CK WHG World Deserts
CK WHG World Deserts
CK WHG World Deserts
Grade 6
Ch1: What is a desert?
Ch2: Deserts of Africa
Ch3: Deserts of Australia
Ch4: Deserts of Asia
Ch5: Deserts of North America
Ch6: Deserts of South America
Unit 1
What Makes a Desert?
Deserts have unique landforms, terrain, and cultures.
All deserts share a common feature: lack of water (aridity).
Aridity is measured by how much rain falls each year.
Most deserts get less than 10 inches of rain annually.
Some deserts can go years without any rain.
Surviving in the Desert
Desert plants and animals have special ways to save
1. Saguaro cactus and kangaroo rat in North America.
2. Camels and plants in the Sahara, marsupials in
What Is a Desert?
The Big Question
What features determine whether an area of land is a desert?
Learning Objectives
✓ Read maps and globes using longitude and latitude, coordinates, and degrees.
✓ Describe the three climate zones: arctic, tropical, and temperate.
✓ Identify the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle as imaginary lines on a map and the relative locations of
the North and South poles.
“Desert Landscapes,”
Look at the chart on page 4.
It's important to know how the relationship between precipitation
and evaporation determines the classification of a desert.
1. Where are the polar deserts?
2. How do most climatologists define
the word desert?
3. Why do plants and animals use
only a small percentage of
rainwater in the desert?
Pages 5-7
Death Valley is in the Mojave Desert. Locate that desert on the map.
Look at the images on page 7. Notice how deserts can have varied landscapes, from the typical sandy dunes, as in the picture of the
Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado, to ravines, gullies, and canyons caused by flash floods.
Later you will see pictures of other types of desert landforms, such as treeless tablelands—or plateaus—plains spotted with scrub
brush, and salt flats and seas.
1. How are deserts closer to the equator different from those farther from the equator?
2. What feature do “hot” and “cold” deserts share?
3. Do deserts have to have sand to be considered a desert? Explain.
Pages 8-11
Note that Las Vegas, despite being a large, bustling city, is located in the Mojave Desert and is considered a
desert landscape because it receives fewer than ten inches of rain a year.
1. What features help the saguaro cactus survive in the desert?
2. How have some animals adapted to the desert?
3. How have people learned to adapt to the desert?
The Big Question
“What features determine whether an
area of land is a desert?”
AP 1.1
Imaginary Lines
Latitude — the distance between the equator and a place north
or south of the equator; measured in degrees
AP 1.3
Arctic Climate
Temperate Climate
Conic projections are often used for mapping smaller regions, such as
countries or continents.
They maintain relatively accurate shapes and areas within the chosen cone,
making them suitable for mid-latitude regions.
Meridians and parallels are curved lines, which can make navigation and
distance estimation more accurate within the selected area.
Distortion increases as you move away from the chosen cone, making them
less suitable for mapping global areas.
Direction and distance distortions increase towards the edges of the map.
Conic projections are not ideal for depicting the entire world due to the
limitations of choosing a single cone.
Planar (Azimuthal) Projection:
Distortion increases as you move away from the center point, making them
unsuitable for mapping equatorial or large global areas.
Shape and distance distortions become significant as you move away from
the center.
Planar projections can't show the entire world with reasonable accuracy.
Mercator Projection:
Mercator projections are famous for preserving straight lines, making them
useful for navigation and maritime charts.
They are conformal, meaning angles are preserved, which helps maintain
shapes and angles of features.
Mercator projections are well-suited for equatorial regions, as the distortion
is minimal near the equator.
Deserts of Africa
The Big Question
What are the similarities and differences between the
Sahara and Kalahari deserts?
Learning Objectives
✓ Understand that the Sahara, one of the world’s driest deserts, supports plants
and animals that have adapted to extremely hot and arid conditions.
✓ Recognize that the Kalahari is known for its rich variety of plants and wildlife.
✓ Explain the ways that the San have adapted to living in the desert.
✓ Understand the meaning of the following domain-specific vocabulary: oasis,
salt flat, radiate, game reserve, and basin.
Core Vocabulary
Pages 12-16
“The Sahara,”
Look at the fennec fox on page 15. Note the size of the fox’s ears and
understand how the ears’ size helps the fox survive in the desert.
The Sahara extends into Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Libya, Mali,
Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara
1. How are camels suited for life in the Sahara?
2. Describe the landscape of the Sahara.
3. What water sources are available in the
4. In addition to camels, what other animals can
be found in the Sahara?
Pages 16–17
Deserts of Australia
The Big Question
What strategies have the Aboriginal peoples adopted in order to
survive the harsh conditions of desert life?
