Energy Stability and Sustainability
Energy Stability and Sustainability
Energy Stability and Sustainability
Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission, is responsible
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in this publication have not been adopted or in any way approved by the Commission and should not
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An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
With the support of
the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport*
Mediterranean Programme,
Robert Schuman Centre
for Advanced Studies (RSCAS),
European University Institute (EUI)
Energy policy Unit - National
Technical University of Athens
Econergy Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies (OIES)
Final Research Report
(as presented at the Concluding Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005)
For more info and programme, follow here
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Eurogulf Tasks of the Project Page 2 of 3
Executive Summary and Policy Paper
Task 1: Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security
Subtask 1.1: Prospects for Oil & Gas Exports from the GCC Member Countries
Paper author: Naji Abi-Aad (ECONERGY - Economics & Energy Consultants)
Subtask 1.1b: Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC Member Countries
Paper authors: Robert Skinner and Robert Arnott (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies - OIES)
Subtask 1.2: Supply Responses to Price Changes in the Medium Term and the Definition of
an Optimal Price Band for Guaranteeing Energy Security in the Long Term
Paper authors: Robert Skinner and Robert Arnott (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies - OIES)
Subtask 1.3: Discussion of the Desirable Rate of Exploitation of GCC Hydrocarbon
Resources in the light of the Objectives of Maximising Revenue and Achieving
Economic Development in the Long Run
Paper authors: Robert Skinner and Robert Arnott (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies - OIES)
Subtask 1.4: Promoting Economic Diversification as a Tool to Encourage Countries holding
Major Hydrocarbon Reserves to Increase Production in line with Growing
Global Demand at Stable Prices
Paper authors: Giacomo Luciani (EUI, RSCAS, Mediterranean Programme) and Naji Abi-Aad
(ECONERGY - Economics & Energy Consultants)
Task 2: Enhancing the Efficiency and Transparency of the International Oil Markets
Subtask 2.1: The Reference Pricing System: Origins, Rationale, Assessment
Paper author: Robert Mabro (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies - OIES)
Subtask 2.2: Reforming Reference Pricing and Seeking for Alternative Pricing Systems
Paper author: Giacomo Luciani (EUI, RSCAS, Mediterranean Programme) with the assistance
of Ouarda Merrouche (EUI, RSCAS)
Subtask 2.3: Strategic Stockpiles vs. Market Intervention for Price Stabilisation
Paper author: Giacomo Luciani (EUI, RSCAS, Mediterranean Programme)
Task 3: Promoting Greater GCC Reliance on Gas through the Development of an
Interconnected GCC Gas Network and Competitive Gas Market; as well as Increased Exports to
the EU through Major New Pipelines and LNG Projects
Paper author: Naji Abi Aad (ECONERGY - Economics & Energy Consultants)
Subtask 3.1: Potential for Greater Gas Utilisation in the GCC Countries
Subtask 3.2: Creating an Integrated GCC Gas Grid and Promoting a Competitive and
Transparent GCC-wide Gas Market
Subtask 3.3: Promoting Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC to the Near East and Europe
Subtask 3.4: Potential for Increased LNG Exports from the GCC Countries to Europe
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Task 4: Development of Renewable Energies, Promotion of the Rational Use of Energy and
Reduction of CO2 Emissions in the GCC Region
Paper author: EPU-NTUA, Athens
Subtask 4.1: Analysis of the Constraints for the Market Development of RES in the GCC
Member Countries and Needs for Financial Support
Subtask 4.2: Potential Role of the CDM to Support the Development of RES
Subtask 4.3: Potential Role of a CO2 Emission-Trading Scheme in the GCC Member
Countries to enable the Development of RES Projects
Subtask 4.4: Establishing an Initial List of RES Projects for Priority Consideration in the
Context of EU-GCC Co-operation
Task 5: Institutional Aspects of EU-GCC Co-operation in the Field of Energy
Subtask 5.1: Discussion of the Respective Role and Co-operation between the several
International Institutions having Competence in the Field of Energy
Paper author: EPU NTUA, Athens
Subtask 5.2: The Relevance of the Energy Charter Treaty for EU-GCC Co-operation
Paper author: Sanam Salem Haghighi (EUI, Law Department and RSCAS, Mediterranean
Programme; OPEC, Vienna)
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- Mediterranean Programme
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
uropean University Institute, ItaIy
- Oxford Institute for nergy Studies (OIS), Uk
- nergy PoIicy Unit
NationaI 7echnicaI University of Athens
(PU-N7UA), Greece
- conergy, Lebanon
An U-GCC DiaIogue
for nergy StabiIity and SustainabiIity
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Executive Summary and Policy Paper
Giacomo Luciani
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Table of Contents
1. Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC Member
2. Defining a long-term equilibrium price band.............................6
3. Reforming reference pricing.....................................................9
4. A cooperative approach to Strategic Stocks ..........................12
Private stocks and demand flexibility .....................................12
Cooperative management of supply emergencies.................13
5. Economic Diversification........................................................16
Downstream integration of the oil producing countries ..........16
Petrochemical exports and the question of double pricing ..18
6. Gas dialogue..........................................................................20
7. Development of renewable energies, promotion of the rational
use of energy and reduction of CO2 emissions in the GCC
region .....................................................................................22
8. The GCC member countries and the Energy Charter Treaty.23
9. Concluding remarks ...............................................................24
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and
the Mediterranean Programme ..............................................25
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The EUROGULF project was launched in 2002 by a consortium led by the
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University
Institute, and comprising the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies, the Energy
Policy Unit of the National Technical University of Athens and ECONERGY
Sal of Beirut. Funding is provided by the European Commission through a
grant from the SYNERGY programme.
The objective of the project is to analyse EU-GCC relations with respect to oil
and gas issues and propose new policy initiatives and approaches to enhance
cooperation between the two regional groupings. The project has originated a
collection of papers whose provisional drafts have been discussed in two
workshops: in Riyadh in April 2004, and in Florence in November 2004. The
final versions of all papers will be circulated at the concluding conference in
Kuwait, on April 2 & 3, 2005.
This Executive Summary focuses on the main themes of the project, and
especially highlights the major policy recommendation that the project
originated. Responsibility for analysis and policy recommendation rests with
the author of each paper and is not necessarily shared by all members of the
consortium. The responsibility for this Summary rests with the Project director,
prof. Giacomo Luciani.
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1. Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC
Member Countries
Our research substantiates the commonly held view that oil production from
the GCC is set to increase in importance over the next 20 years. However, the
rate at which GCC production increases will be affected by increases (or
declines) in non-Gulf and unconventional oil production, which in turn will be
affected by a number of factors, including price.
Prospects of GCC oil exports towards the EU are a potentially important area
of oil dialogue between the EU and the GCC, considering that the share of
the GCC countries in European oil supplies is limited when compared to the
importance of their reserves. EU-GCC oil exchanges are influenced by three
main factors:
x Oil reserves in the GCC are exploited less intensively than elsewhere in
the world: their share of global production is less than half of their share
of global reserves (21 per cent as against 42 per cent);
x The EU is diversifying its primary sources of energy, relying relatively
less on oil, and relatively more on natural gas and coal;
x The EU is the preferred destination for oil from Russia, the Caspian and
North Africa, primarily for logistical considerations, while Gulf oil is
mostly directed to the East or in some case - to the US.
These factors have limited the direct dependence of the EU on GCC oil
exports, but the market for oil is global, and the importance of such direct
dependence is therefore relative. The EU is dependent on GCC oil production
and exports because the latter are essential to the orderly functioning of the
global oil market, and the GCC members countries are the marginal suppliers
of world oil.
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2. Defining a Long-term Equilibrium Price Band
One of the objectives of the EUROGULF project was to investigate whether it
is possible to determine an optimal price band, i.e. a rationally-defined level
of prices which will guarantee future supplies and the full utilisation of global
energy resources.
In approaching this task, the project has started with the definition of a much
broader price band, which is bound at its upper limit by a price level where
incremental demand is negatively affected and a lower limit where supply
would be shut in.
The definition of the upper boundary can be estimated from studies of the
price elasticity of demand for crude oil.
Oil is less of a factor in the OECD economies than in was in 1973. More of it
is in transport, where for reasons including taxation, hedonic values attached
to personal mobility, and structural and other barriers to intermodal shifts in
transportation, demand elasticity is lower. But the price of oil affects other
commodity prices, not the least of which is natural gas - and more and more
gas is becoming the fuel of choice in power generation, and electricity is
essential to a modern economy. So, higher, sustained oil prices would
eventually take their toll on economic growth.
This is the conclusion of recent reports by intergovernmental agencies such
as the IMF and the OECD/IEA (See Analysis of the Impact of High Oil Prices
on the Global Economy, IEA, May, 2004; available on the IEA website). Their
analyses in May 2004, at the beginning of the current run-up in prices
concluded the following:
x As in the past, the net effect on the global economy of higher prices
would be negative. Producer gains would be more than offset by
consumer losses.
x Depending on what producers do with the extra revenues (import
goods and services or pay down debt and rebuild reserves), the effects
would be less or more severe respectively.
x Impacts on trade deficits and budgets could put pressure on interest
rates and therefore prompt tighter monetary policy responses.
x Exchange rates would be affected, leading for example to a rise in the
US dollar, impairing certain developing countries capacity to service
dollar denominated debt and adding to current account imbalances,
particularly in countries where prices of oil products do not reflect their
At the time of writing, some of these effects are beginning to appear.
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Analyses of price effects on inflation and therefore policy responses and their
knock-on macroeconomic effects confirm that this subject is a moving feast.
Oil does make up a smaller share of the consumer basket in OECD countries.
Some research indicates that there was a shift in the impact around 1980;
pre-1980 oil price increases fed directly through to the core CPI, whereas
since then their direct impact as been negligible. Some research suggests
that the impact on the economy of price increases during the seventies were
compounded by monetary policy responses, but this has been less the case
since 1980.
From todays price level of around $50 per barrel, it would seem that extreme
price levelsin other words, a true price shockwould be required before
world economic growth would fall abruptly. Such extreme levels would seem
to be above the current levels, but this tempting conclusion must be cautioned
by the qualification that it is too early to tell. This caution is even more
warranted, as indicated above, given the recent devaluation of the dollar.
The definition of the lower boundary can be estimated by looking at the
operating cost of existing global production. Such analysis highlights the price
level, at which existing production would be shut-in as uneconomic. It is clear
from such analysis that over 87 per cent of crude production today would still
be economic at oil prices down to around $8 per barrel. However, more
important is the price level at which new capacity will generate sufficient
economic return to justify investment.
Our analysis for 2020, which we carried out in late 2003, has shown that
nearly 80 per cent of conventional oil production, up to 104 million barrels per
day, could be developed and operated at a cost of less than $8 per barrel,
with OPEC remaining the lowest cost producer. More recent data suggests
that, given the rise in steel prices and other inputs associated with the finding,
development and production of oil, this marginal cost would have risen,
perhaps to $12 - $14/bbl.
Therefore the price band has limits somewhere above $50/bbl and not
much below $14/bbl and certainly not below $8/bbl.
In a free market, where there is no constraint on production capacity, it would
be natural for prices to fall to the marginal cost of production, which in the low
demand case would be around $8 per barrel. However, the fact that the actual
oil price has traded within a band of $18 - $26 per barrel for over 80 per cent
of the past decade demonstrates the market power of OPEC.
Our research suggests that the oil price required by the private oil companies
and national governments is on average some $10 - $12 per barrel higher
than actual development costs required for projects to breakeven. More
interesting is the fact that the price required by private oil companies is lower
than the price required by national governments even though they might be
involved in more expensive and technically more difficult developments.
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To date our analysis suggests that a minimum oil price of $25 is
sufficient to secure investment in new supplies, but even at this level
pressure would be put on the budgets of national governments.
Our conclusion is that there is no prescriptive or optimal oil price band that will
guarantee long term security of supply of energy. We have identified that the
broad range of prices where projects are economic but which do not adversely
affect demand is between $8 and $50 per barrel. We have also shown that an
oil price in excess of $20 per barrel is required for companies and
governments to justify investments to shareholders and to balance budgets
respectively. However, prices required by companies and governments are a
moving target, compounded by shifts in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar.
We do not subscribe to the viewif only because it escapes precisionthat
oil prices need to be sufficiently high and implicitly that some international
mechanism should be contrived to ensure they are, for GCC members to
bear the burden of the massive investment required to satisfy global demand.
It is clear that in the case of the GCC, an oil price of just $8 per barrel would
be sufficient in theory to justify investment and raise finance, but for most
countries it would fall well short of meeting their budgetary requirements.
Finally it must be accepted that finding and defining a price band is not only
elusive, it could be dynamic. As soon as the oil price nudges into the upper or
lower zones, the dynamic relationships of supply and demand would adjust,
and the price would be affected.
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3. Reforming Reference Pricing
The current price regime for oil in international trade was introduced in the
second half of the 1980s and is known as reference pricing. The concept of
a market-related system which involves a formula linking the price of a given
export crude to a reference price (or a set of reference prices) arising in a
particular market was pioneered by PEMEX in 1986. The pricing formula has
the following form: Export price of crude X = Marker price (or prices) R plus or
minus adjustment factor F.
Initially the marker prices were spot WTI, dated Brent, or spot ANS, all prices
for physical (wet) oil barrels. The logic is that a marker price must be
generated in a physical market where the transactions are sales and
purchases of barrels of oil. However, these spot markets of marker crudes
have problems: they are very thin; the number of price quotations for actual
transactions is very small; they can be more easily squeezed than very liquid
futures markets. Most exporting countries have therefore replaced dated by
futures Brent, and spot WTI by the NYMEX price of the contract for light sweet
crudes. So Brent, WTI, Dubai/Oman etc. remain the marker crudes but the
relevant prices of the first two are taken from what is in essence a market of
financial instruments.
The economic price of a commodity, a good or a service is the price that
arises from the interaction of the supply of and the demand for this
commodity, good or service in a market where sellers and (buyers) offer and
(purchase) them.
In contrast, for oil the price of a physical barrel in international trade is linked
very closely to that of a futures contract. This price results, of course, from the
interaction of supply and demand; but of the supply and demand for this item,
which is a futures contract, not a physical barrel of oil.
The determinants of a transaction in the futures market include expectations
about developments in the supply of and demand for oil. In that sense there is
a relationship with the physical oil world, but not to actual conditions at given
points in time. The point is that in a physical market the buyer purchases a
commodity, good or service because it has a place in his/her consumption or
investment plans - but purchases are sometimes also made or deferred in
response to expectations about changes in prices or other supply conditions.
In a futures market the trader will buy or sell not because he has a physical
need for the item but entirely on the basis of expectations about subsequent
price movements.
There are other determinants for transactions on futures markets that are not
related to the oil situation. This is because the futures oil contract is a financial
instrument, held by many economic agents (particularly hedge funds, banks,
other financial institutions) in a portfolio of various financial instruments. The
aim is to optimise the composition of the portfolio. Funds move in or out of a
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financial market, be it oil, bonds, foreign exchange etc. etc., depending on
relative expectations.
Hence a decoupling between price movements in the futures market and
the economic fundamentals of the supply of, and demand for, the
physical barrel may occur from time to time.
The current oil price determination system can be described succinctly as
(a) The marker prices are determined in two futures exchanges NYMEX
in New York and IPE in London.
(b) OPEC attempts to influence price formation on the futures exchanges
in two ways. The most important is by signalling its price preferences
by altering the level of its policy-determined production ceiling (and the
associated production quotas). Another signalling device was the
adoption a few years ago of a price band.
(c) Those that buy or sell futures contracts may or may not respond to the
signals. A positive market response to an OPEC (production) signal
depends on whether OPEC appears to be united in the making of the
policy decision; on how credible (that is how realistic) the OPEC policy
decision appears to be; and on whether the market is taken by surprise
by the policy decision or whether it had widely expected it and therefore
fully discounted it in the price.
(d) Both OPEC and the market continually assess the likely future
movements in supply and demand, the factors that may cause either
curve to shift in one direction or the other, and numerous sources of
uncertainties - the most important being those which affect the world
economic outlook and the geopolitical situation (for example, in Iraq).
Is it possible to improve on the current, flawed functioning of the oil market
and bring about greater adherence to market fundamentals? Both the oil
producing countries and the major oil importing countries have an interest in
oil price stability, but also in prices that are responsive to market conditions,
and therefore sustainable in the long run. There is an obvious trade off
between these two objectives. Provided a market design could be arrived at,
which simultaneously guarantees greater price stability and responsiveness to
market conditions, both sides would probably see its merits.
A combination of greater price stability with increased reliance on market
mechanisms may be brought about by the development of active new physical
oil markets: candidates are in the Mediterranean, in the Gulf itself, and
probably in the Far East (Southeast Asia). The project examines in particular
the prospect that a liquid physical spot market might develop in the Eastern
Mediterranean, and asserts that this should be an important priority for the
EU. An Eastern Mediterranean spot market does not require the participation
of the GCC oil producing countries, but would benefit from it.
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The actual benefit of developing new physical oil markets will depend
from their design. The European Commission should take steps to
ensure that they are transparent, based on standardised contracts
traded in an exchange, and with numerous players. While in the end the
success and shape of new markets depends on the action of sellers, buyers
and intermediaries, rather than on government intervention, governments and
the Commission can encourage/facilitate the creation of markets and
influence their design.
However, in order to ensure that fundamentals play a more important role in
price formation, the active participation of oil producing countries will be
necessary. The project argues in favour of either one or both of the
following developments:
x Allowing secondary trading and the development of a secondary
market in major crude oil;
x And/or primary trading based on recurrent auctions with
uncertainty in the sellers supply.
If only secondary trading is allowed, a lot of information will be gained for price
discovery, and the oil exporting countries will gain a much more direct
influence on prices through variations in volumes exported, relative to what
they have now. If auction-based primary trading is opted for, the price
determined in such auctions will become the guide to the market, and volatility
may be very fundamentally reduced. Nevertheless, the market would still be
very active, indeed more active than under the current reference pricing
system; producers would receive its signals and be able to respond to them.
Ideally, the EU should propose an exchange-based trading system with
frequent primary auctions for the major crude oils organised in an
appropriate weekly or monthly calendar coupled with continuous secondary
trading of standard parcels.
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4. A Cooperative Approach to Strategic Stocks
The project has analysed the policy of accumulating strategic stocks as it has
been practiced in the US, Europe and under the IEA Emergency Response
system, as well as the recent debate within the Union concerning the
possibility of increasing the level of mandatory stocks from 90 to 120 days of
consumption. This analysis points to several problems in the definition of an
effective policy for the accumulation and utilisation of strategic stocks, notably:
x The difficulty of defining the appropriate level of strategic stocks
x The impossibility of distinguishing the use of stocks in strategic
emergencies from their use as market intervention tools
x The very limited and seemingly ineffective use of the stocks in actual
Such doubts have also been voiced in the context of the proposals to increase
Europes strategic stocks put forward by the Commission in 2002 and
withdrawn in 2004.
Private stocks and demand flexibility
Against this backdrop, the project proposes that a clear distinction be made
between the wisdom of maintaining large public stocks and that of
encouraging large(r) private stocks. The problems concerning public stocks
are very much related to their public nature that is to the need to have clear
activation criteria, cost-benefit analysis, and differentiation between
emergency contingencies and market intervention. None of these arguments
applies to privately held stocks, and the wisdom of encouraging private actors
in the industry to hold larger stocks would appear to be out of discussion.
The drive towards cost cutting and maximisation of return on invested capital
has meant that all companies have strived to minimise their working capital,
and one way to do so is to reduce stocks and progressively eliminate all
redundancies in ones logistics system. The consequence is much greater
vulnerability to supply disruptions.
The debate about insufficient investment under conditions of market
liberalisation is ongoing, and may be expected to eventually converge on
solutions that will re-establish some stability and resilience to the system. This
debate, however, mainly concentrates on network energy, and appears to
have overlooked the problems of the oil industry.
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We may think in terms of adopting regulations at various stages in the industry
mandating a certain level of stocks and redundancies in several crucial
facilities, which may contribute to the overall reliability of the system. In a
sense, this is what is done when oil companies are mandated to maintain
stocks equal to at least x days of consumption except that these stocks are
then called strategic and are not freely controlled by the companies
themselves. It is proposed to introduce rules to mandate companies to
maintain stocks of crude and products as well as a certain redundancy
in capacity in crucial logistics or refining capacity, but allow the
companies to more flexibly use such stocks and excess capacity when
they feel a need to do so.
Major users of oil products and gas should also be encouraged to invest in
flexibility. Depending on the circumstances, this may mean maintaining a dual
firing capability, or maintaining sufficient stocks. Consumers should be
educated about the volatility of energy prices and encouraged to protect
themselves against it. Presently, contractual instruments that may allow this
are not on offer, but they might be encouraged or even mandated on oil
product suppliers. E.g. requesting oil products suppliers to offer contracts
that will guarantee prices or limit price increases to the final consumer
over a given period of time may create sufficient incentive in the
industry to hold larger stocks and invest in redundancy. Such contracts
are certainly feasible on the basis of direct or indirect trading on futures
markets but are out of reach for the individual or small consumer.
Similarly, limiting by regulation the extent to which refiners, distributors
and major industrial consumers can transfer oil price increases on to
the final consumer would encourage futures trading and holding of
The discussion on oil stocks cannot be separated from the discussion on the
volatility of crude oil prices, and that strategic stocks should be understood in
a very narrow sense, and resorted to only to deal with actual and clearly
identifiable exceptional circumstances; otherwise the emphasis should be on
creating a more resilient and stable international oil trading environment,
which will dampen the shocks to which the final consumer is exposed.
Cooperative management of supply emergencies
The hypothesis of some kind of cooperative management of supply
emergencies has been greatly enhanced by the informal agreement between
the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Claude Mandil, and
the Minister of Petroleum of Saudi Arabia, Ali Naimi, in the run-up to the 2003
war in Iraq. The agreement envisaged that Saudi Arabia would use its
unutilised capacity to make up for any shortfall in global crude oil supplies,
and the IEA would abstain from using its strategic stocks. This agreement
constitutes a powerful and extremely significant precedent, because it
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implicitly asserts that existing unutilised capacity in Saudi Arabia is the first
line of defence against unexpected and undesirable interruptions or
disturbances in the regular patter of crude oil supplies.
Although the Mandil/Naimi understanding is a purely informal pact, it has been
publicly described by its two parties, and not objected to therefore implicitly
ratified by their respective constituencies. We may therefore speak of an
informal agreement to cooperatively manage unutilised capacity and strategic
stocks to compensate for unexpected and unintended shortfalls in crude oil
availability. In this context, several interesting questions become of relevance.
Firstly, the major industrial countries cannot be indifferent to the
existence of unutilised production capacity. Indeed, the interest of the
importing countries in having a sufficient cushion of unutilised capacity
available for situations of stress is clear. Nevertheless, the importing countries
do nothing to share the investment burden, which is required to maintain such
unused capacity. Indeed, the importing countries constantly claim that the
producing countries should allow more of an involvement of the international
oil companies in investing upstream however the international oil companies
are certainly not interested in investing in unused capacity. It is probably
impossible to envisage that governments of the importing countries would
contribute to the financing of investment in unused capacity; however, in the
context of a cooperative approach to dealing with supply emergencies, the
investment by producing countries in unused capacity should be
credited to them as their contribution to the overall stability of the
Secondly, the issue of location of stocks: should stocks necessarily be held in
the EU or may they be held outside of the Union? The Commission has
explicitly indicated: stocks could be held in the EU Member States and
candidate countries or equally in producer or transit countries. This opens the
door to some very interesting possibilities that deserve in depth discussion:
x The EU might decide to invest in the creation of storage facilities
offering their use for free to producers wishing to deposit their
crude in them. Producers would retain ownership and control of the
crude under normal circumstances, but the EU would be allowed
access under emergency conditions. Producers might receive a
certificate for the crude they deposit in the storage, which they might
use as collateral to borrow from the financial system. The European
Investment Bank might specifically be mandated to issue loans against
these certificates, e.g. to finance investment in creating unutilised
capacity in the same producing countries. The availability of such an
oil deposit window would encourage producing countries to abandon
the attempt to modify their production levels in anticipation of changes
in market balance: experience has told us that such anticipations can
prove unfounded, leading to even worse market imbalances. The ability
to divert oil to a deposit window in case of weak demand, or to
withdraw from it in case of unexpectedly strong demand, would
enhance the ability of major producers to maintain prices at levels close
to their targets.
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x Storage facilities might be created in connection with major
pipelines. They might, in this context, be functional to the stability of
the Mediterranean crude oil market, whose creation is anticipated and
encouragement proposed. For crude oil originating in the GCC
countries, which would enter the Mediterranean primarily through the
Suez Canal and/or the SUMED pipeline, creation of storage facilities in
Egypt might be considered.
x Strategic stocks should include not only crude oil and oil
products that have been sold by the original owner to a titleholder
of a different nationality. National oil companies of the producing
countries should be encouraged to integrate downstream into refining
and marketing in the EU, and thus become subject to stockholding
obligations and own stocks within the EU. National oil companies of the
producing countries should also be encouraged to establish stocks of
crude oil possibly for trading purposes within the territory of the EU.
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5. Economic Diversification
All oil-producing countries pursue the goal of economic diversification. As long
as they remain pure exporters of crude, the GCC countries have all incentive
to maximise oil revenue, even to the detriment of global prosperity. But the
more they become integrated into the global economy, the more their
perspective will change.
Economic diversification must be based on the areas of strength and
comparative advantage. In this context, diversification into downstream oil
production, petrochemicals, and other energy-intensive industries is of
paramount importance. Although there may be other areas in which the GCC
countries may enjoy or acquire competitive advantage, it is difficult to
conceive of a satisfactory scenario of economic diversification that does not
make the best of their resource endowment.
In the long run, the GCC member countries must become fully
industrialised, and assimilated to the industrial countries that are
members of the OECD. Several OECD member countries are also major oil
exporters, Norway first and foremost, and they too of course care about
maximising their oil and gas export revenue, however the quality of relations
with them is widely perceived to be more cooperative than with the GCC
member countries. The difference clearly lies in the level of industrialisation.
Downstream integration of the oil producing countries
Downstream integration, including in refining and marketing in the major
importing countries, creates greater market stability by facilitating the
feedback from the final consumer market to the upstream producer. Greater
awareness of consumer demands, better control of market share, greater
attention to product quality, are all-important to preserve consumer
acceptance in the long run.
Environmental issues also come into play. Transporting lighter products poses
less of a hazard to the natural environment in the event of an accident, while
the worst hazard is created by the transport of heavy fuel oil. The EUs stated
intention of pursuing a reduction in the maritime transport of crude oil across
the Mediterranean would best be served by promoting refining close to the
source and transportation of lighter, more volatile products, accompanied by
severe restrictions on the transportation of heavy fuel oil.
Strategic storage of oil products can deliver much greater security than the
strategic storage of crude. Not all oil products may be said to be equally
essential, and the storing of products may allow guaranteeing consumption of
the essential needs for a longer period, coeteris paribus. It is noteworthy that
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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the EU strategic storage policy has been essentially aimed at guaranteeing
the storage of products.
In the industrial countries, refineries have long been the least beloved
segment of the integrated oil companies, and frequent attempts have been
made to restructure the sector and reduce capacity. This has generally
pitched companies against governments, because restructuring is facilitated
by cooperation between all oil companies, i.e. by restriction of competition.
National governments and the EU commission have opposed this, preventing
oil companies from implementing cooperative agreements aiming at reducing
refining capacity. In other words, the competition authorities in the industrial
countries may have slowed down a process of industry restructuring, which is
widely recognised to be necessary and in the best interest of the consumer in
the longer run.
In addition, environmental requirements (especially the requirement for site
restoration) have greatly increased the cost of permanently shutting down a
refinery, encouraging less drastic approaches. The resulting excess capacity
has depressed refinery returns, thus also hindering the upgrading of refineries
and the improvement of the quality of products.
In short, it is not clear that the alleged advantage of locating refineries close to
markets rather than close to the source of crude oil reflects truly objective and
technical factors, rather than artificial obstacles brought about by legal and
regulatory specificities.
The GCC countries may progressively change their profile and become
suppliers of more products and less crude oil to the Mediterranean market
while at the same time extending their marketing presence in the European
markets, so as to better control their market outlets and share. From the point
of view of the European Union, the potential advantages and disadvantages
of this possible evolution should be weighted carefully. It is likely that this
evolution might be resisted or encouraged through appropriate regulatory
decisions, on a wide range of aspects going from environmental requirements
for the transport of crude oil and oil products, to requirements for holding of
strategic stocks, or relevant rules pertaining to the closing of refining capacity.
The consideration of advantages and disadvantages should be conducted in
the light of the previously exposed arguments in favour of supporting the
economic diversification of the GCC member countries. If we accept the
hypothesis that supporting GCC economic diversification will contribute
to the security and stability of supplies, then surely facilitating
downstream integration of the oil producers into refining is a step in the
right direction.
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Petrochemical exports and the question of double pricing
The rapid growth of production of commodity petrochemicals in the oil
producing countries has been viewed as a threat by the industry in Europe.
The European chemical industry has for many years claimed that
petrochemicals production in the GCC countries was unduly subsidised, and
successfully bid for protection. This has been a serious bone of contention in
EU-GCC relations ever since the signing of the 1988 cooperation agreement.
In the context of EU-GCC relations it is extremely important to reach an
agreement opening the door to greater openness of the European
petrochemical products market.
All GCC member countries have ambitious programs to develop their
petrochemical exports. With the exception of Saudi Arabia, all GCC member
countries are members of the WTO, and no action has been initiated under
the WTO to argue that the production of petrochemicals is subsidised. Indeed,
the fact that petrochemical production is expanding also in countries where
the industry depends on imported feedstock, such as Bahrain or Dubai,
proves that subsidies cannot be the reason for the industrys success and
In view of overcoming the remaining difficulties with respect to the pricing of
NGL to the petrochemical industry in Saudi Arabia the following action plan is
1. The Saudi Government should pass a resolution abolishing all previous
decisions concerning pricing of LPG and affirming the full autonomy of Saudi
Aramco in establishing a pricing structure in line with the companys own long
term strategic objectives. The new resolution should preferably note that
Saudi Aramco occupies a dominant position on the domestic market for LPG
and should not abuse it. This may be achieved if e.g. contractual conditions
for the supply of LPG to domestic customers are agreed upon through a
process of collective negotiations between Saudi Aramco and its industrial
customers, and the same conditions are offered to all domestic customers,
existing as well as new. The resolution should also assert that Saudi Aramco
is required to extend to all international customers that are in the same
conditions as domestic customers equivalent contractual conditions. Possibly,
the resolution should also establish a special arbitration board to settle
disputes or mediate between the parties in the absence of an agreement.
2. An association of all industrial users of LPG should be formed,
including SABIC, all of SABICs joint venture partners, and other private Saudi
petrochemical. This association should preferably be set up entirely
independently of Government initiative, although the Government may
acknowledge its existence and affirm its right to negotiate with Saudi Aramco
on behalf of all industrial users of LPG. The association should be open to all
captive customers of Saudi Aramco. A captive customer is one which has
no supply alternative and necessarily depends on Saudi Aramco for its supply
of LPG. Operationally speaking, captive customers shall be defined as
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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customers served by pipeline, independently of the fact that they may be
located within the borders of the Kingdom or outside of them.
3. The current government-sanctioned pricing structure should be
replaced by a freely negotiated contractual agreement between Saudi Aramco
and the Association. The agreement may be valid for a fixed period of time
(e.g. five years) and be renegotiated thereafter. In the absence of a new
agreement whenever one is due, compulsory arbitration shall be envisaged.
In judging of the prospects of GCC exports of commodity petrochemicals it
should be kept in mind that all major European oil and chemical companies
are divesting their commodity petrochemicals businesses, because it is not
viewed as promising enough. In one case (Netherlandss DSM) the business
was sold to SABIC of Saudi Arabia. Previously, ENI had been negotiating the
sale to SABIC of 50% of its ENICHEM subsidiary, as a step to reduce its
involvement in petrochemicals. Two other major European companies, Basell
and Lanxess, are currently in the process of being either sold or floated in
dependently by their respective parent companies (Shell, BASF and Bayer).
In the light of these realities, the EU and the GCC should engage in a
dialogue to achieve a more advanced model of division of labour based on
transferring the production of commodity petrochemicals to the Gulf. This may
involve issues related to the privatisation of GCC petrochemical companies
and the preservation of competition between them, avoiding the creation of a
dominant company enjoying excessive market power. In other words, the EU
has legitimate interests that should be preserved, but these do not coincide
with the all-out defence of European commodity petrochemical producers,
whose best strategic option may well be to be acquired by Gulf producers and
become part of the latters global drive.
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6. Gas dialogue
The projects research has highlighted the obstacles that continue to hinder an
agreement to implement the GCC Gas Grid, which has been on the drawing
board since the early 1980s. Instead, Qatar, the main promoter of gas
interconnection in the Gulf, has been trying hard, without big success until
now, to link with its GCC neighbours, such as Bahrain, the UAE, Oman and
Kuwait, through single and segmented projects
One of the reasons for that failure could be the little experience of the GCC in
building and operating gas transportation networks or grids. Here, we believe
that a EU-GCC dialogue may be extremely helpful, with the Europeans
bringing to mind their experience in the gas industry and its transport sector.
In addition, the EU could effectively promote, on the basis of the experience of
its member countries, the benefits to be derived from establishing a GCC-wide
gas network, allowing individual producers to sell to any customer along the
network, and breaking the pattern of segmented projects geared to export, or
closed, vertically integrated projects for the domestic transformation of gas.
The GCC could also learn from the EU experience regarding power and gas
deregulation and liberalisation, as well as the links between domestic prices of
petroleum products and those of natural gas.
As a way to encourage and promote a GCC Gas Grid, the EU could well
encourage European companies to establish natural gas consuming and
export-oriented value-added downstream ventures and related industries in
the GCC region. This is especially true if the future gas development in the
region would be reoriented more and more towards domestic markets due to
export constraints and market saturation.
Establishing a GCC-wide gas grid is an important prerequisite which
would facilitate the serious thinking of building a pipeline between the
GCC to the Near East and Europe. In fact, in order for the Qatari gas
reserves to be supplied by pipeline to the nearest point connecting with the
European gas network, they must be channelled through one or more GCC
Bringing natural gas from the GCC, and more specifically Qatar, to Europe,
requires solving a complex puzzle of several pieces, all of which must fall in
place. Nevertheless, if an export pipeline is put in place linking Qatar to
Turkey across Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria and capable of serving
Lebanon as well, several very important objectives would be served. It should
be pursued as a priority in the context of a EU-GCC Partnership. That would
go hand by hand with the EU support of the Arab Gas Pipeline project, which
is to link Egypt with Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and ultimately Cyprus and
To some extent, diversification of gas supplies to the EU can come from
increasing imports of LNG which being transported by ship, enjoys greater
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 21 of 26
flexibility, at least in theory. Let us here focus on. Since 2001, Qatar has
concluded many landmark deals aimed to supply its LNG into European
While GCC-EU gas trade must develop in a competitive environment with
operational responsibilities resting firmly with the gas industry, the GCC and
European Union can play an important role in coordinating and supporting this
trade. The establishment of an advisory body to facilitate the development of
common gas strategies and the exchange of information between the GCC
and EU gas industry and buyers could make an important contribution to gas
trade. Such a body is particularly important in the current period of transition
to a competitive gas market as uncertainty can impede the development of
investment and trade.
A dialogue between the GCC and EU gas industries and transit countries is
also important in the context of facilitating and safeguarding new investment
and commercial opportunities. New opportunities for foreign participation in
the GCC gas and downstream industries are emerging and this should
stimulate the development of trade.
The emergence of risk mitigation strategies and financial instruments is an
important development that is not yet fully exploited in the gas industry.
The EU is already making a direct political and financial contribution to the
development of gas infrastructure through its Trans European Network (TEN)
programme. A closer dialogue with the GCC could have an impact in
identifying and prioritising new projects that could facilitate the development of
gas trade with the GCC.
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Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 22 of 26
7. Development of Renewable Energies, Promotion of the
Rational Use of Energy and Reduction of CO2 Emissions
in the GCC Region
The project has conducted a thorough analysis of opportunities for the
development of renewable energy sources (RES), the promotion of the
rational use of energy (RUE) and the reduction of CO2 emissions in the GCC
region. The project also points to a preliminary list of projects, which could be
undertaken in the context of EU-GCC cooperation.
In the longer run, the most promising opportunities for cooperation in the
reduction of CO2 emissions may be found in the search for more advanced,
cleaner fuels, and in the capture of CO2. A recent study of the International
Energy Agency has highlighted that the oil producing countries of the Gulf are
the ideal candidates to develop carbon sequestration.
It should be noted that concentration of refining, petrochemical and other
energy intensive activities close to the main hydrocarbon fields is
environmentally sound, because it facilitates carbon sequestration and
the reduction of emissions. To the extent that the global economy will
move, as some predict, from using petroleum products to using hydrogen and
fuel cells in transportation and stationary uses, the GCC member countries
will be able to compete as producers of hydrogen. The latter is in fact not
found in nature, but must be produced, and one of the easiest methods of
doing so is the steam reforming of hydrocarbons methane or some of the
products of refining crude oil. Steam reforming of hydrocarbons is a process
generating significant carbon emissions, which the GCC member countries
would be in a position to sequestrate cheaply and efficiently. In short, the
strategy of integrating downstream and exporting quality petroleum and
petrochemical products rather than crude is fully in line with the Kyoto protocol
and is not vulnerable to changes in the technology and fuel preferences of the
major energy markets.
The EU and the GCC should engage in dialogue to promote RES and RUE
and experiment with carbon sequestration and cleaner fuels, in view of
developing technologies to protect the environment while at the same time
making the best possible use of scarce energy resources.
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Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 23 of 26
8. The GCC Member Countries and the Energy Charter
Although members of the GCC were not asked to participate in the Energy
Charter Treaty negotiations, no provision impedes their eventual membership.
While the main objective of the Treaty was to build an energy community
between two sides of the collapsed iron curtain, its scope has expanded by
granting observer status to other important energy producing countries, from
Algeria and Nigeria to Iran and all members of the GCC.
The ECT provisions not only guarantee the safe and secure investment in,
and trade with GCC countries, but also contribute to their industrial
development, and protect their outward investment and trade. In January
2003, the Secretary General of the ECT Secretariat highlighted the
'tremendous advantages' that accession to the Treaty would bring to oil and
gas exporting countries'. The ECT seeks to overcome existing legal problems
of today's energy environment and guarantee stable political and economic
cooperation. For that purpose, membership of the ECT would make the voice
of some of the most important energy-rich countries heard in the progressive
definition of an energy regime at the international level. The ECT has created
a preferential investment, trade and transit area that the GCC countries
should be interested in being a part of.
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Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 24 of 26
9. Concluding remarks
The EUROGULF project has generated an important body of analysis and
several innovative proposals, some of which can be undertaken directly by the
EU and the GCC, other may be promoted by these two groupings in other
institutional contexts, notably the IEA and OPEC. The International Energy
Forum also offers an institutional framework for the promotion of new forms of
Most of the proposals put forward in the project to enhance EU-GCC
cooperation could also be taken up in other regional contexts. Thus, for
example, the adoption of new price determination rules on the part of the GCC
major oil producers would have global significance not just for the EU and
the GCC; the development of a spot market in the Eastern Mediterranean is
primarily, but not exclusively, of regional interest; it could be mirrored by the
parallel development of new spot markets in the Far East or elsewhere.
Innovative approaches to strategic stocks would have global significance and
impact, although specific mechanisms, e.g. the creation of the proposed oil
deposit window should be established on a regional basis (but could be
imitated in other regions).
Economic diversification issues also have a global facet, which is best dealt
with in the context of the WTO, and a regional dimension, to the extent that
trade in petrochemicals has been an area of conflict between the EU and the
The development of gas networks connecting the GCC countries is primarily
of interest to the countries themselves, and indirectly of global interest; the
establishment of pipeline connections between the GCC and Europe is of
regional interests, but parallel developments have been discussed in the
direction of Eastern markets.
Measures to encourage reduction of CO2 emissions are of global significance,
although the EU has maintained a keener interest than other international
Finally the question of GCC membership in the ECT is primarily for the Energy
Charter Secretariat to deal with, although the Union has a major voice.
EU-GCC energy cooperation is therefore per force institutionally complex and
cannot be conceived of in isolation from dialogue and cooperation in a broad
array of international institutions and forums. It should not be viewed as
aiming at the establishment of preferential ties which would be unrealistic
and finally unnecessary but at improving global conditions in the
international exchange of oil and gas, to the benefit of all.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 25 of 26
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the
Mediterranean Programme
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies carries out disciplinary and
interdisciplinary research in the areas of European integration and public policy in Europe. It
hosts the annual European Forum. Details of this and the other research of the centre can be
found on:
Research publications take the form of Working Papers, Policy Papers, Distinguished
Lectures and books. Most of these are also available on the RSCAS website:
The EUI and the RSCAS are not responsible for the opinion expressed by the author(s).
The Mediterranean Programme was set up at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced
Studies of the European University Institute in 1998. It focuses on the Mediterranean region.
The Mediterranean Programme engages in research with the twin aims of: a) generating
intellectually excellent scholarly work; and b) contributing to the general policy debate relating
to the flows of persons, goods and ideas between and within the Northern, Eastern, Southern
and Western Mediterranean areas in its four core fields of interest: EUMediterranean/Middle
East Relations, Political Regimes, State, Economy and Society in the Middle East and North
African, International Migration, Energy Relations in the Mediterranean region.
The Mediterranean Programme and its activities have been financed by: Capitalia,
Compagnia di San Paolo, Eni spa, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, European
Commission, European Investment Bank, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, and
Regione Toscana.
The Annual Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting brings together
scholars from across the region.
Energy relations with the Mediterranean, Gulf and Central Asian countries is a key area
of expertise within the Mediterranean Programme. Current work covers: regulation of energy
markets; issues in the efficiency and stability of global energy markets; and development of
gas exports and regional transportation networks.
EUROGULF - An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability is a project
supported by the European Commission, DG TREN, under the Synergy Programme. This
project is led by the Mediterranean Programme, in co-operation with the Oxford Institute of
Energy Studies, the National Technical University of Athens and ECONERGY Sal of Beirut.
The project runs from May 2003 to April 2005. The first workshop took place in Riyadh on 5
and 6 April, 2004. The second workshop in Florence, in November 2004. The final conference
will be organised in Kuwait 1-2 April 2005. An outline of this project is posted on the
Programmes web site.
EU-GCC Co-operation through the Promotion of Hydrocarbon Technology Transfer
Improving the EU Security of Supply is a project sponsored by the European Commission,
DG TREN, under the programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. It is
led by the National Technical University of Athens in co-operation with the Mediterranean
Programme and others.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Executive Summary and Policy Paper Page 26 of 26
MEDSUPPLY Development by southern and eastern Mediterranean countries of energy
sources for Europe was a project supported by the European Commission, DG TREN, under
the Synergy Programme, and operated by a consortium consisting of the Observatoire
Mditerranen de lEnergie (OME) of Nice, the Mediterranean Programme and Sonatrach
corporation of Algeria. The project was concluded in May 2003 and all project reports are
available on CD Rom upon request. A presentation to DG TREN was held in Brussels on 9
October 2003.
Caspian Oil and Gas Scenarios
The Programme jointly organised with the International Energy Agency (IEA, Paris) a
Conference on Caspian Oil & Gas Scenarios: After a decade of rising expectations, what will
a factual analysis decide for the decade to come? which was held in Florence on 1415 April
2003. The conference papers are available on the web pages of the Mediterranean
Programme and the IEA.
Insuring Against Disruptions of Energy Supply (INDES)
Insuring against Disruptions of Energy Supply (INDES) was a project organised by CEPS in
co-operation with the Mediterranean Programme and other partners with funding from the
Fifth Framework Programme. Materials from this project are available from the projects web
site .
Conferences on the Geopolitics of Energy
In conjunction with the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, the Programme organised a
conference on Energy: Interdependence or Conflict Across the Mediterranean, which took
place on April 26 and 27, 2001. The keynote speech was given by Ms. Loyola de Palacio
(Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner in charge of Energy and
Since 2002, the Programme has organised in Florence an Annual Conference on the
Geopolitics of Energy in association with the Aspen Institute Italia.
x The first conference (Emerging Challenges in the Field of Energy Policy for Europe,
the USA and Russia) took place on July 9 & 10, 2002. Some of the materials were
published in Aspenia as well as in Medenergie.
x The second conference (The Geopolitics of Energy: The Asian Shift) tool place on
89 July 2003; the complete materials were published in OGEL.
x The third conference took place on 8&9 July 2004; the complete materials are posted
on the RSCAS website.
All conferences were characterised by high-level participation from academia, international
organisations (European Commission, International Energy Agency, OPEC) and energy
For further information:
Mediterranean Programme
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
European University Institute
Via delle Fontanelle, 19
50016 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy
Fax: + 39 055 4685 770
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Prospects for Oil & Gas Exports from the GCC Member
Author: Naji Abi-Aad (Econergy)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security
Task Ref.: 1
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
Most projections about oil and gas supplies over the next two decades concur that the role of
OPEC, and specifically of the Gulf suppliers, is bound to increase. However, considerable
disparities are found in the details, concerning the speed and extent at which increasing
supplies from the region will be needed or observed. The differences depend in part on
assumptions about prices and the response of oil and gas supplies from other regions,
including notably supplies from Central Asia or West Africa; and/or about the development of
non traditional sources of crude oil, such as the Orinoco heavy oils or Canadas tar sands;
and in part on differences of opinion concerning the potential for growing supplies from other
important producers, such as Mexico, the Russian Federation or Venezuela (the latter of
course being an OPEC member). Our objective is to evaluate specifically the future role of the
GCC countries, which requires in addition a discussion of the prospects of non-GCC Gulf
countries, including Iran and Iraq.
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
1.1 Prospects for Oil & Gas Exports from the GCC Member Countries Page 2 of 36
Table of Contents
1. The GCC on the World Oil Map 3
2. Demand Outlook 6
3. Supply Outlook 8
3.1 Russia 9
3.2 The Caspian 12
3.3 Africa 13
3.4 Non-GCC OPEC Countries 14
3.4.1 Venezuela 14
3.4.2 Iraq 14
3.4.3 Iran 16
3.4.4 Libya 17
3.4.5 Algeria 18
4. Different Forecasts Proposed for GCC Oil 18
4.1 The EIAs International Energy Outlook 2004 (IEO 2004) 18
4.2 The IEAs World Energy Outlook 2004 22
4.3 The IEPE Scenarios (official forecasts adopted by the EC) 24
5. The GCC Meeting the Call on its Oil: An Assessment 27
6. Last Word: EU-GCC Oil Interlinks 36
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
1.1 Prospects for Oil & Gas Exports from the GCC Member Countries Page 3 of 36
1. The GCC on the World Oil Map
In theory, many key factors should be affecting the prospects of oil and gas supply and
exports from the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), including proved
reserves and undiscovered resources, costs of supply, oil prices, investment, government
policy and industrial development.
However, it is widely known that the supply policy of the other main oil producers, both within
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) or non-OPEC producers, and the
strategies of the consuming countries are decisively impacting the role played by the GCC on
the international oil market.
The huge reserve base existing in the Gulf is a well-known feature of the global petroleum
industry. According to the latest issue of BP Statistical Review of World Energy, the six GCC
countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates
UAE) contain huge quantities of proved reserves of crude oil and natural gas, estimated in
early 2004 at around 478 billion barrels of crude oil and 41,920 billion cubic metres of natural
gas, representing about 42 per cent and 24 per cent of the worlds total respectively.
Oil & Gas Reserves & Resources in the GCC
Crude Oil
early 2004
Crude Oil
Resources, 2000
, billion
Natural Gas
early 2004
cu m, (1)
Natural Gas
Resources, 2000
, trillion
cu m, (2)
Bahrain 0.1 1.6 0.90 3.40
Kuwait 96.5 4.0 1.56 0.17
Oman 5.6 5.2 0.95 0.96
Qatar 15.2 5.4 25.77 1.16
Saudi Arabia 262.7 136.0 6.68 19.29
UAE 97.8 10.1 6.06 1.26
Total 477.9 162.3 41.92 23.31
% of World 41.6 17.3 23.8 15.9
The USGS figures are recorded as low, most likely, and high estimates which are intended to reflect a 90-per
cent range of probability (95 to 5 per cent) that the occurrence of petroleum will lie between the two stated values.
The most likely occurrence is referred to as mode. If the consistency between the USGS assessors and average
values produces a consensus, the estimates are then fit to a log-normal distribution to calculate the mean and
other fractiles.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
1.1 Prospects for Oil & Gas Exports from the GCC Member Countries Page 4 of 36
Sources: (1) BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2004
(2) USGS, World Petroleum Assessment, 2000
When looking at the undiscovered petroleum resources in the region, the US Geological
Survey (USGS) argued in 2000 that the GCC has an undiscovered crude potential of some
162 billion barrels (mean
, around 17 per cent of the worlds total). The undiscovered
resources of natural gas in the region were estimated at around 23.3 trillion cubic metres
(mean), or about 16 per cent of the worlds total.
Experience has shown that oil development and production in the GCC is a relatively cheap
undertaking. But supply costs have fallen considerably almost everywhere else in the last two
decades. New sources of conventional oil supply from non-OPEC countries and
unconventional oil such as bitumen and synthetic crude have become increasingly
competitive with OPEC supplies on a cost basis. Furthermore, technological progress is
expected to reduce the cost of the gas-to-liquids (GTL) conversion technology, improving the
economics of supplying liquid hydrocarbon fuels from gas. That could lead to the appearance
of a new special oil producer in the GCC, namely Qatar, which is planning to be the GTL
Capital of the World.
The lowest oil supply costs are those for conventional oil production in Saudi Arabia, being
roughly a quarter of that in many other areas of the world. Production costs in other major
Gulf countries are similar to those in the Kingdom. Russian oil production costs are believe to
be still far from reaching those of the Gulf, although they have declined in recent years
following cost reductions due to the application of technology and more efficient working
practices, as well as the effect of the depreciation of the Russian Rouble.
Although the investment required to raise oil production capacity in the GCC is much less
than in many other parts of the world, the development of oil reserves in the region to meet
growing global demand will nevertheless require considerable amounts of capital. Official
statements indicate that between $4,000 and $5,000 of new investment is required for each
daily barrel of new oil production capacity in the area.
In addition to low supply costs (with an average production cost of less than $2 per barrel),
every GCC member country enjoys a free access to the sea, with an extremely well
The USGS figures are recorded as low, most likely, and high estimates which are intended to reflect a 90-per
cent range of probability (95 to 5 per cent) that the occurrence of petroleum will lie between the two stated values.
The most likely occurrence is referred to as mode. If the consistency between the USGS assessors and average
values produces a consensus, the estimates are then fit to a log-normal distribution to calculate the mean and
other fractiles.
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elaborated export pipeline infrastructure linking petroleum fields with marine export terminals
and loading platforms.
In contrast with all those positive elements, the GCC share of global oil production is much
lower (around 21 per cent in 2003) than their share in world total reserves. Oil reserves in the
Gulf have been under-exploited for decades, while oil reserves in North America, Europe
and Russia are being over-exploited. This state of affairs shows no sign of changing,
although there is little doubt that the existing reserve base in the Gulf would allow for much
higher production levels.
However, basing an extrapolation of future Gulf production and exports on reserves, geology
and production potential is fundamentally wrong. Basing the same on production trends in
recent years is equally basically incorrect. That was recently shown, in the occasion of the
recent war in Iraq, when Saudi Arabia alone increased its production by close to 2.5 million
b/d equal to the total production level that the Caspian might reach in the coming years,
after 15 years of negotiations and billions of dollars of investment!
Therefore, we believe the common and practical procedure to derive future oil production in
the GCC is to calculate the difference between projected global demand and projected
supplies from the rest of the world.
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2. Demand Outlook
A burning question concerns the lot that may befall on GCC oil if the consumption trends
continue, leaving vast amounts of Gulf resources struggling for markets. Again, much will
depend on future growth of world demand. According to OPEC and the International Energy
Agencys (IEA) forecasts, based on business-as-usual annual growth rate of 1.6 per cent,
incremental global oil demand between 2003 and 2010 will reach around 10 million b/d, an
increase that would present no problem in comfortably absorbing Gulf oil.
However, these predicted rates of future world demand growth are contested. Royal Dutch-
Shell and the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) predict a slower annual average
growth of 1.1 per cent in global demand from now and 2010, which implies incremental
demand of only 5.5 million b/d during that period. If the latter projections prove to be accurate,
the future market for Gulf oil will be very small.
Anyway, and according to almost all forecasts, the only region on which the Gulf can count is
non-OECD Asia, such as China, India and South Korea. Oil demand from this region, prior to
the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, was growing at very high rates, reflecting the speedy
growth of these Asian Tigers economies. In some cases, for example China, the growth rate
of oil consumption has exceeded 10 per cent per year, and in 2002 reached 12.5 per cent.
This explains why oil imports from the Gulf into South East Asia (including China) were
exponentially increasing, from 2 million b/d in 1973 to over 7 million b/d in 2002. However, the
very high growth rates in Asian demand could prove to be unsustainable.
Gulf oil-producing countries have held out high hopes for Asian markets for the future. This is
especially the case vis--vis China, the reason being the very high economic growth rates
achieved in the Chinese economy for the past 10 years, which have changed the country
from a net exporter of oil to a net importer. China's energy dependence on Gulf oil increased
from zero in 1993 to about 4 per cent in 2002, although the volume of Chinese imports from
the Gulf was less than 0.8 million b/d.
The Gulf's high hopes for China are fuelled by the IEA's energy projections. In its 2004 World
Energy Outlook, the Agency projected that oil demand in China would grow at an average
annual growth rate of 3.4 per cent from 5.2 million b/d in 2002 to 7.9 million b/d in 2010, and
to 13.3 million b/d in 2030. Consequently Chinese oil imports should rise to 6 million b/d in
2010 and to over 11 million b/d in 2030.
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However, future demand projections are invariably erroneous because they cannot predict
several developments that can change assumptions on the basis of which the forecasts have
been made.
More importantly, these forecasts are based on the assumption that the high growth in the
Chinese economy witnessed in the past 10 years will be sustained. This is far from certain.
There is an argument saying that certain serious problems in the Chinese economy could
negatively affect growth. Economic growth in China suffers from many imbalances that could
lead to serious problems, if not to an economic crash.
Furthermore, the horrendous future cost (according to the above-mentioned IEA forecasts) of
China's future oil imports bill would act as a constraint on its economic growth, and would
conceivably impel the state to intervene to prevent oil imports rising to such high levels. It is
useful to remember hereby that China does not yet have a fully market-oriented economy.
The state still holds the key to its economic growth.
The economic future of the other Asian "Tigers" remains uncertain, that of South Korea,
Taiwan etc, depends to a large extent on exports to the industrialized nations: the more
prosperous the latter, the higher the demand for Asian exports - the engine of growth in Asia's
economy. But in the event of economic recession in the industrialized countries, the growth of
these economies may be arrested.
Although the bulk of the increase in demand will come from Asia (both for oil and gas), a
recent IEA report "flags as an issue the increasing dependence of the IEA member countries
on the Middle East states": from 50 per cent in 1985, it is currently just under 60 per cent, and
would reach 70 per cent (a return to the situation of 1970) during the decade 2010-2020, and
75 per cent by 2020. It may begin to decrease after 2020, with the expected rise in the
importance of oil from non-conventional sources.
In the same context, and according to the EU Green Paper, by 2020, OPEC (and specially its
Gulf members) will cover some 50 per cent of the Union's needs with a global production of
the order of 55 million b/d (from around 32 million b/d in 2000).
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3. Supply Outlook
It is not only oil demand that shapes the future of (abundant or meagre) oil supply from the
GCC, but also - and perhaps more significantly - the future of oil supplies from sources other
than the GCC such as Russia, the Caspian Sea and West Africa, and other non-GCC OPEC
countries such as Iraq, Iran, Libya and Algeria.
There is a consensus in the oil industry that, over the next few years, non-OPEC oil
production will continue to grow, while it is also clear that oil production in the USA, North Sea
and several individual oil producing countries is stagnant or declining.
As commonly seen in the past decades, growing oil output in non-OPEC countries would be
eating from the market share of OPEC exporters, while increasing crude production from non-
GCC OPEC producers would have similar impacts on the GCC countries.
Over and above the huge investments and additional incremental supplies coming from the
main producing zones, one can add a further 1.5 million b/d of synthetic oil produced from tar
sands in Alberta, Canada, as well as 0.7 million b/d of extra heavy oil from Venezuela.
In focusing in the present study on the EU, it is believed that the GCC oil producers face
strong competition on the European markets from Russia, the Caspian suppliers and Iraq,
and especially from Mediterranean riparian producers, notably Libya and Algeria. In fact, the
rapid development of North African oil (and gas) resources following the recent political
dtente may alleviate the competitive weakness of Europe in securing adequate imported oil
(and gas) supplies.
Another problem facing Gulf oil is OPEC's pricing mechanism, set up to defend the oil price,
whereby OPEC is the swing producer, or last-resort supplier. This effectively means that the
higher the incremental oil supplies from Russia, or the Caspian Sea or West Africa, the lower
the production in OPEC, correspondingly. Furthermore, there are increases in production
capacities in non-Gulf OPEC members, such as Algeria, Libya and Nigeria, which make
abiding by this quota most difficult, and the pressure falls on the Gulf, notably Saudi Arabia.
One should also not forget the US energys strategy of shifting its oil imports away from the
Gulf to other areas. A recent report by Vice-President Dick Cheney was clear in that direction,
while it is believed that the US-Russian cooperation plays a major role in achieving this US
(and Western) strategy of dispensing with Gulf Oil. It is now becoming clear that high oil price
actually aids this American strategy, as well as directly contributes to the continual increase in
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non-Gulf oil supplies, but what seem vague are the impacts of the US control of Iraq on that
However, there are inescapable facts: the largest oil reserves block by far is found in the GCC
region, and the geographic regions that the major oil companies will be able to turn to for
future exploration and development are limited. After deepwater areas in the Gulf of Mexico
and West Africa have been fully developed and major companies have invested heavily in
Canadian and Venezuelan heavy oil, the next horizon is the former Soviet Union (FSU) and,
again, the Middle East and the Gulf.
3.1 Russia
One of the big question marks for the next decades concerns the FSU, particularly Russia.
Analysts have radically changed their views from the time when Soviet production and, later,
Russian output was declining. The perception at that time was that the region would never
return to the peak reached in the mid-1980s. Today the perception is of a major growth in
both Russian and Caspian oil production for at least the next ten years, especially with many
major international oil companies racing to spend billions and billions in developing the
petroleum industries there.
High prices created enormous windfall profits for the oil companies that could be invested in
expansion in production and export capacities in these high-cost areas. It is no coincidence
that the great jump in Russian oil exports since 2000 happened when high prices of oil started
to appear on the market.
Then, renewed higher prices, exceeding the OPEC $22-28/barrel band, has encouraged
radical growth in Russia's oil production, the higher prices serving to convince oil companies
to invest part of their profits in high-cost oil and in increasingly higher capacity.
Russian oil production consequently surged by 30 per cent over the period 2000-03, growing
by 2 million b/d, the highest increase of any country over that period. By 2003, Russia had
overtaken the US, to become the largest non-OPEC oil producer and the second-largest
crude producer in the world. In the near future, Russia could well become the worlds largest
producer. There have been incentives to expand production over this period, in particular due
to the investment climate, together with a fiscal regime that applies a flat corporate tax rate.
The observed increases in Russian oil production continue to come primarily from Western
Siberia, with the application of new technologies having improved operating efficiencies.
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Further increases in production from this region are still expected, despite the over-production
in Soviet times that has affected well-productivity.
The recent exceptional growth in oil production in Russia may also be unsustainable. In
particular, planned higher taxation rates may curb growth, while uncertainty over the
developments of international crude oil prices could have an important impact upon the likely
scale of increase in output. There is also the possibility that investment activity will be affected
by the impact upon the business climate of the tensions between the Russian oil company,
Yukos, and the government.
Many analysts are regarding the Yukos crisis as a classic case of Russian brinksmanship,
with both sides threatening the worst but with neither really interested in pushing production
off the cliff. Still, operational difficulties related to frozen bank accounts, trade financing and
the like are set to retard growth, perhaps even to remove significant chunks of production.
Output could also be curbed by Moscows efforts to increase its control over the oil industry.
The Kremlins battle with Yukos could hit the companys production plans if it is taken over by
a less efficient state-controlled firm.
Furthermore, some argue that production gains over the last several years have been
primarily the result of one-time effects from restoring shut-in wells and applying simple
enhanced recovery methods, rather than of new field developments and successful
exploration. BP, for one, appears confident that it can sustain growth through "brownfield"
projects, augmented by some new developments.
