CPWD Works Manual 2024

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Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Central Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Rajesh Kumar Kaushal Tel : 23062556 / 1317, Fax : 23061884
Director General E-Mail : cpwd_dgw@nic.in


Over the years, the CPWD Works Manual has served as a reference document.
This CPWD Works Manual provides a basic frame work for planning, designing and
execution of construction and maintenance works in CPWD. With new emerging
construction technologies and changing requirements gaining prominence with the
rising expectations of various clients for timely and efficiently delivery of the projects,
there is a need for continuous revision of the Works Manual to make it more effective.
This CPWD Works Manual 2024 covers various guidelines and circulars issued
during the period November-2022 to June-2024. The provisions of earlier edition have
been relooked and modified keeping in mind the fundamental principles of integrity
& transparency, performance, client satisfaction, economy and accountability.
I hope this updated edition of CPWD Works Manual 2024 will benefit all the
CPWD Officers and other govt. departments, PSUs, private bodies and other
institutions or individuals. This will equip the officers with practical strategies to
overcome obstacles, streamlining processes and achieve the results.
I would like to acknowledge the lead taken by Shri Prem Mohan, Chief
Engineer CSQ (Civil) and dedicated efforts of Shri Vijay Prakash Sahu, SE(C&M),
Shri R.K. Singh, EE (Manual), Shri Yad Ram Meena, AE (Manual), Shri Daljeet Kumar,
AE (Manual) CSQ and all other officers of CSQ under dynamic leadership
of Shri Naimuddin, ADG (Tech.) and other units who have individually provided their
valuable inputs in revision of this Manual.

Place: New Delhi

Dated: 01 July, 2024
(Rajesh Kumar Kaushal)

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation III

Hkkjr ljdkj
Government of India
dsUnzh; yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx
Central Public Works Department
Naimuddin fuekZ.k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh 110011
Addl. Director General (Technical) Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi- 110011
Tel: 23063389, Email: adgtd@nic.in


CPWD Works Manual was last published in the year 2022. Environment of construction
industry is changing very rapidly due to new technology and innovation. Over the years, various
guidelines have been issued on procurement by the Government of India.
'CPWD WORKS MANUAL 2024' is being issued after incorporating various
guidelines/amendments issued during the period 2022 to till June-2024. It mandates the
provisions whereas workflow processes are outlined in the SOPs (Standard Operating
The Manual is advantageous for understanding work procedure. The chapters and their
contents are arranged in the sequence of execution of works. Gradual reading is good enough
for any beginner to absorb the sense of the mandate. "Salient features, Definitions, Glossary of
Terms, About the Manual" shall facilitate easy comprehension. Every effort has been made to
bring out the Works Manual 2024 with utmost precision and accuracy. However, if any
discrepancy is noticed herein, it may be brought to the notice of Chief Engineer (CSQ) (Civil),
CPWD, Room No. 325-A, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
I am grateful to Shri Rajesh Kumar Kaushal, Director General, CPWD, without whose
worthy guidance and support, it would not have been possible to complete the assiduous and
challenging task of revising this Manual. Shri Prem Mohan, Chief Engineer, CSQ (Civil), and his
team comprising Shri Vijay Prakash Sahu, SE(C&M), Shri R.K. Singh, EE (Manual), Shri Yad
Ram Meena, AE (Manual), Shri Daljeet Kumar, AE (Manual) CSQ and all other officers and staff
members of CSQ have my deep appreciation for synchronizing their energies and working
tirelessly to bring out this Manual.

Place : New Delhi ( Naimuddin )

Date: 01, July, 2024 Additional Director General (Technical)

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation V



The Central Public Works Department solemnly resolves to achieve Customer

Satisfaction through Quality, Timely Delivery and Transparency in effective
execution of works and delivery of services while adhering to the principles of
Sustainable Development.

VI 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



1. The Manual has been divided into four parts as:
Part I : General provisions common to both Construction and Maintenance works.
Part II : Provision related to Construction works.
Part III : Provisions related to Maintenance works.
Part IV : Provisions related to Green Buildings and Sustainability Measures.
“Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers” are available in SOP Annexure- 66 & 66A.
Preamble defines the guiding spirit of the various provisions included in this Manual.
2. The Manual follows the ordinary sequence of execution of construction and maintenance, including
pre-construction and pre-maintenance activities.
3. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the CPWD Manual 2024, in general, are a
compendium of standard procedures and work-flows as prevalent in CPWD.
4. It shall always be open, where authorities of one or more levels may be missing, for a higher authority
to exercise the powers delegated to a lower authority. Similarly, whenever any lower authority fails
to take action(s) or exercise his/ her delegated powers, it will always be open to the higher authority
to exercise the powers of the lower authority, but with recorded reasons, if the requirements of the
work so demand.
5. Restriction/relaxation of any provision of the SOPs in the interest of requirements of work, in keeping
with the provisions in the preamble to the CPWD Works Manual 2024, would be allowed to officer
not below the rank of ADG/ SDG with recorded reasons.
6. The Manual should be read as imposing a positive duty on CPWD officers for timely delivery of
works with quality.
7. In case of any conflicting provisions in the Manual and SOPs vis-a-vis “The General Conditions of
Contract (GCC)”, the provisions made in the GCC shall prevail in contract management. Similarly,
Acts, Laws as notified by the government, GFR provisions and CVC guidelines shall prevail over
provisions of the Manual and the SOPs.
8. Action is to be taken as per the OMs /Circulars/guidelines which are available on CPWD website
only. The CPWD officers taking cognizance of any fake/unauthenticated OMs/circulars/guidelines
would be personally responsible for taking any action.
9. The matters seeking clarifications/suggestions/modifications/amendments may be sent through
respective SDGs/ADGs with their recommendations/ views in the relevant matter.
10. The Works Manual 2024 alongwith SOPs has been revised and published as per the approval of
the DG, CPWD.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation VII



1. The CPWD Works Manual 2024 has been revised by incorporating all office memorandums/circulars/
modifications issued after release of CPWD Works Manual 2022. Old circulars are not valid.
2. The Manual aims to achieve Customer Satisfaction through Quality, Timely Delivery and Transparency
in effective execution of works by simplifying procedures to improve client interface, eliminate delays,
improve responsiveness and service delivery, improve productivity, avoid arbitration and litigation.
3. The Manual is divided into four parts: Part I: General provisions common to both ‘Construction’ &
‘Maintenance’ works; Part II: Provisions related to construction works; Part III: Provisions related to
Maintenance and Repair works; and Part IV: Green Buildings and Sustainability Measures. The
Mandatory provisions have been retained in the Manual and the Operating Procedures have been
separated and included in the document for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The SOPs, in
general, are the standard procedures and workflows as prevalent in CPWD.
4. To the extent possible, workflows have been re-designed in such a way that for work execution
operations, only minimum levels in hierarchy of approvals, i.e: (i) Technical Sanctioning Authority (ii)
Site Engineers will be required.
5. The powers of the officers manning these levels would be determined by their ranks as per the
“Financial Powers delegated to CPWD Officers”.
6. “Make in India” Public Procurement Policy, Use of C & D Waste, Use of Fly Ash Bricks, “Skill India”
Policy, Dust and Pollution Control measures in construction as notified by the CPWD Directorate
from time to time have been made part of the Manual.
7. Provision of SPV included for larger magnitude projects as notified by the Directorate from time to
8. Provision of appointing IEM (Independent External Monitor) for large magnitude projects included as
notified by the Directorate from time to time.
9. Restriction/ relaxation of any provision of the SOPs in the interest of requirements of work in keeping
with the provisions in the preamble to the CPWD Works Manual 2024, will be allowed by the authority
not below the rank of ADG/SDG with recorded reasons.
10. Departmental Charges are to be levied only for works of PSUs, Local bodies and Private
11. No expenditure over the A/A & E/S is permissible without approval of client. In budgetary works of
MoHUA excess up to 10 % of A/A and E/S allowed.
12. The definition of the Technical Sanction (T/S) is simplified.
13. Powers to sanction Extra Items and Deviations simplified. Time limits for sanction of extra/deviation
items have been defined.
14. For “Design and Build” / EPC contracts, method to determine reasonableness of prices made clear
and simple. Technical Sanction will be required for "Design and Build"/ EPC Contracts.

VIII 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


15. The T/S for all the works, except emergent works, shall be issued before inviting tenders/ work
16. Departmental Architects or Private Consultants as the case may be to prepare concept design/
preliminary drawings/ specifications etc. before framing of PE in “Design and Build”/ EPC mode.
17. Engagement of Consultant will be done by the Competent Authority with recorded reasons, as per
the Delegation of Financial Powers.
18. The scope of utilization of contingencies of sanctioned work expanded.
19. List of items under Emergent Works expanded. Guidelines incorporated to ensure transparency and
uniformity while declaring the work as Emergent work.
20. Limit for engaging TPQA to be as per directions issued from time to time by the CPWD Directorate.
Guidelines on Quality Assurance modified as system of quality assurance team at circle level is
dispensed with.
21. The Engineer-in-Charge shall be responsible for overall quality of the work.
22. Separate chapters for Maintenance Work included. Taking up of maintenance of buildings not
constructed by CPWD to be approved by an officer of the rank of CE or above.
23. PE to be sent by the officer competent to send PE of the major component of the work. Preliminary
Estimate validity incorporated. Preliminary Project Report (PPR) shall be submitted for works costing
more than Rs.10 Cr. Format for PPR included. Presentation to be made about the PPR, if desired by
client, for projects above Rs.100 Cr.
24. Tenders for all Specialized Works to be invited from specialized agencies as well as CPWD and Non
CPWD contractors, subject to fulfilling of eligibility criteria by them.
25. All pre-construction activities are to be coordinated by the officer under whose T/S powers, the A/A
& E/S Amount of the work is expected to fall.
26. All measurements to be done as per provisions of GCC and abstract of schedule of measurements
and payments are to be entered through PFMS portal of CPWD using e- MB module.
27. The authority declaring the material as unserviceable as per delegation of financial powers is now
empowered to approve the method of its disposal.
28. All definitions have been consolidated and included separately at the beginning of the Manual.
29. Provision of the Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) has been dispensed with. Procedure for
conciliation and arbitration for settlement of disputes modified.
30. Central and Regional Works Board re-organized. Location and constitution of Regional Works Boards
31. Regional Audit Committees reconstituted as per revised organizational structure.
32. New provision for Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) incorporated.
33. Order of preference in EPC mode defined.
34. Testing charges to be borne by the contractor.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation IX


35. Procedure for refund of EMD simplified.

36. Procedure for monitoring of Bank Guarantee incorporated.
37. Provision for release of withheld amount on account of milestones made against submission of
38. Guidelines for monitoring the issue of occupancy certificate included.
39. Time schedule for payment of bills defined.
40. Authorities for recording completion certificate defined.
41. Overall deviation limit in contracts redefined.
42. “Green level certification” of GHAR made mandatory for works costing Rs. 50 Cr. or above.
43. Glossary of terms included.

X 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



Whereas every care has been taken to ensure that all relevant and essential provisions required for
execution of Construction and Maintenance Works are incorporated in this CPWD Works Manual 2024
in a simplified and transparent manner, all executing entities referring to are requested to bring it to the
notice of the Directorate, if any conflicting provisions/ discrepancies are noticed in the CPWD Works
Manual 2024.

This CPWD Works Manual 2024 is prepared for the use of CPWD. However, this may be used by
other government departments, PSUs, private bodies & other institutions or individuals at their own
discretion only. CPWD shall not be responsible for any ambiguity, discrepancy, dispute or financial
loss, arising directly or indirectly by using or following CPWD Works Manual 2024 by such Government/
Private bodies or individuals.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation XI



Page Nos.
Glossary of Terms i
Definitions ii - iv
1.0 Functions 1
1.1 Standard Forms of Contract, Forms for
Bills and Vouchers used for Payments 1
1.2 Funding of Project/Works 2
1.3 Central Works Board 3
1.3.1 Composition of Central Works Board 3
1.4 Regional Works Board 3
1.4.1 Composition of Regional Works Board 3
1.5 Works of Inescapable Nature (1) Emergent Works (2) Urgent Works 3
1.6 Clarifications, Amendments and Revision of Manual 5
2.1 Documents of Accounts 6
2.2 Losses of Government Assets 6
2.3 Accounting Procedure for Works Outside India 6
2.4 Budget 6
2.4.1 General 6
2.4.2 Budget Authority 6
2.5 Consolidated Fund of India 6
2.6 Demands for Grants 7
2.7 Expenditure Relating to New Services & New Instrument of Services 7
2.8 Recoveries, Appropriation Bill, Vote on account, Finance Bill,
Final Budget 7
2.9 Preparation of Budget for CPWD 7
2.10 Budget Heads of Accounts for CPWD 7
2.10.1 Suspense 7
2.11 Lease Charges 8
2.12 New Constructions 8

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation XIII


2.13 Charged Expenditure 8

2.14 New Construction Projects, Projects Other than MoHUA 9
2.15 Works in Progress/ Work Annexure to be annexed with Detailed Demand
for Grants (DDG/Pink Book) 9
2.16 Scheme Works 9
2.17 Demands for Establishment 10
2.18 Revenue Estimates 10
2.19 External Assistance in the Shape of Materials, Equipments and Other
Commodities 10
2.20 Savings, Excesses and Supplementary Demands 11
2.20.1 Surrender of Savings 11
2.20.2 Supplementary Demands 11
2.20.3 Supplementary Grant 11
2.20.4 Annexure to the Supplementary Demands 12
2.21 Appropriation Account 12
2.22 Re-appropriation 12
2.22.1 Restrictions on Appropriations/Re-appropriations 13
2.23 Allotment of Funds 13
2.24 Review of Budget Allocations 13
2.25 Reconciliation of Accounts 14
2.26 Regularization of Excess 14
2.26.1 Avoiding Excess 14
2.26.2 Sanctions to Regularize Excesses 15
2.27 Departmentalization of Accounts- AGs/ CAGs Inspection and Internal
Audit by O/o CCA, MoHUA 15
2.27.1 General 15
2.27.2 CCA/CAG Audit 16
2.28 Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament 16
Chapter 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 - 22
3.0 Classification of Construction Works 17
3.1 Pre-construction Activities 17
3.1.1 Normal Works 17 Preparation of Preliminary Estimate (PE)/Enabling Estimate/Rough
Cost Estimate 17

XIV 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

CPWD WORKS MANUAL 2024 INDEX Detailed Project Report / Detailed Estimate 17 Provision for Contingencies and its Utilization 18 Provision for Departmental Charges (DC) 18 Accord of Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (A/A & E/S) 19 Accord of Technical Sanction 19 Exemption of Government Buildings from Operation of Municipal Bye Laws
to Regulate their Erection: 20 Packages for Accord of Technical Sanction. 20 Schedule of Rates (SOR) and Cost Index 20
3.1.2 Deposit Works 21 Preliminaries for Deposit Works 21
3.1.3 Specialized Works 21
3.1.4 Excess Over Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction 22
4.0 Award of Work without Call of Tenders 23
4.1 Procedure 23
4.2 Award of Works to Registered Labour Co-operative Societies 23
4.3 Award of Works to Contractors Belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes 23
4.4 E-Tendering 24
4.5 Types of Call of Tenders 25
4.5.1 Restricted Tenders 25
4.5.2 Composite Tenders 25
4.5.3 Tenders with Two/Three Bid System 25
4.5.4 Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) 26
4.6 Pre-bid Conference 26
4.7 Manual Tendering 26
4.8 EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Contracts 26
4.9 Special Purpose Vehicle 29
4.10 Preparation of NIT 29
4.10.1 Special Conditions of Cement and Steel 30
4.10.2 Testing Charges to be borne by Contractor 30
4.11 Invitation of Tenders for Works 30
4.12 Publicity of Tenders 30
4.13 Time Limit for Publicity of Tenders 31
4.14 Validity Period of Tenders 31

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation XV


4.15 Action in case of No Response /Unreasonably High Rated Response

to Tenders 32
4.16 Formalities for Re-invitation of Tenders 32
4.17 Tendering Limit of Contractors Enlisted with CPWD as well as Other Central/
State Government Departments 32
4.18 Past Experience of Work Executed 32
4.19 Debarment of Contractors with Blemished Record 32
4.20 Suspension of Business with contractors 32
5.0 Essential Guidelines While Drawing Contracts 33
5.1 Earnest Money, Receipt, Opening and Acceptance of Tenders 33
5.1.1 Necessity for Earnest Money 33
5.1.2 Rates of Earnest Money 33
5.1.3 Mode of Deposit 34
5.1.4 Refund of Earnest Money 34
5.1.5 Earnest Money Stipulation in Work/Supply Order to be Awarded after
Call of Quotations 34
5.1.6 Justification of Tenders 34
5.1.7 Forfeiture of Earnest Money 34
5.1.8 Procedure for Conducting Negotiation 35
5.1.9 Acceptance of Tenders 35
5.1.10 Responsibilities of the Finance Officer/SE(P)/EE(P)/Divisional Accountant /
AE(P) 35
5.1.11 Guidelines on Acceptance of Tenders by the Central Works Board and
Regional Works Board 35
5.1.12 Acceptance of Tenders in Anticipation of Revised Expenditure Sanction 35
5.2 Performance Guarantee 35
5.3 Date of Start 36
5.4 Execution of Agreement 36
5.4.1 Power to Sign Agreement 36
5.4.2 Custody of the Original Agreements 36
5.5 Security Deposit 36
5.5.1 Forms of Security Deposit 36
5.5.2 Repayment/Retransfer of Security Deposit 36
5.5.3 Bank guarantee including e Bank Guarantee 36
5.6 Execution of Works 37
XVI 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

5.6.1 Administration 37
5.6.2 Preliminaries 37
5.6.3 Co-ordination at Construction Stage 37
5.6.4 Responsibility for Quality of Work 37
5.6.5 Responsibilities of Field Officers and Contractor with Regard to the
Labour Laws 38
5.6.6 Periodic Inspection of Works 38
5.6.7 Monitoring of Cement & Steel Consumption 38
5.7 Site Documents 38
5.7.1 Documentation of Accounts 38
5.7.2 Testing of Materials from Govt. / Private Laboratories 38
5.8 Grant of Mobilization Advance to the Contractors for Executing Capital
Intensive Works 38
5.9 Grant of Plant, Machinery and Shuttering Material Advance 38
5.10 Secured Advance 39
5.11 Extra and Deviated Items in Work 39
5.11.1 Powers to Sanction of EI/Deviations 39
5.12 Measurement of Work 40
5.12.1 A. In Case Physical Measurements Books are Used 40
B. In Case Electronic Measurements Books are Used 40
5.12.2 Where Measurements Need Not to be Recorded 40
5.12.3 Measurements for Inadmissible Items 40
5.12.4 Measurements for Earth Levelling Works 40
5.12.5 Advance Payments for Work Done and Measured/Not Measured 40
5.13 Acceptance of Substandard Work 41
5.14 Test Checking of Measurements 41
5.15 Documentation of Hindrances 41
5.16 EOT & Rescheduling of Milestones 42
5.16.1 Compensation under Clause 2 42
5.17 Completion Certificate 42
5.17.1 Recording of Provisional Completion Certificate 42
5.17.2 Recording of Final Completion Certificate 42
5.17.3 Occupancy Certificate and As Built Drawings 43
5.18 Payment 43
5.18.1 Time Schedule for Payment of Bills 43

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation XVII


5.18.2 Authorities to Pass the Bills 44

5.18.3 Payment Through Public Financial Management System (PFMS) 44
5.18.4 Deduction of Income Tax at Source 44
5.18.5 Deduction of GST 44
5.19 Conditions for Refund of Security Deposit and Performance Guarantee 44
5.20 Supplementary Agreements 44
5.20.1 Tenders for Component Parts of Main Work 45
5.21 Arbitration and Litigation 45
5.21.1 Pre-arbitration and Arbitration Mechanism 45
5.21.2 International Commercial Arbitration 45
5.21.3 Acceptance/Challenge of Award 45
5.22 Court Cases 45
5.23 Operation of Contract Clauses 45
Chapter 6 STORES 46
6.0 Purchase of Stores 46
7.1 Chief Technical Examiners Organisation 47
7.1.1 Functions 47
7.1.2 Returns 47
7.2 Quality Assurance and Technical Audit Wing 47
7.2.1 Introduction 47
Chapter 8 MISCELLANEOUS 48 - 51
8.1 Co-opting of CPWD Officers as Member in Building Works Committee
Constituted by Various Department/ Organizations 48
8.2 Consultations with Department of Archaeology and Other Departments for
New Constructions 48
8.3 Demolition of Unsafe Buildings/Structures 48
8.4 Disposal of Government Buildings 48
8.5 Disposal of Purely Temporary Structures 49
8.6 Disposal of Surplus or Unserviceable Stores, T & P 49
8.7 Expenditure on Survey Work 49
8.8 Expenditure on Exhibitions & Inaugurations 49
8.9 Expenditure on Architectural Models 49
8.10 Engagement of Private Consultants 49

