Grade 1 Scheme 2nd Term 2022

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Broad Aims
For learners to:
 Listen to instructions.
 Tell and retell a story.
 Read for enjoyment and comprehension.
 Increase their vocabulary.
 Practicing writing patterns and letters.
 Use sentence models given in units.

Topics to be covered
 Listening.
 Speaking.
 Reading.
 Writing.

Time Allocation: 8 By 30 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching And Learning Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Theme: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners have counted to -English language
Week 1 Counting-How lesson, Attitudes ten. Infant Syllabus Page
Many learners -Counting Introduction –Learners, as a class count to ten. 24
LISTENING/ should be able -Listening Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. Step In English Lnrs Bk
OBSERVING to: -Object -learners identify objects on display and those page
-Count up to familiarisatio shown on pictures. -English Time Lnrs Bk
Animal and ten. n. -Class count objects together and as individuals 1B page 9-10
object sounds. -Answer up to ten. -Step In NZPE Lnrs Bk
questions -Learners are asked to give the name and the pg 1-2
stating number number of objects, e.g. ‘How many tins are on -Pictures of objects and
-Names and and objects the table? ‘There are 3 tins.’ tools.
number of Conclusion –Facilitator and learners sing a -Learning play areas
Lesson 1 familiar objects counting rhyme up to ten stating the number of

Theme: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can give the -English language
Counting-How lesson, Attitudes number of a set of objects. Infant Syllabus Page
Many learners -Answering Introduction –Learners name the familiar 26
should be able or objects shown to them. -Step In English Trs’
Lesson 2 SPEAKING/SI to: responding Dvpt- Facilitator introduces the words ‘what’ Bk page 59-61
GNING -answer -vocabulary and ‘they’ and explain to learners what they -Step in Lnr Bk page 1-
questions -making mean 3
Oral questions. about visible dialogue -Facilitatormakes examples by formulating - Ventures Primay
objects and -Constructing questions, ‘What are they?’ and responds English New
pictures. sentences. saying, ‘They are pencils.’ Curriculum(promotion
-Facilitator asks questions using ‘what are al copy)lnrs’ bk page
-What are they? they’, learners respond using ‘they are…’ 25
-Learners practice the dialogue in pairs. -Pictures of various
-Pair feedback and class activity. objects.
Conclusion-Learners ask questions while -Learning centres
facilitator answers them using ‘they are..’

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Theme: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners have been -English language
Counting-How lesson, Attitudes introduced to the first 26 alphabet sounds Infant Syllabus Page
Many learners will: -Letter Introduction –Learners articulate the alphabet. 28.
READING/SIG -saying letter knowledge Dvpt-Learners say the sounds from a –z giving -English Time Lnrs Bk
NING sounds from a- -Identify the proper sound. 1B pg 11
z. letter sounds. -Learners distinguish/ identify the given letters -Flash cards with the
Phonic Words -distinguishing - and give the sound. letter sounds and
letter sounds. -Learners read three letter words on flash words
Lesson 3 -reading cards. -alphabet
Revision words -Learners, in groups are given more words to -word cards with new
-Letter sounds read on flash cards. words.
from A-Z. -Group feedback.
Conclusion-Learners and the facilitator read
new words together.

Theme: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can read the -English language
Counting-How lesson, Attitudes three lettered words correctly. Infant Syllabus Page
Many learners -word attack Introduction –give the sounds of phonics 30
Lesson 4 WRITING/BRA should be able -phonic practiced in the previous lesson. -Ventures English
ILING to: knowledge. Dvpt- Facilitator and learners read words on Learner’s Bk page 70-
-read given -listening the chalkboard and on flash cards 74
Spelling and words on flash -Learners and facilitator build words on the -New Primary English
dictation. cards and on chalkboard using the phonic method. Gr1 Bk 2 pg 3&6
-Spell the the chalkboard -Learners write work in their books – spellings -flash cards
dictated words -write down of three lettered words consonant+ vowel+
with three the spelled consonant: cup, dog, hat, box, pen, zip, jug etc.
letters words -Facilitator and learners revise the work done
(consonant+ correctly writing all the dictated words on the chalk
vowel+ board.
consonant e.g. Conclusion-learners play a counting game
cup, hat sun).

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Theme: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners know how to --English language
Counting-How lesson, Attitudes sound the consonant ‘s’. Infant Syllabus Page
Many learners will: -word attack Introduction –Class sound the alphabetic 14
READING/ -recognise the -letter sound letters and pronounce the ‘s’ sound.
Lesson 5 SIGNING AND consonant ‘s’ -vocabulary Dvpt- Facilitator explains to learners what ‘s’ -Step up English
SPEAKING. in words. -phonic at the end of the word means- many (in the Learner’s Bk page 45
-read or attack knowledge or plural sense). -English Time Lnrs’s
words paying words. -Class identify the ‘s’ in the words given. book 42 and 60
Word Attack particular -Class activity of reading words without ‘s’ at
attention to ‘s’ the end e.g. cup, jug and then add the ‘s’ letter
-Words ending at the end of to the words e.g. cup+s- cups, rib+s- ribs. -pictures
with ‘S’ the word. -Learners attack or read words with ‘s’ at the accompanying words
-say a word in end clearly sounding the letter. -word and cards
(bags ,dams, its singular -Individual check on each learner and the -real objects
cups, hoes, sits, and plural facilitator records in the reading record
cups, legs, form. Conclusion-Learners count ten practising
cobs, tins plurals on given words e.g 1 pen- 2 pens.
Theme: Assumed knowledge -learners know what the -English language
Counting-How During the Skills & ‘s’ letter at the end of a word mean. Infant Syllabus Page
Many lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners give the number of 29
WRITING/BRA learners will: -descripting objects shown and say them in plural form.
Lesson 6 ILING -write the -vocabulary Dvpt- Learners give words which end with the -Step up English
Descriptions. plurals of -counting letter “s” at the end. Learner’s Bk page 66
-Plurals objects/ words -Learners and the facilitator revise the plurals -English Time Learners
by adding ‘s’ they did in the previous lesson. bk page 18&41
1 tin……….2 -say the -Learners write work in their exercise books on -shapes
tins plurals of plurals, (they are given a word in singular form -tins
1 hat………8 given objects/ and they put the word to plural form.) -beads
hats words -Facilitator moves around monitoring learners -hats
1 cow…….. and do spot remedies and marking -leaves
Conclusion-Each learner give a word in -flash cards with words
singular form and give its plural.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 2 THEME:ANIM Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
ALS During the Skills & and articulate vowel sounds. Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/O lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24
BSERVING learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
-Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –oo- to the pg 24
Phonic sounds -oo- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures Lnrs bk 49
correctly. -identifying sounded. -NZPE lnrs bk page 24
Lesson 1 -OOu- sound -Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –oo- sound after it
oo- sound. is given by the facilitator. -musical instruments
Took rook -read words -Class activity of adding the –oo- sound to -bottles
doom room with the –oo- consonants to make a word e.g.f+oo+d makes -sticks
look food foot sound. the word food. -tins
noon moon -Learners read the words with the –oo- sound.
boom voodoo -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
too fool cards
Conclusion-Learners identify t –oo- sound.

Lesson 2 THEME:ANIM -Identify and -animal Assumed knowledge -learners know some of -English language
ALS name some knowledge the domestic animals. Infant Syllabus Page
SPEAKING/ common -answering Introduction –Learners name animals that they 26-27
SIGNING domestic and have at home. -Step up English
animals. questioning Dvpt-learners name the animals shown by the Learner’s Bk page 60-,
Oral Questions -Ask questions -speaking facilitator. 62
-What are using ‘what’s -learners to a story on animals -Venture Pry English
these? that’ -Facilitator questions learners using the page 60-65
-answer sentence, ‘what are these? And learners -NZPE Lnrs bk page 18
‘They are questions respond using ‘they are…..birds, goats’ etc. -English Time Lnrs bk
animals, birds using ‘it’s a/ -Learners in pairs ask each other using ‘what is 1B pg 74-75
etc. an’ that’ and answer using ‘it’s a/ an...’
-Pair feedback, they ask and answer each other -Phonic alphabet
What is that? in front of the class. -printed letters
It’s an ox Conclusion-Learners in groups produce sounds
in unison.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:ANIM -Vocabulary Assumed knowledge -learners know the names -English language
ALS -read names of -new words of domestic animals Infant Syllabus Page
READING animals on -names of Introduction –Learners name the domestic 28
AND SIGNING cards. animals animals they learnt in the previous lesson. -Step up English
-read -reading Dvpt-learners and the facilitator read the Learner’s Bk page
Reading words. sentences on sentences names of animals on flash cards together. - Ventures Primay
domestic -Learners are tasked to go and identify a name English New
animals. of an animal whose name is written on the Curriculum
Lesson 3 -Names of chalk board and then reads it aloud. (promotional
domestic -a reading game on animal names. copy)lnrs’ bk page 60-
animals. -Learners read sentences with animal names: 65
‘That is a cow.’ ‘It’s an ox.’ -NZPE Lnrs bk page 18
Dog, cow, chick -individual practise by learners why the -English Time Lnrs bk
goat, cow, duck, facilitator helps those struggling Conclusion- 1B pg 74-75
hen, ox, cat Learners imitate the sounds of domestic -pictures of domestic
animals mentioned. animals
-flash cards with names
WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners have learnt -English language
BRAILING lesson, Attitudes about the names of domestic animals. Infant Syllabus Page
learners will: -drawing Introduction –Learners name the animals 29-30
Creative writing -draw a -animal drawn on the chalk board or on pictures. Step up English pupil’s
Lesson 4 domestic knowledge Dvpt-Learners read the names of domestic book 20
animal and -labelling animals on flash cards and sentences on strips. Venture Pry English
-Drawing and label it with its and -Facilitator makes examples on the activity i.e. page 60-65
labelling actual name matching. drawing and labelling. -NZPE Lnrs bk page 18
domestic -read names of -vocabulary -Class write individual work of copying an -English Time Lnrs bk
animals domestic animal from the board or textbook and then 1B pg 74-75
animals. label it with names displayed. -pictures/ drawing of
-facilitator moves around making spot remedies animals
and marking of books -pencils
Conclusion-Revision of the work done. -flash cards

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching And Learning Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
LISTENING/ During the -retelling Assumed knowledge -learners know some of Infant Syllabus Page
SIGNING lesson, -auditory the wild animals. 24-25
learners will: memory Introduction –learners name some wild - Step up English
-retell the -Wild animal animals they have seen or they know. pupil’s book page
Stories short story knowledge Dvpt-facilitator narrates a short story on wild - Venture Pry English
-name the animals with special attention to their names page 60-65
Lesson 5 animals that using pictures. -NZPE Lnrs bk page 18
-A story on wild were -Learners are randomly picked to retell the -English Time Lnrs bk
animals mentioned in story using pictures. 1B pg 74-75
the story. -learners identify name the animals shown on
the pictures.
-Learners read the names of the animals blocks
together with the facilitator on flash cards. -objects from learning
-learners answer questions from the story centres
Conclusion-Learners imitate the sounds of wild
Lesson 6 SPEAKING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners name the -English language
SIGNING lesson, Attitudes animals that live in the wild. Infant Syllabus page
learners will : -writing Introduction –Learners give their favourite 26-27
-make -filling in animals and state why they love that particular -Venture Pry English
making sentences -sentence animal. page 60-65
using, ‘this making Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. -NZPE Lnrs bk page 18
is…..’ -Learners and the facilitator engage in an -English Time Lnrs bk
-Wild animals – -fill in activity of constructing sentences using the 1B pg 74-75
this is a…zebra/ sentence. names of wild animals with the sentence
buck/hare/lion. -crayons
structure, ‘this is a…...’
-Learners fill in sentences that has a picture of
an animal with the appropriate name
Conclusion –class revise the work done.
-chart with patterns

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
Word attack learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds. Ventures Primay
be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –ch- English New
-read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. Curriculum(promotion
-ch- accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –ch sound. al copy)lnrs’ bk page
Lesson 7 chat chick by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the ch- 61
-read whole sound in words and read them together. -word cards
check chin words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give -flash cards
-ch- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone. -phonic alphabet
chip chook -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records -picture drawing of
sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record. objects
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
word by pictures on the chalk board
WRITING/ -English language
Lesson 8 BRAILING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners have learnt Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes about the –oo- and –ch- sounds. 29 and 30
Punctuation learners will: -word Introduction –learners read the phonics.
Ventures Primay
and Words -observe making Dvpt-learners and the facilitator talk about
capital letters -punctuation punctuation, that when starting a new sentence English New
when making -phonics one should use a capital letter. Curriculum(promotion
-Making words the word. -Facilitator makes an example on making al copy)lnrs’ bk page
with –ch- and -make words words and put a capital letter e.g. Food, Chat. 61
–oo-. with the –ch- -Learners write work as individuals making -flash cards with
and –oo- words with –ch- and –oo- phonics paying phonics.
sounds. particular attention to the first letter of the
-Phonics alphabet
Chick church word; it should be in uppercase/ capital.
-Facilitator moves around making spot -cards with words like
Room food etc. remediation and marking. food, room.
Conclusion-Learners and the facilitator revise
work done.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:JOBS During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
Week 3 IN THE lesson, Attitudes and articulate ‘b and r’ sounds. Infant Syllabus Page
FAMILY learners will: -auditory Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24
LISTENING/O -Articulate the discriminatio consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
BSERVING -br- sound n Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the -br- to the pg 30
correctly. -identifying class and clearly make them listen how is
Phonic sounds -Identify the -reading sounded. -musical instruments
-br- sound. -Learners imitate or say the –br- sound after it -bottles
-read words is given by the facilitator. -sticks
with the -br- -Class activity of adding the –br- sound to make -tins
Lesson 1 -br- sound sound. a word makes the word brood.
-Learners read the words with the –br- sound.
Broom breed -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
brood cards
Brim brick Conclusion-Learners identify t –br- sound.

SPEAKING/ -state the jobs -sentence Assumed knowledge -learners know the jobs -English language
SIGNING undertaken by making done by each member. Infant Syllabus Page
their family -family Introduction –learners say the jobs they like to 26-27
Lesson 2 Family Links members. knowledge/ do when they grow up. -Step up English
-give names of relationships Dvpt-learners name their family members and Learner’s Bk page
their family -speaking say the jobs they do. 12-14
-Jobs in the members -dialogue -Learners talk about picture showing various -English Time lnrs bk
family -speak in full jobs of family members in their text books. pg 62
sentences on -Learners construct sentences on jobs; My -Ventures Primay
-my father is a jobs father is a builder, my mother is a farmer’ English New
builder. -Learners talk about pictures shown and Curriculum(promotion
-my brother is a construct sentences using he/she e.g. he is a al copy)lnrs’ bk page
farmer. builder, she is a farmer. 13-17
-my sister is a -learners read words on jobs from flash cards -flash boards
teacher Conclusion-a rhyme on jobs. -pictures of people at
-my mother is a work.
dressmaker Text books
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:JOBS Assumed knowledge -learners know jobs that -English language
Week 3 IN THE are done by family members Infant Syllabus Page
FAMILY -read words -Phonic Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson. 28
and short knowledge Dvpt-learners sound the new phonics -Step up English
READING/ sentences on -listening introduced by the facilitator. Learner’s Bk page 5-6
SIGNING jobs. -speaking -Learners read short sentences together with -English Time lnrs bk
-read new the facilitator on jobs. pg 62
Lesson 3 Reading Words words -reading of new words basic on the newly
introduced phonics of the week. -Phonic alphabet
-occupation -group work on the new words -printed letters
vocabulary -individual practise by the learners

Conclusion-Learners in groups produce sounds

in unison.
THEME:JOBS By the end of Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners about various --English language
Lesson 4 IN THE the lesson Attitudes jobs in the family. Infant Syllabus Page
FAMILY learners - Introduction –learners read the phonic 29&30
WRITING/ should be entrepreneur alphabet.
BRAILING able: ship Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. -Step in NPE Gr 1
-complete - -Class reads a short passage in lnr’s book on page7-8.
Comprehension sentences comprehensi occupations. -N.Z.E gr 1 pg 62-65.
/ Descriptions about jobs in on skill -Learners answer questions from the passage
the family. -family orally.
-say the jobs of relationships -Learners compare the jobs mentioned in the
Passage on jobs their -filling in. passage to the ones done by their family
immediate members.
Sentences. family -Learners fill in sentences My father is…..
members My mother is a……
Conclusion-Class revises the work done during
the lesson.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
IN THE By the end of Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can respond to -English language
FAMILY the lesson Attitudes questions Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/ pupils should -answering Introduction –recap of the previous lesson by 28
OBSERVING be able to- questions learners and the facilitator.
answer Dvpt-learners listen to the facilitator reading a
Listening to a questions passage.
passage and -class reads the passage together.
answer -Learners read the passage as individuals while
questions the facilitator helps out.
-Leaners answer questions from the passage
-class read the new words for the week on flash
cards and on the chalkboard.

Conclusion-Learners recite a rhyme on


SPEAKING/ -State other -Stating Assumed Knowledge- -English language

SIGNING people’s -sentence Infant Syllabus Page
Lesson 6 occupation structures Introduction-Recap on previous work 226-27
Occupations -Ask and -answering Dvpt-Facilitator introduces sentence structure
answer -questioning That’s a ………….
Question and -Step in English Trs Bk
questions -In pairs children practice to ask and answer
answers about questions using sentence structure: pg 59-60
Who is that? occupations Questions: Who is that?
-Step in Ppls Bk page
using the Answer: That’s a ………’
That’s a teacher sentence 7-8
-Pair feedback on sentence structures in front
structure: of the whole class. -picuresctures on
That’s a farmer Who is that? Conclusion-learners ask the facilitator occupations
That’s a builder That’s a questions and the facilitator responds

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:JOBS Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
Lesson 7 IN THE During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
FAMILY lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
READING learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds. Ventures Primay
be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –ee- English New
Word attack -read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. Curriculum(promotion
accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –ee- sound. al copy)lnrs’ bk page
-ee- by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the ee- 64
-read whole sound in words and read them together. -word cards
beepreed keep words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give -flash cards
-ee- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone. -phonic alphabet
feel peep -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records -picture drawing of
sweep sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record. objects
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
green tree word by pictures on the chalk board
reef beef

Lesson 8 WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge-Learners have seen -English language
BRAILING lesson, Attitudes musical instruments Infant Syllabus Page
learners will: -musical Introduction –Learners make sentences of 29-30
Creative -State other knowledge mentioning occupations.
Writing people’s job Dvpt-Class revises words of the week. -
-Draw and - explanations through examples
label given -As a class pupils state given occupations
-drawing and occupation -In groups pupils name given occupations
writing -Write -Report back/discussions
completing -Individual written work
given Conclusion –Learners move according to the
sentences-. rhythm of the sounds produced

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 4 THEME:WAN During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners know sounds s’ -English language
TS lesson, Attitudes and h’. Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/O learners will: -auditory Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
BSERVING -Articulate the discriminatio consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
-sh- sound n Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –sh- to the pg
Phonic sounds correctly. -identifying class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures
-Identify the – -reading sounded.
sh- sound. -Learners imitate or say the –sh- sound after it -musical instruments
Lesson 1 -read words is given by the facilitator. -bottles
-sh- sound with the –sh- -Class activity of adding the –sh- sound to make -sticks
sound. a word makes the word ship. -tins
Ship shin sheep -Learners read the words with the –sh- sound.
shook shoot -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
shun shot shirt cards
Conclusion-Learners identify t –sh- sound.

THEME:WAN -say what they -knowing self Assumed knowledge -learners know various. --English language
TS want. -language Introduction –Learners and the facilitator Infant Syllabus Page
SPEAKING/ -play a structure revise –sh- sound. 26-227
Lesson 2 SIGNING shopping game -language Dvpt- Class discussion on wants. -Step NZPE Learner’s
development Facilitator introduces the sentence structure I Bk page
Interpersonal -new want ………. 10
communication vocabulary -Learners respond to the question, what do you -Step Up lnrs bk pg50-
want?they take turns to give the structure citing 51
an object or food they like e.g I want a banana, -English Time lnrs bk
-What do you I want a pencil etc. page 19-20
want? -Class play a shopping game. -shop corner
(I want a mealie >>shop attendant-“what do you want?” -real food
please) >>buyer-“I want a sweet please” -pictures of various
>> shop attendant, “here you are” objects
>>buyer, “thank you”
Conclusion-learners revise the work done.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:WAN -English language
TS During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners always eat fruits Infant Syllabus Page
READING/ lesson, Attitudes and vegetables. 28
SIGNING learners -new Introduction –learners say what they like to -Step up English
should be able vocabulary eat. Learner’s Bk page
Reading words. to: -reading Dvpt- recap of the previous lesson 66
-say the names -word attack -Facilitator and learners name the fruits and Ventures Primay
of vegetables vegetables in lnr’s books or on pictures. English New
-Fruits and and fruits. -Learners read the names of the fruits and Curriculum(promotion
Lesson 3 vegetables -read the vegetables on flash cards. al copy)lnrs’ bk page
names words and -Learners read sentences on strips provided, “a 50-56
(Onions, sentences banana, I want a banana” -pictures of fruits and
tomato, -Matching of name and word vegetables
cabbages, Conclusion-learners and the facilitator recite a -real fruits and
oranges, rhyme on wants vegetables
bananas etc.) -sentence strips
-flash cards with names
Read words and of fruits
Lesson 4 -English language
WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know the names Infant Syllabus Page
BRAILING lesson, Attitudes of vegetables and fruits. 29 & 30
learners will: -drawing Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
Descriptions -name the -labelling Dvpt-Learners name the fruits and vegetables. -Step in NpzeLnr’s
and creative fruits and -creative -Class formulate sentences using the structure, book page 10
writing. vegetables. writing ‘I want a…….’
-draw and -facilitator makes an example on the activity of
-Drawing and label/ put a drawing and labelling fruits and vegetables/
labelling caption on a writing a caption.
drawing. -Learners write individual work in their
I want a exercise books
………. Conclusion-revision of the work done by
learners and the facilitator
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:WAN -English language
TS During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can make a Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/ lesson, Attitudes dialogue or answer questions asked. 25
OBSERVING learners -dialogue Introduction –Learners give what they like.
should be able -answering Dvpt-Class revises the content from the -pictures
Yes or no to: questions previous lesson.
statements -knowing -Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson to the
-answer a dislikes learners.
question using -Few learners and the facilitator makes
-Do you no I don’t. example on answering questions using no I
Lesson 5 want……. No I don’t.
don’t ‘Do you want an orange?’
‘No I don’t’
-Learners in pairs practise the dialogue and
give feedback to the whole class.
Conclusion-Learners sing a rhyme of their

THEME:WAN -say what they -knowing self Assumed knowledge -learners know what yes I --English language
TS want. -language do’ / no I don’t” means. Infant Syllabus Page
Lesson 6 SPEAKING/ -answer the structure Introduction –Learners and the facilitator 26-27
SIGNING question do -language revise work from the previous lesson.
you want usind development Dvpt- Class give the meanings of the phrases -Step up English
Interpersonal ‘yes I do’ and -new ‘ye I do/ no I don’t”. Learner’s Bk page
communication no I don’t ‘ vocabulary -Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
-Learners respond to the question, ‘do you want -shop corner
a…..?’ they take turns to give the structure e.g. -real food
-Yes I do/ no I yes I do’ or no I don’t” -pictures of various
don’t -Learners work in small groups on the sentence objects
Statements. structures.
-Each group gives its own feedback while the
facilitator helps out.
Conclusion-learners revise the work done.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes read word with consonants. 28
Phonic words learners will -reading Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on
be able to: -vocabulary phonics. -word cards
-read words -writing Dvpt-facilitator introduces the phonic –ar-. -flash cards
-ar- accompanied -identify -Learners identify the –ar- in words. -phonic alphabet
arm farm by pictures -draw -Learners and the facilitator read words with
Lesson 7 art -read words the –ar- sound together.
cart chart with –ar- -Learners are engaged in drawing
smart sound -Learners read words in groups.
harm far -group feedback where one learner flashes a
fart card and the other group members read the
mart part flashed word.
yard -Individual check on learners and recording in
hard warp the reading record / ERI record
Conclusion-Learners give words they have
read during the lesson.
WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know how to put -English Language
BRAILING lesson, Attitudes a word in its plural form. Infant Syllabus page
learners -Plurals. Introduction –Learners put names of objects in 29
Lesson 8 Words and should be able -spellings plurals from its singular form. -Step up learners Bk
Descriptions to : -language Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. page
-fill in blank development -Learners practice plurals with the facilitator. -drawings of objects.
spaces with -penmanship -Learners write work on plurals in their books. -flash cards with words
-Plurals on plural of the -learners also write spellings from the words
wants word given. and phonics read during the whole week.
-write -Spot marking and remedies by the facilitator.
I want spellings Conclusion –Learners revise work done during
3…(mealies)... the lesson.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME: Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
Week 5 LIKES AND During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘i and r’. Infant Syllabus Page
DISLIKES lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
LISTENING/O learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
BSERVING -Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –ir- to the pg
-ir- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures
Phonic sounds correctly. -identifying sounded.
Lesson 1 -Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –ir- sound after it -musical instruments
ir- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
-read words -Class activity of adding the –ir- sound to -sticks
-ir- sound with the –ir- consonants to make a word e.g.g+ir+l makes -tins
sound. the word girl.
Girl shirt bird -Learners read the words with the –ir- sound.
Dirt third -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
first dirt thirsty cards
Conclusion-Learners identify t –ir- sound.

SPEAKING/SI During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners know food they -English language
Lesson 2 GNING lesson, Attitudes like most. Infant Syllabus Page
learners will: -knowing self Introduction –Learners mention food they like. 26-27
Interpersonal -talk about -making Dvpt- Learners discuss their experience at -Step up English
Communication themselves and dialogue home in groups stating the like. Learner’s Bk page 25
. say what they -speaking -Facilitator gives examples on constructing & 50
like. simple sentences e.g. I like milk. -Ventures Primary
-make -Learners respond to the question, ‘what do you English Lrn’ book (new
sentences like to eat? And formulate sentences on food curriculum ) page 55
-I like --------. starting with ‘I they like to eat e.g. I like meat, I like sadza, I -pictures of food.
like.’ like eggs. -real food
-Individual presentation to the class on
sentences they made.
Conclusion-Learners give food they eat at
home after school.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
LIKES AND During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know what they -English language
DISLIKES lesson, Attitudes like. Infant Syllabus Page
READING / learners -Enrichment Introduction –Class sound the 26 phonics on 28
SIGNING should be able reading the alphabet.
to: -Language Dvpt-learners give what they like using the -Step up learners Bk
Extensive -read for vocabulary sentence structure, I like……... page
reading fluency -Learners listen to the facilitator read the
-Fluency -give food they passage. -
Lesson 3 like. -Class read the passage together
Darrell likes tea
-Learners as individuals read the passage while
Lorita likes
facilitator helps those facing challenges.
-Learn read words on flash cards from the
He likes tea
She likes meat
Conclusion-Learners sound the phonic
This is my cup. I
like my cup
This is my plate.
I like my plate.
Assumed knowledge –learners can give what -English language
WRITING/ During the Skills & they like in a full sentence. Infant Syllabus Page
Lesson 4 BRAILING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson on 29-30
learners -sentence likes. -step up lnrs bk page
Sentence should be able structures Dvpt-class discussion on likes using the -NPE page17
completion to: -filling in sentence structures taught the previous lessons.
-complete -reading -learners answer questions orally on likes. -Word cards
I like a………. sentences. -facilitator gives hints on the work to be written -picture cards
(caption and a -draw and fill making some examples.
drawing) in. -learners write work in their exercise books

Conclusion-Learners revise the work done.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME: -English language
FOOD During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners have their Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/ lesson, Attitudes favourite food. 24-25
OBSERVING learners -Knowing Introduction –Learners read the alphabet -Step Up English Lnrs’
Stories should be able self together. Bk page 41-42
-Listening to the to: -Listening Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the lesson -Step In NPZE page
story on likes. -understand -Retelling -learners identify and articulate the -oo- sound 11-12.
Lesson 5 the story and -Like and -Class and facilitator read words with the - Ventures Primary
(I like to eat answer dislikes -oo- sound. English Lrn’ book (new
food questions. -Learners are given work to do i.e. drawing and curriculum ) page 55
I eat different -retell the writing. -Pictures of food.
foods. story. Conclusion –Facilitator and learners read the
I like fruits like -say what they words in quick session and then revise the
mangoes like to eat. phonic sound.
I also like
I like beans, I
like mealies
Assumed knowledge -learners know what they -English language
SPEAKING/SI During the Skills & like in terms of games and food etc. Infant Syllabus Page
Lesson 6 GNING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –give the sounds of phonics 26-27
learners -sounding practiced in the previous lesson. -Ventures English
Interpersonal should be able -phonic Dvpt- Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. Learner’s Bk page 55
Communication to: knowledge. -Learners state the things that they don’t like -New Primary English
. -engage in -listening e.g. food, games. Gr1 Bk 2 pg12-13
dialogues on -Learners in pairs engage in dialogues stating -various objects on
what they do what they do not like, Do you like tea? No, I learning centres
-What I don’t not like don’t. -pictures
like. -name things -Pair feedback.
that they do -Facilitator and learner read dialogues on
not like dislikes in the Learner’s books.
Conclusion-learners are shown objects and say
whether they like them or not.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME: During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
LIKES AND lesson, Attitudes read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
DISLIKES learners will -reading Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
READING/ be able to: -vocabulary identifying letters to their sounds.
SIGNING -read words -phonic Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –ea- -word cards
accompanied knowledge clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
Lesson 7 Word attack by pictures -word attack -Learners imitate /say the –ea sound. -phonic alphabet
-read whole -Learners and the facilitator identify the ea- -picture drawing of
words with sound in words and read them together. objects
-ea- -ea- sound -Learners read words in pairs and then give
-say the phonic feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
eat meat heat sounds of -Individual reading, while facilitator records
letters in a the progress in reading/ERI record.
seat wheat feat word Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
by pictures on the chalk board
cheat feat treat

WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can articulate -English Language
Lesson 8 BRAILING lesson, Attitudes the 26 letter sounds, answer questions and Infant Syllabus page
learners -visual match word with picture. 24-30
should be able memory Introduction – imitate the words given by the
to : -letter facilitator.
Revision -Identify and knowledge Dvpt-Facilitator and learners revise work done
exercise. articulate the -listening during previous lesson.
phonicsound -examination -Learners write the dictated spellings first.
correctly. technique. --Learners write the test while in silence while
-Write the facilitator observes them to maintain silence
spellings in the class.
-matching with
a picture. Conclusion –Facilitator and learners revise
work written.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 6 THEME: Assumed knowledge -learners know that -English language
OPPOSITES During the Skills & everything has an opposite. Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/O lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the phonic 24
BSERVING learners will: -vocabulary alphabet. - Step In NZPE Tr’s bk
-give the -listening Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the opposites pg 75
opposite of the -matching giving their meanings. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
-Opposites word given. -Facilitator uses pictures to introduce the pg
Lesson 1 -match opposites for better understanding -Ventures page
Clean- dirty opposites -Learners say what the words mean.
Old- new -Class activity of giving the opposite of the -musical instruments
Hot- cold word given e.g. hot…… cold. -bottles
Wet- dry -Learners match opposites on the chalk board. -sticks
Big- small Conclusion-Learners give a word and the -tins

Lesson 2 SPEAKING/ -answer Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know the -English language
SIGNING whether Attitudes opposites of words. Infant Syllabus Page
something is -knowing self Introduction –Class give comments about a 26-27
new, old or -dialogue picture. -Step in NZPE trs bk pg
Oral questions. wet. Dvpt-learners give the opposites of the words 75
-read words given. -Step up learners Bk
Is that pencil and make -Facilitator gives examples on answering page
new? sentences questions, Is that pencil new? Yes/no the pencil
Is that dress is new. -objects in the class
dirty? -Learners answer questions whether something
Is that short is new, old etc.
wet? -Learners complete sentences on the work done.
Conclusion-individual and group game on

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
LISTENING/O During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘c and k’. Infant Syllabus Page
BSERVING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
Phonic sounds -Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –ck- to the pg
-ck- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page 61
Lesson 3 correctly. -identifying sounded.
-Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –ck- sound after it -musical instruments
-ck- sound ck- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
-read words -Class activity of adding the –ck- sound to make -sticks
Check back with the –ck- a word makes the word girl. -tins
deck sound. -Learners read the words with the –ck- sound.
Peck chick -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
shack cards
Conclusion-Learners identify t –ck- sound.

Lesson 4 WRITING -Name given -Descriptions Assumed knowledge: learners know opposites -English language
objects/substa of cold, clean, new etc. Infant Syllabus Page
nce Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 29
-State consonants sound separately. -Step in Tr Bk pg 54
conditions of Dvpt-The class make a revision of previous -Step in Ppls’ Bk 2 pg
Hot given work. 14-15
Cold objects/substa -Learners discuss the given objects as a class
nce -Facilitator explains through examples
old -Write filling -Learners discuss the given pictures
in using the -Report back/ discussions
correct words -Learners write individual work in their books.

Conclusion-revision of work given.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
READING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know the Infant Syllabus Page
SIGNING lesson, Attitudes opposites of objects. 28
learners will -reading Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on
Opposites be able to: -vocabulary phonics. -word cards
-Sentences on -read words of -writing Dvpt-learners give the opposites they have -flash cards
opposite and opposites -identify done. -phonic alphabet
Lesson 5 word e.g the -use the words -draw -learners and the facilitator read words of
plate is dirty. in sentences opposites on flash cards e.g. hot-cold
New -read -Class activity of matching opposites.
Hot sentences with -Facilitator and learners read sentence strips
Big opposites with sentences on opposites together
Small -individual reading on opposites
Wet Conclusion-Learners give their own sentences
Dry on opposites.
SPEAKING/ -answer Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know the -English language
SIGNING whether Attitudes opposites of words. Infant Syllabus Page
something is -knowing self Introduction –Learners give sentence 26-27
Lesson 6 new, old or -dialogue structures they have done. -Step in NZPE trs bk pg
Oral work. wet. -opposites Dvpt-learners give the opposites of the words 75
-read words -vocabulary given. -Step up learners Bk
and make -oral -Facilitator gives examples on answering page
The plate is sentences questions questions, Is that pencil new? Yes/no the pencil
dirty is new. -objects in the class
She likes a clean -Learners answer questions whether something
plate is new, old etc.
-Learners complete sentences on the work done.
Conclusion-individual assessment by the
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
Word attack learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
Lesson 7 be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –ou- -word cards
-read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
-ou- accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –ou sound. -phonic alphabet
out found by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the ou- -picture drawing of
sound tout -read whole sound in words and read them together. objects
loud pound words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
shout count -ou- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
-say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
word by pictures on the chalk board
Lesson 8 WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can give an -English Language
BRAILING lesson, Attitudes opposite of a word. Infant Syllabus page
learners -completing Introduction – imitate the words given by the 29-30
should be able sentences facilitator.
to : -letter Dvpt-Facilitator and learners revise work done
-Sentence -Complete knowledge during previous lesson.
completion. sentences on -writing. -Learners match opposites as a class together
opposites with the facilitator.
-Learners complete sentences with the
The dress is---- appropriate opposite word which is clearly
old/new depicted by the drawn picture/object.
-Revision of the work done.
He like--- ice Conclusion –Facilitator and learners talk
cream. about opposites in sizes and height of other
leaners in the class.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching And Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:PREP Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
Week 7 OSITIONS During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘a and l’. Infant Syllabus Page
LISTENING/O lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24
BSERVING learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
-Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –all- to the pg
Phonic sounds -all- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page
correctly. -identifying sounded. -musical instruments
Lesson 1 -Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –all- sound after it -bottles
all- sound. is given by the facilitator. -sticks
-all- sound -Read words -Class activity of adding the –all- sound to -tins
with the –all- make a word e.g.b+all makes the word girl.
all wall sound. -Learners read the words with the –all- sound.
ball -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
mall small cards
pall tall Conclusion-Learners identify t –all- sound.
call fall gall
THEME:PREP Assumed knowledge –learners know the -English language
Lesson 2 OSITIONS During the Skills & prepositions in L1. Infant Syllabus Page
READING/ lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners give where they store 28
SIGNING learners will: -speaking their toys. -Step in Trs’ bk page
-read words on -Language Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. 82-85
cards. vocabulary -Facilitator introduces the new words/
Prepositions -use the words -Prepositions prepositions -pictures
in sentences -knowing one -Class read the prepositions and give what they -toys
self refer to/ mean.
In on under -Individual reading of words on cards.
between over Conclusion-Learners make sentences using the
near prepositions learnt during the lesson e.g the
ball is under the table.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:PREP -English language
OSITIONS During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know what the Infant Syllabus Page
SPEAKING/ lesson, Attitudes preposition terminology mean. 26-27
SIGNING learners will: -speaking Introduction –Learners follow commands made
-say the -Language by the facilitator e.g. put your pencils on the -food samples
Oral questions sentence vocabulary table. -models
Lesson 3 structures -stating Dvpt-Facilitator and learners revise on the -blocks
-This is correctly. -knowing one prepositions learnt during the previous lesson. -Play centres
Tinos,where is self -Learners use sentence structures given by the
she? facilitator e.g. she is under the tree.
-Learners practice in groups or in pairs.
She is under the -Learners answer questions correctly with the
table structure learnt
Conclusion-Learners sing a song.
The ball is on
the box
-where is it
Lesson 4
WRITING/BRA During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can place an -English language
ILING lesson, Attitudes object according to the preposition. Infant Syllabus Page
learners will -reading 29-30
Places be able to: -vocabulary Introduction –recap of the previous lesson.
Sentence -complete the -writing -word cards
completion sentences with -identify Dvpt-facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. -flash cards
the -draw -Group revision on prepositions -phonic alphabet
appropriate -Learners are engaged in drawing and writing
pre-position of prepositions completing sentences
Conclusion-Learners name the objects in
relation to place on chalkboard.

