Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1: 1 JUNE 1965
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1: 1 JUNE 1965
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1: 1 JUNE 1965
The instruction8 set forth in this manual, as supplemented or modified by Alert Service
Bulletins end other directions issued by Bell Helicopter Textron and Airworthiness Directives
issued by the Federal Aviation Administration, must be strictly followed. Changes end
revision services to this manual have been discontinued. Safety of flight messages will be
provided to all owners on record with Bell Helicopter Textron. Owners and operators em
advised to keep record of ownership end mailing addresses current with Bell Helicopter
Textron, P.O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101. Attn: Commercial Publication
Distribution Center.
NOTE: Only the Temporary Revisions listed above are in effect on the date of this revision.
Prior Temporary Revisions should be removed from this manual.
T.R. (Rev. 9)
(Rev. 9) A
B Rev. 9
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Introduction
This Manual of Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions is issued to set forth the recommendations
and procedures for maintaining, overhauling, and servicing Models 47G-3B and 47G-3B-1
Helicopters, manufactured by Bell Helicopter Textron, P.O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101.
In addition to the information contained in the manual, the Product Support Department will render
all possible assistance in the solution of any unusual maintenance or operational problems that may
be encountered.
This manual is divided into eleven major sections and an alphabetical index, as follows:
If adjustments described in this handbook do not produce the desired results, contact the Product
Support Department of Bell Helicopter Textron for further instructions.
Support Department of Bell Helicopter Textron.
(Rev. 9)
Introduction MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models47G-3B& 47G-3B-1
SIFCO Metachemical
Div. of SIFCO Industries Inc.
5708 Schaaf Rd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
WD-40can be used as a general light corrosion preventative for bonded, exposed, and painted metals.
ii Rev. 8
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Section I
General Information
1-1. MODEL 47G-3B AND 47G-3B-1 of the tail boom extension. Mechanical linkage tocon-
HELICOPTERS. trol pedals provides control of blade pitch to counter-
act main rotor torque and to change or maintain di-
1-2. DESCRIPTION. The Model 47G-3B and 47G- rectional headings.
3B-1 helicopters described in this handbookare three
place, single engine and are powered bysupercharged Fuselage is of truss-type, steel tube construction.
TVO-435 Lycoming engines. Landing gear is skid-type with retractable removable
The engine is mounted vertically in the center frame wheels. Cabin is constructed of transparent plastic
structure, aft of the cabin, and drives the main rotor with a removable door on each side. Flight controls
through a transmission containing two sets of plane- in the cabin consist of cyclic control stick, collective
tary gears with an overall reduction ratio of 9:1. The pitch control stick, and tail rotor control pedals. A
tail rotor, cooling fan, generator and rotor tachom- rotatable grip on the collective pitch control stick
eter generator are also driven by the transmission at operates the throttle, through a cam which correlates
suitable speeds. The transmission incorporates a cen- engine power with main-rotor blade pitch for correct
trifical clutch and freewheeling unit which permits rotor rpm within normal range of flight conditions.
autorotational operation of the rotor with an idling Carburetor heat and mixture controls, electrical
or dead engine. switches, and other necessary engine and flight in-
struments are located on a pedestal in the cabin.
The two-blade, semi-rigid main rotor is mounted to
the mast through a gimbal ring and linked to a weighted
stabilizer bar whose plane of rotation changes less Note
rapidly than that of the rotor, resulting in more stable
rotor action during maneuvers and in gusty wind USE OF PAINT STRIPPER. The paint
conditions. strippers listed below may be used on all
metal surfaces, except onbondedmaterial,
The tail (or anti-torque) rotor has two blades and is such as main rotor blades and tail rotor
mounted to rotate in a vertical plane on the right side blades.
Storage Safety
Material Specification Manufacturer Requirements Hazards
E-Z Strip MIL-R-25134A Pennsalt Chemicals 6 months from date Use in well ventilated
19-A Corporation of manufacture at area. Avoid skin con-
9009 Sovereign Row 60° to 90°F tact
Dallas 35, Texas
Delchem None Pennsalt Chemicals 4 months from date Use in well ventilated
2236-A Corporation of manufacture at area. Avoid contactwith
9009 Sovereign Row 60 ° to 90°F. Store skin or clothing. Wear-
Dallas 35, Texas in polyethylene lined ing of protective cloth-
containers only ing is recommended
144.50 342.00
h. Close throttle.
The engine fires, the starter
7976-97 button must be released allowing the mag-
netos to function at their proper advance
which will induce engine to pick up and
Figure 1-3. Main Rotor Tie-Down complete its start.
least ten times, with manual control valve in "BOOST
ON" position (push knob down). Recheck fluid level in After engine has started, to check opera-
reservoirafter purging. tion of retard breaker magneto for prop-
er function of vibrator andretardedbreak-
1-27. GROUND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. er assembly, turn ignition switch to "R"
and hand crank switch to "ON" position.
1-28. STARTING ENGINE. Engine should run on retarded breaker to
Note RIGHT magneto. If engine stops recheck
The helicopter should be headed into the Note
wind before starting the engine to prevent
any possibility of the main rotor striking To start engine with hand crank, position
the tail boom during starting. magneto switch on "BOTH" and hand crank
switch to "ON", when engine starts return
hand crank switch to "OFF" normal.
1. In the event of fire, continue starting attempt b. Continue to increase throttle until engine
so as to drain fire into the engine. If fire becomes reaches approximately 2200 rpm. This is to prevent
critical, use extinguisher. slipping and excessive wear on the clutch. Maintain
this rpm until oil temperature reaches desired
1-29. WARM-UP. range.
Avoid continuous rotor rpm in a range be- to 1700 until oil temperature reads 30°C.,
tween 200 and 230 rpm because of stabi- then proceed as outlined in preceding
lizer bar resonance characteristics. Apply step b.
sufficient control stick into the wind to
maintain the rotor in a nearly horizontal 1-30. GROUND TEST.
a. Accomplish ignition system check at 3200 rpm
a. Run engine between 1700 and 1800rpmuntiloil in minimum pitch, after cylinder head temperature
pressure reaches 60 psi. Observe for clutch engage- has reached desired range. A maximum drop-off of
ment, as indicated by synchronization of engine and 200 rpm, with no engine roughness, is permissible
rotor tachometer needles. when checking on either magneto.
Note Note
Engine and main rotor tachometer needles The purpose of the above check is to de-
shall be synchronized at all speeds greater termine if the ignition system is in proper
than 1700 engine rpm with the collective operating condition.
control stick in full down position. Rapid
application of collective stick or throttle b. Increase power to obtain 3200 rpm with the
below 2800 rpm may cause centrifugal main rotor pitch lever in full low. Close throttle and
clutch slippage. The clutch will be con- check engine idle speed for 2200 to 2300 rpm, before
sidered satisfactory if there is no slippage
when hovering at maximum gross weight
with 3000 rpm. Clutch slippageunder these
conditions shall be reason for clutch dis- c. Close throttle and momentarily turn ignition
assembly and inspection. (Refer to Section switch "OFF". Ascertain that engine cease firing
IV.) and immediately turn ignition switch to "BOTH".
1-6 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +120 +140 +160 +180 +200 +220 +240 +260 +280 +300 +320
Total Moment AC + BD
Total Weight
Total Weight C ++ BD
AC D Center of Gravity in Inches from Station Zero
(Rev. 9) 1-7
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
floor. Adjust jacks tolevelthe helicopter longitudinally record is not available, the followingprocedure should
and laterally. Make certain landing gear does not be used to arrive at these values. Using plumb-lines
touch scales. and steel tape, carefully measure horizontal distance
between forward and aft jack-points, (see figure 1-5,
e. Balance each scale and record its reading. dimensions A and B) and between one jack-point and
The weight of the jacks and any blocks used must Station 0 (located by notch in lug on lower right
be deducted from each scale reading to obtain the longeron of center frame). Measurements must be on
net weight. a level plane and parallel to helicopter center line.
1-34. DETERMINING CENTER OF GRAVITY. The b. Multiply net weight at aft jack-point by the
center of gravity (CG) of the helicopter is the bal- arm (see figure 1-5, dimension B) of the jack-point.
ancing point, stated in terms of distance forward Result will be the aft moment, expressed as a posi-
or aft from Station 0. Note that in weight and balance tive (plus) quantity in inch-pounds.
calculations, all measurements (arms) aft of Station c. Multiply net weight at forward jack-points by
0 are positive (plus) and arms forward of Station 0 the arm (see figure 1-5, dimension A) of the jack-
are negative (minus). (See figure 1-5.) point. Result will be the forward moment, expressed
a. Determine jack-point locations with reference as a negative (minus) quantity in inch-pounds.
to Station 0. (See figure 1-5 for dimensions A and B.)
These dimensions are noted on the "as delivered" d. Determine total moment (difference between
weight record in the flight manual. If the center forward and aft moments, keeping sign of the greater).
frame has been replaced, or the "as delivered" weight Divide by empty weight to obtain empty weight CG
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
helicopter to maintain the helicopter empty weight 1-37. GENERAL NOTES - LUBRICATION.
CG location within the required CG range (see fig-
ure 1-6). With ballast properly adjusted and follow- a. When using sprayed solvents or compressed
ing the cabin loading chart the normal variation in air to clean engine or aircraft, take suitable pre-
CG location which takes place during flight, due to cautions to avoid forcing dirt, water, or solvents
consumption of fuel and oil, will remain within the into bearings.
specified limits. 1-38. SPECIAL NOTES - LUBRICATION. Follow-
ing notes apply to specific components of the heli-
If the required CG location is larger than the empty copter.(See Lubrication Chart, Figure 1-7.)
weight CG location ballast should be added at the aft
location. If the required CG location is smaller than Flight Control Linkage (items 1 and 2): Applies to
the empty weight CG location, ballast should be added all bearings of all flight control systems except where
at the forward location. chart shows other treatment. Lubricate bearings
with grease fittings at 50 hours; all bearings at over-
a. Use the following formula when ballast is haul teardown (or earlier if necessary).
Throttle Cam Box (item 3): Grease cam and roller
Ballast Weight= by removing cover, or through front opening with
Ballast Arm - Required CG box removed.
b. Ballast arm distance from Station 0 to ballast Engine Control Cables (item 8): Oil linkage and
location: terminal sleeves of mixture, carburetor heat, and
fuel shut-off control cables as indicated.
1. Aft ballast arm plus 217.0 inches.
Engine oil tank (item 9): above 60°F use SAE 50.
2.ballast arm minus 62.0 inches
Forward 30F to 900 F SAE 40. 0°F to 70F SAE 30. Below
10°F SAE 20. Drain oil system after first 25 hours
1-36. LUBRICATION. (Figure 1-7.) Use Lubri- on new or overhauled engine, thereafter at each 50
cation Chart as guide for recommended lubricants ours.
and frequency of application to components of the Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Couplings (item 10): When
helicopter. General and special notes, in paragraphs lubricating floating splined couplings, remove any
below, contain additional information to supplement excess grease from flexible cover to prevent un-
the chart. (Refer to paragraph 1-37.) balance in rotation. Check that forward shaft can
move fore and aft in coupling after lubrication,
a. Lubricants: Letter symbols on chart refer parituclarly in cold weather.
to military specifications as shown in Table of Lubri-
cants. When unable to procure lubricants by speci- Extension Shaft Splines (item 14): During assem-
fication numbers, refer to paragraph 1-39 for lists bly coat internal shaft splines with MIL-L-25537
of commercially-designated lubricants conforming grease or white lead base anti-seize compound to
to each specification. prevent corrosion.
b. Lubrication Periods: Periods shown on chart Tail Rotor Gearbox (item 15): Use SAE 10 oil or
have been set to coincide with schedule inspections 10W-30, MIL-L-2104B oil. Change at first 25 hours,
and to meet needs of normal service conditions. thereafter at 100 hours. Check daily at level drain cock
More frequency lubrication may be required under (or sight glass).
adverse operating conditions.
Tail Rotor Pitch Change Links (item 16): Check
c. MIL-G-25537 or MIL-C-23827 grease has been daily for roughness or binding, lubricate as required.
approved as an all purpose helicopter grease and is
recommended for complete lubrication of the Bell Tail Rotor Delta Hinge Bearings (item 19): Purge
Model 47 helicopter where grease is used as a lubricant. bearings at lubrication periods. Wipe off excess
Gross contamination of one grease with another is bad grease.
practice, as all greases are not compatible.
Mast Splines (item 21): When installing assemblies
d. Points of Application: Index number s on on mast, lightly coat all mast splines (except driving
chart are identified by key on facing page. Where spline in transmission) with MIL-G-25537.
s:milar lubrication points occur, and arrow with
broken lines points to a typical example. Main Rotor Gimbal Bearings (item 28): Purge gim-
bal ring and pillow block bearings at lubrication
e. Methods: Grease gun symbol indicates part periods. Wipe off excess grease.
has lubricator fittings. Hand symbol is used for
parts without fittings, where bearings require pack- 1-39. FLUORESCENT PENETRANT INSPECTION
ing by hand or with suitable adapter for grease gun. MATERIALS (See table 1-1.)
(Rev. 3) 1-9
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
16. Pitch change head and rod bearing Following operation in rain or static
17. Trunnion housing bearings exposure, rain, heavycondensation, melting
18. Trunnion housing bearings ice and snow, lubricate bearings with
19. Pitch change spool specified grease.
At Overhaul and/or
Detail C: Swashplate area All like parts
(Rev. 9) 1-10A
Section 1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1-10B (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
The following group lists manufacturer's nomenclature for the approved fluorescent penetrant material
and their respective address.
Rev. 6 1-10B.1/1-10B.2
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Wilmington, Calif.
Rockdale, Illinois
Joliet, Illinois
Houston, Texas
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Rev. 3) 1-10C
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
The following group lists international agents, with address, that handle the approved Magnaflux
Corporations fluorescent penetrant material.
Argentina Mexico
Bandeira de Mello, S.A.
Rua Mexico 11, Grupo 1502 Luis Davila
P.O. Box 1208 Antonio Miro Quesada No. 586
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Magdalena Del Mar
Lima, Peru
Attention: Luis Davila
Jose Henao Velez & Cia.
Cra. 4A No. 8-63 Raymond Smith
Aptos, Aereos 1818 Edificio "Las Americas"
Cali, Colombia Calle Real de Sabana Grande
Attention: Ing. Luis Florez Mera Caracas, Venezuela
Miliciades Sanchez
Aptd. Aereo 4675
Bogota, Colombia
Quim-Ing-Co., Cia. Ltda.
Pinto No. 259
P.O. Box 3611
Quito, Ecuador
Attention: Diego F. Teran D
1-10D (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
The following group lists international associated companies, manufacturing licensees and agents, with
address, that handle the approved Ardrox Ltd. fluorescent penetrant material.
Belgium-Holland-Luxembourg Germany
U.C.B., S. A. Roder-Prazision
Division Specialites Chimiques Egelsbach-Flugplatz
33, Rue d'Anderlecht Kreis Offenbach
Drogenbos, Belgium
Eire Italy
Brent Chemicals Ltd. Chimical S.A.S.
117, Cork Street Via G. B. Pergolesi 4
Dublin, 8 Milan (410)
Departement Ardrox
2 Rue Meissonier
Paris (17e )
(Rev. 3) 1-10E
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Ethiopia Singapore
The Ethio Commerce & Engr. Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box 2324 J. Whyte & Co (Malaya) Sdn. Bhd.
Addis Ababa P.O. Box 4019
6-3/4 m.s. Bukit Timah Road
Bukit Timah Post Office
Singapore, 21
Jordan Chemicals, Ltd.
P.O. Box 499 Switzerland
Max C. Meister
Lowenstrasse 25
Kuwait & Bahrein 8021 Zurich
8021 Zurich
1-10F (Rev. 3)
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1-40. LIST OF LUBRICANTS. The following list is lubricants, and unlisted oils and greases manufactured
furnished for convenience in procurement of ac- to equivalent specification may be used. Main office
ceptable lubricants by commercial designation. This address is shown only with first listing of each
is not intended as a complete list of all available manufacturer.
(Rev. 3) 1-11
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Sinclair High Temperature Sinclair Refining Co.
Grease L-1231 600 Fifth Ave.
New York, N.Y.
(Rev. 9) 1-13
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1-14 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
(Rev. 9) 1-14A/1-14B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
47976 -227-1
T101529-23 T01529-25
T101529-27 T101575-1
T101877-1 T101877-1
I. Inspection methods.
3. Periodic Inspections - required at 50, 100, 300, 600 and 1200 hour intervals.
4. Special Inspections - required by unusual events, such as hard landing or sudden stoppage of rotor.
5. Airworthiness Limitations - list of parts which are limited to a definite maximum service life.
This is a process developed for the purpose of detecting flaws in ferrous metal parts, which though perhaps
invisible to the naked eye, could cause structural failure. This process is useful in detecting not only surface
cracks, but subsurface blow holes, inclusions, etc. Magnaflux is one type of magnetic particle inspection, it, or
its equivalent may be used.
This process was developed for the purpose of detecting flaws in non-ferrous metal parts. This process is useful
in detecting only surface cracks and therefore is, in general, used only for maintenance inspection. To perform a
satisfactory inspection, a post emulsified penetrant system must be used. It must meet or exceed GROUP V
penetrant materials requirements as listed in table 1-1.
The following procedure is recommended for fluorescent penetrant inspection of parts having staked bearings.
The exposed bearing surface should be wiped clean with a cloth moistened with dry cleaning solvent. Apply two
coats of BG lacquer (United Chrominum, Inc., 100 E. 42nd Street, New York, N.Y.), allowing one hour drying
time for each coat. The lacquer should be sufficiently thick to allow easy removal after inspection. Where
possible, it is advisable to have lacquer overlap on part outside of bearing from 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Take care to
avoid scuffing. The lacquer coat can be peeled easily after inspections.
All maintenance and inspection operations involving control linkage should be conducted with care to avoid
possibility of damage through improper handling and adjustment. Particular attention should be given to
of operation and clearance of rod-ends at points of connection, throughout range of travel. Binding,
,ming-out, or interference between parts of linkage can produce abnormal and excessive stresses during
which may result in damage or, in extreme cases, eventual failure of affected parts. The following
practices and precautions are recommended:
1. When removing main rotor, disconnect pitch change link-rods at pitch horns, leaving links attached to
stabilizer bar mixing lever. This decreases possibility of damaging link-rods while handling rotor.
(Rev. 9) 1-23
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
MaintenanceInspection MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
3. After any adjustment of control linkage, check thoroughly for freedom of operation through entire range
of control movement. On main rotor controls, this check should include positioning rotor at right angles to the
helicopter center line, holding stabilizer bar at extreme travel, and checking for possible interference while
moving controls through full travel in all directions.
Perform checks with hydraulic boost OFF then with boost ON.
b. Perform inspection.
a. Strip the finish coat and primer using E-Z strip 19A or equivalent, use a stiff brush.
c. Perform inspection.
a. Lightly roughen the existing primer with scotch-brite. Clean parts with aliphatic naphtha or equivalent,
dry with filtered compressed air.
b. Apply a coat of super Koropon primer. Allow to dry a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of four
b. Apply a coat of epoxy polymide primer. Allow to dry a minimum of one hour and a maximum of eight
1-24 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Commercial MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS Maintenance Inspection
(Rev. 3) 1-24A/1-24B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
MAINTENANCE Maintenance Inspection
Each part must be inspected by all of the following steps, using the wet continuous method conforming
to MIL-I-6868. The length of any indication shall be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize the part by placing each end of the part between contact plates and pass 800 amperes
DC or 600 amperes AC current through the part. Inspect part complete for indications of defects.
2. Magnetize the part by placing the part inside the coil, in a direction such that the long axis of the
part is 90 degrees to the direction of current flow in the coil and pass 800 amperes DC, or 600 amperes AC
current. Inspect the part completely.
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the part and check with pocket field indicator or com-
pass to assure demagnetization.
Acceptance Criteria
1. Magnetic indications interpreted as cracks, seams, laps or shuts are cause for rejection.
2. Magnetic indications of stringers or non-metallic inclusions willbe acceptable if they are within all
the following limits. Indications below 1/64 inch in length are not rateable. On rejected parts all rateable
inclusions will be noted.
a. Indications of defects within or extending into section A are cause for rejection.
b. Indications of defects parallel to the long axis of the part (±15° ) are acceptable in section BB
provided they do not exceed 1/2 inch in length. No more than two such indications will be allowed and the
total aggregate length of all inclusions on each tang in section BB shall not exceed one inch.
c. Indications of defects parallel to the long axis of the part (±15° ) are acceptable in section CC
provided they do not exceed one inch in length. No more than two such indications will be allowed and the
total aggregate length of all inclusions in section CC shall not exceed two inches.
d. More than five indications of defects in any 1/2 inch square of surface area are cause for re-
Maximum allowable number of indications in any 1/2 inch square.
e. Indications of defects that are more than (±15° ) of the long axis of the part, transverse or cir-
cumferential are cause for rejection.
f. Indications of stringers or non-metallic inclusions that break over corners or run into fillets
are not acceptable.
3. Indications which are caused by a change in section such as a sharp edge or slot are acceptable.
4. String magnetic indications where considerable build upispresent, indicating the defect has definite
depth and/or cross section, shall be cause for rejection regardless of size, length, direction or location.
Figure 1-10. Main Rotor Mast
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Maintenance Inspection MAINTENANCE
Each part shall be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method conforming to
1. Magnetize the part by placing it between the contact heads on the magnaflux machine such that the
current flows in the direction of the long axis of the part and pass approximately 2000 amperes DC current
through the part. Inspect 100 per cent for magnetic indications.
2. Magnetize the part by placing inside a suitable coil such that the long axis of the part is approxi-
mately 90 degrees to the direction of current flow in the coil and pass approximately 1500 amperes through
the coil. Repeat the operation at approximately 1 foot increments along the part to assure that an adequate
longitudinal magnetic field is set-up in the full length of the part. Inspect 100 per cent for indications.
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the part and check with a pocket indicator or compass
to assure complete demagnetization.
Acceptance Criteria.
1. Indications of cracks are cause for rejection regardless of size, location or direction.
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringer, shuts, seams, laps, or non-metallic inclusions are
acceptable provided they are within all the following limits. Defects indications exceeding the following
limits shall be rejected.
a. Indications having a direction that is more than 15 degrees off the long axis of the part are
cause for rejection regardless of location or size.
b. Indications having a direction parallel to the long axis of the part, within ±15 degrees, are
acceptable in section "AA", as shown in figure 1-10, provided they do not exceed 1/2 inch in length. Not
more than two (2) 1/2 inch indications shall be allowed for each two (2) square inches of surface area.
The maximum total additive length of all magnetic indications, that exceed 1/16 inch in length, shall not
exceed 3 inches in section "AA".
c. Indications having a direction parallel to the long axis of the part, within ±15 degrees, are
acceptable in section "BB" as shown in figure 1-10, provided they do not exceed 1 inch in length. Not more
than two (2) 1 inch long inclusions shallbe allowed for each 3 square inches of surface area. The maximum
total additive length of all magnetic indications, that exceed 1/16 inch in length, shall not exceed 6 inches
in section "BB".
d. Indications of surface discontinuities that break over corners or run into fillets are cause for
e. Indications in threads, slots, keyways and in the root or side wall of splines are cause for re-
jection. Indications or spline crowns are acceptable provided they do not exceed 1/4 inch in length and
not more than one indication to each spline crown.
Critical Area
Critical Area
Typical 4 Places
Axial Direction D
Each ring assembly must be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method con-
forming to MIL-I-6868. The length of any indication shall be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize the part by passing a copper bar through the approximate center of the adapter and place
the bar between the contact heads. Pass 750 amperes DC, or 500 amperes AC, current through the bar.
Inspect completely for indications.
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the part and check with pocket field indicator; or
compass, to assure demagnetization.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Indications interpreted as cracks are cause for rejection regardless of size or location.
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringers, shuts, inclusions, bursts, laps or seams will be
acceptable provided they are within the following limits. (Figure 1-12.)
b. Indications that are parallel to the axial direction of the part (±15degrees) are cause for re-
jection in critical areas A, B, C, and D if the length of the indication exceeds 1/4 inch in length. Not more
than two such indications less than 1/4 inch are allowed in each critical area.
c. Circumferential or axial direction indications in all other areas of the part are acceptable
provided they do not exceed one inch in length. Not more than two (2) such indications allowed in any one
square inch surface area.
d. Indications of surface discontinuities that break over corners or run into fillets are cause for
e. Indications of sub-surface discontinuities that break a transverse face shall not exceed 0.031
inch in length or cross section.
3. Indications caused by change in section thickness are acceptable.
4. Strong magnetic indications where considerable build-up is present, indicating that the defect has
considerable depth and/or cross section, shall be cause for rejection regardless of length, size, or
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
&OVERHAUL Maintenance Inspection
Each adapter must be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method conforming
to MIL-I-6868. The length of any indication shall be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize the part by passing a copper bar through the approximate center of the adapter and
place the bar between the contact heads. Pass 750 amperes DC, or 500 amperes AC, current through the
bar. Inspect completely for indications.
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the part and check with pocket field indicator, or
compass, to assure demagnetization.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Indications of cracks are cause for rejection regardless of length, size and direction.
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringers, shuts, non-metallic inclusions, bursts, seams
or laps shall be acceptable provided they are within all the following limits: (Figure 1-13.)
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Maintenance Inspection & OVERHAUL
a. Indications of circumferential defects or indications more than (±15 degrees) off the axial
direction of the part are cause for rejection regardless of size, length or direction.
b. Indications in the axial direction (±15 degrees) not exceeding 3/8 inch are acceptable in all
areas of the part except as restricted by Items c. and d. below, or other limitations herein. Not more
than three such indications allowed in any one square inch of surface area.
c. Indications of surface discontinuities that break over corners or run into fillets are cause
for rejection.
d. Indications of sub-surface discontinuities that break a transverse face shall not exceed 0.031
inch in length or cross section.
4. Strong magnetic indications where considerable build-up is present, indicating that the defect has
considerable depth and/or cross section, shall be cause for rejection regardless of length, size or directions.
Each shaft must be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method conforming to
MIL-I-6868. The length of any indication shall be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize the shaft by placing each end between the contact plates and passing approximately 500 -
700 amperes through the shaft, thus developing circular magnetization around the shaft. Inspect the shaft
completely for longitudinal indications running parallel to the long axis.
2. Magnetize the shaft by placing in a coil, in a direction such that the long axis of the shaft will be
approximately 90 degrees to the direction of current flow in the magnetizing coil, and pass 500 amperes
through the shaft. Inspect the shaft completely.
3. After completing inspection, demagnetize the shaft and check with pocket field indicator or compass.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Indication of cracks, in either the longitudinal or transverse directions, are cause for rejection
regardless of length or direction.
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringers, shuts, non-metallic inclusions, bursts, seams or
laps shall be acceptable provided they are within all the following limits. (Figure 1-14.)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Maintenance Inspection
a. Indications of defects parallel to the long axis (±15 degrees), shall not exceed 1/2 inch in length
and not more than three such indications in any one square inch of surface area in sections "AA" and "CC"
as shown in sketch except as noted in Item d. below.
b. Indications of defects parallel to the long axis (±15 degrees) shall not exceed 3/8 inch in length
and not more than two such indications in any one square inch of surface area in section "BB".
c. Indications more than (±15 degrees) off the long axis, transverse or circumferential, to the
long axis is cause for rejection if the length of the indication exceeds 1/4 inch in length.
d. Magnetic indications on the inside of the shaft in the spline area of Section "AA in sketch are
cause for rejection.
3. Indications which are caused by change in section are acceptable regardless of length or direction.
4. Strong magnetic indications where considerable build-up is present, indicating the defect has con-
siderable depth and/or cross section shall be rejectable indications regardless of length, size or direction.
47645 - 37
Each shaft must be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method.
1. Magnetize the shaft by placing between the contact plates and passing approximately 500 to 750 amperes
through the long axis of the shaft. Inspect the shaft completely for indications.
2. Magnetize the shaft by placing in a coil, in a direction such that the long axis of the partisapproximately90
degrees to the direction of current flow in the coil and pass 500 to 750 amperes through the shaft. Inspect the shaft
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the shaft and check with pocket field indicator or compass.
Acceptance Criteria:
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringers, shuts, non-metallic inclusions, bursts, laps or seams will be
acceptable provided they are within all limits in figure 1-15.
(Rev. 9) 1-31
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Maintenance Inspection & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS
a. Indications parallel to the long axis of the shaft, plus or minus 15 degrees, are acceptable in section
"BB" provided they do not exceed 1/2 inch in length. Not more than two such indications allowed in any one
square inch of surface area.
b. Indications parallel to the long axis, plus or minus 15 degrees, are acceptable in sections "AA"
and "CC" provided they do not exceed 1/4 inch in length. Not more than two such indications allowed in
any one square inch of surface area.
c. Indications that are more than plus or minus 15 degrees off the long axis, transverse or
circumferential to the long axis, are acceptable in Section "CC" provided they do not exceed 1/8 inch in
length. Not more than two such indications allowed in any one square inch of surface area. Transverse
or circumferential indications in Section "AA" and "BB" are cause for rejection.
d. Indications parallel to the long axis, plus or minus 15 degrees, in spline area are cause for
e. Indications that are more than 15 degrees off the long axis, transverse or circumferential
to the long axis are acceptable in the spline areas provided they are within limits of step c. However,
not more than one indication allowed per tooth and not more than a total of six in each splined area.
f. Indications of surface discontinuities that break over corners or run into fillets are not ac-
g. Indications of sub-surface discontinuities that break a transverse face shall not exceed 0.031
inch in length or cross section.
3. Indications that are caused by a change in section are acceptable.
4. Strong magnetic indications where considerable build-up is present, indicating the defect has con-
siderable depth and/or cross section, shall be cause for rejection regardless of length, size or direction.
Each shaft shall be inspected by the following procedure using the wet continuous method.
1. Magnetize the shaft by passing 1000 amperes dc current longitudinally through the shaft. Inspect the
shaft completely for indications.
2. Place the shaft in the coil such that the long axis of the shaft is 90 degrees to the direction of current flow
through the coil. Magnetize the shaft using 5000 ampere turns magnetizing force with dc current. Inspect the
shaft 100 percent for indications in one foot increments.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Magnetic indications interpreted as cracks, seams, laps, or shuts are cause for rejection, i.e.,
imperfections which are or have been voids.
2. Magnetic indications of stringers or non-metallic inclusions will be acceptable if they are within the
following limits. Indications less than 1/64 inch in length are not considered ratable. On rejectable shaft all
ratable inclusions and their positions will be noted.
a. Indications of inclusions parallel to the longitudinal axis of the shaft (+ 15 degrees) are acceptable
provided they do not exceed one inch in length. The total length of multiple indications within any six inch
length of shaft shall not exceed three inches.
b. Indications oriented at an angle of more than 15 degrees off the longitudinal axis shall be rejected if
their length is 1/2 inch or more.
3. After completion of the inspection, demagnetize the shaft and check with a field indicator to assure
removal of the residual field.
1-32 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Commercial MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS MaintenanceInspection
Each mount must be inspected by all of the following steps using wet continuous method.
1. Magnetize entire mount by placing one clamp against each contact head and passing 750 amperes dc, or
500 amperes ac current through the mount. Inspect entire mount.
2. Pass a copper bar, as near the size of the bearing holes as practical, through the bearings and place the
bar between the contact heads. Pass 750 amperes dc, or 500 amperes ac, through the bar. Inspect bearing areas
3. Magnetize each clamp end in the coil using 750 amperes. Inspect clamp areas only.
4. Magnetize the upper frame by placing one corner gusset against each contact plate across the narrow
end. Check end in this manner using 750 amperes dc, or 500 amperes ac.
5. After completing inspection, demagnetize mount and check with pocket field indicator or compass.
Acceptance Criteria:
The following is a list of indications which may be found during magnetic inspection of engine mount, and
recommended disposition. (Figure 1-16.)
1. Cracks are not acceptable regardless of size or location.
(Rev. 3) 1-32A/1-32B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Commercial MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS Maintenance Inspection
1. 5/8 0.035
2. 3/4 0.035
3. 7/8 0.065
4. 5/8 0.065 47612-63
Figure 1-16. Engine Mount (47-612-171-115)
2. Indication.
a. Removal of indications is permitted by light sandblast, filing and grinding provided that not
more than 10 per cent of the thickness of welds or parent metal is removed. Reworked areas must blend
and merge smoothly with adjacent metal.
b. Indications are often observed which follow the edge of the weld bead. These are usually caused
by entrapment and/or change in section and primarily due to the weld bead, and are not considered to be
cause for rejection or rework provided they do not extend into the parent metal.
c. Indications between the weld metal and parent metal exposed by machining the ends of bearings
or lugs are acceptable provided the indication does not extend into weld or parent metal.
d. Indications which are caused by change in section are acceptable regardless of length or
e. Indications in parent metal tubing are acceptable and need not be removed provided localized
removal, using techniques as in paragraph (a) above, indicates that the depth of the defect does not exceed
10 per cent of the original wall thickness. Indications of seams, grooves, tears, burrs, laminations, slivers
and pits within 1/2 inch of any weld must be removed. Presence of indications not removable within 10
per cent allowance shall be cause for rejection.
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Maintenance Inspection & OVERHAUL
Figure 1-17. Index Plate
Each part must be inspected by all the following steps using the wet continuous method conforming to
MIL-I-6868. The length of any indication may be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize each part by placing between contact heads such that the current passes through part
in the axial direction and pass approximately 700 amperes DC or 500 amperes AC current through the
part. Inspect part complete for indications.
2. Magnetize each part by placing inside a coil such that the current flow in the coil is transverse or
circumferential to the axial direction of the part and pass 700 amperes DC, or 500 amperes AC, current.
Inspect part complete for indications.
3. After completion of inspection, demagnetize the part, and check with pocket field indicator or com-
pass to assure demagnetization.
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Indications interpreted as cracks are cause for rejection regardless of size or locations.
2. Surface or sub-surface indications of stringers, shuts, inclusions, bursts, laps or seams will be
acceptable provided they are within all the followinglimits. (Figure 1-17.)
a. Indications, circumferential or transverse to the axial direction (+15 degrees) of the part are
cause for rejection.
b. Indications that are parallel to the axial direction of the part are acceptable provided the length
does not exceed two inches and provided no more than six such indications are present on the entire part.
The total additive length of all indications shall not exceed 12 inches.
3. Indications caused by a change in section thickness are acceptable.
4. Indications of surface discontinuities in the weld or at the fusion line are cause for rejection.
Sub-surface indications in the weld area are acceptable providing the length or cross section does not
exceed 1/8 inch in length.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
Commercial MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL INSTRUCTIONS Maintenance Inspection
3. Indications which are caused by a change in section are acceptable regardless of size or location.
a. Seams, grooves, tears, burrs, laminations, slivers, and pits within 1/2 inch of the weld must
be removed.
b. Inclusions greater than 1/2 inchinlengthmustbe removed regardless of location.
3. Indications which are not removed by the rework specified in paragraph 1 are rejectable.
Each sleeve must be inspected by all of the following steps using the wet continuous method conforming
to MIL-I-6868. The length of any indications shall be determined by the residual method.
1. Magnetize the entire sleeve by placing a 1/2 inch diameter copper rod through the tube and passing
1200 amps d.c. or 1000 amps a.c. through the part between the clamps. Inspect internal surface, internal
spline, tube section, bracket sections (not transverse sections) and longitudinal welds for indications.
2. Magnetize the sleeve by moving the coil over the bracket section. Pass 1200 amps d.c. or 1000
amps a.c. by way of the coil. Inspect that half of the tube section, transverse bracket sections, and trans-
verse welds for indications.
3. Magnetize the sleeve by moving the coil over the tube section 3 inches in from the threaded end.
Pass 1200 amps d.c. or 1000 amps a.c. by way of the coil. Inspect that half of the tube section and threaded
area for indications.
4. After completing inspection, demagnetize sleeve and check with pocket field indicator or compass.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
The daily inspection is a rigid visual inspection to ascertain if the helicopter is airworthy and may be conducted
by qualified flight or maintenance personnel, prior to first flight of the day. Corrections necessary as a result of
inspection must be performed by qualified personnel. Details and tolerances included below are for guidance for
persons making corrections.
1. Inspect for corrosion on main rotor blade at edge of doublers, trim tab, and butting area of aluminum skin
to stainless steel leading edge. Examine daily for:
b. Any lifting of paint system (no larger than a pencil point). Remove the lifted area using a sharp pointed
object (knife or scribe) and examine using a magnifying unit.
c. Lightly abrade suspected area. If all traces of white are removed the spot is not considered to be
corroded or oxidized.
2. Inspect skins, grip and drag reinforcing plates and reinforcing doublers daily for nicks, scratches,
dents and security of attachment.
3. Polish out all nicks and scratches not in excess of the following depths. Nicks and scratches in excess
of the following are cause for replacement. (Figure 1-19.)
a. 0.012 inch, inboard of station 140 and running within 15 degrees of the spanline.
b. 0.008 inch, inboard of station 140 and running within 75 degrees of the chordline.
4. Sharp dents in excess of the following depths are cause for replacement.
5. Non-sharp dents in excess of the following depths are cause for replacement.
(Rev. 3) 1-37
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
15.875 AN535-00-2
6. Edge voids in any one bond line of the grip or drag reinforcing plates in excess of 15 per cent of the
total length of the bond line are cause for replacement. Any edge void in the grip or drag reinforcing
plates in excess of 0.090 inch in depth or 2.25 inches in length is cause for replacement. Any edge void
in the outboardfive inches of the doubler or outboard two inches of a grip reinforcing plate or outboard one
inch of a drag reinforcing plate is cause for replacement.
7. Inspect trailing edge and trim tab daily for nicks, tears, notches, dents and security of attachment of
skins to training edge strip.
a. Nicks, tears and notches outboard of laminates may be repaired by removing material on a minimum
radius of two inches. If material has to be removed more than 0.20 inch forward of trailing edge, it is cause for
(Rev. 3) 1-38A/1-38B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
2. Inspect hub assembly for general condition and security of bolts and nuts. Check freedom of operation
of gimbal bearings by rocking assembly up and down in a spanwise direction. Release friction control on
control stick, move control stick in a lateral direction and check freedom of operation of bearings in pillow
block and gimbal ring.
3. Inspect dynamic flap restraint, if installed, for cracks, security of attachment, and spring breakage.
Check bumper arm for freedom of movement over entire arc of travel. If binding is noted arms should be
lubricated. Inspect static stop (if installed with metal blades). If a permanent set or other signs of exces-
sive hard contacts from gimbal ring are evident, disassemble and carefully inspect pillow blocks, gimbal
rings, bearings and pillow block bolts.
4. Dynamic Stop Cables - Replace any cable that shows more than six wires broken in any one inch of length.
If corroded or badly worn, the cable should be replaced even though the number of broken wires is less than
that specified for replacement. Observe attachment of dynamic stop cables.
1. Inspect mount assembly for security of installation and for dented or damaged tubing. Carefully inspect
welds (particularly at tube cluster and mount housing) for cracks. Replace mount assembly immediately if
cracks are found.
1. Stabilizer Bar.
a. Inspect stabilizer bar for general condition and security.
b. Visually inspect stabilizer bar tubes for evidence of a crack in area extending six inches
outboard from 47-140-114-1retaining nut. Check that stabilizer bar tubes are tight in stabilizer bar
frame by rocking stabilizer bar tubes fore and aft in a horizontal plane.
2. Inspect dampers for security, general condition, security of link rods and evidenceof leaks. Move
stabilizer bar slowly up and down (full travel) and check dampers for proper operation. Check fluid
level on CSC870-5 damper. If level is below lower mark check damper timing.
(Rev. 4) 1-39
Section I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
3. Test operation of friction control on control sticks for proper operation. With friction released, check
cyclic and collective sticks for security, condition and binding.
4. Inspect linkage of all control systems for security and condition of bearings. Replace YSl12 rod ends
whenaxialplay is over 0.030 inch or radial play is over 0.005 inch. Replace fabroid rod ends on main rotor
pitch links and control system when axial or radial play exceeds 0.012 inch.
1. Inspect engine for cracks, leaks and security and evidence of loose bolts and nuts.
3. Inspect cooling fan blades for cracks, damage and alignment. Inspect fan belts and pulleys for general
condition, wear, cracks and breaks. Check adjustment of fan belts.
4. Inspect engine and sprag rubber mounts for cracks or deterioration. Check clamp bolts on engine Lord
mounts for security.
5. Inspect sprag mount rods and adapter for general condition, dents, cracks, damage and security. Exa-
mine devises and bushings for excessive wear.
6. Sprag safety cables. Replace any cable that shows more than six wires broken in any one inch length. If
corroded or badly worn the cable should be replaced even though the number of wires broken is less than
specified for replacement.
7. With engine stopped check waste gate butterfly for closed position by observing control arm.
8. Inspect hot air exhaust shrouds and carburetor hot air control valve for cracks, general condition and
9. Inspect throttle, waste gate, mixture, carburetor heat and fuel shut off controls for general condition and
security. Check controls for freedom of operation and full operating range.
10. Inspect all fuel, oil and hydraulic lines and hose for general condition, evidence of chafing, security and
position of attaching clamps and evidence of leaks. Tighten or repair connections as necessary. Replace
flex lines, hoses and ducts if exterior shows signs of deterioration.
11. Drain fuel strainer, oil tank and fuel tank sumps and carburetor drain. Check fuel and oil quantities.
13. Inspect air cleaner when operating under dusty conditions. Clean filter, by removing and tapping light-
ly or using light air pressure applied to inside and hold nozzle 12 to 18 inches from filter. Replace air in-
take filter at 25 hours if operating under extreme dusty conditions and at 50 hours when operating under
moderately dusty conditions.
14. Replace filter element if manifold pressure shows drop due to filter clogging.
15. Inspect oil level in hydraulic boost control reservoir. Refill as necessary. (Figure 1-7.)
16. Check oil cooler for cleanliness of air passages.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE
& OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Daily Inspection
1. Inspect transmission case and drive assemblies for cracks, oil leaks, damage and security of mounting.
Oil leaks, rough operation in any drive assembly, or end play
in tail rotor or cooling fan drive is cause for immediate dis-
assembly and complete inspection. (Refer to Section IV.)
2. Inspect all fittings plugs, oil lines and temp bulbs for leaks and security.
1. Inspect attachment brackets and pulley brackets for cracks, particularly at the weld area.
2. Inspect for security of attachment bolts, safetying, dents and corrosion.
5. Inspect synchronized elevator control cables fore and aft, especially where running over pulleys or
through fairleads, for wear and broken wires. If three wires are broken in any area, replace cable. If cor-
roded or badly worn, cable must be replaced even if no broken wire is found.
3. Inspect pitch change linkage for alignment, freedom of operation and security.
5. Deleted.
6. Thoroughly inspect 47-642-117 tail rotor blades. Pay particular attention to the outboard end of bearing
retention block, which is under the skin, at station 6.0 to 8.0. Inspect for cracks, approximately 7 inches outboard
from the butt end of the blade and approximately 1.5 inches aft of the leading edge. (See figure 1-20.)
