Maintenance Manual 2023

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Central Public Works DePartment

Office Memorandum
No. DG/Maint. Manual 2023/,01

, ='ieui".?^..- =:; - Dated' 04'09'2023

Manual 2023'
Subject: Release of CPWD Maintenance
Hon'ble Minister of state
2023 was released by'trlaintenance
cPwD Maintenance Manual p di .ioig' 1nt CPWD Manual 2023
for Housing ano uruln ntrii* on
under CPWD Publications for use of
in pDF format i, .r.iirOi" on CPWD'*.Otltt immediate effect. All CPWD units are
cpwD officers. rn. rr/|.nral is applicaoie Manual 2023'
,orit"olo follow tnl cpwo Maintenance

Jan Oowntoad the same from the website
not been given to any publisher. Offi;;;;
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information storage and retrievat sysiem,
Director General, CPWD, New Delhi'
This is issued with the approval of DG

Superintending Engineer (C&M)

e-file- 9147132
lssued from file No. CSQ/CMt16(2)t2023
action. (Through CPWD



© All rights reserved. No part of this publication, either in English, Hindi or any other language, may be
reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopy, recording or any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission, in writing, from the Director General, CPWD,
New Delhi.

Whereas every care has been taken to ensure that all relevant and essential provisions required for Maintenance
of buildings are incorporated in this CPWD Maintenance Manual 2023 in a simplified and transparent manner,
all executing entities referring to are requested to bring it to the notice of the Directorate, if any conflicting
provisions/ discrepancies are noticed in the CPWD Maintenance Manual 2023.
This CPWD Maintenance Manual 2023 is prepared for the use of CPWD. However, this may be used by
other Government departments, PSUs, Private bodies & other institutions or individuals at their own discretion
only. CPWD shall not be responsible for any ambiguity, discrepancy, dispute or financial loss, arising directly
or indirectly by using or following CPWD Maintenance Manual 2023 by such Government departments,
PSUs, Private bodies & other institutions or individuals.


Published by
CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011
Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Central Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Rajesh Kumar Kaushal Tel : 23062556 / 1317, Fax : 23061884
Director General E-Mail :


It gives me immense pleasure to note that CPWD Maintenance Manual 2023

is ready for publication. Maintenance Manual was last published in the year 2019.
Due to changes in trends of maintenance system and requirement of the users, it
was necessary to revise and update the present Maintenance Manual so as to fulfill
the maintenance requirements to ensure smooth and satisfactory functioning of the
Government buildings.
Over the years, the CPWD Maintenance Manual has served as a guide book for
CPWD. This revision of CPWD Maintenance Manual is being brought out by
incorporating changes in rules/procedures, yardsticks and frequency of application of
finishing items along with useful suggestions made by various field units.
This publication shall be of great help and guidance to the officers engaged in
the maintenance works to keep the buildings in habitable condition. It will also help to
ensure safety of the occupants or the public at large.
This Manual is the concerted effort of a large number of officers. I would like to
express my appreciation of the guidance given by Shri P.B. Singh, SDG (Mumbai)
previously ADG (Delhi) Chairman of the Maintenance Manual Committee,
Shri Dharmesh Chandra Goel, ADG (Tech.), Shri Prem Mohan, CE CSQ (Civil) and
dedicated efforts of Shri V.P. Sahu, SE (C & M), Shri R.K. Singh, EE (Manual),
Smt. Mitali Saikia (Architect), Shri Kamal Passi (Astt. Architect) and Shri Brij Mohan
Joshi, AE (Manual) in bringing out this Manual.

Place: New Delhi (Rajesh Kumar Kaushal)

Date: July, 2023 Director General, CPWD
Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Dharmesh Chandra Goel Central Public Works Department
Addl. Director General (Tech) Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Tel : 23063389, Fax : 23061833
E-Mail :

Central Public Works Department is maintaining a very large building stock
comprising of General Pool residential accommodation and Central Government
Buildings. The residential units and office buildings maintained by CPWD are adding
regularly with the creation of the new assets. The gigantic task of maintaining these
assets is being discharged by CPWD to the satisfaction of the stake holders through
its wide and established network.
To meet the challenges effectively and efficiently on maintenance front,
CPWD Maintenance Manual was published last in the year 2019. Since then, several
changes in rules / procedures have taken place and several initiatives in improving
the maintenance have been taken. E-nirmit maintenance module has been included
for improving lodging & monitoring the complaints. Yardsticks for civil and
horticulture works have been revised due to mechanisation.
To revise the CPWD Maintenance Manual, a Committee under the
Chairmanship of Additional Director General (Delhi) was constituted. The
recommendations of the Committee were circulated to Field Officers. Suggestions
received have been incorporated in the Manual.
This publication shall be of great help and guidance to the officers engaged in
maintenance of buildings. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the commendable
efforts made by Shri P.B. Singh, SDG (Mumbai) previously Additional Director General
(Delhi) who was entrusted the job of revision of the Maintenance Manual 2019. I also
express my thanks to entire dedicated team involved in revision of the Manual for their
valuable contributions in finalization of the Manual.

Place : New Delhi (Dharmesh Chandra Goel)

Date : July, 2023 Additional Director General (Tech.)

1.1 Objectives 1
1.2 Maintenance Services 1
1.3 CPWD Citizens Charter 2
1.4 Means of Effecting Maintenance 2
1.4.1 Repair Estimates 2
1.4.2 Service Centre 2 Complaint Register 2
1.4.3 Modalities of Maintenance 2 Through Directly Employed Workers 2 Through Contracts 3
1.5 Register of Buildings 3
1.6 Inspection of Buildings 3
1.7 Cleanliness in the Colonies 4
1.8.1 Service to be Attended by Local Bodies and CPWD 4
1.8.2 Services to be Provided by Different Disciplines of CPWD 4
1.8.3 Services not Within the Purview of CPWD 5
1.9 Monitoring of Maintenance 5
1.10 Encroachment 5
1.11 Essential Staff Quarters 5
2.1 Annual Building Survey and Program for Repairs 6
2.2 Annual Action Plan 6
3.1 Online Maintenance Service (cpwdsewa) 8
3.2 Disposal of Dismantled Material 12
3.3 Maintenance Stores 12
3.4 Occupation / Vacation of Premises 12
3.5 Review of Performance of Service Centres 13
3.6 Tasks to be Performed by Various Officers 13
3.6.1 Task of JEs/AEs & SOs(H)/ADHs 13
3.6.2 Task of Executive Engineer & DD(H)) 15
3.6.3 Task of Superintending Engineer (also applicable to DOH) & Chief Engineer 16
4.1 General 17

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


4.2 Day to Day Repairs 17

4.3 Annual Repairs 17
4.4 Register of Periodical Repairs 18
4.5 Major Complaints 18
6.1 General 22
6.2 Addition/Alteration Works in GPRA Buildings 22
6.3 Up-gradation Works 22
6.4 Energy Efficiency Measures 23
7.1 General 24
7.2 Periodical Checks 24
8.1 General 25
8.2 Receipt, Recording and Attending of Complaints 25
8.3 Categorisation of Works 25
8.4 Norms 25
8.5 Survey and Inspections 25
8.6 Works Programming 26
8.7 Monitoring and Control 26
8.8 Register of Works Undertaken under Special Repairs & Up-gradation 26
9.0 General 27
9.1 Additions / Alterations 27
9.1.1 Constructions in Lutyen’s Bungalow Zone Area, New Delhi 27
9.1.2 Upgradation and Addition/Alterations of Bungalows in LBZ 27
9.2 Furniture / Furnishings 28
9.2.1 Maintenance of Furniture 28
9.3 Security Works 29
9.4 Arrangements for Functions at VIP Residences / Govt. Functions 29
9.5 Powers to CPWD Officers 30
10.0 General 31
10.1 Responsibility for Detection/Removal of Encroachments 31
10.2 Removal of Encroachments on Public Land 33
10.3 Role of Local Bodies in Prevention of Encroachment 33
10.4 Government Instructions to Local Bodies 33

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



11.1 Comprehensive Maintenance 34
11.2 Scope of Outsourcing Work 34
11.3 Scope of Comprehensive Maintenance tenders 35
Annexure-1 Worker’s Note Book 36
Annexure-2 Plinth Area Rates for Civil Maintenance 37
Annexure-2(A) Plinth Area Rates for Electrical Maintenance 38
Annexure-3 Register of Special Repairs 39
Annexure-4 Register of Periodical Repairs/ARMO 40
Annexure-5 Yardstick of Work-charged Staff 41
Annexure-6(A) Proforma for Calculation of Maintenance Cost Index 44
Annexure-6(B) Proforma for Service Cost Index 44
Annexure-7 Inspection of Buildings 46
Annexure-8 Responsibility for detection/removal of unauthorized constructions 50
Annexure-9 Temporary Function At VVIP Residence/Office/Hyderabad House/Rajghat 51
Complex/ Parliament House
Annexure-10 Maintenance Norms/Frequency of Application of Finishing Items and Useful 53
Life of Finishing Civil Items
Annexure-11 Checklist/norms for Horticulture Maintenance 55
Annexure-12 Prestigious Offices/Office Complexes 64
Annexure-13 Details of Horticulture Works under a Sub-division 65
Annexure-14 Drill of Maintenance Activities 66
Annexure-15 Useful life of various electrical equipments/installations etc. 71
Annexure-16 Register of immovable Govt. Properties 73
Annexure-17 Life span of furniture articles 74
Annexure-18 Guidelines for various provisions to prepare Annual Maintenance estimates 76
for Hort. Works.
Annexure-19 Maintenance of furniture items in inspection bungalows/guest houses/ 77
Holidays homes.
Annexure-20 Check List / norms for CPWD floral tableau, Republic Day Celebration 78
Annexure-21 Check List / norms for CPWD - Republic Day Celebration at Presidential Dias 79
& Rostrum, Kartavaya Path, New Delhi.
Annexure-22 Check List / norms for Independence Day Celebration at Red Fort. 80

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



1.1 Objectives
Building Repair and Maintenance work is undertaken to keep, restore or improve the facilities
of a structure or building which include housekeeping, civil, E&M services, horticulture and
landscaping to keep the structure/building in good condition and in currently acceptable standards
to sustain its utility and value.
The objective of maintenance is: -
(i) To ensure safety of the occupants or the public at large.
(ii) To preserve building and services, in good operating and habitable condition.
(iii) Where so required to upgrade, renovate, rehabilitate, or retrofit the facilities to improved
specifications and standards.

1.2 Maintenance Services

CPWD maintains Central Government assets whose ownership is vested with the Ministry in-
charge of Works (Presently the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs) and or from funds reflected in
its Demand of Grants. It also maintains, at the option of the owning entity and the Department,
assets from the funds provided by respective organizations. CPWD takes up maintenance of assets
and buildings not constructed by CPWD on the approval of authority prescribed in CPWD Works
Manual. Wherever CPWD is called upon to maintain such works, following steps may be taken:
(i) Detailed inspection may be carried out of the building and services from safety and
maintenance view, record kept of the defects and deficiencies, and brought out in the
notice of the client in the preliminary estimate with photographs/videos.
(ii) The client may be encouraged and advised to enter into MoU of a longer period, say 5
to 10 years for taking up its maintenance works alongwith original works also.
(iii) Structural defects endangering safety to the occupants or the public at large must be
taken up as the first priority.
(iv) Method of comprehensive outsourcing of repair and maintenance should be adopted.
In case, the method is not adopted, approval of CE/ADG should be taken.
(v) Government Authorities entrusting new construction/ up-gradation/ office renovation
etc. works may be encouraged and advised to consider entrusting comprehensive
maintenance and operation of the facility for 3-5 years in same agreement.
The repair works are classified in under mentioned categories:
1. Day to day repairs/service facilities
2. Annual repairs including preventive maintenance
3. Special repairs
In addition to above the following works are also executed as per guidelines prescribed by
Government of India.
(a) Additions and Alterations Works in the buildings
(b) Up-gradation (including Retrofitting and Aesthetic Improvement)
(c) Supply & maintenance of furniture & furnishing articles for Ministers, MPs & Judges of
Supreme Court & High Court & other VIPs in Delhi.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 1


1.3 CPWD Citizens’ Charter

The Citizens’ Charter is placed on the website of the department. The charter shall be
prominently displayed in every service centre and office.

1.4 Means of effecting maintenance

1.4.1Repair estimates
These shall be essentially prepared and sanctioned by the competent authority as per
CPWD Works Manual/Delegation of Financial Powers.

1.4.2 Service Centre

CPWD has a network of Service Centres in various Govt. Colonies/ Office complexes as
well as web-based portal for receipt and disposal of maintenance complaints. Complaint Register

All complaints received at the Service Centres are noted in physical form of complaint
register or online system /E-nirmit and then passed on to respective workers through specific
registers/ logbooks/Govt. Building maintenance module.

1.4.3 Modalities of maintenance

The maintenance works are undertaken through one of the following:-
(i) Work Charged Staff
(ii) Through Contracts, further classified as:
(a) Contracts for specific works
(b) Comprehensive Maintenance
Whether the work should be carried out through contract or own work force shall be
decided by the Engineer-in-Charge based on the resources available. Through directly employed workers

Departmental workers: Departmental workers are under work charged establishment as
their pay, allowances etc. are directly charged to the maintenance work. The existing norms for
civil, electrical and horticultural staff employed on maintenance work are given in Annexure 5.
Such staff is primarily meant for day to day maintenance.
Where in a subdivision the distance between the farthest buildings is more than 16 K.M.
and where not less than 75% of the property is uniformly scattered over large area, 25% weightage
may be allowed to all categories of work charged staff over the above yardstick. Engineer-in-charge
shall deploy staff judiciously in Rashtrapati Bhawan as no yard-stick is prescribed for its maintenance.
The employment of new work charged staff shall be governed as per the directions and
guidelines issued from time to time by the MoHUA/CPWD.
There is a complete ban imposed by the Government on engagement of casual labour
through Muster Roll (and through Hand receipt, Work order or in any other form). Therefore, no
casual labour should be employed in any form and the directions/guidelines issued by MoHUA/
CPWD from time to time shall be followed.

2 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

CPWD MAINTENANCE MANUAL 2023 Through contracts

The annual repairs, Special repairs and Retrofitting and Up-gradation works are generally
carried out through individual contracts or Comprehensive maintenance as per instructions
contained in CPWD Works Manual 2022 and as amended from time to time.

1.5 Register of Buildings

(i) Every division shall maintain a Register of buildings in the prescribed format (at
Annexure- 16) uptodate. The Executive Engineer shall certify to that effect at the end
of every financial year ensuring that necessary additions in the area and cost in
structures are made uptodate. The details of all immoveable assets under his/her
jurisdiction shall be entered in E-nirmit Asset Register Module.
(ii) The Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer during his inspection of the Division
Office, should examine this register to verify that it is being posted and maintained
uptodate. On similar lines, garden Register will be maintained by Horticulture
indicating therein the original works, addition and alteration works and special repairs.
(iii) Record shall be kept of the quarters upgraded as per the norms of the MoHUA both
online and in physical form. The intimation of the quarters upgraded shall be submitted
to the Directorate of Estates and the Superintending Engineer/ Chief Engineer.

1.6 Inspection of Buildings

(i) All Buildings/structures borne on the Register of Buildings / E-nirmit asset register
are required to be inspected twice a year by the JE/SOH and once in a year by AE/
ADH to check the visual defects, if any and suggest remedial measures like structural
repair, replacement, retrofitting, up-gradation, horticulture works and submit estimates
to the EE/DDH.
(ii) In case of any deficiency/defect is found in the building/structure/ installation/ gardens,
necessary reporting should be made to higher authorities. The EE/DDH should inspect
it as soon as possible and take further action to remedy the deficiency/defect. He
shall bring it to the notice of his Superintending Engineer/ Chief Engineer, cases
where he has reasons to doubt the structural soundness of any building/structure/
installations/gardens. SE/CE will take necessary action.
(iii) In case of any deficiency/defect is found in the important buildings like Prime Minister’s
house, Cabinet Minister’s House, Vice-president’s House and houses of other VIPs,
report about unsafe condition of the house/installation should always be sent to the
SDG/ADG. SE/ CE will send the proposal for repairs or disposal of unsafe building /
structure/installation to the Department /Ministry concerned with their
recommendations. For disposal of the building / structure/ installation, action for survey
report and demolition of such building/ structure/installation should be taken as per
provisions of CPWD Works Manual.
(iv) Once it is decided to demolish such building/structure/ installation, then its
maintenance should be stopped by all the wings of CPWD.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 3


1.7 Cleanliness in the Colonies

Cleanliness shall be maintained in the colonies and ensured that malba is collected from
the work place and deposited at suitable identified spots, where residents/users do not throw
garbage on it. Suitable provision will be made for disposal of malba on continuous basis and not
allowed to accumulate / pile up. The arrangements of green and blue dust bins shall be made as
per the standard norms. The arrangement for disposal of C&D waste shall be made separately.
Wherever compost pits or organic waste converters are installed, it shall be ensured that the
same are functional on regular basis and manure obtained from them is utilised properly.
Any leakage from the water supply line, sewers or unfiltered water supply line noticed in
the colonies will be repaired immediately. It shall be ensured that sewer lines are not laid over
water supply lines and are not in close vicinity due to which there is any chance of getting sewage
mixed into potable water.
Water will not be allowed to stagnate on the roofs, courtyards, roadside or any other place.
It shall be ensured that before rains, all roofs, drains and rain water harvesting filter media are
cleaned properly. All precautions should be taken to keep the colonies neat and clean. In case
unhygienic health hazardous conditions are noticed in the portion of areas/service maintained by
local bodies, the same will be reported to them and pursued for action. Over-head tanks will be
provided with lockable covers and Mosquito proof couplings. The occupants will be advised against
storage of water in coolers not in use and apply Mosquito repellents in the Cooler’s pads etc. to
check spread of Malaria.

