Witcher (A Guide To Magic and Mages) - v0.2

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Credits Project Management: IIXBatmanXII

Witcher for 5th Edition Lead Designer: IIXBatmanXII Production Services: IIXBatmanXII
Witcher: A Guide to Monster's Lead Designer:
IIXBatmanXII Brand and Marketing: IIXBatmanXII
Designers: IIXBatmanXII
Editior: IIXBatmanXII Based on the original D&D game created by
Producer: IIXBatmanXII E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneso with Brian Blume, Rob
Kuntz, James Ward, and Don Kaye
Cover Art Credit: CD Projekt Red Drawing from further development by
Interior Art Credits: CD Projekt Red, Will Morgan (Ghost J. Eric Holmes, Tom Moldvay, Frank Mentzer, Aaron
Light) Allstop, Harold Johnson, David " Zeb" Cook, Ed Greenwood,
Keith Baker, Tracy Hickman, Margare Weis, Douglas Niles
Jeff Grubb, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams.
Additonal Contributors: Wizard's of the Coast for 5th Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins
Edition sourcebooks, the Witcher Wikia page, and The and Rob Heinsoo
Witcher Pen and Paper Roleplaying Game for inspiration, Playtesting provided by
lore, and phrasing. Literally no one. :( You can let me know if you do though!
Additional feedback provied by

Lorenzo Mastroianni illustates Alzur's Thunder as it strikes a
Nilfgaardian horseman.
Other Projects Coming Soon:
Witcher: A Guide to Monsters, introducing new
monsters for 5th Edition.
Witcher: A Guide to Alchemy, introducing the "Witcher"
class and expanded rules for crafting blade oils, bombs,
decoctions, and potions for 5th Edition.
Witcher: Men of the North, introducing stat blocks for
the humanoid foes of the Continent, as well as new
classes and subclasses, and expanded rules for crafting,
repairing, and enchanting arms and armor for 5th Edition.
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: A Gazetteer of Mages
The Magical Population
The Dangers Of Magic
Training A Mage
Organizations of Mages
The Brotherhood of Sorcerers
The Lodge of Sorceresses
Related Optional Rules
Optional Rule: Dimeritium
Optional Rule: Highly Skilled Mages
Chapter 2: Classes and Subclasses
Sorcerous Origins
Chapter 3: Spells
Spell Lists
Sorcerer Spells
Wizard Spells
Spell Descriptions
Appendix A: Magic Items
Chapter 1: A Gazetteer of Mages

agic is a profoundly dangerous art as The Dangers Of Magic
well as a well-researched and
documented science. Ever since the While sources are the most dangerous of mages, all forms of
Conjunction of the Spheres, certain magic carry a risk. The fundamentals of casting spells,
people have been born all over the rituals, and the like require a mage to not only draw energy
globe who are capable of tapping into from another realm, but to use their own body as a conduit
magic and bending it to their will to for the spell. This can be catastrophic for untrained mages,
some degree. and even veteran mages who are foolish—or desperate
As any mage will tell you, the fundamental power that a enough—to overexert themselves. A mage who has drawn too
mage wields is referred to as “Primal Chaos.” It is drawn and much magic through their body suffers excruciating pain (and
mixed or directed from the four elemental planes that often side effects) as the magic bleeds out of them. Earth
encircle the Prime Material. Each plane’s form of chaos has magic rocks the earth around the mage and locks up their
its own personality. Earth magic is easily accessible but not a joints, temporarily immobilizing them. Air magic explodes
very efficient transmitter of energy. It requires a lot of work to out of the mage, throwing them from their feet. Fire magic
summon earth magic, but the power it holds is immense. Air ignites the mage into a pyre of colored flame, and water
magic is fickle and difficult to control. Accessing it is easy, but magic begins to freeze the mage, causing ice crystals to form
grabbing hold of enough of it to cast a spell can be difficult, on skin and clothing. Mixed-element magic blows out
and a certain intuition is required. Fire magic is the most unpredictably, though one element always comes to the
destructive and chaotic of the elements. It is easy to summon forefront.
and provides power quickly. Unfortunately, young or
inexperience mages often have a difficult time halting the Training A Mage
flow of fire magic and overload their bodies with dramatic If you’ve been born with enough magic to qualify as a “mage”
effects. Water magic is considered the easiest to learn and is you must train your skills, assuming you don’t want to wind
often the introduction for young mages, since it is easy to up a gibbering wreck or a magical time bomb. Luckily, three
draw and reasonably easy to control. institutions exist to tend to the young and magical. In the
Northern Kingdoms, the Schools of Ban Ard and Aretuza
The Magical Population stand as the primary educators of young mages.
Most of the magical population is born with magical potential, Young women gifted with the power are sent to Aretuza on
but only enough to perform perhaps a single magical feat the island of Thanedd. There they are sequestered away and
such as oneiromancy and the like. The phb wizard schools taught the intricacies of magic and casting spells properly.
are a good example of these types of magic users. These folk Aretuza is tough, and many restrictions are placed on the
can learn to use their minimal talent over time but are never girls who attend it. Sorceresses aren’t allowed to leave the
able to reach beyond it.There are magical people of lesser school until they complete their training, and every girl who
skill all around us. The woman in the village that heals may enters Aretuza is magically sterilized to keep her from giving
be magical. The young girl who is especially good at finding birth to unstable magical children. Their isolation and
things may be magical as well. rigorous training creates highly skilled and dangerously
A minuscule fraction of that population is born with the ambitious sorceresses. The side effect, of course, is that most
capability to become full-fledged mages. These people are sorceresses are self-serving and only interested in their own
sent to magical academies such as Aretuza or Ban Ard, gain.
where they are taught how to utilize their power before it Young men in the North are sent to the school of Ban Ard,
becomes dangerous to them and their neighbors. Powerful in Kaedwen, where they train in a less rigorous environment.
sorcerers emerge from these schools thinking themselves Students of Ban Ard are allowed to wander the streets of the
superior persons a world apart. They rarely use their powers city, drink, whore, and partake in most other pursuits of
for the good of the common man. They become advisers to young men in Kaedwen. However, this lack of discipline and
kings, but when push comes to shove, they choose personal focus tends to result in sorcerers who are far less effective
power over the good of king and country. than the sorceresses of Aretuza. For many years the two
There is still a third population: mages refer to those as schools have held magical competitions, and unsurprisingly
“sources.” Only humans and a few elves are sources. Sources the sorceresses of Aretuza always won.
are a special case, born with tremendous, unstable magical In Nilfgaard, however, the story is very different. In the vast
potential. Sources must learn at an academy or druid circle, expanse that is now Nilfgaard there used to be a few different
or be tutored by a mage. If they fail to get the proper training, magical academies across the various countries. However,
more often than not the power drives them mad. They with Nilfgaard’s infamous mistrust of mages, all of these
become drooling, sputtering lunatics plagued by visions and schools were torn down and consolidated into the School of
bursting with uncontrolled magic. Gweision Haul, on the Alba near the capital.


