Kurzportraet en
Kurzportraet en
Kurzportraet en
1 SNB balance sheet 56
2 Information resources and publications 58
3 Addresses 61
This brochure presents the key tasks and the organisation of the SNB.
Chapter 1 outlines the SNB’s mandate and history. Chapter 2 explains
the strategy that the SNB pursues to achieve its goal of ensuring
price stability and the considerations on which it bases its monetary
policy decisions. Chapter 3 explains which instruments the SNB uses
to put its monetary policy decisions into practice. Chapter 4 looks at
the SNB’s role in the supply and distribution of cash, while Chapter 5
focuses on its role in cashless payment systems. Chapter 6 deals
with the SNB’s assets, their functions and the principles by which
they are managed. Chapter 7 illustrates the ways in which the SNB
contributes to the stability of the financial system. Chapter 8 outlines
the international institutions and bodies in which the SNB is
represented. Chapter 9 explains the link between independence and
accountability, and the relationship between the SNB and the Swiss
Confederation. Chapter 10 describes how the SNB is structured and
includes its organisational chart. Chapter 11 summarises the legal
foundation on which the SNB’s activities are based.
The origins of central banks vary from one country to another. Some
of the oldest central banks started out as state banks which granted
loans to the state and managed state assets. Others were set up to
enhance the stability of the banking system and prevent banking panics.
At the time of the SNB’s foundation, the monetary order in most Changes in the
of the world was based on the fixed relationship between currencies monetary order
and gold. In this context, the SNB’s mandate was to regulate
the circulation of money and facilitate payment transactions. It was
obliged to provide gold on demand in exchange for banknotes.
In its monetary policy strategy, the SNB sets out the manner in Monetary
which it operationalises its statutory mandate. The strategy consists policy strategy
of three elements: a definition of price stability, a conditional
inflation forecast over the subsequent three years, and a description
of how the SNB implements its monetary policy by influencing
the interest rate level and the exchange rate.
Against the backdrop of the changes in the economic environment in Review of monetary
recent years, in 2022 the SNB subjected its monetary policy strategy policy strategy
to a comprehensive review, which concluded that the strategy has
fundamentally proved its worth. Only the formulation of the third
element has been adjusted. Having previously mentioned only
setting the SNB policy rate, the third element now explicitly provides
for the SNB to also use additional monetary policy measures to
influence the exchange rate or the interest rate level, if necessary.
With this adjustment, the SNB is taking into account the increased
importance of such measures in recent years.
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Year-on-year change in percent
07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Conditional inflation The inflation forecast published quarterly by the SNB serves as
forecast the main indicator for monetary policy decisions and is a key
element in its communications. The SNB’s inflation forecast is based
on the assumption that the SNB policy rate applicable at the time
of publication will remain constant over the forecast horizon. It is
therefore a conditional forecast that shows how the SNB expects
consumer prices to develop with an unchanged SNB policy rate.
This enables the public to gauge whether there will be a need for
monetary policy action in the future.
The forecast, which relates to the three subsequent years, reflects the
medium-term focus of monetary policy. With this approach, the
SNB takes account of the fact that output and prices react to monetary
policy stimuli with – at times considerable – lags. Besides the inflation
forecast, the SNB integrates a large number of indicators of domestic
and international economic and monetary developments and of
financial stability into its monetary policy decisions (cf. chapter 7).
Role of interest rate An interest rate increase dampens the demand for goods and services.
As a result, there is a decline in the demand for labour and in the
utilisation of technical production capacity, and inflation falls.
Conversely, a reduction in interest rates stimulates aggregate demand,
which leads to an increase in the utilisation of production capacity
and a rise in inflation. If the interest rate level changes, and with it
the interest rate differentials between the major currency areas, this
influences the exchange rate.
The SNB conducts an in-depth monetary policy assessment in March, Quarterly assessments
June, September and December. Its monetary policy decision is
based on this assessment. The reasons for its decision are provided
in a press release, which also contains the conditional inflation
forecast. The SNB also holds a news conference to explain its
monetary policy. In addition, the SNB may take monetary policy
measures at any time between regular assessment dates if
circumstances so require. The background to the monetary policy
decision is described in the monetary policy report published
in the Quarterly Bulletin.