In the medium-to-longer term, attention continues to be focused upon the available export
infrastructure and how production levels might be affected by the need to replace projects in
large fields with those in smaller ones. In addition, the shoring up of capacity in the oil
heartland of Western Siberia is less obvious.
When looking at future Russian oil output potential, the reserves picture tells us that there is
enough oil to enable a swift and sustained growth in production. But, how much do we really
know about proved oil reserves, undiscovered resources and future productive capacity in
Russia and in the FSU in general? In fact, the industry does not know how much of the recent
increased production comes from well repairs, because more than 10,000 wells were shut-in
in the early days of the political and economic transformation. Many related questions remain
without clear answers: how much of the increased output is provided by producing fields
beyond their reasonable limits? How much of it is coming from infield drilling, new pockets in
existing fields, or new provinces? Analysts making projections of the ever-rising production in
Russia and the FSU find themselves, in some ways, in "never-never land", because their
existing database is not adequate to make accurate projections.
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Current reserves are estimated at 60 billion barrels and undiscovered oil is also likely to be
substantial. The resource base does not, therefore, represent a useful indicator of how oil
output will grow. Longer-term problems in mature fields, where the water cut is as high as 80
per cent, is expected to read to substantial rates of decline that will need to be offset by new
capacity. Long-term sustainable production will, therefore, be affected by the balance
between available investment and these rates of decline, so that an indefinite increase in
production, although supportable by the resource base, is not considered possible. It is the
speed at which this oil is developed and exported that is the central concern.
The Russian government's forecast of production growth, as contained in the "Energy
Strategy to 2020" approved in September 2003, is rather pessimistic, ranging between 8.4
and 8.9 million b/d in 2005 and 8.9 and 9.8 million b/d by 2010. This contrasts with the more
buoyant mood reflected by the projections of oil companies themselves, with aggregate
expectations suggesting an increase to over 11 million b/d by 2010, an output level
considered by many as plateau for Russia. Of course, both these groups have their reasons
for alternative portrayals of future potential: private oil companies have an incentive to push
up both current production, as well as the outlook for output levels, with the intention of
increasing the valuation of their assets for future possible takeovers. Government forecasts
emphasise the likelihood of insufficient infrastructure constraining exports, while also taking
into account the potential bias in oil companies' declarations. It has even been suggested that
the government may control longer-term production levels, in order to protect reservoirs from
being damaged by over-exploitation. Furthermore, the extent to which the Russian
government can and will be willing to exert control over private companies will have extremely
important implications for longer-term oil market fundamentals; possible policy instruments
include licensing and the fiscal and legal upstream framework.
The export infrastructure is then seen as a key potential constraint to export expansion, a
similar situation seen in the Caspian. The recent surge in exports has been mainly made
possible by an increased use of rail transportation, largely to ports or refineries. The export
capacity projects that are under consideration, in terms of both their proposed volume and
likely timing, suggest that medium-term export infrastructure expansion is consistent with a
rapid expansion of production, although not at such high rates as observed in the recent past.
The CGES estimates that Russia's total oil production could reach 12 million b/d by 2010, i.e.
an increment of 3 million b/d from 2004, and indicate that by 2006, the continuous rise in
Russian oil exports (both crude and products) may exceed 7 million b/d. If high prices
continue, Russia's oil capacity by could reach 13.3 million b/d by 2015. Russia by this stage
would become the world's largest oil exporter, (exceeding even Saudi Arabia's export
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3.2 The Caspian
Petroleum production growth in the Caspian continues to be strong, but not as expected with
rivalries between the US and Russia overshadow efforts by the Caucasus States to develop
export capacity for their oil and gas growing supplies. Political meddling and attempts from
outside to control the economies of the region explain the numerous development delays.
However, political changes usher in a new era. The accessions in 2004 as president of Ilham
Aliev in Azerbaijan and Mikhail Saakashvili in Georgia have marked the beginning of a new
round of leadership in the region. Thus far both Saakashvili and Aliev have carefully cultivated
their relationships with Russia, while continuing their support for US-supported oil and gas
pipeline projects in the Caucasus.
Future available infrastructure remains the key constraint to the expansion of exports from the
Caspian. The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) project represents the most recent major
development for increasing exports from the region. Plans to expand the capacity of the CPC
pipeline exist, which could see exports from Kazakhstan through this route rise to over 1.3
million b/d by 2015. Other ambitious plans exist to develop new infrastructure, such as a
Trans-Caspian pipeline and a pipeline to Western China. Legal hurdles could continue to
hinder progress with any line alone the bed of the Caspian, due to the unresolved status of
ownership, while the profitability of the China project is questionable.
Other large projects are also under consideration in countries of the region, such as exports
through to the Gulf and Mediterranean coasts. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is the
key current project for expanding exports from Azerbaijan to international markets. By 2010,
Azerbaijan expects to send over 1 million b/d to the Mediterranean via this pipeline.
The BTC pipeline received a boost in early 2004 with the signing of a $2.6-billion loan
package. But, in July 2004, the US efforts to secure export routes for Caspian oil suffered a
double blow. The Georgian government ordered a temporary halt in the construction of the
BTC pipeline, and the Ukrainian government decided to open the Odessa-Brody pipeline for
shipments of Russian oil, instead of pumping European-bound oil from the Caspian.
New export routes are significant for Central Asian players as well, particularly Kazakhstan.
With agreement on the Kashagan project recently reached in March 2004, the way is cleared
for a considerable production increase from the North Caspian. Total Kazakh oil production
could exceed 1.8 million b/d by 2010 and 2.2 million b/d in 2020, more than doubling the 2003
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production of just over 1 million b/d. To accommodate increased exports, Kazakhstan has
indicated serious interest in participation in the BTC pipeline.
The plans for the 20-million ton/year (400,000 b/d) Kazakhstan-to-China oil pipeline are also
moving ahead, and Kazakhstan's Prime Minister Daniyal Akhmetov announced in early March
2004 that construction on the second phase of the 2,500-km pipeline is to begin during that
year. Cooperation between China and Kazakhstan oil transportation has accelerated since
Russia's interest in an oil pipeline to China was put on the back burner in early 2004.
Iran is also positioning itself as a key export route for the increased volumes of Caspian oil.
Currently approximately 20,000 b/d of Kazakh crude is being exported via Iran, and 30,000
b/d of Turkmen crude is being exported through Iranian swaps at the port of Neka. Plans for
eventual construction of a pipeline from Kazakhstan through Iran to the Gulf are still on the
drawing board, and as Kashagan production picks up, these plans are likely to be revisited.
Turkmenistan's oil production increased to 9 million tons in 2003, a 9-per cent increase over
2002 production. But this level was still below the government's 2003 target of 13.5 million
tons, which called for a 50-per cent increase over 2002 levels. For 2004, Turkmenistan again
had plans an ambitious increase: the target was to produce 15 million tons, up more 50 per
cent from the result achieved in 2003. A more likely result is 10.5 million tons in 2004 and
10.8 million tons in 2005.
In Uzbekistan the government is now worried about the current declining trend (oil output has
declined since 1999 when it peaked at 8.1 million tons), after experiencing a sizable increase
in output during the 1990s that enabled the country to become self-sufficient. Oil production
(including condensate) declined slightly in 2003 to approximately 7 million tons, heightening
this concern.
With all that in mind, production from the Caspian region is expected to increase by more than
1 million b/d in the period 2002-10 and by another 1 million b/d in the next decade, rising to
4.5 million b/d by 2025.
3.3 Africa
West Africa, and especially its offshore areas, which are believed to be very prospective
petroleum regions, has become a major oil-producing province, where most of the
international oil companies are being actively working in development and production projects.
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Increases in output from this region will be coming primarily from Angola, which is expected to
be the key country in Africa from which increases in oil production can be predicted over the
medium term, followed by Chad, Congo and Equatorial Guinea.
Angola's state-owned oil company, Sonangol, announced in May 2003 that oil output could
increase to 1.6 million b/d by 2005, up from around 0.9 million b/d, due largely to the expected
expansion of deepwater production. Deepwater projects that were recently to be tendered
could push output up even further in the medium term, with some analysts believing that as
much as 2.5 million b/d could be produced by 2010. Onshore fields also offer excellent
opportunities for expansion.
In other developments, the completion in 2003 of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline will lead to
land-locked Chad becoming the latest oil exporter in the region. A sustainable production
peak of over 0.2 million b/d is expected to be achieved in the near future, which is predicted to
rise to around 0.5 million b/d by 2010.
A word must be said hereby about Sudan, located on the eastern part of Africa, where the
potential for increases in oil production is considerable, but is particularly contingent on the
development of further pipeline capacity, although the continuing civil war casts doubt upon
how soon this might occur. Exploration and development efforts are proceeding for the
Greater Nile Project and elsewhere, and domestic sources have suggested that crude output
could double to 0.6 million b/d by 2005.
3.4 Non-GCC OPEC Countries
3.4.1 Venezuela
Venezuela has the greatest potential for capacity expansion and could aggressively increase
its production capacity by more than 1 million b/d to 4.2 million b/d by 2005 (in addition to
around 0.7 million b/d of extra heavy oil). It is unclear, however, whether the current political
climate will support the outside investment required for any substantial expansion of
production capacity.
3.4.2 Iraq
With a chaotic situation currently prevailing in Iraq, the lack of a comprehensive and clear
vision for the political and economic future of the country, and the unknown shape of the
petroleum fields there (some of which are believed to be severely damaged) it is extremely
difficult to talk about Iraqi petroleum prospects. Within a year from now, we can see either a
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continuation of the current situation, a civil war in the country, or a return to a kind of normality
with a moderate and federal regime in Baghdad in fairly good control of the different regions
of the country, especially those holding most of the nations petroleum reserves (the Shiite
south and the Kurdish north).
Such regime needs to be accepted by the Iraqi people and recognized by the international
community, and to start settling down by imposing security and stability in the country and by
enacting and then implementing a new legislative framework covering every social and
economic aspect there. All that would take good time to achieve, however.
For the oil and gas industry, the new Iraqi government has to adopt a clear production and
export strategy, that will impact the petroleum and fiscal legislations to be proposed to the
international oil companies, which are needed for their investment, technology and expertise.
Needless to say that the nature of the regime itself will surely impact those laws and the
resulting agreement models. But we believe that any new leading team in Baghdad will try its
best to prove that preserving the national interests of Iraq is its utmost first priority, and that
will be shown in the petroleum and fiscal laws. A free-elected legislative body could even be
tougher regarding this issue.
The experience lived in the neighbouring Kuwait shows a pretty similar case where a co-
operation model for foreign companies (called operating service agreement) has been victim
of continuous struggle between a pro-opening government and a conservative parliament
since more than thirteen years But Iraq, more than Kuwait, is clearly in need of the
international oil companies, which are also extremely keen to get a strong foot in this
prospective country.
In addition to a sustained and well-based political and economic stability of the country, new
petroleum and fiscal legislations and attractive models for co-operating with foreign
companies will be main elements in any programme for expanding oil production capacity.
That will be badly needed to finance the huge reconstruction of the country and to pay its
massive debts.
That leads us to presume that Baghdad is likely to pursue a policy of maximizing oil
revenues. Such policy could be implemented either by restricting oil output and defending
high price in co-operation with the other members of OPEC, or building a large oil production
capacity (around 6 million b/d are planned for 2010-12) and freely flowing its output into
Nevertheless, it will not be up to Baghdad alone to decide on the fate of prices. Other
producing countries, especially Saudi Arabia, with its huge reserve basis and spare
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production capacity, will surely have a decisive word on this crucial issue. Riyadh, together
with its OPEC allies, can decide either to allow Baghdad to regain an increasing market
share with the aim to support high prices, or to flood the market altogether, triggering a new
price war.
The likely development would be somehow be linked to regional and international political
alliances, including the possibility of Iraq becoming member of the GCC, a goal almost surely
to pursued by the pro-US regime in Baghdad and keenly encouraged by Washington In
addition, Iraq seems currently in the process of being turned out to become the strategic base
of the US political and economic (including oil) power in the Middle East, and the reference
case to be duplicated on other nations in the region. Nevertheless, this change in the US
sentiments in the area would raise many question marks about the future foundations of the
US-Saudi strategic relationship, and the fate of the famous equation (protecting the Kingdom
from any threats in return of securing petroleum supply to the West), which has been
allegedly governing those ties since the late 1940s.
But will Riyadh watch all those developments with passivity, or will it react in its preferred and
strong field, i.e. oil and oil prices?
3.4.3 Iran
Iran aims to raise its oil production capacity to 4.6 million b/d in 2006 and 5.4 million b/d by
2010, and plans by then to be producing 5 million b/d while holding spare capacity in the
manner of Saudi Arabia. However, with natural declines in its oil fields of 5-7 per cent per
year, or 200,000-250,000 b/d, Iran needs to increase production capacity by 1 million b/d by
the end of the present decade just to stay in the same place during the next five-year plan
(2005-2010). The target is clearly a tough one to achieve.
Moreover, Iran's new capacity plans require some $10-15 billion of foreign investment plus
large amounts of internal investment. But given the difficulty of awarding new contracts under
buyback terms, the target can only be achieved with a dramatic change of direction in policy,
a change which is not expected to occur in the near future. But will the regime in Tehran
become pragmatic and use this positive investment window and reacted by encouraging it?
What must be said hereby is that, despite the reluctance of international firms to take on
buyback development projects, many of which were recently awarded, NIOC has recently
managed to raise production capacity to around 4 million b/d, aided not only by high oil prices
which have provided investment capital, but also by the use of conventional engineering,
procurement and construction (EPC) projects and joint ventures to bring outside technology
and management practices into Iran.
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3.4.4 Libya
After Central Asia, the West African offshore and Iraq, the spotlight is now focused on Libya
which is often portrayed as the new Eldorado of the world petroleum industry and as a
country that has particularly bright prospects for developing its oil and gas production. The
weekly magazine PIW went so far as to describe Libya as the "New Iraq" in view of its large
hydrocarbon potential.
In fact, while waiting to see the end of the tunnel in Iraq, international oil companies are
showing ever increasing interest in Libya that has come in from the cold and is redoubling its
efforts to regain its place among the world's leading oil exporting countries. Since September
2003, when the international sanctions imposed on Libya by the United Nations Security
Council 10-11 years earlier were lifted, and since the announcement by US president George
W. Bush in April 2004 that most American sanctions against Libya were to be abolished, it
has become very difficult to find hotel rooms in Tripoli, where dozens of representatives of
European, American and Asian companies are pouring in one after the other to negotiate oil,
gas, power and other contracts.
Even one month before the confirmation that Washington was to lift its sanctions, an
important heads of agreement had been signed between Royal Dutch-Shell and Libya's
National oil corporation (NOC), on the occasion of the visit to Libya of British Prime Minister
Tony Blair. The agreement was the first of its kind to have been concluded for more than 20
years and provides for Shell to invest up to $1 billion in upstream oil operations and integrated
natural gas production and export projects in Libya.
Official estimates of Libyas oil reserves have increased in the recent years. According to
OPEC Statistical Bulletin, in its latest yearly issue (2003), proven oil reserves of Libya were
estimated at around 39.2 billion barrels, higher than the figure of 36 billion barrels, which was
published in 2000, and well above the estimate of about 22 billion barrels that was released
during the 1990s.
In addition to proven reserves, discovered oil in place in Libya stood at around 120 billion
barrels, while discovered gas in place are estimated at 20 billion barrels of oil equivalent.
Moreover, Libya still has oil infrastructure capable of handling total production of 3 million b/d
which is in line with NOCs strategic target production niveau for 2012-15, well above present
production level of around 1.65 million b/d.
According to estimates released by the Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (Apicorp),
funding of at least $12.4 billion is needed to finance oil and gas projects in Libya up to the end
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of 2006, of which around $2.5 billion is required for maintaining oil production capacity at its
current level and some $4.5 billion for increasing it to about 2 million b/d. A further $4.5 billion
is needed for gas projects, nearly $550 million for the refining sector and about $400 million
for petrochemicals. In the longer term, the Libyan authorities believe that total investments of
$30 billion are required over the next 10 years.
3.4.5 Algeria
Algeria has long-standing bid to raise its oil production capacity from around 1.2 million b/d to
some 1.5 million b/d by 2005, and about 1.8 million b/d in 2010. That level is now considered
as a plateau for Algeria, considering the modest size of the countrys proved reserves,
estimated in early 2004 at 11.3 billion barrels (1 per cent of the worlds total) and an R/P ration
of just 16 years.
The production targets for the present decade seems to be achievable through the
developments of two main oil structures in the country, namely Hassi Messouad and Berkine
Basin. The Berkine Basin has been the main source of incremental crude oil production over
the last decade, during which Algiers has opened up its territories for foreign participation
using attractive terms.
4. Different Forecasts Proposed for GCC Oil
4.1 The EIAs International Energy Outlook 2004 (IEO 2004)
In the International Energy Outlook 2004 (IEO 2004), released in mid-2004 by the Energy
Information Administration (EIA) of the US Department of Energy (DOE), oil prices in the
reference cases are projected to rise gradually from 2005 through 2025, at an average annual
rate of 0.7 per cent. The price growth projected in the reference case reflects the recognition
that OPEC has been able to adhere to a production restraint strategy for the purpose of
firming up prices. Thus, projected prices in 2002 dollars reach $27 per barrel in 2025 (in
nominal dollars, that price is expected to be around $51 per barrel in 2025).
In the low price case, prices are projected to be $17 per barrel in 2005 and to remain at about
that level out to 2025. In the high price case, prices are projected to reach $34 per barrel in
2013 and to be around $35 per barrel in 2025. The levelling off in the high price case results
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from projected market penetration of alternative energy supplies that could become
economically viable at that price (such as liquids from oil sands, natural gas, coal, bio fuels,
and oil shale).
In the IEO 2004 reference case, world oil supply in 2025 is projected to exceed the 2001
level by about 44 million b/d. Increases in production are expected for both OPEC and non-
OPEC producers; however, only about 40 per cent of the total increase is expected to come
from non-OPEC areas. Over the past two decades, the growth in non-OPEC oil supply has
resulted in an OPEC market share substantially under its historic high of 52 per cent in 1973.
New exploration and production technologies, aggressive cost-reduction programs by
industry, and attractive fiscal terms to producers by governments all contribute to the outlook
for continued growth in non-OPEC oil production.
The reference case projects that 60 per cent of the increase in petroleum demand over the
next two decades will be met by an increase in production by members of OPEC rather than
by non-OPEC suppliers. OPEC production in 2025 is projected to be more than 25 million b/d
higher than it was in 2001. The IEO 2004 estimates of OPEC production capacity to 2010 are
slightly less than those projected in IEO 2003, reflecting a shift toward non-OPEC supply
projects in the recent high price environment. Some analysts suggest that OPEC might
pursue significant price escalation through conservative capacity expansion decisions rather
than undertake ambitious production expansion programs; however, the projections in this
outlook do not assume such views.
It is generally acknowledged that OPEC members with large reserves and relatively low costs
for expanding production capacity can accommodate sizable increases in petroleum demand.
In the IEO 2004 reference case, the production call on OPEC suppliers is projected to grow at
a robust annual rate of 2.6 per cent through 2025. OPEC capacity utilization is expected to
increase sharply after 2001, reaching 90 per cent by 2015 and remaining there through 2025.
Given the requirements for OPEC production capacity expansion implied by the IEO 2004
estimates, much attention has been focused on the oil development, production, and
operating costs of individual OPEC producers. With Gulf producers enjoying a reserve-to-
production ratio that exceeds 115 years, substantial capacity expansion clearly is feasible.
Amidst enormous uncertainty, Iraqs role in OPEC in the next several years will be of
particular interest.
The average production cost in Gulf OPEC nations is less than $2 per barrel, and the capital
investment required to increase production capacity by one barrel per day is less than $5,750.
Assuming the IEO 2004 low price trajectory, total development and operating costs over the
entire projection period, expressed as a percentage of gross oil revenues, would be about 28
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per cent. Thus, Gulf OPEC producers can expand capacity at a cost that is a relatively small
percentage of their projected gross revenues.
For OPEC producers outside the Gulf, the cost to expand production capacity by 1 barrel per
day is considerably greater, exceeding $12,870 in some member nations; yet those producers
can expect cost to revenue ratios of about 46 per cent on investments to expand production
capacity over the long term, even in the low price case.
In the EIAs IEO 2004 reference case, projected oil production capacity in the Gulf would
reach about 31.4 million b/d in 2015 (70.6 per cent of the OPEC expected oil output, and 30
per cent of the worlds production) and around 43 million b/d in 2025 (73.2 per cent and 35.7
per cent respectively), divided among the different producers in the region as shown in the
following table:
Gulf Oil Production Capacity, EIAs Reference Case
(million b/d)
2001 2010 2015 2020 2025
Iran 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.7 4.9
Iraq 2.8 3.7 4.4 5.3 6.6
Kuwait 2.4 3.1 3.7 4.4 5.0
Qatar 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8
Saudi Arabia 10.2 13.2 14.4 18.2 22.5
UAE 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.6 5.2
Total Gulf 22.4 27.9 31.4 38.0 45.0
% of OPEC 68.7 70.3 70.6 72.0 73.2
% of World 28.2 29.3 30.0 33.1 35.7
However, only few experts would be ready to accept that oil production capacity in each of
Iran, Kuwait and the UAE might exceed 5 million b/d, due to geological realities in each of
those countries. In addition, if Iraq oil output remains constrained, the figure of 22.5 million b/d
proposed for Saudi Arabia would be extremely difficult to accept as a realistic vision.
The reference case projection implies aggressive efforts by OPEC member nations to apply
or attract investment capital to implement a wide range of production capacity expansion
projects. If those projects were not undertaken, world oil prices could escalate; however, the
combination of potential profitability and the threat of competition from non-OPEC suppliers
argue for the pursuit of a relatively aggressive expansion strategy.
In the EIAs IEO 2004 high oil price case (prices projected to reach $34 per barrel in 2013
and to be around $35 per barrel in 2025) higher prices will benefit the cash flow of the
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international oil companies, and stimulate investment in all producing areas outside of the
Gulf as well as in non-conventional oil, greater use of gas and coal, a reconsideration of
nuclear energy, and greater emphasis on energy conservation.
This scenario, with its proposed figures, looks relatively reasonable in the light of the record of
recent years, but is surely on the very low side. Anyway, a considerable part of public opinion
in the industrial countries would prefer this scenario over the previous two.
In this scenario, the call on the Gulf might be restricted to 22.5 million b/d in 2015 (67.6 per
cent of the OPEC expected oil output, and some 23 per cent of the worlds production) and
around 33 million b/d in 2025 (70.3 per cent and 28 per cent respectively). The following per
country ventilation is proposed:
Gulf Oil Production Capacity, EIAs High Oil Price Case
(million b/d)
2001 2010 2015 2020 2025
Iran 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.3
Iraq 2.8 2.9 3.2 3.7 4.6
Kuwait 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.9 3.4
Qatar 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7
Saudi Arabia 10.2 9.4 9.8 12.9 16.0
UAE 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.3 3.9
Total Gulf 22.4 21.4 22.5 27.3 32.9
% of OPEC 68.7 67.7 67.6 69.5 70.3
% of World 28.2 23.7 23.1 25.5 28.0
The third EIAs IEO 2004 scenario is that of lower oil prices (prices are projected to be $17
per barrel in 2005 and to remain at about that level out to 2025). That case proposes the call
on the Gulf might reach nearly 39 million b/d in 2015 (72.4 per cent of the OPEC expected oil
output, and some 35 per cent of the worlds production) and around 57 million b/d in 2025 (75
per cent and 41.5 per cent respectively). The following per country repartition is proposed:
Gulf Oil Production Capacity, EIAs Low Oil Price Case
(million b/d)
2001 2010 2015 2020 2025
Iran 3.7 4.5 4.9 5.4 5.7
Iraq 2.8 4.4 5.3 6.4 7.2
Kuwait 2.4 3.6 4.3 5.1 5.7
Qatar 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8
Saudi Arabia 10.2 16.8 19.1 25.0 31.5
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UAE 2.7 3.7 4.5 5.3 5.9
Total Gulf 22.4 33.6 38.9 48.0 56.8
% of OPEC 68.7 72.1 72.4 74.3 75.0
% of World 28.2 33.4 34.8 38.7 41.5
However, for a variety of reasons we may assume that global demand would not increase
very much faster with some pro-active conservation and diversification policies on the part of
the major importing nations.
In addition, we believe that the figures proposed in this scenario for Saudi Arabia are largely
inflated, with the Kingdoms oil production almost doubling in 2015 and more than trebling by
2025 We consider those figures as exaggerated due to the extremely difficult and costly
task of building 20 million b/d in 20 years in a country where production potential has been
steady since the early 1980s.
4.2 The IEAs World Energy Outlook 2004
According to the IEAs World Energy Outlook 2004, world oil supply is projected to grow from
77 million b/d in 2002 to 121 million b/d in 2030. Non-OPEC countries will contribute most of
the increase in global production over the rest of the current decade. High oil prices have
stimulated increased development of reserves in those countries in recent years. Despite the
assumption that oil prices will fall back after a peak in 2004, production is expected to
continue to grow. Global oil production is not expected to peak before 2030, although output
in most regions will already be in decline by then. The transition economies, West Africa and
Latin America are expected to contribute most of the non-OPEC production increase. Russian
output, which has soared in the last six years, would continue to rise, but at a lower rate. It will
reach 10.4 million b/d in 2010, compared to about 9 million b/d in early 2004.
In the longer term, production in OPEC countries, especially in the Middle East, will increase
more rapidly because their resources are much larger and their production costs are generally
lower than in other regions. OPECs market share is projected to rise from 37 per cent in 2002
to 53 per cent in 2030, slightly above its historical peak in 1973. Higher oil prices would lower
OPECs market share by stimulating non-OPEC and non-conventional oil production.
OPEC crude oil supply, which is assumed to meet the portion of global oil demand not met by
non-OPEC producers, will need to increase from 28 million b/d in 2002 to 33 million b/d in
2010 and to 65 million b/d in 2030. These projections assume that there are no major
disruptions in supply and that current high oil prices will not be sustained.
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The strong projected growth in OPEC production - particularly in the second half of the
projection period - will boost OPECs market share significantly. In the near term, the cartel's
share, which currently stands at 36 per cent, will remain roughly stable owing to rapid
production increases in several non-OPEC regions, notably Russia and other transition
economies. As prices return to a level closer to the average of the last two decades,
incentives to raise output in non-OPEC regions will diminish, increasing the call on oil from
OPEC producers. The second and third decades of the projection period will see more rapid
growth in OPEC's market share. By 2030, OPEC production will reach 65 million b/d, or 53
per cent of world oil supply.
Within OPEC, Middle East countries will account for most of the production increase of the
projected 31-million b/d rise in world oil demand between 2010 and 2030, 29 million b/d will
come from OPEC Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran are likely to contribute most of the
increase in Middle East production.
Saudi Arabia will continue to play a vital role in the global oil-market balance. Its willingness
and ability to make timely investments in oil-production capacity will be a major determinant of
future price trends. Saudi Arabia plays a central role in OPEC and in balancing the world
market, not only because of the size of its production but also because of its spare capacity.
The near-term prospects for oil production in Iraq remain very uncertain. Iraqi production has
always been low relative to the size of the country's reserves; Iraqs holds the worlds third
largest remaining oil reserves, after Saudi Arabia and Iran. Some analysts estimate that
exploration in the largely unexplored Western Desert could lift proven Iraqi reserves to 180
billion barrels. Iraq has the potential to increase its production capacity by several millions of
barrels per day. How quickly it will able to do so will depend on three key factors:
- How effective the recently appointed Iraqi government proves to be and how successful it
will be in restoring law and order.
- The opportunities for foreign oil companies to invest in Iraq, and the commercial and fiscal
terms they might be offered.
- OPEC policy towards Iraq and Iraqs willingness to accept production quotas. Iraq is still a
member of OPEC, but any OPEC quotas have not bound it since it resumed oil exports in
December 1996.
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4.3 The IEPE Scenarios (official forecasts adopted by the EC)
The IEPE (Institut dEconomie et de Politique de lEnergie, Grenoble France) provided in
April 2002 a set of four consistent international energy scenarios with contrasted oil and gas
price profiles:
- REF (S1), the reference scenario, describes a world with relatively abundant oil and
gas resources and moderate international energy price increases until 2030; as a
benchmark the price of oil increases to $22/b in 2020 and then $26/b in 2030.
In this scenario, the share of Gulf oil production in the world total will increase
from around 27 per cent (19 million b/d) in the year 2000 to about 37 per cent (41
million b/d) in 2020, and then decrease to 35.6 per cent (47 million b/d) by 2030.
- S2 is a high oil and gas prices and corresponds to a world with higher economic
growth and lower oil and gas resources; in that case the oil price increases more
rapidly, reaching $25/b in 2020 and $31/b in 2030.
In this scenario, the share of Gulf oil production in the world total will increase
to about 40 per cent (45 million b/d) in 2020, before slightly decreasing to some 39
per cent (52 million b/d) by 2030. The increase in the production of the Gulf region
(and of non-conventional oil) allows the decrease in other regions, with an overall
production that is unchanged from the reference, reflecting the opposite effects on oil
demand of higher growth and higher prices.
- S3 is a high gas price scenario and shows a world with tighter conditions for the
gas coming to Europe, due to higher growth and demand in the developing Asia and
more expensive supplies from the Former Soviet Union region; in that case, the
European gas price reaches similar levels to the price of oil between 2015 and 2020
and then passes beyond for the rest of the projection period.
In this scenario, the share of Gulf oil production in the world total will increase
to about 37 per cent (43 million b/d) in 2020, before faintly declining to 36.2 per cent
(51 million b/d) by 2030. Here most of the production increase in the world comes
from the Gulf and from non-conventional oil sources.
- S4 is to some extent a symmetric scenario to S3 as it illustrates the
consequences of a higher relative availability of gas compared to oil; this case
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shows a decrease in the relative price of gas to oil in every region; it is not sufficient
however to prevent the moderate rise of gas prices in Europe and thus to introduce a
significant change in the gas to coal relative price.
In this scenario, the share of Gulf oil production in the world total will increase
to about 39 per cent (42 million b/d) in 2020, and then slightly decline to some 38 per
cent (48 million b/d) by the year 2030.
It is interesting to notice that the end results for the reference scenario and the forth one are
almost identical. Likewise, the outcomes from the second and third scenarios are similar.
Nevertheless, due to the lack of definition of the Gulf, and the countries included in this
grouping, and to the aggregate nature of the given forecasts without any country ventilation, it
is extremely difficult to comprehensively assess those scenarios and analyse their results.
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The IEPE Oil Forecasts, April 2002
2000 2010 2020 2030
REF (S1)
UltResources* 1285 1647 1875 2232
Reserves* 683 791 766 667
Production** 19 27 41 47
% World 26.8 29.7 36.9 35.6
UltResources* 1151 1489 1746 2132
Reserves* 700 761 687 545
Production** 19 31 45 52
% World 26.8 33.7 40.2 38.8
UltResources* 1285 1652 1899 2284
Reserves* 683 789 758 650
Production** 19 28 43 51
% World 26.8 30.1 37.1 36.2
UltResources* 1151 1485 1729 2098
Reserves* 700 762 694 562
Production** 19 30 42 48
% World 26.8 33.3 38.9 38.1
* Thousand million barrels
** million b/d
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5. The GCC Meeting the Call on its Oil: An Assessment
The demand for Gulf oil according to all forecasts and scenarios (IEA, EIA-DOE, WEC,
European Commission) will be between 40 and 50 million b/d by 2030, which means that
production should double if not treble from the present level. Such projected figures do
indicate the scale of increase that the oil consuming world anticipates the Gulf states will have
to engineer in their production capacity.
But what are the prospects that the Gulf OPEC countries will effectively double or treble their
capacity? Oil production capacity in the Gulf today is not significantly different from the output
potential there 30 years ago, although there have been some significant changes: Saudi
Arabia's capacity has stabilised, Iran's capacity has gone down; the UAE's capacity has gone
up, Iraqs and Kuwait's have gone down. But these more or less cancel each other out.
If, at a time of considerable oil wealth, little was put into increasing capacity overall, what can
we expect at a time when, despite what appear to be high prices today, we have relatively
lower levels of income and much greater calls on income by the Gulf states? Can we expect
them to invest of their own money in future capacity building? The problem here is that we are
talking about the own money of some large GCC producers. Unlike many established or new
producers - Angola, Nigeria, Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan - the Saudis (and to some extent the
Kuwaitis) are not looking for foreign capital to invest in oil field development. Nor are Saudi
Arabia and Kuwait like Canada, content to rely essentially on an open investment policy to
meet the significant investments required for a major expansion of both production and
capacity. They are not even an Iraq, wondering how best to achieve the transition from state-
dominated oil extraction to possible private sector-dominated alternatives.
It is becoming clear that there are many obstacles to a much increased oil production in the
GCC and the other Gulf producers. First, it is not clear whether the Gulf countries, especially
those members of OPEC, really desire to see a substantial increase in their level of oil
production; they have in fact systematically preferred to defend price targets and sacrifice
production rather than the opposite.
In addition, the GCC, and especially its OPEC members, had a bad experience in the late
1990s when they increased their production to meet when was thought to be a growing
demand, but was resulted in a near collapse in oil prices. Based on this and other
experiences, those oil producers have been asking for a kind of security of demand before
deciding on increasing their capacity and actual output. That security of demand has been
considered as the most important issue raised by OPEC and GCC countries in recent years.
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Secondly, it is not clear whether the GCC countries would command the financial and
technological means required to substantially increase their production, at a time when some
of them are not ready to accept investment on the part of international oil companies. In fact,
huge investments and innovative technologies are required to add new production capacities
both to replace production lost through natural decline in ageing production areas, and to
increase supply in line with demand growth.
But the experience of Kuwait, struggling since more than 13 years to convince its parliament
of adopting a co-operation model for international oil companies (called operating service
agreement), shows how difficult could be a project to invite foreign companies with their
capital and technology into some of those countries.
However, it is believed that if and when Iraq offers generous and attractive terms for foreign
companies, Gulf countries, where foreign participation in the petroleum upstream industry is
still closed (such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as well as Iran), would eventually be pressed to
open up. That will most probably lead to a boom in the upstream activities of the regions
petroleum industry, and result in the Gulf, with its huge and low-cost reserves and already
well-established production and export infrastructure, getting more weight and importance on
the international petroleum market. Consequently, that would add to the security of supply
from the region by increasing its oil output.
Thirdly, it is conversely not clear whether the industrial countries of Europe and North
America look forward to much increased levels of oil imports from the Gulf and the Middle
East in general. Indeed, the political inclination in the West is clearly for curbing the expected
increasing dependency on Middle Eastern hydrocarbons through the development of more-
costly oil, natural gas and other energy resources in the different other parts of the world.
Finally, it is not clear whether future oil prices will be high enough to allow the GCC countries
both to pursue the vitally needed and politically crucial process of internal economic and
social development (especially if the recently-seen high prices would bring the timid moves for
privatisation and reforms in the Gulf economies and public firms to a standstill), and to finance
the expansion of oil (and gas) production capacity needed to meet the expected world
demand. Huge investments of around $24 billion would be needed every year, to maintain
and expand the oil and gas industries in the Arab region, according to Apicorp.
The call on the Gulf is usually further narrowed down to a call on Saudi Arabia. However,
although all forecasts point to the need of a very substantial increase in Saudi oil production
over the next decades, it is interesting to notice that the oil output capacity of the Kingdom
has not increased at all since the early 1980s, while its production has tended to fluctuate
without a clear and stable trend. In this way, Saudi Arabia has for a long time been on the
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threshold of a turnaround in global demand for its oil, which is constantly delayed in time, and
never materializes.
But what about Saudi Arabia's ability or willingness to meet future demand requirements?
Saudi Arabia is the most important oil producer and exporter in the world. It is the only country
with significant spare capacity, which has saved world oil markets from steeper price spikes
during the Iran-Iraq war, the Gulf War and again recently during the war on Iraq. The world
has been able to cope with production disruptions in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela in the
past but, in case of a major and prolonged supply disruption in Saudi Arabia, the world would
not be able to cope. The sheer size of Saudi Arabia's market share and production capacity
have made it a unique player in the global oil market. No other oil exporting country can rival
Saudi Arabia's position in this decade and early into the next decade.
There is no doubt that the Saudi government intends to continue to play its unique role of
moderation in the world oil market and within OPEC. The political situation in Saudi Arabia
has been stable, although increasing tensions have been felt in the recent years. While many
analysts predict dramatic changes affecting the Saudi regime in Riyadh, we believe that the
government there is still in strong control of the overall system. This does not mean that we
will not see some changes, although gradual and peaceful, in the Saudi political domain.
Saudi Arabia is still the leading member of an exclusive - if shrinking - club of countries that
maintain all or most of their production firmly in the hands of their own state oil companies.
These state oil companies (Saudi Aramco in case of the Kingdom) are not free agents; there
are calls on their cash. If the government wants money, particularly when times are tough for
their own budgets, it will turn to them for cash. If necessary the government will sacrifice
investments required to reap the rewards of tomorrow for cash required to pay the salaries of
That makes it extraordinarily difficult to expect the Saudi government to have long-term
policies. It is also extraordinarily difficult to know how easy-or how difficult - it is going to be for
the government to expand oil capacity under most foreseeable circumstances. The same
could be said for neighbouring countries: Iran has essentially been striving for 15 years to get
from 4.0 million b/d to 5.0 million b/d and has basically found itself struggling to stay in the
same place. For its part, Kuwait recently declared it had set a target to take production
capacity to 4 million b/d by 2020; yet Kuwait has had trouble pushing capacity up from 2.0
million b/d up to the 2.5 million mark it had recently reached.
Capacity expansion prospects ought to look good for Saudi Arabia. But the Kingdom is the
country that has never said what its ultimate goals might be. When energy agencies around
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the world take a long-term look at the oil market, there is a very heavy presumption that, over
the next 20 to 30 years, a very large part of future world oil supplies will have to come from
Saudi Arabia. This makes sense in that the Kingdom is a country with very large oil reserves,
and those reserves are already known to be comparatively cheap to develop. But nobody
exactly knows what Saudi Arabia's actual policy is, other than that the Saudis have made a
sustained commitment that they will not let the world go short in a crisis. And there is no
reason to doubt that commitment.
It also makes a world of difference as to whether Saudi Arabia approaches the question of
increasing its capacity in a reactive mode, simply waiting for the market to tighten, or whether
it tries to be pro-active. Phrased somewhat differently, it makes a difference as to whether
Saudi Arabia chooses to cooperate with OPEC in general, and with Iraq in particular, or
whether it decides it will have to opt for competition, notably with Iraq.
In answering these questions it seems reasonable to expect in general terms that the Saudis
will not go down the path of all-out competition. But any substantive answer to such questions
remains unknown, at least outside the highest levels of the Saudi leadership, and that is to
presume that they have already taken a decision on this contentious issue in the first place.
By nature the Saudis like to work with consensus. But they do have their own long-term
problems. Given that this means they would like to see a more predictable set of oil revenues
to meet their own long-term requirements and given that there is a window, which may be a
bit longer than was previously thought, before Iraq becomes a major challenger in terms of
increased production and capacity the Saudis have still got time to prepare, or refine, their
policies in this regard.
It can be argued that the Saudis have already got one half of that policy, namely OPEC
quotas and a division of current OPEC quota on a proportionate basis already decided
between the 10 and prospectively the 11 members of OPEC. They could simply agree to
maintain the same proportion of the OPEC quota for themselves ad infinitum - or at least until
2025 or thereabouts. But they could also seek to use their considerable power as an oil
producer, and what appears to be their increasing willingness to force through a new
dispensation, to ensure that as global oil demand increases there is a greater share of the
market not only for OPEC in general but for Saudi Arabia in particular. That is the course that
an increasingly budget-conscious Saudi Arabia is likely to take.
Another related issue has recently captured the attention of the petroleum industry and
government officials. In fact, some analysts in the US, headed by Matthews Simmons, have
publicly declared their belief that Saudi oil reserves are highly vulnerable to rapid decline
rates, with the Kingdoms fields either already peaked or are near plateau production.
Specifically, Simmons concerns focus on Ghawar, the worlds largest oil field structure which
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accounts for 55-60 per cent of Saudi oil. He argues that Ghawar production may be set for a
steep decline since many of the large fields that make up the aging Ghawar structure are
almost depleted. The next generation of Saudi oil fields will be much harder to extract, and
expectations that technology will enhance recovery and production rates may be misplaced.
Although technology has created quantum leaps in understanding and predicting reservoir
structures, many of the proved reserve additions added to the companies books due to
enhanced technology have failed to translate into higher production rates, especially in the
US. He has also based part of his analysis on examples of unforeseen events such as the
unannounced peak in the North Sea fields and the expected rapid decline in Omans giant
Yibal field.
In replying to those arguments, high officials from Saudi Aramco have confirmed that the
Kingdoms reserves estimate is to be considered conservative by industry standards since the
state company does not use enhanced oil recovery methods in its projections. In contrast to
scepticism about the role of technology, the company sees advances in technology as playing
a key role in expanding its reserve base. Data provided by Aramco proved that Simmons
arguments on the rapid decline of the aging Ghawar as misplaced. In replying to the analogy
with Omans Yibal, the companys officials warn that each countrys geology is unique, and
extrapolating data from one region and applying it to another is technically flawed. They
concluded by confirming that Aramco can easily achieve and sustain production of 15 million
b/d through the next 50 years by relying on just current reserves.
Whether Saudi Aramco has convinced the industry of long-term oil abundance remain to be
seen, at a time when other factors appear to challenge that wisdom, including the companys
limited success in exploring wider territories since the early 1990s, the failure of the
Kingdoms gas initiative, which foundered partly on scepticism about the extent of natural gas
reserves, and the patchy interested in the 2003-04 landmarks gas exploration tenders.
The issues surrounding oil reserves in Saudi Arabia lead us to assess the reserves situation
in the other Gulf countries since the early 1980s. It must be noted first that there is no strict
relationship between proven reserves and sustainable production capacity. The central point
is that, unlike oil in the ground, production capacity does not exist of its own accord and has
to be built. Once it is built it can even more easily be lost either through a lack of sufficient
investment, a rapid rate of reserve depletion or acts of destruction.
Furthermore, a part of the oil reserves in the Gulf countries is in the form of additional oil from
fields currently in production, which would be recoverable only by using secondary and
tertiary oil recovery methods. The main contribution of both methods in this context is to delay
the inevitable decline in production, thereby increasing the ultimate recovery factor of a
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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reservoir with little impact on short-term rates of production or on output capacity. This is
especially true for gas and water injection in the giant and super-giant fields
The concept of proven reserves is defined as oil reserves that may be estimated with
reasonable certainty to be recoverable from known (in some systems of classification also
drilled) reservoirs, using available technology and under existing economic conditions. Then,
in theory, higher real oil prices should mean larger oil reserves for three reasons:
x Higher prices should induce further exploration and discovery of new fields;
x Higher prices should stimulate improvements in the technology of recovery from
existing fields; and
x For existing wells, with existing technology, higher prices should make some additional
oil recoverable.
The estimates of proven oil reserves are diverging from one source to another as a result of
the difference in acquired primary information (related to field, basin or whole region), in
reserves criteria and classifications or in adopted recovery factors.
What is interesting to notice, however, is that since the second half of the 1980s till now, little
has changed in the official estimates of the Gulf oil reserves, although oil prices and economic
conditions have radically changed, in addition to the introduction of technological innovations
in the various sectors of the oil industry. Moreover, the official estimates do not take into
account the many hundreds of millions of barrels that have been already extracted during the
20 years or so.
Back to the second half of the 1980s, official OPEC estimates of some of the proven oil
reserves in the Gulf (UAE [Abu Dhabi] in 1986, Iran and Iraq in 1987, Saudi Arabia in 1988)
had been reassessed and consequently increased. Many of those countries declared the
reassessment of their reserves was the result of reservoir re-evaluation, methods of which
have evolved significantly in recent years.
A megagiant field refers to that of more than 50 billion barrels of oil, or 14.17 trillion cubic metres (cu m) of
estimated ultimate recoverable reserves. A supergiant field refers to that with estimated ultimate recoverable
reserves of between 5 and 50 billion barrels of oil, or between 1.42 and 14.17 trillion cu m; a giant field refers to
that with estimated ultimate recoverable reserves of between 0.5 billion and 5 billion barrels of oil, or between
0.142 and 1.42 trillion cu m.
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Official Proven Oil Reserves Estimates in the Gulf, 1985-1992
(Billion barrels, end year)
Country 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992
Iran 59.0 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9 92.9
Iraq 65.0 72.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Kuwait 92.5 94.5 94.5 94.5 97.1 97.0 96.5 96.5
Saudi Arabia 171.5 169.2 169.6 255.0 260.0 260.0 260.9 261.2
UAE 33.0 97.2 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1
Sources: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin, various issues.
In reassessing proven reserves, there is serious suspicion that certain Gulf producers have
been playing the numbers game. Optimistic reserve estimates may have been influenced by
the perception that national production quotas within the OPEC ceiling have a better chance
of being raised if proven reserves are seen to be high and rising. The issue of national pride
and prestige may have also played a part. It is now widely believe that the numbers game
have been also played by non-OPEC producers (such as Russia) and many international oil
companies (the recent example of Shell).
In fact, the level of exploration activity in the early 1980s which could provide justification for
the announced increased in oil reserves, had been generally low in at least two (Iran and Iraq)
of the four Gulf countries which claimed new additions. The focus was on the exploration
activities during the early 1980s to assess the reserves additions in the second half of the
decade, considering that reserves of any oil discovery need around three to five years to be
assessed and then declared commercial and proven.
It is no coincidence that the numbers game might have been played by both Iran and Iraq as
each sought to out-do the other in the mid-1980s. While the domestic oil industry in Iran
achieved a near miracle in maintaining oil production at the 22.5 million b/d level during the
years of the 1980-88 War and in restoring much of the destroyed refining capacity in the
period after the Iran-Iraq cease-fire of July 1988, official proven reserve figures are difficult to
justify on the basis of the relatively low level of exploration and development activity in the
Some industry observers are even convinced that the Islamic Republic lost between one to
five billion barrels of reserves as a result of the chaos in the 1980s, barrels that may now only
be recoverable through tertiary recovery techniques, which are vastly more expensive than
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secondary recovery systems and have never been attempted before in Iran. They believe that
Iranian remaining proven recoverable oil reserves are in the 50-billion barrel range only.
Active Rigs and Oil Wells Completed in the Gulf, 1981-1986
Iran Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia UAE
Active rigs 5 3 29 43
Wells completed 2 90 65
Active rigs 11 28 5 28 51
Wells completed 9 73 79
Active rigs 20 18 3 23 37
Wells completed 22 117 91
Active rigs 16 19 5 16 36
Wells completed 8 62 82
Active rigs 18 25 7 8 23
Wells completed 10 82 133
Active rigs 17 10 7 7 16
Wells completed 18 17 93
Sources: OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin, various issues.
In the same context, an unnamed group of experts of Iranian oil, gas and petrochemical
industries mounted an attack in early 1992 on the countrys oil minister accusing him of
unjustifiably inflating in 1987 his official estimates of Irans proven recoverable reserves in
response to a similar claim by Iraq. In support of this contention, the experts cited an internal
oil ministry report, dated 21 March 1983, which estimated Irans remaining recoverable
reserves at 44.5 billion barrels, plus 17.6 billion barrels of reserves potentially available
through secondary recovery methods (which have mainly not yet been implemented).
Some oilmen are convinced that Iraq has been playing with its oil reserves figures, although
many others think the official estimate for so many years (the famous 100.00-billion barrel
level) is a substantial under-estimate of the countrys true oil potential, partly because Iraq
traditionally assumes a relatively low recovery rate from total reserves in place (around 20 per
cent compared to a normal rate of about 25 per cent). Petroconsultants in the year 2000
estimated the remaining oil reserves of Iraq at some 96.7 billion barrels.
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It is thought that there is still considerable scope for discovering substantial new
accumulations of oil in Iraq. Indeed, the Zagros Mountain structure where Irans major oil
fields are located extends northwards into Iraq and has not been explored to any extent as
yet, although a number of potential oil-bearing structures are known to exist there. There are
also good prospects for discovering other significant oil fields elsewhere in the country,
especially in the Western Desert.
In Kuwait, at a time when the government had estimated that two per cent or around 1.9
billion barrels of the countrys 97 billion barrels of proven reserves were lost as a result of the
damage caused to wells during the conflict with Iraq, Western oil companies which had been
bidding for Kuwaits reservoir management projects in the early 1990s had judged that as little
as 58 billion barrels of proven reserves remain there. A major part of those reserves are
contained in the old Burgan oil field. Anyway, even though the country produced almost 8
billion barrels from 1991 to 2002 and did not make any important new discoveries during that
period, its official reserves stood unchanged till now. It is interesting to mention hereby that, in
2000, Petroconsultants estimated the remaining oil reserves in Kuwait at just 54.5 billion
Early in 1988, when Saudi Arabia announced its last boost in reserves of 84 billion barrels,
Saudi Aramco stated that further field development and exploration could prove up total
recoverable reserves of 313 billion barrels. In any case, putting a number to Saudi reserves
is at best an inexact science, given the kingdoms overall meagre exploration history. And
whatever number is settled on, it will be a fraction of the best internal Saudi estimates, which
run anywhere from 500 to 600 billions in recoverable reserves and to up to 1-trillion barrels in
place. Anyhow, Petroconsultants in the year 2000 estimated the remaining oil reserves of
Saudi Arabia at some 227.8 billion barrels.
Although the official estimate of UAEs proven oil reserves highly increased from 33 billion
barrels in 1985 to 9798 billion barrels since then, many specialists, like the CGES, believe
that the remaining recoverable oil reserves of the country stay now at around 60 billion
barrels, while Petroconsultants put the figure (in 2000) at 60.3 billion barrels, of which 58.8
billion barrels are in Abu Dhabi.
Nevertheless, although most of the time non-official oil reserve estimates for the Gulf
countries are inferior to the official figures, they are still considered as huge reserves with
plentiful undiscovered potential behind, more than sufficient to raise capacity levels should
demand warrant it, and if the countries possess the willingness and the financial capability to
continue building capacity. But for how long?
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6. Last Word: EU-GCC Oil Interlinks
An important area of oil dialogue between the EU and the GCC might concern a review of
market conditions and the prospects of GCC oil exports towards the EU, considering that the
share of the GCC countries in European oil supplies is limited when compared to the
importance of their reserves.
In fact, the EU-GCC oil exchanges are clearly influenced by three main factors:
x The fact that oil reserves in the GCC are exploited less intensely than in other oil
producing countries, as manifested by the fact that their share of global production is
less than half of their share of global reserves (21 per cent as against 42 per cent);
x The fact that the EU is diversifying its primary sources of energy, relying relatively less
on oil, and relatively more on natural gas and coal; and
x The fact that the EU is the preferred destination for oil from Russia, the Caspian and
North Africa, primarily for logistical considerations; while Gulf oil is mostly directed to
the East or in some case - to the US.
These factors have limited the direct dependence of the EU on GCC oil exports, but the
market for oil is global, and the importance of such direct dependence is therefore relative.
The EU is dependent on GCC oil production and exports because the latter are essential to
the orderly functioning of the global oil market, and the GCC members countries are the
marginal suppliers of world oil.
* * *
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
1.1: Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC
member countries
1.2: Supply responses to price changes in the medium term
and the definition of an optimal price band for
guaranteeing energy security in the long term
1.3: Discussion of the desirable rate of exploitation of GCC
hydrocarbon resources in the light of the objectives of
maximising revenue and achieving economic
development in the long run.
Authors: Robert Skinner and Robert Arnott (OIES)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security
Task Ref.: 1
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission by
the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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1 Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security Page ii of 101
1. Background and Introduction................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 2
2. Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC member
countries ............................................................................................ 6
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 6
2.2 Bahrain .................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Kuwait.................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Sultanate of Oman................................................................................ 9
2.5 Qatar .................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Saudi Arabia........................................................................................ 12
2.7 United Arab Emirates ......................................................................... 15
2.8 GCC Reserves and Production Conclusions................................... 16
2.9 Non-GCC OPEC Member Supply....................................................... 17
2.9.1 Algeria....................................................................................................... 17
2.9.2 Indonesia .................................................................................................. 18
2.9.3 Iraq............................................................................................................. 18
2.9.4 Iran............................................................................................................. 19
2.9.5 Libya.......................................................................................................... 20
2.9.6 Nigeria....................................................................................................... 20
2.9.7 Venezuela................................................................................................. 21
3. Energy Security, Non-OPEC Supply Responses to Price
ChangesPast and Future............................................................. 22
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................... 22
3.2 Security of Energy Supply: What is it?............................................. 22
3.2.1 Energy Security: The Importance of Context...................................... 25
3.3 The Middle East and Security of Oil Supply..................................... 28
3.4 Historical Analysis of Non-OPEC Supply (1973-2003) - Is past
necessarily prologue? .................................................................................. 31
3.5 Non-OPEC Supply and Trends.......................................................... 39
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3.5.1 Mature....................................................................................................... 42 North Sea.......................................................................................... 42 Norway.............................................................................................. 44 Canada.............................................................................................. 45 Mexico............................................................................................... 47 Onshore United States and Alaska .............................................. 48
3.5.2 Russia ....................................................................................................... 49
3.5.3 Deepwater ................................................................................................ 51 Brazil.................................................................................................. 53 Gulf of Mexico.................................................................................. 53 Gulf of Guinea.................................................................................. 55
3.5.4 Frontier...................................................................................................... 58 Caspian Region............................................................................... 59 Other Regions.................................................................................. 60
3.5.5 Unconventional Resources.................................................................... 61 Bitumen and synthetic crude oil from Canadian oil sands........ 63 Venezuelan Orinoco Heavy Oil and Bitumen ............................. 68 Oil shale and Coal ........................................................................... 72 Gas to Liquids.................................................................................. 74 Biofuels ............................................................................................. 79 Outlook for Unconventional Hydrocarbons ................................. 82
3.6 An Assessment of Non-OPEC Supply 2004-2020............................ 83
3.7 Non-OPEC Supply and Sensitivity to Price...................................... 87
3.8 Overview of the Cost Structure of Non-OPEC Oil Supply............... 91
4. Optimal Oil Price Bands ........................................................ 92
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List of Figures
1. Contrasting Reported Oil Reserves of GCC members 7
2. Contrasting Reported Gas Reserves of GCC members 7
3. Qatars Future LNG Projects and Investment 12
4. Production differences of key suppliers over the pre- and post-1985 periods 34
5. Regional Sources of Incremental Non-OPEC Oil Supply 35
6. Changes in Production and Reserves from 1998 to 2003 38
7. Major contributors to Non-OPEC supply increases 1998-2003 39
8. World Supply and Demand 1993 to 2010 40
9. Annual increments of supply from FSU, OPEC and Non-OPEC/Non FSU 41
10. The North American Import Gap 47
11. Projection of production from deepwater projects (1990-2020) 53
12. Proven Reserves in the Caspian Region 59
13. Distribution of unconventional oil reserves in 2002 62
14. Total potential unconventional crude production 62
15. Characteristics of Canadian and Venezuelan Bitumen and Heavy Oil 63
16. Estimates of Canadian unconventional oil resources 64
17. Recent projections of output from the Canadian Oil Sands 66
(Synthetic crude oil and raw bitumen)
18. Recent Output from Canadian Oil Sands including upside (black line) 66
19. Extra-heavy oil projects Orinoco Belt, Venezuela 70
20. Indicative Net-backs for Canadian and Venezuelan Unconventional Oil Projects 72
21. Production of oil shale 1880-2000. 73
22. Existing, planned and potential new GTL projects 76
23. Total unconventional oil supply 2000-2020 83
24. Forecast of Non-OPEC supply 2002-2020 84
25. Major New Projects 2003-2012 84
26. Forecast of Non-OPEC production 2002-2020 85
27. Call on GCC countries 87
28. Total Non-GCC production and Global Oil Demand 87
29. Cost curve of production capacity in 2003 and 2020 88
30. Cost structure for OPEC and Non-OPEC in 2020 89
31. Cost comparison of global energy sources million tonnes oil equivalent 91
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1. Background and Introduction
Task 1 of the EUROGULF Project addresses the Economic and Political Conditions for Energy
Security. This is a very broad subject whose analysis would encompass virtually every area of
economic and political endeavour in the Gulf and in Europe. This would be beyond the intended
scope of this study. The more relevant questions within this framework are: what is the scope for
continued supply of oil and gas from the Gulf countries such that European countries could
believe that the conditions for their energy security, however defined, would be satisfied? This
paper looks mostly at oil supply. Other papers address issues of economic diversification against
the background of oil and gas development.
This report addresses the following three Subtask Headings as originally described in the Project
Subtask 1.1: Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC member countries
Subtask 1.2: Supply responses to price changes in the medium term and the definition of
an optimal price band for guaranteeing energy security in the long term.
Subtask 1.3: Discussion of the desirable rate of exploitation of GCC hydrocarbon
resources in the light of the objectives of maximising revenue and
achieving economic development in the long run.
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1.1 Introduction
Most world energy outlooks project a growing share of oil and gas supply from the Middle East
region. The IEA (WEO 2004) most recently projects OPECs market share to rise from 37 per cent
in 2002 to 53 per cent in 2030, slightly above its historical peak in 1973, while acknowledging that
sustained higher prices would lower this share through the combined affects of stimulating non-
OPEC production and unconventional liquids. Between 2002 and 2010 non-OPEC oil is expected
to meet most of the growth in demand. At any rate, the IEAs reference case holds that of the 31
million b/d rise in world oil demand between 2010 and 2030, 29 million b/d would come from
OPEC Middle East (IEA, World Energy Outlook, 2004; MEES 47, November 2004). Recent
projections by the United States Energy Information Administration and the International Energy
Agency indicate the worlds call on oil from the Middle East will rise from less than one third in
2003 to nearly a half by 2030. This reflects the continuing depletion of reserves elsewhere in the
world in comparison to the dominance of oil reserves in the Middle East at a time when the global
economy continues to expand, in particular in the highly populated countries of China and India.
With more than two thirds of the worlds oil reserves, it is just a matter of time before the Middle
East region supplies a dominant share of the incremental barrel of demand, rather than at present
a share of growth more or less equal to its market share.
The growing dependence on this region for what are considered strategic commodities constitutes
the essential context for this study. In simple terms, the European Commissions Directorate
General of Transport and Energy poses the question, does this dependence constitute a concern
in terms of security of energy supply to Europe and what forms of partnerships (the Economic
and Political Conditions in the overall heading for this part of the study) can bolster security of
supply? This report examines the first part of this question, the prospects for and implications of
the growing contribution of oil and natural gas from the GCC countries.
The approach taken in this study is to assume that production from GCC countries (along with
other OPEC members) will continue to be the marginal supply; in other words, once oil supply
from other sources has been absorbed, the call on GCC countries will increase. Therefore, in
order to understand the prospects for production expansion in the GCC countries, we must first
understand the production outlook outside the GCC (and OPEC). It goes without saying that
assumptions about global oil demand are of critical primary importance.
This analysis does not rely on a model. The approach is to start within the empirical data that
forms the starting point for others projections, and then examine the prospects for demand and to
a much greater extent, different supply scenarios. Thus, while readers of the literature on energy
projections have a tendency to look at the Right Hand Side of projection charts, the approach
here is to focus on the Left Hand Side, or the starting point. By thus grounding the analysis in the
empirical data, we work out into the future to the extent the data and our analyses of them permit.
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Using a simple assumption of annual average growth in oil demand, together with estimated rates
of depletion of several categories of existing supply, we examine the principal sources of Non-
OPEC/GCC supply, and assess their potential to meetor not meetgrowing world demand.
This then is a subjective analysis based on our understanding of the supply industry and the
drivers that influence it. We discuss the key factors that could reduce or accelerate supply from
Non-OPEC sources then examine OPECs potential supply and in particular that from GCC
countries. Against this background, the more hypothetical or theoretical questions of optimal
pricing and production strategies are examined.
By way of further introduction to our projections, some additional comments are warranted
regarding the sport of energy supply and demand projections. There is a rich literature on the
subject of oil and gas demand and supply projections. For a recent review of this sport the reader
is referred to Lynch (Journal of Energy Literature, Volume X, pp 33, 2004). All energy projections
depend on assumptions of population growth, GDP, policy and the rate of deployment of new
technologies. The price of oil is usually exogenously imposed and in turn influences the prices of
other fuels. No serious and well-informed projection sees world energy demand declining in the
absence of major policy changes. All see fossil fuels continuing to dominate future energy supply,
and meeting more than 85 per cent of the growth in primary energy.
