Statistics and Probability Week 1 2 Edited
Statistics and Probability Week 1 2 Edited
Statistics and Probability Week 1 2 Edited
Course Map
General Mathematics- Simplified Course Pack (SCP)
SCP-Topics: 1st Quarter SCP- Topics: 2nd Quarter
Statistics, Random Variables(Discrete and Test of Hypothesis(null hypothesis,
Week 1-2 alternative hypothesis, level of
Continuous. Week 8-9
significance, rejection rejection, tyes
Discrete Random Variable. Mean and of errors in hypothesis testing.)
Variance (Discrete Random Variables). Identifying the appropriate rejection
Week 3-4
Normal Disribution, Sampling and Sampling region for a given level of
Distributions(Random Sampling). significance, test-statistics, drawing
Sampling and Sampling Week10-11
conclusion about the population
Week 5-6 Distributions(Sampling Disributions), mean based on the test-statistics
Estimation of Parameters(t-distribution). value.
Formulates the appropriate null and
Week 7 1st Quarter Examination alternative hypothesis on population
mean, Central Limit Theorem,
Week 12-13 computes for the test-statistics,
drawing conclusions, solving
problems involving test of
Learning Competencies
1. distinguishes between discrete and continuous
random variable, finds the values of a random
variable, illustrates a probability distribution for a 6. illustrates point and interval estimations, identifies
discrete random variable, constructs probability ma point estimator for the population mean, computes for
function of a discrete random variable and its point estimate of the population mean.
histogram and computes probabilities for a given
random variable.
7. identifies the appropriate form of the confidence
2. calculates the mean and variance of a discrete interval estimator for the population mean, constructs
random variable, solves problems involving mean and a t-distribution, identifies regions under the t-
variance of probability distributions. distribution corresponding to different t-values,
identifies percentiles using the t-table.
Welcome Aboard! At the end of this course, you will be able to know
how to find the mean and variance of random variables, to apply
sampling techniques and distributions, to estimate population mean
and proportion, to perform hypothesis testing on population mean
and proportion, and to perform correlation and regression analyses
on real-life problems. In the 1st quarter of this course, you will study
and appreciate the wide, interesting parts of random variables,
normal distributions, sampling distributions and apply it in real-life
scenarios. In the 2nd quarter of this course, you will study and
appreciate the things that are related to hypothesis and its
applications. Good luck and enjoy your learning journey on the
beauty and relevance of the statistics and probability in our daily
At SJPIICD, I Matter!
Terms to Ponder
This section provides meaning and definition of the terminologies that are
significant for better understanding of the terms used throughout the simplified
course pack of Statistics and Probability. Having you intuitively understand words
from their use in readings or in class is the best solution to learn vocabulary. By
learning and understanding these terms, you can become more adapt at properly
using the discipline specific vocabulary and through practice acquire a better
understanding of the related concepts.
Sample Space – it is a nonempty st of all possible outcomes for any given
random experiment.
Random Variable – are functions or rules that associates every outcome of S
to a real number.
Discrete Random Variable – is a numeric variable which can only take a finite
number of real values or in other words limited to wholes numbers.
Continuous Variable – it can assume an infinite number of real values. It can
include values as small as the instrument of measurement allows.
Essential Content
Areas of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential statistics are the methods used to find out something about
a population based on a sample taken from that population, also called
statistical inference or inductive statistics. Thus, we use inferential statistics to
make inferences from our data to more general conditions.
Examples: Based on the sample survey in 2001, 40.6 percent of male
school teachers in the Philippines are smokers. About 60 percent of the smokers
thought of quitting smoking and out of these, 25 percent had tried at least once.
Types of Variables
Quantitative Variable
Qualitative Variable
occupation and can also be in the form of pass-fail, yes-no or various other
Levels of Measurement
Random Variables
Observations take a value based on a count from a set of distinct whole values.
Discrete variables include:
Continuous Variable
Observations can take any value between a certain set of real numbers.
Continuous variable includes:
These are values which are obtained from functions that assign a real
number to each point of a sample space.
a. Sample space
b. Possible values of the outcomes
c. Probability function for getting a head
Sample space: {TT, HT, TH, HH} There are 4 possible outcomes.
Sample points: {0, 1, 2} ) if there is no head; 1 if there is 1 head; and 2 if both
are heads.
¼ ; if X = 0
2/4 ; if X = 1
Probability Function P(X) =
¼ ; if X = 2
SELF-SUPPORT: You can click the URL Search Indicator below to help you further understand the lessons.
Search Indicator
De Guzman, (2016). Statistics and Probability for Senior High School. C & E Publishing,
Bataller, (2016). Math Avtivated: Engage Yourself and Our World. Statistics and
Probability. Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Press Inc.
Punzalan, (2018). Senior High School. Statistics and Probability. Oxford.
- De Guzman, (2016). Statistics and Probability for Senior High School. C &
E Publishing, Inc.
- Bataller, (2016). Math Avtivated: Engage Yourself and Our World. Statistics
and Probability. Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Press Inc.
- Punzalan, (2018). Senior High School. Statistics and Probability. Oxford.