1.8.1 Services to be attended by local bodies and CPWD

Till services are not handed over to the local bodies, the same will be maintained by CPWD.
Even where the bulk services are not taken over by the local bodies, regular sweeping of roads/ paths
and common areas like lawns, parks and back lanes will be carried out by CPWD. All efforts shall be
made to hand over the services to be maintained by the local bodies to them as early as possible.

1.8.2 Services to be provided by different disciplines of CPWD

So long as the bulk services in a colony are not handed over to the local bodies and they do
not even discharge their responsibilities of cleaning the areas, the Civil wing of CPWD will arrange
the cleaning of back lanes, roads/paths and storm water drains. The Electrical wing of CPWD will
ensure proper maintenance of electric sub stations, feeder pillars, pump rooms etc. Cleaning of
lawns, parks and hedges will be the responsibility of Horticultural wing of CPWD. In case of flooding
of the area civil wing of CPWD will take action when bulk services are maintained by the department.
In many Govt. colonies bulk water supply is received by CPWD from local authorities at
one point in the colony, say underground sump and then it is distributed through overhead
distribution tank to different houses. The pumping of water to overhead tank is done by Electrical
Wing of Department. The valves in various distribution lines upto a distance of 50 metre from
overhead distribution tank/ pump house will be operated and maintained by Electrical wing of the
Department along with pumps and associated equipments. Civil wing will be responsible for
laying of water distribution line/ Hydrant, disinfection of stored water before distribution and regular
cleaning of OH Tank/ U. G. Sump and also metering of water released /supplied.

4 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


1.8.3. Services not within the purview of CPWD

Under mentioned important services do not come under the category of maintenance of
non-residential buildings and its services and hence not rendered by CPWD.
(i) Housekeeping -It is distinctly different from building maintenance. It includes day to
day cleaning/scavenging of the areas, which is arranged by user Department.
According to Govt. guidelines Coordination Committee is formed by user Departments
in case more than one Department/Ministry is located in an office complex and such
services are arranged by Coordination Committee.
(ii) Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers -Whereas maintenance of Fire detection and
firefighting equipment/services is within the purview of CPWD, maintenance and
re-filling of fire extinguishers installed at various locations in the building is the
responsibility of user Department.
(iii) Security of building -Security of the building is the responsibility of user departments,
which is discharged by them directly or through Ministry of Home Affairs.
(iv) Pest control.
(v) Monkey menace.
(vi) Removal of Honey bee hives.
However in case of GPRA / residential buildings sweeping, cleaning, mopping of common
areas e.g. staircases, lift lobbies, corridors, terraces etc. shall be the responsibility of CPWD
civil wing.

1.9 Monitoring of maintenance

For effective maintenance and achieving desired client satisfaction, monitoring of the
maintenance complaints shall be done at various levels. These measures are detailed in a
subsequent chapter.

1.10 Encroachment
The role of the CPWD dealing with encroachments is detailed in a subsequent chapter.

1.11 Essential staff quarters

There are essential staff quarters attached to the Service Centre for allotment to the staff
responsible for maintenance of the area. Allotment of these essential staff quarters is governed by
“Allotment of Government Residences (under the control of Central Public Works Department) Rules,
1981” or as modified from time to time by the Directorate. Allotment of these quarters can be done by
the Executive Engineer with the approval of SE/CE. Distribution of essential staff quarters between
civil and electrical will be decided by the Chief Engineers/ADGs. An overall view will be taken while
allotment to earmark the essential staff quarters at various Service Centres to different tradesmen/
officers to ensure that services of all trade officials in different grades but eligible for allotment of quarters
is available at the time of emergency. As per allotment rules, the tradesmen/officers will be required to
attend emergency complaints, not only at the Service Centre where they have been housed, but
anywhere within the division, circle or zone. The rules have to be followed strictly and quarters have to
be got vacated from the occupants, who otherwise becomes ineligible on account of transfer to non-
essential areas. Seniority of trades-men and officers will be maintained at division level (civil division
and in case civil division not available, electrical) for allotment of essential staff quarters. The rules of
deducting the license fee as per the guidelines of Directorate of Estates shall be followed.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 5



2.1 Annual Building Survey and Program for Repairs

Before the calendar year is completed a survey of the buildings as per the Register of Buildings
or otherwise maintained, should be conducted to identify works of repairs, addition and alteration,
and up-gradation works required. The Report of the Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer on the
Annual Survey of the buildings should highlight defects of structural nature in the buildings which
require personal investigation of the Executive Engineer.
Special repairs required to eliminate leakage and dampness in buildings should be given
priority and completed before the monsoon. As far as possible it should be ensured that all
other repair works both Civil and Electrical are completed before finishing works are taken up.
In case, works are not taken up comprehensively, Executive Engineer/ DDH of respective discipline
shall inform others regarding the works being taken up e.g. works taken up by Civil will be informed
to Eectrical and Horticulture and similarly by others to Civil.

2.2 Annual Action Plan

The Annual Action Plan in the form of Budget Estimate /Revised Budget Estimate indicating
the activities of all disciplines shall be prepared considering the availability of funds and likely
funds to be made available. The priority of works shall be decided based on the urgency and
safety of works as per the fund availability. The Plan shall be approved by the Superintending
Engineer/Chief Engineer. The Plan shall be reviewed by the Superintending Engineer/Chief
Engineer quarterly based on funds availability and requirements. Addition or deletion of activities
can be made accordingly by the Superintending/Chief Engineers.

6 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



Service Centres shall manage and dispose the complaints lodged online at cpwdsewa Web
portal by the users of CPWD maintenance services. For lodging complaints, the allottees could
also take assistance of 24X7 Call Centre for which toll free telephone numbers are displayed at
each of the Service Centres.
A Junior Engineer/ Sectional Officer/Assistant Engineer is in-charge of a service centre related
to their respective disciplines viz. Civil, Electrical or Horticulture. As far as possible, Service Centres
shall be combined to cater to the services related to civil, electrical and horticulture disciplines.
The service centre shall be attended by a JE / SO (Horticulture)/ AE / ADH every day and by an
EE / DDH at least once a week in general and twice a week where the service centre caters to
maintenance needs of VIP residences.
The complaints received through cpwdsewa/E-nirmit Govt. Building Maintenance Application
Web portal are downloaded by respective Service Centre and allotted online to workman (mason,
carpenter, painter, sewer-man, wire-man, beldar, khalasi etc.), who could be departmental or
engaged through an outsourcing agency by service Center in-charge through E- nirmit maintenance
Application. The allotment/Job Card shall be received by the workman in his hardware device
like Mobile phone through E-nirmit Maintenance Mobile Application. For attending the Complaints
allotted to him by Service Center in-charge, the workman after visiting the premises shall scan the
QR code available at the entrance of the Residential Quarter to verify his presence. During the
start of Job, he shall click the photo of the complaint and can request for the needed materials to
be issued from Service center Store. The issued materials shall be received and acknowledged
by him in his Mobile application to update the Stock inventory of the store automatically. After the
complaint is attended, the allottee shall share the OTP received to the workman to acknowledge
the complaint has been attended.
The responsibilities of the Service Centres are as under:
Maintenance of premises including the services within it, is detailed as under:
(i) (a) Water supply system from underground water sump/ tubewell, if maintained by
CPWD or ferrule connection (as the case may be)
(b) Electric supply from electric meter onwards and all
(c) Garden features maintained by CPWD
(d) Drainage upto first manhole from appurtenances within the premises
(e) Storm water drainage upto first exit point beyond premises at ground level
(f) Other services in the premises.
If there is any complaint pertaining to above, the allottees are required to lodge the same
on cpwdsewa Web Portal which may be direct or the services of call centre, if any, could
be availed on 24 x 7 basis.
(ii) Bilingual notice shall be placed at prominent place in the service centre indicating the
(a) Jurisdiction of the service centre
(b) Working hours of the service centre

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 7


(c) Services available after working hours

(d) Complaints related to premises can be lodged on 24X7 basis at
(i) Toll Free telephone number 18002664499, 1800114499 (at time of publication).
(ii) cpwdsewa Web portal address
(e) Time and days of the week on which the EE/SE/CE shall be available at the service
centre to hear grievances
(f) Name, telephone Nos. (official and residential) and e-mail addresses of the CE/SE/
Director (Hort), EE/DDH, AE/ADH/JE/SO(H).
(iii) Service centre shall have bilingual notice at prominent place indicating up-gradation
works as may be admissible in each type of quarters.
(iv) It shall be the endeavour of the Service Centre:
(a) To assign the related worker and attend all the minor and emergent complaints
(i) Of normal nature within 24 hours of lodging but during working hours.
(ii) Of emergent nature within 1 hour of lodging but during working hours.
(b) Classify complaints as emergent/ minor/ major and for major complaints, assign the
timeframe for its attendance.
(v) Officers at all levels shall carry out regular as well as surprise inspections of some of the
complaints to check whether these have been attended satisfactorily. It shall be ensured
that all repairs and other works are carried out as per the specifications both for works
done departmentally and also through contracts. Wherever the quality is not found upto
the mark after inspection, the same shall be got redone.

3.1 Online Maintenance Service (cpwdsewa)

For monitoring of complaints related to maintenance of assets being maintained by CPWD,
the cpwdsewa portal is being operated. Each service centre has been given ID and password to
login-in to the system. The cpwdsewa portal has four main modules.

(A) Resident’s Module

Under this module, an occupant can lodge complaint in respect of residential or non-
residential buildings being maintained by CPWD either by taking assistance of 24 x 7 Call Centre
service or by CPWD sewaapp or by directly logging into cpwdsewa portal. The type of complaints
can be selected after logging into cpwdsewa website from the drop down menu shown at left
panel of the screen.
The complainants using cpwdsewa portal can select a residential quarter or non-residential
building through multiple options e.g. house details, service centre, building name, general search
or one’s own mobile number as per their convenience. They can also view the detailed list of
complaint types in respect of Civil, Electrical and Horticulture all. Against a specific complaint
lodged, the residents are allowed to choose their preferred day and time for complaint attendance.
Upon submission of needed details, the confirmation screen appears with the Unique Complaint
Number, which is auto generated by the system.
The status of a previously lodged complaint can also be known online through multiple options
e.g. direct by giving complaint number or by selecting particulars of building/quarter and then the
specific pending complaint. The residents can also get the complaint history in respect of their
particular quarter during a specified period.

8 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


The SMS are generated and sent to the registered mobile of the user at various stages
namely making the complaint lodging i.e. immediately after the complaint is lodged, the
complaint is assigned to the worker and when the complaint is attended. The user has also
been given the option to submit their feedback via SMS. Once the complaint gets attended by
the respective CPWD Service Centre, the resident is asked to give feedback in three different
modes as under:
A. Satisfied with the work done;
B. Not satisfied with the work done; and
C. Attended but claimed to be not attended by the Allottee.
This feedback is taken automatically through an SMS responded by an user in response to
SMS reporting complaint compliance. If not satisfied with complaint compliance, the user has
option to re-activate the complaint through Call Centre. Against a re-activated complaint, the worker
is required to re-visit and attend the complaint to the satisfaction of the user.

(B) Service Centre Module

This module is created for looking after the complaints handled at the operational level i.e.
Service Centre. Each service centre is owned by Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer and has
been allotted a Login ID and Password and when logged-in, it shows online numerical abstract of
registered complaints assigned and remaining to be assigned to workers for that Service Centre.
This is displayed to all three discipline officers ( i.e. Civil, Elect & Hort) in regard to all complaints
under that Service Centre. The analysis for benchmarking can also be done for the complaints
lodged for selected period.
(i) Responsibilities of the Service Centre:
(a) Complaint Entry - Wherever Call Centre Service is not yet activated and/ or
where complaints are directly received, these are required to be entered online
at the designated service centre. For this purpose, Data Entry Menu is used by
Service Centres. There is a provision for lodging single or multiple complaints in
the system. Wherever Call Centre service exists, this menu is exceptionally to be
used by the service centres.
(b) Workers’ List Update: Updated list of workers of a particular service centre is
used online both for marking their attendance and assignment of complaints by
concerned Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer. It shall be ensured that the list is
updated from time to time whenever required.
(c) Keep Database of Service Centre Updated:
(i) In respect of quarters under the maintenance under its jurisdiction.
(ii) Adding/updating the workers list,
(iii) Change the password,
(iv) Service Centre profile,
(v) List of respective maintenance officers, their contact numbers
(vi) Information related to allottees.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 9


(d) Updation of Complaints

Soon after the complaint is registered, worker is assigned and complaint reported
as attended an online update is done on a REALTIME basis by JE/AE for one’s
own discipline (i.e. Civil, Elect or Horticulture) . This is done by selecting the
various options like:
(a) Assign Complaints;
(b) Attend Complaints;
(c) Convert Complaint to :
• Disowned by Allottee;
• Major Complaint;
• Non-CPWD Complaint;
• Door Found Locked-1;
• Door Found Locked-2;
• Door Found Locked-3;
• Not Admissible Complaint; and
• Periodic/Up-gradation Complaint,
Non-updation of status on a REALTIME shall be the responsibility of in-charge of
the service centre.
(ii) MIS Reports
Service Centre has been empowered for its own jurisdiction through the cpwdsewa to
generate MIS reports in different formats for monitoring and taking corrective actions
by the incharge of maintenance. These MIS reports include:
(a) Reports Related to complaints
(i) Lodged, pending & disposed off
• On a particular day
• During a specific period
(ii) Pending for more than specified number of days,
(iii) Numerical abstract
(iv) Status Report
(b) Residents Feedback Reports categorizing as:
(i) Satisfied with the work done;
(ii) Not Satisfied with the work done;
(iii) Attended but claimed to be not attended by the Allottee; and
(iv) Delay in assigning
(c) Reports Related to Workers
(i) Assignment, pendency and disposal of complaints.
(ii) Attendance Report for a specified period.
(iii) Attended but reported by user as unattended.
(d) List of houses
(i) Repeatedly lodging same complaints beyond a specified number of repetition.
(ii) Vacated, occupied during a specified period
(iii) With period of vacation/ occupation history
(iv) Occupation/ vacation report. Duplicate, if needed, at any time

10 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(e) Non-CPWD complaints identified helps in analyzing the number of complaints

received which do not pertain to CPWD vis-à-vis the total complaints received.
(f) Comments of senior officers on the disposal of complaints, These MIS reports
available on the cpwdsewa are self-explanatory.
(iii) Bulk conversion to Major Service Requests
Bulk conversion of the normally registered complaint to major complaint and their
bulk disposal can be updated by the service centre in-charge through Bulk Updation
option available in the system. Time to time MIS reports are to be generated to
review the pendency of major complaints for appropriate action at appropriate level
within CPWD.
(iv) Inventory of Items Issued Quarter wise
The AE/JE- in- charge of maintenance of residential accommodation shall maintain and
update list of inventory items issued for a particular house and generate reports for the
same. Such inventory items are to be maintained and updated in Refx Module ERP.

(C) CPWD Management Module

This module is to provide access to monitor pendency and attendance of complaints. The
officers can securely login in the system by using their own Login ID and password. A Dashboard
is displayed to CPWD officer as the first Welcome Screen. This indicates Live and online
information regarding registration, pendency and disposal of all minor & major complaints.
Reviewing and recording comments against any of the minor or major pending complaints
pertaining to all or any of the disciplines viz Civil, Electrical and Horticulture is permitted to
concerned CPWD officer with options available in cpwdsewa. There are various sub-menus under
this menu where the officers can generate various reports for their monitoring.
Benchmark reports are also generated as per colour coding in respect of complaints
attended during the specified period in respect of minor as well as major complaints. Feedback
reports can be generated for all service centres for a specified period for further analysis by
the management.
cpwdsewa software also periodically generates MIS reports and automatically sends through
e-mails. These MIS reports are to be regularly received by the respective officers on daily basis
for smooth and effective maintenance management.

(D) Call Centre Module

The call centre on 24 x 7 basis receives all the complaints via toll free numbers. At the call
centre, there is a facility of receiving calls and lodging the complaints through the same website on a Real-Time Basis.
After the complaints are lodged by the Call Centre on to the website, it is attended by the
respective service centre. Consequently upon attendance of the complaint, the call centre takes
feedback of such attended complaints telephonically to assess the satisfaction level of occupants
and assess the efficiency of CPWD team. The feedback report is generated as MIS report which
can be seen by respective JE/AE and other officers concerned.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 11


3.2 Disposal of Dismantled Material

Maintenance is a continuous process and lot of dismantled material is generated in this
process. Dismantled material shall not be allowed to be accumulated in large quantity or for long
period. Survey report of the unusable dismantled material shall be prepared in each quarter or
earlier as required.
Dismantled material received after attending the complaint shall be entered into the ERP
system by Service Centre in-charge for taking further action.