The SNB can influence money market rates by means of its open
market operations or adjust the interest rate on sight deposits
held by banks and other financial market participants at the SNB.
If necessary, the SNB may also use additional monetary policy
measures to influence the exchange rate or the interest rate level.
Sight deposits Sight deposits at the SNB are financial market participants’ most
at the SNB liquid assets. They are readily available for payments and are
considered legal tender. Domestic banks also hold sight deposits to
satisfy statutory minimum reserve requirements and as a liquidity
reserve. In addition to sight deposits held by domestic banks, total
sight deposits include sight liabilities towards the Confederation, sight
deposits of foreign banks and institutions, as well as other sight
liabilities. Any deployment of monetary policy instruments by the
SNB also has an influence on sight deposits. The SNB applies interest
to, or ‘remunerates’, sight deposits held by banks and other financial
market participants at the SNB. By setting the interest rate and
defining other conditions, the SNB influences the interest rate level
on the money market.
Access to monetary In principle, all banks domiciled in Switzerland and the Principality
policy operations of Liechtenstein are admissible as counterparties in SNB monetary
policy operations. Other domestic financial market participants such
as insurance companies, as well as foreign banks, may be admitted,
provided there is a monetary policy interest in doing so and they
contribute to liquidity on the secured Swiss franc money market.
Open market Within its set of monetary policy instruments, the SNB distinguishes
operations and between open market operations and standing facilities. In the case
standing facilities
of the former, the SNB takes the initiative in the transaction, whereas
the initiative comes from the relevant counterparty in the case of
standing facilities.
In the case of liquidity-providing repo transactions, the SNB purchases Repo transactions
securities from a bank (or other financial institution admitted to
the repo market) and credits the corresponding sum in Swiss francs
to the counterparty’s sight deposit account with the SNB. At the
same time, it is agreed that the SNB will sell securities of the same
type and quantity back to the bank at a later date. In the case of
a liquidity-absorbing repo, the transactions are conducted in the
opposite direction. For the term of the repo agreement, the cash
taker generally pays interest (the repo rate) to the cash provider.
Indexed repo In 2022, the SNB introduced the possibility of having the repo rate
transactions on its repo transactions indexed to the SNB policy rate (indexed repo
transactions). This enhances the SNB’s flexibility in steering
liquidity, since expectations of an interest rate change are irrelevant
to the participation of market players in auctions for indexed repo
transactions. In contrast to a repo transaction with a fixed repo rate,
in the case of an indexed repo transaction the repo rate is calculated
as the simple average of the index values over the term minus any
discount. The discount remains constant over the term of the repo
transaction, but the average of the index values – and thus also the
repo rate – is not known until the transaction matures.
Issuance and return of Banknotes and coins are supplied to the economy via the two
banknotes and coins cashier’s offices at the Berne and Zurich head offices, as well as
13 agencies operated by cantonal banks on behalf of the SNB.
The SNB issues banknotes and coins commensurate with demand
for payment purposes, offsets seasonal fluctuations, and withdraws
banknotes and coins no longer fit for circulation.
Production of Swiss banknotes are printed by Orell Füssli Ltd. The Confederation
banknotes and coins is responsible for the minting of coins, which is carried out by
Swissmint, the federal mint, in Berne.
At the end of April 2021, the SNB recalled the banknotes from the
eighth series. Banknotes from the sixth series onwards can be
exchanged at the SNB for an unlimited period of time at their full
nominal value.
In 2021, the SNB carried out its first representative survey on the
use of payment methods by Swiss companies as well. That survey
found that companies select their payment methods on the basis
of customer and supplier preferences as well as transaction speed.
The SNB has the task of facilitating and securing the operation of
cashless payment systems. It fulfils this duty primarily by serving
as commissioning party and system manager of the Swiss Interbank
Clearing (SIC) payment system.