XVIII 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


8.11 Engagement of Agencies for Preparation of Architectural Drawings 50

8.12 Checking of Drawings/Structural Design Prepared by Consultant 50
8.13 Consultancy Works to Government Organizations/Institutes 50
8.14 Estimates for Purchase, Repairs to Leased and Requisitioned Properties 50
8.15 Hiring of Accommodation 50
8.16 Departmental Charges for Fair Rent Certificate 51
8.17 Powers for Hiring Accommodation 51
8.18 Valuation of Properties 51
8.19 Levy of Fees by CPWD for Consultancy Services 51
8.20 Weeding Out of Old Agreements 51
Chapter 9 GENERAL PROVISIONS 52 - 53
9.0 Introduction 52
9.1 Classification of Maintenance Works in Existing Structures 52
9.2 Client Satisfaction and Responsiveness 52
9.3 Mode of Execution of Maintenance Works 52
9.3.1 Works through Departmental Labour 53
9.3.2 Works on Individual Contracts 53
9.3.3 Works on Work Orders 53
9.3.4 Petty Repairs 53
9.3.5 Annual Rate Contract System for Maintenance/Minor Works 53
9.4 Powers to Undertake Maintenance Works 53
10.0 Principles and Procedures 54
10.1 Annual Works Plan 54
10.2 Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction 54
10.3 Technical Sanction 54
10.4 Specialized Works 54
10.5 Preparation of NIT 54
11.0 Principles and Procedures 56
12.0 Principles and Procedures 56
12.1 Deviation on Tendered Amount 56
12.2 Requisition of work i.e. Upgradation, Addition/ Alteration and Major Repair /
Renovation 56
12.3 Review of Requisitions by Higher Offices 56

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation XIX



13.0 Principles and Procedures 56
Chapter 14 STORES 57 - 59
14.0 Acquisition of Stores 57
14.1 Procurement of Goods and Services Through Govt. e-Market Place (GeM) 57
14.2 Procedure for Purchase of Materials Through Tender/Quotations 57
14.3 Reserved Items and Preference to Medium and Small-Scale Industries
(MSMEs) 57
14.4 Advance Payments 58
14.5 Payment for the Supplies 58
14.5.1 Advance Payments for Purchase of Stores 58
14.6 Insurance 58
14.6.1 General 58
14.6.2 Inland Transit Insurance 58
14.7 Receipt of Materials/ Horticulture Item/ Plants etc. 59
14.8 Safe Custody of Stores 59
14.9 Transfer of Stock (excluding T & P) to Other Divisions/Departments 59
14.10 Losses on Stores and their Write off 59
14.11 Powers to Write Off 59
14.12 Physical Verification of Stores 59
Chapter 15 MISCELLANEOUS 60 - 61
15.1 Dismantled Materials from Maintenance Works 60
15.2 Disposal of Unserviceable Stores/Dismantle Materials 60
15.3 Register of Buildings 60
15.3.1 Safety of Buildings / Structures 61
15.3.2 Demolition of Unsafe Buildings/ Structures 61
16.0 General Guidelines 62
16.1 Use of New and Emerging Technologies in CPWD Works 62
16.2 Use of Recycled C & D Waste Material and Products 62
16.3 Use of Fly Ash Bricks/Blocks from Recycled C & D Waste/AAC Blocks 62
16.4 Control of Pollution due to Construction Activities 62
16.5 Skill India Policy 63
16.6 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Policy 63
XX 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

A/A & E/S Administrative Approval & Expenditure JE Junior Engineer
Sanction LOC Letter of Credit
ADG Additional Director General LOI Letter of Intent
AEE Assistant Executive Engineer MAS Material at Site
AE Assistant Engineer MB Measurement Book
A/R & M/O Annual Repair and Maintenance of MoU Memorandum of Understanding
CA Chief Architect MSME Ministry of Micro, Small and
CCA Chief Controller of Account Medium Enterprises
CE Chief Engineer MoHUA Ministry of Housing and Urban
CPWD Central Public Works Department
MoUD Ministry of Urban Development
CSSA Cash Settlement Suspense Account
NIQ Notice Inviting Quotations
CTE Chief Technical Examiner
NIT Notice Inviting Tender
DC Departmental Charges
NITI Aayog National Institute for Transforming
DDO Drawing & Disbursing Officer
India Aayog
DE Detailed Estimate
OM Office Memorandum
DG Director General
PAC Public Accounts Committee
DOE Directorate of Estate
PAO Pay and Account Officer
DPR Detailed Project Report
PE Preliminary Estimate
E&M Electrical & Mechanical
PG Performance Guarantee
EE Executive Engineer
PFMS Public Financial Management
EI Electrical Installation System
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment PM Project Manager
E-in-C Engineer - in - Charge PMS Project Monitoring System
EOT Extension of Time PWD Public Works Department
EPC Engineering Procurement and QA Quality Assurance
SE Superintending Engineer
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
SI Sanitary Installation
GCC General Conditions of Contract
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
GeM Govt. e- Market Place
SOR Schedule of Rates
GFR General Financial Rules
SPl. DG/ Special Director General
GST Goods & Service Tax SDG
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning TPQA Third Party Quality Assurance
IEM Independent External Monitor T/S Technical Sanction

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation i



Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction: Communication of formal acceptance of the proposals
by the competent authority of the Administrative Ministry/ Department requisitioning the work.
Additions/Alterations Works: Works which are carried out in any existing structure as per laid down
norms or as per requirements of the client department.
Budgeted Works: The works that are undertaken under an outlay that provided wholly from the financial
estimates and accounts of the Union of India those laid before and voted by both the Houses of Parliament.
Composite Tenders: Tenders comprising of components of more than one discipline viz Civil, Horticulture,
Internal Electric Installations and other Internal & External Electrical Works including Services.
Contingencies: Provision made in the estimates for meeting out unforeseen incidental expenses of
miscellaneous character which cannot appropriately be classified under any distinct sub head or sub
work, yet pertain to work as a whole and are contingent to the completion of the work.
Construction Stage: Stage between acceptance of tender and completion of work.
Comprehensive Maintenance works: Combined Civil, Electrical and Horticulture maintenance works
carried out under a single contract.
Cost Index: An indicator of the average cost movement over time of a fixed basket of representative
goods and services related to execution of works.
Cost of Completed Work: Cost of completed work means cost of work done including extra/deviation
amount, escalation cost (increase/ decrease) and arbitration/litigation award on account of items of work
done or specified otherwise.
Departmental Charges: Agency Charges levied by CPWD for execution of works.
Detailed Estimate: Complete and comprehensive estimate of a work, based on the rates given in the
SOR for those items covered by it and on market rates for the remaining items, supported by detailed
drawings and specifications.
Detailed Project Report (DPR): A detailed appraisal report of a project containing documents as described
in the Works Manual.
Deposit Work: The term ‘Deposit Works’ is applied to works of construction or repairs and maintenance,
the cost of which is met out of Government grants to autonomous or semi-autonomous bodies or
institutions through their Administrative Ministries, or is financed from non-Government sources wholly
or partly from :
(a) Funds of public nature, but not included in the financial estimates and accounts of the Union of India
or (b) Contributions from the public.
Deviation in Quantities: Variation in quantities of items of the contract as given in the schedule of quantities
and actually executed.
Divisional Officer: The Officer usually of the rank of Executive Engineer who is heading the executive
unit of the department i.e the Division and is also entrusted with the responsibility of receipt and disbursement
of public money.

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Earnest Money: Amount paid by a bidder in required form as a security for not backing out from his/her
tender before its acceptance or refusing to execute the work after it has been awarded to him/her.
Emergent Works: Works which arise all of sudden out of any Critical or Emergent situation of inescapable
nature and which brooks no delay and are to be awarded expeditiously.
Engineer-in-Charge: The Officer or his representative entering into the agreement with the contractor on
behalf of President of India.
Enabling Estimate: Estimate that is prepared for carrying out pre-construction activities of a work.
Extra Item: Items that are completely new and are in addition to the items contained in the schedule of
quantities of the contract.
Item Rate Tender: Tenders in which the contractors are required to quote rates for individual items of
work as given in the schedule of quantities.
Minor Works: Works which add capital value to existing assets but do not create new assets.
Negative Deviation: When total quantity of an item executed is lower than the quantity of the item as
stipulated in the contract.
Normal Works: Works which are not any of the following:
Works of Emergent and/or Urgent nature and/or Specialized Works.
Open Call of Tenders: Tendering process in which tenders are not invited on a restrictive call basis.
Original Works: Works involving all new constructions, site preparation, additions and alterations, special
repairs to newly purchased or previously abandoned buildings or structures, including re-modelling or
Percentage Rate Tender: Tenders in which the contractors are required to quote rates on percentage
basis i.e. above or below the estimated cost put to tender.
Preliminary Estimate: Estimate prepared for construction/repair/maintenance works based on plinth
area cost basis with CPWD Plinth Area Rates (PAR) or any other method without detailed items of work
for obtaining A/A & E/S.
Pre-construction Stage: Stage before acceptance of the tenders for the work.
Post-construction Stage: Stage after completion of the work.
Repairs and Maintenance works: All works undertaken to maintain the assets in a proper service
condition and for maintenance and operation of all services therein.
Restricted Tenders: Tenders of Secret/ Special nature requiring specialized equipment or maintenance
of VIP residences/important buildings invited from limited prequalified contractors.
Rough Cost Estimates: Estimates for a ready approximate cost of work which are prepared on the
request of the client only to assess the cost of the project based on the input given by the client with or
without any preliminary design/drawings.
Special Repair Works: Major repairs or replacement or remodeling of a portion of an existing structure /
installation or other works which needs replacement of the major component of structure/ installation due
to major breakdowns, or its deterioration.

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Specialized Works: Specialized works /items/ jobs are those works that requires expertise/specialized
skill and are executed after prequalification of agencies.
Substitute Item: Item executed in place of item of work available in the schedule of quantities of the
Technical Sanction (T/S): A certificate that the detailed estimate has been prepared and approved on
the basis of a properly detailed design.
Technical Sanction Authority: The authority who approves the detailed estimate and issues Certificate
of Technical Sanction for the work.
Up-gradation Works: Works carried out to an existing structure pursuant to revised norms/specifications
as notified from time to time by the CPWD Directorate/ Client Department.
Urgent Works: Urgent works are works which require fast start/completion within compressed schedule
and are to be taken up on top most priority at the instructions of competent authority or on specific request
of the user department.

iv 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation




1.0 Functions
The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) is the Central Government agency operating
throughout the country for:
(1) Planning, construction, maintenance and repairs of all buildings, and other works as assigned
by the Central Government Ministries, Departments, PSUs, autonomous bodies and other
(2) Valuation of properties/assets as and when requested by the statutory authorities such as
Income Tax, ED, CBI, etc.
(3) Assessment of rent for hiring of private properties and assessment of value of properties for
purchase by various Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India.
(4) Advising Govt. of India on various Technical matters relating to public works.

1.1 Standard Forms of Contract, Forms for Bills and Vouchers used for Payments
The following different forms of contract/ bills are used in CPWD depending upon the nature of work:
(1) Percentage Rate Tender document (CPWD Form 7): This form is used for works in which
contractors are required to quote rates on percentage basis i.e. above or below the estimated
cost put to tender.
(2) Item rate Tender document (CPWD Form 8): This form is used for works in which contractors
are required to quote the rates against each item of work. This form is generally used where
most of the items are non-scheduled or specialized items and detailed analysis of rates is
not available.
(3) Supply of materials (CPWD Form 9): This form is normally used where the purchase of
materials is involved. In this form, the contractors are required to quote rates for supply of
the required quantity of materials, whether raw or finished.
(4) Piece Work (CPWD Form 10): This form is used mainly in cases, where it is necessary to
start the work in anticipation of formal acceptance of contract. An agreement on piece work
form may be drawn and the contract may be cancelled as soon as regular contract is signed.
(5) Work Order (CPWD 11A): This form is normally used for works which are to be awarded
without call of tender. In Form 11A, the contractor is bound in respect of the quantity of work
and the time in which it is to be completed.
(6) Lump sum Contract document (CPWD Form 12): This form is used for works in which
contractors are required to quote a lump sum amount for completing the work in accordance
with the given designs, specifications and functional requirements.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 1


(7) Tender document for demolition of Buildings (CPWD Form 47): This form of tender is adopted
for demolition of buildings and removal of debris from the site.
(8) Annual Rate Contract for Maintenance: This is suitable for repetitive nature of jobs which
require immediate start and uniformity of rates, mainly for minor works and works of Additions
and Alterations. The works have to be planned in advance and a number of agencies for
works in each colony should be fixed before the start of financial year. Normal A/R & M/O
works, however, shall be dealt with under normal tendering system.
(9) World Bank Documents: The standard bidding documents finalized by the World Bank are
used for works aided by it. Only work specific changes, acceptable to the Bank can be
introduced through additional conditions or contract data sheets. No changes may be made in
the standard wordings of the standard bidding document. The two authorities for administering
the contract for World Bank project, viz. the “Employer” and the “Engineer” should be substituted
with “The Central Public Works Department” represented by CE/ SE or any other authority
designated by CPWD Directorate and “The EE/Engineer-in-Charge” respectively in the Additional
Conditions of Contract, should be got approved by the World Bank representative. It should be
mentioned that it shall be open for the Engineer-in-Charge to invite a third party to inspect the
work and advise him/ her on the quality, workmanship etc. of the work.
(10) EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) – This form is used for EPC works in
which contractors are required to quote rates/percentage (above/below) on estimated cost
as per NIT conditions.
(11) The various forms of Bills and Vouchers used in CPWD for making payments are given in
Annexure -1 of SOP document.

1.2 Funding of Project/ Works:

The various modes for funding of Project/ works are as under:
(1) By Letter of Authorization: The budget is received through the Pay and Accounts Officer of
client department. The PAO of CPWD/MoHUA is authorized by the PAO of the client
Department for charging the expenditure to the Heads of Account operated by the respective
Ministries. This mode is adopted for transfer of funds from one department of government of
India to other.
(2) Budgeted works: In this mode, outlay is provided from the financial estimates and accounts
of the Union of India that are laid before and voted by both the Houses of Parliament through
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs.
(3) Deposit: This mode is adopted for the works of State governments, local bodies, PSUs,
autonomous organizations etc.
(4) CSSA-Cash Settlement Suspense Account: In this mode of funding, the funds are made
available after carrying out the works pertaining to the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of
Defence. The expenditure is booked by CPWD first in suspense account and then the bill is
raised on the client against which payments are made by the client and the suspense account
is cleared. LOC for this is also given by CCA against assurances given by the clients.
(5) Funding by foreign countries: This system is followed when a project executed in India is
completely funded by foreign countries.

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1.3 Central Works Board

As laid down in the CPWD Code, the Government of India has constituted a Central Works Board
for approval of tenders and other miscellaneous matters relating to execution of works.
1.3.1 Composition of Central Works Board
(1) The Board consists of a Chairman and six Members. The Director General, CPWD is
the Chairman. The ADG(Tech), Director (Works) of MoHUA, CE CSQ (E), Chief Controller
of Accounts, MoHUA and CE CSQ (Civil) are Members. The Director (finance), CPWD
acts as the Member Secretary of the Board.
(2) The Board has the authority to co-opt members including non-official experts and the
representatives of the other Administrative Departments of the Government of India when
so required for advice on matters as to the execution of Specialized Projects i.e. Aviation
Works, Factory Works, Projects, etc.

1.4 Regional Works Board

Regional Works Boards are constituted for approval of tenders within its delegation of financial
powers as notified by the CPWD Directorate. Details are given in SOP No. 5/7.
1.4.1 Composition of Regional Works Board
(1) The RWB consists of a Chairman and three members. Special DG concerned as notified by
the CPWD directorate acts as Chairman, ADG of the Region and Director (Finance) CPWD/
representative of CCA as members. The concerned CE/SE presents the case before the
Board. Director (Finance), CPWD is the member of the RWB for Delhi as notified by CPWD
Directorate, while for other stations, the member is nominated by CCA, MoHUA. The Chief
Engineer (W & TLQA) or as notified by CPWD Directorate is the Member Secretary of the
RWB. The Secretarial work of the Board is to be done by the unit attached to Chief Engineer
(W & TLQA) or as notified from time to time by CPWD Directorate.
(2) The Regional Works Board has the authority to co-opt the representative of client department
as Member, if so required.

1.5 Works of Inescapable Nature

Various works of inescapable nature can be classified as under:
(1) Emergent works
These are emergency works which arise all of sudden and are of inescapable nature requiring
immediate action that cannot brook any delay like:
(i) Natural calamities like Earthquakes, Blizzards, Hurricanes/ Lightening, Tornados,
Tsunami waves, Floods.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 3


(ii) Other causes like Explosions/Arson, Fire, War, Sudden collapse of building/bridge,
Terrorist attack, Mass strike affecting civic services such as water, sewer and power
supply, spread of epidemic, works required for maintaining law and order.
(iii) Restoration of essential services in case of accidents/ break down etc.
(iv) Ceremonial functions at the time of death of President/Ex President, Vice President/
Ex Vice President and Prime Minister/Ex Prime Minister.
(v) Restoration of services in Parliament, President/ Vice President House/ Prime Minister
House, Prime Minister’s Office, Hyderabad House, National Security Council Secretariat
and other Buildings of National importance and prestige.
(vi) Works ordered by OSD/PS to PM, OSD to Dy PM and Vice President Secretariat to
be executed by CPWD within a specific time frame.
(vii) Works on a specific reference from the Secretariat to the President of India.
(viii) Critical Hospital services works on the requisition from Medical Supdt. or equivalent.
(ix) Works on the specific reference from Chief of Protocol, Min. of External Affairs or on
his behalf for Hyderabad House, New Delhi.
(x) Any other work, apart from the above, declared as Emergent by the CE or the next
authority if there is no CE.
(xi) To ensure -, transparency and uniformity while declaring the works emergent, the
Competent Authority i.e. CE/ADG/SDG should record a certificate that:
(a) The work has arisen all of sudden.
(b) The work is of inescapable nature requiring immediate action that cannot brook
any delay.
The Competent Authority while declaring any work as emergent may also decide
the mode of calling quotations i.e. whether spot or through e-tender portal duly
supported with reasons.
(xii) Details of works awarded on the basis of spot quotation should be compiled by each
circle/zone (SE/CE) on quarterly basis and submitted to ADG/SDG.
The Engineer in Charge as per his competence shall proceed to carry out the necessary
work and shall immediately intimate PAO concerned that such liability is being incurred with
approximate amount of liability. The competent officer should initiate action for the A/A & E/S
and accord of T/S (if applicable) to regularize the liability.
Such emergent works can be executed without call of tenders by issuing work order or on
hand receipt after collecting spot quotations as per delegation of powers given in “Financial
Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”. Spot quotations shall be collected by officers not
below the level of AE/AEE.
(Normal works which require compressed schedule for completion/early start should not be
considered as Emergent works)

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(2) Urgent Works:

(i) The urgent works need not to be treated at par with the works to be taken up under
emergency situations. These are works which require early start/completion within
compressed schedule and are to be taken up on topmost priority at the instructions of
competent authority or on specific request of the user department. Under these situations
availability of funds needs to be ensured before taking up execution of such works.
Engineer-in-Charge shall be responsible for assessing the urgency of the work. Normally,
unless situation warrants otherwise, work orders shall be placed after open call of
quotations with publicity through web for works upto Rs 5 lacs. Quotations for works
with estimated cost more than Rs. 5 lacs shall be invited through e- tendering platform.
In case of exigencies, with recorded reasons, the urgent work may be executed by
collecting spot quotations as per delegation in “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD
Officers”. In case of Deposit works, urgent works can be taken up on written request of
the client.
(ii) Details of urgent works should be compiled by each circle/ zone (SE/ CE) on quarterly
basis and submitted to ADG/ SDG for review.