3.3 Maintenance Stores

The stores are classified into two categories.
(a) CPWD stores exclusively maintained by JE/AE.
JE/AE shall prepare in March/September every year a statement showing the items
and quantities of stores required by/ surplus at the Service Centre under his charge
during the next six months. The Executive Engineer shall review it monthly and ensure
availability of stores. Executive Engineer will submit report regarding availability of
store on quarterly basis to CE/SE for review.
The required building materials shall be procured by the Divisions concerned at
convenient periodical intervals. If such materials are available in GeM, these shall be
procured through GeM portal only.
(b) Stores of maintenance contractor.
(i) The stores under the comprehensive maintenance agreement shall be maintained.
The agency will keep the required material in the store in quantity and as per
quality as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative.
(ii) The materials to be used under the agreement shall only be kept in the store. All
the materials meeting the specifications and agreement conditions, brought by
the agency shall be entered in the MAS register as per due procedure. The material
kept in the store is the property of the department and the contractor will ensure
the safety and security of the materials.
(iii) The materials in the store shall be kept in systematic manner so that it can be
inspected and counted by the CPWD staff.
(iv) The contractor will follow all the directions of Engineer-in-Charge or his
representative regarding store management and process of issuing the material.
(v) JE/AE will regularly check the store/stores and for any violation by the agency,
the necessary action should be taken and the same should be reported to the
Executive Engineer.

3.4 Occupation / Vacation of premises

CPWD is the custodian of a large number of Government residential and non- residential
accommodations. The Directorate of Estates is responsible for allotment of Government
accommodation. The process of occupation and vacation of residential quarters shall be done in
the Refx Module of ERP. Due care has to be taken by Jr. Engineer / Assistant Engineer that
vacant accommodation is reported to the Directorate of Estates at the earliest. Vacation report of
the residences/ office space is to be intimated online through E-nirmit to Directorate of Estates by

12 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


in-charge of Service Centre immediately of its vacation along with intimation to AE (Elect) and
also to Executive Engineer (Elect) and DD(H) through e-mail to take proper care of the items
pertaining to them.
Executive Engineer shall also mention every month to the Directorate of Estates about the
quarters that are not yet occupied. Period / date of vacation of these quarters during the month will
be intimated to Directorate of Estates.
There is a provision of white-washing / distempering/ plastic emulsion (as per admissibility)
on change of tenancy. Executive Engineer should ensure that within the limited time available,
the Governments’ premises are given required periodical repairs on change of tenancy. Junior
Engineer/Assistant Engineer (Civil) will send a copy of Vacation Report of premises to Assistant
Engineer (Elect.) through e-mail and also to the Directorate of Estates, indicating clearly the repairs
required to be carried out in the premises on change of tenancy and time likely to be taken. The
Assistant Engineer (Elect.) shall also inform the Assistant Engineer (Civil), if he has any proposal
to carry out electrical works in the premises during the change of tenancy. This helps Directorate
of Estates in making allotment offers to the allottees accordingly.
The work of white washing, colour washing, painting etc. and items of inevitable repairs to
the building (other than additions / alterations ) shall be taken up immediately upon vacation
without waiting for the allotment of the residence to the new incumbent. In case up-gradation
works are to be carried out, they shall also be taken up simultaneously.

3.5 Review of Performance of Service Centres

The performance of Service Centres shall be reviewed by all officers in-charge of maintenance
upto ADG/SDG level periodically so as to make functioning of the Service Centres more responsive
to the needs of allottees. The Superintending Engineers/Chief Engineers in respect of each Service
Centre under their charge shall review at least quarterly to ensure that the shortcomings noticed
in earlier review are attended and system is improved.
The ADGs / SDGs shall also review the service centres through cpwdsewa and otherwise
as decided by them from time to time.

3.6 Tasks to be performed by various officers

Duties and responsibilities of various functionaries in the department are prescribed from
time to time by the Directorate. The important tasks to be performed by various officers in- charge
of the maintenance for satisfactory performance are indicated as under:-

3.6.1 Task of JEs/AEs & SO(H)/ADHs

(i) The Junior Engineer / SO(H)/AEs/ADHs will display the time chart of his/her availability
at the service centre and shall be available for deploying the workers well in time,
meeting the allottees and monitoring of complaints.
(ii) The JE/AE/SO/ADH shall make it a point to review the complaints received through
E-sewa/E-nirmit Govt. Building Maintenance Module at least once a day. The JE/AE
/SO/ADH shall invariably carry out personal inspections of 25% of the complaints
attended to every day to ensure that the work has been carried out satisfactorily. This

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 13


check shall cover all trades and all workers. A remark regarding his observations on
his personal inspections shall be recorded in the E-sewa/E-nirmit Govt. Building
Maintenance Module against the complaints checked by him. If the work has not been
carried out satisfactorily, suitable instructions shall be given to the workers for
rectification of the defects.
(iii) While reviewing the complaints online, JE/AE/SO/ADH shall examine if there are
complaints of a repeated nature from the same house. Such complaints shall be
personally investigated by the JE to examine if there is any slackness on the part of
the workers.
(iv) Complaints of the nature of the special repairs or periodical/up-gradation repairs like
white washing, painting, rewiring, which cannot be attended on daily basis shall be
transferred in E-sewa/E-nirmit Govt. Building Maintenance Module to the Major
complaints or periodical/up-gradation complaints categories as the case may be.
Complaints transferred to these categories shall be acknowledged through SMS sent
to the complainant intimating the time frame for attending the complaint.
(v) Complaints which need follow up action / balance work to be done shall be noted in
cpwdsewa in the required column. For instance, where repairs to plaster are carried
out, it shall be ensured that white washing / distempering is carried out immediately.
Like-wise, repairs to wood work need to be followed up with painting and similarly
electrical complaints are to be followed up with plastering, white washing etc.
(vi) Any repair needed subsequent to attending a complaint shall be recorded as a
complaint at the Service Centre for taking further action or transferred to the other
discipline, if need be. When complaint of a balance work is required to be transferred
to another JE/AE of the same discipline or of another discipline, the same shall be
done by sending a complaint through NIC e-mail by the transferor JE/AE himself. In
all cases cross reference note shall be against the original complaint and the transferred
complaint. The use of a complaint transfer memo shall be discouraged as far as
(vii) The JE / AE / Inspecting officer shall record complaints suo moto as soon as any
defect / repair work comes to their knowledge during inspection.
(viii) An abstract of complaints recorded, attended and balance to be attended is available
on E-sewa/E-nirmit Govt. Building Maintenance Module on daily basis. The period of
pendency of unattended complaints is also available on E-sewa/E-nirmit Govt.Building
Maintenance Module.
(ix) A complaint assignment slip should be generated through E-sewa/E-nirmit application
while assigning a complaint to a worker by JE/AE. The worker shall enter the OTP
shared by complainant for confirming the attendance of the complaint.
(x) The worker shall be asked to report the compliance of a complaint immediately but
not later than the evening of the same day.
(xi) The assignment slip of the workers shall be checked by the JE/AE to ensure the
complaints not attended are not shown in the E-sewa/E-nirmit as having been
attended to.

14 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(xii) One of the most important functions of the JE is to hand over / take over possession of
the premises. He has to inspect the premises along with the allottee or his authorized
representative and hand over the vacant possession of quarters along with fittings
and fixtures and obtain the signature of allottee or his authorized representative in
occupation report generated online through cpwdsewa/E-nirmit application. On
vacation of the quarter also he has to inspect the quarter and take possession of
fittings / fixtures available in the quarter and indicate the deficiencies in the vacation
report online. The vacation status of the quarter is then automatically transferred to
Directorate of Estates through cpwd E-sewa.
(xiii) To monitor and effectively check on encroachments.
In addition to above, the JE/AE will also perform the under mentioned task regarding
establishment matters of workers.
(i) JE/ SO(H)/AE/ADH shall ensure timely distribution of Duster, Soaps etc., to W. C.
Staff and its proper accounting.
(ii) To ensure effective monitoring of leave accounts of W. C. Staff including whether
leave sanctioned, salary paid / deducted.
(iii) To ensure other proper welfare of W. C. Staff such as timely filling & submission of
forms of leave, GPF, HBA, Festival Advance etc. and to keep liaison with division to
keep the staff properly informed to avoid roaming of W. C. Staff in Division offices on
such petty matters.
(iv) JE/AE(Civil) will send the vacation/occupancy report online to Directorate of Estates.
(v) JE/AE (Civil) will inspect the premises at the time of its vacation, co-ordinate with JE(E)/
AE (E) and identify the repairs required to be carried out in the premises. He will intimate
tentative time involved in carrying out these repairs to Directorate of Estates.
(vi) During his routine inspection of works, AE (C)/JE(C) will specifically take note of
cleanliness, encroachment, general deficiency in maintenance etc. and take immediate
remedial measures in this regard.
(vii) The AE/JE will inform the Residents / RWA regarding progress of works chalked out
for the ensuring year.
(viii) JE/AE will take specific measures to monitor and have effective check on
(ix) JE/AE will monitor the sanction of leave, deduction of pay for un-sanctioned leave,
day-to-day items of welfare cases of W. C. Staff etc.

3.6.2 Task of Executive Engineer & DD(H)

(a) The EE shall also carry out personal inspections of some of the complaints attended
other than those checked by the JE/AE at least twice a month. The result of his
inspection shall be recorded through comments option in cpwdsewa/E-nirmit
(b) The EE shall log on to the website to review pending complaints regularly and shall
examine the records maintained at service centre and worker’s diary to have first
hand information about the efficiency of the Service Centre.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 15


(c) The EE shall have periodical meetings with the Residents' Welfare Associations where
points of common interest to the residents could be discussed and action programme
chalked out.
(d) EE will send monthly statement to the Directorate of Estates regarding Quarters lying
vacant in the month.
(e) During regular inspection EE will specifically take note of general deficiency in
maintenance of the area, cleanliness and encroachment and take immediate action
in this regard. As soon as such provision is enabled, before and after photographs of
the work shall be uploaded on the website
(f) Annual works plan shall be prepared by the respective division of all disciplines (Civil,
Electrical and Horticulture) before 31st December every year.
(g) Detailed estimate may be prepared and tenders may be invited upto 15th February
according to approved action plan. (OM No. DG/SOP-2022/08 dated 01.12.2022)

3.6.3 Task of Superintending Engineer [also applicable to DOH] and Chief Engineer
The SE/CE shall check and review the complaints through cpwd E-sewa/E-nirmit
application and carry out inspection of some of the complaints as frequently as possible for him to
check whether these have been attended to satisfactorily. As soon as such provision is enabled,
before and after photographs of the work shall be uploaded on the website.
(i) The SE/CE shall have periodical meetings with the Residents' Welfare Associations
either alone or along with the EE and discuss the points of common interest to the
(ii) SE/CE shall ensure that the annual action plan is prepared and approved and reviewed
from time to time as per the funds available and priority of the works.
The SE/CE shall ensure that due attention is being paid to all the aspects of maintenance by
conducting random inspections and review meetings.
Drill of maintenance activities to be performed daily, weekly, monthly, annually and
periodically by various functionaries is indicated at Annexure-14. This drill of activities will generally
be followed by purely maintenance units.

16 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



4.1 General
All works which require prior A/A & E/S, shall be accorded by the competent authority as per
CPWD Works Manual. T/S shall be accorded invariably for all maintenance works keeping in
view yardstick, technical requirement and availability of budget.
Colour scheme shall not be changed in heritage buildings without getting approval from the
concerned architect/senior architect/chief architect. Any maintenance works required to be carried
out in heritage buildings shall be taken up with prior approval of the architect/senior architect/
chief architect. The architect/senior architect shall prepare the drawings and provide details to the
engineers and horticulture units in case of such buildings. The architect unit shall take approval of
the heritage conservation committee, if required.

4.2 Day to day Repairs

Day to day or routine repairs are the works which are to be attended on the day to day basis
such as removing chokage of drainage pipes, manholes, restoration of water supply, removing of
leakage from water taps / angle valves / pipe joints / overhead tanks, replacement of faulty water
taps / angle valves, PVC connections, waste pipe etc., replacement of broken sanitary fittings /
fixtures, providing missing manhole covers / gully trap covers, replacement of broken wall / floor
tiles, repairs of doors/windows, replacement of damaged door/window hardware, replacement of
glass window panes, curtain rod, patch repair to plaster (less than 2.5 sqm), replacement of faulty
switches, sockets, drivers/chocks of fittings (except tube light / lamps), repair of fans, replacement
of wiring due to accident etc., watering of plants, lawn mowing ,hedge cutting, sweeping of leaf
falls etc. and other minor routine works required for keeping the building functional and habitable
condition. These services are provided after receipt of complaints from the users as well as
instructions from department’s representative and contractor’s representative. This does not include
annual repair and special repair works.

4.3 Annual Repairs

The works of periodical nature like White washing, colour washing, distempering, painting
etc. are called Annual Repair works and these are generally undertaken through system of contracts.
The periodicity of various items of Annual repairs is indicated in Annexure-10. In addition,
works such as patch repair to plaster (more than 2.5 sqm), minor repairs to various items of work
such as replacement of damaged soil / waste pipe stack, re-plastering in shafts, Gap filling of
hedges/perennial beds, Replacement/Replanting of trees, shrubs, painting of tree guards, planting
of annual beds and trimming/pruning of plants etc., which are not emergent works and are
considered to be of routine type, can be collected and attended to for a group of houses at a time
and particular period of financial year, depending upon the exigency. Such works can be done
under day to day repair also. The yard stick for annual repairs cover both the above facilities.
Guidelines for various provisions to prepare annual maintenance estimates for horticulture works
are described in Annexure - 18. Following guidelines shall be followed for planning and execution
of Annual repair works.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 17


The total estimated cost of maintenance of a building / structure during a year shall be within
the prescribed limits as approved by the Government from time to time, for Annual repairs. The
existing permissible plinth area rates for various types of buildings approved for this purpose are
as in Annexure - 2. The existing permissible plinth area rates for electrical maintenance are as
per Annexure – 2(A). These may be suitably increased by the approved maintenance cost index
in the relevant year. Repairs and services cost indices are approved by the Directorate General of
works as per details given in Annexure -6 (A&B).
The plinth area rates for electrical maintenance cover only expenditure on maintenance on EI
and Fans i/c compound light, Cost for maintenance in night shift, if required, can be added as per
actual requirement. Funds will be provided for maintenance of other E&M e.g. Air-conditioning, Pumps,
DG sets, Sub-station, Fire Alarm, Firefighting, lifts, transformers etc. services on actual requirement.
The other source of information about the annual repairs is the complaints received from the
occupants of the Government buildings and transferred to the registers of special/periodical repairs.
These shall also be accounted for while planning for annual repairs.
The programme of annual repairs shall be intimated to the Residents Welfare Associations and
they shall be requested to co-operate with the Department in carrying out the programme smoothly.
The entire exercise of finishing under annual repair should be carried out in a professional
manner. Before sanctioning of estimate/invitation of tenders, it should be ensured that all defects
like dampness of walls, damage to RCC, brick work and plaster are removed in advance so that
the building looks renovated and presentable for sufficient time after annual repairs.
Payment for annual repairs will be made on the basis of actual work carried out and in case
made based on standard measurement book, it shall be ensured that no work is left and there shall
be no slackness of supervision on the part of the Departmental Officers. The JE/AE shall make it a
point to physically inspect 100% of the buildings where annual repairs are to be carried out. The EE
shall carry out personal inspection to the extent of 25% or as prescribed in CPWD Works Manual.
No work of original construction or complete replacement of components shall be taken up
in Annual Repair works.

4.4 Register of periodical repairs

A register/records shall be maintained in form as at Annexure-4. Complaints of periodical
nature like white washing, painting etc. which are usually got attended through contractors and
cannot be attended to on daily basis are transferred to this register. From this register / records of
the particular premises appropriate information shall be passed on to the complainant about the
admissibility of the request and the likely time it shall require for the compliance.

4.5 Major Complaints

Complaints of periodic nature like white washing, painting etc and special repairs, up-
gradation works, which are usually got attended through contractors and cannot be attended on
daily basis are converted into periodic/ up-gradation complaints and major complaints. A time
framework for carrying out major complaints shall be fixed by the EE between 45 days to 90 days
subject to availability of funds, currency of contracts and other resources.