Oils dominance in the energy sector with the largest share of primary energy at least out to 2025
is almost universally acknowledged. While there is general acceptance that the geologic
petroleum resource is sufficient to meet even the most bullish projections of demand for at least
the next 40 years, there is a growing coterie of proponents of the notion that world oil production is
about to peak. This assumption of sufficient resources, however, can lead to presumptions about
production strategies on the part of certain key countries that in turn beg many questions. For
example, while it is recognized that Saudi Arabia could achieve 20 million b/d, the question
remains, Why would it want to do so? This politico/economic question is perhaps more relevant
than whether it would have the capital to do so, a question which preoccupies the IEA and the US
DOE (IEA World Energy Investment Outlook, 2003; Caruso, Oxford Energy Forum, 2001, May).
Projections by major energy institutions generally tend to reflect the pressures from their owners
or constituencies to take into account if not reflect certain politically desirable outcomes embraced
by their constituencies. Of greatest interest to institutions making projections recently is the issue
of Climate Change and specifically to gauge the energy sectors contribution of greenhouse gas
emissions, and to test assumptions in models that can influence outcomes measured in terms of
greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Most such projections of significantly less emissions of
greenhouse gases and other pollutants rely on faster than historical rates of uptake of more
efficient energy end use technologies and the accelerated penetration of currently non-
commercial energy production technologies that rely on renewable fuels.
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Projections that aim for a significantly different future than that of business as usual are better
referred to as scenarios. They tend to reflect a greater or lesser degree of wishful thinking, which
is imposed on models by tweaking assumptions about technological change and policy. Their
utility is that they can serve as a point of departure for discussions about policies and their
potential to influence desirable outcomes. For example, some scenarios
are based on
assumptions of rates of energy efficiency improvement greater than historical experience.
Authors of such scenarios also tend to wish outcomes that override the friction from countervailing
policies. An example is market reform in the power sector, which has tended to limit the choice of
fuels and generation technologies.
Finally most projections that present scenarios representing outcomes different from business as
usual where assumptions of a different world are exogenously imposed on the model in use, will
invariably generate widely varying calls on OPEC and Middle East oil. This is because most
authors assume that this region will continue to play the role of swing producer of oil. Therefore
output from the region is like the end of a whip in the logic of assumptions in models; it is very
sensitive to the level of world demand and that depends on the assumptions made regarding
population, price, GDP, policy and technological change. Not surprising, and this can not be
emphasized enough, demand is far more uncertain than is supply. This is not only clear in the
theoretical outcomes of models with minor differences in assumptions, but also in the empirical
evidence of IEA Oil Market Reports since July, 2002 in which global oil demand was
underestimated by two or three times the amount non-OPEC supply was over-estimated. Of the
key variables, changes in GDP account for most of the variance in outcome from that projected
changes in policy have been of secondary importance. Even with similar assumptions in
population and other variables, different practitioners of energy projections tend to develop widely
varying estimates of the call on Middle East oil. With this experience in mind, while this study
does not rely on modelling, it does adhere to the assumption that OPEC will continue as the swing
producer, but an increasingly important swing producer.
In examining the prospects for oil and gas supply from the GCC countries, we draw on the
evidence that the supply of oil and gas from the region has been relatively reliable,
notwithstanding the regions perceived political instability. The approach taken here starts from
this empirical observation; namely, that supply from the region will be available when called upon,
as it has in the past. Oil and gas are of central importance to the economies of most GCC
countries. Hydrocarbons provide the basis on which to gradually diversify GCC economies.
Continued hydrocarbon-based economic growth provides the platform for economic diversification
Save Scenario in World Energy Outlook, International Energy Agency, 1995; EU-GRN Scenario in
European Commission, 1996, European Energy to 2020: A Scenario Approach, in Energy in Europe,
Special Issue, Spring 1996
A good example can be seen between the projections for China in the IEAs WEO of 2002 and 2004;
Chinas energy demand for 2010 is now projected to be 25 per cent greater than it was projected in 2002
owing essentially to different GDP growth rates assumed. China has been growing at almost twice the rate
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which can in turn underpin internal social and political cohesion and stability of these countries.
Broadly speaking, Russia and the rest of the FSU will increasingly dominate the worlds oil supply
outside OPEC and the Middle East, while China, India and North America will continue to
determine oil demand. The political evolution of the FSU and the economic evolution, and
macroeconomic policy making in particular, of the big Asian countries and the United States will
be the determinants of the prospects for the call of GCC oil. Two scenarios of oil supply and
demand; namely, Russias oil supply falters while Chinas demand soars, versus Russias oil
supply soars while Chinas demand collapses, present two totally different outcomes for the
economies of the GCC, and specifically affecting their ability to invest in their comparative
advantages and diversify their economies. Paradoxically then, the internal prospects of the Middle
East depend on external developments. Thus, this analysis looks outside for a basis to develop
propositions for the inside with respect to, for example, How much of the global oil and gas
markets can GCC countries count on supplying? This constitutes the essential framework for the
analysis that follows.
This report is divided into three main parts. The first section (Subtask 1.1) of the report surveys
the oil and gas endowment of the GCC countries, development history and prospects and sets out
the major differences between countries. The diversity among GCC members in their oil and gas
endowment, dependence and other social and economic factors limits the extent to which one can
draw conclusions for the group as a whole in terms of strategies for the development and export
of oil and gas.
The second section (Subtask 1.2) of the report addresses the subject of oil price developments
and the supply response. It begins with a discussion of oil supply security to put into context the
underlying basis for this study. It addresses the chronic dilemma imposed by prices if either too
high or too low in terms of investment strategies. This section examines in greater detail the
implications of being a swing supplier and having to second-guess the developments of other
producers both within and outside the region, and within the context of other national economic
The third section (Subtask 1.3) examines the call on GCC members oil production under a set of
qualitative assumptions of future oil supply and demand.
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2. Prospects for Oil and Gas Exports from the GCC member
2.1 Introduction
Against a background of assumed continued robust increases in demand for oil discussed above,
this section examines the outlook for increases in production capacity of the GCC countries, up
until 2020. It should be noted that the maximum productive capacity is unlikely to be achieved
because of a number of factors (e.g. technical, economic and political). With particular regards to
the GCC countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,
the key issue is how quickly new, spare productive capacity can and will be brought on stream.
With the exception of Oman and Bahrain, all members of the GCC are members of OPEC and in
the absence of some policy change by OPEC and by its individual members, there is little
incentive to invest in new capacity when existing capacity is not being fully utilised, or when the
groups spare capacity is adequate to meet OPECs requirements to respond to fluctuations in the
market. In the case of Oman, whilst existing capacity is being fully utilised, cooperation with OPEC
may mean there are times when the country has spare capacity. For the OPEC members of the
GCC, spare capacity remains important in order to exert, through the volumetric lever, some
influence over the oil price if only in direction, as opposed to any precise level. For example, Saudi
Arabia is re-building its spare capacity to approximately 2 mmb/d. In addition, the UAE could
increase production by 200,000 b/d and Kuwait could deliver an additional 160,000 b/d.
Within the GCC itself it is also important to compare the resources of each member in order to
highlight the difficulty that the GCC faces as a whole in implementing a uniform oil policy. With
specific reference to production capacity, Saudi Arabia has recently made statements to the effect
that it has the capability to raise capacity in a reasonably short time to around 15 million b/d, from
its 2002 production level of 9 million b/d. The Government of Kuwait has revealed plans to
increase capacity from 2.4 million b/d to 4.0 million b/d by 2020. The UAE has announced plans to
increase its capacity to around 4.6 million b/d by 2020. Finally, Qatars oil capacity could increase
slightly. In contrast, Oman has reserves of 17 billion barrels and is struggling to even sustain
production and Bahrain is actually importing oil from Saudi Arabia.
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Figure 1: Contrasting Reported Oil Reserves of GCC members
Country 2003A
(000 b/d)
(billion bbl)
Spare capacity
Bahrain 49 49 0.1 7.8 0
Kuwait 2238 4000 96.5 n/m 0
Oman 823 450 5.7 18.58 0
Qatar 917 900 15.2 45.5 160
Saudi A 9817 15000 262.8 73.3 800
UAE 2520 4500 97.8 n/m 200
Total 16364 24899 478.1 80.1 1160
Source: OIES estimates, BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2003
The resources and current gas production of the GCC members are shown in Figure 2 below. The
table highlights the implicit contrast in policies of the various GCC members. For example, whilst
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have significant gas reserves, only Qatar and the UAE are
monetising gas in the international LNG business. Saudi Arabia does not have any plans in the
near term to develop any of its vast gas reserves for export, despite recent initiatives to attract
private oil companies to assist in developing gas for electricity and water production. It is also
interesting to note that the relatively resource poor Oman exports over 50 per cent of its gas
through its new and growing LNG business. In addition, there are significant plans by Qatar to
further monetise its gas reserves with investments in major gas to liquids (GTL) plants. Further
work is required to review the comparative economics of natural gas between producers in the
region, and the prospects for intra-regional gas grids (started with the Dolphin Project) in order to
develop sensible estimates with regards to growth in export capacity. However, it is clear from
Figure 2 below that there is no uniform GCC policy on gas and this on its own means that trade
with the region must take into account the individual needs of each country.
Figure 2: Contrasting Reported Gas Reserves of GCC members
Country 2003A
2003A Exports
Bahrain 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.09 8.80
Kuwait 8.3 0.0 0.0 1.56 n/m
Oman 16.5 9.4 56.9 0.95 57.3
Qatar 30.8 19.2 62.3 25.77 n/m
Saudi A 61.0 0.0 0.0 6.68 n/m
UAE 44.4 7.1 16.0 6.06 n/m
Total 170.6 35.7 20.9 41.11 n/m
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2003
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2.2 Bahrain
Bahrain is the least endowed nation of the GCC nations in terms of oil and gas resources and is
likely to become a net importer of natural gas due to the countrys growing power generation
demand. Bahrain had intended to purchase 5-10 bcm of Qatars North field project, but plans have
been delayed to 2006.
With respect to oil production, Bahrain receives its production from the Bahrain oil field (the oldest
in the region) but mainly from the Saudi Aramco operated Abu-Safah field which produced around
146,000 b/d in 2003
. Bahrain shares production from the field with Saudi Arabia but receives its
full income. There are plans to increase capacity to 300,000 over the next three years. Beyond
this there are limited plans to try and increase production through the drilling of 17 oil wells and 8
gas wells to be completed by 2007.
2.3 Kuwait
If the share of oil output from the Neutral Zone is shared equally with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait was
the sixth largest oil producer within OPEC in 2003 as well as the ninth largest exporter of crude oil
in the world. Crude oil production averaged 2.2 million b/d but according to Nader Sultan, (then)
Deputy Chairman and CEO of KPC, Kuwait planned to increase capacity to 3 million b/d by 2005
and to 3.5 million b/d by 2010. These targets were widely viewed as being too ambitious,
especially as the Burgan field, which generates over 80 per cent of the countrys oil, is now
suffering from a deep water cut problem. As a result of these concerns the country has recently
revised its expansion target with the focus now being on reaching 4 million b/d by 2020 (PIW
March 29, 2004, p.8).
Most of Kuwaits current production is generated by its southern fields while its northern fields
produce some 400,000 b/d. It is in the north that most of the expansion plans are aimed. It is
anticipated that much of the expansion will take place under the so-called Project Kuwait which
aims to bring in foreign partners in order to raise production capacity of those fields near the
border with Iraq to 900,000 b/d within five years from the start of operations. Project Kuwait
includes the Raudhatain, Ratqa, Adbali and Bahra fields and is expected to cost some $7 billion.
Protracted discussions with the authorities have delayed Project Kuwait. Although significant
progress has been made, the main obstacle seems to have been the Kuwaiti parliament which
has so far been reluctant to approve partnerships with foreign oil companies in the development of
strategic oil reserves. Not only is foreign ownership of oil reserves strictly prohibited by the
Saudi Arabia recently stopped the supply of 50,000 b/d of Arab Light to Bahrain as part of an arrangement
related to shared offtake from the Abu-Safah, Arab Medium field. The field was recently expanded in
production capacity to 300,000 b/d to be shared 50:50. Bahrain imports about 210,000 b/d and exports over
250,000 b/d of products, consuming about 15,000 b/d (MEES 47:44, Nov 2004)
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countrys constitution but there is a view in the Parliament that even operating service agreements
may be unlawful.
Despite these protestations, KPC has continued to negotiate with potential partners and some
progress is being made. By the end of October 2003, Kuwait had received a final batch of
comments and proposals from three short-listed consortia. One consortium is led by
ChevronTexaco (50 per cent) with Total (20 per cent) as well as Sibneft, Sinopec and Petro-
Canada. The second consortium comprises BP (65 per cent) as well as Occidental (24 per cent)
and the Indian Oil Company (10 per cent). The third consortium comprises ExxonMobil (37.5 per
cent) with Royal Dutch/Shell (32.5 per cent) with Conoco-Phillips (20 per cent) and Maersk (10
per cent).
Along with the major plans to expand production capacity the country also has a plan to expand
its oil export facilities, boost domestic and refining capacity and import natural gas from its
neighbours. The upstream capacity expansion program involves the construction of several new
oil gathering centres. Prior to the Iraqi invasion in 1991, Kuwait had 26 gathering stations, with a
total capacity of 4 million b/d. All of these gathering stations were destroyed during the war and
although operations have been restored in many of them, a lot more investment is required in
order to restore full capacity.
Kuwait is also planning a $900 million expansion at the port of Mina al-Ahmadi, the countrys main
export port for crude oil which was nearly completely destroyed during the Gulf War. The intention
is to build up storage capacity in conjunction with increased oil production in future years. Current
plans envisage 19 new storage tanks with a total capacity of 11.4 million barrels by 2005.
With respect to upstream gas, although Kuwait has very substantive gas resources, with
estimated proved reserves of 1.56 tcm, most of these reserves are associated with oil, and current
production is not sufficient to meet growing domestic needs, mainly related to power production,
while gas is re-injected into producing reservoirs in order to maintain reservoir pressures.
Kuwait has tentatively agreed to import Qatari gas produced as part of Exxon-Mobils Enhanced
Gas Utilisation Project. If this deal becomes a reality then it would make Kuwait an important link
in the regional Middle East gas pipeline grid that Qatar and others are hoping to develop.
2.4 Sultanate of Oman
Oman has been one of the great success stories of oil production over the past 20 years.
However, about 50 per cent of oil reserves have now been produced and output has dropped
steadily since 2000. The decline in production has been attributed to the maturity of the main
fields as well as technical difficulties. By Middle East standards, Omans oil reserves are modest
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and at the end of 2003 stood at 5.7 billion barrels. Oil production fell to 823,000 b/d in 2003 from
902,000 b/d in 2002 and from a peak of 961,000 b/d in 2001.
Just less than 95 per cent of Omans production is controlled by state Petroleum Development
Oman (PDO), which also holds 90 per cent of the proved reserves base. PDO is a consortium in
which the government holds a 60 per cent share. The other partners are Royal Dutch/Shell (34
per cent), Total (4 per cent) and Bangladeshs Partex (2 per cent). One of PDOs key objectives is
to maintain production at 800,000 b/d and in order to meet this target it plans to spend around $1
billion to $1.5 billion annually through to 2007 with the aim of increasing production to 900,000 b/d
by that time. In order to encourage more foreign participation in the country, PDO signed a
number of new production sharing agreements with foreign companies, including Talisman
Energy, Total and Amerada Hess. On the basis that the ventures are successful, the Omani oil
minister has forecast that PDO will increase capacity by 50,000 b/d from 2005.
The unexpectedly sharp decline in Omans oil production has continued despite the ambitious
plans and at this point in time the prospects for near term production growth remain uncertain.
PDO is continuing to struggle with a very heavy water-cut which amounts to some 4 million b/d.
The whole thrust of the annual $1.5 billion capital budget is to increase recovery factors to 50 per
cent. Particular projects include the construction of miscible gas injection facilities across seven
fields in the Harweel cluster in the south of the country. In addition, PDO is also going ahead with
the construction of steam injection facilities at Mukhaiznah and Qarn Alam in order to increase
output as a part of the enhanced oil recovery program.
Facing a decline in its oil reserves and production, natural gas has become the main focus of
Omans diversification strategy. At the end of 2003 these reserves stood at 0.95 tcm. This
represents a 72 per cent increase in reserves over the past 10 years. These gas reserves have
helped Oman to diversify its dependence on crude oil by producing LNG for export and use in
domestic industry. LNG exports began at the start of 2000 with most exports sold under term
contracts to Asian countries.
Most of Omans gas reserves are located within the PDO concession and are usually associated
with or lie in the vicinity of existing oil fields. PDO is currently in the middle of a $2 billion
investment program that aims to expand gas production over the next two year. The gas plant at
Sur is to be expanded with a third processing facility and the gas pipeline to the facility is to be
expanded. In addition the government has invited a number of companies into the country to try
and accelerate gas development. BP, together with Fortum has announced the development of a
jointly owned company in order to explore and produce gas in Northern Oman. Anadarko have
been awarded an offshore block and plan to invest $60 million over the next eight years to
develop three gas fields. Elsewhere, Novus Petroleum is already producing gas in the Straits of
Hormuz and has signed an agreement with Iran for the development of the Hengam/Nukha
offshore field that straddles the line between the two countries territorial waters.
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By far the most important part of Omans natural gas strategy has been the development of its
LNG business. By late 2006, capacity should reach more than 10 million tons/yr. The third LNG
train is already under construction and is scheduled for completion at the end of 2005. Oman LNG
supply is largely sold out until 2005.
2.5 Qatar
Qatar has proved to be one of the most active members of the GCC in encouraging foreign
investment in order to increase oil and gas production capacity. Qatar has relatively modest oil
reserves, which at the end of 2003 stood at 15.2 billion barrels, but it has a very large natural gas
resource, which at the end of 2003 stood at 27.8 tcm. This makes Qatar the holder of the third
largest gas resource base in the world after Russia and Iran. In 2003, Qatar produced 917,000 b/d
of crude oil and 30.8 bcm of natural gas, making it OPECs smallest producer.
Most of Qatars natural gas is located in the North Field, which is the worlds largest known non-
associated natural gas field and which extends into Iran where it is known as the South Pars
Field. In addition, the onshore Dukhan field contains an estimated 142 bcm of associated and
14.2 bcm of non-associated gas. Smaller associated gas reserves are located in the Id al-Sharqi,
Maydan Mahzam, Bul Hanine, and al-Raydan offshore oil fields. Currently, Qatar has two LNG
exporter facilities, the Qatar LNG Company (Qatargas) and Ras Laffan LNG Company (Rasgas).
Qatar Petroleum owns 70 per cent of Qatargas II with 30 per cent held by Exxon Mobil.
ConocoPhillips signed an agreement in 2003 to develop a $5 billion LNG project with Qatar
Petroleum to supply gas to the US. Production is forecast to ramp up to 45 million tons/yr by 2010
and 60 million tons/yr by 2015, up from 14.6 million tons/yr in 2003.
Qatar also is diversifying into Gas to Liquids (GTL) in a bid to become the world centre for GTL
technology. In 2003, Qatar Petroleum and Royal Dutch/Shell signed an agreement under which
Shell will invest $5 billion to develop upstream gas and liquids facilities and an onshore GTL plant
that will produce 140,000 b/d of GTL products. The project will be developed in two phases with
the first phase operational between 2008 and 2009, producing around 70,000 b/d of GTL
With respect to oil production, Qatar is targeting an expansion to one million b/d by 2006
Occidental is developing a major project in the Idd al-Shaqi North Dome (ISND) and it also has
rights in the South Dome (ISSD). Under two agreements, Occidental is investing some $780
million over the next three years aimed at boosting ISND production to 127,000 b/d, whilst at the
same time bringing on ISSD production at 17,000 b/d.
The North Field gas also has condensate liquids which are produced at the rate of 40,000 b/d for every 1
bcf/d of gas produced. At least 400,000 b/d of liquids and NGLs are expected from the LNG expansion.
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In 2002, Total won approval for a $150 million plan to expand the offshore al-Khaleej field.
Expansion of production from this field is expected to raise production to 80,000 b/d from 60,000
b/d. Maersk Oil is also undertaking $11.2 billion expansion program at its offshore Al-Shaheen
field where it hopes to boost production to 200,000 b/d by the end of 2004.
Figure 3: Qatars Future LNG Projects and Investments
Type Name Location Cost ($m) Parties Details
LNG Qatargas 3 The North
5,000 QP,
Development of an LNG
project to supply gas to the
US. Aims to supply 7.5
million tons/yr by 2007
LNG Qatargas II
Ras Laffan Unknown QP,
Massive new onshore
facilities and receiving
terminal for the Qatargas II
Export plant
The North
12,000 QP,
Construction of the worlds
largest LNG facility at 15.5
million tonnes, consisting of
two trains that will each
manufacture slightly more
than 1Bcf/d
Source: Energy Intelligence 2004
2.6 Saudi Arabia
Of all of the GCC nations, Saudi Arabia is the only one with an ability to balance oil markets
because of its willingness to invest in and maintain spare capacity. At the time of writing, Saudi
Arabia is the only one of the GCC nations with any significant spare capacity and during 2004 was
under great pressure from the international community to increase production to alleviate upward
pressure on the oil price. H.E. Ali Naimi, the Saudi Oil Minister has stated clearly (MEES,
February 14, 2005) that Saudi Arabia plans to increase its capacity to 12.5 mmb/d within the next
four years, adding that production would be maintained at 9 mmb/d for the time being. To be clear
however, they are not doing this because of international pressure, but rather to retain the
capability to influence the market through the volume lever with a view to achieving stable prices.
It has been argued by many private oil companies that Saudi Arabia needs to offer them access to
its reserves base in order to help the Kingdom finance future increases in production capacity.
However, the oil sector is unlikely to require foreign investment as the cash flow generated by
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Saudi Aramco has historically been sufficient to maintain existing production as well as provide
sufficient capital for additional capacity. The issue is more to do with how the country should
manage an increase in capacity without signalling to the oil markets that a supply glut will depress
prices. This central dilemma is addressed in Section 4 below.
Saudi Arabias continued support of relatively high oil prices does seem to be a policy change
compared to the 1970s and 1980s when Saudi authorities appeared to be concerned about too
high oil prices endangering their longer-term oil market. The large budget deficits of the 1980s and
1990s, the rapidly growing population and the heightened socio-political pressures after
September 11 all appear to have shifted the emphasis towards maintaining relatively high prices
in order to maximise near term oil revenues. However, it must be said that relatively high prices
is a loaded phrase and needs some qualification. While OPECs target price has evolved through
time and in the nineties became a price band, the value of the US dollar has deteriorated relative
to, say the Euro, so what was high just a few years ago may be low today. Recently, most
analysts tend to converge on the view that the price band should be shifted up and in the absence
of OPEC itself concurring on what it should be, an average target price of $35 would seem
feasible without doing injury to the espoused policy of balancing consumer and producer interests.
This is further discussed in Part 4.
At the end of 2003, Saudi Arabias proved reserves of oil stood at 263 billion barrels. This
represents over 20 per cent of the worlds total reserve base. Estimates by independent
consultants suggest that the total resource base could ultimately reach some 1 trillion barrels. For
the past 20 years, Saudi Arabia has maintained the worlds largest sustainable production
capacity at over 10 million b/d and it remains the worlds largest producer and exporter of crude
oil. Of political importance is the fact that for many years Saudi Arabia has been one of the main
suppliers of crude oil to the United States, although more recently Venezuela, Canada and Mexico
have challenged it position. Asia now receives over 40 per cent of Saudi Arabias crude oil
With the global oil markets becoming increasingly reliant upon Saudi Arabia to be the volume
regulator or central bank, especially now to meet robust demand, questions are now being asked
as to both the sustainability of Saudi Arabian oil production and its ability to invest in new capacity.
The Oil and Gas Journal 2004 Year Book alludes to this by stating that Saudi Arabia relies
heavily on its Ghawar field, whose sustainability is uncertain (p.137). Furthermore, many
commentators have downgraded their expectation of Saudi oil capacity originally believed to be
between 10.5 and 12.5 million b/d, down to 9.5 million b/d. It has been speculated that high rates
of decline in existing fields require Saudi Aramco to add a minimum of 600,000 b/d of new
capacity simply to maintain current production.
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Recently the Saudi Arabian Government has tried to quash fears over its ability to sustain and
grow production. In a recent (February 2004) well-publicised debate Matt Simmons argued that
there was a total lack of reliable OPEC data on reserves and field production. Furthermore, he
argues that the Ghawar field could be on the verge of a major decline in production which is
unlikely to be offset by new fields. This view is based on the fact that the field has been producing
for over 40 years, that the water-cut had been increasing and that like many other major oil and
gas fields once production had gone into decline there was very little that could be done to
reverse it. In a very forthright rebuttal the representatives from Saudi Aramco for the first time
presented some very detailed descriptions of the major oil and gas fields, and showed that most
of Matt Simmonss arguments with respect to the Ghawar field were in fact flawed. In particular it
was demonstrated that water-cuts in the field had actually declined over the past 5 years, not
Of particular interest during the debate were the strategic statements with respect to oil policy. In
particular it was made clear that it was Saudi Aramcos intention to replace annual production with
new reserves. With respect to long term production objectives, Saudi Aramco (Al-Husseini, Oil
and Money Conference, Nov 2004) has tested various scenarios to see how long various levels of
production can be sustained. It was shown that the current company plan to sustain production at
10 million b/d could be maintained for a minimum of 50 years based on its existing reserves base
(roughly equivalent to 15 per cent of probable and possible reserves already discovered). It was
also stated that if production of 12 million b/d were required then this could be sustained for over
50 years so long as an additional 70 billion barrels could be brought into the proven category from
the probable reserves already discovered. Saudi Aramco is very confident of its ability to maintain
and control production. It is difficult in the absence of any detailed information to speculate on
which position might ultimately prove to be correct. However, for the moment the benefit of the
doubt should be given to Saudi Aramco which has proved to be very technically adept.
With respect to specific project details, there seems to be a real drive towards increasing light oil
production in the Eastern Province as well as to the south of Riyadh. Two projects already
underway are the 500,000 b/d of Arab Light crude from Qatif, and an increase of 150,000 b/d of
Arab Medium from the offshore Abu Safah field. The $1.2 billion Qatif project will process crude oil
from fields in the area and will involve construction of two gas oil separation plants as well as gas
treatment and oil stabilisation facilities. Work on both of these fields is expected to be completed
by the end of 2004. Saudi Arabia is also looking at Abu Hadriya and Khursaniyah in the Eastern
Province and Nuayyim in the centre which together could have a production potential of around
500,000 b/d by 2007. It should be emphasised that these are not new projects; rather they are
projects that were mothballed or postponed when the oil price collapsed at the end of the 1990s.
A potential $3 billion project at the Khurais field west of the giant Ghawar field could potentially
increase Saudi production by a further 800,000 b/d by the end of 2005
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In addition to its vast oil reserves, Saudi Arabia also has significant gas reserves which at the end
of 2004 stood at 6.7 tcm, ranking it fourth in the world after Russia, Iran and Qatar. Most of Saudi
Arabias gas consists of associated gas from the Ghawar field and the offshore Sabaniya and
Zuluf fields. Saudi Arabia aims to triple natural gas output to 15 bcf/d by 2009. Unlike its
neighbour Qatar, Saudi Arabia does not plan to develop LNG facilities. The Government has tried
to attract foreign investment in the gas sector but it initially had difficulty finalising contracts. The
most notable example being the collapse of the Exxon Mobil-led consortium in the Core Venture
1. These failed plans have been revived in more scaled down projects including the $2 billion gas
exploration and development contract between Royal Dutch Shell, Total and Saudi Aramco
followed by a call for bids, which resulted in three other consortia and companies being assigned
gas exploration projects. One of the key issues why foreign participation has proved difficult has
been a lack of agreement over the rates of return on projects on offer.
In addition to the Gas Initiative involving foreign firms, in September 2003 Saudi Aramco awarded
a major contract for the construction of an NGL recovery plant in the Hawiyah processing and the
Juaymah fractionation plants. This plant will be the first facility to process non-associated gas. The
development of the gas industry is part of an overall strategy to expand the petro-chemical
industry using natural gas as the main feedstock.
2.7 United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates is a loose confederation of seven emirates dominated by Abu Dhabi
and Dubai. Dubai is the UAEs financial and commercial centre and over the past twenty years
has had great success in economic diversification thereby reducing its dependence on it declining
oil and gas reserves. Ironically that decline has of course jeopardized its role in providing the main
marker crude for the Asian market. Oil production in Sharjah, the third largest emirate, is
negligible. In total the UAE is the fifth largest oil exporter amongst all OPEC countries and is the
worlds sixth largest exporter of crude oil. Dubai has never considered itself to be a member of
OPEC and has rarely complied with OPEC quotas even before its reserves base began to go into
At the end of 2003, the UAEs proved reserves stood at 97.8 billion barrels, down from 98.1 billion
barrels a decade earlier. However, with production averaging 2.5 million b/d the reserves life is
still in excess of 100 years. The UAE also has 6 tcm of gas reserves, which accounts for just over
3.5 per cent of the worlds total gas reserves base. Abu Dhabi accounts for 94 per cent of the
crude oil production and the federations output average about 2.2 million b/d throughout most of
2003. In total the UAEs production capacity was estimated to be around 2.6 million b/d at the end
of 2003. The various authorities are targeting an increase to 3.2 million b/d by the end of 2006,
with the entire increase accounted for by Abu Dhabis National Oil Company (ADNOC), in joint
ventures with foreign oil companies.
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ADNOC accounts for over 50 per cent of the Emirates total production capacity. It is planning
limited additional opening of upstream oil production to foreign firms. Elsewhere, Zadco, a
520,000 b/d producer that runs the Upper Zakkum field is majority owned by ADNOC, but
operated by Japans JODCO with a 12 per cent stake. Recently ADNOC has put up its stake in
the company for sale and has received bids from BP, Shell, Total, Exxon and Chevron-Texaco.
There are many infrastructure projects that require upgrading to accommodate the increase in
production capacity. In particular, a $320 million contract to increase the capacity of the onshore
Hasa field was awarded to Snam in September 2003. This project aims to increase production
from around 100,000 b/d to 480,000 b/d. Expansion is also planned for the onshore Asab field
aimed at increasing capacity to 310,000 b/d by 2006. Adco is also proceeding with the
development of the Al-Dabbiya and Rumaitha fields that have estimated recoverable reserves in
excess of 8 billion barrels.
With respect to the development of gas reserves, the UAE was the first country in the Gulf to
develop LNG (based on associated gas) and recently has already embarked upon a multi-billion
dollar program of investment in its natural gas sector including a major shift towards gas-fired
power generation. An ambitious $3.5 billion plan, the Dolphin Project, to interconnect the natural
gas grids of Qatar, the UAE and Oman, is currently under way with plans to bring 2 billion cubic
feet per day of gas from Qatars North Field to Abu Dhabi. It is projected that most of the UAEs
natural gas needs over the next decade will come from Qatar.
2.8 GCC Reserves and Production Conclusions
The diversity among GCC members in their oil and gas endowment, dependence and other social
and economic factors limits the extent to which one can draw conclusions for the group as a
whole in terms of strategies for the development and export of oil and gas. Moreover, to the
extent there are group strategies pertaining to oil production, these are worked out for some
GCC countries within the context of their membership in OPEC.
In the discussion of each country above, it is clear from a resource point of view Saudi Arabia
remains the most important and in the context of this study, Saudi Arabian oil policy will remain
the key in the context of security of supply. It is true that Kuwait and the UAE do have substantial
remaining reserves but the potential for significant near term increases in production capacity do
appear to be limited, as is the potential for the discovery of further significant reserves. In the case
of Qatar, Oman and Bahrain the prospect for significant increases in oil production is very limited.
Therefore in the context of this study the emphasis firmly lies in the ability of Saudi Arabia to
sustain existing production and invest in new capacity to help meet increasing crude oil demand.
From a purely technical point of view this does appear to be possible, but much will depend on the
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political will as discussed above and a calculus that must take into account a complex array of
external parameters, including the development prospects, strategies and policies of other,
principally Non-OPEC, producers (who in turn are trying to second guess GCC producers) and
how these strategies might vary under different price scenarios, and the outlook for demand
growth in consuming countries such as China with its opaque statistics, and the United States,
with its troubling economic imbalances. This dilemma, and how the GCC countries, especially
Saudi Arabia, manage the volume lever to achieve some optimal price is addressed next.
2.9 Non-GCC OPEC Member Supply
A short section is included here to cover those countries that produce oil under the OPEC
umbrella but who are not members of the GCC. The incorporation of the supply potential from
these countries is important as it completes the overall supply picture that is presented later in this
report. However, so long as these countries remain members of OPEC then it must always be
recognised that estimates of production will be totally reliant upon future OPEC production
policies. For the purposes of this study we have relied heavily on estimates from the US DOE,
MEES and Energy Intelligence
2.9.1 Algeria
Algeria has benefited from significant foreign investment in the oil industry but at the same time
this has caused internal conflict between the needs of the foreign producer and OPEC market
management. The country has officially petitioned OPEC to raise its share of the OPEC ceiling to
more than two times the current cap of 750,000 bbl/d. Foreign companies assume that any
cutbacks in oil output should be taken out of Sonotrachs position, leaving the joint ventures free
to produce at capacity.
Within OPEC, Algeria is the ninth largest producer of oil. Its proved reserves at the end of 2003
were 11.3 billion barrels, up more than 2 billion bbls from a decade earlier. Production has been
rising steadily since 1996 and in 2003, production averaged 1.1 million barrels per day. Algerias
crude oil capacity currently stands at 1.2 million b/d. Along with Nigeria, the Algerian oil minister
has expressed his countrys intention to lobby for a larger quota to reflect the recent expansion in
production capacity. Furthermore the country is targeting expansion of oil capacity to 1.5 million
bbl/d as early as 2005.
Sonatrach produces more than half of Algerias oil output, primarily from Hassi Messaoud and
Rhourde El Baguel, over 300,000 bbl/d each. Projected declines in these fields are likely to be
more than compensated for by new field development in the Berkine and Ourhoud areas and
enhanced oil recovery projects at the 6.4 billion bbl Hassi Messaoud field where only 20 per cent
The Oil supply Dilemma: The Financial Positions and Investment Needs of Major Oil Exporters, Energy
Intelligence Research Special Report, 160pp, 2004.
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of the hydrocarbons have been recovered. It is hoped that by using EOR techniques production
will double by the end of the decade.
2.9.2 Indonesia
Since its recent peak production level of 1.45 million barrel per day in 1991, Indonesias
production has been on a steady decline. By the end of 2003, production had fallen below 1
million barrels per day and the reserves base of 4.7 billion barrels had fallen by 29 per cent from
the peak in 1991. The country recognises that major steps will be required in order to reverse the
decline in production. In fact the situation is now so critical that not only is Indonesia unable to
meet its production quota but that the country is now close to the time when it will be importing
more oil than it is exporting, and its qualification to continue as an OPEC member is put in
In the past year, Indonesia has put up 11 areas for tender for oil and gas exploration and the
government also awarded 15 contracts offering higher production shares to investors in an effort
to boost investment in the sector. The government hoped that this will encourage firms producing
from existing fields to increase recovery rates in order to prolong the life of the fields. For instance,
Caltex, a part of Chevrons Texaco, has the largest operation in the country and is undertaking a
major expansion of its steam injection project at the Duri Duri field on Sumatra
2.9.3 Iraq
The future development of Iraqs oil and gas industry is clearly linked to the development of a
stable post-Saddam political structure. At the end of 2003 reserves were estimated at 112 billion
barrels and gas reserves were nearly 3,100 bcm. Due to decades of war and sanctions the
amount of exploration activity has been severely limited and it is estimated that just 10 per cent of
the total surface area has been fully evaluated. The USGS has estimated that an additional 45
billion barrels could be present.
In terms of crude oil production, the US-led Coalition reconstituted the Ministry of Oil and the State
Oil Marketing Company (Somo) and other institutional components of the oil industry after the
military action and by the end of 2003 production had risen to about 2 million bbl/day of which oil
exports were estimated to be around 1.7 million bbl/day. The Ministry of Oil is currently targeting
crude oil production of about 2.5 million b/d. This expansion will require ongoing repair and
rehabilitation work.
The further expansion of Iraqs crude production is planned in two further stages. The Ministry of
Oil hopes to restore Iraqs pre-August 1990 production capacity of 3.5 million b/d by the middle of
this year, although this looks quite an ambitious target. It then hopes to add a further 0.5 million
bbl/d by early 2006. Beyond that time, it is hoped that the development of new fields to the south,
north and east of Baghdad, with the involvement of foreign partners will push crude oil production
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to 5.5 million bbl/day by around 2010. The total cost of this expansion in capacity is roughly
estimated at around $5 to 6 billion for production to reach 3.5 million bbl/d and a further $30 to
$40 billion to reach 5.5 million bbl/d. Of course, these ambitious targets will rely on a stable
political framework to create the conditions for investment. In the absence of these conditions it is
likely that production capacity targets will slip. Furthermore, since Iraq remains a member of
OPEC, Iraq may be additionally constrained by production policies in place at the time.
2.9.4 Iran
The development of Irans oil and gas reserves has been constrained by political considerations
and this is set to continue for the foreseeable future. The country has been forced to take a unique
approach to upstream investments by sanctions imposed from the outside and internal restrictions
by the Islamic regime.
The Iranian constitution prohibits foreign ownership of hydrocarbon resources by foreign
companies. However, foreign participation has been allowed through buy-back contracts which
are usually short-term (7 years) arrangements. Unfortunately these buy-back contracts have been
largely unsuccessful and NIOC is trying to structure new contracts in order to attract new foreign
At the end of 2003 proved oil reserves were 125.8 billion barrels. Oil production averaged 3.9
million bbl/d, giving the country a reserves life of 92 years. The countrys gas reserves are even
larger and are likely to be much more significant for the country in the longer term. At the end of
2003 the gas reserves amounted to 812 tcf and were the second largest in the world after Russia.
Irans current crude oil production is unofficially capped at 4 million bbl/d, excluding NGLs and
some condensates. The oil ministry has claimed that the production capacity is 4.3 million bbl/d
but the decline rate in mature fields is likely to have reduced that figure. In November 2003, a
senior advisor to the Ministry of Petroleum announced plans to nearly double Irans crude oil
production from the current official estimate of 4.2 million bbl/d in two stages: a targeted 5 million
bbl/d by 2010, rising to 8 million bbl/d by 2020. The increase in production is expected to come
not only from the upgrading of mature fields, primarily using gas injection, but also from the
development of new onshore prospects near the Iraqi border.
Put in perspective this target is not overly ambitious given that the country produced 6 million
bbl/d in 1974 before the serious political disturbances which ultimately led to the fall of the Shah.
Although these expansion plans look ambitious it should be noted that Iran does have a number
of large undeveloped fields that, since 1995, have been gradually opened to international oil
companies under buy-back and service-type agreements. Total, which signed the first
development agreement in 1996, is the dominant IOC although others, including Shell and ENI,
are also active in Iran.
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Progress in reaching additional buy-back contracts has been slowed not only by technical
considerations but also by political pressure from the United States not to invest until Irans
intentions on the development of nuclear power are clarified and the government gives
assurances that nuclear weapons development is not an objective. The Iran Libya Sanction Act
1996, ILSA, was extended for a further 5 years in July 2001, providing penalties against non-US
companies investing more than $20 million per annum in Irans petroleum sector. ILSA has not
been enforced effectively and has had only a limited impact. However, restrictions on American
companies, imposed in 1995, have kept them out of Iran, with the exception of Haliburton,
recently involved in a service contract for a project in Iran. More recently the chief executive of BP
stated that it was unlikely to try and access Iran as it would not want to offend the United States
where a significant proportion of is operations are located.
2.9.5 Libya
Libya has the potential to make major capacity additions as it re-emerges into the global economy
following years of isolation by international and US sanctions. The country is Africas largest oil
reserves holder with 36 billion bbl and it has 12 fields with more than 1 billion barrels each. With
the formal suspension of United Nations sanctions in August 2003 the international oil companies
have recently returned to the country after a recent licensing round.
In 2003, Libya was the eighth largest producer of crude oil among OPECs eleven members and
also the eleventh largest exporter of crude oil in the world. At the end of 2003 its proved oil
reserves stood at 29.5 billion barrels. Total liquids production has fluctuated in a range between
1.35 mmb/d and 1.50 million bbl/d over the past 10 years. In 2003, production averaged 1.44
mmb/d, giving the country a total reserves life of 59 years.
With the opening up of the oil sector, Libya hopes to attract some $30 billion of foreign upstream
investment in an effort to increase production from the present total of 1.6 mmb/d to 3.0 million
bbl/d by 2010. In order to achieve this goal the Libyan National Oil Company has said that this will
require 70 per cent of its territory to be opened up to foreign exploration from the current 25 per
2.9.6 Nigeria
At the end of 2003, Nigerias proved oil reserves were 25 billion barrels and the country was the
fifth largest producer in OPEC and the seventh largest exporter of oil in the world. Oil production
has held steady at between 1.9 and 2.3 million barrels per day over the past decade and the
reserves to production ratio is currently 32 years.
Nigeria has the capacity to significantly increase its productive capacity over the next year from
2.5 million bbl/d to around 3.0 million bbl/d when recent discoveries come on stream. As always in
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Nigeria, political turmoil and a tradition of corruption are a major disincentive for investment
decisions, as are tight budgets set for the domestic industry and occasional bouts of adherence to
OPEC commitments. The political factors have kept production some 500,000 bbl/d below stated
capacity for the past two years and continue to cast a shadow over the countrys longer term
plans to increase production capacity to 4 million bbl/d by the end of 2006.
Whilst the impact of these concerns on investment plans is difficult to measure, since cuts tend to
be focused more on exploration than development, there is no doubt that some of the major
projects have been affected. For example Royal Dutch/Shells Bonga field is advancing much
more slowly than originally planned. NNPCs cash shortages also take on increasing significance
as joint venture companies shift to costlier integrated onshore oil and gas schemes in order to
comply with a 2008 deadline to phase out the flaring of associated gas.
2.9.7 Venezuela
Venezuela has 77.8 billion barrels of proven conventional oil and 148 Tcf of natural gas. The oil
reserves are the largest outside of the Middle East and the government continues to seek foreign
investment. However, investors have reacted to the political turmoil seen in 2002 and 2003
depending on the size of their commitment and the fit of projects in their portfolio. More recently a
new hydrocarbon law was decreed in which royalty rates on oil production were increased from 16
per cent to 31 per cent.
With respect to the resource base, Venezuela is the third largest producer of oil within OPEC and
the fifth largest exporter of crude oil in the world. Crude oil production peaked at 3.5 million bbl/d
in 1998 but since that time has declined steadily to 3 million bbl/d in 2001 to 2.3 million bbl/d by
the end of 2003. To some extent the decline in conventional crude oil output has been partially
offset by the rising output of synthetic crude oil produced in cooperation with foreign joint venture
partners. In 2003, synthetic crude output averaged 475,000 bbl/d accounting for more than 18 per
cent of all liquids produced (see Unconventional Oil).
PDV had ambitious plans to raise the national oil production capacity to 5 million bbl/d by 2009. It
plans to shoulder most of the investment itself and in this respect has allocated $35.4 billion in
capital spending up until 2009 to achieve its goal. There is however little in the way of detail as to
which projects will be developed or their timing. The opaque nature of the investment plans
became less clear when the national oil company undertook a corporate re-organisation in
January 2004.
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3. Energy Security, Non-OPEC Supply Responses to Price
ChangesPast and Future
3.1 Introduction
This section (Subtask 1.2) of the report addresses the subject of oil price developments and the
chronic dilemma imposed by prices if either too high or too low in terms of investment strategies.
This represents the core of this study: namely, what is oil supply security, and what are the
prospects for non-OPEC supply to meet demand growth, and under what price range
assumptions can we expect continued supply from Non-OPEC regions? By implication, the
results of this analysis pose the dilemma for GCC producers as swing suppliers and having to
second-guess the developments of other producers both within and outside the region, and within
the context of other national economic objectives. The objective is to describe the potential for
supply from other sources and the range of factors affecting its uncertainty rather than attempt to
develop some balanced model of future demand and supply.
Because the EUROGULF project responds to the Commissions concerns regarding energy
security, this section commences with a discussion of the subject. In this context the specific
issue of security of oil supply from Middle East countries is discussed. The relationship between
the European region and the Arab energy producers is not a new issueit was the subject, for
example, of an OAPEC/EC seminar in Morocco in 1990in fact, dialogue on this essential
element of Arab-Euro relationship began with the creation of OAPEC (see A. A. al-Turki, in The
Integration of Energy Markets: Prospects for Euro-Arab Cooperation, OAPEC publication, 1992).
As background to understanding the potential for new supply from Non-OPEC regions, a review is
provided of the key sources of new supply in response to price changes after 1973. The section
then looks forward to the medium term by analysing the supply potential of countries outside the
GCC, and in the non-OPEC world in general. But rather than taking a strictly country-by-country
approach, Non-OPEC supply potential is addressed in terms of key or major plays and regions.
This is followed by an analysis of the cost of production to establish at what price levels Non-
OPEC production is economic and, by inference, whether new developments might be
accelerated or deferred.
3.2 Security of Energy Supply: What is it?
The drive to secure supply of the essentials to survival is manifestly the essence of evolution;
through eons of geologic time organisms have devised strategies to assure acquisition of food
(energy) and other necessities for survival in the face of recurring bouts of volatility of the cost of
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doing so driven by the vagaries of climate and earth processes. Institutions and organizations,
concerned with their survival, not surprisingly harbour the same preoccupations as organisms.
Over the last several centuries as trade between nations increased, the political preoccupation by
states with the security of supply of what they needed to import at the time, is a thread through
history that has and will continue to define geopoliticsif geopolitics can be defined at all.
Concerns about the security of energy supply did not start with the European Coal and Steel
Community in the early fifties, which led to European unity as we know it today, nor with the
International Energy Agency (IEA) within the OECD in response to the 1973/4 oil price shock.
Nonetheless, the pursuit of energy security has been central to the purpose of the IEA since its
beginning, and most of what the European Commission does in the area of energy is designed to
bolster the communitys security of energy supply. For the last fifteen years, the often conflicting
policy objectives of market reform and liberalization and reducing energy-related greenhouse gas
emissions in the face of concern about climate change have compounded the complexity of
policies aimed at achieving energy security and have presented more than a few contradictions
and dilemmas for policy makers.
Numerous international bodies and academics have attempted to define energy security or
security of supply. Some examples follow:
x an adequate supply of energy at reasonable cost (IEA, Energy Technology Policy,
x security of supply means the ability to ensure that future essential energy needs
can be met, both by means of adequate domestic resources worked under
economically acceptable conditions or maintained as strategic reserves, and by
calling upon accessible and stable external sources supplemented where
appropriate, by strategic stocks, European Commission, 1990, (Security of Supply,
Energy in Europe No. 16); the Commission more recently defined energy security
as, the availability of energy at all times in various forms, in sufficient quantities,
and at reasonable and/or affordable prices and in their study, focus on the
availability of oil and gas in sufficient quantities, and in particular on the risk of oil
and gas supply disruptions. (EC, Study on Energy Supply Security and
Geopolitics, 2004.)
x If security of supply is the assurance of the physical availability of oil during a
supply disruption, then a country can be said to have achieved this goal if it is
always able to guarantee that a given quantity of oil is available with certainty to its
domestic market, independently of possible market disturbances (Lacasse, C. and
A. Plourde, 1995, On the renewal of concern for the security of supply., The Energy
Journal, 16(2): 13, 1-23.)
x a condition in which a nation and all, or most, of its citizens and businesses have
access to sufficient energy resources at reasonable prices for the foreseeable
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future free from serious risk of major disruption of service. (Barton, B., C.
Redgewell, A. Ronnel, and D.N. Zillman (2004), Energy Security: Managing Risk in
a Dynamic Legal and Regulatory Environment. Oxford University Press: 5, 3-13.
x Energy security has three faces. The first involves limiting vulnerability to
disruption given rising dependence on imported oil from an unstable Middle East.
The second, broader face is, over time, the provision of adequate supply for rising
demand at reasonable pricesin effect, the reasonably smooth functioning over
time of the international energy system. The third face of energy security is the
energy-related environmental challenge (to operate within the constraints of
sustainable development) (Maintaining Energy Security in a Global Context; # 48,
A report to the Trilateral Commission by William Martin, Ryukichi Imai and Helga
Steeg, 1996, p. 4)
x In June of 1993 IEA Ministers agreed to Shared Goals for energy policies, of which
energy security was central, although not dominantthe establishment of free and
open market was seen as the fundamental point of departure; the encouragement
of dialogue within a global context was seen as essential. The elements of energy
security were set out in the Goals as follows: Diversity, efficiency and flexibility
within the energy sector are basic conditions for longer-term energy security; the
fuels used within and across sectors and the sources of those fuels should be as
diverse as practicableEnergy systems should have the ability to respond
promptly and flexibly to energy emergencies. In some cases this requires collective
mechanisms and actionImproved energy efficiency can promote both
environmental protection and energy securityContinued research, development
and market deployment of new and improved energy technologies (contribute to
the objectives)Undistorted energy prices enable markets to work efficientlyFree
and open trade and a secure framework for investment contribute to efficient
energy markets and energy securityCooperation among all energy market
participants helps to improve information and understanding(and) to help
promote the investment, trade and confidence necessary to achieve global energy
security and environmental objectives. (International Energy Agency, Statement of
Ministers, June 1993, IEA/OECD Paris.)
What comes through in all of these attempts to define the concept is the use of relative or
qualitative terms such as adequate, reasonable, essential, appropriate, sufficient,
foreseeable and major. While these words might puzzle some as to just precisely what their
authors meant in using them, anyone experienced in international attempts to codify desirable
economic policies or outcomes of international cooperation will recognize in their imprecision an
enormous amount of diplomatic and drafting effort to achieve consensual comfort with their
meaning. Everyone can come away from such definitions reasonably assured that they offer
comfort. And that might just be the pointcomfort. The IEAs Shared Goals are perhaps the best
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example of an attempt to be all things to all parties yet still codify the essential practical elements
of how to ensure that energy policies based on these goals would incidentally strengthen energy
security but at the end of the day assist countries in creating the conditions in which the energy
sectors of their economies can make the fullest possible contribution to sustainable economic
development and the well-being of their people and of the environment. Thus energy is seen
properly as an economic input and the security of its supply is just part of a larger set of economic
objectives and not an end in itself.
But, the idea of energy security should be decomposed further to get at the essential motivators to
make it such a preoccupation for politicians. To economists, supply is the schedule of quantities
of a good or input that will be available at different prices; the less there is available, the higher will
be the price. The security of supply of a good, service or input may not have meaning in
economic theory, since markets clear and the scarcity of a good will be reflected in its price, and
supply will be rationed accordingly. Therefore, the definition of security embodies the element of
price or at least achieving a state where the risk of rising prices is reduced or eliminated. And,
therefore, the concern comes back to the political economy and energys essential role in it.
Consumers do not want to pay too much and politicians do not like the effect on economies when
input costs suddenly rise.
At the end of the day, security is a feelingconsumers either feel secure (comfortable) about the
supply of something, or they dont. Articles in the media and statements by politicians can
contribute to the publics feeling of insecurity. Politicians can enact policies and programmes and
make statements to reassure consumers. Yet, consumers large and small will read or misread
signals from the media, the market and from politicians and agents perceived to have some
influence over markets. An example from the late seventies is relevant: long queues at petrol
stations in California developed when consumers believed, prompted by TV newscasts, that there
was a shortage of petrol and all rushed at once to fill up their vehicle tanks, thereby causing a
shortage, which compounded the fear of shortage, which became self-fulfilling. The lesson should
not be lost on policy makers.
3.2.1 Energy Security: The Importance of Context
The example from the late seventies raises another essential qualifier of what influences
perceptions of energy security, and that is context. Context has temporal and spatial elements;
for example, the particular state of global markets at the time, the state of regional political
stability, and above all the nature of the relationship at any particular time between buyer and
seller of an energy commodity. At the macro level, the importance of context and the times is
revealed by the IEAs 1993 Shared Goals compared with the Agencys earlier Policy Principles
confirmed by its Ministers in 1979. The earlier policy principles were at a time of rapidly rising oil
prices, acute global macroeconomic dislocation and a palpable tension between consuming
countries and producing countries. Thus, whereas the 1993 policy goals were issued in an
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environment of relatively low prices and therefore comfortably couched in a framework of market
forces, the 1979 principles were clear about picking winners (coal and nuclear), reserving gas for
special uses (certainly not for electricity generation) and calling for explicit reductions in oil
demand. This latter policy principle played a significant role in setting the tone of the subsequent
consumer/producer dialogue and debate in which producers are seeking demand security (i.e.,
consuming countries not outlawing oil). Finally, the starkest expression of the changed context
pertains to the use of gas in power generation: OECD countries that prohibited the practise in the
eighties have since, by the absence of policies, essentially found themselves relying on nothing
but natural gas to fuel new power capacity. The US and the UK, having dashed for gas (while
ostensibly for environmental reasons, the reality was no other fuel was permitted by their publics),
now find themselves grappling again with the ghosts of energy security centred on natural gas
The IEAs concerns were again affected by a change in context presented by the end of the
millennium (Y2K) and the apprehensions that energy delivery systems might break down owing to
glitches in computer software. Meanwhile the political context between OPEC and the IEA had
been softening (and cooperation regarding Y2K brought their staff together, also to discuss the
importance of coherent oil market data with the formalization of the Producer Consumer Dialogue
in the International Energy Forum. Not surprising then, by May of 2001, IEA Ministers were
emphasizing improved transparency in world energy markets especially the oil market;
maintaining the existing energy dialogue with non-member countries; as well as the old energy
security chestnuts of building stocks, continuing diversification; working to improve energy
efficiency; and politically correct if often problematic and contradictory developing and using the
most effective possible means to achieve sustainable development (International Energy Agency,
Energy Policies of IEA Countries. 2002 Review).
The international context for the short term security concern of Y2K was dramatically redefined
further with the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001. Thus, the
IEA Ministers added references to protection of vulnerable infrastructure to sabotage and terrorist
attack, and this concern was reiterated in the Agencys 2004 World Energy Outlook in references
to the major choke points in seaborne international oil and gas movements. IEA Ministers never
announce what is no longer of concern to them: they merely add new themes and for the losers,
like the practice in China with respect to leaders no longer in favour, simply no longer mention
On a more micro level, context plays an important role and it can change with time. A case in
point is the EUs perception of security of gas supply from the Former Soviet Union in general and
from Russia in particular. At one time, while the United States urged Europe to avoid relying on
gas from Russia, Brussels considered FSU/EU gas trade as relationship-building. Today it is
questionable whether the EC would feel the same. Thus the degree of insecurity depends on the
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bilateral political relationship and the magnitude and nature of the trade. To use an example
offered by John Mitchell (at PASS Conference on Security and Energy, Prague, Oct. 20, 2004),
the security of supply of LNG from Trinidad to Europe is different from that of LNG from other
sources, or of pipeline gas from Russiabecause the bilateral contexts differ. A stark example of
the importance of the bilateral relationship is offered by the bullying tactics of Turkmenistan at the
end of 2004 in renegotiating its gas supply contract with the Ukraine, at a time when the latters
political echelon was changing, fragile and very uncertain. Clearly, Turkmenistan felt in a position
of powerallegedly emboldened by Russiaand applied tactics (cutting off gas) that it is difficult
to imagine it might use with, say Germany. Thus, context matters and EU policy makers need to
pay attention to other issues in the political relationship with the GCC and its members (migration,
trade, Palestine, Kyoto) rather than focus on just one element of the relationship, energy trade.
Moreover, it must never be forgotten that political context has two sides, in this case, not just
Europes energy security.
Price is also important, although it is often downplayed as a factor determining, for example, the
deployment of stocks. Policy makers nonetheless seek policies that will conduce to price stability
for a good or commodity. Security of supply is perceived to be at risk when the volatility of the
price of a good increases. That price volatility is the canary in the cage, an important signal to
consumers to reduce demand and to investors to increase supply, seems lost on many policy
makers who mistrust or have little faith that functioning markets will, with time, calm volatility. To
be fair to them, on the other hand, it must be acknowledged that when there is a price shock, for
whatever reason, the consuming public invariably turn to politicians rather than to industry for
answers. So, it is natural that political institutions will seek policies that obviate the risk of price
shocksspecifically, sudden, significant and lasting price rises.
Freedom from significant price rises, however, does not adequately define security of supply.
Otherwise, IEA governments essentially led by the United States government would have agreed
to release Strategic Stocks of oil in 2004 with the doubling in oil prices. Instead, the IEA
apparently tried to influence prices by reminding readers of its monthly oil market report (IEA
OMR, August 11
, 2004) that this weapon was in its arsenal. This price rise was evidently not
considered to be significant. U.S. Vice President Cheney subsequently stated, and the White
House confirmed that insecurity of supply was not evident: that would require the loss of 5 or 6
million barrels per day of U.S. supply (Reuters, August 26, 2004). Therefore, security of supply
for some refers to the freedom of physical interdiction of production or distribution due to political
intervention, war, accident or simply mechanical breakdown. This stance appears to contrast with
that of the European Commission, given its draft Directive in September 2002 on Oil and Gas
Emergency Measures in which the Commission proposed that it retain the authority to release
member states strategic oil stocks to counter sharp price increases. The European Parliament
subsequently rejected the proposal and the EU Commissioner for Transport and Energy, Loyola
de Palacio subsequently abandoned the idea. Nonetheless, price is not irrelevant. It is the price
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effects on the economy that ultimately concern policy makers, even though for years, statements
from the International Energy Agency suggested that strategic oil stocks would be released only to
meet physical shortages and not to influence prices (Commentary by R. Skinner, OIES Website,
Exuberant Irrationality, August, 2004).
If security of supply is defined in terms of immunity from interdiction of physical supply, then it can
be analyzed in terms of the probability of the causes; namely, political intervention, war, accident
or mechanical breakdown. The greater the probability of any cause, the weaker will be the
security of supply. But this still does not take into account slower forces affecting long term
security, such as depletion of a resource or the lack of investment because investors misread the
signals, or policies prevent investors access to energy resources on terms that offer returns that
can compete with other uses of capital. This latter situation is particularly germane to natural gas
in North America and arguably at an international level for oil, as the large international oil
companies seek access to oil and gas resources under terms that their shareholders find
attractive, while some national oil companies are left insufficient capital by their owners to develop
additional supply.
Any definition of security of supply that is sufficiently robust to use as a starting point for
discussing policies for its achievement must embrace or acknowledge the following elements:
x The context of the trade relationship at the time;
x The potential for and degree of physical disruption of supply;
x The magnitude and duration of price change and its potential to cause
macroeconomic dislocation;
x Whether sectors of the economy that depend uniquely on hydrocarbons, especially
in the case of oil, can physically function in situations of disruption;
x How to assure over the longer term continuing investment in the energy supply
chain, including in infrastructure and in the availability of a supply margin whether
as capacity margin or strategic stocks.
No matter how these essential elements of security of supply are strung together in some
definition, they provide a backdrop for discussing the prospects for hydrocarbon exports from the
GCC member countries and to analyse these prospects within the context of the European
Commissions perennial concern about security of oil and gas supply.
3.3 The Middle East and Security of Oil Supply
A major share of the worlds oil comes from the Middle East. The region possesses over two
thirds of the worlds oil reserves. It is perceived as a politically unstable regionindeed, the
report on Energy Security for the Trilateral Commission (op cit) saw the Middle East as central to
the issue of energy security, and somewhat perversely saw at the time (1995/96) that energy
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security might appear to have been successfully regained(and that) The threat of disruption to
energy supplies (is) of little immediate concern. OPEC is currently weak. (op cit, p.1). Setting
aside for a moment the proposition that a weak OPEC is synonymous with energy security (a
more convincing case can be made to the contrary), the linking of OPEC, the Middle East and
insecure oil supply permeates the literature on the subject. As noted above, the EC needs to
examine its relationship with the Middle East in broader terms in order to begin to understand
what if anything can be done to bolster security of supply from this region.
Yet, if one considers the long standing tensions, wars and other events that have upset oil
markets over the last 30 years, this perception would seem to be supported. However, when held
up to the test of physical disruption of supply, the apparent political insecurity is not matched by
interdictions of oil supply. Thus, in such an inquiry, one inevitably returns to other elements of the
definition of security of supply and specifically those dealing with feelings and sentiments; the
physical historical record seems secondary
Statements by OECD politicians, the media and the like invariably make reference to the growing
dependence on oil from the Middle East. The IEA in its semi-annual World Energy Outlook,
repeatedly implies that oil from the Middle East is insecure and that growing dependence on the
region for oil is a bad thing. In the first page of its most recent WEO, the IEA states that A central
message of the Outlook is that short-term risks to energy supply will grow... Rising oil demand will
have to be met by a small group of countries with large enough reserves, primarily Middle East
members of OPEC and Russia. In an alternative scenario, where environmental and energy
scarcity policies are deployed dependence on imported energy in major consuming countries and
the worlds reliance on Middle East oil and gas are lower. Thus the IEA sees a virtue in a set of
policies that conflate to less trade with this region. This seems at odds with the aim to integrate its
economies and consolidate and enhance friendly relations, trade and economic ties. Indeed, US
foreign policy is dedicated to expanding supply from other sources, notably the Caucuses regions
and from Russia, and both candidates in the 2004 US Presidential election campaign made
frequent statements about their energy policies in which they aspire to reduce or eliminate
dependence on oil from the Middle East. Observers of the recent US election campaign will
understand that much rhetoric is designed to empathise with the received view of the electorate
rather than attempt to dispel it.