Gweision Haul is the largest magical academy on the
continent, housing over 10,000 students at a time from all
over Nilfgaard, both human and elven. Terms at Gweision Mirt
Haul are mandatory and anyone found to have magic is sent The first seat of magical power that we know of
there as soon as they are discovered. Living conditions are was at Mirt, before the relationship between elves
utilitarian and sparse, often more like a prison than a school, and men had completely soured. Unfortunately
and the halls are patrolled by Nilfgaardian mage hunters. Mirt was destroyed by Falka, princess of Temeria,
Nilfgaardian mages are not only taught how to control their daughter of King Vridank, during her rebellion
powers, they are also taught humility. They’re constantly
reminded that they serve the Emperor, and their magic is a
tool for the Empire to use as it sees fit.
Related Optional Rules
Organizations of Mages The following optional rules alter the base game presented in
the Dungeon Master's Guide slightly, providing an experience
Mages are typically trying to consolidate power and control closer to the world of the Witcher.
within there own groups. This has varying results, but several
bodies of mages have existed, possessing authority over the Optional Rule: Dimeritium
teachings of magics and of magical experiments.
Dimeritium is a precious metal found sparsely all over the
The Brotherhood of Sorcerers world. Due to its composition it has anti-magic properties,
which makes it impossible for average magic users to
The first organization of great mages was the Brotherhood of summon up magic while touching the substance. The very
the Sorcerers in the Eighth Century. Its ruling body was the presence of dimeritium can lessen a magic user’s spellcasting
Conclave, which attempted to bring all mages under a united modifier by 1 for every unit of it within 15 feet. When forced
code controlling their actions. This started a civil war among to touch dimeritium, a magic user reduces their spellcasting
the mages. After the war a parallel organization joined the modifier to 0 and must make a Constitution saving throw and
Brotherhood: the Supreme Council. It dealt primarily with apply the results from the Dimeritium Effects table. This
magic experimentation and research. Eventually a Chapter of check must be made every half hour as long as contact
Sorcerers was founded within the Conclave as a higher continues.
chamber with superior authority. By this time sorcerers (male
and female) were settled as advisors to most of the kings of Constitution Check: Dimeritium
the North. Check Effect
At a great meeting of the Council at the island of Thanedd, 16-30 Your skin feels itchy and you feel mildly queasy but
sorcerers loyal to the kings and the Conclave itself mounted a you are unimpaired.
surprise revolt. News had come to them that a cabal of
sorcerers who had been swayed (some might say “bought”) 13-15 Your skin feels itchy, you feel queasy, and your
by Nilfgaard were preparing to take over the Conclave. The body spasms from time to time. Every 1d6 turns,
roll a DC 15 Constitution check or be poisoned
loyal sorcerers arrested as many of the conspirators as they until the start of your next turn.
could, putting them in dimeritium handcuffs. But this could
not be kept quiet for long, and soon general violence ensued. 11-12 Your skin burns and your stomach is roiling. Every
The actions at Thanned ruined the Brotherhood, and many 3 rounds you must make a Constituion saving
throw below your Constitution score or spend the
sorcerers were expelled from the courts of the kings under round vomiting.
suspicion of conspiracy.
9-10 Your skin feels like it’s on fire and you can barely
focus on anything. You must roll Constitution
The Lodge of Sorceresses saving throws every round or be stunned for 1
Soon after the collapse of the Brotherhood, Philippa Eilhart, round.
once an advisor and regent of Redania, secretly formed the 1-8 The dimeritium boils the magic in your system and
Lodge of Sorceresses. This was to be an all-female you take 1d6 poison damage per round that you
organization for the protection and betterment of magic, to are touching the dimeritium.
counter the earlier events that had seriously deflated the
prestige of the sorcerers. Unlike the old days, the Lodge was
much more secretive. Then at the meeting of the four major
nations and Nilfgaard at Loc Muinne, it was discovered that
Letho, the Viper witcher, had been hired by the Lodge to kill
the kings of the four nations. He successfully murdered King
Demawend of Aedirn and King Foltest of Temeria and,
incidentally or intentionally, destroyed the Lodge.


Optional Rule: Highly Skilled
Highly skilled mages like Yennefer of Vengerburg or the
infamous Vilgefortz of Rogeveen are capable of feats that
most average mages couldn’t even dream of. Magic spells
normally rely on incantations and hand gestures. However,
high Spell Casting ability allows magic users to omit certain
components when casting, as shown below.
Highly Skilled Mages
Ability Score Requirements
1-17 All magic requires spoken words and hand
18-21 Spells/invocations only require hand
22-24 Spells/invocations only require minor
gestures, which can be made with any part
of the body.

Optional Rule: Place of Power


Chapter 2: Classes and Subclasses
Martial Archetype Sorcerous Origins
The various fighters choose to focus and develope their skills Different sorcerers claim different origins for their innate
in various ways. Children of the elder blood are known to magic. Although many variations exist, most of these origins
pursue skills nearer to a fighter's than a mage's, though in fall within two categories on the Continent: the Mage and the
theory they also make exceptional mages. Source.
Elder Blood Mage
You gain innate magical abilities which center around the Your innate magic comes from the elves who lived in this land
blood in your veins, the ancestral blood of Lara Doren, which before you. Most sorcerers of this origin trace their blood
permits you the ability to manipulate the forces of the back to their great-grandparents, some of the first human
multiverse to augment your combat capabilites. landings on the Continent, when elves and humans mingled
more often than now. As such, only elves, half-elves, and
Dash humans can be Mages. All mages are trained at either
Starting at 3rd level, when you move up to your full Aretuza of Ban Ard, appropriate to their gender.
movement, you teleport.
Lay on Hands
Prophesy Your magical touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of
Starting at 7th level, glimpses of the future begin to press in healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest.
on your awareness. When you finish a long rest, roll two d20s With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points
and record the numbers rolled. You can replace any attack equal to your sorcerer level × 5.
roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power
that you can see with one of these foretelling rolls. You must from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that
choose to do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
this way only once per turn. Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of
Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one
finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls. poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and
neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on
Blink Hands, expending hit points separately for each one. This
At 10th level, you gain the ability to pass between the planes feature has no effect on undead and constructs.
in a blink of an eye. When you use the Attack action, you can
teleport up to 10 feet before each attack to an unoccupied Diction and Formulae
space you can see. Casting spells in this way requires the knowledge of magical
If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, formulae and the proper diction. Some spells, like "Alzur's
you can make one additional attack with it against a third Thunder," are very far outside the normal vocal range and
creature. therefore very difficult for mages to cast. Whenever you roll a
1 on a ranged spell attack, you must also roll on the "Magical
Awakened Source Fumbles" table.
Starting at 15th level, you gain the ability to emit a powerful
magical screech. A wave of thunderous force sweeps out
from you. Each creature in a 30-foot-radius originating from
you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, a creature takes 6d8 thunder damage and is
pushed 30 feet away from you. On a successful save, the
creature takes half as much damage. In addition, unsecured
objects that are completely within the area of effect are
automatically pushed 30 feet away from you by this effect,
and you emit a shrieking wail audible out to 300 feet.
You become incapacitated and your movement speed
becomes 0 for 1 minute afterwards, during which time you
keep screaming. Any creature objects and creatures within
the 30-foot-radius during that time must make the saving
throw again, but on a success aren’t pushed, and they take the
damage again. This effect ends early if you take any damage
or if dispel magic is cast on you. You regain the use of this
ability after a long rest.


Magical Training Elemental Fumbles
At 6th level, the fruits of your education come to bear. Your Damage Type Effect
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make Other Magic sparks out of your body. You
that uses the Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, or take 20 points of force damage and
Persuasion skill if you are proficient in that skill. roll a 1d4, also having one of the
In addition, your training extends so far as to allow you to effects, but not the inital damage, of
be a competent kingly advisor. Whenever you make an one of the damage types below.
Intelligence or Wisdom check, you can choose to use 1 - Bludgeoning The earth around you shakes. You take
Charisma instead. 20 points of force damage and are
stunned for 1 round.
Power Surge 2- The air rushes around you. You take 20
Starting at 14th level, you can store magical energy within Lightning/Thunder points of force damage and are pushed
yourself to later empower your damaging spells. 5 feet backwards.
You can store a maximum number of power surges equal 3 - Fire Your body bursts into flames. You take
to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). Whenever 20 points of force damage and take
you finish a long rest, your number of power surges resets to 2d4 fire damage on the start of each
one. of your turns until you or someone
Whenever you successfully end a spell with dispel magic or else takes an Action to snuff out the
counterspell, you gain one power surge, as you steal magic flames.
from the spell you foiled. If you end a short rest with no 4 - Cold Frost cracks and hardens around your
power surges, you gain one power surge. body. You take 20 points of force
Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or damage and are incapacitated, cannot
object with a wizard spell, you can spend one power surge to move, and cannot speak. You can end
this effect on a successful DC 16
deal extra force damage to that target. The extra damage Strength saving throw.
equals half your sorcerer level.
Strenuous Casting
Starting at 18th level, you can stretch your spell slots beyond
their normal range. You can cast a spell of a higher level
using a spell slot of a lower level, or a cantrip. For each level
of difference between the slot used and the casting slot
required, the caster suffers a level of exhaustion. You cannot
use this feature beyond the point of death and, should you
choose to die using it, a spell that last multiple rounds or
requires concentration lasts only 1 round.
Magical Fumbles
d20 Result
1 Your magic explodes with a catastrophic effect.
Not only do you suffer an effect on the "Elemental
Fumbles" effect table, but your spellcasting focus
explodes, dealing 2d4 piercing damage to each
creature within a 5-foot-radius, including yourself.
2-7 The magic already partially draw into you explodes.
Not only does the spell fail, but you suffer an effect
on the "Elemental Fumbles" effect table.
8-19 Magic sparks and crackles within you, and you take
as much force damage as the die indicates. For
example, if you got this result by rolling an 11, you
take 11 points of force damage.
20 You manage to invent and cast new spell. It might
change the damage type or duration on the spell
you were trying to cast, or change the effects of
another existant spell. Alternatively, the spell may
be unlike anything anyone has ever seen. This spell
has the same general effect as the spell you
intended to cast.