18 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



As the building ages, there is deterioration to the various parts of the building and services
and major repairs and replacement of elements become inevitable. It becomes necessary to prevent
the structure from deterioration and undue wear and tear as well as to restore it back to its original
condition to the extent possible. There are two kinds of special repair- (a) Replacement of various
building’s elements after expiry of useful life (Periodic special repair work). (b) Major repairs
undertaken due to wear and tear of the building. The following types of works in general are
undertaken under special repairs: -
(i) Providing water proofing treatment to the roof.
(ii) Repair of internal roads and pavements.
(iii) Repairs/replacement of flooring, skirting, dado and plaster.
(iv) Replacement of doors, window frames, shutters and fittings.
(v) Replacement of water supply and sanitary installation like water tanks, WC cistern,
wash basins, kitchen sinks, water supply pipes etc.
(vi) Re-grassing of lawns/grass plots in 5 to 6 years without replacement of earth and in 8-
10 years with replacement of earth.
(vii) Replanting of hedges in 8-10 years.
(viii) Completely uprooting and removing hedges / shrubbery.
(ix) Replanting of
(a) Rose beds in 6 years.
(b) Perennial beds in 6 years.
(c) Canna beds in 4 years.
(x) Shifting of any garden feature from one site to another within building.
(xi) Electrical Equipments/ Installations after their useful life as given in Annexure -15.
The replacement shall be made only after detailed inspections after assessing the condition
of the components where they have outlived their useful life.
The expected economic life of the building under normal occupancy and maintenance
conditions is considered to be as below:-
(i) Monumental buildings 100 years.
(ii) RCC Framed construction 75 years.
(iii) Load bearing construction 55 years.
(iv) Semi-permanent structures 30 years.
(v) Purely temporary structures 5 years.
The life of the building mentioned above is only indicative and it depends on several factors
like location, utilisation, specifications, maintenance and upkeep/caretaking.
Quantum and yard stick of Special Repairs shall be worked out as under :
(i) Annual yard stick of Special Repairs for various types of buildings are given in
Annexure - 2. These yard sticks are suitably increased by approved maintenance
cost index approved as per Annexure – 6A. Estimated cost of building repairs shall
be within the yard stick.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 19


(ii) At the beginning of the year, a Survey of the buildings shall be conducted to identify the
items of Special Repairs which are required to be carried out. Special repair complaints
are also received from Call Centres as major complaints. Special repairs, which are
required to eliminate leakage and dampness in the buildings shall be given priority and
completed before the monsoon. Special repairs to plastering, replacement of doors
and windows and flooring shall be synchronized with the annual repairs so that white
washing, colour washing / distempering are carried out systematically.
(iii) Other sources of information about special repairs are complaints of Special Repairs
made by allottees, which are entered in the register of special repairs.

Register of special repairs

This register/records for periodic special repair work shall be maintained in form as at
Annexure - 3. Complaints of special nature repairs, which cannot be attended on daily basis,
shall be transferred to this register. The special repairs to buildings shall be divided in following
Seven groups:-
(i) Concrete work.
(ii) Masonry works including plaster, flooring and brick work.
(iii) Wood work.
(iv) Steel work.
(v) Sanitary and Water supply.
(vi) Water proofing treatment.
(vii) Electrical wiring and fittings.

Horticulture item of works mentioned in para vi to x

Few pages shall be allotted separately to each of these groups in the register and an index
shall be prepared in the beginning of the register. The complaint of special repair nature shall be
transferred from the complaint register to the relevant group in this register. All details about the
complaint shall be properly filled in the columns of the register.

REGISTER OF SPECIAL REPAIRS Special Repair Group..............

Sl. Complaint House No./ Location of Approximate Repairs required in Schedule of Repairs
No. No. Locality Repairs Quantity
Less than Within Within
1 month 3 months 6 months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Authenticity of Special Repairs

Any work of Special Repair to be undertaken in the division has to be certified by the Executive
Engineer. The EE has to verify himself the necessity of undertaking Special Repair to any item of the
building. Estimates of Special Repairs of course, will be initiated by Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer
but Executive Engineer before accord of approval at his level or sending it to higher authorities will
record in writing in the body of the estimate that the necessity has been verified by him.

20 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


There should not be too many estimates for Special Repairs in a subdivision. As far as
possible, number of estimates should be restricted to number of identified subheads as indicated
in the register of Special Repairs.
When expenditure on Special Repair to a particular building is in excess of the permissible
yardstick of Special Repair, the same come under the category of Extra Ordinary Special Repair.
Expenditure on Special Repair upto permissible limit can be incurred by the Executive Engineer.
Beyond the permissible limit, however, EE has to have the approval of the higher authorities. As
a rule, Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer is empowered to approve the extra ordinary
special Repair Estimates within 50% of the permissible limit. Beyond this, approval of ADG would
be necessary. ADGs are empowered to approve the extra ordinary Special Repair Estimate to
any amount so long as scope of expenditure is to retain the building in its original shape in liveable
conditions without carrying out any additions to it and funds availability is ensured.
The procedure of taking up works shall be followed as given in CPWD Works Manual and
delegation of financial powers.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 21



6.1 General
All additions and alterations shall be carried out after getting drawings from the architect/
senior architect/chief architect. It shall be ensured that no increase in FSI/FAR is carried out without
approval of competent authorities.
All such works shall be accorded A/A & E/S of the competent authority.
Up-gradation works not involving increase in FAR/FSI or of rehabilitation/retrofitting nature,
up-gradation works approved by the MoHUA from time to time or by the client in case of deposit/
authorization works in their buildings may be carried out as per standard architectural drawings
All such works shall be carried out following accessibility norms given in CPWD Accessibility
All additions and alterations/up-gradation works shall be carried out only if permitted from
fire safety norms.
No additions/alterations once carried out to any Govt. residence except temporary prefab
works purely related to special security aspects shall, however, be removed upon the vacation of
these houses by the allottee concerned. “
Under mentioned points shall be observed while carrying out addition/alterations in
government buildings:
No addition/alteration shall be carried out to permanent public buildings apart from that
given in the OMs issued by MoHUA from time to time, without the concurrence of the Architect/
Senior architect/Chief architect in writing.

6.2 Addition/Alteration Works in GPRA Buildings

All GPRA buildings are designed as per the plinth area norms approved by the MoHUA
hence no addition/alteration in the plinth area shall be made without approval of the Architect/
Senior Architect/Chief Architect and the Ministry. Similarly, no addition/alteration in plinth area
shall be carried out in GPOA without approval of the Architect/Senior Architect/Chief Architect
and the competent authority.
All additions/alterations which are not covered under up-gradation norms shall only be carried
out with the approval of the Architect/Senior Architect/Chief Architect.

6.3 Up-gradation Works

Up-gradation works shall be carried out as per the guidelines issued from time to time by the
Ministry of H&UA. A record shall be kept of the items upgraded quarterwise online/offline and
once a quarter is upgraded, further up-gradation shall not be carried out without approval of the

22 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Up-gradation head of account is not separately available under 4059 Office hence such
works are to be taken up with the approval of authority competent to accord A/A & E/S after getting
drawings approved from the architectural unit.
In case, a single tender is invited for repair works and up-gradation works, expenditure on
repair works and up-gradation works shall be charged to respective head of accounts.

6.4 Energy Efficiency Measures

Energy efficiency measures like fixing of LED fittings, providing energy efficient fans and air
conditioners, solar rooftop panels shall be carried out as per the directions of the Directorate from
time to time. As per the present policy, replacement of conventional fittings with LED based lightings
has been mandated in all government buildings. Also, all air conditioners in all the government
offices shall not be set below 24 degree Celcius.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 23



7.1 General
Preventive maintenance is essential to keep the building services in serviceable condition.
Preventive maintenance is taken up so that the services or the assets do not fail due to wear and
tear and those components and services expected to fail are replaced well in time.

7.2 Periodical Checks

Systematic inspections by all concerned officers are essential particularly of those services
and components which are prone to higher wear and tear and nearing to outlive/outlived their life.
Thin members, exposed members to severe weathering conditions, members affected by leakage/
seepage and members/components affected by water splashes shall also be inspected. The
following categories of items also have great significance in preventing maintenance; hence,
special attention has to be paid in respect of these items also:
(i) Cleanliness of roofs, inlet of rain water pipes, khurra, chajja/sunshade top, outlet of
rain water pipes, plinth protection and drains minimum twice a year and particularly
before monsoon.
(ii) Cracks on gola and top of parapet
(iii) Cleanliness and waterproofing of mumty roof
(iv) Leakage from terrace tanks
(v) Damage of water proofing due to installation of various services on roof like Dish
antenna, solar panels, etc or weed/vegetation.
(vi) Cracks on grit plaster, spalling of concrete, cladding stone coming out of substrate etc
(vii) Leakages/seepages
(viii) Rusting of GI pipes and fittings showing seepage/leakage and crack in CPVC pipe.
(ix) Shafts for the leakage/seepage
(x) Sagging false ceiling
(xi) Termite affected areas and wooden members
(xii) The cleaning of manholes and sewer lines and checking for rain water getting mixed
in sewer lines
(xiii) Damaged cables & other abandoned service lines
(xiv) Electrical systems like main boards, DBs, termination, tightening of nut & bolts of bus
bar, bus-turnking system etc. should be checked annually.
(xv) Fire services particularly during hot weather and assessment of electric load due to
additional services installed
(xvi) Whether unprotected heaters in use likely to cause fire incident ?

24 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



8.1 General
Guidelines for maintenance of buildings and services as contained in CPWD Manual shall
be applicable in general for horticulture maintenance also. For horticulture works also, A/A & E/S
shall be issued by the competent authority.

8.2 Receipt, recording and attending of Complaints

General system of receipt of complaints as for other disciplines shall be applicable. By
and large, the complaints of Horticulture and other disciplines shall be received at the combined
Service Centre and shall be recorded in separate Registers for Horticulture, Civil and Electrical
disciplines. Horticulture complaints can be received at Seed Bed also. Assistant Director (Hort.)
will ensure collection of Horticulture complaints from the combined Service Centre, get these
assigned to the workers for compliance and record the complaints pending at the end of the
day. The Workers will present their note-books to the Sectional Officer (Hort.)/ADH in the morning
and during the day immediately after attending to the earlier complaint assigned to them for
getting the new complaints for compliance. They will also report back at the end of the day in
the evening with the compliance made.

8.3 Categorization of Works

Horticulture maintenance works will also be categorized as under: -
(a) Day to day repairs
(b) Annual repairs/periodical repairs
(c) Special repairs
Details of above are indicated in Anenxure-11.

8.4 Norms
Yardstick for deployment of workers for horticulture maintenance is given in Annexure-5.
Various provisions for different types of Residential Bungalows, quarters, open spaces and
Non-residential complexes with regard to hedges, trees and plantations etc., are given in
Annexure-11. This also serves as the check-list for Inspecting Officers. Provisions to be followed
for prestigious office buildings are also given in Annexure-11. List of such prestigious office
complexes is given at Annexure-12.

8.5 Survey and inspections

Due emphasis will be laid on carrying out periodical surveys and inspections of the areas,
specifically by S.O. (H)/ ADH, with a view to decide the items to be included in the day to day,
periodical, special repairs and maintenance. List of items to be included in the inspection of
Horticulture works is indicated in Annexure-7.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 25


During their regular inspections, the S.O. (Hort.) and Asstt. Director (Hort.) will verify the
actual work done with reference to what is required to be done in particular areas and report their
remarks in the check list indicated at Annexure-11. The Inspecting Officers will take note of the
difficulties also for remedial action.

8.6 Works Programming

It shall be responsibility of Dy. Director (Hort.) to ensure that requirement of irrigation water is
projected properly to his counterparts Executive Engineer (Civil) and Executive Engineer (Elect.),
so that they can make arrangements for boring the tube-wells/operationalization of pumps etc.
EE(C)/EE(E) shall take necessary action to make water available for horticultural operations.
Efforts shall be made to construct Sewage treatment Plants as per the feasibility for the water
required for horticulture operations.
Annual action plan as mentioned earlier shall also be prepared and reviewed for horticulture
works. A typical format for preparation of the estimates is indicated at Annexure-18. It is only an
indicative and will be different for different type of maintenance.
Provisions for indoor plants, cut-flowers, floral decoration etc., are not covered under general
maintenance. These are specific requirements of users and concerned Ministries/Departments
are to bear expenditure on such provisions. Separate estimates are to be sent on specific demands
for such requirements to the users and works executed on receipt of sanctions and funds.

8.7 Monitoring and control

General system of monitoring of complaints like preparing abstract of complaints at the end
of day, checking the compliance of the task assigned to the workers from the workers note-book
vis-a-vis complaint register, transferring complaints of special repair and periodical repairs to the
respective Registers, intimating time-frame for attending the complaints to the users, inspection of
complaints attended every day and routine inspections of the area and watch for any unauthorized/
illegal activity shall be followed for horticulture works also as for civil and E&M works.
A system of collecting feedback for maintenance of the areas has to be developed for taking
action for processing the feedback information. Online reporting system is available in cpwd
E-sewa website. All GPRA/GPOA campuses are to be made available on cpwd E-sewa and
other colonies/campuses maintained by CPWD should also made available on cpwd E-sewa.
Regular meetings with RWAs shall be taken as mentioned for Civil and E&M services. Efforts
shall be made to have combined meetings to redress all type of complaints with RWAs.

8.8 Register of works undertaken under special repairs and up-gradation

A record shall be kept of the horticulture works undertaken under Special repairs and up-
gradation works of the trees/shrubs planted with the location. In Heritage buildings or spaces,
such works shall be carried out with the approval of Architect/Senior Architect/Chief Architect/
Heritage conservation Committee.

26 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



9.0 General
Definition of VIP Residence: Official Residence of President, Vice President, Prime Minister,
Former President, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Lok Sabha Speaker, Former Prime Ministers,
Cabinet Ministers of Union, Leaders of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Deputy
Chairman Planning Commission, Judges of Supreme Court of India, Comptroller and Auditor
General, Chief Election Commissioner of India, Chairman of UPSC, Deputy Chairman of Rajya
Sabha, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, Members of Panning Commission, Ministers of State of
Union, Attorney General of India, Cabinet Secretary, Chiefs of Staff, Chairpersons of CAT,
Minorities Commission, SC/ST Commission, Chief Justice and Judges of Delhi High Court,
Members of Parliament and Other Senior Government Functionaries as appointed from time to
time shall be defined as VIP residence.

9.1 Additions/Alterations
In case of Additions/Alterations the guidelines and fixed annual monetary limit/tenure
monetary limit for carrying out Addition/Alterations shall be followed as per the approval of MoHUA.
These Addition/ Alterations will be carried out accordingly subjected to technical feasibility.
Concerned Architect/Senior Architect shall be consulted before taking up addition and alterations.

9. 1.1 Constructions in Lutyen's Bungalow Zone area, New Delhi.

Additional construction is allowed to be carried out at the residences of ministers and
other VIPs with certain guidelines which includes office accommodation at residence, guard room,
toilet, visitors' room, etc. All the VIP residences are generally located in Lutyen's Bungalow Zone
(LBZ) area, New Delhi. There are strict restrictions on under taking additional constructions in
LBZ area. Therefore, Architect/Senior Architect shall be consulted before taking up any construction
in LBZ area.

9.1.2 Up-gradation and Additions/Alterations in Bungalows in LBZ.

Keeping in view the above, the following guidelines for additions and alterations in
Bungalows in LBZ area occupied by Cabinet/State/Dy. Ministers/Supreme Court/High Court
judges, Secretaries to government of India or as directed by MoHUA are to be observed in
consultation with Chief Architect/Senior Architect.
1. Any Construction, security/sentry posts/guard rooms/frisking sheds and other type of
changes in the Bungalows shall be made as per LBZ and local body guidelines, with
the approval of the Architect/Senior Architect/Chief Architect.
2. To keep the tree studded character of the LBZ, no tree shall be cut and emphasis shall
be laid on the plantation of more trees of similar species as existing in the LBZ but
with the approval of Chief Architect/Senior Architect.
3. The landscape design of the bungalow plots shall be in consonance with the overall
character of the bungalow, and the designs shall be approved by the Chief Architect/
Senior Architect concerned.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 27


4. The guidelines for construction in the Lutyen's Bungalow Zone stipulates no additional
construction in the Bungalows, hence, additional Constructions shall be made as per
guidelines issued by the MoHUA/Directorate from time to time after approval of the
drawings from the Architect/Senior Architect/Chief Architect.
Up-gradation/Special Repair;
(i) The up-gradation of the VVIPs flats/bunglaows shall be taken as per up-gradation
scheme notified by the MoHUA.
(ii) The special repairs can be taken up as per technical requirement.

9.2 Furniture / Furnishings

CPWD procures furniture for supplying to Hon’ble President of India, Vice President of India,
Prime Minister, Union Ministers, Judges of Supreme Court, Members of Parliament and other
dignitaries entitled to furnished accommodation by specific orders of Govt. of India issued by the
MoHUA from time to time. Furniture is also supplied to various Commissions against specific
approvals issued for the purpose. Furniture is not supplied to general pool residences.
The furniture procured by department comes under two categories; durable and non- durable.
Life span of durable and non- durable furniture has been fixed by the Ministry of Housing & Urban
Affairs through WI desk letter dated 9.3.1995 and the same is indicated in Annexure -17.

9.2.1 Maintenance of Furniture

The furniture require day to day repairs to keep it in functional & usable and periodical repairs
like painting/polishing, change in upholstery, cushions etc. With constant use, the furniture goes
out of circulation and new furniture is required to be replaced after following due procedure of
writing off.
Almost all the VIP residences are provided with furniture/furnishings by CPWD. Directorate
of Estates lay down guidelines for issue of furniture/ furnishings in the residence of Vice President,
Prime Minister, Ministers and MPs. There is limit in terms of monetary value of furniture/furnishings
upto which no rent is charged from the VIP and beyond this limit, rent is charged at certain rates.
Yard stick for supplying furniture and furnishings, amount of rent recoverable separately for
durable and non-durable furniture as fixed up by Directorate of Estates in respect of VIP residences
is given in Table - 3.