1.6 Clarifications, Amendments and Revision of Manual

For any clarification or interpretation of any of the provisions of the Manual, the matter shall be
referred to DG, CPWD who being technical Advisor to GoI, shall be the competent authority to
decide and make necessary amendments in engineering and technical matters. For matters relating
to financial policy, delegation of financial powers or any other policy matters issued by the GOI,
shall be referred to MoHUA.
Guidelines/orders/notifications related to Public procurement Policy have also been issued by
M/ o Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, M/o Electronics & IT, CVC etc. CPWD Directorate has been
issuing directions for compliance of the said orders and their inclusion in the tender conditions.
The same are uploaded on the CPWD Website and are to be followed.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 5



2.1 Documents of Accounts

The following documents are mandatory for proper accounting for the works as prescribed in
CPW Accounts Code and O/o CCA, MoHUA:
(1) Bills Register
(2) Contractor’s ledger
(3) Register of works
(4) Materials Account
(5) Cash Book
The procedure and responsibility for the above documents are defined in CPW Accounts Code.

2.2 Losses of Government Assets

For the procedure, GFR 2017 (as amended from time to time) may kindly be referred. The reporting
of losses and follow-up action required thereof is defined in CPW Accounts Code.

2.3 Accounting Procedure for Works outside India

For the works outside India executed by CPWD as and when assigned by Govt. of India through
Ministry of External Affairs, general requirement and accounting procedure for works mentioned in
CPW Accounts Code shall be followed.

2.4 Budget

2.4.1 General
Budget is the Annual Financial Statement of all transactions of the Central Government in and
outside India, including estimated receipts and expenditure occurring during the year in which the
statement is prepared as well as during the ensuing year. The instructions about the procedure for
preparation of the Budget Estimates/Schedule of Demands, Revised Budget Estimates are issued
by the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance in their annual Budget circular.

2.4.2 Budget Authority

The Director General is the budget authority for the preparation and submission of all Budget
related proposals for CPWD to MoHUA.

2.5 Consolidated Fund of India

All revenues received by Government, loans raised by it, and its receipts from recoveries of loans
granted by it form the Consolidated Fund. All expenditure of Government is met from the
Consolidated Fund, as authorised by the appropriate legislature. All appropriations granted by the
Parliament expire at the end of financial year and no deduction of unspent budget can be appropriated
for meeting the demands in the next financial year. Thus, all unutilized funds within the year ‘lapse’
at the end of the financial year.

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2.6 Demands for Grants

For details regarding ‘Procedure for compilation of detailed demands for grants’ and ‘Procedure to
be followed in connection with the demands for supplementary grants’, GFR 2017 and Budget
Circulars of MoF/MoHUA/Budget Section of O/o DG, CPWD shall be followed.

2.7 Expenditure Relating to New Services & New Instrument of Services

“New Services” refer to expenditure arising out of a new policy decision, not brought to the notice
of the Parliament earlier. Likewise, relatively large expenditure arising out of important expansion
of an existing activity is treated as a “New Instrument of Service”. No expenditure can be incurred
from the Consolidated Fund of India on a “New Service”/”New Instrument of Service” without prior
approval of the Parliament through a Supplementary Grant. The instructions issued by the Ministry
of Finance from time to time are to be followed accordingly.

2.8 Recoveries, Appropriation Bill, Vote on account, Finance Bill, Final Budget
These are the part of budget processes and Budget Manual of the Ministry of Finance and their
circulars may be referred for details.
Final Budget is required to be submitted to the Government according to prescribed format by the
due date each year. It is to be based on the expenditure actually incurred for the months till 31st
December and assessment of anticipated expenditure during the remaining three months i.e. till
31st March, taking into account the progress of the works and the posts in existence. Any
modifications in the requirements thereafter will be considered as “Surrenders of Anticipated Savings”
or “Applications for Supplementary Grants” by Re-appropriations.

2.9 Preparation of Budget for CPWD

Budget Estimates (including Revised Estimates) for works etc. should be prepared in the forms
prescribed by the MoHUA, both for Schemes and Non-Scheme expenditure and submitted as per
the guidelines / instructions of Ministry of Finance /MoHUA.

2.10 Budget Heads of Accounts for CPWD

The budget is prepared under various Heads of Accounts depending upon the nature of expenditure.
Different Heads of Accounts are controlled by different Ministries/Departments. The same are
detailed under List of Major/Minor Heads issued by CGA/ CCA, MoHUA and CPW Accounts
Code as given in Annexure- 2 and SOP 2/1.

2.10.1 Suspense
Along the proposals relating to suspense head “Stock”, a working sheet containing the following
information should be enclosed:
(1) Stock holding at the beginning of the year.
(2) Value of stock expected to be purchased during the year.
(3) Value of stock expected to be issued during the year.
(4) Value of expected stock holding at the end of the year, and
(5) Percentage of stock holdings based on the above data.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 7


2.11 Lease Charges

The following information needs to be supplied:
(1) The accumulation of arrears for previous years, and
(2) The likely commitment for the current year.

2.12 New Constructions

Ministries/Departments prepare proposals for “New” construction projects to be included in Budget
Grants of MoHUA. These proposals are to be furnished in the Proforma (MIS/B-I) as given at
Annexure -2 and in SOP 2/2. For Submission of PE/ RE for grant of A/A and E/S for Capital
Works of GPRA/ GPOA Scheme funded through MoHUA Grant details are as given in SOP 2 /3.

2.13 Charged Expenditure

(1) All expenditure connected with the satisfaction of decrees of the Courts is to be treated as
‘Charged’ expenditure for payment of award on budgeted works. The payments made in
satisfaction of Court decrees etc., in the following cases will not, however, be treated as
‘Charged’ expenditure:
(a) (i) Payment of awards under Land Acquisition Act.
(ii) Payment of compensation under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.
(iii) Payment of awards by Arbitrators under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
(iv) Payment by Arbitrators under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
(b) Payments involving refunds of revenue and security deposits lodged by the contractor
and kept in the Public Accounts.
(2) In case of (a) above, the payments should be made out of the Voted portion of the grants. In
respect of (b), the payments should be treated as refunds of revenue and adjusted as deduction
from the respective heads provided the original recoveries were treated as receipts and
adjusted under the receipt heads of accounts. Wherever the recoveries were adjusted as
deductions from expenditure, the refunds of such recoveries under the orders of the Court
etc. should be treated as ‘Charged expenditure’.
(3) Refunds of Security Deposits should be debited to ‘Public Accounts’ if the same is kept in
that account. On the other hand, if the deposit has been forfeited, the refund should be
treated as ‘Charged Expenditure’.
(4) In cases where an appeal is filed against the decree in the lower Court and the decreed
amount is deposited in the Court as security for staying the execution of decree, the same
should be kept initially as a ‘Deposit’ in the Public Accounts. Later on, if the amount is refunded
as a result of the Court’s order, then the expenditure will be charged in accordance with (1)
and (2) above.
(5) In case of deposit works, awards should be charged to the work in all cases (whether deposit
balances are available or not) and adjustments in accounts made later on.

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(6) Where decrees/awards are normal feature, Ministries/Departments may include provisions
for likely payments during a year on the basis of the past trends and other information available
with them at the time of framing the estimates. If this provision proves inadequate, it may be
supplemented by a Supplementary Appropriation or in the case of an immediate payment, by
an advance from the Contingency Fund of India.

2.14 New Construction Projects, Projects Other than MoHUA

(1) The separate statements for Scheme (erstwhile Plan) as Residential, Non-Scheme (erstwhile
Non-Plan) Residential, Scheme (erstwhile Plan) non-Residential and Non- Scheme (erstwhile
Non-Plan) Non-Residential works are to be prepared under respective Major Heads and
Schemes, and the works being grouped Project Region/Region/zone-wise for each category
under the MoHUA Demand.
(2) The new works proposals, after complying with the above requirements, should be sent by
the concerned Chief Engineer/Budgetary Head to the Director (Fin), CPWD O/o Director
General, CPWD by 31st August, every year.
(3) The Director (Finance), CPWD will scrutinize the proposals and forward his findings through
ADG (Works)/DG or as notified by CPWD Directorate to the MoHUA by 30th September, of
every year.

2.15 Works in Progress/ Work Annexure to be annexed with Detailed Demand for Grants (DDG/
Pink Book)
(1) The Revised Estimates for current year and Budget Estimates for ensuing year in respect of
capital works in progress under Demand for MoHUA are to be prepared under the prescribed
format circulated by Budget section, O/o DG, CPWD.
(2) Separate schedules should be prepared for Residential Scheme, Residential Non- Scheme,
Non-Residential Scheme and Non-Residential Non-Scheme works costing more than the
prescribed limit. Similar statements may also be prepared for works costing less than the
prescribed limit for which lump sum amounts are provided in the schedules. The works may
be arranged in the manner as they appear in the Detailed Demand for Grants of the current
year. Abstracts of each schedule should then be added.
(3) The provision for Civil, Electrical and Horticulture portions of works, as the case may be,
should be shown together. No new works costing the prescribed limit or more should be
taken in hand or included in the proposals for Revised Estimates unless prior and specific
approval of the competent authority is available. Instructions given in preparation of RE/BE
are to be followed as given from time to time.

2.16 Scheme Works

(1) The demands should be confined to those works only which have received administrative
approval in cases where such approval is required.
(2) For “Minor Works” and “Maintenance and Repairs” chargeable to the Major head “2059 Public
Works” and “2216 Housing-Government Residential Buildings”, demands should be provided
justifying the total demand for each work/sub-head. Such demands should be based on
realistic assessment of the expenditure likely to be incurred during the current financial year.
(3) In cases where such lump sum provisions are made for Scheme or Non-Schemes, detailed
justification should be given in support of the demands made.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 9


2.17 Demands for Establishment

(1) The estimates of the funds required under the Head “Salaries” in the Budget will be framed
on the basis of trends over the preceding 3 years, considering other relevant factors, like
changes in rates of pay, allowances, number of posts and their filling and the economy
instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance from time to time
(2) The Heads of Departments are to furnish the details of posts included in these estimates in
order to furnish the statement showing the “Estimated strength of establishment” and provisions
thereof to be appended to the detailed Demands for Grants. Refer SOP 2/1.
(3) Provisions for posts lying vacant, deputation, etc should be considered for making realistic
demand provision in the Budget Estimates.
(4) The demand under “Establishment” is shown in all cases under Sub-heads (1) Salary, which
includes (a) Salary of Officers, (b) Salary of Staff (2) Allowances (Other than Travelling
allowances) (3) Wages (4) Travelling Allowances.

2.18 Revenue Estimates

(1) The CPWD being an expenditure department does not deal with the revenue portion of the
budget, except in respect of miscellaneous receipts occurring in discharge of the departmental
functions under the Heads of Accounts “059 Public Works” and “0216 Housing”. The receipts
generally comprise of rents of land and buildings, license fee, sale of tender forms and sale
of produce etc. from compounds of premises or the premises where such produce is
Government property, supervision charges on sales of stock, profits on revaluation of stores,
unclaimed balances under “Purchases”, recovery of departmental charges, lapsed deposits
and fines, confiscated/forfeited deposits of works other than the deposit works (which do not
represent compensation for damage to works-in-progress). This is required to be submitted
as per CPW Accounts Code by 30th November every year to the Chief Controller of
Accounts of MoHUA.
(2) Estimates of rent recoveries adjustable under Major head “0216” in respect of Government
accommodation, will be furnished by the Chief Controller of Accounts, MoHUA, except where
a Department has separate pool of accommodation (e.g. Delhi and other Union Territories,
Indian Meteorological Department and the Central Board of Direct Taxes and Central Board
of Indirect Taxes and Customs etc.) of which rent receipts, although adjustable under the
Major head 0216, are not passed on to the Director of Estates, MoHUA. Apart from the Chief
Controller of Accounts, MoHUA, only the Accounts Officers of Departments maintaining
such separate pool of accommodation should furnish estimates of “License fee” receipts
direct to the Budget Division alongwith the estimates of other Revenue receipts.

2.19 External Assistance in the Shape of Materials, Equipments and Other Commodities
Such assistance received from foreign Governments without involving any cash inflow or outflow,
Account and Budget provisions will be as given below.
The procedure for such assistance can be of different type and for each case matter may be
referred to the office of DG CPWD/ Director (Finance) for suggesting the suitable accounting and
payment system based on consultation with IFD, MoHUA and Ministry of Finance.

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2.20 Savings, Excesses and Supplementary Demands

2.20.1 Surrender of Savings

During the course of the financial year, it may be found that the expenditure under some of the
sub-heads is likely to be less than the provisions in the budget owing to one or more of the following
(i) Actual postponement of expenditure.
(ii) Normal savings due to economy.
(iii) Normal savings due to original over estimating or administrative causes
(a) All anticipated savings noticed in a grant or allotment has to be surrendered sufficiently
in advance before the close of the financial year. The surrenders should be made
immediately as soon as the savings are foreseen without waiting till the end of the year,
unless these are required to meet increased demand under some other Head(s), which
can definitely be foreseen at that time.
(b) No savings are to be held in reserve for meeting possible excesses in future.
(c) Budget Division, Ministry of Finance has issued instructions on the need for the individual
Ministry/Department to put in place effective mechanism for realistically assessing
their requirement of funds in a way that would ward off the occurrence of unwarranted
surrender of savings at a later date. In this regard, Rule 62 of GFR 2017 may be

2.20.2 Supplementary Demands

Expenditure for which no provision has been made in the original Budget Estimates for the current
year cannot normally be incurred. If either owing to (i) an unforeseen emergency, or (ii) under-
estimating or insufficient allowance for factors leading to the increase in expenditure, excess
expenditure on a particular item of the budget estimate is inevitable, action may be taken for
submission of an application for allotment of additional funds by re-appropriation or supplementary
grant, where it is not possible to get funds by re-appropriation.
If the amount authorized through appropriations for a particular service is found to be insufficient
for the purposes of that year or when a need has arisen during the current financial year for
supplementary or additional expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the annual
financial statement for that year, a supplementary demands for grants proposal shall be made
before Parliament. However, if any money has been spent on any service during a financial year
in excess of the amount granted for that service and for that year, demand for such excess, as the
case may be is to be laid before both the Houses of Parliament for authorizing (subject to the
report of the Public Accounts Committee) the expenditure incurred in excess.

2.20.3 Supplementary Grant

As per Rule 66 of GFR, if savings are not available within the Grant to which the payment is
required to be debited, or if the expenditure is on “New Service” or “New Instrument of Service” not
provided in the budget, necessary Supplementary Grant or Appropriation in accordance with Article
115 (1) of the Constitution should be obtained before payment is authorized. Instructions issued
from the Budget Section of CPWD/ MoHUA from time to time are to be followed in this regard.

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2.20.4 Annexure to the Supplementary Demands

As recommended by the Public Accounts Committee, any order for re-appropriation, issued during
a financial year, which has the effect of increasing the budget provision under a sub-head or
standard object head by more than the limit specified in Budget Division’s OM or as mentioned in
the Delegation of Financial Power Rules, is required to be reported to Parliament along with the
final batch of the Supplementary Demands for Grants.

2.21 Appropriation Account

(1) Appropriation Account relating to the expenditure brought into account during a financial year is
required to be submitted to the Parliament. The Appropriation Account, thus, compares the total
grants (original, supplementary, etc.) made by the Parliament for any particular purpose with the
actual expenditure incurred by Government on that purpose. While making such comparison,
explanations should be given in the Appropriation Account for the variations between the final
grant and the actual expenditure under each sub-head, whether excesses or savings.
(2) The sub-heads in respect of which reason for variations both for savings and excesses are
required to be included are as follows:
(a) If the variation in a sub-head exceeds the prescribed limit - All variations, both savings
and excesses, irrespective of the percentage which the variation bears to the sanctioned
provision (original, or supplementary, or both taken together).
(b) If the variation in a sub-head does not exceed the prescribed limit.
(i) Where the variation is in excess
All cases in which the excess exceeds 10% of the total sanctioned provision or
as prescribed, whichever is higher - The total sanctioned provision in this clause
means the original provision (if there is no supplementary provision), supplementary
provision (if there is no original provision), and original and supplementary provision
taken together if they exist.
(ii) Where the variation is a saving
All cases in which the saving exceeds 10% of the original provision, or as
prescribed, whichever is higher, if in that sub-head there is no supplementary
provision in a sub-head either with or without any original provision - All cases, in
which the saving exceeds 10% of the supplementary provision will be included.
(c) If the grant/appropriation as a whole has been exceeded (i.e. where excess has occurred
in any of the four segments, viz. voted revenue, voted capital, charged revenue and
charged capital) - Only such sub-heads as involve an excess of over the prescribed
amount may be picked up. If, however, there is no individual subhead involving an excess
of over such prescribed amount, sub-heads which mainly account for the overall excess
may be included. However, the criteria laid down in (a) and (b) (ii) will also be followed.

2.22 Re-appropriation
(1) A transfer of fund from one primary unit of appropriation to another such unit may become
necessary. Such a transfer is termed “re-appropriation”, and can be sanctioned only by the
competent authority prescribed under DFPR and Orders of Ministry of Finance from time to

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(2) Transfer of funds within one primary unit of appropriation under the same grant and involving
two or more Zones does not amount to re-appropriation, and does not, therefore, attract the
provisions of Rule 10 of the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, because Appropriation
Accounts are prepared on the basis of the total grant under a particular primary unit of
appropriation in all the CPWD Zones.
(3) Rule 65 of GFR 2017 regarding provisions relating to the Re-appropriation of Funds, relevant
rules under DFPR are given in SOP 2/4.

2.22.1 Restrictions on Appropriations/Re-appropriations

All Re-appropriation shall be done as per GFR 2017/ DFPR provisions and according to orders
issued by MoF from time to time.

2.23 Allotment of Funds

(1) After the budget grants are approved by the Parliament, the Ministry allocates the sanctioned
funds to the DG, CPWD. Director Finance, CPWD who functions as IFD of CPWD distributes
the allocated funds with the approval of competent authority among the concerned Heads of
Departments/Other Budget Controlling authorities in the field or to any subordinate offices,
as approved by the competent authority based on priority, urgency and specific need according
to their demands and availability of funds. The distribution of budget by the Head of Department/
subordinate offices shall be informed to the Director (Finance) of CPWD and Pay & Accounts
Officers for check against allocations.
(2) While preparing detailed statement showing the distribution of the funds, the following points
should receive the attention of the budget authorities:
(i) The statement should show the distribution of the final allotments by the budget controlling
officers in consultation with respective finance officers of the Zones/ Divisions which
are primary units of appropriation to cover a number of individual items or works. It
should also contain an abstract of the charges by the prescribed subheads.
(ii) Specific allotment should be made for each individual major work.
(iii) Provision for Voted and Charged items should be shown separately.
(iv) The amounts and details of the allotment/ ceilings intimated by the Ministry should be
strictly adhered to and on no account altered/ breached.
(3) The distribution statement, when issued, should be regarded as the authorised program of
expenditure. Any change required therein during the course of the year should be dealt with
under the Rules of Re-appropriation.

2.24 Review of Budget Allocations

(1) All budget controlling and monitoring officers should review every month the progress of
expenditure vis-a-vis physical progress against the funds placed at their disposal from time
to time. Physical as well as financial progress is important to be regularly monitored. Additional
demand or anticipated savings, if any, should be intimated to the Director (Finance) of CPWD
immediately. These statements should include all items and prepared separately for voted
and charged expenditure.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 13


(2) To ensure effective control of the expenditure against the appropriations made vis-a-vis
physical progress in the prescribed Proforma issued, a quarterly review of the expenditure
is conducted until the end of September and thereafter every month till the month of February
hence excess/savings must be reported to Director (Finance) of CPWD from time to time.
(3) Where the progress of expenditure is not even and upto the required standards, timely action
should be taken by the CE/SE/Budget controlling authorities/ Director (Finance) of CPWD to
accelerate the expenditure by the expenditure incurring units. According to the guidelines
issued by the MoF, last Quarter expenditures should not exceed 33% of BE and 15% in the
month of March of the financial year. Rush of expenditure in any month should be avoided
following guidelines of the MoF. FOs/SEs shall also watch the pace of expenditure vis-a-vis
physical progress of the works in their respective zones/circles. Director (Finance) of CPWD
should take corrective actions in view of imbalanced pace of expenditure and availability of
funds in form of budget reduction/ adjustment among zones/budget controlling units. The
units will not try to incur expenditure due to surplus funds at their disposal, merely to avoid
the lapses without following prescribed procedure and formalities.