4. Inspect tailboom extension housing for cracks, dents, scratches and security of attachment to structure
Check end sleeve flange for any movement indicating spot weld failure.
(Rev. 9) 1-41
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Daily Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
5. Inspect drive shaft for general condition, dents, cuts, scratches, and evidence of fatigue. Inspect bear-
ing housings for cracks and security. If screws are loose, check for elongated holes. Inspect coupling taper
nuts for security.
7. Inspect splined couplings of tail rotor drive for excessive play in splines.
8. Inspect universal joint for general condition and excessive wear. Replace joint if end play in needle
bearings exceeds 0.020 inch maximum.
9. It is mandatory that shafts which have cuts or scratches over 0.002 inch deep be replaced.
10. Inspect pitch change drum for security and freedom of operation. Inspect cables for wear and fraying over
pulleys, or through fairleads. Replace any cable that shows more than three wires broken in any one inch length,
limited to any two areas of any one cable. If corroded or badly worn, replace cable if number of broken wires is
less than that specified for replacement.
11. Inspect condition and security of turnbuckles, fairleads, control rods. Operate control pedals, checking
for freedom of movement and full travel. Observe movement of blades while operating pedals, (left pedal for-
ward, leading edges of blades move outboard, right pedal forward, leading edges of blades move inboard).
12. Check for axial or radial play of pitch change control link bearings. If axial or radial play exceeds 0.015
inch in either rod end, replace rod end.
13. Inspect pedals and connecting push pull tubes for security and freedom of operation.
14. Check cable attachment at turnbuckles, security and alignment through pulleys, proper tension, and
proper seating of ball ends in drum sockets. Inspect all pulleys and fairleads for security and excessive wear;
brackets for damage.
142 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
2. Inspect cabin, center frame, and tail boom structure and fittings for security and damage.
a. Skid type - Inspect skids and shoes for excessive wear; all parts for security, cracks, dents, kinks
and corrosion; ground handling wheels for general condition and tire inflation; cross tubes for excessive de-
flection. (Refer to Section X.)
b. Float type - Inspect floats for proper inflation, all parts for security and damage.
2. Inspect battery for evidence of spilled electrolyte, security of mounting and general condition. Check
battery drain tube for unobstructed drainage.
3. Inspect general condition of all wiring, insulated tubing and clips. Test operation of all switches and
circuit breakers. Check navigation and landing lights and rotating beacons for operation and security of
5. Drain static and pitot tubes at drain plug if water in system is suspected.
1. Remove all loose objects from helicopters, hand tools, rigging jigs, protractors, ETC and remove
main rotor tie-down prior to run up.
2. Check that registration and airworthiness certificates are in their proper place in the cabin, and in or-
der. Check logbook for being current.
(Rev. 3) 1-42A/1-42B
MODEL 47 Sheet 1 of 1
47G-2A/-2A-1 41G-4/-4A
47G-3 47G-5
-47G-3B/-3B-1 47G-5A
47G-3B2 47J-2/-2A
REFERENCE: Alert Service Bulletin 47-83-9
REASON: Add Daily Inspection for hydraulic servo cylinders.
1. Check operation ofinstruments, fuel and oil pressure, cylinder head temperature, engine and transmis-
sion oil temperatures. Check fuel, oil and hydraulic lines for leaks. Check operation of magnetos at 3100
RPM, with collective pitch lever full down. Refer to Flight Manual for allowable magneto drop.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-2B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 50 Hour Inspection
4. Drain engine oil, inspect and clean oil filter at the end of first 25 hours operation and every 50 hours
thereafter. If metal particles are found carefully evaluate to determine possible source. Further inspection shall
be warranted with special emphasis on main rotor mast thrust bearing.
5. If A13965 Houdaille dampers are installed, check damper fluid level and timing.
After the main rotor hub gimbal ring has accumulated 1200
flight hours or more, the following inspection shall be
performed each 50 hours.
a. Prior to inspection, clean the gimbal ring areas around the bores for the trunnion and pillow block
bearings (eight places). Using a 3X magnifying glass, thoroughly inspect the gimbal ring bearing bores for
cracks in the areas adjacent to:
(Rev. 9) 1-45/1-46
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 100 Hour Inspection
1. The 100 hour inspection consists of a complete daily, plus the items called for at 50 hours and the fol-
1. Inspect dynamic stop cable assemblies for proper adjustment.
2. Inspect all accessible nuts and bolts for tightness and security.
3. Inspect intake and exhaust systems for security, cracks, damage and evidence of leaks.
1. Disconnect control rod from control ring horns, clean horns with suitable cleaning solvent. Inspect horns
with 10 power magnifying glass to determine if a crack or cracks exist. If cracks are found, remove swash-
plate and replace immediately.
2. Inspect taper bushings and bolts in lateral jackshaft at transmission for security.
3. Check CSC870-5dampers for security, leaks and proper timing.
4. Check that stabilizer bar inboard tie rod nut hasclearancefrominboardend ofstabilizerbartube.
1. Inspect through bolts and transmission to adapter plate bolts for security and tightness.
2. Deleted.
(Rev. 9) 1-47
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
100 Hour Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
a. Metal particles in oil are cause for immediate disassembly of gearbox for complete inspection.
7. Inspect cable quadrant and connecting push pull tubes for security and freedom of operation. Check se-
curity of quadrant stops and cable attachments and guards. Check cable tension.
1. Check elevator control cables for proper tension.
2. Inspect seats and safety belts for condition and security of attachment. Test operation of catches on
safety belts. Inspect condition and security of first aid kit and fire extinguisher (if installed),
3. Inspect all structural tubing and fittings for cracks, cuts, bends, corrosion, distortion and damage. In-
spect protective coating on all tubing and refinish if necessary.
4. Inspect center frame tubing for chafing. Cuts or chafing less than 0.008 inch deep may be dressed out with crocus
cloth to provide a radius to relieve stress. If tubes are cut deeper than 0.008 inch, repair according to FAA,AC 43.13-1A.
2. Inspect battery relay, voltage regulator and electrical connections for condition and security.
3. Inspect all electrical wiring, terminals and cannon plugs for condition, corrosion and security.
4. Inspectallinstrument lines for leaks and security. Inspect condition of flex lines. Replace when exter-
ior of lines show signs of deterioration.
5. Inspect pitot tube and static holes for condition and freedom from foreign material.
1-48 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 300 Hour Inspection
Accomplish complete Daily, 50-Hour and 100-Hour inspection requirements in addition to inspection
outlined below:
(Rev. 9) 1-48A/1-48B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 600 Hour Inspection
Accomplish complete Daily, 50-Hour, 100-Hour and 300-Hour inspection requirements in addition to
inspection outlined below.
1. Complete disassembly for overhaul of components listed below, including magnetic particle or
fluorescent penetrant and dimensional inspection, is now scheduled at 1200hours. This should be
considered maximum operating time between overhauls and duly shortened when unfavorable
operating conditions exist, such as in dusty areas or those where corrosion problems are recurrent.
2. Procedures outlined for 600-hour inspection of these components consist of manual operation of as-
semblies through all possible movements while observing carefully for any deviation from normal action,
feel, or appearance. Intent is to determine serviceability for continued operation or need for corrective
action. When doubt exists, apply more thorough inspection methods as necessary to reveal true condition.
3. Overhaul requirements for engine and accessories shall be in accordance with engine manufacturer's
4. Refer to Airworthiness Limitations for list of parts having prescribed maximum service life.
5. Refer to pertinent paragraphs and illustrations in Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions for details
of specified clearances, torque values, tolerances, or methods of adjustment.
2. Tilt rotor on spanwise and chordwise axis, checking gimbal ring bearings for any binding, excessive
play, or indications of roughness or wear.
(Rev. 9) 1-49
Section I MAINTENANCE& OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
600 Hour Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
1. With transmission removed, disassemble to extent required for following inspections.
a. Remove and disassemble freewheeling unit, to inspect all parts for wear and damage. Inspect
springs for wear and correct radii, inspect spring retainer plates, for wear and cracks; replace as neces-
sary. Check for free rotation and proper locking during and after reassembly.
b. Visually inspect condition of shoe linings, drum, and spider bearing. Manually and visually check
for excessive wear of pivot pins and bushings.
c. Without further disassembly, unless faulty conditions are found, inspect all other sub-assemblies
for acceptable general condition, gear tooth wear patterns, and freedom of bearing operation.
1. Visually inspect adapter plate for general condition, security of studs and oil scoop, and excessive
wear at trunnion pin holes.
1. Inspect engine and accessories in accordance with engine manufacturer's instructions.
2. If engine is changed or overhauled, clean and flush oil cooler and lines. Check adapter plate hold-down
studs for specified projection at minimum torque.
3. Inspect fan for general condition and free rotation; support for security.
4. Replace fan belts according to the Airworthiness Limitations. Check belts for proper tension after first five (two or
three hours preferred) and first ten hours of operation. Recheck belt tension at first 50 hours and at each 100 hours
5. Check adjustment of carburetor controls.
6. Inspect generator for general condition of brushes, brush holders, springs, and commutator. Manually
check freedom of rotation and for indications of bearing roughness or wear.
7. Test operation and adjustment of voltage regulator and relays.
10. Check reading of fuel quantity indicators with a measured amount of fuel in the tanks.
2. Visually inspect gearbox and extension shaft assembly. Manually turn shafts to check for freedom of operation,
normal feel of gear meshing and backlash, and indications of bearing roughness or wear. Closely inspect gearbox oil,
during change, for metal particles or foreign matter.
3. Conduct rigid visual inspection of tail rotor blades for dents, nicks, scratches, cracks or other damage.
4. Deleted.
1-50 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
1. Make thorough visual inspection for cracks in all parts of cylinder support and bellcrank assemblies,
including attachment brackets.
2. Check for excessive radial play of cylinder trunnions in bushings of supports and bellcranks.
1. Inspect generator and starter commutators for cleanliness and general condition.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 1200 Hour Inspection
2. Overhaul requirements for engine and accessories will be in accordance with engine manufacturer's
3. Refer to Airworthiness Limitations for list of parts having prescribed maximum service life.
4. Refer to pertinent paragraphs and illustrations in Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions for details
of procedures, specified clearances, torque values, tolerances, and methods of adjustment.
5. Inspect all bearings for smooth, free operation before and after assembly. Check parts dimensionally
as necessary to determine extent of wear or proper fit of mating parts.
Refer to maintenance inspections for instruction on parts
requiring Magnaflux inspection (identified by part number)
for procedure and acceptance criteria.
1. Remove and disassemble main rotor hub. Inspect parts in accordance with the following steps:
a. Examine all mating parts for identification marking and mark if necessary. Inspect all parts for
wear, distortion and damage. Inspect thrust bearing surfaces of yoke spindles for evidence of fretting cor-
rosion. (Refer to Section II.) Inspect grip fillet (refer to figure 2-11, Detail B). The inboard radius and
bottom of the fillet must have a smooth finish and be free of nicks or tool marks.
b. Inspect all bearings for wear, cracks, chips, foreign matter, brinelling and smooth operation.
c. Inspect flap restraints for evidence of permanent set from excessive flapping. Replace restraints
if either of these conditions are noted.
d. If static stop is used with metal blades, inspect for permanent set from excessive flapping.
e. Inspect the following parts by magnetic particle (M)or fluorescent penetrant (Z) methods as
Item Nomenclature Code
1 Yoke P/N 47-120-177-1 M (Refer to Acceptance standard)
2 Gimbal rings Z
3 Hub core M
4 Pillow blocks (do not remove pins) Z
5 Pillow block bolts M
6 Blade grips and horns Z
(Rev. 9) 1-53
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1200 Hour Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
Item Nomenclature
1 Blade drag braces and attaching bolts
2 Clevis - P/N 47-110-373-1
(Refer to acceptance standard)
1-54 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section 1
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 1200 Hour Inspection
Bearing liners must not be removed to fluorescent penetrant control plate and support.
1. Disassemble transmission and visually inspect parts in accordance with the following steps:
a. Inspect all sections of transmission case for damage. Remove, clean and inspect oil strainers.
b. Inspect all surfaces, bolt holes, spline and radii of mast driving flange for cracks, burrs and
surface damage. Inspect shear bolts for any indication of shear.
Rev. 8 1-54A/1-54B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section I
c. Inspect retainer of freewheeling unit, for wear, cuts and fracture. Inspect rollers and roller slots
in ring gear, for flat spots, burrs, brinelling and damage. Inspect springs for wear and correct radii, in-
spect spring retainer plates, for wear and cracks: replace as necessary. Check parts dimensionally.
d. Inspect surfaces, teeth and splines of all gears for wear, chips, cracks, scoring and galling and
damage. Inspect contacting surfaces of all gear tooth pattern for evidence of wear or misalignment. Check
gears dimensionally if their condition is questionable. Inspect spider pinion pins and snap-rings for wear,
burrs and general condition.
e. Inspect all bearings for wear, chips, cracks, brinelling and freedom of operation. Check parts
dimensionally if bearing appears loose on shaft or in bores.
f. Inspect clutch spider for wear, cracks, burrs and elongated pivot pin holes. Inspect pivot pins and
snap-rings for wear and burrs. Inspect spider bearing for wear, chips and brinelling.
g. Inspect spider pinion roller bearing cages for wear, cracks, brittleness and foreign matter. In-
spect bearing rollers for wear, chips, cracks and burrs.
h. Inspect clutch shoes for worn linings, pins and bushings. Inspect linings for excessive wear. Re-
place shoes if liningislessthan 0.062 inch thick and rework or replace shoes if pins and bushings are worn.
i. Inspect clutch drum dimensionally and for excessive scoring, out-of-round, and evidence of exces-
sive heating. Blue on outside of drum does not indicate excessive heat or drum deterioration.
j. Inspect clutch drum after installation for running true.
k. Magnetic particle (Code M) or fluorescent penetrant (Code F) the following parts as indicated.
a. Inspect shafts for wear and damage. Gear teeth for chips, wear, cracks, scoring or galling.
b. Inspect bearings for wear, chips, cracks, brinelling and freedom of operation. Check parts di-
mensionally if bearings appear loose on shafts or in bore.
c. Magnetic particle (Code M) or fluorescent penetrant (Code F) the following parts as indicated.
1. Inspect adapter plate by fluorescent penetrant method. Do not remove oil scoop.
2. Inspect trunnion pin holes in plate for wear. If inside diameter exceeds 0.755 inch, install bushings or
replace plate. (See Section V.)
1. Inspect engine and accessories in accordance with engine manufacturer's instructions. When engine
is changed or overhauled, clean and flush oil cooler and lines.
3. Inspect adapter plate mounting studs for proper torque. (Refer to Section V.)
4. Remove and magnetic particle inspect index plate assembly. Part No.47-661-801. (Refer to Acceptance Standards.)
1. Test hydraulic system pressure, adjust pressure relief valve as necessary. (Refer to Section VII.)
1. Remove and disassemble tail rotor hub. (Refer to Section VI.) Visually inspect parts in accordance
with the following steps:
a. Carefully inspect all parts for surface condition, wear, and damage.
b. Inspect pitch change head and link rods for wear and damage.
c. Magnetic particle (Code M) or fluorescent penetrant (Code F) the following parts as indicated.
1 Trunnion (47-641-176) M
2 Pitch Change Crosshead (47-641-102) M
3 Housing Assembly (P/N 47-641-174) M
4 Pitch Horn (P/N 47-641-187) M
5 Tail Rotor Yoke (P/N 47-641-126) *F
1-56 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE& OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS 1200 Hour Inspection
2. Remove and disassemble tail rotor gearbox. (Refer to Section VI.) Visually inspect parts as follows:
a. Inspect shafts for general condition and gear teeth for tooth pattern, chips, cracks, brinelling and
general condition. Inspect bearings for chips, cracks, brinelling and freedom of operation. Check parts
dimensionally if bearings appear loose on shafts or in bore.
b. Replace oil seals at assembly.
c. Magnetic particle (Code M) or fluorescent penetrant (Code F) the following parts as indicated.
b. Remove collective pitch control tube between power cylinder and idler.
c. Remove lateral cyclic control tube between power cylinder and torque tube assembly. Remove control
tube between torque tube assembly and swashplate.
d. Remove fore and aft cyclic control tube between power cylinder and lever. Remove control tube between
lever and swashplate.
a. Mark fittings and tube ends to ensure fitting is assembled in original position.
b. Remove both end fittings by carefully drilling off rivet heads and drive out rivets. Do not enlarge rivet
holes in tube or fitting.
3. Inspect each control tube for internal corrosion using a light and borescope or equivalent inspection means.
Control tubes with double drilled rivet holes, sharp nicks, scratches or
internal corrosion are considered unserviceable.
(Rev. 9) 1-57
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1200 Hour Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
a. Remove all paint and primer from internal surface of control tubes, using steel wire brush on steel control
tubes and bristle brush on aluminum control tubes, with Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone.
b. Add three parts of thinner, Toluene TT-T-548 to four parts of zinc chromate primer, by volume, and mix
c. Apply primer to inside of control tubes, coat entire internal surface while rotating control tube. Allow excess
primer to drain. Wipe excess from fitting area, leaving a light coat. Allow six hours minimum drying time prior to
further finishing.
The following will provide approximately one gallon. If a small quantity is required, reduce all quantities proportionally.
a. Dissolve sixteen ounces of aluminum pigment(TT-P-320A)paste (Type II Class A) or powder (Type I Class A)
in a small amount of thinner (TT-T-266).
b. Add aluminum pigment to one gallon of clear cellulose nitrate lacquer (TT-L-32).
c. Add equal volume of thinner to lacquer and mix thoroughly. Strain through a paint strainer.
6. Apply aluminum lacquer to inside of control tube, coat entire internal surface while rotating control tube. Allow
excess lacquer to drain. Wipe excess from fitting area, leaving a light coat. Allow 2 hours before installing end fittings.
Rod ends, fittings, and clevises must be plated or treated; and must not
exhibit any corrosion. Replace parts that have inadequate finish.
7. Hollow ends may require refilling. If adhesive filler is damaged when the rivets were driven out, remove old
filler and fill with hard epoxy adhesive, Metal Set A4 or equivalent. Allow adhesive to cure 24 hours before drilling
8. Apply Proseal 890-B2 to I.D. of control tubes and O.D. of end fittings, at faying surfaces, before assembly. Install
end fittings in control tube.
9. Dip MS20613-5P rivets in Proseal 890-B2 and install. MS20613-6P rivets (oversize) may be used. Replace any
steel control tube that requires rivets larger than MS20613-6P rivets.
10. Seal each end of control tube assembly and around rivets with Proseal 890-B2 sealant. Apply sealant as shown
on figure 1-20 control tube sealing (typical). Cure sealant at room temperature for 72 hours.
1-58 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-I BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section 1
MAINTENANCE 1200 Hour Inspection
II. Reinstall all control tubes and check rigging. Tighten jam-nuts and install all cotter pins.
1. Remove and disassemble starter and generator. Inspect general condition of insulation, brushes and
brush holders for wear, freedom of movement and damage. Inspect brush holder springs for broken coils
and proper tension.
2. Test fields and armature. Inspect commutators and turn-down if needed. Inspect, lubricate and/or
replace bearings if necessary.
3. Test operation and adjustment of voltage regulator.
(PROSEAL 890-B2)
(Rev. 2) 1-58A/1-58B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Conditional Inspection
Accomplish the following inspection immediately after the helicopter has been subjected to a hard landing
or when it is suspected a hard landing has been made. Carefully examine the following installations for
1. Inspect skids and cross tubes for cracks and excessive deflection.
2. Inspect structure and center frame. Inspect all structural tubing for cracks, bends, distortion, and
damage. Check security and condition of bolts that attach the tail boom to center frame.
3. Carefully examine all flight control push-pull tubes, hydraulic boost system, link-rods, bellcranks,
and cables. Inspect rod-ends and bellcrank bearings.
4. Inspect tail boom extension and tail rotor guard. Examine tail rotor blades. If damage to the tail rotor
is found, carefully inspect the following:
b. Universal joint.
5. Inspect main rotor dynamic stop cables. Remove and inspect static stop. If damage to the static stop is
evident, remove and disassemble main rotor. Use magnetic particle or fluorescent penetrant process to inspect
all parts. Visually inspect bearings.
7. Remove and disassemble main rotor mast. Use a magnifying glass and inspect thrust bearings for
creased or banded balls.
(Rev. 9) 1-59
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Conditional Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
Accomplish this inspection after the main rotor has been stopped suddenly by striking any object including
tail boom while rotating freely (not being driven by the engine). While the damage to the main rotor blades
will undoubtedly be obvious, component parts of the main and tail rotor systems and engine may have sus-
tained from minor to severe damage.
1. Remove and disassemble main rotor. Examine main rotor blades.
If condition of blades is such that repairs cannot be made in
accordance with the blade repair section of this manual, return
blades to an approved repair station for disposition. If one blade
is damaged to the extent that it is obvious scrap, then scrap the
mating blade also.
2. When blade impact is violent to the extent that the drag brace bolt is sheared and the aft side of the blade butt
contacts the aft or forward outboard side of the hub grip, it is mandatory that the complete hub assembly be replaced.
Also the mast controls assembly and mast must be inspected by the magnetic particle and fluorescent penetrant
process. Check for concentricity. Visually inspect bearings, dynamic stop cables and static stop.
3. Visually inspect stabilizer bar outer tube for bends; also examine welded joint at inboard end of outer
4. Use a magnifying glass to inspect mast thrust bearings for damaged balls.
1-60 (Rev. 9)
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Conditional Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
1. If sudden stoppage originated at the tail rotor blades, the tail rotor hub and blade assembly
must be condemned as non-airworthy, nonrepairable and disposed of locally.
Known or suspected contact of the tail rotor with soft terrain, snow, water or dense vegetation must be
inspected to sudden stoppage criteria to the extent of condemning the tail rotor hub and blade
assembly and conducting a progressive inspection of the tail rotor drive system.
2. Carefully inspect all attachment parts. Visually inspect all bearings. Examine tail rotor
driveshaft installation. Inspect all coupling pins for damage and holes for elongation.
a. If all sections of driveshaft are found satisfactory inspect the following:
(1) Transmission tail rotor output quill assembly for smoothness of bearings and gear
teeth for damage.
(2) Check tail rotor gearbox for freedom of operation and proper backlash of gears.
(3) Check runout of gearbox output shaft.
b. If the tail rotor driveshaft or universal joint is broken or twisted, remove,disassemble and
inspect the following:
(1) Tail rotor driveshaft.
(2) Tail rotor drive quill from transmission.
(3) Tailboom extension.
(4) Tail rotor gearbox.
Accomplish this inspection immediately after the main rotor has been stopped suddenly by striking an object
whilebeing driven by the engine.
1-62 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS ConditionalInspection
1. Remove
anddisassemble transmission. (Refer to Section IV.) Inspect all parts carefully giving particular
attention to freewheeling parts
2. Fluorescent penetrant inspect adapter plate and magnetic particle inspect trunnion pins.
Carefully examine all flight control systems.
3. Magnetic particle inspect engine mount.
1. Inspect tail rotor drive systems in the same manner as for POWEROFF and in addition, magnetic
particle inspect the drive shafts and gears in the tail rotor gear box.
2. Rotor overspeeds in excess of 395 RPM require the removal of the blades and a comprehensive
inspection performed by an authorized blade overhaul station.
If helicopter is equipped with floats and has been operated utilizing the differencial altitude limitations as
specified in Flight Manual floats must be proof tested every six months. (Refer to Section X.)
1. Remove cooling fan drive assembly from transmission, after the first 10 hours of operation on a new
or overhauled transmission or after the first 50 hours of operation after fan gears have been installed, for
a one time inspection.
2. Inspect pinion gear and drive gear teeth for an acceptable wear pattern. (Refer to Section IV.) If
readjustment of gears is required to obtain an acceptable wear pattern, make the necessary adjustment and
reinspect gears again after the next 10 hours of operation.
(Rev. 9) 1-62A
Section I MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Conditional Inspection INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
1. Check magnetic compass for accuracy. If excessive error is indicated, the compass must be
calibrated using standard compensation methods.
2. After compensation, and while still on the compass rose, swing for residual deviations on 12
symmetrical headings (each 30-degrees).Recordcompass readings on a compass correctioncard and
install in compass card holder.
1-62B (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section I
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Airworthiness Limitations
This airworthiness Limitations Schedule summarizes, in tabular form, the maximum hours life of
various components before retirement from service. Parts not listed on this schedule have unlimited
retirement life. Refer to Lycoming T5508 Series Manuals for power plant components Airworthiness
Limitations. It is the responsibility of the operator to serialize and maintain records of limited life parts.
(Rev. 9) 1-63
Section I MAINTENANCE& OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Airworthiness Limitations INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
Shear Screw 47-620-485-9 1200 hours
1-64 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section II
Section II
Main Rotor System
2-1. MAIN ROTOR INSTALLATION. and mechanic is recommended, since it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish between similar indications of
2-2. DESCRIPTION. The main rotor installation unlike conditions. Also recommended, any adjustments
consists of two main assemblies, the hub and blades. be made in small increments, and clearly recorded
The hub is mounted on the mast by means of a splined for reversal if effect is wrong.
universal type mounting called a gimbal ring and se-
cured with lock-washer and nut.
rotor (slow enough to count) are termed 1:1 vibrations.
The blades are mounted in the hub grips and secured Direction, vertical or lateral, in which they are felt
by attachment bolts. The attachment bolts are so by crew is significant in determining cause.
located that when the blades are properly installed
and aligned they will be on the axis of the grip and
form a perfectly aligned unit. Vibrations occurring twice per revolution of main
rotor (too fast to count) are termed 2:1 vibrations.
2-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - MAIN ROTOR. The Direction is not significant.
following outline lists conditions which may be en-
countered in flight test after installation of main rotor. High frequency vibration, or buzz, does not originate
Before making adjustments, careful diagnosis bypilot from main rotor.
(a) In hover and forward flight Rotor out-of-track Adjust trim tabs
(b) In forward flight but not Climbing blade Compare high and low speed track.
hover Adjust
2:1 Vibrations
(a) In hover or forward flight Mast misaligned Adjust sprag mounts. (Section V.)
Rotor rpm high or low in auto- Minimum pitch blade angle in- Adjust both pitch control rods
rotation correct
Erratic nudging of cyclic con- Rotor unstable on longitudinal Sweep both blades aft
trol stick axis
2-4. TRACKING - MAIN ROTOR. (Figure 2-1.) c. Slowly raise tracking Pole into path of rotor
blades, near the tip, just far enough to mark the low
blade. Stop engine and allow rotor to stop.. Identify
low or marked blade and raise trim tab 1/32 inch.
If tracking is being accomplished following
initial assembly of main rotor, proceed as d. Recheck track in accordance with preceding
follows: steps b., and c. If same blade is still identified as
the low blade bend tab an additional 1/32 inch to
a. Check trim tab angles and adjust to “trail” maximum 1/16 inch setting. Repeat steps b., and C.
position. (Trim tab in line with blade lower contour.)
Check that pitch change links are set to equal lengths Note
(7 13/16 inches). (See figure 2-2).
Trim’ tabs may be bent up or down 5/16
inch from trail position. (Trail position is
b. Attach a piece of rubber to a small pole and
trim tab in line with blade lower surface.)
coat upper surface of rubber with a marking compound.
If rotor will not track within this limit,
(Prussian blue or red lead mixed with oil.) Start and
observe following steps e., f., and g.
warm up engine in accordance with instructions in
Flight Manual. Operate engine at 3100 rpm and apply e. Level helicopter. (Refer to paragraph l-19.)
collective pitch to the maximum without the helicopter, Check main rotor mast to determine that is is verti-
becoming airborne. cal. (Refer to paragraph 7-4 a.) Level swashplate by
installing rigging fixture T101234 on mast with the
four legs in place against swashplate. Level the stabi-
lizer bar. Check main rotor hub yoke to determine
that it is level chordwise.
If run-up is being performed by other than f. If yoke is not level chordwise, adjust equalizer
an experienced pilot, tie the helicopter link rods by lengthening on one side and shortening
down. on opposite side as necessary.
2-5. SPANWISE BALANCE CHECK - ROTOR c. Position level spanwise on hub yoke. Pull one
INSTALLED. blade down slightly, release blade and allow it to
come to rest. Pull opposite blade down, release and
Note allow it to come to rest. Recheck the level.
2-4 (Rev. 3)
Section II BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
a. Park helicopter in a level area protected from The following procedure can be used to
circulating air. Disconnect pitch control links from n
pitch horns. Position blades between zero and five improve an unstable condition of the main
degrees pitch angle.rotor. This condition may be recognized
degrees pitch angle. in flight as an erratic nudging of the cyclic
b. Disconnect the dynamic stop cables from sta- control stick. Do not use this procedure
bilizer bar center frame. Place a cross test spirit until initial blade alignment and check
level on the hub yoke. Level hub spanwise. flight have been accomplished.
c. Rock hub chordwise and note position of bubble
when hub comes to rest. If bubble is centered, rotor a. Place a scale along the drag brace assembly
is level chordwise. parallel to it and aligned to the exact center of the
Note wrench flat on the drag brace. Place a crayon mark
on the end fittings and on the wrench flat. On the
Main rotor hub gimbal bearings should exact center of the next flat on the drag brace place
not be pressure lubricated just prior to a crayon mark. (Figure 2-4.)
balancing or balance checks. If the hub
does not return to the same position each
time it is released, there is friction in the CAUTION
gimbal bearings which must be corrected.
If reading indicates that hub is heavy on one
side, observe step (d). Do not mark with scribe or punch.
(Rev. 3) 2-4A/2-4B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section II
Figure 2-4. Marking Drag Brace
b. Loosen lock-nuts. Turn drag brace to shorten c. Remove droop from blades by placing a support
and sweep blades aft until second mark is in align- Tool No. 47-976-002-1-T202 under each blade. (See
ment with marks on drag brace fitting. Tighten lock- figure 2-6.)
nuts and make certain marks are still in alignment.
Sweep opposite blade in the same manner. Adjust drag d. Attach a linen thread to alignment pin at blade
braces with care as both blades must be swept aft tip, pull thread taut and attach to opposite blade in
exactly the same amount. Test fly helicopter after same position. (See figure 2-5).
each adjustment.
e. Place a square on HEAD of each blade retain-
Note ing BOLT so that the squares are directly in line with
If unstable condition has been eliminated or scribe marks on outboard ends of blade grips.
reduced to an acceptable degree no further
adjustment is recommended. If condition Note
has not been corrected repeat preceding step Two small mirrors may be used in place
(b) until blades have been swept aft a total of TwoSquares if desired. (Blade gripsused
five flats. Sweeping blades aft will change be level.) Place mirrors on each blade re-
be level.) Place mirrors on each blade re-
collective pitch forces which may require taining BOLT HEAD and under the thread
adjusting amount of counterweights. (Refer as near scribe mark as possible. Adjust
to paragraph 24A.) the drag brace, if necessary, so that when
sighting into the mirrors, the thread,
2-8. ALIGNMENT - MAIN ROTOR BLADES. scribe mark and the thread reflection all
(Figure 2-5.) lie in the same plane across both grips.
a. Place
Place rotor assembly on
rotor assembly on stand.
stand. Remove
Remove nuts
nuts f. Align blades simultaneously using squares (or
and washers from pillow block bolts and using a mirrors) on blade retaining BOLT HEADS.Adjust drag
dural drift, drive the pillow block bolts out. Care mirrors) on blade retaining BOLT HEADS.Adjust drag
should be taken that heads of bolts are position to the thread over each outboard grip
so they will not score the gimbal ring. Remove mark.
gimbal ring. g. Insert wire into inspection holes at endof drag
brace to make sure rod-end enters tube to cover in-
b. Insert pitch control attachment bolts in pitch spection holes. Tighten lock-nuts and recheck align-
horns. Raise pitch horns and place aligning bar, ment. Torque blade attachment bolts 1200 to 1400
T100747, chordwise on the hub yoke. Lower pitch inch-pounds.
horns until pitch link attachment bolts contact upper
surface of the bar. Use C-clamps to hold bolts in h. Remove C-clamps and thread from hub and
contact with the bar. blades. Remove aligning bar and pitch attachment
Rev. 8 2-5
Section II MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
a. Place rotor on a suitable stand, and check Install weights and washers equally as
spanwise and chordwise balance. near as possible on each side of the spar.
Width of weights is limited to 0.90 inch
b. Position blade pitch horns so that blades are maximum each side of spar. (See figure
between zero and five degrees pitch angle. Place a 2-7.)
spirit level on the upper surface of the yoke in a
spanwise direction. d. Set blade grips to approximately plus five
degrees and lockwire in position. Place a cross test
Note spirit level on the hub yoke. Rock the hub chordwise
and allow it to settle. Check position of chordwise
If blades have weights installed 3.78 inches level. If bubble is centered, blades are in chordwise
inboard from tip, weight must not be re- balance.
moved. Weights were installed at time of
manufacture to obtain correct spanwise
moment. bubble in level is toward center. Rotor assembly
should be free enough to stop on center when rocked.
c. Check rotor assembly for spanwise level. If
bubble does not center rotor must be balanced. Install 2-10. REMOVAL - MAIN ROTOR.
any combination of 47-110-371-1, -3, -5 or -7 weights,
and AN970-4 washers (maximum 12 on each side of box a. Straighten tangs on lock-washer that secures the
beam) and/or AN960PD416 washers (maximum 14 on main rotor retaining nut. Use T101381 wrench, remove
2-6 Rev. 8
matched. Align the splines and lower the rotor until
it rests firmly on the split cone. Disconnect hoist
and remove rotor sling.
Figure 2-6. Blades Supported to Remove Droop e. Connect dynamic atop Cables to stabilizer bar
center frame.
chemical film treatment. If the chemical film is c. Blades with severely deteriorated finishes such
unavailable, use a 10% solution of chromic acid. Allow as surface cracks, blisters, bare spots, etc., with or
the solution (kept wet) to react for approximately two without evidence of corrosion of the aluminum.
minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Allow the surfaces to dry.
Rev. 8 2-8A/2-8B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section II
CAUTION ing a circular motion. Use 180 grit, wet or dry sand-
Methyl-ethyl-ketone and paint strippers
shall not be used to remove finish from
the adhesive squeeze out areas (bondlines).
4. Check blade surfaces for possible corro- Do not allow the sandpaper to overlap onto
sion, and any pitting that may have resulted from the the aluminum surfaces while sanding the
corrosion. Any corrosion and/or pitting shall be re- stainless steel leading edge.
moved from the blade surfaces as follows:
Rev. 8 2-9
Section II MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
minutes between coats. Total dry film primer overlapping trim tab squeeze out (bondline), and
thickness to be 1 mil (0.001 inch) to 1 1/2 mils extending a minimum of 1/2 inch onto the
(0.0015 inch). Allow primer to air dry a minimum of aluminum surfaces.
1 hour, maximum of 24 hours, before proceeding
with step 9B. 13. Following the above, apply one full
wet coat over all polyamide epoxy primed blade
9B. Apply three wet spray coats of EC surfaces, including the blade areas receiving the
2216 adhesive from butt end of blade to a distance prior applied corrosion and abrasion resistant
of approximately 3/4 inch outboard (follow coating.
contour) of largest doubler. Do not apply to Note
surfaces of grip plates and drag plates that become
faying surfaces with the grips and drag braces. Air dry the corrosion and abrasion
Apply two wet spray coats of adhesive over all resistant coating a minimum of 30
adhesive squeeze-out and surfaces of trim tab. minutes between coats (the coating does
Extend outer edge of adhesive onto blade surface a minutes between coats(the coating does
minimum of 1/2 inch beyond squeeze-out. Apply
two wet spray coats of adhesive over entire length 14. Allow the corrosion and abrasion
of blade (both sides) using butt joint between coating to air dry for 16 to 24 hours at
room temperature, or dry 30 minutes at room
line of spray. Also apply two wet spray coats of temperature and heat cure approximately two
adhesive over entire length of blade (both sides) hours at 150to 160 . If heatcure is used, allowthe
using butt joint between trailing edge strip and metal to return to room temperature prior to
skin as centerline of spray. Apply one wet spray
coat of adhesive to all blade surfaces including topcoating.
areas receiving the two previous coats. not 15. Apply one thin wet coating of
apply to surfaces of grip plates and drag plates polyamide epoxy primer to all blade surfaces.
that become faying surfaces with grips and drag Allowto air dry one hour up to a maximum of eight
braces. hours.
77 16. Apply two to three coats of MIL-L-
10. Apply one thin coat of entire 81352 acrylic lacquer, Fed. Std. 595, color number
primer over blade
epoxy plyamide over coated 16473(Glossy Aircraft Gray) to the upper surface
minimum of one hour dry
including EC-2216 adhesive coated surfaces.
Allow primer
Allow air dry
to air
primer to minimum of
dry aa minimum and aa
hour and
of 11hour of the blade.
between Final atotal
coats.Allow dry filmof
minimum one hourofdry
thickness the
maximum of 8 hours before proceeding with
application of lacquer in step 16. If primer has to 3.5 mils.
dried more than 8 hours, the lacquer will not
properly adhere. Lacquer should be applied as 17. Apply two to three coats of MIL-L-
soon as possible after primer has dried 1 hour. 81352 acrylic lacquer Fed. Std 595, color 37038 to
the bottom surface of the blade. Allow minimum
11. Mask off surfaces of grip plates and one hour dry between coats. Final dry film
drag brace plates. Apply two wet coats of corrosion thickness of the polyamide epoxy primer and
and abrasion resistant coating, (EC2216 plus acrylic lacquer system is 2.5 mils to 3.5 mils.
polyamide epoxy primer mixed and thinned as
specified in step d. below) from the butt end of 18. Apply one coat (0.4 to 0.5milsthick)of
blade to a distance of approximately 3/4 inch MIIL-81352 lacquer, Fed. Std. 595, color number
outboard (follow contour) of outermost doubler tip. 33538 to the outer 6.0 inches of the blade, both top
Continue along butting surface (bondline) of and bottom surfaces.
stainless steel leading edge to aluminum skins
with a two inch wide coating, overlapping the Note
stainless leading edge 1/4 inch and the balance 1-
3/4 inches on the aluminum surface, for the entire Allow the lacquer to air dry a minimum of
length of the blade. 45 minutes between coats.
Allow the finish to air dry a minimum of
12. Using the same procedure apply two 48 hours prior to installing blades on the
wet coats over all surfaces of the trim tab and helicopters.
2-10 Rev. 8
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section II
d. Corrosion and abrasion resistant coating. 2. Thinning The mixed EC-2216 shall be
of EC- thinned for spraying as fol-
1. Mixing of This material is a two part 2216 lows:
EC-2216 epoxy paste.
The "B" material (base) is (a) Add 13% to 15% (by weight) of
off white in color. polyamide epoxy primer mixed 1:1 with base
solution and activator (910 X:386),to the
The "A" material (hardener) mixed EC-2216. Mix thoroughly
is medium gray.
(b) Thin to a sprayable consistency by
Mix the two materials together adding methyl-ethyl-keton in an amount not to exceed
until the mixture is a uniform 50% by volume of the mixed EC-2216. Add the methyl-
gray in color. ethyl-ketone in small amounts, with constant stirring
(usually a 35% by volume of methyl-ethyl-ketone will
Mixing Ratio By Weight produce a sprayable consistency).
Rev. 8 2-10A/2-10B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section II
2-16. REPLACEMENT - TRIM TAB. ends of each equalizer beam and the horn on each
(Figure 2-7.) blade grip. Due to this connection, when blade angles
are being changed the angle of both blades is changed
a. Drill out four rivets, chisel off trim tab and simultaneously and equally. The dynamic stops are
remove the remaining adhesive on blades. cable assemblies connected between the gimbal ring
b. Apply A6 adhesive with activator "A" to trim and stabilizer bar to prevent excessive flapping of the
tab and blade. blades, while in flight. Counterweights attached to
Note blade grips aid in balancing collective forces.
The trail position of the trim tab is con- 2-20. REMOVAL - MAIN ROTOR HUB.
sidered to be in line with the bottom sur- 2-20. REMOVAL - MAIN ROTOR HUB.
face of the blade. Trim tab may be bent a. Remove main rotor. (Refer to paragraph
up or down 5/16 inch from this position 2-10.)
to facilitate tracking of main rotor blades. b. Remove main rotor blades. (Refer to para-
graph 2-14.)
a. Observe color coding of blade tips and grips. 2-21.
Install blades in grips, install blade attachment bolts (Figure -9)
add torque bolts 1200 to 1400 inch-pounds. Note
Observe color coding before disassembly
Observe color coding before disassembly
b. Connect drag braces to blade retention plates.
Install and torque attaching bolts 160 to 190 inch- inal location. (Refer to paragraph 2-27
pounds. inal location. (Refer to paragraph 2-27
for color coding.)
2-18. MAIN ROTOR HUB. a. Remove cotter pins, nuts, and washers that
secure counterweight
Lift counterweight assemblies
assemblies to equalizer
(1) from horns.
horns and re-
2-19. DESCRIPTION. The hub assembly consists Lift counterweight assemblies (1) from horns and re-
of two main assemblies, the gimbal ring and the yoke. move drag (2),braces(2), Remove pillow block bolts (3)
The gimbal ring which is the upper portion of the as- drag braces (2). Remove
move pillow blocksfrom yoke.
sembly provides universal action for the azimuth Disconnect and remove equalizer links (4) from
position of the blades. The trunnion of the ring pro- Disconnect and removeequalizer links (4) from
vides the mounting point of the hub assembly to the
rotor mast. The yoke (lower section of the assembly b. Remove cotter pins, nuts, and washers from
to which the grips are mounted) is secured to the inboard ends of bolts securing equalizer beams to
gimbal ring in such a manner as to permit the hub yoke. Remove equalizer beam bolts and remove
assembly to pivot or seesaw in any direction. Pitch beams (8) from yoke as an assembly. Removebearings
equalization is provided by interconnecting linkage (5), spacer washer (6), and snap-ring (7) from beam.
between the horns and blade grips. The linkage con-
sists of an equalizer arm mounted on each side of c. Cut lockwire, remove attaching bolts and washers
the yoke and adjustable link-rods which connect the and lift blade pitch horns (9) and equalizer horns (10)
(Rev. 3) 2-11
Section II MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
from grips. Remove locking plate (11) from blade grip 2-22. INSPECTION - MAIN ROTOR HUB.
adapter and turn adapter counterclockwise with a. Inspect all parts for wear or damage. Visually
T100056 spanner wrench until threads are disengaged. inspect splines for chipped, cracked, broken or worn
Slide grip off yoke. teeth. Inspect bearings for chips, cracks and/or
d. Press outer race of blade grip bearing (12) and brinelling.
seal (13) from grip (14) using T100394 pressing plug. b. Inspect, blade grips and main rotor blade re-
inforcing plates, (see figure 2-8) and on yoke spindle
e. Cut lockwire and remove lock-screw from yoke where thrust bearings are mounted,(see figure 2-11)
bearing nut. Using T100407 spanner wrench turn nut for evidence of fretting corrosion. Remove corrosion
(16) counterclockwise. Nut will contact inner race of as follows: (See figure 2-8.)
bearing and push rollers and inner race (15) from yoke
spindle. Remove yoke bearing nut (16) and slide spacer (1) Wash butt plates (or grips) thoroughly with
(17) adapter assembly, shim (18), O-ring seal (19) and cleaning solvent.
seal ring (20) from yoke (21).