Chapter 3: Spells

any of the character classes in the When a DM adds spells to a campaign, clerics, druids, and
Player’s Handbook harness magic in paladins require special consideration. When characters of
the form of spells. This chapter those classes prepare their spells, they have access to the
provides new spells for those classes, entire spell list for their class. Given that fact, the DM should
as well as for spellcasting monsters. be cautious about making all of these new spells available to
The Dungeon Master decides which of a player who is overwhelmed when presented with many
these spells are available in a campaign options. For such a player, consider adding only story—
and how they can be learned. For example, a DM might appropriate spells to the spell list of that player’s character.
decide that some of the spells are freely available, that others
are unobtainable, and that a handful can be found only after a
special quest, perhaps discovered in a long-lost tome of Spell Lists
magic. Wizard spells, in particular, can be introduced to a The following spell lists show which spells can be cast by
campaign in spellbooks found as treasure. characters of each class. A spell’s school of magic is noted in
parentheses. If a spell can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag
also appears in the parentheses.
Cleric Spells Nature's Sight (evocation) Tanio Ilchar (evocation) 6th Level
Sigil of the Hidden Urien's Shelter (abjuration) Artefact Compression
Cantrip (transmutation) (transmutation)
Waters of Clearance 2nd Level Baleful Polymorph
(transmutation) 2nd Level Aenye (evocation) (transmutation)
Blessing of Healing Air Pocket (conjuration) Bekker's Twisted Mirror
1st Level (conjuration) Bekker's Rockslide (necromancy)
Cupid's Blessing Threads of Life (divination) (conjuration) Dervish (conjuration)
(enchantment) Curse of Sedna Interactive Illusion (illusion)
Vaults of Knowledge 3rd Level (transmutation)
(divination) Primal Resevoir Elgan's Theory 7th Level
(transmutation) (transmutation) Alzur's Double Cross
2nd Level Static Storm (conjuration) (transmutation)
Holy Fortification (evocation) 6th Level Fire From the Sky (evocation)
Web of Lies (enchantment) Shape Nature 3rd Level Tryferi Gaeaf (evocation)
(transmutation) Afan's Mirror (illusion)
3rd Level Eilhart's Technique 8th Level
Cleansing Fire (evocation) Sorcerer Spells (divination) Mirror Effect (transmutation)
Cantrip Glamour (illusion) Transmutation
5th Level Brand of Fire (evocation) Suffocate (transmutation) (transmutation)
Divine Portal (conjuration) Luthien's Quill (illusion) Artefact Decompression
Divine Wisdom (divination) 4th Level (transmutation)
1st Level Alzur's Thunder (evocation)
8th Level Adenydd (transmutation) Anialwch (necromancy) 9th Level
Blessing of Death Bronwyn's Gust (conjuration) Earthen Spike Artorius' Artifice (illusion)
(necromancy) Cary's Hail (conjuration) (transmutation) Standing Portal (conjuration)
Eternal Judgement Cenlly Graig (evocation)
(evocation) Cody Bywyd (transmutation) 5th Level Paladin Spells
Freya's Bravery (evocation) Diagnostic Spell (divination) Demetia's Crest Surge Cantrip
Healing Rest (evocation) Freshen Air (transmutation) (evocation) Waters of Clearance
Luck of the Father Magic Compass (divination) Flaming Vortex (conjuration) (transmutation)
(divination) Magic Flare (evocation) Seirff Haul (conjuration)
White Flame (evocation) Mind Manipulation Stammelford's Earthquake 1st Level
Druid Spells (enchantment) (evocation) Cupid's Blessing
Raise Fire (evocation) Teleport (conjuration) (enchantment)
1st Level Rhewi (evocation) Waves of the Naglfar Vaults of Knowledge
Boiling Blood (enchantment) Summon Staff (conjuration) (evocation) (divination)
Friend to Wild Kind Talfryn's Prison (conjuration)

2nd Level Adenydd (transmutation) Spiritual Seance 6th Level
Holy Fortification (evocation) Bronwyn's Gust (conjuration) (necromancy, ritual) Artefact Compression
Web of Lies (enchantment) Cary's Hail (conjuration) Static Storm (conjuration) (transmutation)
Cenlly Graig (evocation) Baleful Polymorph
3rd Level Cody Bywyd (transmutation) 3rd Level (transmutation)
Cleansing Fire (evocation) Diagnostic Spell (divination) Afan's Mirror (illusion) Bekker's Twisted Mirror
Freshen Air (transmutation) Eilhart's Technique (necromancy)
5th Level Magic Compass (divination) (divination) Consecrate (abjuration, ritual)
Divine Portal (conjuration) Magic Flare (evocation) Glamour (illusion) Dervish (conjuration)
Divine Wisdom (divination) Mind Manipulation Suffocate (transmutation) Interactive Illusion (illusion,
(enchantment) ritual)
Warlock Spells Raise Fire (evocation) 4th Level
2nd Level Rhewi (evocation) Alzur's Thunder (evocation) 7th Level
Hex of Shadows Summon Staff (conjuration) Anialwch (necromancy) Alzur's Double Cross
(enchantment) Talfryn's Prison (conjuration) Earthen Spike (transmutation)
Eternal Itch (transmutation) Tanio Ilchar (evocation) (transmutation) Fire From the Sky (evocation)
4th Level Urien's Shelter (abjuration) Oneiromancy (divination, Tryferi Gaeaf (evocation)
Devil's Luck (divination) ritual)
Lingering Nightmare 2nd Level 8th Level
(illusion) Aenye (evocation) 5th Level Mirror Effect (transmutation)
6th Level Air Pocket (conjuration) Demetia's Crest Surge Transmutation
Bekker's Rockslide (evocation) (transmutation)
Pesta's Kiss (necromancy)
(conjuration) Flaming Vortex (conjuration) Artefact Decompression
Hex of the Beast
Elgan's Theory Magic Barrier (abjuration, (transmutation, ritual)
(transmutation) ritual)
Wizard Spells Hydromancy (divination, Seirff Haul (conjuration) 9th Level
Cantrip ritual) Stammelford's Earthquake Artorius' Artifice (illusion)
Brand of Fire (evocation) Pyromancy (divination, ritual) (evocation) Standing Portal (conjuration)
Luthien's Quill (illusion) Ritual of Magic (evocation, Teleport (conjuration)
ritual) Waves of the Naglfar
1st Level Spell Jar (conjuration, ritual) (evocation)

