12-3 RNA and Protein Synthesis: 1 Focus

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Section 12–3 12–3 RNA and Protein Synthesis

12.3.1 Tell how RNA differs from
Key Concepts
T he double helix structure explains how DNA can be copied,
but it does not explain how a gene works. In molecular
terms, genes are coded DNA instructions that control the
• What are the three main types production of proteins within the cell. The first step in decoding
12.3.2 Name the three main types of RNA? these genetic messages is to copy part of the nucleotide
of RNA. • What is transcription?
sequence from DNA into RNA, or ribonucleic acid. These RNA
12.3.3 Describe transcription and • What is translation?
molecules contain coded information for making proteins.
the editing of RNA. Vocabulary
12.3.4 Identify the genetic code. gene
12.3.5 Summarize translation. messenger RNA The Structure of RNA
12.3.6 Explain the relationship ribosomal RNA
transfer RNA RNA, like DNA, consists of a long chain of nucleotides. As you
between genes and proteins. transcription may recall, each nucleotide is made up of a 5-carbon sugar, a
RNA polymerase phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. There are three main
promoter differences between RNA and DNA: The sugar in RNA is ribose
intron instead of deoxyribose, RNA is generally single-stranded, and
RNA contains uracil in place of thymine.
Vocabulary Preview codon
You can think of an RNA molecule as a disposable copy of a
Ask: What does it mean to tran- anticodon segment of DNA. In many cases, an RNA molecule is a working
scribe something? (To write a copy of copy of a single gene. The ability to copy a single DNA sequence
it) Explain that in transcription, DNA Reading Strategy: into RNA makes it possible for a single gene to produce hun-
Using Visuals Before you
is transcribed to produce a molecule read, preview Figure 12– 18. As dreds or even thousands of RNA molecules.
of RNA. Ask: What does it mean to you read, notice what happens
translate something? (To express in each step of translation, or
something in another language) protein synthesis. Types of RNA
Explain that the message encoded by RNA molecules have many functions, but in the majority of cells
RNA is translated into a protein most RNA molecules are involved in just one job—protein
sequence during the process of trans- synthesis. The assembly of amino acids into proteins is con-
trolled by RNA. There are three main types of RNA:
messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA. The
structures of these molecules are shown in Figure 12–12.
Reading Strategy
Encourage students to preview all the
figures in the section by carefully
reading the captions and studying 왔 Figure 12– 12 The three main types of
the diagrams. Remind students to RNA are messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and Ribosome Amino acid
transfer RNA. Ribosomal RNA is combined with
refer to the diagrams while reading proteins to form ribosomes.
the section.


The Structure of
Use Visuals Messenger RNA Ribosomal RNA Transfer RNA
Figure 12–12 Have students com-
pare and contrast the structures of
the three RNA molecules. Make sure
students are aware that rRNA also
has nitrogenous bases; the scale of
the illustration doesn’t allow room for Print: Technology:
them. Ask: What do all forms of • Teaching Resources, Lesson Plan 12–3, • iText, Section 12–3
RNA have in common? (Single- Adapted Section Summary 12–3, Adapted • Animated Biological Concepts DVD, 25, 26
stranded chain of nucleotides Worksheets 12–3, Section SummarySav12–3,
e • Transparencies Plus, Section 12–3
composed of a ribose sugar, a phos- e

Worksheets 12–3, Section Review 12–3

phate group, and a nitrogenous base) • Reading and Study Workbook A, Section 12–3
• Adapted Reading and Study Workbook B,
Section 12–3

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Most genes contain instructions for assembling amino acids

