Marine Coatings

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Marine Coatings of a ship (the attachment and growth of marine

Marine coatings are distinguished from other coatings (ii) protect metallic structures (hull, equipment, and
by their intended use. Most are classified as heavy- electronics) from damage due to corrosion and the
duty industrial coatings that have been tested and elements;
proven for use in the arduous marine environment. (iii) protect cargoes from contamination;
Typically, marine coatings are thin films of poly- (iv) provide safety warnings and informational
meric or metallic materials (typically less than 500 µm markings;
thick) which are used to protect and modify the (v) provide cosmetic and camouflage colors;
exposed surfaces of structural materials used in the (vi) roughen walking surfaces to prevent slipping
marine environment. The coating prevents the struc- and sliding on wet, moving decks;
tural material from being degraded by the environ- (vii) provide a high dielectric strength barrier needed
ment. Typical coating films are formed from inorganic for effective, economic cathodic protection;
compounds suspended in a liquid solution of polymers (viii) reduce fire hazards.
and volatile organic solvents or, in some cases, water.
The liquid coating is applied by brushing, spraying, or
rolling. The wet film is converted into a dry, hard
coating film by one of two mechanisms: 2. The Marine Environment
(i) solvent evaporation—the volatile solvent evapo- The marine environment is characterized by constant
rates and leaves behind a dry, hard film; exposure to salt water, sunlight, abrasion, and sea life.
(ii) chemical curing (drying)—the solvent evaporates Unprotected metals corrode rapidly, lose strength,
and initially leaves a viscous, sticky film. Subsequent and become more susceptible to damage from the
chemical reactions in the film convert it into a hard, stresses of wind and waves. Marine coatings form a
dry film. protective barrier between the environment and the
Coating films can also be formed from solid plastics material to which it has been applied. This protection
and metals. Fluidized-bed or electrostatic spray pro- allows the material to retain its original mechanical
cesses typically apply solid plastics in the form of a dry and dimensional properties.
powder. In either process the dry powder adheres to Constant moisture, ranging from high-salinity sea-
the surface and subsequent heating melts the powder water to nearly distilled water from rain and con-
and forms a solid film. Alternatively, the dry polymeric densation is a characteristic of the marine environ-
powder may be applied using a special spray gun ment. The constant spray and splash of water, coupled
where it is melted and sprayed as molten plastic. The with the salt-concentrating effect of drying, causes
cooling of the molten plastic forms the film. Solid materials to be degraded much more rapidly than
metals are applied by either dipping the object into a would be the case away from the sea. Surface tem-
bath of molten metal (e.g., galvanized zinc) or by peratures range from below 0 mC to as high as 75 mC for
spraying molten metal (typically aluminum or zinc) a dark surface on a sunny day. The thermal shock
on to the surface to be protected. The process of caused by alternating exposure to hot sun, cold
spraying molten metal on a surface is called spray seawater, and rain severely stress materials used in the
metallizing. marine environment.
This article emphasizes the types of coating systems
used on the ships of the US Navy. There are two
reasons for this emphasis. First, the US Navy uses
virtually all of the generic coatings used by the 3. Antifouling Coatings
commercial marine industry and reflects industrial
practices. Second, the US Navy publishes speci- Antifouling coatings are unique to the marine en-
fications that give the public access to performance vironment. They are used to prevent the settlement
and formulation specifications. and growth of marine organisms on structures im-
mersed in the ocean. The ocean is swarming with the
planktonic forms of barnacles and other sessile marine
organisms. Any object immersed in the ocean is rapidly
colonized by a wide variety of organisms ranging from
1. Functions of Marine Coatings
microscopic bacteria and algae to barnacles, tube-
Marine coatings serve two basic functions. First, they worms, bryozoa, oysters, and mussels. The accumu-
help to prevent the deterioration of materials caused lation of microscopic organisms is called microfouling
by exposure to the marine environment. Second, they while the accumulation of larger organisms is termed
impart physical and chemical properties to surfaces macrofouling. The settlement and growth of these
that cannot be obtained in any other way. Typical uses organisms (collectively referred to as marine fouling)
of marine coatings are to: have significant adverse effects on structures in the
(i) prevent biological fouling of the underwater hull marine environment. Marine fouling can increase a