The girl is ---the


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:PREP Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and English language
OSITIONS During the Skills & read word with consonants. Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on 24-25
LISTENING/ learners will -reading phonics.
OBSEVING be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phon - Step in Tr Bk pg 54
Lesson -State the -writing -Learners are engaged in drawing Ppls’ Bk 2 pg 19-20
5 Phonic words position of -identify are small and big on the chalkboard. Alphabet
given objects -draw -Recap on position of objects Work card
Places -Read given -Class reads the given sentences c/board illustration
Sentences sentences -Learnesread the given sentences as a class alphabet
The ball is correctly -In group pupils read given sentences
under the tree A few individuals read before others
The cat is under Conclusion-Learners name the objects that
the table
The spoon is in
the cup

Lesson 6 -English language

WRITING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can read vowels Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes and consonants. 29
Words learners -writing Introduction –Learners and facilitator say
should be able -handle – eye phonics on the alphabet Step up English lnrs Bk
to : coordination Dvpt Recap of the previous lesson on phonics page 23
bus bag -draw and -pincer -reading words on cards using the phonic -alphabet
cat match words grasping sounds -pencils
-letter -Learners match words -chart with oval letters
knowledge -Learners draw the objects whose names have -paper
man cup been read -Nelson script

Conclusion –give short sentences using; I


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:PREP Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
OSITIONS During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
READING learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –th- -word cards
Word attack -read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –th- sound. -phonic alphabet
Lesson 7 by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the -th- -picture drawing of
-th- -read whole sound in words and read them together. objects
This thirty words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
teeth -th- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
-say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
Bath seth tooth sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
That their word by pictures on the chalk board

WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can articulate -English Language
Lesson BRAILING lesson, Attitudes the 26 letter sounds, answer questions and Infant Syllabus page
8 learners -visual match word with picture. 24-30
should be able memory Introduction – imitate the words given by the
to : -letter facilitator.
Revision -Identify and knowledge Dvpt-Facilitator and learners revise work done
exercise. articulate the -listening during previous lesson.
phonicsound -examination -Learners write the dictated spellings first.
correctly. technique. --Learners write the test while in silence while
-Write the facilitator observes them to maintain silence
spellings in the class.
-matching with
a picture. Conclusion –Facilitator and learners revise
work written.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 8 Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
LISTENING/ During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘a and o’. Infant Syllabus Page
OBSERVING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
Phonic sounds -Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –oa- to the pg
-oa- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page 61
-oa- sound correctly. -identifying sounded.
-Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –oa- sound after it -musical instruments
Lesson 1 roan moan oa- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
loan float -Read words -Class activity of adding the –oa- to consonants -sticks
soap goat oat with the oa- sounds to make a word e.g.b+oa+t makes the -tins
soak foam sound. word girl.
boar boat goat -Learners read the words with the –oa- sound.
coach croak -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
coal goad goal cards
roar loan foal Conclusion-Learners identify t –oa- sound.
oaf oak coast

During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can read small -English Language
SPEAKING lesson, Attitudes words Infant Syllabus page
learners -auditory Introduction – learners read sing a phonic 26-27
should be able memory song
Phonic sounds to : -letter Dvpt-Facilitator informs learners about the -alphabet
Lesson 2 -Match word knowledge focus of the lesson. -cards with various
-match word with picture or -listening -Learners identify and practise phonic sounds. letters.
with picture objects -recognising and matching word with a picture -Pictures with words
of object
--Learners play a game on matching word with
-individual learning programme according to
Conclusion –Facilitator and learners read the
words in quick succession.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
SPEAKING/SI During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know what they Infant Syllabus Page
GNING lesson, Attitudes like or dislike. 26-27
learners will: -speaking -Step up English page
- -Language Introduction –Learners say what they can do.
ORAL - Obey vocabulary Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the -Repeat -food samples
I can sweep commands -dialogue rhyme -pictures of food and
Lesson 3 and state -knowing one -Facilitator makes explanations through clothes
I can eat with a
what they are self examples -games
spoon doing -As a class pupils state activities they can do
I can wash my -State at least -In pairs pupils talk about activities they can do
plate five activities Presentations before others
I can dig with a they can do Conclusion-Learners state what they like and
hoe dislike about their facilitator.

-English language
READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can do many Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes things. 28
What I can do learners will -reading
Sentences be able to: -vocabulary Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on -word cards
I can sweep - Obey -writing phonics. -flash cards
Lesson 4 I can eat with a commands -identify Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new words -phonic alphabet
spoon and state -draw -Recap on previous work Word picture game
I can wash my what they are -Facilitator/pupils read given words prop
plate doing -Pupils read the sentences as a class
Read given -Reading in groups
sentences -A few individuals read before others
Conclusion-Learners name the objects that are
small and big on the chalkboard.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
WRITING/ During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes read word with consonants. 29-30
learners will -reading
WRITING be able to: -vocabulary Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on -word cards
-read words -writing phonics. -flash cards
What I can do accompanied -identify Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new words -phonic alphabet
Draw and write by pictures -draw -in groups learners read the words using Word picture game
Lesson 5 - Obey phonic sounds prop
I can commands -Facilitator explanations through examples
sweep and state - In pairs pupils draw and label what they can do
what they can -Learners are engaged in drawing
do -Distinguish letter sounds
- Draw at least Conclusion-Learners name the objects that are
two things small and big on the chalkboard.
they can do
and write

-English language
WRITING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can read vowels Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes and consonants. 29
learners -writing Introduction –Learners say the sounds pointed
should be able -handle – eye by the facilitator -Nelson script
-Capital to : coordination Dvpt Recap of the previous lesson on phonics -alphabet
letters(straight -write straight -pincer -reading sounding the letters -pencils
Lesson 6 line letters) lined letters grasping -Learners practise writing the letters while -chart with oval letters
-letter sounding them -paper
knowledge -Learners write in their books
I L W X -Individual check by learners
Conclusion –sing a song based on likes of
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
Word attack learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
-pl- be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –pl- -word cards
-read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
Please plate accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –pl sound. -phonic alphabet
Lesson 7 plot by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the pl- -picture drawing of
Peat pleat -read whole sound in words and read them together. objects
plum words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
Plod pluck -pl- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
plap -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
Plug plastic sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
ploy letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
word by pictures on the chalk board

Lesson 8 LISTENING/O Assumed knowledge –learners read words with -English Language
BSERVING During the two or three letters Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Skills & Introduction – learners read words on the 24-25
Phonic sounds learners Attitudes word cards from the previous lesson.
should be able -auditory Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson to -alphabet
Words with the to : memory the learners. -cards with various
same initial -identify words -letter -Learners and the facilitator read words letters.
letter with the same knowledge together. -computer
initial letter. -listening -Learners identify words with the same initial
car cow corn sounds like car, cart, corn, cob, cost etc.
cat -Individual practices while facilitator checks
cost leaners’ progress.
--drawing or writing work
Conclusion –Facilitator and learners read the
(Lesson 1) words in quick succession.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 9 LISTENING/ Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
OBSERVING During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘e and r’. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
Phonic sounds learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
Lesson 1 -er- sound -Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –er- to the pg
seller roller -er- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page
faster correctly. -identifying sounded.
baker taller -Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –er- sound after it -musical instruments
er- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
runner teller
-Read words -Class activity of adding the –er- to consonants -sticks
nearer smaller with the er- sounds to make a word e.g.bak+er makes the -tins
bigger shorter sound. word girl.
driver mother -Learners read the words with the –er- sound.
brother sister -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
father cards
grandmother Conclusion-Learners identify t –er- sound.
grinder finder

THEME: -English language

FAMILY During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know that they Infant Syllabus Page
LINKS lesson, Attitudes have a family and know their relations. 26-27
Lesson REVISION learners will: -speaking Introduction –Learners sing a rhyme on family -Step up English lnrs
2 SPEAKING/ -discuss -Language members;’ five in the family’ bk pg 12-14
SIGNING. materials that vocabulary Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. -Step In lnr’s bk page
they possess -family -Learners name family members: mother, 16
Family Links -Identify their heritage father, sister and brother with the aide of -English time lnrs bk
family -knowing one pictures. 1B pages23-26
members in self -Facilitator introduces the use of ‘I have, ‘he
That is shingai numbers has.’ -food samples
She is my sister -Leaners practise saying what they have e.g I -pictures of food and
-I have two have a ball. clothes
sisters Conclusion-Learners state family members on -games
-I have do dog the pictures.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners know that they -English language
READING/ During the Skills & have a family. Infant Syllabus Page
SIGNING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing a rhyme on family 26-27
learners will: -speaking members;’ five in the family’ -Step in Trs’ bk pg
-read -Language Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. 77-78
Family vocabulary vocabulary -Learners name family members: baby, -Step in Ppl’s pg 17-18
Links(Tree) words -family grandmother, grandfather, uncle and aunt with -Step up English lnrs
heritage the aide of pictures. bk pg 12-14
Lesson 3 -mother, father, -knowing one -Learners read words on cards and say how -Step In lnr’s bk page
brother, sister, self they are related to each member 16
baby, -Learners read sentences on strips about family -English time lnrs bk
grandmother, links e.g. that is my father. 1B pages23-26
grandfather, -children draw family members and label with -food samples
uncle and aunty the appropriate name. -pictures of food and
Conclusion-Learners state family members on clothes
the pictures.

Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and

SPEAKING/ During the Skills & read word with consonants. -English language
Lesson 4 SIGNING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on Infant Syllabus Page
learners will -describing phonics. 26-27
Family links be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the structures to the
-say what -writing learners -word cards
people have. -colours -Class activity on doing and saying the given -flash cards
-Structures -describe their -sentence structures -various colours
possessions, it structure -Learners are engaged in question and
This is Farai is green etc. answering on structures, ‘is that your cat? No it
This is his shirt isn’t
-Learners give structures on colours of objects
Is that your Conclusion-Learners name the objects that are
ball? small and big on the chalkboard.
No it isn’t

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes read word with consonants. 28
Phonic words learners will -reading -New Primary English
be able to: -vocabulary Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on NZPE teacher’ Bk pg
-read words in -writing phonics. 25
A red book short -identifying Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new words -word cards
A blue pencil sentences -draw -in groups learners read the words using -flash cards
Lesson 5 A green tree phonic sounds -phonic alphabet
-Learners are engaged in drawing
-Distinguish letter sounds
Conclusion-Learners name the objects that are
small and big on the chalkboard.
-English language
WRITING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can read vowels Infant Syllabus page
Lesson 6 lesson, Attitudes and consonants. 29
Words learners -writing Introduction –Learners and facilitator say
should be able -colours phonics on the alphabet Step up English lnrs Bk
to : -letter Dvpt Recap of the previous lesson on phonics page
Filling in -read and knowledge -reading words on cards using the phonic -alphabet
write words sounds -pencils
That is a ….. filling in the -Learners fill in words and write in their books -chart with oval letters
tomato (red/blue appropriate -Learners draw the objects in front of the word -paper
colour of the
object. Conclusion –sing a song based on likes of

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
Word attack learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –nt- -word cards
-read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
-nt- accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –nt sound. -phonic alphabet
Lesson 7 by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the nt- -picture drawing of
-read whole sound in words and read them together. objects
Pant rent words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
lent font went -nt- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
joint gent -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
cement dont sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
Tent letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
word by pictures on the chalk board

LISTENING/O Assumed knowledge –learners know primary -English Language

Lesson 8 BSERVING During the Skills & and secondary colours. Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction – learners read words 24-25
learners -auditory Dvpt-class discusses on colours and names -Nzpe page 17
Colours should be able memory them as shown by the facilitator. -alphabet
to : -letter -Learners make sentences and answer short -cards with various
Her dress is red -say the colour knowledge questions on colours. letters.
Her shoes are of an object. -listening -Facilitator makes sentence on colours of -computer
green -read some -colour objects
words and -Learners make sentence structures:
answer That is a red ball
questions His shirt is white
Her hair is black

Conclusion –learners read the words aloud.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
THEME:OCC Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
Week 10 UPATI During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘o and w’. Infant Syllabus Page
ONS lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24-25
LISTENING/ learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
OBSERVING -Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –ow- to the pg
-ow- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page
Phonic sounds correctly. -identifying sounded.
-Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –ow- sound after it -musical instruments
Lesson 1 -ow- sound ow- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
-Read words -Class activity of adding the –ow- to consonants -sticks
Cow sow with the -ow- sounds to make a word e.g.c+ow makes the -tins
down sound. word cow.
Snow row -Learners read the words with the –ow- sound.
grow -Learners as individuals read the word on flash
Crow now cards
Conclusion-Learners identify t –ow- sound.

Lesson 2 SPEAKING/ -English language

SIGNING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can name their Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes family members. 26-27
learners will: -speaking Introduction –Learners give occupations they -Step up English page
Occupations -state what -Language want to do when they grow up. 12
people to do vocabulary Dvpt-Recap of the previous lesson
different -family -Class discussion on different jobs -food samples
I m a doctor occupations heritage -They state the sizes of their families -pictures of food and
I help the sick -say what -knowing one -children draw family members. clothes
people are self Conclusion-Learners identify family members -games
I’m a driver doing on on the pictures.
I drive the bus pictures.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
- English language
SPEAKING/SI During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can name their Infant Syllabus Page
GNING lesson, Attitudes family members. 26-27
. learners will: -speaking -Step up English lnrs
-role play -Language Introduction –Learners sing a rhyme on family bk pg 12-14
Family various family vocabulary members;’ five in the family’ -Step In lnr’s bk page
Links(Tree) members -family Dvpt-Recap of the previous lesson 16
heritage -Discussion on the traits of family members -English time lnrs bk
Lesson 3 -Role playing -knowing one -Learners choose a role to portray in the role 1B pages23-26
family members. self play
-role playing -Learners role play family members depicting -food samples
their actual movement, behaviour. -pictures of food and
Conclusion-Learners identify family members clothes
on the pictures. -games

-English language
READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can read words Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes without difficulties. 28
Phonic words learners will -pronouncing
Lesson 4 be able to: -reading Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on -word cards
-pronounce phonics. -flash cards
words in the Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new words and -phonic alphabet
Pronunciation correct way. pronounces them. Word picture game
-learners imitate what have been read by the prop
y- yes, yellow facilitator
x- box, six -Learners practise in pairs
v-van, very, give -Distinguish letter sounds
w-woman, Conclusion-Learners imitate what is being said
white, what by the teacher.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English language
READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can make short Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes sentences. 28
Phonic words learners will -reading
be able to: -vocabulary Introduction –recap of the previous lesson on -word cards
-r -writing phonics. -flash cards
Lesson 5 Completing -identify Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new words -phonic alphabet
sentences. -draw - -Learners read the words and use them in Word picture game
sentences. prop
-Learners use given words to complete
Conclusion-Learners read sentences they have
Lesson 6 -English language
WRITING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know various Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes colours. 29
Words learners -writing Introduction –Learners and facilitator say
should be able -handle – eye phonics on the alphabet
to : coordination Dvpt Recap of the previous lesson on phonics -alphabet
Word and -draw and -pincer -talking about colours and objects -pencils
picture write objects grasping -Learners practise word and picture matching. -pictures
Matching. by their -letter -drawing objects and label their colours -paper
A green leaf colours knowledge
A yellow Conclusion –sing a song based on likes of
banana learners

(Lesson 8)

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
Word attack learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
Lesson 7 be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –ai- -word cards
-read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
-ai- accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the -ai- sound. -phonic alphabet
by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the -ai- -picture drawing of
paint faint -read whole sound in words and read them together. objects
saint words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
-ai- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
joint vain -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
lain sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
saint drain word by pictures on the chalk board
Lesson 8 -English Language
SPEAKING During the Assumed knowledge –learners can ask or Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Skills & respond to a question. 24
learners Attitudes Introduction – Facilitator asks learners -NzpeTr’ Bk page 51-
should be able -auditory questions and they respond. 54.
to : memory Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson to -cards with various
-unfamiliar -answer -letter the learners. letters.
objects questions knowledge -Educator explains on answering about -computer
I don’t know” asked about -listening unfamiliar objects.
familiar -Learners respond to questions asked on
objects. unfamiliar objects.
-In groups learners ask and respond to
-group feedback in front of the whole class
Conclusion –Learners sing a song.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Week 11 LISTENING/ Assumed knowledge -learners can distinguish -English language
OBSERVING During the Skills & and articulate sounds ‘g and r’. Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes Introduction –Learners read the vowel and 24
Phonic sounds learners will: -auditory consonants sound separately. -Step In NZPE Lrs bk
-Articulate the discriminatio Dvpt-The facilitator introduces the –gr- to the pg
-gr- sound -gr- sound n class and clearly make them listen how is -Ventures page
correctly. -identifying sounded.
Lesson 1 Grow gross -Identify the – -reading -Learners imitate or say the –gr- sound after it -musical instruments
grip grit groan gr- sound. is given by the facilitator. -bottles
great greed -Read words -Class activity of adding the –gr- to consonants -sticks
grass grade with the -gr- sounds to make a word makes the -tins
group sound. word grow.
-Learners read the words with the –gr- sound.
-Learners as individuals read the word on flash
Conclusion-Learners identify t –gr- sound.

Lesson 2 -English language

READING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can say sounds Infant Syllabus Page
lesson, Attitudes of alphabet letters. 28
-Letter sounds learners will: -solving
-read the -matching Introduction –Recap of the sounds from the --phonic alphabet
words previous lesson. -pictures
Phonics correctly Dvpt-identify new letter sounds -letters
-saying the letter w sounds
-w- wet -distinguishing letter sound from others
wit wan was -learners identify the l- letter sound among
way others
Conclusion-Learners identify the phonic –l-

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English Language
LISTENING/O During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners are given Infant Syllabus page
BSERVING lesson, Attitudes instructions at home. 24
learners will : -listening Introduction –Learners sing a rhyme on
Following -Follow an -following following instructions. -Learning centres.
Instructions instruction. commands Dvpt-Teacher gives the focus of the lesson.
-Learners are given short commands by the
Lesson 3 -Following teacher.
simple -Learners in pairs make commands and follow
Single instructions.
instructions. -pair feedback to the class.
Conclusion –Learners recite the rhyme on
following instructions.

-English Language
LISTENING/O During the Assumed knowledge –learners can follow a Infant Syllabus page
BSERVING lesson, Skills & given instruction. 24
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing a rhyme on
Lesson 4 Following -carry out a -listening following instructions. -Learning centres.
Instructions series of -following Dvpt-Teacher gives the focus of the lesson and
instruction. commands teacher makes examples.
-Carrying out a -Learners are given series of instructions by the
sequence of teacher.
instructions. -Learners carry out the instructions in a
-A short play of carrying a series of instructions
by the teacher and two learners.
Conclusion –Learners make commands.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
Assumed knowledge –learners can identify and -English language
READING/ During the Skills & read words with consonants and vowels. Infant Syllabus Page
SIGNING lesson, Attitudes Introduction –reading of the alphabet and 28
learners will -reading identifying letters to their sounds.
Word attack be able to: -vocabulary Dvpt-facilitator introduces the new phonic –wh- -word cards
Lesson 5 -read words -phonic clearly articulating the correct sound. -flash cards
accompanied knowledge -Learners imitate /say the –wh sound. -phonic alphabet
-wh- by pictures -word attack -Learners and the facilitator identify the - -picture drawing of
-read whole wh- sound in words and read them together. objects
What when words with -Learners read words in pairs and then give
-wh- sound feedback to the class, reading them to everyone.
where wheat -say the phonic -Individual reading, while facilitator records
whip sounds of the progress in reading/ERI record.
letters in a Conclusion-Learners read words accompanied
Whim wh word by pictures on the chalk board

-English language
WRITING During the Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners can compare Infant Syllabus page
lesson, Attitudes objects. 29
Lesson 6 Words learners -writing Introduction –Learners compare a small and a
should be able -handle – eye big tin -alphabet
to : coordination Dvpt Recap of the previous lesson on phonics -pencils
Comparing- -state whether -pincer -explaining the meaning of the two words small -chart with oval letters
big/small the object is grasping and big -paper
big or small -letter -Learners compare objects to see if its small or
knowledge big
-Learners engage in individual work on
drawing and labelling. To point out if the object
is small or big
Conclusion –sing a song based on likes of

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Resources / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge, References
Skills &
-English Language
WK12- REVISION By the end of Assumed knowledge –learners read words with Infant Syllabus page
&13 the lessons the Skills & two or three letters 24 -28
-Phonics lesson, Attitudes Introduction – learners read words
-oo- -a- -u- - learners -auditory Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson to -alphabet
ir should be able memory the learners. -cards with various
to : -letter -Learners imitate phonic sounds from a letters.
Aa –Zz -sound the knowledge recorder or laptop/phone/computer. -computer
Saying the cardinal -listening -Class match flash cards with cardinal phonic -word cards
phonic sounds vowels. -drawing sounds. -sentence strips
and make -say the phonic -filling in --drawing or writing work
simple words sounds Phonic -learners will match words and pictures.
-reading words -draw and knowledge -Learners read words on sentence strips or
with the phonic write words on work cards
sounds. pictures -draw pictures and members of the family
-Word picture stating
matching singular and
-reading plural forms
sentence strips -fill in blank
-Filling in spaces on
sentence strips sentence strips
-drawing or words
members of the
REVISIONS -Read the -Phonic -Learners practice phonics they learntduring -Flash cards
phonics knowledge the term. -English schemes of
Phonics -Reading of words on flash cards work
-revising the 26 phonic sounds -word cards
-oo- -all- er-

-ee- -ou- -ir-

Broad Aims
For learners to:
 Appreciate and love Zimbabwe and its Chimurenga/Umvukela liberation war heroes .
 Develop an appreciation of nation heritage and identity.
 Appreciate the significance of national events, symbols and heritage.
 Understood and appreciate Zimbabwe’s pre-colonial, colonial and heritage.
 Develop a spirit of national consciousness and patriotism through involvement in national functions.
 Inculcate and sustain Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu in learners as they interact with family, community and society at large.
 Inculcate in learners an appreciation of sovereignty, government and moral value systems.

Topics to be covered
 Entitlement/Rights and Responsibilities.
 Shelter.
 Social services and Volunteerism.
 Production, Distribution and Consumption of goods and services.
Time Allocation: 2 By 20 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content Knowledge, Resources /
Skills& References
Week 1 ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -Abuse Assumed knowledge –learners have been Heritage –
NT/ RIGHTS learners will be able to: awareness abused or have seen others being abused. Social
AND -say out the meaning of -Knowing one’s Introduction –Facilitator gives a short story Studies
RESPONSIBI abuse. rights/ on children who were abused. Primary
LITIES. -watch a video and say children’s Dvpt-Facilitator explains what abuse is to School infant
what they have seen rights. learners is and make them understand what it Syllabus.
Child - answer questions on -Answering real means to be abused. Page 30.
Protection At abuse. questions -Learners view pictures on the chart while
Lesson Home, facilitator helps them understand what is
1 Community, happening. -Chart with
And School -Learners say what they have seen on a video pictures of
clip shown (children being abused.) children
Conclusion –Facilitator mentions various being abused.
-Meaning of scenarios and learners determine whether that -Culture
abuse. particular situation is abuse or not. centre.

ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -Identifying Assumed knowledge -learners know what it
NT/ RIGHTS learners will be able to: -Knowing one’s means to be abused -Heritage –
AND -identify forms of abuse rights Introduction-Learners answer questions from S.S Syllabus
RESPONSIBI at home school and -Abuse the previous lesson on the meaning of abuse. Page 30.
LITIES. community. awareness Dvpt-Facilitator explains what physical and
-explain the different emotional abuse is.
Child types of abuse. - Teacher tells a story about a young learner -Pictures
Protection At who was abused physically and emotionally. showing
Lesson Home, -Learners identify various abuses they have scenes of
2 Community, witnessed at school, home and in the abuse
And School. community with the aid of pictures shown.
-Forms of -Facilitator explains the need for learners to
abuse(Physical, report abuse to their teachers.
sexual and Conclusion -learners recite a rhyme onabuse.

Week 2 ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -Retelling Assumed knowledge- Learners know what is -Heritage –
NT/ RIGHTS learners will be able to: -Narrating abuse and the very forms of abuse. S.S infant
AND -Retelling stories of -Knowing Introduction – Facilitator and one learner Syllabus.
RESPONSIBI abuse. children’s rights mime out a scene of abuse and other learners Page 30.
LITIES. -Dramatize situations of -Abuse say what it is.
abuse using the situations awareness Dvpt-Learners give the meaning of abuse and
Child given. -Dramatizing its forms. -Pictures
Protection At -Facilitator narrates situations of abuse using with scenes
Lesson Home, pictures and show what is happening. of abuse.
1 Community, -Learners retell stories they told by the -Learning
And School facilitator. areas
-Learners dramatize the situations they have
-Dramatizing heard
situations of Conclusion-Class recites a rhyme on abuse.

ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -Reporting Assumed knowledge –Learners know what Heritage –
NT/ RIGHTS learners will be able to: abuses abuse is. S.S Syllabus-
AND -explain how they can -Protecting Introduction – Class recite a rhyme on infant. Page
RESPONSIBI report an abuse and to one’s self. abuse. 30.
LITIES. whom. -Role playing. Dvpt-Learners give the forms of abuses they
-Role playing reporting -Channels of know.
Child procedures. communication -Class discussion on what they should do after -pictures with
Protection At being abused and what they should also do to scenes of
Lesson Home, avoid abuse. abuse.
2 Community, -Facilitator suggests to leaners on trusted -Story prop
And School. persons whom to report to such as the T.I.C, showing a
Head, Teachers, Parents and Guardians child being
(report to them only if they are not involved abused and
in the abuse.) how the
-Channels of -Role playing on reporting procedures. abuse is
reporting Conclusion- Learners state what they should reported.
Procedures do when they have been abused

ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -naming/ listing Assumed knowledge –Learners know what Heritage –
Week 3 NT/ RIGHTS learners will be able to: -survival skills they need in life. S.S infant
AND -human needs. Introduction-learners practice the poem with Syllabus.
RESPONSIBI -list basic needs the facilitator. Page 30.
LITIES. -recite a poem on one’s Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the basic need
needs. concept through discussion with learners -chart with
Basic human explaining the basic needs needed for a pictures
needs. person to survive, these include love, food, showing
shelter and clothing etc. basic needs.
Lesson -Children’s -Learners are shown pictures portraying basic -models of
1 basic needs. needs and give comments. shelter and
-Learners write work in their exercise books. food.
Poem E.g. I need ……..(insert picture of the need
{Parents, and give the answers.
parents Conclusion-Learners recite the poem on their
I need love own while facilitator helps out where they
I need care will be wrong.
I need food
I need shelter
Thank you}
ENTITLEME By the end of the lesson, -Being Assumed knowledge-Learners have
NTS, RIGHTS learners will be able to: responsible responsibility tasks they do at home and at -Heritage –
AND -State responsibility tasks -Value of hard school. Social
RESPONSIBI for different family work Introduction – Learners recite a rhyme: Studies
LITIES members. -Stating ‘NdodakufanananaStembeni x2…..’ Primary
Responsibilitie -Being Dvpt-Facilitator explains that everyone has a School infant
s of parents cooperative task/ responsibility and states why? Syllabus.
Lesson and children- -Value of team -Class engages in a discussion on Page 30.
2 Responsibilitie work responsibility tasks of children and parents
s of children using picture provided -Pictures of
andparents. -Parents responsibilities are providing basic people
Ndodakufanana needs and those of children include helping performing
naStembeni x2, with household chores. various tasks.
aishandisamao -Group work of giving tasks that is peculiar to -Tools that
kokutematema children andparents. help to do
huni, -Group feedback. various tasks.
aibikabika, Conclusion-Class recites the rhyme above.
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References
ENTITLEME By the end of the -Being responsible Assumed knowledge-Learners know that a -Heritage –
Week 4 NTS, RIGHTS lesson, learners will -Value of hard family shares chores/ responsibilities. Social
AND be able to: work Introduction – Learners answer questions Studies
RESPONSIBI -State responsibility -Role playing from the previous lesson. Primary
LITIES. tasks for different -Being cooperative Dvpt-Class discussion on responsibility of School infant
family members. -Value of team children, parents and other family members. Syllabus.
Responsibilitie -role play work -Classification of responsibilities peculiar to Page 30.
Lesson s of parents responsibilities of children and parents.
1 and children. parents and children. -Learners are given or select roles. -Pictures of
-Learners engage in role playing the family
-Role playing responsibilities of the role given. During the members
responsibilities role play learners are encouraged to speak doing various
(mahumbwe/a loudly and be confident. Facilitator joins in so chores
mandlwane). as to encourage learners or make the activity around the
more interesting. house.
Conclusion-Class sings a song on
SHELTER By the end of the -naming -Heritage –
lesson, learners will -human shelter Assumed knowledge -.Learners live in S.S infant
be able to: knowledge. various shelters Syllabus.
Different -name picture Introduction- Learners name the shelters Page 31.
types of -Name the human matching. they live in. -Living and
shelter. shelter-hut, house, Dvpt-Teacher gives children the focus of the working
classroom, church. lesson. together Lrs’
-Labelling and match -Facilitator introduces the human shelters bk page 26-
Lesson -Names of name/ word with using models or pictures. 28.
2 human shelter. picture of the shelter. -Learners name the shelters in question and -Venture Lrs’
(hut, house, say where they have seen it. bk pg 30-32
church, -As individuals leaners name shelters. -chart with
classroom, -Learners write work in their books of pictures of
shop) labelling and matching name of shelter with human
each picture. shelter.
Conclusion-Learners revise work done -models of
together with the facilitator. human
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References
SHELTER During the lesson, -Knowledge of Assumed knowledge-Learners know the -Heritage –
Week 5 learners will: animal shelter. names of human shelter. Social
Different -name the animal -Naming Introduction – Learners name animals on the Studies
types of shelter and say the -Drawing pictures and give the shelter they live in. Primary
shelter. animal that lives in -Colouring Dvpt-Facilitator illustrates the drawing of a School infant
such shelter. nest and an anthill in their simplest form. Syllabus.
-draw and colour the - Learners draw and colour the two shelters in Page 13.
Lesson Animal shelter shelter whose name is their books or on paper using pencils and -Living and
1 ( anest, kraal, given. crayons. Working
kennel and an -Facilitator moves around assisting those Together
anthill, fowl facing challenges in drawing. Lrn’s bk
run.) -Learners say what was challenging in pages 23-25.
drawing. -Ventures
Conclusion-Learners tidy up and display their Lnr’ page 33
work -Pictures of
an anthill and
SHELTER By the end of the -Knowledge of Assumed knowledge-Learners know the -Heritage –
lesson, learners will animal shelter. names of both wild and domestic animal Social
Types of be able to: -Constructing shelters. Studies
shelter. -construct a hut and a -Value of hard Introduction – Learners name the shelters Primary
nest. work they know and animals that live in that shelter School infant
with the help of the facilitator. Syllabus.
-Constructing a Dvpt-Facilitator explains that building a Page 31.
shelter (a hut shelter requires hard work and that learners
Lesson and a nest) should respect animal shelter. -chart with
2 -Demonstrations on constructing a nest and a pictures of
hut. wild and
-Learners in pairs construct a given shelter by domestic
the facilitator. animal
-Pair feedback- show casing what each pair shelter
costructed. -models of a
Conclusion-Reflection and display of work nest, hut.
-real nest and
a hut
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References
SHELTER By the end of the -Reasons for Assumed knowledge-Learners know that -Heritage –
Week 6 lesson, learners will shelter. humans and animals have different shelter. Social
Basic reasons be able to: -Value of hard Introduction – Learners revise with the Studies
for Shelter -give reasons why work facilitator on the types of shelter they have Primary
humans and animals -Stating learnt. School infant
need shelter. -question Dvpt-Facilitator and learners discuss on why Syllabus.
-Reasons why -answer questions on answering humans and animals need shelter (for Page 31.
humans and why people and relaxing, for protection against the sun, wind, -Living and
Lesson animals need animals need shelter. rain etc.) Working
1 shelter -Class view scenes on pictures and say why Together
shelter is needed on that particular situation. Lrn’s bk
-Each learner is called upon and gives reasons pages 23.
why animals and humans need shelter. -Ventures
-Learners write work on why people and Lnr’ page 33-
animals need shelter 35
Conclusion-Class sings a song. -Pictures of
scenes where
shelter is
SHELTER During the lesson, -Reasons for Assumed knowledge-Learners know the -Heritage –
learners will: shelter. basic reasons for shelter. Social
Basic reasons -dramatize situations -Value of hard Introduction – Learners give the basic Studies
for Shelter when shelter is work reasons why people and animals need shelter. Primary
needed. -Dramatizing Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson School infant
-state why shelter is -Class discussion on the use of shelter, Syllabus.
Lesson -Dramatizing needed. -Learners are put into groups and given tasks Page 31.
2 the use of so that they dramatize the use of shelter.
shelter. -Learners in groups are given different -models of
situations to dramatize. shelter.
-Group feedback while facilitator helps out. -Pictures of
Conclusion-Class name animal and human scenes where
shelter shown on the chart. shelter is
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References
SOCIAL By the end of the -Being Assumed knowledge-Most learners have -Heritage –
Week 7 SERVICES lesson, learners will compassionate seen vulnerable people. Social
AND be able to: -Needs of the Introduction –Class revises the work done Studies
VOLUNTEER -name the vulnerable vulnerable during the previous lesson. Primary
ISM people Dvpt--Facilitator talks about the vulnerable School infant
The role of the -identify the listing all those who fall under the Syllabus.
family in vulnerable among category:orphans, the elderly, the sick, the Page 31.
Lesson helping the relatives, friends and financially deprived and those with -Living and
1 vulnerable. the family. disabilities. Working
-The -write work on -Class talks about why the vulnerable are in Together
vulnerable vulnerable people those situations and the facilitator makes Lrn’s bk
(orphans, learners understand that the vulnerability is pages 64.
elderly, the not of anyone’s making.
sick, those with -Learners name and the various people with -Pictures of
disabilities) different vulnerabilities e.g. the blind, the the blind,
(1.a person poor, orphans, the sick etc. deaf, elderly,
who does not -Class writes work in their books. the sick, the
see is called Conclusion-Marking of books and revision poor.
a……(blind) on work done

SOCIAL By the end of the -Being Assumed knowledge-Learners can name and -Heritage –
SERVICES lesson, learners will compassionate identify vulnerable people. Social
AND be able to: -Needs of the Introduction –Class revises the work done Studies
VOLUNTEER -explain how the vulnerable during the previous lesson. Primary
ISM family can help its -Helping others Dvpt-Learners identify the vulnerable on the School infant
vulnerable members. pictures provided. Syllabus.
The role of the -Class discussion on how the family can assist Page 31.
family in or help the vulnerable. -Living and
Lesson helping the -Learners give their own experiences and Working
2 vulnerable. explain how they help the vulnerable in their Together
families. Lrn’s bk
-Helping -learners are given situations on pages 64.
Vulnerable vulnerabilities and they suggest how they can -Pictures
members. assist e.g. Grandmother cannot walk and no offamily
longer have the power to carry a bucket of members
water.How can you help her? helping
Conclusion-Revision on work done.
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Food knowledge Assumed knowledge-Learners eat various -Heritage –
Week 8 N, lesson, learners will -Care for plants types of food from plants. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: -Sampling and Introduction – Learners give the food they Studies
ON AND -name food from Grouping of food brought to school. Primary
CONSUMPTI plants. Dvpt-Facilitator introduces food that comes School infant
ON OF -identify food from from plants using pictures and their names on Syllabus.
GOODS AND plants. flash cards: Sadza, ground nuts, peanut butter, Page 32.
SERVICES -draw or label food vegetables, potatoes, fruits etc. -Living and
Lesson Sources of from plants -Learners give other foods that come from working
1 food at home. plants that were not given by the facilitator. together
-Food from -Class activity of matching food picture and Learners’
plants. its name. book pages
-Learners draw or label food from plants in 11& 16-21
(Vegetables, their books. -Pictures of
fruits, sugar, Conclusion-Class gives food from plants. food from
potatoes, oil, plants.
maize/ -real food
sadza…..) from plants.

PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Food knowledge Assumed knowledge-Learners eat various -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Care for plants types of food from animals. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: -Animals that gives Introduction – learners name animals that Studies
ON AND -name food from us food give food using pictures shown. Primary
CONSUMPTI animals. Dvpt-Facilitator introduces food that comes School infant
ON OF -identify food from from animals. Syllabus.
GOODS AND animals. -Class reads the names of food from animals Page 32.
Lesson SERVICES -draw or label food on flash cards and match with the pictures of -Living and
2 from animals that certain food. working
Sources of -Learners identify the animals that give milk, together
food at home. meat, eggs etc. Learners’
-Learners label food from animals in their book pages
-Food from books. 18
animals. Conclusion-Class gives food from animals -Pictures of
(meat, eggs, e.g we get milk from a cow/goat, we get eggs food from
milk, cheese, from a hen. animals.
fish -flash cards

PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Food knowledge Assumed knowledge-Learners know that -Heritage –
Week 9 N, lesson, learners will -Land and labour as food comes from plants and animals. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: factors of Introduction – Learners answer questions on Studies
ON AND -give the importance production work done during the previous lesson on Primary
CONSUMPTI of land and labour in food. School infant
ON OF the food production. Dvpt:-Facilitator explains the importance of Syllabus.
GOODS AND land and labour in producing food: land is Page 14.
SERVICES where we produce/ grow food; labour helps us
Production of to produce food. -Pictures of
Lesson food at home -Class discussion: on land we keep animals animals
1 and in the and plant crops; labour is where we use our grazing on
community. power to care for plants and animals that land.
-The gives us food. - pictures of
importance of -Learners give the importance of labour and people caring
land and labour land in food production for plants and
in the Conclusion-Class answer questions from the animals
production of discussions above. -food
food samples

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content (Knowledge, Skills Resources /
& Attitudes) References
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Food knowledge Assumed knowledge-Learners know the -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Dramatizing importance of labour and land. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: Introduction – Learners state the importance Studies
ON AND -act out scenes of of labour and land in the production of food. Primary
CONSUMPTI tiling and harvesting Dvpt: -Class discuss on how they prepare School infant
ON OF on land. land and harvest in their respective homes. Syllabus.
Lesson GOODS AND -Facilitator formulates a short story on a Page 32.
2 SERVICES family who tilled land and cultivated crops
Production of using various means and tools. -Pictures of
food at home -Learners dramatize tilling and harvesting people tilling
and in the using the story told making the real actions and
community. done. harvesting.
-Dramatizing Conclusion- Learners answer questions on -Tools used
people tilling tilling and harvesting. for tilling and
and harvesting harvesting:
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Forms of wealth. Assumed knowledge-Learners know that -Heritage –
Week N, lesson, learners will -Sources of wealth land and animals are important to human Social
10 DISTRIBUTI be able to: survival. Studies
ON AND -state and identify Introduction –Revision of work from the Primary
CONSUMPTI forms of family previous lesson: land and labour. School infant
ON OF wealth. Dvpt: Facilitator talks about wealth and what Syllabus.
GOODS AND -answer questions on it means to be wealth i.e. it comes in form Page 32.
Lesson SERVICES wealth in their cattle, land and money.
1 exercise books. -Learners name/ mention what they have in -Pictures of
-Forms of their families as wealth. cattle
family wealth. -Class discussion on what the wealth is used -pictures of
for -Learners answer questions from the chalk land with
board into their books: various
-Different 1. We use ……. to buy food. (money) plants and
forms of family 2.We farm on…………(land) activities
wealth. 3. We get meat and milk from…… done on it.
Conclusion-revision on work done. -real money
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Sources of wealth Assumed knowledge-Learners know -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Forms of wealth different forms of wealth. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: Introduction – Learners state different forms Studies
ON AND -say how the family of wealth: land, money cattle Primary
Lesson CONSUMPTI generates wealth. Dvpt:-Facilitator and learners talk about how School infant
2 ON OF -give forms of wealth. the family generates wealth:by farming, Syllabus.
GOODS AND selling goods, part time jobs, animal rearing, Page 32.
SERVICES formal jobs.
-Learners explain how their families generate -Picture of
Forms of wealth. families
family wealth. -Class discussion on how children can also doing various
generate wealth at school; e.g. through activities.
gardening. -Flash cards
-How the Conclusion- Class sings a work song.
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Uses of money Assumed knowledge-Learners use money to -Heritage –
Week N, lesson, learners will -Money knowledge buy snacks and sweets. Social
11 DISTRIBUTI be able to: -Forms of money: Introduction – Learners identify the money Studies
ON AND -list the uses of coins and notes denominations shown i.e.50 cent coin, a Primary
CONSUMPTI money. dollar note, $2 bond note. School infant
ON OF Dvpt: Learners say what they buy when they Syllabus.
GOODS AND are given pocket money. Page 32.
SERVICES. -Class discussion led by the facilitator on the
uses of money: buying food and clothes and -real notes
Lesson Using and other needs, paying school fees, purchasing and coins.
1 saving money. farming equipment, paying for electricity etc. -pictures of
-Learners answer questions from the people using
discussion from the discussion. money.
-Uses of -Learners view pictures in learner’s book of differently
money. people using money and give comments.
Conclusion- Learners say different names
given to money:mari,imali,shagi

PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Uses of money Assumed knowledge-Learners know the uses -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Saving money of money. Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: -Creating own bank Introduction – Learners give the uses of Studies
ON AND -give good and safe money. Primary
CONSUMPTI use of saving money. Dvpt: Facilitator explain to learners that School infant
Lesson ON OF -say ways wise uses of money need to be saved and why? Syllabus.
2 GOODS AND money as a way of -Facilitator helps learners establish ways of Page 32.
SERVICES saving. saving money.
-Learners give ways of saving money: storing -Picture of a
Using and in banks, avoiding buying unnecessary bank
saving money. spending etc. -model of a
-Learners learn to create their own banks e.g piggy/ box
-Ways of piggy bank, box bank where one can store bank.
saving money. his/her coins when he/she has extra coins. -card boxes
Conclusion- Revision of work done. to make a
box bank

PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Food knowledge Assumed knowledge-Learners know food -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Idea of processing that is grown. Social
WEEK DISTRIBUTI be able to: Introduction – Learners state /give foods that Studies
12 ON AND -state food that is are grown. Primary
CONSUMPTI processed. Dvpt: Learners state what they find in a shop School infant
ON OF and what they use to buy goods. Syllabus.
GOODS AND -Learners are given roles of customers and Page 32.
SERVICES shop keepers. Living and
Lesson -Class practices the proper etiquette observed working
1 Using and when a person is buying or selling together
saving money. e.g.Customer:‘Good morning maam I want to Learners’ bk
buy bottle of milk’ page 53.
-Shop Keeper: ‘okay here you are’ -Dramatic
-Playing store. -Learners dramatize the buying and selling as play center
done in real life using desirable language. -Shop corner
Conclusion- Learners sing a song on buying -Pictures of
and selling. various foods
Assumed knowledge-Learners know the uses
PRODUCTIO By the end of the -Uses of money of money and how to save it -Heritage –
N, lesson, learners will -Saving money Introduction – learners say how they use Social
DISTRIBUTI be able to: money responsibly. Studies
ON AND -write an exercise on Dvpt: revision on uses and saving money. Primary
CONSUMPTI the uses of money. -learners answer questions orally. School infant
Lesson ON OF Learners write an exercise: Syllabus.
2 GOODS AND 1.We buy food using………(money) Page 14.
SERVICES 2.We save money in a……….(bank)
3.Money made of metal is a…..(coin)
Uses and 4.Money made of paper is a…..(note) -various
saving money. Conclusion- Learners and the facilitator samples of
revise the work done healthy foods
-Pictures of
-uses of healthy foods

REVISION By the end of the -answering Assumed knowledge-Learners know various -Heritage –
lesson, learners will -remembering types of food. Social
-Child rights be able to: Introduction – Learners state food they eat at Studies
-answer simple home. Primary
-Types of questions on the work Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. School infant
shelter: for covered -Revision on the work covered the whole Syllabus.
human and term. Page 30-32.
animals. -Learners answer questions on the work
- Conclusion- Learners sing some songs done
Responsibility during the term
tasks in the

-Types of
food: from
plants and

REVISION By the end of the -answering Assumed knowledge-Learners know various -Heritage –
lesson, learners will -remembering types of food. Social
-Land and be able to: Introduction – Learners state food they eat at Studies
labour as -answer simple home. Primary
factors of questions on the work Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. School infant
production. covered -Revision on the work covered the whole Syllabus.
term. Page 30-32.
-Forms of -Learners answer questions on the work
wealth: land, revised.
cattle, money Conclusion- Learners sing some songs done
etc. during the term

-Uses of

-Ways of
saving money.


Broad Aims

For learners to:

 Make informed decision about health, safety and well beings.

 Acquire team building skills, confidence and self-esteem.
 Foster a collective spirit based on Zimbabwean norms and values. (Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu

WEEK 1 IDENTITY By the end of KNOWLEDG Assumed knowledge: learners know their body parts. REFERENCE
Myself the lesson E, SKILLS & Introduction: learners sing a rhyme on body parts, S
-Identifying learner will : ATTITUDES head and shoulders……. G&C
body parts Identify body -drawing Dvpt: Learners identify body parts shown on the Syllabus pg 11
-name parts -discussing picture. Pictures of
-sex, age -describe -singing Learners follow commands on using a named body body parts.
themselves -identification part e. g lift your leg, wave your hand, close your eyes
-describing etc.
-naming -Learners describe themselves in terms of the self
Learners name the body parts recited in the rhyme.
Individual the lesson ATTITUDES Learners know what they like and dislike. Syllabus 11
(self) learner will: -speaking Introduction: learners say what they like or dislike in -food samples
-choices, -give what they dialogue their class. -pictures of
likes and dislike or like. -knowing on Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. food and
dislikes -engage in self -Learners give what they like and dislike in terms of clothes
(Food, dialogues on -drawing food, friends, clothes and weather. -games
friends, what they like -colouring -Class state reasons why they have such preferences.
clothes, and dislike. Individual writing of work.
weather etc) Conclusion
I like… Learners state what they like and dislike about their
WEEK 3 IDENTITY By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: learners know that they have a G&C
Family the lesson ATTITUDES family. Syllabus pg 11
-Names of learner will: -Naming Introduction: learners sing a rhyme on family -pictures of
family 1.Name family -Identifying members, ‘’Five in a family.’’ family
members: members -role playing Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. members.
father, 2. Identify self Learners name family members father, mother, and
mother, in relation to brother, sister, with the aid of pictures.
brother, other members. -Class identify family members on pictures.
sister -Learners draw family members.
Learners state family members on the picture.
WEEK 4 IDENTITY By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: Learners can name their G&C
FAMILY the lesson ATTITUDES family members. Syllabus pg 11
Family name learner will be -identifying Introduction: Learners sing a rhyme on family -Pictures of
-location able to: identify -describing members, ‘’ Five in a family.’’ family
-totem and and describe -drawing Dvpt: Recap of the previous of lesson. members.
implications themselves in -colouring -Learners name family members.
terms of the self -Learners describe relationships with their family
, family and members.
community. -Learners state family name location and totem.
-Learners draw family members.
Learners identify family members on the pictures.
WEEK 5 RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: Learners have responsibility G&C
AND the lessons ATTITUDES tasks they do at home and at school. Syllabus pg 12
RESPONSI learner will be -Stating Introduction: Learners create a rhyme –‘Ndoda -pictures of
BILITIES. able to: state -value of hard kufanana naStembeni x 2’ learners
Learner’s their rights and working Dvpt: Facilitator explains that everyone has a task. performing
rights and responsibilities -being -class engages in a discussion on rights and various tasks.
responsibiliti cooperative responsibilities using pictures. -Tools that
es. -value of team -group work of giving tasks is peculiar to children. help to do
‘’Ndoda work -group feedback. various tasks
kufanana Conclusion
naStembeni Class recites the rhyme above.
kutema huni,
aibika bika,


WEEK 6 RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed knowledge: Learners have been abused or G&C
AND the lesson ATTITUDES have seen others abused. Syllabus pg 12
RESPONSI learners will be -identifying Introduction: Facilitator gives a short story on -pictures
BILITIES able to: identify -knowing one children who were abused. showing
Child abuse different types rights Dvpt: Facilitator explains what physical and scenes of
-Forms of of abuse at -abuse emotional abuse is. abuse.
abuse(physic home, school awareness. Teacher tells a story about a young learner who was
al, sexual, and community. abused physically and emotionally.
and Learners identify various abuses they have witnessed
psychologica at school, home and in the community with the aid of
l abuse pictures shown.
Facilitator explains the need for learners to report
Learners create a rhyme on abuse

Dramatising Dramatise Reciting - know what abuse is and the forms of abuse G/C syllabus
Week 7 situation of situation of Narrating -Introduction- Class recites a rhyme on abuse P12
abuse abuse using Listing Dvpt- learners give the meaning of abuse and their Pictures
situations given children’s forms
rights Facilitator narrates situations of abuse using pictures.
Abuse Learners retell stories
awareness Learners dramatise the situations
Conclusion-Learners give forms of abuse

WEEK 8 RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: Learners know what abuse is. G & C Syllabus pg 12
AND the lessons ATTITUDES Introduction: Learners recite a rhyme on abuse -pictures of learners
RESPONSI learner will be -Reporting Dvpt: Learners give forms of abuse performing various tasks.
BILITIES. able to: describe abuse Class discussion on what should be done after abuse -Tools that help to do
Children’s ways of and how to avoid abuse various tasks
protection at reporting abuse -protecting -Facilitator suggest a list of trusted persons on whom
home, one self to report abuse
school and Role play -Conclusion-Learners state what they should do in
the reporting case they abused.
community procedures
Channels or
WEEK 9 RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed knowledge: Learners have tasks they do at G & C Syllabus pg 12
AND the lesson ATTITUDES home. -pictures showing scenes
RESPONSI learners will be - Introduction: Class sing a rhyme ‘ kurima musana of abuse.
BILITIES able to: identify demonstrating unorwadza’.
Gender roles different roles of Role playing Dvpt: Class discussion on tasks done by males and
at home females and females at home school and the community
school and males at home Learners mime jobs done at home school and the
the school and the community
community community. Conclusion
Learners state different jobs done by the sexes

WEEK RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: Learners know what good G & C Syllabus pg 15
10 AND the lessons ATTITUDES behaviour entails. -pictures of scenes
RESPONSI learner will be -miming Introduction: Learners demonstrate good behaviour showing respect
BILITIES. able to: exhibit Story telling Dvpt: Learners give forms of
Respect and unhu Discussing good and bad behaviour
Tolerance Demonstrate Demonstrating -Learners talk about respecting elders at home and
Self respect actions of values school
and respect of unhu Learners list important family values in groups
for others abuse
and adults Class discussion on these values
-Conclusion-Learners state the ways of respecting

WEEK RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed knowledge: Learners know forms of good G & C Syllabus pg 12
11 AND the lesson ATTITUDES and bad bhaviour. -pictures showing scenes
RESPONSI learners will be - Introduction: Learners demonstrate good behaviour. of abuse.
BILITIES able to: state demonstrating Dvpt: Learners demonstrate forms of good behaviour
Good and forms of good Role playing Learners discuss respect at home and at school
bad and bad discussing
behaviour behaviour Conclusion
Learners state forms of bad behaviour

Unhu By the end of SKILLS + Assumed Knowledge: Learners know what

Attitudes the lessons ATTITUDES vulnerable members are.
towards learner will be -miming Introduction: Learners identify vulnerable members
vulnerable able to: identify Discussing such as orphans, old age, the maimed
members of vulnerable Demonstrating Dvpt: Learners discuss the problems they face
the society members of the Learners suggest ways to help them
society and Role play on the vulnerable being helped
creation of an -Conclusion-Learners sing ‘Jesu anoda mwana’
RIGHTS By the end of SKILLS + Assumed knowledge: Learners know forms of roles.
AND the lesson ATTITUDES Introduction: Learners identify universal roles.
RESPONSI learners will be - Dvpt:Facilitator gives focus of the lesson
BILITIES able to: identify demonstrating Learners discuss these roles in groups
Universal universal roles Role playing
roles discussing Conclusion
Learners state universal roles

MID YEAR To help the SKILLS + Assumed knowledge: Learners have covered the
EXAMS learner ATTITUDES work before
-revise work -answering Introduction: Learners identify correct answers
covered questions through discussion, fill in, labelling.
-choose the Dvpt:Facilitator gives focus of the discussion using
correct answer past exam papers
from given Conclusion
options Pupils attempt a set of questions


Broad Aims
For learners to:
 Appreciate the role and impact of ICTs, safety and security as they apply to self work and society.
 Develop an understanding of the operating skills required; be creative and innovative in solving problems through ICTs.
 Acquire enterprise skills using ICTs.
 Infuse ICTs in other subjects across the curriculum.
 Create an awareness of their cultural heritage, its preservation and developmental issues using ICTs.

Topics to be covered
 ICT tools.
 Creating and Publishing.
 Application software.
 Safety and security.

Time Allocation: 2 By 30 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 1 SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know school rules. Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners state all the Syllabus
-State the computer -stating school rules they know. page 10.
KEY CONCEPT safety precautions. -demonstration Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the learners
-Safety precautions. -critical thinking that they are rules to be observed in the -computer
computer laboratory which must be lab
SUB CONCEPT formulated by them. -rules to be
-Formulating rules -Learners formulate the rules with the observed in
L1 of the computer facilitator’s assistance. the
laboratory. -Learners are asked to state all the rules laboratory
agreed upon that must be observed in
the laboratory.
Conclusion –Facilitator lists all the
rules again as the learners pay full
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know the computer laboratory Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes safety rules. Syllabus
-State consequences -stating Introduction –Learners state the page 10.
KEY CONCEPT of breaking computer -discussing computer laboratory rules they know.
-Safety precautions. safety rules. Dvpt-Facilitator tells a short story of a -computer
boy who was electrocuted after he lab
L2 SUB CONCEPT played around the plug in a certain -pictures of
-Discussing laboratory. accidents
consequences of -Learners retell the story and state what in the
breaking computer it teaches them. laboratory
-Facilitator also tells the learners the
safety rules.
other consequences of breaking the
laboratory rules.
Conclusion –Learners state the
consequences of not observing rules in
the laboratory.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 2 SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know that they are rules to be Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes observed in a computer lab. Syllabus
-Explain ways of -explaining Introduction –Learners state the rules to page 10.
KEY CONCEPT preventing electrical -critical thinking be observed in a laboratory.
-Safety precautions. accidents when using -operating Dvpt- Facilitator tells learners ways of -computer
avoiding electrical accidents through lab
a computer.
SUB CONCEPT observing the rules of the laboratory. -computer
-Discussing ways of -Learners state the ways that can cause -pictures
L1 preventing electrical accidents in the laboratory in pairs.
accidents when -Learners discuss with the facilitator in
the feedback session.
using a computer.
Conclusion –Learners state the causes
of accidents and ways of preventing
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know that they are rules to be Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes observed in the laboratory. Syllabus
-State the rules to be -clicking Introduction-Learners state rules that page 10.
KEY CONCEPT observed in the -hand –eye need to be observed in the laboratory.
-Safety precautions laboratory they know. coordination Dvpt -computer
-Learners do the tasks of the work they
L2 SUB CONCEPT have covered so far and demonstrate
-Safety rules- where necessary.
Revision (skills

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 3 SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes -Learners know that computers Infant
SECURITY learners will : -critical thinking operate when they are turned on. Syllabus
-Shut down computer -operating Introduction-Learners state how a page 10.
KEY CONCEPT devices properly. computer is turned on.
-Safety precautions. Dvpt-Facilitator demonstrates the -computer
switching on and off of the computer
SUB CONCEPT and explains why it should be done
-Shutting down the properly.(avoid losing data or
L1 computer before damage)
switching off the -Learners switch on and off the
computer with the help of the
-Feedback is given by the learners.
Conclusion –Learners say why they
should switch on and off the computer
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes -Learners know basic computer Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : -naming components. Syllabus
N AND -Identify the four -describing Introduction-Learners identify the page 9.
TECHNOLOGY basic parts of a -stating shown computer components with
(ICT) TOOLS computer, which are thefacilitator’s help as they once did it -C.P.U
before. -monitor
the mouse, monitor,
L2 KEY CONCEPT Dvpt-Facilitator presents the mouse,
-ICT Tools c.p.u, and keyboard. monitor, c.p.u and keyboard. -mouse
SUB CONCEPT - Learners then identify and name the
-Naming computer shown basic computer components, -keyboard
parts (mouse, stating how they operate.
monitor, c.p.u and -Learners engage in pair discussions
followed by the feedback..

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 4 INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & –Learners can operate a computer. Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : Attitudes Introduction-Learners give the Syllabus
N AND -Play a game on the -gaming function of the parts of the computer. page 9.
TECHNOLOGY computer. -computer Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the games
(ICT) TOOLS knowledge on the computer or phone. -computer
-computer -Learners choose the games they want -I.C.T tools
KEY CONCEPT operating to play.
L1 -ICT Tools -Learners play games on the
computer/ phone/ tablet making use
SUB CONCEPT of all the parts
-Play a computer -Facilitator helps the learners play the
game. games
Conclusion –Learners name the
games they have played or enjoyed
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know the four basic I.C.T Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : Attitudes tools. Syllabus
N AND -Name basic computer -clicking Introduction-Learners name the four page 9.
TECHNOLOGY components and state -hand –eye basic I.C.T tools.
(ICT) TOOLS their functions. coordination Dvpt -computer
-Learners do the tasks of the work
L2 KEY CONCEPT they have covered so far and
-ICT Tools demonstrate where necessary.

-I.C.T Tools-
Revision (skills

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References

Week 5 CREATING AND During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -Learners are ICT Infant
PUBLISHING learners will: Attitudes familiar with physical painting tools. Syllabus
-Colour pictures using -painting Introduction- Learners name colours Page 9.
KEY CONCEPT Paint package. -exploring they know.
-Drawing and -identifying Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the -computer
colouring. learners on various Painting packages
and states the one to be used.
SUB CONCEPT -Learners are given a demonstration
L1 -Painting using a on how to use a given painting
Paint package such package.
as Microsoft paint, -Learners demonstrate on painting
Monkey jam and any item they want.
Tux paint. Conclusion- Learners retell the
painting procedure they observed
from the beginning.
Assumed knowledge –Learners know
CREATING AND By the end of the lesson, Skills & a house ICT
PUBLISHING. learners will be able to: Attitudes Introduction – Leaners describe how Syllabus-
-Draw and colour pictures -drawing their houses look like. infant.
KEY CONCEPT and shapes. -colouring Dvpt-Facilitator instructs learners on Page 9.
-Drawing and how they shall draw their homes and -computer
colouring. gives them a demonstration.
L2 -Learners explain what they
SUB CONCEPT understood and demonstrate as well.
-Drawing a house. -In pairs learners discuss on what
they are supposed to do, followed by
a feedback.
-Individually learners draw their
houses and save their tasks.
Conclusion- Learners explain on
what they drew and how they did it.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge
Week 6 CREATING AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know how to colour using a ICT Infant
PUBLISHING learners will: Attitudes computer. Syllabus
-Create a picture story. -painting Introduction- Learners explain on Page 9.
KEY CONCEPT -creating how to colour using a computer.
-Drawing and -exploring Dvpt-Facilitator tells a story, then -computer
colouring. creates it on a computer clearly
explaining on every step taken.
SUB CONCEPT -Learners demonstrate on what they
L1 -Creating a picture saw the facilitator doing during the
story. demonstration.
-Learners are given individual work
on the task.
Conclusion- Learners retell the story
creation procedure they observed
from the beginning.
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
CREATING AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know how to draw. Infant
PUBLISHING learners will : Attitudes Introduction-Learners state the Syllabus
-Draw and colour various -clicking drawing and colouring procedures on page 9.
KEY CONCEPT objects. -hand –eye a computer.
-Drawing and coordination Dvpt -computer
colouring. -Learners do the tasks of the work
L2 they have covered so far and
SUB CONCEPT demonstrate where necessary.
-Drawing and
(skills test)

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
. Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 7 APPLICATION By the end of the lesson, Skills & -Learners know the function of a Infant
SOFTWARE. learners will be able to: Attitudes keyboard. Syllabus
-Identify the layout of the -explaining Introduction –Learners state the page 9.
KEY CONCEPT keyboard. -exploring function of a keyboard.
-Text input. -identifying -Facilitator explains to the learners on -computer
the numeric and letter setup on the -keyboard
L1 SUB CONCEPT keyboard for the learners to
-Identifying numeric familiarise with it.
and letters on the - Few learners demonstrate as the
keyboard. facilitator did to show understanding.
- Learners do the activity in groups
-Feedback from the learners to show
mastery of the concept.
Conclusion-Learners answer
questions emanating from the activity
. Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
APPLICATION By the end of the lesson, Skills & -Learners know that a keyboard has Infant
SOFTWARE. learners will be able to: Attitudes letters and numbers. Syllabus
-Use basic keyboard keys. -explaining Introduction –Learners state the keys page 9.
KEY CONCEPT -exploring on the keyboard they know.
-Text input. - Dvpt -Facilitator presents flash cards -computer
demonstrating with the key words to be learnt by -keyboard
L2 SUB CONCEPT -identifying learners.(delete, caps lock, space-bar, -flash cards
-Demonstrating the enter and back space.) with terms
use of basic keys: -Learners are given a demonstration to be
delete, caps lock, on the function of the keys. studied
space-bar, enter and - Learners do the activity in groups
back space. with the facilitator’s guidance and
assistance followed by a feedback.
Conclusion-Learners answer
questions emanating from the activity
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
. Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
Week 8 APPLICATION By the end of the Skills & -Learners know that a keyboard has letters Infant
SOFTWARE. lesson, learners will Attitudes and numbers. Syllabus
be able to: -explaining Introduction –Learners state the keys on page 9.
KEY CONCEPT -Use basic keyboard -exploring the keyboard they know.
-Text input. keys. -demonstrating Dvpt -Facilitator demonstrates to the -computer
-identifying learners on how to type letters, numbers -keyboard
SUB CONCEPT and words using a keyboard.
-Typing letters, -Learners demonstrate on how to type
L1 numbers and words. using a keyboard.
- Learners do the activity in groups with
the facilitator’s guidance and assistance
followed by a feedback.
Conclusion-Learners explain on how to
type letters, numbers and words.
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know a keyboard and its Infant
APPLICATION learners will : Attitudes functions. Syllabus
SOFTWARE. -Demonstrate how -typing Introduction-Learners state the functions page 9.
to type using a -clicking of a keyboard.
KEY CONCEPT keyboard. -hand –eye Dvpt -computer
-Text input. coordination -Learners do the tasks of the work they
L2 have covered so far and demonstrate
SUB CONCEPT where necessary.
-Text input-Revision
(skills test)

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -Learners know ICT
Week 9 CREATING AND During the lesson, Skills & different fruits. Syllabus-
PUBLISHING learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Leaners state their infant.
-Draw and colour -drawing favourite fruits. Page 9.
KEY CONCEPT pictures and shapes. -colouring Dvpt-Facilitator narrates a story of a -computer
-Drawing and monkey which stole bananas from Mr
colouring. Mushonga’s banana plantation.
-Facilitator demonstrates on how to draw
L1 SUB CONCEPT a fruit, as well as colour it.
-Drawing and -Individually, learners draw and colour
colouring a fruit. their favourite fruits on the computer with
the aide of the facilitator.
-Saving of the work done.
Conclusion- Learners name their
favourite fruits.
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know the functions of the basic Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : Attitudes components of a computer. Syllabus
N AND -Use the computer -stating Introduction-Learners state the functions page 9.
TECHNOLOGY parts. -identifying of a computer’s basic components.
(ICT) TOOLS -demonstrating Dvpt-Facilitator demonstrates on how to -computer
use programs such as WordPad and
L2 KEY CONCEPT Notepad to operate a computer.
-ICT Tools -Volunteers demonstrate what they saw.
-In groups learners practice the same
SUB CONCEPT activity demonstrated by the facilitator.
-Operating computer -Learners give fee
parts using programs
such as Notepad and

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge ICT
Week APPLICATION During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know a photograph. Syllabus-
10 SOFTWARE learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Leaners explain where a infant.
-Take a photo using -operating photograph comes from. Page 9.
KEY CONCEPT an ICT gadget. Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the learners -computer
-Multimedia. on how a photograph is captured using an -camera
available ICT gadget. -ICT
SUB CONCEPT -Learners demonstrate on how to capture gadgets.
-Photographing a photograph using a photo or a laptop.
L1 using ICT tools. -Learners are instructed to face the
opposite side of the sun to capture a
quality image.
-Saving of the work done.
Conclusion- Learners state steps of
capturing a quality image.
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know how to type. Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : Attitudes Introduction-Learners demonstrate how Syllabus
N AND -Demonstrate how -typing to type. page 9.
TECHNOLOGY to use writing pre- -clicking Dvpt
(ICT) TOOLS installed programs. -hand –eye -Learners do the tasks of the work they -computer
coordination have covered so far and demonstrate
L2 KEY CONCEPT where necessary.
-ICT Tools

-I.C.T tools-
Revision. (skills

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge ICT
Week APPLICATION During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know music. Syllabus-
11 SOFTWARE learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Leaners state their infant.
-Play recorded -operating favourite songs. Page 9.
KEY CONCEPT music and videos. Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the learners -computer
-Multimedia. on how to listen to recorded music. -speakers
-Learners demonstrate as well what the
SUB CONCEPT facilitator did.
-Playing recorded -Learners play the recorded music in
music on the groups taking turns to operate the
L1 computer. machine.
Conclusion- Learners demonstrate on
how to play music on a computer.

Assumed knowledge -Learners know how -I.C.T

CREATING AND By the end of the Skills & to draw using a mouse. Infant
PUBLISHING. lesson, learners will Attitudes Introduction – An individual Syllabus
be able to: -drawing demonstrates on how to draw using a page 9.
KEY CONCEPT -Draw using the -identifying mouse.
-Writing mouse or touch naming Dvpt- Facilitator informs the learners on -computer
screen. the focus of the day’s lesson and -touch
L2 SUB CONCEPT demonstrates on how to draw a human screen
-Drawing human face using a mouse or fingers on a touch phone
faces in a creative screen.
way. - Learners draw the human face starting
with the face then ears etc.
-Facilitator moves around helping those
facing challenges.
Conclusion- A volunteer demonstrates
how to draw the human face.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know the computer laboratory Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes safety rules. Syllabus
-State consequences -stating Introduction –Learners state the computer page 10.
KEY CONCEPT of breaking -discussing laboratory rules they know.
-Safety precautions. computer safety Dvpt-Facilitator tells a short story of a boy -computer
who was electrocuted after he played lab
SUB CONCEPT around the plug in a certain laboratory. -pictures of
L1 -Discussing -Learners retell the story and state what it accidents
consequences of teaches them. in the
breaking computer -Facilitator also tells the learners the other laboratory
consequences of breaking the laboratory
safety rules.
Conclusion –Learners state the
consequences of not observing rules in the
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know how to play music from a Infant
APPLICATION learners will : Attitudes computer. Syllabus
SOFTWARE. -Demonstrate how -typing Introduction-Learners explain on how to page 9.
to play media from a -clicking play music on a computer.
KEY CONCEPT computer. -hand –eye Dvpt -computer
-Multimedia. coordination -Learners do the tasks of the work they
L2 have covered so far and demonstrate
SUB CONCEPT where necessary.
Revision (skills test)

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
SAFETY AND During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know that computers operate Infant
SECURITY learners will : Attitudes when they are turned on. Syllabus
-Shut down -critical Introduction-Learners state how a page 10.
KEY CONCEPT computer devices thinking computer is turned on.
-Safety precautions. properly. -operating Dvpt-Facilitator demonstrates the -computer
switching on and off of the computer and
SUB CONCEPT explains why it should be done
-Shutting down the properly.(avoid losing data or damage)
L1 computer before -Learners switch on and off the computer
switching off the with the help of the facilitator.
-Feedback is given by the learners.
Conclusion –Learners say why they
(REVISION) should switch on and off the computer
Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
INFORMATION, During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know basic computer Infant
COMMUNICATIO learners will : Attitudes components. Syllabus
N AND -Identify the four -naming Introduction-Learners identify the shown page 9.
TECHNOLOGY basic parts of a -describing computer components with thefacilitator’s
(ICT) TOOLS computer, which are -stating help as they once did it before. -C.P.U
Dvpt-Facilitator presents the mouse, -monitor
the mouse, monitor,
L2 KEY CONCEPT monitor, c.p.u and keyboard.
-ICT Tools c.p.u, and keyboard. - Learners then identify and name the -mouse
SUB CONCEPT shown basic computer components,
-Naming computer stating how they operate. -keyboard
parts (mouse, -Learners engage in pair discussions
monitor, c.p.u and followed by the feedback..
Conclusion –Class recite the computer
rhyme: I am a computer computerx3 I
(REVISION) have a cpu x3, I have a monitor x3…

Assumed knowledge -I.C.T
REVISION During the lesson, Skills & -Learners can use the computer. Infant
learners will: Attitudes Introduction-Learners state the rules to be Syllabus
-Colour, create and -clicking observed in the computer laboratory. page 9-11.
Skills Test draw on the -drawing Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the learners
computer. -demonstrating on the focus of the skills test session.
-demonstrate the -colouring -Learners take turns to show what they
care of the learnt during the course of the term.
computer. .
Conclusion- Class recite the ICT rhyme: I
am a computer computerx3 I have a
cpux3, I have a monitor x3……….”