Learning Objectives
✓ Understand the unique land features and water resources of the
Australian continent.
✓ Relate how the Aboriginal peoples' traditional way of life suited the
Australian Outback.
1. What vegetation is most common
in the Australian desert?
2. Who are the Aboriginal peoples?
3. How do frogs help the Aboriginal
peoples survive in the desert?
Pages 20–21
“The Outback,”
Look at the the images of emus and kangaroos on page 21. These animals
are unique to Australia. They are not found anywhere else, except in captivity
in zoos, reserves, or farms.
1. What is the Outback? What kind of land is it?
2. What is a billabong?
3. How are kangaroos and other marsupials adapted for survival in the desert?
Pages 22–23
“A Singing Map,”
1. What is “dreamtime”?
2. What are songlines?
3. How did songlines help the Aboriginal peoples survive in the desert?
The Big Question
“What strategies have the Aboriginal peoples adopted
in order to survive the harsh conditions of desert life?"
Chapter 4
Deserts of Asia
The Big Question
How would you compare the Gobi Desert to the deserts of the
Arabian Peninsula?
Learning Objectives
✓ Identify the location of the Gobi Desert and the Arabian Peninsula.
✓ Describe the harsh conditions of the Gobi Desert.
✓ Explain the importance of mineral resources to the Arabian Peninsula and to
the United States.
1. The Gobi Desert is found in what countries?
2. Why is the Gobi so dry?
Pages 28–29
“Mojave Desert,”
The Mojave runs along the western side of North America,
mainly in southeastern California and southern Nevada but also
in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona.
1. Where is the Mojave Desert?
2. What plant is most associated with the Mojave?
3. What is Death Valley?
Pages 32–34
1. Where is the Sonoran Desert?
2. What is the Devil’s Highway?
3. How is the western part of the Sonoran Desert different from the
eastern part?
Page 35
1. Where is the Chihuahuan Desert located?
2. What is one unique feature of the Chihuahuan Desert?
The Big Question
“If you had to survive in a desert for several
days, what would you need?”
Chapter 6
Deserts of South
The Big Question
What are the key features of the Patagonia Desert and the
Atacama Desert?
Learning Objectives
✓ Describe the vegetation, wildlife, and topographical features of the
Patagonian and Atacama deserts.
“A Place to Hide,”
Tierra del Fuego is Spanish for Land of Fire.
European explorers gave the island this name because of the many
large bonfires kept by the Native Americans who lived there.
1. Where is Patagonia located?
2. What landforms and waterways border
Pages 38–39
Remember the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite
to what they are in the Northern Hemisphere.
1. Describe the landscape of Patagonia.
2. Why is basalt so common in Patagonia?
Pages 39–41
1. Where is the Atacama Desert located?
2. According to climatologists, what is special about the Atacama
3. What does NASA use the Atacama Desert for? Why?
4. What landforms and other features are found in the Atacama
The Big Question
“What are the key features of the Patagonia
Desert and the Atacama Desert?”
Note that this is no longer an option: Alternatively, complete the
questions as a research activity IF there is extra time.
Desert Video
1. What makes the Gobi Desert so harsh?
2. Describe sand storms and how animals have adapted because of them.
3. What is the one constant presence in all deserts?
4. How do kangaroos get through the hottest part of the day?
5. What role does fog play in the Atacama? Why does it form there?
6. How do the plants of the Sonoran Desert help the animals of the Sonoran Desert?
7. How do elephants survive in the harsh deserts of Africa?
8. What phenomenon happens when Death Valley receives much needed rain?
Bonus Question
What does the idea that one abundance produces another abundance mean?
How does it relate to the world’s deserts?
Desert Video
1. Extreme temperature changes, lack of water, any water there evaporates too
quickly, due to the sun
2. Strong winds cause sand to move around, which reduces visibility, can last for
days, and can be blown high into the sky; reptiles have scales which keep them
from being hurt in sand storms.
3. The sun.
4. By licking their forearms so the saliva can evaporate and cool their skin, by staying
in shade, by digging under the topsoil to cooler soil.
5. The ocean current along the land produces fog, wind blows the fog inland, fog
condenses and water drops onto the vegetation.
6. The saguaro is home to many birds, and its flower is food for bats.
7. They travel long distances, as far as fifty miles a day, to find food; they eat the roots
of grasses; they fill up on water in water holes as much as possible.
8. Seeds that have been lying dormant for years sprout, vegetation flourishes, and
animals make the most of the food and water available.
Desert Video
Bonus Question: Answer
The desert lacks important things, such as plentiful food and water,
and this lack is what makes deserts so harsh.
Consultation Hours
Tuesday, 4 PM.