Much of the phraseology that links Middle East with insecure oil derives from experience in the
early seventies and references to the oil weapon. The following are just a few examples of
energy supply disruptions over the past three decades:
For a discussion of the lack of a necessary link between oil price increases and recessions, and price
changes and Middle East political events and war, see, Oil and the Macroeconomy Since the 1970s,
Robert Borsky and Lutz Kilian, 2004, Working Papers 10855, National Bureau of Economic Research
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x The Oil Weapon. Used once by producers against the United States and the
Netherlands after the Yom Kippur War. Having used it once, producers seemed to
have learned a lesson. Meanwhile it was used by consumer countries against
consumers (South Africa); by consumers against producers (Iran Libya Sanctions
Act; Iraq boycott, currently contemplated against Sudan); by producers against
producers (against Russia in the late eighties; to counter and discipline Venezuela
in its pursuit of market share in the late nineties);
x Internal Energy disputes and supply interruptions: UK coal miners strike; 1981,
Alberta cut off oil to eastern Canadian consuming region during federal-provincial
price and energy dispute; tanker-drivers fuel blockade in UK over fuel price
increases in 2000; numerous strikes in France in the late nineties, especially 1995,
when fuel supplies were at risk and in 2004 when the Labour Unions of a power
utility cut off electric power to political leaders residences;
x Internal political disputes; Venezuela, Nigeria (2002/2003-continuing), however the
market was supplied by other OPEC members, principally those from the Gulf, who
had extra production capacity;
x Intra-regional disputes: Ukraine and Belarus interrupt gas supply to Europe from
Russia (1990s and 2003/04) although the market was served by back-up
measures; Turkey delaying the exit of tankers from the Black Sea (2003/04);
invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (1990); refusal of Bolivia to export gas to Chile (2004).
x Technical Disruptions due to technical and operator failure: Australian natural gas
plant failure in 1998, Victoria State, which underscored the need for greater training
and safety measures by operators, but also the importance of interconnection
between regional gas markets within Australia; Electricity black-outs in eastern
North America and Europe in 2003 due to combination of failuresto monitor, to
maintain facilities and transmission ROWs, to ensure adequate training for
operators, response failure to interpret and respond to routine technical upsets;
nuclear reactor problems in Japan (the nuclear programme having been a
conscious policy decision to reduce dependence on oil, Japan had to increase oil
imports in 2003 to fill the gap left by the shut-sown reactors); California Crisis of
2000 due to combination of regulatory and policy failure and gaming by traders.
Oil supply from the Gulf and in particular from the most significant supplier, Saudi Arabia and
others with spare capacity, has met the markets requirements for the past 30 years. This was
evidenced in the first Gulf War against Iraq and in the spring of 2003 during the second attack on
Iraq, when supply disruptions occurred in Nigeria and Venezuela. Notwithstanding this record of
physical supply availability, there remain concerns about security of supply. This came to the fore
in 2004 with the erosion of OPEC spare production capacity and the markets perception of this
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narrow margin, which in turn contributed to the increase in oil prices. That Saudi Arabia in
particular has added new capacity and repeatedly assured the market of its intentions to maintain
a 1.0 to 1.5 mb/d capacity margin, may have assured some countries.
Price matters and there has been much discussion whether higher prices will lead to a drop in
demand as higher energy costs work their way through the economy. If the price of oil concerns
economic policy makers and if perceptions of Middle East geopolitics continue to add a premium
on prices, then whether justified or not, the fact of perception rather than the reality of
performance will continue to confound markets and influence prices, and therefore policies. In the
final analysis, it would be unreasonable to expect that policy makers in any consuming nation
would be permitted to take a position of indifference or passivity regarding growing dependence
on any region or country for any commodity, particularly where the political and democratic
institutions are not well developed and themselves assured of survival. But the degree of
insecurity they might feel with respect to any supplying country or region should be in direct
proportion to the general political relationship with the country or region. In this sense, energy
security can only be addressed within the larger political context and it is submitted that the
political relationship is not bolstered by repeated statements by political leaders of consuming
countries that the Middle East is an insecure source of oil. The present study is confounded by
this reality of the perennial and often misconstrued debate about energy security.
3.4 Historical Analysis of Non-OPEC Supply (1973-2003) - Is past
necessarily prologue?
This section addresses a key component of the study; namely, what are the prospects for GCC
supply after Non-OPEC supply is absorbed? To answer this question, it is helpful to review which
sources of supply squeezed out OPEC/GCC market share in the past, and then pose the
question, Is this repeatable? If so, which sources have the potential to do so? Some
commentators believe that the 2003/04 increase in oil prices is merely prelude to a repeat of the
past and that we can count on a non-OPEC supply response surge similar to that experienced in
the late seventies and early eighties. A critical examination of this proposition is essential in order
to develop some measure of the space within which GCC countries have to manoeuvre in their
production expansion strategies.
In 1973 world oil production was 58.5 Mmb/d. OPEC supplied 53% of world supply, its maximum
share ever, and the Middle East contributed 21.2 mmb/d; ten years later after a nearly four times
doubling in prices, the world consumed 2 million b/d less, and OPECs production had been cut to
16.7 Mmb/d and with it, the Middle Easts production had dropped to 11.8 Mmb/d and was still
falling. As Saudi Arabia went on to play the swing producer role, reaching an average of 3.6
Mmb/d in 1985 before calling it quits, Middle East production bottomed out at 10.6 Mmb/d in
1986half of its 1973 output level.
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The history of world oil supply since the collapse in prices in 1986 has been well chronicled:
OPECs enormous shut-in or surplus capacity which stood at slightly above 11 million b/d in 1985,
and declined to about 3 million b/d in 1989. Then with the loss of Kuwaits production in the
1990/91 Gulf War, it dropped to 0.5 million b/d. Through the nineties it averaged about 2.7 million
b/d until 1999/2000 when recovery in the FSU saw additions of annual oil supply increments that
backed in OPEC supply, again increasing its spare capacity. Since 2002, spare capacity has been
whittled away to meet the resurgence of oil demand primarily in the US, China and the rest of
Asia. Through the nineties, to create value for shareholders, the international oil companies
focussed on operational cost-cutting, mergers and acquisitions and took advantage of new
technologies to reduce exploration costs and to extend their exploration reach into new resources
such as the ultra deep water basins and unconventional hydrocarbons. Bullish oil supply
outlooks, such as those of the US DOE/EIAs and IEAs in 2004, rely on assumptions of new
exploration and recovery technologies, continued cost reductions and the opening of access to
new areas by producing countries. These propositions can be questioned.
First of all, the major technological breakthroughs during the eighties and nineties included
horizontal and long reach drilling, three and four dimensional seismic imaging, continuous coiled
tubing drilling, and the development of drilling and production systems for ultra-deep water and
the ultra-heavy and unconventional oil. While there are numerous technologies under
development that will enhance the ability of industry to manage and apply information and control
systems to improve, for example, reservoir depletion, there does not appear to be on the
immediate horizon technologies with the potential to provide the step-jump or material impact in
accessing or producing oil that the above technologies allowed. Water depths greater than those
currently accessed generally do not have high potential sedimentary basins beneath them. Cost
reductions are a salient of the industry and always will be, but the currently higher oil and gas
prices tend to result in higher costs, given the high amount of energy embedded in the equipment
utilized to explore for and develop oil. Finally, most of the worlds sedimentary basins are open to
the international oil and gas industry for exploration.
The only two major countries that do not allow foreign company E&P access are Saudi Arabia (for
oil) and Mexico (for hydrocarbons in general). Other countries are accessible and with the
exception of Iraq (for security/safety reasons), the terms are evidently not attractive to the
shareholders of the private international firms. Therefore, the assumption of increased access
implies that the terms of access will be softened, even where prices are higher than they were
when these regions were first opened. That foreign state-owned oil companies are and will
continue to access these resources raises other questions including whether they will be able to
rapidly convert this access into significant production. This question is beyond the scope of this
report. The point here is that the assumptions of a repeat of high-impact new E&P technologies,
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major cost reductions and dramatic changes in accessibility to resources are difficult to support
If we assume that there are sufficient, highly prospective and potentially prolific basins accessible
to the IOCs on terms their shareholders find attractive, would they propagate another wave of
rising Non-OPEC supply to shut in OPEC capacity beyond the 2.5 to 3.0 million b/d optimal level?
If so this compounds the dilemma for OPEC members as to whether and to what extent they
should invest to develop new capacity. OPEC may well ask itself whether there is a case to be
made for letting higher prices smoke out this Non-OPEC prospectivity, wherever it is, rather than
risk repeating the accident of 1986. To answer this question one needs to disaggregate the past
pattern of supply responses and then assess where the potential for duplication might exist in the
current circumstances of available or accessible sedimentary basins and technologies.
In 1973, the average decline rate of producing fields, even if it was as high as todays (say 5%,
but todays average decline rate is believed by some to be closer to 7%
) would have required
less than 3 mmb/d/year of production to be replaced annually. In the early seventies the world
had just begun testing new exploration concepts within the recently confirmed, new geological
conceptual framework of plate tectonics. This concept was to the earth sciences what the
discovery in 1953 of how DNA transferred genetic information was to the life sciences. Such a
unifying concept with comparable impact on exploration can not be expected to be repeated
today. On a finer scale, as noted above, major enabling technologies for exploring offshore had
just been developed in the seventies. The combination of an earth model plus new and more
sophisticated geophysical technology for seeing into the earth generated an explosion of
exploration concepts and plays. Several high-impact producing areas were just beginning to be
explored in the early seventies when the 1973 price crisis occurred. Some of these new areas
and their increases in production from 1973 to 1985 included:
- Alaska: eventually reached 2 Mmb/d, temporarily delaying the decline in US
production, which had started in 1970.
- Mexico: 0.5 Mmb/d to nearly 3 Mmb/d by 1985.
- North Sea: 0.04 Mmb/d to 3.5 Mmb/d in 1985 and went on to peak at more than
6 mmb/d in 2000.
- Egypt: 0.16 mmb/d to 0.8 Mmb/d, and has more or less sustained this level
- China: 1.0 to 2.5 Mmb/d.
- India: 0.15 to 0.63 Mmb/d.
- Malaysia: 0.09 to 0.45 Mmb/d
- Indonesia: 0.9 to 1.34 Mmb/d
In the IEAs World Energy Investment Outlook, IEA, 2003, the Agency assumed that decline rates vary
geographically and with time. Rates assumed were 4% to 6% for the Middle East, North America onshore,
9%, Europe, 11%, Asia, 6% to 9%, Latin America , 5% (Venezuela) to 9% in Argentina, North Africa, 6%
and West Africa, 8%. These are rates of decline that would occur if no investment were made to improve
production; thus, they are natural rates of decline.
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These new sources contributed over 11 Mmb/d of incremental supply over a decade, and in the
process forced an equivalent shut-in of Middle East capacity over this time. This supply does not
include the output from the then Soviet Union, whose production increased by nearly 4 Mmb/d
over the period.
Comparing the two periods, 1973 to 1984 and 1985 to 2003, it is important to note that different
countries and regions played different roles. In the early period, OPEC countries shouldered the
cut in production. Since 1985, they have become major contributors to incremental supply. This
change is illustrated in Figure 4. The world cannot necessarily count on the same countries
outside OPEC to again cause the shut-in of OPEC production and re-build a large surplus in
production capacity.
The section above looked at the performance of selected countries and regions, including OPEC
countries, before and after the key year, 1985. To isolate OPEC and the Middle East and begin to
understand the future scope for GCC countries, it is necessary to take a detailed look at Non-
OPEC performance and potential, and examine recent performance and trends. Figure 5 focuses
just on NON-OPEC countries on a regional basis and the contributions, or lack of, that they made
over three periods of oil supply history since 1973, which we might label, OPEC Displacement
(1973-1985), OPEC Surplus (1985-1995) and OPEC Re-emergence (1995-2003).
Figure 4: Production differences of key suppliers over the pre- and post-1985 periods.
United Kingdom Mexico Asia Pacif ic
Norway Canada Af rica
S. & Cent. America Middle East
1985 to 2003 1973 to 1984
Production Differences
Source of data: BP Statistical Review, 2004
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It is reasonable to select periods of these lengths to assess the change in countries contributions
because it takes at least a decade to explore for and begin development and production of a new
basin or area. Also, the year 1985 was a pivotal year in the history of world oil prices
. While
prices were softening throughout the latter half of the year, it was on December 10
of 1985, when
the oil price began its dramatic descent to less than $11 the following July. Thus, what happened
to production in Non-OPEC countries after a decade under this post-1985, lower price regime is
indicative of policy changes at the time and implicitly the attractiveness of exploration and
development in these countries. The third period, OPEC Re-emergence, is underway. When it
started is highly debateable. Perhaps 1998/99 after the Asian Crisis might be a better choiceif
only because OPEC discipline had been re-established after the debacle of its counter-cyclical
increase in quotas at the beginning of the crisis, which led to a dramatic collapse in oil prices.
Choosing 1995 is perhaps arbitrary, however oil prices began to turn up in that year and it is a
decade after 1985, by when many high-cost, small impact producers should have run their course
and begun to have been shaken out of the producer pack. Overall, as shown in the graph, supply
increments from Non-OPEC producers (except Russia) were generally less through this period
(and increasingly absorbed within their growing economies) except for, notably, Norway and the
Non-OPEC Middle East producers (low cost, outside the strictures of OPEC and with no choice
but to produce).
Figure 5: Regional Sources of Incremental Non-OPEC Supply
Europe &
Asia Pacific
North America
S. & Cent.
Middle East
1,000 b/d
1973 to 1985 1985 to 1995 1995 to 2003
Reserves (2003)
Source: BP, 2004
Regional Sources of Incremental NON-OPEC Oil Supply
1985/86 represents a demarcation year between two different eras in terms of prices, price setting,
production shares, costs and market mechanisms. The year marks the beginning of a much-discussed factor
in oil marketsso-called OPEC spare capacity. This shut-in capacity was not the result of a conscious
and magnanimous policy of over-investment on the part of OPEC countries. It was an accident of the
preceding years of rising prices and the supply response in non-OPEC countries. It has been much
discussed in the past.
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Several observations can be made from this breakdown of production increments over these
different periods of the price and supply history.
x Although masked in the regionalized histograms in Figure 5, while more than two
dozen countries managed to increase supply over each period (not the same
countries for each period), the major contributions came from very few countries.
During OPEC Displacement, Mexico, UK and China accounted for 60% of the
increase (3 of 28 countries); during OPEC Surplus, 6 countriesNorway, Canada,
China, Syria, Colombia and Omanaccounted for 60%; during OPEC Re-
emergence, among 24 countries, 5Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Norway and Canada
accounted for 60% of the increase.
x Countries that were important in the first period were less important or disappeared
entirely as a net contributor by the third period. The UK is a notable exampleits
share of Europe and Eurasia during OPEC surplus was supplanted by Russia
during OPEC Re-Emergence. Chinas increment of 1,430 mb/d in the first period
declined to 407 mb/d in the third. Of the 40 Non-OPEC countries in this database,
China has the highest reserves after Russia, yet its incremental production is
x Fewer Non-OPEC countries contribute smaller amounts to an overall smaller
increment in supply. The total increments for each of the three periods were
10,620, 7,430 and 7,870 mb/d (rounded to nearest 20); if Russia (+2,255 mb/d) is
excluded from the last period, the largest incremental supplier was Brazil (834
mb/d), followed by Mexico (724 mb/d), Norway (672 mb/d) and Canada (584 mb/d).
x The proven reserves of the 40 recorded Non-OPEC producers are 230 Billion
barrels, which is less than a third of the reserves of the Middle East. The only
countries with a substantial reserves base and therefore the realistic potential to be
producing significant quantities (>1,000 mb/d) more in 2013 than they were
producing in 2003 are Russia, Canada and Mexico and possibly Angola and
Kazakhstan. These are discussed in greater detail below, and as will be noted,
these countries present a totally different matrix of factors important to production
potential, in terms of political stability, technical difficulty and access to markets,
than was the case for the new adders in the early seventies.
Ascertaining the trend of Non-OPEC Supply requires disaggregating production of over 40
countries. To understand which countries have the potential to make a material contribution to
future world oil supply, it is helpful to narrow the focus somewhat from the above analysis, and
examine individual performances since 1998/99 after the major sag in oil prices in the wake of the
Asian crisis and Venezuelas (more precisely, the executives of its national oil company, PDVSA)
failed dash for market share. Over this five-year period 25 Non-OPEC countries (Figure 6)
managed to increase their output. The total increment was 5.86 Mmb/d. Of the 25 (24 plus
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Russia), only 12 increased production by more than 100,000 b/d. Four countries accounted for
60% of this increase; Russia accounted for over 40%.
Between 1998 and 2003, world supply increased from 73.4 Mmb/d to 76.8 Mmb/d, or 3.38 Mmb/d,
which, as shown in Figure 7, was the net of the increase by the Group of 25, less 1.9 Mmb/d of
declines from other Non-OPEC countries (Decliners) and an offsetting production cut-back by
OPEC of 0.58 Mmb/d. Most of the countries that managed to increase their production over the
period did so from a very small reserves base. Sixteen of the 25 had proven reserves of 5 billion
barrels or less. Excluding those of Russia, the groups total proven reserves declined by nearly 5
billion barrels (3.4%). This picture suggests that there are relatively few potential high impact
producers among a group with weakening overall scope to, on its own, meet growing world oil
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Figure 6: Changes in Production and Reserves from 1998 to 2003
Production Reserves
Country Change 1998 1998 2003
Russia 2,374 6,169 8,543 56.0 69.1
Kazakhstan 569 537 1,106 8.0 9.0
Brazil 549 1,003 1,552 7.4 10.6
Canada 314 2,672 2,986 15.1 16.9
Mexico 290 3,499 3,789 28.4 16.0
Sudan 243 12 255 0.3 0.7
China 184 3,212 3,396 33.5 23.7
Eq Guinea 166 83 249 0.5 1.1
Angola 154 731 885 4.0 8.9
Denmark 133 235 368 0.9 1.3
Vietnam 127 245 372 1.9 2.5
Norway 121 3,139 3,260 11.6 10.1
Thailand 96 121 217 0.4 0.7
Azerbaijan 83 230 313 7.0 7.0
Turkmenistan 81 129 210 0.5 0.5
Yemen 74 380 454 0.2 0.7
Malaysia 60 815 875 4.7 4.0
Brunei 57 157 214 1.0 1.1
Ecuador 43 384 427 2.6 4.6
Chad 40 0 40 0.9 0.9
Other LA 38 125 163 1.1 1.5
T&T 29 134 163 0.6 1.9
Syria 18 576 594 2.3 2.3
Other Africa 11 63 74 0.3 2.3
India 2 791 793 5.4 5.6
5,856 25,442 31,298 194.6 203.0
Source: BP 2004 Statistical Review
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Figure 7: Major contributors to Non-OPEC supply increases 1998-2003
24 Non-OPEC
1998 -2003
3.38 MMb/d
1000 b/d
Source of data: BP Statistical Review, 2004
The high impact contributors to the 1998 to 2003 increase in Non-OPEC production were Russia,
Kazakhstan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Sudan. Of these six countries, only Russia, Canada,
Mexico and Brazil have sufficient proven reserves to underpin a continued increase in output, and
only Russiaat least on the physical evidence of its reserves basemight be expected to
increase output by an amount similar to their increase since 1998. But, as discussed below, much
depends on the political evolution within Russia and how it in turn will influence the exports of oil
and gas. Of the other high reserves countries in the Group of 25, reserves in China, Mexico and
Norway have declined, Chinas significantly so. Mexicos write-down of reserves was a function of
having to adopt SEC Reserves definitions. Angolas doubling of reserves is noteworthy, but on
the scale of world demand, its reserves are relatively small. Combined with the other West
African producing countries, this region is expected to contribute important incremental volumes of
Non-OPEC production over the next few years, but the longer term is uncertain.
3.5 Non-OPEC Supply and Trends
To set out a framework for discussion of the potential call on GCC countries, Figure 8 presents a
simple picture of past and projected world oil demand and supply by major category: Non-OPEC
(less FSU), FSU and OPEC. The following simple cases are shown: World oil demand is
assumed to increase on average 2% per year for both cases. This compares with the IEAs
assumption of 2.1% in its 2004 World Energy Outlook. For supply from FSU and the rest of Non-
OPEC, high and low cases are shown as follows: FSU supply continues to grow at 5% (High), its
rate of growth since 1997 (when it came out of the doldrums), or it rises to 12.5 mmb/d then levels
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off. For the Rest of Non-OPEC, it continues to grow at 1.6% (High), which was its rate of growth
from 1990 to 2003, or it rises to 36.5 mmb/d and levels off. The call on OPEC then is what is
required to meet demand and the range of differences between the scenarios is shown in bars to
the right hand scale on the graph. This rangenearly 6 mmb/d in 2010underscores the
difficulty for OPEC countries in judging the degree of investment required given just the
uncertainty of these two groups of Non-OPEC suppliers. The role of the GCC countries can be
discussed within this context.
Figure 8: World Supply and Demand 1990 to 2010 (Scenarios; 1,000 b/d)
FSU Supply
High: Continues @ 5%/y
Low: Levels off @ 12.5 mmb/d
World Demand
OPEC Supply
Non-OPEC less FSU
High: Continues @ 6%/y
Low: Levels off @ 36.5 mmb/d
in OPEC Supply
High and Low
Non-OPEC supply
Data Source: BP Statistical Review 2004
The case for fairly weak growth of Non-OPEC, Non-FSU supply is informed by two empirical
observations of production historylong term and short term. Figure 9 illustrates the increments
of Non-OPEC/Non-FSU countries since 1979/80. Since 1985 together they managed to add an
annual increment of production greater than 1 mmb/d in only two years (1994 and 1996, marked
with stars). Since 1999, even with higher prices and greater investment, their record so far has
not been impressive. Between 2000 and 2004, total Non-OPEC production increased by a little
over 4 mmb/d (OPEC MOMR, Dec 04), about 1.35 mmb/d/year, and is expected to increase by
less (1.22 mmb/d/year) in 2005 (supply additions are discussed in greater detail in the next
section). Finally, as reflected in expectations by the IEA in its monthly Oil Market Reports over the
past two years, Non-OPEC supply has continued to disappoint6 months ahead, the IEA over-
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estimated Non-OPEC/Non-FSU output by nearly a million barrels per day. Recent retrenchment
of resource nationalism in Russia and difficulties in receiving final approvals in Kazakhstan also
suggest a slowing down in output growth. This region, in our judgement, is more likely to under-
perform than over-perform, thus we tend to support the low case in Figure 8.
Figure 9: Annual increments of supply from FSU, OPEC and Non-OPEC/Non-FSU since 1979/80
Source of data: BP Statistical Review, 2004
We have approached the analysis of non-OPEC supply by breaking it down into regions or play
types of five different categories. The advantage of this approach is that it allows the reader to
readily visualise the most important aspects of non-OPEC supply that might be lost in a bottom-
up country by country approach. The five categories are as follows:
x Mature: such as the North Sea, the US onshore, Alaska and Canada conventional
oil where there is little scope for major increases in supply and where the effects of
depletion are having a major impact upon cost structures.
x Russia: is included as a separate region given its importance in contributing to
incremental non-OPEC supply over the past five years and the important
contribution it is likely to make over the next decade.
x Deepwater: which includes the provinces of West Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and
offshore Brazil where there is much industry activity and where there is still
significant exploration upside
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x Frontier: includes regions such as the Caspian which is currently under active
exploration and where new developments have yet to come on stream.
x Unconventional: includes an assessment of the tar sands of Western Canada, the
Orinoco heavy oil in Venezuela with a very brief reference to oil shales and coal.
Unconventional also includes GTLs given the significant amount of investment that
is being put into the new technology and the potential impact they might have on
supply if all of the planned projects are brought on stream. Biofuels are also gaining
importance, especially in the US, where they are already partially displacing
conventional fuel sources.
The breakdown of non-OPEC supply in this manner is obviously subjective and some countries
might actually fall into two categories. For example the onshore US clearly falls into the mature
category, however the deep, offshore Gulf of Mexico sub-basin is generally viewed as in the new
deepwater play category.
Outline descriptions of the more important countries within each category are included in Section
3.5 below. We have deliberately described the more important future suppliers of non-OPEC for
this report. We recognise that there may be a number of countries where production is forecast to
rise over the next 20 years. The contribution from these countries is included in the overall
forecasts presented in later sections 3.6. and 3.7.
Section 3.6 includes a forecast of non-OPEC supply from 2004 to 2009 based on actual projects
that are currently being undertaken. It also reviews the outlook for non-OPEC supply from 2010 to
2020. This forecast takes into account the detailed descriptions of country and company policies
highlighted in this section as well as an analysis and discussion of the sensitivity of this forecast to
various factors such as economic, political, technical and institutional issues.
3.5.1 Mature
The most important mature provinces of the world include the UK and Norwegian sectors of the
North Sea, Canada conventional oil, Mexico, onshore US and Alaska. In all of these regions the
benefits of new technology have helped to lower costs and accelerate production. However, the
mature provinces are now all suffering from higher than forecast rates of depletion. As a result the
rapid exploration and development of new reserves is unable to keep up with the effects of
depletion and this has a knock-on and adverse effect on costs. North Sea
The UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea are recognised as being mature provinces.
Production costs are now in excess of $5 per barrel and finding and development costs exceed $8
per barrel. The increasing effect of depletion is likely to continue to drive up costs even further.
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In 1999, the UK was the worlds tenth largest exporter with net oil exports of nearly 1.1 mb/d.
However since that time oil production has begun to decline and in 2003 oil production fell to
around 2.2 million b/d. By September of 2004, with several major platforms closed for
refurbishment the UK became a net importer of crude oil for a few weeks. With a reserves base of
4.5 billion barrels at the end of 2003 the reserves life was a mere 5.4 years. Despite record high
oil prices exploration activity is now at an all time low with the average new discovery averaging
just 10 million barrels. Of course there have been one or two spectacular discoveries over the
past two or three years, most notably the Buzzard field, which could contain up to 1 billion barrels.
However, for the most part it is generally recognised that such exploration successes are likely to
be few and far between. The prospect of the recognition of a major new geological concept with
the potential to yield a new series of major discoveries is remote.
The UK sector of the North Seas is therefore recognised as a mature province and one where
there is more an issue of managing and prolonging the decline rather than investing for future
growth. In particular, the rate of production decline will clearly depend on fiscal stability and policy
changes and the rate at which private oil companies are prepared to invest in ever decreasing
field sizes. Most of the large private oil and gas companies are exiting the UK sector. For example
BP has sold many of its major producing fields, which are now very much in decline (e.g. Forties)
but it has retained control over much of the pipeline infrastructure which generates significant tariff
income, and it has recently announced its intention to invest more than $7 billion over the next
four years in the North Sea, mostly on current fields and infrastructure and on a new gas field.
While the majors might be rationalizing their assets in, or exiting, the North Sea activity is still
relatively high as new independent oil companies believe their lower overheads and operating
costs can continue to generate profits from their assets. These investments, while prolonging the
life of facilities, are unlikely to lead to any near term increase in production since the size of new
discoveries is unlikely to offset the impact of production declines in the major oil fields.
Of particular concern at this point in time is the issue of access to infrastructure, stability of the tax
regime and an asset market that has stalled as a result of the high oil price. With respect to the
issue of access to infrastructure, the independent companies have long complained (unofficially)
that the major companies exert monopoly powers over pipelines, which in effect drives down the
economics of new developments. Whilst there has been legislation in place to allow parties to
complain with respect to the level of tariffs charged, companies have been reluctant to use it for
fear of greater Government interference in future developments. A new code of practise has just
been introduced and it is hoped that this might lead to a number of smaller undeveloped fields
brought on stream. With respect to fiscal stability, the supplementary tax introduced in the budget
in 2003 is recognised to have had a negative impact on investment in the UK North Sea. The tax
was introduced by the UK Treasury apparently without much internal discussion regarding the
impact on E and P activity. This has created uncertainty in industry with the obvious results. The
UK North Sea has always had an active asset market, which has had a positive affect on regional
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investment. However at currently high oil prices, companies will tend to hold on to and squeeze
old assets to reap their cash flow. Meanwhile, potential buyers of assets are reluctant to pay high
prices and sellers are reluctant to release their cash cows. The consequence is that the asset
market has in effect dried up and the knock on effect is that levels of new investment continue to
fall not withstanding, in late October 2004, when a large Canadian mid-cap company, NEXEN,
purchased the majority share of the new Buzzard field from EnCana, another large Canadian
independent for $12.80/bbl. Norway
Norway differs from other oil producers in a number of ways. As a member of the OECD and the
, and as an affiliate of the EU, it clearly has one foot in the camp of the consumer. However, it
has also historically co-operated with OPEC, which has caused friction with the IEA..
The Norwegian sector of the North Sea is also recognised as being mature, even though the
potential volume of undiscovered reserves is estimated to be much higher than in the UK sector.
In 2003, Norways net oil exports were 3.1 million b/d making it the worlds third largest oil
exporter. Oil production totalled 3.3 mb/d (estimate includes condensates and natural gas plant
liquids), which was down slightly from its historical peak of 3.4 million b/d in 2001. At the end of
2003, its proven reserves base was 10.1 billion barrels giving it a reserves life of around 8.5
years. Natural depletion in the medium term, rather than political, economic or institutional risk,
will be the main problem affecting Norwegian supplies.
As one of the most thoroughly and systematically explored regions in the world the Norwegian
Continental Shelf (NCS) is already showing strong signs of maturity. There is little scope for
major new discoveries in the NCS although some smaller discoveries could be developed as
satellite fields. The future really lies in the relatively unexplored areas such as offshore central
Norway and the Barents Sea, where the focus has been on finding and developing natural gas.
The transition into maturity is also apparent in new investment which has been waning since
2001. Since the start-up of production in the 1970s, investment has increased annually until 2002
when the total investment of $7.4 billion was some $420 million lower than the previous year. This
downward trend in investment is likely to continue unless new acreage is opened. At the moment
the most significant project underway is the $6.3 billion investment in the Snohvit LNG project.
In the past the oil industry has had a good track record of not only maintaining production but also
expanding it. In the decade to 2002, oil production increased from 2.2 million b/d to over 3.4
million b/d. However, looking forward, production is likely to level off this year and then begin to
decline over the coming decade as a lack of new discoveries, apart from very small satellites, fails
It has an opt out condition in its IEA membership regarding oil-sharing in times of shortage, an arcane
detail that says less about the largely obsolete mechanisms of the Agencys earlier oil-response mechanism
than it does about where Norways true instincts lie.
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to offset the decline in the mature fields as well as middle-age fields. Exploration levels fell to
record lows in 2003 and in order to encourage increased activity, operators in the sector have
been pushing for a change in taxation. In particular, operators have been pressing Government to
accelerate the tax relief on exploration activities. Canada
In 2003, Canada was the ninth largest crude oil producer in the world, the eight largest producer
of crude oil and Natural Gas Liquids (US DOE/EIA) and the fourth largest Non-OPEC net exporter
of crude oil and petroleum products. Output in 2003 increased nearly 6% over 2002 production,
reaching a level (2,986 Mb/d) not seen since the mid-seventies. As of late 2004 Canadas
production of crude oil, NGLs, bitumen blends and synthetic crude and blends exceeded 3
Mmb/d. Total conventional crude, synthetic oil and NGLs production averaged 3.1 mmb/d in
2004. Canada exports about 1.5 Mmb/d of crude to the US, but its net exports of crude and
product are slightly less than 1 million b/d. According to the US DOE/EIA, in 2003 Canada was
the third largest supplier of crude oil but the largest supplier of crude oil plus petroleum products
to the United States, followed by Saudi Arabia. Canada is the only OECD country whose exports
of hydrocarbons are expected to grow significantly.
The outlook for conventional oil supply in Canada is modest yet despite this increase the Western
Canada Sedimentary Basin is considered to be mature. The decline of production is irreversible.
Minor amounts of oil will continue to be drawn from stripper wells in Central Canada in northern
parts of the Michigan and Williston Basins. The east coast offshore has seen a great deal of
exploration since the sixties and, apart from a few discoveries off Newfoundland and off Sable
Island (produced and abandoned), results have been disappointing. Most discoveries have been
modest in size and not considered commercial at prices below $20/bbl, given the very harsh
conditions (sea state, ice pack pressures and the risks of iceberg bottom scour and collision).
Three offshore fields are producing or under development off Newfoundland; 2004 production is
expected to be 330 mb/d, peaking at 345 mb/d in 2006 and, as small satellite fields are brought
on, production is expected to range between 260 to 315 mb/d out to 2015. Drawing on
experience in exploration on the continental slope, exploration is moving further into deeper water.
Drilling on the slope off Nova Scotia over the past four years has failed to yield significant
The nature of Canadas oil production is changing. Production of conventional light and heavy
grades of crude is expected by industry to continue to decline at about 5 to 6%/year. This decline
will be more than offset by increases in production from the unconventional oil sands and from
projects on the continental shelf off the east coast of Canada. The Canadian Association of
Petroleum Producers (CAPP) projects that total Canadian production in 2015 will reach 3.6
mmb/d, comprised of 0.28 mmb/d from the east coast offshore; 0.6 mmb/d conventional light and
heavy crude; 0.15 mmb/d of pentanes-plus and condensate, and 2.6 mmb/d of liquids from the oil
sands, in the form of light sweet synthetic crude or bitumen blended either with crude condensate
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or synthetic crude. In other words, over 70% of Canadian oil supply by 2015 is expected to come
from the oil sands, or so-called unconventional, which is discussed in greater detail under the
heading, Unconventional.
Any examination of Canada in terms of how its supply competes with supply from the GCC
countries must consider the disposition of Canadian crude oil and products to the US market.
Canadian crude oil production has traditionally been land-locked and has little option but to go to
the closest market, namely the US, thus discussions of North American oil supply tend to assume
Canadian oil is part of the United States supply. At the moment, very little crude is exported from
the continent. Occasionally some very heavy grades have been shipped to China and Korea.
Because Canadian producers do not sell through a single seller, they compete with each other
and therefore, at times, tend to reduce the value to Canada of the overall supply. This happens
when light/heavy crude price differentials in the U.S. market widen and there is no easy way to
remove heavy crude from this market and move some of it at discount over the mountains to gain
a better price for most of the crude. A perennial preoccupation of the Canadian oil industry has
been the search for export options besides the northern tier states of the US. Therefore the
importance of recent proposals to expand or build new oil aimed at moving output from the oil
sands to the west coast. Recent announcements of Chinese interest in accessing this product
hold the potential of future changes in the western hemisphere heavy oil markets. For purposes of
this analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that the combination of production decline in the US plus
the failure of Mexico to significantly increase production, together with the slow, costly and small
increments in supply from Canada, a steady growth in diet for imports from elsewhere in the world
to fill the gap will be assured (See Figure 10).
Since the late sixties, North America has required on average an annual increase of 200,000 b/d
of extra-continental crude supply to match continental crude oil demand. The import requirement
is projected by the IEA to increase by 500,000 b/d for each of 2004/03 and 2005/04, indicating just
how important changes in North American GDP are to its oil demand and therefore to the world oil
Accepting that there will continue to be contractions in this import gap through time, for reasons
discussed below under Mexico and Unconventional supply, it would be very surprising if supply
from these North American neighbours of the United States could ever exceed on an annual basis
the sum of the growth in continental demand and the decline in US production. The growth in this
sum the import gap in Figure 10 - has averaged nearly 380 million b/d per year since 1990.
What share of these imports will derive from GCC countries depends on many variables including,
but not limited to, the trend in US product demand, refining capacity and type and quality of other
crude in the Atlantic Basin, and the export strategies of Venezuela, Brazil, Nigeria and West
Africa. Volumetrically, however, North America will create space in the world demand picture into
which GCC countries can increasingly export crude and product.
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Figure 10: The North American Import Gap
Canada Production
Mexico Production
Imports to North America
US Production
Total North American Production
Total North American Demand
The 'Import Gap'
The North American Import Gap has been growing for more than 20 years.
1,000 b/d
Source of data: BP Statistical Review, 2004 Mexico
Mexico has been included in the mature provinces of the world since the depletion of its reserves
base is now beginning to outpace its discoveries of new hydrocarbons. In terms of oil reserves,
the country has the fourth largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere after Canada,
Venezuela, and the United States. At the end of 2003 proven reserves stood at 16.0 billion barrels
and all of this is controlled by Petroleos Mexicano (Pemex), the state oil company, which is also
the worlds seventh largest oil company. The country had to write down reserves in 2003 because
it had to follow the very conservative strictures of the SEC as a consequence of raising capital in
US financial markets.
Pemex retains the exclusive rights to oil exploration and production in Mexico, a right enshrined in
the countrys constitution. Pemex provides the government with over 40 per cent of its total fiscal
revenues. Over 60 per cent of the companys revenues are turned over to the federal authorities
and as a result the company is left with little or no funds to invest in exploration and development.
This has naturally impaired PEMEX in replacing crude oil reserves. It has now been recognised by
the Government that investment must increase if production is to be sustained. As a result the
investment budget in 2003 exceeded $10 billion for the first time and this is set to rise to over $12
billion in 2004, with over 75 per cent of the budget going towards sustaining production.
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With more money invested in exploration activities there has been intense speculation as to the
volume of reserves discovered. For example, Pemex, recently stated it had yet to discover new
deep-sea crude reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, but added that it recognized the potential in those
waters. The statement was in response to local press reports, which cited Luis Ramirez Corzo,
head of Pemex Exploration and Production, as saying potential deep-sea crude oil reserves in the
Gulf of Mexico could total some 54 bn barrels. If such quantities were discovered, Mexico could
increase its current production from nearly 4 mm bpd to an average 7 mm bpd, placing the
country "on the level of great (oil) powers, like Iraq (112.5 bn barrels of proven reserves), the
United Arab Emirates (97.8 bn) and Kuwait (94 bn)," said Ramirez Corzo
Although Pemex might like to speculate on the exploration upside, the real challenge for the
Mexican government is actually ensuring that production will expand quickly enough in order to
meet rising domestic demand. Mexico also wants to maintain and if possible expand exports of
crude oil to the United States market. According to the EIA, these amounted to 1.6 million b/d of
crude and 500,000 b/d of product in 2003. Quite how this can be achieved without significant new
investment is difficult to understand. For example, existing Mexican demand for oil products was
2.1 million b/d in 2003 and yet Mexico has just 1.5 million b/d of refining capacity.
Estimates of the total amount of investment required for the Mexican government to meet its
strategic objectives vary tremendously. On his appointment in September 2003, Mexicos new
energy minister claimed that the country needed more than $150 billion to stem the rising tide of
crude oil and product imports. Investment on this scale would appear to be unlikely. Despite this,
the Mexican Government appears determined to raise crude oil output capacity. The head of
Pemex has recently stated that it aims to increase production from 3.8 million b/d in 2003 to 4.0
million b/d by the end of 2006. Quite how this will actually be achieved remains to be seen. What
is clear though is that for the next few years at least Mexico will continue to struggle to achieve its
production goals so long as there is continued pressure on Pemex to deliver fiscal revenues at the
expense of new investment. Onshore United States and Alaska
Although United State production as a whole is forecast to rise over the next decade much of this
is expected to come from US deepwater Gulf of Mexico fields. Increasingly this new production
will be unable to offset the increasing declines in Alaska and the lower 48 states. The potential for
softening the decline in production in the lower 48 states is recognised as being very limited. The
decline is following the path predicted by Hubbert in the fifties and despite high oil prices the
volumes of new oil brought on stream are insufficient to break the trend.
In Alaska the potential for offsetting the decline rate will depend on the development of reserves in
the Naval Petroleum Reserves west of Prudhoe Bay and the subsequent opening of the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to the east. The 1.5 million-acre coastal plain of the 19 million-
acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the largest unexplored, potentially productive geologic
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onshore basin in the United States. The primary area of the coastal plain is the 1002 Area of
ANWR established when ANWR was created. A decision on permitting the exploration and
development of the 1002 Area is up to Congress and has not been approved to date. Also
included in the Coastal Plain are State lands to the 3-mile offshore limit and Native Inupiat land
near the village of Kaktovik.
The USGS estimated:
x a 95 percent probability that at least 5.7 billion barrels of technically recoverable
undiscovered oil are in the ANWR coastal plain,
x a 5 percent probability that at least 16 billion barrels of technically recoverable
undiscovered oil are in the ANWR coastal plain, and
x a mean or expected value of 10.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable undiscovered
oil in the ANWR coastal plain.
The EIA postulates two development rates for each of the three USPS probability estimates
without specifying the effect of various levels of oil prices and technology advancements, ranging
from 250 to 800 million barrels developed per year. EIA projects peak production rates from
600,000 to 1.9 million barrels per day over the six cases, with peak production estimated to occur
20 - 30 years after the onset of production.
Seven to 12 years are estimated to be required from an approval to explore and develop to first
production from the ANWR Area. The EIA bases its forecasts first production in 2010. The time to
first production could vary significantly based on time required for leasing after approval to
develop is given. Environmental considerations and the possibility of drilling restrictions would
directly impact the time interval to reach first production. This of course remains the subject of
enormous political controversy and the new plurality of the Republicans in the House of
Representatives and the Senate do not necessarily assure an easy ride for any new legislative
initiative to open up ANWR. In the meantime much will depend on the level of activity in the
existing Alaskan fields. If this is not sustained then production could decline quite sharply. This
was illustrated during the last fall in the oil price when capex programmes were cut back leading
to a 150,000 b/d fall in production.
3.5.2 Russia
Although many of Russias sedimentary basins have been explored for decades, some for more
than a century, we have included Russia as a separate section because of the important
contribution it has made to non-OPEC supply over the past three years and its singular potential
and expectation to increase in importance going forward.
Russias oil production rose from less than 6 million b/d between 1995 and 1999 to estimated 9.2
million b/d in 2004, an increase of over 40 per cent since 2000. More important though from the
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point of view of non-OPEC supply is the level of Russian exports, which have risen from 3.6
million b/d in 1999 to 6.1 million b/d in 2003, a 67 per cent increase. The actual potential for
Russian production is very difficult to predict because of a multitude of factors not least political.
Estimates vary from between 10 million b/d to 12 million b/d in 2010 depending upon
infrastructure constraints or political constraints on investment. Historically, projections of Russian
oil production by both official and private analysts have tended to be overly conservative. For
example, in 2002 the then chairman of Yukos stated that he expected Russian oil output to be
boosted to 9 million b/d by 2005, a target that had already been met in early 2004. While
projections continue to vary widely regarding the future oil production capacity there is little doubt
that the potential for further output and exports is great. Sceptics would however point out that
much of the recent increase in production has been from simple procedures in existing fields and
that the real challenge will come when this easy oil has been produced and when significant new
investment will be required to develop green-field sites.
The resource base does not seem to pose a problem. Russias proved oil reserves were
estimated to be 69 billion bbl at the end of 2003. However, this estimate by BP is considered by
many to be very conservative with other commentators suggesting that the true figure could be
much closer to 100 billion barrels. The Russian ministry of Natural Resources also estimates that
the country has in addition around 180 billion barrels of oil and 100 Bcm of gas on its offshore
shelf. However, to date, only a small portion of this potential has been proved up offshore
Sakhalin Island.
The development of much of these reserves will ultimately depend on how quickly export capacity
can be constructed. In this respect improvements to facilities are underway at the Black Sea ports
of Novorossiysk, Odessa and Butinge. Rosneft has also received permission to use land in the
port of Primorsk on the Baltic Sea to construct an additional export terminal capable of exporting
600,000 b/d. BP-TNK is also considering constructing a terminal near Primorsk capable of
handling 200,000 to 300,000 b/d. With respect to pipelines, the government is currently
considering constructing a 3,900 km pipeline from Angarsk in Western Siberia to its Pacific port of
Nakhodka to access Pacific markets. This project would cost in excess of $9 billion and is
preferred to a shorter line to the declining Daquing field in eastern China. As a result of the
constraints to the export system, many Russian oil companies have turned to the railway network
to increase exports. For example the national fleet of rail tank cars has risen sharply from 180,000
to over 200,000 in 2003. It has been estimated that rail exports of oil and oil products accounted
for in excess of 4 million b/d in 2003. Quite whether this trend will increase is in doubt. Lukoil
recently reported that it has not ordered any more rail tank cars in 2004.
The petroleum sector now accounts for much of the countrys economic activity, government
budget receipts and merchandise export revenues. For example it has been estimated that in
2002 oil and gas generated as much as 30 per cent of GDP. All of this has been helped by a
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combination of surging export volumes and higher crude oil and gas prices. Although Russias
energy companies remain largely in private hands increasing control is being exerted on them by
the current Putin administration. This is done directly by the imposition of higher tax rates and
export duties and also by way of Transneft, its oil export monopoly which remains under state
control. The arrest and incarceration of Mikhail Khordokovsky, the head of Yukos, in October 2003
was also seen by many as increasing control by the state on the industry and one consequence of
this has been to scare-off foreign investment. The Russian government would argue that the
recent and successful sales of a 7.6 per cent stake in Lukoil to Conoco-Philips and proposed sale
of Novatek to TOTAL are evidence that foreign investors are still willing to invest in the Russian oil
and gas sector and also that the Russian government is happy for foreign companies to invest.
Although foreign investors are also likely to be offered a major stake in Sibneft in the next two
years, the curious manner in which the core asset of Yukos, Yukanskeneftegaz, was auctioned for
back taxes and ended up with the state company, Rosneft, with rumours that the combined asset
might end up with Gazprom to constitute a major, world scale Russian oil and gas company, has
been the source of much speculation, only exceeded by the increased uncertainty about Russia
as a prospective theatre for investment by foreign oil and gas companies. Only time will tell,
although the announcement February 10
, 2005 by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources
that companies bidding on Russian hydrocarbon and mineral resources would have to be
majority-Russian owned, signalling a definite chill. With higher prices and the expectations of
greater rents, resource a resurgence in resource nationalism is not at all surprising.
Looking forward, the most important problem facing Russian production and exports is the
significant economic risk from a fragile economic performance and continuing strains from social
needs. These pressures could cause political instability for some time in the future. While two
significant investments by foreign IOCs have been lauded (TNK/BP and the Shell consortium in
Sakhalin), it is not clear that the political or country risk factors have been sufficiently reduced to
expect many other deals to be completed in the near term. For example, Exxon/Mobil continues to
wait on greater fiscal and legal certainty before sanctioning its oil supply project in Sakhalin. The
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies will be publishing a book in 2005 on Russian Oil; it chronicles
the history of production in the various basins and points to many of the technical challenges
confronting future production, especially from the core region of western Siberia.
3.5.3 Deepwater
One of the most exciting new geological plays for oil exploration in the last few decades has been
the very deep waters at the edges of continents. While exploration had to wait on the
development of the technology to suspend a drill stem and hold a drilling ship several kilometres
above a prospect, it was also not certain whether the sediments in which oil was suspected would
easily and economically yield any oil if found. The model was proven and the play is being
explored around the world. Over 50 billion barrels of oil reserves have already been discovered in
the deepwater plays, principally in the GoM, Brazil, Nigeria, Angola and others. Of these, only 6
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billion barrels have been produced to date. So far, the creaming curves (rate and size of
discoveries) for all of these deep plays show no sign of maturing. Using these curves it is
estimated that 114 Billion bbl of oil are yet to be found with a large share (around 30 per cent) of
this believed to be located offshore Mexico. In fact, more than half of the undiscovered reserves
are believed to be in Mexican and US Gulf of Mexico waters. The US Gulf of Mexico creaming
curve, at 14 billion barrels, continues to climb as do the reserves in Brazil (20 billion barrels),
Angola (11 billion barrels), and Nigeria (9 billion barrels).
As a province the deepwater accounts for 65 per cent of all oil and gas discovered from 2002 to
2003 and the success rate for deepwater wells is not yet in decline, remaining around 25 per cent,
with about 40 discoveries per year. The average size of discovery, although down from 300 to 250
Mmboe in the 1996 to 1999 period (followed by the exceptional year of 2000at 450 Mmboe), is
considered to be more or less steady at 200 Mmboe. In addition, the volume of reserves
discovered per discovery well in the deepwater averaged 50 Mmboe and dwarf the average of 15
Mmboe discovered in other provinces since 1996.
Since the late 1970s, four giant (> 2 billion boe) discoveries have been made in water depths
down to 1100 metres or so. While significant discoveries have been made below that depth, no
giants have been discovered at depths below 1500 meters. Given that only the largest prospects
would be drilled first in such extreme conditions, this suggests that the future of the ultra-deep
basins will be mid-sized discoveries, but still significant (>500 million barrels).
Since 1990, oil production from the deepwater has increased from 0 to over 3.5 million b/d, and is
projected to increase to about 9 million b/d by 2010, with Brazil, US GoM and Angola and yet to
find contributing in equal measure around 1.7 million b/d. Nigeria and others are forecast to add
about 0.5 Mmb/d by 2010. A study by Wood Mackenzie projects Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico to
peak some time in the 2007 to 2009 period. Of the twenty or so companies active in this play, the
major reserves holders expected to be producing the bulk of oil from these plays in 2010 are
Petrobras, BP, Shell and Exxon/Mobil. Merrill Lynch recently undertook a detailed study of all
deepwater projects and its projection of production from current and potential future discoveries is
shown in Figure 11.
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Figure 11: Projection of production from deepwater projects (1990-2020); Source Merril Lynch Brazil
At the end of 2003, Brazil was the largest non-OPEC producer of deep offshore oil and had oil
reserves of 10.6 billion barrels with plenty of scope for further discoveries. According to the
USGS, the undiscovered resources amounted to around 55 billion barrels. Much of the oil
discovered so far is heavy crude and in order to be commercial significant discoveries are
required. It is not clear whether higher oil prices will attract more foreign explorers or whether it
will prompt renewed resource nationalism and further entrenchment of the state company
Petrobras as the main operator offshore Brazil. According to the IEA, which apparently agrees
with the US DOE/EIA, the country will account for much of the increase in oil production in Latin
America over the next 20 years. It estimates that production will rise from around 1.7 million b/d at
the start of 2004 to over 4 million b/d in 2030. It is expected that Brazil will become a net exporter
of crude oil in the foreseeable future. In total, Petrobras expects to invest around $34 billion in the
period from 2003 to 2007, mainly in exploration. Gulf of Mexico
The deepwater GOM has contributed major additions to the total reserves in the GOM. Additions
from the shallow waters of the GOM declined in recent years but, beginning in 1975, the
deepwater area started contributing significant new reserves. Between 1975 and 1983, the
majority of these additions were from discoveries in slightly more than 1,000 ft of water. It was not
until 1984 that major additions came from water depths greater than 1,500 ft.
During the last 10 years, the average shallow-water field added approximately 6 million boe of
proved and unproved reserves. In contrast, the average deepwater field added over 64 million boe
of proved and unproved reserves. In the most active deepwater exploration area, water depths
1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
2016 2018 2020
Production (kbopd)
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between 1,500 and 7,499 ft, the average deepwater field contributed more than 73 million boe (12
times more than the average shallow-water field addition).
Projecting discovery rates is more difficult. The USGS has used creaming curves to assess the
amount of hydrocarbons yet to be discovered in the GOM. The shallow-water GOM is
characterized by a curve typical of a mature trend. The recent slope of the curve is very flat as
smaller fields are being discovered. In contrast, the deepwater creaming curve contains fewer
new field discoveries; however, these fields tend to be large, resulting in a curve with a steep
slope. This slope indicates an area that is still in an immature exploration phase with many large
fields awaiting discovery. The limited number of discoveries, steep slope of the curve, and large
amount of hydrocarbon volumes already discovered support this prediction. On the basis of the
deepwater creaming curves the reserves potential has been assessed approximately 71 billion
barrels of oil equivalent (BOE), of which 56.4 billion BOE remains to be discovered. This
compares with the shallow-water ultimate reserves of approximately 65 billion BOE, of which 15.2
billion BOE remain to be discovered.
The deepwater GOM oil production is in the midst of a dramatic increase similar to that seen in
the shallow-water GOM during the 1960s. This production surge has not yet peaked. This strong
increase in deepwater oil production more than offsets recent declines in shallow-water oil
production. In 2003, deepwater oil production accounted for 65 percent of GOM oil production.
These trends in oil and gas production indicate that the deepwater GOM is an expanding frontier
with the potential to produce up to 2 million b/d by 2005 from around 1.4 million b/d in 2000.
However, sharp decline rates in existing fields may mean that it will be difficult to sustain that level
of production and recent estimates suggest that by 2010 deepwater production could fall back to
around 1.8 million b/d.
High well production rates have been a driving force behind the success of deepwater operations.
For example, a well within Shells Bullwinkle field produced about 5,000b/d in 1992. In 1994, a
well within Shells Auger field set a record, producing about 10,000 b/d. From 1994 through mid-
1999, maximum deepwater oil production rates continued to climb, especially in water depths
between 1,500 and 4,999 ft. Since mid-1999, the maximum production rates have declined.
A significant portion of deepwater production comes from subsea completions. Very little
deepwater oil production came from subsea completions until mid-1995, but by the fall of 1996
that production had risen to about 20 percent. Deepwater subsea oil production increased through
1999, representing almost 30 percent of all deepwater oil production in January 2000. Numerous
subsea projects began production in 2003, and many more are expected in the next few years.
Therefore, we do not anticipate a continued decline in oil and gas production coming from subsea
completions, currently accounting for about 20 percent of deepwater oil production and about 25
percent of deepwater gas production.
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Prior to 1998, deepwater oil and gas production was confined almost entirely to major oil and gas
companies. Shell and BP have been the driving forces behind increasing deepwater production in
the GOM, with Shell being the clear leader in both oil and gas production
. Shells dominance in
deepwater oil production began before 1992 and has continued. Shell also led in deepwater gas
production, including a dramatic increase in 1997. Although BPs deepwater oil production started
slightly behind Shells, their oil production increases paralleled one another throughout the 1990s.
Since the mid-1999, however, Shells deepwater oil production increase has outpaced that of
other major companies. ExxonMobil currently runs a distant third in terms of deepwater GOM oil
production, but is slightly ahead of BP in deepwater GOM gas production. Gulf of Guinea
For many of the countries that border the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa, the offshore deep waters
hold great potential and crude oil remains the most significant part of West Africa's energy mix.
Development in oil has grown steadily, since the 1950s when it was first discovered, produced
and exported by Shell from Nigeria. In fact, Nigeria is the largest oil producer in the whole of
Africa. From a modest volume of about 5,000 b/d back in the 50s, the current output is now 2.08
million b/d. Angola, with its giant finds in offshore deepwater, is sub-Saharan Africa's second
biggest oil producer. Production in that country has increased from about 150,000 b/d in 1980 to
an average 900,000 b/d last year. In addition, there are other promising oil producers, including
Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and Cote dIvoire. In 1980, Gabon was producing about 175,000 b/d
while Cameroon was pumping around 60,000 b/d. By 2003, Gabon and Cameroon were
producing approximately 290,000 b/d and 110,000 b/d respectively.
Total average oil output in West Africa, went from 2.45 million b/d per day in 1980, to 3.5 million
b/d in 2001. Thus production represented 4.5 per cent of the world's total output last year. Output
is expected to increase as new deepwater projects pump up production.
Until about a decade ago, there was not much interest in searching for oil in the deep waters off
the Gulf of Guinea. However, West Africa has become a classical example of the successful
deployment of new technology to produce crude oil from deep water offshore. Technological
advancement such as 3D seismic have led to a significant reduction in deep water prospecting
costs, as well as an increase in success rate and the frequency of discoveries.
Over the last three years alone, the success rate in Angola has been stunning and more than a
dozen fields totalling more than 500 million barrels have been made. In addition to boosting
overall reserves, the development of these new discoveries will more than replenish the depleting
The reader is referred to a forthcoming book by Juan-Carlos Bou of the Oxford Institute for Energy
Studies on the evolution of oil and gas development in the GOM and the influence of resource conservation
regulations governing access and licensing of exploration and development.
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onshore oil reserves. In fact, consensus projections show West African production rising to over 6
million b/d by 2020. Within Angola alone, current forecasts suggest production will rise to 2.1
million b/d by 2010 climbing to 3.3 million b/d by 2020the US DOE projects Angola to reach 3.4
Mmb/d by 2025.
Aside from Angola and Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Gabon and the Ivory Coast are
expected to reap the benefits of substantial exploration activity and with hundreds of thousands of
square kilometres of largely under explored ultra-deep waters West Africa has become one of the
most sought after new frontier regions in the offshore industry.
It is the materiality of the discoveries and the fact exploration is still in its infancy that continues to
attract the major private oil and gas companies. In addition, with the exception of Nigeria, all of
these countries will not be subject to the restrictions that OPEC might impose on production.
With respect to gas, the situation is understandably different from that of oil. In particular, there
has not been a deliberate effort to prospect for gas even though it is perceived as more
environmentally friendly and there is a demonstrated large potential demand for LNG. Marathon
Oil, for example, is developing an integrated Methanol and LNG project in Equatorial Guinea from
gas on the offshore Alba Block.
Virtually all of the gas discoveries in the sub-region have been associated with oil drilling activities.
Although some arrangements have been put together to harness part of the gas, the commodity
has been mostly flared. Only in some instances is gas re-injected to aid or boost oil recovery.
However, gas is now enjoying steady and increased use, especially by electricity, and industrial
Nigeria currently flares over 50 percent of the gas it produces, 33 percent is used commercially
and 17 percent is re-injected to enhance oil recovery. Although high, this is significantly below the
98 per cent flared in 1971. The situation is similar in Angola, which, according to estimates, has
1.6 tcf of proven gas reserves. Presently, about 85 per cent of gas produced is flared, but some is
re-injected to aid oil production. With a few exceptions, the situation is about the same for gas
producers across the sub-region.
Consensus that most host countries could more profitably use gas than other hydrocarbons.
Schemes have already been or are being put in place, to start utilizing more of the flared gas,
either domestically or by neighbouring countries via gas pipelines. For instance, Shell in Nigeria is
committed to a flare-down policy by 2008, which will eliminate the 1 bcf of gas it currently flares
daily. While some electricity generation, iron smelting, cement and aluminium plants are already
utilizing gas produced from various oil fields most of the flare gas is likely to go into the Nigeria
LNG project.
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Shell is currently investing $7.5 billion into the next phase of the NLNG development. This
development exported its first cargo of LNG in early October 1999 and Nigeria joined the league
of LNG exporting countries. Angola is also pursuing a number of domestic gas projects to
drastically reduce, and eventually eliminate flaring. Angola's Sonangol and Chevron-Texaco
entered into a deal for a US $1.7 billion plant that will collect and process natural gas from
offshore blocks, mainly for export. Other producing countries in the sub-region have been making
concerted efforts to end gas flaring. Both Gabon and Cte d'lvoire have been using gas from their
fields to generate electricity domestically.
Billions of dollars of private capital are required to the exploit new discoveries but the prize for the
majors is volume growth. While the private oil companies were implementing cost-cutting
schemes that affected their operations in many areas around the world, the West Africa sub-
region was not affected.
In fact, in Angola the rate of investment has had to be tempered by the host government because of the shear
number of development projects. Private oil companies who have tried to pressure the host government
have found themselves at the back of the queue. In total more than US $17 billion in investments have been
planned for the sub-region in the next three years. This is a substantial part of the oil majors E and P
On a cautionary note there remains considerable technical risk. Over the last few months there
have been some major exploration disappointments in some of the deepwater blocks. In fact, it is
sobering to note that the total amount of signature bonuses on the blocks where there has been
recent failure, amounts to more than the entire market capitalisation of the UK independent sector.
However, such concerns are always allayed when big discoveries are made.
Political risk remains a key issue in the region. Although political and economic problems are by
no means peculiar to West Africa, the redoubling of concerted efforts towards solving these
problems would help to enhance the sub-region's investment climate.
There have been some encouraging developments in the political sphere but risks remain. In
Nigeria, there are continued doubts as to whether it will ever manage accountability, freedom of
expression and human rights as well as open government. Since his election in May 1999,
President Obasanjo has been faced with ongoing inter-ethnic tensions. In general, the security
situation in Nigeria is poor, with high rates of violent crime, including kidnapping, ethnic and
religious strife.
