PMT Test Paper 5
PMT Test Paper 5
PMT Test Paper 5
1. A standing wave having 3 node and 1. fdlh vçxkeh rjax izfr:i esa 3 fuLian rFkk 2 çLian ds
2 antinodes is formed between 1.75Å distance e/; nwjh 1.75Å gS rks rjaxn/S ;Z l gksxk :-
then the wave length is :-
(1) 3.0 Å (2) 3.75 Å
(1) 3.0 Å (2) 3.75 Å
(3) 1.75 Å (4) 3.50 Å
(3) 1.75 Å (4) 3.50 Å
2. A tuning fork of frequency 480 Hz produces 2. ,d 480 Hz vko`fÙk dk Lofj= dEifur lksusehVj rkj
10 beats per second when sounded with a vibrating ds lkFk 10 foLian izfr ld
S .M mRiUu djrk gAS ;fn rkj
sonometer wire. What must have been the esa vYi ruko c<+kus ij ;g Lofj= ds lkFk igys ls de
frequency of string if a slight increse in tension foLian izfr ld
S .M cukrk gS rks rkj dh çkjfEHkd vko`fÙk
produces fewer beats per second then before :-
Kkr djks :-
(1) 460 Hz (2) 470 Hz (1) 460 Hz (2) 470 Hz
(3) 480 Hz (4) 490 Hz (3) 480 Hz (4) 490 Hz
3. A closed organ pipe is excited to produce the third 3. ,d cUn vkWxZu ikbi eas Qwad ekjus ij ok;q LrEHk esa r`rh;
overtone of the air column. It is found that the vf/kLoj curk gSA ok;q LrEHk esa izkIr gksrs gS :-
air in the pipe has :-
(1) 3 fuLian o 3 izLian
(1) 3 node and 3 antinodes
(2) 3 fuLian o 4 izLian
(2) 3 node and 4 antinodes
l l l l
(1) (2) (1) (2)
4 2 4 2
3l (3) (4) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
(3) (4) None of these 2
0999DM310116016 FTS-1/32
Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
5. In an open pipe of length l, if the velocity of sound is 5. l yEckbZ ds [kqys vkWxZu ikbi dh ewy vko`fÙk D;k gksxh ;fn
V then the fundamental frequency will be :-
V /ofu dk osx gS :-
(1) and all harmonic are present V
2l (1) rFkk lHkh lUukfn mifLFkr
(2) and all harmonic are present
4l (2)
rFkk lHkh lUukfn mifLFkr
(3) and all harmonic are absent (3) rFkk lHkh lUukfn vuqifLFkr
2l 2l
(4) and all harmonic are absent (4) rFkk lHkh lUukfn vuqifLFkr
4l 4l
6. The fundamental frequency of a stretched wire 6. ,d rkj ij 4 kg dk Hkkj yVdkus ij rus gq, rkj dh ewy
with a weight of 4 kg is 256 Hz. The weight vko`fÙk 256 Hz gksrh gAS bldk v"Vd (octove) izkIr djus
required to produce its octave is :- ds fy, vko';d Hkkj Kkr djks :-
(1) 4 kg-wt (2) 12 kg-wt (1) 4 kg-wt (2) 12 kg-wt
(3) 16 kg-wt (4) 24 kg-wt (3) 16 kg-wt (4) 24 kg-wt
7. The equation of stationary wave is given by :- 7. vizxkeh rjax dh lehdj.k fuEu ds }kjk nh tkrh gS :-
(1) y = 2A sin kx cos wt (1) y = 2A sin kx cos wt
(2) y = A sin k(x – vt) (2) y = A sin k(x – vt)
æ kx t ö æ kx t ö
(3) y = A cos 2p ç - ÷ (3) y = A cos 2p ç - ÷
è l Tø è l Tø
(4) y = A sin æç
2VT ö
(4) y = A sin æç
2VT ö
÷ ÷
è l ø è l ø
8. Beats are produced by two waves 8. nks rjaxksa y1 = a sin 2000 pt rFkk y 2 = a sin 2008 pt }kjk
y1= a sin 2000 pt and y 2 = a sin 2008 pt . The foLian mRiUu gksrs gAS izfr ld S .M lqukbZ nsus okys foLianksa
number of beats heard per second is :- dh la[;k gS :-
(1) Zero (2) 1 (3) 4 (4) 8 (1) 'kwU; (2) 1 (3) 4 (4) 8
9. A tuning fork vibrating with a sonometer having 9. ,d Lofj= 20 cm yEcs rkj okys lksues hVj ds lkFk 5 foLian
20 cm wire produces 5 beats per second. The beat izfr ld
S .M mRiUu djrk gS ;fn rkj dh yEckbZ dks 21 cm
frequency does not change if the length of the wire
dj fn;k tk, rks Hkh foLian vko`fÙk vifjofrZr jgrh gAS Lofj=
is changed to 21 cm. The frequency of the tuning
dh vko`fÙk gksxh :-
fork (in Hz) must be :-
(1) 200 (2) 210 (3) 205 (4) 215 (1) 200 (2) 210 (3) 205 (4) 215
10. When a sound wave of frequency 300 Hz passes 10. tc ,d 300 Hz vko`fÙk dh /ofu rjax fdlh ek/;e ls
through a medium the maximum displacement of a
xqtjrh gS rks ek/;e esa d.k dk vf/kdre foLFkkiu 0.1 cm
particle of the medium is 0.1 cm. The maximum velocity
of the particle is equal to :-
gAS d.k dk vf/kdre osx gS :-
(1) 60p cm/sec (2) 30p cm/sec (1) 60p cm/sec (2) 30p cm/sec
(3) 30 cm/sec (4) 60 cm/sec
(3) 30 cm/sec (4) 60 cm/sec
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Nurture Test Series/Joint Package Course/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
11. Angle between wave velocity and particle velocity 11. vuqn/S ;Z rjax esa rjax osx rFkk d.k ds osx ds e/; dks.k gksrk
of a longitudinal wave is :- gS :-
(1) 90° (2) 60° (3) 0° (4) 120° (1) 90° (2) 60° (3) 0° (4) 120°
12. The ratio of the speed of sound in nitrogen gas to 12. ukbVªkt
s u xl
S vkjS ghfy;e xl
S esa 300 K ij /ofu dh xfr
that in Helium gas, at 300 K is :- dk vuqikr gksxk :-
2 1 3 6 2 1 3 6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
7 7 5 5 7 7 5 5
13. In a medium sound travels 3km in 10 sec and in 13. fdlh ek/;e esa /ofu rjaxs 10 ld
S .M esa 3km rFkk ok;q esa
air it travels 2km in 3sec. The ratio of the 3 ld
S .M esa 2km dh nwjh r; djrh gS /ofu rjaxksa dh bu
wavelength of sound in the two medium is :- nks ek/;eksa esa rjaxn/S ;Z dk vuqikr gksxk :-
(1) 8 : 1 (2) 18 : 1 (3) 1 : 8 (4) 9 : 20 (1) 8 : 1 (2) 18 : 1 (3) 1 : 8 (4) 9 : 20
14. Velocity of sound is minimum in :- 14. /ofu dk osx U;wure gksxk :-
(1) Steel (2) Water (1) bLikr esa (2) ty esa
(3) Hydrogen gas (4) Diamond (3) gkbMªkt
s u xl
S esa (4) ghjs esa
15. A tuning fork produces wave in a medium. If the 15. ,d Lofj= fdlh ek/;e esa rjaxs mRiUu djrk gS ;fn ek/;e
temperature of the medium changes, then which dk rki ifjofrZr gks jgk gks rks fuEu esa ls dkuS lh jkf'k ifjofrZr
of the following will change :- gksxh :-
(1) Amplitude (2) Frequency (1) vk;ke (2) vko`fÙk
(3) Wavelength (4) Time-period (3) rjaxn/S ;Z (4) vkorZdky
16. The temperature at which the speed of sound in 16. og rki ftl ij ok;q esa /ofu dh pky mldh 0°C ij pky
air becomes double if its value at 0°C is :- dh nksxquh gks tkrh g]S gksxk :-
(1) 273 K (2) 546 K (1) 273 K (2) 546 K
(3) 1092 K (4) 0 K (3) 1092 K (4) 0 K
17. A source of sound of frequency 600 Hz is placed 17. 600 Hz vko`fÙk dk ,d /ofu L=ksr ikuh ds vUnj fLFkr gAS
inside water. The speed of sound in water is 1500 ikuh ,oa gok esa /ofu dk osx Øe'k% 1500 m/s ,oa 300