(2) Polish out fretted areausing crocus cloth.
f. Remove seal (22) and press bearings (23) from Remove onlysufficientmaterialtocleanuparea. Max-
adapter (24). Use T101385 pressing plug. imum depth of repair is limited to 0.020 inch. Blend
edges of repaired areas into contour.
g. Remove cap screws (25) securing upper and lower
halves of gimbal ring (26) and separate halves. Lift
trunnion and pillow block assemblies from lower half of
gimbal ring. Remove bearing caps (27), bearings (28), CAUION
and shims (29) from outboard shoulder of trunnion.
Tag shims for reassembly in same location. Remove
grease fittings (30) from caps. Remove bearings (31) The number of repairs permitted is limited
and seal (32) from inboard shoulder of trunnions (33). by the following factor: A sufficient amount
of the original surface must remain toper-
h. Remove bearing caps (34) bearings (35) and mit accurate depth measurement.
shims (36) from inner shoulders of pillow block pins.
Tag shims for reassembly in same location. Remove (3) Apply one coat of zinc chromate primer
roller bearings (37) and seals (38) from pillow block t repaired area and allow to dry thoroughly.
c. Inspect blade bolt holes in grip for scored
Note marks possibly made during removal of bolt. Polish
Allowable corrosion is not Maximum diameter of bolt hole must not exceed
to exceed 50% of area in any
quadrant. quadrant. 1.004 inches.
d. Inspect static stop for permanent set or other
2-12 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section II
Rev. 8 2-12A/2-12B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section II
a. Press seal (22) into bore of adapter nut (24). (Lip c. Install pillow blocks (40) temporarily and torque
of seal must be faced to center of yoke when adapter nuts on attaching bolts 300 to 350 inch-pounds. Check
nut is installed.) Use T101385 pressing plug and press clearance between pillow blocks and adapter adjusting
thrust bearing (23) into adapter nut (opposite seal) with the amount of shims inboard of thrust bearing (as
thrust side of bearing to center of yoke when adapter necessary) to obtain clearance of 0.064 to 0.160 inch at
nut is installed. Install seal ring (20) on yoke spindle both sides of hub. Clearance at this point on each side
(21) with radius inside of ring seated on shoulder near of the hub must be alike within 0.030 inch. (See figure
yoke end of spindle. Install O-ring seal (19) in recess of 2-11.) Install lock-screw through yoke bearing retaining
ring. Slide one shim (18) and adapter nut assembly in nut. Safety wire with lock-screw. Press roller bearing
position against seal ring. and inner race (15) on end of spindle with chamfered
edge of race inboard.
b. Slide spacer (17) on spindle and install yoke
bearing retaining nut (16). Torque nut 1000 to 1500 d. Apply a light coat of EC1300 rubber cement to
inch-pounds using T100407 spanner wrench. an area approximately 1/4 inch wide around the outer
*Maximum total for assembly 0.004, recommend 0.002. Slight drag when hand turned.
*Equal within 0.002. Total play for assembly 0.004 to 0.008, recommend 0.006.
***Equal both sides of hub within 0.030.
edge (both the surfaces) of the outboard bearing seal. f. Install locking plate (11) with screws andform
Position seal (13) in grip (14) with beveled face inboard flange of plate into at least two wrench slots in adapter
when grip is installed. Position blade grip bearing (12) in using a square punch of same width as slot. Lockwire
grip with lip on race outboard when grip is installed. Use screws.
T100393 pressing plug, and press outer race into grip.
e. Hand fill assembled grip with MIL-G-25537 g. Remove pillow blocks and install blade pitch
horns (9).
(9). Torque
Torque mounting
grease and slide on yoke assembly. Pack the horns mounting bolts
bolts 200
200 toto 225
47-120-418-1 alignment bearing with MIL-G-25537
mounting bolts 50 to 70 inch-pounds. Lockwire all
grease. Move all the rollers in toward axis of spindle mounting bolts.
until they touch the inner race. Stand yoke on end with
spindle facing upward and start blade grip with bearing h. Insert snap-ring(7) inbearingbore of equalizer
outer race over rollers. If the bearing outer race tends to beam (8). Place spacer washer (6) into bore against
hang on rollers, lift off grip and push rollers inward snap-ring (inboard side) and press bearing (5) into
again until all touch inner race. Slide grip on yoke. place. Insert mounting bolt through equalizer beam
Start threads of adapter into grip. Tighten adapter with so that off-set ends of beam will be outboard. Slide
T100056 spanner wrench. Torque 350 to 375 thin washer on bolt and insert bolt through hole in
foot-pounds. yoke. Install washer, nut and cotter pin. Install slant
Note of the slot outboard at the top. Adjustlinks to 2 13/16
While tightening grip adapter, use a soft inches and install equalizer beam links (4) between
mallet against outboard end of blade grip beams and blade pitch and equalizer horns with bolts,
to seat bearing. Check seat to see that end washers and nuts with inspection hole in link down.
of yoke spindle is not bottomed against
seal. If seal binds against yoke, remove
grip assembly and add another shim (18) i. Check angular relationship of blade grips.
inboard of thrust bearings. (Refer to paragraph 2-26.)
1. Thrust Bearings
2. Adapter
3. Adapter Bearing Seal
4. Seal Ring
5. O-ring Seal
6. Shim
7. Pillow Block
8. Grease Fitting
9. Blade Grip
10. Spacer
11. Hub Yoke Spindle INBOARD
12. Bearing Retaining Nut
13. Lock Screw
14. Bearing Outer Race
15. Bearing Inner Race
16. Seal (Disc)
Figure 2-11. Cutaway View - Blade Grip Installation
(Rev. 9) 2.15
Section II BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
j. Install pillow block seals (38). Lubricate roller trunnion bearing caps. Check pillow block caps for free
bearings (37). Place retainer ring (41) in groove in each turning. Check trunnion bearing caps for turning with a
bearing outer race and press bearings on pins (39) with slight drag indicating proper fit. Install drag braces (2)
chamfer of inner race next to pillow block. and counterweights (1).
it between gimbal ring and pillow block next to indi- 2-25A. PILLOW BLOCK PIN - REPLACEMENT.
cator. Exert pressure to move gimbal ring away from
indicator thus loading cap of pillow block at opposite a. Heat pillow block, using a heat lamp or a
side. Release tension on screw driver until cap can suitable heating method.
just be turned and again note dial reading. Total end
play as indicated by dial readings must be 0.004 to b. Position pillow block on a press and press out pin
0.008 inch. Adjust laminated shims as necessary. Re- assembly. Use caution not to crack pillow block.
move dial indicator and bolt when adjustment is
complete. c. Place pin assembly in dry ice or a freezer
compartment, for approximately one hour, prior to
s. Check trunnion cap clearance by turning caps installation
by hand. Specified total overall end play is 0.000 to
0.004 inch, with 0.002 inch recommended. If caps can d Pillow block may be heated, as instructed in
be turned by hand but have a slight drag, adjustment sub-paragrah a. Apply zinc chromate into hole in
is satisfactory. Adjust amount of shims if necessary.
Shims on both pillow blocks and trunnion must be pillow block, position pin assembly squarely into hole in
equal on both sides within 0.002 inch. pillow
to crackblock andblock.
pillow press in pin assembly. Use caution not
t. Install grease fitting (30) in pillow block pins and 2-26. ADJUSTING ANGULAR RELATIONSHIP -
trunnion bearing caps. Remove wedges from between BLADE GRIPS.
yoke and gimbal ring. Check pillow block caps for free
oscillation. Install drag braces (2) and counterweights a. Remove main rotor. (Refer to paragraph 2-
(1). Torque drag brace 160 to 190 inch-pounds. 10.) Remove main rotor blades. (Refer to paragraph
(Rev. 3) 2-16A/2-16B
Figure 2-12. Angular Adjustment of Blade Grips
Use .3M600 Tape for red
and white color banding.
RED 47120-29A
b. Color band and mark the following parts as 5. Equalizer horns - Double strip.
indicated. Make certain all parts are marked with
the tip color of the blade they control. 6. Equalizer horn to equalizer beam links -
Double band.
1. Blade grip - Band.
2. Pitch horn link-rods -Band(Mixinglevers 7. Equalizer beams - Single band one end;
to pitch horns). Double band opposite end.
4. Pitch horns to equalizer beam links - 9. Hub yoke - Dot 1/2 inch diameter, one
Single band. side.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section III
Section III
Mast and Controls
Vibration trouble shooting must be ac-
3-2. DESCRIPTION - GENERAL. The main rotor complished with hydraulic boost off.
mast controls assembly consists of the stabilizer
bar, dampers and frame, swashplate, the main rotor
mast and interconnecting linkages. (Figure 3-1.) 3-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - MAST CONTROLS.
One/rev. lateral vibration of Worn or binding pivot bearings Replace center frame pivot bearings
aircraft in center frame of stabilizer
Control stick binds Gimbal ring mounting bearings Replace or clan bearings
or swashplate brinnelled or
Pitch control lever binds Insufficient lubrication on Clean and lubricate splines
swashplate splines
Sleeve yoke bearing dirty Clean or replace bearing
or loose
Vibration in cyclic controls Improper adjustment of dy- Adjust both cables to proper length
during all maneuvers namic stop cables
Excessive feedback in con- Hydraulic boost inoperative Repair or replace malfunctioning
trol stick unit or units
Control stick center to right Incorrect positioning of Adjust rigging of swashplate
or left of neutral swashplate
3-4. REMOVAL - MAST CONTROLS. of swashplate support. Remove mast controls as-
sembly by operating hoist. Place assembly on stand,
a. Remove main rotor. (Refer to Section II.) Re- 47-150-001-T210. Cover top of transmission.
install main rotor retaining nut. Disconnect push-pull
tubes from fore and aft and lateral control levers on 3-5. DISASSEMBLY - MAST CONTROLS.
swashplate. Disconnect collective pitch push-pulltube (Figure 3-2.)
from lever on swashplate. Position a hoist directly
over the
the mast,
mast, and
and attach
attach to
to mast
mast hoist
hoist ring.
ring. a. Remove mast nut (1). Remove other rotor at-
taching parts (lock-washer, static stop andsplit cone),
b. Remove nuts and washers from studs at base if remaining with this assembly.
Section III
1. Nut
and collective pitch controls to levers on swash- a. Remove nut (1, figure 3-3), washer, cap (2),
plate. Tighten bolts carefully. ballast washers (if installed), and spring (3) from stud
in outboard side of each weight. Remove taper pins (4)
and pull weights (5) from ends of tubes.
1. Design provides a small clearance up c. Cut lockwire and remove retaining nuts (7)
to 0.009 inch) between transmission cap which secure tubes to frame. Remove bolts at ends
and case. Do not try to close this gap by and center of frame to separate frame halves (8),
over torqueing nut. spacers (9), core (10) and tube assemblies. Remove
thrust washers only if inner race of needle bearing
2. Tighten bolts in swashplate levers is removed.
finger tight plus one castellation. Over
torqueing of these bolts will result in d. Disassemble each frame half as follows: Re-
damage to the ears of the swashplate move dynamic stop (12). Cut lockwire and remove
levers. Shim gap in fore and aft ears to adjusting plug (13). Remove grease fitting (14) from
maximum gap of 0.005 inch. plug. Remove plate (15) and attaching bolts. Use
T101255 plug to press bearing (16) from frame.
Remove set screw (17).
d. Remove main rotor retaining nut, and install
main rotor. (Refer to Section II.) Check main rotor e. Disassemble each tube assembly as follows:
and swashplate rigging. (Refer to Section VII.) Pull tube (18) off tie-rod (19). Remove nut (20),
rod-end (21) and lock-nut (22), stud (23) and lock-
3-11. DESCRIPTION. The stabilizer bar assembly parts (except bearings) in P-D-680 cleaning solvent. Dry
is mounted on the mast below, and at 90 degrees to with filtered compressed air.
the main rotor. Its inertia effect tends to stabilize
the helicopter, and also provides an absolute horizon 3-15. INSPECTION - STABILIZER BAR.
in reference to which the main rotor is controlled
independently of the fuselage. Hydraulic dampers a. Visually inspect all parts for wear ordamage.
are mounted below the stabilizer bar, and through
interconnecting linkages, limit the independence of b. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figure 3-4.)
the bar for the purpose of maneuvering.
BAR. If stabilizer bar tube is bent in excess of 0.070
inch over its entire length, it must be replaced. Any
3-12. REMOVAL - STABILIZER BAR. kink or distortion of the tube is cause for replacement.
a. Remove main rotor. (Refer to Section II.) 3-17. LUBRICATION - STABILIZER BAR. Lub-
Disconnect control and damper links, and control ricate pivot bearings with MIL-G-25537 grease during
rods from mixing levers. Remove upper lock-ring reassembly.
from mast.
b. Raise stabilizer bar and remove from mast, Note
being careful not to burr stabilizer on main rotor
mast splines. Reinstall all serviceable parts in original
locations by observing match-marks or
tags attached during disassembly.
a. Assemble stud (23, figure 3-3) and rod-end
Note fitting (21), with stud extending 1.34 inches from
untapered end of fitting and secured by lock-nut (24).
To facilitate reassembly, adjustments and Check that stud is clear of taper pin hole.
balancing, parts should be match-marked
or tagged for reassembly in same relative b. Assembly lock-nut (22) and rod-end assembly
positions. on left-hand threads of tie-rod (19). Adjust so that
3-4 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section III
taper pin hole center is 38.062 inches from inboard necessary when using original parts. Maintain di-
end of rod. Tighten lock-nut. (See figure 3-5.) mensions as shown, equal for both-assemblies.
c. Position tie-rod assembly in tube (18). Align
taper pin holes and temporarily insert pin to hold
alignment. Install nut (20) on inboard end of tie-rod,
adjust to obtain 0.010 inch clearance between nut Whenever possible, avoid reaming of origi-
flange and end of tube and secure with cotter pin. nal parts by careful reassembly to align
Remove taper pin. existing holes.
d. Slide retaining nut (7) on tube from outboard f. Assemble each half of frame as follows: In-
end. Place weight (5) on end of tube. Align holes stall set screw (17, figure 3-3) in machined groove
and install taper pin (4). at leading end of frame. Press bearing (16) into
frame (8) from inboard side, using T101255 plug
e. Observe the following points to check cor- against numbered end of bearing. Install bearing
rectness of reassembly, especially when installing flush with frame. Avoid damaging bearing by pres-
any new parts. sure should end of bearing contact shoulder of
bearing bore. Install plate (15) secured by bolts
1. With large end of taper pin up, large end with heads inboard. Install grease fitting (14) in plug
of weight and slot at inboard end of tube must face (13) and screw plug loosely into plate. Installdynamic
direction of rotation. stop (12).
2. Taper pin should fit snugly in weight,
tube and rod-end, secured by cup washer and fiber g. Place a phenolic washer (11) on each trunnion
self-locking nut. If small end of tapered shank of core (10). Install inner race of bearing on trunnion
extends more than 1/16 inch through weight, a (if removed) with stamped end outboard. Assemble
standard steel washer may be used between cup frame halves with tube assemblies and core, with core
washer and weight to allow proper tightening. trunnions inserted in bearings and set screw at each
end of frame engaged in slot of tube flange. Install
3. Line ream with No. 2 Brown and Sharpe and tighten bolts through ends of frame, with heads to
taper reamer to fit pins through new parts, or as direction of rotation.
(Rev. 3) 3-6A/3-6B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section III
This measurement may be taken between the 3-19. INSTALLATION - STABILIZER BAR.
washer and the core face adjacent to the
bearing journals. a. Clean stabilizer and mast splines with P-D-680
cleaning solvent and examine for nicks, burrs or
j. Adjust free movement of core (1) as follows: scratches. Dress with fine India stone, if necessary.
Lubricate splines lightly with MIL-G-6711 grease.
1. With feeler gages in place (core centered) turn
each plug (13) in finger tight until it contacts the core b. Lower stabilizer bar onto mast, (aligning bar
journals. with damper frame) against lower lock-ring. Install
(Rev. 3) 3-7
Section III BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
upper lock-ring. Check balance of stabilizer bar. 3-23. REMOVAL - DYNAMIC STOP CABLES.
(Refer to paragraph 3-20.) Install main rotor. (Refer
to Section II.) Connect control links and control rods a. Disconnect cables at stabilizer bar by re-
to mixing levers. moving lock-nut, nut, washer, spring, spacer and
brass grommet.
c. Remove fiber nuts and ballast container cap 3-26. ADJUSTMENT - DYNAMIC STOP CABLES.
from light side. Add a sufficient number of AN960- Note
10 or AN960-10Lwashers to stud to balance stabilizer
bar. 1. Disengage restraint bumper springs
and position flap restraint arms outboard.
Note (If installed.)
A maximum of seven washers on one end 2. Place 20-pound sack of shot on one
is permissible. blade about four feet outboard from hub.
3. With the gimbal ring against the re-
d. Reinstall cap, and recheckbalance of stabilizer straight bumper, (if installed) take a read-
straint bumper, (if installed) take a read-
ing a protractor on the top of the
gimbal ring. Repeat procedure on opposite
e. Reinstall control rods after final adjustments blade and note the total reading for both
have been made. blades.
3-21. DYNAMIC STOP CABLES. 4. Result is degree of flapping. Refer to
following chart to determine stabilizer
3-22. DESCRIPTION. The dynamic stop cables are bar setting.
attached to the stabilizer bar and to the pillow block
bearing caps of the main rotor hub. Their purpose Flapping Stabilizer Bar Setting
is to limit the flapping angle of the rotors while the
rotors are turning. If the main rotor tends to flap 16° 2 1/20
excessively, the dynamic stop cables come into 15 2
action in such a manner as to depress the stabilizer 14 1 1/2
bar to control the rotor away from the static stop. 13 1
This action precludes the possibility of the rotor Note
striking the tail boom or static stop while the heli- If rigging gage, T101408, is not available,
copter is airborne. If the dynamic stop cables are follow instructions in steps a., d. and e.
improperly adjusted, in that one cable is shorter than
the other the pilot will experience a one/rev. vibration a. Position helicopter reasonably level. Rotate the
during rolling maneuvers. If both cables are adjusted main rotor until blades are fore and aft. Disengage
evenly, but too short, excessive two/rev. vibration bumper springs and position arms outboard, place a
will be experienced during the rolling maneuvers. 20-pound sack of shot on the aft blade about four feet
3-28. DESCRIPTION. The double action dampers
are bolted to a frame which is secured to the main
rotor mast by a split-splined clamp. The adjustment
of the dampers determines the following time of the
stabilizer bar in relation to the mast inclination for
purposes of maneuvering.
I” order for the pilot to experience good maneuver-
ability of the helicopter, such as rolling from one
turn into another, the bar must follow and become
perpendicular to the mast within a reasonable period
of time.
Should the dampers become maladjusted and give
inadequate damping to the stabilizer bar, the control
response is slow. Shouldthe dampers be maladjusted
to give excessive damping to the stabilizer bar, the
control responses would he rapid and the stability
Figure 3-6. Checking Gage in Position on Mast of the helicopter would be jeopardized.
TOBE PARALLEL b. Remove filler plug in damper housing. Fill
WITHIN0.020" BOTHENDS damper to inside edge of filler hole with MIL-H-5606
hydraulic fluid.
1. Adjust damper to approximate setting by 8. Hold stabilizer bar in up position where weight
checking stabilizer bar movement by hand. is attached, release stabilizer bar and check for full
travel in four seconds plus or minus 1/2 second. This
2. Disconnect link (4, figure 3-9) from damper to operation checks the damper in the up stroke.
stabilizer bar at the stabilizer bar.
9. Attach link to stabilizer bar.
3. Hang a one pound weight on stabilizer bar
next to weight on stabilizer bar on side where damper is 10. Repeat procedure outlined in the above steps 2
connected. through 9 for checking the other damper for the up and
down stroke.
4. Move stabilizer bar full travel two or three
times checking for freedom throughout range. 11. Check stabilizer bar rigging.
c. Check stabilizer bar A13965 damper as follows: 6. Loosen lever clamp and adjust damper by
turning adjusting screw. (Clockwise to decrease travel
Note time or counterclockwise to increase travel time.)
When timing damper with extension, 7 7. Replace damper if proper timing cannot be
pound weight, and stop watch method, obtained and time new damper.
proceed as follows.
8. Reinstall link assembly and repeat timing
1. Fabricate a damper timing extension lever as procedure on opposite damper in same manner.
shown in figure 3-10.
9. Remove weight and extension. Check clamp
2. Disconnect stabilizer bar attaching link bolts for security when satisfactory timing has been
assembly from damper arm. obtained.
5. If no soft or hard spots are detected suspend It is recommended that damper repairs be
the seven pound weight on extension and raise to upper limited to seal replacement. Return dampers
limit. Release and check for travel time of four seconds for overhaul.
(plus or minus one-half second) to lower limit. (Repeat
three times.)
a. Cut lockwire and remove filler plug (1, figure
DAMPER 3-11). Fill reservoir with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid
FABRICATE and replace filler plug (1) fingertight.
SCREW b. Remove lever from damper.
c. Position damper assembly vertically on bench
(shaft up).
i. Remove air from damper as follows: 5. When no more air bubbles are visible install
the spool (9), the compensator (8), with the hole.3/4
1. Position damper vertically on a bench. inch from endinto spool (9) and adjusting screw (7), in
2. Remove adjusting screw (7) compensator (8)
and spool (9) from the wing shaft of damper.
6. Position damper horizontally on bench and
Note loosen filler plugs (1), to allow air to escape and prevent
internal pressure, and screw adjustment screw in.
Remove compensator and spool using a
hooked wire to lift out.
3. Fill shaft with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid and 7. Tighten filler plug (1), and recheck for air in
operate wing shaft through full stroke a number of damper.
times to force air out of damper.
4. Use a paper towel to remove air bubbles 8. If damper is satisfactory, torque filler plug 20
floating on top of hydraulic fluid. to 30 inch-pounds and lockwire filler plug.
3-35. SWASHPLATE ASSEMBLY. link bar (6) from swivel fork assembly. Pull swivel
assembly from swivel fork. Press bearings (7) from link (8)
3-36. DESCRIPTION. The swashplate assembly en- and link bar (6), using 47-150-028-1-T210 pressing plug.
circles the mast near its base, and is mounted on a Remove lock-ring (9) from swivel, and press bearing (10)
support so that it may tilt in any direction. Movement from swivel (11) using 30-729-456-1-T210 pressing plug.
of the control stick results in a corresponding tilt of
the swashplate, and through a system of linkages and c. Remove nuts and bolts which hold halves of
levers, the inclination of the rotor is changed. A verti- collective pitch levers together. Remove collective pitch
cal movement of the sleeve within the swashplate sup- stop assembly (12) from lever arms. Separate halves of
port is transmitted through a system of linkages and lever and remove from pivot and yoke trunnions. Press
levers to the blade grip pitch horns. bearings (13 and 14) from collective pitch levers (15) using
47-150-036-2-T210 pressing plug.
(Rev. 9) 3-13
Section III MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B& 47G-3B-1
3-14 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section III
g. Remove lockrings (28) and outboard bearing seals 3-42. LUBRICATION - SWASHPLATE.
(29), and pull picot shaft (30) from support. Remove
bearings (31) and inboard bearing seals (32) from a. Lubricate outer case of needle bearings with
swashplate support. Remove snapring (33), seal (34) and MIL-0-6082, grade 1065 oil.
needle bearings (35) from swashplate support (36).
b. Lubricate carrier, pivot shaft and needle
h. Remove inner and outer shields (37 and 38) and bearings.
inner and outer cap rings (39 and 40) from control plate by
removing bolts and screws. Pull outer ring assembly (46) 3-43. REASSEMBLY - SWASHPLATE.
from swashplate (44). Use 47-150-103-6-T210 plug to
press swashplate bearing (45) from outer ring. When a. Insert lockring(41, figure 3-12), seal (42) and needle
replacement of needle bearings is necessary remove bearings (43) in swashplate (44). Lubricate swashplate
lockring (41) seal (42) and press out needle bearing (43) bearings (45). Position swashplate lower bearing (as
using a suitable pressing plug. shown in figure 3-14) and start into outer ring (46, figure
3-39. CLEANING - SWASHPLATE. Clean all 3-12) by tapping on outer race with a leather mallet.
parts with P-D-680 cleaning solvent. Dry with filtered Install duplex bearings in swashplate outer ring with
compressed air. Do not allow bearings to rotate while lubrication slots on upper bearings face down and slots on
drying. lower bearing facing up. Position slots approximately 90°
apart and install bearings with slots 45° each side of
3-40. INSPECTION - SWASHPLATE. lubrication fitting. Press bearing into outer ring with
47-150-103-6-T210 plug. Position upper bearing. (See
a. Visually inspect all parts for wear or damage. figure 3-14.) Start bearing into outer ring with leather
Inspect bearings for chips, cracks and brinelling, and mallet. Press bearing into place using 47-150-103-6-T210
splines for chipped, cracked, broken or worn teeth. plug. Attach outer cap ring (40) and outer shield (38) with
b. Check swivel studs in outer ring for damaged bolts. Lockwire bolts in pairs. Install outer ring assembly
threads, or looseness in outer ring. onto the control plate assembly. Install inner cap ring (39)
and inner shield (37) with bolts. Lockwire bolts in pairs.
c. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figure 3-13.)
SWASHPLATE. When 47-150-240-1 bearing is installed in
a. at
Replace seals
reassemblyassembly with grease provisions in the
47-150-207-1 shield assembly only, remove
b. Replace studs in outer-ring if threads a r e seal and retainer from upper bearing. To
damaged. Replace outer-ring if studs are loose, provide grease reservoir when bearing is
c. Replace bushings in collective sleeve bracket installed in assembly with grease provisions
if hole is over 0.3175 inch diameter. in each side of outer ring assembly, install I
bearing as received.
d. Replace pivot and swivel link bolts if diameter
is less than 0.3090. Note
e. Line ream bushings 0.3120 inch to 0.3125 inch Lubrication of top fitting not required when
to accommodate AN175-33bolts. side fittings are installed.
(Rev. 9) 3-15
Section III MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
3-18 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section III
(Rev. 3) 3-18A/3-18B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section III
(Rev. 9) 3-19
Section III MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
6. Attach scissor arm assembly (1), to pitch
control sleeve bracket (11), with bolt, washers (under nut)
and nut. Torque 100 to 140 inch-pounds and lockwire per
detail B, figure 3-15.
When torque value on bolts has been at-
tained and the cotter pin slots are not
aligned, tighten nut to next castellation
(do not loosen).
7. Install other scissor arm assembly (1) on
opposite sides of pitch control sleeve (2), using same
procedure (step i., 1 through 6).
j. Install two link assemblies (12), on scissor
assemblies, (1) as follows: (See figure 3-15.)
1. Check inner race (8), in outboard hole in scissor
arm assembly (1) for correct position.
2. Position link assembly (12) on scissor arm
assembly (1).
3. Insert thrust washer (13) between link
assembly (12), and scissor arm assembly (1) (leading edge
side) with chamfered side of thrust washer (13) against TOOBTAINCLEARANCES
link assembly (12). 0.060MIN. CLEARANCEIN THIS AREA
4. Insert (35Z1-32-10-H62) WITHCONTROLSRIGGED.
shim (14) between link0.040 MINAT FULL
assembly (12) and inner race (8) of needle bearing, in ANGLEWITHCONTROLSDISCONNECTED.
scissor arm assembly on trailing edge side (maximum PAINTWITHTWOCOATSZINCCHROMATE
clearance of 0.002 inch). 47150-80
Figure 3-16. Clearance Between Links and Swash-
5. Attach link assembly (12), to scissor arm plate Assembly
assembly (1) with bolt, two washers (one under head and
one under nut). Tighten nut finger tight, plus one
castellation and install cotter pin.
6. Attach link assembly, (12) to other scissor
arm assembly (1)in accordance with step j.,1 through 5. Shim swashplate arm, as required to
Note limit end play of tube assembly to maxi-
Maintain a mininum clearance of 0.060 mum of 0.005 inch. Tighten nut finger tight
inch between swivel link and fore and aft plus one castellation.
swashplate horn with controls properly
rigged or 0.040 inch minimum at full c. Slide dust boot on mast and install damper
swashplate angle with controls discon frame, dampers and stabilizer bar. Check rigging of
nected. Filing limited to amountnecessary cyclic and collective pitch control systems. (Refer
to obtain clearance. (Figure 3-16.) to Section VII.)
3-46. DESCRIPTION. The main rotor mast as-
a. Clean, then lubricate mast splines with sembly is mounted in and driven by the transmission.
MIL-G-25537 grease. Make sure pivot shaft trunnions The mast control units and the main rotor assembly
are in uppermost position. Slide swashplate assembly are mounted on the mast. Five sets of splines, in-
over mast and when swashplate is almost bottomed tegral with the mast, provide mounting points for the
align cutouts in swashplate support with collective pitch component parts, and the means of driving the as-
stops and align control levers on swashplate with their sembly.
respective controls. Align mounting bolt holes in
swashplate support with studs of transmission. Lower 3-47. REMOVAL - MAST.
assembly over studs and install washers and nuts.
Torque nuts 100 to 140 inch-pounds. Torque shear nuts a. Remove main rotor. (Refer to Section II.)
80 to 85 inch-pounds. Remove stabilizer bar. (Refer to paragraph 3-12.)
Remove stabilizer bar dampers and frame. (Refer
b. Connect push-pull tubes in swashplate levers. to paragraph 3-29.) Remove swashplate. (Refer to
3-20 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section III
paragraph 3-37.) Reinstall main rotor hub retaining f. Inspect mast for scratches as follows:
b. Position a hoist directly over the mast and attach
to main rotor hub retaining nut. Operate hoist, and Longitudinal length of scratch immaterial
withdraw mast assembly from transmission. Place mast provided scratch does not extend over
assembly in 47-150-001-T210 holding stand. Remove three-fourth around circumference.
hoist and retaining nut from mast. Cover opening in
transmission to prevent entrance of foreign matter. 1. No cracks are allowed and are cause for
immediate rejection.
2. Scratches or nicks in upper 15-1/2 inches (top
a. Remove transmission cap assembly from mast. of mast to damper frame spline) may be polished out if
Remove snap-ring (1, figure 3-17) from cap. Press seal depth or nick or scratch does not exceed 0.030 inch and
(2) from cap (3) using T100224 plug. circumferential length does not exceed 3/4 or depth not
exceeding 0.010 inch and no limit on circumferential
b. Place T100221 mast holding fixture in a vise, and length.
engage splines at lower end of mast with splines of
fixture. Straighten tang of lock-washer and remove 3. Scratches or nicks from damper from spline to
bearing retaining nut (4) using T100880 spanner bottom of mast except that covered in step 2. may be
wrench. Remove lock-washer (5) from mast. Position polished out if depth of scratch or nick does not exceed
T100364 sleeve on mast bearing and tap bearing (6) 0.010 inch and circumferential length of 3/4 or a depth
from mast (7). of 0.005 inch and no limitation on circumferential
4. Scratches or nicks within 1/2 inch of scissors
Do not remove inner race of needle bear- spline and within 1/2 inch from end of thread where
ing from lower section of mast unless re- nut secures thrust bearing may be polished out if depth
placement is necessary. of scratch or nick does not exceed 0.002 inch.
a. Visually inspect all parts for wear and dam- INSTALLED.
age. Inspect splines for chipped, cracked, broken Note
or worn teeth. Inspect bearings for chips, cracks and
brinelling. The following procedure may be used to
check concentricity of mast bearing nut
b. Check mast for run out, as follows: seal surface with mast installed.
If run out exceeds 0.006 inch TIR, return b. Mount a dial indicator to top of upper trans-
mast to factory for inspection, repair mission case so that pawl of indicator rests on
and/or replacement. seal surface of mast bearing nut. Adjust indicator
and rotate mast. Concentricity of bearing nut seal
c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle surface must be within 0.008 inch TIR.
requirements. Note
d. Inspect part dimensionally. (Figure 3-17.) If 0.008 inch TIR is exceeded, the nutmust
be replaced. If concentricity of nut is
e. Measure OD of needle bearing inner race. satisfactory, check for proper seating of
(See figure 3-17.) Check race for taper or out-of- nut on lock-washer with feeler gage. Also
round. Maximumpermissable taper or out-of-round, visually inspect condition of seal in cap
or combination of those conditions, is 0.0003 inch. assembly.
(Rev. 3) 3-21
Section III BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1. Snap-Ring
2. Seal
3. Cap
4. Retaining Nut
5. Lock-Washer
6. Mast-Bearing
7. Mast
c. Apply a light coat of grease to seal lip in cap e. Place T100221 mast holding block in vise and
assembly, and to seal surface of bearing nut. Lower engage mast splines in block. Remove cotter pin, nut
cap assembly into position, being careful not to and cup washer from lower end of mast. Remove bear-
damage seal. Lower swashplate into position. ing inner race.
d. Connect push-pull tubes to swashplate and Note
scissor levers of swashplate.
Installation with shim (see step f. below
3-51. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - MAST. and figure 3-20) to ensure proper position
of race in needle bearing and to prevent
a. Dress splines with a fine India stone (if nec- bearing damage.
essary) to remove burrs or scratches.
f. Check condition of spacer, replace if neces-
Replace unserviceable
all seal at installation. sary. Check dimension of new bearing inner race.
Determine thickness of shim required between spacer
and bearing inner race to position lower end of race
flange on the mast repairs may be made as follows: 0.030 inch to 0.040 inch above lower end of mast plug
(see figure 3-20). Install shim against spacer. Tap or
"B" press race onto mast plug. Check OD of race after
necessary to obtain a clean surface to position the installation (see figure 3-17). Check for taper and
bearing. Minimum thickness of flange after machining out-of-round. (Refer to paragraph 3-49 and figure
0.125 inch. After machining surface "B" it must be 3-17.) Install cup washer and nut. Tighten nut 160- to
square to surface "A" within 0.001 inch TIR. (See 190 inch-pounds torque and install cotter pin. Check
figure 3-18.)
figure 3-18.) mast run-out. (Refer to paragraph 3-49.)
a. Place mast bearing (6) on mast (7), if O.D. of d. Apply a light coat of plastic lead sealing
bearing has chamfer on one corner install bearing with compound to seal bore of transmission cap. Place cap in
cham for UP. Position T100364 sleeve onto mast and water and heat gradually to a temperature of 1000C
lightly tap bearing into place. (212°F). Press seal (2) into cap (3) using T100224
pressing plug and install snap-ring (1). Wrap mast
splines with paper to protect cap oil seal from being
CAUTION damaged. Lower cap onto mast. Be careful upper edge
of mast bearing retaining nut does not cut seal. Remove
protective paper from mast.
Tape seal bearing surface of retaining nut
or jaws of wrench, to protect seal bearing
surface from damage while tightening nut.
b. Place T100221 mast holding block in a vise and
engage splines at lower end of mast with splines of a. Screw main rotor retaining nut onto mast.
holding block. Install lock-washer (5). Coat mast Attach hoist, raise mast assembly and lower into
threads with white lead anti-seize compound, and start transmission. Locate cap seal assembly properly on
bearing retaining nut (4) onto threads. Torque nut 3000 top case of transmission so stops are in correct
to 3300 inch-pounds with T100880 spanner wrench. position.
0.330 MAX.
3-24 (Rev. 3)
Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section III
(Rev. 9) 3-25/3-26
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
Section IV
Transmission Assembly
4-1. TRANSMISSIONASSEMBLY. rotor manually for inspection without turning the en-
(Figures 4-1 and 4-2.) gine. The freewheeling unit makes possible autorota-
tion landings with an idling or dead engine. The gen-
erator, tail rotor drive, and rotor tachometer gener-
4-2. DESCRIPTION. The transmission assembly, ator are driven whenever the main rotor is in motion,
which is mounted on an adapter plate at the upper end power on or power off This makes it possible for
of the engine, is a speed-reducing mechanism for the pilot to have complete control of the helicopter
driving the main rotor, cooling fan, generator, tail during autorotation landings.
rotor, and rotor tachometer generator. The cylindri-
cal case is composed of a series of castings and rings RATIO CHARTS.
held together by through bolts. The main rotor mast
support bearing is mounted in the top of the upper Engine Crankshaft 1.0
section. Four drive assemblies, which drive the tail
rotor drive shaft, cooling fan, generator, and rotor Main Rotor Mast 0.111
tachometer generator are mounted to the lower sec-
tion of the case. Tail Rotor Drive 1.2
Rotor and engine tachometer Centrifugal clutch slipping Remove clutch and replace worn
needles not synchronized at or damaged parts. If shoes are
engine speed greater than glazed, tap with wire-brush to
2000 rpm remove glaze.
Excessive engine oil on Oil seals damaged or worn Replace damaged or worn seals
Excessive oil at accessory Cork plug missing from drive Replace cork plug
drive assemblies shaft affected
Damaged O-rings Replace O-rings
Figure 4-1. Cut-A-Way View (Transmission Assembly No. 47-620-600-23 and -25)
4-2 Revised 15 October 1965
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
1. Holding Fixture
2. Socket Assembly
3. Clutch Assembly
4. Lower Transmission Case
Figure 4-4. Centrifugal Clutch Removal Tool, T101470(Transmission Assembly No. 47-620-600-27)
f. Lift lower transmission case assembly from b. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figure 4-5.)
vice, and place upright on a bench. Remove holding
fixture T100090, and remove lower sun gear (17) c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and
from transmission. fluorescentpenetrant requirements.
·' . ,'-./
* _
--,c %@
4-12A. INSPECTION AND REWORK - MAST a minimum of 4.450 inches (flat area) (Dimension C,
DRIVING FLANGE (47-620-521). figure 4-6B) plus a 0.030 inch minimum corner radius.
The rework surface must be flat and parallel with
Note outboard lower surface of flange within 0.004 inch TIR
and the finish must be 20 RMS or better.
The underside of 47-620-521 flange may be
grooved. This is caused by normal contact 2. The thickness of the flange after rework
with 47-620-472 bearing. (Dimension D, figure 4-6B) must not be less than a
minimum of 0.105 inch.
a. Inspect flange for wear (figure 4-6A). The flange
may be used if it meets the following conditions. 3. The distance, measured from the top of the
flange to the reworked surface (Dimension E, figure
1. The worn groove must be smooth and 4-6B), must not be less than a minimum of 2.300
symmetrical. inches.
2.295 MIN.
(Rev. 3) 4-8A
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
2.300 MIN. 2.375
4.450 MIN-DIA
0.004 T.I.R 47620-244
4-8B (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
with spider. c. Lift ring gear (4), plates (5), cushion (5A),
springs (6), and rollers (7) from outer race (8).
Replacement steel balls (4) may be ob- Clean all metal parts with P-D-680 cleaning solvent and
tained from discarded Fafnir B540 bear- dry with compressed air.
c. Assemble, check, and install each pinion as-
sembly in the same manner. a. Visually inspect all parts for wear or damage.
Inspect rollers and roller slots in ring gear for flat
d. Install shear bolt lockwire attachment screws spots, burrs, and brinelling. Inspect gears for
and washers in top surface of flange (2). Check bot- chipped, cracked, broken, or worn teeth.
tom surface of flange to assure that screws will not
interfer when flange is mated to spider (6). Note
Inspect ring gear roller flats as follows:
e. Check surfaces of flange (2) and spider (6) for Fabricate a plug 7.460 to 7.465 inch diam-
burrs which could prevent proper mating on assem- ter 1 inch wide, to fit the ID of the ring
bly. Check spider threaded holes to assure s h e a r gear. Mount plug to a right angle block on
bolts (1) will install freely to adequate depth. Posi- a surface plate so ring gear can be
tion flange on spider to obtain optimum shear bolt mounted on the plug. Revolve gear onplug
hole alignment, to position roller flat level. With a needle-
point dial indicator graduated in 0.0001
Note inch increments, inspect roller flats of
Some spiders and flanges have a serial gear for wear. If roller has worn any flat
number on outer diameter. If these serial in excess of 0.0007 inch, replace the gear.
numbers are matched and indexed, opti-
mum hole alignment will be obtained. b. Examine inner faces of steel retainer rings
(upper and lower roller guides) for galling by ends of
f. Ascertain that shear screws, can be inserted in rollers. If appearance indicates chattering of rollers,
planetary spider (by hand) until threads bottom prior to turn retainer over to assemble with unworn surface
installing drive flange. If threads do not bottom, clean next to rollers. Replace retainer when both sides
threads as required.
g. Position
Position drive
drive flange
flange on
on spider
spider to
to obtain
obtain c. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figure 4-7.)
optimum hole alignment. Clean oil film around shear d. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and
screw head contact area and torque shear screws fluorescent penetrant requirements.
initially, to 60 inch-pounds, diagonally in order to
properly seat the drive flange. 4-17. REASSEMBLY - FREEWHEELING UNIT.
(Rev. 3) 4-9
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1. Oil Deflector
2. Upper Guide
3. Lower Guide
4. Ring Gear
5. Plate
5A. Cushion
6. Spring
7. Rollers
8. Outer Race
1. Retaining Nut
2. Bearings
3. Gear
4 Gear-Drive-Accessory-Spline
(Use a 0.1728 Dia. Pin.) 4.9224 4.9271 4.9199
5 Gear-Drive-Accessory-Bearing ID 4.1329 4.1335 4.1339
6 Bearing-Gear-Drive-Accessory OD 4.1333T 4.1339
7 Bearing-Gear-Drive-Accessory ID 2.9522 2.9528
Figure 4-9. Disassembled View and Limits Chart - Accessory Drive Gear
Revised 15 October 1965 4-11
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
4-21. REASSEMBLY - ACCESSORYDRIVE GEAR. Check bearings for chips, cracks, and brinelling.
(See figure 4-9.) Check nylon cages for brittleness.
a. Place gear (3) on a suitable pressing plate. b. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figure 4-10.)
Press one bearing (2) into gear with thrust side of
bearing up (toward threaded end of gear), and second c. Refer to Section I for Magnaflux and Zyglo
bearing (2), with thrust side down, using pressing requirements.
plug T100310. Thrust sides of bearings should be
together (back to back). (Figure 4-9.) 4-25. REASSEMBLY - LOWER SPIDER.
(Figure 4-10.)
