DS & OOPS Question Bank

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Velammal Gardens, Panchetti 601 204


Subject Code: EC6301



PART A - Two Mark Questions

1. What is Procedure oriented language?
2. What effects do the visibility labels private, protected and public have on
the members of a class? Dec 2010
3. Give some characteristics of procedure-oriented language.
4. What are the basic concepts of OOPS?
5. Define object? Dec 2012
6. What is a class?
7. what is encapsulation? Dec 2011
8. What is data abstraction?
9. What are data members and member functions?
10. What is dynamic binding or late binding?
11. Write the process of programming in an object-oriented language?
12. Give any four advantages of OOPS.
13. What are the features required for object oriented language?
14. Give any four applications of OOPS
15. What are tokens?
16. What are keywords?
17. Rules for naming the identifiers in C++.
18. What are the operators available in C++?
19. What is scope resolution operator and how it be used for global variable?
May 2010
20. What are free store operators (or) Memory management operators?
21. What is the advantage of new operators when compared to malloc
function ? may 2011
22. What are manipulators?
23. what is function prototype ?
24. what is an inline function ? Dec 2011
25. Write some situations where inline expansion may not work
26. what is a default argument ?
27. How the class is declared in c++ ?May 2010
28. How to create an object ?
29. How to access a class member ?
30. How the member functions are defined ?
31. What is static data member?
32. Write the static member function properties? Dec 2011
33. How the objects are used as function argument?
34. What is called pass by reference?
35. Define local classes.
36. What is constructor? Dec 2012
37. Define default constructor Dec 2011
38. Define parameterized constructor
39. Define copy constructor
40. Define dynamic constructor
41. Define const object
42. Define destructor
43. Define multiple constructors (constructor overloading).
44. Write some special characteristics of constructor
45. What are Friend functions? Write the syntax
46. Write some properties of friend functions.
47. What are virtual functions?
48. What is function overloading? Give an example.
49. What is operator overloading and its use ? Dec 2010
50. List out the operators that cannot be overloaded. Dec 2012
51. What is the purpose of using operator function? Write its syntax.
52. Write at least four rules for Operator overloading.
53. How will you overload Unary & Binary operator using member
54. How an overloaded operator can be invoked using member
55. Explain basic to class type conversion with an example.
56. Explain class to basic type conversion with an example.
57. How to create a one dimensional array?
58. What is the use of ternary operator?
59. Write down the syntax of switch statement?
60. What is the iteration statement used in C++?
61. What is the difference between break & continue statements?
62. What are the uses of break statements?
63. What are the different ways of argument passing?
64. Define Recursion?
65. Mention some of the restrictions while using static keyword?
66. When do we declare member of a class as static? Dec 2009
67. Give the syntax of operator function? May 2011


1. What are the Features of OOPS & how are they implemented in C++?
2. Compare and contrast structure oriented and object oriented programming?
Dec 2010 8M
3. Distinguish between data abstraction and data encapsulation ? Dec 2010 4m
4. Mention the purpose of constructors and destructors? 4m Dec 2010 May 2010
5. Write a c++ program to define overloaded constructor and to perform string
initialization and string copy. Dec 2011
5. what is operator overloading? Overload the numerical operators +,/ and * for
complex numbers addition ,division and multiplication? May 2010 Dec 2012
5. Explain about inline function? 8m May 2010
6. Explain Function Overloading with suitable example? Dec 2010 4m
7.Illustrate the use of copy constructor and function overloading with c++
program? 16M Dec 2011
8. Define copy constructor and dynamic constructor what are the different ways
of writing copy constructor? 6m May 2011
9.Where to use friend function in binary operator overloading ?how? Explain
with an example ? 10m May 2011
7. Explain about Operator Overloading?
8. Explain the merits and demerits of object oriented paradigm 6m Dec 2011
5. Explain overloading Unary & Binary operator?
6. Explain about Type conversions? Dec 2009 8m
8. Explain about Multiple constructors (constructor overloading)?
9. Explain the various operators used in C++?
10. Briefly describe the role of different constructors used in C++. Dec 2009 8m
11. Describe the role of various control structures used in C++.Dec 2010 12m
12. Explain the structure of C++ program with suitable example.
Also describe about cascading I/O operators.
13. How will you create a class? Also specify the role of defining
member functions inside a class and outside a class.
14. Explain about Call by value and Call by Reference. May 2011 6m
15. What is a Friend function? What is the use of using Friend functions
in C++? Explain with suitable program. May 2010 8m Dec 2009(adv& disadv)
16. What are the advantages of using default arguments? Explain with
17. Write a program to demonstrate how a static data is accessed by a
static member function.
18. Write a program to get the employee details and print the same using
class. Create a class employee. Also use appropriate functions and
data members.