2nd-level conjuration
Spell Descriptions Casting Time: 1 action
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Adenydd Duration: 2d10 rounds
1st-level transmutation You create a pocket of fresh air underwater or in an area
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you fall where there normally wouldn’t be fresh air. The pocket has a
Range: Self radius of 5 feet for the duration of the spell.
Components: V, M (A small bat wing)
Duration: 1 Minute Alzur's Double Cross
Your rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round. For every 5 7th-level transmutation
feet you fall downwards, you move 5 feet in a in a horizontal Casting Time: 1 action
direction. If you land before the spell ends, you take no falling Range: 30 feet
damage and can land on your feet, and the spell ends for you. Components: V, S, M (a headless male praying mantis and a
pinch of iron powder)
Aenye Duration: Permanent
2nd-level evocation You cause a creature you can see within range to grow four
Casting Time: 1 action sizes larger for the Duration, up to Gargantuan size. If the
Range: 35 feet target is unwilling, it can make a Constitution saving throw.
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of sulfur) On a success, the spell has no effect.
Duration: Instanteous Everything it is wearing and carrying changes size with it.
A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point Any item dropped by an affected creature, or a severed body
you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar part, returns to normal size at once.
into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius The target's size is multiplied by sixteen in all dimensions,
sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving and its weight is multiplied by four thousand and ninety-six.
throw. A target takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half This growth increases its size by four categories - from Tiny
as much damage on a successful one. to Huge, for example. If there isn't enough room for the target
The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable to achieve sixteen times its size, the creature attains the
objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. maximum possible size in the space available.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell The target also has advantage on Strength checks and
slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for Strength saving throws. The target's weapons also grow to
each slot level above 2nd. match its new size. While these weapons are enlarged, the
target's attacks with them deal 4d4 extra damage. A creature
Afan's Mirror already affected by Azure's Double Cross cannot be affected
3rd-level illusion by it again.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Minute
Afan’s mirror creates 1d10 illusory copies of the caster.
These copies are intangible, but indistinguishable from the
caster and controlled by the caster’s mind. It's impossible to
track which image is real. You can use your action to dismiss
the illusory duplicates.
Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the
spell's duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack
instead targets one of your duplicates.
If you have ten duplicates, you must roll a 2 or higher to
change the attack's target to a duplicate. For each duplicate
less than ten you have, you must roll 1 higher to change the
attack's target to a duplicate.
A duplicate's AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If an
attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate
can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all
other damage and effects. The spell ends when all duplicates
are destroyed.
A creature is unaffected by this spell if it can't see, if it
relies on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it
can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.
Air Pocket
4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You rip some of the liquid from a target’s body, damaging
and exhausting them. The creature takes 4d6 necrotic
damage, which is maximized if used against a creature
made of water or a plant. The creature must also make a
Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of exhaustion as
Artefact Compression
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (A small sliver of jade, 5x Fifth
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell transforms a creature that you can see within
range into a Tiny jade statue of itself. An unwilling
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the
effect, taking a level of exhaustion on a failure. The spell has
no effect on a creature with 0 hit points.
The jade statue has 3 hit points and 5 AC. The
transformation lasts until the target drops to 0 hit points or
When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to
the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it
reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess
damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess
damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit
points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.
The creature is unable to move, speak, act, or do anything
Alzur's Thunder else in its new form. It is also, however, incapable of
4th-level conjuration suffocating, starving, or aging.
Casting Time: 1 action The target’s gear melds into the new form. The creature
Range: 150 feet can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its
Components: V, S equipment.
Duration: Instantaneous
Artefact Decompression
You create a yellow bolt of lightning which arcs down from 8th-level transmutation
the heavens towards a creature you can see within range. A
creature the lightning strikes must make a Dexterity saving Casting Time: 1 hour
throw. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed Range: Self
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If there is Components: V, S, M (Compressed Jade Statue, 3x Perfect
a storm cloud above the creature's head, it takes an additional Gemstone, 5x Fifth Essence, 2x Magic Infused Dust, 4 pots
3d10 lightning damage. The bolt then leaps from one target of River Clay, 3x Scented Candles, Chalk.)
to another. Each target must be within 30 feet of the previous Duration: Instantaneous
target and not hit by this action previously. For every target it This spell transforms a creature compressed into a jade
passes through after the first, the damage to the next target statue via artefact compression back into the living creature.
decreases by 3d10. A creature being decompressed must be placed in water, and
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking two
slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 3d10 for levels of exhaustion on a failure, or one level of exhaustion on
each slot level above 4th. a success.

Artorius' Artifice Guard. You prevent a certain creature, certain kind of
9th-level transmutation creature, or a creature with a certain identifier of some sort,
as you choose, which are enemies of the demiplane. You can
Casting Time: 1 hour also set up to four creatures per casting as guardians of the
Range: Self plane, which are capable of dealing damage, but only to the
Components: V, S, M (Crushed Gemstones Worth at Least banned parties. These creatures deal psychic damage in
5,000 gp, 10x Fifth Essence, the Demiplane spell) place of the normal attacks as appropriate to their being.
Duration: Varies, Until Dispelled These creatures also regenerate in 1 hour if they fall in battle.
After casting demiplane, you enter the area created and With subsequent castings, the number of guardians can be
cast this spell, bending the size, shape, and appearance of the increased by up to four creatures.
demiplane to suit your needs and desires. After the first Rejuvenate. After the first casting you can use pump the
casting the spell's magic lasts 1 year before it must be illusions full of new magical energy, doubling the amount of
replenished, or the enviroment becomes twisted and time they have left to exist stably, as well as the length of time
perverse. Happy and jovial fairytales, for example, become one can remain inside. Alternatively, you restore a degenrated
wrought with the creatures eating one another, becoming demiplane to its pre-decay state if you were the caster or have
fearsome monsters, and commiting suicide. Unlike the intimate knowledge of it. You can also choose whether the
demiplane spell, creatures who enter this space are not illusions reset to a default state whenever all creatures leave
trapped when the time expires, rather they appear outside and reenter the plane, or maintain permanence.
the doorway in the nearest empty space. Each time you cast
this spell, choose one of the following effects. You receive all Baleful Polymorph
of these benefits for free on the first casting. 6th-level transmutation
Fold Space. You alter the boundaries of the space to end Casting Time: 1 action
in the Astral Sea, the Ethereal Plane, or another demiplane Range: 30 feet
of your choosing. Alternatively, you can fold space around the Components: V, S, M (A poisonous moth or butterfly)
demiplane to allow it to go on forever, repeating when it Duration: Until Lifted or Dispelled
reaches its end, as though a globe. Choosing the later option This spell transforms a creature that you can see within
converts the demiplane into a 15-foot-radius sphere bisected range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a
by ground. Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. The spell has no
Disrupt Time. You alter the flow of time in the demiplane effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points. If it
relative to the outside world along the range, moving isn't already, the creature becomes hostile to you.
forwards or backwards, but cannot jump more than one level The transformation lasts indefinitely, or until the target
per casting of this spell, with one minute equaling one of the drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast,
following. One second, one minute, one hour, one day, one cursed one (humanoid or monstrosity), insectoid, monstrosity,
week, one month, one year, five years, twenty-five years, or necrophage, or relict whose challenge rating is equal to or
one-hundred years. less than the target’s (or the target’s level, if it doesn’t have a
Expand. Double the radius of the demiplane. You may also challenge rating). The target’s game statistics, including
decide the contour, shape, biome, etc. of the new land mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the
created, as well as any liquid, such as water or lava, present. chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality.
Populate. You choose the types, looks, and other features
of the creatures which populate the demiplane. If you so
choose, they can harm one another, die, eat, and do all other
normal things normal creatures can do except harm those
who have entered the demiplane. Creatures statistics are
determined by the DM, using those found in official sources
or approved homebrew sources if and when possible. You
also choose the look and color of the sky, as well as any
desired weather and astrological patterns. Additionally you
can choose the ambience and soundscape of the realm
beyond its flora and fauna. No creatures part of the
demiplane can leave the demiplane or interact with things
outside it as though they were tangible creatures.
Gate. You solidify the gateway between this realm and the
Material Plane. The gateway becomes permanent, and is
either visible or hidden as you choose. You may also choose a
password that once spoken aloud opens the doorway, or
another trigger as you will, and the appearance and size of
the doorway, though the doorway may not exceed one fourth
the size of the diameter of the demiplane. You can create an
additional doorway after the first casting, following the above
rules - the doorway must be in a location you know and have
been to.

