only a
root user is allowed to make changes and is audited accordingly.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

USE_URANDOM for NetBackup servers and clients

In computing, entropy is the randomness collected by an operating system or
application for use in cryptography or other uses that require random data.
Enable the USE_URANDOM option to specify /dev/urandom as the character device
to provide cryptographically secure random output in your NetBackup environment.

Table 3-194 USE_URANDOM information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 377
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-194 USE_URANDOM information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands

to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

The default value of the USE_URANDOM option is 0. When

the USE_URANDOM option is set to default, the character
device to be used is based on the value of the
NB_FIPS_MODE option. If NB_FIPS_MODE is enabled,
dev/random is used. If NB_FIPS_MODE is disabled,
dev/urandom is used.

See “NB_FIPS_MODE option for NetBackup servers and

clients” on page 323.

To enable the USE_URANDOM option, use the following



If USE_URANDOM is set to 2 (or is disabled), the dev/random

character device is used to provide cryptographically secure
random output.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console Console host properties.

USE_VXSS option for NetBackup servers and clients

The USE_VXSS option specifies whether the local system uses NetBackup product
authentication and authorization.

Table 3-195 USE_VXSS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 378
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-195 USE_VXSS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The option uses the following parameters:

Indicates that the local system always uses NetBackup product authentication and
authorization. Connections from the systems that do not use NetBackup product
authentication and authorization are rejected.
(Default.) Indicates that the local system never uses NetBackup product
authentication and authorization. Connections from the systems that use NetBackup
product authentication and authorization are rejected.
Indicates that the local system negotiates with the remote system whether to use
NetBackup product authentication and authorization.
If the USE_VXSS = AUTOMATIC option is specified, VXSS_NETWORK entries can
be used to require or prohibit NetBackup product authentication and authorization
connections with specified remote systems.
See “VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers” on page 380.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Access Control > NetBackup product authentication and authorization.
Change this option to Required.

See “Network Attributes tab of the Access Control properties” on page 62.

VERBOSE option for NetBackup servers and clients

Used for debugging purposes, the VERBOSE option controls the amount of information
NetBackup includes in its legacy logs.

Table 3-196 VERBOSE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers or clients.

Configuring Host Properties 379
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-196 VERBOSE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

VERBOSE = [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]

By default, this option is disabled.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Logging > Global logging level.

See “Logging properties” on page 145.


This option controls how often NetBackup scans the vCenter servers to discover
virtual machines to display in the NetBackup web UI.
NetBackup attempts autodiscovery first with the same host for which the last
discovery attempt was successful. If autodiscovery fails with that host, NetBackup
tries again with other hosts in the following order:
■ The NetBackup primary server
■ The access host, client, or proxy server
■ The media server


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 380
Configuration options for NetBackup servers



Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

The default is 8 hours. The minimum is 5 minutes, the maximum 1 year. If set to zero,
autodiscovery is disabled for all the VMware servers.

Use the following format:


For example:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: After changing this option, stop and restart the NetBackup services. For VM
discovery, the Netbackup Discovery Framework service must be running.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Console property

Equivalent NetBackup web UI Workloads > VMware > VMware settings > Autodiscovery.

VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers

This option identifies whether a specific network or remote system must or must
not use NetBackup product authentication and authorization with the local
If a media server or client does not define a NetBackup product authentication
and authorization network, it uses the NetBackup product authentication and
authorization networks of its primary server.

Table 3-198 VXSS_NETWORK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary servers.

Configuring Host Properties 381
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-198 VXSS_NETWORK information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

VXSS_NETWORK = hostname | IP_address | .domain | network.


VXSS_NETWORK is relevant only if USE_VXSS is set to AUTOMATIC (USE_VXSS =

AUTOMATIC). More than one VXSS_NETWORK option can be specified.

See “USE_VXSS option for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 377.
The option uses the following parameters:

■ hostname
The host name of the remote system.
■ IP_address
The IP address of the remote system.
■ .domain
A dot followed by the Internet domain name of the remote systems.
■ network.
The network for the remote systems, followed by a dot.
The optional second value can be one of the following keywords:

Note: If multiple VXSS_NETWORK entries specify one particular system, the first
occurrence takes precedence.
Configuring Host Properties 382
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-198 VXSS_NETWORK information (continued)

Usage Description



In the example, NetBackup product authentication and authorization is required

for connections between the local system and the system with host

NetBackup product authentication and authorization is required for connections

between the local system and the system with IP address

NetBackup product authentication and authorization is prohibited for connections

between the local system and systems in the 10.0.0 network except for

NetBackup product authentication and authorization is required for connections

between the local system and systems within the Internet domain.

NetBackup product authentication and authorization is required for connections

between the local system and the system with host name
despite the PROHIBITED option for The REQUIRED
option for takes precedence.

NetBackup product authentication and authorization is prohibited for connections

between the local system and the system with host name

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Servers > Double-click on
Console property server > Access Control. Change the networks list property.

See “Network Attributes tab of the Access Control properties” on page 62.

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE option for NetBackup servers

In a demilitarized zone (DMZ), the client tries to communicate with the primary
directly, and if the connection fails, tries to communicate using an HTTP tunnel on
the media server. You can use the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE option to
disable the HTTP tunnel on a specific media server. You can use this option if the
media server takes a backup of clients that are not in a DMZ.
For more information, refer to the About the communication between a
NetBackup client located in a demilitarized zone and a master server through
an HTTP tunnel section in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 383
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-199 WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup media servers.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The option uses the following parameters:

■ 1 for using the HTTP tunnel. This value is considered as default.

■ 0 for disabling the communication using the HTTP tunnel. This value ensures that
the HTTP tunnel process does not start.

By default, the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE option is not present in the

configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK for NetBackup servers and clients

The VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK option lets you specify the revocation check level
for external certificates of the virtualization server. Based on the check, revocation
status of the virtualization server certificate is validated against the certificate
revocation list (CRL) during host communication.
By default, the VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK option is disabled. If you want to validate
the revocation status of the virtualization server certificate against certificate
revocation list (CRL), set the option to a different value.
You can choose to use the CRLs from the directory that is specified for the
ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option or the CRL distribution point (CDP).

See “ECA_CRL_PATH for NetBackup servers and clients” on page 289.

Table 3-200 VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server or all access hosts.

Configuring Host Properties 384
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-200 VIRTUALIZATION_CRL_CHECK information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


You can specify one of the following:

■ DISABLE (or 0) - Revocation check is disabled. Revocation

status of the certificate is not validated against the CRL during
host communication. This is the default value.
■ LEAF (or 1) - Revocation status of the leaf certificate is
validated against the CRL.
■ CHAIN (or 2) - Revocation status of all certificates from the
certificate chain are validated against the CRL.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console property host properties.

servers and clients
validation of virtualization server certificates using its root or intermediate certificate
authority (CA) certificates.
Before you enable the option, review the steps from the 'Validating VMware
virtualization server certificates in NetBackup ' section in the NetBackup for VMware
Administrator's Guide.

The security certificate validation is enabled for RHV and Nutanix AHV servers, but
is disabled for VMware servers.
Configuring Host Properties 385
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Note: In a scenario where an external CA can be configured for one virtualization

server, but not for the other, two separate backup hosts must be used. The
the backup host where the external CA can be configured. The
backup host where the external CA can be configured. The option must be set to
NO for the other backup host.



Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server or all access hosts.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format to enable certificate validation for the RHV,
VMware, or Nutanix AHV servers:


Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration host properties.
Console property


The VIRTUALIZATION_HOSTS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option lets you specify the duration
(in seconds) after which the connection between NetBackup and vCloud Director
server ends.

Table 3-202
Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server or all access hosts.

Configuring Host Properties 386
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-202 (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view,
add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.


is set to 60 seconds.

Use the following format to specify the time-out value:

value in seconds

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Administration host properties
Console property

VMWARE_TLS_MINIMUM_V1_2 for NetBackup servers and clients

The VMWARE_TLS_MINIMUM_V1_2 option lets you specify the Transport Layer Security
(TLS) version to be used for communication between NetBackup and VMware

Table 3-203
Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup primary server or all access hosts.

Configuring Host Properties 387
Configuration options for NetBackup servers

Table 3-203 (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add,
or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands

Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


By default, the VMWARE_TLS_MINIMUM_V1_2 option is set to YES.

If the option is set to YES, TLS 1.2 version and the following cipher suites
are used for communication with VMware servers:


If the option is set to NO, the TLS 1.2 or earlier version with the default
cipher suite is used for communication between NetBackup and VMware
server. The cipher suite is used based on the TLS and cipher suite
configuration that are set on the respective VMware server.

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host

Administration properties.
Console property

Malware scan timeout configuration for NetBackup server

MALWARE_SCAN_OPERATION_TIMEOUT to configure the duration of the scan operation
allowed to run before timeout happens.
Scan operation for backup image can take long time based upon the factors like
backup size, number of files in the backup. By default, scan operation times out
after two days. User can set the timeout value from 1hour to 30 days.
Configuring Host Properties 388
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-204 MALWARE_SCAN_OPERATION_TIMEOUT option information

Usage Description

Where to use Need to set configuration key on the MSDP

media server where ScanManager(nbcs) is
started. In case of multiple MSDP media
servers, each of them must have the
configuration key set.

How to use Use nbgetconfig or nbsetconfig

commands to view, add or change the value
of the timeout. Value must be specified in
minutes as follows.
= 120

By default scan operation timeout value is

2880 minutes (two days). Minimum supported
value is 60 minutes (1hour) and maximum
supported value is 43200 minutes (30 days).

Equivalent Administration Console Property No equivalent exists in NetBackup

Administration Console host properties.

Configuration options for NetBackup clients

The following topics are about configuration options for NetBackup clients. Nearly
all of these options can also be set in the Host Properties in the NetBackup
Administration Console.


The ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION option lets you start the subscriber service on
a NAT client or a NAT server.
Once the option is enabled, you must restart the client services.

Table 3-205 ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 389
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-205 ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console Console host properties.

APP_PROXY_SERVER option for NetBackup clients

The APP_PROXY_SERVER entry specifies the name of the client as a backup host for
allowed listing.

Table 3-206 APP_PROXY_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig

commands to view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the

NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Use the following format:

APP_PROXY_SERVER = clientname

Equivalent Administration Console No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console host properties.

BACKUP_BTRFS_SNAPSHOT option for NetBackup clients

This option indicates that the contents of the BTRFS file system (BTRFS) snapshots
are to be backed up.
Configuring Host Properties 390
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-207 BACKUP_BTRFS_SNAPSHOT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use By default, BACKUP_BTRFS_SNAPSHOT is not present in the

configuration file. When the option is not enabled, only the
BTRFS subvolumes are backed up, but not the BTRFS

When the option is present and enabled (1), the contents of

the BTRFS snapshots on the client are backed up.

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following format ensures that the contents of the BTRFS
snapshots are backed up:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration

Console property Console host properties.

Additional information The option is applicable for only BTRFS. By default, the
contents of the BTRFS snapshots are not backed up. To
ignore the snapshot paths, the libbtrfsutil package
(version 4.17 onwards) must be present on the client
computer. If the libbtrfsutil package is not present on
the client computer, the read-only snapshot or subvolume
backup is ignored.

BACKUP_FIFO_FILES option for NetBackup clients

This option indicates that the contents of a named pipe are to be backed up. A
named pipe–also known as a FIFO–is a method of Inter-Process Communication
that uses the file system interface to transfer data.

Table 3-208 BACKUP_FIFO_FILES information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 391
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-208 BACKUP_FIFO_FILES information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

By default, BACKUP_FIFO_FILES is not present in the configuration file. When the

option is not enabled, only the metadata of the named pipe files is backed up, but not
the data in the files.

When the option is present and enabled (1), the contents of the named pipe files on
the client are backed up.

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Example The following format ensures that the contents of the named pipe files on the client are
backed up:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

Additional information For the contents of the files to be backed up, the write process must close the pipe.
As long as data is passing through the pipe, the backup continues.

If the third-party process writing to the named pipe file does not close the pipe,
NetBackup fails the backup job with a non-zero status code (typically 13 or 41). Server
resources are then allocated to other jobs. In the case of restore jobs, the job fails with
status code 2800. In either case, the client processes continue waiting until they are

To back up the script or executable that is responsible for writing to the named pipe,
add the program file instead of the named pipe file to the Backup Selections list. To
avoid backing up named pipes, but still having the contents of other pipes read, add
the named pipe to an exclude list or avoid the files entirely in the Backup Selections

BPARCHIVE_POLICY option for NetBackup clients

The BPARCHIVE_POLICY entry specifies the name of the policy to use for user
Configuring Host Properties 392
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-209 BPARCHIVE_POLICY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPARCHIVE_POLICY = policy_name

By default, BPARCHIVE_POLICY is not present in the configuration file. By default,

NetBackup uses the first policy that it finds that has the client and a user archive

If it is used, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence, if it exists.

See “Type of backup (schedule attribute)” on page 830.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BPARCHIVE_SCHED option for NetBackup clients

This entry specifies the name of the schedule for user archives.

Table 3-210 BPARCHIVE_SCHED information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 393
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-210 BPARCHIVE_SCHED information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPARCHIVE_SCHED = schedule_name

By default, BPARCHIVE_SCHED is not present in the configuration file. By default,

NetBackup uses the first archive schedule in the first policy that it finds that contains
this client.

If it is used, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

See “Considerations for user schedules” on page 838.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BPBACKUP_POLICY option for NetBackup clients

This entry specifies the name of the policy to use for user backups.

Table 3-211 BPBACKUP_POLICY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 394
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-211 BPBACKUP_POLICY information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPBACKUP_POLICY = policy_name

By default, BPBACKUP_POLICY is not present in the configuration file. By default,

NetBackup uses the first policy it finds that has both the client and a user backup

If present, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

See “Type of backup (schedule attribute)” on page 830.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BPBACKUP_SCHED option for NetBackup clients

This entry specifies the name of the schedule to use for user backups.

Table 3-212 BPBACKUP_SCHED information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 395
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-212 BPBACKUP_SCHED information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

BPBACKUP_SCHED = schedule_name

By default, BPBACKUP_SCHED is not present in the configuration file. By default,

NetBackup uses the first policy it finds that contains both the client and a user backup

If present, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

See “Considerations for user schedules” on page 838.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

BUSY_FILE_ACTION option for NetBackup clients

The BUSY_FILE_ACTION entry directs the action that NetBackup performs on busy
files when busy-file processing is enabled.

Table 3-213 BUSY_FILE_ACTION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 396
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-213 BUSY_FILE_ACTION information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

BUSY_FILE_ACTION = filename_template action_template

■ filename_template
The absolute pathname and file name of the busy file. The shell language
metacharacters *, ?, [], [ - ] can be used for matching patterns of file names or parts
of file names.
■ action_template
Use one of the following parameters:
■ MAIL | mail
Directs NetBackup to email a busy file notification message to the user that the
BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER option specifies.
■ REPEAT | repeat [repeat_count]
Directs NetBackup to retry the backup on the specified busy file. A repeat count
can be specified to control the number of backup attempts. The default repeat
count is 1.
■ IGNORE | ignore
Directs NetBackup to exclude the busy file from processing.

Multiple BUSY_FILE_ACTION entries are allowed.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Busy File
Console property Settings.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.

BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY option for NetBackup clients

The BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY entry specifies the path to the busy-files working directory
when busy-file processing is enabled.

Table 3-214 BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 397
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-214 BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, BUSY_FILE_DIRECTORY is not present in the configuration file. By default,

NetBackup creates the busy_files directory in /usr/openv/netbackup.

If present, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence, if it exists.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Busy File
Console property Settings.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.

BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER option for NetBackup clients

The BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER entry specifies who receives a notification when the
BUSY_FILE_ACTION entry is set to MAIL.

Table 3-215 BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER is not present in the configuration file. By

default, the email recipient is root.

If present, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the user’s $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence, if it exists.

Configuring Host Properties 398
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-215 BUSY_FILE_NOTIFY_USER information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Busy File
Console property Settings.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.

BUSY_FILE_PROCESSING option for NetBackup clients

The BUSY_FILE_PROCESSING entry lets the administrator control what NetBackup
does when a file changes while it is in the process of being backed up.

Table 3-216 BUSY_FILE_PROCESSING information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, BUSY_FILE_PROCESSING is not present in the configuration file and

busy-file processing does not occur.

If present, this option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Busy File
Console property Settings.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.

CLIENT_NAME option for NetBackup clients

The CLIENT_NAME entry specifies the name of the client as it's known to NetBackup.

Table 3-217 CLIENT_NAME information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 399
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-217 CLIENT_NAME information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CLIENT_NAME = clientname

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

If more than one entry appears, NetBackup observes only the last CLIENT_NAME entry
that is listed for the option. The client name in a policy that backs up the client should
match the client name that is specified with CLIENT_NAME.
Note: Do not use an IP address as a client name in a policy or the backup may fail.
Specify a host name instead.

The bp.conf of the primary server does not require the addition of other clients, other
than the primary server as CLIENT_NAME = master server name. The name is
added by default.

During a restore, the default is to restore to the client that is named in the policy that
was used for the backup. For an alternate client restore, indicate the name of the
alternate client in the Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface. (Within the user
interface, the Destination client for restores field is located in the Specify NetBackup
Machines and Policy Type dialog box.)

To use the bprestore command, a parameter can be given to bprestore to indicate

the destination client.

See “About client-redirected restores” on page 1251.

The client installation procedures automatically set CLIENT_NAME to the value that is
specified in ftp_to_client command or install_client command in the
installation scripts.

If the value is not in any bp.conf file, NetBackup uses the value that the
gethostname() library function returns.

See “Client Name properties” on page 73.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Name.
Console property
Configuring Host Properties 400
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

COMPRESS_SUFFIX option for NetBackup clients

The COMPRESS_SUFFIX entry specifies a list of file extensions. During a backup,
NetBackup does not compress files with these extensions because the file may
already be in a compressed format.

Table 3-218 COMPRESS_SUFFIX information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, COMPRESS_SUFFIX is not present in the bp.conf file. This option has a
reasonable default. Change only if problems result.

Multiple COMPRESS_SUFFIX entries are allowed.

Do not use wildcards to specify these extensions. Do not specify .A* or .A [1-9] (For
example, specify .A1)

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Clients Double-click on client > Client
Console property Settings.
See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

CRYPT_CIPHER option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_CIPHER entry applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option

Table 3-219 CRYPT_CIPHER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 401
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-219 CRYPT_CIPHER information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


Where value is one of the following:

■ AES-128-CFB (used when no method is specified; default)

■ AES-256-CFB



This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.

For information about NetBackup encryption, see the NetBackup Security and
Encryption Guide.

CRYPT_KIND option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_KIND entry on the client determines whether the standard encryption or
legacy encryption is used in the backup. Normally, CRYPT_KIND is set automatically.
The CRYPT_KIND entry applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-220 CRYPT_KIND information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 402
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-220 CRYPT_KIND information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

The following values can be entered:

No encryption is used on the client (default)
Legacy pertains to 40-bit and 56-bit data encryption standard (DES). Legacy
encryption is not recommended.
Standard pertains to 128-bit and 256-bit encryption (AES, 3DES, Blowfish cipher).
Standard encryption is recommended.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.

CRYPT_OPTION option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_OPTION entry specifies the encryption options on NetBackup clients.
NetBackup creates this entry automatically in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
file on a UNIX client when the bpinst_crypt command is run on the NetBackup
primary server.
The CRYPT_OPTION entry applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
Do not alter the entry or create this file manually unless it was accidentally deleted.

Table 3-221 CRYPT_OPTION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 403
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-221 CRYPT_OPTION information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

The following values can be entered:

■ DENIED|denied
Specifies that the client does not permit encrypted backups. If the server requests
an encrypted backup, it is considered an error. This option is the default for a client
that has not been configured for encryption.
■ ALLOWED|allowed
Specifies that the client allows either encrypted or unencrypted backups.
■ REQUIRED|required
Specifies that the client requires encrypted backups. If this value is specified and
the server requests an unencrypted backup, it is considered an error.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.

CRYPT_STRENGTH option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_STRENGTH entry specifies the encryption strength on NetBackup clients.
It applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option installed.
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-222 CRYPT_STRENGTH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 404
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-222 CRYPT_STRENGTH information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

The allowable values are as follows:

■ DES_40|des_40

Specifies 40-bit DES encryption. 40-bit is the default value for a client that has not
been configured for encryption.
■ DES_56|des_56

Specifies 56-bit DES encryption.

NetBackup creates this entry automatically on a UNIX client when the bpinst_crypt
command is run on the NetBackup primary server. This entry should appear only once
in the configuration file.

Do not alter the entry or create it manually unless it was accidentally deleted.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.

CRYPT_LIBPATH option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_LIBPATH entry specifies the directory that contains the encryption libraries
for NetBackup clients. NetBackup creates this entry automatically in the
/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on a UNIX client when the bpinst_crypt
command is run on the NetBackup primary server.
The CRYPT_LIBPATH entry applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option
installed. Do not alter the entry or create it manually unless it was accidentally
deleted. This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-223 CRYPT_LIBPATH information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 405
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-223 CRYPT_LIBPATH information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CRYPT_LIBPATH = directory
If necessary, create the entry in the following locations:

■ The default value on Windows systems is install_path\bin\

Where install_path is the directory where NetBackup is installed and by default is
C:\Program Files\Veritas.
■ The default value on UNIX systems is /usr/openv/lib/

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.

CRYPT_KEYFILE option for NetBackup clients

The CRYPT_KEYFILE entry specifies the file that contains the encryption keys on
NetBackup clients. NetBackup creates this entry automatically in the
/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on a UNIX client when the bpinst_crypt
command is run on the NetBackup primary server.
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-224 CRYPT_KEYFILE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 406
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-224 CRYPT_KEYFILE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use The CRYPT_KEYFILE entry applies to clients with the NetBackup Encryption option
installed. Do not alter the entry or create it manually unless it was accidentally deleted.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

CRYPT_KEYFILE = directory
The default values follow:

■ On Windows systems
Where install_path is the directory where NetBackup is installed and by default is
C:\Program Files\Veritas.
■ On UNIX systems

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Encryption.
Console property
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.


The DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME entry specifies that if a file is backed up,
its access time (atime) displays the time of the backup. The default is that
NetBackup preserves the access time by resetting it to the value it had before the

Table 3-225 DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 407
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-225 DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME must be enabled if
USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS is enabled. Setting these options causes the file
atime to be updated every time they are backed up. When the atime updates, it
appears as if the files have been recently used.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Settings
Console property > Reset file access time to the value before backup
Note: The property label/description is the opposite of the configuration setting. Thus
when the property is enabled, DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME is disabled.
Similarly when the property is disabled, DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME is

This property must be left disabled when USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS is enabled.

See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

DTE_CLIENT_MODE for clients

The DTE_CLIENT_MODE option specifies the data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode
that is set on the NetBackup client.

Table 3-226 DTE_CLIENT_MODE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 408
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-226 DTE_CLIENT_MODE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add,
or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands

Reference Guide.

Use the following format:


By default, the DTE mode for 9.1 clients is set to OFF and for 10.0 and later
clients, it is set to AUTOMATIC.

■ If the DTE_CLIENT_MODE option is set to AUTOMATIC, the client follows

the DTE mode that is set at the global level: Enforced, Preferred
On, or Preferred Off.
■ If the option is set to ON, data-in-transit encryption is enabled for the
■ If the option is set to OFF, data-in-transit encryption is disabled for the
client. This setting can be used to exclude a client for encryption if the
global DTE mode is set to Preferred On.
Note: If the global DTE mode is set to Enforced, jobs fail for the
NetBackup clients that have the DTE_CLIENT_MODE option set to 'OFF'
and also for the hosts earlier than 9.1.

Equivalent No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host

Administration properties.


The ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_ENCRYPTION option specifies if the data channel
encryption is enabled for communication with NAT clients and NAT servers (or NAT
If a NAT host is configured in your NetBackup domain, data channel encryption is
enabled by default.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 409
Configuration options for NetBackup clients



Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

To disable data channel encryption, use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console host properties.

IGNORE_XATTR option for NetBackup clients

By default, extended attribute files (Solaris 9 or later) and named data streams are
backed up. Use IGNORE_XATTR to exclude extended attributes and named data
streams from backups. (IGNORE_XATTR was formerly IGNORE_XATTR_SOLARIS.)

Table 3-228 IGNORE_XATTR information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


NetBackup does not check for extended attributes or named data streams if the
IGNORE_XATTR entry is present in the bp.conf file.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

See “About backing up and restoring extended attribute files and named data streams”
on page 906.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property
Configuring Host Properties 410
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Backing up and restoring the ACLs, extended attributes,

and metadata attributes for GPFS volumes
NetBackup recognizes the access control lists, extended attributes, and metadata
attributes of General Parallel File System files and folders. By default, NetBackup
backs up and restores all of these for GPFS volumes. No additional configuration
is necessary.
Restoring files with GPFS Extended Attributes to operating systems other than AIX
or RHEL or file systems other than GPFS may generate errors or failed jobs. The
errors occur because the restore target does not recognize the metadata.

Preventing the backup or restore of the ACL and extended

attributes for a GPFS volume
■ To prevent backups of GPFS extended attributes:
Add the IGNORE_XATTR entry to the bp.conf file on the client:
The entry does not require a value setting; the entry is only IGNORE_XATTR.
■ To prevent backups of the GPFS ACL:
Add the IGNORE_ACL touch file to the client:

Note: If extended attributes are allowed to be backed up, the ACL is also backed
up, regardless of whether or not the IGNORE_ACL touch file is present.

■ To prevent restores of GPFS extended attributes (provided that they were backed
up in the first place):
Add the IGNORE_XATTR touch file to the client:

■ To prevent restores of the GPFS ACL (provided that it was backed up in the
first place):
Add the IGNORE_ACL touch file to the client:

Note: If extended attributes are allowed for restore, the ACL is also restored,
regardless of whether or not the IGNORE_ACL touch file is present.
Configuring Host Properties 411
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Considerations when backing up and restoring GPFS

extended attributes
■ Upon restore of a file or folder that has an ACL or extended attributes, the ACL
and extended attributes are also restored if they were originally backed up.
However, if the restore job was interrupted, the last file that was in-process may
be skipped when the restore job resumes. In that case, the ACL and the extended
attributes of that file and all subsequent files will not be restored.
■ The IGNORE_XATTR option instructs NetBackup to ignore extended attributes
when backing up files and folders that have extended attributes. In case of a
NetBackup Accelerator initial backup, if IGNORE_XATTR is added to the bp.conf
file or the registry and then is later removed for subsequent backups, perform
a backup with the Accelerator forced rescan option enabled.
See “Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute)” on page 840.
■ If the ACL interface is used to change ACL permissions after a backup is
performed, the restore may not preserve the ACL upon restore.

Support for GPFS metadata attributes: storage pools,

metadata replication, and data replication
NetBackup has added support for the backup and restore of the following GPFS
metadata attributes: storage pools, metadata replication, and data replication. By
default, NetBackup backs up and restores the ACLs, the extended attributes, and
these additional metadata attributes for GPFS volumes. No additional configuration
is necessary.
The following information is pertinent if, after restoring a file, the illplaced or the
illreplicated flags display in the status of the file. (View the status of the file by
using the GPFS mmlsattr command.)
The illplaced flag displays if the file was restored to a different GPFS storage
pool than where it was when it was backed up. The change could be due to a
change in creation rules or the result of migration rules in the GPFS file placement
policy. Or the GPFS administrator may have used the mmchattr command to
manually move the file to a different storage pool.
The illreplicated flag displays when the storage pool containing the restored
file has fewer failure groups than required by the data replication setting or the
system pool has fewer failure groups than the metadata replication setting.
The GPFS administrator can rebalance the replication factor of the file and resolve
the illplaced or illreplicated flags by running one of two GPFS commands,
depending on the number of the files that are involved and the network traffic:
■ For a single file: mmrestripefile
Configuring Host Properties 412
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

■ For the complete file system: mmrestripefs

Note: Restoring files with GPFS attributes and ACLs to an alternate platform does
not restore the metadata attributes or the ACLs. The restore may generate an error
such as “Invalid system call.” (Extended attributes can be restored to the alternate
platform, however.)

INFORMIX_HOME option for NetBackup clients

The INFORMIX_HOME entry specifies the path to the Informix home directory and is
required when the client uses NetBackup for Informix.

Table 3-229 INFORMIX_HOME information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

KEEP_DATABASE_COMM_FILE option for NetBackup clients

The KEEP_DATABASE_COMM_FILE entry causes NetBackup to keep database agent
logs for seven days. The default is that NetBackup keeps database agent logs for
only one day.

Table 3-230 KEEP_DATABASE_COMM_FILE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 413
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-230 KEEP_DATABASE_COMM_FILE information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


For example, add it to a client that runs NetBackup for Informix.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

KEEP_LOGS_DAYS option for NetBackup clients

The KEEP_LOGS_DAYS entry specifies how long to keep job and progress logs for
Backup, Archive, and Restore. The default is 3 days.
NetBackup writes these files in the following directories:
■ /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/username/jobs

■ /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/username/logs

A directory exists for each user that uses the Backup, Archive, and Restore
console. This entry also controls how long to keep the log files generated by the
NetBackup Administration Console.
The log files are located in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/nbjlogs.

Table 3-231 KEEP_LOGS_DAYS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 414
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-231 KEEP_LOGS_DAYS information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option file.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Settings.
Console property
See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

See “Client Settings properties for Windows clients” on page 93.

LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup clients

The LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT entry specifies how long to wait for a response from the
server when it lists files by using the client-user interface or bplist. If this time is
exceeded, the user receives a socket read failed error even if the server
continues to process the user’s request. The default is that LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT
is not in any bp.conf file and NetBackup uses a value of 30 minutes.

Table 3-232 LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

The value in the $HOME/bp.conf file takes precedence if it exists.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Timeouts.
Console property
See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.
Configuring Host Properties 415
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

LOCKED_FILE_ACTION option for NetBackup clients

The LOCKED_FILE_ACTION entry specifies the behavior of NetBackup when it backs
up a file that has mandatory file locking enabled in its file mode. (See chmod(1)).
If this entry is set to SKIP, NetBackup skips the files that currently have mandatory
locking set by another process. NetBackup logs a message to this effect.

Table 3-233 LOCKED_FILE_ACTION information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: SKIP is the only legal value for this entry. The default is that NetBackup waits
for files to become unlocked.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Settings.
Console property
See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup clients

The MEDIA_SERVER entry specifies that the listed computer is a media server only.
Computers that are listed as media servers can back up and restore clients, but
have limited administrative privileges.

Table 3-234 MEDIA_SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 416
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-234 MEDIA_SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

MEDIA_SERVER = media_server_name

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Servers.
Console property
See “SERVER option for NetBackup servers” on page 362.

MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY option for NetBackup clients

The MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY entry specifies how much memory is available on the
client to use to compress files during backup. If compression is selected, the client
software uses this value to determine how much space to request for the
compression tables. The more memory that is available to the compress code, the
greater the compression. The percentage of computer resources that are used is
also greater. If other processes also need memory, use a maximum value of one
half the actual physical memory on a computer to avoid excessive swapping.

Table 3-235 MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY = memory_value

The default is that NetBackup assumes a value of zero megabytes.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: The MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY entry has a reasonable default. Change it only
if problems are encountered.
Configuring Host Properties 417
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-235 MEGABYTES_OF_MEMORY information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Settings.
Console property
See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.

NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup clients

The NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT entry specifies the number of seconds that the backup
process waits to process an NFS mount table. After the time is exceeded, the
process considers an NFS file system to be unavailable.

Table 3-236 NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


By default, NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT is set to five seconds.

This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Console property

Equivalent NetBackup web UI No equivalent exists in the NetBackup web UI.


OLD_VNETD_CALLBACK option for NetBackup clients

The OLD_VNETD_CALLBACK entry specifies that the client should use the client-direct
restore path rather than use the bptm process on a NetBackup media server. The
client-direct restore path bypasses the NetBackup media server for the restore jobs.
Configure this entry on the NetBackup clients that you want to receive data directly
from a Media Server Deduplication Pool storage server.
Configuring Host Properties 418
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Before you decommission a media server that hosts a Media Server Deduplication
Pool, deactivate MSDP on that media server. See the NetBackup Deduplication
Guide for your release.

Table 3-237 OLD_VNETD_CALLBACK information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This entry should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES option for NetBackup clients

By default, the NetBackup Discovery Service (nbdisco) runs on all clients in the
NetBackup environment. The service helps you build Intelligent Policies by reporting
to the primary server when it finds instances of applications (such as Oracle).

Table 3-238 REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 419
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-238 REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use By default, REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES is not present in the configuration file.

When REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES is not present, the NetBackup Discovery
Service is enabled.

Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

■ If the entry is set to FALSE, the nbdisco process on that client stops reporting
discoveries to the primary server. The service shuts down within 10 minutes after
being set to FALSE and remains down.
■ To turn on the Discovery Service again, either change the entry on that client to
REPORT_CLIENT_DISCOVERIES = TRUE or remove the entire option. Then, run
bp.start_all on the client to restart the service.
■ To set this value on a client remotely, run the following command from the primary
nbsetconfig -h clientname

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

RESTORE_RETRIES option for NetBackup clients

The RESTORE_RETRIES entry specifies the number of times to retry a restore after
a failure.

Table 3-239 RESTORE_RETRIES information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 420
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-239 RESTORE_RETRIES information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

RESTORE_RETRIES = number_of_retries

The default is 0 (no retries).

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: The RESTORE_RETRIES entry has a reasonable default. Change it only if
problems are encountered.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Universal
Console property Settings > Restore retries.

See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.

RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR for NetBackup clients

The RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR specifies which directory to place the RMAN input and output
locally on the client for Oracle Intelligent Policy backups. NetBackup does not clean
up the log files so the Oracle user has to clean up the log files manually. The log
is only created when a backup is run using an Oracle Intelligent Policy. Only one
RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR entry per client is allowed in a Windows environment. In a UNIX
environment, each user can place the output in a different location by adding the
RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR entry to $HOME/bp.conf file. The value in the $HOME/bp.conf
file takes precedence if it exists.
The following are examples of RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR entries:
Windows: install_path\oracle\oracle_logs\RMAN
UNIX: /oracle/oracle_logs/rman
For information about RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR, see the NetBackup for Oracle
Administrator’s Guide.

Table 3-240 RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 421
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-240 RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

RMAN_OUTPUT_DIR = directory_name

The directory_name is a directory to which the Oracle user has permission to write.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

SERVER option for NetBackup clients

The SERVER entry defines the list of NetBackup primary servers and media servers
that can access the NetBackup client. During client installation, SERVER is
automatically set to the name of the primary primary server for this client.
The SERVER entries must be added for other primary servers and for media servers
for this client. The client needs to have certificates from all the primary servers to
communicate with the server. To get the certificate, the client should have entries
of all the connected primary servers in the client bp.conf file.

Table 3-241 SERVER information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference
Note: Every SERVER entry in a client bp.conf file must be a NetBackup primary or
media server. That is, each system that is listed as a SERVER must have either
NetBackup primary or media server software installed. The client service on some
clients cannot be started if the client name is incorrectly listed as a server.

If you configure media servers, each media server must have a SERVER or a
MEDIA_SERVER entry in the bp.conf file of the client.
Configuring Host Properties 422
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-241 SERVER information (continued)

Usage Description

Example The following is an example bp.conf file on a client:

SERVER = Primary_server (default primary server)

SERVER = NB_server (other primary server)

SERVER = Media_server_#1

MEDIA_SERVER = Media_server_#2


The first SERVER entry denotes the primary server to which the client connects to by
default for any requests. (For example, to back up, to list, or to restore files). The
SERVER entry must be present in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on all
UNIX clients. The SERVER entry is the only required entry in the bp.conf file for clients.
The SERVER entry is not used in a $HOME/bp.conf file. On NetBackup UNIX servers,
the SERVER entry applies to both client and the server.

See “RESUME_ORIG_DUP_ON_OPT_DUP_FAIL option for NetBackup servers”

on page 360.

See “MEDIA_SERVER option for NetBackup clients” on page 415.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Servers.
Console property
See “SERVER option for NetBackup servers” on page 362.


The SUBSCRIBER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT option enables the subscriber service on a
NAT client or NAT server to send heartbeats (or signals) for communication with
the primary server.
The option value is defined in seconds.


Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 423
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-242 SUBSCRIBER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to

view, add, or change the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup

Commands Reference Guide.

If the option is set to a value other than zero, the subscriber

service sends heartbeats.

To disable the heartbeats, use the following format:


Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console

Console host properties.

SYBASE_HOME option for NetBackup clients

The SYBASE_HOME entry specifies the path to the Sybase home directory. The entry
is required for NetBackup to use Sybase to back up Sybase databases.

Table 3-243 SYBASE_HOME information

Usage Description

Where to use On a NetBackup for Sybase client.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

SYBASE_HOME = path_to_Sybase_home_directory

The default is that SYBASE_HOME is not in the configuration file.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Note: This entry is not required to back up the Sybase SQL Anywhere database that
NetBackup uses as part of the NetBackup catalog.

For additional information, see the NetBackup for Sybase Administrator's Guide.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property
Configuring Host Properties 424
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS option for NetBackup clients

The USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS entry changes how NetBackup determines
whether or not a file has changed. This entry causes the client software to use both
modification time and inode change time during incremental backups to determine
if a file has changed. (mtime and ctime.)

Table 3-244 USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

By default, NetBackup uses only mtime.

Note: If you specify USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS, you must also specify
DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME. Setting these options causes the file atime
to be updated every time they are backed up. When the atime updates, it appears as
if the files have been recently used.

See “DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME option for NetBackup clients”

on page 406.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

USE_FILE_CHG_LOG option for NetBackup clients

The USE_FILE_CHG_LOG entry specifies whether NetBackup uses the file change
log on VxFS clients. The default is off.

Table 3-245 USE_FILE_CHG_LOG information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 425
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-245 USE_FILE_CHG_LOG information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Client Settings
Console property > Use VxFS File Change Log for Incremental Backups.

See “VxFS file change log for incremental backups property” on page 91.

USEMAIL option for NetBackup clients

The USEMAIL entry specifies the email address where NetBackup sends status on
the outcome of operations for a UNIX client.

Table 3-246 USEMAIL information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup UNIX clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

Note: Separate multiple email addresses using a comma, with no spaces.

Add USEMAIL as follows:

■ If the USEMAIL specifies an address, NetBackup sends automatic backup and

manual backup status to that address.
■ If the $HOME/bp.conf file specifies an address, NetBackup also sends status on
the success or failure of user operations to that address.

This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Configuring Host Properties 426
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-246 USEMAIL information (continued)

Usage Description

Equivalent Administration NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on client > Universal
Console property Settings.

See “Universal Settings properties” on page 236.

VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup clients

This entry identifies whether a specific network or remote system must or must not
use NetBackup product authentication and authorization with the local system.
It can be configured on NetBackup servers and clients.
See “VXSS_NETWORK option for NetBackup servers” on page 380.
See “Network Attributes tab of the Access Control properties” on page 62.

UNIX client examples

The following is an example of a bp.conf file of a UNIX client:

SERVER = server1
CLIENT_NAME = client1
BPBACKUP_SCHED = userbackups
BPARCHIVE_SCHED = userarchives

Nonroot users on UNIX clients can have a personal bp.conf file in their home
directory: $HOME/bp.conf.

Note: A root user cannot have a personal bp.conf file. For root users, NetBackup
uses the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.

A personal bp.conf file can have any of the following options:

Configuring Host Properties 427
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

CLIENT_NAME = alternate_client_name

Specify CLIENT_NAME only when doing restores to an alternate client.

See “Configuration options for NetBackup clients” on page 388.

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL option for NetBackup clients

Add the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL option to use a specific media server that creates
the HTTP tunnel for connecting to a specific primary server. This option overrides
the media and primary server list that is automatically generated on the client for
sending web service connection requests.
For more information, refer to the About the communication between a
NetBackup client located in a demilitarized zone and a master server through
an HTTP tunnel section in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Table 3-247 WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

Configuring Host Properties 428
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-247 WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL information (continued)

Usage Description

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL = <master> <media>

The option uses the following parameters:

■ master is the hostname or IP address or FQDN of the primary server that should
be the recipient of the web service connection requests.
■ media is the hostname or IP address or FQDN of the media server that sets up
the connection via an HTTP tunnel.

For a multi-domain setup, you can add multiple entries on separate lines. These entries
can include a single primary server and different media servers or different identities
of the media servers like IP addresses, host names, and Fully Qualified Domain Names

For example,

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL=<master> <media>

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL=<master1> <media1>

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL=<master1> <media1_IP address>

By default, the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL option is not present in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property

WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_USE option for NetBackup clients

In a demilitarized zone (DMZ), the client uses a sequence of steps to set up
communication with the primary server. By default, the client tries to communicate
with the primary directly, and if the connection fails, tries to communicate using an
HTTP tunnel on the media server. You can use the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_USE option
to change the default behavior.
For more information, refer to the About the communication between a
NetBackup client located in a demilitarized zone and a master server through
an HTTP tunnel section in the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
Configuring Host Properties 429
Configuration options for NetBackup clients

Table 3-248 WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_USE information

Usage Description

Where to use On NetBackup clients.

How to use Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change
the option.

For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Use the following format:


The option uses the following parameters:

■ AUTO is the default value that uses an auto-routing algorithm.

■ ALWAYS defines that the connection should always use an HTTP tunnel. You can
use this option for NetBackup clients that are in a DMZ.
■ NEVER defines that the connection should not use an HTTP tunnel. You can use
this option for NetBackup clients that are not in a DMZ.

By default, the WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_USE option is not present in the configuration


This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

Equivalent Administration No equivalent exists in the NetBackup Administration Console host properties.
Console property
Chapter 4
Configuring server groups
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NetBackup server groups

■ Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group

About NetBackup server groups

A server group is a group of NetBackup servers that are used for a common purpose.
A NetBackup Media Sharing group is a server group that shares tape media for
write purposes (backups).
A Media Sharing group can contain the following:
■ NetBackup master server
■ NetBackup media servers
■ NDMP tape servers
Servers can be in more than one group. All members of a Media Sharing server
group must have the same NetBackup master server.
See “About media sharing” on page 596.
See “Configuring media sharing with a server group” on page 597.
See “Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group” on page 430.

Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group

Use the following procedure to configure a server group.
Configuring server groups 431
Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group

Caution: NetBackup allows a server group name to be the same as the name of
a media server. To avoid confusion, it is not recommended that you use the same
name for a server group and a media server.

See “About NetBackup server groups” on page 430.

To configure a server group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Server Groups.
2 In the Actions menu, select New > Server Group.

■ Server group name: Specify the name of the server group. You cannot
change the name of an existing server group. It is recommended that server
group names be unique. That is, do not use the same name for a server
group that you use for a host such as a media server. If you do, you may
not be able to determine easily if a tape is restricted to a specific media
server or to a specific media server group.
■ Server group type: Specify the type of server group.
■ State: Select the state from the drop-down menu:
Configuring server groups 432
Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group

■ Active. The server group is available for use.

■ Inactive. The server group is not available for use.

■ Description: Describe the server group.

■ Servers in group: Specify the servers that belong to the group.
■ Servers not in group: Specify the servers that do not belong to the group.

3 In the New Server Group dialog box, enter or select the appropriate
To add a server to the group, select it in the Servers Not in Group window
and click Add.
To remove a server from the group, select it in the Servers in Group window
and click Remove.
4 Click OK to save the server group.

Deleting a server group

Use the following procedure to delete a server group.
To delete a server group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Media and Device
Management > Devices > Server Groups.
2 Select the group to delete.
3 Select Edit > Delete.
4 Click OK.
Chapter 5
Enabling support for NAT
clients and NAT servers in
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NAT support in NetBackup

■ Important notes

■ Workflow to enable NAT hosts in NetBackup domain

■ Configuring the NetBackup Messaging Broker service

■ Removing NAT support from NetBackup

■ Communication with clients other than NAT clients

■ Performance characteristics of NAT support

About NAT support in NetBackup

NetBackup supports NetBackup clients and servers in a private network that are
connected to NetBackup servers in a public network via a device that performs
Network Address Translation (NAT). This document refers to such NetBackup
clients and servers as NAT clients and NAT servers respectively.
NAT clients and NAT servers together are referred to as NAT hosts.
NetBackup supports NAT clients and NAT servers (or a NAT host) in a network
topology where the following conditions are met:
Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 434
About NAT support in NetBackup

1. A NAT host should be able to resolve the host names of the NetBackup servers
that are deployed in a public network and initiate connections with them. It is
not required that the NetBackup servers be able to initiate connections to the
NAT host.
2. A host name assigned to a NAT host should be resolvable in the private
network. It is not required that the host name of the NAT host be resolvable
from the NetBackup servers in the public network.
3. Bi-directional connectivity should exist between the master server and all media
4. Bi-directional connectivity is required between media servers and clients that
are behind NAT.
5. The NetBackup software on the NetBackup servers and NAT hosts must be
configured for NAT support as described in this document.
When working with NAT hosts, NetBackup software ensures that all network
connections are initiated from the NAT client to the NetBackup servers in the public
network. In other words, no connections are directly initiated from the NetBackup
servers to the NAT hosts. The NAT host support relies on a new NetBackup
Messaging Broker (nbmqbroker) service on the master server and a subscriber
service on each NAT host that maintains a persistent connection to the messaging
broker service on the master server. This enables the NetBackup servers to send
commands to the NAT hosts via the messaging service. When a NetBackup server
needs to connect to a NAT client (for example to perform a backup) it sends a
'reverse connection request' message to the NAT host via the master server. On
receiving this message, the NAT client initiates a connection to the requesting
NetBackup server.
Here is how a connection between a media server and a NAT client takes place:
1. The NetBackup Messaging Broker (nbmqbroker) service starts on the master
server if NAT support is enabled.
2. The subscriber service starts on the NAT host along with other client services
and subscribes to nbmqbroker service on the master server if NAT support is
enabled on the host.
3. When a media server wants to connect to a NAT client or a master server
wants to connect to a NAT server, it publishes the NAT host's reverse
connection request message to the message broker that exists on the master
4. The message broker delivers the message to the subscriber service on the
NAT host.
Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 435
Important notes

5. The subscriber service initiates a connection from the NAT host to the
requesting NetBackup server.
6. The media server uses this connection to communicate with the NAT client or
the master server uses this connection to communicate with the NAT server.
See “Workflow to enable NAT hosts in NetBackup domain” on page 436.

Support for client-initiated connections in NetBackup

NetBackup NAT support can also be used in the following non-NAT environments
where it is desirable or mandatory for the NetBackup clients to initiate all connections
to the NetBackup servers:
■ Clients or servers are behind a firewall that is configured to disallow incoming
■ Host names of clients or servers cannot be resolved to an IP address from the
NetBackup servers, for example DHCP clients without a Dynamic DNS
■ Clients or servers to which media servers or master servers cannot directly
connect for any reason

Important notes
Review the following notes while you enable support for NAT hosts in NetBackup.
■ You must provide an authorization token during NetBackup certificate deployment
on a NAT host, irrespective of the certificate deployment security level that is
set on the master server. This is required because the master server cannot
resolve the client host name that is part of the certificate deployment request to
the NAT device’s IP address from which the request appears to be coming.
■ Automatic host ID-to-host name mapping is disabled for NAT hosts. A NAT host
should be referenced in backup policies and NetBackup commands using the
host name that is already mapped to its host ID. The initial hostname mappings
are established for a host during NetBackup certificate deployment or external
certificate enrolment. If you want a NAT host to use an alternative name for
connection, you have to manually map the required host names using the Host
Management node.
■ In a NetBackup domain that comprises application hosts such as SharePoint,
Microsoft Exchange server, or Application Clusters, the application host name
or data availability group (DAG) name may be different than the one that is used
during NetBackup installation. In some cases the Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the host is used during NetBackup installation. Therefore, connection
between the NetBackup server and the client (or application host) may fail. To
Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 436
Workflow to enable NAT hosts in NetBackup domain

resolve this issue, map both the names of the NetBackup client using the Host
Management node.
For more details on the security certificates and certificate deployment levels, refer
to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

Workflow to enable NAT hosts in NetBackup

The following table provides the workflow to enable NAT hosts in a NetBackup

Install or upgrade Install NetBackup 8.2 or later software on the master server, media
NetBackup server, and client computers or upgrade the existing software to
NetBackup 8.2 or later.

Prepare master Do the following:

server for NAT
1 Configure the NetBackup Messaging Broker (or nbmqbroker)

See “Configuring the NetBackup Messaging Broker service”

on page 437.

2 Set the INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION configuration option

to TRUE on the master server using the nbsetconfig command.

3 Restart the master server services.

Prepare media Do the following:

server for NAT
1 Set the INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION configuration option
to TRUE on the media server using the nbsetconfig command.

2 Restart the media server services.

Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 437
Configuring the NetBackup Messaging Broker service

Prepare Do the following:

NetBackup client
1 Set the ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION configuration option to
for NAT support
TRUE on the client using the nbsetconfig command.

2 Restart the client services.

In case of silent installation, you need to set the

ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION option in the answer file only once
so that the configuration takes place simultaneously for all clients.

For UNIX, ensure that the NBInstallAnswer.conf file is updated


For Windows, ensure that the silentclient.cmd script is edited with

the required information about the ACCEPT_REVERSE_CONNECTION

For more information on the silent installation, refer to the NetBackup

Installation Guide.

Configuring the NetBackup Messaging Broker

To enable the NetBackup master server for NAT client and NAT server support,
you must configure the NetBackup Messaging Broker (nbmqbroker) service on the
master server. The service is required to initiate the connection between NAT hosts
and the NetBackup servers.
To configure the service
Run the configureMQ -defaultPorts command on the master server.
For more information on the command, refer to the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.
In a cluster configuration, run the configureMQ command only on the active
Run the following command to enable the cluster to monitor the nbmqbroker
service that you have added to a NetBackup cluster group:
configureMQ -enableCluster -defaultPorts

Removing NAT support from NetBackup

Use this section to remove the NAT support from NetBackup.
Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 438
Communication with clients other than NAT clients

To remove NAT support

1 Ensure that no NAT hosts exist in your NetBackup domain.
2 Use the nbsetconfig command to set the INITIATE_REVERSE_CONNECTION
configuration option to FALSE on the master server and the media server.
3 Use the nbsetconfig command to set the ENABLE_MQBROKER flag to FALSE on
the master server.
4 Shutdown the NetBackup Messaging Broker (nbmqbroker) service on the
master server.

Communication with clients other than NAT

When NAT support is enabled on a NetBackup server, the default behaviour of the
server is to perform all client connections via the NetBackup messaging broker
service on the master server. This requires all clients that the server communicates
with to have NAT support enabled. In this default configuration, the server will fail
to communicate with any clients that have NAT support disabled or those running
a version of NetBackup lacking NAT support. It is possible to instruct the server to
attempt a direct connection to such clients by setting the
ENABLE_DIRECT_CONNECTION option to TRUE. Setting this option allows a NetBackup
server to work with clients that have NAT enabled (using reverse connections) and
those that have NAT disabled (using direct connections).
In an AIR setup, both source and target master servers must be enabled for direct

Performance characteristics of NAT support

Since NAT support can be used to backup and restore NetBackup clients across
insecure networks like the internet, data channel encryption is enabled by default
for communication with NAT clients and servers (or NAT hosts). This follows the
'secure by default' principle.
NetBackup does not currently offer data channel encryption for the hosts for which
NAT support is disabled. Data channel encryption secures the data in-flight between
the NAT host and the NetBackup server and does not encrypt the data at-rest. The
data channel is secured using the secure communications infrastructure that was
introduced with NetBackup 8.1.
Enabling support for NAT clients and NAT servers in NetBackup 439
Performance characteristics of NAT support

The current implementation of data channel encryption incurs significant performance

overhead. You can disable data channel encryption for NAT hosts that do not
communicate with NetBackup servers over an insecure network.
Set the ENABLE_DATA_CHANNEL_ENCRYPTION configuration option to FALSE on a NAT
host to disable data channel encryption.
When data channel encryption is disabled, the backup and restore performance of
NAT hosts is similar to the hosts for which NAT support is disabled.
Chapter 6
Configuring host
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About configuring credentials

■ About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup

About configuring credentials

Credentials appears only if a feature that requires external credentials is licensed.
Use Media and Device Management > Credentials to manage log on credentials
for the following:
■ Cloud storage credentials.
Configure the credentials when you configure the storage server.
See the NetBackup Cloud Administrator's Guide.
■ NetBackup Deduplication Engine credentials.
Create the credentials when you configure the storage server.
See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ NDMP hosts.
See the NetBackup for NDMP Administrator’s Guide.
■ OpenStorage storage servers.
Configure the credentials when you configure the storage server.
See the NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk.
See the NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide.
■ Virtual machine server credentials.
See the NetBackup for VMware Administrator’s Guide.
Configuring host credentials 441
About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup

■ WebSocket Server credentials

See the NetBackup WebSocket Service (NBWSS) Reference Guide.
■ Nutanix Acropolis Cluster credentials

About configuring Snapshot Management server

in NetBackup
You can configure the Snapshot Manager server as a snapshot management server.
To configure the Snapshot Manager server in NetBackup you need to add the
credentials of the Snapshot Manager server.
You can configure the Snapshot Manager server one of the following:
■ NetBackup Administration Console
■ The tpconfig command line. Refer to the NetBackup Commands Reference
■ NetBackup WebUI. Refer to the NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's

Registering a Snapshot Manager server in NetBackup

To register a Snapshot Manager server as snapshot management server in
NetBackup you need to add the credentials of the Snapshot Manager server. It is
recommended that you add, update, or delete the Snapshot Manager server from
To register the Snapshot Manager server
1 Log on to the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 In the left navigation pane, go to Media and Device Management >
Credentials > Snapshot Management Server.
The Snapshot Server Management pane is displayed.
3 Select Actions > New > New Snapshot Server.
4 Enter the snapshot server host name and click OK.

Note: The host name address must be DNS resolvable. Also, IP address is
not supported for Snapshot Manager server name as an input.

5 (Optional) Select the Connect using Port number check box, if you want to
connect using a specific port.
Configuring host credentials 442
About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup

6 Click Validate Server to retrieve the CA certificate of the snapshot server.

7 Verify the CA fingerprint and click Yes.
8 Enter the Snapshot Manager server user name and password.
9 Click OK.
A success message is displayed.
10 Click OK.
The registered Snapshot Manager server is displayed under the Snapshot
Management Servers table.
To update the Snapshot Manager server credentials
1 Log on to the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 In the left navigation pane, go to Media and Device Management >
Credentials > Snapshot Management Server.
The Snapshot Server Management pane is displayed.
3 In the Host Name column, right-click on the server you want to update.
4 In the menu, click Change.
5 In the Change Snapshot Manager server dialog box, update the credentials.
6 Enter the Snapshot Manager server user name and password.
7 Select the cloud providers you want to associate with the Snapshot Manager
For on-premises deployment, select None.

Note: You can associate multiple providers with a server, but you cannot
associate multiple servers with the same provider.

8 Click OK.
A success message is displayed.
9 Click OK

Configuring Snapshot Manager plug-ins in NetBackup

The Snapshot Manager plug-in you have installed on the Snapshot Manager server
must be registered and configured in NetBackup with the associated Snapshot
Manager server.
Configuring host credentials 443
About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup

To register a Snapshot Manager plug-in

1 Log on to the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 In the left navigation pane, go to Media and Device Management >
Credentials > Snapshot Management Server.
The Snapshot Server Management pane is displayed.
3 Click on the server where you want to add the plug-in. The Snapshot Manager
plugins pane is refreshed.
4 In the Snapshot Manager plugins pane, right-click on a blank row.
5 In the menu, click New Snapshot Manager plugin.
6 In the Add New Plugin dialog box, from the Available Plugins list, select the
plug-in you want to add.
7 Click Next.
8 In the Configure CloudPlugin dialog box, enter the plug-in ID.

Note: The plug-in ID must be unique and must comprise of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + ,.
, _ , - characters.

9 Enter the credential details.

Note: The fields are different for different plug-in types. Refer to the Snapshot
Manager Install and Upgrade Guide for more information about plug-ins and
their parameters.

10 Click OK.
A success message is displayed.
11 Click OK.
The newly added plug-in is listed in the Snapshot Manager plugins pane.
To modify Snapshot Manager plug-in credentials
1 Log on to the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 In the left navigation pane, go to Media and Device Management >
Credentials > Snapshot Management Server.
The Snapshot Server Management pane is displayed.
3 Click in the server under which the plug-in is added. The Snapshot Manager
plugins pane displays all the associated plug-ins.
Configuring host credentials 444
About configuring Snapshot Management server in NetBackup

4 Right-click on the Snapshot Manager plug-in you want to modify.

5 In the menu, click Change Plugin.
6 In the Selected CloudPlugin dialog box, update the credential details.

Note: You cannot change the plug-in type and plug-in ID.

Warning: If you enter incorrect credentials, the existing snapshot related

information available within Snapshot Manager is lost, which can lead to restore
failures. This information can be regenerated if you again enter the right

7 Click OK.
Chapter 7
Managing media servers
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Activating or deactivating a media server

■ Adding a media server

■ Registering a media server

■ Deleting all devices from a media server

■ Removing a device host from the EMM database

■ About decommissioning a media server

■ Previewing references to a media server

■ Decommissioning a media server

■ About the vm.conf configuration file

Activating or deactivating a media server

When you activate a media server, NetBackup can use it for backup and restore
jobs. You can deactivate a media server. A common reason to do so is to perform
maintenance. When a media server is deactivated, NetBackup does not send job
requests to it.
When you deactivate a media server, the following things occur:
■ Current jobs are allowed to complete.
■ If the host is part of a shared drive configuration, it does not scan drives.
Managing media servers 446
Adding a media server

To activate or deactivate a media server

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Media Servers.
2 From the Media Servers pane, select the media server to activate or deactivate.
3 On the Actions menu, select Activate or Deactivate.

Adding a media server

The following table describes an overview of how to add a media server to an
existing NetBackup environment.

Note: The NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager service must be active when a
media server is added, devices and volumes are configured, and clients are backed
up or restored.

Table 7-1 Adding a media server

Step Procedure Section

Step 1 On the new media server host, attach the devices and install See the vendor’s documentation.
any software that is required to drive the storage devices.

Step 2 On the new media server host, prepare the host’s operating See the NetBackup Device Configuration
system. Guide.

See the NetBackup Device Configuration


Step 3 On the master server, add the new media server to the Media See “Servers properties” on page 207.
Servers list of the master server. Also, add the new media
server to the Additional Servers list of the clients that the
new media server backs up.

If the new media server is part of a server group, add it to

the Additional Servers list on all media servers in the group.
Note: Ensure that the name you use in NetBackup is the
same as the host name in the TCP/IP configuration.

Step 4 Install the NetBackup media server software on the new host. See the NetBackup Installation Guide.

See the NetBackup Installation Guide.

Step 5 On the master server, configure the robots and drives that See “Configuring robots and tape drives by
are attached to the media server. using the wizard” on page 490.
Managing media servers 447
Registering a media server

Table 7-1 Adding a media server (continued)

Step Procedure Section

Step 6 On the master server, configure the volumes. See “About adding volumes” on page 538.

Step 7 On the master server, add storage units to the media server. See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.
Always specify the media server as the media server for the
storage unit.

The Device Configuration Wizard can create storage units

when you configure robots and drives. Therefore, if you
created storage units already, skip this step.

Step 8 On the master server, configure the NetBackup policies and See “About the Policies utility ” on page 751.
schedules to use the storage units that are configured on the
media server.

Step 9 Test the configuration by performing a user backup or a See “Performing manual backups”
manual backup that uses a schedule that specifies a storage on page 938.
unit on the media server.

Registering a media server

If the master server is not running when you install a media server, the media server
is not registered. You cannot discover, configure, and manage the devices of that
media server. You must register the media server with the master server.
Managing media servers 448
Deleting all devices from a media server

To register a media server

1 Start the EMM service on the master server.
2 On the master server, run the following command. (For hostname, use the host
name of the media server.)
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename
hostname -machinetype media -masterserver server_name
-operatingsystem os_type -netbackupversion

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -addhost -machinename
hostname -machinetype media -masterserver server_name
-operatingsystem os_type -netbackupversion

Note: Ensure that the name you use in NetBackup is the same as the host
name in the TCP/IP configuration.

For more information about nbemmcmd command usage, see the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide.

Deleting all devices from a media server

You can delete all devices from a media server. The media server can be up, down,
or failed and unrecoverable. All devices include robots, drives, and disk pools.
Two procedures exist: one to delete all robots and drives and the other to delete
disk pools.
Managing media servers 449
Deleting all devices from a media server

To delete all robots and drives from a media server

Enter the following command on the master server:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbemmcmd -deletealldevices
-machinename server_name -machinetype media

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -deletealldevices
-machinename server_name -machinetype media

Replace server_name with the name of the media server.

To delete disk pools from a media server
1 If the media server has disk pools configured, remove the media server from
the storage units that use those disk pools. For each storage unit, run the
following command on the master server:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpsturep -label
storage_unit_label -delhost host_name

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsturep -label
storage_unit_label -delhost host_name

Replace storage_unit_label with the name of the storage unit and host_name
with the name of the media server.
2 If the media server is the only storage server for the disk pools, change the
state of the disk pools to DOWN. To do so, enter the following command on
the master server for each disk pool:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -changestate
-stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name -state DOWN

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -changestate -stype
server_type -dp disk_pool_name -state DOWN

Replace server_type with the type of storage server: AdvancedDisk, PureDisk,

or the vendor string that identifies the OpenStorage server type.
Replace disk_pool_name with the name of the disk pool.
3 For each disk pool, do the following:
Managing media servers 450
Deleting all devices from a media server

■ Remove the media server from disk pool access by entering the following
command on the master server:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -changedp -dp
-disk_pool_name -stype server_type -del_storage_servers
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -changedp -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type -del_storage_servers
Replace disk_pool_name with the name of the disk pool.
Replace server_type with the type of storage server: AdvancedDisk,
PureDisk, or the vendor string that identifies the OpenStorage server type.
Replace storage_server with the name of the media server.
■ If the disk pool is on disk storage available only to the media server and is
no longer required, delete the disk pool as follows:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -deletedp -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -deletedp -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type
You cannot delete a disk pool that has unexpired backup images. You must
first expire the images and delete the image fragments, as follows:
■ Expire the image as follows:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpexpdate -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type -nodelete
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpexpdate -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type -nodelete

■ Determine the media IDs in the disk pool as follows:

On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpimmedia -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type -nodelete
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimmedia -dp
disk_pool_name -stype server_type

■ Delete each media ID in the disk pool as follows:

Managing media servers 451
Removing a device host from the EMM database

On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdelete -dt disk_type -media_id
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdelete -dt disk_type -media_id

Removing a device host from the EMM database

Use the following procedure to remove a device host from the Enterprise Media
Manager (EMM) in the NetBackup database.
To remove a device host from the EMM database
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Devices > Media Servers.
2 Select the host.
3 On the Actions menu, select Enterprise Media Manager Database > Remove
Device Host.
4 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

About decommissioning a media server

You can use the NetBackup nbdecommission to decommission a media server.
The command launches a text-based wizard that guides you through the
decommission process. The wizard removes the references to a media server from
a NetBackup domain. (You may have to remove some references manually; the
wizard provides instructions to do so in most cases.)
The nbdecommission command helps in the following scenarios:
■ You retire a server that is no longer required. After all of the backup images on
the old server expire, you can use the nbdecommission to remove the old server
from the NetBackup environment.
■ You replace an old server with a new server and keep the same storage. You
want to access all of the old server storage and backup images from the new
■ The old server fails, and you need to replace it with a new server.
■ You tried to decommission a media server manually and references to it still
remain. The wizard may clean up any references that remain.
Managing media servers 452
About decommissioning a media server

Throughout this documentation, the media server to be decommissioned is referred

to as the old server.

Warning: Be careful when you use the nbdecommission command. Because the
command may expire images, data loss may occur. Therefore, you should
understand completely what the command does before you use it. It is recommended
that you first preview all of the references to a media server before you
decommission it.
See “Previewing references to a media server” on page 457.

The following topics provide more information and provide guidance for the entire
See “About decommissioning limitations” on page 452.
See “Before you decommission a media server” on page 453.
See “Decommission actions” on page 454.
See “Post decommission recommendations” on page 454.
See “Previewing references to a media server” on page 457.
See “Decommissioning a media server” on page 458.

About decommissioning limitations

The following are the limitations of the nbdecommission command:
■ Does not decommission clustered media servers. Those include NetBackup
failover media servers or application clusters.
■ Does not process the Media Server Deduplication Pools.
Before you decommission a media server that hosts a Media Server
Deduplication Pool, you must deactivate MSDP on that media server.
For more information, see the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ Does not update the vm.conf files on the NetBackup servers in your environment.
Therefore, the old server may remain in the vm.conf files on the NetBackup
■ Does not update the configuration files on the clients. Therefore, the old server
may remain in the server lists on the clients. If you replace an old server with a
new server, the new server is not added to the server list of the new client.
■ Does not process the NetBackup Vault profiles. If NetBackup Vault profiles exist
that refer to the storage units on the old server, update the Vault profiles
Managing media servers 453
About decommissioning a media server

■ Does not notify you about orphaned resources.

■ Does not restart the daemons and services on other servers that the
decommissioning affects.
■ Requires that you shut down all daemons and services on the old server after
it is decommissioned.
■ Requires that you reconfigure devices on the new server manually (if required).
■ Requires that you know which jobs are running on the old server. You must kill
them or let them run to completion before you run the decommission process.
■ The -list_ref option only reports on the references that it removes explicitly.
The command removes some items implicitly and it does not report them. For
example, host aliases and host credentials are removed but not reported.
■ Requires that you move any media ID generation rules that exist on the old
server. You must move them manually to the media server that performs robot
■ Moves the old server to an Administrative Pause state so that no new jobs are
started. However, NetBackup still can start backup and restore jobs for basic
disk; they obtain resources differently than do jobs for other storage destinations.
Also, the nbdecommission command may clear the Administrative Pause to
expire images (depending on your responses to the wizard). Jobs may start
during this period.

Before you decommission a media server

Before you decommission a media server, it is recommended that you do the
■ Preview the actions of the nbdecommission command.
See “Previewing references to a media server” on page 457.
Analyze the output of the preview operation to ensure that the command captures
all references to the old server. If it did not, make a list of the items that the
command does not cover and fix them manually later.
■ Back up the NetBackup catalog before you begin. You can use it to return your
environment to the pre-decommission state if something goes wrong or you
have to abort the decommission.
■ Run the command during a maintenance window when the load on the
NetBackup environment is minimal.
Managing media servers 454
About decommissioning a media server

Post decommission recommendations

The following actions are recommended after you run the nbdecommission
■ Follow all of the instructions the command provides.
The command may provide instructions for performing the actions that it cannot
perform. For example, it may provide instructions to cancel the backup jobs that
are active on the old server.
■ Move the physical storage (if needed) and then reconfigure and reinventory
those devices.
■ Examine the vm.conf files on all of the NetBackup servers in your environment.
Remove references to the old server and add references to the new server
where necessary.
■ Remove the old server from the server lists on the clients and add the new
server where necessary.
The nbdecommission command outputs a list of clients that refer to old server.
■ Verify that the old server was removed correctly. Examine the various logical
components (backup policies, storage units, and so on) to make sure that the
old server references have been removed.
■ Back up the NetBackup catalog as soon as possible.
■ Uninstall NetBackup from the media server or remove that media server from
the environment. After this configuration change, the media server daemons do
not have permissions to communicate with the master server and should no
longer be started.

Decommission actions
The nbdecommission command deletes the configuration for the old server from
the EMM database, the NetBackup image catalog, and configuration files on servers.
The following table shows the actions it performs for the components that reference
the media server. The table is organized in the order in which the command
processes the component.
Managing media servers 455
About decommissioning a media server

Table 7-2 nbdecommission command actions

Component Action

Storage unit - Tape Deletes the following tape storage units:

■ Those in which the Storage device attribute specifies a robot for which the old server is the
robot control host.
■ Those in which the Media server attribute specifies the old server.
■ Those in which the Media server attribute specifies Any Available and the old server is the
only server that can access the storage unit.

Tape drive Deletes the tape drive path for each tape drive that is attached to the old server. If the path on
the old server is the only path, it also deletes the tape drive.

If a path to a drive exists on more than one media server, the tape drive may become unusable.
You may have to connect the tape drive to a different media server and then reconfigure it in
NetBackup. For example, if the old server is a scan host for a shared drive, NetBackup cannot
use the drive if no other host can scan.

Robotic library Deletes all of the robotic libraries that are attached to the old server.

If the old server is the robot control host for a shared library, the drives and media become
standalone and unusable. You must reconfigure and re-inventory the library.

Tape media Specifies if you want to expire the following tape media or move them to another media server:

■ Those assigned to the old server.

■ Those owned by a media sharing group in which the old server is the only member of the
■ Those that have no specific Media owner and the last write host is same as the old server.

Storage unit - Deletes the storage unit if no images exist on it. If images exist, the wizard lets you choose one
BasicDisk of the following options:

■ Expire the images and delete the storage unit.

■ Move the images to the new server. The wizard also updates the Media server field in the
storage unit.
The BasicDisk storage must be shared, and the same disk path must be available on the
new server.
Managing media servers 456
About decommissioning a media server

Table 7-2 nbdecommission command actions (continued)

Component Action

Storage unit - Specifies that if more than one media server can access the disk pool that is the destination of
AdvancedDisk the storage unit, it does the following:

■ Removes the old server from the Media Servers list of the storage unit.
■ Deletes the old server as a storage server.
If the old server is the only server that can access the disk pool, the wizard lets you choose to
do one of the following:

■ Move the storage and images to the new server and delete the old server as a storage server.
The disk volumes must be available on the new server at the same path as the old server.
■ Expire the images (if any), delete any storage units that reference the disk pool, delete the
disk pool, and delete the storage server. (A reference is when the disk pool appears in the
Select disk pool setting of a storage unit.)

Storage unit - Specifies that if more than one media server can access the disk pool that is the destination of
OpenStorage the storage unit, it does the following:

■ Removes the old server from the Media Servers list of the storage unit.
■ Deletes the media server as an OpenStorage storage server.
If the old server is the only server that can access the disk pool, the wizard lets you choose to
do one of the following:

■ Transfer the credentials to the new server and update the Media server field in the storage
unit if required.
■ Expire the images (if any), delete any storage units that reference the disk pool, and delete
the disk pool. (A reference is when the disk pool appears in the Select disk pool setting of
a storage unit.)

Storage unit group Specifies that if the nbdecommission command deletes all of the storage units in a storage unit
group, it also deletes the storage unit group. Deleting the storage unit group also may affect
backup policies and storage lifecycle policies.

See “Backup policy and schedule” and “Storage lifecycle policy” in this table.

Backup policy and Deactivates any backup policy in which the storage destination (directly or indirectly) is a storage
schedule unit that the command deletes. Specifically, deactivates any backup policy that meets any of the
following conditions:

■ The destination is a storage unit that the nbdecommission command deleted.

■ The destination is a storage unit group that contains only one storage unit and the
nbdecommission command deleted that storage unit.
■ The destination is a storage lifecycle policy and the nbdecommission command deleted the
storage unit that is a Backup operation of the storage lifecycle policy.
Managing media servers 457
Previewing references to a media server

Table 7-2 nbdecommission command actions (continued)

Component Action

Storage lifecycle Specifies that for each storage lifecycle policy in which one or more operations uses a storage
policy unit that the command deleted, it does the following:

■ If images under the SLP control are in-process or yet to be processed, displays the commands
to cancel the SLP jobs and then exits. After you cancel the jobs (or wait until the jobs complete),
rerun the nbdecommission command to continue with the decommissioning.
■ If all of the images under SLP control are processed, deactivates the storage lifecycle policy.
■ If a deleted storage unit was used by a Backup or Snapshot operation, deactivates all backup
policies with the storage lifecycle policy as the destination.

Fibre Transport Displays the commands necessary to delete the old server as an FT media server and then exits.
media server
After you delete the old server as an FT media server, rerun the nbdecommission command
to continue with the decommissioning.

bp.conf file On UNIX NetBackup servers, removes the old server from the following bp.conf file entries:


On UNIX master servers, also removes the old server from the FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER

Windows registry On Windows NetBackup servers, removes the old server from the following registry keys:

On Windows master servers, also removes the old server from the

Clients Lists the clients on which the old server appears in their server lists. You must remove the
references to the old server manually.

Previewing references to a media server

Use the following procedure to preview the associations and references to a media
server that you want to decommission. It is recommended that you preview the
references to a media server before you decommission it.
The old server does not have to be up and responsive.
Managing media servers 458
Decommissioning a media server

See “About decommissioning a media server” on page 451.

See “Decommissioning a media server” on page 458.
To preview references to a media server
1 Run the nbdecommission command on the master server or on a media server.
The following is the command syntax:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdecommission -list_ref
-oldserver OldServer > file.txt

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdecommission -list_ref
-oldserver OldServer > file.txt

Replace OldServer with the name of the host to be decommissioned. Replace

file with a name that denotes its contents or purpose.
2 Analyze the output of the preview operation to ensure that the command
captures all references to the old server. If it did not, make a list of the items
that the command does not cover and fix them manually later.

Decommissioning a media server

This topic is part of a group of topics the provide information about decommissioning
a NetBackup media server.
See “About decommissioning a media server” on page 451.
Your path through the nbdecommission wizard depends on how you respond to
the wizard prompts. Depending on your environment and how you respond to
prompts, the wizard may advise you to perform an action and then exit. To continue
in the wizard, you must run the wizard again after you perform the advised action.
You may have to exit and rerun the wizard several times.
If active jobs exist on the media server, you must cancel them before the command
can begin to decommission the media server. Alternatively, you can wait until they
The OldServer does not have to be up and responsive.
It is recommended that you preview the media server references before you
decommission a media server.
See “Previewing references to a media server” on page 457.
Managing media servers 459
Decommissioning a media server

The nbdecommission command logs to the standard NetBackup administrator

commands log directory.
Two procedures exist, as follows:

Replace an old media server with a new See “To replace an old media server with a
media server new media server” on page 459.

Decommission a media server See “To decommission a media server”

on page 460.

To replace an old media server with a new media server

1 Run the nbdecommission command on the master server or on a media server
that is not the object of this operation. The following is the command syntax:
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdecommission -oldserver
OldServer [-newserver NewServer] [-file decom_ops.txt]

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdecommission -oldserver
OldServer [-newserver NewServer] [-file decom_ops.txt]

Replace OldServer with the name of the host to be decommissioned.

-newserver is optional. If you specify a new server, the new server becomes
the default media server for the replacement operations. If you do not specify
a new server, the wizard prompts you for the new server for each storage type
that contains valid backup images. This method is useful if you want to move
backup images to different media servers. For example, you can move backup
images from tape storage to one media server and backup images from disk
storage to another media server.
-file is optional. It writes the command operations to the specified file. Replace
decom_ops.txt with a name that denotes its purpose or contents. It is
recommended that you use the -file option to maintain a record of the
command operations.
2 Follow the prompts and perform the requested actions.
For example, the command may make changes on the master server and on
multiple media servers. You may be required to restart the NetBackup services
on those servers so that the changes take effect.
Managing media servers 460
About the vm.conf configuration file

To decommission a media server

1 Run the following command on the master server or on a media server that is
not the object of this operation. The OldServer does not have to be up and
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbdecommission -oldserver

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdecommission -oldserver

Replace OldServer with the name of the host to be decommissioned.

2 Follow the prompts and perform the requested actions.

About the vm.conf configuration file

The vm.conf file contains configuration entries for media and device management.
NetBackup can create this file, but if it does not exist, you must create it.
On Windows, the pathname is install_path\Volmgr\vm.conf.
On UNIX, the pathname is /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf.
Various NetBackup components read this configuration file on the host where the
component runs. The NetBackup component is a command, daemon, process, or
utility. The host can be a NetBackup administration client or a server where
administration operations are requested.
See “Example vm.conf file” on page 476.

ACS_mediatype entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

ACS_mediatype = Media_Manager_mediatype

If this entry is used in vm.conf, the ACS media type is mapped to the specified
Media Manager media type. More than one ACS_mediatype entry can be specified.
This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which vmcheckxxx and vmupdate
run during a robot inventory operation. Use this entry on every NetBackup media
server that functions as an ACS robot control host.
A list of the valid ACS_mediatype entries is available.
Managing media servers 461
About the vm.conf configuration file

See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I:

ACS_SEL_SOCKET entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

ACS_SEL_SOCKET = socket_name

By default, acssel listens on socket name 13740. If this entry is specified in vm.conf,
the default can be changed. This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which
acsd runs.

ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT = ACS_library_software_hostname socket_name

The valid value for ACS_library_software_hostname is the host name of the ACS
library host. Do not use the IP address of the ACS library host for this parameter.
The valid values for socket_name are 1024 - 65535 and 0. The value must match
the value on the ACSLS server for the port that the CSI uses for inbound packets.
If 0 (zero), NetBackup uses the previous behavior of CSI and acsssi (no specific
This entry specifies the port where the acsssi process sends its ACSLS requests
on the ACSLS server. The ACSLS CSI must use this port to accept inbound ACSLS
requests from acsssi processes.
This entry, the ACS_SSI_INET_PORT entry, and the ACS_TCP_RPCSERVICE entry are
commonly used with firewall implementations. With these three entries in the
vm.conf file, TCP connections use the designated destination ports. Note that TCP
source ports are not restricted.
See “ACS_SSI_INET_PORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)” on page 462.
UNIX)” on page 463.
For example, a NetBackup media server has two ACSLS servers (ACSLS_1 and
ACSLS_2) behind firewalls. Both servers listen for queries on port 30031 and the
firewall allows traffic through this port.
The vm.conf entries are as follows:
Managing media servers 462
About the vm.conf configuration file


Each acsssi process sends queries to the respective ACSLS server’s port 30031,
and the ACSLS server is configured to listen for queries on this port.

ACS_SSI_HOSTNAME entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:


Use ACS_SSI_HOSTNAME to specify the host to which RPC return packets from ACS
library software are routed for ACS network communications. By default, the local
host name is used. This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which acsd
and acsssi run. Do not use the IP address of the host for this parameter.

ACS_SSI_INET_PORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

ACS_SSI_INET_PORT = ACS_library_software_hostname socket_name

The valid value for ACS_library_software_hostname is the host name of the ACS
library host. Do not use the IP address of the ACS library host for this parameter.
The socket_name entry specifies the port that acsssi uses for incoming ACSLS
responses. Valid values are 1024 - 65535 and 0. This value must be unique for
each acsssi process.
A value between 1024 - 65535 indicates the number to be used as the TCP port
on which acsssi accepts ACSLS responses.
0 (zero) indicates that the previous behavior (allow the port to be dynamically
allocated) should remain in effect.
This entry, the ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT entry, and the ACS_TCP_RPCSERVICE entry are
commonly used with firewall implementations. With these three entries in the
vm.conf file, TCP connections use the designated destination ports. Note that TCP
source ports are not restricted.
See “ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)” on page 461.
UNIX)” on page 463.
Managing media servers 463
About the vm.conf configuration file

For example, a NetBackup media server has two ACSLS servers (ACSLS_1 and
ACSLS_2) behind firewalls. Ports 30032 and 300033 have been opened in the
firewall for acsssi to ACSLS server communication.
The entries would be as follows:


The NetBackup media server starts two acsssi processes. One listens for ACSLS_1
responses on port 30032, and the other listens on port 30033 for responses from

ACS_SSI_SOCKET entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

ACS_SSI_SOCKET = ACS_library_software_hostname socket_name

The valid value for ACS_library_software_hostname is the host name of the ACS
library host. Do not use the IP address of the ACS library host for this parameter.
By default, acsssi listens on unique, consecutive socket names; the names begin
with 13741. If this entry is specified in vm.conf, specify socket names on an ACS
library software host basis. This entry is read and interpreted on the host where
acsd and acsssi are running.


vm.conf (on UNIX)
The following configuration entries apply to NetBackup servers:


These entries specify the method over which acsssi communicates with ACSLS
servers: TCP or UDP.
Only one entry should be entered into vm.conf. NetBackup uses UDP if both entries
are found or neither entry is found.
For acsssi firewall support, ACS_TCP_RPCSERVICE must be entered in vm.conf.
See “ACS_CSI_HOSTPORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)” on page 461.
Managing media servers 464
About the vm.conf configuration file

See “ACS_SSI_INET_PORT entry in vm.conf (on UNIX)” on page 462.

ADJ_LSM entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:


In an ACS robot with multiple library storage modules (LSMs), pass-through

mechanisms can move ejected media to the media access port (MAP). A
pass-through mechanism passes media from one LSM to another. This travel time
can be excessive when media must pass through several LSMs.
Use this entry to specify the physical orientation of the LSMs in an ACS robot. If
this entry is specified in vm.conf, you do not need to know which MAP (or ACS
CAP) to select for efficient ejects. NetBackup determines the appropriate MAP to
complete the media eject by using a nearest-MAP algorithm.
This nearest-MAP algorithm is based on the physical orientation of the LSMs that
defined with this entry. This algorithm is only for the cases where more than one
MAP is requested to handle the eject. If this algorithm is used, any MAP_ID entries
in vm.conf are ignored.

Note: nearest-MAP capability is only available by using the vmchange command

with the -map option or the Vault administrative interface. It is not available from
the NetBackup Administration Console.

Without this entry present, NetBackup assumes that all LSMs are interconnected
with pass-through ports, except for the first LSM and the last LSM. The LSMs are
interconnected in a line formation.
robot_num is the robot number. ACS_ID and LSM_ID are the coordinates of the
Figure 7-1 is a diagram of LSM interconnections that are described by the following

ADJ_LSM = 700 0,0 0,1

ADJ_LSM = 700 0,0 0,6
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,1 0,2
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,1 0,6
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,2 0,6
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,2 0,3
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,3 0,4
ADJ_LSM = 700 0,4 0,5
Managing media servers 465
About the vm.conf configuration file

The robot has pass-through mechanisms between 7 LSMs.

Figure 7-1 Pass-through example

Interconnections for
Robot 700 1

0 2

5 3

API_BARCODE_RULES entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:


If this entry is specified in vm.conf, barcode rule support for API robots is enabled.
NetBackup barcode rules allow default media mappings to be overridden. Barcode
rules are especially useful when multiple generations of the same tape drive use
the same type of media.
For example STK 9940A and STK 9940B drives use STK1R media, but write data
at different densities. The drive must be configured by using different drive types
such as HCART or HCART2. Specify a barcode rule for a series of bar codes to
configure some of the media as HCART2. Other STK1R media not in this barcode
range are configured as HCART (the default for STK1R). Without this entry, a robot
inventory operation configures all media of type STK1R as either HCART or
HCART2, depending on how the drive was configured.

AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry in vm.conf in NetBackup

versions 8.0 and earlier
This entry specifies that NetBackup should use the vm.conf file SERVER entry to
control which hosts can monitor and control devices on this host. This entry is read
and interpreted on the media server on which the NetBackup vmd service runs, as
Managing media servers 466
About the vm.conf configuration file


If this entry is specified in vm.conf, the vm.conf file also must include a SERVER
entry for every media server that controls devices on this host.
If no AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry exists and no SERVER entries exist, any
NetBackup server can monitor and control devices on this host.
For maximum security, Veritas recommends that you use this entry and SERVER
This entry is read and interpreted on media servers on which the NetBackup vmd
service runs.

AUTO_PATH_CORRECTION entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, it specifies whether automatic device path
remapping is enabled or disabled, as follows:


If the value is NO, the device configuration remains unchanged when the NetBackup
Device Manager (ltid) is started. Therefore, the saved device configuration may
be different than the actual configuration after devices are changed and the server
is restarted.
If the value is YES, NetBackup tries to discover attached devices and then
automatically update the device configuration for any device paths that are incorrect.
This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which the NetBackup Device
Manager (ltid) runs.
Device path remapping is enabled by default on Windows and Linux servers. It is
disabled by default on all other servers.

AUTO_UPDATE_ROBOT entry in vm.conf

Use this entry to inject media automatically from the Media Access Port (MAP) into
a TLD robot and update the EMM database. Media are injected if the robot generates
a unit attention message.


This entry only operates with the TLD robots that post a unit attention when their
MAP is opened.
Veritas recommends that this entry not be used with partitioned libraries. Most
robotic libraries with multiple partitions do not post a unit attention when the MAP
is opened.
Managing media servers 467
About the vm.conf configuration file

AVRD_PEND_DELAY entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, avrd waits number_of_seconds before it displays
a pending status (PEND) in the Device Monitor. This entry is read and interpreted
on the host on which avrd runs.

AVRD_PEND_DELAY = number_of_seconds

On Windows, NetBackup reports PEND if the drive reports Busy when a volume is
unmounted. Use this entry to minimize the display of this misleading status.
The minimum for number_of_seconds is zero. The maximum is 255. The default
value is 180 seconds.

AVRD_SCAN_DELAY entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, avrd waits number_of_seconds between normal
scan cycles. This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which avrd runs.

AVRD_SCAN_DELAY = number_of_seconds

Use this entry to minimize tape mount times. Without this entry, NetBackup delays
mount requests by an average of 7.5 seconds.
The minimum for number_of_seconds is 1. The maximum is 180. A value of zero
converts to one second. The default value is 15 seconds. If a value is used that is
greater than the default, NetBackup delays mount requests and drive status updates
in the Device Monitor.

Note: If number_of_seconds is set to a value that allows media to be changed

within one scan cycle, NetBackup may not detect media changes. Data loss may

CLEAN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf

Note: This entry affects tape drive cleaning requests as well as tape mount and
tape dismount requests.

Use this entry to specify the following:

■ How long NetBackup waits for a drive to be cleaned before it removes the request
from the queue.
■ How long NetBackup waits for a tape to be mounted or dismounted before it
removes the request from the queue.
Managing media servers 468
About the vm.conf configuration file

Unprocessed requests to clean a drive or to mount or dismount a tape are removed

from the queue after 30 minutes.


The minutes can be from 1 to 144000 (100 days). The default value is 30 and a
value of zero converts to the default value of 30.

CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW entry in vm.conf

Use this entry to specify the range of non-reserved ports on this host that are used
to connect to vmd on other hosts. This entry is read and interpreted on the host on
which vmd runs.


For example, the following entry permits ports from 4800 through 5000:


The operating system determines the non-reserved port to use in the following
■ A CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW entry is not specified.
■ A value of zero is specified for start.

CLUSTER_NAME entry in vm.conf

This entry specifies the virtual name for the media server on which the vm.conf file

CLUSTER_NAME = cluster_alias

See “Host name precedence in the vm.conf file” on page 477.

DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, specify the number of days to keep debug logs
before vmd deletes them. This entry is read and interpreted on the hosts where vmd
is running.


The default is 30 days. A value of zero means that the logs are not deleted. This
entry does not affect the debug logs that Unified Logging creates.
Managing media servers 469
About the vm.conf configuration file

Information about Unified Logging is available in the NetBackup Logging Reference


EMM_RETRY_COUNT entry in vm.conf

The vmd daemon and the ltid daemon use this entry to determine how many times
to retry requests to the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager.

EMM_RETRY_COUNT = number_of_retries

The default is one retry.

Only change the value of this vm.conf file entry when directed to do so by a
NetBackup support representative. If this entry is added to the vm.conf file or if this
value is changed, restart the vmd daemon and the ltid daemon.

EMM_CONNECT_TIMOUT entry in vm.conf

This value applies for broken connections between the NetBackup Enterprise Media
Manager and the following daemons: the vmddaemon and the ltid daemon. These
two daemons use this entry to determine for how long they should try to reconnect
to the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager.

EMM_CONNECT_TIMOUT = number_of_seconds

The default is 20 seconds.

Only change the value of this vm.conf file entry when directed to do so by a
NetBackup support representative. If this entry is added to the vm.conf file or if this
value is changed, restart the vmd daemon and the ltid daemon.

EMM_REQUEST_TIMOUT entry in vm.conf

The vmd daemon and the ltid daemon use this entry to determine how many
seconds to allow a request to the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager to complete.

EMM_REQUEST_TIMOUT = number_of_seconds

The default is 300 seconds.

Only change the value of this vm.conf file entry when directed to do so by a
NetBackup support representative. If this entry is added to the vm.conf file or if this
value is changed, restart the vmd daemon and the ltid daemon.
Managing media servers 470
About the vm.conf configuration file

ENABLE_ROBOT_AUTH entry in vm.conf

Veritas encourages the use of Veritas Product Authentication and Authorization for
NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) instead of legacy security implementations.
For information about the ENABLE_ROBOT_AUTH configuration entry, see the
NetBackup 6.0 documentation. Information on Veritas Product Authentication and
Authorization is available.
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide:

INVENTORY_FILTER entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

INVENTORY_FILTER = robot_type robot_number mode value1 [value2 ...]

Used to filter the robot inventory results in ACS robot types. Add this entry to the
configuration file (vm.conf) on the NetBackup server on which the inventory
operation is invoked. This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which
vmcheckxxx and vmupdate run.

Note: This entry may be required for an ACS robot and the ACS library software
host with an STK Library Station. Newer versions of STK Library Station allow robot
inventory commands to function correctly so filters are not required.

robot_type can only be ACS.

robot_number is the number of the robot as was configured in NetBackup.
mode is BY_ACS_POOL for ACS.


MAP_ID entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

MAP_ID = robot_num map_ID

Use this entry to configure the default media access port (MAP) to use to eject
media from the Automated Cartridge System (ACS) robots. This default is selected
in the NetBackup Administration Console, but you can also select other Media
Access Ports for ejects.
Managing media servers 471
About the vm.conf configuration file

If the MAP is not available or the vm.comf file does not contain this entry, NetBackup
uses the default MAP selection process. By default, NetBackup uses the smallest
MAP that can hold the number of media to be ejected.
If NetBackup selects multiple MAPs, NetBackup uses the nearest-MAP algorithm
rather than the MAP that is specified in the MAP ID entry.
See “ADJ_LSM entry in vm.conf” on page 464.
robot_num is the robot number. map_ID is in the format of an ACS CAP (cartridge
access port ) ID and cannot contain any spaces.
The following example specifies the MAP ID for ACS robot number 700. The ACS
CAP ID of 0,1,0 is used.

MAP_ID = 700 0,1,0

MAP_CONTINUE_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf

This entry applies only when the vmchange command is used and the -w option is


The default timeout value for seconds is 300 (5 minutes). seconds cannot be zero
and values greater than 1200 (20 minutes) can cause the robotic daemon to cancel
the operation.
If this entry is specified in vm.conf, the SCSI robotic daemons wait the specified
number of seconds before they time out. A timeout can occur while the daemons
wait for user reply after the user removes volumes from the media access port. If
a timeout occurs, NetBackup aborts the operation.
This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which the SCSI-controlled robotic
daemon or process runs.

Note: Non-mount activities such as a robotic inventory cannot occur during this
timeout period.

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, it controls the NetBackup media ID generation.
This entry is read and interpreted on the host on which vmcheckxxx and vmupdate
run as part of the robot inventory operation.

MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS = robot_num barcode_length media_ID_rule

Managing media servers 472
About the vm.conf configuration file

Note: To use this entry, the robot must support bar codes and the robot type cannot
be an API robot.

Choose how NetBackup creates media IDs by defining the rules that specify which
characters of a barcode on tape NetBackup uses. Alphanumeric characters can be
specified to be inserted in the ID.
Multiple entries can be added to the vm.conf file. For example, specify media ID
generation for each robot or for each barcode format that has different numbers of
characters. The multiple entries allow flexibility for multimedia.
If no MEDIA_ID_BARCODE_CHARS entries exist or the entry is invalid, NetBackup uses
the rightmost six characters of the barcode to create its media ID.
robot_num is the robot number.
barcode_length is the length of the barcode.
A media_ID_rule consists of a maximum of six fields that colons delimit. Numbers
in the fields define the positions of the characters in the barcode that NetBackup
extracts (from left to right). For example, if the number 2 is in a field, NetBackup
extracts the second character from the barcode. The numbers can be specified in
any order.
If the pound sign (#) prefixes a character, that character is inserted in that position
in the generated ID. Any alphanumeric characters must be valid for a media ID.
Use rules to create media IDs of many different formats. However, if the generated
media ID is different from the label on the media, media management may be more
The following is an example rule and the resulting generated media ID:

Barcode on the tape: 032945L1

Media ID rule: #N:2:3:4:5:6
Generated media ID: N32945

MEDIA_ID_PREFIX entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, it defines the media ID prefixes to use for media
without bar codes. This entry is read and interpreted on the host where vmcheckxxx
and vmupdate are running as part of the robot inventory operation.

MEDIA_ID_PREFIX = media_id_prefix

The best way to add media to a robot is to use the Robot Inventory Update Volume
Configuration operation.
Managing media servers 473
About the vm.conf configuration file

MM_SERVER_NAME entry in vm.conf

This entry specifies the name that other NetBackup servers and clients should use
when they refer to this server.

MM_SERVER_NAME = host_name

See “Host name precedence in the vm.conf file” on page 477.

PREFERRED_GROUP entry in vm.conf

Veritas encourages the use of Veritas Product Authentication and Authorization for
NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) instead of legacy security implementations.
For information about the PREFERRED_GROUP configuration entry, see the NetBackup
6.0 documentation. Information on Veritas Product Authentication and Authorization
is available.
See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide:

RANDOM_PORTS entry in vm.conf

Use this entry to specify whether NetBackup chooses port numbers randomly or
sequentially for communication with other NetBackup servers. This entry is read
and interpreted on hosts on which vmd runs.


If YES or no entry exists (the default), NetBackup chooses port numbers randomly
from those that are available in the allowed range.
If NO, NetBackup chooses numbers sequentially. NetBackup begins with the highest
number in the allowed range, and then tries the next highest, and so on until a port
is available.
On UNIX, if random ports are not specified in the NetBackup configuration, specify
RANDOM_PORTS = NO in the vm.conf file.

See the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I:
To specify no random ports in the NetBackup configuration file, do one of the
■ Specify RANDOM_PORTS = NO in the bp.conf file on UNIX.
Managing media servers 474
About the vm.conf configuration file

■ Use the NetBackup Host Properties in the NetBackup Administration

Console: NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Double-click on master
server > Port Ranges > Use random port assignments.

REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry in vm.conf

This entry specifies the name of the network interface that the media server uses
to connect to another media server.


A NetBackup server can have more than one network interface, and by default the
operating system determines the one to use. To force NetBackup to connect through
a specific network interface, use REQUIRED_INTERFACE and specify the name of
that network interface.
See “Host name precedence in the vm.conf file” on page 477.

SERVER entry in vm.conf in NetBackup versions 8.0 and earlier

Note: This entry is not applicable for NetBackup 8.1 or later versions.

This entry determines the name other NetBackup servers should use when they
refer to this server.
SERVER entries in the vm.conf file are used for NetBackup media server security.

SERVER = host_name

SERVER entries work with the AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry to control which hosts
can monitor and control devices on this host.
If the AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry exists, the vm.conf file must include a SERVER
entry for every media server that controls devices on this host. If the vm.conf file
contains any SERVER entries, it also must include a SERVER entry for itself or it cannot
manage its own devices.
If no AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED entry exists and no SERVER entries exist, any
NetBackup server can monitor and control devices on this host.
For security, the entries that allow only specific hosts to access the devices must
be added remotely.
This entry is read and interpreted on media servers on which the NetBackup vmd
service runs.
Managing media servers 475
About the vm.conf configuration file


This entry determines the name other NetBackup servers should use when they
refer to this server.
The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:


This vm.conf entry is for the Shared Storage Option (SSO) for Tape feature only.
It is read and interpreted on the host on which ltid runs.
ltid on a scan host periodically registers its shared drives with EMM/DA to ensure
that it is still provides the drive scanning function. Only one of the hosts that share
a drive scan the drive. This reregistration allows conditions such as a device allocator
restart to have minimal effect on use of shared drives.
The default for the reregistration interval is 5 minutes. Use the
SSO_DA_REREGISTER_INTERVAL entry to tune this interval. After the entry is added,
stop and restart ltid for the change to take effect.

SSO_DA_RETRY_TIMEOUT entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:


This vm.conf entry is for the Shared Storage Option (SSO) for Tape feature only.
It is read and interpreted on the host on which ltid runs.
The Device Manager ltid delays before if one of the following events occurs:
■ Problems during communications with EMM/DA.
■ Failure trying to reserve a shared drive.
The default value for the delay is 3 minutes. Use the SSO_DA_RETRY_TIMEOUT entry
to tune this delay period. After the entry is added, stop and restart ltid for the
change to take effect.

SSO_HOST_NAME entry in vm.conf

The following configuration entry applies to NetBackup servers:

SSO_HOST_NAME = host_name

This vm.conf entry is for the Shared Storage Option (SSO) for Tape feature only.
It is read and interpreted on the host on which ltid runs.
Managing media servers 476
About the vm.conf configuration file

This entry specifies the name that the current host uses to register, reserve, and
release shared drives with EMM/DA. The default is the local host name.

VERBOSE entry in vm.conf

If this entry is specified in vm.conf, all Media Manager components on the host are
started with verbose logging enabled.
Use this option only if problems occur or if requested by Veritas support. After the
problem is resolved, remove the debug logs or add a DAYS_TO_KEEP_LOGS entry.

Example vm.conf file

The following is an example of a vm.conf file, on host server1:

SERVER = server1
SERVER = server2
ACS_3490E = HCART2

How to access media and devices on other hosts

For NetBackup to access media and device management functionality on a remote
NetBackup host, you may need to add a SERVER entry to the vm.conf file on the
remote host.
The SERVER entries are used in the NetBackup bp.conf and vm.conf files for
security. You can add the entries that allow only specific hosts to access those
capabilities remotely.
If the vm.conf file on a remote host contains no SERVER entries, a host can manage
media and devices on the remote host if it's added to the bp.conf file of the server
you logged into. You do not need to add a SERVER entry to the vm.conf file.
If the vm.conf file on a remote host contains any SERVER entries, add a SERVER
entry for the host on which the NetBackup Administration Console is running
(the server you logged into) to that vm.conf file.
Assume that you have three hosts named eel, yak, and shark. You want to centralize
device management on host shark and also permit each host to manage its own
The following example scenario applies:
■ The vm.conf file on shark contains the following:
Managing media servers 477
About the vm.conf configuration file

SERVER = shark

The vm.conf file on shark does not require any additional SERVER entries,
because all device management for shark is performed from shark.
■ The vm.conf file on eel contains the following, which lets eel manage its own
devices and permits shark to access them:

SERVER = eel
SERVER = shark

■ The vm.conf file on yak contains the following, which lets yak manage its own
devices and permits shark to access them:

SERVER = yak
SERVER = shark

Host name precedence in the vm.conf file

NetBackup identifies the media server by using the following name precedence:
■ CLUSTER_NAME entry if present in vm.conf.

■ MM_SERVER_NAME entry if present in vm.conf.

■ REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry if present in vm.conf.

■ The name of the host in the Server host properties of the master server.
■ gethostname() name.
Section 3
Configuring storage

■ Chapter 8. Configuring disk storage

■ Chapter 9. Configuring robots and tape drives

■ Chapter 10. Configuring tape media

■ Chapter 11. Inventorying robots

■ Chapter 12. Configuring storage units

■ Chapter 13. Staging backups

■ Chapter 14. Configuring storage unit groups

Chapter 8
Configuring disk storage
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About configuring BasicDisk storage

■ About configuring disk pool storage

■ Inventorying a NetBackup disk pool

■ Changing OpenStorage disk pool state

About configuring BasicDisk storage

A BasicDisk type storage unit consists of a directory on locally-attached disk or
network-attached disk. The disk storage is exposed as a file system to a NetBackup
media server. NetBackup stores backup data in the specified directory.
No special configuration is required for BasicDisk storage. You specify the directory
for the storage when you configure the storage unit.
See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.

About configuring disk pool storage

You can configure disk pools if you license a NetBackup feature that uses disk
For more information, see the NetBackup online help or the following guides:
■ The NetBackup AdvancedDisk Storage Solutions Guide.
■ The NetBackup Cloud Administrator's Guide.
■ The NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ The NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk.
Configuring disk storage 480
Inventorying a NetBackup disk pool

■ The NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide.

■ The NetBackup Web UI Administrator’s Guide.

Inventorying a NetBackup disk pool

An inventory of a NetBackup disk pool reads the capacity of the disk volumes in
the pool. An inventory operation lets you update NetBackup with the new capacity
values if you do the following:
■ Increase or decrease the size of the disk volumes in a disk pool.
■ Add volumes to or remove volumes from a disk pool.
How you increase or decrease the underlying storage capacity depends on your
storage implementation. You must complete that process before you inventory the
disk pool.
To inventory a NetBackup disk pool
1 in the NetBackup Administration Console, select Media and Device
Management > Devices > Disk Pools.
2 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Disk Pools.
3 In the Inventory Disk Pool dialog box, select the disk pool to inventory and
then click Start Inventory.
4 To update the NetBackup catalog with the capacity values returned by the
inventory, click Update Configuration.
5 To inventory another disk pool, go to step 3.
6 To exit, click Close.

Changing OpenStorage disk pool state

Disk pool state is UP or DOWN.
To change the state to DOWN, the disk pool must not be busy. If backup jobs are
assigned to the disk pool, the state change fails. Cancel the backup jobs or wait
until the jobs complete.
Configuring disk storage 481
Changing OpenStorage disk pool state

Note: If you want to force the storage server to use other load balanced media
server, deselect the storage server from the load balance media server list. Run
the bpstsinfo -resyncREM -servername <master-server-name command to
force a change.
For more information about using this issue, review this section:
Selecting a different media server to fix storage server and disk volume connectivity
issues in NetBackup Administrator’s Guide, Volume II.

To change OpenStorage disk pool state

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select Media
and Device Management > Device Monitor.
2 At the bottom of the right pane, select the Disk Pools tab.
3 Select the disk pool.
4 Select either Actions > Up or Actions > Down.

Note: This wizard is also available in the NetBackup web UI. Click Storage >
Disk Pool.
Chapter 9
Configuring robots and
tape drives
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ NetBackup robot types

■ About the device mapping files

■ Downloading the device mapping files

■ About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

■ Configuring robots and tape drives by using the wizard

■ Updating the device configuration by using the wizard

■ Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

■ Managing robots

■ Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

■ Configuring drive name rules

■ Adding a tape drive path

■ Adding a shared tape drive to a NetBackup environment

■ Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts

■ Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts

■ Managing tape drives

■ Performing device diagnostics

Configuring robots and tape drives 483
NetBackup robot types

■ Verifying the device configuration

■ About automatic path correction

■ Enabling automatic path correction

■ Replacing a device

■ Updating device firmware

■ About the NetBackup Device Manager

■ About external access to NetBackup controlled devices on UNIX

■ Stopping and restarting the device manager

NetBackup robot types

A robot is a peripheral device that moves tape volumes into and out of tape drives.
NetBackup uses robotic control software to communicate with the robot firmware.
NetBackup classifies robots according to one or more of the following characteristics:
■ The communication method the robotic control software uses; SCSI and API
are the two main methods.
■ The physical characteristics of the robot. Library refers to a large robot, in terms
of slot capacity or number of drives.
■ The media type commonly used by that class of robots. HCART (1/2-inch
cartridge tape) is an example of a media type.
Table 9-1 lists the NetBackup robot types that are supported in release 10.1, with
drive and slot limits for each type.
To determine which robot type applies to the model of robot that you use, see the
NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware and Cloud Storage
Compatibility List for your release available through the following URL:

Table 9-1 NetBackup robot types in release 10.1

Robot type Description Drive limits Slot limits Note

ACS Automated Cartridge System 1680 No limit API control. The ACS library
software host determines the
drive limit.

TLD Tape library DLT No limit 32000 SCSI control.

Configuring robots and tape drives 484
About the device mapping files

Note: The user interface for NetBackup may show configuration options for the
peripheral devices that are not supported in that release. Those devices may be
supported in an earlier release, and a NetBackup master server can manage the
hosts that run earlier NetBackup versions. Therefore, the configuration information
for such devices must appear in the user interface. The NetBackup documentation
also may describe the configuration information for such devices. To determine
which versions of NetBackup support which peripheral devices, see the NetBackup
Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List:

About the device mapping files

NetBackup uses several files to determine which protocols and settings to use to
communicate with storage devices. NetBackup also uses the files during device
discovery and configuration.
The device mapping files are available for download from the following URL:
The download packages contain the following files:
■ external_robotics.txt

■ external_types.txt

■ Readme.txt

In some cases, you can add support for new or upgraded devices without waiting
for a release update. To do so, download the current device mapping files package
from the Veritas Technical Support website and configure NetBackup to use that
file. For instructions, see the Readme.txt file that is supplied with the device mapping
file package.

Note: The contents of the device mapping files do not indicate support for any of
the devices, only the ability to recognize and automatically configure them.

See “Downloading the device mapping files” on page 484.

See “About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup” on page 485.

Downloading the device mapping files

Use the following procedure to download the current device mapping files and
update the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager database with their information.
Configuring robots and tape drives 485
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

See “About the device mapping files” on page 484.

To download the current device mapping files
1 Go to the following URL:
2 In the NetBackup Device Mappings Files row in the table , select the link for
your operating system.
A knowledge base article will appear that contains installation instructions and
an archive file of the device mappings.
3 Download the archive file, either a .tar or .zip depending on operating system.
4 Follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file in the archive to update the device
mappings. The Readme.txt file contains instructions for both Windows and
UNIX operating systems.

About configuring robots and tape drives in

Before you configure robots and tape drives in NetBackup, they must be attached
to the computer and recognized by the operating system. The server platforms that
NetBackup supports may require operating system configuration changes to allow
device discovery.
The NetBackup Device Configuration Guide provides information about how to
configure device drivers for the systems that NetBackup supports.
Configure robots and tape drives in NetBackup as follows:

Device It is recommended to use the Device Configuration Wizard to add,

Configuration configure, and update the following types of devices in NetBackup:
■ Robots, including those attached to NDMP hosts
■ Tape drives, including those attached to NDMP hosts
■ Shared drives (for NetBackup Shared Storage Option configurations

See “Configuring robots and tape drives by using the wizard”

on page 490.

The wizard discovers the devices that are attached to the media servers
and helps to configure them.

See “About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup”

on page 485.
Configuring robots and tape drives 486
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

Manually Alternatively, add robots and drives manually as follows:

■ Use menu options in the NetBackup Administration Console.

See “Adding a robot to NetBackup manually” on page 491.
See “Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually” on page 498.
■ Use NetBackup commands.
For more information, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Manual methods do not use device discovery.

To add a robot and drives, first add the robot and then add the drives
that are in the robot.

Before configuring robots and drives, read the following topics to understand the
See “About device serialization” on page 487.
See “About adding devices without discovery” on page 488.
See “About robot control” on page 488.
See “About drive name rules” on page 489.
See “Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts” on page 508.
See “Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts” on page 506.

About device discovery

Device discovery is an exploratory method that determines which peripheral devices
a host can detect. Detection depends on physical attachment (SCSI, Fibre Channel,
and so on) and device state (on and responding or off and not responding). Detection
also depends on host operating system device-layer configuration.
The goal of device discovery is to provide information to enable fully or partially
automatic configuration of peripherals for use with NetBackup. Device discovery
provides data that correlates the devices that are interconnected across multiple
hosts or multiple host bus adapters on the same host.
To discover devices, NetBackup issues SCSI pass-through commands through
operating system device files (on UNIX) or APIs (on Windows). The storage devices
must be attached to the computer and recognized by the operating system. A
pass-through path to a device must exist.
The operating systems that NetBackup supports may require configuration changes
to allow device discovery.
The NetBackup Device Configuration Guide provides information about how to
configure device drivers for the systems that NetBackup supports.
Configuring robots and tape drives 487
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

NetBackup can discover the following types of devices:

■ SCSI-based robotic libraries (such as changers, autoloaders, and stackers)
■ SCSI-based tape drives
■ Native parallel SCSI, Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) and FC-AL (loop) connections
■ SCSI over IP (reported)
■ API type robots, such as ACS robots
■ NDMP devices that run NDMP version 3 or later
See “Enabling automatic path correction” on page 521.

About device serialization

Device serialization is a firmware feature that allows device identification and
configuration. A unique serial number identifies a device.
NetBackup determines device relationships by comparing serial numbers from
multiple sources that refer to the same device. If both a robotic library and a drive
fully support serialization, NetBackup can determine the drive's position (or address)
in the robotic library.
Most robots and drives support device serialization.
If a device supports serialization, the following actions occur when NetBackup
queries the device:
■ Each robot and each drive return a unique serial number.
■ Each robot also returns the number of drives and the serial number for each of
the drives in the robot. NetBackup uses the information to determine the correct
drive number for each drive in the robot.
If a device does not support serialization, ask the vendor for a new firmware revision
that returns serial numbers. Even with the proper firmware, some devices require
the vendor to perform other actions to enable serialization for the device.
If you know that the devices do not support serialization, make sure that you follow
the maximum configuration limits that the devices allow. You also must coordinate
the drives to their device files or SCSI addresses so you can configure them
See “Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts” on page 506.
See “Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts” on page 508.
The more devices in the configuration that do not support serialization, the greater
the chance of configuration problems by using the Device Configuration Wizard.
Configuring robots and tape drives 488
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

About adding devices without discovery

NetBackup supports some devices that cannot be discovered automatically.
NetBackup also supports some devices that require user intervention during the
discovery process. To add and configure those devices, select NetBackup
Administration Console > Media and Device Management or use the tpconfig
For the devices that NetBackup cannot discover or that do not have serial numbers,
automatic device path correction is limited.

About robot control

When you add a robot to NetBackup manually, you must configure how the robot
is controlled. The New Robot dialog box includes a section named Robot control,
in which you configure the control options.
See “Robot control (robot configuration options)” on page 494.
The following table lists the information that is required to configure the three robot
control types (local, NDMP, and remote). The information that is required depends
on the robot type and the media server type.

Table 9-2 Robot control information

Robot Media server type Robot Information required for configuration

type control

ACS Windows, Solaris SPARC, and Linux (except NDMP NDMP host name and robot device

ACS All Remote ACSLS host

TLD UNIX Local Robotic device file

TLD Windows Local Robot device or SCSI coordinates

TLD Windows, Solaris SPARC, and Linux (except NDMP NDMP host name and robot device

TLD All Remote Robot control host

Library sharing example

Figure 9-1 shows library sharing with two servers using two drives in a TLD robot.
The robotic control for the robot is on the host that is named eel. One drive in the
robot is connected to eel and the other is connected to the host shark.
Configuring robots and tape drives 489
About configuring robots and tape drives in NetBackup

Host eel is the robot control host. To configure this robot on host eel, select Robot
is controlled locally by this device host. To configure this robot on host shark,
select Robot control is handled by a remote host. Then, enter eel for the Robot
control host.

Figure 9-1 Robot control host example

eel shark

TLD Robotic
Drive 1 Drive 2

TLD robot (HP EML E-Series)

About drive name rules

The drive name rules define the rules NetBackup uses to name drives.
The default, global drive name rule creates names in the following format:
vendor ID.product ID.index
If you use the default global rule when you add Quantum DLT8000 drives, the drives
are named as follows: The first one that you add is named QUANTUM.DLT8000.000,
the second one QUANTUM.DLT8000.001, and so on.
You can change the default, global drive name rule.
You also can create drive name rules for specific device hosts (each device host
can have its own rule). Host-specific rules override the global rule for the devices
that are attached to the specified host.
Only one global rule can exist; it is used for all connected device hosts. The global
rule is used for the drive name unless a host-specific rule or local rule is specified.
Drive names are limited to 48 characters.
Use any of the following drive attributes as part of a drive name rule:
■ Host name
■ Robot number
■ Robot type
■ Drive position
■ Drive type
Configuring robots and tape drives 490
Configuring robots and tape drives by using the wizard

■ Serial number
■ Vendor ID
■ Product ID
■ Index
A Custom Text field is also available which accepts any of the allowable drive
name characters.
See “Configuring drive name rules” on page 502.

Configuring robots and tape drives by using the

It is recommended that you use the NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard to
configure robots and drives. However, you can add robots and drives manually.
To configure robots and drives by using the wizard
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, click Media and
Device Management.
2 In the right pane, click the Configure Storage Devices and follow the wizard
The properties you can configure depend on the robot type, the host type, and
the robot control.

Updating the device configuration by using the

It is recommended that you use the Device Configuration Wizard to update the
NetBackup device configuration when hardware changes occur.
Update the configuration for all storage device changes. For example, if you add
or delete a robot or drive or add a new SCSI adapter in a host, update the
Do not update the device configuration during backup or restore activity.
Configuring robots and tape drives 491
Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

To update the device configuration by using the wizard

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 From the list of wizards in the Details pane, click Configure Storage Devices
and follow the wizard instructions.

Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

When you add a robot manually, you must specify how the robot is controlled.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
See “About robot control” on page 488.
After you add a robot, you should add the robot's drives.
See “Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually” on page 498.

Note: It is recommended that you use the Device Configuration Wizard to add
and update tape storage devices.
Configuring robots and tape drives 492
Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

To add a robot using the Actions menu

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 On the Actions menu, select New > Robot.

3 In the New Robot dialog box, specify the properties for the robot.
The properties you can configure depend on the robot type, the host type, and
the robot control.
See “Robot configuration options” on page 493.
Configuring robots and tape drives 493
Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

4 After you specify properties, click OK.

After you click OK, the Stop/Restart Media Manager Device Daemon dialog
box appears.
5 If you intend to make other changes, click Cancel in the Stop/Restart Media
Manager Device Daemon dialog box. You can restart the Device Manager or
the device daemon after you make the final change.
If the device changes are complete, restart the device daemon by clickingOK
in the Stop/Restart Media Manager Device Daemon dialog box.
If you restart the device daemon, any backups, archives, or restores that are
in progress also may be stopped.

Robot configuration options

The following topics describe the robot properties that you can configure. The
properties that you can configure depend on the robot type, host type, and robot
control selections that you make in the dialog box.

Device host (robot configuration option)

Specifies the host to which the device is attached.

Robot type (robot configuration option)

Specifies the type of robot. To locate the robot type to use for specific vendors and
models, See the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware and Cloud
Storage Compatibility List at the following location::

Robot number (robot configuration option)

Specifies a unique, logical identification number for the robotic library. This number
identifies the robotic library in displays (for example, TLD (21)) and is also used
when you add media for the robot.
■ Robot numbers must be unique for all robots on all hosts in the configuration,
regardless of the robot type or the host that controls them. For example, if you
have two robots, use different robot numbers even if different hosts control them.
■ If you add a robot that is controlled by a remote device host, use the same robot
number for that robot on all device hosts.
■ If the robot has its robotic control and drives on different hosts, specify the same
robot number in all references to that library. That is, use the same robot number
Configuring robots and tape drives 494
Adding a robot to NetBackup manually

on the hosts with the drives as you do on the host that has the robotic control.
A Tape Library DLT robot is one that allows separate robotic control and drive
Examples are available in the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.

Robot control (robot configuration options)

The Robot control section of the dialog box specifies the type of control for the
robot. The options that you configure depend on the robot type and the media server

Table 9-3 Robot configuration properties

Property Description

Robot control is Specifies that an NDMP host controls the robot.

attached to an NDMP
You must configure other options (depending on the robot type and device host type).

Robot is controlled Specifies that the host to which the robot is attached controls the robot.
locally by this device
You must configure other options (depending on the robot type and device host type).

Robot control is Specifies that a host other than the device host controls the robot.
handled by a remote
You must configure other options (based on the selected robot type and device host platform).

ACSLS host Specifies the name of the Sun StorageTek ACSLS host; the ACS library software resides
ACSLS host. On some UNIX server platforms, this host can also be a media server.
The ACS library software component can be any of the following:

■ Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS)

Examples are available in the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
■ STK Library Station
■ Storagenet 6000 Storage Domain Manager (SN6000).
This STK hardware serves as a proxy to another ACS library software component (such
as ACSLS).

Note: If the device host that has drives under ACS robotic control is a Windows server, STK
LibAttach software must also be installed. Obtain the appropriate LibAttach software from

For compatibility information, see the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware
and Cloud Storage Compatibility List:

An overview of ACS robots is available in the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.

Configuring robots and tape drives 495
Managing robots

Table 9-3 Robot configuration properties (continued)

Property Description

NDMP host name Specifies the name of the NDMP host to which the robot is attached.

Robot control host Specifies the host that controls the robot.

Robot device The following applies to a Windows device host only. Specifies the name of the robot device.

Click Browse and then select a robot from the list that appears in the Devices dialog box.

If the discovery operation fails to discover a robot, click More in the Devices dialog box. Enter
either the Port, Bus, Target, and LUN numbers or the device name in the next dialog box.
If the browse operation fails for any other reason, a dialog box appears that lets you enter
the information.

Use the Windows management tools to find the Port, Bus, Target, and LUN numbers.

If the browse operation does not find attached robots, an error dialog box appears.

Robotic device file UNIX device host only. Specifies the device file that is used for SCSI connections. The device
files are located in the /dev directory tree on the device host.

To specify the robotic device file, click Browse and then select a robotic device file from the
list that appears in the Devices dialog box.

If the browse operation fails to show all of the attached robots, click More. Enter the path of
the device file in the robotic device file field.

If the browse operation fails to show all of the attached robots, click Other Device. Enter the
path of the device file in the next dialog box.

If the browse operation does not find attached robots, an error dialog box appears.

Information about how to add device files is available in the NetBackup Device Configuration

Robot device path NDMP host only. Specifies the name of the robotic device that is attached to the NDMP host.

Port, Bus, Target, Windows hosts only. The Port, Bus, Target, and LUN are the SCSI coordinates for the robotic
LUN device. To specify the SCSI coordinates of the device, enter the Port, Bus, Target, and LUN.

Managing robots
You can perform various tasks to manage your robots.

Changing robot properties

Use the following procedure to change the configuration information for a robot.
Configuring robots and tape drives 496
Managing robots

To change robot properties

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Robots.
2 In the Robots pane, select the robotic library you want to change.
3 Click Edit > Change.
4 In the Change Robot dialog box, change the properties as necessary.
The properties that you can change depend on the robot type, the host type,
and the robot control.
See “Robot configuration options” on page 493.
5 If the device changes are complete, select Yes on the Restart Device Manager
dialog box or the Media and Device Management dialog box to restart the
Device Manager or the device daemon.
If you intend to make other changes, click No; you can restart the Device
Manager or the device daemon after you make the final change.
If you restart the Device Manager or the device daemon, any backups, archives,
or restores that are in progress also may be stopped.

Deleting a robot
Use the following procedure to delete a robot or robots when the media server is
up and running.
Any drives that are configured as residing in a robot that you delete are changed
to standalone drives.
Any media in the deleted robot is also moved to standalone. If the media is no
longer usable or valid, delete it from the NetBackup configuration.
See “Deleting a volume” on page 577.
If the media server is down or the host has failed and cannot be recovered, you
can delete its robots by using a different procedure.
See “Deleting all devices from a media server” on page 448.
To delete a robot
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 Select Robots in the tree pane.
3 In the Robots pane, select the robot or robots you want to delete.
Configuring robots and tape drives 497
Managing robots

4 On the Edit menu, select Delete.

5 At the prompt, click Yes.

Moving a robot and its media to a new media server

Use the following process to move a robot and its media from one server (the
old_server) to a different media server (the new_server).

Table 9-4 Move a robot and media to a new server overview

Task Procedure

Determine which tapes on the old_server Run the following bpmedialist command:
contain NetBackup images that have not
bpmedialist -mlist -l -h old_server
The -l option produces one line of output per tape.

Move the tapes in the robot that is attached to See “Moving volumes by using the Actions menu” on page 589.
the old_server to non-robotic status

Move the media logically from the old_server If both the old_server and the new_server are at NetBackup 6.0 or
to the new_server. later, run the following command:

bpmedia -movedb -allvolumes -oldserver old_server

-newserver new_server

If either server runs a NetBackup version earlier than 6.0, run the
following command for each volume that has active images:

bpmedia -movedb -ev media_ID -oldserver old_server

-newserver new_server

For the media that has active images, see the bpmedialist command
output from the first step of this process.

Configure NetBackup so that restore requests See “Forcing restores to use a specific server” on page 139.
are directed to the new_server.

Shut down both the old_server and the See the vendor's documentation.

Disconnect the robot from the old_server. See the vendor's documentation.

Connect the robot to the new_server. Verify See the vendor's documentation.
that the operating system on the new media
server recognizes the robots.

Create the appropriate NetBackup storage See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.
Configuring robots and tape drives 498
Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

Table 9-4 Move a robot and media to a new server overview (continued)

Task Procedure

Inventory the robots that are attached to the See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's
new_server. The inventory updates the contents” on page 611.
location of all tapes in the robot.

Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

Use the following procedures to add a tape drive manually.

Note: It is recommended that you use the Device Configuration Wizard to add
and update tape storage devices.

To add a drive using the Actions menu

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 On the Actions menu, select New > Tape Drive.
Configuring robots and tape drives 499
Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

3 For the drive name, do one of the following:

■ Enter a name for the drive in the Drive name field.
See “Drive name (tape drive configuration option)” on page 499.
■ Select Use drive name rules. This option uses rules to name the drive
See “About drive name rules” on page 489.
See “Configuring drive name rules” on page 502.

4 To configure the host and the path information, click Add in the Host and path
information area of the dialog box.
See “Host and path information (tape drive configuration options)” on page 500.
5 In the Drive information area of the dialog box, configure the drive properties.
The properties depend on the drive type and host server type.
See “Drive information (tape drive configuration options)” on page 500.
6 After you configure all of the properties, click OK.
7 If the device changes are complete, select Yes on the Restart Device Manager
dialog box or the Media and Device Management dialog box to restart the
Device Manager or the device daemon.
If you intend to make other changes, click No; you can restart the Device
Manager or the device daemon after you make the final change.
If you restart the Device Manager or the device daemon, any backups, archives,
or restores that are in progress also may be stopped.

Tape drive configuration options

You can specify properties when you add a tape drive or change the properties of
a drive. The properties that you can specify depend on the drive type, server
platforms, or NetBackup server types.

Drive name (tape drive configuration option)

Specifies the name of the drive. Each drive name must be unique. It is recommended
that you use descriptive names. Drive names are limited to 48 characters.
Alternatively, use the drive name rules to create a unique drive name.

Use drive name rules (tape drive configuration option)

Adds a drive only. Select to use drive name rules to assign names to drives
Configuring robots and tape drives 500
Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

To configure drive name rules, click Configure.

See “About drive name rules” on page 489.
See “Configuring drive name rules” on page 502.

Host and path information (tape drive configuration

Use the Host and path information group box to add or change paths to the drive.
You can specify multiple paths to the same physical device. If you specify multiple
paths for a drive, it becomes a shared drive.
To add a drive path, click Add.
To change a drive path, click Change.
To delete a drive path, click Remove.
See “About SCSI reserve on drive paths” on page 504.
See “Drive path options” on page 504.

Drive information (tape drive configuration options)

The Drive information group box includes drive properties. The properties that
you can specify depend on the drive type, server platforms, and NetBackup server
The following table describes the tape drive configuration options.

Table 9-5 Tape drive configuration options

Option Description

Drive type Specifies the type of drive. The following are the valid drive types:

■ 4MM (4mm cartridge)

■ 8MM (8mm cartridge)
■ 8MM2 (8mm cartridge 2)
■ 8MM3 (8mm cartridge 3)
■ DLT (DLT cartridge)
■ DLT2 (DLT cartridge 2)
■ DLT3 (DLT cartridge 3)
■ DTF (DTF cartridge)
■ HCART (1/2-inch cartridge)
■ HCART2 (1/2-inch cartridge 2)
■ HCART3 (1/2-inch cartridge 3)
■ QSCSI (1/4-inch cartridge)
Configuring robots and tape drives 501
Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually

Table 9-5 Tape drive configuration options (continued)

Option Description

Drive is in a robotic Specifies that the drive is in a robot. If the drive is a standalone drive (it is not in a robot), do
library not select this option.

If you select this option, configure the Robotic library and Robot drive number fields.

Cleaning Frequency Specifies the frequency-based cleaning for the drive. NetBackup does not support drive cleaning
in some robot types.

If you want to configure a frequency-based cleaning schedule for the drive, set the number of
mount hours between each drive cleaning. When you add a drive or reset the mount time to
zero, NetBackup records the amount of time that volumes have been mounted in that drive.
The default frequency is zero.
When the accumulated mount time exceeds the time you specify for the cleaning frequency,
drive cleaning occurs if the following are true:

■ If the drive is in a robotic library that supports drive cleaning

■ If a cleaning cartridge is defined in that robotic library
■ If the cleaning cartridge is compatible with the drive that needs to be cleaned
■ If the cleaning cartridge has a nonzero number of cleanings that remain

NetBackup resets the mount time when the drive is cleaned.

Drives can also be cleaned from the Device Monitor.

If you do not specify a cleaning frequency, you can still use automated drive cleaning with the
TapeAlert feature.

For more information about TapeAlert drive cleaning, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide,
Volume II.

Drive Status On UNIX only.

Specifies the availability of the drive.

When you add a drive, the default drive status is UP, which means the drive is available. When
a drive is UP, the default mode is AVR (Automatic Volume Recognition).

To change the drive status, click UP or DOWN.

You can also change the drive status by using the commands on the Actions menu in Device

Serial Number A read-only field that shows the serial number of the drive.

Robotic library Specifies a robot that controls the drive. You can select any configured robot that can control
the drive.
Configuring robots and tape drives 502
Configuring drive name rules

Table 9-5 Tape drive configuration options (continued)

Option Description

Robot drive number Specifies the physical location in the robot of the drive. When you add more than one drive to
a robot, you can add the physical drives in any order. For example, you can add drive 2 before
drive 1.

The correct robot drive number is critical to the proper mounting and utilization of media. You
must determine which logical device name (Windows) or the device file (UNIX) identifies which
physical drive in the robot. You should correlate the drive serial number with drive serial number
information from the robot, as follows:

■ On Windows: You must determine which physical drive in the robot is identified by the
logical device name.
See “Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts” on page 506.
■ On UNIX: You must determine which physical drive in the robot is identified by the device
file name.
See “Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts” on page 508.

NetBackup does not detect incorrect drive number assignment during configuration; however,
an error occurs when NetBackup tries to mount media on the drive.
Note: The Robot drive number property does not apply when you add drives to API robots.
API robots are ACS type in NetBackup.

ACS, LSM, Panel, Specify the drive locations within an ACS robot.
The following information applies only to the ACS robot drive. The ACS property specifies the
physical location of the drive within the robot. During installation, the correlation between the
physical drive in the robot and the device file you specified earlier represents. You establish
this correlation during installation.
The drive location properties are as follows:

■ ACS Number - specifies the index (in ACS library software terms) that identifies the robot
that has this drive.
■ LSM Number - specifies the Library Storage Module that has this drive.
■ Panel Number - specifies the robot panel where this drive is located.
■ Drive Number - specifies the physical number of the drive (in ACS library software terms).

Configuring drive name rules

Use the following procedure to configure the rules that NetBackup uses to name
tape drives. The procedure describes how to configure the rules in the NetBackup
Administration Console.
Configuring robots and tape drives 503
Configuring drive name rules

Alternatively, if you use the NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard, click

Configure Drive Name Rules in the Device Hosts screen. The same Configure
Drive Name Rules dialog box that is described in the following procedure.
To configure drive name rules
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Drives.
See “Adding a tape drive to NetBackup manually” on page 498.
2 On the Actions menu, select New > Tape Drive.
3 In the New Drive dialog box, click Configure.

4 In the Configure Drive Name Rules dialog box, configure the rules for naming
■ To change the global rule, select Global Rule.
■ To create a local rule, select the check box for the device host.
■ Select the fields from which to create the drive name from the list of available
fields. Click Add>> to make a field part of the rule.
■ To add own text to the drive name rule, enter the text in the Custom Text
field and click the Add button.
■ Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the fields
that are defined for the rule.
Configuring robots and tape drives 504
Adding a tape drive path

■ Click Create Rule to finalize the rule.

If you use <host name> in the rule and the drive is a shared drive, the name
of the first host that discovers the drive is used as the host name. The name
for a shared drive must be identical on all servers that share the drive.
See “About drive name rules” on page 489.

Adding a tape drive path

Usually, you add a tape drive path when you add a drive to NetBackup. Use the
following procedure to add a drive path.
To add a tape drive path
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Drives.
2 Select Add a New Drive. In the dialog box, click Add.
3 In the Add Path dialog box, configure the properties for the drive path.
The properties that you can specify depend on drive type, server platform, or
NetBackup server type.
See “About SCSI reserve on drive paths” on page 504.
See “Drive path options” on page 504.

About SCSI reserve on drive paths

NetBackup lets you configure exclusive access protection to tape drives so that
other host bus adaptors (HBAs) cannot control the drives during the reservation.
The Enable SCSI Reserve host property configures the protection for each media
See “Media properties” on page 155.
For more information about how NetBackup reserves drives, see the NetBackup
Administrator's Guide, Volume II.

Drive path options

The following table describes the options to add a drive path.
Configuring robots and tape drives 505
Adding a tape drive path

Table 9-6 Add drive path options

Option Description

Host name (Windows) Specifies the device host for the drive.
Device host (UNIX)

Enable host path Specifies that the path is active and that NetBackup can use it for backups and restores.

NDMP host Specifies the NDMP host for the device (if an NDMP host is configured in your NetBackup

For additional information about NDMP drives, see the NetBackup for NDMP Administrator’s

Override SCSI Reserve Specifies the SCSI reserve override setting for the drive path.
■ Server Default. Use the SCSI reserve protection setting configured for the media server.
If the media server default is no protection, other HBAs can send the commands that can
cause a loss of data to the tape drives.
■ SPC-2 SCSI Reserve. This option provides SCSI reserve and release protection for the
SCSI devices that conform to the reserve and the release management method. That
method is defined in the SCSI Primary Commands - 2 (SPC-2) standard.
■ SCSI Persistent Reserve. This option provides SCSI persistent reserve in and persistent
reserve out protection for the SCSI devices that conform to the SCSI Primary Commands
- 3 (SPC-3) standard.

Global SCSI reserve properties are configured in the Media host properties.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

Path On UNIX hosts.

Specifies the path of the character-mode, no rewind device file on the specified host.

You can either type-in or browse and select one of the existing devices on the host. The
Browse button is not available if the This path is for a Network Attached Storage Device
option is selected.

See “About no rewind device files on UNIX” on page 506.

Device files are in the /dev directory on the UNIX host. If the entries do not exist, see the
NetBackup Device Configuration Guide for information about how to create them.

Port, Bus, Target, and On Windows hosts.

You can browse and select one of the existing devices on the host. When you select a device,
Port, Bus, Target, and LUN are auto-filled. The Browse button is not available if the This
path is for a Network Attached Storage Device option is selected.

To specify the SCSI coordinates of the device, enter the Port, Bus, Target, and LUN.

The device attributes on Windows systems cannot change during a NetBackup operation.
Configuring robots and tape drives 506
Adding a shared tape drive to a NetBackup environment

Table 9-6 Add drive path options (continued)

Option Description

This path is for a Specifies that the path is for a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device.
Network Attached
storage device

About no rewind device files on UNIX

Although both rewind and no rewind on close device files are usually available,
NetBackup requires only the no rewind device file. A no rewind device remains at
its current position on a close operation. On some versions of UNIX, the device file
name may be preceded or followed by the letter n.
Device files are in the /dev directory on the UNIX host. If the entries do not exist,
you must create them.
For more information, see the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.

Adding a shared tape drive to a NetBackup

It is recommended that you use the Device Configuration Wizard to add, configure,
and update shared drives. The NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard is the
easiest method for adding shared drives in a Shared Storage Option configuration.
For more information about the Shared Storage Option, see the NetBackup
Administrator's Guide, Volume II.

Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on

Windows hosts
If your tape drives do not support device serialization, you may have to determine
which logical device name or SCSI address matches the physical drive. You also
may have to do so if you add the tape drives manually.
To correlate tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts
1 Note the SCSI target of the drive.
2 Correlate the SCSI target to the drive address by using the robot’s interface
panel. Alternatively, examine the indicators on the rear panel of the tape drive.
Configuring robots and tape drives 507
Correlating tape drives and SCSI addresses on Windows hosts

3 Determine the physical drive address (for example, number) by checking labels
on the robot.
4 Configure the robot in NetBackup and then add the drives.
When you add the drives, ensure that you assign the correct drive address to
each set of SCSI coordinates.
Optionally, use the appropriate NetBackup robotic test utility to verify the
For more information about the robotic test utilities, see the NetBackup
Troubleshooting Guide.
To verify the device correlation Windows
1 Stop the NetBackup Device Manager (ltid).
2 Restart ltid, which starts the Automatic Volume Recognition process (avrd).
Stop and restart ltid to ensure that the current device configuration has been
If robotic control is not local to this host, also start the remote robotic control
3 Use the robotic test utility to mount a tape on a drive.
4 Use the NetBackup Device Monitor to verify that the tape was mounted on the
correct robot drive.
For Windows hosts only.
Assume that a TLD robot includes three drives at the following SCSI addresses:

Drive 1 5,0,0,0

Drive 2 5,0,1,0

Drive 3 5,0,2,0

Windows device correlation example

Also assume that you requested that the tape be mounted on drive 1.
If the SCSI coordinates for the drive are configured correctly, the Administration
Console Device Monitor shows that the tape is mounted on drive 1.
If the Device Monitor shows that the tape is mounted on a different drive, the SCSI
coordinates for that drive are not correctly configured. For example, if the Device
Monitor shows that the tape is mounted on drive 2, the SCSI coordinates for drive
1 are incorrect. Replace the drive 1 SCSI coordinates (5,0,0,0) with the correct
SCSI coordinates (5,0,1,0) for drive 2. You also know that the SCSI coordinates
Configuring robots and tape drives 508
Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts

for drive 2 are incorrect. Possibly, the SCSI coordinates were swapped during
Use the robotic test utility to unload and unmount the tape from drive 1. Repeat the
test for each drive.
If the data path to the drive in which the tape is mounted is not on the robot control
host, you may have to unload the drive. To do so, use a command on another host
or use the drive’s front panel.

Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX

If your tape drives do not support device serialization, you may have to determine
which device file or SCSI address matches the physical drive. You also may have
to do so if you add the tape drives manually.
Correlate device files to physical drives when you create the device files for each
To correlate tape drives and device files on UNIX
1 Determine the physical location of each drive within the robotic library. The
location usually is shown on the connectors to the drives or in the vendor’s
2 Physically connect the drives to SCSI adapters in the host.
3 Record the adapter and SCSI addresses to which you connected each drive.
4 Create device files for each drive by using the SCSI addresses of the drives
and adapters.
Add the device file by using the notes from a previous step to complete the
correlation between device files and physical drive location.
5 Configure the robot in NetBackup and then add the drives.
When you add the drives, verify that you assign the correct drive address (for
example, robot drive number) to each device path.
Optionally, use the appropriate NetBackup robotic test utility to verify the
For more information about the robotic test utilities, see the NetBackup
Troubleshooting Guide.
Configuring robots and tape drives 509
Correlating tape drives and device files on UNIX hosts

To verify the device correlation on UNIX

1 Stop the NetBackup device daemon (ltid).
2 Start ltid, which starts the Automatic Volume Recognition daemon (avrd).
Stop and restart ltid to ensure that the current device configuration is activated.
If robotic control is not local to this host, also start the remote robotic control
3 Use the robotic test utility to mount a tape on a drive.
4 Use the NetBackup Administration Console Device Monitor to verify that
the tape was mounted on the correct robot drive.

UNIX device correlation example

On UNIX only.
Assume a TLD robot includes three drives and the operating system includes the
following device paths:

Drive 1 /dev/rmt/0cbn

Drive 2 /dev/rmt/1cbn

Drive 3 /dev/rmt/3cbn

Also assume that you requested that the tape be mounted on drive 1.
If the device path for the drive is configured correctly, the NetBackup
Administration Console Device Monitor shows that the tape is mounted on drive
If the Device Monitor shows that the tape is mounted on a different drive, the device
path for that drive is not configured correctly. For example, if the Device Monitor
shows that the tape is mounted on Drive 2, the device path for drive 1 is incorrect.
Replace the drive 1 device path (/dev/rmt/0cbn) with the correct device path
(/dev/rmt/1cbn) for drive 2. You may need to use a temporary device path while
you make these changes. You also know that the device path for drive 2 is incorrect.
Possibly, the device paths were swapped during configuration.
Use the robotic test utility to unload and unmount the tape from drive 1. Repeat the
test for each drive.
If the path to the drive where the tape is mounted is not on the host with direct
robotic control, you may have to unload the drive with a command from another
host or from the drive’s front panel.
Configuring robots and tape drives 510
Managing tape drives

Managing tape drives

You can perform various tasks to manage tape drives.

Changing a drive comment

You can change the comment that is associated with a drive. Drive comments
appear in the Drive Status pane.
To change a drive comment
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive or select multiple drives.
4 On the Actions menu, select Change Drive Comment. The dialog box shows
the current comment (if any is currently configured).
5 (Shared Storage Option.) For a shared drive, select the host and the device
path to the selected drive that you want to change. You can change the
comment for any or all of the host and the device paths.
6 Add a comment or change the current drive comment.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
7 Click OK.

About downed drives

NetBackup downs a drive automatically when there are read or write errors that
surpass the threshold within the time window. The default drive error threshold is
2. That is, NetBackup downs a drive on the third drive error in the default time
window (12 hours).
Common reasons for write failures are dirty write heads or old media. The reason
for the action is logged in the NetBackup error catalog (view the Media Logs report
or the All Log Entries report). If NetBackup downs a device, it is logged in the system
You can use the NetBackup nbemmcmd command with the -drive_error_threshold
and -time_window options to change the default values.
For more information about nbemmcmd, see the NetBackup Commands Reference
Configuring robots and tape drives 511
Managing tape drives

To reverse a down action, in the NetBackup Administration Console, expand

Media and Device Management > Device Monitor to set the device to Up.
See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

Changing a drive operating mode

Usually you do not need to change the operating mode of a drive. When you add
a drive, NetBackup sets the drive state to UP in Automatic Volume Recognition
(AVR) mode. Other operating mode settings are used for special purposes.
The drive operating mode is displayed and changed in the Device Monitor window.
To change the mode of a drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive or select multiple drives.
4 From the Actions menu, choose the command for the new drive operating
Note that Up Drive, Operator control applies only to standalone drives.
5 If the drive is configured with multiple device paths or is a shared drive (Shared
Storage Option), a dialog box appears that contains a list of all device paths
to the drive. Select the path or paths to change.
6 Click OK.

Changing a tape drive path

Use the following procedure to change a drive path.
See “Changing a drive path operating mode” on page 512.
To change a drive path
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Drives. Double-click the drive that you want to
2 In the Change Tape Drive dialog box, select the drive path in the Host and
Path information list. Click Change.
Configuring robots and tape drives 512
Managing tape drives

3 In the Change Path dialog box, configure the properties for the drive path.
The properties you can change depend on drive type, server platform, or
NetBackup server type.
See “About SCSI reserve on drive paths” on page 504.
See “Drive path options” on page 504.
4 Click OK to save the changes.

Changing a drive path operating mode

In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor. In the right pane of the Device Monitor dialog
box, the Drive Paths pane shows path information for drives if one of the following
is true:
■ Multiple (redundant) paths to a drive are configured
■ Any drives are configured as shared drives (Shared Storage Option)
To change a drive path operating mode
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Paths pane, select a path or select multiple paths.
4 On the Actions menu, choose a command for the path action, as follows:
■ Up Path
■ Down Path
■ Reset Path

Changing tape drive properties

Use the following procedure to change the configuration information for a drive.
To change drive properties
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Drives.
2 In the details pane, select the drive you want to change.
3 Click Edit > Change.
Configuring robots and tape drives 513
Managing tape drives

4 In the Change Tape Drive or the Change Drive dialog box, change the
properties of the drive.
The properties depend on the drive type and host server type.
See “Tape drive configuration options” on page 499.
5 If the device changes are complete, select Yes on the Restart Device Manager
dialog box or the Media and Device Management dialog box to restart the
Device Manager or the device daemon.
If you intend to make other changes, click No; you can restart the Device
Manager or the device daemon after you make the final change.
If you restart the Device Manager or the device daemon, any backups, archives,
or restores that are in progress also may be stopped.
The initial drive status is UP, so the drive is available as soon as you restart
the device daemon.
6 After you change the properties, click OK.

Changing a tape drive to a shared drive

Change a drive to a shared drive by adding paths to a currently configured drive.
To configure and use a shared drive, a Shared Storage Option license is required
on each master server and media server.
To change a drive to a shared drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 Select Drives in the tree pane.
3 Select the drive you want to change in the Drives pane.
4 Click Edit > Change.
5 In the Change Tape Drive dialog box, click Add.
6 In the Add Path dialog box, configure the properties for the hosts and paths
that share the drive.

Cleaning a tape drive from the Device Monitor

When you add a drive to NetBackup, you can configure the automatic,
frequency-based cleaning interval.
Configuring robots and tape drives 514
Managing tape drives

You can also perform an operator-initiated cleaning of a drive regardless of the

cleaning frequency or accumulated mount time of the drive. However, appropriate
cleaning media must be added to NetBackup.
After you clean a drive, reset the mount time.
See “Resetting the mount time of a drive” on page 515.
Drive cleaning functions can also be performed from the Activity Monitor.
See “Cleaning tape drives from the Activity Monitor” on page 1180.
To clean a tape drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If a license that activates disk-based features is installed, select the Drives
3 In the Drive pane, select the drive to clean.
4 On the Actions menu, expand Drive Cleaning > Clean Now. NetBackup
initiates drive cleaning regardless of the cleaning frequency or accumulated
mount time.
The Clean Now option resets the mount time to zero, but the cleaning frequency
value remains the same. If the drive is a standalone drive and it contains a
cleaning tape, NetBackup issues a mount request.
5 For a shared drive (Shared Storage Option), do the following:
In the list of hosts that share the drive, choose only one host on which the
function applies. The Clean Now function can take several minutes to complete,
so the cleaning information in the Drive Details dialog box may not be updated

Deleting a drive
Use the following procedure to delete a drive or drives when the media server is
up and running.
If the media server is down or the host has failed and cannot be recovered, you
can delete its drives by using a different procedure.
See “Deleting all devices from a media server” on page 448.
To delete a drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 Select Drives in the tree pane.
Configuring robots and tape drives 515
Managing tape drives

3 Select the drive or drives that you want to delete from the Drives pane.
4 On the Edit menu, select Delete.
5 At the prompt, click Yes.

Resetting a drive
Resetting a drive changes the state of the drive.
Usually you reset a drive when its state is unknown, which occurs if an application
other than NetBackup uses the drive. When you reset the drive, it returns to a known
state before use with NetBackup. If a SCSI reservation exists on the drive, a reset
operation from the host that owns the reservation can help the SCSI reservation.
If the drive is in use by NetBackup, the reset action fails. If the drive is not in use
by NetBackup, NetBackup tries to unload the drive and set its run-time attributes
to default values.
Note that a drive reset does not perform any SCSI bus or SCSI device resets.
Use the following procedure to reset a drive.
To reset a drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive or select multiple drives.
4 Select Actions > Reset Drive. If the drive is in use by NetBackup and cannot
be reset, restart the NetBackup Job Manager to free up the drive.
5 Determine which job controls the drive (that is, which job writes to or reads
from the drive).
6 In the NetBackup Administration Console, click on Activity Monitor. In the
right pane of the Activity Monitor dialog box, select the Jobs tab and cancel
the job.
7 In the Activity Monitor, restart the NetBackup Job Manager, which cancels
all NetBackup jobs in progress.

Resetting the mount time of a drive

You can reset the mount time of the drive. Reset the mount time to zero after you
perform a manual cleaning.
Configuring robots and tape drives 516
Managing tape drives

To reset the mount time

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive.
4 Select Actions >Drive Cleaning > Reset Mount Time. The mount time for
the selected drive is set to zero.
5 If you use the Shared drive (Shared Storage Option), do the following:
In the list of hosts that share the drive, choose only one host on which the
function applies.

Setting the drive cleaning frequency

When you add a drive to NetBackup, you configure the automatic, frequency-based
cleaning interval. In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and
Device Management > Device Monitor to change the cleaning frequency that
was configured when you added the drive.
To set the cleaning frequency
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive.
4 On the Actions menu, expand Drive Cleaning > Set Cleaning Frequency.
5 Enter a time (hours) or use the arrow controls to select the number of mount
hours between drive cleaning.
The Cleaning Frequency option is not available for the drives that do not
support frequency-based cleaning. This function is not available for shared
The drive cleaning interval appears in the Drive Details dialog box (Actions
> Drive Details).

Viewing drive details

You can obtain detailed information about drives (or shared drives), such as drive
cleaning, drive properties, drive status, host, and robotic library information.
Use the following procedure to view the drive details.
Configuring robots and tape drives 517
Performing device diagnostics

To view the drive details

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Drive Status pane, select a drive.
4 Select Actions > Drive Details.
5 If you use the Shared drive for shared drives, you can view the drive control
mode and drive index for each host that shares a drive. You also can view a
list of hosts that share a drive.

Performing device diagnostics

Diagnostic functions let you run and manage drive and robot diagnostic tests.
Diagnostics are executed in an ordered sequence to verify the functionality of
hardware devices. These tests can help you to troubleshoot drive or robot problems.

Running a robot diagnostic test

Ensure that the library to be tested is properly configured for use with NetBackup.
The existing NetBackup robotic control daemons or processes are used for the test.

Note: NetBackup does not support diagnostic tests for API-attached robotic tape
libraries and other types of SCSI-attached libraries.
Configuring robots and tape drives 518
Performing device diagnostics

To run a robot diagnostic test

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 On the Actions menu, select Robot Diagnostics.

3 In the Robot Diagnostics dialog box, select the media server that is the Device
Host for the robot that you want to test.
4 In the Robot Name field, select the robot that you want to diagnose.
5 Click Start to start the diagnostic tests.
The Results window shows results of each step in the test.
Operator intervention is required if the State column of the Results window
contains Waiting. For example, a test step may prompt you to load a new tape
into a drive before the test can continue.
6 If operator intervention is required, select the test step in the Results window
and click Details to determine what you must do. Complete the requested
operation task and then click Continue in the Test Details dialog box to resume
the test
Configuring robots and tape drives 519
Performing device diagnostics

To stop a test and change the device

1 Click Stop.
The test ends after it performs any necessary clean-up work and updates the
test records to reflect that the test run has been stopped.
2 In the Device Host and the Robot Name boxes, select the host and the robot
that you want to test.
3 Click Start to restart the diagnostic test.

Running a tape drive diagnostic test

NetBackup diagnostic functions let you run and manage diagnostic tests. Diagnostics
are performed in an ordered sequence to verify the functionality of hardware devices.
These tests can help you to troubleshoot drive problems.
To run a tape drive diagnostic test
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 On the Actions menu, select Drive Diagnostics.
3 In the Drive Diagnostics dialog box, select the media server that contains the
drive that you want to test in the Device Host box.
4 In the Drive Name box, select the drive.
5 Click Start to start the diagnostic tests.
For robotic drives, the test media is loaded automatically.
For a standalone drive, insert the prelabeled test tape that is shown in the Step
Information column of the Results window.
The Results window shows results of each step in the test.
6 If operator intervention is required, the State column of the Results window
displays Waiting. For example, a test step may require that you to load a new
tape into a drive before the test can continue.
Complete the intervention and then click Continue.
Select the test step in the Results window and click Details to determine what
you must do. Complete the requested operation task and then click Continue
in the Test Details dialog box to resume the test
Configuring robots and tape drives 520
Verifying the device configuration

To stop a test and change the device

1 Click Stop.
The test ends after it performs any necessary clean-up work and updates the
test records to reflect that the test run has been stopped.
2 In the Device Host and the Drive boxes, select the host and the drive that you
want to test.
3 Click Start to restart the diagnostic test.

Managing a diagnostic test step that requires operator intervention

Operator intervention is required if the Status column of the Results display contains
Waiting. For example, a test step may prompt for a new tape to be loaded into a
drive before the test continues.
To manage a diagnostic step
1 Complete the requested operations task.
2 Click Continue to resume the test.
If you clicked Details for a test step that requires operator intervention, you
can click Continue from the Test Details dialog box.

Obtaining detailed information for a diagnostic test step

You can get information for a test step at any time during the test.
To obtain detailed information for a diagnostic test step
1 Select a test step in the Results display.
2 Click Details. A dialog box appears that displays information for the step.
The information includes a brief explanation of the checks that are performed
by a specific step and the instructions that are associated with any step that
requires manual intervention. For example, a step may prompt for a new tape
to be loaded into a tape drive before the diagnostic session continues.
3 Click Close to return to the Device Diagnostics dialog box.

Verifying the device configuration

Verify the device configuration by running the Device Configuration Wizard. However,
some details of a device configuration cannot be validated without attempting tape
mounts. Use the NetBackup robtest utility to mount tapes and validate the
Configuring robots and tape drives 521
About automatic path correction

To verify robots and drives by using the wizard

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 From the list of wizards in the Details pane, click Configure Storage Devices
and follow the wizard instructions.

About automatic path correction

NetBackup automatic path correction recognizes if you change a device because
the serial number of the new device is different than the serial number of the old
device. NetBackup updates the device configuration automatically.
NetBackup recognizes device changes as follows:
■ When the NetBackup Device Manager (ltid) performs automatic path correction.
See “About the NetBackup Device Manager” on page 524.
■ When the Windows Plug-n-Play feature performs serial number checks.
By default, Windows and Linux systems are configured for automatic path correction.
On other operating systems, you must enable it.
See “Enabling automatic path correction” on page 521.
In some circumstances, NetBackup may be unable to determine the correct serial
number in a small number of tape drives and robotic libraries. For example,
NetBackup may configure serialized devices as unserialized or configure a device
with the wrong serial number. If so, a device may be unusable (such as the tape
drive may be downed).
To resolve such a problem, do one of the following actions:
■ Configure the new device by using the NetBackup Device Configuration
The server operating system must recognize the device before you can configure
it in NetBackup. Device configuration can require remapping, rediscovery, and
possibly a restart of the operating system.
For more information, see the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
■ Disable the automated device discovery by using the vm.conf file

Enabling automatic path correction

You can enable automatic device path correction in NetBackup. To do so, use the
following procedure.
Configuring robots and tape drives 522
Replacing a device

See “About automatic path correction” on page 521.

To configure automatic path correction
1 Use a text editor to open the following file:
On Windows:


2 Add the following AUTO_PATH_CORRECTION entry to the file:


If it already exists but is set to NO, change the value to YES.

3 Save the file and exit the text editor.

Replacing a device
Two processes exist for replacing a device, as follows:

Replace a device on a single host See Table 9-7 on page 522.

Replace a shared device See Table 9-8 on page 523.

Table 9-7 To replace a device on a single host

Task Instructions

If the device is a drive, change the drive state to DOWN. See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

Replace the device. Specify the same SCSI ID for the new See the vendor's documentation.
device as the old device.

If the device is a drive, change the drive state to UP. See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

If either of the following are true, configure the new device See “Configuring robots and tape drives by using the
by using the NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard: wizard” on page 490.

■ You replaced a drive with a different drive type.

■ You replaced a serialized drive with an unserialized
Configuring robots and tape drives 523
Replacing a device

Table 9-8 To replace a shared device

Task Instructions

If the device is a drive, change the drive state to DOWN. See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

Replace the device. Specify the same SCSI ID for the new See the vendor's documentation.
device as the old device.

Produce a list of new and missing hardware. The following command scans for new hardware and
produces a report that shows the new and the replaced

On Windows:




Ensure that all servers that share the new device are up See “Starting or stopping a daemon” on page 1172.
and that all NetBackup services are active.

Read the serial number from the new device and update If the device is a robot, run the following command:
the EMM database.
On Windows:

-replace_robot robot_number -path


-replace_robot robot_number -path

If the device is a drive, run the following commands:

On Windows:

-replace_drive drive_name -path path_name


-replace_drive drive_name -path path_name
Configuring robots and tape drives 524
Updating device firmware

Table 9-8 To replace a shared device (continued)

Task Instructions

If the new device is an unserialized drive, run the See “Configuring robots and tape drives by using the
NetBackup Device Configuration Wizard on all servers wizard” on page 490.
that share the drive.

If the new device is a robot, run the NetBackup Device

Configuration Wizard on the server that is the robot
control host.

If the device is a drive, change the drive state to UP. See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

Updating device firmware

By default, NetBackup recognizes if you update the firmware of a device.
The following table describes an overview of how to update device firmware.

Table 9-9 How to update device firmware

Task Instructions

If the device is a drive, See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.
change the drive state to

Update the firmware. See the vendor's documentation.

If the device is a drive, See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.
change the drive state to UP.

About the NetBackup Device Manager

The NetBackup Device Manager (ltid) manages robot and tape processes for
NetBackup. The Device Manager processes requests to mount and unmount tapes
in robotically controlled devices through the robotic control processes. NetBackup
starts ltid on the hosts that have storage devices configured. The Device Manager
starts the Volume Manager (vmd), the automatic volume recognition process (avrd),
and any robotic processes as needed.
In the NetBackup Administration Console, the NetBackup Device Manager is
exposed as follows:
Configuring robots and tape drives 525
About external access to NetBackup controlled devices on UNIX

In the Activity Monitor For Windows hosts, as the NetBackup Device


For UNIX hosts, as ltid.

On the Actions menu As the Media Manager Device Daemon.

Note: If you stop and restart the Device Manager, any backups, archives, or restores
that are in progress may fail.

See “Stopping and restarting the device manager” on page 525.

About external access to NetBackup controlled

devices on UNIX
On UNIX hosts, the NetBackup Device Manager restricts access to drives that are
in an UP state by changing the permissions of the device files for those drives. The
Device Manager changes the permissions to 0600 when it starts and back to their
original settings when it is terminated. The permissions also are returned to their
original settings when a drive’s state is changed to DOWN.
See “About the NetBackup Device Manager” on page 524.
Do not modify the permissions of these device files when the Device Manager is
active. The automatic volume recognition process (avrd) periodically tries to rewind
and read data from media in the drives that are UP and are not currently assigned
in NetBackup.
To ensure reliable operation, do not use UNIX tape and drive commands on the
drives that are UP and controlled by the Device Manager. Users can use the
NetBackup tpreq and tpunmount commands and the drive_mount_notify and
drive_unmount_notify scripts on those drives.

For more information, see “NetBackup notify scripts” in the NetBackup

Administrator's Guide, Volume II.

Stopping and restarting the device manager

Use the following procedure to stop and restart the NetBackup Device Manager.
See “About the NetBackup Device Manager” on page 524.
Configuring robots and tape drives 526
Stopping and restarting the device manager

To start or stop the Device Manager

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices.
2 On the Actions menu, select Stop/Restart Media Manager Device Daemon.
3 In the Stop/Restart Media Manager Device Daemon dialog box, do the

1 In the Device host list, select the media server that you want to restart.

2 Select the Action: Start, Stop, or Stop/Restart.

The actions that are available depend on the state of the device manager or

3 Select the wanted Options: Eject media from standalone drive(s) or Enable
verbose logging.

4 Click Apply or OK, depending on the following results:

■ Apply does not close the dialog box so you can select device hosts and
actions for more than another device host.
■ OK closes the dialog box.
Chapter 10
Configuring tape media
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NetBackup tape volumes

■ About NetBackup volume pools

■ About NetBackup volume groups

■ NetBackup media types

■ About WORM media

■ About adding volumes

■ About configuring media name and attribute rules

■ Adding volumes by using the wizard

■ About media settings rules

■ Configuring media settings

■ About barcodes

■ Configuring barcode rules

■ About media ID generation rules

■ Configuring media ID generation rules

■ About media type mapping rules

■ Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

■ Configuring media type mappings

■ Managing volumes
Configuring tape media 528
About NetBackup tape volumes

■ Managing volume pools

■ Managing volume groups

■ About media sharing

■ Configuring unrestricted media sharing

■ Configuring media sharing with a server group

About NetBackup tape volumes

A tape volume is a data storage tape or a cleaning tape. NetBackup assigns
attributes to each volume and uses them to track and manage the volumes.
Attributes include the media ID, robot host, robot type, robot number, and slot
NetBackup uses two volume types, as follows:

Robotic volumes Volumes that are located in a robot.

The robotic library moves the volumes into and out from the
robotic drives as necessary.

Standalone volumes Volumes that are allocated for the drives that are not in a robot.

Operator intervention is required to load volumes into and eject

volumes from standalone drives.

NetBackup uses volume pools to organized volumes by usage.

See “About NetBackup volume pools” on page 528.
You can use WORM media with NetBackup.
See “About WORM media” on page 534.
Volume information is stored in the EMM database.
See “About the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM)” on page 969.

About NetBackup volume pools

A volume pool identifies a set of volumes by usage. Volume pools protect volumes
from access by unauthorized users, groups, or applications. When you add media
to NetBackup, you assign them to a volume pool (or assign them as standalone
volumes, without a pool assignment).
By default, NetBackup creates the following volume pools:
Configuring tape media 529
About NetBackup volume pools

NetBackup The default pool to which all backup images are written (unless you
specify otherwise).

DataStore For DataStore use.

CatalogBackup For NetBackup catalog backups.

Catalog backup volumes are not a special type in NetBackup. They

are the data storage volumes that you assign to the CatalogBackup
volume pool. To add NetBackup catalog backups, use any of the add
volume methods. Ensure that you assign them to the volume pool
you use for catalog backups. After adding volumes, use the
NetBackup Catalog Backup wizard to configure a catalog backup

See “About the NetBackup catalog” on page 962.

None For the volumes that are not assigned to a pool.

You can add other volume pools. For example, you can add a volume pool for each
storage application you use. Then, as you add volumes to use with an application,
you assign them to that application’s volume pool. You can also move volumes
between pools.
You also can configure a scratch pool from which NetBackup can transfer volumes
when a volume pool has no volumes available.
See “About scratch volume pools” on page 530.
The volume pool concept is relevant only for tape storage units and does not apply
to disk storage units.
You can use any of the approved characters for volume pools names.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
NetBackup uses several special prefixes for volume pool names.
See “About reserved volume pool name prefixes” on page 529.
Examples of volume pool usage are available in the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.

About reserved volume pool name prefixes

NetBackup reserves the following prefixes (case sensitive) for the names of the
volume pools that contain media for specific purposes:
Configuring tape media 530
About NetBackup volume pools

ENCR For volumes on which NetBackup encrypts the data. The volumes in a volume
pool that uses this name prefix must be targeted to encrypting tape drives.

See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

WENCR For WORM volumes on which NetBackup encrypts the data. The volumes
in a volume pool that uses this name prefix must be targeted to encrypting
tape drives.

See “About NetBackup encryption options” on page 791.

See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide

WORM For WORM volumes. NetBackup does not encrypt the data.

See “About using volume pools to manage WORM media” on page 535.

NetBackup examines the volume pool names to determine if they are special
purpose volume pools. If a volume pool name begins with one of the special prefixes,
NetBackup processes the media in that pool according to the requirements for that
pool. If not, NetBackup does not use special processing for that volume pool’s
When you create a volume pool for any of these purposes, you must use uppercase
characters. For readability, it may be beneficial to use an underscore character
after the prefix, for example WORM_ or ENCR_.

About scratch volume pools

The scratch pool is an optional pool that contains the media that NetBackup can
allocate to other pools as needed. If you configure a scratch pool, NetBackup moves
volumes from that scratch pool to other pools that do not have volumes available.
Only one scratch pool is allowed. You cannot add a scratch pool if one exists.
You cannot change the NetBackup or DataStore pools to be scratch volume pools.
If you create a scratch pool, be aware of the following conditions:
■ If the scratch pool contains assigned volumes, these volumes remain in the
scratch pool.
NetBackup does not move assigned volumes to other pools as it does with
unassigned volumes.
■ NetBackup does not assign volumes while they are in a scratch pool.
For example if a NetBackup policy or schedule specifies the scratch pool, all
requests for those volumes are denied.
Configuring tape media 531
About NetBackup volume groups

■ NetBackup returns expired media to the scratch volume pool automatically

(media that is returned must have been originally in the same scratch pool).
■ To use NetBackup to manage the allocation of volumes to volume pools, do the
■ Create volume pools as required, but do not add any volumes to the pools.
■ Define a scratch pool and add all of the volumes to it. NetBackup moves
volumes to the other pools as volumes are needed.

See “About NetBackup volume pools” on page 528.

See “Configuring media settings” on page 541.
See “About media settings rules” on page 540.

About NetBackup volume groups

A volume group identifies a set of volumes that reside at the same physical location.
The location can be either the robot in which the volumes reside, standalone storage,
or off-site storage if you use the NetBackup Vault option.
When you add media to NetBackup, NetBackup assigns all volumes in a robot to
that robot's volume group. Alternatively, you can assign the media to a different
Volume groups are convenient for tracking the location of volumes, such as the
case when a volume is moved off site. Volume groups let you perform operations
on a set of volumes by specifying the group name rather than each individual media
ID of each volume. Operations include moves between a robotic library and a
standalone location or deletions from NetBackup.
If you move a volume physically, you also must move it logically. A logical move
means to change the volume attributes to show the new location.
The following are the rules for assigning volume groups:
■ All volumes in a group must be the same media type.
However, a media type and its corresponding cleaning media type are allowed
in the same volume group (such as DLT and DLT_CLN).
■ All volumes in a robotic library must belong to a volume group.
You cannot add volumes to a robotic library without specifying a group or having
Media Manager generate a name for the group.
■ The only way to clear a volume group name is to move the volume to standalone
and not specify a volume group.
■ More than one volume group can share the same location.
Configuring tape media 532
NetBackup media types

For example, a robotic library can contain volumes from more than one volume
group and you can have more than one standalone volume group.
■ All volumes in a group must be in the same robotic library or be standalone.
That is, you cannot add a group (or part of a group) to a robotic library if it already
exists in another robotic library.
Examples of volume group usage are available.
Examples of volume group usage are available in the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.

NetBackup media types

NetBackup uses media types to differentiate the media that have different physical
characteristics. Each media type may represent a specific physical media type.
The NetBackup media types are also known as Media Manager media types.
The following table describes the NetBackup media types.

Table 10-1 NetBackup media types

Media type Description

4MM 4MM cartridge tape

4MM_CLN 4MM cleaning tape

8MM 8MM cartridge tape

8MM_CLN 8MM cleaning tape

8MM2 8MM cartridge tape 2

8MM2_CLN 8MM cleaning tape 2

8MM3 8MM cartridge tape 3

8MM3_CLN 8MM cleaning tape 3

DLT DLT cartridge tape

DLT_CLN DLT cleaning tape

DLT2 DLT cartridge tape 2

DLT2_CLN DLT cleaning tape 2

DLT3 DLT cartridge tape 3

Configuring tape media 533
NetBackup media types

Table 10-1 NetBackup media types (continued)

Media type Description

DLT3_CLN DLT cleaning tape 3

DTF DTF cartridge tape

DTF_CLN DTF cleaning tape

HCART 1/2 inch cartridge tape

HCART2 1/2 inch cartridge tape 2

HCART3 1/2 inch cartridge tape 3

HC_CLN 1/2 inch cleaning tape

HC2_CLN 1/2 inch cleaning tape 2

HC3_CLN 1/2 inch cleaning tape 3

QCART 1/4 inch cartridge tape

NetBackup writes media in a format that allows the position to be verified before
NetBackup appends new backup images to the media.

Note: The user interface for NetBackup may show configuration options for the
media types that are not supported in that release. Those types may be supported
in an earlier release, and a NetBackup master server can manage the hosts that
run earlier NetBackup versions. Therefore, the configuration information for such
types must appear in the user interface. The NetBackup documentation also may
describe the configuration information for such types. To determine which versions
of NetBackup support which media types, see the NetBackup Enterprise Server
and Server - Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List:

Alternate NetBackup media types

Alternate media types let you define more than one type of tape in the same library.
You can use the alternate types to differentiate between different physical cartridges.
The following are examples of alternate media types:
Configuring tape media 534
About WORM media

For example, if a robot has DLT4000 and DLT7000 drives, you can specify the
following media types:
■ DLT media type for the DLT4000 tapes
■ DLT2 media type for the DLT7000 tapes
NetBackup then does not load a tape that was written in a DLT4000 drive into a
DLT7000 drive and vice versa.
You must use the appropriate default media type when you configure the drives.
(When you configure drives in NetBackup, you specify the default media type to
use in each drive type.)
In a robot, all of the volumes (of a specific vendor media type) must be the same
NetBackup media type. For example, for an ACS robot that contains 3490E media,
you can assign either NetBackup HCART, HCART2, or HCART3 media type to that
media. You cannot assign HCART to some of the media and HCART2 (or HCART3)
to other of the media.
For more information, see "Media formats" in the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide,
Volume II.

About WORM media

You can use WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) media to protect key data from
unwanted modification or to meet compliance regulations.
NetBackup uses the QIC/WORM tape format for WORM media. This format lets
NetBackup append images to WORM tape.
For more information about "Media formats", see the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.
Tape error recovery is disabled for WORM media. NetBackup has job resume logic,
which tries to resume a job that has been interrupted (such as an interruption on
the Fibre Channel). However, NetBackup fails a job that uses WORM media and
then retries the failed job. It is recommended that you use checkpoint and restart
for backups.
The bplabel command labels only LTO-3 WORM tapes. All other WORM media
cannot be labeled because the label cannot be overwritten when the media is used.
The following are the limitations for WORM tape:
■ Third-party copy backups are not supported with WORM media.
■ NetBackup does not support resume logic with WORM tape. NetBackup fails a
job that uses WORM media and then retries the failed job. Alternatively, if
Configuring tape media 535
About WORM media

checkpoint and restart are used, NetBackup restarts the job from the last
checkpoint. It is recommended that you use checkpoint and restart for backups.
NetBackup provides two methods to manage WORM media, as follows:
■ Assign a reserved prefix to WORM volume pool names.
A WORM volume name cannot contain a period (.).
See “About using volume pools to manage WORM media” on page 535.
■ Assign a specific drive type to all WORM drives and a specific media type to all
WORM media.
See “About using unique drive and media types to manage WORM media”
on page 536.

About using volume pools to manage WORM media

You can dedicate volume pools for WORM media. This method lets a
WORM-capable tape drive back up and restore standard and WORM media.
NetBackup uses two reserved volume pool prefixes to indicate that the volumes in
a pool are for WORM drives, as follows:
■ WORM (uppercase letters) denotes WORM media.
■ WENCR (uppercase letters) denotes WORM media on which NetBackup should
encrypt the data.
See “About reserved volume pool name prefixes” on page 529.
For more information about encrypting data on your media, see the NetBackup
Security and Encryption Guide.
When you create a volume pool for WORM media, specify one of the reserved
prefixes as the first characters of the pool name. NetBackup examines the volume
pool names to determine if they begin with a reserved prefix. For readability, it may
be beneficial to use an underscore character after the prefix, for example WORM_.
See “Adding or deleting a volume pool” on page 592.
Note the following cases:
■ If the drive contains WORM media and the media is in a WORM volume pool,
NetBackup writes the media as WORM.
■ If the drive contains WORM media and the media is not in a WORM volume
pool, NetBackup freezes the media.
■ If the drive contains standard media and the media is in a WORM volume pool,
NetBackup freezes the media.
■ If the drive contains the Quantum media that has never been used or all of its
NetBackup images have expired, NetBackup uses the media.
Configuring tape media 536
About WORM media

See “About using a WORM scratch pool” on page 536.

See “About WORM media” on page 534.
See “About using unique drive and media types to manage WORM media”
on page 536.

About using a WORM scratch pool

For all supported WORM-capable drives (except the Quantum drive), the scratch
pool must only contain one type of media. It is recommended that you add the most
commonly used media to the scratch pool. For example, if most NetBackup jobs
use standard media, put standard media in the scratch pool.
If the scratch pool contains standard media, ensure that the WORM volume pool
does not run out of media to complete backup jobs.
If the WORM volume pool runs out of media, NetBackup performs the following
■ Moves the standard media from the scratch pool into the WORM pool.
■ Loads the standard media into a WORM-capable drive.
■ Freezes the media.
NetBackup repeats this process until all of the standard media in the scratch pool
is frozen.
The opposite also is true. If a standard volume pool runs out of media and the
scratch pool contains WORM media, standard backups can fail because appropriate
media are unavailable.

About using unique drive and media types to manage WORM media
You can assign a different drive and media type to all WORM drives and media.
For example, configure standard drives and media as HCART and WORM-capable
drives and media as HCART2.
This method lets you add both types of media in the scratch pool because NetBackup
selects the correct media type for the drive type.
However, because each drive is limited to backups and restores with a specific type
of media, optimal drive usage may not be achieved. For example, the
WORM-capable drives cannot be used for backups with standard media even if no
WORM backups are in progress.
Because Quantum drives use only a single media type, this method for managing
the WORM media is unnecessary.
See “About WORM media and the Quantum drive” on page 537.
Configuring tape media 537
About WORM media

If you use unique drive and media types to manage WORM media, disable the
WORM volume pool name verification.
See “Disabling WORM volume pool name verification” on page 537.

Disabling WORM volume pool name verification

If you use unique drive and media types to manage WORM media, disable
NetBackup volume pool name verification. WORM volume pool name verification
is used only for the WORM volume pool method of managing WORM media.
See “About using unique drive and media types to manage WORM media”
on page 536.
See “About using volume pools to manage WORM media” on page 535.
To disable the volume pool name verification
Create the following touch file on the media server of the WORM drive:
On Windows:


About WORM media and the Quantum drive

When you use the Quantum drive, only one kind of media can be used as either
standard media or WORM media.
If a WORM volume pool runs out of media, media are moved from the scratch
volume pool into the WORM pool. NetBackup determines whether the media are
configured as standard or WORM media. For a standard media volume, NetBackup
reads the tape label and verifies that the media is unused or that all images are
expired. NetBackup also verifies that the media is not currently assigned to a server.
After verification, NetBackup configures the media as WORM media and continues
with the NetBackup job.

Supported WORM drives

NetBackup requires a SCSI pass-through driver to use WORM tape drives.
NetBackup queries the drive to verify that drive is WORM-capable and that the
media in the drive is WORM media. SCSI pass-through paths are provided on the
server platforms NetBackup supports. SCSI pass-through paths may require special
operating system configuration changes.
Configuring tape media 538
About adding volumes

For information about the drives that NetBackup supports for WORM media, see
the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Hardware and Cloud Storage
Compatibility List at the following URL:
All of the vendors except Quantum require the use of special WORM media.
Quantum lets NetBackup convert standard tape media to WORM media. To use
Quantum drives for WORM media on Solaris systems, modify the st.conf file.
For more Information about how to configure nonstandard tape drives and how to
edit the st.conf file, see the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.

About adding volumes

Adding volumes is a logical operation that assigns NetBackup attributes to physical
media. The media can reside in storage devices already, or you can add them to
the storage devices when you add them to NetBackup. How you add volumes
depends on the type of volume: robotic or standalone.

Volumes in a robotic library See “About adding robotic volumes” on page 538.

Standalone volumes See “About adding standalone volumes” on page 539.

NetBackup uses the rules to assign names and attributes to volumes.

See “About configuring media name and attribute rules” on page 539.

About adding robotic volumes

The robotic volumes are the volumes that are located in a robotic tape library. The
following table describes the methods for adding robotic volumes.

Table 10-2 Methods for adding robotic volumes

Method Description

The Volume Configuration Wizard See “Adding volumes by using the wizard”
on page 540.

Robot inventory See “About robot inventory” on page 599.

See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration

with a robot's contents” on page 611.

The Actions menu See “Adding volumes by using the Actions menu”
on page 563.
Configuring tape media 539
About configuring media name and attribute rules

Table 10-2 Methods for adding robotic volumes (continued)

Method Description

NetBackup commands See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

About adding standalone volumes

Standalone volumes are the volumes that reside in the drives that are not in a robot
or are allocated for standalone drives.
Because NetBackup does not label volumes until it uses them, you can add volumes
even though they do not reside in a drive. The additional volumes are available for
use if the volume in a drive becomes full or unusable. For example, if a volume in
a standalone drive is full or unusable because of errors, NetBackup ejects (logically)
the volume. If you add other standalone volumes, NetBackup requests that volume;
NetBackup does not generate an out of media error.
The easiest way to add standalone volumes is to use the Volume Configuration
Wizard. Then, when NetBackup requests one of the volumes, insert it into the
standalone drive and NetBackup labels it.
The DISABLE_STANDALONE_DRIVE_EXTENSIONS option of the nbemmcmd command
can turn off the automatic use of standalone volumes.

Table 10-3 Methods for adding standalone volumes

Method Description

The Volume Configuration Wizard See “Adding volumes by using the wizard” on page 540.

The Actions menu See “Adding volumes by using the Actions menu”
on page 563.

NetBackup commands See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

About configuring media name and attribute rules

NetBackup uses the default settings and rules to name and assign attributes to
new removeable media. NetBackup uses these rules when you do the following:
■ Use the Volume Configuration Wizard to add new media.
■ Use the Robot Inventory dialog box to inventory a robot. If NetBackup discovers
new media in the robot, it adds that media to NetBackup.
For most configurations, the default settings work well. However, you can change
the default settings and rules that NetBackup uses. Change the settings only if you
Configuring tape media 540
Adding volumes by using the wizard

have special hardware or usage requirements. You can change the settings from
the Volume Configuration Wizard or from the Robot Inventory dialog box.
The following table shows the rules that you can configure:

Table 10-4 Attributes for media

What Where

Media settings See “About media settings rules” on page 540.

See “Configuring media settings” on page 541.

Barcode rules See “About barcodes” on page 550.

See “Configuring barcode rules” on page 554.

Media ID generation rules See “About media ID generation rules” on page 558.

See “Configuring media ID generation rules”

on page 559.

Map media for API robots See “About media type mapping rules” on page 562.

See “Configuring media type mappings”

on page 567.

Adding volumes by using the wizard

The easiest way to add volumes is to use the Volume Configuration Wizard.
NetBackup assigns media IDs and labels the volumes automatically.
To configure volumes by using the wizard
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Devices.
2 From the list of wizards in the right pane, click Configure Volumes and follow
the wizard instructions.
You can change the default settings and rules that NetBackup uses to name
and assign attributes to new removeable media.
See “About configuring media name and attribute rules” on page 539.

About media settings rules

The NetBackup media settings rules depend on the following:
■ For existing media, the volume group to which the volumes belong.
Configuring tape media 541
Configuring media settings

■ For new media, the media ID prefix, the media type, and the pool to which the
volume should be assigned.
You can change the default rules.
See “Configuring media settings” on page 541.
See “Media settings options” on page 543.

Configuring media settings

Use the Media Settings tab of the NetBackup Advanced Robot Inventory Options
dialog box to configure the attributes for existing and new media.
See “About media settings rules” on page 540.
To configure media settings
1 Open the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, as follows:

From the Robot 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand

Inventory dialog box Media and Device Management > Media > Robots in
the left pane.

2 Select the robot that you want to inventory.

3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 Click either Preview volume configuration changes

or Update volume configuration.

5 Click Advanced Options.

Configuring tape media 542
Configuring media settings

From the Volume 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left

Configuration Wizard pane, expand Media and Device Management >

2 From the list of wizards in the right pane, click

Configure Volumes and follow the wizard instructions.

3 On the Robot Inventory panel of the Volume

Configuration Wizard, click Advanced Options.

2 In the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, click the Media
Settings tab.
Configuring tape media 543
Configuring media settings

3 Configure the settings, as follows:

a. In the Media which have been removed from the robot should be assigned
to the volume group list, select a volume group for the media that are removed
from the robot.

See “Media which have been removed from the robot... (existing media setting)”
on page 544.

b. In the Media which have been moved into or within the robot should be
assigned to the volume group list, select a volume group for the media that
are in or are added to the robot.

See “Media which have been moved into or within the robot... (existing media
setting)” on page 544.

c. If the robotic library supports barcodes and the volume has readable barcodes,
NetBackup creates media IDs automatically from the barcodes. You do not
need to configure a prefix.

However, if the media in the robotic library has unreadable barcodes or if the
robot does not support barcodes, NetBackup assigns a default media ID prefix.

To use a media ID prefix other than the DEFAULT, click Browse in the Use
the following Media ID prefix field. Then, specify or choose a media ID prefix
in the Media ID Prefix dialog box.

See “Use the following Media ID prefix (new media setting)” on page 545.

d. To use your barcode rules to assign attributes to new volumes, select Use
barcode rules.
See “Use barcode rules (new media setting)” on page 547.

e. To override your barcode rules for the new media in the robotic library, select
a Media type from the list.

See “Media type (new media setting)” on page 547.

f. To override the default volume pool for the new media in the robotic library,
select a Volume pool from the list.

See “Volume pool (new media setting)” on page 550.

4 Click OK.

Media settings options

The following are the settings for the new media in a robot that you add to your
NetBackup volume configuration.
Configuring tape media 544
Configuring media settings

Media which have been removed from the robot... (existing

media setting)
For the media that already exist in your volume configuration, you can specify the
volume group if the media are removed from the robot. Media which have been
removed from the robot should be assigned to the volume group.
The Media which have been removed from the robot should be assigned to
the volume group drop-down box contains the following selections:

AUTO GENERATE NetBackup automatically generates a new volume group.

DEFAULT If there is an existing group with a compatible residence for the volume,
the volume is added to that group. If a suitable volume group does not
exist, NetBackup generates a new volume group name.

NO VOLUME The media are not assigned to a volume group.


Other selections may be available, depending on the setting of the Media type field
of the New media section of the dialog box, as follows:

If the Media type field is The Media which have been removed from the robot should
DEFAULT be assigned to the volume group dropdown box includes the
volume groups that are valid for the robot’s default media type.

If the Media type field is The Media which have been removed from the robot should
other than DEFAULT be assigned to the volume group dropdown box includes the
volume groups that are valid for the specified media type.

To specify a volume group other than DEFAULT, enter a volume

group name or select one from the list.

See “Media type (new media setting)” on page 547.

Media which have been moved into or within the robot...

(existing media setting)
You can specify the volume group for the existing media that have been moved
into or within a robot.
The volume group to assign to the existing media that you have inserted into the
robot (or moved to a new location within the robot).
The Media which have been moved into or within the robot should be assigned
to the volume group drop-down box contains the following selections:
Configuring tape media 545
Configuring media settings

AUTO GENERATE NetBackup automatically generates a new volume group.

DEFAULT If there is an existing group with a compatible residence for the volume,
the volume is added to that group. If a suitable volume group does not
exist, NetBackup generates a new volume group name.

The following other selections may be available depending on the setting of the
Media type field of the New media section of the dialog box:

If the Media type field is The Media which have been moved into or within the robot
DEFAULT should be assigned to the volume group drop-down box
includes the volume groups that are valid for the robot’s default
media type.

If the Media type field is The Media which have been moved into or within the robot
other than DEFAULT should be assigned to the volume group drop-down box
includes the volume groups that are valid for the specified media

To specify a volume group other than DEFAULT, enter a volume

group name or select one from the list.

If the robotic library contains multiple media types, a DEFAULT setting is

recommended. If you specify a volume group and volumes of different media types
were moved into or within the robot, the new update fails. Volumes of different
media types cannot have the same volume group.
See “Media type (new media setting)” on page 547.

Use the following Media ID prefix (new media setting)

if the media has unreadable barcodes or if the robot does not support barcodes,
by default NetBackup assigns media ID prefixes as follows:
■ If MEDIA_ID_PREFIX entries are defined in the vm.conf file, NetBackup assigns
the last MEDIA_ID_PREFIX entry as the media ID prefix.
■ If no MEDIA_ID_PREFIX entries are defined in the vm.conf file, NetBackup uses
the letter A as the media ID prefix.
To configure NetBackup to use a media ID prefix other than the default, select Use
the following Media ID prefix field in the Advanced Robot Inventory Options
dialog box and then click Browse. The Media ID Prefix dialog box appears.
Configuring tape media 546
Configuring media settings

Figure 10-1 Media ID Prefix dialog box

The following are the alternative NetBackup media ID assignment behaviors that
you can configure in the dialog box:

To not use a media ID prefix Deselect the Use a media ID prefix for media with
unreadable barcodes or if the robot does not support
barcodes option.

To use a media ID prefix Select the Use a media ID prefix for media with unreadable
barcodes or if the robot does not support barcodes

To use a specific media ID Select the Specify the media ID prefix for the current
prefix for the current operation session only option then enter the media ID prefix. You can
only specify a prefix of one to five alphanumeric characters.
NetBackup assigns the remaining numeric characters to
create a six character media ID.

NetBackup uses the prefix only for the current operation.

To configure a media ID prefix Select the Choose from the Media ID prefix list (stored in
to use for the current session vm.conf file) option and then select the prefix from the list.
and future sessions

To add a new media ID prefix Select the Choose from the Media ID prefix list (stored in
to the vm.conf file vm.conf file) option and then enter the prefix in the New
media ID prefix field. Click Add.
Configuring tape media 547
Configuring media settings

To remove a media ID prefix Select the Choose from the Media ID prefix list (stored in
from the vm.conf file vm.conf file) option, select the prefix from the list, and then
lick Remove.

For more information, about the vm.conf file, see the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.

Use barcode rules (new media setting)

Specifies whether or not to use barcode rules to assign attributes for new media.
To enable barcode rule support for API robots, add an API_BARCODE_RULES entry
to the vm.conf file.
See “About barcodes” on page 550.
See “Configuring barcode rules” on page 554.
For more information about the vm.conf file, see the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.

Media type (new media setting)

Specifies the type for the new media that are added to a robot. The list includes
the media types that are valid for the robot.
How NetBackup determines the new media type depends on the Use barcode
rules setting, as follows:
■ Use barcode rules is selected.
See “Media type when using barcode rules” on page 547.
■ Use barcode rules is not selected.
See “Media type when not using barcode rules” on page 549.

Note: For API robots, the Media type is always set to DEFAULT. To specify a
media type for API robots, use the Media Type Mappings tab of the dialog box.
See “Configuring media type mappings” on page 567.

Media type when using barcode rules

If you use barcode rules in NetBackup, choose one of the following:
Configuring tape media 548
Configuring media settings

DEFAULT NetBackup uses the barcode rules to determine the media type that is

Each media type to be added should have a barcode rule. For example,
assume that you want to add DLT and half-inch cartridges to a TLD
robot with a single update operation. First create separate barcode
rules for DLT and half-inch cartridges and then select the specific media
types when you create the barcode rules. Finally, select DEFAULT on
the Media Settings tab. The correct media type is assigned to each

If you choose DEFAULT on the Media Settings tab and DEFAULT in

the barcode rule, NetBackup assigns the default media type for the

A specific media You can use a single barcode rule to add media of different types, such
type from the list. as DLT and half-inch cartridges (HCART) to a TLD robot. First, select
a specific media type on the Media Settings tab. Second, select
DEFAULT for the barcode rule media type when you create the barcode
rule. You can perform one update for DLT and another for half-inch
cartridge, and the barcode rule assigns the correct media type.

If you specify a value other than DEFAULT, the barcode rule media type
must be the same as the media or be DEFAULT. If not, the barcode rule
does not match the media (except for cleaning media).

Table 10-5 shows some combinations of media types on the Media

Settings tab and barcode rule media types for a TLD (non-API) robot.
It also shows the results when the media are added to the volume

Table 10-5 Example media type and barcode rule combinations

Media type on Barcode rule Rule matches? Media type added

Media Settings media type to volume
tab configuration








Configuring tape media 549
Configuring media settings

Table 10-5 Example media type and barcode rule combinations (continued)

Media type on Barcode rule Rule matches? Media type added

Media Settings media type to volume
tab configuration

DLT 8MM, 4MM, and so on No DLT




DEFAULT 8 MM, 4 MM, and so No Depends on robot type


The fourth row in the table shows how both cleaning cartridges and regular volumes
are added using one update operation.
All the following conditions must be true:
■ The media type on the Media Settings tab is for regular media (DLT, in this
■ The barcode matches a barcode tag.
■ The media type for the barcode rule is cleaning media (DLT_CLN).
Another example is available:
The sixth row and seventh row in the table show how to add only a cleaning tape.
In the sixth row, you specify the cleaning media type on the Media Settings tab
and in the barcode rule. In the seventh, specify the cleaning media on the Media
Settings tab and specify default when you configure the barcode rule.
See “Configuring barcode rules” on page 554.

Media type when not using barcode rules

Choose one of the following if the barcode rules in NetBackup are not used:

DEFAULT NetBackup uses the media type that is configured for the drives if:
■ The drives in the robot are configured on the robot control host
■ All drives the same type
■ At least one drive is configured on the robot control host

If the drives are not the same type, NetBackup uses the default media
type for the robot.
Configuring tape media 550
About barcodes

A specific media If the robot supports multiple media types and you do not want to use
type the default media type, select a specific type.

Select a specific media type if: the drives are not configured on the
robot control host and the drives are not the default media type for the

The following table shows the default media types for robots when drives are not
configured on the robot control host:

Table 10-6 Default media types for non-API robots

Robot type Default media type

Tape Library DLT DLT cartridge tape.

(TLD) Also supports the following:

■ DLT cartridge tape 2 and 3, 1/2-inch cartridge tape

■ 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2, 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3
■ 8 MM cartridge tape, 8 MM cartridge tape 2, 8 MM cartridge tape 3
■ DTF cartridge tape
■ 1/4-inch cartridge tape

Volume pool (new media setting)

The volume pool for the new media. The actions depend on whether you use
barcode rules to assign media attributes, as follows:


■ Use barcode rules, the barcode rules determine the volume pool to
which new volumes are assigned
■ Do not use barcode rules, NetBackup assigns data tapes to the
NetBackup pool but does not assign cleaning tapes to a volume

A specific volume If you use barcode rules, this volume pool setting always overrides the
pool. rule.

About barcodes
When a robotic library has a barcode reader, it scans the media for barcodes and
saves the results. The results associate the slot number and the barcode with the
media in that slot. NetBackup obtains the barcode and slot information from the
robotic library.
Configuring tape media 551
About barcodes

In the robots that have barcode readers, NetBackup verifies the barcode to ensure
that the robot loads the correct volume.
If the barcode on the volume does not match the barcode in the EMM database,
NetBackup does one of the following:
■ Assigns the request a pending status (for media-specific jobs such as a restore)
■ Uses another volume (for backup or duplicate jobs)
If a requested volume is not in a robot, a pending request message appears in the
NetBackup Administration Console Device Monitor.
The operator must find the volume and do one of the following:
■ Check the Device Monitor to find a suitable drive and mount the requested
volume in that drive.
■ Move the volume into the robot, update the volume configuration to reflect the
correct location for the media, and resubmit the request.
If the volume is labeled, the automatic volume recognition daemon reads the label
and the drive is assigned to the request. If the volume is unlabeled and not
associated with a robot, the operator manually assigns the drive to the request.

Barcode advantages
NetBackup functions well whether or not barcodes are used. However, it is
recommended to use a media with barcodes in the robots that can read barcodes.
Barcodes offer the following advantages:
■ Automatic media ID assignment
When you add new media to a robot, NetBackup is able to assign media IDs
according to specified criteria.
■ More accurate tracking of volume location
A robot inventory update can determine which volumes are in a robot.
■ Increased performance
Not using barcodes can adversely affect performance for some robots. A robot
that reads barcodes performs a scan each time it moves a tape. The robot stores
the correct barcode in memory or verifies a previously saved barcode. However,
if a tape does not have a barcode, the robot retries the scan multiple times,
degrading performance.

Barcode best practices

Consider the following practices when you select barcodes for volumes:
■ Barcodes usually appear on the labels that are attached to the outside of tape
Configuring tape media 552
About barcodes

■ The maximum barcode length that NetBackup supports depends on the type of
For more information, see the NetBackup Device Configuration Guide.
■ Always follow the robotic library vendor’s recommendations when purchasing
barcode labels for use with NetBackup.
Ensure that the barcodes have the correct number of characters.
■ Barcodes can represent any combination of alpha and numeric characters, but
different robots support different lengths of barcodes.
See the robot vendor’s documentation to determine the requirements for a
specific robot type.
■ Use barcodes without spaces (at the beginning, at the end, or between any
Otherwise, the robot or NetBackup may not read them correctly.
■ Volumes in an API robot have a real or a logical barcode.
This volume identifier is used as the NetBackup media ID. This volume identifier
is the volume serial number in ACS robots.
■ For API robots, the barcode for a volume must be identical to the NetBackup
media ID.
Match barcodes to media IDs by getting custom labels in the same series as
the media IDs. For example, to match a set of media IDs from AA0000 to ZZ9999,
get barcode labels in that series.
■ When a robotic library can contain more than one media type, assign specific
characters in the barcode to different media types. Do so by using media ID
generation rules.
Also, use barcodes to differentiate between data tapes and cleaning tapes or
to differentiate between volume pools.

About barcode rules

A barcode rule specifies criteria for assigning attributes to new robotic volumes.
NetBackup assigns these attributes by using the barcode for the volume that the
robotic library provides and your barcode rules.
In NetBackup, you choose whether to use barcode rules when you set up the robot
inventory update operation. The barcode rules are stored on the master server.

Note: NetBackup does not use barcode rules if a volume already uses a barcode.
Configuring tape media 553
About barcodes

About NetBackup actions for barcodes

When a robot inventory update operation uses NetBackup barcode rules and a new
barcode is detected in the robot, NetBackup does the following:
■ Searches the list of rules (from first to last) for a rule that matches the new
■ If the barcode matches a rule, NetBackup verifies that the media type in the rule
is compatible with the media type specified for the update.
■ If the media types match, NetBackup assigns the attributes in the rule to the
volume. The attributes include the media type, volume pool, maximum number
of mounts (or number of cleanings), and description.

Example barcode rules

The following table shows some example barcode rules. Rules are sorted first
according to the number of characters in the barcode tag and then by the order
added. Two exceptions are the <NONE> and <DEFAULT> rules, which are always
located at the end of the list.

Table 10-7 Example barcode rules

Barcode tag Media type Volume pool Max mounts Description

and cleanings

0080 8MM b_pool 55 New 008


DLT DLT d_pool 200 DLT backup

CLD DLT_CLN None 30 DLT cleaning

CLT 8MM_CLN None 20 8-mm cleaning

8MM t_pool 0 8-mm backup

TL 8MM None 0 8-mm no pool

<NONE> DEFAULT None 0 No barcode

<DEFAULT> DEFAULT NetBackup 0 Other barcodes

Assume that you select the following media settings (update options) for the update
operation for a new 8-mm volume in a TLD robot:
Media type = 8MM
Volume group = 00_000_TLD
Configuring tape media 554
Configuring barcode rules

Use barcode rules = YES

Volume pool = DEFAULT
If a new volume in this robotic library has a barcode of TLD00001, NetBackup uses
the rule with the barcode tag of TLD. NetBackup assigns the following attributes to
the volume:
■ Media ID = 800001 (last six characters of barcode)
■ Volume group = 00_000_TLD
■ Volume pool = t_pool
■ Maximum mounts = 0 (no maximum)
If a new volume has a barcode of TL000001, NetBackup uses the rule with the
barcode tag of TL. NetBackup assigns the following attributes to the volume:
■ Media ID = 000001 (last six characters of barcode)
■ Volume group = 00_000_TLD
■ Volume pool = None
■ Maximum mounts = 0 (no maximum)

Configuring barcode rules

Use the Barcode Rules tab of the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog
box to configure rules for assigning attributes to the new volumes that are added
to a robot. NetBackup assigns barcodes when you select Use barcode rules on
the Media Settings tab.
To enable barcode rule support for API robots, add an API_BARCODE_RULES entry
to the vm.conf file.
Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
For more information about the vm.conf file, see the NetBackup Administrator's
Guide, Volume II.
See “About barcodes” on page 550.
To configure barcode rules
1 Open the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, as follows:
Configuring tape media 555
Configuring barcode rules

From the Robot 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand

Inventory dialog box Media and Device Management > Media > Robots in
the left pane.

2 Select the robot that you want to inventory.

3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 Click either Preview volume configuration changes

or Update volume configuration.

5 Click Advanced Options.

From the Volume 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left

Configuration Wizard pane, expand Media and Device Management >

2 From the list of wizards in the right pane, click

Configure Volumes and follow the wizard instructions.

3 On the Robot Inventory panel of the Volume

Configuration Wizard, click Advanced Options.

2 In the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, click the Barcode
Rules tab.
Configuring tape media 556
Configuring barcode rules

3 To configure the rules, do any of the following:

Add a rule Click New and then configure the rule in the dialog box.

Change a rule Select the rule, click Change, and then change the rule in the
Change Barcode Rule dialog box.

You cannot change the barcode tag of a barcode rule. You first must
delete the old rule and then add a rule with a new barcode tag.

Delete a rule Select the rule, click Delete, and click OK in the Delete Barcode
Rules dialog box. You can select and delete multiple rules with one

See “Barcode rules settings” on page 556.

4 When you are finished configuring rules, click OK.

Barcode rules settings

The following table describes the settings you can configure for barcode rules.
NetBackup uses these rules to assign barcodes to new media.
Configuring tape media 557
Configuring barcode rules

Table 10-8 Barcode rule settings

Barcode rule setting Description

Barcode tag A unique string of barcode characters that identifies the type of media.
For example, use DLT as the barcode tag for a barcode rule if the following is true:

■ You use DLT on the barcodes to identify DLT tapes

■ DLT is not used on any other barcodes in the robot

Similarly, if you use CLND for DLT cleaning media, use CLND as the barcode tag for
the rule for DLT cleaning media.

The barcode tag can have from 1 to 16 characters but cannot contain spaces.
The following are the special barcode rules that can match special characters in the
barcode tags:

Matches when rules are used and the volume has an unreadable barcode or the
robot does not support barcodes.
For volumes with barcodes, this tag matches when none of the other barcode tags
match. However, the following must be compatible: the media type in the DEFAULT
rule and the media type on the Media Settings tab.

You cannot change the barcode tag of a barcode rule. Instead, first delete the old rule,
then add a rule with a new barcode tag.

Use the Media Settings tab to set up the criteria for a robot update.

See “Configuring media settings” on page 541.

Description A description of the barcode rule. Enter from 1 to 25 characters.

Maximum mounts The maximum number of mounts (or cleanings) that are allowed for the volume.

For data volumes, a value of zero means the volume can be mounted an unlimited
number of times.

For cleaning tapes, zero means that the cleaning tape is not used. It is recommended
that you use barcodes for the cleaning media that cannot be confused with barcodes
for data media. Doing so can avoid a value of 0 for cleaning tapes.
Configuring tape media 558
About media ID generation rules

Table 10-8 Barcode rule settings (continued)

Barcode rule setting Description

Media type option The media type to assign to the media.

The media type that is specified on the Media Settings tab always overrides the media
type of the barcode rule. If you specify a value other than DEFAULT on the Media
Settings tab, the barcode rule media type must be the same as the media or be
DEFAULT. If not, the barcode rule does not match the media (except for cleaning media).

See “Media type when using barcode rules” on page 547.

Note: When a media type is selected, the maximum mounts value may revert to the
default value for the specified media type. For example, it may revert to 0 for unlimited
when you select a non-cleaning media type.

See “NetBackup media types” on page 532.

Volume pool The volume pool for the new media. The actions depend on whether you use barcode
rules to assign media attributes.
Select from the following:

If DEFAULT is selected, NetBackup performs the following actions:
■ If you use barcode rules, the barcode rules determine the volume pool to which
new volumes are assigned.
■ If you do not use barcode rules, NetBackup assigns data tapes to the NetBackup
pool but does not assign cleaning tapes to a volume pool.
■ A specific volume pool
This volume pool setting always overrides any barcode rules.

About media ID generation rules

Use media ID generation rules to override the default media ID naming method
NetBackup uses. The default method uses the last six characters of the barcode
the robot provides to generate the media ID.

Note: To use media ID generation rules, the robot must support barcodes and the
robot cannot be an API robot. Media ID generation rules are saved in the Media
Manager configuration file (vm.conf). Information about the vm.conf file is in the
NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II .

For example, two eight-character barcodes are S00006L1 and 000006L1. Without
any media ID generation rules NetBackup uses the last six characters of the barcode
Configuring tape media 559
Configuring media ID generation rules

to generate media IDs. In this example, the same media ID for the two barcodes
is created (0006L1).
Use a rule to control how NetBackup creates media IDs by specifying which
characters of a barcode are used in the media ID. Or, specify that alphanumeric
characters are to be inserted into the ID.
Define multiple rules to accommodate the robots and the barcode lengths. Define
rules to specific robots and for each barcode format that has different numbers or
characters in the barcode. Multiple rules allow flexibility for the robots that support
multiple media types.

Configuring media ID generation rules

For non-API robots only. Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
Use the Media ID Generation tab of the NetBackup Advanced Robot Inventory
Options dialog box to configure the rules that override the default naming method.
To use media ID generation rules, the robot must support barcodes and the robot
cannot be an API robot.
See “About media ID generation rules” on page 558.
To configure media ID generation rules
1 Open the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, as follows:

From the Robot 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand

Inventory dialog box Media and Device Management > Media > Robots in
the left pane.

2 Select the robot that you want to inventory.

3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 Click either Preview volume configuration changes

or Update volume configuration.

5 Click Advanced Options.

Configuring tape media 560
Configuring media ID generation rules

From the Volume 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left

Configuration Wizard pane, expand Media and Device Management >

2 From the list of wizards in the right pane, click

Configure Volumes and follow the wizard instructions.

3 On the Robot Inventory panel of the Volume

Configuration Wizard, click Advanced Options.

2 In the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, click the Media ID
Generation tab.
Configuring tape media 561
Configuring media ID generation rules

3 To configure the rules, do any of the following:

Add a rule Click New and then configure the rule in the dialog box.

Change a rule Select the rule, click Change, and then change the rule in the dialog

You cannot change the robot number or barcode length of a rule.

To change those properties, first delete the old rule and then add a

Delete a rule Select the rule, click Delete, and click OK in the confirmation dialog
box. You can select and delete multiple rules with one operation.

See “Media ID generation options” on page 561.

4 When you are finished configuring rules, click OK.

Media ID generation options

NetBackup uses rules to generate the IDs for media in robots. The default rule uses
the last six characters of the barcode label from the tape.
You can configure media ID generation rules to override the default rule. Control
how NetBackup creates media IDs by defining the rules that specify which characters
of a barcode label to use for the media ID.
The following subsections describe the media ID generation rule options.
The following list describes the media ID generation rule options:
■ Bar code length
The Barcode length is the number of characters in the barcode for tapes in the
You cannot change the barcode length of a rule. Rather, first delete the rule and
then add a new rule.
■ Media ID generation rule
A Media ID generation rule consists of a maximum of six colon-separate fields.
Numbers define the positions of the characters in the barcode that are to be
extracted. For example, the number 2 in a field extracts the second character
(from the left) of the barcode. You can specify numbers in any order.
To insert a specific character in a generated media idea, precede the character
by a pound sign (#). Any alphanumeric characters that are specified must be
valid for a media ID.
Use rules to create media IDs of many formats. However, it may be difficult to
manage media if the label on the media and the generated media ID are different.
The table shows some examples of rules and the resulting media IDs.
Configuring tape media 562
About media type mapping rules

Barcode on Media ID generation rule Generated media ID


032945L1 1:2:3:4:5:6 032945

032945L1 3:4:5:6:7 2945L

032945L1 #N:2:3:4:5:6 N32945

543106L1 #9:2:3:4 9431

543106L1 1:2:3:4:#P 5431P

■ Robot number
The number of the robot to which the rule applies.
You cannot change the robot number of a rule. Rather, first delete the rule and
then add a new rule.

About media type mapping rules

Applies to API robots only. Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
For API robots, NetBackup contains default mappings from a vendor's media types
to NetBackup media types. API robots are ACS robot types.
You can change the default mappings. Changes apply only to the current volume
configuration update.
You also can add media type mappings.
See “About adding media type mapping entries” on page 569.
See “Default and allowable media types” on page 569.
See “NetBackup media types” on page 532.

Note: You can write a barcode rule that contains the media types that are
incompatible with vendor media types. However, the robot inventory update may
assign NetBackup media types that are inconsistent with the vendor media types.
Avoid this problem by grouping barcode rules by media type.
Configuring tape media 563
Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

It is recommended that you use the Volume Configuration Wizard or the robot
inventory option to add volumes.
Be careful when you specify properties. You cannot change some properties later,
such as the media ID or type. If you specify them incorrectly, you must delete the
volume and add it again.
To add volumes by using the Actions menu
1 For new volumes in a robotic library, insert them into the proper slots.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
3 On the Actions menu, select New > Volumes.

4 In the New Volumes dialog box, specify the properties for the volumes.
The properties that appear in the dialog box vary.
See “Volume properties” on page 564.
5 Click Apply or OK.
If the robot has a barcode reader, NetBackup performs the following actions:
■ Adds the volume to the EMM database using the specified media ID.
Configuring tape media 564
Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

■ Reads the barcode of each new volume.

■ Adds the barcodes as attributes in the EMM database.
The Apply option adds the volume without closing the dialog box or
refreshing the display. You can then add more volumes.

Volume properties
Table 10-9 describes the properties for volumes in NetBackup. The properties
depend on whether you add, change, or move volumes.
The properties are arranged alphabetically.

Table 10-9 Volume properties

Property Description Operation

Device host The name of the NetBackup media server to which the robot is attached. Add, move

Expiration date The following does not apply to cleaning tapes. Change

The date after which the volume is too old to be reliable.

When the expiration date has passed, NetBackup reads data on the volume but
does not mount and write to the volume. You should exchange it for a new volume.

See “About exchanging a volume” on page 579.

When you add a new volume, NetBackup does not set an expiration date.

The expiration date is not the same as the retention period for the backup data on
the volume. You specify data retention periods in the backup policies.

First media ID This property appears only if the number of volumes is more than one. Add

The ID of the first volume in the range of volumes. Media IDs can be from 1 to 6
characters in length. Valid only when you add a range of volumes.

Use the same pattern that you chose in the Media ID naming style box. NetBackup
uses the pattern to name the remaining volumes by incrementing the digits.

NetBackup allows specific characters in names.

See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.

First slot number The number of the first slot in the robot in which the range of volumes resides. If Add, move
you add or move more than one media, NetBackup assigns the remainder of the
slot numbers sequentially.
Note: You cannot enter slot information for volumes in an API robot. The robot
vendor tracks the slot locations for API robot types.
Configuring tape media 565
Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

Table 10-9 Volume properties (continued)

Property Description Operation

Maximum The maximum number of times NetBackup should mount the volume or use the Add
cleanings cleaning tape.

To determine the maximum mount limit to use, consult the vendor documentation
for information on the expected life of the volume.

Maximum mounts The following topic does not apply to cleaning tapes. Add, change

The Maximum mounts property specifies the number of times that the selected
volumes can be mounted.

When the limit is reached, NetBackup reads data on the volume but does not mount
and write to the volume.

A value of zero (the default) is the same as Unlimited.

To help determine the maximum mount limit, consult the vendor documentation
for information on the expected life of the volume.

Media description A description of the media, up to 25 character maximum. Add, change

NetBackup allows specific characters in names.

See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.

Media ID This property appears only if the number of volumes is one. Add, change

The ID for the new volume. Media IDs can be from 1 to 6 characters in length.

Media IDs for an API robot must match the barcode on the media (for API robots,
NetBackup supports barcodes from 1 to 6 characters). Therefore, obtain a list of
the barcodes before you add the volumes. Obtain this information through a robotic
inventory or from the robot vendor’s software.

NetBackup allows specific characters in names.

See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.

Media ID naming The style to use to name the range of volumes. Media IDs can be from 1 to 6 Add
style characters in length. Using the pattern, NetBackup names the remaining volumes
by incrementing the digits.

NetBackup media IDs for an API robot must match the barcode on the media. For
API robots, NetBackup supports barcodes from 1 to 6 characters. Therefore, obtain
a list of the barcodes before you add the volumes. Obtain this information through
a robotic inventory or from the robot vendor’s software.

NetBackup allows specific characters in names.

See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.

Configuring tape media 566
Adding volumes by using the Actions menu

Table 10-9 Volume properties (continued)

Property Description Operation

Media type The media type for the volume to add. Add

Select the type from the drop-down list.

See “NetBackup media types” on page 532.

Number of The number of volumes to add. For a robotic library, enough slots must exist for Add
volumes the volumes.

Robot The robotic library to add or move the volumes to. Add, move

To add volumes for a different robot, select a robot from the drop-down list. The
list shows robots on the selected host that can contain volumes of the selected
media type.

Volume group If you specified a robot, select from a volume group already configured for that Add, move
robot. Alternatively, enter the name for a volume group; if it does not exist,
NetBackup creates it and adds the volume to it.
If you do not specify a volume group (you leave the volume group blank), the
following occurs:

■ Standalone volumes are not assigned to a volume group.

■ NetBackup generates a name for robotic volumes by using the robot number
and type. For example, if the robot is a TLD and has a robot number of 50, the
group name is 000_00050_TLD.

See “About NetBackup volume groups” on page 531.

See “About rules for moving volumes between groups” on page 574.

Volume is in a When you add a volume: Add, move

robotic library
■ If the volume is in a robot, select Volume is in a robotic library.
■ If the volume is a standalone volume, do not select Volume is in a robotic
When you move a volume:

■ To inject a volume into a robotic library, select Volume is in a robotic library.

Then, select a robot and the slot number (First slot number) for the volume.
■ To eject a volume from a robot, clear Volume is in a robotic library.
Configuring tape media 567
Configuring media type mappings

Table 10-9 Volume properties (continued)

Property Description Operation

Volume pool The pool to which the volume or volumes should be assigned. Add, change
Select a volume pool you created or one of the following standard NetBackup

■ None.
■ NetBackup is the default pool name for NetBackup.
■ DataStore is the default pool name for DataStore.
■ CatalogBackup is the default pool name used for NetBackup catalog backups
of policy type NBU-Catalog.

When the images on a volume expire, NetBackup returns it to the scratch volume
pool if it was allocated from the scratch pool.

See “About NetBackup volume pools” on page 528.

Volumes to move The Volumes to move section of the dialog box shows the media IDs of the Move
volumes that you selected to move.

Configuring media type mappings

Applies to API robots only. Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
Use the Media Type Mappings tab of the NetBackup Advanced Robot Inventory
Options dialog box to configure the attributes for existing and new media.
See “About media type mapping rules” on page 562.
To configure media type mappings
1 Open the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, as follows:

From the Robot 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand

Inventory dialog box Media and Device Management > Media > Robots in
the left pane.

2 Select the robot that you want to inventory.

3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 Click either Preview volume configuration changes

or Update volume configuration.

5 Click Advanced Options.

Configuring tape media 568
Configuring media type mappings

From the Volume 1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left

Configuration Wizard pane, expand Media and Device Management >

2 From the list of wizards in the right pane, click

Configure Volumes and follow the wizard instructions.

3 On the Robot Inventory panel of the Volume

Configuration Wizard, click Advanced Options.

2 In the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, click the Media Type
Mappings tab.

The mappings that appear are only for the robot type that was selected for
inventory. The default mappings and any mappings you added or changed
3 Select the row that contains the robot-vendor media type mapping that you
want to change and click Change Mapping.
4 In the Change Media Mapping dialog box, select a media type from the list
of allowed selections.
5 Click OK.
To reset the mappings to the default, click Reset to Defaults.
Configuring tape media 569
Configuring media type mappings

About adding media type mapping entries

Applies to API robots only. Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
The default media type mappings may not provide the wanted mappings. If not,
add robot-specific media mappings to the vm.conf file on the host on which you
run the NetBackup Administration Console.
For more information about the vm.conf file, see the NetBackup Administrator's
Guide, Volume II.

Table 10-10 Examples of robot-specific media mappings

vm.conf entry Result Robot default without a vm.conf


ACS_3490E = HCART2 Maps the ACS 3490E to the HCART2 HCART

media type.

ACS_DLTIV = DLT2 Maps ACS DLTIV to the DLT2 media type. DLT for all ACS DLT media types, including

Default and allowable media types

Applies to API robots only. Robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.
The default media types on the Media Type Mappings tab are the media types
provided by each robot vendor.
The following tables contain the default and allowable media types for the API robots
as follows:
■ NetBackup ACS type robots: Table 10-11
The following items provide information to help you understand the tables:
■ The first column of each table shows the vendor's media type.
■ The second column of each table shows the default media type in NetBackup.
■ The third column shows the media types to which you can map the defaults. To
do so, first add the allowable mapping entries to the vm.conf file.
Some map entries are not allowed. For example, you cannot specify either of
the following map entries for ACS robots:

Configuring tape media 570
Configuring media type mappings

The following table shows the default media types and the allowable media types
for ACS robots.

Table 10-11 Default and allowable media types for ACS robots

ACS media type Default media type Allowable media types

through mappings

3480 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


3490E 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


DD3A 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


DD3B 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


DD3C 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


DD3D 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape 2 (HC2_CLN) HC3_CLN

DLTIII Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

DLTIIIXT Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

DLTIV Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

EECART 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


JLABEL 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


KLABEL 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


LTO_100G 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


LTO_10GB 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


LTO_200G 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART2) HCART, HCART2,

Configuring tape media 571
Configuring media type mappings

Table 10-11 Default and allowable media types for ACS robots (continued)

ACS media type Default media type Allowable media types

through mappings

LTO_35GB 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


LTO_400G 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_400W 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_50GB 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


LTO_800G 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


LTO_800W 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


LTO_1_5T 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_1_5W 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_2_5T 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_2_5W 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


LTO_6_4T 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


LTO_6_4W 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


LTO_CLN1 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN

LTO_CLN2 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN

LTO_CLN3 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN
Configuring tape media 572
Configuring media type mappings

Table 10-11 Default and allowable media types for ACS robots (continued)

ACS media type Default media type Allowable media types

through mappings

LTO_CLNU 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN

SDLT Digital Linear Tape 3 (DLT3) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_2 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_4 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_S1 Digital Linear Tape 2 (DLT2) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_S2 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_S3 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

SDLT_S4 Digital Linear Tape (DLT) DLT, DLT2, DLT3

STK1R 1/2-inch cartridge (HCART) HCART, HCART2,


STK1U 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN

STK1Y 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape (HC_CLN) HC3_CLN

STK2P 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


STK2W 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape 2 (HC2_CLN) HC3_CLN

T10000CC 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


T10000CL 1/2-inch cartridge cleaning HC_CLN, HC2_CLN,

tape 3 (HC3_CLN) HC3_CLN

T10000CT 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


T10000T1 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


T10000T2 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,

Configuring tape media 573
Managing volumes

Table 10-11 Default and allowable media types for ACS robots (continued)

ACS media type Default media type Allowable media types

through mappings

T10000TS 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


T10000TT 1/2-inch cartridge tape 3 HCART, HCART2,


UNKNOWN (for unknown ACS 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,

media types) (HCART2) HCART3, DLT, DLT2,

VCART 1/2-inch cartridge tape HCART, HCART2,


VIRTUAL 1/2-inch cartridge tape 2 HCART, HCART2,


Managing volumes
The following sections describe the procedures to manage volumes.

Changing the group of a volume

If you move a volume physically to a different robot, change the group of the volume
to reflect the move.
See “About rules for moving volumes between groups” on page 574.
To change the group of a volume
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volumes that you want to
change the volume group assignment for.
3 On the Actions menu, select Change Volume Group.
4 In the New volume group name field, enter the name of the new volume group
or select a name from the list of volume groups.
5 Click OK.
The name change is reflected in the volume list entry for the selected volumes.
If you specified a new volume group (which creates a new volume group), the
group appears under Volume Groups in the left pane.
Configuring tape media 574
Managing volumes

About rules for moving volumes between groups

The following are the rules for moving volumes between groups:
■ The target volume group must contain the same type of media as the source
volume group. If the target volume group is empty: The successive volumes
that you add to it must match the type of media that you first add to it.
■ All volumes in a robotic library must belong to a volume group. If you do not
specify a group, NetBackup generates a new volume group name by using the
robot number and type.
■ More than one volume group can share the same location. For example, a
robotic library can contain volumes from more than one volume group and you
can have more than one standalone volume group.
■ All members of a group must be in the same robotic library or be standalone.
That is, if volume group already exists in another robotic library, you cannot add
it (or part of it) to a robotic library.
See “About NetBackup volume groups” on page 531.
See “About moving volumes” on page 588.

Changing the owner of a volume

You can change the media server or server group that owns the volume.
See “About NetBackup server groups” on page 430.
See “About media sharing” on page 596.
To change the owner of a volume
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the Volumes list, select the volume that you want to change.
3 On the Actions menu, select Change Media Owner.
Configuring tape media 575
Managing volumes

4 In the Media Owner field, select one of the following:

Any (default) Allows NetBackup to choose the media owner. NetBackup

chooses a media server or a server group (if one is

None Specifies that the media server that writes the image to the
media owns the media. No media server is specified explicitly,
but you want a media server to own the media.

A server group Specify a server group. A server group allows only those
servers in the group to write to the media on which backup
images for this policy are written. All server groups that are
configured in the NetBackup environment appear in the
drop-down list.

5 Click OK.

Changing volume properties

You can change some of the properties of a volume, including the volume pool.
To change volume properties
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select a volume or volumes.
Configuring tape media 576
Managing volumes

3 On the Edit menu, select Change.

4 In the Change Volumes dialog box, change the properties for the volume.
See “Volume properties” on page 564.
5 Click OK.

About assigning and deassigning volumes

An assigned volume is one that is reserved for exclusive use by NetBackup. A
volume is set to the assigned state when either application writes data on it for the
first time. The time of the assignment appears in the Time Assigned column for
the volume in the NetBackup Administration Console Volumes pane. When a
volume is assigned, you cannot delete it or change its volume pool.
A volume remains assigned until NetBackup deassigns it.
To determine which application currently uses a volume, see the Application
column of the right pane, labeled Volumes.
NetBackup deassigns a volume only when the data is no longer required, as follows:
■ For regular backup volumes, when the retention period has expired for all the
backups on the volume.
Configuring tape media 577
Managing volumes

■ For catalog backup volumes, when you stop using the volume for catalog
To deassign a volume, you expire the images on the volume. After you expire a
volume, NetBackup deassigns it and does not track the backups that are on it.
NetBackup can reuse the volume, you can delete it, or you can change its volume
See “Expiring backup images” on page 1076.
You can expire backup images regardless of the volume state (Frozen, Suspended,
and so on).
NetBackup does not erase images on expired volumes. You can still use the data
on the volume by importing the images into NetBackup (if the volume has not been
See “About importing backup images” on page 1077.

Note: It is not recommended that you deassign NetBackup volumes. If you do, be
certain that the volumes do not contain any important data. If you are uncertain,
copy the images to another volume before you deassign the volume.

Deleting a volume
You can delete volumes from the NetBackup configuration.

Note: You cannot delete a volume if it is still assigned.

For example, if any of the following situations apply, you may want to delete the
■ A volume is no longer used and you want to recycle it by relabeling it with a
different media ID.
■ A volume is unusable because of repeated media errors.
■ A volume is past its expiration date or has too many mounts, and you want to
replace it with a new volume.
■ A volume is lost and you want to remove it from the EMM database.
After a volume is deleted, you can discard it or add it back under the same or a
different media ID.
Before you delete and reuse or discard a volume, ensure that it does not have any
important data. You cannot delete NetBackup volumes if they are assigned.
See “About assigning and deassigning volumes” on page 576.
Configuring tape media 578
Managing volumes

To delete volumes
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volume or volumes that you
want to delete.
You cannot delete a volume if it is still assigned.
3 On the Edit menu, select Delete.
4 In the Delete Volumes dialog box, click OK.
5 Remove the deleted volume or volumes from the storage device.

Erasing a volume
You can erase the data on a volume if the following are true:
■ The volume is not assigned.
■ The volume contains no valid NetBackup images.
After NetBackup erases the media, NetBackup writes a label on the media.
If you erase media, NetBackup cannot restore or import the data on the media.
If a volume contains valid NetBackup images, deassign the volume so NetBackup
can label it.
See “About assigning and deassigning volumes” on page 576.
The following table describes the types of erase.

Table 10-12 Types of erase

Type of erase Description

SCSI long erase Rewinds the media and the data is overwritten with a known data
pattern. A SCSI long erase is also called a secure erase because it
erases the recorded data completely.
Note: A long erase is a time-consuming operation and can take as
long as two hours to three hours. For example, it takes about 45 minutes
to erase a 4-mm tape on a standalone drive
Configuring tape media 579
Managing volumes

Table 10-12 Types of erase (continued)

Type of erase Description

SCSI quick erase Rewinds the media and an erase gap is recorded on the media. The
format of this gap is drive dependent. It can be an end-of-data (EOD)
mark or a recorded pattern that the drive does not recognize as data.

Some drives do not support a quick erase (such as QUANTUM

DLT7000). For the drives that do not support a quick erase, the new
tape header that is written acts as an application-specific quick erase.

Note: NetBackup does not support erase functions on NDMP drives.

To erase a volume
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select a volume or volumes that you want
to erase.
If you select multiple volumes, they must all be in the same robot.
3 Select either Actions > Quick Erase or Actions > Long Erase.
4 In the erase dialog box, specify the name of the media server to initiate the
erase operation.
To overwrite any existing labels on the media, do not select Verify media label
before performing operation.
5 Click OK.
A dialog box warns you that this action is irreversible.
6 Click OK if you are certain you want to start the erase action.
A dialog box reminds you to use the Activity Monitor to view the progress
and status of the action. (For many types of drives, you may not be able to
cancel a label or erase media job from the Activity Monitor.) Click OK.
If you selected Verify media label before performing operation and the
actual volume label does not match the expected label, the media is not erased.

About exchanging a volume

You should exchange a volume (replace one volume with another volume) if a
volume meets any of the following conditions:
Configuring tape media 580
Managing volumes

■ Full (in this case, to exchange a volume means to remove the volume from a
robotic tape library).
■ Past the maximum number of mounts.
■ Old (past the expiration date).
■ Unusable (for example, because of repeated media errors).
Depending on whether you want to reuse the old media ID or not, follow one of the
exchange volumes processes in the following subsections.

Exchanging a volume and using a new media ID

Use this procedure when the following are true:
■ The volume contains current and valid NetBackup images.
■ You require slots in the robotic library for additional backups, duplications, vault
functions, or other purposes.
The following table describes the procedure that used to exchange a volume and
use a new media ID.

Table 10-13 Exchange a volume and using a new media ID

Step Task Instructions

Step 1 Move the volume to another location See “About moving volumes”
on page 588.
If the volume is in a robotic library, remove it from the robotic library
and move it to a standalone group.

Step 2 Add a new volume or move an existing volume in as a replacement See “About adding volumes”
for the volume you removed. on page 538.

If you add a new volume, specify a new media ID. Specify the
same values for the other attributes as the removed volume (such
as robotic residence, volume pool, and the media type).

Step 3 Physically replace the old volume. Beyond the scope of the NetBackup
Do not delete the old volume in case you need to retrieve the data
on the volume.

Exchanging a volume and using the old media ID

You can exchange a volume and reuse the same media ID, which may be convenient
in some instances.
Reuse a media ID only if all data on the old volume is not required and you recycle
or discard the volume.
Configuring tape media 581
Managing volumes

Warning: If you exchange a media ID for a volume that has unexpired backup
images, serious operational problems and data loss may occur.

The following table describes the procedure to exchange a volume and use the old
media ID.

Table 10-14 Exchange a volume and use the old media ID

Step Task Instructions

Step 1 Delete the volume. See “Deleting a volume” on page 577.

Step 2 Remove the old volume from the storage device. See “About injecting and ejecting volumes”
Physically add the new volume to the storage device. on page 582.

Step 3 Add the new volume to the NetBackup volume See “About adding volumes” on page 538.
configuration and specify the same attributes as the
old volume, including the old media ID.

Step 4 Set a new expiration date for the volume. See “Changing volume properties” on page 575.

Step 5 Optionally, label the volume. Although you do not See “Labeling a volume” on page 587.
have to label the volume, the label process puts the
media in a known state. The external media label
matches the recorded media label, and the mode is
known to be compatible with the drives in the robotic

About frozen media

Frozen media is the media that NetBackup does not use for backups. NetBackup
stops directing the backups and the archives to frozen media. NetBackup never
deletes a frozen media ID from the NetBackup media catalog, even after the
retention period ends for all backups on the media. NetBackup does not unassign
a frozen volume from the NetBackup volume pool when its backup images expire.
All unexpired backup images on frozen media continue to be available for restores.
NetBackup freezes the tape volumes for a variety of reasons, as follows:
■ NetBackup freezes a volume when read or write errors surpass the threshold
within the time window. The default media error threshold is 2. That is, NetBackup
freezes media on the third media error in the default time window (12 hours).
Common reasons for write failures are dirty write heads or old media. The reason
for the action is logged in the NetBackup error catalog (view the Media Logs
report or the All Log Entries report).
Configuring tape media 582
Managing volumes

You can use the NetBackup nbemmcmd command with the

-media_error_threshold and -time_window options to change the default
For more information about the nbemmcmd command, see the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide.
■ NetBackup freezes a volume if a write failure makes future attempts at positioning
the tape unreliable.
■ NetBackup freezes the catalog volumes during catalog recovery.
■ NetBackup freezes the volumes in some circumstances with write once read
many (WORM) media or WORM-capable drives.
See “About using volume pools to manage WORM media” on page 535.
You can unfreeze the frozen volumes manually.

Freezing or unfreezing a volume

NetBackup freezes volumes under circumstances.
Use the following procedure to manually freeze or unfreeze a volume.
To freeze or unfreeze media
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volume that you want to freeze
or unfreeze.
3 On the Actions menu, select Freeze or Unfreeze.
4 In the dialog box, click OK.

About injecting and ejecting volumes

Media access port (MAP) functionality differs between robotic libraries. For many
libraries, NetBackup opens and closes the MAP as needed. However, some libraries
have the front-panel inject and the eject functions that conflict with NetBackup’s
use of the media access port. And for other libraries, NetBackup requires front-panel
interaction by an operator to use the media access port.
Read the operator manual for the library to understand the media access port
functionality. Some libraries may not be fully compatible with the inject and eject
features of NetBackup unless properly handled. Other libraries may not be
compatible at all.
Configuring tape media 583
Managing volumes

Injecting volumes into robots

You can inject volumes into the robots that contain media access ports.
Any volumes to be injected must be in the media access port before the operation
begins. If no volumes are in the port, you are not prompted to place volumes in the
media access port and the update operation continues.
Each volume in the MAP is moved into the robotic library. If the MAP contains
multiple volumes, they are moved to empty slots in the robotic library until the media
access port is empty or all the slots are full.
After the volume or volumes are moved, NetBackup updates the volume
Some robots report only that media access ports are possible. Therefore, Empty
media access port prior to update may be available for some robots that do not
contain media access ports.
Inject volumes into the robots that contain media access ports
1 Load the volumes in the MAP.
2 Inventory the robot
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
on page 611.
3 Select Empty media access port prior to update on the Robot Inventory
dialog box.

Ejecting volumes
You can eject single or multiple volumes.
You cannot eject multiple volumes with one operation if they reside in multiple
Operator intervention is only required if the robotic library does not contain a media
access port large enough to eject all of the selected volumes. For these robot types,
NetBackup prompts an operator to remove the media from the media access port
so the eject operation can continue.
See “Media ejection timeout periods” on page 584.
To eject volumes
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select one or more volumes that you
want to eject.
Configuring tape media 584
Managing volumes

3 On the Actions menu, select Eject Volumes From Robot.

4 In the Eject Volumes dialog box, do one of the following actions:

ACS robots Select the media access port to use for the ejection, then
click Eject.

TLD robots Click Eject.

The robotic library may not contain a media access port large enough to eject
all of the selected volumes. For most robot types, you are prompted to remove
the media from the media access port so the eject can continue with the
remaining volumes.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.

Media ejection timeout periods

The media ejection period (the amount of time before an error condition occurs)
varies depending on the capability of each robot.
The following table shows the ejection timeout periods for robots.

Table 10-15 Media ejection timeout periods

Robot types Timeout period

Automated Cartridge System (ACS) One week

Tape Library DLT (TLD) 30 minutes.

Note: If the media is not removed and a timeout condition occurs, the media is
returned to (injected into) the robot. Inventory the robot and eject the media that
was returned to the robot.

Some robots do not contain media access ports. For these robots, the operator
must remove the volumes from the robot manually.

Note: After you add or remove media manually, use NetBackup to inventory the

About rescanning and updating barcodes

You can rescan the media in a robot and then update NetBackup with the barcodes
of that media.
Configuring tape media 585
Managing volumes

You should rescan and update only in certain circumstances.

Note: Rescan and update barcodes does not apply to volumes in API robot types.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.

When to rescan and to Rescan and update barcodes only to add the barcodes that are
update barcodes not in the EMM database.

For example: if you add a new volume but do not insert the tape
into the robot, NetBackup does not add the barcode to the
database. Use this command to add the barcode after you insert
the tape into the robotic library.

When not to rescan and Do not rescan and update to correct the reports that show a media
to update barcodes ID in the wrong slot.
To correct that problem, perform one of the following actions:

■ Logically move the volume by selecting a volume and then on

the Actions menu select Move.
■ Logically move the volume by updating the volume
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a
robot's contents” on page 611.
■ Physically move the volume into the correct slot.

To obtain an inventory of the robot without updating the barcode

information in the database, inventory the robot and use the show
contents option.

See “Showing the media in a robot” on page 604.

See “About barcodes” on page 550.

Rescanning and updating barcodes

Use the following procedure to rescan the media in a robot and to update NetBackup
with the barcodes.

Note: Rescan and update barcodes does not apply to volumes in API robot types.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.

See “About rescanning and updating barcodes” on page 584.

Configuring tape media 586
Managing volumes

To rescan barcodes and update the EMM database

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Robots.
2 Select the robotic library that contains the volumes that you want to scan and
3 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volumes.
4 On the Actions menu, select Rescan/Update Barcodes.
5 Click Start.
The results of the update appear in the output section of the dialog box.

About labeling NetBackup volumes

When NetBackup labels a volume, it writes a record on the magnetic tape of the
volume; the record (or label) includes the NetBackup media ID.
Normally, NetBackup controls the labeling of its volumes. In most cases, NetBackup
labels a volume the first time it is used for a backup.
The volume label depends on whether or not the media has a barcode, as follows:
■ If the robot supports barcodes and the media has barcodes, NetBackup uses
the last six characters of the barcode for the media ID.
To change this default action, specify and select specific characters by using
Media ID generation rules.
See “Configuring media ID generation rules” on page 559.
■ For volumes without barcodes, by default NetBackup uses a prefix of the letter
A when it assigns a media ID to a volume (for example, A00001).
To change the default prefix, use the MEDIA_ID_PREFIX configuration option in
the vm.conf file.
For more information about the vm.conf file, see the NetBackup Administrator’s
Guide, Volume II.
Media is not labeled automatically in the following situations:
■ They were last used for NetBackup catalog backups.
Do not label catalog backup volumes unless they are no longer used for catalog
■ They contain data from a recognized non-NetBackup application and NetBackup
is configured to prohibit media overwrite for that media type.
To label these media types, the following must be true:
■ NetBackup has not assigned the media
Configuring tape media 587
Managing volumes

■ The media contains no valid NetBackup images

Labeling a volume
If a volume contains valid NetBackup images, deassign the volume so that it can
be labeled.
See “About assigning and deassigning volumes” on page 576.
If you want to label media and assign specific media IDs (rather than allow
NetBackup to assign IDs), use the bplabel command.

Note: If you label a volume, NetBackup cannot restore or import the data that was
on the media after you label it.

Note: For many types of drives, you may not be able to cancel a label job from the
Activity Monitor.

See “About labeling NetBackup volumes” on page 586.

To label a volume
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select a volume or the volumes that you
want to label.
If you select multiple volumes, they all must be in the same robot.
3 On the Actions menu, select Label.
4 In the Label dialog box, specify the following properties for the label operation.

Media server Enter tname of the media server that controls the drive
to write the label.

Verify label before Select this option to verify that the media in the drive is
performing operation the expected media.

To overwrite any existing labels on the media, do not

select Verify media label before performing
Configuring tape media 588
Managing volumes

5 Click OK.
6 In the warning dialog box, click OK.
If you selected Verify media label before performing operation and the
actual volume label does not match the expected label, the media is not

About moving volumes

When you move volumes in or out of a robotic library or from one robot to another,
move the volumes physically and logically, as follows:
■ Physically move volumes by inserting or by removing them. For some robot
types, use the NetBackup inject and eject options.
■ Logically move volumes using NetBackup, which updates the EMM database
to show the volume at the new location.
When you move volumes from one robotic library to another robotic library, perform
the following actions:
■ Move the volumes to stand alone as an intermediate step.
■ Move the volumes to the new robotic library.
The following types of logical moves are available:
■ Move single volumes.
■ Move multiple volumes.
■ Move combinations of single and multiple volumes.
■ Move volume groups.
You cannot move volumes to an invalid location (for example, move DLT media to
an 8-mm robot).
It is recommended that you perform moves by selecting and by moving only one
type of media at a time to a single destination.
The following are several examples of when to move volumes logically:
■ When a volume is full in a robotic library and no slots are available for new
volumes in the robotic library. Move the full volume to stand alone, remove it
from the robot, then configure a new volume for the empty slot or move an
existing volume into that slot. Use the same process to replace a defective
■ Moving volumes from a robotic library to an off-site location or from an off-site
location into a robotic library. When you move tapes to an off-site location, move
them to stand alone.
Configuring tape media 589
Managing volumes

■ Moving volumes from one robotic library to another (for example, if a library is
■ Changing the volume group for a volume or volumes.
See “About NetBackup volume groups” on page 531.

Moving volumes by using the robot inventory update

Use this procedure for the following:

To move volumes within The robot must have a barcode reader and the volumes must
a robot. contain readable barcodes.

To remove volumes Use this procedure even if the volumes do not contain barcodes
from a robot. or if the robot does not have a reader.

To move volumes by using a robot inventory update

1 Physically move the volumes to their new location.
2 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.
3 In the Robot Inventory dialog box, select Update volume configuration.
4 Select other options as appropriate.
See “About robot inventory” on page 599.

Moving volumes by using the Actions menu

If you move a volume to a robotic library that has a barcode reader, NetBackup
updates the EMM database with the correct barcode.
To move volumes by using the Actions menu
1 Physically move the volumes to their new location.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
3 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volumes that you want to move.
4 On the Actions menu, select Move.
5 In the Move Volumes dialog box, specify the properties for the move.
If you move a single volume, the dialog box entries show the current location
of the volume.
See “Volume properties” on page 564.
Configuring tape media 590
Managing volumes

About recycling a volume

If you recycle a volume, you can use either the existing media ID or a new media

Caution: Recycle a volume only if all NetBackup data on the volume is no longer
needed or if the volume is damaged and unusable. Otherwise, you may encounter
serious operational problems and a possible loss of data.

Recycling a volume and using the existing media ID

NetBackup recycles a volume and returns it to the volume rotation when the last
valid image on the volume expires.
To recycle a volume that contains unexpired backup images, you must deassign
the volume.
See “About assigning and deassigning volumes” on page 576.

Recycling a volume and using a new media ID

Recycle a volume if it is a duplicate of another volume with the same media ID.
Also recycle a volume if you change how you name volumes and you want to match
the barcodes on the volume.
The following table describes the procedure to recycle a volume and use a new
media ID.

Table 10-16 Recycling a volume and using a new media ID

Step Action Description

Step 1 Physically remove the volume from the storage See “Ejecting volumes” on page 583.

Step 2 If the volume is in a robotic library, move it to stand See “About moving volumes” on page 588.

Step 3 Record the current number of mounts and expiration See the values in the Media (Media and Device
date for the volume. Management > Media in the NetBackup
Administration Console).

Step 4 Delete the volume entry. See “Deleting a volume” on page 577.
Configuring tape media 591
Managing volumes

Table 10-16 Recycling a volume and using a new media ID (continued)

Step Action Description

Step 5 Add a new volume entry. See “Adding volumes by using the Actions menu”
on page 563.

Because NetBackup sets the mount value to zero for

new volume entries, you must adjust the value to
account for previous mounts.

Set the maximum mounts to a value that is equal to

or less than the following value:

The number of mounts that the manufacturer

recommends minus the value that you recorded

Step 6 Physically add the volume to the storage device. See “Injecting volumes into robots” on page 583.

Step 7 Configure the number of mounts Set the number of mounts to the value you recorded
earlier by using the following command:

On Windows hosts:

install_path\Volmgr\bin\vmchange -m
media_id -n number_of_mounts

On UNIX hosts:

/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -m
media_id -n number_of_mounts

Step 8 Set the expiration date to the value you recorded See “Changing volume properties” on page 575.

Suspending or unsuspending volumes

You cannot use a suspended volume for backups until retention periods for all
backups on it have expired. At that time, NetBackup deletes the suspended volume
from the NetBackup media catalog and unassigns it from NetBackup.
A suspended volume is available for restores. If the backups have expired, import
the backups first.
To suspend or unsuspend media
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, in the Volumes list, select the volume or volumes that you
want to suspend or unsuspend.
Configuring tape media 592
Managing volume pools

3 On the Actions menu, select Suspend or Unsuspend.

4 In the dialog box, click OK.

Managing volume pools

The following sections describe the operations you can perform to manage volume

Adding or deleting a volume pool

Use this procedure to add a new volume pool.
To add a volume pool
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 On the Actions menu, select New > Volume Pool.
3 In the New Volume Pool dialog box, specify the properties for the volume
See “Volume pool properties” on page 593.
4 Add volumes to the pool by adding new volumes to NetBackup or by changing
the pool of existing volumes.
See “Adding volumes by using the Actions menu” on page 563.
See “Adding volumes by using the wizard” on page 540.
See “Changing volume properties” on page 575.
You cannot delete any of the following pools:
■ A volume pool that contains volumes
■ The NetBackup volume pool
■ The None volume pool
■ The default CatalogBackup volume pool
■ The DataStore volume pool
Use this procedure to delete a volume pool.
To delete a volume pool
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Volume Pools.
2 Select a volume pool from the pools in the Volume Pools list.
Configuring tape media 593
Managing volume pools

3 Ensure that the volume pool is empty. If the pool is not empty, change the pool
name for any volumes in the pool. If the volumes are not needed, delete them.
4 On the Edit > menu, select Delete.
5 Click Yes or No in the confirmation dialog box.

Changing the properties of a volume pool

Use this procedure to change the properties of a volume pool. The properties you
can change include the pool type (scratch pool or catalog backup pool).
To change a volume pool
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select Media
and Device Management > Media > Volume Pools.
2 Select a pool in the Volume Pools list.
3 Select Edit > Change.
4 In the Change Volume Pool dialog box, change the attributes for the volume
See “Volume pool properties” on page 593.

Volume pool properties

You can specify various properties for a volume pool.
The following table describes the properties that you can configure for volume pools,
either when you add a new pool or change an existing one.

Table 10-17 Volume pool properties

Property Description

Catalog backup pool Select this option to use this volume pool for catalog backups. This check box creates
a dedicated catalog backup pool to be used for NBU-Catalog policies. A dedicated
catalog volume pool facilitates quicker catalog restore times.

Multiple catalog backup volume pools are allowed.

Description Provides a brief description of the volume pool.

Configuring tape media 594
Managing volume groups

Table 10-17 Volume pool properties (continued)

Property Description

Maximum number of Does not apply to the None pool, catalog backup pools, or scratch volume pools.
partially full media Specifies the number of partially full media to allow in the volume pool for each of the
unique combinations of the following in that pool:

■ Robot
■ Drive type
■ Retention level

The default value is zero, which does not limit the number of full media that are allowed
in the pool.

Prefer span to scratch Specifies how NetBackup should select additional media when tape media operations
span multiple media. When this parameter is set to yes (default) if a job spans to new
media, NetBackup selects media from the scratch pool. NetBackup takes this action
instead of using partially full media from the backup volume pool. When this parameter
is set to no, NetBackup attempts to select partially full media from the backup volume
pool to complete the specified operation. The no setting lets NetBackup use partially
full media in the backup volume pool instead of always spanning to a scratch tape. Set
the maximum number of partially full media option with the vmpool -create or the
vmpool -update command.

Pool name The Pool name is the name for the new volume pool. Volume pool names are
case-sensitive and can be up to 20 characters.

See “About reserved volume pool name prefixes” on page 529.

Scratch pool Specifies that the pool should be a scratch pool.

It is recommended that you use a descriptive name for the pool and use the term
scratch pool in the description.

Add sufficient type and quantity of media to the scratch pool to service all scratch media
requests that can occur. NetBackup requests scratch media when media in the existing
volume pools are allocated for use.

Managing volume groups

These topics describe operations you can perform to manage volume groups.

Moving a volume group

You can move a volume group from a robotic library to standalone storage or from
standalone storage to a robotic library.
Configuring tape media 595
Managing volume groups

Moving a volume group changes only the residence information in the EMM
database. You must move the volumes physically to their new locations.
To move a volume group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the right pane, select the volume group that you want to move.
3 On the Actions menu, select Move.
4 In the Move Volume Group dialog box, specify the properties for the move.
You can only specify the properties that apply for the move type.

Property Description

Destination The destination for the move, as follows:

■ If you move the volume group from a robotic library, Standalone

is selected as the destination.
■ If you move the volume group from standalone, Robot is selected
as the destination.

Device host The host that controls the robotic library.

Robot The destination robotic library.

Volume group The volume group to move.

Displays "---" when you move standalone volumes.

5 After you move the volume group logically, physically move the volumes to
their new locations.

Deleting a volume group

Use the following procedure to delete a volume group.
To delete a volume group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media.
2 In the volumes list, verify that all of the volumes in the group are unassigned.
You cannot delete the group until the application unassigns the volumes. If the
Time Assigned column contains a value, the volume is assigned.
See “About assigning and deassigning volumes” on page 576.
3 Select a volume group in the right pane.
Configuring tape media 596
About media sharing

4 On the Edit menu, select Delete.

5 In the confirmation dialog box, confirm the action.
6 Remove the deleted volumes from the storage device.

About media sharing

Media sharing allows media servers to share media for write purposes (backups).
Media sharing provides the following benefits:
■ Increases the utilization of media by reducing the number of partially full media.
■ Reduces media-related expenses because fewer tape volumes are required
and fewer tape volumes are vaulted (NetBackup Vault option).
■ Reduces administrative overhead because you inject fewer scratch media into
the robotic library.
■ Increases the media life because tapes are mounted fewer times. Media are
not repositioned and unmounted between write operations from different media
Reducing media mounts requires appropriate hardware connectivity between
the media servers that share media and the drives that can write to that media.
Appropriate hardware connectivity may include Fibre Channel hubs or switches,
SCSI multiplexors, or SCSI-to-fibre bridges.
You can configure the following media sharing:
■ Unrestricted media sharing.
See “Configuring unrestricted media sharing” on page 596.
■ Media media sharing with server groups.
See “Configuring media sharing with a server group” on page 597.\

Note: The access control feature of Sun StorageTek ACSLS controlled robots is
not compatible with media sharing. Media sharing restricts volume access by the
requesting hosts IP address. Use caution when you implement media sharing in
an ACSLS environment.

Configuring unrestricted media sharing

Unrestricted media sharing means that all NetBackup media servers and NDMP
hosts in your NetBackup environment can share media for writing.
Configuring tape media 597
Configuring media sharing with a server group

Note: Do not use both unrestricted media sharing and media sharing server groups.
If you use both, NetBackup behavior is undefined.

To configure unrestricted media sharing

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Master Servers.
2 In the right pane, double-click the master server.
3 Select Media
4 Select Enable Unrestricted Media Sharing for All Media Servers.
If you allow unrestricted allow media sharing in your NetBackup environment,
you do not need to create media sharing groups.
5 Click OK.

Configuring media sharing with a server group

Media sharing with a server group restricts the sharing to members of the group.
See “About NetBackup server groups” on page 430.
Table 10-18 outlines the process for configuring media sharing with a server group.

Note: Do not use both unrestricted media sharing and media sharing server groups.
If you use both, NetBackup behavior is undefined.

Table 10-18 Configuring media sharing with a server group process overview

Step Action Description

Step 1 Ensure the appropriate connectivity Beyond the scope of the NetBackup
between and among the media documentation.
servers and robots and drives.

Step 2 Configure the media sharing server See “Creating or deleting a NetBackup
group. server group” on page 430.

Step 3 Optionally, configure the volume Set the Maximum number of partially full
pools for media sharing. media property for those pools.

See “Adding or deleting a volume pool”

on page 592.

See “Changing the properties of a volume

pool” on page 593.
Configuring tape media 598
Configuring media sharing with a server group

Table 10-18 Configuring media sharing with a server group process overview

Step Action Description

Step 4 Configure the backup policies that Set the Policy Volume Pool and Media
use the volume pools and media Owner properties of the backup policies.
sharing groups.
See “Creating a backup policy” on page 759.
Chapter 11
Inventorying robots
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About robot inventory

■ When to inventory a robot

■ About showing a robot's contents

■ Showing the media in a robot

■ About comparing a robot's contents with the volume configuration

■ Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration

■ About previewing volume configuration changes

■ Previewing volume configuration changes for a robot

■ About updating the NetBackup volume configuration

■ Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents

■ Robot inventory options

■ About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

■ Example volume configuration updates

About robot inventory

Robot inventory is a logical operation that verifies the presence of media. (Robot
inventory does not inventory the data on the media.)
After you physically add, remove, or move volumes in a robot, use a robot inventory
to update the NetBackup volume configuration.
Inventorying robots 600
When to inventory a robot

The following table describes the NetBackup Administration Console robot

inventory options for the robotic libraries that contain barcode readers and contain
barcoded media.

Table 11-1 Robot inventory options

Inventory option Description

Show contents Queries the robot for its contents and displays the media in the selected robotic
library; does not check or change the EMM database.

See “About showing a robot's contents” on page 602.

For the robotic libraries without barcode readers (or that contain media without
barcodes ), you can only show the contents of a robot. However, more detailed
information is required to perform automated media management. Use the
vmphyinv physical inventory utility to inventory such robots.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

Compare contents with volume Queries the robot for its contents and compares the contents with the contents
configuration of the EMM database. Does not change the database.

See “About comparing a robot's contents with the volume configuration”

on page 605.

Preview volume configuration Queries the robot for its contents and compares the contents with the contents
changes of the EMM database. If differences exist, it is recommended to change to the
NetBackup volume configuration.

See “About previewing volume configuration changes” on page 607.

Update volume configuration Queries the robot for its contents; if necessary, updates the database to match
the contents of the robot. If the robot contents are the same as the EMM database,
no changes occur.

See “About updating the NetBackup volume configuration” on page 610.

When to inventory a robot

The following table describes the criteria to use to determine when to inventory a
robot and which options to use for the inventory.
Inventorying robots 601
When to inventory a robot

Table 11-2 Robot inventory criteria

Action Inventory option to use

To determine the contents of a Use the Show contents option to determine the media in a robot and possibly
robot their barcode numbers.

See “Showing the media in a robot” on page 604.

To determine if volumes were For the robots with barcode readers and the robots that contain media with
moved physically within a robot barcodes, use the Compare contents with volume configuration option.

See “Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration” on page 606.

To add new volumes to a robot (a For any robot NetBackup supports, use the Update volume configuration option.
new volume is one that does not
The update creates media IDs (based on barcodes or a prefix that you specify).
have a NetBackup media ID)
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
on page 611.

To determine whether new media Use the Preview volume configuration changes option, which compares the
have barcodes before you add contents of the robot with the NetBackup volume configuration information.
them to NetBackup
After you examine the results, use the Update volume configuration option to
update the volume configuration if necessary.

See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”

on page 611.

To insert existing volumes into a If the robot supports barcodes and the volumes have readable barcodes, use the
robot (an existing volume is one Update volume configuration option. NetBackup updates the residence
that already has a NetBackup information to show the new robotic location. NetBackup also updates the robot
media ID) host, robot type, robot number, and slot location. Specify the volume group to which
the volume is assigned.

See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”

on page 611.

If the robot does not support barcodes or the volumes do not contain readable
barcodes, move the volumes or use the physical inventory utility.

See “About moving volumes” on page 588.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

To move existing volumes If the robotic library supports barcodes and the volumes have readable barcodes,
between robotic and standalone use the Update volume configuration option. NetBackup updates the residence
(an existing volume is one that information to show the new robotic or standalone location.
already has a NetBackup media
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
on page 611.
Inventorying robots 602
About showing a robot's contents

Table 11-2 Robot inventory criteria (continued)

Action Inventory option to use

To move existing volumes within If the robot supports barcodes and the volumes have readable barcodes, use the
a robot (an existing volume is one Update volume configuration option. NetBackup updates the residence
that already has a NetBackup information to show the new slot location.
media ID)
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
on page 611.

If the robot does not support barcodes or if the volumes do not contain readable
barcodes, move the volumes or use the physical inventory utility.

See “About moving volumes” on page 588.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

To move existing volumes from If the robotic library supports barcodes and the volumes have readable barcodes,
one robot to another (an existing use the Update volume configuration option. NetBackup updates the NetBackup
volume is one that already has a volume configuration information.
NetBackup media ID)
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
on page 611.

If the robots do not support barcodes or the volumes do not contain readable
barcodes, move the volumes or use the physical inventory utility.

See “About moving volumes” on page 588.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

For either operation, perform the following updates:

■ First move the volumes to standalone

■ Then move the volumes to the new robot

If you do not perform both updates, NetBackup cannot update the entries and
writes an "Update failed" error.

To remove existing volumes from For any robot NetBackup supports, use the Update volume configuration option
a robot (an existing volume is one to update the NetBackup volume configuration information.
that already has a NetBackup
See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”
media ID)
on page 611.

About showing a robot's contents

Show contents inventories the selected robotic library and generates a report.
This operation does not check or change the EMM database. Use this option to
determine the contents of a robot.
The contents that appear depend on the robot type.
Inventorying robots 603
About showing a robot's contents

The following table describes the report contents.

Note: On UNIX: If a volume is mounted in a drive, the inventory report lists the slot
from which the volume was moved to the drive.

Table 11-3 Show contents description

Robot and media Report contents

The robot has a barcode reader and the robot Shows if each slot has media and lists the
contains media with barcodes. barcode for the media.

The robot does not have a barcode reader or Shows if each slot has media.
the robot contains media without barcodes.

API robot. Shows a list of the volumes in the robot.

See “About inventory results for API robots”

on page 603.

The following figure shows an example of the report.

Figure 11-1 Show contents report

See “Showing the media in a robot” on page 604.

About inventory results for API robots

The following table describes the contents of the robot inventory for the API robots.
Inventorying robots 604
Showing the media in a robot

Table 11-4 API robot report contents

Robot type Report contents

ACS The results, received from ACS library software, show the following:
■ The ACS library software volume ID. The NetBackup media ID
corresponds to the ACS library software volume ID.
■ The ACS media type.
■ The NetBackup Media Manager media type.
■ The mapping between the ACS library software media type and the
corresponding NetBackup Media Manager media type (without
considering optional barcode rules).

The following figure shows the results for an ACS robot; the results for other API
robots are similar.

Figure 11-2 Show contents report (API robot)

Showing the media in a robot

Use the following procedure to show the media that is in a robot.
See “About robot inventory” on page 599.
See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
To show the media in a robot
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Robots.
2 Select the robot you want to inventory.
Inventorying robots 605
About comparing a robot's contents with the volume configuration

3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 In the Robot Inventory dialog box, select Show contents.

5 Click Start to begin the inventory.

About comparing a robot's contents with the

volume configuration
Compare contents with volume configuration compares the contents of a robotic
library with the contents of the EMM database. Regardless of the result, the database
is not changed.

Table 11-5 Compare contents description

Robot and media Report contents

The robot can read barcodes The report shows the differences between
the robot and the EMM database
Inventorying robots 606
Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration

Table 11-5 Compare contents description (continued)

Robot and media Report contents

The robot cannot read barcodes The report shows only whether a slot contains
a volume

If the media cave barcodes, this operation is

useful for determining if volumes have been
physically moved within a robot.

For API robots The media ID and media type in the EMM
database are compared to the information
that is received from the vendor’s robotic
library software.

If the results show that the EMM database does not match the contents of the
robotic library, perform the following actions:
■ Physically move the volume.
■ Update the EMM database. Use Actions > Move or use the Update volume
configuration option.
See “About updating the NetBackup volume configuration” on page 610.
The following figure shows a sample compare report.

Figure 11-3 Compare contents report (API robot)

See “Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration” on page 606.

Comparing media in a robot with the volume

Use the following procedure to compare the media in a robot with the EMM database.
Inventorying robots 607
About previewing volume configuration changes

See “About robot inventory” on page 599.

See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
To compare media in a robot with the volume configuration
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Robots.
2 Select the robot that you want to inventory.
3 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

4 In the Robot Inventory dialog box, select Compare contents with volume
5 Click Start to begin the inventory.

About previewing volume configuration changes

Use this option to preview the changes before you update the EMM database. This
option lets ensure that all new media have barcodes before you add them to the
EMM database.
Inventorying robots 608
Previewing volume configuration changes for a robot

Note: If you preview the configuration changes first and then update the EMM
database, the update results may not match the results of the preview operation.
Possible causes may be the changes that occur between the preview and the
update. Changes can be to the state of the robot, to the EMM database, to the
barcode rules, and so on.

Figure 11-4 Preview volume configuration changes (non-API robot)

See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”

on page 611.

Previewing volume configuration changes for a

Use the procedure in this topic to preview any volume configuration changes for a
See “About previewing volume configuration changes” on page 607.
See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
To preview the volume configuration changes for a robot
1 If necessary, insert new volume(s) into the robotic library.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Robots.
3 Select the robot you want to inventory.
Inventorying robots 609
Previewing volume configuration changes for a robot

4 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

5 In the Robot Inventory dialog box, select Preview volume configuration


Note: If you preview the configuration changes first and then update the EMM
database, the update results may not match the results of the preview operation.
Possible causes may be the changes that occur between the preview and the
update. Changes can be to the state of the robot, to the EMM database, to the
barcode rules, and so on.

6 To change the default settings and rules that NetBackup uses to name and
assign attributes to new media, click Advanced Options.
See “About configuring media name and attribute rules” on page 539.
7 To inject any media that is in the media access port before the preview
operation, click Empty media access port prior to update.
8 Click Start to begin the inventory preview.
Inventorying robots 610
About updating the NetBackup volume configuration

About updating the NetBackup volume

The Update volume configuration robot inventory option updates the database
to match the contents of the robot. If the robot contents are the same as the EMM
database, no changes occur.
For a new volume (one that does not have a NetBackup media ID), the update
creates a media ID. The media ID depends on the rules that are specified on the
Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box.
See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
For API robots, the update returns an error if the volume serial number or the media
ID contain unsupported characters.
For robots without barcode readers, the new media IDs are based on a media ID
prefix that you specify. Similarly, for volumes without readable barcodes, the new
media IDs are based on a media ID prefix that you specify
Figure 11-5 is an example for an ACS robot. Results for other API robots are similar.
Robot inventory update returns an error if it encounters unsupported characters in
the volume serial number or media identifier from API robots.
See “Volume update prerequisites” on page 610.

Figure 11-5 Update volume configuration for API robot report

See “Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents”

on page 611.

Volume update prerequisites

The following are the robot prerequisites and media prerequisites for updating the
volume configuration:
Inventorying robots 611
Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents

■ The robotic library must read barcodes.

■ Volumes in the library must have readable barcodes.
You can check the barcode capabilities of the robotic library and the volumes by
comparing the robot contents with the NetBackup volume configuration.
See “Comparing media in a robot with the volume configuration” on page 606.
If the robotic library does not support barcodes or the volumes do not have readable
barcodes, save the results of the compare operation. The results can help you
determine a media ID prefix if you use the Media Settings tab of the Advanced
Options dialog box to assign a prefix.

Updating the NetBackup volume configuration

with a robot's contents
Use the procedure in this topic to update the EMM database with the contents of
a robot.
See “About updating the NetBackup volume configuration” on page 610.
See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
To update the volume configuration with a robot's contents
1 If necessary, insert new volume(s) into the robotic library.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand Media
and Device Management > Media > Robots.
3 Select the robot you want to inventory.
Inventorying robots 612
Updating the NetBackup volume configuration with a robot's contents

4 On the Actions menu, select Inventory Robot.

5 In the Robot Inventory dialog box, select Update volume configuration.

Note: If you preview the configuration changes first and then update the EMM
database, the update results may not match the results of the preview operation.
Possible causes may be the changes that occur between the preview and the
update. Changes can be to the state of the robot, to the EMM database, to the
barcode rules, and so on.

6 To change the default settings and rules that NetBackup uses to name and
assign attributes to new media, click Advanced Options.
See “About configuring media name and attribute rules” on page 539.
7 To inject any media that is in the media access port before the update operation,
click Empty media access port prior to update.
8 Click Start to begin the inventory update.
Inventorying robots 613
Robot inventory options

Robot inventory options

The following table shows the robot inventory options when you use the NetBackup
Administration Console:

Table 11-6 Robot inventory options

Option Description

Advanced options Advanced Options is active if Preview volume configuration changes or

Update volume configuration is selected.

This button opens the Advanced Robot Inventory Options dialog box, from
which you can configure more options.

See “About configuring media name and attribute rules” on page 539.

Device host The Device host option is the host that controls the robot.

Empty media access port prior The Empty media access port prior to update operation is active only for the
to update robots that support that function.

To inject volumes in the robot’s media access port into the robot before you begin
the update, select Empty media access port prior to update.

The volumes to be injected must be in the media access port before the operation
begins. If you select Empty media access port prior to update and the media
access port is empty, you are not prompted to place volumes in the media access
Note: If you use NetBackup to eject volumes from the robot, remove the volumes
from the media access port before you begin an inject operation. Otherwise, if
the inject port and eject port are the same, the ejected volumes may be injected
back into the robotic library.

Robot Use the Robot option to select a robot to inventory.

If you selected a robot in the NetBackup Administration Console, that robot

appears in this field.

Show contents Displays the media in the selected robotic library; does not check or change the
EMM database.

See “About showing a robot's contents” on page 602.

Compare contents with volume Compares the contents of a robotic library with the contents of the EMM database
configuration but does not change the database.

See “About comparing a robot's contents with the volume configuration”

on page 605.
Inventorying robots 614
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

Table 11-6 Robot inventory options (continued)

Option Description

Preview volume configuration Compares the contents of a robotic library with the contents of the EMM database.
changes If differences exist, it is recommended to change to the NetBackup volume

See “About previewing volume configuration changes” on page 607.

Update volume configuration Updates the database to match the contents of the robot. If the robot contents
are the same as the EMM database, no changes occur.

See “About updating the NetBackup volume configuration” on page 610.

About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

For the following robotic libraries, the NetBackup Administration Console reports
only the presence of media:
■ For the robots without barcode readers
■ For the robots that contain media without barcodes
More detailed information is required to perform automated media management.
For such robots, use the vmphyinv physical inventory utility.
The vmphyinv physical inventory utility inventories non-barcoded tape libraries by
performing the following actions:
■ Mounts each tape
■ Reads the tape header
■ Identifies the tape in each slot
■ Updates the NetBackup volume configuration
Use the vmphyinv -verbose option to display more information about the
suggested changes. The -verbose option shows the number of drives available,
the contents of each tape, if the media is a catalog tape. (The media format
column of the summary contains NetBackup database for NetBackup catalog
This verbose information is written to stderr. To save the information, redirect
stderr to a file.

vmphyinv is a command-line utility. Additional information about the syntax of the

vmphyinv command is available.

For more information, see the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Inventorying robots 615
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

Table 11-7 vmphyinv features, requirements, restrictions, and when to use

Item Description

vmphyinv features The vmphyinv utility has the following features:

■ Can be run from any master server, media server, or SAN media server.
■ Can be used with barcoded tape libraries because it verifies the contents of the
■ Recognizes the NetBackup tape formats.
■ Supports the remote administration. You do not need to run vmphyinv from the
host to which the drives are attached.
■ Tries to use multiple drives in a robot even if the drives are attached to different
■ Works with shared drives (NetBackup Shared Storage Option).
■ Supports all supported SCSI-based robot types.
■ Can be used to inventory a single media in a standalone drive. Use the -u option
or the -n option to specify the drive; the drive must contain media and it must be

vmphyinv requirements and The vmphyinv utility has the following requirements and restrictions:
■ It cannot distinguish between the volume records based on the application type.
■ When you move the media from robotic drives to standalone drives, you cannot
specify a new volume group for the media.

When to use vmphyinv Use vmphyinv to update the EMM database for NetBackup in the following cases:

■ You want to inventory a robot that does not have a barcode reader or that contains
non-barcoded media.
■ You insert new media into a robotic library and no NetBackup volume records
correspond to the media. Use the slot range or list option of vmphyinv to perform
the inventory operation. You do not need to add volume records to the EMM
■ You insert some media that have unknown media IDs or globally unique identifiers
(GUIDs) into a robot.
For example, you insert 10 media from a different tape library in slots 11 to 20. You
do not know the IDs on the tapes. Use the slot range or list option of vmphyinv to
perform the inventory operation. The vmphyinv utility mounts the media, reads
the tape header, determines the media ID, and adds media records to the EMM
■ Some of the media are misplaced and the EMM database does not reflect the
correct physical location of these media. Inventory the robot or inventory a subset
of media in the robot by using options in vmphyinv.

See “How vmphyinv performs a physical inventory” on page 616.

Inventorying robots 616
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

How vmphyinv performs a physical inventory

For a physical inventory, the vmphyinv utility performs the following sequence of
■ Obtains a list of drives to mount the media
See “About the vmphyinv list of drives” on page 616.
■ Obtains a list of media to mount
See “About the media that vmphyinv mounts” on page 616.
■ Mounts the media and reads the tape headers
See “How vmphyinv mounts the media and reads the tape header” on page 617.
■ Updates the EMM database
See “How vmphyinv updates the EMM database” on page 619.

About the vmphyinv list of drives

The list of drives the vmphyinv utility uses to mount the media is obtained from the
EMM database. The drives do not need to be configured locally.
You cannot specify which drives to use. However, you can specify the maximum
number of drives to use, which lets you reserve drives for NetBackup backup or
restore operations. Specify the number of drives by using the -drv_cnt drive_count

About the media that vmphyinv mounts

The vmphyinv command accepts several options for the media to be mounted, as
■ NetBackup robot number (-rn robot_number ).
The vmphyinv utility obtains a list of volume records for that robot and inventories
each of the media in the list.
To use this option, the NetBackup configuration must contain a volume record
that corresponds to the robot number in the EMM database for the robot.
■ NetBackup robot number with filter options.
If you do not want to inventory all of the media in a robot, specify a subset of
the media by using filter options. Some filter options are volume pool, volume
group, or slot range. To use these options, NetBackup volume records must
The following are some filter examples.

vmphyinv -rn 4 -pn bear Mounts the media only in robot 4 and in the
volume pool bear.
Inventorying robots 617
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

vmphyinv -rn 2 -v moon Mounts the media in robot 2 and in the volume
group moon.

vmphyinv -rn 1 -rc1 2 -number Mounts the media in robot 1 and slot range 2
3 to 4.

vmphyinv -rn 5 -pn NetBackup Mounts the media in robot 5, slot range 2 to 7,
-v mars -rc1 2 -number 6 in volume group mars, and in the NetBackup
volume pool.

■ NetBackup robot number and a list of media that belong to a specific robot.
For example, if the -rn robot_number and -ml A00001:A00002:A00003
options are specified, only the three specified media are inventoried. If any of
these media do not belong to the specified robot, the media are skipped and
are not inventoried. To use this option, NetBackup volume records must exist.
■ NetBackup robot number and a slot range or list.
Sometimes, media from a different robot or some other source are moved to a
robot and the media ID on the tape is unknown. In these cases, specify a slot
range option or list option.
With these options, the NetBackup volume record does not need to exist in the
EMM database. However, you must specify the density (using the -d option).

Note: For a robot that supports multiple media types, specify the density carefully.
If you specify the incorrect density, vmphyinv cannot complete the mount and
permanent drive failure can occur.

The following are some filter examples.

vmphyinv -rn 1 -slot_range 2 10 Mounts the media in slot range 2 to 10 in

-d dlt robot 1.

vmphyinv -rn 0 -slot_list 3:4:5 Mounts the media in slots 3, 4, and 5 in

-d 8mm robot 0.

vmphyinv -rn 2 -slot_range 2 4 Mounts the media in slots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and

-slot_list 5:6:7 -d dlt 7 in robot 2.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

How vmphyinv mounts the media and reads the tape

The following sequence of operations explains the mount process:
Inventorying robots 618
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

■ The vmphyinv utility contacts the NetBackup Volume Manager, vmd, on the local
host or remote host depending on where the drive is attached.
■ The NetBackup Volume Manager starts a process, oprd.
■ The vmphyinv utility communicates with oprd and sends the mount request to
oprd. After oprd receives the request, it issues a mount request to ltid.

■ The vmphyinv utility reads the tape header to determine the recorded media
ID or globally unique identifier (GUID).

Note: The default mount timeout is 15 minutes. Specify a different mount time
by using the -mount_timeout option.

See “About the media that vmphyinv does not recognize” on page 618.
See “How vmphyinv processes cleaning media” on page 618.

About the media that vmphyinv does not recognize

If the media is not NetBackup media, the media is unmounted and the next media
is mounted. vmphyinv does not generate a new record in the EMM database. To
generate volume records for that media, use the vmupdate command.

How vmphyinv processes cleaning media

If the following conditions are all true, vmphyinv does not try to mount the media
and the next media in the list is mounted:
■ You do not specify the vmphyinv slot range or list option.
■ The robot contains cleaning media.
■ The media type is specified as cleaning media in the volume record (such as
4mm_clean or dlt_clean).

If the robot contains cleaning media and any of the following conditions are true,
vmphyinv tries to determine if the media is cleaning media:

■ You use the slot range or list option and the media type of volume record in the
EMM database is not a cleaning media type.
■ You use the slot range or list option, and the EMM database does not contain
a volume record that corresponds to the cleaning media.
■ You do not use the slot range or list option, and the EMM database does not
contain a volume record that corresponds to the cleaning media.
The vmphyinv utility tries to determine if the media is cleaning media. It uses the
SCSI parameters (sense keys, tape alert flags, and physical (SCSI) media types)
Inventorying robots 619
About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility

returned by the robot. If vmphyinv cannot determine if the media is cleaning media,
it tries to mount the media until the mount request times out.

Note: NetBackup may not detect the presence of cleaning media for all drives.
Some drives report the presence of cleaning media in a manner NetBackup cannot

How vmphyinv updates the EMM database

After all of the media are mounted and the tape headers are read, vmphyinv displays
a list of recommended changes. Accept or reject the changes. If you accept the
changes, vmphyinv updates the EMM database.

Table 11-8 vmphyinv criteria and actions

Criteria or action Description

The vmphyinv update For valid media types, vmphyinv performs the following actions:
■ Changes the residence fields and description fields of any NetBackup media record
if those fields do not match the media header.
■ Conditionally changes the media type of an unassigned NetBackup volume record.
The media type is changed only if the new media type belongs to the same family
of media types as the old media type. For example, the media type DLT can only
be changed to DLT2 or DLT3.
■ Never changes the volume pool, media type, and ADAMM_GUID of an assigned
■ Never unassigns an assigned NetBackup volume.

How vmphyinv updates The vmphyinv utility searches the EMM database. It checks if the media ID from the
NetBackup media tape is present in the media ID field of any record in the EMM database. If the media
ID exists, vmphyinv updates the NetBackup volume record that corresponds to the
media ID. If the media ID does not exist, vmphyinv creates a new NetBackup volume
record that corresponds to the NetBackup media.
Inventorying robots 620
Example volume configuration updates

Table 11-8 vmphyinv criteria and actions (continued)

Criteria or action Description

vmphyinv error cases The vmphyinv utility may not be able to update the EMM database correctly in the
following cases. These cases are reported as errors.
If any of the following cases are encountered, you must intervene to continue:

■ Duplicate media IDs are found.