Marine Coatings

ship’s fuel consumption by 10–20%, as well as in- (5i75 µm yrV") would be required to give the desired
creasing sailing time with its attendant costs. Marine performance.
fouling on stationary structures adds mass and surface In response to environmental restrictions being
area, thereby increasing the force of wave action. imposed on toxic-containing antifouling coatings, a
Marine fouling inside pipes used by seaside power new class of antifouling coatings based on a new
plants roughens the surface (increases friction), re- principle has entered the marketplace. These nonstick
duces inside diameter, and increases the power require- antifouling coatings, which are typically based on
ments for pumping. In very severe cases, marine silicone or fluorinated polymer chemistry, do not
fouling can block completely the flow of water through contain toxic compounds and are designed to reduce
pipes. Even microscopic fouling (bacterial films) can the ability of fouling organisms to gain purchase on
interfere with the effectiveness of power plants by the ship’s hull. By reducing the ability of the fouling
reducing heat transfer through heat exchangers. organisms to adhere firmly, the fouling can then be
removed by water flowing over the moving hull. This
technology is new, and cost and efficacy are still being
3.1 Principles of Fouling Control by Coatings
The US Navy specification MIL-PRF-24647 details
Coatings are primarily used to control macrofouling, the performance requirements for ship antifouling
having little or no effect on microfouling. The most coatings.
common form of antifouling coating acts by releasing
toxic compounds into the seawater adjacent to the
surface. These chemicals prevent the settlement and
3.2 Copper-based Coatings
growth of fouling by killing the settling organisms (or
disrupting their biochemistry) before they become Copper-based antifouling coatings have been suc-
permanently attached. Many chemicals have been cessfully used since the early days of wooden sailing
used in antifouling coatings but only copper metal and ships when they were applied as sheets of pure copper
organic coatings containing cuprous oxide or various metal or as overlapping copper nails. Modern copper-
chemical forms of tributyltin oxide have been shown based antifouling coatings rely upon cuprous oxide as
to have long-term effectiveness and to be suitable for the principal toxic agent and contain up to 75 vol.%
general use. cuprous oxide.
To be effective, the antifouling coating’s toxic Copper-based coatings are commonly formulated
compounds must release their toxic ingredients slowly to work by type 1 or type 2 mechanisms. Their
and continuously. Three general mechanisms are used effectiveness is highly variable and they can prevent
to achieve this effect. fouling for about two years. The most common cause
Type 1: insoluble binder–soluble toxic compound. of failure is for the surface to be depleted of toxic
The binder does not dissolve and the toxic compound compound without exposing the toxic compound
dissolves slowly. The dissolving toxin leaves behind a inside the coating to seawater. This is attributed to the
porous film that allows the toxic compounds below the formation of copper(II) reaction products, such as
surface to dissolve. oxychlorides, which form on the surface of the paint
Type 2: soluble binder–soluble toxic compound. and seal the surface. A typical copper-based anti-
The binder slowly dissolves as the toxic compound fouling paint is described in US Navy specification
dissolves and the combined action of dissolving both MIL-A-15931.
materials exposes fresh toxins to the seawater. Advances in copper-based antifouling coatings have
Type 3: soluble toxic binder. The binder is resulted in ablative coatings that gradually erode at a
chemically combined with the toxic compound. Sea- rate of 50–75 µm yrV". The service life of these coatings
water slowly attacks the link between the toxic is, in principle, limited only by the amount of coating
compound and the binder, which results in release of applied.
the toxin and dissolution of the coating.
The most recent advances in toxic antifouling
coatings have been in coatings that work by the type 3
3.3 Organotin-based Coatings
mechanism. Type 3 coatings have been developed
based on both copper oxide and tributyltin com- The most common and most successful organotin-
pounds. These coatings, commonly referred to as based antifouling coatings use organometallic com-
ablative or self-polishing coatings, are designed to pounds containing tributyltin (TBT) groups. TBT is
erode slowly in service. As they erode they become commonly introduced into coatings as tributyltin
smoother and release toxins that prevents fouling. A oxide, tributyltin fluoride, or as a part of an acrylic
typical erosion rate is 50 to 75 micrometers per year. In copolymer that has hydrolyzable tributyltin side
principle, the service life of these coatings is solely chains. All three mechanisms are used to make
limited by the amount of coating applied. If a five-year effective antifouling coatings. Many other organotins
service life is needed, a coating thickness of 375 µm (triphenyltin, tributyltin acetate, tributyltin fluoride,

Marine Coatings

and others) have also been used. Ships coated with The chemical properties of the material used to form
ablative organotin coatings have been shown to the film determine the coatings effectiveness as a
remain fouling free for periods in excess of seven years. barrier. For this reason, coatings are often referred to
The service life of these coatings is, in principle, limited by the generic name of the material used to form the
only by the amount of coating applied. Organotin film. For example, the term epoxy coating refers to
antifouling coatings are now subject to regulations coatings that use epoxy compounds to form the dry
banning their use in many countries around the world. film.
In addition, environmental agencies and marine in-
dustry organizations continue to increase regulatory
control. 4.3 Chemically ActiŠe Coatings
Chemically active corrosion control coatings are made
4. Corrosion Control Coatings with ingredients that actively counter the electro-
chemical reactions that cause corrosion. Two basic
The two general types of marine corrosion control mechanisms are involved—cathodic protection and
coatings are those intended for intermittent exposure corrosion inhibition.
to moisture and those designed for continuous im-
mersion service. The intermittent exposure systems are
typically used on the exterior portions of structures (a) Cathodic (zinc-rich) coatings. Cathodic protec-
above the waterline, while continuous exposure tion (sacrificial) coatings contain zinc metal that
systems are used in ballast tanks, wet bilges, fuel\ corrodes in preference to the underlying steel. The
ballast tanks, and on the underwater portions of coating gradually corrodes to protect the underlying
structures. The primary difference between these structure. Inorganic and organic zinc-rich coatings
systems is the mechanism used to protect the metal. are the most widely used coatings of this type. They
Continuous immersion systems use high dielectric form hard, durable films and are particularly useful
strength insulating layers coupled with cathodic pro- for protecting areas subject to intermittent im-
tection systems to prevent corrosion. Intermittent mersion. These coatings corrode even in the absence
exposure systems rely on the formation of a high of corrosion of the substrate. They are also rapidly
dielectric strength insulating layer and\or chemical corroded by exposure to acid or to alkali. They are
inhibition to prevent corrosion. These coatings need to frequently topcoated with epoxy, vinyl, or other bar-
have low permeability to moisture and ions. rier coats to prevent their self-corrosion (zinc-rich
coatings should not be topcoated with alkyds
4.1 Principles of Corrosion Control by Coatings because zinc corrosion products destroy alkyd films).
The cathodic protection properties of topcoated zinc
Corrosion occurs when a material which corrodes (an coatings become active only when the topcoat is
anode), is connected electrically to a material which damaged and the zinc\steel substrate starts to cor-
corrodes slowly, if at all (a cathode), and both rode.
materials are connected by an electrolyte (e.g., sea- Coatings which contain aluminum pigment and
water). Steel corrodes because, under normal condi- metal spray aluminum coatings are generally con-
tions, anodic and cathodic areas are formed at sidered to be barrier coatings and not cathodic
different locations on its surface. The fact that the protection coatings. Aluminum reacts with seawater
areas are part of the same piece of material provides to form very insoluble oxides that fill voids in the
the electrical connection between them. Water and coating and form an effective barrier coating. These
salts from the environment provide the electrolyte and oxides also prevent the aluminum from providing
complete the corrosion cell. Oxygen is essential for the electrochemical protection.
reaction to occur and an alkaline condition is created
at the cathode (protected area) as a result of the
corrosion reaction. Corrosion is controlled by break- (b) Corrosion-inhibition coatings. Corrosion-inhi-
ing the electrical path between the anode and cathode, biting coatings contain inorganic or organic com-
minimizing access to oxygen of the metal, or by pounds that are slightly soluble in water, and which
providing an alternative (cathodic) material that cause chemical reactions that impede the corrosion
is allowed to corrode in preference to the pro- reaction by polarizing the corrosion cells. The most
tected material (see Marine and Natural Waters: common inorganic corrosion inhibitors are slightly
Corrosion). soluble chromate, molybdate, and borate com-
pounds. Coatings made using these inhibitors are
most effective in areas of intermittent exposure to
4.2 Barrier Coatings
moisture. Seawater immersion reduces their effective-
The most common, and most economical, way to slow ness by diluting the inhibitor concentration at the
or stop the corrosion reaction is to use a coating to metal and by the chemical action of the chloride ion,
form a barrier between the metal and the electrolyte. which interferes with the action of the inhibitor.