SIC system The SIC system is the central payment system in Switzerland for
payments in Swiss francs. Via the SIC system, banks and other
financial market participants settle both their interbank payments
(payments between financial institutions as well as third-party
system payments) and retail payments. The latter are mainly initiated
by payment instruments such as bank transfers, direct debits and
eBill invoices. Likewise, some obligations arising from card
transactions are bundled and settled among the participants via the
SIC system. The SNB also uses the SIC system to provide the
Swiss franc money market with liquidity (cf. chapter 3).
Investment policy The SNB’s investment policy is governed by the primacy of monetary
policy. The SNB must always be in a position to move a large
volume of investments without unduly influencing prices on the
market. In addition, the SNB aims for the long-term value
preservation of currency reserves. The ‘Investment Policy Guidelines
of the Swiss National Bank (SNB)’ define the scope of its investment
activity as well as its investment and risk control process.
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Foreign currency
investments 91%
Gold holdings 6%
Financial assets in CHF
Sundry 2%
Total: CHF 881 billion
At year-end 2022
It should, however, be noted that the SNB is not tasked with using its
asset management activities to selectively influence the development
of certain economic sectors. Its investment policy therefore cannot
be geared to pursuing structural or climate policies. This means that
there must be no positive or negative selection aimed at advantaging
or disadvantaging specific economic sectors or promoting or
inhibiting economic, political or social change.
The National Bank Act (NBA) confers on the SNB the task of Statutory mandate
contributing to the stability of the financial system. The SNB
performs this task by analysing sources of risk to the financial
system, overseeing systemically important FMIs, and helping
to shape the operational framework for the Swiss financial centre.
A particular focus of attention is the resilience of systemically
important banks. Every year, the SNB publishes a financial stability
report, in which it assesses Swiss banking sector stability and
discusses developments and risks in the economic environment as
a whole as well as in the banking sector. In a crisis, the SNB fulfils
its mandate by acting as lender of last resort.
Apart from taking preventive measures, the SNB also actively Emergency liquidity
contributes to the resolution of financial crises. As lender of last resort, assistance
the SNB can provide emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to
individual banks if they are no longer able to refinance themselves
via the market. To be eligible, the banks concerned must be
important for the stability of the financial system, solvent, and able
to post sufficient collateral to cover the liquidity assistance provided.
The IMF works to promote the stability of the global monetary and IMF
financial system as well as the economic stability of its member
countries. It monitors and regularly reviews economic developments
in all of its member countries. The IMF grants loans to countries
faced with balance of payment difficulties, relying on the funds of
its members to do so.
Switzerland is jointly represented in the IMF by the federal government Switzerland in the IMF
and the SNB. The Chairperson of the SNB’s Governing Board is
a member of the IMF’s highest decision-making body, the Board of
Governors, which consists of a representative from each member
country. The Head of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) is
one of the 24 members of the International Monetary and Financial
Committee (IMFC), the IMF’s most important advisory body.
Switzerland is part of a voting group (constituency) whose other
members are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic,
Poland, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The
constituency’s executive director is one of the 24 members of the
Executive Board, the IMF’s most important operational body.
The BIS in Basel serves as the bank for central banks and provides BIS
a forum for international monetary and financial cooperation among
central banks. The SNB participates in the four standing committees
of the BIS: the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the
Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, the Committee
on the Global Financial System, and the Markets Committee. The
SNB has held one of the seats on the Board of Directors since the
BIS was founded in 1930.
The BIS Innovation Hub aims to foster collaboration on innovative BIS Innovation Hub
financial technology within the central banking community and to Swiss Centre
gain in-depth insights into the relevant technological developments
affecting central banking. It also aims to develop public goods in the
technology space geared towards further improving the functioning
of the global financial system. The BIS Innovation Hub maintains
various centres, one of them in collaboration with the SNB.
FSB The FSB brings together national authorities responsible for financial
stability, international organisations and standard-setting bodies.
Switzerland is represented in the Plenary by the SNB and the FDF.
The SNB is also a member of the Steering Committee and the
Standing Committee on Assessment of Vulnerabilities. Representation
in other committees and working groups is shared between FINMA,
the FDF and the SNB, which collaborate closely to formulate
Switzerland’s position.
