Becoimg Razia Sultan
Becoimg Razia Sultan
Becoimg Razia Sultan
Razia Sultan
Compiled By
Rishav Banerjee
Becoming Razia Sultan
AM/56, Basanti Colony, Rourkela 769012, Odisha, India.
An Affiliate of FanatiXx®
© Copyright, 2021, Rishav Banerjee
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by
any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, Optical,
chemical, manual, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior Written consent of its Writer.
ISBN: 978-93-5452-375-5
Printed by:
Book Formatting: Pratham Mittal
Cover Design: Sagar Samal
Price: 249 INR
The making of this Anthology would not have been possible
without the co-authors. A sincere gratitude towards all who have
worked hard and have made effort for this book to be a success.
Lastly, I would love to say thanks to the Never Dying Art`s Team
who has always supported me.
-Rishav Banerjee
This anthology is a work of fiction. The compilers have tried to
make sure that all write ups in this book are original and free from
All write-ups are unique and they belong solely to the co-authors.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
The great iconic Piller - Qutub Minar which embodies the Ismalic
culture and also the essence of that ear was also carved during her
reign and there are many examples like that which are still
sufficient to hold a strong opinion about the Mamluk Dynasty and
so on.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Pratham Mittal
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Just A Lady
She's seen for what she wears, not for what's beneath the fabric.
She can't stop what's about to happen, but it's all her fault.
It's just another ordinary day for you and everyone else.
Just something to do and then forget about.
You can act rashly, but it's her and everyone else who has to live in
fear of it.
Neither you nor the people who make the rules are to blame.
The ones who don't give a damn about it are the ones in charge of
her decisions.
Those who don't have to think about what they're wearing, where
they're going, or who they're with are the ones who make her think
about them.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Ananya Mohanty
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Becoming Razia Sultan
The person she called her BIG BROTHER molested her in the
name of playing games and as an innocent child she trusted him.
But after 3 years one day her mother found out about this thing of
her so-called brother and after knowing it all she broke down in
pieces. The innocent girl was interrogated by her mother and when
she replied saying the truth to all, her family also interrogated his
brother but he lied and as he is a boy, everyone blamed the
innocent broken soul as a SLUT. She was blamed at such an age
where she doesn’t even know the meaning of molestation and
sexual harassment. After this her mother told her the truth and
listening it, she felt herself getting drained.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
After some years she started regaining her confidence but what a
cruel faith she had, her teacher molested her, whom she called
grandfather and again she broke.
But this time she became angry and frustrated at how she endured
everything and sat there helplessly. She decided to fight and rudely
went away from there and came to her hose and told everything to
her parents and warned them if they tried to tell her to continue
there, she will beat that old man up till he has no more breath to
take. And her parents first time saw her being so aggressive and
furious and decided to not go against her.
That day she learned that she just needs a little courage to fight for
herself and she did it. She fights her family and proved them that
she was not the old girl they messed with but was a cold person
they are messing with.
Her paternal family have never valued her as she was a girl and
always loved and cared for all her brothers. She loved her small
brother the most in her family as he is her own child. But after that
incident everyone tried to break her relationship with him but her
brother loved and cared her a lot so he never left her hand and
always supported her no matter what.
At the age of 17 she was suffering from severe depression and was
prone to suicide. When she went to hostel, she started being colder
hearted and loner. She started wearing a mask of smile and
happiness on her face so that no one will ever approach her asking
her problems. But one person saw through her and dragged her out
of the hollow world she hides herself in.
She was like an angle in her life, who taught her again to be herself
and live her life and dreams again.
And then the once dead cheerful girl reborn again and spread her
wings high to fly in the sky she once dreamt of. She started
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Becoming Razia Sultan
speaking up for herself again and never compromise her desire for
others. She was still cold hearted on the outside, for not getting
betrayed again. She started exploring herself knowing herself more
and falling in love with herself. The bathroom singer became
confident enough to perform in front of peoples on stage, the
closed-door dancer participated in the functions and showed her
talent to all, the small and secret writer became a published author
and the girl she was became herself again.
The family who once prayed for her to just get vanished is now
envying her success and power. She started participating in many
co-curriculum activities and gained positions in most. Her mother
after knowing all these felt proud of her and smiled through her
tears after recalling her innocent angel’s cruel past.
Years past and now she is 20 and she is in her dream university
pursuing her passion and also achieving success. Now everyone is
appreciating her and wishing her more success but some are still
wishing for her to fall down but she is strong enough to climb back
up again.
Even if in life she suffered a lot of pain she learned a lot of things,
she learned how to handle toxic people, deal with manipulative
people, fight for her right. She slowly planned her career and
started working on it while following her passion. She became a
free individual with a new identity and life without caring about
the society.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
20 | N e v e r D y i n g A r t ` S
Becoming Razia Sultan
It’s been 10 years since I left this county and went to The States.
But now I am back to complete the work I have been waiting for.