Marine Coatings

Amine and polyamide compounds, which increase Alkyd coating systems are not recommended for
the pH under the coating, are effective corrosion exterior marine service due to their short service life
inhibitors that slow the corrosion reaction. The com- and the need for frequent maintenance painting. Alkyd
pounds can be added to the coating or may be part of coating systems (3 coats, 125 µm dry film thickness
the binder (e.g., amine or polyamide cured epoxy (DFT), on steel cleaned to meet the Commercial Blast
coatings). Cleaned standard, SP 6) would be expected to last an
average of two years in a seacoast environment. If
applied over a hand wire-brushed or power tool-
cleaned surface the estimated service life is less than 6
5. General Chemical Types of Coatings
Marine coatings are usually applied as systems that
include several different generic types of coatings to
take advantage of the good properties of each coating
5.2 Chlorinated Rubber
while avoiding the disadvantages of each. Mixed
coating systems are covered below in Sect. 7. Standards Reacting natural rubber with chlorine forms chlori-
for describing surface preparation, which is the key to nated rubbers. By themselves chlorinated rubbers are
obtaining good coating performance, are described not suitable for use as coatings and must be blended
under Sect. 6. with other compounds to produce good coatings.
The estimated service life of a coating is taken as the Coatings made from chlorinated rubbers that have
time in years until the first maintenance painting is been blended with highly chlorinated additives provide
required. This is defined as the time until the object tough, chemically resistant coatings. These coatings
shows rusting of 0.1–0.3%, NACE Rust Grade 7 or 8. cure by solvent evaporation. Freshly applied films are
The range of service life for a given generic type of normally dry to the touch within one hour and fully
coating is large. The paint manufacturer, the specific dried within 7 days. Chlorinated rubber coatings are
paint formulation, the quality of the ingredients in the particularly useful where fast drying, particularly at
paint, the type of surface preparation, and the skill of low temperatures (0–10 mC), is required. The rate of
the applicator all influence how well a paint will drying and time to final dry depends on the ambient
perform. temperature, ventilation, and solvents used in the
Typical chlorinated rubber paints contain approxi-
mately 40 vol.% solid material and each gallon will
5.1 Alkyd Coatings
cover approximately 16 m# at 25 µm DFT. These
Alkyd coatings are frequently used as anticorrosive coatings are normally applied at 50–75 µm DFT and
primers and topcoats in interior areas and as cosmetic the practical coverage is approximately 6.25 m# lV".
topcoats over high-performance primers in exterior The high content of volatile organic compounds limits
areas. Alkyd coatings are primarily used for hab- their use to regions that do not have air pollution
itability spaces, storerooms, and equipment finishes. control regulations that restrict their use.
Modified alkyds, particularly silicone alkyds, have Chlorinated rubber coatings are noted for their
excellent weathering properties and are good dec- toughness, water impermeability, and chemical re-
orative and marking coatings. They are very useful for sistance. They are softened by heat and are not suitable
protecting wood and plastics from the weather. for sustained use at temperatures above 65 mC. Maxi-
Alkyds are not recommended for immersion service mum performance of chlorinated rubber coatings is
or for use in areas that are routinely subject to obtained by applying them in three coats over a near-
accidental immersion (e.g., entrance compartments white blast-cleaned surface. Under these conditions
from weather decks). The alkali generated by the the expected service life in a marine environment is
corrosion reactions rapidly attacks the coating and eight years in atmospheric exposure or seven years
leads to early failure. Alkyds should not be applied immersed in seawater. When applied over a com-
over zinc-rich primers because the alkaline zinc cor- mercial blast-cleaned surface, the service life drops to
rosion products attack them. six years for atmospheric exposure and less than five
Alkyd coatings require chemical catalysts (driers) to years for seawater immersion.
cure. Typical catalysts are mixtures of metal salts of
fatty acids (e.g., neodymium, cobalt, and manganese
salts of organic acids). Coatings typically dry to the
5.3 Coal Tar
touch by solvent evaporation within one hour but take
up to 24 hours before they can be handled without Coal tar coatings are made from processed coal tar
damaging the coating. Depending on the catalysts and pitch dissolved in suitable petroleum solvents. They
the ambient temperature and humidity, it will take form a film by evaporation of the solvent and solvents
several days to several weeks before the coating is fully can dissolve the film. Coal tar films provide very good
cured. corrosion protection. The dry film is damaged by

