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History and Geography

The Enlightenment,
The French Revolution
and Romanticism
Teacher Guide


Voltaire King Louis XVI

Baron de Montesquieu

Three Estates
The Enlightenment 1–92

The French Revolution

and Romanticism 93–239
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The Enlightenment
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Enlightenment Sample Pacing Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 1 Isaac Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapter 2 René Descartes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 3 Thomas Hobbes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chapter 4 John Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Chapter 5 The Enlightenment in France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Chapter 6 The Enlightenment in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Teacher Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
The Enlightenment
Teacher Guide
Core Knowledge History and Geography™ 6

About This Unit

Big Idea
The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason, was a period of history in Western Europe. During the
1600s and 1700s, Enlightenment thinkers ushered in the modern age.

Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Baron de

Montesquieu, and Voltaire were important thinkers of the time. With the
exception of Hobbes, the Enlightenment thinkers emphasized intellectual
freedom. Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire believed that government should
guarantee the basic rights of citizens. Locke even believed that people had
a right to overthrow any government that did not preserve the right to life,
liberty, and property.
Across the Atlantic Ocean in North America, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
Benjamin Franklin, and others embraced these revolutionary ideas. The
American colonists’ Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
echo the ideas of Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers.

Time Period Background
What Students Should Already Know This timeline provides an overview of key
events related to the content of this unit.
Use a classroom timeline with students to
Students in Core Knowledge Schools should already be familiar with: help them sequence and relate events that
occurred from 476 to 1787.
Grade 4
476–1350 The Middle Ages in Europe
• The Middle Ages refer to the history and events between ancient and
modern times, roughly from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE to 476–1350 The Roman Catholic Church
around 1350, just before the early Renaissance. governs all aspects of daily
life during Middle Ages.
Grade 5
1400s–1650 The Renaissance begins in
• Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church played a critical role in the Italy and spreads to other
parts of Europe.
lives of all people in Europe during the Middle Ages.

• The Renaissance, which began in Italy and eventually spread to other 1400s–1650 The Renaissance is
characterized by renewed
parts of Europe, lasted from about 1400–1650. interest in writers, works,
and ideas from early Greeks
• The Renaissance was characterized by a renewed interest in writers, and Romans.
works, and ideas from the Greek and Roman past.
1400s–1650 The Renaissance is marked
• The Renaissance was marked by a curiosity about the physical world, by a curiosity about the
physical world, which
which was manifested in art, scientific observation, and investigation. manifests itself in art,
scientific observation, and
• The Renaissance overlapped the Age of Exploration, a period in which investigation.
Europeans ventured out to explore what was to them the unknown
world, including the exploration and establishment of the British colonies 1400s–1650 The Renaissance overlaps
with the Age of Exploration,
in North America. a period in which
Europeans venture out to
• The development of moveable type by Johannes Gutenberg (in the West) explore what is to them the
unknown world, including
made possible widespread literacy in vernacular languages. the exploration and
establishment of the British
• Following the Renaissance, during the historical periods known as the colonies in North America

Reformation and Counter-Reformation, Europe divided into Protestant

and Catholic territories, and people were more likely to question the 1450 Gutenberg invents the
printing press.
authority of the Church. Interest in science and education continued
with Copernicus’s theory of a sun-centered universe published in 1543, 1500s Europe is divided into
supported by Galileo in 1632. Protestant and Catholic
territories during the
Reformation and Counter-

1452–1519 Leonardo da Vinci

1543–1632 Copernicus’s theory of a

sun-centered universe
(1543) is supported by
Galileo’s observations in

1596–1650 René Descartes

1651 Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan

1687 Isaac Newton’s Principia

(Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy)

1689 John Locke’s Essay
Concerning Human
Understanding What Students Need to Learn
1717 François-Marie Arouet Teachers: You are encouraged to use timelines and engage students in
(Voltaire) imprisoned in
the Bastille a brief review of some major intervening events to help students make
a smooth transition across the gap in centuries between the ancient
1721 Baron de Montesquieu’s
The Persian Letters
civilizations and the Enlightenment. Place the Enlightenment (1600s
1748 Baron de Montesquieu’s and 1700s) in chronological context, in relation to eras and movements
The Spirit of the Laws
studied in earlier grades in Core Knowledge schools (Middle Ages, Age
1776 Drafting and signing
of the Declaration of
of Exploration and Renaissance, American Revolution, etc.).

• Faith in science and human reason, as exemplified by

1787 Drafting of the U.S.
Constitution -- Isaac Newton and the laws of nature
-- René Descartes: “Cogito ergo sum”: “I think, therefore I am”
• Two ideas of “human nature”: Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
-- Thomas Hobbes: the need for a strong governing authority as a check
on “the condition of man . . . [which] is a condition of war of everyone
against everyone”
-- John Locke: the idea of the human mind as a “tabula rasa” and the
optimistic belief in education; argues against doctrine of divine right
of kings and for government by consent of the governed
• Influence of the Enlightenment on the beginnings of the United States
-- Thomas Jefferson: the idea of “natural rights” in the Declaration of
-- Baron de Montesquieu and the idea of separation of powers in

At A Glance
The most important ideas in Unit 3 are:
• The Enlightenment was a historical period in the 1600s and 1700s when
people began to question old ideas and search for knowledge.
• Some Enlightenment thinkers, such as René Descartes, focused on reason
and logic in their quest for knowledge, while others, such as Isaac Newton,
placed emphasis on scientific observation and experiments.
• Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher, concluded that a strong central
government was the best type of government and was essential to preventing
man’s tendency for constant infighting. According to Hobbes, while
individuals gave up some freedoms, the government provided protection,
security, and stability. This exchange was known as the “social contract.”

• John Locke, another English philosopher, promoted the idea of a social
contract to argue against the divine right of kings. He also argued that the
human mind was like a blank slate that becomes filled during one’s lifetime,
based on one’s experiences. For this reason, education was deemed to be
very important.
• Thomas Jefferson was strongly influenced by Locke’s ideas, which are
reflected in the Declaration of Independence.
• The Founding Fathers were also influenced by Montesquieu, a French
philosopher, who argued for a balance and separation among different
functions of government, as reflected in the U.S. Constitution.

What Teachers Need to Know

Before the Enlightenment

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages occurred between ancient and modern times, or from the
fall of Rome in 476 CE to about 1350, just before the early Renaissance. During
this period, Christianity was the dominant religion in Western Europe, and the
Church was the single largest and most important organization in Western
Europe. The Church provided stability in the face of political upheavals and
economic hardships. This stability was evident both in its organization and
in its message: life on Earth might be brutally hard, but it was the means to a
joyful life in heaven. The Church taught that life on Earth was a time of divine
testing and preparation for life after death.
At the same time, feudalism, a system in which land was offered in exchange
for loyalty and military support, was the dominant political arrangement. The
Middle Ages was an era of lords, knights, and castles, and also one of nuns and
monks, peasants and serfs. Religious figures, such as Saint Benedict, Hildegard
of Bingen, and Thomas Becket played important roles—as did kings and
queens such as Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
In the late Middle Ages, as feudalism weakened and kings grew stronger,
some of the modern monarchies of Europe began to emerge, as did a growing
sense of loyalty to monarchs. France and England fought each other in the
Hundred Years’ War. The French heroine, Joan of Arc, helped France win the
war, but England emerged from this lengthy conflict with a stronger sense of
nationhood. English kings, such as King Henry II and King John, attempted to
consolidate royal power but were forced to make concessions to the nobles by
establishing Parliament and signing Magna Carta, a document that guaranteed
people certain rights.

The Renaissance

The Renaissance, which began in the Italian city-states and eventually spread
to other parts of Europe, is usually said to have lasted from about 1400 to 1650.
The word Renaissance means “rebirth.” This period saw a rebirth of interest in
ancient Greece and Rome, and a rediscovery of Greek and Roman works. As
European scholars learned more about the writings of the ancient Greeks and
Romans, interest in the ancient world increased. These scholars became known
as humanists because they devoted their lives to studying the humanities
and sought to find a balance between thinking about human virtues and
actively participating in life. This focus on studying human culture and
actively engaging in life’s pursuits was an important hallmark of the humanist
The Renaissance was also a time of great artistic creativity in literature,
painting, sculpture, and architecture. Beyond studying the once-forgotten
Greek authors, European literature experienced its own rebirth. Writers such
as William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes and political theorists like
Niccolò Machiavelli and Baldassare Castiglione benefited from Johannes
Gutenberg’s printing press and moveable type, an invention that made
possible the widespread dissemination of literature in vernacular languages.
Under the patronage of wealthy individuals and families, such as the Medici
in Florence, architects built gorgeous churches like the Duomo based on
the classical models, and painters created beautiful new works, sometimes
blending Christian and classical themes. Men such as Leonardo da Vinci came
to epitomize the age, working in art, architecture, and scientific study.

The Scientific Revolution

The scientific revolution was largely an outcropping of the Renaissance and

can be credited to humanist scholars who diverted their focus from theology
to the human condition and the world at large. The discoveries of Copernicus
and Galileo were early episodes of this period. Beginning in the 1600s,
those interested in understanding how nature worked set about the careful
observation and study of natural laws, including those that governed human
development and activity. Rather than simply accept what Aristotle and other
ancient writers had deduced or what the Bible said, scientists gathered data,
established hypotheses, performed experiments to test their suppositions, and
drew conclusions. Then they repeated the process to verify their conclusions.
In the years following the discoveries of Copernicus and Galileo, important
discoveries were made in various fields, including mathematics, astronomy,
botany, physics, optics, and medicine, paving the way for Enlightenment
philosophers and thinkers, such as René Descartes, Sir Francis Bacon, and Sir
Isaac Newton.

The Age of Exploration

The Renaissance overlapped the Age of Exploration, a period of European

exploration and settlement around the world. Beginning in the 1400s,
Europeans set forth in a great wave of exploration and trade. They were
spurred on by the riches brought back from the eastern Mediterranean during
the Crusades and the money in their purses from the rise of a trade economy.
Members of the European middle and upper classes wanted the luxuries that
could be found in the East—fine cloth, such as silk, jewels, and, most of all,
spices to improve or disguise the taste of their foods.
Several factors motivated Europeans to explore and develop international
trading networks. First, Arab middlemen controlled the overland trade
routes from Asia to Europe. Land routes such as the Silk Road, which
originated in China and traveled across the central Asian steppes, ended
in the Middle East. Europeans wanted the power and resulting wealth that
would come from controlling trade. Finding all-water routes to Asia and its
riches would allow European merchants to cut out Arab middlemen and
reap all the profits of eastern trade. Some Europeans were also eager to
spread Christianity to nonbelievers. Christian teachings had spread from
Roman Palestine into parts of North Africa, and north and west into Europe.
However, Christianity had not yet gained a significant foothold in Africa, the
Middle East, or the rest of Asia.
Successful ventures to the Americas by explorers, such as Amerigo Vespucci
and Christopher Columbus, first funded by the Spanish and Portuguese,
gave way to expeditions by other European countries, including France, the
Netherlands, and England. Waves of explorers, and eventually colonists,
made possible the exploration and settlement of North America. Though the
Spanish were the first to establish permanent settlements on the continent,
the east coast of the continent would come to be dominated by the thirteen
British colonies.

The Reformation and Counter-Reformation

The Protestant Reformation began as an attempt to reform certain beliefs and

practices within the Roman Catholic Church and ended with the founding of
various Protestant denominations and the division of European Christianity.
Though other reformers, among them English theologian Jonathan Wycliffe,
had worked to change the Church, the movement gained momentum with
Martin Luther in Germany in 1517. Precipitated by the selling of indulgences,
or pieces of paper that promised the forgiveness of sin without true
repentance, Luther drafted his Ninety-five Theses, or points of debate that
challenged the Catholic Church, and posted them on the door of All Saint’s
Church in Wittenberg.
Because Luther questioned the authority of the pope and suggested that the
ruler of a territory should lead the Church in that territory, his ideas attracted

the support of a number of princes in northern Germany. These princes were
only too happy to seize Church property and declare themselves heads of
new, local Christian churches that were independent of Rome. Eventually war
broke out between Luther’s supporters and supporters of the pope. By the
time the wars and bloodshed ended in 1555, Germany had suffered through
a series of terrible religious and political wars. Many thousands of people had
died, and the area was divided between Protestants (those who protested
against Rome, including Lutherans and some other groups) and Catholics
(those who remained loyal to the pope and rejected Luther’s ideas). In the
years and decades following the rise of Protestantism in Germany, Protestant
faiths would emerge in other parts of Europe, including in the Netherlands,
France, and England, under the leadership of men such as John Calvin. In
general, Protestantism was stronger in northern Europe, and Catholicism had
more favor in southern Europe.
The Counter-Reformation, or Catholic Reformation, was the Roman Catholic
Church’s own effort to reform the Church and stop the spread of the
Reformation. Recognizing that there were some problems with the Church and
its policies, the pope convened the Council of Trent, a committee of important
churchmen that met several times between 1545 and 1563. Numerous reforms
resulted from this meeting, including banning the sale of indulgences,
establishing higher education standards for priests, and reaffirming the moral
standards of the clergy and various other Church teachings.
During the time of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, interest
in science and education endured. While many of the scientific theories
of the ancient Greeks and Romans stood the test of time, some theories
were not grounded in demonstrable facts. As scientists, philosophers, and
mathematicians of the Renaissance attempted to test and prove these older
theories using new scientific and mathematical tools, many of the theories
were disproved and discarded. However, whether all the planets and the sun
revolved around Earth or Earth revolved around the sun became a heated
controversy during the Renaissance.
Until the 1500s, the most influential theory on the movement of the planets
was based on the idea that Earth was stationary and at the center of the
universe, and that all the planets and the stars revolved around it. This view
was generally accepted by Christians because it put Earth, God’s “greatest
creation,” at the center of the universe. Even before astronomical telescopes
were invented, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus used mathematics
to try to prove or disprove this theory. At the request of Pope Clement VII,
he published his findings in 1543, but his book raised little controversy at
the time.
Some fifty years after Copernicus published his findings, in 1609, the Italian
inventor Galileo Galilei built a telescope based on one that had been invented
in the Netherlands. His study of Jupiter and the movement of its moons led him
to the same conclusion as Copernicus: the sun, not Earth, was at the center of
the universe. In 1632, Galileo published a book in support of the heliocentric

theory. Galileo’s book created an uproar among other scholars and the Church’s
hierarchy for questioning both the ancients’ view of the world and, seemingly,
the Church’s teachings. Galileo insisted his ideas were not necessarily in
conflict with religious truth. He said his work investigated “how the heavens
go,” whereas the Church taught “how to go to heaven.” He was summoned
before the Inquisition, a Roman Catholic court organized to detect and defeat
heretical ideas, and told to recant his views or be punished. He chose to recant.

Unit Resources

Student Component
The Enlightenment Student Reader—six chapters

Teacher Components
The Enlightenment Teacher Guide—six chapters. The guide includes lessons
aligned to each chapter of The Enlightenment Student Reader, with a daily
Check for Understanding and Additional Activities, such as vocabulary practice
and content reviews, designed to reinforce the chapter content. A Unit
Assessment, Performance Task Assessment, and Activity Pages are included in
Teacher Resources, beginning on page 63.
»» The Unit Assessment tests knowledge of the entire unit, using
standard testing formats.

»» The Performance Task Assessment requires students to apply and

share the knowledge learned during the unit through either an oral
or written presentation. In this unit, the presentation is written.

»» The Activity Pages are designed to reinforce and extend content

taught in specific chapters throughout the unit. These optional
activities are intended to provide choices for teachers.

The Enlightenment Timeline Image Cards—nineteen individual images depicting

significant events and individuals related to the Enlightenment. In addition to an
image, each card contains a caption, a chapter number, and the Big Question,
which outlines the focus of the chapter. You will construct a classroom Timeline
with students over the course of the entire unit. The Teacher Guide will prompt
you, lesson by lesson, as to which image card(s) to add to the Timeline. The
Timeline will be a powerful learning tool enabling you and your students to
track important themes and events as they occurred within this expansive
time period.

Some advance preparation will be necessary prior to starting The Enlightenment
unit. You will need to identify available wall space in your classroom of
approximately fifteen feet on which you can post the Timeline image cards
over the course of the unit. The Timeline may be oriented either vertically or
horizontally, even wrapping around corners and multiple walls, whatever works
best in your classroom setting. Be creative—some teachers hang a clothesline
so that the image cards can be attached with clothespins!
Create five time indicators or reference points for the Timeline. Write each of
the following dates on sentence strips or large index cards:
• 1300s CE
• 1400s CE
• 1500s CE
• 1600s CE
• 1700s CE
Affix these time indicators to your wall space, allowing sufficient space
between them to accommodate the actual number of image cards that you
will be adding to each time period as per the following diagram:

1300s 1400s 1500s 1600s 1700s

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chapter Intro Intro Intro 2 3 1 4 5 5 5 6 6

You will want to post all the time indicators on the wall at the outset before
you place any image cards on the Timeline.


King 1400s
1300s Europe in the Time of the Renaissance

Norway Sweden
E Scotland
S ea

North Sea

Lords Ireland
Denmark Ba


Lesser Lords ATLANTIC Paris


1400s Venice

Knights Papal

Navarre Corsica States


Sardinia Naples

Mediterranean Sea

Ordinary People North Africa

Holy Roman Empire 0 400 miles

Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction


Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction

1600s 1600s
1500s 1500s
Dominant Churches and Religions in Europe

Scotland Sweden Russia
North Sea a
Denmark Se
OCEAN Netherlands


Portugal Ottoman
Spain Papal Empire Black
States Sea

Mediterranean Sea
0 500 miles
Catholic Lutheran Calvinist
Church of England Eastern Orthodox Muslim
Mixture (including, in different areas, Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims)

Introduction Introduction Chapter 2 Chapter 3

1600s 1600s 1700s


Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 5

1700s 1700s


Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6

The Timeline in Relation to Content in the Student Reader
The events highlighted in the Unit 3 Timeline are in chronological order, but
the chapters that are referenced are not. The reason for this is that the first few
chapters focus on the lives of important thinkers, rather than on a sequence of
historical events. Consequently, the events of these chapters overlap and intersect
with each other. The final two chapters focus on how Enlightenment ideas spread
in France and colonial North America. Again, the events described in these
chapters may also overlap or intersect with events described in other chapters.

Understanding References to Time in The Enlightenment Unit

As you read the text, you will become aware that in some instances general
time periods are referenced, and in other instances specific dates are cited.
For example, Chapter 1 defines the Enlightenment as “a period in history in
the 1600s and 1700s” and explains that “the Renaissance paved the way for
the Enlightenment.” Later chapters, however, explain that Thomas Hobbes
was born in 1588 and that Montesquieu published The Persian Letters in 1721.

Time to Talk About Time

Before you use the Timeline, discuss with students the concept of time and how
it is recorded. Here are several discussion points that you might use to promote
discussion. This discussion will allow students to explore the concept of time.
1. What is time?
2. How do we measure time?
3. How do we record time?
4. How does nature show the passing of time? (Encourage students to think
about days, months, and seasons.)
5. What is a specific date?
6. What is a time period?
7. What is the difference between a specific date and a time period?
8. What does CE mean?
9. What is a timeline?

Using the Teacher Guide

Pacing Guide
The Enlightenment unit is one of nine history and geography units in the
Grade 6 Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™. A total of ten days has been
allocated to The Enlightenment unit. We recommend that you do not
exceed this number of instructional days to ensure that you have sufficient
instructional time to complete all Grade 6 units.
At the end of this Introduction, you will find a Sample Pacing Guide that
provides guidance as to how you might select and use the various resources in
this unit during the allotted time. However, there are many options and ways
that you may choose to individualize this unit for your students, based on
their interests and needs. So, we have also provided you with a blank Pacing
Guide that you may use to reflect the activity choices and pacing for your class.
If you plan to create a customized pacing guide for your class, we strongly
recommend that you preview this entire unit and create your pacing guide
before teaching the first chapter.

Reading Aloud
Cognitive science suggests that, even in the later elementary grades and
into middle school, students’ listening comprehension still surpasses their
independent reading comprehension (Sticht, 1984).
For this reason, in the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™, reading aloud
continues to be used as an instructional approach in these grades to ensure
that students fully grasp the content presented in each chapter. Students
will typically be directed to read specific sections of each chapter quietly
to themselves, while other sections will be read aloud by the teacher or a
volunteer. When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to
follow along. By following along in this way, students become more focused
on the text and may acquire a greater understanding of the content.

Turn and Talk

After reading each section of the chapter, whether silently or aloud, Guided
Reading Supports will prompt you to pose specific questions about what
students have just read. Rather than simply calling on a single student to
respond, provide students with opportunities to discuss the questions in pairs
or in groups. Discussion opportunities will allow students to more fully engage
with the content and will bring to life the themes or topics being discussed.
This scaffolded approach, e.g., reading manageable sections of each chapter
and then discussing what has been read, is an effective and efficient way to
ensure that all students understand the content before proceeding to the
remainder of the chapter.

Building Reading Endurance and Comprehension

The ultimate goal for each student is to be capable of reading an entire chapter
independently with complete comprehension of the subject matter. Therefore,
while it is important to scaffold instruction as described above to ensure that
students understand the content, it is also important to balance this approach
by providing opportunities for students to practice reading longer and longer
passages entirely on their own.

One or more lessons in each Grade 6 CKHG™ unit will be designated as an
Independent Reading Lesson in which students are asked to read an entire
chapter on their own before engaging in any discussion about the chapter.
A adjacent to a lesson title will indicate that it is recommended that
students read the entire chapter independently.
During each Independent Reading Lesson, students will be asked to complete
some type of note-taking activity as they read independently to focus
attention on key details in the chapter. They will also respond, as usual, by
writing a response to the lesson’s Check for Understanding.
It will be especially important for the teacher to review all students’ written
responses to any Independent Reading Lesson prior to the next day’s lesson
to ascertain whether all students are able to read and engage with the text
independently and still demonstrate understanding of the content.
If one or more students struggle to maintain comprehension when asked to
read an entire chapter independently, we recommend that, during the next
Independent Reading Lesson opportunity, you pull these students into a small
group. Then, while the remainder of the class works independently, you can
work with the small group using the Guided Reading Supports that are still
included in the Teacher Guide for each lesson.

Big Questions
At the beginning of each Teacher Guide chapter, you will find a Big Question,
also found at the beginning of each Student Reader chapter. The Big Questions
are provided to help establish the bigger concepts and to provide a general
overview of the chapter. The Big Questions, by chapter, are:

Chapter Big Questions

1 What part did scientific observation and reason play in Isaac
Newton’s thought process, and why did he hesitate to publish his
2 Why is Descartes considered to be the father of modern philosophy?
3 Why did Thomas Hobbes believe in the need for an all-powerful
ruler as the leader of the government?
4 In what ways did the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and
John Locke differ?
5 Why did Montesquieu believe that it was important to limit the
power of a ruler and of any one branch of government?
6 In what ways did Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers inspire
America’s Founding Fathers to create a government by the people,
for the people?

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then
write their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big
Question and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a
concise summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit. This note will be
included as a prompt in the first several lessons to remind you to continue this
practice throughout the unit.

Core Vocabulary
Domain-specific vocabulary, phrases, and idioms highlighted in each chapter of
the Student Reader are listed at the beginning of each Teacher Guide chapter,
in the order in which they appear in the Student Reader. Student Reader page
numbers are also provided. The vocabulary, by chapter, are:

Chapter Core Vocabulary

1 reason, “divine right of kings,” gravitation, calculus, epidemic,
gravity, scholar
2 philosophy
3 Parliament, pessimist, social contract, “absolute monarchy,”
4 natural rights, treason, bill of rights, radical
5 social order, clergy, separation of powers, pseudonym, “limited
monarchy,” censorship
6 tolerate, tyranny, institute, derive, diplomat, delegate

Activity Pages
Activity Pages The following activity pages can be found in Teacher Resources, pages 73–90.
They are to be used with the chapter specified either for additional class work
or for homework. Be sure to make sufficient copies for your students prior to
conducting the activities.
AP 1.1
AP 1.2 • Chapters 1–6—World Map (AP 1.1)
AP 1.3
AP 1.4
• Chapters 1–6—Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
AP 3.1 • Chapter 1—A Walk Back in Time (AP 1.3)
AP 4.1
AP 4.2 • Chapters 1–6—Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)
AP 5.1
• Chapter 3—Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3 (AP 3.1)
AP 6.1
AP 6.2 • Chapter 4—Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1)
• Chapter 4—Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2)
• Chapter 5—Voltaire’s Candide (AP 5.1)

• Chapter 6—Domain Vocabulary Review (AP 6.1)
• Chapter 6—Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (AP 6.2)

Additional Activities and Website Links

An Additional Activities section, related to material in the Student Reader, may
be found at the end of each chapter in this Teacher Guide. While there are
many suggested activities, you should choose only one or two activities per
chapter to complete based on your students’ interests and needs. Many of the
activities include website links, and you should check the links prior to using
them in class.

A Special Note About The Pathway to Citizenship

As you may recall if you and your students completed any of the Grade 3–5
CKHG™ American History units, a critical goal of the Core Knowledge Curriculum
Series™, of which these materials are a part, is to ensure that students acquire
the foundational knowledge needed to become literate citizens able to
contribute to a democratic society.
In these earlier CKHG™ units, we have typically included a feature in every
American history unit called “The Pathway to Citizenship,” readily distinguished
by an icon of the American flag. The specific knowledge, questions, and
activities identified by this icon denote opportunities to engage students and
deepen their understanding of the geography, historical events, laws, and
structure of the American government.
In the Grade 6 CKHG™ units, there are instances in which we have chosen to also
include “The Pathway to Citizenship” feature in select World History units, such
as this unit on The Enlightenment. As you will note in the later chapters of this
unit, the Founding Fathers of the United States drew heavily from the ideas of
the Enlightenment philosophers in conceptualizing and creating the foundations
for the form of government that would be established in the new republic.
In choosing the specific content to call to your and your students’ attention,
we have been guided by the civics test developed by the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services that is required for all immigrants wishing to become
naturalized American citizens. Students who have used “The Pathway to
Citizenship” materials throughout the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™ have the
opportunity to take an analogous citizenship test to demonstrate that they have
acquired the knowledge fundamental to becoming a participatory American
citizen. Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where
the specific link to the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center may be found:

Freedman, Russell. Give Me Liberty! New York: Holiday House, 2002.
Fritz, Jean. What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Illus. Margot Tomes. New York:
Putnam Publishing Group, 1996.
Hakim, Joy. The Story of Science: Newton at the Center. Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Books, 2005.
Krull, Kathleen. Isaac Newton. Illus. Boris Kulikov. New York: Puffin Books, 2008.
Steele, Philip. Isaac Newton: The Scientist Who Changed Everything.
Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Children’s Books, 2013.
Stokes, Philip. Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers: The Ideas That Have Shaped Our
World. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited, 2012.

The Enlightenment Sample Pacing Guide
For schools using the Core Knowledge Sequence.
TG–Teacher Guide; SR–Student Reader; AP–Activity Page

Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The Enlightenment
“A Walk Back in Time” and “Isaac Newton, Part 2” “René Descartes” “Thomas Hobbes” “John Locke”
“Isaac Newton, Part 1” and “Thinkers of the Core Lesson Core Lesson Core Lesson
Additional Activity and Enlightenment” (TG & SR, Chapter 2, AP 1.4) (TG & SR, Chapter 3, AP 1.4) (TG & SR, Chapter 4, AP 1.4)
Core Lesson Core Lesson, continued
(TG & SR, Chapter 1, (TG & SR, Chapter 1,
AP 1.3) AP 1.4)

Week 2
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day10
The Enlightenment
“Locke and Hobbes Venn “The Enlightenment in “The Enlightenment in “Domain Vocabulary Unit Assessment
Diagram” and France” Action” Review” and “Matching
“Locke and Descartes Core Lesson Core Lesson the Enlightenment
Venn Diagram” (TG & SR, Chapter 5, AP 1.4) (TG & SR, Chapter 6, AP 1.4) Thinkers”
(TG, Chapter 4, Additional (TG, Chapter 6, Additional
Activities, AP 4.1, AP 4.2) Activities, AP 6.1, AP 6.2)

The Enlightenment Pacing Guide
               ‘s Class
(A total of ten days has been allocated to The Enlightenment unit in order to complete all Grade 6 history
and geography units in the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™.)

Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The Enlightenment

Week 2
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
The Enlightenment


Isaac Newton
The Big Question: What part did scientific observation and reason play in Isaac
Newton’s thought process, and why did he hesitate to publish his findings?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Place the Enlightenment and its emphasis on science and human reason in historical context, and
contrast the period with the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Describe how Isaac Newton explained the workings of the universe. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Explain how Newton’s scientific achievements influenced Enlightenment thinkers. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: reason, gravitation, calculus,
epidemic, gravity, and scholar; and of the phrase “divine right of kings.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Isaac Newton”:
Note: Prior to conducting the Core Lesson, in which students read Chapter 1 of the Student Reader,
we strongly recommend that you first conduct the A Walk Back in Time activity using AP 1.3 in Teacher
Resources (pages 75–77), and the Introduction Timeline Image Cards, as described at the end of
this chapter under Additional Activities. We suggest that you allocate 50 percent of the first day of
instruction of this unit to the completion of this activity, as per the Sample Pacing Guide on page 17.
Providing students with a chronological context of events before the Enlightenment will enable
students to make connections to other historical periods, as well as more fully understand the ideas
espoused by the key figures of the Enlightenment.

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Board or chart paper
AP 1.1
• A Walk Back in Time (AP 1.3), cut into individual cards
AP 1.2
AP 1.3 • Introduction Timeline Image Cards
AP 1.4
• A ball
• Display and individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)


Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

reason, n. the ability of the mind to think clearly and understand; logic (2)
Example: Isaac Newton, and many other Enlightenment thinkers, relied on
reason to draw conclusions about the world around them.
“divine right of kings,” (phrase) t he belief that kings and queens have a
God-given right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin (4)
Example: The king believed that the divine right of kings gave him the ability
to do whatever he wanted as ruler.
gravitation, n. the attractive force existing between any two objects that have
mass; the force that pulls objects together (6)
Example: Gravitation pulled the moon into orbit around the planet.
calculus, n. a type of advanced mathematics focused on the study of change (6)
Example: The student used calculus to figure out the growth rate of the
mold in her science experiment.
epidemic, n. a situation in which a disease spreads to many people in an area
or region (8)
Example: The epidemic spread across Europe, causing thousands of people
to become very ill.
Variations: epidemics
gravity, n. the gravitational force that occurs between Earth and other bodies;
the force acting to pull objects toward Earth (8)
Example: The players watched as the baseball flew straight up into the air
before gravity pulled it back down to the ground.
scholar, n. a person who specializes in a specific academic subject; an expert (8)
Example: The scholar spent years studying the works of Socrates and other
Greek philosophers.
Variations: scholars

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce The Enlightenment Student Reader 5 min

Distribute copies of The Enlightenment, The French Revolution and Romanticism

Student Reader, and suggest students take a minute to look at and flip through
the Table of Contents and illustrations in the first section of the book, The
Enlightenment. Ask students to identify people, places, and events they notice
as they browse. Students may mention philosophers, scientists, American
leaders, and the American Revolution, for example. Explain that the events in
this unit span two centuries: the 1600s and the 1700s.

Introduce “Isaac Newton” 5 min

Toss a ball into the air. Ask students what they observed. (The ball went up, then
down; the ball hit the floor; the ball bounced.) Brainstorm with the class a list of
questions they might ask about what happened. (Possible responses: “Why did
the ball come down? “Why didn’t it stay on the ceiling?) Point out that this type of
scientific observation and investigation lay at the heart of a historical period we
call the Enlightenment, about which students will be reading. Explain that the
Enlightenment was a time when many people stopped looking only to their
rulers and Church leaders for explanations of the universe. Instead, they also
began looking to science and reason.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for information
about Isaac Newton’s thinking and his decision to publish his findings.
Activity Page Note to the Teacher: Given the length of this chapter, it is recommended
that you spread instruction over two days. On the first day, conduct the Walk
Back in Time activity (AP 1.3), and read the first three sections of the chapter,
pages 2–7. On the second day, complete the remainder of the chapter.
AP 1.3

Guided Reading Supports for “Isaac Newton” 25 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Into the Light,” Pages 2–4

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Into the Light” on pages 2–4 with a
partner. Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box as they read.
Activity Pages
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term reason, and explain
its meaning.

AP 1.1
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2),
AP 1.2 help students better understand the geographical context of the
Enlightenment. Remind students that the Renaissance began in Italy
and spread north through the rest of Europe. The Reformation began
Chapter 1 in Germany and spread outward throughout the continent. Explain to
Isaac Newton
Into the Light Imagine yourself in a dark
students that Enlightenment thinkers lived in many different places on the
continent, especially in England, France, and the Netherlands.
room. You can’t see anything—not even your The Big Question
hand in front of your face. Then, someone What part did
lights a candle. At first, you see only shapes scientific observation
and reason play
and shadows. Then, a second candle is lit, in Isaac Newton’s
followed by a third candle, and a fourth. thought process, and
why did he hesitate to
As the glow of light brightens the room, the darkness publish his findings?
gradually turns to light. How grateful you are for the
candles that brought this “enlightenment.”

Nowadays when the term Enlightenment is used, it does not refer to lighting
candles, but to a period in history in Europe in the 1600s and 1700s. During
that time, people all over Europe, and then throughout their colonies, believed
that the darkness of the past was giving way to light. The darkness was
ignorance, superstition, and unproven beliefs; the light was knowledge and the
improvement it brought.

What “candle” brought this new light? It was reason,

or people’s unique ability to question, analyze, and
reason, n. the reach conclusions based on their own experience,
ability of the mind
to think clearly and and not on what some other authority said.
understand; logic

Page 2 2

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After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What was the Enlightenment, and why did it have that name?
John Locke (1632–1704)
»» The Enlightenment was a time in the 1600s and 1700s in Europe when
people began to question old ideas and search for knowledge. The
name Enlightenment refers to the light of knowledge that supposedly
replaces the darkness of superstition and ignorance.

EVALUATIVE—How were the Renaissance and the Enlightenment similar?

How were they different?
The Enlightenment is viewed as a
time in history when certain people

Page 3 shed light on new ways of thinking.

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»» Both reacted against the medieval period, with its reliance on

authorities, such as Church and king. Renaissance thinkers looked
primarily to the literature and arts of ancient Greece and Rome for
ideas and answers. Enlightenment thinkers turned to science and
reason. They did build on the work of some Renaissance scientists,
such as Copernicus and Galileo.

“Setting the Scene,” Pages 4–5

John Locke (1632–1704), an English thinker of this period (you will read about
him later), described reason as “the candle in men’s minds . . . [that] must be
Scaffold understanding as follows:
our last judge and guide in everything.”

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation keys for burghers and

The Renaissance paved the way for the Enlightenment. While Renaissance
thinkers turned to ancient Greece and Rome for inspiration, educated
Europeans of the 1600s and 1700s turned to reason and history. They said we
no longer had to guess about the universe or accept the beliefs of ancient

bourgeois. Encourage students to correctly pronounce the words.

authorities. Instead, human beings, with reason and experience as their
guides, could uncover the laws of nature and even come to understand the
basic principles of human society and government.

The Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason, changed history by

creating the beginnings of the modern world we live in today. It brought

Invite volunteers to read the section “Setting the Scene” on

revolutions in philosophy, science, mathematics, and government. It led to
practical improvements that made the world a better place to live.

Setting the Scene

Let’s look at Western Europe in the early 1600s, on
the eve of the Enlightenment. For a small group
of upper-class people, those people at the top of
“divine right of
kings,” (phrase) the
pages 4–5 aloud.
this society, home was a palace or manor. Within belief that kings and
the grand houses, every object—each candlestick, queens have a God-

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the phrase “divine right of kings”

given right to rule,
every knife, fork, and spoon—was a work of art. and that rebellion
The lords and ladies of this elite group dressed in against them is a sin
lace and silk. Kings believed in the “divine right
of kings”—the belief that a monarch’s right to the throne was granted by
God, and that rebellion against them was a sin. In this world, everyone was
obedient to the king. The king did as he pleased.

Life was very different for the lower groups or classes: the peasants, the
when it is encountered in the text.
workers, and the soldiers. For these people, life was hard. Many city dwellers

Page 4
lived in crowded neighborhoods. Peasants worked from dawn to dusk but

G6_B2_U3_Chap01_SR.indd 4 28/03/18 2:58 PM

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the phrase “divine
right of kings” from the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age.
owned very little. Fewer than half the babies born during this time reached
adulthood. Few people lived to old age. Many were poor. Prisons were often
full. Most common people had few rights or freedoms.

But a new group of people was rising, neither as rich as the nobles nor as
SUPPORT—On the board or chart paper, diagram the social hierarchy
described in the section. Draw a triangle or pyramid, and divide it into three
poor as the peasants. Those who belonged to this middle group—or middle
class—were destined to be the leaders of the Enlightenment. As towns
and cities grew during this time, merchants, bankers, traders, and skilled

horizontal sections. Label the top section “Upper class—nobles” and the
craftspeople thrived.

Some grew rich and lived much like the lords and ladies who surrounded the
monarchs. The members of this new middle class were called “burghers”
(/ber*gerz/), because they mostly lived in burgs, or towns. Today, we still call
the middle class the bourgeois (/boor*jwah/), from the French word meaning
town dweller. bottom “Lower class—peasants, workers, soldiers.” Then label the middle
section “Middle class—merchants, bankers, traders, skilled craftsmen.”
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:

The rising middle class had money to spare. Not only could they buy luxury items, they
EVALUATIVE—How was society in Europe changing around the time of
the Enlightenment?
could also invest their money in pursuits that were of interest to them, like reading and
socializing in clubs.

Page 5 5

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»» During the Middle Ages, society was divided into distinct social
classes: kings and lords at the top, and peasants and other working
people at the bottom. Around the time of the Enlightenment, a new
social class referred to as the “middle class” began to grow. These
people were neither super rich nor super poor, and many lived in cities
as craftspeople and merchants.

“Isaac Newton,” Pages 6–7

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read the first paragraph of “Isaac Newton” on page 6 aloud.
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms gravitation and
calculus, and explain their meanings.
Activity Pages SUPPORT—Use World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2) to have
students locate the country of England. Explain that Isaac Newton was
born in England in 1642. The ideas and discoveries he made while living on
this small island nation almost four hundred years ago still impact us and
AP 1.1
others around the world today.
AP 1.2
SUPPORT—Draw attention to the word laws in the last sentence of the
Isaac Newton
Into this setting entered one of the greatest
scientists in history: a man who changed the
paragraph. Read the sentence aloud, and explain that in this context, the
word laws does not refer to laws made by governments, but rather to
world forever. His name was Isaac Newton gravitation, n.
the attractive force
(1642–1727). Newton was born in England on existing between any
Christmas Day, 1642. Young Isaac was a tiny two objects that have
mass; the force that

scientific rules or statements of scientific truth.

baby, described as so small he could “fit into a
pulls objects together
quart pot.” But this tiny baby grew to become
an intellectual giant. Isaac Newton discovered calculus, n. a
type of advanced
the laws of gravitation and motion, invented a mathematics
new branch of mathematics called calculus, and focused on the
study of change
revealed the secrets of light and color—all within
an eighteen-month period.

How did he do it? Like any person today, Newton relied on his ability to
observe things and to think about what he observed. But unlike most people,
Have students read the remainder of the section “Isaac Newton” on
pages 6–7 independently.
Newton was actually a genius. In later life, he wrote, “I seem to have been
only like a boy playing on the seashore . . . now and then finding a smoother
pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay
all undiscovered before me.” The idea that truth is like a great ocean waiting
to be discovered was one of the central ideas of the Enlightenment. In this

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

regard, Newton followed in the footsteps of his countryman, Sir Francis Bacon

In the early 1600s, Bacon had argued that when scientists look at the world
around them, they should not always accept what past scientists thought
to be true. Instead, they should use their senses to make observations and

INFERENTIAL—Why do you think Isaac Newton compared truth to a

conduct experiments. By doing so, scientists would improve their knowledge
and understanding of the world. He also thought that this gained knowledge
of the natural world would give people the power to make better lives.
Others were thinking similar thoughts. In 1660, some of them came together

Page 6 6

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great ocean?
»» Possible answer: Truth, like a great ocean, is vast. There is so much
to learn about both things, and the learning and understanding is
seemingly infinite.

EVALUATIVE—How did people’s perceptions, or ideas, about Isaac

Newton differ from who he actually was?
Newton experimented with light and mirrors. He was one of the first to light the “candles”
of the Enlightenment.

to found The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. The
Royal Society still exists today.

Newton never stopped being fascinated by nature. He spent long childhood

»» Newton appeared to be very scatterbrained; no one assumed he was a

hours observing it. His father, a poor and illiterate man, had died before Isaac
was born, and his mother was absent for long periods. By all accounts, he was
a lonely boy who passed the time inventing mechanical devices and reading.
Young Isaac built a tiny windmill that could actually grind corn into cornmeal.

genius or as smart as he really was.

He made a clock that used the force of falling water for power.

Isaac had a reputation for being somewhat absentminded—particularly

when he settled down with a good book. This reputation was made one day
when he got absorbed in his reading and let the sheep he was supposed
to be watching run off. (He was fined four shillings, and four pence for his
runaway livestock, a considerable sum of money in those days.) Nobody

Note: End of Part 1 of Chapter 1. Stop here and continue with the
considered young Isaac a genius when he went off to the university, but the

Page 7
world hasn’t been the same since.

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remainder of the chapter the next day.

“What Goes Up Must Come Down!,” Pages 8–11

Scaffold understanding as follows:

SUPPORT—Before reading the section, review with students what they
have read about the Enlightenment and Isaac Newton so far (for example,
the Enlightenment was the “Age of Reason” in the 1600s and 1700s, and
Newton was born in England and became a child inventor).


What Goes Up Must Come Down! Invite a volunteer to read the first two paragraphs of “What Goes Up
Must Come Down!” on page 8 aloud.
At age nineteen, Newton entered Cambridge, one of England’s finest
universities, where he studied mathematics. Newton’s interests took him
outside the college walls, too. He read books before his professors assigned
them and learned about chemistry (which wasn’t taught at universities in
those days) from a local pharmacist.

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term epidemic

While Newton was at Cambridge, a deadly disease
spread through England. The plague of 1665 shut
epidemic, n. a
down many public places, including the university.
situation in which a
People fled from cities, hoping to escape the disease spreads to

when it is encountered in the text.

disease. Newton returned to his childhood home many people in an
area or region
in the country. There he waited out the epidemic
with little to do but think. Those two years at home gravity, n. the
gravitational force
were the most productive of his life.
that occurs between
There is a well-known story about how Newton Earth and other

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word epidemic
bodies; the force
made his most famous discovery in one of his acting to pull objects
solitary moments. Here’s how the story goes: toward Earth
Young Isaac Newton was sitting in his garden
scholar, n. a person
when plop!—an apple fell from a tree and knocked

from the Grade 5 unit Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations.

who specializes in
him on the head. What would most people have a specific academic
subject; an expert
done about that apple? They might have ignored it
or, perhaps, eaten it. But Isaac asked, “What caused
the apple to fall down in the first place?” His question led him to discover the
theory that a force pulls objects to Earth, a force called gravity.

Newton wondered, “Could the same laws of gravity that attract objects to
Earth apply to other parts of the universe? Why does the moon stay in its
orbit? What keeps it from flying off into space?”
Read the next paragraph of “What Goes Up Must Come Down!” on
page 8 aloud.
Scholars before Newton had already made important discoveries about

Page 8
our solar system. Do you remember Copernicus and Galileo? In the 1500s,

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CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term gravity when

it is encountered in the text.
SUPPORT—Tell students that earlier in the chapter, they learned about the
term gravitation, which is very similar to the word gravity and its meaning.
Explain that gravitation is the attractive force existing between any two
No one knows whether the apple story is true, but Newton did formulate
the theory of the law of gravity.
objects that have mass. The force of gravitation pulls objects together.
Copernicus concluded that Earth moves around the sun. In the early 1600s,
Galileo used his telescope to find the evidence that proved Copernicus was
right. (But, as you may recall, they both had plenty of trouble getting the
Gravity is the gravitational force that occurs between Earth and other
Catholic Church to accept the fact that Earth orbits the sun.) It was left to
Newton to explain what held the heavenly bodies in place in the sky.

Newton thought of the falling apple. He reasoned that the laws of science
bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward Earth. Gravitation
is everywhere. It exists between any two bodies with mass. Everything can
that apply on Earth must also apply everywhere else—in other words, he
said, these are universal laws of science. The same force of gravity that
attracted the apple, he said, keeps the moon in orbit around Earth. It also

exhibit a gravitational attraction, and the bigger something is, the more
keeps the planets in orbit around the sun. (But, you might ask, if gravity
makes the apple fall to the ground, then why doesn’t it make the moon

Page 9 fall to Earth? That’s because the moon is moving very fast as it orbits Earth.

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gravitational force it can exert. Gravity is the force in action, and describes
the motion of those bodies moving or falling toward Earth. Gravity is the
motion of an object moving closer to Earth due to the gravitational force
Earth exerts on the object. Newton explained how the gravity we feel
on Earth is the result of gravitational force that can exist anywhere there
is anything with mass. The gravitational force is not special to Earth, but
is something that applies to anything with mass, even describing how
planets move around the sun. Newton connected motion we see on
Earth—like an apple falling from a tree—with motion we see far away—
like planets moving across the sky.
Page 10 Have students read the remainder of the section “What Goes Up Must
The moon orbits Earth at a speed of 2,288 miles per hour.


Come Down!” on pages 8–11 independently.

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CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term scholar, and explain

its meaning.
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the term scholar
from the Grade 5 unit The Renaissance.
SUPPORT—Draw attention to the phrase “heavenly bodies” on page 9.
Explain that in this context, the word body does not mean the physical
form of a human being or animal but rather an inanimate object. A
heavenly body is an object that exists in the sky, such as a star or a planet.

After students read the text, ask the following questions:
EVALUATIVE—Why do you think two of Isaac Newton’s most productive
years occurred during an epidemic?
»» Possible response: Newton isolated himself from the outside world to
prevent himself from getting sick. This likely gave him plenty of time
to work independently and to reflect on the world around him.

LITERAL—According to the story, how did Isaac Newton first come to

think about the concept of gravity?
»» An apple fell from tree branches above him and hit him on the head.

LITERAL—What conclusion did Isaac Newton come to about the force

of gravity?
»» He determined that the law of gravity applies not only to Earth, but
also to other bodies in the universe.

“Questions About the Natural World,” Page 11

The speed of the moon, which pushes it outward away from Earth, is exactly
balanced by the force of gravity that pulls it toward Earth.)
Scaffold understanding as follows:
Questions About the Natural World
As a young man, Newton thought of little but the natural world. His passion
for experimenting led him to try some foolish experiments. Once, he stared at
the sun with one eye until he could no longer bear it. He wanted to see what
Invite volunteers to read the section “Questions About the Natural
World” on page 11 aloud.
would happen. As a result, Newton nearly blinded himself and had to stay
shut up in a dark room for several days.

Newton asked many questions about the world around him and the way things
work. Through experiments and observation he developed laws of motion.
He concluded that a body remains either at rest or in motion in a straight line

SUPPORT—Revisit the Laws of Motion described in the second paragraph

unless it is affected by some outside force. In other words, if you throw a ball,
it will continue to move in a line until something changes its motion. That
something could be a baseball bat or a catcher’s mitt. It could also be the force
of gravity drawing it down to the ground, or wind resistance slowing it down.

Newton had a number of amazing ideas and discoveries in a very short period
of time. He finished his first investigation of gravity and the laws of motion
when he was only twenty-four. He also invented calculus during that same
of the section. Demonstrate this concept by rolling a ball across the floor
in the classroom. Note to students how the ball continues to move in
period. Did he publish his discoveries and immediately change the scientific
and mathematical worlds? No, he did not! He was young and uneasy about
publishing them. Even after Newton graduated from Cambridge and became

one direction until an outside force acts upon it. Note how the ball slows
a professor there, he put forth his views with caution. Some people accused
him of keeping secrets and not wanting to share his findings. Actually, he
was a modest man who disliked arguing. He held back because he dreaded
criticism. It took great courage for Newton to publish each new idea.

Knowledge Through Reason

After two and a half years of solitary study, Newton produced a major body
of writing. His Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, or Mathematical
down as it moves; in this instance, gravity is pulling the ball toward Earth
Page 11 Principles, explained the law of gravity and laws of motion in mathematical terms.
and is gradually slowing its progress as a result. Repeat the experiment by
intentionally rolling the ball into a solid object, such as a desk or wall. Call
G6_B2_U3_Chap01_SR.indd 11 28/03/18 2:58 PM

attention to the way the object changes the direction of the ball, or how it
stops the ball’s motion altogether.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How did Isaac Newton’s curiosity sometimes cause
him problems?
»» His curiosity led him to do some foolish things, for example staring at
an eclipse without eye protection. This action caused Newton to be
temporarily blinded.


INFERENTIAL—How would you describe Isaac Newton’s personality?
What evidence from the text supports your idea?
»» Possible response: Newton was a very modest and sensitive person.
According to the text, he hesitated to publish his ideas because he was
afraid of being criticized.

“Knowledge Through Reason,” Pages 11–13

Newton did not publish it immediately—perhaps because he understood the

“gravity’’ of his discoveries. He had just begun to teach at the university. He knew
Scaffold understanding as follows:
his findings were revolutionary and would likely upset people.

Read the first paragraph of “Knowledge Through Reason” on

Then, several English scholars approached Newton with a question that
he could answer because of his early work. Newton lent these scientists
his Principia, and they were amazed. They urged Newton to publish this
important work, and one of them even offered to pay for the printing. This
work was published in 1687.

The publication of the Principia is one of the great events in the history of science
and thought. Here was the first work to set forth mathematical principles for the
pages 11–12 aloud.
operation of the natural world. Newton insisted that certain basic laws of nature
held true throughout the whole physical world. These principles, he explained,

SUPPORT—Call attention to the use of the word gravity on the top of

could be discovered through the use of observation and reason.

Isaac Newton inspired confidence in science and reason. He showed that, through
inquiry, or investigation, as well as observation, calculation, and experimentation,

page 12 and the use of quotation marks around the word. Explain to
it was possible to understand many of nature’s laws. People read his work and
became more optimistic about human prospects and progress.

Thanks to Newton, more and more people gained confidence in human

students that while gravity is used to describe the natural force that draws
reason and observation as a way of understanding and explaining the world
around them. Thinkers now asked: “If we can use reason to understand the
laws of the physical world, can we use reason to understand ‘laws’ in other
areas, too? Can reason help us understand human behavior?” They began
to examine politics, religion, and society. To an even greater extent, they
observed the world around them and asked questions.

It was Newton who had opened the door to a new understanding of the
things to Earth, the word can also mean seriousness or importance; it is a
multiple-meaning word. In this case, the word gravity is used as a clever
world, and the people of his era knew it. Alexander Pope, a famous poet of
the 1700s, put it this way: “Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night: God said,
‘Let Newton be!’, and all was light.” This modest man, this intellectual giant,

play on words or “inside joke.” It is meant to describe the importance of

became the first scientist ever knighted by an English queen. Sir Isaac Newton

Page 12lit a very bright candle in the Age of Reason.


Newton’s discoveries.
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Have students read the remainder of the section “Knowledge Through

Reason” on page 12 independently.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What was the main idea in Newton’s Principia?
»» Certain basic laws of nature were true for the whole physical world.
These laws could be discovered through observation and reason.

EVALUATIVE—How did Newton’s work in science influence thinking in

This is an image of the title page of Volume I of Newton’s Principia. Because the Principia

Page 13
was written in Latin, scholars all over Europe could read it easily and be influenced by
Newton’s work. It was also translated into other languages.

other areas of life?

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»» His work encouraged people not to accept ideas on faith but to

question and search for answers.
Activity Page
Distribute Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4), and have students
complete the section about Isaac Newton. If time allows, review students’
answers for accuracy. Students will continue to use AP 1.4 throughout
AP 1.4 this unit.

• Show students the Chapter 1 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What part did scientific observation
and reason play in Isaac Newton’s thought process, and why did he hesitate
to publish his findings?”

• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1600s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What part did scientific
observation and reason play in Isaac Newton’s thought process, and why
did he hesitate to publish his findings?”
»» Key points students should cite include: Isaac Newton, like other
Enlightenment thinkers, believed the best way to better understand
the world was through reason. He observed and experimented,
then contemplated his observations. Newton hesitated to publish
his findings because he feared criticism. Other scientists had also
experienced pushback from institutions like the Catholic Church for
contradicting previously accepted ideas.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (reason, gravitation, calculus,
epidemic, gravity, or scholar) or the phrase “divine right of kings,” and write a
sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

A Walk Back in Time (RI.6.1) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: A Walk Back in Time (AP 1.3), cut into individual cards;
Introduction Timeline Image Cards
Background for Teachers: Before beginning the activity, review What
AP 1.3 Teachers Need to Know in the Introduction, on pages 4–8, and familiarize
yourself with What Students Should Already Know on page 2.
List, in any order, the following titles on the board or chart paper: Middle
Ages, Renaissance, Age of Exploration, Reformation/Counter-Reformation, and
Scientific Revolution. Students in Core Knowledge schools will have studied


these historical eras in Grades 4 and 5. Ask students to share anything they
know or remember about these eras.
Present the Introduction Timeline Image Cards, and randomly display the ten
Introduction Timeline Image Cards on the board or at the front of the room.
Divide the class into five groups; distribute two clue cards from A Walk Back
in Time (AP 1.3) to each group. Have students read each clue card aloud
within their small groups before determining which Timeline Image Cards the
clues correspond to and retrieving their two cards from the board or front of
the room.
Call on each group to explain their Timeline Image Cards to the rest of the class
before placing them chronologically on the Timeline.
To elicit student responses so the Timeline Image Cards are discussed in
chronological order, mention each time indicator on the Timeline and ask
whether anyone has an image card for that time period.
Note: The cards with more generic descriptions of the Renaissance do not
need to be placed in any particular order so long as they are sequenced after
the Middle Ages and before the Reformation.


René Descartes
The Big Question: Why is Descartes considered to be the father of modern

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Summarize the major ideas of René Descartes, especially “Cogito ergo sum”: “I think, therefore I am.”
✓✓ Explain how Descartes’s methods and ideas broke with tradition. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain why Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: philosophy. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “René Descartes”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Display and individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)
AP 1.1
AP 1.2
AP 1.4

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

philosophy, n. the study of ideas about knowledge, life, and truth; literally,
love of wisdom (14)
Example: The scholar studied philosophy for years, dedicating his work
toward a better understanding of the meaning of life.
Variations: philosophies


The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “René Descartes” 5 min

Activity Pages Begin the lesson by reviewing the Introduction Timeline Image Cards about
events leading to the Enlightenment, as well as the Chapter 1 card about Isaac
Newton. Have students review the World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map
(AP 1.2); have students use the maps to locate present-day France. Explain that
AP 1.1
today’s lesson discusses an influential Enlightenment thinker, René Descartes,
AP 1.2
who was born in France and traveled through Holland and Bavaria (present-day
Netherlands and part of Germany).
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for reasons
why René Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy as they
read the text.