The 7015DB bearings, marked "47-620-
552-1", in matched sets, are the only ac- Restore moisture content of nylon cages
ceptable bearings. The thrust sides of before reassembly. (Refer to paragraph
these bearings have been ground so that 4-23, step b.)
when clamped together, a preload is im-
posed on the balls. After assembly, it a. Slide cage (5) and inner race (7) into pinion
will be noted that bearings have a slight gear (3), and place pin, T100233, into inner race. In-
drag when rotated. sert rollers (6) into cage, and place thrust washer (4)
in position. Carefully invert gear assembly, install
b. Place gear assembly in holding fixtunre, rollers in opposite side of cage, andplaceother thrust
T100632 and install bearing retaining nut (1), using washer in position. Hold both thrust washers against
wrench T100312. Torque retaining nut until splines inner race, and check for 0.0006 to 0.0024 inch clear-
of nut align with splines on accessory drive gear
(3600 to
to 4200
4200 inch-pounds).
inch-pounds). (Check
(Check alignment
alignment by
by in-
in- T100233, in place to maintain alignment. Slide pinion
serting into splines of lower spider.) assembly
assembly into
into position
position in
in spider
spider (8).
(8). Check
Check for
for an
interference fit of 0.001 to 0.004 inch between thrust
4-22. DISASSEMBLY - LOWER SPIDER. washers and spider.
(Figure 4-10.) washers and spider.
a. Visually inspect parts for wear and damage. b. Insert T100925 plug (without guide) through
Inspect gears for chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. large end of gear and press bearing (2) from gear (3).
4-12 Revised 15 October 1965
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
parts in dry cleaning solvent and dry with compressed (Figure 4-11.)
c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and a. Examine upper edge of needle bearing bore in
fluorescent penetrant requirements. gear. Polish edge of bore with emery and crocus
1. Lock-ring 5. Cage
2. Pinion Pins 6. Rollers
3. Pinions 7. Race
4. Thrust Washers 8. Spider
1. Hang mast vertically (bearing end down). c. Remove cooling fan drive gear (5) and shims
(6) from case (7), by passing them downward
downward through
cutouts provided in liner (4).
2. Slide gear into position and check bearing
for proper fit on mast. 4-31. CLEANING - LOWER CASE. Clean all
parts in P-D-680 cleaning solvent and dry with
compressed air.
1. Lock-ring
2. Needle Bearings
3. Gear
4. Gear-Sun-Lower-Teeth
(Use 0.1728 Dia. Pins.) 4.0217 4.0273 4.0189
5. Gear-Sun-Lower-Bearing-Mast ID 1.2450 1.2454 1.2454
6. Gear-Sun-Lower-Spline-Tooth Width 0.1230 0.1245 0.1225
(Rev. 4) 4-14A/4-14B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section IV
available for installation in 47-620-600 f. Place case upright and remove T100090
series transmissions. This duplex fixture. Place a plate between clutch spider area
bearing will eliminate the axial and work table if 47-620-664or 47-620-680bearing
movement of the lower sun gear (16, is installed.
figure 4-1) and fan drive gear (5, figure 4-
11). A new bearing retainer (2) (47-620- Note
210-5) and a 47-620-691-5 clutch drum is
required when installing the 47-620-628 The weight of the case will move lower
bearing. The 47-620-691-3clutch drum sun gear and clutch assembly upward,
can be reworked into a 47-620-691-5 removing axial play of 47-620-664 or 47-
clutch drum, refer to Technical Bulletin 620-680 bearing. The 47-620-628 bearing
47-04-74-1. does not have any axial play.
g. Center lower sun gear, using machined beveled
1. If installing 47-620-664-1 bearing (3) area (inner diameter approximately half-inch below top)
position bearing with lettering toward retaining of lower case as the controlled reference point. Refer to
plate and press into place. figure 4-12A for data to make centering tool.
h. Install fan quill.
2. If installing 47-620-680-1 bearing (3),
remove roller retainer, rollers and inner race. 1. Brush coat teeth of fan pinion, sparingly.with a
Position outer race in case with open end toward suitable gear marking compound.
retaining plate and press into place. Place rollers
in inner race and slide into outer race with serial
number toward retaining plate. Place roller
Fan quill shim thickness
thickness can
can be
be determined
retainer in position with serial number toward by either step 2. or 3.
retaining plate. Serial numbers must be identical.
2. Quill can be inserted into case until
3. If installing 47-620-628 bearing (3), position approximately 0.003 backlash is felt. Use a feeler gage
duplex bearing in case with races positioned as and determine amount of gap between fan quill flange
shown in detail A, figure 4-12. and case. Remove quill and install shim, same thickness
as measured gap. Reinstall quill, exercise care to
preclude tooth damage. Tighten two nuts opposite each
c. Install bearing retaining plate (2). Install retaining other.
bolts (1). Torque bolts 50 to 70 inch-pounds. Do not 3. Place a 0.030 to inch thickness shim
lockwire retaining bolts (1) until gear teeth pattern and 3. Place a 0.030 to 0.032 inch thickness shim
backlash of fan drive assembly have been established. on studs at fan drive port. Install fan quill and
on studs at two nuts
least opposite each other.
tighten at least two nuts opposite each other.
Exercise care, when installing quill, to prevent
d. Place case (7) in upright position. Check that shims tooth contact during meshing of gears. Check
(6) are in place under gear (5). Place case (7) in an arbor existence of backlash during quill installation. If
press and with a suitable sleeve that will support inner necessary, increase shim thickness in 0.002 inch
race of bearing (3). Press sun gear into place. increments until some backlash can be felt when
quill is fully installed.
(Rev. 9) 4-15
Section IV MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
8 Case - Tach. Gen. - Pilot - Outer ID 2.1250 2.1265
9 Case - Tach. Gen. - Pilot - Inner ID 1.9370 1.9385
10 Case - Fan - Pilot - Inner ID 2.1880 2.1895
11 Case - Fan - Pilot - Outer ID 2.4370 2.4385
12 Liner - Bearing - Case - Lower ID 3.1495 3.1509
13 Liner - Bearing - Case - Lower OD 3.3135 3.3145
14 Bearing - Case- Lower ID 1.9680 1.9685
15 Bearing - Case - Lower OD 3.1491 3.1496
16 Case - Generator - Pilot - Outer ID 2.6240 2.6265
17 Case - Generator - Pilot - Inner ID 2.2810 2.2830
18 Case - Tail Rotor Drive - Pilot - Outer ID 2.4370 2.4385
19 Case - Tail Rotor Drive - Pilot - Inner ID 2.1880 2.1900
4-16 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
0.001 T.I.R.
0. 375
STOCK 2.081
0.002 inch or to exceed 0.004 inch with the sun gear (a) Support lower sun gear by placing suitable
supported. A difference of 0.001 inch to 0.002 inch block under clutch and allow transmission case to hang
maximum backlash between teeth of a gear is possible free.
due to gear runout. (b) Place dial indicator gage on top surface of
sun gear and set dial to zero.
(c) Place case lower flange on blocks so that
When the 47-620-628 bearing is installed, clutch and sun gear hang unsupported and read dial
omit step 3. indicator. The maximum axial movement allowed for
the 47-620-664-1 ball bearing is 0.006 inch and
3. Place the case assembly lower flange on blocks maximum allowed for the 47-620-680-1 roller bearing is
so that clutch and sun gear are unsupported. Check 0.004 inch. (Most 47-620-680-1 roller bearings will
backlash at three positions to assure 0.007 inch average 0.002 inch to 0.003 inch.) If these limits are
maximum for ball bearing and 0.0055 inch maximum exceeded, the bearing should be replaced. Care should
for roller bearing is not exceeded. If these unsupported be exercised to prevent false readings due to sun gear
readings are exceeded with a sun gear supported setting wobble. Use of centering tool or other suitable means of
of 0.003 inch nominal backlash, check bearing axial play preventing sun gear from wobbling laterally is
as follows: recommended.
Figure 4-12C. Desired No Load Red Lead Pattern (Drive side of new 47-620-530 gear)
4-16B (Rev. 9)
Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
1. Remove fan drive quill and attach shims to case b. Cut lockwire and remove bolts (2), and bearing
(3). retainer (3) from upper surface of clutch spider (5).
4-34. DISASSEMBLY - CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. c. Using 47-620-600-12-T210 pressing plug, remove
(Transmission 47-620-600-23 or -25.) bearing (4) from clutch spider. Remove lock-rings (7)
a. Pull clutch spider assembly away from clutch from bottom ends of pivot pins (6). Push pivot pins out
drum (1, figure 4-13). of spider (5) and remove shoes (10).
1. Dimension A must be equal to or less correspond with -530 pinion gear and
is of little concern. Normally pattern
will not be defined by a bright thin area
of Dulite wear but rather by Dulite dis-
4-35. DISASSEMBLY - CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. 5. If the above checks show clutch drum to be
(Transmission 47-620-600-27.) useable, regrind I.D. to 9.747 to 9.753 dia., or up to
9.769 dia., maximum (oversize) and clutch drum must
a. Pull clutch spider assembly away from clutch be concentric to bearing diameter within 0.004 T.I.R.
drum (1, figure 4-14). Surface finish to be 63 to 100 RMS. To break in new
lining on assembly, check lining for proper contact.
b. Remove retaining ring (2) from upper surface of 4-37B. INSPECT - TO DETERMINE IF CLUTCH
clutch spider (4). DRUM (47-620-636-1) IS REGRINDABLE. (47-620-669
Clutch Assembly).
c. Using 47-620-200-12-T210 pressing plug, remove
bearing (3) from clutch spider. Remove snap rings (7)
from bottom ends of pivot pins (5). Push pivot pins out
of spider (4) and remove shoes (8). a. It is essential when installing a new clutch
assembly or when installing new clutch shoes in a used
4-36. CLEANING CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. clutch drum to obtain a minimum of 85 percent contact
Clean all parts.except clutch shoe linings,with P-D-680 between the face of each clutch shoe and the drum.
cleaning solvent. Dry with compressed air. Apply a light coat of Prussian blue to the shoe contact
surface of the drum. Install the shoe assembly, apply
4-37. INSPECTION - CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. hand pressure to each shoe and move to and fro against
the drum several times to determine the surface contact
a. Visually inspect all parts for wear and damage. to the drum. If contact is less than 85 percent, sand the
Inspect splines for chipped, cracked, or worn teeth, and face of the lining on each shoe as necessary until
check bearings for chips, cracks, and brinelling. specified fit is acquired. Upon completion, clean
Recondition glazed shoe linings by tapping with wire Prussian blue from clutch drum and shoes with light
brush. Replace shoe if lining is worn to 0.110 inch engine oil. Before installing new shoes in a used drum
thickness. inspect the shoe contact surface on the drum for a
smooth finish and the diameter of the drum for any
b. Inspect parts dimensionally. (Figures 4-15 and out-of-round condition or toe-in at the open face of the
4-16.) drum.
(Rev. 3) 4-16E
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
d. At the normal 600 hour inspection of the clutch, b. Line ream pin holes in spider to clean up any
if clutch shows evidence of overheating check dimen- worn condition and to obtain a press fit to pin selected
sionally as specified and if necessary regrind before from chart. (Figure 4-17.)
installing new shoes.
c. Ream shoe bushings to dimension listed in chart
e. After a drum is reground, check for cracks by opposite pin size.
magnetic particle inspection before returning to service.
4-38. REPLACING CLUTCH SHOE PIVOT PINS a. Position clutch shoes (10, figure 4-13) on spider
AND BUSHINGS. (Transmission 47-620-600-23 or (5) with free ends of shoes pointing counterclockwise
-25.) (Figure 4-17.) Worn clutch shoe pivot pins and (when viewed from bearing side of spider). Align pivot
wear of pin holes in spider or shoes can be repaired by pin holes, insert and press pins (6) into place with heads
installing hardened shoe bushings and oversize pins. on bearing side of spider. Install lockrings (7) on lower
end of pins. Check for free movement of shoes in
a. Remove and disassemble clutch, spider.
4-16F (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
Figure 4-13. Disassembled View - Centrifugal Clutch (Transmission Assembly No. 47-629-600-23 and -25)
Drum 1
2. Retaining Ring
3. Bearing
4. Spider
5. Pin
6. Bushing
7. Snap Ring
8. Brake Shoe
9. Brake Lining
Figure 4-14. Disassembled View - Centrifugal Clutch (Transmission Assembly No. 47-620-600-27)
Revised 15 October 1965 4-17
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
b. Press bearing (4) into spider using 47-620-200- (when viewed from bearing side of spider). Align pivot
12-T210 plug. Position retainer (3) over bearing and pin holes, insert and press pins (5) into place with heads
install, tighten and lockwire bolts (2) (no washers). on bearing side of spider. Install snap-rings (7) on lower
Position spider assembly in clutch drum. end of pins. Check for free movement of shoes in
b. Press bearing (3) into spider (4) using
Check contact of shoe lining with clutch 47-620-200-12-T210 plug. Install bearing retainer ring
drum on assembly using Prussian Blue or 12) in spider. Position spider assembly in clutch drum
equivalent. Sand high spots with rough (1).
sandpaper or bastard file, as necessary, to
obtain minimum of 80%, preferable 100%, Note
contact over length and width of lining.
Clean by tapping with wire brush after Check contact of shoe lining with clutch
obtaining proper contact to remove any grit drum on assembly using Prussian Blue or
imbedded in lining. Soak clutch shoes equivalent. Sand high spots with rough
approximately 30 minutes in engine oil prior sandpaper or bastard file, as necessary, to
to final assembly. obtain minimum of 80%, preferable 100%,
contact over length and width of lining.
4-40. ASSEMBLY - CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCH. Clean by tapping with wire brush after
(Transmission 47-620-600-27.) obtaining proper contact to remove any grit
imbedded in lining. Soak clutch shoes
a. Position clutch shoes (8, figure 4-14) on spider approximately 30 minutes in engine oil prior
(4) with free ends of shoes pointed counterclockwise to final assembly.
Figure 4-15. Limits Chart - Centrifugal Clutch (Transmission Assembly No. 47-620-600-23 and -25)
4-18 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
Figure 4-16. Limits Chart - Centrifugal Clutch (Transmission Assembly No. 47-620-600-27)
(Rev. 3) 4-19
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Figure 4-16A. Clutch Drum Dimension and Limits
4-20 (Rev. 3)
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
a. Place generator drive assembly in a suitable a. Visually inspect all parts for wear or damage.
holding fixture, and remove nut assembly, using Check bearings for freedom of operation, chips, cracks
47-620-286-1-T210 socket wrench. Press seal (1 figure and brinelling. Check gear for chipped, cracked or
4-18) from nut (2), using a suitable pressing plug. broken teeth. Check studs for security, damage and
b. Insert T100323 gear holder into gear splines
(pushing cork from gear and clamp holder in a vise).
Bend tang of lock-washer from slot in lock-nut. Note
Unscrew lock-nut(3), using 47-620-286-1-T211 spanner
wrench. Remove lock-washer (4). Various oversize studs are available for the
generator drive sleeve assembly. Refer to
c. Place drive assembly in a press, and push gear (5) Section IV of Illustrated Parts Catalog for
from assembly, using a suitable pressing plug. Invert part numbers of these studs.
assembly in press, and press outer bearing (6), spacer
(7), and inner bearing (8) from sleeve (9). Remove b. Replace seals at reassembly. Replace all
O-ring seal (10). unserviceable parts.
4-42. CLEANING - GENERATOR DRIVE. Clean c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and
all parts with P-D-680 cleaning solvent or kerosene. Dry fluorescent penetrant requirements.
with filtered compressed air. Do not allow bearings to
rotate while cleaning. d. Inspect parts dimnesionally. (See figure 4-18.)
Figure 4-17. Replacing Pins and Bushings in Clutch Assembly (Transmission Assembly No.
47-620-600-23 and -25)
(Rev. 3) 4-20A/4-20B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IV
4-44. REASSEMBLY - GENERATOR DRIVE. c. Insert T100323 gear holder through inner end of
gear assembly and engage splines on opposite end.
a. Position sleeve (9, figure 4-18) on end, place a Clamp holder in a vise. Install lock-washer (4) and start
heat lamp about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply threads of lock-nut (3) onto shaft. Place internal tang of
heat until sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Lubricate lock-washer into slot in shaft, pointing toward gear end.
inner bearing (8) with engine oil and start bearing into Torque nuts 600 to 720 inch-pounds using 47-620-286-
sleeve (9). Place sleeve assembly in a press, and press 1-T211 spanner wrench. Bend tang of lock-washer into
bearing into place, using a suitable pressing plug. slot of lock-nut.
Invert sleeve assembly, and support inner bearing.
Start gear (5) into inner bearing and press into place. d. Lubricate seal using engine oil, press seal (1)
(with part number on seal facing outboard) into nut (2)
b. Position sleeve (9) on end, place a heat lamp and start nut into threads. Torque nut 960 to 1200
about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply heat until inch-pounds, using 47-620-286-1-T210 socket wrench.
sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Invert assembly and Remove assembly from T100323 gear holder.
slide spacer (7) onto gear shaft. Lubricate outer bearing
(6) with engine oil, slide bearing onto gear and start e. Coat cork with shellac and insert into internal
into sleeve. Press bearing into place with a suitable end of shaft assembly. Push cork into shaft until it is
pressing plug. approximately 1-1/2 inches from inboard end.
1. Seal
2. Nut
3. Lock-Nut
4. Lock-Washer
5. Gear
6. Outer Bearing
7. Spacer
8. Inner Bearing
9. Sleeve
10. O-ring
4-45. DISASSEMBLY - ROTOR TACHOMETER place using a suitable pressing plug. Install bearing
DRIVE. retaining snap-ring (7) in sleeve. Invert assembly and
place an arbor against inner race of bearing. Press gear
a. Separate housing and sleeve assemblies, and (4) into bearing until inner race of bearing contacts
remove gasket (1, figure 4-19). Place T100222 holding shoulder on gear. Remove arbor from sleeve, place
block over drive gear, pass bolt through shaft of gear, spacer (6) on shaft, and press outboard bearing (5) into
and install washer and nut. Clamp holding block in a place.
vise. Straighten tang of lock-washer and remove
lock-nut (2) using 47-620-287-1-T220 socket wrench. b. Place lock-washer (3) in position (internal tang in
Slide lock-washer (3) from shaft. Remove holding slot on shaft). Place T100222 holding block over gear,
block, and pull gear (4) from sleeve assembly. pass bolt through shaft, and install washer and nut.
Install lock-nut (2) and torque 500 to 600 inch-pounds,
b. Remove outboard bearing (5) and lift spacer (6) using 47-620-287-1-T220 spanner wrench. Bend tang of
from sleeve assembly. Remove inboard bearing lock-washer into castellation in nut. Clean groove in
snap-ring (7) and press inboard bearing (8) from sleeve, sleeve and install O-ring seal (9).
Remove O-ring (9) from sleeve (10).
c. Remove seal snap-ring (11) and pull seal (12)
from housing assembly. Remove snap-ring (13) and Accomplish following step c. if bearing (16)
thrust washer (14), and pull gear (15) from housing. has been removed from housing (17).
Press bearing (16) from housing (17), using Proceed with step d. if bearing was not
47-620-297-1-T200 pressing plug. removed.
Various oversize studs are available for the a. Place fan drive assembly in holding fixture,
rotor tachometer drive. Refer to Section IV 47-620-200-3-T210, and clamp fixture in a vise. Cut
of Illustrated Parts Catalog covering part lockwire, hold pulley with a strap wrench and remove
number of these studs. nut (2). Remove pulley until forward cone and pulley
are loose on gear splines. Remove outer cone (4), pulley
c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and (5) and inner cone (6) from drive assembly.
fluorescent penetrant requirements.
d. Inspect parts dimensionally. (See figure 4-19.)
Two sections of aft cone (6) are a matched
4-48. REASSEMBLY - ROTOR TACHOMETER set and indexed by a corresponding number
DRIVE. on wide end of each half of cone. (Identify,
each cone half, if numbers are not visible.)
a. Lubricate bearings with engine oil. Start inboard Cones must be installed in matched sets
bearing (8, figure 4-19) into sleeve (10), and press into only.
4-22 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section IV
Figure 4-19. Disassembled View and Limits Chart - Rotor Tachometer Drive
Rev. 6 4-23
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
b. Cut lockwire and remove outer retaining nut b. Replace seals at reassembly. Replace all
assembly from sleeve, using 47-620-284-1-T210 socket unserviceable parts.
wrench. Place retaining nut assembly in a press, and
push seal (7) from retaining nut (8), using suitable plug. c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and
Pull O-ring (9) from groove of nut. Pull spacer (10) fluorescent penetrant requirements.
from shaft of gear.
d. Inspect parts dimensionally (See figure 4-21.)
c. Support sleeve assembly with 47-620-200-3-T210
holding fixture and place fixture in an arbor. Press gear
(11) from sleeve assembly using a suitable pressing
plug. Remove assembly from arbor. 4-52. REASSEMBLY - COOLING FAN DRIVE.
d. Remove snap-ring (12) from sleeve. Pull inner a. Position sleeve (15, figure 4-20) on end, place a
bearing (13) and outer bearings (14) from sleeve (15) heat lamp about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply
using T100891 bearing puller. heat until sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Lubricate
inner bearing (13) with engine oil, start bearing into
Note sleeve (15) and press bearing into place using T100420
Do not remove cork from inside of gear shaft pressing plug. Install snap-ring (12) in groove of sleeve.
unless evidence of oil leaks appear.
b. Position sleeve (15) on end, place a heat lamp
4-50. CLEANING- COOLING FAN DRIVE. Clean about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply heat until
parts in P-D-680 cleaning solvent or kerosene. Dry with sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Lubricate outer bearings
filtered compressed air. Do NOT allow bearings to (14) with engine oil. Place bearings together face to face
rotate while cleaning. (see figure 4-20) and start bearings into sleeve. Press
into place using T100420 pressing sleeve. Pass shaft of
4-51. INSPECTION - COOLING FAN DRIVE. gear (11) through inner bearing and start gear into
outer bearing. Slide T100419-5 pressing sleeve over
a. Visually inspect all parts for wear or damage. splines of shaft and seat against inner race of outer
Check bearings for freedom of operation, chips, cracks bearings. Place assembly in an arbor (supported on
and brinelling. Check gear for chipped, cracked or T100419 sleeve) and press gear into place using
broken teeth. T100419 pressing plug.
7. Seal
8. Nut
9. 0-ring
1. O-ring Seal 10. Spacer
2. Retaining Bolt 11. Gear
3. Washer 12. Snap-ring
4. Fwd. Cone 13. Inner Bearing
5. Pulley 14. Outer Bearing
6. Aft Cone 15. Sleeve
c. Press seal (7) into retaining nut (8), using a f. If a used gear, coat gear teeth with Dychem metal
suitable pressing plug. Insert spacer (10) through seal layout ink or equivalent in order to detect a pattern
with flange side of spacer inboard. Dip O-ring seal (9) trend under operational load.
in engine oil and install in groove of retaining nut. Slide
nut assembly over splines of gear shaft, and start nut 4-53. DISASSEMBLY- TAIL ROTOR DRIVE.
into threads of sleeve. Place sleeve assembly into
47-620-200-3-T210 holding fixture and clamp fixture in a. Clamp T100227 holding fixture in a vise, and
a vise. Torque retaining nut 720 to 960 inch-pounds, place tail rotor drive assembly in fixture. Remove
using 47-620-284-1-T210 socket wrench. Lockwire nut retaining ring (1, figure 4-22) and lockwasher (2). Hold
to sleeve. coupling with a strap wrench and remove coupling
retaining bolt (3) and plain washer (4). Pull coupling (5)
from splines of shaft.
d. Place inboard split cone (6) (matched set) onto
gear shaft "Large end inboard" and install pulley (5) b. Cut lockwire and remove bearing retaining nut
and forward cone (4). Slide washer (3) onto retaining assembly (8) from sleeve (14), using 47-620-284-1-T210
bolt (2) with chamfered side of washer toward head of socket wrench. Remove O-ring seal (6) from groove in
bolt. Start bolt into threads of gear shaft. Torque bolt nut. Place retaining nut assembly in an arbor, and press
250 to 300 inch-pounds. Install lockwire from pulley to seal (7) from nut (8), using a suitable pressing sleeve.
bolt and then diametrically to opposite side of pulley. Remove spacer washer (9) from gear shaft.
1 Sleeve-Drive-Bearing-In ID 1.8494 1.8500 1.8501
2 Bearing-Inner OD 1.8499 1.8504
3 Bearing-Inner ID 0.9806 0.9314
4 Gear-Drive-Bearing-Outer OD 0.9800 0.9804 0.9799
5 Gear-Drive-Bearing-Inner OD 0.7873 0.7877 0.7870
6 Bearings-Outer ID 0.7870 9.7874
7 Bearings-Outer OD 0.6530 1.6535
8 Sleeve-Drive-Bearing-Outer ID 1.6530 1.6535 1.6538
9 Sleeve-Drive-Outer- Pilot OD 2.436 2.437 2.4355
10 Sleeve-Drive-Inner- Pilot OD 2.1885 2.1890 2.1875
11 Gear-Drive-Spline-Tooth-Width 0.1840 0.1850 0.1820
12 Pulley-Upper-Spline-Space-Width 0.1860 0.1880 0.1900
and pull inner bearing (12) and outer bearings (13) 4-56. REASSEMBLY - TAIL ROTOR DRIVE.
from sleeve (14) using T100891 puller. Remove O-ring
seal (15) from groove in sleeve. a. Position sleeve (14, figure 4-22) on end, place a
heat lamp about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply
heat until sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Dip O-ring
seal (15) in engine oil, and insert in groove of sleeve
4-54. CLEANING - TAIL ROTOR DRIVE. Clean (14). Lubricate inner bearing (12) with engine oil. Start
all parts in P-D-680 dry cleaning solvent or kerosene. bearing into sleeve and press into place using T100420
Dry with filtered compressed air. Do NOT allow pressing plug. Install lock-ring (11).
bearings to rotate while cleaning.
b. Position sleeve (14) on end, place a heat lamp
about nine inches from end of sleeve, apply heat until
sleeve feels hot to a bare hand. Lubricate outer bearings
4-55. INSPECTION - TAIL ROTOR DRIVE. (13) with engine oil. Place bearings together face to
face, and start bearing into sleeve. Press into place
using T100420 pressing plug. Pass shaft of gear (10)
a. Visually inspect all parts for wear or damage. through inner bearing (12) and start gear into outer
Check bearings for freedom of operation, chips, cracks bearings (13). Slide the -5 sleeve of T100419, over
and brinelling. Check gear for chipped, cracked or splines of shaft and seat against inner race of outer
broken teeth. bearings. Place assembly in an arbor (supported on -5
sleeve of T100419) and press gear into place using -3
b. Replace seals at reassembly. Replace all plug of T100419. Remove assembly from arbor and
unserviceable parts. slide washer (9) onto gear shaft.
c. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and c. Press seal (7) into retaining nut (8) using a
fluorescent penetrant requirements. suitable pressing plug. Dip O-ring seal (6) in engine oil,
and install in groove of retaining nut. Slide assembly
d. Inspect parts dimensionally. (See figure 4-23.) over splines of shaft and start threads of nut into sleeve.
1. Retaining Ring
2. Lock-Washer
11. Lock-Ring
12. Inner Bearing
13. Outer Bearings
14. Sleeve
15. O-ring
Place drive assembly into 47-620-200-3-T210 holding (bearing should have slight drag or preload). Bend tang
fixture and clamp fixture in a vise. Torque retaining nut of lock-washer into slot in retaining nut.
720 to 960 inch-pounds using 47-620-284-1-T210 socket b. Insert lower sun gear (17)into cooling fan drive
wrench. Lockwire nut to sleeve assembly. Remove gear. Make certain shim is inplace under fan drive
assembly from fixture. gear as determined in paragraph 4-33. Remove bolts
holding lower case to work bench. Place lower case
d. Slide coupling (5) onto splines of shaft. Be (22) in an arbor press on a suitable sleeve that sup-
careful not to damage seal. Place plain washer (4) ports the inner race of lower case bearing. Press
on retaining bolt (1) and start threads of bolt into sun gear into place.
gear shaft. Torque bolt 160 to 180 inch-pounds. In- Note
stall lock-washer (3) and retaining ring (2). Remove
assembly from holding fixture. Remove O-rings from drive assemblies
before checking gear pattern andbacklash.
4-57. REASSEMBLY - MAJOR ASSEMBLIES. Replace O-rings after final adjustments.
a. Lubricate all bearings with liberal supply of oil c. Place shims on studs at tail rotor drive port
on installation. Place lower case (22, figure 4-3) in an of lower case. Coat teeth of accessory drive gear and
arbor press. Start accessory drive gear assembly (21) tail rotor pinion gear with a suitable gear marking
onto case and press into place using T100364 pressing compound. Insert the overhauled tail rotor drive as-
sleeve. Return lower case assembly to work bench. sembly into transmission and secure nuts and washers.
Position over previously drilled holes in bench and Note
insert bolts. Install lock-washer (20), and start retaining Rotate lower sun gear when installing
nut (19) onto threads. Torque retaining nut 3600 to quills to assure proper engagement of
4200 inch-pounds using T100311 wrench with guide gear teeth.
(Rev. 3) 4-27
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
d. Attach a dial indicator to shaft of tail rotor tion the lower case bearing inner race in
drive assembly. (See figure 4-24.) For accuracy the up position). Insure by tapping on case
observe dimension "E" on chart measuring from with fiber mallet.
center of shaft to center line of indicator actuating Do not install locking screws (14) inclutch
stem. Place stem of dial indicator against a station- drum lock-nut until backlash and gear tooth
ary object, and turn dial face to zero. Hold the ac- pattern of fan drive assembly have been
cessory drive gear positively against rotation when established
the gear is rotated back and forth to obtain back lash
readings. Rotate shaft of drive assembly in direction h. Place shims on studs at fandriveportof lower
of rotation until teeth contact. Read backlash in plane case. Coat teeth of fan drive pinion with a suitable
of rotation on indicator. Check for a reading of 0.0065 gear marking compound. Install fan drive assembly
to 0.0090 inch. Adjust shims (between drive assembly into transmission and install washers and nuts.
and case) to obtain proper backlash.
* Fan drive 47-620-530 47-620-207 0.002 IN. 0.004 IN. 0.0021 IN. 0.0042 IN. 0.800 IN.
Tail rotor drive 47-620-568 47-620-523 0.005 IN. 0.007 IN. 0.0065 IN. 0.0090 IN. 0.800 IN.
Generatordrive 47-620-238 47-620-523 0.005 IN. 0.007 IN. 0.0065 IN. 0.0090 IN. 0.800 IN.
Tach generator drive 47-620-246 47-620-523 0.005 IN. 0.007 IN. 0.0065 IN. 0.0090 IN. 0.800 IN.
Pinion gear- tail 47-645-270 47-645-271 0.002 IN. 0.004 IN. 0.0025 IN. 0.0055 IN. 0.800 IN.
rotor gearbox
* With clutch assembly held in upward to remove axial play of support bearing and move gear
into mesh.
NOTE: Dimension E is distance from of shaft to dial indicator. Use dial indicator with
stem acting against a clamp or stop at correct E dimension from shaft center.
Figure 4-24. Check Rotational Backlash
(Rev. 9) 4-29
Section IV BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
OFPATTERN case. Insert upper sun gear (11) engaging teeth with
OFF TOE IF PATTERN GOESOFF TOE splines of lower spider.
a. Attach hoisting ring, T100089, to transmission tail rotor drive assembly secure to transmission (do
upper case studs. Connect hoist and take up slack. not hammer).
Raise transmission above engine. Clean mounting
surfaces of lower case and adapter plate. Install Note
aluminum gasket on adapter plate. Lower transmis-
sion into place (port for tail rotor drive assembly On models equipped with rotor brake as-
pointing aft). sembly, install brake and connect oil lines.
Bleed brake system.
If clutch splines do not engage clutch drum
driving flange, raise transmission enough e. Lubricate inside of tail rotor drive coupling
to permit clutch spider to rotate slightly, with grease No. MIL-G-25537. Install forward sec-
then lower transmission. tion of tail rotor drive shaft (Section VI).
b. Install mounting bolts, washers and nuts. Dis- f. Install generator (Section V). Install roto r
connect hoist and remove hoisting ring. Torque bolts tachometer generator (Section IX). Install fan belts
100 to 140 inch-pounds. (See figure 4-27.) Cover top (Section V). Install air intake duct (Section V). Pour
of transmission to prevent entrance of foreign mate- two quarts of oil in transmission.
rial. Connect oil inlet lines and oil transfer line to
transmission. g. Examine main rotor mast bearing. Remove
and replace bearing if damage is evident. (Refer to
c. Uncover fan drive port of transmission, and Section III.) Clean seal groove in top of upper case
make certain shims are in place. Moisten O-ring seal section of transmission, and place O-ring seal in
with engine oil, and insert fan drive assembly into groove. Hoist mast and controls assembly, and lower
transmission with marking "TOP" on flange upward. into transmission. Rotate slightly, while lowering to
Install fore and aft cyclic bracket and bellcrank. engage splines. Continue to lower assembly until studs
Install washers and tighten nuts to draw fan drive enter cap and bearing enters into top of transmis-
assembly secure to transmission (do not hammer). sion. Tap lightly (with a non-metallic hammer) on
Rotate pulley back and forth to assure proper mesh flange of swashplate support to force bearing down-
of teeth. ward until studs extend through cap and support. Start
nuts onto threads, and draw down alternately and
evenly. Torque nuts 100 to 140 inch-pounds and lock-
CAUTION wire. Torque two shear nuts 80 to 85 inch-pounds.
h. Install main rotor. (Refer to Section II.) Con- and a gradual drop of rotor speed as indicated on
nect fore and aft, lateral, and collective pitch control dual tachometer.
tubes to swashplate. Check rigging of flight controls. Note
(Refer to Section VII.)
It is recommended that a new transmis-
i. Start and warm-up engine. (Refer to flight sion or one in which parts have been re-
manual.) Check operation of centrifugal clutch for placed, be run in before the helicopter is
full engagement at approximately 1700 rpm. Engine flown. Ten minutes should be utilized to
and main rotor tachometer needles shall be synchro- gradually approach full rpm, ten minutes
nized at all speeds greater than 1700 rpm. Operate at full rpm and ten minutes to drop from
engine at 3200 rpm, and cut throttle quickly to check rpm to shut-off. This total of 30 minutes
operation of freewheeling unit. Function of the unit is minimum recommended time of opera-
can be checked by the sudden drop of engine speed tion before flight.
Section V
Power Plant
5-l. POWER PLANT. oil Pressure Minimum 50 PSI
(Figure 5-l.) Maximum 70 PSI
Idle Minimum 25 PSI
5-2. DESCRIPTION. The power plant and related
systems consists of the engine, engine mounts, cooling Fuel Pressure
system, engine controls, fuel, oil, supercharger, air Auxiliary Pump 4 to 5 PSI
induction and accessory systems. The transmission Engine Pump 7 to 8 PSI
is mounted on top (drive end) of engine and drives the Oil Temperature
rotors, cooling fan, generator and rotor tachometer (Maximum inlet)
generator. The magnetos are mounted on the acces- Oil, (SAE Number)
sory case at lower end of engine. A fuel pump is Above 60°F 50
mounted on the lower right side of the accessory case. 30°F to 90°F 40
A” auxiliary fuel pump is mounted on top of oil supply 0°F to 70°F
tank bracket. 30
Below 10oF 20
Fuel, Aviation Grade, Octane 100/130
(AVCO) Model TV0435 Weight Dry (Standard Engine) (Approx) 468.00 lbs
Take-Off 47G-3B (with supercharger 260 (2 min.)
Model T-1108).
Take-Off 47G-3B1 (with super- 270 (2 min.)
charger Model T-1108)
Take-Off 47G-3B1 (with super- 270 (5 min.)
charger Model T-1108 or
TE-0659, and with a 47-620-600-27
Take-Off Speed-RPM 3200
Max. Continuous Horsepower 220
Max. Continuous Speed - RPM 3200
Number of Cylinders 6
Bore, inches 4.875
Stroke, inches 3.875
Displacement, cubic inches 434.0
Compression Ratio 7.3:1
Firing Order 1-4-5-2-3-6
Spark Plugs Champion REM38E
or AC-SR87
Spark Plug Gap, inch 0.015 to 0.018
Scintillas (1) S6RN-200 Figure 5-1. Power Plant Assembly
Scintillas (1) S6LN-204
High oil temperatures Failed or failing bearing Check sump for metal particles. If
found, completeoverhaul as indicat-
ed. Inspect main rotor mast bearings
for deterioration.
High compressor pressure Hydraulic pressure to” high Check pressure 60 to 70 psi. 3200
rpm - Flat pitch
waste gate butterfly not Shut-off valve in return line not
opening opening. Butterfly shaft binding.
Check bearings
(Rev. 3) 5-1
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Waste gate butterfly holds open Check valve in inlet line stuck Remove and clean or replace
when engine is shut off open
Safety shut-off valve in return Remove and clean or replace valve
line not closing
Waste gate actuator piston locked Remove and disassemble actuator,
in full open position. (Usually ac- check condition and operation of
companied by oil leakage at ac- piston and packing or replace ac-
tuator drain line.) NOTE: Waste tuator assembly
gate normally closed in static
and low power condition. Should
open when actuator inlet line
is disconnected
5-2 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
(Rev. 9) 5-2A/5-2B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
gage line at aft end of flexible line below engine; oil f. Remove sprag spindle, brackets, clips and
pressure gage line from tee on oil pump and blast tube any other fittings needed on replacement engine.
from mounting pad without disconnecting hoses from case or suitable support with drive end up.
pump. Stow pump out of way. Cap or cover all lines
and openings. h. Remove engine mount, adapter plate
assembly and support brackets, if installed. (Refer
c. Disconnect electrical leads from following to paragraph 5-9.) Remove nuts and washers
accessories or locations: Generator, rotor around base of clutch drive coupling and remove
tachometer, engine tachometer generator, starter, coupling from crankshaft.
magneto (ground leads) transmission oil
temperature bulb, engine oil temperature bulb, 5-6 REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT- POWERPLANT
carburetor air temperature bulb, thermocouple a. Overhaul engine and accessories according to
lead, and ground cables from each side of engine manufacturers instructions.
accessory case. Detach cables where taped to b. Refer to applicable paragraph of this section
engine mount. for repair or replacement of parts furnished by Bell
Helicopter Company.
d. Disconnect control cables from carburetor
mixture lever and support bracket and from carburetor c. Check adapter plate mounting studs, on top
heat control valve. Stow cable ends clear of engine. face of engine, for proper height (0.86 inch above
Disconnect throttle control shaft from carburetor engine face) and tightness at minimum torque (250
throttle arm. inch-pounds). If necessary, replace with oversized
studs set to proper height at 250 to 550 inch-pounds.
e. Remove air induction system. (Refer to paragraph 5-7. REASSEMBLING - ENGINE BUILD-UP.
5-37.) Remove turbine and waste gate exhaust pipes. a. Support engine in shipping case, or other
Remove waste gate and turbo supercharger. (Refer to suitable support, with drive end up.
paragraph 5-31.) Remove lateral cyclic torque tube.
Disconnect push-pull tubes from fore and aft bellcrank on b. Install clutch drive coupling on crankshaft bolts,
transmission. (Refer to Section VII.) Disconnect fan securing with washers, nuts (tap coupling with soft mallet
shroud from
from oil
oil cooler.
cooler. Remove
Remove exhaust
exhaust stacks
stacks from
from both
both while tightening nuts) and install cotter pins or lockwire.
sides of engine. Install adapter plate and engine mount on engine. (Refer
to paragraph 5-14.)
c. Lift engine and place on stand.
Identify control tubes for re-installation. d. Install T100089, hoisting plate and ring, on
f. Remove nut from lower end of sprag spindle studs at top of transmission. Install transmission.
that attaches swivel plate. Disconnect safety cables (Refer to Section IV.) Install cooling baffles. (Refer
from center frame fittings. to paragraph 5-85.)
g. Attach hoist to hoisting ring and take up slack. Note
Check that all linkage between engine and helicopter On all TVO435-A1 or TV0435-B1 Lycoming
has been disconnected. Remove engine mounting bolts.
Lift engine from helicopter and place on stand. engines ignition harness wires to all cyliders
should be wrapped as follows: On aft side of
5-5. DISASSEMBLY- STRIPPING ENGINE. ignition harness for all cylinders wrap per
a. Remove transmission. (Refer to Section VII.) the following instructions. On #1 ignition
lead, wrap with 2 thicknesses of 1 inch wide
b. Remove cooling shroud, fan and support and 1210 asbestos tape, starting at spark plug
baffles. (Refer to paragraphs 5-83 and 5-69.) Remove fitting allowing sufficient length to clear
engine breather tube and fitting from left front of shroud, and cover with 1 thickness of #27
engine, plug opening. Remove sprag safety cables. glass tape. On all remaining leads, wrap
(Refer to paragraph 5-24.) (See figure 5-2.) with one thickness of 1 inch wide #1210
asbestos tape allowing sufficient length to
c. Remove starter and engine tachometer clear exhaust manifold, and cover with one
generator. Install cover plates over mounting pads. thickness of #27 glass tape. 1210 asbestos
d. Remove carburetor andinstall cover plate. Re- tape 1/16" thick x 1.0" wide, may be
move fittings for installation on new or overhauled purchased from E. W. Sargent Co.; #27
carburetor. Remove spark plugs and replace with glass tape 1.0" wide, may be purchased from
dehydrator plugs. dehydrator plugs. Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co.
e. Remove thermocouple fitting and thermocouple e. Install spark plugs. (Refer to Manufacturer's
from No. 2 cylinder. Remove engine oil temperature Instructions.) Connect leads to plugs and secure igni-
bulb, oil pump inlet and outlet fittings. Remove trans- tion harness to engine. (Figure 5-3.) Remove plug and
mission supply line and tee. Plug openings. install fitting and engine breaker line at left front of
(Rev. 9) 5-3
1. Engine Fitting (Vent line to oil tank)
2. Engine Tachometer Generator
3. Starter
4. Oil Pump Fittings
5. Adapter Plate Assembly
6. Engine Mount
7. Drive Coupling
8. Adapter Plate Gasket
9. Carburetor Inlet Fittings
10. Manifold Pressure Gage Line and Fitting
11. Support Bracket (2)
12. Mixture Control Cable Bracket
13. Exhaust Manifold (2)
14. Aft Safety Cables
15. Hydraulic Pump
16. Forward Safety Cables
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
crankcase. Install cooling fan support, cooling fan, belts from aft side of intake manifold above carburetor
and shroud. (Refer to paragraph 5-76.) Install thermo- mounting pad. Install 90 degree elbow fitting, pointing
couple fitting and thermocouple in No. 2 cylinder. up, for manifold pressure gage line.
paragraph Install
5-21.) sprag s fitting in right inlet port. Install mixture control
to paragraph 5-21.) Install sprag safety cables on
engine. (Refer to paragraph 5-27.) support bracket on existing screws at left side of
g. Remove plugs; install inlet fittings, outlet ing system is not to be used cap tee in primer line
fittings and oil temperature bulb in oil pump housing. at upper aft side of crankcase.
Install tee fitting in aft upper side of pump housing.
Install external line between right end of tee and oil i. /Remove cover plate from mounting pad aft of
strainer on transmission upper case. Remove plug magneto on right side of accessory case. Install gasket
(Rev. 3) 5-4A/5-4B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 Section V
j. Install fuel tanks and support. (Refer to para-
graph 5-60.) Fill fuel, oil and hydraulic systems.