Marine Coatings

direct exposure to sunlight, which causes rapid, severe epoxy resin with a ‘‘curing agent’’ (e.g., amines, amine
cracking. Without expensive processing, most coal tar adducts, or polyamide resins) as in coal tar epoxy
resins are very dark colored and the only colors that films, with similar packaging of epoxy and curing
can be made from them are black or silver\black agent.
(made by using flake aluminum for pigment). Coal The US Navy has published a specification for
tars are normally blended with other resins to improve epoxy anticorrosive coatings approved for general,
their light stability, to increase their chemical re- tank, and hull use on its ships. This specification,
sistance, and to increase the number of colors avail- MIL-P-24441, contains formulations with different
able. Common blending resins include vinyl and epoxy levels of volatile organic compounds (ranging from
materials. Users of coal tar containing products should 300 to 340 g lV") and allows selection of coatings for
evaluate the effect of the carcinogenic nature of coal use in areas where air pollution management districts
tars on workers’ safety requirements at the location. restrict the amount of solvents in coatings. The
formulations also included a zinc-rich epoxy coating
formulation. Performance requirements for commer-
5.4 Coal Tar Epoxy cial (proprietary formula) epoxy anticorrosive
coatings are detailed in MIL-PRF-23236.
Coal tar epoxy paints are blends of epoxy resins with
Epoxy coatings typically dry to the touch within
coal tars. The coatings are packaged with the epoxy
three hours and are fully cured after seven days at
portion in one container and the curing agent (either
25 mC. The time to full cure is highly dependent on
amine or polyamide type) in a second container. The
ambient and surface temperatures during the curing
coatings must be thoroughly mixed prior to use and
period. The curing reaction slows rapidly at temper-
must be used before the mixture solidifies. The liquid
atures below 10 mC.
coating forms a film by solvent evaporation and
Epoxy coating films are strongly resistant to most
continued chemical reaction between the epoxy resin
chemicals and make excellent anticorrosion coatings.
and the curing agent. The length of time for which the
They are one of the principal materials used to control
mixed coating is suitable for use is called its ‘‘pot life’’
corrosion in the marine environment. Epoxy coatings
and is different for each unique formulation. Com-
chalk when exposed to intense sunlight and are
monly used coatings have a pot life ranging from two
typically used with cosmetic topcoats (e.g., silicone
to eight hours at 25 mC.
alkyds) that have higher resistance to sunlight.
These paints typically contain approximately
Maximum performance is obtained with a three-
80 vol.% solid material and each gallon will cover
coat epoxy system applied over a near-white (SP 10)
approximately 32 m# at 1 µm DFT. These coatings are
blast cleaned surface. The expected service life in
normally applied at 8–10 µm DFT and the practical
saltwater immersion is six years while the service life in
coverage is approximately 3.5 m# l−".
the marine atmosphere is eight years. The coatings
Coal tar epoxy films have a high chemical resistance
should not be used in immersion service if a near-white
and a high dielectric strength and they easily form
blast cleaning cannot be obtained.
thick films. The high dielectric strength makes them
At the end of the twentieth century, marine coatings
particularly suitable for use near anodes in cathodic
manufacturers introduced solventless (100% solids)
protection systems where the high current densities in
epoxy coatings for use in ship cargo and ballast tanks.
these areas can damage other types of coatings. Coal
The coatings are applied in two coats, at 500–750 µm
tar epoxy coatings are known to exude low molecular
per coat, for a total DFT of 1000–1500 µm. Some ship
weight fractions that cause recoating problems. Users
owners have estimated that, if properly applied, a
of coal tar-containing products should evaluate the
service life in tanks of 20 years may be obtained.
effect of the carcinogenic nature of coal tars on
workers’ safety requirements at their location.
Maximum performance of coal tar epoxy coatings is 5.6 Inorganic Zinc
obtained by applying them in two coats over near-
Inorganic zinc coatings consist of powdered zinc metal
white blast cleaned surfaces. Typical coating thickness
held together by a binder of inorganic silicate. The
is 200 µm DFT per coat for a total DFT of 400 µm or
binder is formed by the polymerization of sodium
more. The expected service life of these coatings is
silicate, potassium silicate, lithium silicate, or hydro-
seven years in seawater immersion and eight years in
lyzed organic silicates. The liquid coating forms a film
atmospheric marine exposure. The coatings should
by evaporation of water and organic solvents followed
not be used in immersion service if a near-white blast
by the chemical reactions between the silicates, zinc
cleaning cannot be obtained.
dust, and curing agents. A variety of curing mecha-
nisms are used to form the final coating film. The
coatings are frequently packaged as multicomponent
5.5 Epoxy
paints. All parts must be mixed thoroughly before
Epoxy coatings for marine applications are typically application. After mixing, inorganic zinc coatings have
formed by the chemical reaction of a bisphenol A-type a pot life of 4–12 hours. Water must evaporate from

Marine Coatings

these coatings before they can form films. High are dry to the touch within one-half hour and are
humidity, poor air circulation and low temperatures fully cured in seven days. There must be sufficient
hinder evaporation of water and can significantly humidity to allow the binder to cure.
retard drying and curing. At the same time, water is
needed to allow the binder to cure and low humidity
can prevent curing.
5.7 Organic Zinc
Inorganic zinc paints contain approximately
50 vol.% solid material and each gallon will cover Zinc as used as a pigment with many different binders
approximately 20 m# at one micrometer DFT. These to form organic zinc coatings. The primary feature of
coatings are normally applied at 60–90 µm DFT and these coatings is that the coating film is electro-
the practical coverage is approximatezly 5.6 m# lV". chemically active and reacts to provide cathodic
When applied as a single coat over near-white (SP protection to the steel substrate. MIL-P-24648 (Type
10) blast-cleaned steel these coatings have an expected II, Class 1, Composition A) is a performance specifi-
service life of six years in a marine environment. cation for this type of coating. These coatings are not
Applications over commercial blast (SP 6) reduce the as durable mechanically, or as resistant to high
atmospheric service life to five years. Because they are temperatures, as the inorganic zinc coatings.
primarily zinc, the same environments that damage However, they frequently have better compatibility
zinc can corrode them. For this reason, inorganic with organic topcoats and provide better anti-
zinc coatings are not recommended for long-term corrosion properties than would otherwise be obtained
immersion service in saltwater. from binder without zinc. Generally, these coatings
The Department of Defense (DOD) describes the are more tolerant of application variables than in-
following types of inorganic zinc coatings. organic zinc coatings. The drying and curing proper-
ties of this type of coating are determined by the
properties of the binder.
(a) Inorganic self-curing, aqueous solŠent (MIL-P- MIL-P-24441 Formula 159 contains approximately
24648, Type I, Class 1, Composition B). The binder 90 vol.% solid material and each gallon will cover
is water-soluble and consists of alkali metal silicates, approximately 30 m# at 25 µm DFT. These coatings
quaternary ammonium silicates, phosphates, and are normally applied at 75–100 µm DFT and the
their modifications. Water is the solvent for these practical coverage is approximately 8.5 m# lV".
coatings and they cure by the evaporation of the When applied as a single coat over near-white (SP
water followed by reactions of the binder with car- 10) blast cleaned steel these coatings have an expected
bon dioxide and moisture in the air. Typical formu- service life of three years in a seacoast environment.
lations are dry to the touch within one-half hour and Applications over commercial blast (SP 6) reduce the
are fully cured in seven days. There must be sufficient atmospheric service life to two years. Since they are
humidity to allow the binder to cure. primarily zinc, the same environments that damage
zinc can corrode them. For this reason, they are not
recommended for immersion service in saltwater.
(b) Inorganic postcuring, aqueous solŠent (MIL-P-
24648, Type I, Class 2, Composition B). The binder
is water-soluble and consists of alkali metal silicates,
5.8 Polyurethane
phosphates, and their modifications. Water is the
solvent for these coatings and the dry film is formed Polyurethane coatings used for marine coatings are
by evaporation of the water. A curing compound made from resins that contain the isocyanate group
must be applied to the dry film to convert it into a and are highly reactive with compounds that contain
film that cannot be dissolved in water. Curing com- hydroxyl groups (e.g., water and alcohols) which are
pounds (consisting of water solutions of acid amine commonly used for curing agents. Coating films are
phosphate salts) are used to wet the dry film formed by solvent evaporation followed by chemical
thoroughly and start the curing process. Typical reactions between the polyurethane resin and the
formulations are dry to the touch within one-half curing agents. Common curing agents for poly-
hour and are fully cured in seven days. urethane coatings include water and polyols.
Polyurethane coatings, which cure by reaction
with water, are called moisture-cured polyurethane
(c) Inorganic self-curing, organic solŠent (MIL-P- coatings. They are packaged in a single can and rely on
24648, Type II, Class 1, Composition B). The inor- moisture in the air to cure. This type of coating is
ganic binder is not water-soluble and consists of commonly used as a cosmetic coating or as a clear
titanates, organic silicates, and polymeric modifi- varnish.
cations of these silicates. The dry film is formed by The most important polyurethane marine coatings
solvent evaporation followed by reactions of the are packaged as two or three component systems. One
binder with moisture in the air. Typical formulations component contains the polyurethane resin and the
second component contains an organic polyol. Some
6 systems require the use of a third component
containing catalysts (e.g., metals soaps or amine
Marine Coatings