Let me something about myself I am AMO KIM. I used to stay in
Korea 10yrs ago and was 18 that time and was a sweet girl but the
society and the demons out there destroyed the old me and now
they will pay for what they did. My father never liked me and
considered me as a trash as they wanted a boy but. then my father
started abusing me and after my mother’s death he married
someone and then it began to be a hell for me as they took me as
their hitting dummy.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
I always help the people who wants to help themselves and will
make those suffer who use others weakness as their power. I am so
powerful now that no one can drag me down and step on me. Even
if we all have weakness never let that to control you but you
control it and make it your strength. Today if someone tries to drag
you down just be silent and go with the flow coz no one knows that
after a silence a hurricane is waiting for them.
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Karthik N
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Women empowerment
Can work anywhere
Can work anytime
Complaining no more
Working solely
And not dependent
On the others for help
Or for any tasks
It could be an easy work
Or hardest task
Even some people fail
To make it fare
But the women make
It to reality from fakes
The challenge she takes
Greatness it lays
Women never frays
Always compatible and praising
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Woman Is A Need
Women is a need
Irrespective of any field
Whether agriculture
Or horticulture
In scientific labs
Or presentation of displaying favs
Everywhere women is necessary
They can work hard
Make it easy for others
Simple but solid
Make it gentle and kind
From rigidity
To flexibility
From hard to soft
Simply easy peas
Hence the need of women
Is everywhere in the present
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Boobana Raj
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Be kind to yourself
Believe you can win this world
Everything is withing you
Trust none except you
You can change things and make wonders
Only if you believe in you
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Ahana Saha
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Becoming Razia Sultan
We all know that for decade or let's say for centuries, women have
suffered in the hands of corrupt, evil, one-sided society; yet they
kept fighting for their rights. Starting from the later Vedic age to
the present times, we still see women suffering. Even in jobs and
offices, we see men getting more chances than women. These are
some of the many reasons we know for which woman
empowerment is needed. Even in the recent news, Taliban attacks
are a common topic where we see that Taliban restricted every
single thing starting from dressing to rights and duties for women.
They still believe in the old principle which tells that "Women are
here to give birth and look after household".
Women's empowerment can be defined as - Promoting women's
sense of self-worth, their ability to determine own choices, and
their right to influence social change for themselves and others.
Women's empowerment basically encourages the following points-
Women's sense of self-worth
Their right to determine choices
Their right to have access to opportunities and resources
Their right to have power to control their lives, both within and
outside the home
But just because women have suffered and did not get the rights,
they deserved but still stood strong; doesn't make them the best
between the two genders i.e., men and women. Yeah, it’s true that
we should support women's empowerment and that's because, even
if we are standing in 21st century, women still don't get the rights
they deserve. Don't get me wrong but we should support women
empowerment to the extent that both the genders become equal
cause if we start to think that women are better; then I'm sure men
will face the same neglection women faced. And of course, we
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Becoming Razia Sultan
don't want history to repeat itself, do we? Hence, have a nice day
and support women's empowerment. That's all
Women's empowerment (or female empowerment) is the process
of empowering women. It may be defined in several ways,
including accepting women's viewpoints or making an effort to
seek them, raising the status of women through education,
awareness, literacy, and training. Women's empowerment equips
and allows women to make life-determining decisions through the
different problems in society. They may have the opportunity to
redefine gender roles or other such roles, which in turn may allow
them more freedom to pursue desired goals.
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Anushka Gupta
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7 Billion People
Women can't lead
She must plead
Should live under the shoe
Beg for her breath
Feeling disheartened
They ask themselves "am I that weak?"
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Riddhi Parui
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Hope Of Tomorrow
Women are the hope of tomorrow. All people have their own right
to lead their life in their own way. But why women are not allowed
to lead their life? Aren't they humans? Aren't they made by bones,
blood, muscles? So why our society saw a woman in a bad way?
Why they act with a woman in a bad intention? We all say equality
should be there, no discrimination between women and men but
when it comes to reality, we act like that who are women? They
are fool creatures, disgusting creatures and all these that's why a
man should be in a higher position than a woman. Are we living in
2021? With this kind of mentality!
Many of us feel ashamed when our mother is a house wife. Isn't it?
But because inequality, unfreedom and pushing in their blood that
you are less than a man! When a woman is raped, the faults are if
women's only, maybe she was showing her body like the way she
was dressed up, maybe she was smoked and drunk but I think it
wasn't her dress, it was your evil mind! If you rape a woman then
where you get "a virgin wife'?
Many women had proved that they can do anything no matter what.
Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to go in space,
Kadambini Gangly, the first lady doctor. So how can we say
women are less than men! What is the logic? We worship female
goddess but in our own home we are killing our own girl power.
Remember if you kill her before birth, the world will die in dearth.
