UCSP Week 6

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Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the Development
and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn

In our everyday lives, we notice that there are specific standard actions, simple or
complex, set by our society. People tend to have different responses with these imagined
pressures depending on the upbringing, values, or ideals. This lesson is designed for us to
be educated about such matter. Let the activities serve as your guide to understanding
them better.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish conformity and deviance in relation to societal goals

and means of achieving them.
2. Recognize the value of human rights and promote the common good.
3. Assess the rules of social interaction to maintain stability of life.

Let’s Try

Directions: Read the following statements. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the number.

____1. The obedience of a person to the rules so that he or she will be acceptable in a
particular society.
A. Conformity B. Deviance C. Enculturation D. Socialization

____2. The violation of standards or conduct, expectations, or norms of a

particular society.
A. Conformity B. Deviance C. Enculturation D. Socialization

____3. Individuals who have these beliefs and commitments have a level of self-control over
their actions.
A. Social Ostracism C. Socialization
B. Social Control Theory D. Enculturation

____4. Refers to rumors or idle talk about personal or private matters of others.
A. Forum B. Conference C. Tabloid D. Gossip

____5. The idea of an individual’s exclusion from the society.

A. Social Ostracism C. Structural Strain Theory
B. Social Control D. Socialization

_____6. It is necessary for breaking the law.
A. Forgiveness B. Consequence C. Punishment D. Pardon

____7. These are set of rules created by the governing body of the society.
A. Mechanics B. Norms C. Laws D. Standards

____8. These people were described as a group which chooses to accept both
the goals and standards of society.
A. Innovators B. Ritualists C. Retreatists D. Conformists

____9. This group of people also desires to fulfill the goals of society but will
find other ways to reach such goals and are generally branded as
A. Rebels B. Conformists C. Ritualists D. Innovators

____10. Refers to an individual or group’s sense of self-respect and worth,

physical and psychological integrity and empowerment.
A. Human Rights B. Human Dignity C. Privileges D. Values

____11. It is the assurance that all people shall be ensured to enjoy life, liberty, and security
regardless of their race, nationality, sex, residence, religion, or any other status.
A. Human Rights C. Values
B. Human Dignity D. The Common Good

____12. It is achieved when dignity and rights are equally and effectively granted to people.
A. Human Rights C. Values
B. Human Dignity D. The Common Good

____13. A governing policy where the focus is making sure that the belongingness in the
society will be felt by the citizens
A. Citizen Benefits C. Inclusive Citizenship
B. Citizen Privileges D. The Common Good

____14. This group in particular not only reject both goals and standards of society as they
are very expressive in overthrowing them and replace them with new ones.
A. Conformists B. Deviants C. Rebels D. Retreatists

____15. This group of people have decided to reject both goals and standards of the
society. They took a step back from reality and have recourse to either drug or alcohol
A. Deviants B. Retreatists C. Abusers D. Rebels


1 Conformity and Deviance

Let’s Recall

Select the jumbled words from the box that corresponds to the definitions in each number.
Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

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_______1. It describes the position a person occupies in a particular setting

_______2. Defined as very strong negative norms and strict prohibition of
certain behaviors that society holds firmly.
_______3. A strong desire and ambition with which someone is motivated to
work hard.
_______4. Defined as the process by which an individual adopts the behavior
patterns of the culture in which a person is immersed.
_______5. The process through which people learn to understand societal
norms, expectations, and values as members of society.
_______6. A way of behaving that expresses a willingness to obey rules or laws.
_______7. Accepted behaviors that a person is expected to follow in society.
_______8. Norms which dictates what is right and wrong.
_______9. Explained as measures of goodness or desirability.
_______10. A discipline where a person learns to do things on his or her own
without the supervision of others.

Let’s Explore

A. Enumerate five (5) Human Rights which you think is the best and that you are enjoying
the privilege of experiencing as of this moment.

1. The right to ________________________________________________.

2. The right to ________________________________________________.
3. The right to ________________________________________________.
4. The right to ________________________________________________.
5. The right to ________________________________________________.