Nigeria also faces serious economic problems, including wide income disparities. There have
been persistent attacks against foreign oil companies by youths protesting the environmental
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degradation of indigenous homelands and there are issues surrounding the allocation of the
federal resource. The attacks have resulted in continued disruptions of oil production and exports,
which are of course a worry to the majors. Illegal fuel siphoning as a result of a thriving black
market for fuel products has increased the number of oil pipeline explosions in recent years. The
most serious disaster was the October 1998 Jesse fire in which over 1,000 people died.
Unfortunately such attacks seem only to highlight the role of the oil companies with local human
rights issues. Last year, the Nigerian navy announced plans to clamp down on arson attacks on
oil facilities. This followed the loss of about $4 billion in oil revenues last year due to vandalism.
These issues have affected all of the majors involved in Nigeria and they must learn how to deal
with these issues in the future, in particular the issue of human rights.
Angola has been in a state of nearly constant civil war since it achieved independence from
Portugal in 1975. More than 500,000 people have been killed in the strife, Africa's longest running
conflict in the post-colonial era. Angola's civil war has ravaged the non-mineral sectors of the
country's economy, destroyed much of its infrastructure, and displaced an estimated 2.5 million
people. Other developments, which must be sustained within the sub-region, are the cease-fire
agreements in the Congo and the peace accord, which ended the highly destructive civil war in
Sierra Leone.
To complement these efforts, West African countries must try to streamline their fiscal regimes
and investment laws, which still remain cumbersome, rigid and inconsistent. It is no longer
sufficient for the private oil companies to sit back and claim that oil will continue to flow despite
local political difficulties. If they do not engage with the human rights activist or the
environmentalists in the region then they will ultimately suffer disruption to operations. This might
not necessarily occur in West Africa but in areas closer to home where increasingly unelected,
unaccountable NGOs are exerting far greater influence on corporate behaviour than are
accountable regulators appointed by elected governments. However, despite all of these risks,
West Africa and in particular the deepwater province will continue to be an increasing source of
non-OPEC supply. Of all the Non-OPEC regions excluding the FSU, West African countries have
accounted for the greatest regional increment of supply since 2000nearly 600 kb/d added as of
3.5.4 Frontier
The frontier regions of the world include all of those where significant investments are currently
being made and those regions, which hold significant exploration potential and remain relatively
unexplored. Such basins include the Caspian, as well as East Siberia.
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The Caspian region (here defined as the offshore and immediately proximal areas to the Caspian
Sea area of Iran and Russia and the offshore and onshore areas of the riparian states,
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) is expected to make an important
contribution to world oil supply, increasing from around 1.7 mb/d in 2003 to anywhere between 2.4
and 5.9 by 2010 (See the US DOE/EIA Country Reports as of November and December, 2004,
summarized for Caspian Sea Region in Figure 12 below). Going out further, this area is expected
to produce 4 mb/d by 2015 according to the DOE/EIA 2004 outlook. Over half of this increase is
expected to come from the North Caspian region, especially the giant Tengiz field in Kazakhstan
(producing at 290,000 b/d in 2004, projected to 700,000 b/d by 2010), followed late in the period
with the ramping up of production of the giant offshore Kashagan field. Meanwhile, Kazakh
exports continue to rise and reached 915,000 b/d in 2003.
Figure 12: Proven Reserves in the Caspian Region
Proven Reserves Total
Country Low High Possible Low High
Azerbaijan 7 12.5 32 39 44.5
Iran 0.1 15.1
Kazakhstan 9 17.6 41 49.6
Russia 0.3 7.3
Turkmenistan 0.546 1.7 32.546 33.7
Uzbekistan 0.3 0.594 32.3 32.594
Total Region 17.246 32.794 167.246 182.794
Note: These reserves estimates derive from estimates by the Oil and Gas Journal. Estimates for Russian and Iran only
refer to those in the Caspian Sea region.
The Caspian region is estimated to have between 17 and 33 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
(EIA, December 2004 Update for Caspian Sea Region). In other words, the whole region is
comparable to Qatar on the low end and China on the high side, and its potential impact on future
supply should be viewed within that bracket.
Azerbaijans most significant oil prospect is the giant ACG structure operated by B.P., with
reserves of 5.4 billion barrels, constituting a major share of the countrys estimated proven
reserves. Of all the Caspian countries, Kazakhstan is considered to have the greatest upside
potential, both in terms of developing its current reserves and adding to its proven reserves base.
Its proven reserves of 9.0 billion barrels (BP, 2004 estimates at 10.1 billion barrels) seem modest,
but recent exploration activities suggest that these reserves estimates are very conservative. The
offshore Caspian area around the Kashagan field, now due on stream later this decade, is
complemented by some prospective onshore areas around Tengiz in the northwest and Kumkol in
the centre of the country. The Karachaganak field near the Russian border is reported to have 2.4
billion barrels of reserves and is expected to increase its output from 210,000 b/d in 2004 to
240,000 by 2008.
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Despite this upside potential, the local oil industry faces significant technical, economic and
apparently political constraints in the short term. First of all, the Kashagan field development
faces very challenging reservoir and oil quality issues, including high gas/oil ratios and high acid
levels, as well as surface conditions of sea ice. Kazakhstan lacks the required infrastructure and
pipelines to move the oil to tidewater markets. Also, recent projects have been delayed by the
Kazakh governments refusal to sign off on certain approvals and its signalling changes in the
fiscal regime.
In general, while the investment climate varies between the Caspian states, all of the CIS
countries are still in very difficult transition. None has managed to improve the economic
condition of its populations. The political situation in most countries, if anything, is deteriorating.
At least in the cases of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, virtually all deals must be negotiated
directly with the President. While the leaders may believe this is a strength, it really indicates they
are negotiating from a position of weakness (there is no fallback in the negotiating process) and
therefore investors can not be confident that any agreement reached will not be re-opened should
market conditions improve, or the leadership in these countries even suspects conditions might
have changed. This appears to be the motivation behind stalled approvals and threats of changes
in the fiscal regime, for example, in Kazakhstan. Also, while the northern riparian states have
agreed on their offshore boundaries, Iran and Turkmenistan remain outside. Finally, while in the
early nineties the United States put great emphasis on developing this regions hydrocarbons and
infrastructure for its evacuation to market, as a geopolitical counterweight to the Middle East, it
now appears that Russia is in the ascendancy and has largely supplanted this U.S. influence.
Thus, for example, Russia acquiesced to the recent brutish approach of Turkmenistan in the
renegotiation of its gas export contract to Ukraine. Turkmen cut off the gas in the dead of winter
during the electoral chaos of Ukraine to extract a higher price. Given this and other examples of
atavistic behaviour by these regimes, the investment environment should be viewed as highly
risky. Therefore our estimate of future oil output from this region is tempered, notwithstanding its
significant potential. Other Regions
Other frontier regions in the world could include East Siberia where the size and nature of the
resource base is very unclear. At present it has been assumed by many that this is a gas province
but this has yet to be confirmed. In any event it is unlikely that production from the region will
become important before the end of the period discussed in this report.
Vietnam has been cited as a new frontier region. Its production reached 400,000 b/d in 2004
(OPEC MOMR, Dec 04). Its reserves are less than a billion barrels but this figure could rise with
further exploration. However, in the context of the global non-OPEC the country remains rather
unimportant. Other frontier regions that might become important could include the Arctic where
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the USGS suggests there is considerable potential. This area includes several basins offshore
Russia, offshore east Greenland, thought to be an extension of the North Sea geology, offshore
west Greenland and off Baffin Island, Canada, and in the Arctic Islands of Canada. Assuming that
environmental clearances could be obtained (highly doubtful in some cases), even if there were to
be further exploration success in these regions (oil was discovered in the Canadian Arctic Islands
in the seventies), the lead-time to first production would likely fall beyond 2020.
3.5.5 Unconventional Resources
In this section, the status of unconventional hydrocarbon liquids production and their costs are
reviewed. There are long-standing and unresolved definitional problems as to what is included in
the category, unconventional oil. Some define it as oil that does not flow to the well bore on its
own under normal reservoir conditions and therefore needs some form of artificial stimulation to
be produced. But this can include light crude remaining in reservoirs after application of primary
and secondary production techniques. Also, this definition would exclude the Extra Heavy Crude
oil in the Orinoco of Venezuela, which is invariably included in most reports about unconventional
oil. For purposes of this report, we employ the term, unconventional hydrocarbon liquids (UHLs)
because these liquids substitute in the market place for the hydrocarbon products derived from
crude oil. Only those UHLs that might reach at least 0.5 Mmb/d by 2020 are addressed in this
overview. Oil Shale is discussed only to note its long reputed potential to contribute supply and to
summarize the major challenges in its doing so. Similarly coal, currently the source of more than
150,000 b/d, and therefore demonstrably (South Africa and China) capable of being a very large
source of UHLs, is only discussed briefly. The following unconventional hydrocarbon liquids are
x Bitumen and Synthetic Crude Oil from Canadian Oil Sands
x Synthetic Crude Oil from Venezuelan Orinoco Extra Heavy Crude
x Liquids from Oil Shale and Coal
x Liquids from the Gas to Liquids processes
x Liquids from agriculture crops or Biofuels
The first four categories are derived from fossil, non-renewable, organic resources, the last
category is renewable. Each constitutes an enormous resource. Figure 13 illustrates the
geographic shares of unconventional oil resources, according to the IEA. The key resources are
in Canada and Venezuela. Russia also has reserves but is focusing on its conventional oil at the
moment. The questions are: how much of this resource can and potentially will be converted to
marketable liquids over the next two decades; what are the incentives and barriers; and what are
the costs of production?
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Figure 13: Distribution of unconventional oil reserves in 2002
Source: IEA
Our projection of production from the first two categories is shown below in Figure 14. The IEA
assumed in its 2003 Investment outlook that Non-Conventional (sic) Oil production would reach
9.5 Mmb/d by 2030, of which most would come from Canada and Venezuela. Canada, according
to the IEA, will produce 1.8 Mmb/d by 2010 and 5.1 Mmb/d by 2030. Venezuela, with lower costs
but higher risks, is projected to produce 950,000 b/d by 2010 and 2.9 million b/d by 2030. Given
that no new projects have been approved in Venezuela as of late 2004, it is highly doubtful, for the
reasons cited above, that two or three new full scale grassroots projects could be launched in time
to meet the IEAs projection of 0.95 million b/d for 2010. At most, one could expect to see an
additional 200,000 b/d projects start-up before 2010 in the Orinoco.
Figure 14: Total potential unconventional crude production 2000-2020
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Synthetic Crude
Canadian Bitumen
Venezuelan Synthetic
Source of data: Company data, OIES estimates.
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The Oil Sands deposits in Alberta, Canada constitute a vast resource, estimated to exceed 2
trillion barrels of bitumen in place. Crude bitumen is generally defined as petroleum with a density
greater than 960 kilograms per cubic metre. Much of the petroleum in Canadas oil sands has
densities that exceed 1,000 kg/m
, which means that it has an API Gravity of 10 or less. What
really characterises the Canadian bitumen from the petroleum in the Orinoco belt of Venezuela is
the viscosity of the former. This is illustrated in Figure15. There are other important differences
that determine the greater difficulty in producing, transporting and marketing the bitumen of
Canada versus the extra or ultra heavy crude oil of the Orinoco (See below).
Figure 15: Characteristics of Canadian and Venezuelan Bitumen and Heavy Oil
The resource occurs as a discontinuous arc of heavy oil and bitumen accumulations extending
from south eastern Alberta, north to the Athabasca region where it occurs at the surface, then the
bitumen bearing formations dip to the west to the Peace River area. Generally speaking, the
more deeply buried the oil, the lighter is its gravity, and the thinner the oil-bearing zones. In the
southeast around Lloydminster, Alberta, the crude is between 14 and 20API. At Fort McMurray
in the Athabasca part of the resource by far the greatest share of Alberta bitumen the poorest
quality bitumen occurs: 79API, 45% sulphur, with high nickel and vanadium content. Bitumen
also occurs under the semi-unconsolidated sand reservoirs in Palaeozoic carbonate rocks (the
carbonate triangle), but is usually excluded from resource and reserve assessments because to
date no process has been developed, even at laboratory scale, that can extract it.
Of the extra heavy oil and bitumen resource (excluding the carbonate triangle), the most recent
official assessment by the Alberta Energy Utilities Board is shown in Figure 16.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Peace River
Cold Lake
Tia Juana
C Class:
B Class: Extra
Canadian Oil
After Kupcic,
Downhole Viscosity (Cpo)
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Figure 16: Estimates of Canadian unconventional oil resources
Billion Barrels
Resource in place: 1,631
Initial Established Reserves 178
Remaining Reserves 174
Mineable 33
In Situ techniques 141
Ultimate Potential 315
Source: Alberta Energy Utilities Board
There are basically two main methods used to extract the bitumen: mining or in situ (steam
assisted) techniques. Mining is essentially limited to that part of the resource with less than 75
metres of overburden. Where the bitumen is more than 150200 metres deep, in situ techniques
are employed. Technologies are under development to extract the bitumen buried at shallower
depths, yet too deep to mine.
The mining projects originally relied on bucket-wheels, draglines and conveyor belts, but these are
being phased out in favour of shovel and truck operations. By switching to shovel and truck
mode, Suncor realised a 15% over-night reduction in costs. Today Canadas oil sands mines
employ the largest shovels and trucks in the world. One shovel can handle enough oil sand to
yield, after upgrading, 50,000 b/d of Synthetic Crude Oil (SCO). Each truck if fully loaded contains
the equivalent of nearly 200 bbls of SCO. Such figures reveal the essence of this business
logistics management and cost reduction. While costs continue to be reduced, there is unlikely to
be a step-change such as that associated with the shift from bucket-wheels and conveyor belts to
shovel and truck systems.
Production of raw bitumen from the Canadian oil sands in 2002 was about 830,000 b/d. In terms
of extraction method, this was divided into 540,000 b/d from mining operations; about 200,000 b/d
from enhanced or steam in situ projects, and the remainder as primary produced lighter grades of
bitumen. The mined bitumen was converted into 435,000 b/d of light sweet synthetic crude oil
(SCO). The nearly 20% difference between mined and synthetic product was converted into
sulphur coke or burnt in processing and upgrading. The raw bitumen that is not upgraded at
mines must be blended with a diluent to enable pipeline transport. Light condensate, refinery
naphtha and synthetic crude is used as diluent. Currently the industry reports bitumen
production to be more than 500,000 b/d, which includes various grades of diluted bitumen, or as it
is known in the oil trade, Dilbit and heavy sour crude, a term along with Synbit (a 50:50 blend
of synthetic crude and bitumen) that will increasingly be seen in oil trade journals. Current grades
of SCO are basically mixtures of naphtha and middle distillates, including a poor grade of diesel.
SCO requires hydro-cracking in order to produce marketable products. Most refineries cannot
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take a full diet of SCO because they must dilute it with natural crudes in order to optimise use of
their processing units.
Figure 16 illustrates the projected output of all projects that are proposed, for which applications
have been submitted to the Alberta Energy Utilities Board or are announced as ready to or about
to apply. There are other projects, some of which actually have a higher probability of being
launched before 2015, that are not included in this figure. They would add an additional 860 kb/d
by 2015. They are included in a projection as the solid black line on Figure 18. There is no other
basis at present to assume ramp up from the 3900 kb/d from these projects, apart from creep and
de-bottlenecking, so a stretch theoretical volume by 2020 would be 4,000 kb/d. However, it is
much more likely that production will not exceed 2.3 million b/d by 2015, and 3.0 by 2020. The
sources of data for these charts include company websites, CERI, AEUB, First Energy Capital,
and estimates by the OIES
Although these figures appear to substantiate the growing importance of unconventional oil there
is a real question as to whether all of the projects will actually go ahead. If they did then the IEAs
projected level of output might be reached. But, all proposed projects will not go ahead.
Considering just the projects that are under construction, it is more likely that production will be
about 1.5 mmb/d by 2010, and given recent problems with water management, clean-up and
recycling equipment, labour shortages and large unit deliveries, even 1.5 mmb/d could be a
In developing its outlook for UHLs, the IEA apparently accepted the official reserves figures for
both these unconventional hydrocarbon resources. This issue requires amplification because a
resource-based approach to postulating future supply is not necessarily a sound basis for
confidence that supply will occur.
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Figure 17: Recent projections of output from the Canadian Oil Sands (Synthetic crude oil and raw
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
CNRL Horizon
Deer Creek Mine
OPTI/Nexen (integrated SAGD/Upgrader)
IOL Cold Lake
SAGD Projects
Figure 18: Projected Output from Canadian Oil Sands including upside (black line)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
In the case of Canada, the reliance on natural gas for energy and hydrogen in oil sands
development as noted earlier is a factor creating considerable uncertainty about future production.
Applying the definition of proven reserves; i.e., the oil must be capable of production using todays
technology/techniques at todays prices, then the technologies that rely on gas-fired steam boilers
may not be appropriate to recover the 174 Billion barrels that the government of Alberta claims
are yet to be recovered. The remaining proven reserves of natural gas would have to be entirely
dedicated twice over to oil sands, which of course is a nonsense. An alternative higher cost
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technology employs gasification of the bitumen or its coke or heavy asphalt fraction. The off-
gases provide fuel for steam injection and the very light upgraded product eliminates the need for
diluent. One such project (OPTI/Nexen, Long Lake Project) is underway that involves primary de-
asphalting of the bitumen then production of hydrogen and synthetic gas from the asphalt,
followed by severe cracking and hydrogen addition. The industry and government authorities are
watching this project very closely. Other technologies are being piloted that aim to reduce or
eliminate the requirement for natural gas as a fuel for raising steam to inject underground to
mobilize the bitumen.
Several agencies have assessed the supply costs for Canadian oil sands bitumen. The most
recent study by CERI, cited above, is probably the most comprehensive and authoritative study.
Supply costs in constant 2003 dollars are those needed to recover all capital costs, operating
costs, royalties and taxes, and earn a specified return on the investment. The study used a 10%
real discount rate (inflation at 2%). The analysis indicated that while supply costs at the plant gate
ranged from C$14.51 to C$17.77 for raw bitumen, the industry would require WTI prices of about
$25/barrel at Cushing, Oklahoma to cover all costs and earn an adequate return on investment.
Upgrading the bitumen costs C$12.71; integrated mining/upgrading projects also require at least
$25/bbl WTI. In general then, production of crude bitumen and other products from the oil sands
can be expected at prices at the lower end of the former OPEC price band ($22-$28), but there
would definitely be a cooling off in oil sands project announcements if the world price settled close
to these levels. Also, with the recent decline in the US dollar and the price increase for most
commodities, especially steel, the above costs are now expected to be on the low side.
While studies such as the above referenced study by CERI are helpful to understand the
theoretical potential of oil sands, real market technical experience such as occurred in late 2004
and early 2005 provides a more realistic perspective. With the world over-supply of heavy and
medium crude and the resulting extremely wide spread in price differentials, the price of raw
bitumen at the plant gate of steam injection projects sunk to negative values in late November
2004. Furthermore, with the very wide light/heavy differentials and extremely low heavy oil prices
at the end of the accounting year with respect to SEC filings, many producers in the oil sands had
to take significant reserves write-downs. On another level, in late December, a fire in a fractionator
at Suncors upgrader, resulted in the loss of over 100,000 b/d of production, not expected to be
returned to full output until 3Q05. These developments are sobering reminders that the oil sands
business is not for the faint of heart.
Most estimates of the rate of increase in production from the Canadian oil sands are considered to
be too optimistic owing to a number of factors that are leading to, or could lead to, project delays.
These include:
x Recent projects have suffered from major cost overruns, which have damaged project
x Uncertainty about the prices for future crude bitumen, synthetic crude oil and natural gas;
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x Concerns about the price of natural gas and diluent, both increasingly in tight supply;
x Water management and re-cycling technologies and upsets resulting in missed production
targets at all of the major SAGD projects;
x Infrastructure constraintswill there be sufficient take-away capacity in the pipeline
systems, and will the electricity transmission grid be strengthened, and by whom in the
competitive power market of Alberta, to support projects?
x Availability of skilled and unskilled labour: a new project proposes to fly in labour from the
same labour pools that GCC countries draw on;
x Availability of capacity in the downstream markets to process diluted bitumen;
x Environmental constraints, not the least of which is the issue of greenhouse gas
A detailed analysis of each of these factors and constraints is beyond the scope of this report,
apart from noting that probably the most troubling factor that could cool the output from the oil
sands is the availability of natural gas. Significant volumes of natural gas are required to remove
and process the heavy oil from the tar sands, which currently consumes around 1.5 bcf per day, a
not insignificant volume. The high cost of North American gas has not only added to the cost base
of projects, but in addition it has led to calls that such a highly-valued commodity as gas should
not be used in such a fashion. While new technologies are under development that would
eliminate or significantly reduce the use of natural gas, early signs are that some of these would
pose other problems in terms of emissions or costs (for example, gasifying the vast quantity of
petroleum coke produced by the cokers at the mines). Meanwhile, if oil prices remain in the $30+
range, and more importantly the continued increase in heavier grades of crude prompt investment
in additional deep conversion capacity at refineries in the US such that the light/heavy crude price
differential narrows, bitumen production will be increased despite high natural gas prices.
In summary, the Canadian oil sands will continue to expand their contribution to world oil supply.
Canada will continue to be one of the main Non-OPEC countries able to add incremental supply,
but as noted earlier it would take a major increase in the rate of investment and project
development to come anywhere close to equalling the net of US production decline and North
American demand increase. Therefore, while important, oil sands development will still leave
room for imports from GCC countries. Venezuelan Orinoco Heavy Oil and Bitumen
The other great oil sands resource is the Orinoco Oil Belt in Venezuela. According to the state
oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, the belt contains more than 1,200 billion barrels of
resource of which 270 billion barrels are proven and recoverable. For many years this resource
remained unexploited, with only a few wells drilled into it. Unlike the bitumen from the oil sands in
Alberta, Canada, the ultra heavy oil from the Orinoco is not semi-solid under reservoir
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conditionsnor is it true bitumen, a distinction pivotal to understanding the economic/commercial
debacle of Orimulsion (See Mommer, MEES, 15 March, 2004). The reservoir temperature in
the Orinoco is around 55 C, as opposed to 7 to 8 C in the Athabasca region of Canada.
Therefore, the viscosity is sufficiently low for Orinoco extra heavy oil to flow naturally from wells
(assisted considerably by the dissolved gas coming out of solution as pressure is reduced). Once
at the surface, if allowed to cool to room temperature, this ultra heavy oil (about 8 API) becomes
very viscous.
After years of research under PdVs research branch, INTEVEP, the company launched a
programme to start monetizing this resource. To overcome the viscosity problem at surface in
order to ship it, PDV mixed the oil with water to form an emulsion, which is maintained with a
surfactant. Since aqueous slurries of finely powdered coal can be burnt in power plants, it was
not a great leap in technology to burning this emulsion in steam boilers for power generation.
PDV launched an aggressive marketing program for the product, Orimulsion as a competitor
with coal, thereby escaping OPECs quota constraints. PDV also escaped the constraints of the
norms of resource conservation and value maximization, and commercial accounting, as recently
documented in detail by B. Mommer (above). Orimulsion, a blend of 70% heavy oil and 30%
water with a minor amount of surfactant, was (up to recently) priced to easily compete with coal in
the power generation market. We have not heard the last of Orimulsion although we are unlikely
to see its production expand: in effect, given its high metal and sulphur content, special metallurgy
is required in boilers to burn it, adding to the costs. In effect the high capital costs for converting
the heavy oil into useful petroleum products with added value, in the case of Orimulsion, were
simply shifted to the buyer of the emulsion to build expensive kit to essentially destroy value of the
heavy oil molecules. As detailed by Mommer, the net-back price of the heavy oil in the emulsion
product is a fraction of its value as crude oil priced into an upgrader. In fact it is precisely the
same oil that is being processed in the Cerro Negro (see below) integrated upgrader projects.
Eventually, all extra heavy crude produced from the Orinoco belt will be devoted to producing
petroleum products rather than devoted to the value subtraction scheme of Orimulsion.
In the early nineties Venezuela invited international oil companies to propose projects to extract
and upgrade the Orinoco crude in Venezuela. Attractive fiscal terms were attached to these
projects, the most important of which was a 1% royalty on the value of the heavy crude feedstock
for up to nine years. Not surprising, the offer was taken up and there are four projects currently
producing upgraded or synthetic crude from this resource. The state company, PDV has an
interest in all of the projects.
x The first to come on stream, the Petrozuata project, is a joint venture between
Conoco/Phillips and PdVSA, reached its target of 120,000 b/d of 9
API oil by February
2001, which is upgraded to produce, after losses, about 105,000 b/d of partially upgraded
synthetic crude of 16 to 20
API, which is shipped to the US Gulf Coast for further refining.
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x The Sincor project (a joint venture between TOTAL, Statoil and PdVSA) started heavy oil
production in December 2000. Its upgrading plant came on stream in March 2002 and the
project is expected to produce an average of 180,000 b/d of fully upgraded crude of
x The Hamaca or Ameriven project (a joint venture between Conoco/Phillips Petroleum,
Chevron/Texaco and PdVSA) is due to reach full production at the end of 2004, when it
will yield about 190,000 b/d of partially upgraded crude (25
API) from about 210,000 b/d
of Orinoco heavy feedstock.
x The Cerro Negro project is a joint venture project between ExxonMobil, Veba (BP) and
PdVSA. Output rose from 60,000 b/d in 2000 to 120,000 b/d of heavy crude which is
subjected to minimal upgrading to produce about 105,000 b/d of 17
API before being
exported to the Gulf Coast.
Figure 19: Extra-heavy oil projects - Orinoco Belt, Venezuela
Strategic Associations
Petrozuata Cerro Nego Sinco Hamaca
PdVSA 49.9%
ConocoPhillips 50.1%
PdVSA 41.67%
Exxon Mobil 41.67%
BP 16.66%
PdVSA 38%
Statoil 15%
PdVSA 30%
ConocoPhillips 40%
ChevronTexaco 30%
Exrta-Heavy Oil
Production Capacity
12,000 bbl/d
9.3 API
12,000 bbl/d
8.5 API
200,000 bbl/d
8-8.5 API
200,000 bbl/d
8.7 API
Synthetic Crude
Production Capacity
104, 000 bbl/d
19-25 API
105, 000 bbl/d
16 API
180, 000 bbl/d
32 API
170, 000 bbl/d
26 API
Initial Production October 1998 November 1999 December 2000 October 2001
Source: US DOE/EIA
These four projects, once all on line, will have involved an investment of about $12.8 billion and
should produce about 545,000 b/d of synthetic crude from 610,000 b/d of extra heavy crude.
These Venezuelan heavy oil projects were very attractive investments because, besides the 1 per
cent gross royalty on the heavy feedstock (not the lighter upgraded crude), the income tax rate on
heavy oil production is 34 per cent, rather than the normal rate of 62 per cent. More recently,
President Chavez halted the 1 per cent royalty and required the projects to immediately increase
to the 16.67 per cent royalty. No companies have complained too loudly with respect to this
increase and they would probably we most wise not to. To be fair, when the investments were
agreed to, the world oil price hovered around $16 per barrel. Also, there were relatively few wells
in the deposit and its behaviour was not well known, so the project risk was considerable. Through
major advances in horizontal drilling and 3-D seismic, the projects have performed much better
than expected. With oil prices more than twice as high as the basis on which the economics were
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calculated, these projects will not be impaired by the decision to increase the royalty. Moreover,
there is still great interest in new green-field sites.
Using data from the US DOE/EIA, company websites, and interpolating from the IEA WEO 2004,
we have developed an outlook for output from Venezuela as follows. We assume that
debottlenecking, improvements and creep from the existing four plants in the Orinoco will take
production up to 760 kb/d by 2010. Thereafter we envisage 2 new grassroots projects of about
160 kb/d synthetic crude each, which with a reasonable expectation of improved output due to
debottlenecking and creep, will see total Venezuelan synthetic output reach 1,160 kb/d by 2020.
At least TOTAL and Chevron Texaco are definitely keen to build new plants.
In Venezuela, a little discussed issue is the very low recovery rates for the integrated projects in
the Orinoco. At best the projects are recovering less than 10 per cent of the original oil in place.
It is highly unlikely that the first entrants to this play are located in any part of the resource other
than the sweet spots or the richest, most prospective areas. Therefore current recovery factors
should be among the best to be expected from this resource using existing technology. The
official reserves for the Orinoco, 267 billion barrels recoverable from 1,200 billion barrel resource,
implies a recovery factor of 22%, more than twice the actual performance. The Venezuelan
authorities will likely (or at least should) make expansion or new green-field projects contingent on
improving recovery factors, to be consistent with their proprietary and long term interests in
resource conservation.
Technical costs for heavy oil from the Orinoco region are between $5.00 and $6.50/bbl, including
extraction and the cost of upgrading it into lighter oil at a refinery. The cost of extracting the oil is
now believed to be about $2/bbl. Figure20 shows illustrative net backs for both Athabasca and
Orinoco synthetic crude based on a $21/bbl WTI.
Of the two regions, the political risk associated with the Orinoco projects is more than offset by its
commercial attributes. The Athabasca bitumen production suffers from a location disadvantage
(remote, extreme temperatures summer and winter, distant from market, and few marketing
options) but the technical risk is considered to be low and the political risk minimal. With regard to
the latter, there are recent indications that the Alberta government may be examining how to
accelerate its access to a greater share of rent on these projects. None the less, continued
expansion is expected.
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Figure 20: Indicative Net-backs for Canadian and Venezuelan Unconventional Oil Projects
Source: OIES, Companies information, TD Securities; Chem Systems
When discussing the unconventional oil, it might be stressed that care should be taken if
attempting to extrapolate the volumes of Synthetic crude as some indication of volumes of light
sweet crude equivalents. Some are, but not all. The Venezuelan synthetics, with the exception of
Sincor, are only partially up-graded crudessufficient to qualify as having added value in
Venezuela and to reduce the viscosity sufficiently to be transported without diluent to the US Gulf
Coast for further conversion. The Canadian situation is different. The upgraders all produce a
fully upgraded synthetic crude (32API to 42API projected for the Long Lake Project). Because the
supply of natural gas-associated condensate is declining, and bitumen volumes are increasing,
producers of raw bitumen in the oil sands region are buying synthetic crude to use as a diluent.
Not only does this solve the diluent problem, it also creates a product that is more attractive to
refineries; in fact, its yield tends to resemble that of the Mars crude from the US Gulf. The
blending of synthetic with bitumen is 50:50 to 40:60. Thus, while the overall volume of output from
the oil sands will not change, the mix of light sweet synthetic and heavy to medium sour product
will be other than as shown in these figures. Oil shale and Coal
According to the World Energy Council, Global oil shale resources exceed 3.5 trillion barrels, but
recoverable reserves are about 160 billion barrels. The largest accumulations are found in the
Former Soviet Union (1400 billion barrels), the USA and Brazil (each 700 billion barrels), China
(400 billion barrels), and Canada (300 billion barrels). While there are shale deposits with natural
CANADA Syncrude Suncor AOSP (Shell Cda)
32 33 API 31 -35 API 28 API
All-in Net-back $8.30 8.58 10.00
Royalty - (0.57) (1.67) (0.10)
Pre-Royalty Netback (8.87) (10.25) (10.09)
Sustaining CAPEX (1.52) (1.00) (0.84)
OPEX (10.11) (7.77) (7.92)
Realized Upgrader Gate Price $20.50 18.95 18.85
Quality & Transport Differential (0.50) (2.05) (2.15)
WTI $21.00 $21.00 $21.00
Transport (0.90) (0.90)
Quality Differential (2.90) (0.50)
Technical Costs ?< (5.00) (6.50)
Pre-Royalty netback (12.20) (13.10)
Royalty on Raw Crude (0.14) (0.14)
All-in Net-back $12.06 $12.96
22 API 32 API
VENEZUELA Petrozuata Sincor
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crude oil (the oil did not migrate from the shale), most of what is referred to as oil shale are black
shales with organic material mostly in the form of kerogen. In essence, they are merely organic
deposits that have not been subjected to the temperatures and pressures that produced
conventional oil. Benefaction of oil shale requires the duplication of this earth process to convert
the kerogen into hydrocarbonsimplicitly a high energy consuming process. There are two
conventional approaches to processing oil shale. Both processes use considerable volumes of
water. In addition, the total energy and water requirements together with the safe disposal of huge
quantities of waste material have so far made production uneconomic. Australia has oil shales of
which the Stuart Shales are particularly rich in kerogen, yielding a barrel of synthetic liquid per 1.3
tonnes of shale (this compares with one barrel of synthetic crude per two tonnes of Athabasca oil
sands). A large pilot project (4,500 b/d) has been operating intermittently since the late nineties
but has experienced operational problems and its emissions of noxious gases have raised the ire
of local opponents and environmentalists. According to its proponents, the project has the
potential to reach 85,000 b/d of very light product of very high quality naphtha and very low
sulphur middle distillate.
Oil shales have been produced in the past, some of which are consumed directly as a substitute
for coal, as is the case currently in Estonia. The Brazilian production is a hybrid pilot project that
combines used tires and oil shale to produce a minor amount of liquid hydrocarbons.
Figure 21: Production of oil shale 1880-2000. After Dyni, USGS, 2000
Ultimately, oil shale might find a place in the worlds hydrocarbon liquid fuel supply but with
development costs believed to be well in excess of $25 per barrel, excluding any mitigation costs,
it seems unlikely productive capacity can be expanded to the point where it could make a major
contribution as part of the supply of UHLs.
Oil shale production in Estonia, Russia, Scotland, Brazil. and China, 1880 to
1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
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Producing liquids from coal has been with us since the first coke ovens. The liquids were mostly a
waste product, but some tars were converted into useful chemicals. Technology to convert coal
gas into waxy hydrocarbon liquids was invented by German scientists in the twenties and fuelled
the German army and Luftwaffe during WW II. This patented process, known as Fischer-Tropsch
(FT) Process, converts synthetic gas produced in the anaerobic gasification of coal into liquids. It
has since been adapted to convert natural methane in the presence of catalysts into petroleum
liquid products including diesel and other middle distillates along with lubricants and
petrochemicals. South Africa, in what amounts to one of the most dramatic pursuits of energy
independence as the foundation for its security of energy supply, applied FT technology to
produce over 100,000 b/d to sustain its apartheid regime through many years of economic
sanctions by the international community. SASOL currently produces 160,000 b/d in Sasolburg.
The principal point with respect to coal and UHLs is that it represents an immense ultimate
resource. Given the continued research efforts dedicated to the clean use of coal, and given oil
prices sustained above $25/bbl, one could imagine over the longer term greater volumes of UHLs
derived from coal. A factor that should not be ignored with respect to gasification of coal and
other fossil fuels, is that it provides the basis for hydrogen production accompanied by
sequestration of carbon from the process. The nature of the gasification process produces a very
pure stream of CO2. China is currently developing plans for coal to liquids projects. Gas to Liquids
The conversion of natural gas into more complex hydrocarbon liquids (as opposed to compressing
natural gas into a liquid stateLNG) relies on the Fischer Tropsch Process (see above).
It is accomplished through three steps:
x Synthesising gas production. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are produced by putting
natural gas, oxygen, and steam through steam reforming, autothermal reforming, partial
oxidation or a combination of these processes in the presence or absence of catalysts;
x Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, where the synthesised gas flows into a reactor containing a
catalyst (cobalt, iron) that converts it into hydrocarbon liquids; and finally
x Upgrading of the product, normally a mixture of paraffinic distillates and waxes with some
olefins and oxygenates. The light ends, LPGs and naphtha, make up to about 20% of
yield and are used for petrochemical feedstock and ideal for steam cracking to olefins.
Note that this is not a gasoline producing process.
x The resulting synthetic crude is further upgraded to finished product using conventional
refinery technologies, usually mild hydrocracking and hydroisomerization.
One of the main driving forces to convert gas to liquids has been the discovery of large volumes of
gas considered to be stranded; in other words, gas in remote areas of the world, with no economic
transportation links to markets. Stranded gas reserves not only include remote reserves, but also
small volumes of gas reserves and sometimes associated gas (e.g. Nigeria where it has
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historically been flared because of the lack of infrastructure), where little or no commercial value
could be assigned, in fact if the gas has to be re-injected at cost, to pursue other options to use
the gas would imply that it could have a negative opportunity value. In cases where gas is
deemed to have a very low or zero price, converting it to liquids can be very commercial.
Stranded gas is estimated to make up approximately two thirds of the 5,500 tcf of gas already
discovered in the world. The concept of stranded gas should probably be discarded because
often the nature of stranded is very much in the eye of the beholder, and if the gas is stranded,
incapable of economic production, it is by definition not reserves. Qatar hardly sees its gas as
stranded. The original concept that this gas could be converted to hydrocarbon liquids has not
found industry-wide acceptance. This is because the very large volumes of gas are also attracting
the attention of countries and companies eager to develop liquefied natural gas (LNG) export
facilities. Such projects are often more attractive economically than the GTL schemes which also
require significant infrastructure to gather and process gas.
Despite this, at the right price in the end-use markets, GTL does have some advantages over
LNG. Its products are much easier to transport and market as they can be handled as refined
petroleum products utilizing existing transportation systems. In contrast, LNG has to be cooled by
compression until it liquefies, transported in special, dedicated carriers, and then stored and/or re-
gasified before being transported in pipelines to final users. However it is worth noting that LNG
and GTL only compete for investment funds, they do not compete as fuels. Another driver for
GTL is environmental (very clean diesel); also, the product can alleviate blending problems for
heavy sour crudes although this seems a very costly way to produce feedstock for a refinery.
There are at least nine pilot or demonstration plants (U.S., South Africa, Italy, Japan) and
currently two commercial GTL plants that use natural gas as feedstock. One is operated by
Mossgas in South Africa and the other by Shell SMDS at Bintulu in Malaysia. However, many new
projects are currently being planned (Figure 22).
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Figure 22: Existing, planned and potential new GTL projects (b/d) (* = at least at Pre-FEED stage)
Project/Company/Country Existing Under construction Announced or Under Study
Mossgas, SASOL, South Africa
Bintulu, Shell, Malaysia
Pilots (9)
ORYX, Sasol/QP, Qatar
Sasol/QP, Qatar
Sasol/QP, Qatar
Exxon Mobil/QP, Qatar
Conoco/Phillips/QP, Qatar
Marathon/QP, Qatar
Shell/QP, Qatar
Shell/NPC, Iran
Statoil/NPC, Iran
Sasol/NIOC, Iran
Shell, Pertamina, Indonesia
Sasol/Chevron/NNPC, Nigeria
Sasol/Chevron, Australia
EGPC/Shell, Egypt
Rentech, Bolivia
Amazon, Syntroleum/Petrobras, Brazil
Reema Int/Syntroleum, Trinidad
Sasol/PetroTrin, Trinidad
150,000 (2 X 75,000)
160,000* (2 X 80,000)
140,000* (2 X 70,000)
140,000 (2 X 70,000)
120,000 (12 X 10,000)
Source: Company data, OIES, Technip, 2005.
If all these projects were implemented the additional liquid supply would be of the order of 1.44
mmb/d. A recent review of projects at the 4
Annual World GTL Summit (p. A5 MEES 47:21 24
May, 2004) reviewed the potential projects for Qatar and Iran. Together, these two countries
could be producing over 900,000 b/d of FT-based UHLs by 2015. Qatar could be producing
780,000 b/d by 2014 according to Technip. There is a very important factor that makes these two
countries such high potential producers of GTL and LNG: the North Field/South Par gas
accumulation, one of the largest in the world, has considerable associated liquids (NGLs and
condensate). The ratio is about 40,000 b/d per 1 Bcf/d of gas production. Thus, using a factor of
10,000 cubic feet per barrel of FT liquid produced, 900,000 b/d equates to 9 Bcf/d or 360,000 b/d
of associated liquids. Coupled with the liquids associated with the gas feeding the LNG
production, Qatar and Iran would add at least another 400,000 b/d of condensate and NGLs. In
sum, the combined liquids production from these two Gulf countries could amount to 1,860,000
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b/d (1,100,000 b/d of FT liquids, 360,000 b/d of FT associated liquids and 400,000 b/d of LNG
associated liquids).
It is obvious why NOCs may want to invest in GTLs. It allows them to monetize their resources of
gas. In the case of Qatar there are industrial and other intellectual property benefits in pursuing
this strategy taking advantage of their unique and rich gas endowment. There are perhaps at
least three corporate strategies driving IOCs to make investments in GTL. 1) an upstream
strategy aimed at booking the reserves of natural gas underpinning the projects once the project
is sanctioned, and in the case of Qatar and Iran, the associated liquids (NOTE: the SEC will not
allow booking of GTL liquids per se, but the hydrocarbon reserves supporting the project can be
booked once the project is on stream); 2) a downstream strategy where refiners can use the
extremely clean FT GTL products as a blend-stock to meet higher emission standards without the
need for further upgrading of existing crude refinery equipment; and 3) an integrated strategy,
whereby investments in the upstream to produce blending stock can add reserves as well as
improve returns on capital on a corporate or integrated basis. Under some financing structures it
might make more sense to invest in a GTL plant than in upgrading a refinery that is returning less
than the companys WACC. This latter strategy would seem to apply more in theory than in
practice since most corporations look at the upstream and the downstream as separate profit
centres. The blending driver mainly applies in the USA and Europe, but other countries are
beginning to follow the same path.
Although the diesel derived from FT GTL has several environmental advantages, we believe it
unlikely that it will substitute for conventional diesel for the following reasons. Firstly, the main
benefit of GTL diesel is it contains no sulphur; its octane level is comparable to those in Europe.
This advantage might be limited because the volume of GTL diesel needed to satisfy the
requirement would be excessive and would require significant investment. For example, to move
from 300 ppm to 50 ppm by blending GTL diesel with conventional diesel, would require a 6:1
ratio of GTL diesel to conventional diesel. Secondly, regulations are changing so quickly and
dramatically that refiners will not be able to depend on GTL blending to satisfy longer-term
emission standards. For refiners it is probably more economic to upgrade existing refineries than
to invest in more GTL capacity. Further upgrading of refineries is likely to reduce the use of GTL
as a blend-stock. Thirdly, the cost of upgrading appears to be coming down. For a typical
refinery, the cost of getting from 50 ppm to 1015 ppm is only 50 to 75 cents per barrel, assuming
there is an existing hydrotreater in place. In the longer term, legislative moves toward a zero
sulphur specification may provide the best incentive for GTL diesel as such a process might prove
prohibitively expensive for refiners.
In a recent issue of the Oxford Energy Forum, Bipin Patel discussed the economics of GTL
projects. He showed that the overall economics of a GTL plant is affected by three main variables;
the crude oil price, the capital cost and the operating costs including the cost of the gas feed. This
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is very different to the economics of LNG, which are related not to the crude oil but to gas market
dynamics. In terms of capital costs, the cost of an integrated GTL facility (including the upstream
gas plant) ranges from $25,000 to $35,000 per daily barrel of liquid capacity. This wide range
illustrates the effect on cost of a number of project specific factors including technology utilisation,
location, degree and scope of product upgrade facilities, availability of shared infrastructure and
size of the plant. Over time the unit capital cost of producing a barrel of liquids has fallen from
around $75,000 for one of the first plants in New Zealand in 1983 to around $25,000 for the Shell
Qatar plant today. Sasol and Chevron are targeting future costs of under $20,000 for a 75,000 b/d
With respect to operating costs, the most effective method of reporting operating costs for a GTL
facility is to link it to the end product rather than to use a gas feed basis. This provides a more
accurate assessment based on the unit cost of production and the init of product sales. The
operating cost for a GTL plant excluding the cost of feedstock ranges from $4.00-5.50/bbl of
liquid. The major part of this cost is associated with the cost of the FT filters. The cost of the
natural gas feedstock is also important and may be as much as $10/bbl based on a cost of
approximately $1.0 per million Btu of gas. In total for a plant with a capacity in excess of 50,000
bbl/d, the total cost to produce a barrel ranges from $18-22/bbl.
With respect to the numerous projects highlighted above in Figure22, the decision to invest is very
much dependent on a perception of future oil and gas prices. Therefore a low oil price of below
$20/bbl would put many projects on hold. However, a GTL business should not be considered as
a standalone entity and should rather be viewed as a gas monetisation option and the economics
of the upstream facilities must also be taken into account. The GTL industry faces challenges
x continued cost reduction and improving scale economies;
x demonstrating value of premium quality diesel in the market;
x develop new technologies, such as floating plants for offshore fields;
x energy intensity of plants and CO
It seems to us that the real niche for GTL schemes lies in areas where gas reserves are
insufficient to justify an LNG development, or where associated gas cannot be flared. It might also
be justified where the cost of gas is sufficiently low to give a satisfactory rate of return on a new
investment. However, in our view most of the prospective GTL plants are unlikely to be developed
unless there is significant government backing (as is the case in Qatar), where there are attractive
associated liquids, or unless groundbreaking new technology can reduce the sensitivity of the
project to gas prices.
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1 Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security Page 79 of 101 Biofuels
Biofuels comprise the range of fuels that are immediately derived from plant matter. The liquids
can be produced from a number of feedstocks via a number of chemical processes. The fuel
range includes bio-diesel, produced from vegetable oil, bio-ethanol, produced from plant sugars
and bio-methanol, produced from lignocellulosic material. Biodiesel and bioethanol are the two
most developed and accepted of the range, however most of these fuels are derived from
agricultural products. Transforming food or animal fodder to fuel may not be sustainable in the
long term or socially justifiable in the short term as it could increase food costs. Biofuels,
however, as an alternative to fossil fuels exploit a number of advantages. In general, present
engines do not have to be converted for their use. The tailpipe emissions of SOX and NOX are
also lower than the equivalent petrol or diesel fuel although this becomes questionable in the case
of CO
emissions taking into account inputs calculated on a full cycle, well-to-wheels, basis.
Nonetheless, Biofuels programmes are very popular with many governments for a variety of
reasons, not all to do with energy supply, and we can expect these to continue and to expand.
Also, new technologies including genetic engineering, can be expected to be brought to bear on
the challenges of for example increasing the rate of fermentation of cellulose waste, or the
application of Fischer-Tropsch and other technologies to extract liquid fuels from biomass.
Therefore, at the margin, Biofuels will replace products derived from crude oil. This section briefly
reviews the industry, some of the issues and the future prospects of biofuels.
The chemical processes involved in biofuel production are well established. The feedstock can be
varied to suit regional conditions for crops. North America and Brazil account for 23 of the nearly
29 billion litres of ethanol used for fuel; US production relies on maize; Brazil uses sugar cane.
Biodiesels are typically derived from oilseed rape in northern Europe, whilst sunflower oil is used
in the south. Bioethanol/ETBE is produced from sugar-beets and wheat in northern Europe and
from sweet soygerm in the south. The use of alternative biomass for production continues to be
researched. This is necessary as the main cost involved in biofuel production is the feedstock.
Governments cite several reasons for launching and subsidizing biofuel production. These
include energy supply security, reduction of storage crops (as a consequence of over-production
under subsidy programmesmaking a virtue out of folly!), improved vehicle performance,
enhanced or sustained rural economic development, and the most compelling argument,
emissions reduction. If the externalities associated with the use of fossil fuels are taken into
account then the relative cost of biofuels can become more attractive, but the overall benefits are
very difficult to quantify.
Europe is currently the worlds leader for the production of biodiesel. It produces half a million
tonnes annually, representing about 1 per cent of the European diesel market. The main
producers are Italy and France, mainly due to the agricultural policies of these countries, with
large areas of set-aside available for non-food crop production. Europe currently has the capacity
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to double its production of biodiesel. The lobby to produce biofuels in Europe is strong, mainly
from the agricultural community, who yield significant political power in several EU countries. Tax
incentives also exist in the EU for the production of biofuels, under the Scrivener Directive, which
some EU states have adopted. Without this type of incentive it is unlikely that the fuel price could
compete with fossil fuels.
According to a recent study by the IEA of biofuels (IEA, Biofuels for Transport, 2004), ethanol only
accounts for 2% of transport fuel in the U.S. while in Brazil bioethanol accounts for 30% of its
gasoline demand. The relatively low cost of production in Brazil is accounted for by the use of the
crushed cane (bagasse) as a fuel in distillation. The future market share of biofuels will be
influenced by a number of complex factors. The biofuel manufacturing plants in the EU are
subject to a fiscal incentive as a result of the Scrivener Directive, which is the difference between
them being commercial or not. Without this incentive the cost of fuel would be between two and
three times more costly than conventional fuels.
The potential of biofuels in countries like India has been explored by the United States Agency for
International Development. There, alongside the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, three
pilot studies were initiated in 2000 to explore the potential of blending ethanol and petrol in sugar-
producing states. These pilots were successful and led to numerous other projects and R&D
studies in six further states. The preliminary result has been a government mandate to supply 5
per cent ethanol mix petrol in nine states and four union territories, amounting to between 320
350 million litres annually. This will then be extended to the whole country and eventually the
mixture will be increased to 10 per cent ethanol. In our view, this role out programme looks to be
rather ambitious.
Gasoline-based vehicles in India account for approximately 20 per cent of all transport and the
annual crude requirement for transport is approximately 105 million tons. The Indian government
is therefore hoping to displace approximately 1 million tons of oil through the introduction of 5 per
cent ethanol in petrol alone. No timeframe has been specified for this to be achieved. The
introduction of 10 per cent ethanol in petrol would therefore save 2 million tons of oil in 2001 to
2002 terms, of which 70 per cent was imported. The remaining 80 per cent of vehicular transport
in India is diesel based. Vehicle manufacturers state that their vehicles are capable of using
between 10 and 20 per cent of biodiesel mixture, which can be derived from large resources of
non-edible and wild seeds.
India could have the potential to make significant savings of oil, if the targets outlined above were
implemented successfully. The success would be partly based on the extensive agrarian society
and therefore a ready market of vehicles capable of accepting the biofuels without any
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While governments currently promoting Biofuels point to their environmental benefits, some
studies suggest a relatively small or in some cases negative gain in energy flows arising from
biofuels. That is, it is estimated that after taking into account all the energy inputs for the
agricultural equipment, their fuel use, fertilizers and the energy used to produce them, the inputs
can exceed outputs by some 20 to 30 per cent (See for example D. Pimentel, 2001, The Limits of
Biomass Energy, Encyclopaedia of Physical Sciences and Technology). However, most studies
of corn or maize and ethanol from wheat using currently commercial processes, yield a 20% to
40% reduction in well-to-wheels CO
-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions.
Because biofuels are being promoted by governments, automobile manufacturers, looking to
improve their emissions outputs in the medium term, apparently consider biofuels as offering a
lower cost alternative to other lower emissions technologies. The fundamental barrier to entry
remains the price of biofuels compared to conventional oil products. At up to three times the price
before subsidy, the only way biofuels can compete is if externalities are counted as part of the
cost of conventional oil. Without this the costs of subsidy at greater rates of production would
probably be unsustainable if left to compete openly with oil.
The introduction of bioethanol fuels into transport consumption over the next few decades will be
determined by three factors; rate of technological progress, national energy policy and the price of
conventional oil. The US Department of Energy biomass ethanol programme suggests that no
major infrastructure barriers exist, which would hinder development of biofuels. However, there
would have to be considerable investment by terminal operators and retailers. The freight
charges for the movement of ethanol would be greater than for gasoline. One reason for this is
that ethanol could not economically be transported by pipeline. For pipeline to become viable in
North America, ethanol would have to comprise up to 20 per cent of all products moved by
pipeline, or 40 per cent of all gasoline shipments. Were ethanol transported in these volumes the
incremental costs would be similar to those for other fuels. This theoretical potential is tempered
somewhat by the practical effects of ethanol fuels and the balkanization of regional gasoline
markets in the United States, blamed in part for the run-up in the price of West Texas Intermediate
(a gasoline crude)and thus world crude oil pricesin the summer of 2004. Getting to a
theoretical happy ending must confront some serious practical dislocations that theoreticians
should consider in their cost/benefit calculations.
The outlook for the production of biofuels is complicated and confusing. The IEA recently
projected the output of ethanol and biodiesel out to 2020 (Biofuels in Transport, ibid). However,
the WEO 2004 also talks briefly about Biofuels (pp 240-242) but does not accord with the IEAs
Biofuels book, even on the starting point (2002). According to the IEAs Biofuels study, the total
production of biofuels is currently 29,000,000 cubic meters of ethanol and 1.8 million cubic meters
of biodiesel (capacity) per year. This is almost twice as much as the 8 Mtoes reported by the
WEO, page 241. The distinction is largely explained by the difference between capacity versus
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actual production. It is also critical to understand the net energy in biofuels versus gasoline, and
how this calculation is made. A review of the literature suggests that one gasoline equivalent litre
of ethanol displaces 0.85 to 0.88 litres of petroleum on a net energy basis.
Even the most passive observer of the subject of biofuels, can not help but notice that their
volumes are always announced and measured in terms of billions or millions of litres per year
rather than thousands of barrels per day, the normal measure of the products they replace. For
example, estimated biofuels capacity in 2003, if fully utilized would yield about 30 billion litres per
year, or about 500,000 b/d, which on a net basis would replace about 425,000 b/d, although less
by the time another 15 to 20% is deducted for the oil products that go into their production.
According to the IEAs 2004 WEO, biofuels are expected by 2030 to nearly quadruple from 8 Mtoe
in 2002 to 36 Mtoe, or about 700,000 b/d. This contrasts with the very bullish outlook in the
Agencys Biofuels for Transport study (p. 168) which postulated (for alcohol) a quadrupling of
world production to over 120 billion litres by 2020on a gasoline energy-equivalent basis,
about 80 billion litres (or, using this much more conservative equivalency, over 2 Mmb/d).
For purposes of this study, we assume that biofuels will continue to grow at 5%/annum as
opposed to the IEAs WEO of 5.5%/annum, although we start at a higher base than the WEO. Outlook for Unconventional Hydrocarbons
Taking into account all of the various factors discussed above we have put together our forecast
of unconventional oil supply up to the year 2020. These are summarized as follows:
x Canadian Unconventional: Based on actual projects and assessment of the operators,
the stage of the approval process and location and nature of project (mining, in situ) each
project is risked and scheduled accordingly. Projects are divided into raw bitumen (no
upgrader) and synthetic (with an upgrader on site). 3,200 mb/d by 2020.
x Venezuela Synthetic from Orinoco Heavy Crude: Based on current project status and
an assessment of pace of approvals, expressions of interest and current perception of
political risk, a pace of development is deduced. 1,160 mb/d by 2020.
x GTL: Assessing the list of announced projects, versus those approved and financed and
under construction. 1,200 mb/d by 2020.
x Biofuels: Assumed a growth rate of 5%/year. 980 mb/d by 2020.
x Other (from coal, shale, etc): Assumed a growth rate of 8%/year (admittedly bullish, but
this arises from uncertainty of what China will do, but the assumption that if they do move
ahead with coal liquefaction, they will do so aggressively. It includes SASOL in South
Africaalready at 160,000 b/d, Stuart Shale in Australia, oil shale/used tires in Brazil as a
starting point). 430 mb/d in 2020.
In total these could amount to a maximum of 7 million b/d by 2020 from just over 2 million b/d
today (Figure 23). By 2020, it is estimated that the resources in Canada and Venezuela could
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contribute up to 60 per cent of total unconventional oil. However, the fastest growth rates in supply
are expected to come from biofuels and GTL.
Figure 23: Total unconventional oil supply 2000-2020
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Canadian Synthetic
Canadian Bitumen
Venezuelan Synthetic
Source: OIES estimates.
3.6 An Assessment of Non-OPEC Supply 2004-2020
Based on these projects and taking into account production of existing production in mature
provinces we have shown below our best estimate of non-OPEC supply up until 2020. Clearly the
forecast up until 2010 is going to be subject to less uncertainty than estimates beyond that time.
For simplicity we have illustrated non-OPEC supply separated into the five major play types as
discussed above. The chart below highlights the impact of decline rates in mature provinces over
the next 20 years. Historical data suggests that this decline is running at around 3-4 per cent per
annum. The chart also highlights the growing importance of Russia to non-OPEC supply. It is
interesting to note that the deepwater plays and frontier plays, whilst showing strong growth over
the next few years, are still relatively insignificant compared to Russia. Unconventional oil,
although currently not significant, is forecast to show the strongest growth rates over the next
twenty years.
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Figure 24: Forecast of Non-OPEC supply 2002-2020; Source: OIES estimates.
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Processing Gains
Figure 25: Major new Projects 2003-2012; Source: Petroleum Review, Aug. 2004, OIES.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Other Middle East
Saudi Arabia
North Sea
Brazil & Trinidad
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Figure 26: Forecast of Non-OPEC production 2002-2020
Oil: Production
Thousand barrels daily 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2015 2020
USA (Onshore/Alaska) 7081 6750 6345 6260 6030 5870 5790 5616 5448
Mexico 3585 3789 3860 3850 3950 4010 4070 4070 4070
China 3346 3396 3410 3280 3165 3054 2948 2844 2754
Norway 3329 3260 3200 3060 2907 2762 2624 2492 2254
Canada (Conventional) 1442 1455 1425 1352 1365 1284 1210 1134 1056
United Kingdom 2463 2245 2100 1926 1820 1730 1620 1500 1372
Malaysia 828 875 810 810 790 730 670 650 630
Oman 900 823 760 740 740 740 720 706 691
Argentina 808 793 740 777 760 760 730 700 677
India 794 793 770 750 750 740 740 720 700
Egypt 760 750 710 700 650 600 550 530 525
Angola (Shallow) 690 660 663 636 611 587 563 541 519
Australia 731 624 520 550 480 500 460 455 450
Syria 572 594 500 560 560 560 560 550 550
Colombia 601 564 520 450 430 410 390 350 320
Other Europe & Eurasia 483 487 460 455 451 446 442 437 433
Yemen 462 454 430 410 410 410 410 400 400
Ecuador 410 427 530 590 610 590 550 545 540
Denmark 372 368 390 367 360 340 330 300 260
Brazil (Shallow) 750 570 540 527 513 501 488 476 464
Rep. of Congo (Brazzaville) 259 243 230 220 217 215 210 200 195
Gabon 295 240 240 225 200 195 195 195 195
Thailand 191 217 190 176 172 169 166 162 159
Brunei 210 214 210 185 185 185 185 185 185
Other Asia Pacific 200 203 170 168 167 165 163 162 160
Trinidad & Tobago 155 163 160 158 157 155 154 152 151
Other S. & Cent. America 153 163 220 218 216 213 211 209 207
Romania 127 123 122 121 119 118 117 116 115
Italy 106 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100
Peru 98 92 91 90 89 88 87 87 86
Other Africa 65 74 73 72 72 71 70 70 69
Uzbekistan 171 166 160 150 140 130 120 110 100
Cameroon 72 68 66 64 62 60 59 57 55
Vietnam 354 372 400 400 380 370 360 355 350
Tunisia 73 66 66 66 66 66 66 63 63
Other Middle East 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
Mature 32985 32236 31235 30517 29747 28976 28177 27288 26351 22628 19432
Growth/(Decline) -2% -2% -3% -2% -3% -3% -3% -3% -3% -3% -3%
USA (Gulf of Mexico) 959 1100 1345 1540 1680 1790 1830 1867 1920 1634 1264
Angola 200 210 317 556 746 1111 1257 1380 1370 1289 946
Equatorial Guinea 237 249 310 375 380 385 390 395 400 370 330
Brazil 1020 1200 1230 1300 1390 1480 1510 1550 1600 1750 1445
Deepwater 2416 2759 3202 3771 4196 4766 4987 5192 5290 5043 3985
Growth/(Decline) 13% 14% 16% 18% 11% 14% 5% 4% 2% -2% -6%
Russian Federation 7620 8460 9200 9280 9600 9850 10100 10300 10538 12000 11500
Russia 7620 8460 9200 9280 9600 9850 10100 10300 10538 12000 11500
Growth/(Decline) 8% 11% 9% 1% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2%
Azerbaijan 310 310 310 425 600 800 1000 1020 1000
Kazakhstan 940 1030 1180 1300 1400 1450 1700 2000 1900
FSU Others 450 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470
Chad 0 40 180 220 230 235 240 240 240
Sudan 240 270 300 420 470 510 520 480 480
Frontier 1940 2120 2440 2835 3170 3465 3930 4210 4090 3512 3016
Growth/(Decline) 29% 9% 15% 16% 12% 9% 13% 7% -3% -3%
Canada (Synth + Bitumen) 741 862 1036 1182 1297 1707 1916 2021 2522 3023 3198
Venezuala (Heavy Oil) 350 500 550 580 600 630 660 690 760 960 1160
GTL 45 45 52 52 86 86 86 86 152 860 1207
Biofuel 375 400 451 473 497 522 548 575 604 771 983
Other 100 109 118 128 139 150 163 177 192 289 434
Unconventional 1611 1916 2207 2415 2618 3095 3373 3549 4230 5903 6982
Processing Gains 1730 1800 1830 1830 1782 1749 1704 1647 1594 1338 1078
TOTAL NON-OPEC 48302 49290 50114 50648 51113 51901 52271 52186 52093 50425 45993
** Source IEA, EIA, Deutche Bank, OIES
Figure 24 above is reasonably underpinned for the next few years since we have a good
understanding of the major projects currently under development. Figure 25 is a compilation of oil
production projects of a significant size (generally > 100,000 b/d), as updated and reported in
Petroleum Review (August, 2004). Africa includes Angola, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Libya and
Mauritania. This does not mean that production will not come from countries like Congo, Algeria
and others in the Gulf of Guineait only includes the large projects reported. The category FSU
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(Former Soviet Union) groups projects from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. It is important to
note that the volumes reported are expected platform or peak rates of flow for each project; also,
the year shown is not necessarily, and certainly not in the case of the unconventional (oil sands
and extra heavy crude) and Kazakhstan Caspian projects, the year production reaches platform.