We underestimate the power of a woman but she is the only person
who can carry a child in her womb for 9 months which a man
When the word 'Woman' comes in our mind we think that a person
who can't do anything, a person who should always be under
control, a person who can't fly and can't grow, a person who is less
than a man and a person who is a curse of this world. But let me
tell you a woman can do anything, a woman can fly and can grow,
a woman is equal to a man and a woman is not a curse rather than
she is a blessing because remember she is a powerful creation of
God, if she can make the world, she can destroy it too. Women
empowerment basically means to promote women's sense of self-
worth, their ability to determine their own choices and their right to
influence social change for themselves and others.
Our society always teaches us that woman should have culture, she
should have boundaries in her life and restrictions too because they
already want a woman not to get educated but get marry and be a
maid in others house! But why? Every girl has rights to learn! Stop
murdering the adolescence by youngster marriage and begin
teaching your girl. We all want to be independent but when it
comes to a woman, she should be dependent. What a great thing
our society is teaching to us!
Why you want a daughter-in-law, when you killed your own girl
child? Never try to judge a woman bravery because what a woman
can tolerate, a man can never!
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Becoming Razia Sultan
We Are Women
We are love, we are care, we are nurture, we are encouragement,
we are strength, we are kindness.
We are able to join beyond blood bonds and unite beyond the
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Mohammed Niyaz
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Taunt Of Words
She was the only one to support her family.
With lots of problems hiding rivalry.
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Srija Sadhukhan
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Becoming Razia Sultan
We Need Equality
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Ushmi Dutta
Ushmi Dutta is a young girl hailing from Sonari, (Assam). She has
been writing for 10 years. As she grew older, she progressed in her
writing. She has more interest in fictional stories and has a great
love in art and literature. Apart from story writing she is good in
singing, song writing and composing. She has graduated from
Sonari College obtaining a bachelor's degree in English. She is
now pursuing her master’s degree from Deviprasad Goenka
Management of Media Studies in Mass Communication &
Journalism. She has also done her diploma in PGDCA course. In
her free time, she used to go to a local library. She has also
participated as a co-author in many anthologies. She lives with her
mother, father and younger brother. She loves nature who is
extremely happy to be a part of this anthology.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
A girl named "Vidya'' who belongs to a poor family in Assam with
a big dream to become a sprinter. She is a 12-year-old girl who
lives in a patriarchal village where women are not allowed to move
out of their home. She lives with her parents and two younger
siblings. She says everything to her mother, "Smriti" and Smriti
says to give up her dream because no one would allow her to do so.
Vidya is sad. One day, Vidya was sitting in the corridor of her
home and she saw a bull running towards a child and the child was
playing, unaware about it. She shouted but nobody listened to her
and she herself ran and saved the child from the bull. The child's
mother, "Sharmila" saw that and she was so happy that Vidya
saved her child. Sharmila says this to her husband, "Ajay". Ajay is
angry about why a girl came out from her home and complains
about Vidya to the head of the village. Village head calls Vidya's
father, "Prakash" and warns him to have a look towards his family
because her daughter is coming out of her home. Prakash says that,
"Vidya just came out to save the kid". Ajay is so heartless that in
spite of saying thank you to Vidya for saving his child, he is
accusing her. And Prakash apologizes on behalf of Vidya.
Prakash went home and praised Vidya for saving a life but warned
her not to go out again for any reason. Vidya at night, thinking
about the incident and she thought to go out again to run. Next day,
she seeks permission from Smriti to have a practise on running.
Smriti says," You can do this but after everyone sleeps." At about
11 O'clock, Vidya came out from her home for her practise. And
after 1 week, someone saw her running in the road and complained
to Prakash. Next day, Prakash slaps Vidya for not listening to him.
Vidya tries to convince him that she wants to become a sprinter,
she can't give up her dreams. Prakash scolds that no girl in the
village is allowed to go out of their home and she is dreaming to
become a sprinter. Prakash says," This is impossible", and rushes
from there.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Prakash next day sees Vidya crying, he is feeling sad for her and
goes to talk about this matter to his friend, "Rakesh". Rakesh says,
"Vidya is like my daughter, I am feeling bad for her but you know
the condition of our village and also we don't have money to send
her for any training." Prakash knows that Vidya has the courage to
do something and wants her to go ahead but how they would
manage the head of the village. Prakash and Rakesh went to the
head to talk about Vidya's dream. Head of the village said, "It is
not possible. We can't allow any girl to go out and to do something
which are not meant for girls." Rakesh tries to convince him but no
response. They came back home. After some days, one night,
Prakash's neighbour's hut is on fire. People rushed there and
shouting that people are inside the home and nobody is trying to
take them out. Then Prakash goes inside to help them and Vidya
sees everything from the window and she runs to save her father
and moves inside the hut. Fortunately, nobody was harmed and all
came out safely. The news comes to the head of the village that
again Vidya came out from her home. Along with Prakash, his
whole family was thrown out of the village.
They move to another village and Prakash is searching for a new
job for their survival. He gets a work of fruit vendor. Prakash is
saying to Smriti, "I am facing more crisis for our survival. I have 3
daughters; I don't know how I can manage everything." Vidya
listens her parent's conversation and feels very sad. But the new
village where they came, is not like the previous one. Women are
allowed to go out of their houses. This brings a little hope for
Vidya and again she seeks permission from Prakash to do her
practise. This time Prakash didn't stop her and encouraged her.