G20 The SNB, together with the federal government, is invited to take
part in the meetings of finance ministers and central bank governors
of the G20 group of leading advanced and emerging economies,
known as the Finance Track, and participates in a number of working
At a bilateral level, the SNB cooperates with other central banks and Bilateral cooperation
authorities. This bilateral cooperation involves exchanges on topics
which are debated in international financial institutions, as well as
participation in bilateral financial dialogues with other countries, which
are led by the State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF).
Furthermore, the SNB provides technical assistance to other central
banks upon request. This generally takes the form of individual
consultations with SNB experts, either at the central bank concerned
or in Switzerland. In addition, the SNB is involved in cross-national
activities to promote the exchange of central bank-specific expertise
between central banks. Finally, under the terms of the Monetary
Assistance Act, the SNB can – in collaboration with the federal
government – grant loans and guarantees to individual countries
and international institutions.
As the SNB performs a public function, it is administered with the Cooperation with
cooperation of the Confederation and is under its supervision. and supervision by
the Confederation
Thus, the Federal Council appoints the majority of the Bank Council
members, including the President and the Vice President, as well
as the members and deputy members of the Governing Board, on the
recommendation of the Bank Council. In addition, the Federal
Council approves the SNB’s Organisation Regulations issued by the
Bank Council. The SNB must also submit its financial report to
the Federal Council for approval before it can be approved by the
General Meeting of Shareholders. In this way, the Swiss government
ensures that the SNB is managed effectively and efficiently.
The SNB also acts as the Confederation’s bank (art. 5 para. 4 and Banker to the
art. 11 NBA). It keeps sight deposit accounts in Swiss francs and Confederation
foreign currencies for the Confederation, via which it settles the
latter’s domestic and foreign payment transactions. In addition, it
provides technical and advisory assistance in connection with the
issuance of Confederation bonds and money market debt register
claims. Furthermore, the SNB acts as the payment office for coupons
and repayments of Confederation bonds. Finally, it manages the
Confederation’s securities custody accounts and conducts money
market and foreign exchange transactions. Banking services to the
Confederation are governed by an agreement between the
Confederation and the SNB.
Organisational The NBA and the SNB’s Organisation Regulations govern the
structure structure and organisation of the Swiss National Bank. The SNB has
two head offices, one in Berne and one in Zurich, and a branch office
in Singapore. It also maintains representative offices with delegates
for regional economic relations in Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne,
Lugano and St Gallen. These delegates, like those in Berne and
Zurich, are responsible for monitoring economic developments and
explaining the SNB’s policy in the regions. Furthermore, the SNB
maintains 13 agencies for the supply and distribution of banknotes
and coins. These agencies are operated by cantonal banks.
The SNB is divided into three departments. For the most part, the
organisational units of Departments I and III are located in Zurich,
while those of Department II are mainly in Berne. Each of the
three departments is headed by a member of the Governing Board.
Each of these members has up to two deputies, who are involved
in the management of their department.
Bank Council The Bank Council oversees and controls the conduct of business by
the SNB. It consists of eleven members. Six members, including the
President and Vice President, are appointed by the Federal Council,
and five are elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The
Bank Council sets up four committees from its own ranks: the Audit
Committee, the Risk Committee, the Compensation Committee
and the Nomination Committee.
Executive The SNB’s management and executive body is the Governing Board.
management It consists of three members. The Governing Board is responsible, in
particular, for monetary policy, asset management strategy, contributing
to the stability of the financial system, and international monetary
cooperation. It represents the SNB in the public sphere.
The members of the Governing Board and their deputies are appointed
for a six-year term by the Federal Council on the recommendation of
the Bank Council. Reappointment is possible.
The SNB employs predominantly specialists in the fields of economics, Number of staff
law, political science, banking, IT, logistics and technology as
well as commercial training graduates. There are also apprentices
working at the SNB. In 2022, the SNB had a total of 979 staff
(891 full-time equivalents).
as at 1 July 2023
Legal Services
Human Resources
Risk Management
Federal Constitution In accordance with art. 99 of the Federal Constitution, the SNB is
required to pursue a monetary policy that serves the overall interests
of the country.