Two or more media in the same robot have the same media ID.
■ A NetBackup volume record that belongs to a different robot is found.
It contains the same media ID as the media ID read from the tape header.
■ The media type, media GUID, or volume pool of an assigned volume record needs
to be changed.
■ The barcode of an existing volume record needs to be changed.

See “About the vmphyinv physical inventory utility” on page 614.

Example volume configuration updates

The following examples show different types of volume configuration updates. The
examples include only the relevant volume attributes.

Example 1: Removing a volume from a robot

The following is an example of how to remove a volume from a robotic library. It
does not matter whether the robot supports barcodes.
The following are the attributes for media ID 800001:

Media ID 800001

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description

Volume pool NetBackup

Robot type

Volume group EXB220

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

Assume that you remove the volume from the robotic library, specify the following
on the Media Settings tab, then run the update:
Inventorying robots 621
Example volume configuration updates

Media type DEFAULT

Volume group NONROB_8MM

Volume pool DEFAULT

The resulting volume attributes for media ID 800001 are as follows:

Media ID 800001

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description

Volume pool NetBackup

Robot type NONE - Not Robotic

Volume group NONROB_8MM

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

The new residence information in the EMM database shows a standalone location
in the volume group. The volume group is specified on the Media Settings tab.
The media type and volume pool remain unchanged.
The results are the same for a volume that does not have a barcode.

Example 2: Adding existing standalone volumes to a robot

The following is an example of how to add a standalone volume that has a barcode
to a robotic library that supports barcodes (TLD).
When you move volumes from one robot to another robot, perform separate updates.
The following are the volume attributes for media ID 800021, which has a readable
barcode and already exists as a standalone volume:

Media ID 800021

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description 8MM standalone

Volume pool None

Robot type None (standalone)

Inventorying robots 622
Example volume configuration updates

Volume group NONROB_8MM

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

Assume that you insert the volume into a TLD robot, specify the following on the
Media Settings tab, then run the update:

Media type DEFAULT

Volume group EXB220

Use barcode rules YES (selected)

Volume pool NetBackup

Assume that the barcode rules in Table 11-9 exist.

Table 11-9 Example barcode rules

Barcode tag Media type Volume pool Max mounts/ Description


CLND DLT_CLN None 30 DLT cleaning

CLN8 8MM_CLN None 20 8mm cleaning

8MM NetBackup 0

DLT DLT d_pool 200 DLT backup

TS 8MM None 0 8mm no pool

<NONE> DEFAULT None 0 No barcode

<DEFAULT> DEFAULT NetBackup 0 Other barcodes

NetBackup recognizes that the media ID exists and changes the EMM database
to reflect the new robotic location. NetBackup does not create a new media ID.
The volume attributes for media ID 800021 are as follows:

Media ID 800021

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description 8MM standalone

Volume pool NONE

Inventorying robots 623
Example volume configuration updates

Robot type

Robot number 0

Robot slot 1

Robot host shark

Volume group EXB220

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

The barcode matches the barcode of an existing standalone volume in the

configuration. Therefore, NetBackup updates the residence information in the EMM
database to reflect the new robotic location. Because the volume is not new, barcode
rules are ignored.
The only setting used on the Media Settings tab is the volume group for added or
moved volumes. The media type setting was not used because this example was
for a single existing volume that already had a media type.

Example 3: Moving existing volumes within a robot

The following is an example of how to move a volume from one slot to another slot
within the same robot. The robot supports barcodes and the volume has a readable

Note: To move volumes within a robotic library, use Update volume configuration
only if the robotic library supports barcodes and the volumes have readable
barcodes. Otherwise, NetBackup cannot properly recognize the move.

The following are the attributes for media ID 800002, which currently resides in slot
1 of the robotic library:

Media ID 800002

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description

Volume pool NetBackup

Robot type

Robot number 0
Inventorying robots 624
Example volume configuration updates

Robot slot 1

Robot host shark

Volume group EXB220

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

Assume that you move the volume to empty slot 10, specify the following on the
Media Settings tab, then run the update.

Media type DEFAULT

Volume group EXB220

Use barcode rules NO (not selected)

Volume pool DEFAULT

The resulting volume attributes are the following:

Media ID 800002

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description

Volume pool NetBackup

Robot type

Robot number 0

Robot slot 10

Robot host shark

Volume group EXB220

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

The updated volume attributes show the new slot number, but all other information
is unchanged.

Example 4: Adding new volumes to a robot

The following is an example of how to add new volumes with barcodes to a robot
that supports barcodes.
Inventorying robots 625
Example volume configuration updates

Assume the following:

■ The new volume is an 8MM tape with a readable barcode of TLD00002.
■ No media generation rules are defined.
■ The drives in the robot all have a drive type of 8MM or no drives are configured
on the robot control host.
Specify the following on the Media Settings tab and run the update:

Media type DEFAULT

Volume group EXB2220

Use barcode rules YES (selected)

Volume pool DEFAULT

The following table contains the example barcode rules.

Table 11-10 Example barcode rules

Barcode tag Media type Volume pool Max mounts/ Description


CLND DLT_CLN None 30 DLT cleaning

CLN8 8MM_CLN None 20 8mm cleaning

8MM NetBackup 0

DLT DLT d_pool 200 DLT backup

TS 8MM None 0 8mm no pool

<NONE> DEFAULT None 0 No barcode

The barcode on the media matches the barcode rule named TLD and the resulting
volume attributes for the new volume are as follows:

Media ID 800002

Media type 8MM cartridge tape


Media description

Volume pool NetBackup

Inventorying robots 626
Example volume configuration updates

Robot type

Robot number 0

Robot slot 1

Robot host shark

Volume group EXB220

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

No media ID generation rules exist. Therefore, the media ID is from the last six
characters of the barcode. The new residence information in the EMM database
shows the robot host, robot type, robot number, slot, and host. The volume group
is from the Media Settings tab. The volume pool and the max mounts allowed are
from the barcode rule.
If barcode rules (or barcodes) are not used, the media description, volume pool,
and max mounts allowed are set to the following defaults:

Media description Added by NetBackup

Volume pool NetBackup for data tapes or None for cleaning tapes

Maximum mounts allowed 0 (unlimited)

Note: If the robot does not support barcodes or the barcode is unreadable, specify
a Media ID prefix on the Media Settings tab. Alternatively, specify DEFAULT for
the media ID. If you do not, NetBackup does not add new media IDs.

Example 5: Adding cleaning tapes to a robot

A special case exists when you add cleaning tapes. For example, assume that you
update a TLD robot.
The tapes you inserted include regular tapes with barcodes that range from
DLT00000 to DLT00010 and a cleaning tape with a barcode of CLN001.
The following table contains the example barcode rules.

Table 11-11 Example barcode rules

Barcode tag Media type Volume pool Max mounts/ Description


CLN DLT_CLN None 30 DLT cleaning

Inventorying robots 627
Example volume configuration updates

Table 11-11 Example barcode rules (continued)

Barcode tag Media type Volume pool Max mounts/ Description


DL DLT d_pool 200 DLT backup

<NONE> DEFAULT None 0 No barcode

Specify the following on the Media Settings tab, then run the update.

Media type DLT

Volume group STK7430

Use barcode rules YES (selected)

The barcodes on the regular tapes match the DL barcode rule. The media type of
the DL barcode rule matches the Media type on the Media Settings tab. The tapes
are added as DLT.
The cleaning tape matches the CLN barcode rule. NetBackup recognizes that
DLT_CLN is the cleaning tape for DLT. NetBackup adds the cleaning tape CLN001
as DLT_CLN type media along with the regular volumes.
This example shows NetBackup’s ability to add cleaning cartridges along with
regular volumes when you use Update volume configuration.
If the volumes you insert include a cleaning tape, NetBackup adds the volumes
correctly if the following are true:
■ The Media type on the Media Settings tab is the regular media (DLT in this
■ The barcode on the volume matches a barcode tag (CLN in this example).
■ The media type for the barcode rule is the correct cleaning media (DLT_CLN
in this example).
To add only cleaning media, specify the cleaning media type on the Media Settings
tab and in the barcode rule (DLT_CLN in this example).

Example 6: Moving existing volumes between robots

When you move volumes from one robot to another and the volumes in both robots
are in the same EMM database, perform two separate updates.
These updates move the volumes to stand alone, as an intermediate step, and then
to the new robot. Otherwise, NetBackup is unable to update the entries and you
receive an "Update request failed" error.
Inventorying robots 628
Example volume configuration updates

This example assumes that robot 2 is able to read barcodes and the volume has
readable barcodes. If not, NetBackup cannot manage the volumes.
To move existing volumes between robots, use the following process:
■ Remove the volume from robot 1 and insert the volume in robot 2.
■ Perform an Update volume configuration on robot 1. This action updates the
volume attributes to show the volume as standalone.
■ Perform an Update volume configuration on robot 2. This action updates the
configuration to show the volume in robot 2.
This example is not recommended and is included only to illustrate the undesirable
Chapter 12
Configuring storage units
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Storage utility

■ Creating a storage unit

■ About storage unit settings

■ About universal shares

About the Storage utility

The data that is generated from a NetBackup job is recorded into a type of storage
that NetBackup recognizes.
NetBackup recognizes the following storage configurations, all of which are
configured in the Storage utility:

Storage units
A storage unit is a label that NetBackup associates with physical storage. The label
can identify a robot, a path to a volume, or a disk pool. Storage units can be included
as part of a storage unit group or a storage lifecycle policy.
See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.

Storage unit groups

Storage unit groups let you identify multiple storage units as belonging to a single
group. The NetBackup administrator configures how the storage units are selected
within the group when a backup or a snapshot job runs.
See “About storage unit groups ” on page 678.
Configuring storage units 630
About the Storage utility

Storage lifecycle policies

Storage lifecycle policies let the administrator create a storage plan for all of the
data in a backup or snapshot.
See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

Using the Storage utility

To use the storage utility
In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Storage > Storage Units,
Storage Unit Groups, or Storage Lifecycle Policies.
The storage destinations that were created for the selected server are displayed
in the right pane.
The storage configuration can be displayed for other master servers.
See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.

Figure 12-1 Storage Unit node of the Storage utility


Table 12-1 Storage Unit utility

Number Description

1 Currently selected master server.

Configuring storage units 631
Creating a storage unit

Table 12-1 Storage Unit utility (continued)

Number Description

2 Click to create a new storage unit.

See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

3 Click to create a new storage unit group.

See “Creating storage unit groups for backups” on page 679.

4 Click to copy a storage unit.

See “Creating a storage unit by copying a storage unit” on page 634.

5 Click to initiate a data management job when using basic disk staging.

See “About basic disk staging” on page 665.

6 Click to create a new storage lifecycle policy.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

7 Right-click in the right pane to view the shortcut menu.

Creating a storage unit

A storage unit is a label that NetBackup associates with physical storage. The label
can identify a robot, a path to a volume, or a disk pool. Storage unit creation is part
of several other wizards. However, a storage unit can be created directly from the
Storage utility in the NetBackup Administration Console.
Figure 12-2 shows the different storage unit types and the option that needs to be
installed, if necessary.
Configuring storage units 632
Creating a storage unit

Figure 12-2 Storage unit types

Media Manager NDMP Disk

Points to a robot Points to an AdvancedDisk

or a standalone NDMP host Points to a disk pool (storage directly attached to a
drive (NDMP Option) media server). (Data Protection Optimization

Points to a directory.

Cloud Storage (VendorName)

Points to a disk pool of the type identified by
VendorName where VendorName can be the name
of a cloud storage provider.

OpenStorage (StorageName)
Points to a disk pool of the type identified by
StorageName. (OpenStorage Disk Option)

Points to a disk pool. (Data Protection Optimization

To create a storage unit

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select the Storage utility.
2 Select Actions > New > New Storage Unit.
3 Enter a Storage unit name.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
4 Select the Storage unit type. The selection specifies the type of storage that
the storage unit uses: Media Manager, Disk, or NDMP.
5 For disk storage units:
■ Select a disk type from the Disk type drop-down menu.
The Disk type identifies the type of storage unit destination:

AdvancedDisk The destination is a disk pool.

storage unit

BasicDisk The destination is a path to a volume on a host.

storage unit
Configuring storage units 633
Creating a storage unit

Cloud storage The destination is a disk pool of the type that includes a
unit VendorName string. VendorName can be the name of a cloud
storage provider.

The values also can contain a _crypt suffix (for example,

Amazon_crypt). The _crypt suffix indicates encrypted storage.

NDMP storage The destination is an NDMP host. The NDMP protocol is used to
perform backups and recoveries.

OpenStorage The destination is a disk pool of the type that includes a

storage unit VendorName string. The vendor supplies the StorageName

For DataDomain, you can use the WORM property of the disk.

WORM is the acronym for Write Once Read Many. If the Use
WORM option is set, data can be written to the associated media
only once, but it can be read multiple times.

PureDisk The destination is a Media Server Deduplication Pool.

storage unit
See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

■ Select the disk pool for this storage unit.

See “Select disk pool storage unit setting” on page 658.
■ Select a media server in the Media server drop-down menu. The selection
indicates that the media server has permission to write to the storage unit.
■ Absolute pathname to directory or Absolute pathname to volume
See “Absolute pathname to directory or absolute pathname to volume
setting for storage units” on page 645.
■ Maximum concurrent jobs
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
■ Reduce fragment size
See “Reduce fragment size storage unit setting” on page 657.
■ High water mark
See “High water mark storage unit setting” on page 647.
■ Low water mark
See “Low water mark storage unit setting” on page 648.
■ Enable block sharing
See “Enable block sharing storage unit setting” on page 646.
■ Enable Temporary staging area
Configuring storage units 634
Creating a storage unit

See “Enable temporary staging area storage unit setting” on page 659.

6 For Media Manager storage units, data is written to tape robots and standalone
tape drives:
■ Select a storage device from the Storage Device drop-down menu.
■ Select a media server in the Media server drop-down menu. The selection
indicates that the media server has permission to write to the storage unit.
■ Maximum concurrent write drives
See “Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting” on page 648.
■ Enable multiplexing
See “Enable multiplexing storage unit setting” on page 647.
■ Reduce fragment size
See “Reduce fragment size storage unit setting” on page 657.

7 Click OK to save the storage unit configuration.

Creating a storage unit by copying a storage unit

The following procedure describes how to create a storage unit by copying a storage
To create a storage unit by copying an existing storage unit
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage.
2 In the right pane, select a storage unit.
3 Click Actions > Copy Storage Unit.
4 Type a unique name for the new storage unit. For example, describe the type
of storage. Use this name to specify a storage unit for policies and schedules.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
5 Complete the fields in the Copy Storage Unit dialog box.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

Changing storage unit settings

It is recommended that changes be made only during periods when no backup
activity is expected for the policies that use the affected storage units.
Configuring storage units 635
Creating a storage unit

To change storage unit settings

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage > Storage Units.
2 In the right pane, double-click the storage unit you want to change.
To select multiple storage units, hold down the Control or Shift key.
3 Complete the fields on the Change Storage Unit dialog box.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

Deleting storage units

To delete a storage unit from a NetBackup configuration means to delete the label
that NetBackup associates with the physical storage.
Deleting a storage unit does not prevent files from being restored that were written
to that storage unit, provided that the storage was not physically removed and the
backup image has not expired.
To delete a BasicDisk or Media Manager storage unit
1 Use the Catalog utility to expire any images that exist on the storage unit. This
action removes the image from the NetBackup catalog.
See “Expiring backup images” on page 1076.
■ Do not manually remove images from the BasicDisk or Media Manager
storage unit.
■ Once the images are expired, they cannot be restored unless the images
are imported.
See “About importing backup images” on page 1077.
NetBackup automatically deletes any image fragments from a disk storage unit
or a disk pool. This deletion generally occurs within seconds of expiring an
image. However, to make sure that all of the fragments are deleted, check the
directory on the storage unit to make sure that it is empty.
2 Select Storage > Storage Units.
3 In the right pane, select the storage unit you want to delete. Hold down the
Control or Shift key to select multiple storage units.
4 Select Edit > Delete.
5 In the confirmation dialog box, select the storage units to delete.
Configuring storage units 636
Creating a storage unit

6 Click OK.
7 Modify any policy that uses a deleted storage unit to use another storage unit.
If a storage unit points to disk pool, the storage unit can be deleted without
affecting the disk pool.

Media Manager storage unit considerations

To create a storage unit of a tape robot or a standalone tape drive, select Media
Manager as the Storage unit type.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

Figure 12-3 Media Manager storage unit settings

Configuring storage units 637
Creating a storage unit

When NetBackup sends a job to a Media Manager storage unit, it requests resources
from the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM). Then NetBackup requests that Media
Manager mount the volume in a drive.
If a standalone drive does not contain media or if a required volume is not available
to a robot, a mount request appears in the Pending Requests pane of the Device
Monitor. An operator can then find the volume, mount it manually, and assign it to
the drive.
Take the following items into consideration when adding a Media Manager storage
■ Where to add the storage unit depends on which version of NetBackup is in
■ Add the storage unit to the master server. Specify the media server where
the drives attach.
■ If using NetBackup Server, add the storage unit to the master server where
the drives attach. The robotic control must also attach to that server.

■ The number of storage units that you must create for a robot depends on the
robot’s drive configuration.
■ Drives with identical densities must share the same storage unit on the same
media server. If a robot contains two drives of the same density on the same
media server, add only a single storage unit for the robot. Set the Maximum
concurrent write drives setting to 2.
See “Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting” on page 648.
■ Drives with different densities must be in separate storage units. Consider
an STK SL500 library that is configured as a Tape Library DLT (TLD). It can
have both half-inch cartridge and DLT drives. Here, you must define a
separate storage unit for each density.
■ If a robot’s drives and robotic control attach to different NetBackup servers,
specify the server where the drives attach as the media server. Always
specify the same robot number for the drives as is used for the robotic control.

■ Standalone drives with identical densities must be in the same storage unit.
If a server contains two 1/4-inch qscsi drives, add a storage unit with Maximum
concurrent write drives set to 2. The media and device selection logic chooses
the drive to use when NetBackup sends a backup to this storage unit. The logic
is part of the Enterprise Media Management (nbemm) service or daemon.
■ Standalone drives with different densities must be in different storage units.
■ A robot and a standalone drive cannot be in the same storage unit.
Configuring storage units 638
Creating a storage unit

Disk storage unit considerations

NetBackup permits the creation of an unlimited number of disk storage units.
Table 12-2 describes the different disk types that NetBackup can use as disk media.

Table 12-2 Disk media descriptions

Type of disk storage unit Description

AdvancedDisk An AdvancedDisk disk type storage unit is used for a dedicated disk that is directly
attached to a NetBackup media server. An AdvancedDisk selection is available only
when the Data Protection Optimization Option is licensed.

NetBackup assumes the exclusive ownership of the disk resources that comprise an
AdvancedDisk disk pool. If the resources are shared with other users, NetBackup
cannot manage disk pool capacity or storage lifecycle policies correctly.

For AdvancedDisk, the NetBackup media servers function as both data movers and
storage servers.

See the NetBackup AdvancedDisk Storage Solutions Guide.

BasicDisk A BasicDisk type storage unit consists of a directory on a locally-attached disk or a

network-attached disk that is exposed as a file system to a NetBackup media server.
NetBackup stores backup data in the specified directory.
Notes about the BasicDisk type storage unit:

■ Do not include the same volume or file system in multiple BasicDisk storage units.
■ BasicDisk storage units cannot be used in a storage lifecycle policy.

Cloud Storage A Cloud Storage disk type storage unit is used for storage in a cloud, usually provided
by a third-party vendor. The actual name of the disk type depends on the cloud storage
vendor. A Cloud Storage selection is available only when the Data Protection
Optimization Option is licensed.

The cloud storage provided by storage vendor partners is integrated into NetBackup
via the API.

A vendor host on the Internet is the storage server. The NetBackup media servers
function as the data movers.

See the NetBackup Cloud Administrator's Guide.

Configuring storage units 639
Creating a storage unit

Table 12-2 Disk media descriptions (continued)

Type of disk storage unit Description

OpenStorage An OpenStorage disk type storage unit is used for disk storage, usually provided by
a third-party vendor. The actual name of the disk type depends on the vendor. An
OpenStorage selection is available only when the OpenStorage Disk Option is licensed.

The storage provided by storage vendor partners is integrated into NetBackup via the

The storage host is the storage server. The NetBackup media servers function as the
data movers. The storage vendor's plug-in must be installed on each media server that
functions as a data mover. The logon credentials to the storage server must be
configured on each media server.

See the NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk.

PureDisk A PureDisk disk type storage unit is used for deduplicated data for a Media Server
Deduplication Pool. PureDisk appears as a selection when the NetBackup Data
Protection Optimization Option is licensed.

Not all settings are available on each disk storage unit type.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

Note: It is recommended that you do not impose quotas on any file systems that
NetBackup uses for disk storage units. Some NetBackup features may not work
properly when file systems have quotas in place. (For example, the
capacity-managed retention selection in storage lifecycle policies and staging to
storage units.)

About the disk storage model

The NetBackup model for disk storage accommodates all Enterprise Disk Options.
That is, it is the model for all disk types except for the BasicDisk type.
The following items describe components of the disk storage model:

Data mover
An entity that moves data between the primary storage (the NetBackup client) and
the storage server. NetBackup media servers function as data movers.
Depending on the disk option, a NetBackup media server also may function as a
storage server.
Configuring storage units 640
Creating a storage unit

Storage server
An entity that writes data to and reads data from the disk storage. A storage server
is the entity that has a mount on the file system on the storage.
Depending on the NetBackup option, the storage server is one of the following:
■ A computer that hosts the storage. The computer may be embedded in the
storage device.
■ A storage vendor's host on the Internet that exposes cloud storage to NetBackup.
Alternatively, private cloud storage can be hosted within your private network.
■ A NetBackup media server that hosts storage.

Disk pool
A collection of disk volumes that are administered as an entity. NetBackup
aggregates the disk volumes into pools of storage (a disk pool) you can use for
A disk pool is a storage type in NetBackup. When you create a storage unit, you
select the disk type and then you select a specific disk pool.

Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage

For Common Internet File System (CIFS) storage with AdvancedDisk and BasicDisk
storage units, the following two NetBackup services on Windows computers require
matching account credentials:

NetBackup Client Service The NetBackup Client Service is either bpcd.exe or

bpinetd.exe, depending on NetBackup release level.
Regardless of the binary file name, the service requires the

NetBackup Remote Manager The NetBackup Remote Manager and Monitor Service binary
and Monitor Service file name is nbrmms.exe.

The following items describe the requirements for the account and credentials:
■ Both of the services must run under the same Windows user account.
■ The account must be the same account that the Windows operating system
uses for read and write access to the CIFS share.
■ Configure the account and the credentials on the media server or media servers
that have a file system mount on the CIFS storage. Then, configure Windows
so that the two aforementioned services use that account.
Configuring storage units 641
Creating a storage unit

If account credentials are not configured properly, NetBackup marks all CIFS
AdvancedDisk and BasicDisk storage units that use the UNC naming convention
as DOWN.
To configure service credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units
In Windows, configure both the NetBackup Client Service and the NetBackup
Remote Manager and Monitor Service so they meet the credential requirements.
Those requirements are described previously in this document.
See your Windows operating system documentation for the procedures. How
to configure Windows is beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation.

Disk storage units in storage lifecycle policies

Figure 12-4 is an example of how storage lifecycle policies can interact with volumes
in a disk pool that a storage unit references.
Two backup policies are created as follows:
■ A backup policy named Policy_gold has a gold classification. For storage, it is
configured to use an SLP named Lifecycle_Gold, which has a gold data
■ A backup policy named Policy_silver has a silver classification. For storage, it
is configured to use Any Available. That means it can use any available storage
unit or any SLP that has a silver classification.
Two storage units are available to both backup policies as follows:
■ DSU_1 is an operation in Lifecycle_Gold and references DiskPool_A.
■ DSU_2 is not in an SLP and references DiskPool_A.
DiskPool_A contains three disk volumes. Both the gold and the silver images can
be written to any disk volume in the pool.
Configuring storage units 642
Creating a storage unit

Figure 12-4 Storage lifecycle policies and disk storage units referencing disk

Backup policy Policy_Gold Backup policy Policy_Silver

The data classification for this backup The data classification for this backup
policy is gold. The policy is configured to policy is silver. The policy is configured
write to Lifecycle_Gold. to write to any available storage unit.

SLP Lifecycle_Gold

Lifecycle_Gold contains a backup operation

that writes to storage unit DSU_1.
Storage unit DSU_2
Storage unit DSU_1
Policy_Silver writes to DSU_2.
DSU_1 references DiskPool_A. DSU_2 references DiskPool_A.

DiskPool_A Both backup policies may

write to any volume in the
disk pool that matches the
data classification of the
Disk volume Disk volume Disk volume policy.

Gold image Gold image Gold image In this way, a single disk
pool may contain images
Silver image Gold image with different data
Silver image classifications.

See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

Maintaining available disk space on disk storage units

Disk storage units can be managed so that they do not become entirely full and
cause backups to fail.
Create space for more images on a disk storage unit in the following ways:
■ Add new disk space.
■ Set the High water mark to a value that best works with the size of backup
images in the environment.
See “High water mark storage unit setting” on page 647.
Maintain space on basic disk staging storage units in the following ways:
■ Increase the frequency of the relocation schedule. Or, add resources so that all
images can be copied to a final destination storage unit in a timely manner.
■ Run the nb_updatedssu script.
Configuring storage units 643
Creating a storage unit

Upon NetBackup installation or upgrade, the nb_updatedssu script runs. The

script deletes the .ds files that were used in previous releases as pointers to
relocated data. Relocated data is tracked differently in the current release and
the .ds files are no longer necessary. Under some circumstances, a .ds file
cannot be deleted upon installation or upgrade. In that case, run the script again:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nb_updatedssu
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/nb_updatedssu
■ Determine the potential free space.
See “Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit”
on page 673.
■ Monitor disk space by enabling the Check the capacity of disk storage units
host property.
This General Server host property determines how often NetBackup checks 6.0
disk storage units for available capacity. Subsequent releases use internal
methods to monitor disk space more frequently.
See “General Server properties” on page 137.

NDMP storage unit considerations

The NetBackup for NDMP license must be installed on the media server to use the
hosts as storage units. Media Manager controls NDMP storage units but the units
attach to NDMP hosts.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.
Configuring storage units 644
Creating a storage unit

Figure 12-5 NDMP storage unit settings

Create NDMP storage units for drives directly attached to NAS filers. Any drive that
is attached to a NetBackup media server is considered a Media Manager storage
unit, even if used for NDMP backups.

Note: Remote NDMP storage units may already be configured on a media server
from a previous release. Upon upgrade of the media server, those storage units
are automatically converted to Media Manager storage units.

See the NetBackup for NDMP Administrator’s Guide for more information.
Configuring storage units 645
About storage unit settings

About storage unit settings

The following topics describe the settings that appear for all types of storage units.
The settings are listed alphabetically. Each setting does not appear for each storage
unit type.

Absolute pathname to directory or absolute pathname to volume

setting for storage units
Absolute pathname to directory or Absolute pathname to volume is available
for any storage unit that is not based on disk pools.
The setting specifies the absolute path to a file system or a volume available for
backups to disk. Enter the path directly in the field, then click Add. Use any location
on the disk, providing that sufficient space is available.
Use platform-specific file path separators (/ and \) and colon (:) within a drive
The Properties button displays properties for the directory or volume.
See “Properties option in the Change Storage Units dialog box” on page 655.
Do not configure multiple BasicDisk storage units to use the same volume or file
system. Not only do the storage units compete for space, but different Low water
marks can cause unexpected behaviors.
If the BasicDisk storage unit is used as a disk staging storage unit, it is recommended
to dedicate a disk partition or file system to it. Dedicating space allows the disk
staging space management logic to operate successfully. Or, consider defining
AdvancedDisk storage units, which use the disk pools that are composed of the
disk volumes that are dedicated file systems for disk backup.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
See “Low water mark storage unit setting” on page 648.

Directory can exist on the root file system or system disk

setting for storage units
This setting allows the user to specify a directory on the root file system (UNIX) or
on a system drive (Windows) in the Absolute pathname to directory field.
When this setting is checked, the directory is created automatically. If a storage
unit is configured on C drive and this option is not checked, backups fail with status
code 12 (file open failed).
Configuring storage units 646
About storage unit settings

Note: With this setting checked, the root file system or the system drive can fill up.

A job fails under the following conditions:

■ If the setting is not checked, and if the directory already exists on the root file
system or on a system drive.
■ If the setting is not checked, and the requested directory is to be created on the
root file system or on a system drive.
See “Absolute pathname to directory or absolute pathname to volume setting for
storage units” on page 645.

Density storage unit setting

The Storage device selection determines the media Density. This setting appears
for Media Manager and NDMP storage units only.

Disk type storage unit setting

The Disk type storage unit setting identifies the type of storage unit.
A disk storage unit can be one of the following types:
■ AdvancedDisk (NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option needed)
■ BasicDisk
■ Cloud Storage (NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option needed)
■ OpenStorage (vendor name) (NetBackup OpenStorage Disk Option needed)
■ PureDisk (NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option needed)

Note: The null_stu storage unit type is available only when Veritas Technical
Support uses the NullOST plug-in to identify and isolate data transfer bottlenecks.
The null_stu storage unit type is used for troubleshooting purposes only. Do not
select null_stu as a storage unit type because the data that is written to a null
storage unit cannot be restored.

Enable block sharing storage unit setting

The Enable block sharing storage unit setting allows the sharing of data blocks
that have not changed from one backup to the next. Sharing data blocks can
significantly save disk space in the storage unit.
Configuring storage units 647
About storage unit settings

Enable multiplexing storage unit setting

The Enable multiplexing storage unit setting allows multiple backups to multiplex
onto a single drive in a storage unit.

Caution: For MS-SQL-Server policies, do not enable multiplexing for a schedule

that is also configured to backup with multiple stripes. Restores fail when multiplexing
is enabled for a schedule that uses more than one stripe.

High water mark storage unit setting

The High water mark storage unit setting applies to BasicDisk storage units and
to disk pools.

Note: High water mark does not apply to cloud storage disk pools. This value is
derived from the storage capacity, which cannot be fetched from the cloud provider.

The High water mark setting (default 98%) is a threshold that triggers the following
■ When an individual disk volume of the underlying storage reaches the High
water mark, NetBackup considers the volume full. NetBackup chooses a different
volume in the underlying storage to write backup images to.
■ When all volumes in the underlying storage reach the High water mark, the
BasicDisk storage is considered full. NetBackup fails any backup jobs that are
assigned to a storage unit in which the underlying storage is full. NetBackup
also does not assign new jobs to a BasicDisk storage unit in which the
underlying storage is full.
■ NetBackup begins image cleanup when a volume reaches the High water mark;
image cleanup expires the images that are no longer valid. NetBackup again
assigns jobs to the storage unit when image cleanup reduces any disk volume's
capacity to less than the High water mark.
If the storage unit is in a capacity-managed storage lifecycle policy, other factors
affect image cleanup.
See “Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations” on page 720.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
For more information, see the following guides:
■ NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
Configuring storage units 648
About storage unit settings

Low water mark storage unit setting

The Low water mark setting has no effect unless backups are written through a
storage lifecycle policy, using the Capacity managed retention type. NetBackup
copies expired images to a final destination storage unit to create space.

Note: Low water mark does not apply to cloud storage disk pools. This value is
derived from the storage capacity, which cannot be fetched from the cloud provider.

Once the High water mark is reached, space is created on the disk storage unit
until the Low water mark is met. The default setting is 80%.
See “Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations” on page 720.
The Low water mark setting cannot be greater than the High water mark setting.
For the disk storage units that reference disk pools, the Low water mark applies
to the disk pool.

Note: Basic disk staging storage units may already be configured on a media server
of a previous release. Upon upgrade, the disk storage units are set with the Low
water mark at 100%. To make the best use of upgraded storage units, adjust the

For more information, see the following:

■ NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.

Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting

The Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting specifies the number
of tape drives that NetBackup can use at one time for jobs to this storage unit. The
number of tape drives available is limited to the maximum number of tape drives
in the storage device. If a job contains multiple copies, each copy applies toward
the Maximum concurrent write drives count.
When selecting the value for Maximum concurrent write drives, use the following
■ Storage unit that contains only standalone tape drives
Specify a number that is less than or equal to the number of tape drives that
are in the storage unit.
■ Robot
Configuring storage units 649
About storage unit settings

Specify a number that is less than or equal to the number of tape drives that
attach to the NetBackup media server for the storage unit.
Assume that you have two standalone drives of the same density and specify 1.
Both tape drives are available to NetBackup but only one drive can be used for
backups. The other tape drive is available for restores and other non-backup
operations. (For example, to import, to verify, and to duplicate backups as source.)

Note: To specify a Maximum concurrent write drives setting of 0 disables the

storage unit.

Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting

The Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting specifies the maximum number
of jobs that NetBackup can send to a disk storage unit at one time. The default
setting is one job.
The maximum number of jobs that NetBackup can run concurrently is dependent
on several factors and is not exclusively regulated by this setting. These factors
include the following: the risk of reaching a disk full situation, the scheduling or
capacity polling overhead, the media server I/O bandwidth, and various
characteristics of the disk storage. No definitive method exists that can predict when
a critical limit will be exceeded in a given system.

Note: To specify a Maximum concurrent jobs setting of 0 disables the storage


For example, three backup jobs are ready to be sent to the storage unit and
Maximum concurrent jobs is set to two. The first two jobs start while the third job
waits. If a job contains multiple copies, each copy applies toward the Maximum
concurrent jobs count.

Note: Increase the Maximum concurrent jobs setting if the storage unit is used
for catalog backups as well as non-catalog backups. Increase the setting to ensure
that the catalog backup can proceed while regular backup activity occurs. Where
disk pools are used, increase the setting if more than one server is in the storage

The Maximum concurrent jobs setting uses and dependencies are as follows:
■ Can be used to balance the load between disk storage units. A higher value
(more concurrent jobs) means that the disk may be busier than if the value was
set for fewer jobs.
Configuring storage units 650
About storage unit settings

The media server load balancing logic considers all storage units and all activity.
A storage unit can indicate three media servers. If Maximum concurrent jobs
is set to three and two of the media servers are busy or down, the third media
server is assigned all three jobs.
■ This setting depends on the available disk space and the server’s ability to run
multiple backup processes. Where disk pools are used, the setting also depends
on the number of media servers in the storage unit.
If multiple storage units reference the same disk pool, the number of concurrent
jobs that can access the pool is the sum of the Maximum concurrent jobs
settings on all of the disk storage units. The setting applies to the storage unit
and not to the disk pool. Therefore, the job load is automatically spread across
the media servers that the storage unit configuration indicates.
■ On Windows systems, even with multiple concurrent jobs, the time that is required
for a job to complete depends on other factors:
■ The number of other jobs that are started at the same time.
■ The sequence in which the jobs were started.
■ The time that is required to complete each job.

See “Impact when two disk storage units reference one disk pool” on page 650.

Impact when two disk storage units reference one disk

Figure 12-6 shows how the Maximum concurrent jobs settings are combined
when two disk storage units share one disk pool.
In the example, DSU_1 is configured as follows:
■ To use MediaServer_A
■ To have a Maximum concurrent jobs setting of two
■ To reference Disk_pool1
DSU_2 is configured as follows:
■ To use MediaServer_B
■ To have a Maximum concurrent jobs setting of three
■ To reference Disk_pool1
Both storage units reference the same disk pool. Combined, the storage units have
a Maximum concurrent jobs setting of five. However, only two jobs can run
concurrently on MediaServer_A; three on MediaServer_B.
Configuring storage units 651
About storage unit settings

Figure 12-6 Impact when disk storage units use one disk pool but different
media servers

Maximum Maximum
concurrent jobs concurrent jobs
setting: 2 setting: 3

MediaServer_A MediaServer_B
MediaServer_A MediaServer_B
selected to move selected to move
data to the pool data to the pool

The maximum concurrent jobs

that can use the disk pool is 5.

If the storage units were configured to use both media servers, the media servers
could run five concurrent jobs: two from DSU_1 and three from DSU_2.
See “About storage unit settings ” on page 645.

Maximum streams per drive storage unit setting

The Maximum streams per drive storage unit setting determines the maximum
number of concurrent, multiple client backups that NetBackup can multiplex onto
a single drive. The range is from 2 to 32.
See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” on page 854.

Media server storage unit setting

The Media server storage unit setting specifies one of the following:
■ The NetBackup media server where the drives in the storage unit attach.
■ The NetBackup media server that controls the disk storage unit.
■ The NetBackup media servers that can write data to and read data from the
disk pool.
■ The NetBackup media servers that can move data to and from the disk pool.
■ The NetBackup media servers that function as deduplication servers.
To make this storage unit available to any media server (default), select Any
Available. NetBackup selects the media server dynamically at the time the policy
is run.
Consider the following, depending on the type of storage.
Configuring storage units 652
About storage unit settings

Table 12-3 Media server setting details

Storage unit type Considerations

BasicDisk To configure a disk storage unit, select a single media server.

AdvancedDisk The Media server setting specifies the NetBackup media servers that can write data
to and read data from the disk pool.

The media servers that are configured as storage servers appear in the media servers
list. The disk storage must be directly attached to the media server that is configured
as the storage server.

NetBackup selects a media server when the policy runs.

Cloud storage The Media server setting specifies the NetBackup media servers that can move data
to or from the cloud vendor storage server.

To allow any media server in the media server list to move data to the storage server,
check Use Any Available Media Server.

To restrict the media servers that can move data to the storage server, check Only
Use The Following Media Servers. Then select the media servers that are allowed
to move the data.

Any media server in the list can receive data from the storage server; it does not have
to be selected. A media server receives data for restore jobs and for storage monitoring

Only the media servers on which storage server credentials are configured appear in
the media servers list. If a server does not appear, verify that the software plug-in is
installed and that login credentials are configured for that media server.

NetBackup selects a media server when the policy runs.

NDMP The Media server setting specifies the name of the media server that is to back up
the NDMP host. Only those media servers that can talk to the specified NDMP storage
device appear in the drop-down menu.

An NDMP host can be authenticated on multiple media servers. Select Any Available
to have NetBackup select the media server and storage unit at the time the policy is
Configuring storage units 653
About storage unit settings

Table 12-3 Media server setting details (continued)

Storage unit type Considerations

OpenStorage The Media server setting specifies the NetBackup media servers that can move data
to or from the storage server.

To allow any media server in the media server list to move data to the storage server,
check Use Any Available Media Server.

To restrict the media servers that can move data to the storage server, check Only
Use The Following Media Servers. Then select the media servers that are allowed
to move the data.

Any media server in the list can receive data from the storage server; it does not have
to be selected. A media server receives data for restore jobs and for storage monitoring
Each media server that moves the data must meet the following requirements:

■ The vendor’s software plug-in is installed.

■ The login credentials to the storage server are configured.

Only the media servers on which storage server credentials are configured appear in
the media servers list. If a server does not appear, verify that the software plug-in is
installed and that login credentials are configured for that media server.
Note: Run the tpconfig command line utility directly on the media server to configure
and verify credentials.

NetBackup selects a media server when the policy runs.

PureDisk (Media Server To allow any media server in the list to deduplicate data, select Use Any Available
Deduplication Pool ) Media Server.

To restrict the media servers that can deduplicate data, select Only Use The Following
Media Servers. Then select the media servers that are allowed to deduplicate the

Each media server must be configured as a deduplication media server.

See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

See “Use any available media server storage unit setting” on page 660.
See “Only use the following media servers storage unit setting” on page 654.

NDMP host storage unit setting

The NDMP host storage unit setting specifies the NDMP tape server that is used
to write data to tape. Select the host name from the drop-down menu or click Add
to add a host.
Configuring storage units 654
About storage unit settings

On demand only storage unit setting

The On demand only storage unit setting specifies whether the storage unit is
available exclusively on demand—that is, only when a policy or schedule is explicitly
configured to use this storage unit. Uncheck On demand only to make the storage
unit available to any policy or schedule.

Note: If On demand only is selected for all storage units, be sure to designate a
specific storage unit for each policy or schedule. Otherwise, NetBackup is unable
to find a storage unit to use.

Only use the following media servers storage unit setting

The Only use the following media servers storage unit setting restricts the media
servers that are earmarked for storage. Check this setting and select the media
servers that you want to use.
The following table describes the media server functionality for each type of storage.

Table 12-4 Media server functionality

Media server type Functionality

AdvancedDisk storage media server The media servers are both storage servers and
data movers. The media servers that are
configured as the storage servers and data movers
appear in the media servers list.

Cloud storage media server The media servers that are configured as data
movers for the cloud storage implementation
appear in the media server list. (For cloud storage,
NetBackup media servers function as data
Configuring storage units 655
About storage unit settings

Table 12-4 Media server functionality (continued)

Media server type Functionality

OpenStorage media server The media servers that are configured as data
movers for the OpenStorage implementation
appear in the media server list. (For OpenStorage,
NetBackup media servers function as data
movers.) If a media server does not appear in the
list, verify that the software plug-in is installed and
that logon credentials are created.
Each media server that accesses the storage must
meet the following requirements:

■ The vendor’s software plug-in is installed.

■ The login credentials to the storage server are

PureDisk media server (Media Server The media servers function as deduplication
Deduplication Pool) servers.

NetBackup deduplication must be configured.

See “Use any available media server storage unit setting” on page 660.
See “Only use the following media servers storage unit setting” on page 654.

Properties option in the Change Storage Units dialog box

Click Properties to display information about the volume or the disk pool, as follows:

Note: The following properties do not apply to cloud storage disk pools: Available
space, Capacity, High water mark, Low water mark, Raw size, and Usable size.
All these values are derived from the storage capacity, which cannot be fetched
from the cloud provider.
Configuring storage units 656
About storage unit settings

Table 12-5 Storage Units Properties

Property Description

Available space This value reflects the space that remains for storage on a disk storage unit. The
following equation determines the available space:

Available space = free space + potential free space - committed space

The df command may report a value for the available space that is slightly different
from the actual free space value that appears as a result of the nbdevquery command:

nbdevquery -listdv -stype server_type -dp disk_pool

The available space that the df command lists does not include the space that the
operating system reserves. Since NetBackup runs as root, the nbdevquery command
includes the reserved space in the available space equation.

Capacity The Capacity value reflects the total amount of space that the disk storage unit or pool
contains, both used and unused.

Disk pool comments Comments that are associated with the disk pool.

High water mark The high water mark for the disk pool applies to both the individual disk volumes in the
pool and the disk pool:

■ Individual volumes
When a disk volume reaches the high water mark, new jobs are not assigned to
the volume. This behavior happens for all disk types except BasicDisk staging
storage units. The high water mark event triggers the deletion of images that have
been relocated, attempting to bring the used capacity of the disk volume down to
the low water mark
■ Disk pool
When all volumes are at the high water mark, the disk pool is full. When a disk pool
approaches the high water mark, NetBackup reduces the number of jobs that are
allowed to write to the pool.
NetBackup does not assign new jobs to a storage unit in which the disk pool is full.
The default setting is 99%.

Low water mark The low water mark for the disk pool. Once a disk volume fills to its high water mark,
NetBackup attempts to delete enough relocated images to reduce the used capacity
of the disk volume down to the low water mark. The low water mark setting cannot be
greater than the high water mark setting.
Note: The Low water mark setting has no effect unless backups are written through
a storage lifecycle policy, using the capacity-managed retention type.

Name The name of the disk pool.

Number of volumes The number of disk volumes in the disk pool.

Configuring storage units 657
About storage unit settings

Table 12-5 Storage Units Properties (continued)

Property Description

% full The percentage of storage that is currently in use on the volume.

The df command may report a percentage used (Use%) value that is different from
the % full value. (See the preceding Available Storage topic for a description of why
the values appear differently.)

Raw size The raw, unformatted size of the storage in the disk pool.

Usable size The amount of usable storage in the disk pools.

Reduce fragment size storage unit setting

The Reduce fragment size storage unit setting specifies the largest fragment size
that NetBackup can create to store backups.
If an error occurs in a backup, the entire backup is discarded. The backup restarts
from the beginning, not from the fragment where the error occurred. (An exception
is for backups where checkpoint restart is enabled. In that case, fragments before
and including the last checkpoint are retained; the fragments after the last checkpoint
are discarded.)

Maximum fragment size for Media Manager storage units

The default maximum fragment size for a Media Manager storage unit is 1000 GB.
To specify a maximum fragment size other than the default, check Reduce fragment
size. Then enter a value from 50 megabytes to 1,048,575 megabytes.
Fragmenting multiplexed tape backups can expedite restores. Fragments allow
NetBackup to skip to the specific fragment before searching for a file. Generally,
NetBackup starts at the beginning of the multiplexed backup and reads tar headers
until it finds the file.

Maximum fragment size for disk storage units

The default maximum fragment size for a disk storage unit is 524,288 megabytes.
To specify a maximum fragment size other than the default, enter a value from 20
megabytes to 524,288 megabytes.
For a Media Server Deduplication Pool, you can enter a value from 20 megabytes
to 51200 megabytes.
Backups to disk are usually fragmented to ensure that the backup does not exceed
the maximum size that the file system allows.
The Reduce fragment size setting is intended primarily for storing large backup
images on a disk type storage unit.
Configuring storage units 658
About storage unit settings

Note: OpenStorage vendors may have special requirements for the maximum
fragment size. Consult the vendor's documentation for guidance.

Note: Basic disk staging units with different maximum fragment sizes may already
be configured on a media server from a previous release. Upon upgrade, the disk
storage units are not automatically increased to the new default of 524,288
megabytes. To make the best use of upgraded storage units, increase the fragment
size on the upgraded storage units.

Robot number storage unit setting

The Robot number storage unit setting indicates the number of robots the storage
unit contains. The Storage device selection determines the Robot number. It is
the same robot number used in the Media Manager configuration.

Robot type storage unit setting

The Robot type storage unit setting indicates the type of robot (if any) that the
storage unit contains. The Storage device setting determines the Robot type.
NetBackup robot types are described in a different topic.
See “NetBackup robot types” on page 483.

Select disk pool storage unit setting

The Select disk pool storage unit setting specifies disk pool for the storage unit.
The following table describes which disk pools appear in the drop-down list:

For AdvancedDisk All NetBackup disk pools appear in the Disk pool list.

For cloud storage Only the disk pools that the cloud storage vendor exposes
appear in the list.

For OpenStorage Only the disk pools that the OpenStorage vendor exposes
appear in the list.

For PureDisk The Media Server Deduplication Pools appear in the list.

Staging schedule option in Change Storage Units dialog

Click the Staging Schedule option to configure the relocation schedule for this
storage unit. A schedule is what makes the disk storage unit a basic disk staging
Configuring storage units 659
About storage unit settings

storage unit. During the relocation schedule, the backup image is duplicated from
the temporary staging area to the final destination storage unit.
See “Disk Staging Schedule dialog box ” on page 674.
See “Enable temporary staging area storage unit setting” on page 659.
See “About basic disk staging” on page 665.
See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Storage device setting for storage units

The Storage device list contains all possible storage devices available. Storage
units can be created for the listed devices only.
The Storage device selection determines the media Density. This setting appears
for Media Manager and NDMP storage units only.

Storage unit name setting

The Storage unit name setting defines a unique name for the new storage unit.
The name can describe the type of storage. The Storage unit name is the name
used to specify a storage unit for policies and schedules.
The storage unit name cannot be changed after creation. The Storage unit name
is inaccessible when changing settings for a storage unit.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.

Storage unit type setting

The Storage unit type setting specifies the type of storage that this storage unit
uses, as follows:

Disk See “Disk storage unit considerations” on page 638.

Media Manager See “Media Manager storage unit considerations” on page 636.

NDMP See “NDMP storage unit considerations” on page 643.

Enable temporary staging area storage unit setting

The Enable temporary staging area storage unit setting allows this storage unit
to be used as a temporary staging area. Check Enable Temporary Staging Area
and then configure the staging schedule.
See “Staging schedule option in Change Storage Units dialog” on page 658.
Configuring storage units 660
About storage unit settings

The Staging column in the Storage units details pane indicates whether or not the
unit is used as a temporary staging area for basic disk staging. Not all columns
display by default.
See “About basic disk staging” on page 665.
See “Staging schedule option in Change Storage Units dialog” on page 658.

Use any available media server storage unit setting

When checked, the Use any available media server storage unit setting allows
any media server in the media server list to access the storage (default).
The following table describes the media server functionality for each type of storage.

Table 12-6 Media server functionality

Storage unit type Functionality

AdvancedDisk storage media server The media servers are both storage servers and data movers. The media
servers that are configured as the storage servers and data movers appear
in the media servers list.

Cloud storage media server The media servers that are configured as data movers for the cloud storage
implementation appear in the media server list. (For cloud storage, NetBackup
media servers function as data movers.)

OpenStorage media server The media servers that are configured as data movers for the OpenStorage
implementation appear in the media server list. (For OpenStorage, NetBackup
media servers function as data movers.) If a media server does not appear
in the list, verify that the software plug-in is installed and that logon credentials
are created.
The following is required on each media server that accesses the storage:

■ The vendor’s software plug-in is installed.

■ The login credentials to the storage server are configured.

PureDisk media server (Media Server The media servers function as deduplication servers.
Deduplication Pool )
NetBackup deduplication must be configured.

Use WORM setting

The Use WORM option is enabled for storage units that are WORM capable. Select
this option if you want the backup images on this storage unit to be immutable and
indelible until the WORM Unlock Time.
Configuring storage units 661
About universal shares

Note: You must also select the On Demand Only option whenever the Use WORM
option is selected.

WORM is the acronym for Write Once Read Many.

About universal shares

The universal share feature provides data ingest into an existing NetBackup
deduplication pool (MSDP) or a supported Veritas appliance using an NFS or a
CIFS (SMB) share. Space efficiency is achieved by storing this data directly into
an existing NetBackup-based Media Server Deduplication Pool.
For more information about universal shares, see the following guides:
NetBackup Deduplication Guide
NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide

Advantages of universal shares

The following information provides a brief description of the advantages for using
universal shares:
■ As a NAS-based storage target
Unlike traditional NAS-based storage targets, universal shares offer all of the
data protection and management capabilities that are provided by NetBackup.
■ As a database dump location
Universal shares offer a space saving (deduplicated) dump location, along with
direct integration with NetBackup technologies including data retention,
replication, and direct integration with cloud technologies.
■ Financial and time savings
Universal shares eliminate the need to purchase and maintain third-party
intermediary storage. Use of this storage typically doubles the required I/O
throughput since the data must be moved twice. Universal shares also cut in
half the time it takes to protect valuable application or database data.
■ Protection points
The universal share protection point offers a fast point-in-time copy of all data
that exists in the share. This copy of the data can be retained like any other data
that is protected within NetBackup. All advanced NetBackup data management
facilities such as Auto Image Replication (A.I.R.), storage lifecycle policies,
optimized duplication, cloud, and tape are all available with any data in the
universal share.
■ Copy Data Management (CDM)
Configuring storage units 662
About universal shares

The universal share protection point also offers powerful CDM tools. A read/write
copy of any protection point can be "provisioned" or made available through a
NAS (CIFS/NFS) based share. A provisioned copy of any protection point can
be used for common CPD activities, including instant recovery or access of data
in the provisioned protection point. For example, a database that has been
previously dumped to the universal share can be run directly from the provisioned
protection point.
■ Back up and restore without client software
Client software is not required for universal share backups or restores. Universal
shares work with any POSIX-compliant operating system that supports NFS or

How it works
The universal share feature provides a network-attached storage (NAS) option for
supported Veritas appliances as well as the software-only deployment of NetBackup.
Traditional NAS offerings store data in conventional, non-deduplicated disk locations.
Data in a universal share is placed on highly redundant storage in a space efficient,
deduplicated state. The deduplication technology that is used for this repository is
the same MSDP location used by standard client-based backups.
Any data that is stored in a universal share is automatically placed in the MSDP,
where it is deduplicated automatically. This data is then deduplicated against all
other data that was previously ingested into the media server’s MSDP location.
Since a typical MSDP location stores data across a broad scope of data types, the
universal share offers significant deduplication efficiency. The protection point
feature lets you create a point-in-time copy of the data that exists in the specified
universal share. Once a protection point is created, NetBackup automatically
catalogs the data as a specific point-in-time copy of that data and manages it like
any other data that is ingested into NetBackup. Since the protection point only
catalogs the universal share data that already resides in the MSDP, no data
movement occurs. Therefore, the process of creating a protection point can be very

Client support
The universal share feature supports a wide array of clients and data types.
NetBackup software is not required on the client where the share is mounted. Any
operating system that uses a POSIX-compliant file system and can mount a CIFS
or an NFS network share can write data to a universal share. As the data comes
in to the appliance, it is written directly into the Media Server Deduplication Pool
(MSDP). No additional step or process of writing the data to a standard disk partition
and then moving it to the deduplication pool is necessary.
Configuring storage units 663
About universal shares

Protection point - cataloging and protecting universal

share data
Any data that is initially ingested into a universal share resides in the MSDP located
on the appliance-based media server that hosts the universal share. This data is
not referenced in the NetBackup Catalog and no retention enforcement is enabled.
Therefore, the data that resides in the universal share is not searchable and cannot
be restored using NetBackup. Control of the data in the share is managed only by
the host where that share is mounted.
The protection point feature supports direct integration with NetBackup. A protection
point is a point-in-time copy of the data that exists in a universal share. Creation
and management of a protection point is accomplished through a NetBackup policy,
which defines all scheduling and retention of the protection point. The protection
point uses the Universal-Share policy, which can be configured through NetBackup
web UI or through the NetBackup Administration Console.After a protection point
for the data in the universal share is created, that point-in-time copy of the universal
share data can be managed like any other protected data in NetBackup. Protection
point data can be replicated to other NetBackup Domains or migrated to other
storage types like tape or cloud, using storage lifecycle policies. Each protection
point copy is referenced to the name of the associated universal share.
See “Creating a protection point for a NetBackup Appliance universal share”
on page 884.
See “Creating a protection point for a universal share” on page 886.

Protection point restores

Restoring data from a protection point is exactly the same as restoring data from
a standard client backup. The standard Backup, Archive, and Restore interface or
the NetBackup web UI can be used to restore data. The client name that is used
for the restore is the universal share name in the Universal-Share policy. Alternate
client restores are fully supported. However, to restore to the system where the
universal share was originally mounted, NetBackup client software must be installed
on that system. This software is necessary since a NetBackup client is not required
to initially place data into the universal share.
NetBackup also supports a wide variety of APIs, including an API that can be used
to provision (instant access) or create an NFS share that is based on any protection
point point-in-time copy. This point-in-time copy can be mounted on the originating
system where the universal share was previously mounted. It can be provisioned
on any other system that supports the mounting of network share. NetBackup client
software is not required on the system where the provisioned share is mounted.
Chapter 13
Staging backups
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About staging backups

■ About basic disk staging

■ Creating a basic disk staging storage unit

■ Configuring multiple copies in a relocation schedule

■ Disk staging storage unit size and capacity

■ Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit

■ Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

■ Initiating a relocation schedule manually

About staging backups

In the staged backups process, NetBackup writes a backup to a storage unit and
then duplicates it to a second storage unit. Eligible backups are deleted on the initial
storage unit when space is needed for more backups.
This two-stage process allows a NetBackup environment to leverage the advantages
of disk-based backups for recovery in the short term.
Staging also meets the following objectives:
■ Allows for faster restores from disk.
■ Allows the backups to run when tape drives are scarce.
■ Allows the data to be streamed to tape without image multiplexing.
NetBackup offers the following methods for staging backups.
Staging backups 665
About basic disk staging

Table 13-1 Methods for staging backups

Staging method Description

Basic disk staging Basic disk staging consists of two stages. First, data is stored on the initial storage unit
(disk staging storage unit). Then, per a configurable relocation schedule, data is copied
to the final location. Having the images on the final destination storage unit frees the
space on the disk staging storage unit as needed.

See “About basic disk staging” on page 665.

The following storage unit types are available for basic disk staging: BasicDisk and

Staging using the Storage Staged backups that are configured within the Storage Lifecycle Policies utility also
Lifecycle Policies utility consist of two stages. Data on the staging storage unit is copied to a final destination.
However, the data is not copied per a specific schedule. Instead, the administrator can
configure the data to remain on the storage unit until either a fixed retention period is
met, or until the disk needs additional space, or until the data is duplicated to the final

No BasicDisk or disk staging storage unit can be used in an SLP.

See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

About basic disk staging

Basic disk staging is conducted in the following stages.

Table 13-2 Basic disk staging

Stage Description

Stage I Clients are backed up by a policy. The Policy storage selection in the policy indicates a storage unit that
has a relocation schedule configured. The schedule is configured in the New or Change Storage unit dialog
box by clicking Staging Schedule.

Stage II Images are copied from the Stage I disk staging storage unit to the Stage II storage unit. The relocation
schedule on the disk staging storage unit determines when the images are copied to the final destination.
Having the images on the final destination storage unit frees the space on the disk staging storage unit as

The image continues to exist on both the disk staging storage unit and the final
destination storage units until the image expires or until space is needed on the
disk staging storage unit.
Figure 13-1 shows the stages in basic disk staging.
Staging backups 666
Creating a basic disk staging storage unit

Figure 13-1 Stage I and II of basic disk staging

Disk staging Final destination
Client storage unit storage unit

A policy backs up client data to a

disk staging storage unit The relocation schedule on the disk
staging storage unit copies data to the
Stage I final destination storage unit
Stage II

When the relocation schedule runs, NetBackup creates a data management job.
The job looks for any data that can be copied from the disk staging storage unit to
the final destination. The Job Details in the Activity Monitor identify the job as one
associated with basic disk staging. The Job Details list displays Disk Staging in the
job’s Data Movement field.
When NetBackup detects a disk staging storage unit that is full, it pauses the backup.
Then, NetBackup finds the oldest images on the storage unit that successfully
copied onto the final destination. NetBackup expires the images on the disk staging
storage unit to create space.

Note: The basic disk staging method does not support backup images that span
disk storage units.
To avoid spanning storage units, do not use Checkpoint restart on a backup policy
that writes to a storage unit group that contains multiple disk staging storage units.
See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)” on page 775.

Creating a basic disk staging storage unit

Use the following processes to create a basic disk staging storage unit.
To create a basic disk staging storage unit
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage > Storage Units.
2 Click Actions > New > Storage Unit or New Storage Unit.
3 In the New Storage Unit dialog box, name the storage unit.
See “Storage unit name setting” on page 659.
Staging backups 667
Creating a basic disk staging storage unit

4 Select Disk as the Storage unit type.

See “Storage unit type setting” on page 659.
5 Select the Disk type of disk storage unit that is to be a disk staging storage
unit: BasicDisk.
6 Select a media server.
See “Media server storage unit setting” on page 651.
7 Browse or specify the absolute path to the directory to be used for storage.
See “Absolute pathname to directory or absolute pathname to volume setting
for storage units” on page 645.
8 Select whether this directory can reside on the root file system or system disk.
See “Directory can exist on the root file system or system disk setting for storage
units” on page 645.
9 Enter the maximum concurrent jobs that are allowed to write to this storage
unit at one time.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
10 Enter a High water mark value.
The high water mark works differently for the BasicDisk disk type. NetBackup
assigns new jobs to a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit, even if it is over the
indicated high water mark. For BasicDisk, the high water mark is used to trigger
the deletion of images that have been relocated. NetBackup continues to delete
images until the disk reaches the low water mark.

Note: The Low water mark setting does not apply to disk staging storage

11 Check the Enable temporary staging area option. Once the option is enabled,
create a schedule so that disk staging can occur.

Creating a schedule for a basic disk staging storage unit

The Disk Staging Schedule dialog box is similar to the Add New Schedule dialog
box used to configure schedules in backup policies. The differences appear on the
Attributes tab.
Staging backups 668
Configuring multiple copies in a relocation schedule

To define the disk staging schedule

1 Click Staging Schedule.
2 The schedule name defaults to the storage unit name.
In the Disk Staging Schedule or the Disk Staging dialog box, select the
priority that the relocation jobs that are started from this schedule have
compared to other types of jobs.
See “Disk Staging Schedule dialog box ” on page 674.
3 Select whether to create multiple copies. When the Multiple copies attribute
is checked, NetBackup can create up to four copies of a backup simultaneously.
See “Multiple copies (schedule attribute)” on page 845.
4 Select a storage unit to contain the images from this storage unit upon
5 Select a volume pool to contain the images from this storage unit upon
6 Select a media owner to own the images from this storage unit upon relocation.
7 Select whether to use an alternate server for the images from this storage unit
upon relocation.
8 Click OK to accept the disk staging schedule.

Configuring multiple copies in a relocation

To configure a relocation schedule for basic disk staging to create multiple copies,
use the following procedure.
To configure a relocation schedule for basic disk staging to create multiple
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Storage > Storage Units.
2 Perform one of the following actions:

To change an existing basic ■ Select the storage unit to change.

disk storage unit ■ On the Edit menu, click Change.
Staging backups 669
Configuring multiple copies in a relocation schedule

To create a new basic disk ■ On the Actions menu, click New > Storage Unit.
storage unit ■ Name the storage unit.
■ From the Storage unit type list, select Disk.
■ Check Enable Temporary Staging Area.
■ Configure the other storage unit settings as
■ See “Creating a basic disk staging storage unit”
on page 666.

See “About staging backups” on page 664.

3 Click the Staging Schedule option.
4 In the Add Schedule or Change Schedule dialog box that appears, on the
Attributes tab, specify a priority in the field Priority of relocation jobs started
from this schedule (0 to 99999).
5 Select a schedule type and schedule when the policy should run.
6 Check Use alternate read server, and select an alternate server from the
drop-down list. The alternate server can read a backup image originally written
by a different media server.
7 Select Multiple copies and click Configure.
Staging backups 670
Configuring multiple copies in a relocation schedule

8 In the Copies field, specify the number of copies to create simultaneously. The
number must be between 1 and 4.

Copy 1 is the primary copy. If Copy 1 fails, the first successful copy is the
primary copy.
Usually, NetBackup restores from the primary copy of an image. However, it
is possible to restore from a specific backup copy other than the primary copy.
To do so, use the bprestore command.
See “Configure Multiple Copies dialog box ” on page 846.
See “About configuring multiple copies” on page 845.
9 Specify the storage unit where each copy is stored. If a Media Manager storage
unit has multiple drives, it can be used for both the source and the destination.
10 Specify the volume pool where each copy is stored.
11 Select one of the following from the If this copy fails list:

continue Continues making the remaining copies.

Note: Note: If Take checkpoints every __ minutes is
selected for this policy, only the last failed copy that contains
a checkpoint can be resumed.

See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)”

on page 775.

fail all copies Fails the entire job.

Staging backups 671
Disk staging storage unit size and capacity

12 For tape media, specify who should own the media onto which NetBackup
writes the images:

Any NetBackup selects the media owner, either a media server

or server group.

None Specifies that the media server that writes to the media owns
the media. No media server is specified explicitly, but you
want a media server to own the media.

A server group Specifies that a media server group allows only those media
servers in the group to write to the media on which backup
images for this policy are written. All media server groups
that are configured in the NetBackup environment appear in
the list.

These settings do not affect images residing on disk. One media server does
not own the images that reside on shared disks. Any media server with access
to the shared pool of disk can access the images.
13 Click OK.

Disk staging storage unit size and capacity

To take advantage of basic disk staging requires that the NetBackup administrator
understand the life expectancy of the image on the Stage I storage unit.
The size and use of the file system of the Stage I storage unit directly affects the
life expectancy of the image before it is copied to the Stage II storage unit. It is
recommended a dedicated file system for each disk staging storage unit.
Consider the following example: A NetBackup administrator wants incremental
backups to be available on disk for one week.
Incremental backups are done Monday through Saturday, with full backups done
on Sunday. The full backups are sent directly to tape and do not use basic disk
Each night’s total incremental backups are sent to a disk staging storage unit and
average from 300 MB to 500 MB. Occasionally a backup is 700 MB. Each following
day the relocation schedule runs on the disk staging storage unit and copies the
previous night’s incremental backups to the final destination, a Media Manager
(tape) storage unit.
The following items give more information about determining disk size for a basic
disk staging storage unit.
Staging backups 672
Disk staging storage unit size and capacity

Minimum disk size

The minimum disk size is the smallest size that is required for the successful
operation of the disk staging logic.
The minimum size must be greater than or equal to the largest combined size of
the backups that are placed on the storage unit between runs of the disk staging
schedule. (In our example, the disk images remain on the disk for one week.)
In this example, the relocation schedule runs nightly, and the largest nightly backup
is 700 MB. It is recommended that you double this value to allow for any problems
that may occur when the relocation schedule runs. To double the value gives the
administrator an extra schedule cycle (one day) to correct any problems.
To determine the minimum size for the storage unit in this example, use the following
Minimum size = Max data per cycle × (1 cycle + 1 cycle for safety)
For example: 1.4 GB = 700 MB × (1+1)

Average disk size

The average disk size represents a good compromise between the minimum and
the maximum sizes.
In this example, the average nightly backup is 400 MB and the NetBackup
administrator wants to keep the images for one week.
To determine the average size for the storage unit in this example, use the following
Average size = Average data per cycle × (number of cycles to keep data + 1 cycle
for safety)
2.8 GB = 400 MB × (6 + 1)

Maximum disk size

The maximum disk size is the recommended size needed to accommodate a certain
level of service. In this example, the level of service is that disk images remain on
disk for one week.
To determine the maximum size for the storage unit in this example, use the following
Maximum size = Max data per cycle × (# of cycles to keep data + 1 cycle for safety)
For example: 4.9 GB = 700 MB × (6 + 1)
Staging backups 673
Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk staging storage unit

Finding potential free space on a BasicDisk disk

staging storage unit
Potential free space is the amount of space on a disk staging storage unit that
NetBackup could free if extra space on the volume is needed. The space is the
total size of the images that are eligible for expiration plus the images ready to be
deleted on the volume.
To find the potential free space on a BasicDisk storage unit, use the bpstulist
and the nbdevquery commands as follows:
■ Run bpstulist -label to find the disk pool name.
Note that the name of the storage unit and disk pools are case-sensitive. In the
case of BasicDisk storage units, the name of the disk pool is the same as the
name of the BasicDisk storage unit. In the following example, the name of the
storage unit is NameBasic:

bpstulist -label basic

NameBasic 0 server1 0 -1 -1 1 0 "C:\" 1 1 524288 *NULL* 0 1 0 98 80 0 NameBasic server1

■ Run the nbdevquery command to display the status for the disk pool, including
the potential free space.
Use the following options, where:

-stype server_type Specifies the vendor-specific string that

identifies the storage server type. For a
BasicDisk storage unit, enter BasicDisk.

-dp Specifies the disk pool name. For a basic

disk type, the disk pool name is the name
of the BasicDisk storage unit.

So the complete command might look like the following.

nbdevquery -listdv -stype BasicDisk -dp NameBasic -D

The value is listed as potential_free_space.

Disk Volume Dump

name : <Internal_16>
id : <C:\>
diskpool : <NameBasic::server1::BasicDisk>
disk_media_id : <@aaaaf>
total_capacity : 0
free_space : 0
Staging backups 674
Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

potential_free_space: 0
committed_space : 0
precommitted_space : 0
nbu_state : 2
sts_state : 0
flags : 0x6
num_read_mounts : 0
max_read_mounts : 0
num_write_mounts : 1
max_write_mounts : 1
system_tag : <Generic disk volume>

Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

Click Staging Schedule to display the Disk Staging Schedule dialog box. The
dialog box is similar to the scheduling dialog box that appears when a policy is
The schedule that is created for the disk staging storage unit is not listed under
Schedules in the NetBackup Administration Console when the Policies utility
is selected.
Figure 13-2 shows the disk staging schedule for a basic disk staging storage unit.

Figure 13-2 Disk Staging Schedule for a basic disk staging storage unit
Staging backups 675
Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

The Attributes tab on the Disk Staging Schedule dialog box differs from the
Attributes tab of a regular policy. The differences are described in the following

Table 13-3 The Attributes tab settings

Attribute Description

Name The Name on the Disk Staging Schedule dialog box automatically defaults to the
name of the storage unit.

Priority of relocation jobs The Priority of relocation jobs started from this schedule field indicates the priority
started from this schedule that NetBackup assigns to relocation jobs for this policy. Range: 0 to 99999 (highest
priority). The default value that is displayed is the value that is set in the Default Job
Priorities host properties for the Staging job type.

See “Default Job Priorities properties” on page 104.

Frequency If the backups that use a disk staging storage unit run more frequently than expected,
compare the retention level 1 setting with the Frequency setting. Internally, NetBackup
uses the retention level 1 setting for scheduling purposes with disk staging storage

Make sure that the frequency period is set to make the backups occur more frequently
than the retention level 1 setting indicates. (The default is two weeks.)

For example, a frequency of one day and a retention level 1 of 2 weeks should work

Retention levels are configured in the Retention Periods host properties.

See “Retention Periods properties” on page 197.

See “Frequency (schedule attribute)” on page 842.

Final destination storage If the schedule is a relocation schedule, a Final destination storage unit must be
unit indicated. (A relocation schedule is created as part of a basic disk staging storage unit
configuration.) A Final destination storage unit is the name of the storage unit where
the images reside after a relocation job copies them.

To copy images to tape, NetBackup uses all of the drives available in the Final
destination storage unit. However, the Maximum concurrent write drives setting
for that storage unit must be set to reflect the number of drives. The setting determines
how many duplication jobs can be launched to handle the relocation job.
NetBackup continues to free space until the Low water mark is reached.

See “Low water mark storage unit setting” on page 648.

See “Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting” on page 648.

See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Staging backups 676
Disk Staging Schedule dialog box

Table 13-3 The Attributes tab settings (continued)

Attribute Description

Final destination volume If the schedule is a relocation schedule, a Final destination volume pool must be
pool indicated. (A relocation schedule is created as part of a basic disk staging storage unit
configuration.) A Final destination volume pool is the volume pool where images are
swept from the volume pool on the basic disk staging storage unit.

See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Note: The relocation schedule that was created for the basic disk staging storage unit
is not listed under Schedules in the NetBackup Administration Console when the
Policies utility is selected.

Final destination media If the schedule is a relocation schedule, a Final destination media owner must be
owner indicated. (A relocation schedule is created as part of a basic disk staging storage unit
configuration.) A Final destination media owner is the media owner where the images
reside after a relocation job copies them.
Specify one of the following:

■ Any lets NetBackup choose the media owner. NetBackup chooses a media server
or a server group (if one is configured).
■ None specifies that the media server that writes the image to the media owns the
media. No media server is specified explicitly, but you want a media server to own
the media.
■ A server group. A server group allows only those servers in the group to write to
the media on which backup images for this policy are written. All server groups that
are configured in the NetBackup environment appear in the Final destination
media owner drop-down list.
Staging backups 677
Initiating a relocation schedule manually

Table 13-3 The Attributes tab settings (continued)

Attribute Description

Use alternate read server An alternate read server is a server allowed to read a backup image originally written
by a different media server.

The path to the disk or directory must be identical for each media server that is to
access the disk.

If the backup image is on tape, the media servers must share the same tape library or
the operator must find the media.

If the backup image is on a robot that is not shared or a standalone drive, the media
must be moved to the new location. An administrator must move the media, inventory
the media in the new robot, and execute bpmedia -oldserver -newserver or
assign a failover media server.

To avoid sending data over the network during duplication, specify an alternate read
server that meets the following conditions:

■ Connected to the storage device that contains the original backups (the source
■ Connected to the storage device that contains the final destination storage units.

If the final destination storage unit is not connected to the alternate read server, data
is sent over the network.

Initiating a relocation schedule manually

A relocation schedule may be started manually to copy images to the final destination
before the schedule is due to run.
To initiate a relocation schedule
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage > Storage Units.
2 In the right pane, select a basic disk staging storage unit.
3 Select Actions > Manual Relocation or Manual Relocation to Final
Destination to initiate the schedule.
If the relocation schedule finds data that can be copied, NetBackup creates a
job to copy the data to the final destination storage unit.
The image then exists on both storage units until the disk staging (Stage I)
storage unit becomes full and the oldest images are deleted.
See “Maintaining available disk space on disk storage units” on page 642.
Chapter 14
Configuring storage unit
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About storage unit groups

■ Creating storage unit groups for backups

■ Creating storage unit groups for snapshots

■ Deleting a storage unit group

■ Storage unit selection criteria within a group

■ About disk spanning within storage unit groups

About storage unit groups

Storage unit groups let you identify specific storage units as a group. You can
specify a storage unit group name as the storage for a policy in the same way that
you specify individual storage units. When you specify a storage unit group, the
policy directs backups or snapshots only to those storage units in the designated
Storage unit groups can be one of the following types:
■ Backup storage unit groups
A backup storage unit group contains only the storage units that can contain
backups. Furthermore, for Media Server Deduplication Pool and third-party
disk appliance (OpenStorage) storage, all storage units in the group must be of
the same type of storage.
See “Creating storage unit groups for backups” on page 679.
Configuring storage unit groups 679
Creating storage unit groups for backups

■ Snapshot storage unit groups

A snapshot storage unit group contains only the storage units that can contain
snapshots. All storage units in the group must have the same Disk type selected.
See “Creating storage unit groups for snapshots” on page 681.
NetBackup does not support storage unit groups for the following use cases:
■ As a target for optimized duplication.
If you use a storage unit group as a destination for optimized duplication of
deduplicated data, NetBackup uses regular duplication.
■ As a source of or a target for Auto Image Replication.
■ As a target for optimized synthetic backups.
If NetBackup cannot produce the optimized synthetic backup, NetBackup creates
the more data-movement intensive synthetic backup.
■ As a target for OpenStorage direct-to-tape operations.
See the NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk.

Creating storage unit groups for backups

The following procedure describes how to create a storage unit group that consists
of the storage units that can contain backups.
To create a storage unit group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Storage.
2 Right-click Storage Unit Groups and select New Storage Unit Group.
3 Enter a storage unit group name for the new storage unit group. The storage
unit group name is case-sensitive.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
4 For the storage unit group to contain backups, select Backup in the drop-down
5 Add backup storage units to or remove backup storage units from the group:
■ To add storage units to the group, select the storage units from the Storage
units not in the group list and click Add.
■ To remove storage units from the group, select the storage units from the
Storage units in group list and click Remove.
■ To change the priority of a storage unit, select the storage unit and click
Move Up or Move Down. The units at the top of the list have the highest
priority in the group.
Configuring storage unit groups 680
Creating storage unit groups for backups

Note: For Media Server Deduplication Pool and third-party disk appliance
(OpenStorage) storage, all storage units in the group must be of the same type
of storage.

6 Choose how storage units are selected within the group:

■ Prioritized. Choose the first storage unit in the list that is not busy, down,
or out of media.
■ Failover. Choose the first storage unit in the list that is not down or out of
It is recommended that you select Failover for the following storage types:
AdvancedDisk, Media Server Deduplication Pool, and OpenStorage
■ Round Robin. Choose the least recently selected storage unit in the list.
■ Media server load balancing. Choose a storage unit based on a
capacity-managed approach.
Media server load balancing is recommended for disk staging storage
units within a storage unit group.
See “Media server load balancing” on page 684.
See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.
One exception to the selection criteria is in the case of a client that is also a
media server with locally connected storage units.
See “Exception to the storage unit selection criteria” on page 686.
7 Click OK.
See “About storage unit groups ” on page 678.
Configuring storage unit groups 681
Creating storage unit groups for snapshots

Figure 14-1 Backup storage unit group configuration dialog box

Creating storage unit groups for snapshots

Creating storage unit groups is optional. A snapshot storage unit group must be
comprised of storage units that have matching properties.
The following procedure describes how to create a storage unit group that consists
of the storage units that can contain snapshots.
To create a snapshot storage unit group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Storage.
2 Right-click Storage Unit Groups and select New Storage Unit Group.
3 Enter a storage unit group name for the new storage unit group. The storage
unit group name is case-sensitive.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
4 For the storage unit group to contain snapshots, select Snapshot in the
drop-down menu.
5 A storage unit group can contain only those storage units that share similar
properties. NetBackup filters the storage units for selection so that dissimilar
storage units are not combined in one storage unit group.
Configuring storage unit groups 682
Creating storage unit groups for snapshots

Note: The properties of the underlying storage units are read-only. You cannot
change the storage unit properties from this dialog box.

Select one or more properties to filter the storage units in the list. Only those
storage units that have the selected properties are displayed. For example,
select Replication source and Replication target to display only those storage
units that are configured to act as both replication sources and replication
Filter the storage units on the following properties:
■ Primary
Enable Primary to display the storage units that can contain the initial
snapshot of primary data.
■ Replication source
Enable Replication source to display the storage units that can serve as
a source for a replicated snapshot.
■ Replication target
Enable Replication target to display the storage units that can receive
replicated snapshots from a replication source.
■ Mirror
Optionally, enable Mirror to display the storage units that can serve as
a mirrored replication target. (For example, NetApp SnapMirror.)
■ Independent
Optionally, enable Independent to display the storage units that can
act as either a Mirror replication target (SnapMirror) or a non-mirror
replication target (SnapVault).

For more information about snapshot properties, see the NetBackup Replication
Director Solutions Guide.
6 Add or remove storage units from the group:
■ To add storage units to the group, select the storage units from the
Available storage units list and click Add.
■ To remove storage units from the group, select the storage units from the
Storage units to be used in the group list and click Remove.
■ To change the priority of a storage unit, select the storage unit and click
Move Up or Move Down. The units at the top of the list have the highest
priority in the group.

7 Click OK to save and close the dialog box.

Configuring storage unit groups 683
Deleting a storage unit group

Figure 14-2 Snapshot storage unit group configuration dialog box

Deleting a storage unit group

The following procedure describes how to delete a storage unit group.
To delete a storage unit group
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage > Storage Unit Groups.
2 In the right pane, from the list of storage unit groups, select the storage unit
group you want to delete. Hold down the Control or Shift key to select multiple
storage units.
3 Select Edit > Delete.
4 Click OK.

Storage unit selection criteria within a group

The storage unit selection criteria determines the order in which storage units are
selected within a storage unit group.
The only difference between the selection criteria options is the order in which the
storage units are selected.
Choose from one of the following selection criteria.
Configuring storage unit groups 684
Storage unit selection criteria within a group

Selection Description

Prioritized If the Prioritizedoption is selected, NetBackup chooses the

next available storage unit in the list. Prioritized is the default

If a storage unit is unavailable, NetBackup examines the next

storage unit until it finds one that is available.

Failover If the Failover option is selected, when a job must queue for
a storage unit, the job queues rather than try another storage
unit in the group.

Round robin If the Round robin option is selected, NetBackup chooses

the least recently selected storage unit in the list as each new
job is started.

If a storage unit is unavailable, NetBackup examines the next

storage unit until it finds one that is available.

Media server load balancing If the Media server load balancing option is selected,
NetBackup selects a storage unit based on a
capacity-managed approach. In this way, NetBackup avoids
sending jobs to busy media servers.

If a storage unit is unavailable, NetBackup examines the next

storage unit until it finds one that is available.

See “Media server load balancing” on page 684.

A queue can form for a storage unit if the storage unit is unavailable.
The following are some reasons why a storage unit can be considered unavailable:
■ The storage unit is busy.
■ The storage unit is down.
■ The storage unit is out of media.
■ The storage unit has no available space.
■ The storage unit has reached the Maximum concurrent jobs setting.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
See “Exception to the storage unit selection criteria” on page 686.

Media server load balancing

The Media server load balancing option indicates that NetBackup select a storage
unit based on a capacity-managed approach. In this way, NetBackup avoids sending
jobs to busy media servers.
Configuring storage unit groups 685
Storage unit selection criteria within a group

If a storage unit is unavailable, NetBackup examines the next storage unit until it
finds one that is available.
The selection is based on the following factors:
■ The rank of the media server.
NetBackup considers the number of processes that are running on each CPU
along with the memory thresholds on each server to determine the rank of a
media server. If the free memory drops below a determined threshold, or if the
number of running processes per CPU rises over a determined threshold, then
the overall rank of the media server drops.
■ The number of jobs on the media server.
NetBackup considers the number of scheduled jobs on each media server.
■ Whether the media server has enough disk space to accommodate the estimated
size of the image. (Physical and virtual tapes ignore this requirement.)
NetBackup estimates the size of any of the new or any current jobs on each
media server. It then determines whether the jobs fit on a given volume.
NetBackup estimates the amount of space that the job may require, based on
previous backup history. If no history is available, the high water mark for the
storage unit serves as a guide.
Media server load balancing cannot be selected for a storage unit group that
includes a BasicDisk storage unit. Also, a BasicDisk storage unit cannot be included
in an existing storage unit group with Media server load balancing enabled.

Note: It is recommended that you select Media server load balancing for disk
staging storage units within a storage unit group.

The following methods also work to distribute the backup workload:

Adjust the backup load on a media ■ Change the Limit jobs per policy policy attribute for one or more of the
server. policies that are sent to a media server. Specifying a lower limit reduces
the workload on a media server on a specific network segment.
See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.
■ Reconfigure policies or schedules to use storage units on other media
■ Consider changing the Bandwidth host properties on one or more clients.
See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.

Distribute the backup load on media Reconfigure policy schedules so that they write backups to storage units on
servers during peak periods. the media servers that can handle the load (assuming that master servers
and media servers are on separate hosts).
Configuring storage unit groups 686
Storage unit selection criteria within a group

Adjust the backup load on the client. Change the Maximum jobs per client global attribute. For example, raising
the Maximum jobs per client limit increases the number of concurrent jobs
that any one client can process and therefore increases the load.

See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.

Reduce the time that is needed to back Increase the number of jobs that clients can perform concurrently, or use
up clients. multiplexing. Another possibility is to increase the number of jobs that the
media server can perform concurrently for the policies that back up the

Give preference to a policy. Increase the Limit jobs per policy attribute for the preferred policy relative
to other policies. Or, increase the priority for the policy.

See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

Adjust the load between fast and slow Increase the Limit jobs per policy and Maximum jobs per client for policies
networks. and clients in a faster network. Decrease these numbers for slower networks.
Another solution is to use the NetBackup capability to limit bandwidth.

See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.

Maximize the use of devices. Use multiplexing. Allow as many concurrent jobs per storage unit, policy,
and client as possible without causing server, client, or network performance

Prevent backups from monopolizing tape ■ Place some drives in a down state or limit the number that are used
devices. concurrently in a specific storage unit. For example, if there are four drives
in a robot, allow only two to be used concurrently.
■ Do not place all devices under Media Manager control.

Exception to the storage unit selection criteria

The only exception to the storage unit selection criteria order is in the case of a
client that is also a media server with locally connected storage units. The locally
available storage units take precedence over the defined sequence of storage units
in the group.
You may have set up a storage unit to be On demand only. If the unit is in a storage
unit group that a policy requires, the On demand only option is satisfied and the
device is used.
See “On demand only storage unit setting” on page 654.
See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.
Configuring storage unit groups 687
About disk spanning within storage unit groups

About disk spanning within storage unit groups

A backup may span storage units if a disk full condition is detected. Backups can
span from one BasicDisk storage unit to another BasicDisk storage unit if the storage
units are in the same storage unit group. The storage units must also share the
same media server.
See “Storage unit selection criteria within a group” on page 683.
Section 4
Configuring storage lifecycle
policies (SLPs)

■ Chapter 15. Configuring storage lifecycle policies

■ Chapter 16. Storage operations

■ Chapter 17. Retention types for SLP operations

■ Chapter 18. Storage lifecycle policy options

■ Chapter 19. Using a storage lifecycle policy to create multiple copies

■ Chapter 20. Storage lifecycle policy versions

Chapter 15
Configuring storage
lifecycle policies
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About storage lifecycle policies

■ Creating a storage lifecycle policy

■ Deleting a storage lifecycle policy

■ Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command

About storage lifecycle policies

Note: SLPs can be configured from the NetBackup web UI. To view the existing
SLPs or create a new one, on the left navigation pane, click Storage > Storage
Lifecycle Policies.

A storage lifecycle policy (SLP) is a storage plan for a set of backups. An SLP is
configured within the Storage Lifecycle Policies utility.
An SLP contains instructions in the form of storage operations, to be applied to the
data that is backed up by a backup policy. Operations are added to the SLP that
determine how the data is stored, copied, replicated, and retained. NetBackup
retries the copies as necessary to ensure that all copies are created.
SLPs offer the opportunity for users to assign a classification to the data at the
policy level. A data classification represents a set of backup requirements, which
makes it easier to configure backups for data with different requirements. For
example, email data and financial data.
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 690
Creating a storage lifecycle policy

SLPs can be set up to provide staged backup behavior. They simplify data
management by applying a prescribed behavior to all the backup images that are
included in the SLP. This process allows the NetBackup administrator to leverage
the advantages of disk-based backups in the near term. It also preserves the
advantages of tape-based backups for long-term storage.
The SLP Parameters properties in the NetBackup Administration Console allow
administrators to customize how SLPs are maintained and how SLP jobs run.
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.
Best-practice information about SLPs appears in the following document:

Creating a storage lifecycle policy

A storage lifecycle policy (SLP) is a storage plan for a set of backups. The operations
in an SLP are the backup instructions for the data. Use the following procedure to
create an SLP that contains multiple storage operations.

Note: You can create an SLP and add multiple storage operations to it from the
NetBackup web UI. To add an SLP, on the left navigation pane, click Storage >
Storage Lifecycle Policies, and then click +Add button.

To add a storage operation to a storage lifecycle policy

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Management
> Storage > Storage Lifecycle Policies.
2 Click Actions > New > Storage Lifecycle Policy.
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 691
Creating a storage lifecycle policy

3 In the New Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box, enter a Storage lifecycle
policy name.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
4 Add one or more operations to the SLP. The operations are the instructions
for the SLP to follow and apply to the data that is specified in the backup policy.
If this is the first operation added to the SLP, click Add.
If this is not the first operation in the SLP, add an operation that is either
hierarchical or non-hierarchical:
To create a hierarchical operation, select an operation to become the source
of the next operation. Click Add. The new operation is a child of the selected
operation. The child is indented under the parent operation.

To create a non-hierarchical operation, do not select an operation. A

non-hierarchical operation means that the operation does not have a parent
and child relationship with another operation. The new operation is not indented.

5 In the Properties tab of the New Storage Operation dialog box, select an
Operation type. If you're creating a child operation, the SLP displays only
those operations that are valid based on the parent operation that you've
The name of the operation reflects its purpose in the SLP:
■ Backup
See “Backup operation in an SLP” on page 697.
■ Backup From Snapshot
See “Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP” on page 699.
■ Duplication
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 692
Creating a storage lifecycle policy

See “Duplication operation in an SLP” on page 701.

■ Import
See “Import operation in an SLP” on page 703.
■ Index From Snapshot
See “Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP” on page 705.
■ Replication
See “Replication operation in an SLP” on page 708.
See “About NetBackup Auto Image Replication” on page 1107.
■ Snapshot
See “Snapshot operation in an SLP” on page 711.
See “About NetBackup Replication Director” on page 1149.

6 Configure the properties for the operation.

See “Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 730.
7 The Window tab displays for the following operation types: Backup From
Snapshot, Duplication, Import, Index From Snapshot, and Replication. If
you'd like to control when the secondary operation runs, create a window for
the operation.
See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.
8 Click the Advanced button in the Properties tab to display options about how
the window should behave if the window closes and a secondary operation is
not yet complete.
9 Click OK to create the operation.
10 Add additional operations to the SLP as needed. (See step 4.)
11 Change the hierarchy of the operations in the SLP if necessary.
See “Modifying the hierarchy of operations in a storage lifecycle policy”
on page 693.
12 Click OK to create the SLP. NetBackup validates the SLP when it is first created
and whenever it is changed.
See “Storage lifecycle policy validation dialog box” on page 738.
See “Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab” on page 739.
13 Configure a backup policy and select a storage lifecycle policy as the Policy
See “Creating a backup policy” on page 759.
See “Policy storage (policy attribute)” on page 770.
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 693
Creating a storage lifecycle policy

Modifying the hierarchy of operations in a storage lifecycle policy

In some cases, the hierarchy of operations in an SLP can be modified. Use the
arrows to move it in the hierarchy.

Note: This functionality is available on the NetBackup web UI. To modify the
hierarchy of operations in an SLP, either use the arrows or drag and drop the
selected operation. The drag and drop is applicable for re-ordering and left shift of
the operations.
It is not recommended that users modify automanaged storage lifecycle policies.
If a user begins to modify an automanaged SLP, a dialog appears that warns users
about the possible consequences.
See “Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle
policies” on page 762.
The order of the operations at the time that the SLP is saved may differ from the
next time the SLP is opened. NetBackup reorders the operations while it stores
them in the catalog configuration file. How the hierarchy works is not changed,
however, and the parent-child relationships are preserved.

Modify the order of the operation in the operation list if needed.

■ Click the arrows to move the operation into the new position.
■ Up arrow
Swaps the position of the selected operation with the sibling above it, if one
Using the up arrow does not change the source of the selected operation. The
up arrow also moves the children of an operation and preserves their relationship
with the selected operation.
The up arrow is disabled if no sibling appears above the selected operation.
■ Down arrow
Swaps the position of the selected operation with the sibling below it, if one
Using the down arrow does not change the source of the selected operation.
The down arrow also moves the children of an operation and preserves their
relationship with the selected operation.
The down arrow is disabled if no sibling appears below the selected operation.
■ Right arrow
Moves the operation right in the hierarchy, making the sibling above the operation
the source for the operation.
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 694
Deleting a storage lifecycle policy

If no sibling exists above the operation in the hierarchy, the right arrow is
disabled. It is always disabled for Backup and Snapshot operations.
Moving the operation to the right does not change the position number of the
operation in the list.
The right arrow also moves the children of the operation and preserves their
relationship with the selected operation.
■ Left arrow
Moves the operation to the left in the hierarchy, turning the parent into a sibling.
The left arrow is enabled for some operations. For the left arrow to be enabled,
the selected operation must be either the first or last in a list of siblings.
If the operation is the first sibling of a parent, click the left arrow to make it into
a sibling of its parent.
Note that the left arrow also moves the children along with the selected operation
to preserve the relationship with the operation.
The left arrow is disabled for Backup and Snapshot operations.

Deleting a storage lifecycle policy

To delete a storage lifecycle policy, use the following procedure. Note that to delete
an SLP deletes all versions of the SLP.

Note: You can delete an SLP from the NetBackup web UI. To do so, select the
SLP, click the action menu, and then Delete.

Note: It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged storage

lifecycle policies. If a user begins to modify or delete an automanaged SLP, a dialog
appears that warns users about the possible consequences.
See “Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle
policies” on page 762.

To delete a storage lifecycle policy

1 Remove the SLP from all backup policies to prevent new backup jobs from
writing to the SLP.
2 Wait for all in-process backup jobs to the SLP to complete, or cancel the jobs
using the Activity Monitor or the command line.
3 To prevent new jobs or cancel any existing duplication jobs from writing to the
SLP, run the following command:
nbstlutil cancel -lifecycle name
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 695
Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command

4 Use the Activity Monitor to cancel in-process jobs that use the SLP.
5 Once all of the operations are complete, delete the SLP using one of the
following methods:
■ The NetBackup Administration Console
■ Expand Storage > Storage Lifecycle Policies.
■ Select the SLP name.
■ Select Edit > Delete.
■ In the Delete Storage Lifecycle Policies dialog box, select the SLP
name and click OK.

■ The nbstl command

nbstl storage_lifecycle_name -delete

If the administrator tries to delete an SLP with active images, status code 1519
appears (Images are in process). Wait several minutes and try to delete the
SLP again until the error no longer appears.

Note: If orphaned images are detected due to a system error, NetBackup logs
the fact that the images exist and alerts the administrator to address the

Lifecycle operation administration using the

nbstlutil command
The NetBackup storage lifecycle policy utility command (nbstlutil) gives
administrators the ability to intervene between pending SLP operations. Specifically,
the nbstlutil command can be used to cancel, inactivate, or activate the
processing of existing SLP-managed images.
nbstlutil cannot affect the jobs that are currently running or queued. Use the
Activity Monitor to intervene in the jobs that are running or queued.
Configuring storage lifecycle policies 696
Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command

Table 15-1 nbstlutil details

nbstlutil information Details

Where to find The command is found in the following location:

On Windows:




How to use Use nbstlutil to perform the following administrative actions:

■ List the status of SLP-managed images. The EMM table that tracks the status of
SLP-processed images can be printed. Support may request this information to
troubleshoot an SLP problem.
■ Cancel pending duplication operations on the selected images or image copies.
When a duplication is canceled, NetBackup considers the image or image copy to
be SLP complete. It does not attempt to create any more copies of the backup
■ Deactivate (suspend) pending and future SLP operations on selected images or
image copies. NetBackup retains the image information so that processing can be
resumed by the administrator at a later time.
■ Activate (resume) suspended SLP operations on selected images or image copies.

See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide for a description of all the options
available for nbstlutil.

When to use NetBackup starts a duplication session every five minutes to copy data from a backup
operation for a duplication operation. Five minutes is the default frequency of the Image
processing interval parameter in the SLP Parameters host properties.

For example, a duplication job fails because the library has a hard failure. It may take
longer than two hours to repair the library. The administrator may not want duplication
jobs to begin every two hours. Use the nbstlutil command to inactivate the SLP
while the library is repaired. When ready, the SLP can be activated and duplication
jobs can begin.
Note: Once the job is reactivated, the administrator may want to temporarily change
the Extended image retry interval parameter to one hour to begin duplication jobs
Chapter 16
Storage operations
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy

■ Backup operation in an SLP

■ Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP

■ Duplication operation in an SLP

■ Import operation in an SLP

■ Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP

■ Replication operation in an SLP

■ Snapshot operation in an SLP

■ Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy

Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy

Note: You can add the operations for an SLP from the NetBackup web UI.

The Operation selections are the instructions in the storage lifecycle policy. The
following topics describe the purpose of each operation.

Backup operation in an SLP

Use the Backup operation in a storage lifecycle policy to create a backup. All
Backup operations in a single storage lifecycle policy must be on the same media
Storage operations 698
Backup operation in an SLP

A Backup operation creates a tar-formatted image. To create a snapshot image,

select a Snapshot operation.

Figure 16-1 Backup operation in the New Storage Operation dialog box

Table 16-1 Backup operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit The selection must be a backup storage unit or a backup storage unit
selection group (see the following note).

The selection cannot be a snapshot storage unit or a snapshot storage

unit group.
Note: If creating an SLP for Auto Image Replication, do not select a
storage unit group. Auto Image Replication does not support replicating
from a storage unit group. That is, the source copy cannot be in a storage
unit group.

See “About NetBackup Auto Image Replication” on page 1107.

Child of A Backup operation cannot serve as the child of any other operation.
Therefore, do not click on any other operation in the SLP when adding
a Backup operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for A Backup operation can be the source of a Duplication operation. (See
Figure 16-2.)
Storage operations 699
Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP

Table 16-1 Backup operation characteristics (continued)

Characteristic Description

Hierarchy notes If a Backup operation appears in an SLP, it must be the first operation.

An SLP can contain a maximum of four Backup operations.

Job type A Backup operation generates a Backup job in the Activity Monitor.

Window Backup operations do not offer the option to create an SLP window.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.

Figure 16-2 SLP that contains a Backup operation

Backup operation operation

Backup Backup
storage unit storage unit


tar-formatted tar-formatted

Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP

Use the Backup From Snapshot operation to create a tar-formatted copy of the
snapshot. The new copy is a backup copy. The process is sometimes referred to
as a snapdupe job.
Storage operations 700
Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP

Figure 16-3 Backup From Snapshot operation in the New Storage Operation
dialog box

Table 16-2 Backup From Snapshot operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit The selection must be a backup storage unit or a backup storage unit
selection group.

The selection cannot be a snapshot storage unit or a snapshot storage

unit group.

Child of A Backup From Snapshot operation must use a Snapshot operation

as its source.

Therefore, click on the Snapshot operation in the SLP when adding a

Backup From Snapshot operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for A Backup From Snapshot operation can be the source for a Duplication
operation. (See Figure 16-4.)

Hierarchy notes An SLP may contain more than one Backup From Snapshot operation.
If the first Backup From Snapshot operation fails with an unrecoverable
error, NetBackup does not attempt the second one.
Note: The SLP may contain only one Backup From Snapshot operation
if the SLP is used by an NDMP policy (or a Standard or MS-Windows
policy with NDMP Data Mover enabled).
Storage operations 701
Duplication operation in an SLP

Table 16-2 Backup From Snapshot operation characteristics (continued)

Characteristic Description

Job type A Backup From Snapshot operation generates a Backup job in the
Activity Monitor.

The Backup job that results from the Backup From Snapshot operation
is under the control of the SLP Manager. If an SLP window is configured,
the Backup job runs during the configured SLP window. If no SLP window
is configured, the Backup job can run at any time; possibly outside of the
backup window as configured in the backup policy. Users may experience
a slight degradation in performance on the client or the client storage
device while NetBackup accesses the snapshot.

Window An SLP window can be created for a Backup From Snapshot operation.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.

Figure 16-4 SLP that contains a Backup From Snapshot operation

Snapshot Backup From Snapshot Duplication

operation operation operation

Snapshot Backup Backup

storage unit storage unit storage unit

Primary/ Backup Duplication

Snapshot tar-formatted tar-formatted

Duplication operation in an SLP

Use the Duplication operation to create a copy of a Backup, a Backup from
Snapshot, or another Duplication operation. A media server performs the operation
and writes the copy.

Note: Use the Replication operation to create a copy of a Snapshot operation.

See “Replication operation in an SLP” on page 708.
Storage operations 702
Duplication operation in an SLP

Figure 16-5 Duplication operation in the New Storage Operation dialog box

Table 16-3 Duplication operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit The selection must be a backup storage unit or a backup storage unit
selection group.

The selection cannot be a snapshot storage unit or a snapshot storage

unit group.

Child of A Duplication operation can be the child of the following operations:

■ Backup operation
■ Backup From Snapshot operation
■ A Duplication operation

Therefore, click on one of these operations in the SLP when adding a

Duplication operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for A Duplication operation can be the source for a Duplication operation.
(See Figure 16-6.)

Hierarchy notes When a Duplication operation appears in an SLP, it cannot be the first
Storage operations 703
Import operation in an SLP

Table 16-3 Duplication operation characteristics (continued)

Characteristic Description

Job type A Duplication operation generates a Duplication job in the Activity


Window An SLP window can be created for a Duplication operation.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.

Figure 16-6 SLP that contains one Backup operation and two Duplication

Duplication Duplication
Backup operation operation operation

Backup Backup Backup

storage unit storage unit storage unit

Duplication Duplication

tar-formatted tar-formatted tar-formatted

Import operation in an SLP

Use the Import operation as part of Auto Image Replication. An Import operation
in an SLP indicates that the SLP is to automatically import images into the target
master domain. An SLP that contains an Import operation is referred to as an
Import SLP.
Storage operations 704
Import operation in an SLP

Figure 16-7 Import operation in the New Storage Operation dialog box

Table 16-4 Import operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit An Import operation can import only from a backup storage unit or a
selection backup storage unit group. It cannot import from a snapshot storage unit
or a snapshot storage unit group.

Child of An Import operation cannot serve as the child of any other operation.
Therefore, do not click on any other operation in the SLP when adding
a Import operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for An Import operation can be the source of a Duplication operation.

At least one operation in the SLP must use the Target retention retention

Hierarchy notes If an SLP contains an Import operation, it must be the first in the
operations list and the only Import operation.

Job type An Import operation generates an Import job in the Activity Monitor.

Window An SLP window can be created for an Import operation.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.
Storage operations 705
Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP

The Override job priority option can be selected. It allows administrators to specify
a job priority for any import jobs which use this SLP.

Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP

The Index From Snapshot operation indexes the contents of existing snapshots.
When NetBackup indexes a snapshot, it creates an image .f file in the NetBackup
catalog for each snapshot. The presence of an image .f file assists the user when
a file needs to be restored from the snapshot, as described in Table 16-5.
The Backup From Snapshot operation also creates an image .f file. An Index
from Snapshot may not be required if a Backup From Snapshot occurs frequently
enough for the restore needs in your environment. For example, if the Backup
From Snapshot runs once per week but file restores are required daily, consider
using the Index from Snapshot.
The actual restore of the snapshot requires that the snapshot be mounted, regardless
of whether an Index from Snapshot has been performed or not.

Table 16-5 Restore operations

Type of restore Where performed Description Requirements

Live browse restore ■ NetBackup The user navigates the directory No .f file needs to be present in
Backup, Archive, structure to locate and select the the NetBackup catalog.
and Restore files for restore.
During a live browse restore,
NetBackup automatically mounts
the snapshot so that the user can
see what files it contains. Mounting
and unmounting the snapshot can
be time-consuming.

Table 16-6 Index From Snapshot operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit The Index From Snapshot operation does not write data to a storage unit. However, a storage
selection unit selection is needed to select the media server that to be used to access the snapshot. As a
best practice, use the storage unit from the Snapshot or Replication operation that is the source
for this operation.
Storage operations 706
Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP

Table 16-6 Index From Snapshot operation characteristics (continued)

Characteristic Description

Child of When an Index From Snapshot operation appears in an SLP, it must be the child of a Snapshot
or Replication operation.

Therefore, click on either a Snapshot or a Replication operation in the SLP when adding an Index
From Snapshot operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for While an Index From Snapshot operation cannot be the source for any operation, a Replication
operation can follow it.

Hierarchy notes The Index From Snapshot operation can consume system resources and requires that each
snapshot be mounted to create the .f file.

See “Determining where and when the Index From Snapshot operation occurs” on page 707.

Job type An Index From Snapshot operation generates an Index From Snapshot job in the Activity

Window An SLP window can be created for an Index From Snapshot operation.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.

Consider the following items before using the Index From Snapshot operation:
■ The Index From Snapshot operation is supported only in a Replication Director
■ Standard, MS-Windows, NDMP, and VMware backup policy types support the
use of storage lifecycle policies that contain the Index From Snapshot operation.

Note: However, a Standard or MS-Windows policy with NDMP Data Mover

enabled is not supported.

■ The Index From Snapshot operation can run from a full or an incremental
schedule. The file entries that are added to the .f file for either schedule are
the full set of files since all files can be restored from that snapshot. To do so
allows for the most efficient restore, however, more space is consumed in the
NetBackup catalog by the .f file.
Storage operations 707
Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP

Determining where and when the Index From Snapshot operation

Including the Index From Snapshot operation requires some consideration as the
operation can consume system resources and require additional time to perform.
For example, to perform the operation can require that a snapshot be mounted or
that NetBackup gather content details from the file system to populate the catalog.
To help mitigate the extra resource and time that the operation may take, the system
administrator can control when and where the Index From Snapshot operation
■ Use the storage lifecycle policy Window tab to schedule when the Index From
Snapshot operation can run. Schedule the operation to run when it is least likely
to interfere with other jobs.
See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.
■ Use the following points to determine where to position the Index From
Snapshot operation in the SLP operations list:
■ Each NetBackup environment needs to determine where the operation works
best in a specific SLP. To place the Index From Snapshot operation too
early (toward the top of the operations list), may consume time when the
restore capabilities are not needed. To place the operation toward the end
of the operations list may cause the administrator to delay a restore until
earlier snapshots or replications complete.
■ Use the Index From Snapshot operation in an SLP only once. A restore
can be performed from any snapshot after one image .f file is created.
■ Any operations list that includes a Backup From Snapshot operation does
not need an Index From Snapshot operation. The Backup From Snapshot
operation creates an image .f file. The only exception is if the index is
needed for restores before the Backup From Snapshot operation occurs.
■ An Index From Snapshot operation cannot have any dependents. An SLP
cannot validate an Index From Snapshot operation with children. Figure 16-8
shows an SLP with a valid configuration.
Figure 16-9 is also a valid configuration. A Replication operation follows
the Index From Snapshot operation, but it is not indented. The Replication
operation is a child of the Snapshot operation, not a child of the Index From
Snapshot operation.
To add a Replication operation after an Index From Snapshot operation,
click on the Snapshot operation, and then click Add.
Storage operations 708
Replication operation in an SLP

Figure 16-8 Example 1 of a valid placement of the Index From Snapshot


Figure 16-9 Example 2 of a valid placement of the Index From Snapshot


Replication operation in an SLP

Use the Replication operation for the following types of replication:
■ NetBackup Replication Director to replicate a snapshot, as shown in
Figure 16-10.
See “About NetBackup Replication Director” on page 1149.
■ NetBackup Auto Image Replication to replicate a backup, as shown in
Figure 16-11.
See “About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication”
on page 1124.
Storage operations 709
Replication operation in an SLP

Table 16-7 Replication operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit Under Destination storage attributes:

■ For Replication Director, select the Storage that is configured to
contain replicated snapshots.
■ For Auto Image Replication, choose to either:
■ Replicate the backup to storage servers in all target NetBackup
■ Replicate the backup to a specific master server in a specific
domain. This type of Auto Image Replication is known as targeted

Child of Click on the appropriate operation when adding a Replication operation.

A Replication operation can be the child of any of the following

■ Snapshot operation for NetBackup Replication Director to replicate

a snapshot.
■ Another Replication operation.
■ Backup operation for NetBackup Auto Image Replication.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for A Replication operation can be the source for the following operations:

■ Replication
■ Backup From Snapshot
See “Backup From Snapshot operation in an SLP” on page 699.

Job type A Replication operation generates a Replication job in the Activity


Window An SLP window can be created for a Replication operation.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.
Storage operations 710
Replication operation in an SLP

Figure 16-10 Replication operation following a Snapshot operation

Figure 16-11 Replication operation following a Backup operation

Storage operations 711
Snapshot operation in an SLP

Snapshot operation in an SLP

A Snapshot operation creates a point-in-time, read-only, disk-based copy of data.
NetBackup provides several types of snapshots, depending on the device where
the snapshot occurs.
Use a Snapshot operation as the first operation in a storage lifecycle policy for a
NetBackup Replication Director configuration.

Figure 16-12 Snapshot operation in the New Storage Operation dialog box
Storage operations 712
Snapshot operation in an SLP

Table 16-8 Snapshot operation characteristics

Characteristic Description

Storage unit The following topics describe the types of snapshot storage units that
selection can be used as the storage for a snapshot operation:

■ See “Primary snapshot storage unit” on page 713.

■ See “Primary + Replication source snapshot storage unit” on page 713.
■ See “Replication source + Replication target snapshot storage unit”
on page 714.
■ See “Replication target snapshot storage unit” on page 714.
■ See “Replication source + Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage
unit” on page 715.
A Storage unit selection is necessary in the following situations:

■ If the Snapshot is to be used by a subsequent Replication operation.

The storage unit that is specified for the Snapshot operation must
be a snapshot-capable storage unit that represents the primary
■ If the SLP contains only one operation and that is a Snapshot
operation, specify a storage unit. NetBackup uses that storage unit
to determine which media server to use to launch the snapshot job.

If neither situation applies to the SLP, the administrator may select No

storage unit or may simply make no selection. NetBackup uses the
storage unit that is selected for the Backup From Snapshot operation.

Child of A Snapshot operation cannot serve as the child of any other operation.
Therefore, do not click on any other operation in the SLP when adding
a Snapshot operation.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

Source for A Snapshot operation can be the source for the following operations:

■ Backup From Snapshot

■ Index From Snapshot
■ Replication operation

Hierarchy notes If a Snapshot operation appears in an SLP, it must be first in the

operations list.

Job type A Snapshot operation generates a Snapshot job in the Activity Monitor.

Window Snapshot operations do not offer the option to create an SLP window.

See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.
Storage operations 713
Snapshot operation in an SLP

Primary snapshot storage unit

A snapshot operation can use a Primary snapshot storage unit. That is, the storage
unit represents a disk pool that contains the volumes that have only the Primary
property set.
Figure 16-13 shows an SLP that contains one primary-only Snapshot operation,
one Backup From Snapshot operation, and one Duplication operation. The
Backup From Snapshot operation is used to create a backup from the snapshot
on the primary-only Snapshot operation. After the backup is created, it is duplicated
to a Duplication operation.

Figure 16-13 SLP that contains a Snapshot operation, a Backup From

Snapshot operation, and a Duplication operation

Snapshot Backup From Duplication

operation Snapshot operation operation

Snapshot Backup Backup

storage unit storage unit storage unit

Backup Duplication

Snapshot tar-formatted tar-formatted

Primary + Replication source snapshot storage unit

An SLP operation can use a Primary + Replication source snapshot storage unit.
That is, the storage unit represents a disk pool that contains volumes that have
both the Primary property and the Replication source property set.
Figure 16-14 shows an SLP that contains a Primary + Replication source snapshot
storage unit as one operation and one Replication target snapshot storage unit
as another operation. The Primary + Replication source storage unit can replicate
to the Replication target storage unit.
Storage operations 714
Snapshot operation in an SLP

Figure 16-14 SLP that contains a Snapshot operation and a Replication

Snapshot Replication
operation operation

Snapshot Snapshot
storage unit storage unit

Primary/ Replication Replication

Replication target
Snapshot Snapshot

Replication source + Replication target snapshot storage unit

An SLP operation can use a snapshot storage unit that represents a disk pool that
contains volumes that have the following properties: Replication source and
Replication target.
A snapshot storage unit with these properties can serve as both the Replication
source for another operation in the SLP, and as the Replication target for another
operation in the SLP.

Figure 16-15 SLP that contains a Snapshot operation and two Replication
Snapshot Replication Replication
operation operation operation

Snapshot Snapshot Snapshot

storage unit storage unit storage unit

Primary/ Replication target/ Replication Replication
Replication Replication target
source source
Snapshot Snapshot Snapshot

Replication target snapshot storage unit

An SLP operation can use a snapshot storage unit that represents a disk pool that
contains volumes that have only the Replication target property set.
Storage operations 715
Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy

An operation with this property can serve only as a Replication target for another
operation in the SLP. It cannot serve as source for a replica, but it can serve as the
source for a Duplication operation.

Figure 16-16 SLP that contains a Snapshot operation, a Replication operation,

a Backup From Snapshot operation, and a Duplication operation

Snapshot Replication Backup From Duplication

operation operation Snapshot operation operation

Snapshot Snapshot Backup Backup

storage unit storage unit storage unit storage unit

Primary/ Replication Replication Backup Duplication

Replication target
Snapshot Snapshot tar-formatted tar-formatted

Replication source + Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage

An SLP can use a snapshot storage unit that represents a disk pool that contains
volumes that have the following properties: Replication source, Replication target,
and Mirror.
An operation with these properties can serve as both:
■ A Replication source in a cascading configuration.
■ A mirrored Replication target in a cascading configuration. A mirrored
Replication target must have a forced Mirror retention type.

Replication target + Mirror snapshot storage unit

An SLP can use a snapshot storage unit that represented a disk pool that contains
volumes that have the following properties: Replication target and Mirror.
A mirrored Replication target must have a forced Mirror retention type.

Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a

storage lifecycle policy
The list of operations in the storage lifecycle policy acts as a list of instructions to
NetBackup about the data that the SLP protects. In some cases, one operation
Storage operations 716
Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy

depends on another operation. For example, a snapshot may serve as the source
for a replication. Or, a backup may serve as the source of a duplication.
The operation hierarchy in the Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box represents a
parent and child relationship.
Figure 16-17 is an example of how the operation list uses indentation to indicate
the relationship between a parent operation and a child operation.

Figure 16-17 Hierarchical storage operations in an SLP

One copy can be the source for many other copies. Figure 16-18 shows how after
the first copy is created, all subsequent copies can be made locally from that source,
without tying up network resources.

Figure 16-18 Hierarchical operations

operation Backup from
Duplication operations

Data domain 1
Data domain 2
Storage operations 717
Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy

Changing the location of an operation in the hierarchy changes the storage unit
that serves as the source for the subsequent copies. Changing the hierarchy cannot
change the operation type. (For example, change a backup operation into a
duplication operation.)
Chapter 17
Retention types for SLP
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations

■ Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations

■ Expire after copy retention type for SLP operations

■ Fixed retention type for SLP operations

■ Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations

■ Mirror retention type for SLP operations

■ Target retention type for SLP operations

Retention types for storage lifecycle policy

The Retention type for an operation in a storage lifecycle policy determines how
long the data is kept on that storage media.

Note: You can set the Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations from
the NetBackup web UI.

Table 17-1 describes which retention types are valid selections for the various
Retention types for SLP operations 719
Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations

Table 17-1 Operation and retention type configurations

Retention Backup Snapshot Replication Backup From Duplication

type operation operation operation Snapshot operation

Fixed Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid

Expire after Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid


Maximum Invalid Valid; SLP Invalid Invalid Invalid

Snapshot limit honors the policy

Mirror Invalid Invalid Valid for Invalid Valid for snapshot

snapshot storage storage only

Target retention Invalid Invalid Valid if the first Invalid Valid if the first
operation in the operation in the SLP
SLP is an Import is an Import.
and if the storage
is of the backup

Capacity Valid; Invalid Invalid Invalid Valid; AdvancedDisk

managed AdvancedDisk default; set on the
default; set on storage server.
the storage

Note: Retention is not associated with the Index From Snapshot operation because
the operation does not create any copy.

Mixing retention types

It is not recommended to allow capacity-managed images and fixed-retention images
to be written to the same volume in a disk storage unit. The volume may fill with
fixed-retention images and not allow the space management logic to operate as
Keep in mind the following points when configuring SLP operations or selecting the
storage location for a policy:
■ All SLPs that write to a volume in a disk storage unit should write images of the
same retention type: fixed or capacity-managed.
Retention types for SLP operations 720
Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations

■ Do not write images both to a volume in a disk storage unit within an SLP and
to the same volume (by the storage unit) directly from a policy.
■ Mark all disk storage units that are used with SLPs as On demand only.
■ Check any storage unit groups to make sure that fixed and capacity-managed
images cannot be written to the same volume in a disk storage unit.

Capacity managed retention type for SLP

A Capacity managed operation means that NetBackup automatically manages
the space on the storage, based on the High water mark setting for each volume.
Capacity managed is not available to tape storage units since tape capacity is
considered to be infinite.
The High water mark and Low water mark settings on the disk storage unit or
disk pool determine how the space is managed.
See “High water mark storage unit setting” on page 647.
See “Low water mark storage unit setting” on page 648.
An image copy with a Capacity Managed retention is not eligible for expiration
until its dependent copies have been created.
If space is needed for new images, NetBackup removes expired backup images
from a capacity-managed disk volume in two passes, as follows:

Pass one NetBackup removes any backup images that are past the Desired cache
period setting. NetBackup removes images until the low water mark is reached
or all images that are past the Desired cache period are removed.

Pass two Pass two processing is initiated if the outcome of the pass one processing is
one of the following:

■ The disk pool remains over the high water mark.

■ The number of volumes in the disk pool under the high water mark is less
than the number of media servers that access the disk pool.

NetBackup removes images until the low water mark is reached or all images
that are not past the Desired cache period are removed.

An image may be deleted if it has not been duplicated for all operations in a
storage lifecycle policy. If the operating system time is past the date that
matches the longest retention period for an image, the image is eligible for
Retention types for SLP operations 721
Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations

To see exactly when the storage reaches the low water mark value is difficult. A
backup can occur at the same time as the expiration process occurs. After the
backup is complete, the low water mark may be slightly greater than its lowest
possible value.
The retention period for capacity managed storage is not assured as it is for a fixed
retention period. The Desired cache period becomes a target that NetBackup tries
to maintain. If the space is not required, the backup data could remain on the storage
longer than the Desired cache period indicates.

Rules and recommendations for using the Capacity Managed

retention type
Use the following recommendations and rules when configuring storage operations
or when selecting the storage location for a policy:
■ It is not recommended to allow Capacity Managed images and Fixed retention
images to be written to the same volume in a disk storage unit. The volume may
fill with fixed-retention images and not allow the space management logic to
operate as expected.
■ All SLPs that write to a volume in a disk storage unit should write images of the
same retention type: Fixed or Capacity Managed.
■ Do not write images both to a volume in a disk storage unit within a storage
lifecycle policy and to the same volume (by the storage unit) directly from a
■ Mark all disk storage units that are used with SLPs as On demand only.
■ Check any storage unit groups to make sure that fixed and capacity-managed
images cannot be written to the same volume in a disk storage unit.

Capacity managed retention type and disk types that support SIS
Capacity managed is selectable for any disk storage unit that is allowed in an SLP.
However, for the disk types that support single-instance storage (SIS), Capacity
managed functions to various degrees. In order for Capacity managed to operate,
NetBackup must know how much space a backup image uses. With SIS enabled
on the storage unit, NetBackup cannot know exactly how much space a particular
backup image occupies.
The following storage unit configurations use SIS:
■ Media Server Deduplication Pool storage units
■ Some OpenStorage storage units, depending on the vendor characteristics.
Retention types for SLP operations 722
Expire after copy retention type for SLP operations

Expire after copy retention type for SLP

The Expire after copy retention indicates that after all direct (child) copies of an
image are successfully duplicated to other storage, the data on this storage is
expired. The last operation in the SLP cannot use the Expire after copy retention
type because no subsequent copy is configured. Therefore, an operation with this
retention type must have a child.
It is not recommended that you enable Expire after copy retention for any storage
units that are to be used with SLPs with either of the following: Accelerator or
synthetic backups. The Expire after copy retention can cause images to expire
while the backup runs. To synthesize a new full backup, the SLP backup needs the
previous backup image. If the previous image expires during the backup, the backup

Note: Although synthetic backups do support the use of storage lifecycle policies,
SLPs cannot be used for the multiple copy synthetic backups method.
See “Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method” on page 957.

If a policy is configured to use an SLP for the backup, the retention that is indicated
in the SLP is the value that is used. The Retention attribute in the schedule is not
An image copy with an Expire after copy retention is expired as soon as all of its
direct child copies have been successfully created. Any mirrored children must also
be eligible for expiration.

Fixed retention type for SLP operations

The Fixed retention indicates that the data on the storage is retained for the specified
length of time, after which the backups or snapshots are expired.
An image copy with a Fixed retention is eligible for expiration when all of the
following criteria are met:
■ The Fixed retention period for the copy has expired.
■ All child copies have been created.
■ All child copies that are mirror copies are eligible for expiration.
The Fixed retention period is always marked from the original backup time of the
image. For example, if a tape device is down, causing a 2-day delay in creating a
duplicate tape copy, the expiration time of the duplicate copy is not different due to
Retention types for SLP operations 723
Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations

the 2-day delay. The expiration time of the duplicate copy is still x days from the
time that the original backup was completed. It does not matter when the copy was

Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP

The Maximum snapshot limit determines the maximum number of snapshots that
can be stored for a particular policy and client pair.
When the maximum is reached, the next snapshot causes the oldest job-complete
snapshot to be deleted. A snapshot job is considered to be complete once all of its
configured dependent copies are complete. (Dependent copies are created as a
result of Backup From Snapshot, Index From Snapshot, or Replication
operations.) The practice is referred to as rotation. This retention type applies only
to snapshots, and not to backups.
For example, Policy P1 contains two clients: C1 and C2. After the policy runs four
times, it creates four snapshot images for C1 and four images for C2. If the
Maximum snapshot limit is set to four, when the policy runs for the fifth time,
NetBackup deletes the first snapshot that was created for both C1 and C2 to
accommodate the fifth snapshot.
The Maximum Snapshots parameter in the Replication Director Options dialog
box determines the maximum number of snapshots. To access the dialog box, click
Options in the backup policy.
Retention types for SLP operations 724
Mirror retention type for SLP operations

Figure 17-1 Replication Director Options dialog box

See “Snapshot Client and Replication Director (policy attributes)” on page 826.

Mirror retention type for SLP operations

A mirror replica of a snapshot is eligible for expiration as soon as:
■ All immediate child copies are successfully created.
■ All immediate child copies that are mirrors are eligible for expiration.
The selection of the Mirror retention indicates that NetApp volume SnapMirror is
to be used as the replication method. If any non-mirror retention type such as Fixed
or Expire after copy is selected for the Replication operation, the NetApp
SnapVault replication method is used.
Retention types for SLP operations 725
Target retention type for SLP operations

In mirror replication, the replica copy is dependent on the existence of the source.
(The source can be the original snapshot or another replica.) Therefore, the retention
of the replica depends on the retention of the source. If the source is deleted, the
mirror is automatically deleted.
In non-mirror replication, the replica is independent of the source and can have an
independent retention. If the source is deleted, the non-mirror replica is not affected
and can be used longer than the source. Or, if the replica is deleted first, it is not
recreated and the source can be kept longer than the replica.

Target retention type for SLP operations

This setting is used in Auto Image Replication in an Import storage lifecycle policy.
Every Import SLP must have at least one operation with a Target retention.
The Target retention is enforced at the target domain, but the actual retention for
the data is specified by the administrator at the source domain.
Target retention indicates that the data at the target master shall use the expiration
date that was imported with the image. The date is fixed because the copy must
have a fixed retention.
Similar to the Fixed retention, an image copy with a Target retention retention is
eligible for expiration when all of the following criteria are met:
■ The Fixed retention period for the copy has expired.
■ All child copies have been created.
■ All child copies that are mirror copies are eligible for expiration.
See “About NetBackup Auto Image Replication” on page 1107.
Chapter 18
Storage lifecycle policy
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings

■ New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

■ Storage lifecycle policy validation dialog box

■ Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab

Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings

The New Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box and the Change Storage Lifecycle
Policy dialog box contain the following settings.

Note: The SLP options can be configured on the NetBackup web UI.
Storage lifecycle policy options 727
Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings

Figure 18-1 Storage Lifecycle Policy tab

Table 18-1 Storage Lifecycle Policy tab

Setting Description

Storage lifecycle The Storage lifecycle policy name describes the SLP. The name cannot be modified after
policy name the SLP is created.
Storage lifecycle policy options 728
Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings

Table 18-1 Storage Lifecycle Policy tab (continued)

Setting Description

Data classification The Data classification defines the level or classification of data that the SLP is allowed
to process. The drop-down menu contains all of the defined classifications as well as the
Any classification, which is unique to SLPs.

The Any selection indicates to the SLP that it should preserve all images that are submitted,
regardless of their data classification. It is available for SLP configuration only and is not
available to configure a backup policy.

In an Auto Image Replication configuration where the master server domains run different
versions of NetBackup, see the following topic for special considerations:

See “About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication” on page 1124.

The Data classification is an optional setting.

One data classification can be assigned to each SLP and applies to all operations in the

If a data classification is selected (other than Any), the SLP stores only those images from
the policies that are set up for that data classification. If no data classification is indicated,
the SLP accepts images of any classification or no classification.

The Data classification setting allows the NetBackup administrator to classify data based
on relative importance. A classification represents a set of backup requirements. When data
must meet different backup requirements, consider assigning different classifications.

For example, email backup data can be assigned to the silver data classification and financial
data backup may be assigned to the platinum classification.
A backup policy associates backup data with a data classification. Policy data can be stored
only in an SLP with the same data classification.

Once data is backed up in an SLP, the data is managed according to the SLP configuration.
The SLP defines what happens to the data from the initial backup until the last copy of the
image has expired.

Priority for secondary The Priority for secondary operations option is the priority that jobs from secondary
operations operations have in relationship to all other jobs. The priority applies to the jobs that result
from all operations except for Backup and Snapshot operations. Range: 0 (default) to
99999 (highest priority).

For example, you may want to set the Priority for secondary operations for a policy with
a gold data classification higher than for a policy with a silver data classification.

The priority of the backup job is set in the backup policy on the Attributes tab.

See “Job priority (policy attribute)” on page 780.

Storage lifecycle policy options 729
Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings

Table 18-1 Storage Lifecycle Policy tab (continued)

Setting Description

Operations Use the Add, Change, and Remove buttons to create a list of operations in the SLP. An
SLP must contain one or more operations. Multiple operations imply that multiple copies
are created.

See “About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy” on page 741.

The list also contains the columns that display information about each operation. Not all
columns display by default.

For column descriptions, see the following topic:

See “New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings” on page 730.

Arrows Use the arrows to indicate the indentation (or hierarchy) of the source for each copy. One
copy can be the source for many other copies.

See “Creating a hierarchy of storage operations in a storage lifecycle policy” on page 715.

See “Modifying the hierarchy of operations in a storage lifecycle policy” on page 693.

Active The Active and Postponed options appear under State of Secondary Operation
Processing and refer to the processing of all duplication operations in the SLP.
Note: The Active and Postponed options apply to duplication operations that create
tar-formatted images. For example, those created with bpduplicate. The Active and
Postponed options do not affect the images that are duplicated as a result of OpenStorage
optimized duplication, NDMP, or if one or more destination storage units are specified as
part of a storage unit group.

■ Enable Active to let secondary operations continue as soon as possible. When changed
from Postponed to Active, NetBackup continues to process the images, picking up
where it left off when secondary operations were made inactive.
■ Enable Postponed to postpone the secondary operations for the entire SLP. Postponed
does not postpone the creation of duplication jobs, it postpones the creation of images
instead. The duplication jobs continue to be created, but they are not run until secondary
operations are active again.
All secondary operations in the SLP are inactive indefinitely unless the administrator
selects Active or until the Until option is selected and an activation date is indicated.

Validate Across Click this button to see how changes to this SLP can affect the policies that are associated
Backup Policies button with this SLP. The button generates a report that displays on the Validation Report tab.

This button performs the same validation as the -conflict option performs when used
with the nbstl command.

See “Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab” on page 739.

Storage lifecycle policy options 730
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

New or Change Storage Operation dialog box

The Storage Operation dialog box contains two tabs:
■ Properties tab
The following topic describes the options in the Properties tab:
See “Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 730.
■ Window tab
Create a window during which a secondary operation can run. The following
topic describes the options in the Window tab:
See “Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box” on page 734.

Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box

Table 18-2 describes the options available to configure for the various operations
in a storage lifecycle policy. Not all options are available for each operation.

Table 18-2 Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box

Setting Description

Source Indicates the storage unit that is the source for the operation.

The Source displays for the following operation types: Backup From Snapshot, Replication,
Duplication, and Index From Snapshot.

Operation The Operation selection determines which options appear in the dialog box.

See “Operation types in a storage lifecycle policy” on page 697.

See “About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy” on page 741.

Retention type Select a Retention type from the following options:

■ See “Capacity managed retention type for SLP operations” on page 720.
■ See “Expire after copy retention type for SLP operations” on page 722.
■ See “Fixed retention type for SLP operations” on page 722.
■ See “Maximum snapshot limit retention type for SLP operations” on page 723.
■ See “Mirror retention type for SLP operations” on page 724.
■ See “Target retention type for SLP operations” on page 725.

See “Retention types for storage lifecycle policy operations” on page 718.
Storage lifecycle policy options 731
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Table 18-2 Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box (continued)

Setting Description

Retention period Specifies how long NetBackup retains the backup or copy. To set the retention period, select a
time period (or level) from the list. When the retention period expires, NetBackup deletes
information about the expired backup or copy. After expiration, the files are unavailable for restores.
For example, if the retention is set to two weeks, data can be restored from a backup that this
schedule performs for two weeks after the backup.

See “Retention Periods properties” on page 197.

Target master Indicates that the copy of the image is to be created in a different master server domain. The
target master server manages the storage where the image is to be copied.

If Target master is selected for a Replication operation, the operation becomes an operation
for Auto Image Replication.

Local storage Indicate the storage unit to be used.

Select from the following storage units:

■ Media Manager storage units (tape)

■ Disk storage units (no BasicDisk or disk staging storage units)
■ Storage unit groups (may contain no BasicDisk or disk staging storage units). A storage
lifecycle policy can point to a storage unit group that contains a BasicDisk storage unit.
However, NetBackup does not select BasicDisk storage units from a storage group for a
lifecycle policy.

Storage units or storage unit groups may appear in more than one storage lifecycle policy. Storage
units or storage unit groups may be used in a storage lifecycle policy while also being used as
standalone units.

Storage unit Indicate the storage unit to be used.

Select from the following storage units:

■ Media Manager storage units (tape)

■ Disk storage units (no BasicDisk or disk staging storage units)
■ Storage unit groups (may contain no BasicDisk or disk staging storage units). A storage
lifecycle policy can point to a storage unit group that contains a BasicDisk storage unit.
However, NetBackup does not select BasicDisk storage units from a storage group for a
lifecycle policy.
■ No storage unit
A storage unit selection is necessary if the snapshot is to be used by a subsequent Replication
operation or if the SLP contains only one operation. If neither situation applies to the SLP,
the administrator may select No storage unit or may simply make no selection.

Storage units or storage unit groups may appear in more than one lifecycle. Storage units or
storage unit groups may be used in a storage lifecycle while also being used as standalone units.

Volume pool The Volume pool option is enabled for tape storage units or virtual tape libraries (VTL).
Storage lifecycle policy options 732
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Table 18-2 Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box (continued)

Setting Description

Media owner A Media owner is a group of NetBackup servers that are used for a common purpose. By
specifying a Media owner, you allow only those media servers to write to the media on which
backup images for a policy are written.

Alternate read An Alternate read server specifies the name of the server that is allowed to read a backup image
server originally written by a different media server. This option is available for Duplication operations

Preserve The Preserve Multiplexing option is available for the duplication operations that use tape media
multiplexing or virtual tape libraries (VTL). If the backup to be duplicated is multiplexed and you want the
backups to remain multiplexed, check Preserve Multiplexing.

To preserve multiplexing significantly improves performance of duplication jobs because it

eliminates the need to request the write-side duplication media for every image.

Override job The Override job priority option is available for an Import operation. The job priority that is
priority indicated is the job priority for any import jobs which use this storage lifecycle policy.

Postpone Enable this option to defer the job until the source for the duplication is about to expire. When
creation of this this option is enabled, the job begins 4 hours before the source is to expire. This default can be
copy until the changed by changing the Deferred duplication offset time in the SLP Parameters host
source copy is properties.
about to expire
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.
Storage lifecycle policy options 733
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Table 18-2 Properties tab of the Storage Operation dialog box (continued)

Setting Description

Advanced button If a window closes and the jobs for an SLP have not completed, NetBackup attempts to suspend
and Window close the images that are in progress. When the window reopens, NetBackup resumes those jobs at
preference options the point they were when suspended.

Not all images can be suspended. The image must be the result of a duplication job where both
the source and target of the duplication resides on either an AdvancedDisk or Media Manager
storage unit.
In addition, the duplication job must meet the following conditions:

■ The storage units must not be part of a storage unit group.

■ The duplications were not created using optimized duplication, NDMP duplication, or
OpenStorage duplication.

See “Duplication operation in an SLP” on page 701.

Note: The closing of the window does not stop preliminary operations for some jobs. For example,
NetBackup continues to extend the catalog for Exchange Granular Recovery after the window
closes, but does not start duplications.

Images that result from all other operations (such as Replication operations), are not suspended.

Click the Advanced button to display the Window close preference options. The selections
apply to the images that NetBackup does not suspend automatically.
Select what NetBackup should do if images are not completed by the time the window closes
and if the images cannot be suspended:

■ Finish processing the active images.

The window closes, but NetBackup continues to process the active images until they are
finished. NetBackup does not begin to process any other images until the window reopens.
■ Cancel the processing of the active images.
The window closes and NetBackup immediately stops processing the active images. When
the window reopens, NetBackup begins to process the images where it left off.
Storage lifecycle policy options 734
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Figure 18-2 Windows close preference selections for secondary operations

Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box

The Window tab appears for secondary operations in a storage lifecycle policy.
Creating a window for a secondary operation is optional. However, creating a window
can better define when the job for the operation can run. In this way, the job from
a secondary operation does not interfere with jobs of a higher priority, such as
backup jobs. Without a window defined, the job for an operation can run at any
time, on any day.
Storage lifecycle policy options 735
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Figure 18-3 Window tab for secondary operations in a storage lifecycle policy

Table 18-3 Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box

Setting Description

Select from saved You can either assign an existing window to the operation or create a
windows new window for the operation.

To use an existing window, select this option and then select a window
from the drop-down menu.