The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it Bekker's Twisted Mirror
reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number 5th-level necromancy
of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a
result of dropping to 0 hit points, it remains at 0 hit points in Casting Time: 1 action
its normal form. The creature is limited in the actions it can Range: 60 feet
perform by the nature of its new form, as determined by the Components: V, S
DM. A Wish spell or the remove curse spell works to remove Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
this effect if the creature it was transformed into is a CR 7 or You reach out your hands towards two creatures within 60
less creature. If the creature is of a higher CR, the remove ft. One of the creatures must make a Constitution saving
curse spell fails, but gives information on how one might go throw or take 4d8 necrotic damage. The second creature
about removing the curse, or gives the location of where such gains the amount of damage dealt to the first creature as
information might be found. temporary hit points.
This spell can be cast at higher levels. For each level above The first creature's AC is also, to a minimum of 10, reduced
6th, reduce the CR of the creatures the remove curse spell by the number of hit die of necrotic damage it suffered. This
can automatically work on by 3. At 9th level, nothing short of reduction is added to the second creature's base AC of 10.
a wish spell can undo the transformation. The second creature also comes to resemble the first.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Bekker's Rockslide slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
2nd-level conjuration each slot level above 5th.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Blessing of Death
Components: V, S 8th-level necromancy
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
You point towards a point within range, causing rocks to Range: 30 feet
fall from the sky over a radius of 10 feet centered on that Components: V, S
point. A creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving Duration: Immediate
throw or take 2d4 bludgeoning damage on a failure, or half as Summoning the power of the Lion-Headed Spider, you cut
much on a success. At Higher Levels. When you cast this the ties of life holding a target to this world. The target must
spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage make a Constitution saving throw or be thrust into a death
increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd. state as if reduced to 0 hit points. If they are treated with a
successful DC 16 Medecine check, however, they
immediately recover their previous number of hit points.
You must be a member of the Cult of the Lion-Headed
Spider to cast this spell.
Blessing of Healing
2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
Blessing of Healing jumpstarts a target’s healing, allowing
them to heal at 3 points per round.
Boiling Blood
1st level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 25 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
Boiling Blood causes an animal or non-sentient monster
within range to become enraged at a target. The creature
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature
will try to attack the chosen target until the duration ends.
Brand of Fire
cantrip evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instanteous Components: V, S
You brand a target with a simple symbol or word anywhere Duration: Instanteous
on their exposed flesh, leaving a large, permanent scar. Make You take a small seed and force it to grow a Small or
a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target Medium plant, appropriate to the seed's species, within one
takes 1d6 fire damage. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 round. This allows you to grow herbs and alchemical plants,
when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th but not larger plants such as trees.
level (4d6).
Bronwyn’s Gust 6th-level abjuration
1st-level conjuration Casting Time: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Up to 30 feet
Range: 10 feet Components: V, S, M (Fifth Essence (x5), Infused Dust (x2),
Components: V, S Chalk (x4), Silver or Meteorite (x5))
Duration: Instanteous Duration: Until Dispelled
You target a creature within range. It must succeeded on a Consecrate creates a magic circle centered on the caster
Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you. If which repels monsters. This circle can be up to 30 feet in
it strikes a Medium or large object, or wall, the creature takes radius and forces any monster that tries to enter the area to
1d6 bludgeoning damage. make a Wisdom saving throw at a DC equal to the
spellcaster's spell save DC when the circle was created. Spell
Carys’ Hail effects generated by monsters cannot enter the circle, but
1st-level conjuration non-magical projectiles thrown by monsters ignore it. A
Casting Time: 1 action monster that makes a successful roll to enter the circle can
Range: 15 feet remain in it, but must make another roll to exit the circle.
Components: V, S Cupid's Blessing
Duration: Instanteous 1st-level enchantment
You hurl pellets of ice at a creature within range. Make a Casting Time: 1 action
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target Range: 15 feet
takes 1d6 cold damage, multiplied by the number of points by Components: V, S
which your attack beat their AC, to a maximum of 5d6. Each Duration: Concentation, Up to 1 Minute
time the creature is hit, its speed is decreased by 10 feet until
the start of your next turn. This spell gives a creature a +3 to Charisma for the
duration of the spell.
Cenlly Graig
1st-level evocation Curse of Sedna
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level transmutation
Range: 15 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 30 feet
Duration: Instanteous Components: V, S
You hurl sharp stones at a creature within range. Make a Duration: Instanteous
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target You create a powerful whirlpool centered on a point within
takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, multiplied by the number of range with a 5 foot radius. Anyone within 15 feet must make
points by which your attack beat their AC, to a maximum of a Strength saving throw or be dragged underwater. They may
10d6. repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of their
turns, remaining under the water on a failure, where they are
Cleansing Fire suffocating.
3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Demetia's Crest Surge
Range: 30 feet 5th-level evocation
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Instanteous Range: 30 feet
Cleansing Fire ignites one target, doing 3d6 damage and Components: V, S
setting the target on fire if it fails a Wisdom saving throw. On Duration: Concentration, 1 hour
a success it takes half as much fire damage and isn't set on You create a shield of pure fire magic around you that
fire. The target takes 2d4 fire damage each round until it or shields you from a number of cold damage spells equal to
another creature takes an action to douse or snuff the flames. twice your Spellcasting modifier. Projectiles that enter the
shield are destroyed, and living creatures cannot enter the
Codi Bywyd area of the shield.
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 feet
Dervish You use magical energy to conjure a portal 5ft wide and 6 ft
6th-level conjuration tall, the center of which is another location. The portal can
teleport anything that can fit through it to a location you
Casting Time: 1 action know. If you use your reaction to end the portal while
Range: Self something is only partially through it, the portal instantly
Components: V, S closes, severing the creature or object in two. This portal
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute lasts only 1 round, and the location it journeys to must be one
You create a 5 foot radius tornado centered on yourself. you know.
Ranged attacks and projectiles cannot enter this tornado
unless their attack roll exceeds your Spell save DC. If they Divine Wisdom
fail, the tornado knocks them 25 feet in a direction 5th-level divination
determined by a d8. When deflected in this way, they deal Casting Time: 1 action
damage to a target they strike if the attack roll exceeds their Range: 150 feet
AC. Components: V, S
You shoot out a burst of wind that blasts anyone within 5 Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
feet of you back 10 feet. This attack does only 1d6 force Divine Wisdom searchs with a powerful augury for the
damage, but if your opponent hits something they suffer an answer to a question. This answer cannot predict the future.
adiitional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The DM sets your DC based on the secrecy of the
Devil's Luck information.
4th-level divination
Earthen Spike
Casting Time: 1 action 4th-level transmutation
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Until Lifted or Dispelled Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
The Devil’s Luck plagues the subject with bouts of bad Duration: Instanteous
fortune. In situations of high stress such as combat or when
performing any task with a deadline or a DC higher than 15, Reaching out your hand, you cause an angled spike of earth
the subject is treated as having rolled a natural 1 on a natural to shoot out from the ground behind a creature. The target
1 or 2. must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 piercing
Lifting the Spell. The subject must hammer a silver nail damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
into their door frame and hang 2 units of wolvesbane, tied At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
with a lock of virgin’s hair, from it. Finally the subject must slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
stand under the silver nail, set fire to the bundle of each slot level above 4th.
wolvesbane and virgin hair, and breath deeply.
You cannot take the dash action while within this tornado, Eilheart's Technique
or make attacks out of it. But if you move within 5 feet of a 3rd-level divination
target they are effected by the winds pushing effect. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Diagnostic Spell Components: V, S
1st-level divination Duration: Instanteous
Casting Time: 1 action You plunge into a creature's mind. It must make a Wisdom
Range: Touch saving throw. On a success, you learn only the creature's
Components: V, S surface thoughts and the spell ends. On a failure, the
Duration: Instanteous creature's Intelligence score is decreased by 2, and you learn
You pass your hands over a wounded creature. You learn as much as the creature is able to tell you concerning a
an approximate estimate of the percentage of its maximum question you ask telepathically as part of the casting of this
hit points it has, any crtical wounds they may have, and if they spell.
are sick or poisoned. If the creature targetted by this spell has an Intelligence
score of 3 or less, this spell fails.
Divine Portal
5th-level conjuration Elgan's Theory
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 25 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (A hand-sized piece of ferrous metal
Duration: 1 Round ore.)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 2 Minutes