National Bank Act The activities of the SNB are primarily governed by the National
and implementation Bank Act. It specifies the various elements of the SNB’s constitutional
mandate (art. 5), the SNB’s independence (art. 6), and its duty
of accountability and information towards the Federal Council,
parliament and the general public (art. 7). The SNB’s scope of
business is outlined in arts. 9 – 13.
The National Bank Act also contains the legal principles relating
to the collection of statistical data (arts. 14 – 16), the definition of
minimum reserves for banks (arts. 17 – 18) and the oversight of
systemically important financial market infrastructures (arts. 19 – 21).
Finally, the National Bank Act also lays down the foundations of
the SNB’s organisational structure (arts. 3 and 33 – 48). Details
can be found in the SNB’s Organisation Regulations issued by the
Bank Council and approved by the Federal Council.
The Federal Act on Currency and Payment Instruments (CPIA) Federal Act on
of 22 December 1999 lays down the Swiss franc as currency unit and Currency and
Payment Instruments
contains regulations on the characteristic features of currency
and money (legal tender). In addition to coins and banknotes, Swiss
franc sight deposits at the SNB are also deemed to be legal tender.
The SNB defines the criteria for determining whether institutions
that process payment transactions can be granted access to a sight
deposit account.
In the event that the IMF’s regular means are not sufficient to manage
a crisis, the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) form an additional
safety net. Switzerland’s participation in the IMF’s NAB is based
on special federal decrees. They stipulate that the SNB participate in
these Arrangements and that it can grant the associated loans to
the IMF. The SNB participates in the NAB up to a maximum of
CHF 13.7 billion.
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In CHF billions
1 100
1 000
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 100
1 000
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Banknotes in circulation
Sight deposits of domestic banks
Sight deposits of foreign banks and institutions
Other sight liabilities
Liabilities towards the Confederation
Liquidity-absorbing instruments 1
Sundry 2
Equity 3
1 SNB debt certificates, liabilities from Swiss franc repo transactions.
2 Other term liabilities, foreign currency liabilities, counterpart of Special Drawing
Rights allocated by the IMF, other liabilities.
3 Provisions for currency reserves, share capital, distribution reserve (before
appropriation of profit), annual result.
Source(s): SNB
Websites WWW.SNB.CH
The website provides information on the SNB’s organisation and
responsibilities as well as its statistics and publications. Most
publications are available online, many also in printed form. It also
contains information for the media, the financial markets, shareholders
and the general public. The website content is available in German,
French, Italian and English.
On its data portal, the SNB provides an extensive range of data
relevant for monetary policy as well as for monitoring the economy.
Important monetary policy data – the SNB policy rate, SARON,
the special rate, the interest rate on sight deposits and the threshold
factor – are published on a weekly basis. The ‘Important monetary
policy data’ also include information on sight deposits at the SNB
and on minimum reserve requirements and banks’ compliance with
them. One of the major datasets is the statistical data compiled
by the SNB on banks and financial markets, the balance of payments,
direct investment, the international investment position and the
Swiss financial accounts. The SNB also publishes detailed data on
its money and foreign exchange market operations.
Iconomix is the SNB’s web-based educational programme offering
a range of teaching material that can be either downloaded or
ordered. It is aimed at teachers of economics and social studies at
upper secondary schools, but is also open to the general public
free of charge. Iconomix is available in full in German, French and
Italian, and partially in English, at www.iconomix.ch.
Agencies The Swiss National Bank maintains agencies operated by cantonal banks
in Appenzell, Chur, Fribourg, Geneva, Glarus, Liestal, Lucerne, Sarnen,
Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Sion, Stans and Zug.
German, French, Italian and English
Interbrand Ltd, Zurich
Reproduction and publication of figures and text permitted for
non-commercial purposes with reference to source.
To the extent that the information and data clearly derive from
outside sources, the users of such information and data are
obliged to respect any existing copyrights and to obtain the right
of use from the relevant outside source themselves.
18th edition, July 2023