Types of RNA
into proteins. The RNA molecules that carry copies of these a Build Science Skills
instructions are known as messenger RNA (mRNA) because h Predicting Explain that each type
they serve as “messengers” from DNA to the rest of the cell. CP
50S of RNA has a specific job in the
Proteins are assembled on ribosomes, shown in Figure 12–13.
process of making proteins. Have stu-
Ribosomes are made up of several dozen proteins, as well as a
form of RNA known as ribosomal RNA (rRNA). # * dents examine the structures of each
sh St type of RNA molecule. Either provide
During the construction of a protein, a third type of RNA
molecule transfers each amino acid to the ribosome as it is diagrams of your own or have stu-
specified by coded messages in mRNA. These RNA molecules dents look at the diagrams in Figure
are known as transfer RNA (tRNA).
30S 12–12. From the structures of each
type of RNA, challenge students to
What are ribosomes made of? predict what function that RNA has
in protein synthesis. Students should
write their predictions and their rea-
Transcription 왖 Figure 12–13 In this detailed sons for making them. After studying
model of a ribosome, the two
RNA molecules are produced by copying part of the nucleotide transcription and translation, have
subunits of the ribosome are shown
sequence of DNA into a complementary sequence in RNA, a in yellow and blue. The model was students review their predictions.
process called transcription. Transcription requires an produced using cryo-electron
enzyme known as RNA polymerase that is similar to DNA microscopy. Data from more than
polymerase. During transcription, RNA polymerase 73,000 electron micrographs, taken
binds to DNA and separates the DNA strands. RNA poly- at ultra-cold temperatures to
preserve ribosome structure, were
merase then uses one strand of DNA as a template from
analyzed to produce the model. Use Visuals
which nucleotides are assembled into a strand of RNA.
The process of transcription is shown in Figure 12–14. Figure 12–14 As students study the
How does RNA polymerase “know” where to start and stop diagram, ask: Where is DNA located
making an RNA copy of DNA? The answer to this question in the eukaryotic cell? (In the nucle-
begins with the observation that RNA polymerase doesn’t bind us) Where does transcription take
to DNA just anywhere. The enzyme will bind only to regions of 왔 Figure 12–14 During place? (In the nucleus) Where does
DNA known as promoters, which have specific base transcription, RNA polymerase protein synthesis take place? (In the
sequences. In effect, promoters are signals in DNA that indicate uses one strand of DNA as a
template to assemble nucleotides cytoplasm) Discuss the role of mRNA
to the enzyme where to bind to make RNA. Similar signals in
into a strand of RNA. and its significance as a copy of DNA.
DNA cause transcription to stop when the new RNA molecule
Challenge students to consider why
is completed.
DNA stays inside the nucleus and
produces expendable copies of RNA
Adenine (DNA and RNA) that leave the nucleus to direct pro-
Cytosine (DNA and RNA) tein synthesis.
RNA Guanine (DNA and RNA)
Thymine (DNA only) Address Misconceptions
Uracil (RNA only)
Some students might think that
RNA polymerase mRNA is transcribed from DNA and
then processed into tRNA and/or
rRNA. Review the roles and the struc-
DNA tures of each form of RNA. Point out
that rRNA and tRNA must bind to
other proteins in the cytoplasm of
the cell before they are activated.
Emphasize that mRNA is transcribed
only from genes that encode pro-
teins. Ribosomal RNA and transfer
RNA are transcribed from other
genes that cannot be translated into

Vocabulary: Writing
Beginning Help students understand the func- Intermediate Have students draw a cell and
tions of—and differences between—messenger label the locations of messenger RNA, transfer
RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA. Point to RNA, and ribosomal RNA. Then, ask students to
each type of RNA in Figures 12–12 and 12–18. write explanations of the functions of the three
Then, pair beginning ESL students with English- kinds of RNA. Model the process by writing the
proficient students. The pairs can collaborate to function of messenger RNA on the board.
make a table that compares the three kinds of Answer to . . .
RNA (column heads: Where Located and
Function). They can use the two illustrations. Proteins and rRNA

DNA and RNA 301

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12–3 (continued) Exon Intron