Sl. VIP Rent Free Limit Rent of furniture & furnishings
1 Vice President No limit Full furniture/ furnishings Rent- free.
2 Prime Minister -do- -do-
3 Ministers, State 2.5 Lakhs @1.9% of cost of furniture per month beyond ceiling
Ministers 2 Lakhs limit for durable furniture and 2.9% of cost of furniture
for non-durable furniture.

28 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Sl. VIP Rent Free Limit Rent of furniture & furnishing

4 Dy. Minister Rs. 22,500/- -do-

5 Chairman, Planning Rs. 38,500/- -do-

Commission, Election
6 Member, Planning Rs. 22,500/- -do-
Commission/ Election

7 Chairman & Member As per orders of the Commission. The expenditure is to be borne by the
Other Commissions, i/c Commission.

8 M.Ps. 75,000/- Rent @ 13.75% of the cost of furniture beyond ceiling,

per annum.

9 Chief Justice of India 10 Lakhs Directorate of Estates No. 14011 (1)/2018-Pol.III

dt. 07.09.2018

10 Judges of Supreme 8 Lakhs -do-

Court of India

11 Chief Election 8 Lakhs Directorate of Estates No. 14011 (1)/2018-Pol.III

Commissioner and other dt. 23.10.2018
Election Commissioners
of India

9.3 Security Works

Security Works are provided on the recommendation of Police (Security Unit). Expenditure on
security works is to be incurred by Ministry of Home Affairs. MHA has laid down guidelines for making
various security provisions according to the category of security cover provided to the protected
persons. These guidelines are of confidential nature and as such cannot be depicted in this manual.
Whenever any requisition is received in this regard from police authorities, security provisions are
made according to these guidelines.
To avoid delay in providing these facilities, MHA has delegated powers of sanctioning the
estimates based on standard guidelines to CPWD officers. Whenever there is a demand for providing
security provisions to the protected persons, which are not as per standard guidelines laid down by
M/o Home Affairs, facility is provided on receipt of sanction from Ministry of Home Affairs. Plantations
of tree shrubs, hedges shall be done with the approval of security unit.

9.4 Arrangements for functions at VIP Residences/Govt. functions

Very often functions are held at the residences of VIPs. In addition, various Govt. functions are
also held in important buildings like Rashtrapati Bhawan, Parliament House, Hyderabad House.
Special care is to be taken by all disciplines for making arrangements for such functions. A check list

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 29


of items in connection with the arrangements for such functions is given at Annexure 9. In general
following guidelines shall be followed.
1. The EE(C), EE (E) & DD(H) shall fill up the check list in case of each function and sent one
copy to respective SE/CE. This should be done at least one day in advance.
2. At all functions attended by a VVIP, Executive Engineer with his junior staff should normally
be present and in case of his inability due to any reason the SE/CE concerned shall be
3. At all functions attended by Ministers and other dignitaries, an officer of the rank of AE/ JE
from each discipline shall be present and in case of any difficulty the EE shall be available.
4. Against each item in the above check list, the reply should normally be one or more as
under :
(a) Not required.
(b) Arrangement made.
(c) Arrangement made checked and found O.K.
(d) Yes/No/Not applicable.
5. If the notice of the function is too short, the forms may be filled up by AE but it is his
responsibility to inform the EE concerned.
6. Functions held after prior notice shall also be attended by SE/CE at their discretion or if
so desired, by the designated officer for the function but shall be inspected by them at
least one day in advance.
7. The JE/AE/EE shall check independently and record the time and date.
8. Check list at Annexure 9 should be filled up well before every function and sent to SE/CE.

9.5 Powers to CPWD Officers

For ensuring prompt services to these residences certain powers are given to CPWD officers.
The cases beyond the power of CPWD officers are sent by Chief Engineer/ADG to the Ministry.
These shall be exercised as per the financial powers approved by MoHUA.

30 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



10.0 General
Encroachment on government land/public premises shall not be allowed to occur. Since
CPWD is the custodian of the government buildings and land under the Ministry of Housing &
Urban Affairs including the land under roads, parks, toilets, play grounds, situated in government
colonies, the responsibility with regard to preventing, reporting and removal of unauthorized
construction /encroachments thereon is that of the CPWD. The services like roads, parks, storm
water drains which have been handed over to local bodies will come under their purview for
taking action regarding prevention and removal of the encroachments. Directorate of Estates,
which is the authority for allotment of government premises will receive reports from CPWD
regarding unauthorized construction or encroachments by the allottees of general pool residential
/ commercial premises and would take steps for cancellation of allotments. The responsibility for
removal of unauthorized construction/encroachment as also encroachments by the persons other
than the allottees vests with CPWD. CPWD is also entrusted with the responsibility for taking
action for removal of encroachments or unauthorized construction under common areas such as
roads, parks not handed over to local bodies or un-allotted land in government colonies, which
cannot be specifically attributable to allottees.

10.1 Responsibility for detection/removal of encroachments

The responsibility for detection/reporting and removal of unauthorized construction/
encroachments in government colonies/government land lies on the authorities as indicated in
the Annexure - 8. Ministry of Urban Development has issued comprehensive guidelines for
removal/ demolition of unauthorized constructions vide O.M. No. 11010/1/2010-W-1 dt 21.6.2010.
A close watch shall be kept to ensure that encroachments do not take place in the area.
Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer shall be personally responsible for the encroachments taking
place in their jurisdictions. Executive Engineers, Assistant Engineers & Junior Engineers in case
of transfers, will prepare a detailed note/ list of the encroachments already existing in their areas
and action taken/proposed to be taken mentioned clearly in their handing over reports to their
Under-mentioned procedure shall be adopted to prevent further encroachment in CPWD
areas and remove the encroachments already taken place.
(i) Whenever any construction activity going on in the locality is noticed by the J.E/A.E.
on their inspection carried out by them on day to day basis, they will verify whether
the construction is according to building plans sanctioned by the local bodies.
Immediate steps shall be taken to stop or demolish the constructions which are being
carried out in the absence of sanctioned building plans.
(ii) A report will be sent to the Directorate of Estates in case the building activity is within
the premises allotted by the Directorate of Estates or in the area appurtenant to the
premises allotted by them. For this purpose, area within the compound wall and gate

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 31


of the premises will be considered as appurtenant to the premises allotted by the

Directorate of Estates. Side by side the matter will also be reported to the Police for
immediate prevention of unauthorised construction.
(iii) Directorate of Estates will, upon receiving such intimation of unauthorized
encroachment within premises allotted by him, cancel the allotment and take action
to evict the allottee. Whenever such premises are vacated by the allottee, all
unauthorized encroachments, structures/additions / alterations etc. shall be
demolished by CPWD before the premises are re-allotted by DoE.
(iv) In case unauthorized construction/encroachment is not stopped/removed by the
encroacher, a notice may be issued to him by the Estate Officer of the area under P.P.
(Eviction & Unauthorized occupation) Act, 1971. Side by side F.I.R. may be lodged
with the police against the defaulter/encroacher.
(v) Action shall be taken by the Estate Officer under the P.P (E of U.O.)Act 1971 and
eviction proceedings will be passed. Consequent upon the passing of the eviction
proceedings, Estate Officer i.e. Executive Engineer / DD(H) will approach Special
Task Force constituted by Government of NCTD in Delhi and similar mechanisms in
other states in consultation with local police and State Government authorities and
get the unauthorized encroachments removed.
(vi) The MoHUA has been declaring EEs/DD (H) of CPWD as Estate Officers from time to
(vii) Govt. accommodation is occupied by the Government Servants, who are governed
by the Allotment of Government Residence Rules and allotted by Directorate of
Estates. If Government Servant undertakes unauthorized construction as structure /
rooms or do some activity which are not permissible, it construe breach of allotment
rules and conditions. In such cases Directorate of Estates may cancel allotment of
residence and also propose disciplinary action against the delinquent allottee.
It is the responsibility of CPWD to act immediately as and when un-authorised construction/
encroachment is noticed. The field officers will not take the plea that said encroachment had
already taken place before taking over their duties in the area. It is expected that irrespective of
the fact whether the encroachment had taken place during the time of their predecessors or in
their own period, they will take action under the rules and directions issued by Government from
time to time.
It shall be kept in mind that police on receiving the report regarding encroachment/
unauthorized construction may not act at their own. Their duty is to provide protection to the officers
of the department against any untoward incidence at the time of removal of encroachments and
for that police help can be sought. Arrangement for labour and equipments for demolition/removal
has to be made by CPWD.
Divisional officer or his representative A.E/ J.E. may take the help of Demolition Squad of
local bodies in case they do not have any arrangements of their own or in case it will take time for
them to make arrangement for arranging the demolitions and exigency of job warrants the
demolitions to be arranged on emergency basis.

32 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


10.2 Removal of Encroachments on Public Land

The responsibility for prevention, detection and removal of encroachments from lawns,
parks and other green areas under the maintenance of Horticulture wing of CPWD will be that of
Section Officer (Horticulture)/ Assistant Director (Horticulture), and Deputy Director (Horticulture).
Their responsibilities will be similar to their counter parts on Civil and Electrical side relating to
the encroachment within their jurisdiction. They will also follow the above procedure for prevention,
detection, and removal of encroachments.

10.3 Role of local bodies in prevention of encroachment

Local bodies like municipal Corporations, Development authorities play a vital role in
prevention of encroachment in the cities. For any construction in the cities, construction plans
have to be approved by local bodies. Their inspectors are required to go in their areas on
inspections and stop any construction activities going on without any approved plan.

10.4Government Instructions to local bodies

Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has issued under mentioned directions to local bodies
NDMC, MCD, DDA and land owning agencies :-
(i) NDMC, MCD and DDA should set up within their financial resources mobile squads headed
by jurisdictional Assistant Engineers in order to conduct spot verification of all ongoing
constructions in their respective areas on a day to day basis, with a view to ensuring that
these are based on building plans duly sanctioned by the respective local Authorities/bodies.
Such inspections should not be confined merely to the lands owned by these bodies but
will extend over all public and private lands in their respective jurisdictions;
(ii) Immediate steps should be taken to stop or demolish the constructions which are
being carried on in the absence of sanctioned building plans, Effective liaison with
the jurisdiction Police stations should be maintained while carrying out these tasks to
prevent any law and order or other untoward problems;
(iii) The performance of the mobile squads may be reviewed by the District level Special
Task Forces set up under the orders of the LG, Delhi in each district;
(iv) Whenever deemed necessary and specially in cases where unauthorized
constructions are not stopped despite issue of a notice, steps should be taken to
register FIRs and launch prosecutions against the defaulters/encroachers;
(v) Special attention will be paid to ensure that parks, green spaces and other public
open spaces are not encroached upon even through temporary constructions. Any
temporary construction allowed for a specific purpose should be got removed within
the allotted time frame in the absence of which action be taken to remove such
constructions forthwith at the cost of the party concerned and deduct the expenditure
from his security deposit;
(vi) All land owning agencies should take effective measures including fencing, regular
inspection of the land, etc. to protect their lands from future encroachments. Private security
agencies may be deployed for this purpose, wherever found absolutely necessary.
(vii) All land owning agencies should also take necessary protective and preventive
measures and ensure that their land is not utilized for dumping garbage and thereby
be lost to its regular use.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 33



11.1 Comprehensive Maintenance

The comprehensive maintenance tender is to be executed through outsource agency. It
may include operation of service centres like receipt of complaints, monitoring of complaints,
day to day maintenance, Annual Repairs, Special Repairs, housekeeping, security of vacant
quarters or of open areas, operation of organic waste converters/STP etc. of civil, electrical and
horticulture works. The CE/SE will finalize broad scope/subheads of comprehensive
maintenance. Normally up-gradation work may not be included in the comprehensive
maintenance. Depending upon situation, such as remoteness of site, small quantum of work,
CE/SE may decide to include it as part of comprehensive maintenance tender.

11.2 Scope of Outsourcing work:

(A) Day to Day Maintenance:- The agency will deploy required trained manpower for
carrying out day to day maintenance activities under the supervision of supervisors/
engineers. The agency will provide the services of computer literate enquiry operators
to man the front offices of the service centres. Enquiry operator will be responsible
for receiving the service requests/complaints from CPWD e-Sewa/E-nirmit/IVRS/
various allottees and allotting the same to the workforce and keeping a detailed
record of the work done in the website http// The maintenance
activity will be executed as per agreement. A detailed list of items, which will be
considered as falling in the category of day to day repairs shall be enumerated and
included in the tender.
For justification of rates at which the work is to be awarded, the requirement of labour
shall be assessed on the basis of laid down yardsticks available for maintenance in
CPWD and this requirement shall then be rounded off to nearest whole number for
provision of manpower which shall be provided.
(B) Special Repairs :- Provision for special repairs shall be made as distinct sub-heads
and the items of work required to be executed shall be enumerated. The quantities
for these repairs shall be based on an assessment made for the works executed in
the preceding years and complaints received.
(C) Annual Repair:- The item of annual repair i.e. white washing, painting etc. shall
also be included as distinct sub-head and the quantities for this sub-head shall be
based on the yardstick for these items for the buildings.
(D) Up-gradation works:- The items of this sub-head shall be assessed based on
Quarters already upgraded and generally upgraded during previous years. The norms
of up-gradation shall be as approved by the MoHUA. A record shall be kept of all
such upgraded quarters and intimated to Directorate of Estates and SE/CE/ADG
online or offline as directed by the Directorate.

34 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


11.3 Scope of Comprehensive Maintenance tenders

The NIT approving authorities shall include other sub-heads as required and put conditions
based on site requirements and the directions issued from time to time by the Directorate, if any.
Time limits of attending the complaints and up-gradation works and provisions of recovery in
case of non- compliance by the agency shall be incorporated in the NIT. SE/CE to decide scope
of comprehensive maintenance tenders. They may decide on client-wise, head-wise, location-
wise or subdivision-wise. Combinations shall be decided by SE/CE on the proposal of EE.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 35


Annexure 1


S. S.No. of Flat/Quarter Nature of Details Balance Sign. Sign. of Remarks
No. Complaint No. and complaint of work, of occupant
Colony work done if any worker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

36 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 2


As on 01.04.2019
S. Category Service Annual Special Repairs
No. Charges Repair
(Rs. Per sqm (Rs. Per Age 0-20 Age 21- Above
per year) sqm per years 40 years 40 years
year) (Rs./Sqm/ (Rs./Sqm/ (Rs./Sqm/
year.) year.) year.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Type I to V and above 126.30 54.65 34.80 57.65 80.50

2. MPs Flats, Ministers Bungalows, Supreme 252.65 109.35 45.70 76.55 107.35
Court and High Court Judges Residences

3. Hostels 163.15 70.55 34.80 57.65 80.50

4. Rashtrapati Bhawan, Vice President House Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals
& PM House

S. Category Service Annual Special Repairs

No. Charges Repair
(Rs. Per sqm (Rs. Per Age 0-20 Age 21- Above
per year) sqm per years 40 years 40 years
year) (Rs./Sqm/ (Rs./Sqm/ (Rs./Sqm/
year.) year.) year.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Normal offices 144.75 62.60 59.65 99.40 139.15

2. North & South Block Sectt. 71.05 30.80 - - 99.40

3. Parliament House & Parliament House 271.05 117.30 191.85 - 191.85


4. Supreme Court 271.05 117.30 191.85 - -

5. Hospitals 360.55 156.05 92.45 153.05 214.70

6. Dispensaries 360.55 156.05 92.45 153.05 214.70

1. The above plinth area rates do not cover expenditure on Conservancy charges.
2. These rates also do not include the extra amount admissible for maintenance and repairs in hilly region.
3. The plinth area rates based on year 1979 (available in annexure-5) are duly updated.
4. No provisions on lump sum basis for richer specifications are made in the estimate for maintenance work.
5. Extra provision for specific site conditions in addition to those already covered by various annexures of CPWD Maintenance Manual
be made on item rate basis with itemized schedule of measurements and duly indexed DSR rates as per latest cost index. In case,
rates of specific items are not available in DSR, market rates be used instead, to frame the maintenance estimate. (Sl. No. 4 & 5
added vide OM No. DG/Maintenance Manual 2019/04 dated 16.03.2023).

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 37


Annexure 2A


S. Category Rate in Rs. per Sqm. per year for day to day service
No. and repair, maintenance w.e.f. 01.04.2019
Concentrated Groups Scattered Groups
Age 0 to Above Age 0 to Above
10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Type I to IV 69 77 83 93

2. Type V and above 84 94 101 113

3. MP Flats, Ministers Bungalows, Supreme Court Judges 167 187 200 225

4. Hostels 111 124 133 150

5. Rastrapati Bhawan, Vice President House & PM House As per Actual


1. Normal Office/Temporary Office Buildings/Dispensaries 98 110 118 132
2. North & South Blocks. 84 94

3. Parliament House and Parliament House Annexe 280 314

4. Supreme Court 167 187

5. Hospitals 222 249 266 300

1. These plinth area rates cover only expenditure on maintenance on EI and Fans i/c compound light. Cost for
maintenance in night shift, if required can be added as per actual requirement. Funds will be provided for
maintenance of other E&M services e.g. Air Conditioning, Pumps, DG sets, Substation, Fire Alarm, Firefighting,
Lifts, transformers etc. on actual requirement.
2. The rates do not include the extra amount admissible for maintenance and repairs in hilly region.
3. No provisions on lump sum basis for richer specifications are made in the estimate for maintenance work.
4. Extra provision for specific site conditions in addition to those already covered by various annexures of CPWD
Maintenance Manual be made on item rate basis with itemized schedule of measurements and duly indexed
DSR rates as per latest cost index. In case, rates of specific items are not available in DSR, market rates be
used instead, to frame the maintenance estimate. (Sl. No. 3 & 4 added as per OM No. DG/Maintenance Manual
2019/04 dated 16.03.2023).