m/s and in air is 300 m/s. The frequency of sound m/s gS] rks gok esa fLFkr ,d Jksrk ds }kjk lquh x;h
18. Ultrasonic signal sent from SONAR returns to it 18. lksukj ls Hksts x;s ijkJ`R; flXuy ty esa fLFkr fdlh pêku
after reflection from a rock after a lapse of 2sec. ls Vdjkdj 2 ld
S .M esa ykSV vkrs gAS ;fn ijkJ`R; rjaxksa dh
If the velocity of ultrasound in water is 1400 m/s, ty esa pky 1400 m/s gS rc ty esa pêku dh xgjkbZ gksxh:-
the depth of the rock in water is :-
(1) 2800 m (2) 1400 m
(1) 2800 m (2) 1400 m
(3) 700 m (4) 350 m
(3) 700 m (4) 350 m
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
19. Equation of a progressive wave is given by 19. ,d izxkeh rjax dk lehdj.k
æ pö
æ pö y = 0.2 cos p ç 0.04 t + 0.02 x - ÷
y = 0.2 cos p ç 0.04 t + 0.02 x - ÷ è 6ø
è 6ø
;gk¡ nwjh dks cm esa rFkk le; dks sec esa ekik x;k g]S rks
The distance is expressed in cm and time in second. What
nks d.kksa ds chp U;wure nwjh D;k gksxh] ftlls fd muds chp
will be the minimum distance between two particles
having the phase difference of p/2 :- dykUrj p/2 gks :-
(1) 4 cm (2) 8 cm (1) 4 cm (2) 8 cm
(3) 25 cm (4) 12.5 cm (3) 25 cm (4) 12.5 cm
20. A wave is reflected from a rigid support. The 20. ,d rjax n`<+ fljs ls ijkofrZr gksrh gAS ijkorZu ds QyLo:i
change in phase on reflection will be :- bldh dyk esa ifjorZu gksxk :-
p p p p
(1) (2) (3) p (4) 2p (1) (2) (3) p (4) 2p
4 2 4 2
21. When a wave travels in a medium, the particle 21. tc rjax ek/;e esa lapfjr gksrh g]S rc d.k dk foLFkkiu
displacement is given by the equation lehdj.k y = a sin 2p(bt - cx) g]S tgk¡ a, b o c fu;rkad
y = a sin 2p(bt - cx) where a, b and c are gAS d.k dk vf/kdre osx ] rjax osx dk nqxuk gksxk]
constants. The maximum particle velocity will be ;fn :-
twice the wave velocity if :-
1 (1) C = (2) C = pa
(1) C = (2) C = pa pa
1 (3) b = ac (4) b =
(3) b = ac (4) b = ac
22. A particle on the trough of wave at any instant 22. fdlh rjax ds xrZ ij fLFkr d.k dks ek/; fLFkr rd vkus
will come to the mean position after a time esa yxk le; gksxk &
(T = time period) :- (T = le; vof/k) :-
(1) (2) (3) T (4) 2T (1) (2) (3) T (4) 2T
2 4 2 4
23. Two waves represented by the following equation 23. ,d gh ek/;e esa lapkfjr nks rjaxksa ds lehdj.k fuEu gS
are travelling in the same medium y1 = 5 sin 2p(75 t - 0.25x) ,
y1 = 5 sin 2p(75 t - 0.25x) ,
y 2 = 10 sin 2p(150 t - 0.50x) nksuksa rjaxksa dh rhozrkvksa
y 2 = 10 sin 2p(150 t - 0.50x) The intensity ratio
I1 I1
dk vuqikr I gksxk :-
I 2 of the two waves is :- 2
( ) ( )
2 2
(1) I1 - I 2 (2) 2 ( I1 + I 2 ) (1) I1 - I 2 (2) 2 ( I1 + I 2 )
( ) ( )
2 2
(3) I1 + I 2 (4) I1 + I 2 (3) I1 + I 2 (4) I1 + I 2
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Nurture Test Series/Joint Package Course/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
25. Two waves 25. nks rjaxsa
y1 = A1 sin(wt – b1), y2 = A2 sin (wt – b2) y1 = A1 sin(wt – b1), y2 = A2 sin (wt – b2)
Superimpose to form a resultant wave whose v/;kjks i d ls cuus okyh rja x dk ifj.kkeh vk;ke
amplitude is :- gksxk :-
(1) A12 + A 22 + 2A1A 2 cos(b1 - b2 ) (1) A12 + A 22 + 2A1A 2 cos(b1 - b2 )
46. H3CO– –CH=CH2 ¾¾¾
H2 O
® ? 46. H3CO– –CH=CH2 ¾¾¾
H2 O
® ?
+ – + –
Br NaO–C CH3 Br NaO–C CH3
48. ? 48. ?
(3) (4) (3) (4)
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50. C=C ¾¾®
? 50. C=C ¾¾®
H C2 H 5 H C2 H 5
Major product in above reaction is :- mijksDr vfHkfØ;k esa eq[; mRikn gS :-
H Br =C H Br =C
(3) (4) H CH–CH3 (3) (4) H CH–CH3
H5C2 Br H5C2 Br
Br Br
40° C 40° C
51. CH2=CH–CH=CH2 + HCl ¾¾¾ ® ? 51. CH2=CH–CH=CH2 + HCl ¾¾¾ ® ?
Major product is :- eq[; mRikn gS :-
(1) CH2=CH–CH–CH3 (1) CH2=CH–CH–CH3
Cl Cl
(2) CH2=CH–CH=CH–Cl (2) CH2=CH–CH=CH–Cl
(3) CH3–CH=CH–CH2Cl (3) CH3–CH=CH–CH2Cl
(4) CH2–CH=CH–CH2Cl (4) CH2–CH=CH–CH2Cl
Cl Cl
(3) –Cº C–OH (4) –CH–CH2 (3) –Cº C–OH (4) –CH–CH2
CH3–CH–CºCH ¾¾¾¾® CH3–CH–CºCH ¾¾¾¾®
excess HBr excess HBr
53. 53.
Above reaction gives the major product :- mijksDr vfHkfØ;k eq[; mRikn nsrh gS :-
CH3 Br Br CH3 Br CH3 Br Br CH3 Br
(1) CH3–CH–CH–CH 2 (2) CH3–CH–C=CH 2 (1) CH3–CH–CH–CH 2 (2) CH3–CH–C=CH 2
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
54. Which is the intermediate in the preparation of 54. ,Ydkbu dk H 2 SO 4 /HgSO 4 dh mifLFkfr es a
ketone by hydration of an alkyne in the presence ty;kstu djds dhVksu fuekZ.k esa dkSulk e/;orhZ curk
of H2SO4/HgSO4 ? gS ?
(3) (4) (3) (4)
57. ¾¾¾
57. ¾¾¾
(1) (1)
Br Br
Br Br
(2) (2)
–Br –Br
(3) (3)
Br Br
Br Br
–Br –Br
(4) (4)
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Nurture Test Series/Joint Package Course/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
58. ¾¾¾¾
Cl2 / H 2 O
® 58. ¾¾¾¾
Cl2 / H 2 O
Intermediate involves in above reaction is :- mijksDr vfHkfØ;k esa cuus okyk e/;korhZ gS :-
(1) OH (2) (1) OH (2)
Cl Cl
(3) (4) Cl (3) (4) Cl
Cl Cl
59. ¾¾¾
® 59. ¾¾¾
One of the Intermediate may be :- ,d e/;orhZ gks ldrk gS :-
(1) CH 3–CH 2–CH 2 (2) CH3–CH–CH2 (1) CH 3–CH 2–CH 2 (2) CH3–CH–CH2
2 2
60. ¾¾¾
O 3 ,H 2O
¾® 60. ¾¾¾
O 3 ,H 2O
Which will not form in above reaction ? mijksDr vfHkfØ;k esa D;k ugha cusxk ?
(1) (2) CH3–C–C–H (1) (2) CH3–C–C–H
(3) CH3–C–C––CH3 (4) CH3–C–C––CHO (3) CH3–C–C––CH3 (4) CH3–C–C––CHO
Br ¾¾¾¾
® ? Br ¾¾¾¾
Mg(1 eksy )
61. Et 2O 61. Et 2 O
(2 moles) (2 moles)
Major product will be eq[; mRikn gksxk %
(1) (2) (1) (2)
(3) (4) (3) (4)
62. ¾¾¾¾Cr2 O3
® ? 62. ¾¾¾¾Cr2 O3
® ?
CH 3 CH 3
0999DM310116016 FTS-11/32
Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
63. ¾¾¾¾®(i) O3
(ii)Zn +H 2O ? 63. ¾¾¾¾®(i) O3
(ii)Zn +H 2O ?
The Product formed is : mRikn curk gS %
(1) (2) (1) (2)
(3) (4) (3) (4)
64. CH2=CH–CH2–I ¾¾¾HI
® ? 64. CH2=CH–CH2–I ¾¾¾HI
® ?
Final product will be vfUre mRikn gksxk
(1) CH3–CH–CH2 (2) CH3–CH–CH3 (1) CH3–CH–CH2 (2) CH3–CH–CH3
(3) CH3–CH2–CH2–I (4) I–CH2–CH2–CH2–I (3) CH3–CH2–CH2–I (4) I–CH2–CH2–CH2–I
–CH 2Cl –CH 2Cl
65. CH3–CºCH ¾¾¾¾ CH 3 MgCl
® ? 65. CH3–CºCH ¾¾¾¾ CH 3 MgCl
® ?