RNA Editing
Like a writer’s first draft, many RNA molecules require a bit of
RNA Editing editing before they are ready to go into action. Remember that an
RNA molecule is produced by copying DNA. Surprisingly, the
DNA of eukaryotic genes contains sequences of nucleotides, called
Show students what occurs during pre-mRNA introns, that are not involved in coding for proteins. The DNA
RNA editing by using a length of sequences that code for proteins are called exons because they
string to represent the pre-mRNA are “expressed” in the synthesis of proteins. When RNA molecules
molecule. Color the string with mark- are formed, both the introns and the exons are copied from the
ers to show which segments are DNA. However, the introns are cut out of RNA molecules while
introns and which are exons. Remind mRNA they are still in the nucleus. The remaining exons are then spliced
students that this process occurs in back together to form the final mRNA as shown in Figure 12–15.
the nucleus before the mRNA moves Why do cells use energy to make a large RNA molecule and
into the cytoplasm. Demonstrate that Cap Tail then throw parts of it away? That’s a good question, and biologists
the introns form loops so that the still do not have a complete answer to it. Some RNA molecules
exons are situated next to each other. 왖 Figure 12–15 Many RNA may be cut and spliced in different ways in different tissues,
molecules have sections, called making it possible for a single gene to produce several different
Cut the introns off with scissors and
introns, edited out of them before forms of RNA. Introns and exons may also play a role in evolu-
tape together the adjacent exons. they become functional. The remain- tion. This would make it possible for very small changes in DNA
Then, tape yarn to both ends of the ing pieces, called exons, are spliced sequences to have dramatic effects in gene expression.
string to represent the cap and the together. Then, a cap and tail are
tail added to the mRNA sequence added to form the final RNA molecule. What are introns and exons?
Predicting What do you think would
before it leaves the nucleus. happen if the introns were not removed
from the pre-mRNA?
The Genetic Code
The Genetic Code Proteins are made by joining amino acids into long chains called
Build Science Skills polypeptides. Each polypeptide contains a combination of any or all
of the 20 different amino acids. The properties of proteins are
Applying Concepts Give student
determined by the order in which different amino acids are joined
pairs different sequences of DNA,
together to produce polypeptides. How, you might wonder, can a
and tell them that a mutation has
particular order of nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA molecules be
occurred in the sequence that translated into a particular order of amino acids in a polypeptide?
changed one of the nucleotide bases. The “language” of mRNA instructions is called the genetic code.
Have students show two possible As you know, RNA contains four different bases: A, U, C, and G. In
sites for this mutation, one that effect, the code is written in a language that has only four “letters.”
affects the protein product and one How can a code with just four letters carry instructions for 20
that does not. Ask students to explain different amino acids? The genetic code is read three letters at a
how the genetic code can help pre- time, so that each “word” of the coded message is three bases long.
vent some DNA mutations from Each three-letter “word” in mRNA is known as a codon, as shown in
affecting an organism’s phenotypes. G A A C Figure 12–16. A codon consists of three consecutive nucleotides
Direct them to review Figure 12–17 that specify a single amino acid that is to be added to the polypep-
as they try to formulate their expla- tide. For example, consider the following RNA sequence:
nation. (A mutation can change a
nucleotide base, but the resulting Codon Codon
codon can specify the same amino acid This sequence would be read three bases at a time as:
as the original codon.) 왖 Figure 12–16 A codon is a UCG-CAC-GGU
group of three nucleotides on
messenger RNA that specify a The codons represent the different amino acids:
Use Visuals particular amino acid. Observing
What are the three-letter groups of the UCG-CAC-GGU
Figure 12–17 Encourage students
two codons shown here? Serine-Histidine-Glycine
to closely examine the genetic code
in the diagram. Make sure students
are reading the diagram correctly to
decode a codon. Ask: What amino
acid is specified by CAU? (Histidine)
What is the codon for tryptophan?
(UGG) What are two possible RNA wobble weakness, Chargaff’s rules can be broken, and
codons for glutamine? (CAG, CAA) Cells do not produce 61 tRNA molecules—one for bases that would not normally pair up, do. This
What amino acid is usually the first each codon. Most cells produce between 22 and wobble effect is evident in the genetic code. In
amino acid of a protein? 30 kinds of tRNA. The third nucleotide base in a many cases, the first two bases are the most
(Methionine) How do you know? codon is often called the wobble position, important in specifying an amino acid. It often
(AUG is the start codon.) because the strength of the bond between the does not matter what the third base is.
codon and the anticodon is weak. Because of this

302 Chapter 12
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왗 Figure 12–17 The genetic Build Science Skills


Glu d

code shows the amino acid to Using Models Give small groups of

which each of the 64 possible


students a diagram of a simple object

As acid

r in
codons corresponds. To decode a



UC to build using colored blocks or other

r ti
codon, start at the middle of the

ine circle and move outward. building sets. Explain that the dia-
C A os
Ala r
nin U G Ty Interpreting Graphics For what gram must stay in one spot and the
e amino acid does the codon UGC code?
C p
A Sto building materials and building site
must be in a different spot. Instruct