2.25 Reconciliation of Accounts

(1) The Budget controlling authorities and concerned DDO/ Divisional Officer/AAO of divisions
are jointly responsible for the reconciliation of the figures given in the accounts maintained
by the Head of the Department with those appearing in the Pay and Accounts Office’s (here
in after called PAO) Accounts Officer’s books. Concerned ADG/SDG’s will oversee the
overall functioning of Accounting and Financial matters with help of senior most Account &
Finance officer available at their office and ensure that all divisions are performing their
function under stipulated time and the reconciliation should be made monthly, the initial
responsibility resting with the Accounts Officer. The detailed procedure for reconciliation of
expenditure incurred by Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO’s), including cheque drawing
DDO’s (Divisional Officers), and appearing in the books of the Pay and Accounts Officers
has been prescribed under CPWD Accounts Code and GFR 2017.
(2) The Chief Engineers/ Director General as Heads of Department would maintain consolidated
Zone-wise and grant wise records, i.e. Major Head, Minor Head, Sub- Head-wise expenditure
in Form no. GFR 12.

2.26 Regularization of Excess

2.26.1 Avoiding excess

(1) Excess over voted grants and appropriations and surrenders reflect on the effectiveness of
control over expenditure.
(2) In cases where the schemes are not fully worked out at the budget stage, and a realistic
estimate of the likely expenditure during the year is not found possible, provision for preliminary
expenses and immediate requirements need only be included in the budget as far as possible,
subject to review later on during the financial year on the basis of progress made in the
planning of and sanction of the schemes.
(3) Apart from the realistic estimation of the budget, adequate steps should be taken for effective
control over the progress of expenditure against the sanctioned grants, including expenditure
on account of book adjustments and payments for procurement of stores, supplies and

14 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


2.26.2 Sanctions to Regularize Excesses

(1) A statement in Form no. 8 should be prepared annually for submission to the Ministry by the
end of December every year to show the causes of excesses and savings under different
sub-heads, alongwith reasons why steps were not taken in time to surrender the savings, or
to obtain necessary funds to cover the excesses before the end of the financial year however
excesses are not permissible in normal circumstances. Separate statements should be
prepared for each grant.
(2) If the grant has been exceeded, sanction should be obtained to the excess from the Ministry
of Finance in case of non-voted expenditure, or from the Parliament in the case of voted
(3) As voted and charged portions, and as also the revenue and capital sections of a grant/
appropriation are distinct, and re-appropriation inter-se is not permissible, an excess in any
one portion or section is treated as an excess in the grant/appropriation.
(4) Excess in the demands as a whole requires regularization by the Public Accounts Committee,
which generally takes a serious view of such excess, and insists upon satisfactory
explanations from the Department concerned.
(5) Similarly, savings and surrenders should also be avoided. The Public Accounts Committee
takes serious view of the same as in the case of excess. Large savings are indicative of
loose budgeting in the sense that these prove the inability of the Department to spend usefully
the funds to the extent anticipated.

2.27 Departmentalization of Accounts- AGs/ CAGs Inspection and Internal Audit by O/o CCA,

2.27.1 General
(1) Under the scheme of Departmentalization of Accounts, the Chief Accounting Authority
(Secretary) shall be responsible for preparation of Monthly and Annual Accounts inter alia
Chief Controller of Accounts, MoHUA prepares annual Appropriation Accounts for the
Demands for Grants of the Ministry/Department, get it duly audited and submit it to the
Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Ministry of Finance duly signed by the Chief
Accounting Authority i.e. Secretary MoHUA.
(2) The CGA prepares annual accounts including summary civil Appropriation Accounts, showing
under the respective heads, the annual receipts and disbursements for the purpose of Union
(3) The Divisional officers and higher officers should furnish the explanations as promptly as
possible, and ensure that these are concise, accurate and fully informative. The explanations
should indicate with sufficient clarity whether a variation or financial irregularity could not
have been foreseen.
(4) While submitting the Appropriation Accounts, the Divisional officers should take into
consideration the facts that the Public Accounts Committee, while scrutinizing the Accounts,
has to satisfy itself that:
(i) The amount shown in the accounts as having been disbursed were legally available
for, and applicable to the services or purpose to which they have been applied or

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 15


(ii) The expenditure conforms to the authority which governs it; and
(iii) Every re-appropriation has been made in accordance with the provisions made in
this behalf under Rules framed by the Competent Authority.
The responsibilities of compilations of accounts, procedures regarding account compilation and
consolidation of accounts, various audit inspection authorities, settlement of audit objections,
guidelines for internal audit of the departmental organizations issued by CCA, internal audit,
checks to be exercised by internal audit, frequency of audit etc. are given in SOP 2/5.

2.27.2 CCA/CAG Audit

Internal Audit of the Divisions and Offices is being conducted by CCA office, similarly the External
Audit of the Divisions and Offices is being conducted by CAG Office. The reply of these audit
paras is directly submitted by the Divisions/Offices to the CCA/CAG office. CPWD Directorate
mainly deals with the disposal of Draft CAG/PAC paras. CPWD Directorate coordinates between
CCA/CAG office and CPWD Project Regions/Regions for compliance of the Audit Paras. Audit Committees for monitoring and reviewing the status of Audit Paras and their replies/
compliance at different stages have been formed in CPWD, as given below or as notified by
Directorate. The constitution of these committees is as below:-
Central Audit Committee - DG, CPWD (Chairman)
Regional Audit Committee - SDG/ADG of the Project Region/ Region, CPWD
Zonal/Circle Audit Committee - CE/SE of the Zone/Circle, CPWD (Chairman)
The Central Audit Committee meeting shall be held half yearly. The Regional Audit Committee
shall meet quarterly and the Zonal/Circle Audit committee shall meet monthly. The report should
be submitted in the format given below:

Internal Audit Paras C&AG Audit Paras

Outstanding Paras Paras Outstanding Reply Outstanding Paras Paras Outstanding Reply
at added settled at the end sent at beginning added settled at the end of sent
beginning during during of of quarter during during quarter
of quarter the the quarter the the
quarter quarter quarter quarter

2.28 Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament

The PAC is a miniature Parliament having the representatives of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
The action to be taken by CPWD officers to present the cases to PAC is given in SOP 2/6. The
Secretary to the Government of India in the Department concerned represents the Government
in the meetings of the PAC. The Head of the Department i.e. Director General (CPWD) and the
SDG/ADG/CE assist the Secretary with information whenever considered necessary.

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3.0 Classification of Construction Works

Construction works are those which are taken up as all new constructions, rehabilitation and
seismic retrofitting works, the expenditure of which is charged to capital heads.

3.1 Pre-construction Activities

The pre-construction activities generally involved in execution of a construction work are given
in Annexure - 3 of SOP document. Coordination of all pre-construction activities will be done by
the T/S Authority.

3.1.1 Normal Works Preparation of Preliminary Estimate (PE)/Enabling Estimate/Rough Cost Estimate

(1) As soon as the requisition from the client department is received, preliminary estimate/
enabling estimate/rough cost estimate as applicable and as per requirement, shall be
prepared and submitted to the client department for obtaining A/A & E/S.
(2) Wherever required, an MoU as per Annexure - 4 of SOP document shall be signed with
the client. The magnitude of works for which MoU is to be signed with the client shall be
notified by the CPWD Directorate from time to time. In cases where no MoU is drawn,
necessary provisions of MoU must be clearly mentioned in the preliminary estimate. ADG/
SDG/any other authority designated by CPWD Directorate may approve suitable
modifications in the MoU as per the site conditions and project requirements by following
GFR provisions and other rules issued from time to time.
(3) Process regarding handling client requisition, team formation, preparation of enabling
estimate and preliminary estimate is given in SOP 3/1.
(4) Specific guidelines on preparation of preliminary estimate are given in SOP 3/2. In case,
enabling estimate or rough cost estimate is submitted, the same shall be followed by
preliminary estimate for obtaining A/A & E/S of the work. Detailed Project Report / Detailed Estimate

DPR may be prepared for obtaining A/A & E/S, if required by the client. On receipt of A/A & E/S,
Detailed estimate for the work is to be prepared after ensuring that encumbrance free site is
available, or likely to be made available within reasonable time from the client if the client insists
for invitation of tenders. T/S amount may not exceed A/A & E/S amount. Guidelines on preparation
of DE are given in SOP 3/3.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 17

CHAPTER 3 : GENERAL PROVISIONS CPWD WORKS MANUAL 2024 Provision for Contingencies and its Utilization

(1) Provision of contingencies for unforeseen expenditure contingent to the project shall be
kept in the Estimate.
(2) The T/S Authority after obtaining approval from client shall have full powers, upto their
tender acceptance limits, to execute smaller works likely to crop up during the execution of
work /project for which no provision exists in the sanctioned estimates, subject to availability
of funds under sub head “Contingencies” in the sanctioned project estimate.
(3) The contingencies can be utilized for construction of site office, engagement of watch &
ward staff, job works like surveying, material testing, estimating, structural designing,
architectural drawings, models, maintenance and hiring of inspection vehicle and any other
field requirements directly related to work. Further guidelines on contingencies & its utilization
are given in SOP 3/4. Provision for Departmental Charges (DC)

(1) No departmental charges are to be levied for Government Works. For the works of
Private Organizations departmental charges are to be levied as per the rates given in
Annexure -5 of SOP.
(2) For the works of local bodies and PSUs etc., departmental charges are to be levied as per
rates given below:-

Description All maintenance Construction works Construction works

works and minor costing Rs. 100 crore costing below Rs.
works (%) or more (%) 100 crore (%)

1 2 3 4
DC 10.0 4.0 5.50

I. No reduction in DC is allowed for the works of local bodies and PSUs etc.
II. Cost of work means preliminary estimate amount.
(3) In case of the GOI organizations who entrust their works regularly to the CPWD, no DC
shall be charged if the project has not taken off even after preparation of plans and estimates.
(4) For deposit works Engineer-in- Charge shall take a certificate from client department
regarding funding of organization i.e. whether it is fully funded/ partially funded by Central
govt./ State Govt., funded by private organizations, Local Bodies, PSUs, autonomous
bodies etc. Applicable DC shall be included in the PE.
(5) The Government works where the project is funded through PPP mode (Central Govt.
funds/ State Govt. funds/Private funds), no departmental charges shall be levied.

18 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation

CPWD WORKS MANUAL 2024 CHAPTER 3 : GENERAL PROVISIONS Accord of Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction (A/A & E/S)
The competent authority of the Administrative Ministry/Department/Client shall accord A/A &
E/S on the basis of Preliminary estimate/PPR/DPR as the case may be.
For works undertaken under MoHUA budgetary head:
1. GPRA/GPOA Works: A/A & E/S shall be accorded by the competent authority as per
powers given in “Compendium of Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”.
2. Attached and Subordinate offices Works: For Works of Directorate of Estates,
Directorate of Printing, Land & Development Office, National Buildings Organisation, Town
& Country Planning Organisation, Govt. of India Stationery Office and Department of
Publication, A/A shall be Issued by the respective Department and E/S (as per availability
of funds under respective head) shall be issued by the competent authority of CPWD as
per “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers.” Accord of Technical Sanction

(1) The technical sanction for all works, except emergent works, shall be issued before inviting
tenders and shall consist of the following;

Description Construction and EPC Mode I & II EPC Mode III

Maintenance work
(i) Technical Sanction Memo Applicable Applicable Applicable
(ii) A/A & E/S Memo/Order Applicable Applicable Applicable

(iii) Specifications in detail Applicable Applicable Applicable

(iv) Geotechnical Investigation Applicable Applicable Applicable

(v) Scope of work Applicable Applicable Applicable

(vi) Basic Architectural Not Applicable Applicable in mode-I but Not applicable
drawings prepared after not applicable in mode-II
considering statutory
(vii) Detailed Architectural Applicable Not applicable in mode-I Applicable
drawings but applicable in mode-II
(viii) Structural drawings for Applicable Not applicable Applicable
the foundation and
(ix) Drawings for Internal, Applicable Not applicable Applicable
External services and MEP
(x) (a) Detailed Estimate Applicable Not applicable Applicable for
(Building) specialized buildings.
(b) Estimate (Building) Not applicable Applicable Applicable for normal
based on PAR buildings.
(xi) Alignment of road and Applicable Applicable Applicable

(xii) *Estimate (Bridge, Road Applicable (based on Applicable (based on Applicable (based on
etc.) detailed design) preliminary design) detailed design)

*TS authority shall decide the method of preparation of estimate for call of tenders as per requirement of work.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 19


(2) The contractor shall be fully responsible for execution of work in all the modes of contract.
(3) The powers delegated to Officers of CPWD for accord of Technical Sanction are given in
“Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”. The powers are exclusive of departmental
charges. For guidelines on according Technical Sanction, refer SOP 3/5. Exemption of Government Buildings from Operation of Municipal Bye Laws to Regulate
their Erection
(1) Section 3 of “Government Buildings Act 1899” provides for exemption of Government
buildings from the regulation of the municipal bye laws and hence there is no need of
approval of Architectural drawings from local bodies in respect of construction of Govt.
Buildings. However, the Engineer in charge shall give notice to the local bodies as per
provision to Section 3 of the Act before erection of a building. In this connection, erstwhile
MoUD's Note no. 28012/43/2014-W-3 dated 04/05/2016 conveyed vide OM DG/P&WA/91
dt. 18/5/2016 and MoHUA OM No 28012/43/2014-W-2 dated 28/01/2019, may be referred.
A website www.ppams.cpwd.gov.in has been launched for "Project Processing, Approval
and Management System" for all projects handled by CPWD. In this connection, OM No
73/DDG(E-Gov)/2018/147 dated 26/12/2018 uploaded on www.cpwd.gov.in and
subsequent directions issued from time to time in this regard are to be followed.
(2) Wherever the above provisions are not applicable or are required as per local bye laws,
drawings will be prepared by the Architectural Unit/Consultant as the case may be and
approvals shall be taken from the respective local bodies. Packages for Accord of Technical Sanction

(i) The T/S Authority may combine various sanctioned works and issue a single Technical
Sanction provided total amount of all sanctions fall under his/ her competence.
(ii) The T/S authority who is competent to accord T/S to sanctioned work may, with recorded
reasons, split the work into packages.
(iii) For each such package of a single sanction, Technical Sanction will be accorded by the
same officer competent to accord T/S to the entire sanction.
(iv) Tender for any package is to be accepted by the officer as per ‘financial powers delegated
for acceptance of lowest tender’. Schedule of Rates (SOR) and Cost Index

(i) The Schedule of Rates for Delhi is issued by DG, CPWD. SDGs may issue SOR for their
coordination jurisdiction.
(ii) The SORs are ordinarily revised once in two years.
(iii) To update the SOR, the nomenclature with specifications, market rate list, and analysis of
rates are to be periodically revised.
(iv) The cost index for Delhi shall be issued by CE(CSQ)civil. The cost index for other places
shall be issued by ADG/SDG on the basis of details received from the CE or SE concerned
(as the case may be). The cost index shall be issued as on 1st April and 1st October every

20 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


3.1.2 Deposit Works

The Pre-construction activities in the case of Deposit works are similar to activities under Normal
works with the following important provisions. Preliminaries for Deposit Works

(1) Officers of CPWD shall have full powers to undertake deposit works upto their delegated
powers to accord T/S given in “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers” for works
fully funded by Central and/or State Govt., including those for PSUs, Government funded
Institutions etc.
(2) Before acceptance of any deposit, the competent officer shall send the preliminary estimate
to the client department.
(3) The norms regarding plinth areas and specifications adopted will be as approved by the
client department.
(4) The scope of work shall not be altered either during preparation of Detailed Estimate or
execution, without written permission of the client.
(5) MOU as per Annexure-4 of SOP document shall be drawn with the client before taking up
the work. ADG/SDG or any other authority designated by CPWD Directorate may approve
modifications in the MOU as per the site conditions and project requirements by following
GFR provisions and other rules issued from time to time.
(6) For multiple small works under one client, a combined MOU can be signed as per the
(7) Estimates of fees of Private Architect/ Consultant are to be added in the estimate only if the
estimate for deposit works does not include DC or not included in DC.
(8) If specific provision is not available in the sanctioned estimate, then separate enabling
estimate is to be submitted to the client for fees of Architect/Consultant.
(9) Details for Execution, realization of deposits and settlement of accounts of Deposit works
are given in SOP 3/6.

3.1.3 Specialized Works

The pre-construction activities in the case of specialized works are similar to activities under
Normal works with the following important provisions.
(1) Tenders for all Specialized Works shall be invited in Two/Three Bid system from specialized
agencies, CPWD & Non CPWD contractors, subject to fulfilling of eligibility criteria by
(2) The list of specialized Civil, E&M, Horticulture and concurrent works are given in
Annexure -6 of SOP document.
(3) ADG/SDG or any other authority designated from time to time by CPWD Directorate shall
have powers to declare any other work as specialized in respect of their regions, after
giving due consideration to the nature of work and the specialized skill required for its
execution. The declared specialized work should be uploaded on CPWD website.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 21


(4) It is desirable that all the Preliminary Estimates of specialized E&M Systems including Lifts
and HVAC, DG Sets, Automatic Fire Alarm System, Sub-Station, Wet Riser & Sprinkler
System should have 5 year’s provision for maintenance/comprehensive maintenance and
Operation for budgeted works of MoHUA. For works of other Ministries and Deposit works,
the estimates shall include distinct components of Construction and Maintenance/Operation,
if desired by the client.
(5) Wherever there is a corresponding provision as above in the A/A & E/S of the project/
work, the same shall be included in the detailed estimate and NIT of the work keeping
Guarantee/ Warranty period provisions in consideration.
(6) The completion of construction work shall be recorded on its completion and main agreement
closed. Supplementary agreement will be drawn for maintenance/operation keeping
necessary contract and accounting provisions.

3.1.4 Excess Over Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction

(1) For Deposit works and works on letter of authorization, revised estimate will be submitted
for the works having expenditure in excess of 10% of A/A & E/S amount.
(2) No excess expenditure over the A/A & E/S amount is permissible without approval of
client and therefore before incurring the excess expenditure the client will be informed and
approval taken for the same. A revised preliminary estimate will be submitted to client well
in time during the execution of work.
(3) In case of MoHUA budgetary works, expenditure in excess up to 10% of the amount of the
A/A & E/S may be authorized by officers of the CPWD, provided that the total amount of
expenditure including the excess is within the powers of the officer to accord technical

22 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



4.0 Award of Work without Call of Tenders

4.1 Procedure
(1) The work awarded after call of quotations shall be construed to have been awarded without
call of tenders.
(2) Normally tenders should be called for all works. However, in case the work is to be awarded
expeditiously, the prescribed period of notice may be reduced by NIT approving authority.
(3) The precise reasons should be recorded by the Engineer-in-Charge before dispensing with
call of tenders.
(4) In respect of works of inescapable nature, method will be followed as prescribed in Para 1.5
of Chapter 1. The quotation accepting authority may decide the publicity period, except in
case of spot quotations, subject to minimum period of two working days.
(5) Notice inviting quotation with terms and conditions should be approved by quotation accepting
authority, before call of quotation.

4.2 Award of works to Registered Labour Co-operative Societies

(1) Works costing upto the limit fixed from time to time can be awarded to registered labour
Co-operative Societies at current market rates without call of tenders as per financial powers
delegated. EMD is exempted for works with estimated cost upto Rs 3 lakhs. However,
Security Deposit shall be deducted as prescribed by way of deduction from their bills.
(2) Monthly running payments may be made if value of work executed is more than Rs. 50,000/-.
Such works awarded to Registered Labour Co-operative Societies shall not be counted
towards the annual ceiling for issue of work orders.