Final product is :- vfUre mRikn gS :-
(1) –CH2–CºC–CH3 (1) –CH2–CºC–CH3
(4) –CH 2–CH 2–C ºCH (4) –CH 2–CH 2–C ºCH
66. ¾¾¾¾
® Product 66. ¾¾¾¾
S qr vi?kVu
® Product
(aq.solution) (tyh; foy;u)
(1) (2) (1) (2)
(iii) (iii)
(1) i > iii >ii (2) i > ii > iii (1) i > iii >ii (2) i > ii > iii
(3) ii > i > iii (4) ii > iii > i (3) ii > i > iii (4) ii > iii > i
71. Which reaction gives racemic mixture ? 71. dkuS lh vfHkfØ;k jsflfed feJ.k nsrh gS ?
(1) ¾¾
® (1) ¾¾
(2) ¾¾¾
® (2) ¾¾¾
(3) ¾¾
® (3) ¾¾
(4) (4)
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
72. The final product in the given reaction is : 72. nh xbZ vfHkfØ;k esa vafre mRikn gksxk :
¾¾¾¾¾¾H 2O
KMnO / OHΘ (cold)
® ¾¾¾¾¾¾
H 2O
KMnO / OHΘ (BaM+k)
4 4
(1) (2) OH (1) (2) OH
(3) O (4) (3) O (4)
74. ¾¾¾® ?
H2 O 74. ¾¾¾
H2 O
® ?
(3) OH (4) (3) OH (4)
75. Product in the given reaction will be :- 75. nh xbZ vfHkfØ;k esa mRikn gksxk %
CH3–CºC–CH3 ¾¾¾¾ ® ? CH3–CºC–CH3 ¾¾¾¾ ®
Na Na
Liq. NH3 Liq. NH3
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Nurture Test Series/Joint Package Course/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
77. Which of the following is a chain propagation step 77. esFksu ds eqDr ewyd Dyksjhuhdj.k esa dkuS lk Üka`[kyk lapj.k
in the free radical chlorination of methane ? in gS ?
(1) CH4 + Cl• ¾® •CH3 + HCl (1) CH4 + Cl• ¾® •CH3 + HCl
(2) Cl2 ¾® 2Cl• (2) Cl2 ¾® 2Cl•
(3) Cl• + •CH3 ¾® CH3Cl (3) Cl• + •CH3 ¾® CH3Cl
(4) •CH3 + CH4 ¾® CH4 + •CH3 (4) •CH3 + CH4 ¾® CH4 + •CH3
78. How many structural isomers are formed from the 78. ,sf FkylkbDyks gs D lsu ds eks uks D yks j huhdj.k djus ij
monochlorination of ethylcyclohexane ? fdrus lajpukRed leko;oh izk Ir gksrs gS ?
(3) (4) –C–O– (3) (4) –C–O–
81. Which of the following condition show the 81. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulh fLFkfr iznfq "kr okrkoj.k dks iznf'kZr
polluted environment :- djrh gS :-
(1) pH of rain water is 5.6 (1) o"kkZ ty dh pH = 5.6
(2) Amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.03% (2) ok;qe.My esa CO2 dh ek=k 0.03%
(3) BOD is 4 ppm. (3) BOD ek=k 4 ppm. gAS
(4) Eutrophication (4) lqiks"k.k (Eutrophication)
82. The prescribed upper limit concentration of lead 82. is; ty esa ysM+ dh ekud lkUnzrk dh mPp lhek
in drinking water is about :- gS :-
(1) 30 ppb (2) 70 ppb (1) 30 ppb (2) 70 ppb
(3) 50 ppb (4) 90 ppb (3) 50 ppb (4) 90 ppb
83. BOD value less than 5 ppm indicates a water 83. BOD dk 5 ppm lss de eku ty uewus dks funsZf'kr djrk
sample to be ...... gS fd og ......
(1) rich in dissolved oxygen (1) ?kqfyr vkWDlhtu /kuh gAS
(2) poor in dissolved oxygen (2) ?kqfyr vkWDlhtu de gAS
(3) highly polluted (3) vf/kd iznqf'kr gAS
(4) Not suitable for aquatic life (4) tyh; thou ds fy, mfpr ugha gAS
0999DM310116016 FTS-15/32
Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
84. The brown haze of photochemical smog is largely 84. izdk'k jklk;fud /kwe esa Hkwjh /kqU/k fdldh otg ls gksrh
attributable to ....... gS .......
(1) NO (2) NO2 (1) NO (2) NO2
85. Which of the following gas is not a greenhouse 85. fuEu esa ls dkuS lh xl
S gfjr x` g xl
S ugha gS ?
gas ?
(1) CO
(1) CO
(2) O3
(2) O3
(3) CH4 (3) CH4
(4) H2O vapour (4) H2O ok"i
86. Which of the following statements is wrong :- 86. fuEu esa ls dkuS lk dFku xyr gS :-
(1) Ozone is not responsible for green house effect (1) vkstksu gfjr x`g izHkko ds fy, mÙkjnk;h ugh gAS
(2) Ozone can oxidise sulphur dioxide present in (2) vkstksu ok;qe.My esa mifLFkr lYQj MkbZ vkWDlkbM
the atmosphere to sulphar trioxide dks lYQj VªkbZ vkWDlkbM esa vkWDlhÏr dj ldrh gAS
(3) Chloro fluoro carbon's are suppose to main (3) Dyksjks ¶yksjks dkcZu dks vkstksu ijr ds {kj.k ds fy,
cause of ozone layer depletion eq[; mÙkjnk;h le>k tkrk gAS
(4) Ozone is produced in upper stratosphere by (4) mijh lerki e.My esa UV fdj.kksa dh vkWDlhtu ds
the action of UV rays on oxygen lkFk fØ;k ls vkstksu mRiék gksrk gAS
87. Which of the following is true about photochemical 87. fuEu esa ls dkSu izdk'kjklk;fud /kwe ds lEcU/k esa lR;
smog ? gS ?
(1) It is reducing in nature (1) ;g vipk;h izÏfr dk gksrk gAS
(2) It is formed in winter (2) ;g lfnZ;ksa esa curk gAS
(3) It is a mixture of smoke and fog (3) ;g dksgjk o ?kwe dk fefJr Lo:i gAS
(4) It causes irriation in eyes (4) ;g vk¡[kks esa tyu dk dkj.k gksrk gAS
88. Deplection of ozone layer causes :- 88. vkstksu ijr {k; ds dkj.k gksrk gS :-
(1) Blood cancer (1) jDr daSlj
(2) Lung cancer (2) QsQMs dk dSalj
(3) skin cancer (3) Ropk dSalj
(4) breast cancer (4) Lru daSlj
89. Which of the following pollutant cannot be 89. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkuS lk iznq"kd izkÏfrd izØe }kjk u"V
degraded by natural process ? ugha gksrk gS ?
(1) DDT (1) DDT
(2) Nuclear waste (2) ukfHkdh; vif'k"V
(3) heavy metals (3) Hkkjh /kkrq,a
(4) All of the above (4) mijksDr lHkh
90. What is the range of pH of acid rain ? 90. vEyh; o"kkZ dh pH dk ijkl D;k gksrk gS ?
(1) More than 5.6 (1) 5.6 ls vf/kd
(2) In between 6 to 7 (2) 6 o 7 ds e/;
(3) Less than 5.6 (3) 5.6 ls de
(4) In between 6.5 to 7.5 (4) 6.5 o 7.5 ds e/;
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Nurture Test Series/Joint Package Course/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
TOPIC : HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-III : Neural Control And Coordination : Neuron and nerves;
Nervous system in humans- central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system;
Generation and conduction of nerve impulse; Reflex action; Sense organs; Elementary structure and function
of eye and ear. Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine
system-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone
action (Elementary Idea); Role of hormones as messengers and regulators, Hypo-and hyperactivity and related
disorders (Common disorders e.g. Dwarfism, Acromegaly, Cretinism , goiter, exopthalmic goiter, diabetes,
Addison’s disease).