com-pounds) to accelerate curing. evaporation. Freshly applied coatings are dry to the
Polyurethane coatings, like epoxy coatings, must be touch within one hour and are fully dried within seven
mixed thoroughly with the curing agent and catalyst days. Vinyl coatings are particularly useful where fast
before use. After mixing, commonly used coatings drying is required. Vinyl anticorrosion coatings con-
have a pot life of 2–6 hours. The coating film is tain large amounts of volatile organic compounds and
typically dry to touch within 12 hours and fully cured their use is severely restricted by air pollution control
after 14 days at 25 mC. The time to cure is highly regulations. The primary vinyl coatings used in the
dependent on the ambient and surface temperature marine environment are vinyl antifouling coatings.
during the curing period as well as the humidity. The
curing reaction slows down rapidly at temperatures
below 10 mC.
Polyurethane coatings form tough, chemically re- (a) Vinyl antifouling coatings. Vinyl antifouling
sistant coatings and make good, high-gloss cosmetic coatings have been the principal antifouling coatings
finishes. They have good abrasion and impact re- used since the late 1940s. These coatings consist of a
sistance and are particularly useful in high wear areas. binder of vinyl and wood rosin. Cuprous oxide is the
They have good weather resistance but lose gloss when antifouling agent that prevents the settlement and
exposed to intense sunlight. Weathered polyurethane growth of fouling organisms. These coatings have the
coatings are often difficult to recoat and topcoats will same general properties as other vinyl coatings. The
fail to adhere unless care is taken when repainting aged strong red color of the cuprous oxide limits the color
or damaged areas. availability to red and black\brown (when tinted
Polyurethane coatings are most commonly en- with black iron oxide). The red color is used for the
countered as part of a coating system where the underwater hull and the black color is often used for
polyurethane is used as the topcoat. A three-coat the waterline (boottop) area. These coatings are nor-
system (1 coat inorganic zinc, 1 coat high-build epoxy, mally applied at 50–75 µm DFT and the practical
1 coat polyurethane) applied over steel blast cleaned to coverage is approximately 10 square meters per liter.
near-white (SP 10) has an estimated life of six years in The service life of vinyl antifouling paints is highly
a seacoast environment and four years in saltwater variable, but a service life of 24 months is typical
immersion service. before barnacles and similar fouling organisms can
grow on the surface.

5.9 Spray Metallized Coatings

(b) Water-borne coatings. Water-borne coatings
Molten metal is sprayed on to the surface being are based on emulsifying the binder, pigments, and
protected and the metal solidifies, forming a tightly additives with water. Single-component emulsion
adhering barrier. Zinc and aluminum are the most coatings are used to form films by solvent eva-
commonly used metals for spray metallizing. Alumi- poration. Copolymers of acrylic, vinyl, and styrene
num is generally favored for marine service due to its compounds are typically used as the binder in this
longer service life and low weight. type of coating. Single-component water-borne coat-
It is generally necessary to topcoat the sprayed ings are primarily used as cosmetic topcoats over
metal coating to improve appearance and to gain the other types of coatings and are not suitable for im-
maximum possible service life. Epoxy coatings are mersion service. These coatings are normally applied
typically used as topcoats for aluminum metal spray at 50–100 µm DFT.
coatings. Two-component emulsion coatings are used that
Spray metallization requires application over a form films by solvent evaporation and continued
near-white (SP 10) or white (SP 5) blast-cleaned steel. chemical reactions to cure the coating. Polyamide-
Zinc coating at 125 µm DFT has an estimated life of cured epoxy systems are commonly used as the binder
six years in a marine atmospheric environment and in this type of coating. Two-component water-borne
four years immersed in seawater. An aluminum epoxy coatings have properties that are comparable to
coating at 250–375 µm DFT and topcoated with those of their solvent-based counterparts. These coat-
organic coatings (to seal the surface) has an estimated ings are not packaged as emulsions but are packaged
service life of 15 years. as viscous organic coatings that must be thinned with
water prior to use. This type of coating is specified
under MIL-P-53030. These coatings dry within two
hours and are fully cured within seven days. Water
must evaporate from these coatings before they can
5.10 Vinyl
form films. High humidity, poor air circulation, and
The vinyl coatings are solutions of polyvinyl chloride low temperatures hinder evaporation of water and can
(PVC) copolymers and form coatings by solvent significantly retard drying and curing.