Broad Aims
For learners to:
 Develop psychomotor skills, team building, confidence and self-esteem.
 Lay foundation for creativity in learners through talent and skill transfer.
 Communicate information, knowledge and national ideals through the displays.
 Develop a collective spirit, based on our norms and values as well as an appreciation of the diverse cultures of the Zimbabwean society.
 Promote good health and safety, appreciate senses of beauty and achievement as provide entertainment at ceremonies.
Topics to be covered
 Gymnastics.
 Arena Choreography.
 Music.
 Art.
Time Allocation: 5 By 30 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Week 1 GYMNASTICS During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can move Displays
lesson, learners Attitudes from one place to the other. Syllabus
Locomotion will : -balancing Introduction –Class engage in warm up Infant
to: -jumping activities of jogging (develop the jog into page 21
-Move from one -leg-eye a run), running and muscles stretching.
Instructed free point to another coordination Dvpt- Facilitator will initiate movement -Outdoor
movement for space, using both legs in -spatial in any direction on both feet’s, e.g. play area.
speed, direction and response to stimuli awareness running. -drum
with stimuli -Movement on one leg, jumping
Lesson -Movement on both and one leg in
1 response to stimuli
Conclusion –cool down activities of the
marked area, jogging and stretching

ARENA During the Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can move Displays
CHOREOGRAPH lesson, learners Attitudes freely. Syllabus
Y. will : -rhythmic Introduction –Learners listen to the drum Infant
-Move in accord awareness beat and dance to the drum beat. page
Movement and to the rhythm of -listening for Dvpt--Learners start with what they do 24
Lesson Rhythm the song. sound. every day e.g. walking, clapping -Outdoor
2 -body-sound co- -Facilitator makes a demonstration by play area
ordination. responding to the song differently. -whistle
-Moving to the -Learners and the facilitator walk -ground
rhythm of a song. according to the sound of the song. markers or
-Learners move according to the speed of cones
the of the song. -play
Conclusion –Learners respond to rhythm centre
by nodding head, clicking fingers, shaking -phone
the body and clapping hands. with
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching And Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -learners have some
MUSIC During the Skills & musical instruments. -Mass
lesson, learners Attitudes Introduction –Learners listen to Displays
Background and will : -naming percussion sounds from the radio or Syllabus
Performing Music. -name the -musical phone. Infant
percussion knowledge Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the page
Percussion-names of instruments. instruments, naming them. 26
percussion -say where the -Class discussion on where the
instruments instruments are instruments are mostly used. -rattles
Lesson (revision) used most -Facilitator and the learners name the -jingles
3 instruments with the real instruments and -drums
their pictures. -chart with
-Leaners say where the instruments are musical
used most e.g tambourine used most at instruments
church. .
Conclusion –Learners sing a song -radio/
Assumed knowledge -Mass
ART During the Skills & -learners can scribble. Displays
lesson, learners Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the facilitator Syllabus
Patterns will : -drawing. shadow write patterns in the air. Infant
-draw a pattern -finger dexterity. Dvpt-Facilitator and learners practise the page
Lesson4 from left to right. -hand eye co- left- right progression... 27
-Complex pattern ordination. - Facilitator makes an illustration on -chart with
writing the pattern. patterns
-Learners write the pattern in the air and -crayons/
on the ground. pencils.
- Facilitator helps those facing challenges -paper
-learners write the pattern on paper or in
their books.
Conclusion –Learners write the pattern in
the air.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching And Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge –learners can throw
Week 2 GYMNASTICS During the Skills & balls. -Mass
lesson, learners Attitudes Introduction –Warm up of running, Displays
Coordination. will: -catching jogging and stretching. syllabus
-receive/ catch a -hand-leg- eye Dvpt-Facilitator makes a demonstration of page 23.
Hand Eye ball on while on coordination receiving a ball while moving.
Coordination the move. -ball skills -coaching points-1.foot and ankles should -ground
-catch using both -balancing be firm markers.
Lesson -Receiving while in hands and avoid -2.attain the correct posture when -outdoor
1 motion falling receiving or throwing. play area
-3. Hands should be on the sides to -whistle
maintain balance
-4.receive with both hands
-Learners practice receiving balls while
static then receive while moving.
-learners practise in groups others
throwing and others catching.
Conclusion-.Learners mimes the catching
of balls and do some cool down activities.

Week 2 ARENA During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : -space awareness move according to a beat. Displays
Y. -Move in the space -Body -sound co- Introduction –Learners move Syllabus
proved using ordination. according to the sound of the whistle. Infant
Movement and jumps. -speed in Dvpt-Learners perform the chameleon page
Rhythm movement. walk to illustrate slowness, 24
grandmother’ walk to illustrate
medium and walk in normal way they -play area
-Moving about do to emphasize fast. -whistle
Lesson prescribed -facilitator uses claps and let learners -cones
2 Space using jumps. respond using jumps. -play
-Learners compare the way they walk centre
in terms of speed using vocabulary,
slow, medium and fast.
-Learners make fast jumps following
the whistle.
Conclusion –Learners move freely.

Assumed knowledge -learners know -Mass

MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes the musical instruments. Displays
learners will : -naming Introduction –Learners name the Syllabus
Background and -play the -musical percussion instruments. Infant
Performing Music. percussion knowledge Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the page
instrument, the -Playing the lesson. 26
Lesson Percussion-playing tambourine tambourine. -Facilitator demonstrates the playing of
3 the Tambourine correctly. the tambourine instrument by learners -Music/
instrument. -say where it is who know how to play it. Mass
frequently used or -Learners play the instrument in groups display
played. with the help of the facilitator. play area
-Class discussion on where the -
instrument is most used or played. Tambourin
-All learners play the instrument one es
by one to measure their mastery. .
Conclusion –Learners sing a song

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending owledge, Skills & Activities Resources/
Attitudes) References
Week 2 Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes identify and draw a triangle. Displays
learners will : -shape knowledge Introduction – Facilitator tells a short Syllabus
Shapes -draw a simple -drawing story on shapes. Infant
object of choice -artistic skills Dvpt-Learners identify and name the page
-Drawing an object using shapes. -media control shape triangle among other shapes. 28
Lesson using shapes. -Facilitator gives the focus of the
4 lesson and makes an illustration on the -chart with
activity. shapes
-Learners practice drawing small -crayons/
triangles, firstly in air, then on the pencils.
ground. -paper
-Learners draw a hut in their books -A hut
using small triangles. drawn out
Conclusion –Facilitator marks of triangles
learners’ books for encouragement.
Tiding up of books
Introduction – Running, jogging and -Mass
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Assumed doing push ups as warm up routine. Displays
learners will: knowledge -Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the Syllabus
Formations. -form a linear -learners can stand lesson. Page 23
formation. in a line. - Learners make a straight line and
Basic Formations. stand at shoulder width apart. -outdoor
Lesson Skills & Attitudes -Facilitator explains how to form a play area.
5 -team work linear formation to the learners. -whistle.
-Linear formation x-trainer -sand/ lime
x x x x x x x x to mark
-Learners stand on the marked straight lines.
line to form a linear formation.
-Class practice the linear formation
Conclusion- Learners engage in cool
down activities.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending owledge, Skills & Activities Resources
Attitudes) /
Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can -Mass
Week 3 GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes skip without apparatus. Displays
learners will : -skipping Introduction: Learners do warm up Syllabus
Locomotion -skip using a rope -coordination activities. Infant
-speed changing Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the page
lesson. 21
Lesson Rope skipping. -Demonstration by the facilitator on
1 skipping a rope and gives points of -Outdoor
stress to avoid injuries. play area
-Learners practice the skipping of the -small
rope on the own. ropes
-Learners engage in a mini competition -whistle
of skipping. -cones
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and -play
stretch their muscles. centre
Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
ARENA During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes dance freely. Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : -space awareness Introduction –Recap of the previous Syllabus
Y. -dance the Mbende -listening for lesson. Infant
dance. sound. Dvpt-Facilitator gives the background page
Movement and -Give the meaning -dancing. of the dance i.e. where it stemmed 24
Lesson Rhythm of the word -Learners and the facilitator discuss the
2 Mbende . meaning of the word Mbende- a type -Outdoor
-Folkdance-Mbende of a field mouse and the dance imitates play area
( a dance the movement of the mouse when it is -drums
incorporated in the creating a tunnel/hole in the ground -props
Jerusarema dance) -demonstration on the dance by a -costumes
resource person. -music play
-Learners put on the costumes and area
practise the dance in pairs in unison to
the drum beat.
Conclusion –Learners dance freely to
the drum sound and state the props.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching And Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending owledge, Skills & Activities Resources/
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
Week 3 MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes heard many songs. Displays
1 learners will : -naming Introduction –Recap Syllabus
Background and -sing liberation war -musical Dvpt-Facilitator gives a background on Infant
Performing Music. songs. knowledge liberation war songs and why they page
-History of our were sang. 26
-Zimbabwean country. -Class watches a short clip on soldiers
Liberation war singing liberation songs. -war props
songs-(Ini -Learners name the people who sang -drums
Lesson ndakafamba nesango such songs i.e. guerrillas, mujibas e.t.c.
3 rine minzwa -Class sing the song, together with the
inobaya, nhamo facilitator.
yandakaona gore -Learners incorporate the song with a
riya) dance.
Conclusion –Learners say where the
songs were sang and who sang them.
Assumed knowledge -learners know -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes some of the colours on the national Displays
learners will : -painting flag. Syllabus
Colours -paint the national -colour knowledge. Introduction –Learners recite the Infant
Lesson flag. rhyme on colours with the facilitator. page
4 -Painting the Dvpt- Learners identify colours on the 27
national flag national flag.
-Demonstration on painting the -Template
national flag. of the
-Facilitator gives Points of stress- do national
not apply to much paint on the brush, flag
paint within the lines, do not mix the -Paint.
colours, do not eat/ lick the paint etc. -real
-Learners paint the national flag using national
the template given while the facilitator flag
monitor them -brushes
Conclusion –Display of work done. -water

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(K Teaching And Learning Media / Evaluation
Ending nowledge, Skills Methods / Activities Resources
& Attitudes) /
Week 3 GYMNASTICS. During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can Displays
learners will: Attitudes transfer their weight. Syllabus
-balance transferring -Body Introduction- Learners walk at page 22
Balances weight to create the shape coordination different speeds changing when the
“C”. -balancing whistle is blown.
Lesson -weight Dvpt-Class stretches their muscles. -phone
5 Balancing –creating transferring - Skill demonstration by the -whistle
the shape “C” . -body shape facilitator where a learner is -skittles/
instructed to show other how shape cones
“C” is created. -Outdoor
-Learners create the shape “c” play area
without falling. -
Conclusion –learners play a game Facilitator’
on balancing namely “jongwe” and s resource
watch a video recording on their file

GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
Week 4 learners will : Attitudes hop and jump without falling. Displays
Coordination. -bounce their bodies. -bouncing Introduction - learners do warm syllabus
-athleticism up activities of jumping and page 23.
-body hoping.
coordination Dvpt
-Facilitator gives coaching points -balls
Lesson -body bouncing and demonstrates body bouncing. -ground
1 -Learners mirror the actions of the markers.
facilitator. -Outdoor
-learners bounce their bodies play area
according to the stimuli given. -whistle
-Class activity, the learners bounce
in uniformity.
Conclusion-cool down and jogging
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Week 4
ARENA During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes move in accord to the rhythm of a Displays
Y. -nod and hop to the -space awareness beat. Syllabus
rhythm of a given song. -listening for Introduction –The class play a Infant
Movement and sound. clapping game. page
Lesson Rhythm -clapping. Dvpt-Facilitator explains to learners 24
2 -tapping that rhythm should be followed.
-Learners and the facilitator clap to -Outdoor
-nodding and the rhythm of a song played on the play area
hopping to the radio. -music play
rhythm of a song -Learners clap and tap to the music area
played. -radio
-Class recite a song, every learner -speaker
create own movement.
Conclusion –Learners dance freely to
the song played
Assumed knowledge -learners know
MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & why liberation war songs were sang. -Mass
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –learners sing the Displays
Background and -sing the liberation war -history liberation war song from the previous Syllabus
Lesson Performing Music. song . knowledge lesson. Infant
3 -musical Dvpt-Learners give a background on page
knowledge liberation war songs and why they are 26.
-Zimbabwean sang.
Liberation war -Facilitator introduces the new song -war props
songs –(sendekera and explains what it means and the -drums
mukoma) courage it brought to the fighters. .
-Learners sing the song as a class.
-Learners incorporate the song with a
Conclusion –Learners say where the
songs were sang and who sang them.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & use a scissors. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners write Syllabus
Lesson Patterns -make a simple pattern -finger dexterity. patterns in the air and select their Infant
4 from left to right. -hand eye co- favourite pattern on the chart shown. page
-Cutting to make a ordination. Dvpt-Facilitator informs pupils about 27
pattern. -designing the day’s activity and makes an
-cutting illustration. -chart with
Process 1.Take the scissors with the patterns
hand that has the most power and -scissors
paper on the other hand -manila
2. Cut out small pieces on the edges
of the paper to the desired pattern.
Points of stress: Be careful when
cutting to avoid it to pieces.
-Leaners make the patterns with the
help of the facilitator.
Conclusion –Learners display their
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Assumed Introduction – Running, jogging and
learners will : knowledge doing push ups as warm up routine. -Mass
Formations. -form a linear -learners can -Dvpt-Facilitator puts learners into Displays
formation in groups. stand in a line. small groups of tens and each group Syllabus
Lesson Basic Formations. practise forming the linear formation. Page 23
5 Skills & -Group feedback to the whole class.
Attitudes -The groups combine to form a linear -outdoor
-Linear formation -team work formation on their own while the play area.
facilitator monitors them. -whistle.
-Class practice the linear formation -sand/ lime
setup disbanding the formation and to mark
forming it again in quick succession. lines.
Conclusion-Learners cool down by
their own means.
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & skip or jump. Displays
Week 5 learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learner do routines of Syllabus
Locomotion -travel from point ‘a to -travelling warming up- jogging, running and Infant
b’ using hands. -hand-eye muscle stretching. page
coordination Dvpt-Facilitator gives safety 21
Travelling on hands. -body precautions that need to be observed
Lesson coordination during the activity. -whistle
1 -Skill demonstration by the facilitator -ground
and a few learners. markers
-Learners practise moving on hands -play
from one point to the other. centre
-Mini competition moving on hands -ropes/
at different speeds sticks as
Conclusion –jogging & muscle huddles

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

ARENA During the lesson, Skills & respond to a rhythm. Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Recap Syllabus
Y. -play a game -space awareness Dvpt-Facilitator introduces a game to Infant
responding to the -listening for the learners. page
Lesson Movement and rhythm of musical sound. -Class practises the game without 24
2 Rhythm instruments. -responding sound.
-jumping -Facilitator plays instruments and -Outdoor
-leading and learners play a game according to the play area
- responding to the following. instruction given. -drums
sound of musical -A mini competition of playing the -props
instrument game changing sides according to the -costumes
sound of instruments. -music play
Conclusion –Learners and the area
facilitator sing the song, “if you are
Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
MUSIC Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
During the lesson, Skills & heard some folk stories. Displays
Background and learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator gives the Syllabus
Performing Music. -imitate the song and -singing focus of the lesson. Infant
-Folk songs give the moral lesson of Dvpt-Facilitator sings the chorus as page
“Hwedza” the story. pupils follow up. 26
{Story about a girl -Story narration and pupils sing along -rattles
hwedza who went to when the part of the chorus is reached -jingles
Lesson find locusts with at. -drums
3 friends and was -class discussion on the moral .
killed by her friends depicted in the story.
and her dog started -learners retell the story and others
singing the song sing the chorus when that part is
below} reached.
‘Hwa hwa hwedza Conclusion –learners sing the chorus
kuenda nembwa imitating the pitch set by the
kuma hwahwara facilitator.
zvaite vasikana vati
huyai tisunyane
anenge abuda
mafuta ngaadyiwe’

Assumed knowledge –learners always -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & Attitudes engage in jumping games. Displays
learners will : -jump Introduction –Learners list games they Syllabus
Shapes -play the game in groups. -critical thinking play at home and at school. Infant page
Playing games -skipping Dvpt-learners name shapes shown by the 28.
showing shapes -shape knowledge Facilitator.
Lesson4 -Facilitator introduces the game and gives -chart with
the rules that govern the game. shapes.
-Playing country -Learners identify shapes found on the -sticks to
game. game’s template- triangles and circles. draw on the
-Learners draw their own templates and ground
play the game in pairs while the
facilitator helps out.
Conclusion –Learners identify the shapes
shown by the facilitator.

GYMNASTICS. During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can Displays
learners will: Attitudes transfer their weight. Syllabus
-balance transferring -Body Introduction- Learners walk at different page 22
Balances weight to create the shape coordination speeds changing when the whistle is
“Z”. -balancing blown.
-weight Dvpt-Class stretches their muscles. -phone
Balancing –creating transferring - Skill demonstration by the facilitator -whistle
the shape “Z” . -body shape where a learner is instructed to show other -skittles/
Lesson how shape “Z” is created. cones
5 -Learners create the shape “Z” without -Outdoor
falling. play area
Conclusion –learners play a game on
balancing namely “jongwe” and watch a
video recording on their practise.

Assumed knowledge- Leaners have -Mass
Week 6 GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & seen coordination drills during Displays
learners will: Attitudes festivals like Independence day. syllabus
Coordination. -march with uniformity. -marching Introduction –Learners state where page 23.
-hand, leg and they have seen people matching.
Lesson Coordination in eye coordination Dvpt-Facilitator makes a
1 relation to demonstration on arching. -ground
formations and -Facilitator gives coaching points-start markers.
stimuli. marching by moving the right leg -outdoor
first, march in tandem with others, play area
-Coordination drills foot and ankles should be firm to -whistle
(Soldier Marching) maintain balance, attain the correct
posture to move forward.
-learners practise marching with the
facilitator following the coaching
points given
Conclusion-Class engage in cool
down activities
Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
ARENA During the lesson, .Skills & seen people harvest and process food Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Y. -combine three -space awareness facilitator sing a harvesting song. Infant
activities to produce a -choreography Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page
Choreography. choreography -mirroring the lesson. 25
Lesson performance. -Facilitator chooses one activity from
2 -Combining 3 dance, gymnastics, music and -Outdoor
activities selected movement and practises them with play area
from dance, play the learners in a sequence. -props
and gymnastics to -Class practises the choreography and -music play
form choreography. interchange from activity to another area.
with the signal of the whistle.
-Learners use the whole space.
Conclusion –leaners state the
activities that have done in a

Assumed knowledge -Mass
MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & -learners always listen to songs at Displays
learners will : Attitudes home. Syllabus
Background and -listen and imitate the -singing Introduction –Facilitator and Infant
Performing Music. song. -listening learners engage in free dance. page
-imitating Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of 26
Lesson -Contemporary the lesson.
3 Songs (audio -Facilitator shows pictures of Leonard -phone
sounds)- Leonard Zhakata and gives the genre of his -speaker
Zhakata. music. -pictures of
-class discussion on the musical Leonard
instruments used by Zhakata. Zhakata
-Learners listen to songs of Zhakata
and imitate the music.
Conclusion –learners dance to the
sounds of zhakata

Week 6 ART During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners have -Mass
learners will : Attitudes done potato printing. Displays
Colours. -make prints using a -designing Introduction –Facilitator shows Syllabus
leaf and primary -decorating learners prints of various designs and Infant
-Leaf Printing. colours. -printing they guess what was used to make the page
Lesson -finger dexterity prints. 27
4 Dvpt-facilitator and learners collect
leaves that give best prints. -leaves
-Learners name the primary colours. from
-A demonstration on leaf printing different
-Learners apply paint and remove trees
excess paint on the leaf and then press -paper
the leaf on paper to make the prints. -paint
Conclusion –Learners name the (green, red,
colours they have used and display blue)
work that they have done.

Assumed knowledge
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & -learners are able to form a linear -Mass
learners will be: Attitudes formation. Displays
Formations. -form a cow horn -team work Introduction – Class form the linear Syllabus
Lesson formation. -quick reacting formation. Page 23
5 Basic Formations. -Dvpt--class practises forming the
linear formation using the lines -outdoor
marked by sand / whitewash. play area.
-Semi-circle/ Cow -Learners practise the formation on -whistle.
horn formation. their own while the facilitator -sand/
(Revision) monitors them. white
-Class practice the Cow horn wash.
formation setup disbanding the
formation and forming it again in
quick succession.
Conclusion-Learners cool down by
jogging inside the marked area.

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & move on one leg. Displays
Week 7 learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners jog around Syllabus
Locomotion -travel in pairs. -balancing the play area once and do muscle Infant
-leg-eye stretching. page
coordination Dvpt-Class makes sure that the 21
Travelling in pairs. -critical thinking marked area is free from dangerous -Outdoor
items that can cause injury play area
-Discussions on several ways of -whistle
moving in pairs suggesting possible -ground
Lesson ways of it can be done. markers or
1 -Learners move in pairs as they cones
discussed with facilitator leading and -play
assisting. centre

Conclusion –Pair works on moving

on two body parts- wheel borrow

Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
ARENA During the lesson, .Skills & seen people harvest and process food Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Y. -combine four activities -space awareness facilitator sing a harvesting song. Infant
to produce a -choreography Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page
Lesson Choreography. choreography -mirroring the lesson. 25
2 performance. -Facilitator chooses one activity from
-Combining 4 dance, gymnastics, music and -Outdoor
activities selected movement and practises them with play area
from dance, play the learners in a sequence. -props
and gymnastics to -Class practises the choreography and -music play
form choreography. interchange from activity to another area.
with the signal of the whistle.
-Learners use the whole space.
Conclusion –leaners state the
activities that have done in a

MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
learners will : Attitudes heard some folk songs. Displays
Background and -Sing the cultural song. -singing Introduction –Facilitator gives the Syllabus
Performing Music. focus of the lesson. Infant
Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the song page
Lesson Songs for cultural to the learners. 26
3 chores and festivals- -Explanation on the motives of the .props
“mombe mbiri nema cultural songs and what it means.
dhongi mashanu” -Class practices the song with the
-learners in groups practise the song
and incorporate movement while
singing it.
-Group feedback.
Conclusion –learners sing the song
imitating the pitch set by the

ART During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
learners will : Attitudes make patterns. Displays
Patterns -make leaf prints -drawing. Introduction –Recap of the previous Infant
patterns from left to -finger dexterity. lesson. Syllabus
-Leaf prints patterns right. -hand eye co- Dvpt-Facilitator shows learners of the page27
Lesson using crayons to ordination. patterns that they shall practice during
4 form U shape. -designing the activity. -chart with
-Class learn to write the pattern in the patterns
air from facilitator’s demonstration. -crayons/
Learners practice writing the patterns pencils.
on the ground/ floor with chalks or -paper
sticks. -chalks/
-Leaners write the patterns on the sticks
given paper while the facilitator
moves around monitoring learners
Conclusion – displaying of work
done and refection on the work

GYMNASTICS. During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can Mass
learners will: Attitudes transfer their weight. Displays
-balance transferring -Body Introduction- Learners walk at Syllabus
Balances weight to create the coordination different speeds changing when the page 22
Lesson shapes “M, N”. -balancing whistle is blown.
5 -weight Dvpt-Class stretches their muscles.
Balancing –creating transferring - Skill demonstration by the -phone
the shapes “M, N” -body shape facilitator where a learner is -whistle
instructed to show other how -skittles/
shapes “M, N” is created. cones
-Learners create the shapes “M, N” -Outdoor
without falling. play area
Conclusion –learners play a game
on balancing namely “jongwe” and
watch a video recording on their

GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can Displays
Week 8 learners will: Attitudes crawl on the ground. syllabus
Coordination -make cross crawls. -crawling Introduction –Warm up routine of page 23.
-creating jogging and running.
Coordination in -hand- leg Dvpt-Skill demonstration by
relation to balance coordination facilitatorgiving coaching points. -ground
and weight transfer -Learners make star cross crawls markers.
Lesson together with the facilitator in the -Ecd
1 -Cross crawls. suggested way. outdoor
-Learners make cross crawls in their play area
own way to promote creativity. -whistle
-Class make crawls at the same time. -pictures
Conclusion-Learners follow the
signal of the whistle to make jumps.

ARENA During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes dance, jikinya and jerusarema dance. Displays
Y. -dance the amabhiza -space Introduction –Recap of the previous Syllabus
dance. awareness lesson. Infant
Movement and -Say where the dance -listening for Dvpt-Facilitator gives the page 25
Rhythm originatedfrom. sound. background of the dance i.e. where it
Lesson arena -dancing. stemmed from. -Outdoor
2 choreography -cultural -demonstration on the dance by a play area
songs for cultural heritage resource person. -drums
chores and festivals -Learners put on the costumes and -props
practise the dance in pairs in unison -costumes
-Traditional dance- to the drum beat. -music play
“Amabhiza” -Pair feedback in front of the whole area
Conclusion –Learners dance freely to
the drum sound and state the props
used in the dance.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources
Skills & /
Attitudes) References
learners will : Attitudes work as a team. Displays
Background and -sequence musical -singing Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Performing Music. activities to stage a -sequencing facilitator dance to a song. Infant
choreography. -team work Dvpt-Facilitator and class discuss on page 26
Lesson activities they did in the previous
3 Playing music for lessons. -Outdoor
arena choreography -Facilitator helps learners to sequence play area.
the activities so that they perform -musical
them in an arranged order. props
-Class merge the song and dance into -whistle.
one practising in in a sequence. .
Conclusion –Class move in accord to
the rhythm of a clap given by the

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

ART During the lesson, Skills & scribble. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Class recite the Syllabus
Shapes. -use shapes to form -drawing. rhyme, “four basic shapes that I Infant
background art. -finger know………” page
-Using shapes in dexterity. Dvpt-Learners identify the shapes on 28
background art. -hand eye co- the chart.
ordination. -Discussion on the properties of the -chart with
Lesson shapes. shapes
4 -Illustrations on the drawing of the -crayons/
shapes to form a background.. pencils.
-Learners practise drawing shapes on -shapes.
the ground.
-Learners draw the background art on
sheets provided.
Conclusion –marking of work done
by the facilitator.
Assumed knowledge -learners are -Mass
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, .Skills & able to form a linear formation Displays
learners will be: Attitudes Introduction – Class form a Syllabus
-form a cow horn -team work formation they know. Page 23
Lesson Formations formation in groups. -quick reacting -Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of
5 the lesson. -outdoor
Basic Formations. -class practises forming the linear play area.
formation in groups. -whistle.
-Group feedback- every group form -sand/
-Semi-circle/ Cow the formation with its leader. white
horn formation. (2) -Class practice the Cow horn wash.
formation setup disbanding the
formation and forming it again in
quick succession.
Conclusion-Learners combine the
linear and semi-circle formation.

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & walk freely. Displays
Week 9 learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Warm up activities. Syllabus
Locomotion -Move on one leg to -balancing Jog and develop it into a run after a Infant
reach a target. -leg-eye signal from the facilitator’ whistle. page 21.
coordination Dvpt-Points of stress by the
Walking on -critical facilitator that learners should only -Outdoor
apparatus. thinking work in the marked area and safety play area
precautions. -whistle
Lesson -skill demonstration by the facilitator. -ground
1 -Pair practises while the facilitator markers or
helps. cones
-Mini competition of walking on -play
apparatus to reach a target. One who centre
reaches the target fist ids the winner -magogodo
Conclusion –Cool down by muscle -sticks/
stretching and jogging. iron frames

ARENA During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes dance randomly. Displays
Y. -dance the Jikinya dance. -space Introduction –Recap of the previous Syllabus
awareness lesson. Infant
Lesson Movement and -listening for Dvpt-Facilitator gives the page 24
2 Rhythm sound. background of the dance i.e. where it
-dancing. stemmed from. -Outdoor
-demonstration on the dance by a play area
-Folkdance-Mbende resource person. -drums
-Learners put on the costumes and -props
(contiuation) practise the dance in pairs in unison -costumes
to the drum beat. -music play
-Pair feedback in front of the whole area
Conclusion –Learners dance freely to
the drum sound and state the props
used in the dance.
Assumed knowledge -learners are -Mass
MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & able to use musical instruments. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners name the Syllabus
Background and -play percussion -naming percussion instruments shown. Infant
Performing Music. instruments along with a -musical Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the short page
song. knowledge percussion song which is being 26
New song for third -percussion. competed this year for NAPH
term competitions competitions. -rattles
percussion song -Facilitator plays the instruments -drums
Lesson with instruments. along with the song. -chart with
3 -Learners practice the song with the musical
facilitator. instruments
-Class sing the song incorporating .
the instruments. -radio/
Conclusion –Learners play the phone
percussion instruments freely.

Assumed knowledge -learners know -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & the colours blue and red. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners name the Syllabus
Colours. -mix the two colours, red -colour primary colours the primary colours Infant
and blue to make purple. knowledge. they know. page 27
Lesson -Mixing colours (red -finger Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of
4 and blue to make dexterity. the lesson. -red paint
purple) -designing -Facilitator explains that the primary -blue paint
colours when mixed they make other -containers
new colours. -water
-Class activity of making an
experiment to see if blue and red
when mixed can produce the colour
Conclusion –learners explain how
they can produce the colour purple
like what they learnt during the
Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
GYMNASTICS. During the lesson, Skills & balance individually Displays
learners will: Attitudes Introduction- warm up of running Syllabus
--balance in small groups. -team working and jogging. page 22
Balances -balancing Dvpt-class practises the balances they
Lesson have done in quick succession. -
5 - Facilitator suggests the various Facilitator’
Group balancing. balancing activities to learners and s resource
demonstrates them. file
-Each group is given a balance to -whistle
practice while the facilitator helps out. -cones/
-Each group works out on a balance skittles
why others watch. -Outdoor
Conclusion –Cool down activities by play area
the class.

Assumed knowledge -learners know -Mass
GYMNASTICS By the end of the lesson, Skills & how most animals move. Displays
Week learners will be able to: Attitudes Introduction –Recap on the previous syllabus
10 Coordination -make an animal walk to -auditory- lesson. page 23
music/ sound given. body Dvpt-Class together with the
Auditory coordination facilitator march in accord to the -ground
Coordination to -responding music played from the phone or radio. markers.
stimuli -hand-leg- eye -Class discussion on how animals -outdoor
Lesson coordination move. play area
1 -Demonstration on how the animals -whistle
-Animal walks. move e.g. a chameleon, a cock etc. -radio/
-Learners imitate the animal walks. phone
-Class incorporates the walks with -speaker
music beat in a linear formation.
Conclusion-.Learners one by one
forms own march and clap to the
music beat.

Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass

ARENA During the lesson, .Skills & seen people harvest and process food Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Y. -combine 5 activities to -space awareness facilitator sing a harvesting song. Infant
produce a -choreography Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page
Choreography. choreography -mirroring the lesson. 25
performance. -Facilitator chooses one activity from
Lesson -Combining 5 dance, gymnastics, music and -Outdoor
2 activities selected movement and practises them with play area
from dance, play the learners in a sequence. -props
and gymnastics to -Class practises the choreography and -music play
form choreography. interchange from activity to another area.
with the signal of the whistle.
-Learners use the whole space.
Conclusion –leaners state the
activities that have done in a

Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
MUSIC During the lesson, Skills & heard some folk songs. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator gives the Syllabus
Background and -Sing the cultural song. -singing focus of the lesson. Infant
Lesson Performing Music. Dvpt-Facilitator introduces the song page 26
3 to the learners.
Songs for cultural -Explanation on the motives of the
chores and festivals- cultural songs and the meaning of the .props
-Class practices the song.
-learners in groups practise the song
and incorporate movement while
singing it.
-Group feedback.
Conclusion –learners sing the song
imitating the pitch set by the

ART During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge –Learners can -Mass
learners will : Attitudes narrate a story. Displays
Patterns -tell a story using man- -drawing. Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
made artworks. -finger dexterity. facilitator sing a folktale song. Infant
-Telling a story -hand eye co- Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page
using artworks ordination. the lesson. 27
Lesson4 drawn from -Learners listen to a story using
manmade artworks drawn by professional -chart with
collections. artists. patterns
-Learners retell the story using the -crayons/
artworks. pencils.
-learners answer questions from the -story prop
story told.
Conclusion –Learners write the
pattern in the air.

Assumed knowledge -learners are -Mass
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & able to form linear and cow horn Displays
learners will be: Attitudes formations Syllabus
Formation. -form a triangular -team work Introduction – Class form the linear Page 23
formation. -quick reacting and cow horn formations.
Basic Formations. -Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of -outdoor
the lesson. play area.
Lesson -class practises forming the triangular -whistle.
5 -Triangular formation using the lines marked with -sand/
formation. sand. white
-Learners practise the formation on wash.
-Facilitator and learners form the
formation together.
Conclusion-Learners cool down by
jogging inside the marked area.

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

Week GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & move from one place to the other. Displays
11 learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Warm up activities- Syllabus
Locomotion -imitate the movement -imitating running, jogging, and muscle Infant
activities shown on the -balancing stretching. page
video. -jumping Dvpt-facilitator gives the focus of the 21
Viewing and -leg-eye lesson.
Lesson practising coordination -Learners and the facilitator watch the -Outdoor
1 locomotion activities -remembering short video on locomotion activities. play area
on videos. -Learners say out what they saw on -whistle
the video. -cones
-Class imitate what was done on the -play
video clip working in the marked centre
area. -phone
Conclusion –Learners cool down by
stretching muscles and walking freely

Assumed knowledge -learners have -Mass
ARENA During the lesson, .Skills & seen people harvest and process food Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Y. -combine three -space awareness facilitator sing a harvesting song. Infant
activities to produce a -choreography Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page
Choreography. choreography -mirroring the lesson. 25
Lesson performance. -Facilitator chooses one activity from
2 -Combining 3 dance, gymnastics, music and -Outdoor
activities selected movement and practises them with play area
from dance, play the learners in a sequence. -props
and gymnastics to -Class practises the choreography and -music play
form choreography. interchange from activity to another area.
with the signal of the whistle.
(continuation) -Learners use the whole space.
Conclusion –leaners state the
activities that have done in a sequence

Assumed knowledge -Learners can -Mass

MUSIC By the end of the Skills & recite the national school pledge. Displays
lesson, learners will be Attitudes Introduction-Facilitator recites the Syllabus
Background and able to: -reciting pledge while learners listen. Infant
Performing Music. -recite the pledge and -demonstrating – Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of page 26
demonstrate proper imitating the lesson.
-National School postures done. -patriotic -The facilitator recites the national -National
Pledge in L1 pledge whilst demonstrating the flag
Lesson proper postures.
3 -Learners practice the pledge
observing the postures required with
the aide of the facilitator.
Conclusion-The whole class and the
facilitator recite the national pledge
staging the proper postures.