91. Site of information processing and control is – 91. lwpukvksa dk lalk/ku o fu;a=.k dk LFky gS –
(1) CNS & PNS (1) CNS o PNS
(2) PNS (2) PNS
(3) Brain & Spinal cord (3) efLr"d o es:jTtq
(4) Only somatic neural system (4) dsoy dkf;d raf=dk ra=
92. A Part that receives and integrates visual, tactile 92. og Hkkx tks Jo.k] Li'kZ rFkk n`'; vkos'kksa dks xzg.k rFkk
and auditory inputs? ,dhÏr djrk gS &
(1) Cerebellum (2) Mid brain (1) vuqefLr"d (2) e/; efLr"d
(3) Pons (4) Cerebral cortex (3) iksal (4) izefLr"d dkWVsZDl
93. Neurons are excitable cells because their 93. U;wjkWu] mÙkstu'khy dksf'kdk,s gksrh gS ftudh f>Yyh vUnj
membrane is ––––––– charged towards innerside dh vksj ––––––– vkosf'kr rFkk ckgj dh vksj –––––
and –––––– charged towards outer side due to vkosf'kr eq[;r;k ––––– ifjogu ds dkj.k gksrh gS &
(1) ½.kkRed] /kukRed] fuf"Ø;
(1) Negatively, Positively, passive
(2) /kukRed] ½.kkRed] lfØ;
(2) Positively, Negatively, Active
(3) Negatively, Positively, Active (3) ½.kkRed] /kukRed] lfØ;
(4) Positively, Negatively, Passive (4) /kukRed] ½.kkRed] fuf"Ø;
94. Match the following columns :- 94. fuEu LrEHkks dk feyku dhft, &
Dv = –70 mV Dv = –70mV
(A) Polarisation (i) (A) /kzo
q hdj.k (i)
Opening of K + VGC K+ VGC dk [kqyuk
Dv = +30 mV Dv = +30mV
Outer membrane is
(B) Hyperpolarisation (ii) Na+ vUrZxeu ds dkj.k
negatively charged (B) vfr/kqzohdj.k (ii)
due to Na+ influx ckgjh f>Yyh dk ½.kkRed
vkosf'kr gksuk
Dv = –70 mV
Opening of Na+–K+ Dv = –70mV
(C) Depolarisation (iii)
pump and passive (C) fo/kzqohdj.k (iii) fuf"Ø; puS y o Na+–K+
channels iEi dk [kqyuk
Dv = –90 mV
Dv = –90mV
Opening of Cl–
(D) Repolarisation (iv) (D) iqu% /kzqohdj.k (iv) Cl– VGC rFkk K+ VGC
VGC or K + VGC
for long time. dk yEcs le; rd [kqyuk
(1) A - (iv) B - (ii) C - (iii) D - (i) (1) A - (iv) B - (ii) C - (iii) D - (i)
(2) A - (iii) B - (iv) C - (ii) D - (i) (2) A - (iii) B - (iv) C - (ii) D - (i)
(3) A - (i) B - (iii) C - (ii) D - (iv) (3) A - (i) B - (iii) C - (ii) D - (iv)
(4) A - (iii) B - (iv) C - (i) D - (ii) (4) A - (iii) B - (iv) C - (i) D - (ii)
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
95. Which of the following part of brain associated 95. efLr"d dks dkSulk Hkkx ân;hlaoguh çR;korZ ds fu;eu
with regulation of cardiovascular reflex ? ls lEcfU/kr g\
(1) Thalamus (2) Spinal cord (1) Fky
S es l (2) es:jTtq
(3) Cerebral cortex (4) Medulla oblongata (3) izefLr"d dkWVsZDl (4) esMwyk vkCyksxsaVk
96. Observe following table and pick the correct 96. fuEu rkfydk dks nsf[k, o (X), (Y), (Z) ds fy, lgh
answer for (X), (Y) and (Z) mÙkj ns :-
Trigeminal (X) Dentist nerve Vªkbstfs euy (X) nar fpfdRld raf=dk
longest stimulator in lcls yEch
(Y) vkek'k; esa çsjd
nerve stomach (Y)
Vestibular Sensory
(Z) osLVhC;qyj raf=dk laosnh raf=dk (Z)
nerve nerve
(1) Motor, Hypoglossal, Taste of Anterior 2/3 (1) pkyd] gkbiksXyksly] thHk dk vxz 2/3 Hkkx dk Lokn
part of tongue (2) fefJr] osxl] lquuk
(2) Mixed, Vagus, Hearing
(3) laons h] n`d raf=dk] n`f"V laons uk,sa
(3) Sensory, Optic nerve, Vision sensation
(4) Mixed, Vagus, Balance of body (4) fefJr] osxl] 'kkjhfjd larqyu
97. The hypothalamus is related to involuntary 97. gkbiksFksysel 'kjhj dh vuSfPNd izfØ;kvksa ls lEca f/kr
processes of body except :- gksrs gaS flok; %&
(1) Pituitary gland regulation (1) fi;q"k xzfUFk fu;eu
(2) Gastric secretion control (2) tBjh; L=ko fu;a=.k
(3) Thermoregulation (3) rkiØe fu;eu
(4) Thinking and intelligence (4) lkspuk o cqf¼eÙkk
Analyse the working of following structures and fuEu lajpukvksa ds dk;Ziz.kkyh dk fo'ys"k.k fdft, rFkk
give the answer of following question:- uhps fn,s x;s iz'uksa dk mÙkj fnft,s :-
K+ leakage K
K+ leakage
+ +
3Na + 3Na +
Na + 2k +
Na 2k
(A) (B) (A) (B)
+ + + +
Na K Na K
(4) Foramen of magendi and Lucskha (4) esxUMh o Y;wLdk ds fNnz ds }kjk
105. Represented below is the functional pattern of a 105. uhps fn,s tk jgs vkjs[kh; fu:i.k esa euq"; esa ikbZ tkus okyh
certain type of nerves in human. Which one of raf=dkvksa ds ,d [kkl izdkj ds fØ;kRed izfr:i dks
the following condition could be an example of n'kkZ;k x;k gSA crkb, fd fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulh ,d
this pattern? n'kk gS tks bl izfr:i dk ,d mnkgj.k gks ldrh gS ?
(1) A = afferent nerve B = efferent nerve (1) A = vfHkokgh raf=dk B = viokgh raf=dk
(2) A = efferent nerve B = afferent nerve (2) A = viokgh raf=dk B = vfHkokgh raf=dk
(3) A = mixed nerve b = efferent nerve (3) A = fefJr raf=dk b = viokgh raf=dk
(4) A = afferent nerve B = Mixed nerve (4) A = vfHkokgh raf=dk B = fefJr raf=dk
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
106. Which of the following nerve is not related with 106. fuEu esa ls dkuS lh raf=dk us= ls lacaf/kr ugha gS ?
eyes ?
(1) vkD;wykseksVj
(1) Oculomotor
(2) vkWfIVd
(2) Optic
(3) Trigeminal and vagus (3) Vªkbtsfeuy rFkk osxl
How many of the below listed hormones show rkfydk esa fn;s x;s fdrus gkWeksZu ;g fØ;k n'kkZrk gS
such mechanism?
æ STH, ACTH, Estrogen, Progesterone, ö
æ STH, ACTH, Estrogen, Progesterone, ö ç ÷
ç ÷ ç Testosterone, MSH, GH, Glucagon, PTH, ÷
ç Testosterone, MSH, GH, Glucagon, PTH, ÷ ç FSH, LH, TSH, Thyroxine, cortisol, Aldosterone ÷
ç FSH, LH, TSH, Thyroxine, cortisol, Aldosterone ÷ è ø
è ø
(1) Nine (2) Eight (1) Nine (2) Eight
(3) Eleven (4) Ten (3) Eleven (4) Ten
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110. Identify parts 1-5 : 110. 1-5 dks igpkfu, %
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
115. Neurosecretory cells are located in :- 115. raf=dk lzkoh dksf'kdk,sa fdlesa ikbZ tkrh gaS :-
(1) Medulla (2) Hypothalamus (1) esMwyk (2) gkbiksFksysel
(3) Pituitary gland (4) (1) and (3) (3) ih;w"k xzaFkh (4) (1) rFkk (3)
116. In respect of depolarised membrane which 116. fo/kzq for f>Yyh ds lEca /k esa dkSulk dFku lgh ugha
statement is incorrect :- gS :-
(1) Due to rapid influx of Na and K , membrane
+ +
(1) Na+ – K+ ds rhoz varxZeu ds dkj.k f>Yyh dh
polarity is changed.
èkzqoh;rk cny tkrh gAS
(2) When a stimulus is applied on polarised
membrane the membrane becomes freely (2) tc fdlh /kzqfor f>Yyh ij vkosx gksrk gS rc f>Yyh
permeable for Na+ Na+ ds fy, eqDr ikjxeh gks tkrh gAS
(3) Electrical potential difference across (3) fo/kzqfor f>Yyh ij fo|qr foHkokarj lfØ; foHko
depolarised membrane is called action dgykrk gAS
(4) fo/kqzfor f>Yyh dk lfØ; foHko] raf=dk{k dh yEckbZ
(4) Action potential of depolarised stage is
repeated along the length of axon and ds lekarj Øe dk iqujkorZu gksrk gS vkSj vkosx dk
consequently the impulse is conducted. lapj.k gksrk gAS
117. Consider the following four statements (A to D) 117. fuEufyf[kr pkj dFkuksa (A ls D) dks nsf[k, rFkk ml
and select the option which includes all the correct fodYi dks pqfu,s ftlesa lHkh lgh gS :-
one's only. (A) xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku vfrFkkbjkWbMrk ds dkj.k fØVhfuTe]
(A) Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy causes ekufld volkn gks tkrh gAS
cretinism and mental retardation.
(B) ihuh;y xzafFk] lksus o tkxus ds pØ dk fu;eu rFkk
(B) Pineal gland regulates sleep wake cycle and 'kkjhfjd mikip; ij izHkko Mkyrk gAS
influences metabolism of body.
(C) Flight rFkk fight gkWekZsu ] lfØ;rk rFkk O;qfiy
(C) Hormones of fight and flight increases
ladqpu c<+krs gAS
alertness, pupilary contraction.