G U Cys students to devise a method by
Valine A C which they can build the object accu-
U G A Stop
G Tryptophan
rately despite the distance between
the building plan and site.
Arginine A C
C A Leucine
Serin G U
i n e C
e ol ine
in G U
ag A C
ar C
sp U GA

CU G AC Objective Students will be able to




conclude how a cell interprets





How does a cell


Skills Focus Applying Concepts,


interpret DNA? Inferring

Time 15 minutes
1. A certain gene has the following Strategy Diagram a molecule of
sequence of nucleotides: DNA on the board, or show stu-
Because there are four different bases, there are 64 GACAAGTCCACAATC dents a three-dimensional model of
possible three-base codons (4 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 4 = 64). Figure 12 –17 Write this sequence on a sheet one. Show students that ends of the
shows all 64 possible codons of the genetic code. As you can of paper. DNA are different and that the mol-
see, some amino acids can be specified by more than one 2. From left to right, write the
codon. For example, six different codons specify the amino
ecule is directional. Discuss the
sequence of the mRNA mole-
acid leucine, and six others specify arginine. cule transcribed from this gene. importance of the directionalism of
There is also one codon, AUG, that can either specify 3. Look at Figure 12–17. Reading DNA and how it affects the
methionine or serve as the initiation, or “start,” codon for the mRNA codons from left to sequence of amino acids making up
protein synthesis. Notice also that there are three “stop” right, write the amino acid proteins.
codons that do not code for any amino acid. Stop codons act sequence of the polypeptide
Expected Outcomes Students
translated from the mRNA.
like the period at the end of a sentence; they signify the end of should conclude that translation in
4. Repeat step 3, reading the
a polypeptide, which consists of many amino acids. both directions yields two different
codons from right to left.
amino acid sequences.
Translation Analyze and Conclude
1. Applying Concepts Why did
Analyze and Conclude
1. The mRNA sequence is not the
The sequence of nucleotide bases in an mRNA molecule steps 3 and 4 produce different
serves as instructions for the order in which amino acids same in both directions. Reading
should be joined together to produce a polypeptide. However, 2. Inferring Do cells usually
the sequence backward specifies a
anyone who has tried to assemble a complex toy knows that decode nucleotides in one different amino acid sequence.
instructions generally don’t do the job themselves. They need direction only or in either 2. Cells usually decode nucleotides
something to read them and put them to use. In the cell, that direction? in only one direction.
“something” is a tiny factory called the ribosome.

Answers to . . .
To help my students better understand how sequence. I like to make up sentences such as “I
DNA encodes proteins, I like to give them a love biology.” or “Biology is often fun.” I also Introns: sequences of
worksheet on which they practice transcribing instruct students to write their own DNA mol- mRNA not involved in coding for pro-
and translating DNA. More specifically, I instruct ecules and have their lab partners decode them. teins; exons: expressed sequences of
them to write the mRNA sequence of the DNA, mRNA
—James Boal
then write the tRNA anticodon sequence that is Biology Teacher Figure 12–15 The protein would be
complementary to the mRNA. However, instead Natrona County High School made incorrectly.
of using amino acids, I substitute words so that Casper, WY
students produce a sentence instead of a protein Figure 12–16 AUG, AAC
Figure 12–17 Cysteine

DNA and RNA 303

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12–3 (continued) TRANSLATION

Use Visuals Figure 12–18 During translation, or protein synthesis, the cell
uses information from messenger RNA to produce proteins. The cell
Figure 12–18 As students study the uses all three main forms of RNA during this process.
process of translation in the diagram,
discuss the roles of mRNA, tRNA, and A Messenger RNA
rRNA. Explain that ribosomes begin Messenger RNA is transcribed in the nucleus, and
then enters the cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome. Nucleus
translation by binding to mRNA at an
initiation site, which includes the
start codon, AUG. Also point out that
as soon as the initiation site is open A U G
on mRNA, another ribosome binds to
it and begins translating another Lysine
polypeptide. For example, B lympho- Phenylalanine tRNA
cytes are infection-fighting white
blood cells. When stimulated by
Methionine B Transfer RNA
Translation begins at AUG, the start codon.
invading germs, they begin a frenzy Each transfer RNA has an anticodon whose
of cell division, forming huge num- bases are complementary to a codon on the
bers of plasma cells. These cells mRNA strand. The ribosome positions the
produce vast amounts of protein start codon to attract its anticodon, which is
U part of the tRNA that binds methionine. The
antibody, each cell secreting 2000 U U ribosome also binds the next codon and its
molecules per second throughout its anticodon.
short, four-day life span. Make sure Ribosome
students understand where transla- U A C A A G
tion occurs within a cell (in the
cytoplasm). A U G U U C A A A

