Module 4 (Week 5-6) Psychology
Module 4 (Week 5-6) Psychology
Module 4 (Week 5-6) Psychology
B. After answering these questions for yourself, look for your classmate whom you don’t
know well, and validate your answer by asking him/her to answer the same question.
Guide questions:
1. Were your answers to the three questions the same as your classmate's answer? How did
you feel? Yes, it the same answer with my classmate, I feel overwhelmed and thankful for
what she thinks about me.
2. How would you feel if you found out that your answer were all different from those of
your classmate, giving you an idea of how he finds you as a person.
I think I feel okay because we have different perspective towards to one another that is fine
with me and we really don’t know each other that much.
It is interesting question and it might be one of the main reasons why (maybe all) conflicts
initiate. We are different person I think we have a lot of difference like our beliefs, culture
and also our perception towards others. Each one of us has a unique personal perspective
to things. I think it is natural to us to have different perception.
Part A
Please select ten adjectives from the following list, which you feel describe what you are
like. (You may find it useful to write them down on a sheet of paper, or print this page, and
cut them out individually.) Try to be as honest and accurate as possible in making the
choices to describe yourself. (For example, don't omit an adjective that describes you well if
it happens to be somewhat negative, like "anxious.") Once you have selected the ten, which
best describe you, arrange them in order, from the most important/ significant aspects, to
those that are least significant in describing your personality. Write them down, with the
rank order, on a piece of paper, then fold it, and put it aside. Place all the words together,
shuffle them, and then go on to part B.
Part B
You are now requested to do the same task again, but this time selecting ten terms to
describe what you wish you were like--that is, your personal ideal. (For example, you may
feel that you are shy, but would like to be extroverted.) Do not refer to the list from part A
in making your choices! Once you have selected ten, arrange them in rank order, from the
most important/significant, to those that are relatively unimportant in your imagined ideal.
As in part A, write them down, in ranked order, on a piece of paper.
A Ranks B Ranks
Please use this list of sentences to describe yourself as accurately as possible. Describe
yourself as you see yourself at the present time, not as you wish to be in the future.
Describe yourself as you are generally or typically, as compared with other persons you
know of the same sex and of roughly your same age. There is no right or wrong answer.
Please choose the number that best describes you.
1 2 3
4 5
Athletic Competence
__3_ 1. I think that I could do well at just about any new sports activity that I haven’t tried
__2_ 5. I usually get into trouble because of the things that I do.*
Peer Acceptance
Physical Appearance
Scholastic Competence
When scoring each item, first check to see if there is an asterisk (*) following the statement.
For items with asterisks, apply the following rules:
Next, add up the total number of points received on the scale or scales. A score of 17 or less
on a scale indicates a negative self-concept in the relevant domain.
2+2+4+4+2+2+2+4+4= 30
Activity 5.2
Reflection In Berne’s ego states, which of the three: parent, adult, or child, dominates in
your current self? Relate an experience where you manifest the most of the characteristics
of having a parent, adult or child ego state.
I think where I manifest the most of the characteristic is having a Parent ego state, because
I think I like to control my siblings every time they do something wrong. I always teach
them how to be independent, about household chores and lessons they should learn. I’m
also the oldest among us and maybe their second parents after my parents. When they
need a parent in school or related about school, I’m always present in times they need me.
I’m also a strict sister to them.