(D) XywdksdkVhZdkWbM~l] RBC fuekZ.k dks izsfjr djrs gaAS
(D) Gluocorticoids stimulates RBC formation
(1) (A) and (B) are correct (1) (A) rFkk (B) lgh gAS
(2) (A), (B), D) are correct (2) (A), (B), D) lgh gAS
(3) (B) & (D) are correct (3) (B) & (D) lgh gAS
(4) (A), (B), (C), (D) all are correct (4) (A), (B), (C), (D) lHkh lgh gaAS
118. Find out the correct match is following option :- 118. fuEu fodYikas esa ls lgh feyku dks igpkfu,s :-
(a) ADH – Reabsorption of H2O (a) ADH – o`Dd ufydkvksa ls ty
from renal tubules iqujko'kks"k.k
(b) Thyroxine – Influence on electrolytic (b) FkkbjkfDlu – o|S qr vi?kV~;kas o ty larqyu ij
& H2O balance izHkko
(c) Adrenalin – Piloerection and increase (c) ,Mªhusyhu – jksaxVs [kM+s gksuk rFkk ân; lkeF;Z
strength of heart c<+kuk
(d) Thymosin – Cellular immunity via (d) Fkkbekslhu – ch&fyEQkslkbV }kjk dksf'kdh;
B-lymphocytes izfrjks/kdrk
(e) Prolactin – Growth of mammary (e) izky
s sDVhu – LRku xzafFk;kas dh o`fð o nqX/k
glands and milk secretion lzo.k
(1) a, b, d, e are correct (2) b, c, d, e are correct (1) a, b, d, e lgh gaAS (2) b, c, d, e lgh gaAS
(3) c, d, e, are correct (4) a, b, c, e are correct (3) c, d, e, lgh gaAS (4) a, b, c, e lgh gaAS
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119. Given below is a list of few chemicals find the 119. uhps nh xbZ rkfydk dqN jlk;uksa dh gAS budh mRifÙk rFkk
correct match of their origin and function :- dk;ks± dk lgh feyku igpkfu, :-
Chemical Origin Function jlk;u mRifÙk dk;Z
A Gn RH Hypothalamus Stimulate A GnRH gkbiksFkSyes l FSH rFkk LH lzo.k dks
of FSH & LH izfs jr djuk
B FkkbjkWfDlu FkkbjkWWbM xzafFk
RBC fuekZ.k esa
B Thyroxine Thyroid gland Support RBC
formation lgk;d
C dkWfVZdkWbM~l ,Mªhuy dkWVDsZ l ty o oS|rq vi?kV~;
C Corticoids Adrenal Regulate H2 O &
cortex Electrolytic iqujko'kks"k.k@lary
q u
balance dk fu;eu
D PTH Parathyroid Bone dissolution D PTH isjkFkkbjkWbM vfLFk fo?kVu rFkk
gland & Ca+2 absorption xzfa Fk ifpr Hkkstu ls Ca+2
from digested food. vo'kks"k.k
(1) A,B and C are correct (1) A,B rFkk C lgh gAS
(2) B,C and D are correct (2) B,C rFkk D lgh gAS
(3) A, C and D are correct (3) A, C rFkk D lgh gAS
(4) A,B,C and D are correct (4) A,B,C rFkk D lgh gAS
120. Read the following four statements (A to D) :- 120. fuEufyf[kr pkj dFkuks dks if<, (A to D) :-
(A) Glucocorticoids stimulates gluconeogenesis, (A) XywdksdkWfVZdksbM~l Xywdksfu;ksftusfll] ykbiksftusfll
lipogenesis and proteolysis. o izkVs hvksykbfll dks izfs jr djrs gaSA
(B) Hormones of centrally located part of adrenal (B) ,Mª h uy xa z f Fk dk ds Uæ esa fLFkr Hkkx ds gkW eks Z u
gland increase lipolysis and glycogenolysis. ykbiksykbfll o Xykbdksftuksykbfll dks c<+krk gAS
(C) Largest endocrine gland of body regulates (C) lcls cM+h vUr%lz koh xza fFk] CNS ds fodkl rFkk
development of CNS and metabolism of
dkckZsgkbMªsV o izksVhu mikip; dk fu;eu djrh gAS
carbohydrates and proteins.
(D) vkek'k; dk vUr%lzkoh Hkkx] nks gkWekZsu bUlqyhu o
(D) Endocrine part of pancrease is related to
secretion of two hormones - insulin and
Xywd kxkWu lzo.k ls lEcaf/kr gksrk gS tks Øe'k%
glucagon which are hyperglycemic and gkbijXykblsfed o gkbiksXykblsfed gksrs gaAS
hypoglycemic respectively mi;qZDr esa ls fdrus dFku lgh ga\ S
How many of the above statements are correct? (1) rhu (2) nks
(1) Three (2) Two (3) Four (4) One (3) pkj (4) ,d
121. Which one of following is correctly matched? 121. fuEu esa ls dkuS lk ,d lgh lq esfyr gSa\
(1) Progesterone – Duct formation in mammary
(1) izkt
s Ls VªkWu – LRku xazfFk;ks esa ufydk fuekZ.k
(2) Cortisol – few Na + excretion and K + (2) dkWVhZlkWy – dqN Na+ mRltZu rFkk K+ iqujko'kks"k.k
(3) Adrenaline – Piloerection, decrease strength (3) ,Mªhusyhu – jksxaVs [kM+s gksuk] ân; lkeF;Z ?kVkuk
of heart (4) esykVksuhu – rjy izfrj{kk ds lkFk j{kkRed
(4) Melatonin – Defense capability with
humoral immunity vfHk;ksX;rk
122. Hormones are classified in different categories in 122. gkWeksZu] gekjs 'kjhj esa fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa esa oxhZd`r fd,s tkrs
our body. Find out the incorrect match in gAS fuEu fodYiks esa ls xyr feyku pqfu, :-
following option:- (1) FkkbjkWfDlu – ,ehuks vEy O;qRiUu gkWekZus
(1) Thyroxine – Amino acid derivative hormone
(2) vkWDlhVkslhu – isIVkbM izd`fr gkWekZsu
(2) Oxytocin – Peptide nature hormone
(3) Prostaglandin – Short peptide hormone (3) izksLVXySMhu – y?kq isIVkbM gkWekZsu
(4) Cortisol – Steroid nature hormone (4) dkWVhZlksy – LVhjkWbM izd`fr gkWekZsu
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
123. A person is suffering from abnormal high blood 123. ,d O;fDr vlkekU; mPPk jDr nkc ls xzflr gAS 'kjhj dk
pressure, which hormone of body decreases blood dkSulk gkWekZsu bl voLFkk esa jDr nkc dks ?kVk;sxk :-
pressure in this situation:- (1) ,d LVhjkWbM gkWekZsu tks ,Mªhuy eSMwyk ls lzkfor gksrk
(1) A steroid hormone secreted from adrenal gSA
medulla (2) ,d isIVkbM gkWekZsu tks ân; vkfyUn ls lzkfor gksrk
(2) A peptide hormone secreted from heart atria gSA
(3) A protein hormone secreted from pineal gland (3) ,d izksVhu gkWekZsu tks fiuh;y xzafFk ls lzkfor gksrk gAS
(4) A fatty acid derivative hormone secreted from (4) ,d olh; vEy O;qRiUu gkWekZsu tks tuukaxks ls lzkfor
gonads gksrk gSA
124. Aldosterone is main mineralocorticoids of our 124. ,YMksLVhjkWu gekjs 'kjhj dk eq[; feujyksdkWVhZdWkbM~ gksrk
body but it is not related to one of the following gAS exj ;g fuEu esa ls ,d dFku ls lacaf/kr ugha gAS
statement. Find out the incorrect option :-
vlR; @ xyr dFku igpkfu, :-
(1) Maintenance of osmotic pressure and blood
pressure by Na + reabsorption at DCT of (1) usÝksu ds DCT Hkkx }kjk lksfM;e iqujko'kks"k.k ds }kjk
Nephron.; nkc rFkk jDr nkc dks fu;eu djrk gAS
(2) It is secretion of mesodermal part of adrenal (2) ;g ,Mªhuy xzafFk ds felksMeZy Hkkx dk gkWeksZu gaAS
(3) ;g jDr o ECF ds chp Na+, K+, Cl- vk;uksa ds
(3) It promotes ionic balance of Na+, K+, Cl- ions
larqyu dks izfs jr djrk gAS
between blood and ECF.
(4) It's hyposecretion causes cushing syndrome (4) blds vYilzo.k ds dkj.k izksVhu mip ; fØ;k ds
with abnormal increase of protein catabolism. vlrr~ c<+us ds lkFk dqa f'kx jksx gks tkrk gAS
125. Non endocrine tissues secrete_________which 125. Ård tks vUr%lzkoh ugh gS os _________lzkfor djrs
are also essential for growth of tissue and their gaS tks Årdksa dh lkekU; o`fð o ejEer ds fy, vko';d
repairing:- gksrs gAS
(1) CAMP as sec. messengers
(1) CAMP tl S k f}rh;d lan's kokgd
(2) Enzymes as proteins
(2) izksVhUl tSls ,Utkbe
(3) Neurotransmitter for fast stimulation of
growth (3) rhoz o`fð ds fy, U;wjksVªkalehVj
(4) Growth factors like-insulin like growth factor. (4) balqyhu leku o`f¼dkj tl S k o`fð dkjdA
126. A growing body leading to sunted growth , mental 126. ,d c<+rs gq,s cPps esa vojksf/kr o`fð] ean cqf ðerk rFkk
retardation and deaf mutism. Perhaps it is affected ewd cf/kjrk gks tkrh gSA lkekU;r;k ;g izHkkfor gksrk g\ S
by :-
(1) xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku FkkbjkWbM vfrlfØ;rk
(1) Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy
(2) Hyposecretion of thyroxine in mother during (2) xHkkZoLFkk ds nkjS ku L=h esa FkkbjkWfDlu dk vYilzo.k
pregnancy (3)xHkkZ'k;h ladqpu ds nkjS ku vkWDlhVkslhu o izksLVkXysafMu
(3)Abnormal secretion of oxytocin & dk vlkekU; lzo.kA
prostaglandin during uterine contraction.