Check for leaks. Inspect power plant installation.
Figure 5-3. Clamping Ignition Harness to Engine
Connect battery.
k. Ground test engine. (Refer to Section I.)
and engine tachometer generator with electrical plug
facing down. Remove cover plate from mounting pad on 5-9. REMOVING ENGINE MOUNT AND
right side of accessory case. Install gasket and starter ADAPTER PLATE. (Figure 5-2.)
with electrical plug forward. Remove cover plate from
mounting pad on left side of accessory case. Install a. Remove or block up engine. (Refer to para-
gasket and hydraulic pump with inlet port forward. If graph 5-4.) Remove transmission. (Refer to Sec-
hydraulic pump was left attached to hydraulic system tion IV.)
install after engine is installed in helicopter.
5-8. INSTALLING POWER PLANT. b. Remove nuts and washers from adapter plate
mounting studs. Remove engine mount and adapter
a. Attach hoist to hoisting ring. Lift and carefully plate from engine. Cover top of engine to prevent
lower power plant into helicopter center frame. Align entry of foreign matter.
Lord mounts in center frame supportbrackets. Attach
power plant with bolt, washers and nut (with bolt head c. Remove taper pins through adapter plate and
trunnion pins. (Figure 5-4.) Remove pins (retain
forward and bonding braid terminal under head of
shims) and remove adapter plate from engine mount.
left bolt) through each support bracket and Lord mount.
Remove guards and Lord mount from clamp on each
b. Install turbo supercharger and waste gate, side of engine mount.
install waste gate and turbine exhaust pipes. (Refer to
paragraph 5-34.) Install air induction system. (Refer
ER PLATE. Clean all parts of adapter plate and
to paragraph 5-42.) Install lateral cyclic torque tube,
engine mount, except Lord mounts, with dry cleaning
(Refer to Section VU.) Connect fan shroud to oil cooler.
solvent or kerosene.
(Refer to paragraph 5-85.) Connect manifold pressure
gage line to fitting above carburetor. Connect control
cables to carburetor heat controlvalve and carburetor
mixture control lever. (Refer to paragraph 5-54.) ADAPTER PLATE.
c. Connect throttle control shaft to carburetor. a. Visually inspect engine mount for dented or
(Refer to paragraph 5-50.) Connect fuel line between damaged tubing. Carefully inspect welds for cracks.
fuel strainer and carburetor inlet.
d. Connect flexible hoses at oil pump inlet and b. Visually’ inspect Lord mounts for cracks,
outlet. Connect oil pressure gage line to tee fitting deterioration and separation from clamps, Inspect
support brackets on center frame for evidence of
on oil pump housing. Clamp engine breather line to
handcrank drive pad stud. Connect blast tube between mount clamps striking inside surface of brackets
cooling fan shroud and electrical junction box. during engine operation.
e. Connect electrical leads to the following: Gen- c. Inspect adapter plate for wear in trunnion
erator, starter, engine tachometer generator, trans- pin holes. (If diameter exceeds 0.755 inch refer to
mission, engine oil temperature, carburetor air tem- paragraph 5-13.)
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
d. Refer to Section I for magnetic particle and 2. Determine center line of adapter plate
fluorescent penetrant requirements. using dowel pin holes to locate. (See Detail A.)
Machine off 0.060 inch from each end of adapter
5-12. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - plate. (See Detail D.)
3. Bore and ream trunnion pin hole, in each end
a. Replace engine mount immediately if cracks of adpater plate, 1.380 inches (1.440 inches deep when
are in any area or for any damage to tubing other than installing maximum length bushing)deep with 0.015 inch
as follows: Small smooth dents which have not re- radius at inner end. (See Detail D.) Obtain 0.0005 to 0.001
moved any material from tubing or which are at inch interference fit on bushings. Center lines of holes
least 1 1/2 inches from any weld or intersection of must pass through center line of adapter plate within
tubes with gussets. Repair by tack-welding a piece 0.005inch.(SeeDetailsAandB.)Countersinkouterendof
of welding rod to center of dent, pre-heat material holes 90 degreesx 0.925 inch diameter. (See Detail D.)
1300 to 1400 degrees Fahrenheit and pulling out dent.
Maintain bearing alignment during repair. Inspect 4. Press bushings into adapter plate. Ma-
area visually and by Magnaflux after repair. chine ends of bushings to obtain dimensions of adapter
plate as shown in Detail B. Ream bushings 0.750 to
0.751 inch inside diameter. (See Detail B.)
5. Match drill (No. 11 drill) and ream holes,
for taper pins, from top of plate. Use Brown and
Do not repair engine mount tubing by Sharp taper reamer corresponding to size of taper
patching or insertion. The stiffening caused pin. Use care to avoid enlarging taper pin holes in
by these reinforcements may result in adapter plate. Fit each pin so small end of tapered
highly detrimental stress conditions which pin extends no more than 1/16 inch from underside
may lead to failure. of adapter plate.
b. Replace Lord mounts at normal engine change When holes are enlarged use oversized
if deteriorated or worn. Replace at once if any of the taper pin and reamer, AN386-2-10A pin
following conditions exist. with No. 2 reamer and AN386-3-10A pin
with No. 3 reamer.
1. When edges of mount clamps are striking
center frame support brackets during engine op- 5-14. INSTALLATION - ENGINE MOUNT
2. When separation between rubber and metal
has progressed approximately 120 degrees around Parts may be installed as follows or by
circumference of either inner or outer member or has installing adapter plate on engine before
installing adapter plate on engine before
reached a depth of approximately 1/4 the length of installing engine mount on adapter plate.
the Lord mount at any point.
a. Lay adapter plate face up on bench with the
to a depth of 1/4 inch. plate, with wide support gusset to right. Install
trunnion pins, through engine mount and into adapter
5-13. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT- plate, with grease fittings to left. Install taper pins
ADAPTER PLATE. with counterbored washers and nuts. Shim if neces-
(Figure 5-5.) sary, maximum total clearance between adapter plate
and engine mount 0.005 inch (a maximum 0.020 inch
a. Repair adapter plate when trunnion pin holes shim may be used between engine mount and adapter
are worn in excess of 0.755 inchdiameter by installing plate). See figure 5-4.
bushings as follows:
b. Install metal gasket over studs in stop of engine.
Note Position engine mount and adapter plate on studs. Install
two dowel pins. Install washers and nuts on studs, torque
Inspect trunnion pins for wear. Pin diam- 450 to 500 inch-pounds. Lockwire studs in pairs, lockwire
eter minimum 0.7485. dowel pins with adjacent studs. (Figure 5-7.)
c. Install lord mount in clamp ring at each side of
engine mount, open clamp ring sufficiently to allow
1. If 47-612-200-1 bushings are not available installation of lord mount, (lord mount fits tightly in
make two bushings from aluminum alloy bar 2024-T4 clamp ring). Install bonding braid terminal under head
(Specification QQ-A-268, temper T4) to dimensions of forward bolt on left side. Check installation of
shown on Detail C. bushings in lord mounts. If gap in clamp is 0.23 inch or
(Rev. 9) 5-7
Section V MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Dowell pin
less, install one retainer, if gap is 0.24 inch or e. Install transmission. (Refer to Section IV.)
greater, install two or more retainers. If the Install bolts in holes through adapter plate and
installation requires two or more retainers, support brackets also in first hole forward of bolt
perform the following operations: (See figure5-6.) in each support bracket. Lockwire in pairs. Install
other transmission mountingbolts in normal manner.
1. Install and torque bolts 50 to 70 inch-
pounds. f. Install T100089 hoisting ring on studs in top of
transmission. Attach hoist and lift power plant into
2. Check retainer with straight edge. helicopter center frame. Align Lord mounts in support
brackets in each side of center frame. Install bolt
3. If retainers are flat, remove one through each support bracket and Lord mount
retainer, reinstall bolts and torque. If next length (bonding braid terminal under head of bolt on left).
bolt is required, it will be acceptable. Maximum
quantity of retainers not to exceed three. g. Complete installation of power plant. (Refer
Note to paragraph 5-8.)
With engine mount installed into center-
frame and before tightening the bolts, check 5-15. ADJUSTMENT - ENGINEALIGNMENT. Ad
for clearance between each Lord mount justment of engine sprag mount rods determines
bushing and lugs on centerframe. Shim each vertical alignment of engine and main rotor mast in
laminated steel shims, and then tighten parts. Check adjustment before any rigging of main
c. Adjust safety cables. (Refer to paragraph c. Remove nuts on outboard ends of brace rods
5-28.) and remove brace rods from Lord mounts. Remove
Lord mount from each bracket by removing four bolts.
D d. Remove tail rotor cables from pulleys on for-
5-17. DESCRIPTION. The sprag mount installation ward and aft brackets. Remove bolts, clamps, spacers
provides cushioned suspension to hold power plant and brackets. Keep parts in sets.
mast in vertical alignment and absorb operating
vibration and movement. Four adjustable brace rods 5-19. INSPECTION - SPRAG MOUNTS.
are attached to center frame structure through Lord
mounts and engine sump through a swivel plate and parts for general condition, cracks,
spindle. (See figure 5-8.) dents, elongated bolt holes and excessive wear.
5-18. 5-18. SPRAG MOUNTS.
MOUNTS. b. Inspect Lord mounts for cracks in rubber,
separations between rubber and metal, deterioration
a. With helicopter reasonably level and main and being oil soaked
rotor secured to prevent flapping, release tension on
each brace rod by loosening nut on outboard end of c. When installed inspect for security and align-
rod. Remove bolts to disconnect brace rods from
links. Leave links attached to swivel plate.
b. Remove nut, washers and swivel plate from 5-20. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT -
spindle. Remove bolts to separate links from swivel SPRAG MOUNTS.
plate. Remove bolts to remove spindle from engine
sump. a. Replace all worn or damaged parts.
1. Engine Sump
2. Spindle
3. Links (4)
4. Spindle Plate
5. Brace Rod
6. Aft Mount Assembly
7. Lord Mount
8. Large Washer
9. Left Mount Assembly t
10. Forward Mount Assembly
11. Right Mount Assembly
12. Zerk Fitting
13. Bushing
Figure 5-8. Sprag MountInstallation
5-10 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
b. Replace Lord mounts at normal engine change 5-26. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - SAFETY
or when deteriorated or worn. CABLES. Replace any cable with more than six
wires broken in any one inch. Replace corroded or
5-21. INSTALLATION - SPRAG MOUNTS. badly worn cables even though the number of broken
wires is less than specified.
a. Install spindle on engine sump, attach with
four bolts. Lockwire bolts in pairs. 5-27. INSTALLING - SAFETY CABLES.
(Figure 5-9.)
b. Install link on each corner of swivel plate with
bolt, washer and nut (bolt heads up and washer under a. Install lug of left forward cable on lower studs
head). Tighten nuts with wrench, to clean threads, of handcrank drive pad. Attach other end of cable to
loosen nuts and retighten finger tight plus one castel- lug on right side of center frame with bolt, washer,
lation. Install cotter pins. Install swivel plate on nut and cotter pin.
spindle (flat surface down) with washer and nut. Tight-
en nut with wrench, to clean threads, loosen nut and b. Install lug of right forward cable on lower
retighten finger tight plus one castellation. Install studs of starter pad. Attach other end of cable to
cotter pin. lug on left side of center frame with bolt, washer,
Note nut and cotter pin.
Over-tightening of bolts may cause mis- c. Attach both cables to bosses on aft side of
alignment in operation, due to binding. engine with nuts, washers and cotter pins. Attach aft
end of left-hand cable to lug on right-hand side of
c. Place Lord mount in each bracket from out- aft center frame and attach aft end of right-hand
board side and with the molded part number toward cable on left-hand side of aft center frame with bolts,
engine. Install mounts with bolts (heads toward en- washers and cotter pins.
gine sump), washers (one under head and one under
nut) and nuts. d. Adjust cables after engine has been aligned
(refer to paragraph 5-28).
d. Install two nuts on threaded end of each brace
rod, place washer on rod. Insert threaded end of rod 5-28. ADJUSTING - SPRAG SAFETY CABLES.
through Lord mount from inboard. Place clevis end
of brace rod on swivel plate and install bolt. Install a. Level helicopter and align engine. (Refer to
large washer and nut on outboard end of brace rod. paragraph 5-15.)
e. Adjust brace rods to align engine. (Refer to b. Shorten each cable, by adjusting clevis end,
paragraph 5-15.) until cables are snug without pulling engine out of
alignment. Fittings at engine must be aligned in
5-22. SAFETY CABLES. direction of pull. Lengthen each cable eight turns
5-9.) and tighten lock-nut.
5-23. DESCRIPTION. Four safety cables are con- c. Note any indication of pounding vibrations
nected between the center frame and lower section of present only when executing banking turns, during
engine. The cables have sufficient slack to remain flight, this indicates safety cables are too tight.
inoperative under normal conditions. If sprag mount Properly lengthen safety cables to prevent bottoming.
failure occurs safety cables will hold engine in ap-
proximate alignment. 5-29. EXHAUST STACKS.
5-30. DESCRIPTION. The exhaust system consists
a. Tag or mark cables for reinstallation in same of two exhaust manifolds mounted by flanges to cyl-
locations. Disconnect four cables from fittings on inder exhaust ports. The right and left manifolds
center frame. Disconnect cables from engine. direct exhaust gases from cylinders through exhaust
tubes to the waste gate assembly attached to turbine
b. Inspect for proper adjustment after engine b. Remove nuts and washers from studs at
change or when improper adjustment is indicated by manifold flanges. Remove manifolds. Cover exhaust
vibration during turns in flight (paragraph 5-28). ports.
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
5-32. INSPECTION - EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. c. Cracks in shroud may be stop drilled and
a. Inspect manifolds for dents and cracks.
d. Replace burned out parts.
b. Inspect shroud for cracks or other damage.
EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. a. Position manifolds on cylinder studs and in-
stall washers, nuts and cotter pins.
a. small holes
Repair small
a. Repair cracks in
or cracks
holes or exhaust mani-
in exhaust mani- b. Connect flexible duct of heated air intake to
folds by accepted welding practices. If exhaust flange exhaust shroud.
is warped or there is indication of exhaust gas leak-
age, dress face of flange with emory cloth. Place 5-35 AIR INDUCTIONSYSTEM
emory cloth on a surface plate and work flange to
provide a flat surface against cylinder seat. 5-36. DESCRIPTION. The air induction system
consists of a filter, heat control valve, duct for
b. Lugs on manifolds may be replaced by weld- heated air and a duct for unheated air. This supplies
ing new lugs to part. The tail section of manifold may a variable mixture of heated and unheated filtered
be repaired by welding on a new section of tubing. air through compressor to the carburetor.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
5-37. REMOVAL - AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM. b. Hole (1/4 inch in diameter) or smaller maybe
(Figure 5-10.) repaired by drilling hole to nearest screw size. In-
stall a shallow head screw in hole with the head of
a. Remove temperature bulb and disconnect drain screw on inside and nut on outside. Holes larger than
line from elbow below carburetor. Disconnect control (1/4 inch in diameter) may be repaired by cutting
control valve arm,
cable out damaged area and installing a patch of similar
material. Weld or rivet patch in place.
b. Loosen clamps and remove flexible duct be-
tween air intake scoop and heat control valve. Leave. Holes or tears in flexible duct may be re-
support clamps attached to structure unless removal paired temporarily by wrapping damaged area with
is necessary. Remove flexible duct between heat tape. Apply shellac over tape and at least 1/2 inch
control valve and shroud on left exhaust manifold. beyond taped area. Replace duct as soon as possible.
Remove air intake scoop.
(Figure 5-10.)
If removing filter and valve assembly
only remove four bolts, nuts and washers a. Install cotter pin in valve actuating rod near
that attaches filter housing to support and arm, place washer on rod against cotter pin. Position
braces. (Cover openings.) flapper in valve housing with hinge aligned between
bushings and flapper closed against hot air intake.
c. Remove bolts, nuts and washers attaching Position rod so that arm with larger hole points up
support and braces to engine case and supercharger and left (45 degrees to flapper). Insert rod through
and remove filter housing and valve assembly. housing and flapper hinge. Install washer and cotter
pin on end of rod.
b. Place filter element in housing. Install seal
a. Remove lock-pins, release clamps and seal pan. Engage clamps and secure with lock-pins.
pan from filter housing. Remove filter element.
b. Remove spring from valve arm. Remove cotter SYSTEM.
pin and washer from aft end of valve actuating rod. (Figure 5-10.)
Pull rod from flapper and housing. Remove flapper
through filter housing. a. Install support and braces to engine and super-
5-39. CLEANING - AIR FILTER. charger with bolts, nuts and washers.
Do not wash filter element in any liquid 5-43. CARBURETOR IDLE CUT-OFF AND
or soak in oil. Do not attempt to blow off HEAT CONTROL.
dirt with compressed air. 5-44. DESCRIPTION. The carburetor and idle cut-
c. Clean filter housing by wiping with cloth off air heat control quadrant is mounted on left side of
moistened with unleaded gasoline. When dry reinstall instrument pedestal. The air heat control lever has
filter element, seal pan, clamps and lock-pins. sufficient friction loading to remain in any desired
position and is connected to heat control valve by a
5-40. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - AIR push-pull cable. The mixture control, which was previ-
INDUCTION SYSTEM. ously used during flight to vary fuel mixture or as an
idle cut-off when shutting down the engine, has been
a. Surface scratches or small dents which might repositioned and with this installation is strictly an
occur in system are negligible. Cracks may be re- idle cut-off mechanism. The heat control lever is
paired by welding. moved to top of quadrant to supply cold air and to
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1. Air Intake
2. Support Clamps (on Engine Mount)
3. Flexible Duct - Cold Air
4. Support Clamp (on Fire Shield)
5. Valve Housing
6. Valve Actuating Arm
7. Spring
8. Control Cable
9. Cable Support Bracket
10. Filter Housing
11. Flexible Duct - Hot Air
12. Wing Nut (Pan Retainer)
13. Seal Pan
14. Exhaust Manifold Shroud
15. Support Braces
16. Temperature Bulb Location
17. Drain Tube
18. Coupling (to Blower Assembly)
19. Clamps (6 Required)
bottom of quadrant for heated air. Intermediate posi- 5-47. THROTTLE CONTROLS.
tions will supply corresponding mixtures of cold and
heated air to carburetor. 5-48. DESCRIPTION. The carburetor throttle is
manually controlled through the collective pitch con-
5-45. REMOVING - CARBURETOR MIXTURE trol stick which is geared to a torque tube operating
AND HEAT CONTROLS. inside the collective pitch control tube. Rotation of
control stick grip transmits motion through push-
a. Disconnect control cable devises from mix- pull tube and cambox to move carburetor arm. The
ture lever on carburetor and heat control valve arm. throttle is synchronized by cambox action so that
Remove clip from carburetor bracket. Loosen lock- movement of control stick to increase or decrease
nuts and remove clevises from control cables. Re- main rotor pitch also changes throttle setting to
move clamps that secure cables to structure. provide more or less power as required.
b. Remove access panels from cabin box beam Note
and remove clips that secure cables to box beam.
Open instrument panel and remove clips holding For overhaul procedures on collective
cables to instrument pedestal. pitch and throttle control assembly refer
to Section VII.
c. Remove spring from bracket and idle cut-off
control lever. Disconnect clevis and rod-end from 5-49. REMOVING THROTTLE CONTROL
control levers. Loosen lock-nuts. Remove clevis and LINKAGE.
rod-end from cables. Remove bracket holding cables
to outside of instrument pedestal.
a. Disconnect adapter at carburetor, slide off
d. Pull cables through grommet in instrument carburetor throttle shaft (9, figure 5-11) and remove.
pedestal, through cabin box beam and remove from
helicopter. Note
5-46. INSTALLING - CARBURETOR HEAT If the same cambox, carburetor and shaft
AND IDLE CUT-OFF CONTROL. assembly are to be reinstalled, scribe
mark adapter of shaft assembly and car-
a. Push forward ends of control cables through buretor shaft prior to removal.
cabin box beam, up through instrument pedestal and
out through grommet on left side of pedestal. Screw b. Remove cotter pins, nuts, washers, and bolts
clevis on mixture control cable and rod-end on heat from tube assemblies (2 and 4) and remove tube as-
control cable. Secure with lock-nuts and connect idle semblies.
cut-off control cable clevis to idle cut-off control
lever with clevis pin (head inboard) through second c. Remove nuts, washers, washers (8) used as
hole from end of lever. Connect rod-end of heat con- spacers and bolts which secure cambox (5) to center-
trol cable to second hole from end of lever with clevis frame bracket.
bolt (head outboard) and low castle nut. Connect spring
to bracket and idle cut-off control lever. 5-50. INSTALLING AND RIGGING THROTTLE
CONTROLS. (Figures 5-11 and 5-12.)
b. Install bracket on left side in instrument a. Secure cambox (5, figure 5-11) to centerframe
pedestal and install clips securing cables. Install a. Secure cambox (5, figure 5-11) to centerframe
clips to secure cables to cabin box beam. Close in- bracket with nuts, washers, washer (8) used as spacers,
strument panel and install access panels on box and bolts. When new cambox (5) is installed refer to
beams. step f.
(Rev. 3) 5-15
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
8. Spacers
9. Cambox to Carburetor Shaft
10. Cambox to Carburetor Shaft Adapter
11. Cam
12. Slip Joint Slider
13. Inspection Hole DETAIL A 47631-44D
d. Slide adapter (10) on carburetor throttle shaft 5. Install the cambox carburetor shaft (9)
matching scribe lines previously marked. on the cambox (5) and on the carburetor shaft at the
nearest serration to the butterfly open stop without
e. Secure adapter with two screws and lockwire preloading.
as shown in figure 5-11.
6. Check the 0.38 inch dimension of slipjoint
f. When new cambox (5) is installed use the fol- slider (12) and check through inspection hole (13) for
lowing procedure: safe position of end of slip joint slider.
Note Note
Washers (8) may be used as spacers be-
lt is not necessary to remove inboard tween cambox (5) and centerframe bracket
section of carburetor shaft (9) which is if necessary to obtain 0.38 dimension.
connected to the carburetor.
7. Mark rivet hole location on shaft of cam-
box using existing holes in shaft as a guide.
1. Move collective pitch control stick full up,
rotate throttle full open and lock. 8. Drill holes using a No. 41 (0.0960 inch
diameter) drill and install MS20435M3-7rivets.
2. Install cambox (5) to centerframe bracket
with bolts, washers, washers (8) used as spacers,
and nuts. Note
3. Temporarily install tube assembly (4) to It is suggested that the cambox (5) be re-
hold cambox lever (6) and cam (11) in full open posi- moved from helicopter and a suitable
tion. holding fixture be used for drilling proper
size holes using a drill press to insure
4. Set the 2.10 inch nominal dimension of the accuracy of holes and for easeininstalling
cambox clevis (7). rivets.
(Rev. 3) 5-17
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
9. Replace cambox (5) in helicopter and re- 12. If 3200 rpm mark does not fall between
check step 6. points "plus one" and "minus one" as shown in figure
5-11, correct as follows:
10. Install tube assembly (4) to cambox lever
(6) with bolt, washer, nut and cotter pin. (a) If the mark falls on the plus side of
point "O" loosen the bolts securing the two discs on
g. Complete throttle rigging procedures as fol- shaft (9) assembly, and rotate the pinned washer
lows: counterclockwise (looking inboard) the number of holes
Note which correspond with the point number on which the
3200 rpm marks falls nearest the point "plus three",
The collective stick must be rigged before the pinned washer should be rotated three holes
attempting to rig the throttle, counterclockwise.
5-18 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL
20. When operating from altitudes above 3000 5-52. CARBURETOR - DESCRIPTION. Lycoming
feet, it will be necessary to shorten lever (1) and engines are equipped with a Marvel Schebler, "MA-
tube (4) to obtain a larger "B" clearance dimension 6AA", (setting No. 10-4438-1) carburetor. The mix-
in the upper end of the cam (11). This will further ture control which was previously used during flight
correct over-speeding at altitudes and the amounts to vary fuel mixture is used only as a mixture cut-off.
of adjustment will vary according to the altitude from
which the aircraft is operating. 5-53. REMOVING- CARBURETOR.
'5-51. CAMBOX. (Refer to figure 5-13.) a. Remove air induction system. (Refer to para-
a. Disassembly cambox. graph 5-37.)
1. Remove screws (4) and washers (3), from b. Disconnect throttle control shaft from car-
cover (5). buretor shaft. Remove control cable from bracket.
2. Remove nuts (22), washers (21), spacers c. Disconnect fuel inlet line. Remove nuts and
(15), washers (12) and screws (11). Remove cover half washers and remove carburetor from engine.
(5), plates (13), (18), and cam (16).
3. Remove nut (20) and washers (19), from 5-54. INSTALLING- CARBURETOR.
cam shaft (16).
a. Install support bracket for control cable on
4. Remove nuts (9), washers (25), from lever carburetor cover, pointing to left and secured by
existing screws. Install adapter and elbow (pointing
5. Remove nut (10), and from adapter (31). up and aft) in right inlet port.
6. Remove plate (13), cam (16), and assem- b. Position gasket and carburetor on mounting
bled plate (18). flange on mounting studs, and secure with washers
7. Remove nut (26), washer (27), bolt (28), and nuts.
bushing (29), cam idler (24), bearing (30), from cam
(16). c. Connect fuel inlet hose from strainer to elbow
8. Check bearings in plates (18), (13) and in carburetor.
bearing (30) for freedom of operation cam (16), adap-
Connect control cable to carburetor arm and
ter (31) and cam idler (24) for wear. Check rivets secure support clip to bracket. Connect throttle con-
(1) in lever (2), rivets (14) in plate (13) and rivets (17) shaft
t to throttle
r o shaft.l (Refer to paragraph 5-50.)
in cam (16), for tightness. trol shaft to throttle shaft. (Refer to paragraph 5-50.)
b. Reassembly cambox. e. Install air induction system. (Refer to para-
1. Assemble by inserting bearing (30), into graph 5-42.)
cam (16), attach bearing with cam lever idler (24), f. Check adjustment of throttle controls. (Refer
bolt (28), clevis cambox (23), bushing (29), washer to paragraph 5-50.) Check adjustment of heat and
(27) and nut (26) (adjust clevis (23) and rod end to to paragraph
adjustment of heat and
2.10 inch length). mixture controls. (Refer to paragraph 5-46.)
2. Insert lever (2) through hole in cover half 5-55. FUEL SYSTEM. (Figure 5-14.)
(5), assemble plates (18), (13), cam (16) and attach
5-56. DESCRIPTION. The fuel system consists of
two interconnected fuel tanks, strainer, shut-off
3. Install lever cambox idler (24) into bear- valve, fuel level transmitters, fuel gage, lines and
ings in plates (18), (13) and attach with washers (25) fittings. Fuel flows by gravity from tanks through
and nuts (9). shut-off valve and fuel strainer to fuel pumps. Crash
4. Install washers (19) and nut (20) onto cam- resistant wrapped fuel tanks effective on model 47G-
shaft (16). 3B1 Serial No. 2947 and subsequent.
5. Assemble plates (18), (13), cam (16), and 5-57. FUEL TANKS AND SUPPORTS. The fuel
cover half (5), attach with screws (11), washers (12), tanks and supports are mounted to the structure above
spacers (15), washers (21) and nuts (22). and at each side of engine. A float-type fuel level
indicator is mounted to upper surface of each tank
may beserviced from either
or both sides since tanks are interconnected. If fuel
is spilled during refueling operations, excess fuel
When installing a new cam (16) (camshaft drains into a well formed by the firewall, and is
is undrilled), position cam (16), and lever discharged through a drain line. Fuel drains are
(2), as shown on figure 5-13 of assembled provided at each tank and at strainer which serves
View A-A. both tanks.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
(Rev. 9) 5-21
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
9. Coat 5 to 6 inches around the damaged area
with polysulfide adhesive A and lay a 5 to 6 inch patch
of nylon fabric over the area. Hand work the fabric 5% relative humidity.
firmly down into the liquid adhesive until thoroughly
impregnated and free of all air bubbles, wrinkles, CAUTION
pleats and excess adhesive. Allow to cure to a tack-
free state.
Do not allow the promoter, Accelerator F,
to come in contact with the catalyst,
Note Lupersol DDM, unless one of the two is
thoroughly mixed into the resin. The two
On fuel tanks without resin-glass layer components are explosively reactive.
apply 1 or 2 coats of polysulfide adhesive Clothing and work areas should be pro-
A and fair smoothly into the outer surface tected. The uncured adhesive and resin is
of the tank. soluble in methyl-ethyl-ketone, aliphatic
naphtha, or safety solvent. Cured adhe-
10. Cure the adhesive by allowing it to set for a sive or resin is insoluble. Rubber gloves
minimum of 48 hours at room temperature. Alter- should be worn to avoid excessive skin
nate cure: air dry for 24 hours followed by acceler- contact. The area should be well ventilated
ated curing at 160°F for 8 hours. to prevent nausea. Before using methyl-
ethyl-ketone, extinguish all f a m es and
pilot lights. Keep its vapors away from
heat, sparks, and flame. During applica-
tion and until vapors are gone, avoid using
spark producing electrical equipment such
Sub-paragraphs "11" through "12" apply as switches,
only to fuel tanks with resin-glass outer as switches, appliances,
appliances, etc.
etc. Avoid
Avoid pro-
longed breathing
breathing of
of vapors
vapors and
and repeated
layer. contact with skin.
Paraplex Antimony Trioxide 5% by Accelerator Lupersol 1% 30 Minutes 6 Hours
AP 285 Weight "F" 0.15% by by Weight
(Rev. 9) 5-22A
Section V MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
14. Allow the resin to cure until glass fabric is Aliphatic Naphtha Any solvent or
firmly held in place, then brush additional smoothing TT-N-95a Petroleum Company
coats of resin on the patched area and allow to cure Distributor
until tack free.
Methyl-Ethyl- Any solvent or
15. After tank has cured to a tack-free condition, Ketone Petroleum Company
final finish may be applied as follows: Distributor
Note Hypalon Jones Chemical Co.
If the surface is not tack free after cure, 12130 Harry Hines
sand surface with No. 80 grit sandpaper Dallas 34, Texas
and smooth out with No. 180 grit sand-
16. Sand surface with 280 or 320 grit sandpaper.
Wipe clean with Naphtha and wipe dry immediately a.
a. Lift support (or
Lift support (or tank
tank and support assembly)
and support assembly)
to position, inserting forward legs of support between
17. Apply one coat of epoxy primer and allow to brackets on structure behind cabin firewall. Align
air dry 30 minutes to one hour. Apply one coat of bracket on tank support with aft end of through-bolt
Hypalon (color as required) and allow to air dry 45 at engine
at engine mount bracket and
mount bracket and install washer and
install washer and nut.
minutes to one hour. Apply second coat of Hypalon,
of inboard bracket
of inboard bracket at cabin firewall and
cabin firewall
at and install
install bolt
as a cross coat, and allow finished system to air dry
four hours prior to production handling. through brace, bracket and support leg. (Upper end
of brace is bolted to tank support structure near
MATERIAL MANUFACTURER forward end.) Install bolt through outboard bracket
and support leg. Align holes in interconnecting fire-
Pro-Seal 890 Pro-Seal 890 Pro-Seal
Coast & Mfg.
Pro-Seal & Mfg. Co.
Co. wall and support and install bolts (from top), washers
Class A 2235 Beverly Blvd. and nuts.
Los Angeles 57, California Note
If tank was removed from support, follow
PR-1422 Products Research Company step b.
Class A 2919 Empire Ave.
Burbank, California b. Lift tank into support, insert drain fitting
through grommet in support, and install drain valve.
Nylon Fabric J.P. Stevens, Inc. Connect fuel line to tank outlet. Connect, tighten and
5.1 oz. per yard 1406 Broadway lockwire tank strap turnbuckles, with pads in place
Plain Weave New York 36, N.Y. on straps. Connect bonding jumper between forward
840/1 Denier end of support and bracket on tank.
23 x 22.5 count
c. Connect drain line to tank drain valve. Con-
nect vent line to top of tank and tighten support
Glass Fabric Glass J.P.
J.P. Ste s, I.
Stevens, Inc.
Style 120 1406 Broadway clamps. Connect wire to fuel level transmitter. In-
Type:III New York 36, N.Y.
A shut-off valve and a fuel strainer, located above
Paraplex Rohm and Haas and aft of carburetor, are incorporated in the fuel
AP 285 Philadelphia line between tanks and carburetor. The shut-off
valve is manually controlled by a cable connected
Antimony Trioxide Fisher Scientific Co. between valve actuating arm and a knob located at
(95% finer than 4102 Greenbriar Dr. the left of pilot's seat. When knob is pulled out full
325 mesh) P.O. Box 66528 (forward) flow of fuel to carburetor is stopped. The
Houston, Texas strainer filters fuel and traps sediment and water.
Lupersol DDM Lucidol Division 5-62. REMOVING - FUEL STRAINER BOWL
Wallace & Tierman AND SCREEN.
1740 Military Road
Buffalo 5, N.Y. a. Close shut-off valve by pulling out (forward)
on knob at left of pilot's seat.
Epoxy Primer DeSota Chemical Coatings, Inc.
(Super Koropon) 2520 Forest Lane b. Disconnect drain line from valve at bottom
Garland, Texas of strainer.
5-22B (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
(Rev. 9) 5-22C/5-22D
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
b. Position bowl and screen under strainer top, shroud, and supplies cooling air to oil cooler, engine
with gaskets in place and drain valve aft. Swing sup- and electrical junction box.
port into place, tighten and lockwire retaining screw.
c. Connect drain line to valve below strainer. 15.) The fan assembly consists of fan, hub and bear-
ings, support, index plate, and shroud support. The
trol knob at left of pilot's seat. Check for leaks and index plate provides adjustment of fan belt tension.
flow to carburetor.
SHUT-OFF VALVE. a. Remove fan belts. (Refer to paragraph 5-78.)
a. Disconnect battery, drain all fuel from sys- b. Remove cooling shroud. (Refer to paragraph
tem. 5-83.)
b. Remove pin and pull valve actuating arm from c. Remove nuts and washers which hold fan sup-
shaft. port to engine. Lift fan and support assembly through
left side of engine compartment.
c. Disconnect fuel line from elbow on aft side of
d. Remove bolts attaching strainer and sump-
firewall to support. a. Remove grease fitting from end of shaft. Cut
lockwire, remove nut and washer, and slide fan as-
e. Disconnect fuel lines frominterconnecting tee. sembly from shaft.
Remove strainer, valve and adapter fittings as an
assembly. b. Remove nuts and washers, and remove pulley
from front and bolts and bearing retainer from aft
f. Remove adapter fittings and separate valve side of hub. Slide bearings and spacer from hub.
and strainer.
5-65. INSTALLING - FUEL STRAINER AND from hub. Remove bolts and separate rings, fan, and
SHUT-OFF VALVE. spacer from hub.
a. Assemble strainer, valve and adapter fittings. d. Cut lockwire, remove bolts joining shroud
retainer. Separate
and retainer.
plate and
index plate
b. Position assembly to support with valve shaft support, index
support, Separate parts.
extending up through hole in support. Align mounting
and install bolt through locking pin and spring from front of support.
and strainer.
c. Connect flexible hoses from tank to tee fitting. 5-71. CLEANING - COOLINGFAN AND SUPPORT.
Clean parts by wiping with a clean cloth damp with
d. Lift aft end of firewall to align mounting holes, dry cleaning solvent or kerosene. Bearings may be
and install bolt through firewall brackets and support. washed in cleaning solvent and dried with filtered
compressed air. Relubricate bearings to prevent
e. Position actuating arm on valve shaft and install corrosion.
clevis pin and cotter pin.
f. Connect flexible hose from carburetor to aft SUPPORTS.
side of strainer.
a. Inspect fan for cracks, nicks, alignment and
g. Connect drain line to valve on bottom of balance.
b. Inspect hub for cracks or damage.
h. Check shut-off valve and control for proper
operation. Service fuel tanks and check for leaks. c. Inspect bolt holes for elongation. Check shaft
for cracks, nicks, scratches, or wear. Inspect fan
5-66. COOLING SYSTEM. support for cracks.
5-67. DESCRIPTION. The cooling system consists d. Inspect bearings for excessive wear, rough-
of a belt-driven fan, cylinder baffles and cooling ness, and lubrication.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
2. Shaft
3. Retaining Nut
4. Washer
5. Pulley
6. Belts
7. Rings (3)
8. Fan
9. Shroud Support
10. Spacer Ring
11. Hub
12. Index Plate
13. Fan Support
14. Retainer
15. Locking Pin Handle
16. Locking Pin and Spring
17. Bearing (Shield Aft)
18. Spacer
19. Bushing
20. Bearing (Shield Fwd.)
Figure 5-15. Cooling Fan and Support Installation
(Rev. 3) 5-25
Section V BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
b. Place retainer in fan support from aft side. Place Figure 5-16. Cooling Fan Blade - Minor Repair
index plate, with shaft forward, and shroud support on
plate, and shroud support on front face of fan support.
Align holes and install four bolts, with thin aluminum to drilled hole in shaft end. Install grease fitting in
alloy washers under heads, through shroud support and end of shaft and lubricate hub.
index plate into threaded holes in retainer. Lockwire
bolt heads. 5-75. BALANCING - COOLINGFAN. Slide a suit-
able shaft through hub bearings (bearings dry) and
c. Insert single-row bearing, shielded side aft, support shaft on a knife-edge stand, in a wind-free
into hub from aft side, seating outer race against area. Staticall balance fan assembly by the addition
shoulder in hub bore. Place bearing retainer on aft of AN960-10, AN960-10L, or AN970-3 washers to
side of hub, align holes, and insert bolts through the front or back side of AN3-3A bolts. A maximum
retainer and hub. (Do not use washers under bolt two washers may be added to each bolt. Only one
heads.) Lay hub assembly face up. Place spacer washer may be added to the front of each bolt. If
in hub on inner race of bearing. Install double-row two washers are added, one must be on the back of
bearing, shielded side forward, in hub against spacer. bolt. Replace AN3-3A bolt with AN3-4A bolt, if
Install pulley on bolts and secure with washers and necessary. To obtain fine balance No. 50 (0.070 inch
nuts. diameter) holes may be drilled in AN970-3 washers.
d. Assemble three rings on front of fan and in- Maintain fan blade run-out to 1/32 inch maximum.
stall bolts, with heads aft and thick washer under
head and under nut (except as additional washers 5-76. INSTALLATION - COOLING FAN
are required for balancing). AND SUPPORT.
e. Position spacer and fan and ring assembly on a. Lift assembly through left side of engine com-
front of hub and install bolts, with head aft and thin partment. Position support, with adjusting handle at
washer under nut only. left, on three studs on front of engine case and in-
stall nuts and washers. Check alignment of fan pulley
f. Balance fan. (Refer to paragraph 5-75.) with drive pulley on transmission. Adjust pulley
alignment as closely as possible, not to exceed 7/32
g. Slide fan assembly on shaft. Installwasherand (0.218 inch) maximum misalignment, by installing
nut, torque 75 to 100 inch-pounds, and lockwire nut minimum necessary amount of shimsonstudsbetween
5-26 (Rev. 4)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
(Rev. 4) 5-26A/5-26B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
Do not apply preservative oil or com- d. After adjustment, tighten shroud clamp ring
pounds to fan belts. Replace belts in bolts and secure shroud fasteners to engine.
matched sets only. Make certain index
plate is in maximum up position before e. After installation of new fan belts, check belt
installation of belts. tension every few hours and readjust until tension
a. Place belts over drive and fan pulleys. becomes costant. (Refer to figure 5-17.)
b. Adjust belt tension. (Refer to paragraph 5-81.)
c. Snap fasteners securing cooling shroud to cooling shroud and baffles enclose the forward side of
engine. Make certain shroud clamp ring is seated the engine to direct air flow from the cooling fan
in groove of support. Tighten bolts in clamp ring. around the cylinders and to the oil cooler.
equal and proper tension by hooking a spring scale
between pulleys and measuring deflection of belt
when prescribed pull is applied. (Figure 5-17.) a. Remove fan belts. (Refer to paragraph 5-78.)
47669 1000A
Figure 5-17. Checking Fan Belt Tension
(Rev. 9) 5-27
Section V MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
b. Disconnect junction box blast tubefrombottom 5-86. OIL SYSTEM. (Figure 5-18.)
of shroud. Loosen clamp ring screws at each side of
shroud support. Slip clamp ring from groove. 5-87. DESCRIPTION. Oil is supplied from an ex-
ternal tank to the engine oil pump, located at aft
c. Unsnap fasteners from baffles and remove right side of engine accessory case. The pump
shroud from engine. housing incorporates a full flow filter, a check valve
to prevent gravity flow from tank to sump when
d. If necessary to remove baffles, disconnect engine is not operating, and an adjustable pressure
springs and cable from top and bottom baffles at relief valve to regulate oil pressure within operating
front of engine. Cut lockwire and remove bolts, wash- limits (50 to 70 psi under normal operating condi-
ers and spacers that hold baffles to engine. Keep tions). Oil from pressure pump is distributed through
bolts, washers and spacers together for reinstallation internal passages to upper end of engine and to ac-
in original locations. cessory case, and through an external line to the
transmission. The oil pressure gage line is connected to
the transmission supply tee fitting on pump housing.
5-84. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - COOLING Temperature bulbs installed in pump housing and
SHROUDAND BAFFLES. transmission case are electrically connected to oil
temperature indicator on cabin instrument panel. After
a. Surface scratches, dents and small irregu- circulation through engine, transmission, and filter, oil
larities in metal baffles to which fabric shroud is returns to sump on bottom of engine. An internal
attached may be considered negligible. Small cracks scavenger pump picks up oil from sump and returns it,
may be stopped by drilling a small hole at end of through external lines and oil cooler, to supply tank. The
crack. Larger cracks may be repaired by stop- system is serviced through the supply tank filler cap,
drilling ends of crack and applying a lay-on patch accessible from right side of engine compartment. Tank
of like material and gage. capacity is 10 US (6.6 Imp.) quarts, capacity of complete
system is 16 US (12.8 Imp.) quarts, including trapped and
b. Small holes or tears in fabric shroud may be residual oil. Drain supply tank through drain valve and
repaired by stitching with cotton thread or by sewing line, and by removing cap from tee fitting at outlet. Drain
a patch of like material on outside of shroud, engine sump by removing plug. Drain cooler and line by
removing cap from tee located at lowest point between
5-85. INSTALLING - COOLING SHROUD pump and cooler.
a. Place side sections of baffles on rocker box
flanges, forward of covers, align with existing holes, 5-89. DESCRIPTION. A welded aluminum alloy oil
and install bolts and washers. Place upper sections supply tank, with capacity of 10 US (8 Imp.) quarts,
of baffle above top cylinders from aft side, remove is mounted in a support bracket on center frame
existing rocker box cover screws which align with structure aft of engine. Filler cap is accessible
holes in baffle, and install bolts, to pass through from left side of engine compartment, and has a
washer, baffle, spacer, and washer before entering dip stick for measuring oil level. Openings are pro-
holes in rocker box cover. Install bolt through flange vided for connection of inlet, outlet, drain, and vent
of baffle into right side of engine case, with spacer lines.
between baffle and case. Connect two springs across
front of engine case, hooked to forward inboard ends 5-90. REMOVING - OIL SUPPLY TANK.
of baffle.
a. Drain oil from tank by removing cap from tee
b. Install lower sections of baffle in same manner fitting below tank and by opening drain line valve.
as for upper section. Install two plates between and Disconnect inlet, outlet, drain, and vent lines from
forward of rocker box covers at each side of engine, tank. Loosen strap turnbuckle and remove tank.
with wider ends forward, each attached by four bolts
in rocker box cover holes, (install bolts to pass
through washer, baffle, spacer, and washer before 5-91. CLEANING - OIL SUPPLY TANK.
entering hole in cover). Lockwire all bolts.
a. Clean the outside of the supply tank by wiping
c. Install fan belts. (Refer to paragraph 5-80.) with a cloth damp with cleaning solvent or kerosene.
d. Connect blast tube on lower right side of b. Flush the inside of tank with any good petroleum
shroud. Snap shroud fasteners to engine baffles and solvent, and allow to drain thoroughly before rein-
oil cooler. Tighten shroud clamp ring. stallation.