ART During the lesson, Skills & Assumed knowledge –learners know -Mass
learners will : Attitudes the names of the four basic shapes. Displays
Shapes. -play the shape game. -matching Introduction –Learners name the Syllabus
-identify the four basic -shape four basic shapes. Infant
Lesson -Playing a game of shapes knowledge Dvpt-Facilitator draws the shapes in page
4 matching shapes. the air. 28
-Learners are shown how the game of
matching shapes is played using a -shapes
shape puzzle. -shape
-Learners play the game while the templates
facilitator facilitates. -shape
- puzzles
Conclusion –Learners sing a song on -Maths and
four basic shapes. science
play area

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

GYMNASTICS. During the lesson, Skills & balance on one and two body parts. Displays
learners will: Attitudes Introduction- Learners run around Syllabus
-balance on a bar -body the play area and stop at the signal of page 22
Balances coordination the whistle.
-balancing Dvpt-Class stretch their muscles
-Facilitator shows learners how to -whistle
Lesson -Balancing on balance on a bar. -bar
5 apparatus- a bar. Coaching points-attain correct -Outdoor
posture; keep hands dry in order to play area
avoid a slip, cling on the bar with a
tight grip to avoid falling.
-Learners stand in a linear formation
and take turns to balance on a bar
Conclusion –Learners jog around the
play area and stretch their muscles.

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
WEEK GYMNASTICS By the end of the Skills & move their body parts swiftly Displays
12 lesson, learners will be Attitudes Introduction –Learners do warm syllabus
Coordination able to: -imitating activities (running, jogging and page 23.
-imitate the walk of a -controlling stretching) around the play area.
Lesson person. muscles Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the
1 -body lesson. -ground
coordination -learners and the facilitator discuss on markers.
-Imitating people’s the movements of various people. -outdoor
walk ( a soldier, an -Learners imitate the walk of the play area
old person, a toddler people mentioned slowly and then -whistle
a young person etc.) fast. -pictures of
Conclusion-cool down by doing various
some stretches on the muscles. people
Random movements in the play area
by learners

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass

ARENA During the lesson, Skills & move freely. Displays
CHOREOGRAPH learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners listen to the Syllabus
Y. -Move in accord to the -space drum beat and dance to the drum beat. Infant
clapper. awareness Dvpt-Learners start with what they do page 24
Movement and -listening for every day e.g. walking, clapping and
Rhythm sound. nodding. -Outdoor
-body-sound co- -Facilitator makes a demonstration by play area
Lesson ordination. responding to the drum beat in -whistle
2 -jumping to the different ways. -ground
rhythm of a clapper. -Learners and the facilitator walk markers or
according to the clapper. cones
-Learners move according to the -play
speed of the clapper. centre
Conclusion –Learners respond to

Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
ART During the lesson, Assumed scribble Displays
learners will : knowledge Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Patterns -draw a complex -learners can facilitator shadow write patterns in the Infant
pattern from left to scribble. air. page
right. Dvpt-Facilitator and learners practise 27
-Complex pattern. Skills & the left- right progression...
Attitudes - Facilitator makes an illustration on -chart with
-drawing. writing the pattern. patterns
Lesson -finger dexterity. -Learners write the pattern in the air -crayons/
3 -hand eye co- and on the ground. pencils.
ordination. - Facilitator helps those facing -paper
-learners write the pattern on paper or
in their books.
Conclusion –Learners write the
pattern in the air.
Assumed knowledge -learners can -Mass
ART During the lesson, Skills & scribble. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners and the Syllabus
Patterns -draw a pattern from -drawing. facilitator shadow write patterns in the Infant
left to right. -finger dexterity. air. page
-Complex pattern. -hand eye co- Dvpt-Facilitator and learners practise 27
ordination. the left- right progression.. -chart with
-learners write the pattern on paper or patterns
Lesson in their books. -crayons/
4 -Display of work in portfolios pencils.
Conclusion –Learners write the -paper
pattern in the air.

Assumed knowledge -learners are -Mass
GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Skills & able to form a linear formation Displays
learners will be: Attitudes Introduction – Class form a Syllabus
Formations -form a triangular -team work formation they know. Page 23
formation in groups. -quick reacting -Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of
Basic Formations. the lesson. -outdoor
Lesson -class practises forming the triangular play area.
5 formation in groups. -whistle.
-Triangular -Group feedback- every group form -sand/
formation (2) the formation with its leader. white
-Class practice the triangular wash.
formation setup disbanding the
formation and forming it again in
quick succession.
Conclusion-Learners combine the
linear, triangular and semi-circle

GYMNASTICS During the lesson, Assumed Introduction-Learners do warm ups Displays
learners will: knowledge on their own. Syllabus
Revision -make formations, -learners can Dvpt-Facilitator explains to the Pages 21-
balances and make learners on the focus of the skills test 26
Skills Test locomotion activities. formations, session. -outdoor
balances etc. -facilitator test learners on making play area.
formations. -whistle.
Formation Skills & -Learners do some balances while -sand/
1-5 Balancing Attitudes facilitator record their progress. white
Locomotion -balancing -Leaners are also engaged in wash.
-demonstrating locomotion activities on the test sheet -hoops
-creating and their progress is recorded by the -balls
facilitator. -cones
Conclusion- Class combine what they -bricks
have done facilitator leading them. -sticks

Assumed knowledge -Mass
REVISION During the lesson, Skills & -learners have heard some folk stories. Displays
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator gives the Syllabus
Skills Test -identify different -shape focus of the lesson. Infant
colours. knowledge Dvpt-Facilitator sings the chorus as page
-Colours -Identify, draw and -Writing pupils follow up. 27-28
-Shapes name shapes patterns -Story narration and pupils sing along
-Patterns -write different patterns -Left to right when the part of the chorus is reached -paint
progression at. -shapes
-shape -class discussion on the moral -chart with
knowledge depicted in the story. patterns
-learners retell the story and others .
sing the chorus when that part is
-question and answer session.
Conclusion –learners sing the chorus
imitating the pitch set by the

Broad Aims

For learners to:

 Develop and show a positive attitude towards Maths and Science.

 Progress smoothly from infant to junior primary school learning.
 Understood, use and communicate mathematical and scientific information to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
 Acquire mathematical and scientific concept for use as tools in everyday transactions such as study, work leisure.
 Develop an awareness of the importance of culture in the learning of Maths and Science.
 Develop psycho-social skills such as self control and free expression of emotions and contribute to hostilic development of the learner.

Topics to be covered

 Science, Mathematics and Discovery play.

 Number and Science concepts.
 Number operations.
 Measures.

Time Allocation: 5 By 30 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Week 1 Measures During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know names of days of the week. and science
lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Rhyme on days of the week ‘Dear syllabus page
Time will : Naming Sunday, tell Monday…” 32.
-Name days of Dvpt- Learners are shown flash cards or a chart with -Ventures
-The days the week. days of the week and read. primary maths
of the -Facilitator tells a short story on days of the week and science
week. commencing with Sunday. page 53.
-Learners in pairs name the days of the week. -Step up
L1 -Individually learners are picked randomly to name Maths &
the days. Science page
-Learners write an exercise on days of the week. 96.
Conclusion – Learners recite a rhyme on days of -Chart
the week. -Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know different plants. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Facilitator tells learners a short story syllabus page
ics and will : Naming of common known plants. 27.
Discovery -Identify three Describing Dvpt- Learners name the common plants they know -Ventures
play. parts of a plant. found in their environment. primary maths
-Flash cards with names of common plant parts. and science
L2 Plants -Facilitator presents a chart showing leaves, roots page 57.
and stem as well as a real plant.
- -Learners identify the parts of the plant shown. -Step up
Identifyin Conclusion – A few individuals identify the parts of Maths &
g the leaf, the plant shown. Science page
stem and 33.
roots of a -Chart
plant. -Flash cards

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Measures During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know that time moves. and science
lesson, learners Naming Introduction –Rhyme on days of the week ‘Dear syllabus page
Time will : Sequencing Sunday, tell Monday…” 32.
-Tell what the Dvpt- Facilitator presents flash cards with new -Ventures
-Today, present day is, the words, yesterday, today and tomorrow. primary maths
Tomorrow following day and -The words are defined by the whole class. and science
L3 and the previous day. -Facilitator explains on how time is described in page 54.
Yesterday. terms of today, tomorrow etc.
-In groups learners engage in discussions of telling -Step up
time. Maths &
-Feedback is done and corrections are made. Science page
-Written exercise on the learnt concept. 98.
Conclusion – Learners recite rhyme on days of the -Chart
week. -Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know various fruits and flowers. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Naming Introduction –Recite a rhyme “If I have a cent, syllabus page
ics and will : Describing what shall I buy? A nice nice Orange..” 27.
Discovery -Name plants that Identifying Dvpt- Facilitator gives the learners the focus of the -Ventures
play. have flowers and lesson. primary maths
bear fruit. -Learners name all the plants they know which bear and science
L4 Plants fruit, as well as naming the fruit. page 58.
-Facilitator presents a chart with plants that bear -Step up
-Naming fruits or books with the pictures and the learners Maths &
flower and identify and name the plants. Science page
fruit -Learners in groups discuss on the plants that bear 34.
plants. fruit they know. -Various
-Feedback is given from the groups. plants
Conclusion – Recite a rhyme “If I have a cent, what
shall I buy? A nice nice Orange..”

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Week 2 Measures During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know names of days of the week. and science
lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Rhyme on days of the week ‘Dear syllabus page
Time will : Naming Sunday, tell Monday…” 32.
-Name days of Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator informs the learners that days -Ventures
-Listing the week in a Sunday is the 1st week day. primary maths
days of the sequential -Learners name the days sequentially. and science
week in manner. -In pairs learners list the days of the week in the page 54.
the correct correct sequence.
L1 sequence. -Feedback from the pairs is given. -Step up
-Learners write an exercise on listing days in the Maths &
correct sequence. Science page
Conclusion – Learners recite rhyme on days of the 96.
week. -Chart
-Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know plants various plants. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Describing Introduction –Facilitator tells a short story on why syllabus page
ics and will : Naming plants have thorns and prickles, i.e to deter animals. 27.
Discovery -Describe at least Dvpt- Learners describe all the common plants with -Ventures
play. two plants that thorns and prickles they know. primary maths
have thorns and -Learners engage on a field trip so as to get into and science
Plants prickles. contact with the real plants. page 58.
L2 -Facilitator explains to the learners on why some -Step up
- plants have thorns and prickles. Maths &
Describing -Learners identify and describe the plants with Science page
plants with thorns and prickles from their text books or charts. 34.
thorns and Conclusion – A chosen individual states why plants -Various
prickles. have thorns and prickles. plants

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Measures During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know days of the week. and science
lesson, learners Describing Introduction –Rhyme on days of the week ‘Dear syllabus page
Time will : Naming Sunday, tell Monday…” 32.
-Tell the activities Identifying Dvpt- Facilitator tells the learners what he/she does -Ventures
-Matching they undertake during week days. primary maths
days of the during the week. -Learners take turns to state what they do during the and science
week with week. page 55.
L3 activities I -In groups learners discuss the activities they do -Step up
do. during the week. Maths &
-Class feedback is given. Science page
-Individually learners write an exercise on activities 97.
they do during the week. -Chart
Conclusion – Learners recite rhyme on days of the -Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to draw. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Drawing Introduction –Facilitator tells a short story of how a syllabus page
ics and will : Naming farmer grew plants on her farm. 27.
Discovery -Draw a plant Labelling Dvpt- Learners are instructed to name the 3 -Ventures
play. common parts of a plant they know. primary maths
-Facilitator draws and clearly labels a maize plant. and science
L4 Plants - A volunteer draws a favourite plant on the board page 57.
as others watch the labelling and drawing.
-Drawing -Individually every learner draws and labels the -Step up
and shown plant. Maths &
labelling a Conclusion – A volunteer names the 3 common Science page
plant. parts found on a plant. 33.
-Plant drawing

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Revision During the Skills And -Learners are given revision questions from the -Mathematics
Test lesson learners Attitudes: work covered so far on plants and time. and science
will: Answering syllabus page
Revising -Individually learners answer the question on the 27
-Revision -Answer the chalkboard or on t5he question papers based on the .-Ventures
on the questions from work covered so far during the term. primary maths
L5 work done the revision test and science
for the set. page 53-59.
fortnight -Step up
on Time Maths &
and Science page
Plants. 33-35&93-99.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Week 3 Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know numbers from 0 to5. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Rhyme “1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, once I syllabus page
Science will : Reading caught a fish alive…………” 30.
concepts. -Count in an Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator informs the learners on the focus -Ventures
ascending and of the lesson which is on playing the fieldwork primary maths
Number descending order counting game. and science
L1 to and from 9 on -Facilitator draws boxes with numbers or places page 61-62.
- a number line. sacks with numbers on the floor and demonstrates -Step in pg
Fieldwork: how to count using the number line. 12-15.
Counting -Volunteers show how the counting is done as -Chart
game. others watch. -Number line
-Individually all the learners engage in the activity
counting in ascending and descending order.
Conclusion –Rhyme “1,2,3,4,5 once …….”

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know an animal. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Learners recite rhyme ‘Baa baa black syllabus page
ics and will : Naming sheep……’ 27.
Discovery -Name at least Describing Dvpt- Facilitator presents a chart and pictures of -Ventures
play. three domestic domestic animals. primary mths
animals. -Learners take turns name the animals and state the &sci page 66-
Animals ones they own in their homes. 67.
L2 -Facilitator tasks learners to discuss on the names of -Step up
-Domestic domestic animals they know and their uses in pairs. Maths &
animals. -Feedback is given by the learners followed by Science page
individual work. 36-39.
Conclusion – Learners recite rhyme ‘Baa baa black -Time page
sheep…… 40-42.
-Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to write. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Rhyme “1,2,3,4,5,once I caught a syllabus page
Science will : Reading fish alive…………” 30.
concepts. -Write numbers Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator presents flash cards with numbers -Ventures
from 0 to 9 in Writing in words. primary maths
L3 Number words. -Learners read the words on the flash cards. and science
-Flash cards are displayed on the board in a jumbled page 61.
-Writing manner. -Step in pg
numbers -Learners in pairs or threes discuss on the presented 12-15.
in words. new words. -Flash cards.
-Learners individually write the exercise for the

Conclusion – Learners count the jumbled words on

the board from one up to nine.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know domestic animals. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Learners state the domestic animals syllabus page
ics and will : Naming they know and state why they are called domestic 27.
Discovery -Name at least Describing animals. -Ventures
play. three wild Dvpt- Facilitator defines the term wild animal from primary mths
animals. the flash cards and hints the learners on the focus of &sci page 66-
L4 Animals the day’s lesson. 67.
-Learners in groups discuss on wild animals they -Step up
-Wild know and what they eat and love. Maths &
animals. -Group feedback is given followed by individual Science page
work from the learners. 36-39.
Conclusion – Learners state the wild animals they -Time page
know. 40-42.
-Flash cards
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know numbers in a sequential manner. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Rhyme “1,2,3,4,5,once I caught a syllabus page
Science will : Sequencing fish alive…………” 30.
concepts. -Write the Writing Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the learners on how to -Ventures
missing numbers identify a missing digit. primary maths
Number in a sequential -Learners are given examples on missing numbers. and science
L5 manner. -Learners practice a few examples in pairs. page 61.
-Missing -Feedback is given by the learners on the pair tasks -Step in pg
number. done. 12-15.
-Individual work is done on writing the missing -Flash cards.
numbers. -Charts with
Conclusion – “1,2,3,4,5,once I caught a fish the problems
alive…………” to be solved.

Week 4 Number During the Skills & Attitudes Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
and lesson, learners Counting Learners know how to count. and science
Science will : Writing Introduction – Learners count from 1 to 9. syllabus page
concepts. -Count number of Dvpt- Facilitator draws some sets and learners are 30.
objects in a set. asked to count objects in the set. -Ventures
Number -Learners practice the same activity as well in primary maths
groups. and science
L1 -How -Group feedback is given. page 62.
many? -Individual work on sets is given to learners by the -Step in pg
facilitator. 12-15.
Conclusion – Volunteers count objects in some -Flash cards.
given sets. -Chart with

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know a habitat. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Learners recite rhyme ‘Baa baa black syllabus page
ics and will : Naming sheep……’ 27.
Discovery -Name and Describing Dvpt- New words like habitat kraal, sty, nest, fowl, -Ventures
play. identify at least and den are defined by the facilitator. primary mths
four habitats of -Learners are asked to name the shown animals and &sci page 67-
L2 Animals animals from the match them with their habitats. 68.
local In groups learners discuss on various animals and -Step up
-Habitats environment. their habitats. Maths &
of -Feedback is given from the group discussions. Science page
animals. -Individual work on habitats. 36-39.
Conclusion – Learners name the habitats they learnt -Time page
about during the lesson. 40-42.
-Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know a set. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Learners define what a set is and syllabus page
Science will : Constructing give some examples. 30.
concepts. -Build a set with Dvpt- Facilitator also gives examples on how to -Ventures
the same number build a set. primary maths
Number of objects as a -Learners are given tasks in groups to make sets. and science
L3 given number. -Feedback is given by the learners until all the pairs page 63-64.
-Making participate. -Step in pg
sets. -Individual work is given to the learners on making 12-15.
sets as the facilitator moves around assisting those -Flash cards.
facing challenges. -Sets
Conclusion – A volunteer demonstrates on how to -Counters
make a set and state the members in the set.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know a habitat. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Learners state the habitats they know syllabus page
ics and will : Naming from previous lessons. 27.
Discovery -Match at least Describing Dvpt- Learners are resented to animals and their -Ventures
play. two animals to Matching habitats in a jumbled manner. primary mths
their shelter. -Facilitator then demonstrates on how the activity is &sci page 68-
L4 Animals to be done. 69.
-Learners as well are called upon to do the same as -Step up
-Matching the facilitator did. Maths &
animals to -Group work is given followed by feedback. Science page
their -Individual work is given by the facilitator. 36-39.
habitats. .Conclusion – Learners match the animals shown to -Time page
their habitats. 40-42.

Revision During the Skills And -Learners are given revision questions from the -Mathematics
Test lesson learners Attitudes: work covered so far on plants and time. and science
will: Answering syllabus page
Revising -Individually learners answer the question on the 27-31
-Revision -Answer the chalkboard or on t5he question papers based on the .-Ventures
on the questions from work covered so far during the term. primary maths
work done the revision test and science
for the set. page 36-67
L5 fortnight -Step up
on Maths &
Addition, Science p12,
Subtracti 15,77,84,86
on and -Step in p12-
Animals. 15, 28,36-39.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Week 5 Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to count sequentially. and science
and lesson, learners Arranging Introduction – Learners are ordered to count from syllabus page
Science will : Counting 0-9 vice versa. 30.
concepts. -Arrange numbers Ordering Dvpt- Facilitator explains on the day’s activity on -Ventures
from 0-9 from the arranging numbers from 0-9 in ascending and primary maths
Number smallest to the descending order. and science
L1 biggest vice -Learners attempt given questions on ascending and page 64-65.
- versa. descending order in threes. -Step in pg
Arranging -Feedback is given by the learners with the 12-15.
numbers facilitator assisting when they face challenges. -Flash cards.
in order. Individual work is given on the work done for the -Sets
day. -Counters
Conclusion – Learners count any given numbers in
ascending and descending order vice versa.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know that some animals live in soil. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Identifying Introduction –Facilitator tells a short story of a syllabus page
ics and will : Experimenting mouse and its family that lived in the soil on a 28.
Discovery -Identify at least Describing nearby hill. -Ventures
play. two animals that Naming Dvpt- Learners are informed on the focus of the primary mths
live in soil. day’s lesson and the relevance of the story told. &sci page 90-
Soil -Learners go in the school garden to dig in search of 91.
animals that live in soil. -Step up
L2 -Small -Class discussion are held from the observations Maths &
animals made. Science page
that live in -Individual work is given by facilitator. 40-41.
soil. .Conclusion – Learners state the animals that live in -Time page
soil. 40-42.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to count. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Learners recite a counting rhyme syllabus page
Science will : ‘1,2 buckle my shoe…..” 30.
concepts. -Count the Dvpt- Facilitator gives the learners the focus of the -Ventures
number of objects day’s lesson, giving examples on how to count primary maths
Number in a set up to 10. objects in a set. and science
L3 -Learners take turns to count objects in a given sets page 72-73.
-Counting on the board. -Step in pg
members Individual work on counting members in a set 21-24.
of a set. Conclusion – Learners recite a counting rhyme ‘1,2 -Flash cards.
buckle my shoe…..” -Sets

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know soil. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners are asked to name the soil syllabus page
ics and will : Experimenting types they know. 28.
Discovery -Identify at least Describing Dvpt- Facilitator defines new words like mulching, -Ventures
play. two methods of Naming moisture, protein, sun, straw and stones, as well as primary mths
caring for the inform learners on the focus of the lesson. &sci page 91-
L4 Soil soil. -Learners are taken to the garden and the facilitator 92.
explains on how to care for soil. -Step up
-Caring -In groups learners discuss on ways of caring for Maths &
for soil. soil. Science page
-Feedback and individual work is done. 42.
.Conclusion – Learners define the new words -soil
learnt. -animals

Number During the Skills & Attitudes Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

and lesson, learners Counting Learners can read numbers. and science
Science will : Reading Introduction – Learners recite a counting rhyme syllabus page
concepts. -Read numbers ‘1,2 buckle my shoe…..” 30.
on a number line Dvpt- Facilitator defines flash cards to the learners, -Ventures
L5 Number from 0-10. as well as explain how to use a number line in primary maths
mathematics. and science
-Read -Learners altogether read the numbers on the page 73.
numbers number line. -Step in pg
on the -Learners are asked to go up front and write 21-24.
number numbers on the number line in numerals and in -Number line
line. words as well.
-Individual work is given on writing numbers in
numerals and in words.
Conclusion – Learners recite a counting rhyme ‘1,2
buckle my shoe…..”

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Week 6 Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to count numbers. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Learners count in ordinal form not syllabus page
Science will : Reading exceeding the 10th one. 30.
concepts. -Say ordinal Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator and the learners say numbers in -Ventures
numbers from 1st ordinal form. primary maths
Number to 10th. -Facilitator explains to the learners on how to count and science
L1 in ordinal form and gives examples on using ordinal page 74.
-Ordinal numbers in games or sentences. -Step in pg
numbers. -Flash cards with numbers in ordinal form are 16&26.
presented and arranged in a jumbled manner. -Flash cards
-Individual work to the learners. on numbers in
Conclusion – Learners count the numbers up to 10 ordinal form.
in ordinal form.
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know that soil needs care. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners state ways of caring for soil syllabus page
ics and will : Experimenting they know, like mulching etc. 28.
Discovery -Demonstrate a Describing Dvpt- Facilitator informs learners on the importance -Ventures
play. way to care for Naming of planting trees in the society, as there is a national primary mths
the soil. tree planting day and its significance. &sci page 91-
L2 Soil -Learners are also informed how tree planting 92.
protects the soil. -Step up
-Planting -Learners and the facilitator plant a few trees so as Maths &
trees to demonstrate a way of caring for the environment. Science page
Conclusion – Learners state the importance of 42.
planting trees.
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know numbers in ordinal form. and science
and lesson, learners Counting Introduction – Learners count in ordinal form from syllabus page
Science will : Positioning the 1st to the 10th. 30.
concepts. -Say ordinal Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator and learners go outside the -Ventures
positions from 1st classroom and the learners race in tens, and they are primary maths
Number to 10th. given their positions in ordinal form and science
-In pairs leaners discuss on numbers in ordinal form page 75-76.
L3 -Ordinal as assigned by the facilitator. -Step in pg 16
position. -Feedback from the pairs
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know that the human body needs care. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners recite a rhyme ‘Food, food syllabus page
ics and will : Describing food is very good for my body…..’ 28.
Discovery -State at least two Naming Dvpt- Facilitator presents a chart on ways of caring -Ventures
play. ways of caring for for the body as well as flash cards with new words. page 99-100.
L4 the body. -Learners are asked about ways of caring for the -Step up page
Health, body. 43.
Nutrition -Question and answer session is held on the ways to -Step in E.S
and care for the body. Grade 1 pg
Safety. -An exercise is given on the work done for the day. 38-41.
Conclusion – Individuals state ways of caring for -charts
the body. -items used
-Caring for caring for
for my the body.

Revision During the Skills And -Learners are given revision questions from the -Mathematics
Test lesson learners Attitudes: work covered so far on plants and time. and science
will: Answering syllabus page
Revising -Individually learners answer the question on the 28-31
-Revision -Answer the chalkboard or on t5he question papers based on the .-Ventures
on the questions from work covered so far during the term. primary maths
work done the revision test and science
L5 for the set. page 60-
fortnight 65,90-91.
on -Step up
Number, Maths &
Health Science p12,
nutrition 15,77,84,86
and safety -Step in p12-
and Soil. 15, 28,36-39.
Week Topic / Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content (Knowledge, Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Week 7 Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners can count numbers in a sequential manner. and science
and lesson, learners Sequencing Introduction – Learners count from one up to 10 syllabus page
Science will : Positioning upwards then downwards. 30.
concepts. -Arrange numbers Counting Dvpt- Facilitator defines the term upwards to the -Ventures
from the smallest learners and gives examples on arranging items or primary maths
Number to the biggest numbers upwards. and science
starting from 1 to -Learners answer a few a few examples on the page 76.
- 10. board. -Step in pg 26.
Arranging -Group tasks on arranging numbers upwards. -Flash cards
L1 numbers -Feedback from groups is given.
upwards. -Individual work on arranging numbers.
Conclusion – Learners count the numbers up to 10
in ordinal form.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know what food is. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners state the foods they like. syllabus page
ics and will : Describing Dvpt- Facilitator shows learners pictures or 28.
Discovery -Name at least Naming drawings of healthy and malnourished people, as -Ventures
play. four healthy and well as explain the causes in brief. page 100-101.
unhealthy foods. -Learners in groups discuss on healthy and -Step up page
L2 Health, unhealthy foods on the pictures but mainly focusing 44.
Nutrition on the unhealthy foods and why they should be -Step in E.S
and avoided. Grade 1 pg
Safety. -Learners then give a feedback explaining why the 38-41.
foods should be avoided or are said to be unhealthy. -charts
-Individual work is given to learners. -items used
- Conclusion – Learners state unhealthy foods they for caring for
Unhealthy know. the body.

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know how to add using a calculator. and science
Operation lesson, learners Adding Introduction – Rhyme “two little dickey birds…” syllabus page
s will : Dvpt- Facilitator presents flash cards with new 31.
-Add up to 10 words plus, equals and defines them. -Ventures
Addition using signs and -Learners are given a chance of giving examples primary maths
addition terms. using plus and equals. and science
L3 -Add .-Facilitator gives a few examples. page 79-80.
items up -Learners practice the addition in groups. -Step up
to 10. -Group feedbacks are given. Maths &
(Plus , -Individual work on work done on addition using Science p 77
equals) plus and equals. -Step in p 28.
Number Conclusion –Rhyme “two little dickey birds…” -Chart
line -Flash cards
counting. -Number line.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know accidents. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners state accidents they know. syllabus page
ics and will : Describing Dvpt- Facilitator shows learners pictures or 28.
Discovery -Describe how Naming drawings of accidents and informs learners on the -Ventures
play. objects at school thrust of the lesson. page 100-101.
can cause -Learners in groups state causes of accidents around -Step up page
Health, accidents. the school environment and ways of preventing and 44.
L4 Nutrition minimising them. -Step in E.S
and -Group feedbacks are given facilitator explaining Grade 1 pg
Safety. how to prevent accidents. 38-41.
-Individual work is given to learners. -charts on
Conclusion – Learners state causes of accidents. accidents.
at school.

Week Topic / Objectives Competencies(Kn Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Content owledge, Skills & Resources /
Attitudes) References

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number During the Skills & Attitudes Learners are able to add. and science
Operation lesson, learners Adding Introduction – Rhyme “two little dickey birds…” syllabus page
s will : Dvpt- Facilitator presents a calculator to the 31.
-Add whole learners, as well as explain the meaning of and (+) -Ventures
Addition numbers up to 10. as well as make (=). primary maths
L5 -Flash cards with new words are presented and and science
-Add defined. page 81.
items up .-Facilitator demonstrates on how to use a calculator -Step up
to 10 to add up to 10. Maths &
using -Learners practice the addition exercise in pairs as Science page
calculators the facilitator helps. 76.
. -Feedback is given from the pair works. -Chart
-Individual work on work done -Flash cards
Conclusion –Rhyme “two little dickey birds…” -Calculators

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, During the Skills & Attitudes Learners know their environment. and science
Mathemat lesson, learners Caring Introduction –Learners are asked to state objects syllabus page
ics and will : Describing found in their environment. 28.
Discovery -Describe at least Naming Dvpt- Facilitator presents a chart with a clean and -Ventures
play. two ways to care dirty environment. page 102-104.
for the -Facilitator explains the need for a clean and safe -Step up page
Health, environment. environment so as to eradicate diseases and 44.
Nutrition minimise accidents. -Step in E.S
and -Whole class move around the school yard picking Grade 1 pg
Safety. up litter as a way to care for the environment. 38-41.
-An exercise on work done. -charts on the
Conclusion – Learners state items that pollute the environment.
-Our environment.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Week 8 Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to add using a number and science
learners will : Attitudes line. syllabus page
Addition -Demonstrate Adding Introduction – A volunteer demonstrates on 31.
addition using how to count using a number line and or a -Ventures
-Addition stories. stories. calculator. primary
Dvpt- Facilitator defines new words on the maths and
flash cards, such as sum, altogether, make science page
etc. 80-81.
-Learners are given examples on work cards -Chart
L1 to tackle in pairs. -Flash cards
-Feedback from the learners. -Number line.
-Individual work on addition stories.
Conclusion – Learners define the key terms
defined when the lesson commenced.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, Mathematics During the lesson, Skills & Learners know different weather conditions. and science
and Discovery play. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners recite ‘zuva kudai syllabus page
-Describe how Describing ndina Jesu….’ 28.
Weather. changes in weather Exploring Dvpt- Learners state various weather -Ventures
influences human Identifying conditions they know. page 112-
activities. Drawing -Facilitator defines key terms like hot, cold, 114.
L2 -Weather conditions. humid, rain etc. -Step up page
-Learners are shown pictures of different 48.
weather conditions. -Step in E.S
-Group discussions on favourable weather Grade 1 pg
conditions followed by a feedback. 56-57.
-Individual work is given. -charts on the
Conclusion – Learners describe weather weather
changes from season to season. conditions
-flash cards

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to add using a number and science
learners will : Attitudes line. syllabus p31.
Subtraction -Subtract whole Subtraction Introduction – Rhyme “madhadha 10 -Ventures
numbers within the aripamutsetse….” primary
Difference 0-10 range using a Dvpt- Facilitator presents flash cards and maths and
number line. defines words like minus and give some science page
L3 -Subtracting using a example. 84-86
number line. -Learners attempt some questions on the -Step up
chalk board. Maths &
-Learners are given a few examples from Science page
the text book and attempt them. 84-89.
-Pair work is done followed by feedback. Step in p41-
-Learners are given individual work 43.
Conclusion –Rhyme “madhadha 10 -Number line.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Science, Mathematics During the lesson, Skills & Learners know different weather conditions. and science
and Discovery play. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners state different types syllabus page
-Measure elements Describing of weather conditions they know. 28.
Weather. of weather using Exploring Dvpt- Facilitator presents pictures, models -Ventures
non-standard units. Identifying and real weather measuring instruments like page 112-
L4 Drawing wind vane, wind sock and rain gauge and 114.
-Weather measuring demonstrate on how they work. -Step up page
instruments. -Learners are given material to make the 48.
instruments in groups and explain on how -Step in E.S
they work. Grade 1 pg
-Feedback is given from the group tasks as 56-57.
the learner reinforces by explaining how the -charts on the
instruments made work. weather
-Individual work is given. conditions
Conclusion – Learners describe how any -flash cards
instrument work.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Revision Test During the lesson Skills And -Learners are given revision questions from and science
learners will: Attitudes: the work covered so far on plants and time. syllabus page
Answering 28-31
-Revision on the work -Answer the Revising -Individually learners answer the question .-Ventures
done for the fortnight questions from the on the chalkboard or on t5he question primary
on Number, Weather revision test set. papers based on the work covered so far maths and
L5 and Health Nutrition during the term. science page
and Safety. 60-65,90-100.
-Step up
Maths &
Science p12,
-Step in p12-
15, 28,36-39.
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Week 9 Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to subtract (take away). and science
learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Rhyme “madhadha 10 syllabus p31.
Subtraction -Demonstrate Subtraction aripamutsetse….” -Ventures
subtraction using Dvpt- Key terms minus and take away are primary
-Difference signs and defined by the facilitator as the learners pay maths and
L1 subtraction terms. attention. science page
-Subtracting words -Demonstration on the meaning of minus or 86-87
(take away, minus) take away. -Step up
-A few examples are given on the board. Maths &
-Learners practice the subtraction exercise Science page
on work cards in groups. 84-89.
-Feedback is given by the learners Step in p38
-Individual work is written in their exercise -Chart
books. -Work cards
Conclusion – A volunteer demonstrates -Counters
how to subtract using minus or take away.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, Mathematics During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to draw. and science
and Discovery play. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners recite rhymes of syllabus page
-Describe various Describing weather conditions. 28.
Weather. weather conditions Exploring Dvpt- Learners are given a chart with -Ventures
through drawing. Identifying different weather conditions and they are page 112-
Drawing asked to state their favourite weather 115.
L2 -Drawing favourite condition. -Step up page
weather conditions. -Randomly learners state their favourite 48.
weather conditions. -Step in E.S
-Individually learners draw their favourite Grade 1 pg
weather conditions as per the facilitator’s 56.
instruction. -drawings on
.Conclusion – Learners state their favourite various
weather condition or conditions. weather

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to subtract using minus and science
learners will : Attitudes (-) and take away. syllabus p31.
Subtraction -Demonstrate Subtraction Introduction –Learners demonstrate -Ventures
subtracting from 10 Answering subtracting using the subtraction terms like primary
Difference using stories. minus and take away. maths and
Dvpt- Facilitator tells a story of Mr Mukos a science page
L3 -Subtraction stories. farmer who had 9 goats and took away 1 for 87.
slaughtering for the Easter holiday. -Step up
-Learners answer questions emanating from Maths &
the story. Science page
-Pair work on subtraction stories followed 84-89.
by a feedback. -Chart
-Individual work on subtraction stories. -Work cards
Conclusion – A volunteer demonstrates on -Counters
how to subtract using a story as the
facilitator did.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, Mathematics During the lesson, Skills & Learners know that air exists. and science
and Discovery play. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners recite rhymes on syllabus page
-Demonstrate that Describing air, e.g ‘Air air everywhere air, we need 28.
Air air takes u space. Experimenting air…’ -Ventures
Exploring Dvpt- Facilitator ask learners on who knows page 140.
air. -Step up page
-Air takes space. -Learners explain what they know. 50-51.
L4 -Facilitator explains that air is everywhere, -drawings on
we cannot see it, and we cannot touch it. various
-Learners are informed that the presence of weather
air can be noticed through moving things. conditions
-Learners experiment with plastic bags and
balloons to show air presence.
.Conclusion – Learners state items that
need air like tyres, balls etc.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Measures During the lesson, Skills & Learners know the difference between and science
learners will : Attitudes longer than and shorter than. syllabus page
Length -Use at least two Comparing Introduction – Facilitator brings up front 32.
non-standard units Measuring learners of various heights and the other -Ventures
-Longer than shorter to compare Approximating learners compare them using terms like primary
than. measurements. Estimating longer than and shorter than. maths and
L5 Dvpt- Facilitator defines key terms on flash science page
cards. 94-95.
-A few examples are given by the facilitator -Step up
followed by group work and feedback. Maths &
-Individual work to the learners. Science page
Conclusion – Learners gives examples of 102-105.
comparing. -Step in pg
-Flash cards