19. Define a supplier class. Assume that the items supplied by any given supplier are
different and varying in number. Use dynamic memory allocation in the
constructor function to achieve the solution.

20. Define an examiner class. Provide all necessary data and function members to
provide the following: The examiner must access answer sheets of at least one
subject; He may examine answer sheets of multiple subjects; The examiner
represents a college and also a university; Most of the examiners are local and
represent local university; and have more than one constructor including one
default and one with default argument. Provide a meaningful copy constructor.

21. For a supermarket, define a bill class. All the bill objects will contain bill
number, name of clerk preparing the bill, each item with quantity and price and
total amount to be paid. Total items in the bill are varying. Define dynamic
memory allocation constructor for bill class such that any number of items from
1 to 50 can be accommodated in a single bill. There is an array describing each
item with a price. The price is to be picked up from that array. Now overload =
operator and provide reason for the need of such operator.

22. Define a class string .use overload == operator to compare two strings?
Dec 2009

23. Write a C++ program to assign n projects to m programmers based on
the skill set of programmers using friend function. Use static variable to
count total number of assignments.(10) may 2011

24. Write a menu driven program to accept 2 integers and an operator (+,-,*, %,/)
and to perform the operation and print the result? Dec 2012
25. Where to use friend function in binary operator overloading? How?
Explain with an example. (10) May 2011

1. What is meant by inheritance?
2. Give the syntax for inheritance.
3. What are the types of inheritance?
4. Define single inheritance.
5. Define multi-level inheritance.
6. Define multiple inheritance?. Dec 2012
7. Define Hierarchical inheritance.
8. Define Hybrid inheritance.
9. What is a virtual base class?
10. What is an abstract class?
11. Define Polymorphism?
12. What are the types of polymorphism?
13. Define this pointer.
14. What is a virtual function?
15. What is a pure virtual function?
16. How can a private member be made inheritable?
17. What are the advantages of inheritance?
18. What are polymorphic objects?
19. What are streams? Why they are useful?
20. What are input and output streams?
21. Briefly describe the class hierarchy provided by c++ for stream handling.
22. What is the difference between a text file and a binary file?
23. How can a file be opened for both reading and writing?
24. Describe the following manipulators setw(), setprecision(), setfill(),
25. What is a file pointer?
26. What is a command-line argument?
27. How will you create manipulators?
28. Write the syntax and use of getline () and write () functions.
29. What are the differences between manipulators and ios functions?
30. What is the need for string objects?
31. Compare C strings with C++ strings.
32. What is generic programming? How it is implemented in C++?
33. What are function templates?
34. What is the need for function templates? How are they created?
35. What are class templates?
36. How is a function template overridden for a specific data type?
37. What is the need for class templates? How are they created?
38. What is the difference between template function and template class?
39. What is exception handling?
40. What is the need for exception handling?
41. What is the difference between macro and templates?
42. Which three keywords are provided by c++ for implementing exception handling?
43. Why nested exception classes needed?
44. How are uncaught exception caught?
45. What are the limitations of exception handling in c++?
46. State the difference between char * const ptr and char const *ptr? May 2011
47. List out the modes in which the files can be opened? May 2011

1) What is the need of Templates? Explain.
2) Explain about function templates?
3) Define a student class. Inherit that into MCAStudent class and
NonMCAStudent. MCAStudents inherits into GLSSTudents and
NonGLSStudents. A function ShowPracticalHours can only be applied to
MCAStudents. We have a base class Student pointer to a GLSStudent object.
Use dynamic_cast ti check that NonMCAStudents do not