Independent Reading of “René Descartes” 30 min

Activity Page Ask students to take out their copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4).
Direct students to read the entire chapter independently, completing the
section about René Descartes on Thinkers of the Enlightenment as they read.
AP 1.4 Tell students that if they finish reading the chapter before their classmates, they
should copy the Big Question and write a response, as well as write a sentence
using the Core Vocabulary word from the chapter.
SUPPORT—Prior to having students start reading the chapter, write the
following words on the board or chart paper, pronounce, and then briefly
explain each word: philosophy, Bavaria, doubt, undeniable, and existence. Have
students repeat the pronunciation of each word.
SUPPORT—Write the Big Question on the board or chart paper to remind
students to provide a written answer if they finish reading the chapter early.
Also, add a reminder about writing a sentence using the Core Vocabulary word.
Note: Guided Reading Supports are included below as an alternative to
independent reading, if, in your judgment, some or all students are not yet
capable of reading the entire chapter independently while still maintaining a
good understanding of what they have read.

Guided Reading Supports for “René Descartes” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Soldier,” “Young René,” and “Awakening,” Pages 14–17

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 2
René Descartes
Invite a volunteer to read the section “The Soldier” on page 14 aloud.
The Soldier The young soldier sat writing
in his tent. He was a frail, well-educated
French gentleman. It was not unusual for
young gentlemen of the 1600s to become
The Big Question
Why is Descartes
considered to
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term philosophy
when it is encountered in the text.
be the father of
soldiers of fortune—that is, soldiers who modern philosophy?
joined armies not to fight for a great
cause but for travel and adventure.

This fellow was not writing a letter home or jotting notes about the day’s events.

Note: Students may recall the word philosophy from the unit Ancient
He was recording ideas about the workings of the universe and how we know
what we know. The young soldier was René Descartes
(/ruh*nay/day*kahrt/). He would become known as
philosophy, n. the
the “father of modern philosophy.” As you read on,

Greece and Rome.

study of ideas about
knowledge, life, and you’ll get to know this young soldier and learn how he
truth; literally, love began a revolution in thought.
of wisdom

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for René Descartes on

Page 1414
page 14. Say the name aloud, and then have students repeat the name
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with you.
SUPPORT—Call attention to the image of Descartes on page 15, and invite
a volunteer to read the caption aloud.
Have students read the sections “Young René” and “Awakening” on
pages 16–17 independently.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How would you describe René Descartes’s early life?
»» Descartes’s early life was challenging. He lost his parents at an early
Page 15
Descartes (1596–1650) spent much of his life thinking and writing.

age and lived with his grandmother before being sent away to
G6_B2_U3_Chap02_SR.indd 15 28/03/18 2:58 PM

boarding school. He was also frequently sick.

Young René
As a boy, René Descartes lived with his grandmother. His mother had died
LITERAL—What did Descartes’s family expect him to become? What did
he enjoy instead?
when he was about one year old. René enjoyed being alone in the garden
with time to think. Shortly after turning ten, he was sent to boarding school.
Because René was often sick as a child, he was allowed to sleep late before
taking up his studies for the day.

After boarding school, René went on to study law because that is what his

»» His family expected him to become a lawyer. Descartes enjoyed

family expected him to do. However, he had no real interest in law. As a
young man, René still enjoyed sleeping late and being alone to think, but he
also discovered that he loved to travel. This love of travel may be the reason

traveling. He also developed a fascination with mathematics.

René joined the army. At twenty-two, he went to Holland (today called the
Netherlands) and signed on as an unpaid officer in the Dutch army.

During his time in Holland, Descartes
became fascinated with mathematics

INFERENTIAL—Why do you think much of Descartes’s studying and

and wrote several papers on the subject.
He spent just over a year there. Then he
traveled for a summer before joining

thinking occurred during the wintertime?

the Bavarian army. (Bavaria was once a
kingdom; today it is part of Germany.)
A soldier’s life is usually pictured as
difficult, but in Bavaria, Descartes
managed to keep up his old habits of
rising late and spending time alone with
his thoughts.

He was content with life until the snows

came and temperatures quickly dropped
»» Possible response: Descartes disliked the cold winter weather, and instead
of going outside, occupied his time indoors with expanding his mind.
below freezing. It was during this time, This illustration from the 1800s shows
that even as a soldier, Descartes found

Page 16
when Descartes spent long hours time to think and to read.


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“I Think, Therefore I Am” and “The Price of Fame,” Pages 17–19

huddled up for warmth and deep in thought, that he had two important
insights. He described them as moments of light that showed him great
Scaffold understanding as follows:
truths about life.

Have students read the section “I Think, Therefore I Am” on pages 17–19
“I Think, Therefore I Am”
Although Descartes was a devout Catholic and always kept a strong belief in
God, he also placed high value on human reason. He used reason to explore

with a partner.
the human condition and to explain his belief in God. Descartes’s use of
reason began what we know today as the modern age of philosophy.

After his time in the army, Descartes went back to Holland. For young
thinkers, that was the place to explore new ideas and express them freely.
Unlike other European nations at the time, Holland did not punish those who

SUPPORT—Call attention to the image of Descartes’s book Discourse on Method

questioned religious or political traditions. In the 1600s, Holland, a Protestant
country, became the center of the European printing industry. New ideas
thrived there like nowhere else in Europe.

Descartes became best known for his book Discourse on Method. In its
introduction, he takes his reader back to the winter in snow-covered Bavaria.
He explains that it was there that he began to doubt and to question. He
bases his thinking on the idea that there is only one thing in this world we
on page 18, and invite a volunteer to read the caption aloud. Ask: In what
language do you think the book is written? Students may note that Descartes
can be sure of—our thoughts and therefore our own existence. Descartes
writes, “There is just one thing that is undeniable: I am thinking. This alone
proves my existence.” He recognized that whether his thoughts were right
or wrong, they were his thoughts. If he was thinking them, he must, in fact,
exist. He concludes in Latin: “Cogito ergo sum.” In English, this means: “I think,
therefore I am.” With this certainty about his own existence and his powers of
reasoning, Descartes set out to question everything else in the universe. He
was a Frenchman, and the book was likely published in French. Students may
also suggest the possibility that the book may have been written in Latin,
left this message for other truth-seekers: “It is not enough just to have a fine
mind; the main thing is to learn how to apply it properly.”

Descartes had promised himself “never to accept anything as true if I did

Page 17 because the famous saying attributed to Descartes, “Cogito ergo sum,” is in Latin.
not clearly know it to be so.” The notion that the truths of the universe could


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Read the section “The Price of Fame” on page 19 aloud.
After you read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What one thing was Descartes certain of?
»» His thoughts were his own, and they proved his existence.

LITERAL—Why did Descartes choose to live in Holland for much of his life?

Descartes’s words, “I think, therefore I am,” are often quoted. This image shows the title
»» Holland allowed more freedom of thought and expression than other
Page 18 European countries.
page of his book Discourse on Method.


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be learned by observation and reason, and not accepted by faith alone,

EVALUATIVE—How did Descartes change the way people thought about
their world?
changed the way many people thought. Descartes encouraged people to
doubt everything except their own existence until they proved each thing
to be true.

The Price of Fame

»» He showed people how to use observation and reason to find truths,

Descartes became famous throughout Europe. When his work caught the
attention of twenty-three-year-old Queen Christina of Sweden, she invited
him to her court. The idea of a long trip to chilly Sweden did not excite the
fifty-three-year-old philosopher. But the young and intelligent queen got

rather than accepting them on faith alone. He encouraged people to

her way.

Each day of Descartes’s ill-fated visit began with a brisk sleigh ride over icy
streets. He was used to sleeping late and always hated the cold. Within two

question everything except their own existence.

weeks, he had pneumonia. The great philosopher died in Sweden, having
introduced the world to a new way of thinking about what we know and how
we know it. Because of his insistence on reason, we remember Descartes as
the father of modern philosophy.

EVALUATIVE—How were the ideas of Isaac Newton and René Descartes

similar? How were they different?

Page 19 19
»» Both Isaac Newton and René Descartes were interested in studying
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the world around them and in asking questions, even those that
challenged previously accepted ideas. While Newton focused mainly
on studying natural laws, Descartes reflected on human reason.
Activity Page
Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about René Descartes. If time allows, review
students’ answers for accuracy.
AP 1.4
Note: If students have been reading the chapter independently, call the whole
class back together to complete the Timeline and Check for Understanding as
a group.

• Show students the Chapter 2 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “Why is Descartes considered to be
the father of modern philosophy?”
• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1600s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “Why is Descartes considered to
be the father of modern philosophy?”
»» Key points students should cite include: He introduced a new way of
thinking about what we know and how we know it. He insisted on
using reason.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Write a sentence using the Core Vocabulary word (philosophy).
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.
Note: Be sure to check students’ written responses to Thinkers of the
Enlightenment (AP 1.4) so you can correct any misunderstandings about the
chapter content during subsequent instructional periods.



Thomas Hobbes
The Big Question: Why did Thomas Hobbes believe in the need for an all-powerful
ruler as the leader of the government?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Explain Thomas Hobbes’s conclusions about human nature. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Describe the type of all-powerful government favored by Hobbes. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Identify major historical events that occurred during Hobbes’s time, and tell how they influenced his
life and philosophy. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: Parliament, pessimist, social
contract, and authoritarian; and of the phrase “absolute monarchy.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Thomas Hobbes”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Display and individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment
AP 1.1 (AP 1.4)
AP 1.2
AP 1.4

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

Parliament, n. the original lawmaking branch of the English government that

is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons (22)
Example: Parliament passed a new law that increased taxes on imported goods.
pessimist, n. a person who tends to see the worst in a situation or who
believes the worst will happen (25)
Example: A true pessimist, Sally always assumed the worst about the people
she met.
Variations: pessimists

social contract, n. an agreement among individuals in a society and a ruler
or government; individuals give up some of their freedoms in exchange for
protection by the ruler or government (25)
Example: Thomas Hobbes believed in a social contract between the people
and a strong, protective government.
Variations: social contracts
“absolute monarchy,” (phrase) a government in which the king or queen has
the unchecked authority to do whatever they want without any restrictions (25)
Example: Subjects in the absolute monarchy were often unhappy; they
had no power to stop their king from increasing taxes and waging wars on
foreign countries.
Variations: absolute monarchies
authoritarian, adj. requiring absolute obedience to a ruler or government;
not allowing personal freedom (27)
Example: The authoritarian ruler punished any citizen who spoke out against
the government.

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “Thomas Hobbes” 5 min

Introduce the chapter by first reviewing the Timeline Image Cards from
Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Next, ask students to list some of the rules people
have to obey in modern America and some of the people who are in charge of
making and enforcing these rules. Then ask: What would happen if we didn’t
have these rules? What would happen if we took a bunch of modern Americans
to a desert island where there were no rules and no authorities to enforce
rules? Would the people get along, or would they fight? Tell students that they
are going to read about a philosopher named Thomas Hobbes, who asked
similar questions back in the 1600s.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for reasons
why Thomas Hobbes believed in the need for an all-powerful ruler.

Guided Reading Supports for “Thomas Hobbes” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.


“Long Life,” Pages 20–21

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Activity Pages Read the first paragraph of “Long Life” on page 20 aloud.
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
students locate the country of England. Explain to students that like Isaac
AP 1.1 Newton, Thomas Hobbes was also an Englishman.
AP 1.2
Invite a volunteer to read the remaining paragraph of “Long Life” on
page 20 aloud.
Chapter 3
Thomas Hobbes SUPPORT—Call attention to the image of Thomas Hobbes on page 21,
and invite a volunteer to read the caption aloud.
Long Life A European living in the
1600s had little chance of living past the The Big Question
age of forty. Against all odds, Thomas Why did Thomas
Hobbes (1588–1679) more than doubled Hobbes believe
in the need for an
that life expectancy. Born in 1588 in the all-powerful ruler
English village of Malmesbury, Hobbes as the leader of

After the volunteer reads the text, ask the following questions:
lived to be ninety-one. It was a long and the government?
difficult life.

This was a stormy era for his country’s government, and through it all, Hobbes
had something to say. Often his ideas were not what people wanted to
hear. At times, he was forced to flee for his life and burn his own writings.

INFERENTIAL—Why can Thomas Hobbes be considered remarkable for

Thomas Hobbes was certainly not the most popular philosopher of his times.
Who was this man? And what did he say that put people in such an uproar?

his time?

Page 2020
»» He lived until he was ninety-one; he lived roughly twice as long as the
G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 20 28/03/18 2:58 PM

average person during his time.

EVALUATIVE—How did Thomas Hobbes compare to other philosophers

of his time?
»» Hobbes was often unpopular relative to other philosophers who lived
at the same time.

Thomas Hobbes lived to the age of ninety-one, over twice the average life

Page 21 expectancy for the time.


G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 21 28/03/18 2:58 PM

“Young Thomas Hobbes,” Pages 22–23

Young Thomas Hobbes Scaffold understanding as follows:

Thomas Hobbes entered Oxford University when he was only fifteen years
old. By the standards of the time, that was young to be entering college, but

Have students read the section “Young Thomas Hobbes” on page 22

not as young as you might think. The typical student began university studies
between ages sixteen and eighteen.

After graduation, Hobbes became a tutor for the son of a nobleman. His

with a partner. Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box as

position included traveling with his pupil, who was only a few years younger
than he was. Hobbes would continue his tutoring career for many years.
Traveling abroad in Europe with young noblemen gave him the chance to
meet interesting people. In France, Hobbes met with Descartes.

Each time Hobbes returned to England, he came

back to political unrest. The problem was a conflict
between the king and Parliament. As you have
Parliament, n. the
original lawmaking
they read.
read, the ruling monarchs in those days, in this case branch of the English
the Stuarts, believed in the divine right of kings. government that

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term Parliament, and

is made up of the
These rulers did not want to grant Parliament any
House of Lords
lawmaking powers—the ability to write and pass and the House
laws. The struggle between Parliament and the of Commons

king went on for decades.

Hobbes supported the king in this conflict. When he saw Parliament

threatening to take control from the Stuarts, he worried about his own safety.
The philosopher fled to France and settled in Paris.
review its meaning.
The English Parliament did finally seize control. King Charles I was tried

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about

before a court, convicted, and executed. His son, Prince Charles, sought
safety in Paris, where Hobbes tutored him in mathematics. They developed a
friendship that would one day protect Hobbes.

Page 2222
Parliament in the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age.
G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 22 28/03/18 2:58 PM

Activity Pages
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
students locate the country of France. Have students trace the distance
between England and France with their fingers. Explain that travel during
AP 1.1
this time was much more difficult than travel today. Hobbes would have
AP 1.2 had to sail across the English Channel to continental Europe before
traveling overland to reach his destination in France.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
EVALUATIVE—How would you describe the political situation in England
during Hobbes’s lifetime?
»» The political situation in England was turbulent; there was constant
conflict between the Crown and Parliament.

LITERAL—Why did Hobbes flee from England to France?

»» He supported the English monarch and believed in the divine right of
kings. Hobbes worried about his safety because of his beliefs.

“Hobbes Is Heard,” Pages 23–26

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read the first two paragraphs of the section “Hobbes Is Heard” on
page 23 aloud.
King Charles I was tried and eventually executed. Thomas Hobbes did not support the
removal of the king from the throne.

Hobbes Is Heard
With an eye on the ever-changing and often violent English political
scene, Hobbes drew his own conclusions about the purpose and nature of
SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for Leviathan.
government. In the spirit of the Enlightenment, Hobbes observed events and
used his mind to reason about what should be.

Hobbes put forth his ideas in several works. His most famous book, Leviathan
Pronounce the word for students, and then ask them to repeat it with you.
(/luh*vye*uh*thun/), was published while Hobbes was in France. A leviathan, or
sea monster, appears in the Bible as an all-powerful ruler of the seas. In his book,
Hobbes argues that government should be all-powerful, like the leviathan.

Hobbes provides reasons why he thought government should be all-

powerful. He starts by describing human beings in what he called the
SUPPORT—Refer back to the image of Hobbes on page 21. Point out the
word Leviathan on the side of the book on the table.
“state of nature.” Hobbes goes on to say that people are naturally cruel,
greedy, and selfish. He explains that they have two main desires: to feel
pleasure and to avoid pain. People will do just about anything to meet
those selfish ends, Hobbes believed.

Page 23 23
Have students read the remainder of “Hobbes Is Heard” on pages 23–26
independently. Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary box as
G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 23 28/03/18 2:58 PM

they read.
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms pessimist and social
contract, and the phrase “absolute monarchy,” and explain their meanings.
SUPPORT—Call attention to the idiom “when left to their own devices” in
the first paragraph on page 25. Explain to students that this phrase means
to figure something out or to achieve something on your own. Hobbes
believed that humans were incapable of making, and therefore could not
be trusted to make, the best decisions for society.
Page 24A leviathan, or sea monster, is pictured on the title page of Hobbes’s book.

G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 24 28/03/18 2:58 PM

SUPPORT—Call attention to the image of Hobbes’s Leviathan on page 24,

and call on a volunteer to read the caption aloud. Ask students to consider
who or what the leviathan, or monster, shown on the cover resembles.
What symbols or clues lead them to this conclusion? (It looks like a king. He
is wearing a crown and holding a sword and a scepter.)


Because people were so naturally selfish, Hobbes
did not expect that they, when left to their own
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
pessimist, n. a
devices, could be trusted to make choices that
person who tends
would benefit the entire community or even

LITERAL—How did Thomas Hobbes describe human beings in their

to see the worst in
preserve order. a situation or who
believes the worst
Hobbes was a pessimist about human nature, will happen
and it was his pessimism that made him believe in

natural state?
social contract, n.
strong government. Hobbes looked at the chaos an agreement
and war of his own century and concluded that, among individuals
in a society and a
without a strong government, people would live ruler or government;
in a constant state of war. In his most famous individuals give
statement, Hobbes said that without government, up some of
their freedoms

»» He described them as cruel, greedy, and selfish; he believed humans

human life would be “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, in exchange for
and short.” protection by the
ruler or government
What should be done about this unhappy
condition? Was there any hope? Hobbes thought “absolute

were willing to do anything to get what they wanted.

monarchy,” (phrase)
a strong government was the answer. He wrote a government in
that people must enter into a “social contract.” which the king
or queen has the
As part of this contract, they must give up some
unchecked authority
of their individual freedoms and turn them over to do whatever they
to a powerful leader or assembly. Strong leaders, want without any
strict laws, and stiff punishments would protect

LITERAL—What kind of government did Hobbes favor?

selfish individuals from waging war on each other.
Society would best be served, Hobbes believed, by an absolute monarchy
with an all-powerful ruler. Only such a government—a leviathan—could
ensure peace and safety.

You might ask: What about freedom? Did Hobbes picture a world in which

»» He favored a strong government with strict laws to keep people from

everyone was a slave to government? Hobbes’s argument may surprise you

Page 25
fighting each other.

G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 25 28/03/18 2:58 PM

“Pupil Crowned King” and “Hobbes’s Importance,” Pages 26–27

by its logic and the way that he defines freedom. Hobbes argued that real
human freedom is the ability to live peacefully without being threatened by
Scaffold understanding as follows:
others. Because, in his opinion, people are naturally selfish and cruel, there

Have students read the sections “Pupil Crowned King” and “Hobbes’s
must be strong laws to protect us from each other. A forceful government,
according to Hobbes, does not limit a person’s liberty. Quite the opposite: it
is the forceful government protecting people from their worst impulses that
actually makes real liberty possible.

Pupil Crowned King

When things quieted down in England, Hobbes returned home. In 1660, the
Importance” on pages 26–27 independently. Encourage them to refer
to the vocabulary box on page 27 as they read.
monarchy was restored, and his former pupil, Prince Charles, became King
Charles II. For several years, Hobbes published his ideas without incident. Then
came two terrible years for the English. The plague swept England in 1665, and
a great fire destroyed much of London in 1666. People sought comfort in their
religious faith, and soon anyone who spoke against religion was in trouble.

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for Behemoth. Say the

word aloud, and ask students to repeat it with you.
SUPPORT—Explain that behemoth means something enormous or
powerful. In the Bible story of Job, it is used to describe a huge beast.
Much of London was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. The fire started in a bakery on
September 2, 1666.

Page 2626

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term authoritarian, and

G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 26 28/03/18 2:58 PM

Many people saw Hobbes and his ideas about the brutish nature of
human beings as unchristian. They wanted to ban Leviathan and banish
explain its meaning.
the philosopher. Fearful for his safety, Hobbes burned many of his papers.
Luckily, his former pupil King Charles II spoke up for the philosopher and

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

protected him. The king did, however, forbid Hobbes from publishing any
more of his writings. When Hobbes presented another major work, Behemoth
(/bih*hee*muth/), the king banned its publication. Behemoth was not
published until three years after Hobbes’s death.

Hobbes’s Importance
In his old age, Hobbes was largely ignored by fellow philosophers and
scientists. Although he insisted on his own belief in God, most saw him as a
threat to religion. He continued to submit papers, but his works were turned
LITERAL—How did events in England during the 1660s affect Hobbes?
away. The elderly Hobbes has been described as an angry, bitter man.

»» The restoration of the monarchy in 1660 meant Hobbes could publish

So why was Hobbes important? He put forth a dark view of human nature
and a very authoritarian model of how society should be organized.
People as individuals, he contended, are not
basically good. A strong government or a strong Vocabulary

freely. The plague and the fire caused people to return to religion; and
leader is necessary to make laws for the peace authoritarian, adj.
requiring absolute
and safety of the population. Keep his ideas in obedience to a ruler
mind as you read on. And get ready to meet other or government; not
allowing personal

Hobbes’s ideas fell out of favor.

thinkers whose views differed sharply from those
of Thomas Hobbes.

Page 27
LITERAL—Why is Thomas Hobbes considered an important philosopher?

»» He had a dark view of human nature and believed in strong

G6_B2_U3_Chap03_SR.indd 27 28/03/18 2:58 PM

government and an authoritarian society. This was different from

Activity Page many other thinkers.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about Thomas Hobbes. If time allows, review
AP 1.4 students’ answers for accuracy.

• Show students the Chapter 3 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “Why did Thomas Hobbes believe in
the need for an all-powerful ruler as the leader of the government?”
• Have a volunteer post the image card to the Timeline under the date
referencing the 1600s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction for
guidance on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “Why did Thomas Hobbes believe
in the need for an all-powerful ruler as the leader of the government?”
»» Key points students should cite include: Hobbes believed that humans
were naturally selfish and could not make decisions in the best interest
of society when left to their own devices. Hobbes believed that a
powerful government was necessary to preserve order.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (Parliament, pessimist, social
contract, or authoritarian) or the phrase “absolute monarchy,” and write a
sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3 (RI.6.4, L.6.6) 30 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Sufficient copies of Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3
(AP 3.1)
Distribute AP 3.1, Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3, and direct students to
AP 3.1 complete the crossword puzzle using the vocabulary terms they have learned
in their reading about The Enlightenment. This activity may be assigned for



John Locke
The Big Question: In what ways did the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John
Locke differ?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Summarize John Locke’s philosophy about human knowledge and the responsibilities of
government. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Contrast Locke’s ideas with the ideas of Thomas Hobbes. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain how the English government after the Glorious Revolution reflected Locke’s philosophy. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: natural rights, treason, bill of
rights, and radical. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “John Locke”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Display and individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)
AP 1.1
• Individual student copies of Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1)
AP 1.2
AP 1.4 • Individual student copies of Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2)
AP 4.1
AP 4.2

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

natural rights, n. rights that all people are born with and that cannot be taken
away by the government (28)
Example: Locke believed that the natural rights of humankind included life,
liberty, and property.
treason, n. disloyalty to a country by helping an enemy (32)
Example: The spy was convicted of treason for sharing government secrets
with an enemy country.
Variations: treasons
bill of rights, n. a series of laws that protect the liberties and freedoms of
citizens (32)
Example: The U.S. Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, religion, press,
assembly, and petition.
radical, adj. favoring large or widespread changes (33)
Example: The idea that Earth revolves around the sun was considered a
radical idea by many people.

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “John Locke” 5 min

Activity Page Begin the lesson by first reviewing Isaac Newton, René Descartes, and Thomas
Hobbes using the Timeline Image Cards and Thinkers of the Enlightenment
(AP 1.4). Write the following topic on the board: The Rights of Human Beings.
Then write: All citizens have a right to . Have students complete
AP 1.4
the statement by naming one human right they think a good government
must provide and protect. Ask students to compare the rights that they named.
Tell students they will be reading about the human rights that the philosopher
John Locke considered most important.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for the ways the
philosophies of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes differed as they read the text.

Guided Reading Supports for “John Locke” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Rights Versus Rulers,” Pages 28–29

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 4
John Locke
Read the first paragraph of “Rights Versus Rulers” on page 28 aloud.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term natural rights
Rights Versus Rulers People have
certain natural rights. A monarch’s The Big Question
right to rule depends on the consent, In what ways did
or agreement, of the people. If a monarch the philosophies of
Thomas Hobbes and

when it is encountered in the text.

rules poorly, people can and should John Locke differ?
throw him out.

These were bold ideas in England in the 1600s. People

could get in big trouble for having such thoughts. Yet
natural rights,
the Enlightenment spirit and confidence in human
n. rights that all

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the term natural
people are born reason gave the English philosopher John Locke
with and that cannot (1632–1704) the courage to speak his mind. Locke’s
be taken away by
the government ideas about government were very different from
those of Thomas Hobbes. While Hobbes believed
government should be all-powerful, Locke believed the job of government was
to protect the natural rights, or liberties, of its subjects. If the government failed
to do that, he said, the people should overturn it and create a new government.
rights from the Grade 5 unit The Civil War.
The King’s Scholar
Young John Locke was a fine student. He was named a “king’s scholar” at
Westminster School and awarded a scholarship to Oxford University. Locke spent
thirty years studying, tutoring, and writing at Oxford.

Page 2828

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Activity Pages Invite a volunteer to read the remainder of “Rights Versus Rulers”
on page 28 aloud.
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
AP 1.1 students locate the country of England. Explain to students that like Isaac
AP 1.2 Newton and Thomas Hobbes, John Locke was also an Englishman.
After the volunteer reads the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What did John Locke believe was the role of government?
»» Locke believed it was the job of the government to protect citizens’
natural rights.

LITERAL—What did John Locke believe people had the right to do if their
government did not do its job?
»» Locke believed that if the government failed to do its job, the people
Page 29 John Locke had faith in people’s ability to learn to live together peacefully.

could overthrow the government and replace it with a new one.


G6_B2_U3_Chap04_SR.indd 29 28/03/18 2:58 PM

“The King’s Scholar” and “Locke on Knowledge: The Blank Page,”

Pages 28–31

For thinkers such as John Locke, the late 1600s were good years to be in
school. Teachers encouraged students to use reason and to experiment,
Scaffold understanding as follows:
to think deeply about everything from science and government to

Have students read “The King’s Scholar” and “Locke on Knowledge:

religious faith.

Locke studied medicine and became a medical doctor. However, he never

earned a living as a doctor. Locke’s fame came from his writings about human

The Blank Page” on pages 28–31 with a partner.

knowledge and politics. John Locke’s ideas launched a new era of thought in
England that eventually echoed around the world.

Locke on Knowledge: The Blank Page

What book was top of the best-seller list in the late 1600s? Everyone who
was anyone was reading Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. In

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

this book, Locke puts forth an important idea about the way human beings
think and learn. Each person, he states, comes into this world with a mind like
a tabula rasa—that’s Latin for a blank tablet, like a blank sheet of paper. We
have no knowledge at birth, said Locke. Instead, all of our knowledge comes
through experience.

LITERAL—Why were the 1600s a good time for Locke to be in school?

Locke explains, “If a child were
kept in a place where he never
saw any other [colors] but black
and white till he were a man,
he would have no . . . ideas of
scarlet [red] or green.“

So how do we get the ideas to

fill up our blank page? According
to Locke, like Bacon before
»» Teachers encouraged students to use reason and to experiment, to think
deeply about everything from science and government to religious faith.
him, our senses provide us with
experience. We learn about
our world by seeing, hearing,
John Locke wrote about human nature and how a

Page 30
smelling, tasting, and touching. person’s environment impacts their behavior.


LITERAL—What did Locke study at school?

G6_B2_U3_Chap04_SR.indd 30 28/03/18 2:58 PM

»» He studied medicine and became a medical doctor, though that is not

how he earned his living.

LITERAL—What does the phrase tabula rasa mean, and how is it

connected to John Locke?
»» Tabula rasa means “blank slate”; Locke believed that the mind is a
blank slate when a person is born and that this slate is filled with and
defined by experiences during the person’s life.

EVALUATIVE—How did Locke’s views on human nature differ from those

of Thomas Hobbes?
»» Locke thought human nature was neither good nor bad; Hobbes
thought humans were naturally selfish and warlike.

“Locke on Politics: Life, Liberty, and Property,” Page 31

We reflect on, or think about, the sensations. We compare them and judge
Scaffold understanding as follows:
them and then make decisions about our lives.

While Thomas Hobbes described people as being naturally selfish and

Have students read “Locke on Politics: Life, Liberty, and Property” on

warlike, Locke took a very different view. He saw human nature as neither
good and kind nor bad and violent. He explained that people become what
they are because of the events they experience. A person who has known

page 31 independently.
only fighting and cruelty will likely be violent and cruel. In a later book on
education, Locke advised parents to treat their children with tenderness and
kindness, so that they too would learn to be kind.

Locke on Politics: “Life, Liberty, and Property”

John Locke believed that people, given the right experiences, could be reasonable

SUPPORT—Ask students to consider the natural rights outlined by Locke;

and moral. He also believed that all people are born with certain natural rights.
These, he insisted, include the right to “life, liberty, and property.” Locke took
a bold stand. It is the government’s duty, he declared, to preserve the rights of
the citizens. What happens if a government denies people their rights or fails
to protect those rights? Locke claimed that if a government fails to protect the
natural rights of its people, those people have the right to revolt and overthrow
the government. It was an idea that would sweep through Europe and across the
are some or all of these words familiar? If so, where do the students
recognize them from? Tell students that they will read more about natural
Atlantic to England’s American colonies.

The Mysterious Dr. van der Linden

When King James II sat on the throne of England in the 1680s, he was an
unpopular ruler. He set aside Parliament’s laws and appointed Catholics to
high offices. Many people feared he would disband Parliament and take
power away from the Protestant Church of England.
rights in upcoming chapters.
King James was not a fan of John Locke. He was well aware of Locke’s political
views. Unlike Hobbes, who had favored an absolute monarchy, Locke had

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning in the

sided with Parliament in its struggle against the Stuarts. Now there were
rumors that Locke supported a plot to overthrow the king. The philosopher’s

Page 31
Grade 4 units The American Revolution and The United States Constitution

G6_B2_U3_Chap04_SR.indd 31 28/03/18 2:58 PM

that the Declaration of Independence included the rights of life, liberty,

and the pursuit of happiness.
After students read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—What three natural rights did John Locke believe a government
must protect?
»» Locke believed the government must protect the rights to life, liberty,
and property.

“The Mysterious Dr. van der Linden,” Pages 31–33

name soon appeared on a list of

persons wanted for treason.
Scaffold understanding as follows:
Fearing for his life, Locke fled to

Invite volunteers to read the first three paragraphs of “The Mysterious

Holland, where he went into hiding
under the name Dr. van der Linden.
Locke was not about to be silenced
by threats. He wrote that he would
continue to love truth and to seek
it without worrying about “whom it
pleases or displeases.” He used his
Dr. van der Linden” on pages 31–32 aloud.
time in Holland to complete his Essay
Concerning Human Understanding.
King James II did not agree with

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term treason when

John Locke’s political views and believed
While in Holland, Locke met Prince
that they challenged the monarchy.
William of Orange, husband of
James II’s daughter, Mary. Locke became one of

it is encountered in the text.

Prince William’s supporters. In 1688, Parliament
treason, n. disloyalty
unseated King James II and invited William and to a country by
Mary to come from Holland to take the English helping an enemy
throne. Locke returned to England as a companion
bill of rights, n. a
to Mary. For Locke, it was more than a chance series of laws that
to return home in safety. John Locke was a protect the liberties

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word treason
and freedoms
philosopher who got to see his ideas put to use.
of citizens
Parliament attached conditions to its invitation
to William and Mary. To become king and queen, William and Mary had to

from the Grade 4 unit The American Revolution or from the Grade 5 unit
give up many of their royal powers to Parliament, limiting the strength of the
monarchy. Parliament also called for a bill of rights.

This change in government in 1688 was called the Glorious Revolution. Unlike

England in the Golden Age.

most revolutions, there was no bloodshed or violence, but it was one of the
most important changes in government in history. From 1688 onward, no

Page 3232

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SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
Activity Pages
students locate the country of Holland. Explain to students that today we
know Holland as the Netherlands. Unlike many other countries in Europe
at the time of the Enlightenment, the government of Holland did not
AP 1.1
prevent scholars from expressing new and radical ideas or persecute them
AP 1.2 for their beliefs.
Have students read the remainder of “The Mysterious Dr. van der
Linden” on pages 32–33 independently. Encourage them to refer to the
vocabulary boxes as they read.


CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms bill of rights and
radical, and explain their meanings.
Note: Students may recall learning about the American Bill of Rights in the
Grade 4 unit The United States Constitution, and about the English Bill of
William and Mary are shown here with all the symbols—crowns, scepters, and the royal
coat of arms—of English monarchs.
Rights in the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age.
king or queen could rule in England without the

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

consent of Parliament. England had taken a giant
radical, adj. favoring
step on the path to liberty.
large or widespread
Locke’s radical ideas had become a reality. The changes
English people had overthrown one ruler and
replaced him with another ruler who respected their natural rights. It would

EVALUATIVE—How did Locke’s experiences in England compare to those

not be the last time that this would happen in history. Enlightenment ideas
were taking shape elsewhere as well. In Scotland, for instance, with thinkers
such as David Hume and Adam Smith. They were also having an impact on
life across the English Channel in France.

Page 33 33
of Hobbes?
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»» Both Locke and Hobbes were forced to flee their home country
because of their beliefs.

LITERAL—What happened during the Glorious Revolution, and what did

Locke think of it?
»» During the Glorious Revolution, the English Parliament drove out an
absolute monarch, King James II. Parliament replaced him with two
constitutional monarchs, William and Mary. Locke was strongly in favor
Activity Page of the revolution and even became an adviser to Queen Mary.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about John Locke. If time allows, review students’
AP 1.4 answers for accuracy.

• Show students the Chapter 4 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “In what ways did the philosophies of
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke differ?”
• Invite a volunteer to post the image card to the Timeline under the date
referencing the 1600s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction for
guidance on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “In what ways did the
philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke differ?”
»» Key points students should cite include: Unlike Hobbes, who believed
that humans were naturally cruel and selfish, Locke believed that
humans were born as blank slates. They could develop into good or
bad people based on their experiences in life. While Hobbes favored a

strong, all-powerful leader to rule over society, Locke believed that it
was the role of the government to protect the natural rights of citizens.
Should the government fail to protect those natural rights or go so far
as to violate them, citizens had the right to replace their government.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary terms (natural rights, treason, bill of
rights, or radical), and write a sentence using the term.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (RI.6.1, RI.6.2) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1)
Using information from Chapters 3 and 4 of The Enlightenment Student Reader,
have students compare and contrast John Locke and Thomas Hobbes using
AP 4.1 Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1). After students complete the Venn
diagram, have them write several sentences comparing the two Enlightenment

Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (RI.6.1, RI.6.2) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2)
Using information from Chapters 2 and 4 of The Enlightenment Student Reader,
have students compare and contrast John Locke and René Descartes using
AP 4.2 Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2). After students complete the Venn
diagram, have them write several sentences comparing the two Enlightenment



The Enlightenment
in France
The Big Question: Why did Montesquieu believe that it was important to limit the
power of a ruler and of any one branch of government?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Characterize the ideas of Montesquieu and Voltaire. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain how the French ruling class tried to keep the message of the Enlightenment from reaching
most French people. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain the importance of the Encyclopedia. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: social order, clergy, separation
of powers, pseudonym, and censorship; and of the phrase “limited monarchy.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Enlightenment in France”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)
AP 1.1
AP 1.2
AP 1.4

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

social order, n. a system—formed by institutions, organizations, customs, and

beliefs—that helps to maintain accepted ways of behaving (36)
Example: The government helped enforce the social order by passing new
laws to govern the people.
Variations: social orders
clergy, n. in the Christian Church, people, such as priests, who carry out
religious duties (36)
Example: The distressed parishioners looked to the clergy for guidance
during the troubling time.
separation of powers, n. the division of responsibilities among multiple
branches of government (38)
Example: The U.S. Constitution outlines the separation of powers among
the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
pseudonym, n. a fake name, frequently used by authors (39)
Example: The author wrote under a pseudonym to prevent readers from
discovering who she really was.
Variations: pseudonyms
“limited monarchy,” (phrase) a government in which the power of the king
or queen is restricted by a governing body such as Parliament (41)
Example: After the Glorious Revolution, England created a limited monarchy.
Variations: limited monarchies
censorship, n. the practice of removing or prohibiting books, art, films, or
other media that the government finds offensive, immoral, or harmful (41)
Example: The government enforced the censorship of all materials it believed
to be harmful to the public.
Variations: censorships

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Enlightenment in France” 5 min

Begin the lesson by first reviewing Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Thomas
Hobbes, and John Locke using the Timeline Image Cards and Thinkers of the
Enlightenment (AP 1.4).
Activity Pages Display World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2). Explain that up until
this point, students have read about three English philosophers (Newton,
Hobbes, and Locke) and one French philosopher (Descartes). Have students
locate England and France. Point out the title of this chapter, and explain that
AP 1.1
now they will read about more philosophers from France.
AP 1.2
AP 1.4 Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for reasons
why Montesquieu believed that it was important to limit the power of a ruler
and of any one branch of government as they read the text.


Independent Reading of “The Enlightenment in France” 30 min
Activity Page Ask students to take out their copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment
(AP 1.4). Direct students to read the entire chapter independently, completing
the sections about Montesquieu and Voltaire on Thinkers of
the Enlightenment as they read.
AP 1.4
Tell students that if they finish reading the chapter before their classmates, they
should copy and answer the Big Question, as well as write a sentence using
one of the Core Vocabulary words from the chapter.
SUPPORT—Prior to having students start reading the chapter, write the
following words on the board or chart paper, pronounce, and then briefly
explain each word: Bastille, Montesquieu, pseudonym, Voltaire, and philosophes.
Have students repeat the pronunciation of each word.
SUPPORT—Write the Big Question on the board or chart paper to remind
students to provide a written answer if they finish reading the chapter early.
Also, add a reminder about writing a sentence using a Core Vocabulary word.
Note: Guided Reading Supports are included below as an alternative to
independent reading, if, in your judgment, some or all students are not yet
capable of reading the entire chapter independently while still maintaining a
good understanding of what they have read.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Enlightenment in France” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Speech and Freedom,” Pages 34–36

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 5
The Enlightenment Read the first paragraph of “Speech and Freedom” on page 34 aloud.
in France
Speech and Freedom In France in the
1700s, most writers chose their words
carefully. Freedom of speech was not a
The Big Question
Why did Montesquieu
SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for Bastille. Say the
word, and then ask students to repeat it with you.
guarantee. The wrong comment written believe that it was
important to limit the
or spoken about the monarch or his court power of a ruler and
could put a French citizen in the Bastille of any one branch
(/ba*stee*yuh/), a prison for those who of government?
dared to displease their government.

Page 3434

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Invite a volunteer to read the second paragraph of “Speech and
Freedom” on page 36 aloud.
SUPPORT—Call attention to the image of the Bastille on pages 34–35, and
have a student read the caption aloud. Explain to students that the Bastille
was a very large fortress and prison in Paris, France.
After the volunteer reads the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—Why did most writers in France during the 1700s choose their
Page 35 The Bastille was both a fortress and a prison in Paris, France.

words carefully?
G6_B2_U3_Chap05_SR.indd 35 28/03/18 2:58 PM

»» Writers were at risk of being imprisoned for their words or beliefs,

especially if they spoke out against the monarch or government.

“The Baron,” Pages 36–37

But threats of prison did not silence the voices of

the Enlightenment. In earlier years, scientists and
Scaffold understanding as follows:
social order, n. a
philosophers, such as Newton, Descartes, Hobbes,
and Locke, had opened eyes and minds. Like them, by institutions,

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for Montesquieu. Say

thinkers of the 1700s had powerful ideas. They organizations,
customs, and
would find a way to be heard. beliefs—that helps
to maintain accepted
The Baron ways of behaving

Charles-Louis de Secondat was born a noble

and had a grand title, Baron de Montesquieu
(/mohn*tes*kyoo/). He inherited wealth and a
clergy, n. in the
Christian Church,
people, such as
priests, who carry
the name, and then have students repeat it with you.
government position. He did not, however, spend out religious duties
his life idly enjoying high society. Instead, Baron de
Montesquieu became one of the most
important authors of the 1700s.

When it came to politics, the baron

Have students read “The Baron” on pages 36–37 with a partner.
Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary box on page 36 as they read.
knew what he was talking about.
He had traveled around Europe and
watched government at work in Italy
and England. He’d read widely about
ancient and medieval times and about

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms social order and

Chinese and Native American cultures.

In the spirit of the Enlightenment,

Montesquieu observed, studied, and
reasoned. Then he drew this conclusion:
France was in big trouble. Montesquieu
saw most of the people suffering
poverty and injustice. A strict social
clergy, and explain their meanings.
order enforced by the monarch and
Baron de Montesquieu (1689–1755) was
clergy allowed no chance for change. the real author of The Persian Letters.

Page 3636

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SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
Activity Pages students locate the countries of England, Italy, and Holland. Explain that
Montesquieu, much like other philosophers of his time, traveled throughout
Europe. His ideas were influenced by what he saw in these places.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
AP 1.1
AP 1.2 LITERAL—What made Montesquieu an authority on government?
»» He had studied the governments of European countries and had read
about past civilizations and about Chinese and Native American cultures.

LITERAL—What conclusion did Montesquieu draw about France’s

government, and why?
»» He determined that France’s government was in big trouble. The
country had a strict social order, and many people were struggling
with poverty.

LITERAL—Why did Montesquieu keep his identity as author of The Persian

Letters a secret?
»» The book made fun of the French ruling class. Montesquieu could have
been thrown in prison for publishing these ideas in his own name.


“On the King and His Court,” Pages 37–38

Yes, Montesquieu was a wise man. He was wise enough to know that if
he openly criticized the French government or the Church, he could be
Scaffold understanding as follows:
imprisoned. So he wrote in secret. Like others you’ve read about, Montesquieu
did much of his work in Holland. In 1721, he published The Persian Letters. As

SUPPORT—Read the section title aloud. Note that the word court is
far as readers knew, the authors were Usbek and Rica, two travelers from Persia
who were exploring France. The book was a collection of their letters home.
The clever, humorous Persians were pure fiction, but readers recognized their

a multiple-meaning word. It can mean a place to play a sport, such as

criticisms of the French ruling class as absolutely true to real life.

On the King and His Court

In one of his first letters home, Usbek explains that he and Rica had left their

basketball or tennis. It can mean a place where legal trials are held. It can
quiet lives to search for wisdom. “Our purpose,” Usbek writes, “is to educate
ourselves about the customs and social arrangements in the West.”

Remember, as fictional characters, Usbek and Rica had nothing to fear from

mean the ministers, nobles, and other officials who attend, or serve, a
the French government. They could speak freely, whereas Montesquieu
could not.

The book, The Persian Letters,

monarch. Make sure students understand that the section title uses the
was a hit. Readers laughed out
loud. They also recognized some
harsh truths, such as when Rica
reports on the king of France.

third meaning of court.

Why, the clever monarch could
make people who had always
used coins to buy and sell goods
believe that paper was money!
“This king is a great magician,”

Have students read “On the King and His Court” on pages 37–38
Rica declares, explaining that
when the monarch ran low on
money to support his wars, all he
Baron de Montesquieu found a clever way to
had to do was have some printed. spread his ideas.

Page 37 37
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After students read the text, ask the following question:

EVALUATIVE—Why do you think foreigners, or in the instance of
Montesquieu, writers pretending to be foreigners, could speak out against
the king of France, but French writers could not?
»» Possible answer: Foreigners were not subjects of France, whereas
French people were. The government did not want its own people
speaking out against it, but it could not do as much to prevent
foreigners from doing the same thing.

“Montesquieu’s Pen Strikes Again,” Pages 38–39

Presto! More money! If making money were that simple, everyone would
be rich.
Scaffold understanding as follows:
In another letter, Usbek speaks his mind about the French court. He describes

Invite a volunteer to read the first two paragraphs of “Montesquieu’s Pen

the life of a court nobleman trying to “conceal the fact that he has nothing to
do by looking busy.”
Montesquieu’s Pen Strikes Again separation

Strikes Again” on page 38 aloud.

of powers, n.
It did not take long for fans to figure out that the the division of
real author of The Persian Letters was none other responsibilities
among multiple
than the Baron de Montesquieu. He soon published
branches of
again, this time using his own name. In The Spirit of government
the Laws, Montesquieu bases his writings on

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term separation of powers,

what he’d learned about the governments
of the world. He praises the British for
limiting the power of the monarch and
protecting the rights of the people.

and explain its meaning.

What is the best way to protect liberty? In
The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu puts
forward an important idea. He suggests
that a country must limit the power of
its ruler and, in fact, of any one branch of

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about

government. This could best be done, he
explains, with a “separation of powers.”

Montesquieu pictured a government in

separation of powers in the Grade 4 unit The United States Constitution.

which the monarch held the executive
power, a parliament made the laws, and
courts enforced justice. He believed that As a nobleman, Montesquieu could
have lived a life of ease, unconcerned
each branch of government could check about people less fortunate than
the power of the other two. Montesquieu’s he was. However, he chose to work
on innovative ideas about ways to

Page 38
thoughts on checks and balances would improve how society functioned.


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Read the third paragraph in the section, on the bottom of page 38 to the
top of page 39, aloud.
SUPPORT—Call attention to the word parliament. Explain to students
that this word is not capitalized because it refers to a lawmaking assembly.
When capitalized, Parliament refers to Great Britain’s lawmaking assembly.
Have students read the remainder of “Montesquieu’s Pen Strikes Again”
on page 39 independently.

After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How did Montesquieu believe government power should be
»» He believed power should be divided among three branches:
executive, legislative, and judicial.

LITERAL—How did Montesquieu feel about slavery?

»» He was strongly against it. He called it a “most shocking violation
of nature.”

LITERAL—What did Montesquieu believe was the most effective method

of change?
»» He believed in peaceful, modest reforms instead of rebellion.

EVALUATIVE—Can you identify another Enlightenment thinker with

whom Montesquieu might have agreed? How were their beliefs similar?
»» Possible response: Montesquieu would most likely agree with John
Locke. Both men believed in the importance of limiting the power of
Activity Page government.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about Montesquieu. If time allows, review students’
AP 1.4 answers for accuracy.

“The Prisoner,” Pages 39–41

one day become part of the U.S. Constitution. You will read more about this
in the next chapter.
Scaffold understanding as follows:
At about the same time that Montesquieu suggested dividing government

Read the first paragraph of “The Prisoner” on page 39 aloud.

powers, he also fiercely attacked slavery. He wrote that enslaving a person
because of color was not a reasonable act. It was no more logical than
enslaving someone because of “a long or short face.” In The Spirit of the Laws,
Montesquieu describes slavery as “the most shocking violation of nature.”

The baron did not suggest extreme social changes. He did not call for
rebellion or democracy. Rather he sought peaceful, modest reforms that
would give people happier lives. He pictured a wise, enlightened monarch
who listened to the people and whose power was held in check by a
parliament and courts of justice.
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term pseudonym, and
The Prisoner
Now let’s go behind the walls of the Bastille. Once
a military fortress protecting the city of Paris, the
explain its meaning.
pseudonym, n.
Bastille had become a royal prison. It is just four
a fake name,
years before Montesquieu published The Persian frequently used

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation keys for Arouet and

Letters. A young man, François Marie Arouet by authors

(/ah*roo*ay/), is locked in the Bastille. What is his

crime? He has written verses making fun of the French government! For

Voltaire. Say each name, and then ask students to repeat them with you.
eleven months, the young author continues his writing behind the stone
walls of the Bastille. Now he uses the pseudonym Voltaire (/vohl*tair/).
It would become an extremely famous pen name!

Like other Enlightenment thinkers, Voltaire examined society and then

launched a battle to improve it. His weapon was his wit. Voltaire targeted

Have students read the remainder of “The Prisoner” on pages 39–41 with
greedy officials, lazy nobles, and evil institutions. He hated slavery and
religious intolerance. Voltaire used humor to point out social wrongs and
to demand change. His remarks made the ruling classes seem foolish. The

Page 39
French government had largely ignored Montesquieu’s criticisms, accepting

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a partner.
Activity Pages CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the phrase “limited monarchy,” and
explain its meaning.
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
AP 1.1 students locate France and England. Explain that Voltaire fled from France
AP 1.2 to England.


After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—Why was Arouet (Voltaire) in the Bastille?
»» He had written verses that made fun of the French government.

LITERAL—Why did Voltaire go to live in England?

After Voltaire (1694–1778) was freed, he traveled to England.

them as simple teasing. After all, Montesquieu was one of them—a noble
»» He had insulted a nobleman and was given the choice of going to jail
or going to England. He chose England.
himself. But Voltaire was a commoner, an ordinary man. His comments could
not be allowed!

Voltaire was released, but he was not out of the Bastille for long before his
sharp wit landed him in trouble again. This time he insulted a powerful young
nobleman. (Some say he challenged the fellow to a duel.) The incident left
Voltaire with two choices: he could go back to jail, or he could flee to England.

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EVALUATIVE—What opinion did Montesquieu and Voltaire share about
the English government?
»» Both men admired England’s limited monarchy and supported such a
system for France.

“Thoughts from Ferney,” Pages 41–42

Voltaire took the reasonable choice and lived in

England for three years. As he most likely studied
Scaffold understanding as follows:
the philosophy of John Locke and the science of
monarchy,” (phrase)
Isaac Newton, he became more certain than ever a government in

Have students read “Thoughts from Ferney” on pages 41–42 with a

that his homeland faced serious problems. He which the power of
the king or queen
felt that England, with its limited monarchy, had is restricted by a
the answers. governing body such

as Parliament
In a letter home to a friend, Voltaire wrote, “In this
country [England] it is possible to use one’s mind censorship, n. the
practice of removing
freely and nobly, without fear or cringing.” or prohibiting books,
Voltaire had strong feelings about freedom of art, films, or other
media that the
expression. “My trade,” he said, “is to say what government finds

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term censorship, and

I think.” He refused to be silenced. As soon as offensive, immoral,
or harmful
Voltaire returned to Paris, he published again. In a
book called Letters on the English, he made heroes
of Bacon, Locke, and Newton and praised their country for its science and
philosophy. It was a country, he said, that protected the rights of its people.

Daring publishers secretly printed Voltaire’s newest works. When copies

appeared in Paris, the order went out: “Arrest Voltaire! Burn his books!” But
explain its meaning.
the book burnings backfired. As soon as his books were forbidden, more
people wanted to read them.

Thoughts from Ferney

Voltaire was not interested in spending any more time behind the walls of the
Bastille. He again fled Paris. He bought an estate at Ferney, near the border of
SUPPORT—Using World Map (AP 1.1) and Time Walk Map (AP 1.2), have
France and Switzerland. There he lived out his life, but not in silence.

Voltaire continued to write books, plays, pamphlets, and letters. From his
country estate came the sharp-tongued voice of reason that spoke out
students locate France and Switzerland, including the border between
the two countries. Explain that Voltaire eventually left France and took
against censorship, ignorance, and injustice.

Page 41 41

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up permanent residence in Switzerland. There, he was able to write freely

without fear of imprisonment.
Activity Pages
After students read the text, ask the following question:
INFERENTIAL—What did Voltaire mean when he said, “I do not agree with
AP 1.1 a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”?
AP 1.2
»» Possible response: He was saying that freedom of speech should be
AP 1.4
absolute, should be a protected right of all people, including those
who disagreed with one another.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about Voltaire. If time allows, review students’
answers for accuracy.

“Voices of Change” and “Enlightenment Reaches the People,” Pages 42–43

A steady stream of visitors kept Voltaire from being lonely at Ferney. In fact,
his many guests nicknamed him “the innkeeper of Europe.” There must
Scaffold understanding as follows:
have been some lively discussions at Ferney. Voltaire never failed to stand
up against oppression and injustice. An argument with a visitor may have

Read the first paragraph of “Voices of Change” on page 42 aloud.

prompted him to declare this famous line: “I do not agree with a word that
you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”

Voices of Change
Voltaire and Montesquieu set examples for other free thinkers to follow. In the

SUPPORT—Call attention to the pronunciation key for philosophes. Say the

coffeehouses and parlors of Paris, people were meeting and talking. Some
met in small private groups known as salons. They were usually hosted by
women. The French thinkers became known as philosophes, (/fee*law*zawfs/),
which means lovers of wisdom. The philosophes discussed and debated

word aloud, and have students repeat it with you.

ways to achieve a fairer society. They expressed their ideas in books and
pamphlets. Voltaire was among the group of philosophes who wrote and
published the great Encyclopédie (Encyclopedia in English). In more than thirty
large volumes that were published over twenty years, they summed up the
major ideas and discoveries of the Enlightenment.

Have students read the remainder of “Voices of Change” and

At first these new ideas about freedom, rights and liberty, and calls for reform
remained within the upper and middle classes. Despite the efforts of Montesquieu
and Voltaire, and others, including the brilliant Jean Jacques Rousseau (/zhahn/

“Enlightenment Reaches the People” on page 42 independently.

zhack/roo*soh/), the Enlightenment had not yet reached the masses of people.

Enlightenment Reaches the People

Not until the late 1700s did the message of the Enlightenment begin to reach
the ordinary people of Paris. It seeped from the city into rural villages, where
peasants still toiled each day and paid high taxes—just as they always had.

After students read the text, ask the following question:

At last, the masses began to question the way things were. They began to see the
possibility of a better life in a fairer world. They imagined a society that protected
rights—one in which people could speak their minds. Europe’s once-powerful

Page 42royals had failed. The message was out, and there was no turning back.

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LITERAL—What was the Encyclopedia, and what did it have to do with the
»» The Encyclopedia was a collection of the ideas of Enlightenment
thinkers in more than thirty volumes. It was written by Voltaire and
other philosophes.

Note: If students have been reading the chapter independently, call the whole
class back together to complete the Timeline and Check for Understanding as
a group.

Page 43
In 1738, Voltaire published the Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, bringing
Newton’s theories to France.