4.3 Award of work to Contractors belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
4.3.1 For works upto and equal to an estimated cost of Rs. 2.70 lakh, a price preference upto 5% (with
reference to the lowest valid price bid) may be allowed in favour of individual SC/ST contractor. In
such cases tender may be entertained even from non-registered contractors. No earnest money
is required in such cases.
4.3.2 For works beyond an estimated cost of Rs. 2.70 lakh and upto and equal to estimated cost of
Rs. 6.20 lakh, tenders may be invited only from CPWD enlisted contractors. The price preference
upto 5 % (with reference to the lowest valid price bid) may be allowed in favour of individual SC/
ST contractor. However, earnest money at a reduced rate of ½% may be accepted in such cases.
4.3.3 In all such cases, the above concession shall be allowed only after proper verification of the
individual contractor’s claim of belonging to SC or ST community, as the case may be.
These concessions will be admissible upto 31.12.2025. The guidelines regarding “Operation of
Price Preference to Contractor belonging to SC/ST for Award of Contract” are as under:
Reference: e-file no. 9037751

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 23


Guidelines regarding “Operation of Price Preference to Contractor belonging to SC/ST for

Award of Contract”.
Example 1
Assuming Estimated Cost put to tender (ECPT) = Rs. 100/- ‘A’
Assuming % age quoted by the lowest valid = 10% above the ECPT
tenderer of General Category
Therefore, quoted amount by the lowest valid = Rs. 110/- ‘B’
Price Preference allowed to individual SC/ST = Rs. 5.50
contractor is 5% i.e. 5% of ‘B’ = Rs. 5.50
Total = Rs. 110 +
Rs. 5.50
Rs. 115.50

Hence, if an individual contractor belonging to SC/ST category quotes his rates between 10%
above to 15.50% above and General Category lowest valid tenderer has quoted his rates at 10%
above the ECPT, then the work shall be awarded to the contractor belonging to SC/ST category at
his quoted rates. This is however, subject to provisions of CWPD Works Manual 2022 Para 5.1.6
i.e. Justification of Rates.

Example 2
Assuming Estimated Cost put to tender (ECPT) = Rs. 100/- ‘A’
Assuming % age quoted by the lowest valid = 10% below the ECPT
tenderer of General Category
Therefore, quoted amount by the lowest valid = Rs. 90/- ‘B’
Price Preference allowed to individual SC/ST = Rs. 4.50
contractor is 5% i.e. 5% of ‘B’ = Rs. 4.50
Total = Rs. 90 +
Rs. 4.50
Rs. 94.50
Hence, if an individual contractor belonging to SC/ST category quotes his rates between 5.50%
below to 10% below and General Category lowest valid tenderer has quoted his rates at 10%
below the ECPT, then the work shall be awarded to the contractor belonging to SC/ST category at
his quoted rates. This is however subject to provisions of Para 5.1.6, i.e. Justification of Rates.

4.4 E-Tendering
(1) As per Rule 159 and 160 of GFR 2017, it is mandatory to e- publish all Tender enquiries,
Requests for Proposals, Requests for Expressions of Interest, notice for pre-qualification/
registration or any other notice inviting bids or proposals in any form, corrigenda thereon and
details of bid awards on the Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) as well as website of
the Department and to receive all bids through e-procurement portals in respect of all

24 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


procurements respectively. However, individual cases, where confidentiality is required for

reasons of national security, such provision would be exempted. The decision to exempt
any case on the said grounds should be approved by the Secretary of the Ministry/Department
with the concurrence of the concerned Financial Advisor.
(2) All the tenders/quotations are to be published on CPWD portal which is linked to CPP
portal. The URL address of the service provider for hosting the e-Tendering platform
for CPWD shall be as per instructions from time to time. Presently, the e- Tendering
platform for CPWD has been hosted by the service provider with URL address https:/
/etender.cpwd.gov.in. The tender will be hosted on https://etender.cpwd.gov.in as per
instructions time to time. The link of the service provider is available on CPWD web
The details regarding procurement of digital signature, procedures and instructions to
Engineer-in-Charge for inviting and uploading of bids including 2/3 envelops bids, bids
for the Specialized works, specimen press notice, Specimen CPWD 6 for e-tendering,
downloading of bids submitted by contractors, opening and processing of bids,
preparation of comparative statements and General guidelines on e-tenders etc. are
given in SOP 4/1.

4.5 Types of Call of Tenders

4.5.1 Restricted Tenders

Restricted tenders of any value can be called with the prior approval of the competent authority as
per delegation of financial powers, with recorded reasons. Tenders invited from CPWD registered
contractors or through Two/Three Bid system shall not constitute to be restricted tenders. Works
falling in the category of restricted tenders and procedure for preparation of restricted list of contractor
is given in SOP 4/2.

4.5.2 Composite Tenders

(1) System of composite tendering shall be followed for all kind of building and road works
(irrespective of cost). Apart from civil work and horticulture work, the composite tender should
also include component of internal electric installations and other internal & external electrical
works including services.
(2) If requirements of the work so demand, the T/S Authority may dispense with the system of
composite tendering with recorded reasons. Guidelines on composite tendering are given in
SOP 4/3.

4.5.3 Tenders with Two/Three Bid System

(1) Two Bid System
Tenders are called in two Bids in which Bid - 1 is Technical cum eligibility Bid and Bid - 2 is
Financial bid.

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(2) Three Bid System

Generally, works for which technical specifications have not been finalized and the same
are to be finalized on receipt of the details from the bidders are called on three bid system.
The bidders shall be required to submit three bids as given below;
Bid - 1: Eligibility bid
Bid - 2: Technical specifications
Bid - 3: Financial bid.
(3) Normally, technical and financial bids are called simultaneously, however, in case of
exigencies, only technical bids can be called first with the approval of ADG/SDG or any
other authority designated by CPWD Directorate.
Procedure for opening of Two/Three Bid tenders is given in SOP 4/4.

4.5.4 Global Tender Enquiry (GTE)

Instructions have been issued by Ministry of Finance vide OM no. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated
15.05.2020 regarding amendment in rule 161(iv) of General Financial Rules (GFRs) 2017 stipulating
that no Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) shall be invited for tenders upto Rs. 200 cr. or such limit as
may be prescribed by the Ministry of Finance from time to time. Provided that for tenders below
such limit, in exceptional cases, where the Ministry of the Department feels that there are special
reasons for GTE, it may record its detailed justification and seek prior approval for relaxation to
the above rule from the competent authority i.e. Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat.
Revised consolidated instructions issued by Ministry of Finance vide OM no. F.4/1/2021-PPD
Dated 03.08.2021or amended instructions issued from time to time in this regard by the Ministry of
Finance shall be followed.

4.6 Pre-bid conference

Before submission of tenders, there shall be a pre-bid conference to clarify the doubts of the
contractors, besides discussions on any additional suggestion proposed by the contractors. If
found necessary, a corrigendum to the tender documents would be issued and would be put up on
e-tendering portal for information of all contractors and thereafter no further query/condition shall
be entertained. There would be no bar to hold the pre-bid conference more than once, especially in
complex types of works. The NIT approving authority shall decide the time gap between pre-bid
conference and last date of submission of technical bid based on the importance and complexity
of work to avoid extension in the last date of submission of tender.

4.7 Manual Tendering

In exceptional cases with recorded reasons when manual tendering is resorted to due to work
requirement instead of e-tendering platform, then in such cases, the general procedure of receipt,
opening, dealing with corrections, omissions etc and acceptance of manual tenders is given in
SOP 4/5.

4.8 EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Contracts

The NITI AAYOG vide OM No. N-14070/14/2016-PPAU dated 5th September, 2016 have
communicated the decision taken by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) regarding

26 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


substituting of item rate contracts by EPC (Turnkey) contracts, wherever appropriate. In pursuance
to above, erstwhile MoUD (Works Division) vide its OM No 28012/11/2016-W-3 Dated 29th
November 2016 have issued directions which inter-alia include that cutoff value of projects, above
which all contracts will be taken up under EPC methodology, will be Rs 100 Cr. This figure will be
as decided and notified by the MoHUA/ CPWD from time to time.
Following modes may be adopted in respect of execution of works on EPC mode:-
Mode I : involves preparation of detailed architectural, structural, MEP design & drawings and
shop drawings, procurement & construction by the EPC contractor based on basic architectural
drawings prepared after considering statutory requirements by CPWD.
Mode II : involves preparation of structural, MEP design & drawings and shop drawings based
on detailed architectural drawings provided by CPWD as well as procurement & construction by
the EPC contractor. CPWD/client may appoint consultant depending upon requirement and
availability of staff.
Mode III : involves procurement & construction by the EPC contractor based on architectural,
structural and MEP drawings provided by CPWD. CPWD/client may appoint consultant depending
upon requirement and availability of staff.
As per requirement of the client, the works on EPC mode may be taken up as below:-
(i) Works costing more than Rs.100 crore shall be taken up on EPC mode in any of the above
(ii) Regarding adopting EPC mode for works costing between Rs. 50 crore and 100 crore, the
NIT approving authority shall take decision based on the exigencies of the work.
(iii) To adopt EPC mode, if required for works costing less than Rs. 50 Crore, the NIT approving
authority shall record inability of departmental resources for architectural, structural and
services design for the work, duly endorsed to ADG/SDG concerned, before approving the
NIT for EPC mode.
Tenders in EPC mode must be in the order of preference as given below:
1. Mode I - Technology Neutral Tender - Preferred Mode
2. Mode II - Technology Neutral Tender - Second in Preference
3. Mode III - Technology Pre-Selected - Third in Preference
Tenders can be invited under mode III only if any of (a), (b), (c) as hereunder is satisfied:
(a) Client resolves for a particular technology.
(b) Client has already finalized all drawings (Architectural and Engineering)
(c) The functional requirement of works/ site requirement so demands.
The pre- selection of technology in mode III under either (a) or (b) or (c) as mentioned above shall
be taken up with prior approval of ADG/SDG on case to case basis with due justification.
For executing contract on EPC methodology, the following important provisions are to be considered
while framing estimate, preparing NIT etc:
(1) Enabling estimate can be submitted as per client requirement for carrying out preconstruction
activities wherever required for conceptual planning purpose to assess the precise requirement
of the scope of work.

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(2) The concerned CA/SA unit or the consultant appointed by the NIT approving authority
shall prepare the concept design, preliminary drawings and specifications based on detailed
requirements of the work, in consultation with the client before preparation of Preliminary
(3) The tenders based on EPC mode cannot be the model based on item rates and quantities
hence the estimated cost for such tenders may be worked out on the basis of CPWD
plinth area rates as per norms and the cost suitably modified considering applicable cost
index or by adopting any other appropriate method as decided by NIT approving authority.
Preliminary drawings and specifications approved by the client shall form part of the NIT.
(4) Soil investigation report shall be appended in the NIT for indicative purpose in EPC
Mode I & II only. Contractor will also undertake soil investigations. In case of variations in the
reports, safer parameters will be adopted for design purpose.
(5) The responsibility of investigations, designing, planning, procurement, construction, safety,
quality, and risk of engineering lies with the contractor for EPC Mode I & II and the same will be
incorporated in the NIT.
(6) Mode of measurements for payment purpose will be decided by the NIT approving authority.
(7) The award of work shall be decided on competitive call of tenders. The NIT approving authority
ascertains the reasonability of prices based on justification prepared using analytical methods
such as PAR rates duly enhanced by the current cost index or any other method approved by
the NIT approving authority for ascertaining the reasonability of the tendered amount of the L1
(8) In case the tender received is more than A/A & E/S amount, revised A/A & E/S or in-principle
approval has to be obtained from the competent authority.
(9) General guidelines for EPC contracts with a sample item along with scope of work to be adopted
for EPC contracts are given in SOP 4/6. As per the OM of NITI Aayog dated 5 September 2016,
the model EPC bidding document published by the erstwhile Planning Commission can be
modified wherever required, to suit the requirements of the work. NIT approving authority may
incorporate special and particular conditions as per specific requirements of the project.
(10) NIT approving authority shall select one table out of the Tables 1A/1B/2 of OM No. 17/SE(TAS)/
BMTPC/2022/105-H dated 24.03.2022, further amended vide OM No. 17/SE(TAS)/BMTPC/
2024/195-H dated 14.06.2024, corrigendum No. 17/SE(TAS)/BMTPC/2024/201-H dated
21.06.2024 and as amended from time to time, in the NIT. The contractor shall opt any one of
these technologies mentioned from the table given in the NIT for quoting their rates and execution
of work for EPC Mode I & II. NIT approving authority shall incorporate prescribed technology in
NIT in EPC mode-III as approved by ADG/SDG.
(11) If the bidder does not have adequate experience of opted technology then the bidder can
associate with contractor having requisite experience of executing work in structural system
with the opted technology. Bidder has to submit MoU in the prescribed format (Anexure-68 of
SOP) with such associate contractor, along with his tender, for structural system in opted
technology only. The associated contractor must satisfy the eligibility criteria of having
successfully completed one work of opted technology having the cost of structural system not
less than 20% of the estimated cost put to tender during the last seven years ending last day
of month previous to the one in which tender is invited.

28 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


In case separate cost of structural system of a particular technology is not available in the
experience certificate of associated contractor, it will be taken as 30% of completed cost of
Associated contractor should not have been debarred from any Ministry or any govt.
organization in the last five years.

4.9 Special Purpose Vehicle

On the requirements of MoHUA or any other Ministry/Government department, DG, CPWD may
take up the works on “Alternate Mode” of funding. For this purpose, a “Special purpose vehicle”
(SPV) under Company Act shall be created after obtaining due approval from MoHUA. The SPV
shall have the officers and staff from CPWD. The SPV will be governed by CVC and CAG rules
and guidelines.

4.10 Preparation of NIT

(1) All tenders should be invited on behalf of the President of India. It is therefore necessary that
the words “For & on behalf of the President of India” should be incorporated in all NITs.
(2) The estimated cost put to tender in the NIT shall be worked out based on the rates considered
in the Technical Sanction.
(3) Before approval of NIT, the following are required :
(i) A/A & E/S except in Emergent Works
(ii) Availability of site/land in full or part
(iii) Monitoring of statutory clearances
(iv) Other approvals required before commencement of work in case the same are not part
of the NIT.
(v) Technical Sanction except in case of “Design and Build”/EPC Contracts & Emergent
(vi) Funds availability
(vii) For original specialized E & M works including lifts, HVAC, DG sets, Fire alarm system,
Fire fighting, Wet Riser and Sprinkler system works, the relevant guidelines as given in
SOP 4/7 shall be followed.
(viii) Guidelines on preparation of NIT for tenders to be invited on Single Bid System and on
Two/Three Bid System are given in SOP 4/8 and SOP 4/9 which can be referred.
(ix) Preferred make list shall be incorporated in the NIT. ISI marked brands can be approved
for incorporation in the preferred make list by CE/SE. CE/ADG/SDG can approve non-
ISI brands (Brand name) for their respective jurisdictions.
(x) Engineer-in-charge shall check the footprint/ envelope of the proposed building(s)/
Road(s)/ bridge(s) etc. by marking the layout physically at site before inviting tender.
This will enable him to check the available setbacks vis-à-vis local bylaws and feasibility
of execution of the proposed building(s).

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 29


(4) DSR item rates or PAR (plinth area rates) are based on particular specifications. In case,
there is variation in these specifications while framing the NIT or at a later stage (for example
during pre-bid meeting) then the rates of corresponding items are to be modified and ECPT
is to be corrected accordingly. If the change in ECPT, due to above reasons, is more than +
2% or variation in the amount of individual item is more than 10% and NIT has already been
issued, then the NIT is to be revised and tenders are to be re-invited afresh. In case, the
variation is less than above limits then ECPT need not to be revised, if tenders have already
been invited otherwise ECPT is to be modified in the NIT.

4.10.1 Special Conditions of Cement and Steel

Special conditions shall be incorporated by the NIT approving authority keeping in view the
guidelines issued by the Directorate from time to time in this regard which are available on CPWD

4.10.2 Testing charges to be borne by contractor

Following provision shall be incorporated by the NIT approving authority in the NIT:
All expenditure to be incurred for testing of samples e.g. packaging, sealing, transportation, loading,
unloading etc. including testing charges shall be borne by the contractor. The NIT shall have list of
approved laboratories for testing as approved by ADG / SDG.

4.11 Invitation of Tenders for Works

(1) Tenders for works are to be invited only after Technical Sanction and approval of NIT by the
Competent Authority.
(2) Tenders for works costing up to the maximum Tendering limit of CPWD contractors enlisted
in Class – I of Buildings & Roads/ Horticulture Category contractors or as instructed from
time to time shall be invited in Single Bid system.
(3) The T/S Authority, in view of the requirements of the work, may also invite tenders up to the
maximum Tendering limit of class – I enlisted Buildings & Roads/ Horticulture Category
CPWD contractors in Two/Three Bid system with recorded reasons after obtaining prior
approval from higher authority not below the rank of CE.
(4) Tenders for works costing more up than the maximum Tendering limit of CPWD contractors
enlisted in Class – I Buildings & Roads/ Horticulture Category or as instructed from time to
time shall be invited in Two/Three Bid System.
(5) The contractors of Buildings & Roads Category are mainly enlisted for execution of building
work, internal and External Electrical Works and E&M services like HVAC, Fire Fighting,
Fire Alarm, Sub-station, DG Set and related items. They shall not be eligible for tenders for
exclusive work of Horticulture.

4.12 Publicity of Tenders

All tenders of any amount shall be invited through e-tendering system. Notices for all the works,
irrespective of their value, shall be published on the website https://etender.cpwd.gov.in as
instructed from time to time. Once published on the website, the tender notices will also become

30 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


available on www.eprocure.gov.in through system link. Sample notice for inviting tender forming
part of NIT and to be posted in website is given in Annexure 22 with SOP 4/8 & Annexure 23 with
SOP 4/9. In exceptional cases, if press publicity is required to be given apart from website publicity,
written permission shall be obtained from next higher authority.

4.13 Time Limit for Publicity of Tenders

1. Time for publicity: The following time limits between the date of publication of tender on
website and the date of receipt of the tenders are desirable.
(i) 7 days in the case of works with estimated cost put to tender up to Rs. 5 crore.
(ii) 14 days in the case of works with estimated cost put to tender more than Rs. 5 crore
(for single bid system).
(iii) 21 Days for tenders in two/three bid system subject to the condition that minimum
14 days should be given for submission of bid after the issue of clarifications/
modifications consequent to the pre bid meeting.
(iv) The time limits mentioned above are exclusive of date of publication but inclusive of
last date of receipt of tender.
2. These time limits may be varied by the NIT approving authority, with recorded reasons
keeping in view the exigencies and complexity of the work. However, the publicity period
even for short notice tenders shall not be less than 3 days.
If any corrigendum/amendment with regard to NIT /tender is issued then minimum 3 days
time for publicity shall be available for receipt of the tender.
If the banks are closed on the last date of submission of tenders, the date shall be postponed
to next working day.
3. Uploading and Opening of Tenders
In compliance to Committee of Secretaries proposal regarding govt. tenders at national level,
specific days are fixed for different regions for inviting/ uploading of NIT and opening of
tenders. For details refer Annexure -7 of SOP document.
In case of exigencies of work or emergent situations the T/S Authority can allow to call and
open tenders on any other day instead of specific fixed days.

4.14 Validity Period of Tenders

The validity period for acceptance of tenders in case only financial bids are invited shall be
30 days from the last date of receipt of bids and in all other cases 75 days from the last day of
receipt of technical bid.
The responsibility regarding obtaining validity of tender shall be of Executive Engineer and a close
watch shall be kept by him at every stage of tender regarding expiry of validity period. Tender
inviting authority has to act judiciously so that tender award is not hampered due to non availability
of validity of tender. Tender inviting authority should not wait for any directions. He has to act on
his own to get the validity of tender extended if required.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 31


4.15 Action in case of No Response /Unreasonably High Rated Response to Tenders

If no response to tenders from the contractors of the appropriate classes is received or if
unreasonably high rates are received following measures may be taken by the NIT approving
authority after obtaining approval of the ADG/SDG or any other authority designated by the
Directorate from time to time:
(i) Tenders will be opened to next lower class including to contractors registered with other
departments like Railways, MES, Telecommunication & State PWDs of appropriate class
and works, and /or
(ii) Modify the eligibility criteria suitably.

4.16 Formalities for Re-invitation of Tenders

If the lowest bidder backs out, there should be re-tendering in a transparent and fair manner. In
such a situation, the NIT approving authority may call tender at short notice if so justified in the
interest of work. The contractor who has backed out shall not be allowed to participate in the re-
tendering process. All other formalities mentioned in aforesaid paras shall be observed. All notices
regarding any change in dates and time of receipt/opening of tenders are to be uploaded in the

4.17 Tendering Limit of Contractors Enlisted with CPWD as well as Other Central/State
Government Departments
If a contractor is enlisted with CPWD as well as with MES, BSNL, Railways or Buildings and
Roads wing of State Govt., he/she shall be eligible to tender for works up to the amount permitted
by virtue of his enlistment limit in the CPWD or by virtue of his enlistment in MES, BSNL, Railways
or Buildings and Roads wing of State Govt. whichever is higher, in case tenders are opened for
non - CPWD Contractors also.