Marine Coatings

6. Surface Preparation and Application for a surface profile measurement depends on the
method used. Different methods give differing values
Surface preparation is always important in obtaining
for the same surface. A requirement for a given profile
satisfactory performance from coatings, but it is
must be stated with the method used to measure it, or
particularly critical for marine coatings. The marine
the specified profile is meaningless.
environment is unforgiving of mistakes in surface
The presence of water-soluble salts on the surface of
preparation and application. Practices that are ac-
abrasive blast-cleaned steel has been shown to cause
ceptable for inland coating work are unacceptable in
blistering of coatings in accelerated laboratory tests.
the marine environment. Experience and research
These tests indicated that the presence of dried
show the use of near-white blast cleaning (SP 10)
salt (sodium chloride) in concentrations of
increases service life by 30–40% over that obtained by
10–20 ppm cmV# would cause blistering. In practice,
commercial blast cleaning (SP 6). Abrasive blast
this level of salt contamination could be experienced in
cleaning to SP 10 is the preferred surface preparation
marine applications due to windblown spray from the
method for most marine coatings.
sea or incomplete freshwater rinsing of a saltwater-
contaminated surface before abrasive blasting.

6.1 AbrasiŠe Blast Cleaning

6.2 AbrasiŠe Blasting Media
The most effective method of preparing metal surfaces
before applying coatings is abrasive blast cleaning. The abrasive blasting medium is critical to the efficient
This technique uses compressed air or centrifugal and safe cleaning of steel prior to painting. This
force to accelerate small particles to speeds in excess of material is used in large quantities and, in the past,
480 kilometers per hour. The impact of the particles on little attention was paid to anything other than its cost.
the surface dislodges surface contaminants, roughens This is no longer the case. Health, safety, and
the surface to expose fresh metal, and provides a environmental issues with abrasive media have fo-
profile suitable for coating. Oil and grease need to be cused attention on their chemistry. Environmental
removed before blast cleaning the surface because requirements for disposal of hazardous wastes dictate
abrasive blasting does not remove oil or grease. the use of abrasives that have low levels of lead,
The most important factors in abrasive blast clean- arsenic, and other metals (many of which are cathodic
ing are the degree of cleanliness and the surface profile. to steel). Evidence indicates that the presence of
These factors are normally specified using industry cathodic materials and water-soluble salts in abrasives
consensus standards developed by the American So- can cause premature failure of coatings. Abrasives
ciety for Testing and Materials (ASTM), National need to be free of water-soluble salts and to have low
Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), and the levels of cathodic impurities to prevent reducing the
Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC). The stan- performance of marine coatings. MIL-A-22262 is a
dards are: specification for abrasive-blasting media which defines
White Metal Blast Cleaning: SSPC Standard SP 5 the requirements for abrasives that minimize the
(NACE No. 1); industrial hygiene and waste hazards associated with
Near White Blast Cleaning: SSPC Standard SP 10 blasting media.
(NACE No. 2);
Commercial Blast Cleaning: SSPC Standard SP 6
(NACE No. 3);
6.3 High-pressure Water Cleaning
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning: SSPC Standard SP 7
(NACE No. 4). This method is used to remove marine fouling and
A minimum surface cleanliness of SP 6 is required to other surface contamination from the exterior portion
obtain satisfactory coating performance. An SP 10 of ships. It also removes loosely attached coatings and
surface cleanliness should be used in critical engin- rust. Used with freshwater, it can also remove water-
eering areas such as tanks, underwater areas, and soluble salts that could lead to early failure of coatings.
similar surfaces where maximum performance is Due to environmental regulations on dust generation,
required. high pressure and, more recently, ultrahigh pressure
Surface profile is the roughness of the surface as water removal methods have gained extensive usage.
measured by the peak to valley height. Surface profile
needs to be great enough to provide a good surface for
adhesion but not so great as to leave peaks that stick
6.4 Other Methods
above the surface. A profile of 25–40 µm, as measured
using plastic replica tape, is recommended for typical Power tool cleaning, hand tool cleaning, solvent
marine coatings. The procedure for measuring surface cleaning, and detergent cleaning are used for local
profile is given in ASTM Standard D4417-84, Method repairs where it is not possible to perform abrasive
C. It is important to recognize that the numerical value blast cleaning. Abrasive blast cleaning is inappropriate