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• Show students the Chapter 5 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “Why did Montesquieu believe that
it was important to limit the power of a ruler and of any one branch of
• Invite a volunteer to post the image cards to the Timeline under the date
referencing the 1700s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction for
guidance on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “Why did Montesquieu believe
that it was important to limit the power of a ruler and of any one branch
of government?”
»» Key points students should cite include: Limiting the power of a ruler
or any one branch of government would prevent that ruler or branch
from becoming too powerful, and ultimately tyrannical.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary terms (social order, clergy, separation of
powers, pseudonym, or censorship) or the phrase “limited monarchy,” and
write a sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.
Note: Be sure to check students’ written responses to Thinkers of the
Enlightenment (AP 1.4) so you can correct any misunderstandings about the
chapter content during subsequent instructional periods.

Additional Activities

Voltaire’s Candide (RI.6.1, RI.6.2, RI.6.3, RI.6.6) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: sufficient copies of Voltaire’s Candide (AP 5.1)
Distribute copies of Voltaire’s Candide (AP 5.1). Have students read the excerpt
from Candide independently or with a partner before answering the analysis
AP 5.1 questions. Discuss students’ responses as a class. You may also choose to ask
students to complete this activity page as homework.


The Enlightenment
in Action
The Big Question: In what ways did Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers inspire
America’s Founding Fathers to create a government by the people, for the people?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Explain how ideas of the Enlightenment helped inspire American leaders to declare independence.
✓✓ Recognize specific Enlightenment ideas reflected in the Declaration of Independence and the
U.S. Constitution. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Explain how the American patriots Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison each
embodied the spirit of the Enlightenment. (RI.6.1, RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: tolerate, tyranny, institute,
derive, diplomat, and delegate. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Enlightenment in Action”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Time Walk Map (AP 1.2)
• Individual student copies of Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4)
AP 1.1
AP 1.2
• Individual student copies of Domain Vocabulary Review (AP 6.1)
AP 1.4 • Individual student copies of Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (AP 6.2)
AP 6.1
AP 6.2

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

tolerate, v. to accept different beliefs or practices (46)

Example: Many Protestants did not tolerate Catholics living in Europe.
Variations: tolerates, tolerating, tolerated
tyranny, n. a type of government in which one person illegally seizes all
power, usually ruling in a harsh and brutal way; a dictatorship (46)
Example: The Founding Fathers wished to prevent tyranny in the United States.
institute, v. to establish or start something new (48)
Example: The town council wished to institute a new procedure for voting.
Variations: institutes, instituting, instituted
derive, v. to get something from a source (48)
Example: The Framers of the Constitution believed it was important for the
government to derive its power from the people.
Variations: derives, deriving, derived
diplomat, n. a person who represents a government in its relationships with
other governments (50)
Example: The diplomat traveled to France to speak with the country’s leaders.
Variations: diplomats
delegate, n. a representative (50)
Example: Georgia sent more than one delegate to the Constitutional
Convention to represent the state.
Variations: delegates

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Enlightenment in Action” 5 min

Activity Pages Using the Timeline Image Cards, World Map (AP 1.1), and Time Walk Map
(AP 1.2), point out that the chapters and discussion thus far have focused on
Enlightenment thinkers living in Europe and their ideas. Read the chapter
subhead “Ideas Across the Ocean” and Thomas Jefferson’s quote. Again using
AP 1.1
the displayed World Map and Time Walk Map, explain that this chapter will
AP 1.2
focus on the influence of the Enlightenment thinkers on America’s Founding
Fathers. Explain to students that the term “Founding Fathers” refers to the
individuals who led the thirteen British colonies in their fight for independence
from Great Britain and eventually established the United States as a country.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for ways
Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers inspired America’s Founding Fathers to create
a government by the people, for the people.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Enlightenment in Action” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Ideas Across the Ocean,” Pages 44–46

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 6
The Enlightenment
Invite a volunteer to read the two paragraphs following the Thomas
in Action Jefferson quote on pages 44–46 aloud.
Ideas Across the Ocean “I hold that a
little rebellion now and then is a good The Big Question

After the volunteer reads the text, ask the following questions:
thing, and as necessary in the political In what ways did
world as storms in the physical.” Europe’s Enlightenment
thinkers inspire
—Thomas Jefferson America’s Founding
Fathers to create a
Although these words were not actually about government by the
rebelling against the British, Thomas Jefferson was people, for the people?

LITERAL—Who or what inspired the revolutionaries in America?

making it clear that rebellion is at times inevitable.
When American colonists became unhappy under the heavy hand of Great
Britain’s rule, they defended their liberty and launched a revolution. The fact is
that many of the revolutionaries’ ideas—and some of the words they used to
declare independence—echoed Britain’s and France’s greatest thinkers. The spirit
of the Enlightenment had crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

»» The ideas of Enlightenment thinkers in Europe inspired and influenced

revolutionaries in America.
Page 4444

EVALUATIVE—How did American revolutionaries use the ideas of

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John Locke?
»» They followed Locke’s argument that if a government takes away
liberty, citizens have the duty to protest, and if the government does
not listen to citizens’ demands, they must replace the government.

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) believed that the government of a nation

Page 45
has a duty to provide and protect the best interests of the people it serves.


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“Thomas Jefferson: An Enlightened Man,” Pages 46–48

What should citizens do if their government takes away their liberty?

According to the Enlightenment thinker John Locke, it is the duty of those
Scaffold understanding as follows:
citizens to protest. They must demand change. What if the government does
not listen to their demands? Then they must replace that government with

Read the first paragraph of “Thomas Jefferson: An Enlightened Man”

a new one.

Thomas Jefferson: An Enlightened Man

on page 46 aloud.
In 1776, American colonists decided they could
no longer tolerate Great Britain’s rule. They were
tired of paying taxes while having no voice in tolerate, v. to accept
different beliefs
government. The colonists had asked for change. or practices
They had demonstrated and protested without the
tyranny, n. a type
desired results. Finally, they took extreme action.

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term tolerate, and explain

of government in
The colonists proclaimed their freedom from Great which one person
Britain in the Declaration of Independence. illegally seizes all
power, usually ruling
Do you remember who wrote that famous in a harsh and brutal

its meaning.
way; a dictatorship
declaration? A committee of patriots had selected
thirty-three-year-old Thomas Jefferson to draft
the colonists’ formal demands for freedom. “I will do as well as I can,” Jefferson
promised the committee. He wrote a moving attack against tyranny and a call for
freedom that people still quote today.

Read the second paragraph of “Thomas Jefferson: An Enlightened

Jefferson was well suited for the task. With private tutors as a child, a college
degree, and training in the law, he had had the best education available.
He’d made the most of his schooling—reading and studying for long hours
each day.

Man” on page 46 aloud.

Jefferson seems to have been interested in everything. He examined fossil
bones and Native American mounds. He collected books for his library. He
observed life and figured out how to make it better. Jefferson invented the
first storm windows and a clock that could tell the day of the week as well

Page 46
as the hour. He was a truly enlightened thinker and doer. It is not by chance


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CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term tyranny, and explain
its meaning.
Note: Students may recall learning the term tyranny in the unit Ancient
Greece and Rome.
Have students read the remainder of “Thomas Jefferson: An Enlightened
Man” on pages 46–48 with a partner. Encourage students to refer to the
vocabulary box on page 48 as they read.


CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms institute and derive,
and explain their meanings.
SUPPORT—Call attention to the excerpt from the Declaration of
Thomas Jefferson was not only a great
thinker, he was also an inventor and a
builder. The image above shows his desk
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of
Independence, but he had some help from
Benjamin Franklin (left) and John Adams
Independence on page 48. Explain to students that Jefferson adapted the
ideas of John Locke in this famous document. However, instead of listing
in the home he built called Monticello, (middle).
in Virginia. On the desk is a machine he
invented that could duplicate, or make
copies of, his correspondence.

property as a natural right as Locke did, Jefferson included the “pursuit of

that many parts of the Declaration of Independence echo the ideas of the
European Enlightenment. On the walls of his library, Jefferson hung portraits
of Bacon, Locke, and Newton, who, he said, were “the three greatest men
that have ever lived.”

Jefferson began the Declaration of Independence by stating that “all men”

are entitled to certain natural rights, including “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit
of Happiness.” Now, where have you read that before? Like Jefferson, you
happiness” as a fundamental human right.
have studied the ideas of the English philosopher John Locke. In the 1600s,
Locke expressed his belief that people are born with natural rights to

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the Declaration of

“life, liberty, and property.” In the 1700s, Jefferson’s version of the idea suited
America, a new world where even people of limited means—those with little
property—have a right to seek happiness.

Page 47 47
Independence excerpt from the Grade 4 units The American Revolution and
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The United States Constitution.

After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—Why was Thomas Jefferson particularly well suited to writing
the Declaration of Independence?
»» Jefferson had years of education, including a college degree, and had
spent countless hours reading and studying.

EVALUATIVE—In what ways was Thomas Jefferson similar to the other

Enlightenment thinkers you have read about so far?
»» Jefferson, like the other Enlightenment thinkers, dedicated much of his
life to asking questions about and observing the world around him. He
studied the works of many other thinkers and challenged the ideas of
the past.

LITERAL—What did the Declaration of Independence do?

»» It announced that the American colonies were separating from
Great Britain.

LITERAL—What are three rights in the Declaration of Independence?

»» The Declaration of Independence says that all men have the right to
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

LITERAL—What ideas did Jefferson include in the Declaration of

Independence that echo the beliefs of John Locke?
»» Possible answer: All citizens have natural rights to life and liberty;
when a government does not grant those rights, the people have the
right to change or overthrow it. The government gets its power from
Activity Page the people.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about Thomas Jefferson. If time allows, review
AP 1.4 students’ answers for accuracy.

“Benjamin Franklin: The American Philosophe,” Pages 48–50

Here’s another idea Locke and Jefferson shared. In the late 1600s, Locke
declared that a government has a duty to preserve its citizens’ natural
Scaffold understanding as follows:
rights. If their rights are not protected, citizens should change or replace
the government. Compare Locke’s opinion with this passage from the

Have students read “Benjamin Franklin: The American Philosophe” on

Declaration of Independence:

. . . to secure these rights [life, liberty, and

the pursuit of happiness], governments are

pages 48–50 independently.

institute, v. to
instituted among Men, deriving their just
establish or start
powers from the consent of the governed. something new
That whenever any Form of Government
derive, v. to get
becomes destructive to these ends, it is the something from
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, a source

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the Core Vocabulary term diplomat,

and to institute new Government. . . .

Both Locke and Jefferson described a government that gets its power
from the people. That bold, defiant idea—the idea, as Jefferson said,
that “governments . . . deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the
governed”—led to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the American
Revolution that began in 1776. Thomas Jefferson clearly admired the
Enlightenment ideas of John Locke and found inspiration in his writings.
and explain its meaning.
Benjamin Franklin: The American Philosophe

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the term diplomat
When you read about Voltaire, you learned that the French word philosophe
means a lover of wisdom. Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) became known as
an American philosophe. Franklin, who lived into his eighties, spent much of
his long life seeking knowledge. He read widely. He studied, experimented,
invented, and traveled. When Franklin traveled to Britain, he particularly
enjoyed his time in Edinburgh. There, he visited with David Hume and other
Scottish Enlightenment figures whose works he had read and absorbed. From
from the Grade 5 units The Age of Exploration and The Renaissance.
Philadelphia, Franklin exchanged letters with European thinkers and scientists,

Page 48
including some of the philosophes who worked on the French Encyclopédie.


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After students read the text, ask the following questions:

Franklin did more than study what others had to offer. He added to the
LITERAL—What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?
world’s store of knowledge himself. He was a witty author who wrote these
gems of wisdom: “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” Or

»» Possible answers: He is famous for Poor Richard’s Almanack,

“Fish and visitors smell after three days.” Franklin included such memorable
sayings in his Poor Richard’s Almanack. Like other annual almanacs, Franklin’s
was based on a calendar, but his was more entertaining and contained more

helping Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence,

useful information. He aimed to help people improve themselves. Franklin
also helped Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence.

As a scientist, the enlightened Franklin experimented with electricity and

invented the lightning rod. He also invented bifocal glasses. He encouraged
others to invent things too.

experimenting with electricity, and inventing the lightning rod.

LITERAL—How did Benjamin Franklin expand his knowledge of

»» Franklin corresponded with and visited philosophes in Europe. He also
Page 49
This image shows Benjamin Franklin demonstrating to his son that lightning
is electricity.
recorded his responses to the ideas of others and original ideas of his own.
G6_B2_U3_Chap06_SR.indd 49 28/03/18 2:58 PM

INFERENTIAL—What do you think Franklin meant when he wrote, “Fish

and visitors smell after three days”?
»» Possible answer: Guests, like food, become unwanted after time. While
fish might be delicious on the first day (and equally guests may be
Activity Page welcome, too), their presence starts to become less welcome over time.

Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about Benjamin Franklin. If time allows, review
AP 1.4 students’ answers for accuracy.

“An Enlightened Government,” Pages 50–51

Franklin helped to found the American

Philosophical Society as a place for discussion.
Scaffold understanding as follows:
diplomat, n.
Like the Royal Society in England, the American
a person who
Philosophical Society still exists today. As a represents a

Invite volunteers to read “An Enlightened Government” on pages

politician and diplomat, he traveled to France, government in its
relationships with
seeking support for America’s revolution against other governments
Great Britain. Franklin was a hit in Paris. He was a
delegate, n. a

50–51 aloud.
welcome addition to intellectual discussions.
An Enlightened Government
You may have learned how the delegates to America’s Constitutional
Convention wrote a code of laws for the new independent nation. Among
these delegates was James Madison of Virginia, whose work at the

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term delegate, and

convention earned him the nickname “Father of the Constitution.” Like the
European thinkers of the Enlightenment, Madison studied and observed.
When faced with the job of

explain its meaning.

drafting a constitution, he threw
himself into the task with true
Enlightenment spirit.

Picture a hot night in 1787.

Although it’s nearly midnight,

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word delegate
James Madison is awake.
In an upstairs chamber of a
Philadelphia boarding house,
he spends long hours reading

from the Grade 4 units The United States Constitution and Early Presidents.
and taking notes by candlelight.
He lists problems that must be
solved. He studies governments
of other times and other lands
and considers their solutions. James Madison (1751–1836)

Page 5050

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After students read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—What Enlightenment ideas were included in the U.S. Constitution?
»» Possible answers: The people have unalienable rights. The government
The delegates at the Constitutional Convention signed a document that continues to
enlighten the lives of many people, not only in the U.S. but around the world as well.
must “promote the general welfare” by protecting the rights of its
James Madison, like Jefferson, studied and admired the works of John Locke.
He enthusiastically agreed with the notion that officials can only govern with
citizens. Each branch of government can “check” certain acts by other
the consent of the people.

James Madison came to each session of the Constitutional Convention

inspired by the writings of Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers, especially Hume
and Montesquieu. The delegates created a document that, according to its
own words, aimed to “promote the general welfare.” To this day, the U.S.
Constitution defines the government of the American people. It is one of the
American Enlightenment’s most significant productions.

Merci, Monsieur Montesquieu

Merci is the French word for thank you. The young United States definitely
LITERAL—When was the U.S. Constitution written?
owed a thank you to Baron de Montesquieu for his ideas on government.

Page 51
»» It was written in 1787.

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LITERAL—Who was the “Father of the Constitution”?

»» James Madison
Activity Page
Have students take out Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) and
complete the section about James Madison. If time allows, review
students’ answers for accuracy.
AP 1.4

“Merci, Monsieur Montesquieu,” Pages 51–52

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Merci, Monsieur Montesquieu”
Remember, Montesquieu had suggested that to protect individual
freedoms, a country must limit the power of its ruler. In fact, every branch of
government must answer to the other branches. The power of the executive,
be it a president or a king, must be balanced by the lawmakers of the

legislative branch and the courts of the judicial branch.

If you look at the U.S. Constitution, you should recognize some of

Montesquieu’s ideas in action. A system of checks and balances keeps any
one person or any one branch of government from gaining too much power.
The Constitution also uses Montesquieu’s ideas of a balanced government by

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

dividing powers between the national government and the states.

In 1789, the U.S. Constitution became the law of the land. It outlined a
government that gave more power to its people than any other government

LITERAL—What aspects of U.S. government do we owe to the French

in the world. You have learned that these were not purely American ideas.
The European Enlightenment had encouraged dreams of a freer society and
a government based on reason. It had sparked the idea of a government
created by the people for the purpose of serving the people. The Constitution

thinker Montesquieu?
of the new United States put those ideas into action.

There were more changes to come! The Enlightenment ideals that inspired the
American colonists also sparked action in Europe. People in France were ready
to demand the personal liberties their great thinkers had been suggesting.
They’d heard the ideas of Voltaire and Montesquieu and had watched

»» Possible answers: We owe the separation of powers, and checks and

ideas become reality in America. The Encyclopédie had spread the message
throughout Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean, and back again. The call for
freedom was about to move out of France’s coffeehouses and bookstores and
onto the streets and battlefields. The French Revolution was about to begin.

balances, to Montesquieu.
Page 5252

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LITERAL—What stops one branch of government from becoming too

»» A separation of powers and checks and balances help prevent one
branch of government from becoming too powerful.

“Action!,” Pages 52–53

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read aloud the section “Action!” on page 52.
SUPPORT—Point out the phrase “law of the land” in the first sentence of
the section. Explain that this phrase means the Constitution is the law that
The French Revolution was a violent revolt against the royal family and the nobility who
had failed to listen to the needs of the people of France. The French king and queen were
removed from power and executed.
governs all other laws and lawmaking in the United States.
SUPPORT—Draw attention to the image of the French Revolution on
page 53. Invite a volunteer to read the caption aloud.
Page 53
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After reading the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What does the U.S. Constitution do?
»» It outlines, or organizes, the government.

LITERAL—What Enlightenment ideas does the U.S. Constitution put

into action?
»» Possible responses: It creates a government based on reason. It creates a
government created by the people for the purpose of serving the people.

LITERAL—What effect did Enlightenment ideas have in Europe?

»» They led to the French Revolution.

• Show students the Chapter 6 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “In what ways did Europe’s
Enlightenment thinkers inspire America’s Founding Fathers to create a
government by the people, for the people?”
• Have volunteers post the image cards to the Timeline under the date
referencing the 1700s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 3 Introduction
for guidance on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.


Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “In what ways did Europe’s
Enlightenment thinkers inspire America’s Founding Fathers to create a
government by the people, for the people?”
»» Key points students should cite include: Both John Locke and
Montesquieu influenced the Founding Fathers a great deal. Thomas
Jefferson adapted Locke’s ideas of natural rights when writing the
Declaration of Independence as well as Locke’s argument that a
government can and should be overthrown if it violates the rights
of its people. Montesquieu inspired James Madison to create a
separation of powers in the U.S. government.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (tolerate, tyranny, institute, derive,
diplomat, or delegate), and write a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Domain Vocabulary Review (RI.6.4) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Domain Vocabulary Review (AP 6.1)

Distribute AP 6.1, Domain Vocabulary Review, and direct students to fill in the
blanks using the vocabulary terms they have learned in their reading about
AP 6.1 The Enlightenment. This activity may be assigned for homework.

Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (RI.6.1, RI.6.2) 20 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (AP 6.2)
Distribute AP 6.2, Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers, and direct students
to match each Enlightenment thinker in the left column with what they are
AP 6.2 best known for in the right column. Review students’ responses as a class. This
activity may be assigned for homework.


Teacher Resources
Unit Assessment: The Enlightenment 64

Performance Task: The Enlightenment 69

• Performance Task Scoring Rubric 70
• Performance Task Activity: The Enlightenment 71
• The Enlightenment Performance Task Notes Table 72

Activity Pages
• World Map (AP 1.1) 73
• Time Walk Map (AP 1.2) 74
• A Walk Back in Time (AP 1.3) 75
• Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) 78
• Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3 (AP 3.1) 81
• Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1) 83
• Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2) 85
• Voltaire’s Candide (AP 5.1) 87
• Domain Vocabulary Review (AP 6.1) 89
• Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (AP 6.2) 90

Answer Key: The Enlightenment—Unit Assessment and Activity Pages 91

Name Date

Unit Assessment: The Enlightenment

A. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which statement best describes the beliefs of the Enlightenment thinkers?

a) They had faith that absolute monarchs would govern wisely and fairly.
b) They believed that science and reason could improve people’s lives.
c) They believed religion alone could answer all questions about life.
d) They believed that the ancient Greeks and Romans knew all there was to know.

2. Which groups played the greatest role in the Enlightenment?

a) peasants and farmers
b) soldiers and military leaders
c) scientists and philosophers
d) explorers and adventurers

3. How did the Enlightenment differ from the Renaissance?

a) During the Enlightenment, kings and queens no longer held power.
b) During the Enlightenment, governments always treated the poor and the rich equally.
c) During the Enlightenment, Europe became less powerful than America.
d) During the Enlightenment, people increasingly looked to science and reason to answer their questions
about the natural world.

4. In which part of the world did the Enlightenment begin?

a) Europe
b) Asia
c) the United States
d) South America

5. Which of the following best describes Isaac Newton?

a) influential scientist
b) father of democracy
c) friend of the poor peasants
d) leader of religious thought

6. Newton’s theory of gravity draws what conclusion?

a) People descended from apes.
b) A natural force pulls objects toward Earth.
c) The monarch does not rule by divine right.
d) Eating at least one apple each day promotes good health.

7. Why is René Descartes known as the “father of modern philosophy”?
a) He wrote a new constitution for his country.
b) He plotted to overthrow the monarch.
c) He used reason to ask questions and find truths.
d) He discovered medicines that improved health.

8. Descartes encouraged people to doubt everything except

a) the word of the Church.
b) a monarch’s right to rule.
c) their own existence.
d) the law.

9. Which of the following ideas is associated with Thomas Hobbes?

a) I think, therefore I am.
b) tabula rasa
c) life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
d) the need for a strong government

10. Which statement best describes Thomas Hobbes’s conclusions about human nature?
a) People are naturally selfish and greedy.
b) Given the choice, people will help one another.
c) People in a society are naturally peaceful.
d) Given the choice, people will help only family members.

11. Which type of government did Thomas Hobbes support?

a) an absolute monarchy
b) a monarch whose power is limited by a parliament
c) democracy with government officials elected by the people
d) no government

12. Which did Hobbes consider most important for a strong society?
a) human rights
b) law and order
c) exploration and discovery
d) scientific research

13. What did John Locke consider a government’s most important duty?
a) to force all citizens to practice a single religion
b) to expand the nation’s borders
c) to avoid war and promote world peace
d) to protect the natural rights of citizens

14. Locke believed that a good government gets its power from
a) God.
b) the people.
c) military strength.
d) a strict monarch.

15. According to Locke, which of the following is true?

a) People are born naturally greedy and selfish.
b) People are born with no rights whatsoever.
c) Some people are born good while others are born evil.
d) People develop their ideas through life experiences.

16. Both Locke and Hobbes lived through a period in English history that brought
a) many political struggles between Parliament and the monarchy.
b) a better way of life for all citizens.
c) the collapse of the British Empire.
d) total democracy.

17. How did John Locke feel about England’s Glorious Revolution?
a) He was against it because it gave too much power to the monarch.
b) He supported it because it created a stronger Parliament and a bill of rights.
c) He opposed any form of rebellion.
d) He was disappointed because it did not provide total democracy.

18. John Locke’s ideas were considered radical because he

a) said that people had the right to overthrow a bad government.
b) was a friend and tutor to King Charles II.
c) left his home in England to live in Paris.
d) had ideas that differed from those of Thomas Hobbes.

19. What was Montesquieu’s purpose in writing The Persian Letters?

a) to promote friendship between Persia and France
b) to encourage Persian travelers to visit France
c) to criticize French government and society
d) to encourage a revolution in Paris

20. Why did Voltaire write under a pen name?

a) He could get in trouble for speaking against the French monarchy.
b) He did not think anyone would buy a book he had written.
c) He was embarrassed by his ideas.
d) French noblemen were not allowed to write books.

21. Which of the following did Voltaire most value?
a) an orderly society with strictly enforced laws
b) the freedom to express one’s opinions
c) living according to the religious teachings of the Church
d) loyalty to the crown

22. The French philosophes were

a) scholars and thinkers who considered ways to achieve a better society.
b) monarchs who refused to give up total control.
c) peasants and poor farmers who launched a revolt against the monarchy.
d) noble men and women of the French court.

23. Which of John Locke’s ideas influenced the American patriots’ decision to fight a war for
independence from Great Britain?
a) People are the way they are because of their experiences in life.
b) One’s mind at birth is like a blank sheet of paper.
c) People should rebel against a government that does not protect their rights.
d) People learn about their world through their senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

24. Who was known as an American philosophe?

a) George Washington
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Thomas Hobbes
d) René Descartes

25. Which of Montesquieu’s ideas greatly influenced the organization of the U.S. government,
as outlined in the Constitution?
a) A government needs strict laws to keep people in order.
b) The use of reason helps people understand the world.
c) A separation of powers will keep any one branch of government from becoming too strong.
d) People must question everything except their own existence.

B. Match each vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the correct
letter on the line.
Terms Definitions
    26. social contract a) the belief that kings and queens have a God-given
right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin

    27. reason b) the practice of removing or prohibiting books, art,

films, or other media that the government finds
offensive, immoral, or harmful
    28. divine right of kings c) favoring large or widespread changes

    29. censorship d) an agreement among individuals in a society and a

ruler or government; individuals give up some of their
freedoms in exchange for protection by the ruler or
    30. gravity e) the study of ideas about knowledge, life, and truth;
literally, love of wisdom

    31. radical f) requiring absolute obedience to a ruler or government;

not allowing personal freedom

    32. philosophy g) the ability of the mind to think clearly and understand;

    33. natural rights h) a government in which the king or queen has the
unchecked authority to do whatever they want
without any restrictions
    34. authoritarian i) rights that all people are born with and that cannot be
taken away by the government

    35. absolute monarchy j) the gravitational force that occurs between Earth and
other bodies; the force acting to pull objects toward

Performance Task: The Enlightenment
Teacher Directions: The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that began in Europe, marked a
significant shift in the ways people viewed their relationships with each other, their governments, and
the world around them. Philosophers and the common people turned to reason as a way to connect
with what they observed.
Ask students to write a persuasive essay explaining which philosophe or Enlightenment thinker had the
greatest impact on the Age of Enlightenment. Encourage students to use the Student Reader to take
notes and organize their thoughts on the table provided.
A sample table, completed with possible notes, is provided below to serve as a reference for teachers,
should some prompting or scaffolding be needed to help students get started. Individual students are
not expected to provide a comparable finished table. Their goal is to provide three to five pieces of
evidence in support of why their chosen Enlightenment thinker had the greatest impact on the Age of

Philosopher’s Name John Locke

Background • Born and studied in England, fled to Holland

• Studied to become a medical doctor, but did not practice medicine

Beliefs • Humans are born a tabula rasa, or blank slate

• All people are born with natural rights: life, liberty, property
• Role of government is to protect natural rights of citizens; citizens
may overthrow government if it violates those rights

Achievements/ • Adviser to Mary (of William and Mary), and played role in Glorious
Influence on the Age Revolution that led England to become a limited monarchy
of Enlightenment • Views on natural rights and the social contract inspired Thomas
Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence; ideas
influenced American patriots during the American Revolution

Performance Task Scoring Rubric
Note: Students should be evaluated on the basis of their persuasive essay using the rubric.
Students should not be evaluated on the completion of the evidence table, which is intended to be a
support for students as they first think about their written responses.

Above Average Response is accurate, detailed, and persuasive and includes five specific
examples. The essay clearly shows student understanding of the roles and
significance of Enlightenment thinkers. The writing is clearly articulated and
focused, demonstrates strong understanding of the subjects discussed, and
includes at least five examples; a few minor errors may be present.

Average Response is mostly accurate and somewhat detailed and includes four
specific examples. The essay shows student understanding of the roles
and significance of Enlightenment thinkers. The writing is focused and
demonstrates control of conventions, and includes at least four examples;
some minor errors may be present.

Adequate Response is mostly accurate and includes three examples but lacks detail.
The essay helps show student understanding of the roles and significance of
Enlightenment thinkers, but references few details from the text, including
only three examples. The writing may exhibit issues with organization, focus,
and/or control of standard English grammar.

Inadequate Response is incomplete and demonstrates a minimal understanding of the

content in the unit. The student demonstrates incomplete or inaccurate
background knowledge of the Enlightenment and includes less than three
examples. The writing may exhibit major issues with organization, focus,
and/or control of standard English grammar.

Name Date

Performance Task Activity: The Enlightenment

Which philosophe or Enlightenment thinker had the greatest impact on the Age of Enlightenment? Give
three to five specific examples.
Use the table on the next page to take notes and organize your thoughts. You may refer to the chapters
in The Enlightenment.

Name Date

The Enlightenment Performance Task Notes Table

Use the table below to help organize your thoughts as you refer to The Enlightenment. You do not need
to complete the entire table to write your persuasive essay, but you should try to have three to five
specific examples of why you believe your chosen philosophe or Enlightenment thinker had the greatest
impact on the Enlightenment.

Philosopher’s Name



Influence on the Age
of Enlightenment

Name Date

World Map
World Map
Activity Page 1.1


AMERICA Mediterranean ASIA
United States





0 2,000 miles
Use with Chapters 1–6

Name Date

Time Walk Map

Activity Page 1.2


England Germany
English Channel EUROPE
Thirteen Mediterranean Sea
United States



S 0 500 Miles
Use with Chapters 1–6

Name Date

Activity Page 1.3 Use with Chapter 1

A Walk Back in Time

Cut out each of the clue cards below to be used during the introduction to
The Enlightenment unit

• 476 CE–1350 CE • 476 CE–1350 CE

• Society was based on a system • The pope is the leader of the Catholic
of loyalty. Church.
• The king was at the top of the • The Catholic Church controlled all
social order. aspects of daily life for people living
during this time.

• 1400s–1650 CE • 1400s–1650 CE
• An intellectual movement that first • Scholars had a renewed interest in the
began in the Italian city-states early Greeks and Romans, including
• Ideas from this time eventually spread their writers, works, and ideas.
to other parts of Europe.

Name Date

Activity Page 1.3 (Continued) Use with Chapter 1

A Walk Back in Time

Cut out each of the clue cards below to be used during the introduction to
The Enlightenment unit.

• 1400s–1650 CE • 1400s–1650 CE
• Renaissance scholars and artists were • During the Age of Exploration, many
curious about the physical world. Europeans left Europe to explore what
was to them the unknown world.
• This curiosity showed up in art, scientific
observation, and investigation. • This exploration led to the
establishment of the British colonies
in North America.

• 1450 CE • 1500s
• Invented by Johannes Gutenberg, this • Europe became divided between
machine made it possible to print many Catholic and Protestant territories
copies of texts and books in a short during this time.
period of time.
• A growing number of people
• A growing number of people had access questioned the authority of the
to printed materials, which helped Catholic Church.
spread ideas across Europe.

Name Date

Activity Page 1.3 (Continued) Use with Chapter 1

A Walk Back in Time

Cut out each of the clue cards below to be used during the introduction to
The Enlightenment unit.

• 1452–1519 • 1500s–1600s
• Leonardo da Vinci was not only a • Scientific discoveries by people, such as
talented artist, he was also a designer Copernicus and Galileo, helped others
and scientist who sketched many of his better understand the world and the
inventions and ideas. universe.
• Copernicus theorized that Earth
revolved around the sun in 1543.
• Galileo’s observations, with the help of
a telescope, helped prove Copernicus’s
theory in 1632.

Name Date

Activity Page 1.4 Use with Chapters 1–6

Thinkers of the Enlightenment

Complete the following table about the thinkers of the Enlightenment.

1. Summarize a major idea of each thinker.

2. Identify the country where each thinker was born.

3. Read the following quotations. Match each quote with the thinker who said it by writing the letter
of his quote in the table.
a) “[Slavery is] the most shocking violation of nature.”
b) “I think, therefore, I am.”
c) “I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”
d) “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.”
e) Without a strong government, life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
f) “I hold that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political
world as storms in the physical.”
g) “I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore . . . whilst the great ocean of truth
lay all undiscovered before me.”
h) “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”
i) All humans are entitled to the natural rights of “life, liberty, and property.”

Name Date

Thinkers of the Enlightenment

Thinker Major Idea(s) Homeland Quotation

Isaac Newton
Activity Page 1.4 (Continued)

René Descartes

Thomas Hobbes

John Locke

Baron de Montesquieu
Use with Chapters 1–6

Name Date

Thinkers of the Enlightenment

Thinker Major Idea(s) Homeland Quotation

Activity Page 1.4 (Continued)

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Franklin

James Madison
Use with Chapters 1–6

Name Date

Activity Page 3.1 Use with Chapter 3

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3

Complete the crossword puzzle by solving each clue with words from the box.

reason   gravitation   calculus   epidemic   gravity    scholar
philosophy   divine right of kings*   pessimist    authoritarian
absolute monarchy*   social contract*

*No spaces between words are included in the puzzle.

Across Down

2. a person who tends to see the worst in a 1. the belief that kings and queens have a
situation or who believes the worst will God-given right to rule, and that rebellion
happen against them is a sin

3. a government in which the king or queen 3. requiring absolute obedience to a ruler or

has the unchecked authority to do whatever government; not allowing personal freedom
they want without any restrictions
6. a type of advanced mathematics focused on
4. a situation in which a disease spreads to the study of change
many people in an area or region

5. a person who specializes in a specific

academic subject; an expert

7. the gravitational force that occurs between

Earth and other bodies; the force acting to
pull objects toward Earth

8. an agreement among individuals in

a society and a ruler or government;
individuals give up some of their freedoms
in exchange for protection by the ruler or

9. the ability of the mind to think clearly and

understand; logic

10. the attractive force existing between any

two objects that have mass; the force that
pulls objects together

11. the study of ideas about knowledge, life,

and truth; literally, love of wisdom

Activity Page 3.1 (Continued)
Date Use with Chapter 3

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3





Name Date

Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram

Compare and contrast the lives and ideas of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes by completing the Venn diagram below.
List the ideas unique to Locke in the left circle and the ideas of Hobbes in the right circle. List the similar ideas of both

men where the circles overlap.
Activity Page 4.1

John Locke Thomas Hobbes

Use with Chapter 4

Name Date

Activity Page 4.1 (Continued) Use with Chapter 4

Write several sentences comparing and contrasting the two Enlightenment thinkers.

Name Date

Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram

Compare and contrast the lives and ideas of John Locke and René Descartes by completing the Venn diagram below.
List the ideas unique to Locke in the left circle and the ideas of Descartes in the right circle. List the similar ideas of

both men where the circles overlap.
Activity Page 4.2

John Locke René Descartes

Use with Chapter 4

Name Date

Activity Page 4.2 (Continued) Use with Chapter 4

Write several sentences comparing and contrasting the two Enlightenment thinkers.

Name Date

Activity Page 5.1 Use with Chapter 5

Voltaire’s Candide

Published in 1759, Candide is Voltaire’s best-known work and a prime example of the philosophical
values of the Enlightenment. On the surface, Candide is a humorous story of an inexperienced young
man traveling around the world, but ultimately it is a serious work on the nature of good and evil.

Read the excerpt from the beginning of Candide. Then answer the questions that follow.
In the country of Westphalia, in the castle of the most noble Baron of Thunder-ten-tronckh, lived
a youth whom Nature had endowed with a most sweet disposition. . . . He had a solid judgment
joined to the most unaffected simplicity; and hence, I presume, he had his name of Candide. . . .
Pangloss, the teacher, was the oracle of the family, and little Candide listened to his instructions
with all the simplicity natural to his age and disposition.
Master Pangloss taught the metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology. He could prove to
admiration that there is no effect without a cause; and, that in this best of all possible worlds, the
Baron’s castle was the most magnificent of all castles. . . .
“It is demonstrable,” said he, “that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things
have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end. Observe,
for instance, the nose is formed for spectacles, therefore we wear spectacles. The legs are visibly
designed for stockings, accordingly we wear stockings. Stones were made to be hewn and to
construct castles, therefore My Lord has a magnificent castle; for the greatest baron in the province
ought to be the best lodged. Swine were intended to be eaten, therefore we eat pork all the year
round: and they, who assert that everything is right, do not express themselves correctly; they
should say that everything is best.”

Name Date

Activity Page 5.1 (Continued) Use with Chapter 5

Voltaire’s Candide
1. Pangloss believes that everything in the world is made or designed with the best purpose possible
in mind. This philosophy was popular in France at the time Voltaire wrote Candide. Voltaire refused
to believe that everything was for the best and wrote his story to poke fun at what he considered
a ridiculous philosophy. From the passage, how can you tell that Voltaire was making fun of this

2. Why do you think Voltaire might have questioned Pangloss’s ideas that “everything is best” and
“things cannot be otherwise than as they are”? Why might it be dangerous to believe that those
statements are true?

Name Date

Activity Page 6.1 Use with Chapter 6

Domain Vocabulary Review
Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase from the word bank. Not all words will be used.

reason   calculus   epidemic   gravity   scholar   philosophy
Parliament   pessimist   absolute monarchy   authoritarian   treason
bill of rights   radical   social order   clergy   separation of powers
pseudonym   limited monarchy   censorship   tolerate   tyranny
institute   derive   diplomat   delegate

1. Isaac Newton is credited with inventing           , an area of mathematical study.

2. Montesquieu argued that a(n)            was necessary to prevent a single leader or
part of the government from becoming too strong.

3. James Madison believed that a government should            its power from the

4. Unlike in a(n)            where the monarch is all-powerful, the powers of the king
or queen are restricted by the governing assembly in a           .

5. Philosophes who spoke out against the monarch could be convicted of           .

6. The Founding Fathers declared their independence from Britain after experiencing years
of            under the king and Parliament.

7. As a part of its program of           , the government banned many of Voltaire’s

writings and burned his books.

8. To protect his identify, Voltaire used a(n)            when writing.

9. Thomas Hobbes is often considered a(n)            because of his negative views of

10. The ideas of Enlightenment thinkers were considered to be            by many


Name Date

Activity Page 6.2 Use with Chapter 6

Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers
Match each Enlightenment thinker in the left column with what they are best known for in the
right column.

    1. Isaac Newton a) Believed that the separation of powers was necessary
to prevent leaders or governments from becoming too
    2. René Descartes b) Considered to be the Father of the U.S. Constitution

    3. Thomas Hobbes c) Believed that each human’s mind was a tabula rasa or
“blank slate”

    4. John Locke d) American diplomat who was welcomed into

philosophical circles in Europe

    5. Baron de Montesquieu e) Imprisoned in the Bastille for his writings against the
French government

    6. Voltaire f) Considered to be the father of modern philosophy

    7. Thomas Jefferson g) Believed in the importance of a strong, all-powerful


    8. Benjamin Franklin h) Invented the field of calculus, and discovered and wrote
about many of the laws that govern the natural world

    9. James Madison i) Authored the Declaration of Independence

Answer Key: The Enlightenment
Unit Assessment
(pages 64–68)
A. 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. c 9. d 10. a 11. a 12. b 13. d 14. b 15. d 16. a 17. b 18. a 19. c
20. a 21. b 22. a 23. c 24. b 25. c
B. 26. d 27. g 28. a 29. b 30. j 31. c 32. e 33. i 34. f 35. h
Activity Pages
Thinkers of the Enlightenment (AP 1.4) (pages 78–80)

Thinker Major Idea(s) Homeland Quotation

Isaac Newton People should use observation, scientific England g) “I seem to have been only like a
experimentation, and human reason to boy playing on the seashore . . .
better understand the world. whilst the great ocean of truth lay
all undiscovered before me.”
René Emphasis on human reason, “Cogito France b) “I think, therefore, I am.”
Descartes ergo sum”
Thomas Humans are inherently selfish; an all- England e) Without a strong government, life
Hobbes powerful government is necessary to is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and
maintain social order short.”
John Locke Each person is born a tabula rasa; all England i) All humans are entitled to the natural
people are born with natural rights; it rights of “life, liberty, and property.”
is the role of government to protect
natural rights, otherwise citizens have
the right to overthrow the government
Baron de Separation of powers and checks France a) “[Slavery is] the most shocking
Montesquieu and balances to prevent leaders and violation of nature.”
government from becoming too
powerful; spoke out against slavery
Voltaire Spoke out against corruption, laziness France c) “I do not agree with a word that you
of nobility and government officials, and say, but I will defend to the death
religious intolerance; believed France your right to say it!”
should become a limited monarchy
Thomas Agreed with ideas of John Locke; British f) “I hold that a little rebellion now and
Jefferson believed that all men had natural rights colonies, then is a good thing, and as necessary
and that the British colonies had the United States in the political world as storms in the
right to declare independence from physical.”
Great Britain because the government
was violating their rights
Benjamin American philosophe; believed in British h) “Three may keep a secret, if two of
Franklin importance of scientific study and colonies, them are dead.”
inquiry United States
James Studied the works of Enlightenment British d) “If men were angels, no government
Madison thinkers; adopted ideas of Montesquieu colonies, would be necessary.”
when writing the U.S. Constitution United States

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–3 (AP 3.1) Voltaire’s Candide (AP 5.1) (pages 87–88)
(pages 81–82)
1. There are several indications that Voltaire is making
Across Down fun of Pangloss. The narrator says that Pangloss
2. pessimist 1. divine right of kings teaches “metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology,”
3. absolute monarchy 3. authoritarian which is obviously a made-up subject. This is
meant to poke fun at Pangloss as a head-in-the-
4. epidemic 6. calculus
clouds philosopher. Voltaire also makes fun of
5. scholar Pangloss’s ideas by making them so silly. According
7. gravity to Pangloss, we wear glasses because we have
8. social contract noses that are made for wearing glasses. This is
silly because we wear glasses in order to see better,
9. reason
and they just happen to rest on our noses. We
10. gravitation don’t wear glasses because of our noses. The ideas
11. philosophy that follow this one are equally silly. By making
Pangloss’s ideas seem silly, Voltaire is able to make
Locke and Hobbes Venn Diagram (AP 4.1)
fun of a philosophy that he disagrees with.
(pages 83–84)
2. Voltaire questioned Pangloss’s ideas because he
Locke (left): Government has a duty to protect people’s thought they were both wrong and dangerous.
natural rights; tabula rasa—all knowledge comes from He did not see how a world in which millions
experience; senses help people decide what is best; of people die from diseases, governmental
people are reasonable and moral; if government fails to oppression, wars, and natural disasters could be
protect rights, people can overthrow it. seen as the “best” of all possible worlds. He also
Hobbes (right): People should give up individual worried that people who believed “things cannot
freedoms to all-powerful government (social contract) be otherwise than as they are” would make no
for the good of society; people are cruel, greedy, and effort to improve the world by curing diseases
selfish. or improving government. As an Enlightenment
thinker, he believed the world could be made
Hobbes and Locke (center): Both believed in and better, but not if everybody assumed that “things
wrote about the social contract, but Locke was more cannot be otherwise than as they are.”
willing to see it rewritten periodically. Both men were Domain Vocabulary Review (AP 6.1)
born in England and forced to flee their home country (page 89)
because of their beliefs. Both philosophers trying to
figure out the best way for people to live together; 1. calculus 6. tyranny
interested in “freedom.” 2. separation of powers 7. censorship
Locke and Descartes Venn Diagram (AP 4.2) 3. derive 8. pseudonym
(pages 85–86) 4. absolute monarchy, 9. pessimist
limited monarchy 10. radical
Locke (left): Born in England. Emphasized the
5. treason
existence of natural rights and the role of government
in protecting those natural rights. Matching the Enlightenment Thinkers (AP 6.2)
(page 90)
Descartes (right): Born in France. Became interested
in travel and mathematics. Focused study on internal
1. h 6. e
connection to external world.
2. f 7. i
Locke and Descartes (center): Both lived in Holland
to pursue their studies. Both used reason to draw 3. g 8. d
conclusions about the world around them. Both
4. c 9. b
studied and trained for other professions, but each
dedicated his life’s work to philosophy. 5. a

The French
Revolution and
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
The French Revolution and Romanticism Sample Pacing Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Chapter 1 Roots of the Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Chapter 2 The Three Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Chapter 3 The Absolute Monarchs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Chapter 4 Queen Marie Antoinette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Chapter 5 The Third Estate Revolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Chapter 6 A Time of Violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Chapter 7 Toward a New Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Chapter 8 From Monarchy to Republic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Chapter 9 Religion, Culture, and Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Chapter 10 The Reign of Terror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Chapter 11 Napoleon Bonaparte: Empire Builder. . . . . . . 192
Chapter 12 The Romantic Revolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Teacher Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

The French Revolution and Romanticism
Teacher Guide
Core Knowledge History and Geography™ 6

About This Unit

The Big Idea

Enlightenment ideas, coupled with the struggle and success of the English colonists in
North America to obtain their independence from Great Britain, helped accelerate the
French Revolution. The storming of the Bastille, the signing of the Declaration of the Rights
of Man, and the reforms that followed brought about sweeping social change in France.

The philosophies of Locke and Rousseau, which stressed individual freedoms,

and the recent American Revolution, helped ignite the start of the French
Revolution in 1789. Following the excesses and failures of Louis XVI, the ancien
régime disintegrated. The ancien régime, or “old order,” was the French social
and political system characterized by an absolute monarchy, with other
members of society belonging to one of three classes: clergy (the First Estate),
nobility (the Second Estate), and common people (the Third Estate). In 1789, the
National Assembly was formed and the Tennis Court Oath was signed, moving
the country irrevocably forward on the path toward revolution. After a period
of radical changes and terror, the French Revolution ended when Napoleon
Bonaparte made his name in the military and rose to become dictator, and
then emperor of France.
Great art, music, and literature flourished during the French Revolution and
Napoleonic rule. Neoclassicism, or a return to the forms and influences of
Greek and classical art, took hold. Jacques-Louis David’s The Oath of the Horatii
is an example of this movement. Theories of the sublimity of nature, the “noble
savage,” and other Romantic ideals articulated by Rousseau were subsequently
expressed in poetry by Byron and Wordsworth; in music by Schubert, Chopin,
Schumann, and Beethoven; and in art by John Constable and others.

Time Period Background
What Students Should Already Know This timeline provides an overview of key
events related to the content of this unit.
Use a classroom timeline with students to
Students in Core Knowledge Schools should already be familiar with help them sequence and relate events that
the following ideas: occurred from 1649 to 1838.

1649 During the English Civil War,

• The Renaissance began in Italy and eventually spread to other parts of King Charles I was tried and
Europe, lasting from about 1400–1650. executed.

• The Renaissance was characterized by a renewed interest in writers, 1661–1715 Louis XIV, the Sun King,
works, and ideas from the Greek and Roman past. had the palace of Versailles
• The Renaissance was marked by a curiosity about the physical world,
which was manifested in art, scientific observation, and investigation. 1688–1689 During the Glorious
Revolution, the English Bill
of Rights limited the power
• The Renaissance overlapped the Age of Exploration, a period in which of kings and queens, and
Europeans ventured out to explore what was to them the unknown created a more democratic
government in England.
world, including the exploration and establishment of the British colonies
in North America.
late 1600s– The class structure during
late 1700s the ancien régime consisted
• The development of moveable type by Johannes Gutenberg (in the West) of Three Estates.
made possible widespread literacy in vernacular languages.
1712–1778 The writings of Jean-
• Following the Renaissance, during the historical periods known as Jacques Rousseau inspired
the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, with Europe divided into the Romantic movement,
including work by the
Protestant and Catholic territories, people were more likely to question writers William Wordsworth
the authority of the Church. Interest in science and education continued and Lord Byron.

with Copernicus’s theory of a sun-centered universe published in 1543,

1715–1774 Louis XV became king at
supported by Galileo in 1632. age five; his reign lasted
almost sixty years.
• The Enlightenment was a historical period in the 1600s and 1700s when
people questioned old ideas and searched for knowledge. 1770 Marriage of Louis XVI and
Marie Antoinette
• Some philosophical thinkers, such as René Descartes, focused on reason
and logic in their quest for knowledge, while others, such as Isaac 1770–1827 Ludwig van Beethoven, one
Newton, placed emphasis on scientific observation and experiments. of the greatest composers
of all time, effectively
conveyed different
• Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher, concluded that a strong central emotions through his
government was the best type of government and was essential to music.

preventing man’s tendency for constant infighting. According to Hobbes,

while individuals gave up some freedoms, the government provided 1774–1792 During her reign as queen,
Marie Antoinette lived a
protection, security, and stability. This exchange was known as the life of luxury, without any
concern for how ordinary
“social contract.” people lived.

• John Locke, another English philosopher, promoted the idea of a social

1776 In the Declaration of
contract to argue against the divine right of kings. He also argued that Independence, written at
the human mind was like a blank slate that becomes filled during one’s the start of the American
Revolution, Americans
lifetime, based on one’s experiences. For this reason, education was also stated the rights of
deemed to be very important. individual Americans.

• Thomas Jefferson was strongly influenced by Locke’s ideas, which are May–July 1789 The ordinary people of the
reflected in the Declaration of Independence. Third Estate decided that
the Third Estate should be
the National Assembly.
• The Founding Fathers were also influenced by Montesquieu, a French
philosopher, who argued for a balance and separation among different
June 17, 1789 Deputies of the National
functions of government, as reflected in the U.S. Constitution. Assembly signed the Tennis
Court Oath; the French
Revolution had begun.


July–August Storming of the Bastille
1789 sparked violence in
the streets of Paris and What Students Need to Learn
throughout the countryside.
Teachers: While the focus here is on the French Revolution, make
August 1789 The National Assembly connections with what students already know about the American
created a Bill of Rights; the
Declaration of the Rights of Revolution, and place the American and French revolutions in the
Man was written.
larger global context of ideas and movements.
October 1789 The women’s march to
Versailles • The influence of Enlightenment ideas and of the English Civil War on
revolutionary movements in America and France
August 1792 Mob violence erupts at the
Tuileries. • The American Revolution: the French alliance and its effect on both the
Americans and the French
1792–1793 After a new legislative
assembly, the National • The old regime in France (ancien régime)
Convention, was elected,
Louis XVI and Marie -- The social classes: the Three Estates
Antoinette were put to death.
-- Louis XIV, “the Sun King”: Versailles
1793–1805 During the French Revolution,
there were many changes to -- Louis XV, who ruled for almost sixty years
French society, including the
French calendar. -- Louis XVI: the end of the old regime
-- Marie Antoinette: the famous legend of “Let them eat cake”
1793 Jacques-Louis David’s Death
of Marat was an example of • 1789: from the Three Estates to the National Assembly
-- July 14, Bastille Day
1793–1794 During the Reign of Terror,
anyone suspected of speaking -- Declaration of the Rights of Man
or acting against the Revolution
might be sentenced to death -- October 5, Women’s March to Versailles
by the guillotine.
-- “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
July 1794 Maximilien Robespierre was
sentenced to death.
• Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette sentenced to the guillotine

• Reign of Terror: Robespierre, the Jacobins, and the “Committee

1799 The French Revolution
ended when Napoleon
of Public Safety”
Bonaparte overthrew the
Directory and became • Revolutionary arts and the new classicism
dictator of France.
• Napoleon Bonaparte and the First French Empire
1804 Napoleon Bonaparte crowned
himself emperor of France. -- Napoleon as military genius
-- Crowned Emperor Napoleon I: reinventing the Roman Empire
1805–1809 By 1810, much of Europe
was under Napoleon’s -- The invasion of Russia
control. Russia and the
Ottoman Empire remained -- Exile to Elba
outside of his control.
-- Wellington and Waterloo
1812–1814 Napoleon’s invasion of and
retreat from Russia • The revival of classical forms and subjects, belief in high moral purpose
of art, and balanced, clearly articulated forms during the neoclassical
1815 Napoleon escaped from period in:
Elba and returned to Paris.
-- Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii
June 1815 Napoleon lost the battle of
Waterloo and was exiled to
• A reaction against neoclassicism, with a bold, expressive, emotional style,
St. Helena, where he died. and a characteristic interest in the exotic or in powerful forces in nature in
Romantic art in:
1838 Eugène Delacroix’s portrait
of the composer Chopin is -- Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People
an example of Romantic art.

What Students Need to Learn CONTINUED
• Romantic composers and works:
-- Beethoven as a transitional figure: Symphony No. 9, fourth movement
-- Franz Schubert, lieder (art songs): “Die Forelle” (“The Trout”), “Gretchen
am Spinnrade” (“Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel”)
-- Frederic Chopin: “Funeral March” from Piano Sonata No. 2 in B flat
Minor, “Minute Waltz”, “Revolutionary” Etude in C Minor
-- Robert Schumann, Piano Concerto in A Minor
• Romantic poets and works:
-- William Wordsworth: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
-- Lord Byron: “Apostrophe to the Ocean”

At a Glance
The most important ideas in Unit 4 are:
• The ideas of the Enlightenment influenced people to take action in England
(the English Civil War) and in America (the American Revolution). The same
ideas, and the events in England and America, sowed the seeds for the
French Revolution.
• During the ancien régime, the French social classes were divided into Three
Estates, with the clergy represented in the First Estate, nobility in the Second
Estate, and common people, including the bourgeois, in the Third Estate.
• French kings ruled with absolute authority during the ancien régime.
• Louis XIV, who was known as the Sun King, had the luxurious palace of
Versailles built and was one of the most powerful kings in all of French
• Louis XV continued the extravagant spending of Louis XIV; those living at
the palace during his reign recognized the likelihood of financial ruin.
• Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were the last French monarchs
before the French Revolution.
• In 1789, the Third Estate established the National Assembly.
• Ordinary people stormed the Bastille on July 14, 1789; this date is still
celebrated in France in a way similar to July 4 in the United States.
• The National Assembly wrote “The Declaration of the Rights of Man,” which
limited the power of the monarchy, to which Louis XVI agreed.


• In 1792, the National Convention eliminated the monarchy and declared
that France was a republic. The National Convention also tried Louis XVI for
treason. Both Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed.
• The French Revolution, especially the rule of the National Convention,
brought changes to religion, culture, and art, including the start of
• The Committee of Public Safety and Robespierre’s extreme efforts to
eliminate opposition to the French Revolution led to the Reign of Terror.
• In the 1800s, France and much of Europe fell under the control of the
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest military minds of all time.
• Following a disastrous attempt to invade Russia, Napoleon was banished
to Elba. He managed to escape and return to Paris, only to lose the battle at
Waterloo and to be banished again to St. Helena.
• The period following the French Revolution and the rise and fall of
Napoleon spurred a new artistic movement known as Romanticism, which
glorified nature and placed emphasis on emotions and feelings.

What Teachers Need to Know

The Enlightenment
The philosophers of ancient Greece first explored the idea of using reason
to think about the universe and humanity. Because the Romans adopted
many Greek ideas and traditions, they, too, favored reason over speculation,
and revered rationality, natural order, and natural law. The rationale for
reason continued through time, through the rise of Christianity, through the
Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, and through the emergence
of the scientific revolution. It was the culmination of these forces of thought,
experience, experimentation, and discovery that resulted in a scholarly interest
in the classics and an interest in discussion and conversation about intellectual
subjects. The salons of Paris became symbols of the Enlightenment, as many
educated thinkers gathered in the salons to philosophize. Women figured
prominently in these discussions. This movement reflected a state of mind that
flourished in many parts of Europe.