Vidya starts practising day and night. And suddenly 8 years have
passed. Now Vidya is 20 years old and fully ready to participate in
a competition. But Prakash has no money to send her anywhere.
As she is a village girl, Vidya's neighbour starts telling her parents
about her marriage because she is now 20 years old. But Vidya
doesn't want to get married. But Smriti says they don't have money
to afford for Vidya only because she has 2 more daughters too.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Smriti says, "People have some dreams that are not meant to be
fulfilled." And Smriti consoles Vidya to forget about her dream
and to focus on her marriage and in-laws' house. Vidya then agrees
for the marriage because she doesn't have any other way. After her
'Roka', she is very upset that her dream will turn into vain and can
never become a sprinter. After her marriage, Vidya says everything
to her husband, "Nitin". Nitin understands her feelings and
supports her to go ahead. But Nitin's family is against this decision.
As they are from a good family but still, they also belong under a
village area. So, it is not good for them that a newlywed daughter-
in-law will go out in front of other men to play. Nitin tries to
explain to them that if men are capable of doing it, why won't
women? Nitin's mother, "Kalki" slaps Nitin and says not to do
these things in their home.
Nitin is also a stubborn person, as he thinks that Vidya will play,
that means she will play. He took Vidya and sent her for training.
When this news came to Nitin's family, they threw them out of
their family. And Nitin's father, "Ganesh" does 'shraddha' of Nitin
and Vidya and says, "Nitin and Vidya are dead now. They can't
keep their feet in this house again." Both Nitin and Vidya went to a
city, Nitin always supported her. Both started a small 'Dhabi' near
their home. Vidya and Nitin both remain there up to 4 O'clock,
then Vidya leaves for her training. One day, Vidya gets selected in
a race and she was telecast on TV. She won the race; everybody is
appreciating and she gained her name and fame. Now, Nitin's
family came to meet them. Kalki wants to take them home but
Nitin refuses to go back again and sends Kalki back. Vidya says,
"Nitin, they are our family, we should forgive them and must go
back home. They understand their mistake now. Please let's go
home." Nitin then agrees to go back.
After 2 days, both Nitin and Vidya go to their home and Ganesh
welcomes them and apologizes in front of them. Both forgave their
family and started living happily. Then Prakash comes to inform
Vidya that, "Vidya, where we used to live in our old village, the
head of that village calls us to visit the village, especially you as a
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Rashmi Pd Gupta
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Meaning Of Women
Women describes power
She can climb any life's tower
She is beautiful like a flower
But never think she is not stronger
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Becoming Razia Sultan
The way she loves
The way she embraces
No one can compare her grace
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Trishita Tapadar
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Women Empowerment
Well, Women are the one to be suppressed down under the feet of
No no, they don't have any choice of their own and freedom or
liberty. A very famous quote by the voice of women and men, "
Women, oh still now not married! What for studying so much?,
She didn't listen to her husband?, Don't show your body, You are a
girl and should tolerate more, she wore a short dress and came
back home form a night party at 3:00 pm without a male member."
These are few famous TAGLINES" from people. I am perfectly
happy with this.
Why don't you people raise your voice against this? Are all women
not equal to deserve the equal respect, freedom, literacy, mental
peace, right to choose and many more at high?
Let us all bring our hands together and make a building for raising
voice against these few facts which is not acceptable by a woman
and put stress on the mind of a girl.
What it leads to is depression, anxiety and insecurities in oneself.
My perspective regarding this is why should a girl insecure to wear
a stylish dress that in an independent nation? Aren’t we all proud
to be in an independent nation? Then why to feel like this this.
Hey all of you, This is Trishita Tapadar want to draw your notice
and make you people share some facts regarding Women
Empowerment and Becoming Razia Sultan.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Razia Sultan the great and first Muslim woman ruler who got
involved in the throne of Delhi and popularly became Razia
Sultana. She fought very bravely in the rule of Delhi Sultanate with
her siblings. She acted as a male soldier and was very brave that
was beyond the imagination of the people of that time. She
defeated a lot and kept herself as an example to women to come
out from suppression act of people and to raise voice against their
discriminations in various fields. More than a brave ruler she
showed herself as a brave woman who was against all the act of
people towards girls.
Not a Single Women should tolerate this torture, discrimination,
inequality, inappropriate treatment against WOMEN.
AND WILL WANT TO BE" People have to understand the true
facts and points of ours and me as a girl should not care what
people say, think or speak about ME. All of us should improve the
condition of girls in our country and when as an independent
nation, everyone should be individually independent.
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Ishani Agarwal
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Becoming Razia Sultan
The Sheman
The title sounded strange right?
Well, so does "Periods time makes you untouchable" feel!
SHE is a Women.
A person, who has the strength of a man, and the softness of a
SHE is the one, who can break your jaw if you make a mistake,
While also put Band-Aid on that later.
