Chapter 3-1. Rigid Body Motion
Chapter 3-1. Rigid Body Motion
Chapter 3-1. Rigid Body Motion
Minsung Kim
Division of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Dongguk University – Seoul Campus
∎ A Word about Vectors and Reference Frames
• One stationary fixed frame, or space frame, denoted {s}, has been
defined. This might be attached to a corner of a room.
• Body frame, denoted {b}, is the stationary frame that is coincident with
the body-attached frame at any instant.
∎ A Word about Vectors and Reference Frames
𝑃𝑏 = (4, −2)
𝑃𝑎 = (1,2)
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Planar body (gray shape)
Represent a configuration
of a rigid body in {s}
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Position of Planar body
• The way to describe the orientation of the body frame {b} relative to the
fixed frame {s} is by specifying the angle 𝜃.
• Specify the directions of the unit axes 𝑥Ƹ𝑏 and 𝑦Ƹ𝑏 of {b} relative to {s}
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Position of Planar body
• Two vectors 𝒙
ො 𝒃 and 𝒚
ො 𝒃 can also be written as column vectors and
packaged into
1) Each column : unit vector
2) Two columns are orthogonal to each other
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Three frames
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Three frames
• Repeating the previous approach, and expressing {c} in {s} as the pair (R, r),
• we can write {c} relative to {b} as the pair (Q, q), where
• If we know (Q, q) (the configuration of {c} relative to {b}) and (P, p), we can
compute the configuration of {c} relative to {s} as follows:
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ A rigid body with two frames
Displace a vector or a frame
• The frame {d} is initially coincident with {s}, and {c} is initially described
by (R, r) in {s}
• Then the body is moved in such a way that {d} moves to {d’}, becoming
coincident with a frame {b} described by (P, p) in {s}.
• Denoting the configuration of the new frame {𝐜′} as (R′, r′), you can
verify that
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ A rigid body with two frames
Displace a vector or a frame
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ A rigid body with two frames
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Preview of the remainder of this chapter
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Preview of the remainder of this chapter
• Let p denote the vector from the fixed-frame origin to the body-frame
Rigid-Body Motions in the Plane
∎ Preview of the remainder of this chapter
• Defining p and R as
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Rotation Matrices
(a) The unit norm condition: 𝑥Ƹ𝑏 , 𝑦Ƹ𝑏 and 𝑧𝑏Ƹ are all unit vectors, i.e.,
(b) The orthogonality condition: 𝑥Ƹ𝑏 𝑦Ƹ𝑏 =𝑥Ƹ𝑏 𝑧𝑏Ƹ =𝑦Ƹ𝑏 𝑧𝑏Ƹ =0 (here denotes the
inner product), or
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Uses of Rotation Matrices
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Uses of Rotation Matrices
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Uses of Rotation Matrices – 1. Representing An Orientation
• 𝑹𝒄 or 𝑹𝒔𝒄 is the orientation of the frame {c} relative to the fixed frame {s}
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Uses of Rotation Matrices – 2. Changing the Reference Frame
• Rotation matrix 𝑅𝑎𝑏 represents the orientation of {b} in {a}, and 𝑅𝑏𝑐
represents the orientation of {c} in {b}.
• A straightforward calculation shows that the orientation of {c} in {a} can
be computed as
𝑅𝑎𝑐 = 𝑅𝑎𝑏 𝑅𝑏𝑐
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Uses of Rotation Matrices – 3. Rotating a Vector or a Frame
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Rotating a Vector or a Frame
• Examples of rotation operations about coordinate frame axes are
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Rotating a Vector or a Frame
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
• If we examine the body frame at times t and t+∆t, the change in frame
orientation can be described as a rotation of angle ∆𝜃 about some unit
axis 𝑤.
• In the limit as ∆t approaches zero, the ratio ∆𝜃/∆t becomes the rate of
rotation 𝜃.ሶ
ෝ and 𝜽ሶ can be combined to define the angular velocity 𝒘 as
ෝ 𝜃ሶ
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
• It should be evident that
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
• Let R(t) be the rotation matrix describing the orientation of the body
frame with respect to the fixed frame at time t; 𝑹(t)
ሶ is its time rate of
• The first column of R(t), denoted 𝒓𝟏(t), describes 𝑥Ƹ in fixed-frame
coordinates; similarly, 𝒓𝟐(t) and 𝒓𝟑(t) respectively describe 𝑦Ƹ and 𝑧Ƹ in
fixed-frame coordinates.
• At a specific time t, let 𝒘𝒔 ∈ 𝑹𝟑 be the angular velocity w expressed in
fixed-frame coordinates.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
• These three equations can be rearranged into the following single 3 x 3
matrix equation:
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
• Given a vector 𝑥 = [𝑥1, 𝑥2, 𝑥3]𝑇, define
0 −𝑥3 𝑥2
𝑥 = 𝑥3 0 −𝑥1
−𝑥2 𝑥1 0
The matrix [x] is a 3x3 skew-symmetric matrix representation of x; that
x = −[x]T:
The set of all 3x3 real skew-symmetric matrices is called SO(3)
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Practice Exercise 3.11.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Practice Exercise 3.11.
Consider the satellite and Earth (Fig. 3.6).
Let 𝑤𝑏 = (0, 1, 1) be the angular velocity of the satellite expressed in the
satellite body frame {b}. Assume a fixed Earth frame {e}.
(a) Solve for the coordinate axis velocities of {b} ( 𝑥ሶƸ𝑏 , 𝑦ሶƸ𝑏 , and 𝑧𝑏ሶƸ )
represented in the {b} frame.
(b) The orientation of the {b} frame is equivalent to the {e} frame after it
has been rotated -90 degrees about its 𝑧𝑒Ƹ -axis. Solve for 𝑤𝑒 , the
satellite angular velocity represented in {e}.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Practice Exercise 3.11 – Sol.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Angular Velocities
Practice Exercise 3.11.
(c) Solve for 𝑅ሶ 𝑒𝑏 , the time derivative of the body orientation expressed in
(d) Give the SO(3) representation of the angular velocity in both the Earth
and the body frames.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Practice Exercise 3.11 – Sol.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
• Given a vector w
ෝ θ ∈ R3, such that θ is any scalar and w
ෝ ∈ R3 is a unit
vector, the matrix exponential of [ෝ
w] θ = [ෝ
wθ] ∈ SO 3 is
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Example 3.12.
Rotations and Angular Velocities
∎ Exponential Coordinates of Rotations
Example 3.12 – Sol.