38 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 3


Special Repair Group...................

S. Complaint House No./ Location Approximate Repairs required in Schedule

No. No. Locality of Repairs Quantity of Repairs
Less Within 1 Within 3
than month months
15 days

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 39


Annexure 4


S. Complaint House No./ Request regarding Due/not Date Date of Date of
No. No. Locality Due planned intimation completion
White Door/ for the to allottee of
washing/ window work work
Distempering, Painting,
Fans Painting of
cleaning, Fans, D.B
Surface Open
Dressing metal
of lawn conduits
Vegetation etc.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

40 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 5



S. Categories Building Type Year of Construction Plinth area in Sq. ft.


1 2 3 4 5

1. Mason Type 1,7, 8 Pre 1947 construction 3.00 lakhs

MP flats and Officers hostels Post 1947 construction 3.75 lakhs
Type 2-6 Pre 1947 construction 3.75 lakhs
Post 1947 construction 4.50 lakhs

2. Carpenter Type 1-3 4.50 lakhs

Type 4-6 5.25 lakhs
Type 7, 8, MP flats & Officers 3.75 lakhs

3. Plumber All types 4.50 lakhs*

* This does not include additional
workers on night duty in selected

4. Sewerman Type 1-3 4.50 lakhs@

Type 4-8 6.00 lakhs@
@ This does not include addl.
workers on night duty and
seasonal Labour for cleaning
branch sewers
(1) One Beldar for each Carpenter and one for each Mason. In addition the strength of Beldar should be 150% above
what is worked out on the basis of Carpenters and Masons.
(2) Mate and Blacksmith - No Mate or Blacksmith should be employed for maintenance of buildings.
(3) Painter and Upholsterer - No yardstick is prescribed in respect of
(i) Painter including Furniture Painter and
(ii) Upholsterer.
(4) Caneman - No Caneman should be employed in any Division, except one in ‘B’ Division and two in Parliament
Works Division for urgent and emergent works. Canning should normally be got done through blind men.


S. Category Parliament Other Monumental Hospitals Other Public Buildings Office Buildings
No. House bldgs. (Plinth like Schools, Courts
Area in sq. ft.) Airport Terminal
bldgs. etc. (Plinth Area
in sq. ft.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Mason 1 No. 7.5 lakhs 2.4 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 4.5 lakhs
(Pre 1947
3.0 lakhs
(Post 1947

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 41


S. Category Parliament Other Monumental Hospitals Other Public Buildings Office Buildings
No. House bldgs. (Plinth like Schools, Courts
Area in sq. ft.) Airport Terminal
bldgs. etc. (Plinth Area
in sq. ft.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2. Carpenter 1 No. 11.25 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 7.5 lakhs
3. Plumber 1 No. 11.25 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 5.4 lakhs

4. Sewerman 1 No. 11.25 lakhs 4.5 lakhs 9.0 lakhs 9.0 lakhs

5. Beldar Twice the number of workers in the categories of Mason and Carpenter

(1) Requisitioned buildings, if used for office purposes may be clubbed with ‘Office Buildings’, but if used for other
purposes such as hospitals, schools etc., these may be clubbed with the respective head.
(2) For outsourcing of comprehensive maintenance, yardsticks of number of workers shall be 75% for all type of


Type of Buildings One Wireman for Ratio of Wireman One Painter

No. of points to Khallasi for no. of points

1 2 3 4

(I) Residential
(1) Type l to IV Qrs. 3300 2:1 15000
(2) Type V & above, MPs residences 3300 2:1 15000
(3) VIP/Ministers’ bungalow 3300 2:1 15000

(II) Non- Residential Buildings

(1) Monumental bldg. 2000 2:1 10000
(2) Multi-storeyed bldgs 2000 2:1 10000
(3) Hospital & Laboratories 2000 2:1 10000
(4) Schools, Colleges, Single/Double Storeyed 3300 2:1 10000
(5) Press bldgs., & Workshop 2500 2:1 10000

For outsourcing of comprehensive maintenance, yardsticks of number of workers shall be 75% for all type of buildings.


SI. No. Type of Area Norms (1 Mali for)

1 Hon’ble V P House, PM House, Ministers Houses, MPs Houses, Secretary level 3035 Sqm
and above Govt. Officers Bungalows or
0.75 acre

2 Residential Flats and Govt. Officers Bungalow 5058 Sqm

1.25 acres

42 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


SI. No. Type of Area Norms (1 Mali for)

3 Office accommodation 5058 Sqm
1.25 acres
4 Open spaces 3.00 acres

5 Play grounds 8094 Sqm

2.00 acres
6 Public Parks 8094 Sqm
2.00 acres
7 Prestigious offices, Samadhies , Kartavya Path, Buddha Jayanti Park, San Martin 4047 Sqm.
Park, DDU Park and Other equivalent parks having well developed garden Or
features like lawns, hedge, topiaries, shrubs beds etc. 1.00 acre

8A ♦ Hedge cutting (Normal Hedge) upto1.2 mtr. height 3000 m.

8B ♦ Hedge cutting (Normal Hedge) above 1.2 mtr. to 2.4 mtr height 2000 m.

8C ♦ Hedge Cutting (Designer Hedge/ Edge) 1500 m.

9A Potted plants at Nursery 2000 Nos.

9B Potted plants in Flats/Bungalow/Offices at ground level 750 Nos.

9C Potted plants (Cement) at Nursery and display 300 Nos.

9D Potted plants in multistoried Buildings 250 Nos.
10A ♦ Topiary upto 1.2 mtr. height 250 Nos.

10B ♦ Topiary above 1.2 mtr. height 200 Nos.

11 ♦ Kitchen garden 1000 Sqm

12 Vertical Garden 100 Sqm

13 Trees

13A Upto 3 years 250 Nos.

13B 3 to 8 years age 500 Nos.

13C Beyond 8 years age 1200 Nos.

14 Maintenance of Shrubs Plants 500 Nos.

15 Sweeping of Kartavya Path Garden area 1.50 Acre per Sweeper

16 Sweeping of Public Parks 1.50 Acre/Per Sweeper

17 ♦ Supervisor/Chaudhary
One Supervisor /Chaudhary over 18 Malis

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 43


Annexure 6A



S. Description of Item Unit Rate as on Weightage Rates Repair Cost

No. 01.04.2019 Revision index as on--
as on -- (bxc/a)
(a) (b) (c)

1. Aggregate 10 mm & 20 mm average Cum 1400.00 4.00

2. Cement quintal 503.00 9.50

3. Acrylic Washable Distemper kg 50.00 17.00

4. Acrylic Emulsion Paint Litre 220.00 7.00

5. Paint (Synthetic enamel) Litre 160.00 17.50

6. Fine Sand Cum 900.00 4.00

7. Timber (2nd class Teak and Salwood in Cum 69550.00 9.50


8. Beldar Per day 584.00 21.50 (X)

9. Mason/ Fitter/ Carpenter/ Painter Per day 710.00 10.00 (Y)

Total 100 (Z)

Annexure 6B


S. Description of Item Unit Weighted Average Rates of Work Weightage Rates Service
No. Charged Staff and Out Sourced Revision Cost index
Worker as per strength as on as on -- as on--
01.04.2019 as base 100 (bxc)
(a) (b) (c) (a)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Workers
(i) Beldar/Unskilled
(a) Work Charged 1167
(b) Out Sourced Per day 584 24
(ii) Mason/Carpenter/
(a) Work Charged 1400
(b) Out Sourced Per day 710 30

44 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S. Description of Item Unit Weighted Average Rates of Work Weightage Rates Service
No. Charged Staff and Out Sourced Revision Cost index
Worker as per strength as on as on -- as on--
01.04.2019 as base 100 (bxc)
(a) (b) (c) (a)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2. Minimum Wages

Plumber /Skilled Per day 710.00
Beldar/Unskilled 584.00 11.50
Avg = Rs.647.00

3. Materials Material costing for repairs

cost index excluding labour PX34.50
component 100
(Z- (X+Y) 34.50
converting to 100%
Z-(X+Y)x 100 = P

Total 100

(1) For work charged staff daily rates are average monthly salary/30 (as collected from field units)
(2) Minimum wages as on 01.04.2019 as per CLC notification no. 1/8(3)/2019/LS-II dated 27.03.2019
(3) Weighted Average Rates of Work Charged Staff and Outsourced Workers rates shall be considered in the
proportion of Work Charged and Out Sourced Staff as the case may be for column No. 4.
For example if there are 80 Nos. Skilled Work Charged Staff @ Rs. 1400/- per day and 20 Nos. Out Sourced
Skilled Worker @ Rs. 710/- per day. Then the weighted average rate shall be
= (80x1400+20x710)/100 = Rs. 1262/- per day.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 45


Annexure 7


(a) House No. and Type : (b) Location :

(c) Date of Last Inspection : (d) Date of present inspection :

S. Item Needs Repair Needs Replacement Priority

No. No. Action Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Immediate Annual Routine
1. Walls
1.1 Cracks
1.2 Repair to plaster
1.3 Repair to brick work
1.4 Dampness

2. Floors
2.1 Cracks
2.2 Settlement
2.3 Slopes
2.4 Skirting cracks
2.5 Dados cracks

3. Doors, Windows, Ventilators & Cupboards

3.1 Glass panes broken
3.2 Panels in shutters broken
3.3 Panels fit improperly
3.4 Improper/missing fittings
3.4.1 Hinges
3.4.2 Handles
3.4.3 Tower Bolts
3.4.4 Aldrops
3.4.5 Floor door stopper
3.4.6 Knobs
3.4.7 Cleats
3.4.8 Hooks & Eyes
3.4.9 Curtain Rods
3.4.10 Stays
3.4.11 Pelmets

4. Roofs
4.1 Leakages/Damp patches
4.1 Water proofing treatment
4.2 Golas
4.3 Khurras
4.4 Brick drip course
4.5 Rain water pipe
4.6 Regrading
4.7 Top Layer of tiles
4.8 Parapet, coping

5. Water Supply & Sanitary fittings

5.1 Leakages in pipe joints
5.2 Functioning of washers
5.3 Functioning of traps in fittings
5.4 Functioning of floor traps

46 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S. Item Needs Repair Needs Replacement Priority

No. No. Action Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Immediate Annual Routine
5.5 Functioning of overhead/low level cistern
5.6 Air Locking
5.7 Leakages in pipe joints
5.8 Condition of overhead tank
5.9 Cleaning of overhead tank
5.10 Fittings
5.10.1 Washbasin
5.10.2 Soap container
5.10.3 Mirror
5.10.4 Glass shelf
5.10.5 Towel rail
5.10.6 Hangers
5.10.7 Sinks
5.10.8 Taps
5.10.9 Pillar cocks
5.10.10 Showers
5.10.11 Cisterns
5.10.12 Ball valves
5.10.13 Seat cover
5.10.14 Steps

6. External Services
6.1 Manhole covers
6.2 Covers to gully traps
6.3 Cleaning of manholes
6.4 Plinth protection
6.5 Cleaning of storm water drain
6.6 Approach roads
6.7 Service lanes

7. Finishing
7.1 White washing/colour washing/distemper
(a) When was it done last?
(b) When is it due?
(c) Existing condition.
7.2 Painting
(a) When was it done last?
(b) When is it due?
(c) Existing conditions

8. Common Areas
8.1 Railing to staircase
8.2 Staircase steps
8.3 Staircase nosing
8.4 Shafts


(a) House No. and Type : (b) Location :

(c) Date of Last Inspection : (d) Date of present inspection :

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 47


S. Item Needs Repair Needs Replacement Priority

No. No. Action Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Immediate Annual Routine
1. Switch Boards
1.1 Regulator
1.2 Switches
1.3 Fixing of tiles

2. Fans
2.1 Canopy fixing
2.2 Speed and noise

3. Socket outlet points and connection

3.1 Tile
3.2 Switch
3.3 Outlet connection if any

4. Fittings
4.1 Reflector
4.2 Louvers/perspex cover
4.3 Suspension rod

5. Exhaust Fans
5.1 Speed and noise
5.2 Louvers
5.3 Connecting wires i/c. ceiling rose

6. Call bells
6.1 Bell push
6.2 Connecting wire
6.3 Ball Buzzer

7. Sub distribution boards/ DB/Main Board

7.1 Switch covers
7.2 Fuse Kit Kats
7.3 Earth connection
7.4 Fuse rating
7.5 Inter connection
7.6 Boards


(A) Lawn :
(i) Weeding
(ii) Patch repair
(iii) Renovation
(iv) Regrassing

(B) Hedge :
(i) Gap filling
(ii) Replacement

(C) Pruning & Trimming :

(i) Naturally required pruning
(ii) Pruning required for security
purpose of building as well as occupant

48 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S. Item Needs Repair Needs Replacement Priority

No. No. Action Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Immediate Annual Routine
(D) Planting Beds :
(i) Needs Replacement
(ii) Gap filling

(E) U/F Water Supply:

(i) Matter to be reported to U/F Water
Division after inspection.

(F) Rockeries :
(i) Gap filling of dead one
(ii) Replacement of damaged, weak
(iii) Replacement of stones
(iv) Thinning, trimming
(v) Redesigning of paths,
Maintenance of paths

(G) Kitchen Garden:

(i) Change in site
(ii) Plan for planting of vegetables

(H) Road Side Plantation :

(i) Gap filling Nos.
(ii) Trimming, pruning
(iii) Tree Guards not required & to be removed/repair/painting etc.
(iv) Proposal for new plantation, Digging of holes etc.
(v) Misc.
(vi) MOU-Detailed report(performance & financial achievements)

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 49


Annexure 8


S. Type of Area where it takes place Responsibility for Responsibility for

No. unauthorised detecting and cancellation/eviction proceedings.
construction reporting /removal

1. Unauthorised Inside a residential quarter/ C.P.W.D Directorate of Estates to cancel the

construction shop allotted by the allotment & initiate eviction
Directorate of Estates proceedings & evict the person
concerned from the premises.

2. Unauthorised In a lawn/space attached to a C.P.W.D Directorate of Estates to cancel the

construction specific residential quarter/ allotment and initiate eviction
shop or by an identifiable proceedings & evict the person
allottee/shopkeeper concerned from the premises.

3. Unauthorised On common lawns of C.P.W.D C.P.W.D

construction residential qtrs/markets not
attributable to a specific
quarter or a specific allottee
and internal roads not
handed over to local bodies.

4. Unauthorised On open lands which do not L&DO/C.P.W.D./ L&DO/C.P.W.D./

construction form part of open space Land owning Land owning agency.
attached to specific quarters/ agency.
shops or which do not
form part of common lawns
of quarters/markets.
5. Unauthorised Roads/Lands/Open space Land owing Land owing agency
construction declared as public streets agency
handed over to local bodies

50 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 9



Ex. Engineer (C) & (E) & Deputy Director (Horticulture) to discuss the arrangement with the designated officer in-
charge of the function.
1. Date, time, venue and period of function.
2. Shamiana requirement/open air.
3. Seats/Chairs requirement.
4. No. of Microphones requirement.
5. Microphone stand/Desk/Podium requirement.
6. Lighting arrangement with special fittings, air circulators, pedestal fans.
7. Standby power arrangement.
8. Duplicate source of supply with changeover switch
9. Durries/carpets/pillows/cots
10. Intimation to NDMC/MCD about water continuity.
11. Intimation to NDMC/DESU about electricity continuity and operation of street/road lights wherever necessary.
12. Drinking water arrangement - Cold water/tanker etc., ice requirement, water lines/leakage tests.
13. Catering arrangement.
14. Special electric power for catering purposes.
15. Standby amplifier and mixer with manual change over.
16. Battery operated amplifier(Additional)
17. Whether generator set to be in operation at the time of function?
18. Music/tapes arrangement.
19. Position of loud speakers.
20. Tape recording facilities of the proceedings
21. Video recording requirement.
22. Extra power outlets for A.I.R./Doordarshan.
23. Special enclosures for Press/MPs/Ministers.
24. Power requirement for metal detectors. ‘X’ Ray machines and locations
25. Flower decoration requirements
26. Bouquet requirements
27. Loose flower petal requirements
28. Security/Safety in case of rain.
29. Security lights, street lights - Status.
30. Whether working and lamps duly replaced wherever required?
31. Any covered area needing temporary air Conditioning/air cooling
32. HT/LT Supply for the function checked for proper operation including terminations/contacts
33. All fuses of right size and category provided in switches/feeder pillars/switch boards/distribution boards including
34. Switches and boards in open area are covered and properly made weather proof.
35. Cables and wires laid overhead or in ground are safe and trip free.
36. Standby generating set supply tested for automatic operation or on load as the case may be.
37. All contacts/switch boards/wires cables/pillars/checked for perceptible heating and remedial action taken.
38. Souvenir to be printed or circulated.
39. Any escort to be arranged.
40. Vehicle to be arranged.
41. Installations checked by any other official
42. Temporary water taps or Urinals (Gents/Ladies) required.
43. Prior intimation to A.I.R/Doordarshan/Press to be given by CPWD/Client.
44. Has security personnel been consulted on the arrangement ?
45. How many hours/day before the actual function all the above arrangements are required to be made ?