SHE is the one, who can cry with you in your loss,
But also console you when need be.
SHE is the one, who can slog off at work all day,
But still come home and make delicious food.
SHE is the one, who has the power to work all day and night,
And still not complain.
SHE is the one, who has to give up on her dreams,
Just to satisfy the needs of her family.
SHE is the one, who has to leave her family behind,
And adjust to a new one.
SHE is the one, who has to bleed every moth, just so she can give a
child to her husband,
Yet, has to listen work during those cramps too.
SHE is the female, who has the power to take care of all of her
SHE is the one to be respected,
Not treated badly.
SHE is the to be mother of someone's child,
A child, who will learn the same values of what he sees.
SHE deserves love, care and affection all through the year.
She is as important as a Man.
She is a WOMAN.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Why do you want to prove yourself when you know you are not
Ask yourself,
Do you think you have made that mistake ?
If the answer is yes, well then, you are guilty as charged.
No right ?
Then why justify people ?
Break that person's leg at once, if they play the blame game with
When you are sure of yourself, don't let anyone get in your head.
Just tell that person, they don't deserve an explanation, for when
they went on to doubt, it means that trust is missing.
You know,
Whatever you do, people will always raise questions.
The more you explain, the more questions will be asked.
Till the day you don't feel guilty, don't go on explaining people.
Live your life on your terms. Not on the terms of people around.
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Good Girl!
Every time you
yell at your daughter
for not being a 'good girl',
you are teaching
her to accept
You blind her from
seeing the truth,
engaging her to be a people pleaser!
Until one day after getting sick
of being cheated,
she realizes
it's okay to not be a
'Good Girl'!
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Priya Das
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Pearl In Darkness
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She has the power of thunder,
Fight alone in every danger.
She can be the best dancer,
As well the toughest challenger.
She is dedicated and beautiful.
Makes everyone's life blissful.
Every time, she falls and stand by herself.
Her presence makes everything graceful.
She is the hidden treasure,
Her importance and power can't be measure.
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Agam Sachdeva
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Dear Woman,
You're strong,
You can't always be wrong,
Let them for you sing a hate song.
You deserve to be the shining star,
Be on top of the tower.
You're a poetry that everyone likes to read,
You're everyone's need.
Just keep fighting because you'll find a way out,
Then tell the world about it so that the demons stop scream and
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I am the leader of my own life,
How can you say I'll only be recognised after being his wife.
The power of my life is with me,
Why do you think woman will depend on someone to be in glee!?
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Sania Taj. R
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An Immature Girl
Once at night she was so irritated by her stomach ache.
she was climbing her stomach she was turning here and there left and
right which she couldn't sleep because of the crumbs in her stomach. she
didn't realise what's going on because it was the first time. then she when
to washroom there she is so scared of blood shades in her hand when
apparently, she was shocked with break blood shades. She was afraid to
tell her mom as she was scared that this was the first time in a life to see
such things then mean when her mom weeks of preparing some noise of
buckets human as what's wrong with you why are you in at midnight .she
couldn't reply anything but after a few minutes so few seconds she could
come up with her scary norms and set to own that Mum I don't know I
am bleeding on what happened to me it's breathing to bidding stomach is
totally in crumbs I don't know what to say you .mum this is a situation
and I can't control my patience about it. Please do something am I am
very scared of it please tell me she started doing this in her. mum was so
excited about here and give some napkins to wear.
Her mum was excited and started calling her relatives and friends for the
rituals which some people eventually do in their house when get girl gets
measured. The girl was princess to her house a girl is bold a girl face is
everything a girl is everything to their parents and the house. life she was
building a self-learning so many things having sweets this that and she
was stopped to go to kitchen stop to do this stuff to do that everything
was totally different as the freedom has totally gone from her life after 11
days of sufferings the day of 12th, she got bath with milk and all the
relatives came to her house and decorated her she was and half bride.
Her mother again started go to work as she was left alone in her house;
they had the feeling of lust and they came to the near to the door and
rang the bell she was unaware of it she just opened the door and saw
those three boys. they just enter into house and they raped her she
couldn't even speak three boys raped her small girl was so innocent just
got mature she was unaware of the world she got raped by these three
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She was unable to move she was unable to speak she was unable to see
anything but she was scared of the appearance society exactly what the
people who think about her if she is in the situation. she was told not to
say anything about this thing to her parents if she tells that and anything
her parents, they would kill her parents. this thing was continued
continuously within a week three times they used to come in her house
and she was alone and within a month she got some changes in her body
and the behaviour of her.