You magnetize a metal object within range. Anything metal Flaming Vortex
within 5 feet of the magnetized object is pulled towards it and 5th-level conjuration
sticks to the magnet. A DC 18 Athletics check is required to
pry an object from the magnet. All metal that sticks to a Casting Time: 1 action
creature's weapons or armor counts against its Range: 30 feet
encumberance. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
Eternal Itch You conjure a 5-foot wide flaming tonado from the Plane of
2nd-level transmutation Fire within range. You can direct the tornado to move a
Casting Time: 1 action number of feet equal to your Spellcasting modifier x 5 on
Range: 30 feet each of your turns.
Components: V, S When the tornado enters a creature's space, that creature
Duration: Until Lifted or Dispelled must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 fire damage
This spell causes enflamed, itchy pustules to grow on the on a failure, or half as much on a success. The tornado
subjects genitals. The itch does no damage but is a constant cannot move outside of the spell's range.
annoyance, causing the subject to suffer a -1 to all rolls. As Freshen Air
well as this -1, the target has disadvantage on Charisma 1st-level transmutation
checks against anyone who has seen the pustules.
Lifting the Spell. The subject must gather a unit of Casting Time: 1 action
scleroderm, fool’s parsely, and bryonia. The subject must Range: Self
light a campfire and bundle up the herbs. With everything Components: V, S
prepared the subject must light the herbs and crumble the Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
burning ashes onto the afflicted area while reciting the words You clear a a radius of 10 feet centered on yourself of any
of the spell. smoke, poison, or airborne disease for the duration of the
spell. Attacks of the above type cannot enter this radius while
Eternal Judgement the spell lasts.
8th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Freya's Bravery
Range: 30 feet 8th-level evocation
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Immediate Range: Self
Using the power granted to you by the Eternal Fire, you Components: V, S
cause a target to burst into a bright white fire, tinged with red. Duration: 2 Minutes
The fire does 4d4 fire damage at the start of each of the Calling upon the power of the goddess Freya, you summon
target's turns and cannot be extinguished except by magic, or her spirit into your body, creating a glow around yourself
by completely submerging the target underwater for 3 which emanates bright light 60 feet in all directions, and dim
rounds. Anything that touches this magical fire ignites as light for another 60 feet beyond that. Every person within the
well. Creatures or objects ignited in this way take 2d4 fire area of bright light is emboldened by Modron Freya’s love and
damage, and the fire can be put out if a creature, including guidance. They become immune to the Frightened condition
the one on fire, takes an action to snuff or douse the flames. and gain 25 temporary hit points for the duration of the spell.
You must be a member of the Church of the Eternal Fire to If they leave the area of the invocation, its effects last for 1d6
cast this spell. rounds. These rounds renew if the person re-enters the area
of the invocation and leaves again. This invocation affects
Fire From the Sky those who don’t believe in Freya, but the power can be
7th-level evocation withheld from anyone the caster chooses
Casting Time: 1 action You must be a member of the Temple of Freya to cast this
Range: 150 feet spell.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Friend to Wild Kind
1st-level enchantment
You pick a point within range, causing fireballs to rain from
the sky within a 120-foot radius from this point. You and up to Casting Time: 1 action
four other creatures you choose are safe from this spell. Range: Self
A creature that starts its turn within the radius of this spell Components: V, S
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage Duration: 3 Hours
on a failure or half as much damage on a success. Friend to Wild Kind grants the caster a +3 to Animal
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Handling. Alternately it can calm one animal if the animal
slot of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for fails a Wisdom saving throw.
each slot level above 7th.

Glamour uration: Until Lifted of Dispelled
3rd-level illusion The Hex of the Beast makes the target anathema to
animals and beasts. Any time the target comes within 30
Casting Time: 1 action feet of an animal that animal will react poorly to the
Range: Self subject, giving them a -3 to Animal Handling checks. Each
Components: V, S, M (A small make-up kit.) time they come within 30 feet of an animal there is a
Duration: 3 Hours chance the animal will attack. Roll a d6, on an odd number,
You blend illusory magic with your makeup to give yourself the animal becomes hostile and attacks.
stunning beauty, granting you a bonus equal to your
proficiency bonus on Charisma checks you make during its Lifting the Spell. The subject must gather a small live
duration. This bonus stacks with proficiency and expertise. animal of some sort, 2 units of mistletoe, 1 unit of
phosphorus, 2 units of crow’s eye, 3 units of mandrake root.
Healing Rest Under a full moon the subject must cut the throat of the
8th-level evocation animal and consume its blood. Then the animal’s body must
Casting Time: 1 action be wrapped in bundles of mistletoe, crow’s eye, and
Range: 15 feet mandrake root and placed in an open fire. As the scales or fur
Components: V, S of the animal start to burn away, the phosphorus must be
Duration: 24 Hours thrown into the fire. When the fire has burned out the subject
must remove the bones of the animal and wear them on their
With the power granted to you by Melitele, the mother person for a full day.
goddess, you can place a number of people equal to the value
of your spellcasting modifier into a deep coma in which their Holy Fortification
bodies heal themselves. They cannot act for the entirety of 2nd-level evocation
the rest and are unaware of their surroundings even if Casting Time: 1 bonus action or reaction
touched, moved, or attacked. At the end of the rest, targets Range: 30 feet
revive at full health, and their critical wounds have been Components: V, S
healed. Duration: Instantaneous
You must be a member of the Temple of Melitele to cast
this spell. Holy Fortification bolsters a target’s willpower and allows
the target to immediately make a second check against the
Hex of Shadows effects of any spell that is currently affecting them. You may
2nd-level illusion use this spell as a reaction whenever you or another creature
Casting Time: 1 action within range is forced to make a saving throw against a spell.
Range: 30 feet Hydromancy
Components: V, S 2nd-level divination
Duration: Until Lifted or Dispelled
The spell creates whispers in the shadows, and silhouettes Casting Time: 5 rounds
around corners. The subject catches glimpses of something Range: 5 feet
or someone whenever it makes a Perception check. The Components: V, S, M (A Small Body of Water or a Bowl of
awareness checks are never a real threat, just visions. The Water, 2x Fifth Essence, 2x White Myrtle Petals, 2x Pearl,
subject also has disadvantage against effects that would Lunar Shards, Berbercane Fruit.)
frighten it. Duration: Until the Event Ends
Lifting the Spell. The subject must bring a bowl of clear Hydromancy allows you to stare into a small body of water
water, a branch from a white myrtle bush, and a bottle of ink and glimpse an event that happened within the last two days
to a clearing under a crescent moon. When the moon is at its or that is currently happening. Watching an event in the past
highest the subject must pour the ink into the water, dip the requires the spellcaster to make a DC 15 spellcasting check,
branch in the mixture, and shake droplets in a circle around as if making a ranged spell attack. If you are trying to glimpse
themselves while holding their breath. an event that is currently happening, increase the DC to 18. If
you are viewing a current event, a magic user present at that
Hex of the Beast event can sense the augury if their spellcasting modifier
6th-level enchantment meets or exceeds the caster's.
asting Time: 1 action At Higher Levels. The DC decreases by 1 for each level
above 2nd.
ange: Self
Interactive Illusion
omponents: V, S, M (A tuft of animal fur.) 6th-level illusion
Casting Time: 10 rounds
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (Perfect Gemstone, 5x Fifth Essence,
Infused Shard, 2x Glass, 3x Ducal Water.)
Duration: Until Dispelled

Interactive Illusion creates an illusion with sight, sound, Magic Barrier
smell, and tangible feelings. Nothing about the illusion is real 5th-level abjuration
but it all feels real to anyone who enters its area. The illusion
covers a 20m radius and its caster actively controls and Casting Time: 10 rounds
shapes it. If they create a danger within the illusion to battle Range: 15 feet
intruders, each intruder may make a Wisdom saving throw. If Components: V, S, M (Fifth Essence (x5), Infused Dust (x2),
they succeed, they realize that nothing is actually happening Chalk (x4))
to them and take no damage. If they fail, they take damage Duration: Until Destroyed
appropriate to the illusion attacking them as psychic damage. Magic Barrier creates a circular barrier of pure force that
If the intruder is reduced to 0 hit points as a result, it is extends out to a radius of 15 feet, centered on the caster. This
unconscious and stable. barrier starts with 50 hit points and is destroyed when it
reaches 0. On your turn you can spend an additional spell slot
Lingering Nightmare to regenerate hit points of the shield at a rate of 10 hit points
4th-level illusion per spell slot level. This shield is solid and impassible to any
Casting Time: 1 action solid object. Once the shield has been erected, nothing can
Range: 30 feet enter. Air is replenished within the shield, so those within can
Components: V, S breathe. If a mage wishes, they can stop this replenishment,
Duration: Until Lifted or Dispelled leaving only 20 rounds of air. For every extra person in the
The Nightmare forces the subject to relive the same shield the rounds of air are reduced by 1. Ethereal creatures
horrifying nightmare. Every night the subject must make a can pass through this shield, and you can teleport in or out.
Wisdom saving throw. If they succeed they manage to get a Magic Compass
full, though restless, night’s sleep. If they fail, they barely sleep 1st-level divination
and do not recover hit points during the rest. If they fail 3
nights in a row they suffer two levels of exhaustion until they Casting Time: 1 bonus action
can get a full night’s rest. Range: Self
Lifting the Spell. The subject must gather 5 candles, 5 units Components: V, S
of beast bones, and 1 unit of glowing ore. The night of the Duration: 3 Hours
ceremony the subject must arrange the candles in a circle This spell allows you to instantly determine the direction to
around them, linked by bones, and place the glowing ore a place you have been before. Alternately, the spell tells which
under their head. If the subject is able to sleep through the direction is north.
night they will be freed of the hex.
Magic Flare
Luck of the Father 1st-level evocation
8th-level divination Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: Self Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: Immediate
Duration: 1 Hour When you cast this spell, a bright flash of light appears in
With power granted to you by Kreve, the All-Father, you the sky above you, visible for 6 miles. Everyone within a 40-
gather divine providence to you. For the duration of the spell foot radius who can see the ball of light must make a
you can give advantage or disadvantage a number of times Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
equal to the value of your spellcasting modifier. You can If you are underground, the ball of light travels until below
augment any rolls you make, but can also impose penalties or the ceiling, and is only visible for a reasonable distance.
grant bonuses to the roll of anyone within 30 feet.
You must be a member of the Cult of Forefather Kreve to Mirror Effect
cast this spell. 8th-level transmutation
Luthien's Quill Casting Time: 1 action
Cantrip illusion Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (A small occular lense.)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
Range: 5 feet You create a large occular lense made of water in the sky
Components: V, S, M (A quill and ink.) above a target within range. The taret must make a Dexterity
Duration: Until Dispelled saving throw or take 10d6 fire damage on a failure and be
This cantrip etches writing or drawings into any solid blinded, or half as much on a success and not be blinded.
surface within range. It cannot be used on living creatures, This spell can be reflected using a mirror, but the mirror
and the writings or drawings dissappear if dispelled via still takes damage. This spell uses the rays of the sun and
dispel magic. cannot be used where the sun’s rays can’t penetrate. By the
light of the moon or on overcast days, it does only 5d6