John Locke

John Locke was an English philosopher. He was raised under the influences of
the Church of England and a classical education at the Westminster School. He
was sixteen when Charles I was beheaded at the end of the English Civil War,
and that no doubt had an impact on his beliefs. Locke later attended Oxford.

He was soon bored by the archaic curriculum, and instead became engrossed
in the writings of contemporary philosophers, such as Francis Bacon and René
Descartes. He was also intrigued by the scientists of the scientific revolution,
and influenced by the works of Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton. John Locke
soon showcased his own thinking, introducing the idea of a social contract, an
understood agreement between the ruler and the ruled, defining the rights of
each based on a rational consent to be governed. He also promoted religious
tolerance, and the idea of tabula rasa, that humans are born with a clean slate
(aside from an innate power of reflection) and that slate is written based on
one’s experiences in life.


Montesquieu was a French philosopher. He was raised in a well-to-do household

with noble ancestry and was educated near Paris, along with other children of
prominent Bordeaux families. He married a wealthy Protestant. Blessed with
social and financial security, Montesquieu was able to focus on practicing law
and advancing his knowledge of the sciences. He was also interested in writing.
His first publication, The Persian Letters, poked fun at Parisian civilization, mocked
Louis XIV, lambasted social classes, hinted at the theories of Thomas Hobbes,
and criticized Roman Catholic doctrine. It was disrespectful and shocking, and
made Montesquieu quite famous. He thrived under his newfound popularity.
He joined the French Academy and frequented the Paris salons, joining in on
the discussions. Montesquieu was best known for his political thought. He
presented a classification of governments, describing the republic as virtuous,
the monarchy as honorable, and despotism as fearful. He also argued for
the theory of separation of powers, stating that political authority must be
divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and that each branch
of government should check the power of the other two, in order to protect
people’s liberty.


Voltaire was a French writer. Not much is known of his childhood other than
that he was raised by his bourgeois godfather. He attended a Jesuit College,
and it was there that he learned to appreciate classical taste but to despise
religious instruction. He became interested in England and learned English
so that he could read the writings of John Locke. This worked in his favor, as
he was exiled from France for fighting with a French aristocrat and went to
England. When he returned to France, his goal was to promote English values.
Voltaire’s multitude of writings share some common themes: the establishment
of religious tolerance, the growth of material prosperity, and respect for the
rights of man by eliminating torture and useless punishments. Only a few of his
writings remain today, but he is known for his role during the Enlightenment
and his influence on the French Revolution.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a Swiss philosopher, writer, and political theorist.

His father was a watchmaker and his mother was a noblewoman who died
shortly after Rousseau was born. When Rousseau was ten, his father was forced
to flee Geneva or face imprisonment. At fifteen, Rousseau also fled Geneva,
and, supported by a wealthy baroness, lived as an adventurer and a Roman
Catholic convert, gaining the education he had missed as a boy. He arrived in
Paris at the age of thirty and quickly became involved in the salons and the
Encyclopédie, a publication edited by the philosophe Denis Diderot. After this
introduction to Enlightenment society, Rousseau gained popularity through
his writing. His forceful and eloquent style attracted public attention. His
main belief was that people are good by nature but corrupted by society and
civilization. Therefore, the history of human life on Earth has been a history of
decay. Rousseau’s most famous writing, The Social Contract, argues that man
would not be corrupted by society if that society were based on a genuine
social contract in which people would retain their freedom as long as their
government abided by the people’s general will.

The Enlightenment in America

The Enlightenment swept across Europe in a relatively short period of time. It was
not long before the ideas of John Locke and Montesquieu crossed the Atlantic
Ocean to the British colonies, where they inspired leaders of the eventual United
States to separate themselves from Great Britain and form a new country.

Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, and Natural Rights

Following the French and Indian War, the British colonies came under increased
scrutiny by Parliament. The colonists grew increasingly dissatisfied with their
relationship with Great Britain. Taxation without representation and various
other abuses by the British Crown led many colonists to the conclusion that
action must be taken.
As the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson drew
inspiration from Locke’s concept of natural rights. While Locke contended that
all people have the right to “life, liberty, and property,” Jefferson adapted his
words in the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, stating that “all
men” are entitled to certain natural rights, including “Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness.” Jefferson further expanded upon Locke’s conception of
the social contract by explaining that “governments are instituted among Men”
for the purpose of protecting such rights, and “That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People
to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

Montesquieu and the U.S. Constitution

The ideas of Montesquieu strongly influenced James Madison in helping

draft the U.S. Constitution. Montesquieu believed in the separation of
powers in government. The division of power and responsibility among
three branches—legislative, executive, and judicial—would prevent any one
part of government from becoming too powerful and oppressing its people.
Madison adopted the concept of separation of powers in drafting the U.S.
Constitution, outlining the three distinct branches that make up the U.S.
government to this day.

Unit Resources

Student Component
The French Revolution and Romanticism Student Reader—twelve chapters

Teacher Components
The French Revolution and Romanticism Teacher Guide—twelve chapters.
The guide includes lessons aligned to each chapter of The French Revolution
and Romanticism Student Reader, with a daily Check for Understanding and
Additional Activities, such as vocabulary practice, cross-curricular connections,
and virtual field trips, designed to reinforce the chapter content. A Unit
Assessment, Performance Task Assessment, and Activity Pages are included in
Teacher Resources, beginning on page 210.
»» The Unit Assessment tests knowledge of the entire unit, using
standard testing formats.

»» The Performance Task Assessment requires students to apply and

share the knowledge learned during the unit through either an oral
or written presentation. In this unit, the presentation is either written
or visual.

»» The Activity Pages are designed to reinforce and extend content

taught in specific chapters throughout the unit. These optional
activities are intended to provide choices for teachers.

The French Revolution and Romanticism Timeline Image Cards—twenty-eight

individual images depicting significant events and individuals related to the
French Revolution. In addition to an image, each card contains a caption, a
chapter number, and the Big Question, which outlines the focus of the chapter.
You will construct a classroom Timeline with students over the course of the


entire unit. The Teacher Guide will prompt you, lesson by lesson, as to which
image card(s) to add to the Timeline. The Timeline will be a powerful learning
tool enabling you and your students to track important themes and events as
they occurred within this expansive time period.

Some advance preparation will be necessary prior to starting The French
Revolution and Romanticism unit. You will need to identify available wall space in
your classroom of approximately fifteen feet on which you can post the Timeline
image cards over the course of the unit. The Timeline may be oriented either
vertically or horizontally, even wrapping around corners and multiple walls,
whatever works best in your classroom setting. Be creative—some teachers
hang a clothesline so that the image cards can be attached with clothespins!
Create three time indicators or reference points for the Timeline. Write each of
the following dates on sentence strips or large index cards:
• 1600s
• 1700s
• 1800s
Affix these time indicators to your wall space, allowing sufficient space
between them to accommodate the actual number of image cards that you
will be adding to each time period as per the following diagram:

1600s 1700s 1800s

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •   • • • • •     • • • • • •
Chapter Intro 3 1 1 2 12 3 3 12 4 1 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12

You will want to post all the time indicators on the wall at the outset before
you place any image cards on the Timeline.



Introduction Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Chapter 1

1600s 1700s 1700s

Chapter 2 Chapter 12 Chapter 3 Chapter 3

1700s 1700s



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights, that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Chapter 12 Chapter 4 Chapter 1 Chapter 5



Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 7


1700s 1700s

Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 9


Europe in 1810

French Empire 0 500 miles

Countries allied with Napoleon
Countries controlled by Napoleon

60 °N

Countries at war with Napoleon
N 60°N
W Kingdom of
E Denmark

S and Sweden

United Kingdom
Great Britain

and Ireland
El ssia Russian
Pru Empire

London Ri Berlin Warsaw
Brussels Grand

Amiens Confederation Duchy of

R ive
ATLANTIC Versailles Paris of the Warsaw
Loir e Rive Rhine Prague


nube Ri Vienna

French Da v er Austrian
Empire Helvetic Empire
Milan Kingdom Republic
iv of Italy
P o R er
Marseille Illyrian


Black Sea
Provinces Ottoman



Barcelona Empire
Elba Rome

Lisbon Spain

Sardinia Naples
of Naples

Mediterranean Sea


0° 15°E

Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 11

1800s 1800s

Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

The Timeline in Relation to Content in the Student Reader

The events highlighted in the Unit 4 Timeline are in chronological order, but
the chapters that are referenced are not. The reason for this is that while the
events of the French Revolution and of Napoleon Bonaparte’s rule are presented
in chronological order within the Student Reader, other events, such as the
development of the Romantic movement, are not. The American Revolution
is discussed in Chapter 1 of the Student Reader, but the reigns of Louis XIV
and Louis XV, discussed in Chapter 2, occurred earlier than the American
Revolution. Romanticism is presented in the final chapter but includes people
and events that overlap with the events of the French Revolution and the reign
of Napoleon.

Understanding References to Time in The French Revolution and Romanticism

As you read the text, you will become aware that in some instances general
time periods are referenced, and in other instances specific dates are cited. For
example, early chapters refer to the historical eras known as the Enlightenment,
which spanned decades, and the ancien régime, which spanned centuries.
Other chapters place events more exactly, such as issuing of the Declaration of
the Rights of Man on August 27, 1789, or the crowning of Napoleon as emperor
in 1804.

Time to Talk About Time
Before you use the Timeline, discuss with students the concept of time and how
it is recorded. Here are several discussion points that you might use to promote
discussion. This discussion will allow students to explore the concept of time.
1. What is time?
2. How do we measure time?
3. How do we record time?
4. How does nature show the passing of time? (Encourage students to think
about days, months, and seasons.)
5. What is a specific date?
6. What is a time period?
7. What is the difference between a specific date and a time period?
8. What does CE mean?
9. What is a timeline?

Using the Teacher Guide

Pacing Guide
The French Revolution and Romanticism unit is one of nine history and geography
units in the Grade 6 Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™. A total of twenty-five
days has been allocated to The French Revolution and Romanticism unit. We
recommend that you do not exceed this number of instructional days to ensure
that you have sufficient instructional time to complete all Grade 6 units.
At the end of this Introduction, you will find a Sample Pacing Guide that
provides guidance as to how you might select and use the various resources in
this unit during the allotted time. However, there are many options and ways
that you may choose to individualize this unit for your students, based on
their interests and needs. So, we have also provided you with a blank Pacing
Guide that you may use to reflect the activity choices and pacing for your class.
If you plan to create a customized pacing guide for your class, we strongly
recommend that you preview this entire unit and create your pacing guide
before teaching the first chapter.

Reading Aloud
Cognitive science suggests that, even in the later elementary grades and
into middle school, students’ listening comprehension still surpasses their
independent reading comprehension (Sticht, 1984).


For this reason, in the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series, reading aloud
continues to be used as an instructional approach in these grades to ensure
that students fully grasp the content presented in each chapter. Students
will typically be directed to read specific sections of each chapter quietly
to themselves, while other sections will be read aloud by the teacher or a
volunteer. When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to
follow along. By following along in this way, students become more focused
on the text and may acquire a greater understanding of the content.

Turn and Talk

After reading each section of the chapter, whether silently or aloud, Guided
Reading Supports will prompt you to pose specific questions about what
students have just read. Rather than simply calling on a single student to
respond, provide students with opportunities to discuss the questions in pairs
or in groups. Discussion opportunities will allow students to more fully engage
with the content and will bring to life the themes or topics being discussed.
This scaffolded approach, e.g., reading manageable sections of each chapter
and then discussing what has been read, is an effective and efficient way to
ensure that all students understand the content before proceeding to the
remainder of the chapter.

Building Reading Endurance and Comprehension

The ultimate goal for each student is to be capable of reading an entire chapter
independently with complete comprehension of the subject matter. Therefore,
while it is important to scaffold instruction as described above to ensure that
students understand the content, it is also important to balance this approach
by providing opportunities for students to practice reading longer and longer
passages entirely on their own.
One or more lessons in each Grade 6 CKHG™ unit will be designated as an
Independent Reading Lesson in which students are asked to read an entire
chapter on their own before engaging in any discussion about the chapter. A
adjacent to a lesson title will indicate that it is recommended that students
read the entire chapter independently.
During each Independent Reading Lesson, students will be asked to complete
some type of note-taking activity as they read independently to focus
attention on key details in the chapter. They will also respond, as usual, by
writing a response to the lesson’s Check for Understanding.
It will be especially important for the teacher to review all students’ written
responses to any Independent Reading Lesson prior to the next day’s lesson
to ascertain whether all students are able to read and engage with the text
independently and still demonstrate understanding of the content.
If one or more students struggle to maintain comprehension when asked to
read an entire chapter independently, we recommend that, during the next

Independent Reading Lesson opportunity, you pull these students into a small
group. Then, while the remainder of the class works independently, you can
work with the small group using the Guided Reading Supports that are still
included in the Teacher Guide for each lesson.

Big Questions
At the beginning of each Teacher Guide chapter, you will find a Big Question,
also found at the beginning of each Student Reader chapter. The Big Questions
are provided to help establish the bigger concepts and to provide a general
overview of the chapter. The Big Questions, by chapter, are:

Chapter Big Questions

1 Which Enlightenment ideas spread across France, and why might
some have considered those ideas to be dangerous?
2 What was life like for the people who belonged to the Third Estate
compared to those who made up the First and Second Estates?
3 How did French kings use their absolute power?
4 How might the luxurious royal lifestyle have turned the ordinary
people of France against the royal family?
5 What was the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General, and
why did the aristocracy and the king refuse to allow the Three
Estates to meet together?
6 What sequence of events caused people to storm the Bastille, and
why did the unrest spread?
7 How significant was the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and
what prompted the women’s march to Versailles?
8 What happened to the royal family?
9 Why do you think the revolutionaries wanted to change so much
of French society?
10 What was the Reign of Terror?
11 What were the various reasons the people of France were willing
to accept Napoleon as their emperor?
12 What were the differences between the Neoclassical and the Romantic
artists, and how were those differences reflected in their work?

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebook to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then
write their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big
Question and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a
concise summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit. This note will be
included as a prompt in the first three lessons to remind you to continue this
practice throughout the unit.


Core Vocabulary
Domain-specific vocabulary, phrases, and idioms highlighted in each chapter
of the Student Reader are listed at the beginning of each Teacher Guide
chapter, in the order in which they appear in the Student Reader. Student
Reader page numbers are also provided. The vocabulary, by chapter, are:

Chapter Core Vocabulary

1 “absolute monarch,” censor, reform, “divine right of kings,”
tyrannical, treasury
2 regime, “parish priest,” tithe, Third Estate, feudal, bourgeois
3 reign, courtier, duke
4 dauphin, indulge, “foreign ambassador,” arrogance
5 interest, Estates-General, delegation
6 “finance minister,” province, archive, title deed, yoke
7 natural law, “citizens’ militia,” constitutional monarchy
8 Legislative Assembly, republic, despotism, guillotine
9 cathedral, civic, piety, classicism, neoclassicism
10 tribunal, Law of Suspects, Jacobin, royalist, traitor, famine
11 coronation, grapeshot, national bank, artillery, Cossacks, exile
12 symphony, corrupt

Activity Pages
Activity Pages The following activity pages can be found in Teacher Resources, pages 220–236.
They are to be used with the chapter specified either for additional class work
or for homework. Be sure to make sufficient copies for your students prior to
conducting the activities.
AP 1.1
AP 1.2 • Chapter 1—World Map (AP 1.1)
AP 2.1
AP 2.2 • Chapters 1, 4, 11—Map of Europe (AP 1.2)
AP 3.1
• Chapter 2—The Three Estates (AP 2.1)
AP 3.2
AP 4.1 • Chapter 2—Why Not Change? (AP 2.2)
AP 4.2
AP 8.1
• Chapter 3—The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1)
AP 9.1 • Chapter 3—What Does it Mean? (AP 3.2)
AP 11.1
AP 12.1 • Chapter 4—Notes About Queen Marie Antoinette (AP 4.1)
AP 12.2
• Chapter 4—Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4 (AP 4.2)
AP 12.3
• Chapter 8—Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (AP 8.1)
• Chapter 9—Notes About Religion, Culture, and Art (AP 9.1)
• Chapter 11—Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (AP 11.1)

• Chapter 12—Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism (AP 12.1)
• Chapter 12—Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12 (AP 12.2)
• Chapter 12—A Romantic Poem (12.3)

Fiction Excerpt
The following fiction excerpt can be found and downloaded at:
This excerpt may be used with the chapter specified either for additional class
work or at the end of the unit as review and/or a culminating activity. Be sure
to make sufficient copies for your students prior to conducting the activity.
• Chapter 12—“Apostrophe to the Ocean” by Lord Byron (FE 1)

Additional Activities and Website Links

An Additional Activities section, related to material in the Student Reader, may
be found at the end of each chapter in this Teacher Guide. While there are many
suggested activities, you should choose only one or two activities per chapter
to complete based on your students’ interests and needs. Many of the activities
include website links, and you should check the links prior to using them in class.

Cross-Curricular Connections
Language Arts Visual Arts Music
Literature Paintings • Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 (fourth
• Wordsworth: “I Wandered • David: The Oath of the Horatii movement)
Lonely as a Cloud” • Delacroix: Liberty Leading the • Schubert: “Die Forelle,” “Gretchen am
• Byron: “Apostrophe to the People Spinnrade”
Ocean” • Chopin: “Funeral March” from Piano Sonata
No. 2 in B flat minor, “Minute Waltz,”
“Revolutionary” Etude in C minor
• Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor


Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities. Saddleback’s Illustrated Classics.
Costa Mesa: Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2007.
Dumas, Alexandre. The Man in the Iron Mask. Saddleback’s Illustrated Classics.
Costa Mesa: Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2007.
Orczy, Baroness, and Emmuska Orczy. The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Dover Thrift Editions. New York: Dover Publications, 2002.
Rude, George. The French Revolution: Its Causes, Its History, and Its Legacy After
200 Years. New York: Grove Press, 1994.
Towle, Sarah. Beware Madame la Guillotine: Travel to the French Revolution with
Murderess Charlotte Corday. London: Time Traveler Tours LLC, 2014.
What Life Was Like During the Age of Reason, France 1660–1800. Alexandria, VA:
Time-Life, 1999.

The French Revolution and Romanticism Sample Pacing Guide
For schools using the Core Knowledge Sequence.
TG–Teacher Guide; SR–Student Reader; AP–Activity Page; FE–Fiction Excerpt

Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The French Revolution and Romanticism
“Roots of the Revolution” “The Three Estates” “Why Not Change?” “A Capital Tale: Capital of “The Absolute Monarchs”
Core Lesson Core Lesson (TG & SR Chapter 2, Kings – Episode 3” Core Lesson
(TG & SR, Chapter 1) (TG & SR, Chapter 2) Additional Activity, AP 2.2) (TG Chapter 3, (TG & SR, Chapter 3)
Additional Activity)

Week 2
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
The French Revolution and Romanticism
“Virtual Field Trip to “The Man in the Iron Mask” “Queen Marie “The Third Estate Revolts” “A Time of Violence”
Versailles” and “What Does and “A Letter to Versailles” Antoinette” Core Lesson Core Lesson
It Mean?” (TG, Chapter 3, Core Lesson and “Notes (TG & SR, Chapter 5) (TG & SR, Chapter 6)
(TG, Chapter 3, Additional Additional Activities) About Queen Marie
Activities, AP 3.2) Antoinette”
(TG & SR, Chapter 4, AP 4.1)

Week 3
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
The French Revolution and Romanticism
“A Capital Tale: Capital of “Toward a New “From Monarchy to “A Tale of Two Cities” “A Tale of Two Cities”
Kings – Episode 4” Government” Republic” (TG, Chapter 8, (continued)
(TG Chapter 6, Core Lesson Core Lesson Additional Activities) (TG, Chapter 8,
Additional Activity) (TG & SR, Chapter 7) (TG & SR, Chapter 8) Additional Activities)


The French Revolution and Romanticism Sample Pacing Guide
For schools using the Core Knowledge Sequence.
TG–Teacher Guide; SR–Student Reader; AP–Activity Page; FE–Fiction Excerpt

Week 4
Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
The French Revolution and Romanticism

“Religion, Culture, “The Oath of the Horatii “The Reign of Terror” “CHALLENGE: “Napoleon Bonaparte:
and Art” by Jacques-Louis David” Core Lesson The Scarlet Pimpernel” Empire Builder” Day 1
Core Lesson and and “Domain Vocabulary: (TG & SR, Chapter 10) (TG, Chapter 10, Core Lesson
“Notes About Chapters 5–8” Additional Activities) (TG & SR, Chapter 11)
Religion, Culture, and Art” (TG, Chapter 9, Additional
(TG & SR, Chapter 9, AP 9.1) Activities AP 8.1)

Week 5
Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25
The French Revolution and Romanticism
“Napoleon Bonaparte: “The Romantic “Romantic Composers” “Romantic Composers” Unit Assessment
Empire Builder” Day 2 Revolution” (TG, Chapter 12, (TG, Chapter 12,
Core Lesson Core Lesson Additional Activities) Additional Activities)
(TG & SR, Chapter 11) (TG & SR, Chapter 12)

The French Revolution and Romanticism Pacing Guide

               ‘s Class

(A total of twenty-five days has been allocated to The French Revolution and Romanticism unit in order
to complete all Grade 6 history and geography units in the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™.)

Week 1
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The French Revolution and Romanticism

Week 2
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
The French Revolution and Romanticism

Week 3
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
The French Revolution and Romanticism


The French Revolution and Romanticism Pacing Guide

               ‘s Class

(A total of twenty-five days has been allocated to The French Revolution and Romanticism unit in order
to complete all Grade 6 history and geography units in the Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™.)

Week 4
Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
The French Revolution and Romanticism

Week 5
Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25
The French Revolution and Romanticism


Roots of the Revolution

The Big Question: Which Enlightenment ideas spread across France, and why might
some have considered those ideas to be dangerous?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Understand how the influence of Enlightenment ideas, of English rights, and of the Glorious
Revolution affected revolutionary movements in America and France. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Explain the French alliance during the American Revolution and its effect on both sides. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: censor, reform, tyrannical, and
treasury; and of the phrases “absolute monarch” and “divine right of kings.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Roots of the Revolution.”

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of World Map (AP 1.1)
• Display and individual student copies of Map of Europe (AP 1.2)
• Introduction and Chapter 1 Timeline Image Cards
AP 1.1
AP 1.2
• Three-column chart on board or chart paper (see page 119)

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

“absolute monarch,” (phrase) a king or queen who has the unchecked

authority to do whatever he or she wants without any restrictions (60)
Example: The political thinkers of the Enlightenment disagreed with the
supreme authority that absolute monarchs had over their subjects.
Variations: absolute monarchs
censor, v. to remove or prohibit books, art, film, or other media that the
government finds offensive, immoral, or harmful (61)
Example: The government officials discussed whether to censor that book.
Variations: censors, censored


reform, n. an improvement (62)
Example: The king worked to make reforms to the tax laws of his country.
Variations: reforms
“divine right of kings,” (phrase) t he belief that kings and queens have a
God-given right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin (63)
Example: The king believed that the divine right of kings gave him the ability
to do whatever he wanted as ruler.
tyrannical, adj. characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; cruel or unjust (64)
Example: The peasants wanted to revolt against their tyrannical ruler.
Variations: tyranny (noun), tyrant (noun)
treasury, n. a place where money and other riches of a government are
kept (67)
Example: They elected a new official to run the treasury.

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce The French Revolution and Romanticism Student Reader 5 min

Show the Introduction Timeline Image Card and place it on the Timeline.
Tell students that the events recounted in this unit were an outgrowth of
the historical period known as the Enlightenment. If students have read The
Enlightenment unit, ask them what they remember about its important thinkers
and their new ideas. (Descartes: Doubt everything until your reason proves it true.
Newton: People can use reason to understand the world. Locke: People establish
governments to safeguard their natural rights, and they can rebel and establish
a new government if their present one is endangering their rights. Montesquieu:
Separation of powers within government is the only way to safeguard liberty.
Voltaire: England’s limited monarchy was the best way to safeguard freedom.)
Ask or tell students how Enlightenment ideas motivated the American
revolutionaries. (These ideas led people to realize that they had rights and that
governments should protect those rights, not take them away. They began to
question their leaders’ wisdom and competence. They began to believe in their own
power. They created a government based on many of these ideas.)
Tell students that in this unit, they will be learning about the ideas and events
that led to the French Revolution, which were somewhat different from the
events that led to the American Revolution.


Introduce “Roots of the Revolution” 5 min

Point out the word roots in the chapter title. Explain that in this instance, the
word does not refer to something physical, such as tree roots, but rather to the
causes of something—in this case, the causes of the French Revolution.
Have students note the images of the three philosophes on page 59. Explain
that this chapter will pick up with a review of the events of the Enlightenment
and then explain some of the effects of those events.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for the
descriptions of the Enlightenment ideas that spread across France, and think
about why those ideas might have seemed dangerous to some.

Guided Reading Supports for “Roots of the Revolution” 25 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Spread of Ideas,” Pages 58–61

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 1
Roots of the Revolution
Read aloud the first three paragraphs of the section on pages 58–60.
The Spread of Ideas In the late 1700s,

SUPPORT—Point out the word aristocrats in the first paragraph on

Paris, France, buzzed with new ideas. The Big Question
People came together to discuss these Which Enlightenment
ideas at social gatherings known as ideas spread
across France, and
salons. These salons usually took place

page 58. Ask students to recall from previous units what an aristocrat is
why might some
in the fashionable mansions of the have considered
wealthy aristocrats. those ideas to
be dangerous?

(a member of the upper class or nobility whose position is usually inherited).

Invite volunteers to read aloud the remaining four paragraphs in the
Page 5858
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the phrase “absolute monarch”
G6_B2_U4_Chap01_SR.indd 58 28/03/18 2:59 PM

when it is encountered in the text.

SUPPORT—Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about
John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and Voltaire in The Enlightenment unit.
Baron de Montesquieu Jean-Jacques Rousseau Voltaire Invite students to share what they remember about each philosopher’s
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What were salons?

Enlightenment thinking spread in the sparkling, elegant atmosphere of the salons, such
»» They were social gatherings where people discussed Enlightenment
Page 59 as the one depicted here, where philosophes and aristocrats freely discussed ideas.

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The salons attracted writers, poets, musicians, important government
officials, and other liberal-minded aristocrats, as well as many members
LITERAL—What two ideas came from John Locke?
of the rapidly growing middle class.

»» John Locke said that all people have certain natural rights and that
These people talked about the Enlightenment
ideas that were sweeping across Europe: ideas
about natural rights, the rights of man, religious
tolerance, freedom of speech and of the press, monarch,” (phrase)

people have the right to get rid of any government that takes away
and political freedom to choose their own leaders. a king or queen who
has the unchecked
For some, ideas about political freedom were
authority to do
considered dangerous as France had a monarchy. whatever he or she
wants without any

these rights.
The king ruled because he was born to do that
very thing.

If you had been a guest at one of these salons, you might have heard about
the ideas of John Locke. Locke was an English philosopher who argued that all
people have certain natural rights and
that the people of a nation have the

LITERAL—Who were the three most famous philosophes, and what did
right to get rid of any government that
takes away these rights. Or you might
have heard people refer
to one of the French philosophes

they believe?
(/fee*luh*zohfs/). The philosophes were
the thinkers of the Enlightenment.
They believed in justice, tolerance,
and freedom. They wanted to limit
the power of the absolute monarch

Create a three-column chart, such as the one shown, on the board or

and give the people a voice in
government. The most famous
philosophes were Montesquieu
(/mon*tuh*skyooh/), Jean-Jacques Aristocratic women, such as Madame Geoffrin

chart paper to record student answers.

seen here in this painting, were an essential
Rousseau (/zhahn/zhack/rooh*soh/),

Page 60
part of the salon culture. They promoted
and Voltaire (/vohl*tair/). Enlightenment ideas.

G6_B2_U4_Chap01_SR.indd 60 28/03/18 2:59 PM

Montesquieu Jean-Jacques Voltaire

Balanced government, People are born free The Catholic Church
such as England’s, was but usually end up deliberately kept
better than absolute enslaved. people in ignorance
monarchy. Kings should rule by the and superstition, and
refused to tolerate any
will of the people, not
by the will of God.

“Talk of Change,” Pages 61–62

Montesquieu wrote critically of French government and society in the Persian

Letters. In The Spirit of the Laws, he set forth his views, or political theories, on
Scaffold understanding as follows:
how best to govern. He praised the English for establishing and preserving
a balance of power between Parliament and the king. He felt that such

Have students read the section independently. Encourage them to refer

balanced government was better than the absolute monarchy of the Bourbon
(/boor*buhn/) kings. Bourbon was the family name of the line of kings who
had ruled France for two hundred years.

to the vocabulary boxes on pages 61 and 62 as they read.

Rousseau was the most radical, or extreme. He complained that people are
born free but usually end up enslaved. He summarized the political state of
the world in a famous line: “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.”
Rousseau wanted to see those chains broken and destroyed. He also angered
the French rulers by insisting that kings should rule by the will of the people,

CORE VOCABULARY—Review the meanings of the words censor and reform.

not by the will of God.

Voltaire was the wittiest and most popular of the philosophes. He was a great
advocate of religious freedom, and he used humor and satire to make his
points. He made the French people laugh at his jokes and insults toward the
institution he most hated, the Catholic Church. He claimed that the Church

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word reform
deliberately kept people in ignorance and superstition and refused to tolerate
any disagreements.

Talk of Change

from the Grade 4 unit Medieval Europe.

In the salons of Paris, people could discuss the ideas of these thinkers
openly and freely. But elsewhere, they had to be more careful. They were
not free to criticize the state (the French
government) in public. Vocabulary
Both writings and speech were censored. Works censor, v. to remove
or prohibit books, art,

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

of Voltaire and the other philosophes had to be
films, or other media
circulated in manuscript form or sent to other that the government
countries to be printed as books and then smuggled finds offensive,
immoral, or harmful

Page 61
back into France.


G6_B2_U4_Chap01_SR.indd 61 28/03/18 2:59 PM

LITERAL—How did the French government respond to the ideas of the

Despite this censorship,
Enlightenment ideas continued
to spread in France. Many well-
educated members of the middle
and upper classes found these
ideas appealing. They liked the idea
»» The French government censored Enlightenment writings.
of having a voice in government,
something they had never had
under the rule of the Bourbon

EVALUATIVE—Why did the middle- and upper-class French find the

kings. Even some members of the
aristocracy were growing tired
of the king’s absolutist ideas and
hoped for change. Some of the
officials who were supposed to
censor books secretly helped
banned authors circulate their
Enlightenment ideas appealing?
writings. Title page of Voltaire’s the Elements of the
Philosophy of Newton.
By the late 1780s, the ideas of the
Enlightenment had been simmering in the minds
of French people for decades. Some philosophes,
including Voltaire, believed that the best road to
reform, n. an
»» They liked the idea of having a voice in government, especially after
several hundred years of rule under the Bourbon kings.
change was to convince the king to make reforms.
Radical thinkers thought that more drastic steps were needed. They didn’t
want to rely on the king’s goodwill to give them the freedoms they deserved.
They wanted to limit the king’s power. After all, the English had done it. The
French could do it, too.

The Influence of English Rights

Many French thinkers had visited England and been impressed with English
freedom. When Voltaire visited in 1726, the English way of government

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“The Influence of English Rights,” Pages 62–64

was firmly established. Parliament had passed the Bill of Rights, which
Scaffold understanding as follows:
forced the king to share power with it and limited the government’s right

Invite volunteers to read the section aloud.

to treat people unfairly, without restrictions. But it had taken a bloody civil
war in the 1640s and the Glorious Revolution of
1688–1689 to establish England’s limited monarchy.
“divine right of
High officials of the French government worried. In kings,” (phrase) the
1649, the English had executed their king, Charles I. belief that kings and

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the phrase “divine right of kings”

queens have a God-
Imagine—ordinary people just across the English
given right to rule,
Channel executing a monarch who ruled by the and that rebellion
divine right of kings. against them is a sin

and the word tyrannical when they are encountered in the text.
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the phrase “divine
right of kings” from the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age and from
the Grade 6 unit The Enlightenment.
The Parliament of England successfully limited the power of kings. Charles I is shown in the
painting attempting to rule over the English Parliament, but he was ultimately defeated.
SUPPORT—Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word
Page 63
tyranny from Unit 2, Ancient Greece and Rome. Help students make the

G6_B2_U4_Chap01_SR.indd 63 28/03/18 2:59 PM

connection between tyranny (a noun) and tyrannical (an adjective).

SUPPORT—Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about
the English Civil War, the trial and execution of Charles I, and the Glorious
Revolution in the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age. Encourage
volunteers to share what they remember of those events.
Activity Pages SUPPORT—Display World Map (AP 1.1). Explain that the events described
in this chapter so far occurred in Europe. Have students locate Europe on
the map. Display Map of Europe (AP 1.2), and have students find France,
home of the philosophes, and England. Note the proximity between the
AP 1.1
two countries. Help students understand that this proximity allowed for a
AP 1.2
relatively easy flow of people and ideas back and forth between the two
Post the Timeline Image Cards about the execution of Charles I and
the Glorious Revolution to the Timeline under the date referencing the
1600s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on
the placement of each image card to the Timeline.
After volunteers read the text, ask the following question:
Indeed, English ideas traveled easily to France. Many liberal thinkers,
including Voltaire and Montesquieu, believed that the English system was
EVALUATIVE—How did the French regard the Glorious Revolution in
England? Why did they react this way?
better than their own.
Some French intellectuals began to ask, “Why not
tyrannical, adj.
France? Why not have a limited monarchy like characteristic of a
the English? Why must we continue to suffer the tyrant or tyranny;
cruel or unjust
injustices of a tyrannical Church and state?”

Enlightenment and America

Meanwhile, the light of these new ideas reached across the ocean to America.
Men who would soon risk their lives and fortunes in a revolution against
»» The officials in the French government regarded the Glorious
Great Britain enthusiastically absorbed Enlightenment ideas. Americans, such
as Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson, were already
well acquainted with the rights won by the English in the Glorious Revolution.
Revolution as a threat to their position because it proved that
a limited monarchy was a system that would work. French
They expected those same rights for the American colonists.

Enlightenment ideas gave the American revolutionaries the ammunition they

needed to fight for their independence and for a new kind of government,

intellectuals regarded the Glorious Revolution as an alternative to

one that went far beyond what many French intellectuals of the time could

absolute monarchy.
Benjamin Franklin James Madison Thomas Jefferson

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“Enlightenment and America” and “Let Me Volunteer,” Pages 64–65

imagine. Soon the French, who had sent their ideas, would send more
important help to the American revolutionaries.
Scaffold understanding as follows:
Let Me Volunteer
The aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette (/mahr*key/duh/lah*fee*et) believed in
the ideals of the Enlightenment, and he wanted to help America’s struggle for
freedom. Eager to win military fame and glory, he bought his own ship and
Have students read the sections “Enlightenment and America” and “Let
Me Volunteer” independently or with a partner.
volunteered to fight with the colonists.

Lafayette risked his life, leading American troops in battle against the British.
He showed that he was truly committed to the cause of liberty. Lafayette
became a hero of the American Revolution and a hero to his own people
in France. He was the first Frenchman to join the American fight, but many

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about the
others followed him.

American Revolution, including the involvement of Marquis de Lafayette, in the

Grade 4 unit The American Revolution.

Marquis de Lafayette played an important role in the American Revolution and in the
French Revolution. He was a fellow soldier and friend of George Washington.
SUPPORT—Display World Map (AP 1.1), and have students locate North
Page 65 65
America. Indicate the approximate area of the English colonies on the
G6_B2_U4_Chap01_SR.indd 65 28/03/18 2:59 PM

eastern coast of the United States. Note the distance between France and
Activity Page the North American colonies.
SUPPORT—Remind students of the influence of Enlightenment ideas,
specifically those of John Locke, on the Declaration of Independence.
AP 1.1
Students may recall this information from the Grade 6 unit The
Enlightenment or from the Grade 4 unit The United States Constitution.
Post the Timeline Image Card about the Declaration of Independence
to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s. Refer to the
illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the placement of
each image card to the Timeline.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
EVALUATIVE—How did the Glorious Revolution influence Americans in
their own pursuit of freedom?
»» They were well acquainted with the rights won by the English in the
Glorious Revolution, and they expected those same rights for the
American colonists.

LITERAL—What did Marquis de Lafayette do to help with American

colonists? Why did he help?
»» He bought a ship and volunteered to help fight with the colonists. He
believed in the ideals of the Enlightenment, and he was also seeking
military fame and glory.

“France to the Rescue,” Pages 66–67

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read the section aloud.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the meaning of the word treasury
when it is encountered in the text.


France to the Rescue Note: Grade 6 students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word
treasury from the unit Ancient Greece and Rome.
The French king, Louis XVI, was an absolute monarch. He had no sympathy
for the ideals of the American Revolution. France and Great Britain had
been enemies for centuries. The French and Indian War had cost the French
enormous sums of money and the loss of almost all of France’s territory in
North America. Nothing made King Louis happier than seeing the British
humiliated by the upstart American revolutionaries, even though he didn’t
share their beliefs.

In February 1778, France and the United States signed the Treaty of
Alliance, agreeing to help each other fight Great Britain. France sent money,
SUPPORT—Point out the references to the French and Indian War in the
first and last paragraphs of the section. Remind students that the war
equipment, twelve thousand soldiers, thirty-two thousand sailors, and a large
naval fleet.

Many of the Frenchmen who

occurred in Europe and North America in 1754–1763. It involved France,

fought side by side with
the Americans—especially
Lafayette—admired the courage
of the Americans. They saw
firsthand how a handful of
determined revolutionaries
who believed in the ideals of
Great Britain, and the American colonists, as well as many Native American
groups. Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall learning about the
the Enlightenment could defy
a mighty empire. Among the
liberal intellectuals in France,
the success of the United States
made the desire for liberty burn
more brightly.

The American Revolution to

King Louis XVI of France agreed to help the
French and Indian War in the Grade 4 unit The American Revolution.
some extent contributed in an Americans fight the British.

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After volunteers read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—Why did King Louis XVI agree to help the American colonists
even though he didn’t share their beliefs?
unexpected way to the French desire for reform. The
war was costly. The French treasury was still feeling
treasury, n. a place
the effects of the very expensive French and Indian
where money and
War. This, alongside many other problems in France other riches of a
in the 1700s—such as wide-scale dissatisfaction with government are kept
high taxation, food shortages, economic hardships,
and a social structure that gave ordinary people very few rights—would all
contribute to a chain of events, the outcome of which was a second major
»» He wanted to see Great Britain lose.

LITERAL—What was the Treaty of Alliance?

»» It was a treaty signed by France and the United States. The treaty said
they would help each other fight Great Britain.

LITERAL—How did the Frenchmen who fought alongside Lafayette feel

Page 67
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about the Americans?
»» Most of them admired the Americans for fighting for their beliefs.

LITERAL—What effect did helping the Americans have on France?

»» It cost a lot of money from an already-low treasury and contributed to
the desire for reform.

• Review with students the Chapter 1 Timeline Image Cards that have already
been placed on the Timeline. Read and discuss the captions, making
particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “Which Enlightenment ideas spread across
France, and why might some have considered those ideas to be dangerous?”


Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “Which Enlightenment ideas
spread across France, and why might some have considered those ideas to
be dangerous?”
»» Key points students should cite include: all people have certain
natural rights; people have the right to get rid of any government that
takes away their rights; people should have a voice in government; a
balanced government is preferable; kings should rule by the will of
the people, not by the will of God; the French state feared those ideas
because they threatened the rule of France’s absolute monarchs.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (censor, reform, tyrannical, or
treasury) or phrases (“absolute monarch” or “divine right of kings”), and
write a sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.



The Three Estates

The Big Question: What was life like for the people who belonged to the Third Estate
compared to those who made up the First and Second Estates?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the old regime (ancién regime) in France. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Identify the social classes, or Three Estates, of French society. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: regime, tithe, Third Estate,
feudal, bourgeois; and of the phrase “parish priest.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Three Estates.”

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of The Three Estates (AP 2.1)
• Sufficient copies of Why Not Change? (AP 2.2)
• Board or chart paper for pyramid diagrams (see page 127)
AP 2.1
AP 2.2

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

regime, n. a period of rule (70)

Example: The strict regime of the monarch lasted more than fifty years.
Variations: regimes
“parish priest,” (phrase) a person in a local church who has the training or
authority to carry out certain religious ceremonies or rituals (70)
Example: We watched the parish priest conduct the baptism.
Variations: parish priests
tithe, n. one-tenth of a person’s income, paid to support a church (70)
Example: They pay their tithe on the first of the month.
Variations: tithes


Third Estate, n. In France, everyone who was not a member of the nobility or
clergy; included everyone from the poorest of the poor to the wealthy middle
class (71)
Example: The Third Estate revolted against the nobility during the French
feudal, adj. relating to the medieval system of exchanging land for service and
loyalty (71)
Example: The feudal system tied many peasants to the land they worked.
Variations: feudalism (noun)
bourgeois, n. the wealthy members of French society, such as landlords,
who were also part of the Third Estate; people who were neither nobles or
peasants (72)
Example: Many of the bourgeois were landlords and people who acquired
the privilege of overseeing financial affairs as property managers.

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Three Estates” 5 min

Use the Introduction and Chapter 1 Timeline Image Cards to review what
students read and discussed previously. Explain that so far, they have read
mostly about the impact of the Enlightenment thinkers and events outside
of France. Now, they will read about life in France during a comparable
time period.
Read the chapter title and note the use of the word estates. Explain that in
the United States today, the word estate usually refers to property. In France,
however, the word used to have a very different meaning—an Estate was a
social class.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to note details about
each of the Three Estates as they read.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Three Estates” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.


“Wretched Individuals,” Pages 68–70

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 2
The Three Estates Read aloud the quotation that begins the section “Wretched Individuals”
Wretched Individuals “Of twenty millions
of people supposed to be in France, I am
of opinion there are nineteen millions
The Big Question
What was life like
on page 68.
more wretched, more accursed, in every for the people who
belonged to the
circumstance of human existence, than the

SUPPORT—Point out the word wretched in the section title and the
Third Estate compared
most conspicuously wretched individual to those who made up
of the whole United States.” the First and Second

quotation. Explain that it means miserable. Ask students to restate the

quotation in their own words.
Read aloud the remainder of the section on page 70.
Page 6868
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the term regime when it is
G6_B2_U4_Chap02_SR.indd 68 28/03/18 2:59 PM

encountered in the text.

SUPPORT—Note the phrase ancien régime in the last paragraph of the
section. Point out that this phrase is italicized. Explain that the italics
indicate that the phrase is in a language other than English—in this case,
French. Make sure that students understand that even though the ancien
régime began in the Middle Ages, it continued in France for hundreds of
years, well into the 1700s.
After you read the text, ask the following questions:

Page 69 Life for French peasants had not changed much since the Middle Ages.

INFERENTIAL—What was the ancien régime?
G6_B2_U4_Chap02_SR.indd 69 28/03/18 2:59 PM

»» It was France’s old regime or the type of rule and social classes that
had existed in France for hundreds of years.

LITERAL—Who occupied the lowest social position in French society for

hundreds of years?
»» French peasants

“Three Social Classes,” Pages 70–72

So said Thomas Jefferson, who spent four years

in France. Jefferson exaggerated. The “most
Scaffold understanding as follows:
regime, n. a period
conspicuously wretched” people in the United States
of rule

Invite a volunteer to read aloud the first paragraph of “Three Social

were African American enslaved workers, whose
lives were far worse than those of French peasants. “parish priest,”
(phrase) a person in
Nevertheless, many French peasants were poor a local church who
has the training or

Classes” on page 70.

and—if their crops failed, as they often did—
authority to carry
hungry. They occupied the bottom rung of a rigid out certain religious
social ladder, the ancien régime (/ahnn*syann/ ceremonies or rituals
ray*zheem/), or “old regime,” which had been in tithe, n. one-tenth of a
place for hundreds of years. person’s income, paid
to support a church

SUPPORT—On the board or chart paper, draw a pyramid diagram

Three Social Classes
Medieval society had been divided into three classes: the clergy, the nobility,
and the peasants. By the 1700s, many things had changed, but France was

of feudal society during the ancien regime, similar to the one shown.
still divided into the same three classes, called the Three Estates.

The First Estate—the clergy—remained much the same. However, the gap
between wealthy churchmen and poor churchmen had grown even wider.
Most parish priests remained poor, while other Church leaders were much
richer and more powerful. As the official church in France, the Catholic
Church had great power. Wealthy, high-ranking members of the French
Catholic Church lived like princes in extravagantly furnished palaces. They
Designate a very small section at the top of the pyramid and label it “the
king.” Under that, designate a slightly larger area and label it “Church/
often preferred to spend their time at the royal court rather than performing
their religious duties.

The clergy’s wealth came from tithes (/tythz/) and from rents on the land

clergy.” Under that, designate a larger area than the church and clergy
they owned. In fact, in the 1700s, the clergy made up less than 1 percent
of the population but owned 10 percent of the land. Although the clergy paid
no taxes, they gave about 2 percent of their income as a “gift” to the state.
Their wealth and large landholdings meant they had power in guiding the

Page 70 and label it “nobles/knights.” Finally, designate the area below the nobles/
affairs of the nation.


knights, which should include a significant area in the middle of the

G6_B2_U4_Chap02_SR.indd 70 28/03/18 2:59 PM

pyramid, to the bottom of the pyramid, and label it “peasants/serfs.” Point

out to students that the size of the social class increases as you move down


The Second Estate—the nobility or aristocracy—had changed a good deal
more than the First Estate. For one thing, it was no longer a warrior class.
the pyramid, representing a larger number of people in feudal society.
Although most army officers were nobles, or members of the aristocracy,
France no longer needed armored knights to battle invaders.

Overall, nobles owned 20 percent of the land. Some were not particularly well
Leave the pyramid on display as students read the section.
off, and most had only modest wealth, but a few were extremely rich. These
few hired managers to look after their property while they lived luxuriously
in Paris or at the royal court at Versailles (/ver*sigh/). Nobles had many
exclusive privileges. For instance, they often didn’t pay taxes, except perhaps
in wartime. Aristocrats were the only people allowed to hold the highest
offices of the Church, the government, and the military. By the late 1700s,
many aristocrats were willing to give up some of these privileges—if the king
granted them more political power.

The First and Second Estates had a common interest: holding onto their
wealth and power. That meant keeping things pretty much the way they
were, unless, of course, they could weaken the king
and get a little more power for themselves. Vocabulary

Of all the groups, the Third Estate had changed Third Estate, n. in
France, everyone who
the most since feudal times. It also had the best was not a member of
reason to want more change. Everybody who did the nobility or clergy;
not belong to the First Estate or the Second Estate included everyone
from the poorest
belonged to the Third Estate. That included about of the poor to the
98 percent of the population! In feudal times, the wealthy middle class

Third Estate had been mostly peasants. But by the feudal, adj.
1700s, a large middle class had developed within relating to the
this third branch of the French social structure. medieval system of
exchanging land for
There were still millions of peasants, but there service and loyalty
were also doctors, lawyers, business people,
merchants, manufacturers, writers, government workers, and craftspeople.

Page 71
Anyone who was not a clergyman or an aristocrat fell into this category.


G6_B2_U4_Chap02_SR.indd 71 28/03/18 2:59 PM


Activity Page Distribute The Three Estates (AP 2.1) for students to complete as they
read this section.
Invite volunteers to read aloud the next two paragraphs of the section,
AP 2.1 about the First Estate, on page 70.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the terms “parish priest” and tithe
when they are encountered in the text.
SUPPORT—Next to the feudal pyramid, draw a new pyramid with the
same sections but no labels except “king” at the top. In the section of the
new pyramid under king, add the label “First Estate” (clergy). Leave the
pyramid on display. You will be adding to it as students read the chapter.


First Estate

Have students add details about the First Estate to AP 2.1. Then invite
volunteers to read the next three paragraphs in the section on page 71.
SUPPORT—Point out the word aristocracy in the first paragraph on
page 71. Students may recall the discussion of the word aristocrats from
Chapter 1. Guide students in understanding that the aristocracy was the
upper or wealthy class in society, whose members, known as aristocrats,
often inherited their positions.


Activity Page Have students add details about the Second Estate to AP 2.1. Then invite
volunteers to read aloud the remainder of the section.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the terms Third Estate and feudal
AP 2.1 when they are encountered in the text.
SUPPORT—Refer back to the second pyramid diagram. As a review of
the section, add the following label to the middle section of the diagram:
“Second Estate” (nobles/military officers).
Have students add details about the Third Estate to AP 2.1. Tell students
they will be reading more about the Third Estate, so they should leave
room to add more details to the activity page.
SUPPORT—Refer back to the second pyramid diagram. As a review of
the section, add the following label to the bottom section of the diagram:
“Third Estate” (peasants, merchants, craftspeople). Compare the two
pyramids. Note that while this class was almost completely made up of
peasants in medieval times, the Third Estate in the 1700s was more diverse
and also included wealthier landlords and businesspeople. Leave the
diagram on display. Tell students you will add other groups to the bottom
section of the diagram later.
SUPPORT—Draw attention to the image on the top of page 72. Explain that
each person in the cartoon represents a different estate. Guide students to
identify the estate represented by each figure. (the bearded man in blue: First
Estate; the soldier: Second Estate; and the man lying on the ground: Third Estate)
Ask students what is happening in the cartoon. (The First and Second Estates
are standing on a rock. The Third Estate is pinned under the rock.) Discuss with
students what statement this cartoon might be making. (Possible response:
The First and Second Estates keep the Third Estate down.)
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How did the Third Estate change by the 1700s?
»» There were still mostly peasants, but a new group developed that
included professional people, government workers, and craftspeople.

EVALUATIVE—What did the First and Second Estates have that the Third
Estate did not have?
»» They had wealth, power, and privilege.

INFERENTIAL—What did the Third Estate have that the other Estates did not?
»» It had the most people. It was the largest of the Three Estates, making
up 98 percent of the population.


“Classes Within the Third Estate,” Pages 72–74

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the first three paragraphs of the section with a
partner. Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box on page 72
as they read.
In France in the 1700s, everyone belonged to one of the three social classes, called Estates.

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary word bourgeois and

This cartoon shows the burden imposed on many of the people who belonged to the Third
by members of the nobility and the clergy.

Classes Within the Third Estate

All of the groups within the Third Estate had reason to be unhappy with the
structure of French society. They had spent nearly all of the 1700s under the
rule of an absolute monarch. Many felt it was time
explain its meaning. Pronounce it slowly, then have students repeat it
with you.
for a change.
bourgeois, n. the
The wealthiest group in the Third Estate was the wealthy members of
bourgeois (/boorzh*wah/). Some were as rich as French society, such
as landlords, who
nobles, and they dressed like nobles, in powdered were also part of the
wigs, silk stockings, and tight-fitting knee breeches Third Estate; people
who were neither

SUPPORT—Refer back to the second pyramid diagram. Add “bourgeois”

called culottes (/coo*lots/). They were members of
nobles or peasants
the middle class. But no matter how rich they were

Page 72
to the label in the bottom section of the diagram: “Third Estate” (peasants,

G6_B2_U4_Chap02_SR.indd 72 28/03/18 2:59 PM

merchants, craftspeople, bourgeois).

Activity Page Have students add information about the bourgeois to AP 2.1, The Three
Have students read the remainder the section independently.
AP 2.1
SUPPORT—Refer back to the second pyramid diagram. Add “working
class” to the label in the bottom section of the diagram: “Third Estate”
or how well they dressed, the bourgeois were not of noble birth. A few of the
(peasants, merchants, craftspeople, bourgeois, working class).
very wealthiest could purchase noble status. The rest were looked down upon
by the nobility. Most had to pay taxes (though some bought exemptions). No

SUPPORT—Point out the phrase “sans culottes” in the last paragraph of

matter how smart they were or how hard they worked, they could never be
promoted to the highest ranks in the Church or in the army.

By the 1700s, the bourgeois had developed a deep resentment against the

the section. Ask students why the phrase is in italics. (It is from another
nobility. After all, the bourgeois argued, they were the ones who supplied
most of the money, engaged in trade, and generally did the work of building
the wealth of the country. Many nobles did little but sit at court, collect their
rents, and waste time and money in silly games. And yet these idle, useless
aristocrats had the nerve to look down on the middle class!

The urban working classes within the Third Estate were nearly as poor as the
peasants. They were the stonemasons, furniture makers, butchers, weavers,
language.) To help students understand the phrase, refer back to the
cartoon on page 72. Note the way the Second and Third Estate figures are
servants, and other workers. Poorly paid, they lived in miserable, cramped housing
and existed mainly on bread, eating as much as three pounds a day per person.

dressed—their pants stop at their knees. The sans culottes wore long pants
that fell to the ankles, similar to what we wear today.

The bourgeois, or would-be nobles, were sometimes the subject of ridicule. Their desire
Have students add information about the working class to AP 2.1.
Invite volunteers to share the details they added and correct any
to be noble could almost be considered comical, as this painting suggests.

Page 73 73

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After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—Who was the wealthiest group in the Third Estate?
»» the bourgeois

EVALUATIVE—Why did the bourgeois hold a deep resentment toward

the nobility?
»» The bourgeois had done much of the work to build up the country
while the nobility spent their lives in idle pleasure.


EVALUATIVE—Why did the groups within the Third Estate feel that it was
time for a change?
»» They felt they had spent far too much time under the rule of an
absolute monarch, and they were unhappy with the structure of
French society. Each group within the Third Estate was envious of the
social class immediately above it, i.e., the bourgeois were envious of
the nobles, and the working class were envious of the bourgeois.

“Life of a Peasant,” Pages 74–75

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Life of a Peasant” independently.
Activity Page Have students add notes about peasant life to AP 2.1, The Three Estates.
Invite volunteers to share their notes and correct any misconceptions.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
AP 2.1
LITERAL—Who was the poorest group in the Third Estate?
»» the peasants
A shortage of bread meant that many went hungry. The working class,
especially in Paris, eventually became known as the sans culottes (literally,

LITERAL—What was the salt tax?

those without knee breeches) because they wore long trousers. Later they
wore red woolen hats to show support for the Revolution. (This term was
used during and after the Revolution.)

Life of a Peasant
The peasants of France were better off than peasants in most other European

»» It was a tax peasant families had to pay for every member of the
countries. But they were the poorest members of the Third Estate, and the
ones who paid the most taxes. These were the “wretched” individuals whom
Thomas Jefferson wrote about.

household who was seven years or older.

