Letter from Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum and Meridian Township Deputy Clerk Emily Gordan regarding the disqualification of Meridian Township Clerk Deborah Guthrie.
Letter from Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum and Meridian Township Deputy Clerk Emily Gordan regarding the disqualification of Meridian Township Clerk Deborah Guthrie.
Letter from Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum and Meridian Township Deputy Clerk Emily Gordan regarding the disqualification of Meridian Township Clerk Deborah Guthrie.
Letter from Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum and Meridian Township Deputy Clerk Emily Gordan regarding the disqualification of Meridian Township Clerk Deborah Guthrie.
Veterans Memorial Courthouse P.O. Box 179
toneeaighamcery Barb Byrum Sahai
clerk ingham.org Ingham County Clerk Phone: (S17) 67-7204
April 8, 2024
‘Candidate Deborah Guthrie
2575 Dustin Rd
Okemos, MI 48864
Dear Deborah Guthrie:
‘My Office had previously sent notice to the Meridian Township Clerk’s Office on March 15, 2024,
indicating that your candidacy should be disqualified due to failure to pay late filing fees associated with
your catapaign finance committee,
On April 8, 2024, I received the enclosed communication from the Meridian Township Deputy Clerk &
Election Administrator Emily Gordon, indicating that you are officially disqualified as a candidate for
‘Township Clerk on the August 6, 2024 Primary Election ballot.
Please let this letter serve as notice that your name will not appear on the August 6, 2024 Primary Election
Please feel free to contact me if I may be of further assistance.
CC: Meridian Township Clerk's Office
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EnclosuresMeridian Township
5151 Marsh Road
‘Okemos, MI 48864
‘Township Board:
Patricta Herring
Township Supervisor
Deborah Guthrie
Township Clerk
Phil Deschaine
‘Township Treasurer
‘Scott Hendrickson
Township Trustee
Kathy Ann Sundlsnd
‘Township Trustee
Marna Wilson
Township Trustee
Peter Trezise
‘Township Trustee
Frank L Walsh
Township Manager
April 8, 2024
Barb Byrum
Ingham County Clerk
‘Subject: Candidate Filing ~ Affidavit of Identity
Clerk Byram:
‘On March 15, 2024, the Township received your letter indicating that candidate Guthrie's
Affidavit of Identity ("AOI") ‘was not in compliance” due to unpaid late filing fees which
disqualified the candidate without remedy. Following that letter, [undertook a review of
the matter as the Election Administrator and Deputy Clerk for the Township,
After reviewing, and consistent with the guidance of the Bureau of Elections, your Office,
and the Township Attorney, Ihave officially disqualified candidate Guthrie as a candidate
from the filed ballot.
Guilty Obnds_)
Emily Gordon
Deputy Clerk & Election Administrator
Meridian Township
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