B. List down and explain at least two (2) instances that human rights has been violated in
the implementation of laws during this pandemic.


Let’s Elaborate


Conformity and deviance are twin processes that flow from the enculturation and
socialization processes. The concept of social control as either the provision of rewards or
imposition of punishment is also discussed. The ethical concern that may arise from
conformity and social control revolves around human dignity, rights, and the search for the
common good

Conformity is opposite to social deviance which implies obedience to the norms that
make a person acceptable in a particular society, group, or social setting. The concept of

conformity was also used by Robert Merton (1957) to refer to acceptance of cultural goals
and the legitimate or approved means of achieving them.

Deviance is a behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations or

social norms of a group or society. Alcoholics, gamblers, sex deviants, drug addicts or late
comers in the class are all classified as deviants or deviant acts.

Functions of Deviance
Ronald W. Smith and Frederick W. Preston outlined some functions which deviance
performs to support social system in the following:

1. Deviance serves as an outlet for diverse forms of expressions.

2. Deviance serves to define the limits of acceptable behavior.

3. Deviance may also promote in-group solidarity.

4. Deviance can serve a barometer to social strain.

Source: Palisis, Efipanio S. (2007)

Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology
Manila Rex Publishing Corp.

About Social Control

Social control theory proposes that people’s relationships, commitments, values,

norms, and beliefs encourage them not to break the law. Thus, if moral codes are
internalized and individuals are tied into, and have a stake in their wider community, they will
voluntarily limit their propensity to commit deviant acts. In the words of Peter L. Berger
(1963), ‘social control refers to the various means used by a society to bring its recalcitrant
members back into line’.
According to Roberts (1991), “the term social control refers to the techniques and
strategies for regulating human behavior in society”.
In Oxford Dictionary of Sociology (1994), social control refers to the social processes
by which the behaviour of individuals or groups is regulated.
For Bottomore (1962), ‘the term social control refers to the social regulation of human
In the end, we conclude this section with the definition of Gillin and Gillin (1948),
which is quite exhaustive and easy to understand: ‘Social control is the system of measures,
suggestions, persuasion, restraint and the coercion by whatever means including physical
force—by which a society brings into conformity to the approved pattern of behavior of a
sub-group or by which a group molds into conformity its members.

In Relation with Laws and Punishments

To make the social control a possibility, Laws and Punishments exist to put a system
into it. Basically, Laws are set of rules mandated by the government to regulate how a
society is expected to behave, while Punishments are corresponding penalties, which could
make an individual suffer, for violating such Laws. Some actions could lead to unpleasant
consequences because of the way they damage the values of the society.
Gossip refers to rumors about personal or private matters about others. It is an act
that could lead to another because false information is costly in this modern time. This may
lead to the discrediting of a subject’s reputation which is difficult to build. Another possible
cause of a setback for the society is Social Ostracism. To put it simple, it refers to the
exclusion of an individual from being accepted socially. It could be a result of an action that
gave an impression for members of society to feel unworthy.

Structural Strain Theory

Because deviance is found naturally within society, Merton believed that it was
society itself which causes it. Further, Merton believed that when societal norms, or socially
accepted goals (such as the American Dream), place pressure on the individual to conform
they force the individual to either work within the structure society has produced, or instead,
become members of a deviant subculture.

Typology of Deviance

Merton also created a typology of the different options of individuals when deciding
whether deviance from norms is an option. Often, they are shown in a chart that helps
sociologists describe characteristics of the five different categories.

1. Conformists
- are the group which chooses to both accept the goals of society and accept the
standard means by which to attain their goals. The best example would be the
society’s formula to be happy and successful in life e.g. attain a college
education, work on a 9 to 5 stable job, and eventually be rich by saving a lot of

2. Ritualists

- in comparison to the conformist, are people who will most likely reject the goals of
society but still go about the standard means of doing it. A ritualist may follow the
same motions of going to college and working 9 to 5, but will not attempt to fulfill
the goal of earning excess amounts of money, which is what the majority wants.