Imagine that you are a young girl, daughter of a poor peasant family in rural
France in the 1700s. What is your life like?
First of all, your house is very small, with a dirt floor. Your father keeps it that
way on purpose. If he made any improvements to the house, it would be
worth more and he would have to pay higher taxes.
Most of your time is spent working in the fields and garden, and taking care

EVALUATIVE—How were the working class who lived in cities similar to

of your younger brothers and sisters. The fields and garden don’t produce
much, just barely enough grain to make bread for the family. You used to
have to milk the cow and put cow manure on the fields for fertilizer. But
last year, the crops failed and your father sold the cow for food to feed the

the peasants of the Third Estate? How were they different?

family through the winter. However, it wasn’t quite enough, and you and your
brother were sent up to the main road to beg for food.
You heard your parents talking the other day. They were upset because your
brother’s birthday was approaching and he was about to turn seven and that
too would mean more taxes. Your family has to pay a special tax—a salt tax—

»» They were similar because they were nearly as poor and hungry as
for every member of your household seven and older.
On Sundays, you go to Mass at the village church. The priest is generally kind,
but your parents are still angry that they have to pay a tithe of 10 percent of
what they earn to the Church.

Page 7474
the peasants. They were different because they lived in the cities and
worked as butchers, bakers, stonemasons, servants, and furniture
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makers. The peasants, who lived outside the cities, worked primarily
on farms.

During times when there were shortages of food, French peasants suffered greatly.

Yesterday, some men came and took your father away. Your mother said
it would be okay—he was going to work on the main road to Paris, which
needed repair. She assured you he would be back in a few days, or maybe a
week. Several other men from the village had to go too. Unfortunately, your
father doesn’t get paid for his work. Working for the government for free is a
kind of tax called a corvée (/kohr*vay/), your mother says. But the family is lucky.
At least they didn’t take your father away to the army, which happened to some
men in the next village. Most of those men never returned to their families.

At night, as you sit by the light of a candle, your mother sometimes tells
stories about her childhood. She grew up in this village, and her childhood
was a lot like yours is now. She endured the same hardships, and she wished

Page 75 for something better. You sometimes wonder if things will ever change.

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• Show students the Chapter 2 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What was life like for the people who
belonged to the Third Estate compared to those who made up the First
and Second Estates?”
• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1600s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What was life like for the people
who belonged to the Third Estate compared to those who made up the
First and Second Estates?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The Third Estate, which
included most of the French population (the middle class, the working
class, and the peasants), paid almost all the taxes and did all of the
manual work and commerce. They were the ones who worked the
hardest and contributed the most money to the state. They were
looked down on by the people of the other Estates. They had fewer
privileges and owned less land than the clergy of the First Estate and
the nobility of the Second Estate.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,
direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (regime, tithe, Third Estate, feudal,
bourgeois) or the phrase “parish priest,” and write a sentence using the
word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.


Additional Activities

Why Not Change? (RI.6.2) 45 minutes

Activity Page Materials Needed: sufficient copies of Why Not Change? (AP 2.2)
Organize students into groups of six. One person should be an observer/
recorder who will take notes; each remaining person will represent one of the
AP 2.2 following: First Estate: clergyman (or nun), Second Estate: aristocrat/noble,
Third Estate: bourgeois, working class, and peasant. The five characters should
discuss whether they think changes should be made to French society as it
presently exists; they should explain their reasons for or against any change.
Give students five minutes to organize their thoughts and the points they
will make during the discussion; students should take positions based on the
information in the reading.
Remind students that the First and Second Estates will resist most changes; the
Third Estate will take the opposite view.
Allow twenty-five minutes for the discussion. During this time, the observer
should record the points made by each person for or against changes, writing
these points down on the activity page.
Reconvene the entire class and compare the similarities and/or differences
between the arguments made by each character in different groups. Discuss
possible implications of the differences of opinion among the characters
representing the different Estates.



The Absolute Monarchs

The Big Question: How did the French kings use their absolute power?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe life at Versailles. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Identify Louis XIV, “the Sun King,” and describe his reign. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Identify Louis XV and describe his reign. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain the meaning of the quotation, “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, the deluge.”) (RI.6.2, L.6.5)
✓✓ Identify and describe Louis XVI. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: reign, courtier, and duke. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Absolute Monarchs”:
Note: Prior to conducting the Core Lesson, in which students read Chapter 3 of the Student Reader, we
recommend that you first watch “A Capital Tale: Capital of Kings,” as described at the end of this chapter under
Additional Activities, with your class. You may wish to devote a day to watching the video and discussing it
as a class, prior to conducting the Core Lesson. Providing students with history from the medieval French
monarchy will help them more fully understand the absolute monarchs that came to power in France.

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1)
• Individual student copies of What Does It Mean? (AP 3.2)
• Internet access to Amazon’s MHz network or DVD series Paris: The Great Saga
AP 3.1 • Internet access for virtual field trip to Versailles
AP 3.2
• Internet access, movie streaming service, or Man in the Iron Mask DVD and
(optional) abridged version of book

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

reign, v. to rule over a country as its czar, king, or queen (76)

Example: The Bourbon kings reigned as absolute monarchs in France before
the French Revolution.
Variations: reign (noun), reigns, reigning, reigned


courtier, n. a person who serves as a friend or adviser to a ruler in his or her
court (76)
Example: The courtier offered the king advice about taxes.
Variations: courtiers
duke, n. a male noble who rules a small territory (78)
Example: The duke has a great reputation among the people in the area.
Variations: dukes

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Absolute Monarchs” 5 min

Review the Timeline Image Cards from Chapters 1 and 2. Ask students to recall
what they read about the ancien régime. Where did the monarchs—kings and
queens—fit into the class structure of France at this time? (They were at the top
of the pyramid.) Indicate the area of the Timeline that corresponds to the mid-
1600s. Explain that in this chapter, students will read about a king who came to
power in the mid-1600s and became one of the most powerful kings in French
history, as well as about the French kings who followed him.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for ways that
this king and his descendants used their power.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Absolute Monarchs” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Louis XIV—‘I Am the State’,” Pages 76–77

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 3
The Absolute Monarchs SUPPORT—Before reading, list the names Louis XIV, Louis XV, and
Louis XIV—“I Am the State” Would
you have wanted to be an attendant at
Versailles, the court of the King Louis
The Big Question
How did French
Louis XVI on the board or chart paper. Explain that these are the absolute
monarchs that students will read about in this chapter. Note the letters
XIV, the great Sun King? King Louis XIV kings use their
absolute power?
reigned from 1643 to 1715. If so, you
would have had to follow many rules of
behavior in order to find favor with King Louis.

To be a successful courtier (/kohr*tee*ur/), you had to be willing to put up with a

little discomfort. The palace contained more than two hundred guestrooms, but
at the end of each name. Explain that these letters are Roman numerals,
and that they are used to chronologically identify different kings with
most were small and uncomfortable—cold in winter,
Vocabulary hot in summer. If you were lucky, you might have
reign, v. to rule over caught a glimpse of the spacious living quarters of the
a country as its czar,
king, or queen king and queen.

courtier, n. a person
who serves as a friend
or adviser to a ruler in
Most important, you always had to keep in mind that
the king was the center of the world. He was the sun,
and everything revolved around him. You would have
the same first name. Read the names aloud, modeling how to read the
Roman numerals correctly.
his or her court
taken every opportunity to gain his favor.

Page 7676
Invite volunteers to read the section “Louis XIV—‘I Am the State’” on
page 76. Note that the phrase “I am the State” is in quotation marks,
G6_B2_U4_Chap03_SR.indd 76 28/03/18 2:59 PM

and explain that this was a famous statement made by Louis XIV that is
now often associated with him to explain his view of his role as the king.


Ask students to speculate as to the meaning of this remark and explain
that, as they read this chapter, the meaning and significance of this
quotation will become clearer.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary terms reign
and courtier when they are encountered in the text. Explain that reign is
used here as a verb, but it can also be used as a noun, as in “the reign of
Louis XIV.”
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word reign from
Page 77 the Grade 5 units Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations and Early Russia.
King Louis XIV was an absolute monarch.


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SUPPORT—Draw attention to the image of Louis XIV on page 77. Invite a

volunteer to read the caption aloud.
Activity Page Distribute The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1), and have students
record details about Louis XIV from this section.
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
AP 3.1
LITERAL—When did Louis XIV reign?
»» 1643–1715

INFERENTIAL—Why do you think King Louis XIV was called “the Sun King”?
»» Like the sun that planets in the solar system revolve around, he was
the center of everything. Everything revolved around him.

“Rules of Behavior” and “An All-Powerful King,” Page 78

Rules of Behavior Scaffold understanding as follows:

A duke who lived at Versailles explained what it
took to please the king. The duke said the king

Have students read the sections “Rules of Behavior” and “An All-Powerful
liked to be flattered. People at court had to be duke, n. a male
noble who rules a
ready with a compliment at a moment’s notice— small territory
the more extravagant, the better. When servants
delivered the king’s food to his table, they bowed and removed their hats.
And those who attended court had to be prepared to spend money—lots
of it. The king liked people around him to spend money freely and to wear
expensive clothes.
King” on page 78 with a partner. Encourage students to refer to the
vocabulary box as they read.
People were required to follow these elaborate rules, and others, in the hope
that one day they would be lucky enough to be granted one of the highest
privileges the king could bestow: to hold the candle while he put on his

An All-Powerful King
Louis XIV was the most powerful monarch in Europe and the perfect model
of an absolute monarch. Louis XIV sincerely believed that he was God’s
representative on Earth and that he ruled by divine right. He was only twenty-
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word duke from
the Grade 4 unit Medieval Europe.
three when he announced that he would be his own chief minister. This step
was unheard of for a king. Kings usually let someone else do the difficult
day-to-day work of running things. Louis regularly put in long workdays
governing his kingdom. He believed he was more than just the ruler of the
state. “I am the state,” he boasted.

SUPPORT—Note the statement “he ruled by divine right” in the first

The king wanted to break the power of his nobles. He had learned his lesson
early. Louis had become king when he was only four years old, in 1643. When
he was ten, powerful French nobles rose up against the crown and took

paragraph of “An All-Powerful King.” Make sure students connect this to

control of Paris. The uprising failed, but it left a mark on the young king—he
learned to dislike Paris, and he became determined to keep the nobles under

Page 78
his thumb. He had a solution to both problems.


G6_B2_U4_Chap03_SR.indd 78 28/03/18 2:59 PM

the phrase “divine right of kings,” which they learned in Chapter 1. Review
what “divine right” means. (the belief that monarchs have a God-given right
to rule and that rebellion against them is a sin)
SUPPORT—Note the idiom “under his thumb” in the last paragraph of “An
Activity Page
All-Powerful King.” Explain that having someone under your thumb means
having complete control over that person.
Have students add to their notes about Louis XIV on The Three Monarchs:
AP 3.1 Key Facts (AP 3.1).


After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How was Louis XIV “the perfect model of an absolute
»» He believed he got his power from God. He served as his own
chief minister.

INFERENTIAL—What do you think Louis XIV meant when he said, “I am

the State”?
»» He meant that he was the government of France. All power was in
his hands.

EVALUATIVE—What happened when Louis XIV was ten? How did that
event affect him?
»» French nobles rebelled against the king. Even though the uprising
failed, Louis became determined to keep the nobles under his control.

“View of Versailles,” Pages 79–80

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “View of Versailles” on pages 79–80
Activity Page Have students add more details about Louis XIV to AP 3.1.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What was Versailles?
AP 3.1
»» It was an enormous palace several miles outside of Paris. It contained
more than one thousand rooms. Its most famous room was the Hall of
View of Versailles Mirrors, a long room with one wall all of mirrors and the opposite wall
all of windows looking out over the gardens.
Previous kings had lived in the royal palace of the Tuileries (/tweel*ree/) in
Paris. But Louis built a magnificent palace at Versailles, eleven miles outside
Paris. The palace was as long as seven football fields and was surrounded by
grand gardens noted for more than a million red and yellow tulips. The palace
contained more than one thousand rooms, including a library, a theater,
council rooms, and spacious apartments for the king and queen.

EVALUATIVE—How did Louis XIV use Versailles to control the nobles?

The most striking feature of Versailles was the Hall of Mirrors. One long wall
consisted of seventeen tall windows overlooking the gardens. The opposite
wall held seventeen huge, gold-framed mirrors. At night, the room was lighted
by thirty-two crystal chandeliers holding thousands of wax candles whose
light was reflected in the mirrors. Versailles was the center of the cultural
world of France and the envy of every monarch in Europe.

»» He required that the nobles live at least part of the year at Versailles.
He used favors to make the nobles dependent on him.

LITERAL—What happened to France during Louis XIV’s reign?

Page 79
Versailles was the most luxurious royal home in Europe.

»» France became one of Europe’s most prosperous nations and a center
G6_B2_U4_Chap03_SR.indd 79 28/03/18 2:59 PM

of European culture. France also became involved in wars that left it

deeply in debt.


“Louis XV,” Pages 80–81

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Louis XV” on pages 80–81
The Palace of Versailles was commissioned by King Louis XIV. It was the royal residence
of Bourbon kings for almost one hundred years. Taxing the peasants made this luxurious
lifestyle possible.
Have students take out The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1) and add
Louis insisted that the most powerful nobles—who had often rebelled
against previous kings—live at least part of the year at Versailles. There he
dispensed his favors, and these nobles became dependent on him. Many
notes about King Louis XV.
turned into idle, corrupt flatterers, gamblers, and gossips.

During Louis XIV’s seventy-two-year reign, France became one of the most
prosperous European nations and a center of European culture. Under him, art
and literature flourished. However, Louis became involved in long and costly
wars. When Louis XIV died in 1715, he was the most powerful ruler in Europe.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
But France was deeply in debt, and the people cheered at the news of his death.

Louis XV
Louis XV was the great-grandson of the Sun King, Louis XIV. Louis XV became
king when he was only five years old. But Louis did not have the qualities LITERAL—Who was Louis XV?
Page 80
of the Sun King. He was ineffective and more interested in having fun than


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»» He was Louis XIV’s great-grandson.

Activity Page
EVALUATIVE—How was Louis XV different from his great-grandfather?
»» He was not as interested in governing or as capable as Louis XIV.
AP 3.1 LITERAL—What main military activity was France involved in during
Louis XV’s reign? What were the consequences?
»» The main military activity was the French and Indian War. France lost
its colonies in North America and India.

Louis XV became king of France when he was only five years old. These portraits show him
as a child and as an adult. INFERENTIAL—How did Louis XV leave behind a financial crisis?
in doing the hard work of governing. Louis claimed the role of absolute
monarch, but in practice he was unable to control his ministers. During his
reign of almost sixty years, France continued to become involved in costly
wars, including the French and Indian War. This war, known to the French as
the Seven Years’ War, also caused the country to lose its colonies in North
»» His involvement in the French and Indian War was costly. He also
heavily taxed the poor and spent extravagantly.
America and India.

Like his great-grandfather, Louis XV kept his court at Versailles, becoming

more and more isolated from his people. As a boy, he was known as Louis the
Well Beloved, but by his death, he was as thoroughly hated by the people as
Louis XIV had been.

For the most part, Louis XV continued the policies of heavily taxing the poor

Tell students there is a famous quotation that is often attributed to Louis

and spending extravagantly—though in his final years, he took some steps
to impose greater financial responsibilities on the French aristocracy. He
knew, however, that he was leaving France in a financial crisis and that terrible

Page 81 XV, “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, the deluge”). He may have said this
problems might follow his reign.


to show that he knew he was leaving France worse off than his father had.
G6_B2_U4_Chap03_SR.indd 81 28/03/18 2:59 PM

“A Young Prince,” Pages 82–83

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read the section “A Young Prince” on pages 82–83 aloud.
SUPPORT—Note the word omen in the first paragraph of the section. Make
sure students understand that an omen is a warning or sign of events to
come. Omens can be good or bad. Reread the paragraph, and ask students
Activity Page
whether they think the courtier’s death was regarded as a good omen or a
bad one.
Have students take out The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1) and add
AP 3.1 notes about King Louis XVI.


A Young Prince After students read the text, ask the following questions:
On August 23, 1754, a baby boy was born at the palace of Versailles. A
courier was sent to King Louis XV, who was at another palace at the time,

LITERAL—What kind of king was Louis XVI?

to announce the birth of his grandson, Louis Augustus. The courier never
arrived. He was thrown from his horse and broke his neck. Perhaps it was an
omen! The baby boy would grow up to be King Louis XVI, the last absolute
monarch of France, who would one day die in a bloody revolution.

Louis XVI was kind and generous, but he had trouble making decisions. He

»» He was more of an ordinary man than a king. He was kind and

was more interested in hunting than in the affairs of the country. Louis was a
skilled and fearless hunter. He kept a detailed account of each hunt, totaling
the number of stags, deer, and wild boar that he had killed. He also counted
up, by month and year, the number of game birds that he had shot.

Once off his horse, Louis XVI was shy and awkward. At this time in history,
France needed a strong and courageous leader, but Louis was neither of
those things. He was an ordinary man, not especially bright or talented or
generous but had trouble making decisions. France needed a strong
and courageous leader, but he was neither of those things.
bold. He was not suited to the task before him.

When Louis was fifteen, he married the beautiful fourteen-year-old Marie

Antoinette, daughter of the Austrian empress, Maria Theresa. Louis adored
and indulged his wife. Five years later, Louis and Marie Antoinette took the
throne. “I feel like the universe is going to fall on me,” Louis said when he
became king. And, indeed, it eventually did.

LITERAL—Whom did King Louis XVI marry when he was fifteen?

»» Marie Antoinette
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INFERENTIAL—What do you think Louis XVI meant when he said, “I feel

like the universe is going to fall on me”?
»» Possible responses: He felt that the job of king was too big for him.
He felt that something bad was going to happen.

Louis XVI married the young Austrian royal Marie Antoinette on May 16, 1770.

Page 83 83

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• Show students the Chapter 3 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “How did French kings use their
absolute power?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the dates referencing the 1600s
and 1700s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance
on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “How did French kings use their
absolute power?”
»» Key points students should cite include: they did everything they
could to control the most powerful nobles; they spent extravagant
amounts of money for their own purposes; they believed in ruling by
divine right; they failed to make changes when criticized.

Note: You may want to suggest that students devote a separate section of
their notebooks to the Big Questions of this unit. After reading each chapter,


direct students to number and copy the chapter’s Big Question and then write
their response underneath. If students systematically record the Big Question
and response for each chapter, by the end of the unit, they will have a concise
summary and study guide of the key ideas in the unit.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (reign, courtier, or duke), and write
a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Video: “A Capital Tale: Capital of Kings” (RI.6.2, RI.6.7) 45 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access; access to Amazon’s MHz network or

purchased DVD
Background for Teachers: The video is available through Amazon’s MHz
network. MHz costs $7.99/month, but a free seven-day trial is also available.
Please note that in Chapter 6 you will be watching a later program in this series.
You may need to adjust your schedule so you can watch both videos within the
seven-day period. Program DVDs are also available for purchase on Amazon.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific links to the media may be found:
You may want to preview the entire video before class. However, we have
determined parts of the video that can be played to break down the 52-minute
video into 30 minutes of playing time, to allow for approximately 15 minutes of
Play Season 1, Episode 3 (“A Capital Tale: Capital of Kings”) from the series Paris:
The Great Saga. Tell students that some of the interviews and dialogue are in
French, but there are subtitles they can read to understand what is being said.
Here are the times to play:
This is an introduction to the city of Paris during the 1200s. Students can
see what the city was like back then.
Discuss the following (5 minutes):
• The city is described as insalubrious. What does insalubrious mean?
(Unhealthy; salubrious means healthy.)

• Why did the monarchy start taxing? (to help clean up the city)


• What did the king do with the taxes? (He had a few roads paved, then
had walls built to protect the city—this is when the Louvre was first built.)

• Describe the structure of the city at this time. (tall houses, narrow
streets, just the beginning of the building of magnificent structures)

• Repeat the quote from the video (at 9:17 minutes): “Paris symbolized
the power of the monarchic state. That is why everything had to be
protected at all costs.” Have students offer what that statement means
to them, based on what they have read so far in the Student Reader.

This explains the Paris uprising led by Etienne Marcel. Students can see an
early incident of an uprising led by the citizens of Paris.
Discuss the following (3 minutes):
• Ask students to identify the core vocabulary words used in this
section, and relate their meanings to what they have read so far in the
Student Reader. (bourgeois: the wealthy landlords and businessmen
who eventually became part of the Third Estate; dauphin: dauphin is
used to refer to Louis XVI.)

• Why did the monarchy become wary of the Parisians at this point?
(They were wary of another uprising.) What did the monarchy do in
response? (They continued to build up their defenses, this time in the form
of the Bastille and Vincennes.)

This section shows how the monarchy started to turn Paris into a city of
elegance, fashion, and culture.
Discuss the following (2 minutes):
• Paris was newly prosperous at this time. People from all over Europe
moved there. Trades flourished, particularly the printing trade.
Because of this, ideas spread rapidly. Among these ideas was Martin
Luther’s Protestantism. This led to intense religious battles that made
the prosperous and happy times short-lived.

45:30–51:00 (the end)

This section finally introduces King Louis XIV.
Discuss the following (5 minutes):
• Have students share what they think of the representation of the Sun
King after what they have learned about him in the Student Reader.
(Accept all reasonable responses.)


Virtual Field Trip to Versailles (RI.6.7) 30 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access, video and photos from the Chateau de
Versailles website
Background for Teachers: Construction of the palace, outbuildings, and
gardens began in 1661 and continued for approximately fifty years. By 1685,
36,000 workers with 6,000 horses were at work building, draining, moving,
and planting. In addition to construction of buildings, about 37,000 acres of
land had to be drained because the soil was too wet to grow plants. There
were 1,400 fountains built and 15,000 plants grown, including 3,000 orange,
pomegranate, and myrtle trees. More than 1,000 nobles and their 4,000
servants lived in the palace.
Before conducting the virtual field trip, visit the Chateau de Versailles website
and gather several still photos to print and display, such as: the Hall of Mirrors,
the Apollo Room, and the Gallery of Great Battles. Preview the video at the site,
as well, to familiarize yourself with its content. To access the video, click the box
that reads “The history of the Palace in video,” located under the word Discover
on the photo at the top of the page.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific links to the website and images may be found:
Begin the activity by reviewing what students read about Versailles. (It was
built outside the city of Paris by Louis XIV. It was extravagant.) Then play the video
about Versailles’s history. After the video, ask the following questions:
1. Which French king first started to build on the grounds that would
eventually become Versailles?
»» King Louis XIII

2. What did he originally build there?

»» a hunting lodge

3. How did Versailles expand during King Louis XIV’s reign?

»» It was expanded to include room for the royal family, the royal court,
and government departments, as well as for servants, cooks, and
stable staff.

4. At the end of King Louis XIV’s reign, he moved his bed chambers. Where
did he move them, and what does this say about his personality?
»» He moved them to the center of the palace. This is characteristic of
his nickname, the Sun King, and his belief that he was the center of the


5. What changes did King Louis XV make when he moved to the palace?
Compare them to what Louis XIV had done.
»» He had smaller apartments built for comfort and privacy. This was
almost opposite to the large and showy structures Louis XIV had built.
He also had an opera house built and updated the facades.

6. What forced King Louis XVI and his family to leave Versailles?
»» the French Revolution

Display the image of the Hall of Mirrors. Ask students what the Hall of Mirrors
was used for. (It was the court’s main ceremonial reception room.)
Display the image of the Apollo Room. Ask students why King Louis XIV would
have had a room by that name. (Louis XIV chose the symbol of the sun early in his
life, and this was a way for him to honor Apollo, the sun god and god of arts and
peace. It is in reference to his nickname, the Sun King.) Point out to students that
the Apollo Room was used as a throne room from 1682 onward. Also point out
that Versailles also included the Hercules Room, the Diana Room, the Venus
Room, the Mars Room, and the Mercury Room, all references to ancient Roman
Display the image of the Gallery of Great Battles. Point out to students that it is
the largest room in the palace. It was designed in 1833. It displays 33 paintings
depicting the greatest battles in French history (up to Napoleon in 1809). Tell
students that King Louis XVI died in 1793, so this was built after the end of the
old regime. Ask students whether they think the legacy of the three monarchs
had an impact on the design and construction of this great gallery.

What Does It Mean? (RI.6.4) 15 minutes

Activity Page Materials Needed: sufficient copies of What Does It Mean? (AP 3.2)
Have students complete the activity page either in class or as homework.

AP 3.2

The Man in the Iron Mask (RI.6.7) 30 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access and video from YouTube website or movie
streaming service or a TV, DVD or Blu-Ray player, and DVD or Blu-Ray of The
Man in the Iron Mask (1998), and (optional) abridged version of the book
Background for Teachers: Alexandre Dumas’s The Man in the Iron Mask is
based on a French legend. Supposedly, there was a political prisoner who died
in the Bastille (a fortress in Paris that became a prison and was later the setting
of a mob uprising during the French Revolution). The man was known to wear
a black, velvet cloth, and only after the legend became more popular did the


story say his mask was made of iron. There was a mystery to the man’s identity;
he was originally thought to be just an English nobleman, then he was thought
to be a son of Louis XIV and Louise de la Valliere. Enlightenment thinker Voltaire
crafted the most common identity theory: the man was the older, illegitimate
brother of Louis XIV. Dumas wrote a tale about this mysterious figure, and
this book was actually a continuation of Dumas’s wildly popular tale, The
Three Musketeers. A movie based on the book was released in 1998, starring
Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio plays both King Louis XIV and his fictional brother,
Philippe. Tired of watching the king spend money and ignore the plight of
Paris, and after the death of his son, one of the musketeers plots to set free the
imprisoned man in the iron mask, who is rumored to be the king’s brother. Be
sure that students understand that the novel and film are historical fiction, i.e.,
while set in a historical period with characters who lived during that time, the
events depicted, such as the replacement of Louis XIV by Philippe, are fictional.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific links to the video clips may be found:
Play video clip 1, stopping at 0:55. It is a little more than one minute long. Ask
students what this clip says about King Louis XIV. (He doesn’t care about the
people of Paris.)
Play video clip 2, stopping at 2:04, explaining that students will encounter
Aramis, the person at the end of the first clip. Point out that Aramis and the
two other men with him were known as the Three Musketeers. Ask students to
describe the person who is under the mask. Students should say that it looks
just like Leonardo DiCaprio, the actor playing King Louis XIV.
Play video clip 3, stopping at 1:56. It is a little more than two minutes long.
Have students pay attention to the reasons the musketeers are using to justify
their plot to have Phillipe replace Louis XIV on the throne.
Play video clip 4, stopping at 2:04. It is a little more than two minutes long. Tell
students that this is when Phillipe replaces Louis. Have students describe what
they see of the setting (Versailles).
You might also want to provide an abridged version of the book, such as the
Saddleback’s Illustrated Classics title listed in Books on page 111 of this unit’s
Introduction, for students to read.
After students have watched the movie clips, use the following questions to
guide a class discussion:
What did the musketeers want to do?
»» They wanted to replace Louis XIV with Philippe.

What did they hope would happen as a result?

»» Possible responses: Philippe would help the people of France. Philippe
would be a better king than Louis.
The story is fiction, but Dumas wrote it to send a message. What do you
think Dumas’s message was?
»» Possible responses: Kings should take care of their people. Kings
should treat people fairly.

A Letter from Versailles (W.6.3, W.6.4) 20 minutes

Materials Needed: paper, pens or pencils

Have students imagine that they are aristocrats staying at Versailles. Students
should each write a letter from the aristocrat to a friend, describing life at the
court. Have students base their letters on details in the Student Reader. Remind
them that the primary pastime of the nobles at court was to attend to the king
and the activities of the court at Versailles. Have students consider whether
this would be an enjoyable way to pass the time. Encourage volunteers to read
their letters aloud in class.



Queen Marie Antoinette

The Big Question: How might the luxurious royal lifestyle have turned the ordinary
people of France against the royal family?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Identify Marie Antoinette and describe her effect on the French people. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Explain the meaning behind the legendary saying, “then let them eat cake.” (RI.6.2, L.6.5)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: dauphin, indulge, arrogance;
and of the phrase “foreign ambassador.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Queen Marie Antoinette”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display copy of Map of Europe (AP 1.2)
• Individual student copies of Notes About Queen Marie Antoinette (AP 4.1)

AP 1.2
AP 4.1

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

dauphin, n. the title given to the prince who is next in line to inherit the
French throne (84)
Example: The crowd was excited to see the dauphin in person as the king
and queen brought him to the chapel.
indulge, v. to allow someone to do what they want; to spoil someone (84)
Example: The king decided to indulge his wife’s expensive tastes and let her
buy anything she wanted.
Variation: indulges, indulged


“foreign ambassador,” (phrase) a person from another country who is an
official representative of his or her government (88)
Example: Several European foreign ambassadors visited the White House.
Variation: foreign ambassadors
arrogance, n. a belief or feeling of superiority (91)
Example: Because of her arrogance, the queen did not think about other
people’s thoughts or feelings.
Variation: arrogant (adjective)

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “Queen Marie Antoinette” 5 min

Use the Timeline Image Cards to review the ancien régime and France’s
absolute monarchs: Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI. Remind students that
these kings lived expensive, extravagant lives. Ask: Who paid the taxes that
funded those lifestyles? (the Third Estate). Tell students that in this chapter, they
will get to know another key figure in the French monarchy, Louis XVI’s wife,
Marie Antoinette.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for ways that
Marie Antoinette lived an extravagant lifestyle and identify the reasons that the
people of France turned against the royal family.

Independent Reading of “Queen Marie Antoinette” 30 min

Activity Page Distribute Notes About Queen Marie Antoinette (AP 4.1). Direct students to read
the entire chapter independently, completing the activity page as they read.
Tell students that if they finish reading the chapter before their classmates,
AP 4.1 they should begin to write a response to the Big Question, as well as write a
sentence using one of the Core Vocabulary words from the chapter.
SUPPORT—Prior to having students start reading the chapter, write the
following words on the board or chart paper, pronounce, and then briefly
explain each word: dauphin, indulge, Tuileries, foreign ambassador, beautician,
and Le Petit Trianon. Have students repeat the pronunciation of each word.
SUPPORT—Write the Big Question on the board or chart paper to remind
students to provide a written answer if they finish reading the chapter early.
Also, add a reminder about writing a sentence using a Core Vocabulary word.
Note: Guided Reading Supports are included below as an alternative to
independent reading, if, in your judgment, some or all students are not yet
capable of reading the entire chapter independently while still maintaining a
good understanding of what they have read.


Guided Reading Supports for “Queen Marie Antoinette” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Future King and Queen,” Pages 84–86

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 4
Queen Marie Antoinette
Read aloud the section “The Future King and Queen” on pages 84–86.
The Future King and Queen It was a

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the word dauphin when it is

lovely summer day in June. The gilded The Big Question
carriage carrying the young couple drove How might the
slowly into the streets of Paris, escorted luxurious royal
lifestyle have turned
by mounted guards dressed smartly in

encountered in the text. Pronounce the word slowly, and then ask students
the ordinary people
blue coats. Cheering crowds lined the of France against the
streets. People strained to get a glimpse royal family?
of Louis Augustus and his pretty young

to repeat it with you. Also point out and explain the meaning of the word
wife, Marie Antoinette.

Vocabulary The dauphin (/doh*fahn/) and the future queen of

dauphin, n. the France had finally ventured from the isolated world

title given to the of Versailles, where they lived in luxury and were
prince who is next indulged by their courtiers. Paris was only eleven
in line to inherit the
French throne miles away from Versailles, but the young couple
had not visited the capital during the first three years
indulge, v. to allow
someone to do what of their marriage. Now the two of them came into
they want; to spoil contact with the ordinary people of Paris for the

After you read the text, ask the following question:

someone first time.

The carriage moved toward the palace of the Tuileries. The crowd surged forward
as the couple stepped out of the carriage for a walk in the garden.

Page 8484
INFERENTIAL—Why do you think the dauphin and his wife waited until
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three years after their wedding before visiting Paris?

»» Possible answers: They didn’t care to visit Paris. They were too busy
enjoying their extravagant lifestyle at Versailles.

When Louis Augustus and Marie Antoinette married, the people of Paris
celebrated with a brilliant fireworks display. But the young couple did

Page 85 not visit the people of Paris until three years after their wedding.


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“Louis XVI,” Page 86

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read the section aloud.
SUPPORT—Point out the idiom “spread like wildfire” in the first
paragraph. Tell students that this phrase is an idiom. Explain that it means
“to spread rapidly.” Then point out the phrase “gain their favor” in the
same paragraph. Tell students that it means to get the approval of the king
and queen by flattering or pleasing them.
Activity Page SUPPORT—Display Map of Europe (AP 1.2), and have students locate
Austria in relation to France. Discuss reasons why Austria and France were
enemies. Explain that both France and Austria were trying to increase their
control over land in Europe.
AP 1.2


The young woman was tall and graceful. Most of all the people noticed her
blue eyes. By comparison, the dauphin was awkward and shy, but he clearly
After volunteers read the text, ask the following question:
adored his wife as she swept along the garden path.

LITERAL—Why did some people dislike Marie Antoinette?

A few days later, back at the palace of Versailles, Marie Antoinette wrote a
letter to her mother, the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, describing the day:

We made our entrance into Paris. . . . The poor people . . . in spite of the
taxes with which they are overwhelmed, were transported with joy at
seeing us. . . . When we returned from our walk we went up to an open
terrace and stayed there half an hour. I cannot describe to you, my dear
mamma, the . . . joy and affection which everyone exhibited toward
us. Before we withdrew we kissed our hands to the people, which gave
them great pleasure. What a happy thing it is for persons in our rank to
»» She was Austrian, and Austria was France’s enemy.
gain the love of a whole nation so cheaply. . . . I felt it thoroughly, and
shall never forget it.

LITERAL—Why did people feel hopeful about Louis XVI and Marie
Louis XVI
Less than a year later, word spread like wildfire through the palace at Versailles—
King Louis XV was dead! Smallpox had killed him so quickly that people were

not quite prepared. The courtiers frantically searched the palace for Louis and
Marie Antoinette. They would be the new king and queen, and everyone was
eager to be the first to gain their favor. They were found at last, alone together,
kneeling in prayer. Their prayer was overheard just as the door opened: “Protect
us, O God. We are too young to reign.” He was twenty; she was nineteen.

Some French people disliked the new queen simply because she was
Austrian—Austria was a traditional enemy of France. But others were
happy with their new monarchs. They saw the young couple as a breath of
fresh air and hope for the future. King Louis XVI had simple tastes, unlike
»» They were young and virtuous, which gave people hope about
the future. Louis’s tastes were simpler than his grandfather’s. Marie
his extravagant grandfather. Marie Antoinette was considered kind and
generous. Both were virtuous. The people found that a refreshing change

Page 86
from Louis XV.

Antoinette was seen as kind and generous.


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“Dangerous Advice,” Pages 87–88

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Dangerous Advice” on pages 87–88 with
a partner.
SUPPORT—Call students’ attention to the phrase “matters of state” in
When Louis and Marie Antoinette married (shown here), they had not expected to have to
rule France at such a young age.

Dangerous Advice
Things began to go badly right away. People said that Marie Antoinette
interfered in her husband’s decisions about matters of state. (It wasn’t true,
but that didn’t stop the rumors.) She had been a rich and spoiled child. Now
the first paragraph. Remind students that state can refer to government,
as well as to territory. This was the case in Louis XIV’s declaration, “I am
she was determined to have her way. And her husband continued to indulge
her, just as her parents had.

Allowing the court to gossip about the queen and overstate her influence

the State.” In this instance, it refers to rumors that Marie Antoinette was
was a big mistake for Louis. First of all, the courtiers realized his weakness.
If they wanted something from the king, they decided that they could go
through the queen. She could get anything from him.

involved in government, either directly or through influence over her

More serious than that, though, was what happened when Louis XVI fired
his grandfather’s ministers. At Louis XV’s direction, his ministers had begun
to make reforms. Louis XV had wanted the aristocrats to pay a fair portion of
taxes, which they had seldom done. The poor had no voice in the matter, but

Page 87
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SUPPORT—Note the phrase “and saved the heads of Louis XVI and Marie
Antoinette” in the final paragraph of the section. Explain that this is an
example of a literary technique called foreshadowing. It is a hint about
what happens to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette during the French
Revolution. Invite volunteers to use this hint to speculate about what they
think may happen to the king and queen.
After students read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—What did Louis XVI do that made the aristocracy happy?
»» He dismissed his grandfather’s ministers who had been working to
make reforms, such as making the aristocracy pay more in taxes.

“The Extravagant Queen,” Pages 88–89

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “The Extravagant Queen” on pages 88–89
independently. Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box on
page 88 as they read.


the aristocracy had a loud voice. They resisted the reforms. So when Louis XVI
dismissed his grandfather’s ministers, the aristocracy was happy. “He’s going
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary phrase “foreign
to be a good king,” the aristocrats said among themselves. They would be
able to live their lives just as before. There is debate as to whether the reforms
begun by Louis XV, if continued and expanded, could have prevented the
ambassador,” and explain its meaning. Read aloud the sentence in which
the phrase is used, in the second paragraph of the section. Explain that it
French Revolution—and saved the heads of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
It’s impossible to say, but when Louis XVI dismissed his grandfather’s advisers,
these much-needed reforms stopped, and France was put back on the road
to revolution.

The Extravagant Queen

Marie Antoinette’s greatest weaknesses were that she liked to spend money
was customary for royalty and government officials to receive, or welcome,
representatives from other countries.
and liked to have a good time—even when she should have been attending
to her duties as queen.

She wasn’t well-educated (almost no women were at that time). She wasn’t
interested in affairs of state, unless they were a
source of gossip or scandal. The young queen Vocabulary

SUPPORT—Call students’ attention to the sentence in the text that

hated to be bored. So she avoided boredom, even “foreign
when it meant avoiding her queenly duties, such ambassador,”
(phrase) a person
as receiving foreign ambassadors, attending
from another country
important dinners, and so on. What she did like to who is an official

states Marie Antoinette “wasn’t interested in affairs of state.” Explain

do was gossip and stage dramatic productions in representative of his
or her government
which she played a part.

Most of all, she liked to spend money. And her husband indulged her. He

that this sentence validates the prior section’s discussion of false rumors
gave her an allowance that was twice what the previous queen had received.
Still, she was constantly in debt.

She spent enormous amounts of money, and she liked to gamble. She often

that Marie Antoinette was interfering in her husband’s governing

lost what would today amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars in one
night! Her other extravagance was her wardrobe. She constantly bought

Page 88
clothes, spending what would today be nearly two million dollars a year.

decisions. Marie Antoinette wasn’t interested in her duties as queen at all.


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After students read the text, ask the following questions:

LITERAL—What did Marie Antoinette spend her allowance on?
»» She spent it on gambling, clothes, and jewelry.
Marie Antoinette lived a life of luxury with little understanding of how ordinary people

INFERENTIAL—How does the description of Marie Antoinette’s hairstyles

lived. Here she is seen in the palace gardens with ladies of the royal court.

Much of that went to jewels. Even though she could wear the dazzling
French crown jewels whenever she wished, she bought jewelry of her own

help you understand what she was like?

on top of it all. She was particularly
fond of the most expensive jewels of
all, diamonds.

Marie Antoinette had her own

personal dressmaker and beautician.
She wore her hair piled up with
hairpieces that reached upward
of several feet. Her hairdos were
sometimes decorated with miniature
»» Her hairstyles were elaborate and extravagant, just like her.
scenes of people, houses, and
animals. In all of this, her husband

Page 89
continued to indulge her. Marie Antoinette wore elaborate hairstyles.


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“Queen Marie as a Peasant” and “Marie Antoinette and the Revolution,”

Pages 90–91

Queen Marie as a Peasant

The most scandalous extravagance—one that earned Marie Antoinette the
Scaffold understanding as follows:
hatred of the French people—was Le Petit Trianon (/luh/puh*tee/tree*ah*non),

Read aloud the section “Queen Marie as Peasant.”

a small mansion on the grounds of Versailles that Louis gave her. She had
the grounds around the mansion enclosed with fences and gates to keep
people out. (The public was allowed to walk through the rest of the gardens at
Versailles.) Inside, she had a theater built alongside gardens containing a lake
and river. But perhaps the most insulting thing was the little “peasant village”
that she had built inside the grounds. She had people posing as peasants

SUPPORT—Draw attention to the image on page 90. Invite a volunteer

walking around the village, which was complete with farm animals. She herself
would dress in a simple white dress and stroll through the village pretending
to be a peasant. Meanwhile, the government went into debt, and people went

to read the caption aloud. Ask students how a real peasant’s house would
hungry, and the real peasants suffered under the weight of taxes.

differ from the house shown in the image. (Possible response: it would be
Invite volunteers to read aloud the section “Marie Antoinette and the
Marie Antoinette even had her own living quarters in her peasant village—though she
certainly didn’t live like a peasant!

Page 9090

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SUPPORT—Discuss the famous story about Marie Antoinette and her

Marie Antoinette and the Revolution
Many people believe that Marie Antoinette’s extravagant spending and
supposed quote, “then let them eat cake.” Make sure students understand
that even though this is the most famous quotation attributed to her, she
thoughtless behavior caused the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson
thought so. Jefferson spent time in France before the French Revolution
and knew Marie Antoinette.

didn’t really say it. Because people were so angry about the conditions of
Jefferson was oversimplifying things, though: it wasn’t all Marie Antoinette’s
fault. There were many factors that helped cause the French Revolution. But
the behavior of Marie Antoinette did play a part. Her extravagance certainly

the Third Estate and Marie Antoinette’s extravagances, it was easy for them
didn’t reduce the government’s heavy debt, and it caused the people to hate
her. She became the symbol of all that many French people thought was
wrong with the monarchy and the age-old social structure in France.

A famous story is told about Marie Antoinette. It is said that when the
Revolution began and the people were rioting in the streets demanding
bread, she asked a servant what the uproar was about. “They are hungry,
your majesty. They are rioting for bread,” was the response. “Well,” said
to believe she’d said it.
Marie Antoinette, unfeelingly, “then let them eat cake.”

Historians now believe this never happened. But

CORE VOCABULARY—Discuss the meaning of the word arrogance when

the important point is that the people believed
it happened, and they told and retold the story. arrogance, n. a
belief or feeling
Because of Marie Antoinette’s arrogance, of superiority

it is encountered, noting that the “then let them eat cake” statement
extravagance, and lack of concern about her
people, they were eager to believe it. And once the people were convinced
that their queen was cold-hearted and cruel, their loyalty to the king and
queen began to weaken.

attributed to Marie Antoinette exemplifies the perception of Marie

Page 91 91
Antoinette as arrogant.
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After volunteers read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—What was Le Petit Trianon?
»» It was a small mansion on the grounds of Versailles that Marie
Antionette turned into a pretend peasant village. Marie liked to dress
up as a simple peasant woman and stroll about the village.

EVALUATIVE—How might Marie Antoinette’s behavior have added to the

factors that led to the French Revolution?
»» Her spending added to the country’s debt. Her practice of playing
peasant at Le Petit Trianon mocked peasant life. She played on
her husband’s loyalty and love for her, and he made decisions that
benefited her and hurt the country. She was a symbol of what
the French people hated most about the monarchy and the social
structure in France.

Note: If students have been reading the chapter independently, call

the whole class back together to complete the Timeline and Check for
Understanding as a group.

• Show students the Chapter 4 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “How might the luxurious royal
lifestyle have turned the ordinary people of France against the royal
• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “How might the luxurious royal
lifestyle have turned the ordinary people of France against the royal
»» Key points students should cite include: the ordinary people could not
understand, and they ultimately despised, the way the royal family
spent so much on extravagances; the ordinary people struggled to
pay taxes while the royal family had used tax money to build Versailles;
the ordinary people were shocked at Marie Antoinette’s lack of
concern for their well-being, while mocking them at Le Petit Trianon.


• Choose a Core Vocabulary word (dauphin, indulge, or arrogance) or phrase
(“foreign ambassador”), and write a sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.
Note: Be sure to check students’ written responses to Notes About Marie
Antoinette (AP 4.1) so you can correct any misunderstandings about the
chapter content during subsequent instructional periods.

Additional Activities

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4 (RI.6.4, L.6.6) 30 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Sufficient copies of Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4
(AP 4.2)
Distribute AP 4.2, Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4, and direct students
AP 4.2 to match the definitions to the vocabulary terms they have learned in their
reading about The French Revolution and Romanticism.
This activity may be assigned for homework.



The Third Estate Revolts

The Big Question: What was the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General, and
why did the aristocracy and the king refuse to allow the Three Estates to meet together?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe what happened at the 1789 meeting of the Estates-General. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand Louis XVI’s role in the meeting. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand how the National Assembly came into existence. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: interest, Estates-General, and
delegation. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Third Estate Revolts”:

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

interest, n. the money paid by a borrower for the use of someone else’s
money (94)
Example: The interest that he paid on the loan was almost more than the
original loan amount.
Estates-General, n. an assembly made up of representatives from France’s
Three Estates (94)
Example: The king called a meeting of the Estates-General to discuss the
possibility of new taxes.
delegation, n. a group of people chosen to speak on behalf of a larger
group (97)
Example: A delegation from the Third Estate sought to meet with
representatives from the other two Estates.
Variations: delegations


The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Third Estate Revolts” 5 min

Use the Timeline Image Cards for Chapters 3 and 4 to review the rule of
France’s absolute monarchs and the role of Marie Antoinette. Remind students
about the discontent of the Third Estate, caused by their heavy tax burden, the
lack of privilege afforded the wealthy bourgeois, and the resentment of Marie
Antoinette’s extravagance and seeming insensitivity.
Explain that these factors contributed to a key turning point in French history,
one which students will read about in this chapter.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question, and encourage them to look for
details about the Estates-General as they read.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Third Estate Revolts” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“A Time of Crisis,” Pages 92–94

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 5
The Third Estate Revolts
Invite volunteers to read aloud the first two paragraphs of the section on
A Time of Crisis In May 1789, Louis XVI
had been on the throne of France for The Big Question
pages 92 and 94.
fifteen years. France was on the brink of What was the purpose
financial collapse. The cause was not a of the meeting of
the Estates-General,

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term interest when

mystery. French kings had always engaged and why did the
in costly wars. The last war had been a aristocracy and the
glorious success. But debt was debt, and king refuse to allow
it was a huge problem for France. the Three Estates to
meet together?

it is encountered in the text. Discuss the impact of interest on a loan and

why someone would want to consider the interest before taking on a loan.
Have students read the remainder of the section with a partner.
Page 9292
Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box as they read.
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CORE VOCABULARY—Review the vocabulary term Estates-General.

Explain that the word estates here refers to the Estates, or social classes, of
French society. The assembly was made up of representatives from each of
the Three Estates.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What was the Estates-General?
»» It was an assembly made up of representatives from each of France’s
Three Estates.
The French aristocracy would have to be forced to make changes that

Page 93 would help the ordinary people of France.


G6_B2_U4_Chap05_SR.indd 93 28/03/18 2:59 PM


France had helped the Americans win their independence from the British.
France’s old enemy, Great Britain, had been crippled. But the war had been
LITERAL—What was the Estates-General’s purpose?
expensive, and France had piled an enormous new debt on top of all the old
debts of the past. Plus, there was the extravagant spending at the royal court.
Eventually the French government was spending half its income just to pay
the interest on its loans. Paying off the loans themselves was impossible.

Nothing less than serious economic and political reform could fix the
»» Its purpose was to give advice to the king and approve new taxes.
problem. That meant that the aristocracy would have to make some changes
too. They would have to pay higher taxes. They would have to give up some
of the privileges of their birth. But Louis XVI was

EVALUATIVE—Why did the king call a meeting now, considering that the
a weak leader, and it would take a strong hand to Vocabulary
force genuine reform on the aristocracy. interest, n. the
money paid by a
The aristocrats knew the government was in borrower for the

Estates-General had not met since 1614?

trouble and they were under threat. But they use of someone
else’s money
were not willing to give up something for nothing
in return. Estates-General, n.
an assembly made
“We will agree to make some changes,” they told up of representatives
the king, “but you must call a meeting of the from France’s Three

»» The aristocrats demanded that the king call the meeting because they

The Estates-General originated in an era before kings had absolute power.

Its original purpose was to give advice to the king and to approve new

knew that France was in a financial crisis. They were under pressure to
taxes. The nobles thought that at a meeting of the Estates-General, which
hadn’t met since 1614, they could push through some changes of their own.
Reluctantly, Louis agreed. Neither the nobles nor the king recognized that he
was opening the door to revolution.

The Estates-General Meets

On Saturday, May 2, 1789, the king sat in the dazzling Hall of Mirrors at
pay more taxes and give up some of their privileges, but they wanted
something in return.
Versailles, waiting to receive representatives from the Three Estates. The

Page 94enormous doors swung open, and in marched representatives, called


G6_B2_U4_Chap05_SR.indd 94 28/03/18 2:59 PM

“The Estates-General Meets,” Pages 94–95

deputies, from the First Estate. These representatives were parish priests
in black robes, and higher ranking Church leaders, such as bishops and
Scaffold understanding as follows:
archbishops, in their rich, elegantly embroidered robes. The king received the
deputies, nodding and smiling politely at each. The deputies filed out, and
the massive doors opened again to admit deputies from the Second Estate—
members of the aristocracy—the nobility. The members were splendidly
dressed in satin suits with lace cuffs, plumed hats, silver vests, and brilliantly
Have students read the section “The Estates-General Meets” on
pages 94–95 independently.
colored silk cloaks, with their swords hanging at their sides. Again, the king
received them graciously.

Outside the hall waited deputies of the Third Estate—the commoners. The
commoners were dressed in plain, simple clothes. They waited three hours
before being received—and then not in the Hall of Mirrors but in a smaller

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

room, where they marched in single file past a solemn and unsmiling king.
The deputies of the Third Estate could see that they would have to fight for
real change.

According to the ancient rules of the Estates-General, each of the Three

Estates met separately to vote on a proposal. Then each Estate cast one

LITERAL—What were the old rules of the Estates-General?

vote based on the decision of its members. In that way, the First and Second
Estates, which usually had a common interest in preserving their privileges,
dominated the Estates-General.

Now the Third Estate wanted to change the rules so that it would have a
real voice in the reform. Deputies knew that the nobility and clergy wanted
to keep the rights and privileges that they had always had under the ancien
régime. But the Third Estate had more deputies than the other two Estates
combined. The deputies knew that some of the clergy, especially parish
priests, and even a few members of the nobility, were sympathetic to their
»» Each of the Three Estates met separately to vote on a proposal, then
each Estate cast one vote. The First and Second Estates usually were in
problem. The Third Estate wanted all Three Estates to meet together, with
each deputy casting one vote. If this happened, the Third Estate could easily
control the outcome of the voting. Naturally the nobles objected, and the

Page 95
king sided with them. Each Estate was assigned a separate meeting hall.

G6_B2_U4_Chap05_SR.indd 95

28/03/18 2:59 PM
agreement, so they dominated the Estates-General.

LITERAL—What changes did the Third Estate suggest for the meeting of
the Estates-General?
»» They wanted all Three Estates to meet together and for each deputy,
instead of each Estate, to have one vote.

EVALUATIVE—Why did the Third Estate want to do things differently

during this meeting?
»» They wanted to have a real voice in the reform, and they wanted it to
be fair. They had more deputies and wanted the Three Estates to meet
together and have each deputy cast one vote.

“A National Assembly is Created,” Pages 96–98

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read the section “A National Assembly Is Created”
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term delegation
when it is encountered in the text.


SUPPORT—Make sure students take note of the time indicators in this
section. The events described here took place over the course of many
weeks. You may wish to draw a timeline on the board or chart paper to
track the events of this section.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
The ordinary person in France at this time felt the taxes imposed on them by the king and
the nobility were overwhelmingly unfair.
LITERAL—Who was Abbé Sieyès?
A National Assembly Is Created

»» He was a clergyman and champion of the poor. He was not

In the large meeting hall assigned to the Third Estate, the deputies wandered
around, getting acquainted with one another. The public was admitted to the
hall, and they crowded around the deputies, offering advice and support.

comfortable speaking in public, so he wrote a pamphlet used to

Over the next few days, the meetings were noisy and confusing. Some deputies
were willing to settle for small changes, but others argued for nothing less

Page 9696

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persuade the bourgeois to revolt.

than a constitution and the end of the ancien régime. A pamphlet written by
a clergyman named Abbé Sieyès (/ab*ay/see*aye*yes/) created a stir. Sieyès
was known as a champion of the poor. He had a weak voice and was not an
LITERAL—What was the first decision reached by the Third Estate?
effective public speaker, so he wrote a pamphlet to express his ideas about the
Third Estate. The pamphlet was read by many people and often quoted during

»» They decided to ask deputies from the First Estate to join them.
arguments for reform:

What is the Third Estate? Everything!

What has it been up to now in the political order? Nothing!

What does it demand? To become something!

By the end of the month, all they could agree on

INFERENTIAL—Why did the suggested name “National Assembly” spark

delegation, n. a
was that they should ask deputies from the First
group of people
Estate to join them in their meeting hall. The chosen to speak
deputies sent a delegation to the hall where the on behalf of a
larger group
clergy were meeting.

“The gentlemen of the commons,” announced

the leader of the delegation in solemn tones,
“invite the gentlemen of the clergy, in the
such a furious debate?
name of the God of Peace and for the national
interest, to meet them in their hall to consult
upon the means of bringing about the concord
(agreement) which is so vital at this moment
for the public welfare.”
»» Possible response: The name suggested that the Third Estate would
take over governing the entire country themselves. That was an act of
Some clergy were excited at the announcement
and would have gone immediately. But other,
more conservative clergymen—mostly those

rebellion and revolution.

higher in the Church who came from noble Abbé Sieyès wrote a powerful
pamphlet, What Is The Third
families—wanted to discuss the proposal first Estate?, which stirred the
before agreeing to meet. bourgeois to revolt.

Page 97 97

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“The Tennis Court Oath,” Pages 98–99

The delegation went back to their meeting hall to wait. They were prepared
to remain in session until an answer was received. Hours passed, and the
Scaffold understanding as follows:
delegation was sent again to repeat the invitation. Still no answer. Days

Read aloud the section “The Tennis Court Oath” on pages 98–99.
passed. Finally, on June 13, three priests appeared at the door of the meeting
hall. They wanted to join with the deputies of the Third Estate. Inside the hall
the deputies cheered, clapped, and embraced the priests and one another
with tears in their eyes. Over the next few days, more priests followed, and
then more.

After you read the text, ask the following questions:

The Third Estate was ready now to begin its real work. Abbé Sieyès reminded
the deputies that the Third Estate represented 98 percent of the population.
He suggested a new name: the National Assembly. The suggestion raised
an uproar in the hall. Immediately, a debate over the name raged furiously,
with as many as one hundred deputies all shouting at once. To take that
name would mean that the Third Estate intended to represent the whole

LITERAL—How did the king react to the formation of the National

nation and take on the responsibility for reform. There would be no
going back. The debate continued into the night, while outside a summer
thunderstorm raged.

The next morning, June 17, 1789, the rain ended and the sky was clear. The
deputies met again and voted. The name, National Assembly, was agreed
upon by a vote of 491 to 89. When news of the vote reached the meeting of
the First Estate, they took a vote as well and agreed to join the new National
Assembly. Eventually, the nobles would also join them.

