Critics of America, including wealthy individuals, often present a bleak picture for Black Americans, but data
challenges this narrative. While 1 in 7 white families are millionaires, it's 1 in 50 for Black families (Jan, 2017).
The odds of winning a $1 million lottery jackpot are 1 in 50, making it improbable for a state lottery to survive,
yet critics don't caution penniless Black Americans against playing (Rodriguez, 2022). The existence of Black
millionaires contradicts the idea of systemic racism. The author analogizes systemic racism to an exterminator
eradicating roaches; if even 8% return, the treatment is considered ineffective. Systemic racism should
eradicate all Black millionaires if it truly existed. The media's flawed reasoning lacks substantial proof and
relies on broad inductions from non-representative examples. The distinction between deductive and inductive
arguments lies in the certainty of conclusions, with inductive arguments relying on audiences to fill in missing
links (Bell & Martin, 2019).
Census Count of Population
By 2020 census count of the population by US Government and reports of Federal Reserve Bank:
USA Odds of
Mill Odds of being a
USA by USA iona being a non-
Race Millionaires ires millionaire in millionai
Race %
Population by Race by the General re in the
for 2020 Rac Pop. General
e% Pop.
Odds of Becoming a Millionaire Within One’s
Race Population
Total US Millionaires Within
Within ire Ranked
Race Pop. / Tot.
Race % Odds within Race
The claim is that there are far too many Black American millionaires for systemic racism to be a real thing. The odds
of a Black American becoming a millionaire is favorable, with a 1 in 29 chance within the Black population, and 1 in
208 in the general population. We will prove claim with simple Census bureau data (Jones et al, 2021) and
computations of percentages and ratios of net worth millionaires across four races: Black, White, Asian and
Hispanic, both millionaires and non-millionaires.
Research Methodology
The methodology employed the calculation of z-scores and their plotting on a standardized normal
distribution with quantiles. The study used Census bureau data and computed percentages and
ratios of millionaires among Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic populations.
Research Methodology
Race Xi (Xi-μ)2
White (W-m) 15405200 2761594463265620
Analysis of Results
Race Z- Value
White (W-m) 0.84
Black (B-m) 0.62
Asian (A-m) 0.62
Hispanic (H-m) 0.62
White (W-nm -2.43
Black (B-nm) -0.13
Asian (A-nm) 0.24
Hispanic (H-nm) -0.38
Race Z- Value Probability (P)
➢ For White Millionaires Z value is 0.84 and probability P= 0.799, And they belongs to
acceptance region (z score = 1.96). But for White Non-Millionaires Z value is -2.43 and
probability P= 0.0755, And they do not belongs to critical region (z score = -1.96).
➢ For Black Millionaires Z value is 0.62 and probability P= 0.7323, So they are out of
acceptance region (z score = 1.96).for White Non-Millionaires Z value is -0.13 and
probability P= 0.448, And they belongs to acceptance region (z score = -1.96).
Based on Z score and probability for different race of millionaire and non-millionaire, we can say that there is
at least one race which is white Millionaire (Z-score= -2.43)who is outside of 95% confidence interval (Z=
So we have to reject null hypothesis which states that “No race of millionaires or non-millionaires will fall outside of
95% confidence interval”.
This research shows that black american race was not victim of systemic racism when it come to being a
millionaire in america. There are other factors too which decide whether one can be millionaire or not.
Summary and Conclusion
➢ People in the media have been implying that America is unfair to Blacks. Their claims have
been shown untrue when millionaires by race are measured by z-scores on a standard normal
➢ Black millionaires, 1.62 million of them, are a contradiction to the claim of systemic racism.
➢ The odds are extremely favorable of being a millionaire, for Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian
Americans, which means the chances of becoming one, is very good! All races of millionaires
are statistically the same on the Z distribution; z-scores for millionaires cluster between .065
and .85.
For all purpose
2022 June 9
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