4) Using the Time class, throw an exception when invalid time is input, write
set_terminate to provide your own terminate function, which care of this
5) What is uncaught exception function? Give an example.
6) What are the use of terminate () and Unexpected functions? Explain with a
7) How to use multiple catch functions inside a program? Explain with a
program. May 2011 5M
8.) What is use of template ?write an overloaded function template called Max() which
will find the maximum of any two given integers? Dec 2010 8M
9.Write a c++ program to illustrate the concept of hierarchical inheritance? Dec 2010
8) Write all blocks of exception handling? Explain with a program. Dec 2011 8m Dec
2010 8M
9) What are the different forms of inheritance supported in c++? Explain with an
example. Like vehicle 8m May 2010 dec 2011 (16M)
10) Discuss on the visibility of base class members in privately and publicly
inherited classes.2m Dec 2010
11) Explain in detail about virtual base class with an example.
12) Define inheritance? What is polymorphism? Dec 2010 6m and Explain in detail
about multiple inheritances with an example. Dec 2012 16m
13) Explain how pure virtual function is implemented. May 2011 3m
14)What are abstract classes? Give an example (with the program) to illustrate
the use of abstract classes.
15)Explain in detail about Virtual function and polymorphism with example. May 2010
8m Dec 2011 Or (Runtime polymorphism)
16)Explain about Exceptions Handlers and Standard Exceptions.
17)Discuss about C++ Stream classes hierarchy.
18)Write notes on Formatted and Unformatted Console I/O Operations.
19)Explain about File Pointers and their manipulations with example.
20)Give the differences between Manipulators and ios Functions.
21)How can we determine errors while dealing with files.
22)Explain in detail about the facilities available for substring operations on the
string object?
23)Explain the operators used for dynamic memory allocation with example?8m May
24 what is string? Write a c++ program to sort the given strings in the alphabetically.
16m Dec 2012
25.Write a c++ program to define a class patient (name,age,sex) Derive two classes from
patient namely in -patient (ipno,dateof-adm,date-of_discharge) and out-
patient(opno,doctor-id,consulation_fee) Define two classes namely general-ward
(rent/day) and special-ward (roomno,rent/day,ebbill) for out-patient print the bill with
consulation fee .For in-patients print bill according to their accommodation either in
general ward or special ward? 16m
may 2011
26.Write a program to maintain employee details using files.Arrange the file is
descending order of their salary 8m May 2011



1. Write down the definition of data structures?
2. Give few examples for data structures?
3. Define Algorithm?
4. What are the features of an efficient algorithm?
5. List down any four applications of data structures?
6. What is meant by problem solving?
7. What is problem definition phase?
8. Mention some of the problem solving strategies?
9. Mention the types of bugs that may arise in a program?
10. What is divide and conquer?
11. State the importance of dynamic programming
12. Define storage structure?
13. Define file structure?
14. What are the four major parts in an iterative process?
15. Write down the algorithm for solving Towers of Hanoi problem?
16. What are the different types of data structur es?
17. What do you mean by primitive data structure?
18. What are the three stages of problem solving aspect.
19. Define depth of recursion?
20. What is searching?
21. What is Linear search?
22. Define Space Complexity
23. Define Time Complexity
24. What are asymptotic notations?
25. What is information?
26. Define Recursion?
27. What is a Fibonacci sequence?
28. What is an Abstract Data type(ADT)? Explain?
29. What are the operations of ADT?
30. What is meant by list ADT?
31. What are the various operations done under list ADT?
32. What are the two parts of ADT?
33. What is a Stack ?
34. What are the two operations of Stack?
35. Write postfix from of the expression A+B-C+D?
36. What is a Queue ?
37. What is a Priority Qu eue?
38. What are the different ways to implement list?
39. What are the adv advantages in the array implementation of list?
40. What is a linked list?
41. Name the two fields of Link ed list?
42. What is a doubly linked list?
43. Name the three fields of Doubly Link ed list?
44. Define double circularly linked list?
45. What is the need for the header?
46. List three examples that uses linked list?
47. Give some examples for linear data structures?
48. Write postfix from of the expression A+B-C+D?
49. How do you test for an empty queue?
50. What are the postfix and prefix forms of the expression?
51. Explain the usage of stack in recursive algorithm implementation?
52. Write down the operations that can be done with queue data structure?
53. What is a circular queue?
54. What is a Priority Queue? What are its types?
55. Define Hash function.
56. List out the different types of hashing functions?
57. What are the problems in hashing?
58. Define collision resolution