Thus, for example, in 2006 we should not expect to see a 3 Mmb/d/d increment of supply from
these projects, nor should we expect that at some year in the future they will all reach platform the
same time at 3 Mmb/d. On the other hand, these projected platform volumes are the proponents
and experience shows that these tend to be conservative, so these volumes should be taken as
relatively conservative. Finally, the tailing off of projects out beyond 2007 does not necessarily
mean there will not be any. The projects in the graph are just those above a certain size that have
been sanctioned and announced by companies as of August, 2004. There are an additional 2.5
to 3 Mmb/d of potential projects that could come be sanctioned before 2010. In addition to these,
of course, are smaller projects and additions to production of currently producing projects,
especially given the stimulus of the recent increase in oil prices. It is too early to assess just what
impact these prices are having on short-term Non-OPEC deliverability. Certainly spending has
increased dramatically, and the fruits of this spending will be felt in terms of production over the
next few years.
Beyond 2010 certain major assumptions have been made. In particular it has been assumed that
the mature provinces will continue to decline at between 3 and 4 per cent until 2020. With respect
to the deepwater projects, there seems to be a real consensus that production will peak in these
provinces around 2010 before going into a potentially sharper decline. With respect to frontier
areas we have only included those areas where reserves are currently under development, there
is therefore some potential for further growth in this category depending upon future exploration
growth. The future development of unconventional oil depends on a whole host of factors
discussed in the relevant section not least the potential impact of technological breakthroughs,
economic and political factors.
Based on our estimates Non-OPEC supply is likely to platform within the next decade at around
53 million b/d. This clearly has major implications with respect to the role that OPEC will have to
play going forward in meeting global demand. If our estimates are correct OPEC will have to
increase production to at least 40 million b/d to meet global demand of around 90 million b/d and
would have to meet any further increases in demand beyond that time. The implications of this are
discussed in a later section which addresses the issue of optimal price bands.
If we include our analysis of non-GCC OPEC production we can see that the call on GCC
members is expected to come under slight pressure up until 2010 after which time the GCC
members will have to ramp up production significantly in order to meet consensus demand
estimates (Figure 27). This figure represents the residual gap shown on Figure 28 where our
estimate of total non-GCC production is plotted.
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Figure 27: Call on GCC countries; Source: OIES estimates.
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Call on GCC (LHS) Market Share (RHS)
Figure 28: Total Non-GCC production and Global Oil Demand; Source: OIES estimates.
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Non GCC OPEC Mature Russia
Deepwater Frontier Unconventional
3.7 Non-OPEC Supply and Sensitivity to Price
In this section we examine the cost structure of current conventional oil production on a country-
by-country basis, and use knowledge from planned developments to make an assessment of the
cost curve of the potential production capacity in 2020. We make a historical assessment of the
evolution of the cost curve over the past ten years.
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We have divided the costs into capital and operating expenses. For the purposes of this report we
calculate capital costs by dividing the total investment cost (in dollars) by the total volume of
barrels that are expected to be extracted from any particular field. We have ignored the
exploration element of the capital costs. We have calculated the operating cost by dividing the
annual running cost of extracting and processing oil production (exclusive of any taxes, royalties,
or transportation) by the total number of barrels produced in any one year.
By dividing the costs into the two components it is possible to determine how low the oil price has
to fall before currently producing fields become uneconomic; it is also possible to determine how
the oil price might impact on new field development.
The cost curve of current and projected production capacity is shown in Figure 29. The chart plots
the cumulative production by country in order of ascending costs (development and operating cost
per barrel). For 2003, the curve stops just short of 80 million b/d, that being the estimate of
productive capacity today. For 2020, the curve stops at 107 mb/d, that being our optimistic
assessment of the potential productive capacity at that time.
Figure 29: Cost curve of production capacity in 2003 and 2020.
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Cumulative Production (mbbl/d)
20 million b/d
for less than
Source: OIES
The results of the analysis for 2003 show that nearly 80 per cent of conventional oil production
has been developed and is operated at a cost of less than $10 per barrel. The cost of the
remaining portion of production lies between $10 and $14 per barrel. What is important though is
that most of this production is robust at oil prices down to $4 per barrel, that being the level at
which operating costs exceed revenues. Therefore it would take very low oil prices to have any
impact on current productive capacity.
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Figure 30 highlights a well known and much debated oddity regarding the way the world goes
about exploiting its oil resources endowment. Theory holds that the lowest cost part of the
resource pyramid would be produced first. However, the supply curve for 2020 is lower than that
for today, which graphically presents how theory has been turned on its head. Expansion of low
cost OPEC productive capacity by 2020 extends the cumulative volume of low cost oil (sub $8 per
barrel) from around 65 mb/d up to 90 mb/d.
It is interesting to note that in the United States the costs of operating and developing the
deepwater offshore and some of the Lower 48 oilfields are very similar. However, although the
deepwater is characterised by relatively high development costs, operating costs are forecast to
be very low. This cost structure is expected in other regions of the world (such as Angola) where
deepwater developments are expected to contribute to increases in productive capacity.
Figure 30: Cost structure for OPEC and Non-OPEC in 2020
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Production (mbbl/d)
Source: OIES (drawn from published material from a broad variety of sources).
In Figure 30 we show the cost structure chart for 2020, but have split the curve into OPEC and
non-OPEC productive capacity. It can be seen that OPEC remains the low cost producer of
conventional oil with less than 5 mb/d of lower cost capacity found in non-OPEC countries, which
include Oman, Syria and Egypt. We also show the broad band of supply forecasts for
conventional oil (discussed above). From Figure 29 one can see that if demand expectations were
to reach 107 mb/d, then the marginal cost of production would reach around $12 per barrel. The
figure also shows that if demand expectations reach the lower end of the reasonable range of
forecasts, the marginal cost of new capacity could be as low as $8 per barrel. However, this all
assumes that OPEC displaces non-OPEC capacity. Under a low demand scenario, which would
ensue at higher oil prices, non-OPEC countries are unlikely to defer investments in infrastructure
which are profitable at around $12 per barrel. As a result it is likely that increases in OPEC
capacity will continue to be deferred.
Of course, all these cost curves are in essence static pictures which only incorporate current
technological, political and economic circumstances. However, over the past ten years, a change
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in the mix of production combined with the benefits of new technology has led to a significant
lowering of the cost curve in real terms. Whereas in 1991 over 50 per cent of global oil production
cost in excess of $10 per barrel, today it is less than 30 per cent. In fact by 2003, over 40 per cent
of global oil production was within $2 per barrel of average Middle East production costs. The
perception therefore that Middle Eastern conventional oil is the cheapest might still be correct but
the difference in cost with other countries in the world is narrowing.
Analysis of the historic cost curve also shows that the component parts change through time. In
1991, European countries were the highest cost producers. However, significant cost cutting
efforts, particularly in the UK have moved the region down the curve. The increasing importance
of West African production has meant that costs for African countries have fallen. An improvement
in the efficiency of the Russian producers has lowered the average cost of production. In addition,
there are whole numbers of projects due to come on stream over the next few years, particularly
in the Caspian where initial cost estimates are likely to fall further.
Looking forward, the downward pressure on costs is beginning to be reversed. With increasing
levels of capital expenditure as well as real pressure of companies and government to deliver
growth inflationary pressures have crept back into the industry. For example finding and
development costs for new discoveries have risen by over 30 per cent over the past three years
alone. In addition, increasing decline rates in existing fields have driven unit operating costs
higher. Add to this a general increase in commodity prices, not least steel, and the impact of new
technologies is more than overcome.
There is also a paradox between the prices required by the resource holding nations as compared
to the prices required for private oil companies to meet the requirements of their shareholders.
Private oil companies have historically published the minimum oil price that they would require to
invest in new capacity, in order to achieve their targeted returns. For resource holding nations the
oil price required is usually the price required to balance national budgets even though this may
bear no relation to the targets set by individual national oil companies, both to sustain and
increase capacity. Even though OPEC countries or national oil companies are the lowest cost
producers, the oil price band required of these producers to meet State budgetary goals is higher
than the prices required by private oil companies to invest in new capacity to meet shareholder
expectations of return on capital. Therefore private oil companies that mainly operate in non-
OPEC countries are more likely to invest in new capacity than OPEC countries themselves.
In summary, the oil market does not behave as a perfectly competitive market would; oil prices
are much higher than the marginal cost of production. Cost structures vary substantially from the
lows of the Arabian Gulf to the high cost new developments in the Caspian, and are even higher
for unconventional oil sources such as tar sands or extra heavy crude oil. However, the fact that
oil prices are much higher than the marginal cost of production means that investment in higher
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cost non-OPEC oil could continue to confound OPEC in its calculation of just how much
investment they should/need to put into increasing capacity .
3.8 Overview of the Cost Structure of Non-OPEC Oil Supply
In this section we summarise the various price levels at which the different forms of energy
discussed above are able to enter the market. The striking feature of the cost comparison in
Figure 31 is the fact that nearly all sources of non-OPEC oil including unconventional oil, can be
brought on stream at a cost of less than $25 per barrel. Therefore with the current oil price of
around $50 per barrel, the forward curve to around 2020 of around $30 to $35 per barrel and with
the targeted OPEC price band of between $22 and $28 per barrel, now looking increasingly likely
to be shifted upwards, the outlook for supply based on cost alone is quite positive. The real issue
though at this point in time is whether investment in the oil sector will be sufficient and timely
enough should demand continue to be robust.
Figure 31: Cost comparison of global energy sources million tonnes oil equivalent
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Production (mbbl/d)
Non-Opec Opec
Unconventional Oil
Source: OIES, based on numerous public sources.
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4. Optimal Oil Price Bands
The results in the preceding sections of this report would seem to substantiate the commonly held
view that oil production from the GCC is set to increase in importance over the next 20 years.
However, the rate at which GCC production increases will be affected by increases (or declines)
in non-Gulf and unconventional oil production, which in turn will be affected by a number of factors
including and especially price.
This section addresses the question posed in Subtask 1.3, what is the optimal price band for
crude oil prices? The theoretical objective of optimality is almost impossible to achieve or even
define in practice. Qualitatively, at least, it is that price at which economic growth continues while
ensuring that investment in new oil production capacity takes place. The notion of optimality
implies a set of conditions where oil prices, their variability and direction would not impair
economic development, and if optimality is to reflect equity concerns, for all countries. This highly
simplistic and hopeful characterization does not explicitly acknowledge the spatial and temporal
nature of optimalitywhat might have been optimal in 1975 or 1995 for different consumers and
different producers would not be optimal today. It ignores the different sensitivities of different
economies to the price of oil as well as the current structure of the oil supply sector and its
extremely broad range of costs of supplying oil. This subject could form the basis for a report on
its own therefore this section only touches on some of the key questions, starting with the
definition of the broadest price band, bound at its upper limit by a price level where incremental
demand would surely and fairly quickly be negatively affected and a lower limit where supply
would certainly be shut in.
The definition of the upper boundary can be estimated from studies of the price elasticity of
demand for crude oil. There is an extensive literature on the subject of the impact of oil prices on
economic growth. Increases in oil prices have been blamed for recessions, inflation, falls in
productivity and lower economic growth. Some contrarians have postulated that, to a point, higher
prices are good for overall economic growth. More serious theoretical analyses reveal a very
complex and uncertain picture. Oil is less of a factor in the OECD economies than in was in 1973.
More of it is in transport, where for reasons including taxation, hedonic values attached to
personal mobility, and structural and other barriers to intermodal shifts in transportation, demand
elasticity is lower. But the price of oil affects other commodity prices, not the least of which is
natural gas, and more and more gas becoming the fuel of choice in power generation, and
electricity is essential to a modern economy. So, higher, sustained oil prices would eventually
take their toll on on economic growth. This is the conclusion of recent reports by
intergovernmental agencies such as the IMF and the OECD/IEA (See Analysis of the Impact of
High Oil Prices on the Global Economy, IEA, May, 2004; available on the IEA website). Their
analyses in May, 2004, at the beginning of the current run-up in prices concluded the following:
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x As in the past, the net effect on the global economy of higher prices would be negative.
Producer gains would be more than offset by consumer losses.
x Depending on what producers do with the extra revenues (import goods and services or
pay down debt and rebuild reserves), the effects would be less or more severe
x Impacts on trade deficits and budgets could put pressure on interest rates and therefore
prompt tighter monetary policy responses.
x Exchange rates would be affected, leading for example to a rise in the US dollar,
impairing certain developing countries capacity to service dollar denominated debt and
adding to current account imbalances, particularly in countries where prices of oil products
do not reflect their costs.
At the time of writing, some of these effects are beginning to appear. For example, the peak
gasoline demand in the US during summer 2004 was less than the peaks of 2003 and 2002,
suggesting a dampening effect of higher prices. This is confounded, however, by the fact that
diesel demand, a better indicator of economic growth, has not been significantly less than a year
ago, reflecting the continued movement of goods and merchandise to consumers. So, American
consumption generally has not yet been seriously affected. The Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan
Greenspan, acknowledges this lack of economic impact, although as usual with caution. What is
confounding the whole analysis is the drop in the US dollar, reflecting fiscal imbalances in the
United States. At what point oil price effects will start to take prominence over those imbalances
in affecting the dollar remains an open question. Meanwhile, as for developing countries such as
India and China, oil demand is continuing to expand albeit at a slower rate than last year.
Analyses of price effects on inflation and therefore policy responses and their knock-on
macroeconomic effects confirm that this subject is a moving feast. Oil does make up a smaller
share of the consumer basket in OECD countries. Some research indicates that there was a shift
in the impact around 1980; pre-1980 oil price increases fed directly through to the core CPI,
whereas since then their direct impact as been negligible. This research conducted in 1999
looked at prices and inflation up to the current rise in prices and should therefore be re-examined.
The literature on the effects of oil price shocks contains a diverse range of conclusions, all the
way from (to paraphrase) they have no significant macroeconomic effects; increases matter but
decreases do not; price increases matter if they are large relative to what we have been used to;
and increases matter depending on their magnitude within their current degree of variability.
Some research suggests that the impact on the economy of price increases during the seventies
were compounded by monetary policy responses, but this has been less the case since 1980.
Mark A. Hooker, December 1999, Are Oil Shocks Inflationary? Asymmetric and Nonlinear
Specifications versus Changes in Regime. Federal Reserve Board paper.
See Hooker, ibid.
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That prices have generally fallen between 1980 and 1999 invites a renewed analysis of this
question as more data come available in the months ahead.
From todays price level for oil of around $50 per barrel, it would seem that extreme price
levelsin other words, a true price shockwould be required before world economic growth
would fall abruptly. Such extreme levels would seem to be above the current levels, but this
tempting conclusion must be cautioned by the qualification that it is too early to tell. This caution
is even more warranted, as indicated above, given the recent devaluation of the dollar.
The definition of the lower boundary can be estimated by looking at the operating cost of existing
global production. Such analysis highlights the price level at which existing production would be
shut-in as uneconomic. It is clear from such analysis that over 87 per cent of crude production
today would still be economic at oil prices down to around $8 per barrel. In other words, it would
take a complete collapse in oil prices to that level (and stay there for several months) before
companies would start to close in production although they would certainly start to feel pain well
before those basement levels were reached. Such a floor price is of course merely theoretical
since no sooner would it be reached when reduced supply would be registered in firming prices,
so it would be short-lived. More important is the price level at which new capacity will generate
sufficient economic return to justify investment.
Initial results of the analysis for 2020, which we carried out at the beginning of this programme
(late 2003), potential production capacity showed that nearly 80 per cent of conventional oil
production, up to 104 million barrels per day, could be developed and operated at a cost of less
than $8 per barrel, with OPEC remaining the lowest cost producer. More recent data suggests
that, given the rise in steel prices and other inputs associated with the finding, development and
production of oil, this marginal cost would have risen, perhaps to $12 - $14/bbl. Therefore the
price band has limits somewhere above $50/bbl and not much below $14/bbl and certainly not
below $8/bbl.
In a free market, where there is no constraint on production capacity, it would be natural for prices
to fall to the marginal cost of production, which in a low demand case would be around $8 per
barrel. However, the fact that the actual oil price has traded within a band of $18 - $26 per barrel
for over 80 per cent of the past decade demonstrates the market power of OPEC.
This has a number of important implications with respect to non-OPEC production. Under normal
economic conditions one would expect the lowest cost production to be brought on stream first.
However, it is clear that whilst oil prices remain well above the marginal cost of non-OPEC supply,
then non-OPEC capacity will continue to displace OPEC capacity. This will continue to occur so
long as OPEC maintains a tight control over supply and so long as adequate non-OPEC reserves
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are available to increase non-OPEC capacity, which has been the case for the past 30 years, but
as suggested in previous chapters of this report, is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain.
In the light of these observations, is there an optimal price band which will guarantee energy
security? Without returning to the quagmire of what is energy security, and debating whether
guaranteed energy security is an absurdity, from a simple top down point of view one could
argue that the minimum price that will reasonably assure an economic supply of crude might be
as low as $8 per barrel. However this does not take into account the requirements of
shareholders of private oil companies or the requirement of the national governments of the
resource owners. This is well illustrated in some initial work that we have carried out that
examines the oil price required by private oil companies for projects to receive investment
approval and the oil price required by national governments in order to receive the same revenue
per capita in 2010 as they did in 2003. Our research suggests that the oil price required by the
private oil companies and national governments is on average some $10 - $12 per barrel higher
than actual development costs required for projects to break even. More interesting is the fact that
the price required by private oil companies is lower than the price required by national
governments even though they might be involved in more expensive and technically more difficult
Although this work is only in its preliminary stage, it does point to the fact that there is no optimum
price band and moreover certainly not one that will guarantee security of supply. To date our
analysis and that of others underway (Mitchell and Marcel, Chatham House) suggests that a
minimum oil price of $25 is sufficient to secure investment in new supplies, but even at this level
pressure would likely be put on the budgets of some national governments. Moreover, as noted
above, if steel and other commodity prices key to oil developments continue to rise, this price
threshold will do likewise. In the final analysis, such a minimum price level is only sustainable so
long as OPEC maintains internal cohesion and discipline to adjust its output to sustain price
above this level, in full knowledge that there are sufficient non-OPEC conventional and
unconventional oil reserves available in the near term to put downward pressure on prices.
An in depth analysis of patterns of investment in the oil industry to ascertain whether recent oil
price strength has accelerated non-OPEC oil projects is beyond the scope of this report. In
general, however, it might be said that some initial work suggests that the rate of IOC reserve
additions and oil supply output has been less than the rate of growth of overall world demand. The
statistics highlight the constrained world in which the private oil companies continue to operate. At
the end of 1991, the oil and gas reserves of the top 20 private oil companies totalled 50 billion and
33 billion boe respectively. By the end of 2003, just 11 companies survived from mergers and
acquisitions amongst the same group having oil and gas reserves totalling 57 and 40 billion boe
respectively. In other words, throughout the whole of the 1990s reserves growth for oil was just
1.3 per cent per annum and 1.9 per cent for gas.
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The story with respect to production growth is even less impressive. At the end of 1991, oil and
gas production of the top 20 private oil companies totalled 11.8 and 6.2 million boe/d respectively.
By the end of 2003, oil and gas production was 12.6 and 7.7 million boe/d respectively giving an
annual growth rate for oil production of just 0.6 per cent and 2.0 per cent for gas production. Even
with the cost-cutting measures the annual growth in net income has been just 1.9 per cent since
We also intend to examine OPEC, and in particular GCC, investment in the oil industry to examine
whether it has been affected by oil price strength. This study would take into account regional
economics and will also take into account the existing differences between Gulf countries with
respect to openness to foreign direct investment and the participation of international oil
companies in the upstream. On a more theoretical level, attempts have been made in the past to
model the strategies of OPEC countries where models are informed by various assumptions that
are proxies for behaviour and take into account the extremely varied nature of members in terms
of reserves, production, dependence on oil exports, oil/gas ratios, costs, political structure and
decision-making processes, status and structure of the industry and so forth. Such a modelling
exercise is beyond the scope of this study. The reader is referred to, for example, recent work by
Dermot Gately of the Economics Department of New York University, who has attempted to model
behaviour of different OPEC countries. (See for example, Gately, 2003; OPECs Incentives for
Faster Growth, in Energy Journal). Such theoretical work often arrives at the conclusion,
although generally stated more elegantly, that countries will tend to follow the money.
In summary, given the challenges of formulating just what is meant by energy security as
discussed in this report, our conclusion is that there is no prescriptive or optimal oil price band that
will guarantee long term security of supply of energy. We have identified that the broad range of
prices where projects are economic but which do not adversely affect demand is between $8 and
$50 per barrel. We have also shown that an oil price in excess of $20 per barrel is required for
companies and governments to justify investments to shareholders and to balance budgets
respectively. However, prices required by companies and governments are a moving target,
compounded by shifts in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar. In the case of private oil companies,
cost-cutting and new technology could reduce the minimum prices required. In the case of
governments, they would have to diversify their economies and critically examine their budgets.
We do not subscribe to the viewif only because it escapes precisionthat oil prices need to be
sufficiently high and implicitly that some international mechanism should be contrived to ensure
they are, for GCC members to bear the burden of the massive investment required to satisfy
global demand. It is clear that in the case of the GCC, an oil price of just $8 per barrel would be
sufficient in theory to justify investment and raise finance, but for most countries it would fall well
short in practice of meeting their budgetary requirements. Thus any discussion of the optimal
price band must shift to an analysis of micro and macro-economic policies of the countries
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concerned, which is beyond the scope of this study. Instead, we have provided what we consider
to be a reasonable international framework within which to discuss the prospects for oil
developments in the GCC countries, for it is mostly on petroleum that they must build and
eventually diversify their economies.
Finally it must be accepted that finding and defining a price band is not only elusive, it is inherently
dynamic as reflected in the current (early 2005) debate regarding the need for OPEC to define a
new price band, when they should do so, and what should be its boundaries. Even if and when
they do, as soon as the oil price shows signs of resting at or around either the upper or lower
zones of the new band, the dynamics of the market and its various agents would begin to put new
pressures on the price, again begging the question of where to put the boundaries. This is the
world of market uncertainty within which all players, both private and public, must make a set of
calculations, judgements and decisions in allocating capital. This reality of uncertainty will always
pertain, hopefully reduced with increased transparency on supply and demand data; an alternative
world in which governments of all oil producing countries change their laws and effectively
subordinate their sovereignty to some central, global oil supply utility where investments in new
supply are ranked according to a merit order and output is centrally managed and dispatched
accordingly, remains a dream world. This brings us to the conclusion that continued dialogue and
mutual understanding of interests among producers and consumers, such as is offered by the
IEF, is the only path forward to creating the political and economic conditions defining the bilateral
context between the EU and the GCC, which in turn can bolster the feeling of supply security for
the EU and provide the comfort of certainty of demand for the GCC.
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Promoting economic diversification as a tool to
encourage countries holding major hydrocarbon
reserves to increase production in line with growing
global demand at stable prices
Authors: Naji Abi-Aad (Econergy) and Giacomo Luciani
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Economic and Political Conditions for Energy Security
Task Ref.: 1
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
Through supporting economic diversification and development in the Gulf countries, the
European Union may create conditions that will establish clearer incentives for them to
expand their production in line with global requirements. This is because of several
- economic diversification will enhance interdependence, making the major oil producing
countries even more aware of their interest in a stable and healthy international economic
- economic diversification will decrease the overbearing importance of the oil and gas sector
in the formation of Gross Domestic Product, and create conditions to lessen the excessive
dependence of State budgets on oil revenue;
- downstream vertical integration will increase the producers awareness of the market and
consumer demands and of the need on their part to protect the social, in addition to
economic, acceptance of their product by guaranteeing secure and stable supply conditions
and improved product quality, especially with respect to environmental impact.
Economic diversification can be promoted through trade liberalisation and macroeconomic
policies, whose discussion is outside the scope of this project. However, the discussion of
policies best suited to promote downstream integration from crude and gas production into
refining, petrochemicals, GTL and other energy intensive industrial activities is part of the
broader agenda for energy co-operation and will be taken up in this Project.
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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1.4 Promoting economic diversification as a tool to encourage countries holding major hydrocarbon reserves to increase production in line with
growing global demand at stable prices Page 2 of 73
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................... 4
1 Economic diversification in the GCC member countries ........................ 5
2 Expected Impact of Economic Diversification and Issues for
Cooperation.................................................................................................. 11
2.1 On the Preferred Location of Refineries .......................................... 13
2.2 Petrochemical Exports and the Question of Double Pricing .......... 15
2.2.1 Pricing of LPG and Saudi relations with the EU and WTO....... 16
2.2.2 An alternative approach............................................................ 24
2.2.3 Concluding considerations on petrochemicals ......................... 25
2.3 Other Energy Intensive Industries ................................................... 28
2.4 From Exports of Crude Oil to Exports of Energy Intensive Products30
2.5 Downstream Integration as an Opportunity for Environmental
Improvement .............................................................................................. 31
3 Concluding remarks ................................................................................. 33
APPENDIX..................................................................................................... 34
A.1 BAHRAIN.......................................................................................... 34
A.1.1 Oil Refining .................................................................................. 34
A.1.2 Petrochemicals ............................................................................ 35
GPIC....................................................................................................... 35
Nacic Complex .................................................................................... 36
A.1.3 Other industries............................................................................ 36
A.2 KUWAIT............................................................................................ 39
A.2.1 Oil Refining .................................................................................. 39
A.2.2 Petrochemicals ............................................................................ 41
A.2.3 Investments Abroad ..................................................................... 45
A.3 OMAN ............................................................................................... 52
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A.3.1 Oil Refining .................................................................................. 52
A.3.2 Industrial Development ................................................................ 52
A.4 QATAR.............................................................................................. 54
A.4.1 Oil Refining .................................................................................. 54
A.4.2 Fertilizers & Petrochemicals......................................................... 54
A.4.3 Industrial Development ................................................................ 58
A.5 Saudi Arabia .................................................................................... 60
A.5.1 Refining........................................................................................ 60
Table : International joint ventures in refining and marketing ................. 61
A.5.2 Petrochemicals ............................................................................ 62
SABIC..................................................................................................... 62
Developments in petrochemicals: Companies other than SABIC........... 64
A.5.3 Other energy intensive manufacturing ......................................... 66
Basic metal industries: steel ................................................................... 66
Basic metal industries: aluminium........................................................... 66
Construction material industries.............................................................. 67
A.6 UAE................................................................................................... 68
A.6.1 Oil Refineries ............................................................................... 68
Existing Refineries .................................................................................. 68
Umm al-Nar......................................................................................... 68
Jebel Ali............................................................................................... 69
Refining Ventures Abroad....................................................................... 70
A.6.2 Petrochemicals & Fertilizers......................................................... 71
A.6.3 Industrial Development ................................................................ 72
Dubai Aluminium Company (Dubal)........................................................ 72
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Oil producing countries are conscious that oil is a finite, wasting asset, which may one day
become exhausted. Because of this, and because even a rich hydrocarbon resource
endowment cannot be sufficient to meet the expectations of a growing population over the
long run, all oil producing countries pursue the goal of economic diversification. The GCC
countries have in many ways been more successful than others, but still face a considerable
challenge in transforming their economies to the point of being self-sustainable even when
the oil sector will decline.
As long as they remain pure exporters of crude, the GCC countries have all incentive to
maximise oil revenue, even to the detriment of global prosperity. But the more they become
integrated into the global economy, the more their perspective will change. The problem is
especially acute for some of the Gulf countries, which may need to increase their oil
production very significantly in order to satisfy growing global demand in the face of
stagnation or decline in non-OPEC production. Per se, it is not clear that the major GCC
producers will have sufficient incentive to expand their production capacity in line with the
postulates of some current long-term scenarios. However, if greater progress is achieved in
downstream integration, and increasing crude oil production becomes the immediate
prerequisite of accelerated economic diversification, the system of incentives would change
Economic diversification must be based on the areas of strength and comparative advantage.
In this context, diversification into downstream oil production, petrochemicals, and other
energy-intensive industries is of paramount importance. Although there may be other areas in
which the GCC countries may enjoy or acquire competitive advantage, it is difficult to
conceive of a satisfactory scenario of economic diversification that does not make the best of
their resource endowment.
This paper provides first an overview of the progresses of economic diversification in the GCC
member countries with reference, in particular, to petroleum refining, petrochemicals, and
other energy intensive basic industries. In a second section, issues related to diversification
that are relevant to relations with the EU are discussed, including the question of double
pricing for LPG, which continues to be a problem. In a concluding section we offer some
suggestions for more fruitful cooperation.
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1.4 Promoting economic diversification as a tool to encourage countries holding major hydrocarbon reserves to increase production in line with
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1 Economic diversification in the GCC member countries
The GCC countries have had some very significant successes in the drive to diversify their
economies. Measuring the extent of diversification is to some extent controversial, because
the percentage contribution of non-oil sectors to GDP is a function not only of their own
growth and performance, but also of oil production and prices. Hence, whenever oil
production and/or prices decline, the share of non-oil sectors in GDP will increase, giving the
impression of successful diversification; vice versa, whenever oil production or prices
increase, the share of the oil sector in GDP will also increase, and diversification appears to
have suffered a setback. Oil production, and especially oil prices are highly volatile: their
changes year-on-year frequently outpace changes in the non-oil sectors, thus blurring the
measure of diversification.
At the same time, non oil sectors in GDP statistics comprise activities that genuinely
contribute to value added as well as activities whose contribution is questionable, notably
government services. If governments spend more, hire more or increase salaries, GDP will
appear to have grown, while in fact it is not clear that any additional value added has
effectively been created.
In this paper, our emphasis is not so much on economic diversification in general, as on
downstream integration from crude oil production into refining, petrochemicals and other
export-orientate energy intensive sectors. It is the successful expansion of these sectors that
may be expected to set the stage for a more cooperative relationship between the oil
exporting and importing countries, reducing the incentive for rent maximization linked to the
export of a single raw material, and reinforcing the interest in the overall prosperity of the
global economy. The development of import-substituting industry essentially geared to the
domestic market would not have the same impact.
What is the record of GCC member countries investment in these downstream activities?
All GCC countries established at least some domestic refining capability early in their oil
history. A refinery was established in Bahrain already in the 1930s, in Kuwait in 1949, Saudi
Arabia in 1941, Qatar in the 1960s. This early generation of refineries was essentially geared
to the domestic market, as the international oil companies, which controlled the oil sector at
the time, always argued that refining is more economical if located close to the market rather
than to the source of crude.
As control over the oil industry shifted to the producing countries, a new generation of
refineries was inaugurated in the 1970s and early 1980s. The oil producing countries had
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claimed for a larger share in the value added of the industry and were eager to integrate
downstream, including in establishing tanker fleets for transporting their crude. For example,
in the 1970s Saudi Arabia offered access to its crude, at a time when it was priced at a
discount with respect to other crudes, to companies investing in export refineries in
association with Saudi Aramco. This is the origin of the two joint-venture refineries (SAMREF
at Yanbu originally a joint-venture with Mobil, today Exxon-Mobil - and SASREF at Jubail
a joint venture with Shell Oil) in Saudi Arabia.
However, the initial enthusiasm for integration downstream was dampened by developments
in subsequent years. This was the result of a combination of factors:
The profitability of upstream investment was systematically better than in refining; this was the
result in normal times of the relatively high prices of crude, while refining suffered from
excess capacity and competition, following the decline in global demand for oil products in the
early 1980s
The crude oil production of the GCC countries declined, in the case of Saudi Arabia
dramatically so; this led to a shift in emphasis from maximisation of domestic value added to
defence of market share, and the market appeared to demand crude oil rather than oil
Not all refining ventures were equally successful. Some were quite problematic and have
remained so for a long time notably the Rabigh refinery, which has been producing an
unsatisfactory product slate. The situation there is expected to finally improve after Sumitomo
was the winner in an open contest for investment and modernisation of the refinery, launched
by Saudi Aramco in 2004.
In addition to these economic factors, there were the consequences of regional conflict, which
led to the loss of refining capacity, notably in Kuwait.
In short, refining capacity in the GCC member countries remained essentially stagnant
throughout the latter part of the 1980s and the 1990s. However, since the late 1990s there
has been renewed interest in refining projects, and a new generation of refineries or
expansion of existing refineries is currently underway:
Bahrain has refining capacity of 265,000 b/d; new investment is underway to improve the
refinerys product slate, although an increase in primary distillation is not envisaged (the
refinery essentially processes Saudi crude, and exports its products).
Kuwait has three operating refineries for a total primary distillation capacity of about 900,000
b/d, and is considering a fourth grassroots refinery.
Oman has an 80,000 b/d refinery in operation and a 116,400 b/d refinery in construction,
expected to be operational in 2006
Qatar expanded its refining capacity in 2002, bringing it to 137,000 b/d
Saudi Arabia has seven refineries for a total capacity of 1.786 million b/d. The modernisation
of the Rabigh refinery will add new units but is not expected to expand the primary distillation
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capacity of 340,000 b/d. Lately, the Saudi authorities have been inviting investors to consider
new grass root refining projects (notably investors from China and India, as well as domestic).
Abu Dhabi has two refineries; total capacity increased from 211,00 to 508,000 b/d in 2000.
The renewed interest in refining projects is tied to transformations in the international oil
The market share of the GCC countries is unlikely to be in danger in the foreseeable future,
and they will be able to sell products rather than crude, if they so wish.
Demand is increasing in the East and in the United States, i.e. in markets where refining
capacity is scarce. In 2004, a debate raged on whether tensions in oil prices were due to
actual scarcity of crude or of refining capacity in the US and the Saudi Minister of Petroleum
even offered to invest in a new refinery in the United States.
The wisdom of locating refineries close to markets rather than to the source of crude is
beginning to be challenged.
The lack of expansion in refining capacity for a decade and a half has hindered the full
development of the petrochemical industry, restricting it to those products that can be derived
from gas (methane, ethane or LPG). At least in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the expansion of
petrochemicals production has also suffered because of insufficient availability of gas. In
Saudi Arabia, associated gas production declined in the mid 1980s in parallel with lower oil
production in fact one of the key determinants of the shift in Saudi oil policy in 1985 was the
need to maintain a minimum supply of associated gas to the domestic industry.
Although it is certainly the case that the major cost advantage of petrochemical Gulf
producers is tied to the availability of cheap gas feedstock; however, the cracking of naphtha
and other refinery streams would complement the current array of products, allowing the Gulf
petrochemical producers to compete globally with an improved range of products. In this light,
it is to be noted that at least two of the refining expansion projects (Rabigh in Saudi Arabia
and the Sohar refinery in Oman) are specifically slated to feed into petrochemical plants.
Notwithstanding the limitations imposed by the uncertain availability of feedstock, expansion
of petrochemicals production has continued at a very fast pace, especially in Bahrain, Qatar
and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia specifically, the pace of growth could have been faster in
the 1990s, had more gas been available as feedstock for petrochemical plants; but this
problem has now been solved, and growth is again projected to be very vigorous in the
coming years. Several private business enterprises are entering the field in addition to the
traditional dominant presence of SABIC. Qatar has not experienced the same problem, and
has achieved very high growth rates. For details in petrochemicals developments country by
country, see the Appendix.
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The GCC states and Iran will become the worlds largest producer and exporter of
petrochemicals and plastics by the year 2005
. Cumulative total investments in GCC
petrochemical industries stood at $37bn at the end of 2002. Further investments totalling
more than $40bn were expected by 2010. Annual exports of all petrochemical products from
the GCC have already crossed the 30mn t/y mark. This will increase to 40mn t/y by the end of
Some of the major projects in the pipeline at the time of writing are as follows:
x In addition to SABIC expansions, Saudi Aramco and Japan's Sumitomo are planning
a 1.2mn t/y ethylene cracker and downstream units for completion in 2009.
x The National Petrochemical Industrialization Company and Saudi International
Petrochemical Company are planning two crackers of 1mn t/y each in the kingdom.
x The privately-owned Saudi firm, Project Management and Development, is planning a
1.3mn t/y cracker complex and amines plant to produce 3mn t/y by 2010.
x Kuwaits Equate joint venture with Dow expects to have a second ethylene cracker
on-stream by the end of 2007.
x Qatar is building two crackers, with capacities of 1.3mn t/y and 1.4mn t/y, due on-
stream by 2009 and 2011.
x In the UAE, Borealis and ADNOC are planning a 1.2mn t/y cracker to come on-
stream in 2009.
x In Oman, Dow and the Omani government have announced plans to build and
operate a world-scale petrochemicals complex.
Downstream of these new crackers, petrochemical producers and their joint-venture partners
in the GCC will bring on-stream an additional 10.4mn t/y of polyethylene between now and
If the rapid pace of new projects in the GCC countries is confirmed, we should conclude that
the industry has reached its phase of fastest growth. In the typical logistical growth curve of
any new industry, the initial quarter century, from the mid-70s to the turn of the century, has
seen accelerating growth still kept in check by several obstacles, and the next two decades
may witness explosive growth until the Gulf producers market share grows enough that it will
be limited by global demand growth. At the current high price levels of crude oil (and of
natural gas in the United States), much of the production of commodity petrochemicals in the
Presentation by Homood al-Tuwaijri, Vice President, Petrochemicals Coordination, of Saudi Basic
Industries Corporation (SABIC) at the 3rd International Middle East Petrochemicals Conference in Dubai
on 22 November 2004 (MEES VOL XLVII NO 48 29 November 2004, page 3-4).
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US and Europe cannot resist the competition. Major companies have been exiting the field
(Total and ExxonMobil, which are remaining in petrochemicals, are the exception), and Gulf
producers may have several opportunities for picking up divested assets, following the
example of SABICs acquisition of DSMs petrochemicals activities.
Diversification has also continued in other energy-intensive lines of production, notably
aluminium, steel and steel products, cement and other building materials.
For aluminium, GCC production capacity is expected to increase from 1.198 million tons
currently to 2.8 million tons by the end of the decade, with new projects being launched in
Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai and Oman.
GCC Aluminum Production Capacity
Company Current 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010
Alba (Bahrain) 512,000 819,000 819,000 819,000 819,000 819,000
Dubal (Dubai) 686,000 686,000 761,000 761,000 761,000 761,000
Sohar Aluminium
Company (Oman)
- - - 330,000 330,000 660,000
QP/Norsk Hydro
- - - - 570,000 570,000
Total 1,198,000 1,505,000 1,580,000 1,910,000 2,480,000 2,810,000
Source: MEES 47:50 13 December 2004 page A16
It is also possible that Saudi Arabia may enter the field and launch its own aluminium project:
this is indeed expected to be the case in conjunction with the development of indigenous
bauxite deposits in the North of the country.
As for iron and steel, Plants exist in Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and are planned in Oman
and the UAE.
x In Bahrain, the Gulf Industrial Investment Company has a direct reduction plant for
the production of 2 million tons/year of hot briquetted iron. The company is fully
owned by Brasilian Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, the worlds largest iron ore
x In Qatar, Qasco is expanding its production capacity to 1.5 million tons/year of steel
products and 500,000 tons of molten steel by 2005-06.
David Knott Middle East Polyolefins Expansion Forces Rethink Among IOCs, MEES VOL
XLVIII NO 8, 21 February 2005, page 3-6
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x In Saudi Arabia, SABIC Metals was founded in 1983 with an initial production
capacity of 800,000 t/y. Since its formation, annual production capacity has
increased, reaching 3.9mn t/y of finished products in 2003, ranking number one in the
Middle East. This represented 27% of the total Arab countries production in the same
year. SABICs wholly owned HADEED (Saudi Iron & Steel Co) affiliate produces flat,
hot and cold rolled steel for the expanding Saudi and regional engineering and
manufacturing industries. Expansion of its capacity for the additional production of
1mn t/y of flat steel products is scheduled for 2006.
x In Oman, Abu Dhabis Al Ghaith Holding will construct a $750mn steel mill at the
Sohar Industrial Port. Phase one of the project which will be called Shadeed Iron
and Steel LLC will require an investment of $350mn and be operational in the first
quarter of 2007 with the capacity to produce 720,000 tons of HDRI/HBI (Hot Direct
Reduced Iron and Hot Briquetted Iron) and 500,000 t/y of billets. The three-phased
project will ultimately have the capacity to produce 4mn t/y of steel products by 2010.
x Finally, in the UAE The Gulf Investment Company (GIC) has plans for a $200mn
stainless steel project to produce 90,000 tons/year of stainless steel, with start-up
scheduled for 2007. In addition, the Abu Dhabi Investment Company (ADIC) plans to
set up a steel plant in Fujairah in collaboration with local partners. The proposed plant
will consist of a 1.2mn tons/year unit producing sponge iron, integrated with a 1.18mn
t/y unit producing steel billets by means of a meltshop and continuous caster.
Therefore, we may conclude that the pace of growth in the aluminium and iron and steel
industries is also accelerating, and the economics of these industries in the Gulf are on very
firm ground. It should be recalled that the local demand, especially in conjunction with the
building boom in all countries in the region (and in coming years, presumably also in Iraq)
constitutes a strong base on which an export-orientated industry can be established, in
addition to the favourable prices of energy.
In short, economic diversification in the GCC is an ongoing reality, although the pace of it
needs to be accelerated further. There have been points of friction between the EU and the
GCC notably with respect to imports of petrochemical products and aluminium, and a balance
will need to be struck between the protectionist instinct of European industries that feel more
or less challenged by the new dynamism of Gulf industrial expansion, and the broader interest
of guaranteeing security of oil and gas supplies by favouring their transformation into other
intermediate products, and more closely and satisfactorily integrating the GCC countries in
the global economy.
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2 Expected Impact of Economic Diversification and Issues
for Cooperation
To the GCC member countries, economic diversification will open the door to the possibility of
diversifying the revenue sources of the state and reduce direct dependency on oil revenue.
Achieving economic diversification represents the essential developmental challenge for the
GCC member countries, and any long-term cooperation between the EU and the GCC in oil
and gas related issues can only be based on contributing to the essential objective of
economic diversification. The success of the GCC member countries development policies
cannot be a matter of indifference for the EU and indeed for all the industrial countries,
because if these policies are not successful it is inevitable that the region will remain unstable,
and the attitude of governments will focus exclusively on maximising short-term oil and gas
revenue, rather than pursuing a cooperative approach.
Currently, in the GCC member countries an excessively high share of government revenue is
directly derived from the oil sector, creating very wide fluctuations that undermine fiscal
stability. It is widely recognised that at least recurrent government expenditure should
preferably be financed by way of taxation on economic activity, which in turn presupposes
diversification and the development of non-traditional (i.e. non-crude oil) exports. Oil revenue
is in the nature of liquidation of a wasting asset, and should therefore be targeted exclusively
to investment in the logic of substituting one asset with another productive asset.
Development of non-oil revenue sources will allow for pursuing an oil policy that is more
focused on the long run and less conditioned by the immediate revenue needs of the state
budget. However, there is little or no prospect of developing non-oil revenue unless the
process of economic diversification leads to the birth of internationally competitive industries,
and to the expansion of domestic value added generation, constituting a viable fiscal base.
To the extent that the GCC economies will diversify, their linkages to the international
economy will become more complex and less one-dimensional than they are at present.
Although it is already the case that these countries have substantial vested interest in the
stability and prosperity of the global economy - and indeed they behave to avoid major
disruptions that might lead to a recessionary impact - nevertheless the predominant interest
presently remains the maximisation of oil and gas export revenue. It is only through
successful economic diversification and the development of a broad spectrum of non-oil
exports that the structure of the matrix of interests may evolve, and the basis of cooperation
will be established.
In the long run, the GCC member countries must become fully industrialised, and assimilated
to the industrial countries that are members of the OECD. Several OECD member countries
are also major oil exporters, Norway first and foremost, and they too of course care about
maximising their oil and gas export revenue, however the quality of relations with them is
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widely perceived to be more cooperative than with the GCC member countries. The
difference clearly lies in the level of industrialisation.
Downstream integration, including in refining and marketing in the major importing countries,
creates greater market stability by facilitating the feedback from the final consumer market to
the upstream producer. Greater awareness of consumer demands, better control of market
share, greater attention to product quality, are all-important to preserve consumer acceptance
in the long run. Major oil producers should be concerned that the consumer identifies their
product as desirable and convenient, not just a lesser evil which unfortunately cannot be
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2.1 On the Preferred Location of Refineries
As is clear from the country-by-country review of developments proposed in the Appendix, all
GCC countries are presently implementing major expansion projects of their refining capacity.
We can speak of a turnaround that has taken place in the last ten years, following a decade
or longer in which refining capacity had essentially stagnated due to poor refining margins.
A debate exists between different currents of thought on the desirability from the producing
countries point of view of downstream integration into refining and marketing. The profession
is divided on whether refineries are more economically located close to the market or close to
the source of the oil. Historically, refineries were initially located closer to the source of the oil,
but the limited cost of transporting oil and the advantage of being in closer contact with the
market led to progressively displacing refineries close to the market.
The trade off between locating refineries closer to the source rather than to the market is
clear: if the refinery is close to the source, only the relevant products need to be transported
over a long distance to the market, with considerable reduction in the volumes transported. It
is however the case that products are commonly transported in smaller ships, therefore the
unit cost is higher. Nevertheless, there appears to be no overwhelming reason why products
should be transported in smaller ships: the latter is rather the result of the fact that refineries
have been built close to the market, and products are transported on smaller distances. In
other words, the fact that refineries were built close to the market was the cause, not the
consequence, of the fact that transporting products is more expensive.
Although it is normally concluded that transporting crude oil is cheaper than transporting
products, and refineries therefore ought to be located close to the market, products are
nevertheless normally transported over long distances to arbitrage different demand
structures in different markets. It is certainly not the case that products do not travel: the
discussion should be couched in terms of whether it might not be economic or logical to
transport relatively more products and relatively less crude oil.
Environmental issues also come into play, and may change the relative economics of
transporting products vs. crude, especially in the light of the requirement for double hull crude
carriers. Transporting lighter products poses less of a hazard to the natural environment in the
event of an accident, while the worst hazard is created by the transport of heavy fuel oil.
Therefore, from the point of view of preserving the environment one would wish to minimise
the transport of heavy fuel oil, and subordinately also of crude, and maximise the transport of
lighter, volatile products. The EUs stated intention of pursuing a reduction in the maritime
transport of crude oil across the Mediterranean in order to reduce the potential environmental
impact of accidents at sea would best be served by promoting refining close to the source and
transportation of lighter, more volatile products, accompanied by severe restrictions on the
transportation of heavy fuel oil. The alternative of developing transportation of crude oil by
pipeline is not always viable, and would add prohibitively to transportation costs. (Pipeline
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transport of crude is an option only for Russia and Caspian crude, because sources do not
have easy access to the high seas anyhow.) Any economic or administrative tool to
discourage tanker transportation of crude oil across the Mediterranean will greatly enhance
the attractiveness of refining in the Gulf.
Importing countries have tended to acquire their own refining capacity to an extent close to
self-sufficiency or even exceeding it in the belief that this would enhance their security of
supply. A refinery located close to the market may procure crude oil from various alternative
sources, taking advantage of competition between different producers and affording greater
security. However, the products market is also very liquid, and could be even more so,
meaning that the argument is much less compelling that it may appear at first sight.
Furthermore, strategic storage of oil products can deliver much greater security than the
strategic storage of crude. Not all oil products may be said to be equally essential, and the
storing of products may allow guaranteeing consumption of the essential needs for a longer
period, coeteris paribus. It is noteworthy that the EU strategic storage policy is essentially
aimed at guaranteeing the storage of products, while the US policy appears to be primarily
geared to the storing of crude (see the report for subtask 2.3 in this project).
The case for importing a higher proportion of products relative to crude than is presently the
case may be especially cogent for developing countries that are experiencing very high
growth rates in the demand for oil products, and may achieve much better return on
investment by allocating scarce financial resources to other lines of production rather than
petroleum refining which is the most capital intensive and creates the least employment.
As for the industrial countries, refineries have long been the least beloved segment of the
integrated oil companies, and frequent attempts have been made to restructure the sector
and reduce capacity. This has generally pitched companies against governments, because
restructuring is facilitated by cooperation between all oil companies, i.e. by restriction of
competition. National governments and the EU commission have opposed this, preventing oil
companies from implementing cooperative agreements aiming at reducing refining capacity.
In other words, the competition authorities in the industrial countries may have slowed down a
process of industry restructuring which is widely recognised to be necessary and in the best
interest of the consumer in the longer run.
In addition, environmental requirements (especially the requirement for site restoration) have
greatly increased the cost of permanently shutting down a refinery, encouraging less drastic
approaches. The resulting excess capacity has depressed refinery returns, thus also
hindering the upgrading of refineries and the improvement of the quality of products. Product
quality has changed anyhow, primarily as a result of regulatory pressure rather than
competitive forces. Because of national or state (in the US) peculiarities in the relevant
regulations, this has led to multiplication of product quality standards, which in turn is now an
argument supporting the need for refineries to be located close to markets.
In short, it is not clear that the alleged advantage of locating refineries close to markets rather
than close to the source of crude oil reflects truly objective and technical factors, rather than
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artificial obstacles brought about by legal and regulatory specificities. A broader discussion
and assessment may be in order, especially in the light of environmental considerations, and
of the increased priority attributed by the European Commission to reducing the volumes of
crude oil that are shipped by tanker, especially in enclosed seas such as the Mediterranean.
However, a dialogue between the EU and the GCC on the optimal location of refining would
be made more difficult by the fact that European demand for crude oil is expected to remain
almost stationary, and little additional refining capacity will be required to serve the European
market. In addition, because of the expected increase in the availability on the Mediterranean
of crude oils from various sources outside the GCC, it is possible that the share of European
demand, which will be satisfied by imports from the GCC, will decline. That said, the
Mediterranean basin is expected to see continued excess supply of heavy fuel oil, which will
have to seek a market Eastward, outside of the basin. This may be viewed as good reason for
aiming at further reducing refining capacity on the Mediterranean, and instead rely on imports
of the required light products, notably diesel.
This analysis points to the possibility that the GCC countries may to some extent change their
profile and become suppliers of more products and less crude oil to the Mediterranean market
while at the same time extending their marketing presence in the European markets, so as
to better control their market outlets and share.
From the point of view of the European Union, the potential advantages and disadvantages of
this possible evolution should be weighted carefully. It is likely that this evolution might be
resisted or encouraged through appropriate regulatory decisions, on a wide range of aspects
going from environmental requirements for the transport of crude oil and oil products, to
requirements for holding of strategic stocks, or relevant rules pertaining to the closing of
refining capacity.
The consideration of advantages and disadvantages should be conducted in the light of the
previously exposed arguments in favour of supporting the economic diversification of the
GCC member countries. If we accept the hypothesis that supporting GCC economic
diversification will contribute to the security and stability of supplies, then surely facilitating
downstream integration of the oil producers into refining is a step in the right direction.
2.2 Petrochemical Exports and the Question of Double Pricing
The rapid growth of production of commodity petrochemicals in the oil producing countries
has been viewed as a threat by the industry in Europe. The European chemical industry has
for many years claimed that petrochemicals production in the GCC countries was unduly
subsidised, and successfully bid for protection. This has been a serious bone of contention in
EU-GCC relations ever since the signing of the 1988 cooperation agreement.
In the context of EU-GCC relations it is extremely important to reach an agreement opening
the door to greater openness of the European petrochemical products market. As the country-
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by-country review in the previous section indicates, all GCC member countries have
ambitious programs to develop their petrochemical exports. With the exception of Saudi
Arabia, all GCC member countries are members of the WTO, and no action has been initiated
under the WTO to argue that the production of petrochemicals is subsidised, and to obtain the
withdrawal of subsidies. Indeed, the fact that petrochemical production is expanding also in
countries where the industry depends on imported feedstock, such as Bahrain or Dubai,
proves that subsidies cannot be the reason for the industrys success and competitiveness.
The question of subsidies, or double pricing remains open only in the case of Saudi Arabia;
it pertains specifically to the price at which LPG is sold to the petrochemical plants, which
differs from the export price of LPG as fuel. A significant evolution in this respect took place
on 1 September 2003, when the EU and Saudi Arabia signed the agreement concluding the
bilateral market access negotiations for the accession of Saudi Arabia to the WTO. Among
various other issues, it was announced that the deal had also solved the issue of double
pricing of LPG. The establishment of a GCC customs union also formally removed the major
obstacle to the conclusion of the long-proposed EU-GCC free trade area, within which the
exchange of petrochemical products will be fully liberalised. However, in practice the issue
has not yet been solved, as the European Commission continues to object to the Saudi
system of pricing LPG as feedstock, and the implementation of the GCC customs union is
quite imperfect.
In the light of the above, the rest of this section is devoted to an in-depth discussion of the
economic aspects of LPG pricing in Saudi Arabia. A discussion of legal aspects is found in
the appendix to the report on subtask 5.2. of this project.
2.2.1 Pricing of LPG and Saudi relations with the EU and WTO
The issue of pricing of LPG for use as petrochemical feedstock has plagued relations
between Saudi Arabia (and, by implication, the Gulf Cooperation Council) and the European
Union (and, again by implication, the WTO) for the last 15 years at least.
In this section, we shall discuss some key features of the LPG market and conclude by
suggesting a course of action, which the Saudi government may undertake in order to
preserve its strategic interest in fostering the industrial transformation of LPG while
overcoming the objections of the European Commission.
The essence of our approach is that it is in the best long-term commercial interest of Saudi
Aramco to acquire as large as possible a captive customer base for LPG. The reasoning is
based on a set of propositions, as follows:
LPG is a joint product of either oil or dry gas production, or of refining; in all cases, they are
almost invariably a subsidiary, not the main product. Hence the market for LPG is highly
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There is, properly speaking, no international price of LPG. Prices vary very significantly on the
basis of distance and local supply conditions. The Saudi contract price is a reference for the
Far Eastern LPG markets, but does not determine the price there. Prices elsewhere in the
world are not directly related.
It is expected that the global supply of LPG will grow rapidly and outstrip demand. Large LPG
producers may face a weak market unless they develop new, preferably captive customers.
LPG is used as premium fuel in stationary uses, automotive fuel in countries/regions where
the required distribution infrastructure exists, or industrial feedstock: each of these three
markets has entirely different characteristics, and should be addressed by a different
marketing strategy.
Captive lifters of LPG will go ahead with their investment only if they are reasonably assured
that the feedstock will be available at competitive conditions. The LPG producer wishing to
acquire a large captive customer base must therefore offer an attractive deal to investors
accepting to put themselves in the position of being captive customers.
LPG is used as feedstock almost exclusively in plants that are close to the location of
production and linked to it by pipeline (captive customers). Plants that are not close to a
source of LPG and/or are not supplied by pipeline normally use naphtha as feedstock.
Therefore, petrochemical producers outside of Saudi Arabia cannot claim that Saudi
Aramcos pricing of LPG for shipment to remote customers damages them, because they do
not use Saudi LPG as their feedstock anyhow.
We now consider each of the above propositions in greater detail.
1. LPG is a joint product and the market is highly volatile.
Poten & Partners presented the keynote address at the International LPG Seminar held by
the LPG Center of Japan on February 26-27, 2004 in Tokyo. The introductory passage stated:
LPG, as a by-product of oil and gas production, has always been a supply-driven business.
Thus field development will usually depend on the prospects for oil and gas sales, not for
LPG. Someone within the marketing department will simply be told to go out and sell the LPG.
Demand for LPG therefore tends to be a secondary issue. We know that the LPG is being
produced. We look at the trading distance to markets and the prices there to see where the
LPG will go.
The seasonality of the market is a well-known feature. The monthly average international
price for propane for the period 1995-2000 has oscillated from a minimum of 170 US$ per ton
in May to above 250 US$ per ton in December. Such acute seasonality unrelated to crude
oil price movements demonstrates the importance for major producers to develop a large
captive industrial customer base. In fact, industrial customers will absorb LPG regularly at all
times of the year, reducing the producers exposure to a disappearing demand in the Summer
months. Notwithstanding such large price excursion, customers generally do not find it
convenient to buy LPG when the price is low primarily because storage is very expensive.
Neither do customers find it convenient to switch from LPG to a different feedstock or fuel or
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very few do so, otherwise seasonality would not be as pronounced. This clearly indicates that
a major producer of LPG should very much worry about establishing a captive customer base
for its product, which will provide a stable demand throughout the year. Any producer of any
good or service does exactly this, attempting to tie clients through a variety of techniques,
and offering hefty discounts to regular and large customers.
2. There is no international price of LPG
There is no international price of LPG in the sense of a global market moving concurrently
with substantial arbitration. LPG does not travel easily: it requires chilling, dedicated loading
and handling facilities, and specialised vessels. Transport is therefore expensive, and flows
are not easily redirected in the short term.
Consequently, prices simply are very much different depending on location and trading
conditions. For example, in the first quarter of 2002 the average price for butane in the Gulf
was 185 $/t, while in North West Europe it was 175 $/t; in the first quarter of the following year
(i.e. the same period - seasonality should not be involved), it was 350 $/t in the Gulf and 302
$/t in North West Europe. These numbers demonstrate both volatility and the limits of
arbitrage: Gulf LPG travels to the Far East, obviously not to Europe, where prices are
considerably cheaper; but LPG does not travel from Europe to the Far East!
We can add a small example of price variations along the same pipeline: on a random recent
day (March 11, 2004) the price for propane on the Cochin pipeline (Canada/US) was as
Location $/m
price quoted on
price quoted on
Sarnia 206
Oakville price quoted on
price quoted on
Difference between Edmonton
and Montreal: 34%
Source Conoco Phillips website
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The marginal price in each location will vary with trading conditions there. However, this
certainly does not mean that all customers pay the marginal price, because no industrial
customer could survive the uncertainty.
It should be noted that the so-called Saudi contract price certainly couldnt be assumed to be
independent of the volumes on offer. A substantial increase in available volumes would
immediately depress the price, and vice versa. In this sense, establishing a large captive
customer base allows Saudi Aramco to rely less on spot international sales, and is
instrumental in fetching better prices on the non-captive spot and term markets, where LPG is
primarily bought as fuel.
3. Supply of LPG will grow rapidly.
It is expected that LPG production will increase rapidly in the coming years, initially primarily
West of Suez, in later years (to the end of the decade) East of Suez as well. A good part of
the additional supply is expected to come from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries,
meaning that Saudi Aramco may expect to face especially difficult trading conditions unless it
multiplies efforts to build up a captive customer base.
LPG is produced primarily from separation from crude oil and associated gas. The supply of
LPG is therefore directly related to the production of crude oil. But the installed capacity of
LPG recovery plants, although recently very much increased, is not sufficient to treat all the
available production of associated gas. Additional plants are under construction, and new
capacity will be commissioned in the coming years.
The Middle East countries will continue the process already started in the 80s and 90s that
allowed them to almost double the capacity of their LPG recovery plants. Qatar and Iran will
record the highest annual growth rates of production, while Saudi Arabia will remain the major
player in the region.
The total supply of LPG (including the production of refineries and the amounts obtained from
non-associated gas) can be forecast as follows:
(million tons)
1983 1993 2003 2010 1983-93
World total 99.5 141.5 198.2 253.0 3.8% 3.6% 3.5%
of which Europe 15.5 19.5 23.2 25.0 2.3% 1.8% 1.1%
US 27.0 31.6 37.4 43.0 1.6% 1.7% 1.8%
Saudi Arabia 8.1 15.5 17.8 22.0 8.3% 1.3% 3.1%
Qatar 0.6 1.3 2.4 5.0 9.7% 7.6% 14.2%
Iran 0.6 2.4 4.3 10.0 27.7% 7.6% 16.4%
Other M. East 5.4 9.3 13.0 20.0 6.6% 3.6% 6.7%
Rest of World 42.3 62.1 100.3 128.0 4.3% 5.6% 3.5%
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The Saudi share of total world production is therefore expected to decline slightly, but Saudi
Aramco will remain by far the largest exporter.
All expert analysis of the LPG market concur on the conclusion that the market of LPG, and
particularly that of Butane, will be in surplus in the coming years and prices will decline in
comparison with those of oil and of major hydrocarbons.
The expected strong increase of international trading activity will require aggressive
marketing on the part of the sellers that, as shown in the following table, will be concentrated
in Middle East.