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 51


46. Do you have a list of telephone nos. of office/residence of JE/AE/EE/SE/CE/ADG and DD(H)/AD(H)/other
departments like security/client/NDMC/DESU/MCD who are concerned with the function?
47. Do you have some emergency wires, cables, spares and lamps for immediate replacement of any item if required?
48. Has fire service been informed and portable fire extinguishers provided at site with sand buckets?
49. Has First Aid Box for emergency medical aid kept at site?
50. Car calling system provided or not?
51. Any other service expected by the designated officer for the function?
(a) Arrangements as stated above have been made, duly checked and found to be in satisfactory condition.
(b) The arrangements have also been checked and
found to be satisfactory.
52. Foliage, Seasonal and ornamental potted plants requirements.
53. Do you have some emergency backup of Cut flower, loose flower, Bouquet, plants, deployment of extra labour
for rearrangement and other horticulture items for immediate replacement of any item if required?
54. 55.Do you have arrangement for safeguard /protection of floral decoration in adverse weather condition like
severe temperature, rains, wind?

Date/Time. J.E. Date/Time A.E Date/time E.E

52 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 10

Maintenance Norms/Frequency of Application of Finishing Items and

Useful Life of Finishing Civil Items

A. Maintenance Norms/Frequency of Application of Finishing Items

S.No. Item Perodicity

Residential Office Hospitals Laboratories Schools

Bldg. Bldg.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. Civil

1. Painting with plastic/Acrylic Emulsion 4 years 3 years 1 year 2 years 2 years

paint, Acrylic Synthetic enamel paint, Oil Corridor
bound distemper etc. O.T.
2 Years –
2. Painting external surface with exterior 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years
emulsion or equivalent paint.
3. Painting external surface with water 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
proofing cement paint.
4. Cleaning and disinfecting of water 6 months 6 months 3 months 3 months 6 months
storage/distribution tanks, water mains.
5. Cleaning of Manholes/Gully chambers 1 year 1 year 6 months 1 year 1 year
and flushing of building sewers.
6. Cleaning of storm water drains. 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
7. Polishing wooden doors/windows with 3 years 3 years 2 years 2 years 2 years
spirit polish/synthetic acrylic polish.
8. Cleaning and tightening of terminals of 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
DBs, electrical panel etc.
9. Premix, semi dense/dense carpeting of 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years
10. Collection of water samples for physical, 6 months 6 months 3 months 3 months 6 months
chemical and bacteriological analysis of
11. Cleaning & Checking of fans (checking 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
of quarter pin, nut bolts, rubber reel,
bearing etc.)
12. Checking of Floats of overhead water 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month
13. Earthing pit checking and earth testing 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
14. Checking of Lightening arrestor 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year

Note: Painting work will be done after expiry of the above mentioned period or change of tenancy whichever is earlier.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 53


B. Expected Useful Life of Finishing Civil Items

Sl. No. Description of Item Life in Years
1. Bathroom:
(i) Wall tiles (i) 10 Years
(ii) Floor tiles (ii) 10 Years
(iii) CP Fittings (iii) 07 Years
(iv) Bathroom fixtures (iv) 07 Years
(v) PVC Bathroom fittings (v) 05 Years
2. Kitchen
(i) Kitchen Cabinet (i) 10 Years
(ii) SS Wire Baskets (ii) 10 Years
(iii) Granite Stone (iii) 15 Years
3. Floor Tiles 10 Years
4. Wooden Flooring
(i) Laminate/Engineered (i) 10 Years
(ii) Hard Wood Flooring (ii) 20 Years
5. Doors & Windows (Wooden, Aluminum & UPVC) 20 Years
6. Cupboard/Wardrobe 10 Years
7. External Pavement Tiles 10 Years
8. Jali
(i) CC (i) 10 Years
(ii) GRC (ii) 15 Years
(iii) IRC fabric (iii) 10 Years
9. Temporary security fixtures/Bison board panels/ 10 Years
false ceiling
10. PGI sheet 15 Years

54 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 11


Hon’ble VP House, PM House, Ministers Houses, MPs Houses, Secretary level and above
Government Officers Bungalow

No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

1 Irrigation As per requirement

2 (i) Manuring Seasonal

(ii) Fertilization in winter
in summer and rainy season-
As per requirement

3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Fortnightly
Winter Monthly
Rains Weekly

4 Plant Protection Need Based

5 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need base with

of Trees/Shrubs the permission of
Creepers etc. Forest department

6 Cultivation & Weeding As and when required

7 Seasonal Plants
Winter Need Based
Summer Need Based
Rains Need Based

8 Top dressing Once in a year and it

with soil & /or can be done twice in
manure a year as per site requirement

9 Repair & As and when required

of plants,
leveling etc.

10 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

11 Any other item On need basis

(Hort., Civil,
Elect., U/F
water supply)
required for proper

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 55


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

12 Outdoor potted plants Need based

13 Indoor potted plants & Need based


14 Planter beds Need based

15 Ground cover as part

of grass Need based

16 Kitchen garden Need Based

17 Floral Arrangement Need Based

18 Special requirement Need Based


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments

Required Actually of Inspection
done Officer

1. Irrigation As per requirement

2. (i) Manuring Once in a year

(ii) Fertilization in winter - as per requirement
in summer and rainy season-
as per requirement
3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Fortnightly
Winter Monthly
Rains Weekly

4 Plant Protection Need Based

5 Pruning & Trimming of Yearly/Need base with the

Trees/Shrubs Creepers permission of Forest
etc. department

6 Cultivation & Weeding As and when required

7 Seasonal Plants
Summer Need Based
Winter Need Based
Rains Need Based

8 Ground Covers Need Based

9 Top dressing with soil & / Yearly

or manure

56 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments

Required Actually of Inspection
done Officer

10 Repair & replacement of As and when required


11 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

12 Outdoor/Indoor potted Need based


13 Any other item (Hort., On need basis

Civil, Elect., U/F water
supply) required for proper


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection

1 Irrigation On visit of Mali

2 (i) Manuring Once in a year

(ii) Fertilization in winter
in summer and rainy season-
As per requirement

3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Monthly
Winter Monthly
Rains Monthly

4 Plant Protection Need Based

5 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need base with

of Trees/Shrubs, the permission of
Creepers etc. Forest department

6 Cultivation & As and when required


7 Top dressing with soil & Yearly

/or manure

8 Repair & replacement As and when required

of plants

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 57


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection

9 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

10 Indoor and Outdoor Need Based

potted plants

11 Seasonal potted Plants Need Based

12 Seasonal Plants Need Based

in flower beds

13 Any other item On need basis

(Hort., Civil,
Elect., U/F water supply)
required for proper


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

1 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need base with

of Trees/Shrubs the permission of
Creepers Etc. Forest department

2 Hedges Cutting
Summer Monthly
Rains Monthly
Winter Monthly

3 Repair & As and when required

replacement of plants

4 Any other item On need basis

(Hort., Civil,
required for proper

58 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

1 Irrigation As per requirement

2 (i) Manuring Once in a year

(ii) Fertilization in winter
in summer and rainy season-
As per requirement

3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Weekly
Winter Fortnightly
Rains Weekly

4 Plant Protection Need Based

5 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need base with

of Trees/Shrubs the permission of
Creepers etc. Forest department

6 Cultivation & Weeding As and when required

7 Seasonal Plants
Winter Need Based
Summer Need Based
Rains Need Based

8 Top dressing with Yearly or as and when required

soil & /or manure

9 Repair & As and when required

replacement of plants

10 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

11 Ground covers Need based

12 Planter beds Need based

13 Annual plantation under Once in a year (in monsoon)

Van Mahotsav/Green
Action Drive

14 Any other item On need basis

(Hort., Civil, Elect.,
U/F water supply).
required for proper

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 59



No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

1 Irrigation As per requirement

2 (i) Manuring Seasonal

(ii) Fertilization in winter
in summer and rainy season-
As per requirement

3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Fortnightly
Winter Monthly
Rains Weekly

4 Plant Need Based


5 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need base with

of Trees/Shrubs the permission of
Creepers etc. Forest department

6 Cultivation & As and when required


7 Seasonal Plants
Winter Need Based
Summer Need Based
Rains Need Based

8 Top dressing Once in a year and

with soil & /or as per site requirement

9 Repair & As and when required

of plants,
leveling etc.

10 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

11 Any other item On need basis

(Hort., Civil,
Elect., U/F water supply)
required for proper

60 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Sl. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

No. Required Actually done Inspection Officer

12 Outdoor Need based as per

potted requirement of site

13 Indoor potted Need based as per

plants & planters requirement of site

14 Planter beds Need based

15 Rockeries and ground Need based


16 Flower vases and Need based


17 Special requirement Need based


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

1 Irrigation As per requirement

2 (i) Manuring Seasonal

(ii) Fertilization in winter
in summer and rainy season-
As per requirement
3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Fortnightly
Winter Monthly
Rains Weekly

4 Plant Protection Need Based

5 Pruning & Trimming Yearly/Need based with

of Trees/Shrubs, the permission of
Creepers etc. Forest department

6 Cultivation & Need based


7 Seasonal Plants
Winter Need Based
Summer Need Based
Rains Need Based

8 Top dressing with soil Yearly / Need based

& /or manure

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 61


No. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./ Frequency Comments of

Required Actually done Inspection Officer

9 Repair & As per requirement

of plants, leveling etc.

10 Hedges Cutting
Summer Fortnightly
Rains Fortnightly
Winter Monthly

11 Any other item (Hort., On need basis

Civil, Elect., U/F water
supply) required for proper

12 Outdoor potted plants Need based as per

requirement of site

13 Indoor potted plants & Need based as per

planters requirement of site

14 Planter beds Need based

15 Ground Cover Need Based

16 Special requirement Need Based

Notes :
1 Where item of work cannot be indicated in terms of numbers /quantity/frequency, it shall be described as
satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
2 Any activity not carried out/material not supplied during the month due to valid reasons /directions, be carried
over to the following month.
3 Above programme cannot be adhered to under conditions beyond control, such as staff on leave, strike, adverse
climatic conditions, failure of water supply and availability of funds etc.

62 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation




Sl. Item of work Nos./Qty./Frequency Nos./Qty./Frequency Comments of

No. Required Actually done Inspection Officer
1 Irrigation Daily
2 (i) Manuring Seasonal
(ii) Fertilization In winter, summer and rainy
season - As per requirement
3 Lawn Mowing
Summer Need based
Winter Need based
Rainy Need based
4 Plant protection Need based
5 Pruning & Trimming of Yearly/ Need based with the
Trees/ Shrubs, Creepers etc. permission of Forest
6 Cultivation & Weeding As and when required
7 Seasonal Flowers
Winter Yearly
Summer Yearly
Rains Yearly
8 Top dressing with soil &/ Need based
or manure
9 Repair & replacement of As and when required
plants leveling etc.
10 Hedges cutting
Summer Need based
Rains Need based
Winter Need based
11 Any other item (Hort., Civil, On need basis
Elect., U/F water Supply)
required for proper maintenance
12 Outdoor potted plants Need based as per
requirement of site
13 Indoor potted plants & planters Need based as per
requirement of site
14 Planter beds Need based
15 Ground cover Need based
16 Kitchen garden Need based
17 Flower arrangement in Flower Need based
vase and other Floral
18 Special requirement Need based

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 63


Annexure 12


1. Parliament House Complex

2. Supreme Court of India
3. Vice President’s House
4. Prime Minister’s House & PMO
5. Vigyan Bhawan
6. Hyderabad House
7. U.P.S.C.
8. Samadhies, Kartavya Path
9. Delhi High Court
10. North Block & South Block
11. Memorials
12. PM Museum / Teen Murti House Complex
13. Old Secretariat (Vidhan Sabha)
14. Raj Niwas Secretariat
15. National Gallery of Modern Art
16. National Museums
17. Delhi Secretariat
18. Hon’ble Minister’s Offices
19. Any other office declared as prestigious by DG/MoHUA

64 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 13


NAME OF DIVISION Total No of Flats (GF) quarters .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres
NAME OF SUB-DIVISION Total No. of Bungalows .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres
No. of trees on Road .............................. Nos. .......................... Kms.
Length of hedges in R. Mt. .............................. Nos. ..........................
No. of Parks/open spaces .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres
No. of Seed-beds .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres
Prestigious office complexes .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres
Other office complexes .............................. Nos. .......................... Acres

Sl. Item of work Quarterly Target Achievements Remarks

No. First Second Third
Month Month Month
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
(i) Manuring No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
Acres .............
(ii) Fertilization No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
Acres .............
(iii) Lawn mowing No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
Acres .............
(iv) Plant Protection No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
No of times .............
(v) Pruning & Trimming ........................ Nos.
(vi) Hedge Cutting No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
RMT .............
(vii) Seasonal Flowers No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
sqm .............
(viii) Potted plants ..................... Nos.
(ix) Flower Vases ..................... Nos.
(x) Planter beds No. of Flats/Bungalows ........
(Perennial) Acres .............
(xi) Floral Decoration ..................... Nos.
in Samadhies/
Special occasions

(i) Gap filling of ..................... Nos.
(ii) Replacement/ ..................... Nos.
Replanting of
of trees/Shrubs
(iii) Plantation under ..................... Nos.
Van mahotsav
Delhi Green

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 65


Annexure 14



Applicable for SO(H)/AD(H) Also


No. Daily Weekly Monthly Daily Weekly Monthly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Day to Day (a) Transfer the (a) Prepare an abstract (a) Forward weekly
Complaints complaints of of complaints on the last abstract of pending
Special Repairs & working day of the week. complaints to EE
Periodical Repairs for taking suitable
to the respective action with suggestion,
Registers & send if any.
reply to the (b) Devise ways to
complainants attend long pending
intimating the complaints by redeploy-
time frame to ment of workers.
attend the
(b) Check the
compliance of task
assigned to the
workers notebook
and complaint
(c) Prepare the
abstract of com-
plaints at the
end of day.
(d) Review the
Complaints Re-
gister and identify
the complaints of
repetitive nature
from the same
2. Handing Handing over/ Send occupation (a) Intimate
over/ Taking over of & Vacation Report the details of
Taking vacant possession to DOE, AE(E) vacant
over of of premises & & AD(H). quarters
vacant preparing occup- to Division
premises ation & vacation Office.
3. Work plan (a) Marking (c) Draw programme of (a) Monitoring the (a) Send estimate (a) Chalk out
Attendance of the Annual Repairs, attendance of of works cropped monthly
workers and Special Repairs & JE/SO(H)/ up during the programme of
Issue of materials Addition/Alterations Other Staff week. Additions/
works based on Alterations,
monthly/quarterly Special
programme. Repairs &
Repair works
Section wise.
(b) Review (b) Monthly
availability of review/
material for contract arrange
works. of material
from store etc.
(c) Submit estimates (c) Discuss
of works required to with EE the
be carried out. programme for
tendering etc.
for sanctioned

66 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



No. Daily Weekly Monthly Daily Weekly Monthly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4. Inspection. (a) Personally (a) Pay specific (a) Personally

inspect 25% of attention to inspect 10% of
the complaints cleanliness, the complaints
attended encroachments, attended other
everyday. general than those
deficiency in checked by JE
maintenance etc. twice a week
during his routine
inspection of
(b) Pay specific (b) Review the
attention to clean- records maintained,
liness, encroach- at service
ments, general Centre twice a
deficiency, week.
clearance of
rubbish in main-
tanance etc.
during his routine
inspection of
5. Additions/ (a) List out the (a) Send cases of (a) Issue (a) Update the
Alterations cases of Addition/ Addition & acknowledgement value of Civil and
Alteration work Alteration works for the requests of Electrical Addition/
to sub-division Addition/ Alteration Alteration works
along with cost of works carried out in all
work to be paid the premises.
by Allottees.
(b) Send cases of
to Division
for receiving
payment from
6. W.C. Staff (a) Complete (a) Monitoring of
Liveries & personnel cases personnel matters
Personal of workers, and welfare cases
Matters leaves, GPF, HBA, of W.C Staff
Festival Advance
etc. liaise with
Division for welfare
of workers


(Applicable for SO(H)/AD(H) Also)
No. Seasonal Quarterly Annual Seasonal Quarterly Annual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Inspection (a) Inspect the (a) Physically (a) Inspect the (a) Physically
buildings twice a inspect 100% buildings Twice inspect 50%
year i.e. in March- buildings for a year i.e. in buildings for
April & Sep.-Oct. identifying March-April & identifying
for identifying items of Annual Sep.-Oct. for Annual Repairs,
items of Preventive Repairs, Special identifying items Special Repairs
Maintenance and Repairs & of Preventive Periodical
Annual Periodical Maintenance. Repairs in the
Repairs. repairs in the beginning of
beginning of the year.
the year.
(b) Inspect buildings (b)Inspect (b)Inspect impor- (b) Inspect
& services instal- structures tant buildings & structures yearly
lations after twice a services installations so as to ensure
monsoon for relief year so as after monsoon for that these are
and rehabilitation to ensure relief and safe to use.
measures. that these are rehabilitation
safe to use. measures.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 67



No. Seasonal Quarterly Annual Seasonal Quarterly Annual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. Estimation (a) Prepare the (a)Send the
estimates for estimates for
Annual Repairs in Annual Repairs in
the beginning of the beginning of
year, prepare year, send
estimate for estimate
Special Repairs, for Special
Extraordinary Repairs, Extra
Repairs & for ordinary Repairs
maintenance of & for main-
services tenance of
3. Material (a) Assess the (a) Finalise the
materials for requirement of
store once in materials for
the month of store once in
March the month of
4. Reports (a) List out items (a) Update (a) Prepare (a) Update
Returns/ of dismantled Building Survey Report Building
Records items etc. for write Register of dismantled Register
off sanction. items etc.