4.18 Past Experience of Works Executed

A non-CPWD contractor shall be eligible to tender for works based on the past experience gained
from the works executed by the earlier firm (partnership firm) in the same proportion of share of
the applicant in that partnership firm where the applicant was a partner earlier.

4.19 Debarment of Contractors with Blemished Record

For procedure to be followed in case of adverse report received by the Engineer-in-Charge against
any non-CPWD contractor, either from the department in which he is enlisted or from any other
department Refer SOP No. 4/10.
Details of debarment of Non- CPWD contractors must invariably be uploaded on CPWD website.

4.20 Suspension of Business with contractors

In case where the bidders violate the EMD declaration submitted alongwith the bid, the Executive
Engineer concerned shall take necessary action against the contractor for suspension from bidding
as per NIT conditions after issuing show cause notice to the contractor. Refer SOP No 4/11.

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5.0 Essential Guidelines While Drawing Contracts

(1) All contracts shall be executed by the Engineer-in-Charge "for and on behalf of the President
of India" as per Article 299 (1) of the Constitution of India.
(2) Standard forms of contracts should be adopted as far as possible and should be clear, legible
and unambiguous. Deletion/modifications of the clauses will be made by NIT approving
authorities keeping in view CVC and Government of India guidelines.
(3) Save in exceptional circumstances, no work of any kind should be commenced without prior
execution of contract as per the Indian Contract Act.
(4) The terms of the contract once entered into should not be materially varied.
(5) No contract involving an uncertain or indefinite liability or any condition of an unusual character
should be entered into without the previous consent of the Ministry of Finance.
(6) Provision of Integrity Pact shall be made in GCC for all works with estimated cost put to tender
(ECPT) of Rs. 300 crore and above. Provision of Integrity Pact is not to be kept for works with
estimated cost put to tender below Rs. 300 crore. The integrity Pact duly signed by the Engineer-
in-Charge in the presence of a witness for works with ECPT of Rs. 300 crore and above shall form
part of NIT documents to be uploaded on the e-tendering website.
Integrity pact shall be deleted from GCC while framing agreement by Engineer-in-Charge in
works where Integrity pact is not applicable.
Details of Integrity Pact in Government Departments/Organizations and appointment of
Independent External Monitors (IEM) to oversee the Integrity pact are contained in CVC Circular
no. 05/01/22 dated 25.01.2022 available on CVC website which may be referred along with
amendments thereof.
(7) The complete contract should comprise of documents as given in Annexure -8 of SOP
(8) Once the contract is determined, there is no provision of revocation.

5.1 Earnest Money, Receipt, Opening and Acceptance of Tenders

5.1.1 Necessity for Earnest money

To safeguard against a bidder withdrawing or altering his/her bid during the bid validity period, earnest
money shall be obtained from the bidders for all tenders unless otherwise mentioned in the tender documents.

5.1.2 Rates of Earnest Money

(1) For works estimated to cost upto Rs ten crore or as notified from time to time: 2% (Two
percent) of the estimated cost.
(2) For works estimated to cost more than Rs ten crore or as notified from time to time : Rs. Twenty
lakhs plus 1% (one percent) of the estimated cost put to tender in excess of Rs. ten crore.
(3) In case of petty works costing Rs. 25,000/- or less the Executive Engineer may, at his discretion,
dispense with the conditions for calling for Earnest Money.

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5.1.3 Mode of Deposit

(1) The Earnest money is to be deposited as prescribed in the NIT. The procedure shall be followed
as given in SOP 5/1.
(2) In case of postponement of tender due to bank holiday on the last date of receipt of tender, the
validity of already prepared earnest money will be acceptable as provided originally.
(3) The Bank Guarantee including e- Bank Guarantee submitted as a part of Earnest Money shall
be valid for a period of 90 days where only financial bids are invited and for a period of 180
days for two/three bid system from the date of submission of the tender.

5.1.4 Refund of Earnest Money

(1) The earnest money given by all the bidders except the lowest bidder should be refunded
immediately after the expiry of stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance of
the successful bidder, whichever is earlier. However, in case of two/ three bid system, earnest
money deposit of bidders unsuccessful during technical bid evaluation etc. should be returned
within 30 days of declaration of result of technical bid evaluation. For refund of earnest money,
the procedure is given in SOP 5/2.
(2) Earnest money shall be refunded on receipt of Performance Guarantee submitted on award of

5.1.5 Earnest Money Stipulation in Work/Supply Order to be awarded after Call of Quotations
In case condition for depositing earnest money is laid down in the Notice Inviting Quotation (NIQ),
the following condition shall be stipulated:
"The quotation for the work/supply shall have validity for a period 3 to 7 days (as decided by NIQ
inviting authority) from the date of opening of quotations. The Government shall, without prejudice
to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money if any quotationer
withdraws his quotation during validity period or makes any modification in the terms and conditions
of the quotation which are not acceptable to the department, and to forfeit absolutely if the quotationer,
whose quotation is accepted, fails to commence the work/supply specified in the NIQ (alongwith
changes in scope, if any) in the prescribed time or abandons the work/supply before its completion."

5.1.6 Justification of Tenders

Justification of tenders shall be prepared by Engineer-in-Charge (with the assistance of concerned
AE and /or JE) of major component in association with EEs/DDH(with assistance of AE/ADH
and/or JE/SOH concerned) of minor components based on market rates of material and labour
prevailing at site of work on the last day of receipt of tenders. The justification should invariably
be prepared before the date of opening of Financial Bids. Procedure on Justification of Tenders
is given in SOP 5/3.

5.1.7 Forfeiture of Earnest Money

(1) (i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms & conditions
of the tender which is not acceptable to the department within 7 days after last date of
submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of earnest money absolutely irrespective of letter of
acceptance for the work is issued or not.

34 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms & conditions
of the tender which is not acceptable to the department after expiry of 7 days after last
date of submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective
of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.
(2) If contractor fails to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within the prescribed period,
the earnest money is absolutely forfeited to the President automatically without any notice.
(3) In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in Para (1) and (2) above, the bidder
shall not be allowed to participate in the re-tendering process of the work.

5.1.8 Procedure for Conducting Negotiation

(1) Negotiations should not normally be conducted with the bidder, but in case where it becomes
necessary to do so, negotiations should be restricted to the lowest bidder only under
exceptional circumstances with the approval and recommendation of the next higher authority.
Convincing reasons must be recorded by the authority recommending negotiations.
(2) The justification and details of such negotiations should be duly recorded and documented
without any loss of time. For procedure Refer SOP 5/4.

5.1.9 Acceptance of Tenders:

The powers delegated to various officers of the department for acceptance/approval of tender are
given in "Financial Powers delegated to CPWD Officers". The same powers shall be applicable in
case of rejection of tenders also. The detailed guidelines for processing and acceptance of tenders
are given in SOP 5/5.

5.1.10 Responsibilities of the Finance officer/SE(P)/EE(P) /Divisional Accountant /AE(P) in scrutiny

of tenders are given in SOP 5/6.

5.1.11 Guidelines on Acceptance of Tenders by the Central Works Board and Regional Works
Board are given in SOP 5/7.

5.1.12 Acceptance of Tenders in anticipation of Revised Expenditure Sanction

Procedure of acceptance of tenders in anticipation of Revised Expenditure Sanction is given in
SOP 5/8.
5.2 Performance Guarantee
(1) To ensure due performance of the contract, Performance Guarantee shall be obtained from
the successful bidder.
(2) PG shall be 5% of the contract amount or as prescribed from time to time to be submitted in the
form as prescribed in GCC. Performance Guarantee shall remain valid for a minimum period of
sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations as per GCC. In case of
contracts where supplementary agreement is drawn, the fresh PG shall be obtained from the
contractor @ 5% of the amount of the supplementary agreement or as prescribed from time to
time. The PG received against the original work shall be released as per contract conditions.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 35


(3) The time allowed for submission of the performance guarantee may be decided by NIT
approving authority but not beyond 7 days of issue of the letter of intent depending upon the
magnitude and/or urgency of the work. For extension of time for submission of PG beyond
stipulated time period in NIT, the NIT approving authorities may include provision of suitable
interest chargeable on per day basis but such extension should not exceed by another
seven days. However, in case last day of submission of PG happens to be a bank holiday
the last day of submission shall be the next working day.

5.3 Date of Start

(1) The date of start of the work may be decided by NIT approving authority ranging from 3 to
10 days from the date of issue of letter of Intent.
(2) The letter for commencement of work shall be issued to the contractor only after he/she
submits the performance guarantee in an acceptable form. Sample copy of letter of acceptance
and letter for commencement of work are as per Annexure-9A & 9B of SOP documents.

5.4 Execution of Agreement

5.4.1 Power to Sign Agreement

Each page of the agreement and all attached documents shall be signed by the Engineer in Charge
or his authorized representative and the contractor, as per the conditions of the NIT. One duplicate
copy of the agreement shall be supplied to the contractor free of cost. Additional copies to the
contractor shall be charged @ Rs 2000/- per copy or as decided by the NIT approving authority.

5.4.2 Custody of the Original Agreements

The Engineer-in-charge shall be responsible for the safe custody of the agreements. A record of
the agreements drawn up should be kept in Form CPWD 42.

5.5 Security Deposit

The security deposit shall be deducted from the running bill as well as final bill as per provisions of
the GCC.

5.5.1 Forms of Security Deposit

The security from a contractor shall be taken in one of the forms as given in GCC.

5.5.2 Repayment/Retransfer of Security Deposit

No security deposit should be repaid or re-transferred to the depositor, or otherwise disposed off,
except in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The depositor's acknowledgement should be
obtained in all cases of security deposit that is returned. When an interest-bearing security deposit is
returned or re-transferred, the acknowledgement should setforth the full particulars of the security.

5.5.3 Bank Guarantee including e-Bank Guarantee

The Bank Guarantee including e-Bank Guarantee submitted by agencies for various purposes
such as earnest money deposit/performance guarantee/security deposit/ mobilization advance/
Milestone(s) shall be effectively monitored. Detailed guidelines given in SOP 5/34 shall be followed.

36 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


5.6 Execution of Works

5.6.1 Administration
(1) The administrative set up of CPWD project execution units will be as decided by DG CPWD
or any other authority as designated by the Directorate from time to time.
(2) All the correspondences with contractors shall be made by Engineer-in-Charge as defined
in GCC.

5.6.2 Preliminaries
(1) The Engineer-in-Charge and his representatives shall be responsible for execution of works
and contract management according to the drawings, design, specifications, quality, and
agreement etc. Time of completion of work shall be considered as an essential factor of
contract management.
(2) For timely delivery of the project, the T/S authority, architect, structural designer and services
designers, if any, shall ensure timely availability of drawings for construction and availability
of details. Similarly, water supply, drainage, E & M services etc. drawings shall be ensured
before execution of services work. In case of EPC contracts, the responsibility will be on the
contractor but monitoring shall be done by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(3) In case, private consultant(s) has been appointed by the T/S Authority, the T/S authority
shall ensure timely availability of drawings and details from the consultant(s). In case, the
consultant has been appointed by the client, close interaction and monitoring shall be made
by the T/S authority for timely availability of the drawings and details.
(4) Details of the work from the pre-construction stage to completion and handing over the work
including payments made, and any other details of importance will be maintained by the
Engineer-in-Charge in physical form or in digital form and to facilitate general public to get
information of complete details of the work. QR (Quick Response) coding facility shall be
prominently displayed by the Engineer in Charge at a suitable location on site accessible to
general public as per the directions issued by the Directorate from time to time.
(5) The T/S Authority shall post on the CPWD website, the details of all the field officers engaged
in the project and nodal officer to facilitate contact.

5.6.3 Co-ordination at Construction Stage

The coordination during construction stage shall be done by the T/S Authority as per procedure
given in SOP 5/9.

5.6.4 Responsibility for Quality of Work

The officer who records/test checks the measurements for an item of work will be responsible for
the quality, quantity/ measurements and dimensional accuracy of that item of work. In respect of
all works, the responsibility of various officers for checking of materials and workmanship of items
of works shall be as given in SOP 5/10. The Engineer-in-Charge shall be responsible for the
overall quality of work. In case of works where TPQA is deployed, SE/CE shall monitor the
compliance of observations of TPQA by the Engineer-in-Charge.
In case, the quality has been checked by the QA unit of CPWD, the removal of defects shall be
ensured within reasonable time by the Engineer-in-Charge and the QA unit.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 37


5.6.5 Responsibilities of Field Officers and Contractor with Regard to the Labour Laws
Main responsibilities and procedures to be followed by the field officers with regard to labour
regulations are given in SOP 5/11.

5.6.6 Periodic Inspection of Works

The works shall be inspected frequently by various officers concerned with the work to ensure
that the work in general is being carried out according to quality, design, drawing, and specifications.
The programme for inspection of the works shall be followed as per details given in SOP 5/12.

5.6.7 Monitoring of Cement & Steel Consumption

The consumption of steel and cement at site shall be monitored as per processes given in
SOP 5/13.

5.7 Site Documents

(1) For Projects, inspection register has been made online on CPWD Website for recording
observations by Senior Officers. The online register is to be accessed through PMS for
maintaining online record of all site inspections made from the start of work to its completion.
The online inspection register would start from the date of registration of a project/sub project/
work in PMS or in the system prescribed by the Directorate from time to time.
(2) For maintaining and operating other site documents viz Site order book, physical inspection
register (wherever applicable), cement register, dismantle register etc details are given in
SOP 5/14 which may be referred.

5.7.1 Documentation of Accounts

For documentation of Accounts of a work viz Bill register, Contractors Ledger, Register of works
guidelines are given in SOP 5/15.

5.7.2 Testing of Materials from Govt. / Private Laboratories

Guidelines on Testing of Material from Govt. / Private laboratories are given in SOP 5/16.

5.8 Grant of Mobilization Advance to the Contractors for Executing Capital Intensive Works
(1) In respect of specialized and capital-intensive works, provision of mobilization advance may
be kept in the tender documents by the NIT approving authorities.
(2) The NIT approving authority should use his/her discretion carefully in deciding whether any
particular work shall be considered as specialized or capital intensive one. Applicability or
otherwise of relevant clause of GCC shall be clearly indicated in Schedule 'F', while finalizing
NIT of a particular work.
(3) Conditions on which the mobilization advances to be paid are given in SOP 5/17.

5.9 Grant of Plant, Machinery and Shuttering Material Advance

In respect of capital-intensive works, provision of Plant, Machinery and Shuttering material Advance
may be kept in the tender documents by the NIT approving authorities. The NIT approving authority

38 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


should use his/her discretion carefully in deciding whether any particular work shall be considered
as capital intensive one. Applicability or otherwise of relevant clause of GCC shall be clearly
indicated in Schedule 'F', while finalizing NIT of a particular work. Such advance may be given as
per GCC conditions. Conditions on which the T & P advance are to be paid are given in SOP 5/18.

5.10 Secured Advance

Secured advance is a term applied specifically to an advance made on the materials brought at
site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for the completed item of work. However, where
stage payments are stipulated in certain contracts, like for E&M and other specialized works,
such payments shall not be treated as secured advance. Conditions on which the Secured advance
is to be paid are given in SOP 5/19.

5.11 Extra and Deviated Items in Work

Extra items are those items which are not available in the agreement but are required to complete
the work. Deviation means increase or decrease in the quantities of items of work in the agreement.
The rates for deviated items beyond the limit specified in schedule F of the agreement as well as
those of extra items shall be worked out in the manner prescribed in clause 12 of GCC.
Provisions of deviation/extra items in a contract must be utilized exclusively within the scope of
particular work and in no case be extended to other works under any circumstances.
Following time limits shall be followed for sanction of extra and deviation items after submission of
claim by the contractor.
Sl. No. Decision making authority Time limits
1. Engineer-in-Charge within his own competency 30 days
2. Authority higher than Engineer-in-Charge
(a) Submission to higher authority by Engineer-in-Charge 15 days
(b) Processing by planning unit of higher authority Next 15* days
(c) Decision by higher authority Next 15* days

* In case, there are more than one higher authority, the time period under Para 2(b) and 2 (c) in the
above table shall be 7 days for each higher authority. The deviated and extra items should be
sanctioned within the time limit prescribed in GCC.
In case, no claim is submitted by the contractor within the specified period as per GCC, the
Engineer-in-Charge should initiate extra/deviation items intimating the contractor that no claim in
this regard shall be entertained later on.

5.11.1 Powers to Sanction of EI/Deviations

(1) The powers of officers to accord sanction to extra items and deviation items for works are
given in "Financial Powers delegated to CPWD Officers."

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 39


(2) The deviation and extra items shall be utilized exclusively for the particular work. Further,
the total expenditure on the work (including deviation and extra items) should not exceed the
AA & ES amount, except in case of MoHUA budgetary works where the total cost of work
should not exceed 10% of AA & ES amount.
(3) The authorities preparing, examining and sanctioning extra items should ensure proper
preparation of nomenclature of items and record specific reasons to execute them. Casual
remarks/reasons like "required as per site conditions" or "required at site" etc should not be
5.12 Measurement of Work
All measurements are to be done as per provisions of GCC and abstract of schedule of
measurements and payments are to be entered through PFMS portal of CPWD using E-MB module.

5.12.1 (A) In Case Physical Measurements Books are Used

The procedures on operation of MB i.e writing of MB, Recording of measurements, Movement
of MB, Transfer of MB, Review of MB, Loss of MB etc are given in SOP 5/20(A).
(B) In Case Electronic Measurements Books are Used
The procedure on operation of e-MB i.e. uploading details of agreement and BOQ, recording
online measurement(s) and raising Request for Inspection (RFI) by the contractor, verification
and test check process by the department, selection of RFI for billing, summary of quantities,
downloading and printing of e-MB, loss of e-MB etc. are given in SOP 5/20(B).

5.12.2 Where Measurements Need Not to be Recorded

No measurements need be recorded for petty purchases made through permanent imprest
accounts. Details are given in SOP 5/20 which may be referred.

5.12.3 Measurements for Inadmissible Items

Items claimed by the contractor which in the wisdom of the Engineer-in-Charge are not admissible
for payment, measurements should be recorded without prejudice for record purposes only under
heading "Inadmissible items claimed but not included in the payment" so that in case it is
subsequently decided to admit the contractor's claims in Conciliation/Arbitration/Court proceedings,
there should be no difficulty in determining the quantities of such work done.

5.12.4 Measurements for Earth Leveling Works

Procedure on measurements of earth leveling work is given in SOP 5/21.

5.12.5 Advance Payments for Work Done and Measured/Not Measured

Advance payments can be made to the contractor on a running account bill form for the work done
and measurements submitted by him, but not checked or work done but not measured, on receipt
of an application from the contractor for financial aid in the shape of part payment. It can be paid by
the Engineer-in-Charge as a lump-sum advance payment on Form CPWA 26, subject to the
conditions given in SOP 5/22.

40 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


5.13 Acceptance of Substandard Work

(1) In general, sub-standard works should not be allowed to occur, as they reflect poorly on the
professional competence of the field staff and adversely affect the image of the Department.
(2) Acceptance of work below specifications and/or below acceptable levels of workmanship,
and the resulting payment at reduced rates for such defective/deficient works should be
resorted to only for those items where materials conforming to the required specifications
are not available, or where it is structurally impossible to get the work re-done or where in
opinion of CE /SE in charge it is expedient to do so. Details for acceptance/payment of
substandard works are given in SOP 5/23.

5.14 Test Checking of Measurements

Test Checking of measurements shall be carried out by respective officers as given in SOP 5/24.

5.15 Documentation of Hindrances

(1) The requirement of maintaining and operating physical Hindrance Register has been dispensed
with for all works whose NIQ/NITs are uploaded on or after 19/2/2019. Delay in execution of
works has to be avoided by authorities through close co-ordination with all concerned and
taking timely decisions. Whenever any hindrance, whether on the part of department or
contractor causing delay in the works comes to the notice of JE/AE, he should at once write
in the site order book and immediately make a report to the Engineer-in-Charge. On receipt
of JE/AE's report or as soon as any hindrance comes into the notice of the Engineer-in-
Charge, he will make immediate efforts to get it removed. All correspondence made in this
regard shall be kept on record.
In case of receipt of any notice from the contractor regarding hindrance or events under
Clause 5.2 of GCC, the Engineer in Charge shall within 10 days of receipt of such notice,
reply to the contractor and maintain record of the correspondence.
All correspondences kept on record, shall be considered by the Competent Authority for the
extension of time/rescheduling of milestones.
(2) For ongoing works/ works whose NIQ/ NIT was uploaded prior to 19/02/2019, existing
guidelines of the Works Manual 2014 would be followed.
(3) For New Works
(i) The contractor has to first register himself through a registration form, available on
CPWD website under 'Contractors Login' tab. After registration, User ID and Password
will be automatically generated and sent on his registered mobile and email ID. Using
this User ID and Password he can access the module and view all the works which
are being carried out by him in CPWD and he can register the hindrance against any
particular work. After recording the hindrance by the contractor, it will be visible to all
concerned officers (JE and above) of that work. An alert through text message and
email will be sent to EE.
(ii) Executive Engineer will first assign the work to the JEs/AEs who will give their comments
on the hindrance within 2 days. After that, Executive Engineer of the work will have to
take appropriate action on the hindrance within next 2 days. The comments of JEs/
AEs will not be visible to contractor, only the decision of Executive Engineer on the
hindrance will be visible to contractor under "Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge".