(million tons)
1983 1993 2003 2010
Europe (Imports) (1.6) (4.3) (1.5) (2.1)
US (Imports) (1.7) (1.7) (4.7) (2.4)
Japan (Imports) (10.5) (15.4) (13.5) (14.6)
Saudi Arabia Exports 7.7 13.6 10.3 13.4
Other M. E. Exports 4.7 8.5 13.0 24.3
It should again be noted that the price on the non-captive spot and term market (i.e. the Saudi
contract price) is directly influenced by volumes available, and the latter are determined not
just by production capacity, but also by the extent of the captive customer base.
4. Different uses of LPG
There are three main categories of LPG users:
Thermal uses: LPG is normally used worldwide in pollution-sensitive areas to heat
households and commercial establishments in competition with low sulphur fuels (natural gas,
kerosene and gasoil).
Automotive uses: LPG can be blended with gasoline in refineries, or used directly in engines,
competing with gasoline, diesel oil and in some cases also with compressed natural gas.
Chemical feedstock: LPG is used in Europe to supplement virgin naphtha in ethylene
crackers. In the U.S., the large supply of domestically produced, relatively cheap LPG has led
to the establishment of dedicated LPG crackers. Competition is with ethane, virgin naphtha
and gasoil. Furthermore, LPG can be used as feedstock for Butane dehydrogenation to
produce Butadiene and Isobutylene (a source of gasoline blendstocks like Alkylate, MTBE,
etc.) in competition with streams from refinery crackers.
According to the products LPG competes with, some of these uses (like household heating
and automotive fuel) are classified as premium. The strong sensitivity to pollution in Japan,
which is the consuming area with the highest LPG prices in the world, leads to classify as
premium also part of the bulk thermal uses in this country which relies on imports of clean
fuels for a large part of its energy needs.
However, a surplus of LPG is foreseen in the next few years, because:
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in Europe and Japan, the two big importing areas, the premium markets are almost saturated
and will develop very slowly in the future;
in the U.S., the implementation of progressively lower volatility limits on motor gasoline and
the phase-out of demand of butanes as feedstock for MTBE plants has reduced total demand
for LPG, notwithstanding the balancing effect of its increasing use as a feedstock for ethylene
This potential surplus may be avoided if a larger share of the increasing volumes of LPG
would penetrate into the petrochemical market, as feedstock to ethylene crackers and other
downstream transformation plants.
The increasing incidence of LPG usage in the petrochemical market can be forecasted as
(as percent of total demand)
1983 1993 2003 2010
Europe 9% 22% 19% 25%
US 24% 31% 30% 31%
Japan 10% 10% 10% 10%
Saudi Arabia 0 3% 18% 16%
Other Middle East 0 0 1% 4%
The above table also demonstrates that the penetration of LPG for petrochemical
transformation in Saudi Arabia is still far from satisfactory. Petrochemical lifters account for
30% of LPG demand in the US and 19% in Europe, expected to grow in both cases. In Saudi
Arabia, the share of petrochemical lifters is still only 18%. Considering the importance of
Saudi production and the extreme exposure of Saudi Aramco to the vagaries of the spot and
term markets, it would be advisable for Saudi Aramco to pursue the target of acquiring a
captive customer base for at least 50% of its production. In fact, the stated government policy
is to reach 100% domestic transformation of LPG.
It should be noted that is has been calculated that in order for LPG to compete with naphtha
in crackers in NW Europe, the price ratio of LPG to naphtha should be about .7, while in
actual fact in 2002-3 it has been on average 1.07 in the NW European market. It should
further be noted that the price of LPG for domestic Saudi Arabian petrochemical users - as
calculated on the basis of the current formula for 2003 - is in any case above the level which
would enable it to compete with naphtha in NW European crackers. This is because the
formula is based on a link to naphtha prices in Japan, which are higher. It follows that, even if
European petrochemical lifters were allowed to purchase LPG at the prices currently reserved
to domestic petrochemical plants, they would still be better off purchasing naphtha on the NW
European market.
5. The point of view of captive lifters
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The competitiveness of a petrochemical plant is essentially determined by the decision on its
location. The key requirement of a competitive petrochemical location is that it should offer
reliable and competitively priced feedstock. For this reason, petrochemical plants display a
strong tendency to cluster around major oil production or refining centres.
Generally speaking, feedstocks have location-specific prices, and arbitrage is limited. This
has to do with limited availability of transportation facilities and high transportation costs.
Indeed, the stream of decisions concerning the location of new petrochemical plants is an
essential arbitrage mechanism, in the sense that some price equalisation is brought about
not so much by transporting feedstock, but by locating new plants close to available sources
of cheap feedstock.
Petrochemical producers constantly scout for locations offering advantageous feedstock
supply to establish additional production capacity. In the process of selecting the optimal
location for additional plants, prospective petrochemical investors must be assured of
advantageous conditions prevailing over the entire life span of the plant. In most cases, a
plant might become a total loss, or its competitiveness seriously impaired, if the intended
source of feedstock dries up or its relative cost is substantially altered. No prospective
investor will go ahead with its project unless the feedstock producer is willing to guarantee
adequate volume at competitive prices. This is true not just in Saudi Arabia, but also
anywhere in the world new petrochemical plants are located.
The nature of the relationship between the petrochemical user and the supplier of feedstock
may differ depending on local conditions. Some petrochemical producers choose to locate
their plants where multiple potential suppliers of feedstock are present, in order to exploit the
competition between them. This is the case for most of the US petrochemical industry, which
clusters around the Gulf of Mexico for exactly this reason. In these locations, the lifter may not
be a captive client of any one producer in particular. But elsewhere in the world, a
downstream plant will always seek a preferential relationship with a specific feedstock source
be it a refinery or an oil or gas field and become a captive client of the latter. Both sides
have an interest in this relationship, the feedstock producer because it acquires a captive
client, the petrochemical producer because it acquires an advantageous feedstock supply.
Under no circumstance can this relationship be dependent on the vagaries of the spot and
term market for the same feedstock when used as fuel by lifters that are free to source their
supplies from elsewhere, or shift to alternative fuels.
LPG producers wishing to establish a captive customer base must therefore compete in the
market for attracting new petrochemical investment which is also a very competitive market.
From this point of view, it is seen that it is a fallacy to state that the price currently offered to
petrochemical producers in Saudi Arabia is not determined by the market: it is indeed
determined by the market and by international competition, except that the competition is
primarily for attracting new petrochemical plants, rather than selling LPG in the short term.
6. The irrelevance of the Saudi LPG Contract Price for petrochemical producers
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The argument according to which producers outside Saudi Arabia are discriminated against
because they must buy LPG at the Saudi contract price rather than at the price which is
offered to captive industrial users is a total fallacy, because the Saudi LPG contract price is
entirely irrelevant for petrochemical producers, especially petrochemical producers in Europe.
No European petrochemical producer would buy LPG for cracking even if it were offered at
the same price at which it is offered today to captive industrial users because the cost of
transportation and handling combined with the lower value of the final product slate would
make this LPG non competitive with naphtha from European refineries.
The success of petrochemical producers in Saudi Arabia and in other oil and gas producing
countries is measured by their growing global market share. This in turn is the result of
demand growing more rapidly than domestic supply capacity in several markets, notably in
the Far East. The growth of the European petrochemical industry has been handicapped by
the decline in refinery runs and increasing competition in Far Eastern markets. That said, the
European petrochemical industry remains competitive at the level of production, which is
afforded by the availability of locally produced feedstock and for serving the domestic
European market. A proof of the fact that the European petrochemical industry is not suffering
because of unfair competition is in the fact that SABIC itself is expanding its production
capacity in Europe, following the acquisition of DSMs petrochemical activities.
The Saudi contract price is determined by supply and demand on a totally unrelated market
the market for LPG as premium fuel in the Far East. Arguing that Saudi industrial customers
are subsidised because they pay a lower price is again a total fallacy, because such lower
price is in any case well above cost, and does not constitute a subsidy in any sense.
The above considerations should be sufficient to prove that the current formula for
determining the price to be offered to captive industrial producers is very much defensible.
Indeed, this formula has a clear logic and the price, which is arrived at does not represent a
discount with respect to naphtha for cracking in Europe. Nevertheless, because the formula
contains a discount factor albeit one which decreases with time it still could be presented
as being excessively favourable. In fact, it is the opinion of this writer that, quite to the
contrary, the formula may be not advantageous enough to attract the desirable number of
petrochemical customers and reach a higher captive base for Saudi LPG.
It barely needs stressing that the current formula still prices LPG sold as feedstock well above
its production cost. In this respect, there cannot be said to be an element of subsidy. The
reason why subsidies are objectionable is that they may lead to the establishment of non-
competitive industries, which may collapse if the subsidy is withdrawn. Here in fact the
industry pays a price well above marginal cost: the same result could be achieved by taxing
LPG sales. If rent were extracted out of LPG through a tax rather than through pricing above
cost, we would simply have two different tax rates, one for LPG sold as fuel and another for
LPG sold as feedstock. This practice is common in all industrial countries where energy
products are taxed, and can in no way be called a subsidy.
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2.2.2 An alternative approach
On the basis of the above considerations, one can propose an alternative approach that will
serve the strategic interest of Saudi Arabia (and the other GCC member countries, which may
adopt the same) while addressing the objections advanced by the European Commission.
Objections to the current pricing system are based on two elements:
That the system is based on a resolution of the Saudi government or instructions/approval
from the relevant ministers to Saudi Aramco, which therefore in this case acts as agent of the
Saudi government;
That the system envisages price discrimination between domestic and export customers.
Both elements are strictly speaking unnecessary, and should preferably be abandoned by
Saudi Arabia. The following steps could be considered:
1. The Saudi Government should pass a resolution abolishing all previous decisions
concerning pricing of LPG and affirming the full autonomy of Saudi Aramco in establishing a
pricing structure in line with the companys own long term strategic objectives. The new
resolution should preferably note that Saudi Aramco occupies a dominant position on the
domestic market for LPG and should not abuse it. This may be achieved if e.g. contractual
conditions for the supply of LPG to domestic customers are agreed upon through a process of
collective negotiations between Saudi Aramco and its industrial customers, and the same
conditions are offered to all domestic customers, existing as well as new. The resolution
should also assert that Saudi Aramco is required to extend to all international customers that
are in the same conditions as domestic customers equivalent contractual conditions. Possibly,
the resolution should also establish a special arbitration board to settle disputes or mediate
between the parties in the absence of an agreement.
2. An association of all industrial users of LPG should be formed. SABIC will clearly play
a leading role in this, but all of SABICs joint venture partners as well as other private Saudi
petrochemical investors should be included. This association should preferably be set up
entirely independently of Government initiative, although the Government may acknowledge
its existence and affirm its right to negotiate with Saudi Aramco on behalf of all industrial
users of LPG. The association should be open to all captive customers of Saudi Aramco. A
captive customer is one which has no supply alternative and necessarily depends on Saudi
Aramco for its supply of LPG. Operationally speaking, captive customers shall be defined as
customers served by pipeline, independently of the fact that they may be located within the
borders of the Kingdom or outside of them (practically speaking, this may imply including
customers in Bahrein no other reasonable prospect of customers in other locations ever to
be served by pipeline).
3. The current government-sanctioned pricing structure should be replaced by a freely
negotiated contractual agreement between Saudi Aramco and the Association. The
agreement may be valid for a fixed period of time (e.g. five years) and be renegotiated
thereafter. In the absence of a new agreement whenever one is due, compulsory arbitration
shall be envisaged. This system will provide much greater flexibility than the current one
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whose modification is solely in the hands of the Saudi Government. It will also avoid the
criticism based on its indefinite duration (potentially forever). It will allow smooth
extensions/modifications in accordance with changing circumstances, while formally the
Saudi government will not be involved at all.
Strictly speaking the full terms of the contractual arrangement may not need to be publicly
disclosed. In practice, substantial disclosure will be required because the objective is to
attract captive or pipeline customers, and in addition all new customers must be satisfied
that they are offered the same conditions as existing customers. Nevertheless,
implementation practice may allow some confidentiality in the pricing details, in line with
normal commercial practice.
In other words, our argument is that the determination of a new LPG pricing formula, to
substitute for the current government-approved one, is best left to the free bargaining of Saudi
Aramco and the association of captive customers as proposed above. Ideally, this formula
should not include a discount factor: use of a discount factor can be eliminated by indexing to
the price of feedstock in a low feedstock price area e.g. the Gulf of Mexico rather than in a
high feedstock price area, such as Japan. Alternatively, the price might be linked to crude oil,
or computed as netback from the realised prices of petrochemical products all solutions that
would leave no room to the argument that there is a necessary and predetermined discount
factor. The possibility of a fixed price, at a level somewhat above historical minimums but
below historical average, should also be considered: in this way the captive customers would
at times pay actually more than the Saudi contract price, and the emphasis would be on the
stability of the relationship.
In any case, the crucial element is not the final result (i.e. the price paid by captive customers)
as much as the procedure which is followed to arrive at it, which must be based on the free
bargaining between two independent actors, without direct government interference; the role
of the government should be that of preventing abuse of dominant position on the part of
Saudi Aramco and discrimination of customers on the basis of whether they are located inside
or outside the country. In contrast, discrimination of pipeline customers from the rest is
perfectly defensible.
2.2.3 Concluding considerations on petrochemicals
A turning point in EU-GCC petrochemical relations was reached in April 2002, when SABIC
bought the petrochemical activities of the Dutch company DSM, one of the top petrochemical
groups worldwide, and renamed them SABIC EuroPetrochemicals. By investing in such a
prominent way in the European market, SABIC acquired a European identity and penetrated
the citadel, instead of being viewed as besieger. In July 2003 SABIC announced that it was
moving its European headquarters from London to Sittard in the Netherlands, the base of
SABIC EuroPetrochemicals, in a move that is sure to create considerable local loyalty. In
September 2003, SABIC announced that it will undertake some very important expansion
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plans to its facilities in Europe, notably a 500mn ethylene cracker in the Netherlands and
other important derivative plants in the Netherlands and Germany. This proves that allowing
greater freedom of trade and investment, far from damaging employment in Europe, might
even increase it.
Generally speaking, the future of commodity petrochemicals production in Europe is bound to
become increasingly difficult in a free trade environment. To the extent that natural gas will
acquire growing importance in the European energy balance, and the cost of transporting gas
will remain very substantial, the advantage of producing petrochemicals from gas close to the
source will remain decisive. European petrochemicals production based on naphtha will be
tied to the availability of feedstock, i.e. to refinery throughput, which is expected to stagnate or
decline. It is very likely that the European oil companies that have significant petrochemical
divisions will be tempted to exit the business, or will delocalise their production to the Gulf
rather than investing in their plants in Europe. Both processes are quite visible already: the
main difficulty has been resistance from national government authorities (e.g. the Italian
Governments resistance to the sale of ENICHEM to SABIC on the part of ENI: SABIC bought
the petrochemical activities of DSM instead, and ENI was left carrying the burden of an
activity that it would like to dispose of) and the environmental obligations concerning site
restoration in the event of plant closure.
Indeed, the next chapter in this unfolding process may be in the process of being written while
this report is drafted. In fact, on July 29 of 2004 BASF and Shell announced that they are
reviewing strategic alternatives regarding their joint venture Basell, a global leader in
polyolefins, in which they both hold a 50 percent equity interest. The options being reviewed
by the shareholders include the sale of their stakes and an equity market transaction. Basell
is the world's largest producer of polypropylene and Europe's largest producer of
polyethylene. The company was formed in 2000 from the combination of the polyolefin
businesses of Shell and BASF (Montell and Targor, respectively, plus joint venture Elanac).
Following are the companys press releases on July 29, 2004:
BASF and Shell review strategic options regarding Basell
29 Jul 2004
Ludwigshafen/London, July 29, 2004. BASF and Shell announced today that they are reviewing strategic
alternatives regarding their joint venture Basell, a global leader in polyolefins, in which they both hold a 50
percent equity interest. The options being reviewed by the shareholders include the sale of their stakes and
an equity market transaction. During the review process, the shareholders remain committed to supporting
Basells strategic and operational goals and its ongoing financial progress. Credit Suisse First Boston
(CSFB) and Lazard have been retained to assist in assessing the feasibility and attractiveness of these
"Merging our polyolefins activities with those of Shell in Basell was a beneficial strategic decision. As an
independent company, Basell has integrated and consolidated its businesses in all parts of the world with
great success and is now established as a global industry leader. This is the right time to assess the next
step," said Dr. John Feldmann, member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF AG, responsible for
the Plastics segment. "BASF, one of the leading global plastics suppliers, will continue to focus its strategic
position on styrenics, performance polymers, polyurethanes and their related value chains. The review of
options regarding Basell fits well into that strategy."
"Basell has been an important part of the Shell Chemicals portfolio and we have valued our partnership
with BASF in this joint venture," said Fran Keeth, Executive Vice President, Customer Fulfillment and
Product Business Units, Shell Chemicals. "In a relatively short period of time, Basell has successfully
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If, as one should expect, this procedure will be based on purely commercial considerations, it
is difficult to expect that other major strategic buyers may be more interest in the acquisition
than Gulf players. SABIC is the most obvious candidate, although not necessarily the only
one. A pure equity market transaction, i.e. an IPO in the absence of a strategic buyer, seems
rather unlikely at this stage. The petrochemical business is highly volatile, and high oil prices
are not the best omen for industry profitability. On the other hand, the purchasing power of
Gulf players is at present very considerable and the attraction of a strategic move like the
acquisition of Basell very obvious indeed.
In the event that Gulf investors might be interested in the acquisition, issues may arise with
respect to competition and acquisition of dominant position on the European market. This
would then become a crucial aspect in the definition of EU-GCC relations in the coming years,
and a solution would have to be found to, on the one hand, protect the European interest in a
integrated a valuable set of global assets and achieved economies of scale and other benefits not available
to either shareholder separately. Now that Basell has become a global industry leader and is positioned
well to compete in a dynamic market environment, it is an appropriate time for us to look at Basell within
the context of Shells long-term portfolio aspirations and to review strategic alternatives to deliver enhanced
shareholder value."
Basell: A Sound Company with a Strong Future
29 Jul 2004
Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, July 29, 2004 Following todays announcement by BASF and Shell that
they are reviewing their strategic alternatives regarding their shareholdings in Basell, Volker Trautz,
Basells president and CEO, described Basell as "a sound company with a strong future."
The options being reviewed by BASF and Shell include the sale of the stake each holds in Basell and an
equity market transaction. "We will not allow this to distract us," Trautz said. "Meeting customers needs will
be the foremost business priority for Basell as the transaction process is carried forward. We will continue
to pursue our business plans and strategies in our three core businesses Polyolefins, Advanced
Polyolefins and Technology."
According to Trautz, there are many reasons why a pure polyolefins company like Basell would be
attractive to a potential buyer. "Basell is a robust polyolefins company, its global presence is unmatched
and we are clearly the technology leader in our industry," he said. "We have been very successful in
developing innovative channels to market, including being a leader in e-commerce." Alastian, a new no-
frills online business that offers a limited product range and exclusively focuses on the needs of customers
who are not interested in buying the full range of Basell's services, was launched in April.
The company will continue to move forward with ongoing improvement activities, including implementing a
new business model for polypropylene and polyethylene sales in Europe that clearly distinguishes between
the different requirements and expectations of commodity and speciality customers.
A cornerstone of Basells strategy is investing in technology. "Basell invests significantly in R&D and our
innovation pipeline is unsurpassed," said Trautz. "Having a dedicated catalyst and licensing business in
Basell is a platform from which innovative materials, processes and catalysts are developed." Basells
newest polyolefin process, the Spherizone technology for polypropylene which was first commercialised at
Basells Brindisi, Italy, is now also available for licensing and will be utilised in a new plant to be built by
Indelpro SA de CV, a Basell joint venture in Mexico.
Basell also continues to pursue growth through its Advanced Polyolefins Business, which develops new
markets by expanding the properties and applications envelope of polyolefins, and through well-focused
investments that support key customers as they globalise their operations. A new Basell compounding
plant under construction in China will serve the fast-growing automotive, appliances and industrial sector in
that country; start-up is planned for early 2005. Earlier this year, Basells newest joint venture, Saudi
Polyolefins Company, began operations with a new polypropylene plant and a propane dehydrogenation
"A great deal of positive progress has taken place in Basell since its formation in 2000 even though the
market has proven to be more volatile and less robust than expected," said Trautz. "Other improvements
are on the way.
"Our results through the first half of 2004 are the best in the companys history," he added "We are already
operating as an independent company and a new shareholder situation could bring additional project and
business opportunities."
Basell is the world's largest producer of polypropylene and advanced polyolefin products, a leading supplier
of polyethylene and catalysts, and a global leader in the development and licensing of polypropylene and
polyethylene processes. Basell, together with its joint ventures, has manufacturing facilities around the
world and sells products in more than 120 countries.
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competitive market while at the same time recognising and accommodating the essential
interest of the Gulf countries to economic diversification.
In the light of these considerations, the EU and the GCC should engage in a dialogue to
achieve a more advanced model of division of labour based on transferring the production of
commodity petrochemicals to the Gulf. This may involve issues related to the privatisation of
GCC petrochemical companies and the preservation of competition between them, avoiding
the creation of a dominant company enjoying excessive market power. In other words, the EU
has legitimate interests that should be preserved, but these do not coincide with the all-out
defence of European commodity petrochemical producers, whose best strategic option may
well be to be acquired by Gulf producers and become part of the latters global drive.
2.3 Other Energy Intensive Industries
The main energy intensive industries of significance to EU-GCC trade are aluminium and
steel. Cement is also an important energy-intensive industry, but it is primarily of regional
significance because of high transport costs.
The case of aluminium differs significantly from that of steel, because aluminium production in
the Gulf exceeds regional demand, while for steel the opposite is the case. A process of
import substitution for steel and steel products is quietly taking place, with several new joint
ventures involving European partners being announced in recent months.
For aluminium the situation is more difficult because the industry has suffered from excess
supply globally since the collapse of the Soviet Union, which has led to a substantial increase
in exports from the former Soviet republics. However, the normal functioning of the market will
lead to a gradual restructuring of the industry, and the GCC countries are very likely to remain
highly competitive. The expansion projects for aluminium production in Bahrain, Dubai, Qatar
and Saudi Arabia quite clearly indicate what is to be expected in the future.
The potential conflict with respect to aluminium is related to the pricing of electricity, and the
pricing of fuel used in power generation. At present, neither the market for electricity nor the
market for primary fuel used in electricity is competitive, and objections may be advanced
against administratively set prices. Steps in the direction of establishing competitive markets
have been taken and should be encouraged. The EU should pressure the GCC to establish
an interconnected power grid in which various power generators may compete at least for
major industrial customers. As detailed in the first part of this paper, aluminium smelters
frequently are served by captive power generation plants that also sell power to the grid. If a
GCC power exchange were established, this would eliminate possible objections to the
pricing of electricity to aluminium smelters or other energy-intensive transformation
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The pricing of fuel to industrial customers, including power generation plants, is also a
potentially controversial issue. If greater reliance were made on market mechanisms in the
context of progressive liberalisation of inter-GCC trade in fuel products the result would still be
a level of fuel prices to major customers, such as power plants, well below the price in the
industrial countries. If methane is used as fuel, the difference will be the inevitable income of
transportation costs, which remains significant. If residual fuel oil is used as fuel, a low local
price will be justified by the disappearing demand elsewhere in the world and the cost of
transportation, which will increasingly reflect environmental hazards. This will be the case all
the more so if domestic refining of crude oil is substantially increased. In the end, it is to be
expected that in a context of greater reliance on market pricing the advantage of Gulf
producers will certainly not disappear.
What would be required in this context is a gradual evolution of the relationship between the
government and the national oil company in those countries in which the latter is the
paramount instrument of extraction of the oil rent. Greater reliance will need to be made on
taxation mechanisms to target the desired level of oil revenue while leaving greater autonomy
to the company in matters of pricing.
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2.4 From Exports of Crude Oil to Exports of Energy Intensive
In essence, a strategy fostering the economic diversification and downstream integration of
the economies of the oil producing countries would be equivalent to having a growing share of
crude oil incorporated into manufactured products, each of whom has its own market logic.
International trade in manufactured products is much more stable than trade in primary
commodities, and price movements are spread out over a large range of markets, each
characterised by a different logic and equilibrium, hence presumably also by price movements
that are not synchronous.
Although the price of crude oil is a major component of the production cost of oil products,
petrochemical products and other energy-intensive products, its direct impact decreases
rapidly as we move downstream in the value chain. Already for petrochemicals, the going
price is determined by market conditions for the specific product being traded, not by the cost
of the feedstock.
By integrating downstream and broadening the range of products that they export, oil-
producing countries will reduce their dependence on the international price of oil, but so will
also the importing countries reduce their vulnerability and exposure to volatility. This would be
shown by a decrease in the energy intensity of GDP in the industrial countries, and a relative
reduction of their imports of crude oil. Both are processes well underway, and what is
predicated here is simply finding ways to facilitate and speed up the process without
interfering with the functioning of the market and the autonomous decision-making of
industrial enterprises.
It may also be said that by moving downstream the oil-producing countries would lose some
of their control over the price of crude oil. While exporting other downstream or energy-
intensive products, the oil producing countries will need to compete, and will not enjoy the
kind of market power which the have for oil. Their ability to restrict oil production will be limited
by the need to keep downstream production facilities going, and this may become a
significant constraint if the process of downstream integration progresses very far.
The latter is however not an impending danger, as all oil producers have still a long way to go
before they achieve a better balance between exports of crude oil and exports of oil products
and other energy-intensive products or any other manufactured products.
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2.5 Downstream Integration as an Opportunity for Environmental
Greater economic diversification of the oil-producing countries and a shift from trading
primarily crude oil to trading downstream and other energy-intensive products also offers the
opportunity for significant environmental improvement globally. Transporting intermediate or
finished products rather than crude oil over long distances and transferring lines of production
that have a serious impact on the environment from the industrial to the oil-producing
countries would set the stage for a much reduced impact on the global environment.
It should be stressed that delocalisation of high-energy intensive production closer to the
sources of fossil fuels is not the global equivalent of sweeping the dust under the rug. The
reason is that the concentration of several successive or complementary stages in the
production process in a close geographical area may facilitate the reaping of energy
synergies, which would translate into more efficient use of energy installations (investment)
and of primary energy sources.
This trend is already evident in the industrial countries, where refineries and petrochemical
plants tend to cluster in relatively limited geographical areas, and power plants are
increasingly associated to them.
The transmission of electric power over long distances is also gaining ground. The Russian
electricity company has been actively seeking access to the European market to make use of
its excess generating capacity: in the case of the GCC countries the idea of exporting
electricity may be further supported by the different load profile determined by time
differences within the day, and, with respect to seasonal variations, by the fact that peak
consumption in Europe occurs in winter, while in the GCC it occurs in summer.
In the GCC countries, special attention is increasingly devoted to the integrated management
of water desalination and power production. A combination of desalination plants utilising the
flash evaporation and the reverse osmosis technologies allows for operating the power
plants at a constant utilisation rate, by using the reverse osmosis plants which absorb
power at times when electricity demand from other users is slack. Storage facilities for water
may be developed to allow for time discrepancies between desalinated water production and
water consumption. The advantage of this approach is that water can be stored, while
electricity cannot. This may allow a substantial decrease in the cost of water desalination
and/or power generation (depending to which of the two the savings are credited).
Furthermore, water desalination and power generation can be integrated with petroleum
refining, petrochemicals and other major industrial activities generating huge amounts of
waste heat, which can be recouped in combined heat and power (and desalination) plants.
Our vision for the future of EU-GCC cooperation should therefore be based on the creation of
sophisticated and integrated industrial complexes, which will integrate petroleum refining,
petrochemicals production and other energy intensive heavy industry with a
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desalination/power generation complex designed to maximise the efficient use of the energy
content of the available hydrocarbons, operate the power plants on a constant load basis and
minimise the cost of desalinated water and power.
This approach would also offer the advantage of facilitating carbon sequestration, thus
contributing to the abatement of global CO2 emissions and the objectives of the Kyoto
protocol. It is well known that carbon sequestration becomes much more realistic if the
sources of carbon dioxide emissions are tightly concentrated, and in the proximity of
geological formations allowing for reinjecting CO
in the ground. These conditions potentially
exist in the oil-producing countries, which are in this respect ideal ground for experimentation.
A realistic approach to environmental problems would have to admit that, notwithstanding all
efforts in the direction of developing renewable sources, of maximising the rational use of
energy, of promoting a hydrogen-based economy and possibly also at some point reviving the
nuclear option, dependency from fossil fuels will remain paramount in the coming decades. A
strategy based on facilitating the economic diversification of the oil-producing countries based
on delocalising downstream and other energy-intensive production will contribute to the
rational and environment-friendly use of the fossil fuels that we will continue to need.
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3 Concluding remarks
This report has evidenced that the GCC member countries are actively pursuing economic
diversification by integrating into petroleum refining, petrochemicals and other energy
intensive industries. After an early phase in the 1970s, investment in refining subsided and
petrochemical expansion concentrated in Saudi Arabia, where it eventually was slowed down
by the insufficient availability of gas feedstock. However, in the last decade substantial
refinery expansion projects have been undertaken and more are underway, petrochemical
investment has spread to all member countries, and the availability of feedstock is no longer
limited in Saudi Arabia. Substantial expansion projects are underway also in other energy
intensive industries, notably aluminium.
Our analysis of this process has concluded that it has positive implications on the stabilisation
of the oil market and on the establishment of more cooperative relations between the GCC
member countries and the industrial importing countries in general, the EU in particular. We
have analysed in detail the issue of double pricing and found that it has little economic merit.
We have suggested an approach that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the EU might agree is
adequate to close the file, which is urgent.
We stressed that in the meantime transformations are underway in the European
petrochemical industry, and historical players are increasingly looking for options to exit the
industry and sell their interests to new owners. Gulf players in contrast have a long-term
strategic interest in the industry and may indeed offer the best option for its viability.
A EU-GCC dialogue on industrial cooperation is therefore urgent, and should focus rather on
issues of protection of competition and greater reliance on market pricing of fuels and
electricity rather than on old approaches such as looking for subsidies and claiming
countervailing duties. The Union should not lose sight of the fact that the economic
diversification of the GCC oil exporting countries is in the end in the best interest of the EU
Special attention should be devoted to the environmental implications of the partial
delocalisation of downstream activities. In fact, the transport of lighter products and middle
distillates represents much less of a hazard that the transport of crude oil or residual fuel oil.
Also, the establishment of integrated industrial clusters in the GCC countries combining
various energy intensive downstream activities offers the best opportunities for improved
management of emissions, including in particular the prospect of carbon sequestration. The
EU and the GCC should actively work together in order to pursue a model of industrial
diversification that will also maximise benefits for the global environment.
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A.1.1 Oil Refining
Bahrain has had an oil refinery in Sitra since the 1930s, and the plant now has a capacity of
265,000 b/d, some l0 to 15 times greater than the country's domestic requirements The
refinery, which is operated by state-owned Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco), maintains a
relatively high capacity utilization rate, since its output of refined products rose to 249,650 b/d
in 2002 from 240,450 b/d the year before, although it remained below the 1999 high of
Some 84 per cent of its feedstock consists of Saudi crude. Bapco's imports of Saudi crude
amounted to 76,762,000 barrels in 2002, as against 74.1 million barrels in 2001 and 80.3
million barrels in 2000. During the 1990s, the product slate shifted in favour of middle
distillates, which now account for some 54 per cent of total output, compared with 48 per cent
in 1991, while the fuel oil yield is down to 22-23 per cent. Nevertheless, a major upgrade is
underway to enhance the quality of the refinery's products.
The six-year work program started in 1999 and is scheduled for completion in 2005. It is
expected to cost $950-1,000 million and calls for the installation of a number of new facilities,
the first two of which, an in-line blending unit and an unleaded gasoline unit, came on stream
in 2000, followed by new Merox kerosene units in December 200I. The next and most
important stage will be the installation of a new 40,000-b/d hydrocracker, together with a
hydrogenation unit to serve it, and the revamp of the existing 45,000-bid hydrocracker. The
enhancement of the refinery's hydrocracking facilities is expected to cost some $650-685
million, two-thirds of the total cost of the upgrade.
The decision to enhance the refinery's hydrocracking facilities, which will enable Bapco to
produce low-sulphur gas oil and high-grade jet fuel, was taken in mid-2001 and replaced the
original plan for reducing the sulphur content of gas oil. That was to have entailed simply
upgrading the existing hydrotreater and hydrocracker at a cost of no more than $500 million.
The change increased the total program cost by $150-200 million, although Bapco maintains
that the revised project will also extend the refinery's operational life by 15 years. The
company plans to raise bank borrowings of $650 million to finance this part of its upgrade
When the refinery started up in 1936, it had an initial capacity of 10,800 b/d, but was
progressively expanded to 265,000 b/d. It was developed by the original Bahrain Petroleum
Company (Bapco), which was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Caltex until the government of
Bahrain purchased a 60 per cent interest in it on 1 July 1980. It became wholly state owned
on 1 April 1997 and was merged with Bahrain National Oil Company at the end of 1999.
Caltex remains technical consultant to Bapco for the running of the refinery and also retains
stakes in other local companies, including 27 per cent in Bahrain Aviation Fueling Company
(Bafco) and l2.5% in Bahrain National Gas Company (Banagas).
After acquiring its initial equity stake in the refinery, the Bahraini government had to provide a
commensurate share of its crude oil feedstock. To supplement the small volume of
domestically produced crude, it negotiated a long-term arrangement with Saudi Arabia for the
supply of Saudi crude.
Before embarking on the upgrade now underway, Bapco had already started work on the
installation of an inline blending unit at the Sitra refinery, which came on stream in June 2000
and was followed two months later by an 8,000-b/d unleaded gasoline unit. The blending unit
has the capacity to produce 3,250 barrels per hour (b/h) of gasoline, 10,000 b/h of diesel oil
and 8,700 b/h of fuel oil and enables Bapco to vary the refinery's product yield according to
seasonal shifts in demand and spot market opportunities.
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The upgrade program got under way in March 2000 with the award of a contract to the
Japanese company JGC Corporation for the installation of a new 50,000-b/d Merox UOP
kerosene unit. The facility started up in December 2001 and consists of two 25,000-b/d trains,
each of which is equipped with a backup reactor. According to Bapco, one of the advantages
of the Merox UOP technology is that it eliminates over 80 per cent of the lead in kerosene.
The project cost $29.5 million.
Then in early 2001 a new electronically-controlled gas compression unit came on stream in
the refinery's fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) in place of the old gas compressors. The $15-
million project was completed in May 2001 and the new unit was brought on stream two
months later.
The expansion and upgrading of the hydrocracking facilities are expected to cost $600-685
million and are scheduled for completion in 2004. The project will enable the refinery to
produce high-grade jet fuel and gas oil with a sulphur content varying from 50 parts per million
(ppm) to 500 ppm, the level required in most industrialized countries, rather than the current
level of 7,500 ppm.
A.1.2 Petrochemicals
The authorities are planning to develop a major ethylene-based petrochemical complex to
add to the country's two existing complexes, which are operated by different pan-Arab
corporations. The new complex would comprise a 415,000-ton/year naphtha cracker and
units for the production of 409,000 tons/year of low-density polyethylene and 379,000
tons/year of polypropylene. It would be located at Sitra and would utilize 1.5 million tons/year
of naphtha feedstock supplied by the neighbouring refinery. The petrochemical complex
would be closely integrated with the refinery in order to maximize possible synergies between
production units and utilities. A feasibility study of the project, which is expected to cost BD
520 million, was commissioned from the local firm Al Khaldiya Group in association with the
British from ChemSystems and was completed in mid-2003.
The larger and older of the two existing complexes is that of Gulf Petrochemical Industries
Company (GPIC), which was established in May 1980 as a three-way joint venture between
the state of Bahrain, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation and Kuwait's Petrochemical
Industries Company. It operates a nitrogenous chemical fertilizer complex at Sitra with a
capacity of 4,100 tons/day of urea, ammonia and methanol.
The second is a sulphur derivatives plant developed by National Chemical Industries
Corporation (Nacic), which was set up in January 1993 and is controlled by Bahrain's United
Gulf Industries Corporation (55 per cent), Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company (l1per
cent), Arab Industrial Development Company of Saudi Arabia (10 per cent), United Group for
the Development of Riyadh (57 per cent) and other private companies (15 per cent).
The Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company complex, which entered production in July 1985,
initially consisted of a 1,000-ton/day ammonia plant utilizing the production process of the
German company Uhde and a 1,000-ton/day methanol plant using the British ICI process. It is
located near Sitra and is supplied with non-associated Khuff gas as feedstock. A $20 million
de-bottlenecking project was completed in early 1989, increasing production capacity by 20
per cent to 1,200 tons/day of ammonia and 1,200 tons/day of methanol.
Early in 1993 GPIC decided to add a 1,700-ton/day urea plant, for which it signed a licensing
agreement with Hydro Agri International (HAI), part of Norway's Norsk Hydro group, for its
fluid-bed granulating technology. The agreement also gave HAI the right to lift part of the
plant's urea output for export to the Middle East and the Far East. GPIC subsequently
awarded a lump sum, turnkey construction contract worth $136 million to Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries of Japan in the summer of 1995. The new plant was completed at the end of I99l
and brought on stream in January 1998.
The urea units use 80 per cent of the ammonia as feedstock, while all finished products are
exported, mostly to South-East Asian countries. Production is now running at about 1.5 million
tons/year, with urea accounting for 41 per cent of the total, ammonia for 3l per cent and
methanol for 28 per cent.
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Nacic Complex
The sulphur derivatives plant operated by National Chemical Industries Corporation has the
capacity to produce 9,000 tons/year of sodium sulfite and 9,000 tons/year of sodium
metabisulfite. It is also located near the Sitra refinery, which provides it with the feedstock it
requires. The plant was built by United Engineers International of the U.S. under a contract
awarded in June 1993. The sodium sulfite unit was commissioned in 1995, while production
of metabisulfite started in January 1996.
A.1.3 Other industries
Bahrain has developed the largest aluminium industry in the Middle East, as well as a small
steelworks. The main aluminium producer is Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), which operates a
complex that currently has a capacity of 520,000 tons/year and is being further expanded to
770,000 tons/year. Aluminium already accounts for half the country's non-oil exports and over
one-fifth of its total export earnings, and those proportions will increase once the latest
expansion is completed in 2004. Moreover, Alba is already thinking of expanding capacity
further to 1 million tons/year by the end of this decade.
Alba currently exports only about 40 per cent of the aluminium it produces, since about 60 per
cent is supplied to downstream processors in Bahrain. The main ones are Bahrain Aluminium
Extrusion Company, Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill Company and Middle East Aluminium Cables
Limited. A number of other companies also produce extruded aluminium profiles, cables,
tubes and automotive parts.
a) Aluminium Bahrain (Alba)
Alba was established in the late 1960s and brought a 120,000-ton/year smelter into
production in 1971. The Bahraini government took control of the company in May 1975, after
which there was a series of share sales and purchases that resulted in one of the original
shareholders, Kaiser Aluminium of the U.S., pulling out altogether (in 1989) and another, the
German company Breton Investments, considerably reducing its stake.
The distribution of shareholdings in Alba is now as follows: Bahrain 77 per cent, the Saudi
Public Investment Fund (SPIF) 20 per cent and Breton Investments 3 per cent. The SPIF,
which became a shareholder of Alba in 1979, subsequently acquired a stake in Bahrain
Aluminium (Balco), the company responsible for marketing Alba's output. In December 1982
Balco was re-incorporated under a new name, Bahrain Saudi Aluminium Marketing Company,
with the state of Bahrain holding 74.33 per cent and the SPIF 25.67 per cent.
The capacity of the Alba smelter has been progressively stepped up over the years - to
170,000 tons/year in 1982, 225,000 tons/year in 1991, 460,000 tons/year in 1992 and
500,000 tons/year in 1997 (through the addition of 76 cells over a three-year period). De-
bottlenecking work on production line 4 subsequently increased effective production capacity
to 520,000 b/d, and in 2001-02 Alba's output effectively rose to 512,000-513,000 tons. A
further expansion is now going ahead, entailing the installation of a fifth potline with a capacity
of 250,000 tons/year. It will make the Alba smelter the largest in the world (ahead of the
700,000-tonlyear plant of Tadjak Aluminium in Kazakhstan).
Meanwhile, in June 2002 Alba entered into a strategic alliance with Alcoa Inc., with which it
planned to study the possibility of expanding its production capacity to 1 million tons/year by
2010 through the addition of a sixth potline. Then in September 2003 Alba signed a
memorandum of understanding with Alcoa providing for the U.S. company to purchase a 26
per cent shareholding in Alba for about $600 million. The deal would cement a long-standing
relationship between the two companies, since Alcoa
World Alumina and Chemicals (AWAC), a joint venture between Alcoa Inc. (60%) and
Alumina Limited (40%), has been Alba's principal alumina supplier ever since 1971, and that
will continue to be the case.
Alba obtained official government approval for what will be its fifth expansion in September
2001, after which it signed a licensing agreement with the French company Pechiney for the
use of its production technology for the fifth potline. It contracted the Canadian company
Hatch Kaiser Light Metals to provide the front-end engineering and design (FEED), and in
February 2002 invited international companies to submit separate bids for the construction of
potline 5 and the new 675-MW power plant. The following July the U.S. company Bechtel was
awarded an engineering, procurement, construction and management (EPCM) contract for
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the potline, while the French company Alstom was awarded an engineering, procurement and
construction (EPC) contract worth $337 million for the power plant in April 2003. Work on the
construction of the new potline got under way in the first quarter of 2003 and is scheduled for
completion in late 2004 or early 2005.
In tandem with this expansion, Alba is upgrading potline No. 4 with the aim of increasing its
capacity by 23,000 tons/year. The project, which is expected to cost BD 21.25 million, got
under way in June 2003 and calls for the construction of 24 crucibles and an increase in
power generating capacity. In addition, Alba budgeted BD 24.5 million for the refurbishment of
the six gas turbines comprising unit No. 3 of its power plant and the replacement of existing
control systems to reduce toxic emissions.
The most important recent development for Alba was the start-up in the third quarter of 2001
of a 450,000-ton/year coke calcining plant at its smelter. It enables the company to produce
on site an input that it had had to import up to then, as well as to export 200,000 tons/year of
the product. In addition to the calcining plant itself, the project entailed the installation of a
41,000-cu m/day desalination plant using the heat generated in the calcining process, the
construction of storage facilities for alumina and calcined coke, an alumina unloading jetty
that can accommodate ships of up to 80,000 dwt, and coke loading and unloading facilities.
Construction of these ancillary facilities was completed early in 2002.
Alba's existing power plant has the capacity not only to provide it with all the electricity it
needs but also to supply power to the national grid at times of peak demand. Generating
capacity has been stepped up over the years in line with the increase of Alba's production
capacity. The major expansion completed towards the end of 1992, which cost $1.44 billion,
included the installation of an 800-MW combined cycle power plant, which increased Alba's
generating capacity from 540 MW to 1,340 MW. Another 164-MW gas turbine was installed in
1997, increasing capacity to 1,504 MW. The 650-MW power plant to be installed as part of
the latest expansion will boost that to 2,154 MW. A new 66-kV substation, known as Alba
marine, is also to be built, while an existing 66-kV substation is being upgraded and
b) Bahrain Aluminium Extrusion Company (Balexco)
Among the ventures set up to process the raw aluminium produced by Alba is Bahrain
Aluminium Extrusion Company (Balexco), established by the government in 1977. The
company was progressively privatised between the beginning of 1991, when 26 per cent of its
equity was offered to Gulf nationals, and the end of l995. The company is now controlled by
Gulf Finance House, which acquired a 52 per cent interest in Balexco in September 2000 by
purchasing the holdings of three existing shareholders.
The Balexco plant, which produces extruded aluminium, initially had a press capacity of 6,000
tons/year and an anodising capacity of 4,500 tons/year. The plant was expanded in
November 1994 through the addition of a second 6,000-ton/year pressing line and a new
powder-coating unit. A third production line and a 12,000-ton/year scrap-recycling unit came
on stream in 1996, giving the plant the capacity to produce 24,000 tons/year of finished
products. Then, at the end of 2001, a fourth 6,000-ton/year production line came on stream
and the old 4,500-ton/year anodising line was taken out of service.
Other aluminium companies include Gulf Aluminium Rolling Mill Company (Garmco), Middle
East Aluminium Cables Limited (Midal Cables), Bahrain Atomizers International Aluminium
Powder Plant, Aluminium Wheel Company (Aluwheel) and Bahrain Alloys Manufacturing
c) Arab Iron and Steel Co
Arab Iron and Steel Company (Aisco) was set up in 1981 by a group of investors in Gulf
countries and Jordan to develop what remains Bahrain's only steelworks. It brought a 4
million-ton/year iron oxide pellet plant into production in February 1985, which was built by
Kobe Steel of Japan and Balfour Beatty at a cost of $300 million. The plant was forced to
close down several times in the early years because of technical and sales problems. Then in
August 1987 the company's shareholders voted for its liquidation, clearing the way for the
plant to be taken over by Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC). An agreement was
subsequently reached between Aisco and its creditor banks in March 1988, transferring all the
assets of the plant and other facilities to a new KPC subsidiary, Gulf Industrial Investment
Company (GIIC).
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Aisco had been planning to build a direct reduction plant for the production of 1 million
tons/year of hot briquetted iron (HBI) from imported iron ore, and GIIC decided to go ahead
with this project, bringing the facility on stream in 1991. Its capacity was doubled to 2 million
tons/year in 1992, when GIIC announced that it planned to double capacity again. In
September 2000 KPC announced that it had agreed to sell GIIC to a consortium composed of
Gulf Investment Corporation (GIC) and the Brazilian company Itabira Rio Doce Company
Limited (Itaco) for $183 million. Itaco is a subsidiary of Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD),
the world's largest iron ore producer. The agreement was finalized the following month.
Between 1990 and 2000, GIIC generated total revenues of $1.1 billion and net profits of $111
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A.2.1 Oil Refining
Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), which operates the country's three refineries,
has been studying plans to refurbish them to increase their combined capacity from 905,000-
910,000 b/d to more than 1 million b/d, while plans for a fourth plant became more concrete
during 2003. KPC's longer-term goal is to bring KNPC's refining capacity up to 1.5 million b/d
by 2020.
The Mina al-Ahmadi refinery has been able to work at its full capacity of 440,000 b/d following
the reconstruction of a number of units damaged by an explosion in June 2000. Two crude
distillation units (CDUs), no. 3 and no. 5, each with a capacity of 120,000 b/d, were brought
back on stream in 2002, and two new 28,000-b/d gasoline reforming units were scheduled to
be in service by early 2004. The Mina Abdullah and Shuaiba refineries have been able to
operate at their full capacity rates of 265,000-270,000 b/d and 200,000 b/d respectively.
The need for additional refining capacity stems largely from difficulties encountered by Kuwait
in negotiating agreements to obtain natural gas for its power plants from Qatar or Iran. By
mid-2003 the manager of the project to import Qatari natural gas by pipeline through Saudi
Arabia's territorial waters said the problems were insurmountable, and in August talks with
both potential gas suppliers had become deadlocked even though further talks with Iran were
to be held. Even if a fourth grassroots refinery is not needed to replace unavailable gas, it
could be built as an upgrading or replacement for the Shuaiba plant, according to KPC. As the
groundwork is laid for adding substantial new refining capacity, earlier projects to expand and
upgrade its existing refineries are proceeding, in part to improve the quality of the products
produced. Ensuring its refineries meet increasingly tough quality standards in the European
Union and other countries, especially as regards sulphur content, is one of KNPC's major
In the last few years KPNC awarded to the South Korean company LG Engineering and
Construction Co. a contract worth about $139 million for the refurbishment and expansion of
the atmospheric residue desulphurisation system (ARDS) of the Mina Abdullah refinery. In
addition, it awarded two contracts worth a total of $24.8 million to the Indian company Larsen
& Toubro (L&T) for the refurbishment of the sulphur recovery units (SRUs) at the Mina
Abdullah and Shuaiba refineries. The work on Mina Abdullah's SRU is scheduled for
completion in 2004. The work at Shuaiba calls for the capacity of its SRU to be increased in
order to reduce pollution.
KPNC's expansion plans evolved from an earlier program to increase the capacity of its three
existing refineries to 1.4-1.5 million b/d by 2004-05 while replacing some CDUs and installing
continuous catalytic reformers and other new facilities to reduce the sulphur content of their
products. This program had envisioned the fourth refinery being built by 2008-09 with a
capacity of 200,000-300,000 b/d. In August 2003 a senior executive of KPNC said the latest
plans for the new refinery called for its capacity to be 250,000-400,000 b/d and its
construction cost to be no more than $700 million. There was also the possibility that an
equity stake in the plant could be offered to the private sector.
With the reduced throughput at Mina al-Ahmadi after the explosion in 2000, Kuwait's total
refinery output dropped from 903,300 b/d in 1999 to 129,500 b/d in 2000, 659,700 b/d in 2001
and 572,200 b/d in 2002, according to the OPEC Statistical Bulletin. Domestic oil
consumption also declined from the 1999 level of 163,900 b/d; it was 152,900 b/d in 2000,
140,800 b/d in 2001 and 146,000 b/d in 2002, OPEC's data showed.
In January 2004 the KPNC refineries were idled briefly after heavy rains caused generator
problems at the Shuaiba South power plant, which supplies all three plants. Minor fires broke
out at the Mina al-Ahmadi and Mina Abdullah refineries during the outage, but these had no
operational impact beyond that from the power loss.
Outside Kuwait, KPC has been developing a refining and distribution network in Europe and
the Far East.
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Kuwaits refineries
Mina al-Ahmadi
Mina al-Ahmadi is the oldest of Kuwait's refineries, having started up in l949. It suffered
extensive damage in the Gulf war, when two of its three distillation units, the fluid catalytic
cracker, the vacuum re-run unit and the control room were all badly damaged, while the
catalytic cracker was virtually destroyed. It was nevertheless the first of the three refineries to
start operating again. Its crude distillation units were brought progressively back on stream
between the third quarter of 1991 and the second quarter of 1994, and the whole refinery was
fully operational again by mid-1995.
The plant was progressively upgraded during the 1990s through the addition of facilities such
as a 1,300-b/d MTBE unit and a 4,500-b/d alkylation unit and the renovation of the fluid
catalytic cracker (FCC), whose capacity was increased from 30,000 b/d to 40,000 b/d to
enable it to provide feedstock for the PIC polypropylene plant. In addition, Technipetrol was
awarded a $13-million contract to upgrade control systems in 1998.
Before the explosion that damaged a number of its units in June 2000, the plant had a
nominal capacity of 450,000 b/d. It is composed of the following units:
Unit Capacity
* Primary distillation 440,000 b/d
* Fluid catalytic cracking 40,000 b/d
* Catalytic hydrotreating 100,000 b/d
* Catalytic hydrocracking 34,000 b/d
* Residue desulphurization 132,000 b/d
Following the installation of an acid gas removal plant in the late 1990s, which was built by
Sunkyong Engineering & Construction Company, KNPC awarded a contract in May 2000 for
the construction of a 70,000-b/d gas oil desulphurization unit that uses the production process
of the Danish company Haldor Topsoe to produce low-sulphur diesel oil, sulphur and
The recovery from the June 2000 explosion took place in several stages, and the most
substantial elements were completed by 2002. Fluor Daniel and Sunkyong Engineering
reconstructed the damaged units under a contract worth $330 million that was awarded in
December 2000, and also were converting two 16,000 b/d reforming units into 18,000 b/d
continuous catalytic naphtha reformers (CCRs) under license from UOP of the U.S.
Two minor fires at the refinery in October 2002, one in fluid catalytic cracker no. 86 and
another in a Kuwait Oil Company gasline, did not affect production.
Mina Abdullah
The Mina Abdullah refinery, which originally started up in 1958, was not seriously damaged
during the Gulf war and was fully operational again by the end of 1993.It now has an effective
capacity of 265,000 b/d, as against 200,000 b/d to start with, and comprises the following
Unit Capacity
* Primary distillation 265,000 b/d
* Vacuum distillation 104,000 b/d
* Catalytic hydrotreating 73,000 b/d
* Catalytic hydrocracking 34,000 b/d
* Steam system 54,000 b/d
* Delayed coking 30,000 b/d
* Residue desulphurization 88,000 b/d
The refinery's steam system was refurbished in the late 1990s to increase steam generation
capacity. That project entailed the installation of two new boilers and associated facilities, as
well as the revamping of the control system.
In May 2002 a gas leak in an outlet pipe of the refinery's gas oil desulphurization unit caused
a fire, but it was quickly brought under control and although the unit was shut down for
several days for repairs there was no impact on refinery throughput. The refinery's
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atmospheric residue desulphurization system (ARDS) is being refurbished and expanded by
the South Korean company LG Engineering and Construction Co. under a contract worth
about $139 million, and the refurbishment of a sulphur recovery unit is being carried out by
the Indian company Larsen & Toubro in a project scheduled for completion in 2004.
The Shuaiba refinery was so badly destroyed during the Gulf war that it had effectively to be
rebuilt rather than repaired. It was the most modern of KNPC's three refineries, equipped with
state-of-the-art conversion facilities, and was not included in the big upgrading program
carried out in the 1980s. The refinery was not fully operational again until January 1997, when
its capacity was increased from 130,000 b/d to 195,000 b/d, and that has since risen to
200,000 b/d.
A new hydrocracker was built as part of the rehabilitation of the refinery, which was originally
equipped with a 82,000-b/d catalytic hydrocracker as well as a 85,000-b/d catalytic
hydrotreating unit. In addition to twin vacuum distillation units, the refinery now includes a
wide range of conversion facilities, including Merox/Isomax units and naphtha treatment, light
and heavy diesel oil production, hydrogenation and sulphur recovery units. As a result, its
product slate was heavily weighted towards middle distillates, with gas oil accounting for 34
per cent of output, fuel oil for 23 per cent, kerosene for l7 per cent and gasoline for 6.5 per
The refinery underwent a 40-day maintenance program in May-June 2001, but shortly after
being brought back into operation, the plant had to be shut down again because of a
breakdown in unit no. 6, the section that dispatches crude oil to the rest of the refinery
through special pipelines. A sharp rise in temperature in the HO 683 furnace blocked the main
crude distribution lines. The following November the plant's two 1,750-ton/day sulphur
recovery units had to be shut down, and although they were operating normally again within a
week, KNPC announced in December 2001 that it intended to refurbish them in order to
reduce the refinery's sulphur emissions. The contract for this work was awarded to Larsen &
In 2002 KPNC launched an environmental protection campaign at the refinery involving the
installation of a gas flare recovery unit costing KD 5.7 million, a gas processing and
desulphurization unit costing KD 15.8 million and scheduled for completion in 2004, a new
sulphur extraction unit costing KD 6.4 million and also scheduled for start-up in 2004, and the
refurbishment of furnaces and boilers to eliminate sulphurous products at a cost of KD 3.8
million. The program also called for raising the capacity of the existing sulphur extraction
facilities from 270 tons/day to 400 tons/day.
In July 2003 a fire occurred after naphtha leaked from a pipeline that serves unit no. 6, the
same unit that broke down after the 2001 maintenance, but the resulting cut in the refinery's
output lasted only several days.
A.2.2 Petrochemicals
Although its petrochemical industry only came into being in 1997, Kuwait is now intent on
developing it and in 2001 took the decision to invest a further $3.4 billion in the construction of
two more complexes. Two plants entered production in 1997, in fact. One was an ethylene-
based complex developed by Equate Petrochemical Company, a joint venture between state-
owned Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC 45 per cent), Union Carbide Company of
the U.S., now part of Dow Chemical (45 per cent), and a private Kuwaiti firm, Bubiyan
Petrochemicals Company (10 per cent), while the other was a 100,000-tonlyear
polypropylene plant developed by PIC alone. Both are located in Shuaiba.
Kuwait's late entry into the petrochemicals business was due in large part to its limited
reserves of natural gas, which provides the industry with its main feedstock. It has had a
fertilizer industry since 1966, when PIC brought its first nitrogenous fertilizer plant in Shuaiba
on stream, and that complex is now being expanded for a second time.
One of the two new projects now going ahead is designated Olefins II (initially known as
Equate-2). Like Olefins I, which was also known as Equate-l, it will be an ethylene-based
olefins complex that will have an ethane and propane cracker with a capacity of 850,000
tons/year of ethylene, together with units for the production of 450,000 tons/year of low-
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density polyethylene (LDPE) and 600,000 tons/year of ethylene glycol. It will cost an
estimated $2 billion and will also include a 70,000-ton/year propylene unit that will provide
feedstock for PIC's polypropylene Plant.
The second project is a $700 million aromatics complex in Shuaiba that will have a capacity of
735,000 tons/year of paraxylene and 232,000 tons/year of benzene. PIC signed contracts in
mid-2003 with UOP LLC to provide process technology and the basic engineering, and with
Bechtel to be the project manager. The complex is expected to enter production in 2007.
Olefins I has a design capacity of 650,000 tons/year of ethylene, 450,000 tons/year of high-
density and linear low-density polyethylene and 350,000 tons/year of ethylene glycol, but its
effective capacity is greater than that. In
2000 it produced 800,000 tons of ethylene, 600,000 tons of polyethylene and 400,000 tons of
ethylene glycol.
The PIC polypropylene plant, which came on stream in the third quarter of 1997,just before
Olefins I, was built by Toyo Engineering Corporation of Japan at a cost of KD 25.8 million and
also produces copolymers using 6,000 tons/year of ethylene feedstock. PIC, which exports
polypropylene to Jordan, Syria, the UAE, Morocco, China, Hong Kong, India and Pakistan,
plans to increase the plant's capacity to 120,000 tons/year.
The company is also continuing to expand and upgrade its Shuaiba fertilizer complex, which
currently has a capacity of 876,000 tons/year of urea and over 1 million tons/year of
ammonia. In mid-1999 it embarked on a three-stage expansion entailing an increase in urea
capacity from 1,100 tons/day to 1,750 tons/day and ammonia capacity from 800 tons/day to
880 tons/day, as well as the addition of a 2,000-ton/day methanol plant.
The government is planning to privatise PIC at some stage, although the scheme is fiercely
opposed by members of the National Assembly. That prompted Bubiyan Petrochemicals
Company (BPC) and two other Kuwaiti companies, National Industries Group and
Independent Petroleum Group, to form an association in February 1999 to take advantage of
PIC's possible privatisation and to invest in petrochemical ventures for producing products
such as polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, acrylonitebutadene-styrene, phenol and acetone,
acrylic fiber and various acids.
While no steps have actually been taken towards privatising PIC, the company did dispose of
one of its activities in July 2000, when it sold its salt and chlorine plants in Shuaiba to the local
firm Al-Ahliya Investment Company for KD 10.8 million.
Meanwhile, BPC is investing in a variety of activities at home and abroad. It is involved in a
joint venture with Saudi Arabia's Eastern Petrochemical Company (Sharq) for the production
of polyethylene film and has equity interests in industrial ventures in various Gulf states. They
include a 7.5 per cent holding in Al-Jubail Chemicals Industries Company in Saudi Arabia,
which operates an epoxy resin plant operating under a license from Ciba Geigy. BPC's other
foreign investments consist of 7 per cent of Dubai Wire and 7.5 per cent of Global Fasteners
(in which it also holds 20 per cent of the preference shares), two Dubai-based companies
producing industrial cables, and 4.8 per cent of United Development Company in Qatar.
In October 2001 BPC invited its shareholders to subscribe for 10 million new shares that
would increase its paid-up capital from KD 30 million to KD 40 million. The operation was
designed to enable BPC to maintain its l0 per cent shareholding in Equate, whose own capital
was increased to KD 306.8 million in February 2001.
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Kuwaits Petrochemical Plants
Shuaiba Fertilizer Complex
The complex was developed by Kuwait Chemical Fertilizer Company (KCFC), which was
established in 1964 by PIC (60 per cent) in association with Gulf Oil and British Petroleum (20
per cent each). PIC took full control of KCFC in March 1973, when it bought out the holdings
of BP and Gulf Oil, and the company was absorbed into PIC. Three years later the state
bought out the remaining 5.62 per cent of PIC's equity still in private hands, shortly after it had
acquired l00% control of KOC and KNPC. All three companies subsequently became wholly-
owned subsidiaries of KPC.
The first unit of the Shuaiba fertilizer complex, Plant A, started up in 1966 with a capacity of
550 tons/day of urea, sulphuric acid, ammonia and ammonium sulfate. The second, Plant B,
was brought progressively on stream between July 1971 and March 1972; it consisted of two
urea units (with a combined capacity of 640 tons/day) and two ammonia units
(totalling 800 tons/day).
In 1977 the production capacity of Plant A was increased from 550 tons/day to 950 tons/day
of urea. Two years later it was decided to install additional units in Plant B with a capacity of
580 tons/day of urea and 1,000 tons/day of ammonia, which came on stream in 1982.