Create new Select this option to create a new window for this operation to use.

Window name Enter a name for the new window.

View Impact This option generates an Impact Report which lists the names of the
Report option storage lifecycle policies that currently use the window. The Impact
Report also lists the operation that uses the window, and the source
and the destination storage for the operation.
Storage lifecycle policy options 736
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

Table 18-3 Window tab of the Storage Operation dialog box (continued)

Setting Description

Start Window tab The Start Window grid is grayed out and cannot be modified if the
Default_24x7_Window is selected.

The Start Window grid is active if a saved window is selected or when

a new window is created.

If the Start Window grid is changed for a saved window, click the View
Impact Report option to display information about other operations in
other SLPs that use the window.

See “Creating a new window for a storage lifecycle policy operation”

on page 736.

Exclude Days tab Use the Exclude Days tab to exclude specific dates from a window.

See “Excluding days from a window for a storage lifecycle policy

operation” on page 737.

Creating a new window for a storage lifecycle policy operation

Note: SLP windows can be created from the NetBackup web UI. To do so, on the
left navigation pane, click Storage > Storage Lifecycle Policies > SLP Windows
> +Add.

To create a new window for SLP operations

1 In the Window tab of the storage operation dialog box, enable Create new.
2 Select the Start Window tab.
3 The days of the week appear along the left side of the grid. The time of day
appears along the top of the grid in 24-hour time.
To change the increments available for selecting start times or end times,
change the value in the Resolution field.
4 Indicate the opening and closing times of the window for each day. The following
lists several methods to do so:
■ Drag the cursor along the Start Window grid on each day you want the
window to open and close.
■ Use the drop-down menus to select a Start day and an End day. Then
select a Start time and an End time.
Storage lifecycle policy options 737
New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings

■ Use the drop-down menu to select a Start day and the Duration of the
window for that day in hours and minutes. Adjust the Start time for your
To create multiple time windows:
■ First, create one window.
■ Click Duplicate.
The window is duplicated to any days without existing schedules. Duplication
stops when it reaches a day that already contains a window.
■ On days that you do not want the time window to be open, select the window
and click Delete.

5 Use the buttons under the Start Window grid to do the following:

To change the start time or Adjust the Start time or End time.
end time

To delete a time window Select a time window and click Delete.

To delete all the time windows Click Clear.

To erase the last action Click Undo.

6 Click OK to save the window and the operation.

Excluding days from a window for a storage lifecycle policy operation

Use the Exclude Days tab to exclude specific days from a window. If a day is
excluded from a window, jobs do not run on that day. The tab displays a calendar
of three consecutive months. Use the lists at the top of the calendar to change the
first month or year displayed.
To exclude a day from the storage lifecycle policy window
1 In the Window tab, select the name of an existing window from the drop-down
2 Select the Exclude Days tab.
3 Use one or more methods to indicate the days to exclude:
■ Select the day(s) on the 3-month calendar that you want to exclude. Use
the drop-down lists at the top of the calendar to change the months or year.
■ To indicate Recurring Week Days:
■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month for every year.
Storage lifecycle policy options 738
Storage lifecycle policy validation dialog box

■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.

■ Check a box in the matrix to select a specific day to exclude for every
■ Click the column head of a day of the week to exclude that day every
■ Click the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Last row label to exclude that week every

■ To indicate Recurring Days of the Month:

■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month.
■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.
■ Check a box in the matrix to select that day to exclude each month.
■ Click Last Day to exclude the last day of every month.

■ To indicate Specific Dates:

■ Click New. Enter the month, day, and year in the Date Selection dialog
box. Click OK.
The date appears in the Specific Dates list.
■ To delete a date, select the date in the list. Click Delete.

4 Add additional dates as necessary, and then click OK to save the window and
the operation.

Storage lifecycle policy validation dialog box

The Storage Lifecycle Policy validation dialog box may appear if NetBackup cannot
save the SLP as configured because of problems with the operations in the SLP.
The dialog box may also appear after the administrator clicks Validate Across
Backup Policies, before the Validation Report tab displays.
The Storage Lifecycle Policy validation dialog box displays the errors that must be
corrected before the SLP can be saved. For example, errors regarding the hierarchy
of operations in the SLP or errors concerning the storage units that the operations
The dialog box contains the following information about any validation errors:

Index The operation in the SLP that contains errors. The index number is the
operation's order in the SLP. For example, the second operation has an
index number of two.
Storage lifecycle policy options 739
Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab

Operation The type of operation where the error occurs in the SLP.

Storage The storage name that is indicated in the operation where the error occurs.

Error code The NetBackup status code. Use the NetBackup Troubleshooter or the
NetBackup Status Codes Reference Guide to determine corrective actions.

See “Running the Troubleshooter” on page 48.

Error The vendor-specific error code and a description of the error.


Figure 18-4 Storage Lifecycle Policy validation dialog box

Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab

Note: The Validation Report for SLPs is available on the NetBackup web UI. To
view this report, on the left navigation pane, click Storage > Storage Lifecycle
Policies > Add or Edit the SLP > Check for conflicts with backup policies >
Validation Report.

NetBackup validates the SLP when it is first created and whenever it is changed.
The Validation Report tab lists the conflicts between the proposed changes to the
operations in a storage lifecycle policy and any backup policy that uses the SLP.
Likewise, when a policy is created that indicates an SLP as the Policy storage, a
similar validation report may display. The report lists any conflicts between the
policy and the SLP that it has indicated.
The conflicts that are listed must be resolved in order for a job that references the
SLP to run successfully. Use the Troubleshooter or the online Help on this tab for
a list of common status codes that result from SLP conflicts.
Storage lifecycle policy options 740
Storage lifecycle policy Validation Report tab

Note: The Request has timed out message may appear in environments with
very busy servers.
To increase the timeout to account for the latency in connectivity, increase the
NBJAVA_CORBA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT value in the following files:

On Windows: The setconf.bat configuration file

On UNIX: The nbj.conf configuration file (/usr/openv/java/nbj.conf).

The report checks for the following conflicts between the selected SLP and the
backup policies that use it:
■ The data classification in the storage lifecycle policy does not match that in the
referencing backup policies.
■ The SLP contains a Snapshot operation, but the referencing backup policies
do not have Perform snapshot backups enabled.
■ The SLP does not contain a Snapshot operation, but the referencing backup
policies have the Perform snapshot backups enabled.
■ The SLP contains a Snapshot operation, but the referencing backup policies
cannot enable the Retain snapshots for Instant Recovery option.
■ The policy is of the NBU-Catalog backup type, but the SLP configuration does
not indicate a CatalogBackup volume pool.
■ The policy is not of the NBU-Catalog backup type, but the SLP configuration
indicates a CatalogBackup volume pool
To generate a validation report using the command line, run the following command:
nbstl SLP_name -impact

Figure 18-5 Validation Report tab of the Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box
Chapter 19
Using a storage lifecycle
policy to create multiple
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy

■ How the order of the operations determines the copy order

■ About ensuring successful copies using lifecycles

About writing multiple copies using a storage

lifecycle policy
A storage lifecycle policy can be used to create multiple copies of backups and
NetBackup permits only one method to create multiple copies to be in use at one
time. Use only one of the following methods:
■ Enable the Multiple copies option in a policy configuration.
If a policy has the Multiple copies option enabled, the policy cannot select a
storage lifecycle policy as the Policy storage.
See “Multiple copies (schedule attribute)” on page 845.
■ Add multiple Backup operations or one or more Duplication or Replication
operations to the operations list of the SLP.
See “New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings” on page 730.
The same criteria for creating copies applies to both methods.
Using a storage lifecycle policy to create multiple copies 742
How the order of the operations determines the copy order

The following topics are considerations when storage lifecycle policies are used to
create multiple copies.

How the order of the operations determines the

copy order
The order in which the operations appear in a storage lifecycle policy determines
the copy number.
For example, in Figure 19-1 a lifecycle is configured to create three copies:
■ Two copies as part of two different backup operations.
■ One copy as part of a duplication operation.
To make sure that copy 1 is written to disk, place the Backup operation that writes
to a disk storage unit before the Backup operation that writes to a tape storage

Figure 19-1 Operation order determines copy order

Copy 1 on disk
Copy 2 on tape
Copy 3 on disk

About ensuring successful copies using lifecycles

The process to create copies as part of a storage lifecycle policy differs from the
process to create copies as set up in a policy. The policy’s Configure Multiple
Copies dialog box includes the option to Fail all copies. That option means that
if one copy fails, the remaining copies can be set to either continue or fail.
In an SLP, all copies must be completed. An SLP initially tries three times to create
a copy. If no copy is created, NetBackup continues to try, but less frequently.
The successful completion of copies is important because an SLP does not allow
a copy to be expired before all copy operations in the SLP are complete. NetBackup
changes the retention period of a copy to Infinity until all copies are created. After
all copies are complete, the retention returns to the level as set in the policy.
To create successful copies, a Backup operation may be required to duplicate a
backup onto the storage unit for another Backup operation.
Using a storage lifecycle policy to create multiple copies 743
About ensuring successful copies using lifecycles

Consider the following example: The operations list for an SLP contains two Backup
operations to two storage units (BU_1, BU_2) and three Duplication operations.
The backup to BU_1 is successful, but the backup to BU_2 is unsuccessful.
To fulfill the backup on BU_2, NetBackup creates a duplication job from BU_1 to
BU_2. The duplication job is in addition to the jobs that are run for the three
duplication operations.
Duplication jobs can be controlled by using the nbstlutil command.
See “Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command” on page 695.
Chapter 20
Storage lifecycle policy
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About storage lifecycle policy versions

■ Storage lifecycle changes and versioning

■ When changes to storage lifecycle policies become effective

■ Deleting old storage lifecycle policy versions

About storage lifecycle policy versions

Once a storage lifecycle policy is configured, it runs according to a single
configuration or definition. The definition affects the operations once they begin to
run as well as the copies once the image is in process.
The ability to create SLP versions lets administrators safely modify a definition
without waiting until all of the copies that are associated with the SLP have been
processed. Each copy that an SLP manages is tagged with the SLP name and the
SLP version number. These two attributes are written into the image header, in the
NetBackup image catalog. Whenever an administrator creates or changes an SLP,
NetBackup creates a new version (between 0 and n). New jobs use the most recent
SLP version.
When a new job is submitted to the Activity Monitor, the job is tagged with the most
recent SLP version number. The processing of a copy that is associated with a
version remains fixed according to that version of the SLP definition. It is fixed at
job time and does not change, unless the administrator uses the nbstl command
to modify an existing version.
Storage lifecycle policy versions 745
Storage lifecycle changes and versioning

An SLP version remains as long as there are any incomplete images that refer to
the version.

Storage lifecycle changes and versioning

Administrators can make changes to a storage lifecycle policy in one of the following
■ Using the NetBackup Administration Console.
Any change that an administrator makes to an SLP using the NetBackup
Administration Console creates a new SLP version. The new version is created
when the changes to the SLP are committed or saved. The NetBackup
Administration Console always displays the most recent version.
■ Using the NetBackup web UI.
Any change that an administrator makes to an SLP using the NetBackup web
UI creates a new SLP version. The new version is created when the changes
to the SLP are committed or saved. The NetBackup web UI always displays
the most recent version.
■ Using the nbstl command.
If an administrator uses nbstl to change an SLP, nbstl creates a new version
by default.
However, the nbstl command contains options to view different versions and
to modify the definitions of existing SLP versions without creating a new version.
The options are as follows:

-all_versions Use to display all versions of an SLP definition. Without

specifying this option, only the most recent version is
displayed by default.

-version number Use to display a specific version.

-modify_current Use with most nbstl configuration options to make changes

to the current SLP version without creating a new version.
Knowing the current version number is not necessary if this
option is used.

-modify_version Use with most nbstl configuration options to make changes

-version number to a specific version without creating a new version.

Use -modify_current or -modify_version to change any of the following

configuration options:

-dp The duplication priority.

Storage lifecycle policy versions 746
Storage lifecycle changes and versioning

-residence The storage unit to be used for each operation.

-pool The volume pool for each operation.

-server_group The server group for each operation.

-rl The retention level for each operation.

-as The alternate read server for each operation.

-mpx The preserve multiplexing option for duplication copies.

Some fields require values for all of the operations in the SLP. Make sure that the
number of values that are specified for the fields matches the existing operation
For example, in an SLP that contains three operations, to change the value of one,
a value must be given for all three operations. Note that the values for all three
operations are replaced. To change the value for the second operation, provide the
existing values for the first and the third operations.
Some configuration options cannot be changed using -modify_current or
-modify_version. To change any of the following options, you must create an
entirely new SLP version:

-uf The type of the operation.

-managed The retention type for the operation: Fixed, Capacity

managed, or Expire after copy.

-source The source of an operation, used primarily in hierarchical

SLP configurations.

-dc The data classification of an existing version.

The number of operations. You cannot add an operation or

remove an operation from the SLP definitions.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

You cannot instruct an SLP to follow the configuration of a previous version that
has been superseded. To revert to the behavior of a previous version, change the
definition to match the earlier definition. The change creates a version with the
same content as the previous version, but with a new version number.
Storage lifecycle policy versions 747
When changes to storage lifecycle policies become effective

When changes to storage lifecycle policies

become effective
For the changes to become effective for a backlog of jobs, it may be necessary to
cancel the applicable jobs.
When the nbstl command is used to alter an existing storage lifecycle policy
version, those changes may not become effective immediately. The images that
are managed by the SLP version that was altered may already belong to a job that
is Active or Queued, as seen in the Activity Monitor. Once a job is queued, the
characteristics (SLP attributes) are fixed for that job and subsequent changes to
the definition have no effect. To make changes effective for a backlog of jobs, cancel
the duplication jobs. The storage lifecycle policy manager creates and submits new
duplication jobs for those images, using the changes to the configuration.
The following are conditions under which changes to an existing version are not
immediately effective:
■ Changes to a Backup operation have no effect because the backup job is
already underway or completed.
■ Changes to a Duplication operation do not affect the copies that previous
duplication jobs created.
■ Changes to a Duplication operation do not affect the copies that have already
been submitted and are currently represented by a duplication job in the Activity
Monitor, whether it be Active or Queued. If you want your changes to apply to
those active duplication jobs,cancel the applicable duplication jobs. Once the
job is canceled, nbstserv re-forms and re-submits new duplication jobs for
these copies, using the changes to the appropriate version of the SLP.
■ Changes to a Duplication operation affect the copies that have not yet been
created and have not yet been submitted. (That is, they are not yet represented
by a duplication job in the Activity Monitor). Your changes become effective for
the next duplication session. Whenever nbstserv begins a new session, it
re-reads the definitions for processing instructions.
■ If a duplication job does not complete successfully, unfinished images in the job
are submitted as part of a new job. Changes to the version affect the resubmitted

Deleting old storage lifecycle policy versions

When a version of a storage lifecycle policy is no longer the active (or most recent)
version, the version is subject to deletion. NetBackup automatically deletes the
Storage lifecycle policy versions 748
Deleting old storage lifecycle policy versions

inactive version after all the copies that refer to it have finished processing. When
the copies are complete, they are considered SLP-complete.
By default, NetBackup deletes an inactive SLP version after 14 days.
The following parameters in the SLP Parameters host properties apply to version
■ Unused SLP definition version cleanup delay
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.
Section 5
Configuring backups

■ Chapter 21. Creating backup policies

■ Chapter 22. Synthetic backups

■ Chapter 23. Protecting the NetBackup catalog

■ Chapter 24. About the NetBackup relational database

■ Chapter 25. Managing backup images

■ Chapter 26. Configuring immutability and indelibility of data in NetBackup

Chapter 21
Creating backup policies
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Policies utility

■ Planning for policies

■ Creating a backup policy

■ Adding or changing schedules in a policy

■ Changing multiple policies at one time

■ Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle


■ Copying or moving policy items to another policy

■ Copying a policy to create a new policy

■ Copying a schedule into the same policy or different policy

■ Deleting schedules, backup selections, or clients from a policy

■ Policy Attributes tab

■ Schedules tab

■ Schedule Attributes tab

■ Start Window tab

■ Excluding days from a schedule

■ Include Dates tab

■ How NetBackup determines which schedule to run next

■ About schedule windows that span midnight

Creating backup policies 751
About the Policies utility

■ How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

■ About the Clients tab

■ Backup Selections tab

■ VMware Policy tab

■ Hyper-V Policies tab

■ Exclude Disks tab

■ Disaster Recovery tab

■ Creating a Vault policy

■ Creating a BigData policy

■ Performing manual backups

■ Active Directory granular backups and recovery

About the Policies utility

Backup policies provide the instructions that NetBackup follows to back up clients.
Use the Policies utility to provide the following instructions for a backup:

What type of client to back up. See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.

Where to store the backup. See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.

When and how frequently to perform the See “Schedules tab ” on page 828.

Which clients to back up. See “About the Clients tab” on page 877.

Which client files and directories to back up. See “Backup Selections tab ” on page 880.

Using the Policies utility

To navigate in the Policies utility
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 To display the policy details of a single In the center pane, select a policy name.
policy: The policy details display in the right pane.
Creating backup policies 752
Planning for policies

To open a policy: In the center pane, double-click on the

policy name. The Change Policy dialog
box opens.

To display specific configuration In the center pane, click on the tree

information: element next to the policy name to expand
the policy configuration areas:

■ Attributes
■ Schedules
■ Clients
■ Backup Selections

In the center pane, under a policy name,

select one of the configuration areas to see
a detailed view of that area.

To display information about all policies on In the center pane, click Summary of All
the current primary server: Policies.

To simultaneously change the host Expand Summary of All Policies >

properties of multiple clients from Clients to display all of the clients that are
Summary of All Policies: in policies. Select multiple clients in the
right pane. While the clients are selected,
right-click and select Host Properties.

Planning for policies

Policy configuration is flexible enough to meet the various needs of all the clients
in a NetBackup environment. To take advantage of this flexibility, take time to plan
before starting to configure the policies in the Policies utility.
The following table outlines the steps to take to ensure that you get optimal results
from your policy configurations.
Creating backup policies 753
Planning for policies

Table 21-1 Steps for planning policies

Step Action Description

Step 1 Gather client information Gather the following information about each client:
■ The client name.
■ The approximate number of files on each client to be backed up.
■ The typical file size of the files.

One client may be a file server that contains a large amount of data while
the other clients are workstations. To avoid long backup times, include the
file server in one policy and the workstations in another policy. It may be
beneficial to create more than one policy for the file server.

Step 2 Group the clients based on Divide the clients into groups according to the different backup and archive
backup requirements requirements.

The groups can be based on the type of work that the clients perform. Clients
that are used for similar tasks generally have similar backup requirements.
For example, most clients in an engineering department create the same
types of files at similar levels of importance. In some instances, create a
single policy for each group of clients. In other cases, subdivide the clients
and include them in the separate policies that are based on their backup

A backup policy can apply to one or more clients. Every client must be in at
least one backup policy so that it can be backed up.

Step 3 Consider the storage The NetBackup environment may have some special storage requirements
requirements that the backup policies must accommodate.
The storage unit and volume pool settings apply to all the files that are backed
up by a policy. If files have special storage requirements, create separate
policies for the files, even if other factors are the same, such as schedules.

If it is necessary to keep backups for some files on separate media, create

a policy that specifies a unique volume pool for those backups. Then, add
the media for that volume pool.

See “Windows example of one client in multiple policies” on page 755.

Creating backup policies 754
Planning for policies

Table 21-1 Steps for planning policies (continued)

Step Action Description

Step 4 Consider the backup Create additional backup policies if the schedules in one policy do not
schedule accommodate all clients and files.
Consider the following factors when deciding to create additional policies:

■ Best times for backups to occur.

To back up different clients on different schedules may require additional
policies with different time schedules. For example, create different
policies for night-shift and day-shift clients.
■ How frequently the files change.
If some files change more frequently than others, the difference may be
enough to warrant creating another policy with a different backup
■ How long backups need to be retained.
Each schedule includes a retention setting that determines how long
NetBackup keeps the files that are backed up by the schedule. Because
the schedule backs up all the files in the backup selection list, all files
should have similar retention requirements. Do not include the files whose
full backups must be retained forever, together in a policy where full
backups are retained for only four weeks.

Step 5 Group clients by common Create separate policies for the clients that require similar policy attribute
attributes settings.

See “Policy attributes that affect how clients are grouped in policies”
on page 756.

Step 6 Maximize multiplexed Create separate policies as necessary to maximize the benefits of multiplexed
backups backups.

To maximize drive use, multiplex the slower clients that produce small
backups. The higher-performance clients that produce long backups are
likely to use drives fully and not benefit from multiplexing.

See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” on page 854.

Creating backup policies 755
Planning for policies

Table 21-1 Steps for planning policies (continued)

Step Action Description

Step 7 Evaluate backup times Evaluate total backup times for each schedule and further subdivide policies
to reduce backup times to an acceptable level.

For example, if the backup of /usr, /h001, and /h002/projects on UNIX

client1 takes too much time, create a new policy for /h002/projects.

In addition to reducing the backup time for each policy, separate policies
can reduce the total backup time for the server. NetBackup processes files
within a backup selection list in the order they appear in the backup selection
list. However, separate policies are processed in parallel if enough drives
are available and the Maximum jobs per client host property is set to allow

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

The Multiplexing and Allow multiple data streams policy attributes also
allow backup policies to be processed in parallel.

See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

See “About the Policies utility ” on page 751.

See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.

Windows example of one client in multiple policies

The following table shows that the files in two different subdirectories on one client
can be stored in two different locations.
■ Policy1 sends backups of E:\h002\projects to 8mm storage.
■ Policy2 sends backups of E:\h002\DevExp and E:\h002\DesDoc to DLT storage.

Table 21-2 One client in multiple policies

Policies Client Files Storage

Policy1 client1 C:\ 8mm


Policy2 client1 E:\h002\DevExp DLT

Creating backup policies 756
Planning for policies

Policy attributes that affect how clients are grouped in policies

The following table lists the attributes that may determine which clients are grouped
in the same policy.

Table 21-3 Policy attributes that affect how clients are grouped in policies

Attribute Description

Policy Type Each client must be in a policy of the correct policy type. For example, Windows clients must
be in a policy of a MS-Windows policy type.

See “Policy type (policy attribute)” on page 766.

Destination All of the data that the policy generates is sent to the same destination that is indicated in
the policy. The data must share the same Data Classification, Policy storage, and Policy
volume pool.

See “Data classifications (policy attribute)” on page 770.

See “Policy storage (policy attribute)” on page 770.

See “Policy volume pool (policy attribute)” on page 773.

Job Priority This attribute determines the priority for the backups of all of the clients in the policy.

See “Job priority (policy attribute)” on page 780.

Follow NFS Select this attribute if a UNIX client has NFS mounted files to be backed up. Consider placing
these clients in a separate policy so problems with NFS do not affect the other clients.

See “Follow NFS (policy attribute)” on page 782.

Cross mount points This attribute lets NetBackup cross file system boundaries for all clients in the policy.

See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

Backup Network This attribute lets NetBackup back up the files that all clients in the policy store on network
Drives drives. (Applies only to the MS-Windows policy type.)

See “Backup Network Drives (policy attribute)” on page 783.

Compression This attribute indicates that all clients in the policy are to compress their backups before they
send them to the server. Note that the time to compress can increase backup time and make
it unsuitable to use for all clients. Consider creating a different policy for those clients.
See “Compression (policy attribute)” on page 789.

About Microsoft DFSR backups and restores

NetBackup protects the databases that are associated with the independent DFSR
servers and the DFSR data.
In an environment that has DFSR, two changes occur in NetBackup, as follows:
Creating backup policies 757
Planning for policies

■ To preserve data integrity, the folder or folders that host the Shared Replica
DFSR data are excluded automatically by NetBackup from normal file system
■ The top-level DFSR shared folders become part of the Shadow Copy
Components. Therefore, the data is snapped consistently by Windows Volume
Shadow Copy Service (VSS) before each backup.
The VSS writer stops and restarts the DFS Replication service automatically.
Schedule the backups to coincide with a period of low activity. (If you stop the
replication service manually, Microsoft change journal problems may occur.
Specifically, Update Sequence Number (USN) Journal wrap may occur.)
By default all Windows clients are configured for Windows open file backups. The
DFSR servers must be configured for this option.
See “Windows Open File Backup tab of the Client Attributes properties” on page 84.

Refer to Table 21-4 recommendations on how to back up DFSR data.

Table 21-4 Microsoft DFSR backup recommendations

Amount of data Recommendation

Less than 50 GBs Configure one policy as follows:

■ Choose the DFSR server host as the client.

See “Adding, changing, or deleting clients in a policy ” on page 877.
■ Choose ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES as the Directive in the Backup Selections for the policy.
The ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive includes the Shadow Copy Components:\ automatically.
See “Adding backup selections to a policy” on page 882.

One policy can back up the data within a reasonable time window.
Creating backup policies 758
Planning for policies

Table 21-4 Microsoft DFSR backup recommendations (continued)

Amount of data Recommendation

More than 50 GBs Configure one backup policy for each DFSR server, and in that policy specify only the replication
folders. A policy for each host's replication data ensures that the DFSR data is backed up within
a reasonable time window.
For each DFSR server host, do the following:

■ Create a global exclude list for All Policies and All Schedules. Exclude the following DFSR
top-level folder:
Shadow Copy Components:\User Data\Distributed File System
The global exclude list ensures that the DFSR components are not backed up accidentally
by other backup policies for the client.
See “Exclude Lists properties” on page 118.
■ Create a backup policy for the DFSR data, as follows:
■ For the client, specify the DFSR server host. For the servers that are hosted in a cluster,
specify the DFSR cluster name rather than the local host name.
See “Adding, changing, or deleting clients in a policy ” on page 877.
■ For the Backup Selections for the policy, specify the absolute path to each of the top-level
DFSR folders on that host. The following is an example path:
Shadow Copy Components:\User Data\Distributed File System
Tip: Use the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface to browse the Shadow Copy
Components for the DfsrReplicatedFolders folder. The interface shows the path to
each DFSR folder that you need to enter as a backup selection.
See “Adding backup selections to a policy” on page 882.
■ For the backup policy, create an exception to the exclude list and specify the top-level DFSR
directory, as follows:
Shadow Copy Components:\User Data\Distributed File System
For the exception Policy, specify the backup policy for the DFSR data. Also specify All
Schedules for the Schedule.
If DFSR is hosted in a cluster, create the exception for each host in the cluster.
The exception ensures that the Shadow Copy Components DFSR paths are included for
backup after NetBackup processes the global exclude list.
See “Adding an exception to the exclude list” on page 122.

During a backup, Windows writes the following event ID messages to the application
event log of a DFSR host:

Event ID=1102
The DFS Replication service has temporarily stopped replication
Creating backup policies 759
Creating a backup policy

because another application is performing a backup or restore

operation. Replication will resume after the backup or restore
operation has finished.

Event ID=1104
The DFS Replication service successfully restarted replication
after a backup or restore operation.

Restores of DFSR
To restore DFSR data, use the NetBackup Backup, Archive and Restore client
interface to browse the Shadow Copy Components for the files or folders to restore,
as follows:
Shadow Copy Components:\User Data\Distributed File System

When you perform a restore, consider carefully if the restore needs to include the
DFSR database, in addition to the DFSR data. A DFSR server maintains a globally
unique version number (GVSN) for each DFSR database on each replicated volume.
If you restore a DFSR server to an earlier database version, the other servers do
not recognize the older version number. Then replication is impossible and stops
until the issue is corrected.

More information
Refer to the Microsoft documentation on managing and using DFSR for additional

Creating a backup policy

Use the following procedure to create a backup policy.
To create a policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Policies.
2 Select Actions > New > Policy.
3 Type a unique name for the policy.
4 Clear the Use Policy Configuration Wizard and click OK.
5 Configure the attributes, the schedules, the clients, and the backup selections
for the new policy.
Creating backup policies 760
Adding or changing schedules in a policy

Adding or changing schedules in a policy

Change policies only when no backup activity is expected for the affected policies
and clients. Make adjustments before backups begin to ensure an orderly transition
from one configuration to another.
Changing a policy causes NetBackup to recalculate when the policy is due.

Note: It is not recommended that users modify automanaged policies. If a user

begins to modify an automanaged policy, a dialog appears that warns users about
the possible consequences.
See “Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle
policies” on page 762.

Use the following procedure to add or change schedules in an existing NetBackup

To add or change schedules in a policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 Expand the policy name in the middle pane, then select Schedules.
3 Perform one of the following actions:

Add a schedule Select Actions > New > Schedule.

Copy a schedule and paste it ■ Expand the policy which contains a schedule that
into another policy you'd like to copy.
■ In the right pane, right-click the schedule and select
■ Expand the policy where you'd like to paste the
■ In the right pane, right-click anywhere in the schedule
area and select Paste.

Change an existing schedule Double-click the schedule name.

Creating backup policies 761
Changing multiple policies at one time

4 Complete the entries in the Attributes tab, Start Window tab, Exclude Days
tab, and Include Dates tab (when applicable).
See “Schedule Attributes tab ” on page 829.
See “Start Window tab ” on page 861.
See “Excluding days from a schedule ” on page 865.
See “Include Dates tab ” on page 866.
5 Click OK.

Changing multiple policies at one time

Use the following procedure to change more than one NetBackup policy at the
same time.

Note: It is not recommended that users modify automanaged policies. If a user

begins to modify an automanaged policy, a dialog appears that warns users about
the possible consequences.
See “Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle
policies” on page 762.

Note: You can change Attributes, Clients, and Schedules of multiple policies at
one time. However, you cannot change Backup Selections of multiple policies at
one time.

To change multiple policies

1 Expand NetBackup Management and select Policies.
2 In the middle pane, expand Summary of All Policies and select the node that
you want to change.
3 Select the policies that you want to edit.

Note: You can change different schedules across different policies at one time.
If you change multiple schedules of different policy types, the Attributes tab
is disabled. A tri-state is displayed for an attribute that has different values for
multiple policies you selected.
Creating backup policies 762
Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle policies

4 Select Edit > Change.

5 Make the desired changes.
See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.
See “Schedule Attributes tab ” on page 829.
See “About the Clients tab” on page 877.

Warning about modifying or deleting

automanaged policies or storage lifecycle policies
It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies or storage
lifecycle policies using the NetBackup Administration Console or the command
line. If a user begins to modify or delete an automanaged policy or SLP using the
NetBackup Administration Console, a dialog appears that warns users about
the possible consequences.
Automanaged policies and SLPs are generated when a workload administrator
protects an asset by subscribing to a protection plan. Automanaged policy and SLP
names use the prefix SLO_ENGINE_MANAGED+.
■ If the user continues to make modifications, they must make sure that the policy
or SLP continues to meet the service level objective that is defined by the
protection plan.
■ If the user continues to delete the policy or SLP, they must make sure that the
asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.

Copying or moving policy items to another policy

You can copy or move entire policies, attributes, schedules, clients, and backup
selections from one policy to another. The following procedure describes which
policy items can be copied or moved.
To copy or move items from one policy to another
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 In the middle pane, select either the Attributes, Schedules, Clients, or Backup
Selections for a policy that you want to copy or move.
3 In the right pane, based on your selection in the previous step, select the
attributes, schedules, clients, or backup selections of a policy that you want to
copy or move.
Creating backup policies 763
Copying a policy to create a new policy

4 Do one of the following:

To copy an item On the Edit menu, click Copy.

To move an item ■ On the Edit menu, click Cut.

■ Click Yes when asked if you want to delete the
selected item from the policy.

5 In the middle pane, select the policy item to which you want to paste the copied
6 From the Edit menu, click Paste.
When you paste items with the same name, NetBackup provides options: To
either copy and replace the existing item, or copy but keep the existing item,
or to not copy.

Note: If the schedules do not match the policy type, the schedules are not
copied. The action is indicated in a dialog box.
When you paste attributes, the existing attributes of the policy are always
replaced. Whereas, when you paste backup selections, the backup selection
is always copied to the policy, and not replaced.
The copying or moving feature is also applicable to instances and instance
groups of Oracle and SQL type of backup policies.

Copying a policy to create a new policy

Use the Copy to New option to save time creating policies. This option is especially
useful for the policies that contain many of the same policy attributes, schedules,
clients, or backup selections.
To copy a policy to create a new one
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 In the middle pane, select the policy to copy.
3 On the Edit menu, click Copy to New
4 In the Copy a Policy dialog box, enter the name of the policy that you want to
copy. You can indicate a policy other than the one that is selected
Creating backup policies 764
Copying a schedule into the same policy or different policy

5 Enter the name for the new policy.

6 Click OK. The only difference between the new policy and the copied policy is
the name.

Copying a schedule into the same policy or

different policy
Use the Copy to New option to save time creating schedules. Use this option to
copy a schedule into the same policy or different policy.
To copy a schedule to create a new one
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 In the middle pane, expand a policy and select the Schedules node that
contains the schedule that you want to copy.
3 In the right pane, select the schedule that you want to copy.
4 On the Edit menu, click Copy to New
5 In the Copy Schedule dialog box, enter the name of the new schedule.
6 Use the menu to select the name of the policy to which you want to paste the
schedule. You can paste the schedule into the same policy or a different policy.
7 Click OK. The Change Schedule dialog box opens for the new schedule.

Deleting schedules, backup selections, or clients

from a policy
Use the following procedure to delete schedules, backup selections, or clients from
a NetBackup policy.

Note: It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies. If

a user begins to modify or delete an automanaged policy, a dialog appears that
warns users about the possible consequences.
See “Warning about modifying or deleting automanaged policies or storage lifecycle
policies” on page 762.
Creating backup policies 765
Policy Attributes tab

To delete a schedule, backup selections, or clients from a policy

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 Expand the policy name in the middle pane, and then select Attributes,
Schedules, Backup Selections, or Clients.
3 In the right pane, select the item you want to delete.
4 On the Edit menu, click Delete.
5 Click Yes when asked if you want to delete the selected item from the policy.
When a client is deleted from the client list, the NetBackup client software is not
deleted or uninstalled from the client. Backups for the client can be recovered until
the backups expire. Also, when a file is deleted from a backup selection list, the
actual file is not deleted from the client.

Policy Attributes tab

Use the policy Attributes tab to configure backup settings when you add a new
policy or change an existing policy. When you create a policy, you give the policy
a name and select a policy type. The policy type you select typically depends on
the type of client you want to back up. The number of policy types available varies
depending on which NetBackup options are installed. Each policy type has a unique
combination of attributes. Not all attributes apply to every policy type. When you
select a policy type, the attributes that apply to that policy type are active. The
unavailable attributes are grayed out.
Figure 21-1 shows the Attributes tab of a NetBackup policy.
Creating backup policies 766
Policy Attributes tab

Figure 21-1 Policy Attributes tab

The following topics describe the settings on the policy Attributes tab.

Policy type (policy attribute)

The Policy type attribute determines the purpose of the policy. Select a policy type
from the list. The policy type you select typically depends on the type of client to
be backed up. Some policy types are not used for client backups. For example,
NBU-Catalog is not used for client backups.
The list of policy types changes depending on the NetBackup options that have
been installed. Each policy type offers a unique combination of attributes. When
you select a policy type, only the attributes that apply to that policy type are active.
You can change the policy type of an existing policy. However, the schedules for
the policy may become invalid. If the schedules become invalid, NetBackup displays
Creating backup policies 767
Policy Attributes tab

a warning message and then deletes the invalid schedules or changes the schedules
to an equivalent type.
When you change the policy type of an existing policy, other selections or features
of the policy may become invalid as well.
Table 21-5 describes all the types of NetBackup policies.

Table 21-5 NetBackup policy types

Policy type Description

BigData Use as a policy type to schedule and run a job for big data applications. For example,
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor. This policy
type requires the Enterprise Client license.

See “Creating a BigData policy” on page 936.

For information about the plug-ins that NetBackup supports, and which are available
to download and install, see:

DataTools-SQL-BackTrack Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for SQL-BackTrack
agent. For information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.
(UNIX only)

DataStore This policy type is used for database applications that NetBackup uses the Open
Backup Services (XBSA) for backup or archive purposes.

DB2 Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for DB2 agent. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

Enterprise-Vault Use as a policy type to schedule and run an Enterprise Vault job.

FlashBackup Combines the speed of raw-partition backups with the ability to restore individual files.

(UNIX only) This policy type applies to UNIX clients only. Requires the Enterprise Client license.

For information on setting up this type of policy, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client
Administrator's Guide.

FlashBackup-Windows Combines the speed of raw-partition backups with the ability to restore individual files.
This policy type applies to Windows clients only. Requires the Enterprise Client license.
(Windows only)
For information on setting up this type of policy, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client
Administrator's Guide.
Creating backup policies 768
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-5 NetBackup policy types (continued)

Policy type Description

Hyper-V To back up the virtual machines that reside on Windows Hyper-V servers, by means
of on-host or off-host backups. This policy type requires the Enterprise Client license.

Users can upgrade pertinent policies to the Hyper-Vpolicy type using one of the
following methods:

■ Change the policy type in the NetBackup Administration Console for one policy
at a time.
■ Change the policy type for multiple policies at one time using the bpplconvert
script that is located in the following location:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies
On UNIX: usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies

For information on setting up this type of policy, see the NetBackup for Hyper-V Guide.

Informix-On-BAR Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for Informix agent. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.
(UNIX only)

Lotus-Notes Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for Lotus Notes agent.
For information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

MS-Exchange-Server Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for Exchange Server
agent. For information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.
(Windows only)
This policy type applies to Windows clients only.

MS-SharePoint Use to configure a policy NetBackup for SharePoint Server.

(Windows only) This policy type applies to Windows clients only.

MS-SQL-Server Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for SQL Server agent.
For information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

MS-Windows Use for the policies that contain only Windows clients of supported Windows operating
system levels.
Standard and MS-Windows policy types are the only policy types that support the
following options:

■ Checkpoint restart for backups or restores

See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)” on page 775.
■ Synthetic backups
See “Policy type (policy attribute)” on page 766.
■ Collect disaster recovery information for Bare Metal Restore
See “Collect disaster recovery information for Bare Metal Restore (policy attribute)”
on page 793.
Creating backup policies 769
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-5 NetBackup policy types (continued)

Policy type Description

NAS-Data-Protection Use the policy to configure dynamic data streaming for NAS workloads.

NBU-Catalog Use for catalog backup jobs.

NDMP Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup NDMP option. This
policy type is available only when the NetBackup NDMP is installed and licensed. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

Oracle Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for Oracle agent. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

SAP Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup SAP Agent. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

Standard Use for UNIX clients (including supported Mac clients), except for those clients that
are covered by specific products, such as Oracle.
Standard and MS-Windows policy types are the only policy types that support the
following options:

■ Checkpoint restart for backups or restores

■ Synthetic backups
■ Collect disaster recovery information for Bare Metal Restore

Sybase Use for the policies that contain only clients with the NetBackup for Sybase agent. For
information on setting up this policy type, see the guide for this option.

Universal-Shares Use as a policy type to schedule and run a job that protects data in a universal share.
The universal share must be created on a specified MSDP storage server using
NetBackup storage APIs or the NetBackup web UI .

Vault Use as a policy type to schedule and run a Vault job. This policy type is available only
when Vault is licensed.
Creating backup policies 770
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-5 NetBackup policy types (continued)

Policy type Description

VMware For backup of any virtual machines that reside on VMware vSphere servers, by means
of off-host backups. This policy type requires the Enterprise Client license.

Users can upgrade pertinent policies to the VMware policy type using one of the
following methods:

■ Change the policy type in the NetBackup Administration Console for one policy
at a time.
■ Change the policy type for multiple policies at one time using the bpplconvert
script that is located in the following location:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies
On UNIX: usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies

For information on setting up this type of policy, see the NetBackup for VMware Guide.

For information about off-host backups, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client
Administrator's Guide.

Data classifications (policy attribute)

The Data Classification attribute specifies the classification of the storage lifecycle
policy that stores the backup. For example, a backup with a gold classification must
go to a storage unit with a gold data classification. By default, NetBackup provides
four data classifications: platinum, gold, silver, and bronze.
This attribute is optional and applies only when the backup is to be written to a
storage lifecycle policy. If the list displays No data classification, the policy uses
the storage selection that is displayed in the Policy storage list. If a data
classification is selected, all the images that the policy creates are tagged with the
classification ID.
See “Storage Lifecycle Policy dialog box settings” on page 726.
See “Data Classification properties” on page 101.
See “Creating a Data Classification” on page 103.
See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

Policy storage (policy attribute)

The Policy storage attribute specifies the storage destination for the policy’s data.
Select a specific storage unit, storage lifecycle policy, or storage unit group from
the list.
Creating backup policies 771
Policy Attributes tab

When NetBackup looks for an available storage unit, it selects the first storage unit
that meets the following requirements:
■ The storage unit must not be designated as On demand only.
■ The storage unit must have available drives.
■ The storage unit must have media available in the required volume pool.
However, NetBackup makes an exception when a client is also a media server with
locally-attached storage units. In that case, NetBackup selects the locally-attached
storage units first.
See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Storage unit Select the name of the storage unit that is to be the storage
destination for the policy data. It can be disk or tape-based.

If it is configured to do so, the storage unit determines which

type of disk staging is used for the policy.

See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.

Storage lifecycle policy Select the name of the storage lifecycle policy that is to be
the storage destination for the policy data.

The drop-down list includes only those lifecycles that have

the same data classification as the policy. For example, gold
backup images cannot be sent to a silver storage lifecycle.
Images that belong to a specific data classification cannot
be sent to a storage lifecycle that lacks a classification. Data
classification is optional.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

If it is configured to do so, the storage lifecycle policy

determines which type of disk staging is used for the policy.

If setting up snapshot replication with Replication Director,

select a storage lifecycle policy that contains a
snapshot-capable storage unit.

See “About storage lifecycle policies” on page 689.

Storage unit group Select the name of the storage unit group that is to be the
storage destination for the policy data.

See “About storage unit groups ” on page 678.

Creating backup policies 772
Policy Attributes tab

Any Available If Any Available is selected, NetBackup tries to store data

on locally-attached storage units first. To force NetBackup
to use only a locally-attached drive, select Must use local
drive in the General Server properties. If a local device is
not found or Must use local drive is not selected, NetBackup
tries to find an available storage unit alphabetically.

NetBackup does not select a null_stu storage unit if Any

Available is selected. A null_stu storage unit is created
only when Veritas Technical Support uses the NullOST
plug-in to identify and isolate data transfer bottlenecks.

Figure 21-2 Icons indicate type of storage

Storage unit (tape device)

Storage unit (disk)

Storage unit group

Storage lifecycle policy

Note: If different storage is selected for the Override policy storage option on the
Schedule Attributes tab, that selection overrides the Policy storage attribute.

See “Override policy storage (schedule attribute)” on page 849.

See “Considerations for selecting a destination for Policy storage” on page 772.

Considerations for selecting a destination for Policy

Consider the following scenarios before selecting a destination from the Policy
storage list on the policy Attributes tab.
Creating backup policies 773
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-6
Scenario Action

The site contains one storage unit, or Do one of the following:

there is no storage unit preference.
■ Specify Any Available for the Policy storage attribute.
■ Do not specify a storage unit at the schedule level.
See “Override policy storage (schedule attribute)” on page 849.
■ Do not set all storage units to On demand only. NetBackup may not find
an available storage unit for the backups.
See “Changing storage unit settings” on page 634.
See “On demand only storage unit setting” on page 654.

A specific storage unit is designated but Consider changing the destination to Any Available since backups cannot
the unit is unavailable. run for those policies and the schedules that require the unit.

Any Available is selected. Be aware that any basic disk storage unit that is not assigned to a storage
group is considered available for disk spanning.

See “Media properties” on page 155.

You want to limit the storage units Do one of the following:

available to a policy.
■ Select a storage unit group that contains only the units you want the
policy to use.
■ Limit the storage units by doing the following:
■ Create a volume pool that contains the volumes that are available
only to the specific storage units. Disable Scratch pool for the volume
pool. If Scratch pool is enabled, any storage unit has access to the
volumes in the volume pool.
See “Adding or deleting a volume pool” on page 592.
See “About scratch volume pools” on page 530.
■ In the policy, set Policy volume pool to the volume pool that is
defined in the previous step.
■ For all policies, set Policy storage attribute to Any Available.
■ If the policy specifies a storage unit group, set the storage units within
the group to On demand only to satisfy the policy requirement.
See “Changing storage unit settings” on page 634.
See “On demand only storage unit setting” on page 654.

Policy volume pool (policy attribute)

The Policy volume pool attribute specifies the default volume pool where the
backups for the policy are stored. A volume pool is a set of media that is grouped
for use by a single application. The volume pool is protected from access by other
applications and users.
Creating backup policies 774
Policy Attributes tab

The available volume pools appear on the list. Whenever a new volume is required,
it is allocated from the volume pool indicated.
If you select a volume pool on the Schedule tab, that selection overrides the Policy
volume pool selection on the Attributes tab.
See “Override policy storage (schedule attribute)” on page 849.
See “Example of overriding the policy volume pool” on page 775.
The following table describes the default volume pools that NetBackup defines.

Table 21-7 Default volume pools defined by NetBackup

Volume pool Description

None The default pool for applications, other than NetBackup.

DataStore The default pool for DataStore.

NetBackup Unless otherwise specified in the policy, all backups use

media from the NetBackup pool. One exception is the
NBU-Catalog policy type.

CatalogBackup This pool is selected by default for the NBU-Catalog policy

type. It is used exclusively for catalog backups. Catalogs are
directed to a single, dedicated pool to facilitate faster catalog

The following table describes the additional volume pools that are useful to create.

Table 21-8 Additional volume pools

Volume pool Description

Scratch volume pool Allows NetBackup to automatically transfer volumes when

another volume pool does not have media available.

Auto volume pool Used by automatic backups.

User volume pool Used by user backups.

Media is assigned to the volume pools for Media Manager storage devices. Disk-type
storage devices are not allocated to a volume pool.
See “About NetBackup volume pools” on page 528.
See “Adding or deleting a volume pool” on page 592.
See “About scratch volume pools” on page 530.
Creating backup policies 775
Policy Attributes tab

Example of overriding the policy volume pool

The following example shows how to override the policy volume pool from the policy
Schedule tab. In this example, we change a policy named Backup-Archive. Until
now, all schedules in the policy have used the Backups volume pool. Change the
policy so that the user-archive schedule uses the Archive pool instead.
To override the Policy volume pool attribute
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies
2 In the left pane, select the Backup-Archive policy and on the Edit menu, click
3 In the policy Attributes tab, on the Policy volume pool list, select Backups.
4 Click the Schedules tab.
5 Select the schedules that use the Backups volume pool, and click Properties.
6 Make sure that Override policy volume pool is unchecked, and click OK to
save the change in the schedule.
7 Select the user-archive schedule that you want assigned to the Archive volume
pool, and click Properties.
8 Check Override policy volume pool.
9 Underneath the check box, select Archive from the list.
10 Click OK to save the change in the schedule.
11 Click OK to save the change in the policy.

Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)

By taking checkpoints during a backup, you can save time if the backup fails. By
taking checkpoints periodically during the backup, NetBackup can retry a failed
backup from the beginning of the last checkpoint. This is often quicker rather than
restarting the entire job.
The checkpoint frequency indicates how often NetBackup takes a checkpoint during
a backup. The default is 15 minutes. The administrator determines checkpoint
frequency on a policy-by-policy basis. When you select the checkpoint frequency,
balance the loss of performance due to frequent checkpoints with the possible time
lost when failed backups restart. If the frequency of checkpoints affects performance,
increase the time between checkpoints.
Checkpoints are saved at file boundaries and point to the next file in the list.
Checkpoint restart is only available for the MS-Windows, NAS-Data-Protection,
or Standard policy types. Check Take checkpoints every __ minutes to enable
Creating backup policies 776
Policy Attributes tab

checkpoint restart. When the box is checked, NetBackup takes checkpoints during
a backup job at the frequency you specify. If the box is not checked, no checkpoints
are taken and a failed backup restarts from the beginning of the job. Checkpoint
restart can also be used for restore jobs.
See “Checkpoint restart for restore jobs” on page 777.
The Global Attributes property, Schedule backup attempts, indicates the number
of times that NetBackup tries to restart a failed backup.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

Note: Checkpoints are saved at file boundaries and point to the next file in the list
to be backed up. Checkpoints cannot occur in the middle of a file. After the file is
backed up, the checkpoint is saved.

Note: Checkpoints are not taken for a user-archive backup. If a user-archive backup
resumes, it restarts from the beginning.

In the following situations, NetBackup starts a new job instead of resuming an

incomplete job:
■ If a new job is due to run, or, for calendar-based scheduling, another run day
has arrived.
■ If the time since the last incomplete backup was longer than the shortest
frequency in any schedule for the policy.
■ If the time indicated by the Clean-up property, Move backup job from
incomplete state to done state, has passed.
The following table describes the level of support for various policy attributes,
storage, and clients for checkpoint restart. For an agent or option not listed, refer
to the manual for that agent or option.

Table 21-9 Support for checkpoint restart

Item Description

Basic disk staging Checkpoint restart is supported for Stage I. Checkpoint restart is not supported for
Stage II.

See “About basic disk staging” on page 665.

See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Creating backup policies 777
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-9 Support for checkpoint restart (continued)

Item Description

MS-Windows (policy type) The following pertain to Windows clients:

■ Checkpoint restart is not supported for the backup selections that are indicated by
a UNC path.
■ No checkpoints are taken during a system state backup.
■ No checkpoints are taken during a Windows disk image (raw) backup.
■ No checkpoints are taken for the remainder of the backup after NetBackup
encounters Single-instance Store (SIS).

When an incremental backup resumes and completes successfully, the archive bits
are cleared for the files that were backed up after the job resumes. However, the archive
bits are not cleared for the files that were backed up before the resume. Since the
archive bits remain, the files that were backed up before the backup resumes are
backed up again during the next incremental backup.

Multiple copies (schedule Checkpoint restart is supported for the policies that are configured to create multiple
attribute) backup copies.

See “Multiple copies (schedule attribute)” on page 845.

The last failed copy that contains a checkpoint can be resumed if a copy is configured
to allow other copies to continue the job if the copy fails and subsequent checkpoints

Snapshot Client (policy Checkpoint restart is supported for use with local or alternate client backups. However,
attribute) the following policy attributes are not supported:

■ Block Level incremental backups

■ Instant Recovery backup

See “Snapshot Client and Replication Director (policy attributes)” on page 826.

Standard (policy type) Checkpoint restart is supported for UNIX clients.

Synthetic backups Checkpoint restart is not supported.

(schedule attribute)
See “Synthetic backup (schedule attribute)” on page 839.

NAS-Data-Protection (policy

Checkpoint restart for restore jobs

Checkpoint restart for restore jobs saves time by letting NetBackup resume a failed
restore job. The job resumes automatically from the start of the file that was last
checkpointed rather than starting from the beginning of the entire restore job.
Creating backup policies 778
Policy Attributes tab

NetBackup automatically takes checkpoints once every minute during a restore

The following host properties affect checkpoint restart for restore jobs.

Move restore job from incomplete state to This Clean-up host property indicates the
done state number of days that a failed restore job can
remain in an Incomplete state.

See “Clean-up properties” on page 70.

Restore retries This Universal Setting host property

specifies the number of attempts that a client
has to restore after a failure.

See “Universal Settings properties”

on page 236.

Checkpoint restart for restore jobs has the following limitations:

■ The restore restarts at the beginning of the last checkpointed file, not within the
■ Only the backups that are created using MS-Windows or Standard policy types
are supported.
■ Third Party Copy and the Media Server Copy images that use Standard policy
types are supported. However, they cannot be suspended or resumed if the
backup image has changed blocks.
A NetBackup administrator can choose to suspend a checkpointed restore job and
resume the job at a later time. For example, while an administrator runs a restore
job for several hours, the administrator receives a request for a second restore.
The request is of a higher priority and requires the resources in use by the first job.
The administrator can suspend the first job, start the second restore job and let it
complete. The administrator can then resume the first job from the Activity Monitor
and let the job complete.
Consider a situation in which a checkpointed restore that has no end date is
suspended and then resumed. If a new backup occurs before the resume is initiated,
the files from the new backup are included in the restore. For example, a user
request the restore of a directory. The restore begins, but is suspended. The request
is resumed the next day after another backup of the directory is performed. The
files that are restored are from the latest backup.
See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)” on page 775.
Creating backup policies 779
Policy Attributes tab

Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)

The Limit jobs per policy attribute limits the number of jobs that NetBackup
performs concurrently when the policy is run. By default, the box is unchecked, and
NetBackup performs an unlimited number of backup jobs concurrently. Other
resource settings can limit the number of jobs.
A configuration can contain enough devices so that the number of concurrent
backups affects performance. To specify a lower limit, check the box and specify
a value from 1 to 999.

Figure 21-3 Limit jobs per policy attribute

Client A Server Tape Drive 1

Client B Tape Drive 2

Client A and Client B backups can occur concurrently and back up to different devices

This attribute operates differently for VMware policies, depending on how the policy
selects virtual machines.
For more information, see the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.
Table 21-10 describes the factors that affect the number of concurrent backup jobs
that NetBackup can perform.

Table 21-10 Factors affecting the number of concurrent backup jobs

Item Description

Jobs from different policies The limit does not apply to concurrent jobs if the jobs are from different policies.

For example, if three policies limit concurrent jobs to two, NetBackup can start two jobs
from each policy. A total of six policies can be running at one time in this situation.

Multiplexing If multiplexing is used, set the limit high enough to support the specified level of

Lower values can limit multiplexing within a policy if jobs from different schedules exist
within the policy. For example, the limit is set to two and an incremental backup schedule
is due to run for four clients. Only two clients are backed up at one time, regardless of
the multiplexing settings.
Creating backup policies 780
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-10 Factors affecting the number of concurrent backup jobs


Item Description

Network load The available bandwidth of the network determines how many backups can occur
concurrently. If you encounter loading problems, consider multiple networks for backups.
Or, configure the backup policy to use the Compression attribute.

See “Compression (policy attribute)” on page 789.

When the client that is backed up is also a server, it is a special case. In this instance,
the network load is not a factor because the network is not used. However, the load
on the client and server is still a factor.

Number of storage devices To process more than one backup job at a time, the configuration must include one of
available and multiplexing the following:
■ Multiple storage units.
■ A storage unit with enough drives to perform more than one backup at a time.
■ Storage units that are configured to multiplex.

With removable media devices such as tape drives, the number of concurrent jobs
depends on the total number of drives in the storage units. With disk storage, the
storage device is defined as a file path and the available disk space determines how
many paths are possible.

Parent job and children jobs Parent jobs do not count toward the limit. Only the children jobs count toward the limit.
The following are examples of the jobs that produce a parent job and children jobs:

■ Multistreamed jobs
■ Catalog backups
■ Snapshot Client snapshots
■ Bare Metal Restore jobs

See “About the Jobs tab” on page 1156.

This attribute operates differently for VMware policies, depending on how the policy
selects virtual machines.

For more information, see the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.

Server speed Too many concurrent backups interfere with the performance of the server. The best
number depends on the hardware, operating system, and applications that are running.

Job priority (policy attribute)

The Job priority attribute specifies the priority that a policy has as it competes with
other policies for resources. Enter a value from 0 to 99999. The higher the number,
Creating backup policies 781
Policy Attributes tab

the greater the priority of the job. NetBackup assigns the first available resource to
the policy with the highest priority.
In the Default Job Priorities host properties, you can set a job priority default for
a job type.
See “Default Job Priorities properties” on page 104.

Media Owner (policy attribute)

The Media Owner attribute specifies which media server or server group should
own the media that backup images for this policy are written to.
This attribute is active under the following conditions:
■ A Media Manager storage unit is used.
■ The Policy storage attribute is set to Any Available
You can specify the following for the Media Owner:

Any (default) Allows NetBackup to select the media owner. NetBackup selects a
media server or a server group (if one is configured).

None Specifies that the media server that writes the image to the media owns
the media. No media server is specified explicitly, but you want a media
server to own the media.

A server group Allows only those servers in the group to write to the media on which
backup images for this policy are written. All server groups that are
configured appear in the list.

See “About media sharing” on page 596.

See “Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group” on page 430.

Go into effect at (policy attribute)

The Go into effect at attribute specifies when the policy can begin to schedule
backups. For example, if today is Monday and you enter Wednesday at 12:00 A.M.,
the policy does not run until that time or later. Use this attribute to configure a series
of policies in advance of when the policies need to become active.
To activate the policy, check Go into effect at. The policy must be active for
NetBackup to use the policy.
To deactivate a policy, uncheck the box. Inactive policies appear are unavailable
in the NetBackup Administration Console. Inactive policies remain on the list of
policies in the left pane of the NetBackup Administration Console. To resume
Creating backup policies 782
Policy Attributes tab

backups, recheck the box. Make sure that the date and time are set to the time that
you want to resume backups.
If the schedule is to be used for a catalog archive, the policy must not be active.
Clear the check box to deactivate the policy.
See “Creating a catalog archiving policy” on page 1000.

Follow NFS (policy attribute)

The Follow NFS (Network File System) attribute specifies whether NetBackup is
to back up or archive any NFS-mounted files. These files are named in the backup
selection list or by the user, in the case of a user backup or archive. Uncheck the
box to prevent the backup or archive of NFS-mounted files.

Note: This attribute applies only to UNIX clients in certain policy types. NetBackup
allows it to be selected in those instances only.

This attribute eliminates the need to locate and log on to the systems where the
files reside. If the files are mounted on the NetBackup client, you can back up,
archive, and restore them by working from the NetBackup client. You must have
the necessary permissions on the NFS mount. Use this capability to back up the
systems that the NetBackup client software does not support.
Generally, do not back up NetBackup clients over NFS. Back up and archive files
on the NFS server where the files physically reside. NFS backups have lower
performance and sometimes encounter problems. If Follow NFS is selected, you
may want to use the policy only for the files and clients that are backed up or
archived over NFS.

Note: If Follow NFS is not selected, the backup process reads the client’s mount
table and evaluates each item in the table. NetBackup resolves any links to the true
path. NetBackup must resolve the links so it can accurately avoid backing up any
files that reside on NFS-mounted file systems.

If NetBackup cannot access a Network File System when it evaluates the mount
table, it assumes that the file system is unavailable. (The default time to access the
file system is five seconds.) To change the default, change the UNIX primary server
host property, NFS_ACCESS_TIMEOUT in the usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file.

Note: NetBackup specifically excludes mapped directories even if Follow NFS and
Cross mount points are enabled. To back up mapped directories, include the
directories in the file list.
Creating backup policies 783
Policy Attributes tab

Consider the following before enabling this attribute:

Table 21-11 Issues that affect Follow NFS

Item Description

Cross mount points (policy The behavior of Follow NFS can vary depending on how it is used in combination with
attribute) Cross mount points.

See “Examples of using Cross mount points and Follow NFS in combination”
on page 787.

See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

Raw partitions This attribute has no effect on raw partitions. The Network File Systems that are
mounted in a raw partition are not backed up. Nor can you back up raw partitions from
other computers that use NFS mounts to access the raw partitions. The devices are
not accessible on other computers through NFS.
Note: NetBackup does not support raw partition backups on unformatted partitions.

Automounted directories This attribute causes files in automounted file systems to be backed up. Automounted
directories can be excluded to allow the backup of other NFS mounts. To do so, add
an entry for the automounter’s mount directory to the exclude list on the client.

Backup Network Drives (policy attribute)

The Backup Network Drives attribute is for use on single user systems, Win95,
Win98, and ME. These operating systems are not supported with this version of
NetBackup. For a computer that is not a NetBackup client, the preferred method
for backing up data is to use UNC paths. UNC paths are more precise and indicate
exactly what should be backed up.
When you use Backup Network Drives or UNC paths, the network drives must
be available to the service account that the NetBackup Client service logs into at
startup. By default, the startup account is set to System. You must change this
account on each Windows client that is backed up that contains data that is shared
from another computer.
This attribute must be enabled for the policies that back up to CD ROM drives. For
scheduled backups, the file list must indicate at least the first level of folders to be
backed up. For example, D:\Folder1 instead of only D:\

Note: Mapped drive letters cannot be backed up. Drive letters do not appear in the
Backup, Archive, and Restore console when backups are browsed.
Creating backup policies 784
Policy Attributes tab

Example of using UNC paths to back up a shared folder

The following example gives the steps for backing up a shared folder using a UNC
path. The procedure backs up the folder TestData on win_PC through win_client.
Consult the following descriptions before you review the example.

primary1 NetBackup primary server

win_client Windows NetBackup client

win_PC Windows computer (not necessarily a NetBackup client)

TestData A shared folder on win_PC

Table 21-12 Using UNC paths to back up a shared folder on win_PC

Step Action Description

Step 1 Create a policy On primary1 create a policy for win_client.

Step 2 Add the folder name to the Add \\win_PC\TestData to the file list of the policy. This step is not
policy necessary if the policy is only used for user-directed backups.

Step 3 Configure the NetBackup Perform the following actions:

Client Service
■ On win_client, change the NetBackup Client Service to Start Up or
Log On with the same account as the user that performs the backup.
This user account must have read permissions for the share that is to be
backed up. The account must have write permission to perform restores.
■ Stop and start the NetBackup Client Service so the new account takes

See “Configuring the NetBackup Client Service” on page 1204.

Step 4 Perform a backup Backups run as scheduled or when a manual backup is performed.

See “Performing manual backups” on page 938.

Example of using Backup Network Drives (policy attribute)

to back up a shared folder
The following example gives the steps for backing up a shared folder using the
Backup Network Drives policy attribute. The procedure backs up the folder share
on win_PC through win_client. Consult the following descriptions before you review
the example.

primary1 NetBackup primary server

win_client Windows NetBackup client

Creating backup policies 785
Policy Attributes tab

win_PC Windows computer (not necessarily a NetBackup client)

share A shared folder on win_PC

Table 21-13 Using Backup Network Drives to back up a shared folder on


Step Action Description

Step 1 Create a policy On primary1 create a policy for win_client, and check Backup network
drives in the policy attributes tab.

Step 2 Configure the NetBackup Perform the following actions:

Client Service
■ On win_client, change the NetBackup Client Service to Start Up or
Log On with the same account as the user that performs the backup.
This user account must have read permissions for the share that is to be
backed up. The account must have write permission to perform restores.
■ Stop and start the NetBackup Client Service so the new account takes

See “Configuring the NetBackup Client Service” on page 1204.

Step 3 Create a batch file Create a batch file bpstart_notify.bat that does the following:

■ Maps a drive on win_client to \\win_PC\share.

■ Includes the following command (where X: is the mapped drive letter):

net use X: \\win_PC\share

Step 4 Perform a backup Backups run as scheduled or when a manual backup is performed.

See “Performing manual backups” on page 938.

Cross mount points (policy attribute)

The Cross mount points attribute controls whether NetBackup crosses file system
boundaries to back up or archive all files and directories in the selected path. For
example, if root (/) is specified as the file path on a UNIX system, NetBackup backs
up root (/) and all files and directories under root in the tree.
When this attribute is disabled, only the files that are in the same file system as the
selected file path are backed up. By disabling, you also prohibit NetBackup from
crossing mount points to back up root (/) without backing up all the file systems
that are mounted on root. (For example, /usr and /home.)
In some cases, consider creating separate policies for the backups that cross mount
points and those that do not. For example, in one policy, disable Cross mount
Creating backup policies 786
Policy Attributes tab

points and include root (/) in the backup selection list. As a result, only the root
file system is backed up, and not the file systems that are mounted on it. In another
policy, enable Cross mount points and include root (/) in the backup selection
list. As a result, all the data on the client is backed up.

Note: NetBackup specifically excludes mapped directories even if Follow NFS and
Cross mount points are enabled. To back up mapped directories, include the
directories in the file list.

The following table lists items to consider when you use this policy attribute.

Table 21-14 Considerations for Cross mount points (policy attribute)

Item Description

Follow NFS (policy attribute) The behavior of Cross mount points can vary depending on how it is used in
combination with Follow NFS.

See “Examples of using Cross mount points and Follow NFS in combination”
on page 787.

See “Follow NFS (policy attribute)” on page 782.

Backup selection entries The following backup selection entries behave in the following manner for Windows
and UNIX computers when the Cross mount points attribute is used:

■ /
Valid for UNIX clients. For Windows clients, the forward slash expands to
■ :\
Valid for Windows clients. For UNIX clients, this entry creates a status 69 (Invalid
filelist specification).
■ *:\
Valid for Windows clients. For UNIX clients, this entry creates a status 69 (Invalid
filelist specification).

UNIX raw partitions This attribute has no effect on UNIX raw partitions. If a raw partition is the root partition
and contains mount points for other file systems, the other file systems are not backed
up when Cross mount points is enabled.
Creating backup policies 787
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-14 Considerations for Cross mount points (policy attribute)


Item Description

ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES Do not use Cross mount points in policies on UNIX computers where you use the
directive ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive in the backup selection list.

Enabling Cross mount points can cause multiple backups of mounted volumes.

If you require the backup to traverse file system boundaries, do not use the
ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES backup selection directive on UNIX clients. Instead, specify a
forward slash (/) within the policy backup selection list and ensure that Cross mount
points is selected in the policy Attributes.

Mount points to disk storage Do not cross mount points to back up a media server that uses mount points to any
disk storage that contains backup images. If the policy crosses mount points, the
NetBackup backup images that reside on that disk storage are backed up. The
NetBackup disk storage unit type uses mount points for disk storage.

Examples of using Cross mount points and Follow NFS

in combination
By using Cross mount points and Follow NFS in combination, you can get a
variety of results. Table 21-15 summarizes the possible results.

Table 21-15 Results of using Cross mount point and Follow NFS in

Cross mount Follow NFS Result


Disabled Disabled No crossing of mount points (default).

Disabled Enabled Back up NFS files if the file path is (or is

part of) an NFS mount.

Enabled Disabled Cross local mount points but not NFS


Enabled Enabled Follow the specified path across mount

points to back up files and directories
(including NFS), regardless of the file
system where they reside.

Note: NetBackup specifically excludes mapped directories even if Follow NFS and
Cross mount points are enabled. To back up mapped directories, include the
directories in the file list.
Creating backup policies 788
Policy Attributes tab

Example 1 and Example 2 assume that the client disks are partitioned as shown
in Figure 21-4.

Figure 21-4 Example configuration of client disks


/usr /home /net

/home/njr /net/freddie


Disks on d2 d3 Disk on
Local System Remote System

Table 21-16 Legend

Disks Description

d1 Contains /(root), /usr, and /home in separate partitions.

d2 Contains a file system named /home/njr. Mounted on /home, which

is a partition on d1.

d3 Contains a directory named /net/freddie/home that is NFS-mounted

on /net/freddie

Example 1:
■ Cross mount points and Follow NFS are not selected.
■ The backup selection list contains the following entry:

■ In this case, NetBackup considers only the directories and files that are in the
same file system as the backup selection list entry. It does not back up
/home/njr or /net/freddie/home.

Example 2:
■ Cross mount points and Follow NFS are selected.
■ The backup selection list only contains a forward slash:

■ In this case, NetBackup backs up all the files and directories in the tree, including
those under /home/njr and /net/freddie/home.
Creating backup policies 789
Policy Attributes tab

To back up only /usr and individual files under /, leave / out of the list and
separately list the files and directories you want to include. For example:


Compression (policy attribute)

The Compression attribute specifies that the backups use the software compression
that is possible, based on the policy type. Check the box to enable compression.
By default, compression is disabled.

Note: The Compression attribute is independent of the VxFS compression state.

See “About the backup and restore of compressed files on VxFS file systems”
on page 1264.

Compression reduces the size of a backup by reducing the size of files in the backup.
In turn, the smaller backup size decreases the number of media that is required for
storage. Compression also decreases the amount of data that travels over the
network as well as the network load. However, compression increases the overhead
computing on the client and increases backup time due to the time required to
compress the files. The lower transfer rate that is associated with compression on
the client reduces the ability of some tape devices (notably 8mm) to stream data.
The effect of the lower transfer rate causes additional wear on those devices.
The savings in media and network resources continue to make compression
desirable unless total backup time or client computing resources become a problem.
If total backup time is a problem, consider multiplexing. The NetBackup multiplexing
feature backs up clients in parallel, reducing the total time to back them up.
See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” on page 854.
The degree to which a file can be compressed depends on the data type. A backup
usually involves more than one type of data. Examples include stripped and
unstripped binaries, ASCII, and the non-unique strings that repeat. Some data types
are more favorable to compression.

Note: When compression is not used, the server may receive more data than the
space that exists on the client. The discrepancy is due to client disk fragmentation
and the file headers that the client adds. (To tell how much space a file occupies,
run the du command. To tell how much free disk space is available, run the df
Creating backup policies 790
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-17 describes the various factors to consider when you choose to use

Table 21-17 Considerations regarding compression

Item Description

Data types that Programs, ASCII files, and unstripped binaries (typically 40% of the original size).
compress well
Best-case compression: Files that are composed of the strings that repeat can sometimes
be compressed to 1% of their original size.

Data types that do not Stripped binaries (usually 60% of original size).
compress well
Worst-case compression: Files that are already compressed become slightly larger if
compressed again.

Effect of file size File size has no effect on the amount of compression. However, it takes longer to compress
many small files than a single large one.

Client resources that Compression requires client computer processing unit time and as much memory as the
are required administrator configures.

Effect on client Compression uses as much of the computer processing unit as available and affects other
performance applications that require the computer processing unit. For fast CPUs, however, I/O rather
than CPU speed is the limiting factor.

Files that are not NetBackup does not compress the following files:
■ Files that are equal to or less than 512 bytes, because that is the tar block size.
■ On UNIX clients, files with the following suffixes:

.arc .gz .iff .sit.bin

.arj .hqx .pit .tiff
.au .hqx.bin .pit.bin .Y
.cpt .jpeg .scf .zip
.cpt.bin .jpg .sea .zom
.F .lha .sea.bin .zoo
.F3B .lzh .sit .z
.gif .pak

■ On UNIX clients, if a compressed file has a unique file extension, exclude it from
compression by adding it under the Client Settings (UNIX) properties.

Effect of using with If compressed data is written to a storage unit that has single-instance store (SIS) capabilities,
storage units with SIS the storage unit may not be able to use data deduplication on the compressed or the encrypted
capabilities data. In data deduplication, only one instance of the file is stored. Subsequent instances of
the file reference the single file.
Creating backup policies 791
Policy Attributes tab

Note: If compressed data is written to a storage unit that has deduplication

capabilities, the storage unit may not be able to deduplicate the data.

Encryption (policy attribute)

The Encryption attribute determines whether the backup should be encrypted by
the client. When the server initiates the backup, it passes on the Encryption policy
attribute to the client in the backup request.
The client compares the Encryption policy attribute to the Encryption host
properties for the client. If the encryption permissions for the client are set to
REQUIRED or ALLOWED, the policy can encrypt the backups for that client.
See “Encryption properties” on page 109.
For additional encryption configuration information, see the NetBackup Security
and Encryption Guide.

Note: If encrypted data is written to a storage unit that has deduplication capabilities,
the storage unit may not be able to deduplicate the encrypted data.

About NetBackup encryption options

NetBackup provides several methods for encrypting backups, as described in the
following table.

Table 21-18 NetBackup encryption options

Option Description

Client encryption The NetBackup client encryption option is a software-based

solution that encrypts the data on the client. The data is encrypted
in transit and at rest. Each client manages its own encryption

To enable client encryption, select the backup policy Encryption


See “Encryption (policy attribute)” on page 791.

Creating backup policies 792
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-18 NetBackup encryption options (continued)

Option Description

Tape drive encryption With hardware-based tape drive encryption, an encrypting tape
drive encrypts the data. The data is encrypted at rest only.

A Key Management Service (KMS) server that is configured on

the primary server manages encryption keys. It can either be
NetBackup KMS (NBKMS) or external KMS.

See the “Data at rest key management” chapter in the NetBackup

Security and Encryption Guide.

One method to manage the volumes for hardware-based tape

encryption is to use a reserved prefix on the volume pool name.
The storage device must have encrypting tape drives. The storage
unit must specify the storage device that has the encrypting tape
drives. The backup policy must specify the correct storage unit
and volume pool.

See “About reserved volume pool name prefixes” on page 529.

AdvancedDisk encryption A plug-in in the NetBackup OpenStorage stack encrypts the data.
The data is encrypted at rest only.

A Key Management Service (KMS) server that is configured on

the primary server manages encryption keys. It can either be
NetBackup KMS (NBKMS) or external KMS.

See the NetBackup AdvancedDisk Storage Solutions Guide.

Cloud storage encryption A plug-in in the NetBackup OpenStorage stack encrypts the data.
The data is encrypted at rest only (by default, NetBackup uses
SSL for read and write operations).

A Key Management Service (KMS) server that is configured on

the primary server manages encryption keys. It can either be
NetBackup KMS (NBKMS) or external KMS.

See the NetBackup Cloud Administrator’s Guide.

Media Server The MSDP deduplication plug-in encrypts the data. The data can
Deduplication Pool be encrypted in transit and at rest or at rest only. The NetBackup
encryption deduplication plug-in manages the encryption keys.

See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

Creating backup policies 793
Policy Attributes tab

Collect disaster recovery information for Bare Metal Restore (policy

The Collect disaster recovery Information for Bare Metal Restore attribute
specifies whether the BMR client agent runs on each client. If the attribute is enabled,
the BMR client agent runs before each backup to save the configuration information
of the client. The Activity Monitor displays the activity as a job separate from the
Only policy types MS-Windows (for Windows clients) and Standard (for UNIX
clients) support this policy attribute. This attribute is enabled by default when one
of these policy types is used to create a policy on a primary server that is licensed
for BMR.
For more information, see the Bare Metal Restore Administrator’s Guide.

Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and

without move detection
The Collect true image restore information attribute specifies whether the policy
collects the information necessary to perform a true image restore. A true image
restore (TIR) restores the contents of a directory to reflect the contents of the
directory at the time of an incremental or a full backup. Files that were deleted
before the backup are not restored.
With the attribute enabled, a restore based on an incremental backup includes all
files that were backed up since the last full backup. The restore also includes those
files that were deleted at any time during that period.
NetBackup starts to collect the true image restore information with the next full or
incremental backup for the policy. The true image restore information is collected
for each client regardless of whether any files were changed.
NetBackup does not provide true image restores based on the time of a user backup
or archive. However, NetBackup uses a user backup for a true image restore if the
backup is more recent than the latest automatic full or incremental backup.
For true image incremental backups, enable With move detection to include the
files that were moved, renamed, or newly installed in the directories. These files
may be from a tar or a zip archive. (Depending on how the files were packaged and
how they were installed, some newly installed files are not backed up by non-TIR
incremental backups.
NetBackup detects changes by comparing path names and inode numbers with
those from the previous full or incremental backup. If either the name or an inode
number is new or changed, the file or directory is backed up. NetBackup begins to
collect the information for move detection with the next full or incremental backup
Creating backup policies 794
Policy Attributes tab

for the policy. This first backup after the attribute is set always backs up all files,
even if it is an incremental backup.

Note: With move detection must be enabled to create a synthetic backup.

See “Synthetic backup (schedule attribute)” on page 839.

The following examples show how move detection backs up the files that otherwise
would not be backed up:
■ On Windows:
■ A file that is named C:\pub\doc is moved to or installed in C:\spec\doc.
The archive bit is unchanged but C:\spec\doc is new in the C:\spec\
directory and is backed up.
■ A directory that is named C:\security\dev\ is renamed as
C:\security\devices\. The archive bit is unchanged but
C:\security\devices\ is a new directory and is backed up.

■ On UNIX:
■ A file that is named /home/pub/doc is moved to /home/spec/doc. The
modification time is unchanged but /home/spec/doc is new in the
/home/spec/ directory and is backed up.

■ A directory that is named /etc/security/dev is renamed as

/etc/security/devices. The modification time is unchanged but
/etc/security/devices is a new directory and is backed up.

■ A file that is named /home/pub/doc is installed when extracted from a UNIX

tar file. The modification time is before the time of the last backup. The file
is new in the /home/pub/ directory and is backed up.
■ A file that is named docA is removed, and then a file that is named docB is
renamed as docA. The new docA has the same name but since its inode
number has changed, it is backed up.

NetBackup begins to collect the information that is required for move detection with
the next full or incremental backup for the policy. This first backup after the attribute
is set always backs up all files, even if it is an incremental backup.
Move detection consumes space on the client and the backup can fail if there is
not enough disk space available.
Creating backup policies 795
Policy Attributes tab

Example of true image restores

The following table lists the files that were backed up in the /home/abc/doc/
directory of a UNIX client during a series of backups between 12/01/2015 and
12/04/2015. Collect true image restore information was enabled for the policy
that performed the backups.

Table 21-19 Sample backups taken before a true image restore

Day Type of Files that are backed up in /home/abc/doc


12/01/2015 Full file1 file2 dirA/fileA dirB/fileB file3

12/02/2015 Incremental file1 file2 dirA/fileA ---------- -----

12/03/2015 Incremental file1 file2 dirA/fileA ---------- -----

12/04/2015 User backup file1 file2 dirA/fileA ---------- ----- dirC/fileC file4

12/04/2015 Incremental file1 file2 ---------- ---------- ----- ---------- file4

Note: Dashes ( ------ ) indicate that the file was deleted before this backup.

A restore of the 12/04/2015 version of the /home/abc/doc/ directory produces

following results:

After a regular restore The restored directory contains all files and directories that ever
existed in /home/abc/doc/ from 12/01/2015 (last full backup)
through 12/04/2015:

Creating backup policies 796
Policy Attributes tab

After a true image The restored directory contains only the files and directories that
restore existed at the time of the incremental backup:


NetBackup does not restore any of the files that were deleted before
the 12/04/2015 incremental backup.

The restored directory does not include the subdirectories dirA

and dirC, even though they were backed up on 12/04/2015 with
a user backup.

NetBackup did not restore these directories because they did not
exist at the time of the incremental backup. The incremental backup
was the reference for the true image restore.

Consider the following points to use either Collect true image restore or Collect
true image restore with move detection:
■ NetBackup collects additional information for the incremental backups that collect
true image restore information. Policies that use move detection require even
more space.
■ Incremental backups are slower for a policy in which true image restore
information is collected.
■ Configure the period of time that NetBackup retains the true image restore
information. Set the Keep true image restoration (TIR) information property
in the Clean-up properties dialog box.
See “Clean-up properties” on page 70.
■ Only directories can be listed and selected. In true image restore mode, the
client interface does not display individual files. Refer to the online Help in the
Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface for more information on true
image restores.
■ A true image restore preserves the files that are currently in the directory but
were not present when the backup was completed. If you created a file file5
after an incremental backup on 12/04/2015 but before a restore, the contents
of the restored directory would be as follows:

Creating backup policies 797
Policy Attributes tab

Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)

The Allow multiple data streams attribute specifies that NetBackup can divide
automatic backups for each client into multiple jobs. The directives, scripts, or
templates in the backup selection list specify whether each job can back up only a
part of the backup selection list. Because the jobs are in separate data streams,
they can occur concurrently.
The directives, scripts, or templates in the backup selection list determine the
number of streams (backup jobs) that start for each client. The list also determines
how the backup selection list is divided into separate streams.
The following settings determine the number of streams that can run concurrently:
■ Number of available storage units
■ Multiplexing settings
■ Maximum jobs parameters
Multistreamed jobs consist of a parent job to perform stream discovery and children
jobs for each stream. Each child job displays its own job ID in the Job ID column
in the Activity Monitor. The job ID of the parent job appears in the Parent Job ID
column, which is not displayed by default. Parent jobs display a dash (-) in the
Schedule column.

Note: If this attribute is enabled, and a file system is in a client’s exclude list, a
NetBackup job appears in the Activity Monitor for the excluded file system.
However, no files in the excluded file system are backed up by the job.

The following table describes the reasons to use multiple data streams.
Creating backup policies 798
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-20 Reasons to use multiple data streams

Reason Description

To reduce backup time Multiple data streams can reduce the backup time for large backups by
splitting the backup into multiple streams. Use multiplexing, multiple drives,
or a combination of the two to process the streams concurrently.

Configure the backup so each device on the client is backed up by a separate

data stream that runs concurrently with streams from other devices.

For best performance, use only one data stream to back up each physical
device on the client. Multiple concurrent streams from a single physical device
can adversely affect backup times. The heads must move back and forth
between the tracks that contain files for the respective streams.

Figure 21-5 shows why multiple concurrent streams from a single device are
not recommended.

To reduce retry time for backup failures Because the backup streams run independently, the use of multiple data
streams can shorten the retry time in the event of a backup failure. A single
failure only terminates a single stream. NetBackup can restart the failed
stream without restarting the others.

For example, assume the backup for a 10-gigabyte partition is split into five
streams, each containing 2 gigabytes. If the last stream fails after it writes
1.9 gigabytes (a total of 9.9 gigabytes is backed up), NetBackup retries only
the last gigabyte stream. If the 10-gigabyte partition is backed up without
multiple data streams and a failure occurs, the entire 10-gigabyte backup
must be retried.

The Schedule backup attempts property in the Global Attributes

properties, applies to each stream. For example, if the Schedule backup
attempts property is set to 3, NetBackup retries each stream a maximum
of three times.

The Activity Monitor displays each stream as a separate job. Use the job
details view to determine the files that are backed up by each of these jobs.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

To reduce administration by running Use multiple data streams in a configuration that contains large file servers
more backups with fewer policies with many file systems and volumes. Multiple data streams provide more
backups with fewer policies than are otherwise required.
Creating backup policies 799
Policy Attributes tab

Figure 21-5 Multiple stream recommendations

Recommended for best perfomance


Stream Back up each device with a

Drive A
separate stream that runs
NetBackup concurrently with streams from
Server other devices. Then, multiplex
Stream the streams or send them to
Drive B separate tapes.

Not recommended

Drive A Stream
NetBackup Multiple concurrent streams from
Server a single device can adversely
Stream affect backup times.
Drive B Stream

The following table describes the aspects of multiple data streams that are

Table 21-21 Adjustable aspects of multiple data streams

Item Description

The total number of streams The backup selection list determines the total number of streams that are started. The
NEW_STREAM directive lets you configure a fixed number of streams, or you can
allow the client dynamically define the streams.

See “About the directives on the Backup Selections list ” on page 909.
Note: For best performance, use only one data stream to back up each physical device
on the client. Multiple concurrent streams from a single physical device can adversely
affect backup times. Backup times are affected because the device heads must move
between the tracks that contain files for the respective streams.
Creating backup policies 800
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-21 Adjustable aspects of multiple data streams (continued)

Item Description

The number of streams that The following factors determine the number of streams that can run concurrently for a
run concurrently policy or client:

■ Number of the drives that are available.

■ Maximum concurrent jobs settings for the policy and client.
■ Storage unit and schedule multiplexing limit.
Each storage unit and each schedule have a maximum multiplexing setting. The
lower of the two settings is the limit for a specific schedule and storage unit. The
maximum streams are limited to the sum of the multiplexing limits for all drives
available in the storage unit and schedule combinations.
For example, assume that two storage units have one drive in each. Multiplexing
on storage unit 1 is set to 3 and multiplexing on storage unit 2 is set to 5. If
multiplexing is set to 5 or greater in the schedules, 8 streams can run concurrently.
See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” on page 854.

The maximum jobs settings limit the maximum number of streams as follows:

Table 21-22 Job settings that limit the maximum number of streams

Item Access method

Maximum jobs per client ■ In the left pane, expand NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
(host property) ■ Select Primary Servers, and in the right pane, double-click the primary server you
want to modify.
■ In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Global Attributes.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” on page 854.

Limit jobs per policy (policy ■ In the left pane, expand NetBackup Management > Policies.
attribute) ■ In the right pane, double-click a policy you want to modify.

See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

Maximum data streams ■ In the left pane, expand NetBackup Management > Host Properties.
(host property) ■ Select Primary Servers, and in the right pane, double-click the primary server you
want to modify.
■ In the properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Client Attributes.

See “General tab of the Client Attributes properties” on page 77.

Job settings also affect the maximum number of streams. The following table
describes the interdependency of these settings.
Creating backup policies 801
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-23 Interdependency of job settings

Item Description

Maximum data streams NetBackup uses the value that is specified by either Maximum jobs per client or Limit
property is disabled. jobs per policy, whichever is lower.

Maximum data streams NetBackup ignores Maximum jobs per client. Instead, NetBackup uses the value that
property is enabled. is specified by either Maximum data streams or Limit jobs per policy, whichever is

See “About the directives on the Backup Selections list ” on page 909.

Disable client-side deduplication (policy attribute)

The Disable client-side deduplication attribute appears only if the NetBackup
Data Protection Optimization Option license is active.
The clients that are configured for client-side deduplication behave as follows when
this attribute is enabled or disabled:

Enabled The clients do not deduplicate their own data and do not send their
backup data directly to the storage server. The NetBackup clients send
their data to a deduplication media server. That server deduplicates
the data and then sends it to the storage server.

Disabled The clients deduplicate their own data. They also send it directly to the
storage server. Media server deduplication and data transport are

The Deduplication property configures clients for client-side deduplication. The

Disable client-side deduplication policy attribute overrides the Deduplication
property. The Deduplication property is found on the General tab of the Client
Attributes host properties.
See “Where deduplication should occur” on page 81.
See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

Enable granular recovery (policy attribute)

The Enable granular recovery attribute is available for the following policy types:
■ MS-Exchange-Server
■ MS-SharePoint
■ MS-Windows (for Active Directory)
Creating backup policies 802
Policy Attributes tab

With this option enabled, users can restore the individual objects that reside within
a database backup image, such as:
■ A user account from an Active Directory database backup
■ Email messages or folders from an Exchange database backup
■ A document from a SharePoint database backup
NetBackup does not support the compression or encryption of backups that use
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT). When the Enable granular recovery option
is enabled, the Compression option and the Encryption option are automatically
Granular-level restores can be performed only if the backup was written to a disk
storage unit.
For more information on how to configure NetBackup to perform granular-level
backups, see the following:
■ NetBackup for SharePoint Server Administrator’s Guide
■ NetBackup for Exchange Server Administrator’s Guide
■ See “Active Directory granular backups and recovery” on page 939.

Use Accelerator (policy attribute)

NetBackup Accelerator increases the speed of full backups. The increase in speed
is made possible by change detection techniques on the client. The client uses the
change detection techniques and the client's current file system to identify the
changes that occurred since the last backup. The client sends the changed data
to the media server in a more efficient backup stream. The media server combines
the changed data with the rest of the client's data that is stored in previous backups.
If a file or portion of a file is already in storage and has not been changed, the media
server uses the copy in storage rather than reading it from the client. The end result
is a full NetBackup backup.
Accelerator has the following advantages:
■ Reduces the I/O and CPU overhead on the client. The result is a faster backup
and less load on the client.
■ Creates a compact backup stream that uses less network bandwidth between
client and server.
■ Creates a full image that contains all data that is needed for restore.
Creating backup policies 803
Policy Attributes tab

Note: Accelerator operates differently when used for backup of virtual machines,
NDMP, and databases.
For full details on Accelerator for VMware, see the NetBackup for VMware
Administrator's Guide.
For full details on Accelerator for NDMP, see the NetBackup for NDMP
Administrator's Guide.
For full details on Accelerator for Oracle, SharePoint, Exchange, or SQL Server,
see the NetBackup guide for that agent.

How the NetBackup Accelerator works

The NetBackup Accelerator creates the backup stream and backup image as follows:
■ If the client has no previous backup, NetBackup performs a full backup and
creates a track log. The track log contains information about the client's data,
for comparison at the next backup.
■ At the next backup, NetBackup identifies data that has changed since the
previous backup. To do so, it compares information from the track log against
information from the file system for each file. For NTFS and ReFS file systems,
it also uses the Windows change journal to help identify the data that has
changed since the last backup.
Accelerator uses the Windows change journal in two ways: To check for changes
in the file system metadata, and to help detect which files have changed since
the last backup.
See “Accelerator and the Windows change journal” on page 805.
■ The NetBackup client sends to the media server a backup stream that consists
of the following: The client's changed blocks, and the previous backup ID and
data extents (block offset and size) of the unchanged blocks.
■ The media server receives the client's changed blocks and the backup ID and
data extents of the unchanged blocks. From the backup ID and file system
descriptors, the media server locates the rest of the client's data in existing
■ The media server directs the storage server to write the changed blocks and
the unchanged blocks in a new full image.
Figure 21-6 shows how an Accelerator backup stream is composed.
Creating backup policies 804
Policy Attributes tab

Figure 21-6 NetBackup client: Accelerator backup stream

Files in backup selections:

H1 data H2 data H3 data ... H10 data

Comparison with track log

indicates H2 data is new:
The rest is unchanged.

Client creates backup stream:

Hn1 H2 data Hn3 ... Hn10

n = indicates data is unchanged. For unchanged

data, stream supplies backup ID, block offset, and
size, for reference to previous backups.

Figure 21-7 shows how the media server constructs a backup image from the
Accelerator stream and from previous backups:

Figure 21-7 NetBackup media server constructs backup image

Backup stream Media server reads backup stream

Hn1 H2 data Hn3 ... Hn10
from client and locates H1 and H3 – H10 data in
existing backups:

Existing backup
H1 data unused H3 data ... H10 data
image in storage

Media server tells storage server to write changed blocks (H2

data) and unchanged blocks in a new full image:
New backup
H1 data H2 data H3 data ... H10 data

Figure 21-8 recaps Accelerator details in the context of the principal NetBackup
Creating backup policies 805
Policy Attributes tab

Figure 21-8 Process overview of Accelerator backup

Master server

nbjm bpdbm

Client Media server

Client compares file

bpbrm Media server reads backup stream
system to track log.
and locates unchanged data in
Creates compact backup
existing backups:
stream: changed data,
plus backup extents for bpbkar
H1 data unused H3 data ... H10 data
unchanged data.
bptm tells storage server to write
Hn1 H2 data Hn3 ... Hn10 changed blocks (and unchanged
bptm blocks from existing backups) in a
new image.

Storage server

New backup image:

H1 data H2 data H3 data ... H10 data

Accelerator and the Windows change journal

For Windows NTFS and ReFS file systems, the Accelerator uses the Windows
change journal to help identify the files that changed since the previous backup.
The extent to which the Windows change journal is used depends on the following:
■ Whether the Use Change Journal option has been enabled for the NetBackup
■ Whether the policy contains a schedule with the Accelerator forced rescan
option enabled.
Creating backup policies 806
Policy Attributes tab

Note: Regardless of the Use Change Journal setting or the Accelerator forced
rescan setting, the Windows change journal always helps determine if a file has

Table 21-24 How Accelerator uses the Windows change journal

NetBackup configuration Accelerator use of change journal

The Use Change Journal option For full backups and incremental backups, NetBackup examines the metadata for
is not enabled every file to determine if the file has changed. Even without the Use Change
Journal option, the Windows change journal helps determine if a file has changed.

The Use Change Journal option The Windows change journal helps determine if a file has changed during both full
is enabled but the Accelerator backups and incremental backups.
forced rescan option is not
■ During incremental backups, the Windows change journal is used exclusively
enabled on any of the policy's
to determine if a file has changed. NetBackup does not examine the file
■ During full backups, NetBackup examines the metadata for every file, to
determine whether the file has changed. In addition, NetBackup uses the
Windows change journal to help determine whether a file has changed.

The Use Change Journal option The Windows change journal helps determine if a file has changed during both full
is enabled and the Accelerator backups and incremental backups.
forced rescan option is enabled
■ During incremental backups, the Windows change journal is used exclusively
on at least one of the policy's
to determine if a file has changed. NetBackup does not examine the file
■ During full backups:
■ For a full backup schedule that does not enable the Accelerator forced
rescan option:
The Windows change journal is used exclusively to determine if a file has
changed. NetBackup does not examine the file metadata.
■ For a full backup schedule that enables the Accelerator forced rescan
NetBackup examines the metadata for every file, to determine whether the
file has changed. In addition, NetBackup uses the Windows change journal
to help determine whether a file has changed.

Accelerator notes and requirements

Note the following about the NetBackup Accelerator:
■ NetBackup Accelerator requires the Data Protection Optimization Option license.
For the latest information on licensing, contact your NetBackup sales or partner
Creating backup policies 807
Policy Attributes tab

■ Supports the disk storage units only. Supported storage includes Media Server
Deduplication Pool, NetBackup appliance, cloud storage, and qualified
third-party OST storage.
For supported storage types, see the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server
- Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List at the following URL:
■ Storage unit groups are supported only if the storage unit selection in the group
is Failover.
■ Supports the MS-Windows and Standard policy types. Supports all features of
NetBackup that work with the MS-Windows or Standard policy types.

Note: Accelerator operates differently when used for backup of virtual machines,
NDMP, or Oracle databases. For full details, see the following:
NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide
NetBackup for NDMP Administrator's Guide
NetBackup for Oracle Administrator's Guide

■ Accelerator backups ignore the policy attribute that resets the atime on files
after backup.
By default, NetBackup records the file access time (atime) for each UNIX file
that it backs up, and then resets the atime after the file is backed up. Resetting
the atime in this way causes the change time (ctime) to update as well. The
Reset file access time to the value before backup policy attribute normally
controls this behavior (the default is enabled).
When NetBackup Accelerator is used to perform backups, NetBackup does not
reset the atime after the file is backed up, regardless of the policy attribute
setting. NetBackup does not reset the atime (which avoids updating the ctime)
because a ctime update would require a loss in Accelerator optimization.
See “Client Settings properties for UNIX clients” on page 88.
■ Supports the full backups and incremental backups.
See “Accelerator backups and the NetBackup catalog” on page 809.
■ Supports all platforms, file systems, and logical volumes that NetBackup
■ Supports the Windows NTFS and ReFS change journal (Use Change Journal)
but does not support the VxFS change journal.
■ For every policy that enables the Use Accelerator option, the following backup
schedules are recommended at a minimum:
Creating backup policies 808
Policy Attributes tab

A full backup schedule with the Accelerator forced rescan option enabled.
Another full backup schedule without the Accelerator forced rescan option
See “Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute)” on page 840.
■ If Collect true image restore information is enabled in the policy, NetBackup
performs a regular file system scan to determine the files and folders to include
in the backup. It also queries the change journal to help determine which files
have changed.
More information is available on the Use change journal option and the
See “Accelerator and the Windows change journal” on page 805.
■ If a previous backup of the client does not exist, NetBackup performs a full
backup and creates a track log on the client. This initial backup occurs at the
speed of a normal (not accelerated) full backup. Subsequent Accelerator backups
of the client use the track log for accelerated backup speed.

Note: When you first enable a policy to use Accelerator, the next backup
(whether full or incremental) is in effect a full backup: It backs up all files in the
Backup Selections tab. If that backup was scheduled as an incremental, it may
not complete within the backup window.

■ NetBackup retains track logs for future Accelerator backups. Whenever you
change the policy's backup selections list, NetBackup does a full non-accelerated
backup of the selections that were changed or added in the list. The unchanged
backup selections are processed as normal Accelerator backups.
■ If the storage unit that is associated with the policy cannot be validated when
you create the policy, note: The storage unit is validated later when the backup
job begins. If Accelerator does not support the storage unit, the backup fails. In
the bpbrm log, a message appears that is similar to one of the following:

Storage server %s, type %s, doesn't support image include.

Storage server type %s, doesn't support accelerator backup.

■ Accelerator requires that the storage have the OptimizedImage attribute enabled.
■ The Expire after copy retention can cause images to expire while the backup
runs. To synthesize a new full backup, the SLP backup needs the previous
backup image. If the previous image expires during the backup, the backup
Creating backup policies 809
Policy Attributes tab

Accelerator backups and the NetBackup catalog

Use of Accelerator does not affect the size of the NetBackup catalog. A full backup
with Accelerator generates the same catalog size as a full backup of the same data
without Accelerator. The same is true of incremental backups: use of Accelerator
does not require more catalog space than the same backup without Accelerator.
A potential catalog effect does exist, depending on how often you use Accelerator
with full backups. A full backup with Accelerator completes faster than a normal
full. It may therefore be tempting to replace your incremental backups with
Accelerator full backups. Note: Since a full backup requires more catalog space
than an incremental, replacing incrementals with fulls increases the catalog size.
When changing your incrementals to fulls, you must weigh the advantage of
Accelerator fulls against the greater catalog space that fulls require compared to
See “Configuring Accelerator” on page 809.

Configuring Accelerator
The following table outlines the procedure to configure the full backups that use
the NetBackup Accelerator.

Table 21-25 To configure Accelerator on full backups

Task Procedure and notes

Make sure that you have a Accelerator supports disk storage units only. Supported storage unit types are
storage unit that supports PureDisk (Media Server Deduplication Pool and NetBackup appliance), cloud
Accelerator. storage, and qualified third-party OST storage.

The NetBackup device mapping files contain a complete list of supported storage
units (see the next task).
Note: Storage unit groups are supported only if the storage unit selection in the
group is Failover.

Update the NetBackup device The NetBackup device mapping files contain all storage device types that
mapping files if needed. NetBackup can use. To add support for the new devices or upgraded devices that
support Accelerator, download the current device mapping files from the Veritas
Technical Support.
See “About the device mapping files” on page 484.

See “Downloading the device mapping files” on page 484.

Creating backup policies 810
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-25 To configure Accelerator on full backups (continued)

Task Procedure and notes

Configure a Standard, Select the following on the policy Attributes tab:

MS-Windows, VMware, NDMP,
■ A disk storage unit that supports Accelerator.
or Oracle backup policy.
■ The Use Accelerator option.

Accelerator operates differently when used for backup of virtual machines, NDMP,
or Oracle databases. For full details, see the following guides:

■ The NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.

■ The NetBackup for NDMP Administrator's Guide.
■ The NetBackup for Oracle Administrator's Guide.

To periodically establish a new This option provides an additional level of Accelerator change detection in the
baseline of change detection on client's data. This option reduces the speed of Accelerator.
the client, you can select the
See “Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute)” on page 840.
Accelerator forced rescan
option on the Schedule Attribute See “Accelerator and the Windows change journal” on page 805.
tab of the policy.

Accelerator messages in the backup job details log

A NetBackup backup that uses Accelerator writes a message similar to the following
in the job details log:

11/23/2011 10:50:27 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=412) accelerator enabled

When NetBackup uses the NTFS or ReFS change journal for the backup, messages
similar to the following appear in the job details log:

9/24/2011 8:54:14 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=7868) change journal enabled

for <C:\>

9/24/2011 8:54:14 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=7868) using change journal

data for <C:\>

If the NTFS or ReFS change journal cannot be used, a message of the following
form appears in the job details log:

not using change journal data for <backup selection>: <reason ...>

See “Log messages about the Use Change Journal option and Accelerator”
on page 811.
When the Accelerator forced rescan option is used, a message similar to the
following appears in the job details log:
Creating backup policies 811
Policy Attributes tab

9/25/2011 5:46:52 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=4136) Accelerator enabled

backup with checksum based change detection needs to read each file and
calculate the checksum, and will have longer backup time.

See “Log messages about the Use Change Journal option and Accelerator”
on page 811.

NetBackup logs for Accelerator

For log messages about Accelerator, see the following NetBackup log directories.

Table 21-26 NetBackup logs that pertain to Accelerator

Log directory Resides on

Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpbrm NetBackup master or media server

UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbrm

Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bptm NetBackup media server

UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm

Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar NetBackup client

UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpbkar

To create the log directories, run the following command on the NetBackup servers
and client:
On Windows:


Log messages about the Use Change Journal option and

The Accelerator uses the NTFS or ReFS change journal to help identify data
changes on the Windows client. The following table describes the change journal
messages that may appear in the NetBackup job details log in the Activity Monitor.
The left column lists the messages.
For Accelerator backups, these messages indicate various impediments to the use
of the Windows change journal. In general, they indicate either of the following:
■ That the Accelerator cannot use the change journal for the backup. To use the
change journal, you may need to reconfigure the policy.
Creating backup policies 812
Policy Attributes tab

■ That the Accelerator cannot exclusively use the change journal to detect changes
in the file system. NetBackup examines the file system metadata for each file,
to detect which files have changed. It also uses the change journal to help detect
which files have changed.

Note: In the following messages, the variable <%%s> represents the items in your
backup selections list.

The change journal messages often appear in pairs. The first message indicates
why the change journal cannot be used. For example:
not using change journal data for <%%s>: forced rescan requested

The second message indicates that the Accelerator nevertheless can use the
change journal to detect changed files:
not using change journal data for enumeration for <%%s> but will use
it for change detection

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change NetBackup uses the change journal to help detect which files have changed. NetBackup
journal data for also examines the file system metadata for each file to help detect which files have
enumeration for <%%s> changed.
but will use it for Note: Before this message appears, another message explains why NetBackup does
change detection not rely entirely on the change journal data to detect changed files.

not using change The Accelerator forced rescan option is enabled on the full backup schedule for the
journal data for policy. As a result, NetBackup cannot rely entirely on the change journal data to detect
<%%s>: forced rescan changed files. NetBackup also examines the file system metadata for each file to help
requested detect which files have changed.
Creating backup policies 813
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log) (continued)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change The backup uses a number of filters to determine which files and directories to include
journal data for in the backup. The filters are the following: NetBackup exclude and include lists, the
<%%s>: filter checksum files and directories that are included in the Shadow Copy Components and in the
calculation failed system state backup, and others.

During a backup, a checksum is calculated against the filters. When a new backup
runs, the checksum for the current backup is compared against the checksum of the
previous backup. If the checksums do not match, the change journal data cannot be
used. Instead, Accelerator performs a regular file system scan to determine the files
and folders to include in the backup.

No action is required. If the filters do not change between backups, the change journal
data is used at the next backup.

not using change Accelerator cannot use the Use Change Journal option in the following cases:
journal data for
■ No previous backup exists: No baseline update sequence number (USN) was
<%%s>: unable to
established from the NTFS change journal.
validate change
■ The previous backup was not successful.
journal usage
<reason=%%s> In these cases, the Use Change Journal option cannot be used. Accelerator performs
a regular file system scan to determine the files and folders to include in the backup.

No action is required. Accelerator uses the Use Change Journal option at the next
backup if all conditions are met.

not using change Accelerator cannot use the Use Change Journal option in the following cases:
journal data for
■ Too much activity has occurred on the system (records were purged from the change
<%%s>: unable to
journal databases before they could be processed).
initialize change
■ Data corruption occurred.
journal usage
<reason=%%s> Instead, Accelerator performs a regular file system scan to determine the files and
folders to include in the backup.

No action is required. When records have been purged, a new baseline is created
when the current backup completes. If corruption existed, it is detected and the
databases are re-created. Accelerator uses the Use Change Journal option at the
next backup.

not using change Accelerator cannot use the Use Change Journal option if a change corresponds to a
journal data for hard link or to a reparse point. Note that the change may correspond to any number
<%%s>: hard link or of files and directories and the NTFS change journal does not track all of them.
reparse point change No action is required. If no further changes occur to hard links or reparse points, the
detected Use Change Journal option can be used at the next backup.
Creating backup policies 814
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log) (continued)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change Collect true image restore information or Collect true image restore information
journal data for with move detection is specified in the policy. To process the files and determine
<%%s>: not supported which files have changed, NetBackup performs a regular file system scan to determine
with true image the files and folders to include in the backup. It also queries the change journal to help
backups determine which files have changed.

not using change Accelerator does not support the selected schedule type with the Use Change Journal
journal data for option.
<%%s>: invalid
The Use Change Journal option is supported for incremental backups (cumulative or
schedule type differential) or full backups. For full backups, Use Accelerator must be enabled on the
policy Attributes tab.

not using change In the backup selections, a path contains a reparse point (directory junction or a symbolic
journal data for link). The Use Change Journal option cannot be used. NetBackup must perform a
<%%s>: path must be regular file system scan to back up the directories correctly.
local and not contain
directory junctions
and/or symbolic links

not using change The Use Change Journal option was recently enabled. After Use Change Journal
journal data for is first enabled, the NetBackup client may need time to process the NTFS change
<%%s>: change journal journal and set up its databases.
setup is not complete The Use Change Journal option may be ready at the next backup.
(may still be in

not using change The Use Change Journal option was recently enabled. After Use Change Journal
journal data for is first enabled, the NetBackup client may need time to process the NTFS change
<%%s>: unable to journal and set up its databases.
locate journal data The Use Change Journal option may be ready at the next backup.

not using change When many changes occur on a volume, the NetBackup Client Service may need to
journal data for increase the size of the internal databases. As a result, the databases may become
<%%s>: invalid change invalid.
journal data After the databases are increased in size and are synchronized with the NTFS change
journal, they are marked as valid. The Use Change Journal option is used with the
next backup.
Creating backup policies 815
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log) (continued)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change For a snapshot-based backup, NetBackup uses the change journal databases on the
journal data for snapshot instead of on the live volume. An error occurred when NetBackup attempted
<%%s>: unable to apply to open the databases on the snapshot.
snapshot When the next backup runs, NetBackup creates a new snapshot and the databases
may be opened without error.

not using change No previous full backup exists that used Accelerator.
journal data for
NetBackup supports the Use Change Journal option with Accelerator on a full backup
<%%s>: no previous
only if a previous full backup exists that used Accelerator.
track log

not using change The Use Accelerator option is not enabled on the policy.
journal data for
For full backups, the Use Change Journal option requires that Use Accelerator is
<%%s>: not supported
with regular full

not using change If a backup is partially successful (status code 1), the next Accelerator backup cannot
journal data for use the Use Change Journal option.
<%%s>: unable to
NetBackup can use the Use Change Journal option after the next successful backup.
validate change
journal usage
backup wasn't a
successful backup>

not using change A backup selection in the policy is a resource for which the Windows change journal
journal data for is not supported. Examples of unsupported resources are FAT volumes and FAT32
<%%s>: not supported volumes.

not using change The backup has attempted to use a remote frozen image. The Use Change Journal
journal data for option is not supported with remote frozen images.
<%%s>: not supported
for remote frozen

not using change The Use Change Journal option is not enabled.
journal data for
<%%s>: not enabled
Creating backup policies 816
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log) (continued)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change The Use Change Journal option is not enabled.
journal data for
<%%s>: not configured
for use

not using change An internal error occurred. The volumes to back up should be checked to ensure that
journal data for a volume GUID is associated with each volume.
<%%s>: unable to
determine volume guid

not using change To use the change journal data, NetBackup must be able to take a snapshot of the
journal data for backup volume to correctly identify and handle open files. This error occurs if a backup
<%%s>: snapshot has runs before NetBackup can take a snapshot of the volume. If a snapshot can be taken
not been applied before the next backup occurs, NetBackup may be able to use change journal data at
(unable to track open the next backup.

not using change The Use Change Journal option is only supported for Standard or MS-Windows
journal data for policies.
<%%s>: invalid policy

not using change On the client, NetBackup keeps track of both Accelerator backups and change
journal data for journal-based backups. If the lists of these backups do not match, one of the following
<%%s>: list of occurred:
accelerator based ■ An Accelerator backup occurred that did not use the change journal.
backups does not match
■ A change journal-based backup occurred that did not use the Accelerator.
list of change journal
based backups If either case, the Use Change Journal option cannot be used until the next full backup

not using change The change journal databases are fixed in size: they can contain only a fixed number
journal data for of records. If the volume undergoes a lot of activity, records may be purged from the
<%%s>: previous backup change journal database before a backup can process them. In that case, the Use
had change journal Change Journal option cannot be used. No action is required. Accelerator uses the
data that was not Use Change Journal option at the next backup if all conditions are met.
complete (missing usn
Creating backup policies 817
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-27 Accelerator messages on the Windows Use Change Journal

option (job details log) (continued)

Message in NetBackup Description

job details

not using change The backup selection in the policy is not for a local volume. For example, the backup
journal data for selection specifies a UNC path.
<%%s>: not supported
for non-local volumes
/ file systems

not using change This message appears only during Accelerator full backups. To use the change journal
journal data for data during Accelerator full backups, a policy schedule with the Accelerator forced
<%%s>: no forced rescan option is required.
rescan schedule

not using change This message appears only during full backups, when the policy is not configured with
journal data for the Accelerator forced rescan option.
<%%s>: forcing rescan,
Before this message appears, another message explains why the change journal data
each file will be read cannot be used.
in order to validate

About reporting the amount of Accelerator backup data

that was transferred over the network
For Accelerator backup reporting, several NetBackup commands can report the
amount of data that is transferred over the network for each Accelerator backup.
The amount of transferred data is often much less than the size of the Accelerator
backup image.
For each Accelerator backup, NetBackup combines the client's (or VM's) changed
blocks with the unchanged data from previous backups to synthesize a backup
image. However, NetBackup sends only the changed data over the network when
the backup occurs. The resulting backup image may be much larger than the amount
of backup data that travels the network. For backup reporting, it may be important
to distinguish between the backup image size and the amount of data that was
transferred over the network.
For Accelerator backups, the network-transferred data can appear in the output of
the following NetBackup commands: bpdbjobs, bpimagelist, and bpclimagelist.
Table 21-28 lists the default location of these commands.
Creating backup policies 818
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-28 Default location of bpdbjobs, bpimagelist, and bpclimagelist

Command Default location

bpdbjobs, Windows:

UNIX, Linux


bpclimagelist Windows:


UNIX, Linux


The following example uses the bpimagelist command to show the results of a
backup of acmevm2:
bpimagelist -backupid acmevm2

Example output:

In this example, the backup image size in kilobytes is 7799632, and the amount of
data that was transferred over the network is 225792.
You can use the following commands to show the amount of data that was
transferred over the network for an Accelerator backup.

bpimagelist -backupid backup_id [-l | -L | -json | -json_compact]
Creating backup policies 819
Policy Attributes tab

Brackets [ ] indicate optional elements, and the vertical bars | indicate that you can
choose only one of the options within the brackets.
Table 21-29 describes how the network-transferred data field appears in the
bpimagelist output.

Table 21-29 The bpimagelist options that show the amount of

network-transferred data for Accelerator backups

bpimagelist How the network-transferred data field appears


No option The field is unlabeled. For example: 225792

See the bpimagelist example output earlier in this topic.

-l The field is unlabeled (same as no option). For example: 225792

-L The field is labeled. For example:

Kilobytes Data Transferred: 225792

-json The field is labeled. For example:

"kilobytes_data_transferred": 225792,

-json_compact The field is labeled. For example:


bpdbjobs –jobid job_id -report –most_columns

bpdbjobs –jobid job_id -report –all_columns

The network-transferred data field appears at the end of the output.

bpclimagelist -client client_name

This command can only show the network-transferred data in the field that normally
shows the Accelerator backup image size. To show the network-transferred data
with this command, you must configure a NetBackup setting:
See “Replacing the Accelerator image size with the network-transferred data in
NetBackup command output” on page 820.
Additional details on these commands are available in the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide or in the NetBackup man pages.
Creating backup policies 820
Policy Attributes tab

Replacing the Accelerator image size with the

network-transferred data in NetBackup command output
You can configure the output of bpimagelist, bpdbjobs, and bpclimagelist to
show the amount of Accelerator backup data that was transferred over the network
instead of the backup image size.
The following is the default bpimagelist output that shows the Accelerator image
size (see the circled value 7799632). The amount of network-transferred data
appears farther down in the output (225792):

You can configure NetBackup command output to show the network-transferred

data in the image size field. In the output, the image size value is replaced with the
network-transferred data value (see the following example). A script that reads the
image size from the command output now reads the amount of network-transferred
In the following bpimagelist output, the image size field shows the
network-transferred data (225792):
Creating backup policies 821
Policy Attributes tab

Note: The same change occurs in the labeled output of the commands (such as
with the -L option of bpimagelist). For example, the Kilobytes field shows the
transferred data value (225792 in the example) rather than the Accelerator backup
image size.

To enable the reporting of network-transferred data in the Accelerator image

size field of bpimagelist, bpdbjobs, and bpclimagelist
Use the bpsetconfig command to enable the output change.
To enable this change for the bpclimagelist command, enter the bpsetconfig
command on the primary server. To enable this change for bpimagelist or
bpdbjobs, enter the bpsetconfig command on the server where you intend
to run bpimagelist or bpdbjobs.
Refer to Table 21-30 for the bpsetconfig command to use based on the type
of Accelerator backup that you want to report on.

Table 21-30 To enable the reporting of network-transferred data in the

Accelerator image size field of bpimagelist, bpclimagelist, or
bpdbjobs output

Type of backup Enter this command

to report on

Incremental Windows
Accelerator virtual
(VMware and FOR_ACCL_INC_VIRTUAL | install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpsetconfig
UNIX, Linux


FOR_ACCL_INC_VIRTUAL" | /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig

All Accelerator Windows

virtual machine
and Hyper-V, full FOR_ACCL_ALL_VIRTUAL | install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpsetconfig
and incremental)
UNIX, Linux


FOR_ACCL_ALL_VIRTUAL" | /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig
Creating backup policies 822
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-30 To enable the reporting of network-transferred data in the

Accelerator image size field of bpimagelist, bpclimagelist, or
bpdbjobs output (continued)

Type of backup Enter this command

to report on

All incremental Windows

clients and virtual FOR_ACCL_INC_ALL | install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpsetconfig
UNIX, Linux


FOR_ACCL_INC_ALL" | /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig

All Accelerator Windows

backups (full and
physical clients FOR_ACCL_ALL_ALL | install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpsetconfig
and virtual
UNIX, Linux
FOR_ACCL_ALL_ALL" | /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpsetconfig

To reset the command output to the default setting

To disable the reporting of network-transferred data in the Accelerator image
size field (return to default), enter the following:

UNIX, Linux

Enable optimized backup of Windows deduplicated volumes

Select this attribute to enable optimized backups of optimized files on a Microsoft
Data Deduplication file system.
Creating backup policies 823
Policy Attributes tab

See “About backups and restores of Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems”
on page 823.
If a client has a Microsoft Data Deduplication file system configured, NetBackup
performs an optimized backup of optimized files. (Unoptimized files are backed up
as full, intact files.) If the client does not have a Microsoft Data Deduplication file
system, a normal file backup occurs.
If you do not select this option, NetBackup still backs up the files but does so as
intact files: the files are fully reconstructed and backed up as complete files. An
unoptimized backup of optimized files is not efficient: it takes extra time and extra
disk activity to reconstruct each file. However, restores are faster because
NetBackup does not reconstruct the files (restores are unoptimized regardless of
the type of backup).

Note: For easier management, it is recommended creating a separate policy to

back up deduplicated volumes.
Only full backups are optimized. Incremental and user backups are backed up as
full, intact files.

This option is supported on the Microsoft operating systems that support Data
Deduplication file systems. For supported Microsoft operating systems, see the
Microsoft documentation.
See “Configuration for Microsoft Data Deduplication file system backups”
on page 825.
See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.

About backups and restores of Microsoft Data

Deduplication file systems
Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems store files in one of two different states,
as follows:

Unoptimized files Files that do not qualify for optimization (that is, data deduplication
within the file system).

Optimized files Files that have been deconstructed, and only their unique data
segments are stored on the file system.

NetBackup can do either optimized backups or unoptimized backups of the Microsoft

Data Deduplication file systems, as follows:
Creating backup policies 824
Policy Attributes tab

Table 21-31 Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems backup types

Type Description

Unoptimized An unoptimized backup is one in which the Enable optimized backup of Windows deduplicated
backup volumes policy attribute is not selected.

NetBackup re-assembles the optimized files and backs them up as full, intact files. The storage
savings of the Data Duplication file system are not retained in the backup. The optimized files
remain optimized on the Data Deduplication file systems. The unoptimized files are backed up
as full, intact files.

NetBackup supports any type of storage destination for unoptimized backups of Microsoft Data
Deduplication file systems.

Optimized backups An optimized backup is one in which the Enable optimized backup of Windows deduplicated
volumes policy attribute is selected. Only full backups are optimized. For incremental and user
backups, each file to be backed up is reconstructed and backed up in its full form.

For optimized files, NetBackup backs up the chunk store and the metadata that maps the files
to their segments in the chunk store. The chunk store is a location in the file system that contains
the data segments that comprise the files. For unoptimized files, NetBackup backs them up as
full, intact files.
The following are the attributes for an optimized backup of Microsoft Data Deduplication file

■ The policy must be a MS-Windows policy type.

■ The storage destination must be BasicDisk storage.
■ The Enable Optimized Backup for supported Windows File Systems policy attribute must
be selected.
See “Enable optimized backup of Windows deduplicated volumes” on page 822.
■ The system drive C: cannot be backed up. Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems cannot
be used for system drives.
■ Ensure that the Collect true image restore information policy attribute is not selected for
this policy. TIR and optimized backups cannot be mixed. If this option is selected, the backup
defaults to a non-optimized backup.
The following actions are recommended for backups of Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems:

■ Run a Microsoft optimization job and a Microsoft garbage collection job before you run a full
backup of deduplicated volumes. One way to do so is to configure a Deduplication Schedule
in the Windows Server Manager.
■ If you want to restore entire volumes, configure a disk image backup of the volumes. A disk
image backup saves time and ensures that the storage requirement can be met with the
existing volume.
See “Pathname rules for Windows disk image (raw) backups” on page 897.

Optimized backups are supported on the Microsoft operating systems that support Data
Deduplication file systems. For supported Microsoft operating systems, see the Microsoft
Creating backup policies 825
Policy Attributes tab

To restore optimized backups, use the Restore from Optimized Backup option
in the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface.
Note the following items regarding restores from optimized backups:
■ Can only be restored to Microsoft Data Deduplication file systems.
■ Restores from optimized backups of Microsoft Data Deduplication files systems
using the Microsoft deduplication API are slow. First, the image must be mounted
through NFS. Then, the image must be accessed through the Microsoft
deduplication API, which requests data in the amounts that may be inefficient.
The process to restore an entire drive may take a very long time.
Therefore, NetBackup restores all files as full, intact files (that is, non-optimized).
The files are then optimized during the next scheduled file system optimization
job, or you can initiate optimization manually. You should ensure that you have
adequate storage for the restored files in their unoptimized state.

Configuration for Microsoft Data Deduplication file system

For NetBackup to do an optimized backup of Microsoft Data Deduplication file
systems, specific Windows software must be installed and configured, as follows:
■ Microsoft Server for NFS must be installed on the NetBackup media server. Use
Windows Server Manager to add the role. Enable the NFS services. (By default,
the NFS services are not enabled.)
■ Microsoft Client for NFS must be installed on the Windows host that is to be
backed up. Use Windows Server Manager to add the role. Without Client for
NFS, restores cannot be performed.
■ The Deduplication role must be installed on the Windows host that is to be
backed up by using the Windows Server Manager interface.
Also, ensure that the NetBackup Client Service is configured to run as Administrator.
If not, restores from the optimized backups fail.

Keyword phrase (policy attribute)

The Keyword phrase attribute is a phrase that NetBackup associates with all
backups or archives based on the policy. Only the Windows and UNIX client
interfaces support keyword phrases.
Clients can use the same keyword phrase for more than one policy. The same
phrase for multiple policies makes it possible to link backups from related policies.
For example, use the keyword phrase “legal department documents” for backups
of multiple clients that require separate policies, but contain similar types of data.
Creating backup policies 826
Policy Attributes tab

The phrase can be a maximum of 128 characters in length. All printable characters
are permitted including spaces and periods. By default, the keyword phrase is blank.
Clients can also specify a keyword phrase for a user backup or archive. A user
keyword phrase overrides the policy phrase.

Snapshot Client and Replication Director (policy attributes)

The Snapshot Client attributes are available when the NetBackup Enterprise Client
license is installed. A snapshot is a point-in-time, read-only, disk-based copy of a
client volume.
For more information about configuring snapshots, see the following guides:
■ NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator’s Guide
■ NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide
■ NetBackup for VMware Administrator’s Guide
■ NetBackup for Hyper-V Administrator’s Guide

Perform block level incremental backups (policy attributes)

The Perform block level incremental backups attribute allows NetBackup to back
up only the changed data blocks of VMware virtual machines and Oracle or DB2
database files.
For details, refer to the appropriate NetBackup database agent guide or to the
NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide.

Use Replication Director (policy attributes)

Enable the Use Replication Director attribute when configuring a backup policy
for Replication Director. By enabling this policy attribute, NetBackup enables other
policy attributes that Replication Director requires:
■ Perform snapshot backups
Ensures that the policy creates snapshots of the disk array.
■ Retain snapshots for Instant Recovery or SLP management
Ensures that the policy retains the snapshot after the backup completes.
■ Perform off-host backup
This option is selected automatically for an NDMP policy, along with the following
■ To use Data Mover
Creating backup policies 827
Policy Attributes tab

■ NDMP as the Machine selection.

■ Replication Director Options

Click the Options button to see the Replication Director Options dialog box
and the default Configuration Parameters as follows:

Snapshot ■ Auto (default): The OpenStorage partner uses the best snapshot
Type technology available to that partner to create the snapshot.
■ Differential: The OpenStorage partner creates a snapshot that is
completely dependent on the source. This parameter is based on
copy-on-write technology. The device creates a cache object to maintain
the original blocks of the snapshot when the blocks are modified.
■ Plex: The OpenStorage Partner creates a snapshot that is completely
independent of the source snapshot. This option is based on
mirror-break-off technology. When a mirror device is attached to the
source, the contents of the mirror device is exactly the same as the
source device. When the relationship is broken between the two, the
mirror device is separated from the source. The mirror device acts as
a point-in-time copy.
■ Clone: The OpenStorage Partner creates an independent copy of the
volume. The copy process can take some time as the entire copy must
be complete. The snapshot that is created is independent of the source.

Maximum Sets the maximum number of Instant Recovery snapshots to be retained

Snapshots at one time. When the maximum is reached, snapshot rotation occurs: The
next snapshot causes the oldest to be deleted.

Managed by SLP retention is automatically selected if the Fixed or the

Expire after Copy retention is currently selected in the SLP.

For additional information about Replication Director configuration, see the

NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide.
See “About NetBackup Replication Director” on page 1149.

Validate Policy dialog box

The Validate Policy dialog box appears for the backup policies that are configured
for Replication Director and are not Exchange, Oracle, or VMware policies. The
dialog box appears upon selecting OK to save and close the policy.
To ensure that the backup policy can run successfully, NetBackup validates the
policy according to the validation level that you select.
Select the validation level for the policy:
■ Complete
Performs full topology validation on underlying storage with provisioning.
Creating backup policies 828
Schedules tab

Provisioning dynamically allocates NetApp storage space to each volume or

LUN as data is written.
NetBackup checks the storage space on the resource pool members and
performs SnapVault and SnapMirror access checks.
■ Basic
Performs a subset of topology validation on underlying storage without
NetBackup checks all policies to ensure that the client can perform a snapshot
of the data that is indicated in the Backup Selections list.
NetBackup performs license checks, performs SnapVault and SnapMirror access
status checks, and checks the CIFS/NFS status.
■ None
No topology validation or provisioning.
NetBackup does not check the topology and does not provision the underlying
If the policy validation finds no problems, the policy saves and closes. If validation
problems are found, NetBackup displays a message that contains an error code
and a description.

Perform snapshot backups (policy attributes)

The Perform snapshot backups attribute ensures that the policy creates snapshots
of the volumes that are indicated in the policy.

Microsoft Exchange Attributes (policy attributes)

The Microsoft Exchange attributes let you indicate the database backup source
to use for the Exchange Database Availability Group.
See the NetBackup for Exchange Server Administrator’s Guide.

Schedules tab
The schedules that are defined on the Schedules tab determine when backups
occur for the selected policy. Each schedule also includes various criteria, such as
how long to retain the backups.
From the policy Schedules tab, perform the following tasks:
■ To create a new schedule, click New.
■ To edit a schedule, select the schedule and click Change.
■ To delete a schedule, select the schedule and click Delete.
Creating backup policies 829
Schedule Attributes tab

Schedule attributes appear on the following tabs:

Attributes tab Schedule the time and frequency at which a task runs,
along with other scheduled attributes.

See “Schedule Attributes tab ” on page 829.

Start Window tab Schedule the time of each day that a task runs.

See “Start Window tab ” on page 861.

Exclude Days tab Indicate the days that a job cannot run.

See “Excluding days from a schedule ” on page 865.

Include Dates tab Schedule the run days for a task by indicating specific
dates, recurring weekdays, recurring days of the month.
(This tab appears only when Calendar is selected as
the Schedule type.)

See “Include Dates tab ” on page 866.

Schedule Attributes tab

The schedule Attributes tab contains both schedule information and other
configuration options, beyond when the job is to run.
Creating backup policies 830
Schedule Attributes tab

Figure 21-9 Schedule Attributes tab

The following topics describe the options on the Attributes tab for schedules.

Name (schedule attribute)

Specify a name for the schedule by typing it in the Name attribute. The schedule
name appears on screens and messages about the schedule.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
If the schedule is a relocation schedule created as part of a basic disk staging
storage unit, the schedule name cannot be changed. The name defaults to the
name of the storage unit.
See “About staging backups” on page 664.

Type of backup (schedule attribute)

The Type of backup attribute specifies the type of backup that the schedule controls.
Select a backup type from the list. The list displays only the backup types that apply
to the current policy.
If the schedule is a relocation schedule created as part of a basic disk staging
storage unit, no backup type selection is needed.
Creating backup policies 831
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-32 describes the types of backups that come standard with NetBackup.
Table 21-33 and Database agent backup types describe other types of backups
available in NetBackup.

Table 21-32 Standard backup types

Item Description

Full Backup Backs up all of the files that are specified in the backup selections list for the policy. The
files are backed up, regardless of when the files were last modified or backed up. Full
backups occur automatically according to schedule criteria. If you run incremental backups,
you must also schedule a full backup to perform a complete restore. Use this option if you
configure a policy for a raw partition backup (formatted partitions only).

Cumulative Incremental Backs up the files that are specified in the backup selections list that changed since the
Backup last full backup. All files are backed up if no previous backup was done. Cumulative
incremental backups occur automatically according to schedule criteria. A complete restore
requires the last full backup and the last cumulative incremental backup.

Do not combine differential incremental backups and cumulative incremental backups

within the same Windows policy when the incremental backups are based on archive bit

By default, if the time between file creation and a full or a differential incremental backup
is less than 5 minutes, the differential or cumulative incremental backup may yield
unexpected results. The backups are successful, but the additional files are backed up.

See “About incremental backups” on page 833.

Differential Incremental Backs up the files that changed since the last successful incremental (differential or
Backup cumulative) or full backup. All files are backed up if no previous backup was done.
Differential incremental backups occur automatically according to schedule criteria. A
complete restore requires the last full backup, the last cumulative incremental, and all
differential incremental backups that occurred since the last full backup.

By default, if the time between file creation and a full or a differential incremental backup
is less than 5 minutes, the differential or cumulative incremental backup may yield
unexpected results. The backups are successful, but the additional files are backed up.

See “About incremental backups” on page 833.

User Backup A user initiates a user backup through the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.
A user backup backs up all files that the user specifies. Users can start backups only during
the times that are allowed on the schedule Start Window tab.

For a user to be able to initiate a backup, the policy must contain a schedule of the User
Backup type.

Use this backup type for a catalog archive.

See “Considerations for user schedules” on page 838.

See “Creating a catalog archiving policy” on page 1000.

Creating backup policies 832
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-32 Standard backup types (continued)

Item Description

User Archive A user initiates a user archive through the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.
A user archive backup first backs up the files that the user indicates. The archive then
deletes the files from the local disk if the backup is successful. Archive backups free local
disk space while retaining a copy for future use. The copy is kept until the retention period
expires. Users can start archives only during the times that are specified in the schedule
Start Window tab.

For a user to be able to initiate an archive, the policy must contain a schedule of the User
Archive type.
Note: The NetBackup administrator should make sure that a full backup of the client exists
before a user archives files from the client.

Table 21-33 describes the types of backups that are available when you install
NetBackup Vault.

Table 21-33 NetBackup Vault backup types

Item Description

Automatic Vault Applies only to Vault policies. The option does not run a backup, but instead runs the
command that is specified in the Vault policy’s backup selections list. In this way it starts
an automatic, scheduled vault session or vault eject operation. Available only when Vault
is licensed.

See “Creating a Vault policy” on page 935.

Vault Catalog Backup Use when the schedule is for a catalog backup policy that Vault uses. Available only when
Vault is licensed.
If this type is selected, you must configure one of the two schedule attribute combinations
or the schedule cannot be saved:

■ Check and configure Multiple copies, or

■ Check Override policy storage selection, Override policy volume pool, and specify
the Retention.

Note: The selected storage unit selection should not be Any Available.

Database agent backup types

Each database agent often has its own set of unique backup types for a schedule.
For more information, see the NetBackup guide that came with the agent.
NetBackup documentation set
Creating backup policies 833
Schedule Attributes tab

About incremental backups

The following examples show how data is included in a series of full and incremental
A differential incremental backup backs up the data that changed since the last full
or differential incremental backup.

Note: You must run a full backup before an incremental backup. If no full backup
is run, the incremental performs the role of a full backup.

Figure 21-10 shows how data is included in a series of full and differential
incremental backups between January 1 and January 4.

Figure 21-10 Full and differential incremental example

Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 disk fails

Full backup
Diff. incremental
Diff. incremental
Diff. incremental

Recovery = Jan 1 (full) + Jan 2 (incr) + Jan 3 (incr) + Jan 4 (incr)

The January 1 full backup includes all files and directories in the policy backup
selections list. The subsequent differential incremental backups include only the
data that changed since the last full or differential incremental backup. If the disk
fails sometime on January 4 (after the backup), the full backup and all three of the
incremental backups are required for the recovery.
A cumulative incremental backup backs up the data that changed since the last full
backup. Figure 21-11 shows how data is included in a series of full and cumulative
incremental backups between January 1 and January 4. The January 1 full backup
includes all files and directories in the policy backup selections list. Each of the
cumulative incremental backups includes the data that changed since the last full
backup. If the disk fails sometime on January 4 (after the backup), the full backup
and the last cumulative incremental backup are required for the recovery.
Creating backup policies 834
Schedule Attributes tab

Figure 21-11 Full and cumulative incremental example

Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 disk fails

Full backup
Cum. incremental
Cumulative incremental
Cumulative incremental

Recovery = Jan 1 (full) + Jan 4 (cumulative incremental)

Table 21-34 describes how to determine the retention of differential and cumulative
incremental backups to prevent a gap in backup coverage.

Table 21-34 Retention requirements for incremental backups

Type Retention Comments


Differential Longer To restore all files requires the last full backup and all the differential incremental
backups that occurred since the last full backup. Therefore, all the differentials
must be kept until the next full backup occurs.

Cumulative Shorter Each cumulative incremental backup contains all the changes that occurred
since the last full backup. Therefore, a complete restore requires only the most
recent cumulative incremental in addition to the full backup.

Table 21-35 compares the advantages and disadvantages of using differential or

cumulative incremental backups based on possible backup and restore times.

Table 21-35 Relative backup and restore times for incremental backups

Type Backup time Restore Comments


Differential Shorter Longer Less data in each backup, but all differential incremental backups
are required since the last full backup for a restore. This results in
a longer restore time.

Cumulative Longer Shorter More data in each backup, but only the last cumulative incremental
backup is required for a complete restore (in addition to the full).

You can use a combination of cumulative and differential incremental backups

together to get the advantages of both methods. For example, assume a set of
schedules with the following backup frequencies and retention periods. (Notice that
the differential incremental backups occur more often.)
Creating backup policies 835
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-36 Example frequencies and retention periods

Backup type Frequency Retention period

Full 6 days 2 weeks

Cumulative incremental 2 days 4 days

Differential incremental 1 day 2 days

The schedules that are described in Table 21-36 result in the following series of

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

Full Diff Cum Diff Cum Diff Full Diff

The example produces the following results:

■ Every other day a differential incremental backup occurs, which usually has a
minimum backup time.
■ On alternate days, a cumulative incremental backup occurs, which requires
more time than the differential backup, but not as much time as a full backup.
The differential backup can now be expired.
■ To recover all files may require (at most), two incremental backups in addition
to the most recent full backup. The combination of backups usually means less
restore time than if all differential incremental backups were used. The full
backups can be done less often if the amount of data being backed up by the
incremental backups is small.