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 41


5.16 EOT & Rescheduling of Milestones

For EOT and Rescheduling of milestones, provisions as per GCC shall be followed. The Engineer-
in- Charge may release withheld amount on account of non achievement of milestone(s) against
Bank Guarantee/FDR of an equivalent amount valid upto stipulated date of completion (to be
extended further, if required) issued by a commercial Bank. The procedure for EOT & Rescheduling
of Milestones given in SOP 5/25 may be referred.

5.16.1 Compensation under Clause 2

The compensation under clause 2 is to be operated by following due procedure and proper
application of mind. The condition under which compensation under clause 2 is levied on the
contractor is given in SOP 5/26. Notice to adjust or set off compensation from dues to the contractor
shall be notified by the Engineer-in-Charge accordingly.

5.17 Completion Certificate

5.17.1 Recording of Provisional Completion Certificate

As per requirement of the client or otherwise specified in the contract, part completion may be
issued for the building(s)/infrastructure projects for the parts which have been completed in all
respect and are ready for use. However, statutory approvals, wherever required, shall be obtained
before handing over of building(s)/ parts of the projects. Scope of the completed parts shall be
mentioned in such part completion certificate(s).
(i) For building and infrastructure works
(a) Up to Rs.10 crore - EE
(b) Above Rs.10 crore - EE and SE or CE
(ii) For horticulture works
(a) Up to Rs.1 crore - DDH
(b) Above Rs.1 crore - DDH and SE or CE

There shall be no part completion certificate for standalone E&M services and Maintenance works.
In such cases only final completion certificate is to be recorded.
The defect liability period for the part of the work for which part completion has been recorded shall
be from the date of handing over.

5.17.2 Recording of Final Completion Certificate

Before the work is declared as complete in all respect for release of final payment, the work shall
be inspected by the authorities as specified in para 5.17.1 above. The Final Completion Certificate
shall be recorded by the authorities mentioned in Para 5.17.1 above, under whose tenure the work
is completed. In case of composite work, the completion certificate shall also be recorded by the
Executive Engineer concerned of the minor component of work. Procedure for inspection of works
for issue of completion certificate is given in SOP 5/27.The time schedule for issue of completion
certificate shall be as per GCC provision.

42 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


5.17.3 Occupancy Certificate and As Built Drawings

(1) The Engineer-in-Charge shall obtain the Occupancy Certificate, wherever required, from
local bodies with the help of concerned Architect/Consultant before handing over of buildings
for the budgeted works.
Engineer-in-Charge shall monitor the same on monthly basis. In case, any difficulty is
encountered in obtaining occupancy certificate, Engineer-in-Charge shall report to the higher
office. All concerned officials (Engineer-in-Charge & Senior Architect concerned) to ensure
that completion cum occupancy certificate, wherever required is obtained from local bodies
with the help of concerned Architects/ Consultant within 3 months after physical completion
of the building. All the pre-requisite for applying completion cum occupancy certificate shall
be kept ready in advance.
(2) For all works, the Engineer-in-Charge shall also ensure that all the "Completion /As Built"
drawings of services i.e Water supply, Drainage, E & M services are handed over to the
Client as well as to the maintenance unit invariably. In case consultant is engaged, the
responsibility will be as per the agreement signed between the Engineer-in-Charge and the
Consultant but overall responsibility will be of the Engineer-in-Charge. For deposit works,
responsibility will be as per the MoU.
(3) All such "Completion /As Built" drawings of services shall have a unique ERP generated
identifier number (called the ERP Drawing/Document Number or EDN) through the
Collaboration Tool of CPWD ERP as per SOP issued by the ERP Unit. This EDN shall be in
addition to the drawing/ document number presently being written on drawings/documents
(whether prepared in-house or through consultants) and will be written/ stamped/embedded
clearly on the drawing / document by the drawing / document approving authority (i.e. Chief
Architect /Senior Architect/Architect/CE/SE/ EE/AE/ Technical Sanction Authority as the
case may be). All such "Completion /As Built" drawings of services shall be uploaded in pdf
format only on the Collaboration Tool for issue and transmittal along with the unique EDN as
per SOP issued by ERP unit.
The "Completion /As Built" drawings of services shall not be considered valid without EDN
and without uploading and transmittal on ERP Collaboration Tool (whether prepared in-house
or through consultants)

5.18 Payment

5.18.1 Time Schedule for Payment of Bills

Ad-hoc payments amounting to 75% of the eligible running account bill/due stage payment shall be
made to the contractor within 10 working days of the submission of the bill.
The bill shall be prima facie scrutinized and certified for ad-hoc payment of 75% by both AE and JE
(wherever available) in total five working days, three working days by accounts branch and two
working days by concerned Executive Engineer.
The remaining payment is also to be made after final checking of the bill, maximum within
28 working days of submission of bill by the contractor. In case the payment has not been released

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 43


within 10 working days as prescribed above, it shall be made as soon as possible and after
payment a written explanation for the delay shall be submitted to the next higher authority by the
Executive Engineer within three working days.
The final bill shall be paid within the time schedule as per GCC provisions.

5.18.2 Authorities to Pass the Bills

Authorities empowered to prepare, examine or verify and pass the bill will be as notified by the
Directorate from time to time. Presently, the authorities are as mentioned in Annexure -10 of SOP

5.18.3 Payment through Public Financial Management System (PFMS)

Public Financial Management System (PFMS), an integrated Financial Management System of
Controller General of Accounts, Government of India, shall be used for sanction preparation, bill
processing, payment, receipt management, Direct Benefit Transfer, fund flow management and
financial reporting.
All payments, to the extent possible, shall be released 'just-in-time' through PFMS.

5.18.4 Deduction of Income Tax at Source

Under Section 194C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, deduction of income tax is required to be made
at source by disbursing officers from payments made to contractors. The procedure is given in
SOP 5/28.

5.18.5 Deduction of GST

GST will be deducted from the payment made to the Contractor as per the GST Act and instructions
issued from time to time.

5.19 Conditions for Refund of Security Deposit and Performance Guarantee

(1) The security deposit and performance guarantee shall be refunded to the contractor as per
GCC provisions.
(2) Refund of security deposit in cases of delay in final bill and maintenance of Deposit Register
shall be as per procedure given in SOP 5/29.
(3) Refund of security deposit regarding specialized work shall be as per SOP 5/30.

5.20 Supplementary Agreements

(1) Supplementary Agreement shall be drawn where it is not desirable to keep the
complete contract open for minor items, execution of which is not immediately possible
on account of:
(i) Certain pre-requisite(s) which is(are) not the responsibility of the contractor, or
(ii) Execution of maintenance/operation of equipment and installations for a specified period
after completion of the construction/erection work.

44 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(2) In such cases the main contract may be finalized, and the residual work may be got done
through the same contractor by executing Supplementary Agreement on the form prescribed
in Annexure -11 of SOP documents.
(3) The authority competent to accept the tender will be the authority to order provisional closure
of the original contract and drawing up of the supplementary agreement.

5.20.1 Tenders for Component Parts of Main Work

In cases where the main work has been completed and there is some residual work forming part
of the main project remaining to be done, the tenders for such residual part need not be sent to the
higher authorities, and may be decided by the EE or SE if the amount of such residual work is up
to 10% of their power to accord Technical Sanction power respectively.
CE/SE or any other authority notified by the Directorate from time to time will have full
powers to decide the tenders for residual part subject to the fact that the sanctioned amount
is not exceeded.

5.21 Arbitration and Litigation

5.21.1 Pre-arbitration and Arbitration Mechanism

(1) The pre-arbitral and arbitration process shall be as per provisions in arbitration clause in the
contract and the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any amendment thereof. The
arbitration clause shall come into existence on issuance of LOI.
(2) The procedure and steps to be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge to properly prepare and
defend the arbitration cases before Arbitrator are as given in SOP 5/31.

5.21.2 International Commercial Arbitration

When tenders are also open to foreign bidders, the NIT approving authority shall take due care to
amend the arbitration clause to have an alternative provision for international commercial arbitration
to be made part of NIT by reference as an amendment to the General Conditions of the Contract,
after obtaining advice from the Ministry of Law and Justice.

5.21.3 Acceptance/Challenge of Award

The Competent authorities for acceptance/Challenge of arbitration awards are given in "Financial
Powers delegated to CPWD Officers".

5.22 Court Cases

The procedure is given in SOP 5/32 for dealing with court cases.

5.23 Operation of Contract Clauses

The procedures are given in SOP 5/33.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 45




Stipulation of material in contracts has since been stopped in CPWD works. Therefore the need of
purchase of stores does not arise. However, in case of exceptional circumstances which may
require purchase of stores for stipulation in the contract then “Manual for Procurement of Goods
and Services” issued by the Ministry of Finance can be referred. The T/S Authority may decide
the eligibility criterion & terms and conditions for purchase of material by taking guidance from this
document. The document is available on website of Ministry of Finance “www.finmin.nic.in”
(Department of Expenditure). The financial powers for procurement of goods and service from
open market through tenders shall be as given in the “Financial Powers delegated to CPWD

46 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation



7.1 Chief Technical Examiners Organization

7.1.1 Functions
The Chief Technical Examiner's Organization is the technical wing of the Central Vigilance
Commission. The Chief Technical Examiner's Organization conducts inspections of works of
CPWD from the vigilance angle on its own or on a complaint being received by/referred to them.
The inspections can be carried out by them for works of any magnitude, both in respect of original
and repair works.

7.1.2 Returns
(1) Quarterly return of the works in progress, as per CTE's circulars from time to time are
required to be submitted to CTE after consolidation at the regional level or as notified by the
Directorate from time to time. Details are given in SOP 7/1 which may be referred.
(2) The Engineer-in-Charge/SE/CE/ADG/SDG shall monitor CTE paras and ensure that the
paras of CTE are settled on priority.
(3) While making correspondence with the contractor, Engineer-in-Charge shall not quote/give
reference of CTE's inspections. The Engineer-in-Charge shall accompany CTE/
representatives of CTE during inspections and issue inspection paras of the CTE to the
contractor as his own observations.

7.2 Quality Assurance and Technical Audit Wing

7.2.1 Introduction
(1) The Quality Assurance activity has to ensure a progressively improved and uniform quality
of the finished work. In order to achieve this, the pre-requisites cover among other things, an
in-built provision in the contract for a system of continuous check on quality by the field staff
and the contractor, availability of adequately manned and equipped agency for overseeing
the quality aspects, and periodical appraisal of quality and a system of feedback for effecting
possible improvements.
(2) The NIT Approving Authority has to ensure through contract conditions that the Concept of
Total Quality Management (TQM) is in-built in the work delivery system for which everyone
shares well defined responsibilities.
(3) For budgeted works, engagement of TPQA agency will be done for the works above Rs 20
crore or as per the directions issued from time to time by the CPWD Directorate. For Deposit
works, TPQA provisions will be made as per MOU. For all other contracts where no TPQA
is engaged, the existing QA units of Project Regions/Regions or as notified from time to time
shall carry out the Quality Assurance checks on random basis. In cases where TPQA is
deployed, the QA units may also inspect such works where so desired by heads of Project
Regions/Regions. Details are given in SOP 7/2&7/3 which may be referred.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 47



8.1 Co-opting of CPWD Officers as Member in Building Works Committee Constituted by

Various Department/ Organizations
The CPWD Officers are co-opted as member in Building Works Committee constituted by various
Department/Organizations. In such cases, instruction given in SOP 8/1 shall be followed.

8.2 Consultations with Department of Archaeology and Other Departments for New
The guidelines and instructions for consultation with Department of Archaeology and other
departments for new constructions shall be as given in SOP 8/2.

8.3 Demolition of Un-safe Buildings/Structures

In case it is decided to demolish such unsafe building/structure, it should be disposed off without
land by auction under the powers vested in competent authorities as indicated in "Financial Powers
delegated to CPWD Officers".

8.4 Disposal of Government Buildings

(1) No Government building, built or purchased, should be disposed off by sale or demolition
unless it has previously been ascertained that it is not required by any Department of the
Government, and/or it is in dangerous condition and/or beyond economic repairs, or it is
necessary to have a vacant site for constructing a Government building or structure in place
of the existing one.
(2) The powers for sale or dismantlement of public buildings are given in "Financial Powers
Delegated to CPWD Officers".
(3) When a building is proposed to be dismantled, a survey report should be prepared and
submitted for approval of the authority competent to sanction sale or dismantlement of the
building. Where the approval of the Government of India to the proposal of demolition of the
building is necessary and such approval in- principle has been obtained, the Director General/
SDG/ADG/Chief Engineers are delegated Financial Powers in CPWD to sanction such
survey reports.
(4) After the survey report is sanctioned, the reserve price shall be fixed by the officers, as per
delegated powers, after taking into consideration the assessed salvage value of the dismantled
materials only.
(5) The buildings which are not owned by CPWD/Directorate of Estates, MoHUA, approval of
disposal shall be taken from the owner/client.
Note: Salvage value shall be defined as the cost of dismantled materials less the cost of
dismantling it.

48 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


8.5 Disposal of Purely Temporary Structures

(1) The Engineer-in-Charge shall have full powers for fixing the reserve price of the purely temporary
structures erected during the construction of a work after its purpose has been served. These
temporary structures shall be sold or dismantled/auctioned by the Engineer-in-Charge, taking
into consideration the life and condition of the structure and other local conditions.
(2) For such temporary structures constructed in "Deposit works" it will be up to the client either
to retain or get them disposed.

8.6 Disposal of Surplus or Unserviceable Stores, T & P

(1) The powers to declare any store, T & P as surplus or unserviceable and issue orders
regarding the manner in which the particular stores/T & P declared as surplus or
unserviceable are to be disposed off is given in "Financial Powers delegated to CPWD
Officers". This disposal can be either by e-auction or through sealed quotations or any
other suitable method. Rules for departmental auction / e-auction of surplus and
unserviceable stores are given in SOP 8/3.
(2) If disposal of any surplus or obsolete or unserviceable item is not possible inspite of attempts
through auction, then it can be disposed off at its scrap value with the approval of the competent
authority in consultation with finance division. In case the Department is unable to sell the
item even at its scrap value, it may adopt any other mode of disposal including destruction of
the item in an eco-friendly manner.

8.7 Expenditure on Survey Work

The expenditure on survey of site and soil investigation works for safe bearing capacity will form
part of the main project or enabling work as sanctioned.

8.8 Expenditure on Exhibitions & Inaugurations

The CPWD officers are delegated powers to sanction such expenditure upto a limit as given in
"Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers" on each occasion. This expenditure shall be met
from the contingencies of the work concerned, as the case may be. However, for deposit works,
such expenditure shall be incurred with the approval of the client.

8.9 Expenditure on Architectural Models

Wherever required, the CA/SA/CE/SE shall arrange for the preparation of Project presentation i/c
walk through models, Architectural models and their presentations by charging the expenditure to
the sanctioned enabling work or the main work as the case may be.

8.10 Engagement of Private Consultants

(1) ADG/SDG shall prepare a panel of Private Architects/ Consultants taking guidance from the
"Manual for Procurement of Consultancy and Other Services 2022" issued by the Ministry of
Finance and as amended from time to time. The document is available on website of Ministry
of finance www.finmin.nic.in (Department of Expenditure).
(2) Engagement of consultant may be done by the CE/SE/CA/SA as per Financial Powers
Delegated to CPWD officers, by calling bids from empanelled as well as from non-empanelled
architects/ consultants. Detailed procedure is given in SOP No. 8/9.

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8.11 Engagement of Agencies for Preparation of Drawings

To expedite planning work, the CE/SE/CA/SA shall have full powers to engage agencies to prepare
architectural, landscaping, MEP and structural drawings etc. as per Financial Powers Delegated
to CPWD officers after taking guidance from "Manual for Procurement of Consultancy and Other
Services 2022" issued by the Ministry of Finance and as amended from time to time. Such
expenditure shall be charged to the Contingencies of work and is to be paid by the Engineer-in-

8.12 Checking of Drawings/Structural Design Prepared by Consultant

The structural design, E&M services design and drawings prepared by Consultant, shall be
authenticated "Good for Construction" by AE, EE and TS authority even if it is proof checked by
some other consultant, before issuing the drawings to contractor (except in case of EPC contracts).
The technical proposal of the stream other than stream to which T/S Authority belongs should also
be technically sanctioned by T/S Authority in consultation with Civil/Electrical counter-parts, as
decided by his/her next superior authority.
All such "Good for Construction" Drawings/Design/Documents shall have a unique ERP generated
identifier number called the ERP Drawing/Document Number or EDN through the Collaboration
Tool of CPWD ERP as specified in para 5.17.3 (3) of CPWD Works Manual.
The "Good for Construction Drawings/ Design/Documents shall not be considered valid without
EDN and without uploading and transmittal on ERP Collaboration Tool (whether prepared in-house
or through consultants).

8.13 Consultancy Works to Government Organizations/Institutes

Consultancy work such as proof checking of structural design or original structural design of
typical or special structure, assignment of specialized job requiring analysis of structures and soil
investigation, Architectural/ Landscape Design consultancy work and seeking expert advice for
retrofitting of buildings or third party quality audit (TPQA) of the work (as per request of the client)
can be assigned to IITs, NITs, Govt. Engineering College, Central Building Research Institute
(CBRI) and other central/state Govt. Institutes, without call of tenders

8.14 Estimates for Purchase, Repairs to Leased and Requisitioned Properties

For the estimates of purchase of built-up office accommodation for the Departments/Ministries of
Govt. of India and for the estimates of repairs of buildings taken on rent/lease or on requisition by
the Govt., SOP No 8/4 may be referred.

8.15 Hiring of Accommodation

For hiring of all private accommodation required by any Civil Department of the Central Government
at Delhi, the Executive Engineer (License Fee), CPWD, is the Chairman of the Hiring Committee,
the other members being the concerned Assistant Director of Estates and Assistant Director
(Finance), MoHUA. The detailed guidelines for hiring of accommodations and procedure for issuing
the fair rent certificate are as given in SOP 8/5.

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8.16 Departmental Charges for Fair Rent Certificate

DC for issue of fair rent certificate are as given in SOP 8/6.

8.17 Powers for Hiring Accommodation

The financial powers of hiring accommodation are as given in "Delegation of Financial Powers
Rules" (DFPR). Executive Engineers, Superintending Engineers and Chief Engineers are competent
to hire private accommodation for storage purposes, provided the expenditure is within the provision
of the sanctioned estimate.
8.18 Valuation of Properties
Income tax authorities, Central Customs and Excise make references to the Income Tax Valuation
cell which has encadered officers of CPWD for valuation of properties or for working out cost of
construction etc. during assessment proceedings or for fixing the reserve price for disposal of
confiscated properties. Similarly, other statutory bodies like CBI, ED etc. also refer to the Valuation
unit in certain investigation matters. The guidelines and procedure to be followed for valuation of
properties have been detailed out in the Guidelines for Valuation of Immovable Properties 2009
issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Min. of finance which is available on the
CPWD website www.cpwd.gov.in, in the publication domain for reference or as amended from
time to time.

8.19 Levy of Fees by CPWD for Consultancy Services

Fees for providing Consultancy Services to be charged are given in SOP 8/7.

8.20 Weeding Out of Old Agreements

Old agreements shall be weeded out by a Committee constituted for the purpose. The guidelines
on the Committee are given in SOP 8/8.

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9.0 Introduction
As a service provider, CPWD carries out maintenance of buildings, roads, other structures, services
etc. to keep the condition of all the existing structures and fixtures maintained in proper condition.

