SME-Bank-PDS MYS3 ENG 240616
SME-Bank-PDS MYS3 ENG 240616
SME-Bank-PDS MYS3 ENG 240616
MYS3 is a program to provide access to Indian entrepreneurs in obtaining financing for their existing business.
Commodity Murabahah/Tawarruq
A Tawarruq consists of two (2) sale and purchase contracts where the first involves the sale of an asset by the Bank
to the customer on a deferred basis and the subsequent sale of the same asset by the customer to a third party on a
cash and spot basis.
Ijarah Thummal Bai`
Ijarah Thummal Bai` refers to an Ijarah (leasing) contract to be followed by a Bai’ (Sale). Under the first contract, the
Bank as owner leases out an asset to the customer as hirer at an agreed rental payment over a specified period.
Upon expiry of the leasing period, the hirer enters into a second contract to purchase the asset from the owner at an
agreed price.
Margin of Financing : Fixed Asset – up to 80% Prevailing Rate : BFR + 1.5% p.a.
Working Capital – up to 100% [current Base Financing Rate (BFR): 6.95% p.a.]
Prevailing Profit Rate Current BFR = 6.95% If BFR increase by 1% If BFR increase by 2%
Payment can be in the form of cash, cheque or online banking from any participating bank.
Note: The above example is only for illustration. The Illustration may not show the specific circumstances or obligations of
each CMTF-i
Prevailing Profit Rate (BFR + 1.5% p.a.) 8.45% p.a. 8.45% p.a.
Payment can be in the form of cash, cheque or online banking from any participating bank.
Note: The above example is only for illustration. The Illustration may not show the specific circumstances or obligations of
each CMRF-i
Prevailing Profit Rate Current BFR = 6.95% If BFR increase by 1% If BFR increase by 2%
Payment can be in the form of cash, cheque or online banking from any participating bank.
Note: The above example is only for illustration. The Illustration may not show the specific circumstances or obligations of
each ITBTF-i
6. When I/we will be granted the Ibra` (rebate)?
Ibra` (rebate) shall be granted to you when you settle the facility before the end of the financing tenure. Settlement prior
to the end of the financing tenure shall include, but is not limited to, the following situations:
a) early settlement or early redemption, including those arising from prepayments;
b) settlement of the original financing contract due to financing restructuring exercise;
c) settlement in the case of default; and
d) settlement in the event of termination or cancellation of financing before the maturity date.
If applicable, Ibra` (rebate) may be granted if there is a difference between Ceiling Rate and Prevailing Rate.
a) Stamp Duties:
c) Brokerage Fee
The fees payable is shared equally between the Bank and the customer.
d) Valuation report:
e) Takaful/Insurance coverage:
Takaful/Insurance coverage is mandatory if the asset is given as security for the financing.
Late payment charges stated above will increase the total outstanding.
If your monthly instalment remains unpaid after 6 months, your financing account shall be classified as Non-
Performing Financing (NPF). This will affect your further utilisation of other banking facilities with the Bank.
Legal action will be taken if you fail to respond to reminder notices. The security may be enforced and you will have
to bear all costs. You are also responsible to settle any shortfall after the security is disposed.
Legal action against you may affect your credit rating leading to credit being more difficult or expensive to you.
Depending on the specific terms of each facility, you may be subject to early settlement charges if you fully settle during
the Lock-in Period (if any).
The Bank will evaluate this requirement and advise you on it before we offer the CMTF-i/CMRF-i/ITBF-i facility(ies)
under the Program.
The profit/rental rate for this financing is on variable rate and might change according to the changes in the BFR. An
increase in BFR may result in higher payment amount.
12. What do I/we need to do if there are changes to my/our contact details?
It is important that you inform us of any changes in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences reach you in
timely manner.
13. Where can I/we get assistance and redress?
If you have difficulties in making payments, you should contact us as soon as possible to discuss payment
alternatives. You may contact us at:
Customer Contact Centre: 1-800-88-3131 Website:
If you wish to complaint about the products and services provided by us, you may contact us at 1-800-88-3131 or
email us at or send your letter to:
Head of Customer Service Management
Level 8, Menara SME Bank
Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur
If our reply to your query or complaint is not satisfactory to you, you may contact Bank Negara Malaysia LINK or
Tingkat Bawah, Block D
Bank Negara Malaysia
Peti Surat 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 1-300-88-5465
Fax: 03-21741515
Should you require additional information of the product, please refer to our brochures, which is available at our nearest
branch or our website at or call our Contact Centre 1800 88 3131.
For more information on obtaining a financing facility, please refer to banking info booklet, available at all our branches
and the website.
The Bank also provide asset financing, working capital financing, contract financing, i-EPF, CMTF-i, CMRF-i, and
dedicated product programs such as i-SPLASH, i-REACH and i-SURF.