(4) Mksikehu ds vfrlzo.k ls vkWDlhVkslhu o PRL dk
(4) Oversecretion of dopamine inhibits oxytocin
and PRL release. vojksèku
127. Which one is not a group of diabetogenic 127. fuEu esa ls dkSulk ,d Mk;fcVkstsfud gkWeksZu dk lewg ugha
hormones ? gSa\
(1) Adrenaline and nor adrenaline (1) ,Mªhuy rFkk ukWj ,Mªhusyhu
(2) Cortisol and growth hormone (2) dkWVhZlksy rFkk o`f¼ gkWeksZu
(3) Glucagon and insulin (3) XywdkxkWu rFkk balqyhu
(4) Thyroxine and glucagon (4) FkkbjkWfDlu rFkk XywdkxkWu
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128. Which one of the following is not a hormone but 128. fuEu esa ls dksbZ ,d gkWeksZu ugha gS exj gkeksZu dh rjg
acts like one in enhancing the uptake of calcium dk;Z dj ,d ,slh fØ;k djrk gS ftlesa Hkkstu ls dSfY'k;e
from food and preventing loss of calcium in dk xzg.k c <+rk gS rFkk ew= ls dSfY'k;e dh gkfu dks
urine:- jksdrk gS
(1) Prostaglandin (2) Vitamin D (1) izkLs VkXyfS Mau (2) foVkfeu D
(3) Cytochrome P 450 (4) Iodothyroglobulin (3) lkbVksØkse P 450 (4) vk;ksMksFkkbjksXyksC;qyhu
129. The path of light as it passes through the human 129. ekuo us= ls xqtjus okyh izdk'k fdj.kksa dk lgh ekxZ dkSulk
eye would be :- gksxk\
(1) Cornea ® aqueous humor ® lens ® vitreous (1) dkWfuZ;k ® tyh; nzo ® ysal ® dkp¡kHk nzO; ®
humor ® retina jsfVuk
(2) Cornea ® conjunctiva ® vitreous chamber (2) dkWfuZ;k ® datfDVok ® dkpk¡ Hk nz o ® ysal ®
® lens ® aqueous chamber ® retina tyh; nzo ® jsfVuk
(3) Cornea ® lens ® conjunctiva ® aqueous (3) dkWfuZ;k ® ysa l ® datfDVok ® tyh; nz o ®
chamber ® vitreous chamber ® retina dkp¡kHk nzo ® jsf Vuk
(4) Conjunctiva ® lens ® cornea ® aqueous (4) datfDVok ® ysa l ® dkWfuZ;k ® tyh; nz o ®
chamber ® vitreous chamber ® retina dkp¡kHk nzo ® jsf Vuk
130. Examine A, B, C and D in following diagram. in 130. fuEu fp= esa A, B, C rFkk D dh tk¡p fdft,sA
which one of the four options, all the items, A, fn,s x;s pkjksa fodYiksa esa ls ,d esa A, B, C rFkk
B, C and D are correct ? D pkjks Bhd gS ?
(A) (A)
(1) (A) Optic nerve (B) Iris (1) (A) n`d raf=dk (B) vkbfjl
(C) Suspensory ligament (D) Retina (C) fuyEcd Luk;q (D) jsfVuk
(2) (A) Retina (B) Fovea centralis (2) (A) jsfVuk (B) Qksfo;k lsUVªfs yl
(C) Suspensory ligament (D) Iris (C) fuyEcd Luk;q (D) vkbfjl
(3) (A) Optic nerve (B) Aqueous chamber (3) (A) n`d raf=dk (B) tyh; dks"B
(C) Suspensory ligaments (D) Fovea centralis (C) fuyEcd Luk;q (D) Qksfo;k lsUVªfs yl
(4) (A) Aqueous chamber (B) Iris (4) (A) tyh; dks"B (B) vkbfjl
(C) Fovea centralis (D) Optic nerve (C) Qksfo;k lsUVªfs yl (D) n`d raf=dk
133. Steroid hormones binds with receptors 133. LVhjkW b M gkW e ks Z u xz k fg;ks ls ca f /kr gks d j
and promotes synthesis, where as protein la'ys"k.k c<+krs gS tcfd izksVhu gkeksZu xzkfg;ks
hormones binds with receptors.:- ls caf/kr gksrs gaS :-
(1) Cytoplasmic, Carbohydrate, Intranuclear (1) dksf'kdknzO;h] dkcksgZ kbMsªM] vUrjkdsUnzdh;
(2) Intranucelar, Protein, Cytoplasmic (2) vUrjkdsUnzdh;] izksVhu] dksf'kdknzO;h
(3) Intranuclear, protein, cell membrane (3) vUrjkdsUnzdh; ] izksVhu] dksf'kdk f>Yyh
(4) Cell membrane, Carbohydrate, Intranuclear (4) dksf'kdk f>Yyh] dkcksgZ kbMªsV] vUrjkdksf'kdh;
134. After ovulation.....structure secrete a 134. v.MksRlxZ ds i'pkr~.....lajpuk----------gkWeksZu L=kfor djrh
hormone....... :- gS :-
(1) Graffian follicle, prolactin (1) xzkfQ;u iqfVdk] çksyfs DVu
(2) Graffian follicle, progesteron (2) xzkfQ;u iqfVdk] izkt s Ls VªkWu
(3) Corpus luteum, GH (3) dkWiZl Y;wfV;e] GH
(4) Corpus albicans, LH (4) dkWiZl ,YchdsUl, LH
135. Sexual behaviour, expression of emotional 135. ySfxad O;ogkj] HkkoukRed fØ;kvks tSl dk;Z fdldh
reactions like functions are joint activity of.:- lfEefyr fØ;k g:S -
(1) Amygdela + Hypothalamus + Mid brain (1) ,esXMsyk + gkbiksFksyel + e/; efLr"kd
(2) Basal ganglia + Limbic labe (2) csly xfS Xy;k¡ + fyfEcd yksc
(3) Basal ganglia + RAS (3) csly xfS Xy;k¡ + RAS
(4) Hypothalamus + Limbic system (4) gkbiksFkSysel + fyfEcd ra=
136. Cerebrum wrapped around:- 136. lsjscze fdlds pkjks vksj fyiVk gksrk g:S -
(1) Hypothalamus (2) Superior optic lobes (1) gkbiksFkSysel (2) vxz /k`dfi.M
(3) Cerebellum (4) Thalamus (3) vuqefLr"d (4) Fky S es l
137. .......helps in equalising pressure on either sides 137. .......d.kZ iVg ds nksuksa vksj ok;qnkc dks leku cuk,s j[krh
of eardrum :- gS :-
(1) Labyrinth (2) Oval window (1) ysfczUFk (2) v.Mkdkj f[kM+dh
(3) Eustachian tube (4) Cochlea (3) ;wLVsfd;u ufydk (4) dkWfDy;k
138. Which one is not related with characteristic of 138. fuEu esa ls dkSu ,d ,DlkWu ds c.My ls lEcaf/kr ugh
bundle of Axon :- gS :-
(1) Nissl granules (2) Neurofibril (1) fuly df.kdk,sa (2) U;wjksQkbfczy
(3) Mitochondria (4) Axoplasm (3) ekbVksdkfUMª;k¡ (4) ,DlkWIykTe
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139. Which chemical stimulates formation of myelin 139. dkuS lk jlk;u raf=dk ra= esa ek;yhu vkoj.k ds fuekZ.k
sheath in neural system ? dks izsfjr djrk gS ?