1. Explain the types of analysis that can performed on an algorithm?
2. Design an algorithm to reverse the linked list. Trace it with an example?
3. Define an efficient representation of two stacks in a given area of memory
with n words and explain.
4. Explain the process of problem solving?
5. Explain program verification in detail?
6. Explain top down design?
7. What are the steps taken to improve the efficiency of an algorithm?
8. What is an Abstract Data type(ADT)? Explain?
9. What is a Stack? Explain with example?
10. Explain the linked list implementation of stack ADT in detail?
11. Write the algorithm for converting infix expression to postfix expression?
12. What is a Queue? Explain its operation with example?
13. Explain the array implementation of queue ADT in detail?
14. Explain the applications of stack?
15. Explain the linked list implementation of list ADT in Detail?
16. Explain the various applications of Linked List.

17. Explain the cursor implementation of linked list?
18. Write an algorithm for inserting and deleting an element from Doubly linked list?
19. Explain linear linked implementation of Stack and Queue?
20. Define priority queue? Explain the basic heap operation with an example?
21. Explain any two techniques to overcome hash collision?

1. Define non-linear data structure?
2. Define tree?
3. Define leaf?
4. What is meant by directed tree?
5. What is a ordered tree?
6. What is a Binary tree?
7. What are the applications of binary tree?
8. What is meant by traversing?
9. What are the different types of traversing?
10. What are the two methods of binary tree implementation?
11. Define pre-order traversal?
12. Define post-order traversal?
13. Define in -order traversal?
14. What is the length of the path in a tree?
15. Define expression trees?
16. Define Strictly binary tree?
17. Define complete binary tree?
18. What is an almost complete binary tree?
19. Define AVL Tree
20. what is a balance factor in AVL trees?
21.What is meant by pivot node?
22.What is the length of the path in a tree?
23.Define expression trees?
24.Define a binary tree, complete binary tree, strictly binary tree and skew
25.What is the (a) maximum (b) minimum height of a binary tree with 15
26.What is Huffman tree? What are the characteristics of a Huffman codes?
27.Is the following tree an AVL tree? Justify your answer.
1. What is the worst case and best case time complexity of binary tree sort? [Nov/Dec 2009]
2. Define dynamic programming. [Apr/May 2010]
3. What is sorting? How is sorting essential for database applications? [Nov/Dec 2010]
4. Give the working method of divide and conquer algorithm in two steps. [Apr/May 2011]
5. Merge sort is better than quick sort. Why?
6. What are the drawbacks of greedy algorithm?
7. What is indexed sequential search? [Nov/Dec 2009]
8. What is the feature of bucket sort algorithm? [Apr/May 2010]
9. What is meant by dynamic programming? [Nov/Dec 2010]
10. What is the fastest sortest algorithm in practice? What is the average and worst case running time of it?
[Apr/May 2011]
11. What is minimum spanning tree? Name any two algorithms used to find MST. [Nov/Dec 2007]

28.Define sibling.
29.What are the various transformation performed in AVL tree?
30. What are the main properties of a binary heap?
31.Define (a) BST (b) BST with duplicates (c) Indexed BST. Also give

32.Illustrate (a) Search (b) insert and (c) delete operation on (i) BST (ii) BST
with duplicates (iii) Indexed BST
33. Give the applications of BST
34. Compare the time complexities of linear and binary search?
35. When is a BST a heap?
36. Draw the binary search tree for the following input list.
37.Define Graph?
38.Define adjacent nodes?
39.What is a directed graph?
40. What is a undirected graph?
41. What is a loop?
42. What is a simple graph?
43. What is a weighted graph?
44. Define out degree of a graph?
45. Define indegree of a graph?
46. Define path in a graph?
47. What is a simple path?
48. What is a cycle or a circuit?
49. What is an acyclic graph?
50. What is meant by strongly connected in a graph?
51. When is a graph said to be weakly connected?
52. Name the different ways of representing a graph?
53. What is an undirected acyclic graph?
54. What are the two traversal strategies used in traversing a graph?
55. What is a forest ?
56. What is a minimum spanning tree?
57. Name two algorithms two find minimum spanning tree
58. What is NP?
59.Draw an undirected graph with 6 vertices, 9 edges, 2 loops.
60.Draw a digraph with 5 vertices, 8 edges, path between every pair of

61. Answer the questions for the graph shown below:

(a) What are the neighbors of 4, 5?
(b) Mark a path between 1 -4, 2-6, 3-5. Give the length of each path.
(c) Are there any cycles in the graph? If so list them.
(d) Identify the connected components of the graph.