»» He locked them out of the meeting hall and planned to hold a

The Tennis Court Oath
The king was outraged when he heard the news, and so the next day, when
deputies of the National Assembly arrived at their meeting hall, they found

separate meeting of the Three Estates and to declare the National

the doors locked. The king plotted to hold a separate meeting of the Three
Estates and declare the actions of the Third Estate illegal. He intended to
keep the commoners in their place. But the deputies would not back down.

Page 9898
Assembly illegal.
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Someone suggested that they meet at a nearby building that housed the
LITERAL—What was the Tennis Court Oath? Why was it significant?
royal indoor tennis courts. The deputies crowded into the building, while
outside a crowd gathered shouting, “Vive l’assemblée!” (/veeve/lah*sem*blay/),

»» The oath was a promise by the National Assembly that they would stay
“Long live the assembly!”

Inside, deputies debated moving their meeting to Paris, where they would have
the protection of the people. Then a young deputy rose to speak. He urged

together until they had written a new constitution for France. It was
them not to move to Paris, but instead to all take an oath to stay together, to stay
persistent in their goal, and never to separate until they had written a constitution.

Then, Jean-Sylvain Bailly (/zhahn/seal*vahn/bay*ee), who had been chosen

to lead the meeting, stood on a table made from a door ripped off its hinges.
One by one, the deputies came forward, arms raised in salute, and signed
the oath. This came to be known as the Tennis Court Oath. Every deputy
but one signed. A constitution would be written. The French Revolution
important because it started the French Revolution.
had begun.

This painting by artist Jacques-Louis David depicts the famous scene of the deputies
taking the Tennis Court Oath as a heroic and glorious moment—the beginning of the

Page 99


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• Show students the Chapter 5 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What was the purpose of the
meeting of the Estates-General, and why did the aristocracy and the king
refuse to allow the Three Estates to meet together?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What was the purpose of the
meeting of the Estates-General, and why did the aristocracy and the king
refuse to allow the Three Estates to meet together?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The aristocracy demanded
that the king call the meeting to discuss the possibility of raising
taxes, which they refused to do without getting something in return.
The king and the aristocracy did not want the Three Estates to meet
together because the Third Estate was a lot bigger and they did not
want their influence at the meeting.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (interest, Estates-General, or

delegation), and write a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.



A Time of Violence
The Big Question: What sequence of events caused people to storm the Bastille, and
why did the unrest spread?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the storming of the Bastille on July 14. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the reaction in the French countryside to the fall of the Bastille. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: province, archive, title deed,
and yoke; and of the phrase “finance minister.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “A Time of Violence”:

Materials Needed
• Internet access to Amazon’s MHz network or DVD series Paris: The Great Saga

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

“finance minister,” (phrase) t he government official in charge of a country’s

money (102)
Example: The king spoke to the finance minister about the new tax plan he
was going to propose.
Variations: finance ministers
province, n. an area or region similar to a state (107)
Example: The violence in the city of Paris spread to provinces throughout France.
Variations: provinces
archive, n. a place where public records or historical documents are kept (107)
Example: Researchers looked for details about the Bastille in France’s archives.
Variations: archives
title deed, n. a document stating a person’s legal ownership (107)
Example: The couple signed the title deed when they bought their house.
Variations: title deeds


yoke, n. a harness used to restrain work animals; something that takes away
people’s freedom (107)
Example: Revolutionaries saw the rule of absolute monarchs as a yoke that
needed to be thrown off.
Variations: yokes

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “A Time of Violence” 5 min

Use the Timeline Image Cards for Chapter 5 to review the meeting of the Estates-
General, the formation of the National Assembly, and the Tennis Court Oath.
Ask students how they might feel if they were an absolute monarch whose
authority was being threatened by the people. Have them suggest actions they
might take to bring about a peaceful resolution of the situation at Versailles.
Tell them that in this chapter, they will read about Louis XVI’s response to the
demands of the National Assembly.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Students may recognize the
word Bastille from their reading about Voltaire in the unit The Enlightenment.
Remind students that the Bastille was an important building in Paris. Make sure
students also understand that storm in this instance refers not to a weather
phenomenon but to a sudden or strong attack.

Guided Reading Supports for “A Time of Violence” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The State Is Set for Violence,” Pages 100–102

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 6
A Time of Violence
Invite volunteers to read aloud the first three paragraphs of the section
The Stage Is Set for Violence
King Louis XVI was angry that the new The Big Question
on page 100.
National Assembly refused to disband— What sequence of
and he was nervous, so nervous that he events caused people
to storm the Bastille,

SUPPORT—Point out the section title and the idiom “the stage is set.”
no longer trusted his own French troops. and why did the
He had his Swiss Guards brought from unrest spread?
France’s borders to the outskirts of Paris
to protect him.

The people of Paris and the deputies of the National Assembly were alarmed.
Rumors started to fly. What was the king planning to do with these troops?
Would he arrest the deputies of the Third Estate just when they thought they
Ask students what they think it means. If needed, guide students to
understand that it means the conditions are right for something to
might make some changes, maybe get a little freedom and relief from the
overwhelming tax burdens?

Was the king going to stop them now? On July 8, one of the strongest leaders of

happen, or that something is likely to happen. Discuss what has already

the new assembly spoke out angrily. He said that all these troops arriving in Paris
every day were “preparations for war.” The members of the assembly should not
sit quietly and watch this happen, he argued.

happened that has “set the stage” so far. Then point out the phrase
Page 100
“rumors started to fly.” Ask students whether rumors really can fly. This
phrase uses a metaphorical image to show that the rumors spread quickly
G6_B2_U4_Chap06_SR.indd 100 28/03/18 3:01 PM

(similar to the phrase “spread like wildfire).


Invite volunteers to read aloud the remainder of the section on page 102.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term “finance
minister” when it is encountered in the text.
The Swiss Guards
were employed
by European royal

SUPPORT—Point out that the wealthy people referred to in the last

courts when needed.

paragraph of the section could mean the nobility, but it could also mean
wealthy members of the Third Estate, such as the bourgeois.
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
Page 101 King Louis XVI failed to recognize that certain changes were inevitable.

LITERAL—What was the first thing the king did in response to the
G6_B2_U4_Chap06_SR.indd 101 28/03/18 3:01 PM

formation of the National Assembly?

In Paris, the working class—the sans culottes—grew more alarmed and angry.
Because of the failing economy, one hundred fifty thousand Parisians (out of
a population of six hundred thousand) were out of work. Bread had been in
short supply for several months, and prices had risen so high that a single loaf
»» He brought in his Swiss Guards to protect him.
cost as much as a half day’s pay. Because of these outrageous prices, many
people went hungry. Working people were convinced that aristocrats and
grain suppliers were withholding grain to force the

LITERAL—Why were the sans culottes angry?

price of bread even higher. Vocabulary
“finance minister,”
Then, on July 12, the king made another
(phrase) the
mistake—a big one. He fired his finance minister, government official
Jacques (/zhahk/) Necker, who had encouraged in charge of a
country’s money
Louis to give in to the Third Estate’s demands.

»» They were angry because they were out of work, bread prices had sky-
Now the king had gotten rid of Necker and was organizing his troops. People
thought that the king, under the influence of the queen and the nobles
at court, would use force

rocketed, and they were hungry.

to disband the National
Assembly and take back all
that they had gained.

With such rumors flying

around, it’s no wonder
that angry mobs roamed

LITERAL—How did the people of France feel about the king firing his
the streets, breaking into
shops, looting and grabbing
weapons, threatening the
homes of the wealthy,

finance minister? How did they respond?

and stealing bread from
bakeries. The stage was set
for the first and most famous The working people of Paris believed that Necker
outbreak of violence of the was their ally. They believed that only he could
control the price of bread, make tax reforms, and

Page 102
French Revolution. save the country from financial disaster.

»» They were worried that the king would disband the National Assembly

G6_B2_U4_Chap06_SR.indd 102 28/03/18 3:01 PM

and force things to return to the way they used to be. They reacted by
initiating mob violence throughout the streets of Paris.

“To the Bastille!,” Pages 103–105

To the Bastille! Scaffold understanding as follows:

The Bastille (/ba*stee*yuh/) was an old fortress from the 1300s, with stone
walls five feet thick and eight stone towers. A moat surrounded the outer

Have students read the section “To the Bastille!” on pages 103–105
wall; a drawbridge led to the entrance. An inner court was protected by a
second moat and drawbridge. The Bastille was the object of legend and
mystery to most Parisians. It was rumored that men were chained in secret
dungeons. Actually, the Bastille held only seven prisoners on July 14, 1789.
There were even plans to have the prison demolished. But to Parisians, it
represented the tyranny of the Bourbon kings.

Bernard de Launay (/loh*nay/), governor of the Bastille, was according to

one of his officers, “without much knowledge of military affairs, without
experience, and without much courage.”

On the morning of July 14, the sky was heavy with dark rain clouds. Launay
walked the Bastille’s ramparts, the tops of the high walls, thinking about the
reports he had heard of riots throughout the city overnight.
SUPPORT—Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall that the
The Bastille was manned with eighty-two elderly soldiers, plus thirty-two
Swiss Guards. Stockpiled inside were 250 barrels of gunpowder that had
been moved to the Bastille for safekeeping. There were numerous cannons
Bastille was the prison where the philosophe Voltaire was held. Although
the Bastille was used as a prison in the 1700s, few prisoners were there in
and smaller guns. The drawbridges were pulled closed. Launay was ready for
trouble, or so he thought.

That morning, rioters had broken into the storage facility where the army’s

1789 when the rioters stormed the building.

weapons were kept. The crowd took thirty thousand muskets and carried off
the cannons stored there. But they had no gunpowder and only a few bullets.
Then the rioters learned that the gunpowder had been moved to the Bastille.
The shout went up: “To the Bastille! To the Bastille!” From his window in the
Bastille, Launay could hear the noisy mob approaching.

SUPPORT—Note the reference to the Bourbon kings in the first paragraph

When the rioters arrived at the Bastille, they saw walls bristling with cannons.
They were convinced that the cannons were going to be used to attack the

Page 103
city, not simply to defend the Bastille.


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of the section. Explain that the absolute monarchs that students read
about in Chapter 3—Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI—were members of
the Bourbon dynasty.
SUPPORT—Reread the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the section.
Make sure students understand that the rioters were more interested in
obtaining the weapons and gunpowder than in freeing the prisoners in
the Bastille. The mob feared an attack by the king’s forces. They wanted
the weapons to defend themselves in case of such an attack.


An official delegation went to Launay to ask him to remove the cannons from
the walls and to hand over the fortress to a group of citizen soldiers. Launay
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
agreed to remove the cannons, but he refused to surrender the Bastille.

LITERAL—What was at the Bastille at the time of the attack?

As news of the crisis spread, more and more sans culottes joined the crowd
outside the Bastille. Several men broke the pulleys holding the drawbridges,
and the crowd surged into the courtyard where there was a second set of
drawbridges. Shots rang out from the crowd and from the soldiers on the
ramparts. The crowd shouted, “Down with the bridges!”

Eventually, realizing that resistance was useless, Launay opened the gates.
Crowds of armed men immediately surged into the prison, taking the soldiers
and Swiss Guards captive and freeing the seven prisoners.

Launay was taken prisoner, but his guards could not protect him from the
»» It was a prison, although there were few prisoners. Guns, gunpowder,
angry mob. Before he could reach safety, Launay was brutally killed, along with
another defender. Many people were horrified at the savagery of the mob. But
to many, the fall of the Bastille was the true beginning of the Revolution.
and cannons were stored there and were protected by soldiers and
the Swiss Guards.

LITERAL—What happened to Launay, the governor of the Bastille?

»» He was taken prisoner at first, but the mob eventually killed him.
Page 104
The few prisoners that were held at the Bastille were set free.


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INFERENTIAL—Why do you think the rioters targeted the Bastille?

»» Possible response: to take hold of the guns and ammunition so they
could be better armed; it would be a key move in their revolt if they
could take control of the important fortress.
The Bastille, which had symbolized the absolute power of the French kings, fell on July 14,
1789. Within one year, it was completely torn down and its bricks sold as souvenirs. INFERENTIAL—Why do you think Louis XVI wrote “nothing” in his journal
on the day of the Bastille attack?
The morning after the fall of the Bastille, King Louis was awakened early
with the news. “Is this a rebellion?” he asked the official who had brought
him the news.

“No sire, this is a revolution,” was the now famous reply. Strangely, the king
wrote the following journal entry for the day: “Rien,” meaning “nothing.”

»» Possible answer: He didn’t realize the significance of the mob storming

The Great Fear
Necker, the finance minister whose firing had triggered the riots, was
returned to office two days later. But rioting and violence continued. In Paris,

the Bastille; he didn’t know how to react.

two of the king’s officials were attacked and killed by a mob in a particularly
gruesome manner.

The violence spread throughout the countryside. A poor harvest in 1788 had

Page 105
caused a shortage of grain. Bread was in short supply in the countryside as


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“The Great Fear,” Pages 105–107

well as in the cities. Peasants attacked millers who were accused of hoarding
grain. They destroyed fences and walls on estates, killing animals in the
Scaffold understanding as follows:
private forests of the nobility. They broke into the manors where nobles
lived. Sometimes they killed the manor lord and his family. Some nobles

Invite volunteers to read the section aloud.

decided to flee France and settle in other countries. They were called
émigrés (/aye*mih*grays/).

As the violence continued, a period of confusion and panic known as the

Great Fear swept the countryside. Wild rumors spread that bands of violent
ruffians—British troops or Spanish troops—in the pay of the nobility, were

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary terms province,

roaming the countryside, burning crops and murdering peasants. In a
panic, peasants armed themselves with whatever they could find—knives,
pitchforks, hoes. They hid in the forest or in caves.

archive, title deed, and yoke when they are encountered in the text. Note
the two meanings of the word yoke. Make sure students understand which
meaning is being used in the text. (something that takes away people’s
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word province
In villages and towns in France, people took to the streets. Many rioted and stole food.
They challenged local authorities.

Page 106

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from the Grade 3 unit Canada.

SUPPORT—Make sure students understand the cause and effect of the
Great Fear. It was not a result of the storming of the Bastille. It was, instead,
a reflection of the same anger and hunger that caused the storming of the
Bastille. Both events were outgrowths of the same feelings toward the king
and the living conditions of the Third Estate. Both included attempts by
the poor to arm themselves against anticipated attacks by royal forces.


When the murdering gangs failed to materialize,
the fear passed as quickly as it had appeared.
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
province, n. an area
But the people continued rioting. In villages, the
or region similar to
king’s officials abandoned their offices. They were

LITERAL—What happened in the countryside following the fall of the Bastille?

a state
replaced with middle-class mayors and officials
archive, n. a place
friendly to the Revolution. Central authority was where public
breaking down. The militia did not help because records or historical
most of its members sympathized with the rioters. documents are kept

In Versailles, the National Assembly was in session title deed, n. a

»» Rioting occurred in the countryside. Peasants attacked mills looking

document stating
working on reforms and a constitution. News a person’s legal
of the summer’s riots and looting alarmed the ownership
deputies. A duke who was one of the richest
yoke, n. a harness

for flour and bread. They also broke into aristocratic houses,
nobles of the land spoke to the assembly: used to restrain work
animals; something
“In several provinces the whole people form a that takes away
kind of league for the destruction of the manor people’s freedom
houses, the ravaging of the lands, and especially
for the seizure of the archives where the title deeds to feudal properties are
kept. It seeks to throw off at last a yoke that has for many centuries weighted
it down.”
sometimes killing the inhabitants.
The question that faced the National Assembly now was what to do about
the violence.

LITERAL—What was the Great Fear?

»» The period of time when the rioters were spreading throughout the
Page 107
countryside and there were rumors that the nobles had hired violent

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ruffians (British or Spanish troops) to burn crops and murder peasants.

To defend themselves against these rumored ruffians, the peasants
armed themselves and hid in caves.

LITERAL—What problem faced the National Assembly?

»» Possible answer: how to address the violence.

• Show students the Chapter 6 Timeline Image Card. Read and discuss the
caption, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What sequence of events caused the
people to storm the Bastille, and why did the unrest spread?”
• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What sequence of events caused
the people to storm the Bastille, and why did the unrest spread?”
»» Key points students should cite include: the king had brought Swiss
Guards to the city to protect himself; the king fired his finance minister,
whom the people of Paris believed to be an ally of the working class; the
sans culottes were out of work and hungry; bread prices skyrocketed;
rioters started to roam the streets, break into shops, and steal bread.
The unrest continued to spread because the peasants outside of the city
were hungry and tired of paying high prices for bread as well.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary terms (province, archive, title deed, or yoke)
or the phrase “finance minister,” and write a sentence using the word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.


Additional Activities

Video: “A Capital Tale: Capital of Revolution” (RI.6.2, RI.6.7) 45 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access; access to Amazon’s MHz network or

purchased DVD
Background for Teachers: The video is available through Amazon’s MHz
network. MHz costs $7.99/month, but a free seven-day trial is also available.
Program DVDs are also available for purchase on Amazon.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific link to the media may be found:
You may want to preview the entire video before class. However, we have
determined parts of the video that can be played to break down the 52-minute
video into 15 minutes of playing time, to allow for approximately 30 minutes of
Play Season 1, Episode 4 (“A Capital Tale: A Capital of Revolution”) from the
series Paris: The Great Saga. Remind students that some of the interviews and
dialogue are in French, but there are subtitles they can read to understand
what is being said.
Here are the times to play:
This shows students another glimpse of what Paris was like at the beginning of
the reign of the three monarchs, and at the beginning of the Enlightenment.
Note: Be sure to end at 05:21, as there are several references to prostitution
after this point until the ninth minute of the video.
Discuss the following (20 minutes):
• The meaning of the word incubator, as in the phrase “incubator of
revolutionary ideas,” which the narrator uses to describe a restaurant/
salon. Ask students whether they have heard the word before. Guide
students to understand that the traditional meaning of the word is an
apparatus in which eggs are hatched. Have students discuss how the
word is used in the video.

• The difference between the west side and east side of Paris. Divide
the class in half and identify one half as the west side of Paris and
the other half as the east side. Allow students time to discuss the
characteristics of their side, and then have them act out those
characteristics. (west side = luxurious; east side = poor)


This shows students the origin of the Bastille.
Note: Be sure to stop at this point as there is an inappropriate scene around
the fourteenth minute.
Discuss the following (5 minutes):
• Explain how the Bastille was “a symbol of the excesses of monarchy.”
It was a glorious fortress, the biggest one around, yet it wasn’t really
used to defend the city. As a prison, it was perceived to be used
excessively. People were imprisoned without much reason; one only
had to be denounced by the king to be sent to the Bastille.

This shows students the attack on the Bastille.
Discuss the following (5 minutes):
• The Bastille was supposed to be a protector of the city and an
impenetrable structure. Ask students how the narrator and
interviewees in the video describe the fall of the Bastille. Have
students share their ideas as to why the Bastille fell so easily.



Toward a
New Government
The Big Question: How significant was the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and
what prompted the women’s march to Versailles?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the provisions of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the October 1789 women’s march to Versailles and its results. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: natural law and constitutional
monarchy; and of the phrase “citizens’ militia.” (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Toward a New Government”:

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

natural law, n. a system of rights or justice that is shared by all people and that
comes from nature, not the rules of society (110)
Example: According to natural law, all people should be treated as equal.
“citizens’ militia,” (phrase) a n army composed of the people of a nation
rather than soldiers (112)
Example: The National Guard is an example of a citizens’ militia.
constitutional monarchy, n. government by a king or queen whose power is
limited by a constitution (115)
Example: Protests against the absolute monarchy resulted in the formation of
a constitutional monarchy.
Variations: constitutional monarchies


The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “Toward a New Government” 5 min

Use the Timeline Card for Chapter 6 to review what students read previously
about the storming of the Bastille and the Great Fear. Remind students that at
the end of Chapter 6, the National Assembly was left with the decision of how
best to address the violence that was occurring throughout France.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Point out that it has two distinct
parts to it. Tell students to look for two sets of details: one about the Declaration
of the Rights of Man and one about the women’s march to Versailles.

Guided Reading Supports for “Toward a New Government” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Night of August 4,” Pages 108–110

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 7
Toward a New
Read aloud the first three paragraphs of the section “The Night of
Government August 4” on page 108.
The Night of August 4 From all across
The Big Question
France, reports of violence poured into

SUPPORT—On the board or chart paper, list the changes proposed in

the hall where deputies of the National How significant was
the Declaration of
Assembly were meeting. They knew that
the Rights of Man,
to have a new, stable government in and what prompted
France, they had to restore order. But how? the women’s march

the National Assembly. Help students connect each change with the
to Versailles?
Several deputies said the only way to remove the
cause of the rioting would be to give up some of the nobility’s ancient feudal
privileges. One of the deputies said that all people should pay taxes according
to their incomes. This meant that the nobility would pay their fair share of taxes
for the first time. Another deputy suggested that peasants should be allowed to
hunt in their manor lord’s forest. A third deputy said that ordinary citizens should
complaints of the Third Estate prior to the Revolution. Each one either
removes a privilege of the First or Second Estate or opens a door of
be allowed to hold public offices and positions in the army that were reserved for
the nobility.

An excited public watched from the observation balcony as one by one the

advancement to the Third Estate.

deputies stood up to name old feudal rights to be given up. The excitement grew
to a frenzy—a “contagion of sentimental feeling,” as one observer called it—as the
deputies cried to outdo one another in giving up ancient feudal claims. Clergy gave
up the right to tithes; lords gave up the right to collect land rents.

Page 108
Read aloud the last two paragraphs of the section on page 110.

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After you read the text, ask the following question:

LITERAL—What did the National Assembly do on the night of
August 4, 1789?
»» They got rid of the feudal system of the old regime by removing many
privileges of the clergy and nobility.

The decisions made at the National Assembly meeting on August 4, 1789,

Page 109
began the transformation of France from a feudal society to a modern nation.


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“The Declaration of the Rights of Man,” Pages 110–112

One of the more conservative deputies tried to stop the proceedings. He

passed a note to the president of the assembly that read, “Suspend the
Scaffold understanding as follows:
session. They have all gone quite mad.”

Have students read the section “The Declaration of the Rights of Man”
But the session continued through the night. By daylight, the rights and
privileges of the French feudal system of the ancien régime had been swept
away. Some of the changes were later modified, but the door was opened for
a new system of government and a constitution.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man

The National Assembly was ready to begin framing
on pages 110–112. Encourage students to refer to the vocabulary box on
page 110 as they read.
a constitution for the new nation.
natural law, n. a
Some deputies argued that a strong constitution system of rights or
must be based on the rights of man, and must justice that is shared
by all people and
protect these rights, which are rights granted to all that comes from
men by natural law. nature, not from the
rules of society

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term natural law, and

Some deputies nodded in agreement. Yes, they
must have a Bill of Rights, like the English had passed in 1689 and like the Bill
of Rights the American Congress was working on. The ideas of freedom and
equality must be stated as the basis for the constitution.

Other deputies disagreed. It works for the Americans and the British, they said,
because they have a history of freedom. But the people of France have lived
for centuries under a feudal system. They might not yet be ready for equality.
explain its meaning.
The two sides continued to debate, but in the end, the supporters of natural
rights won. On August 27, 1789, the National Assembly issued the Declaration
of the Rights of Man.

The first article of the Declaration read, “Men are born and remain free and
equal in rights.”
Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall reading about
“These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression,”

Page 110
read the second article.

natural rights in the Grade 4 unit The United States Constitution. Explain that
G6_B2_U4_Chap07_SR.indd 110 28/03/18 3:00 PM

natural law is based on the same principle.

SUPPORT—Read aloud the first two articles of the Declaration of the
Rights of Man as they are listed on the bottom of page 110. Help students
connect the ideas in these articles with ideas they have studied in The
Enlightenment unit and in Chapter 1, such as John Locke’s natural rights of
life, liberty, and property, and the right to replace governments that do not
protect people’s natural rights.
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was not only about the rights of French citizens—it

LITERAL—According to some deputies, what should France’s new

claimed that all people had natural rights.

Other articles in the Declaration gave citizens freedom of speech, freedom of

religion, and equal justice. The Declaration promised that no one would receive

Page 111 constitution be based on?

special privileges and that everyone would have equality before the law.


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»» They believed it should be based on the rights of man and natural law,
like the English Bill of Rights and the American Bill of Rights.

LITERAL—Why did some deputies disagree with this idea?

»» They believed that what worked for the Americans and the British
would not work for France because the French had no experience with
freedom. They had lived under feudalism for too long.

LITERAL—What were some of the rights protected by the Declaration of

the Rights of Man?
»» The Declaration protected the rights of liberty, property, security,
resistance to oppression, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and
equal justice. It also stated people were equal before the law and had
the right to say how they would be governed.

“Women March to Versailles,” Pages 112–115

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read aloud the first five paragraphs of the section on
pages 112–113.


The Declaration also stated that the people had the right to have a say in how
they would be governed. The absolute monarchy was abolished. After much
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the phrase “citizens’ militia” when
debate, they decided that the king could remain on the throne, but he would
no longer have absolute power.

The deputies were finally ready to begin drafting a constitution. But they still had
it is encountered in the text. Make sure students understand the nature of
a militia. It is made up of ordinary citizens, not professional soldiers.
many disagreements. For instance, exactly how much power should the king
have? These debates were going on when once again, the poor people spoke.

Women March to Versailles

In Paris, the shortage of bread was reaching a crisis. Fighting broke out in

SUPPORT—Note the name of the leader of the citizens’ militia in Paris,

bread lines; bakers were threatened with hanging.

Among the poor working classes, women were the ones in charge of getting
the daily supply of bread. They also often worked for wages. Because of
this, women especially felt the burden of the shortage of bread and of the
widespread unemployment.

On October 5, 1789, a rough and angry crowd of women gathered at city hall
demanding bread. They were told they would have to see the king, so the
Marquis de Lafayette. Make sure students understand that this is the
same Lafayette who fought with George Washington in the American
crowd of women began the long hike to Versailles. Some were well-dressed
bourgeois women who genuinely believed that if the king knew what was
happening to the people, he would help solve the problem. They marched

Revolution, as described in Chapter 1.

side by side with ordinary women. Some of the women who marched were
armed with pikes; some tore down shop signs; some criticized the queen.

Along the way, other women joined them. The crowd eventually grew to
more than six thousand. Many of the women carried broomsticks and kitchen
knives. It had begun to rain, and by the time they

Invite volunteers to read the remainder of the section aloud.

reached Versailles in the late afternoon, they were
soaked and muddy. “citizens’ militia,”
(phrase) an army
In Paris, a citizens’ militia, or National Guard, had composed of the
been formed after the fall of the Bastille. It was people of a nation

Page 112
rather than of soldiers
commanded by the Marquis de Lafayette—the

SUPPORT—Reread the chant, “We are bringing the baker, the baker’s

G6_B2_U4_Chap07_SR.indd 112 28/03/18 3:00 PM

wife, and the baker’s boy—now we shall have bread!,” which appears on
the bottom of page 114. Ask students who they think the baker is. Guide
students to understand that the women are referring to the king as the
baker, Marie Antoinette as the baker’s wife, and their son as the baker’s
The women who protested wanted the king to come to Paris to solve the problem of the
shortage of bread. Others wanted the king in Paris so they could keep an eye on him.
boy. The women think that because they are bringing the royal family to
same Lafayette who had fought beside George Washington in the American
Revolution. When the National Guard heard the news of the women’s march,
they demanded that Lafayette lead them to Versailles to bring the king back
Paris, things will change, and they will have bread again.
to Paris to face the protesters.

By this time, the women had arrived at Versailles and pushed into the hall

After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:

where the National Assembly was meeting. The women shouted at the
deputies from the galleries lining the meeting hall. As deputies tried to
continue debating the constitution, one woman shouted down at them:
“Who’s that talking down there? Make the chatterbox shut up. That’s not
the point: the point is that we want bread!”

LITERAL—Why did women march to Versailles?

Finally, a delegation of six women was allowed to meet with the king. “Sire, we
want bread,” said the spokeswoman of the group. “You know my heart,”
answered the king. “I will order all the bread in Versailles to be collected and
given to you.” The king thought that was the end of the crisis and went to bed.

Sometime around six o’clock the next morning, the queen was awakened by

Page 113 shouting in the rooms below her. A mob of women had broken into the palace,
»» The poor working women were angry and they demanded bread at
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city hall. The city officials told them they would have to see the king,
and they were looking for her. Two of the queen’s bodyguards were killed as
they tried to stop the mob. “We want to cut off her head,” they screamed.
so they made the long walk to Versailles.
The terrified queen leaped out of bed and fled through a hidden staircase to
the king’s rooms. When the mob reached the queen’s empty bedroom, they
slashed her bedsheets with knives.

Lafayette’s men arrived and managed to clear the palace of the rioters, but
the crowd had gathered in the courtyard, where they shouted, “The king to
Paris! The king to Paris!”
LITERAL—Why did women feel the burden of the bread shortage the most?
Finally, the king appeared on his balcony overlooking the rowdy crowd in
the courtyard below. “My friends,” he announced, “I will go to Paris with my wife
and children.” The queen and the royal children also appeared before the crowd.

That afternoon, they set out for Paris through the mud and rain. The National
Guard rode in front of the coach that carried the king and queen and their
»» Women were the ones in charge of getting the daily supply of bread,
and because women often worked for wages, the increase in bread
children, while Lafayette himself rode beside the coach. The crowd of women
walked alongside the carriage, carrying pikes with the heads of the queen’s
guards. Some of the women shouted insults at the queen, and others

prices, along with the unemployment at the time, really hurt women.
chanted, “We are bringing the baker, the baker’s wife, and the baker’s boy—
now we shall have bread!”

LITERAL—Where did the National Guard take the royal family?

Page 114
The royal family was forced to leave Versailles and was taken to Paris.

»» They took them to the Tuileries, once the royal palace in Paris but now
vacant and dusty.
G6_B2_U4_Chap07_SR.indd 114 28/03/18 3:00 PM

“Reforms and the Constitution,” Page 115

After six long hours, the royal family reached Paris and was taken to the
Tuileries. Dust and cobwebs filled the rooms—very different from the
Scaffold understanding as follows:
magnificent palace at Versailles. But neither the king, nor queen, nor their
son would ever see Versailles again. Their daughter would survive the events
that were about to occur, but would spend much of her remaining life outside
of France.

Reforms and the Constitution

Have students read the section “Reform and the Constitution” on
The deputies of the National Assembly followed the king to Paris and began
announcing a series of reforms that turned France upside down. In its first
eighteen months, the assembly passed laws that formed the basis of a
page 115 with a partner. Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary box
new constitution.

The deputies created a limited constitutional

monarchy; the assembly would make the laws,
as they read.
and the king and his ministers were responsible for
monarchy, n.
enforcing them. government by a

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term constitutional

king or queen whose
The government took over the lands of the power is limited by
Catholic Church and sold them to pay off its heavy a constitution
debts. The assembly decided that clergy would be

monarchy, and explain its meaning.

elected by the voters—property-owning males—and paid by the state; thus,
priests became elected state officials. This angered many religious believers,
turning them against the Revolution.

The king agreed to approve both the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
the constitution. Many people thought that the Revolution was completed,
but they were wrong—another, more violent, upheaval was coming.

Page 115 115

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After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How was power divided in France’s new constitutional
»» The assembly made the laws, and the king and his ministers were
responsible for enforcing them.

LITERAL—How did the role of the Church change?

»» The government took away the Church’s land, and the clergy were
elected by voters and paid by the state.

• Show students the Chapter 7 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “How significant was the Declaration
of the Rights of Man, and what prompted the women’s march to Versailles?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “How significant was the
Declaration of the Rights of Man, and what prompted the women’s
march to Versailles?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The Declaration of the Rights
of Man provided a new structure for government. It proposed rights
and introduced principles. It not only declared rights for the French
citizens, it claimed that all people had natural rights. The women’s
march to Versailles was a result of continued hunger, lack of jobs, and
rising prices of wheat and bread. The women wanted to deal with the
king directly, so they marched to Versailles to demand that he make
changes, or come back to Paris so they could monitor his response to
their demands.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary terms (natural law or constitutional

monarchy) or the phrase “citizens’ militia,” and write a sentence using the
word or phrase.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.



From Monarchy
to Republic
The Big Question: What happened to the royal family?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the attempted escape of the royal family and its results. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the makeup of the Legislative Assembly, and the radicals’ revolutionary ideals of “liberty,
equality, and fraternity.” (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the conflict between France and Austria. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the actions of the National Convention. (RI.6.5)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: Legislative Assembly, republic,
despotism, and guillotine. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “From Monarchy to Republic”:

Materials Needed
• Internet access or A Tale of Two Cities DVD; abridged version of the
novel (optional)

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

Legislative Assembly, n. a group of representatives with the power to make

laws for the country (118)
Example: The Legislative Assembly passed a new voting law to better
represent the people of the nation.
republic, n. a government in which people elect representatives to rule for
them (118)
Example: The citizens of the republic believed their representatives were not
listening to them, and so they voted them out of office.
Variations: republics
despotism, n. tyranny; rule by a leader who has total and often oppressive
power (123)
Example: The citizens were enraged by the recent acts of despotism.
Variations: despotisms, despotic (adj.)
guillotine, n. a machine designed to behead people quickly and with little
pain (123)
Example: The guard took the prisoner to the guillotine and covered his head
with a plain white cloth.
Variations: guillotines

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “From Monarchy to Republic” 5 min

Use the Timeline Image Cards from Chapter 7 to review the writing of the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the women’s march to Versailles. Remind
students where the last chapter left off: the king and his family had been taken
from Versailles by the National Guard and brought back to Paris to the now
vacant castle, the Tuileries.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question, and tell students that this chapter
explains more about how the Revolution affected the royal family.

Guided Reading Supports for “From Monarchy to Republic” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Escape!,” Pages 116–118

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 8
From Monarchy
Read the section “Escape!” on pages 116–118 aloud.
to Republic
Escape! Shortly after midnight on June 21,
1791, a plump man in dark clothes passed The Big Question
After you read the text, ask the following questions:
through the palace gates of the Tuileries. What happened to
the royal family?
The guard paid little attention; he had

LITERAL—How did the royal family try to escape from the Tuileries?
seen a duke leave at the same time every
night. But this night it was different. This night, the man in dark
clothes was actually the king of France in disguise!

Once through the gate, the king entered a waiting carriage. Inside were two women
and two children: the king’s sister, his two children (his daughter, and his son dressed

»» They fled Paris at night, wearing disguises, using a carriage to take

as a little girl), and the children’s governess. In the dim light, another woman
approached the carriage. It was Marie Antoinette, dressed in a simple dress and hat.

The royal family was attempting to escape to Austria. There, the queen’s brother,
the Austrian emperor, might be persuaded to invade France and restore the
monarchy to its old powers.

Their plans failed. They were discovered when they reached the town of
Varennes (/vah*ren/) by a man who recognized the king from his image on
them to Austria.
French money. The king and his family were brought back to Paris in humiliation.
Soldiers of the National Guard lined the streets of Paris, their muskets reversed as
if for a funeral. Huge crowds watched the passing carriage, but they were silent.

Page 116
116 LITERAL—Why did the royal family decide to escape to Austria?
G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 116 28/03/18 2:59 PM

»» They thought the queen’s brother, the Austrian emperor, might be

able to help them.


LITERAL—How were they caught?
»» A man in Varennes recognized the king because his image was on
French money.

LITERAL—What happened to the king when he returned to Paris?

»» He’d lost his power and the trust of his people. He and his family
became prisoners in the Tuileries.
King Louis and his family failed to escape France and were forced

Page 117 to return to Paris.


G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 117 28/03/18 3:00 PM

“A New Legislative Assembly,” Pages 118–119

All had read the official notices that had been posted, warning the people:
“Whoever applauds the king shall be flogged [whipped]; whoever insults him
Scaffold understanding as follows:
shall be hanged.”

Invite volunteers to read the section “A New Legislative Assembly” aloud.

Now the king had lost not only the limited power he had as a constitutional
monarch but also the love and trust of his people. He and his family would
now be prisoners in the palace of the Tuileries.

A New Legislative Assembly

In September 1791, the National Assembly finished its job and stepped down.
A new Legislative Assembly took its place, composed of younger men
with different ideas. However, the old problems
remained—jobs and bread were still in short Vocabulary
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary terms Legislative
Assembly and republic when they are encountered in the text.
supply—and the people were getting angry Legislative
Assembly, n.
once again.
a group of
The Legislative Assembly held its meetings in the representatives with
the power to make
royal riding school in the gardens of the Tuileries, laws for the country
which now housed the king. In the center of the
republic, n. a

Note: Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word republic
hall sat the president.
government in
The new deputies of the assembly were solid which people elect
representatives to
members of the middle class and included many rule for them

from the Grade 5 unit England in the Golden Age, or the Grade 4 units
lawyers, but they were deeply divided into
two factions, which held conflicting ideas. Some deputies were conservatives
who wanted to keep the limited monarchy. Other deputies were radicals who
wanted to get rid of the king and set up a republic.

The radicals sat to the left of the president, and the conservatives sat to his
right. Soon people began to refer to deputies as “left-wingers” or “right-
wingers.” Elsewhere in France, there were some people whose views were even
Dynasties of China, The United States Constitution, and Early Presidents.
more extreme than the views of the deputies in the Legislative Assembly. On
the left, there were some extreme radicals who wanted to sweep away all of the

Page 118
old rules and traditions, and establish complete equality and democracy. On the

SUPPORT—Note the word radicals in the third and fourth paragraphs
G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 118 28/03/18 3:00 PM

of the section. Students in Core Knowledge schools may recall the word
radical from the Grade 5 unit The Civil War. Remind students that a radical
is someone who favors large or widespread changes. Compare this with
extreme right, there were conservatives who wanted to go back to the absolute
monarchy. By this time, however, most conservatives had left the country.

France at War

conservatives, who usually want to minimize the amount of change.

The Austrian emperor, Leopold II, who was also Marie Antoinette’s brother,
supported the extreme right-wingers. He did not support the Revolution in
France—after all, it set a bad example. Other Europeans might start wanting
liberty and equality too, and then what would happen to European monarchs
like him? And, revolution could spread to European colonies too. Then what

SUPPORT—Draw attention to the last paragraph in the section. On the board

would happen? Indeed revolution did spread beyond Europe. On August 22,
1791, fifty thousand enslaved workers rose up on a French colonial island in
the Caribbean called St. Domingue. With its sugar plantations, this island was
the richest Caribbean colony. After the revolt, this island would be renamed
Haiti, and it would become the first black republic in the world.

or chart paper, draw a diagram of the assembly chamber, with the president
in the middle, the radicals on the left, and conservatives on the right. Use the
diagram to explain the terms left-wing and right-wing. Make sure students
understand that these terms are still used today to describe the political
leanings of people and political parties.
Page 119 Marie Antoinette’s brother, Leopold II, was the emperor of Austria.


G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 119 28/03/18 3:00 PM

After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:

LITERAL—What replaced the National Assembly?
»» the Legislative Assembly

EVALUATIVE—How were the Legislative Assembly’s conservatives

different from the radicals?
»» Conservatives wanted France to remain a limited monarchy. Radicals
wanted to get rid of the monarchy altogether and make France a


“France at War,” Pages 119–122

When Austria threatened to attack France, the radicals in the assembly

responded with enthusiasm. They felt this would give France an opportunity
Scaffold understanding as follows:
to spread its revolutionary ideals: liberty—freedom of speech, religion,
the press, and so on; equality—all citizens equal under the law, no special
privileges for any one group; fraternity—the comradeship of all French citizens
working together for the good of France.

“France must rise to the full height of her mission!” shouted one deputy.
Invite volunteers to read aloud the first six paragraphs of the section on
“Yes, yes!” shouted the others. And then they declared war on Austria.

The war went badly for France. “I am not able to understand,” raged Lafayette,
“how we could ever get into war without the slightest preparation!”
pages 119–120.
The poorly trained soldiers fled at the sight of the well-equipped, well-trained

SUPPORT—Point out the phrase “extreme right-wingers” in the first

armies of the enemy. Their flight left the road to Paris open. Rumors spread
wildly through Paris. The king
and queen are traitors! They
have betrayed us to the enemy!

paragraph. Ask students what extreme right-wingers most likely wanted.

How else could the French
army be so easily beaten? Once
again, the sans culottes turned

(to retain the monarchy)

to violence.

Early in the morning of August

10, 1792, the king and queen,
who had been awake all night,
listened to the church bells
ring an ominous alarm. They
knew that something terrible
was about to happen. The loyal
Swiss Guards stood by, ready
SUPPORT—Discuss the efforts of the French army and the reactions of
the people in France. The French army never had a chance. They were
to defend the Tuileries. Then
news came—the sans culottes The French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette

Page 120

G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 120 28/03/18 3:00 PM

less prepared, less trained, and less armed than the Austrians, but to many
people in France, particularly the sans culottes, there was another reason
for France’s loss, one that had no basis in fact: the mistaken belief that
had taken over the city government, and a mob was rapidly approaching
the Tuileries.

When the mob broke through the heavy oak gates, the palace defenders

the king and queen made sure the French lost the war. That made them
were ready. They fired muskets and cannons, and the mob retreated.
But then there was a new sound—not a mob, but marching feet. It
was the militia from the provinces, mainly from the southern province
of Marseilles (/mar*say/). These were rough and ragged men who had

traitors in the eyes of the revolutionaries.

marched all the way to Paris to join the fight against the Austrians. Along
the way, they sang a song, “The Marseillaise” (/mahr*say*yez/), that later
would become the French national anthem. The troops were intent on
dethroning the king.

Despite heroic efforts by the palace guards, the militia and mob forced their

Invite volunteers to read the remainder of the section aloud.

way into the palace. Meanwhile, a deputy of the National Assembly was with
the royal family, ready to take them to safety.

“Look, sire!” he cried, as he pointed out the window. ‘’A whole people are
advancing! If the palace must fall, let it fall; but let the crown be saved.”

The king and his family hurried through the back of the palace and made

After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:

their way across the gardens to seek protection of the Legislative Assembly,
which was meeting in the riding school. But the assembly could not
protect them.

Meanwhile, the mob burst into the palace and slaughtered five hundred
members of the Swiss Guards. Then they killed anyone else they could find

LITERAL—Who was Leopold II?

in the palace—cooks, maids, and servants—and went from room to room,
looting and destroying. More than one thousand people perished.

The violence marked the end of the monarchy. The king and his family were
taken as prisoners to the Temple, a medieval fortress. The coachmen drove
slowly so people in the streets could witness the royal family on its nightmare

»» He was emperor of Austria and Marie Antoinette’s brother.

journey to prison.

Page 121 121

G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 121 28/03/18 3:00 PM

EVALUATIVE—Why did France declare war on Austria?

»» Austria first threatened to attack France, and the radicals in the
assembly thought it was a way to spread their revolutionary ideas of
liberty, equality, and freedom throughout Europe.

LITERAL—What occurred as a result of France’s poor showing in the war

with Austria?
»» The sans culottes took control of the city government and then
attacked the Tuileries with the help of the militia to take the king and
his family prisoner.

LITERAL—Where were the king and queen taken after the attack on
the Tuileries?
»» They were taken to a medieval fortress called the Temple.

LITERAL—What was the National Convention?

»» It was the new, more radical legislative assembly that was elected.


“The Death of the King” and “The Fate of the Queen,” Pages 122–125

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read aloud the first four paragraphs of the section “The Death of the
King” on pages 122–123.
Even the Tuileries, the palace that had become a prison, was no longer safe for the
royal family.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary word despotism
when it is encountered in the text.
In September, a new and far more radical legislative assembly, the National
Convention, was elected. It would soon decide the fate of King Louis XVI and
Queen Marie Antoinette.

The Death of the King

On September 22, 1792, the National Convention declared France a republic

SUPPORT—Note the word tyranny in the fourth paragraph of the section.

and announced the end of the monarchy. Now Louis was harmless and had
no power. Stripped of his crown and title, he was to be known as Louis Capet
(/ka*pay/). The revolutionaries were not sure what to do with him, though.

Help Core Knowledge students recall the definition of tyranny from Ancient
They spent hours debating his fate.

“The king must be killed,” declared the young, elegant—but cruel—deputy,

Antoine de Saint-Just (/an*twahn/duh/sahn*zhoost/). “Royalty is an eternal

Greece and Rome and The Enlightenment: a type of government in which

crime. The king must not have a long trial. He must be killed.”

Page 122

G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 122 28/03/18 3:00 PM

one person illegally seizes all power, usually ruling in a harsh and brutal
way; a dictatorship.
“But what was his crime?” others asked. “Should a
man be killed just because he was born a king?”

Read aloud the remainder of the section “The Death of the King” on
despotism, n.
Despite these objections, the king was put on trial. tyranny; rule by
In the convention, one delegate argued against a leader who has
total and often
the trial: “I am tired of my part of despotism— oppressive power

page 123.
tormented by the tyranny I am forced to exercise.”
guillotine, n. a
But the trial went on, and Louis was found guilty of machine designed
conspiracy against the nation. What would be his to behead people
quickly and with
punishment? Imprisonment? Banishment? little pain
After three days of debate, the vote was taken

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary word guillotine

and the verdict was announced: the king must die! The most shocking
vote in favor of the death penalty was cast by the former Duke of Orléans,
a cousin of Louis who had changed his name to Philippe Égalité (/fih*leep/
aye*gal*ee*tay/), or Philip Equality. Later, when the Revolution swirled out of
control, Philippe Egalité would himself be executed.

On January 21, 1793, Louis, the descendant of Bourbon kings who had ruled
France for centuries, was driven in a carriage to the guillotine
when it is encountered in the text. Use the image on page 124 to show
students what a guillotine looks like. Explain that the guillotine was meant
(/gee*yuh*teen/). Weak during life, he approached his death with dignity
and high courage. Louis calmly climbed the steps to the guillotine, his priest
beside him; he placed his head beneath the heavy blade that hung high

to be a fair and humane method of execution. Because it was a machine,

above him.

He began to speak: “I die innocent . . .,” but a roll of drums drowned out
his words. The blade fell and the crowd cheered, “Long live the Republic!”
Some formed a human chain that danced around the guillotine singing
“The Marseillaise.”

The king was dead, and the queen would soon follow in his footsteps. it did not allow for human error in the act of execution (as opposed to a
Page 123 123
human executioner, for example, whose ax strike might miss its mark),
G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 123 28/03/18 3:00 PM

and it treated all victims equally. It was also believed to provide a painless
The Fate of the Queen
On the morning of October 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette dressed herself for the
last time. She wore a white dress, stockings, and silk shoes. Guards escorted
her from her dark prison cell and placed her in an open cart for the long ride
to the guillotine. She too had been tried, convicted, and sentenced to death.
SUPPORT—Call students’ attention to “The Marseillaise.” Explain that the
song is now France’s national anthem.
The only reminder that she had been a queen was in her bearing. She held
her head high, but gone was the sparkling, lovely Marie Antoinette. Here was
a tired old woman, dressed in plain clothing more fit for a chambermaid.

As she climbed the steps to the guillotine, some observers stated that she
accidentally stepped on her executioner’s foot and said, “Pardon me, Sir.

Read aloud the section “The Fate of the Queen” on page 124.
I meant not to do it.” Those, it is claimed by some, were her last words.

After reading the text, ask the following questions:

LITERAL—What did the National Convention decide about Louis XVI?
King Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine. His execution horrified many Europeans who »» They decided to strip him of his crown and title. Then they decided he
Page 124
opposed the French Revolution.


G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 124 28/03/18 3:00 PM

was guilty of conspiracy against the nation and that his punishment
should be death.

LITERAL—How did King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette die?

»» They were executed by guillotine.

LITERAL—How did the crowd react to Louis XVI’s execution?

»» The crowd cheered and danced.

Page 125 Marie Antoinette, the queen who had lived a life of luxury, was taken to her death in a cart.


G6_B2_U4_Chap08_SR.indd 125 28/03/18 3:00 PM


• Show students the Chapter 8 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What happened to the royal family?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What happened to the royal family?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The royal family tried to
escape to Austria, but they were caught and sent to the Tuileries. After
the war with Austria, an angry mob attacked the Tuileries and the
militia took the royal family as prisoners and sent them to the Temple.
They were put on trial, found guilty, and sentenced to death. The king
was beheaded first, and then the queen.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary terms (Legislative Assembly, republic,

despotism, or guillotine), and write a sentence using the term.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (RI.6.4, L.6.6) 30 minutes

Activity Page Materials Needed: Sufficient copies of Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (AP 8.1)
Distribute AP 8.1, Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8, and direct students
to solve the riddles using the words in the word box. This activity may be
AP 8.1 assigned for homework.

A Tale of Two Cities (RI.6.7) 90 min

Materials Needed: Internet access; abridged version of the novel (optional)

Background for Teachers: Allow two days for this activity. Use this link to
download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the specific links to
the videos may be found:


Note: If Internet access is not available, you might also rent or borrow a DVD or
Blu-ray of the 1980 version of A Tale of Two Cities, starring Chris Sarandon and
Alice Krige.
Play the movie trailer for A Tale of Two Cities. The trailer lasts a little more than
three minutes, but you can stop around 02:50 before the cast is introduced.
Ask students what they predict the movie will be about based on the trailer.
This trailer is for a nonexistent movie, using clips from other movies such as Les
Miserables and Emma, to show scenes from what could be A Tale of Two Cities.
Explain that this is a trailer for a possible modern movie, but many versions of
this classic novel have actually been made over the years.
Provide background for students before playing clips from an older version
of the movie. A Tale of Two Cities is based on a novel by Charles Dickens set in
London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The well-known
novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his eighteen-year-old
imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris, and his release to live in London with his
daughter Lucie, whom he had never met; Lucie’s marriage and the collision
between her beloved husband and the people who caused her father’s
imprisonment; and Monsieur and Madame Defarge, sellers of wine in a poor
suburb of Paris. The story is set against the conditions that led up to the French
Revolution and the Reign of Terror, which students will soon read about.
Play the movie from the beginning until approximately 25:00. Stop and guide
students to understand that the trial is held because they believe Charles
Darnay is a traitor to England and that he was sharing secrets with France.
Darnay is the nephew who told his uncle, the Monsieur, that he did not believe
in the ways of the royalty, he did not like what they were doing, and he wanted
to relinquish his rights, move away, and start a new life on his own. Lucie and
her father are witnesses at the trial because they were on the same boat to
England as Charles Darnay.
Have students discuss in small groups the setting of the story and make
connections to what they know about France at the time. Allow discussion
until the end of class on the first day.
On the second day, explain that Lucie and Charles Darnay get married. Darnay
reveals his real name (and the fact that he is a French aristocrat, which bothers
the doctor, because he was imprisoned in the Bastille by the French aristocracy).
Darnay wants to return to France, which he knows is risky considering his
background. Play the movie starting at 1:24:00, “The Road to Paris,” which starts
with Darnay traveling by carriage to Paris. Stop the movie at 1:45:00.
Have students meet in their small groups again and continue discussing the
setting of the movie. Remind students that Dickens wrote the book in 1859,
more than half a century after the French Revolution. Have students discuss
how Dickens (and in this sense, how the makers of the movie) used the setting
to describe this time in history.
Note: You might want to provide an abridged version of the book, such as the
Saddleback’s Illustrated Classics title listed in Books on page 111 of this unit’s
Introduction, for students to read.



Religion, Culture,
and Art
The Big Question: Why do you think the revolutionaries wanted to change so much
of French society?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the effects of the French Revolution on the Catholic Church. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the new calendar. (RI.6.4)
✓✓ Understand the impact of the French Revolution on the rest of the world. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: cathedral, civic, piety,
classicism, and neoclassicism. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Religion, Culture, and Art”:

Materials Needed
Activity Pages • Display and individual student copies of Notes About Religion, Culture,
and Art (AP 9.1)
• Internet access to The Oath of the Horatii image and video
AP 8.1 • Individual student copies of Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (AP 8.1)
AP 9.1

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

cathedral, n. the bishop’s church; any large and important church (128)
Example: The cathedral of Notre-Dame still stands today in the center of Paris.
Variations: cathedrals
civic, adj. relating to a city, citizen, or community (128)
Example: Early voting was available at the town’s civic center.


piety, n. the quality of being deeply religious; the adherence to religious
principles in daily life (131)
Example: The piety that the nun displays is admirable.
classicism, n. the ideas and styles found in the works of ancient Greece and
Rome (132)
Example: The architecture of the Parthenon in Athens is an example of classicism.
neoclassicism, n. a revival of ancient Greek and Roman ideas, especially in
literature, art, or architecture (132)
Example: The discovery of Roman ruins sparked an era of neoclassicism in art.

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “Religion, Culture, and Art” 5 min

Use the Timeline Image Cards for Chapters 7 and 8 to review the events of the
French Revolution so far. Point out that after the royal family’s failed attempt
to flee, the country was governed by the National Convention, an extremely
radical assembly. Explain that in this chapter, students will read about some of
the extreme changes that the convention instituted in France.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for the changes
that were made and to think about why the revolutionaries made those changes.

Independent Reading of “Religion, Culture and Art” 30 min

Activity Page Distribute Notes About Religion, Culture, and Art (AP 9.1). Direct students to read
the entire chapter independently, completing the activity page as they read.
Tell students that if they finish reading the chapter before their classmates,
AP 9.1 they should begin to write a response to the Big Question, as well as write a
sentence using one of the Core Vocabulary words from the chapter.
SUPPORT—Prior to having students start reading the chapter, write the
following words on the board or chart paper, pronounce and then briefly
explain each word or phrase: cathedral of Notre-Dame, Gregorian calendar,
monsieur, madame, mademoisielle, piety, contemporary, classicism, and
neoclassicism. Have students repeat the pronunciation of each word.
SUPPORT—Write the Big Question on the board or chart paper to remind
students to provide a written answer if they finish reading the chapter early.
Also, add a reminder about writing a sentence using a Core Vocabulary word.
Note: Guided Reading Supports are included below as an alternative to
independent reading, if, in your judgment, some or all students are not yet
capable of reading the entire chapter independently while still maintaining a
good understanding of what they have read.


Guided Reading Supports for “Religion, Culture, and Art” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“Wiping Out the Old Regime,” Pages 126–128

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 9
Religion, Culture,
Invite a volunteer to read aloud the first paragraph of the section on
and Art page 126.
Wiping Out the Old Regime The radical
The Big Question
leaders of the French Revolution wanted to

SUPPORT—Students read about Voltaire in Chapter 1 as well as in the unit

destroy everything that they hated about Why do you think
the revolutionaries
the ancien régime and reform virtually
wanted to change
every aspect of French life. Many of the so much of French
revolutionary leaders shared Voltaire’s society?

