University Marketing Assignment For Uber Eats
University Marketing Assignment For Uber Eats
University Marketing Assignment For Uber Eats
1.0 - Objective.........................................................................................3
2.0 - Strategic Justifications.................................................................5
2.1 - The Use of Data...........................................................................5
2.2 - Potential Limitations...................................................................5
2.3 - Communication Channel............................................................6
2.4 – Offering.......................................................................................6
3.0 – Conclusion.....................................................................................7
4.0 References........................................................................................8
Appendix 1 – Ad Spend Calculations.................................................11
Appendix 2 – Ad Spend if CLTV is increased by 55%......................11
Uber Eats is a sub-brand of a larger company, a rile-hailing service, Uber (Johnson,
2020). Uber Eats is a food delivery service that connects consumers to a wide array
of local food (Uber, 2022). The company solves the opportunity costs of time for
consumers and provides increased convenience. Uber Eats revenue has increased
from $1.9 billion to $4.8 billion in revenue worldwide between 2019 to 2020 (Statista,
2021). However, this growth has been due to COVID-19 lockdown, as supported by
research conducted by Statista (2022a), where there had been an increase of 17.4%
users across eight European countries. As COVID-19 restrictions are being removed
and eased the importance of retaining consumers and increasing their CLTV is
1.0 - Objective
As Peppers and Rogers (1995, pp.48) outline, ‘marketers must decide how to make
by increasing the value they receive by Uber Eats. In turn the aim is to improve the
CLTV by 55% with an ad spend of £15 per customer. Acknowledging, the effects of
online, (Yang et al, 2022) it’s important to be prepared as the easing of COVID-19
proposed is to communicate to new and active regular consumers that they can
purchase ingredients of their favourite meals from local supermarkets via Uber Eats.
This will be in line with the mission of Uber Eats to ‘make eating effortless at any
time, for anyone.’ (Uber, 2017). As a result, this should improve the amount
consumers spend, as the average consumer (in the UK) spends an average of
£24.78 on groceries at supermarkets (Statista, 2022b). Furthermore, the likelihood of
centre point in the strategy. As Ogunnaike et al. (2017, pp. 403 – 408) illustrates,
having good knowledge of brand equity and making the knowledge applicable to
this greater brand loyalty is established, which Aaker (1991) defines as the
and or features. Investing in brand loyalty will also be beneficial as Tapp (2014)
Uber Eats (2021) annual report stated that its users increased by 25 million
worldwide and there was an increase in revenue by $2.9 billion as stated earlier.
Acknowledging, that amid COVID-19 online food shopping increased, new data has
shown COVID-19 restriction easing has caused the online growth to decline.
Furthermore, even with the rise in expenditure on online food services, brick and
mortar still hold the majority, with 59% of consumers (UK) saying they haven’t heard
opportunity for Uber Eats as the number of users increase, therefore, capitalising on
the lack of awareness of grocery services can yield greater returns. Additionally,
recipients, they will develop better connections and intimacy. Thus, inspiring them to
The parameters for this campaign are to consenting participants (GDPR and opt
in/opt out) personalised emails, using the Uber Eats database of food preferences.
The intention is that consumers who actively engage with Uber Eats will receive
personalised shopping lists for one of their most popular orders from a partnered
grocery store on the app. The email will contain a hyperlink that recipients can use to
direct them to the app and specific grocery store approximate to their location. To
measure the success of the campaign the CTR of the hyperlinks will be measured
enabled marketers to find out which marketing efforts are most productive.