Mind Manipulation Primal Resevoir
1st-level enchantment d-level transmutation*
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 15 feet
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Components: V, S, M (A tuft of bear fur.)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
This spell allows you to force one target to feel one of the
following emotions for the duration of the spell: hatred, love, Primal Reservoir allows you to tap into the primal power of
depression, or euphoria. a target and awaken it. It grants them a +2 to melee weapon
attack damage, but a -2 to Intelligence for the duration of the
Nature's Sight spell.
1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action 2nd-level divination
Range: Self
Components: V, S Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S, M (A Small Fire, 2x Fifth Essence, 2x
Nature’s Sight allows you to see creatures that are not Ashes, 5x Calcium Equum, 2x Crow’s Eye, 2x Wax.) )
natural to this realm. This allows you to see monsters within Duration: Until the Event Ends
150 feet, even through obstacles. Monsters seen in this view
appears as glowing versions of themselves. Pyromancy allows you to stare into a burning fire and
witness events that are currently happening. Pyromancy is
Oneiromancy more dangerous than Hydromancy, making it harder to
4th-level divination maintain and impossible to peer backwards. However, it is
easier to view events that are currently happening, requiring
Casting Time: 10 rounds a DC 15 check as though making a ranged spell attack. A
Range: 30 Feet magic user present at the event can sense the augury if their
Components: V, S, M (A place to sleep.) spellcasting modifier meets or exceeds the caster's.
Duration: 1d10 rounds At Higher Levels. The DC decreases by 1 for each level
Oneiromancy grants the caster a dream which unveils above 2nd.
secrets and events of the past and present. A caster can
perform the ritual alone. It also requires a DC 15 spellcasting Raise Fire
check to witness events that have occurred previously and a 1st-level evocation
DC 18 spellcasting check to witness events that are occurring Casting Time: 1 action
at the moment. Oneiromancy can be detected like Range: 15 feet
Hydromancy. Components: V, S
The Oneiromancer can also guide a number of people Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
equal to their Ritual Crafting skill value to share their
enlightening dream. To do this, the oneiromancer must make On the turn you cast this spell, and on subsequent turns
a bond with the people they want to enlighten. This requires until the spell's duration runs out, you can use an existing fire
the participants to answer a series of personal questions, as to cause one of the following effects.
truthfully as possible. The dream lasts for the duration of the Spread Flame
ritual. You cause the fire to spread in the direction of your
choosing to an unlit 5-foot area.
Pesta's Kiss Lower Flame
6th-level necromancy You cause the fire to deal one less damage die worth of
damage, which extinguishes the fire if the number of hit die
asting Time: 1 action becomes 0.
ange: Touch Raise Flame
You cause the fire to deal one more damage die worth of
omponents: V, S damage.
uration: Until Lifted or Dispelled Rhewi
The Pesta’s Kiss breaks down the subject’s ability to fight 1st-level evocation
illness and resist nausea. Anytime the subject comes in
contact with a diseased person, roll a d4. Unless the roll Casting Time: 1 action
was a 4, the subject contracts the disease. Additionally, any Range: 40 feet
time they smell something even slightly nauseating they Components: V, S
must succeed at a DC 16 Constitution check or take no Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
actions or reactions, spending the round vommiting.