The girl who used to get excited for her every tune of life. she was silent
within a month. because might be situation like she was measured
because of that she is but it was not like that her parents went and ask her.
what situation why? are you so silent the changes of her in her presence
of mind was totally distracting her appearance but initially she didn't
reveal anything and then her parents thought to concern some teachers so
that they can find why she is so silent in our daily life. After concerning
to teachers told her parents that this is the same situation going on in our
school to how can a girl who was so excited so happy little active in
every part of her life, she is now sad. she is just present in physically,
mentally she is somewhere else what's the matter .so there was a teacher
in her school. the teacher went to home with whom she used to share
She spoke to her and asked what is the reason why are you so tense and
so depressed in your own mind being in your own world can help you
why can't you study properly then tell me everything. she said she was so
tired to say everything she was crying and crying and crying so badly
that she couldn't control crying in front of the teacher then said
everything to her. Teacher went and told her parents and their got to
know that she was raped around 15 times a month and she was nothing
left right now and because of that she was mentally not prepared. the tree
boys were so cruel that they were even saying that they have parents
might kill her because of this pressure of society or that 3 would kill her
so much of pressure so much of trauma just 14 years girl and then the
parents went to the police and complain about the three boys and boys
were about to except from the place but apparently police charged those
three boys then they were arrested and put into the prison and court order
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the three boys 3 to death sentenced. And after few days because of
continuously getting in a fit in a month the parents had lost their daughter.
This story is all about how girls get suffered without any knowledge or
awareness. Every girl has a right to get educated about education and all
the awareness and self-defence for protection.
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Phalguni Jagadeesh
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Tale Of A Sunshine
Oh shine, my little sunshine!
Shine high,
Shine bright,
Shine all the way throughout.
Shine here,
Shine there,
Shine each and everywhere.
Little droplet,
Little sapling,
Little by little growing big.
Be strong,
Be steady,
Be the change you have to be.
Stay calm,
Stay stable,
Stay alert everywhere you go.
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Srimayee Bagchi
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Titanium Woman
I try to wash away your memories from my body,
But the scars on my wrist still remind me of you.
Your memories come back like cigarette stubs on my skin.
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Her Freedom
Above the grey, the sky slowly turns;
An angry red exploding to bring back the blue infinity.
Proud muse of freedom awaken once more,
Hear the call of the vision of dreams.
Heartbeats, throbbing veins and passions,
And histories untold and unnamed have carved;
The sacred book with the golden words.
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Jahnavi Morge
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I know there's a long way to go, this fight 'for asking equality not
superior femininity' is hard but I know one day it will happen.
Hope so one day we wont be asking for basic rights like breathing
freely, getting respect we deserve and not hearing feminist as a
mockery. Remember, next time you speak of freedom, are you
being a reason someone else is not experiencing it?
It will go on, until we make it!!!
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Stashno R
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We are like chronos,
Especially like - comet
Some: wry! witty! Torpid! sly
Polus chum- we have
We are wistful and ween
Whilom the girls was in zenana.
Polus- Flaunt
ebb with girls
Parents nurture and woo us
Girls have cypher,
Funny things we like
And so i,
We are The future women.
By the way,
Coming to Empowerment,
What is it ?
Is it like a working women,
All over the world.
Nah! its the respect,
You give to your mother,
The care- you give
To your sister,
The equality- you give
To your wife,
The freedom- you give
To your daughter.
Finally! Women are one such creature,
As you do live in this world.
So no one need to empower them.
Because its just them,
As the way they are.
Only you need to change your vision towards it.
It - the so called "Empowerment"..
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Guys Note:
Kindly empower your own mind to see things different..
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Naveen Bhardwaj
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The aunties in your parish will yet see their sons superior to you.
They will interrupt you from fulfilling your ambitions; people will
buzz about you, they will spread rumours about you. They will
represent your psyche as the worst person they ever had known;
just because they are envious of you, your way of life, and your
triumph. And when you head towards success and have your initial
stride towards it, your own allies will be your worst foes. Why so?
Just because they can't see you paced back and forth, running your
fingers through your hair and leading your desired lifestyle. Their
jealousy turns into enviousness as they neither can see you happy
nor can vie with your norms. They realize the realism that you are
someone whose standards they can neither knock nor can muster
up courage to mention their theories to your face as they need to
protect their masks of sweetness. They can't do anything except
bark at your back respecting their positions.
But baby-girl,
You know who you are. They can't ever describe the true you. But
you perceive your rate, so there's no need to slow down and hear
how individuals are describing you and dismay about it by
doubting yourself. They are not god; they have not seen each side
of your story yet they judge you, so it mirrors their low personality,
not yours. With those, they are showing how far they can go
down ,struggling hard in the tries of ruining your image.
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When you fail, everyone will discourage you more and more,
every second. But do you know when you lose?
You lose when you accept your defeat and the negativity of the
gossips and restrict yourself from trying.
It's fine to fail because it shows at least you are trying to succeed
and not sitting idle and gossiping and troubling others rather than
working hard to live your desired life.
Just listen to your heart and keep on moving, god's at your back,
you are never alone. Do your deeds he will push you towards your
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Payal Kamdi
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Sourishree Ghosh
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What Can I Do ?