Marine Coatings

for very small areas or in situations where the dirt the fixture, or a specialized coating facility applies
generated by abrasive blasting can damage adjacent, these coatings.
intact coatings or machinery. These types of pro-
cedures are described by SSPC Surface Preparation
Specifications SP 1, SP 2, and SP 3. 7.3 Freeboard Areas and Other Exterior Surfaces
AboŠe the Boottop (Waterline) Area
Zinc-rich coatings and\or epoxy–polyamide coatings
6.5 Application
provide the anticorrosion protection while a topcoat
The application of coatings is an essential step in provides cosmetic color (and ease of maintenance
obtaining the maximum possible service life. The painting). Two systems are recommended:
formulator needs to create coatings that are usable in System 1. Epoxy with silicone alkyd:
the normal industrial environment. The user needs to 3 coats epoxy (50–100 µm DFT per coat,
take the steps necessary to ensure that the coatings are 250–300 µm DFT total)
stored and used under the conditions that the manu- 2 coats silicone alkyd (50–75 µm DFT)
facturer says are needed to obtain proper performance. System 2. Zinc-rich (inorganic or organic)\
ASTM Standard F718-85 provides a one-sheet data epoxy\alkyd:
form that identifies the information that is essential for 1 coat zinc-rich (50–100 µm DFT)
the effective use of marine coatings. 3 coats epoxy (50–100 µm DFT per coat, 250–
300 µm DFT total)
2 coat silicone alkyd (50–75 µm DFT)
7. Selection of Coating Systems Coatings which meet MIL-P-24441 (epoxy–
The selection of coating systems requires consider- polyamide), TT-E-490 (silicone alkyd), and MIL-P-
ation of many different factors, such as cost (materials 24648 (zinc-rich coatings) are suitable for use in these
and application), temperature and humidity during areas.
application and drying\curing surface preparation
requirements, and desired service life. Of particular
7.4 Habitability Spaces
importance is the accessibility of the area for main-
tenance. Areas that can easily accessed can be coated Nonflaming and intumescent coatings are the two
with poorer-performing coatings and repaired as often types of fire safety coatings used on ships and ocean
as needed if economics so dictate. Areas that cannot be platforms. Nonflaming coatings prevent the spread of
easily or safely repaired, especially those that require fire and intumescent coatings are used to reduce heat
dry-docking for access, need to be given the best damage to surfaces that are exposed to fire. Common
available coating. The following discussion covers nonflaming coatings are based on chlorinated alkyd
additional considerations for specific problem areas. resins and on water emulsions of chlorinated
polymers. Intumescent coatings contain materials that
expand (foam) when heated to create a thick insulation
7.1 Antislip Deck Coatings film (char) that retards damage to the surface.
Antislip deck coatings are used to provide a rough Typical applications involve the use of alkyd
surface that prevents the uncontrolled motion of primers covered by chlorinated alkyd or water-borne
people and machinery on wet, slippery decks. They are nonflaming coatings. Care needs to be taken to assure
particularly important safety coatings on the weather- that the alkyd primer is cured before applying the
exposed decks of ships and oilrigs, and on cargo and water-borne coating. If the primer is not cured it is
aviation decks. Antislip coatings need to be selected equivalent to immersing the alkyd in water, and the
for both their mechanical roughness and their re- coating system will fail rapidly. Paints which meet
sistance to lubricants and cleaning compounds used MIL-P-24596 (water-borne paints) and MIL-E-24607
on the decks. The most durable antislip coatings are (chlorinated alkyds) are suitable for this use.
based on epoxy coatings that contain coarse aluminum
oxide grit.
7.5 Machinery Areas and Bilges
Recommended coating system:
1 coat, 50–100 µm DFT, epoxy (2 component) A three-coat epoxy system (three coats epoxy at
primer 50–100 µm DFT per coat, 250–300 µm DFT total) over
1 coat, 750–2000 µm DFT, epoxy (2 component) a hand-cleaned surface (solvent, power tools, and
nonskid hand tools) is adequate for this area.

7.2 Electrical Fixtures 7.6 Tanks

The use of fluidized-bed powder coatings (epoxy- Tanks require special care to assure proper ventilation,
based) provides the best service life. The supplier of humidity, and temperature throughout the coating

Marine Coatings

operation. Ventilation is required to remove solvent 250–300 µm DFT total) are suitable for use in this
fumes. Tank surfaces adjacent to water will be at the area.
temperature of the water, not the air temperature in
the tank. The temperature may be low enough to
condense moisture from the air and may substantially
7.7 Exterior Underwater Areas (Including Boottop
slow the curing of the coating. It is good practice to use
dehumidification equipment to maintain proper
atmospheric conditions when coating tanks. Exterior underwater areas need protection from cor-
The recommended paint systems for all tanks are rosion and from the attachment of marine fouling.
epoxy–polyamide coatings (two or three coats epoxy These portions of ships and structures are generally
at 75–150 µm DFT per coat, 250–300 µm DFT total). inaccessible for routine maintenance and the coatings
Polyurethane coatings are also available for tank use. chosen must give reliable performance for extended
Quality assurance is mandatory for long service life. A periods of time. Corrosion control for underwater
service life of 12 years is frequently obtained from areas usually includes the use of cathodic protection
three-coat epoxy systems (MIL-P-24441). from sacrificial anodes (zinc or aluminum) or from
impressed current cathodic protection systems.
Cathodic protection systems generate strongly alka-
(a) Fuel tanks. Coatings for fuel tanks must prevent line environments near the anodes and in areas where
contamination of the fuel by corrosion products or damage exposes metal to the water. Both corrosion
by materials in the coatings. They must also prevent control and antifouling coatings must be resistant to
corrosion damage to the tank. The coatings need to the environment created by cathodic protection.
be resistant to aliphatic and aromatic petroleum Three-coat epoxy systems (three coats epoxy at
products. A three-coat epoxy system meeting MIL- 50–100 µm DFT per coat, 250–300 µm DFT total) and
P-24441 is satisfactory for this use (three coats epoxy other systems that meet the performance requirements
at 50–100 µm DFT per coat, 250–300 µm DFT total). of MIL-P-24655 are suitable for use in this area. The
Zinc coatings should not be used in fuel tanks be- antifouling paint should be vinyl antifouling paint
cause zinc dissolved into the fuel, particularly gaso- (MIL-P-15931) or a coating meeting the performance
line, can cause serious problems with engines. requirements of MIL-P-24647.

(b) Potable water tanks. Coatings for these tanks 7.8 Quality Assurance of Application Including
must prevent contamination of the potable water by Surface Preparation
corrosion products and must not contribute any ob- The effectiveness of marine coatings is largely de-
jectionable smell or taste to the water. The coatings termined by the quality of the surface preparation and
must not react with halogen compounds (e.g., bro- application operations. The quality of these operations
mine or chlorine) used to disinfect the water. Care needs to be assured by establishing good training
must be taken to avoid the use of phenolic com- programs for painters, abrasive blasters, and in-
pounds in any coating used for potable water tanks. spectors. The ASTM F941-81 (Standard Practice for
These compounds are sometimes added to epoxy the Inspection of Marine Surface Preparation and
coatings to accelerate curing. Halogenated phenolic Coating Application) and ASTM D4537-86 (Standard
compounds in concentrations as low as one part per Guide for Establishing Procedures to Qualify and
trillion can make drinking water unfit for use. Paints Certify Inspection Personnel for Coating Work in
suitable for use in this area are specified under MIL- Nuclear Facilities) provide guidance in this area.
PRF-23236. The coating supplier needs to provide meaningful
and requirements for surface preparation and ap-
plication of the coatings to allow users to perform the
(c) Ballast tanks. These tanks are exposed both to inspections necessary to assure that it is used properly.
total immersion and partial immersion in seawater. This is particularly important for underwater hull
Marine fouling is typically not a problem. The upper coatings.
parts of the tank are constantly exposed to high hu-
midity, condensation, and salt while the lower
portions are constantly immersed and intermediate
7.9 Testing
areas alternate types of exposure. The continually im-
mersed areas can be protected by a combination of Performance tests and property tests of materials are
cathodic protection and barrier coatings. Other the two categories of tests used for marine coatings.
portions can be protected with barrier coatings. Performance tests are further divided into accelerated
Paints meeting MIL-P-24441 or MIL-P-23236 (two tests and natural exposure tests. Accelerated tests are
or three coats epoxy at 75–150 µm DFT per coat, designed to cause failure much more rapidly than