62. Answer the questions with respect to the following digraph:
(a) Mark a path, if any, between each pair of vertices.
(b) What is the indegree of vertices 1, 3, and 5?
(c) What is the out degree of vertices 2, 4, and 6?
(d) Is the graph strongly connected?

63.. Represent the following graph using
(a) adjacency matrix (b) adjacency list.

64..Draw the graphs corresponding to the following matrices





1. What is a Binary tree? Explain the different tree traversals with an application?
2. Define binary search tree? Explain the various operations with an example?
3. Define AVL trees? Explain the LL, RR, RL, LR case with an example?
4. Explain shortest path algorithm with example?
5. Explain Depth first and breadth first traversal?
6. Explain spanning and minimum spanning tree?
7. Explain Kruskals and prims algorithm?
8. Explain the various representation of graph with example in detail?
Adjacency matrix
Adjacency list
9. Define topological sort? Explain with an example?
10. Explain Dijkstra's algorithm with an example?

11. Explain Prim's algorithm with an example?
12. Explain Kruskal's algorithm with an example?
13. For the following graph draw the depth first spanning tree. Write an algorithm.

14. Find the shortest path between vertex 1 and other vertices for the following graph.

15. Find the minimum spanning tree for the graph given below. Show the tree after each
step in
Kruskals algorithm.

Repeat the steps for Prims algorithm.
16. Mark the articulation points, if any in the following graphs and the biconnected

1. What is meant by sorting?
2. What are the two main classifications of sorting based on the source of data?
3. What is meant by external sorting?
4. What is meant by internal sorting?
5. What are the various factors to be considered in deciding a sorting algorithm?
6. What is the main idea in Bubble sort?
7. What is the main idea behind insertion sort?
8. What is the main idea behind selection sort?
9. What is the basic idea of shell sort?
10. What is the other name for shell sort?
11. What is the purpose of quick sort?
12. What i the advantage of quick sort?
13. What is the average efficiency of heap sort?
14. Name some of the external sorting methods?
15. When is a sorting method said to be stable?
16. Name some simple algorithms used in external sorting?
17. When can we use insertion sort?
18. How many passes are required for k-way merging?
19. Define max heap?
20. Define min heap?
21. Define Divide and Conquer algorithm
22. Define Greedy Algorithm.
23. Define Dynamic programming algorithm.
24. Mention application of dynamic programming algorithm.
25. Define Backtracking.
26. Define Branch and Bound.
27. Differentiate Greedy Algorithm with dynamic programming.

1. Explain Heap sort?
2. Explain Insertion sort with example?
3. Explain merge sort with example?
4. Explain shell sort with example?
5. Explain quick sort with example?
6. Explain Exchange sorts with example?
7. Explain Selection and tree sorting with example?
8. Explain merge and radix sort with example?
9. Explain shortest path algorithm with example?
10. Explain Depth first and breadth first traversal?
11. Explain spanning and minimum spanning tree?
12. Explain Kruskals and prims algorithm?
13. Explain topological sorting?
14. State the following as optimization problems and give the decision
problem for each:
(a) Knapsack problem
(b) Traveling salesperson problem
(c) Clique problem
(d) Shortest path problem
(e) Minimum Spanning tree problem
15. Prove the following problems are NP complete
(a) Knapsack Problem
(b) Traveling Sales person problem
(c) Circuit Satisfiability problem

16. Explain the Greedy algorithm with suitable example

17. Explain dynamic programming with a suitable example.

18. Explain Divide and Conquer algorithm with an example.

19. Explain Branch and bound algorithm with an example.

20. Explain the Backtracking concept with an example.

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