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they get from God than being a girl? In those days , social activists
fought for independence , but this got whirled to be a shameful act
in the society. Every school student have gone through the mental
trauma and buried it , tolerated it for their fruitful Future. Their
words and the molestations they have gone through precisely
brought tears to my eyes and I was speechless. These kind of
incidents are spoiling the synonyms of teacher where there are still
many teachers working and sacrificing the time for their family
just for students education. Creating cognitive knowledge and
insisting on sex education is much more significant than teaching
subjects to get higher grades which the world declined to do. It is
time to open up. Fight for your right until they fade. Fight until
every men in the world preaches women and protects you .The
social media has created a great impact in the modernized digital
world. Just one touch of mail can bring changes to the upcoming
teens. The society is ready to fight for righteousness. Plop all your
misery and change into anger. Open up to people and bring this to
light. There are many incidents which are found. But still many of
them are hiding themselves with their untold miseries. The more
you avoid and keep quiet , it will happen to many girls which
might spoil their pursuit . Unless you raise voice out and bring an
end , you can't except the change!! The government has also
upgraded with the laws for sexual abuse which are specially built
for the safety of girls.
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Vanshika Parmar
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Sitaram Panda
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Women Empowerment
It is the power of women empowerment in the different society. It
defines many points of to empower to create a good motivational
in a such kind of among with team spirits. Women empowerment
is the vital key of our economics and for development. They are
the real soldiers of women empower of our country and for society.
The more comprehensive concept of gender
empowerment concerns people of any gender, stressing
the distinction between biological and ecological of surroundings.
Women empowerment helps in boosting the status of women
through literacy, education, training and awareness creation to all
among us.
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Nitya Tiwari
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Look who's talking of women empowerment
This patriarchal society
Still entangled
in the clutches of
feminist and feminism, averred!
Discriminated on the name of equality
in the precedence of this dominated laddish quality.
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Medha Das
Her good name is Medha and she is a student of 8th standard from
St' Augustine Day School, Shyamnagar. She is a musicophile and
also have little interest towards makeup and art. Her Father is a
businessman whereas her mother is a housewife. She is friendly,
introvert, and love to do experiments with art stuffs.
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Whatever I write
It won't matter –
You'll look at these words and ignore them
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Kasthure R.R.
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Abhinava Dutta
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Women Empowerment
The discrimination between male and female is not new, especially
in India. This problem is very common and this is going on from
the mediaeval times till now. Yes, till now !
Though India has developed a lot in the fields of education, finance,
technology and so on, but still in many parts of this country, the
people have such mentality like the people in mediaeval times have.
Come on men ! Please stop this. What we are gaining by doing this.
On the other hand see how in the developed nations, the men are
working with hand to hand with women. If there was not such
discrimination, I can bet that India would also be one of the
developed nations.
This line is very common in most of the villages in India that,
"Women ! Why they need to be educated ? They need to be
married as soon as possible". So I, Abhinava Dutta, want to draw
your attention towards my article.
We all say that men are the future but it is wrong. Let's take the
example of Kalpana Chawla, Lata Mangeshkar and many more are
there who are one of the great legends in the world. So why should
we destroy the career, the talent in women ? They should also get a
chance. When the term of 'Empowerment' comes, we talk about
Raja Ram Mohan Ray, Rani Rashmoni and Ishwar Chandra
Vidyasagar who stopped child marriage. So if they can show some
courage and stop this ritual so why can't we stop the
discrimination ? Let's give it a try to spread equality between men
and women.
Let's now talk about the story of Razia Sultan :-
Rajia Sultan was a great in first muslim ruler who got involved in
the throne of Delhi and popularly became Rajia Sultana. Ship for
very bravely e in the rule of Delhi sultanate with their siblings. See
acted as a male soldier and was brave enough who was beyond the
imagination of the people of that time. She was defeated a lot and
kept herself as an example to the women to come forward from
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Jomy T J
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My Dear Ladies!
Love should draw it's boundaries
Care should take it's turn
Respect should find it's place
Compassion should hold it's breath
Passion should know it's worth
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She creates lives
She sings a lullaby
She plays her daily tunes
She shares her virtues
She casts our roles
She pays her mental peace
She rises solo
For she values us, Family!
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Sonal Prajapati
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Women'S Greatness
As being a women we always think about someone before
ourselves .
When she is child she take care of brother
When she is young she take responsibility of her father.
When she is married she do all household work and office work
and perform all duties of wife and daughter in law.
When she become mother she dedicated her everything to child.
Taking care of child by doing all above works.
When she become mother in law she welcomes other women. She
still take care of her family with help of her.
Time passes and passes, there is only a women on this earth who
never ask but always gives.
From birth to death all her life is dedicated to someone except
She always think about others happiness rather than thinking about
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K. Vaishnavi
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Tabassum Hasnat
Name It Woman
"Beauty is my forte, love is my character ... though I'm a flame, but
my outlook is of a firefly"
~ Razia Sultan
faltering to sew its cracks before setting out to reclaim itself yet
Little did you know, that she was the one with a soul where naivety
reigned in whole, where a one of a kind tenderness lived which
was often mocked and declared to be the cause of her downfall, but
it was that very tenderness which in times tempests never failed to
become both her shield and her sword.