The Enlightenment, if they completed it. Invite volunteers to share what

dislike for the Roman Catholic Church.

they remember about Voltaire and his beliefs, especially about the Church.
(Students may recall that Voltaire hated religious intolerance and censorship.
He claimed that the Church kept people in ignorance and superstition, and did
Page 126

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not tolerate any disagreements.)
Invite volunteers to read the remainder of the section on page 128 aloud.
SUPPORT—Point out the phrase “parish priests” in the last paragraph of
the section. Ask students to recall the meaning of this Core Vocabulary
term from earlier in the unit. (a person in a local church who has the training
or authority to carry out certain religious ceremonies or rituals)
After volunteers read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—How did revolutionaries change the Catholic Church?

Page 127
During the French Revolution, land owned by the Catholic Church was
taken away.

»» They took all Church land and sold it. They forced priests to take an
G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 127 28/03/18 3:00 PM

oath declaring loyalty to the new constitution. They drove out priests
who refused to take the oath.

“The Attack on the Church,” Pages 128–129

These leaders doubted the Church’s religious doctrines. They hated the
wealthy Church leaders, such as bishops, who had helped strengthen the old
Scaffold understanding as follows:
regime. So it was no surprise that the Church soon came under attack.

Have students read the section “The Attack on the Church” with a
The revolutionaries had already begun stripping away the power of the
Catholic Church. They took all the Church’s land and sold it. They tried to
transform the Roman Catholic Church into a French national church. They
forced priests to take an oath of loyalty declaring their support for the new
constitution. Priests who refused (and there were many) were driven out of
their parishes and treated as enemies of the state.

These actions angered many of the Catholics in France. Not only parish priests
and higher Church officials, but also ordinary people began to turn against
the Revolution. Even the pope condemned the Revolution.

The Attack on the Church

After the king’s execution, the revolutionaries
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the terms cathedral and civic, and explain
their meanings.
became even more hostile toward the Church.
Anti-Church radicals took over the cathedral cathedral, n. the
bishop’s church; any
of Notre-Dame, tore out statues of the saints, large and important
and replaced them with statues of Voltaire church
and Rousseau. civic, adj. relating
to a city, citizen, or

SUPPORT—Note the time indicator that begins the section: “After the
Radical revolutionary leaders decided that France
needed to replace the old Christian religion with a
new faith. They announced a Festival of the Supreme Being to introduce the
people of France to the new civic religion.

Paris was excited. Houses were decorated with flowers and colors of the
Revolution. The best artists in France worked to prepare for the festival. In
the garden of the Tuileries, thousands gathered to hear revolutionaries praise
king’s execution.” Help students understand that this indicator places the
events in this section during the rule of the National Convention. Remind
the Supreme Being. One leader, Maximilien Robespierre (/rohbz*pee*air/),
supported such beliefs.

Page 128
students about the extreme radicalism of the convention.

G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 128 28/03/18 3:00 PM


SUPPORT—Draw attention to the image of Notre-Dame on page 129.
Make sure students understand that the image shows the interior of the
cathedral as it appears today, not as it appeared in the 1790s. Ask students
to speculate how the interior may have been different in revolutionary
France. Remind them to consider the revolutionaries’ reaction to the
Catholic Church. (Possible responses: The cross may not have been displayed.
The statues would have been of philosophes instead of religious figures.)
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
Page 129 LITERAL—What did the revolutionaries do to the Church after the king’s
Even though Notre-Dame Cathedral was attacked and looted during the French Revolution,
it still stands today in the center of Paris. It remains a place of worship for French Catholics.


G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 129 28/03/18 3:00 PM

»» They tore out all the religious statues at Notre-Dame and replaced
them with statues of Enlightenment thinkers.

LITERAL—What did the revolutionaries want to replace the Catholic

Church with?
»» They wanted a new faith, a new civic religion.

“A New Calendar,” “The Metric System,” and “New Styles in Clothing and
Speech,” Pages 130–131

A New Calendar
Scaffold understanding as follows:
Imagine telling someone that your birthday is the 18th of Floreal, Year II.
According to the new calendar of the Revolution, that was the new name

Have students read the sections “A New Calendar,” “The Metric System,”
for what used to be called May 7, 1794. The most extreme of the French
revolutionaries wanted to get rid of all traces of Christianity. Because the old
calendar counted dates from the birth of Jesus Christ, they decided to abolish it.

and “New Styles in Clothing and Speech” independently.

They invented a new calendar—one that was based on the start of the French
Revolution. The first day of Year I was September 22, 1792, the day after the
National Convention took power.

The new calendar eliminated all of the inconsistencies of the old calendar.
There were now twelve months, each thirty days long. Each month was

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

divided into three ten-day weeks. A festival honoring the sans culottes was
celebrated during the last five days of each year. The months were named

LITERAL—Why did the revolutionaries want to create a new calendar?

How was the new calendar different?

The revolutionaries rejected the Gregorian calendar that was introduced in the late 1500s
»» The old calendar counted years from the birth of Christ. The
Page 130 revolutionaries wanted to wipe out all traces of Christianity, so they
and created their own calendar.


created a new calendar that would start on the day the French
G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 130 28/03/18 3:00 PM

for natural events during seasons. For example, Floreal was the month of
flowers; the month of Thermidor (heat) was from July 19 to August 17.
Revolution began.
The Metric System
Also introduced at this time was a new system of weights and measures—

LITERAL—How was the new style of clothing different from the clothing
the metric system. This system featuring liters, meters, and kilograms,
was created by French scientists. Up until this point, there had been many
different ways of measuring and weighing things in various parts of France.

New Styles in Clothing and Speech

Clothing styles also changed dramatically during the Revolution. Gone were
the tall, powdered wigs and elaborate, heavy dresses of the ancien régime.
of the old regime?
Men now wore plain clothes with little decoration. Women wore short, simple
hairdos and soft cotton dresses and sandals, imitating the simpler fashions of

»» The new style was plain and simple, in contrast to the elaborate dress
ancient Greece. The new styles reflected the modesty and virtue that were
expected in the new republic.

During the ancien régime, people had addressed one another as monsieur

of the old regime.

(/muhs*yuhr/) (for a man), madame (/muh*dam/) (a married woman), or
mademoiselle (/mad*mwah*zel/) (an unmarried woman). In the new republic,
people had to use the terms citizen and citoyen (/sit*woy*yeh/) or citoyenne
(/sit*woy*yehn/) meaning, citizeness, or else be accused of being against the

The Art of the Revolution

The revolutionaries also encouraged new styles
of art. They admired the civilizations of ancient
Greece and Rome. They saw the ancient Greeks
piety, n. the quality
of being deeply
EVALUATIVE—Which of these revolutionary changes still exists today?
and Romans as models of modesty, piety, and religious; the
devotion to duty. They contrasted these ancient adherence to religious

»» The metric system is still used today.

principles in daily life
virtues with those of the ancien régime aristocracy.

Page 131 131

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“The Art of the Revolution,” Pages 131–133

Artists celebrated this theme in their paintings and

sculptures. They painted contemporary figures
Scaffold understanding as follows:
classicism, n. the
in classical clothing and used figures and scenes
ideas and styles

Read the section aloud.

from ancient times to make statements about found in the works
contemporary events. Paintings usually focused on of ancient Greece
and Rome
grand and heroic themes and told stories of noble
events. The style was formal, with crisp outlines neoclassicism, n.
and cool colors. a revival of ancient
Greek and Roman
This new classicism, or neoclassicism, was ideas, especially in

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary terms piety,

literature, art, or
influenced and encouraged by the discovery and architecture
excavation of two ancient Roman cities. Herculaneum
and Pompeii were buried in volcanic ash in the year 79 CE and rediscovered

classicism, and neoclassicism when they are encountered in the text.

seventeen centuries later. Excavation of the two cities had begun in the mid-
1700s. Images in neoclassical paintings often mimicked the actual pictures found
on the walls of the excavated ruins.

Distinguish between classicism and neoclassicism by pointing out the base

The most famous neoclassical artist of the Revolution was Jacques-Louis
David (/zhahk/lwee/dah*veed/). David was also a member of the National
Convention who voted for the death of the king. His painting, the Tennis Court
Oath, emphasizes the heroism of the delegates who took an oath to never

word and the prefix neo-, which means new.

part until a constitution had been written.

Another of his works, The Death of Marat, shows one of the most famous
events of the Revolution. Jean-Paul Marat was a radical journalist and a
hero of the sans culottes. He was stabbed to death by a young woman as
he was taking a bath. These paintings helped enflame the people with

SUPPORT—Note the word contemporary in the second paragraph of

revolutionary fire.

Page 132
the section. Explain that contemporary means of the same age or time.
Help students understand that artists of the Revolution used classical, i.e.,

G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 132 28/03/18 3:00 PM

ancient Greek and Roman, styles to depict people and events of their own
time period.
SUPPORT—Point out the reference to David’s painting The Tennis Court
Oath. Have students turn back to page 99 in Chapter 5 to see the painting.
Have students compare The Tennis Court Oath with The Death of Marat
on page 133. What similarities do they see in the two paintings? (Possible
response: Both paintings use a dark color scheme.)
In this painting, The Death of Marat, David painted the journalist Marat as a tragic hero of

After you read the text, ask the following questions:

the Revolution.

Page 133 133

LITERAL—Why did the revolutionaries admire the civilizations of ancient
G6_B2_U4_Chap09_SR.indd 133 28/03/18 3:00 PM

Greece and Rome?

»» They saw the ancient Greeks and Romans as models of modesty, piety,
and devotion to duty, which were a contrast to the extravagance of
the old regime.

LITERAL—Describe neoclassical art.

»» The style was formal, with crisp outlines and cool colors. The pictures
often depicted actual events.

LITERAL—Who was Jacques-Louis David?

»» He was the most famous neoclassical artist of the Revolution.

Note: If students have been reading the chapter independently, call

the whole class back together to complete the Timeline and Check for
Understanding as a group.


• Show students the Chapter 9 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “Why do you think the revolutionaries
wanted to change so much of French society?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: Why do you think the
revolutionaries wanted to change so much of French society?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The revolutionaries were
fighting against the ideals and the members of the old regime. They
hated everything about the old regime. Creating a new society was
their way of wiping out the old regime.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (cathedral, civic, piety, classicism,
or neoclassicism), and write a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.
Note: Be sure to check students’ written responses to Notes About Religion,
Culture, and Art (AP 9.1) so you can correct any misunderstandings about the
chapter content during subsequent instructional periods.

Additional Activities

The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David (RI.6.7) 30 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access

Background for Teachers: Jacques-Louis David was commissioned (asked,
and usually paid) by King Louis XVI to create a series of paintings that would
teach the French people about what it meant to be a good citizen. In 1784,
David began work on The Oath of the Horatii, which shows a scene from the
early history of ancient Rome. The Horatii were a set of Roman triplets from a
Roman legend. According to the legend, there was a disagreement between
the city of Rome and the city of Alba. To solve the dispute, it was decided that
the Horatii triplets would fight against a set of triplets from Alba.


The three Roman Horatii brothers (on the left in the painting) are shown
swearing an oath to their father, who holds their swords in the center of the
picture. The brothers are swearing to defend Rome against the city of Alba,
even though two of them have relatives in Alba. The men are consciously
choosing loyalty to their city-state over loyalty to relatives, putting national
loyalty above personal connections. Their father approves, but the women in
the family (on the right in the painting) tearfully lament the decision. David
presents this ancient historical moment as an inspiring example of the nobility
and courage of these heroic patriots, who were willing to sacrifice their lives
and family obligations for Rome.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific links to the painting and a video with background information may
be found:
Begin by telling students the title of the painting, The Oath of the Horatii, and
explaining that the artist, Jacques-Louis David, started work on the painting in
1784 at the request of King Louis XVI. Prompt an initial conversation about the
painting with the following questions:
• What was happening in France at the time David started work on the painting?
»» Students may note that this period was before the start of the French
Revolution during the reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The
king and queen lived extravagantly at Versailles with other aristocrats,
while the majority of people in the Third Estate suffered from extreme

• Look at the manner in which the figures in the painting are dressed. Does
the clothing/style of dress depicted in the painting look similar to or
different from the style of dress during the period in which Louis XVI and
Marie reigned? (Encourage students to examine illustrations in the Student
Reader to make comparisons.) Does the style of dress in the painting
suggest that it took place in a different historical period?
»» Students should note that the figures in the painting are dressed
differently from images they have seen of people from Louis XVI’s
reign. They should recognize that the clothing reflects a different
historical period. Some students may recognize the clothing style as
classical, from ancient Greece and Rome.

Guide students to recognize the classical elements in the painting, such as the
style of dress and the architecture (arches and columns). Remind students that
neoclassical means “new classical”—a new interest in Greek and Roman style.
Remind students of the painting’s title, The Oath of the Horatii. Tell students the
story that the painting depicts. Explain that by choosing this scene of the story
for his painting, David was sending a message. What is that message? (Loyalty
to one’s country is more important than loyalty to one’s family.)


Organize students into small groups. Tell students to imagine that they are
curators for a museum that specializes in collecting neoclassical art. Pretend
that the painting has just been offered for sale at an auction. Within their
groups, have students look at the painting and discuss why they should acquire
the painting for their museum, using vocabulary appropriate for neoclassical
art, and expanding on ideas they learned about the revolutionaries turning to
neoclassicism. (Students should acknowledge the historical significance of when
the painting was made, as well as the elements of neoclassicism evident in the
Pull the class back together as a whole group, and ask each small group to
share their thoughts. Conclude by letting students know that the painting is
presently housed at the Louvre in Paris, formerly a palace for French kings, now
a museum of all types of art.



The Reign of Terror

The Big Question: What was the Reign of Terror?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Describe the Reign of Terror. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Identify the Jacobins, the Committee of Safety, Maximilien Robespierre, and their roles in the Reign
of Terror. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: tribunal, Law of Suspects,
Jacobin, royalist, traitor, and famine. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Reign of Terror”:

Materials Needed
• Internet access to The Scarlet Pimpernel video

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

tribunal, n. a type of court; a group appointed to make judgments (136)

Example: The tribunal decided who would be sentenced to the guillotine
and who would live.
Variations: tribunals
Law of Suspects, n. a law passed during the French Revolution that allowed
the arrest of people suspected of opposing the Revolution (136)
Example: Anyone who questioned the National Convention could be
arrested under the Law of Suspects.
Jacobin, n. a member of a violent, extreme left-wing group during the
French Revolution (136)
Example: The Jacobins called for the deaths of the king and queen.
Variations: Jacobins


royalist, n. a supporter of the king or queen (137)
Example: The royalist wanted to put the king back on the throne.
Variations: royalists
traitor, n. a person who is disloyal; a person who betrays his or her country (137)
Example: The traitor told the enemy where to find his army’s weapons.
Variations: traitors
famine, n. an extreme shortage of food that results in widespread hunger (138)
Example: The lack of bread and other affordable food led to famine across France.
Variations: famines

The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Reign of Terror” 5 min

Have students predict what may happen next in the course of the Revolution.
Remind them of the old rivalries that divided the prerevolutionary estates, and
that the new assembly was made up almost entirely of members of the old
Third Estate. Ask students how they think nobles might have reacted to the
abolition of the monarchy, and how they think nobles were likely to be treated
under the new republic. How do they think Catholics might react to having the
Church turned into a government agency? Tell them that in this chapter, they
will have a chance to check their predictions.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for details
they can use to describe the Reign of Terror.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Reign of Terror” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Revolution Turns Bloody,” Pages 134–136

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 10
The Reign of Terror Read the first two paragraphs of the section aloud.
The Revolution Turns Bloody When the

SUPPORT—Note the words savage and savagery in the second paragraph

French Revolution began in 1789, liberal- The Big Question
minded people throughout Europe and What was the Reign
the United States applauded the change. of Terror?
Enlightenment ideals were being put into
practice. People were beginning to throw off tyranny and live
in liberty and justice.

By the end of 1793, the world was horrified by the savage turn the Revolution
of the section. Make sure students understand the connotations of these
had taken. Nearly all the nations of Europe had lined up to fight a war against
France. But the real savagery was about to begin.
words. They refer not just to violence but to cruel violence.
Read the remainder of the section aloud.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary terms tribunal and
Page 134
Law of Suspects when they are encountered in the text.
G6_B2_U4_Chap10_SR.indd 134 28/03/18 4:28 PM


SUPPORT—Note the idiom “a slip of the tongue” in the second-to-last
paragraph in the section. Make sure students understand that a slip of
the tongue is a minor mistake made when speaking, something said by
accident when you meant to say something else, such as calling someone
by the wrong name.
After you read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—How did the views of the rest of the world about events in
Thousands of people were transported in tumbrels to their execution
France change from 1789 to 1793?
Page 135 during the Reign of Terror.


G6_B2_U4_Chap10_SR.indd 135 28/03/18 4:28 PM

»» In the beginning, the revolutionary actions in France were applauded;

by the end, people were horrified by how violent things had become.

LITERAL—What are some examples of how the Law of Suspects

was applied?
»» Under the Law of Suspects, people were arrested for weeping
while watching a loved one get beheaded, for chopping down a
tree planted in honor of the Revolution, and for accidentally calling
someone monsieur or madame.

“The Jacobins and the Committee of Public Safety,” Pages 136–137

The rumbling of the tumbrels, or carts, through

the streets could be heard every afternoon. They
Scaffold understanding as follows:
tribunal, n. a type
carried the prisoners who had been convicted by
of court; a group
the Revolutionary Tribunal that morning.

Have students read the section “The Jacobins and the Committee of
appointed to
make judgments
The tumbrels carried enemies of the Revolution.
These might include a middle-aged woman whose Law of Suspects,
n. a law passed
crime was weeping as she watched her husband

Public Safety” with a partner. Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary

during the French
being guillotined, a young man who had chopped Revolution that
down a tree planted in honor of the Revolution, allowed the arrest
of people suspected
and a young woman who was rumored to have of opposing the

boxes as they read.

said she “did not care a fig” for the Revolution. revolution
If a person had a slip of the tongue and used
Jacobin, n. a
monsieur or madame, that could be cause for member of a violent,
becoming a “suspect.” extreme left-wing
group during the
Under the new Law of Suspects, anyone who French Revolution

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms Jacobin, royalist,

criticized the Revolution in any way was possibly
subject to trial and execution. How had it come to this?

The Jacobins and the Committee of Public Safety

and traitor, and explain their meanings. Note the base word royal in the
When the Legislative Assembly took office in 1791, bourgeois citizens
formed political clubs to discuss their ideas. Members were deputies of the
Assembly. One of the most radical clubs was the Jacobins. When the National

term royalist.
Convention took power, Jacobin leaders, along with the sans culottes, turned
the Revolution on a violent path. It was the Jacobins who had demanded the
deaths of Louis and Marie Antoinette. It was the Jacobins who had insisted
on going to war against Austria and its allies. Many people, especially those
in the countryside, disagreed with the Jacobins and the new path of the
Revolution, and some were in open revolt. But the Jacobins soon took control

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

of the government.

Page 136

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LITERAL—Who were the Jacobins?

»» They were an extreme political club that often favored the use of
France was in serious trouble. Although there had been a few French
successes in the war with Austria, things were going badly. The French
army had suffered severe defeats. Enemy forces surrounded it, and a British
fleet threatened coastal cities. In the countryside, there were uprisings

violence in dealing with anyone suspected of disagreeing with the

and outright civil war in some provinces. What
was worse, there were some people who were
royalist, n. a
willing to welcome enemy troops. They were, supporter of the
for the most part, royalists and Catholics. Prices

king or queen
were rising, and food was in short supply. Many
traitor, n. a person
believed that the country was filled with traitors who is disloyal; a
trying to overturn the Revolution. These people person who betrays
his or her country
believed that the time had come for action.

To help solve these problems, the National Convention established the

EVALUATIVE—Why was the Committee of Public Safety formed?

Committee of Public Safety. In July 1793, a man took control of the committee
whose name has been associated with terror ever since.

Maximilien Robespierre
Was Maximilien Robespierre (/mak*see*mee*lyan
/rohbz*pyair/) a man with high principles who

»» The National Convention formed the committee as a way of dealing

worked tirelessly for the Revolution? Or was he
a hypocrite a vain, self-centered, ruthless tyrant?
His contemporaries could never agree, and
historians have not settled the question either.

What is known is that he was a small man who

rarely smiled. Green was his favorite color:
even his eyeglasses were tinted green. He
with the many problems that existed in France at that time, such as the
losses of the French army, the support of royalists for enemy troops,
Robespierre remains a complex
kept in his room a sculptured bust of himself, and controversial figure in French
history. Although he supported
along with paintings and engravings showing the Reign of Terror, he was also
him in various poses. By his bedside, he kept known as the “Incorruptible”
because he refused to take bribes

rising prices, food shortages, and the popular belief that traitors were
Social Contract, a book by Enlightenment or to profit from the Revolution.

Page 137 137

trying overturn the Revolution.

G6_B2_U4_Chap10_SR.indd 137 28/03/18 4:28 PM


“Maximilien Robespierre,” Pages 137–139

philosopher Jean-Jacques
Rousseau. He was completely
Scaffold understanding as follows:
dedicated to the Revolution.

Have students read the section “Maximilien Robespierre” independently.

Robespierre believed that he had
to root out all opposition to the
Revolution. Terror was his method

Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary box as they read.

and the motto of the Jacobins: “Let
terror be the order of the day!”
Terror, he claimed, would allow
virtue to flourish.

In September 1793, the Committee

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term famine, and explain

of Public Safety introduced the Law
of Suspects. Under it, people had
only to be suspected of being a
The guillotine was an instrument of death
traitor—or of not wholeheartedly and came to represent the horror of the

its meaning.
agreeing with the Revolution—to Reign of Terror.

be brought to trial and condemned. They were brought by the thousands

to the guillotine. On October 1, the prisons held 2,400 “suspects” awaiting
trial and execution. By late December, they held 4,500. By the end of the
Terror, people were being tried in groups of up to fifty at a time and sent to

SUPPORT—Invite students to share what they remember about Jean-

execution. The final death toll: about forty thousand French men and women
were guillotined or shot.

The flow of blood, however, did not help the food shortage. In spite of

Jacques Rousseau from Chapter 1. Call to students’ attention that

controls put on the price of food, there was a near famine in Paris. On the
base of the guillotine in the public square, some
unknown graffiti artist wrote: “There is no butcher Vocabulary
shop in Paris except upon this square!” It was famine, n. an

Robespierre was a follower of Rousseau’s beliefs.

fortunate for this man that Robespierre never extreme shortage of
found him, or he would have been executed next food that results in
widespread hunger

Page 138
to his own graffiti.


SUPPORT—If students read or watched A Tale of Two Cities, remind them

G6_B2_U4_Chap10_SR.indd 138 28/03/18 4:28 PM

Robespierre’s undoing came when he turned on fellow Jacobins in the

of the character of Madame Defarge. In the story, Madame Defarge
symbolizes the Reign of Terror, as she seeks revenge against the aristocracy
National Convention. On July 27, 1794, Robespierre stood before a meeting
of the convention. His purpose was to accuse several deputies of being
suspects. But the deputies knew of his plans and had grown tired of the

Before he could speak, the deputies began shouting, “Down with the tyrant!”
and “Long live the Republic!”

Robespierre and his friends on the Committee of Public Safety were taken to
and knits the names of those who are to be executed.
jail. Knowing that he was lost, Robespierre attempted to shoot himself, but

After students read the text, ask the following questions:

he only wounded himself in the
jaw. The next day, he too faced
the guillotine, his face wrapped
in bloody rags. Robespierre, the
last leader of the Revolution,

LITERAL—Who was Maximilien Robespierre? What was his role in the

died in the same manner as
those he had condemned.

The other committee members

met the same fate. Among
them was the young Saint-
Just, the person who had
insisted on the execution of
French Revolution?
Louis XVI. There was a terrible
irony to these executions:

»» He was a small man. He liked the color green. He was self-centered.

the Revolution had spun so
far out of control that the
revolutionary leaders were In the end, Robespierre was taken to the guillotine,
just like the thousands of people who had been

He was completely dedicated to the Revolution. He was a Jacobin.

now turning on each other. sent to their death by him.

Page 139 139

He believed in terrorizing those who were against the Revolution. He
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tried to accuse several deputies in the National Convention of being

suspects, but they turned on him and took him to jail.

LITERAL—What happened during the Reign of Terror?

»» Tens of thousands of “suspects” were rounded up and executed, either
by guillotine or by being shot.

LITERAL—What happened to Robespierre?

»» Deputies grew tired of the killing and arrested Robespierre and his
Committee of Public Safety. Robespierre was then executed by guillotine.

LITERAL—Why does the ending of this chapter state that “there was a
terrible irony” to the execution of Robespierre and other members of the
Committee of Public Safety?
»» Robespierre and other members of the Committee of Public Safety
claimed to be promoting and protecting the ideals of the Revolution,
which sought to eliminate the tyranny of the absolute monarchs and
ensure the rights of man. Taken to the extreme, their desire to protect
the Revolution led to the execution of more than forty thousand French
men and women who were suspected of crimes against the Revolution.
In the end, Robespierre and other members of the Committee of Public
Safety were also executed. Those claiming to protect the ideals of the
Revolution had become more violent than the monarchs and, in turn,
they also became victims of violence.
• Show students the Chapter 10 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What was the Reign of Terror?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1700s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What was the Reign of Terror?”
»» Key points students should cite include: a period after Louis XVI and
Marie Antoinette were killed; when the Jacobins took control of the
government; when the National Convention created the Committee of
Public Safety, which ultimately killed thousands of French citizens under
the Law of Suspects; when Robespierre encouraged acts of terror to get
rid of suspects against the Revolution; when the guillotine was used;
when famine was occurring in France; when blood was shed everywhere.
• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (tribunal, Law of Suspects, Jacobin,
royalist, traitor, or famine), and write a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

The History Channel Presents the French Revolution (RI.6.7) 90 min

Materials Needed: Internet access

Background for Teachers: Use this link to download the CKHG Online
Resources for this unit, where the specific link to the video may be found:
Tell students you are going to watch a documentary of the French Revolution
produced by the History Channel. This documentary is another way to look
at the events of the Revolution. The History Channel uses stunning footage
and engaging narrative to take its viewers on a trip to a time when France
was standing at a major historical crossroads for both the royal class and the
poor working class. It was a moment of hope, turned into immense tragedy.
The video will be a good review for students of what they have read from the
beginning of the unit up through Chapter 10, with its focus on Robespierre and
the Reign of Terror.


The video is 90 minutes long. You can break this into two class periods. Please
be sure to preview the video in advance, paying attention in particular to the
notes below regarding portions of the video that may be inappropriate for
sixth graders.
Play the video.
Note: From 07:00–07:49, there is mention of the royal bedroom and
consummating the marriage—you may want to skip this section.
Note: From 16:40–18:58, there is mention of the reasons behind Louis XVI’s and
Marie Antoinette’s inability to have a child (a medical issue regarding arousal)
and rumors involving pornography—you will definitely want to skip this section.
Note: At 13:51, there is a quick shot of artwork with nudity (woman’s breasts).
End Day 1 around 38:29.
Briefly review what students saw by guiding the class to create a summary starting
with the last part of the video that students watched on Day 1 and moving
backwards in time. Invite a volunteer to explain the last thing that happened in
the video’s first half. Then ask another to explain what happened before that,
working backward until the first event shown in the video is reached. (Students
should begin their backwards summary with the royal family leaving Versailles, then
explain the mob attack on Versailles, the king signing the Declaration of the Rights of
Man, and so on, until they reach Louis XVI’s wedding to Marie Antoinette.)
Start Day 2 at 55:05.
Note: From 1:06:06–1:09:36, there is mention of incest and sex—skip this
Note: From 1:25:00–1:26:06, there are scenes of suicide and attempted
suicide—skip this section.
Use the following questions to guide a class discussion:
Who was Robespierre?
»» He took control of the Revolution.

What did he decide about the king?

»» He decided France didn’t need a king anymore. He decided to put the
king on trial.

In what ways did Robespierre act like a king?

»» Possible response: He had control of the government, just like the king
once did.

What was France like during the Reign of Terror?

»» Possible response: It was violent. People lost the rights and freedoms
they had won in the constitution. The government spied on people to
make sure they were loyal.


What was the “national razor”?
»» the guillotine

How did the Reign of Terror end?

»» It ended with Robespierre’s death.

End the discussion by asking students to share how it might have felt to live
during this period of French history. (Students might say they would have felt
frightened or angry.)

CHALLENGE: The Scarlet Pimpernel (RI.6.7, RI.6.9) 45 minutes

Materials Needed: Internet access; abridged version of novel (optional)

Background for Teachers: Based on the novel by Baroness Orczy, the film
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) tells the fictional story of a group of wealthy
Englishmen who help French nobles escape the guillotine. Although the
characters are fictional, the film does a good job of conveying the atmosphere
of the Reign of Terror, and the feelings of the French aristocrats who were
forced to flee their country. The novel and the film take a strongly pro-British
and anti-revolutionary point of view, which is a slightly different point of view
than what students have read so far in the text.
Note: You may want to provide an abridged version, such as the Dover Thrift
Editions title listed in Books on page 111 of this unit’s Introduction, for students
to read.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific link to the video may be found:
Set the stage for students: It is 1792 and France is in the grip of a seething,
bloody revolution. Mobs roam the Paris streets hunting down royalists,
barricades block any chance of escape, and every day hundreds die under the
blade of Madame la Guillotine. But in the hearts of the condemned nobility
there remains one last vestige of hope: rescue by the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel.
Renowned for both his unparalleled bravery and his clever disguises, the
Pimpernel’s identity remains as much a mystery to his sworn enemy, the
ruthless French agent Chauvelin, as it is to his devoted admirer, the beautiful
Lady Marguerite Blakeney.
Play the video, stopping at 22:24. This will give students an introduction to the
plot and to the characters, especially the Scarlet Pimpernel. Students should
understand that the character Sir Percy Blakeney is the Scarlet Pimpernel.
Students should also understand that Sir Blakeney is British, not French.


Spend the remainder of the class period discussing the following:
• why the revolutionaries wanted to “purge the land of corruption”
»» Possible responses: They want to put an end to the privileges and
extravagance of the ancien régime once and for all. They want France
to be true to the ideals of the Revolution.

• the purpose of Sir Blakeney’s character (British) making fun of Paul

Chauvelin’s (French) fashion and politics
»» Possible response: It shows how the British felt about events in France.
It shows that the revolutionaries were not supported or taken seriously
by everyone.

• the Scarlet Pimpernel as a superhero; compare to superheroes students are

familiar with, such as Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman
»» Like other superheroes, the Scarlet Pimpernel is a secret identity. He
has a disguise and a weapon, and he outsmarts his enemies.

During the discussion, guide students to recognize the pro-British and anti-
revolutionary point of view in the story. Remind students that the story—in
both novel and film—is historical fiction. The story is made up, but it includes
people and events that really happened. For example, Chauvelin, Lady
Blakeney, and Sir Blakeney are not “real” people, but in 1792, hundreds of
people were dying every day under the guillotine, and the British were very
unnerved by the events in France. Explain that the facts of history can be
interpreted differently based on one’s knowledge, personal experience, and
perspective. A British person, for example, might interpret the events of the
French Revolution very differently than a French person would. A member of
the nobility might view events differently than someone from the working
class would.
Then have students predict how the story develops and ends. (Student answers
should reflect the intense competition between Percy and Chauvelin, and the
dangers of the Reign of Terror.)
Have students confirm their predictions by telling them the rest of the story.
Sir Percy and Marguerite marry, but he comes to distrust her. He believes she
is still working with Chauvelin. Meanwhile, Marguerite figures out that her
husband is the Scarlet Pimpernel. Percy smuggles the dauphin out of France
but is arrested trying to save Marguerite’s brother, who helped in the effort.
Chauvelin orders Percy’s execution. but the firing squad sides with Percy and
he is rescued. He leaves Chauvelin in Robespierre’s hands and sails away with



Napoleon Bonaparte:
Empire Builder
The Big Question: What were the various reasons the people of France were willing
to accept Napoleon as their emperor?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Identify Napoleon Bonaparte. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the early achievements of Napoleon’s military career. (RI.6.1)
✓✓ Understand how Napoleon gained power in the French government. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand why Napoleon crowned himself emperor (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand Napoleon’s invasion of Russia (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand why Napoleon ended up in exile on Elba. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Understand the signficance of the battle at Waterloo and of the Duke of Wellington’s victory. (RI 6.2)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: coronation, grapeshot,
national bank, artillery, Cossacks, and exile. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “Napoleon Bonaparte: Empire Builder”:

Materials Needed
Activity Page • Display and individual student copies of Map of Europe (AP 1.2)

AP 1.2

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

coronation, n. the ceremony or act of crowning a ruler (142)

Example: The coronation took place at the grand palace.
Variations: coronations


grapeshot, n. a small mass of metal balls packed into a canvas bag, resembling
a cluster of grapes, that is shot from a cannon (143)
Example: Napoleon used grapeshot when he was an officer in the French army.
national bank, n. a government bank that issues and manages a country’s
money (145)
Example: All the money received from taxes goes into the national bank.
Variations: national banks
artillery, n. large guns that are used to shoot across long distances (147)
Example: They used artillery to attack the village from across the valley.
Variations: artilleries
Cossacks, n. soldiers from southwestern Russia, known for their skills on
horseback (147)
Example: Napoleon’s army suffered a massive defeat against the Cossacks.
exile, v. to force someone to live outside of a place as a punishment (148)
Example: The committee decided to exile the leader after they tried him
for being a traitor.
Variations: exiled, exiles

The Core Lesson 70 min

Introduce “Napoleon Bonaparte: Empire Builder,” Day 1 5 min

Remind students that France was left in shambles after the horror and chaos of
the Reign of Terror. But it wasn’t long before a successful young French general
by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power. In this chapter, they will
read about the life and career of Napoleon, one of the most controversial men
in history.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for the various
reasons the people of France were willing to accept Napoleon as their new
Note: It is recommended that you divide this chapter and complete the guided
reading over the course of two days.

Guided Reading Supports for “Napoleon Bonaparte:

Empire Builder,” Day 1 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.


“Emperor of the French,” Pages 140–142

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 11 Read the section “Emperor of the French” aloud.
Napoleon Bonaparte:
Empire Builder
Emperor of the French It was the
year 1804. A magnificent gilded coach The Big Question
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term coronation
pulled by eight horses with red leather
harnesses arrived at the great Notre-
Dame Cathedral. Two figures emerged.
What were the
various reasons the
people of France
were willing to
when it is encountered in the text.
The beautiful woman wearing a sparkling accept Napoleon
diamond tiara entwined in her dark as their emperor?
ringlets was Josephine.

Her husband, Napoleon Bonaparte (/boh*nuh*part/), emerged behind her. He

wore a white silk shirt and white breeches. Both wore long capes that spread out
SUPPORT—Note the section title “Emperor of the French.” Help students
understand that being “Emperor of the French” has different implications
behind them like peacocks’ tails.

Solemnly, Napoleon and Josephine marched down the center aisle of the
cathedral, which was filled with eight thousand people shouting, “Long live the
emperor!” The Catholic pope, Pius VII, conducted a ceremony, and Napoleon
received the symbols of rulership—an orb, a sword, and a scepter.

Then Napoleon alone walked up the steps to the altar. He took the gold crown,
shaped like the laurel wreaths awarded to ancient Roman heroes, and placed it
than being “Emperor of France.” Being Emperor of France meant being
emperor of a specific area of land: the country of France. Being Emperor of
on his own head. Josephine approached the altar, and as she knelt before him,
Napoleon placed a crown on her head.

Page 140
the French meant that Napoleon was the emperor of every French person,

G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 140 28/03/18 3:00 PM

no matter where they lived.

SUPPORT—Direct students to the image on page 141. Invite a volunteer
to read the caption aloud. Help students identify Napoleon (holding
the crown) and Josephine (kneeling). Point out the figure of the pope
(standing behind Napoleon). Explain that traditionally, the pope placed the
crown on the king or emperor’s head. Napoleon broke with that tradition
by placing the crown on his own head.
After you read the text, ask the following question:
Page 141 LITERAL—Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
Napoleon crowned his wife, Josephine, empress.


G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 141 28/03/18 3:00 PM

»» He was a member of the military who became dictator and then

emperor of France in 1804.

“The End of Terror,” Pages 142–143

Napoleon took the solemn oath: “I swear to uphold equality of rights and
political and civil freedom. . . . I swear to rule for the interests, happiness, and
Scaffold understanding as follows:
glory of the people of France.”

Have students read the section “The End of Terror” on pages 142–143
A herald announced, “The most glorious and most august [grand] Napoleon,
emperor of the French, is consecrated [blessed] and enthroned!”

Napoleon was only thirty-two years old. He had


independently. Encourage them to refer to the vocabulary box as they read.

already achieved enormous military success, and he
would go on to become one of the great military coronation, n. the
ceremony or act of
geniuses in history. His coronation simply affirmed
crowning a ruler
a role he had held since 1799—dictator of France.

How did France come such a long way—from the radical Reign of Terror to

CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term grapeshot, and

another single ruler—in so short a time?

The End of Terror

Do you remember when

explain its meaning.

Robespierre and his radical
supporters were overthrown
in 1794? Everyone sighed with
relief. Moderate bourgeois in the
National Convention took control

SUPPORT—Note the phrase “whiff of grapeshot” in the second paragraph

of the government. They passed a
new constitution that gave control
to a Directory of five members.
But the new government faced
the same old problems: food
shortages, rising prices, and
foreign wars.
of the section. Explain that a whiff is a gust or puff of wind or smoke. (It can
also mean a smell or, in baseball, a swing that misses the ball.) The phrase
This painting by Antoine-Jean Gros, Bonaparte
In October 1795, royalists and at the Pont d’Arcole, shows Napoleon as a
émigrés felt the time was ripe fearless leader. Napoleon successfully led his
troops against Austrian soldiers, defeating

Page 142
to restore the ancien régime. them at the Battle of Arcola in 1796.

“whiff of grapeshot” is used figuratively here, a euphemism for a violent


G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 142 28/03/18 3:00 PM

attack on a crowd of civilians.

After students read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—What did the National Convention do when it regained control
of the government after the Reign of Terror?
»» It passed a new constitution that gave control to a Directory of
five members.
EVALUATIVE—Why did the mob attack the Tuileries in 1795?
»» There were still food shortages and rising prices, and the royalists
and émigrés wanted to restore the old regime.

LITERAL—How did Napoleon defend the National Convention?

»» He led troops to fire cannons into a crowd, killing and wounding

“Napoleon Takes Control,” Pages 143–144

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section with a partner.
SUPPORT—Note the word aspired in the first sentence of the section.
Explain that to aspire is to have or set a goal.
Activity Page SUPPORT—Display Map of Europe (AP 1.2), and have students identify
France, the United Kingdom, and Austria. Ask students to explain what
happened to or in each of these countries. (France: Napoleon became
dictator; Austria: defeated by Napoleon’s forces; Britain: signed a peace treaty
AP 1.2
with France)
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
Paris mobs attacked the Tuileries, where the

LITERAL—What did Napoleon do to change the French government and

National Convention was meeting. Napoleon,
grapeshot, n.
then twenty-six, was an officer in the French army.
a small mass of
Called on to defend the convention, Napoleon metal balls packed
ordered his troops to fire cannons point-blank into into a canvas bag,

ultimately end the French Revolution?

resembling a cluster
the crowd, killing and wounding hundreds. This of grapes, that is
“whiff of grapeshot,” as it came to be called, put shot from a cannon
an end to the uprising and made Napoleon famous.

Napoleon had supported the Revolution. He had even joined the Jacobins.
Then, in 1796, he was given command of the French forces. Napoleon was

»» He ordered the National Legislature to end the Directory and turn over
a brilliant military leader. He defeated several armies and increased France’s
territory. Napoleon intended to use his military successes to his advantage.

Napoleon Takes Control

Napoleon had always aspired to political power. By 1799, the people were
losing faith in the Directory. They wanted strong leadership. It was an ideal
moment for Napoleon to use his popularity to realize his dream of power.
the government to three consuls, including himself.
On November 9, 1799, Napoleon made his move. He forced the five directors
to resign. Then he forced the National Legislature to end the Directory and
turn over the government to three consuls, of whom he was one. This marked
the end of the French Revolution.

In 1800, the French overwhelmingly approved a new constitution that gave

the real ruling power to Napoleon. He became Consul for Life in 1802. From
LITERAL—How did Napoleon become dictator of France?
then on, he had the power of a dictator.

But war still plagued France. They were fighting the British. Napoleon knew
that France was tired of war. “Frenchmen,” he proclaimed, “you want peace;
your government wants it even more than you.” But the British would not
quit. King George III—the same king who had lost most of his American
»» A new constitution gave ruling power to Napoleon and then, in 1802,
he became Consul for Life.
colonies to the American Revolution—was not willing to be humiliated

Page 143 by another revolutionary republican government. Furthermore, Britain


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LITERAL—How did Napoleon bring peace to Europe?

»» He led France’s armies to victory against Austria and then signed a
peace treaty with Great Britain.

“Bringing Order to France,” Pages 144–145

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Invite volunteers to read the section “Bringing Order to France” aloud.
CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary term national bank
when it is encountered in the text.


SUPPORT—Point out the word bourgeois in the third paragraph. Remind
students that they learned that word in an earlier chapter. Ask them to
recall its meaning. (wealthy members of the Third Estate)
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:

King George III was the British king who lost the American colonies.
LITERAL—List three of Napoleon’s reforms.
feared France, and not just because of its armies. Britain was afraid that
Enlightenment ideals would spread.

At first, King George’s government refused to make peace. But after another
Napoleon-led victory against the Austrians, the British decided they too were
»» He established a national bank, he built roads and bridges, and he
created a code of laws.
tired of war. In 1802, the British finally signed a peace treaty. After ten years of
war and turmoil, Europe was at peace . . . at least for a while.

Bringing Order to France

After ten years of revolution and upheaval, people longed for stability.

Page 144
As soon as Napoleon took office, he began a series of reforms. He established

LITERAL—Name two laws in the Napoleonic Code.


G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 144 28/03/18 3:00 PM

a national bank and balanced the national

budget, which stopped rising prices—people
»» Students should list two of the following: equality of male citizens
before the law, the end of the Three Estates, right to own private
national bank,
could now afford bread—and he also built roads
n. a government
and bridges. bank that issues
and manages a
One of Napoleon’s most important reforms was

property, right to practice religion of choice, women were not

country’s money
his code of laws. Called the Napoleonic Code,
these laws ensured several principles of the Revolution, including equality
of male citizens before the law, the end of the Three Estates, and the right to

independent citizens anymore.

own private property. People could also practice the religion of their choice.
For women, however, the Code erased many of the rights they had won.
Women were made dependents of their fathers or husbands. They were not
independent citizens anymore. They could no longer own property. They
could not file a lawsuit or act as a witness in court. If a married woman earned
money, all of that money belonged to her husband. It was as though women
were sent back to before the Revolution, while men moved forward.

In general, these changes appealed to the bourgeois and the peasants.

Napoleon’s success in governing, in addition to his military victories, made
him seem irresistible.
INFERENTIAL—Whom did the Napoleonic Code appeal to and whom did
When, in 1804, the question of making Napoleon emperor of the French was
put to the people, they once again voted in his favor, although the voting
was not free. After fifteen years of revolution and upheaval, France was once
it not appeal to? Explain your answer.
again under an absolute ruler.

The Grand Empire

Napoleon was one of history’s military geniuses. As head of the French army
from 1805 to 1809, he won battle after battle throughout Europe in his quest
to build an empire—his desire for power was unlimited.
»» It appealed to bourgeois and peasant men because it gave them more
Each victory added more territory to his empire. He carved up pieces of
Europe as gifts for his friends and relatives. His brother Joseph was made king rights. It did not appeal to women because it took away many of their rights.
Page 145 of Naples and later king of Spain; his brother Louis became king of Holland;


Note: Stop reading here at the end of Day 1.

G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 145 28/03/18 3:00 PM

• Show students the first Chapter 11 Timeline Image Card about Napoleon
becoming First Consul and emperor. Read and discuss the caption, making
particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What were the various reasons the
people of France were willing to accept Napoleon as their emperor?
• Post the image card to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1800s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Introduce “Napoleon Bonaparte: Empire Builder,” Day 2 5 min

Ask students to recall what they read about the end of the Reign of Terror
and the rise of Napoleon in the first part of the chapter, noting each point
on the board or chart paper. Students should mention that after the Reign of
Terror, the National Convention chose a Directory to govern France. Napoleon
defended the National Convention when a mob attacked. Napoleon forced the
Directory to give power to three consuls, including himself. He then became
Consul for Life and ruled as a dictator. As dictator, Napoleon made peace with
Britain and enacted the Napoleonic Code.
Call attention to the Big Question, asking students how they would respond to
this question based on what they have read thus far.


Guided Reading Supports for “Napoleon Bonaparte:
Empire Builder,” Day 2 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“The Grand Empire,” Pages 145–147

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read the section aloud.
Activity Page SUPPORT—Display Map of Europe (AP 1.2), and have students find each
of the countries mentioned in the section: Spain, Germany, Holland.
Explain that Naples was in southern Italy and Tuscany was in northern Italy.
Compare the modern map of Europe depicted in AP 1.2 with the map on
AP 1.2
page 146.
SUPPORT—Reread the last sentence of the section, and then direct
Europe in 1810
students to the map on page 146, which shows Europe in 1810. Have
students locate Great Britain, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire.
French Empire 0 500 miles
Countries allied with Napoleon
Countries controlled
60°N by Napoleon

Countries at war with Napoleon

N 60°N
W Kingdom of

SUPPORT—Call attention to and discuss the cartoon and its caption on


S and Sweden

United Kingdom
Great Britain

and Ireland
ssia Russian

page 146.
Pru Empire

London Ri Berlin Warsaw

Brussels Grand

Amiens Confederation Duchy of

R ive

ATLANTIC Versailles Paris of the Warsaw

Loir e Rive Rhine Prague


nube Ri Vienna

French Da v er Austrian
Empire Helvetic Empire

After you read the text, ask the following questions:

Milan Kingdom Republic
iv of Italy
P o R er
Marseille Illyrian

Black Sea

Provinces Ottoman



Barcelona Empire

Lisbon Spain Rome


Sardinia Naples
of Naples

LITERAL—What did Napoleon do from 1805–1809?

Mediterranean Sea


0° 15°E

By 1810, much of Europe was

either directly or indirectly under
Napoleon’s control.

»» He used his army to build an empire.

This cartoon from 1805 shows Napoleon and the

Page 146
British statesman, William Pitt, each carving out
sections of a plum pie that resembles Earth.

G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 146 28/03/18 3:00 PM

LITERAL—How did Napoleon control his empire?

»» He gave pieces of Europe to his friends and family.

LITERAL—What parts of 1810 Europe were not under Napoleon’s

influence or control?
»» Russia and the Ottoman Empire

“A Disastrous Mistake,” Pages 147–148

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section with a partner.
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary terms artillery, Cossacks,
and exile, and explain their meanings.


and his brother Jerome was made king of Westphalia, in Germany. He gave
his sister Elisa the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, in Italy. By 1810, much of Europe
was either directly or indirectly under Napoleon’s control. Russia and the
SUPPORT—Direct students to the map of Europe in 1810 on page 146.
Ottoman (or Turkish) Empire, remained outside his control.

A Disastrous Mistake Have them locate the Russian Empire and the French Empire and use the
map scale to calculate the distance between the two countries, using the
Napoleon’s greatest mistake was invading Russia. In June 1812, he led
a massive force of about six hundred thousand troops into Russia. Czar
Alexander I of Russia knew his army couldn’t beat Napoleon’s forces and
retreated. He withdrew his troops, who burned fields and slaughtered
livestock, leaving nothing the French could use. French soldiers marched
farther into Russia. In September, they reached Moscow and found it burning.
Napoleon put out the fires and waited there for five weeks. The czar and his
Rhine River as the French border (approximately 800–900 miles). Explain
that Napoleon’s army traveled the distance to, and later from, Russia
army just let him wait.

Then the French troops began their terrible

winter retreat out of Russia. The army had
artillery, n. large

largely on foot or horseback. The journey took weeks. Also, because of the
entered Russia in June, in summer dress, with
guns that are used
full bellies. But now no food remained, and the to shoot across long
cold and snow delivered a terrible blow. Horses distances
were the first to die, by the tens of thousands; in Cossacks, n. soldiers

distance, France could not provide its army with the supplies it needed to
desperation, the men had no choice but to eat from southwestern
them. Without horses, the cavalry was on foot. Russia, known
for their skills on
Wagons and artillery were left by the road. Soon horseback

withstand the Russian winter.

the men began to starve or freeze to death. Their
boots worn out, they wrapped their feet in rags, leaving bloody footprints
in the snow. Then the Russian fighters appeared. Mounted troops known as
Cossacks attacked and killed the retreating French. This was one of history’s
greatest military disasters. Of the six hundred thousand men who left for
Russia, only thirty thousand returned to their homelands. Napoleon’s power

After students read the section, ask the following questions:

was weakened, and his enemies took advantage.

Page 147 147

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EVALUATIVE—How was Napoleon defeated in Russia?

»» Napoleon’s troops were not prepared for the winter during their
retreat from Moscow. They froze. They starved. At that point, the
Russian troops came and attacked when the French army was at its

LITERAL—What happened to Napoleon after his defeat?

»» He was exiled to Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy.

“Return from Exile” and “Waterloo,” Pages 148–151

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Have students read the section “Return from Exile” with a partner.
SUPPORT—Have students locate Elba on the map of Europe in 1810.
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia was a disaster. This painting, known as Retreat from Russia,
(It’s between Corsica and the Italian peninsula.) Have students trace
Napoleon’s journey from Elba to Marseilles to Paris.
by Nicolas Toussaint Charlet, shows the horror of what the French soldiers experienced.

The ultimate humiliation came in 1814, when

enemy armies marched into Paris and occupied
exile, v. to force
the city. Defeated, Napoleon gave up his throne
someone to live
and was exiled to Elba, a small island off the coast outside of a place as

Invite volunteers to read the section “Waterloo” aloud.

of Italy. The brother of the executed Louis XVI was a punishment
installed as King Louis XVIII of France.

Return from Exile

Napoleon escaped from Elba a few months later. On March 1, he landed
on the shores of France, near Marseilles (/mar*se*yuh/), with about one

SUPPORT—Have students locate Brussels on the map of Europe in

thousand men and began the march to Paris. Along the way, he was greeted
by people who remembered France’s days of glory and were already tired of

Page 148
Louis XVIII.

1810 on page 146. Have students locate Great Britain and Prussia, and

G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 148 28/03/18 3:00 PM

explain that today, Prussia is part of Germany. Note that Great Britain and
Prussia are located on opposite sides of Brussels. The two armies trapped
Napoleon’s forces between them, a strategy that overwhelmed the French
because they had to fight two enemies at the same time.

Napoleon faced little resistance when he escaped from Elba and returned to Paris on
March 20, 1815.

Royal troops had been ordered to stop Napoleon. As Napoleon approached

the troops, his own soldiers’ band played “The Marseillaise,” the stirring song
of the Revolution, which had been outlawed by the new king. Napoleon
dismounted and walked toward the line of seven hundred men; all had their
muskets raised. The commander of the royal troops shouted to his men,
“There he is! Fire!”

Napoleon stopped and flung his arms wide. “If you want to kill your emperor,”
he called to the men, “here I am.” He held his breath. But instead, a great
shout arose: “Long live the emperor!”

Napoleon met no more resistance. Louis XVIII fled Paris when he heard the
news, and an alarmed Europe quickly organized its armies.

Page 149 149

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Waterloo After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
In Paris, Napoleon easily took control of the government and rebuilt an army.
On June 12, he left Paris for his last battle.

LITERAL—What did Napoleon do after he escaped from Elba?

The battle took place on June 18, 1815, near Waterloo, in present-day Belgium.
It had rained the night before the battle. The downpour was so heavy that
Napoleon was forced to delay his plan to open battle at 6:00 a.m. The ground
was too muddy for horses and artillery to move about, so Napoleon had to
wait for it to dry out.

»» He marched back to Paris.

Napoleon proudly surveyed his troops. His army numbered about seventy-
four thousand; his opponent, the British military hero, the Duke of Wellington,
commanded almost as many soldiers. Despite the evenly matched forces,
Napoleon was confident that this would be an easy victory.

At 11:30 a.m., the French began to move, and a fierce battle erupted. The
fighting was bloody and punctuated with the roar of cannons. It continued

LITERAL—Whom did Napoleon fight against at Waterloo?

through the long afternoon.

»» The British, led by the Duke of Wellington, and the Prussians.

The battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington, is one of LITERAL—What happened to Napoleon after Waterloo?
Page 150
the most famous battles in history. In the center of this painting, you can see the Duke of
Wellington urging his soldiers on.


»» He was exiled to St. Helena, where he eventually died.

G6_B2_U4_Chap11_SR.indd 150 28/03/18 3:00 PM

At 4:30 p.m., fifty thousand Prussian troops arrived and reinforced Wellington’s
attack. The battlefield became soaked with blood as horses and troops who
fought all day lay dead and dying. Napoleon tried but failed to rally his troops;
he was overwhelmed and suffered a crushing defeat. Wellington lost about
one-quarter of his forces. Of the seventy-four thousand troops Napoleon
commanded that day at Waterloo, almost half lay dead or wounded.

Napoleon’s final attempt at power had failed. He was exiled to the distant
island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa, where he eventually died.

An era had ended. The French Revolution and the era of Napoleon had a
dramatic effect on Europe and the world. The world had witnessed one of
the bloodiest revolutions in history, a revolution that resulted in the fall of
the French monarchy and the rise of the middle class. Napoleon’s armies had
carried many of the ideas of the French Revolution throughout Europe during
his quest for empire. The 1800s would be marked by a series of revolutions as
the ideals of liberty and equality spread to old and new nations.

Page 151 151

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• Show students the remaining Chapter 11 Timeline Image Cards. Read and
discuss the captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What were the various reasons the
people of France were willing to accept Napoleon as their emperor?
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the date referencing the 1800s.
Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance on the
placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What were the various reasons
the people of France were willing to accept Napoleon as their emperor?”
»» Key points students should cite include: he supported the Revolution;
he achieved military success; he fought off advancing enemy
armies; he helped France grow; he terminated a government that
wasn’t working and created a new one in which he acted as consul;
he introduced popular reforms, such as the Napoleonic Code; he
provided stability, which the people of France were longing for after
the Reign of Terror.


• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (coronation, grapeshot, national
bank, artillery, Cossacks, or exile), and write a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.

Additional Activities

Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (RI.6.1, RI.6.2, RI.6.6) 30 minutes

Activity Page Materials Needed: sufficient copies of Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier
(AP 11.1)
Distribute Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (AP 11.1). Have students read
AP 11.1 the excerpt and answer the questions with a partner or in small groups. Invite
volunteers to share their answers, and correct any misconceptions.
This activity may also be completed for homework.



The Romantic Revolution

The Big Question: What were the differences between the Neoclassical and the
Romantic artists, and how were these differences reflected in their work?