5-28 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
(Rev. 9) 5-28A/5-28B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section V
b. Turn tank to align fittings and connect inlet, d. Remove nuts and bolts from attachingbrackets
drain and vent lines. Tighten strap turnbuckles se- and remove cooler.
curely and lockwire.
e. Remove fiberglas shroud from cooler.
c. Close drain valve, install cap on tee fitting
below tank, and refill supply tank with recommended
grade oil. 5-97. CLEANING - OIL COOLER.
5-94. OIL COOLER. Note
5-95. DESCRIPTION. The oil cooler consists of a Clean oil cooler at each normal engine
radiator and a thermostatic control valve. During change. Clean immediately after removal
operation, oil enters at cooler inlet and passes di- from engine to prevent hardening of
rectly to the outlet. When the oil has heated suf- sludge. Clean thermostatic valve sepa-
ficiently to close the thermostatic valve, oil is rately fromcooler,and use care to keep
directed through the core of the radiator to be cooled dirt or grit from entering valve assembly.
by air from the cooling fan, thus regulating oil In case of internal engine failure, cooler
temperature within operating range. (See figure 5-19.) should be replaced.
b. Remove return oil line from cooler to tank b. Immerse cooler (tubes vertical) in a bath of
at cooler fitting. dry cleaning solvent, and allow to stand for five
minutes. Maintain vertical position, and move cooler
c. Unsnap button fasteners from around cooler up and down to force solvent through tubes to loosen
duct. dirt and sludge.
e. Drain and refill the flushing equipment with When any particles found are readily
clean solvent. Repeat the preceding step d. Drain identifiable as fragments of parts, such as
cooler thoroughly and flush with clean, light lubri- gears, nuts, bearings, washers, snaprings,
cating oil (SAE 10) at atemperatureof 71.1°C (160°F). lockwire, or other components, replace
transmission or gearbox, mast assembly, oil
5-98. TESTING - OIL COOLER AND cooler, and internal oil filter elements. Clean
THERMOSTATIC VALVE. all oil lines.
(Rev. 9) 5-31
Section V MAINTENANCE& OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
5-100C. INSPECTION - OIL FILTER. Check for c. Copper or Bronze and Magnesium. Differentiate
particles associated with engine components. If particles copper or bronze and magnesium by their respective
are found, identification of particles can be made by reactions to nitric acid. When a particle of copper or
proceeding to paragraph 5-101C. bronze is dropped into nitric acid it forms a bright green
cloud in the acid. When a particle of magnesium is
5-101. CLEANING - OIL FILTER. Clean engine oil dropped into nitric acid it fizzes with a rapid emission of
filter after first 25 hours of operation of a new or bubbles. Phenolic and aluminum do not react noticeably
overhauled engine, thereafter at each 50 hours. Wash in nitric acid.
filter screens individually in clean unleaded gasoline
using a soft bristle brush. Dry with filtered compressed 5-102. ADJUSTING OIL PRESSURE RELIEF
air. VALVE. An adjustable oil pressure relief valve is
located on right side of accessory case, above and
5-101A. ASSEMBLY- OIL FILTER. Replace filter disc aft of starter. Adjust valve, when pressure under
if screens are damaged or clogged. Assemble disc on filter normal operating conditions consistently exceeds 70
tube. Install nut on tube and torque 60 to 80 inch-pounds psi or is less than 50 psi, as follows:
to insure tightness between discs. Do not overtorque.
5-10lB. INSTALLING - OIL FILTER. Place an a. Observe oil pressure gage reading after run-
ning engine until operating temperatures are normal.
AN960-1016 washer, or Lycoming Supplied part, over the Stop engine. Cut lockwire, loosen lock-nut and turn
locknut. Coat threads of filter tube with Dow Coming adjusting screw in or out to increase or decrease
thread lubricant No. 6 or equivalent. Insert filter into tension on valve spring. Tighten lock-nut. Start
chamber and start threads by hand. Thread fully into engine and check pressure gage reading. Repeat
chamber and torque 40 to 50 inch-pounds. Do not adjustment as necessary.
overtorque. Replace gasket, if necessary, install hex head
filter cover nut (19, figure 5-18) and torque 100 to 200 b. When adjustment is satisfactory, tighten lock-
inch-pounds. Secure nut (19) to pump body with lockwire. nut and lockwire adjustment screw to crankcase.
5-32 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section V
charger. This is accomplished by controlling the provide compressor discharge (carburetor deck) air at
waste gate position through mass flow of a fluid constant equivalent sea level standard density condition.
across two orifices - one fixed, the other variable. Carburetor deck pressure and temperature are sensed by
a nitrogen filled aneroid bellows which operates the
d. It is possible to meter fluid into the control cylinder variable orifice metering valve. At low speed-power
through the fixed orifice and govern the outlet through a engine operation, this valve is closed, which allows
variable orifice. This provides an increase or decrease of hydraulic pressure buildup to hold the waste gate open
fluid pressure on the control piston in accordance with the against spring pressure. When carburetor deck pressure
orifice constants. Figure 5-20 presents all pertinent parts reaches a preset absolute value, the bellows opens and
of the hydraulic control system. A brief description of the modulates the metering valve to hold it at constant level.
functional purpose follows: The nitrogen content provides the bellows with
temperature sensitivity, so the absolute pressure is
modified to maintain the following constant ratio to
e. Relief Valve - This valve (1, figure 5-20) regulates absolute outlet air temperature: P/ T = Constant.
the pressure into the system within plus or minus one psi
to automatic waste gate control. This pressure can only be i. Safety Valve - During normal operation of the
adjusted by ground personnel during ground run system the safety valve (6) merely passes fluid out of the
operation. Best regulation is obtained by adjusting the system toward the hydraulic reservoir (8). Supply fluid
pressure between 60 to 70 psi at the entrance of the fixed holds the piston depressed for this function as long as
orifice. To adjust pressure (shut helicopter down) remove hydraulic system pressure is in excess of 40 psi; whenever
cap on tee at actuator (4) inlet, and attach gage. Remove pressure drops below 30 psi, the spring loaded piston is
safety wire from valve (1) and loosen lock-nut. Turn snapped closed to prevent fluid flow from the system.
adjustment in to increase and out to decrease. Start
engine and check pressure reading. Safety wire valve j. Fixed Bleed Orifice - The fixed bleed orifice of the
lock-nut when desired pressure has been set. actuator (4) of 0.013 inch diameter is incorporated to
provide fast locking of the safety valve after loss of supply
f. Check Valve - The backflow check valve (2) blocks fluid pressure.
escape of fluid through the inlet side of the system if
hydraulic failure occurs. k. Refer to Section VII, Figure 7-17, for complete
Schematic Diagram of hydraulic-boost system.
g. Actuator Bypass Valve - The waste gate actuator (4)
incorporates fixed orifice piston, control linkage, spring 5-104. ENGINE FUEL PUMP.
into the cylinder and against the face of the piston. As the 5-105. ADJUSTING ENGINE FUEL PUMP. Loosen
jam nut on adjusting screw at top of fuel pump. Start
piston responds to fluid commands created by the density engine, check fuel pressure reading on fuel pressure
controller (5), the mechanical linkage actuates the waste gage in instrument panel, adjust pressure five to
gate. A resisting force is created as the spring set is eight psi, by turning adjusting screw "OUT" to lower
depressed. pressure and "IN" to increase pressure. Tighten
jam nut. Be sure that electric fuel pump switch is
h. Density Controller - The density controller (5) in "OFF" position when adjusting engine fuel pump
governs turbocharger maximum speed operation to pressure.
(Rev. 9) 5-33
Section VI - Part 1
Tail Rotor System
(Rev. 9) 6-27
Section VI MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Model 4-G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Part 2 INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
e. Remove clip (14) from shaft (1) and remove nut (13), j. Unscrew plug (56) from gear case. Remove filler cap
using T101575 wrench. Support assembly on a pressing assembly (17). Remove snapring (15) and remove bearing
plate, engaging inner race of bearings (8) and press gear (16) from gear case (18).
(12), retainer ring (10), packing (9), and bearings (8) from
shaft (1). Remove gear key (2) from shaft (1). k. Remove snapring (62). While reaching inside of
gearbox case, press oil level glass (61) and oil level adapter
(60) from gearcase (18). Remove packings (58 and 59).
f. Pressseal(3)fromfrontcap(6)andremoveshim( ). Remove snapring (57) from gear case (18).
all parts, except seals with dry cleaning solvent, and dry
g. Remove nuts (28) and washers (27) which secure with filtered compressed air. Do not permit bearings to
sleeve assembly (26) to gear case (18). Thread two rotate while drying.
5/16 - 18 x 1-1/4 inch screws into threaded puller holes in
sleeve (26), turn screws inward and carefully pull sleeve 6-50. INSPECTION- TAIL ROTOR GEAR BOX.
assembly from case. Remove packing (19) and shim (25)
(save for reuse) from gear case (18). Support sleeve in
holding fixture and remove lock-nut (37) from sleeve, (26) a. Inspect bearings from freedom of operation, cracks,
using T101306 spanner wrench. Press oil seal (35) from chips, or brinelling. Examine gears, shafts, housings, and
lock-nut (37) and remove gasket (36) and washer (34). other parts for nicks, burrs, cracks, chips or wear.
6-28 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
1. Sleeve liner ID 1.8504 1.8513
2. Bearings - fwd. pinion shaft OD 1.8498 1.8504
3. Bearings - fwd. pinion shaft ID 1.1807 1.1812
4. Pinion shaft - fwd. bearing seat OD 1.1809 1.1815
5. Pinion shaft - aft bearing seat OD 0.9842 0.9847
6. Bearing - aft pinion shaft ID 0.9839 0.9844
7. Bearing - aft pinion shaft OD 2.0466 2.0472
8. Sleeve - aft bearing seat ID 2.0460 2.0467
9. Sleeve - case seat OD 2.4975 2.4990
10. Case - sleeve bore ID 2.500 2.5015
11. Pinion shaft - gear seat OD 0.6254 0.6260
12. Pinion gear ID 0.6250 0.6256
13. Rotor shaft - front bearing seat OD 1.1809 1.1815
14. Bearings - front cap ID 1.1807 1.1812
15. Bearings - front cap OD 2.1648 2.1654
16. Front cap liner ID 2.1653 2.1663
17. Front cap - case seat OD 3.3735 3.3750
18. Case - front cap bore ID 3.3750 3.3765
19. Gear ID 0.9375 0.9382
20. Rotor shaft - gear seat OD 0.9383 0.9390
21. Rotor shaft - rear bearing seat OD 0.8038 0.8044
22. Bearing - rear rotor shaft ID 0.8050 0.8057
23. Bearing - rear rotor shaft OD 1.3774 1.3780
24. Case - rear bearing seat ID 1.3772 1.3781
25. Spindle - tail rotor control OD 0.9820 0.9840
26. Drum - tail rotor control ID 1.6225 1.6545
27. Driveshaft spline - tail rotor OD 1.0883 1.0898*
28. Pinion shaft - inner splines ID 0.186 0.189 47645-1000B
(Rev. 9) 6-28A
Section VI MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Part 2 INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
P/N 47-645-269
Depth: 1/3 Spline
Length: 1/2 Spline length
Number: 3
Figure 6-15A. Wear and Damage Limits - Tail Rotor Gearbox Shafts (Sheet 1 of 2)
6-28B (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
P/N 47-645-205
SHAFT - SPLINE SPACE WIDTH: 0.186 Inch 0.189 Inch
Figure 6-15A. Wear and Damage Limits - Tail Rotor Gearbox Shafts (Sheet 2 of 2)
(Rev. 9) 6-28C/6-28D
Models47G-3B&47G-3B-l MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
f. Inspect 47-641-179-1 tail rotor pitch change control Install nut (21) onto pinion shaft (33) and torque nut 140
screw with O.D. of spline and diameter of bearing surface to 220 inch-pounds and install cotter pin (20) into pinion
to be concentric with 0.010 inch TIR (See figure 6-16.) shaft (33).
6-51. REASSEMBLY - TAIL ROTOR GEAR BOX 6. Install, gasket (36), lubricate seal (35) with engine
oil (with part number on seal facing outboard) and install
into nut (37). Install washer (34), nut (37) into sleeve (26)
a. Assemble sleeve assembly as follows: (See figure torque
or nut 720 too 960 inch-pounds using T100306.
6-17.) Lockwire nut (37) to sleeve (26).
b. Assemble cap, shaft and gear box as follows: (See
1. Lubricate duplexbearings (31, figure6-14)using
engine oil. Start bearings (31)face to face (seefigure6-18)
onto pinion shaft (33, figure 6-14) and press onto shaft 1. Install snapring (57, figure 6-14) into inner
using a suitable pressing tool. groove of gear case (18). Lubricate packings (58 and 59)
and packings on oil level adapter (60). Insert oil
2. Install pinion shaft (33) with installed bearings level adapter and oil level glass (61) into port of gear case
(31), into sleeve (26) from long end of sleeve. (18) and secure with snapring (62).
3. Install spacer (29) onto threaded end of pinion 2. Arrange bearings (8) face-to-face (thrust sides
shaft (33). Install outer raceofbearing(24)intosleeve(26) away from each other), seefigure6-18. Pressbearings into
(lubricate bearing with engine oil) press in bearing (24), suitable pressing plug.
using T100308 support for sleeve (26) and T101239
support to press in bearing. Install snapring (23) into 3. Slide cap (6) assembly on shaft (1). Support inner
groove in sleeve (26) and key (32) into slot in pinion shaft. races of bearings (8) on T100307 and press shaft (1) into
4. Place pinion gear (22) under a suitable heat lamp 4. Remove T100307. Install retaining ring (10) with
for about 30 minutes prior to installation onto shaft. Start bolts (11). Torque bolts 50 to 70 inch-pounds evenly and
gear (22) onto threaded end of pinion shaft (33). Align key lockwire bolts in pairs.
in shaft with slot in gear and press into place using a
suitable pressing suitable
sleeve. pressing
sleeve. 5. Lubricate seal (3) using gearbox oil. While
supporting cap (6), place seal over splined end of shaft (1)
5. Clamp tang end of T100303 holder in a vise, and press seal (with part number on seal facing outboard)
engage splines of pinion shaft (33) with T100303 holder. into cap using T100302 plug.
If diameter is notconcentric withtolerances,
as noted, shaft must be straightened within
this tolerance.
Figure 6-16. Inspection - Pitch Change Control Screw
(Rev. 9) 6-29
Section VI MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Part 2 INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
6-30 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
(Rev. 9) 6-31
Section VI MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Part 2 INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
6-32 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
Section VI
6-34 (Rev.9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VI
Commercial INSTRUCTIONS Part 2
5. Place gear (12) under a suitable heat lamp for 13. Install assembled drum (46) on spindle (42),
about 30 minutes prior to installation on shaft (1). Secure install nut (48) on spindle and torque nut 25 to 50
T101238 shaft fixture in vise and insert splined end of inch-pounds. Install cotter pin so that head of cotter pin is
shaft (1) into mating splines in fixture. Install key (2) into below outer diameter of retaining nut (48) and ends are
slot of shaft (1). Position gear (12) into shaft (1) align key bent to clear threads on control screw (40).
(2) in shaft with slot in gear and press gear onto shaft
using a suitable pressing plug. Install nut (13) and torque 14. Insert nut assembly (50) into drum (46) and
nut 960 to 1200 inch-pounds, using T101575 wrench and press by hand until nut bottoms firmly against bearings
install clip (14) over nut. press by hand until nut bottoms firmly against bearings
(47). Measure gap between drum and nut using a feeler
6. Install snapring (15) into gear case (18). Press gage. Remove nut from drum. Prepare laminated shim
bearing (16) into gear case (18) using plug T101239 and (49) 0.001 to 0.003 inch less than gap measured to provide
install snapring (15). pinch fit on drum bearings (47).
| 11. Prepare laminated shim (39) 0.002 to 0.004 inch b. Install tail rotor guard.
less than gap measured to provide a pinch fit on bearing
(16). c. Install tail rotor hub and blades. (Refer to
paragraph 6-11.)
12. Remove spindle (42) from case (18). Lubricate
bearings (47) with engine oil. Position bearings with d. Attach control cables to tail rotor pitch change
stamped faces of outer races adjacent to each other and drum and rig tail rotor system. (Refer to Section VII.)
install into drum (46) using a suitable pressing plug. Dip
seal (45) in engine oil and install into drum (46) with lip of e. Install drain plug (56, figure 6-14) and fill gearbox
seal facing gear box. to proper level. Safety all plugs.
(Rev. 9) 6-35
Section VI MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Part 2 INSTRUCTIONS Commercial
To correct lash move gear member
To correct pattern move pinion
If pattern is high on pinion move pinion OUT
If pattern is deep on pinion move pinion IN
6-36 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
Section VII
Flight Controls
Refer to paragraph 7-4A when using the
7-2. DESCRIPTION. Control of the helicopter is (angular settings) alternate rigging method.
accomplished through three flight control systems.
The cyclic control system, through push-pull tubes, a. Level helicopter. Checkmainrotormastfor
torque tubes, bellcranks, boost cylinders and swash-
plate, transmits any movement of the cyclic control vertical alignment, using a bubble protractor or
stick to the main rotor hub, which changes main square head. Adjust sprag rods and safety cables
rotor attitude, to move the helicopter to either side as necessary for alignment. (Refer to Section V.)
or in a forward or rearward direction. A synchronized
elevator is linked to the cyclic control system in such
a manner that the fore and aft movement of the cyclic b. Disconnect both push-pull tubes from bellcrank
stick controls the angle of incidence of the elevator. located on lower horizontal seat-back structural tube
near left side.
The collective pitch control system, through push-
pull tubes, torque tubes, and belleranks, transmits Note
movement of pitch control lever to the pitch change
mechanism of the main rotor hub. By means of the Steps c. through k. are applicable when
collective system, the helicopter can be made to rigging with tools and fixtures. (Figure
ascend or descend vertically or to hover. 7-1, sheet 1 of 2.)
The tail rotor system, through pedals, cables, pitch
change mechanism, and tail rotor blades, controls c. Set collective pitch control stick at 37 1/2
engine torque effect on the tail boom in addition to degrees above horizontal and secure with friction
providing directional control. adjustor. Position bellcrank so that center line through
pivot point and bolt holes in long arm makes an angle
A ventral fin is mounted on the underside of the tail of 17 1/2 degrees above horizontal. Adjust andinstall
boom structure to provide stability about the longi- tube between collective pitch torque tube and bell-
tudinal and horizontal axis of the helicopter. crank.
7-3. RIGGINGFLIGHTCONTROLS. Rigging is re- d. Cut safety wire and move collective sleeve
quired after installation or replacement of compo- boot up on mast. Install T101234 rigging fixture in
nent parts of the control system. Each system may position on mast with four legs contacting the
be rigged independently. However, if necessary to
rig both cyclic and collective systems, it is ec control plate. Secure in this position. (See figure 7-
rig both cyclic
ommended that and
the collective
collective system
system be
be rigged
rigged first.
first. 1.) Cut safety wire, loosen jam nut and screw low
pitch collective stops on transmission case cap in
enough to prevent interference when rigging.
WARNING Install T101235 rigging fixture between outboard
end of collective bellcrank and fore-aft arm of
Do not apply hydraulic boost to flight con- control plate. Adjust link-rod to accommodate a
trols at any time when rigging tools or bolt through collective pitch levers, link-rod and
pins are installed. Since movement of the T101235 rigging fixture. Adjust vertical tube
controls could result in serious damage assembly to the necessary length for installation
to the control system. on bellcrank. Remove T101235 rigging fixture.
7-4. RIGGING- COLLECTIVEPITCHCONTROL Install tube assembly. Install bolts, washers, and
SYSTEM. MODEL 47G-3B cotter pins.
Note Note
Tolerance for all angular setting is plus Cotterpins,washers,and nutmaybeleft
or minus 1/2 degree. If the pitch change off the bolt through fore and aft control
link-rods are being rigged, it is not nec- plate horn if the cyclic control is to be
essary to level helicopter. rigged.
(Rev. 4) 7-1
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Tolerance for all settings
7-2 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
Tolerance for all settings +
check low pitch blade
angles before flight
Figure 7-1A. Rigging Diagram- Collective Pitch Control System, Alternate Method 47G-3B
(Rev. 9) 7-3
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
e. Adjust low pitch collective stop screws on a. Level helicopter. Check main rotor mast for
transmission case cap so they just touch collective vertical alignment, using a bubble protractor or square
levers. Tighten jam nuts and safety. head. Adjust sprag rods and safety cables as necessary
for alignment.
f. Remove T101234 rigging fixture from mast and
with a soft lead pencil, place a mark on the mast exactlyat
the end of the collective pitch sleeve. Place a similar mark b. Disconnect both push-pull tubes from bellcrank
on the mast 23/32 inch above the first mark. (See figure located on lower horizontal seat-back structural tube
7-4.) near left side.
g. Release friction adjustment and move col-
lective pitch stick up until the end of the collective c. Cut safety wire and move collective sleeve boot up
pitch sleeve is exactly opposite the higher mark on on mast.
the mast and secure with friction lock.
d. Clamp swashplate scissor levers in neutral.
h. Adjust high pitch stop screws on the collective (figure 7-3.)
pitch lever assembly to contact the lever mounting
bracket in this position. Tighten jam nut and safety e. Cut safety wire, loosen jam nuts and screw low
wire stop screw. pitch collective stops on transmission case cap in
enough to prevent interference when rigging.
i. Release friction adjustment and position col-
lective pitch stick in low pitch position and secure
with friction lock. f. Use a bubble protractor across pivot and push-pull
tube attachment bolts to set forward end of bellcrank six
j. Position collective sleeve boot over collective degrees, 55 minutes above horizontal by adjusting length
pitch sleeve and safety wire in place around mast. of link. (Figure 7-1A.)
7-4 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
1. Position collective sleeve boot over collective 7-5. RIGGING - COLLECTIVE PITCH CONTROL
sleeve and safety wire in place around mast. SYSTEM (WITHOUT HYDRAULIC COLLEC-
TIVE BOOST). Model 47G-3B-1. (Figure 7-5.)
(Rev. 9) 7-4A/7-4B
.90 X
Tolerance for all setting ±1 /2 °
and ±0.03 for all dimensional
settings. Check low pitch blade
angles before flight.
Figure 7-5. Rigging Diagram - Collective Pitch Control System (Model 47G-3B-1 without Hydraulic Collective Boost)
7-6 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL SectionVII
81.50 (REF)
Figure 7-6. Rigging Diagram- Collective Pitch Control System (Model 4 7G-3B-1)with Hydraulic Boost
(Rev. 9) 7-7
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
a. Level helicopter. Check main rotor mast for 1. With collective stick at high pitch, adjust
vertical alignment, using abubble protractor or square high pitch stop screw to obtain a gap of 0.20 inch
and adjusting sprag-rods and safety cables as neces- between collective lever screw and support below
sary. (Refer to SectionV, in the maintenance and over- it. With collective stick in low pitch, adjust rigging
haul inspection handbook.) aid screws (two places) to a gap of 0.20 inch
b. Position pitch stick in low pitch position 37.5 between collective lever ("A" frame) and screw.
degrees above horizontal, adjust the low pitch stop on
bracket at jackshaft, then tighten friction lock, to hold at
low pitch. (See figure 7-6.) m. The laminated shim must be used equally on each
side of the bellcrank bushing (as required) to make the
c. If hydraulic system has been filled and bled, gap 0.005 or less, between the bellcrank bushings and
accomplish as follows: support bracket; tighten nut and torque 50 to 70 inch-
pounds (see figure 7-6). Check for security of installation
(1) Bottom the cylinder piston in the UP - and proper safetying. Check system for freedom of
direction and adjust the rod to fit (from jackshaft to operation.
bellcrank at cylinder assembly) then shorten the rod
by 1 turn and install rod.
d. If hydraulic system has not been filled with CONTROL SYSTEM. (Figure 7-7.)
hydraulic fluid, accomplish as follows:
(1) Bottom the cylinder piston and valve in the Note
UP - direction and adjust the rodto fit (from jackshaft, Tolerance for all angular settings is plus
to bellcrank at cylinder assembly) then shorten the rod or mnus 1/2 degree.
by 1-1/2 turns, and install rod.
a. Level helicopter. (Refer to Section I.) Check
e. Using the adjusting screw under collective vertical alignment of mast with bubble protractor
lever as a rigging aid, adjust screw to maintain 1.075 or square head, adjusting sprag mount rods and
inch dimension, and low sleeve position. safety cables as necessary. (Refer to Section V.)
f. Adjust the link rod between collective lever b. Clamp T101232 cyclic centering fixture around
and idler to obtain 2.97 inch dimension and their low bell housing at base of cyclic control stick. If fixture is not
pitch positions. available, use bubble protractor or square head to place
stick in a vertical position. Tighten friction, by turning
g. Set clevis on upper end of hydraulic knurled nut, to hold stick firmly in position.
cylinder to a dimension of 1.22 inches.
c. Remove access door under cabin. Disconnect
h. With the system in low pitch position,push push-pull tube between control stick and torque arm
down on cylinder piston to bottom the valve, on left-hand end of jackshaft, located aft of cabin
adjust tube assembly to fit (between hydraulic floor bulkhead. Set jackshaft so left torque arm points
cylinder and idler assembly) then shorten the rod down and six degrees forward of vertical center line
by 1/2 turn, if hydraulic system is dry. If hydraulic of shaft (torque arm near middle of shaft points
system is serviced, adjustment of rod is not straight up.) Adjust and reinstall push-pull tube.
required. d. Disconnect push-pull tubes from bellcrank below
the fore and aft hydraulic power cylinder and from clevis
i. Cut safety wire and move collective pitch adapter at top end of cylinder shaft. Disconnect
sleeve boot up on the mast. synchronized elevator linkage from the fore and aft
system. Adjust clevis adapter to dimension of 1.22 inches
j. Hold the collective pitch lever against between bolt hole center and upper end of cylinder shaft,
rigging aid screw and with a soft lead pencil place with clevis slot aligned fore and aft
a mark on the mast exactly at the end of the
collective pitch sleeve. Make another mark on the e
mast 0.84 inch above first mark for high pitch The hydraulic power cylinder servo-valve
position. may be automatically centered by moving
cylinder piston rod in and out two or three
times with firm hand pressure applied on
k. Release friction on collective stick, move rod at the top of the cylinder. (Movement
stick until sleeve travels to second mark on mast or will be very slight.) When servo-valve is
0.84 inch. Adjust high pitch stop on jackshaft to centered, piston rod will not move in either
limit this travel direction.
7-8 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
(Rev. 4) 7-8A/7-8B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
20.58 INCHES
Figure 7-7. Rigging Diagram- Fore and A ft Cyclic Control
(Rev. 9)
9) 7-9
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
° °
7 1/2 - 47G-3B-1 -9 1/2
/6 1/2 47G-3B 7 1/2
A1 1T ~1-' DOWN
47G-3B Swashplate Angle 0 10 1/2 ° 10° 1/2 ° Down Left 6 1/2 ° 7 1/2 °
° °
47G-3B-1 Swashplate Angle 0° 10 1/2 °
10 ° 1 ° Down Left 7 1/2 9 1/2
mounted on left side of box beam under cabin floor. 3B-1)or one and one-half turns (for 47G-3B) and reinstall
Set bellcrank so that center line through pivot and tube.
bolt hole in aft arm is 90 degrees to side of box
beam. Adjust and reinstall link-rod. i. Check securityof installation and proper safetying
throughout lateral control system. Remove centering
d. Disconnect push-pull tube between bellcrank on fixture or release friction from control stick. Move control
cabin box beam and bellcrank below lateral power stick to extreme lateral positions, checking for freedom of
cylinder. Disconnect push-pull tube between clevis movement and checking with bubble protractor on
adapter at top of cylinder shaft and forward arm of torque leveling plate for swashplate angles of 7-1/2 degrees with
tube. Adjust clevis adapter to dimension of 1.22 inches stick full left and 6-1/2 degrees with stick full right for
between end of shaft and center of clevis bolt hole. (See model 47G-3B (9-1/2 degrees with stick full left and 7-1/2
figure 7-9.) degrees with stick full right for model 47G-3B-2).(Figure
The hydraulic power cylinder servo-valve (Figure 7-10.)
may be automatically centered by moving
cylinder piston rod in and out two or three Note
times with firm hand pressure applied on
rod at the top of the cylinder. (Movement Upper arm *of 47-267-070-1 elevator horn
will be very slight.) When servo-valve is must be installed in the rear attachment
centered, piston rod will not move in either holes.
e. Set bellcrank below power cylinder so that
center line through pivot bolt and lower cylinder Rig synchronized elevator after rigging
trunnion is 10 3/4 degrees down aft (or measure the fore and aft cylic system. Tolerance
travel of cylinder shaft and set in half-travel posi- for all angular settings is plus or minus
tion). Adjust and install push-pull tube between bell- 1/2 degree.
crank below cylinder and aft arm of bellcrank on
cabin box beam.
f. Disconnect push-pull tube located between a. Remove elevator centering spring. Clamp
swashplate horn and aft arm of torque tube. Install T101232 centering fixture on bell housing at base of
T101234 swashplate fixture or set swashplate with a cyclic control stick. If fixture is not available use bubble
bubble protractor to zero degree. Position lateral torque protractor or square head to place stick in vertical
tube so that center line of bolt hole in forward arm is 4.84 position. Tighten friction nut to hold stick firmly in
inches above support spacer base. (See figure 7-9.) Adjust position.
and install push-pull tube to fit between swashplate and
aft arm of torque tube.
g. Adjust and install push-pull tube to fit between
forward arm of torque tube and clevis at top end of The hydraulic power cylinder servo-valve
power cylinder. may be automatically centered by moving
Note cylinder piston rod in and out two or three
times with firm hand pressure applied on
If hydraulic system has not been filled and rod at the top of the cylinder. (Movement
bled, omit step g., above and push lateral will be very slight.) When servo-valve is
power cylinder piston rod down until servo centered, piston rod will not move in either
valve is bottomed. Adjust and fit push-pull direction.
tube between forward arm of torque tube
and clevis at top end of power cylinder.
Release piston rod and shorten push-pull
tube by 1/2 turn of rod-end. Reinstall, b. Position cable actuating bellcrank so that upper |
push-pull tube. arm is as shown on figure 7-10 view B, adjust and connect
double links to torque tube arm and bellcrank.
h. Remove T101234 from swashplate. Adjust push- c. Adjust and install link-rod between inboard
pull tube (between swashplate and aft arm of torque tube) (longest) arm of torque tube and clevis on lower end
to fit at swashplate, shorten tube three full turns (for 47G- of power cylinder.
7-12 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
(Rev. 9) 7-12A/7-12B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
24 to 30 POUNDS
24 to 30 POUNDS
1. End Cap
2. Nut Assembl
. Bottom Cable
4. Top Cable
5. Control Screws
7. Stop Assemblies
8. Cable Lock Bolt
e. Route cables, as shown on figure 7-10, connect to Rotor Gear Box assembly installed on a basic helicopter
bellcrank and synchronized elevator. Place bubble or installed per Service Instruction 428.
protractor on leveling lugs, located on right elevator fin.
Adjust cable turnbuckles to position elevator in neutral, a. Disconnect cables at speed rigs.
leading edge down 15 1/2 to 16 1/2 degrees. Cable tension
should be 24 to 30 pounds. When measuring tension in 1/8
O.D. plastic cable, use either a dial type or a spring type b. Pedal adjustment pawls in aft notch at each
tensionmeter. If a dial type is used, set dial for 1/8 pedal.
diameter cable. If a spring type is used, use No. 1 riser and
match indicated reading to 1/8 diameter cable on c. Clamp pedals in neutral position using a straight
calibration chart. bar across aft side of pedals.
d. Loosen both stops on quadrant. Set quadrant in
The upper arm of elevator horn must be in
rear attachment hole.
e. Cable drum centered with ferrel cable retainers
f. Remove centering fixture, or release friction from
cyclic control stick. With stick full forward check elevator f. Connect cables at speed rigs and adjust cable
position for leading edge up 13 1/2 to 14 1/2 degrees from tenson to otain 24 to 30 inch pounds. Lockwire
level position. With stick full aft, check elevator position on to obtain 24 to 30 inch pounds. Lockwirespeed
for leading edge down 24 to30 degrees from level position.
g. Disconnect link-rod between inboard (longest) arm g. Hold left pedal in and measure 3.63 inches between
g. Hold left pedal inand measure
g. Disconnect link-rod between inboard (longest) arm static stop face on yoke and inside face3.63 inches between
on crosshead, (See
of torque tube and clevis on lower end of power cylinder. figure 7-11A) must be equal distance on both sides, within
Extend link-rod two turns and reconnect. Place cyclic plus or minus 0.03 inch. Set stop against quadrant.
stick in forward position. Center cylinder valve and make
sure that arm does not contact support assembly. Shorten
link-rod only if and as required to avoid contact of lever h. Hold right pedal in and measure 2.76 inches
with support. between static stop face on yoke and inside face on
crosshead, must be equal distance on both sides within
h. Connect centering (bungee) spring. Lockwire plus or minus 0.03. Set stop against quandrant.
turnbuckles and check system for security and proper
i. Adjust pitch links to 4.63 inches length (nominal)
7-10. DELETED. measuring from center to center of link rod bearings.
Install pitch links, attach to pitch horn using bolts,
tapered washer, nuts. Torque nuts to 80 to 100 inch
7-10A. RIGGING - TAIL ROTOR CONTROLS. Ap- pounds. (Refer to Section VI, Part 2.) Install cotter pins.
plicable to helicopters equipped with 47-641-170 Tail Install pitch links to crosshead using bolts, washers, nuts,
Rotor Yoke and Blade assembly and 47-640-075 Tail torque 25 to 30 pounds and install cotter pins.
(Rev. 9) 7-15
Section VII Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-l
7-16 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
b. If adjustment is necessary, remove lever pitch and throttle control assembly consists of a
pivot pin, and rod attachment pin, and raise lever collective pitch torque tube mounted horizontally
clear of rod. With pawl engaged in ratchet, screw under seat, a control stick extending from torque tube
rod in or out to adjust length. Reinstall rod attach- gear housing up and forward through left side of
ment pin and lever pivot pin. Recheck adjustment, seat firewall, and a throttle control shaft mounted
inside the collective pitch torque tube and operated
7-12. COLLECTIVE PITCH CONTROL SYSTEM. through gears by rotation of control stick grip. A
The main rotor collective pitch control system be- friction control rod and knob are located at the seat
low the swashplate consists of the collective pitch firewall convenient to pilot's right-hand, and allows
and throttle control assembly (also called torque locking of collective pitch controls when desired. A
tube or jackshaft assembly), a bellcrank (or lever) knurled knob on the control stick provides friction
and support mounted on left forward side of trans- control of the throttle setting. (Model 47G-3 Serial No.
mission upper case, two push-pull tubes, and a short 2632 and sub.) A switch box containing the starter
link-rod connecting the transmission bellcrank to the and landing light switches, is mounted on top of con-
swashplate pitch control lever. trol stick. Provision is made for installation of a
copilot's control stick at right end of the torque tube.
Component parts of pitch control linkage may be re- 7-15. REMOVING - COLLECTIVE PITCH AND
moved separately or in any practical sequence. Use THROTTLE CONTROL ASSEMBLY.
care to prevent damage to parts by accidental move-
ment of linkage while disconnected.
a. Disconnect and remove push-pull tubes and a. Remove cotter pin from lower end of collective
link-rod. pitch friction control rod. Unscrew rod to remove
nut, rod, spacer and washer. (See figure 7-14.)
b. Remove bellcrank and support from trans-
mission by removing bolt through plate and support b. Disconnect linkage from collective pitch crank
and bolt through support and transmission case. Note arm and throttle control lever. Remove copilot's
position of any washers used for alignment. Cut lock- control stick (if installed) by removing bolt through
wire, remove two shear nuts and remove support base of stick.
plate from transmission studs.
c. Remove bellcrank from welded brackets on c. Remove bolts attaching torque tube bearings
structural tubes behind pilot's seat by removing bolt to welded brackets on seat structure. Keep shims for
reinstallation. Remove assembly from helicopter.
and spacer.
and spacer. reinstallation. Remove assembly from helicopter.
d. Disconnect switch box wiring at disconnect
7-14. COLLECTIVE PITCH AND THROTTLE CON- under pilot's seat.
TROL ASSEMBLY. (Figure 7-14.) The collective
(Rev. 9) 7-16A
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
e. Remove plug buttons from end and lower in- sembly out through left end of tube and housing. Re-
board side of gear housing. Remove screw attaching move screws, gear, and shim from shaft. (Keep all
pinion gear segment to stick. Pull stick from housing, shims for reinstallation.)
removing washer and shim from outside and pinion
and shims from inside of housing. g. Remove pins, gear housing, spacer, washer,
and bearing from torque tube.
f. Remove screws, bushing, and shims from right
end of tube and shaft. Pull throttle shaft and gear as-
7-16B (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
Figure -14.
1/8 INCH
FOR .002" TO .004"
Figure 7-14. Collective Pitch and Throttle Control Assembly (Without Hydraulic Boost) (Sheet 1 of 2)
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
h. Remove pins, loosen clamp-bolt, and remove d. Slide bearing, arms, and bearing, onto tube
crank arm from right end of torque tube. assembl. Align holes in arm and tube, insert pins
into holes. Install lockwire, passing through each pin
and completely around housing. Tighten bolt and nut
7-17. REASSEMBLING - COLLECTIVE PITCH AND on arm. Insert rod into friction bearing, attach with
THROTTLE CONTROL ASSEMBLY. (Figure nut and cotter pin. (For model 47G-3B-1 with hydrau-
7-14 without Collective Boost) (Figure 7-15 lic boost).
with Collective Boost)
a. Slide bearing, washer, and spacer on end of e. Insert end of throttle shaft into gear and install
torque tube, seating bearing shoulder against riveted two screws, lockwire together. Place two shims on
collar. Insert end of tube into gear housing, align holes shaft against gear shoulder and insert shaft in torque
and press pins through housing into tube. (If new parts tube. Install bushing over right end of throttle shaft
are being assembled, hold parts tight against collar and into torque tube, with shims between bushing and
press fit
for press
inch for tube to eliminate end play of throttle shaft. Install and
and holes hold
and ream to 0.1855 0.1875 inch
to 0.1875
to fit
of pins.) Install lockwire, passing through each pin lockwire two screws to secure bushing to throttle
and completely around housing. (For models 47G-3B shaft.(For models 47G-3B and 47G-3B-1 with hydrau-
and 47G-3B-1 without hydraulic boost). lic boost).
b. Slide crank arm on torque tube. Alignto point f. Rotate gear segment to lower part of housing.
down and forward 21 degrees when raisedpart number Place washer (and shim, if required) on stick end,
on gear housing is up, and press pins into place. Se- and insert stick through upper bushing of housing.
cure pins with lockwire, passing throughpins and com- Place shims and pinion on stick end and insert stick
pletely around tube. Slide frictionbearingon right end in lower housing bushing. Rotate throttle shaft gear
of torque tube, past throttle lever slot. upward, and engage with pinion so that middle teeth
mesh. Holding gears thus, rotate stick to align screw
c. Slide arm, bracket and spacer onto endof torque hole, and install screw in pinion and stick. Check for
tube tightly against housing. Insert end of tube into 0.002 to 0.004 inch backlash, adjusting pinion shim as
gear housing, align holes in housing and tube, press necessary. Lockwire screw. Install plug buttons in
pins through housing and into the tube. Align holes, housing.
insert pins through arm and into tube, install lockwire
passing through each pin and completely around hous-
ing. Tighten bolt and nut. (For model 47G-3B-1 with g. Install throttle lever through torque tube slot
hydraulic boost). into throttle shaft. Adjust to prevent bottoming in
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
( FOR.002" TO .004"
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Figure 7-15. Collective Pitch and Throttle Control Assembly with Hydraulic Boost (Model 47G-3B-1)
(Sheet 2 of 2)
torque tube, tighten lock-nut. Check operation by ro- sleeve in seat firewall. Install thin washer against
tating collective grip. (Refer to Throttle Rigging, spacer, and insert rod through friction lock. Screw
Section V.) rod into nut held in place below lock, and install
cotter pin through end of rod.
h. Insert throttle friction control rod through
upper end of stick. Place friction washer on flanged c. Connect linkage to crank arm on torque tube.
sleeve, place sleeve on lower end of rod and install Check rigging of collective pitch control system. (Re-
pin. Push sleeve up into end of stick. Screw knurled fer to paragraph 7-4, 7-5 and 7-6.)
nut on upper end of rod and secure with washer and
cotter pin. Snap plug button into top of stick. d. Connect linkage to throttle shaft lever. Check
rigging of throttle control system. (Refer to SectionV.)
i. Install switch box, lock-ring, cover and screws.
Lockwire screws.
j. Apply corrosion preventive compound, to ex- Clean parts by washing with dry cleaning solvent or
posed bare steel surfaces of cross tube. kerosene. Dry with filtered compressed air.
BLY. a. Inspect push-pull tubes for worn or rough
rod-end bearings, loose rivets, cracks, dents, nicks
a. Lubricate bearings before installation with or scratches.