How NetBackup determines when Windows files are due

for backup
On Windows clients, NetBackup performs the incremental backups when the
Perform incrementals based on archive bit setting is enabled. This setting is
found in the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface, under File >
NetBackup Client Properties, on the General tab.
If Perform incrementals based on archive bit is enabled, incremental backups
for the client are based on the state of the archive bit of each file. The operating
system sets the bit whenever a file changes, and it remains set until cleared by
NetBackup. The conditions under which NetBackup clears the bit depend on the
type of backup being performed.
Creating backup policies 836
Schedule Attributes tab

Full Backup NetBackup backs up files regardless of the state of their

archive bit. After a full backup, the archive bit is always

Differential Incremental NetBackup backs up the files that have the archive bit set
Backup and have therefore changed. When the client receives a
response from the server that indicates that the backup was
successful (or partially successful) the archive bits are
cleared. The clear archive bit lets the next differential
incremental backup back up only the files that changed since
the previous full or differential incremental backup.

Cumulative Incremental NetBackup backs up the files that have the archive bit set.
Backup However, NetBackup does not clear the archive bits after the
backup. Without a clear archive bit, the next cumulative
incremental backup backs up changed files and the files that
were in the cumulative incremental backup.

If Perform incrementals based on archive bit is disabled, NetBackup includes a

file in an incremental backup only if the datetime stamp of the file has changed
since the last backup. The datetime stamp indicates when the file was last backed
up. The backup types use the datetime stamp differently.

Full Backup NetBackup backs up files regardless of the datetime stamp.

Differential Incremental NetBackup compares the datetime stamp of the file against
Backup the last full or incremental backup.

Cumulative Incremental NetBackup compares the datetime stamp of the file against
Backup the last full backup.

If files are installed or copied from another computer, the new files retain the datetime
stamp of the originals. If the original date is before the last backup date, the new
files are not backed up until the next full backup.

How NetBackup determines when UNIX files are due for

Incremental backups on UNIX clients consider all files and directories to determine
if a backup is due based on a reference date. (That is, back up all the files that have
changed since date_x).
The following types of time are associated with UNIX files and directories:
Creating backup policies 837
Schedule Attributes tab

mtime The file modification time. The file system updates the mtime for a file or
directory each time the file is modified. An application can save the mtime
of the file before it modifies it. The application then resets it with the
utime(2) system call.

atime The file access time. The file system updates the atime for a file or directory
each time the file is accessed (read or write). An application can save the
atime of the file before it accesses it. The application then resets it with the
utime(2) system call.

ctime The inode change time. The ctime for a file or directory is updated each
time the file or directory’s inode changes. (For example, changes due to
permissions, ownership, and link-counts changes.) The ctime for a file or
directory cannot be saved before a change, and then reset after a change.
The ctime of a file or a directory changes when the mtime and atime
(changes with the utime(2) system call) is reset.

When NetBackup reads the data for a file that is included in a backup, it does not
affect the file modification time. It does affect the access time of the file. For this
reason, NetBackup saves the atime and mtime of the file before it reads the file.
Then NetBackup resets the atime and mtime with the utime(2) system call.
NetBackup does not cause problems for storage migration products or the
administrator scripts that use file access times (atime) as criteria for their operations.
While this benefit is obvious, a side effect is that it does update the ctime of the

Note: When NetBackup Accelerator is used to perform backups, NetBackup does

not reset the atime after the file is backed up. This avoids updating the ctime,
because a ctime update would require a loss in Accelerator optimization.
See “Accelerator notes and requirements” on page 806.

Customers can configure NetBackup so that it does not reset the access time of
the file after it reads a file. Customers can choose to have NetBackup use the ctime
and the mtime of the file to determine what files to include in an incremental backup.
Normally, these two options are used together, but there may be some sites that
want to use one without the other. By default, NetBackup uses only the mtime of
the file to determine what files and directories to back up.
When a file is moved from one location to another, the ctime of the file changes,
but the mtime remains unchanged. If NetBackup uses only the mtime to determine
the files that are due during an incremental backup, it does not detect these moved
files. For sites where using the mtime might create a problem, use the ctime to
determine files due to be included in an incremental backup. The ctime is used if
Creating backup policies 838
Schedule Attributes tab

the bp.conf file contains the USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS and


When a directory is moved from one location to another, the ctime of the directory
changes, but the mtime remains unchanged. Neither the mtime nor the ctime are
changed for the files or directories within the moved directory. No reliable method
using file timestamps can determine that files within a moved directory need to be
included in an incremental backup.
In either case, these moved files and directories are included in subsequent full

Considerations for user schedules

In order for users to perform backups and archives, an administrator must create
a schedule that allows user backups.
User backup schedules and user archive schedules can be included in a policy that
contains automatic backup schedules. If you create separate policies for user
backups or user archives, the considerations are similar to those for automatic
backups. In user backup schedules, however, no backup selection list is necessary
because users select the objects before they start the backup or archive.
To use a specific policy or schedule for user backups or user archives, perform the
tasks that are specified for each client type:

Table 21-37 Tasks for specifying a policy or schedule for user backups or
user archives

Client type Task

Microsoft Windows ■ Start the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.
clients ■ On the File menu, click NetBackup Client Properties
■ Select the Backups tab, and specify the backup policy and
backup schedule.

UNIX clients Specify the policy and schedule with BPARCHIVE_POLICY,

options in the bp.conf file.

Restores can be performed at any time and are not scheduled.

Note: An archive is different from a backup. During an archive, NetBackup first

backs up the selected files, and then deletes the files from the local disk if the
backup is successful. In this topic, references to backups also apply to the backup
portion of archive operations unless otherwise noted.
Creating backup policies 839
Schedule Attributes tab

How to plan schedules for user backups and user archives

To plan schedules for user backups and user archives, consider the following:

Automatic backups If possible, do not permit user backups and user archives when
automatic backups are running. If an automatic backup is running
when a user submits a backup or archive, NetBackup usually
queues the user job. The job is not queued if there is a limiting
setting. (For example, the Limit Jobs per Policy policy attribute
or the Maximum jobs per client Global Attributes host property.)

See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

If the automatic backup continues to run, the user job may miss
the backup window depending on how the limiting settings are
configured. On the other hand, user jobs can delay automatic
backups and can cause backups to miss the backup window.

Storage units Use a different storage unit to eliminate conflicts with automatic

Volume pools Use a different volume pool to manage the media separate from
the automatic backup media.

Retention periods Consider setting the retention period for archives to infinite, since
the disk copy of the files is deleted.

See “Retention Periods with end dates beyond 2038, excluding

Infinity” on page 201.
Note: If the retention period expires for a backup, it can be difficult
or impossible to restore the archives or backups.

Synthetic backup (schedule attribute)

The Synthetic backup schedule attribute allows a backup to be assembled from
previous backups. A synthetic backup may be a synthetic full or a synthetic
cumulative incremental backup. The backups include one previous, traditional full
backup, and subsequent differential backups, and a cumulative incremental backup.
(A traditional full backup means a non-synthesized, full backup.) A client can then
use the synthesized backup to restore files and directories in the same way that a
client restores from a traditional backup.
Synthetic backups can be written to tape, to disk storage units, or to a combination
of both.
See “About synthetic backups” on page 946.
Creating backup policies 840
Schedule Attributes tab

Accelerator forced rescan option (schedule attribute)

The policy Schedules tab contains an option called Accelerator forced rescan.
This option creates a checksum of the content of each file during backup. It uses
the checksums for change detection. It provides a safety net by establishing a new
baseline for the next Accelerator backup.

Note: The following information is only applicable to Files and Folder (Unix/Windows)
backups and NDMP backups. The Accelerator forced rescan schedule is not
necessary for other backup types such as VMware and Hyper-V.

The Accelerator forced rescan option detects the following events:

■ The file’s data changes but the file’s metadata does not change.
■ The file's metadata becomes corrupted such that it does not indicate that the
file has changed.
■ A malicious user or application changes the file's metadata such that it does not
indicate that the file has changed.

Note: If Accelerator forced rescan is enabled, NetBackup uses the Windows

change journal to help determine if a file has changed. NetBackup also examines
the file system metadata for each file to help detect which files have changed.

For the most efficient use of Accelerator, Accelerator policies must include at least
two full-backup schedules: one full schedule with the Accelerator forced rescan
option disabled, and another full schedule with Accelerator forced rescan enabled.
See Table 21-38.

Table 21-38 Required full-backup schedules for each Accelerator policy

Full backup schedules Notes on schedule frequency

First schedule: Configure this schedule to run most of your Accelerator full
Accelerator forced rescan
Creating backup policies 841
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-38 Required full-backup schedules for each Accelerator policy


Full backup schedules Notes on schedule frequency

Second schedule: Configure this schedule to run less often than the first
full-backup schedule.
Accelerator forced rescan
enabled For example: If the first full-backup schedule runs weekly,
run the second schedule (with the Accelerator forced rescan
option enabled) every few months. However, the best
frequency for this schedule depends upon your environment.
Note: If the policy has no schedule that enables the
Accelerator forced rescan option, all full backups
automatically enable that option and backup performance is

Note the following about the Accelerator forced rescan option:

■ The Accelerator forced rescan option is grayed out if the Use Accelerator
option on the Attributes tab is not selected.
■ Because of the checksum processing on the client, this option reduces backup
speed as compared to the Use Accelerator option on its own. The speed
reduction depends on the client's configuration and its current processing load.
If the client is busy with many jobs when Accelerator backup begins, checksum
processing can reduce backup speed.
■ If the Windows volume is not NTFS or ReFS, and the volume has no full backup
schedule that is configured with the Accelerator forced rescan option, note:
NetBackup uses Accelerator forced rescan on every full backup. The
Accelerator forced rescan option is not enabled in the schedule but is in fact
used, as indicated in the NetBackup log messages. This option may reduce the
speed of the backup as compared to the previous backups that did not use
Accelerator forced rescan.
See Table 21-38 for recommended full-backup schedules.
■ For an MS-Windows or Standard policy (to back up files and folders), all the
data on the client is read. However, NetBackup sends only the changed data
over the network to be included in the backup image. Sending only the changed
data is similar to a regular Accelerator full backup. Thus, for an Accelerator
forced rescan backup, the optimization percentage is similar to a regular
Accelerator full backup. Note that the duration of the backup falls somewhere
between a non-Accelerator full backup and a regular Accelerator full backup.
Creating backup policies 842
Schedule Attributes tab

Calendar (schedule attribute)

Calendar-based schedules allow administrators to create a job schedule based on
a calendar view. Select Calendar to display the Include Dates tab.
See “Include Dates tab ” on page 866.
A calendar-based relocation schedule determines the days that images are swept
from the disk staging storage unit to the final destination storage unit. (A relocation
schedule is created as part of a basic disk staging storage unit configuration.)
Enable Retries allowed after runday to have NetBackup attempt to complete the
schedule until the backup is successful. With this attribute enabled, the schedule
attempts to run, even after a specified run day has passed.

Frequency (schedule attribute)

Use the Frequency attribute to specify how much time must elapse between the
successful completion of a scheduled task and the next attempt.
For example, assume that a schedule is set up for a full backup with a frequency
of one week. If NetBackup successfully completes a full backup for all clients on
Monday, it does not attempt another backup for this schedule until the following
To set the frequency, select a frequency value from the list. The frequency can be
seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
A frequency-based relocation schedule determines how often images are swept
from the basic disk staging storage unit to the final destination storage unit. (A
relocation schedule is created as part of a basic disk staging storage unit
NetBackup recognizes the intervals that suggest schedules based on days, even
if the job does not run daily. For example, if the frequency is 48 hours, NetBackup
tries to run the job at the same time every other day. (NetBackup checks if the
frequency is divisible by 24 hours.) If the interval is not divisible by 24, NetBackup
does not attempt to run the job at about the same time of day. Instead, NetBackup
tries to run the job at the indicated interval after the last successful backup. (For
example, 52 hours later.)

Note: Frequency does not apply to user schedules because the user can perform
a backup or archive whenever the time window is open.
Creating backup policies 843
Schedule Attributes tab

About backup frequency

To determine backup frequency, consider how often data changes. For example,
determine if files change several times a day, once a day, weekly, or monthly.
Typically, sites perform daily backups to preserve daily work. Daily backups ensure
that only one day’s work is lost in case of a disk failure. More frequent backups are
necessary when important data changes many times during the day and the changes
would be difficult to reconstruct.
Daily backups are usually the incremental backups that record the changes since
the last incremental or full backup. Incremental backups conserve resources because
they use less storage and take less time to perform than full backups.
Full backups usually occur less frequently than incremental backups but should
occur often enough to avoid accumulating consecutive incremental backups. A
large number of incremental backups between full backups increases the time it
takes to restore a file. The time increases because of the effort that is required to
merge the incremental backups when files and directories upon restore.
Consider the following when setting the frequency for full backups:
■ Extend the time between full backups for the files that seldom change. A longer
frequency uses fewer system resources. It also does not significantly increase
recovery time because the incremental backups between full backups are
■ Decrease the time between full backups for the files that change frequently. A
shorter frequency decreases restore time. A shorter time between full backups
can also use fewer resources. It reduces the cumulative effect of the longer
incremental backups that are necessary to keep up with frequent changes in
the files.
To achieve the most efficient use of resources, ensure that most of the files in a
given policy change at about the same rate. For example, assume that half of the
files in a policy selection list change frequently enough to require a full backup every
week. However, the remaining files seldom change and require monthly full backups
only. If all the files are in the same policy, full backups are performed weekly on all
the files. This wastes system resources because half the files need full backups
only once a month. A better approach is to divide the backups into two policies,
each with the appropriate backup schedule, or to use synthetic backups.
If more than one automatic schedule is due for a client within a policy, the backup
frequency determines the schedule that NetBackup uses as follows:
■ Jobs from the schedule with the lower frequency (longer period between backups)
always have higher priority. For example, a schedule that has a backup frequency
of one month takes priority over a schedule with a backup frequency of 2 weeks.
Creating backup policies 844
Schedule Attributes tab

■ When two schedules are each due to run, the schedule with the schedule name
that is first in alphabetical order runs first. Alphabetical priority occurs if both of
the following are true:
■ Each schedule is within the defined time window.
■ Each schedule is configured with the same frequency value.

NetBackup prioritizes the example schedules in the following order:

Table 21-39 Examples of schedule frequency and priority

Schedule Name Frequency Priority

monthly_full One month First

weekly_full One week Second

daily_incremental One day Third

Instant Recovery (schedule attribute)

The Instant Recovery attributes are available under the following conditions:
■ The Snapshot Client option is licensed and installed.
Refer to the NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator’s Guide.
■ Perform snapshot backups is selected.
■ Retain snapshots for Instant Recovery is selected.
See “Snapshot Client and Replication Director (policy attributes)” on page 826.
This attribute has two options.

Snapshots and copy The snapshot persists on the client volume with a backup
snapshots to a storage unit copy made to the storage unit on the media server.

Snapshots only The snapshot is not backed up to tape or to other storage.

NetBackup creates a snapshot on disk only. This option is
required for the NAS_Snapshot method.

The snapshot is created on the same device as the one that

contains the original data if it uses VxFS_Checkpoint method
or is VxVM space optimized. In this case, another policy can
be used to back up the data to a separate device.

Transaction logs are not truncated at the end of the backup.

Creating backup policies 845
Schedule Attributes tab

The Instant Recovery attributes are grayed out if the Policy storage option on
the Policy Attributes tab refers to a storage lifecycle policy. If that is the case, the
storage lifecycle policy configuration governs the Instant Recovery attributes.
However, the Override policy storage selection attribute on the Schedule
Attributes tab overrides the Policy storage option. If a storage unit is selected on
the Schedule Attributes tab, the Instant Recovery attributes become enabled.
See “Policy storage (policy attribute)” on page 770.
See “Override policy storage (schedule attribute)” on page 849.

Multiple copies (schedule attribute)

When the Multiple copies attribute is enabled, NetBackup can create up to four
copies of a backup simultaneously. The storage units must be on the same media
server with sufficient resources available for each copy. For example, to create four
copies simultaneously in a Media Manager storage unit, the unit needs four tape
drives. (This option is sometimes referred to as Inline Copy, Inline Tape Copy, or
To create more than four copies, additional copies can be created at a later time
using duplication.
If multiple original images are created simultaneously, the backup time that is
required may be longer than for one copy. Also, if both Media Manager and disk
storage units are specified, the duration of disk write operations match that of slower
removable media write operations.

About configuring multiple copies

To create multiple copies, the following criteria must be met:
■ The backup destinations must share the same media server with sufficient
resources available for each copy.
■ The storage units that are used for multiple copies must be configured to allow
a sufficient number of concurrent jobs to support the concurrent copies. The
pertinent storage unit settings are Maximum concurrent jobs and Maximum
concurrent write drives.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
See “Maximum concurrent write drives storage unit setting” on page 648.
Multiple copy operations do not support the following:
■ Third-party copies
■ NDMP storage units
■ Storage units that use a QIC (quarter-inch cartridge) drive type
Creating backup policies 846
Schedule Attributes tab

■ Synthetic backups
■ Storage lifecycle policies
Storage lifecycle policies offer their own method to create multiple copies.
See “About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy” on page 741.

Configure Multiple Copies dialog box

The Configure Multiple Copies dialog box contains the following options:

Table 21-40 Configure Multiple Copies dialog box

Field Description

Copies NetBackup can create up to four copies of a backup simultaneously. The storage units must
be on the same media server and there must be sufficient resources available for each copy.

To create more than 4 copies, create additional copies at a later time by using duplication.

Primary copy Copy 1 is the primary copy. If Copy 1 fails for some reason, the first successful copy is the
primary copy.

See “Promoting a copy to a primary copy” on page 1067.

Storage unit Specify the storage unit where each copy is to be stored. If a Media Manager storage unit
has multiple drives, you can use it for both the source and the destination. To let NetBackup
decide at run-time, select Any Available.

Volume pool Indicate where each copy is to be stored.

Retention schedule Specify how long NetBackup retains the backups.

See “Retention (schedule attribute)” on page 851.

If this copy fails In the event that the copy does not complete, select whether you want the entire job to fail
(fail all copies), or whether you want the remaining copies to continue.

Regardless of how the fail or continue flag is set, all the copy jobs wait in the queue until
resources are available for all copies. The first job does not start until the copies have

If a copy is configured to allow other copies to continue the job if the copy fails, and if
Checkpoint restart for backup jobs is selected for this policy, only the last failed copy that
contains a checkpoint can be resumed.

See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)” on page 775.

Creating backup policies 847
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-40 Configure Multiple Copies dialog box (continued)

Field Description

Media owner Select who should own the media onto which NetBackup writes the images.
The following options are available:

■ Any
Lets NetBackup select the media owner, either a media server or server group.
■ None
Specifies that the media server that writes to the media that owns the media. No media
server is specified explicitly, but you want a media server to own the media.
■ A server group
Specify a media server group to allow only those media servers in the group to write to
the media on which backup images for this policy are written. All media server groups
that are configured in the NetBackup environment appear in the drop-down list.
See “Creating or deleting a NetBackup server group” on page 430.

Configuring multiple copies in a policy schedule

To configure a policy schedule to create multiple copies, use the following procedure.
To configure a schedule to create multiple copies
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 Do one of the following:

To change an existing policy ■ Select the policy to change.

■ On the Edit menu, click Change.

To create a new policy ■ On the Actions menu, click New > Policy.
■ Name the policy, and click OK.

3 Select the Schedules tab.

4 Double-click an existing schedule or click New to create a new schedule.
5 In the dialog box that appears, click in the Attributes tab, select Multiple
copies, and then click Configure.
If the destination for this policy is a storage lifecycle policy, the Multiple copies
box is unchecked. NetBackup does not allow the two methods for creating
multiple copies to be enabled at the same time.
See “Policy storage (policy attribute)” on page 770.
See “About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy” on page 741.
Creating backup policies 848
Schedule Attributes tab

6 In the Copies field, specify the number of copies to be created simultaneously.

The number must be between 1 and 4.

Copy 1 is the primary copy. If Copy 1 fails, the first successful copy is the
primary copy.
Usually, NetBackup restores from the primary copy of an image. However, it
is possible to restore from a specific backup copy other than the primary copy.
To do so, use the bprestore command.
To create more than four copies, create additional copies at a later time by
using duplication.
See “Configure Multiple Copies dialog box ” on page 846.
See “About configuring multiple copies” on page 845.
7 Specify the storage unit where each copy is stored. Select Any Available to
allow NetBackup to select the storage unit at run-time.
If a Media Manager storage unit contains multiple drives, the storage unit can
be used for both the original image and the copies.
8 Specify the volume pool where each copy is stored.
9 Select the retention level for each copy.
See “Retention (schedule attribute)” on page 851.
Creating backup policies 849
Schedule Attributes tab

10 Select one of the following from the If this copy fails list:

continue Continues making the remaining copies.

Note: If Take checkpoints every __ minutes is selected
for this policy, only the last failed copy that contains a
checkpoint can be resumed.

See “Take checkpoints every __ minutes (policy attribute)”

on page 775.

fail all copies Fails the entire job.

11 For tape media, specify who should own the media onto which NetBackup
writes the images:

Any NetBackup selects the media owner, either a media server or

server group.

None Specifies that the media server that writes to the media owns the
media. No media server is specified explicitly, but you want a
media server to own the media.

A server group Specifies that a media server group allows only those media
servers in the group to write to the media on which backup images
for this policy are written. All the media server groups that are
configured in the NetBackup environment appear in the list.

These settings do not affect images residing on disk. One media server does
not own the images that reside on shared disks. Any media server with access
to the shared pool of disk can access the images.
12 Click OK until the policy is saved.

Override policy storage (schedule attribute)

The Override policy storage selection attribute works as follows:

Disabled Instructs the schedule to use the Policy storage as specified on the
policy Attributes tab.

Enabled Instructs the schedule to override the Policy storage as specified on

the policy Attributes tab.

Select the storage from the list of previously configured storage units
and storage lifecycle policies. If the list is empty, no storage has been
Creating backup policies 850
Schedule Attributes tab

See “Policy storage (policy attribute)” on page 770.

If a data classification is indicated for the policy, only those storage lifecycles with
the same data classification appear in the list.
See “Data classifications (policy attribute)” on page 770.

Note: Storage lifecycle policies cannot be selected within the Configure Multiple
Copies dialog box.
See “About configuring multiple copies” on page 845.

Override policy volume pool (schedule attribute)

The Override policy volume pool attribute works as follows:

Disabled Instructs the schedule to override the volume pool that is specified as
the Policy volume pool on the policy Attribute tab. If no policy volume
pool is specified, NetBackup uses NetBackup as the default. If the policy
is for a NetBackup catalog, NBU-Catalog policies use CatalogBackup.

Enabled Instructs the schedule to override the volume pool that is specified as
the Policy volume pool on the policy Attribute tab. Select the volume
pool from the list of previously configured volume pools.

See “Policy volume pool (policy attribute)” on page 773.

Override media owner (schedule attribute)

The Override media owner attribute applies only to tape media. It specifies whether
to use the policy media owner or another owner for the schedule. The rules for
shared disk media are more flexible so override settings are not needed for disk
The attribute works as follows:

Disabled Instructs the schedule to use the media owner that is specified as the
Media Owner in the policy Attribute tab.
Creating backup policies 851
Schedule Attributes tab

Enabled Instructs the schedule to override the media owner that is specified as
the Media Owner in the policy Attribute tab.
Select the new media owner from the list:

■ Any.
NetBackup selects the media owner, either a media server or server
■ None
Specifies that the media server that writes to the media owns the
media. No media server is specified explicitly, but you want a media
server to own the media.
■ A server group
Specifies that a media server group allows only those media servers
in the group to write to the media on which backup images for this
policy are written. All media server groups that are configured in the
NetBackup environment appear in the list.

See “Media Owner (policy attribute)” on page 781.

Retention (schedule attribute)

The Retention attribute specifies how long NetBackup retains the backups. To set
the retention period, select a time period (or level) from the list. When the retention
period expires, NetBackup deletes information about the expired backup. After the
backup expires, the files in the backup are unavailable for restores. For example,
if the retention is 2 weeks, data can be restored from a backup that this schedule
performs for only 2 weeks after the backup.
If a policy is configured to back up to a storage lifecycle policy, the Retention
attribute in the schedule is ignored. The retention period that the lifecycle indicates
is followed instead.
See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.
See “Retention Periods properties” on page 197.

About assigning retention periods

The retention period for data depends on the likelihood of restoring information from
media after a certain period of time. Some types of data (financial records, for
example) have legal requirements that determine the retention level. Other data
(preliminary documents, for example) can probably be expired when the final version
is complete.
A backup’s retention also depends on what needs to be recovered from the backup.
For example, if day-to-day changes are critical, keep all the incremental backups
Creating backup policies 852
Schedule Attributes tab

in addition to the full backups for as long as the data is needed. If incremental
backups only track work in progress toward monthly reports, expire the incremental
backups sooner. Rely on the full backups for long-term recovery.
Establish some guidelines that apply to most of the data to determine retention
periods. Note the files or the directories that have retention requirements outside
of these guidelines. Plan to create separate policies for the data that falls outside
of the retention requirement guidelines. For example, place the files and directories
with longer retention requirements in a separate policy. Schedule longer retention
times for the separate policies without keeping all policies for the longer retention
The following table describes recommended retention periods for different types of

Table 21-41 Recommended retention periods for different types of backups

Type of backup Description

Full Backup Specify a time period that is longer than the frequency setting
for the schedule. (The frequency is how often the backup
runs). For example, if the frequency is one week, specify a
retention period of 2-4 weeks. Two to 4 weeks provides
enough of a margin to ensure that the current full backup
does not expire before the next full backup occurs.

Differential Incremental Specify a time period that is longer than the period between
Backup full backups. For example, if full backups occur weekly, save
the incremental backups for 2 weeks.

Cumulative Incremental Specify a time period that is longer than the frequency setting
Backup for the schedule. (The frequency is how often the backup
runs). For example, if the frequency setting is one day, specify
a retention period of one week. One week provides enough
of a margin to ensure that the current cumulative-incremental
backup does not expire before the next successful one
occurs. A complete restore requires the previous full backup
plus the most recent cumulative-incremental backup.

The following table suggests several ways that you can prevent backups from
expiring earlier than desired.
Creating backup policies 853
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-42 Suggestions for preventing prematurely expired backups

Item Description

Retention period Assign an adequate retention period. NetBackup does not

track backups after the retention period expires. Recovering
files is difficult or impossible after the retention period expires.

For the backups that must be kept for more than one year,
set the retention period to infinite.

Full backups and incremental Assign a longer retention period to full backups than to
backups incremental backups within a policy. A complete restore
requires the previous full backup plus all subsequent
incremental backups. It may not be possible to restore all the
files if the full backup expires before the incremental backups.

Archive schedules Set the retention period to infinite.

Tape Set the retention period to infinite. If infinite is unacceptable

because of NetBackup database space limitations, set the
retention period to match the length of time that the data is
to be retained.

Another consideration for data retention is off-site storage of the backup media.
Off-site storage protects against the disasters that may occur at the primary site.
Consider the following off-site storage methods as precautions for disaster recovery:
■ Use the duplication feature to make a second copy for off-site storage.
■ Send monthly or weekly full backups to an off-site storage facility.
To restore the data, request the media from the facility. To restore a total directory
or disk with incremental backups requires the last full backup plus all incremental
■ Configure an extra set of schedules to create the backups to use as duplicates
for off-site storage.
Regardless of the method that is used for off-site storage, ensure that adequate
retention periods are configured. Use the NetBackup import feature to retrieve
expired backups.
By default, NetBackup stores each backup on a tape volume that contains existing
backups at the same retention level. If a backup has a retention level of 2, NetBackup
stores it on a tape volume with other backups at retention level 2. When NetBackup
encounters a backup with a different retention level, it switches to an appropriate
volume. Because tape volumes remain assigned to NetBackup until all the backups
on the tape expire, this approach results in more efficient use of media. One small
Creating backup policies 854
Schedule Attributes tab

backup with an infinite retention prevents a volume from being reused, even if all
other backups on the volume expired.
To mix retention levels on volumes, select Allow multiple retentions per media
in the Media host properties.
If you keep only one retention level on each volume, do not use any more retention
levels than necessary. Multiple retention levels increase the number of required
See “Media properties” on page 155.

Note: Retention levels can be mixed on disk volumes with no restrictions.

See “Changing a retention period” on page 199.

Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)

The Media multiplexing attribute specifies the maximum number of jobs from the
schedule that NetBackup can multiplex onto any one drive. Multiplexing sends
concurrent backup jobs from one or several clients to a single drive and multiplexes
the backups onto the media.
Specify a number from 1 through 32, where 1 specifies no multiplexing. Any changes
take effect the next time a schedule runs.

Note: Some policy types and some schedule types do not support media
multiplexing. The option cannot be selected in those instances.

Caution: For MS-SQL-Server policies, do not enable multiplexing for a schedule

that is also configured to backup with multiple stripes. Restores fail when multiplexing
is enabled for a schedule that uses more than one stripe.

To configure multiplexed backups, multiplexing must be indicated in both the storage

unit (Maximum Streams Per Drive setting) and the schedule (Media Multiplexing
setting) configuration. Regardless of the Media multiplexing setting, the maximum
jobs that NetBackup starts never exceeds the Maximum Streams Per Drive value
for the storage unit.
NetBackup multiplexing sends concurrent backups from one or several clients to
a single storage device. NetBackup multiplexes the backups sequentially onto the
media. Multiplexed and unmultiplexed backups can reside on the same volume.
Separate volume pools or media IDs are not necessary.
Creating backup policies 855
Schedule Attributes tab

Figure 21-12 shows the multiplexed flow of client data to a server.

Figure 21-12 Multiplexed backups


Disk Server
Removable media or
magnetic disk



About multiplexing
Multiplexing is generally used to reduce the amount of time that is required to
complete backups. The following table describes circumstances where performance
improves by using multiplexing:

Table 21-43 Circumstances where multiplexing improves performance

Item Description

Slow clients Instances in which NetBackup uses software compression,

which normally reduces client performance, are also

Multiple slow networks The parallel data streams take advantage of whatever
network capacity is available.

Many short backups (for In addition to providing parallel data streams, multiplexing
example, incremental reduces the time each job waits for a device to become
backups) available. Therefore, the storage device transfer rate is

No special action is required to restore a multiplexed backup. NetBackup finds the

media and restores the requested backup. Multiplexing reduces performance on
restores because it uses extra time to read the images.
To reduce the effect of multiplexing on restore times, set the storage unit maximum
fragment size to a value smaller than the largest allowed value. Also, on UNIX,
enable fast-tape positioning (locate block), if it applies to the tape drives in use.
Creating backup policies 856
Schedule Attributes tab

Consider the following configuration settings when using multiplexing.

Table 21-44 Properties and attributes that affect multiplexing

Item Description Where to find it

Limit jobs per policy Limits the number of jobs that NetBackup ■ In the NetBackup Administration
(policy attribute) performs concurrently when a policy is run. Console, expand NetBackup
Set this attribute high enough to support the Management > Policies.
specified level of multiplexing. ■ In the middle pane, double-click the
Attributes node of a policy.
See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)”
on page 779. Or, create a new policy and select the
Attributes tab.
Creating backup policies 857
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-44 Properties and attributes that affect multiplexing (continued)

Item Description Where to find it

Maximum jobs per Limits the number of backup jobs that can run ■ In the NetBackup Administration
client (host property) concurrently on any NetBackup client. This Console, expand NetBackup
property is part of Global Attributes host Management > Host Properties >
properties. Primary Servers.
In the right pane, double-click a primary
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140. ■
Usually, the client setting does not affect ■ In the Primary Server Properties dialog
multiplexing. However, consider a case where box, select Global Attributes from the left
jobs from different schedules on the same pane.
client go to the same storage unit. In this case, ■ The property appears in the right pane.
the maximum number of jobs that are
permitted on the client is reached before the
multiplexing limit is reached for the storage
unit. When the maximum number of jobs on
the client is reached, NetBackup cannot use
the storage unit’s full multiplexing capabilities.

Select a value that is based on the ability of

the central processing unit to handle parallel
jobs. Because extra buffers are required,
memory is also important. If the server cannot
perform other tasks or runs out of memory or
processes, reduce the Maximum streams
per drive setting for the storage unit.
To estimate the potential load that multiplexing
can place on the central processing unit,
consider the following limits:

■ The maximum concurrent jobs that

NetBackup can attempt equals the sum of
the concurrent backup jobs that can run
on all storage units.
■ The maximum concurrent jobs that can
run on a storage unit equals the value of
Maximum streams per drive, multiplied
by the number of drives.

See “Maximum streams per drive storage unit

setting” on page 651.
Creating backup policies 858
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-44 Properties and attributes that affect multiplexing (continued)

Item Description Where to find it

Maximum data Set the maximum number of jobs that are ■ In the NetBackup Administration
streams (host allowed on a specific client without affecting Console, expand NetBackup
property) other clients. This property is part of Client Management > Host Properties >
Attributes host properties. Primary Servers.
■ In the right pane, double-click a primary
See “General tab of the Client Attributes
properties” on page 77.
■ In the Primary Server Properties dialog
box, select Client Attributes from the left
■ The property appears in the right pane on
the General tab.

Delay on multiplexed Specifies how long the server waits for ■ In the NetBackup Administration
restores (host additional restore requests of files and raw Console, expand NetBackup
property) partitions in a set of multiplexed images on Management > Host Properties >
the same tape. This property is part of Primary Servers.
General Server host properties. ■ In the right pane, double-click a primary
See “General tab of the Client Attributes
properties” on page 77. ■ In the Primary Server Properties dialog
box, select General Server from the left
■ The property appears in the right pane.

Media Multiplexing If the limit is reached for a drive, NetBackup ■ In the NetBackup Administration
(policy schedule sends jobs to other drives. Console, expand NetBackup
attribute) Management > Policies.
When NetBackup multiplexes jobs, it
■ In the middle pane, double-click the
continues to add jobs to a drive until the
Schedules node of a policy.
number of jobs on the drive matches the
Media Multiplexing limit or the Maximum Or, create a new policy and select the
streams per drive limit. Schedules tab.
■ Click New to create a new schedule and
See “Media multiplexing (schedule attribute)” configure the Media Multiplexing option.
on page 854.
Creating backup policies 859
Schedule Attributes tab

Table 21-44 Properties and attributes that affect multiplexing (continued)

Item Description Where to find it

Maximum streams NetBackup can add jobs from more than one ■ In the NetBackup Administration
per drive (storage unit schedule to a drive. Console, expand NetBackup
setting) Management > Storage.
When NetBackup multiplexes jobs, it
■ In the left pane, click Storage Units.
continues to add jobs to a drive until the
number of jobs on the drive matches the ■ In the right pane, double-click a storage
Maximum streams per drive limit or the unit name.
Media Multiplexing limit. Or, create a new storage unit.
■ The setting appears on the dialog box that
See “Maximum streams per drive storage unit
setting” on page 651.

Example of using multiplexing with schedules

Figure 21-13 provides an example of how schedules are affected when multiplexing
is active.

Figure 21-13 Multiplexing process scenario

Schedule A Schedule B
Media Multiplexing per drive = 2 Media Multiplexing per drive = 4
Storage unit
1 9 A1 B1 5 12
10 A2 Drive 1
B2 6

3 11 A3 B3 7
Drive 2
4 A4 B4 8

A white number denotes an event that is starting.

A gray number denotes an event that is completing.

Assume the following about Figure 21-13.

■ Schedule A begins first.
Schedules can be in the same or in different policies.
■ Allow Multiple Data Streams is enabled.
Consequently, a client can have multiple data streams.
Creating backup policies 860
Schedule Attributes tab

See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

Table 21-45 Description of the multiplexing process scenario

Event Description

1 and 2 ■ Jobs A1 and A2 from client DOG start on Drive 1.

■ For Schedule A, the Media Multiplexing limit of 2 is reached for
Drive 1.

3 and 4 ■ Jobs A3 and A4 from client CAT start on Drive 2.

■ For Schedule A, the Media Multiplexing limit of 2 is reached for
Drive 2.

5 and 6 ■ Jobs B1 and B2 for client FOX start on Drive 1.

■ The Maximum streams per drive storage unit setting is reached
for Drive 1.

7 and 8 ■ Jobs B3 and B4 from client OTTER start on Drive 2.

■ All jobs are now running for Schedule B.
■ The Maximum streams per drive storage unit setting is reached
for Drive 2.

9 and 10 ■ Jobs A1 and A2 from client DOG finish on Drive 1.

■ However, jobs B1 and B2 for client FOX continue to run.
■ For Schedule A, the Media Multiplexing limit of 2 prevents job A5
from starting on Drive 1

11 and 12 ■ Job A3 from client CAT finishes on Drive 2

■ Job B1 from client FOX finishes on Drive 1.
■ Job B2 is the only job currently running on Drive 1.

13 ■ Job A5 from client CAT starts on Drive 1.

■ JobA5 is the last job for Schedule A.
■ For Schedule A, the Media Multiplexing limit of 2 prevents job A5
from starting on Drive 2.
■ Therefore, job A5 starts on Drive 1.

NetBackup attempts to add multiplexed jobs to drives that already use multiplexing.
If multiplexed jobs are confined to specific drives, other drives are available for
non-multiplexed jobs.
If the backup window closes before NetBackup can start all the jobs in a multiplexing
set, NetBackup completes only the jobs that have started.
For example, Figure 21-13 assumes that the Activity Monitor shows jobs A1
through A5 as queued and active.
Creating backup policies 861
Start Window tab

If only jobs A1 and A2 start before the window closes, NetBackup does not perform
the other jobs that are in the set. If the window closes before any jobs start, only
the first queued and active job starts and completes. In this example: Job A1.

About demultiplexing
Demultiplexing speeds up future restores and is useful for creating a copy for off-site
storage. Use the duplication process in the Catalog utility to demultiplex a backup.
Duplication allows one multiplexed backup at one time to be copied from the source
media to the target media. When duplication is complete, the target contains a
single demultiplexed copy of each duplicated backup. (The target can also contain
other backups.) The duplicate copy can be made into the primary copy. Do not
select Preserve Multiplexing in the Configure Multiple Copies dialog box when
backups are duplicated.

Note: If you use the bpduplicate command instead of the NetBackup

Administration Console, do not include the -mpx option on that command.

See “Duplicating backup images” on page 1070.

Start Window tab

The Start Window tab provides controls for setting time periods during which
NetBackup can start jobs when using a schedule. Time periods are referred to as
windows. Configure windows so that they satisfy the requirements necessary to
complete a job.
For example, create different windows:
■ One for the backups that open each day for a specific amount of time
■ Another for the backups that keep the window open all week

Adding, changing, or deleting a time window in a policy schedule

Use one of the following procedures to add, change, or delete a time window.
To add or change a time window in the NetBackup Administration Console
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 Expand the policy name in the middle pane, and then select Schedules.
3 Do one of the following:
Creating backup policies 862
Start Window tab

To add a time window ■ Click Actions > New > Schedule.

■ In the Add Schedule dialog box, enter the name of a

To change a time In the right pane, double-click the schedule you want to
window change. The Change Schedule dialog box appears.

4 Click the Start Window tab.

5 To change the increments available for selecting start times or end times,
change the value in the Resolution field. You can choose 5, 10, 15, or 30
minutes. For example, a resolution of 10 minutes allows time window
adjustments by 10-minute increments.
6 To indicate the opening of the time window, do the following:

Drag your cursor in the time Click the day and time when you'd like the window to
table start and drag it to the day and time when you'd like the
window to close.

Use the settings in the dialog ■ In the Start day field, select the first day that the
box window opens.
■ In the Start time field, select the time that the
window opens.
Creating backup policies 863
Start Window tab

Start time Times of day

Time window Current cursor position

7 To indicate the closing of the time window, do one of the following:

Drag your cursor in the time Click the day and time when you'd like the window to
table start and drag it to the day and time when you'd like the
window to close.

Enter the duration of the time Enter a length of time in the Duration (days, hours,
window minutes) fields.

Indicate the end of the time ■ Select a day in the End day list.
window ■ Select a time in the End time field.

Time windows show as bars in the schedule display.

Specify enough time to allow all clients in the policy to complete a backup.
Consider allowing extra time in the schedule in case the schedule starts late
due to factors outside of NetBackup. (Delays due to unavailable devices, for
example.) Otherwise, all backups may not have a chance to start.
Creating backup policies 864
Start Window tab

8 As necessary, do any of the following:

Click Delete. Deletes the selected time window.

Click Clear. Deletes all time windows from the schedule display.

Click Duplicate. Replicates the time window for the entire week.

Click Undo. Erases the last action.

9 Do one of the following:

Click Add. To save the time window and leave the dialog box open.

Click OK. To save the time window and close the dialog box.

Example of schedule duration

Figure 21-14 illustrates the effect of schedule duration on two full backup schedules.
The start time for Schedule B begins shortly after the end time for the previous
Schedule A. Both schedules have three clients with backups due.

Figure 21-14 Duration example

Client A1

Client A2 1
Client A3

Client B1

Client B2 2
Client B3

Schedule A Schedule B
Start Time End Time Start Time End Time

Figure 21-14 illustrates the following points:

Point 1 Client A3 starts within the Schedule A time window but doesn’t complete
until after the Schedule B start time. However, Client A3 runs to
completion even if the window closes while the backup is running. Client
B1, on Schedule B, begins as soon as Client A3 completes.
Creating backup policies 865
Excluding days from a schedule

Point2 Schedule A does not leave enough time for all the clients on Schedule
B to be backed up. Consequently, Client B3 is unable to start because
the time window has closed. Client B3 must wait until the next time
NetBackup runs Schedule B.

Excluding days from a schedule

Use the Exclude Days tab to exclude specific days from a schedule for a backup
policy. If a day is excluded from a schedule, jobs do not run on that day. The tab
displays a calendar of three consecutive months. Use the lists at the top of the
calendar to change the first month or year displayed.
To exclude a day from a schedule
1 Use one or more methods to indicate the days to exclude:
■ Select the day(s) on the 3-month calendar that you want to exclude. Use
the drop-down lists at the top of the calendar to change the months or year.
■ To indicate Recurring Week Days:
■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month for every year.
■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.
■ Check a box in the matrix to select a specific day to exclude for every
■ Click the column head of a day of the week to exclude that day every
■ Click the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Last row label to exclude that week every

■ To indicate Recurring Days of the Month:

■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month.
■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.
■ Check a box in the matrix to select that day to exclude each month.
■ Click Last Day to exclude the last day of every month.

■ To indicate Specific Dates:

■ Click New. Enter the month, day, and year in the Date Selection dialog
box. Click OK.
The date appears in the Specific Dates list.
Creating backup policies 866
Include Dates tab

■ To delete a date, select the date in the list. Click Delete.

2 Add additional dates as necessary, and then click OK to save the changes.

Include Dates tab

The Include Dates tab appears in the Add New Schedule or Change Schedule
dialog box. For the tab to display, you must select the Calendar option as the
Schedule type on the Attributes tab. Calendar-based schedules provide several
run day options for determining when a task runs.

Figure 21-15 Calendar selection in the Policy Attributes tab

The Calendar attribute enables the Include Days tab

The tab displays a calendar of three consecutive months. Use the lists at the top
of the calendar to change the first month or year displayed.

Calendar scheduling with the Include Dates tab

Use the Calendar option in the policy Attributes tab to create a job schedule based
on a calendar view. The Include Dates tab lets administrators configure the
schedules that run according to specific days, on recurring week days, or on
recurring days of the month.
Creating backup policies 867
Include Dates tab

Note: Using the calendar schedule, if a green checkmark does not appear on a
day, the day is not included in the schedule.
If Retries allowed after runday is enabled, a job could run on a day that is not
included in the schedule.
When a new calendar schedule is created with Retries allowed after runday
enabled, the schedule runs its first job on the next day when the backup window is
open. That day may be before the first run day that is included in the schedule.

To use a calendar to schedule run days

1 In the Attributes tab, enable the Calendar attribute.
2 Select the Include Dates tab.
3 Use one or more methods to schedule the days on which jobs can run:
■ Select the day(s) on the three-month calendar that you want jobs to run.
Use the drop-down lists at the top of the calendar to change the months or
■ To indicate Recurring Week Days:
■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month for every year.
■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.
■ Check a box in the matrix to select a specific day to include for every
■ Click the column head of a day of the week to include that day every
■ Click the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Last row label to include that week every

■ To indicate Recurring Days of the Month:

■ Click Select All to select all of the days in every month.
■ Click Deselect All to remove all existing selections.
■ Check a box in the matrix to select that day to include each month.
■ Click Last Day to include the last day of every month.

■ To indicate Specific Dates:

■ Click New. Enter the month, day, and year in the Date Selection dialog
box. Click OK.
The date appears in the Specific Dates list.
Creating backup policies 868
How NetBackup determines which schedule to run next

■ To delete a date, select the date in the list. Click Delete.

4 Add additional dates as necessary, and then click OK to save the included

How NetBackup determines which schedule to

run next
When a policy contains one schedule, the schedule that is selected to run next is
straightforward. But when a policy contains multiple schedules, choosing which
schedule to run next can become more complicated.
NetBackup performs the following tasks to determine which schedule to run next:
■ NetBackup determines the due time for each schedule. The due time depends
on the following:
■ The last backup data for each schedule based on comparable schedules.
■ The frequency that is added to each schedule to determine which schedule
is due next.

■ NetBackup checks the start time for each schedule. The schedule with the
soonest start time runs next. That is, the schedule with the next open window.

Figure 21-16 Schedule selection overview

Find last backup data

For calendar-
For frequency-
based schedules,
based schedules,
add days until
add frequency
next run day

First available
Determine due time selected to run
start time

When any of the following events occurs, NetBackup recalculates which schedule
to run next in a policy:
■ A backup job finishes.
■ A client backup image expires.
Creating backup policies 869
How NetBackup determines which schedule to run next

■ The Policy Execution Manager (nbpem) starts.

■ The administrator changes the policy.
NetBackup looks for updated policies every 10 minutes. If the policy has recently
been updated, NetBackup waits an additional minute to be sure that changes
are not currently underway. You can change the frequency that NetBackup looks
for updates by changing the Policy Update Interval in the Global Attributes
host properties.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
The due time for each schedule equals the last backup data for the schedule, plus
the schedule’s frequency:
Due time = Last backup data + Frequency
Last backup data refers to the schedule that ran most recently among comparable
schedules. NetBackup uses the date and time of that schedule to determine the
due time for all the schedules that use that schedule as the last backup data.
In some cases, the last backup data for a schedule names the schedule itself. In
other cases, the last backup data for a schedule is another comparable schedule.
NetBackup makes the following comparisons to identify a comparable schedule:

Full schedules Compared to other full schedules of the same or longer


Cumulative incremental Compared to the following:

■ Full schedules of the same or longer frequency.
■ Other cumulative incremental schedules of the same or
longer frequency.

Differential incremental Compared to the following:

■ Full schedules of the same or longer frequency.
■ Cumulative incremental schedules of the same or longer
■ Other differential incremental schedules of the same or
longer frequency.
Note: To have a longer frequency means that the
schedule is configured to run less often.

The comparison rules ensure that no schedule is overlooked for consideration,

potentially causing a gap in backup coverage.
Creating backup policies 870
About schedule windows that span midnight

Figure 21-17 Schedule coverage

Sunday Full Data

Monday Differential Incremental
Tuesday Differential Incremental
Wednesday Cumulative Incremental
Thursday Differential Incremental
Friday Differential Incremental
Saturday Cumulative Incremental
Sunday Full
Monday Differential Incremental
Tuesday Differential Incremental
Wednesday Cumulative Incremental
Thursday Differential Incremental
Friday Differential Incremental
Saturday Cumulative Incremental
Sunday Full
Monday Differential Incremental


The following jobs create additional complexities in scheduling:

Multistreaming jobs Each stream is scheduled independently. The data may

change in the time between the streamed backups. Two
restores that are based on the same backup may not be
identical if created from different streams.

Synthetic backup jobs NetBackup uses the previous synthetic job as the basis for
determing when the next synthetic job should run.

About schedule windows that span midnight

A backup window may begin in one day and end in another. If this kind of policy is
scheduled to run each day, NetBackup does not run the job again immediately after
midnight. Instead, even though the window spans into the next day, NetBackup
considers it to be one window. NetBackup recognizes that the administrator’s
intention is usually not to have a job run again so soon after the previous backup.
Figure 21-18 shows a window that spans midnight.
Creating backup policies 871
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

If a policy is scheduled to run each day, NetBackup looks to see if another window
opens later in the day. If another window is set up to open later, NetBackup waits
and runs the job then.

Figure 21-18 Schedule that spans midnight

The first job begins Sunday.

The job is due Monday as well. Instead of running the job again
immediately after midnight, NetBackup looks for a window later in
the day and runs the job.

If no other window is scheduled to open later in the day, NetBackup does not wait.
If the job has a daily frequency, the job runs again after midnight to meet the daily
backup frequency requirement.

How open schedules affect calendar-based and

frequency-based schedules
A single backup window can span the entire week. This kind of schedule is called
an open schedule because a job may run at any time of day or night during the
week. Open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules
Figure 21-19 shows an open schedule.
Creating backup policies 872
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

Figure 21-19 An open schedule

Open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules differently:

Calendar-based schedules Calendar-based schedules run whenever the calendar

schedule indicates. NetBackup assumes that an environment
requires one backup on each day that is selected on the
calendar schedule. Given an open schedule, backups run
as soon after midnight as possible to satisfy the daily backup

Frequency-based schedules Frequency-based schedules run when the frequency setting

indicates. For example, with a frequency of one day,
NetBackup runs backups at 24-hour intervals based on the
start time.

Figure 21-20 shows that the backups on a calendar-based schedule would run
Monday through Friday.
Creating backup policies 873
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

Figure 21-20 An open schedule that is calendar-based

Figure 21-21 and Figure 21-22 show that the backups based on a frequency-based
schedule should run every day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday.
Creating backup policies 874
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

Figure 21-21 An open schedule that is frequency-based

In Figure 21-22, backups run at 10:00 P.M. nightly based on the start time.
Creating backup policies 875
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

Figure 21-22 Example of a frequency-based schedule with an open schedule

Click on a window to see the

start time and end time of
each day.

The start time indicates

when backups can run.

The window has a duration

of 1 day. The window is
duplicated for each day, to
create an open schedule.

Creating an open schedule in the NetBackup Administration Console

The following procedure describes how to create an open schedule in an existing
policy. In this procedure, the open schedule is configured to begin at 10:00 P.M.
To create an open schedule in the NetBackup Administration Console
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 In the middle pane, double-click on the policy name where you want to create
an open schedule.
3 Select the Schedules tab.
4 Click New or Add to create a new schedule.
5 Complete the information on the Attributes tab.
6 Select the Start Window tab.
7 Select Sunday as the Modify Day and 10:00:00 PM as the Start time.
Creating backup policies 876
How open schedules affect calendar-based and frequency-based schedules

8 Select Monday as the End Day and 10:00:00 PM as the End time. The
Duration is then automatically set to one day.
9 Click Duplicate to copy this window to each day of the week.
10 Click OK to add the schedule to the policy.

Runtime considerations that affect backup frequency

The following items may cause a NetBackup job to run more frequently than
expected, or may prevent a job from meeting its backup frequency requirement.

Table 21-46 Items that can affect backup frequency

Item Description

Changing a policy causes the If the administrator changes or activates a policy, the change prompts NetBackup to
policy to run run the job as soon as possible. It does not matter if the schedule is calendar-based
or frequency-based.

Window availability Whether the schedule is calendar-based or frequency-based, a job cannot run if
windows are not open on the configured rundays.

■ For calendar-based schedules, windows must be open on the specific dates,

recurring weekdays, or recurring days of the month that the calendar schedule
Note: A frequency is not configurable for a calendar-based schedule. For this
schedule type, NetBackup assumes a daily backup frequency.
■ For frequency-based schedules, a daily frequency requires that a window is open
each day.

Backup attempt limit A Global Attribute host property setting determines how many times a failed job can
attempt to run. The Schedule backup attempts property includes the number of
attempts and the time period in which the attempts can take place.

By default, a failed job tries to run two times every 12 hours if an open window is
available. Note that this setting supersedes any other frequency requirement and can
cause a schedule to skip an open window.

For example, if a job meets the maximum number of job attempts, NetBackup does
not try to run the job again during the retry period indicated. It does not attempt, even
in an open window and a daily backup frequency has not been met that day.

See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

Creating backup policies 877
About the Clients tab

About the Clients tab

The Clients tab contains a list of clients to be backed up (or acted upon) by the
selected policy. A client must be included in the list of at least one backup policy
to be backed up.
Placing a client in more than one backup policy can be useful. For example, place
the client name in two policies to back up different sets of files on the client according
to different policy rules.
The Clients tab does not appear for Vault or Catalog policy types.

Adding, changing, or deleting clients in a policy

A client must be included in the list of at least one active backup policy to be backed
up. Use the following procedures to add, change, or delete clients in an existing
NetBackup policy.
To add, change, or delete a client in a policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Policies.
2 Open the policy that you want to change.
3 Select the Clients tab and perform one of the following actions:

To add a new client Continue to step 4.

To change an existing Double-click on the client that you want to change or select
client the client and click Change. The Change Client dialog box

Click OK to accept the change and close the Change Client

dialog box. Or, click Cancel to close the dialog box without
saving the changes.

To delete a client Select a client and click Delete. Hold down Shift to select
multiple clients. A confirmation dialog box appears that lists
the clients to be deleted. Click Yes to delete the clients or No
to escape the dialog box.

4 To add a new client, click New. The Add Client dialog box appears.
In the Add Client dialog box, enter the host name that you want to add. Or
click the Browse for Computer button, select the host from the network tree,
and click OK.
Creating backup policies 878
About the Clients tab

Note: The Browse for clients and the Detect client operating system
options are unavailable for a BigData policy type. To add a client using the
BigData policy, enter the name of the client, manually.

Observe the following rules for assigning client names:

■ Use a name by which the server knows the client (one that you can use on
the server to ping or telnet to the client).

Note: To add a client to backup universal share data, enter the host name
of the client where the universal share is mounted. This name is used for
cataloging. Although you can enter any name, a best practice is to enter
the host short name, Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), or IP address
of the host that has permission to mount the universal share. For database
systems, you can enter the host's network ID.

Note: To add a client for a Nutanix Acropolis Cluster, enter the display
name of the virtual machine. The display name of a virtual machine is
To add a client for a Hadoop cluster, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the Hadoop cluster or namenode.

■ You cannot add an identically named client twice to one policy.

However, if you create a policy with client_1 and Client_1 as client names,
NetBackup lets you save the policy.
Update the bp.conf file using the bpsetconfig command. Set
check for different character case in client names. The check is performed
Creating backup policies 879
About the Clients tab

before NetBackup saves the policy. The policy is not saved until the client
name issue is fixed.
■ If the client is in multiple policies, use the same name in each policy.
■ If the network configuration has multiple domains, use a more qualified
name. For example, use or client1. null rather than
only client1.
■ Add only clients with the hardware and the operating systems that this policy
supports. For example, do not add a UNIX client to an MS-Windows policy.
If you add a client to more than one policy, designate the same hardware
and operating system in each of the policies.
If the hardware and the operating system you want is not in the list,
associated client software is not installed on the server. Check the
/usr/openv/netbackup/client directory for the directories and software
that corresponds to the client you want to install. If the directories or software
are not there, rerun the installation script on the server and select the option
to install client software.
■ To add a client to backup universal share data, enter the host name of the
client where the universal share is mounted.
■ Do not use an IP address as a client name in a policy or the backup may
fail. Specify a host name instead.

5 You can either select the Detect client operating system check box or select
the appropriate hardware and operating system for the client in the drop-down
6 Perform one of the following:
■ Click Add to add the client to the list and leave the dialog box open to add
another client.
■ Click OK to add the client to the list and close the dialog box.
■ Click Cancel to close the dialog box without adding the client.

7 When you are finished in the Clients tab:

■ Click OK to close and save the policy.
■ Click Cancel to close the policy without saving any additions or changes.

Browse for Hyper-V virtual machines

On the Clients tab, click New to select virtual machines.
Creating backup policies 880
Backup Selections tab

The following table describes the options that you can use to select Hyper-V virtual

Table 21-47 Options for selecting Hyper-V virtual machines

Option Description

Enter the VM display name

Note: The type of name to enter depends on the Primary VM identifier setting on
(or VM hostname or VM
the Hyper-V tab of the policy.
Enter the host name, display name, or GUID of the virtual machine. The format of the
host name or display name depends on your system. It may be the fully qualified name
or another name, depending on your network configuration and how the name is defined
in the guest OS. If NetBackup cannot find the name or GUID you enter, the policy
validation fails.

Make sure the Browse for Virtual Machines option is unchecked.

Browse for Virtual Click this option to discover Hyper-V servers or cluster nodes (shown in the left pane).
Machines You can select virtual machines from a list (in the right pane).

The virtual machine names that are listed may be derived from a cache file. Use of the
cache file is faster than rediscovering the virtual machines on the network if your site
has a large number of virtual machines. If the virtual machine is turned off but was
turned on when the cache file was last created, its name appears in the list.

If the display name of the virtual machine was recently changed in the Hyper-V Manager,
note: The virtual machine name that was used for the backup does not change.

If NetBackup cannot obtain the IP address of the virtual machine, the IP address is
displayed as NONE.

Last Update To update the cache file and re-display virtual machines, click the refresh icon to the
right of the Last Update field. This field shows the date and time of the most recent
cache file that contains the names of virtual machines.

Backup Selections tab

The Backup Selections tab contains a list of what to back up on each client, host,
or instance when NetBackup runs an automatic schedule (for example, a full
backup). The list does not apply to user backups or archives, where users select
the objects to back up before they start the operation.
The backup selections list can contain the following:
■ Paths that identify the location of files or directories
■ Directives, which signal NetBackup to perform specific, predefined actions when
it processes the selections list
Creating backup policies 881
Backup Selections tab

■ Scripts
See “Registering authorized locations used by a NetBackup database
script-based policy” on page 888.
■ Database objects
■ Wildcards
Certain wildcards can be used in the selections list.
See “Wildcard use in NetBackup” on page 1207.
Windows clients support only the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?) as valid
wildcards in the Backup Selections tab.
For information on how to use wildcards when you configure backup selections
for database agents and other options, refer to the guide for that agent or option.
The list applies to each client (or host, instance, or database) in the policy. Every
file on the list does not need to exist on all of the clients. NetBackup backs up the
files that it finds that are on the backup selections list. However, each client must
contain at least one of the files in the backup selections list. Otherwise, the backup
fails with status code 71 (none of the files in the file list exist). Use the Troubleshooter
to find the description of a status code. See “Running the Troubleshooter”
on page 48.
The policy type determines what type of backup selections appear in the list. See
Table 21-48. See “Policy type (policy attribute)” on page 766.

Table 21-48 Items allowed in the Backup Selections list for specific policy

Policy type Items allowed

Standard Paths and directives

BigData Paths and directives

See “Creating a BigData policy” on page 936.

MS-Windows Paths and directives

Lotus-Notes, MS-Exchange-Server, Paths and directives


MS-SQL-Server For SQL Server Intelligent policies, you can

select the whole database, file groups, or
files. For legacy SQL Server policies, you add
batch files.

Informix-On-BAR, SAP, Sybase Scripts

DB2 Scripts
Creating backup policies 882
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-48 Items allowed in the Backup Selections list for specific policy
types (continued)

Policy type Items allowed

Oracle For Oracle Intelligent Policies, you select an

Oracle database object or other option like a
backup of the Fast Recovery Area (FRA). For
legacy Oracle policies, you can add scripts.

Vault Vault commands

Adding backup selections to a policy

Use the following procedures to add backup selections to a NetBackup policy,
without opening up the tab view of the policy.
To add backup selections to a policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Policies.
2 Open the policy where you want to add a backup selection.
3 Select the Backup Selections tab and perform one of the following actions:

Entering a path to a directory Click Browse to browse to a specific client to specify

the path to the directory that you want to backup up. Or
enter the pathname directly in the Pathname or
directive field.

The Browse button toggles to an Add button after a

selection is made. Click Add to add the path to the
selection list.

A path may contain up to 1023 characters.

See “Pathname rules for Windows client backups”

on page 894.

See “Pathname rules for UNIX client backups”

on page 901.

Selecting a directive set or Select or enter a directive or a directive set in the

directive Pathname or Directive set drop-down menu.

Click Add to add the directive to the selection list.

See “About the directives on the Backup Selections list

” on page 909.
Creating backup policies 883
Backup Selections tab

Selecting a script ■ Select or enter a script in the Script drop-down

Scripts require that you specify the full path. Be sure
that the scripts that are listed are installed on each
of the clients that are specified on the Clients tab.
■ For Oracle polices or DB2 policies, use the Browse
button to locate the script for the Script list, or enter
the name of the script.
Example of an Oracle script on UNIX:
Example of a DB2 script on UNIX:

Click Add to add a script to the selection list.

You can select multiple directories and files for backup. The policy type
determines whether the backup selections list can contain paths, directives,
scripts, or a combination.

4 Click OK to add the selection list to the Backup Selections tab in the policy.
5 When you are finished in the Backup Selections tab:
■ Click OK to close and save the policy.
■ Click Cancel to close the policy without saving any additions or changes.
Creating backup policies 884
Backup Selections tab

Creating a protection point for a NetBackup Appliance

universal share
You can create a protection point for the data in a universal share that lets you
manage and protect the data in the share. Creating a protection point is
accomplished by creating a Universal-Share backup policy.
If a NetBackup Appliance is configured with multiple universal shares, a single
policy can be created for some or all of the shares. You can also create individual
policies, one for each share. If multiple appliances are configured with universal
shares, each appliance should be configured with its own specific policy to protect
the universal shares on that appliance.
For example, on an appliance, the NFS exported path (Universal Share) is
/shares/EXPORTED. On the NFS client server, the mounted path of the Universal
Share is /mounted/MOUNTED.
Where /shares/EXPORTED is the network path of the Universal Share data and
/mounted/MOUNTED is the network path on the NFS client where the share is
You then back up the data on the /mounted/MOUNTED Universal Share.
To create a protection point policy for a NetBackup Appliance universal share
1 Create a Universal Share on the appliance using the NetBackup Appliance
Web Console, NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu, or the NetBackup web UI.
For more information about the universal share feature and the supported
appliance versions, refer to the NetBackup Appliance documentation:
2 Mount the exported path of the Universal Share on the NFS client server.
3 Copy your application data to the Universal Share.
4 In NetBackup, on the Attributes tab, create a Universal-Share policy.
For the Policy Storage, you must use the storage unit that hosts the universal
share. You must create one if one does not exist.
If multiple storage servers are configured with universal shares, each of the
storage servers should be configured with its own specific policy. This
configuration ensures that the universal shares on that storage server are
5 On the Schedules tab, select either FULL or INCR.

Note: Accelerator backups are not supported or necessary for universal

Creating backup policies 885
Backup Selections tab

6 On the Clients tab, enter the name of the NetBackup Appliance where the
Universal Share resides.

Note: Enter the host name of the client where the universal share is mounted.
This name is used for cataloging. Although you can enter any name, a best
practice is to enter the host short name, Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN),
or IP address of the host that has permission to mount the universal share.
For database systems, you can enter the host's network ID.

7 Select the Backup Selections tab and perform the following actions in the
order listed:
■ Add the USHARE directive.
USHARE is a keyword within the directive and it must be placed first in the
Backup Selections tab.
■ (Optional) Add the NEW_STREAM directive if you require multistream backup.
See “NEW_STREAM directive” on page 917.
■ Add the mounted path on the NFS client server and the exported path of
the Universal Share.
■ Enter the BACKUP X USING Y directive in the Backup Selections tab.
For example: BACKUP /mounted/MOUNTED USING /shares/EXPORTED
If the Universal Share is mounted on a Windows system,
C:\mounted\MOUNTED, use the /C:/mounted/MOUNTED format for the
BACKUP path.
You can add multiple shares in a policy. If you want to group several
shares into one backup job, use the NEW_STREAM directive.
See “NEW_STREAM directive” on page 917.

8 Enter the host name of the client where the Universal Share is mounted.
9 Run the Universal-Share policy.
After the backups are created, you can manage the backups with NetBackup
features, such as restore, duplication, Auto Image Replication, and others.
You can immediately access the backups with NetBackup Instant Access APIs.
For information about NetBackup APIs, see the following website:
Select NetBackup and then the version at the bottom of the page.
Creating backup policies 886
Backup Selections tab

Creating a protection point for a universal share

You can create a protection point for the data in a universal share that lets you
manage and protect the data in the share. Creating a protection point is
accomplished by creating a Universal-Share backup policy.
If an MSDP storage server is configured with multiple universal shares, a single
policy can be created for some or all of the shares. You can also create individual
policies, one for each share. If multiple storage servers are configured with universal
shares, each storage servers should be configured with its own specific policy to
protect the universal shares on that storage server.
More information is available:
See “About universal shares” on page 661.
To create a protection point policy for a universal share
1 Create a universal share on an existing MSDP storage server.
For details, see Create a universal share in NetBackup Web UI Administrator’s
2 Mount the exported path of the universal share on the storage server.
The Export path is found on the details page of the universal share in the
NetBackup web UI: click Storage > Universal Share and then select the
universal share to view its details.
3 Copy your application data to the universal share.
4 Create a policy using with the NetBackup Administration Console or the
NetBackup web UI.
5 On the Attributes tab, select Universal-Share from the Policy type list.
For the Policy Storage, you must use the storage unit that hosts the universal
share. You must create one if one does not exist.
If multiple storage servers are configured with universal shares, each of the
storage servers should be configured with its own specific policy. This
configuration ensures that the universal shares on that storage server are
Creating backup policies 887
Backup Selections tab

6 Under Destination, select storage unit from the Policy storage list.
See Policy storage (policy attribute) in NetBackup Administrator's Guide Volume
I for more information about policy storage setting.
The storage unit for universal share policy must be in the same disk pool volume
where the universal share is created.

Note: If primary server or MSDP storage server is running NetBackup 10.0.1

or later, media server must also be 10.0.1 or later.

7 On the Schedules tab, select either FULL or INCR.

Note: Accelerator backups are not supported or necessary for universal


8 On the Clients tab, enter the name of the desired client.

Universal share is an agentless technology, so the client name that is specified
is used only for cataloging purposes. You can enter a NetBackup Appliance,
NetBackup Virtual Appliance, Flex Appliance media server application instance,
or MSDP BYO server name or a host where universal share is mounted. The
client name can be a short name, Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), or
IP address.
Creating backup policies 888
Backup Selections tab

9 On Backup Selections tab, enter the path of the universal share.

You can find the export path from the Universal share details page NetBackup
web UI: Storage > Storage Configuration > Universal Share. For example:

You can use the NEW_STREAM directive if you require multistream backups.
See “NEW_STREAM directive” on page 917.
You can also use the BACKUP X USING Y directive, which allows cataloging
under a different directory than the universal share path. For example: BACKUP
/demo/database1 USING
/mnt/vpfs_shares/3cc7/3cc77559-64f8-4ceb-be90-3e242b89f5e9. In this
example, the backup will be cataloged under /demo/database1.
10 Run the Universal-Share policy.
After the backups are created, you can manage the backups with NetBackup
features, such as restore, duplication, Auto Image Replication, and others.
You can instantly access backup copies from local LSU or cloud LSU with web
UI or NetBackup Instant Access APIs.
For more information about instant access for cloud LSU:
For information about NetBackup APIs, see the following website:
Select NetBackup and then the version at the bottom of the page.

Registering authorized locations used by a NetBackup

database script-based policy
During a backup, NetBackup checks for scripts in the default script location and
any authorized locations. The default, authorized script location for UNIX is
usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext and for Windows is
install_path\netbackup\dbext. If the script is not in the default script location
or an authorized location, the policy job fails. You can move any script into the
default script location or any additional authorized location and NetBackup
recognizes the scripts. You need to update the policy with the script location if it
has changed. An authorized location can be a directory and NetBackup recognizes
any script within that directory. An authorized location can also be a full path to a
script if an entire directory does need to be authorized.
If the default script location does not work for your environment, use the following
procedure to enter one or more authorized locations for your scripts. Use
nbsetconfig to enter an authorized location where the scripts reside. You can also
Creating backup policies 889
Backup Selections tab

use bpsetconfig, however this command is only available on the primary or the
media server.

Note: One recommendation is that scripts should not be world-writable. NetBackup

does not allow scripts to run from network or remote locations. All scripts must be
stored and run locally. Any script that is created and saved in the NetBackup db_ext
(UNIX) or dbext (Windows) location needs to be protected during a NetBackup
For more information about registering authorized locations and scripts, review the
knowledge base article:

To add an authorized location

1 Open a command prompt on the client.
2 Use nbsetconfig to enter values for an authorized location. The client privileged
user must run these commands.
The following examples are for paths you may configure for the Oracle agent.
Use the path that is appropriate for your agent.
■ On UNIX:

[root@client26 bin]# ./nbsetconfig

nbsetconfig>DB_SCRIPT_PATH = /Oracle/scripts
nbsetconfig>DB_SCRIPT_PATH = /db/Oracle/scripts/

■ On Windows:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>nbsetconfig
nbsetconfig> DB_SCRIPT_PATH=c:\db_scripts
nbsetconfig> DB_SCRIPT_PATH=e:\oracle\fullbackup\
Creating backup policies 890
Backup Selections tab

Note: Review the NetBackup Command Reference Guide for options, such
as reading from a text file and remotely setting clients from a NetBackup server
using bpsetconfig. If you have a text file with the script location or authorized
locations listed, nbsetconfig or bpsetconfig can read from that text file. An
entry of DB_SCRIPT_PATH=none does not allow any script to execute on a client.
The none entry is useful if an administrator wants to completely lock down a
server from executing scripts.

3 (Conditional) Perform these steps on any clustered database or agent node

that can perform the backup.
4 (Conditional) Update any policy if the script location was changed to the default
or authorized location.

Verifying the Backup Selections list

Verify the Backup Selections list to make sure that the file paths are correct for
the clients in the policy.

Table 21-49 Steps to verify the Backup Selections list

Step Action Description

Step 1 Check the syntax for the Do the following:

directives and the file path
■ If the list includes directives, verify that the syntax for the directives is
■ Check all entries against the file path rules for the clients in the policy.

See “Pathname rules for Windows client backups” on page 894.

See “Pathname rules for Windows disk image (raw) backups” on page 897.

See “Pathname rules for Windows registry backups” on page 898.

See “Pathname rules for UNIX client backups” on page 901.

Path rules for the NetBackup clients that are running separately-priced options
are covered in the NetBackup guide for the product. (For example, Snapshot
Client or NetBackup for MS-Exchange.)
Creating backup policies 891
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-49 Steps to verify the Backup Selections list (continued)

Step Action Description

Step 2 Check for warning messages. Do the following:

■ Run a set of backups.

■ Check the Problems report or the All Log Entries report for warning

The backup status code does not always indicate errors on the Backup
Selection list. Because NetBackup does not require all paths in the Backup
Selections list to be present on all clients, an error may not be especially

See “About the Reports utility” on page 1192.

Step 3 Create a File System Run the check_coverage script to create a File System Backup Coverage
Backup Coverage Report. Report.

The script is located in install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies (on

Windows) or in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies (on UNIX). The
script can reveal mistakes in the selections list that make it impossible for
NetBackup to find the files. Mistakes in the selections list can result in files
being skipped in the backup.

On Windows: If a path is not found, NetBackup logs a trivial (TRV) message

or a warning (WRN) message. However, the same job can end with a backup
status code of 0 (successful). Usually, to report files missing from the backup
selections list is not helpful because not all files are expected to be present
on every client. However, check the logs or use the check_coverage script
to ensure that files are not missed due to bad or missing backup selections
list entries.

See “Example log messages from the File System Backup Coverage Report
(check_coverage)” on page 891.

Example log messages from the File System Backup

Coverage Report (check_coverage)
The File System Backup Coverage Report is created by running the
check_coverage script. For information on check_coverage, see the comments in
the script.
On Windows: The following example shows the log message that appears when
files expected to be on a client are not found.
Assume that the backup selections list contains the path c:\worklist that is not
present on all clients. NetBackup backs up C:\worklist on the clients where it
Creating backup policies 892
Backup Selections tab

For other clients, the Problems report or the All Log Entries report shows a
message similar to the following:

9/1/14 8:28:17 AM carrot freddie Info from client freddie: TRV

- object not found for file system backup: C:\worklist

This message occurs if c:\worklist is not the correct path name. For example,
the directory name is c:\worklists, but c:\worklist was typed.

Note: If the paths seem correct and the message appears, ensure that no trailing
spaces appear in the paths.

On UNIX: The following table shows examples of the log messages that appear
when files expected to be on a client are not found.

Table 21-50 Example UNIX log messages from the File System Backup
Coverage Report

Example Description

Regular expressions or Assume that the backup selections list contains a regular expression:

NetBackup backs up /home10 through /home19 if both exist.

If they are not present, the Problems report or the All Log Entries report displays a
message similar to the following:

02/02/14 20:02:33 windows freddie from

client freddie: TRV -
Found no matching file system for
Creating backup policies 893
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-50 Example UNIX log messages from the File System Backup
Coverage Report (continued)

Example Description

Path not present on all clients Assume that the backup selections list contains a path named /worklist that is not
or wrong path specified present on all clients. NetBackup backs up /worklist on the clients where it exists.

For other clients, the Problems report or the All Log Entries report displays a message
similar to the following:

02/02/14 21:46:56 carrot freddie from

client freddie: TRV - cannot
process path /worklist: No such
file or directory. Skipping

This message occurs if /worklist is not the correct path name. For example, the
directory name is /worklists, but /worklist was typed.
Note: If the paths seem correct and the message continues to appear, ensure that
no trailing spaces appear in the paths.

Symbolic link Assume the backup selections list names a symbolic link. NetBackup does not follow
symbolic links and provides a message in the Problems report or the All Log Entries

02/02/14 21:46:47 carrot freddie from

client freddie: WRN - /src is only
being backed up as a symbolic link

Resolve the symbolic link if you do not intend to back up the symbolic link itself.

How to reduce backup time

A client can be added to multiple policies, to divide the client’s files among the
different backup selections lists. Multiple policies can reduce the backup time for
that client because the files can be backed up in parallel.
Multiple clients can be backed up in parallel in the following situations:
■ Multiple storage devices are available (or if the policies are multiplexed).
■ Maximum jobs per client (in Global Attributes host properties) and the Limit
jobs per policy policy attribute are set to allow it.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
See “Limit jobs per policy (policy attribute)” on page 779.
Creating backup policies 894
Backup Selections tab

Note: Understand disk and controller input and output limitations before configuring
including a client in multiple policies. For example, if two file systems overload the
client when backed up in parallel, place both file systems in the same policy.
Schedule the file systems at different times or set Maximum jobs per client to 1.

Another method to reduce backup time is to select Allow multiple data streams
for a policy, and then add NEW_STREAMS directives to the backup selections list.
For example:


The example produces two concurrent data streams. The first data string contains
file_a, file_b, and file_c. The second data stream contains file_d, file_e,
and file_f.
See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

Note: For best performance, use only one data stream to back up each physical
device on the client. Multiple concurrent streams from a single physical device can
cause longer backup times. The disk heads must move back and forth between
the tracks that contain files for the respective streams.

A directive instructs NetBackup to perform specific actions to process the files in

the backup selections list.

Pathname rules for Windows client backups

To back up Windows clients, use the following conventions for entries in the backup
selections list.

Table 21-51 Pathname rules for Windows client backups

Item Description

Paths per line Enter one path per line.

Creating backup policies 895
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-51 Pathname rules for Windows client backups (continued)

Item Description

Colons and Begin all paths with the drive letter followed by a colon (:) and a backslash (\).
To specify an entire volume, append a backslash (\) to the entry to ensure that all data is
protected on that volume:

Correct entry: c:\

Incorrect entry: c:

Case sensitivity The drive letter and path are case-insensitive.

The following example entries would successfully indicate the same directory:


Note: If a path is listed in the Backup Selections tab more than once, the data is backed
up more than once.

Wildcards Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are the only wildcard characters allowed in the backup
selection list for Windows clients.

Square brackets and curly brackets are not valid for Windows clients and can cause backups
to fail with a status 71.

For Windows clients, wildcards function correctly only when they are placed at the end of the
path, in the file or directory name. For example:


Wildcard characters do not work elsewhere in the path. For example, an asterisk functions
as a literal character (not as a wildcard) in the following examples:



See “Wildcard use in NetBackup” on page 1207.

Creating backup policies 896
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-51 Pathname rules for Windows client backups (continued)

Item Description

All local drives To back up all local drives except for those that use removable media, specify the following:






The following drives are not backed up: floppy disks, CD-ROMs, and any drives that are
located on remote systems but mounted on a system through the network.

Use of mapped drives Do not specify a local drive path that is mapped to a CIFS share using the Windows Map
Network Drive option.

This holds true for a policy that contains multiple clients as well. Do not specify paths that
point to different CIFS shares.

For example:


Use of UNC path(s) If a backup policy contains multiple clients that specify a UNC path as a backup selection,
the redundant backup copies are created of the same data from different clients.
Consider including the host in a policy as a client to be backed up.

For example:


Omitted or excluded By default, NetBackup does not back up some files.

See “Files that are excluded from backups by default” on page 922.

Exclude specific files from backups by creating an exclusion list on the client.

See “About excluding files from automatic backups” on page 923.

The following backup selection list uses Windows conventions:

Creating backup policies 897
Backup Selections tab

Pathname rules for Windows disk image (raw) backups

On Windows clients, you can back up a logical disk drive as a disk image. That is,
NetBackup backs up the entire logical drive on a bit-by-bit basis rather than by
directories and files. Use the Full backup backup type to perform a disk image

Figure 21-23 Disk image backups

Must select Full backup as

backup type

Logical drive name in the

backup selection list

To specify a disk image backup, add the logical name for the drive to the policy
backup selection list. Disk images can be included in the same backup selection
list with other backups. In the following sample backup selection list, the first entry
(\\.\c:) creates a disk image backup of a logical drive C.




To restore the backup, the user clicks Select for restore > Restore from Normal
Creating backup policies 898
Backup Selections tab

When the backups are listed, the disk image appears as a file with the same name
that was specified in the backup selection list. For the previous example, the file
name would show as follows:

When you enter the destination to restore the file, use the following format:

Where drive is the location where the partition is to be restored.

Consider the following when working with disk image backups:

Windows Open File Backup NetBackup first attempts to use Windows Open File Backup
methods methods. If that fails, NetBackup locks the logical drive, which
ensures that no changes occur during the backup. If there
are open files on the logical drive, a disk image backup is not

Open files Before a disk image is backed up or restored, all applications

that have a file opened on the partition should be shut down.
If the applications are not shut down, the operation fails.
Examples of such applications are Windows Explorer or
Norton AntiVirus.

Copy-On-Write snapshots Ensure that no active COW (Copy-On-Write) snapshots are

in progress. If there is an active COW snapshot, the snapshot
process itself has a handle open to the volume.

Raw partitions NetBackup does not support raw partition backups on

unformatted partitions.

Paging file If the volume is configured to contain a paging file

(pagefile.sys), a raw partition backup of that volume may
fail. In order for a raw partition backup of that volume to
succeed, the volume may need to be reconfigured so as not
to contain a paging file. The raw partition backup of the
volume may work without reconfiguration if a snapshot can
successfully be taken of that volume.

Pathname rules for Windows registry backups

The Windows registry can be backed up for disaster recover or individual HKEYs
can be backed up. Consider the following items when configuring a Windows registry
Creating backup policies 899
Backup Selections tab

Disaster recovery To ensure a successful recovery in case of a disk failure, always

back up the entire registry. That is, back up the directory that
contains the entire registry.

On most Windows systems, this directory is located at:


Where %systemroot% is the directory where Windows is installed.

Note: To recover the registry, do not include individual registry
files or HKEY entries in the selection list that’s used to back up the
entire registry. If you use a NetBackup exclude list for a client, do
not exclude any registry files from your backups.

To restore the registry in the case of a disk failure, see the disaster
recovery chapter in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.

Individual HKEYs Do not back up individual HKEYs for disaster recovery. You cannot
perform a disaster recovery by restoring HKEYs. Do not include
HKEY entries in the same policy backup selection list that is used
to back up the entire registry. However, to restore individual keys
within the registry, create a separate policy, and then specify the
specific HKEYs in the backup selection list for that policy.

The following is an example HKEY entry for a policy backup

selection list:


Backups and restores are slower than if the entire registry was
backed up.

About hard links to files and directories

A hard link is a directory entry for a file. Every file can be considered to have at
least one hard link. A hard link differs from a symbolic link in that a hard link is not
a pointer to another file. A hard link is two directory entries that point to the same
inode number.
If the backup selection list includes hard-linked files, the data is backed up only
once during a backup. NetBackup uses the first file name reference that is found
in the directory structure. If a subsequent file name reference is found, it is backed
up as a link to the name of the first file. Backup up only the link means that only
one backup copy of the data is created, regardless of the number of hard links. Any
hard link to the data works.
On most UNIX systems, only the root user can create a hard link to a directory.
Some systems do not permit hard links, and many vendors recommend that these
Creating backup policies 900
Backup Selections tab

links be avoided. NetBackup does not back up and restore hard-linked directories
in the same manner as files.
Hard-linked files and hard-linked directories are different in the following ways:
■ During a backup, if NetBackup encounters hard-linked directories, the directories
are backed up once for each hard link.
■ During a restore, NetBackup restores multiple copies of the hard-linked directory
contents if the directories do not already exist on the disk. If the directories exist
on disk, NetBackup restores the contents multiple times to the same disk location.
On NTFS volumes or on UNIX systems, each file can have multiple hard links.
Therefore, a single file can appear in many directories (or even in the same directory
with different names). A volume serial number (VSN) and a File Index indicate the
actual, unique file on the volume. Collectively, the VSN and File Index are referred
to as the file ID.
During a backup, if the backup selection list includes hard-linked files, the data is
backed up only once. NetBackup uses the first file name reference that is found in
the directory structure. If a subsequent file name reference is found, the reference
is backed up as a link to the name of the first file. To back up subsequent references
means that only one backup copy of the data is created, regardless of the number
of multiple hard links.
If all hard-link references are restored, the hard-linked files continue to point to the
same ID as the other files to which they are linked. However, if all the hard links
are not restored, you can encounter anomalies as shown in the following examples.
Example 1: Restoring Link2 and Link3
Assume that three hard links point to the same data. During a backup of Link2 and
Link3, Link2 is encountered first and backed up. Then Link3 is backed up as a link
to Link2. The three files are all hard-linked to the same data.

Figure 21-24 Example of hard links to the same data

Link1 Link2 Link3


The original copies of Link2 and Link3 are backed up to tape, and then deleted.
Only Link1 is left on the disk.
Creating backup policies 901
Backup Selections tab

Figure 21-25 Example of hard links backed up to tape and disk

On Disk On Tape

Link1 Link2 Link3

Data Data

During a subsequent restore, Link2 and Link3 are restored. The restored files,
however, do not point to the same file ID as Link1. Instead, they are assigned a
new file ID or inode number and the data is written to a new place on the disk. The
data in the new location is an exact copy of what is in Link1. The duplication occurs
because the backup does not associate Link2 and L3 with Link1.

Figure 21-26 Example of restored hard links

Link1 Link2 Link3

Data Data

Example 2: Restoring Link3

Assume that this time you attempt to restore only Link3. However, NetBackup
cannot link Link3 to Link2 because Link2 does not exist. The restore can complete
only if it can link to Link2. A secondary restore request to the NetBackup server
automatically restores Link2, which contains the data. Link2 can now be successfully

Pathname rules for UNIX client backups

To back up UNIX clients, use the following conventions for entries in the backup
selections list.

Table 21-52 Pathname rules for UNIX client backups

Item Description

Pathnames per line Enter one pathname per line. NetBackup supports a maximum path length of 1023
characters for UNIX clients.

Forward slash Begin all pathnames with a forward slash (/).

Creating backup policies 902
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-52 Pathname rules for UNIX client backups (continued)

Item Description

Wildcard characters The following wildcard characters are allowed:

[ ]
{ }

For UNIX clients, wildcards can appear anywhere in the path.

See “Wildcard use in NetBackup” on page 1207.

Trailing spaces If a backup selection list entry contains trailing spaces and a matching entry is not
found, NetBackup deletes the spaces and checks again. If a match is not found,
NetBackup skips the entry and logs a message in the Problems report or the All Log
Entries report:

TRV - cannot process path pathname: No such file or directory.

Skipping TRV - Found no matching file system for pathname

Mount points Pathnames that cross mount points or that the client mounts through NFS can affect
the backup configuration. Read about the Follow NFS and Cross mount points
attributes before you create a backup selection list.

See “Follow NFS (policy attribute)” on page 782.

See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

Bootable tapes NetBackup can back up operating system, kernel, and boot files. However, NetBackup
cannot create bootable tapes. Consult your system documentation to create a bootable

Omitted or excluded files By default, NetBackup does not back up all files.

See “Files that are excluded from backups by default” on page 922.

Exclude specific files from backups by creating an exclusion list on the client.

See “About excluding files from automatic backups” on page 923.

Busy File Settings The Busy File Settings host properties for UNIX clients offers alternatives for handling
busy and locked files.

See “Busy File Settings properties” on page 68.

Access Control Lists (ACLs) NetBackup backs up Access Control Lists (ACLs), where supported.

See the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server OS Software Compatibility List at
the following URL:
Creating backup policies 903
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-52 Pathname rules for UNIX client backups (continued)

Item Description

Sun PC NetLink NetBackup can back up and restore Sun PC NetLink files.

Extended attribute files and NetBackup backs up Extended attribute files and named data streams, where supported.
named data streams
See the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server OS Software Compatibility List at
the following URL:

See “About backing up and restoring extended attribute files and named data streams”
on page 906.

VxFS extent attributes On Hewlett-Packard and Solaris SPARC platforms, NetBackup backs up VxFS extent

Symbolic links NetBackup backs up the symbolic link object and does not attempt to follow the link to
back up what it may point to. To achieve a backup of the target of the symbolic link,
include that target in the file list.

Restoring the symbolic link object restores only the object and not the data to which it
may point. To restore the target data, select it from the backup image.

See “About hard links to files and directories” on page 899.

Note: If NetBackup restores a symbolic link as root, NetBackup changes the owner
and group to the original owner and group. When NetBackup restores a symbolic link
as a non-root user, the owner and group are set to the owner and the group of the
person who performs the restore. Resetting the owner and group does not cause
problems. When the UNIX system checks permissions, NetBackup uses the owner
and group of the file to which the symbolic link points.

Directory junctions NetBackup backs up the directory junction object and does not attempt to traverse into
the directory to which it may point. To achieve a backup of the target of the directory
junction, include that target in the file list.

Restoring the directory junction link object restores only the object and not the data to
which it may point. To restore the target data, select it from the backup image.

See “About the Reports utility” on page 1192.

UNIX raw partitions

Save a copy of the partition table before a raw partition backup is performed. Retain
the copy for reference. To restore the raw partition, make sure that a device file
exists. Also, the partition where the table is restored must be large enough or the
results of the restore are unpredictable.
Consider the following items when creating UNIX raw partition backups.
Creating backup policies 904
Backup Selections tab

File changes during the Use raw partition backups only if you can ensure that the files have
backup not changed in any way during the backup. Or, in the case of a
database, if you can restore the database to a consistent state by
using transaction log files.

Backup archives Do not perform backup archives of raw partitions on any client. An
archive backs up the raw partition, and then deletes the device file
that is associated with the raw partition. The file system does not
recover the space that the raw partition uses.

File systems Before backing up file systems as raw partitions, unmount the file
system. Unmounting the file system allows buffered changes to be
written to the disk. Also, it prevents the possibility of any changes
in the file system during the backup. Use the bpstart_notify
and the bpend_notify scripts to unmount and remount the
backed-up file systems.

Mount points The Cross mount points policy attribute has no effect on raw
partitions. If the root partition is backed up as a raw partition and
contains mount points to other systems, the file systems are not
backed up. The other file systems are not backed up, even with
Cross mount points selected.

See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

The same is true for the Follow NFS policy attribute. NFS file
systems that are mounted in a raw partition are not backed up. Nor
can you back up raw partitions from other computers by using NFS
mounts to access the raw partitions. The devices are not accessible
on other computers through NFS.

See “Follow NFS (policy attribute)” on page 782.

Disk volume managers Specify the logical partition names for any disks that disk volume
managers manage. (For example, Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM).

FlashBackup policy For clients in a FlashBackup policy, refer to the NetBackup

Snapshot Client Administrator’s Guide for the differences between
Standard and FlashBackup policies.

Windows Server The use of FlashBackup in aWindows Server Failover Clustering

Failover Clustering (WSFC) environment is supported, with the following limitation:
(WSFC) environment Raw partition restores can only be performed when the disk being
restored is placed in extended maintenance mode or removed from
the WSFC resource group.
Note: Early versions of WSFC do not allow extended maintenance
mode functionality. If the cluster does not support placing disks in
extended maintenance mode, it is still possible to perform raw
restores to an alternate, non-shared disk.
Creating backup policies 905
Backup Selections tab

If there are no file systems to back up and the disks are used in raw mode, back
up the disk partitions as raw partitions. For example, databases are sometimes
used in raw mode. Use bpstart_notify and bpend_notify scripts to provide the
necessary pre-processing and post-processing of databases when they are backed
up as raw partitions.
You can also perform a raw partition backup of a disk partition that is used for file
systems. A disadvantage of this method is that you must restore the entire partition
to recover a single file (unless FlashBackup is in use). To avoid overwriting the
entire partition, use the redirected restore feature to restore the raw partition to
another raw partition of the same size. Then, copy individual files to the original file
Raw partition backups are also useful for backing up entire disks. Since the file
system overhead is bypassed, a raw partition backup is usually faster. The size of
the raw partition backup is the size of the entire disk, regardless of whether the
entire disk is used.
To specify a UNIX raw partition in the policy backup selection list, enter the full path
name of the device file.
For example, on a Solaris system, enter:


Note: Do not specify wildcards (such as /dev/rsd*) in pathnames for raw partition
backups. Doing so can prevent the successful restore of entire devices if there is
overlap between the memory partitions for different device files.

You can include raw partitions in the same backup selection list as other backups.
For example:


Note: NetBackup does not distinguish between full and incremental backups when
it backs up a raw partition. The entire partition is backed up in both cases.

Raw partition backups occur only if the absolute pathname in the backup selection
list is a block or character special device file. You can specify either block or
character special device files. Character special device files are often faster because
character devices avoid the use of the buffer cache for accessed disk data. Test
Creating backup policies 906
Backup Selections tab

both a block and character special device file to ensure the optimum backup speed
for your platform.
Ensure that you specify the actual block-device or character-device files. Sometimes
these are links to the actual device files. If a link is specified, only the link is backed
up. If the device files are reached while backing up /dev, NetBackup backs up only
the inode files for the device, not the device itself.
To perform a raw partition backup, select Full backup for the Type of Backup
from the Schedules tab. Any other backup type does not work for backing up raw
See “Type of backup (schedule attribute)” on page 830.

About backing up and restoring extended attribute files

and named data streams
NetBackup can back up and restore the following file attributes:
■ Extended attribute files of the Solaris UNIX file system (UFS) and temporary
file system (tmpfs)
■ Named data streams of the VxFS file system
NetBackup backs up extended attribute files and named data streams as part of
normal file system backups.
Extended attribute files and named data streams are normal files contained in a
hidden attribute directory that relate to a particular base file. The hidden directory
is stored within the file system, but can be accessed only by the base file to which
it is related. To view which files have extended attributes on Solaris 9 (or greater)
systems, enter: ls -@
Neither extended attribute files nor named data streams can be backed up or
restored individually. Rather, the files are backed up and restored all at once along
with the base file.
The presence of a large number of extended attribute files or named data streams
can cause some degradation in backup and restore speed. The speed is affected
since the base file and all associated files are backed up.
The speed is especially affected in the case of incremental backups, during which
NetBackup checks the mtime or ctime of each file individually.
Creating backup policies 907
Backup Selections tab

Figure 21-27 Example of base file and extended attribute directory and files

File 1
File 1 is a base file on a Solaris or VxFS client

Hidden attribute directory for File 1 Extended attributes

backed up and restored
Extended attribute file 1 as a group along with the
Extended attribute file 2 base file

Extended attribute file 3

Extended attribute file 4

To back up or restore named data streams and extended attributes, the client,
media server, and primary server must run the following versions:
■ NetBackup clients
■ HP 11.23 running VxFS 4.1 or greater.

Note: Access Control Lists (ACLs) are not backed up unless running VxFS
5.0 or greater.

■ AIX running VxFS 4.0 or greater.

Note: Access Control Lists (ACLs) are not backed up unless running VxFS
5.0 or greater.

■ Solaris 10 running VxFS 5.0 or greater

■ Solaris SPARC 9, 10 running VxFS 4.0 or greater
■ Linux running VxFS 5.0 or greater.

■ A NetBackup primary server

A NetBackup primary server of any version can back up and restore named
data streams and Solaris extended attributes.
Restored attribute files and named data streams can replace existing files if
Overwrite existing files is selected in the Backup, Archive, and Restore client
On UNIX: In the following example, File 1 is to be restored. Base File 1 currently
possesses four extended attribute files.
Creating backup policies 908
Backup Selections tab

Figure 21-28 Extended attribute files of Base File 1

File 1
Extended attribute file 1

Base file 1 Extended attribute file 2

Extended attribute file 3
Extended attribute file 4

On UNIX: The user restores File 1 from a backup that was created when File 1
possessed only three extended attribute files.

Figure 21-29 Backup of File 1

File 1 backup

Extended attribute file 1 backup

Extended attribute file 2 backup
Extended attribute file 3 backup

On UNIX: Since Overwrite existing files is selected as a restore option, when the
user restores File 1, extended attribute files 1, 2, and 3 are overwritten. Extended
attribute file 4 remains and is not overwritten.

Figure 21-30 Restore of File 1

Restored file 1

Restored extended attribute file 1

Restored extended attribute file 2
Restored extended attribute file 3
Extended attribute file 4

If an attempt is made to restore the following items, an error message appears in

the Restore Monitor. The error message informs the user that the extended
attributes or named data streams are not restored.
■ The extended attribute files to any non-Solaris 9 client (or greater)
■ Named data streams to any non-VxFS 4.0 client
NetBackup then continues with the restore job.
To disable the restore of extended attribute files and named data streams, add an
empty file to the client. Name the file IGNORE_XATTR and place it in the following
Creating backup policies 909
Backup Selections tab


The addition affects only Solaris 9 or VxFS 4.0 clients.

File IGNORE_XATTR was formerly known as IGNORE_XATTR_SOLARIS.
On UNIX: Only nbtar that is supplied with NetBackup can restore the extended
attributes or named data streams to a client.
On UNIX: For more information, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume

Note: Extended attributes and named data streams cannot be compressed.

Pathname rules for the clients that run extension products

Path rules for the NetBackup clients that are running separately-priced options are
covered in the NetBackup guide for the product. (For example, Snapshot Client or
NetBackup for MS-Exchange.)

About the directives on the Backup Selections list

Directives on the Backup Selections list signal NetBackup to perform specific,
predefined actions when it processes the files on the selections list.
The available directives depend on the policy type and whether the Allow multiple
data streams attribute is enabled for the policy. The following example is a backup
selections list that contains the NEW_STREAM directive. The MS-Windows policy type
is selected, and Allow multiple data streams is enabled.

D:\Program Files

Note: For best performance, use only one data stream to back up each physical
device on the client. Multiple concurrent streams from a single physical device can
adversely affect backup times. The heads must move back and forth between the
tracks that contain files for the respective streams.

The following table summarizes many of the directives available on the Backup
Selections list.
Creating backup policies 910
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-53 Summary of directives on the Backup Selections list

Directive Description Applicable operating


ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES Instructs NetBackup to back up all local drives except for All supported systems
those drives that use removable media. This directive also
includes critical system-related components.

See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive” on page 913.

System State:\ Instructs NetBackup to back up critical system-related All supported Windows
components. The exact set of system components that are systems
backed up depends on the operating system version and
system configuration.

See “System State:\ directive” on page 914.

Shadow Copy Instructs NetBackup to back up all writers for the Volume All supported Windows
Components:\ Shadow Copy component. This also implies and/or includes systems
System State:\ if that was not also selected.

See “Shadow Copy Components:\ directive” on page 915.

Active Directory Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) is a lightweight All supported Windows
Application Mode:\ directory service that runs as a user service. This directive systems
can be used to back up ADAM data on computers where it
is installed. However, it does not back up the Active Directory

Policy-specific directives Apply only to specific policy types and can appear only in Policy type specific
backup selections lists for those policies.

See “Directives for specific policy types” on page 916.

UNSET and UNSET_ALL Interrupt the streaming of policy-specific directives. The Allow All
multiple data streams policy attribute must be enabled
before these directives can be used.

See “UNSET and UNSET_ALL directives” on page 921.

NEW_STREAM When NEW_STREAM is on the first line of the Backup All

Selections list, this directive determines how a backup is
performed in the following modes:

■ Administrator-defined streaming
■ Auto-discovery streaming

The Allow multiple data streams policy attribute must be

enabled before this directive can be used.

See “NEW_STREAM directive” on page 917.

Creating backup policies 911
Backup Selections tab

Table 21-53 Summary of directives on the Backup Selections list (continued)

Directive Description Applicable operating


USHARE Instructs NetBackup to back up the Universal Share data.

The Allow multiple data streams policy attribute must be

enabled before this directive can be used.

See “USHARE directive” on page 917.


The ALL_FILESYSTEMS directive provides a method to include all file systems and
volumes on an NDMP filer in an NDMP backup policy.
You can exclude specific volumes from an ALL_FILESYSTEMS backup selection if
you do not want to back up every volume on an NDMP filer. Use the
VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST directive for this purpose. You may use valid wildcard
characters in the VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statement.

Note: The following examples use selections that are specific to NetApp Data
ONTAP 7-mode. For specific examples of backup selections for other configurations,
refer to the appropriate documentation.

The VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statements must precede ALL_FILESYSTEMS statement.

For example:




To specify multiple values in a VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statement, separate the

values with a comma. For example:


You can also specify more than one VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statement with an
ALL_FILESYSTEMS directive. For example:
Creating backup policies 912
Backup Selections tab


A VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statement may include a maximum of 256 characters.

Create multiple VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST statements if necessary to avoid exceeding
the limit of 256 characters. If you specify more than 256 characters, the volume list
is truncated. A truncated statement may result in a backup job failure, and the error
message Invalid command parameter(20) is displayed.
If the backup selection includes read-only volumes or full volumes, an NDMP backup
job fails with the status code 20 (Invalid command parameter(20)). If you
encounter a similar NDMP backup job error, review the ostfi logs to identify the
volumes for which the failure occurred. You can use VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST
statements with the ALL_FILESYSTEMS statement to exclude the read-only volumes
and the volumes with insufficient space.
In a NetBackup Replication Director environment where snapshots are replicated
to a secondary filer, it is recommended that you use storage lifecycle policies to
control backups on the secondary filer.
On NetApp 7-mode storage systems, it is generally not recommended for users to
store files in /vol/vol0 because the volume contains filer system files. For this
reason, vol0 should be excluded from the backup if the ALL_FILESYSTEMS directive
is used in the backup policy. The following is a backup selection list that excludes


■ Do not use ALL_FILESYSTEMS to backup all volumes on a secondary filer.

Inconsistencies may occur when automatically created NetApp FlexClone
volumes are backed up or restored. Such volumes are temporary and used as
virtual copies or pointers to actual volumes and as such do not need to be backed
■ If you must back up all volumes on a secondary filer, it is recommended that
you exclude the FlexClone volumes as well as replicated volumes. For example:

Creating backup policies 913
Backup Selections tab

This example assumes all FlexClone volumes and only FlexClone volumes
begin with /vol/Clone_. Adjust the volume specifications appropriately for your
■ VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST applies only to ALL_FILESYSTEMS. It does not apply to
explicit backup selections or wildcard-based backup selections.
If you use the ALL_FILESYSTEMS directive in an NDMP policy for Clustered Data
ONTAP, you must exclude each selected SVM's root volume using the
VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST directive. Otherwise the backups fail.
For more information, refer to the following topic:

Backups from snapshots for NDMP policies fail when the import of a snapshot fails
for volumes where logical unit numbers (LUNs) reside with status code 4213
(Snapshot import failed). To avoid this error, use the VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST
directive to exclude any volumes that are used to create LUNs accessed through
a storage area network (SAN).

Use the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive to back up all local drives except for those
drives that use removable media. If this directive is used, this directive must be the
only entry in the backup selections list for the policy. No other files or directives can
be listed. The directive applies only to the following policy types:
■ MS-Windows
■ Standard
ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES gives different results depending on whether Allow multiple
data streams is enabled for the policy:

Allow multiple data streams Applies only to Standard and MS-Windows policy types.
enabled NetBackup backs up the entire client, and then splits the data
from each drive (Windows) or file system (UNIX) into its own
backup stream. NetBackup periodically preprocesses the
client to make necessary changes to the streams.

Allow multiple data streams NetBackup backs up the entire client and includes all drives
disabled and file systems in the same stream.

See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

Caution: Do not select Cross mount points for policies where you use the

See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES example: Auto-discovery mode” on page 914.

Creating backup policies 914
Backup Selections tab

See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES example: Without multiple data streams” on page 914.

ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES example: Auto-discovery mode

Assume that Allow multiple data streams is enabled in the auto-discovery mode.
Assume that the client is a Windows system with two drive volumes, C:\ and D:\.
The backup selections list contains the following directive:


For this backup selections list, NetBackup generates the following:

■ One stream for C:\
■ One stream for D:\
For a UNIX client, NetBackup generates a stream for each file system.
SYSTEM_STATE is also backed up because SYSTEM_STATE is included in the

See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES example: Without multiple data streams” on page 914.

See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES example: Without multiple data streams

Assume that Allow multiple data streams is not enabled. Assume that the client
is a Windows system with two drive volumes, C:\ and D:\. The backup selections
list contains the following directive:


For this backup selections list, NetBackup backs up the entire client in one data
stream that contains the data from both C:\ and D:\.
SYSTEM_STATE is also backed up because SYSTEM_STATE is included in the

See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

System State:\ directive

The System State:\ can be used on all supported Windows systems.
The System State:\ directive is needed for the operating system versions which
do not support Shadow Copy Components.
The System State:\ directive creates a backup for critical system-related
components. The exact set of system components that are backed up depends on
the operating system version and system configuration.
Creating backup policies 915
Backup Selections tab

The list of items that are backed up can include the following:
■ Active Directory
■ COM+ Class Database
■ Cluster Database
■ IIS Database
■ Registry
■ Boot Files and protected files
■ Certificate Server
The files that comprise the registry can be found in the following location:


At a minimum, the following files are backed up as part of the registry:


Shadow Copy Components:\ directive

The Shadow Copy Components:\ directive specifies that all of the Volume Shadow
Copy component writers get backed up. This directive affects the backups of the
following clients:
■ Windows 2003 Server computers that use the Volume Shadow Copy
■ Windows IA64 systems with EFI System partitions.

Note: In the policies that back up Windows clients on IA64 platforms, use the
Shadow Copy components:\ directive instead of the System_State:\ directive.
The Shadow Copy components:\ directive includes System State components
and the EFI System partition automatically in the backup.
Creating backup policies 916
Backup Selections tab

Since the Shadow Copy Components contain System State information, the Shadow
Copy Components need to be backed up by a full backup.
The Volume Shadow Copy components include the following:

System State ■ System files

writers ■ COM+ Class Registration Database
■ Active Directory
■ Cluster quorum
■ Certificate Services
■ Registry
■ Internet Information Services

System Service ■ Removable Storage Manager

writers ■ Event logs
■ Windows Internet Name Service
■ Windows Management Instrumentation
■ Remote Storage
■ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
■ Terminal Server Licensing
■ Background Intelligent Transfer Service

User Data Items that the computer does not require to operate. For example,
Active Directory Application Mode and Microsoft Distributed File System
Replication (DFSR) folders.

See “About Microsoft DFSR backups and restores” on page 756.

Other Data A category that is intended for future NetBackup releases.

Directives for specific policy types

Some directives apply only to specific policy types and can appear only in backup
selections lists for those policies. NetBackup passes policy-specific directives to
the clients along with the backup selections list. The clients then perform the
appropriate action according to the directive. All policy-specific directives that are
passed to a client in a stream are passed in all subsequent streams.

Note: Include policy-specific directives only in backup selections lists for the policies
that support the directives or errors can occur.

The following policy types have their own backup selections list directives:
■ FlashBackup
Creating backup policies 917
Backup Selections tab

■ Lotus-Notes
■ MS-Exchange-Server
For information on other policy types and associated backup selections list directives,
see the NetBackup guide for the option.

USHARE directive
The USHARE directive is recognized only if Allow multiple data streams is set for
the Standard policy. USHARE directives are ignored if Allow multiple data streams
is not set. USHARE must be on the first line if NEW_STREAM is not added.
If NEW_STREAM is added, USHARE must be in second line. The presence of USHARE
on the first line or second line of the backup selections list determines the backup
type as USHARE backup.

NEW_STREAM directive
The NEW_STREAM directive is recognized only if Allow multiple data streams is set
for the policy. NEW_STREAM directives are ignored if Allow multiple data streams
is not set.
If this directive is used in a backup selections list, the first instance of it must be on
the first line. If it appears on the first line, it can also appear elsewhere in the list.
The presence of NEW_STREAM on the first line of the backup selections list determines
how the backup is performed in the following modes: in administrator-defined
streaming or in the auto-discovery streaming.

About the administrator-defined streaming mode

If NEW_STREAM is the first line of the backup selections list, the backup is performed
in the administrator-defined streaming mode.
In this mode, the following actions occur:
■ The backup splits into a separate stream at each point in the backup selections
list where the NEW_STREAM directive occurs.
■ All file paths between NEW_STREAM directives belong to the same stream.
■ The start of a new stream (a NEW_STREAM directive) defines the end of the
previous stream.
■ The last stream in the backup selections list is terminated by the end of the
backup selections list.
Creating backup policies 918
Backup Selections tab

In the following examples, assume that each stream is from a separate physical
device on the client. Multiple concurrent streams from a single physical device can
adversely affect backup times. The backup time is longer if the heads must move
back and forth between the tracks that contain files for the respective streams.
For example, consider the following backup selections list:
On Windows:

D:\Program Files

This backup selections list contains two data streams:

■ The NEW_STREAM directive at the top of the list starts administrator-defined
streaming and the first data stream. This stream backs up D:\Program Files
and C:\Winnt.
■ The second NEW_STREAM starts a second data stream that backs up
C:\users and D:\DataFiles.



This backup selection list contains two data streams:

■ The NEW_STREAM directive at the top of the list starts administrator-defined
streaming and the first stream. This stream backs up /usr and /lib.
■ The second NEW_STREAM starts a second data stream that backs up /home and

If a backup selections list entry is added to a stream, the entry is not backed up
until the schedule is due for the policy. If the next backup due is an incremental,
only the files that changed are backed up. To ensure that a new entry gets a full
backup the first time, add it to a new stream. NetBackup performs a full backup of
new streams that are added to the backup selections list.
In the previous example, assume that you add the following:
Creating backup policies 919
Backup Selections tab

On Windows:




On Windows:




If an incremental backup is due that night, only changed files in D:\Utilities (on
Windows) or in /var (on UNIX) are backed up. Add a NEW_STREAM directive before
D:\Utilities (on Windows) or before /var (on UNIX), to perform a full backup of
all files in D:\Utilities (on Windows) or in /var (on UNIX), regardless of when
the files were last changed.

About the auto-discovery streaming mode

The auto-discovery streaming mode is initiated if the NEW_STREAM directive is not
the first line of the backup selections list. The list must contain either the
ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive or wildcards.

In this mode, the backup selections list is sent to the client, which preprocesses
the list and splits the backup into streams as follows:
■ If the backup selections list contains the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive, NetBackup
backs up the entire client. However, NetBackup splits each drive volume
(Windows) or file system (UNIX) into its own backup stream.
See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive” on page 913.
■ If wildcards are used, the expansion of the wildcards results in one stream per
wildcard expansion. Wildcard usage is the same as for Windows clients.
See “Wildcard use in NetBackup” on page 1207.
If the backup selections list contains neither the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive nor
wildcards, the auto-discovery mode is not used. The server preprocesses rather
than the client. Each file path in the backup selections list becomes a separate
The auto-discovery streaming mode applies to Standard and MS-Windows policy
Creating backup policies 920
Backup Selections tab

Before the backup begins, the client uses auto-discovery to preprocess the backup
selections list to determine how many streams are required. The first backup that
a policy performs preprocesses the backup selections list. Depending on the length
of the preprocess interval, preprocessing may not occur before every backup.

About setting the preprocess interval for auto-discovery

The preprocess interval applies only to auto-discovery mode and specifies how
often preprocessing occurs. When a schedule is due and NetBackup uses
auto-discovery, NetBackup checks whether the previous preprocessing session
has occurred within the preprocess interval.
NetBackup performs one of the following actions:
■ If the preprocessing session occurs within the preprocess interval, NetBackup
does not run preprocessing on the client.
■ If the preprocessing session did not occur within the preprocess interval,
NetBackup preprocesses the client and makes required changes to the streams.
If necessary, you can change the interval by using the bpconfig command. The
default is 4 hours and is a good value for most of the sites that run daily backups.
If the interval is too long or too short, the following problems can occur:

Interval is too long. Can cause missed backups because new streams are not added early
enough. For example, assume that the preprocess interval is set to 4
hours and a schedule has a frequency of less than 4 hours. A new
stream can be omitted from the next backup because the preprocessing
interval has not expired when the backup is due.

Interval is too Can cause preprocessing to occur often enough to increase scheduling
short. time to an unacceptable level. A short interval is most likely to be a
problem when the server must contact a large number of clients for

Use the following form of the bpconfig command to change the interval:
On Windows:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpconfig [-prep hours]


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig [-prep hours]

For more information on the bpconfig command, see the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.
Creating backup policies 921
Backup Selections tab

UNSET and UNSET_ALL directives

UNSET, UNSET_ALL The UNSET and UNSET_ALL directives interrupt the streaming
of policy-specific directives.
All policy-specific directives that are passed to a client in a stream are passed in
all subsequent streams. The UNSET and UNSET_ALL directives change this behavior.
These directives are recognized only if the Allow multiple data streams option is
set for the policy.
See “Directives for specific policy types” on page 916.
See “Allow multiple data streams (policy attribute)” on page 797.

UNSET The UNSET directive interrupts a policy-specific directive so it is not

passed with any additional streams. The directive that was unset can
be defined again later in the backup selections list to be included in the
current and the later streams.

In the following backup selections list, the set command is a

client-specific directive that is passed to the first and all subsequent

set destpath=/etc/home

For the set command to be passed to the first two streams only, use
UNSET or UNSET_ALL at the beginning of the third stream. At this
location, it prevents SET from being passed to the last stream.

set destpath=/etc/home
UNSET set destpath=/etc/home [or UNSET_ALL]
Creating backup policies 922
Backup Selections tab

UNSET_ALL UNSET_ALL has the same effect as UNSET but unsets all policy-specific
directives in the backup selections list that have been defined up to this

Files that are excluded from backups by default

By default, a number of files and file states are not backed up by NetBackup.
You can also exclude specific files from automatic backups by specifying the files
or directories in an exclude list on the client.
See “About excluding files from automatic backups” on page 923.
By default, NetBackup does not back up the following files:
■ NFS files or directories. To back up NFS files, enable Follow NFS.
■ Files or directories in a different file system. To back up files in a different file
system, enable Cross mount points.
■ Files or directories with path lengths longer than 1023 characters.
■ Files or directories in which the operating system does not return inode
information (the lstat system call fails).
■ Directories that NetBackup cannot access (the cd command cannot access).
■ Socket special files. (Named pipes are backed up, however.)
■ Locked files when locked by an application that currently has the file open.
■ Busy files. If a file is open, NetBackup backs up the last saved version of the
■ Files or directories beneath a bind mount (Linux).
NetBackup automatically excludes the following file system types on most platforms:
■ cdrom (all UNIX platforms)

■ cachefs (AIX, Solaris, UnixWare)

■ devpts (Linux)

■ mntfs (Solaris)

■ proc (UNIX platforms)

Does not exclude automatically for AIX, so /proc must be added manually to
the exclude list. If /proc is not added manually, partially successful backups
may result with the ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive on AIX.
■ tmpfs (Linux)
Creating backup policies 923
Backup Selections tab

■ usbdevfs (Linux)

See “Follow NFS (policy attribute)” on page 782.

See “Cross mount points (policy attribute)” on page 785.

About host identity-specific files excluded from the backup

To proactively avoid vulnerabilities, certain host identity-specific files are excluded
from the backup.
■ To identify the files that are not backed up, you can run one the following
■ nbgetconfig -private_exld_list

■ bpgetconfig -private_exld_list
For more information about the commands see the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.
■ Including the files in the backup:
If you don't want to exclude certain files from the backup, you must include those
files in the include list.
For more information, see See “About excluding files from automatic backups”
on page 923.
■ Recreating the files that were not backed up:
The files that are not backed up are not restored. Ideally, the files would reside
on the original location. However, in case you want to recreate the files, some
of the key files and certificates can be recreated by restarting the NetBackup
services. If you encounter any error that is related to keys or certificates, restart
the NetBackup services and verify if the key files or the certificate is recreated.
If the key file or certificate is not created, proceed with the certificate and key
regeneration procedures that are provided in the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.

About excluding files from automatic backups

On most NetBackup clients, you can exclude specific files from automatic backups
by specifying the files in an exclude list on the client.
You can also create an include list to add a file(s) specifically that is excluded. The
include list is useful when, for example, an entire directory is excluded except for
one file on the include list.

Note: Exclude and include lists do not apply to user backups and archives.
Creating backup policies 924
Backup Selections tab

The method for specifying files in the exclude list and the include list depends on
the type of client as follows:

Microsoft Windows clients Specify exclude and include lists in the Backup, Archive, and
Restore client interface. Start Backup, Archive, and Restore.
On the File menu, click NetBackup Client Properties. Select
the Exclude List tab or the Include List tab. For further
instructions, see the NetBackup user’s guide for the client.

The Exclude List or the Include List can also be specified

through the NetBackup Administration Console on the primary

See “Exclude Lists properties” on page 118.

UNIX clients Create the exclude and include lists in the following files on the

■ /usr/openv/netbackup/include_list
■ /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list

Specific policy Create an exclude list for a specific policy or for a policy and a
schedule combination. Create an exclude_list file with a
.policyname or .policyname.schedulename suffix. The following
two file examples use a policy that is named wkstations. The
policy contains a schedule that is named fulls:


The first file affects all scheduled backups in the policy that is
named wkstations. The second file affects backups only when
the schedule is named fulls.

For a given backup, NetBackup uses a single exclude list—the

list that contains the most specific name. For example, if there
are files named:

exclude_list.wkstations and

NetBackup uses only:


Files that are excluded by Microsoft Windows Backup

Windows maintains a list of files and folders that are excluded when Microsoft
Windows Backup is used to back up files. This list is known as the
Creating backup policies 925
VMware Policy tab

FilesNotToBackup list. NetBackup excludes those files and directories from

automatic backups even if they are not in the NetBackup exclude list for the client.
Those items also are excluded from user-directed backups (unlike items in a
NetBackup exclude list, which can be backed up by a user-directed operation).
Windows also maintains a list of registry keys that are not to be restored. NetBackup
does not restore the registry keys that are listed in the Windows KeysNotToRestore

VMware Policy tab

The VMware tab appears for policies of the VMware policy type.
The following options appear on the VMware tab.

Table 21-54 Options on the VMware tab of the policy

Option Description

VMware backup Specify the VMware backup host.


Enable file recovery Enable recovery of individual files. You can also recover the entire virtual machine.
from VM backup

Enable block-level Enable block-level backups of the virtual machine.

incremental backup

Exclude deleted Reduce the size of the backup image by excluding any unused or deleted blocks within the file
blocks system on the virtual machine.

Exclude swap and Reduce the size of the backup image by excluding the guest OS system paging file (Windows)
paging files or the swap file (UNIX).

Primary VM Specify the type of name by which NetBackup recognizes virtual machines when it selects
identifier them for backup.

Orphaned snapshot Specify the action that NetBackup takes when a snapshot is discovered before NetBackup
handling creates a new snapshot for the virtual machine backup.

Application Options to protect applications.


Enable Exchange Enable recovery of individual files from Exchange data in the virtual machine backup.

Truncate logs Truncates the Exchange transaction logs when the backup occurs.
Creating backup policies 926
VMware Policy tab

Table 21-54 Options on the VMware tab of the policy (continued)

Option Description

Enable SQL Server Enable recovery of individual files from SQL Server data in the virtual machine backup.

Truncate logs Truncates the SQL Server transaction logs when the backup occurs.

Enable SharePoint Enable recovery of individual files from SharePoint data in the virtual machine backup.

Transport modes Determine how the snapshot data travels from the VMware datastore to the VMware backup

Advanced... Set additional parameters for the VMware backup.

Figure 21-31 VMware tab

For more information about VMware, see the NetBackup for VMware Guide.
Creating backup policies 927
Hyper-V Policies tab

Hyper-V Policies tab

The Hyper-V tab appears for policies of the Hyper-V policy type.
The following options appear on the Hyper-V tab.

Table 21-55 Options on the Hyper-V tab of the policy

Option Description

Optimizations Allows restore of individual files from the backup. With or without this option, you can restore
the entire virtual machine.
Enable file
recovery from VM

Primary VM Specifies the type of name by which NetBackup recognizes virtual machines when it selects
identifier them for backup.

Enable offline Determines whether NetBackup is allowed to perform an offline backup of a virtual machine.
backup of non-VSS This option is intended for guest operating systems that do not support VSS (such as Linux).

Cluster shared Applies to backups of the virtual machines that are configured in a Microsoft Cluster that uses
volumes timeout cluster shared volumes (CSV).

Advanced... Sets additional parameters for the Hyper-V backup.

For more information about Hyper-V, see the NetBackup for Hyper-V Guide.
Creating backup policies 928
Exclude Disks tab

Figure 21-32 Hyper-V Policies tab

Exclude Disks tab

In the Change Policy dialog box, the Exclude Disks tab appears for policies of
the VMware policy type. These options determine the kind of disks on the virtual
machine that are excluded from the backup. These options can reduce the size of
the backup, but should be used with care. These options are intended only for the
virtual machines that have multiple virtual disks.
The following options appear on the Exclude Disks tab.

Table 21-56 Options on the Exclude Disks tab of the policy

Option Description

No disks Backs up all virtual disks that are configured for the virtual machine.
Creating backup policies 929
Exclude Disks tab

Table 21-56 Options on the Exclude Disks tab of the policy (continued)

Option Description

Exclude boot disk The virtual machine's boot disk (for example the C drive) is not included
in the backup. Any other disks (such as D) are backed up. Consider
this option if you have another means of recreating the boot disk, such
as a virtual machine template for boot drives.
Note: A virtual machine that is restored from this backup cannot start.
Data files are available in the restored data disks.

Exclude all data The virtual machine's data disks (for example the D drive) are not
disks included in the backup for this policy. Only the boot disk is backed up.
Consider this option only if you have a different policy that backs up
the data disks.
Note: When the virtual machine is restored from the backup, the virtual
machine data for the data disk may be missing or incomplete.

Perform custom Exclude disks by a VMware Custom Attribute that is applied to a virtual
attribute based machine. The VMware Custom Attribute identifies the disks that you
exclusion want to exclude from backups. If you select this option, also enter the
name of the Custom Attribute. NetBackup then excludes the disks that
are defined in that attribute. The attribute must have comma separated
values of device controllers for the disks to be excluded. For example:


The default value is NB_DISK_EXCLUDE_LIST. You can use this value

as the custom attribute or choose your own value.
Note: Custom Attribute based disk exclusion requires that you enter
in NetBackup the credentials for the vCenter server or servers that host
the VMs. ESXi server credentials are not sufficient.

Your VMware administrator must use a VMware interface to apply the

custom attribute to the disks that you want to exclude from the virtual
server. The Virtual Disk Exclusion wizard of the NetBackup plug-ins
for vSphere provides a method to add a Custom Attribute to a virtual
machine or virtual machines.
Creating backup policies 930
Disaster Recovery tab

Table 21-56 Options on the Exclude Disks tab of the policy (continued)

Option Description

Specific disks to Exclude a specific disk by selecting the disk controller type and device
be excluded numbers that represent the virtual device node of the disk. Then click
Add. NetBackup adds the controller ID to the list of nodes to be
excluded. Repeat for each disk that you want to exclude.

To delete a disk from the list of disks to exclude, select the disk controller
type and device numbers, and then click Delete. The list is a
comma-separated collection of controller IDs.

Alternatively, you can add or delete specific disks by editing the contents
of the text box in which the excluded disks appear. Wildcard characters
are not supported.

Note: NetBackup does not support the exclude disks options for Replication Director

For more information about VMware, see the NetBackup for VMware Guide.

Disaster Recovery tab

The Disaster Recovery tab appears for the NBU-Catalog policy type. The Disaster
Recovery tab contains options for configuring disaster recovery protection methods
for the catalog data.

Note: Do not save the disaster recovery information to the local computer. It is
recommended to save the image file to a network share or a removable device.
Creating backup policies 931
Disaster Recovery tab

Figure 21-33 Disaster Recovery tab

Table 21-57 describes the options on the Disaster Recovery tab.

Creating backup policies 932
Disaster Recovery tab

Table 21-57 Options on the Disaster Recovery tab

Option Description

Path Browse and specify the directory where the disaster recovery information is to be saved. Do not
save the disaster recovery information to the local computer. It is recommended that you save
the image file to a network share or a removable device.

The share must be established and available before the hot catalog backup runs.

Specify an NFS share or a UNC path (CIFS Windows share).

Note: The path cannot contain non-ASCII characters.

When indicating a UNC path, note the following:

■ A Windows primary server can indicate a UNC path to a Windows computer.

■ A UNIX primary server cannot indicate a UNC path to a Windows computer.
■ A UNIX primary server cannot indicate a UNC path to a UNIX computer. To do so, first mount
the UNC location on the primary server, and then provide the UNC path to the UNIX computer.

On UNIX: The path for the disaster recovery information cannot be to a directory that is on the
same partition as /usr/openv/netbackup. If the path is to a location on the same partition as
/usr/openv/netbackup, NetBackup displays a status 20 error message. The message states
that the disk path is invalid. Change the path on the Disaster Recovery tab to a directory on a
different partition.

Logon Specify the logon and password information that is required to access an established Windows
or NFS share.

If the logon information is not valid, NetBackup returns a message. The message requests that
the user either reenter the logon and password information or clear the alternate location option
to continue.

Password Specify the password that is required to log on to the share.

Creating backup policies 933
Disaster Recovery tab

Table 21-57 Options on the Disaster Recovery tab (continued)

Option Description

Send in an email Specify the email address where the disaster recovery report should be sent. It is recommended
attachment that the disaster recovery report be sent to at least one email address. To send the information
to more than one address, separate email addresses with a comma as follows:,

On Windows: The nbmail.cmd or mail_dr_info.cmd script must be configured

(Install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\). In addition specify the email addresses in
the Disaster Recovery tab.

On Windows: NetBackup performs the notification by passing the email addresses, subject, and
message to nbmail.cmd or mail_dr_info.cmd. The scripts use the mail program that is
specified in the script to send email to the user. See the comments in the script for configuration
On Windows: The following points describe how mail_dr_info.cmd and nbmail.cmd interact:

■ If Install_path\NetBackup\bin\mail_dr_info.cmd is configured, the disaster

recovery report is sent to the email address of the administrators that are indicated in the
Disaster Recovery tab. NetBackup administrators can set up the script to send the disaster
recovery information to alternate locations.
■ If mail_dr_info.cmd is not configured, and
Install_path\NetBackup\bin\goodies\nbmail.cmd is configured, the disaster
recovery report is sent to the administrators that are indicated in the Disaster Recovery tab
by nbmail.cmd.
■ If neither file is configured, NetBackup attempts to use Microsoft internal IMAPI services.

Note: On Windows: By default, neither nbmail.cmd nor mail_dr_info.cmd is configured to

send email.

See “Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts” on page 1200.

On Windows: For more information on mail_dr_info.cmd, see the NetBackup Administrator’s

Guide, Volume II.

Critical policies Lists the policies that are considered crucial to the recovery of a site in the event of a disaster.
The NetBackup Disaster Recovery report lists all of the media that is used for backups of critical
policies, including the most recent full backup. The NetBackup Disaster Recovery wizard warns
you if any media for critical policies are not available.
Note: The Disaster Recovery report lists the media for only incremental and full backup
schedules so critical policies should use only incremental or full backup schedules. Certain
database backups schedules, such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, only use schedule types
of Application Backup and Automatic Backup. Because of the schedule types, media listings for
these backups do not appear on the Disaster Recovery report.
Creating backup policies 934
Disaster Recovery tab

Note: Vault protects the disaster recovery data by sending the data to the Vault
site as an email attachment of the Vault report email.

Adding policies to the Critical Policies list of a catalog backup policy

Use the following procedure to add policies to the Critical Policies list of a catalog
backup policy.
To add a policy to the critical policies list
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 Do one of the following:
■ Double-click a configured catalog backup policy.
■ Create a catalog backup policy.
See “Configuring a catalog backup manually” on page 982.

3 Select the Disaster Recovery tab.

4 Near the Critical Policies list, click Add. An active field appears in the list.

5 Click the icon at the far right of the active field to display a list of configured
policies. Select a policy to add to the Critical Policies list.
6 Do any of the following:

To add another policy Click Add.

To change a policy Select the policy and click Change.

To delete a policy Select the policy and click Delete.

7 Click OK to save the Critical policies list and the other settings on the Disaster
Recovery tab.
Creating backup policies 935
Creating a Vault policy

Creating a Vault policy

A Vault policy differs from other policies in the following respects:
■ Vault must be specified as the policy type.
■ No clients are specified in Vault policies, so the Clients tab does not appear.
■ In the Backup Selections list, a Vault command is specified instead of files.
To create a Vault policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 On the Actions menu, click New > Policy.
3 Type a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
Click OK.
4 On the Attributes tab, select Vault as the policy type.
5 On the Schedules tab, click New to create a new schedule. The type of backup
defaults to Automatic.
The Clients tab does not appear for Vault policy types.
6 Complete the schedule.
7 On the Backup Selections tab, enter one of two Vault commands:

vltrun Use vltrun to specify the robot, vault name, and profile for the job.
The vltrun command accomplishes all the steps necessary to select,
copy, and eject media. If the vault profile name is unique, use the
following format:


If the vault profile name is not unique, use the following format:

Creating backup policies 936
Creating a BigData policy

vlteject Use the vlteject command to eject media or to generate reports for
completed Vault sessions. For example:

vlteject -eject -report [-vault


]] [-auto y|n] [-eject_delay

Both commands are located in the following directory:

■ On Windows:

■ On UNIX:

For more information on Vault names, profile names, and command usage,
see the Vault Administrator’s Guide.
8 Click OK.

Creating a BigData policy

Use the BigData policy to backup big data applications or certain hyper converged
systems. For example, Hadoop or Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor, respectively.
A BigData policy differs from other policies in the following respects:
■ You must specify BigData as the policy type.
■ The entries provided in the Clients tab and the Backup Selections tab differ
based on the application that you want to back up.
■ In the Backup Selections tab, you must specify certain parameters and their
appropriate values.
To create a BigData policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 On the Actions menu, click New > Policy.
3 Type a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
Click OK.
Creating backup policies 937
Creating a BigData policy

4 On the Attributes tab, select BigData as the policy type.

5 On the Schedules tab, click New to create a new schedule. The type of backup
defaults to Automatic.

Note: Currently, certain big data applications do not support all schedule types.
For example, Nutanix supports only full backups.

6 Complete the schedule.

7 On the Clients tab, enter appropriate values according to your application type.
8 On the Backup Selections tab, enter appropriate parameters according to
your application type.
9 Click OK.
NetBackup provides support to back up the following applications.
■ Nutanix Acropolis Cluster
■ Hadoop
To back up a Nutanix Acropolis Cluster
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 On the Actions menu, click New > Policy.
3 Type a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
Click OK.
4 On the Attributes tab, select BigData as the policy type.
5 On the Schedules tab, click New to create a new schedule. Currently,
NetBackup supports only full backups for a Nutanix Acropolis Cluster.
6 On the Clients tab, enter the display name of the virtual machine.
7 On the Backup Selections tab, enter the following parameters and their values
as shown:
■ Application_Type=Nutanix-AHV
The parameter values are case-sensitive.
■ Backup_Host=<IP address or the hostname of the backup host>
The backup host must be a Linux machine. The backup host can be a
NetBackup client or a media server.
Creating backup policies 938
Performing manual backups

■ Application_Server=<IP address or the hostname of the Nutanix


8 Click OK to save the changes.

To back up a Hadoop cluster
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 On the Actions menu, click New > Policy.
3 Type a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
Click OK.
4 On the Attributes tab, select BigData as the policy type.
5 On the Schedules tab, click New to create a new schedule.
6 On the Clients tab, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the
Hadoop cluster or name node.
7 On the Backup Selections tab, enter the following parameters and their values
as shown:
■ Application_Type=hadoop
The parameter values are case-sensitive.
■ Backup_Host=<IP_address or hostname>
The backup host must be a Linux machine. The backup host can be a
NetBackup client or a media server.

■ File path or the directory to back up.

8 Click OK to save the changes.

Performing manual backups

A manual backup is user-initiated and is based on a policy.
A manual backup is useful in the following situations:
■ To test a configuration
■ To back up a client that missed the regular backup
■ To back up a client before new software is installed to preserve the old
■ To preserve records before a special event such as a company split or merger
■ To back up quarterly or yearly financial information
Creating backup policies 939
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

In some cases, it may be useful to create a policy and schedule that is used only
for manual backups. Create a policy for manual backups by creating a policy with
a single schedule that has no backup window. Without a backup window, the policy
can never run automatically.
To perform a manual backup
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Policies.
2 On Windows: Select the policy name in the left pane.
3 On UNIX: Select the policy name in the middle pane.
4 On the Actions menu, click Manual Backup. (To perform a manual backup,
you must enable the Go into effect at attribute.)
See “Go into effect at (policy attribute)” on page 781.
If the Go into effect at attribute is set for a future date and time, the backup
does not run.
5 In the Manual Backup dialog box, select the schedule and the clients that you
want to back up.
If you do not select any schedules, NetBackup uses the schedule with the
highest retention level. If you do not select any clients, NetBackup backs up
all clients.
User schedules do not appear in the schedules list. A user schedule cannot
be manually backed up because it does not have a backup selection list (the
user selects the files).
6 Click OK to start the backup.

Active Directory granular backups and recovery

Administrators can use NetBackup to restore individual objects and attributes in
the Active Directory instead of restoring the entire Active Directory. Administrators
can also restore deleted objects (tombstone objects) from the Active Directory.
The following topics describe how to configure a policy to perform recovery of an
Active Directory object:
■ System requirements necessary to perform Active Directory granular backups
and restores.
■ How to configure a policy for an Active Directory backup that allows granular
■ How to restore individual objects and attributes in the Active Directory.
Creating backup policies 940
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

System requirements for Active Directory granular NetBackup

backups and recovery
For a list of operating system versions and media server platforms that support
Active Directory granular restore, see the NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server
- Software Compatibility List at the following URL:
To perform Active Directory granular backups and restores, ensure that you meet
the following requirements:
■ The Network File System (NFS) must be installed on the media server and all
Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS hosts.
See “About installing and configuring Network File System (NFS) for Active
Directory Granular Recovery” on page 1271.
See “About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)” on page 1272.
■ The NetBackup Client Service must be configured to log on as an account with
domain privileges.
To perform granular backups and restores of the Active Directory, the NetBackup
Legacy Client Service (bpinetd) must run under the domain administrator
account on the Active Directory domain controller or ADAM server. By default,
bpinetd runs under the Local System account.
See “Configuring the NetBackup Client Service” on page 1204.