3. Innovators
- look to fulfill the goals of society but instead of going about it through established
channels, as conformists do, they will find other means to reach their goals as
they disregard the conventional ways and will resort to risky criminal acts.
Examples may include the Mafia as they took alternate routes in reaching their
wealth or goal.

4. Retreatists
- on the other hand, is a response that rejects both the cultural goals and the
traditional means of achieving goals. They would resort to just be addicted to
drugs or alcohol, with suicide as its ultimate form.

5. Rebellion
- is a special case wherein the individual rejects both the cultural goals and
traditional means of achieving them but actively attempts to replace both
elements of the society with different goals and means.

Human Dignity, Human Rights and The Common Good

Human Dignity refers to an individual or group’s sense of self-respect and worth,

physical, and psychological integrity and empowerment. It always affirms that our value as
people should never be debated, meaning it believes in a quality life free from oppression
and manipulation.

Human Rights are rights inherent to all people, regardless of nationality, place of
residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. In
addition, freedom and privileges which belong to every person in the world is what these
rights banner which guarantees that all people shall be ensured to enjoy life, liberty, and

Kinds of Human Rights:

1. Natural Rights
– These are the rights essential to man and given him by God as human being.
Examples of these rights are the right to live, love and be happy.
2. Constitutional Rights
– These are the rights assured under the fundamental charter of the country.
Examples of these rights are the rights against unreasonable researches and
seizures, the rights against bill of attainder, and the rights safeguarding the accused
under the bill of rights.
3. Statutory Rights
- These are rights prepared by the lawmaking body of the country or by laws.
Examples are the right to receive a minimum wage and the right to preliminary
4. Civil Rights
- These are rights stated under the Bill of Rights, such as freedom of speech, right to
information. These are rights of an individual which he enjoyed by virtue of his
citizenship in a state or community.
5. Economics Rights
- These are rights to property, whether personal, real, or intellectual. Some
examples of these rights include the following; right to use and dispose his property,
right to practice one’s profession, and right to make a living.
6. Political Rights
– These are rights of an individual to participate in the political process. Some
examples of political rights are the following: right to vote and right to be voted into
public office.

The most common way of expressing Human Rights and Human Dignity is through
the Inclusive Citizenship as it is the governing policy that focuses on legal equality of each
citizen. It is particular in giving all citizens a strong feeling of belongingness in the society.
Under Inclusive Citizenship, there are rights that the government provides for its
citizens. e.g. right to vote, serve the military, marry, tax responsibilities, and equal
representation of others in the government.

The Common Good refers to what is shared and advantageous for most if not all the
members of a given society and is achieved by citizenship, be it collective action or active
participation. Basically, when dignity and rights are granted to people, the common good is

Let’s Dig In

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_______1. A conformist utilizes positive success goal and legitimate means.

_______2. Retreatist involves accepting the goal of success but rejecting the use of socially
accepted means to achieve it.

_______3. Responding to deviance promotes social unity.

_______4. Common Good refers to what is shared and advantageous for most if not all
members of a given society and is achieved by citizenship.

_______5. The most common way of experiencing human rights and human dignity is
through the inclusive citizenship.


Directions: Write the letter of the given examples of human rights in column B that
corresponds to the kinds of Human Rights in Column A.

____1. Civil Rights A. The right to live, love and be happy.
____2. Natural Rights B. The right to vote and to be voted into public
____3. Statutory Rights C. The right to practice one’s profession the

____4. Political Rights to make a living
____5. Economic Rights D. The rights specified under bill of rights
E. The right to preliminary investigation.

Let’s Remember

Given the reality of this new normal, do you think that complete conformity to the
rules, laws, standards, and norms will result in social order and that deviance will always
lead to chaos? Why? Why not? Give at least three reasons to your answer.


Let’s Apply

In your community, write and explain the different policies used by your local leaders
as an instrument of social control during this Covid-19 Pandemic.



Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Read the following statements. Write the letter of your correct answer on the
space provided before the number of the choices given.

____1. Robert Merton defined it as the acceptance of cultural goals and the legitimate or
approved means of achieving them.
A. Deviance B. Conformity C. Enculturation D. Socialization

____2. Alcoholics, gamblers, sex offenders, drug addicts and even late comers in class are
all classified as _____.
A. Violent acts B. Rebellious acts C. Deviant acts D. Criminals acts

____3. It states that if moral codes are internalized and individuals are tie int and have a
stake in their wider community, they will voluntarily limit their propensity to commit deviant
A. Socialization C. Social Control Theory
B. Enculturation D. Structural Strain Theory

____4. Idle talk or rumors which may lead to discrediting the reputation of a
A. Gossip B. Social Ostracism C. Crimes D. Punishment

____5. Aside from Discrimination, another word that can be associated with the possible
effect of Social Ostracism would be____.
A. Justice B. Racism C. Equality D. Privilege
____6. An individual would deserve he or she is proven to violates the law.
A. Trial B. Justice C. Human Rights D. Punishment

____7. More than the rules, it sets the standards for how a society should behave.
A. Instruction B. Bible C. Ethics D. Law

____8. These people follow and obey both the goals and standards of society.
A. Conformists B. Innovators C. Retreatists D. Ritualists

____9. These individuals look to fulfill the goals of society but instead of going through
established ways (like what conformists do) they will find other means to reach their goals,
even if it involves harming others.
A. Innovators B. Rebels C. Ritualists D.Retreatists

____10. It ultimately believes in a quality life free from oppression and manipulation.
A. Human Rights C. Human Dignity
B. The Common Good D. Human Privileges

____11. To vote, serve the military, marry, tax responsibilities, and equal representation of
others in the government are all examples of _____.
A. Human Dignity C. Norm
B. Human Rights D. Privileges

____12. When a society is successful in granting equal rights and dignity

which every individual in their community deserve, what did they
A. World Peace C. The Common Good
B. Harmony D. Love for Mankind

____13. Chris decided to stick to his job despite knowing that it is an unfulfilling job. Chris an
example of ________.
A. Retreatists B. Conformist C. Innovator D. Ritualist

____14. Neo-Nazis, political deviants and hate groups are examples of people who are into
A. Retreatism B. Innovation C. Rebellion D. Conformity

____15. Which of the following does not practice inclusive citizenship?

A. Government listens and respects its people
B. Marriage with the inclusion of LGBTQ+ members
C. Appointing of presidency for the next elections
D. Allows serving in the country’s military force

Let’s Extend

A. How does the government of the Philippines deal with deviants and
criminals? Do you agree with the way they treat and punish those people?

B. Enumerate three (3) situations or events you observed where the common good was
upheld during this pandemic.

Contreras, A., Dela Cruz A.R., Ersaga, D., et al. (2018) Understanding Culture, Society, & Politics:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Baleῆa E.,Lucero, D., Peralta A.,(2016)
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics for Senior High School,Educational Resources
Saluba, D., Damalig, A., Carlos, A. et al (2016)
Understanding Culture Society and Politics: Mutya Publishing House,Inc.
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Estanislao V. Cudal

Content Evaluator: Elisa P. Apolis - Head Teacher III
Language Evaluator: Lovely Pamela T. Serran

Reviewer: Adelyne T. Palas Head Teacher III

Illustrator: Ma. Cristina Javier
Layout Artist: Dan Gil M. Loresco
Management Team:
Margarito B. Materum OIC-SDS
Dr. George P. Tizon, SGOD Chief
Dr. Ellery G. Quintia, CID Chief
Norman Quinn O. Arreza, SHS Focal Person
Ferdinand Paggao, EPS AP
Dr. Daisy L. Mataac,EPS LRMS/ALS

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Central Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251
Email Address: sdo.tapat@deped.gov.ph

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