MIL-G-25537grease. Lift assembly into position under
center frame seat structure, with control stick ex-
tending through left side of seat firewall. Align bear- b. Inspect bellcranks and support for cracks,
ings with support brackets, using shims as needed nicks, scratches, elongated bolt holes, and worn or
for alignment, and install mounting bolts (countersunk rough bearings.
screws at two lower holes of friction bearing).
c. Inspect collective pitch and throttle control
b. Place thin washer and long spacer on col- assembly for worn or damaged parts and for proper
lective pitch friction control rod and insert through operation.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
d. Inspect all parts of linkage for security of in- rotor and direction of movement of the helicopter.
stallation, proper rigging and operation. These two non-rotating control linkage systems,
designated as the fore and aft and the lateral cyclic,
7-21. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - controls from the direction of their effects on the
PITCH CONTROL LINKAGE. swashplate, interact to produce corresponding posi-
tions of swashplate and rotor for all control stick
a. Replace worn or rough bearings or rod-ends. positions within its range of travel. A hydraulic boost
cylinder incorporated in each linkage system mini-
b. Replace bushings in collective pitch andthrottle mizes effort required for control and prevents feed-
assembly when excessively worn. back of forces from the rotor.
b. Check that spacer is in place through needle b. Disconnect push-pull tubes from extension and
bearings and position bellcrank, with shortest arm arm on lower end of control stick.
down, between outboard pair of brackets welded on
lower tube of seat-back structure. Install bolt. Install c. Disconnect electrical wiring at nearest quick-
push-pull tube, with adjustable end attachedto shortest disconnect clips.
arm of bellcrank, and fixed end of crank arm on col- d. Remove screws attaching bell to cabin floor
lective pitch control torque tube. and remove stick assembly.
c. Position bellcrank support on left forward 7-26. DISASSEMBLY - CYCLIC CONTROL STICK.
upper case of trasnmission, under swashplate col-
lective pitch lever, aligning bolt hole with first trans- a. Match-mark bearing caps for reassembly in same
mission case through-bolt hole left of center. Support locations. Removescrews, nutsand bearing caps from bell
rests on fore and aft bellcrank support already in- assembly (8, figure 7-16).
stalled. Install bolt through both supports and trans-
mission case. Install support plate on two studs below b. Remove bolt passing through trunnion (9)
swashplate lever, using low castle nuts. Install bolts, bearings, fore-aft lever (10), and stick (1). Pull trunnion
with heads up, through plate and support, using wash- (9) off fore-aft lever (10). Push bearingsoutoftrunnion(9)
ers between plate and support or under lower end bores.
of support as needed.
c. Pull stick (1) out of inner bell assembly(8). Remove
d. Install bellcrank (raised lettering designates outer bell, friction tube (3),dust shield washer, spring (4),
TOP) between bearings of support. Install link, with washers (5) and shims (6), bearings and friction nut (2)
large rod- fitting
fitting forward, from lower end of stick (1). Remove betweeny
middle of bellcrank and forward end of collective screw (covered by putty) and threading electrical wires
pitch sleeve lever, up through stick.
e. Install fork end of push-pull tube to forward 7-27. CLEANING - CYCLIC CONTROLSTICK. Wash
end of bellcrank, with clearance cut at base of fork metal parts in dry cleaning solvent and dry with fil-
on aft side (note arrow and FWD rubber-stamped on tered compressed air.
sides of fork). Connect lower end of tube to bellcrank
behind pilot's
behind pilot's seat. seat. 7-28. INSPECTION - CYCLIC CONTROL STICK.
f. Rig collective pitch system. (Refer to para- a. Inspect bearings for wear and roughness.
graph 7-4.)
b. Inspect parts for wear, elongated bolt holes,
7-23. CYCLIC CONTROL SYSTEMS. Two systems cracks, nicks and surface damage.
of linkage transmit control movementsfromthe cyclic
control stick in the cabin to the swashplate horns, c. Inspect assembly for security and freedom of
controlling the attitude of the swashplate and thus, operation. Check for excessive play between stick
through rotating control linkage, controlling the main and extension.
(Rev. 9) 7-21
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
with putty.
Figure 7-16. Cyclic Control Stick f. Install access door under cabin.
7-22 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
7-32. HYDRAULIC BOOST SYSTEM - CONTROLS. An engine driven hydraulic pump, mounted to acces-
(Figures 7-17 and 7-19.) The hydraulic system serv- sory case at lower end of engine, can deliver a flow
icing the power cylinders in the main rotor controls of one gallon per minute at normal operating speed.
consists of the following units. A short drain line is installed near the gear end of
the pump case to allow drainage overboard of any oil
A cylindrical 1 1/2 pint reservoir, clamped to seat leaking past oil seal between engine and pump.
back structural tubing at left aft side of cabin fire- pressure line near pump outlet, contains
wall, is serviced through a filler neck equipped with A filter, in pressure line near pump outlet, contains
aa replaceable
replaceable micronic
micronic element
element which
which screens
screens out
out any
a strainer and a cap with attached dip stick. Suction dirt from hydraulic fluid. An
hydraulic fluid. An arrow
arrow indicates
indicates direction
and return lines connect at marked ports in bottom of flow and ports are marked for proper installation.
of reservoir. An internal baffle at return port pre- A pressure relief valve,
pressure relief valve, adjustable
adjustable to
to regulate
regulate sys-
vents excessive swirling of fluid. Aventline, equipped tem pressure to 345 psi, is located below reservoir
with filter using a replaceable micronic element to and connects between pressure and return lines.
prevent entry of dust, connects at a marked boss
on reservoir top to equalize pressure between res- An electric solenoid is mounted on aft side of cabin
ervoir and atmosphere. and is controlled by a switch on the instrument panel.
Actuation of the switch will by-pass fluid through re-
The engine supercharger is controlled by a hydraulic turn line to reservoir when hydraulic boost control is
density control, waste gate control, located at waste
gate on supercharger and a pressure relief valve
adjustable 60 to 70 psi, is located on return line to Each power cylinder consists of a piston shaft op-
reservoir. 65 psi desirable. erating through a cylinder barrel and head assembly.
2. Filler Cap
3. Vent Line
4. Vent Filter
5. Relief Valve
6. Tee Fitting
7. Irreversible Valve
8. Wastegate Control
9. Drain Line
10. Tee Fitting
11. Density Controller
12. Pump
Figure 7-17. Hydraulic Boost System (For Models 47G-3B and 47G-3B-1 without Collective
Hydraulic Boost) (Sheet 1 of 2)
345 P.S.I. AT 0.75G.P.M.
8 F
7-U-7212C VALVE
40 P.S.I. AT PORT"A" "B" & "C"
Figure 7-17. Schematic Diagram - Hydraulic Boost System (For Models 47G-3B and 47G-3B-1 without
Collective Hydraulic Boost) (Sheet 2 of 2)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
Relief Valve Working Pressure
FORCED. Low Pressure Check Valve
Check Valve
(Rev. 4) 7-25
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1. Reservoir 8. Fitting
2. Vent Line 9. Pump
3. Vent Filter 10. Line Filter
4. Lateral Power Cylinder 11. Fitting
5. Collective Power Cylinder 12. Irreversible
6. Fore and Aft Power Cylinder 13. Solenoid
7. Irreversivle Valve 14. Relief Valve
Figure 7-19. Hydraulic Boost System (Model47G-3B-1 with Hydraulic Collective Boost) (Sheet 1 of 2)
5. Collective
6. Check Power Cylinder
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
The upper (or aft) cylinder head is trunnion-mounted ports to apply fluid under pressure to one end of cyl-
in fixed supports attached to center frame structure inder and to release trapped fluid from other end,
and has no movement except to swing slightly in one causing movement of piston, shaft and attached
plane to maintain alignment with shaft, control linkage.
A servo-valve body, located at lower (or forward) When movement of control stick is stopped, shaft
end of the shaft and having marked ports for con- movement is arrested asvalve ports close, and swash-
nection of hydraulic pressure and return lines, is plate linkage is held securely in new position by
trunnion-mounted to a bellcrank or lever linked to fluid trapped in cylinder.
cyclic control stick. The servo-valve body is retained
on the cylinder shaft by a special bolt. A slight move- The system is self-purging, eliminating any air in
ment of the servo-spool opens or closes the servo- system during a few cycles of normal operation.
valve ports to actuate piston shaft movement.
In normal operation, hydraulic fluid from reservoir (Figure 7-18.)
feeds by gravity and suction to pump inlet, leaves
pump outlet under pressure to pass through the filter Detail 1. shows the fluid flow in normal boost op-
and the control valve (in normal operating position) eration. "A" is a 10 psi check valve, "D" is a 2 psi
to fill pressure lines to the cylinder valves. Cyl- check valve, "C" is a relief valve set at 35 psi and
inder valve ports are closed whenever control stick "B" is a relief valve set at 340 to 370 psi.
is stationary, and there is no flow into or away from
the cylinder. Pressure in line overcomes spring In the normal operation of the hydraulic system the
tension to open the pressure relief valve, allowing fluid passes through check valve "A" to the servo-
circulation through return line to reservoir. valve. Relief valve "B" and check valve "D" pre-
vents the fluid from passing to the return side of
When control stick is moved, linkage moves the the cylinder. When they cyclic stick is moved, the
cylinder servo-valve a short distance opening valve control head valve is operated and directs the fluid
7-28 Rev. 6
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
to apply pressure to the piston in the direction of 1. Remove lockwire from plug (9, figure 7-
control movement. As the piston moves, the fluid 19A)
at the opposite side of the piston is forced to the
return line and passes through relief valve "C" to
the reservoir. 2. Remove plug (9),shim (11), and spring (12).
Detail 2 shows the direction of fluid flow in the 3. Remove sleeve (14) and spool (13) as an
event the hydraulic pressure fails. Whenthe pressure assembly. The sleeve and spool shall be kept
fails, the fluid between check valve "A" and relief together as an assembly.
valve "C" is trapped because check valve "A" pre-
vents escape through the input line and there is no
pressure to open relief valve "C". This creates a 4. Remove stop (17) from housing.
closed circuit for the flow of the trapped hydraulic
fluid. b. Check valve A (Pressure check valve).
Irreversibility is obtained independent of hydraulic
system pressure for all fixed stick condition of flight NOTE
i.e. the hydraulic fluid being incompressible is hy-
draulically locked between the cylinder piston and
check valve "D". and relief valve "B". On the return Check valve A components and check
side, the fluid cannot excape because there is no valve B components are identical except
pressure to operate relief valve "C". (For other than for springs (6 and 18) which are wound
stabilized flight conditions the pilot will feel flight of different size wire.
loads when moving the cyclic control.)
1. Use a 3/16-inch hex wrench and remove
retainer (1). The retainer will be hard to remove
With boost pressure on, flight loads are resisted by because of Nylok pellet (2).
the boost pressure. After the pressure has failed and
the cyclic control is moved, the servo-valve is opened
to direct the fluid to the piston. The fluid on the 2.Screw a 10-32 threaded bolt into seat (3)
opposite side of the piston is forced by the movement and pull seat from housig.
of the piston, around the closed circuit through the
low pressure check valve "D" back to the servo- 3. Remove poppet (5), spring (18), and shim
valve. (7) from housing.
The locking feature of the irreversible valve is
safe guarded against excessive load build-up by re- 4. Remove spacer (8)
lief valve "B" (see details 1 and 2). This feature
additionally serves As a warning to the pilot if con-
trol loads become excessive for any reason, boost c. Check valve B (Return check valve).
on as well as boost off.
This clearly indicates how installation of lock and
load valves is an improvement to the hydraulic boost Check valve A components and check
control system should boost pressure fail. Lock and valve B components are identical except
load valves provide a function in the event of boost for springs (6 and 18) which are wound
pressure failure whereby pilot can fly the helicopter of different size wire.
without excessive feed-back forces enteringthe cyclic
stick. 1. Use 3/16-inch internal wrench and
When system is in by-pass or hydraulic pressure remove retainer (1). The retainer will be hard to
has failed, if abnormal feedback forces are felt when remove because of Nylok pellet (2).
moving cyclic control, check rotor for correct rigging,
spanwise and chordwise balance, and blade for track. 2. Screw a 10-32 thread bolt into seat (3) and
pull seat from housing.
7-33A. DISASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC 3. Remove poppet (5), spring (6), and shim (7)
IRREVERSIBLE VALVE (47-076-100). from
from housing.
a. Differential relief valve. 4. Remove spacer (8).
Rev. 6 7-28A
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
17. Stop
19. Body
The spool (1 3) and sleeve (14) is a matched (lapped) assembly and shall be kept together as an
7-28B Rev. 6
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE& OVERHAUL Section VII
Nomenclature, Wear Limits
Index No. Min. Max.
Figure 7-19A Critical Area Inches
Body (19) All packing contact surfaces 32 RHR
1. Remove minor nicks and scratches with 2. Clean parts, after polishing, with Methyl-
600 to 800 grade aluminum oxide abrasive cloth, P- Ethyl-Ketone or equivalent.
C-451 or with a rotor grinder.
Rev. 6 7-28C
Section V MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
c. Damaged areas of stainless steel parts do not 1. Insert spacer (8) in port marked PRESS of
require a protective finish after polishing. body (19).
f. Replace part/s if thread damage exceeds 2. Insert shim (7), spring (18), and poppet (5)
fifty percent of one thread. in body (19).
7-33D. REASSEMBLY - HYDRAULIC 3. Install packing (4) on seat (3) and install
IRREVERSIBLE VALVE (47-076-100). seat in body (19).
7-28D Rev. 6
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
Rev. 6 7-28E/7-28F
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
port, observing flow from cylinder port. Flowshall leakage out the return port shall not exceed 0.5
start between 1 and 3 psi. Reseat shall be within cc/minute (10drops) during the third minute after
same range. After cracking valve, lower pressure reseat.
to 0.7 psi. There shall be no leakage.
5. At a flow of 0.4 gpm, the pressure
2. If the 1 to 3 psirange is not met, increaseor differential between cylinder and return ports
decrease shim (7) thickness to provide correct shall not exceed 350 psi.
3. At a flow of 0.4 gpm, the pressure SYSTEM. The most common trouble in hydraulic
differential between return and cylinder ports boost system installations is "chattering" due to
shall not exceed 12 psi. misalignment of power cylinders. Alignment pro-
cedures should be performed with extreme care
d. Functional check differential relief valve as and precision to avoid this source of trouble.
follows: Misalignment resulting in binding may occur in
mounting of brackets to structure or in assembling
1. With cylinder port connected to pressure support or bellcrank on cylinder head and valve
source, apply gradually increasing pressure. trunnions. Misalignment may also result from a side
Observe flow from return port at 260 psi, flow may or by hydraulic hoses connected to cylinder.
be in drops. Between 265 and 275 psi, drops shall
change to a thin stream. This is the cracking Possible misalignment as a cause of "motoring"
pressure of the relief valve. The change from drops may be detected by the followling rapid check. With
to stream shall occur within 5 psi after drops first boost system in operation, using a hydraulic test
appear. stand or operating the helicopter engine, lightly
grasp valve body, (keeping hand clear of moving
2.. With 300 psi applied to the pressure port, parts) and twist first in one direction, then the op-
gradually increase pressure to the cylinder port. posite. Next apply slight loads upward and downward
Observe flow from the return port. When the aggravates the "motoring" condition, misalignment is
pressure differential between pressure and almost certainly causingor greatly contributing to
cylinder port is 260 psi, flow may be in drops. the malfunction, and reactions to the check will aid
Between 265 and 275 psi drops shall change to a in finding the specific misalignment.
thin stream. This is cracking pressure of relief
valve. The change from drops to stream shall take "Motoring", a condition in which cylinder shaft tends
place within 5 psi after drops first appear. to move persistently in one direction even after stick
movement stops, has been known to occur due to
servo-valve sticking.
3. If the 265 to 275 psi range is not met,
increase or decrease shim (1) thickness to provide Rare instances have occurred of defective power cyl-
correct range. inder, damaged O-rings, pistons scored by grit, and
paint overspray on operating parts, but most cases
4. Apply pressure to cylinder port until relief of boost system trouble have been caused by mis-
valve cracks. Decrease pressure to 240 psi. The alignment.
Chattering Loss of hydraulic fluid Check fluid level, check system for
leaks, refill system
Air in system Purge by operation
Air in hydraulic system Air not bled from system Purge system
foam in reservoir
Air introduced into system Check fittings for security and suc-
through suction line tion hose for small holes
Fluid flows out reservoir Air in hydraulic system See "Air in hydraulic system"
vent line
Pump does not deliver rated Reservoir oil level low Refill reservoir
Suction line restricted Remove restriction or replace line
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
7-38. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - HYDRAULIC 2. Assemble plates and arms onto support.
3. Line ream bushings in plates for upper end of
a. Replace any worn, damaged, or malfunctioning hydraulic cylinder to 0.6250 to 0.6255 inch.
4. Line ream bushings in arms for lower end of
b. Replace seals, lines or fittings as necessary hydraulic cylinder to 0.4995 to 0.5005 inch and coat
to prevent leakage. I.D. of bushings with dry film lube.
c. Replace filter elements as necessary. (Refer
to paragraphs 7-41 and 7-42.)
d. Replace power cylinder for malfunction or (Figures 7-17 and 7-19.) Parts of systemmaybere-
leakage. Overhaul and bench testing of cylinders should installed in any practical sequence. Therefore, instal-
be attempted only by qualified personnel and in ac- lation of each unit is treated as though rest of system
cordance with instructions issued by manufacturer were already installed. (Refer to Parts Catalog for
(Conair, Inc., 731 West Wilson Ave., Glendale 3, details of attaching parts required.) Lubricate
California), or (Hydraulic Research and Mfg. Co., straight-thread fittings with hydraulic fluid. Apply a
Burbank, California). small amount of anti-seize compound to threads of
tapered pipe-thread fittings, using care to prevent
e. Replace worn or rough bellcrank bearings. compoundentering system.
Replace worn bushings, line reaming with support
or bellcrank assembled. If one-half of support or
bellcrank is unserviceable, replace both halves with a. Remove cover from mounting pad (originally
matched set. designated as vacuum pump pad) located on engine
accessory case at left side, aft of hand crank jaw.
f. Replace, worn bushings in collective support and Position hydraulic pump, with name plate aft and
cylinder assembly, as follows: gasket in place, on studs of mounting pad and check
installation of pump fittings as follows; Nipple for
1. Replace worn bushings in plates. seal drain line in flange port at underside; 45 degree
elbow in pump inlet (middle of case on forward side)
2. Assemble upper and lower plates onto support. pointing forward and to left; tee fitting in pump outlet
in outboard end, pointing forward and aft. Install nuts
3. Line ream bushings in plates for upper end of on mounting studs. Connect hose from lower end of
hydraulic cylinder 0.6250 to 0.6255 inch. tee fitting in reservoir "SUCTION" port to elbow in
pump inlet, hose from forward end of pump outlet tee
4. Line ream bushings in plates for lower end of to inlet port of filter, and seal drain line to ripple
hydraulic cylinder 0.4995 to 0.5005 inch and coat I.D. below pump flange. Install cap on aft end of pump
of bushings with dry film lube. outlet tee.
h. Replace worn bushings in fore and aft cyclic c. Check installation of reducer nipples in res-
support and cylinder assembly as follows: ervoir vent line filter. Position filter at left of res-
ervoir, with end marked "RES" up. Connect vent line
1. Replace worn bushings in upper plates and from reservoir to upper end of filter, and line to
lower arms. atmosphere to lower end.
7-32 (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-l BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
d. Position pressure line filter at inboard side Start nuts on bolt. Determine position of valve on
of lower left center frame tube which extends fore structure by connecting tube from left end of res-
and aft, 7 1/4 inches forward of vertical tube on ervoir "RETURN" tee to upper nipple on valve, and
line with mast, with "IN" port of filter aft and di- by connecting tube from lower valve nipple to upper
rection-of-flow arrow pointing forward. Checkinstal- end of pressure line tee below valve. Tighten nuts
lation of fittings as follows: Reducer nipple in filter on clamp bolts.
"OUT" port; bushing and 45 degree elbow pointing
toward pump in "IN" port. Install two clamps, with
open ends up, on structural tube and install bolts and secure with bolts,spacers, washers, and nuts.
through clamps and filter head. Connect hose from and secure with bolts,spacers,washers, and nuts.
filter "IN" elbow to hydraulic pump outlet. Connect Remove covering from lines and openings in valve
tube from
tube from filter
filter "OUT"
"OUT" nipple
nipple to
to pressure
pressure line
line tee
tee and connect hydraulic lines. Connect electric wiring.
which is connected to lower nipple on left side of Check oeration of solenoid.
pressure relief valve.
g. Install power cylinder and support in fore and
aft cyclic control system. (Refer to paragraph 7-59.)
e. Install two reducer nipples in ports ofpressure
relief valve. Install two clamps, with open ends left h. Install power cylinder and support in lateral
and a bolt inserted in each clamp with head forward, cyclic control system. (Refer to paragraph 7-73.)
on left vertical seat-back instructural tube below
reservoir. Place valve, with two reducer nipples i. Install power cylinder andsupport in collective
pointing left and adjustment cover nut up, against control system (when hydraulic boost is used). (Refer
clamps with bolts extending through body of valve, to paragraph 7-76.)
(Rev. 3) 7-32A/7-32B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
7-40. SERVICING AND TESTING - HYDRAULIC and bellcrank assembly. The synchronized elevator
BOOST SYSTEM. control linkage is connected to and actuated by the
fore and aft cyclic control linkage.
An auxiliary pump or test stand of one TROLS. Parts of system may be removed in any
GPM flow can be used for hanger check practical sequence. Take precautions to prevent dam-
of leakage and control function. Checking age to parts by accidental movement of linkage while
and setting system pressure must be done disconnected.
by operating engine at cruising rpm.
a. If installed, disconnect and remove push-pull
a. Remove cap from tee fitting at waste gate tubes from forward horn of swashplate, bellcrank on
control and install pressure gage. front of transmission, and upper end of power cyl-
inder shaft. Disconnect and remove push-pull tubes
b. Fill reservoir to full mark on cap dip stick from bellcrank on cylinder support cyclic control
with hydraulic oil, Specification No. MIL-O-5606. jackshaft, and control stick extension. Disconnect
link-rod or push-pull tube between fore and aft con-
c. Start engine. Purge system by operating cyclic trols and synchronized elevator linkage.
control stick in circular motion at least ten times.
Check for leakage. No external leakage is permissible. b. Remove bellcrank and support assembly from
front of transmission as an assembly or as separate
d. Check pressure for 60 to 70 psi and adjust relief parts, keeping support alignment shims and washers
valve as required. in place for reinstallation.
e. Remove pressure gage and install cap. c. Remove power cylinder support, and bellcrank
as an assembly or as separate parts. (Refer to para-
f. Remove cap from tee fitting at hydraulic pump graph 7-57.)
and install pressure gage.
d. Remove cyclic control jackshaft. (Refer to
g. Check pressure gage for system pressure paragraph 7-49.)
reading of 345 psi while operating engine at
cruising rpm. To adjust pressure reliefvalve, remove e. Remove cyclic control stick. (Refer to para-
cover nut, loosen lock-nut, adjust screw to increase graph 7-25.)
(turn clockwise) or decrease (turn counterclockwise)
plunger spring tension, tighten lock-nut, reinstall 7-45. INSPECTION - FORE AND AFT CYCLIC
cover nut and lockwire. CONTROLS.
gage and
h. With engine stopped, remove pressure gage and a. Inspect push-pull
a.Inspect push-pull tubes
and link-rods
link-rods for
cracks, nicks or other surface damage, looseforrivets,
replace plug or cap. Check level of hydraulic oil in cracks, nicks or other surface damage, loose rivets,
reservoir. Purge system by operating control stick worn or rough rod-end bearings, security of attach-
in a
a circular
circular motion
motion at
at least
least ten
ten times.
times, ment alignment, and possible interference with other
7-41. CLEANING FILTER - HYDRAULIC BOOST b. Inspect bellcranks and supports for security
SYSTEM. Inspect filter installed in hydraulic pres- of attachment, cracks, nicks or other surface damage,
sure line between pump and relief valve after each 25 elongated bolt holes, worn or rough bearings, and
hours when operating in dusty condition, otherwise possible interference with other parts.
after each 125 hours of operation. Washfilter element
in clean hydraulic fluid, or replace element. c. Refer to Inspection Section of Section I for
Magnaflux or Zyglo requirements.
ERVOIR VENT LINE. Inspect filter installed inres- d. Inspect entire installation for security and
ervoir vent line after each 25 hours whenoperating proper operation. Inspect cyclic control stick, jack-
in dusty conditions, otherwise after each 125 hours shaft and power cylinder and support. (Refer to
of operation. Replace filter element as necessary. paragraphs 7-31, 7-39 and 7-55.)
A system of linkage transmits fore and aft movement AND AFT CYCLIC CONTROLS.
of the cyclic control stick to the forward horn of
the swashplate, tilting the swashplate and controlling a. Replace any damage or unserviceable parts.
main rotor attitude through rotating linkage on the Replace bearings for excessive wear or roughness.
mast. Fore and aft linkage consists of push-pull tube,
cyclic control jackshaft, a bellcrank on frontoftrans- b. Replace leaking or malfunctioning power cyl-
mission and a hydraulic power cylinder, support, inder.
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
7-34 Rev. 6
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
b. Slide bearings and housings from shaft. c. Connect and check rigging of synchronized
elevator. (Refer to paragraph 7-9.)
TROL JACKSHAFT. Wash parts with dry cleaning d. When dual controls are installed, place both
solvent or kerosene and dry with filtered compressed sticks full forward or full aft, adjust andinstall push-
air. pull tube between copilot's cyclic control stick ex-
tension and right-hand torque arm on jackshaft. Move
a. Inspect bearings for wear, rough operation,
or binding.
Rev. 6 7-34A/7-34B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
both sticks to opposite extreme of travel, checking support to channel. Place clamps, with bushings,
and readjusting as necessary so that sticks reach between firewall and vertical tubes to align with bolt
end of travel each direction at same time. holes in channel. Place original shims between tubes
and channel, insert bolts, place spacer on each bolt,
7-56. HYDRAULIC POWER CYLINDER AND SUP- and start bolts into clamps. Shim to maximum gap
PORT - FORE AND AFT CYCLIC CONTROLS. (Fig- of 0.003 inch between clamp and forward end of
ures 7-7 and 7-21.) The fore and aft cyclic control each spacer before tightening bolts.
power cylinder is mounted vertically in a support
attached to the seatback structure, aft of the firewall. b. Assemble support plates on power cylinder
The cylinder head trunnions are mounted in bushings head trunnions, position plates on each side of sup-
in the support. The valve body, on lower end of cyl- port at upper end, and install three bolts. Install
inder shaft, is attached through trunnions and bush- bellcrank on lower end of support. Assemble bell-
ings to a bellcrank pivoted on lower end of support crank on lower end of support. Assemble bellcrank
and actuated by a push-pull tube from the cyclic plates on valve body trunnions and bellcrank, and
control jackshaft. A clevis adapter on upper end of install two bolts. (Valve pressure port toward left.)
cylinder shaft provides attachment for linkage to the
swashplate. A clevis adapter on lower end of cyl- c. Determine neutral position of cylinder shaft
inder shaft provides attachment for synchronized by measuring from upper end of cylinder to upper
elevator linkage (except on kit installations of early end of shaft with shaft full up, then full down. Posi-
design). Support and bellcrank are made of stamped tion shaft at exactly half-travel. Center power cyl-
sheet metal halves assembled with bolts and spacers inder servo-valve. (Refer to paragraph 7-7.) Adjust
or, in later design, of aluminum allow castings. Hy- spring tension screw on cylinder to maintain suffi-
draulic pressure and return lines connect to fittings cient tension to hold power cylinder link in the "up"
in the valve body trunnions. position.
7-57. REMOVING - POWER CYLINDER AND d. With ship level, suspend a plumb-line from
SUPPORT - FORE AND AFT CYCLIC left end of a long close tolerance bolt inserted through
CONTROLS. forward holes in bellcrank on front of transmission.
Check alignment of cylinder by positioning bellcrank
a. Disconnect control linkage from cylinder shaft two degrees up forward (neutral position). Plumb-line
and from bellcrank. Remove any other parts neces- should cross centers of cylinder head trunnion and
sary for access. valve body trunnion when cylinder shaft is in half-
travel position. Adjust amount of shims between
b. Disconnect hydraulic lines at valve body trun- support channel and vertical tubes as necessary to
nions, allow hydraulic oil to drain into a container, obtain alignment. After alignment, lockwire clamp
remove elbow fittings from trunnions, and plug or bolts in pairs.
cap all openings. Use extreme care to prevent entry
of dirt into system. e. Connect control linkage to cylinder shaft and
bellcrank. Reinstall any parts removed for access.
c. Remove bolts attaching support to brackets,
and remove support, cylinder and bellcrank as an f. Install elbow fittings in valve body trunnions,
assembly. Leave brackets in place on structure and connect hydraulic pressure and return lines.
unless removal is necessary for inspection of re-
are removed mark locations and keep parts and shims CAUTION
together for reinstallation.
d. Separate support and bellcrank halves by re- After bottoming elbow, back out two turns,
moving bolts and spacers. Remove power cylinder, align and tighten nut.
7-58. INSPECTION - POWERCYLINDERANDSUP- g. Check rigging of fore and aft cyclic control
PORT - FORE AND AFT CYCLIC CONTROLS. (Re- system. (Refer to paragraph 7-7.) Check rigging of
fer to paragraphs 7-36, 7-37, and 7-38 for cleaning, synchronized elevator. (Refer to paragraph 7-9.)
inspection and repair or replacement.)
h. Fill and purge hydraulic system and check
7-59. INSTALLING - POWER CYLINDER AND operation. (Refer to paragraph 7-40.)
system of linkage transmits lateral movement of the
a. Position support between brackets welded near cyclic control stick to horn on left side of swash-
center of lower seatback horizontal tube member and plate, tilting the swashplate and controlling main rotor
install bolt. Place channel across verticup tubes, align attitude through rotating linkage on the mast. Lateral
bolt holes and install bolt attaching right side of system linkage consists of a link-rod from control
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Adjust screw to maintain
sufficient tension in spring
to hold power cylinder link
in the "UP" position.
stick to bellcrank on cabin box beam, push-pulltubes, 7-64. DISASSEMBLING- LATERAL CYCLIC
a hydraulic power cylinder assembly, a torque tube TORQUE TUBE AND SUPPORTS.
on upper left of center frame.
a. Match-mark parts with quick-drying paint
7-61. INSTALLING - LATERAL CYCLIC before disassembly.
b. Remove lever arms by removing bolts and
tapered bushings.
Parts of system may be installed in any
practical sequence. Rigging check must c. When necessary for replacement, press bear-
be performed after installation of any part ings and sleeves from supports or bracket.
in system.
a. Install cyclic control stick. (Refer to para- 7-65. CLEANING - LATERAL CYCLIC TORQUE
graph 7-31.) TUBE AND SUPPORTS. Wash parts in dry cleaning
solvent or kerosene. Dry with filtered compressed
b. Install bellcrank, with arm having two bolt air.
holes forward, in support on left side of cabin box
beam under floor. 7-66. INSPECTION - LATERAL CYCLIC TORQUE
c. Install torque tube and supports. (Refer to
paragraph 7-69.) a. Inspect for security of installation, surface
damage, cracks, and excessive wear at bolt holes or
d. Install power cylinder, support, and bellcrank bushings.
assembly. (Refer to paragraph 7-59.)
b. Inspect bearings for excessive wear or rough-
e. Rig lateral cyclic control system while in- ness.
stalling push-pull tubes. (Refer to paragraph 7-8.)
c. Inspect tapered bushing for fit.
TROLS. (Figure 7-20.) A torque tube, mounted be- d. Inspect parts by Magnaflux or Zyglo as re-
tween supports on left side of transmission case and quired. (Refer to Section 1.)
on left forward upper structure of center frame,
is connected in lateral cyclic control linkage between 7-67. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - LATERAL
hydraulic power cylinder and swashplate. Torque tube CYCLIC TORQUE TUBE AND SUPPORTS.
lever arms and supports are of cast construction.
a. Polish out shallow scratches or nicks. Replace
7-63. REMOVING- LATERAL CYCLIC parts if cracked or excessively worn.
b. Replace worn or rough bearings, replacing
a. Disconnect control linkage from lever arms. sleeve and ring-staking both sides. Replace bushings
Keep bushings with bolts for reinstallation. when loose or excessively worn.
Note c. Install a coned washer on each end of lateral
torque tube, with cone of washer facing outboard. There
Double bushings, consisting of an inner should be approximately 0.125 inch clearance between
bushing slip-fitting in an outer bushing the outer edge of washer and torque tube support
which is pressed into casting, are used at casting. Install nuts and cotter pins. (Seefigure7-22.)
three locations in lever arms in one fork
of forward support to eliminate clearance
between bushings and bearing inner race 7-68. REASSEMBLY- LATERAL CYCLIC
when bolt is tightened. TORQUE TUBE AND SUPPORTS.
c. Remove nuts and pull aft support from trans- Refer to figure 7-22A for buildup of
mission. Remove bolts and lift forward support 47-725-876 torque tube and to figure 7-22B
bracket and spacer from structure. for buildup of 47-725-923 torque tube.
(Rev. 2) 7-37
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
1. Bracket Bushings
2. Double
3. Forward Support
4. Torque Tube
5. Washer (Each End of Tube)
6. Aft Support
7. Control Tube (To Power Cylinder)
8. Spacer
7-38 (Rev. 2)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
a. Reassemble lateral cyclic torque tube as follows: 2. Install aft lever (7) in torque tube (6) in
same sequence as in step 1.
1. Coat mating surface of forward lever (5,
figure 7-22A) and torque tube (6) with unreduced zinc b. Buildup lateral cyclic torque tube as follows:
chromate primer. Align match marks of forward lever (5).
torque tube (6) and tapered bushing holes. Coat tapered Note
bushings (4) with unreduced primer and install. Install
bolt (1), washer (3) and nut (2). Install bolts with heads as This procedure is for the buildup of a lateral
shown on figure 7-22A or figure 7-22B and with washers torque tube using a new undrilled forward
(3) between nut (2) and tapered bushing (4). Torque nuts lever (5), torque tube (6) and aft lever (7). If
30 to 40 inch-pounds. Tapered bushings to extend 0.030 all new parts are not being installed, proceed
to 0.060 above surface of tube (6). Refer to Detail A. to the sub-step that is applicable.
30 TYP.
60 TYP.
to DETAILA -47-725-874 Lever
1. Bolt
2. Nut
3. Washer 47-725-875-11 Lever
4. Tapered Bushing DETAIL B
5. Forward Lever DETAIL B
1. Position torque tube (6) on aft lever (7) to 2. Drill a 0.257 (F drill) hole at the 0.62 inch
the 1.75 inch dimension. Drill a 0.257 (F drill) hole dimension from previous drilled hole in step 1., and
through torque tube (6) and aft lever (7) at the 2.25 inch located in accordance with detail A. Taper ream hole and
dimension and as shown on Detail A. Use TC-27872-11 temporarily install bushings (4), bolt (1), washer (3) and
reamer and taper ream holes (from each side) so tapered nut (2).
bushings will extend 0.030 to 0.060 inch above torque
tube when bolt (1) is torqued. Temporarily install bushings 3. Position forward lever (5) on torque tube
(4), bolt (1), washer (3) and nut (2). (6) to the 13.615 inch dimension and with levers
positioned as shown in Detail B. Drill a 0.257 (F drill)
hole through torque tube (6) and forward lever (5) at the
Note 10.48 inch dimension and as shown in detail A. Use
TC-27872-11 reamer and taper ream holes (from each side)
A 20-037-4-8 tapered bushing may be used so tapered bushings will extend 0.030 to 0.060 inch
if any hole size needs to be increased to above torque tube when bolt (1) is torqued. Temporarily
allow proper clean-up. install bushings (4), bolt (1), washer (3) and nut (2).
(Rev. 2) 7-38A
1. Bolt
2. Nut
3. Washer
4. Tapered Bushing
5. Forward Lever DETAIL B
6. Torque Tube
4. Drill a 0.257 (F drill) hole at the 0.62 inch 7. Install aft lever (7) in same sequence as in
dimension from previous drilled hole in step 3., and step a.l.
located in accordance with detail A. Taper ream hole.
c. Lubricate bearings in forward support (3, figure
5. Remove nuts (2), washers (3), bolts (1) and 7-22), aft support (6) and bracket (1) with MIL-G-25537
bushings (4). Remove forward lever (5) and aft lever (6) grease.
from torque tube (6).
6. Install forward lever (5) in accordance with d. Bond rubber washer (10) to inside of aft lever
step a.l. clevis with EC1200L adhesive.
7-38B (Rev. 2)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
7-69. INSTALLING - LATERAL CYCLIC TORQUE d. Separate support and bellcrank halves by re-
TUBE AND SUPPORTS. moving bolts and spacers. Remove power cylinder.
a. Install aft support on mounting studs at left
side of transmission lower case, pointing down and 7-72. INSPECTION- POWER CYLINDER ANDSUP-
aft, and secure with washers and nuts. PORT - LATERAL CYCLIC CONTROLS. (Refer to
paragraphs 7-36, 7-37 and 7-38 for cleaning, in-
b. Place forward support bracket and spacer in spection and repair or replacement.)
channel on center frame structure, with raised part
number at inboard side, and install mounting bolts.
c. Install washer on shaft, insert throughsupport AND SUPPORT - LATERAL CYCLIC
bearing on each side and install a coned washer on each CONTROLS.
end with cone of washer facing outboard. Install nuts
and cotter pins. There should be approximately 0.125 a. Assemble halves of support on power cylinder
inch clearance between the outer edge of washer and head trunnions, align spacers between halves, and
torque tube support casting, install bolts. Assemble halves of bellcrank on valve
body trunnions with pressure port of valve to left,
d. Connect push-pull tube from power cylinder and install bolts. Position bellcrank to lower end of
to forward lever arm. support and install pivot bolt. (See figure 7-23.)
e. Connect push-pull tube from swashplate and b. If upper support brackets were removed,
link-rod from damper, to aft lever arm, with inner place bracket and original shims against horizontal
bearings in each of outside forks and grooved spacer, tube member above lower support brackets (welded
and large washer on bolt forward of arm. on lower horizontal seat-back tube near left side).
Insert bolts through bracket plate and shims, and
f. Check rigging of lateral cyclic controlsystem. install a spacer on each bolt. Place two clamps, with
(Refer to paragraph 7-8.) bushings, on firewall side of tube and start bolts
into clamps. Shim to maximum gap of 0.003 inch be-
7-70. HYDRAULIC POWER CYLINDER AND SUP- tween each spacer and clamp before tightening bolts.
eral cyclic control power cylinder is mounted in a c. Mount support assembly on lower and upper
support mounted vertically on seat-back aft of fire- brackets and install bolts, with spacer between
wall. The cylinder head trunnions are mounted in brackets. Upper end of cylinder should be inclined
bushings in upper end of support. The valve body, on approximately four degrees to left to align with at-
lower end of cylinder shaft, is attached through trun- tachment bolt in forward lever arm on torque tube
nions and bushings to a lever pivoted in the support and mounted above center frame. Check for binding at
actuated by linkage from the lateral control arm on trunnions, and correct any misalignment to eliminate
cyclic control stick. A clevis adapter on upper end binding.
of cylinder shaft provides attachment for a push-pull
tube connected to linkage controlling the swashplate. d. Adjust clevis adapter on upper end of cylinder
Hydraulic pressure and return lines connect tofittings shaft to dimension of 1 7/32 inches from end of
in the valve body trunnions. Supports are made of shaft to center of bolt hole, aligning slot of clevis
aluminum alloy castings. fore and aft.
7-71. REMOVING - POWER CYLINDER AND e. Level helicopter. Determine neutral position
SUPPORT - LATERAL CYCLIC CONTROLS. of cylinder shaft by measuring from upper end of
shaft to end of cylinder with shaft full up then full
a. Disconnect push-pull tubes fromcylindershaft down. Set shaft in exact half-travel position. Center
and lever. power cylinder servo-valve. (Refer to paragraph 7-8.)
Adjust spring tension screw on cylinder to maintain
b. Disconnect hydraulic lines from valve body sufficient tension to hold power cylinder link in "up"
trunnions, allow hydraulic fluid to drain into con- position. Set torque tube to neutral position on shaft
tainer, remove elbow fittings,and plug or cap all (attachment bolt in aft lever arm 4.84 inches above
openings. support spacer base). Adjust and install push-pull
tube between cylinder shaft clevis and forward lever
arm of torque tube, maintaining neutral positions
c. Remove bolts attaching support to brackets of each.
or arm sets and remove support, cylinder, and bell-
crank as an assembly. Leave brackets or arm sets f. Check alignment of push-pull tube and cylinder
in place, if possible, to maintain alignment for re- in both directions, viewed from aft, center lines of
installation. If brackets are removed, mark locations tube and cylinder should form a straight line. Adjust
and keep all shims with parts for reinstallation. as necessary by moving upper bracket on horizontal
(Rev. 3) 7-39
Section VII MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
tube. Viewed from side, upper end of push-pull tube through bracket, shims, spacers (7), and start bolts into
should incline aft one degree from center line of cyl- clamps (5). Shim 35Z3E18-9-62 to maximum gap 0.003
inder. Check with bubble protractor, and adjust shims inch between each spacer and clamp before tightening the
between upper cylinder support bracket and horizontal bolts.
seat-back tube member as necessary to obtain this f. Adjust clevis adapter on upper end of cylinder
alignment. Check for freedom of operation through shaft to dimension of 1.22 inches from end of shaft to
full range of travel. Lockwire upper cylinder support center of bolt hole, align slot of clevis fore and aft.
bracket clamp bolts in pairs. Attach clevis adapter to push-pull tube with bolt, nut,
g. Rig lateral cyclic system. (Refer to para- washer and cotter pin.
graph 7-8.)
g. Check alignment of push-pull tube and power
h. Install elbowfittingsinvalvetrunnionsandcon- cylinder
cylinder shaft,
allowed in
misalignment allowed
maximum misalignment
shaft, maximum in any
nect hydraulic
neet pressure and
hydraulic pressure Fill and
hoses. Fill
return hoses.
and return and direction 2 Adjust with shims and washers. Check for
purge hydraulic
system. (Refer to paragraph 7-40.) freedom of operation through full range of travel.