9.1 Classification of Maintenance Works in Existing Structures

The following categories of works are classified as Maintenance works:
(1) Annual repair and maintenance works
(2) Special repair works
(3) Additions/Alterations works
(4) Maintenance of residences of VIPs
(5) Day to day repairs
(6) Petty repair works
(7) Up-gradation Work and Aesthetic improvements in existing buildings
As per GFR 2017 Rule 130, minor works which add capital value to existing assets but do not create
new assets are to be treated as Original Works under Capital Head. The Engineer-in-Charge should
accordingly pre-decide the classification of different kinds of maintenance works as above for the
purpose of Estimate, booking of Expenditure and for exercise of financial powers for executing of the
said work as given in the "Delegation of Financial Powers to CPWD Officers".

9.2 Client Satisfaction and Responsiveness

For customer user friendly complaint management system, a web-based portal and mobile app
"CPWD Sewa" has been set up for registering complaints online. Details of all complaints received,
disposed and the response time is managed by CPWD service centers. CPWD call centre has
been set up to receive the complaints from users. Toll free numbers are 1800114499, 18002664499.

9.3 Mode of Execution of Maintenance Works

Maintenance works should usually be carried out in Comprehensive maintenance mode. In this
mode, all the maintenance works pertaining to Civil, Electrical (excluding standalone operational
works and specialized works) & horticulture works are carried out through a single agency by
inviting composite tenders. The normal works of up-gradation, special repairs, addition and alteration
of civil, E&M services and horticulture should also be clubbed in the composite tenders and
executed under a single contract.
For the following cases, comprehensive maintenance may not be feasible hence other modes
may be adopted:

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9.3.1 Works through Departmental Labour

In this mode, day to day maintenance is carried out through departmental labour and the materials
used for the work are issued from the maintenance store.

9.3.2 Works on Individual Contracts

This mode is used for execution of maintenance and repair works by call of tenders, where
comprehensive maintenance is not resorted to.

9.3.3 Works on Work Orders

In emergent and urgent cases, this mode is used by collecting spot quotations in case of emergency
and call of quotations in case of urgency, as the case may be. In case of exigencies, with recorded
reasons, the urgent work may be executed by collecting spot quotations as per delegation of
Financial Powers.

9.3.4 Petty Repairs

Petty maintenance and repair works upto Rs. 25000/- can be got executed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at his discretion through hand receipts but at reasonable rates.

9.3.5 Annual Rate Contract System for Maintenance/ Minor Works

Annual Rate Contract System for Maintenance/Minor Works: This is suitable for repetitive nature
of jobs which require immediate start and uniformity of rates, mainly for minor works. The works
have to be planned in advance and a number of agencies for works in each colony should be fixed
before the start of financial year. Normal A/R & M/O works, however, shall be dealt with under
normal tendering system. The detailed procedure for calling Annual Rate Contract for maintenance/
minor works shall be followed is given in SOP 9/1.

9.4 Power to Undertake Maintenance Work

(1) Power to undertake Maintenance Works is laid down in "Financial Powers Delegated to
CPWD Officers".
(2) The Officer shall have full powers to undertake works within his/ her powers to accord
Technical sanction. However for maintenance of buildings that were not originally constructed
by CPWD, and maintenance of mechanical/ electrical equipments that were not originally
procured and installed by CPWD, maintenance works of such buildings and installations
may be undertaken with prior approval of CE or SDG/ADG.
(3) The Officer shall have full power within his/ her powers to accord Technical sanction for
augmentation of electric power supply of the residence of VIPs up to maximum electrical
load sanctioned for Ministers, Judges of Supreme Court /High court, Members of Parliament,
Secretaries/Additional Secretaries & equivalent officers.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 53



10.0 Principles and Procedures

The Preliminaries for "Maintenance work" are in consonance and analogous to the principles and
procedure laid down for Construction works with the following exceptions as given in the under
mentioned paras.

10.1 Annual Works Plan

Separate annual works plan for "Maintenance works" shall be prepared by the respective divisions
of all disciplines (Civil, Electrical & Horticulture) in advance for finalization and approval by the CE or
SE or any other authority as designated by the CPWD Directorate from time to time. The priorities of
works should be decided based on the funds availability and urgency of the works. The PE/DE shall
be prepared according to the approved annual works plan. In case of any work which is not included
in the Plan, Executive Engineer may take up the work after taking approval from SE/CE/ any other
authority as designated by the Directorate.
Tenders for maintenance works shall be invited by the Engineer-in-Charge separately for each
subdivision or jointly for one or more subdivisions as per requirement.

10.2 Administrative Approval and Expenditure Sanction

The competent authority of the Administrative Ministry/Department/Client shall accord A/A & E/S on
the basis of /Preliminary estimate/Detailed estimate.
In case of MoHUA budgetary works, no A/A & E/S is required for maintenance works undertaken
from the budgeted works except for Addition & Alteration works for which excess up to 10% of the
amount of the administrative approval may be authorized by officers of the CPWD, up to their respective
powers of technical sanction.

10.3 Technical Sanction

Technical sanction shall be issued for all the maintenance works including renovation, upgradtion,
aesthetic improvement, addtions/ alterations, special/ major repairs etc. The guidelines to prepare
the Detailed Estimate shall be followed as per guidelines given in SOP 3/3.

10.4 Specialized Works

For Maintenance / Comprehensive Maintenance /Operation of Specialized nature E&M System
including Lifts and HVAC, DG Sets, Fire Alarm System, Sub-Station and Wet Riser and Sprinkler
System works, the guidelines as per SOP 4/7 shall be followed.

10.5 Preparation of NIT

(1) The estimated cost put to tender in the NIT shall be worked out based on DSR/market rates
for general maintenance works similar to construction works. For works involving structural
rehabilitation where Technical sanction has been issued, the estimated cost put to tender in
the NIT shall be worked out based on the rates considered in the Technical sanction.

54 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


(2) For guidelines on preparation of NIT for different modes of bidding system the relevant
provision given in SOP 4/8 & SOP 4/9 may be referred. The NIT approving authority may
modify the NIT as per requirements and scope of Maintenance work.
(3) In case of "Outsourcing of day to day maintenance along with Annual repair and maintenance
work, and Special repair works". The period of comprehensive maintenance shall not be
more than three years for GPRA/GPOA works. For other works, period will be kept as per
Client's requirements and A/A & E/S.
(4) In case of composite tenders of comprehensive maintenance and development works which
are predominantly of horticulture nature and having horticulture component more than 50% of
the total estimated cost but not exceeding Rs. 1.80 crore or as intimated by the CPWD
Directorate from time to time, the tenders can only be called from the eligible enlisted horticulture
contractors of appropriate class.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 55


11.0 Principles and Procedures
The Mode of bidding system for “Maintenance works” is analogous with the Construction works.

12.0 Principles and Procedures
The contract management in Maintenance Works are in consonance and are analogous to the
principles laid down for Construction works with the following exceptions.

12.1 Deviation on Tendered Amount

(1) The completion cost of any maintenance work shall not exceed 1.5 times of contract amount
and 10% of the sanctioned cost for budgeted works. The Engineer-in-Charge shall record
reasons for such deviation beyond the contract amount. Prior approval from SE/CE is required
when completion cost of work is likely to go beyond 1.25 times of contract amount with
recorded reasons.
The powers to sanction the extra items and deviation are given in ‘Financial Powers delegated
to CPWD officers’
(2) For Deposit works, works on letter of authorization and works of cabinet secretariat through
CSSA (Cash Suspense settlement Account), completion cost shall not exceed the A/A & E/
S amount without prior approval of the client and availability of funds.
12.2 Requisition of work i.e. Upgradation, Addition/ Alteration and Major Repair / Renovation.
(i) To take up the work of Upgradation, Addition/Alteration and Major Repair / Renovation, the
process of requisition and execution shall be followed as per SOP No. 12/1.
(ii) After vacation of quarter, the photographs with geo-tagging of all the rooms, toilets, kitchen
etc; showing the present condition, shall be taken and uploaded on E-Sewa/ERP by JE/AE.
12.3 Review of Requisitions by Higher Offices
(i) A team comprising EE(P) / AE(P) from CE/SE office and minimum 01 AE from other Division
under jurisdiction of CE/SE shall inspect the sub-division atleast once in 03 months to inspect
the records mentioned in SOP No. 12/1 including any other records related to works and will
submit report to the CE/SE.
(ii) The team can take the feedback from the allottee, if required.

13.0 Principles and Procedures
The Quality Assurance in Maintenance Works is in consonance and are analogous to the principles
laid down for Construction works.

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14.0 Acquisition of Stores

Stipulation of material in contracts has since been stopped in CPWD works. However, in case of
Procurement of Goods and Services Ministry of finance has circulated a document namely “Manual
for Procurement of Goods 2022” and as amended from time to time. The T/S authority may decide
the eligibility criteria & Terms and Conditions for purchase of material for departmental maintenance
works or for contingent items by taking guidance from this document. The document is available
on website of Ministry of finance www.finmin.nic.in (Department of Expenditure).

14.1 Procurement of Goods and Services through Govt. e-Market Place (GeM)
The Procurement of Goods and Services through GeM will be mandatory for Goods or Services
available on GeM. The procuring authorities will certify the reasonability of rates. The GeM portal
shall be utilized by the Government buyers for direct online purchases.
The financial powers for procurement of goods and service under GeM portal shall be as per
delegated powers for purchase from open market through tenders given in “Financial Powers
delegated to CPWD Officers”. The Rule 149 of GFR 2017 may be referred for purchases through

14.2 Procedure for Purchase of Materials through Tender/Quotations

Purchases costing upto Rs. Five thousand can be made through Hand receipt/Imprest/Cash.
Such purchase shall not count towards annual ceiling of powers of purchase of materials. For
purchase of goods, relevant provisions of GFR 2017 shall be followed.
Ministry of Finance has circulated a document namely “Manual for procurement of Goods 2022”
and as amended from time to time. The Engineer-in-Charge may decide the eligibility criterion
and terms and conditions for purchase of material by taking guidance from this document. The
document is available on website of Ministry of finance www.finmin.nic.in (Department of
The financial powers for procurement of goods/materials through tenders/ quotations shall be as
per delegated financial powers to CPWD officers for purchase from open market through tenders/

14.3 Reserved Items and Preference to Medium and Small-Scale Industries (MSMEs)
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has notified Procurement Policy under
section 11 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006. The Policy shall
be followed for procurement of goods.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 57


14.4 Advance Payments

(1) As per Rule 172 (1) of GFR 2017, ordinarily payments for services rendered or supplies
made should be released only after the services have been rendered or supplies made.
However advance payments may be made in following types of cases:-
(i) Advance payment demanded by firms holding maintenance contracts for servicing of
Air- conditioners, computers, other costly equipments etc.
(ii) Advance payment demanded by firms against fabrication contracts, turnkey contracts
(2) Such advance payments should not exceed the following limits:-
(i) 30% of contract value to private firm.
(ii) 40% of contract value to a State or Central Government agency or a PSU; or
(iii) In case of maintenance contract, the amount should not exceed the amount payable
for six months under the contract.
(3) While making advance payment as above, adequate safeguards in form of bank guarantee
etc. should be obtained from the firm.

14.5 Payment for the Supplies

All the stores (including those purchased through GeM) that are received are verified, and
measurements and details thereof are to be recorded in the Measurement Book if the purchase is
for specific work. Payments are to be made by the Executive Engineer on the basis of the entries
recorded in the Measurement Book, according to the terms of the payment as finalized in the
supply order.

14.5.1 Advance Payments for Purchase of Stores

The CPWD officers are authorized to make advance payments upto 90% to the firms for
supply of stores upto the limit of their respective powers of acceptance of tenders as per
“Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”. The procedure for advance payments is
given in SOP 14/1.

14.6 Insurance

14.6.1 General
The Government property, both movable and immovable, should not normally be insured. No
subordinate authority, therefore, shall undertake any liability or incur any expenditure in connection
with the insurance of such property without prior consent of the Ministry of Finance in the case of
immovable property, and the Director General, CPWD in the case of movable property.

14.6.2 Inland Transit Insurance

In case of supply from GeM, supplier shall deliver the goods/ materials in good conditions. The
supplier should be asked well in advance for insurance under intimation to GeM. In case of loss or
damage to stores in transit where the stores have been insured by the supplier against such risks,
he/she will take up the matter with the insurer which should invariably be a nationalized insurance
company/corporation and recover the loss from them. The indentor will be responsible for payment
of stores actually received by the consignee.

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14.7 Receipt of Materials/Horticulture item, Plants etc.

All the materials (including horticulture materials, plants etc.) procured should be examined, counted
or measured during its delivery and accounted for in the Material at Site (MAS) account register.
For procedure refer SOP 14/2.

14.8 Safe Custody of Stores

The Assistant Engineer (Junior Engineer where no AE is available) is responsible to ensure that
proper arrangements are made for the safe custody of stores and for their protection from
deterioration and fire.

14.9 Transfer of Stock (excluding T & P) to Other Divisions/Departments

All articles of stocks (excluding tools and plants), that are not likely to be required during the
following months, should be reported to the Engineer-in-Charge, who will issue necessary orders
for their disposal or transfer to other Divisions.

14.10 Losses on Stores and their Write off

The relevant rules prescribed in GFR 2017 shall be followed while dealing with the cases of losses
on stores and their write off.

14.11 Powers to Write Off

(1) The powers of various authorities with regard to the sale, disposal and to write off stores are
as given in “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”.
(2) The authority issuing orders under “Financial Powers delegated to CPWD officers” should,
after the disposal of stores of which value accounts are kept, determine and intimate to the
Audit/Accounts Officer concerned the net amount to be written off to the final head (MH 2059
PW Minor Works-Losses on Stock).

14.12 Physical Verification of Stores

A physical verification of MAS account, Dismantled Material Account and T & P account should
be undertaken by the authority who is next higher to the authority responsible for the custody of
the stores. The verification should be carried out at least once in a year in the presence of the
authority responsible for the custody of the stores or of a person deputed by him/her. A certificate
of verification along with the findings shall be recorded in the registers. Discrepancies, including
shortages, damages and unserviceable goods, if any, should be identified during verification and
action for its disposal is to be taken. Report about required stocktaking and physical verification
and certification thereof should be sent to the next higher authority for further action.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 59



15.1 Dismantled Materials from Maintenance Works

(1) Relevant para of Maintenance Manual may be referred to for disposal of dismantled materials
arising out of maintenance works done through contracts.
(2) In case of unserviceable dismantled materials of negligible or no salvage value arising out of
departmental maintenance of works, such as electrical lamps and tubes, A.C. sheet ridges,
PVC flooring, other PVC small fittings, broken vitreous china sanitary fixtures etc. may not
to be taken in the dismantled materials account, and these shall be disposed off by any
suitable method by following GFR provisions. The Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer/
Executive Engineer shall exercise a check on the quantum of materials dismantled from
their normal consumption pattern.
(3) For other dismantled materials having salvage value arising out of such works, these should
be accounted for in the Register of Dismantled Materials, and disposed off or re-used as the
case may be.

15.2 Disposal of Unserviceable Stores/Dismantle Materials

(1) The Engineer-in-Charge should not store for long the materials which are likely to deteriorate
within a short time. In case the dismantled materials are not usable, they will be disposed off
in every six months or in lesser intervals as per the quantity available. In other cases, the
dismantled materials will be utilized first before use of new materials.
(2) Similarly lot of Unserviceable/ Dismantled material is generated during the continuous
maintenance process should not be stored for long and should be disposed immediately.
Such Unserviceable Stores/ Dismantled material when stored for longer duration gets
deteriorated and loses its worth. Hence, disposal of such Unserviceable/ Dismantled material
shall be done immediately.
(3) The powers to declare any surplus or unserviceable store, T & P and issue orders regarding
the manner in which the particular stores/T & P declared as surplus or unserviceable are
to be disposed off is given in “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”. This disposal
can be either by e-auction or through sealed quotations or any other suitable method.
Details for disposal of unserviceable stores/dismantle materials through e-auction are given
in SOP 8/3.
(4) If disposal of any surplus or obsolete or unserviceable item is not possible in spite of its
attempts through auction, then it can be disposed off at its scrap value with the approval of
the competent authority in consultation with finance division. In case the Department is unable
to sell the item even at its scrap value, it may adopt any other mode of disposal including
destruction of the item in an eco-friendly manner.

15.3 Register of Buildings

Every Division shall maintain a Register of Buildings and keep it upto date. The instructions regarding
maintaining the Register of Buildings are given in SOP 15/1.

60 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


15.3.1 Safety of Buildings / Structures

All buildings / structures shall be inspected regularly to ensure that the buildings / structures are
safe for use. The duties of various officers and procedure for inspection of buildings are given in
SOP 15/2.

15.3.2 Demolition of Unsafe Buildings/ Structures

In case it is decided to demolish such unsafe buildings / structures, it should be survey reported
and disposed off without land by auction under the powers vested in competent authorities as
indicated in “Financial Powers Delegated to CPWD Officers”. Prior approval shall be taken from
the Directorate of Estates, MoHUA for demolition of GPRA/GPOA buildings which are in the
records of DOE, MoHUA.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 61



16.0 General Guidelines

All new works will have the provisions of Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Sustainability
Measures and Barrier Free Accessible constructions. It has been made mandatory that new projects
undertaken by CPWD costing Rs. 50 crore and above shall be at least Green Level Certification
of GHAR based on CPWD Green Rating Manual- 2021. Guidelines and norms for Green Buildings,
Sustainability Measures, Pollution Control and Barrier Free accessibility issued by MoHUA and
CPWD from time to time shall be followed which are available on CPWD website www.cpwd.gov.in

16.1 Use of New and Emerging Technologies in CPWD Works

New and Emerging technologies are to be used for all works undertaken by CPWD irrespective of
project costs and locations. In this connection directions have been issued by the MoHUA and
CPWD Directorate from time to time which are to be followed. Any one of such technology can be
adopted in the works. In case, it is not being implemented, exemption will be obtained from DG,

16.2 Use of Recycled C & D Waste Material and Products

In order to encourage Green and Sustainable Development measures, MoHUA and the CPWD
Directorate have issued directions for use of recycled C & D Waste material in CPWD works,
subject to quality control, meeting relevant standards and specifications and feasibility for its use.
Suitable clauses and items of recycled products are to be incorporated in the contract document
by the NIT approving authority as per directions issued by the CPWD Directorate from time to time
which are uploaded on CPWD web site www.cpwd.gov.in

16.3 Use of Fly Ash Bricks/Blocks from Recycled C & D Waste/AAC Blocks
Fly ash bricks/blocks from recycled C & D waste/ AAC blocks are to be used mandatorily in
masonry work for non structural members in place of burnt clay bricks for works in Delhi NCR,
Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Surat. The Fly ash bricks/
blocks from C & D waste/ AAC blocks will be used in order of preference, for buildings of height
less than 15 mtrs. For buildings having height more than 15 mtrs, AAC blocks shall be used. In
other places where such materials are available, these should be used in the works as per feasibility.
Directions issued by the CPWD Directorate from time to time are uploaded on CPWD web site
www.cpwd.gov.in and shall be followed.

16.4 Control of Pollution due to Construction Activities

All works shall have provisions of pollution control caused by construction and demolition activities,
concrete batch mixing plants and dust from various activities. Guidelines and directions have
been issued in this regard from time to time by the MoEF/ MoHUA/ CPWD Directorate which are
available on CPWD website and are to be followed.

62 170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation


16.5 Skill India Policy

In order to encourage Skill India Policy of the government, for works costing more than Rs. 50
Crore and upto Rs. 100 Crore or as decided from time to time by the Directorate, necessary onsite
training shall be imparted to at least 10% of the unskilled workers engaged in the project as per
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) norms. For works costing more than 100 crore,
training shall be imparted to 20% of the unskilled labour. Suitable provisions are to be made in the
contract by the NIT approving authority as per directions issued by the Directorate from time to
time and uploaded on CPWD website.

16.6 Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Policy

To encourage Make in India and promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in
India with a view to enhancing income and employment, the Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, pursuant to Rule 153(iii) of the GFR 2017, have
issued orders for procurement through local suppliers. As per the provisions of these orders,
purchase preference shall be given to local suppliers in all procurements undertaken by procuring
entities in the manner specified in the said orders. Guidelines/orders/notifications related to Public
Procurement Policy have also been issued by M/o Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, M/o Electronics
and IT, CVC etc. CPWD Directorate has been issuing directions for compliance of the said orders
and their inclusion in the tender conditions. The same are uploaded on the CPWD Website and are
to be followed.

170 Years of CPWD's dedicated service to the Nation 63

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