2024 COBM 2203 RESEARCH METHODS Course Outline
2024 COBM 2203 RESEARCH METHODS Course Outline
2024 COBM 2203 RESEARCH METHODS Course Outline
Module Assessment
Module assessment comprises course work and end of semester/block examination.
Coursework will be through completion of assignments, tests and group presentations that are
compulsory and constitute 30% of the final course assessment. The end of semester/block
examination constitutes 70% of the overall course mark. The lecturer can give short quizzes
and/or tests in any of the scheduled lectures and absence shall not be an excuse for not having
participated in an assessment.
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Failure to acknowledge the work of other people in your own write-ups and presenting it as
your own material is an academic and professional offence that is tantamount to cheating and
is not acceptable according to the university general academic regulations. It is therefore
incumbent upon all students to properly acknowledge the work of other authors.
Examinations Misconduct
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elements of a research proposal
e.g. working title, introduction,
background of the study,
statement of the problem,
limitation, definition of key terms
and abbreviations, research
assumptions, Literature
review(preliminary),the purpose
and significance of Literature
review, Research design/research
methodology, Time frame and
work plan (budget) resources to
be used and references. Each
element will be discussed in detail
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study, understand subject
structure, seeks to
provide insights, relates
ideas and theory to
application, delineates
research problem,
identify existing gaps in
literature, extend
boundaries of knowledge.
Relationship of concepts
4. Conceptual framework and constructs, founded
on existing literature.
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4. Discuss the various threats to
reliability and validity.
5. Strength and weaknesses of
quantitative research
6. Qualitative research; assumptions
of qualitative designs, reliability
and validity in qualitative
7. Strength and weakness of
qualitative research
8. Mixed methods research, its
advantages and disadvantages
9. Quantitative and qualitative
research strategies
10. What ethical issues to consider
when carrying out a research?
7 Data Collection 1. Sources of data e.g. Primary and Explain the significance
Methods Secondary of triangulation in a
2. Interviews; personal, telephone research
3. The “Dos” and “Don’ts” of
conducting an interview
4. Questionnaire;
Self- administered questionnaires; their
advantages and disadvantages
5. Direct observation; advantages
and disadvantages
6. Focus Group Discussions
7. Types of Data; nominal, ordinal,
interval, and ratio scale
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Hypothesis, Simple Regression& validity of claims and
Correlation Analysis and Chi- determining the
Squared independence of
association between
categorical data.
1 Introduction to 1. What is SPSS and what it does? Capture data, code data
0 quantitative 2. Using SPSS and analyse information
and qualitative 3. Starting SPSS using SPSS
data Analysis 4. How to code data before data
using SPSS input
5. Defining variables on SPSS
variable and data view screen
6. Data analysis in SPSS
References/Reading List
Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2011). Business Research Methods (9th ed.). New York:
McGraw Hill.
Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2017). Designing and conducting mixed methods research.
Sage publications.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2012). Research Methods for Business Students
(6th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson.
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2009). Research Methods for Business (5th ed.). Sussex: John
Wiley & Sons.
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