Lockwire upper cylinder support bracket clamp bolts in
25.) h. Install union into left side of valve trunnion and
tee into right side of valve trunnion, connecthydraulic
a. Disconnect push-pull tube from cylinder shaft. pressure hoses and tube assembly. Fill and purge
hydraulic system. (Refer to paragraph 7-40.)
b. Disconnect hydraulic lines from valve body
trunnions, allow hydraulic fluid to drain into container, i. Rig collective pitch system. (Refer to para-
remove tee and union, plug or cap all openings. graph 7-6.)
c. Remove plates from support assembly, remove 7-77. SYNCHRONIZED ELEVATOR. The synchronized
bearing plates from bellcrank assembly and remove elevator is a controllable horizontal stabilizer mounted
power cylinder. Leave bellcrank, support, bracket, near aft end of the tail boom and connected by cables and
clamps, shims and spacers attached to centerframe to mechanical linkage to the fore and aft cyclic control
maintain alignment for reinstallation. If bellcrank, system. Fore and aft movements of cyclic control stick
support and bracket will be removed, save washers, cause corresponding change in elevator attitude, thus
shims, spacers, bolts and nuts for reinstallation. increasing controllability and CG range, and providing for
normal loadings within CG range without reballasting.
to paragraphs 7-36, 7-37, and 7-38 for cleaning, in-
spection, repair or replacement.) Applicable to helicopters equipped with
47-641-170 tail rotor hub and blade assem-
7-76. INSTALLING - POWER CYLINDER ANDSUP- bly, and 47-640-075 tail rotor gear box
PORT - COLLECTIVE CONTROLS. assembly, installed per Service Instruction
a. Position plate (1, figure 7-25) (one on each side) on 428. The synchronized elevator for these
the upper head trunnion of power cylinder and attach to helicopters requires two weights, each
support assembly (3) with two bolts, washers and nuts. weight is secured to the outer side of plate
b.' Position b(plate at each outboard side of elevator)
b. Position bearing plate (2) (one on each side) on the with four of each screws, washers and nuts.
lower head trunnion of power cylinder and attach to (Figure 7-22A.)
bellcrank assembly with two bolts, washers, and nuts.
c. If support assembly (3) and bracket (7) were a.
a. Remove elevator by
synchronized elevator
Remove synchronized cutting wire
by cutting wire
removed,attach bracket support assembly with bolt, at disconnects of cables andopendisconnects. Remove
removed,attach bracket to support assembly with pins from cables at elevator horn. Remove boltsfrom
washers and nut. Attach bellcrank assembly to support brackets. Remove spring at aft end of
washers nut
with nut and cotter pin
cotter pin. hinge support brackets. Remove spring at aft end of
assembly with bolt, washers, elevator. Lift elevator from
elevator Lift elevator from tail
tail boom
boom structure.
d. If support assembly (3) was attached to ear of Install synchronized elevator by positioning
support assembly and to bracket on centerframe, with elevator into hinge support brackets, installing bolts
bolt, washer on each side of ear, shim toa maximum gap of through brackets and hinge bearings, attach with
0.005 inch, install nut and then tighten. washers, nuts and cotter pins. Check for gap, between
e. Position two bushings (5), two clamps (6), on
side of cross tube on centerframe (8). Insert bolts
bracket and hinge bearing in elevator at each bearing
(0.006 maximum gap allowed) shim as required.
7-40 (Rev. 9)
c. Attach cables to horn with pins and cotter pins. guard pins and fairlead and remove cables. Disconnect
Close disconnects, adjust cable tension 24to 30pounds. forward cables from bellerank by removing clevis
(Refer to rigging paragraph 7-9.) pins and remove cables.
(Rev. 3) 7-40A/7-40B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
DETAIL A 47724-1000
b. Disconnect linkage and remove pivot bolt and c. Replace pulleys for excessive wear or rough
elevator control cable bellcrank. bearings. Replace bellcrank bearing for wear or
c. Remove bolts from hinge support brackets and
lift elevator out of tail boom structure from either 7-82. INSTALLING - ELEVATOR CABLES
7-79. CLEANING - ELEVATOR, CABLES, AND a. Lubricate bearings with MIL-G-25537 grease.
BELLCRANK. Clean parts with dry cleaning solvent Lift elevator into position and install clevis bolts
or kerosene. Dry with filtered compressed air. through hinge bearings and brackets.
7-42 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section VII
(Rev. 9) 7-43
Section VII BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
2. Bearing Plate
3. Support Assembly
4. Bolt-Washers-Shims-Nut
5. Bushings
6. Clamps (2)
7. Bracket-Shims-Bushings
8. Centerframe Cross Tube (Ref)
Figure 7-25. Removing Hydraulic Power Cylinder and Support - Collective Controls
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
1. Pedal Assembly
2. Adjusting Lever
3. Pawl
4. Ratchet Shaft
5. Control Tubes
6. Jackshaft
7. Stop Assemblies
8. Pulley
9. Cable Lock Bolt
shaft, and linkage to the tail rotor blades compose a b. Remove bolts attaching shaft bearing housings
system for control of the tail rotor to counteract to box beam and lift assembly from cabin.
main rotor torque and to change the helicopter
attitude around the vertical axis (mast). 7-102. DISASSEMBLING- TAIL ROTOR
7-100. TAIL ROTOR CONTROL PEDALS. (Figure a. Remove pin attaching adjusting lever tobracket
7-30.) The pedal assembly, located in the cabin for- on forward side of each pedal, lift pawl clear of
ward of the cyclic control stick, consists of two ratchet and slide pedal from end of shaft.
pedals made of welded steel tubing, two shaft as-
semblies incorporating adjustment ratchets and lever b. Remove pin through adjusting lever and end
arms, and two bearing housings mounted on forward of adjusting rod, and remove lever. Unscrew rod and
corners of box beam instrument column. Each pedal remove rod, pawl and spring.
has an adjustment pawl which engages shaft ratchet
to allow adjustment for the pilot's convenience. Push- c. Remove screws and tapered bushings and
pull tubes connect to shaft lever arms to transmit separate ratchet shafts, coupling shafts, bearing
pedal movement to the jackshaft in box beam. housings, and adapter plugs (used in right ends of
coupling shafts except when dual controls kit is in-
7-101. REMOVING- TAILROTOR CONTROL stalled). Push bearings from housings.
a. Disconnect push-pull tubes from lever arms PEDALS. Wash parts in dry cleaning solvent or
on shafts. kerosene and dry with filtered compressed air.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
a. Replace bearings for wear or roughness. a. Secure control pedals in neutral by placing a
bar across front sides, clamped or taped to both
b. Replace any excessively worn or unservice- pedals.
able parts.
b. Disconnect cable speed rigs.
JACKSHAFT. c. Remove access door under cabin. Loosenbolts
securing cable guards to each side of box beam, re-
a. Lubricate bearing with MIL-G-25537 grease move cable locking bolt and cable from jackshaft
and install upper bearing housing and spacer (or pulley.
spacers) with match-marks aligned (thick end of spacer
aft and larger bore up) against doubler at inside top d. Remove guard pins or pulleys as necessary
of box beam. Install bolts through top of box beam, and remove forward section of cable.
spacers and bearing housing.
e. Remove cable ends from slot in pitch change
b. Place bearing dust cover on lower end of drum on tail rotor gear box, and disengage cable
shaft, above collar, place shaft in box beam through from drum.
access opening, and insert end through hole in bottom
of box beam. f. Remove guard pins or pulleys as necessary,
release cable from fairlead in tail boom, and remove
c. Lubricate bearing with MIL-G-25537 grease aft section of cable.
and assemble spacer (thin end aft) and bearing housing,
on lower end of shaft. Insert upper end of shaft into
upper bearings, align lower bearing housing and 7-115. CLEANING TAIL ROTOR CONTROL
spacer, and install bolts through box beam floor, CABLES. Wash cables with dry cleaning solvent
spacer and bearing housing. Check for free-rotation or kerosene. Dry with filtered compressed air.
of shaft and for excessive end play. If necessary, Wipe pulleys and fairleads with cloth dampened
install or remove spacers (triangular, match-drilled with cleaning solvent.
to tapered spacer, and 0.125 inch thick) between box
beam doubler and upper bearing spacer. 7-116. INSPECTION - TAIL ROTOR
d. Slip bearing dust cover down on collar of
shaft, turning bolt heads to align flats for clearance a. Inspect control cables for corrosion or ex-
and positioning cover with a long edge aft. Seal cover cessive wear.
to box beam floor with cement, EC524 (Minnesota
Mining and Mfg. Co.) or equivalent, using care to b. Inspect cables for broken or frayed wires,
keep cement from entering bearing or space between especially where running over pitch change drum or
cover and shaft collar. pulleys, or through fairleads, by wiping cable with a
clean soft cloth, examine cable carefully in areas
e. Install pulley, with attachment bolt hole down where cloth pulls.
and cable locking bolt hole forward when jackshaft
arms (open sides forward) are at right angles (ap- c. Inspect pulleys for excessive wear, cracks or
proximately) to helicopter center line. Install pulley damage. Inspect pulley bearings for excessive wear
retaining bolt. and binding. Inspect brackets for cracks.
f. Connect push-pull tubes, with adjustable ends d. Inspect system for security and proper op-
forward and longest tube at left, between jackshaft eration.
arms and lever arms on pedal shafts.
7-11.) Six sections of preformed corrosion resistant, ROTOR CONTROL CABLES.
flexible steel aircraft cable are joined by speed rigs
located in lower part of center frame and tail boom. a. Replace cables that show more than three
The tail rotor control cables are locked to and actuated broken wires in any one inch of length. This is
by the control jackshaft quadrant pulley at forward limited to two such places on any one cable. Replace
end, and locked to an actuating spirally-grooved pitch cables if corroded or badly worn even through no
change drum (on left side of tail rotor gear box) at broken wires are found.
aft end. A series of pulleys and fairleads support
and guide the cables under and through center frame b. Replace pulleys for excessive wear, damage,
and tail boom. or for rough or excessive worn bearings.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section VII
7-118. INSTALLING - TAIL ROTOR CONTROL of forward pulley. Continue to route cable forward
CABLES. (Figure 7-11.) under aft left outboard pulley; over forward left out-
board pulley and through two sets of fairleads lo-
Note cated in tail boom. Install pulley guard pins and
connect cable to left outboard center cable with
If new cables are installed, check length speed rig.
of new cables against old cables to assure
correct positioning. f. Connect longer center cable (140 7/8 inches
long) to right-hand quadrant cable with speed rig
a. Secure control pedals in neutral with a bar and route cable aft through fairleads; under first
clamped in position over front side of pedals. right outboard pulley; over second right outboard
pulley and through one fairlead located in lower aft
b. Lock two forward cables to each side of part of center frame and one fairlead located in
quadrant with locking bolt, washer, spacer and nut, forward part of tail boom. Install pulley guard pins.
adjust guards to retain cables on quadrant. Thread
cables aft, inboard of two pulleys and through two g. Install ball of shorter aft cable (160 inches
fairleads located under box beam. Install guard pins long) in outboard slot of drum and wind cable on drum
in pulley brackets. one and one-quarter turns counterclockwise (figure
7-11). Route cable forward from top of drum; under
c. Connect shorter center cable (117 5/8 inches right aft pulley; over right forward pulley (located
long) to left-hand quadrant cable with speed rig and in aft end of tail boom) and through fairlead. Install
route cable aft through fairleads; under first left pulley guard pins and connect cable to right outboard
outboard pulley; over second left outboard pulley and center cable with speed rig.
through fairlead located in lower part of center
frame. Install guard pins in pulley brackets. h. Tighten cables at speed rigs to obtain 24 to 30
pounds tension. Check rigging of tail rotor control
d. Position tail rotor pitch change drum with system. (Refer to paragraph7-10.) Safety-wire speed
slots in line with aft bolt that attaches drum assem- rigs.
bly to gear box.
e. Install ball of long aft cable (183 1/2 inches HEAD. A pitch control rod, operating through the
long) into inboard slot of drum and wind cable on tail rotor gear box rear cap and rotor shaft, trans-
drum one and one-quarter turns, clockwise (figure 7- mits movements of pitch change cable drum to link-
11.) Route cable forward from bottom of drum through age which controls tail rotor blade angles. (Refer to
pulley brackets (located on tail rotor extension paragraphs 7-10 and 7-11 for rigging adjustments.
housing) with cable outboard of aft pulley and inboard Refer to Section VI for overhaul procedures.)
Section VIII
8-1. INSTRUMENTS. 8-3. TROUBLE SHOOTING. For instruments which
(Figure 8-1.) have electrical connections, refer to Section XI for
8-2. DESCRIPTION. All engine and flight instru- circuit diagrams.
ments (except the compass) are mounted in a panel,
secured to pedestal, in the forward center of the Note
cabin. The panel is hinged at the lower end and se-
cured to the pedestal by Dzus fasteners. This ar- Instruments must be tested and repaired
rangement provides ready access to instruments and by an authorized repair station; therefore,
connections for inspection or replacement. The com- disassembly of any unit is not recom-
pass is mounted in a bracket attached to the left-hand mended.
door frame.
Figure 8-1. Instrument Panel
Oil temperature reading off Break in leads to resistance Replace or repair leads
scale at high temperature bulb
end or high reading, either
constant or intermittent Open circuit in resistance Replace bulb
Low reading on oil or fuel Kinked tubing or obstruction Clean or replace tubing
pressure indicator in line
Fluctuating oil pressure Air in pressure line Bleed line. (Refer to paragraph
8-2 (Rev. 3)
Excessive error at existing Instrument not properly ad- Adjust instrument. (Refer to para-
barometric pressure justed 8-15.)
Defective instrument Replace instrument
Excessive error when engine Leak in line Tighten or repair line
is running
Reading off scale at low tem- Short circuit in leads to re- Repair or replace leads
perature end, or low reading, sistance bulb
either constant or intermittent
Ground in lead from resist- Make continuity check and replace
ance bulb to indicator lead
Low reading on indicator, Poor connections at indicator Clean and tighten terminals at plugs
either constant or inter- or generator terminals
Pointer fails to respond Pressure lines not connected Make proper connection
Line clogged with foreign Disconnect from instrument and
matter or moisture blow line clean
Temperature reading low Poor connections or partial Repair or replace faulty leads
throughout scale break in leads
Defective instrument Replace instrument
No reading, either constant Poor connection, partial or Repair or replace defective parts
or intermittent complete break in leads or
thermocouple element
fairing and forward side of box beam, with 90 degree a. With the system completely installed, apply
elbow fitting upward and pointed aft. Connect and carefully regulated air pressure to the pitot intake.
tighten tubing line to elbow fitting. Push pitot tube When airspeed indicator shows a reading of between
assembly aft until flange is in contact with cabin 50 and 100 mph, close off pressure line to hold
fairing; align holes in flange and fairing and install pressure constant. A good method is as follows:
mounting screws. Check that tube does not foul Place one end of vinylite tubing (or similar flexi-
against sides of hole in box beam, install mounting ble tubing) tightly over end of pitot tube.
clamp around tube and secure to box beam. Pressure With a man observing the airspeed indicator, fold
test system for leaks, free end of tubing over and roll tubing slowly to
create pressure. When observer signals that the
8-21. DRAINING PITOT TUBE. A drain plug is desired reading has been reached, stop rolling and
incorporated in the pitot tube to facilitate draining hold rolled end tightly and steadily for one minute,
of water from line. Cut lockwire and remove drain thus holding pressure constant.
plug, disconnect line at instrument and blow filtered
compressed air through line and tube to eliminate b. Observer should tap lightly on panel near the
moisture. Do not apply pressure to instrument. indicator to overcome any friction which might
Connect line to instrument. Install and lockwire drain affect the pointer, watching for a drop in the reading
plug. which would indicate leakage. If reading drops more
than 5 mph in one minute, check line connections,
8-22. PRESSURE TEST PITOT SYSTEM. stop leakage, and repeat test.
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IX
Section IX
Electrical System
9-2. DESCRIPTION. The electrical system is a LETTER DESCRIPTION
single-conductor type, using the helicopter structure
as a ground return line. A storage battery and trans- P Power - Gen. and Battery Circuit
mission driven generator supplies the system with
electrical energy at a constant regulated voltage. A
28.5 volt, 50 ampere generator is standard equipment. Identification of each cable is accomplished by a
Circuit Function
E Engine Instrument Circuit 9-3. TROUBLESHOOTING.
J Ignition Circuit
K Engine Control Circuit For adjustments or repairs not covered
in this manual, consult the handbook
L Lighting Circuit published by the manufacturer involved.
Compound melts on top of Charging or discharging too Reduce charging rate or heavy load
battery fast
Excessive spillage of elec- Level of electrolyte too high Adjust level of electrolyte
Battery freezes Specific gravity of electrolyte Replace battery. Maintain specific
too low gravity of electrolyte at 1280 when
operating in freezing temperature
Battery consumes excessive Charging rate too high Reduce charging rate
amount of water
Temperature Bulb
(Engine, transmission oil and
filter air) - MS28034-1
Carburetor air - MS28034-3
Fuel Level Transmitter Stewart-Warner P380-AV
Tachometer Generator Kollsman 985G02
Tachometer Generator 985G02
9-12. BATTERY RELAY. reverse current relay, loadmeter shunt, and external
power relay. A cover on top of the box is easily re-
9-13. DESCRIPTION. The battery relay, is an elec- moved for access to various electrical units mounted
trically operated switch between the battery and main inside.
bus bar. It is controlledby a master or battery switch,
mounted on the instrument panel, which opens and 9-23. VOLTAGE REGULATOR.
closes the circuit to the actuating coil of the relay.
9-24. DESCRIPTION. The voltage regulator is a
9-14. REMOVING - BATTERY RELAY. Discon- carbon pile type and is located in the junction box.
nect cable from negative battery terminal and tape The regulator adjusts the charging rate of the gen-
end of cable. Disconnect wires to relay. Remove erator by increasing or decreasing resistance in the
mounting bolts and remove relay. shunt of the field coil winding.
facilitate removal of generator. (Refer quired, by loosening lock-nut and turning adjust-
ing screw clockwise to increase voltage or counter-
b. Remove nuts and washers from studs through clockwise to decrease voltage. After adjustment
mounting flange, pull generator outboard until shaft tighten lock-nut and recheck voltmeter reading. Switch
is free of drive assembly. Remove generator through on battery and some DC load and recheck voltmeter
engine mount frame. reading. Turn DC load off, leaving generator switch
9-20. INSTALLATION - GENERATOR. ON, and return throttle to idle.
d. Stop engine when test is complete. Replace 9-36. REMOVAL- CARBURETOR ANDFILTERAIR
reverse current cut-out if operation is not satisfactory. TEMPERATUREBULBS. Disconnectelectrical plugs
Do not attempt adjustment of this seal cut-out. Discon- from bulbs and tape ends of plugs. Cut lockwire and
nect voltmeter and install junction box cover, unscrew bulbs from air control valve and air filter
As speed is increased, the voltage needle TER AIR TEMPERATURE BULBS. Apply a light
will rise gradually, then drop momentarily coat of anti-seize compound to threads of bulbs
1/4 volt or more at the moment when the and screw into air control valve and air filter hous-
cut-out contacts close, then continue to ing. Tighten bulbs and lockwire. Remove tape and
rise until maximum voltage setting is connect electrical plug.
9-39. DESCRIPTION. The engine oil temperature
9-29. DESCRIPTION. The external power recep- bulb is located in a well in the engine oil inlet line.
tacle is mounted to the structure tubing on the right The bulb is connected to the engine gage unit on the
side of the engine compartment. The receptacle is instrument panel.
the contact point for external power plug-in.
9-30. REMOVAL - EXTERNAL POWER BULB. Disconnect electrical plug and tape end. Cut
RECEPTACLE. lockwire and unscrew bulb from well.
a. Remove nuts and washers from terminal 9-41. INSTALLATION - ENGINE OIL TEMPERA-
post and remove wires. Tape ends of wires. TURE BULB. Apply a light coat of anti-seize com-
pound to threads and screw bulb into well. Tighten
b. Remove nuts, bolts, clamps, and spacers bulb and lockwire. Remove tape and connect elec-
that secure receptacle to structure. Remove re- trical plug.
RECEPTACLE. 9-43. DESCRIPTION. The transmission oil tem-
perature bulb is located on the right-hand side of
the transmission and connected to a gage on the in-
a. Position receptacle to structural tubing and strument panel.
secure with clamps, spacers, bolts and nuts.
b. Remove tape and connect wires to recep- TURE BULB. Disconnect electrical plug and tape
tacle. Make certain ground wire is grounded to end. Cut lockwire and unscrew bulb from trans-
diagonal frame. mission.
9-32. TEMPERATURE BULBS. PERATURE BULB. Coat threads of bulb with anti-
seize compound and screw bulb into transmission
9-33. DESCRIPTION - GENERAL. Electrical re- and lockwire. Remove tape and connect electricalplug.
sistance type bulbs are installed at various points
to indicate carburetor air, engine oil, and trans- 9-46. ENGINE CYLINDER THERMOCOUPLE.
mission oil temperatures. Each bulb is connected
to an electrical resistance thermometer on the 9-47. DESCRIPTION. A bayonet type thermocouple
instrument panel, which indicates an increase of is threaded into a cylinder of the helicopter engine
temperature as the resistance in the bulb circuit is (number 3 cylinder). The thermocouple is connected
increased by rise of temperature in the bulb core. to a lead which in turn is connected to a temperature
The resistance elements of the bulbs are hermet- indicator in the instrument panel.
rically sealed in metal wells.
9-34. CARBURETOR AND FILTER AIR COUPLE. Unzip cooling fan shroud. Press knurled
TEMPERATUREBULBS. ring of thermocouple inward and turn counterclock-
wise. Remove thermocouple and disconnect lead.
9-35. DESCRIPTION. The carburetor air tempera-
ture bulb is located on the air control valve and the
filter bulb is located on the filter housing; both are 9-49. INSTALLATION - ENGINE CYLINDERTHER-
connected to the indicator on the instrumentpanel. MOCOUPLE. Connect lead to thermocouple. Insert
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section IX
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section X
Section X
Body And Landing Gear
10-1. BODY AND LANDING GEAR. (Figure 10-1.) surface. Place weights against edges of bubble to
Note prevent spreading and possible breakage.
All repairs to aircraft structures not speci- 10-6. INSTALLATION - CABIN.
fled in Maintenance and Overhaul Manual
will be in accordance with the recommended a. Lift bubble into position and install sheet
procedures of the U.S. Department of metal screws and clamp-nuts. Fasten Dzus fasteners
Transport. holding aft fillet to firewall. Install antenna lead-in
wires (if removed).
On all aircraft registered outside the United
States, structural repairs will be in accord- b. Lift doors into position and turn emergency
ance with the governing agency responsible. release handle to install hinge pins. Lockwire emer-
gency release handle with 0.020 brass lockwire.
10-2. DESCRIPTION. The body and landing gear Install battery
installation consists of a cabin constructed of trans-
parent plastic, firewalls, center frame, tailboom, and 10-7. CLEANING- CABIN.
landing gear. This section of the handbook contains
information necessary for removal, installation, align- Note
ment and repairs necessary to maintainthe helicopter
in flying condition. For removal of Spray Lac, from new plexi-
10-3. CABIN ASSEMBLY. glass bubbles, we recommend using soap
and water. (Naphtha, TT-N-95, Type T,
10-4. DESCRIPTION. The cabin assembly is con- will not craze). SC-1055C Spray Lac re-
structed of a transparent plastic bubble, except for mover may be used.
metal door frames and fairing. This large plexiglas
area affords the pilot with unobstructed visibility. a. Flush the exterior of cabin with plenty of
10-5. REMOVAL - CABIN. water, using the bare hand to feel and dislodge dirt,
a. Open door and support to prevent dropping. salt, or mud.
Grasp emergency release handle, push forward to b. Wash with mild soap and water. A soft clean
break lockwire and disengage hinge rod ends. Lift cloth, sponge or chamois may be used in washing,
doors from helicopter. Disconnect battery and re- but only to carry soapy water to the surface. Go over
move from rack in cabin. the surface with the bare hand so that any dirt can
b. Unfasten Dzus fasteners holding aft cabin be detected and removed before it scratches the
fillet to firewall. Remove all screws from clamp surface.
nuts which secure cabin to structure. Remove screws c. Flush with plenty of water to remove soap,
holding antenna lead-in to bubble (if installed). and dry with a clean, damp chamois.
c. With a man on each side, lift bubble from d. Remove oil and grease by rubbing lightly with
helicopter. Place open end of bubble down on padded a clean cloth, wet with naphtha or hexane.
Figure 10-1. Body and Landing Gear
(Rev. 3) 10-1
Section X BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Do not use the following materials on 10-8. PLEXIGLAS REPAIRS. Plexiglas may bere-
plastic surface: Acetone, alcohol, benzene, paired by drilling a small hole at each end of the
carbon tetrachloride, deicing fluid, fire crack or repaired by patching. Overlay or plug type
extinguisher fluid, gasoline, lacquer thin- patches may be employed to repair holes or tears
ner, or window cleaning sprays because in plexiglas. As patching results in serious im-
they will soften the plastic and cause pairment of vision it should not be used in an area
crazing. Use only approved plexigl a s where vision is important except in an emergency.
cleaners. The damaged sections should be replaced as soon
as possible.
e. Dust the interior lightly with a soft clean cloth.
Do not wipe surfaces with a dry cloth. 10-9. DRILLING TO LOCALIZE CRACKS. This
should be done at the first sign of a crack develop-
f. Wipe interior surfaces with a soft damp cloth ing. A hole 1/8 to 3/16 inch in diameter should be
or chamois. Keep the cloth or chamois free of grit drilled at the extreme end of the crack, serving to
by rinsing frequently in clean water. localize the crack and to prevent further splitting
by distributing the strain over a large area. (Figure tape, which is impervious to cement action. This is
10-2.) Support area to be drilled by backing up with to confine the softening action of cement to patched
a wood block (shaped to contour for formed areas) area. Apply tape carefully, making sure no air is
to prevent breakage while drilling. present under tape.
Note Note
Suitable tape may be obtained from In-
If a regular machine twist drill is to be dustrial Tape Corp., New Brunswick, N.J.
used, it should be modified to prevent (Tape No. XB-97) or from Minnesota Min-
pulling and grabbing. (Figure 10-3.) ing and Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn.)
The method described in preceding step a. Remove handle from collective control friction
b., is not recommended for formed sur- lock. Remove metal plate-bushing around friction lock
faces. When plug-patching formed sur- control shaft. Remove knob and nuts from fuel shut-off
faces, file patch to fit exactly and omit control and slide control from firewall. Unfasten dust
the heating operation boots from around control sticks. (See figure 10-6.)
c. Install cabin. (Refer to paragraph 10-6.) In- tubes to center frame saddles. Carefully lower landing
stall and connect battery. Check tail rotor pedals gear assembly until clear of center frame saddles and
and control sticks for freedom of operation. Check remove from helicopter.
rigging of control systems. (Refer to Section VII.)
Check all controls for proper response on run-up. 10-32. INSPECTION - LANDINGGEAR ASSEMBLY.
Install access doors.
a. Inspect landing gear assembly for security of
attachment and for bent or damaged cross tubes.
10-30. DESCRIPTION. A skid-type landing gear is b. Inspect skid shoes (if installed) for excessive
installed to allow the helicopter to land on uneven wear.
terrain. The landing gear assembly consists of forward
and aft cross tubes, skids and shoes. Brackets to accept 10-33. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - LANDING
ground handling wheels (furnished as loose equipment) GEAR ASSEMBLY. Landing gear cross tubes may
are provided on each skid. (See figure 10-8.) be straightened in accordance with paragraphs 10-
36 and 10-37.
a. Hoist or jack helicopter until skids are clear
of ground. Clamp a small wood or fiber block at 10-34. INSTALLATION - LANDINGGEAR
each side of tail rotor cable at pitch change drum to ASSEMBLY.
prevent cable unwinding when speed rigs are loos-
ened. Clamp forward section of cable at aft side of a. Position cross tubes of landing gear assembly
floor assembly in a similar manner. Cut lockwire and in structure saddles (collars of forward tube inboard
loosen speed rigs on control cables. of saddles and collars of aft tube outboard of saddles)
and hold in place. Place bearing straps in position,
b. Hold landing gear assembly to prevent falling, slide shims into place, insert attachment bolts (wash-
Remove nuts, washers, and bolts, which secure cross er under head) and install washers and nuts.
(Rev. 3) 10-6A/10-6B
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section X
b. Connect control cables at speed rigs and 10-36. STRAIGHTENING CROSS TUBES WITH
tighten sufficiently to remove slack. Do not lockwire. WEIGHT OF HELICOPTER.
Remove clamps and block from tail rotor cables.
Lower helicopter from jacks. Check rigging of tail a. Hoist or jack helicopter until it is clear of
rotor controls. (Refer to Section VII.) ground. (Refer to Section I.) Remove bent cross tube
Note from helicopter and save all hardware for use on
reassembly. Fluorescent penetrant or dye check inspect
Perform this inspection daily, and after bent cross tube for cracks. (Refer to Section I.) (See
every hard landing; helicopter to be rest- figure 10-10.)
ing on reasonably smooth ground, and
ground handling wheels retracted. b. Rotate both cross tubes 180 degrees from original
installed position and secure to helicopter using
10-35. CHECKING CROSS TUBE DEFLECTION. previously removed hardware. Tighten saddle straps
only enough to keep cross tubes from rotating.
a. Sight through each skid cross tube; if light is
visible at opposite end of tube, deflection is normal.
Accomplish steps b. and c., if light is not visible. (See Note
figure 10-9.)
b. Place a suitable straight edge along the skids Both cross tubes must be rotated 180 de-
adjacent to the fore and aft skid legs to obtain grees whether only one or both cross tubes
measurements "A" and "B". are bent. Cross tubes may be rotated as
necessary providing cross tubes are in-
c. Subtract measurement
spected by dye check or fluorescent pene-
"B" from measurement spected by dye check or fluorescent pene-
"A" to obtain the amount of deflection "C" on each trant after straightening. Replace tubes if
side. Straighten cross tube if deflection of either tube on cracks, kinks, or distortion is evident.
either side exceeds 3-1/2
3-1/2 inches.
exceeds c. Place skid legs in position against cross tubes 3/8
inch outboard of their original installed position. Lower
helicopter until skid legs are seated on cross tube.
If helicopter is hoisted or jacked to de-
termine deflection, straighten cross tube if
deflection exceeds following limits. Note
Front Tube - Limit 1-15/16 inches. All legs must be positioned 3/8 inch out-
board whether only one or both tubes are
Aft Tube - Limit 1-1/4 inches. bent.
(Rev. 3) 10-7
Section X BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
d. Drill cross tubes to match mounting holes in d. If cross tubes were rotated 180 degrees, place
legs. Secure legs to cross tubes using previously removed skid legs in position against cross tubes 3/8 inch
hardware. With weight of helicopter on cross tubes, outboard of their original position. Lower helicopter
adjust and tighten saddle straps. until skid leg saddles are seated on cross tubes. Drill
cross tubes to match mounting holes in legs and secure
10-37. STRAIGHTENING CROSS TUBES WITH with the previously removed hardware. (See figure
FIXTURE. 10-10.)
a. Hoist or jack helicopter until it is clear of the e. If cross tubes were straightened, inspect by dye
ground. (Refer to Section I.) Remove cross tubes and check or fluorescent penetrant and found satisfactory,
save all attaching hardware for use on reassembly. reinstall on helicopter, using the previously removed
b. Erect a straightening fixture similar to figure
10-11 which will support the ends of tube and allow Note
tube to slide freely in the direction of its spanwise axis.
Rigid guides near the center of tube prevents turning. If a new cross tube is installed the matching
Load tube at two points to duplicate loading tube may be rotated to its original position.
encountered on helicopter. Straighten cross tubes.
f. With weight of helicopter on cross tube adjust
Note and tighten saddle straps.
Cross tubes may be straightened as often as
necessary providing tubes are inspected by 10-38. SKIDS - LANDINGGEAR ASSEMBLY.
dye check or fluorescent penetrant after
straightening. Replace tubes if cracks, 10-39. DESCRIPTION. The skids are constructed
kinks, or distortion is evident. from aluminum alloy tubing. Abrasion resistant steel
shoes are attached to the underside of the skids at
c. If desired, both cross tubes may be rotated 180 the forward end and at the contact points under the
degrees from their original position (as often as landing gear legs. Maple plugs close the ends of the
desired), and installed on helicopter using the tubes to exclude moisture. Brackets bolted to the
previously removed hardware. Tighten saddle straps skids, midway between the leg attachment points,
only enough to prevent cross tubes from rotating. provide mounting points for ground handling wheels.
10-40. REMOVAL - SKIDS. Hoist or jack heli- 10-47A. INSTALLATION - NEW SKID LANDING
copter until skids clear the ground by approximately GEAR.
six inches. Remove nuts, washers, and bolts which
attach steel shoes and skids to landing gear legs and a. Remove skid landing gear, as instructed in
lower skids from legs. paragraph 10-31.
10-41. INSTALLATION - SKIDS. Raise skids into b. Position cross tubes, leg assemblies, and skid
position, place a washer onto each attachment bolt tubes, as shown on figure 10-11A. Lower helicopter
(under head) and pass bolts through legs and skids, until skid leg saddles are seated on cross tubes and skid
Position steel shoes (one under each leg) with open tubes.
end of slotted holes aft and slide shoes aft into place
on bolts. Install washers and nuts and tighten attach- c. Using holes in skid leg saddles as a guide, drill
ment bolts securely. Lower helicopter from hoist holes in tubes. (See figure 10-11A).
or jacks.
d. Install bolts, nuts, and washers previously
10-42. LEGS - LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY. The removed and assemble skid gear assembly.
legs are constructed of steel tubing with a piece of
tubing welded to each end which fits over the cross e. Attach skid gear assembly to centerframe, as
tubes and skids and are secured with bolts and nuts. instructed in paragraph 10-34.
10-10 (Rev. 3)
47-500-003-17 TUBE ASSYOF: AFT
18.0 R
0.375 47-500-004-1 LEG ASSYOF: L.H. FWD 47-500-004-9 ASSYL.H. AFT
Section X BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
10-10B (Rev. 3)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section X
engine mount bolt hole at forward side of fitting. Compare measurements. All measurements except
(Item 1.) that of number one bearing hanger, must be the same
within plus or minus 1/8 inch. Measurement of num-
2. Center line upper surface of aft landing ber one bearing hanger must be identical.
gear cross tube saddle to center line of engine mount
through bolt at aft side of fitting. (Item 2.) Note
If measurements of all items (1 through 5)
3. Center line of forward saddle to center do not come within tolerance, examine
line of aft saddle. (Item 3.) frame carefully for bent or distorted tubing.
Operators in Territorial United States
4. Center line of engine mount through bolt make repairs or replacement in accord-
hole, at aft side of fitting to center line of lower tail ance with Civil Aeronautics Manual 18.
boom attachment bolts. (Item 4.) Helicopters operated outside the United
States of America, will be repaired in ac-
5. Center line of engine mount through bolt cordance with instructions authorized by
hole, at aft side of fitting, to center line of upper licensing authority. (Do not relocate num-
boom attachment bolt at opposite side of frame. ber one bearing hanger at this time.)
(Item 5.)
d. Measure and recorddistancebetweenfollowing
c. Measure and record distance between the same points on one side of tail boom assembly. (Figure
points on opposite side of center frame assembly. 10-13.)
3. Center line of upper attachment bolt hole States of America will be repaired in ac-
at underside of upper longeron to center line of lower cordance with instructions authorized by
attachment bolt hole. (Item 3.) the licensing authority. Differences in
e. Measure and record distance between the measurement of item 2, indicates twist
same points on opposite side of tail boom assembly. and the necessity for correction cannot
Compare measurements. Measurements of items 1 be determined by measurement. Accom-
and 3 must be the same, within plus or minus 1/8 plish step f., to determine if correction
inch. is required.
Detail A
47267 -3A
f. Level helicopter longitudinal and laterally, screws loosely (temporarily). Install T101224 plug into
(Refer to Section I.) Place a bubble protractor on bearing housing and install snap ring.
tail rotor shaft (outboard of tail rotor gear box)
and check for its being horizontal within plus or Note
minus one degree (up or down from horizontal).
Straighten tail boom if tolerance is exceeded. If special tools required for this procedure
are not available fabricate them in accord-
g. Pass end of length of heavy cord (chalk line) ance with details provided in figure 10-16.
around upper engine mount and tie loop. (Figure Use the following material to make tools.
10-14.) (If T100909 tool is available, position tool
on engine mount bolt, see figure 10-14.) Do not tie PART NO. TITLE MATERIAL NO. REQ.
cord tight around fitting, it must be free to find
its own horizontal center. Pull cord aft and tie to T100288 Dummy Aluminum 2
an object at aft end of tail boom (a stake driven Bearing Alloy
into the ground is satisfactory) which will allow cord
to clear all objects and pass close enough to ex- T100286 Plug Hardwood 1
tension yoke attachment bolt holes to permit mea-
surement from this point. (See figure 10-14.) T100287 Disk Transparent 2
h. Pull cord taut (approximately level), center loop
on head of engine mount through-bolt and tape in T100289 Centering Aluminum 1
place. (Figure 10-14.) Attach a "line level" to cord and Plug Alloy
level cord exactly by moving aft end of cord up or down
as required. Check for measurement of 8.406 inches, T101224 Plug Plastic 1
plus or minus 1/2 inch from center line of yoke
attachment bolt hole to cord. (See figure 10-14.) A k. Check alignment of bearing hangers as follows:
measurement of less than 7.906 inches indicates
excessive droop and must be corrected. Check for 1. Check T100286 plug to make certain that
elongated attachment bolt holes and/or bent or rectangle target is below centerline of plug. Rework
distorted structure tubing. Repair elongated bolt holes, plug and add rectangle below and to the left of the
straighten or replace damaged structural tubing in centerlines of plug. (See figure 10-16.)
accordance with instructions in FAA Publication AC
43.13-1 or instructions issued by the licensing authority. 2. Insert T100286 plug into coupling for tail rotor
drive in transmission, with arrow on plug pointing
Note downward, plug must fit symmetrically in coupling.
If all measurements (steps a. through h.) 3. Using a 1/32 inch diameter line (nylon or fish
are within tolerance, alignment of center line), tie line onto rod at aft end of tail boom. Do not tie
frame and tail boom is satisfactory. How- line tightly around rod as it must be free to seek its own
ever, as natural distortions, due to use, horizontal center when line is held taunt. Thread line
have not been taken into accord in the
have not been taken into accord in the through T100287 disk and T100288 dummy bearing in
through s. to check hanger alignment, number two hanger and through the second disk, (a six
inch scale may be used in lieu of T100287 disk, see
i. Check condition of Lord mounts. (Refer to figures 10-15, 10-16 and 10-17.) Thread line through
Section V.) Check engine alignment. Remove tail plug in number one hanger and pull line taunt, from
rotor drive shafts. (Refer to. Section VI.) Remove bolts forward side of number one hanger on centerframe,
which secure tail boom extension to tail boom and hold tension on line and make certain loop in line is on
insert a piece of 0.372 inch diameter rod through center mark on rod through aft end of tail boom.
mounting holes. (Figure 10-15.) Tape ends of rod to Extend cord forward to T100286 plug in spline of tail
structure to keep rod from sliding. rotor drive. Pull line taunt and hold line in exact center
of rectangle scribed on lower left side of T100286 plug.
j. Measure from machined surface of inboard lug of If disk on number two hanger is centered on boss of
clevis at aft end of tail boom and locate exact center of dummy bearing or can be centered by moving end of
rod. (See figure 10-15.) Mark center of rod with a line to any point within the rectangle on plug, then
pencil. Place T100288 dummy bearing in number two number two hanger is properly'located. Accomplish
bearing hanger (with boss extending forward) and one step (7) if unable to align number two bearing hanger,
in number eight bearing hanger (with boss extending adjust and shim (refer to step 6.) to obtain alignment.
aft). Install and tighten bearing retainers. Install Hold line with disk centered on number two hanger and
bearing housing and shim in number one hanger, install adjust shim under number one bearing housing or move
10-14 (Rev. 3)
Models47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER CO- Section X
housing side ways until housing is in perfect alignment shim is required. Taper ends of shims to obtain
After aligning number one bearing housing mark shims maximum seating and avoid pinching bearing
and bearing housing for reinstallation after bearing is excessively. Install shim in bearing seat of any hanger
installed. Remove T101224 plug from number one required.
bearing housing and remove housing from hanger.
6. Cut hanger from structure with a hacksaw
Note using care not to damage structural tubing. Clean fillets
of weld from structure. Adjust, relocate or replace
If disk is not centered on boss, recheck hanger to proper position and weld to structure.
condition of engine mounts and engine
alignment before proceeding. (Refer to 7. Slide T100287 disk against boss on aft side
Section 11.) When it has been definitely of number eight bearing hanger and observe if disk is
established that the hanger is out of mis- centered on boss or is within 1/32 inch (in any
alignment by observing scribe marks on face direction) of centering. Record direction and amount, if
of plastic disk (side toward bearing boss). misalignment exceeds 1/32 inch.
These scribe marks are 1/32 inch apart and
provide a ready means of measurement. If 8. Remove screws and retainer from number
disk extends below the boss (figure 10-17), eight hanger, slide T100288 dummy bearing forward
indicating hanger is low, accomplish step 5. and position in number seven bearing hanger. Slide
If disk extends below boss indicating hanger T100287 disk forward and observe if disk centers on
is high, or sidewise alignment, accomplish boss within 1/32 inch (in any direction). Record
step 6. direction and remove if misalignment exceeds 1/32
4. Remove line from number two bearing hanger,
remove T100288 dummy bearing from bearing hanger 9. Repeat step 8.for number six bearing hanger,
and reinstall with boss facing aft. Thread line back except misalignment allowed is 1/16 inch.
through dummy bearing and into T100289 centering
plug (with tapered end facing aft) pull line taunt and tie 10. Repeat step 8. for the remaining three bearing
line to structure. hangers, except misalignment allowed is 1/8 inch.
(Rev. 3) 10-14A/10-14B
RECTANGLE If T100286-1 Plug Has a Rectangle
MUST Above Center Line, Rework Plug as
Shown Above. Rectangle Must Be
1.430+ 0.000
-- -0.060
1.000 DIA
500 (STOCK)
(Rev. 3) 10-15
Section X BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
10-49. REPAIRING TAIL BOOM. (Figures 10-18 10-50. REPAIRING CENTERFRAME. (Figures
and 10-19.) Operators in territorial United States, shall 10-20 and 10-21.) Operators in territorial United States
make repairs or replacement in accordance with FAA shall make repairs or replacement in accordance with
acceptable methods, techniques and practices. Helicop- FAA acceptable methods, techniques and practices.
ters operated outside territorial United States, shall Helicopters operated outside territorial United States,
make repairs or replacement according to authorized shall make repairs or replacement according to
instructions by the licensing authority. authorized instructions by the licensing authority.
(Rev. 3) 10-17
Section X BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
HANGER PLATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P ~~+20.00 o20
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Section XI
Section XI
Wiring Data
J Ignition Circuit
L Lighting Circuit
R Radio Circuit
E 17 20 N
(Rev. 9) 11-1/11-2
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER Section XI
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Section XI
13 t
1. Circuit Breaker
2. Circuit Breaker
3. Ammeter
4. Battery Switch
5. Generator Switch
6. External Power Relay
7. Shunt
8. Reverse Current Relay
9. Voltage Regulator
10. Starter
11. Generator
12. External Power Receptacle
13. Battery Relay
14. Battery
2. Vibrator Switch
3. Circuit Breaker-Starter
4. Induction Vibrator
5. External Power Relay
6. Starter Relay
7. Starter Switch
8. Starter 47756-41
J3A-16 LR
3. Right Magneto
4. Left Magneto 47756-1001
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Index
Alphabetical Index
(Rev. 9) Index 1
Index MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1
Index 2 (Rev. 9)
Models 47G-3B & 47G-3B-1 MAINTENANCE & OVERHAUL Index