AIT Question Bank by Mca Scholar's Group
AIT Question Bank by Mca Scholar's Group
AIT Question Bank by Mca Scholar's Group
Question Bank
1) What do you understand by HTML tags? How many tags are required to create a web page
in HTML5?
2) Explain the various formatting tags in HTML5.
3) Explain the various new tags introduced by HTML5 in Media Elements.
4) What is the correct usage of the following HTML5 semantic elements?
5) How many ways can a CSS be integrated as a web page?
6) What benefits and demerits do External Style Sheets have?
7) What are the limitations of CSS?
8) Explain what are the components of a CSS Style?
9) What do you mean by CSS selector?
10) Which property is used for controlling the image position in the background?
11) What is the main difference between class selectors and id selectors?
12) Which property of a table is used to the appearance of the adjacent borders?
13) How many formats you can display a CSS colour?
14) What do you mean by animation in CSS?
15) What are pseudo elements?
16) Explain difference between tag and semantic tag in details with examples
17) Write short notes on following:
a. audio tag
b. video tag
18) Explain how to embed video in web page?
19) Explain how to incorporate audio in web page?
20) List out some uses of mark tag?
21) Why canvas tag is used?
22) Write HTML code to embed the video in web document.
23) Write HTML code to place the following web page into your web page.
24) Draw a square using HTML5 SVG, fill that square with yellow color and make a 5px
blue stroke width.
25) Write HTML5 code to draw the given image using Canvas.
26) Draw an semi arc using HTML5 canvas.
27) Write HTML code to draw a rectangle using Canvas and fill color in gradient from red to
pink from start to end.
7) Create a web site for your curriculum vitae. You must use a two-column layout and the
second column must be the navigation bar.
Chapter 3: Node.js
1. Define two functions. The first function a should return 'Hello a!' and the second function
b should return 'Hello b!'.
2. Define a function greet returning the value 'Haydo!'. Declare a variable salutation. Call
the function greet and assign the result of the call to the variable salutation.
3. Write a function echo that also returns the passed parameter.
4. Write a function greet having one parameter and returning 'Hello <parameter>!'.
5. Write a function shortcut that takes two strings and returns the initial letters of theses
6. Write a function secondIndexOf, taking two strings and determining the second
occurrence of the second string in the first string. If the search string does not occur twice,
-1 should be returned.
7. Write a function normalize, that replaces '-' with '/' in a date string. Example:
normalize('20-05-2017') should return '20/05/2017'.
8. Write a function add that takes a string with a summation task and returns its result as a
number. Two natural numbers should be added. The summation task is a string of the
form '102+17'.
9. Write a function sumMultiples taking a natural number n and returning the sum of all
multiples of 3 and of 5 that are truly less than n.
All multiples of 3 and 5 less than 20 are 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15 and 18. Their sum is 78.
10. Write a program to show current date and time using user defined module
11. Program using NPM which will convert entered string into either case
12. Create a simple calculating module that calculates operations like +,-, x and / using
Chapter 4: Angular
1. Write a program to compare between things that are not integers. Suppose the strings are -
$str1 = "00004";
$str2 = "008";
$str3 = "00007-STR";
5. Write a program to store the username in cookie and check whether the user have
successfully login or not.
8. Write a program in php to remove all html tags except paragraph and italics tags.
9. Write a program to loop through an associative array using for each. Suppose an
associative array is -
$a = array('one' => 'I', 'two' => 'II', 'three' =>'III', 'four' => 'IV');
12. There are two deals of an item to buy. The quantities and prices of the item are given
below. Write a program in PHP to find the best deal to purchase the item.
15. Write a PHP program to create image from text and save.
16. Write a PHP program to get data from XML file in PHP.
25. Write a program to print “Welcome to the PHP World” using some part of the text in 26.
variable & some part directly in echo.
26. Write a program to print 2 php variables using single echo statement.
27. Write a program to print “Welcome to my PHP World” using echo only?
28. Write a simple calculator program in PHP using switch case (operation’s like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division)
31. Write a Program to display count, from 5 to 15 using PHP loop as given below.
32. Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using for loop in php.
33. Write a PHP program to calculate area of rectangle by using PHP Function.
34. Write a PHP program to find factorial of a number using recursive function.
38. Write a PHP program to convert all the characters inside the string into uppercase.(use
built-in string function).
39. Write a PHP script that checks if a string contains another string.
40. Write a PHP script that removes the last word from a string.
41. Write a PHP script that removes the whitespaces from a string
42. Write a PHP script to remove nonnumeric characters except comma and dot.
43. Write a PHP script to remove all characters from a string except a-z AZ 0-9 or " ".
59. Write PHP Program to display First name and Last name of female employees from “Production
Department” of table “Employee”.
Regards MCA
Scholar’s Goup
(Rushi Patil)