Consequently, Uber Eats can effectively select which recipients have an increased
and targeting to performed more effectively and efficiently. For the purposes of this
campaign active users out of 25 million new users will be selected and their most
ordered meals will be collated, which is already being done as shown by (Weller,
2021). Subsequently, emails will be sent outlining grocery stores that are partnered
with Uber Eats with foods that match users most ordered meals. In Uber Eats (2021)
financial report it was explained that the active monthly users increased by 25
million. Additionally, their revenue increased by $2.9 billion that year. This would
$9.67/month. Resulting in $1.25 profit per order (other fees have been subtracted,
can increase average CLTV by 55%, which would mean $4.36 profit per order. As
providing an option for the 59% that aren’t aware of online grocery services will
2.2 - Potential Limitations
Considering the approach is to tailor messages specific to consumers preferences
and habits, the importance of how to use their data from the database ethically
have consent of data subjects before processing any data for any purpose. This is a
growing concern as 86% of consumers say privacy is a growing concern, 68% are
concerned the amount of data collected, and 30% aren’t willing to share data (Lucas,
Sokalski, and Fisher 2021). Although, this may be seen as a negative many active
monthly users have developed brand equity and therefore trust Uber Eats and its
services and will be more willing to opt in rather than opt out of the processing of
evidence supporting that email provides capabilities that other methods fail to do. As
Alexandra (2021) explains email marketing is valuable because it’s the most cost-
Smith (2015) state that an IBM company received 60% increase in revenue just by
increasing the relevant content to consenting recipients via email and receive 21-
£15 per customer Uber Eats does not have the budget for a set of other methods.
However, with their internal database they should be able to maximise the use of
2.4 – Offering
Due to Uber Eats mainly offering local restaurants as options for customers, the
incentive is to provide greater value for existing customers as through the processing
of data Uber Eats can establish a persona of what consumers prefer. Additionally,
the offer should increase the CLTV of consumers as the average spend for groceries
is £24.97 physically, which can translate into digital sales per customer. Within the
email will be a message detailing that Uber Eats has seen what a customer likes and
has located an option for consumers who prefer to prepare their meals. The
3.0 – Conclusion
The research contained within the report has shown that there is an opportunity for
Uber Eats amid the easing of restrictions of COVID-19. With many consumers either
both. With the interest generated in Uber Eats from the pandemic and the re-
Furthermore, by doing this Uber Eats can increase the CLTV of customers. The
4.0 References
Aaker, A.D. (1991) Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand
Name. The Free Press.
Alexandra (2021) ‘A guide on how to improve your customer retention strategy with
email marketing’ Rawww blog, 14 October. Available at:
(Accessed: 2 May 2022)
Blattberg, C.R., Kim, D.B., and Neslin, A.S. (2008) Database Marketing: Analyzing
Managers and Customers. Springer.
Econsultancy (2022) Stats roundup: Online grocery since Covid-19. Available at: (Accessed: 2
May 2022)
Hanna, R., Swain, S., and Smith, J. (2015) Email Marketing in a Digital World: The
Basics and Beyond. Business Expert Press.
Johnson, D. (2020) ‘What is Uber Eats? Here’s what you need to know about the
ride-hailing service food delivery app’, Business Insider, August 18. Available at:
What Is Uber Eats? Here's What You Need to Know (
(Accessed: 2 May 2022)
Lucas, O., Sokalski, M., and Fisher, R. (2021) Corporate Data Responsibility. KPMG.
Available at:
00005652&utm_campaign=c-00107353&cid=c-00107353 (Accessed: 2
May 2022)
Peppers, D., and Rogers, M. (1995) ‘A new marketing paradigm: share of customer
not market share’, in Managing Service Quality. MCB University Press, pp. 48 – 51.
MARK2309: Direct and Digital Marketing. Available at:
(Accessed: 02 May 2022)
Statista (2022a) Food delivery user growth during COVID-19 Europe 2020. Available
(Accessed: 2 May 2022)
Statista (2022b) Average cost of a shopping basket in the United Kingdom (UK) as
of January 2022, by supermarket. Available at:
the-united-kingdom-by-supermarket/ (Accessed: 2 May 2022)
Uber (2017) Uber Eats: Celebrating 2 years | Uber Newsroom. Available at: (Accessed 02 May
Uber (2022) What is Uber Eats? Available at:
4a48-8333-c874ae195fd1 (Accessed: 2 May 2022)
Appendix 1 – Ad Spend Calculations