Creating a policy that allows Active Directory granular restores

A NetBackup policy that backs up the Active Directory can be configured to allow
the restore of the objects and attributes in the Active Directory. The objects and
attributes can be restored locally or remotely without the interruption of restarting
the domain controllers where the restore is performed.
The Active Directory host properties determine if NetBackup performs a consistency
check when Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) is used as the snapshot
See “Active Directory host properties” on page 64.
Creating backup policies 941
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

To create a policy to allow Active Directory restores

1 Check that the NetBackup Legacy Client Service (bpinetd) is running under
the domain administrator account on the Active Directory domain controller.
In this case, the Active Directory domain controller is the NetBackup client.
See “Configuring the NetBackup Client Service” on page 1204.
2 In the Policy dialog box, on the Attributes tab, select MS-Windows as the
policy type. Specify the other policy attributes as needed.
3 Enable the Enable granular recovery option. If this option is not enabled, the
backup still runs, but the backup cannot produce granular restores.
4 In the Schedules tab, create schedules as needed.
Other items in the policy may use a differential or cumulative incremental
backup type, but the Active Directory items are always fully backed up.
See “Active Directory backups are full backups” on page 941.
5 In the Backup Selections tab, open the Select Directive dialog.
6 For the Directive set, select Windows 2003 or Windows 2008.
7 To back up the Active Directory, select any one of the following directives:
■ See “System State:\ directive” on page 914.
■ See “Shadow Copy Components:\ directive” on page 915.
■ See “ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES directive” on page 913.

Note: Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) is a lightweight directory

service that runs as a user service. This directive can be used to back up ADAM
data on computers where it is installed. However, it does not back up the Active
Directory itself.

8 In the Clients tab, select the clients as needed.

9 Save the policy.

Active Directory backups are full backups

Any Active Directory backup is always a NetBackup full backup, whether it is a
granular backup or not.
Whenever Active Directory is in a policy’s Backup Selections list, the Active
Directory portion is always fully backed up, even when the backup type is
incremental, differential or cumulative. Any other items in the Backup Selections
list may use a differential or cumulative incremental backup type as indicated. Even
Creating backup policies 942
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

though a full backup is forced for an Active Directory backup, normal incremental
rules are applied to the non-Active Directory items in the policy file list.

Restoring Active Directory objects

The following procedure describes how to restore objects from an Active Directory
backup in a non-disaster recovery situation:
To restore individual objects from an Active Directory backup
1 Open the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.
2 Select File > Select Files and Folders to Restore.
3 Expand and browse the Active Directory node.
4 Select the objects to be restored. Do not select both granular and non-granular
objects. When a user explores and expands selections, a delay can occur
during communication with the NetBackup server. The delay is a result of
dynamically determining the contents from the image on the media server. The
approach prevents the NetBackup catalog from unanticipated growth due to
numerous granular entries.

5 Select Action > Restore.

Creating backup policies 943
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

6 If an Active Directory object is selected, the Restore Marked Files dialog box
contains two tabs:
■ General tab
When an Active Directory object is selected, the Restore Destination
Choices are disabled in the General tab. Configure the other restore options
as needed.
■ Active Directory tab
The Active Directory tab contains an option to recreate the objects that
have been deleted: Recreate deleted objects that cannot be restored
from the Active Directory Deleted Objects container.
The Active Directory tab contains an option that lets administrators recreate
the objects whose tombstone lifetimes have passed. The objects have also
been purged from the Active Directory Deleted Objects container.
To allow this capability, enable the option labeled Recreate deleted objects
that cannot be restored from the Active Directory Deleted Objects

7 Click Start Restore in the Restore Marked Files dialog box.

Some restore situations require additional steps, depending on what is restored.
See “Troubleshooting granular restore issues” on page 943.

Troubleshooting granular restore issues

Some granular restore situations require additional steps to fully restore the objects.
In other situations, a granular restore of some part of the Active Directory is not
Table 21-58 describes potential problems for granular restores.
Creating backup policies 944
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

Table 21-58 Troubleshooting restore issues

Situation Recommendation

Restores that are disabled When user and computer accounts are restored from a granular Active Directory restore,
they are sometimes disabled.
The following are possible reasons why the accounts can be disabled:

■ When objects in Active Directory are deleted, they are removed from their current
Active Directory or ADAM/AD LDS container. They are converted into tombstones
and placed in the Active Directory Deleted Objects container where their tombstone
lifetime is monitored. By default, NetBackup restores deleted objects from this
container if the tombstone lifetime has not passed.
After the tombstone lifetime passes, the tombstones are purged from the Active
Directory Deleted Objects container. Purging the tombstones has the effect of
permanently deleting the objects from the Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS
■ When restoring user objects, you must reset the object's user password and enable
the object's user account:
■ For Active Directory user objects, use the Microsoft Active Directory Users and
Computers application.
■ For ADAM/AD LDS user objects, use ADSI Edit.

In Active Directory, computer objects are derived from user objects. Some attributes
that are associated with a computer object cannot be restored when you restore a
deleted computer object. They can only be restored if the attributes were saved
through schema changes when the computer object was originally deleted.
■ Computer object credentials change every 30 days and the credentials from the
backup may not match the credentials that are stored on the actual computer. When
a computer object is restored it is disabled if the userAccountControl property
was not preserved in the deleted object.
Use the Microsoft Active Directory Users and Computers application to reset the
account of a computer object:
■ Remove the computer from the domain.
■ Re-join the computer to the domain. The security identifiers (SID) for the
computer remains the same since it is preserved when a computer object is
deleted. However, if the tombstone expired and a new computer object was
recreated, the SID is different.
Creating backup policies 945
Active Directory granular backups and recovery

Table 21-58 Troubleshooting restore issues (continued)

Situation Recommendation

Group and member objects To restore Active Directory group membership links may require that the restore job
be run twice.

For example, consider the case where a group and its member objects are deleted.

If a restore job contains both group objects and member objects, the job restores the
objects in alphabetical order. However, the group that is restored has a link dependency
on a member that does not exist yet. When the group is restored, the link cannot be

Run the restore again to restore all forward and backward links.

Group policy objects NetBackup does not support granular restores of Group Policy Objects.
Chapter 22
Synthetic backups
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About synthetic backups

■ Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores

■ Synthetic full backups

■ Synthetic cumulative incremental backups

■ Schedules that must appear in a policy for synthetic backups

■ Adding clients to a policy for synthetic backups

■ Change journal and synthesized backups

■ True image restore and synthesized backups

■ Displaying synthetic backups in the Activity Monitor

■ Logs produced during synthetic backups

■ Synthetic backups and directory and file attributes

■ Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

■ Optimized synthetic backups

■ Optimized synthetic backups for deduplication

About synthetic backups

During a traditional full backup, all files are copied from the client to a primary server
or a media server. The files are copied even though those files may not have
changed since the last incremental backup.
Synthetic backups 947
Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores

When NetBackup creates a synthetic full backup, NetBackup detects whether new
or changed files have been copied to the media server during the last incremental
backup. The client does not need to be running to combine the full backups and
the incremental backups on the media server to form a new, full backup. The new,
full synthetic backup is an accurate representation of the clients’ file systems at the
time of the most recent full backup.
Because processing takes place on primary and media servers instead of the client,
synthetic backups help to reduce the network traffic. Files are transferred over the
network only once. After the backup images are combined into a synthetic backup,
the tapes or disk that contain the component images can be recycled or reclaimed.
Synthetic backups can reduce the number of tapes or disk space in use.
Synthetic backups can be written to tape storage units or disk storage units, or a
combination of both. If the backups use tape, the backups can be synthesized when
drives are not generally in use. For example, if backups occur primarily at night,
the drives can synthesize full backups during the day.
The Synthetic Backup option is available under the following conditions:
■ The policy type must be either Standard or MS-Windows.
■ The Collect True Image Restore Information With Move Detection option
must be selected on the Policy Attributes tab.
See “Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and without
move detection” on page 793.
■ The schedule that is created for a synthetic backup must have Synthetic Backup
See “Synthetic backup (schedule attribute)” on page 839.
■ One of the following must be available:
■ Disk storage unit(s) with adequate space available.
■ Tape library(s) with multiple drives to read and write.
See “Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores” on page 947.
■ A combination of disk storage unit(s) and tape library(s).

Recommendations for synthetic backups and

The synthetic full backup is a scalable solution for backing up remote offices with
manageable data volumes and low levels of daily change.
Synthetic backups 948
Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores

If the clients experience a high rate of change daily, the incremental backups are
too large. In this case, a synthetic backup is no more helpful than a traditional full
Synthetic backups are supported on all media server platforms and tier one primary
server platforms.
The following items describe recommendations to use synthesized backups to full
advantage, and situations under which synthesized backups are not supported:
Recommendations concerning backups:
■ Do not multiplex any backups that are to be synthesized because it is inefficient.
To synthesize multiplexed client images requires multiple passes over the source
media—one per client.
Performance issues can also occur if multiple streams are selected for
synthesized backups. The issues are similar to those encountered while
multiplexing synthesized backups. Back up to disk whenever possible to improve
multiple stream performance issues.
■ It is recommended that you not enable Expire after copy retention for any
storage units that are to be used with SLPs with either of the following:
Accelerator or synthetic backups. The Expire after copy retention can cause
images to expire while the backup runs. To synthesize a new full backup, the
SLP backup needs the previous backup image. If the previous image expires
during the backup, the backup fails.
■ Reduce the gap between the last incremental backup and the synthesized
backup. Since a synthetic backup does not involve direct contact with the client,
a synthetic backup is only as current as the last incremental backup. If there is
a concern to reduce a potential gap in backup coverage, run an incremental
backup before the synthetic backup.
■ You can create multiple copies with synthetic backups by using the multiple
copies synthetic backup method.
Although synthetic backups do support the use of storage lifecycle policies,
SLPs cannot be used for the multiple copy synthetic backups method.
See “Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method” on page 957.
■ Synthetic backups are not supported if any of the component images are
■ A user-generated backup cannot be used to generate a synthetic image. A
backup that is generated from a User Backup schedule or a User Archive
schedule cannot be used as one of the components of a synthetic backup.
■ Synthetic backups and optimized synthetic backups do not support Auto Image
Synthetic backups 949
Recommendations for synthetic backups and restores

Recommendations concerning restores:

■ The time that is required to perform a restore from a synthetic backup does not
increase significantly over time.
■ The restore times for both a complete synthetic backup and for a single file is
the same. It is the same whether the restore is from a traditional backup or from
a synthetic backup.
■ The restore time of a single directory may increase over time when sourced
from synthetic backups. The restore time depends on the pattern of file changes
within the directory.
■ Contrast a traditional full backup, which stores the files in file system order with
a synthetic full backup, which stores the files in last-file-accessed order. The
synthetic full contains the newest files at the front of the media and the
unchanged files at the end. Over time, the processing order introduces the
potential for fragmentation of a single directory across the synthetic full image.
■ Note that the scenario is limited to single directory restores. Single file restores
and full image restores from synthetic fulls are equal or better than from traditional
full backups, as noted in previous bullets.
■ If checkpoint restart is indicated for the policy, the backups that are produced
with the synthetic backup schedule are not checkpointed. The option is enabled
if Take checkpoints on the policy Attributes tab is enabled. If the Take
checkpoints option is enabled for a synthetic backup, the property has no effect.

Table 22-1 Recommendations when using disk storage or tape storage for
synthetic backups

Storage unit Recommendations


Disk storage Disk-based images are more efficient for synthesizing. NetBackup processes the newest component
units images first in a synthesized backup, followed by sequentially older images. When two or more
component images are written to the same tape, the tape movement can be inefficient compared to
disk-based images.

Synthetic full backups are generated more quickly when built from disk-based incremental backups.
If the synthetic full backup is also generated on disk, the run time is even faster. The disk copy then
can be duplicated to tape.
Synthetic backups 950
Synthetic full backups

Table 22-1 Recommendations when using disk storage or tape storage for
synthetic backups (continued)

Storage unit Recommendations


Tape storage If tape is used instead of disk, the tape for the synthetic image must be different from the tape where
units the component images reside.

The maximum drive usage applies only to the drive that is needed for writing the synthetic backup.
If any of the component images reside on tape, an additional drive is needed for reading.

If a single tape drive device is used to generate synthetic images, place component images in a hard
drive location first. In that way, a synthetic image can be generated with the single tape drive device.

Synthetic full backups

A synthetic backup can be a synthetic full or a synthetic cumulative backup.
The images that are used to create the synthetic image are known as component
images. For instance, the component images in a synthetic full are the previous full
image and the subsequent incremental images.
Figure 22-1 illustrates the creation of synthetic full backups (B, C, D) from an existing
full backup (A) and shows the incremental backups between full backups.
Synthetic backups 951
Synthetic full backups

Figure 22-1 Creation of synthetic full backups

Traditional Synthetic
full backup to disk (Sunday) full backup to disk (Sunday)


Synthetic full
backup (Sunday)
Incremental backups Sunday's Synthetic
to disk (Mon-Sat) full Backup

Incremental backups (Sunday)
Sunday's synthetic
full backup


Incremental backups

The traditional full backup (A) and the incremental backups are created in the
traditional manner: data is scanned, and then copied from the client’s file system
to the backup media. The synthetic backups do not interact with the client system
at all, but are instead synthesized on the media server.
See “Synthetic cumulative incremental backups” on page 952.
The following is an example of a synthetic full backup:
■ Create a Standard or MS-Windows policy for the clients you want to back up.
Include the following schedules:
■ A schedule for one full, traditional backup to run at least once.
■ A schedule for daily (Monday through Saturday) differential incremental
■ A schedule for weekly full, synthetic backups.

■ Make sure that the traditional full backup runs. If the backup does not complete,
run the backup manually.
Synthetic backups 952
Synthetic cumulative incremental backups

■ Per schedule, run daily, differential incremental backups for the clients throughout
the week. The last incremental backup for the week runs on Saturday.
■ Per schedule, run synthetic full backups for the clients on subsequent Sundays.

Note: The synthetic full backups in the scenario are only as current as the Saturday
incremental backup.

Synthetic cumulative incremental backups

The scenario to create a synthetic, cumulative incremental backup is similar to the
scenario to create a synthetic full backup. Remember, a cumulative incremental
backup includes all changes since the last full backup.
If a cumulative incremental backup exists that is newer than the last full backup, a
synthetic cumulative backup image is produced by consolidating the following
component backup images:
■ All differential incremental backups that were taken since the last cumulative
■ The last cumulative incremental backup. If no cumulative incremental backup
is available, only the differential incremental backups are used for the synthetic
Figure 22-2 illustrates the creation of synthetic cumulative incremental backups (A,
B, C) from the latest cumulative incremental backup and shows the subsequent
differential incremental backups.
Synthetic backups 953
Synthetic cumulative incremental backups

Figure 22-2 Creation of synthetic cumulative backups

Synthetic cumulative incremental
backup to tape (Sunday)

Cumulative and
incremental backups Sunday's synthetic
to disk (Mon-Sat) cumulative Incremental Synthetic cumulative incremental
backup backup (Sunday)


Synthetic cumulative
Incremental backups incremental backup
(Mon-Sat) Sunday's synthetic (Sunday)
cumulative incremental


Incremental backups

The following is an example of a synthetic cumulative backup:

■ Create a Standard or MS-Windows policy for the clients (5.0 or later) you want
to back up. Include the following schedules:
■ A schedule for one full, traditional backup to run at least once.
■ A schedule for daily (Monday through Saturday) differential incremental
■ A schedule for weekly cumulative incremental synthetic backups.

■ Make certain that the traditional full backup runs. If the backup does not complete,
run the backup manually.
■ Per schedule, run daily differential incremental backups for the clients throughout
the week. The last incremental for the week runs on Saturday.
■ Per schedule, run synthetic cumulative incremental backups for the clients on
subsequent Sundays.
Synthetic backups 954
Schedules that must appear in a policy for synthetic backups

Note: The synthetic cumulative backups in the scenario are only as current as the
Saturday incremental backup.

Schedules that must appear in a policy for

synthetic backups
A policy for synthetic backups must contain one of the following types of schedules:
■ At least one traditional, full backup must be run successfully to create a full
image. The synthetic backup job fails if there is not at least one previous full
■ Schedule(s) for incremental backups.
Incremental backups are necessary to capture the changes in the file system
since the last full or incremental backup. The synthetic backup job receives a
status code of 1 for a policy that contains full or incremental synthetic backup
schedules, but no incremental backup schedules.
The synthetic backup synthesizes all of the incremental backups to create a
new full or cumulative backup image. Therefore, the synthetic backup is only
as current as the last incremental backup.

Note: To configure a synthetic cumulative backup for any clients that are archive
bit-based (default), use only differential incremental backups for the traditional,
non-synthesized backups.

■ One full and one cumulative backup schedule with the Synthetic Backup option
See “Synthetic backup (schedule attribute)” on page 839.

Adding clients to a policy for synthetic backups

After clients are added to a synthetic backup policy, run a traditional, full backup of
the policy. A traditional backup is necessary before a synthetic backup can be
Since Collect True Image Restore Information With Move Detection is required
for synthetic backups, all of the clients in the policy must support TIR.
See “Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and without move
detection” on page 793.
Synthetic backups 955
Change journal and synthesized backups

Change journal and synthesized backups

If the Use Change Journal host property on a Windows client is enabled, the
property has no effect when the client is backed up using the synthetic backup
See “Client Settings properties for Windows clients” on page 93.

True image restore and synthesized backups

Since the Collect true Image restore information with move detection policy
property must be enabled for synthetic backups, all clients that are included in the
policy must support TIR.
See “Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and without move
detection” on page 793.
The Keep true image restoration (TIR) information property indicates how long
TIR information in the image catalog is kept before it is pruned (removed). The
property is located in the primary server Clean-Up host properties.
See “Clean-up properties” on page 70.
However, if a synthetic full and synthetic cumulative schedule was defined in the
policy, the TIR information is pruned from the component images until a subsequent
traditional or synthetic full or cumulative backup image has generated successfully.
Consider a situation where Keep true image restoration (TIR) information host
specifies that TIR information is pruned from the catalog after two days. On the
third day the TIR information is pruned only if a traditional or synthetic full backup
image has been generated.
If the TIR information was pruned from a component image and you accidentally
expire the most recent synthetic image, rerun the synthetic backup job to restore
automatically the TIR information to the catalog. In case the TIR information cannot
be restored due to bad, missing, or vaulted media, the synthetic backup job fails
with error code 136 (TIR info was pruned from the image file). If the problem is
correctable, run the synthetic backup again.

Displaying synthetic backups in the Activity

A synthetic job is distinguished from a traditional full backup by the notation that is
indicated in the Data Movement field of the Activity Monitor. Synthetic jobs display
Synthetic as the Data Movement type while traditional backups display Standard.
Synthetic backups 956
Logs produced during synthetic backups

Logs produced during synthetic backups

When a synthetic backup is scheduled, NetBackup starts the bpsynth program to
manage the synthetic backup process. bpsynth plans how the synthetic backup is
built from the previous backup images.
If it is needed, bpsynth schedules the tape drive resources that are needed for the
synthetic backup. If the required resources are not available, the job fails with a
status code that indicates that a resource is needed.
If the resources can be obtained eventually but not immediately, the synthetic job
waits until the resources become available. A synthetic job may wait while a backup,
restore, or another synthetic backup job uses a drive.
bpsynth passes the information to programs bptm and bpdm so that tape and disk
images can be read or written. Catalog information is managed using bpdbm. Each
of these programs has a debug log file in the logs directory.
If problems occur with synthetic backups, the following debug logs are required to
diagnose the problem:
■ On the primary server: bpsynth, bpdbm, and vnetd.
■ On the media server(s): bpcd, bptm (if any images are written to or from a tape
device), and bpdm (if any images are written to or from disk).
Note that several media servers can be involved if the component images are
on different nodes.
The log files for synthetic backups are described in the NetBackup Logging
Reference Guide.
However, bpsynth is used for each stream or client. To use bpsynth can be
inefficient with tape images since bpsynth needs a tape drive to write the new
image. Also, bpsynth may use the same component image volumes. One may
need to finish before the next can proceed.

Synthetic backups and directory and file attributes

For a synthetic backup to include directory and the file attribute changes, the change
must first be picked up by a component incremental backup. (For example, changes
like Access Control Lists (ACLs).)
On UNIX, changing an object’s ACL changes the ctime (inode change time) for
the object but not the mtime (data modification time). Since mtime triggers
incremental backups, the ACL change is not reflected in an incremental backup,
and therefore not in a synthetic full backup.
Synthetic backups 957
Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

To include ACL changes in backups, enter USE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS

in the bp.conf file on each UNIX client.
For each Windows client, enable Incrementals: Based on Archive Bit. The property
is found under NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Clients > selected
client(s) > Windows Client.
See “Client Settings properties for Windows clients” on page 93.

Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

The multiple copy synthetic backups method introduces the capability to produce
a second copy of a synthetic backup at a remote site as part of a normal synthetic
backup job.
This method provides the following benefits:
■ It eliminates the bandwidth cost of copying synthetic full backups to another
Instead of duplicating a local synthetic full backup to a remote site to produce
a second copy, it is more efficient to produce the second copy by using data
movements only at the remote site.
■ It provides an efficient method to establish a dual-copy disaster recovery scheme
for NetBackup backup images.
Table 22-2 emphasizes how the synthetic full backup produced at the remote site
is a clone, or a second copy, of the first copy produced at the local site.

Table 22-2 Comparing synthetic copy process with and without method

Step Without using the multiple copy synthetic Using the multiple copy synthetic backups
backups method: method:

1 A full backup is performed at the local site (Site A). Step 1 remains the same.

2 The full backup is duplicated to the remote site (Site Step 2 remains the same.

3 An incremental backup is performed at Site A. Step 3 remains the same.

4 The incremental backup is duplicated to Site B. Step 4 remains the same.

5 Steps 3 and 4 are repeated each time an incremental Step 5 remains the same.
schedule runs.

6 A full synthetic backup is produced at Site A. Step 6 remains the same.

Synthetic backups 958
Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

Table 22-2 Comparing synthetic copy process with and without method
enabled (continued)

Step Without using the multiple copy synthetic Using the multiple copy synthetic backups
backups method: method:

7 The full backup is duplicated to Site B. A full synthetic backup is produced at Site B from
images at Site B.

The full synthetic backup at the remote site is a second

copy of the synthetic backup at the local site.

8 Steps 2 through 7 repeat per backup scheduling Step 8 remains the same.

Figure 22-3 shows how no extra bandwidth is used to copy the synthetic full backup
from Site A to Site B.

Figure 22-3 Remote creation of synthetic full backup

Synthetic full
Site A Full backup Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental
(Local) (Copy 1) (Copy 1) (Copy 1) (Copy 1) (Copy 1)
(Copy 1)

Backups are duplicated to the remote sites

Synthetic full
Site B Full backup Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental
(Remote) (Copy 2) (Copy 2) (Copy 2) (Copy 2) (Copy 2)
(Copy 2)

Copy 2 synthetic full

is created remotely

Configuring multiple copy synthetic backups

To configure a multiple copy synthetic backup, create a configuration file on the
primary server for each synthetic backup policy for which a second copy is to be
The configuration file is a text file that is named after the policy and schedule:


Create the file in the following location:

■ On Windows:
Synthetic backups 959
Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

■ On UNIX:

Configuration variables for multiple copy synthetic backups

The file format uses a traditional name-pair scheme for setting configuration
preferences. Each preference uses a key name that is separated from the preference
value by an equal sign with each name-value pair residing on a single line.
For example:

Enter all values as integers.

Table 22-3 describes the configuration entries that can be included in the
configuration file.

Table 22-3 Configuration entries

Entry Purpose

SRC_COPY Specifies the copy number of each source component for the second synthetic backup. Every
source backup must have a copy by this number unless SRC_COPY_FALLBACK is specified.
The default is 2.

TARGET_COPY Specifies the copy number for the second synthetic backup produced. The TARGET_COPY
value must be different from the copy number of the first synthetic backup (which is 1). Default
is 2.

COPY COPY is an alternate specification for SRC_COPY and TARGET_COPY.

If COPY is specified and either SRC_COPY and TARGET_COPY is not specified, the value for
COPY is used.

TARGET_STU Specifies the storage unit name or storage unit group name where the second copy synthetic
backup is to be written. Use the special identifier __ANY__ to indicate that Any Available
storage unit can be used that is not configured to be on demand only. Note that there are
two underscores before and after ANY:

Synthetic backups 960
Using the multiple copy synthetic backups method

Table 22-3 Configuration entries (continued)

Entry Purpose

FAIL_MODE The second synthetic backup is produced immediately following the first copy synthetic
backup if no errors occur during production of the first copy. If an error occurs during the
second copy, the FAIL_MODE value specifies the fate of the first copy job and image.
Specify one of the following:

ALL means that if the second copy fails, the first copy and its job also fail. (Default.)
ONE means that if the second copy fails, the failure does not affect the first copy job.

ENABLED Specifies whether production of the second copy is enabled or disabled. This entry turns on
the feature.
Specify one of the following:

Production of the second copy is enabled. (Default.)
Production of the second copy is disabled.

SRC_COPY_FALLBACK Specifies that if a copy by the number given in SRC_COPY or COPY does not exist, the synthetic
backup should use the primary backup.

The only valid value is the following:


VOLUME_POOL Specifies the volume pool for tape media, if one is used. If no volume pool is specified,
NetBackup uses the volume pool that is specified in the policy. If a volume pool is entered
for disk, the entry is ignored.

Multiple copy synthetic backups configuration examples

The following multiple copy synthetic configuration example takes advantage of
default values to produce the second synthetic copy.


The default source of copy 2 and the default destination copy 2.

In this example, the second copy targets a tape library (tape_stu). The configuration
specifies a volume pool (Synthetics) for the target copy.
The copy number for the multiple copy synthetic backup is copy 3. If copy 3 is
unavailable, SOURCE_COPY_FALLBACK indicates that copy 3 can be produced using
the primary copy.
Synthetic backups 961
Optimized synthetic backups

If copy 3 fails, only copy 3 fails and not the job of the primary copy.


Optimized synthetic backups

NetBackup environments that use the Data Protection Optimization Option license
can benefit from the optimized synthetic backup method. Optimized synthetic
backups take advantage of the capabilities of the OpenStorage API.
This method constructs the synthetic image by using calls from the media server
to the storage server. The media server tells the storage server which full and
incremental images to use to create the synthetic backup. Then, the storage server
constructs (or synthesizes) the synthetic image directly on the storage server,
reducing network traffic.
For more information, see the following guides:
■ NetBackup Deduplication Guide
■ NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk

Optimized synthetic backups for deduplication

NetBackup environments that use the NetBackup Data Protection Optimization
Option license can benefit from the optimized synthetic backup method.
This method constructs the synthetic image by using calls from the backup server
to the storage server. The backup server tells the storage server which full and
incremental images to use to create the synthetic backup. Then, the storage server
constructs (or synthesizes) the synthetic image directly on the storage server,
reducing network traffic.
For more information, see the following guides:
■ NetBackup Deduplication Guide
■ NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk
Chapter 23
Protecting the NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the NetBackup catalog

■ Parts of the NetBackup catalog

■ Protecting the NetBackup catalog

■ Recovering the catalog

■ Disaster recovery emails and the disaster recovery files

■ Disaster recovery packages

■ About disaster recovery settings

■ Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages

■ Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

■ Estimating catalog space requirements

About the NetBackup catalog

A NetBackup catalog is the internal database that contains information about
NetBackup backups and configuration. Backup information includes records of the
files that have been backed up and the media on which the files are stored. The
catalogs also contain information about the media and the storage devices.
Since NetBackup needs the catalog information so that it can restore client backups,
configure a catalog backup before using NetBackup for regular client backups.
Schedule the catalog backups to occur on a regular basis. Without regular catalog
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 963
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

backups, you risk losing regular backups if there is a problem with the disk that
contains the catalogs.
For information on how to configure catalog backups in Windows clustered
environments, see the NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide.

Parts of the NetBackup catalog

The NetBackup catalog resides on the NetBackup master server. It manages and
controls access to the following types of data:
■ Image metadata (information about backup images and copies (image header
■ Backup content data (information about the folders, files, and the objects in a
backup (.f files)).
■ NetBackup backup policies.
■ NetBackup licensing data.
■ The NetBackup error log.
■ The client database.
■ Cloud configuration files.
See “About the catalog backup of cloud configuration files” on page 972.
The catalog consists of the following parts:
■ Relational database files.
NetBackup uses the SQL Anywhere Relational Database Management System
to store information in the NetBackup database (NBDB). The metadata includes
information about the data that has been backed up, and about where the data
is stored.
See “About the NetBackup relational database” on page 966.
■ The image database.
The image database contains information about the data that has been backed
See “About the NetBackup image database” on page 970.
■ NetBackup configuration files.
The configuration files (databases.conf and server.conf) are flat files that
contain instructions for the SQL Anywhere daemon.
See “About the NetBackup server.conf file” on page 1017.
See “About the databases.conf file” on page 1019.
■ The key management service (KMS) configuration files
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 964
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

For more details on the KMS configuration, see the NetBackup Security and
Encryption Guide.
NetBackup is sensitive to the location of the master server components. Running
any part of NetBackup (the binaries, the logs, the database, the images) on a
network share (NFS, for example) can affect performance of even normal operations.
NetBackup can be CIFS-mounted on SAN or NAS storage as long as the average
I/O service times remain less than 20 milliseconds.
The storage must also meet certain conditions to ensure the Sybase requirement
for data integrity:
■ The order of file writes must be guaranteed.
■ When a write request is issued, the write must complete to the physical storage.
The write request must not merely be buffered when the SAN or the NAS returns
from the write call.
See the following article for more information:
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 965
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

Figure 23-1 Catalog configuration on Windows computers


\NetBackupDB \NetBackup\vault \NetBackup\db \kms \NetBackup\var

License key,
authentication, and
\CONF cloud configuration
Configuration files DARS_DATA.db
DBM_INDEX.db \class \images \media \vault
EMM_INDEX.db \config \jobs \scripts
JOBD_DATA.db \error
\class_template \failure_history
NBDB.log \client_1 \Master
\Media_server \client_n
vxdbms.conf Image database

Relational database files

Protecting the NetBackup catalog 966
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

Figure 23-2 Catalog configuration on UNIX computers


/db/data /netbackup/db /netbackup/vault /kms /var /var/global

License key,
authentication, and /var/global/wmc/cloud
BMR_DATA.db cloud configuration
BMR_INDEX.db information
DARS_INDEX.db /class /config /images
DBM_INDEX.db /class_internal /cltmp /error
EMM_DATA.db /jobs
EMM_INDEX.db /class_locks
JOBD_DATA.db /media
NBAZDB.db /class_template
NBAZDB.db.template /cltmp_internal
NBAZDB.log /vault
SLP_DATA.db databases.conf
SLP_INDEX.db server.conf
vxdbms.conf /client_1 /Master
db_marker.txt /Media_server /client_n
Relational database files Image database Configuration files

About the NetBackup relational database

NetBackup installs Sybase SQL Anywhere during the master server installation as
a private, non-shared server for the NetBackup database. The NetBackup database
(NBDB) is also known as the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) database. It contains
information about volumes, and the robots and drives that are in NetBackup storage
The same installation of Sybase SQL Anywhere is used for the optionally-licensed
product, Bare Metal Restore (BMR) database. The BMRDB database contains the
information that the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore option manages. The BMR
database is created during the BMR installation process.
See “About the NetBackup image database” on page 970.
See “About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation” on page 1013.
See “Post-installation tasks” on page 1048.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 967
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

About the NetBackup relational database on Windows

As part of the catalog backup, the database and the configuration files for the NBDB
database (including the NetBackup Authorization database, NBAZDB) and the
BMRDB databases are protected as follows:
■ Database files:
■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\BMR_DATA.db (if BMR is installed)

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\BMRDB.db (if BMR is installed)

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\BMRDB.log (if BMR is installed)

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\BMR_INDEX.db (if BMR is installed)

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\DARS_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\DARS_INDEX.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\DBM_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\DBM_INDEX.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\EMM_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\EMM_INDEX.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\JOBD_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBAZDB.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBAZDB.db.template

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBAZDB.log

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.log

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\SEARCH_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\SEARCH_INDEX.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\SLP_DATA.db

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\SLP_INDEX.db

Note: NetBackup does not support saving the NetBackup relational database
(NBDB, including NBAZDB and EMM) or the configuration files to a remote NFS
share. CIFS is supported on some SAN or NAS storage.
See “Parts of the NetBackup catalog” on page 963.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 968
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

■ Configuration files:
■ install_path\NetBackupDB\data\vxdbms.conf

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\conf\server.conf

■ install_path\NetBackupDB\conf\databases.conf

Note: The catalog backup process copies this data to

install_path\NetBackupDB\staging and backs up the copy.

About the NetBackup relational database on UNIX

As part of the catalog backup, the database and the configuration files for the NBDB
database (including the NetBackup Authorization database, NBAZDB) and the
BMRDB databases are protected as follows:
■ Database files
■ /usr/openv/db/data/BMR_DATA.db (if BMR is installed)

■ /usr/openv/db/data/BMRDB.db (if BMR is installed)

■ /usr/openv/db/data/BMRDB.log (if BMR is installed)

■ /usr/openv/db/data/BMR_INDEX.db (if BMR is installed)

■ /usr/openv/db/data/DARS_DATA.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/DARS_INDEX.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/DBM_DATA.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/DBM_INDEX.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/EMM_DATA.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/EMM_INDEX.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/JOBD_DATA.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db.template

■ /usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.log

■ /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log

■ /usr/openv/db/data/SEARCH_DATA.db
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 969
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

■ /usr/openv/db/data/SEARCH_INDEX.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/SLP_DATA.db

■ /usr/openv/db/data/SLP_INDEX.db

Note: NetBackup does not support saving the NetBackup relational database
(NBDB, including NBAZDB and EMM) or the configuration files to a remote NFS
share. CIFS is supported on some SAN or NAS storage.
See “Parts of the NetBackup catalog” on page 963.

■ Configuration files
■ /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf

■ /usr/openv/var/global/server.conf

■ /usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf

Note: The catalog backup process copies this data to /usr/openv/db/staging

and backs up the copy.

About the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM)

The Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) is a NetBackup service that manages the
device and the media information for NetBackup. The Enterprise Media Manager
stores its managed information in a database that resides on the master server.
The NetBackup Resource Broker queries EMM to allocate storage units, drives
(including drive paths), and media.
EMM contains the following information:
■ Device attributes
■ Robotic library and standalone drive residence attributes
■ NDMP attributes
■ Barcode rule attributes
■ Volume pool attributes
■ Tape attributes
■ Media attributes
■ Storage unit attributes
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 970
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

■ Storage unit group attributes

■ Hosts with assigned tape drives
■ Media and device errors
■ Disk pool and disk volume attributes
■ Storage server attributes
■ Log on credentials for storage servers, disk arrays, and NDMP hosts
■ Fibre Transport attributes
EMM ensures consistency between drives, robotic libraries, storage units, media,
and volume pools across multiple servers. EMM contains information for all media
servers that share devices in a multiple server configuration.
The NetBackup scheduling components use EMM information to select the server,
drive path, and media for jobs. When the device manager ltid starts up, it reads
device information from EMM into a shared memory segment. Components on the
same host communicate by using shared memory IPC or socket protocols. Socket
protocols are used between components across multiple hosts. Command line
interfaces are available to obtain run-time (shared memory) information and static
device configuration information.
See “About the NetBackup relational database” on page 966.

About the NetBackup image database

The image database contains subdirectories for each client that is backed up by
NetBackup, including the master server and any media servers.
The image database is located in the following location:
■ Windows: Program Files\Veritas\Netbackup\db\images
■ UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images
The image database contains the following files:

Image files Files that store only backup set summary information.

.lck files Used to prevent simultaneous updates on images.

Image .f files Used to store the detailed information about each file backup.

db_marker.txt Used to ensure that access to the db directory is valid when the
NetBackup Database Manager starts up. Do not delete this file.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 971
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

The image database is the largest part of the NetBackup catalog. It consumes about
99% of the total space that is required for the NetBackup catalog. While most of
the subdirectories are relatively small in the NetBackup catalogs, \images (Windows)
or /images (UNIX) can grow to hundreds of gigabytes. The image database on the
master server can grow too large to fit on a single tape. Image database growth
depends on the number of clients, policy schedules, and the amount of data that
is backed up.
See “Estimating catalog space requirements” on page 1004.
If the image catalog becomes too large for the current location, consider moving it
to a file system or disk partition that contains more space.
See “Moving the image catalog” on page 1006.
The image database component of the NetBackup catalog uses the .f files in binary
format for Windows, Solaris, and Linux platforms.
The catalog conversion utility (cat_convert) can be used to upgrade an image
database to the binary format.
Information about the cat_convert command is available in the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide.
See “Estimating catalog space requirements” on page 1004.

About NetBackup image files

Each image file is an ASCII file, generally less than 1 kilobyte in size. An image file
contains only backup set summary information. For example, the backup ID, the
backup type, the expiration date, fragment information, and disaster recovery

About NetBackup image .f files

The binary catalog contains one or more image .f files. This type of file is also
referred to as a files file. The image .f file may be large because it contains the
detailed backup selection list for each file backup. Generally, image files range in
size from 1 kilobyte to 10 gigabytes.

Note: You can use intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of
catalog .f files based on a specified retention period or file size.
See “Enabling intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of .f files”
on page 996.
ICA applies only to servers running NetBackup 10.1 and later using MSDP or MSDP
Cloud storage.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 972
Parts of the NetBackup catalog

The .f files are found in the following location:

Windows: install_path\NetBackup\db\images\clientname\ctime
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/clientname/ctime/
The file layout determines whether the catalog contains one .f file or many .f files.
NetBackup configures the file layout automatically, based on the size of the binary
catalog. NetBackup uses one of two layouts: single file layout or multiple file layout.
■ Image .f file single file layout
NetBackup stores file information in a single image.f file if the information for
the catalog is less than 100 megabytes.
When the backup file of one catalog backup is less than 100 megabytes,
NetBackup stores the information in a single image.f file. The image.f file is
always greater than or equal to 72 bytes, but less than 100 megabytes.
The following is a UNIX example of an .f file in a single file layout:

-rw------- 1 root other 979483 Aug 29 12:23 test_1030638194_FULL.f

■ Image .f file multiple file layout

When the file information for one catalog backup is greater than 100 megabytes,
the information is stored in multiple .f files: one main image .f file plus nine
additional .f files.
Separating the additional .f files from the image .f file and storing the files in
the catstore directory improves performance while writing to the catalog.
The main image.f file is always exactly 72 bytes.

-rw- 1 root other 72 Aug 30 00:40 test_1030680524_INCR.f

-rw- 1 root other 804 Aug 30 00:08 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f-list
-rw- 1 root other 1489728 Aug 30 00:39 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgDir0
-rw- 1 root other 0 Aug 30 00:40 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgExtraObj0
-rw- 1 root other 1280176 Aug 30 00:39 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgFile0
-rw- 1 root other 192 Aug 30 00:40 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgHeader0
-rw- 1 root other 0 Aug 30 00:40 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgNDMP0
-rw- 1 root other 9112680 Aug 30 00:39 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgRecord0
-rw- 1 root other 2111864 Aug 30 00:39 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgStrings0
-rw- 1 root other 11 Aug 30 00:40 catstore/test_1030680524_INCR.f_imgUserGroupNames0

About the catalog backup of cloud configuration files

The following cloud configuration files are backed up during the NetBackup catalog
backup process:
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 973
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

All .txt files in the meter directory, which contain intermediate metering data
■ CloudInstance.xml

■ cloudstore.conf

■ libstspiencrypt.conf

■ libstspimetering.conf

■ libstspithrottling.conf

■ libstspicloud_provider_name.conf
All .conf files that are specific to the cloud providers that NetBackup supports
The cloud configuration files that are backed up during the catalog backup process
reside at the following locations:

Windows install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\var\global\wmc\cloud

UNIX /usr/openv/var/global/wmc/cloud

The files CloudProvider.xml and cacert.pem are at the following location:

Windows <installed-path>\NetBackup\var\global\cloud

UNIX /usr/openv/var/global/cloud/

Note: The cacert.pem file is not backed up during the NetBackup catalog backup
This cacert.pem file is a cloud provider-specific file. This file is installed as part of
the NetBackup installation. This file includes the well-known public cloud vendor
CA certificates used by NetBackup.

Protecting the NetBackup catalog

In order for NetBackup to restore any file, NetBackup needs information from the
catalog to determine where the backup for the file is located. Without a catalog,
NetBackup cannot restore data.
Because the catalog plays an integral part in a NetBackup environment, a special
type of backup protects the catalog. A catalog backup backs up catalog-specific
data as well as produces disaster recovery information.
A catalog backup is configured separately from regular client backups by using the
Catalog Backup Wizard. The catalog can be stored on a variety of media.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 974
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

Configure a catalog backup before you run any regular backups.

Note: If portions of the catalog are relocated, note the changes so that subsequent
catalog backups are aware of the locations of all the catalog components. In the
event that a catalog recovery is needed, the same alterations must be implemented
before the recovery of the catalog.

Note: To perform a catalog backup, the master server and the media server must
both be at the same NetBackup version.
See the NetBackup Installation Guide for information about mixed version support.

As additional protection for the catalog, consider archiving the catalog.

See “Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive” on page 993.
The NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide provides helpful setup information to aid in
disaster recovery. Since the catalog plays a critical role in the NetBackup
environment, much of the information concentrates on catalog considerations.

About catalog backups

The catalog backup is designed for active environments in which continual backup
activity occurs. The catalog backup can be performed while regular backup activity
The catalog backup is policy-based so it has all of the scheduling flexibility of a
regular backup policy. Because the policy allows for incremental backups, catalog
backup times for large catalogs can be significantly reduced. For Sybase SQL
Anywhere, an incremental backup means a backup of the transaction log only.
Transaction logs are managed automatically and truncated after each successful
The catalog lets you recover either the entire catalog or pieces of the catalog. (For
example, the databases separately from the image catalog.)
The catalog backup performs the following tasks:
■ Backs up the catalog while continual client backups are in progress.
■ Performs a full or an incremental catalog backup.
■ Runs the scheduled catalog backups.
■ Copies the relational database files to the staging directory and then backs up
that directory.
■ Creates the disaster recovery package.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 975
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

■ Catalog backups to tape also include the following items:

■ Spans multiple tapes for a catalog backup.
■ Allows for a flexible pool of catalog tapes.
Catalog backups to tape use media from the CatalogBackup volume pool
■ Appends to existing data on tape.
You can configure a catalog backup by using one of the following methods:
■ By using wizards:
■ The Catalog Backup Wizard.
See “Using the Catalog Backup Wizard to configure a catalog backup”
on page 975.
■ The Policy Configuration Wizard.
See “Using the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure a catalog backup”
on page 979.
Either wizard automatically includes all the necessary catalog files to include
the database files (NBDB, NBAZDB, and BMRDB) and any catalog configuration
files (vxdbms.conf, server.conf, databases.conf).
■ By creating a backup policy manually and indicating the NBU-Catalog policy
See “Configuring a catalog backup manually” on page 982.

Note: Before you create a new catalog backup policy, you must ensure that a
passphrase for the disaster recovery package is set.
See “Disaster recovery packages” on page 989.
See “Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages” on page 991.
If the passphrase is not set, catalog backups fail.

Using the Catalog Backup Wizard to configure a catalog backup

Catalog backups write only to media in the CatalogBackup volume pool. This
procedure assumes that a storage device is configured and media is available in
the CatalogBackup volume pool.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 976
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

Note: To perform a catalog backup, the master server and the media server must
both be at the same NetBackup version.
See the NetBackup Installation Guide for information about mixed version support.
Before you create a new catalog backup policy, you must ensure that a passphrase
for the disaster recovery package is set. If the passphrase is not set, catalog backups
may fail.

To use the Catalog Backup Wizard to configure a catalog backup

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, click NetBackup
2 In the right pane, click Configure the Catalog Backup to launch the
NetBackup Catalog Backup Wizard.
Click Help within any wizard panel for more information on the wizard settings.
3 Click Next on the Welcome panel.
4 On the NetBackup Catalog Backup Policy panel, select a policy from the list
of existing catalog backup policies.
5 Or, to create a new catalog backup policy, select Create a new catalog backup
policy. Click Next.
6 In the Policy Name and Type wizard panel, enter the policy name. Notice that
NBU-Catalog is automatically selected as the policy type.
Enter a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
Click Next.
7 On the Backup Type wizard panel, select the backup type. The User Backup
does not apply for NBU-Catalog policies. Click Next.
8 On the Rotation wizard panel, select the rotation schedule. By default, a
frequency-based schedule is selected. A frequency-based schedule ensures
that the catalog backup has an opportunity to run in busy environments where
backup jobs are running.
The selection After each backup session refers to a period when no regular
backup policy is running.
Catalog backups can be scheduled to run concurrently with other backup types
on the master server.
See “Concurrently running catalog backups with other backups” on page 985.
Click Next.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 977
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

9 In the Start Window wizard panel, define a window of time during which the
catalog backup can start and click Next. The scheduled windows (Off hours,
Working hours, All day, Custom) are preset in the wizard. To change these
settings, first complete the wizard. Then, select the policy in the Policies utility.
User Window selections are disabled, as regular users (those who are not
NetBackup administrators) cannot start catalog backups.
10 On the Catalog Disaster Recovery File wizard panel, browse or enter the
path where each disaster recovery image file can be saved on disk. The image
file contains the disaster recovery information. Enter the logon and password
information, if necessary.
It is recommended that you save the image file to a network share or a
removable device. Do not save the disaster recovery information to the local
computer. You must also record this location so that NetBackup Catalog can
be recovered, if required.
Click Next.

Note: If the master server is configured to use a non-privileged user (or service
user) account, it should have the write access permissions on the disaster
recovery (DR) path.
On UNIX, if the master server is configured to use the service user account,
specifying the user name and password of another user who has the access
to the path does not work. The NetBackup Administrator has to ensure that
the service user can write to the network share without switching the context
to another user. This requirement is not applicable on Windows if the DR path
is a network share.
For more information on the service user account, refer to the NetBackup
Security and Encryption Guide.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 978
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

11 It is recommended that you configure the NetBackup environment to send the

disaster recovery information to a NetBackup administrator. This backup-specific
information is sent after every catalog backup.
On the E-mail Disaster Recovery Information wizard panel, enter one or
more addresses. To send the information to more than one administrator,
separate multiple email addresses using a comma as follows:,

Make sure that email notification is enabled in your environment.

See “Disaster recovery emails and the disaster recovery files” on page 988.

Note: The disaster recovery email is not sent to the address that is specified
in the Global Attributes properties. The Administrator’s email Address in
the Global Attributes properties specifies the addresses where NetBackup
sends notifications of scheduled backups or administrator-directed manual

12 The last panel of the Policy Wizard describes that once the policy is created,
you can make changes in NetBackup Management > Policies. Click Finish
to create the policy.
13 The Catalog Backup Wizard resumes, with the new catalog backup policy
14 Click Next to finish the Catalog Backup Wizard.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 979
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

15 The final Catalog Backup Wizard panel displays the total number of catalog
backup policies for this master server. Click Finish to complete the wizard.
16 You may want to add critical policies to the Critical Policies list. Specify some
policies as critical policies after the Catalog Backup Wizard is complete. A
policy that is listed on the Critical Policies list is considered crucial to the
recovery of a site in the event of a disaster.
See “Adding policies to the Critical Policies list of a catalog backup policy”
on page 934.
The NetBackup Disaster Recovery report lists the media that is used for
backups of critical policies. The report lists the media for only incremental and
full backup schedules, so critical policies should use only incremental or full
backup schedules.
See “Strategies that ensure successful NetBackup catalog backups”
on page 987.
See “Determining whether or not a catalog backup succeeded” on page 987.

Using the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure a catalog backup

Catalog backups write only to media in the CatalogBackup volume pool. This
procedure assumes that a storage device is configured and media is available in
the CatalogBackup volume pool.

Note: To perform a catalog backup, the master server and the media server must
both be at the same NetBackup version.
See the NetBackup Installation Guide for information about mixed version support.
Before you create a new catalog backup policy, you must ensure that a passphrase
for the disaster recovery package is set. If the passphrase is not set, catalog backups

To use the Policy Configuration Wizard to configure a catalog backup

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, click NetBackup
2 In the right pane, click Create a Policy in the right pane to launch the Policy
Configuration Wizard.
Click Help within any wizard panel for more information on the wizard settings.
3 Select the Files systems, databases, applications option from the list. Click
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 980
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

4 In the Policy Name and Type wizard panel, enter the policy name. Select
NBU-Catalog as the policy type.
Click Next.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
5 On the Backup Types wizard panel, select the backup type. The User Backup
does not apply for NBU-Catalog policies. Click Next.
6 On the Frequency and Retention wizard panel, select the rotation schedule.
By default, a frequency-based schedule is selected. A frequency-based
schedule ensures that the catalog backup has an opportunity to run in busy
environments where backup jobs are running.
The selection After each backup session refers to a period when no regular
backup policy is running.
Catalog backups can be scheduled to run concurrently with other backup types
on the master server.
See “Concurrently running catalog backups with other backups” on page 985.
Click Next.
7 In the Start Window wizard panel, define a window of time during which the
catalog backup can start and click Next. The scheduled windows (Off hours,
Working hours, All day, Custom) are preset in the wizard. To change these
settings, first complete the wizard. Then, select the policy in the Policies utility
and customize the settings.
User Window selections are disabled, as regular users (those who are not
NetBackup administrators) cannot start catalog backups.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 981
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

8 On the Catalog Disaster Recovery File wizard panel, browse or enter the
path where each disaster recovery image file can be saved on disk. The image
file contains the disaster recovery information. Enter the logon and password
information, if necessary.
It is recommended that you save the image file to a network share or a
removable device. Do not save the disaster recovery information to the local
computer. You must also record this location so that NetBackup Catalog can
be recovered, if required.
Click Next.

Note: If the master server is configured to use a non-privileged user (or service
user) account, it should have the write access permissions on the disaster
recovery (DR) path.
On UNIX, if the master server is configured to use the service user account,
specifying the user name and password of another user who has the access
to the path does not work. The NetBackup Administrator has to ensure that
the service user can write to the network share without switching the context
to another user. This requirement is not applicable on Windows if the DR path
is a network share.
For more information on the service user account, refer to the NetBackup
Security and Encryption Guide.

9 It is recommended that you configure the NetBackup environment to send the

disaster recovery information to a NetBackup administrator. This backup-specific
information is sent after every catalog backup.
To send the information to more than one administrator, separate multiple
email addresses using a comma as follows:,

Make sure that email notification is enabled in your environment.

See “Disaster recovery emails and the disaster recovery files” on page 988.

Note: The disaster recovery email is not sent to the address that is specified
in the Global Attributes properties. The Administrator’s email Address in
the Global Attributes properties specifies the addresses where NetBackup
sends notifications of scheduled backups or administrator-directed manual
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 982
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

10 Click Finish to complete the wizard.

11 You may want to add critical policies to the Critical Policies list. Specify some
policies as critical policies after the Policy Configuration Wizard is complete.
A policy that is listed on the Critical Policies list is considered crucial to the
recovery of a site in the event of a disaster.
See “Adding policies to the Critical Policies list of a catalog backup policy”
on page 934.
The NetBackup Disaster Recovery report lists all of the media that is used
for backups of critical policies, including the most recent full backup. The report
lists the media for only incremental and full backup schedules, so critical policies
should use only incremental or full backup schedules.

Configuring a catalog backup manually

You can configure a catalog backup manually by using the Policy utility. This
procedure assumes that a storage device is configured and media is available in
the CatalogBackup volume pool.
To configure a catalog backup manually
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Policies.

Note: Before you create a new catalog backup policy, you must ensure that a
passphrase for the disaster recovery package is set.
See “Disaster recovery packages” on page 989.
See “Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages” on page 991.
If the passphrase is not set, catalog backups fail.

2 Select Actions > New > Policy.

3 Enter a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Policy dialog box.
See “NetBackup naming conventions” on page 1206.
Click OK.
4 On the Attributes tab, complete the following entries:
■ Policy Type
Select NBU-Catalog as the policy type.
■ Policy storage
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 983
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

For disk storage units, increase the Maximum Concurrent Jobs storage
unit setting to ensure that the catalog backup can proceed during regular
backup activity.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.

Note: The media server that is used for catalog backups must be at the
same NetBackup version as the master server. If your installation contains
media servers of various levels, do not select Any Available for the
destination Policy Storage Unit. If media servers are at various versions,
a media server at a level other than the master server could be selected.

■ Policy volume pool

NetBackup automatically creates a CatalogBackup volume pool that is
selected by default only for NBU-Catalog policy types.
■ For other policy attribute descriptions, see the following topic:
See “Policy Attributes tab ” on page 765.

5 Select the Schedules tab to set up a schedule for a catalog backup.

See “Concurrently running catalog backups with other backups” on page 985.
See “About catalog policy schedules” on page 985.
See “Schedule Attributes tab ” on page 829.

Note: The Clients tab does not apply to the NBU-Catalog policy and does not

6 The Disaster Recovery tab appears for NBU-Catalog policies only.

The tab contains information regarding the location of data crucial to disaster
■ Browse or enter the path where each disaster recovery image file can be
saved on disk. The image file contains the disaster recovery information.
Enter the logon and password information, if necessary.
It is recommended that you save the image file to a network share or a
removable device. Do not save the disaster recovery information to the
local computer.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 984
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

Note: If the master server is configured to use a non-privileged user (or service
user) account, it should have the write access permissions on the disaster
recovery (DR) path.
On UNIX, if the master server is configured to use the service user account,
specifying the user name and password of another user who has the access
to the path does not work. The NetBackup Administrator has to ensure that
the service user can write to the network share without switching the context
to another user. This requirement is not applicable on Windows if the DR path
is a network share.
For more information on the service user account, refer to the NetBackup
Security and Encryption Guide.

7 You may want to add critical policies to the Critical Policies list. The Critical
Policies list contains the names of policies that back up critical data. Media
that contains critical policy backups is listed on the NetBackup Disaster
Recovery Report that is generated when the catalog backup is run. The report
lists the media for only incremental and full backup schedules, so critical policies
should use only incremental or full backup schedules.
Click OK to save the policy.

Backing up NetBackup catalogs manually

Catalog backups typically run automatically per the NBU-Catalog policy. However,
a catalog backup can be started manually.
A manual catalog backup is useful in the following situations:
■ To perform an emergency backup. For example, if the system is schedule to be
moved and you cannot wait for the next scheduled catalog backup.
■ If there is only one standalone drive and the standalone drive is used for catalog
backups. In this situation, automatic backups are not convenient. The catalog
backup tape must be inserted before each catalog backup and removed when
the backup is done. (The tape swap is necessary because NetBackup does not
mix catalog and regular backups on the same tape.)
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 985
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

To perform a manual catalog backup

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Policies.
2 Select the catalog backup policy you want to run.
3 Select Actions > Manual Backup.
See “Performing manual backups” on page 938.
You can also run the bpbackup command from the command line to perform
a catalog backup.
More information is available in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Concurrently running catalog backups with other backups

You can schedule catalog backups to run concurrently with other backup types for
the master server.
Make the following adjustments to ensure that the catalog backup can proceed
while regular backup activity occurs:
■ Set the Maximum jobs per client value to greater than one. The property is
found in the Global Attributes host properties for the master server.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
■ Increase the Maximum concurrent jobs setting on the storage unit where the
backups are sent.
See “Maximum concurrent jobs storage unit setting” on page 649.
See “Determining whether or not a catalog backup succeeded” on page 987.
See “Strategies that ensure successful NetBackup catalog backups” on page 987.

About catalog policy schedules

When you work with catalog policy schedules, consider the following:
■ The schedules that are supported in the catalog backup policy type are as
■ Full
■ Differential incremental (depends on a full schedule)
■ Cumulative incremental
■ Session-based differential incremental
■ Session-based cumulative incremental
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 986
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

■ It is recommended to configure only one catalog backup policy.

■ The media server that is used for catalog backups must be at the same
NetBackup version as the master server.
■ The incremental schedule depends on a full schedule.
■ The least frequent schedule runs if many schedules are due at the same time.
■ One catalog backup policy can contain multiple incremental schedules that are
■ If one is cumulative and the others are differential, the cumulative runs when
the backup session ends.
■ If all are cumulative or all are differential, the first schedule that is found runs
when the backup session ends.

■ The queued scheduled catalog backup is skipped if a catalog backup job from
the same policy is running.
■ Session end means that no jobs are running. (This calculation does not include
catalog backup jobs.)
■ The Vault catalog backup is run whenever triggered from Vault, regardless of
whether a catalog backup job is running from the same policy.
■ When an online catalog backup is run, it generates three jobs: A parent job, a
child job for NetBackup relational database tables, and a child job for catalog
images and configuration data. The child jobs contain the actual backed up data.
Consider both child jobs to duplicate, verify, or expire the backup.

How catalog incrementals and standard backups interact on UNIX

A catalog backup policy can include both full catalog backups and incremental
catalog backups. However, incremental catalog backups differ from incremental
standard backups. Catalog backups use both mtime and ctime to identify changed
data. Standard incremental backups use only mtime to identify changed data.
Because of this difference, running a standard policy type backup that includes the
/usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/ directory can adversely affect incremental
catalog backups. When standard backups run, they reset the file access time
(atime). In turn, the reset changes the ctime for files and directories. If an
incremental catalog backup runs, it sees that the ctime has changed and backs
up the files. The backup may be unnecessary since the files may not have changed
since the last catalog backup.
To avoid additional processing during catalog backups, the following is
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 987
Protecting the NetBackup catalog

If incremental catalog backups are configured, exclude the NetBackup

/usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/ directory from standard backups.

To exclude that directory, create a /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list file on

the master server.
See “About NetBackup master server installed directories and files” on page 1016.

Determining whether or not a catalog backup succeeded

The All Log Entries, Problems, and Media Log reports, available from the Reports
utility, provide information on NetBackup catalog backups.
An email message is sent to the address that is indicated in the Disaster Recovery
settings for a catalog backup.
Configure this email with the mail_dr_info.cmd (on Windows) or the mail_dr_info
script (on UNIX).
See the Administrator’s Guide, Volume II for more information on setting up this

Strategies that ensure successful NetBackup catalog backups

Use the following strategies to ensure successful catalog backups:
■ Use only the methods that are described in this chapter to back up the catalogs.
These are the only methods that can track all relevant NetBackup activities and
ensure consistency between the catalog files.
■ Back up the catalogs often. If catalog backup files are lost, the changes that
were made between the last catalog backup and the time of the disk crash are
■ If you back up your catalogs to disk, always back up to a different disk than
where the catalog files reside. If you back up the catalog to the disk where the
actual catalog resides, both catalog backups are lost if the backup disk fails.
Recovering the catalog is much more difficult. Also, ensure that the disk has
enough space for the catalogs. Backups to a full disk fail.

Note: If a catalog backup is on tape, the tape must be removed when the backup
is finished or regular backups cannot proceed. NetBackup does not mix catalog
and regular backups on the same tape.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 988
Recovering the catalog

Recovering the catalog

Catalog recovery is discussed in the NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.

Disaster recovery emails and the disaster

recovery files
The Catalog Backup Wizard and the Policy Configuration Wizard prompt you
to send the disaster recovery information to an email address. If the catalog backup
is configured manually using the Policy utility, this information appears on the
Disaster Recovery tab.
The disaster recovery email and the accompanying attachments that are sent
contain the following important items for a successful catalog recovery:
■ A list of the media that contains the catalog backup.
■ A list of critical policies.
■ Instructions for recovering the catalog.
■ The image file as an attachment.
If a catalog backup policy included both full backups and incremental backups,
the attached image file can be a full or an incremental catalog backup.
Recovering from an incremental catalog backup completely recovers the entire
catalog if the Automatically recover the entire NetBackup catalog option is
selected on the wizard panel. The entire catalog is recovered because the
incremental catalog backup references information from the last full backup.
You do not need to recover the last full catalog backup before you recover the
subsequent incremental backups.
■ The disaster recovery package (.drpkg file) as an attachment.

Note: If you are not able to receive the disaster recovery packages over emails
even after the disaster recovery email configuration, and then ensure the
Your email exchange server is configured to have the attachment size equal to
or greater than the disaster recovery package size. You can check the size of
the package (.drpkg file size) on the disaster recovery file location that you
have specified in the catalog backup policy.
The firewall and the antivirus software in your environment allows the files with
the .drpkg extension (which is the extension of a disaster recovery package
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 989
Disaster recovery packages

NetBackup emails the disaster recovery file when the following events occur:
■ The catalog is backed up.
■ A catalog backup is duplicated or replicated.
■ The primary catalog backup or any copy expires automatically or is expired
On Windows: You can tailor the disaster recovery email process by providing the
mail_dr_info.cmd script in the install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin directory.
This script is similar to the nbmail.cmd script. See the comments in the nbmail.cmd
script for use instructions.

Disaster recovery packages

For increased security, a disaster recovery package is created during each catalog
backup. The disaster recovery package file has .drpkg extension.
The disaster recovery (DR) package stores the identity of the master server host.
NetBackup requires this package to get the identity of the master server back after
a disaster. Once you have recovered the host identity, you can perform the catalog
The disaster recovery package contains the following information:
■ NetBackup CA-signed certificates and private keys of the master server certificate
and the NetBackup certificate authority (CA) certificate
■ Information about the hosts in the domain
■ Security settings
■ External CA-signed certificates
External CA-signed certificates from Windows certificate store, if applicable
■ NetBackup configuration options that are specific to external CA-signed
■ Key management service (KMS) configuration

Note: By default, the KMS configuration is not backed up during catalog backup.
Set the KMS_CONFIG_IN_CATALOG_BKUP configuration option to 1 to include
the KMS configuration as part of the disaster recovery package during catalog
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 990
About disaster recovery settings

Note: You must set a passphrase for the disaster recovery package for the catalog
backups to be successful.

See “About catalog backups” on page 974.

See “About disaster recovery settings” on page 990.
See “Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages” on page 991.

About disaster recovery settings

For increased security, a disaster recovery package is created during each catalog
See “Disaster recovery packages” on page 989.
During each catalog backup, a disaster recovery package is created and encrypted
with the passphrase that you set. You need to provide this encryption passphrase
while you install NetBackup on the master server in a disaster recovery mode after
a disaster.
The following options are displayed on the Disaster Recovery tab:

Table 23-1 Disaster recovery settings

Setting Description

Passphrase Enter the passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages.

■ By default, the passphrase must contain a minimum of 8

and a maximum of 1024 characters.
■ The existing passphrase and the new passphrase must
be different.
■ Only the following characters are supported for the
passphrase: White spaces, uppercase characters (A to
Z), lowercase characters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and
special characters. Special characters include: ~ ! @ #

See “Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery

packages” on page 991.

Confirm Passphrase Re-enter the passphrase for confirmation.

Protecting the NetBackup catalog 991
Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages

Caution: Ensure that the passphrase contains only the supported characters. If
you enter a character that is not supported, you may face problems during disaster
recovery package restore. The passphrase may not be validated and you may not
be able to restore the disaster recovery package.

Note the following before you modify the passphrase for

the disaster recovery packages:
■ Subsequent disaster recovery packages are encrypted with the new passphrase
that you set.
■ If you change the passphrase anytime, it is not changed for the previous disaster
recovery packages. Only new disaster recovery packages are associated with
the new passphrase.
■ Passphrase that you provide while you install NetBackup on the master server
in a disaster recovery mode after a disaster must correspond to the disaster
recovery package from which you want to recover the master server host identity.

Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery

During each catalog backup, a disaster recovery package is created and encrypted
with the passphrase that you set.
See “Disaster recovery packages” on page 989.

Workflow to set a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery

packages and use it after a disaster:
Review the following workflow to learn about disaster recovery package restore:
1. Set an encryption passphrase for disaster recovery packages.
2. Create a catalog policy.
See “Configuring a catalog backup manually” on page 982.
Consider the following scenarios:
■ If you have not set the passphrase earlier, NetBackup prevents you from
configuring a new catalog backup policy.
■ If the catalog backup policy is upgraded from a previous version, catalog
backups continue to fail until the passphrase is set.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 992
Setting a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery packages

Note: Catalog backups may fail with status code 144 even though the
passphrase is set. This is because the passphrase may be corrupted. To
resolve this issue, you must reset the passphrase.

3. After a disaster, when you install NetBackup on the master server in a disaster
recovery mode, provide the passphrase that you have set earlier. NetBackup
decrypts the disaster recovery package using this passphrase and gets the
identity of the master server back during installation.

Caution: If you fail to provide the appropriate passphrase while you install
NetBackup on the master server after a disaster, you may need to redeploy
the security certificates on all NetBackup hosts. For more details, refer to the
following article:

4. Once the master server identity is back in place, the secure communication
between the master server and the media server is established and you can
perform catalog recovery.
5. After successful catalog recovery, you must set the disaster recovery package
passphrase again, because the passphrase is not recovered during the catalog
recovery. Catalog backups that you configure in a new NetBackup instance
continue to fail until you set the passphrase.
To set or modify a passphrase
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Security Management
> Global Security Settings.
2 In the details pane, click the Disaster Recovery tab.
See “About disaster recovery settings” on page 990.
3 Provide Passphrase and Confirm Passphrase.
Review the following password rules:
■ The existing passphrase and the new passphrase must be different.
■ By default, the passphrase must contain a minimum of 8 and a maximum
of 1024 characters.
You can set the passphrase constraints using the nbseccmd
-setpassphraseconstraints command option.

■ Only the following characters are supported for the passphrase: White
spaces, uppercase characters (A to Z), lowercase characters (a to z),
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 993
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

numbers (0 to 9), and special characters. Special characters include: ~ !


Caution: If you enter a character that is not supported, you may face
problems during disaster recovery package restore. The passphrase may
not be validated and you may not be able to restore the disaster recovery

4 Click Save. If the passphrase already exists, it is overwritten.

To set or modify a passphrase using the command-line interface
1 The NetBackup administrator must be logged on to the NetBackup Web
Management Service to perform this task. Use the following command to log
bpnbat -login -loginType WEB

2 Run the following command to set a passphrase to encrypt disaster recovery

nbseccmd -drpkgpassphrase

3 Enter the passphrase.

If a passphrase already exists, it is overwritten.

Archiving the catalog and restoring from the

catalog archive
Catalog archiving helps administrators solve the kinds of problems that large
amounts of catalog data can pose: large catalogs require a greater amount of disk
space and can be time-consuming to back up.
Catalog archiving reduces the size of online catalog data by relocating the large
catalog .f files (files files) to secondary storage. NetBackup administration continues
to require regularly scheduled catalog backups, but the backups are faster without
the large amount of online catalog data.
You can also use intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of catalog
.f files from secondary storage. When you enable ICA, any catalog .f file that is
older than the specified retention period value is removed from the catalog disk.
You can also specify a size value so that any catalog .f file that is greater than or
equal to the size value is removed from the catalog disk.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 994
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

See “Enabling intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of .f files”
on page 996.
Catalog archiving should not be used as a method to reclaim disk space when a
catalog file system fills up. In that situation, investigate catalog compression or add
disk space to grow the file system.
For additional catalog archiving considerations, see the following topic:
See “Catalog archiving considerations” on page 1003.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 995
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

To archive the catalog and restore the catalog archive

1 Use bpcatlist to determine what images are available to be archived.
Running bpcatlist alone does not modify any catalog images. Only when the
bpcatlist output is piped to bpcatarc are the .f files backed up, and only
when the output is piped to bpcatrm will the .f files be deleted from disk.
To determine what images have .f files on disk that can be archived, run the
following command. The catarcid column indicates whether the .f file is not
currently backed up (0) or the catarcid of the backup of that image.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpcatlist -online

To determine what images have been previously archived and removed from
disk, run the following command.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpcatlist -offline

The catalog commands are described in detail in the following topic:

See “Catalog archiving commands” on page 1001.

Note: If catalog archiving has not been previously run, this command should
return: No entity was found.

For example, to display all images for a specific client before January 1, 2017,
run the following command:
bpcatlist -client name -before Jan 1 2017

To display the help for the bpcatlist command run this command.
bpcatlist -help

Once the bpcatlist output correctly lists all the images that are to be archived
or deleted, other commands can be added.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 996
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

2 Running the catalog archive.

Before running the catalog archive, create a backup policy named catarc. The
policy is required for the bpcatarc command to successfully process images.
The name of the policy reflects that the purpose of the schedule is for catalog
See the following topic for details about configuring the catarc policy:
See “Creating a catalog archiving policy” on page 1000.
To run the catalog archive, first run the bpcatlist command with the same
options used in step 1 to display images. Then pipe the output through bpcatarc
and bpcatrm.
bpcatlist -client all -before Jan 1 2017 | bpcatarc | bpcatrm

A new job appears in the Activity Monitor. The command waits until the backup
completes before it returns the prompt. The command reports an error only if
the catalog archive fails, otherwise the commands return to the prompt.
The File List: section of the Job Details in the Activity Monitor displays a list
of image files that have been processed. When the job completes with a status
0, the bpcatrm command removes the corresponding .f files. If the job fails,
no catalog .f files are removed.
If bpcatlist is piped to bpcatarc but the results are not piped to bpcatrm,
the backup occurs but the .f files are not removed from disk. The same
bpcatlist command can then be rerun and piped to bpcatrm to remove the
.f files.

3 Restoring the catalog archive.

To restore the catalog archive, first use the bpcatlist command to list the
files that need to be restored. Once bpcatlist displays the proper files to
restore, run the bpcatres command to restore the actual files.
To restore all the archived files from step 2, run the following command:
bpcatlist -client all -before Jan 1 2017 | bpcatres

This command restores all of the catalog archive files before January 1, 2017.

Enabling intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of

.f files

Note: Intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) applies only to servers running NetBackup
10.1 and later using MSDP or MSDP Cloud storage.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 997
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

You can use intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) to reduce the number of catalog .f
files based on a specified retention period or file size. When you enable ICA, any
catalog .f file that is older than the specified retention period value is removed
from the catalog disk. You can also specify a file size value so that any catalog .f
file that is greater than or equal to the size value is removed from the catalog disk.
The main advantage of ICA is that it shortens catalog backup time by reducing the
number of .f files that need to be backed up if they meet the required criteria:
■ The backup image must be older than the configured ICA retention period.
■ The .f file must be larger than or equal to the configured ICA minimum size.
■ At least one copy of the backup image must be on MSDP or MSDP Cloud storage
and has 1 or more true image restore (TIR) fragments.
■ Image catalog .f file has not been recalled in last 24 hours.
■ The backup image must be from a completed SLP or from a backup that is not
managed by SLP.
■ The backup image is not from a catalog backup.
■ The image catalog is not archived.
When ICA is enabled, you should notice the following behaviors:
■ Initial image cleanup after you enable ICA may take longer than usual.
■ Catalog backups will be faster if any of the .f files involved have been
intelligently archived.
■ Browse and Restore functions will take longer if any of the .f files involved have
been intelligently archived.
No additional action is needed to restore the catalog .f file. Catalog .f files are
restored from images automatically as follows:
■ When an ICA image is browsed.
■ When an ICA-eligible copy is expired from an ICA image. Restoring catalog .f
files ensures that the remaining copies from that image are accessible and
■ When an ICA-eligible image is found but its catalog .f file missing.
More information about .f files is available:
See “About NetBackup image .f files” on page 971.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 998
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

To enable intelligent catalog archiving (ICA) and specify retention and file
size values
1 Run the following command on the primary server:
bpconfig -ica_retention seconds

When the seconds value is between 1 and 2147472000, ICA is enabled. Any
image which is older than the value is processed for ICA. The catalog .f file
from the ICA-eligible image is removed from the catalog disk. Setting this value
to 0 (zero) disables ICA. The default value for NetBackup Flex Scale
environments is 2592000 (30 days). The default value for all other NetBackup
environments is 0 (disabled).
For Accelerator-enabled backups, specify an ICA retention value that is longer
than full backup schedules so that the number of .f file restores from ICA
images goes down.
For example, to set the ICA retention value to 30 days, enter bpconfig
-ica_retention 2592000.

Use bpconfig -U to verify the change:

# bpconfig -U
Admin Mail Address:
Job Retry Delay: 10 minutes
Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
Backup Tries: 1 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
Keep Error/Debug Logs: 3 days
Max drives this master: 0
Keep TrueImageRecovery Info: 24 days
Compress DB Files: (not enabled)
Media Mount Timeout: 30 minutes
Display Reports: 24 hours ago
Preprocess Interval: 0 hours
Image DB Cleanup Interval: 12 hours
Image DB Cleanup Wait Time: 10 minutes
Policy Update Interval: 10 minutes
Intelligent Catalog Archiving: Files file larger than 1024 KB
Intelligent Catalog Archiving: Images older than 30 day(s)
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 999
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

2 Note: After you enable ICA, the minimum file size for .f files is set to the default
value 1024 KB. Use this step to change that value.

To specify a minimum file size, run the following command on the primary
bpconfig -ica_min_size size

When the size value is between 0 and 2097151, any catalog .f file that is
larger than or equal to the size value is removed from the catalog disk. The
default value is 1024.
For example to set the ICA minimum file size to 2048 KB, enter bpconfig
-ica_min_size 2048.

Use bpconfig -U to verify the change:

# bpconfig -U
Admin Mail Address:
Job Retry Delay: 10 minutes
Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
Backup Tries: 1 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
Keep Error/Debug Logs: 3 days
Max drives this master: 0
Keep TrueImageRecovery Info: 24 days
Compress DB Files: (not enabled)
Media Mount Timeout: 30 minutes
Display Reports: 24 hours ago
Preprocess Interval: 0 hours
Image DB Cleanup Interval: 12 hours
Image DB Cleanup Wait Time: 10 minutes
Policy Update Interval: 10 minutes
Intelligent Catalog Archiving: Files file larger than 2048 KB
Intelligent Catalog Archiving: Images older than 30 day(s)
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1000
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

To disable intelligent catalog archiving (ICA)

Run the following command on the primary server:
bpconfig -ica_retention 0

Use bpconfig -U to verify the change:

# bpconfig -U
Admin Mail Address:
Job Retry Delay: 10 minutes
Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 1
Backup Tries: 1 time(s) in 12 hour(s)
Keep Error/Debug Logs: 3 days
Max drives this master: 0
Keep TrueImageRecovery Info: 24 days
Compress DB Files: (not enabled)
Media Mount Timeout: 30 minutes
Display Reports: 24 hours ago
Preprocess Interval: 0 hours
Image DB Cleanup Interval: 12 hours
Image DB Cleanup Wait Time: 10 minutes
Policy Update Interval: 10 minutes
Intelligent Catalog Archiving: (not enabled)

Creating a catalog archiving policy

The catalog archiving feature requires the presence of a policy named catarc before
the catalog archiving commands can run properly. The policy can be reused for
catalog archiving.
To create a catalog archiving policy
1 Create a new policy and name it catarc. The catarc policy waits until bpcatarc
can activate it. Users do not run this policy. Instead, bpcatarc activates this
special policy to perform a catalog backup job, then deactivates the policy after
the job is done.
2 In the Attributes policy tab, set the Policy type to Standard or MS-Windows,
according to the platform of the master server.
3 In the Attributes policy tab, deactivate the catalog archive policy by clearing
the Go into effect at field.
See “Go into effect at (policy attribute)” on page 781.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1001
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

4 Select the Schedules tab and click New to create a schedule.

In the Attributes schedule tab, the Name of the schedule is not restricted, but
the Type of backup must be User Backup.
5 Select a Retention for the catalog archive. Set the retention level for a time at
least as long as the longest retention period of the backups being archived.
Data can be lost if the retention level of the catalog archive is not long enough.
You may find it useful to set up, and then designate a special retention level
for catalog archive images.
6 Select the Start Window tab and define a schedule for the catarc policy.
The schedule must include in its window the time when the bpcatarc command
is run. If the bpcatarc command is run outside of the schedule, the operation
7 Click OK to save the schedule.
8 On the Clients tab, enter the name of the master server as it appears on the
NetBackup servers list.
9 On the Backup Selections tab, browse to the directory where catalog backup
images are placed:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\db\images
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images
10 Save the policy.

Catalog archiving commands

The catalog archiving option relies on three commands to designate a list of catalog
.f files, then archive the files. A fourth command, bpcatres, is used to restore the
files if necessary.
Catalog archiving uses the following commands.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1002
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

Table 23-2 Catalog archiving commands

Command Description

bpcatlist The bpcatlist command queries the catalog data. Then, bpcatlist lists the portions of the
catalog that are based on selected parameters. For example, date, client, policy, schedule name,
backup ID, the age of the backup image, or the date range of the backup image. bpcatlist
outputs the formatted image summary information of matched images to standard output.

The other catalog archiving commands, bpcatarc, bpcatrm, and bpcatres, all depend on
input from bpcatlist by a piped command.

For example, to archive (backup and delete) all of the .f files that were created before January
1, 2012, the following would be entered:

bpcatlist -client all -before Jan 1 2012 | bpcatarc | bpcatrm

bpcatlist is also used to provide status information.

For each catalog, it lists the following information:

■ Backup ID (Backupid)
■ Backup date (Backup Date)
■ Catalog archive ID (catarcid). After one .f file is successfully backed up, a catalog archive
ID is entered into the catarcid field in the image file. This field is zero (0) if the image was
never archived.
■ Archived status (S). Indicates whether the catalog was archived (2) or was not archived (1).
■ Compressed status (C). Indicates whether the catalog was compressed (positive_value) or
was not compressed (0).
■ Catalog file name (Files file)

The following is an example of the bpcatlist output, showing all of the backups for client alpha
since October 23:

# bpcatlist -client alpha -since Oct 23

Backupid Backup Date ...Catarcid S C Files file
alpha_097238 Oct 24 10:47:12 2012 ... 973187218 1 0 alpha_097238_UBAK.f
alpha_097233 Oct 23 22:32:56 2012 ... 973187218 1 0 alpha_097233_FULL.f
alpha_097232 Oct 23 19:53:17 2012 ... 973187218 1 0 alpha_097232_UBAK.f

More information is available in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

bpcatarc The bpcatarc command reads the output from bpcatlist and backs up the selected list of
.f files. After one .f file is successfully backed up, a catalog archive ID is entered into the
catarcid field in the image file. For archiving of the.f files to proceed, a policy by the name of
catarc is required. The policy is based on a User Backup type schedule. The schedule for catarc
must include in its window the time bpcatarc command is run.

See “Creating a catalog archiving policy” on page 1000.

Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1003
Archiving the catalog and restoring from the catalog archive

Table 23-2 Catalog archiving commands (continued)

Command Description

bpcatrm The bpcatrm command reads the output from bpcatlist or bpcatarc. If the image file has
valid catarcid entries, bpcatrm deletes selected image.f files from the online catalog.

bpcatrm does not remove one .f file unless the file has been previously backed up using the
catarc policy.

bpcatres Use the bpcatres command to restore the catalog. The bpcatres command reads the output
from bpcatlist and restores selected archived.f files to the catalog. For example:

bpcatlist -client all -before Jan 1 2012 | bpcatres

Catalog archiving considerations

Consider the following items before catalog archiving:
■ Perform catalog archiving operations when NetBackup is in an inactive state
(no jobs are running).
■ Catalog archiving modifies existing catalog images. As a result, it should never
be run when the catalog file system is 100% full.
■ To ensure that catalog backup images are not on the same tapes as user
backups, create a separate media pool for catalog archives.
■ You may find it useful to set up and then designate, a special retention level for
catalog archive images.
To specify retention levels, go to Host Properties > Master Server > Retention
See “Retention Periods properties” on page 197.
■ Additional time is required to mount the tape and perform the restore of archived
.f files.

■ There is no simple method to determine to which tape the catalog has been
archived. The bpcatlist -offline command is the only administrative
command to determine what images have been archived. This command does
not list what tape was used for the archive. As a result, exercise caution to
ensure that the tapes used for catalog archiving are available for restoring the
archived catalog images. Either create a separate volume pool to use exclusively
for catalog archives or find a method to label the tape as a catalog archive tape.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1004
Estimating catalog space requirements

Extracting images from the catalog archives

The situation may arise in which a storage provider needs to extract all of a specific
client’s records. The storage provider can extract the customer images from the
catalog archive by creating the archives that are based on client name.
To extract images from the catalog archives based on a specific client
1 Create a volume pool for the client.
2 Create a catalog archiving policy. Indicate the volume pool for that client in the
Attributes tab.
3 Run bpcatlist so only the.f files from that client are listed. For example:
bpcatlist -client clientname | bpcatarc | bpcatrm

4 If you do not want to write more images to the client’s volume pool, change
the volume pool before you run another archiving catalog.

Estimating catalog space requirements

NetBackup requires disk space to store its error logs and information about the files
it backs up.
The disk space that NetBackup needs varies according to the following factors:
■ Number of files to be backed up
■ Frequency of full and incremental backups
■ Number of user backups and archives
■ Retention period of backups
■ Average length of full path of files
■ File information (such as owner permissions)
■ Average amount of error log information existing at any given time
■ Whether you have enabled the database compression option.
To estimate the disk space that is required for a catalog backup
1 Estimate the maximum number of files that each schedule for each policy backs
up during a single backup of all its clients.
2 Determine the frequency and the retention period of the full and the incremental
backups for each policy.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1005
Estimating catalog space requirements

3 Use the information from steps 1 and 2 to calculate the maximum number of
files that exist at any given time.
For example:
Assume that you schedule full backups to occur every seven days. The full
backups have a retention period of four weeks. Differential incremental backups
are scheduled to run daily and have a retention period of one week.
The number of file paths you must allow space for is four times the number of
files in a full backup. Add to that number one week’s worth of incremental
The following formula expresses the maximum number of files that can exist
for each type of backup (daily or weekly, for example):
Files per Backup × Backups per Retention Period = Max Files
For example:
A daily differential incremental schedule backs up 1200 files and the retention
period for the backup is seven days. Given this information, the maximum
number of files that can exist at one time are the following:
1200 × 7 days = 8400
A weekly full backup schedule backs up 3000 files. The retention period is four
weeks. The maximum number of files that can exist at one time are the
3000 × 4 weeks = 12,000
Obtain the total for a server by adding the maximum files for all the schedules
together. Add the separate totals to get the maximum number of files that can
exist at one time. For example, 20,400.
For the policies that collect true image restore information, an incremental
backup collects catalog information on all files (as if it were a full backup). This
changes the calculation in the example: the incremental changes from 1200
× 7 = 8400 to 3000 × 7 = 21,000. After 12,000 is added for the full backups,
the total for the two schedules is 33,000 rather than 20,400.
4 Obtain the number of bytes by multiplying the number of files by the average
number of bytes per file record.
If you are unsure of the average number of bytes per file record, use 132. The
results from the examples in step 3 yield:
(8400 × 132) + (12,000 × 132) = 2692800 bytes (or about 2630 kilobytes)
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1006
Estimating catalog space requirements

5 Add between 10 megabytes to 15 megabytes to the total sum that was

calculated in step 4. The additional megabytes account for the average space
that is required for the error logs. Increase the value if you anticipate problems.
6 Allocate space so all the data remains in a single partition.

NetBackup file size considerations on UNIX systems

File system limitations on UNIX include the following:
■ Some UNIX systems have a large file support flag. Turn on the flag to enable
large file support.
■ Set the file size limit for the root user account to unlimited to support large file

About the binary catalog format

The catalog in a binary file format has several advantages over the catalog in a text
■ The catalog is more compact. The binary representations of numbers, dates,
and other information, takes up less disk space than the text representations.
■ The catalog is much faster to browse and search, especially for large file sizes.
■ The catalog supports alternate backup methods without the need to post-process
images, which improve catalog performance for alternate backup methods.
The following points describe size the limitations that are associated with the binary
■ The maximum number of files that can be backed up per image:
(231) –1 files = 2,147,483,647 files = 7FFFFFFF files
■ The maximum number of different user IDs and group IDs (combined):
(231) –1 IDs = 2,147,483,647 IDs = 7FFFFFFF IDs
See “About NetBackup image .f files” on page 971.

Moving the image catalog

An image catalog may become too large for its current location. Consider moving
the image catalog to a file system or disk partition that contains more available

Notes about moving the image catalog

■ NetBackup does not support saving the catalog to a remote NFS share. CIFS
is supported on some SAN or NAS storage.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1007
Estimating catalog space requirements

See “Parts of the NetBackup catalog” on page 963.

■ NetBackup only supports moving the image catalog to a different file system or
disk partition. It does not support moving the other subdirectories that make up
the entire NetBackup catalog.
For example, on Windows, do not use the ALTPATH mechanism to move
For example, on UNIX, do not move /usr/openv/netbackup/db/error. The
catalog backup only follows the symbolic link when backing up the /images
directory. So, if symbolic links are used for other parts of the NetBackup catalog,
the files in those parts are not included in the catalog backup.
■ The directory that is specified in the ALTPATH file is not automatically removed
if NetBackup is uninstalled. If NetBackup is uninstalled, you must manually
remove the contents of this directory.

Moving the image catalog between Windows hosts

To move the image catalog on Windows
1 Back up the NetBackup catalogs manually.
A backup of the catalogs ensures that you can recover image information in
case something is accidentally lost during the move.
See “Backing up NetBackup catalogs manually” on page 984.
2 Check the Jobs tab in the Activity Monitor and ensure that no backups or
restores are running for the client.
If jobs are running, either wait for them to end or stop them by using the Jobs
tab in the Activity Monitor.
3 Use the Daemons tab in the Activity Monitor to stop the Request Manager
and the Database Manager daemons. These services are stopped to prevent
jobs from starting. Do not modify the database while this procedure is
4 Create a file named ALTPATH in the image catalog directory.
For example, if NetBackup is installed in the default location and the client
name is mars, the path to the image catalog is:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\images\mars\ALTPATH

5 Create the directory to which you intend to move the image information. For
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1008
Estimating catalog space requirements

6 On the first line of the ALTPATH file, specify the path to the directory where you
intend to move the client’s image information. For example:

The path is the only entry in the ALTPATH file.

7 Move all files and directories (except the ALTPATH file) that are in the current
client directory to the new directory.
For example, if the images are currently in
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\images\mars

and the ALTPATH file specifies


then move all files and directories (except the ALTPATH file) to

8 Start the NetBackup Request Daemon, NetBackup Job Manager, and

NetBackup Policy Execution manager in the Daemons tab.
Backups and restores can now resume for the client.

Moving the image catalog between UNIX hosts

To move the image catalog on UNIX
1 Check that no backups are in progress by running:

2 Stop bprd by running:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate

3 Stop bpdbm by running:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm -terminate

4 Create the directory in the new file system. For example:

mkdir /disk3/netbackup/db/images

5 Move the image catalog to the new location in the other file system.
6 Create a symbolic link from /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images to the new
location in the other file system.
See “NetBackup file size considerations on UNIX systems” on page 1006.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1009
Estimating catalog space requirements

About image catalog compression

The image catalog contains information about all client backups. It is accessed any
time a user lists or restores files. NetBackup lets you compress all portions of the
catalog or only older portions of the catalog. No method selectively compresses
image catalog files other than by age.
Control image catalog compression by setting the Global Attributes property,
Compress Catalog Interval. Use this property to specify how old the backup
information must be before it is compressed. Specify the number of days to defer
compression information, thus users who restore files from recent backups are
unaffected. By default, Compress Catalog Interval is set to 0 and image
compression is not enabled.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.

Note: Veritas discourages manually compressing or decompressing the catalog

backups with the bpimage -[de]compress command or any other method. Manually
compressing or decompressing a catalog backup while any backup (regular or
catalog) is running results in inconsistent image catalog entries. When users list
and restore files, the results can be incorrect.

It does not make a difference to NetBackup if the backup session was successful.
The operation occurs while NetBackup expires backups and before it runs the
session_notify script and the backup of the NetBackup catalogs.

The time to perform compression depends on the server speed and the number
and size of the files being compressed. Files are compressed serially, and temporary
working space is required in the same partition.
When numerous compressed image catalog files must be processed, the backup
session is extended until compression is complete. The additional backup time is
especially noticeable the first time you perform the compression. To minimize the
effect of the initial sessions, consider compressing the files in stages. For example,
begin by compressing the records for the backups older than 120 days. Continue
to reduce the number of days over a period of time until you reach a comfortable
Compressing the image catalog accomplishes the following objectives:
■ Reduces greatly the disk space that is consumed.
■ Reduces the media that is required to back up the catalog.
The amount of space that is reclaimed varies with the types of backups you perform.
Full backups result in a larger percentage of catalog compression than incremental
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1010
Estimating catalog space requirements

backups. Normally, more data is duplicated in a catalog file for a full backup. Using
catalog compression, a reduction of 80% is possible.
This reduction in disk space and media requirements is achieved at the expense
of performance when a user lists or restores files. Since the information is
uncompressed at each reference, performance degradation is in direct proportion
to the number and size of compressed files that are referenced. If the restore
requires numerous catalog files to be uncompressed, increase the timeout value
that is associated with list requests.
Change the timeout value by changing the List Files Timeout General property
setting on the client. Or, on UNIX clients, change the timeout value by changing
the LIST_FILES_TIMEOUT option in the bp.conf file.

Figure 23-3 List Files Timeout General property on the client

Uncompressing the NetBackup catalog

You may find it necessary to uncompress all records temporarily that are associated
with an individual client. Uncompress the records if you anticipate large or numerous
restore requests, for example.
Use the following procedure to uncompress the NetBackup catalog.
To uncompress the NetBackup catalog on Windows
1 Verify that the partition where the image catalog resides contains enough space
to accommodate the uncompressed catalog.
See “Estimating catalog space requirements” on page 1004.
2 Stop the NetBackup Request Daemon service, bprd. Use the Activity Monitor
or the Services application in the Windows Control Panel.
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1011
Estimating catalog space requirements

3 Verify that the NetBackup Database Manager, bpdbm, is running.

4 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Master Server. Double-click the host to be uncompressed.
5 Select the Global Attributes properties.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
6 Clear the Compress Catalog Interval check box and click OK to save the
host property change.
7 Open a command prompt. Change to the following directory:

Run one of the followings commands.

To decompress the records for a specific client, enter:
bpimage -decompress -client_name

To decompress the records for all clients, enter:

bpimage -decompress -allclients

8 Restart the NetBackup Request Daemon bprd.

To uncompress the NetBackup catalog on UNIX
1 Perform the following steps as root on the master server to uncompress the
NetBackup catalog.
Verify that the partition where the image catalog resides has enough space to
uncompress the client’s image records.
2 Stop the request daemon, bprd, by running:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate

3 Make sure that bpdbm is running:


4 Expand Host Properties > Master Servers. Open the properties of a host.
On the Global Attributes properties, clear the Compress Catalog Interval
check box.
See “Global Attributes properties” on page 140.
5 Change your working directory to /usr/openv/netbackup/bin and run the
admincmd/bpimage -decompress -client name
Protecting the NetBackup catalog 1012
Estimating catalog space requirements

6 Restart the request daemon, bprd, by running:


7 Perform the file restorations from the client.

8 Set the Compress Catalog After Global Attributes property to its previous
The records that were uncompressed for this client are compressed after the
next backup schedule.
See “About image catalog compression” on page 1009.
Chapter 24
About the NetBackup
relational database
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

■ Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

■ Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

■ Post-installation tasks

■ About backup and recovery procedures

■ Unloading the NetBackup database

■ Terminating database connections

About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB)

The following information can help you to install and operate the Sybase SQL
Anywhere relational database management system.
Generally, the implementation of Sybase SQL Anywhere in the NetBackup catalog
is transparent. NetBackup installs Sybase SQL Anywhere during the master server
installation as a private, non-shared server for the NetBackup database (NBDB).
NBDB contains the NetBackup Authorization database, the Enterprise Media
Manager (EMM) data, as well as other NetBackup data that NetBackup services
About the NetBackup relational database 1014
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

The same installation of Sybase SQL Anywhere is used for the optionally-licensed
product, Bare Metal Restore (BMR) and its associated database (BMRDB). The
BMR database is created during the BMR installation process.
By default, the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) is installed on the master
server. The master server is also the default location for the Enterprise Media
Manager (EMM). Since EMM is the primary user of NBDB, the NetBackup database
always resides on the same computer as the Enterprise Media Manager.
See “About the Enterprise Media Manager (EMM)” on page 969.

Note: NetBackup does not support saving the NetBackup relational database
(NBDB, including NBAZDB and EMM) or the configuration files to a remote NFS
share. CIFS is supported on some SAN or NAS storage.
See “Parts of the NetBackup catalog” on page 963.

Installing the NetBackup database

The following procedure is performed automatically during installation in the order
presented. You can also use the same procedure to manually install the database
Installing the NetBackup database
1 As part of the NetBackup master server installation, the SQL Anywhere server
is created. The server parameters are set in the server.conf file in the following
On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\conf\server.conf
On UNIX: /usr/openv/var/global/server.conf
See “About the NetBackup server.conf file” on page 1017.
2 On Windows: The following entry is added to the registry to set the database


See “About the NetBackup configuration entry” on page 1025.

3 On UNIX: The following entry is added to the bp.conf file to set the database
VxDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
About the NetBackup relational database 1015
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

4 On Windows: The VxDBMS configuration file for NetBackup is created. This

file requires the read and write permissions of a Windows administrator:

5 On UNIX: The VxDBMS configuration file for NetBackup is created. This file
requires the read and write permissions of root:

6 The NetBackup database is created:

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.db
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db
7 DBA password is set for the NetBackup database in vxdbms.conf:
VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = encrypted_password

8 Additional database files are created with contiguous space pre-allocated:

■ The NetBackup system database file that is mentioned in the following step:
On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.db
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db
■ The EMM database files:
On Windows:

■ The authorization database files for NetBackup Access Control:

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBAZDB.db
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db
■ The NetBackup transaction log, necessary for recovering the database:
On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.log
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log
About the NetBackup relational database 1016
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

9 The SQL Anywhere accounts and schema are created for each of the
NetBackup components that make use of the NetBackup database. (For
example, EMM_MAIN.)
10 The following command initializes the EMM data:
On Windows: install_path\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tpext.exe
On UNIX: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpext
See “About catalog backups” on page 974.

About NetBackup master server installed directories and files

SQL Anywhere is installed in the following directories:

On Windows


The files in install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\conf can be shared within a




The files in /global can be shared within a cluster.

The contents of each directory are examined in the following topics.

Relocating the NetBackup database

The NetBackup database, NBDB, and its associated files, is created on the master
server by default. For performance reasons, NBDB can be moved to another host.
On Windows: The NBDB database files can be moved from their default location
in install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data.
On UNIX: The NBDB database files can be moved from their default location in

See “Moving NBDB database files after installation” on page 1049.

About the NetBackup relational database 1017
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

Note: NetBackup does not support saving the NetBackup relational database
(NBDB, including NBAZDB and EMM) or the configuration files to a remote NFS
share. CIFS is supported on some SAN or NAS storage.
See “Parts of the NetBackup catalog” on page 963.

Note: If Bare Metal Restore is installed, BMRDB must be located on the master

See “Moving NBDB database files after installation” on page 1049.

See “Moving the NetBackup database files” on page 1035.
See “About the Move Database menu options” on page 1045.

About the NetBackup server.conf file

It is not recommended to edit this file without assistance from technical support.
NetBackup may not start if the server.conf file is edited.

On Windows
The install_path\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\conf\server.conf file is read when
the SQL Anywhere service is started. The SQL Anywhere service gets all
configuration information from this file:
-n NB_server_name

-x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13785) -gd DBA -gk DBA -gl DBA -gp

4096 -ti 0 -c 200M -ch 1365M -cl 200M -wc- -gna 1 -k -os 1M -m -o
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\log\server.log" -m

The /usr/openv/var/global/server.conf file is read when the SQL Anywhere
daemon is started.
The SQL Anywhere daemon gets all configuration information from the server.conf
file, as follows:
-n NB_server_name

-x tcpip(LocalOnly=YES;ServerPort=13785) -gp 4096 -gd DBA -gk DBA

-gl DBA -ti 0 -c 200M -ch 1278M -cl 200M -wc- -ua -gna 1 -k -os 1M
-m -o /usr/openv/db//log/server.log -ud
About the NetBackup relational database 1018
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

NB_server_name indicates the name of the SQL Anywhere server. Each Sybase
server has a unique name. Use the same name that was used during installation.
If a fully qualified name was used at that time, use a fully qualified name here.

Note: If this name is changed, the Enterprise Media Manager cannot connect to
the database.

Table 24-1 Commands used in the server.conf file

Command Description

-c 200M Indicates the initial memory that is reserved for caching database pages and other
server information. The value may be changed for performance reasons.

-ch 1316M Indicates the maximum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache growth. The
value is calculated automatically based on memory size of the computer.

-cl 200M Indicates the minimum cache size, as a limit to automatic cache resizing. The
value may be changed for performance reasons.

-gd DBA Indicates that the DBA user is the account used to start, stop, load, and unload
-gk DBA

-gl DBA

-gna 1 Enable automatic tuning of the network database server multiprogramming level.

-gp 4096 Indicates the maximum page size (in bytes) for the database. This parameter is
given during database creation.

-k If -k is specified when database server is started, the database server does not
collect Performance Monitor statics.

-m Truncates the transaction log when a checkpoint is done.

This option provides a way to automatically limit the growth of the transaction log.
Disable it using NbDbAdmin.exe (Windows) or dbadm (UNIX) by changing the
transaction mode option set to FULL from PARTIAL.

-o install_path\Veritas\ On Windows: Indicates the location of server output messages. The messages
include start and stop events, checkpoints, error conditions, and cache change
size. This log is not managed, but growth is slow.

-o /usr/openv/db/log/ On UNIX: Indicates the location of server output messages. The messages include
start and stop events, checkpoints, error conditions, and cache change size. This
log is not managed, but growth is slow.

-os 1M Specifies a maximum size for the database server message log file.
About the NetBackup relational database 1019
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

Table 24-1 Commands used in the server.conf file (continued)

Command Description

-ti 0 Indicates the client idle time that is allowed before shutdown. By default, no idle
time is allowed, which prevents the database from shutting down.

-ua Turns off the use of asynchronous I/O.

-ud Indicates that the server should run as a daemon.

-wc- Control whether checksums are enabled on write operations for the database. By
default all database pages have checksums, so the database server defaults to

-x tcpip(LocalOnly Indicates what kind of connections are allowed in addition to shared memory. For
example, local TCP/IP connections that use port 13785.

See “About NetBackup master server installed directories and files” on page 1016.

About the databases.conf file

The Windows install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\conf\databases.conf
configuration file and the UNIX /usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf
configuration file contain the locations of the main database files and the database
names for automatic startup when the SQL Anywhere service is started. For
example, if NBDB and BMRDB are both located on the master server in the default
locations, databases.conf contains:

On Windows
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.db" -n NBDB

"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\NBAZDB.db" -n NBAZDB

"C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data\BMRDB.db" -n BMRDB

"/usr/openv/db/data/NBAZDB.db" -n NBAZDB

"/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" -n NBDB

"/usr/openv/db/data/BMRDB.db" -n BMRDB

About the registration.dat file on Windows

It is created in the following location:
About the NetBackup relational database 1020
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

About the vxdbms_env.csh, scripts (on

The scripts vxdbms_env.csh and set-up the SQL Anywhere
environment as follows:
■ /usr/openv/db/vxdbms_env.csh

■ /usr/openv/db/

Other scripts and commands use vxdbms_env.csh and

About the bin directory

On Windows, NetBackup\bin contains NetBackup-specific binaries and commands
for administrating NBDB and BMRDB:
■ NbDbAdmin.exe
This file launches the NetBackup Database Administration utility, which provides
administrators with a way to perform the tasks based on the nbdb commands.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
To access the utility, the administrator must know the database password.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
■ create_nbdb.exe
Used during installation and upgrades to create and upgrade the NetBackup
database, NBDB.
■ nbdb_admin.exe
Among other things, use nbdb_admin.exe to change the DBA and NetBackup
account passwords, or to start and stop individual databases.
■ nbdb_backup.exe
Use to make an online backup of the SQL Anywhere database files to a file
system directory.

Note: Using this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration utility)
to restore the NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between
the NetBackup catalog and the database. This loss of consistency can lead to
loss of data. Use this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration
utility) to restore the NetBackup catalog only as a precautionary measure.

■ nbdb_move.exe
Use to change the location of the SQL Anywhere database files from the default
About the NetBackup relational database 1021
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

■ nbdb_ping.exe
Displays the status of the SQL Anywhere database.
■ nbdb_restore.exe
Use to recover from an online backup in a file system directory that was created
using nbdb_backup.
■ nbdb_unload.exe
Use to create a dump of all or part of the NBDB database or the BMRDB
database schema and data.
■ nbdbms_start_server.exe
Use to start and stop the SQL Anywhere service.
■ nbdb_upgrade.exe
Used internally to upgrade the NetBackup and BMR databases.
On UNIX, /usr/openv/db/bin contains SQL Anywhere commands and
NetBackup-specific commands for administrating NBDB and BMRDB:
■ dbadm
This file launches the NetBackup Database Administration utility, which provides
administrators with a way to perform the tasks based on the nbdb commands.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.
To access the utility, the administrator must know the database password.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
■ create_nbdb
Used during installation and upgrades to create and upgrade the NetBackup
database, NBDB.
■ nbdb_admin
Among other things, use nbdb_admin to change the DBA and NetBackup account
passwords, or to start and stop individual databases.
■ nbdb_backup
Use to make an online backup of the SQL Anywhere database files to a file
system directory.

Note: Using this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration utility)
to restore the NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between
the NetBackup catalog and the database. This loss of consistency can lead to
loss of data. Use this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration
utility) to restore the NetBackup catalog only as a precautionary measure.

■ nbdb_move
About the NetBackup relational database 1022
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

Use to change the location of the SQL Anywhere database files from the default
■ nbdb_ping
Displays the status of the SQL Anywhere database.
■ nbdb_restore
Use to recover from an online backup in a file system directory that was created
using nbdb_backup.
■ nbdb_unload
Use to create a dump of all or part of the NBDB database or the BMRDB
database schema and data.
■ nbdbms_start_server
Use to start and stop the SQL Anywhere daemon.
■ nbdb_upgrade
Used internally to upgrade the NetBackup and BMR databases.

Note: Due to performance issues, NetBackup supports database files only on locally
attached drives.

The commands are described in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide and
the online Help.

About the contents of the NetBackup directories

The following table describes the contents of the NetBackup directories.

Table 24-2 NetBackup directory contents

Directory Description

charsets The following directory contains SQL Anywhere-specific information.

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\charsets

On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/charsets

lib On UNIX: The directory /usr/openv/db/lib contains all the SQL Anywhere shared
libraries. The directory also includes ODBC libraries, used to connect to NBDB and BMRDB.

log The following directory contains the SQL Anywhere server log file server.log that contains
only Sybase logs.

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\log

On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/log
About the NetBackup relational database 1023
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

Table 24-2 NetBackup directory contents (continued)

Directory Description

res On UNIX: The directory /usr/openv/db/res contains SQL Anywhere-specific information.

scripts The following directory contains the SQL Anywhere scripts that are used to create the
database. The directory also contains NetBackup SQL scripts that are used to create the
EMM and other schemas.

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\scripts

On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/scripts
Note: Do not edit the scripts that are located in this directory.

staging The directory that is used as a temporary staging area during catalog backup and recovery.

On Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\staging

On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/staging

tix On UNIX: The directory /usr/openv/db/tix contains SQL Anywhere-specific information.

WIN32 On Windows: The directory install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\WIN32 contains

SQL Anywhere commands and .dll files.

java On Windows: The directory install_path\Veritas\NetBackupDB\java contains the

components necessary to run the NetBackup Administration Console on a Windows

About the data directory

The following directory is the default location of the NetBackup database, NBDB:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackupDB\data
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data
NBDB includes the following files:
■ NBDB.db
The main NetBackup database file; considered a dbspace.
■ NBDB.log
The transaction log for the NetBackup database, necessary for recovery.
NBDB.log is automatically truncated after a successful full or incremental catalog
backup of the SQL Anywhere database.
An additional dbspace that contains job records data.
About the NetBackup relational database 1024
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

The NetBackup Authorization database.

An additional dbspace that contains EMM data.
The file that enhances the EMM database performance.
Contains the metadata that is created while placing holds on backup images.
The file that contains the indexes that are created in the SEARCH_DATA tables.
Contains the run-time information for storage lifecycle policies.
The file that contains the indexes that are created in the SLP_DATA tables.
■ vxdbms.conf
The file that contains the configuration information specific to the Sybase SQL
Anywhere installation:
On Windows:

VXDBMS_NB_SERVER = NB_server_name
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data
VXDBMS_NB_INDEX = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data
VXDBMS_NB_TLOG = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackupDB\data
VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = encrypted_password
AZ_DB_PASSWORD = encrypted_password


VXDBMS_NB_SERVER = NB_server_name
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_INDEX = /usr/openv/db/data
VXDBMS_NB_TLOG = /usr/openv/db/data
About the NetBackup relational database 1025
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

VXDBMS_NB_STAGING = /usr/openv/db/staging
VXDBMS_NB_PASSWORD = encrypted_password
AZ_NB_PASSWORD = encrypted_password

The encrypted password that is used to log into the DBA accounts for NBDB,
NBAZDB, and BMRDB, and other data accounts is stored in vxdbms.conf.
The password is set to a randomly generated password upon installation. Use
the nbdb_admin command to change it to a known password if you have not
done so already.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
■ If BMR is installed, the directory also contains: BMRDB.db, BMRDB.log (transaction
log for BMR), BMR_DATA.db, BMR_INDEX.db

About the NetBackup configuration entry

The VXDBMS_NB_DATA registry entry (Windows) or the bp.conf entry (UNIX) is a
required entry and is created upon installation. The entry indicates the path to the
directory where NBDB.db, NBAZDB.db, BMRDB.db, and the vxdbms.conf files are
On Windows:


On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf:
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data

Sybase SQL Anywhere server management

Upon startup, the Sybase SQL Anywhere server uses the SQL Anywhere service
to set the server parameters in the server.conf file. Then, the service starts the
databases that are indicated in the databases.conf file.
To start and stop the Sybase SQL Anywhere service on Windows, use one of the
following methods:
■ In the NetBackup Administration Console, select NetBackup Relational
Database Manager (SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB) in the Daemons tab of the
Activity Monitor.
■ From the Windows Service Manager, select NetBackup Relational Database
■ install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpdown -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB
About the NetBackup relational database 1026
About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB) installation

■ install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB

To start and stop the Sybase SQL Anywhere daemon on UNIX, use one of the
following methods:
■ Select NB_dbsrv in the Activity Monitor in the NetBackup Administration
■ From the command line:
■ /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all | bp.start_all
The Sybase SQL Anywhere daemon is included in the stop command or the
start command, which starts and stops all NetBackup daemons.

■ /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server ndbms_start_server starts

the SQL Anywhere server if no option is specified.
■ /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server -stop -f
Stops the server; -f forces a shutdown with active connections.
■ /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server -stat
The -stat option tells whether the server is up or down:
SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Ping server

■ /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server -h
Use -h to display usage information about the nbdbms_start_server.
Individual databases can be started or stopped, while the SQL Anywhere service
continues. To do so, use the NetBackup Database Administration utility or the
following commands:
■ nbdb_admin [-start | -stop]

Starts or stops NBDB without shutting down the SQL Anywhere server.
To see whether the database is up, enter nbdb_ping.
■ nbdb_admin [-start | -stop BMRDB]

Starts or stops BMRDB without shutting down the SQL Anywhere server.
To see whether the BMRDB database is up, enter nbdb_ping -dbn BMRDB.

Sybase SQL Anywhere and clustered environments

Sybase SQL Anywhere is supported in a clustered environment. Sybase SQL
Anywhere failover is included with the NetBackup server failover solution. The
software is installed on all computers in the cluster, but the database files are created
on a shared disk.
About the NetBackup relational database 1027
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

To facilitate the shared files, database and configuration files are installed on a
shared drive.
Configuration files are stored in the following location:
On Windows: Shared_drive\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\conf.
On UNIX: /usr/openv/var/global.

Using the NetBackup Database Administration

utility on Windows
The NetBackup Database Administration utility is a standalone application
(NbDbAdmin.exe) and is located in the following directory:

To use the utility, you must be an administrator with administrator privileges.

When you start the NetBackup Database Administration utility, enter the DBA
password. The password is set to a randomly generated password upon installation.
Use the nbdb_admin command to change it to a known password if you have not
done so already.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
The NetBackup Database Administration utility displays the following information:

Table 24-3 NetBackup Database Administration properties

Property Description

Database name and Select either the NBDB or the BMRDB database to administer.
The list of possible databases is derived from the vxdbms.conf file. The vxdbms.conf file
is located in the directory that is specified in the bp.conf file or in the Windows registry
parameter VXDBMS_NB_DATA.

The database must reside on the same computer where the NetBackup Database
Administration console runs.
One of the following status reports display for the selected database:

■ If the database is available, the screen displays Alive and well.

■ If the database is unavailable, the screen displays Not available.

Stop Shuts down the selected database.

Start Starts the selected database.

About the NetBackup relational database 1028
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Table 24-3 NetBackup Database Administration properties (continued)

Property Description

General tab Contains information about database utilization.

See “About the General tab of the NetBackup Database Administration utility” on page 1028.

Tools tab Contains a variety of tools to administer the selected database.

See “About the Tools tab of the NetBackup Database Administration utility” on page 1033.

Drive Space Displays the amount of free space and used space on a drive. If the database files are on
multiple drives, this view is useful to see which drive has more free space available.
The Drive Space dialog displays the following information:

■ Drive
■ Capacity
■ Used space
■ Free space
■ % Utilized
■ Space

Close Closes the Database Administration utility.

Help Provides additional assistance in the console.

About the General tab of the NetBackup Database Administration

The General tab contains information about database space utilization. The tab
contains tools to let the administrator reorganize fragmented database objects, add
free space to the database files, and validate and rebuild the database.
Figure 24-1 shows the General tab of the Database Administration utility after a
user logs on.
About the NetBackup relational database 1029
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Figure 24-1 General tab of the NetBackup Database Administration utility

About the NetBackup relational database 1030
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Table 24-4 General tab options

Option Description

Space Utilization list Displays the information about used space and free space in pie chart format for the following
database system, data, and index files:

■ Free DBspace
The amount of free space available.
■ Total DBspace
The total amount of space that is allocated for the dbspace.
■ DB Utilization
The utilization percentage is the percentage of the Total DBSpace used for data.
When the NBDB or the BMRDB databases are created, extra space is allocated so that
contiguous space is available as needed. As a result, a low space utilization percentage
is a positive indication unless the database is very large and disk space is in short supply.

Details Use to display information about the selected database table or index file and elect to
defragment (reorganize) fragmented files.
Select a database table or an index file in the Space Utilization list and click Details.

■ Database tables
Select one or more tables in the Data (Table) Details dialog box and click Defragment.
The database table is evaluated for fragmentation and if any fragmentation is detected,
it is reorganized.
Select one or more database tables to reorganize and then click Defragment. Each
selected database table is evaluated for fragmentation and if any fragmentation is
detected, it is reorganized.
■ Index files
Select one or more indexes in the Index Details dialog box and click Compress. Each
selected index is evaluated for fragmentation and if any fragmentation is detected, it is

Click Close after defragmenting the files.

Add Space Use to add additional free space to individual dbspaces. Additional free space helps to
reduce future fragmentation of the database objects that are stored in the database.

When the relational database is initially created or rebuilt, 25MB of free space is automatically
added to the data and the index dbspaces.
Click Add Space, then select one of the following amounts to add:

■ A small amount of space to add is 25MB.

■ A medium amount of space to add is 50MB.
■ A large amount of space to add is 100MB.

Click OK to add the space or Cancel to close the dialog box.

About the NetBackup relational database 1031
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Table 24-4 General tab options (continued)

Option Description

Transaction log The location and the file size of the transaction log.

Mirrored log information The location and the file size of the mirrored log, if one exists.

Refresh Displays the most current information.

Reorganize All This option automatically determines the database tables and indexes that are fragmented.
The option then uses the SQL Anywhere REORGANIZE command to defragment the tables
and compress the indexes.

To click Reorganize All is equivalent to running the following command:

nbdb_admin.exe -reorganize

Validation status This option informs you whether or not the selected database has passed the utility’s
validation check.
About the NetBackup relational database 1032
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Table 24-4 General tab options (continued)

Option Description

Validate This option performs a database validation on all of the database tables and indexes in the
selected database.
Choose one of the following validation checks in the Validate Database dialog box:

■ Standard
The Standard validation option lets you validate the indexes and keys on all of the tables
in the database. Each table is scanned, and for each row, a check is made that it exists
in the appropriate indexes. The number of rows in the table must match the number of
entries in the index.
The equivalent command is nbdb_admin.exe -validate
■ Full
In addition to the Standard validation checks, a Full validation ensures that every row
that is referenced in each index exists in the corresponding table. For foreign key indexes,
it also ensures that the corresponding row exists in the primary table.
The equivalent command is nbdb_admin.exe -validate -full
Note: To perform a full database validation, shut down NetBackup and start only the
database service.

After a validation check runs, the Results screen lists each database object. Each error is
listed next to the database object where it was found. The total number of errors are listed
at the end of the list of database objects. If no errors were found, that is indicated.
If any validation errors are reported, perform the following tasks:

■ Shut down NetBackup (all daemons and services).

■ Start only the SQL Anywhere database server (SQLANYs_VERITAS_DB, the NetBackup
Relational Database Manager).
■ Click Validate to repeat the validation check or use the nbdb_admin.exe command
line utility.

If validation errors persist, contact Veritas Technical Support. The administrator may be
asked to rebuild the database using the Rebuild option or the nbdb_unload.exe command
line utility.
About the NetBackup relational database 1033
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Table 24-4 General tab options (continued)

Option Description

Rebuild This option unloads and reloads the database. A new database with all of the same options
is built in its place.

A Database Rebuild may be required if validation errors are reported using the Standard or
Full validation options using the Validate option.
Note: Before you rebuild the database, it is recommended that you create a copy of the
database files by performing a backup from the Tools tab.

To rebuild the database temporarily suspends NetBackup operations and can take a long
time depending on the database size.

The equivalent command is nbdb_unload -rebuild

See “About fragmentation” on page 1033.

About fragmentation
Table fragmentation can impede performance. When rows are not stored
contiguously, or if rows are split into more than one page, performance decreases
because these rows require additional page accesses.
When an update to a row causes it to grow beyond the originally allocated space,
the row is split. The initial row location contains a pointer to another page where
the entire row is stored. As more rows are stored on separate pages, more time is
required to access the additional pages.
Use Defragment to defragment rows in a table or Compress to defragment the
indexes which have become sparse due to deletions.
Reorganizing may also reduce the total number of pages that are used to store the
table and its indexes. It may reduce the number of levels in an index tree.
Note that the reorganization does not result in a reduction of the total size of the
database file.
The Rebuild option on the General tab completely rebuilds the database, eliminating
any fragmentation and free space. This option may result in a reduction of the total
size of the database files.
See “Estimating catalog space requirements” on page 1004.

About the Tools tab of the NetBackup Database Administration utility

The Tools tab of the NetBackup Database Administration utility contains a variety
of tools to administer the selected database:
About the NetBackup relational database 1034
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Password section See “Changing the DBA password using the NetBackup
Database Administration utility” on page 1034.

Move Database section See “Moving the NetBackup database files” on page 1035.

Unload section See “Exporting database schema and data” on page 1037.

Backup section See “Copying or backing up the database files” on page 1037.

Restore section See “Restoring database files from a backup” on page 1038.

Figure 24-2 displays the Tools tab of the utility.

Figure 24-2 Tools tab of the Database Administration utility

Changing the DBA password using the NetBackup

Database Administration utility
To log into the Database Administration utility, you must know the current DBA
About the NetBackup relational database 1035
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

To change the password for the first time after installation, use the nbdb_admin
command. The command updates the vxdbms.conf file with the new, encrypted
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
To change a known password to a new password, you can either use the
nbdb_admin command or the NetBackup Database Administration utility.

To change the DBA password from a known password to a new password

1 Start the NetBackup Database Administration utility that is located in the
following directory:

2 Enter the database logon password and click OK.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
3 Select the Tools tab.
4 In the Password section, click Change.
5 In the Change password dialog box, enter the new password and confirm the
new password. Changing the password changes it for both NBDB and BMRDB,
if a BMR database is present.
6 Enable Create a backup file of your new DBA password to keep track of
the password. Then, browse to a directory to store the file that contains the
new password.
7 Click OK.
The Change password dialog box warns you that it is important to remember
the password. There is no mechanism to recover information within the EMM
database if the password is unavailable.
8 Restart the database for the password change to take effect.

Moving the NetBackup database files

Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility to change the location of the
database files or to split the database files into multiple directories. Changing the
location of the database files can improve performance when the database is very

Note: Due to performance issues, NetBackup supports database files only on locally
attached drives.
About the NetBackup relational database 1036
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

The database files are moved for both NBDB and BMRDB, if present.
To move the NetBackup database files
1 Start the NetBackup Database Administration utility that is located in the
following directory:

2 Enter the database logon password and click OK.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
3 Select the Tools tab.
4 In the Move Database section, click Move.
5 In the Move database files dialog box, select one or more of the following

Move data to Use to change the location of the data dbspaces. Browse to
the new location.

Move index to Use to change the location of the index dbspaces. Browse
to the new location.

Move transaction log Use to change the location of the transaction log. The
to transaction logs, NBDB.log, and BMRDB.log, are the critical
files that are used to recover the relational databases. Browse
to the new location.

Create mirrored Use to create a mirrored transaction log. Create the mirrored
transaction log at log in a different directory from the original log. It is
recommended to place the mirrored transaction log on a
different drive.

A mirrored transaction log offers extra protection.

Move mirrored This option is displayed if a mirrored transaction log exists.

transaction log to
Use to change the location of the mirrored transaction log.
Browse to the new location. Create the mirrored log in a
different directory from the original log.

Stop mirroring This option is displayed if mirroring is used. Use this option
to stop mirroring of the transaction log. This option removes
any existing mirrored transaction log from the directory.

6 Click OK. The NetBackup operations are temporarily suspended.

About the NetBackup relational database 1037
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Exporting database schema and data

Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility to unload either the schema or
the schema and data from the relational database.
To export database schema and data
1 Start the NetBackup Database Administration utility that is located in the
following directory:

2 Enter the database logon password and click OK.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
3 Select the Tools tab.
4 In the Unload section, click Export.
5 In the Export database dialog box, browse to a destination directory.
6 Select one or more of the following options:

Schema Unload only the database schema. The schema is unloaded

as a file that is named reload.sql in the named directory.

Schema and data Unload both the database schema and the data. The data is
unloaded as a set of files in comma-delimited format. One
file is created for each database table.

7 Click OK.

Copying or backing up the database files

Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility to back up the relational database
to a specified directory.
It is recommended to create a backup copy of the database files in the following

Before you move the database. See “Moving the NetBackup database files”
on page 1035.

Before you rebuild the database. See “About the General tab of the NetBackup
Database Administration utility” on page 1028.

Before you add data space.

About the NetBackup relational database 1038
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows

Before you add index space. See “About the General tab of the NetBackup
Database Administration utility” on page 1028.

Note: Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility to back up and restore
the NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between the
NetBackup catalog and the database. This loss of consistency can lead to loss of
data. Use the tool to back up and restore the NetBackup catalog only as a
precautionary measure.

To copy or back up the database files

1 Start the NetBackup Database Administration utility that is located in the
following directory:

2 Enter the database logon password and click OK.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
3 Select the Tools tab.
4 In the Backup section, click Copy.
5 In the Copy database files dialog box, browse to a destination directory.
The destination directory contains the files that the backup creates. A copy of
all of the database files is made in this directory. This directory is also the
location of the database files that the Restore option uses.

Note: This is not a catalog backup, performed as part of regular NetBackup


See “Restoring database files from a backup” on page 1038.

6 Click OK.

Restoring database files from a backup

Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility to restore a database from a
backup copy.
The restore overwrites the current database files. The database is shut down and
restarted after the restore is completed.
A database restore causes NetBackup activity to be suspended, so do not perform
a database restore while active backups or other restores run.
About the NetBackup relational database 1039
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Note: Using the Database Administration utility to back up and restore the
NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between the NetBackup
catalog and the database. This loss of consistency can lead to loss of data. Use
the tool to back up and restore the NetBackup database only as a precautionary

To restore database files from a backup

1 Start the NetBackup Database Administration utility that is located in the
following directory:

2 Enter the database logon password and click OK.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
3 Select the Tools tab.
4 In the Restore section, click Restore.
5 In the Restore database dialog box, browse to the directory that contains the
backup database.
See “Copying or backing up the database files” on page 1037.
6 Click OK.

Using the NetBackup Database Administration

utility on UNIX
The NetBackup Database Administration utility is a standalone application (dbadm)
and is installed in the following location:

To use the NetBackup Database Administration utility, you must be an administrator

with root user privileges.
When you start the NetBackup Database Administration utility, enter the DBA
password. The password is set to a randomly generated password upon installation.
Use the nbdb_admin command to change it to a known password if you have not
done so already.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
Enter y to change the password or n to proceed without changing the password.
About the NetBackup relational database 1040
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

After you log on, the NetBackup Database Administration utility displays the following
information about the current database:

Table 24-5 NetBackup Database Administration utility properties

Property Description

Selected database The selected database: NBDB or BMRDB

Status The status of the selected database: UP or DOWN

Consistency The validation state of the selected database: OK, NOT_OK, or DOWN

This information can also be obtained running the following command:

nbdb_admin -validate
Note: To perform a full database validation, shut down NetBackup and start only the database

Space Utilization Space Utilization is a measure of the amount of used space as a percentage of the file system
space allocated for the database. When the NBDB or the BMRDB databases are initially
created, extra space is allocated so that contiguous space is available as needed. As a result,
a low Space Utilization is a positive indication unless the database is very large and disk
space is in short supply.

The initial screen also displays the following Database Administration main menu:

Table 24-6 Database Administration main menu options

Option Description

Select/Restart This option displays the menu where you can select a database to start or stop, and to change
Database and Change database passwords.
See “About the Select/Restart Database and Change Password menu options” on page 1041.

Database Space and This option displays the menu where you can perform the following actions:
Memory Management
■ Generate a database space utilization report
■ Reorganize fragmented database objects
■ Add free space to the database files
■ Modify database server memory cache settings

See “About the Database Space and Memory Management menu options” on page 1042.

Transaction Log This option displays the menu where you can truncate the transaction log of the database.
Management You can also change the database's transaction log mode.

Database Validation This option displays the menu where you can validate and rebuild the selected database.
Check and Rebuild
See “About the Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu options” on page 1044.
About the NetBackup relational database 1041
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-6 Database Administration main menu options (continued)

Option Description

Move Database This option displays the menu where you can change the location of the database files. You
can also split the files into multiple directories.

See “About the Move Database menu options” on page 1045.

Unload Database This option displays the menu where you can unload either the schema or the schema and
data from the database.

See “About the Unload Database menu options” on page 1046.

Backup and Restore This option displays the menu where you can choose the backup and restore options for the
Database database.

See “About the Backup and Restore Database menu options” on page 1047.

Refresh Database This option refreshes the Status, Consistency, and Space Utilization in the main menu.

Online Help is available from all screens by selecting the h option from the main

About the Select/Restart Database and Change Password menu

Select this option to display the Select/Restart Database and Change Password
The Select/Restart Database and Change Password menu contains the following

Table 24-7 Select/Restart Database and Change Password options

Option Description

NBDB Select NBDB and then view or modify the database using the other dbadm menu options.

BMRDB Select BMRDB and then view or modify the database using the other dbadm menu options.

Start Selected Starts the selected database.


Stop Selected Stops the selected database.

About the NetBackup relational database 1042
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-7 Select/Restart Database and Change Password options


Option Description

Change Password Changes the password for the databases. The password is changed for both NBDB and
BMRDB, if applicable. Restart the database for the password change to take effect.

To log into the Database Administration utility, you must know the current DBA password.

To change the password for the first time after installation, use the nbdb_admin command.
The command updates the vxdbms.conf file with the new, encrypted string:

See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.

To change a known password to a new password, you can either use the nbdb_admin
command or the NetBackup Database Administration utility.

About the Database Space and Memory Management menu options

You can use the Database Space and Memory Management option to perform the
following functions:
■ To report on database space utilization
■ To reorganize fragmented database objects
■ To add free space to the database files
The Database Space and Memory Management menu contains the following options.

Table 24-8 Database Space and Memory Management options

Option Description

Report on Database Select this option to generate a report on space utilization for the currently selected database.
The report contains the dbspaces and the physical pathnames of the relational database.

For each dbspace, the report displays the name, the amount of free space in KBytes, the file
size in KBytes, and the space utilization. The report also displays the transaction log file size
and the amount of free space that remains on each of the file systems being used for the
About the NetBackup relational database 1043
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-8 Database Space and Memory Management options (continued)

Option Description

Database Reorganize Select this option to reorganize fragmented database tables and indexes.

These actions are performed from the Database Reorganize menu as follows:

■ 1) Defragment All
This option automatically determines the database tables and indexes that are fragmented.
It then uses the SQL Anywhere REORGANIZE command to defragment the tables and
compress the indexes.
The equivalent command is nbdb_admin -reorganize.
■ 2) Table Level Defragmentation
This option generates a fragmentation report for each database table. For each table, the
report includes the TABLE_NAME, number of ROWS, number of ROW_SEGMENTS,
In addition, a * displays in the ! column for an individual table if it would be automatically
selected for reorganization by the Defragment All option.
A row segment is all or part of one row that is contained on one page. A row may have
one or more row segments. The ROW_SEGMENTS value indicates total number of row
segments for the table. The SEGS_PER_ROW value shows the average number of
segments per row, and indicates whether or not a table is fragmented.
A SEGS_PER_ROW value of 1 is ideal, and any value more than 1 indicates a high
degree of fragmentation. For example, a value of 1.5 means that half of the rows are
See “About fragmentation” on page 1033.
■ 3) Index Compression
This option generates a fragmentation report for each database index and lets the
administrator select individual indexes to be compressed. For each index the report
includes the TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, TYPE of index, LEVEL, and DENSITY. The
index TYPE is one of the following values: PKEY (primary key), FKEY (foreign key), UI
(unique index), UC (unique constraint), NUI (non-unique index).
In addition, a * displays in the ! column for an individual index if it would be automatically
selected for reorganization by the Defragment All option.
The LEVEL and DENSITY indicate whether or not an index should be reorganized. The
number of levels in the index tree determines the number of I/O operations that are needed
to access a row using the index. Indexes with fewer levels are more efficient than indexes
with greater numbers of levels. The density is a fraction between 0 and 1 providing an
indication of how full each index page is on average.
A LEVEL value of 1 is ideal. An index with a LEVEL value of 4 or more or with a level
value of 2 or 3 with a density greater than 0.5 is a good candidate for reorganization.
About the NetBackup relational database 1044
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-8 Database Space and Memory Management options (continued)

Option Description

Add Free Space Select this option to add additional free space to individual dbspaces. Additional free space
helps to reduce future fragmentation of the database objects that are stored in the database.

When the relational database is initially created or rebuilt, 25MB of free space is automatically
added to the data and the index dbspaces.

A Rebuild eliminates all free space and then adds back what was initially added when the
database was created. If you accidentally add too much free space, a Rebuild can be used
to eliminate the space.

About the Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu options

The Database Validation Check and Rebuild option lets you validate and rebuild
the currently selected database.
The Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu contains the following options.

Table 24-9 Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu options

Option Description

Standard Validation This option lets you validate the indexes and keys on all of the tables in the database. Each
table is scanned. For each row, a check is made that it exists in the appropriate indexes. The
number of rows in the table must match the number of entries in the index.

This option is equivalent to the command nbdb_admin -validate.

Full Validation This option performs the same checks as the Standard Validation option. In addition, Full
validation ensures that every row that is referenced in each index exists in the corresponding
table. For foreign key indexes, it also ensures that the corresponding row exists in the primary
table. This option is equivalent to the command nbdb_admin -validate -full.
Note: To perform a full database validation, shut down NetBackup and start only the database

If any validation errors are reported, perform the following tasks:

■ Shut down NetBackup (all daemons and services).

■ Start only the SQL Anywhere database server (NB_dbsrv, the NetBackup Relational
Database Manager).
■ Repeat the validation check using this tool or the nbdb_admin command line utility.

If validation errors persist, contact Veritas Technical Support. The administrator may be asked
to rebuild the database using the Database Rebuild option or the nbdb_unload command
line utility.
About the NetBackup relational database 1045
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-9 Database Validation Check and Rebuild menu options (continued)

Option Description

Database Rebuild This option lets you rebuild the database. This menu option is equivalent to the command
nbdb_unload -rebuild. A Database Rebuild results in a complete unload and reload of
the database. A new database with all of the same options is built in place. A Database
Rebuild may be required if Database Validation errors are reported using the Standard or
Full Validation options.

During a Database Rebuild, all NetBackup operations are suspended.

When you select this option, a message appears which recommends that you exit and create
a backup using the Backup Database option before you rebuild the database. You then have
the choice of whether to continue or not.

See “About the Backup and Restore Database menu options” on page 1047.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.

About the Move Database menu options

The Move Database menu options let you change the location of the database files
or split the database files into multiple directories. Changing the location may improve
performance in the case of large databases. The database files are moved for both
NBDB and BMRDB, if present.

Note: Due to performance issues, NetBackup supports database files only on locally
attached drives.

In addition, the Move Database menu lets you create a mirrored transaction log.
The transaction logs (NBDB.log and BMRDB.log) are critical files used to recover
the relational databases.
For extra protection, a mirrored transaction log can be used. Create the mirrored
log in a different directory from the original log.
The Move Database menu contains the following options.

Table 24-10 Move Database menu options

Option Description

Move Data Select this option to change the location of the data dbspaces. Changing the location
temporarily suspends NetBackup operations.

Move Index Select this option to change the location of the index dbspaces. Changing the location
temporarily suspends NetBackup operations.
About the NetBackup relational database 1046
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

Table 24-10 Move Database menu options (continued)

Option Description

Move Transaction Log Select this option to change the location of the transaction log. Changing the location
temporarily suspends NetBackup operations.

Move/Create Mirrored Select this option to change the location of the mirrored transaction log. If the mirrored
Log transaction log does not already exist, it is created in the new location. Changing the location
temporarily suspends NetBackup operations.

Stop Using Mirrored This option is displayed only if a mirrored transaction log is used. Select this option to configure
Transaction Log the database server so that it stops using a mirrored transaction log. The existing mirrored
transaction log file is deleted. This action temporarily suspends NetBackup operations.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.

About the Unload Database menu options

The Unload Database menu options let you unload either the schema or the schema
and data from the relational database.
A SQL command file is created that can be used to rebuild the database. If the data
is also included in the unload, a set of data files in comma-delimited format is
The Unload Database menu contains the following options.

Table 24-11 Unload Database menu options

Option Description

Schema Only This option lets you unload only the database schema. The schema is unloaded as a file that
is named reload.sql in the named directory.

Data and Schema This option lets you unload both the database schema and the data. The data is unloaded
as a set of files. One file is created for each database table.

Change Directory This option lets you change the directory location for the files that unload options (1) or (2)
option for unloading the create.

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.
About the NetBackup relational database 1047
Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX

About the Backup and Restore Database menu options

The Backup and Restore Database menu options let you back up the relational
database to the specified directory. You can restore from a previously created
It is recommended to create a backup copy of the database files in the following
■ Before you move the database.
■ Before you rebuild the database.
■ Before you add data space.
■ Before you add index space.
■ Before you modify the transaction logging mode from FULL to PARTIAL.
■ Before you truncate the transaction log.

Note: Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility to back up and restore
the NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between the
NetBackup catalog and the database. This loss of consistency can lead to loss of
data. Use the tool to back up and restore the NetBackup database only as a
precautionary measure.

The Backup and Restore Database menu contains the following options.

Table 24-12 Backup and Restore Database menu options

Option Description

Online Backup This option lets you make a copy of the database files while the database is active. Other
NetBackup activity is not suspended during this time.