Start codon


Download a worksheet The decoding of an mRNA message into a polypeptide chain

on protein synthesis for students to (protein) is known as translation. Translation takes place on
complete, and find additional teacher N S TA
ribosomes. During translation, the cell uses informa-
support from NSTA SciLinks. For: Links on protein
tion from messenger RNA to produce proteins. Refer to
Visit: www.SciLinks.org Figure 12–18 as you read about translation.
Web Code: cbn-4123 A Before translation occurs, messenger RNA is transcribed
from DNA in the nucleus and released into the cytoplasm.
B Translation begins when an mRNA molecule in the cyto-
plasm attaches to a ribosome. As each codon of the mRNA
molecule moves through the ribosome, the proper amino acid is
brought into the ribosome by tRNA. In the ribosome, the amino
acid is transferred to the growing polypeptide chain.
Each tRNA molecule carries only one kind of amino acid. For
example, some tRNA molecules carry methionine, others carry
arginine, and still others carry serine. In addition to an amino
acid, each tRNA molecule has three unpaired bases. These bases,
called the anticodon, are complementary to one mRNA codon.


The importance of protein synthesis how it functions, how it grows, and how it passes
The synthesis of proteins is a carefully orches- this information to its daughter cells. Some of the
trated and controlled process that begins with a specific roles played by proteins include enzy-
coded message on a DNA molecule. The cell goes matic action, transport, motion, protection, sup-
to a lot of trouble to synthesize proteins correctly port, communication, and regulation.
because proteins define what the cell looks like,

304 Chapter 12
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Build Science Skills

Asking Questions After studying
translation, invite students to choose
one component of the process to
consider in depth. They might choose
a ribosome, tRNA, mRNA, or a step in
Polypeptide the process, such as ribosomal bind-
C The Polypeptide “Assembly Line” ing or elongation of the polypeptide
The ribosome joins the two amino acids—
methionine and phenylalanine—and breaks the Ribosome
chain. Then, have students write a
bond between methionine and its tRNA. The question or a series of questions
tRNA floats away from the ribosome, allowing the tRNA about their component of choice.
ribosome to bind another tRNA. The ribosome
Challenge students to refine their
moves along the mRNA, binding new tRNA
molecules and amino acids. questions so they could potentially be
answered by experimentation.


A A G U U U For: Protein Synthesis
D Completing the Polypeptide
The process continues until the ribosome activity
reaches one of the three stop codons. Visit: PHSchool.com
The result is a complete polypeptide.
Web Code: cbe-4123
Translation direction
Ribosome Students interact with the art of
protein synthesis online.

In the case of the tRNA molecule for methionine, the anti- For: Protein Synthesis activity
codon bases are UAC, which pair with the methionine codon, Visit: PHSchool.com
Web Code: cbp-4123
AUG. The ribosome has a second binding site for a tRNA mole-
cule for the next codon. If that next codon is UUC, a tRNA
molecule with an AAG anticodon would fit against the mRNA
molecule held in the ribosome. That second tRNA molecule
would bring the amino acid phenylalanine into the ribosome.
C Like an assembly line worker who attaches one part to
another, the ribosome forms a peptide bond between the first and
second amino acids, methionine and phenylalanine. At the same
time, the ribosome breaks the bond that had held the first tRNA
molecule to its amino acid and releases the tRNA molecule. The
ribosome then moves to the third codon, where a tRNA molecule
brings it the amino acid specified by the third codon.
D The polypeptide chain continues to grow until the ribosome
reaches a stop codon on the mRNA molecule. When the ribosome
reaches a stop codon, it releases the newly formed polypeptide
and the mRNA molecule, completing the process of translation.