Primary Focus Objectives

✓✓ Define the term Romantic. (RI.6.4)
✓✓ Understand Rousseau’s influences on the Romantic movement. (RI.6.2)
✓✓ Compare and contrast Romanticism with neoclassicism. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Identify Wordsworth, Constable, and Beethoven, and their relationship to the Romantic
movement. (RI.6.3)
✓✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: symphony and corrupt. (RI.6.4)

What Teachers Need to Know

For background information, download the CKHG Online Resource “The Romantic Revolution”:

Materials Needed
Activity Page • Display and individual student copies of Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism
(AP 12.1)
• Internet access or recordings of selected works by Beethoven, Schubert,
AP 12.1 Chopin, and Schumann

Core Vocabulary (Student Reader page numbers listed below)

symphony, n. a musical composition written for an orchestra and usually in

four parts called movements (155)
Example: The orchestra practiced the symphony for many weeks before the
final performance.
Variations: symphonies
corrupt, v. to harm or to contaminate (156)
Example: Mean gossip corrupted the girl’s view of her friend.


The Core Lesson 35 min

Introduce “The Romantic Revolution” 5 min

Use the Introduction Timeline Image Card to review the characteristics of the
Enlightenment. Remind students that this was a time when people started to
turn to logic and reason for answers.
Point out the word romantic in the chapter title. In this chapter, students will
read about an artistic movement called Romanticism. Tell students that this
movement formed out of the French Revolution, but it was very different from
the neoclassicism that developed during the Revolution.
Call students’ attention to the Big Question. Tell students to look for ways that
neoclassical and Romantic artists were different, and to identify how those
differences were reflected in their work.

Guided Reading Supports for “The Romantic Revolution” 30 min

When you or a student reads aloud, always prompt students to follow along.
By following along, students may acquire a greater understanding of the
content. Remember to provide discussion opportunities.

“A Cultural Movement” and “Rousseau and Native Americans,”

Pages 152–154

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Chapter 12
The Romantic
Read aloud the section “A Cultural Movement” on page 152.
A Cultural Movement The French
Revolution and the rise and fall of Napoleon The Big Question
SUPPORT—Remind students about the works of Jacques-Louis David that
they’ve already studied: The Tennis Court Oath, The Death of Marat, and—if
changed the way people thought, not only What were the
differences between
about politics and religion but also about
the Neoclassical and
literature and the arts. You have already the Romantic artists,
read about one artistic movement that and how were those

they completed the activity—The Oath of the Horatii.

grew out of the French Revolution—the differences reflected
in their work?
neoclassicism of Jacques-Louis David.

In this chapter, you will learn about another important movement that was
spurred by the French Revolution but that defined itself in opposition to
neoclassicism—the Romantic movement.

Rousseau and Native Americans

One of the fathers of the Romantic movement was Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Invite volunteers to read the section “Rousseau and Native Americans”
(/zhahn/zhack/rooh*soh/). He was the philosopher who complained that,
“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” That line helped spark the
French Revolution. But there was more to Rousseau than just this one line.

Rousseau was also famous for claiming that human beings are born good but are
made worse by civilization and society. In the 1700s, this was a truly shocking idea.

Page 152 SUPPORT—Discuss Rousseau’s philosophies. Ask students what they

At that time, everyone assumed that civilization and society were good and


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remember about him from earlier in this unit. Point out that Rousseau
was one of the fathers of the Romantic movement because of his ideals;
his feelings about the Native Americans of North America summed up his
philosophy about civilization.
Activity Page Distribute Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism (AP 12.1), and have
students begin filling in the chart. Tell students that they will be adding
to the chart as they read the remainder of the chapter.

AP 12.1


After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
LITERAL—Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau? What were his beliefs?
»» He was an Enlightenment thinker and one of the fathers of the
Romantic movement. He believed that human beings are born good
but made worse by civilization. He believed that living in a modern
society did people more harm than good.

EVALUATIVE—How were Rousseau’s ideas perceived at the time?

In addition to the French Revolution, the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Page 153 helped inspire the Romantic movement.

»» Not many people agreed with his beliefs. Many people attacked

G6_B2_U4_Chap12_SR.indd 153 28/03/18 2:59 PM

his writings.

“Neoclassicism and Romanticism,” Pages 154–155

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Activity Page Have students read the section “Neoclassicism and Romanticism” with a
partner. Remind them to add notes to AP 12.1 as they read.
CORE VOCABULARY—Point out the vocabulary term symphony, and
AP 12.1 explain its meaning.
SUPPORT—Tell students to study the two paintings on page 155. Have
them note the differences between the paintings on their charts (AP 12.1).
necessary things. The French aristocrats and philosophers were certain that it
was good to be “civilized” and bad to be “uncivilized.”

Rousseau disagreed. He thought that being civilized and living in modern society
did people more harm than good. Rousseau admired the Native Americans of
North America. He believed that because of their social structure and lack of
After students read the text, ask the following questions:
emphasis on material possessions, they were better able to appreciate important
things such as nature, family ties, and they directly benefited from hard work.

At the time, very few people agreed with Rousseau’s ideas. Still, he chose
to live his life in accordance with his ideas. He spent a great deal of time
by himself, going on long walks, appreciating the beauties of nature, and
LITERAL—When did the Romantic movement first make an appearance?
exploring his own emotions and imagination. Although his books were
widely attacked, they influenced a whole generation of Romantic writers,

»» late 1700s and early 1800s

painters, and musicians.

Neoclassicism and Romanticism

Just as Rousseau and the French revolutionaries sought changes and reform
of the “old” ideas and the “old” ways, so too did the Romantic artists of the late
1700s and early 1800s. These artists rebelled against the accepted artistic ideas
of their day. In particular, they rebelled against the ideas of neoclassicism.

Neoclassical artists believed that the way to make great art was to study the
works of the ancient Greeks and Romans and then imitate those works. The
Romantics were less interested in imitation and more interested in originality
LITERAL—What were Romantic artists rebelling against?
and “doing their own thing.”

»» the ideas of neoclassicism

Neoclassical artists believed that artists should confine themselves to subjects
such as heroes or leaders, and treat those subjects with great seriousness and
dignity. The Romantics were more interested in everyday subjects and wrote
about them in a simpler style.

Neoclassical artists were heavily influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

They valued thought, reason, and the life of the mind. The Romantics were

Page 154
EVALUATIVE—What one word would you use to describe neoclassicism?
certainly not opposed to thinking, but they placed more emphasis on feeling.

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What one word would you use to describe Romanticism?

»» Possible answers for neoclassicism: order, thought, reason, mindful,
dignity, serious, heroes. Possible answers for Romanticism: natural,
original, simple, everyday, feeling, emotions, spontaneous, creative.
Here you can see a neoclassical painting This is a painting of Polish composer
of a young Napoleon Bonaparte by the Frédéric Chopin, also of the Romantic era,
French painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique by the French Romantic painter Eugène
Ingres. Delacroix.

Neoclassical artists valued order. Whether they

were creating poems, paintings, or symphonies,
they wanted everything to be arranged in a very symphony, n. a
musical composition
orderly and systematic way. Romantic artists written for an
generally placed less emphasis on order and more orchestra and usually
in four parts called
emphasis on creativity and spontaneity.

Three Romantic Artists

After the French Revolution, a generation of European artists embraced
Romantic ideas. One of the most characteristic of these Romantic artists was
the English poet William Wordsworth (1770–1850).

Wordsworth wrote poems about normal, everyday people, including peasants

Page 155 and beggars. He didn’t use fancy words and poetic phrases. Instead, he tried to

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“Three Romantic Artists,” Pages 155–158

use language that was more like the language spoken by real men and women.
He also tried to bring emotions and feelings into his poems. Wordsworth
Scaffold understanding as follows:
believed that good poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”

Although Wordsworth himself read a lot, his poems urged his readers to set
aside their books and experience nature. In one poem, he suggested that a
person could learn more about life by walking in the woods on a spring day
than by reading all the books ever written.
Invite volunteers to read the section of “Three Romantic Artists” about
Wordsworth on pages 155–157 aloud.
Wordsworth based many of his poems on things he saw on his walks in the
woods. For example, he describes how he saw a field of daffodils that seemed
to be dancing gleefully beside a lake. In the poem, Wordsworth not only
describes daffodils, he also describes his feelings about seeing the daffodils.
At the end of the poem, he says that he often thinks back to the day when

CORE VOCABULARY—Pause to explain the vocabulary word corrupt

he saw the dancing flowers. “And then,” Wordsworth writes, “my heart with
pleasure fills, / And dances with the daffodils.”

Wordsworth also wrote poems about children.

He admired children for the same reason that

when it is encountered in the text.

corrupt, v. to harm
Rousseau admired Native Americans. Wordsworth
or to contaminate
believed children were more natural and less
corrupted by civilization.


SUPPORT—Ask students to close their eyes. Read the first stanza of

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” aloud slowly, asking students to form an
image in their minds of what the words describe. Reread the stanza, asking
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Page 156
This is the first stanza of a famous poem Wordsworth wrote around 1804.


G6_B2_U4_Chap12_SR.indd 156 28/03/18 2:59 PM

students to focus on the mood of the poem. What senses does it engage?
Point out that Wordsworth, like all Romantic poets, focused on emotions
Activity Page
and feelings. Tell students to imagine they are Romantic poets. What
would they write about?
Have students add notes about Wordsworth to AP 12.1. Then invite a
AP 12.1 volunteer to read aloud the paragraph about John Constable on page 157.
Wordsworth was in France during the early years of the French Revolution. He
was very excited about what was happening there. He could see that the old
SUPPORT—Introduce John Constable as “the Wordsworth of painting,”
and refer students to the Constable painting on page 157. Discuss how
rules were being thrown away. He felt optimistic that the Revolution would
bring about a better world. When the Revolution turned violent however,
Wordsworth changed his mind. But he still believed in the ideas that had
inspired the French Revolution.

England produced a number of Romantic painters too. One of the best known
of these painters was John Constable (1776–1837). Constable is sometimes
called “the Wordsworth of painting.” Just as Wordsworth tried to capture the
Constable’s work represents the Romantic movement. Guide students
to notice the importance of nature in the painting. Help them see how
beauties of nature in his poems, Constable tried to capture them in landscape
paintings. Constable loved to walk the roads and paths near his home.
He studied the shapes and colors of rivers, fields, hillsides, and haystacks.

the natural elements—the trees, the river, the grass, the sky—dwarf the
Constable wanted his paintings to be realistic and to convey feelings and
emotions. “Painting,” he once said, “is but another word for feeling.”

human elements in the painting.

Have students add notes about Constable to AP 12.1. Then invite
volunteers to read aloud the last three paragraphs of the section, about
Page 157 This John Constable painting is titled Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows.

Ludwig van Beethoven, on page 158.
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Have students add notes about Beethoven to AP 12.1.

Of the many Romantic composers, perhaps the best known is German
composer Ludwig van Beethoven (/bay*toh*ven/) (1770–1827). Beethoven,
trained as a classical musician, learned to play in a very orderly and elegant
manner. As he grew older, both his musical compositions and his playing
After volunteers read the text, ask the following questions:
style became more energetic. Beethoven was a man of dramatic emotions,
and he was able to use music to convey his emotions to his audiences. A

LITERAL—Who was William Wordsworth, and what was his art like?
contemporary noted that when Beethoven played sad music, his audiences
often began weeping. On the other hand, when he played happy music,
people stomped their feet, applauded loudly, and waved their hats in the air!

Like other Romantic artists, Beethoven was a great walker and lover of
nature. He went for a walk almost every day. He once boasted, “No one can

»» He was an English poet. He wrote about normal, everyday people and

love the country as much as I do.” Once Beethoven even turned his walking
experiences into a symphony, sometimes called the “Pastoral Symphony.” In
this symphony, he used various instruments to capture the sounds of nature.

Beethoven sympathized with the goals of the French Revolution and

admired Napoleon—at first. The German composer even wrote a symphony,
sometimes called the “Heroic Symphony,” dedicated to the French general.
However, when Napoleon crowned himself emperor, Beethoven became
angry and tore up the dedication to Napoleon. Beethoven, like so many
Romantic artists, felt that Napoleon had betrayed the ideals of the French
Revolution by becoming just another tyrant.

The Legacy of Romanticism

Romanticism still exists today. People still listen to Beethoven’s music, look
at Constable’s paintings, and read Wordsworth’s poems. Romanticism is
LITERAL—Who was John Constable, and what was his art like?
also with us as an idea, or set of ideas, that many of us take for granted.

»» He was an English painter. He painted landscape paintings that

Whenever we wish we could go back to the pure and simple days of
childhood, whenever we praise someone for showing creativity, go for a walk
in the woods, or pour out our innermost feelings in a diary, we are acting in
accordance with the Romantic ideas that were developed during the era of

Page 158
the French Revolution.
showed feelings and emotions.
G6_B2_U4_Chap12_SR.indd 158 28/03/18 2:59 PM

LITERAL—Who was Ludwig van Beethoven, and what was his art like?
»» He was a German composer. He was trained as a classical musician but
was energetic and dramatic, and his art conveyed that.


EVALUATIVE—How did these three artists represent the Romantic movement?
»» They all wanted to show feeling and emotion in their work. They also
depicted nature in their art, which was a Romantic idea.

“The Legacy of Romanticism,” Pages 158–159

Scaffold understanding as follows:

Read the section aloud.
After you read the text, ask the following question:
LITERAL—How is Romanticism still alive today?
»» People still pay attention to the works of Romantic artists. They also
Ludwig van Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers of all time.
praise creativity, enjoy nature, and write about personal feelings in
Page 159 159

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• Show students the Chapter 12 Timeline Image Cards. Read and discuss the
captions, making particular note of any dates.
• Review and discuss the Big Question: “What were the differences between
the Neoclassical and the Romantic artists, and how were those differences
reflected in their work?”
• Post the image cards to the Timeline under the dates referencing the 1700s
and 1800s. Refer to the illustration in the Unit 4 Introduction for guidance
on the placement of each image card to the Timeline.

Check for Understanding 10 min

Ask students to:

• Write a short answer to the Big Question: “What were the differences
between the Neoclassical and the Romantic artists, and how were those
differences reflected in their work?”
»» Key points students should cite include: The Neoclassical artists admired
the heroes and leaders of ancient Greece and Rome and depicted
them in their work. They created art based on order and thought and
structure. The Romantic artists admired everyday people and nature.
They created art based on feelings and emotions and spontaneity.

• Choose one of the Core Vocabulary words (symphony or corrupt), and write
a sentence using the word.
To wrap up the lesson, ask several students to share their responses.


Additional Activities

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12 (RI.6.4, L.6.6) 30 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: Sufficient copies of Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12
(AP 12.2)
Distribute AP 12.2, Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12, and direct students to
AP 12.2 complete the crossword puzzle using the vocabulary terms they have learned
in their reading about The French Revolution and Romanticism.
This activity may be assigned for homework.

A Romantic Poem (RI.6.5) 30 min

Activity Page Materials Needed: sufficient copies of A Romantic Poem (AP 12.3)
Distribute AP 12.3, A Romantic Poem, and direct students to read the poem
and answer the questions that follow. This activity may be assigned for
AP 12.3 homework.

CHALLENGE: “Apostrophe to the Ocean” by Lord Byron (RI.6.5) 45 min

Materials Needed: a copy of “Apostrophe to the Ocean” by Lord Byron (FE 1),
poster board, crayons or colored pencils
Background for Teachers: Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources
for this unit, where the specific link to the fiction excerpt may be found:
Make sure each student has poster board and access to crayons or colored
pencils. Tell students you are going to read the excerpt once through and
they should just listen. Then, you will reread the excerpt in small sections or
stanzas. After each section, you will give students one or two minutes to draw
whatever comes to mind. It can be the details that they hear or the mood they
feel from the words. There will be seven sections, and they can either organize
their poster board into seven parts, or they can create one complete picture.
The task is to draw or doodle what comes to mind in one or two minutes. It’s a
spontaneous sketch, not an orderly, thought-out sketch.
Ask students to volunteer to share and explain their sketches when complete.
You may want to again reread a section at a time, asking students to show and
explain what they drew for each section.
Conclude by asking students to describe the aspects of this poem that illustrate
features of the Romantic movement in writing. (Possible responses: The poem
praises the ocean. It celebrates the power of nature. It talks about Byron’s feelings
about the ocean.)


Romantic Composers (RI.6.5) 90 min

Materials Needed: Internet access or recordings of the selected works of

Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, and Schumann as listed in the activity
Background for Teachers: To accommodate the lengths of the musical pieces
in this activity, we suggest conducting this activity over two days: Beethoven
and Schubert on Day 1; Chopin and Schumann on Day 2. If your schedule does
not allow for this, we have provided suggestions for shortening the Beethoven
and Schumann pieces.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where the
specific links to the videos of selected musical works may be found:
Tell students they will “meet” four composers: Beethoven (whom they read
about in the chapter), Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, and Robert Schumann;
and they will listen to excerpts of each composer’s work.

Born in Germany in 1770, Beethoven is considered both a classical composer
and a Romantic composer. In his youth and as a young man, he composed
music in the classical style. Then at twenty-eight, he began losing his hearing.
This became a turning point in his life. He continued to compose, but his music
became more emotional, a characteristic of Romantic music. One of the best
examples of his Romantic music was his Ninth Symphony, especially its fourth
and final movement.
Tell students that they are going to listen to part of the Ninth Symphony. As
they listen, they should pay attention to the feeling of the music. Is it calm? Is it
energetic? Is it orderly? Is it chaotic?
Play the fourth movement of the Ninth Symphony for students. It lasts 24
minutes. (If 24 minutes is too long for your students, play only the first 9:32 of
the movement.)
Ask students to share what differences they noticed in the symphony, how
the emotion of the music changed. (They should note that the music alternated
between calm melodies and fast, loud outbursts.)

Franz Schubert
Schubert was born in 1797 in Austria and died young, at age thirty-one. He
is best known for writing lieder, or art songs. He often set poems to music.
The song, “Gretchen am Spinnrade” or “Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel,” is
an example.
Tell students they are going to listen to two of Schubert’s songs. They should
pay attention to the sounds in the songs and think about what the sounds


Play “Gretchen am Spinnrade.” The song lasts three minutes. Make sure students
notice the rolling notes and thumping notes. Explain that those sounds
represent Gretchen working—the rolling notes represent the spinning of
the spinning wheel, and the thumping notes represent the foot pedal that
Gretchen used to power the spinning wheel.
Tell students that the next song is called “The Trout.” Explain that a trout is a
type of fish. Play “Die Forelle.” The song lasts two minutes. Help students notice
how the notes imitate the flow of the river where the fish lives.

Frederic Chopin
Born in 1810 in Poland, Chopin became famous playing piano in Paris. As a
piano teacher, he developed songs called etudes to challenge his students to
learn new techniques.
Play Chopin’s “Revolutionary Etude.” The song lasts three minutes. Ask students
what the rhythm of the piece reminds them of or sounds like. (Students should
recognize that the rhythm is reminiscent of marching soldiers.)
Chopin also wrote musical pieces based on dances from his homeland. One
type of dance was called a waltz, a type of dance for couples. Play “Minute
Waltz.” The song lasts two minutes. Have students compare the rhythm of the
waltz with the “Revolutionary Etude.” (The waltz is slower, more expressive of
Next, play Chopin’s “Funeral March.” The song lasts nine minutes, but you can
stop after two minutes. Ask students how the music makes them feel. Then
explain that this song, called “The Funeral March,” has come to represent death.

Robert Schumann
Also born in 1810, Schumann came from Germany. He wrote songs,
symphonies, and other types of music called concertos and chamber music.
Much of his music was inspired by his wife.
One of Schumann’s best-known pieces is Piano Concerto in A Minor. It is organized
into three parts, called movements. The first movement is fast, the second—called
an interlude or intermezzo—is slow, and the final movement is fast.
Play Piano Concerto in A Minor. The song lasts 32 minutes, but make sure
students listen to at least the first 21:43, so they can hear the difference
between the fast and slow movements. Remind students again that
Romanticism was about feelings. What feelings does the fast movement
create? What feelings are created by the slow movement? How might listeners
be helped by having a slow movement between two fast movements?
(Students should recognize that the slow movement gives listeners a chance to
catch their breath. It’s a “palate cleanser” before the next fast movement.)


Liberty Leading the People by Eugene Delacroix (RI.6.7) 15 min

Materials Needed: Internet access

Background for Teachers: Even after the French Revolution ended, and
after Napoleon was sent into exile, France remained in a very turbulent state.
Political factions continued to struggle to find a government fit to carry the
country into the future. As such, in 1830, another revolution broke out in
France. During this revolt, the members of the French middle class drove
the king from the throne. The French painter Eugène Delacroix watched the
revolution from the windows of his studio in Paris. Feeling strongly for the
revolution and the future of France, Delacroix commemorated the event with
the painting Liberty Leading the People.
Use this link to download the CKHG Online Resources for this unit, where
specific links to the painting and a video that explains the painting may be
Note: This painting contains female nudity (a woman’s breasts) and images of
dead bodies, one of which is only partially clothed. Individual teachers should
make a determination as to whether sharing this painting with sixth-grade
students in their school is consistent with the norms of their local community.
Display the painting.
Ensure that students understand that this painting was created by Delacroix
in response to yet another, separate revolution in France that took place
approximately forty years after the French Revolution of 1789. Discuss the
painting as a class.
Ask students about the mood of the painting. Is it calm or energetic? (energetic)
What in the painting helps create this energetic mood? (Possible responses:
People are moving forward. They have their arms raised.)
Romanticism is often about nature. Do you see any nature in this painting? (No.)
Explain that Delacroix combined Romanticism and realism. He created
emotional images like the Romantics, but he did so by creating images that
looked like real life. What parts of the painting look like real life? (Possible
responses: the weapons and dead bodies.)
Play the explanatory video. It has a great explanation of the painting as told
through an interview between two scholars.
Conclude by telling students that at the time Delacroix made the painting,
some people thought the painting was heroic; others thought it was offensive.
Either by a show of hands or verbal discussion, ask students which opinion they



Teacher Resources
Unit Assessment: The French Revolution and Romanticism 211

Performance Task: The French Revolution and Romanticism 216

• Performance Task Scoring Rubric 217
• Performance Task Activity: The French Revolution and Romanticism 218
• The French Revolution and Romanticism Performance Task Notes Table 219

Activity Pages
• World Map (AP 1.1) 220
• Map of Europe (AP 1.2) 221
• The Three Estates (AP 2.1) 222
• Why Not Change? (AP 2.2) 223
• The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1) 224
• What Does It Mean? (AP 3.2) 225
• Notes About Queen Marie Antoinette (AP 4.1) 226
• Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4 (AP 4.2) 227
• Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (AP 8.1) 228
• Notes About Religion, Culture, and Art (AP 9.1) 229
• Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (AP 11.1) 230
• Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism (AP 12.1) 232
• Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12 (AP 12.2) 233
• A Romantic Poem (12.3) 235

Answer Key: The French Revolution and Romanticism— 237

Unit Assessment and Activity Pages

The following fiction excerpt can be downloaded at:
• “Apostrophe to the Ocean” by Lord Byron (FE 1)


Name Date

Unit Assessment: The French Revolution and Romanticism

A. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Who were the philosophes?

a) Enlightenment thinkers who believed in justice and freedom
b) followers of Napoleon who believed in a united Europe
c) shopkeepers who stormed the Bastille
d) members of the Estates-General

2. Which of the following would have been OPPOSED by the philosophes?

a) freedom of the press
b) recent revolutionary changes in the English government
c) religious tolerance
d) abolition of government

3. Which philosophe said that “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains”?
a) Rousseau
b) Voltaire
c) Montesquieu
d) Locke

4. In prerevolutionary France, which group of people made up the First Estate?

a) nobles
b) soldiers
c) clergy
d) commoners

5. In prerevolutionary France, which group had the least amount of political power?
a) aristocracy
b) clergy
c) peasants
d) royalty

6. Under Louis XIV, what was life like at Versailles?

a) boring for the courtiers because not many people lived there
b) difficult because everyone had to milk cows
c) somewhat uncomfortable, due to small rooms, and difficult for courtiers trying to win the king's favor
d) lonely because only the king and queen lived there


7. Who was called the Sun King?
a) Louis XIV
b) Louis XV
c) Louis XVI
d) Louis XVIII

8. A famous story told about Marie Antoinette has her saying which of the following?
a) "Then let them eat cake."
b) "I am the state."
c) "After me, the deluge."
d) "I feel like the universe is going to fall on me."

9. Why did many people disapprove of Marie Antoinette?

a) She was Austrian.
b) She was accused of interfering with political decisions that her husband was expected to make.
c) She built a make-believe peasant village at Le Petit Trianon.
d) All of the above

10. What was the first reform demanded by the Third Estate’s deputies?
a) abolition of the monarchy
b) loss of privileges for the Second Estate
c) tax on the income of the First Estate
d) one vote per deputy, no matter which Estate he belonged to

11. In the French Revolution, where did the deputies take their oath not to separate until they
had written a constitution?
a) the Hall of Mirrors
b) the Petit Trianon
c) the Bastille
d) the tennis court at Versailles

12. What happened at the Bastille on July 14, 1789?

a) The sans culottes stormed the building and killed the leader of its defenders.
b) The deputies signed the constitution.
c) The Parisians executed Louis XVI.
d) Royal troops drove off an attacking mob.

13. Why is the summer of 1789 known as the “time of the Great Fear” in France?
a) Aristocrats were being murdered on the guillotine.
b) The royal family fled from Paris.
c) Peasants rioted and fled from what they thought was a nobles’ plot to kill them.
d) Everyone was afraid of the Black Death, a plague in Europe.


14. What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
a) a law that gave French men the right to vote
b) an agreement to storm the Bastille
c) the French national anthem
d) the French Bill of Rights

15. Which of the following did the Declaration of the Rights of Man not establish?
a) the end of the monarchy
b) the legal equality of all men
c) freedom of speech
d) freedom of religion

16. Why did Parisian women march to Versailles in October 1789?

a) to demand the right to vote
b) to celebrate the fall of the Bastille
c) to demonstrate their loyalty to the king
d) to demand bread

17. What did the royal family do after the women marched to Versailles?
a) returned to Paris
b) fled to England
c) ordered Napoleon Bonaparte to fire on the crowd
d) demanded bread

18. What gave the Reign of Terror its name?

a) Napoleon Bonaparte had established a dictatorship that oppressed the people.
b) There was no government in France.
c) Many people were executed.
d) France was at war with Russia.

19. Why did the Jacobins establish a new calendar?

a) Marie Antoinette loved the fanciful new names of the months.
b) The old calendar was associated with Christianity.
c) Astronomers had discovered that the old calendar was no longer accurate.
d) Working people wanted a new calendar that would shorten their work week.

20. What type of civilization inspired a movement of art during the French Revolution?
a) Romantic
b) Renaissance
c) classical
d) medieval


21. Who was Jean-Paul Marat?
a) the man who assassinated a leading Jacobin
b) a royalist emigre
c) a radical journalist
d) a neoclassical painter

22. Which title was the only title that Napoleon did not have during his lifetime?
a) king of France
b) emperor of the French
c) first consul
d) general

23. What was the greatest factor in Russia’s defeat of Napoleon’s army?
a) the army’s disloyalty to Napoleon
b) Napoleon’s inability to take Moscow
c) the number of Russian soldiers
d) the cold Russian winter

24. Which battle was the final defeat in Napoleon’s military career?
a) Waterloo
b) St. Petersburg
c) New Orleans
d) Elba

25. Which of the following did Romantic artists value most?

a) spontaneity
b) imitation
c) order
d) lofty subjects


B. Match each vocabulary word on the left with its definition on the right. Write the correct
letter on each line.
Terms Definitions
    26. absolute monarch a) a period of rule

    27. tyrannical b) a revival of ancient Greek and Roman ideas,

especially in literature, art, or architecture

    28. regime c) a system of rights or justice that is shared by all

people and that comes from nature, not the rules
of society
    29. Third Estate d) a king or queen who has unchecked authority
to do whatever he or she wants without any
    30. Estates-General e) a government in which people elect
representatives to rule for them

    31. natural law f) cruel or unjust

    32. constitutional monarchy g) an assembly made up of representatives from

France’s Three Estates

    33. Legislative Assembly h) a group of representatives with the power to make
laws for the country

    34. republic i) in France, everyone who is not a member of the

nobility or clergy

    35. neoclassicism j) a government by a king or queen whose power

is limited by a constitution


Performance Task: The French Revolution and Romanticism
Teacher Directions: From the late 1600s through the 1800s, France saw Enlightenment ideals sparked
in salons, monarchs rule with unlimited power, famine and hunger, bloodshed and revolt, the end of
the ancien régime, a rise and fall of a military dictator, a revival of classical art, and then the opposing
rise of the Romantic movement.
Ask students to write a creative piece about or illustrate a scene from the French Revolution or any
other content in this unit. Encourage students to use the Student Reader to take notes and organize
their thoughts on the table provided.
A sample table, completed with possible notes, is provided below to serve as a reference for teachers,
should some prompting or scaffolding be needed to help students get started. Individual students are
not expected to provide a comparable finished table. Their goal is to choose a form of composition
(either visual, like a painting or diorama, or written, like a short story, poem, or song), then create a
composition illustrating an event from the French Revolution (and the timeframe explored in this
chapter) using elements representative of either neoclassicism or Romanticism.

Composition A poem

Scene The women’s march to Versailles

Character(s) Poor working-class women

Artistic Style Romanticism

Style Elements • Write with feeling and emotion.

• Write about what is happening at the moment.
• Poem does not have to be orderly or rhyme.
• Focus on the poor, not on the king and queen.


Performance Task Scoring Rubric
Note: Students should be evaluated on the basis of their creative writing or illustration using the rubric.
Students should not be evaluated on the completion of the evidence table, which is intended to be a
support for students as they first think about their written or visual responses.

Above Average Writing or illustration is creative, detailed, and accurately reflects history
from the period in an imaginative way. The content demonstrates a strong
understanding of material in the unit; a few minor errors may be present.

Average Writing or illustration is creative, somewhat detailed, and mostly accurate

in reflecting history from the period in an imaginative way. The content
demonstrates an understanding of material in the unit; some minor errors
may be present.

Adequate Writing or illustration is creative and mostly accurate in reflecting history

from the period in an imaginative way but lacks detail. The content
incorporates only a few details from the text and shows a lack of complete
understanding of the material.

Inadequate Writing or illustration is incomplete and demonstrates minimal understanding

of content in the unit. The student demonstrates incomplete or inaccurate
background knowledge of the French Revolution or of other content in the unit.


Name Date

Performance Task Activity: The French Revolution and Romanticism

Write a creative piece about or illustrate a scene from the French Revolution or any other content in
your Student Reader. Your creative piece can be visual—such as a drawing, painting, or diorama (in
which case, use a blank sheet of paper or other art materials). Or your piece can be written—such as
a short story, poem, or song. Be creative!
Use the table on the next page to take notes and organize your thoughts. You may refer to the chapters
in The French Revolution and Romanticism.


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The French Revolution and Romanticism Performance Task Notes Table

Use the table below to help organize your thoughts as you refer to The French Revolution and
Romanticism. You do not need to complete the entire table to create your artistic composition, but you
should use it to plan your composition and your use of your chosen artistic style.




Artistic Style

Style Elements


Name Date

World Map
World Map

Activity Page 1.1

AMERICA Mediterranean ASIA
United States





0 2,000 miles
Use with Chapter 1


Name Date

Activity Page 1.2 Use with Chapters 1, 4, 11

Map of Europe



Baltic Estonia
North Sea Russia
ATLANTIC United Sea Latvia
OCEAN Kingdom Denmark Russia Lithuania
Ireland (Holland)
England Poland
l Belgium
h C h anne Lux. Czech Rep.
s Ukraine
Engli Liech. Slovakia
France Austria Hungary Moldova
Switzerland Slovenia Romania
Italy Croatia
Bos. & Her.
N Serbia
Mont. Bulgaria Black Sea
Kos. Macedonia Georgia
Portugal Alb. Armenia
S Spain
Greece Turkey
Mediterranean Sea
0 500 Miles Cyprus


Name Date

Activity Page 2.1 Use with Chapter 2

The Three Estates

Complete each column with information about the Estate.

The First Estate The Second Estate The Third Estate


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Activity Page 2.2 Use with Chapter 2

Why Not Change?

Reasons for Change Reasons Against Change

First Estate
(clergyman or nun)

Second Estate

Third Estate:

Third Estate:
(member of the
working class)

Third Estate:


Name Date

Activity Page 3.1 Use with Chapter 3

The Three Monarchs: Key Facts

Use this chart to take notes on the three monarchs: Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI.

Louis XIV

Louis XV

Louis XVI


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Activity Page 3.2 Use with Chapter 3

What Does It Mean?

A. Match each term on the left with its definition on the right. Write the correct letter on each line.
    1. philosophe a) one-tenth of a person’s income, paid to a church

    2. ancien régime b) an attendant at court

    3. tithe c) thinker of the French Enlightenment

    4. bourgeois d) wealthier members of the Third Estate

    5. courtier e) the “old regime”

B. Write a sentence using each pair of words. Use the second word in each pair to clarify the
meaning of the first word.

6. philosophe—Voltaire

7. ancien régime—Middle Ages

8. tithe—clergy

9. bourgeois—Third Estate

10. courtier—king


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Activity Page 4.1 Use with Chapter 4

Notes About Queen Marie Antoinette

Record important ideas and details from each section in the chart. You may also wish to include
the chapter’s Core Vocabulary terms.

The Future King and Queen

Louis XVI

Dangerous Advice

The Extravagant Queen

Queen Marie as Peasant

Marie Antoinette and the



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Activity Page 4.2 Use with Chapter 4

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4

For each word, write the letter of the definition.

    1. Third Estate a) a person in a local church who has the training or authority
to carry out certain religious ceremonies or rituals
    2. treasury b) a place where money and other national wealth is kept
    3. absolute monarch c) a male noble who rules a small territory

    4. foreign ambassador d) the wealthy middle class within French society, part of the
Third Estate; people who were neither nobles nor peasants
    5. reign e) the title given to the prince who is next in line to inherit
the French throne
    6. duke f) in France, everyone who is not a member of the nobility or
clergy; included everyone from the poorest of the poor to
the wealthy middle class
    7. reform g) relating to the medieval system of exchanging land for
service and loyalty
    8. parish priest h) a person from another country who is an official
representative of his or her government
    9. feudal i) to remove or prohibit books, art, films, or other media that
the government finds offensive, immoral, or harmful
    10. dauphin j) a person who serves as a friend or adviser to a ruler in his
or her court
    11. courtier k) a king or queen who has the unchecked authority to do
whatever he or she wants without any restrictions
    12. tyrannical l) an improvement
    13. censor m) characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; cruel or unjust
    14. tithe n) to rule over a country as its czar, king, or queen
    15. bourgeois o) the belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to
rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin
    16. divine right of kings p) one-tenth of a person’s income, paid to support a church


Name Date

Activity Page 8.1 Use with Chapter 8

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8

Use the words in the word bank to solve the riddles.

interest  Estates-General  delegation  finance minister  province   archive
title deed   yoke   natural law   citizens’ militia   constitutional monarchy
Legislative Assembly   republic   despotism   guillotine

1. I am rule by a tyrant who has total and oppressive power.

What am I?           

2. I am an area similar to a state. What am I?           

3. I am a government by a king or queen whose power is limited by a constitution.

What am I?           

4. I manage a country’s money. What am I?           

5. I am the money people pay when they borrow someone else’s money. What am I?           

6. I am a place where public records or historical documents are kept. What am I?           

7. I am a government by elected representatives. What am I?           

8. I am a system of rights or justice that is shared by all people and that comes from nature, not the
rules of society. What am I?           

9. I am a fighting force made up of the people of a nation. What am I?           

10. I am the representative assembly of France, made up of representatives of the Three Estates.
What am I?           

11. I am a machine designed to behead people. What am I?           

12. I am a group of people who speak on behalf of a larger group. What am I?           

13. I am something that takes away people’s freedom. What am I?           

14. I am a group of representatives with power to make laws for a country. What am I?           

15. I am a document that states legal ownership. What am I?           


Name Date

Activity Page 9.1 Use with Chapter 9

Notes About Religion, Culture, and Art

Complete the chart with information from the chapter. You may also wish to include the
chapter’s Core Vocabulary terms.

Changes in Religion Changes in Culture/Society Changes in Art


Name Date

Activity Page 11.1 Use with Chapter 11

Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier
As Napoleon’s empire expanded, he established a military draft in the countries under his control. His
army therefore included many Germans, Poles, Italians, and Dutchmen. German stonemason Jakob Walter
(1788–1864), drafted in 1806, fought for Napoleon in the campaigns of 1806–1807, 1809, and 1812–1813.
The following excerpt from Walter’s autobiography describes the retreat from Moscow in the fall of 1812.

Read the excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

It seemed as though the Russians had surrounded us entirely, for the cannonades thundered
upon us from all sides, and it was necessary to retreat hurriedly. . . . Every time in bivouac [camp]
the Germans joined together and made fires in groups I was also included. They were mostly
Wù` rttemberg [a south German province; Walter’s home] sergeants and soldiers who joined
with me at the fire; and here each one fried the horse meat which he had cut off laboriously
along the way often with scuffling and slugging; for, as soon as a horse plunged and did not
get up immediately, men fell upon it in heaps and often cut at it alive from all sides. The meat,
unfortunately, was very lean, and only the skin with a little red meat could be wrested away.
Each of us stuck his piece on a stick or a saber, burned off the hair in the fire, and waited until the
outside was burned black. Then the piece was bitten off all around and stuck into the fire again.
One seldom had time for boiling, and not one among twenty men had a pot.

1. Historians consider Walter’s memoir a valuable record of the Napoleonic wars. Why do you think
this is?

2. What conclusion can you draw from Walter’s comment that the horse meat was very lean?

3. Why were the soldiers attacking the fallen horses? What does this suggest about the condition of
Napoleon’s army?


Name Date

Activity Page 11.1 (Continued) Use with Chapter 11

Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier
4. Why did the soldiers not wait to cook the meat properly?

5. Soon after the events described above, Walter saw Napoleon. Walter wrote, “He watched his army
pass by in the most wretched condition. What he may have felt in his heart is impossible to surmise
[guess].” How do you think Walter felt about Napoleon and why?


Name Date

Activity Page 12.1 Use with Chapter 12

Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism

Compare and contrast neoclassicism with Romanticism by answering the following questions.
Refer to Chapter 12 in your Student Reader, as well as to David's painting The Death of Marat
on page 133.

1. What are the characteristics of the neoclassical movement?

2. What characteristics did Romantic artists value instead?

3. How might you compare a neoclassical painting to a Romantic painting? Find examples in your
Student Reader to answer this question.


Name Date

Activity Page 12.2 Use with Chapter 12

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12

Use the words in the word bank to complete the crossword puzzle.

coronation  piety  national bank*  symphony  Jacobin  neoclassicism
classicism  famine  exile  tribunal  grapeshot  civic  Cossacks
cathedral  royalist  Law of Suspects*  artillery

*No spaces between words are included in the puzzle.

Across Down

5. relating to a city, citizen, or community 1. a supporter of the king or queen

7. any large and important church 2. a type of court
8. large guns that are used to shoot 3. an extreme shortage of food that results in
across long distances widespread hunger
10. member of a violent, extreme left-wing 4. a small mass of metal balls that is shot from a
group cannon
13. soldiers from southwestern Russia, 6. the ceremony or act of crowning a ruler
known for their skills on horseback
7. the ideas and styles found in the works of
15. a government bank that issues and ancient Greece and Rome
manages a country's money
9. to force someone to live outside of a place as a

11. the quality of being deeply religious

12. law passed during the French Revolution that

allowed the arrest of people suspected of
opposing the Revolution

14. a musical composition written for an orchestra

usually in four parts called movements

15. a revival of ancient Greek and Roman ideas


Name Date

Activity Page 12.2 (Continued) Use with Chapter 12

Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12

1 2

5 6 7

8 9


11 12

13 14



Name Date

Activity Page 12.3 Use with Chapter 12

A Romantic Poem
You have read a little about the life and works of William Wordsworth, the English Romantic poet.
Below is "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (also called "Daffodils"), the poem described and quoted
in your textbook.

Read the poem, and answer the questions that follow.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud The waves beside them danced, but they
That floats on high o'er vales1 and hills, Out did the sparkling waves in glee:
When all at once I saw a crowd, A poet could not but be gay,
A host, of golden daffodils; In such a jocund3 company:
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. What wealth the show to me had brought:

Continuous as the stars that shine For oft, when on my couch I lie
And twinkle on the Milky Way, In vacant or in pensive4 mood,
They stretch'd in never-ending line They flash upon that inward eye
Along the margin2 of a bay: Which is the bliss of solitude;
Ten thousand saw I at a glance, And then my heart with pleasure fills,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. And dances with the daffodils.
valleys 2 edge, shoreline 3 cheerful 4 thoughtful

1. What happens in this poem?


Name Date

Activity Page 12.3 (Continued) Use with Chapter 12

A Romantic Poem
2. How does the speaker feel when he sees the daffodils?

3. Why do the daffodils change the speaker's mood?

4. Would it be accurate to say that the daffodils influence the speaker's thinking for only a few
minutes? Why or why not?

5. What aspects of this poem make it characteristic of the Romantic movement?


Answer Key: The French Revolution and Romanticism
Unit Assessment What Does It Mean? (AP 3.2) (page 225)
(pages 211–215) 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b
A. 1. a 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. d 10. d 6–10. Sentences will vary depending on the way that
11. d 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. a 16. d 17. a 18. c students relate each word in the pair to the other.
19. b 20. c 21. c 22. a 23. d 24. a 25. a Make sure that each sentence expresses a strong
relationship between each pair of words and reflects
B. 26. d 27. f 28. a 29. i 30. g 31. c 32. j 33. h
an understanding of the French Revolution.
34. e 35. b
Notes About Queen Antoinette (AP 4.1)
Activity Pages (page 226)
The Three Estates (AP 2.1) (page 222) The Future King and Queen: Vocabulary words:
The First Estate: clergy; parish priests poor but high- dauphin and indulge; king and queen finally left
ranking members lived like princes; wealth from tithes Versailles and visited Paris in gilded carriage; crowds
and land rents; made up 1 percent of population but cheered; couple walked in garden at Tuileries; queen
owned 10 percent of land was tall and graceful; dauphin was awkward and shy.
The Second Estate: nobility; no longer warrior class; Louis XVI: Smallpox killed King Louis XV, so young
owned 20 percent of land; most had modest wealth couple became king and queen and felt unprepared;
and a few very rich; did not pay taxes usually; could "Protect us, O God. We are too young to reign"; some
hold high offices in Church, government, and military; disliked Marie for being Austrian; couple considered
wanted more political power virtuous, a refreshing change.
The Third Estate: classes within Third Estate, including Dangerous Advice: People thought Marie interfered
bourgeois, working class, and peasants; 98 percent in Louis's decisions; Louis indulged her and was
of population; increasingly included craftspeople, considered weak; Marie was spoiled; Louis fired his
business people, merchants, manufacturers, and grandfather's ministers, which pleased the aristocracy
anyone not in the clergy or aristocracy; some of and ended an early attempt at reforms.
bourgeois very rich but could not have high rank in The Extravagant Queen: Marie like to spend huge
Church or army; paid taxes and resented nobility; amounts of money and ignored attending to her
working class almost as poor as peasants and lived in duties as queen; she wasn't well educated and hated
miserable conditions with food shortages to be bored; she loved to gamble and buy jewelry,
The Three Monarchs: Key Facts (AP 3.1) (page 224) spent today's equivalent of two million dollars a year,
had elaborate hairstyles and a personal dressmaker.
Louis XIV: "I am the State"; all-powerful monarch; Vocabulary phrase: "foreign ambassador."
the Sun King: believed he was God's representative Queen Marie as Peasant: Most scandalous
on Earth and that he ruled by divine right; wanted extravagance was Le Petit Trianon, a small mansion on
to break power of nobles; built Versailles, center of the ground of Versailles; the most insulting part was
France's cultural world; under his rule, France became a pretend "peasant village" that Marie strolled around
powerful, but involved in long and costly wars that put in, pretending to be a peasant while the government
France in debt; hated by the people went into debt and people went hungry.
Louis XV: became king when only five; ineffective Marie Antoinette and the Revolution: Vocabulary
and interested in having fun; could not control ministers; word: arrogance; Jefferson thought Marie's spending
reigned for almost sixty years; France continued to caused the Revolution, but this oversimplifies what
be involved in costly wars; heavily taxed the poor and happened; there were many factors, but her behavior
spent extravagantly; hated by the people played a part; people hated her for her extravagance;
Louis XVI: kind and generous but had trouble making famous story told about her that may not be true; when
decisions; more interested in hunting than in the affairs told people were hungry and rioting for bread, she is
of his country; shy and awkward; not suited to being reputed to have said, "Then let them eat cake"; people's
king; married Marie Antoinette, whom he indulged; loyalty to the king and queen began to weaken.
did not feel up to the task and his fears proved true


Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 1–4 (AP 4.2) Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier (AP 11.1)
(page 227) (pages 230–231)
1. f 7. l 13. i 1. It is an eyewitness account of the battles from
2. b 8. a 14. p the point of view of an ordinary soldier rather
3. k 9. g 15. d than a commander. Walter's account might also
4. h 10. e 16. o be more objective than that of a Frenchman or
a Russian.
5. n 11. j
2. The horses apparently did not get any more to eat
6. c 12. m than the men did. If they had eaten regularly, they
Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 5–8 (AP 8.1) would have been fatter.
(page 228) 3. The soldiers attacked the horses for their meat.
1. despotism 9. citizens’ militia This suggests that the army was starving.
2. province 10. Estates-General 4. They were too hungry to wait for it to cook
through. They may have expected to have to
3. constitutional monarchy 11. guillotine
move on at any moment, so they ate as fast as they
4. finance minister 12. delegation could. They were freezing but short of firewood.
5. interest 13. yoke 5. Answers may vary. Because Walter was not French,
6. archive 14. Legislative Assembly he was probably not especially loyal to Napoleon.
7. republic 15. title deed He knew that Napoleon was responsible for the
deaths of thousands of his soldiers. He probably did
8. natural law
not think very highly of him.
Notes About Religion, Culture, and Art (AP 9.1) Neoclassicism Versus Romanticism (AP 12.1)
(page 229) (page 232)
Changes in Religion: revolutionary leaders cast doubt 1. Characteristics of the neoclassical movement
on religious doctrines; they hated wealthy Church included imitating works of ancient Greece
leaders; took Church's land away and sold it; priests and Rome; focusing on heroes and leaders and
forced to take a loyalty oath, declaring support for treating them with seriousness and dignity;
new constitution; revolutionary leaders angered many showing the influence of the Enlightenment;
people for these actions; religious statues torn out of valuing thought, reason, and the life of the mind;
Notre-Dame and replaced with statues of Enlightenment and valuing order.
figures; radical leaders tried to replace old religion with
new civic religion. Vocabulary words: cathedral, civic 2. Artists of the Romantic movement rebelled against
accepted artistic ideals; valued originality; focused
Changes in Culture/Society: new calendar created on everyday subjects and used a simpler style;
that got rid of connections to Christianity; metric emphasized emotion or feeling; and emphasized
system introduced; new styles in clothing and speech; creativity and spontaneity over order.
dress was simpler and speech less formal; you could
be punished for not using the correct terms. 3. Answers will vary. Students might note that
David treated Marat as a heroic figure and that
Changes in Art: revolutionaries admired civilizations Marat's quill pen and written words show a
of ancient Greece and Rome, so artists of the day reverence for reason and the life of the mind.
celebrated ancient virtues in their paintings and They might compare this neoclassical painting
sculptures; contemporary figures painted wearing with Constable's Romantic painting Salisbury
classical clothing; grand and heroic themes in Cathedral, in which the artist shows a reverence
paintings; new movement was called neoclassicism; for nature and emotion conveyed by the beauty
neoclassicism influenced by excavation of two ancient of nature.
Roman cities; most famous neoclassical artist of
Revolution was Jacques-Louis David; he painted Death
of Marat and Tennis Court Oath.


Domain Vocabulary: Chapters 9–12 (AP 12.2) A Romantic Poem (AP 12.3)
(pages 233–234) (pages 235–236)
Across Down 1. A lonely poet is out for a walk. He sees a field of
daffodils blowing in the breeze.
5. civic 1. royalist
2. He cheers up.
7. cathedral 2. tribunal
3. He thinks they are pretty. They seem lively and
8. artillery 3. famine bright. They remind him that it is early spring and
10. Jacobin 4. grapeshot warm weather is coming.
13. Cossacks 6. coronation 4. No. When the speaker is in a pensive mood, he
15. national bank 7. classicism often thinks back to the day when he saw the
9. exile daffodils, and they cheer him up, even after the fact.
11. piety 5. The poem is a personal expression of the poet's
feelings. It is based on an experience in nature.
12. Law of Suspects
14. symphony
15. neoclassicism


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frontpage of the Persian letters by Montesquieu (1721) / Photo ©Tallandier / Bridgeman Images: 10m, 49
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A Farm in Normandy (oil on canvas), Cabat, Nicolas Louis (1812–93) / Musee des Beaux-Arts, Nantes, France / Bridgeman Images: 126 Portrait of Leopold II of Habsburg-Lorraine (Vienna, 1747–1792), Painting by Josef Kiss and Friedrich Mayrhofer, detail / De Agostini
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School, (18th century) / Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images: 104m, 167 Portrait of Voltaire (oil on canvas), Lusurier, Catherine (c.1753–81) / Château de Versailles, France / Bridgeman Images: 118
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16, 1770, engraving / Photo © Tallandier / Bridgeman Images: 147 Château de Versailles, France / Bridgeman Images: 104r, 180
Frederic Chopin (1810–49) 1838 (oil on canvas), Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugene (1798–1863) / Louvre, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images: 203 The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo (oil on canvas), Hillingford, Robert Alexander (1825–1904) / Private Collection / Photo © Christie's
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General Bonaparte (1769–1821) on the Bridge at Arcole, 17th November 1796 (oil on canvas), Gros, Baron Antoine Jean (1771–1835) / The Galerie des Glaces (Hall of Mirrors) 1678 (photo), Mansart, Jules Hardouin (1646–1708) / Château de Versailles, France / Peter Willi /
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Bridgeman Images: 196 Monnet, Charles (1732–p.1808) (after) / Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images: 165
Gilbert du Motier French general Lafayette (1757–1834) deputy of Paris and commandant of the parisian national guard in 1789 at the The Plum Pudding in Danger, 1805 (colour engraving), Gillray, James (1757–1815) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images: 197
time of the French Revolution, here on horse, engraving / Photo © Tallandier / Bridgeman Images: 172
The Queen's Boudoir at the Petit Trianon, illustration for 'Versailles, Paris et Saint-Denis' by the original artist, engraved by I. Hill, 1809
Jacques Necker (1732–1804) swiss politician, he was director of the Finances under LouisXVI, very popular to people, engraving (aquatint), Nattes, John Claude (c.1765–1822) (after) / Bibliotheque Historique de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France / Archives Charmet /
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Charles Robert (1794–1859) / Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK / Bridgeman Images: 129 The Tennis Court Oath, 20th June 1789, 1791 (oil on canvas), David, Jacques Louis (1748–1825) (after) / Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee
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Musee de la Poste, Amboise, France / Archives Charmet / Bridgeman Images: 167 Title Page of 'Elements de la Philosophie de Newton' by Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694–1778) Amsterdam, published 1738
Louis XIV in Royal Costume, 1701 (oil on canvas), Rigaud, Hyacinthe Francois (1659–1743) / Louvre, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images: 103b, 135 (engraving) (b/w photo), French School, (18th century) / Bibliotheque Mazarine, Paris, France / Archives Charmet / Bridgeman Images: 119
Louis XV (1710–74) as a child, 1714 (oil on canvas), Gobert, Pierre (1662–1744) / Prado, Madrid, Spain / Bridgeman Images: 104c, 137 Trial of Charles I, English School, (19th century) / Private Collection / © Look and Learn / Bridgeman Images: 103c
Louis XVI (1754–93) 1786 (oil on canvas), Callet, Antoine Francois (1741–1823) / Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet, Paris, View of a cell in the Bastille at the moment of releasing prisoners on 14th July, 1789 (pen, ink & gouache on paper), Houel, Jean-Pierre
France / Bridgeman Images: 159 (1735–1813) / Musee de la Ville de Paris, Musee Carnavalet, Paris, France / Bridgeman Images: 160
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) Composing his 'Missa Solemnis' (oil on canvas), Stieler, Joseph Carl (1781–1858) (after) / View of Mantes, from 'Views on the Seine', engraved by Thomas Sutherland (b.1785) engraved by R. Ackermann (1764–1834) 1821
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Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI in the Tuileries Garden with Madame Lambale, 1857 (oil on canvas), Caraud, Joseph (1821–1905) / Private View of the Chateau, Gardens and Park of Versailles from the Avenue de Paris, detail of the Chateau, 1668 (oil on canvas) (detail of 81242),
Collection / Photo © Christie's Images / Bridgeman Images: 104g, 149 Patel, Pierre (1605–76) / Château de Versailles, France / Peter Willi / Bridgeman Images: 137
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre (colour aquatint print), Janinet, Jean-Francois (1752–1814) / Private Collection / The wedding of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette may 16, 1770 at the Versailles chapel celebrated by archbishop Roche-Aymond , engraving /
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If you experience any difficulties when attempting to access one of the linked resources found within these materials, please contact the Core Knowledge Foundation:

Core Knowledge Foundation

801 E. High St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

Core Knowledge History and Geography™
The Enlightenment, The French Revolution and Romanticism
Core Knowledge History and Geography 6

What is the Core Knowledge Sequence?

The Core Knowledge Sequence is a detailed guide to specific
content and skills to be taught in Grades K–8 in language arts,
history, geography, mathematics, science, and the fine arts. In the
domains of world and American history and geography, the Core
Knowledge Sequence outlines topics that build chronologically or
thematically grade by grade.

History and GeoGrapHy

For which grade levels is this book intended?
The Enlightenment,
The French Revolution
In general, the content and presentation are appropriate for
and Romanticism
Teacher Guide
readers in the upper-elementary grades. For teachers and schools
following the Core Knowledge Sequence, this book is intended for
Voltaire King Louis XVI

Baron de Montesquieu
Grade 6 and is part of a series of Core Knowledge HISTORY AND
GEOGRAPHY units of study.
Three Estates

G6_B2_U4_The French Revolution and Romanticism_FrontCover_TG.indd 1 07/02/18 1:54 PM

For a complete listing of resources in the

Core Knowledge HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY series,
Core Knowledge History and Geography
A comprehensive program in world and American history
and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts,
exploring civilizations, cultures, and concepts specified in the
Core Knowledge Sequence (content and skill guidelines for Grades K–8).

Core Knowledge History and Geography

units at this level include:

World Deserts
Ancient Greece and Rome
The Enlightenment,
The French Revolution and Romanticism
The Industrial Revolution: Changes and Challenges
Independence for Latin America
The Making of America: Immigration,
Industrialization, and Reform ISBN: 978-1-68380-325-6

Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™

Series Editor-in-Chief
E. D. Hirsch, Jr.

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