Restore Backup This option lets you restore from a copy of the database files previously made with either
options 1 or 2. The currently running database files are overwritten, and the database is shut
down and restarted after the restore is completed.

Change Directory This option lets you change the directory location for the files that backup options (1) or (2)
create. This directory is the source of the files for the restore option (3).

See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.
About the NetBackup relational database 1048
Post-installation tasks

Post-installation tasks
The tasks described in the following topics are optional and can be performed after
the initial installation:
■ Change the database password.
See “Changing the NetBackup database password” on page 1048.
■ Move NBDB and BMRDB database files (possibly to tune performance).
See “Moving NBDB database files after installation” on page 1049.
■ Add a mirrored transaction log.
See “Adding a mirrored transaction log” on page 1051.
■ Recreate NBDB.
See “Creating the NBDB database manually” on page 1053.

Changing the NetBackup database password

The database password is set to a randomly generated password upon installation.
This password is used for NBDB and BMRDB and for all DBA and application
accounts. (For example, EMM_MAIN.) You can use this procedure to change it to a
known password.
The password is encrypted and stored in the vxdbms.conf file. The permissions
for the vxdbms.conf file allow only a Windows administrator or a root user to read
or write to it.
For requirements when NBAC is enabled, see the NetBackup Security and
Encryption Guide.
About the NetBackup relational database 1049
Post-installation tasks

To change the database password

1 Log on to the server as a Windows Administrator or as root.
2 To change the password for the first time after installation, run the following
command. The command updates the vxdbms.conf file with the new, encrypted
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_admin -dba new_password
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_admin -dba new_password
The password needs to be an ASCII string. Non-ASCII characters are not
allowed in the password string.
3 To change a known password to a new password, you can either use the
nbdb_admin command or the NetBackup Database Administration utility. You
must know the current password to log into the NetBackup Database
Administration utility.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX” on page 1039.

Moving NBDB database files after installation

In the case of large databases, you can change the location of the database files
or split the database files into multiple directories to improve performance.

Note: Due to performance issues, NetBackup supports database files only on locally
attached drives.

Note: Run a catalog backup to back up NBDB and BMRDB both before and after
moving the database files.

Moving the database files on Windows

To move the NBDB and the BMRDB database files on Windows
1 Perform a catalog backup.
2 Shut down all NetBackup services by typing the following command:

3 Start the SQL Anywhere service by typing the following command:

install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB
About the NetBackup relational database 1050
Post-installation tasks

4 Use one of the following methods to move the existing data, index, and
transaction log files:
■ Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility.
See “Moving the NetBackup database files” on page 1035.
■ Enter the following command:
-data data_directory
-index index_directory -tlog log_directory
You can run the nbdb_move command at any time because it does not drop
the database and recreate it. Thus, all data is preserved.
If a mirrored transaction log is in use, enter the following command:
install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_move.exe -data
-index index_directory -tlog log_directory
-mlog log_mirror_directory

Note: NetBackup does not require that the database directories are
world-writable. Make sure that the new database directories (data_directory,
index_directory, log_directory, and log_mirror_directory) have
appropriate permissions so that the directories are not world-writable.

5 Start all services by typing the following command:


6 Perform a catalog backup.

Moving the database files on UNIX

To move the NBDB and the BMRDB database files on UNIX
1 Perform a catalog backup.
2 Shut down all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:

3 Start the SQL Anywhere daemon by typing the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

4 Use one of the following methods to move the existing data, index, and
transaction log files:
■ Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility.
See “About the Move Database menu options” on page 1045.
About the NetBackup relational database 1051
Post-installation tasks

■ Enter the following command:

-data data_directory
-index index_directory -tlog log_directory
You can run the nbdb_move command at any time because it does not drop
the database and recreate it. Thus, all data is preserved.
If a mirrored transaction log is in use, enter the following command:
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_move -data data_directory
-index index_directory -tlog log_directory
-mlog log_mirror_directory

Note: NetBackup does not require that the database directories are
world-writable. Make sure that the new database directories (data_directory,
index_directory, log_directory, and log_mirror_directory) have
appropriate permissions so that the directories are not world-writable.

5 Start all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:


6 Perform a catalog backup.

See “About NetBackup master server installed directories and files” on page 1016.

Adding a mirrored transaction log

The transaction logs NBDB.log and BMRDB.log are critical files used to recover the
SQL Anywhere databases.
For extra protection, use a mirrored transaction log. Create this mirrored log in a
different directory from the original log.
To create a mirrored transaction log on a Windows computer
1 Perform a catalog backup.
2 Shut down all NetBackup services by typing the following command:

3 Start the SQL Anywhere service by typing the following command:

install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB
About the NetBackup relational database 1052
Post-installation tasks

4 Create the mirrored transaction log:

Enter the following command:

To move the existing data, index, transaction log files, and create the mirrored
transaction log, enter the following command:
-datadata_directory-index index_directory -tlog log_directory-mlog

5 Start all NetBackup services by typing the following command:


6 Perform a catalog backup.

To create a mirrored transaction log on a UNIX computer
1 Perform a catalog backup.
2 Shut down all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:

3 Start the SQL Anywhere daemon by typing the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

4 Create the mirrored transaction log:

Enter the following command:
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_move -mlog log_mirror_directory

To move the existing data, index, transaction log files, and create the mirrored
transaction log, enter the following command:
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_move -data data_directory-index
index_directory -tlog log_directory-mlog log_mirror_directory

5 Start all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:


6 Perform a catalog backup.

See “About catalog backups” on page 974.
See “Moving NBDB database files after installation” on page 1049.
About the NetBackup relational database 1053
Post-installation tasks

Creating the NBDB database manually

The NBDB database is created automatically during NetBackup installation.
However, it may be necessary during certain catalog recovery situations to create
it manually by using the create_nbdb command.

Note: Recreating the database manually is not recommended in most situations.

Note: If the NBDB.db database already exists, the create_nbdb command does
not overwrite it. If you want to move the database, move it by using the nbdb_move

To create the NBDB database manually on Windows

1 Shut down all NetBackup services by typing the following command:

2 Start the SQL Anywhere service by typing the following command:

install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpup -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB

3 Run the following command:


4 Start all NetBackup services by typing the following command:


5 The new NBDB database is empty and does not contain the EMM data that is
loaded during a normal installation.
Make sure that you have the most current support for new devices before the
data is repopulated. New devices are added approximately every 2 months.
6 Repopulate the EMM data by running the tpext utility. tpext updates the EMM
database with new versions of device mappings and external attribute files.

During regular installation, tpext is run automatically.

If the create_nbdb command is used to create a database manually, the tpext
utility must also be run. tpext loads EMM data into the database.
About the NetBackup relational database 1054
Post-installation tasks

To create the NBDB database manually on UNIX

1 Shut down all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:

2 Start the SQL Anywhere daemon by typing the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

3 Run the following command:


4 Start all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:


5 The new NBDB database is empty and does not contain the EMM data that is
loaded during a normal installation.
Make sure that you have the most current support for new devices before the
data is repopulated. New devices are added approximately every two months.
6 Repopulate the EMM data by running the tpext utility. tpext updates the EMM
database with new versions of device mappings and external attribute files.

During regular installation, tpext is run automatically.

If the create_nbdb command is used to create a database manually, the tpext
utility must also be run. tpext loads EMM data into the database.

Additional create_nbdb options

In addition to using the create_nbdb command to create the NBDB database, you
also can use it to perform the following actions. In each command, NB_server_name
matches the name in server.conf.
See “About the NetBackup server.conf file” on page 1017.
■ Drop the existing NBDB database and recreate it in the default location by typing
the following command:
■ On Windows: create_nbdb -drop[current_data_directory]
Provide the location of the current NBDB data directory,
current_data_directory, if the default location is not used.

■ On UNIX: create_nbdb -drop

The location of the current NBDB data directory is retrieved automatically
from the bp.conf file.
The -drop option instructs NetBackup to drop the existing NBDB database.
About the NetBackup relational database 1055
About backup and recovery procedures

■ Drop the existing NBDB database and do not recreate by typing the following
On Windows: create_nbdb -db_server NB_server_name
On UNIX: create_nbdb -drop_only
Provide the location of the current NBDB data directory,
current_data_directory, if the default location is not used.

■ Drop the existing NBDB database and recreate it in the directories as specified
by typing the following command:
■ On Windows:
create_nbdb -drop [current_data_directory] -data
data_directory-index index_directory -tlog log_directory

■ On UNIX:
create_nbdb -drop -data data_directory -index index_directory
-tlog log_directory [-mloglog_mirror_directory]

If the NBDB database files were moved from the default location by using nbdb_move,
use this command to recreate them in the same location. Specify

If the location of NBDB.db changed from the default, BMRDB.db must also be
recreated. The BMRDB.db files must reside in the same location as the NetBackup
database files.

About backup and recovery procedures

The catalog method can be performed while regular backup activity takes place. It
runs according to a policy and is virtually transparent to the customer. Set up the
policy by using either the Catalog Backup Wizard or the Policy Configuration Wizard.
Either wizard automatically includes all the necessary catalog files to include the
database files (NBDB, NBAZDB, and BMRDB) and any catalog configuration files
(vxdbms.conf, server.conf, databases.conf).
The catalog allows an administrator to recover either the entire catalog or pieces
of the catalog. (For example, the databases separately from the image catalog.)
It offers an incremental backup. For Sybase SQL Anywhere, an incremental backup
means a backup of the transaction log only. Transaction logs are managed
automatically, truncated after each successful backup.
About the NetBackup relational database 1056
About backup and recovery procedures

Database transaction log

The transaction log for the NetBackup database is necessary for recovering the
database. It is automatically truncated after a successful catalog backup.
The transaction log, NBDB.log, is located by default in the following directory:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackupDB\data\NBDB.log
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log
The transaction log continues to grow until it becomes truncated. Catalog backups
must run frequently enough so that the transaction log does not grow to fill the file
In addition to the default transaction log, a mirrored transaction log can be created
for additional protection of NBDB.
The directory for the mirrored log should not be the same as the directory for the
default transaction log. Ideally, the mirrored log should be located on a file system
on a different physical disk drive.
If BMR is installed, a transaction log for BMRDB is also created by default in:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackupDB\data\BMRDB.log
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/data/BMRDB.log
It has an optional mirrored log in the following location:
On Windows: mirrored_log_directory\BMRDB.m.log
On UNIX: mirrored_log_directory/BMRDB.m.log
The BMRDB transaction logs are backed up and truncated during the catalog backup
along with the NBDB transaction logs.

Note: If a catalog backup is not run, the logs are not truncated. Truncation must
be managed in this manner as it is critical to recovery of the database.

About catalog recovery

Recovery scenarios include the following:
■ A full recovery from a complete disaster
Using the Disaster Recovery wizard, the databases are restored along with
the image catalog to a consistent state.
■ A recovery of the database files only
Using bprecover, the relational database files and configuration files can be
restored and recovered.
About the NetBackup relational database 1057
About backup and recovery procedures

Note: The Catalog Recovery wizard is also available on the NetBackup web UI.

Details about catalog recovery scenarios and procedures are available in the
NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide.

Commands for backing up and recovering the relational databases

The recommended method to protect the relational databases is to use the catalog
backup and recovery interfaces.
A temporary backup of the NBDB and BMRDB databases can be made for extra
protection before database administration activities such moving or reorganizing
the database files.

Table 24-13 Commands used to back up and recover relational databases

Command Description

nbdb_backup or Use nbdb_backup or nbdb_backup.exe to make a copy of the NBDB database files and the
nbdb_backup.exe BMRDB database files in a directory. The nbdb_backup command does not truncate the transaction
log. Transaction logs are managed only by using the catalog backup.

On Windows:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_backup.exe [-dbn database_name] -online

destination_directory [tlog_only] [-truncate_tlog]


/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_backup [-dbn database_name] -online

destination_directory [tlog_only] [-truncate_tlog]

-dbn database_name only backs up the specified database (NBDB or BMRDB).

-online destination_directory is the location for the copied files.

-tlog_only generates only the database transaction log along with the configuration files for
the backup.

-truncate_tlog truncates the database transaction log after the backup completes the backup.
Note: Using this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration utility) to back up the
NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between the NetBackup catalog and
the database. This loss of consistency can lead to loss of data. Use this command (or the
NetBackup Database Administration utility) to back up the NetBackup catalog only as a
precautionary measure.
About the NetBackup relational database 1058
About backup and recovery procedures

Table 24-13 Commands used to back up and recover relational databases


Command Description

nbdb_restore or Use nbdb_restore to recover from a database backup that was made using nbdb_backup.
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_restore.exe -recover
source_directory -dbn database_name [-ignore_tlog]

On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_restore -recover source_directory -dbn

database_name [-ignore_tlog]

Logs are recorded in the /admin or \admin directory.

nbdb_restore restores from the staging directory to recover only the NetBackup database
(NBDB). The default is to apply the current transaction log to make the database as consistent
as possible with the current db\images or /db/images directory.

-ignore_tlog does not apply the current transaction log to the NBDB recovery operation.
Note: Using this command (or the NetBackup Database Administration utility) to restore the
NetBackup database can potentially break the consistency between the NetBackup catalog and
the database. This loss of consistency can lead to loss of data. Use this command (or the
NetBackup Database Administration utility) to restore the NetBackup catalog only as a
precautionary measure.

About the catalog backup process

Normally, a catalog backup consists of one parent job and two or more child jobs.
Events for these jobs appear in the dbm log.
An overview of the catalog backup process consists of the following process:
■ Creates a staging directory where the command can store the temporary copies:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackupDB\staging
On UNIX: /usr/openv/db/staging
Once the copy is made, NetBackup can back up the catalog files.
■ A child job backs up files in a single stream as follows:
■ Configuration files (server.conf, database.conf, vxdbms.conf)
■ Database files
About the NetBackup relational database 1059
Unloading the NetBackup database

If BMR was installed

■ A second child job begins the image catalog backup.

■ Transaction logs are truncated after a successful full or incremental backup.
If the transaction logs are manually changed or deleted, a hole could exist in
the recovery.
The child job for the relational database backup is normally run on the master
server. The master server is the default location for NBDB and the required
location for BMRDB.
If NBDB was moved to a media server, the child job runs on the media server.
In this case, additional logging for the job appears in the admin log on the media
If NBDB was moved to a media server and BMRDB is installed on the master
server, two child jobs exist for the relational database backup portion of the
catalog backup. One on the media server for NBDB and one on the master
server for BMRDB.

Unloading the NetBackup database

Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility or the nbdb_unload command
line utility to dump the entire NetBackup or Bare Metal Restore databases. These
utilities can also be used to dump individual tables (one .dat file is created for each
table), or schema. Use either method to create a copy of the SQL Anywhere
database that may be requested in some customer support situations.
There should be no active connections to the database when nbdb_unload is run.
About the NetBackup relational database 1060
Terminating database connections

When either method is used, a reload.sql script is generated. The script contains
all the code that is required to recreate the database. Veritas Technical Support
uses this script and the associated files to assist in support cases.
On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb_unload.exe [-dbn database_name] [-t
table_list] [-s] destination_directory

/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_unload [-dbn database_name] [-t table_list]
[-s] destination_directory

In the script where:

■ -dbn database_name
database_name is NBDB (default) or BMRDB.

■ -t table_list
Must list the owner of the table, then the table name. For EMM, the account
EMM_MAIN owns all tables.
nbdb_unload -t EMM_MAIN.EMM_Device, EMM_MAIN.EMM_Density

■ -s
No data is dumped, only schema.
■ destination_directory
Specify the location where the dump is created.

Terminating database connections

Before you run nbdb_unload, shut down NetBackup to terminate all active
connections to the database. Shutting down NetBackup eliminates any possible
concurrency problems.
To terminate database connections on Windows
1 Shut down all NetBackup services by typing the following command:

2 In the Windows Services Manager, restart the service titled NetBackup

Relational Database Manager.
3 Use one of the following methods to terminate database connections:
■ Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on Windows”
on page 1027.
About the NetBackup relational database 1061
Terminating database connections

■ Run nbdb_unload and indicate the outputs (database name, table lists, or
schema only) and the destination directory.

4 Stop the SQL Anywhere service by typing the following command:

install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpdown -e SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB

5 Start all NetBackup services by typing the following command:


To terminate database connections on UNIX

1 Shutdown all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:

2 Start the SQL Anywhere daemon by typing the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

3 Start only the database server by using

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop start

4 Use one of the following methods to terminate database connections:

■ Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility.
See “Using the NetBackup Database Administration utility on UNIX”
on page 1039.
■ Run nbdb_unload and indicate the outputs (database name, table lists, or
schema only) and the destination directory.

5 Shut down the database server by using /usr/openv/netbackup/bin

nbdbms_start_stop stop.

6 Stop the SQL Anywhere daemon by typing the following command:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop stop

7 Start all NetBackup daemons by typing the following command:


It is not recommended to use reload.sql to make a copy of the relational databases

in a production environment. Use the NetBackup Database Administration utility or
nbdb_backup to make a physical copy or use nbdb_move to relocate the database
Chapter 25
Managing backup images
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Catalog utility

■ About searching for backup images

■ Verifying backup images

■ Viewing job results

■ Promoting a copy to a primary copy

■ Duplicating backup images

■ Expiring backup images

■ About importing backup images

About the Catalog utility

Use the Catalog utility in the NetBackup Administration Console to create and
configure catalog backups. Catalog backups are required for NetBackup to protect
NetBackup internal databases. The catalogs contain setup information as well as
critical information about client backups. The catalog backups are tracked separately
from other backups to ensure recovery in case of a server crash.

Note: The Catalog utility is available on the NetBackup web UI. To access it, on
the left pane, select Catalog.

The Catalog utility is also used to perform the following actions:

■ Search for backup images to verify the contents of media with what is recorded
in the NetBackup catalog.
Managing backup images 1063
About the Catalog utility

■ Duplicate a backup image.

■ Promote a backup image from a copy to the primary backup copy.
■ Expire backup images.
■ Import expired backup images or images from another NetBackup server.

Figure 25-1 Catalog utility options


2 4

Table 25-1 Host Properties utility

Number Description

1 The name of the currently selected master server.

2 Right-click Catalog to view the shortcut menu.

3 Select an action to perform in the Catalog utility.

4 Set search criteria, including a specific media and date range.

5 The user toolbar is specific to the Catalog utility.

6 Display of search results.

Managing backup images 1064
About searching for backup images

About searching for backup images

Note: This functionality is available on the NetBackup web UI. To search for backup
images, on the left pane, select Catalog. On the Search tab, set up the search
criteria and click Search.

Use the Catalog utility to search for a backup image to perform the following actions:
■ Verify the backup contents with what is recorded in the NetBackup catalog.
■ Duplicate the backup image to create up to 10 copies.
■ Promote a copy of a backup to be the primary backup copy.
■ Expire backup images.
■ Import expired backup images or images from another NetBackup server.
NetBackup uses the specific search criteria to build a list of backups from which
you can make your selections.
When you search for specific kinds of images, note the following:
■ Verification image
Backups that have fragments on another volume are included, as they exist in
part on the specified volume.
■ Import image
The backup is not imported if it begins on a media ID that the initiating backup
procedure did not process.
The backup is incomplete if it ends on a media ID that the initiating backup
procedure did not process.
See “About importing backup images” on page 1077.
Table 25-2 lists the search criteria for backup images.

Table 25-2 Catalog utility search properties

Property Description

Action Specifies the action that was used to create the image: Verify, Duplicate, Import.

See “Verifying backup images” on page 1066.

See “Duplicating backup images” on page 1070.

See “Expiring backup images” on page 1076.

Media ID Specifies the media ID for the volume. Enter a media ID in the box or select one from the
scroll-down list. To search on all media, select <All>.
Managing backup images 1065
About searching for backup images

Table 25-2 Catalog utility search properties (continued)

Property Description

Media Host On UNIX: Specifies the host name of the media server that produced the originals. Enter a
host name in the box or select one from the scroll-down list. To search through all hosts, select
All Media Hosts.

Media Server On Windows: Specifies the name of the media server that produced the originals. Enter a
media server name in the box or select one from the scroll-down list. To search through all
media servers, select All Media Servers.

Disk type Specifies the type of the disk storage unit on which to search for backup images.

Disk pool Specifies the name of the disk pool on which to search for backup images.

Volume ID Specifies the ID of the disk volume in the disk pool on which to search for backup images.

Path Searches for an image on a disk storage unit, if the path is entered. Or, searches all of the
disk storage on the specified server, if All was selected. Appears if the disk type is BasicDisk.

Date/time range Specifies the range of dates and times that includes all the backups for which you want to
search. The Global Attributes property Policy Update Interval determines the default range.

Copies Specifies the source you want to search. From the scroll-down list, select either Primary or
the copy number.

Policy Specifies the policy under which the selected backups were performed. Enter a policy name
in the box or select one from the scroll-down list. To search through all policies, select All

Client (host name) Specifies the host name of the client that produced the originals. Enter a client name in the
box or select one from the scroll-down list. To search through all hosts, select All Clients.

Type of backup Specifies the type of schedule that created the backup. Enter a schedule type in the box or
select one from the scroll-down list. To search through all schedule types, select All Backup

Override default job Selects the job priority for verify, duplicate, and import actions.
To change the default for the selected action, enable Override default job priority. Then,
select a value in the Job Priority field.

Changes in the catalog dialog box affect the priority for the selected job only.

If this option is not enabled, the job runs using the default priority as specified in the Default
Job Priorities host properties.

See “Default Job Priorities properties” on page 104.

Search tab columns The Search tab columns list information about matching backup images based on the defined
search criteria.
Managing backup images 1066
Verifying backup images

Table 25-2 Catalog utility search properties (continued)

Property Description

Results tab columns The Results tab displays the progress of the request to verify, duplicate, expire, or import an
Note: On the NetBackup web UI, the Activity tab displays the progress of the request to
verify, duplicate, expire, or import an image.

Messages pane On UNIX: If there is a message for a background process, it displays in this pane.

Verifying backup images

NetBackup can verify the contents of a backup by reading the volume and comparing
its contents to what is recorded in the NetBackup catalog.
This operation does not compare the data on the volume to the contents of the
client disk. However, the operation does read each block in the image to verify that
the volume is readable. (However, data corruption within a block is possible.)
NetBackup verifies only one backup at a time and tries to minimize media mounts
and positioning time.

Note: To verify backup images on the NetBackup web UI, select Catalog, set up
the search criteria for the image you want to verify and then click Search.
Select the image you want to verify and on the Action drop-down menu, select
Action > Verify. To view the job results, select the verification job under the Activity

To verify backup images

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, on the Search tab, set up the search criteria for the image
you want to verify. Click Search Now.
3 In the right pane, select the image you want to verify and on the Action
drop-down menu, select Action > Verify.
4 In the right pane, click the Results tab, then select the verification job to view
the job results.
Managing backup images 1067
Viewing job results

Viewing job results

The results of verify, duplicate, or import jobs appear in the Results tab for the
Catalog options. The top portion of the dialog box displays all existing log files.
To view a log file, select the name of the log from the list. The current log file appears
in the bottom portion of the Results dialog box. If an operation is in progress, the
log file results refresh as the operation proceeds.

Note: On the NetBackup web UI, click the Activity tab to view the job results.
You also have an option to download the log file. To do so, click the log file and
then click Download.

To view job results

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, click the Results tab.
3 Select a log file.
4 On the View menu, click View > Full View to display the entire log file in a
screen editor.
On the Edit menu, select Edit > Delete to delete the log.
You can also right-click the log file and select an action from the scroll-down

Promoting a copy to a primary copy

Each backup is assigned a primary copy. NetBackup uses the primary copy to
satisfy restore requests. The first backup image that is created successfully by a
NetBackup policy is the primary backup. If the primary copy is unavailable and a
duplicate copy exists, select a copy of the backup and set it to be the primary copy.
NetBackup restores from the primary backup, and Vault duplicates from the primary
backup. If your Vault profile performs duplication, you can designate one of the
duplicates as the primary. In most circumstances, the copy remaining in the robot
is the primary backup. When a primary backup expires, the next backup (if it exists)
is promoted to primary automatically.
Use one of the following methods to promote a copy to a primary copy:
Managing backup images 1068
Promoting a copy to a primary copy

Promote a backup copy to a primary copy using search Promoting a backup copy to a primary copy using the
criteria NetBackup Administration Console

Promote a copy to a primary copy for many backups using Promoting a copy to a primary copy for many backups
the bpchangeprimary command

Promote a backup copy to a primary copy using the Promoting a backup copy to a primary copy using
bpduplicate command bpduplicate

Figure 25-2 Primary copy status

Primary Copy status indicates that the

image is now the primary copy

Promoting a backup copy to a primary copy using the

NetBackup Administration Console
To promote a backup copy to a primary copy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, set up the search criteria for the image you want to promote
to a primary copy. Be sure that you indicate a copy in the Copies field and not
Primary Copy. Click Search Now.
See “About searching for backup images” on page 1064.
3 Select the image you want to promote.
4 On the Actions menu, click Actions > Set Primary Copy.
After the image is promoted to the primary copy, the Primary Status column
immediately reads Yes.
Managing backup images 1069
Promoting a copy to a primary copy

Promoting a copy to a primary copy for many backups

To promote a copy to a primary copy for many backups
You can also promote a copy to be a primary copy for many backups using
the bpchangeprimary command. For example, the following command promotes
all copies on the media that belongs to the SUN volume pool. The copies must
have been created after August 8, 2012:

bpchangeprimary -pool SUN -sd 08/01/2012

In the next example, the following command promotes copy 2 of all backups
of client_a. The copies must have been created after January 1, 2012:

bpchangeprimary -copy 2 -cl client_a -sd 01/01/2012

More information is available in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Managing backup images 1070
Duplicating backup images

Promoting a backup copy to a primary copy using

To use bpduplicate to promote a backup copy to a primary copy
1 Enter the following command:
On Windows:

-npc pcopy -backupid bid


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -npc pcopy

-backupid bid

pcopy is the copy number of the new primary copy.
bid is the backup identifier as shown in the Images on Media report.
Find the volume that contains the duplicate backup by using the Images on
Media report.
2 Specify the backup ID that is known (and also the client name if possible to
reduce the search time).
The bpduplicate command writes all output to the NetBackup logs. Nothing
appears in the command window.
After the duplicate copy is promoted to the primary copy, use the client interface
on the client to restore files from the backup.
For instructions, see the online Help in the Backup, Archive, and Restore
client interface.

Duplicating backup images

NetBackup does not verify in advance whether the storage units and the drives that
are required for the duplicate operation are available for use. NetBackup verifies
that the destination storage units exist. The storage units must be connected to the
same media server.
Managing backup images 1071
Duplicating backup images

Note: To duplicate backup images on the NetBackup web UI, select Catalog, set
up the search criteria for the image you want to duplicate and then click Search.
Select the image you want to duplicate and on the Action drop-down menu, select
Action > Duplicate. To view the job results, select the duplication job under the
Activity tab.

Table 25-3 lists the scenarios in which duplication is possible and scenarios in which
duplication is not possible:

Table 25-3 Backup duplication scenarios

Duplication possible Duplication not possible

■ From one storage unit to another. ■ While the backup is created (unless making
■ From one media density to another. multiple copies concurrently).
■ From one server to another. ■ When the backup has expired.
■ From multiplex to nonmultiplex format. ■ By using NetBackup to schedule
■ From multiplex format and retain the duplications automatically (unless you use
multiplex format on the duplicate. The a Vault policy to schedule duplication)
duplicate can contain all or any subset ■ When it is a multiplexed duplicate of the
of the backups that were included in the following type:
original multiplexed group. The duplicate ■ FlashBackup
is created with a single pass of the tape. ■ NDMP backup
(A multiplexed group is a set of backups ■ Backups from disk type storage units
that were multiplexed together during a ■ Backups to disk type storage units
single session.)
■ Nonmultiplexed backups

An alternative to taking time to duplicate backups is to create up to four copies

simultaneously at backup time. (This option is sometimes referred to as Inline Copy.)
Another alternative is to use storage lifecycle policies.
See “About writing multiple copies using a storage lifecycle policy” on page 741.
To duplicate backup images
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, set up the search criteria for the image you want to duplicate.
Click Search Now.
Managing backup images 1072
Duplicating backup images

3 Right-click the image(s) you want to duplicate and select Duplicate from the
shortcut menu.
If you duplicate an online, hot catalog backup, select all child jobs that were
used to create the catalog backup. All jobs must be duplicated to duplicate the
catalog backup.
Managing backup images 1073
Duplicating backup images

4 Specify the number of copies you want to create. NetBackup can create up to
10 copies of unexpired backups.

If enough drives are available, the copies are created simultaneously.

Otherwise, the system may require operator intervention if four copies are to
be created using only two drives, for example.
5 The primary copy is the copy from which restores are done. Normally, the
original backup is the primary copy.
If you want one of the duplicated copies to become the primary copy, check
the appropriate check box, otherwise leave the fields blank.

Note: On the NetBackup web UI, if you want one of the duplicated copies to
become the primary copy, select the copy number from the drop-down,
otherwise select Keep current primary copy.

When the primary expires, a different copy automatically becomes primary.

(The copy that is chosen is the one with the smallest copy number. If the primary
is copy 1, copy 2 becomes primary when it expires. If the primary is copy 5,
copy 1 becomes primary when it expires.)
6 Specify the storage unit where each copy is stored. If a storage unit has multiple
drives, it can be used for both the source and destination.
All storage units must meet the criteria for creating multiple copies.
See “About configuring multiple copies” on page 845.
Managing backup images 1074
Duplicating backup images

7 Specify the volume pool where each copy is stored.

The following volume pool selections are based on the policy type setting that
was used for the query.

If the Policy type is set to All Policy Types Specifies that all volume pools are
(default). included in the drop-down list. Both
catalog and non-catalog volume pools are

If the Policy type is set to NBU-Catalog. Specifies that only catalog volume pools
are included in the drop-down list.

If the Policy type is set to a policy type Specifies that only non-catalog volume
other than NBU-Catalog or All Policy pools are included in the drop-down list.

NetBackup does not verify that the media ID selected for the duplicate copy is
different from the media ID that contains the original backup. Because of this
potential deadlock, specify a different volume pool to ensure that a different
volume is used.
8 Select the retention level for the copy, or select No change.
The duplicate copy shares many attributes of the primary copy, including backup
ID. Other attributes apply only to the primary. (For example, elapsed time.)
NetBackup uses the primary copy to satisfy restore requests.
Consider the following items when selecting the retention level:
■ If No Change is selected for the retention period, the expiration date is the
same for the duplicate and the source copies. You can use the bpexpdate
command to change the expiration date of the duplicate.
■ If a retention period is indicated, the expiration date for the copy is the
backup date plus the retention period. For example, if a backup was created
on November 14, 2010 and its retention period is one week, the new copy’s
expiration date is November 21, 2010.

9 Specify whether the remaining copies should continue or fail if the specified
copy fails.
Managing backup images 1075
Duplicating backup images

10 Specify who should own the media onto which you duplicate images.
Select one of the following:

Any Specifies that NetBackup chooses the media owner,

either a media server or server group.

None Specifies the media server that writes to the media

owns the media. No media server is specified
explicitly, but you want a media server to own the

A server group Specifies that only those media servers in the group
are allowed to write to the media on which backup
images for this policy are written. All of the media
server groups that are configured in your NetBackup
environment appear in the drop-down list.

11 If the selection includes multiplexed backups and the backups are to remain
multiplexed in the duplicate, check Preserve Multiplexing. If you do not
duplicate all the backups in a multiplexed group, the duplicate contains a
different layout of fragments. (A multiplexed group is a set of backups that were
multiplexed together during a single session.)
By default, duplication is done serially and attempts to minimize media mounts
and positioning time. Only one backup is processed at a time. If Preserved
Multiplexing is enabled, NetBackup first duplicates all backups that cannot
be multiplex duplicated before the multiplexed backups are duplicated.
The Preserve Multiplexing setting does not apply when the destination is a
disk storage unit. However, if the source is a tape and the destination is a disk
storage unit, select Preserve Multiplexing to ensure that the tape is read in
one pass.
12 Click OK to start duplicating.
13 Click the Results tab, then select the duplication job to view the job results.
See “Viewing job results” on page 1067.
See “Multiplexed duplication considerations” on page 1075.

Multiplexed duplication considerations

Consider the following items about multiplexed duplication.
Managing backup images 1076
Expiring backup images

Table 25-4 Multiplexed duplication considerations

Consideration Description

Multiplex settings are ignored When multiplexed backups are duplicated, the multiplex
settings of the destination storage unit and the original
schedule are ignored. However, if multiple multiplexed groups
are duplicated, the grouping within each multiplexed group
is maintained. This means that the duplicated groups have
a multiplexing factor that is no greater than the factor that
was used during the original backup.

Backups in a multiplexed When backups in a multiplexed group are duplicated to a

group are duplicated and storage unit, the duplicated group is identical as well.
duplicated group is identical However, the storage unit must have the same characteristics
as the unit where the backup was originally performed. The
following items are exceptions:

■ If EOM (end of media) is encountered on either the source

or the destination media.
■ If any of the fragments are zero length in the source
backups, the fragments are removed during duplication.
A fragment of zero length occurs if many multiplexed
backups start at the same time.

Jobs that appear while making multiple copies

When multiple copies are made concurrently, a parent job appears, plus a job for
each copy.
The parent job displays the overall status, whereas the copy jobs display the status
of a single copy. Viewing the status of individual jobs lets you troubleshoot jobs
individually. For example, if one copy fails but the other copy is successful, or if
each copy fails for different reasons. If at least one copy is successful, the status
of the parent job is successful. Use the Parent Job ID filter to display the parent
Job ID. Use the Copy filter to display the copy number for a particular copy.

Expiring backup images

To expire a backup image means to force the retention period to expire, or
information about the backup is deleted. When the retention period expires,
NetBackup deletes information about the backup. The files in the backups are
unavailable for restores without first re-importing.
Managing backup images 1077
About importing backup images

Note: To expire backup images on the NetBackup web UI, select Catalog, set up
the search criteria for the image you want to expire and then click Search.
Select the image you want to expire and on the Action drop-down menu, select
Action > Expire.

To expire a backup image

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, set up the search criteria for the image you want to expire,
then click Search Now.
See “About searching for backup images” on page 1064.
3 Select the image you want to expire and on the Actions menu, select Actions
> Expire.
4 A message appears that announces that once the backups are expired, they
cannot be used for restores. Select Yes to begin to expire the images.
If the user attempts to manually expire an image or some image copies that are
not SLP-complete, the request fails with status code 1573 (Backup image cannot
be expired because its SLP processing is not yet complete). Use the NetBackup
Troubleshooter or the NetBackup Status Codes Reference Guide to determine
corrective actions.
If you use the NetBackup Administration Console to expire NetBackup images,
the image extension files remain in the catalog. However, NetBackup expires the
image extension files, usually within 12 hours.

About importing backup images

NetBackup can import the backups that have expired or the backups from another
NetBackup server.

Note: This functionality is available on the NetBackup web UI.

During an import operation, NetBackup recreates NetBackup catalog entries for

the backups on the imported volume. The import capability is useful for moving
volumes from one site to another and for recreating NetBackup catalog entries.
An image is imported in the following two phases:
Managing backup images 1078
About importing backup images

Table 25-5 Phases to import an image

Phase Description

Phase I: Initiate NetBackup creates a list of expired catalog entries for the backups on the imported volume. No actual
Import import occurs in Phase I.

See “Importing backup images, Phase I” on page 1079.

Phase II: Images are selected for importing from the list of expired images that was created in Phase I.
See “Importing backup images, Phase II” on page 1081.

About importing expired images

The expiration date for the imported items is the current date plus the retention
period. For example, if a backup is imported on November 14, 2015, and its retention
period is one week, the new expiration date is November 21, 2015.
Consider the following items when importing backup images:
■ NetBackup can import the disk images that NetBackup version 6.0 (or later)
■ You cannot import a backup if an unexpired copy of it already exists on the
■ NetBackup does not direct backups to imported volumes.
■ If you import a catalog backup, import all the child jobs that were used to create
the catalog backup. All jobs must be imported to import the catalog backup.
■ To import a volume with the same media ID as an existing volume on a server,
use the following example where you want to import a volume with media ID
A00001. (A volume with media ID A00001 already exists on the server.)
■ Duplicate the existing volume on the server to another media ID (for example,
■ Remove information about media ID A00001 from the NetBackup catalog
by running the following command:
On Windows:
-d 0 -m mediaID
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpexpdate -d 0 -m

■ Delete media ID A00001 from Media Manager on the server.

Managing backup images 1079
About importing backup images

■ Add the other A00001 to Media Manager on the server.

To avoid this problem in the future, use unique prefix characters for media IDs
on all servers.
See “Expiring backup images” on page 1076.

Importing backup images, Phase I

Phase I of the import process creates a list of images from which to select to import
in Phase II. No import occurs in Phase I.
If tape is used, each tape must be mounted and read. It may take some time to
read the catalog and build the list of images.
To import a catalog backup, import all of the child jobs that were used to create the
catalog backup.

Note: To import backup images on the NetBackup web UI, select Catalog, and
then select Phase I import from the Action drop-down. Specify the details and
click Import.
Click the Activity tab to view the progress of Phase I import.

Use the following procedure to initiate an import of backup images.

To perform Phase I: initialize import of backup images
1 To import the images from tape, make the media accessible to the media server
so the images can be imported.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
3 On the Actions menu, select Initiate Import.
Managing backup images 1080
About importing backup images

4 In the Initialize Import window, in the Media Server field, specify the name
of the host that contains the volume to import. This media server becomes the
media owner.

5 Indicate the location of the image. Under Image type, select whether the images
to be imported are located on tape or on disk.
The following table shows the actions to take depending on the location of the

If images are on tape In the Media ID field, enter the Media ID of the volume
that contains the backups to import.

If images are on disk In the Disk type field, select the type of the disk storage
unit on which to search for backup images. The disk types
depend on which NetBackup options are licensed.

If the disk type references a disk pool, enter or select the

disk pool and the disk volume ID.

For a BasicDisk type, enter or browse to the path to the

images in the field provided.

Click OK.
6 Click OK to begin reading the catalog information from the source volume.
7 Click on the Results tab to watch as NetBackup looks at each image on the
tape. NetBackup determines whether or not each image has expired and can
be imported. The job also displays in Activity Monitor as an Image Import type.
Select the import job log to view the job results.
Managing backup images 1081
About importing backup images

Importing backup images, Phase II

To import the backups, first run the Initiate Import operation (Import Phase I). The
first phase reads the catalog to determine all of the media that contain the catalog
backup images. After Phase I, start the Import operation (Phase II). If Phase II is
run before Phase I, the import fails with a message. For example, Unexpected EOF
or Import of backup ID failed, fragments are not consecutive.

Note: On the NetBackup web UI, select Phase II import from the Action drop-down.
Set up the search criteria to find images available to import and click Search. Select
the image(s) you want to import and on the Actions menu, select Import.

To import backup images, Phase II

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Catalog.
2 In the right pane, set up the search criteria to find images available to import
by setting the search action to Import. Be sure to select a date range that
includes the images you want to import.

Select Import to search

for imported images

Select the date range

that includes the
images to import

Images eligible for importing

appear as a search result

3 Select the image(s) you want to import. On the Actions menu, select Actions
> Import to import the selected images.
Managing backup images 1082
About importing backup images

4 In the Confirm Import dialog box, select whether you'd like to log the names
of all of the files that are found in the imported images. Click OK.

5 Click the Results tab to view the progress of Import Phase 2.

Chapter 26
Configuring immutability
and indelibility of data in
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About immutable and indelible data

■ Workflow to configure immutable and indelible data

■ Deleting an immutable image from storage using the bpexpdate command

■ Removing an immutable image from the catalog using the bpexpdate command

About immutable and indelible data

NetBackup protects your data from being encrypted, modified, and deleted using
WORM properties.
WORM is the acronym for Write Once Read Many.
WORM properties provide two additional levels of security for backup images:
■ Immutability - this protection ensures that the backup image is read-only and
cannot be modified, corrupted, or encrypted after backup.
■ Indelibility - this property protects the backup image from being deleted before
it expires. The data is protected from malicious deletion.
Configuring these WORM properties protects your data from certain malware attacks
to some extent, for example ransomware.
NetBackup provides the ability to write backups to WORM storage devices so their
data cannot be corrupted. Additionally, it lets you take advantage of advanced
Configuring immutability and indelibility of data in NetBackup 1084
Workflow to configure immutable and indelible data

options available from your storage vendors to protect your backup data per
applicable statutes.
Once the backup images are written using a WORM enabled storage unit, the data
cannot be deleted until the WORM Unlock Time and it can no longer be modified.
This WORM Unlock Time is set when the image is created or the image expiration
period is extended.
The WORM Unlock Time (indelible end time) for a backup is equal to the image
expiration time. The retention level in the policy or SLP determines the expiration
The retention level in the policy or the SLP determines the WORM Unlock Time
(indelible end time) for a backup. The retention period may not be applied
immediately for larger backups, so that the Unlock Time may be slightly later than
the expiration time.
The only changes that are allowed to the backup image are to extend the expiration
date. Be aware the backup expiration date can only be extended, it cannot be
shortened. To extend the expiration date, use the bpexpdate -extend_worm_locks
command. More information about the bpexpdate is available in the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide
The backup expiration date of a WORM indelible image can only be extended, it
cannot be shortened. To extend the expiration date, use the bpexpdate
-extend_worm_locks command. Similar to an image on hold, WORM indelible
images cannot be deleted from the NetBackup catalog until their WORM Unlock
Time and Expire Time have elapsed. In special circumstances, the bpexpdate
-try_expire_worm_copy option can be used to force removal of a WORM indelible
image from the NetBackup catalog. This option is only recommended to be used
after removing WORM locks directly on the storage device.
More information about the bpexpdate is available in the NetBackup Commands
Reference Guide.

Workflow to configure immutable and indelible

Carry out the following steps in the given order to protect your data by configuring
immutability and indelibility.
Configuring immutability and indelibility of data in NetBackup 1085
Deleting an immutable image from storage using the bpexpdate command

Table 26-1 Workflow to configure immutable and indelible data

Step Description

1 Configure the following WORM settings on the storage server. The storage administrator configures
these settings outside of NetBackup.

■ WORM capable - If the storage unit and the associated disk pool are enabled to use the WORM
property at the time of backup image creation, the backup images are set to be immutable and
■ Lock Minimum Duration - Specifies the minimum allowed duration for which the data for a backup
image is indelible. The storage administrator sets this duration on the Logical Storage Unit (LSU)
or the Domain Volume (DV), which NetBackup discovers.
■ Lock Maximum Duration - Specifies the maximum allowed duration for which the data for a backup
image is indelible. The storage administrator sets this duration on the Logical Storage Unit (LSU)
or the Domain Volume, which NetBackup discovers.

Refer to the OST vendor plug-in documentation.

2 Configure a disk pool using WORM-capable volumes.

See “About configuring disk pool storage” on page 479.

For more information, see the NetBackup online Help.

3 Configure a storage unit with the Use WORM option enabled.

See “Use WORM setting” on page 660.

4 Configure a backup policy using the WORM-enabled storage unit.

See “Creating a backup policy” on page 759.

Note: In case of storage changes or third-party OST vendor software upgrades,

you need to manually update the storage servers and the disk pools. See the
'Completing your system update after an upgrade' section from the NetBackup
Upgrade Guide.

Deleting an immutable image from storage using

the bpexpdate command
Deletion of an immutable image can only happen when storage is used that allows
for lock deletion. The lock deletion can be done using the Enterprise mode on a
Flex Appliance or a third-party storage device that supports lock deletion. When an
immutable image is deleted, the storage that you use is responsible for the lock
deletion and NetBackup is responsible for the image deletion.
Configuring immutability and indelibility of data in NetBackup 1086
Deleting an immutable image from storage using the bpexpdate command

When you use a Flex Appliance, you must use the command line or an SSH session
to remove the lock on the image. If you use a third-party storage device, refer to
that vendor’s documentation for steps on removing locked images.
To delete the immutable image on a Flex Appliance
1 Verify that the Flex Appliance is in Enterprise mode.
2 From the NetBackup Command Line, use bpimagelist command to find the
image ID.
This procedure uses the following example image ID:

Backup ID: server123.veritas.com_1234567890

3 Delete the image lock on storage using the command line option or the SSH
session option. You must use the default msdadm user to run the following
Command line option:
■ Open the /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/ directory.
■ Use the following command to query and modify the catalog database for
the given backup ID (Example: server123.veritas.com_1234567890).
The -worm disable option disables the retention lock for an image using
the backup ID.
catdbutil -worm disable -backupid

SSH session option:

■ Open an SSH session to the WORM storage server instance.
■ Use the retention policy disable command to query and modify the
catalog database for the given policy. The policy disable arguments
disable the retention lock for an image using the policy ID used for the
image retention that has a retention lock.
For more information about the command options in this step, see the
NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
4 Add the image ID to bpexpdate with the -try_expire_worm_copy option.

bpexpdate -d 0 backupid server123.veritas.com_1234567890

-try_expire_worm_copy -copy 1

5 Use y or n to confirm deletion.

If the storage lock is not removed, NetBackup returns an error indicating that
there is a WORM lock error.
Configuring immutability and indelibility of data in NetBackup 1087
Removing an immutable image from the catalog using the bpexpdate command

See “Removing an immutable image from the catalog using the bpexpdate
command” on page 1087.
See “About immutable and indelible data” on page 1083.

Removing an immutable image from the catalog

using the bpexpdate command
You can remove an immutable image from the NetBackup catalog and have that
image remain on storage.
To remove an immutable image from the catalog
1 Open the NetBackup Command Line Interface (CLI).
2 Delete the image from the catalog using the bpexpdate command with the
-try_expire_worm_copy and the -nodelete options.

bpexpdate -d 0 -backupid server123.veritas.com_1234567890

-copy 1 -try_expire_worm_copy -nodelete

Using the -try_expire-worm_copy and -nodelete options together removes

the image from the catalog only and does not affect storage.
3 Use y or n to confirm deletion.
See “Deleting an immutable image from storage using the bpexpdate command”
on page 1085.
See “About immutable and indelible data” on page 1083.
Section 6
Deployment Management

■ Chapter 27. Deployment Management

Chapter 27
Deployment Management
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About deployment policies utility

■ Deployment policy management

■ Copying a deployment policy to create a new deployment policy

■ Copying or moving policy items to another policy

■ Attributes tab

■ Schedules tab

■ Adding or changing schedules in a deployment policy

■ Deleting schedules or hosts from a deployment policy

■ Manually initiating deployment jobs with a policy

■ Perform client initiated upgrade with VxUpdate

■ Deployment job status

About deployment policies utility

Deployment policies is the main component of VxUpdate that serves as a client or
host upgrade tool. The deployment policy lets you configure and run deployment
activities on a schedule or enable the host owners to upgrade at their convenience.
You can schedule precheck, staging, and installation tasks as separate activities
with different schedules, each with their own specific deployment windows.
For more information regarding VxUpdate, see the About VxUpdate section within
the NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
Deployment Management 1090
About deployment policies utility

The deployment policies are not located with the other policies in the NetBackup
Administrative Console. Deployment policies are located in the NetBackup
Administration Console under Deployment Management > Deployment Policies.
Deployment policies provide the instructions that NetBackup follows to upgrade
clients or hosts. Use the Deployment Policies utility to provide the following
instructions for a client or host upgrade:

What type of client or host to upgrade See “Attributes tab” on page 1097.

When to perform VxUpdate See “Schedules tab” on page 1098.

Using the deployment policies utility

To navigate in the deployment policies utility
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select
Deployment Management > Deployment Policies
2 To display the policy details of a single In the center pane, select a policy name.
policy: The policy details display in the right pane.

To open a policy: In the center pane, double-click on the

policy name. The Change Deployment
Policy dialog box opens.

To display specific configuration ■ In the center pane, click on the tree

information: element next to the policy name to
expand the policy configuration areas:
■ Attributes
■ Schedules
■ Hosts
■ In the center pane, under a policy
name, select one of the configuration
areas to see a detailed view of that

To display information about all policies on In the center pane, click Summary of
the current primary server: Policies.

To activate the deactivated policies: ■ In the center pane, click Summary of

■ Select a single or multiple deactivated
policies in the right pane. While the
policies are selected, right-click and
select Activate
Deployment Management 1091
Deployment policy management

To deactivate the active policies: ■ In the center pane, click Summary of

■ Select a single or multiple policies in
the right pane. While the policies are
selected, right-click and select

To copy a policy to create new policy See “Copying a deployment policy to

create a new deployment policy”
on page 1095.

Deployment policy management

Use the procedures that are shown to create, modify, and delete your deployment
Creating a deployment policy

Note: You must add packages to the VxUpdate repository before you can create
a working deployment policy. You can create deployment policies without packages
in the repository, but those policies fail to run successfully. More information about
the management of the VxUpdate repository is available.

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select Deployment

Management > Deployment Policies.
2 From the Actions menu, select New Deployment Policy.
3 Enter a unique name for the new policy in the Add a New Deployment Policy
dialog box.
4 Click OK.
5 Specify the information that is shown on the Attributes tab in the Change
Deployment Policy window:
■ Package: Select the package that you want deployed from the drop-down

Note: Specifying a package that supports external certificate authority

certificates presents you with an additional tab titled Security. That tab is
covered later in this procedure.
Deployment Management 1092
Deployment policy management

■ Media server: Specify the media server from drop-down. The media server
that is specified is used to connect and transfer files to the NetBackup hosts
that are included in the policy. The media server also caches the files from
the NetBackup repository. The media server must be version NetBackup
8.1.2 or later. Since the repository resides on the primary server, the primary
server is the default value for the media server field.
■ Java GUI and JRE: Specify if you want the Java GUI and the JRE upgraded
on the target systems. The three options include:
■ INCLUDE: Install or upgrade the Java GUI and JRE components on the
specified computers.
■ EXCLUDE: Exclude the Java GUI and JRE components from the
specified computer. Any preexisting NetBackup Java GUI and JRE
packages are removed.
■ MATCH: Preserve the current state of the Java GUI and JRE
components. The components are upgraded if they are present on the
pre-upgraded system. The components are not installed if they are not
present on the pre-upgraded system.

■ (Conditional): Select the Limit simultaneous jobs option and specify a

value for jobs to limit the total number of concurrent jobs that can run at a
time. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 999.
If the check box is selected, the default value is 3. If you do not select the
check box, no limit is enforced for the simultaneous upgrade jobs.
You can set unlimited simultaneous upgrade jobs through command line
interface by setting the value as 0.
■ Select hosts: Select hosts from the Available hosts list and select Add
to add hosts to the deployment policy. The list is generated from hosts in
the host database and backup policies. Once you select Add, the hosts
are shown under Selected hosts.

6 Select the Schedules tab in the Change Deployment Policy window.

You can see a summary of all schedules within that policy.
7 Select New.
8 Specify the information that is shown in the Add Deployment Schedule
■ Name: Enter a name for the new schedule.
■ Type: Specify the type of schedule you want created.
Schedule types:
■ Precheck
Deployment Management 1093
Deployment policy management

Performs the various precheck operations, including confirming there

is sufficient space on the client for the update. The precheck schedule
type does not exist for EEB packages.
■ Stage
Moves the update package to the client, but does not install it. Also
performs the precheck operation.
■ Install
Installs the specified package. Also performs the precheck and the stage
package operations. If you already performed the stage package
operation, the install schedule does not move the package again.

Note: Please be aware that adding multiple different schedule types to the
same deployment schedule window has unpredictable results. VxUpdate
has no defined behavior to determine which schedule type runs first. If a
single deployment schedule window has precheck, stage, and install jobs,
there is no way to specify the order in which they run. The precheck or the
stage schedules can fail, but the install completes successfully. If you plan
to use precheck, stage, and install schedules, it is recommended that you
create separate schedules and separate windows for each.

■ Starts: Specify the date and time you want the policy to start in the text
field or with the date and the time spinner. You can also click the calendar
icon and specify a date and time in the resulting window. You can select a
schedule by clicking and dragging over the three-month calendar that is
provided at the bottom of the window.
■ Ends: Specify the date and time you want the policy to end as you specified
the start time.
■ Duration: Optionally, you can specify a duration in days, hours, minutes,
and seconds instead of an end time for the policy. The minimum value is
5 minutes and the maximum is 99 days.
■ Select Add/OK and the schedule is created. Select OK to save and create
your policy.
Deployment Management 1094
Deployment policy management

9 A Security tab appears when you select a deployment package that contains
support for external certificate authorities.
By default, the Use existing certificates when possible option is selected.
This option instructs NetBackup to use the existing NetBackup CA or external
CA certificates, if available.

Note: If you specify this option and certificates are not available, your upgrade

Deselecting the Use existing certificates when possible option lets you
specify the location for external certificate authority information for both UNIX
and Linux computers and Windows computers.
Deselecting this option does not allow the user to change the security
configuration settings during the upgrade.
10 Windows clients have Use Windows certificate store selected by default.
You must enter the certificate location as Certificate Store Name\Issuer
Distinguished Name\Subject Distinguished Name.

Note: You can use the $hostname variable for any of the names in the certificate
store specification. The $hostname variable evaluates at run time to the name
of the local host. This option provides flexibility when you push NetBackup
software to a large number of clients.

Alternatively, you can specify a comma-separated list of Windows certificate

locations. For example, you can specify:

Then select the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) option from the radio buttons
■ Do not use a CRL. No additional information is required.
■ Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is
■ Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a path
to the CRL.

11 ■ Certificate file: This field requires you to provide the path to the certificate
file and the certificate file name.
Deployment Management 1095
Copying a deployment policy to create a new deployment policy

■ Trust store location: This field requires you to provide the path to the trust
store and the trust store file name.
■ Private key path: This field requires you to provide the path to the private
key file and the private key file name.
■ Passphrase file: This field requires you to provide the path of the
passphrase file and the passphrase file name. This field is optional.
■ Then specify the correct CRL option for your environment:
■ Do not use a CRL. No additional information is required.
■ Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is
■ Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a
path to the CRL.

To change a deployment policy

1 Right click on the deployment policy and select Change.
2 Navigate through the deployment policy tabs and make any necessary changes
to the policy.
3 Select OK and the policy is updated.
Deleting a deployment policy
1 Right click on the deployment policy and select Delete.
2 Select OK.
3 Confirm the deletion of the policy.

Copying a deployment policy to create a new

deployment policy
Use the Copy to New option to save time creating policies. This option is especially
useful for the policies that contain many of the same policy attributes, schedules,
or hosts selections.
To copy a policy to create a new one
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select
Deployment Management > Deployment Policies.
2 In the middle pane, select the policy to copy.
3 On the Edit menu, click Copy to New.
Deployment Management 1096
Copying or moving policy items to another policy

4 In the Copy a Deployment Policy dialog box, enter the name of the policy
that you want to copy. You can indicate a policy other than the one that is
5 Enter the name for the new policy.
6 Click OK. The only difference between the new policy and the copied policy is
the name.
The Change Deployment Policy dialog box is displayed. Make the required
changes and click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to discard the

Copying or moving policy items to another policy

You can copy or move entire policies, attributes, schedules, and hosts from one
policy to another. The following procedure describes which policy items can be
copied or moved.
To copy or move items from one deployment policy to another
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
Deployment Management > Deployment Policies.
2 In the middle pane, select either the Attributes, Schedules, or Hosts for a
policy that you want to copy or move.
3 In the right pane, based on your selection in the previous step, select the
attributes, schedules, or hosts of a policy that you want to copy or move.
4 Do one of the following:

To copy an item On the Edit menu, click Copy.

To move an item ■ On the Edit menu, click Cut.

■ Click Yes when asked if you want to
delete the selected item from the policy.
Deployment Management 1097
Attributes tab

5 In the middle pane, select the policy item to which you want to paste the copied
6 From the Edit menu, click Paste.
When you paste items with the same name, NetBackup provides options: To
either copy and replace the existing item, or copy but keep the existing item,
or to not copy.

Note: When you paste attributes, the existing attributes of the policy are always

Attributes tab
Use the policy Attributes tab in the Change Deployment Policy window to
configure deployment management settings when you add a new deployment policy
or change an existing deployment policy.
The policy Attributes tab contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Packages Select the package that you want to deploy from the drop-down menu.
Note: You must add packages to the VxUpdate repository before you
can create a working deployment policy. You can create deployment
policies without packages in the repository, but those policies fail to run

For more information regarding adding packages, see the Repository

Management section within the NetBackup Upgrade Guide.

Media server Specify the media server from drop-down. The media server that is
specified is used to connect and transfer files to the NetBackup hosts
that are included in the policy. The media server must be version
NetBackup 8.1.2 or later. Since the repository resides on the primary
server, the primary server is the default value for the media server field.
Deployment Management 1098
Schedules tab

Attribute Description

Limit simultaneous Select the Limit simultaneous jobs option and specify a value for jobs
jobs (Optional) to limit the total number of concurrent jobs that can run at one time.

The default value is 3. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value
is 999.

If you want to set unlimited simultaneous upgrade jobs, you must specify
a value which is equivalent or higher than the count of the number of
hosts that are selected for upgrade.

For example, if you have selected 50 hosts, ensure that the Limit
simultaneous jobs value is set to 50 or more but lower than the
maximum value which is 999.

You can set unlimited simultaneous upgrade jobs through command

line interface by providing the value as 0.

Select hosts Select hosts from the Available hosts list and select Add to add hosts
to the deployment policy. Once you select Add, the hosts are shown
under Selected hosts.

If you see a warning icon besides a host name, it could be due to one
of the following reasons:

■ If a selected package is missing for a particular operating system

■ If the selected hosts are either at a lower or higher version than the
selected package version. For Emergency binaries (EEBs), the
versions must match.
■ If the host is already on the same version as the selected package

Note: The Select hosts list displays hosts from the host database and
policy database.

The Select hosts list displays those hosts which are added to the
deployment policy.

The policy hosts that are not found in the host database shows version
as unknown.

Complete the entries in the policy Attributes tab and click Ok to save the changes.
Click Cancel to go back to discard the changes.

Schedules tab
Use the Schedules tab in the Change Deployment Policy window for the following
■ To view summary of all schedules within that policy
Deployment Management 1099
Adding or changing schedules in a deployment policy

■ To create a new schedule

■ To edit and delete an existing schedule
The schedules that are defined on the Schedules tab determine when VxUpdate
occur for the selected deployment policy.
The calendar displays a summary of all the schedules. Each schedule type is
associated with a specific color-code. On the calendar, the color of selected schedule
appears bold as compared to the non-selected schedules.
The Schedules tab contains both schedule information and other configuration
options, beyond when the job is to run.
From the policy Schedules tab, perform the following tasks:
■ To create a new deployment schedule, click New.
■ To edit a deployment schedule, select the schedule and click Change.
■ To delete a deployment schedule, select the schedule and click Delete.

Adding or changing schedules in a deployment

Use the following procedure to add or change schedules in an existing deployment
To add or change schedules in a deployment policy
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select
Deployment Management > Deployment Policies
2 Expand the policy name in the middle pane, then select Schedules.
3 Perform one of the following actions:

Add a deployment schedule On the Actions menu, click New >

Deployment Management 1100
Deleting schedules or hosts from a deployment policy

Copy a schedule and paste it into another ■ Expand the policy which contains a
policy schedule that you want to copy.
■ In the right pane, right-click the
schedule and select Copy.
■ Expand the policy where you want to
paste the schedule.
■ In the right pane, right-click anywhere
in the schedule area and select Paste.
■ You can also copy a schedule with the
Edit > Copy to New option:
See Copying a schedule into the same
deployment policy or different
deployment policy

Change an existing deployment schedule In the right pane, double-click the schedule

Copying a schedule into the same deployment policy or different

deployment policy
Use the Copy to New option to save time creating schedules. Use this option to
copy a schedule into the same policy or different policy.
To copy a schedule to create a new one
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select NetBackup
Management > Deployment Policies.
2 In the middle pane, expand a policy and select the Schedules node that
contains the schedule that you want to copy.
3 In the right pane, select the schedule that you want to copy.
4 On the Edit menu, click Copy to New.
5 In the Copy Schedule dialog box, enter the name of the new schedule.
6 Use the menu to select the name of the policy to which you want to paste the
schedule. You can paste the schedule into the same policy or a different policy.
7 Click OK. The Change Schedule dialog box opens for the new schedule.

Deleting schedules or hosts from a deployment

Use the following procedure to delete schedules or hosts from a deployment policy.
Deployment Management 1101
Manually initiating deployment jobs with a policy

To delete a schedule or hosts from a deployment policy

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, select
Deployment Management > Deployment Policies.
2 Expand the policy name in the middle pane, and then select Attributes,
Schedules, or Hosts
3 In the right pane, select the item you want to delete.
4 On the Edit menu, click Delete.
5 Click Yes when asked if you want to delete the selected item from the policy.

Manually initiating deployment jobs with a policy

You can manually initiate a deployment policy based on an existing policy. Manually
initiate deployment policies when you are logged into the server locally and need
to force an immediate update. Or you can initiate an immediate upgrade for
emergency binaries.
Use the Manual Deployment option to initiate a deployment job manually.
To manually initiate a deployment policy from the administration console
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, navigate to Deployment
Management > Deployment Policies.
2 In the middle pane, expand the primary server, and select the policy you want
to run.
3 Right-click on the policy you want to start, and select Manual Deployment.
4 Alternatively, after selecting the policy you want to run, you can select Actions
> Manual Deployment.
5 In the Manual Deployment dialog box, select the schedule and the hosts that
you want to upgrade.
If you do not select any hosts, NetBackup upgrades all hosts.
6 Click OK to start the manual deployment job.
You can also perform manual deployment using the command line option. For more
information, refer Manually initiating deployment jobs with a policy section within
the NetBackup Upgrade Guide.
Deployment Management 1102
Perform client initiated upgrade with VxUpdate

Perform client initiated upgrade with VxUpdate

Manually initiate deployment jobs when you are logged into the server locally and
want to force an immediate update. You can also use a deployment job to initiate
an immediate upgrade for emergency binaries.
Among the reasons for a client initiated upgrade using VxUpdate is mission critical
systems with specific maintenance windows. One example of these systems is
database servers with limited available down time.
To perform client initiated upgrade manually from the administration console
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, navigate to NetBackup Management
> Host Properties > Clients
2 In the right pane, right-click the client that you want to upgrade. Select Upgrade
3 In the Upgrade Host dialog box, update the following fields:
■ Package: Select the package that you want to deploy from the drop-down
■ Type: Select the deployment type from the drop-down menu.
■ Precheck

Note: The precheck schedule type does not exist for EEB packages.

■ Stage
■ Install

■ Media server: Specify the media server from drop-down.

The media server must be version NetBackup 8.1.2 or later. Since the
repository resides on the primary server, the primary server is the default
value for the media server field.
■ Selected hosts: Displays the list of selected hosts.

You can also perform client initiated upgrade using the command line option. For
more information, refer Perform client initiated upgrade with VxUpdate section within
the NetBackup Upgrade Guide.

Deployment job status

Monitor and review deployment job status in the Activity Monitor in the NetBackup
Administration Console. The Deployment job type is the new type for VxUpdate
Deployment Management 1103
Deployment job status

policies. Deployment policy parent jobs that exit with a status code 0 (zero) indicate
that all the child jobs successfully completed. Parent jobs that finish with a status
code 1 indicate that one or more of the child jobs succeeded, but at least one failed.
Any other status code indicates failure. Review the status of the child jobs to
determine why they failed. Otherwise, there are no differences between deployment
jobs and other NetBackup jobs.
Your deployment job may receive a status code 224. This error indicates that the
client's hardware and operating system are specified incorrectly. You can correct
this error by modifying the deployment policy with the bpplclients command found
Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
Window: install_path\netbackup\bin\admincmd.
Use the syntax shown:
bpplclients deployment_policy_name -modify client_to_update -hardware
new_hardware_value -os new_os_value

Deployment policies use a simplified naming scheme for operating system and
hardware values. Use the values as shown for the bpplclients command:

Table 27-1 Deployment policy operating system and hardware

Operating system Hardware

hpux ia64

debian x64

redhat x64

suse x64

redhat ppc64le

suse ppc64le

redhat zseries

suse zseries

aix rs6000

solaris sparc

solaris x64

windows x64
Deployment Management 1104
Deployment job status

Security certificates are not deployed as part of the VxUpdate upgrade if the Security
Level for certificate deployment is set to Very High. This setting is located in the
NetBackup Global Security Settings in the NetBackup Administration Console.
If you cannot communicate with your clients after you use VxUpdate to upgrade
your clients, please ensure that the proper security certificates were issued during
upgrade. You may need to manually deploy the certificates. Refer to the following
article that is shown for additional details:
Section 7
Configuring replication

■ Chapter 28. About NetBackup replication

Chapter 28
About NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About NetBackup replication

■ About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

■ About NetBackup Replication Director

About NetBackup replication

NetBackup offers two forms of replication:

Backups Auto Image Replication

Use this type of replication to replicate backups from one NetBackup domain
to the NetBackup media server in another domain.

See “About NetBackup Auto Image Replication” on page 1107.

Snapshots NetBackup Replication Director

This type of replication makes use of NetBackup OpenStorage to replicate

snapshots on primary storage to the disk arrays of OpenStorage partners.

See “About NetBackup Replication Director” on page 1149.

For more information, see the NetBackup Replication Director Solutions

About NetBackup replication 1107
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

The backups that are generated in one NetBackup domain can be replicated to
storage in one or more target NetBackup domains. This process is referred to as
Auto Image Replication.
The ability to replicate backups to storage in other NetBackup domains, often across
various geographical sites, helps facilitate the following disaster recovery needs:
■ One-to-one model
A single production data center can back up to a disaster recovery site.
■ One-to-many model
A single production data center can back up to multiple disaster recovery sites.
See “One-to-many Auto Image Replication model” on page 1109.
■ Many-to-one model
Remote offices in multiple domains can back up to a storage device in a single
■ Many-to-many model
Remote data centers in multiple domains can back up multiple disaster recovery
NetBackup supports the following storage types for Auto Image Replication:

Table 28-1 NetBackup Auto Image Replication storage types

Storage type Link to more information

Media Server Deduplication See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.


An OpenStorage disk appliance If your storage vendor’s product supports replication, you
can automatically replicate backup images to a similar
device in a different master server domain.

See the NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for


Notes about Auto Image Replication

■ Auto Image Replication does not support synthetic backups or optimized synthetic
■ Auto Image Replication does not support spanning volumes in a disk pool.
NetBackup fails backup jobs to the disk pools that span volumes if the backup
job is in a storage lifecycle policy that also contains a replication operation.
About NetBackup replication 1108
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

■ Auto Image Replication does not support replicating from a storage unit group.
That is, the source copy cannot be in a storage unit group.
■ The ability to perform Auto Image Replication between different versions of
NetBackup does not overrule the basic image compatibility rules. For example,
a database backup that was taken in one NetBackup domain can be replicated
to a NetBackup domain of an earlier version. However, the older server may
not be able to successfully restore from the newer image.
For information about version compatibility and interoperability, see the
NetBackup Enterprise Server and Server - Software Compatibility List at the
following URL:
■ Synchronize the clocks of the master servers in the source and the target
domains so that the master server in the target domain can import the images
as soon as they are ready. The master server in the target domain cannot import
an image until the image creation time is reached. Time zone differences are
not a factor because the images use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Process Overview
Table 28-2 is an overview of the process, generally describing the events in the
originating and target domains.
NetBackup uses storage lifecycle policies in the source domain and the target
domain to manage the Auto Image Replication operations.
See “About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication”
on page 1124.

Table 28-2 Auto Image Replication process overview

Event Domain in which event Event description


1 Originating master server Clients are backed up according to a backup policy that indicates a storage
(Domain 1) lifecycle policy as the Policy storage selection. The SLP must include at least
one Replication operation to similar storage in the target domain.

2 Target master server The storage server in the target domain recognizes that a replication event
(Domain 2) has occurred. It notifies the NetBackup master server in the target domain.

3 Target master server NetBackup imports the image immediately, based on an SLP that contains an
(Domain 2) import operation. NetBackup can import the image quickly because the
metadata is replicated as part of the image. (This import process is not the
same as the import process available in the Catalog utility.)
About NetBackup replication 1109
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-2 Auto Image Replication process overview (continued)

Event Domain in which event Event description


4 Target master server After the image is imported into the target domain, NetBackup continues to
(Domain 2) manage the copies in that domain. Depending on the configuration, the media
server in Domain 2 can replicate the images to a media server in Domain 3.

One-to-many Auto Image Replication model

In this configuration, all copies are made in parallel. The copies are made within
the context of one NetBackup job and simultaneously within the originating storage
server context. If one target storage server fails, the entire job fails and is retried
All copies have the same Target Retention. To achieve different Target Retention
settings in each target master server domain, either create multiple source copies
or cascade duplication to target master servers.

Cascading Auto Image Replication model

Replications can be cascaded from the originating domain to multiple domains.
Storage lifecycle policies are set up in each domain to anticipate the originating
image, import it and then replicate it to the next target master.
Figure 28-1 represents the following cascading configuration across three domains.
■ The image is created in Domain 1, and then replicated to the target Domain 2.
■ The image is imported in Domain 2, and then replicated to a target Domain 3.
■ The image is then imported into Domain 3.
About NetBackup replication 1110
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-1 Cascading Auto Image Replication

Domain 1

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Replication to target master Domain 2

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Import Import
Replication to target server Domain 3

All copies have the same

Target retention, as
indicated in Domain 1.
SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Import Import
Duplication to local storage

In the cascading model, the originating master server for Domain 2 and Domain 3
is the master server in Domain 1.

Note: When the image is replicated in Domain 3, the replication notification event
indicates that the master server in Domain 2 is the originating master server.
However, after the image is imported successfully into Domain 3, NetBackup
correctly indicates that the originating master server is in Domain 1.

The cascading model presents a special case for the Import SLP that replicates
the imported copy to a target master. (This master server that is neither the first
nor the last in the string of target master servers.)
The Import SLP must include at least one operation that uses a Fixed retention
type and at least one operation that uses a Target Retention type. So that the
Import SLP can satisfy these requirements, the import operation must use a Target
Table 28-3 shows the difference in the import operation setup.
About NetBackup replication 1111
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-3 Import operation difference in an SLP configured to replicate the

imported copy

Import operation criteria Import operation in a cascading


The first operation must be an import Same; no difference.


A replication to target master must use a Same; no difference.

Fixed retention type

At least one operation must use the Target Here is the difference:
To meet the criteria, the import operation
must use Target retention.

The target retention is embedded in the source image.

In the cascading model that is represented in Figure 28-1, all copies have the same
Target Retention—the Target Retention indicated in Domain 1.
For the copy in Domain 3 to have a different target retention, add an intermediary
replication operation to the Domain 2 storage lifecycle policy. The intermediary
replication operation acts as the source for the replication to target master. Since
the target retention is embedded in the source image, the copy in Domain 3 honors
the retention level that is set for the intermediary replication operation.
About NetBackup replication 1112
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-2 Cascading replications to target master servers, with various

target retentions

Domain 1

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Domain 2
Replication to target master

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Import Duplication
Domain 3
Replication to target master

The copy in Domain 3 has the

retention indicated by the SLP (D1toD2toD3)
source replication in Domain 2. Import Import

About the domain relationship for replication

The following table describes important configuration differences depending on the
devices that are used for NetBackup Auto Image Replication.

Table 28-4 Replication relationships

Storage Domain Relationship

NetBackup managed For NetBackup managed storage, establish the relationship between the originating domain
storage and the target domain or domains by setting the properties in the source storage server.
Specifically, in the Replication tab of the Change Storage Server dialog box of the source
storage server.

NetBackup managed storage that qualifies for replication is Media Server Deduplication
Pool storage.

See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

Before you configure the replication relationship, you can add the target master server as
a trusted host.

See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.
About NetBackup replication 1113
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-4 Replication relationships (continued)

Storage Domain Relationship

Third-party vendor disk For the third-party vendor appliance storage that is exposed through the OpenStorage API,
appliance the disk appliance manages the storage. The relationship between the originating domain
and the target domain or domains is established by using the storage vendor's tools.

The originating NetBackup domain has no knowledge of the storage server in the target
domain or domains. When the appliances are configured properly, NetBackup images on
the originating disk appliance are replicated automatically to the target disk appliance. That
disk appliance uses the OpenStorage API to notify NetBackup that a replication event
occurred. NetBackup then imports those images.

NetBackup manages the lifecycle of the backup images but does not manage the storage.

Configuring the disk appliance replication relationship is beyond the scope of the NetBackup

Caution: Choose the target storage server carefully. A target storage server must
not also be a storage server for the originating domain.

About the replication topology for Auto Image Replication

For Auto Image Replication, the disk volumes have the properties that define the
replication relationships between the volumes. The knowledge of the volume
properties is considered the replication topology. The following are the replication
properties that a volume can have:

Source A source volume contains the backups of your clients. The volume is the
source for the images that are replicated to a remote NetBackup domain.
Each source volume in an originating domain has one or more replication
partner target volumes in a target domain.

Target A target volume in the remote domain is the replication partner of a source
volume in the originating domain.

None The volume does not have a replication attribute.

The following describes the replication topology for the supported storage types:
About NetBackup replication 1114
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-5 Replication topology by storage type

Storage type Replication topology

Media Server Deduplication NetBackup exposes the storage for a Media Server
Pool Deduplication Pool as a single volume. Therefore, there is
always a one-to-one volume relationship for MSDP.

You configure the replication relationships in the source

domain. To do so, you add target storage servers in the
Replication tab of the Change Storage Server dialog box
of the source storage server.

See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.

Disk storage devices that Your storage administrator configures the replication topology
support replication and also of the volumes in the storage devices. Based on the volume
conform to the Veritas properties, you create homogeneous disk pools. That is, all
OpenStorage API of the volumes in a disk pool must have the same properties,
and you create the disk pools to match that topology. The
disk pools inherit the replication properties from the volumes
that you add to them.

You should work with your storage administrator to

understand the topology so you can create the proper disk
pools. You also should work with your storage administrator
to understand any changes that are made to the replication

NetBackup discovers the topology of the volumes when you

configure a disk pool.

NetBackup discovers the replication topology when you configure the replication
relationships. NetBackup discovers topology changes when you use the Refresh
option of the Change Disk Pool dialog box.
NetBackup includes a command that can help you understand your replication
topology. Use the command in the following situations:
■ After you configure the replication targets.
■ After you configure the storage server and before you configure disk pools.
■ After changes to the volumes that comprise the storage.
See “Viewing the replication topology for Auto Image Replication” on page 1115.
About NetBackup replication 1115
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Viewing the replication topology for Auto Image Replication

A volume that is a source of replication must have at least one replication partner
that is the target of the replication. NetBackup lets you view the replication topology
of the storage.
See “About the replication topology for Auto Image Replication” on page 1113.
To view the replication topology for Auto Image Replication
Run the bpstsinfo command, specifying the storage server name and the
server type. The following is the command syntax:
■ Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpstsinfo -lsuinfo
-storage_server host_name -stype server_type

■ UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -lsuinfo

-storage_server host_name -stype server_type

The following are the options and arguments for the command:

-storage_server host_name The name of the target storage server.

-stype server_type ■ For a Media Server Deduplication Pool target,

use PureDisk.
■ For an OpenStorage disk appliance, the vendor
provides the string for server_type.

Save the output to a file so that you can compare the current topology with the
previous topology to determine what has changed.
See “Sample volume properties output for MSDP replication” on page 1115.
See “Sample volume properties output for OpenStorage backup replication”
on page 1117.

Sample volume properties output for MSDP replication

The following two examples show output from the bpstsinfo -lsuinfo command
for two NetBackup deduplication storage servers. The first example is the output
from the source disk pool in the originating domain. The second example is from
the target disk pool in the remote master server domain.
The two examples show the following:
■ All of the storage in a deduplication disk pool is exposed as one volume:

■ The PureDiskVolume of the deduplication storage server is the source for the replication operation.
About NetBackup replication 1116
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

■ The PureDiskVolume of the deduplication storage server is the target of the replication operation.

> bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server -stype PureDisk

LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: PureDiskVolume
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: PureDisk storage unit (/
Replication Sources: 0 ( )
Replication Targets: 1 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 74645270666
Physical Size: 77304328192
Bytes Used: 138
Physical Bytes Used: 2659057664
Resident Images: 0

> bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server -stype PureDisk

LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: PureDiskVolume
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: PureDisk storage unit (/
Replication Sources: 1 ( PureDisk:bit1:PureDiskVolume )
Replication Targets: 0 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 79808086154
Physical Size: 98944983040
Bytes Used: 138
About NetBackup replication 1117
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Physical Bytes Used: 19136897024

Resident Images: 0

Sample volume properties output for OpenStorage backup

The following examples show sample output from the bpstsinfo command for two
OpenStorage devices. The first example is the output from the source disk pool
that contains the client backups. The second example is from the target disk pool
in the remote master server domain.
The two examples show the following:
■ Volume dv01 on storage server is the replication source for
volume dv01 on
■ Volume dv02 on storage server is the replication source for
volume dv02 on
■ Volume dv03 on both devices has no replication properties.

>bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server -stype Pan

LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv01
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: E:\
Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
Replication Sources: 0 ( )
Replication Targets: 1 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0
LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv02
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
About NetBackup replication 1118
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Description: E:\
Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
Replication Sources: 0 ( )
Replication Targets: 1 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0
LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv03
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: E:\
Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
Replication Sources: 0 ( )
Replication Targets: 0 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0

>bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server -stype Pan

LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv01
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: E:\
About NetBackup replication 1119
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
Replication Sources: 1 ( )
Replication Targets: 0 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0
LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv02
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: E:\
Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
Replication Sources: 1 ( )
Replication Targets: 0 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0
LSU Info:
Server Name:
LSU Name: dv03
Allocation : STS_LSU_AT_STATIC
Description: E:\
Save As : (STS_SA_IMAGE)
About NetBackup replication 1120
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Replication Sources: 0 ( )
Replication Targets: 0 ( )
Maximum Transfer: 2147483647
Block Size: 512
Allocation Size: 0
Size: 80525455360
Physical Size: 0
Bytes Used: 2285355008
Physical Bytes Used: 0
Resident Images: 0

About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication

NetBackup provides the ability to establish a trust relationship between replication
domains. A trust relationship is optional for the Media Server Deduplication Pool
as a target storage. Before you configure a storage server as a target storage,
establish a trust relationship between the source A.I.R. and the target A.I.R
The following items describe how a trust relationship affects Auto Image Replication:

No trust relationship NetBackup replicates to all defined target storage servers.

You cannot select a specific host or hosts as a target.

Trust relationship You can select a subset of your trusted domains as a target
for replication. NetBackup then replicates to the specified
domains only rather than to all configured replication targets.
This type of Auto Image Replication is known as targeted

About adding a trusted primary server using NetBackup

CA-signed certificate
With targeted A.I.R., when trust is established between the source and the remote
target server, you need to establish trust in both the domains.
1. In the source primary server, add the target primary server as a trusted server.
2. In the target primary server, add the source primary server as a trusted server.
About NetBackup replication 1121
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Note: The NetBackup Administration Console does not support adding a trusted
primary server using an external CA-signed certificate.
See “Adding a trusted primary server using external CA-signed certificate”
on page 219.
See “About the certificate to be used for adding a trusted master server” on page 213.

The following diagram illustrates the different tasks for adding trusted primary
servers when NetBackup CA-signed certificate (or host ID-based certificate) is used
to establish trust between the source and the target primary servers.

Figure 28-3 Tasks to establish a trust relationship between primary servers

for targeted A.I.R. using NetBackup CA-signed certificate

Domain A Domain B
(Source) (Target)

Media server Image AIR Image Media server

5 4
Replication Policy Import Policy

Primary Server A established Primary Server B
Admin Admin

Add as trusted primary servers in both the domains

using the NetBackup Administration Console or command line

Get CA certificate Fingerprint and Authorization token or User
credentials from remote primary servers
About NetBackup replication 1122
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-6 Tasks to establish a trust relationship between primary servers

for targeted A.I.R.

Step Task Procedure

Step 1 Administrators of both the source and the target primary To obtain the authorization tokens, use the
servers must obtain each other’s CA certificate fingerprint bpnbat command to log on and nbcertcmd
and authorization tokens or the user credentials. This activity to get the authorization tokens.
must be performed offline.
To obtain the SHA1 fingerprint of root
Note: It is recommended to use an authentication token to certificate, use the nbcertcmd
connect to the remote primary server. An authentication token -displayCACertDetail command.
provides restricted access and allows secure communication
To perform this task, see the NetBackup
between both the hosts. The use of user credentials (user
Commands Reference Guide.
name and password) may present a possible security breach.
Note: When you run the commands, keep
the target as the remote server.

Step 2 Establish trust between the source and the target domains. To perform this task in the NetBackup
Administration Console, see the following
■ On the source primary server, add the target primary
server as trusted server.
■ On the target primary server, add the source primary See “Adding a trusted master server using a
server as trusted server. NetBackup CA-signed (host ID-based)
certificate” on page 214.

To perform this task using the nbseccmd,

see the NetBackup Commands Reference

Step 3 After you have added the source and target trusted servers, To understand the use of host ID-based
they have each other’s host ID-based certificates. The certificates, see the NetBackup Security and
certificates are used during each communication. Encryption Guide.

Primary Server A has a certificate that Primary Server B

issued and vice versa. Before communication can occur,
Primary Server A presents the certificate that Primary Server
B issued and vice versa. The communication between the
source and the target primary servers is now secured.

Step 3.1 Configure the source media server to get the security See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
certificates and the host ID certificates from the target primary

Step 4 Create an import storage lifecycle policy in the target domain. See “About storage lifecycle policies”
on page 689.

Step 5 On the source MSDP server, use the Replication tab from See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
the Change Storage Server dialog box to add the credentials
of the target storage server.
About NetBackup replication 1123
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-6 Tasks to establish a trust relationship between primary servers

for targeted A.I.R. (continued)

Step Task Procedure

Step 5.1 Create a replication storage lifecycle policy in the source See “About storage lifecycle policies”
domain using the specific target primary server and storage on page 689.
lifecycle policy.

The backups that are generated in one NetBackup domain

can be replicated to storage in one or more target NetBackup

Step 6 The backups that are generated in one NetBackup domain See “About NetBackup Auto Image
can be replicated to storage in one or more target NetBackup Replication” on page 1107.
domains. This process is referred to as Auto Image

If your source and target trusted servers use different NetBackup versions, consider
the following.

Note: When you upgrade both the source and the target primary server to version
8.1 or later, you need to update the trust relationship. Run the following command:
nbseccmd -setuptrustedmaster -update

See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Table 28-7 Trust setup methods for different NetBackup versions

Source server version Target server version Trust setup method

8.1 and later 8.1 and later Add a trusted primary server using
authorization token.

Complete action on both the servers.

8.1 and later 8.0 or earlier On the source server, add the target
as the trusted primary server using the
remote (target) server’s credentials.

8.0 or earlier 8.1 and later On the source server, add the target
as the trusted primary server using the
remote (target) server’s credentials.
About NetBackup replication 1124
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image

To replicate images from one NetBackup domain to another NetBackup domain
requires two storage lifecycle policies. The following table describes the policies
and their requirements:

Table 28-8 SLP requirements for Auto Image Replication

Domain Storage lifecycle policy requirements

Domain 1 The Auto Image Replication SLP in the source domain must meet the following criteria:

(Source ■ The first operation must be a Backup operation to storage that NetBackup supports for replication.
domain) Indicate the exact storage unit from the drop-down list. Do not select Any Available.
Note: The target domain must contain the same type of storage to import the image.
■ At least one operation must be a Replication operation to storage in another domain that
NetBackup supports for replication from the source storage.
You can configure multiple Replication operations in an Auto Image Replication SLP. The
Replication operation settings determine whether the backup is replicated to all replication targets
in all master server domains or only to specific replication targets.
See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.
See “New or Change Storage Operation dialog box settings” on page 730.
■ The SLP must be of the same data classification as the Import SLP in Domain 2.

Domain 2 If replicating to all targets in all domains, in each domain NetBackup automatically creates an Import
SLP that meets all the necessary criteria.
domain) Note: If replicating to specific targets, you must create the Import SLP before creating the Auto
Image Replication SLP in the originating domain.

The Import SLP must meet the following criteria:

■ The first operation in the SLP must be an Import operation. NetBackup must support the
Destination storage as a target for replication from the source storage.
Indicate the exact storage unit from the drop-down list. Do not select Any Available.
■ The SLP must contain at least one operation that has the Target retention specified.
■ The SLP must be of the same data classification as the SLP in Domain 1. Matching the data
classification keeps a consistent meaning to the classification and facilitates global reporting by
data classification.

See the following topic for more information about Replication operation configuration:

See “Replicating to all inter-domain targets or to a specific target” on page 1125.

Figure 28-4 shows how the SLP in the target domain is set up to replicate the images
from the originating master server domain.
About NetBackup replication 1125
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-4 Storage lifecycle policy pair required for Auto Image Replication

SLP on master server in the source domain

Replication operation indicates

a target master


Import operation
imports copies

SLP that imports the copies to the target domain

Note: Restart nbstserv after you make changes to the underlying storage for any
operation in an SLP.

Replicating to all inter-domain targets or to a specific target

With Auto Image Replication, you can replicate backups to all configured replication
targets or to a subset of all configured replication targets. To replicate to specific
master server domains, you must first configure trusted master servers.
See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.
About NetBackup replication 1126
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-9 Configuration differences between replicating to all inter-domain

targets or to a specific target

Replication objective Auto Image Replication SLP configuration Import SLP configuration

Replicate the backup to all Create an SLP in the originating domain. The Import SLPs are created
configured master server automatically in all domains.
■ The first operation must be a Backup
operation. See Figure 28-5 for a
■ The SLP must include a Replication operation. representation of this scenario.
To copy to all domains, select All inter-domain
replication target(s).

Replicate the backup to In this case, first create the Import SLPs before The Import SLPs are not created
targets in specific NetBackup the SLP in the originating domain. automatically.
master server domains.
■ The first operation must be a Backup Note: Create the Import SLP
operation. before creating the Auto Image
■ The SLP must include a Replication operation. Replication SLP in the originating
Select A specific Master Server and indicate domain.
the domain of the target master server.
Create an Import SLP in each
target domain.

The Import SLP must have an

Import operation as the first
operation, but can contain other
operations as needed.

Figure 28-6 represents this


Additional requirements for Auto Image Replication SLPs are described in the
following topic:
See “About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication”
on page 1124.
About NetBackup replication 1127
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-5 Replicating from one domain to all inter-domain master servers

Master server domain 1

Replication to all inter-
domain replication targets Target in domain 2

Import Import
Duplication (optional)

Target in domain 3

Import Import

Figure 28-6 represents replication to a specific master domain target.

Figure 28-6 Replicating from one domain to a specific inter-domain master


Master server domain 1

Replication to all inter-
domain replication targets Target in domain 2

Duplication (optional)

Target in domain 3

Import Import
About NetBackup replication 1128
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

To replicate copies to a specific domain, make sure that the target domain master
server is a trusted master server of the originating domain.
See “Adding a trusted master server using a NetBackup CA-signed (host ID-based)
certificate” on page 214.

Customizing how nbstserv runs duplication and import

The NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manager (nbstserv) runs replication, duplication,
and import jobs. Both the Storage Lifecycle Manager service and the Import Manager
service run within nbstserv.
The NetBackup administrator can customize how nbstserv runs jobs by changing
the default of certain SLP-related configuration options.
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.

About Auto Image Replication import confirmation

When using targeted Auto Image Replication (A.I.R.), storage lifecycle (SLP)
processing of each replicated image is paused in the source domain until a message
has been received from the target domain that confirms that the image has been
imported successfully. SLP processing does not continue for the image until the
confirmation occurs. Import confirmation ensures that source domain images remain
in place at least until those images have been safely imported in the target domain.
In the source domain, NetBackup keeps track of image copies that remain in import
pending state for more than 24 hours. Whenever such images exist, NetBackup
generates a message in the Problems report. This message indicates that
import-pending images are present. You can configure a different time threshold
for generating a confirmation message. You can also configure an email address
to receive the same information send to the Problems report.
See “SLP Parameters properties” on page 225.
If you receive notification that images are in an import pending state, you can run
the nbstlutil command. This command generates a report that provides details
of those images. You must then investigate the cause of the import problem and
address any issue that you find. The import-pending state is automatically updated
when the imports are completely successfully. Alternatively, you may decide that
import operations in the target domain are no longer needed, and you can then
cancel SLP processing for those images in the source domain. This action also
clears the import-pending state, but no further SLP processing happens for those
See the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide for details about nbstlutil.
About NetBackup replication 1129
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Note: A.I.R. operations require that a trust relationship be established before

configuring and operating SLPs that perform targeted replication. In NetBackup
8.1.2, 8.1.1, and 8.1, these operations include import confirmation messages that
are sent from the target domain to the source domain. Security changes that were
added in NetBackup 8.1 require that this trust relationship be re-established before
import confirmation can proceed.
Import confirmation operations are not enabled by default in NetBackup 8.1 or 8.1.1,
regardless of whether the system is upgraded to NetBackup 8.1 or 8.1.1 or an initial
install of 8.1 or 8.1.1 is performed. Refer to the following tech note for information
about enabling the A.I.R. import confirmation feature in NetBackup 8.1 or 8.1.1:

Auto Image Replication setup overview

The following table is an overview of the setup process for Auto Image Replication,
describing the actions that are required.

Table 28-10 Auto Image Replication setup overview

Step Action Description

1 Configure the storage Configure the storage servers for your storage type.
See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide or the NetBackup OpenStorage
Solutions Guide for Disk.

2 Configure the disk pools. Configure the disk pools for your storage type.

To replicate images from one domain to another requires that suitable storage
be configured in each domain. NetBackup must support the storage for

See the NetBackup Deduplication Guide or the NetBackup OpenStorage

Solutions Guide for Disk.

3 Configure the storage units. Configure the storage units in both the originating domain and the target

See “Creating a storage unit” on page 631.

4 Define the relationship Define the relationship between the domains so that the originating domain
between the domains. knows where to send the data.

See “About the domain relationship for replication” on page 1112.

See “About trusted primary servers for Auto Image Replication” on page 1120.
About NetBackup replication 1130
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-10 Auto Image Replication setup overview (continued)

Step Action Description

5 Configure the storage Configure the necessary storage lifecycle policies.

lifecycle policies.
See “About the storage lifecycle policies required for Auto Image Replication”
on page 1124.

See “Creating a storage lifecycle policy” on page 690.

6 Configure and run the The backup policy must indicate the configured SLP as the Policy storage
backup policy in the selection.
originating domain.
See “Creating a backup policy” on page 759.

How to resolve volume changes for Auto Image Replication

When you open the Change Disk Pool dialog box, NetBackup loads the disk pool
properties from the catalog. NetBackup queries the storage server for changes
when you either click the Refresh button in the Change Disk Pool dialog box or
when you configure a new disk pool for the storage server.
It is recommended that you take the following actions when the volume topology
■ Discuss the changes with the storage administrator. You need to understand
the changes so you can change your disk pools (if required) so that NetBackup
can continue to use them.
■ If the changes were not planned for NetBackup, ask your storage administrator
to revert the changes so that NetBackup functions correctly again.
NetBackup can process changes to the following volume properties:
■ Replication Source
■ Replication Target
■ None
If these volume properties change, NetBackup can update the disk pool to match
the changes. NetBackup can continue to use the disk pool, although the disk pool
may no longer match the storage unit or storage lifecycle purpose.
The following table describes the possible outcomes and how to resolve them.

Table 28-11 Refresh outcomes

Outcome Description

No changes are discovered. No changes are required.

About NetBackup replication 1131
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-11 Refresh outcomes (continued)

Outcome Description

NetBackup discovers the new The new volumes appear in the Change Disk Pool dialog box. Text in the dialog box
volumes that you can add to the changes to indicate that you can add the new volumes to the disk pool.
disk pool.

The replication properties of all of A Disk Pool Configuration Alert pop-up box notifies you that the properties of all of the
the volumes changed, but they volumes in the disk pool changed, but they are all the same (homogeneous).
are still consistent.

You must click OK in the alert box, after which the disk pool properties in the Change
Disk Pool dialog box are updated to match the new volume properties

If new volumes are available that match the new properties, NetBackup displays those
volumes in the Change Disk Pool dialog box. You can add those new volumes to the
disk pool.
In the Change Disk Pool dialog box, select one of the following two choices:

■ OK. To accept the disk pool changes, click OK in the Change Disk Pool dialog box.
NetBackup saves the new properties of the disk pool.
NetBackup can use the disk pool, but it may no longer match the intended purpose
of the storage unit or storage lifecycle policy. Change the storage lifecycle policy
definitions to ensure that the replication operations use the correct source and target
disk pools, storage units, and storage unit groups. Alternatively, work with your storage
administrator to change the volume properties back to their original values.
■ Cancel. To discard the changes, click Cancel in the Change Disk Pool dialog box.
NetBackup does not save the new disk pool properties. NetBackup can use the disk
pool, but it may no longer match the intended use of the storage unit or storage
lifecycle policy.
About NetBackup replication 1132
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-11 Refresh outcomes (continued)

Outcome Description

The replication properties of the A Disk Pool Configuration Error pop-up box notifies you that the replication properties
volumes changed, and they are of some of the volumes in the disk pool changed. The properties of the volumes in the
now inconsistent. disk pool are not homogeneous.

You must click OK in the alert box.

In the Change Disk Pool dialog box, the properties of the disk pool are unchanged, and
you cannot select them (that is, they are dimmed). However, the properties of the individual
volumes are updated.

Because the volume properties are not homogeneous, NetBackup cannot use the disk
pool until the storage configuration is fixed.

NetBackup does not display new volumes (if available) because the volumes already in
the disk pool are not homogeneous.

To determine what has changed, compare the disk pool properties to the volume

See “Viewing the replication topology for Auto Image Replication” on page 1115.

Work with your storage administrator to understand the changes and why they were
made. The replication relationships may or may not have to be re-established. If the
relationship was removed in error, re-establishing the relationships seem justified. If you
are retiring or replacing the target replication device, you probably do not want to
re-establish the relationships.

The disk pool remains unusable until the properties of the volumes in the disk pool are

In the Change Disk Pool dialog box, click OK or Cancel to exit the Change Disk Pool
dialog box.
About NetBackup replication 1133
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-11 Refresh outcomes (continued)

Outcome Description

NetBackup cannot find a volume A Disk Pool Configuration Alert pop-up box notifies you that an existing volume or
or volumes that were in the disk volumes was deleted from the storage device:

NetBackup can use the disk pool, but data may be lost.

To protect against accidental data loss, NetBackup does not allow volumes to be deleted
from a disk pool.
To continue to use the disk pool, do the following:

■ Use the bpimmedia command or the Images on Disk report to display the images
on the specific volume.
■ Expire the images on the volume.
■ Use the nbdevconfig command to set the volume state to DOWN so NetBackup
does not try to use it.

Removing or replacing replication relationships in an Auto Image

Replication configuration
Auto Image Replication replicates backups from a storage server in the source
domain to storage servers in one or more target NetBackup domains. If a storage
server needs to be removed or replaced from such a relationship, the involved
domains need to make proper preparations to stop or to redirect replication. That
is, to remove the replication relationship.
For example, consider a scenario where cascading Auto Image Replication is used
across 3 domains. To remove the storage server in domain 2 (which serves as the
destination of the import from Domain 1) preparations need to be made in all three
domains. The preparations include modifying storage lifecycle policies and removing
the storage server from the replication topology.
About NetBackup replication 1134
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-7 Removing target storage server example

Domain 1

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Replication to target master Domain 2

server 2
SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Import Import
Replication to target server Domain 3

SLP (D1toD2toD3)
Import Import
Duplication to local storage

Table 28-12 contains topics that address processes that are involved in removing
or replacing relationships in an Auto Image Replication configuration:

Table 28-12
Topic Reference

Adding a replication relationship between two storage See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between
servers. two storage servers” on page 1135.

Removing a replication relationship between two storage


Removing a replication relationship between a domain See “Removing all replication relationships between a
and a storage server. domain and a storage server” on page 1135.

Replacing a replication relationship between a domain and See “Replacing all replication relationships between a
a storage server. domain and a storage server” on page 1136.

Removing all replication relationships involving a storage See “Removing or replacing all replication relationships
server. involving a storage server” on page 1140.

Replacing all replication relationships involving a storage

About NetBackup replication 1135
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Adding or removing a replication relationship between

two storage servers
Before adding a replication relationship, you must understand the consequences
of this action:
■ Any classic (or non-targeted) Auto Image Replication storage lifecycle policies
that replicate from the source domain storage server will replicate to the target
domain storage server.
Before removing a replication relationship, you must understand the consequences
of this action:
■ Any classic (or non-targeted) A.I.R. SLPs that replicate from the source domain
storage server will no longer replicate to the target domain storage server.
■ Any targeted A.I.R. SLPs that replicate from the source domain storage server
to the target domain storage server will fail. These SLPs should be removed or
modified so that they no longer replicate to the target domain.
Complete the following steps to add or remove a replication relationship between
two storage servers:
To change (add or remove) a replication relationship
1 This step depends on whether OpenStorage or MSDP storage is used:
■ For OpenStorage storage, contact your storage administrator to change
the replication relationship, as this procedure differs between vendors.
■ For MSDP storage, the relationships can be changed in the source domain
by the NetBackup administrator.

2 After the relationship is changed, update the disk pools in both domains to
reflect the topology changes:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Devices > Disk Pools. Select and refresh the disk pools. The
nbdevconfig –updatedp command can also be used. (See the OpenStorage
Solutions Guide for information about the replication topology for Auto Image

Removing all replication relationships between a domain

and a storage server
Complete the following steps to remove all replication relationships between two
domains. The procedure refers to domain D1 and a storage server in domain D2:
To remove all replication relationships between a domain and a storage server
1 In domain D1:
About NetBackup replication 1136
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Run the following command on the master server:

nbdecommission -list_ref -oldserver
storage_server_name–machinetype replication_host

The output lists:

■ All of the storage servers in the domain that reference the deprecated
storage server as a replication target or a replication source.
■ All of the targeted A.I.R. replication SLPs that reference an SLP that imports
to the deprecated storage server.

Note: If an SLP has in-process images, either wait until those images are
complete or cancel them before decommissioning the storage server. Note
that this includes SLPs of all versions. Use the SLP utility command (nbstlutil)
to cancel the processing of existing SLP-managed images.
See “Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command”
on page 695.

2 Remove the replication operations from the targeted A.I.R. storage lifecycle
polices that were found in step 1.
If these SLPs are no longer necessary, the SLPs can be deleted now.
3 Remove the replication relationships that were found in step 1.
See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between two storage servers”
on page 1135.
Any remaining A.I.R. storage lifecycle polices in both domains that are no
longer necessary can be deleted now.
4 Run the following command to decommission the storage server:
nbdecommission -oldserver storage_server_name–machinetype

Replacing all replication relationships between a domain

and a storage server

Note: If the storage server to be replaced is involved in a classic (non-targeted)

Auto Image Replication configuration, the replacement storage server must not
have any additional replication target relationships.
About NetBackup replication 1137
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

The procedure refers to two domains: D1 and D2. Auto Image Replication is
configured to occur from storage servers in D1 to D2. Also, from D2 to D1.
A new storage server (S2) is added to D2 so that D2 now contains two storage
servers (S1 and S2). Relationships to S1 must be replaced with relationships to
Table 28-13 lists the configuration before the switch to D2. Table 28-14 lists the
configuration after the changes have been made.

Table 28-13 Example configuration before changes

Domains Storage servers Storage lifecycle policies

D1 Contains several storage ■ BACKUP_D1_REPLICATE_D2

servers but they are not This SLP replicates to S1 in D2 using the target import SLP
necessary in the example. IMPORT_S1.
This SLP imports to a storage server in D1.

D2 S1 (To be deprecated) ■ BACKUP_D2_REPLICATE_D1

This SLP replicates to D1 using the target import SLP IMPORT_D1.
S2 (New in D2)
This SLP imports to D2 and stores on S1.

Figure 28-8 Topology before changes

Domain 1 (D1) Domain 2 (D2)


Storage Storage
Storage lifecycle policies
server server S1

About NetBackup replication 1138
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-14 Example configuration after changes

Domains Storage servers Storage lifecycle policies

D1 Contains several storage ■ BACKUP_D1_REPLICATE_D2

servers but they are not This SLP replicates to S2 in D2 using the target import SLP
necessary in the example. IMPORT_S2
This SLP imports to a storage server in D1.

D2 S1 (To be deprecated) ■ BACKUP_D2_REPLICATE_D1

This SLP replicates to D1 using the target import SLP IMPORT_D1.
S2 (New in D2)
This SLP imports to D2 and stores on S2.

Figure 28-9 Topology after changes

Domain 1 (D1) Domain 2 (D2)


Storage Storage
Storage lifecycle policies
server server S2


Circled items have been changed.

In the following procedure, note that steps must be performed in specific domains.
About NetBackup replication 1139
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-15 Replacing all replication relationships between a domain and a

storage server

Domain Step Description

In 1 Run the following command to determine the replication relationships of storage server S1:
bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server storage_server_name -stype

For example:

bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server S1 -stype replication_host

2 For each replication target relationship that is found in step 1, add a corresponding relationship
between storage server S2 and the target in D1.

See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between two storage servers” on page 1135.

3 Copy all import SLPs that import to storage server S1. Modify the new SLPs to import to storage
server S2.

For example, copy IMPORT_S1. Modify the SLP to import to storage server S2. Change the SLP
name to reflect that it will import to S2: IMPORT_S2.
Note: Do not delete the existing import SLPs yet. All of the SLPs that are no longer performing
any function can be deleted later in this procedure.

In 4 Run the following command on the master server:

nbdecommission -list_ref -oldserver storage_server_name–machinetype

For example:

nbdecommission -list_ref -oldserver S1 –machinetype replication_host

The output lists:

■ All of the storage servers in the source domain (S1) that reference the deprecated storage
server as a replication target or replication source.
■ All of the targeted A.I.R. replication SLPs that reference an SLP that imports to the deprecated
storage server.
Note: If an SLP has in-process images, either wait until those images are complete or cancel
them before decommissioning the storage server. Note that this includes SLPs of all versions.
Use the SLP utility command (nbstlutil) to cancel the processing of existing SLP-managed

See “Lifecycle operation administration using the nbstlutil command” on page 695.
About NetBackup replication 1140
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-15 Replacing all replication relationships between a domain and a

storage server (continued)

Domain Step Description

In Complete steps 5-6 only if step 4 listed any replication source relationships.
D2: 5 Modify replication SLPs that replicate from S1 to domain D1 to replicate from S2. This includes
both non-targeted and targeted A.I.R. SLPs.

For example, change the Replication operation in BACKUP_D2_REPLICATE_D1. Change the

backup storage destination from S1 to S2.

6 Remove the replication source relationships that were found in step 4.

See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between two storage servers” on page 1135.

In Complete steps 7-10 only if step 4 listed any replication target relationships.
D1: 7 Add replication relationships from each storage server that was listed in step 2 that has a replication
target relationship to storage server S2.

See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between two storage servers” on page 1135.

8 Modify the replication operations that were found in step 4. Change the target import SLP to the
corresponding import SLP created in step 3.

For example, change the Replication operation in BACKUP_D1_REPLICATE_D2. Change the

Target import SLP setting from IMPORT_S1 to IMPORT_S2.

9 Remove the replication target relationships that were found in step 4.

See “Adding or removing a replication relationship between two storage servers” on page 1135.

10 Run the following command to decommission the storage server:

nbdecommission -oldserver storage_server_name –machinetype


For example:

nbdecommission -oldserver D1 –machinetype replication_host

In 11 Any import SLPs to S1 that are no longer necessary may now be deleted.
For example, IMPORT_S1 can be deleted now.

Removing or replacing all replication relationships

involving a storage server
To remove or replace all of the replication relationships involving a storage server,
completely remove or replace all replication relationships between a domain and
About NetBackup replication 1141
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

the storage server. This must be done for each domain that is involved in a
replication relationship with the storage server.
The following command lists replication target and replication source relationships.
The command is useful for determining which domains have replication relationships
with the storage server:
bpstsinfo -lsuinfo -storage_server storage_server_name -stype

Example: Replacing a storage server in a non-targeted

Auto Image Replication configuration
This example walks through the steps necessary to replace a storage server in a
simple, classic (non-targeted) Auto Image Replication configuration.
Specifically, to replace an MSDP storage server (D2_MSDP_1) in domain D2 with
another MSDP storage server (D2_MSDP_2).

Table 28-16 Example configuration

Domains Storage servers Storage lifecycle



D2 D2_MSDP_1 No replication-related SLPs


The changes to the replication and the storage lifecycle topologies are tracked
throughout the example.

Figure 28-10 Example replication topology before the process

Domain 1 Domain 2


About NetBackup replication 1142
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-11 Example storage lifecycle policy topology

Domain 1

SLP: Backup_D1

Operation Target

Backup D1_MSDP
Replication All replication targets

To replace the storage server D2_MSDP_1 with D2_MSDP_2

1 Add a replication target relationship from D1_MSDP to D2_MSDP_2.
2 Refresh disk pools in both domains.



3 Remove the replication target relationship between D1_MSDP and

About NetBackup replication 1143
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

4 Refresh disk pools in both domains.

Domain 1 Domain 2



5 In D1, run the following command to decommission MSDP_D2_1:

nbdecommission –oldserver MSDP_D2_1 –machinetype replication_host

Example: Replacing a storage server in a cascading,

targeted Auto Image Replication configuration
This example walks through the steps necessary to replace an MSDP storage
server in a cascading, targeted Auto Image Replication configuration. The changes
to the replication and the storage lifecycle topologies are tracked throughout the
The environment contains three domains. Each domain contains one or more MDSP
storage servers.

Table 28-17 Example configuration

Domains Storage servers Storage lifecycle





About NetBackup replication 1144
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Figure 28-12 Example replication topology

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3



Figure 28-13 Example storage lifecycle policy topology

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


Operation Target Operation Target Operation Target

Backup D1_MSDP Import D2_MSDP Import D3_MSDP

Replication IMPORT_D2 Replication IMPORT_D3

To replace the storage server D2_MSDP with D2_MSDP_2

1 Add replication target relationship from D2_MSDP_2 to D3_MSDP.
2 Refresh disk pools in both domain D2 and domain D3.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


About NetBackup replication 1145
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

3 Copy IMPORT_D2 and modify name to IMPORT_2_D2 and destination storage

to a storage unit on D2_MSDP_2.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


Oper. Target Oper. Target Oper. Target

Backup D1_MSDP Import D2_MSDP Import D3_MSDP



Oper. Target

Import D2_MSDP_2

4 Add a replication target relationship from D1_MSDP to D2_MSDP_2.

5 Refresh disk pools in both domains.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


About NetBackup replication 1146
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

6 Modify BACKUP_D1 Replication Operation Target import SLP to


Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


Oper. Target Oper. Target Oper. Target

Backup D1_MSDP Import D2_MSDP Import D3_MSDP



Oper. Target

Import D2_MSDP_2

7 Remove the replication target relationship from D1_MSDP to D2_MSDP_1.

8 Refresh the disk pools in both domains.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3



9 Run the following command in D1:

nbdecommission –oldserver MSDP_D2 –machinetype replication_host
About NetBackup replication 1147
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

10 Delete IMPORT_D2.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3


Oper. Target Oper. Target

Backup D1_MSDP Import D3_MSDP

Rep. IMPORT_D2_2


Oper. Target

Import D2_MSDP_2

11 Remove the replication target relationship from D2_MSDP_1 to D3_MSDP.

12 Refresh disk pools in both domains.

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3



About restoring from a backup at a target master domain

While it is possible to restore a client directly by using the images in the target
master domain, do so only in a disaster recovery situation. In this discussion, a
disaster recovery situation is one in which the originating domain no longer exists
and clients must be recovered from the target domain
About NetBackup replication 1148
About NetBackup Auto Image Replication

Table 28-18 Client restores in disaster recovery scenarios

Disaster recovery Does client Description

scenario exist?

Scenario 1 Yes Configure the client in another domain and restore directly to the client.

Scenario 2 No Create the client in the recovery domain and restore directly to the
client. This is the most likely scenario.

Scenario 3 No Perform an alternate client restore in the recovery domain.

The steps to recover the client are the same as any other client recovery. The actual
steps depend on the client type, the storage type, and whether the recovery is an
alternate client restore.
For restores that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT), an application instance
must exist in the recovery domain. The application instance is required so that
NetBackup has something to recover to.
For information on granular recovery, see the following topics and guides:
■ See “Active Directory granular backups and recovery” on page 939.
■ See “Enable granular recovery (policy attribute)” on page 801.
■ See “Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows clients for backups and
restores that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)” on page 1282.
■ The NetBackup for Microsoft SharePoint Server Administrator's Guide
■ The NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator's Guide

Reporting on Auto Image Replication jobs

The Activity Monitor displays both the Replication job and the Import job in a
configuration that replicates to a target master server domain.

Table 28-19 Auto Image Replication jobs in the Activity Monitor

Job type Description

Replication The job that replicates a backup image to a target master displays in the Activity Monitor as a
Replication job. The Target Master label displays in the Storage Unit column for this type of job.

Similar to other Replication jobs, the job that replicates images to a target master can work on
multiple backup images in one instance.

The detailed status for this job contains a list of the backup IDs that were replicated.
About NetBackup replication 1149
About NetBackup Replication Director

Table 28-19 Auto Image Replication jobs in the Activity Monitor (continued)

Job type Description

Import The job that imports a backup copy into the target master domain displays in the Activity Monitor as
an Import job. An Import job can import multiple copies in one instance. The detailed status for an
Import job contains a list of processed backup IDs and a list of failed backup IDs.

Note that a successful replication does not confirm that the image was imported at the target master.

If the data classifications are not the same in both domains, the Import job fails and NetBackup does
not attempt to import the image again.

Failed Import jobs fail with a status 191 and appear in the Problems report when run on the target
master server.

The image is expired and deleted during an Image Cleanup job. Note that the originating domain
(Domain 1) does not track failed imports.

See “Running a report” on page 1195.

About NetBackup Replication Director

Replication Director is the implementation of NetBackup OpenStorage-managed
snapshots and snapshot replication, where the snapshots are stored on the storage
systems of partnering companies. OpenStorage is a Veritas API that lets NetBackup
communicate with the storage implementations that conform to the API.
Replication Director uses the functions of the OpenStorage partners to perform the
following tasks:
■ To share disks so that multiple heterogeneous media servers can access the
same disk volume concurrently.
■ To balance loads and tune performance. NetBackup balances backup jobs and
storage usage among the media servers and disk pools.
■ To make full use of disk array capabilities, including fast storage provisioning
and almost unlimited storage.
■ To use as an alternative to off-site vaulting. Storage replication technology
provides an efficient means to send copies of user data (files, applications,
databases) to off-site storage as part of a disaster recovery plan.
NetBackup stores snapshots of client data on the volumes that are available to the
storage server.
Snapshots represent a point-in-time of primary storage data as captured by the
storage hardware. NetBackup can then instruct the storage server to replicate the
snapshot from primary volumes to other volumes available to the storage server.
The snapshot can be replicated to multiple volumes within the storage server, or
About NetBackup replication 1150
About NetBackup Replication Director

to storage outside of the storage server, such as a tape device or other disk storage.
Replication Director can accommodate an assortment of scenarios to meet the
specific data protection needs of an organization.
Replication Director offers a single NetBackup interface for end-to-end data
protection management for the following tasks:
■ Unified policy management.
Use the NetBackup Administration Console as the one, centralized backup
infrastructure to manage the lifecycle of all data.
■ Snapshot copy management.
Use NetBackup to manage the entire lifecycle of the snapshot. Replication
Director uses OpenStorage with a media server to access the storage server
volumes. No image can be moved, expired, or deleted from the disk array unless
NetBackup instructs the storage server to do so.
The instruction to perform the initial snapshot comes from an operation in a
NetBackup storage lifecycle policy (SLP). You can create one SLP that instructs
NetBackup to create the initial snapshot, to replicate the snapshot to several
locations, and to indicate a different retention period for each of the replications.
Additional instructions (or operations) can be included in the SLP that create a
backup from the snapshot, index the snapshot, and more.
■ Global search and restore.
Recovery is available from any storage device in the environment that is defined
to NetBackup. This includes recovery from the primary copy or any replicated
copy on disk, or from any duplicated copy on disk or tape.
For more information, see the NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide.
Section 8
Monitoring and reporting

■ Chapter 29. Monitoring NetBackup activity

■ Chapter 30. Reporting in NetBackup

■ Chapter 31. Email notifications

Chapter 29
Monitoring NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Activity Monitor

■ Setting Activity Monitor options

■ About the Jobs tab

■ About the Daemons tab

■ About the Processes tab

■ About the Drives tab

■ About the Error Logs tab

■ About the jobs database

■ About the Device Monitor

■ About media mount errors

■ About pending requests and actions

About the Activity Monitor

Use the Activity Monitor in the NetBackup Administration Console to monitor
and control the following aspects of NetBackup:

Jobs See “About the Jobs tab” on page 1156.

The job details are described in the online Help.

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1153
About the Activity Monitor

Services or Daemons See “About the Daemons tab” on page 1161.

Processes See “About the Processes tab” on page 1173.

Drives See “About the Drives tab” on page 1179.

Error Logs See “About the Error Logs tab” on page 1181.

■ As long as the Activity Monitor is active in the NetBackup Administration

Console, the bpjobd daemon supplies the job activity status to the Activity
Updates to the Activity Monitor occur as jobs are initiated, updated, and
completed. Without a refresh cycle, updates occur instantaneously.
The status bar appears in the Jobs tab, at the top of the Activity Monitor Details

Note: The Filter option on the View menu is useful for displaying in Activity Monitor
only those jobs with specified characteristics. For example, the jobs that were started
before a specific date; jobs in the queued state; jobs with status completion codes
within a specified range.

The status bar displays the following information:

■ The master server on which the jobs reside.
■ The total number of jobs.
■ The number of jobs in each of the job states: Active, Queued, Waiting for Retry,
Suspended, Incomplete, and Done.
■ The number of jobs currently selected.
■ The number of NetBackup services or daemons that run.
■ The number of drives and the state of each (Active, Down).
The numbers always reflect the actual number of jobs, even when the filter is used.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1154
Setting Activity Monitor options

Figure 29-1 Activity Monitor

Menu bar
Standard toolbar
Current master

User toolbar

Status bar


Right-click in pane to view the shortcut menu

Setting Activity Monitor options

The following procedure describes how to set the options for the Activity Monitor
in the NetBackup Administration Console.
To configure options for the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the menu bar, click View >
Options and select the Activity Monitor tab to access configurable options
for the Activity Monitor.
2 The following options are available to receive a confirmation warning.

Confirm job deletions Prompts the user with a confirmation dialog box when
a job is deleted.

Confirm job cancellations Prompts the user with a confirmation dialog box when
a job is canceled.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1155
Setting Activity Monitor options

Confirm stop daemons Enable to display a confirmation dialog box when a

daemon is stopped.

To discontinue further delete, cancel, or stop daemon

confirmations, enable the In the future, do not show
this warning option.

Maximum details windows Specifies the maximum number of Activity Monitor job
details, daemon details, and the process details windows
that can be displayed at one time.

Automatically refresh Enable to refresh data on the Daemons tab and the
display Processes tab and the job details elapsed time. Other
Jobs tab data refreshes independently of the Auto
Refresh setting.

Enter the rate (in seconds) at which data refreshes in

the Daemons tab and the Processes tab.

Show error logs in Activity Enable to view NetBackup error logs in the Error Logs
Monitor tab in the Activity Monitor.

You can customize the view of error logs in Activity

Monitor by configuring the following options:

■ Select the option from the drop-down menu to

configure Show error logs for. The default selection
is Error and above which lists all the errors and
critical logs. You can select to view specific logs like
critical logs, information logs, errors, and warnings.
■ Select the time window next to Show error logs for
last to configure viewing logs in the selected time
frame. Default time window is set for last 24 hours.
■ Set the auto-refresh time by specifying the Refresh
display every option, in minutes. The default refresh
time is set to 15 minutes.

Show error logs in Job Enable viewing error logs in the Job Details window.
details window When this option is checked, after clicking a specific
Job ID, you can view the log entries in the Job Details
window in a separately generated Error Logs tab. In
the Job Details window, the errors and critical logs that
are specific to the selected job entry, are shown.

3 Click OK to close the dialog box and apply any changes.

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1156
About the Jobs tab

About the Jobs tab

The Jobs tab in the Activity Monitor displays all of the jobs that are in process or
that have completed for the master server currently selected. The Jobs tab also
displays details about the jobs. The job details are described in the online Help.
For some backup jobs, a parent job is used to perform pre- and post-processing.
Parent jobs display a dash (-) in the Schedule column.
A parent job runs the start and end notify scripts (PARENT_START_NOTIFY,
PARENT_END_NOTIFY) from the master server. The scripts are located in the following
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
The role of the parent job is to initiate requested tasks in the form of children jobs.
The tasks vary, depending on the backup environment, as follows.

Table 29-1 Tasks initiated by parent jobs

Task Description

Snapshot Client The parent job creates the snapshot, initiates children jobs, and deletes the snapshot
when complete.

Children jobs are created if the Snapshot Client settings are configured to retain
snapshots for Instant Recovery, then copy snapshots to a storage unit. (Snapshots
and copy snapshots to a storage unit is selected in the policy Schedule Attributes

Children jobs are not created if the Snapshot Client settings are configured to retain
snapshots for Instant Recovery, but to create snapshots only. That is, the snapshot is
not backed up to a storage unit, so no children jobs are generated. (Snapshots only
is selected in the policy Schedule Attributes tab.)

Bare Metal Restore The parent job runs brmsavecfg, then initiates the backup as a child job. If
multistreaming and BMR are used together, the parent job can start multiple children

Catalog backups The parent job for catalog backups works with bpdbm to initiate multiple children backup

■ A Sybase backup
■ A file system backup of the master server
■ A backup of the BMR database, if necessary
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1157
About the Jobs tab

Table 29-1 Tasks initiated by parent jobs (continued)

Task Description

Multiple copies A multiple copies job produces one parent job and multiple child jobs. Child jobs that
are part of a multiple copies parent job cannot be restarted individually. Only the parent
job (and subsequently all the children jobs) can be restarted.

See “Multiple copies (schedule attribute)” on page 845.

Multiple data streams The parent job performs stream discovery and initiates children jobs. A parent job does
not display a schedule in the Activity Monitor. Instead, a dash (-) appears for the
schedule because the parent schedule is not used and the children schedules may be
different. The children jobs display the ID of the parent job in the Activity Monitor.

SharePoint The parent job runs a resolver process during which children jobs are started. This
process is similar to the stream discovery for multiple data streams. If multiple data
streams are enabled, some children jobs can be split into multiple streams.

Vault The parent job starts the Vault profile. Then, the Vault profile starts the duplicates as
jobs. The duplicates do not appear as children jobs in the Activity Monitor.

Viewing job details in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to view job details in the Activity Monitor in
the NetBackup Administration Console.
To view job details in the Activity Monitor
In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Activity Monitor.
Double-click on a job that is displayed in the Jobs tab pane.

Deleting completed jobs in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to delete a completed job.
To delete completed jobs in the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select the job(s) you want to delete.
3 Select Edit > Delete.
When a parent job is deleted, all the children jobs are deleted as well. When a child
job is deleted that has no children, that child job alone is deleted.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1158
About the Jobs tab

Canceling a job that has not completed in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to cancel a job that has not completed.
To cancel a job that has not completed in the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select the job that has not completed that you want to cancel. It may be a job
that is in the Queued, Re-Queued, Active, Incomplete, or Suspended state.
3 Select Actions > Cancel Job.
If the selected job is a parent job, all the children of that parent job are canceled
as well.
In most cases, a canceled child job cancels only that job and allows the other
child jobs to continue. One exception is multiple copies created as part of a
policy or a storage lifecycle policy: canceling a child job cancels the parent job
and all child jobs.
4 To cancel all jobs in the jobs list that have not completed, click Actions >
Cancel All Jobs.

Restarting a failed (completed) job in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to restart a job that has completed. Use
this procedure to retry a job that has failed.
To restart a completed job in the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select the job that you want to restart.
3 Select Actions > Restart Job. In this case, a new job ID is created for the job.
The job details for the original job reference the job ID of the new job.

Suspending and resuming jobs in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to suspend restore or backup jobs.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1159
About the Jobs tab

To suspend a restore or a backup job in the Activity Monitor

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select the job you want to suspend.
Only the backup and the restore jobs that contain checkpoints can be
3 Select Actions > Suspend Job.
The following procedure describes how to resume suspended or incomplete jobs.
To resume a suspended or an incomplete job in the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select the suspended or the incomplete job you want to resume.
Only the backup and the restore jobs that contain checkpoints can be
3 Select Actions > Resume Job.

Printing job list information in the Activity Monitor

The following procedure describes how to print job list information from a list of
To print job list information from a list of jobs in the Activity Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select the Jobs tab.
2 Select a job to print. Hold down the Control or Shift key to select multiple jobs.
If no job is selected, all jobs print.
3 Select File > Print.

Exporting Activity Monitor data to a text file

The following procedure describes how to export Activity Monitor data to a text file.
To export Activity Monitor data to a text file
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor.
2 From any Activity Monitor tab, select File > Export.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1160
About the Jobs tab

3 Select whether to export all rows or only the rows currently selected.
4 Enter the full path to the file where you want the job data to be written, then
click Save.

Copying Activity Monitor text to a file

The following procedure describes how to copy Activity Monitor text to a file.
To copy Activity Monitor text to a file
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, open the Activity Monitor and
select rows that you want to copy.
2 Perform one of the following method:
■ Select Edit > Copy To Clipboard.
■ Press Ctrl + C.
■ Right-click and select Copy To Clipboard from the right-click menu.
■ Click the Copy To Clipboard icon on the toolbar.

3 Paste the selected text into the file (for example, an Excel document).

Note: These methods of copying information from the Activity Monitor also apply
to other tables in NetBackup. The table title is not copied.

Changing the Job Priority dynamically from the Activity Monitor

To dynamically change the priority of a job, select one or more queued or active
jobs that wait for resources. Then, either from the Actions menu or by right-clicking
the job, select Change Job Priority.
Select one of the following methods to change the job priority.

Table 29-2 Change Job Priority options

Option Description

Set Job Priority to Enters the specific job priority for the selected jobs.

Increment the Job Raises the priority of the job by the selected internal.
Priority by

Decrement the Job Lowers the priority of the job by the selected internal.
Priority by
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1161
About the Daemons tab

Changes in the Change job priority dialog box affect the priority for the selected
job only, and not all other jobs of that type.
To change the job priority defaults, use the Default Job Priorities host properties.
See “Default Job Priorities properties” on page 104.

About the Daemons tab

In the NetBackup Administration Console, the Daemons tab in the Activity
Monitor displays the status of NetBackup daemons on master and media servers.

Figure 29-2 The Daemons tab in the Activity Monitor

Not all columns display by default. Click View > Column Layout to show or hide
Table 29-3 describes the NetBackup daemons.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1162
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons

Daemon Description

NetBackup Agent Request Server Populates the NetBackup catalog database with database agent metadata and
(nbars or nbars.exe) service requests for agents. This service is also responsible for initiating certain
actions, such as starting jobs for Oracle cloning.

NetBackup Audit Manager The Audit Manager provides the mechanism to query and report on auditing
(nbaudit or nbaudit.exe) information.

NetBackup Authentication (nbatd NetBackup Product Authentication validates identities and forms the basis for
or nbatd.exe) authorization and access control in NetBackup. The authentication service also
generates security certificates consumed by various NetBackup components.

See “About security certificates for NetBackup hosts” on page 38.

NetBackup Authorization (nbazd NetBackup Product Authorization provides access control in NetBackup
or nbazd.exe) applications.

NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Is present if Bare Metal Restore Boot Server is installed. BMR boot servers manage
Boot Server Service (bmrbd or and provide the resources that are used to rebuild systems.

NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Is present if Bare Metal Restore is installed. Manages restoration data, objects,
Master Server (bmrd or and servers.

NetBackup BMR MTFTP Services Is present if Bare Metal Restore is installed. Provides the TFTP protocol services
(PXEMTFTP or PXEMTFTP.exe) to Bare Metal Restore clients.

NetBackup BMR PXE Service Is present if Bare Metal Restore is installed. Provides the PXE protocol services
(bmrpxeserver or to Bare Metal Restore clients.

NetBackup Client Service (bpcd The NetBackup Client daemon. This process issues requests to and from the
or bpcd.exe) master server and the media server to start programs on remote hosts.

On UNIX clients, bpcd can only be run in standalone mode.

On Windows, bpcd always runs under the supervision of bpinetd.exe.

NetBackup has a specific configuration parameter for bpcd. If the port number
is changed within the NetBackup configuration, the software also updates the port
number in the services file.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1163
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons (continued)

Daemon Description

NetBackup CloudStore Service This process is applicable to media server versions 8.0 and 8.1.2 only.
Container (nbcssc or
The CloudStore Service Container is a web-based service container that runs on
the media server that is configured for cloud storage. This container hosts the
throttling service and the metering data collector service. The container requires
that an authentication certificate is installed on the media server.

See “About security certificates for NetBackup hosts” on page 38.

NetBackup Compatibility Service Communicates with legacy NetBackup services.

(bpcompatd or bpcompatd.exe)

NetBackup Database Manager Manages the NetBackup internal databases and catalogs. BPDBM must be running
(bpdbm or bpdbm.exe) on the NetBackup master server during all normal NetBackup operations.

NetBackup Deduplication Engine Runs on the NetBackup deduplication storage server host to store and manage
(spoold or spoold.exe) deduplicated client data. spoold stands for storage pool daemon; do not confuse
it with a print spooler daemon.

Active only if the NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option is licensed and
the media server is configured as a deduplication storage server.

NetBackup Deduplication Manager Runs on the NetBackup deduplication storage server host to maintain the
(spad or spad.exe) NetBackup deduplication configuration, control deduplication internal processes,
control replication, control security, and control event escalation.

Active only if the NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option is licensed and
the media server is configured as a deduplication storage server.

NetBackup Device Manager (ltid Starts the Volume Manager (vmd), the automatic volume recognition process
or ltid.exe) (avrd), and any robotic processes. Processes the requests to mount and dismount
tapes in robotically controlled devices through the robotic control processes.
Mounts the volumes on the tape devices in response to user requests.

NetBackup Enterprise Media Accesses and manages the database where media and device configuration
Manager (nbemm or nbemm.exe) information is stored (EMM_DATA.db). nbemm.exe must be running in order for
jobs to run.

The service cannot be stopped from the Activity Monitor because it receives
data that appears in the NetBackup Administration Console. If it is stopped,
the console cannot display the data.

NetBackup Event Management Provides the communication infrastructure to pass information and events between
Service (nbevtmgr or distributed NetBackup components. Runs on the same system as the NetBackup
nbevtmgr.exe) Enterprise Media Manager.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1164
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons (continued)

Daemon Description

NetBackup Indexing Manager Manages the Hold Service.

(nbim or nbim.exe)

NetBackup Job Manager (nbjm or Accepts the jobs that the Policy Execution Manager (nbpem or nbpem.exe)
nbjm.exe) submits and acquires the necessary resources. The Job Manager then starts the
job and informs nbpem that the job is completed.

NetBackup KMS (nbkms or A master server-based symmetric Key Management Service that provides
nbkms.exe) encryption keys to media server BPTM processes.

NetBackup Legacy Client Service Listens for connections from NetBackup servers in the network and when an
(bpinetd or bpinetd.exe) authorized connection is made, starts the necessary NetBackup process to service
the connection.

The service cannot be stopped from the Activity Monitor because it receives
data that appears in the NetBackup Administration Console. If it is stopped,
the console cannot display the data.
Note: On Windows, the Client Service must be run as either an Administrator or
Local System account. Problems arise if the Client Service logon account differs
from the user that is logged on to use NetBackup. When NetBackup tries to contact
the Client Service, a message appears that states the service did not start because
of improper logon information. The event is recorded in the Windows System
event log. The log notes that the account name is invalid, does not exist, or that
the password is invalid.

To configure a BasicDisk storage unit that uses CIFS, nbrmms must share the
same logon credentials as bpinetd on the media server.

See “Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units” on page 640.

NetBackup Policy Execution Creates Policy/Client tasks and determines when jobs are due to run. If a policy
Manager (nbpem or nbpem.exe) is modified or if an image expires, nbpem is notified and the Policy/Client task
objects are updated.

NetBackup Proxy Service Executes the OpenStorage (OST) calls on any host and returns the results to the
(nbostpxy or nbostpxy.exe) proxy plug-in side. The plug-in side returns them to the application. The proxy
server (and plug-in) provides a network connection between different servers to
relay OpenStorage calls.

NetBackup Relational Database Manages the NetBackup relational database. The service must be running on the
Manager (NB_dbsrv or NetBackup master server during all normal NetBackup operations.
On Windows, the display name is SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1165
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons (continued)

Daemon Description

NetBackup Remote Manager and Discovers and monitors disk storage on NetBackup media servers. Also discovers,
Monitor Service (nbrmms or monitors, and manages Fibre Transport (FT) connections on media servers and
nbrmms.exe) clients for the NetBackup SAN Client option. Runs on NetBackup media servers.

To configure a BasicDisk storage unit that uses CIFS, nbrmms must share the
same logon credentials as bpinetd on the media server.

See “Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units” on page 640.

NetBackup Remote Network Manages the socket connections between a NetBackup media server and a client
Transport Service (nbrntd or that is configured for resilient communication. This service runs on the NetBackup
nbrntd.exe) master server, NetBackup media servers, and clients. NetBackup starts this
service when resilient connections are required between hosts. The service stops
when resilient connections are no longer required.

One instance of the service can process 256 connections. Multiple instances of
the service can run simultaneously.

See “NBRNTD_IDLE_TIMEOUT option for NetBackup servers” on page 324.

See “Resilient Network properties” on page 186.

NetBackup Request Daemon Processes the requests from NetBackup clients and servers. bprd also prompts
(bprd or bprd.exe) NetBackup to perform automatically scheduled backups. bprd must be running
on the NetBackup master server to perform any backups or restores.

NetBackup Resource Broker (nbrb Allocates the storage units, tape drives, and client reservations for jobs. nbrb
or nbrb.exe) works with the Enterprise Media Manager (NBEMM).

The nbrbutil utility can be used to add or change the Resource Broker settings.

See “Using the nbrbutil utility to configure the NetBackup Resource Broker”
on page 1167.

NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Runs on NetBackup SAN clients. Implements the client side of the Fibre Transport
Transport Service (FT) mechanism. The client FT service opens and closes FT connections and
(nbftclnt.exe) manages the FT connections for shared memory data transfers.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1166
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons (continued)

Daemon Description

NetBackup Service Layer (nbsl Facilitates the communication between the NetBackup graphical user interface
or nbsl.exe) and NetBackup logic.

The service cannot be stopped from the Activity Monitor because it receives
data that appears in the NetBackup Administration Console. If it is stopped,
the console cannot display the data.
This service also does the following for Cloud storage:

■ Generates the metering information for the metering plug-in.

■ Controls the network bandwidth usage with the help of the throttling plug-in.

Note: For media server versions 8.2 and later, the metering service and the
throttling service functions are handled by the NetBackup CloudStore Service
Container (nbcssc) service.

NetBackup Service Monitor Monitors the NetBackup services that run on the local computer. If a service
(nbsvcmon or nbsvcmon.exe) unexpectedly terminates, the service tries to restart the terminated service. If
nbsvcmon determines that NetBackup is configured for a cluster, the service
shuts down, and the monitoring is taken over by the cluster.

The service cannot be stopped from the Activity Monitor because it receives
data that appears in the NetBackup Administration Console. If it is stopped,
the console cannot display the data.

NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manages the storage lifecycle operations and schedules duplication jobs. Monitors
Manager (nbstserv or the disk capacity on capacity-managed volumes and removes older images when
nbstserv.exe) required.
The SLP Manager and the Import Manager run within nbstserv:

■ The SLP Manager creates batches of the images to be imported based on

SLP name and storage device (disk media ID or robot number).
■ The Import Manager monitors a worklist in EMM for images to be imported
and initiates bpimport jobs for those images.

Note: Restart nbstserv after making changes to the underlying storage for any
operation in an SLP.

NetBackup Vault Manager Manages NetBackup Vault. NBVAULT must be running on the NetBackup Vault
(nbvault or nbvault.exe) server during all NetBackup Vault operations.

NetBackup Volume Manager (vmd Manages the volumes (tapes) needed for backup or restore and starts local device
or vmd.exe) management daemons and processes.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1167
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-3 NetBackup daemons (continued)

Daemon Description

NetBackup Web Management The process for the NetBackup Web Management Console. Manages requests
Console (nbwmc or nbwmc.exe) for certificate and host management, and Cloud storage configuration.
Note: For NetBackup release versions up to 8.1.2, the NetBackup CloudStore
Service Container (nbcssc) service is used for the cloud storage configuration.

To configure ports for the NetBackup Web Services, see "Configuring ports for
the NetBackup Web Services" in the NetBackup Network Ports Reference Guide.

Veritas Private Branch Exchange Provides single-port access to clients outside the firewall that connect to NetBackup
(pbx_exchange.exe) services. Service name: VRTSpbx.
Note: This service does not appear in the Activity Monitor but is represented
in the Windows Services utility.

Using the nbrbutil utility to configure the NetBackup Resource Broker

The NetBackup Resource Broker (nbrb) allocates resources and maintains resource
requests for jobs in the job queue. Use the nbrbutil utility to configure the Resource
The nbrbutil utility is located in the following directory:
■ On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbrbutil
■ On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbrbutil
For a complete description of nbrbutil, see the NetBackup Commands Reference
Table 29-4 describes the options available to nbrbutil command.

Table 29-4 nbrbutil options

Option Description

-cancel requestID Cancels the allocation request within the given identifier.

-changePriority requestID Changes the request priority.

-changePriorityClass requestID Changes the request priority class.

-priorityClass priorityClass

-changeSettings Adds or changes the nbrb configuration settings.

Table 29-5 describes the configuration settings in detail.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1168
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-4 nbrbutil options (continued)

Option Description

-deleteSetting settingname Deletes a Resource Broker configuration setting that is identified by


-dump Dumps all Resource Broker allocation and request lists.

-dumptables [-f filename] Enables the Resource Broker to log its internal state in the specified file

-help Lists the help for this command.

-listActiveDriveJobs Lists all the active jobs for a drive.


-listActiveJobs Lists all the active jobs.

-listActiveMediaJobs mediaId Lists all the active jobs for a media ID (disk or tape).

-listActivePoolJobs poolName Lists all the active jobs for a volume pool.

-listActiveStuJobs Lists all the active jobs for a storage unit or a storage unit group.

-listOrphanedDrives Lists the drives that are reserved in EMM but have no corresponding
allocation in the Resource Broker.

-listOrphanedMedia Lists the media that is reserved in EMM but has no corresponding allocation
in the Resource Broker.

-listOrphanedPipes Lists the orphaned Fibre Transport pipes.

-listOrphanedStus Lists the storage units that are reserved in EMM but have no corresponding
allocation in the Resource Broker.

-listSettings Lists the configuration settings of the Resource Broker.

-priority priority Changes the request priority.

-release allocationID Release the allocation with the given identifier.

-releaseAllocHolds Releases the allocation holds caused by allocation errors for drives and

-releaseDrive drivename Releases all allocations for the named drive.

-releaseMDS mdsAlocationKey Releases the EMM and the MDS allocations that MDS allocates by the
specified identifier.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1169
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-4 nbrbutil options (continued)

Option Description

-releaseMedia mediaid Releases all allocations for the specified volume.

-releaseOrphanedDrive drivekey Releases the drives that are reserved in EMM but have no corresponding
allocation in the Resource Broker.

-releaseOrphanedMedia mediakey Releases the media that are reserved in EMM but have no corresponding
allocation in the Resource Broker.

-releaseOrphanedPipes Releases the orphaned Fibre Transport pipes.

-releaseOrphanedStu stuName Releases the storage units that are reserved in EMM but have no
corresponding allocation in the Resource Broker.

-reportInconsistentAllocations Reports inconsistent the allocations between the Resource Broker and MDS.

-resetAll Resets all Resource Broker allocations, requests, and persisted states.

-resetMediaServer mediaserver Resets all Resource Broker EMM and MDS allocations that are related
toltid on the media server.

-resume Resumes the Resource Broker processing.

-setDriveGroupUnjoinable Disables the future job from joining the group for this drive.

-setMediaGroupUnjoinable Disables the future job from joining the group for this media.

-suspend Suspends the Resource Broker processing.

-syncAllocations Syncs up any allocation difference between the Resource Broker and MDS.

Table 29-5 lists the parameters for the nbrbutil -changesettings option, and
describes the use of each.
Use the nbrbutil command with the -changesettings option to add or change
Resource Broker configuration settings.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1170
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-5 nbrbutil -changesettings parameters

Parameter Description


(default), nbrb initiates unloads of the drives that have exceeded the media
unload delay. Drives become available more quickly to jobs that require
different media servers or different media than the job that last used the
drive. However, the loaded media or drive pair may not be available for jobs
with less priority in the prioritized evaluation queue that can use the drive or
media without unload.


RB_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION When the RB_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION parameter is set to true (default),

this entry instructs nbrb to cache states of resource requests.



(default), nbrb continues to evaluate jobs in the prioritized job queue. As a
result, a job is likely to reuse a drive more quickly after the drive has been
released. However, some lower priority jobs may receive drives before higher
priority jobs do.

When the RB_RESPECT_REQUEST_PRIORITY parameter is set to true,

nbrb restarts its evaluation queue at the top of the prioritized job queue after
resources have been released.


RB_BREAK_EVAL_ON_DEMAND When a high priority request appears (a tape span request, a subsequent
request for a synthetic or a duplication job, or a read request for an optimized
duplication), nbrb immediately interrupts the evaluation cycle. nbrb releases
and unloads drives, if required, before a new evaluation cycle is started.

If the RB_BREAK_EVAL_ON_DEMAND parameter is set to true (default), the

evaluation cycle can be interrupted by high priority requests.


RB_MAX_HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE_SIZE Spanning requests and additional resources for an active duplication job are
put in a special queue for priority processing. The
RB_MAX_HIGH_PRIORITY_QUEUE_SIZE parameter sets the maximum
number of requests that NetBackup allows in that queue. (Default: 100

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1171
About the Daemons tab

Table 29-5 nbrbutil -changesettings parameters (continued)

Parameter Description

RB_RELEASE_PERIOD The RB_RELEASE_PERIOD parameter indicates the interval that NetBackup

waits before it releases a resource. (Default: 180 seconds.)



seconds that can elapse between the cleanup of obsolete information in the
nbrb database. (Default: 60 seconds.)


RB_MPX_GROUP_UNLOAD_DELAY The RB_MPX_GROUP_UNLOAD_DELAY parameter indicates the number of

seconds that nbrb waits for a new job to appear before a tape is unloaded.
(Default: 10 seconds.)


This setting can help avoid unnecessary reloading of tapes and applies to
all backup jobs. During user backups, nbrb uses the maximum value of
RB_MPX_GROUP_UNLOAD_DELAY and the Media unmount delay host
property setting when nbrb unmounts the tape.

During restores, Media unmount delay is used, not


See “Timeouts properties” on page 232.


NetBackup waits after an EMM error before it tries again. The error must be
one where a retry is possible. For example, if a media server is down.
(Default: 60 seconds.)


RB_REEVAL_PENDING The RB_REEVAL_PENDING parameter indicates the number of seconds that

can elapse between evaluations of the pending request queue. For example,
a pending request queue can include, jobs awaiting resources. (Default: 60


RB_REEVAL_PERIOD The RB_REEVAL_PERIOD parameter indicates the time between evaluations

if an outstanding request is not satisfied, and if no other requests or resources
have been released. (Default: Five minutes must pass before the initial
request is reevaluated.)

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1172
About the Daemons tab

Types of NetBackup daemons

The following table describes additional information about NetBackup daemons,
found on the UNIX platform.

Standalone daemons Always run and listen to accept connections. Examples

include bpdbm, bprd, bpjobd, and vmd.

Multiprocess standalone Splits or forks a child process to handle requests. Examples

daemons include bpdbm and bprd.

Single-process standalone Accept connections and handle requests in the same process.

inetd daemons inetd(1m) or bpinetd usually launch these NetBackup

daemons. Examples include bpcd, bpjava-msvc, and

It is recommended that you exit all instances of the NetBackup Administration

Console after restarting daemons in the Activity Monitor or by using a command.
Then restart the console with the jnbSA command.
The jnbSA command is described in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Monitoring NetBackup daemons

The following procedure describes how to monitor NetBackup daemons.
To monitor NetBackup daemons
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Activity Monitor.
2 Select the Daemons tab.
3 Double-click the name of the daemon to view the details.
4 In the Daemon Details dialog box, click the up or down arrow to see the details
of the next or the previous daemon in the list.
For a description of the daemon, click Help in the dialog box.

Starting or stopping a daemon

The following procedure describes how to start or stop a NetBackup daemon.
To start or stop a NetBackup daemon
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Activity Monitor.
2 Select the Daemons tab.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1173
About the Processes tab

3 Select the daemon(s) that you want to start or stop.

4 Select Actions > Stop Selected or Actions > Start Selected.
Or, select Actions > Start Daemon or Actions > Stop Daemon.
To start or stop daemons requires the necessary user permissions on the system
where the daemon runs.

Displaying all media servers in the Activity Monitor

The Activity Monitor may not immediately display all media servers in the Daemons
tab as soon as the media is added. Also, the Media Servers tab of the Storage
Server dialog may not immediately display all available media servers in a cloud
Even though the media servers may not be visible, it does not affect existing media
servers or other NetBackup operations.
To display all media servers:
■ Close the NetBackup Administration Console on the master server.
■ Stop and restart the NetBackup Service Layer (NBSL). Restarting NBSL does
not affect any ongoing backup or restore jobs.
■ Open the NetBackup Administration Console. The services of the newly
added media servers should be visible in the NetBackup Administration
This situation affects only the Remote Administration Console on Windows.

About the Processes tab

In the NetBackup Administration Console, the Processes tab in the Activity
Monitor displays the NetBackup processes that run on master and media servers.
Table 29-6 lists and describes the NetBackup processes.

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes

Process Port Description

acsd 13702 The acsd (Automated Cartridge System) daemon runs on the NetBackup media server and
communicates mount and unmount requests to the host that controls the ACS robotics.

acssel None On UNIX: The NetBackup ACS storage server interface (SSI) event logger acssel logs
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1174
About the Processes tab

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes (continued)

Process Port Description

acsssi None On UNIX: The NetBackup ACS storage server interface (SSI) acsssi communicates with
the ACS library software host. acsssi processes all RPC communications from acsd or
from the ACS robotic test utility that is intended for the ACS library software.

avrd None The Automatic Volume Recognition process handles automatic volume recognition and
label scans. The process allows NetBackup to read labeled tapes and assign the associated
removable media requests to drives.

bmrd 8362 The process for the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Master Server service.

bpcd 13782 The NetBackup Client daemon issues requests to and from the master server and the media
server to start programs on remote hosts.

On UNIX clients, bpcd can only be run in standalone mode.

On Windows, bpcd always runs under the supervision of bpinetd.exe. NetBackup has
a specific configuration parameter for bpcd: if the port number is changed within the
NetBackup configuration, the software also updates the port number in the services file.

bpcompatd None The process for the NetBackup Compatibility service.

bpdbm 13721 The process for the NetBackup Database Manager service.

The process that responds to queries that are related to the NetBackup catalog.

Manages the NetBackup internal databases and catalogs. This service must be running on
the NetBackup master server during all normal NetBackup operations.

bpinetd None On Windows: The process for the NetBackup Legacy Client Service.

The process that provides a listening service for connection requests.

Note: To configure a BasicDisk storage unit that uses CIFS, the media server and the
following processes must have the same logon credentials: bpinetd, nbrmms, and vnetd.

See “Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units” on page 640.

bpjava-msvc None The NetBackup Java application server authentication service program. bpinetd starts
the program during startup of the NetBackup Java applications and authenticates the user
that started the NetBackup Java application.

bpjava-susvc None The NetBackup Java application server user service program on NetBackup servers.
bpjava-msvc starts the program upon successful login with the NetBackup login dialog
box. bpjava-susvc services all requests from the NetBackup Java applications for
administration and end user operations on the host on which the NetBackup Java application
server is running.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1175
About the Processes tab

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes (continued)

Process Port Description

bpjobd 13723 The NetBackup Jobs Database Management daemon. This process queries and updates
the jobs database.

bprd 13720 The process for the NetBackup Request Daemon.

The process that starts the automatic backup of clients and responds to client requests for
file restores and user backups and archives.

NetBackup has a specific configuration parameter for bprd: if the port number changes
within the NetBackup configuration, the software also updates the port number in the services

ltid None The process for the NetBackup Device Manager service.

nbatd 13783 The NetBackup Authentication Service validates, identifies, and forms the basis for
authorization and access.

nbaudit The NetBackup Audit Manager runs on the master server. The Enterprise Media Manager
(EMM) maintains audit records in the NetBackup database. The act of starting or stopping
nbaudit is audited, even if auditing is disabled.

nbazd 13722 The NetBackup Authorization Service verifies that an identity has permission to perform a
specific task.

nbcssc 5637 The nbcssc service is no longer deployed in NetBackup release versions 8.2 and later.

The NetBackup CloudStore Service Container hosts the throttling service and the metering
data collector service.

The specified port number is used to provide back-level media support for older media
servers that are configured for cloud storage. If there are no older media servers, this port
is not used.
Note: Ensure that the older media servers use this port. Communication with the master
server fails if the older media servers use a different port.

nbars None The NetBackup Agent Request Server service populates the NetBackup catalog database
with database agent metadata and services request for agents. This service is also
responsible for initiating certain actions, such as starting jobs for Oracle cloning.

NB_dbsrv 13785 The NetBackup Relational Database Manager manages the NetBackup relational database.
This service must be running on the NetBackup master server during all normal NetBackup
operations. On Windows, the display name is SQLANYs_VERITAS_NB.

nbemm None The process for the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager service.

The process that accesses and manages the database where media and device configuration
information is stored (EMM_DATA.db). nbemm.exe must be running in order for jobs to run.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1176
About the Processes tab

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes (continued)

Process Port Description

nbEvtMgr None The process for the NetBackup Event Manager service.

The process that creates and manages event channels and objects for communication
among NetBackup daemon. The Event Manager daemon runs with the Enterprise Media
Manager (nbemm) only on master servers.

nbfdrv64 None The process that controls the Fibre Transport target mode drivers on the media server.
nbfdrv64 runs on the media servers that are configured for NetBackup Fibre Transport.

nbftsrvr None The Fibre Transport (FT) server process that runs on the media servers that are configured
for NetBackup Fibre Transport. It does the following for the server side of the FT connection:
controls data flow, processes SCSI commands, manages data buffers, and manages the
target mode driver for the host bus adaptors.

nbjm None The process for the NetBackup Job Manager service.

The process that accepts the jobs that the Policy Execution Manager (NBPEM) submits and
acquires the necessary resources. The Job Manager then starts the job and informs nbpem
that the job is completed.

nbpem None The process for the NetBackup Policy Execution Manager service.

It creates Policy/Client tasks and determines when jobs are due to run. If a policy is modified
or if an image expires, NBPEM is notified and the appropriate Policy/Client tasks are updated.

nbproxy None The process that safely allows multithreaded NetBackup processes to use existing
multithreaded unsafe libraries.

nbrb None This process allocates storage units, tape drives, and client reservations for jobs. nbrb
works with the Enterprise Media Manager (NBEMM).

nbrmms None The process for the NetBackup Remote Manager and Monitor service. It enables NetBackup
to remotely manage and monitor resources on a system that are used for backup (or affected
by backup activity).
Note: To configure a BasicDisk storage unit that uses CIFS, the media server and the
following processes must have the same logon credentials: bpinetd, nbrmms, and vnetd.

See “Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units” on page 640.

nbsl 9284 The process for the NetBackup Service Layer service.

nbsl listens on this port for connections from local processes and then facilitates the
communication between the graphical user interface and NetBackup logic. The port was
formerly used by visd.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1177
About the Processes tab

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes (continued)

Process Port Description

nbstserv None The process for the NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manager. Manages the storage lifecycle
policy operations and schedules duplication jobs. Monitors the disk capacity on the volumes
that are capacity-managed and removes older images when required.
Note: Restart nbstserv after making changes to the underlying storage for any operation
in an SLP.

nbsvcmon None The process for the NetBackup Service Monitor. Monitors the NetBackup services. When
a service unexpectedly terminates, nbsvcmon attempts to restart the terminated service.

nbvault None If Vault is installed, the process for the NetBackup Vault Manager service.

nbwmc None The process for the NetBackup Web Management Console. Manages requests for certificate
and host management, and Cloud storage configuration.
Note: For NetBackup release versions up to 8.1.2, the NetBackup CloudStore Service
Container (nbcssc) service is used for the cloud storage configuration.

To configure ports for the NetBackup Web Services, see "Configuring ports for the NetBackup
Web Services" in the NetBackup Network Ports Reference Guide.

ndmp 10000 NDMP is the acronym for Network Data Management Protocol. NDMP servers are designed
to adhere to this protocol and listen on port 10000 for NDMP clients to connect to them.

oprd None The NetBackup Volume Manager (vmd) starts the oprd operator request daemon. This
process receives requests to mount and unmount volumes and communicates the requests
to the NetBackup Device Manager ltid. The NetBackup Device Manager communicates
the requests to the robotics through SCSI interfaces.

spad 10102 The NetBackup Deduplication Manager manages the PureDisk Deduplication Engine.

Runs on the NetBackup deduplication storage server host to maintain the NetBackup
deduplication configuration, control deduplication internal processes, control replication,
control security, and control event escalation.

spoold 10082 The process for the NetBackup Deduplication Engine service. It runs on the deduplication
storage server.

Active only if the NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option is licensed and configured.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1178
About the Processes tab

Table 29-6 NetBackup processes (continued)

Process Port Description

tldd 13711 The tldd process runs on a NetBackup server that manages a drive in a Tape Library DLT.
This process receives NetBackup Device Manager requests to mount and unmount volumes
and sends these requests to the robotic-control process tldcd.

The tldcd process communicates with the Tape Library DLT robotics through SCSI

To share the tape library, tldcd runs on the NetBackup server that provides the robotic

vmd 13701 The process for the NetBackup Volume Manager service.

vnetd 13724 The process for the Veritas Network Daemon, which allows all socket communication to
take place while it connects to a single port. The following vnetd process and proxy types
can exist on NetBackup hosts:

■ Standalone. A standalone process must exist, and more than one can exist.
■ Inbound proxy. An inbound proxy must exist, and more than one can exist, each identified
by a different number.
■ Outbound proxy. An outbound proxy must exist, and more than one can exist, each
identified by a different number.
■ HTTP tunnel proxy. By default, an HTTP tunnel proxy should run on NetBackup media
servers. It does not run on NetBackup clients.
See “WEB_SERVER_TUNNEL_ENABLE option for NetBackup servers” on page 382.
You can determine the vnetd process and proxy types as follows:

■ On UNIX and Linux, you can use the NetBackup bpps command.
■ On Windows, you can use the Task Manager Processes tab (you must show the
Command Line column).

Note: To configure a BasicDisk storage unit that uses CIFS, the media server and the
following processes must have the same logon credentials: bpinetd, nbrmms, and vnetd.

See “Configuring credentials for CIFS storage and disk storage units” on page 640.

veritas_pbx 1556 The Veritas Private Branch Exchange allows all socket communication to take place while
it connects through a single port. Connections to NetBackup 7.0.1 and later use the
veritas_pbx port.

Monitoring NetBackup processes in the Process Details dialog box

The following procedure describes how to view the details for a process.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1179
About the Drives tab

To view the details for a process

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, click Activity Monitor.
2 To view the details for a specific process, double-click on the process you want
to display in the Processes tab. The Process Details dialog box appears for
the selected process.
3 In the Process Details dialog box, click the up or down arrow to see the details
of the next process in the list.

About the Drives tab

The Drives tab in the Activity Monitor displays the status of NetBackup drives on
the monitored server. Use the Drives tab to manage drives, device paths, and
service requests for operators. Change the status of the drive, clean the tape drive,
and perform other operations that you can also perform using the Device Monitor
under Media and Device Management.

Figure 29-3 Activity Monitor Drives tab

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1180
About the Drives tab

To view the details for a drive, double-click the drive in the Drives tab pane. For a
description of the drive details, click Help in the Drives Details dialog box.

Monitoring tape drives

The following procedure describes how to monitor NetBackup tape drives.
To monitor NetBackup tape drives
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, click the Activity Monitor.
2 In the right pane, select the Drives tab. Double-click a drive from the drive list
to view a detailed status.
3 A Drives Details dialog box appears for the drive you selected. To view the
status of the previous drive or the next drive, click the up or down arrow.

Cleaning tape drives from the Activity Monitor

Drive cleaning functions can also be performed from the Device Monitor.
To clean a tape drive
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Activity Monitor. Then,
select the Drives tab in the Details pane.
2 Select the drive that you want to clean.
3 Select Actions > Drive Cleaning, then select one of the following drive cleaning

Action Description

Clean Now Starts an operator-initiated cleaning of the selected drive,

regardless of the cleaning frequency or accumulated mount
time. If the drive is a standalone drive, it must contain a
cleaning tape for a mount request to be issued. Clean Now
resets the mount time to zero, but the cleaning frequency
value remains the same.

Reset Mount Time Resets the mount time for the selected drive to zero. Use
Reset Mount Time to reset the mount time after doing a
manual cleaning of a drive.

Set Cleaning Frequency Sets the number of mount hours between drive cleanings.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1181
About the Error Logs tab

About the Error Logs tab

The Error Logs tab in the Activity Monitor displays the status of NetBackup error
logs on the monitored server. You can enable viewing the Error Logs tab in the
Activity Monitor by navigating to View and then selecting Options. Select the option
for enabling the view of error logs. Use the Error Logs tab on the Activity Monitor
to view the critical logs, information logs, errors and warnings generated during the
last 'n' hours duration which is configurable in the Error Logs tab.

Figure 29-4 Activity Monitor Error Logs tab

Click on a log entry to view the details that are associated with the log entry in a
separate Log details dialog box. For a description of the drive details, click Help
in the Log Details dialog box.

About the jobs database

NetBackup uses the bpdbjobs -clean command to periodically delete the jobs
that are done.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1182
About the jobs database

By default, the bpdbjobs process deletes all completed jobs that are more than
three days old. By default, the bpdbjobs process retains more recent done jobs
until the three-day retention period expires.
To keep jobs in the jobs database longer than the default of three days, you must
change the default value.
If the bprd NetBackup Request Daemon is active, bprd starts the bpdbjobs process
automatically when it performs other cleanup tasks. The process starts the first time
bprd wakes up after midnight. The automatic startups occur regardless of whether
you choose to run bpdbjobs at other times by using cron or alternate methods.
The bpdbjobs -clean is located in the following directory:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpdbjobs -clean
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs -clean

Changing the default bpdbjobs_options values

Use the one of the following methods to change the default values of the
bpdbjobs_options on a permanent basis:
■ On Windows:
Use the following method to add new registry key(s) to


To add the key(s) safely, run the following commands. For example:

echo KEEP_JOBS_HOURS = 192 | nbsetconfig

Where 192 is the number of hours that unsuccessful jobs are kept in the jobs
database or Activity Monitor display.
For example, run:

echo KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS = 192 | nbsetconfig

Where 192 is the number of hours that successful jobs are kept in the jobs
database or Activity Monitor display.
■ On UNIX:
Change the entries in the bp.conf file.
For example, add the following entry to the bp.conf file:

Monitoring NetBackup activity 1183
About the jobs database

Where 192 is the number of hours that unsuccessful jobs are kept in the jobs
database or Activity Monitor display.
For example, to change the retention of successful jobs, add the following entry:


Where 192 is the number of hours that successful jobs are kept in the jobs
database or Activity Monitor display.
Consider the following notes when changing the default values:
is 78 hours.
■ The retention period values are measured against the time the job ended.
■ Information about successful jobs cannot be kept longer than information about
unsuccessful jobs. If KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS is greater than

■ If KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS is set to 0, bpjobd uses the KEEP_JOBS_HOURS

bpdbjobs value instead for successful jobs.
If the KEEP_JOBS_SUCCESSFUL_HOURS value is greater than 0 but less than
KEEP_JOBS_HOURS, KEEP_JOBS_HOURS is used for unsuccessful jobs only.

About the BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS environment variable

The BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS environment variable provides a convenient method to set
job retention options with a script. The bpdbjobs process determines how long to
retain a job by checking for the BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS environment variable.
If present on Windows: BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS overrides the registry key settings.
If present on UNIX: BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS overrides the bp.conf settings. To customize
the output of bpdbjobs, add a BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS entry to the bp.conf file for each
column you want to appear in the output.
The following options can be used to determine the length of time NetBackup retains
jobs. The options should be entered in lower case in the BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS
environmental variable.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1184
About the jobs database

Table 29-7 BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS environment variable options

Option Description

-keep_hours hours Use with the -clean option to specify how many hours
bpdbjobs keeps unsuccessfully completed jobs. Default: 78

To keep both successful and both failed jobs longer than the
default of 78 hours, keep_successful_hours must be used
with keep_hours.

-keep_successful_hours hours Use with the -clean option to specify how many hours
bpdbjobs keeps successfully completed jobs. The number of
hours must be less than or equal to keep_hours.

Values outside the range are ignored. Default: 78 hours.

-keep_days days Use with the -clean option to specify how many days
bpdbjobs keeps completed jobs. Default: 3 days.

-keep_successful_days days This value must be less than the -keep_days value.

Use with the -clean option to specify how many days

bpdbjobs keeps successfully completed jobs. Default: 3 days.

In the following example, a batch file (cleanjobs.bat) was used on a Windows

server. You can copy the script directly from this document and change as needed.
■ The first line specifies how long to keep unsuccessful jobs (24 hours) and
successful jobs (five hours).
■ The second line specifies the path to the bpdbjobs command. Indicate the
correct location of bpdbjobs in the .bat file. In this example, NetBackup was
installed in the default location:

set BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS= -keep_hours 24 -keep_successful_hours 5

C:\progra~1\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bpdbjobs -clean

The same script on a UNIX server would look like the following:

setenv BPDBJOBS_OPTIONS "-keep_hours 24 -keep_successful_hours 5 -clean"

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpdbjobs ${*}

You can store the .bat file anywhere, as long as it is run from the appropriate
In the following example, the administrator created and stored cleanjobs.bat in
C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1185
About the jobs database

Figure 29-5 Running cleanjobs.bat on Windows

bpdbjobs command line options

The bpdbjobs command interacts with the jobs database to delete or move
completed job files. The command line options supersede all other job retention
The -clean option causes bpdbjobs to delete the completed jobs that are older
than a specified time period as follows:

bpdbjobs -clean [ -M <master servers> ]

[ -keep_hours <hours> ] or [ -keep_days <days> ]
[ -keep_successful_hours <hours> ] or
[ -keep_successful_days <days> ]

For example, the following command deletes unsuccessful jobs older than 72 hours.

bpdbjobs -clean -keep_hours 72

More information is available in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

Enabling the bpdbjobs debug log

If you need detailed information on bpdbjobs activities, use the following procedure:
Enabling the bpdbjobs debug log
Enable the bpdbjobs debug log by creating the following directory:
On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpdbjobs
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpdbjobs

Note: Before you use a debug log, read the guidelines about legacy logging in the
NetBackup Logging Reference Guide.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1186
About the Device Monitor

About the Device Monitor

Use the NetBackup Administration Console Device Monitor to manage your
tape drives, disk pools, and service requests for operators, as follows:

Media mounts See “About media mount errors” on page 1186.

Pending requests See “About pending requests and actions” on page 1187.
and actions
See “About pending requests for storage units” on page 1188.

See “Resubmitting a request” on page 1190.

See “Resolving a pending action” on page 1189.

See “Denying a request” on page 1191.

Tape drives See “Changing a drive comment” on page 510.

See “About downed drives” on page 510.

See “Changing a drive operating mode” on page 511.

See “Cleaning a tape drive from the Device Monitor” on page 513.

See “Resetting a drive” on page 515.

See “Resetting the mount time of a drive” on page 515.

See “Setting the drive cleaning frequency” on page 516.

See “Viewing drive details” on page 516.

See “Denying a request” on page 1191.

Disk pools See “Changing OpenStorage disk pool state” on page 480.
More information about disk pools is available in the NetBackup guide
for your disk storage option:

■ The NetBackup AdvancedDisk Storage Solutions Guide.

■ The NetBackup Cloud Administrator's Guide.
■ The NetBackup Deduplication Guide.
■ The NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide for Disk.
■ The NetBackup Replication Director Solutions Guide.

About media mount errors

Errors can occur when media is mounted for NetBackup jobs. Depending on the
type of error, NetBackup adds the mount request to the pending requests queue
or cancels the mount request, as follows:
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1187
About pending requests and actions

Adds to the When NetBackup adds the mount request to the queue, NetBackup
pending requests creates an operator-pending action. The action appears in the
queue NetBackup Administration Console Device Monitor. A queued mount
request leads to one of the following actions:

■ The mount request is suspended until the condition is resolved.

■ The operator denies the request.
■ The media mount time out is reached.

Cancels the When a mount request is automatically canceled, NetBackup tries to

request select other media to use for backups. (Selection applies only in the
case of backup requests.)

Many conditions lead to a mount request being automatically canceled

instead of queued. When a media mount is canceled, NetBackup selects
different media so that the backup is not held up.

When NetBackup selects different media

The following conditions can lead to automatic media reselection:
■ The requested media is in a DOWN drive.
■ The requested media is misplaced.
■ The requested media is write protected.
■ The requested media is in a drive not accessible to the media server.
■ The requested media is in an offline ACS LSM (Automated Cartridge System
Library Storage Module). (ACS robot type only.)
■ The requested media has an unreadable barcode. (ACS robot type only.)
■ The requested media is in an ACS that is not accessible. (ACS robot type only.)
■ The requested media is determined to be unmountable.

About pending requests and actions

In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor. If requests await action or if NetBackup acts on
a request, the Pending Requests pane appears. For example, if a tape mount
requires a specific volume, the request appears in the Pending Requests pane.
If NetBackup requires a specific volume for a restore operation, NetBackup loads
or requests the volume. After all requests are resolved (automatically by NetBackup
or manually by operator intervention), the Pending Requests pane disappears.
If NetBackup cannot service a media-specific mount request automatically, it
changes the request or action to a pending state.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1188
About pending requests and actions

Table 29-8 Pending states

Pending state Description

Pending request Specifies that a pending request is for a tape mount that NetBackup
cannot service automatically. Operator assistance is required to
complete the request. NetBackup displays the request in the Pending
Requests pane.
NetBackup assigns pending status to a mount request when it cannot
determine the following:

■ Which standalone drive to use for a job.

■ Which drive in a robot is in Automatic Volume Recognition (AVR)

Pending action Specifies that a tape mount request becomes a pending action when
the mount operation encounters problems, and the tape cannot be
mounted. Operator assistance is required to complete the request, and
NetBackup displays an action request in the Pending Requests pane.
Pending actions usually occur with drives in robotic libraries.

About pending requests for storage units

In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor. The following tape mount requests do not appear
in the Device Monitor Pending Requests pane:
■ Requests for backups
■ Requests for a tape that is required as the target of a duplication operation
These requests are for resources in a storage unit and therefore are not for a specific
volume. NetBackup does not assign a mount request for one storage unit to the
drives of another storage unit automatically. Also, you cannot reassign the mount
request to another storage unit.
If the storage unit is not available, NetBackup tries to select another storage unit
that has a working robot. If NetBackup cannot find a storage unit for the job,
NetBackup queues the job (a Queued state appears in the NetBackup
Administration Console Activity Monitor).
You can configure NetBackup so that storage unit mount requests are displayed
in the Device Monitor if the robot or drive is down. Pending requests appear in the
Device Monitor, and you can assign these mount requests to drives manually.

Resolving a pending request

Use the following procedure to resolve a pending request.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1189
About pending requests and actions

For ACS robots: If a request pends because the Library Storage Module (LSM) in
which the media resides is offline, no operator action is required. NetBackup retries
the requests hourly until the LSM is online. NetBackup reports the LSM offline status
in the Job Details dialog box. Open the Job Details dialog box from the Jobs tab
in the Activity Monitor.
To resolve a pending request
1 Insert the requested volume in a drive that matches the density of the volume
that was requested.
2 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
3 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
4 In the Pending Requests pane, select the request and note the contents of
the following columns of the request:
■ Density
■ External Media ID
■ Mode

5 In the Drive Status pane, find a drive type that matches the density for the
pending request.
6 Verify that the drive is up and not assigned to another request.
7 Select the drive.
8 Ensure that the drive and the pending request are on the same host.
9 If necessary, get the media, write-enable it, and insert it into the drive.
10 Wait for the drive to become ready, as explained in the vendor’s drive equipment
11 On the Actions menu, select Assign Request.
12 Verify that the request was removed from the Pending Requests pane.
13 In the Drive status pane, verify the following:
■ The job request ID appears in the Request ID column for the drive
■ The User column is not blank

Resolving a pending action

A pending action is similar to a pending request. For a pending action, NetBackup
determines the cause of the problem and issues instruction to the operator to resolve
the problem.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1190
About pending requests and actions

A media icon identifies a pending action; the icon appears to the left of the request
ID. The icon includes a human hand, which depicts that a manual action is required.
Use the following procedure to resolve a pending action.
To resolve a pending action
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Pending Requests pane, select the pending action.
4 On the Actions menu, select Display Pending Action (on UNIX, you can also
double-click the pending action).
5 In the message box that describes the problem, review the list of possible
corrective actions. The message box also shows other information, such as
user name, recorded media ID, external media IDs, and drive number.
6 Click OK.
7 Correct the error condition and either resubmit the request or deny the request.
See “Resubmitting a request” on page 1190.
See “Denying a request” on page 1191.

Resubmitting a request
After you correct a problem with a pending action, you can resubmit the request.
Use the following procedure to resubmit a request.
If the problem is a volume missing from a robot, first locate the volume, insert it into
the robot, and then update the volume configuration. Usually, a missing volume
was removed from a robot and then requested by NetBackup.
See “Robot inventory options” on page 613.
To resubmit a request
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Pending Requests pane, select the request.
4 On the Actions menu, select Resubmit Request.
Monitoring NetBackup activity 1191
About pending requests and actions

Denying a request
Some situations may require that you deny requests for service. For example, when
a drive is not available, you cannot find the volume, or the user is not authorized
to use the volume. When you deny a request, NetBackup sends an appropriate
status message to the user.
Use the following procedure to deny a request.
To deny a request
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
2 If you licensed a disk pool feature, select the Drives tab.
3 In the Pending Requests pane, select the request.
4 On the Actions menu, select Deny Request.
Chapter 30
Reporting in NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the Reports utility

■ Running a report

■ Copying report text to another document

■ Saving or exporting a report

■ Printing a report

About the Reports utility

Use the Reports utility in the NetBackup Administration Console to generate
reports to verify, manage, and troubleshoot NetBackup operations. NetBackup
reports display information according to job status, client backups, and media
contents. Use the Troubleshooter to analyze the cause of the errors that appear
in a NetBackup report.
In the Reports window, in the right pane, manage the report data or select a report
to run.
Reporting in NetBackup 1193
About the Reports utility

Figure 30-1 Reports utility


Table 30-1 Reports utility

Number Description

1 The name of the currently selected master server.

2 The user toolbar is specific to the Reports utility.

3 Report descriptions.

4 Right-click in the right pane to view the shortcut menu.

NetBackup offers many different reports to view information about job activity and

Table 30-2 NetBackup Reports

Report name Description

Status of The Status of Backups report shows status and error information about the jobs that completed
Backups within the specified time period. If an error occurred, a short explanation of the error is included in
the report.

Client The Client Backups report shows detailed information about the backups that completed within the
Backups specified time period.
Reporting in NetBackup 1194
About the Reports utility

Table 30-2 NetBackup Reports (continued)

Report name Description

Problems The Problems report generates a list of the problems that the server has logged during the specified
time period. The information in this report is a subset of the information that is obtained from the All
Log Entries report.

All Log Entries The All Log Entries report generates a list of all log entries for the specified time period. This report
includes the information from the Problems report and Media Logs report. This report also displays
the transfer rate. The transfer rate is useful to determine rates and predict backup times for future
backups. (The transfer rate does not appear for multiplexed backups.)

Images on The Images on Media report generates a list of the media contents as recorded in the NetBackup
Media image catalog. You can generate this report for any type of media (including disk) and filter it according
to client, media ID, or path.

Media Logs The Media Logs report shows the media errors or the informational messages that are recorded in
the NetBackup error catalog.

Images on The Images on Tape report generates the contents of the tape-based media as recorded in the
Tape NetBackup image catalog. The Images on Tape is a subset of the Images on Media report.

Tape Logs The Tape Logs report displays all error logs related to tape-based backup and recovery. The Tape
Logs report is a subset of the Media Logs report.

Tape Contents The Tape Contents report (formerly known as the Media Contents report) generates a list of the
contents of a volume as read directly from the media header and backup headers. This report lists
the backup IDs (not each individual file) that are on a single volume. If a tape must be mounted, the
delay is longer before the report appears.

Before running this report, you can choose to override the default job priority for the job. The default
priority is specified in the Default Job Priorities host properties.

Tape The Tape Summary report summarizes active and nonactive volumes for the specified media owner
Summary according to expiration date. It also shows how many volumes are at each retention level. In verbose
mode, the report shows each media ID and the expiration date.

Nonactive media are those with a status of FULL, FROZEN, SUSPENDED, or IMPORTED. Other
volumes are considered active.

Expired volumes with a status of FULL, SUSPENDED, or IMPORTED do not appear in the report.
However, expired volumes with a FROZEN status do appear in the report. NetBackup deletes other
expired volumes from the media catalog when it runs backups. An expired volume of a different
status can display if the report is run between the time the volume expires and the time that the next
backup is done.

Tape Written The Tape Written report identifies the volumes that were used for backups within the specified time
period. The report also does not display the volumes that were used for duplication if the original
was created before the specified time period.
Reporting in NetBackup 1195
Running a report

Table 30-2 NetBackup Reports (continued)

Report name Description

Tape Lists The Tape Lists report generates information about the volumes that are allocated for backups for
the selected media owner or media ID.

This report does not show media for disk type storage units. For the backups that are saved to disk
storage units, use the Images on Media report or the Images on Disk report.

Images on The Images on Disk report generates the image list present on the disk storage units that are
Disk connected to the media server. The Images on Disk report is a subset of the Images on Media
report, showing only disk-specific columns.

Disk Logs The Disk Logs report displays all error logs related to disk-based backup and recovery. The Disk
Logs report is a subset of the Media Logs report.

Disk Storage The Disk Storage Unit Status report displays the state of the disk storage units in the current
Unit Status NetBackup configuration. (For example, the total capacity and the used capacity of the disk storage

Multiple storage units can point to the same disk pool. When the report query searches by storage
unit, the report counts the capacity of disk pool storage multiple times.

Storage units that reference disk groups do not display capacity values.

Disk Pool The Disk Pool Status report generates the details of one or more disk pools.

See “Copying report text to another document” on page 1196.

For information about Vault reports, see the NetBackup Vault Administrator’s Guide.

Running a report
The following procedure describes how to run a NetBackup report from the Reports
Reporting in NetBackup 1196
Copying report text to another document

To run a report
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Reports.
NetBackup runs the report for the master server that is currently selected. To
run a report on a different master server, on the File menu, click Change
See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.
2 In the left pane, click the name of the report you want to run.
For some reports, you must first expand a report group, and then click the
name of the report.
3 Select the criteria for what to include or exclude in the report. For example,
select the media servers and clients on which to run the report, and select the
time period that the report should span.
4 Click Run Report.
See “Copying report text to another document” on page 1196.

Copying report text to another document

The following procedure describes how to copy the text from a NetBackup report
and paste it into a spreadsheet or other document.
To copy report text to another document
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Reports.
2 In the left pane, double-click the name of the report you want to run.
For some reports, you must first expand a report group, and then click the
name of the report.
3 Select the criteria for what to include or exclude in the report, and click Run
4 Select the rows of the report you want to copy by holding down the Shift or
Ctrl key.
5 On the Edit menu, click Copy to Clipboard.
6 Paste the selected rows into a spreadsheet or other document.
Reporting in NetBackup 1197
Saving or exporting a report

Saving or exporting a report

The following procedure describes how to save or export a NetBackup report.
To save or export a report
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Reports.
2 In the left pane, click the name of the report you want to run.
For some reports, you must first expand a report group, and then click the
name of the report.
3 Select the criteria for what to include or exclude in the report and click Run
4 On the File menu, click Export.
5 In the Save As dialog box, select the location where you want to save the
report, and specify the file name.
6 Click Save.
See “Copying report text to another document” on page 1196.

Printing a report
The following procedure describes how to print a NetBackup report.
To print a report
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Reports.
2 In the left pane, click the name of the report you want to run.
For some reports, you must first expand a report group, and then click the
name of the report.
3 Select the criteria for what to include or exclude in the report and click Run
4 On the File menu, click Print.
Chapter 31
Email notifications
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Send notifications to the backup administrator about failed backups

■ Send notifications to a host administrator about backups

■ Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts

■ Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows

■ Send notifications about KMS certificate expiration

Send notifications to the backup administrator

about failed backups
You can send notifications to the backup administrator about backups with a
non-zero status.
On UNIX, NetBackup uses the mail transfer agent sendmail to send email
notifications. For Windows, NetBackup requires that an application to transfer
messages using SMTP is installed and that the nbmail.cmd script is configured on
the Windows hosts that send notifications.
See “Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts” on page 1200.
See “Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows” on page 1201.
To configure notifications for the backup administrator of a NetBackup host, see
the following topic.
See “Send notifications to a host administrator about backups” on page 1199.
Email notifications 1199
Send notifications to a host administrator about backups

To send notifications to the backup administrator about failed backups

1 On the primary server, open the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 Expand NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Primary Server.
3 Double-click the primary server you want to modify.
4 Click Global Attributes.
5 In the Administrator’s email address field, enter the email address of the
administrator to receive the notification emails. (Separate multiple addresses
with commas.)
6 Click Apply.

Send notifications to a host administrator about

You can send notifications to the host administrator about successful and failed
backups for a specific host.
On UNIX, NetBackup uses the mail transfer agent sendmail to send email
notifications. Windows requires that an application to transfer messages with SMTP
is installed. You also must configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts
that send notifications.
See “Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts” on page 1200.
See “Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows” on page 1201.
To send notifications for backups of a specific host
1 On the primary server, sign in to the NetBackup Administration Console.
2 Expand NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Clients.
3 Double-click the client you want to modify.
4 Click Universal Settings.
5 Select the Client sends mail option. If the client cannot send mail, enable the
Server sends mail option.
6 Enter the email address of the host administrator to receive the notification
emails and click Apply. (Separate multiple addresses with commas.)
7 Click Apply.
Email notifications 1200
Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts

Configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows

For Windows hosts to send and receive email notifications about backups, the
nbmail.cmd script must be configured on the applicable hosts.

To configure the nbmail.cmd script on the Windows hosts

1 Create a backup copy of nbmail.cmd.
2 On the primary server, locate the following script:

3 Copy the script to the following directory on the applicable hosts:


Primary and media NetBackup sends notifications from the server if you configure the
server following setting:

■ The Administrator’s email address in Global Attributes.

■ The Server sends email option in the Universal Settings.

Client. NetBackup sends notifications from the client if you configure the
following setting:

■ The Client sends email option in the Universal Settings.

4 Use a text editor to open nbmail.cmd.

The following options are used in the script:

-s The subject line of the email

-t Indicates who receives the email.

-i The originator of the email, though it is not necessarily known to the

mail server. The default (-i Netbackup) shows that the email is from

-server The name of the SMTP server that is configured to accept and relay

-q Suppresses all output to the screen.

5 Adjust the lines as follows:

Email notifications 1201
Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows

■ Remove @REM from each of the five lines to activate the necessary
sections for BLAT to run.
■ Replace SERVER_1 with the name of the mail server. For example:

@IF "%~4"=="" (
blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i Netbackup -server -q
) ELSE (
blat %3 -s %2 -t %1 -i Netbackup -server -q -attach %4

6 Save nbmail.cmd.

Install and test the BLAT email utility on Windows

BLAT is the most common application that is used for email notification. You must
install and configure a mail client on the hosts that send email notifications.
■ To send email notifications from the client, install the mail client on the NetBackup
■ To send email notifications from the server, install the mail client on the
NetBackup primary and the media server.
To test the email utility
1 Create a test text file that contains a message. For example, create

2 From a command prompt, run:

blat C:\testfile.txt -s test_subject -to

If correctly configured, the contents of testfile.txt are sent to the email

address that is specified.

Send notifications about KMS certificate

A notification is generated when the certificate that is used to communicate with
the key management service (KMS) server is about to expire.
Following is an example of notification:
Email notifications 1202
Send notifications about KMS certificate expiration

The certificate that is used to communicate with the KMS server

example, is about to expire in 10 days. If the certificate
is not renewed on time, communication with the KMS server fails.

Following is an example of email contents:

Subject: CN=testuser, O=Veritas, OU=safenet

Issuer: CN=InterCA, O=Veritas,OU=safenet

Server: gemalto

Expiry: Wed Sep 21 16:41:32 IST 2022

Days: 973
Section 9
Administering NetBackup

■ Chapter 32. Management topics

■ Chapter 33. Accessing a remote server

■ Chapter 34. Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console

■ Chapter 35. Alternate server restores

■ Chapter 36. Managing client backups and restores

■ Chapter 37. Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers

■ Chapter 38. About Granular Recovery Technology

Chapter 32
Management topics
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Configuring the NetBackup Client Service

■ Units of measure used with NetBackup

■ NetBackup naming conventions

■ Wildcard use in NetBackup

■ Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy

Configuring the NetBackup Client Service

By default, the NetBackup Client Service is configured on Windows with the Local
System account. The Local System account lacks sufficient rights to perform
certain backup and restore operations.
For example, for NetBackup to access CIFS volumes, the account must be changed
from Local System to an account with access to the CIFS share.
To change the NetBackup Client Service logon account on a Windows computer:
■ Open the Windows Services application.
■ To change the logon account, stop the NetBackup Client Service.
■ Open the properties for the NetBackup Client Service.
■ Provide the name and password of the account that has the necessary
permissions. For example, change the logon to that of Administrator.
■ Restart the service.
If the logon property is not changed for the NetBackup Client Service, the policy
validation fails with status code 4206.
Management topics 1205
Units of measure used with NetBackup

Situations in which the NetBackup Client Service logon

account requires changing
The following list contains situations in which the NetBackup Client Service logon
account needs to be changed:
■ To access CIFS storage for a storage unit.
■ To use UNC paths, the network drives must be available to the service account
that the NetBackup Client Service logs into at startup. You must change this
account on each Windows client that is backed up that contains data that is
shared with another computer.
■ During a snapshot: To have read access to the share for backup purposes and
write access during restores.
The account must be for a domain user that is allowed to access and write to
the share. To verify the account, log on as that user and try to access the UNC
path. For example: \\server_name\share_name.
■ For database agents and options, configure the service with a logon account
that has the necessary permission or privileges. See the documentation for your
agent or option for more information.
■ For the database agents that support VMware backups on a NetApp disk array,
configure the logon account to one that has access to the disk array.

Units of measure used with NetBackup

For most units of measure for data, NetBackup uses the terms and abbreviations
kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), and so on to mean the binary, or bitwise, values of
each term. NetBackup does not use the powers-of-ten values, such as 1,000 for
KB or 1,000,000 for MG.
When you calculate values that appear in NetBackup displays and reports, it is
important to understand the difference between a unit's binary value and its
powers-of-ten value. For example, a displayed value of 1.5TB actually means
1,649,267,441,664, bytes (the binary value) and not 1,500,000,000,000 bytes (the
powers-of-ten value), a difference of almost 150 billion bytes.
The following table shows a number of common displayed units of measure with
their corresponding bitwise names, binary multipliers, and actual values.

Table 32-1 Units of measure used in NetBackup

Displayed unit Bitwise unit Binary multiplier Actual value in bytes

Kilobyte (KB) Kebibyte (KiB) 2^10 1024

Management topics 1206
NetBackup naming conventions

Table 32-1 Units of measure used in NetBackup (continued)

Displayed unit Bitwise unit Binary multiplier Actual value in bytes

Megabyte (MG) Mebibyte (MiB) 2^20 1048576

Gigabyte (GB) Gibibyte (GiB) 2^30 1073741824

Terabyte (TB) Tibibyte (TiB) 2^40 1099511627776

Petabyte (PB) Pebibyte (PiB) 2^50 1125899906842624

Exabyte (EB) Exbibyte (EiB) 2^60 1152921504606846976

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have adopted standards for these values. See
the following articles for more information:
■ (with a paid IEEE

NetBackup naming conventions

NetBackup has rules for naming logical constructs, such as clients, disk pools,
backup policies, storage lifecycle policies, and so on. Generally, names are
case-sensitive. The following set of characters can be used in user-defined names
and passwords:
■ Alphabetic (A-Z a-z) (names are case-sensitive)
■ Numeric (0-9)
■ Period (.)
■ Plus (+)
■ Hyphen (-)
Do not use a hyphen as the first character.
■ Underscore (_)
These characters are also used for foreign languages.
Management topics 1207
Wildcard use in NetBackup

Note: No spaces are allowed.

The Logical Storage Unit (LSU) name or the Domain Volume name must have
fewer than 50 ASCII characters including a hyphen (-) and an underscore (_) and
must not have a blank space.

Wildcard use in NetBackup

NetBackup recognizes the following wildcard characters in areas where wildcards
can be used. (For example, in the paths of include and exclude file lists.)
The following table shows the wildcards that can be used in various NetBackup
dialog boxes and lists.

Table 32-2 Wildcard use in NetBackup

Wildcard Use

* An asterisk serves as a wildcard for zero or more characters.

An asterisk can be used in the backup selection list, the include list, and the exclude list for Windows and
UNIX clients.

For example:

r* refers to all files that begin with r

r*.doc refers to all files that begin with r and end with .doc.

To back up all files that end in .conf, specify:


? A question mark serves as a wildcard for any single character (A through Z; 0 through 9).

A question mark can be used in the backup selection list, the include list, and the exclude list for Windows
and UNIX clients.

For example:

file? refers to file2, file3, file4

file?? refers to file12, file28, file89

To back up all files named log01_03, log02_03, specify:

Management topics 1208
Wildcard use in NetBackup

Table 32-2 Wildcard use in NetBackup (continued)

Wildcard Use

[ ] A pair of square brackets indicates any single character or range of characters that are separated with
a dash.

For example:

file[2-4] refers to file2, file3, and file4

file[24] refers to file2, file4

*[2-4] refers to file2, file3, file4, name2, name3, name4

Brackets are not valid wildcards under all circumstances for all clients:

■ Brackets that are used as wildcards in include and exclude lists:

Windows clients: Allowed
UNIX clients: Allowed
■ Brackets that are used as wildcards in policy backup selections lists:
Windows clients: Not allowed; the use of brackets in policy backup selections lists causes backups
to fail with a status 71.
UNIX clients: Allowed

{ } Curly brackets can be used in the backup selection list, the include list, and the exclude list for UNIX
clients only.

A pair of curly brackets (or braces) indicates multiple file name patterns. Separate the patterns by commas
only; no spaces are permitted. A match is made for any or all entries.

For example:

{*1.doc,*.pdf} refers to file1.doc, file1.pdf, file2.pdf

Note: Curly brackets are valid characters for Windows file names and cannot be used as wildcards on
Windows platforms. Backslashes cannot be used as escape characters for curly bracket characters.

To use wildcard characters literally, precede the character with a backslash (\).
A backslash (\) acts as an escape character only when it precedes a special or a
wildcard character. NetBackup normally interprets a backslash literally because a
backslash is a legal character to use in paths.
Assume that the brackets in the following examples are to be used literally:


In the exclude list, precede the brackets with a backslash:

Management topics 1209
Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy

Table 32-3 Placement of wildcards in the path of backup selections

Client type Examples

For Windows clients, wildcards function The following example is allowed:

correctly only when they are placed at the
end of the path, in the file or the directory
name. Wildcard characters do not work elsewhere
in the path. For example, an asterisk functions
See “Pathname rules for Windows client
as a literal character (not as a wildcard) in the
backups” on page 894.
following examples:



For UNIX clients, wildcards can appear The following examples are allowed:
anywhere in the path.
See “Pathname rules for UNIX client backups”
on page 901.

See “Backup Selections tab ” on page 880.

Wildcard characters in backup selections for an

NDMP policy
You can use wildcard characters in regular expressions or the directive
ALL_FILESYSTEMS to specify path names in NDMP policy backup selections.

Wildcard characters in regular expressions or directives are valid for streaming and
non-streaming NDMP backups.
Management topics 1210
Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy

Note: Directory-level expansion is not supported for some NDMP servers. Some
NDMP filer vendors do not have the APIs that NetBackup uses to support wildcard
characters lower than the volume level.
If you specify a backup selection using wildcard characters lower than the volume
level for these filers, status code 106 is generated. The following message is
displayed: Invalid file pathname found, cannot process request.
Currently, only NetApp filers support wildcard characters for backup selections
lower than the volume level. This support is not available in NetApp clustered Data
ONTAP version 8.2.
To see the versions of NetApp Data ONTAP that support wildcard characters for
backup selections lower than the volume level, refer to the NetBackup Compatibility
List for all Versions.
You cannot use any wildcard characters that also match file names. For example,
a backup selection might include /vol/vol_archive_01/autoit*. This specification
might match a path name such as /vol/vol_archive_01/autoit_01/. However,
if this specification also matches a file name like
/vol/vol_archive_01/autoit-v1-setup.exe, the backup job fails with status
code 99 because wildcards can specify only path names. The following message
is displayed: NDMP backup failure (99).

Table 32-4 Valid wildcard characters for NDMP policy backup selections

Wildcard character Description

* Specifies a string match. For example:


This form of the path specification matches all paths that begin with the literal characters
/vol/vol_archive_ and end with any characters.

The string match wildcard can also specify multiple variable characters between literal
characters as in the following examples:

/vol/ora_*archive or /vol/ora_*archive*

/vol/ora_vol/qtree_*archive or /vol/ora_vol/qtree_*archive*

? Specifies a single-character match.


This path specification matches all paths that begin with the literal characters /fs and
end with any single character. For example, /fs1,/fs3, /fsa, /fsd and so on match
the specified pattern /fs?.
Management topics 1211
Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy

Table 32-4 Valid wildcard characters for NDMP policy backup selections

Wildcard character Description

[...] Specifies an alphanumeric pattern match. For example:


This path specification matches all paths that begin with the literal characters /fs and
end with any single numeric character from 1 through 9. For example, /fs1,/fs2,
and so on up to /fs9 match the specified pattern /fs[1-9]. However, /fs0 and
/fsa do not match the specified pattern; 0 is out of the specified numeric range, and
a is a non-numeric character.

The pattern match wildcard can also specify alphanumeric patterns such as
/fs[1-5a]. This specification matches /fs1, /fs2, and so on up to /fs5 as well
as /fsa.

Similarly, the pattern match wildcard can also specify patterns like /fs[a-p4]. This
specification matches /fsa, /fsb, and so on up to /fsp as well as /fs4.

You must use multiple backup selection specifications if the pattern can match more
than 10 volume names in a numeric series. For example, you may want to back up
110 volumes that begin with the literal characters /vol/ndmp and are numbered 1
through 110. To include these volumes in a backup selection with wildcards, specify
three backup selections with the following wildcard patterns:

■ /vol/ndmp[0-9]
This pattern matches any volume name that begins with /vol/ndmp and ends
with a single numeric character 0 through 9.
■ /vol/ndmp[0-9][0-9]
This pattern matches any volume name that begins with /vol/ndmp and ends
with the two-digit numeric characters 00 through 99.
■ /vol/ndmp[0-9][0-9][0-9]
This pattern matches any volume name that begins with /vol/ndmp and ends
with the three-digit numeric characters 000 through 999.

Do not specify /vol/ndmp[1-110] in this example. This pattern produces inconsistent


{...} Curly brackets can be used in the backup selection list and the
VOLUME_EXCLUDE_LIST directive for NDMP policies.

A pair of curly brackets (or braces) indicates multiple volume or directory name patterns.
Separate the patterns by commas only; no spaces are permitted. A match is made for
any or all entries.

For example:

{*volA,*volB} or {volA*,volB*}
Management topics 1212
Wildcard characters in backup selections for an NDMP policy

Note the following restrictions and behaviors regarding wildcard expressions:

■ It is not recommended that you use a single forward-slash character (/) in an
NDMP policy backup selection. This method of including all the volumes on an
NDMP filer in the selection is not supported. Instead, use the ALL_FILESYSTEMS
on page 911.
■ Nested wildcard expressions can result in recursive path name expansion
operations that can impact performance, especially for directories that have a
very large number of files or directories. An example of nested wildcard
expansion is as follows:

■ Wildcard expressions do not span or include a path separator (/).

■ All backup selections that contain a wildcard expression must start with a path
separator (/). An example of a correct wildcard expression is as follows:
An example of an incorrect wildcard expression is as follows:
Chapter 33
Accessing a remote server
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Prerequisites for accessing a remote server

■ Accessing remote servers

■ Troubleshooting remote server administration

Prerequisites for accessing a remote server

In a NetBackup environment, you can use multiple NetBackup servers to perform
various administrative tasks.
For example, consider a NetBackup environment that contains two NetBackup
domains. Server1 in one domain and Server2 in the other. You can log into the
NetBackup Administration Console of Server1 and then change to Server2 to
administer Server2. You must perform the following tasks before you can change
to a different server:
■ From one server, allow access to another server. See “Allow access to another
server” on page 1213.
■ Authorize users of one server to access another server. See “Authorize users
of one server to access another server” on page 1214.
To change to a different server, you can either specify the remote server on the
login screen or change to the server from within the NetBackup Administration
Console. See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.

Allow access to another server

For a local host to administer a remote server, the name of the local host must
appear in the server list of the remote server. Likewise, the remote host must include
the local host in its server list.
Accessing a remote server 1214
Prerequisites for accessing a remote server

To add a server to a server list

1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Host Properties > Master
2 Double-click the name of the server to view the properties.
3 Select the Servers tab to display the server list.
If the remote server does not appear in the Additional Servers list, the current
server considers it invalid.
4 To add a server to the server list, click Add.
5 In the New Server dialog box, type the server name in the field.
6 Click Add to add the server to the list. Then, click Close to close the dialog
box. The server appears in the server list.
The bp.conf file on every UNIX server contains SERVER and possibly
MEDIA_SERVER entries. The server list in the Servers properties dialog box
represents these entries. Hosts that are listed as media servers have limited
administrative privileges.
7 Click OK to save the changes.

Authorize users of one server to access another server

You must explicitly authorize users of one server to access another server. Add
users of a server to the auth.conf file on the server that they are authorized to
access. In this example, authorize users of Server1 to access Server2. This task
must be performed on Server2.

Note: Add only the users that don't have administrative privileges on one server to
the auth.conf file on another server.
On UNIX, the auth.conf file is located at /usr/openv/java.
On Windows, create the auth.conf file from the file that
is located at C:\Program Files\Veritas\Java.
See “Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics” on page 1221.
Accessing a remote server 1215
Accessing remote servers

To authorize users of one server to access another server

In the auth.conf file on Server2, add users of Server1 authorized to access
If Server1 is a Windows host, add the following line in the auth.conf file:
For example, username ADMIN=ALL JBP=ALL
If Server1 is a UNIX host, add the following line in the auth.conf file:
For example, root ADMIN=ALL JBP=ALL

Accessing remote servers

If a NetBackup site has multiple master servers, you can configure the systems so
that multiple servers can be accessed from one NetBackup Administration
If the server that you want to access is a media server or client, it must be
provisioned with a security certificate.
See “About security certificates for NetBackup hosts” on page 38.
Use the following procedure to access a remote server.
To access a remote server
1 Ensure that the remote server is accessible to the local server.
See “Allow access to another server” on page 1213.
2 Use one of the following methods to access a remote server:
■ Use the Change Server option:
■ Select any main node in the left pane of the NetBackup Administration
Console. (The option does not appear in the File menu unless a main
node is selected.)
■ Select the File > Change Server menu command.
■ Click OK to launch a new console.
■ Enter the host name of another server.
Enter a user name and password and click Login.
If the user has the necessary permissions on both servers, the user can
transition from one to another without setting up trust relationships.
If server1 is not listed on the server list of server2, server1 receives an
error message after it tries to change servers to server2.
If the user has administrative privileges on one server and different
privileges on another server, the user is required to reauthenticate.
Accessing a remote server 1216
Troubleshooting remote server administration

■ Specify the remote server on the login screen:

Enter the host name of the remote server.
Enter the user name and password for an authorized NetBackup
administrator, then click Login.

To log in to a different
server, specify the name
of the remote host in the
login screen

Troubleshooting remote server administration

To administer a server from another master server, make sure that the following
conditions are met:
■ The destination server is operational.
■ NetBackup daemons are running on both hosts.
■ The network connection is valid.
■ The user has administrative privileges on the destination host.
■ To perform a Change Server operation, all servers should be at the same
■ The current host is listed in the server list of the destination host.
See “Allow access to another server” on page 1213.
The host does not need to be listed if the host is a media server or a client. Or,
it does not need to be listed if only media and device management or monitoring
is to take place.
If you change the master server list, stop and restart the NetBackup Database
Manager (bpdbm) and NetBackup Request Daemon (bprd) to ensure that all
appropriate NetBackup processes use the new server entry.
■ Authentication is set up correctly, if used.
Accessing a remote server 1217
Troubleshooting remote server administration

■ To perform a Change Server operation to a media server or client, the media

server or client must have a security certificate installed.
■ For problems changing servers to configure media or devices or monitor devices,
verify that the NetBackup Volume Manager is running on that server.
■ If you cannot access devices on the remote host, it may be necessary to add a
SERVER entry to the vm.conf file on that host.
See the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide, Volume II for instructions.
■ If you cannot start or stop processes or services through the Activity Monitor,
verify the following:
■ The remote server is a Windows system. Only on other Windows systems
can processes be monitored and controlled.
■ You have the required permissions on the remote server. Windows security
must allow access to the user that is running the Activity Monitor.
Chapter 34
Using the NetBackup
Remote Administration
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console

■ About authorizing NetBackup users

■ Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics

■ About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications

■ About authorizing specific tasks in the Backup, Archive, and Restore user

■ Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

■ About improving NetBackup performance

■ About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup Administration console

About the NetBackup Remote Administration

The NetBackup Remote Administration Console is a stand-alone Java-based
administration console. This console is installed on a host that does not have
NetBackup server software. It is used to monitor NetBackup servers remotely.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1219
About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console

Installing this console installs the NetBackup Administration Console. The

presence of the client software enables the computer to be backed up like any other
client. No master server software or media server software is installed.
NetBackup includes an administration console for all the supported versions of
NetBackup. Select the version of the console that is compatible with the NetBackup
server that you want to administer.

Note: To upgrade any of the multiple versions of consoles to a patch, you must
first install the base version of the Remote Administration Console. Use the installer
of the base version to install the Remote Administration Console. You must then
upgrade to the corresponding patch of the Remote Administration Console.
Upgrading directly to a patch version of the NetBackup Administration Console
from the multiple versions of the consoles is not supported.

These processes can be run on two different NetBackup hosts. This distributed
application architecture holds true for the Backup, Archive, and Restore client
interface (jbpSA) on UNIX platforms as well.
The administrator first starts the NetBackup Administration Console using one
of the following methods:
■ Select Start > Programs > Veritas NetBackup > NetBackup 8.x
Administration Console on the Windows computer on which the NetBackup
Remote Administration Console is installed.
■ Run the jnbSA command on a UNIX computer where NetBackup is installed.
Then the administrator logs on to the application server on the host that is specified
in the logon dialog box.
The application server is the host that is specified in the NetBackup Administration
Console logon dialog box and authenticates the logon credentials of the user. The
credentials are authenticated by using standard UNIX user account data and
associated APIs.

Note: The host that is specified in the logon dialog box and the system that runs
the NetBackup Administration Console must run the same NetBackup version.

Note: To log on to any NetBackup Administration Console, your logon credentials

must be authenticated from the connecting master or media server.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1220
About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console

Figure 34-1 NetBackup logon dialog box

Application server

The user name and

password must be valid on
the application server.

The server that is usually the object of all administrative tasks is the host that is
specified in the NetBackup Administration Console logon dialog box.
An exception is the use of the File > Change Server capability in the NetBackup
Administration Console. The Change Server capability allows administration of
a remote server (a server other than the one specified in the NetBackup
Administration Console logon dialog box).

Note: To perform a Change Server operation, all servers should be at the same

Regardless of which server is administered, all administrative tasks that are

performed in the NetBackup Administration Console make requests of the
application server. All tasks are run on the application server host, whether the
server is remote or whether the server is specified on the logon dialog box.
However, regardless of which NetBackup authorization method is configured,
authorization for tasks in the NetBackup Administration Console is specific to
the server being administered. For example, NetBackup authorization capabilities
are in use on Host_A. Use Change Server to change to Host_B. The permissions
are honored as configured in the auth.conf on Host_B.
To administrate from a remote server, the application server host must be included
in the server list of the remote server.
See “Allow access to another server” on page 1213.
See “Accessing remote servers” on page 1215.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1221
About authorizing NetBackup users

About authorizing NetBackup users

Users who have root or administrator access on the NetBackup master server are
authorized to use all of the NetBackup applications on a NetBackup host. Other
users are allowed to access only the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface.
For the NetBackup web user interface (web UI), you can authorize other users by
creating roles for those users using RBAC. See the NetBackup Web UI
Administrator's Guide.
For the Administration Console, you can use the auth.conf file to grant users
access to specific NetBackup applications.
See “About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications” on page 1224.

Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics

By default, the authorization file or auth.conf file grants access for the following
functions in the NetBackup Administration Console:

On NetBackup Administrator applications and capabilities for the root user. User
servers backup and restore capabilities for all other users.

On NetBackup clients User backup and restore capabilities for all users.

Auth.conf file location

Windows NetBackup in install_path\NetBackup\Java

Use this template file to create an auth.conf file at the same
location. The template file contains an example of giving permissions
to a user.

UNIX NetBackup auth.conf in install_path/NetBackup/Java

Contains the following entries:



Configuring the auth.conf file

Configure the auth.conf file as follows:
■ If the auth.conf file exists, it must contain an entry. Provide an entry for each
user or use an asterisk (*) to indicate all users. Users without entries in the file
cannot access any NetBackup applications.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1222
Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics

■ Entries for specific users must be listed first, followed by any entries with an
asterisk (*).
■ Use the first field of each entry to indicate the user name that is granted or
denied access rights. Use an asterisk to indicate any user name.
■ The remaining fields specify the specific access rights for the user or users. You
cannot use an asterisk (*) authorize all users for all applications. Each user (or
all users) must have specific application keywords. To deny all capabilities to a
specific user, do not provide any keywords for the interface. For example:

mydomain\ray ADMIN= JBP=

■ NetBackup now supports user groups to be specified in the auth.conf file that
need access to certain UI functions.
The <GRP> tag is used to specify a user group in the auth.conf file. For example:

<GRP> domain1\BackupAdmins ADMIN=SUM JBP=BU

In this example, domain1 is a NetBackup domain and BackupAdmins is a user

group. All users in the BackupAdmins user group can access the Storage Unit
Management (SUM) UI node and can carry out backup (BU) tasks.

ADMIN keyword Specifies the applications that the user can access. ADMIN=ALL allows access to all
NetBackup applications and the related administrator-related capabilities.

See “About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications” on page 1224.

JBP keyword Specifies what the user can do with the Backup, Archive, and Restore client application
(jbpSA). JBP=ALL allows access to all Backup, Archive, and Restore capabilities, including
those for administration.

See “About authorizing specific tasks in the Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface”
on page 1225.

Asterisk (*) An asterisk in the first field indicates that any user name is accepted and the user is allowed
to use the applications as specified. The second line of the released version contains an
asterisk in the first field. The asterisk means that NetBackup validates any user name for
access to the Backup, Archive, and Restore client application jbpSA.
JBP=ENDUSER+BU+ARC allows users to back up, archive, and restore files only.

User authentication
The credentials that are entered in the logon screen must be valid on the computer
that is specified in the host field. The NetBackup application server authenticates
with the specified computer. The user name is the account used to back up, archive,
or restore files. To perform remote administration or user operations with jbpSA, a
user must have valid accounts on the NetBackup UNIX server or client computer.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1223
Authorization file (auth.conf) characteristics

The Backup, Archive, and Restore application (jbpSA) relies on system file
permissions of when to browse directories and files to back up or restore.
The password must be the same password that was used upon logon at that
computer. For example, assume you log on with the following information:

username = joe
password = access

You must use this same user name and password to log into NetBackup.
You can log on to the NetBackup application server under a different user name
than the name used to log on to the operating system. For example, if you log on
to the operating system with a user name of joe, you can subsequently log on to
jnbSA as root.

Support for user groups

Active Directory (AD) groups are supported in the auth.conf file only for master
User groups are defined using the <GRP> tag in the auth.conf file.

Note: Run the vssat validateprpl command to verify the format of the group
names that you have defined in the auth.conf file.
For more information on the command, see the NetBackup Commands Reference

■ If a user is part of multiple groups, the access rights for the user are combined.
For example user1 is part of the user groups called BackupAdmins and

<GRP> domain1\BackupAdmins ADMIN=SUM JBP=BU

<GRP> domain1\StorageUnitAdmins ADMIN=CAT JBP=RAWPART

Access rights for user1 are combined as follows: ADMIN=SUM+CAT


■ If a user and the user group that the user is part of exist in the auth.conf file,
the combined access rights are assigned to the user. For example: user1 is part
of is part of the user groups called BackupAdmins and StorageUnitAdmins.


<GRP> domain\BackupAdmins ADMIN=CAT JBP=BU
<GRP> domain\StorageUnitAdmins ADMIN=SUM JBP=RAWPART
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1224
About authorizing nonroot users for specific applications

Access rights for user1 are as follows: ADMIN=JBP+SUM+CAT


■ If duplicate entries of a user, a user group, or both exist in the auth.conf file -
The first entry of the user, the user group, or both are taken into account and
the combined access rights are assigned to the user. For example: user1 is part
of the BackupAdmins user group and the auth.conf file contains two entries
of the BackupAdmins user group.

<GRP> domain1\BackupAdmins ADMIN=CAT JBP=BU

<GRP> domain1\BackupAdmins ADMIN=SUM JBP=RAWPART

Access rights for user1 are as follows: ADMIN=CAT JBP=BU

Application state information

Upon exit, some application state information is automatically saved in the directory
of joe $HOME/.java/.userPrefs/vrts directory. (For example, table column order.)
The information is restored the next time you log on to the operating system under
account joe and initiate the NetBackup application. This logon method is useful if
there is more than one administrator because it saves the state information for each

Note: NetBackup creates a user’s $HOME/.java/.userPrefs/vrts directory the

first time an application is exited. Only NetBackup applications use the
.java/.userPrefs/vrts directory.

About authorizing nonroot users for specific

Nonroot users can be authorized for a subset of the NetBackup administrator
To authorize users for a subset of the NetBackup administrator applications, use
the following identifiers for the ADMIN keyword in the auth.conf file:

ALL Indicates that the user has administrative privileges for all of the
applications that are listed in this table.

AM Activity Monitor

BPM Backup Policy Management

BAR or JBP Backup, Archive, and Restore

Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1225
About authorizing specific tasks in the Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface

CAT Catalog

DM Device Monitor

HPD Host Properties

MM Media Management

REP Reports

SM Security Management

SUM Storage Unit Management

VLT Vault Management

For example, to give a user (user1) access only to the Device Monitor and Activity
Monitor, add the following entry to the auth.conf file:


About authorizing specific tasks in the Backup,

Archive, and Restore user interface
The Backup, Archive, and Restore interface can be configured to let only a user
perform certain tasks. Not all tasks can be performed successfully without some
additional configuration.
The following require additional configuration and are documented elsewhere:
■ Redirected restores.
See “About server-directed restores” on page 1250.
See “About client-redirected restores” on page 1251.
■ User backups or archives require a policy schedule of these types and the task
to be submitted within the time window of the schedule.
To authorize users for a subset of Backup, Archive, and Restore capabilities, use
the following identifiers for the JBP keyword in the auth.conf file:

Table 34-1 Identifiers for the JBP keyword in the auth.conf file

Identifier Description

ENDUSER Allows the users to perform restore tasks from true image or regular backups plus redirected restores.

BU Allows the users to perform backup tasks.

Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1226
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

Table 34-1 Identifiers for the JBP keyword in the auth.conf file (continued)

Identifier Description

ARC Allows the users to perform archive tasks. The capability to perform backups (BU) is required to
allow archive tasks.

RAWPART Allows the users to perform raw partition restores.

ALL Allows the users to perform all actions, including server-directed restores. (Restores to a client that
is different from the client that is logged into.) Server-directed restores can only be performed from
a NetBackup master server.

For example, to allow a user (user1) to restore but not backup up or archive files:


Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup

Administration Console
On Windows computers, the analogous file containing configuration options for the
NetBackup Administration Console is install_path\java\setconf.bat
On UNIX computers, file /usr/openv/java/nbj.conf contains configuration options
for the NetBackup Administration Console. Enter one option per line, following
the same syntax rules as exist for the bp.conf file.
nbj.conf and setconf.bat contain commands for each of the configuration options
that are described in the following topics. To make changes, change the value after
the equal sign in the relevant set command.

In some cases, NetBackup may not be able to launch the browser for authentication
during the NetBackup Administration Console login using the Single sign-on,
Certificates, or Smart Cards through the Web UI option. If you come across such
an error, configure the BROWSER_BINARY_PATH option to launch a browser.
This option uses the following format:

For example:
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1227
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

specifies the default timeout value of child job for dynamic data streaming for the
NAS-Data-Protection policy. After the parent Backup from Snapshot job is triggered,
NetBackup starts the NBCS process which pre-processes the child backup jobs.
After the pre-processing, NBCS waits for all child jobs to be start after which it
allocates a filelist to child jobs for backup. NBCS doesn’t start this activity unless
all child jobs have started and ready to receive the filelist. By default, the NBCS
process waits for 600 seconds for all child jobs to start. Depending on the number
of streams per volume set for the NAS-Data-Protection policy and the total number
of volumes to be backed up at a given time, the child jobs might take longer to start.




Type Integer

Default value 600 seconds

Minimum value 300 seconds

Maximum value 3600 seconds

If your scheduled configurations cause such timeout you can change the timeout
value by using the configuration parameter
value of this variable by using the bpsetconfig command. Use the bpgetconfig
CLI to view the value of this variable. You can set this configuration parameter on
the NetBackup master server.

The FIREWALL_IN configuration option provides a method to use a NetBackup
Administration Console that is outside of a trusted network to administer the
NetBackup master servers that are within a trusted network.
This option uses the following format.
On Windows:

Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1228
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console



Where HOST is a host name or an IP address.

This configuration option provides a way to allow administrators to bypass the
firewall by using one of the following methods:
■ Enter the port number of the bpjava service in the trusted internal network.
Then, map the private interface where the bpjava service runs to a public
interface that can be reached from outside the firewall.
■ Set up a Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel from the local host to the system inside the
In the following example:
■ Master server is in a trusted network, behind a firewall.
■ The IP address of is
■ The NetBackup Administration Console is installed on localhost.
■ SSH tunnels exist from localhost to as follows:

bpjava-msvc port (default 13722) localhost:port1

vnetd port (default 13724) localhost:port2

pbx port (default 1556) localhost:12345

Where localhhost is the host name and port1 is the IP port.

To make relevant changes for connections to bpjava-msvc and vnetd, see the
following topic:
See “VNETD_PORT” on page 1234.
On Windows systems, use setconf.bat to add the option:


On UNIX systems, add the following line to the nbj.conf file:;

The entry indicates the following:

■ The connection to is to be redirected to localhost:12345.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1229
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

■ The connection to is to be redirected to localhost:12345.

Note: The same options are used if has a public interface
( that can be reached from the Internet. In this case, the
administrator replaces localhost with

The FORCE_IPADDR_LOOKUP configuration option specifies whether NetBackup
performs an IP address lookup to determine if two host name strings are indeed
the same host. This option uses the following format:



0 Indicates that no IP address lookup is performed to determine if two host name strings
are indeed the same host. They are considered to be the same host if the host name
strings compare equally. Or, if a short name compares equally to the short name of a
partially or fully qualified host name.

1 Indicates that an IP address lookup is performed if the two host name strings do not
match. The lookup determines if they have the same host. The default is to perform
an IP address lookup if necessary to resolve the comparison. The IP address lookup
is not performed if the host name strings compare equally.

Note: Use a value of 1 for this option if you have the same host name in two different
domains. For example, and or by using host name

Many places in the NetBackup Administration Console compare host names to

determine if the two are the same host. For example, the File > Change Server
The IP address lookup can consume time and result in slower response time.
However, accurate comparisons are important.
No IP address lookup is necessary if the host name is specified consistently in the
NetBackup Administration Console logon dialog box. It must match how the host
names are configured in NetBackup. Host names are identified in the server list
that is found in the Servers host properties. On UNIX systems, the host names
also appear in the bp.conf file.
Using host names eagle and hawk, the following describes how this option works:
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1230
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

FORCE_IPADDR_LOOKUP = 0 Comparisons of the following result in no IP address lookup. The hosts are
considered to be the same host.

eagle and eagle and and
eagle and
eagle and eagle.anything

The hosts are considered to be different for any comparisons of short,

partially, or fully qualified host names of eagle and hawk regardless of aliases.

FORCE_IPADDR_LOOKUP = 1 Comparisons of the following result in no IP address lookup. The hosts are
considered to be the same host.

eagle and eagle and and

In addition to all comparisons of eagle and hawk, the following result in an

IP address lookup. The comparison determines if the hosts are indeed the
same host. and

eagle and
eagle and eagle.anything

Both INITIAL_MEMORY and MAX_MEMORY allow configuration of memory usage for
the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
It is recommended that all of the interfaces (the NetBackup Remote Administration
Console, the NetBackup Administration Console, or the NetBackup Backup,
Archive, and Restore user interface) run on a system that contains at least 1
gigabyte of physical memory. Make sure that 512 megabytes of memory are
available to the application.
INITIAL_MEMORY specifies how much memory is allocated for the heap when the
JVM starts. The value probably does not require changing. The default is sufficient
for quickest initialization of jnbSA, the Remote Administration Console, or jbpSA
on a system with the recommended amount of memory.
On UNIX systems, the initial memory allocation can also be specified as part of the
jnbSA or jbpSA command. For example:

jnbSA -ms 256M

Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1231
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

Default = 256M (megabytes).

MAX_MEMORY specifies the maximum heap size that the JVM uses for dynamically
allocated objects and arrays. If the amount of data is large, consider specifying the
maximum heap size. For example, a large number of jobs in the Activity Monitor.
On UNIX systems, the maximum memory allocation can also be specified as part
of the jnbSA or jbpSA command. For example:

jnbSA -mx 512M

Default = 512M (megabytes).

The MEM_USE_WARNING configuration option specifies the percent of the memory
that is used as compared to MAX_MEMORY, at which time a warning dialog box
appears to the user. Default = 80%. This option uses the following format:


Use the NB_FIPS_MODE option to enable the FIPS mode in your NetBackup domain.
By default, the NB_FIPS_MODE option is disabled.
To enable the option, use the following format:


The NBJAVA_CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW configuration option specifies the range of
non-reserved ports on this computer to use for connecting to the NetBackup
application server. It also specifies the range of ports to use to connect to the bpjobd
daemon from the Activity Monitor in the NetBackup Administration Console.
This option uses the following format:


Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1232
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

n Indicates the first in a range of non-reserved ports that are used for connecting to the bpjava processes on
the NetBackup application server. It also specifies the range of ports to use to connect to the bpjobd daemon
or Windows service from the Activity Monitor of the Remote Administration Console.

If n is set to 0, the operating system determines the non-reserved port to use (default).

m Indicates the last in a range of non-reserved ports that are used for connecting to the NetBackup Administration
Console or the Remote Administration Console.

If n and m are set to 0, the operating system determines the non-reserved port to use (default).

The minimum acceptable range for each user is 120. Each additional concurrent
user requires an additional 120. For example, the entry for three concurrent users
might look as follows:


If the range is not set wide enough, jnbSA exits with an error message that states
an invalid value has occurred during initialization.

Note: Performance is reduced with the use of NBJAVA_CLIENT_PORT_WINDOW.

The NBJAVA_CORBA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT configuration entry specifies the default
timeout that is used for most CORBA operations that the NetBackup Administration
Console performs.
This option is present by default and uses the following format:


The default is 60 seconds.

The NBJAVA_CORBA_LONG_TIMEOUT configuration entry specifies the timeout value
that the NetBackup Administration Console uses in the following areas:
■ Device Configuration Wizard
■ Disk Pool Configuration Wizard
■ Disk Pool Inventory
This option is present by default and uses the following format:

Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1233
Run-time configuration options for the NetBackup Administration Console

The default is 1800 seconds.

The NETBACKUP_API_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT configuration option specifies
the default timeout value that the NetBackup Administration Console uses while
it establishes a connection with the NetBackup web API server.
This option is present by default and uses the following format:


The default is 180 seconds.


The NETBACKUP_API_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT configuration option specifies the
default timeout value that the NetBackup Administration Console uses when it
requests the data from the NetBackup web API server.
This option is present by default and uses the following format:


The default is 1800 seconds.


The PBX_PORT configuration entry specifies the pbx port.
This option is present by default and uses the following format:


Enable the USE_URANDOM option to specify /dev/urandom as the character device
to provide cryptographically secure random output in your NetBackup environment.
The default value of the USE_URANDOM option is 0. When the USE_URANDOM option
is set to default, the character device to be used is based on the value of
theNB_FIPS_MODE option.
If NB_FIPS_MODE is enabled, dev/random is used.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1234
About improving NetBackup performance

If NB_FIPS_MODE is disabled, dev/urandom is used.

To enable the USE_URANDOM option, use the following format:


If USE_URANDOM is set to 2 (or is disabled), the dev/random character device is used

to provide cryptographically secure random output.

The VNETD_PORT is the configured port for the vnetd daemon process and is
registered with the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA).
This option uses the following format:


It is not recommended to change this port. If changes are necessary, make the
change on all NetBackup hosts in the relevant NetBackup cluster.
This option is preserved for backward compatibility when the 7.0.1 NetBackup
Administration Console is used to communicate with a 7.0 NetBackup server.
For more information, see the NetBackup Installation Guide.
The value must be set in the corresponding setconf.bat (Windows) or nbj.conf
(UNIX) configuration option.

About improving NetBackup performance

The most important factor to consider concerning performance issues for the
following interfaces is the platform on which the console runs:
■ Remote Administration Console
■ NetBackup Administration Console
■ NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore user interface
Regardless of the platform, you can run the administration console from one of the
following locations:
■ Run it locally on a desktop host (on supported Windows and UNIX platforms)
■ Run it remotely and display it back to a desktop host (from supported UNIX
To provide the best performance, the recommended method for using these consoles
is to run the consoles locally on a desktop host. When the consoles are run locally,
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1235
About improving NetBackup performance

they do not exhibit the font and the display issues that can be present in some
remote display-back configurations.

About running the NetBackup Administration Console locally

On Windows platforms, select Start > Programs > Veritas NetBackup >
NetBackup 8.x Administration Console to start the console.
On supported UNIX platforms, the console is run locally if jnbSA or jbpSA is entered
on the same host on which the console appears. That is, your display environment
variable is set to the host on which the jnbSA or jbpSA commands were entered.
Improvements in Java technology have made remote X-display back potentially
viable on some platforms. However, problems continue with certain controls in the
consoles. For example, incorrect box operations, sluggish scrolling, and display
problems in tables with many rows. More serious issues have also occurred.
Consoles can abort and hang because of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) failure
when run in this mode on some platforms. Therefore, it is not recommended to run
the consoles in a remote X-display back configuration.

About running a console locally and administering a remote server

The NetBackup Administration Console and the Backup, Archive, and Restore
user console are distributed applications. Both applications consist of two major
and separate system processes that can run on different computers. For example:
the NetBackup Administration Console on one computer and the console’s
application server - bpjava processes on another computer.
The NetBackup Administration Console does not need to run on a NetBackup
server host. However, the application server must run on this host in order for you
to be able to administer NetBackup.
Although the NetBackup Administration Console does not run on all
NetBackup-supported platforms, the application server for the console does run on
all supported platforms. The distributed application architecture enables direct
administration of all NetBackup platforms, even though the consoles themselves
run only on a subset of the NetBackup-supported platforms.
To log into the NetBackup Administration Console, specify a host name. The
host name is the computer where the application server (bpjava) runs. (For example,
a NetBackup master server.) All requests or updates that are initiated in the console
are sent to its application server that runs on this host.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1236
About improving NetBackup performance

Enhancing console performance

Performance of the NetBackup applications depends on the environment where
the applications are running, including available resources and network throughput.
The NetBackup default configuration, specifically the INITIAL_MEMORY and
MAX_MEMORY configuration options, assumes sufficient memory resources on the
computer where the console is running. For example, where the jnbSA command
is run or the NetBackup Administration Console is started.
Following are guidelines for improving performance:
■ Consider the network communication speed and the amount of data being
■ Consider the amount of work being performed on the relevant computers.
Run NetBackup on a computer that has a low level of activity. For example,
there can be large differences in response time when other memory-intensive
applications are running on the computer. (For example, web browsers.) Multiple
instances of NetBackup on the same computer has the same effect.
■ Run NetBackup on a 1-gigabyte computer that has at least 256 MB of RAM
available to the application. In some instances, the application does not initiate
due to insufficient memory. A number of messages identify these failures in the
xterm window where the jnbSA command was run. Or, the messages appear
in the application log file. Possible messages include the following:

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Out of Memory

See “INITIAL_MEMORY, MAX_MEMORY” on page 1230.

■ Consider the amount of physical memory on the relevant computers. Possibly
add memory on the host being administered (the console’s application server
■ Consider increasing the swap space to relevant computers:
■ The console host (the host where the console is started)
■ The host being administered
To increase performance, increase the amount of swap space available to the
system where you are running the applications. This is especially true if there
is a great deal of other activity on the computer. More swap space can alleviate
hangs or other problems that relate to insufficient memory for the applications.
■ Consider additional or faster CPUs to relevant computers:
■ The console host (the host where the console is started)
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1237
About improving NetBackup performance

■ The host being administered

■ Consider limiting the amount of NetBackup data that is retained for long periods
of time to only that which is necessary. For example, do not retain successfully
completed jobs for more than a few hours.
See “About the jobs database” on page 1181.

Determining better performance when the console is run locally or

uses remote display back
Performance depends on the following:
■ The speed of the network
■ The console and the application server computer resources
■ The workloads on the console
■ The application server hosts
■ The amount of NetBackup data (Data is the number of jobs in the Activity Monitor
or number of NetBackup policies.)
The console may perform better if it is started on the console’s application server
host first, and then it is displayed back to the desktop host. However, little is known
of a situation where that configuration produces better console performance. As
previously mentioned, the configuration is not recommended due to problems
unrelated to performance issues.
Consider the following scenarios to determine what would provide the best
performance for your configuration.

NetBackup performance scenario 1

Assume no deficiency in either the console host’s resources or the application
server host’s resources. Assume that the amount of NetBackup configuration data
being transferred to the console host far exceeds the X-Windows pixel display data.
That is, the actual console screen being sent from the remote host.
Unfortunately, the only way to determine the viability of this situation is to try it.
Network capabilities and the proximity of the two hosts influences each NetBackup

NetBackup performance scenario 2

Assume that the available resources of the application server host far exceed that
of the console host.
Assume that the console host has a very limited CPU and memory as compared
to the NetBackup master server being administered. (The console host is the
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1238
About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup Administration console

computer on which the console is started.) If the console is run on the master server
and displayed back to the desktop host, performance may be enhanced.
If the desktop host is a Windows computer, X-terminal emulation or remote display
tools such as Exceed and VNC are required.
These scenarios address the performance aspect of using the NetBackup console.
There may be other reasons that require you to display back remotely to your
desktop, however, it is not recommended. Review the release notes for additional
issues of relevance to the NetBackup Administration Console and the Backup,
Archive, and Restore client console.
Table 34-3 shows the files that contain configuration entries.

Table 34-3 Files containing configuration entries

File Description

/usr/openv/java/auth.conf Authorization options.

/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf Configuration options (server and client).

/usr/openv/java/nbj.conf Configuration options for the NetBackup

Administration Console

/usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf Configuration options for media and device


$HOME/bp.conf Configuration options for user (on client).

About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup

Administration console
Sites in a geographically dispersed NetBackup configuration may need to adjust
the time zone in the NetBackup Administration Console for administration of
remote NetBackup hosts. (A remote NetBackup host may either be the host that is
specified in the administration console logon dialog box or one referenced by the
File > Change Server capability in the console.)
The default time zone for the console is that of the host on which the console is
started, not the host that is specified (if different) in the console logon dialog box.
For backup, restore, or archive operations from within the NetBackup
Administration Console or the Backup, Archive, and Restore application when
run on a client, set the time zone relative to the NetBackup server from which the
client restores files.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1239
About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup Administration console

Set the time zone in separate instances of the NetBackup Administration Console
when servers in different time zones are administered.
For example, open a NetBackup Administration Console to set the time zone
for the local server in the Central time zone. To set the time zone for a server in
the Pacific time zone as well, open another NetBackup Administration Console.
Change servers (File > Change Server), and then set the time zone for the Pacific
time zone server. Doing so changes the time zone for the Central time zone server
as well.
To perform a Change Server operation to a media server or client, the media server
or client must have a security certificate installed.

Adjusting the time zone in the NetBackup Administration Console or

the Backup, Archive, and Restore console
Use the following procedure to adjust the time zone or to use daylight savings time.
To adjust the time zone
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, or in the Backup, Archive, and
Restore console box, select File > Adjust Application Time Zone.
2 Select the Standard tab.
3 Clear the Use custom time zone check box.
4 Select the time zone.
5 For daylight savings time, select Use daylight savings time.
6 To have administrative capabilities and to apply the settings to the current
session and all future sessions, select Save as default time zone.
7 Click OK.

Configuring a custom time zone in the NetBackup Administration

Console or the Backup, Archive, and Restore console
Use the following procedure to configure a custom time zone in the administration
or the client consoles.
To configure a custom time zone
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, or in the Backup, Archive, and
Restore console, select File > Adjust Application Time Zone.
2 Select the Use custom time zone check box.
3 Select the Custom tab.
Using the NetBackup Remote Administration Console 1240
About adjusting time zones in the NetBackup Administration console

4 Select the time zone on which to base the Backup, Archive, and Restore
interface time.
5 For the Offset from Greenwich Mean Time setting, adjust the time to reflect
how many hours and minutes the server’s time zone is either behind or ahead
of Greenwich Mean Time.
6 Select the Use daylight savings time check box.
7 To make a selection in the Daylight savings time starts section of the dialog,
see the following table for descriptions of each option:

Begin daylight savings time on a specific date Select Absolute date and indicate the month and day

Begin daylight savings time on the first occurrence of a Select First day of week in month. Indicate the day of the
day in a month week and the month.

Begin daylight savings time on the first occurrence of a Select First day of week in month after date. Indicate the
day in a month and after a specific date day of the week and the month and day.

Begin daylight savings time on the last occurrence of a Select Last day of week in month. Indicate the day of the
day in a month week and the month.

Begin daylight savings time on the last occurrence of a Select Last day of week in month before date. Indicate
day in a month and before a specific date the day of the week and the month and day.

8 Indicate when daylight savings time should end by using one of the methods
in the previous step.
9 To have administrative capabilities and apply the settings to the current session
and all future sessions, select Save as default time zone.
10 Click OK.
Chapter 35
Alternate server restores
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About alternate server restores

■ About supported configurations for alternate server restores

■ About performing alternate server restores

About alternate server restores

This topic explains how to restore files by using a server other than the one that
was used to write the backup. This type of restore operation is called an alternate
server restore or server independent restore. It allows easier access to data for
restores in master and media server clusters and provides better failover and
disaster recovery capabilities.
The architecture of NetBackup allows storage devices to be located on multiple
servers (either separate storage devices or a shared robot). The NetBackup image
catalog on the master server contains an entry that defines the server (master or
media server) to which each backup was written. Information specific to the backup
media is contained within the master server image catalog (in the attribute file for
each backup). The information is also contained in the Enterprise Media Manager
(EMM) database, generally located on the master server.
To restore data through a device on another server is more involved than other
restores. Use the methods that are described in this topic to restore the backups.
Although the methods do not require you to expire and import backup images, in
some instances it is useful.
The information in this topic is also pertinent in the case of restoring from a backup
copy. If you created multiple copies of a backup, it is possible to restore from a
specific backup copy other than the primary copy. To do so, use the bprestore
Alternate server restores 1242
About supported configurations for alternate server restores

More information is available in the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

See “Expiring and importing media for alternate server restores” on page 1248.

About supported configurations for alternate

server restores
All of the methods for alternate server restores require that the server that is used
for the restore be in the same cluster as the server that performed the original
backup. It must also share the same Enterprise Media Manager database.
Figure 35-1 and Figure 35-2 show configurations where NetBackup supports
alternate server restores. All methods require that the server that is used for the
restore be in the same cluster as the server that performed the original backup.
The server must also share the same Enterprise Media Manager database.

Figure 35-1 NetBackup servers that share robotic peripherals

NetBackup image Drive 2

Drive 1
Enterprise Media server 1
Manager database
Master server
Drive 3

server 2

Assume the following in Figure 35-1:

■ A single, shared Enterprise Media Manager database exists on the NetBackup
master server.
■ The NetBackup master server is available at time of restore.
■ Robotic control is on a NetBackup server that is available at the time of the
Alternate server restores 1243
About performing alternate server restores

Figure 35-2 NetBackup servers with separate non-shared peripherals

Robot 1 Robot 2

Control Control

Drive 1 Drive 1

Drive 2
server 1

NetBackup image
catalog Stand alone drive
Drive 1
Enterprise Media server 2
Manager database

Master server Media servers 1 and 2 can be off-site.

Assume the following in Figure 35-2:

■ The media is made physically accessible through an available NetBackup server.
The Enterprise Media Manager database is updated to reflect this move.
■ A single, shared Enterprise Media Manager database exists on the NetBackup
master server.
■ The NetBackup master server is available at time of restore
■ Robotic control (if applicable) is on a NetBackup server that is available at the
time of the restore.

About performing alternate server restores

The method that NetBackup administrators can use to perform alternate server
restores depends on the configuration and the situation. The method can include
one or more of the following:
■ Modify the NetBackup catalogs.
See “About modifying the NetBackup catalogs” on page 1244.
■ Override the original server for restores.
See “Overriding the original server for restores” on page 1245.
■ Enable automatic failover to an alternate server
Alternate server restores 1244
About performing alternate server restores

See “About enabling automatic failover to an alternate server” on page 1247.

About modifying the NetBackup catalogs

To perform alternate server restores by modifying the NetBackup catalogs, change
the contents of the NetBackup catalogs. Use this method only when the server
reassignment is permanent.
Some examples of when to use this method are as follows:
■ Media is moved to an off-site location, where a media server exists.
■ A robot was moved from one server to another.
■ Two (or more) servers share a robot, each with connected drives and one of
the servers is to be disconnected or replaced.
■ Two (or more) servers each have their own robots. One of the server’s robots
has run out of media capacity for future backups, while several empty slots exist
on another server’s robot.
The actual steps that are used vary depending on whether the original server is still

Modifying NetBackup catalogs when the server that wrote

the media is available
Use the following procedure to modify catalogs when the server that wrote the
media is available.
To modify NetBackup catalogs when the server that wrote the media is
1 If necessary, physically move the media.
2 Update the Enterprise Media Manager database by using move volume options
in the Media Manager administration utilities.
3 Update the NetBackup image catalog on the master server.
4 Update the NetBackup media catalogs on both the original NetBackup server
(oldserver) and the destination NetBackup server (newserver).
Use the following command, which can be run from any one of the NetBackup
Enter the admincmd command on one line:
■ As administrator on a Windows NetBackup server:
Alternate server restores 1245
About performing alternate server restores

cd install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
bpmedia.exe -movedb -m media_id
-newserver hostname -oldserver hostname

■ As root on a UNIX NetBackup server:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
bpmedia -movedb -m media_id -newserver hostname
-oldserver hostname

Modifying NetBackup catalogs when the server that wrote

the media is unavailable
Use the following procedure to modify catalogs when the server that wrote the
media is unavailable.
To modify NetBackup catalogs when the server that wrote the media is
1 If necessary, physically move the media.
2 Update the Enterprise Media Manager database by using the move volume
options in the Media and Device Management window.
3 Update only the NetBackup image catalog on the master server.
Use the following commands from the NetBackup master server.
Enter the admincmd command on one line:
■ As administrator on a Windows NetBackup server:

cd install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
bpimage.exe -id media_id -newserver hostname
-oldserver hostname

■ As root on a UNIX NetBackup server:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
bpimage -id media_id -newserver hostname
-oldserver hostname

Overriding the original server for restores

NetBackup allows the administrator to force restores to a specific server, regardless
of where the files were backed up. For example, if files were backed up on server
A, a restore request can be forced to use server B.
Alternate server restores 1246
About performing alternate server restores

Examples of when to use this method are as follows:

■ Two (or more) servers share a robot, each with connected drives. A restore is
requested while one of the servers is either temporarily unavailable or is busy
doing backups.
■ A server was removed from the NetBackup configuration, and is no longer
Use the following procedure to override the original server for restores.
To override the original server for restores
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties. Depending on the type of server
to override, click on either Master Servers or Media Servers.
See “General Server properties” on page 137.
2 In the right pane, click on the selected server to open the General Server host
properties dialog box.
3 In the General Server host properties dialog box, click on the Add button to
open the Add Media Override settings window. Add entries for the original
backup server and the restore server and click the Add button in the Add
Media Override settings window.
4 Click OK.

Overriding the original server for restores manually

Use the following procedure to manually override the original server for restores.
To manually override the original server for restores
1 If necessary, physically move the media and update the Enterprise Media
Manager database Media Manager volume database to reflect the move.
2 Modify the NetBackup configuration on the master server as follows:
■ By using the NetBackup Administration Console:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties. Click on Master Servers.
In the right pane, click on the selected server to open the General Server
host properties dialog box of the master server.
In the General Server host properties dialog box, click on the Add button
to open the Add Media Override settings window. Add entries for the
original backup server and the restore server and click the Add button in
the Add Media Override settings window.
■ By modifying the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server:
Alternate server restores 1247
About performing alternate server restores

As root add the following entry to the

/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file:

The fromhost is the server that wrote the original backup and the tohost is
the server to use for the restore.
To revert to the original configuration for future restores, delete the changes
that were made in this step.
3 Click OK.
4 Stop and restart the NetBackup Request daemon on the master server.
The override applies to all storage units on the original server. This means that
restores for any storage unit on fromhost go to tohost.

About enabling automatic failover to an alternate server

NetBackup allows the administrator to configure automatic restore failover to an
alternate server if the original server is temporarily inaccessible. Once it is
configured, this method does not require administrator intervention.
See “Restore Failover properties” on page 194.
Some examples of when to use this method are as follows:
■ Two or more servers share a robot, each with connected drives.
When a restore is requested, one of the servers is temporarily inaccessible.
■ Two or more servers have standalone drives of the same type.
When a restore is requested, one of the servers is temporarily inaccessible.
In these instances, inaccessible means that the connection between bprd on the
master server and bptm on the original server (through bpcd) fails.
Possible reasons for the failure are as follows:
■ The original server is down.
■ The original server is up but bpcd on that server does not respond. (For example,
if the connection is refused or access is denied.)
■ The original server is up and bpcd is fine, but bptm has problems. (For example,
if bptm cannot find the required tape.)

Note: The failover uses only the failover hosts that are listed in the NetBackup
configuration. By default, the list is empty and NetBackup does not perform the
automatic failover.
Alternate server restores 1248
About performing alternate server restores

Failing over to an alternate server

Use the following procedure to enable automatic failover to an alternate server.
To enable automatic failover to an alternate server
1 Modify the NetBackup configuration on the master server are as follows:
■ By using the NetBackup Administration Console:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, expand
NetBackup Management > Host Properties. Click on Master Servers to
open the Master Server Properties dialog box. In the left pane, click on
Restore Failover to open the Restore Failover host properties dialog box.
In the Restore Failover host properties dialog box, click on the Add button
to open the Add Failover Servers window. Add entries for the media server
and the failover restore server(s) and click the Add button in the Add
Failover Servers window. Click OK.
■ By modifying the bp.conf file on a UNIX NetBackup server:
As root, add the following entry to the
/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file:

failed_host host1 host2 ... hostN

failed_host is the server that is not operational.
host1 ... hostN are the servers that provide failover capabilities.
When automatic failover is necessary for a given server, NetBackup searches
through the relevant FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS list. NetBackup looks
from left to right for the first server that is eligible to perform the restore.
There can be multiple FAILOVER_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVERS entries and each
entry can have multiple servers. However, a NetBackup server can be a
failed_host in only one entry.
2 Stop and restart the NetBackup Request daemon on the master server.

Expiring and importing media for alternate server restores

It may be necessary to expire media and then import it, even with the alternate
server restore capabilities.
Regarding identifying media spanning groups, an alternate server restore operation
can include media IDs that contain backup images that span media. It may be
necessary to identify the media IDs that contain fragments of the spanned images.
The group of related media is called a media spanning group.
Alternate server restores 1249
About performing alternate server restores

On Windows: To identify the media in a specific media spanning group, run the
following command as administrator from the command prompt on the NetBackup
master server:

cd install_path\NetBackup\bin
bpimmedia.exe -spangroups -U -mediaid media_id

On UNIX: To identify the media in a specific media spanning group, run the following
command as root on the NetBackup master server:

cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
bpimmedia -spangroups -U -mediaid media_id

To display all media in all spanning groups, omit -mediaid media_id from the
Chapter 36
Managing client backups
and restores
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About server-directed restores

■ About client-redirected restores

■ About restoring the files that have Access Control Lists (ACLs)

■ About setting the original atime for files during restores on UNIX

■ Restoring the System State

■ About the backup and restore of compressed files on VxFS file systems

■ About backups and restores on ReFS

About server-directed restores

By default, NetBackup clients are configured to allow NetBackup administrators on
a master server to direct restores to any client.

Note: The server-directed restores for policy types Standard and MS-Windows
are available on the NetBackup web UI. To restore files and folders, on the left
navigation pane, click Recovery.

To prevent server-directed restores, configure the client accordingly as follows:

■ On Windows clients:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the toolbar, click File > Backup,
Archive, and Restore.
Managing client backups and restores 1251
About client-redirected restores

Select File > NetBackup Client Properties > General, then clear the Allow
server-directed restores check box.
■ On UNIX clients:
Add DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES to the following file on the client:


Note: On UNIX systems, the redirected restores can incorrectly set UIDs or
GIDs that are too long. The UIDs and GIDs of files that are restored from one
platform to another may be represented with more bits on the source system
than on the destination system. If the UID or the GID name in question is not
common to both systems, the original UID or GID may be invalid on the
destination system. In this case, the UID or GID is replaced with the UID or GID
of the user that performs the restore.

See “DISALLOW_SERVER_FILE_WRITES option for NetBackup servers and

clients” on page 281.
On UNIX: No progress log is produced if the bp.conf file of the requesting server
does not contain an entry for the restoring server. Without that entry, the restoring
server has no access to write the log files to the requesting server. (A progress log
is an entry in the Task Progress tab of the Backup, Archive, and Restore client
Consider the following solutions:
■ To produce a progress log, add the requesting server to the server list.
To do so, log into the requesting server. In the NetBackup Administration
Console, expand NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Master
Servers > Double-click on the master server > Servers. Add the restoring server
to the server list.
■ Log on to the restoring server. Check the Activity Monitor to determine the
success of the restore operation.
To restore a UNIX backup that contains soft and hard links, run the Backup,
Archive, and Restore client interface from a UNIX machine.

About client-redirected restores

The Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface contains options for allowing
clients to restore the files that were backed up by other clients. The operation is
called a redirected restore.
Managing client backups and restores 1252
About client-redirected restores

For the following Backup Services API (XBSA) agents, redirected restores to a
different version of the agent is not supported:
■ MariaDB
■ PostgreSQL
If you use a non-root service user account, specific access must be allowed for that
user when you add files to the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames directory.
The service user account must have full access to these files through the ownership
or group and the permissions. For example, if the service user is svcname and its
group is srvgrp, the file can have permissions of 400. If the file owner is for a
different user and group, the file permissions must allow access to the service user.
For example, 777. Equivalent permission settings must be used in a Windows

About restore restrictions

By default, NetBackup permits only the client that backs up files to restore those
files. NetBackup ensures that the client name of the requesting client matches the
peer name that was used to connect to the NetBackup server.
Unless clients share an IP address, the peer name is equivalent to the client’s host
name. (Clients can share an IP address due to the use of a gateway and token ring
combination, or multiple connections.) When a client connects through a gateway,
the gateway can use its own peer name to make the connection.
The NetBackup client name is normally the client’s short host name, such as client1
rather than a longer form such as
The client name is found in the following locations:
■ On Windows clients:
In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the toolbar, select File > Backup,
Archive, and Restore. In the Backup, Archive, and Restore dialog box, in
the toolbar, select File > Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type. The
client name that is selected as Source Client for Restores is the source of the
backups to be restored.
■ On UNIX clients:
In the Backup, Archive, and Restore dialog box, select File > Specify
NetBackup Machines and Policy Type. In the Specify NetBackup Machines
and Policy Type dialog box, select the client name as the Source client for
Managing client backups and restores 1253
About client-redirected restores

Allowing all clients to perform redirected restores

The NetBackup administrator can allow clients to perform redirected restores. That
is, allow all clients to restore the backups that belong to other clients.
To do so, first create an altnames directory on the NetBackup master server where
the backup policy for the clients resides. Place an empty No.Restrictions file
inside of the directory.
■ On Windows:
Do not add a suffix to the files in the altnames directory.
■ On UNIX:

The NetBackup client name setting on the requesting client must match the name
of the client for which the backup was created. The peer name of the requesting
client does not need to match the NetBackup client name setting.

Note: The altnames directory can present a breach of security, so use it only limited
circumstances. Users that are permitted to restore files from other clients may also
have local permission to create the files that are found in the backup.

Allowing a single client to perform redirected restores

The NetBackup administrator can permit a single client to restore the backups that
belong to other clients.
To do so, create an altnames directory on the NetBackup master server where the
policy that backed up the other client(s) resides. Place an empty peername file
inside of the altnames directory where peername is the client to possess restore
■ On Windows:

■ On UNIX:

In this case, the requesting client (peername) can access the files that are backed
up by another client. The NetBackup client name setting on peername must match
the name of the other client.
Managing client backups and restores 1254
About client-redirected restores

Allowing redirected restores of a specific client’s files

The NetBackup administrator can permit a single client to restore the backups that
belong to another specific client.
To do so, create an altnames directory on the NetBackup master server of the
requesting client in the following location:
■ On Windows:

■ On UNIX:

Then, create a peername file inside of the directory where peername is the client
to possess restore privileges. Add to the peername file the names of the client(s)
whose files the requesting client wants to restore.
The requesting client can restore the files that were backed up by another client if:
■ The names of the other clients appear in the peername file, and
■ The NetBackup client name of the requesting client is changed to match the
name of the client whose files the requesting client wants to restore.

Examples of redirected restores

This topic provides some example configurations that allow clients to restore the
files that were backed up by other clients. These methods may be required when
a client connects through a gateway or has multiple Ethernet connections.
In all cases, the requesting client must have access to an image database directory
on the master server or the requesting client must be a member of an existing
NetBackup policy.
■ On Windows: install_path\NetBackup\db\images\client_name
■ On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/client_name

Note: Not all file system types on all computers support the same features. Problems
can be encountered when a file is restored from one file system type to another.
For example, the S51K file system on an SCO computer does not support symbolic
links nor does it support names greater than 14 characters long. You may want to
restore a file to a computer that doesn’t support all the features of the computer
from which the restore was performed. In this case, all files may not be recovered.

In the following examples, assume the following conditions:

■ client1 is the client that requests the restore.
Managing client backups and restores 1255
About client-redirected restores

■ client2 is the client that created the backups that the requesting client wants to
■ On Windows: install_path is the path where you installed the NetBackup
software. By default, this path is C:\Program Files\Veritas.

Note: The information in this topic applies to the restores that are made by using
the command line, not the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.

Note: On Windows: You must have the necessary permissions to perform the
following steps.
On UNIX: You must be a root user for any of the steps that must be performed
on the NetBackup server. You may also need to be a root user to make the
changes on the client.

Example of a redirected client restore

Assume you must restore files to client1 that were backed up from client2. The
client1 and client2 names are those specified by the NetBackup client name setting
on the clients.
In the nominal case, do the following:
■ On Windows: Log on to the NetBackup server.
Add client2 to the following file and perform one of the following:
■ Edit install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\client1 to include the name
of client2.
■ Create the following empty file:

■ On UNIX: Log on as root on the NetBackup server.

Perform one of the following actions:
■ Edit /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/client1 so it includes the name
of client2. Or,
■ Run the touch command on the following file:

Note: The No.Restrictions file allows any client to restore files from client2.
Managing client backups and restores 1256
About client-redirected restores

■ Log on to client1 and change the NetBackup client name to client2.

■ Restore the file.
■ Undo the changes that were made on the server and client.

Example of a redirected client restore using the altnames

This example explains how altnames provides restore capabilities to clients that
do not use their own host name when they connect to the NetBackup server.
By default, the NetBackup client name of the requesting client must match the peer
name that is used in the connection to the NetBackup server. When the NetBackup
client name is the host name for the client and matches the peer name (normal
case), this requirement is met.
However, problems arise when clients connect to multiple ethernet or connect to
the NetBackup server through a gateway.

Figure 36-1 Example restore from a token ring client

client1 NetBackup server

Token TCP
client2 Ring Gateway


In this example, restore requests from client1, client2, and client3 are routed through
the TCP gateway. Because the gateway uses its own peer name rather than the
client host names for connection to the NetBackup server, NetBackup refuses the
requests. Clients cannot restore even their own files.
To correct the situation, do the following.
Determine the peer name of the gateway:
■ Try a restore from the client in question. In this example, the request fails with
an error message similar to the following:
client is not validated to use the server

■ Examine the NetBackup problems report and identify the peer name that is used
on the request. Entries in the report may be similar to the following:
Managing client backups and restores 1257
About client-redirected restores

01/29/12 08:25:03 bpserver - request from invalid server or client
In this example, the peer name is
On Windows: Determine the peer name, then create the following file on the
NetBackup master server:

On UNIX: Run the touch command on the following file:


In this example, the file is:

On Windows:


Edit the peername file so that it includes the client names.

For example, if you leave file empty, client1, client2, and
client3 can all access the backups that correspond to their NetBackup client name
See “Allowing a single client to perform redirected restores” on page 1253.
If you add the names client2 and client3 to the file, you give these two clients access
to NetBackup file restores, but exclude client1.
See “Allowing redirected restores of a specific client’s files” on page 1254.
Note that this example requires no changes on the clients.
Restore the files.

Example of how to troubleshoot a redirected client restore

using the altnames file
If you cannot restore files with a redirected client restore by using the altnames
file, troubleshoot the situation, as follows.
On Windows:
■ Create the debug log directory for the NetBackup Request Daemon:

■ On the master server, stop and restart the NetBackup Request Daemon. Restart
the service to ensure that this service is running in verbose mode and logs
information regarding client requests.
Managing client backups and restores 1258
About client-redirected restores

■ On client1 (the requesting client), try the file restore.

■ On the master server, identify the peer name connection that client1 uses.
■ Examine the failure as logged on the All Log Entries report. Or, examine the
debug log for the NetBackup Request Daemon to identify the failing name

■ On the master server, do one of the following:

■ Create an install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\No.Restrictions file.
The file allows any client to access client2 backups if the client changes its
NetBackup client name setting to client2.
■ Create an install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\peername file. The file
allows client1 to access client2 backups if client1 changes its NetBackup
client name setting to client2.
■ Add client2 name to the following file:

■ client1 is allowed to access backups on client2 only.

■ On client1, change the NetBackup client name setting to match what is specified
on client2.
■ Restore the files from client1.
■ Perform the following actions:
■ Delete install_path\NetBackup\logs\bprd and the contents.
■ On the master server, select NetBackup Management > Host Properties
> Master Servers > Double-click on master server. In the Master Server
Properties dialog box, in the left pane, click on Logging. Clear the Keep
logs for days property check box.

■ If you do not want the change to be permanent, do the following:

■ Delete install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\No.Restrictions (if
■ Delete install_path\NetBackup\db\altnames\peername (if existent).
■ On client1, change the NetBackup client name to its original value.
■ On the NetBackup master server, add the VERBOSE entry and a logging level to
the bp.conf file. For example:

Managing client backups and restores 1259
About client-redirected restores

■ Create the debug log directory for bprd by running the following command:
mkdir /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprd

■ On the NetBackup server, stop the NetBackup Request Daemon, bprd, and
restart it in verbose mode by running:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd -verbose

Restart bprd to ensure that bprd logs information regarding client requests.
■ On client1, try the file restore.
■ On the NetBackup server, identify the peer name connection that client1 used.
Examine the failure as logged on the All Log Entries report or examine the bard
debug log to identify the failing name combination:

■ Take one of the following on the NetBackup server:

■ Enter the following commands:
mkdir -p /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames touch
These commands allow any client access to client2 backups by changing
its NetBackup client name setting to specify the client2.

■ Run the touch command on the following file:

The command allows client1 access to any client2 backups by changing its
NetBackup client name setting to specify client2.
■ Add client2 to the /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/peername file. The
addition to the peername file allows client1 access to the backups that were
created on client2 only.
■ On client1, change the NetBackup client name setting in the user interface to
match what is specified on client2.
■ Restore the files to client1.
■ Do the following:
■ Delete the VERBOSE entry from the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on
the master server.
■ Delete /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprd and the contents.

■ To return the configuration to what it was before the restore, do the following:
■ Delete /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/peer.or.hostname (if it exists)
Managing client backups and restores 1260
About restoring the files that have Access Control Lists (ACLs)

■ Delete /usr/openv/netbackup/db/altnames/No.Restrictions (if it exists)

■ On client1, restore the NetBackup client name setting to its original value.

See “Allowing redirected restores of a specific client’s files” on page 1254.

See “Allowing a single client to perform redirected restores” on page 1253.

About restoring the files that have Access Control

Lists (ACLs)
An Access Control List (ACL) is a table that conveys the access rights users need
to a file or directory. Each file or directory can have a security attribute that extends
or restricts users’ access.
By default, the nbtar (/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbtar) restores ACLs along
with file and directory data.
However, in some situations the ACLs cannot be restored to the file data, as follows:
■ Where the restore is cross-platform.
■ When a restore utility (tar) other than nbtar is used to restore files.
In these instances, NetBackup stores the ACL information in a series of generated
files in the root directory using the following naming form:

These files can be deleted or can be read and the ACLs regenerated by hand.

Note: If performing an alternate restore where the original directory was

ACL-enabled, the alternate restore directory must also be ACL-enabled. If the
alternate restore directory is not ACL-enabled, the restore is not successful.

Restoring files without restoring ACLs

The NetBackup client interface on Windows is available to administrators to restore
data without restoring the ACLs. Both the destination client and the source of the
backup must be Windows systems.
To restore files without restoring ACLs, the following conditions must be met:
■ The policy that backed up the client is of policy type MS-Windows.
■ An administrator performs the restore and is logged into a NetBackup server
(Windows or UNIX). The option is set at the server by using the client interface.
The option is unavailable on standalone clients (clients that do not contain the
NetBackup server software).
Managing client backups and restores 1261
About setting the original atime for files during restores on UNIX

■ The destination client and the source of the backup must both be systems
running supported Windows OS levels. The option is disabled on UNIX clients.
Use the following procedure to restore files without restoring ACLs.
To restore files without restoring ACLs
1 Log on to the NetBackup server as administrator.
2 Open the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface.
3 From the client interface, initiate a restore.
4 Select the files to be restored, then select Actions > Start Restore of Marked
5 In the Restore Marked Files dialog box, place a check in the Restore without
access-control attributes check box.
6 Make any other selections for the restore job.
7 Click Start Restore.

About setting the original atime for files during

restores on UNIX
During a restore, NetBackup sets the atime for each file to the current time by
default. You can elect to have NetBackup set the atime for each restored file to
the value the file had when it was backed up. To do so, create the following file on
the client:

Restoring the System State

The System State includes the registry, the COM+ Class Registration database,
and boot and system files. If the server is a domain controller, the data also includes
the Active Directory services database and the SYSVOL directory.

Note: The best recovery procedure depends on many hardware and software
variables that pertain to the server and its environment. For a complete Windows
recovery procedure, refer to the Microsoft documentation.

Read the following notes carefully before you restore the System State:
■ The System State should be restored in its entirety. Do not restore selected
Managing client backups and restores 1262
Restoring the System State

■ Do not redirect a System State restore. System State is computer-specific and

to restore it to an alternate computer can result in an unusable system.
■ Do not cancel a System State restore operation. To cancel the operation may
leave the system unusable.
■ To restore the System State to a domain controller, the Active Directory must
not be running.

Restoring the System State

Use the following procedure to restore the System State.
To restore the System State
1 To restore the Active Directory, restart the system, and press F8 during the
boot process. F8 brings up a startup options menu. Press F8 upon restart if
the system to which you are to restore is a Windows domain controller.
Otherwise, begin with step 4.
2 From the startup options, select Directory Services Restore Mode and
continue the boot process.
3 Ensure that the NetBackup Client Service, either bpinetd on Windows or
inetd on UNIX, has started. Use the Activity Monitor or the Services
application in the Windows Control Panel.
4 Start the Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface. Click Select for
Restore, and place a checkmark next to System State.
Managing client backups and restores 1263
Restoring the System State

5 To restore a system state backup using an incremental backup, select the full
backup and one or more differential-incremental or cumulative-incremental

6 From the Actions menu, select Restores.

7 From the Restore Marked Files dialog box, select Restore everything to its
original location and Overwrite the existing file.
Do not redirect the System State restore to a different host. System State is
computer-specific. To restore it to a different computer can result in an unusable
8 Click Start Restore.
Managing client backups and restores 1264
About the backup and restore of compressed files on VxFS file systems

9 The network may contain more than one domain controller. To replicate Active
Directory to other domain controllers, perform an authoritative restore of the
Active Directory after the NetBackup restore job completes.
To perform an authoritative restore of the Active Directory, run the Microsoft
ntdsutil utility after you restored the System State data but before the server
is restarted. An authoritative restore ensures that the data is replicated to all
of the servers.
Additional information about an authoritative restore and the ntdsutil utility
is available.
See the Microsoft documentation.
10 Restart the system before performing subsequent restore operations.
If you booted into Directory Services Restore Mode on a domain controller,
restart into normal mode when the restore is complete.

About the backup and restore of compressed files

on VxFS file systems
NetBackup can back up and restore VxFS-compressed files, maintaining the
compression state when the target volume supports file system compression. Future
releases will expand this capability to other file systems.
Upon backup of files on a VxFS file system, a message displays in the Activity
Monitor whenever NetBackup encounters a compressed file:
Compress flag found for ‘file_name’.

Upon restore, NetBackup restores the files to a VxFS file system in their compressed
If the restore is to a non-VxFS file system, NetBackup restores the files in an
uncompressed form. The following message displays in the Progress tab of the
Backup, Archive, and Restore client interface:
File ‘file_name’ will not be restored in compressed form. Please
refer to the Release Notes or User Guide.

The message appears only for the first file that cannot be restored in its compressed

Note: The compression messages display if the verbose level is 1 or greater.

Managing client backups and restores 1265
About backups and restores on ReFS

About backups and restores on ReFS

Microsoft Resilient File System (ReFS) support in NetBackup is automatic and
requires no additional configuration.
To restore optimized backups, use the Restore from Optimized Backup in the
Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. You can select individual files for restore.
NetBackup does not support a redirected restore of a Microsoft Resilient File
Systems (ReFS) file system.
Table 36-1 lists the ReFS-to-NTFS backup and restore combinations and the
success of each.

Table 36-1 ReFS backup and restore

Between file Backups Restores


ReFS to ReFS Successful Successful

ReFS to NTFS Successful Successful

NTFS to ReFS Successful Limited success

For successful restores:

■ Restore NTFS backups to NTFS file system.

■ Remove all non-supported ReFS items.
■ Copy the files to an ReFS file system.
Chapter 37
Powering down and
rebooting NetBackup
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers

■ Shutting down and starting up all NetBackup services and daemons

■ Rebooting a NetBackup server

■ Rebooting a NetBackup media server

■ About displaying active processes with bpps on UNIX

■ About displaying robotic processes with vmps on UNIX

Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers

To close and restart NetBackup servers, use the following recommended procedure.
To power down a server
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, in the left pane, click Activity
Monitor. Click the Jobs tab and make sure that no jobs are running.
2 Click the Daemons tab and right-click the NetBackup Request Daemon, bprd.
Select Stop daemon to stop additional job activity and to let current activity
3 Right-click any daemons that are still running and select Stop daemon.
Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers 1267
Shutting down and starting up all NetBackup services and daemons

4 From the command line, run:

On Windows:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\bprdreq -terminate

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate

bprdreq does not run on a media server.

5 Run the system shutdown command.

The installation process copies the appropriate startup and shutdown script
from /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies to /init.d and creates links to it
from the appropriate /rc directory.
Use system startup scripts to begin the Media Manager and NetBackup
daemons when the system boots up. Use shutdown scripts to terminate the
daemons at system shutdown.
The NetBackup Installation Guide contains more information about the startup
and shutdown scripts.
6 On Windows, run:


7 Power down the server.

Shutting down and starting up all NetBackup

services and daemons
To shut down and start all NetBackup services and daemons, enter the following
commands from a command line:
On Windows:
■ To shut down all NetBackup services:


■ To startup all NetBackup services:


■ To shut down all NetBackup daemons:
Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers 1268
Rebooting a NetBackup server


■ To startup all NetBackup daemons:


All open NetBackup Administration Console sessions need to be restarted and

reconnected if NetBackup services are restarted or if a NetBackup server has been

Rebooting a NetBackup server

Use the following procedure to reboot a NetBackup server.
To reboot a NetBackup master server
1 Restart the system.
2 On Windows: If the required NetBackup services are not set up to start
automatically, do the following:
■ From the Windows desktop, start the Windows Services applet.
■ Start the NetBackup Client service.
■ Start the NetBackup Device Manager service. The NetBackup Volume
Manager service also starts automatically.
■ Start the NetBackup Request Daemon service to start the NetBackup
Database Manager service.

3 On UNIX: Ensure that bprd, bpdbm, and vmd are up by running the following

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a

4 On UNIX: Start all NetBackup daemons:


Rebooting a NetBackup media server

Use the following procedure to reboot a NetBackup media server.
Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers 1269
About displaying active processes with bpps on UNIX

To reboot a NetBackup media server

1 Restart the system.
2 On Windows: The required NetBackup services start automatically if they are
set up to do so.
If they are not set to start automatically, do the following:
■ From the Windows desktop, start the Windows Services applet.
■ Start the NetBackup Client service.
■ Start the NetBackup Device Manager service (ltid). The NetBackup
Volume Manager service (vmd) also starts.

3 On UNIX: Start ltid if it is not already running:

From the NetBackup Administration Console, do the following:
■ Click Activity Monitor, then select the Processes tab.
■ Right-click ltid and select Start Daemon.

4 On UNIX: From the command line, run:


About displaying active processes with bpps on

NetBackup provides the bpps command to determine which NetBackup processes
are active on a UNIX system.
bpps is located in the following directory:


The following is example output:

root 310 0.0 0.0 176 0 ? IW Oct 19 15:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdbm

root 306 0.0 0.0 276 0 ? IW Oct 19 2:37 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd

To display both NetBackup and Media Manager options, run:

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a
Powering down and rebooting NetBackup servers 1270
About displaying robotic processes with vmps on UNIX

About displaying robotic processes with vmps

The vmps script shows the Media Manager daemons and robotic processes that
are active on a UNIX system.
To run this script, use the following command:


In the following sample, the second column contains the process IDs for the

root 303 0.0 0.2 136 264 ? S Feb 11 4:32 ltid -v

root 305 0.0 0.0 156 0 ? IW Feb 11 0:54 vmd -v
root 306 0.0 0.0 104 0 ? IW Feb 11 0:15 tld -v
root 307 0.0 0.0 68 56 ? S Feb 11 12:16 avrd
root 310 0.0 0.0 116 0 ? IW Feb 11 0:07 tld -v

The status for the nbemm command is not shown in the output of vmps. The nbemm
status is shown in the output of the bpps command.
Chapter 38
About Granular Recovery
This chapter includes the following topics:

■ About installing and configuring Network File System (NFS) for Active Directory
Granular Recovery

■ About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

■ Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows clients for backups and restores
that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)

■ Configuring a different network port for NBFSD

About installing and configuring Network File

System (NFS) for Active Directory Granular
NetBackup uses Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) and Network File System
(NFS) to recover the individual objects that reside within a database backup image,
such as:
■ A user account from an Active Directory database backup
■ Email messages or folders from an Exchange database backup
■ A document from a SharePoint database backup
The NetBackup client mounts and accesses a mapped drive over a secure
connection to the NetBackup media server. The NetBackup media server handles
the client requests through the NetBackup File System (NBFS) service, or NBFSD.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1272
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

Multiple NetBackup agents that support GRT (for example, Exchange, SharePoint,
and Active Directory) can use the same media server.

About configuring Services for Network File

System (NFS)
To restore individual items from the Active Directory, you must configure Services
for NFS on the NetBackup media server and all Active Directory domain controllers
or ADAM/LDS hosts.

Table 38-1 Configuring NFS on Windows 2012, 2012 R2, or later

Step Action Description

Step 1 Configure NFS on the media On the media server do the following:
■ Stop and disable the ONC/RPC Portmapper service, if it exists.
■ Enable NFS.
See “Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a media
server” on page 1273.
■ Stop the Server for NFS service.
See “Disabling the Server for NFS” on page 1280.
■ Stop the Client for NFS service.
See “Disabling the Client for NFS on the media server” on page 1278.
Note: If the Active Directory domain controller or ADAM/LDS host
resides on the media server, do not disable the Client for NFS.
■ Configure the portmap service to start automatically at server restart.
Issue the following from the command prompt:
sc config portmap start= auto
This command should return the status [SC] ChangeServiceConfig

Step 2 Configure NFS on all Active On all Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS hosts, do the
Directory domain controllers following:
or ADAM/LDS hosts.
■ Enable NFS on the clients.
See “Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a client”
on page 1276.
■ Stop the Server for NFS service.
See “Disabling the Server for NFS” on page 1280.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1273
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a media server

To restore individual items from a backup that uses Granular Recovery Technology
(GRT), you must enable Services for Network File System (NFS) on the media
server. When this configuration is completed, you can disable any unnecessary
NFS services.
To enable Services for Network File System (NFS) on a media server
1 Open the Server Manager.
2 From the Manage menu, click Add Roles and Features.

3 In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click
About Granular Recovery Technology 1274
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

4 On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based


5 Click Next.
6 On the Server Selection page, click Select a server from the server pool
and select the server. Click Next.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1275
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

7 On the Server Roles page, expand File and Storage Services and File and
iSCSI Services.
8 Click File Server and Server for NFS. When you are prompted, click Add
Features. Click Next.

9 If the media server is also an Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS

host, on the Features page, click Client for NFS. Click Next.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1276
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

10 On the Confirmation page, click Install.

11 Disable any unnecessary services, as follows:
■ If you have a single host that functions as both the media server and the
Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS host, you can disable
the Server for NFS service.
See “Disabling the Server for NFS” on page 1280.
■ For a host that is only the NetBackup media server, you can disable the
Server for NFS and the Client for NFS services.
See “Disabling the Server for NFS” on page 1280.
See “Disabling the Client for NFS on the media server” on page 1278.

Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a client

To restore individual items from a backup that uses Granular Recovery Technology
(GRT), you must enable Services for Network File System (NFS). When this
configuration is completed all the Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS
hosts, you can disable any unnecessary NFS services.
To enable Services for Network File System (NFS) on a Windows client
1 Open the Server Manager.
2 From the Manage menu, click Add Roles and Features.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1277
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

3 In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click
4 On the Select installation type page, select Role-based or feature-based

5 Click Next.
6 On the Server Selection page, click Select a server from the server pool
and select the server. Click Next.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1278
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

7 On the Server Roles page, click Next.

8 On the Features page, click Client for NFS. Click Next.

9 On the Confirmation page, click Install.

Disabling the Client for NFS on the media server

After you enable Services for Network File System (NFS) on a host that is only a
NetBackup media server, you can disable the Client for NFS.
To disable the Client for NFS on the NetBackup media server
1 Open the Server Manager.
2 In the left pane, expand Configuration.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1279
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

3 Click Services.

4 In the right pane, right-click on Client for NFS and click Stop.
5 In the right pane, right-click on Client for NFS and click Properties.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1280
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

6 In the Client for NFS Properties dialog box, from the Startup type list, click

7 Click OK.

Disabling the Server for NFS

After you enable Services for Network File System (NFS) on the media server and
on the Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS hosts, you can disable
Server for NFS.
To disable the Server for NFS
1 Open the Server Manager.
2 In the left pane, expand Configuration.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1281
About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS)

3 Click Services.

4 In the right pane, right-click on Server for NFS and click Stop.
5 In the right pane, right-click on Server for NFS and click Properties.
About Granular Recovery Technology 1282
Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows clients for backups and restores that use Granular Recovery
Technology (GRT)

6 In the Server for NFS Properties dialog box, from the Startup type list, click

7 Click OK.
8 Repeat this procedure for the media server and for all Active Directory domain
controllers or ADAM/LDS hosts.

Configuring a UNIX media server and Windows

clients for backups and restores that use Granular
Recovery Technology (GRT)
To perform backups and restores that use Granular Recovery Technology (GRT),
perform the following configuration if you use a UNIX media server and Windows
■ Confirm that your media server is installed on a platform that supports granular
For more information about supported platforms, see the NetBackup Enterprise
Server and Server - OS Software Compatibility List at the following URL:
About Granular Recovery Technology 1283
Configuring a different network port for NBFSD
■ No other configuration is required for the UNIX media server.
■ Enable or install NFS on all Active Directory domain controllers or ADAM/LDS
See “Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a media server”
on page 1273.
See “Enabling Services for Network File System (NFS) on a client” on page 1276.
■ You can configure a different network port for NBFSD.
See “Configuring a different network port for NBFSD” on page 1283.

Configuring a different network port for NBFSD

NBFSD runs on port 7394. If another service uses the standard NBFSD port in your
organization, you 20can configure the service on another port. The following
procedures describe how to configure a NetBackup server to use a network port
other than the default.
To configure a different network port for NBFSD (Windows server)
1 Log on as administrator on the computer where NetBackup server is installed.
2 Open Regedit.
3 Open the following key.:


4 Create a new DWORD value named FSE_PORT.

5 Right-click on the new value and click Modify.
6 In the Value data box, provide a port number between 1 and 65535.
7 Click OK.
To configure a different network port for NBFSD (UNIX server)
1 Log on as root on the computer where NetBackup server is installed.
2 Open the bp.conf file.
3 Add the following entry, where XXXX is an integer and is a port number between
1 and 65535.

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