DNA and RNA 305

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12–3 (continued) Codon Codon Codon The Roles of RNA and DNA
You can compare the different roles played by DNA and
The Roles of RNA C G
T G C A G A T RNA molecules in directing protein synthesis to the two
types of plans used by builders. A master plan has all the
and DNA information needed to construct a building. But builders
Single strand of DNA
Build Science Skills never bring the valuable master plan to the building site,
where it might be damaged or lost. Instead, they prepare
Using Analogies Have students
inexpensive, disposable copies of the master plan called
evaluate the analogy used in the text Codon Codon Codon blueprints. The master plan is safely stored in an office,
to compare the roles of RNA and and the blueprints are taken to the job site. Similarly, the
DNA. Ask them how well the analogy C G A cell uses the vital DNA “master plan” to prepare RNA
describes the roles. Then, challenge G C
“blueprints.” The DNA molecule remains within the safety
small groups of students to develop of the nucleus, while RNA molecules go to the protein-
another analogy to describe the roles building sites in the cytoplasm—the ribosomes.
of DNA and RNA. Lead the class in a
discussion about the accuracy of
each group’s analogy.
Genes and Proteins
Alanine Arginine Leucine Gregor Mendel might have been surprised to learn that most
genes contain nothing more than instructions for assembling
Genes and Proteins proteins, as shown in Figure 12–19. He might have asked
what proteins could possibly have to do with the color of a
Address Misconceptions Amino acids within flower, the shape of a leaf, a human blood type, or the sex of a
Some students might have difficulty a polypeptide newborn baby.
visualizing the connections between The answer is that proteins have everything to do
genes, DNA, and proteins. Take this with these things. Remember that many proteins are
왖 Figure 12–19 This diagram
enzymes, which catalyze and regulate chemical reactions.
opportunity to put Gregor Mendel’s illustrates how information for
findings into the context of DNA and specifying the traits of an organism is A gene that codes for an enzyme to produce pigment can
RNA. Make sure students understand carried in DNA. The sequence of bases control the color of a flower. Another gene produces an
that proteins cause the phenotypes in DNA is used as a template for enzyme specialized for the production of red blood cell
mRNA. The codons of mRNA specify surface antigen. This molecule determines your blood
observed by Mendel. Also, emphasize the sequence of amino acids in a
that a DNA sequence that codes for a type. Genes for certain proteins can regulate the rate and
protein, and proteins play a key role in
pattern of growth throughout an organism, controlling its
protein is a gene. producing an organism’s traits.
size and shape. In short, proteins are microscopic tools,
each specifically designed to build or operate a component
3 ASSESS of a living cell.

Evaluate Understanding
Invite student volunteers to give the
steps in the processes of transcription 12–3 Section Assessment
and translation. Write the steps on Creative Writing
the board in the form of a flowchart. An RNA molecule is looking for
1. Key Concept List the 5. Critical Thinking Applying
three main types of RNA. Concepts Using the genetic a job in a protein synthesis
Reteach code, identify the amino acids factory, and it asks you to write
2. Key Concept What
that have the following messen- its résumé. This RNA molecule
Have students study the process of happens during transcription?
ger RNA strand codes: is not yet specialized and could,
translation in Figure 12–18. Instruct 3. Key Concept What with some structural changes,
them to describe the roles of mRNA, happens during translation? function as either mRNA, tRNA,
tRNA, and rRNA in the synthesis of 4. Describe the three main differ- or rRNA. The résumé you create
proteins. Make sure students know ences between RNA and DNA. should reflect the qualifications
needed for each type of RNA.
where transcription and translation
occur in the cell.

Students’ r ésumés should clearly

12–3 Section Assessment
describe the functions of each 1. Messenger RNA, transfer RNA, ribosomal 4. The sugar in RNA is ribose instead of deoxyri-
type of RNA. RNA bose; RNA is generally single-stranded; RNA
2. RNA polymerase binds to DNA, separates the contains uracil in place of thymine.
strands, and then uses one strand as a tem- 5. Tryptophan-glutamine-cysteine
plate to assemble RNA.
3. The cell uses information from messenger
If your class subscribes to the iText, RNA to produce proteins.
use it to review the Key Concepts in
Section 12–3.

306 Chapter 12

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