(1) Proteins (2) Thyroxine (1) izksVhUl (2) FkkbjksDlhu
(3) Ach (4) All of these (3) Ach (4) mijksDr lHkh
140. Highly branched structure of neuron is :- 140. U;wjkWu dh lcls vf/kd 'kkf[kr lajpuk gS :-
(1) Axon (2) Efferent fibre (1) ,DlkWu (2) viokgh rarq
(3) Afferent fibre (4) Cyton (3) vfHkokgh rarq (4) lk;VkWu
141. Appearance of grey matter towards innerside is 141. ?kwlj æO; vUnj dh vksj mifLFkfr] fdlls lEcfU/kr gS :-
related with :- (1) izefLr"d (2) vuqefLr"d
(1) Cerebrum (2) Cerebellum
(3) Spinal cord (4) Corpus callosum (3) es:jTtq (4) dkWiZl dsyksle
142. Bundles of axon in PNS and CNS called 142. PNS o CNS es ,DlkWu ds c.My dks Øe'k% dgk tkrk
respectively :- gS :-
(1) Tract, Nuclei (2) Nerve, Tract (1) Tract, U;wfDyvkbZ (2) raf=dk, Tract
(3) Tract, Nerve (4) Ganglia, Nuclei (3) Tract , raf=dk (4) xfS Xy;ka] U;wfDyvkbZ
143. Find out correct match :- 143. lgh feyku dks <w f<, :-
(1) Multipolar neuron - embryonic stage (1) cgq/kzqoh; U;wjkWu -; voLFkk
(2) Apolar neuron - Hydra (2) v/kzqoh; U;wjkWu - gkbMªk
(3) Unipolar neuron - Dorsal root ganglia of spinal cord (3) ,d /kzqoh; U;wjkWu - es:jTtq dk i`"Bewy xfS Xy;k¡
(4) Bipolar neuron - Horizontal cell of eye (4) f}/kzqoh; U;wjkWu - us= dh {kSfrt dksf'kdk
144. Which cell forms myelin sheath in PNS ? 144. PNS esa dkSulh dksf'kdk ek;yhu vkoj.k cukrh gS ?
(1) Schwann cell (2) oligodendrocyte (1) 'oku dksf'kdk (2) vkfyxksMsUMªkslkbV
(3) microglial cell (4) Neuron (3) ekbØksfXy;y dksf'kdk (4) U;wjkWu
145. Fatty acid derivative is :- 145. olh; vEy O;qRiUu dkSulk gS\
(1) Thyroxine (2) ADH (1) FkkbjkWfDlu (2) ADH
(3) MSH (4) Prostaglandin (3) MSH (4) izksLVkaXySfMu
146. Thymus gland is found at ventral surface of :- 146. Fkkbel xzafFk-------dh v/kj lrg dh vksj ik;h tkrh gS :-
(1) Brain (2) Neck (1) efLr"d (2) xnZu
(3) Kidney (4) Heart (3) o`Dd (4) ân;
147. Eye lens in human is :- 147. euq"; esa us= dk ysal gksrk gS :-
(1) Biconcave (2) Biconvex (1) mHk;koÙky (2) mHk;ksÙky
(3) Flat (4) (1) & (2) (3) piVk (4) (1) & (2)
148. BMR regulatory hormone is :- 148. vk/kkj mikip;h nj ds fu;eu djus okyk gkWekZsu dkSulk g:S -
(1) Thyroxine (2) PTH (1) FkkbjkWfDlu (2) PTH
(3) Adrenaline (4) Oxytocin (3) ,Mªhusyhu (4) vkWDlhVkslhu
149. Adrenalin is secreted from part of adrenal 149. ,Mªhusyhu] ,sMªhuy ds Hkkx ls L=kfor gksrk gS :-
(1) Endodermal (2) Ectodermal (1) ,.MksMeZy (2) ,DVksMeZy
(3) Mesodermal (4) No secretion (3) felksMZey (4) L=ko ugh gksrk
150. MSH in human secreted by which part of 150. euq"; esa MSH fi;w"k xzafFk ds fdl Hkkx ls L=kfor gksrk
pituitary:- gS :-
(1) Anterior (2) Middle (1) vxz (2) e/;
(3) Posterior (4) No secretion (3) i'p (4) L=ko ugh gksrk
151. Master gland is :- 151. ekLVj xzafFk gS :-
(1) Thyroid (2) Hypothalamus (1) FkkbjkWbM (2) gkbiksFkyS sel
(3) Parathyroid (4) Pituitary (3) isjkFkkbjkbM (4) fi;q"k xzafFk
152. Auditory receptors are located in :- 152. Jo.k xzkgh dgka fLFkr gksrs gS :-
(1) Utriculus (2) Semicircular canal (1) ;qVªhdy (2) v¼Zo`Ùkkdkj ufydk,sa
(3) Saccule (4) Organ of corti (3) lsD;wy (4) dkWVhZ dk vax
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153. Condensed cones are found in :- 153. la?kfur 'kadq dgka ik,s tkrs gaS :-
(1) Blind spot (2) Fovea (1) va/k fcUnq (2) Qksfo;k
(3) Complete retina (4) (2) & (3) both (3) lEiw.kZ jsfVuk (4) (2) o (3) nksuksa
154. 'Exophthalmic goitre' (Grave's disease) is caused 154. ^,DlvkWIFky S sfed* (xzSo dk jksx) xks;Vj jksx dk dkjd
due to :- gS :-
(1) Hypofunction of the thyroid (1) FkkW;jkbM dh vYifØ;rk
(2) Hyperfunction of the thyroid (2) FkkWbjkbM dh vfrfØ;rk
(3) Hypofunction of the parathyroid (3) iSjkFkkWbjkbM dh vYifØ;rk
(4) Hyperfunction of the parathyroid (4) ijS kFkkWbjkbM dh vfrfØ;rk
155. The mineralocorticoid hormone of the adrenal 155. vf/ko`Dd oYdqV dk feusjy s ksdksVhZdksbZM tks Na+ izfrèkj.k
cortex which causes the Na+ retention and K+ o K+ dk mRltZu djkrk gS :-
excretion is :-
(1) dksVhZlksy (2) ADH
(1) Corticosol (2) ADH
(3) Progesterone (4) Aldosterone (3) izkstsLVkWjku (4) ,YMksLVhjkWu
156. Diabetes mellitus is caused due to the deficiency 156. MkbfcVht esykbVl dk dkj.k balqfyu dh deh gS tks L=for
of insulin which is secreted by :- gksrk gS :-
(1) Alpha cells (2) Beta cells (1) vYQk dksf'kdk (2) chVk dksf'kdk
(3) Pituitary (4) Thyroid (3) ih;w"k (4) Fkk;jkbM
157. Which of the following does not secrete any 157. fuEu es ls dkSulk gkWekZsu L=for ugha djrk g\S
hormone ?
(1) v.Mk'k; (2) o`"k.k
(1) Ovary (2) Testis
(3) Spleen (4) Pancreas (3) frYyh (4) vXuk'k;
158. FSH and LH hormones together are called :- 158. FSH o LH la;qDr :i ls dgykrs gS :-
(1) Emergency hormones (1) vkikrdkyhu gkWekZsu
(2) Gonadotropic hormones (2) xksusMksVªksfid gkWekZsu
(3) Neurohormones (3) U;wjksgkWekZus
(4) Outstress hormones (4) rukogkjh gkWekZsu
159. Identify the correct sequence of organs / regions 159. ekuo d.kZ es vax@LFkkuks ds lgh Øe dks igpkfu, :-
in the organization of human ear :- (1) fiUuk - Jo.k uky - fVEiSfud f>Yyh - esfy;l - bUdl
(1) Pinna - Auditory canal - Tympanic membrane - - LVsIl - dkWfDy;k - Jo.k raf=dk
Malleus - Incus - Stapes - Cochlea - Auditory nerve
(2) fiUuk - dkWfDy;k - fVEiSfud f>Yyh - Jo.k raf=dk
(2) Pinna - Cochlea - Tympanic membrane - Auditory
- esfy;l - LVsIl - bUdl - Jo.k raf=dk
canal - Malleus - Stapes - Incus - Auditory nerve
(3) fiUuk - fVEiSfud f>Yyh - Jo.k uky - bUdl - esfy;l
(3) Pinna - Tympanic membrane - Auditory canal -
Incus - Malleus - Stapes - Cochlea - Auditory nerve - LVsIl - dkWfDy;k - Jo.k raf=dk
(4) Pinna - Tympanic membrane - Auditory canal - (4) fiUuk - fVEifS ud f>Yyh - Jo.k uky - dkWfDy;k -
Cochlea - Malleus - Incus - Stapes - Auditory nerve esfy;l - bUdl - LVsIl - Jo.k raf=dk
160. Which ear ossicle is attached with tympanic 160. dkSulh d.kZ vfLFk d.kZ iVg ls tqM+rh g\
membrane ?