Little did you know, that she was a woman, and compassion was
her biggest virtue but once aware of her worth, and despite being
relentlessly repressed she would resurface, for her very dainty
heart and tender soul knew when and how to be a fortress,
crusading against those who wished to conquer her, sailing right
into the eye of the storm to be set free, and trouncing the
touchstones that kept telling her every now and then what made
her a woman, and what made her less of a woman
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how laborious
it had been liquidating
these endless loops
at every step
to the norms that they
once failed to nullify.
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Udit Bhattacharya
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शख्शाली, अदवनाशी, तू ही तो है ,
आग की मशाल दलु खडे जो अजय, तू ही तो है ;
धरती मे जो आयी संभालने वह भारत की मुलान,
नयी सोच गडने आयी दे खो महारानी रदरया सुलान ।
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Anurag Singh
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महिला सशक्तिक
कहने को तो हम सब ुक है
पर कुछ लोगो की दनची सोच ने हमे आज भी
अलग कर रखा है
धम् - जादत के नाम पर लडते ही थे
अरे पादपयों तुमने तो लैदगक असमानता को भी ुक मुुा बना रखा है
बंदचत कर ददया सारे सुखो से अपनी ही माँ , बहन, बेटी और पती को
कस ददया घुलामी की बेदडया तुमने उनके हाथ मे
धकेल ददया है उने दु ःख भरी अँधेरी राह मे
तो सुनों
आज मै तुमारी उन भुी मानदसकताओ
को जड से दमटाने आया ह
आज मै नारी शख् का बखान करने आया हँ
महारानी लकी बाई भी तो ुक नारी थी
जो अकेली ही अंगेजो पर भारी थी
चल पडी थी
अकेले ही दहं दुसान का झंडा लहराने
दे श को गुलामी की बेदडयो से मु् कराने
गवा ददया पार
पर कभी हार न माना
वही है हमारा दहं दुसान
जहाँ ुक समान थे
महारानी लकी बाई और महारारा
दिर बताओ
तुमने ये भेद -भाव कों पैदा दकया ?
नारी और नर दोनों को असमान कों कर ददया ?
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मुझे मेरा वो पुराना दे श दिरसे तुम मुझे लौटा दो
बहन - बेदटयो को दिरसे आरादी तुम ददला दो
हटा दो ये हीन की भवना अपने मन से ,
की नारी कुछ नही कर सकती है
अरे जनाब ,
ये वही दहं दुसान है
जहाँ बक् आने पर ,
नारी दिरसे महारानी लकी बाई और रदरया सुलतान बन सकती है ।
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नािी - छहि एत दे िी ती
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सोन हििै या
सोन दचरै या मे बाबा की खुद से वादा करती हं ,
खुद का धान रखूंगी वैसे जैसा सबका रखती हं ,
खुद के सपने याद कर ं गी थोडा उनमे रं ग भरगी,
मान मया् दा का झूठा बोझ लेकर नही ं चलूंगी,
अपने पंखों को िैलाकर थोडा ऊंचा और उडु ं गी,
अपनी खुदशयों का घरौंदा थोडा और बनूंगी मै ,
काले बादल के अंदधयारे सदर्म अब रगूंगी मै,
दपंजरे को तोड थोडा और चैहकुंगी मै,
बाबा का ददया खुदशयों का ताज दिर से सर पर पहनूंगी मै ,
सोन दचरै या मे बाबा की खुद से वादा करती हं ,
खुद का धान रखूंगी वैसे जैसा सबका रखती हं ।
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Becoming Razia Sultan
The day she decided to break all the walls,
The day she decided to open her eyes and face the reality,
Is the day she starts shining bright and this make her vision more
The day she decided to grow is the day she is actually where the
Crown of confidence and start glowing
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Balark Singhal
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Becoming Razia Sultan
इस अधीर मन की है नही ं
अब कुछ पाने की कामना,
आज जाकर कीर हई है
तुमसे दवरह की संभावना,
ताग कर वैराग का
तुम सीकार मुझे वामां दगनी,
इस पूर् को पररपूर् भी तुमने दकया है शां भवी,
पचर कुधा मेरी शां त कर
तुम बनी हो ुक अनपूरा् ,
उमा, रमा, ब्ारी तुम
और तुम सयं ही संपूरा् ,
पेम ही है परब् सार
और है यह पेम की ही वंजना,
इस पूर् को पररपूर् भी तुमने दकया है दनरं जना।
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Becoming Razia Sultan
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Becoming Razia Sultan
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Becoming Razia Sultan
Monalisa Parui
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Becoming Razia Sultan
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Becoming Razia Sultan
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Becoming Razia Sultan
मै कौन हं ?
का हं ?
मेरा अपना घर कौन सी है ?
ये सवाल? सुन सुन के बचपन गुजर गई,
बचपन मे सोची थी
लचर हं , कमजोर हं , ममी पापा की कंधों की बोझ हं ।
ये हर नारी की पहचान है ।
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Becoming Razia Sultan
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