IC Lecture2
IC Lecture2
IC Lecture2
Sabuj Kundu
❑ The higher energy set of orbitals (dxz, dyz, dxy) are labeled as t2 and
the lower energy set (dz2 and dx2-y2) is labeled as e.
❑ The crystal field splitting in the tetrahedral field is intrinsically smaller
than in the octahedral field.
❑ For most purposes the relationship may be represented as Δt = 4/9 Δo
CFT in Tetrahedral Field
❑No orbitals directly
pointing toward the
Δt = 4/9 Δo
Determination of Δ
❑ Crystal filed splitting parameter (Δ) is generally measured by
electronic spectra.
❑ Let's look at this for [Ti(H2O)6]3+, it is a d1 complex.
❑ Electron in the t2g orbitals
absorb energy in the and gets
promoted to the eg orbitals to
show it’s purple color.
Factors Influencing the Δ
❑ Geometry of the complex: Tetrahedral complexes (ML4) have
smaller Δ than octahedral ones (ML6).
Δ = 10,200 cm-1 for [CoII(NH3)6]2+
5,900 cm-1 for [CoII(NH3)4]2+
❑ Oxidation states of the metal: Complexes having metal in higher
oxidation state will have larger Δ.
❑ Higher charge on the metal ion, pulls the ligands closer hence higher
electrostatic repulsion which results in larger splitting of d-orbitals.
Factors Influencing the Δ
❑Larger and heavier metals in a same group have higher Δ.
For hexaamine complexes: Group 9
[MIII(NH3)6]3+: Δ = 22,870 cm-1 (Co)
34,100 cm-1 (Rh)
41,200 cm-1 (Ir)
❑ Larger size of 4d and 5d orbitals results in stronger interactions
with ligands.
❑ For larger metal ion, the ligands experience less steric crowding
and hence they can approach closer. Thus results in stronger
interaction and larger crystal field splitting. 9
Factors Influencing the Δ
❑Nature of the ligands (Ligand filed strength) have
significant effect on Δ.
For [CoIIIL6]: Δ in cm-1: 13,100 (F-); 20,760 (H2O); 22,870 (NH3)
For [CrIIIL6]: Δ in cm-1: 15,060 (F-); 17,400 (H2O); 26,600 (CN-)
Spectrochemical Series
❑ An arrangement of ligands according to their ability to split the d-
orbitals or crystal field splitting parameter (Δ).
❑ It is based on the strength of ligands interaction with metal ions. It is
often listed, from weaker to stronger ligands
Explanation of Spectrochemical Series using CFT
❑ It is not possible to explain every aspect of the spectrochemical
series using the basic postulates of CFT.
❑ Anionic vs Neutral Ligand: Anionic ligands are expected to interact
electrostatically more strongly than neutral ligands. However, many
anionic ligands (Br-, Cl-, F- etc.) are relatively weak than neutral CO,
Phen etc.
❑ Look at H2O vs OH- (neutral H2O is stronger ligand than OH-).
❑ Among them, the fluoride ion is the smallest and its charge density
is highest.
❑ It can approach much closer to the metal ion thereby increase the
electronic repulsion which leads to higher Δ.
Explanation of Spectrochemical Series using CFT
❑ I- Br- Cl- F- (Ligand Field strength) : Fluoride ion can
approach much closer to the metal ion thereby increase the
electronic repulsion which leads to higher Δ.
F- OH- O2- H2O
❑ To understand this, we have to look into the bonding modes between
these ligands with the metal.
❑ All ligands are “σ donors”. Other than the σ donation, some ligands (NOT
all) can have additional orbitals that can interact with other orbitals on the
metal. Ligand Field Theory (LFT) and Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT) can
properly explain this phenomenon.
❑ F- , OH- , O2- can rehybridize and donate a pair of electrons from their p-
orbitals to d-orbitals on the metal and form a π-bond.
F- OH- O2- H2O
❑ F- , OH- , O2- can rehybridize and donate a pair of electrons from their
p-orbitals to d-orbitals on the metal and form a π-bond.
❑ This reduces the negative charge on the ligands and the positive
charge on the metal, hence Δo decreases.
Why PPh3, CN-, CO are strong field ligands?
❑ CO or cyanide donates its sigma (nonbonding) electrons to the
metal, while accepting electron density from the metal through
overlap of a metal t2g orbital and a ligand π* orbital.
❑ This situation is called "back-bonding" because the ligand donates
σ-electron density to the metal and the metal donates π-electron
density to the ligand.
❑ The ligand is thus acting as a σ-donor and a π-acceptor.
Why PPh3, CN-, CO are strong field ligands?
❑ PPh3: σ-donor and a π-acceptor ligand.
❑ It can accept electrons from filled metal d-orbital to empty d-
orbital of P (and σ-* of P-Ph bond) (π-back bonding).
High Spin vs. Low Spin Complexes
❑ A complex will be high spin or low spin is determined by the Crystal filed splitting
parameter (Δ) and Pairing Energy (P).
❑ For low spin (P < Δ): the energy cost of placing an electron into an already singly
occupied orbital must be less than the cost of placing the additional electron into
an eg orbital at an energy cost of Δ.
❑ For high spin (P > Δ): the energy required to pair two electrons is greater than
the energy cost of placing an electron in an eg, Δ, high spin splitting occurs.
Spin-cross over system
❑ When Do ~ P , interconversion between high spin and low spin states (Spin-
cross over) is possible.
❑ Heat, and light etc. can assist this process.
Appl Nanosci (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-020-01420-z
Key Observations
❑Low spin if ΔO > P, and high spin if ΔO < P
❑3d complexes are high spin with weak field ligands and low spin with
strong field ligands.
❑High valent 3d complexes (e.g., Co3+ complexes) tend to be low spin.
Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE)
❑ CFSE is the additional stability which results from placing a transition metal
ion in the crystal field generated by a set of ligands through the splitting of
the d-orbitals.
CFSE = ΔE = Eligand field − Eisotropic field
❑ In this calculation, additional pairing compare to the pre-splitting condition
should be included.
❑ CSFE will depend on multiple factors including:
✓ Geometry
✓ Number of d-electrons
✓ Spin Pairing Energy
✓ Ligand character
CFSE: for Octahedral Complexes
High Spin Low Spin
d1 t2g1eg0 -2/5 Δo t2g1eg0 -2/5 Δo
d2 t2g2eg0 -4/5 Δo t2g2eg0 -4/5 Δo
d3 t2g3eg0 -6/5 Δo t2g3eg0 -6/5 Δo
d4 t2g3eg1 -3/5 Δo t2g4eg0 -8/5 Δo + P
d5 t2g3eg2 0 Δo t2g5eg0 -10/5 Δo + 2P
d6 t2g4eg2 -2/5 Δo t2g6eg0 -12/5 Δo+ 2P
d7 t2g5eg2 -4/5 Δo t2g6eg1 -9/5 Δo+ P
d8 t2g6eg2 -6/5 Δo t2g6eg2 -6/5 Δo
d9 t2g6eg3 -3/5 Δo t2g6eg3 -3/5 Δo
d10 t2g6eg4 0 Δo t2g6eg4 0 Δo 24
CFSE: for Tetrahedral Complexes
Configuration CFSE
d1 e1t20 -0.6 Δt
d2 e2t20 -1.2 Δt
d3 e2t21 -0.8 Δt
d4 e2t22 -0.4 Δt
Δt = 4/9 Δo
d5 e2t23 0.0 Δt