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Week Measures During the lesson, Skills & Learners know items differ in size. and science
10 learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Learners compare given syllabus page
Length -Use non-standard Comparing objects using shorter than and longer than. 32.
units to compare Measuring Dvpt- Facilitator defines key terms like san, -Ventures
-Span. measurements. Approximating thumb and little finger and explains to the primary
Estimating learners on the focus of the lesson on spans. maths and
-Facilitator gives examples of measuring science page
L1 objects like a table or chair using spans. 95-96.
-In groups learners measure lengths and -Step up
widths of desks using spans and compare Maths &
them. Science page
-Learners use strings and others steps and 102-105.
feet to measure the classroom. -Step in pg
-Feedback and individual work is given. 44.
. Conclusion –Learners demonstrate on -Flash cards
what they learnt.
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Science, Mathematics During the lesson, Skills & Learners know that air makes things move. and science
and Discovery play. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners recite rhymes on syllabus page
-Demonstrate the Demonstrating air, e.g ‘Air air everywhere air, we need 28.
Air uses of air. Blowing air…’ -Ventures
Colouring Dvpt- Facilitator plays a video or explains page 141.
L2 Drawing about air transport, particularly the air -Step up page
-Using air transport. balloon and explain on how it operates. 50-51.
-Learners explain what they understood -air balloon
during the explanation. pictures
-Facilitator demonstrates to the learners on -video of an
how to draw and colour an air balloon. air balloon.
-Individually learners draw and colour the
.Conclusion – Learners explains on how the
air balloon operates.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Measures During the lesson, Skills & Learners know the meaning of longer and and science
learners will : Attitudes shorter. syllabus page
Length -Use non-standard Comparing Introduction – Learners compare given 32.
units to compare Measuring objects using shorter than and longer than. -Ventures
-Longer, shorter. measurements. Approximating Dvpt- Facilitator groups learners and primary
Estimating assigns them to do an activity on comparing maths and
L3 lengths of objects given. science page
-Feedback is given by the learners. 96-97.
-Individual work is given by the teacher -Step up
from the textbooks. Maths &
Conclusion –Whole class compare the Science page
shown objects using longer than and shorter 102-105.
than. -Step in pg
-Flash cards

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Measures During the lesson, Skills & Learners know that items weigh differently. and science
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator presents two items syllabus page
Mass -Compare mass of Comparing with different weights and asks learners to 32.
two or more Weighing point at the light or heavy one. -Ventures
-Balance scales. objects. Balancing Dvpt- Facilitator define mass to the learners primary
and explains how it is measured using a maths and
L4 scale. science page
-Leaners in groups make balancing scales 106.
using available material. -Step up
-Learners do a balancing activity after they Maths &
make the scales with the facilitator’s Science page
assistance. 99.
Individual work on comparing masses of -Step in pg
different items. 87-88.
. Conclusion – Learners define masses like -balance scale
how the facilitator did.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Revision Test During the lesson Skills And -Learners are given revision questions from and science
learners will: Attitudes: the work covered so far on plants and time. syllabus page
Answering 28-31
-Revision on the work -Answer the Revising -Individually learners answer the question .-Ventures
done for the fortnight questions from the on the chalkboard or on t5he question primary
on Measures, revision test set. papers based on the work covered so far maths and
Subtraction, and during the term. science page
L5 Weather and Air. 60-65,90-
-Step up
Maths &
Science p12,
-Step in p12-
15, 28,36-39.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Week Measures During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to use a scale. and science
11 learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners demonstrate on syllabus page
Mass -Compare mass. Comparing how to use a scale to compare mass. 32.
Weighing Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the learners -Ventures
-Compare masses on Balancing that the lighter object will be lifted up and primary
scale. the heavier one will remain at the bottom. maths and
L1 -Learners do an exercise in groups of science page
comparing masses of given items. 106-110.
-Group feedback is given -Step up
-Individual tasks assigned by the facilitator. Maths &
Conclusion – Learners explain on how to Science page
compare mass. 100-101.
-Step in pg
-balance scale

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number and Science During the lesson, Skills & Learners can count to 10. and science
concepts. learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Learners count together syllabus page
-Count numbers Counting from1to 10. 30.
Number from 0-20 in Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator demonstrates on how to -Ventures
ascending and count objects up to 20. primary
Count to 20 descending order -Learners altogether count as well after the maths and
L2 on the number line. facilitator. science page
-Count numbers on the -Learners then count in descending order 116-117.
number line or number with the facilitators help. .
strip. -Learners also count objects in given sets. -Number line
-Individual counting is done by learners.
Conclusion – Learners count in ascending
and descending order.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number and Science During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to write numbers up to and science
concepts. learners will : Attitudes 9 in words. syllabus page
-Write numbers in Counting Introduction – Learners write numbers they 30.
Number the 0-20 range in Reading know in words on the board. -Ventures
words. Sequencing Dvpt- Facilitator presents flash cards with primary
L3 Count to 20 Writing numbers up to 20 in words and learners read maths and
them. science page
-Writing numbers in -Learners in pairs or threes discuss on the 118.
words. presented new words. -Step in pg
-Learners individually write the exercise for 48-98.
the day. -Flash cards.
Conclusion – Learners count the jumbled
words on the board from one up to 20

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
Number and Science During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to arrange numbers and science
concepts. learners will : Attitudes from 0-9. syllabus page
-Arrange numbers Arranging Introduction – Learners are ordered to 30.
Number from 0-20 from the Counting arrange numbers from 0-9 vice versa. -Ventures
smallest to the Ordering Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the learners on primary
Count to 20 biggest vice versa. what is to be done since they once did a maths and
similar exercise from0-9. science page
L4 -Arranging numbers. -Learners attempt questions on the exercise 118-119.
(from smallest to on arranging numbers in pairs followed by a -Step in pg
biggest and from feedback. 48-49.
biggest to smallest). Individual work is given to learners. -chart
Conclusion – Learners arrange given
numbers as learnt.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number and Science During the lesson, Skills & Learners know that numbers differ. and science
concepts. learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Learners count from1 to 20. syllabus page
-Compare Comparing Dvpt- Facilitator explains on comparing 30.
Number numbers. numbers using the greater than, less than or -Ventures
equal sign. primary
L5 Count to 20 -Examples are given by the facilitator on maths and
comparing numbers. science page
-Comparing numbers -In pairs learners practice comparing 120.
using greater than, less numbers. .
than or equal to. -Feedback from pairs and some examples as -chart on
well. comparing
-Individual work on comparing numbers. signs.
Conclusion – Learners define the
comparing signs they learnt about during
the lesson.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Mathematics
WEEK Number and Science During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to arrange numbers and science
12 concepts. learners will : Attitudes from 0-9. syllabus page
-Arrange numbers Arranging Introduction – Learners are ordered to 30.
Number from 0-20 from the Counting arrange numbers from 0-9 vice versa. -Ventures
smallest to the Ordering Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the learners on primary
Count to 20 biggest vice versa. what is to be done since they once did a maths and
L1 similar exercise from0-9. science page
-Rounding off -Learners attempt questions on the exercise 121-122.
numbers to the nearest on arranging numbers in pairs followed by a -Step in pg
10. feedback. 48-49.
Individual work is given to learners. -chart
Conclusion – Learners arrange given
numbers as learnt.

Assumed knowledge -Mathematics

Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to add. and science
learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Learners answer a question syllabus page
Addition -Addition of whole Adding on adding using addition terms. 31.
numbers to a sum Calculating Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the learners -Ventures
Add to 20 not exceeding 20 that sum or put together are other addition primary
using concrete term and gives examples. maths and
L2 -Add (put together) objects. -Learners are given examples to practice in science page
groups followed by a feedback. 124-126.
-Individual work is given on the work done. -Step up
Conclusion –Learners explain the meaning Maths &
of sum and put together. Science page
-Step in page

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge Mathematics
Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to use a number and science
learners will : Attitudes line to add. syllabus
Addition -Addition of whole Adding Introduction – Learners demonstrate page 31.
numbers to a sum not Calculating using a number line to add. -Ventures
Add to 20 exceeding 20 using a Dvpt- Facilitator explains to the primary
number line. learners on how to add two or more maths and
L3 -Addition (using a numbers together using a number line science page
number line) or sets. 127-129.
-Learners are given pair tasks to add -Step up
using number lines. Maths &
-Feedback from the groups. Science
-Individual work is given to the page 79-80.
learners. -Step in
Conclusion –Learners demonstrate page 57-59.
using a number line to add.
Assumed knowledge Mathematics
Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how add using stories. and science
learners will : Attitudes Introduction – Facilitator tells a story syllabus
Addition -Addition of whole Adding of a family that had 2 goats and it page 31.
numbers to a sum not Retell bought another 3 to make them 5. -Ventures
Add to 20 exceeding 20 using Dvpt-Learners answer questions from primary
L4 stories. the story told by the facilitator. maths and
-Addition stories -Learners are given a few examples to science page
(altogether means sum tackle in groups. 129-130.
or add) -Feedback from the groups. -Step up
-Individual work is given to the Maths &
learners. Science
Conclusion –Learners retell the story page 79-80.
they heard from the facilitator. -Step in
page 57-59.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge Mathematics
Number Operations During the lesson, Skills & Learners are able to add to 10 using a and science
learners will : Attitudes calculator. syllabus
Addition -Addition of whole Adding Introduction – Learners demonstrate page 31.
numbers to a sum not Calculating. on how to use a calculator to add. -Ventures
-Add items up to 20 exceeding 20 using Dvpt- Facilitator presents a calculator primary
L5 using calculators. calculators. to the learners, as well as explain the maths and
meaning of and (+) as well as make science page
(=) to reinforce what they know. 131.
.-Facilitator demonstrates on how to -Step up
use a calculator to add up to 20. Maths &
-Learners practice the addition Science
exercise in pairs as the facilitator helps page 79-80.
followed by feedback. -Calculators
-Individual work on work done
Conclusion –Demonstration on how to
calculate is done by learners.
REVISION During the lesson Skills And -Learners explain on what they learnt and science
learners will: Attitudes: during the course of the term as well as syllabus
-Time Counting the year so far. page26-32.
-Plants -Practise what they Experimenting -Learners engage in discussion and -Ventures
-Counting learnt during the course Exploring experiments. primary
-Animals of the term. -Learners answer questions on what maths and
-Difference they learnt so far. science page
-Soil 53-139.
-Step up
Maths &
page 33-96.

REVISION During the lesson Skills And Learners explain on what they learnt and science
learners will: Attitudes: during the course of the term as well as syllabus
-Length Measuring the year so far. page 26-32.
-Health, nutrition and -Practise what they Weighing -Learners engage in discussion and -Ventures
safety. learnt during the course Experimenting experiments. primary
-Mass of the term. -Learners answer questions on what maths and
-Weather they learnt so far. science page
-Air 53-139.

-Step up
Maths &
page 33-96.


Broad Aims

For learners to:

 Make informed decision about health, safety and well being.

 Develop basic P.E related skills.
 Acquire team building skills, confidence and self-esteem.
 Inculcate aesthetic awareness of beauty in motion.
 Foster a collective spirit based on Zimbabwean norms and values (Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu)
 Provide learners with a sense of fury enjoyment and entertainment.
 Develop a sense of fair play, achievement and self awareness.

Topics to be covered

 Human body.
 Safety and health.
 Balances.
 Locomotion/movement.
 Coordination.
 Adequate skills.
 Play and game skills.
 Kids athletics.

Time Allocation: 5 By 30 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies- Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Skills Activities Resources /
& Attitudes) References

HUMAN BODY During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners always -Physical
Week 1 learners will: Attitudes: use their body parts. Education
My Body -name parts of the -Naming Introduction: Learners describe what Infant syllabus
body. -Body knowledge they are seeing on the body chart. page 27
Revision Dvpt: Class runs around the play area
-Naming body while clapping and singing. -Chart with
parts -Facilitator shows the facial body parts human body
and learners name them. parts.
-Learners also name the other parts of the -a doll
body on the chart and on the doll. -outdoor play
Lesson 1 -learners say how they use the parts when area
playing. -whistle
Conclusion: Learners answer questions
on parts shown.

AQUATIC During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have Education
SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: seen different water bodies. Infant syllabus
-identify and name -Naming Introduction: Learners sing the rhyme page 33
Water the water bodies. -identifying on water, “water, water I’m water I come
Familiarisation from the river, I come from the well pour -Chart with
And Safety. me in a cup I will shape like a cup, pour sources of
me in dish I shape like a dish……” water
REVISION Dvpt: -model of the
Lesson 2 -Identifying -Facilitator and the learners name the sources of
water bodies water bodies on the chart. water
-learners say where the water bodies are -real water
found in their locality. sources
-Learners identify the water bodies using
models and the pictures.
Conclusion: Learners sing a rhyme on

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Know Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending ledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References

SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners always -Physical
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: play in the outdoor area. Education
-observe the safety -Naming Introduction: Learners name the Infant syllabus
Safety rules that need to be Identifying equipment around the play area. page 28
followed around the -classifying Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the
REVISION play area. lesson. -outdoor play
Lesson 3 -Safety Rules in -Facilitator gives the safety rules that area
and out the play need to be followed to avoid injuries. -outdoor
area -Learners and the facilitator move around equipment.
identifying the materials/ objects that are

Conclusion: Learners give the rules that

were discussed during the activity.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have Education
learners will: Attitudes: done the skills during the week Infant syllabus
-give safety rules -weight transfer Introduction: Learners say what they
that rule the play -body knowledge. have learnt during the week. -test criteria
Skills done area. -aquatic skills sheets
during the whole -name water bodies. Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how -outdoor play
week. -name /identify the activity will unfold. area
parts of the human -Learners perform the skills set by the -cones
body. facilitator. -whistle
Lesson 4 -Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/
checklists to record the progress of the
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and
stretch their muscles.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Week 2
HUMAN BODY During the lesson learners Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners -Physical
will: Attitudes: know their body parts. Education
My Body -draw the human body parts -drawing Introduction: Learners name the Infant syllabus
separately. -body body parts shown. page 27
knowledge. Dvpt: -Learners and the facilitator
-Drawing the hold a discussion on how each body -picture of
human body part help in undertaking P.E body parts
parts separately activities. -real body
-learners draw the body parts in parts.
their books: eyes, legs, hands, ears,
Lesson 1 mouth, nose, head and the fingers.
Facilitator moves around
complimenting learners’ work
Conclusion: moving freely

KIDS During the lesson learners Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can -Physical
ATHLETICS will: Attitudes: throw objects with one hand. Education
-demonstrate the correct -throwing Introduction: Learners and the Infant syllabus
Running, throwing technique to hit a -body facilitator do some warm up and page 35
Throwing And target over a barrier. coordination hand stretching
Lesson 2 Jumping. -aiming Dvpt: Facilitator tells learners what -outdoor play
-hand- eye they are going to do during the area
coordination lesson. -cones
-Skill demonstration by the -whistle
-Throwing to hit facilitator on the technique. -boards
a target over a -Learners practice throwing, firstly -play area
barrier. shadow throw, then throw while equipment
static and then throw on the move.
-Mini competition- learners aim at
set targets over barriers
Conclusion: Learners mime
throwing hitting targets.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge Resources /
, Skills & References
Assumed Knowledge: Learners have heard -Physical
SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And accounts about hazardous objects. Education
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners listen to a story on the Infant syllabus
-Classify objects as -Avoiding subject and answer three simple questions. page 28
Safety hazardous and non- accidents Dvpt: -Facilitator gives the safety rules to be
hazardous. -classifying followed to avoid injuries. -outdoor play
Lesson 3 -Learners and the facilitator move around area
-Hazardous and identifying the materials/ objects that are -outdoor
non-hazardous hazardous. equipment.
objects. -Learners view hazardous and those which are -hazardous
not on the chart and the real objects. objects like
-Learners classify objects as hazardous and non- razor blades,
hazardous. poisons, nails,
Conclusion: Learners give the rules that were sharp objects.
discussed during the activity. -safe

Assumed Knowledge: Learners can balance on -Physical

BALANCES During the lesson Skills And one or two points. Education
learners will: Attitudes: Introduction- Class engages in warm up Infant syllabus
Weight Bearing/ -balance on given -weight activities-jogging, running and stretching. page 30
Balancing. points while bearing bearing Dvpt-learners practice balancing on one point
weight. -balancing and then on two points. -outdoor play
- Skill demonstration by the facilitator on how to area
-Solo balancing balance on various points while bearing weight -cones
while bearing properly and gives them points of stress. -whistle
Lesson 4 weight. -Learners practice solo balances while bearing -small bags of
weight. sand
-Mini competition between learners on who can -bean bags
bear weight for a longer period.
Conclusion –learners play a game on balancing
namely “jongwe” .

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencie Teaching / Learning / Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending s(Knowledge Resources /
, Skills & References
SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-perform tasks set -weight Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
by the facilitator transfer jogging. -test criteria
Skills done that they did during sheets
during the whole the week. Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
Lesson 5 week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 3 COORDINATI During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can handle a ball. -Physical
ON learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners do warm activities as per Education
-bounce a ball in a -ball skill routine. Infant syllabus
Coordination sequence with ease. -bouncing Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the page 32
Skills -hand-leg and activity.
eye -Learners shadow throw without the ball. -balls
coordination -Static practise of throwing the ball -outdoor play
Lesson 1 -learners throw the ball on the move/ while area with a
- moving hard surface
Bouncing(basket -Mini competition where a ball
ball skill) can bounce
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their well.
muscles. -whistle

LOMOTION/M During the lesson -weight Assumed Knowledge: Learners can travel on -Physical
OVEMENT learners will: transfer one or both legs. Education
-travel using both -continuous Introduction: Learners jog, run, jump and stretch Infant syllabus
Elementary hands. motion as warm up. page 31
Movement - Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
strengthening -Facilitator gives the floor to a resource person/ -outdoor play
-Travelling on of body learner to show the class how to travel on both area
hands. muscles. hands. -cones
Lesson 2 -learners practice travelling on both hands. -whistle
-Learners engage in a mini competition of
travelling on both hands to reach a target.
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can walk faster -Physical

PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And without losing their balance. Education
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners do some warm ups i.e. Infant syllabus
-race while -balancing running, jogging and stretching. page 34
Receiving, balancing a potato -running Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -spoons
sending and on a spoon. -coordination activity. -potatoes
Travelling. of muscles -Learners shadow balance potatoes on spoons. -outdoor play
Lesson 3 -leg-eye-hand -Practice stage by learners on balancing the bean area
coordination. bags while walking slowly and then faster when -cones
-sense of they have mastered the art. -whistle
-Potato race. competition -Mini competition, learners race with each other
to see a winner.
Conclusion: Learners cool down with own

KIDS During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can use their -Physical
ATHLETICS learners will: Attitudes: knees in so many ways. Education
Lesson 4 -execute a knee -Eye-leg Introduction: Leaners and the facilitator do Infant syllabus
throw. coordination. some warm up activities of jogging and page 35
Running, -throwing stretching.
Throwing And -coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
Jumping. of muscles. -Facilitator shows how to make knee throws. -balls
-athleticism -Learners practice in pairs. -outdoor play
-Individual assessment by the facilitator on every area
learner. -cones
-Knee throws Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging and -whistle

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-practise the skills -throwing Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
set by the teacher. -racing jogging. -test criteria
Skills done -bouncing sheets
Lesson 5 during the whole -travelling Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 4 SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can classify -Physical
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: hazardous and non- hazardous objects. Education
-draw a hazardous -Naming Introduction: Learners identify the equipment Infant syllabus
Safety object. Identifying that brings injuries around the play area. page 28
-classifying Dvpt: Class classify objects according to their
-drawing level of danger. -outdoor play
Lesson 1 -drawing -safety skills -Learners name the hazardous objects and what area
hazardous they can cause. -outdoor
objects -Learners draw the hazardous objects of their equipment.
Conclusion: Learners give what they discussed
during the activity.

BALANCES During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can balance on -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: one point. Education
Weight Bearing/ -balance on leg. -weight Introduction- Learners jog, run and twist as Infant syllabus
Balancing. bearing warm up. page 30
-balancing Dvpt-Learners mirror what the facilitator is
- doing. -outdoor play
Lesson 2 -Balancing on an strengthening -Class discuss more possible ways of balancing area
apparatus on one of muscles. on one leg. -cones
leg. -Learners balance on one leg as suggested while -whistle
facilitator helps out.
-Class alternate the balancing changing posture
and the leg.
Conclusion –learners do cool down activities of
own choice.

LOMOTION/M During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can know how -Physical
OVEMENT learners will: Attitudes: to roll. Education
-roll in pairs at the -weight Introduction: Learners are involved in rigorous Infant syllabus
Lesson 3 Elementary same time. transfer running and then stretch muscles. page 31
Movement -Athleticism Dvpt:Learners clear debris around the play area
-Rolling such as sticks and stones that may harm them -outdoor play
-Log rolling in -Fast when they partake the rolling activity. area
pairs. movement Skill demonstration.-Facilitator makes -cones
twolearners show others how to roll in pairs. -whistle
-Learners in pairs practice rolling in unison.
-Learners compete in pair rolling
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

COORDINATI During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge:Leaners can aim at a Education
ON learners will: Attitudes: target. Infant syllabus
-Toss a coin onto/ -Hand- eye Introduction: Learners give games they play page 32
Coordination into a target. coordination with coins. -balls
Lesson 4 Skills -Aiming Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -outdoor play
activity. area
-Learners shadow toss without the coin. -cones
-Static practise of tossing the coin onto the target. -whistle
-Tossing a coin -learners toss the coin into/ onto the target on the
to a target. move.
-Mini competition-Learners toss the coins at
different distances.
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
set by the teacher. jogging. -test criteria
Skills done sheets
Lesson 5 during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 5 HUMAN BODY During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can identify Education
learners will: Attitudes: their body parts. Infant syllabus
My Body -recite the rhyme on -Naming Introduction: Learners identify the named body page 27
body parts. -jump parts.
REVISION -jog Dvpt: Facilitator introduces the rhyme touching -outdoor play
-Rhyme on body the body parts area
parts -class practises the rhyme with the facilitator. -cones
Lesson 1 (Head and -learners practise the rhyme on their own. -whistle
shoulders…) -Learners recite the rhyme in motion.
Conclusion: Learners name the body parts
recited in the rhyme.

-P.E Infant
PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can bounce a syllabus page
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: ball. 34
-Bounce two balls at -Bouncing Introduction: Learners in warm up activities
Receiving, the same without -hand eye routines with the facilitator. -basketball
sending and movement. coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the court/ hard
Lesson 2 Travelling. -coordination activity. surface
of muscles -Learners shadow bounce without the ball,then -bouncing
static bouncing with the balls. balls
-Practice stage by learners while facilitator helps -outdoor play
-Bouncing two those struggling. area
balls without -Mini competition-the first to make five bounces -cones
movement. without losing the balls is the winner -whistle
Conclusion: Learners cool down by doing -balls
various stretches.

Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can throw objects -Physical

KIDS During the lesson Skills And using the underarm technique. Education
ATHLETICS learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Leaners and the facilitator do Infant syllabus
-make overheard -Eye-leg some warm up activities of jogging and page 35
throws an object coordination. stretching. -small balls
Lesson 3 Running, facing backwards. -throwing Dvpt: Skill demonstration by the -stones/
Throwing And -athleticism facilitator.(learner faces backwards, and then pebbles
Jumping. -coordination throws an object to the set target). -outdoor play
of muscles. -Few learners perform the skill in front of area
-Aiming everyone and the facilitator corrects them where -cones
necessary. -whistle
-Overhead -Learners practice the overheard throws.
backward throw -Mini competition-learners make overheard
throws into a hole.
Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging and

Assumed Knowledge: Learners can name their -Physical
HUMAN BODY During the lesson Skills And body parts Education
learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners jog and develop it into a Infant syllabus
My Body -carry out -Naming run and do some stretches. page 27
commands using -identifying Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
suggested body -critical -learners follow commands on using a named -outdoor play
Lesson 4 -Using body parts shown. thinking. body part e.g. lift a small bag with your leg, close area
parts to carry -human body your left eye etc. -cones
commands knowledge -In pairs or in groups, learners make/follow -whistle
commands that they make to each other
-Group/ pair feedback.
Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging and
stretching their muscles naming their body parts.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
Lesson 5 set by the teacher. jogging. -test criteria
Skills done sheets
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 6 SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners always make -Physical
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: axel movements during warm up activities. Education
-make axel -Health skills. Introduction: Learners are engaged in some Infant syllabus
Health movements of -Personal warm up activities. page 28-29
twisting and hygiene Dvpt: Facilitator explains the need to keep the
stretching. -Twisting human body health -outdoor play
-Axel -Stretching - Explanations on how it can be done to help keep area
movements the body health-also through axel movements. -plastic bags
Lesson 1 (twisting and -Class execute various twists and stretches for bins
stretching.) together with the facilitator. -matches
Conclusion: Learners give reasons why the body
should stay health and it can be kept healthier.

BALANCES During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can balance on Education
learners will: Attitudes: two points. Infant syllabus
Lesson 2 Weight Bearing/ -balance on three -weight Introduction- Learners do axial activities like page 30
Balancing. body parts or points. bearing bending, twisting and lifting.
-balancing Dvpt-Facilitator and learners balance on one -outdoor play
point and then on two and three points. area
-Balancing on -Class find ways on balancing on three points. -cones
four points. -Learners balance on three points as suggested -whistle
while facilitator helps out.
-Learners explore more possible balancing points.
Conclusion –learners do cool down by doing
axial activities done at the start of the activity.

LOMOTION/M During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can move in -Physical
OVEMENT learners will: Attitudes: pairs. Education
-move in threes -weight Introduction: Learners move in pairs and stop at Infant syllabus
Lesson 3 Elementary transfer facilitator’s signal. page 31
Movement -sharing Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
-team work -Demonstration showing learners how to travel -outdoor play
-Moving in -critical in threes area
threes thinking -learners demonstrate and practise moving in -cones
threes. -whistle
-Learners in their groups think of other ways to
move in threes and show the class their unique
Conclusion: Mini competition on the movement

COORDINATI During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can throw and -Physical
ON learners will: Attitudes: catch a ball. Education
-throw balls in a -Ball skill Introduction: Learners do warm activities as per Infant syllabus
Coordination ring while standing -Aiming routine. page 32
Lesson 4 Skills on one leg. -Hand -eye Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -balls
coordination activity. -Netball ring
-Netball skills -Learners practise throwing the ball in pairs. -outdoor play
-Balancing -Learners aim the ball into the ring while on one area
-Throwing a ball leg. -cones
into the -Mini competition- the pair that aims the ring a -whistle
ring.(netball number of times is the winner.
skills) Conclusion: Learners shadow aim without the
ball at targets of their own choice.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
Lesson 5 set by the teacher. jogging. -test criteria
Skills done sheets
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

AQUATIC During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners know water Education
Week 7 SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: bodies. Infant syllabus
-splash water in -water Introduction: Learners sing the rhyme on water, page 33
Water sinks or basin. knowledge “water, water……”
Familiarisation -splashing Dvpt: facilitator gives the focus of the lesson. -Chart with
And Safety. -Facilitator and the learners pour water in sinks or sources of
basins. water
-learners play with water by splashing. -sinks
-Swimming drills -Learners talk about water, what they discovered -basins
Lesson 1 during their play with water. -real water
Conclusion: Learners name water bodies on the

PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can throw balls. -Physical
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners throwaway stones that Education
-throw balls to the -balancing they find around the play area. Infant syllabus
Lesson 2 Receiving, wall and receive to -coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the page 34.
sending and self. of muscles activity.
Travelling. -throwing -Learners shadow throw and catch without the -outdoor play
-catching/ ball, static throwing and catching with the ball area
receiving and then throwing and catching while moving. -cones
-Practice stage by learners while facilitator helps -whistle
-Throwing a ball those struggling. -tennis/ small
to the wall and -Individual assessment by the facilitator. balls
receive to self. Conclusion: Learners cool down by doing
various stretches.

KIDS During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can skip and -Physical
ATHLETICS learners will: Attitudes: jump. Education
-work alone -Eye-leg-hand Introduction: Leaners and the facilitator do Infant syllabus
Lesson 3 swinging and coordination. some warm up activities of running, jogging and page 35
Running, skipping a rope. -jumping stretching.
Throwing And -coordination Dvpt: Facilitator show learners how to swing and -ropes
Jumping. of muscles. skip the rope at the same time. -outdoor play
-athleticism -Few learners who are well versed show others area
how it is done. -cones
-Learners practice rope skipping as individuals -whistle
-Rope skipping while facilitator assists them.
-Mini competition-skipping, counting to 5
without stopping
Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging and

HUMAN BODY During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can identify -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: their body parts. Education
My Body -recite the rhyme on -Naming Introduction: Learners identify the named body Infant syllabus
Lesson 4 body parts. -jump parts. page 27
-jog Dvpt: Facilitator introduces the rhyme touching
-Rhyme on body the body parts -mirror
parts -class practises the rhyme with the facilitator. -outdoor play
(-I see with my -learners practise the rhyme on their own. area
eyes -Learners recite the rhyme making the actions,
-I hear with my e.g. walk when say” I walk with my legs.”
ears Conclusion: Learners name the body parts
-I speak with my recited in the rhyme
-I clap with my
-I walk with my

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Education
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and Infant syllabus
set by the teacher. jogging.
Lesson 5 Skills done -test criteria
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the sheets
week. activity will unfold. -outdoor play
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. area
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -cones
record the progress of the learners -whistle
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 8 SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners know that they -Physical
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: need to stay healthy. Education
-name healthy and -health skills Introduction: Learners and facilitator say they Infant syllabus
Health unhealthy foods. -exercising foods they ate in the morning for breakfast. page 29
-personal Dvpt: Discussion on staying healthy and fit e.g
hygiene eating well, facilitator also explains how good -outdoor play
Lesson 1 -Healthy and -safety skills selection of food helps to keep health. area
unhealthy foods -Class activity classifying food into healthy and -outdoor
unhealthy foods. equipment.
Learners answer questions using no or yes, e.g. Is -Slides
chocolate a healthy food?-No
Conclusion: Learners name things that they
should do to stay fit

BALANCES During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can balance on -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: three points. Education
Weight Bearing/ -bear weight -weight Introduction-Learners jog, run and twist as Infant syllabus
Balancing. through balancing bearing warm up. page 30
Lesson 2 on one another. -balancing Dvpt-Facilitator and learners practice balances
-team work done in previous activities. -outdoor play
-Bearing weight -Class discuss on possible ways of balancing on area
through each other. -cones
balancing on -Facilitator helps a few learners demonstrate to -whistle
each other. others on balancing on each other.
-Learners engage in pair and group work.
Conclusion –learners try more difficult stance
and do a cool down.

LOMOTION/M During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can walk without -Physical
OVEMENT learners will: Attitudes: difficulties. Education
-move /follow a line -weight Introduction: Learners walk according to the Infant syllabus
Elementary on the ground. transfer sound of a clap. page 31
Movement -locomotion Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
skills -Demonstration by the facilitator on move/ walk -Chalk/ stick to
Lesson 3 to follow a line without going sideways. Learners draw a line on
should keep arms on side ways the ground
Moving along a -learners practice moving on the said lie. -outdoor play
line. -Learners walk along the line,moving faster. area
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their -cones
muscles. -whistle

COORDINATI During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can climb on -Physical
ON learners will: Attitudes: climbers without falling. Education
-maintain their -maintaining Introduction: Learners do warm activities as per Infant syllabus
Coordination balance while balance routine. page 32
Lesson 4 Skills moving or climbing -hand- foot Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -ladders
a ladder. coordination activity. -outdoor play
-coordination -Learners practise climbing on the ladder while area
of body facilitator looks closely to ensure safety. -cones
-Moving/ muscles. -Each learner move on the ladder while everyone -whistle
climbing on a watches out. Facilitator will be monitoring
ladder. closely to avoid injuries on learners.
Conclusion: Learners bounce balls randomly
around the marked area.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Education
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and Infant syllabus
Lesson 5 set by the teacher. jogging.
Skills done -test criteria
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the sheets
week. activity will unfold. -outdoor play
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. area
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -cones
record the progress of the learners -whistle
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

LOMOTION/M During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can skip without Education
Week 9 OVEMENT learners will: Attitudes: apparatus. Infant syllabus
-skip using a stick. -weight Introduction: Learners do warm up activities. page 31
Elementary transfer Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
Movement -skipping -Demonstration by the facilitator on skipping -straight sticks
using a stick or bar and gives points of stress to -Iron bar
avoid injuries. -outdoor play
-Learners practice moving on the said apparatus. area
-Skipping with -Learners engage in a mini competition of -cones
Lesson 1 apparatus travelling using sticks. -whistle
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can run around -Physical
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: without falling. Education
-play the tag game -hand-leg- Introduction: Learners engage in warm activities Infant syllabus
Lesson 2 Receiving, in groups. eye with the facilitator. page 34
sending and coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the
Travelling. -running activity. -outdoor play
-dodging -Learners and the facilitator discuss on how to area
Traditional -work in avoid falls and injuries to ensure for safety. -cones
games. groups -Learners in small groups play the tag game while -whistle
-coordination facilitator monitors the learners making sure no
-Tag game of muscles one cheats and that they are playing safe.
(Chusveru) Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging in
the marked area.

Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can skip and -Physical

KIDS During the lesson Skills And jump a rope alone. Education
ATHLETICS learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Leaners and the facilitator do Infant syllabus
-work in threes -Eye-leg-hand some warm up activities of running, jogging and page 35
swinging and coordination. stretching.
Lesson 3 Running, skipping a rope. -jumping Dvpt: Learners swing and skip the rope as -ropes
Throwing And -coordination individuals. -outdoor play
Jumping. of muscles. -Demonstration on rope skipping in groups. area
-athleticism -Learners practice rope skipping in threes while -cones
-timing facilitator assists them. -whistle
-group work -Mini competition-skipping, groups that make 5
-Rope skipping skips without failing the rope will be the winners.
(2) Conclusion: Learners cool down by jogging and

BALANCES During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can balance on -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: several points point. Education
Weight Bearing/ -make balances in in -weight Introduction- Learners perform a series of Infant syllabus
Balancing. groups. bearing balances on various points. page 30
-weight Dvpt-Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
transferring -Demonstration on group balancing routines. -outdoor play
Lesson 4 -Simple group -team work -Learners in groups practice the balances while area
balancing. -balancing facilitator helps out. -cones
-Group feedback- each group shows its own -whistle
balance that it practised.
Conclusion –learners cool down by doing some
log rolls.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
learners will: Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
-practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
set by the teacher. jogging. -test criteria
Lesson 5 Skills done sheets
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 10 COORDINATI During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can throw and -Physical
ON learners will: Attitudes: catch a ball. Education
-receive a ball with -ball skill Introduction: Learners do warm activities as per Infant syllabus
Coordination an apparatus like a -hand –eye routine. page 32
Skills small net, container coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the
or tin. -receiving activity. -balls
-Learners practice the art of receiving without the -outdoor play
Lesson 1 ball. area
-Receiving the -Static practise of receiving with the ball using -cones
ball with apparatus tin/ net/ container -whistle
apparatus. -learners receive the ball while on the move with -empty tins
apparatus. -sewn nets
-Mini competition -containers
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

LOMOTION/M During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can dance to the Education
OVEMENT lesson Attitudes: drum beat. Infant syllabus
learners will: -coordination Introduction: Learners do warm up activities. page 31
Elementary -walk to the -balancing Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the
Lesson 2 Movement sound of the activity. -bean bags
drum beat. -Learners move according to the drum beat -outdoor play
imitating the movements of the facilitator. area
-Learners move slowly, fast and faster according -cones
-Walking to the sound change of the drum beat. -whistle
according to Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their
drum beat. muscles.