You create a thick layer of ice around a target for the duration 2nd-level conjuration
of the spell. The target must make a Constitution saving Casting Time: 5 Rounds
throw, on a failure, it becomes incapacitated and can't move Range: 5 feet
or speak. A crature trapped by this spell can escape from the Components: V, S, M ( River Clay (x5), Fifth Essence (x1),
ice with a Strength check. If used on a non-living target, the Thread (x2), Chalk (x1), Wax (x1), Han Fiber (x2), Infused
target cannot to be manipulated or moved. Dust (x1))
Duration: 1d6 Days
Ritual of Magic
2nd-level evocation Spell Jar creates a magical vortex inside a sealed clay jar.
Casting Time: 5 rounds This magical vortex lasts for 1d6 days and activates when the
Range: 10 feet jar is broken. When broken, the magical vortex opens and a
Components: V, S, M (Chalk (x2), Glass (x2), Sulfur (x2), random spell from the list below occurs. Roll 1d10/2: 1.
Infused Dust (x1)) Talfryn’s Prison 2. Zephyr 3. Tanio Ilchar 4. Dormyn’s Fog 5.
Duration: Until Expended or Dispelled Static Storm
The Ritual of Magic creates a magic circle which bolsters Spirit Seance
magical tolerance, granting a bonus to spellcasting equal to 2nd-level necromancy
half the caster’s spellcasting modifier. This benefit is Casting Time: 5 Rounds
bestowed on the first person with magical ability to enter the Range: 60 feet
circle and focus on it, and lasts for 5 hours. Alternatively, the Components: V, S, M (Some Blood of the Deceased or a
caster can expend the circle to gain 1d6/2 units of Fifth Relative, Mandrake Root (x1), Sewant Mushrooms (x2),
Essence. Wolfsbane (x2), Sulfur (x2))
Duration: Permanent
Seirff Haul
5th-level conjuration Spirit Seance contacts the spirit of a dead person. The
Casting Time: 1 action seance brings the soul back as a specter with the sentience of
Range: 30 feet the original person. The specter retains all memories,
Components: V, S including the memory of their death, and can be spoken with
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute at its burial site. The specter cannot be sent back to the
realm of the dead except at its own choice, or by killling it.
Seirff Haul creates a number of serpents from fire magic The Seance will also summon the spirits of anyone of the
that swarm over a target. The target is grappled and takes same bloodline within 60 feet of the caster so using this spell
2d4 fire damage at the start of its turn until it makes a in family crypts is not advised. The specters are specters
Strength saving throw vs. your Spell save DC. Every round which gain the following action.
that the target fails the check, the DC rises by 1 point as the Possession (Recharge 6). One Humanoid that the specter
serpents tighten. can see within 5 ft. of it must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma
saving throw or be possessed by the specter; the specter then
Sigil of the Hidden disappears, and the target is Incapacitated and loses control
1st-level transmutation of its body. The specter now controls the body but doesn't
Casting Time: 1 action deprive the target of awareness. The specter can't be targeted
Range: Self by any Attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn
Components: V, S, M (A twig from a bush.) Undead, and it retains its Alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom,
Duration: Until Dispelled Charisma, and immunity to being Charmed and Frightened.
It otherwise uses the possessed target's Statistics, but doesn't
Drawing the Sigil of the Hidden covers a 5-foot-radius gain access to the target's knowledge, Class Features, or
centered on you in branches, foliage, and other natural Proficiencies. The possession lasts until the body drops to 0
elements to provide complete visual cover. This grants you a Hit Points, the specter ends it as a Bonus Action, or the
+5 to Stealth, but immobilizes those inside and must be cast specter is turned or forced out by an effect like the Dispel Evil
again to uncover yourself. You can cut away the brush by and Good spell. When the possession ends, the specter
doing 10 points of damage to it. reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the body.
The target is immune to this specter's Possession for 24
Shape Nature hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the
6th-level transmutation possession ends.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Stammelford's Earthquake
Components: V, S 5th-level evocation
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Casting Time: 1 action
Shape Nature allows you to create a treant from a small Range: 120 feet
nearby tree. The treant serves you for the duration of the Components: V, S
spell and will turn back into a tree when the duration ends. If Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
killed, the treant only yields 2d10 units of timber. In all other
ways, the tree acts as a normal treant.
Spell Jar
You create a seismic disturbance at a point on the ground You infuse a 15-foot radius, centered on yourself, with
that you can see within range. For the duration, an intense electricity. Anyone else in the area who is wearing metal
tremor rips through the ground in a 15-foot-radius circle armor or carrying metal weapons takes 1d4 lightning
centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in damage at the start of each of its turns while the spell lasts.
contact with the ground in that area.
The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain. Each Suffocate
creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a 3rd-level transmutation
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's Casting Time: 1 action
concentration is broken. Range: 30 feet
When you cast this spell and at the end of each turn you Components: V, S
spend concentrating on it, each creature on the ground in the Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
the creature is knocked prone. You cause an invisible hand to wrap around the target's
Churning Earth. Each turn while the spell is active, each throat and the air inside its lungs to become a harmless but
creature within the spell's area must succeed on a Strength unbreathable gas. The creature can survive for a number of
saving throw or sink into the ground and suffocates until it rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1
succeeds on the saving throw and climbs out. round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and
Structures. The tremor deals 20 bludgeoning damage to is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it
any structure in contact with the ground in the area when you can breathe again.
cast the spell and at the start of each of your turns until the
spell ends. If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and Summon Staff
potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature within half 1st-level conjuration
the distance of a structure's height must make a Dexterity Casting Time: 1 action
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d6 Range: N/A
bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is buried in the Components: V, S
rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an Duration: Immediate
action to escape. The GM can adjust the DC higher or lower, You dematerialize your staff and transport it to a place you
depending on the nature of the rubble. On a successful save, have been within the last day. You can cast this spell again to
the creature takes half as much damage and doesn't fall summon the staff back to you. If your staff is your spellcasting
prone or become buried. focus, you can still use it, so long as it hasn't left the room of
After the spell ends, the ground stops churning but general area where you sent it.
remains difficult terrain.
Standing Portal Talfryn’s Prison
9th-level conjuration 1st-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (A flawless gemstone.) Components: V, S, M (A small root.)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Duration: Immediate
You use magical energy to conjure a portal 5ft wide and 6 ft Roots shoot from the ground, entrapping a target. A
tall, the center of which is another location. The portal can creature targeted by this spell must make a Dexterity saving
teleport anything that can fit through it to a location you throw or be restrained. The target is restrained by the roots,
know. If you use your reaction to end the portal while which have 15 hit points and 10 AC, until the roots are
something is only partially through it, the portal instantly destroyed.
closes, severing the creature or object in two.
You can teleport to a place you don’t know as long as you Tanio Ilchar
have an item from that location. For instance you can teleport 1st-level evocation
to a stranger’s house if you have a piece of their cutlery or Casting Time: 1 action
something of the like. This is far more complicated however Range: 25 feet
and requires a DC 20 Spellcasting check. If you succeed, you Components: V, S
teleport into the center of that location. If you fail, you teleport Duration: Immediate
to a random location within 2d10 miles of the intended This spell conjures a pillar of fire at the feet of a creature
location. within range. The creature must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 2d4 fire damage on a failure and 2d4 fire
Static Storm damage on the start of each of its turn until it or another
2nd-level conjuration creature takes an action to douse or snuff the fire. On a
Casting Time: 1 action success, it takes half as much damage and doesn't take
Range: Self damage on subesquent turns.
Components: V, S, M (A small bit of fleece.)
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute

Teleport Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Hour
5th-level conjuration This spell allows you to negate hostile weather effects in a
Casting Time: 1 action 25-foot-radius centered on you. This negates extreme heat,
Range: N/A extreme cold, rain, and snow.
Components: V, S
Duration: Immediate Vaults of Knowledge
1st-level divination
You teleport to a known location instantaneously. You Casting Time: 1 action
cannot take anyone with you and can only transport the items Range: Self
on your person or in your hands. Attempting to teleport with Components: V, S
a person simply teleports you and leaves them behind. Duration: Immediate
Teleporting requires a DC 15 Spellcasting roll. If you fail the
roll, you wind up in a random location 1d6 miles away. Vaults of Knowledge allows you to reach back into your
mind and access any knowledge or memory that you’ve ever
Threads of Life known as if you were just experiencing it.
2nd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action Waters of Clearance
Cantrip transmutation
Range: 30 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Duration: Immediate
Threads of Life allows you to see the life energy binding Waters of Clearance sobers the target immediately. This
every target within the range of the spell, which tells you incantation counteracts alcohol and alchemical solutions that
approximately what percentage of their maximum hit cause intoxication.
points they have less and any significant wounds they
have. Waves of the Naglfar
5th-level evocation
Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
8th-level transmutation Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 5 feet Duration: Immediate
Components: V, S This spell creates a wave of ice magic that spreads out 15
Duration: Permanent feet from you in all directions. Anyone who doesn’t succeed
Transmutation allows you to change the properties of a on a Dexterity saving throw is restrained, can't move, and
mineral or metal. You can change one unit of metal into any can't speak until it makes a Strength saving throw to break
other metal, or change an imperfect gem into a perfect gem free. On a failure it also takes 4d6 cold damage, or half as
suitable for magic. Dimeritium or other metals in contact much on a success and isn't restrained in ice.
with dimeritium cannot be created or changed by this spell.
Web of Lies
Tryferi Gaeaf 2nd-level enchantment
7th-level evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 25 feet
Range: 60 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: Until Saved Against
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 Minute Web of Lies allows you to scramble the information in a
This spell allows you to shoot a number of 5-foot spikes of target’s head, making them question every piece of
ice equal to your Spell Casting modifier at as many targets as information and memory. The target is stunned until it can
you like. These spikes do 5d6 points of damage and, if they do roll under their Intelligence.
damage, freeze the opponent and do 2 point of damage each
round until they are broken off with a DC 20 Athletics check White Flame
or by doing 20 points of damage to them. Otherwise, these 8th-level evocation
spikes last for the duration of the spell. Each attack resolves Casting Time: 1 action
separately. Creatures frozen this way are incapacited, cannot Range: Self
move, and cannot speak. Components: V, S
Duration: 1 Hour
Urien's Shelter
1st-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Summoning the power of the Great Sun, you create a bright
aura of White Fire, centered on yourself, which sheds bright
in a 30-foot-radius and dim light for another 30 feet beyond
that. This aura of fire doesn’t burn anyone who touches it but
does thaw anyone in the spell’s area, and dispels cold-based
spells in the area. Cold-based or water-based spells can only
be cast in the area of the spell if the caster’s spellcasting
ability beats that of the Priest of the Great Sun. On top of
this, any monster in the area that is vulnerable to sunlight
takes double the normal penalties.
You must be a priest of the Church of the Great Sun in
order to cast this spell.

Appendix A: Magic Items
The Dungeon Master’s Guide includes many magic items of
every rarity. This section introduces more of them to the
game. These items might increase a character’s power,
and/or provide fun roleplaying opportunities.
The magic items are presented in alphabetical order.
Ghost Light
Wondrous item, rare
This lantern casts bright green light in a 60-foot cone and
dim light for an additional 60 feet. It does not require oil.
If this lantern sheds its light anywhere spirits linger, it
allows nearby to see and hear the spirits or ghosts tied to the
place and important events from the past they participated in.
Any spirits who linger as specters from “Witcher: A Guide to
Monsters,” or another source your DM deems appropriate,
appear as a ghostly form of the person they were in life and
are able to converse with you, provided you share a language.
Wondrous item, rare
This is a small sized totem, stick with a horse's head on
top. Carving a creature's name into the shaft of the stick
inflicts it with a magical disease. The carver can choose to lift
this disease by destroying the nithing. If the carver's name is
etched into the shaft, the carver instead becomes afflicted
with the disease instead of the vicitm whose name they
carved, and nothing can lift the disease.
While afflicted with the nithing's disease, a creature must
make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw every 24 hours or
suffer two levels of exhaustion.



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