(1) badl (2) esfy;l
(1) incus (2) malleus
(3) stapes (4) Hyoid (3) LVsIl (4) gk;ksbM
161. Which of the following bones is in direct contact 161. fuEu es ls dkSulh vfLFk v.Mkdkj f[kMdh ls izR;{k laidZ
with oval window :- es jgrh gS :-
(1) Incus (2) Stapes (1) badl (2) LVsIl
(3) Malleus (4) All of these (3) esfy;l (4) mijksDr lHkh
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162. Eustachian tube connects :- 162. ;wLVsfd;u ufydk tksM+rh gS :-
(1) Pharynx to middle ear (1) xzluh dks e/; d.kZ ls
(2) Middle ear to external ear (2) e/; d.kZ dks cká d.kZ ls
(3) Left atrium to right atrium (3) ck;sas vkfyUn dks nk, vkfyan ls
(4) Left ventricle to right ventricle (4) ck,a fuy; dks nk,a fuy; ls
163. Which of the following is balancing organ :- 163. fuEu es ls dkuS lk larqy u vax gS :-
(1) Organ of Corti (2) Cochlea (1) vkXkZu vkWQ dksVhZ (2) dkWfDy;k
(3) Vestibular apparatus (4) Oval window (3) osLVhC;qyj ra= (4) v.Mkdkj f[kM+dh
164. Select the answer with correct matching of the 164. la jpuk] LFkku o dk;Z es lgh fefyr mÙkj dk p;u
structure, its location and function :- dhft, :-
165. Nissl's granules are present in the ____ and are 165. fuly df.kdk, Øe'k% ____ es mifLFkr o ___ ls cuh
made up of ___ respectively :- gksrh gS :-
(1) Muscle cells and deoxyribo nucleic acid (1) is'kh dksf'kdk o MhvkDlhjkbcks U;qfDyd vEy
(2) Mast cells and RNA (2) ekLV dksf'kdk o RNA
(3) Osteocytes and DNA (3) vkfLV;kslkbV o DNA
(4) Neuron and RNA (4) raf=dk dksf'kdk o RNA
166. Nerve impulse initiates with the movements of :- 166. fuEu dh xfr ds dkj.k raf=dk vkosx mRiUu gksrk gS :-
(1) K+ (2) Mg+ (3) Ca+ (4) Na+ (1) K+ (2) Mg+ (3) Ca+ (4) Na+
167. During the propagation of a nerve impulse, the 167. raf=dk vkosx ds izlkj.k ds nkSjku fØ;kRed foHko dk
action potential results from the movement of :- fuekZ.k fuEu dh xfr ds dkj.k gksrk gS :-
(1) K+ ions from intracellular fluid to extracellular fluid (1) K + vk;u va r jdks f 'kdh nz O ; ls ckádks f 'kdh
(2) Na+ ions from extracellular fluid to intracellular nzO;
fluid (2) Na+ vk;u ckádksf'kdh nzO; ls varjdksf'kdh nzO;
(3) K+ ions from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid (3) K + vk;u ckádks f 'kdh nz O ; ls va r jdks f 'kdh
(4) Na+ ions from intracellular fluid to extracellular nzO;
fluid (4) Na+ vk;u varjdksf'kdh nzO; ls ckádksf'kdh nzO;
168. Which part of brain consists of fibre tracts and 168. efLr"d dk dkSulk Hkkx js'ksuqek iFk dk cuk gksrk gS rFkk
inter connect different regions of the brain ? efLr"d ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dks vkil esa tksM+rk gS ?
(1) Cerebellum (2) Medulla oblongata (1) vuqefLr"d (2) esMwyk vkCykWxkVk
(3) Limbic system (4) Pons (3) fyfEcd ra= (4) iksal
169. Expression of emotional reaction is concerned 169. euksHkkoukvks dh izfrfØ;k vfHkO;fDr dk lEcU/k fdlls
with :- g\
(1) Association area (2) Thalamus (1) lgHkkxh {ks= (2) Fky
S es l
(3) Limbic system (4) Cerebellum (3) fyfEcd ra= (4) vuqefLr"d
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Target : Pre-Medical 2018/NEET-UG/01-01-2017
170. Find out the correct labeling for A, B, C, D in 170. fn;s x;s fp= esa A, B, C, D ds fy, lgh ukekadu
the given diagram? pqfu;s?
(1) A = External auditory meatus, B = Tympanic (1) A = cká d.kZ dq g j ] B = fVEis f ud f>Yyh]
membrane, C = Cochlea, D = Ossicles C = dksfDy;k¡] D = vfLFkdk
(2) A = Ossicles, B = Tympanic membrane, (2) A = vfLFkdk, B = fVEisfud f>Yyh, C = dksfDy;k¡,
C = Cochlea, D = Eustachian tube D = ;wLVsfd;u ufydk
(3) A = Eustachian tube, B = Tympanic (3) A = ;wLVsfd;u ufydk, B = fVEisfud f>Yyh ,
membrane, C = Cochlea, D = Ossicles C = dksfDy;k¡, D = vfLFkdk
(4) A = Cochlea, B = Tympanic membrane, (4) A = dksfDy;k¡, B = fVEisfud f>Yyh, C = Jo.k
C = auditory meatus, D = Ossicles dqgj] D = vfLFkdk
171. Diameter of pupil is regulated by :- 171. I;qf iy ds O;kl dk fu;eu fdlds }kjk gksrk g\
(1) Suspensory liagament (1) fuyEcd Luk;q
(2) Muscle fibres of Iris (2) vkbfjl ds is'kh rarq
(3) White muscle fibres of sclera (3) Ldysjk ds 'osr is'kh rarq
(4) Optic nerve fibres (4) n`d raf=dk rarq
172. Find out the correct labelling in the following 172. fuEu fp= esa lgh ukekadu dks pqfu;s ?
Uterine cell
Uterine cell
membrane Hormone
(e.g., D)
(e.g., D)
responses (Tissue growth
Physiological and differentiation)
responses (Tissue growth
and differentiation)
(1) A = Xywdkst, B = ftukse, C = xzkgh,
(1) A = Glucose, B = Genome, C = Receptor, D = ,sMªhusyhu
D = Adrenaline
(2) A = olk, B = DNA, C = gkeksZu xzkgh lfEeJ,
(2) A = Fats, B = DNA, C = Hormone Receptor
D = FkkbjkWfDlu
complex, D = Thyroxine
(3) A = Proteins, B = DNA, C = Hormone (3) A = izksVhUl, B = DNA, C = gkeksZu xzkgh lfEeJ,
Receptor complex, D = Adrenaline D = ,Mªhusyhu
(4) A = Proteins, B = Genome, C = Hormone (4) A = izksVhUl, B = thukse, C = gkeksZu xzkgh lfEeJ,
Receptor complex, D = Oestrogen D = ,LVªkt
s u
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173. Which of the glands are under direct neural 173. dkSulh xzafFk lh/ks raf=dh; izHkko esa gksrs gS ?
influence? (1) ,Mªhuy dkWVZsDl
(1) Adrenal cortex
(2) ,Mªhuy esMwyk
(2) Adrenal medulla
(3) FkkbjkWbM
(3) Thyroid
(4) Gonads (4) tuukax
174. Find out the incorrect option with respect to 174. gkWeksZu ds lanHkZ esa xyr fodYi dk pquko dhft;s ?
hormones :- (1) çksysfDVu = v.MksRlxZ gkWeksZu
(1) Prolactin = Ovulation hormone
(2) dkWVhZlkWy = ân;h laoguh ra= j[kj[kko
(2) Cortisol = Cardio-vascular system maintenance
(3) FkkWbjkWfDlu = BMR dk fu;eu
(3) Thyroxine = Regulation of BMR
(4) Melatonine = Sleep wake cycle regulation (4) esykVksfuu = lksus o tkxus ds pØ dk fu;eu
175. Which of the following is essential for normal rate 175. fuEu esa ls dkSu FkkbjkWbM gkWeksZu ds lkekU; nj ls la'ys"k.k
of hormone synthesis in thyroid ? ds fy, vko';d gS ?
(1) Mg+2 (2) I2 (1) Mg+2 (2) I2
(3) Dopamine (4) Ca+2 (3) Mksikehu (4) Ca+2
176. Transportation of which hormone is first carried 176. fdl gkWeksZu dk LFkkukUrj.k U;wjkWu ds ,DlkWu rFkk mlds
by axon of neuron and then by blood stream ? ckn jDr ds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS ?
(1) Thyroxine (2) Oxytocin (1) FkkWbjkWfDlu (2) vkWDlhVkslhu
(3) Cortisol (4) Aldosterone (3) dkWVhZlksy (4) ,YMksLVhjkWu
177. To control emotion and motivation, the limbic 177. euksHkkoks o vfHkizjs .k dks fu;af=r djus ds fy, fyfEcd
system works together with :- ra= feydj dk;Z djrk gS :-
(1) Pons (2) Epithalamus (1) ikal
S (2) ,sfiFky
S es l
(3) Cerebellum (4) Hypothalamus (3) vuqefLr"d (4) gkbiksFky
S sel
178. Pons, cerebellum, medulla together constitute:- 178. ikal
S ] vuqefLr"d] eMS wyk vkCyksxsaVk feydj cukrs gS :-
(1) Fore brain (2) Midbrain (1) vxzefLr"d (2) e/;efLr"d
(3) Hind brain (4) Diencephalon (3) i'pefLr"d (4) Mkb,uflQsyksu
179. Afferent nerve fibre conduct impulse from :- 179. vfHkokgh raf=dk rarq vkosx dks lapfjr djrs gaS :-
(1) CNS to receptor (1) CNS ls xzkgh
(2) CNS to effector (2) CNS ls izHkkoh
(3) Receptor to CNS (3) xzkgh ls CNS
(4) Effector to receptor (4) izHkkoh ls xzkgh
180. In knee jerk reflex direction of response is:- 180. uh tdZ fjQysDl esa çfrfØ;k dh fn'kk D;k gksxh:-
(1) towards stimulus (1) mn~nhiu dh rjQ
(2) away from stimulus (2) mn~nhiu ls nwj
(3) in any direction (3) fdlh Hkh fn'kk esa
(4) none of the above (4) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
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SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / jQ dk;Z ds fy;s txg
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