Marine Coatings

would occur in normal use and are usually conducted protection voltages) which could shorten the service
indoors under industrial laboratory conditions. Care life of coatings used in saltwater immersion service.
must be taken in the planning and conducting of these This type of test is used in MIL-P-24647 (antifouling
tests to avoid making serious errors and causing paint) and MIL-P-24655 (underwater hull anti-
conditions that do not stress normal failure mecha- corrosion paint).
nisms and lead to misleading results. Natural exposure
tests are conducted at field sites where corrosion or
fouling conditions are uniquely severe. The rate at (c) Accelerated weathering tests. Accelerated weath-
which the items degrade at their natural rate in a severe ering tests have varied track record. They are widely
environment is observed. Natural exposure tests are used as screening tests, and successful performance
also performed by coating part, or all, of a ship or suggests the material may perform adequately in ser-
structure with experimental materials and following vice. Good statistical correlation between actual ser-
their performance during normal use. vice life and performance under these tests is often
Property tests of materials are conducted to hard to obtain. Tests using artificial light are always
establish the physical composition and identity of the questioned if they include energetic ultraviolet radi-
materials being tested. Such tests are run to establish ation that is not seen in sunlight, or along the sea-
material identification characteristics, to control the shore. These tests find their primary use in develop-
process of making the materials and to identify ing colored topcoats for use in areas where cosmetic
chemical and physical properties that correlate with considerations are critical.
good performance in the field. These tests are common The most widely recognized weathering test is to
laboratory tests for coatings and materials and will not expose test panels at natural sites where natural
be discussed further. corrosion conditions are much more extreme than
are found at other locations. This natural acceler-
ation provides data where questions concerning the
(a) Hot water immersion tests. Hot water immersion artificiality of test conditions are minimized.
tests are primarily useful for testing chemically
curing coatings (e.g., epoxy). Hot water tests range
from immersion in tap water at 49 mC to immersion (d ) Fouling resistance tests. The only reliable test
in boiling water (100 mC). These tests are particularly for antifouling effectiveness is to expose test panels
useful when a coating is likely to be subjected to such in the ocean and see how long it takes for fouling
conditions as part of its normal environment. Such organisms to attach and grow. At the same time, it
environments occur in water storage tanks that re- is important to expose a control surface (on which
ceive condensing steam from distilling units or as organisms readily grow) to account for seasonal fluc-
part of a steam propulsion plant. Care must be taken tuations in fouling intensity.
to avoid overstressing the coating and causing Two major types of immersion tests are used. The
failures that would not be experienced in service. static immersion test involves immersing the test panel
Seemingly small (p10 mC) fluctuations in tem- in seawater where the normal currents circulate water
perature in a high-temperature (82 mC) tests can make around it. Dynamic immersion tests are conducted to
the difference between pass and fail. determine how rapidly the coating is eroded away due
The immersion times typically run from seven days to the motion of seawater. Dynamic tests are par-
in boiling water to 70 days in 82 mC water. These tests ticularly relevant for ablative-type antifouling coat-
are used in military specifications MIL-PRF-23236 ings. These tests alternate periods of constant move-
(epoxy tank coatings), MIL-P-24441 (epoxy– ment with periods of static immersion. The movement
polyamide paints), and MIL-P-24648 (zinc-rich simulates ship movement and erodes or ablates the
coatings). coating while the static exposure allows marine fouling
organisms to settle on the surface. These tests are
described in ASTM D3623-78 (Standard Method for
(b) Cathodic disbondment tests. Cathodic protection Testing Antifouling Panels in Shallow Submergence).
is used to extend the service life of coatings by Dynamic tests are particularly important for evalu-
preventing corrosion at minor breaks in the coating ating nontoxic antifouling coatings that collect fouling
film. This allows the ship or structure to be kept in when they are stationary (or moving slowly) and rely
use for long periods of time without serious damage on the force of moving through the water to remove
due to corrosion. However, cathodic protection can accumulated fouling.
damage some coatings due to the strong electrical
fields and alkaline conditions generated on the
coated steel, particularly near damaged areas. (e) Field tests. Field tests are the most useful, and
Cathodic disbondment tests have been developed to most difficult, to perform and evaluate. Test methods
simulate overprotection (i.e., higher than normal range from installing test racks on ships to painting

Marine Coatings

large portions of ships with candidate coatings. In Bibliography

the latter case there must be good reasons to expect American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
a performance superior to that obtained with stan- Philadelphia, PA.
dard materials. Large-scale ship tests always include Fischer E C, Casteli V J, Rodgers S D, Bleile H R 1984 Fouling
the possibility of rapid failure and the need to replace control technology. In: Costlow J D, Tipper R C (eds.) Marine
the coating earlier than planned. Biodeterioration: An Interdisciplinary Study. Naval Institute
Ship tests are long-term projects and it takes several Press, Annapolis, MD, pp. 261–90
years to obtain meaningful results. A major problem Keane J D 1995 Steel Structures Painting Manual. SSPC,
with ship tests is preventing damage to the test area Pittsburgh, PA, Vols. 1 and 2
Munger C G, Vincent L D 1999 Corrosion PreŠention by
due to normal maintenance. There have been cases
ProtectiŠe Coating, 2nd edn. NACE International, Houston,
where test patches have been replaced with different TX
materials (but with the same physical appearance) Treseder R S 1991 NACE Corrosion Engineer’s Reference Book,
without telling the people who were conducting the 2nd edn. NACE International, Houston, TX
investigation. If the investigator does not know that United States of America Department of Defense Specifications,
the test patch has been replaced he may think the Defense Standardization Program Office.
replacement is the original and that the material under
test is performing well. H. Bleile and S. D. Rodgers

Copyright ' 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted
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Encyclopedia of Materials : Science and Technology
ISBN: 0-08-0431526
pp. 5174–5186


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