AQUATIC During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can splash and -Physical
SKILLS lesson Attitudes: blow bubbles in water Education
learners will: -water knowledge Introduction: Learners name water sources on Infant syllabus
Water -watch a video -swimming the chart page 33
Familiarisation on swimming -imitating Dvpt: facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
Lesson 3 And Safety. and imitate the -Facilitator sets the media to use and learners -Chart with
actions. name the gadgets on display. sources of
-learners watch the video on swimming. water
-Watching a -Learners imitate what they saw on the video -laptop/phone
video on Conclusion: Learners compete with each other
swimming pushing balls.

PLAY AND During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners have played Education
GAME SKILLS lesson Attitudes: some dodging games before. Infant syllabus
Lesson 4 learners will: -leg- eye Introduction: Learners are engaged in rigorous page 34
Receiving, -play the game coordination warm up activities.
sending and harmoniously -dodging Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -balls
Travelling. with others. -coordination of activity. -outdoor play
muscles -Formation of teams by the facilitator- a mixture area
Traditional -running of both boys and girls -cones
games -quick reaction/ -The facilitator talks about safety during the game -whistle
responding and that no one is allowed to cheat or run outside
the marked area.
-“Hwai hwai…” -Learners engage in the game in their respective
Conclusion:jogging and stretching.

SKILLS TEST During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have done the Education
lesson Attitudes: skills during the week Infant syllabus
learners will: Introduction: Learners warm up by running and
-practise the jogging. -test criteria
Skills done skills set by sheets
Lesson 5 during the whole the teacher. Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how the -outdoor play
week. activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ checklists to -whistle
record the progress of the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

Week 11 KIDS During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can jump and Education
ATHLETICS lesson Attitudes: skip. Infant syllabus
learners will: -Eye-leg Introduction: Learners do warm activities as per page 35
-run through coordination. routine.
Running, huddles for a -jumping Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration on the -huddles made
Throwing And short distance. -track knowledge activity. of sticks
Jumping. -coordination of -Learners practise jumping over the huddles -outdoor play
muscles. together with the facilitator. area
Lesson 1 -judging -learners practice the mini huddles while adhering -cones
to the whistle. -whistle
-Mini huddles -Mini competition-to see who can finish the race
above others.
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and stretch their

PLAY AND During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can make short -Physical
GAME SKILLS lesson Attitudes: passes with inside of foot. Education
learners will: -leg- eye Introduction-Learners engage in warm up Infant syllabus
Lesson 2 Receiving, -Play the game coordination activities. page 34
sending and “Hwishu”. -passing/ kicking Dvpt::Learners demonstrate passing as they
Travelling. -coordination of know it. -balls
muscles. -Facilitator and few learners give a demonstration -outdoor play
Traditional on playing Hwishu and give all the rules that area
games. govern the game -cones
-Learners practice kicking the ball before the -whistle
-“Hwishu” game.
-Practice stage , learners play the game while the
facilitator helps in making the game fair and
Conclusion: Pair passing in random.
Assumed Knowledge: Learners can do some
BALANCES During the Skills And pair balances. -Physical
lesson Attitudes: Introduction- Learners jog and stretch as warm Education
Weight Bearing/ learners will: -weight bearing up. Infant syllabus
Balancing. -balance in -weight Dvpt-Facilitator and learners re-do some pair page 30
Lesson 3 groups. transferring balancing.
-team work -Class show each other simple group balances. -outdoor play
-Group -Learners in groups of 5s perform group balances area
balancing. on mats or form rubber to avoid injuries. -cones
-Groups show cases their balances. -whistle
Conclusion –Class try a mass group balance with
the facilitator

AQUATIC During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can push balls in -Physical
SKILLS lesson Attitudes: water. Education
learners will: -water knowledge Introduction: Learners sing name water bodies Infant syllabus
Floating -demonstrate -floating they know. page 33
Lesson 4 the ways to Dvpt: facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
float on water. -Facilitator and the learners watch a video that -computer
-How to float on shows how to float on water. -phone
water -learners demonstrate ways to float on water as -pictures
(watching a shown on the video.
Conclusion: Learners mime floating on water

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Kno Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending wledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References
Assumed Knowledge: Learners -Physical
SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And have done the skills during the week Education
learners will: Attitudes: Introduction: Learners warm up by Infant syllabus
-practise the skills set by running and jogging.
the teacher. -test criteria
Skills done Dvpt: Facilitator explains to sheets
Lesson 5 during the whole learners how the activity will -outdoor play
week. unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by -cones
the facilitator. -whistle
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/
checklists to record the progress of
the learners
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and
stretch their muscles.

Assumed Knowledge:Learners play -Physical

SAFETY AND During the lesson Skills And every day on swings but not the Education
HEALTH learners will: Attitudes: right way. Infant syllabus
-demonstrate the proper -exercising Introduction: warm up activities by page 28
Health movement on swings. -personal hygiene the class.
WEEK -healthy Dvpt: Class and teacher discuss on -outdoor play
12 exercises that help muscular area
-Swinging on development.
Lesson 1 swings -Facilitator informs learners that
when they swing on swings they
will also be exercising.
-Facilitator shows learners how to
swing properly.
-Learners practice swinging on
Conclusion: Learners jog around.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Know Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending ledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References

HUMAN BODY During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners can -Physical
learners will: Attitudes: name the external body parts. Education
My Body -name the internal -Naming Introduction: Learners name the external Infant syllabus
body parts. -Body knowledge body parts shown on the chart. page 27
Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the
-Internal body lesson. -Pictures of the
Lesson 2 parts (the heart -Facilitator introduces the two internal heart and
and intestines) parts using bright pictures. intestines
-learners name the two body parts using
the picture and they touch where the heart
and the intestines are found.
-Class activity of identifying the two
Conclusion: Learners recite a rhyme on
body parts.

PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners have -Physical
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: played various traditional games. Education
-play the traditional -leg-eye coordination Introduction: Learners name the Infant syllabus
Lesson 3 Receiving, game tsoro. -critical thinking traditional games they have played page 34
sending and -muscular Dvpt: Facilitator introduces the game and
Travelling. development explains how it is played. -pebbles
-Facilitator and a learner show the class -outdoor play
Traditional how the game is played. area
games. -Learners in pairs play the game while the -cones
facilitator moves around assisting and -whistle
-“Tsoro” correcting.
-Volunteers play the game while the
whole class watches.
Conclusion: Learners engage in free talk
about the game with the facilitator.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Know Teaching And Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending ledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References

KIDS During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can jump -Physical
ATHLETICS learners will: Attitudes: over small huddles. Education
-hope around -leg- eye coordination Introduction: Learners engage in various Infant syllabus
Lesson 4 adhering to the -hoping jumping activities. page 35
Receiving, commands given. -coordination of Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration
sending and muscles on making cross hoping. -outdoor play
Travelling. -quick reacting -Learners practice cross hoping around area
the marked area. -cones
-Learners cross hop according to the -whistle
directions given by the facilitator.
-Cross hoping -Learners in pairs compete to reach a
Conclusion:Learners run around the
marked area and engage in cool down
activities like stretching.

SKILLS TEST During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have Education
learners will: Attitudes: done the skills during the week Infant syllabus
Lesson 5 -practise the skills Introduction: Learners warm up by
set by the teacher. running and jogging. -test criteria
Skills done sheets
during the whole Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how -outdoor play
week. the activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the -cones
facilitator. -whistle
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/
checklists to record the progress of the
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and
stretch their muscles.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Know Teaching And Learning Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending ledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References

PLAY AND During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can throw -Physical
GAME SKILLS learners will: Attitudes: and catch balls with a partner. Education
-throw the ball over -hand- eye Introduction: Learners throw the balls in Infant syllabus
Receiving, a wall or tree log to coordination pairs. page 34
WEEK sending and hit a target. -throwing Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration
13 Travelling. -catching on the activity. -outdoor play
-coordination of -Learners shadow throw without the ball, area
muscles static throwing with the ball and then -cones
throwing while moving to hit a target. -whistle
Lesson 1 -Throwing over a -Practice stage by learners while -balls
barrier to hit a facilitator helps those with problems.
target. -Mini competition
Conclusion: Learners cool down by
jogging in the marked area.

LOCOMOTIO During the lesson Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Leaners can jump -Physical
N learners will: Attitudes: on all legs without falling. Education
-jump over barriers -jumping Introduction: Learners engage in free Infant syllabus
on one leg. -maintaining balance jumps and stop at whistle’s signal. page 31
Lesson 2 -leg- eye coordination Dvpt: Facilitator gives a demonstration
-coordination of on the activity.
muscles -Learners jump while static without -outdoor play
-Jumping on one moving. area
leg over small -Practice stage of jumping over stacks of -cones
barriers. covered sticks, bricks etc. -whistle
-Mini competition to see who is faster on -balls
the activity.
Conclusion: Learners cool down by
doing various stretches.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching And Learning Methods / Activities Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Resources /
Skills & References

SAFETY AND During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners play every day -Physical
HEALTH lesson learners Attitudes: as well of exercise. Education
will: -exercising Introduction: warm up activities Infant syllabus
Health -demonstrate -personal Dvpt: Class and teacher discuss on exercises that page 28
exercises that hygiene help muscular development, strength and body
help muscular -healthy coordination.(axial activities like stretching, -outdoor play
-exercises that development. bending, twisting, lifting, running, jogging, area
enhance muscular leaping, swinging etc.)
Lesson 3 development, -Facilitator and learners do various exercises that
strength and body they know.
coordination Conclusion: Learners name the various activities
that will help them in maintaining their health.

HUMAN BODY During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners always use their -Physical
lesson learners Attitudes: facial parts. Education
My Body will: -Naming Introduction: Learners run around covering their Infant syllabus
-name the facial faces and stop at the signal of the whistle. page 27
parts of the body. Dvpt: Facilitator gives the focus of the lesson.
Lesson 4 -Naming body -Facilitator and the learners name the facial parts. -Chart with
parts -learners say how they use the facial parts when facial parts
(facial parts) playing -outdoor play
-Playing a game on naming the facial parts area
Conclusion: Learners name the facial parts -cones
shown. -whistle

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies(Know Teaching And Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending ledge, Skills & Activities Resources /
Attitudes) References

SKILLS TEST During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have Education
lesson learners Attitudes: done the skills during the week Infant syllabus
will: Introduction: Learners warm up by
-practise the running and jogging.
Lesson 5 Skills done during the skills set by the -test criteria
whole week. teacher. Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how sheets
the activity will unfold. -outdoor play
-Learners perform the skills set by the area
facilitator. -cones
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/ -whistle
checklists to record the progress of the
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and
stretch their muscles.
SKILLS TEST During the Skills And Assumed Knowledge: Learners have Education
lesson learners Attitudes: done the skills during the week Infant syllabus
will: Introduction: Learners warm up by page 27-35
-practise the running and jogging. -test criteria
Activities done skills set by the sheets
during the whole teacher. Dvpt: Facilitator explains to learners how -outdoor play
term. the activity will unfold. area
-Learners perform the skills set by the -cones
facilitator. -whistle
-Facilitator uses the criteria sheets/
checklists to record the progress of the
Conclusion: Learners jog, twist and
stretch their muscles.


Broad Aims

For learners to:

 Acquire skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing as well as Visual, Tactile and Manual skills for different purpose of the indigenous languages.
 Communicate effectively in different situations.
 Develop life-long reading culture in the indigenous languages for personal, cultural and national identity.
 Acquire skills of critical thinking on prevailing and cross cutting issues.
 Develop aspects of orature to enhance heritage and culture.
 Use ICT in learning indigenous language.

Topics to be covered

 Kuteerera.
 Kutaura.
 Kuverenga.
 Kunyora.

Time Allocation: 8 By 30 minute periods per week.

Vhiki 1 Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira -Indigenous Languages
kugona; yavakaita kotoro yekutanga iri Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Mavara nemazwi pachidziro. -Gore rokutanga chishona
-Kuverenga vachishandisa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira Ventures New Curriculum
C1 Za-, ya- mitinhimira mitinhimira z-, y- pg 43-50
-Vadzidzi vanovarenga pamwe -Gore rekutanga bhuku
za- ze- ze- zi- zo- zu- mazwi emitinhimira ari pachati. rechipiri p 23-25 Ventures.
Zara yake -Vadzidzi vanoverenga vari -machati
ya- ye- yi- yo- yu- mumapokaavo, vanovaka mazwi -zvitai tai
Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kunyora -Indigenous Languages
kugona; mavara Zz na Yy nemitinhimira Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Kunyora yacho. -Gore rokutanga chishona
mitinhimira. -Kunyora mavara z z -Vadzidzi vanonyora mazwi Ventures New Curriculum
Zuva ziso nemitinhimira nemitinhimira. pg 43-50
C2 za ze zi zo zu nemazwi. Zai, zera, ziso, zuva, zororo -Nhaka Youpenyu bhuku
Yose yedu -Vadzidzi vanodhirowa romudzidzi New
mifananidzo curriculum edition bhuku
zuva ziso 1a peji33.
Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaurirwa ngano -Indigenous Languages
kugona pamwechete nomudzidzisi. Infant Syllabus page 28-
-Kutaura Ngano -Vadzidzi vanoteerera 30.
-Kutaura zvakanaka uye vachitaurirwa rungano kuitira -Ziva Chishona Gwaro
-Hurukuro nokuteerera zvinotaurwa kuzoidura kana kupa yake. Rokutanga c.p.s bhuku
nekuteerera nevamwe. -Vadzidzi vanotaurawo ngano romudzidzisi pg35
C3 Kuchengetedza mumwe nomumwe.
nharaunda -Kupa nzira dzokuratidza -Mudzidzisi anogadzirisa avo
-kutsvaira hutsanana maererano vanenge varasika.
-kusakura chivanze nekuchengetedza
nharaunda yavo. -Vadzdidzi vanoitawo zvajkare
hurukuro maererano nezve
nharaunda yavo.


Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages

kugona; mtinhimira Infant Syllabus page 31.
-vanoita zviperengo kubva pane
-Kunyora zviperengo. -Kunyora zviperengo mitinhimira yavaita -Gore rokutanga chishona
zvemititnhimira z-, y- Ventures New Curriculum
C4 pg 40.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Mudzidzi nevadzidzi vanoverenga -Indigenous Languages

kugona; mitinhimira yapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Kunyora mazwi ane -Mudzidzisi anopa vadzidzi
mitinhimira. -Kunyora mazwi anotanga mienzaniso. -Gore rokutanga chishona
namavara emitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanopa mienzaniso Ventures New Curriculum
C5 m- v- t- n- yapiwa. yemzwi emitinhimira yaitwa. pg 40.
f- s-b-h- -Vadzidzi vanonyora mazwi
g- p- nemitinhimira yavapihwa m- v- t-

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Mudzidzisi anoratidza vadzidzi -Indigenous Languages

kugona; chati rine mazwi avachaverenga. Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Kuverenga mazwi. -Mudzidzisi anoppa vadzidzi
-Kuverenga mavara muenzaniso. -Gore rokutanga chishona
zizi joki yedu nemazwi echikamu. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi Ventures New Curriculum
umwe noumwe. pg 43-46.
-Vadzidzi vano dzokorora
C6 mitinhimira.
-kuverenga mazwi echikamu 10 -Chati remitinhimira
-kuverenga nyaya yechikamu 10
-kupindura mibvunzo.


Vhiki Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa Vadzidzi vanotaura nyaya -Indigenous Languages

2 kugona; dzezvinhu zvavakaona Infant Syllabus page 28-
-vanotaura zvavakaita nezuro 30.
-Nhau neRondedzero -Kutaura zvavakaona -vanoteerera nyaya -Gore rokutanga chishona
-zvawakaona nezvinoitwa kumba. Ventures New Curriculum
C1 -Kutaura zvavakaita pg 36-42.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa - Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi -Indigenous Languages

kugona; emitinhimira Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Zviperengo -vanonyora zviperengo
-Kunyora zviperengo mumabhuku avo -Gore rokutanga chishona
C2 Zuva Ziso Yake kubva pane mitinhimira z- Ventures New Curriculum
Zai Jira Joki , y-, j- pg 43-46.Chikamu 11

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira -Indigenous Languages

kugona; yechikamu Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Kuverenga -vanodzidzira kuvaka mazwi
mitinhimira. -Kuverenga mitinhimira -vanoverenga vari muzvikwata -Gore rokutanga chishona
j- z- nemazwi echikamu -vanoverenga umwe noumwe Ventures New Curriculum
C3 Zuva Vadzidzi vedu 11 -vanoverenga nyaya yaZezai pg 43-46.
mai bata
Gore bhuku rechipiri


Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora Zz Jj -Indigenous Languages

kugona; -Vanonyora mazwi nemitsetse Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Kunyora mitsetse. -Vanopedzisa mitsetse
C4 j- z- -Kunyora j- z- -Gore rokutanga chishona
Jira jena mazwi nemutsetse Ventures New Curriculum
Zizi rine mazai pg 43-45.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages

kugona; kuverenga mazwi echikamu Infant Syllabus page 32.
C5 -Kunyora zviperengo. -Vanonyora zviperengo
-Kunyora zviperengo mumabhuku -Gore rokutanga chishona
kubva pamutinhimira Ventures New Curriculum
yevhiki pg 43.
j- z- y-

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenge mitsetse -Indigenous Languages

kugona; -Vanodzidzira kuzadzisa nemazwi Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Kuzadzisa mitsara. akakodzera
C6 -Kuzadzisa mitsara -Gore rokutanga chishona
nemazwi akakodzera. Ventures New Curriculum
pg 45.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa Sokuti -Indigenous Languages

kugona; -huku ine---- matatu Infant Syllabus page 32.
-tinoona ne----
C7 Huku ine------ -Kuzadzisa mitsara Vanonyora dzokororo yezvavakaita -Gore rokutanga chishona
matatu yemibvunzo yedzokororo. Ventures New Curriculum
Tinoona ne---- pg 45.



Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorodza -Indigenous Languages

kugona; kuverenga Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Kuverenga Mitinhimira yese yavakaita.
C8 mitinhimira -Kuverenga mavara -Vanoverenga mitinhimira yevhiki. -Gore rokutanga chishona
Jj Zz emitinhimira nemazwi -Vanoverenga vari mumapoka avo. Ventures New Curriculum
Nemazwi acho echikamu. Vanoverenga umwe neumwe pg 49.
murairidzi achiteerera

Vhiki 3 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura zvavakaita -Indigenous Languages

kugona; nezuro vachibatsirwanemudzidzisi. Infant Syllabus page 28-
Nhau Rondedzero -Vanodhirowa mifananidzo 30.
Nezuro -Kutaura zvaakaita nezuro. yezvavakaita nezuro.
C1 -Kudhirowa mifananidzo.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzivanoverenga mitinhimira -Indigenous Languages

kugona; y-, w- Infant Syllabus page 32.
-Kunyora zviperengo. -Vanoverenga mazwi emuchikamu
C2 -Kunyora mazwi -Vanonyora zviperengo -Gore rokutanga chishona
ezviperengo zvemu Ventures New Curriculum
chikamu 12. pg 47-50. Chikamu 12

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages

kugona; mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 31.
C3 -Kuverenga -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira y- , w-
mitinhimira -Kuverenga mitinhimira y- nemazwi echikamu. -Gore rokutanga chishona
y- w- z nemazwi emuchikamu. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga vari Ventures New Curriculum
muzvikwata zvavo. pg 49.
-Vadzidzi vanovaka mazwi na y-


Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kunyora -Indigenous Languages

kugona; Yy Ww nemazwi acho. Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Kuumba mitsara. -Vadzidzi vanonyora mitsetse
C4 -Kuumba nokunyora Yy 1. Yese miti iyoyo. -Gore rekutanga New
Yy Ww Ww nemazwi ake. 2. Wese muriwo iwowo. Curriculum pp 49

Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Mudzidzisi anotaurira vana ngano -Indigenous Languages

kugona: ne nhetembo vakateerera. Infant Syllabus page 31.
-Ngano -Vadzidzi vanoita nhetembo
Hurukuro nekuteerera -Kutaura nekurondedzera -Vadzidzi vanotaurirana ngano.
C5 nyaya zvakanaka. -Vadzidzi vanoteerera nganokubva

Zviperengo Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages

kugona; kuverenga mazwi echikamu. Infant Syllabus page 31.
C6 -Kunyora zviperengo. -Vadzidi vanonyora zviperengo
-Kunyora zviperengo kubva pana y- w- -Gore rokutanga chishona
zvinechirevo. Ventures New Curriculum
pg 49.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse. -Indigenous Languages

C7 kugona: -Vadzidzi vanozadzisa na y- z- w- Infant Syllabus page 31.
- Kuzadzisa mitsetse -kuzadzisa na z- w- y- e.g. Tete vanoruma muri--o
-Gore rokutanga chishona
Ventures New Curriculum
pg 49.


Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga -Indigenous Languages

Kuverenga kugona: mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
Kuverenga vachinzwisisa -Vanoverenga mazwi emutinhimira 32
C8 Chikamu 12 y- w- - Gore rekutanga New
Zuva rabuda -Vanoverenga nyaya nekupindura Curriculum chikamu 13
mibvunzo Peji 44-47

Vhiki 4 Nhau Rondedzero Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa Hurukuro pamusoro pemabasa -Indigenous Languages
kugona: mumhuri Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Zvinoitika mumhuri Kutaura zvinoitwa kumba Vadzidzi vanotaura zvavanoita 32
Kutaura pamusoro kumba - Gore rekutanga New
C1 pemifananidzo Kudhirowa mhuri dzavo Curriculum chikamu 13
Kudhirowa mhuri Peji 48-50
Zviperengo Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa Vadzidzi vanodzokorora mazwi -Indigenous Languages
kugona: nemitinhimira Infant Syllabus page 26 -
Vanonyora zviperengo 32
-Kuti vazive kunyora mumabhuku avo - Gore rekutanga New
zviperengo vega Curriculum chikamu 13
C2 Peji 48-50

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira -Indigenous Languages

kugona: yavapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Vadzidzi zvakare vanoverenga 32
C3 -Kuverenga -Kuverenga mazwi mazwi pa zvitai tai. - Gore rekutanga New
mitinhimira nemitinhimira n- p- -Vadzidzi vanoverenga machati Curriculum chikamu 13
n- p- apiwa nomudzidzisi. Peji 48-50
-zvitai tai



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyorerwa mitsara -Indigenous Languages
kugona: yakanaka nomudzidzisi Infant Syllabus page 26 -
Nn Ee somuenzaniso. 32
-Kunyora mitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanoteedzera mudzidzisi - Gore rekutanga
-Zadzisa mitsetse. nokuzadzisa mitsetse kunyora zvakanaka mumabhuku NewCurriculum chikamu
Baba vanovesa.....… nemazwi akafanira. avo. 13
-Vadzidzi vanozadzisa mitsetse Peji 50
sokuti. Vanoraura ………… Ndima 2.3
C4 -chati

C5 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Mudzidzisi anotaurira Vadzidzi -Indigenous Languages

kugona: kudya kwemaangwanani, masikati Infant Syllabus page 26 -
Nhaurwa zvokudya nemanheru. 32
uye zvinonwiwa. -Kutaura pamusoro -Vadzidzi vanotaura kudya - Gore rekutanga
pezvinodyiwa kwemangwanani, masikati NewCurriculum chikamu
nezvinonwiwa. nemanheru zvakare. 13
-Vadzidzi vanotaura mazita sokuti Peji 48-50
svusvura, chirariro, mbuva. Ndima 2.3
-Vanodura zvakare zvinwiwa. -machati
-zvitai tai
Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages
kugona: kuverenga mitinhimira yechikamu Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C6 Zviperengo ichi vonyora zvipertengo 32
-Mazwi echikamu -Kunyora zviperengo vega. mumabhuku avo. - Gore rekutanga
13. NewCurriculum chikamu
Peji 40-50.



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora zvakanaka -Indigenous Languages
kugona: vachiteedzera murairidzi. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C7 Ww Zz -Kunyora mavara Ww na -Vadzidzi vanonyora zvakanaka 32
Kuzadzisa mitsetse Zz avakanaka. vachizadzisa mitsetse. - Gore rekutanga New
Curriculum chikamu 13
Peji 53-57
Ndima 2.3
-zvitai tai
Dzokororo -Kupindura mibvunzo -Vadzidzi vanonyora zdokororo
yedzokororo nemazvo. mumabhuku avo.
Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira -Indigenous Languages
kugona: mitinhimira yose yavakaita svondo Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mazwi nendima rino. 32
yechikamu 13. -Kuverenga zvakanmaka -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi ari - Gore rekutanga New
C8 vachitsetsenura. pamakadhi. Curriculum chikamu 13
-Vadzidzi vanoverenga pamachati. Peji 53
-Vadzidzi vanoverenga zvakare -machati
ndima iri mumabhuku avo. -zvitai tai

Vhiki 5 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Mudzidzisi anotaura nyaya -Indigenous Languages

-Rondedzero kugona: yezvaaiita kupera kwevhiki. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kwavakaenda -Vadzidzi vanotsanangura zvakare 32
-Nhetembo -Kutaura kwavakaenda zvavakaita kupera kwevhiki. - Gore rekutanga New
C1 mugovera nesvondo. -Vadzidzi vanoita nhetembo. Curriculum chikamu 12 ne
-Vadzidzi zvakare vanodhirowa 13
kwavakaenda. Peji 51-52.



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages
kugona: mitinhimira nemazwi echikamu 12- Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Zviperengo – Mazwi 13. 32
emitinhimira yevhiki. -Kunyora zviperengo -Vadzidzi vanonyora mumabhuku - Gore rekutanga New
C2 zvemitinhimira yevhiki avo zviperengo zvapiwa Curriculum chikamu 12 ne
rapfuura z-, w-, n-, p-. nemudzidzisi. 13
Peji 57

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vazdidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira -Indigenous Languages

kugona: bh- ch- Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kuavaka 32
C3 bha- bhu- -Kuverenga mitinhimira mazwi nemitinhimira. - Gore rekutanga New
cha- chi- ch- bh- -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi vari Curriculum chikamu 13
-Kuverenga nokuvaka muzvikwata mudzidzisi achibatsira Peji 55
mwazwi. avo varikunetsekana.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoteedzera murairidzi -Indigenous Languages

kugona: kunyora mavara zvakanaka. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kuzadzisa 32
C4 ch- bh- nemazwi -Kuverenga mitinhimira mitsetse zvakanaka. Gore pg 29 - Gore rekutanga New
acho. ch- bh- Curriculum chikamu 13
Bha- -Kuzadzisa mitsetse. Peji 57

-Nhetembo -Kudetemba nhetembo -Vadzidzi vanoita nhetembo
yakapuwa. vachitevedzera mudzidzisi.
-Havo vanhu. -Kudetemba chero mitupo -Vadzidzi vanoitawo zvakare
-Yopembera Nzuma yavo. nhetembo dzavanoziva.



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Indigenous Languages
kugona: mitinhimira nemazwi echikamu Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Zviperengo ichi. 32
C6 -Mazwi ane -Kunyora zviperengo -Vadzidzi vanonyora zviperengo - Gore rekutanga New
mitinhimira zvemitinhimira ch- bh- mumabhuku avo. Curriculum chikamu 13
ch- bh- Peji 57
C7 Kunyora -makadhi ane mazwi.

-Mitinhimira -Kunyora mazwi -Vadzidzi vanonyara mavara

bh- nemitinhimira bh- nemitinhimira bh- ch-
-Kuzadzisa mitsetse -Kuzadzisa mitsetse -Vadzidzi vanodzidza kuzadzisa
nemazwi akakodzera mitsetse nemazwi akakodzera p29.

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kuverenga -Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira mb- na dz- Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi 32
C8 mb- dz- -Kuverenga mitinhimira acho pamakadhi, machati Gore Rekutanga peji 60
mb- dz- nemafaira. -mitinhimira
-Kuverenga mazwi -machati



Vhiki 6 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaurirwa -Indigenous Languages
kugona: nemudzidzi mataurirwo Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C1 -Nhau eNhetembo. 32
-Kutaura kwavakaenda -Vadzidzi vanotaurirana nyaya - Gore rekutanga New
-Ngano kupera kwesvondo dzezvakaitika kupera kwevhiki. Curriculum chikamu 13
C2 nezvavakaita. Peji 68
-Midziyo -Vadzidzi vanotaurirana ngano -mitinhimira
yepamusha. -Kuataura ngano varipamwechete. -makadhi ane mazwi.
Kunyora dzavanoziva. -mifananidzo
-Zviperengo -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora
Mazwi emutinhimira. mitinhimira nemazwi bh-, ch-, mb-,
-Vadzidzi vanonyora zviperengo.

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoita nhetembo vari -Indigenous Languages

kugona: muzvikwata. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C3 -Kuverenga mazwi -Vadzidzi vanodzidza kuverenga 32
nemitinhimira. -Kuverenga mazwi mutinhimira ng-, zv-. Gore Rekutanga bhuku 2
ng-, zv-, nemazvo vachitsetsenura. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi peji 68
kubva pakadhi. -mitinhimira
-Vadzidzi vanoita chidzidzo ichi -makadhi anemazwi
vari muzvikwata.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira -Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira yapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 31
-Kunyora -Vadzidzi vanonyora mumabhuku - Gore rekutanga New
mitinhimira nemazwi -Kunyora mavara nemazwi avo mitinhimira nemazwi acho Curriculum chikamu 13
ng-, zv- zvakanaka. sokuti ngano, ngezi, ngirozi, zvake. Peji 71
C4 -Kupedzisa mitsetse -Vadzidzi vanodhirowa nekunyora -mitinhimira
mazita sokuti -makadhi ane mazwi.
Ngoma inorira. -mabhuku



Kuteerera Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vanotaurirana ngano dzavanoziva -Indigenous Languages
kugona: mudzidzisi anovataurira ngano Infant Syllabus page 26
-Ngano – Nguruve - Gore rekutanga peji 72
kudonha kwayo -Vadzidzi vanoafinra -Vadzidzi vanopindura mibvunzo -makadhi ane mazwi.
mumuti. kugona kutaura ngano kubva pangano dzavataurirwa -mifananidzo
C5 dzavanoziva dzavakanzwa. nomudzidzisi.
-Vadzidzi vanofanira
kugona kupindura
mibvunzo kubva panyaya.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora zviperengo -Indigenous Languages

C6 kugona: mumwe nemumwe. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Zviperengo 32
Mazwi echikamu -Kunyora zviperengo -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora mazwi - Gore rekutanga New
kubva pana ng-, zv-, kubva pamnitinhimira nemitinhimira mb-, dz- Curriculum 72-74
mb-, dz-. yavakaverenga, ng-, zv-,
C7 mb-, dz-. -Nhaka youpenyu bhuku
-Dzokororo -Vadzidzi vanoverenga ndima 1a pg 68.
-Kunyora -Kuzadzisa mitsetse yepachikamu 14. -mitinhimira
-Kuzadzisa mitsetse zvakakodzera. -Vadzidzi vanozadzisa mitsetse
mb-, dz- nemitinhimira yakakodzera.
Ona- -Vadzidzi vanonyora dzokororo

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverengerwa - Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira nomudzidzisi ivo Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuverenga mazwi vodzokorora kuverenga 32
nemitinhimira mb-, -Kuverenga zvakanakan mitinhimira. - Gore rekutanga New
dz-, ch-, ng-, zv-, zvinonzwisisika. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi Curriculum
kubva pamachati, makadhi Peji 72-74
C8 nemabhuku. -mitinhimira
-Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kuvaka -mabhuku
mazwi vari muzvikwata.



Vhiki 7 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura nyaya - Indigenous Languages
kugona: yezvavakaona kupera kwevhiki Infant Syllabus page 26
C1 Nhau kwavakaenda. Gore rekutanga bhuku 2
-Ngano -Kutaura zvavakaona Vadzidzi vanotaura ngano peji 30-36
-Tsuro naGudo varikumba kupera dzavanoda vari pamwechete. - Gore rekutanga New
nenyuchi. kwevhiki. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi Curriculum peji 72-74
-Kutaura ngano nemitinhimira yechikamu 14. -mitinhimira
C2 dzavanoziva. -mabhuku
Kunyora -Kuita zviperengo -Vadzidzi vanonyoreswa -makadhi
-Kunyora mazwi zvemitinhimira ng-, zv-, zviperengo nomudzidzisi.
nemitinhimira. mb-, dz-.

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverengerwa - Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira nomudzidzisi ivo Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuverenga mazwi vodzokorora kuverenga 32
nemitinhimira nd-, -Kuverenga mazwi mitinhimira. - Gore rekutanga New
C3 ny-. anotanga na nd-, ny-. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi Curriculum Peji 72-74.
kubva pamachati, makadhi -mitinhimira
nemabhuku. -mabhuku
-Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kuvaka
mazwi vari muzvikwata.



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodzidzira kunyora - Indigenous Languages
kugona: zvakanaka mitinhimira nemazwi Infant Syllabus page 26
C4 -Mitinhimira acho. Gore rekutanga peji 74
nemazwi. -Kunyora mavara nemazwi -Vadzidzi vanonyora zvakanaka -mitinhimira
ane mitinhimira nd-, ny- mumabhuku avo. -mabhuku
C5 Kutaura /Kuteerera -Kutaura ngano -Vadzidzi vanotaura ngano mumwe
-Ngano – Tsuro dzavanoda. nemumwe.
naGudo neNyuchi. -Kutaura nokuteerera -Vadzidzi vanoteerera ngano kubva
ngano. kumudzidzisi
-Kupindura mibvunzo -Vadzidzi vanopindura mibvunzo
kubva kunyaya yataurwa.

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura midziyo - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yavarikuona. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuvaka mazwi ch-, -Vadzidzi vanoverenga makadhi 32
C6 bh-, mb-, dz-, ng-, -Kuverenga mitinhimira. emazwi. - Gore rekutanga New
nd-, ny-, zv-. -Kuverenga mazwi -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi Curriculum peji 74
nemitsetse. mumabhuku. -mitinhimira



Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi - Indigenous Languages
kugona: nemitsetse. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mazwi -Vadzidzisi vanoverenga mitsetse 32
C7 -Mitsetse -Kuzadzisa mitsetse. vachizadzisa nemazwi akapiwa. - Gore rekutanga New
-Kunyora mitsetse. Curriculum
Peji 72-74.
C8 Kuverenga -Kuverenga mazwi. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi
-Kuverenga mistetse. pamakadhi.
-Kuverenga nyaya. -Kuverenga nyaya. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse
pamakadhi kana pachidziro kana
Vhiki 8 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodura mhuka - Indigenous Languages
kugona: dzavanoziva. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C1 -Hurukuro -Vadzidzi vanodura mhuka 32
Nhau – Mhuka -Kutaura mazita emhuka, dziripamufananidzo. -Ziva Chishona gwaro
dzesango. Vadzidzi vemhuka -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazita rekutanga bhuku
nemachemero adzo. emhuka. remudzidzisi peji 40.
C2 Kunyora -Nhaka youpenyu peji 65.
-Zviperengo. -mabhuku
-Kupenetera mazwi -Vadzidzi vanosheedzerwa
avanenge vapuwa. zviperengo zvemitinhimirwa
yakaitwa kare.
-Vadzidzi vanodzokorora basa
ravanenge vanyora kare
vachibatsirwa nomudzidzisi.



Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira - Indigenous Languages
kugona: yavapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mazwi emitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi 32
sh-, nz-. -Kuverenga mavara avanenge vavaka. -Ziva Chishona gwaro
nemazwi akapuwa. rekutanga bhuku
C3 remudzidzi peji 12 ne 24.
Gore rekutanga New
Peji 78

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi. - Indigenous Languages

C4 kugona: -Vadzidzi vanozadzisa mitsetse Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kunyora mitsara nokuverenga vachibatsirwa 32
Ngoma----- -Kuverenga mazwi. nomudzidzisi. Gore rekutanga New
Mvura ino----- -Kuzadzisa mitsetse. -Vadzidzi vanonyora basa Curriculum
ravapiwa. Peji 78
C5 Naya, rira -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora -Nhaka youppenyu bhuku
Kutaura / Kuteerera -Kuziva mitambo yavo. zvanyorwa kuita gadziro. rokutanga 1b peji 87
Ngano -mitinhimira
-Mitambo -Vadzidzi vanodoma zvavaona -mabhuku
yeVadzidzi zvakaiswa patafura nomudzidzisi. -mifananidzo
--Vadzidzi vanotaura basa rezvinhu
-Vadzidzi vanotaura imwe
mitambo yavanoziva vachibatsirwa



China Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga - Indigenous Languages
kugona: mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C6 -Mazwi emitinhimira -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse. 32
-Kuverenga mitsetse. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mumashure Gore rekutanga New
-Kuverenga nyaya. memumwe anenge agona Curriculum
-Kupindura mibvunzo. kuverenga mutsetse. Peji 75--78
-Vadzidzi vanoverenga nyaya -mitinhimira
Kunyora -Kunyora mitsetse mumabhuku. -mabhuku
C7 zvakanaka.
-Mitsetse -Kuzadzisa mitsetse -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi.
namazvo. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse
vachizadzisa nemazwi avapiwa.
-Vadzidzi vanonyora basa
ravapiwa redzokororo.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi mavara nemakadhi. - Indigenous Languages

C8 kugona: -Vadzidzi vanonyora mazwi Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Zviperengo. avanenge vasheedzerwa 32
--Dzokororo -Kuverenga mazwi nomudzidzisi. Gore rekutanga New
yemitinhimira akapuwa. -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora mazwi Curriculum
yakaitwa. -Kunyora zviperengo. avanenge vapiwa. Peji 78-80
-makadhi emavara



Vhiki 9 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanokurukura pamusoro - Indigenous Languages
kugona: pekutumira mashoko. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Hurukuro pamusoro -Vadzidzi vanodura nzira 32
pekutumira mashoko. -Nzira dzekutumira dzaishandiswa kutumira mashoko Gore rekutanga New
C1 mashoko. kare. Curriculum Peji 81

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga - Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C2 -Kunyora -Vadzidzi vanovaka mwazwi 32
mitinhimira ts-, bv-.. -kuverenga mitinhimira voaverenga. Gore rekutanga New
nemazvo. -Vadzidzi vanovaka mazwi avo Curriculum
-Kunyora mazwi avakwa. voga. Peji 83

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi - Indigenous Languages

kugona: pakadhi. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C3 -Mazwi -Vadzidzi vanoverenga nyaya 32.
tsamba -Kuverenga mazwi. mubhuku. -makadhi ane mazwi
bvuta -Kuverenga mitsetse -Vadzidzi vanoppindura mibvunzo
bveni yemunyaya. vachikurukura.
Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse iri - Indigeous Languages
kugona: pachidziro. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C4 -Zuva rinobuda -Vadzidzi vanozadzisa mitsetse. 32
nekuma----zuva. -Kupindura mibvunzo -Vadzidzi vanonyora basa Gore rekutanga New
yabvunzwa. ravapiwa. Curriculum
Peji 83



C5 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanokurukura pamusoro - Indigenous Languages
kugona: pemabasa anoitwa nevanhu Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kutaura ppamusoro vakasiyana siyana. 32
pema tsotsi netsika -Kudura basa rinoitwa -Vadzidzi vanokurukura zvinhu Gore rekutanga New
dzakanaka. nematsotsi. zvakaipa zvinoitwa nevanhu Curriculum
vachirairidzwa nemudzidzisi. Peji 80-84
-Vadzidzi vanodura nokukurukura -mifananidzo
pamusoro pematsotsi nekushata

C6 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga - Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kupedzisa kunyora -Vadzidzi vanovaka mazwi 32
mazwi nemavara -Kuzadzisa mazwi nemitinhimira yavapiwa Gore rekutanga New
aeiou nemavara akapiwa. vachibatsirwa nomudzidzisi. Curriculum
bv----ru -Vadzidzi vanoppiwa zvokuita Peji 82
ts---tsi vonyora. -mazwi pa machati
-Vadzidzi vanodzokorora

C7 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanodoma mhuka - Indigenous Languages

kugona: dzavanoziva. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-mazita emhuka -Vadzidzi vanodura mhuka dziri 32
-Kudoma mazita emhuka. pachati kana mubhuku. Gore rekutanga chishona
-Vadzidzi vanoita hurukuro new curriculum peji 91
maererano neVadzidzi vemhuka. -mifananidzo yemhuka
-Vadzidzi vanonyora basa neVadzidzi vadzo


C8 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanokurukura pamusoro - Indigenous Languages

kugona: pemhuka dzavanoziva. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Hurukuro pamusoro -Vadzidzi vanopatsanura mhuka 32
pemhuka -Kudoma mhuka dzepamusha nedzemusango. Gore rekutanga New
dzepamusha nebasa dzepamusha. -Vadzidzi vanotaura mabasa Curriculum
radzo. -Kudoma mhuka emhuka dzepamusha uye kukosha Peji 94
dzemusango. kwadzo. -Nhaka youpenyu Bhuku
-Kudoma mabasa emhuka. Romudzidzi peji 36.
-mifananidzo yemhuka.

Vhiki 10 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga - Indigenous Languages

kugona: mitinhimira. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C1 -Mazwi ane -Vadzidzi vanovaka mazwi 32
mitinhimira mh-, -Kunyora mazwi ane voverenga. Gore rekutanga New
mw- mutinhimira wakapiwa. -Vadzidzi vanonyora mazwi avo Curriculum
avanenge vaumba. Peji 95
-Nhaka youpenyu Bhuku
Romudzidzi peji 33.
-mifananidzo yemhuka.

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora basa - Indigenous Languages

C2 kugona: ravanenge vapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Nyaya pamusoro -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora basa 32
pemombe. -Kupiindura mibvunzo ravanenge vanyora kuti vanyore Gore rekutanga
yavabvunzwa. gadziridzo. NewCurriculum
-Kunyora mitsetse Peji 94
ppamifananidzo yavapiwa. -mifananidzo yemhuka.


Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira - Indigenous Languages

kugona: ppamakadhi. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C3 -Kuverenga mitinhira -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi. 32
mh-,mw- -Kuverenga mazwi ane -Vadzidzi vanoverenga nyaya Gore rekutanga New
mitinhimira yavapihwa. vachiita mumwe noumwe. Curriculum
-Kuvaka mazwi ane -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora Peji 95
mitinhimira. paverengwa Newekutanga. -mitinhimira.

C4 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura pamusoro - Indigenous Languages

kugona: pechikoro chavo. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kutaura pamusoro -Vadzidzi vanodura zvimwe 32
pechikoro chavo. -Kutaura pamusoro zvikoro zvakavapoteredza. Gore rekutanga New
pechikoro chavo. Curriculum
Peji 75
-mifananidzo yezvikoro

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yapihwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuzadzisa mitsetse Vadzidzi vanonyora basa ravo. 32
yakapiwa. -Kuzadzisa mitsetse -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora Gore rekutanga New
C5 nemazwi akapiwa. zvavanyora kuti vanyore gadziriro. Curriculum
Peji 78
-zvitai tai.


C6 Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi - Indigenous Languages

kugona: avapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Nyaya Chikoro che -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mumwe 32
Rumhanda. -Kuverenga mitsetse iri nemumwe vamwe vachidzokorora Gore rekutanga New
munyaya. paverengwa. Curriculum
-Kupindura mibvunzo pane Peji 75.
nyaya yaverengwa. -mifanidzo yezvikoro.

C7 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora dzokororo - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yezvavakamboita. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Dzokoro -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora 32
-Kuumba mazwi. -Pindura imwe zvavanyora kuti vazonyora Gore rokutanga chishona
mh-, nd-, sh-, ng, ts-, yemibvunzo yavabvunzwa. gadziriso. new curriculum peji 78
bv-. -Kuvaka mazwi.

C8 Kuteerera Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura mifananidzo - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yavaona. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
Ngano -Vadzidzi vanoudzwa rungano rwa 32.
-Hanga na Jongwe. -Kuteerera nyaya hanga na jongwe voteererera -Ziva Chishona Gwaro
nemazvo. namazvo. rekutanga bhuku
-Kudzokorora nyaya -Vadzidzi vanorondedzera remudzidzisi peji 48-49.
yaverengwa vachiita zvavanzwa. -mifananidzo.
mumwe mumwe.


Vhiki 11 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira - Indigenous Languages

kugona: nemazwi. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Mitinhimira mw-, -Vadzidzi vanovalka mazwi 32
C1 rw-. -Kuverenga mitinhimira vomaverenga. Gore rekutanga
yapiwa. -Vadzidzi vanonyora mazwi NewCurriculum chikamu
-Kuvaka mazwi avanenge vaumba mumabhuku. 13
nekuverenga. Peji 81.

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yemunyaya. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
C2 -Rwendo rwa -Vadzidzi vanoita mumwe 32
Tinarwo. -Kuverenga mitsetse. mumwe kuverenga mitsetse. Gore rekutanga
-Kutsanangura nyaya -Vamwe vose vadzidzi NewCurriculum
yaverengwa. vodzokorora pamwechete. Peji 95
-Vadzidzi vanenge vachipindura -mitinhimira

C3 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga basa - Indigenous Languages

kugona: pachidziro nemudzidzisi. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Dzokororo -Vadzidzi vanobatsirwa 32
pachidziro. -Kuverenga mitsetse. nemudzidzisi kusarudza mhinhuro. Gore rekutanga
-Kupindura mibvunzo. -Vadzidzi vanonyora basa ravo NewCurriculum
vodzokorora zvavanyora. Peji 94-96


C4 Kutaura Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanotaura mafambiro - Indigenous Languages

kugona: avanoita vachiuya kuchikoro. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kutaura zvifambiso. -Vadzidzi vanotaura zvavaona 32
-Kudura zvimbiso. pamifananidzo. Gore rekutanga
-Kukosha kwezvifambiso. -Vadzidzi vanotaurawo zvimwe NewCurriculum
zvavanoziva zvekufambisa. Peji 101
-Nhaka youpenyu Bhuku
Romudzidzi peji 28.
-mifananidzo yemhuka
C5 Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse - Indigenous Languages
kugona: yavapiwa vachizadzisa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuzadzisa mitsetse. -Vadzidzi vanonyora vachizadzisa 32
Baba vanorima -Kuzadzisa mitsetse mitsetse iyoyo. Gore rekutanga
neba---. nemazwi akapiwa. -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora basa NewCurriculum
ravo. Peji 96

Kuverenga Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitinhimira - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yavakaita. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Dzokororo -Vadzidzi vanovaka mazwi 32
C6 yemitinhimira -Kuverengera mitinhimira. nemitinhimira yavo. Gore rekutanga chishona
yakaitwa nemazwi. -Kuverenga mazwi. -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mazwi new curriculum 96
pamakadhi. -makadhi

Kunyora Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanoverenga mitsetse - Indigenous Languages

kugona: yavapiwa. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Kuzadzisa mitsetse. -Vadzidzi vanonyora mitsetse 32
C7 -Kuzadzisa mitsetse yavapiwa vachizadzisa. Gore rekutanga New
Usiku kune------. nemavara akapiwa. -Vadzidzi vanozodzokorora Curriculum
zvavanyora. Peji 104


Vhiki 12 Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora bvunzo - Indigenous Languages

DZOKORORO kugona: yedzokororo. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
-Vadzidzi vanodzokorora 32.
-Kupindura mibvunzo zvavanenge vanzora. -makadhi ane mazwi
zvakanaka. -bvunzo
-Kunyora avakanaka.

Vhiki 13 BVUNZO Vadzidzi vanotarisirwa -Vadzidzi vanonyora bvunzo - Indigenous Languages

DZEKUPERA kugona: dzekupera kwekotoro. Infant Syllabus page 26 -
KWEKOTORO -Vadzidzi vanodzokorora 32
Vhiki 14 -Kupindura mibvunzo zvavanonyora. -mapepa
yebasa raitwa mugore rino. -chidziro
-Kunyora zvakanaka.


Broad Aims

For learners to:

 Become literate in visual and performing arts.

 Appreciate Zimbabwean history from pre-colonial, colonial and Chimurenga/Umvukela.
 Value confidence, self-esteem and self-expression and practice skills necessary for creative expression.
 Incorporate the use of technology in visual and performing arts.
 Develop psycho-motor skills through visual and performing arts.
 Value copyright in visual and performing arts.

Topics to be covered

 Creative processes and Performance.

 Aesthetic values and Appreciation.

Time Allocation: 4 By 60 minute periods per week.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 1 Creative Process and During the lesson, Skills & Learners can sing. Performing
Performance learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners smack fingers asa Arts Syllabus
-Distinguish pitch Identifying warming up activity. page51
Music levels in given Naming -Learners play different instruments.
short Dvpt- Learners and facilitator name identify -modulator
-Timing and Barring. melodies/motifs. different musical instruments. -whistles
-Learners name other instruments.
-Facilitator names the modulator.
L2 -Facilitator name play different pitches.
-Learners say the different pitches played by
Conclusion – Learners sing their melody.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Creative Process and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know different arts. Performing
Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners swing their bodies as Arts Syllabus
-Design different Identifying a warm up activity. page 52
Visual Arts pattern using Naming Dvpt- Learners name colours and design on
available resources Crafting their clothes. -Visual arts
-2 Dimensional pattern to produce objects -Learners name different designs on their area
L3 media. in 2 dimensional. surroundings
-Learners name and identify patterns -Artefacts
displayed by facilitator. -Paint
-Facilitator help learners to make or design -Bond paper
their own patterns -Crayons
-Learners make patterns.
Conclusion – Learners display their work.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know games from their laptops. Performing
and Performance learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners watch theatre games Arts Syllabus
-Play theatre Playing Dvpt- Learners move outdoor. page 52
Theatre games in groups. Performing -learners stretch out
-Facilitator demonstrate the games. -smart
-Theatre games. -Learners play the games in groups. phones
L4 Such as trust building,
focus, confidence, facial Conclusion – Learners play games showing
expression games others in their groups.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Week 2 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know various dances. Performing
and Performance learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners jump as a warm up Arts Syllabus
.Solve movement Playing activity. page 53
Dance problems Solving - Learners dance to music they know.
Dissolving Dvpt- Learners with facilitator discuss items -Dance area
-Movement problems. of dance area.
-Learners discuss type of dance movement
with facilitator.
Conclusion – Learners perform the

Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners have heard music on laptops and Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes cell phones. Arts Syllabus
-Identify Singing Introduction –Learners smack their fingers. page 51
Music musicalforms in Identifying Dvpt- Learners hear music from their
melodies. Listening laptops. -Modulator
-Pitch identification in -Learners sing the music denoting pitch -Chart with
short melodies. levels from the first to the fourth degree with note values
L2 hand signs.

Conclusion – Learners sing the modulator

up to the fourth degree.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know their main colours. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners lifting colours on Arts Syllabus
-Apply elements Saying shapes. page 52
Visual Arts of design to -learners sing a song on colours
artwork. Dvpt- Facilitator and learners discuss about -Visual Arts
-Application element of -Design different elements of design to produce artworks. area play
design to artworks pattern using -Learners make different designs of artworks dough/
L3 available resources using play dough/plasticise, clay. plasticise,
to produce objects clay
in 2 dimensional Conclusion – Learners display or show
others their talents.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know stories. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners node their head. Arts Syllabus
-Create their own Saying -learners sing their own choice song. page 52
Theatre games or short Creating Dvpt- Facilitator help learners to perform
stories Telling their own stories using pictures.
-Improvisation of -Learners see, stories from computers. -Picture
appropriate age stories -Learners imitate their stories. books
L4 -Learners dramatize create stories.

Conclusion – Learners say their stories to


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 3 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners can dance. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners hop on one leg Arts Syllabus
-Create movement Singing singing jongwe rechirimotenderera. page 53
Dance in response to Dancing Dvpt- Learners and facilitator discuss items
pictures music and Seeing on dance area. -Dance area
-Movement, music rhymes Discussion -Learners see pictures and discuss. -Picture
pictures and rhymes -Learners dance to the music movement. books
L1 . -Smartphone
Conclusion –Best learners perform to others.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know some of the instruments. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners clap hands as a Arts Syllabus
-Use percussion Singing warm up activities. page 52
Music instruments to Clapping -Learners identify instruments on chart
accompany Listening Dvpt- Facilitator and learners discuss -Chart with
-Percussion instruments melodies/motifs Dancing instruments displayed. instruments
in short melodies -Learners in groups play different Music play
L2 instruments with the help of the facilitator. centre
-Learners dance to their beats in groups.
-Learners perform to other in turn.

Conclusion – Best learners perform to


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners have done art before. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing the song Arts Syllabus
-Apply elements Painting Ndodada naye Jesu showing some of the page 51
Visual Arts of design to Handling body parts.
artworks Dvpt- Facilitator showlearners’ different -Clay with
L3 -Application of artwork. plasticise
elements of design to -Learners with the help of the facilitator -Paint
artworks paint using some of their body parts e.g. -Music play
foot/palms. centre
-Learners paint on their own.

Conclusion – Learners display their work

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners play games at home. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners jump playing the Arts Syllabus
-Create their own Speaking game jump in jump out. page 52
Theatre games Singing Dvpt- Facilitator help learners to create their
Listening own games.
-Improvisation of -Learners watch other games in computer, -Smart
L4 appropriate age stories laptops. phones
-Learners can have games in groups or pairs.
-Learners perform to others.

Conclusion – Learners with best games

perform to others.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 4 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know rhymes from E.C.D. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners say the rhyme of the Arts Syllabus
-Create movement Singing shapes they know. page 53
Dance in response to Dancing Dvpt- Facilitator and learners say some of
rhymes Listening the rhymes.
-Movement, music and -Learners in groups or pairs say rhymes -Smartphone
rhymes making actions.
L1 -Learners with the help of the facilitator
learn a new rhyme from the phone.

Conclusion –Learners perform to others.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to sing music. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners swing their arms. Arts Syllabus
-Use percussion Singing Dvpt- Facilitator and learners sing a song of page 51
Music instruments to Dancing their choice
L2 accompany -Facilitator help learners listen to the phone.
-Composition of songs melodies/motifs -Learners turn in groups or pairs compose
their own songs.
-Facilitator and other learners select best

Conclusion – Best performers perform to


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know colours Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing the song Arts Syllabus
-Use primary Painting colours,colours page 51
Visual Arts colours to produce Drawing Dvpt- Learners discuss colours on a flag.
artworks. -Learners associate the colours with their
L3 -Use of primary colours -Apply elements to natural resources. -Smartphone
to produce artworks design artworks -Learners can draw and colour making their -Flag
own choice of colour.

Conclusion – Learners display and discuss

their work
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know, many stories. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing a song making Arts Syllabus
-Act using Miming action page 52
Theatre gestures Singing Dvpt- Facilitator and learners discuss about
pictures. -Pictures
-Pantomime -Learners use pictures to tell their favourite -Smart
L4 stories. phones
-Learners tell stories or mime stories.

Conclusion – Learners mime to each other

who performed best

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 5 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to dance. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners swing their bodies. Arts Syllabus
-Perform a Dancing Dvpt- Facilitator guide andhelp learners sing page 53
Dance complete song sung with sequence e.g.Mberishure,
movement Kachemberekegudo, I hear a thunder. -Picture of
-Movement Sequence sequence -Learners in groups imitate the song making wild animals
gestures in sequence with the help of the -Smartphone
L1 facilitator. -Picture book
-Learners who did well perform to others.

Conclusion –Best learners perform to others

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners have read some note values. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners clap their hands with Arts Syllabus
-Read basic note Saying the guidance of the facilitator. page 51
Music values Reading Dvpt- Leaners with the facilitator say the
note values.
-Oral Reading of basic -Learners learn from the facilitator how to -Charts
note values clap and say them. -Smartphone
-Learners clap in their groups.
Conclusion – Learners who did well clap to
-Write an exercise.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know the song colours, colours Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes everywhere colours. Arts Syllabus
-Use secondary Painting Introduction –Learners flick their fingers. page 52
Visual Arts colours to produce Drawing Dvpt- Learners name colours they know.
artworks. -Learners name colours in their classroom. -Bond paper
-Use of secondary -Learners with facilitator mix colours they -Crayons
L3 colours to produce have. -Paint
artworks -Learners mix colours and name secondary
colours they have produced.

Conclusion – Learners make their artworks

using the colours.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners have drawn themselves before Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners identify pictures Arts Syllabus
-Create pictures of anywhere e.g. laptops, phones. page 52
Theatre different Painting Dvpt- Learners with facilitator’s help discuss
community Drawing people in their community.
-Tableau/Living Statue leaders. -Learners discuss people they admire in their -Clay
L4 Community members -Act as living community. -Play dough
Statue of local -Learners make paintings statue of them -Plasticise
leaders. Conclusion – Learners display their work.
-Learners can draw the member.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 6 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to dance. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing their own song Arts Syllabus
-Create dance dancing page 53
Dance shapes Dvpt-Learners listen to music on phones or,
laptops, TV and dance. -Smartphone
-Movement to sequence -Learners perform in groups forming their -Radio
patterns Shapes own shapes.
L1 -Learners dance to the music.

Conclusion –Best learners dance to others

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners have read some basic note values. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners clap to the note Arts Syllabus
-Read basic note Reading values done before. page 51
Music values Dvpt- Leaners with the facilitator’s help say
other note values. -Charts with
-Oral Reading of basic -Learners clap and say the note value. notes
note values -Learners take turns to clap and say the basic -Phone
note values.
L2 -Learners clap to all note values.

Conclusion – Learners clap to the values

-Write an exercise.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending (Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know colours. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing the song The Arts Syllabus
-Use secondary Painting Rainbow have many colours. page 52
Visual Arts colours to produce Drawing Dvpt- Learners discuss.
artworks. -Drawing. -Bond paper
-Use of primary colours -Learners do the drawing and paintings. -Crayons
L3 to produce artworks -Learners display their work. -Paint
Conclusion – Learners discuss their work -Sand and
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners knowdifferent types of clothes. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners name and identify Arts Syllabus
-Use the types of clothes. page 53
Theatre appropriate Identify Dvpt- Learners and facilitator discuss types
costumes and Discussing of costumes.
-Costumes and props props Naming -Learners discuss other costumes. -Clay
L4 -Learners discuss props of different -Picture
costumes. -Print media

Conclusion – Learners explain what they

have learnt during the lesson

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Week 7 The Creative Process During the lesson, Skills & Learners know how to dance. Performing
and Performance. learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners move as directed by Arts Syllabus
-Show different facilitator. page 53
Dance emotions in their Dancing Dvpt- Facilitator say words of the song
L1 dance movements. learners repeating.
-Movement and emotion -Learners sing the song from the phone -Smartphone
-Brother John making actions and movement.
-Learners performing in groups.

Conclusion –Learners can help others

cannot sing and dance.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners dance or play at music at home. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator tell learners to Arts Syllabus
-Create Listening dance. page 54
Music movements to Moving Dvpt- Leaners listen to music played.
music focused Dancing -Learners move to rhyme of the song that
-Guided movement listening. reflects focused listening. -Music area
L2 -Learners dance to the music. -Recorded
Conclusion – Good performers selected to
perform to others.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners have seen clay pots, tools idols at Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes home. Arts Syllabus
-Produce artworks Introduction –Learners discuss items on page 54
Visual Arts and artefacts from visual area.
their environment Dvpt- Facilitator discuss with learners other -Visual area
-Artwork production in materials used to make artefacts. -Clay
L3 the environment -Learners make their own artefacts. -Play dough
Conclusion – Learners display their articles. person
-Learners can draw as an exercise

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners have seen their own pictures at Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes home. Arts Syllabus
-Interpret picture Introduction –Learners discuss their page 52
Theatre book. Seeing pictures.
Talking Dvpt- Learners with the aid of the facilitator -Picture book
-Picture book reading Drawing discuss other picture in the class.
-Learners have their picture reading book
L4 they can make up stories using pictures.

Conclusion – Learners discuss their own

-Learners can draw in their exercise books

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Esthetical values and Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Week 8 appreciation During the lesson, Skills & Learners have seen people dancing. Performing
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners jump as warm Arts
-State dance up. Syllabus
Dance vocabulary Dancing Dvpt- Facilitator with learners discuss page 55
Singing dances in pictures, phones etc. -Dance area
-Dance vocabulary e.g. -Learners discuss items on the Dance area -Picture
hosho, majaka and with the help of the facilitator their books
uses. -Picture
-Learners perform the dance in groups. -Print media
L1 -Smartphone
Conclusion –Some learners perform to
-Learner can draw some of the items.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners dance or play at music at home. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator ask for Arts
-Create movements Seeing volunteers to sing and dance. Syllabus
Music to music that reflects Painting Dvpt- Facilitator play different types of page 54
focused listening. Drawing music to leaners.
-Guided movement to -Learners dance in groups to music of
L2 music their choice. -Music area
Conclusion – Learners select other music
learners who perform well. -Smartphone

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know artefacts Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners show/name items Arts
-Produce artworks -Seeing displayed they know Syllabus
Visual Arts and artefacts from -Drawing Dvpt- Facilitator and learners discuss page 54
their environment -Painting other artefacts.
-Artwork production in -Learners discuss other artefacts they -Visual Arts
L3 the environment have seen or know area
-Learners identify some artefacts on -Magazine
pictures. -Resource
Conclusion – Learners can draw and -Smartphone
write an exercise.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners have seen drama Clubs at home. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners discuss other Arts
-Watch a theatre drama they know. Syllabus
Theatre performance. Watching Dvpt--Learners and facilitator watch a page 54
-Audience theatre e.g. -Learners discuss about the drama. -Theatre
L4 marabha -Learners watch other drama. area
Chipawo dance Conclusion – Learners discuss other

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Esthetical values and Assumed knowledge -Visual and
appreciation During the lesson, Skills & -Learners dance at home. Performing
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing songs of Arts
-Use dance vocabulary their choice. Syllabus
Week 9 Dance -Recognize the message Dancing page 55
portrayed in dance. Dvpt-Facilitator help learners on songs
-Dance vocabulary such of the same level shape -Dance Area
as shapes , levels and -Resource person help learners. -Resource
L1 direction in dance -Learners have direction in dance. person
-Learners perform in groups as
directed by resource person

Conclusion –Learners dance freely

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know how to sing Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners swing their Arts
--Create movements to Dancing bodies. Syllabus
Music music that reflects Singing Dvpt-Facilitator play music with page 54
focused listening- learners listening
-Guided movement to -Learners make movements to music -Music
L2 music in groups. -Audio
-Learners sing as they dance to the Visual
tune -Recorded
Conclusion –Selected learners dance.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know designs. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners discuss artworks Arts
-Use elements and from the environment by facilitator. Syllabus
Visual Arts principles of design Dvpt- Learners discuss artworks within page 54
in artworks. their community.
-Elements and -Learners discuss drawings from different -Visual Arts
L3 principles of design items e.g. books. area
Conclusion – Learners make their -Resource
exercise. person
-Learners discuss their work. -Smartphone

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners have seen drama. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator discuss with Arts
-Watch a theatre learners the main actors they know. Syllabus
Theatre performance. Watching Dvpt- -Learners say drama they have page 52
watched before
-Audience theatre -Facilitator plays a drama. -Theatre
L4 appreciation skills -Learners discuss the main actors and area
their roles. -Lights
-Learners can role play -Candles

Conclusion – Written exercise.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Esthetical values and Assumed knowledge -Visual and
appreciation During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know some word meanings Performing
learners will : Attitudes in songs. Arts
-Recognize the message Introduction –Learners sing the song Syllabus
Week 10 Dance portrayed in dance. Dancing of their choice. page 53
Dvpt-Facilitator play music for
-Communication in learners. -Dance
dance -Learners perform the dances. group
-Facilitator discuss the different dances -Smartphone
L1 with learners.
-Learners apply dance as a
communication skill.

Conclusion –Some learners perform to


Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know many songs/ music. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator and learners Arts
--Describe how ideas Dancing discuss different types of music. Syllabus
Music and moods can be Singing Dvpt-Learners with the help of the page 54
communicated through facilitator sing and dance to the song
-Ideas and moods music Happy happy (Winky Dee) -Music
L2 -Happy happy -Learners with the mood of the song. -Smartphone
-Learners discuss the ideas of the song. -Music Area

Conclusion –Learners dance and sing

the song.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know about artworks. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners discuss items Arts
-Analyse artworks Drawing on centre. Syllabus
Visual Arts within their community Painting Dvpt- Learners and facilitator discuss page 54
artworks within their community..
-Meaning of artwork in -Learners describe artefacts in the -Visual area
L3 their community gallery -Artefacts
Conclusion – Learners name artworks person
they know. -Magazine

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know about animals. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners sing a song on Arts
-State the meaning of animation. Syllabus
Theatre performance. Watching Dvpt- -Learners describe animal they page 52
Discussing know on charts of pictures.
-Animation appreciation Talking -Learners sing the song Father had a -phone
L4 -Watching a cartoon donkey.
-Facilitator and learners watch the
movie on animals.
-Learners discuss animals in the story.

Conclusion – Learners write an


Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Esthetical values and Assumed knowledge -Visual and
appreciation During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know dancers. Performing
learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator imitate Arts
-Express message dances and learners say the dancer. Syllabus
Week 11 Dance through dances Dancing Dvpt- Learners sing and dance. page 53
Singing -Facilitator play different music
-Communication in learners dance. -Dance
dance -Learners discuss the different dances group
they know. -Dance area
L1 -Learners express music through -Smartphone

Conclusion –Learners dance to the


Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & -Learners know songs sang at funerals. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Facilitator play music Arts
--Describe how moods Singing and learners describe the song. Syllabus
Music are communicated Dvpt- Learners with the help of the page 54
through music facilitator discuss the song.
-Ideas and moods -Learners discuss the mood of the song -Music Area
L2 through music -Learners sing other songs or listen.
-Learners discuss the moods.

Conclusion –Learners sing and

describe the mood of the music

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
Assumed knowledge -Visual and
Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know paintings and drawings. Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes Introduction –Learners describe items Arts
-Stage performance. Drawing displayed. Syllabus
Visual Arts Painting Dvpt- Learners and facilitator observe page 54
a movie. .
-Meaning of artwork -Learners discuss artefacts they have -Play dough
L3 and artefacts within brought. -Artefacts
their community -Learners discuss artwork. -Bond paper
Conclusion – Learners draw some of
the artworks.

Assumed knowledge -Visual and

Esthetical values and During the lesson, Skills & Learners know wild and domestic Performing
appreciation learners will : Attitudes animals. Arts
-Stage performance. Introduction –Learners imitate animal Syllabus
Theatre sounds. page 52
Dvpt- -Learners watch imitate animal
-Animation appreciation sound speaking folktales Tsuro na -Theatre
L4 Alvin and the Gudo. area
Chipmunks -Learners discuss the story.

Conclusion – Learners repeat what

they saw.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
REVISION During the lesson Skills & Assumed knowledge -Visual and
learners will: Attitudes Pupils can sing performing
History or arts and -identify the role of Naming Introduction –Songs of different arts Infant
culture. folktale music in the Composing cultures can be sung. e.g yave nyama Syllabus
past and present Singing yekugocha page 36
Music cultures. Dvpt- -Facilitator and learners name
L1 different songs for different cultures of -cds with
The role of music, the past and present. recorded
musicians and -The facilitator tells story of the past music,
composers in the past and present cultures and the role of Resource
and present cultures music in these different cultures. person.
-Learners discuss on different roles of
music of the past and present culture.
-Facilitator and learners discuss on the
need of songs of different cultures.

Conclusion – Learners will give the

importance of music
REVISION During the lesson Skills & Assumed knowledge -Visual and
learners will: Attitudes Learners are aware of some different performing
History or arts and -name local musicians Naming musicians. arts Infant
culture. and composers. Identifying Introduction –Musicians can be Syllabus
named. page 36
Music Dvpt- -Facilitator and learners name
L2 and identify different musicians on the -cds with
The role of music, picture and chart. recorded
musicians and - Role of musicians in the past and music,
composers in the past present cultures. -Pictures of
and present cultures -Learners draw and label different different
musicians of the past and present musicians

Conclusion – Learners will name and

identify musicians and give their

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
REVISION During the lesson Skills & Assumed knowledge -Visual and
learners will: Attitudes Learners can compose music performing
History or arts and -name local musicians Naming Introduction –different musicians and arts Infant
culture. and composers. Identifying composers can be named. Syllabus
composing Dvpt- -Facilitator and learners name page 36
Music and identify different musicians and
L3 composers. -cds with
The role of music, - Role of musicians and composers in recorded
musicians and the past and present cultures. music,
composers in the past -Learners compose different musical -hosho
and present cultures songs. Mbira
Conclusion – Learners will name and
identify musicians and composers.
REVISION During the lesson Skills & Assumed knowledge -Visual and
learners will: Attitudes Learners have attended several performing
History or arts and -Discuss music for Naming celebration occasions. arts Infant
culture. different celebrations Identifying Introduction –Sond: Tirikupemberera Syllabus
from diverse cultures in singing muchato page 36
Music the past and present Dvpt- Celebration songs can be
L4 - Role of musicians and composers in -cds with
-Music and celebrations the past and named. recorded
within Zimbabwe in the -singing and clapping to the music,
past and present. celebration songs of the past and -hosho
present. Mbira
-learners sing and record celebration Guitar
songs of the past
-Learners give importance of
celebration songs.

Conclusion – Singing and dancing to

the celebration songs of the past and
present cultures.

Week Topic / Content Objectives Competencies( Teaching / Learning / Methods / Media / Evaluation
Ending Knowledge, Activities Resources /
Skills & References
REVISION During the lesson Skills & Assumed knowledge -Visual and
learners will: Attitudes Learners know many people in the performing
community. arts Infant
-role of theatre and -give the role of theatre -Identifying Introduction – Learners give roles of a Syllabus
animation in the in the community theatre. page 37
community. -Characterising
Discuss roles of theatre Dvpt -learners give roles of theatre in -laptops
-Discussing roles of a -Discussing the community. -desktops
theatre -video clips
-Dramatising -Learners discuss on the theatre -pictures of
performances. characters.

Conclusion-Learners comment on the

characters that are desire in the

REVISION During the lesson Skills & -Learners give roles of dancers in the -ICT tools
learners will: Attitudes community. -dance
-the role of dancers -give the roles of -dancing -perform folk dances they know -pictures
-folk dances -cultural -give different dance styles and
-perform folk dances appreciation costumes
-dance styles and
costumes. -give different dance
styles and costumes


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