1 2 3 4

1. V.I.P Maintenance & Functions (a) Fill up a set of six inspection reports of check list (a) Send a set of six inspection reports of
already circulated by SE/ CE every month after check list already circulated by every month to
inspecting sub-station equipment, generator set, division office inspecting sub-station
services connections, AC plants, lifts, W/S pumps, equipment, generator sets, services
Filtration plants, S.I. System, Wetriser, Fire Alarm, connections, AC plants, lifts, W/S pumps,
Public Address system, C.C.TV, Cable TV, Laundry, Filtration plants, S.I. System, Wet riser, Fire
kitchen, incinerator equipment etc. Alarm, Public Address system, C.C.TV, Cable
TV, Laundry, kitchen, incinerator, Equipment
(b) JE to be present in all functions attended by (b) Fill up the check list as mentioned above
Ministers & other dignitaries. well before every VIP function for sending it to
(c) Finalize the Capital cost of Furniture on 1st of April. (c) AE to be present in all functions attended
by Ministers & others dignitaries.
(d) Finalize the Capital cost of Furniture on 1st
of April.

2. New Allotments/Breakdowns (a) Make house ready for occupation (a) Send estimates for Addition/Alteration
works and co-ordinate these works with his
Elect./Civil counter part.
(b) Process estimates for addition/Alteration (b) Send estimates for restoration of services
for Civil/Elect.
(c) Process estimates for restoration of services

68 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



Sl. Item Daily Weekly Monthly Periodically
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Day to Day (a) Review the (a) Review the abstract of
Complaints complaints received complaints at least once a week
through senior in normal course and twice a
officers as well as week where complaints pertain
the complaints to VIP.
pertaining to VIPs

2. Inspection (a) Turn by turn spend half a (a) Inspect the complaints (a)Physically inspect 25% of the
day in every Service Centre, attended, other than those buildings for identifying Annual
covering 2-3 Service Centres a checked by the JE&AE at least Repairs, Special Repairs and
week, examine the records, note twice a month and record results Periodical repairs in the
books of W.C. Staff and review of his inspection in the Complaint beginning of the year.
the functioning of the Service Register.
(b) Pay specific attention to (b) Physically inspect important
general deficiency in mainten- buildings once a year to ensure
ance of area, cleanliness and that structures are safe to use
encroachment and take imme- and bring to the notice of SE
diate action in this regard. the cases where he has doubts
with regard to structural
soundness. In case of unsafe
VIP residences, EE will send
report directly to SE/ CE.
(c) Immediately after monsoon,
inspect all important structures
and users installations for likely
damage and relief measures.
3. Additions/ (a) Raise demands
Alterations with Allottees for
payment to be made
by them for the
cases of Additions/
4. Estimation (a) Obtain sanction (a) Review requisitions pending (a) Certify the necessity of
for new works like for preparing estimates. undertaking Special Repairs
Addition Alteration. work on the estimates initiated
by JE/AE.
(b) Arrange Technical Sanction
for ARMO woks in the beginning
of the year.
(c) Send estimates for S.R./
5. Work Plan (a) Review works (a) Review requirement of
progress with the materials
AEs. (b) Sanction Survey Reports
Finalise tenders of Dismantled/Unserviceable
sanctioned works materials.
(c) Chalk out
monthly programme
of Additions/
Alterations, Special
Repairs and Annual
Repair works Sub
Division wise.
(d) Review sanction
of estimates sent.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 69


Sl. Item Daily Weekly Monthly Periodically

1 2 3 4 5 6

6. Meetings/ (a) Send the monthly returns to (a) Have quarterly meetings with
Reports/ circle Office/ Zone Office:- the RWA and discuss the issue
Returns/ of general maintenance.
Records (b) Furnish certificate in the
Register of buildings at the end
of every financial year to the
effect that additions made in
costs and modification in
building/ structure made have
been updated.

7. Handing over/ (a) Send monthly statement of Send Quarterly report of vacant
Taking over of vacant quarters to DOE qtrs. to SE/ CE.

8. VIP Mainten- (a) Sign six sets of check list for (a) Fix the capital of furniture on
ance cost and sending to SE/ CE every month. April of each year.
functions. (b) Fill up the check list well before
every function for sending it to
(c) EE to be present with his
junior staff in all functions to be
attended by VVIP.

9. W.C. Staff Review pending personnel

matters matters related to W.C. Staff
and others.


Sl. Item Daily Monthly Periodically
1 2 3 5 6
1. VIP Mainten- (a) Monitor VIP (a) Review monthly checklist sent by EE (a) Review the functioning of various services as
ance and complaints and the per details sent by EE before VIP functions.
Functions complaints received (b) SE/ CE to be present in all functions attended
from senior officers by VVIP in case EE is unable to attend the same.

2. Meetings (a) Conduct periodical (Six monthly) meeting with

Resident Welfare Associations to discuss points
of common interest and general performance.
(b) SE/ CE should examine Building Register
during his inspection to verify that it is upto date.
Send Quarterly Report to DOE regarding vacant

3. Inspection (a) Review the performance of the Service Centre

twice a year.
(b) Inspect buildings for structural safety
consideration as per intimation by EE.

4. Work Plan (a) Review the works of Addition/ Alterations (a) Review availability of Funds & Expr. quarterly
and Special repair with every Division to and make proposals accordingly,
minimise the number of complaints. (b) Review TS periodically.

70 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 15


Sl. Description of Equipment/ Installation Life in years

1. 2 3
A. Wiring of Electrical Installations
1 Conduit wiring non-coastal area 20
2. Conduit wiring coastal area 15
3. MS Pole 20
4. GI Pole 25
5. Outdoor luminaries 7
6. Indoor luminaries 5
B. Fans
1. Ceiling Fan AC 15
2. Exhaust Fan AC 6
C. External Electrical Lines
1. Permanent overhead line on steel / RCC poles 20
2. Underground Cable Lines 20
D. Substation Equipment
1. Switch gear LT/HT 20
2 Transformers 25
3. Servo voltage stabilizer 10
E. Lifts
1. Electric Lifts residential complex 15
2. Electric Lifts Office building 20
3. Hospital Lifts 15
4. Escalators 15
F. Electric Motors and Pumps
1. Electric Motors three phase 15
2. (Diesel) Engine pump upto 10 H.P 10
3. (Diesel) Engine pump above 10 H.P. 12
4. Storm water pump 7
5. Water supply Pump( Centrifugal) 10
6. Sewage Pump 5
7. Diesel Generator set upto 50 KW 12
8. Diesel Generator set above 50 KW 15
G. Refrigerators, Coolers & Air Conditioners
1. Refrigerators 6
2. Cold storage plant with air-cooled condensing unit 8

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 71


Sl. Description of Equipment/ Installation Life in years

1. 2 3
3. Desert Coolers ( 1500-2000 cfm) (Evaporative type) 4
4. Water Coolers 5
5. Window type / Split type Air-conditioning units with air cooled
condensers 7
6. Packaged type Air-conditioning units / VRV System with water 10
cooled condensers
7. Packaged type Air-conditioning units / VRV System with air cooled
condensers 8
8. Central chilled water system of air-conditioning plant with water cooled
condensers 20
9. Evaporative type air-cooling plant (upto 25,000 cfm.) 10
H. Mechanical Machinery
1. Boilers 15
2. Incinerator 15
I. Transport
1. Motor Car ( Diesel/CNG) 10 or 2 lakh kilometre
whichever is earlier
2. Motor Car ( Petrol) 15 or 2 lakh kilometre
whichever is earlier
J. Fire Alarm/ Fire Fighting Equipment
1. Fire Alarm System 15
2. Water bases wet riser / sprinkler system 20
K. Electronic Equipment
1. EPABX System 7
2. Server/ Computer and accessories 7
3. CCTV 7
4. Solar PV Panel 25

72 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 16

P. W. D. 25.





(Central P.W.D Code, Paragraph 120)

Particulars of property Year of Recorded value

Register No. With

Station or locality

Description, with Nature and Original Subseq- Progressive

or purchase


details of every description of the (separately uent total

and of
detached different component for land) additions
structure parts of each or
structure reductions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Funds from which Object of Record plants maintained (In the case
Construction of churches
Constructed Maintained Original How Material Nature of Scale Name and the No. of
or used at with drawings designation of seats will
purchased present dimensions (site officer by be recorded
(drawings, elevation, whom and here)
mounted section, when
etc. or etc.
Drawn Signed

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 73


Annexure 17


S.No. Type & Name of the item Life Remarks

I Heavier
1 Sofa Set 15 yrs.
2 Dining Table 15 yrs.
3 Almirah 15 yrs.
4 Beds 15 yrs.
5 Dressing Table 15 yrs.
6 Side Board 15 yrs.
7 Chest or Drawers 15 yrs.
8 Central table 15 yrs.
9 Book case 15 yrs.
10 Writing table 15 yrs.
11 Easy Chair 15 yrs.
12 Santry Box 15 yrs.
II Lighter
13 Chairs 10 yrs.
14 Cabinets 10 yrs.
15 Framed mirror 10 yrs.
16 Peg Table 10 yrs.
17 Stools 10 yrs.
18 Tepoy 10 yrs.
19 Grass matting 2 yrs. At the time of change of occupancy or once
in two years whichever is earlier.
20 Chicks 2 yrs. -do-
21 Coir mattress 2 yrs. -do-
22 Jute mattress 2 yrs. -do-
23 Tepoy 2 yrs. -do-
24 Cotton Durries 5 yrs. Re-dying as described at least once in three
years or change of occupancy at the time of
use whichever is earlier.
25 Cotton Durries 5 yrs. -do-
26 Cane Garden Chairs 2 years
27 Dust bin 2 years
28 Bath tubs 2 years

74 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


S.No. Type & Name of the item Life Remarks

29 Folding beds 2 years
30 Foam mattresses 5 years Change of tapestry as described or after
2½ years whichever is earlier.
31 Foam Cushion 5 years Change of tapestry as described or after
2½ years which ever is earlier.
32 Cotton mattresses 5 years Regular maintenance includes change of
cloth in between as described.
33 Curtains 5 years It may be considered whether it could be
made concurrent with term of Lok Sabha /
Tenure of the member of LS/RS.
34 Woollen carpets 10 years
35 Sofa sets 3 years
36 Sofa At the time of change of occupancy or once
in a year whichever is earlier.
37 Sofa chair -do-
38 Dining Chairs At the time of change of occupancy or once
in six months whichever is earlier.
39 Cotton Durries At the time of change of occupancy or once
in a year
40 Curtains At the time of change of occupancy or once
in six months whichever is earlier.
41 Cane garden chairs -do-
42 Tepoy -do-
43 Polishing At the time of change of occupancy or once
in 2 years which ever is earlier.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 75


Annexure 18



1 Sludge Manure/ Cattle Manure 0.003 cum per sqm. Over the surface i.e 4000 x 0.003
For HORs, GOBs, Type I to VI flats, Samadhis, per cum =12 cum per acre.
Offices, Hospitals, Prestigious works,
playground etc.

2 Good Earth: 0.003 cum per sqm over the surface i.e.4000 x 0.003 per
For HORs, GOBs, Type I to VI flats, Samadhis, cum = 12 cum per acre.
Offices, hospitals, Prestigious works,
playground etc.

3 Fertilizers: A) N.P.K. @ 100kgs per acre/year

For HORs, GOBs, Type I to VIII flats, B) Organic Manure, (mixture of manure, Oil cakes, Bone
Samadhis, Offices, hospitals, Prestigious meal, Vermi Compost , Organic Compost, etc. as
works, playground etc. per specified proportion based on soil test report to
be done annually)

4 Guidelines for Road side plantation

Materials required
Manure/Sludge/Cow dung @ 5 cum for 100 trees
@ 5 cum for 1200 shrubs
Concentrated Organic Manure @ 2 Quintal for 100 trees
(Two applications) @ 2 quintal for 200 shrubs

5 Trees & Shrubs required for mortality

1st 3 Years of plantation 25% of the total plantation
Beyond 3 years of plantation 10% of the total plantation

6 Replacement of Cement pots 20% of the total pots

76 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 19


Sl. Item Recommended life Other recommendation

1. Wooden bed 15 years To be polished every 3 years
2. Wooden Sofa 15 years To be re-upholstered every 3 years
3. Wooden chair (General use) 7 years To be polished every 3 years
4. Dining table with chairs 15 years To be polished every 2 years. (If chairs
are cushioned, to be re-upholstered every
2 years)
5. Curtains 5 years To be washed twice a year
6. Bed sheet 2 years To be replaced after 2 years of use.
7. Pillow cover 2 years To be replaced after 2 years of use.
8. Pillow 2 years To be replaced after 2 years of use.
9. Towels 1 year To be replaced after 1 year of use.
10. Wooden Almirah 10 years
11. Refrigerator 8 years
12. Window type/Split 7 years
13. Water cooler 5 years
14. Geyser 7 years
15. Fan 15 years
16. Exhaust fan 7 years
17. T.V. 7 years
18. Elect. Kettle 3 years

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 77


Annexure 20


• Preparation of sketches/Design as per guidelines of MoD for approval from expert committee.
• Preparation of 3-D Model as per approved design.
• Preparation of write up in English & Hindi.
• Finalization of Music/Artist as per MoD expert committee.
• Preparation of site in compliance to prevailing security norms for Tableau fabrication.
• Preparation of camp office with computer and internet installation.
• Installation of lighting, CCTV and back up of electricity.
• Collection of Tractor & Trailer from MoD, Rashtriya Rangshala camp.
• Collection of materials for fabrication of Tableau.
• Fabrication of Tableau.
• Making of Videography & Photography.
• Refreshment and Catering arrangement.
• Water proofing of the site of the work.
• Preparation of Security passes from PM security cell for all staff.
• Finalization of flower colour scheme & landscaping with plants.
• Collection of flowers & plants.
• Management & storage of flower.
• Ensure tableau Route clearance from site to Vijay Chowk.
• On 25th January pinning / fixing & arrangement of flower and landscaping with plants.
• Handing over of floral tableau to MoD for RDC Parade on 26th January.
• Dismantling of fabricated floral tableau and handing over Tractor & Trailer to the MoD.

78 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


Annexure 21



1. Preparation of sketches/Design as per guidelines of MoD for approval from expert committee.
2. Preparation of Security passes from PM Security Cell for all staff.
3. Preparation of Security arrangement at different nurseries to make potted plants for displaying at Presidential
DAIS & Rostrum.
4. Arranging and providing of flower petals to Indian Air Force for Aero-Drop.
5. Preparation of flower colour scheme & landscaping with plants.
6. Collection of potted plants at various nurseries.
7. Arrangement of potted plants for display at Presidential DAIS, Rostrum and other places of Kartavya Path.
8. Preparation of flower beds at V-1, V-II, VN 13, 14, 15 enclosures.
9. Shifting of foliage and flower pots at Presidential DAIS, Rostrum and other places of Kartavya Path.
10. Planting of flower beds in the DAIS, Rostrum and other enclosure of Security Zone.
11. On 25th January, pinning/fixing of fresh loose flowers for floral wall & Rostrum.
12. Floral decoration of DAIS, Rostrum & Floral Back Drop Wall.
13. Clearing surplus materials from the site to Nursery.

169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 79


Annexure 22


1. Preparation & submission of sketches/themes for the floral Boards of following areas & incorporating of
suggestions/ modifications and final approval of MoD committee.
(i) Backdrop wall of guard of Honour Ground (Lahori Gate Side).
(ii) Floral mural wall design for the frontage of Red Fort (Gyan path side).
(iii) Floral Board left & right side of staircase.
(iv) Floral Board in front of VVIP lift.
2. Preparation of site in compliance of prevailing security norms.
3. Preparation of estimates for plants, floral decoration & other related miscellaneous works.
4. Finalization of flower colour scheme and landscaping with plants & flowers.
5. Collection & stocking of plants & flower materials for display purpose.
6. Preparation of list of workers / staffs for security passes from PM security cell.
7. Preparation of list for goods carrier vehicles for security passes from PM security cell.
8. Mobilization of plant materials to Red Fort ceremonial ground from nurseries.
9. Displaying/ grouping of potted plants at various locations of ceremonial grounds (Complete by 13th August).
10. Pining/fixing of arrangement of floral boards on 14th August (evening).

80 169 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

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