Moreover, another ammonia unit started up towards the end of 1984 to replace the first one.
Several debottlenecking operations were carried out in the second half of the 1980s to reduce
energy consumption and raise the effective production capacity of the complex, which started
producing compound fertilizers in 1987.
The complex was badly damaged during the Gulf war and repair work was not completed until
late 1993, when its capacity was restored to 3,000 tons/day (1,095,000 tons/year) of ammonia
and 2,500 tons/day (912,500 tons/year) of urea - 1,100 tons/day in Plant A and 1,400
tons/day in Plant B. Most of its urea output is exported to China and other Far Eastern
countries such as Japan and the Philippines, while its ammonia output is mainly exported to
India, South Korea, Taiwan, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey, Spain and Greece.
Urea production capacity was further increased, following the award of a contract to the Italian
company Tecnimont in December 1999 for expanding the urea unit in Plant A from 1,100
tons/day to 1,750 tons/day. The contract was worth about $70 million and called for the work
to be completed in late 2001 or early 2002. The new facilities utilize the Stamicarbon
production process.
It is now planned to expand the ammonia unit II in Plant B from 800 tons/day to 880 tons/day.
The Danish company Haldor Topsoe was retained as engineering consultant for the project
and for the supply of process technology. International companies were invited to submit
prequalification applications for a lump-sum, turnkey contract by December 2000. The project
is expected to cost $30-40 million.
This project is part of a bigger upgrade program that also calls for the installation of a 2,000-
ton/day methanol plant. But while the two projects were originally tendered together, PIC
subsequently changed its plans and decided to go ahead with the ammonia expansion first
and to build the methanol unit later.
Equate Petrochemical Company
Equate Petrochemical Company was established in November 1995 with a capital of KD 86
million to develop a complex that was mostly designed and built by U.S. companies. It is a
joint venture between PIC (45 per cent), Union Carbide Company of the U.S., now part of
Dow Chemical (45 per cent), and a private Kuwaiti firm, Bubiyan Petrochemicals Company (lo
per cent). PIC has a l0 per cent holding in Bubiyan Petrochemicals.
Construction contracts for the Olifins I (Equate-l) complex were awarded to Brown & Root for
the ethane cracker (which cost $450 million), Snamprogetti of Italy for the polyethylene plant
(about $300 million) and Foster Wheeler Italiana for the ethylene glycol unit ($150 million).
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The complex has a design capacity of 650,000 tons/year of ethylene, 450,000 tons/year of
high-density and linear low-density polyethylene and 350,000 tons/year of ethylene glycol, but
its effective capacity is greater than that. In
2000 it produced 800,000 tons of ethylene, 600,000 tons of polyethylene and 400,000 tons of
ethylene glycol. The complex thus produced about 1 million tons of finished products in 2000
and earned a net profit of $180 million. Most of its output is exported, mainly to South-East
The complex cost $2 billion to build and was mainly funded by a $l.2-billion term loan and a
KD 45-million working capital facility advanced by a syndicate of local, regional and
international financial institutions. In October 2001 Equate decided to refinance the term loan
to take advantage of the lower interest rates available on the international financial markets.
Some $300 million of the initial borrowing had already been repaid, and the remaining $900
million consisted of a l0-year loan of $400 million, a five-year revolving credit of $300 million
and a l0-year lease loan of $200 million advanced by Islamic banks.
Equate mandated Citibank, the National Bank of Kuwait and Kuwait Finance House to
arrange the refinancing. Kuwait Finance House, the world's second largest Islamic bank, was
specifically responsible for the Islamic component of Equate's borrowings. The refinancing
was arranged within a matter of weeks, and Equate signed the agreement with a syndicate of
regional and international banks in November 2001.
Although its complex operated at virtually full capacity from the outset, Equate posted an
unexpectedly large loss of $210 million in 1998, its first full year of activity, due to a sharp
drop in world petrochemical prices. By the end of 1999, however, Equate was not only making
a profit but its earnings were ahead of forecasts. By mid-2000, moreover, Equate's initial
capital of KD 86 million had swelled to KD 306 million (over $1 billion) as a result of the
transformation of shareholders' loans into stock. But it suffered a temporary setback in mid-
2000, when it was forced to cut polyethylene production for several months following the
shutdown of the Mina al-Ahmadi refinery, which provides it with its LPG feedstock. Equate
reported a net profit of $107 million in 2002 after earning $110 million in 2001. In 2003,
Equate's net profit was up to $276 million.
A new company, Equate II, is to be established to develop another ethylene-based
petrochemical complex. It will be owned by PIC (42.5 per cent), Dow Chemical (42.5 per
cent), Bubiyan (9-l0%) and local private investors (5-6 per cent). The complex will have a
capacity of 850,000 tons/year of ethylene, 600,000 tons/year of ethylene glycol/ethylene
oxide, and 400,000 tons/year of polyethylene. PIC's parent company, Kuwait Petroleum
Corporation (KPC), has also approved plans for PIC to develop an aromatics complex in
conjunction with private investors, as well as a styrene plant in a joint venture with Dow
Chemical. According to the January 2004 edition of the Economic and Financial Review of the
National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), PIC has invited international firms to prequalify for the EPC
(engineering, procurement and construction) contract for the aromatics complex. The contract
for the FEED (front-end engineering and design) work for the project has already been
awarded to Bechtel, which is also the project management consultant (PMC). The complex is
expected to cost $1.4 billion.
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A.2.3 Investments Abroad
After oil revenues started to flow in on a large scale in the 1970s, resulting in the
accumulation of substantial financial reserves, Kuwait decided to invest a large part of those
assets overseas. Through the 1980s in particular, it built up a substantial portfolio of foreign
investments, especially in industrialized countries, beginning with financial assets and
shareholdings in blue chip companies and then focusing on direct investment in the oil sector
and in industrial, real estate and other activities in Europe and Asia.
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is responsible for all foreign investments in the oil
sector, operating through two main subsidiaries - Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration
Company (Kufpec) upstream and Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) downstream. Financial
investments at home and abroad are managed by the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA),
which operates in foreign countries through its London-based subsidiary, Kuwait Investment
Office (KIO). In mid-2002 the Kuwaiti Finance Minister, Mr. Youssef al-Ibrahim, told a Saudi
newspaper that the KIA had decided to suspend its direct investments abroad because they
are difficult to control and manage, and was thinking of disposing what it held in favour of
investments through managed funds that ensure proper control.
Although Kuwait was forced to liquidate a substantial part of its investments during and after
the Gulf crisis, it largely replenished them after the mid-1990s. According to a government
report submitted to Parliament in June 2000, the KIA withdrew a total of KD 24,617 million
(almost $80 billion) from the Reserve Fund for Future Generations between 1991 and 1999,
to finance both the post-Gulf war reconstruction of the country and general budgetary
spending. It also said KIA's investment policy would shift toward focusing on assets that could
be easily converted into cash, such as stocks and shares, and on direct investment in
productive assets rather than in real estate.
Before the 2002 decision to suspend direct foreign investments, the government's policy
toward them had been fiercely criticized in Parliament on numerous occasions, because
some foreign ventures have proved both risky and costly, and even in January 2004 a
parliamentary committee sought further explanation from KPC about past investment losses.
A particular focus of criticism was the takeover of Santa Fe International Corporation in 1981,
for which KPC paid $2.5 billion. A 1994 report submitted to the National Assembly maintained
that KPC had paid $1.3 billion more than the company was worth and calculated that it had
lost a total of $2.89 billion on its U.S. investments between 1981 and 1990. But Kuwait's
greatest foreign investment fiasco was its industrial empire in Spain, which left KIO an
estimated $5 billion poorer when it collapsed in the early 1990s.
Santa Fe International subsequently disposed of its upstream assets and became a specialist
drilling company, and KPC reduced its interest from 100 per cent to 38 per cent between
1997 and 2000 by selling shares in the market. It then saw its remaining holding halved to
18.7 per cent in late 2001 as a result of Santa Fe's merger with the British company Global
Marine to form GlobalSantaFe Corporation. The new entity is the world's second largest
offshore drilling company.
The main focus of KPC's international strategy is oil refining and distribution, but it failed to
achieve its ambition of having 700,000 b/d of overseas refining capacity by the year 2000. Of
that total, 300,000 b/d was to be in Europe and 400,000 b/d in South-East Asia. In Asia,
however, KPC has not succeeded in acquiring any refining capacity at all, despite concluding
a number of joint venture agreements for the development of new refineries with companies
in India, Pakistan and Thailand. Western Europe thus remains the only region where it has
established a substantial downstream network, but its refining capacity there amounts to no
more than 180,000 b/d, while its total sales of petroleum products through its European
distribution network do not exceed 225,000b/d.
Until late 2000 KPC had one foreign subsidiary that was not in the oil or gas sector. That was
Gulf Industrial Investment Corporation (GIIC), which operated a hot briquetted iron (HBI) plant
in Bahrain. KPC set up the company in 1988 to take over the plant of the former Arab Iron
and Steel Company (Aisco), which had been put into liquidation the year before. At the time,
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the facility produced only iron filings, but in 1991 GIIC brought a l-million ton/year HBI unit on
stream, and subsequently expanded its capacity in two stages to 4 million tons/year. In
October 2000, however, KPC sold GIIC for $183 million.
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Kuwaits downstream investment abroad
Oil Refining & Distribution
Kuwait's oil refining and distribution network in Europe is run by Kuwait Petroleum
International (KPI), which was based in London until mid-2000. At that point, however, its
head office was transferred to Kuwait in a move aimed at creating jobs for Kuwaitis and
reducing administrative costs. Since 1983 KPI has built up an extensive distribution network
in Europe, which now totals some 5,785 service stations and generates total sales of some
225,000 b/d of refined products. KPI also has interests in two refineries, giving it effective
refining capacity of 180,000 b/d and potential capacity of 225,000bld.
Its largest European operation is in Italy, where it has a 50 per cent stake in the Milazzo
refinery in association with Agip, and operates a network of some 3,500 service stations. The
refinery has a nominal capacity of 270,000 b/d, but it currently operates at well below that rate
and is being refurbished and upgraded to restore it to its design capacity. KPI's only other
refinery in Europe now is the 77,000-b/d Europoort facility in Rotterdam.
KPC has not acquired any refining capacity in Asia and the Far East, but was proceeding
toward that goal in 2003 after earlier making no headway with various projects in Pakistan,
Thailand and China. It has, however, established a service station network in Thailand.
Through a specialist subsidiary, Kuwait Petroleum International Aviation Company (KPIAC),
KPC is a major supplier to the world's airlines, providing aircraft refuelling services at some 22
international airports around the world. KPC also controls Hong Kong Refuelling Company
Limited, which operates at Hong Kong international airport, and in 1985 it set up KP America
to provide aircraft refuelling services in the United States.
Kuwaiti service stations abroad operate under the "Q8" name and logo.
a) Europe
KPI runs refining and distribution operations in l0 Western European countries, having made
its first downstream investment in Europe in 1983 and established operations in six countries
by the end of 1984. Since the refining capacity provided by its two plants in Sicily and
Rotterdam, its retail and wholesale network in Europe also distributes petroleum products
from Kuwait and elsewhere. KPI controls more than 6 per cent of the Western European
market, with national market shares ranging from 20 per cent in Denmark, l9 per cent in
Luxembourg and 17 per cent in Belgium to 12 per cent in Sweden, ll.5 per cent in Italy, 3 per
cent in the Netherlands and 2 per cent in the United Kingdom.
In addition to its 5,785 service stations, KPI operates some 602 International Diesel Service
(IDS) stations in Europe, including in France, where it has no service stations for private
motorists. Its IDS network was expanded through the acquisition of 52 outlets in Spain in July
KPC also has five lubricants plants in Europe, located in Antwerp (Belgium), Milan (Italy),
Redmoelen (Sweden), Gulfhaven (Denmark) and Leeds (United Kingdom).
Kuwait made its first downstream investment in Europe in 1983, when KPI acquired Gulf Oil's
refining and distribution activities in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. It thereby
acquired the 77,000-b/d Europoort refinery and a closed petrochemical complex in
Rotterdam, together with two lubricants plants and a network of some 350 filling stations. In
January 2003 a 35,000-b/d desulphurization unit at Europoort was shut down after an
explosion, forcing KPI to supply replacement products from its refineries in Kuwait. The plant's
vacuum distillation unit and some desulphurization units are scheduled to be refurbished by
the autumn of 2003 under a contract awarded to Foster Wheeler Italiana, a subsidiary of
Foster Wheeler Ltd.
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KPI added to its Belgian network in August 1985 by buying 53 service stations from the
French company Elf Aquitaine (now Total). Then in December 1993 it purchased 25 service
stations in Luxembourg from BP, increasing the number of its outlets there to 58 and making
it the largest oil distributor in the country. Most recently, in July 1999 KPI took over the
Belgian operations of the German company Aral, bringing it another 205 service stations,
many of them located along Belgian motorways. The acquisition boosted the number of its
service stations in Belgium to more than 450 and increased its share of the Belgian market to
17 per cent,just behind Shell with 18 per cent. Taking account of its 122 outlets in the
Netherlands, KPI's Benelux network now totals about 630 service stations.
KPC is not the only Kuwaiti company with downstream interests in Belgium, since in October
1997 Independent Petroleum Group (IPG) purchased a 40 per cent stake in Petroplus
Refining, a Dutch company that owns a 65,000-b/d refinery in Antwerp. The two have set up a
joint venture called Euro-Gulf Petroleum to run the refinery, purchase its crude oil feedstock
and market its output of refined products. IPG, which was set up in 1976, is a private
company that is primarily engaged in oil trading. In early 2004 Petroplus said it had signed a
memorandum of understanding to sell its 62 Tango branded service stations in the
Netherlands to the KPC subsidiary Kuwait Petroleum Nederland BV, which already has 168
Q8 service stations in the country.
KPC completed a second major European acquisition in 1983, purchasing Gulfs refining and
distribution interests in Sweden and Denmark. The deal gave KPI the 59,000-b/d Stignaes
refinery in Denmark, two lube oil blending plants, storage facilities for up to 6 million barrels of
crude oil and refined products, eight terminals and a 50 per cent interest in another 30
terminals in Sweden. It expanded its Danish operations in April 1987 through the purchase of
most of the interests of BP's subsidiary in Denmark, BP Olie Kompaniet A/S (BP OK),
including 389 filling stations and a wholesale distribution operation.
KPI closed the Stignaes refinery in 1996 and converted it into a storage and distribution
terminal for imported products, and in 2002 it sold the Gulftravn oil terminal at Stignaes to the
Danish company Energi E2 A/S. Its Scandinavian network now consists of 562 service
stations in Denmark and 536 in Sweden. In 1998 KPC's Swedish arm, Kuwait Petroleum
Svenska, entered into an oil product distribution joint venture with OK Petroleum. Their
network of OK and Q8 service stations accounts for around 900 of Sweden's 3,700 service
KPI has acquired more refining capacity and built up a larger retail network in Italy than in any
other European country, and its Italian operations are run by a separate subsidiary, Kuwait
Petroleum Italia (KP Italia). Its first investment in Italy dates back to January 1984, when it
took over Gulfs downstream operations in the country. They included 1,500 filling stations and
a mothballed 75,000-b/d oil refinery in Sarni that has never been recommissioned.
Further acquisitions were made in 1988, when KP Italia purchased a 25% stake in Genoa-
based Continentale Italiana, which operated a distribution terminal in Lacchiarella with the
capacity to handle 3 million tons/year of crude and products. The same year it acquired Roloil,
a Milan-based lubricants company, and in December 1989 it took over the independent
distributor Pisa SpA, giving it a further 24 tetall outlets.
Then in March 1990 KP Italia acquired most of Mobil Oil's downstream interests in Italy, for
which it paid around $300 million. Mobil Oil Italiana owned a 100,000-b/d refinery and an
aromatics plant in Naples and controlled a network of 2,000 service stations, many of which it
owned. However, the Naples refinery was an inefficient and unprofitable plant which drove KP
Italia into the red, so the company shut the plant down in September 1993 and converted it
into an oil product storage and distribution terminal. Nevertheless, the Mobil acquisition made
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KP Italia the fourth largest oil distributor in Italy, with 2,924 service stations and a I0.I7o
market share.
KPI's last major acquisition in Italy was made in October 1996, when it purchased Agip's 50
per cent interest in the 300,000-bld Milazzo refinery in Sicily, together with 336 service
stations. The refinery had an effective crude throughput of no more than 200,000 b/d at the
time, but KP Italia has refurbished and upgraded it to restore it to full capacity and enable it to
process sour Kuwaiti crude. New conversion facilities, including a desulphurization unit, have
been installed so the refinery can run up to 40 per cent sour crude.
In March 2001 KP Italia signed an agreement with The Lubrizol Corporation of the U.S. for the
production and distribution of a pollution-reducing diesel fuel using Lubrizol's PuriNox Fuel
Technology. KP Italia was to install three blending units in Italy for producing the fuel, which is
a combination of standard diesel oil, purified water and the PuriNox additive package. The
technology reduces nitrogen oxide emissions by 15 per cent, particulate matter emissions by
25 per cent and black smoke by up to 25 per cent. The fuel is distributed through KP Italia's
network and sold under the "Q White" name.
In late 2003 the Italian company ERG said it was studying the creation of a 50:50 per cent
joint venture with KP Italia for the distribution of refined products, but at that point no
negotiations had yet been held.
United Kingdom
KPI entered the British market in October 1986, when it bought a 10.37o stake in Hays
Petroleum Services that gave it control of 821 service stations, and took over another
independent distributor, Pace Petroleum. Then in March 1987 it purchased the distribution
division of the British oil company Ultramar, including its retail network, Golden Eagle Limited,
which operated 465 service stations. That was followed in May 1987 by the purchase of the
53 UK service stations still operated by the former Soviet oil trading company Nafta, which
boosted the total number of KPI's retail outlets in the country to 1,339.
Towards the end of 1987 KPI set up a subsidiary called Kuwait Petroleum (GB) to manage its
British distribution network. KP (GB) made two further acquisitions in 1990, when it took over
a small firm called Kamper Services, which operated a network of 20 service stations in the
east of the United Kingdom, and purchased the East Anglia oil terminal of King's Lynn
Storage (KLS). In addition to its main Q8 network, which numbers 590 service stations, KP
(GB) has created a second network of around 100 independent outlets under the Pace name.
KPC also acquired a small UK distributor of lubricating oils, Carless Lubricants, in 1989,
reinforcing its position in that segment of the market. Carless had annual sales of 38,000 tons
of oils and greases, representing 4.2 per cent of the UK lubricants market. Following that
acquisition, KPI embarked on a major restructuring and rebranding of its lubricants business
in the United Kingdom, bringing them together in a new" subsidiary called Kuwait Petroleum
Lubricants (KPL), which started marketing products under its own name in October 1990.
Kuwait entered the aircraft refuelling business in the UK. in 1992, when KP (GB) set up a rail-
based refuelling service at London's second busiest airport, Gatwick, and formed a joint
venture with BP, Shell and Exxon to provide an aviation fuel pipeline link into Manchester
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b) Asia & The Far East
Despite concluding agreements with local refining companies in India, Pakistan, Thailand and
China for the joint development of new facilities or the acquisition of equity stakes in existing
ones, KPC had not succeeded in establishing any refining capacity in Asia by 2003. In
particular, it was to have participated in the construction of a 185,000-b/d refinery in the Indian
state of Orissa in a joint venture with Indian Oil Corporation, but decided to pull out of the
$1.74-billion scheme in February 2000. On the other hand, KPC remains theoretically party to
a joint venture with another Indian company, Cochin Refineries Limited, for the development
of a 200,000-b/d refinery in the southern state of Kerala. The two partners are each to have
26 per cent interests in the venture, while the other 48 per cent is to be sold to the public.
In addition, KPC announced in November 2001 that it had started negotiating for an equity
stake in another Indian company, Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL),
which operates a 9-million ton/year refinery in the State of Kamataka. MRPL is controlled by
Hindustan Petroleum and Av Birla Group with 37 per cent holdings each, while the other 26
per cent is held by financial institutions and individual shareholders. Av Birla reportedly
wanted to sell its interest, while Hindustan Petroleum, which has the right of preemption, was
said to want to increase its stake.
KPC has still not given up all hope of participating in the development of a refinery in Pakistan
in conjunction with Pakistan State Oil Company (PSO), the country's largest oil product
distributor, and in October 2003 the KPC board of directors approved the company's planned
purchase of a majority shareholding in PSO. The two partners had signed a memorandum of
understanding in October 1995 for the construction of a refinery at Hub, in the province of
Baluchistan, but like the Cochin project, nothing concrete has yet come of it. Kuwait also has
been invited to invest in two pipeline projects in Pakistan, one for natural gas and one for
refined products, each of which would cost an estimated $600-700 million.
KPC has had no more success in China. In December 1997 it signed an agreement with Qilu
Petrochemicals Company, which operates a 160,000-b/d refinery in Shandong province in
eastern China. The deal called for KPC to finance a 120,000-b/d expansion of the plant,
supply the necessary crude and provide technical expertise in the handling of sour crudes,
but it has not yet taken effect.
One Asian refining prospect that appeared to be moving forward as of late 2003 involved the
private Kuwaiti company Kuwait Trading & Contracting Company, which was proceeding with
plans to develop a 60:40 per cent joint venture refinery in Indonesia with the local firm PT
Kiland Minyak Buni. The project would involve a 225,000 b/d refinery that would process
crude supplied by KPC, and would have a cost of $4 billion.
KPC's only successful penetration of the South-East Asian market thus remains the
establishment of a service station network in Thailand. Operated by a local subsidiary, Kuwait
Petroleum (Thailand), the network numbers about 130 outlets, and in late 2002 KPI said it
plans to expand it to 500 service stations by 2010 at a cost of $400 million.
Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), a subsidiary of KPC, has a 49 per cent interest in
Societe Industrielle d'Acide Phosphorique et d'Engrais (SIAPE), which was set up in March
1980 as a joint venture with Tunisia's IMT (51 per cent). It took over IMT's existing phosphate
fertilizer plant, which then had a capacity of 340,000 tons/year of ammonium phosphate,
100,000 tons/year of superammonium phosphate and 40,000 tons/year of diammonium
phosphate. SIAPE also operates two triple superphosphate plants in Sfax with a combined
capacity of 530,000 tons/year, as well as a 330,000-tonlyear phosphoric acid complex in La
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In June 1989 SIAPE absorbed three other companies -Industries Chimiques Maghrebines
(ICM), Compagnie des Industries Chimiques de Gafsa, and Engrais de Gabes to create an
integrated phosphate processing group. ICM operated three plants in Gafsa with annual
capacities of 430,000 tons of phosphoric acid, 100,000 tons of triple superphosphate (TSP)
and 60,000 tons of diammonium phosphate (DAP), while Engrais de Gabes had two plants in
Gabes with a combined capacity of 330,000 tons/year of phosphoric acid, 330,000 tons/year
of DAP and 300,000 tons/year of ammonium nitrate.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain signed an agreement on 31 May 1980 setting up Gulf
Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), which was to develop an ammonia and methanol
complex in Bahrain. The company is owned in equal parts by Kuwait's Petrochemicals
Industry Company (PIC), Bahrain National Oil Company (Banoco) and Saudi Basic Industries
Corporation (SABIC).
GPIC's $400-million complex originally had a capacity of 1,000 tons/day of ammonia and
1,000 tons/day of methanol when it came on stream at the end of 1985. It has since been
expanded by 20 per cent, so it can now produce 1,200 tons/day each of ammonia and
PIC has a 47.25 per cent holding in a joint venture in Mersin called Mediterranean Fertilizer
company, which operates a complex with a capacity of 500 tons/day of diammonium
phosphate, 215 tons/day of phosphoric acid, 600 tons/day of sulphuric acid, 1,100 tons/day of
nitric acid and 1,900 tons/day of calcium ammonium nitrate. The complex was able to operate
at only 60 per cent of its design capacity up to 1986, but an upgrading program was
completed that year which boosted the utilization rate to 95 per cent of nominal capacity.
Kuwait is involved in a joint venture fertilizer plant with Tunisia and china called the Sino-Arab
chemical Fertilizer company. The China National Chemical Construction Corporation has a 40
per cent interest in the venture in association with PIC and SIAPE. The company developed a
$50-million fertilizer plant in china with the capacity to produce 1,600 tons/day of diammonium
phosphate and 2,200 tons/day of nitrogen phosphate potash (NPK).
Kuwait also built up a substantial chemical fertilizer business in spain in the 1980s. Kuwait
Investment office (KIO) acquired two existing companies, Cros SA and Explosivos Rio Tinto
(ERT), through its Spanish holding company, Grupo Torras. In 1988 Torras merged the two
companies to form Spain's largest chemical company, Ercros SA, in which it had a38.6%
In September 1989 Ercros was authorized by the Spanish government to take over a state-
controlled fertilizer manufacturer called Inversa, and that acquisition put Ercros in fourth place
amongst European fertilizer manufacturers. The financial position of Ercros deteriorated
dramatically in 1991 and 1992, however, and despite fresh inputs of funds from both KIO and
the Spanish government, the company filed for bankruptcy in 1993 with debts of at least 42
billion pesetas ($363 million).
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A.3.1 Oil Refining
Oman's only refinery at Mina al-Fahal has a capacity of 80,000 b/d and is operated by Oman
Refinery Company (ORC), a state-controlled enterprise that is 99 per cent owned by the
Ministry of Oil and Gas and 1 per cent by the Central Bank of Oman. Although the plant's
output of refined products comfortably exceeds the country's domestic consumption (of some
52,000 b/d in 2003), a second refinery with a capacity of 116,400 b/d is being developed at
Sohar, 250 km north-west of Muscat, by Sohar Refinery Company (SRC), a state-controlled
concern jointly owned by the Omani state and Oman Oil Company.
The Sohar refinery, which is scheduled to come on stream in the second quarter of 2006 and
is expected to cost about $1 billion to build, will comprise the following facilities: a 116,400-b/d
atmospheric distillation unit; a residue fluidised catalytic cracker (RFCC) with a capacity of
75,260 b/d that will produce unleaded gasoline, low sulphur gas oil, fuel oil and LPG; an LPG
Merox unit; a gasoline desulphurisation unit; a deep desulphurisation unit; and
utilities/offsites. The refinery will operate in an olefin mode to ensure maximal propylene
production of 327,000 tons/year, which will provide feedstock for a polypropylene plant to be
built at the same site.
Only l0 per cent of the refinery's output will be supplied to the domestic market, while the rest
will be exported. In that regard, SRC has signed a l0-year offtake agreement for the non-
domestic output with BP, which is to lift gasoline, low sulphur gas oil, fuel oil blend stock, LPG
and sulphur.
The Mina al-Fahal refinery had a maximum throughput of 50,000 b/d when it came on stream
in 1982, but was expanded to its current capacity in 1987. It is equipped with a continuous
catalytic regenerator (CCR), which started up in 1993. ORC is planning a further upgrade of
the plant, entailing the installation of a 15,000-b/d gas oil hydrodesulphurisation unit and an
amine treatment and sulphur recovery unit.
Oman also produces lubricants at a plant run by Oman Lubricants Company (OLC), a joint
venture between Shell and a number of local firms. The plant, which started up in 1986,
produces some 30,000 tons/year of lube oils and greases, of which about 70 per cent are
exported to other Gulf countries.
A.3.2 Industrial Development
The government drew up plans in the 1990s for developing new industries that could exploit
the availability of low-cost gas. In particular, it wanted to develop an ethylene-based
petrochemical complex, two fertilizer plants and a methanol factory, as well as an aluminium
smelter. Most of these facilities were to be located in Sohar and were to be developed by joint
ventures with foreign partners.
However, not all these projects have proceeded according to plan. Development of a
450,000-ton/year petrochemical complex has been deferred indefinitely following the
withdrawal of the foreign partner, BP. The aluminium smelter, which was due to come on
stream in 200l-02, has run into considerable delay and the completion date is uncertain. On
the other hand, construction started in 2002 of two nitrogenous fertilizer complexes and a
methanol plant, while plans for the development of a 340,000-ton/year polypropylene plant
moved forward in 2003 and construction work is due to start in 2004.
The larger of the two fertilizer complexes is being developed by Oman-India Fertilizer
Company (Omifco), a joint venture between Oman Oil Company (50 per cent) and the Indian
companies Krishak Bharati Cooperative (Kribhco - 25 per cent) and Indian Farmers Fertilizer
Cooperative (Iffco - 25 per cent). It is building a complex at Sur, 150 km south of Muscat, that
will comprise two 1,750-ton/day ammonia units utilizing the production process of Haldor
Topsoe (a subsidiary of the Italian company Snamprogetti), two 2,350-ton/day urea units
utilizing Snamprogetti process technology. and two granulation units. Omifco has concluded
20-year offtake contracts for urea and ammonia with Indian buyers.
The complex is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2005.
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The other fertilizer plant is being developed by Sohar International Urea and Chemical
Industries, an affiliate of the local firm Bahwan Trading Company. Located in Sohar, it will
have a capacity of 2,000 tons/day of ammonia and 3,500 tons/day of urea. The Omani
government has agreed to supply it with 700,000 million cubic feet of natural gas feedstock
during the 25-year operational life of the plant, while Bahwan has negotiated offtake contracts
for its urea output with U.S. companies. The plant is scheduled to enter production towards
the end of 2005.
The methanol plant, also located in Sohar, is being developed by a joint venture between
Oman oil company and Ferrostaal, a subsidiary of Germany's MAN Group. The plant will be
supplied with natural gas feedstock through the 305-km OGC gasline from Fahud to Sohar
and will come on stream in 2005.
Omans first polypropylene plant will have a capacity of 340,000 tons/year and will be built
alongside the 75,000-bld refinery under construction in Sohar, which will provide it with
325,000 tons/year of propylene feedstock. It is being developed by Oman polypropylene LLC
(OPP), a joint venture between Oman Oil Company (60 per cent), ABB Lummus Project
participation BV (20 per cent) and LG International Corporation of South Korea (20 per cent).
The construction contract was awarded to ABB and LG International in 2003, while the South
Korean company will also be responsible for marketing the plant's output. It will produce
polymer-grade polypropylene and will be designed for future expansion to enable it to
produce copolymers as well. It is scheduled to come on stream in 2006, at the same time as
the Sohar refinery.
Plans for building a 480,000-ton/year aluminium smelter in Sohar have so far failed to come
to fruition, although the government reactivated the $2.5-billion project in 2003. It was being
undertaken by Sohar Aluminium Smelter
Company (Sasco), a joint venture between New York-based Charus Enterprises, China
National Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Corporation and the British company National power,
which embarked on the project in 1998. But it immediately ran into delay because of problems
in licensing process technology from France's Pechiney. The first 120,000-ton/year unit was
due to start up early in 2001, and three more units of the same size were scheduled to come
successively on stream through 2001 and 2002. The project manager is the UK's Brown and
Root, while the Canadian firm SNC Lavalin is supervising construction work and Mitsubishi
Corporation of Japan is supplying power equipment.
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A.4.1 Oil Refining
In early 2002 a major expansion project at Qatar's sole oil refinery in Messaid was completed,
boosting capacity from 63,000 b/d to 137,000 b/d. The original plant, Messaid 1, was built in
the 1960s and initially had a capacity of 12,000 b/d, which was later increased to 13,000 b/d.
Then in 1983 a second plant, Messaid 2, came on stream with a capacity of 50,000 b/d. The
two plants are operated as a single, integrated unit.
The recent expansion project, which began in 1997, was undertaken in order to meet growing
domestic oil product consumption over the next 15-20 years as well as to triple the country's
refined product exports. Qatar consumed 24,000 b/d of petroleum products in 2002 and
exported about twice that amount. Most of the exports are lifted by Mitsui and LG International
Corporation under a 25-year contract.
The new facilities at the Messaid refinery consist of two condensate processing units, one of
27,000 b/d for North Field condensate and one of 30,000 b/d for condensate from the Dukhan
field, and a 28,000 b/d fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) for converting fuel oil and residues into
light products. In addition, the existing units were debottlenecked, increasing their capacity by
20,000 b/d to 80,000 b/d. The expansion program also included the addition of new utilities
and tank farms which were integrated with the existing ones. Total project costs equalled
$850 million.
Until the end of 2000, the refinery was run by the National Oil Distribution Company (Nodco),
a wholly owned subsidiary of Qatar Petroleum (QP). But with effect from I January 2001,
Nodco ceased to exist and its activities were taken over by its parent company. Three years
ago the government reactivated plans for developing a 140,000 b/d condensate refinery at
Ras Laffan which would process the rising volumes of North Field condensate produced by
the upstream developments serving Qatargas and RasGas. QP and Total will be involved in
building the refinery.
Offshore condensate production has been continuously rising. It increased from 30,000 b/d in
1995 to 50,000 b/d in late 1998 and then to 100,000 b/d in 2000 as gas liquefaction facilities
came progressively on stream. The condensate refinery, which would cost around $500
million, would produce naphtha, kerosene, gas oil and other products.
Qatar's first lube oil blending plant was brought on stream in April 1998 by Qatar Lubricants
Company (Qalco). It has the capacity to produce 20,000 tons/year of lubricants, while
domestic lubricants consumption is running at an estimated 15,000 tons/year.
A.4.2 Fertilizers & Petrochemicals
Qatar started developing its fertilizer and petrochemical industry in the 1970s, but its
development accelerated in the 1990s as increased volumes of natural gas became available
from the North Field. New projects were launched to complement the original plants that laid
the foundations of the industry. The country now boasts five petrochemical companies and
one fertilizer company.
In 2000, a project to build a 3-million-ton/year methanol complex and a 100,000-ton/year
toluene diisocyanate (TDI) plant was reactivated. The methanol complex was to consist of
three production trains and would be developed by a joint venture between QP (51 per cent)
and Methanex Corporation of Canada (49 per cent) at an estimated cost of $t billion. A
memorandum of understanding for the complex was originally signed in 1997.
The TDI plant, which was to be located in Messaid and cost an estimated $420 million. It was
due to come on stream in 2004, with most of its output exported to the Far East. The plant
was to be developed by QP (5l per cent) in conjunction with EniChem, part of the Italian
energy group ENI (49 per cent). The two sides signed a joint venture agreement for the
project in November 1999, after which EniChem conducted a pre-feasibility study followed by
a detailed feasibility study which was completed in 2000. However, the project was shelved
following the sale of EniChem's polyurethane activities to Dow Chemical. The latter
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subsequently decided that the project would not go ahead. QP is now looking at the possibility
of reactivating the project with other partners.
EniChem already had a 10 per cent stake in Qatar Petrochemical Company (Qapco), but sold
it in 2002 to the French company Atofina, which had another l0 per cent. Industries of Qatar,
controlled by QP, owns the other 80 per cent. Qapco was set up in the 1970s to develop an
ethylene-based petrochemical complex, which came on stream in 1980 and underwent a
major expansion in 1996. Qatar Fertilizer Company (Qafco) was established shortly before
Qapco, in 1969, and is similarly controlled by QP through IQ. It operates a major nitrogenous
fertilizer complex in Messaid that has just been expanded for the third time. Qafco is currently
the largest single fertilizer producer in the Middle East and has put Qatar among the world's
leading exporters of ammonia and urea.
QP's third petrochemical venture, also now a unit of IQ, was launched in 1990 and was
designed to take advantage of the abundant supply of cheap gas about to become available
from the North Field. Qatar Fuel Additives Company (Qafac) was set up to develop a complex
in Messaid for the production of 825,000 tons/year of methanol and 610,000 tons/year of
MTBE. The plant came on stream in October 1999 after some delays.
QP also formed the Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC), which built a plant in Messaid for the
production of ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride monomer and caustic soda. The plant was
inaugurated in June 2001 and is using feedstock supplied by the Qapco from its nearby plant.
Another petrochemical venture involving QP is the Qatar Chemical Complex (Q-Chem) which
built a complex in Messaid for the production of ethylene, high-density polyethylene and
hexene-l that was due to come on stream in 2002.
By the end of 2004, when all these plants are up and running, Qatar's petrochemical industry
will have a total capacity of over 10.9 million tons/year and will be producing at least 14
different products.
The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Ibn Khalifa al-Thani, announced in late 2002 that some
fertilizer and petrochemical enterprises would be partially privatised as part of the
government's strategy of increasing the private sector's role in Qatar's economic
development. This occurred through the creation in April 2003 of Industries of Qatar, which
originally was to be held 85 per cent by QP and l5 per cent by private sector investors, but the
public share offering was so heavily oversubscribed that the company's board of directors
decided to double the private sector's stake to 30 per cent. Industries of Qatar reported a net
profit of QR 1.13 billion for the period from April to December 2003, exceeding the board's
expectations of QR 900 million. Its assets were valued at QR 8.7 billion as at 31 December
Qatar Fertilizer Company (Qafco)
Qafco was originally 70 per cent owned by the Qatari state in association with the Norwegian
company Norsk Hydro (25 per cent), Davy Powergas (3 per cent) and Hambros Bank (2 per
cent).The state's interest was transferred to QGPC when it was created in 1974, and in 1987
QGPC (now QP) bought out Qafco's two British shareholders, increasing its own holding to 75
per cent and leaving Norsk Hydro with 25 per cent. Norsk Hydro's stake was assigned to its
fertilizer division, which was subsequently spun off and renamed Yara International. QP then
transferred its holding to Industries of Qatar upon its creation in 2003.
The company operates a complex in Messaid that comprises three nitrogenous fertilizer
plants. The first plant started up in 1973 with a capacity of 900 tons/day of ammonia and
1,000 tons/day of urea, and was followed by a second plant with the same capacity in l979.
Then in the early 1990s, Qafco embarked on the development of a third plant, Qafco-3, with a
capacity of 1,500 tons/day of ammonia and 2,000 tons/day of urea. Qafco-3 started
commercial production in March 1997. In December 2002 Krupp Uhde won contracts for the
basic engineering for the debottlenecking of Qafco-3, which will increase its capacity to 1,900
tons/day of ammonia and 3,000 tons/day of urea, and for the engineering and procurement
for the refurbishing of electrical systems at Qafco-1 and Qafco-2.
Qafco is in the process of expanding further. It has developed another plant, Qafco-4, which
is poised to make Qatar the largest single producer of urea and ammonia in the world, and in
2004 the company's Managing Director, Mr. Khalifa al-Sowaidi, said plans were being drawn
up for another plant to be known as Qafco-5. With the inauguration of Qafco-4 in April 2004,
Qafco's total production capacity was to increase to 2.8 million tons/year of urea and 2 million
tons/year of ammonia. Qafco-4 also includes an 82-ton/day formaldehyde unit to be operated
by a new joint venture known as Gulf Formaldehyde Company, established in March 2003 by
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Qafco (70 per cent) and three private companies: Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company
(Qimco - l5 per cent): The United Development Company (l0 per cent) and the Qatar
Investment Company for Ladies (5 per cent).
Krupp Uhde, which built Qafco-3, won the $535-million engineering, procurement and
construction contract (EPC) for Qafco-4 in August 2001. The Qafco-4 project includes the
installation of a seawater pumping system, refrigerated storage tanks for ammonia, a storage
terminal for bulk ammonia and loading jetties. It is expected to cost more than $ 1.l-billion.
Part of the cost will be covered by a $400-million bank loan which was agreed with a banking
syndicate in July 2001, while the remaining finance is expected to come from Qafco's
reserves and the anticipated revenues from future output.
Qafco's production was expected to rise substantially in 2004 due to the Qafco-4 plant coming
on stream. It anticipated producing 2.3 million tons of urea, up from 1.78 million tons in 2003
and 1.73 million tons in 2002, while ammonia output was expected to rise to 1.81 million tons
in 2004 from 1.44 million tons in 2003 and 1.41 million tons in 2002. Its exports in 2004 were
expected to total 2.4 million tons of urea, up from 1.89 million tons in 2003, and 451,000
million tons of ammonia, up from 424,886 tons.
The company's principal markets for urea in recent years have included Vietnam, the United
States, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, the Philippines and Japan. Its principal markets for
ammonia have included India, Jordan, the United States and Thailand.
Qafco's net profits in2004 were expected to be QR 636 million, up from QR 599.2 million in
2003 and QR 239 million in 2002. The particularly strong rise in profits in 2003 was attributed
to a rebound in prices for Qafco's products after two years in which prices had slumped.
Qatar Petrochemical Company (Qapco)
Qatar Petrochemical Company was set up in 1977 by QP (84 per cent) in association with the
French company Orkem (formerly CdF Chimie 16 per cent) to develop an ethylene-based
petrochemical complex in Messaid. In July 1990, however, Orkem's entire fertilizer and
petrochemical operations were transferred to Atochem (now Atofina), the petrochemical
subsidiary of Elf Aquitaine (now Total), as part of a major reshuffle of the French chemical
industry. One consequence was a change in the ownership of Qapco: under a three-way
agreement signed in 1990, Atofina and EniChem of Italy each took 10 per cent holdings in the
company, reducing QP's stake to 80 per cent. In September 2002 Atofina bought EniChem's
stake to raise its own to 20 per cent. QP then transferred its stake to Industries of Qatar in
Qapco's complex in Messaid consisted initially of a 280,000-ton/year ethylene unit built by
Technip of France and a 140,000-ton/year low-density polyethylene (LDPE) unit built by
Coppee Rust of Belgium. Capacity was subsequently raised to 360,000 tons/year of ethylene
and 186,000 tons/year of LDPE through de-bottlenecking. The complex, which also has the
capacity to produce 50,000 tons/year of sulphur, uses a feedstock composed of a gaseous
blend of 55 per cent ethane together with methane, carbonic acid and hydrogen sulphide.
A major expansion was completed at the end of June 1996, which cost QR 1.4 billion and
increased Qapco's production capacity to 525,000 tons/year of ethylene and 366,000
tons/year of LDPE. Snamprogetti of Italy won a $l50-million contract for the construction of a
second 180,000-tonlyear LDPE unit, which utilizes the tubular technology patented by
EniChem, while Technip was awarded a contract worth $120 million for a second ethylene
unit utilizing its Topkin technology. Qapco said its ethylene production had risen to 525,000
tons and its LPDE output was 385,000 tons in 2003.
In October 2001 Qapco announced plans to revamp the ethylene cracker and raise its
capacity to 720,000 tons/year, up from the current 525,000 tons/year. The expansion,
scheduled for completion in July 2006, also entails several other projects. One is to integrate
Qapco's debutanizer with the depolarization train of the Q-Chem complex, which will permit
the production of 440,000 tons/year of hydrogenated gasoline and 56,000 tons/year of a
hydrogenated butane/propane blend. Another is the refurbishment of the sulphur extraction
unit, which will result in a greater recovery rate and a reduction in sulphur emissions.
Qapco is also involved in a joint venture called Qatar Plastic Products Company (QPPC) in
association with Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company (Qimco) and the Italian company
FEBO. QPPC operates a polymers plant that converts low-density polyethylene into plastic
film, packaging materials and FFS (form, fill and seal) bags. It entered production in
November 2000 and has an annual capacity of 2.7 million tons of FFS film, 2 million
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resealable bags, 700 tons of shrink-wrap film and sheets and 500 tons of recycled
polyethylene products.
In June 2002 Qapco, Qatar Petroleum, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC and Atofina
SA signed three joint venture agreements to develop petrochemical complexes by 2001 that
are expected to cost more than$22 billion. These include Q-Chem-2, which will produce
350,000 tons/year of high-density polyethylene and an equivalent amount of normal alpha-
olefins in Messaid; Qatofin, which will produce 450,000 tons/year of linear low-density
polyethylene; and an ethane cracker at Ras Laffan.
Qapco earned a record net profit of QR 705 million ($194 million) in 2003, up from QR 432
million in2002.
Qatar Fuel Additives Company (Qafac)
Qafac was set up in 1990 as a joint venture between QP (50 per cent), Total (25 per cent)
and International Octane Limited (IOL), a joint venture between Dubai Gas Company and the
Canadian company Scimitar (25 per cent). The consortium's plans ran into considerable
delay, however, and in 1994 two Taiwanese companies, Chinese Petroleum Corporation
(CPC) and Lee Chung Ying Chemical Industry Company, acquired 12.5 per cent holdings in
the venture, reducing the interests of Total and IOL to l2.5 per cent as well. In April 1996,
however, Total announced that it was pulling out of Qafac altogether, prompting a further
redistribution of shareholdings. QP retained its 50 per cent stake, while CPC's holding rose to
20 per cent and those of IOL and Lee Chung Ying to l5 per cent. In 2003 QP transferred its
stake in Qafac to the new Industries of Qatar.
Qafac operates a complex in Messaid that has the capacity to produce 620,000 tons/year of
MTBE and 950,000 tons/year of methanol, and it has plans to double the capacity of its
methanol unit to more than 1.8 million tons/year. In 2003 its actual production was 572,000
tons of MTBE and 773,000 tons of methanol. The methanol unit came on stream in June
1999, followed by the MTBE unit in July. The plant requires feedstock of nearly 100 million cu
ft/day of natural gas from the North Field and about 300,000 tons/year of butane supplied by
QP, as well as hydrogen supplied by Qafco. The development cost $670 million altogether,
and was financed by a bank loan of $350 million and suppliers' credits. The United States lifts
nearly 80% of the plant's output. In 2002 Qafac signed a contract to supply Petrochemical
Commercial Company International (PCCD of Iran with 275,000 tons/year of MTBE over a
seven-year period starting in 2003.
Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC)
Qatar Vinyl Company (QVC) is a joint venture between QP (25.5 per cent), Qapco (31.9 per
cent), Norsk Hydro (29.7 per cent) and Atofina (whose original l2.9 per cent share rose to
19.3 per cent in 2002 as it acquired EniChem's stake in Qapco). It has developed a plant in
Messaid with the capacity to produce 175,000 tons/year of ethylene dichloride, 230,000
tons/year of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and 290.000 tons/year of caustic soda.
The plant became fully operational in June 2001. In addition to the petrochemical units, the
facility comprises a chlorine unit, a gas-turbine power plant, utilities and ancillary facilities.
The plant is connected to the neighbouring Qapco complex, which provides it with 140,000
tons/year of ethylene feedstock. Another raw material QVC will require is industrial salt, and in
November 2000 it signed a contract with Jordan Safi Salt Company for the supply of 250,000
tons/year of salt starting in November 2001, rising to 400,000 tons/year in the second half of
In May 2001, QVC started exporting ethylene dichloride to India's Reliance and Finotex. In
October 2002 QVC's board approved feasibility studies for doubling the capacity of the
company's VCM unit to 460,000 tons/year and for building a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) unit at
In 2003 QVC signed a $460-million, l1-year loan agreement with a syndicate of local and
regional banks to refinance the outstanding part of a $475 million borrowing it made in 1998.
Qatar Chemical Complex (Q-Chem)
Q-Chem, a joint venture between QP (5l per cent) and Phillips Petroleum (49 per cent), was
set up to develop a complex (Q-Chem-1) in Messaid comprising a 500,000-ron/year ethylene
cracker, a two-train polyethylene unit with a capacity of over 460,000 tons/year of
polyethylene, a 41,000-ton/year hexene-1 unit, and associated utilities and offsites. The two
partners signed the definitive joint venture agreement setting up Q-Chem early in 1998.
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Ethane feedstock will be supplied by QP from NGL-4, the natural gas liquids fractionation
plant that was inaugurated in March 2003.The construction of the $ 1.07 billion Q-Chem-1
complex got under way early in 2000.
In June 2002 QP, Qapco, Chevron Phillips Chemical and Atofina agreed to develop the Q-
Chem-2 complex at Ras Laffan and to build a $470-million ethane cracker that will have a
capacity of 1.3 million tons/year. The ethane feedstock will be supplied by facilities processing
natural gas from the giant North Field. The cracker's ethylene output will supply feedstock to a
750,000-ton/year polyethylene unit planned by the venture. Q-Chem-2 will also deliver
ethylene, via a new pipeline, to Messaid, where it is expected to be used as feedstock for
Qapco's planned 400,000-ton/year polyethylene plant and as feedstock for the proposed
expansion of the Qatar Vinyl Company's plant.
A.4.3 Industrial Development
Qatar has sought to broaden its economic base by developing industries unrelated to oil, as
well as downstream activities utilizing hydrocarbons as fuel or feedstock. A number of state-
owned industrial enterprises, such as Qatar Steel Company (Qasco) and Qatar National
Cement Company (QNCC), were set up in the 1960s and 1970s, when the state fertilizer and
petrochemical companies were established, but the economic diversification strategy
subsequently ran out of steam.
The development of the North Field in the early 1990s gave rise to a fresh wave of industrial
ventures, but they were mostly in activities downstream of the hydrocarbon sector, spurred by
the sudden availability of abundant supplies of cheap natural gas. Qapco and Qafco
expanded their complexes and are continuing to develop their activities, while other
petrochemical ventures have been launched, but the non-oil sector has not developed in the
way the authorities once hoped. Moreover, a large proportion of public investment continues
to be poured into the hydrocarbon industry, with 44 per cent of the QR 43 billion of capital
spending planned for the period from 1998 to 2002 being earmarked for the oil and gas
The main non-oil sector is iron and steel, embodied by Qasco, which has not only developed
a major steel-making facility in several phases but has also invested in other ventures. One of
those is Qatar Hot Briquetted Iron Company (Qabico), which was set up in 1997 to develop a
plant in Messaid with the capacity to produce 2 million tons/year of briquetted iron.
A private sector industrial investment company was set up in May 1999 to provide funding for
projects in the fields of infrastructure development, hydrocarbon exploration and
development, seawater desalination, iron and steel, and trade. Called United Development
Company (UDC), it is Qatar's largest private sector company with authorized capital of QR
500 million and a paid-up capital of QR 425 million, of which QR 225 million was provided by
nine founding shareholders. UDC is now expanding its activities to the aluminium industry.
Qatar has long had ambitions of establishing an aluminium smelter. At least three proposals
have been drafted since the rnid-1980s, but only since 2001 has one progressed beyond the
planning stage and even this project faced new uncertainty in early 2004. UDC signed an
agreement in 2001 with Germany's Ferrostaal and Japan's JCC to develop and implement a
smelter project at Ras Laffan. The smelter was expected to have a capacity of up to 500,000
tons/year and would process primary product alumina, and the project's total costs were
expected to be more than $1 billion.
By 2003 UDC was working with Dubai Aluminium Company (Dubal) and the two companies
set up a joint venture, Doha Aluminium Company (Dohal), in which UDC had a 51 per cent
stake and Dubal had 49 per cent, to develop a smelter in Qatar. However, in early 2004 Dubal
said it was pulling out of the joint venture. A joint statement by UDC and Dubal gave no
explanation, but UDC said it intended to go ahead with the project.
In addition to the smelter, the Bahrain Aluminium Extrusion Company (Balexco) is planning to
develop a plant in Qatar for the production of aluminium products at a cost of QR 85 million
($23.3 million). The plant would have the capacity to produce 6,000-7,000 tons/year of
aluminium rods and 2,000 tons/year of coating powder and would include a 3,000 tons/year
anodisation unit. Qatari investors would have a 60-70 per cent equity stake in the venture.
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Qatar Steel Company (Qasco)
Qatar Steel Company was set up in 1974 as a joint venture between the Qatari state (70 per
cent) and two Japanese companies, Kobe Steel (20 per cent) and Tokyo Boeki (10 per cent).
In May 1997, the government announced that it had bought out the Japanese companies'
interests for QR 500 million, giving it l00 per cent control, and in 2003 it turned over this
control to the newly established Industries of Qatar, in which QP has a 70 per cent stake and
private Qatari investors have the remaining 30 per cent.
Qasco operates a steel complex in Messaid which entered production in 1978 with a capacity
of 330,000 tons/year. It has been extensively expanded in several stages since then,
including a 140,000-ton/year rolling mill that started up in l99l and culminating in 1998 with the
commissioning of a second steel plant, Qasco 2, which was built at a cost of QR. 1.3 billion.
Qasco 2 has a capacity of 500,000 tons/year of steel products, 350,000 tons/year of which
are exported. Qasco has since launched a project to increase its production capacity to 1.5
million tons/year of steel products and 500,000 tons of molten steel by 2005-06.
Until 1989, the Qasco complex was run by Kobe Steel, which was in charge of both technical
operations and general management. But at the beginning of 1989 the Qatari government
assumed complete managerial control of the company, and three years later took take charge
of sales and marketing as well. Qasco reported net earnings of QR 326 million in 2003, up
from QR 145 million in 2002.
Qasco, together with Qatar Company for Processing Industries, has a 50 per cent interest in
Qatar Company for Metals Coating (QCMC), which produces iron bars coated with an anti-
corrosive substance.
Qatar National Cement Company (QNCC)
QNCC was established in 1965 and is now 43 per cent owned by the Qatari state and 57 per
cent by private shareholders. It operates a plant in the Umm Bab industrial zone west of
Doha, which has the capacity to produce 330,000 tons/year of Portland cement.
Its output rose to well above design capacity in the 1980s but then declined. The fall in
production was due to aging equipment that required increasingly long periods of
maintenance, so the company decided to install a second 2,000-ton/day plant alongside its
existing one, which is gradually being phased out.
The second plant came on stream in November 1997.It was built by the French company
Fives-Cail Babcock, with design and engineering carried out by the Swiss company
Holderbank Management and Consulting Company, which also acted as project consultant.
Qatar Hot Briquetted Iron Company (Qabico)
Qabico is a joint venture between Qasco (31 per cent), Qatar Shipping Company (10 per
cent), Qimco (10 per cent), Gulf Investment Corporation, National Industries Company and
Canada's Duferco International Investment (Holdings) Company (16.33 per cent each). It was
set up in 1991, following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the
shareholders and the Qatari authorities in December 1996.
Qabico has developed a hot-molded textured iron plant in Messaid with the capacity to
produce 2 million tons/year of hot briquetted iron. It was built by Lurgi Metallurgic Company of
Germany and Midrex Corporation of the U.S. Construction work was completed at the end of
2000 and the plant entered into production in 2001. All its output will be lifted by the
shareholders. Duferco has undertaken to take 1.2 million tons/year and Qasco and NIC
400,000 tons/year each.
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A.5 Saudi Arabia
A.5.1 Refining
Saudi Arabias Eighth Development Plan stresses the importance of capturing a larger share
of the total value added in the petroleum industry value chain, through downstream
integration, either domestically or internationally. Progress in this respect has been slowed
down over the past two decades by the redundant global refinery capacity, which led to
unattractive refining margins. However, the outlook for refining has progressively changed, as
older refineries are withdrawn from service, as more stringent requirements for product quality
have driven less sophisticated refineries out of the market, and as global demand for
petroleum products has continued to rise. At the outset of the 8th Plan, conditions appear to
be propitious for a major new push on the part of Saudi Arabia into downstream integration at
home and abroad.
During the Seventh Development plan period (2000-2004), the total capacity of the seven
refineries in the Kingdom remained constant at the level of 1.786 million barrel per day.
Saudi Arabia's refining sector consists of five local refineries owned by ARAMCO, namely
Ras Tanura Refinery (525,000 barrel per day, bpd); Rabigh Refinery (400,000 bpd), Yanbu
(225,000 bpd); Jeddah (60,000 bpd), of which the private sector holds 25-percent; and Riyadh
(115,000 bpd); in addition to two 50-percent local joint-venture refineries, namely SAMREF
(365,000 bpd) on the Red Sea and SASREF (305,000 bpd) on the Arabian Gulf.
Table: Output of refined products 1995-2002 (million barrels)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
LPG 12.73 15.42 14.45 11.93 12.53 9.63 13.23 10.34
Gasoline 84.74 94.72 90.19 97.64 99.54 100.3
98.89 95.45
Naphta 44.46 47.44 48.56 44.97 49.32 55.03 53.34 57.79
Kerosene & Jet
57.03 64.06 60.84 53.24 60.64 66.92 60.05 59.70
Diesel 166.7
Fuel Oil 159.0
Asphalt 4.43 5.39 6.93 6.53 6.62 8.08 8.65 9.18
Total 529.2
With its practically stagnant refinery throughput Saudi Arabia at present refines only about
20% of its oil production domestically.
In addition, Saudi Aramco is a partner in four refining and marketing joint ventures which
operate in the international market with a total refining capacity of 1.67 million barrel per day.
The Kingdoms share in these projects amounts to 44.3% (see table).
In July 2004 Saudi Aramco announced that it had signed an agreement with the Royal
Dutch/Shell Group to acquire a 9.96% strategic share-holding in Showa Shell, a publicly
traded Japanese refining and marketing company. As part of this transaction, Saudi Aramco
will supply a minimum of 300,000 b/d of crude oil. When considered with other supply
commitments to Japan, this transaction makes Saudi Aramco the top supplier of crude oil to
Japan. Saudi Aramco has also agreed in principle to acquire an additional 4.99% of Showa
Shell from the Royal Dutch/Shell Group, subject to satisfaction of certain commercial
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Table : International joint ventures in refining and marketing
Venture Country Refining Capacity (thousand
barrel/ day)
Kingdoms Share
1- Motiva Enterprises USA 880.0 50
2- S. Oil. S. Korea 525.0 35
3- Petron Philippines 180.0 40
4- Hellas Greece 100.0 50
Note: the share of crude oil from Saudi Arabia to these refineries is much higher than Saudi
Aramcos equity share.
For the 8th Development Plan, the most important project in domestic refining is the
revamping of the Rabigh refinery and its transformation into an integrated refining and
petrochemical complex. Once implemented, it will be one of the largest integrated refining and
petrochemical plants ever to be built at one time, producing a total of 2.2 million tons of
olefins, along with large volumes of gasoline and other refined products. The direct project
investment is preliminarily estimated at 4.3 billion US$. Memoranda of understanding have
been concluded for implementing the project as a joint venture with equal ownership between
Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo; the latter was selected to be the partner in this project out of an
initial list of 35 international firms which had expressed interest.
Saudi Aramcos topping refinery at Rabigh has a maximum capacity of 340,000 b/d but the
plant has operated at reduced rates. Saudi Aramco had studied various upgrade alternatives
for the refinery since the company be-came its owner in 1995. These studies led to the
conclusion that the best alternative to capture the synergies of the existing large crude
capacity, together with significant investment in site and infrastructure, would be to expand
the site into a large, fully-integrated refinery and petrochemical complex. The current Rabigh
plant produces as much as 40% fuel oil and no finished gasoline. In addition to the distillation
capacity, the plant has two merox units (a 75,000 b/d naphtha unit and a 36,000 b/d kerosene
unit) which are used to sweeten rather than finish products, and a 47,000 b/d gas oil de-
sulphuriser. Saudi Aramco will supply the Rabigh Project with 400,000 b/d of crude oil, 95
million cfd of ethane and 10,000-15,000 b/d of butane.
The initial plans for the project include, as the centrepiece of the expanded site, a high olefins
yield fluid catalytic cracker complex integrated with a world-scale, ethane-based cracker,
producing approximately 1.3 million tons/year of ethylene, 900,000 tons/year of propylene and
80,000 b/d of gasoline, as well as other refined products. Petrochemical units are to be
included to convert all of the olefin production to downstream products. The project is targeted
for start-up in late 2008.
The following olefin derivative units are included in the project configuration:
1) Two LLDPE units. The total capacity is expected to be approximately 750,000-900,000 t/y;
2) Two polypropylene units with a total capacity of 700,000 t/y, producing a full range of
polypropylene polymers. A polypropylene compounding unit with a capacity to be confirmed
during the joint feasibility study is also included;
3) A propylene oxide unit or other propylene derivative units; and
4) Other ethylene conversion units such as mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) and Alfa-olefin.
The further development of refining activities is a strategic means to promote economic
diversification, not least as by-products of refining will considerably increase the scale and
scope of petrochemical feedstock. Saudi Aramco is also evaluating plans for new grassroots
refineries to predominately serve the export markets which, once fully defined, will be made
available for private investor participation. In this respect, it should be noted that the oil
refining sector is no longer included in the foreign investment negative list. In addition to the
Aramco-Sumitomo project, other grassroots refineries may be established by the private
sector through competitive procedures for the assignment of guaranteed amounts of crude oil
from Saudi Aramco for processing, taking regional development criteria into account.
Indeed, the Rabigh project is not the only one which is envisaged for the Eighth Development
Plan period. The Plan sets the objective of increasing the domestic refining capacity by
800,000 b/d over the next five years, either by establishing new grassroots refineries or by
increasing the capacity of existing ones.
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In the longer term, the development strategy of the Kingdom envisages increasing the
domestic refining capacity to indicatively 50% of total crude oil production, although this may
be a difficult objective to reach if crude oil production were to increase significantly and
rapidly: it should be understood therefore as an ambition rather than a proper policy
With respect to the heavier products of crude oil refining, a policy will be pursued to maximize
the economic value of crude oil by pushing the sophistication of Saudi refineries to reduce
residual products, if the required investment is economically justified. However, even if the
sophistication of the refining process is pushed to the extreme, residual products cannot be
entirely eliminated. These have no international market and must be used locally.
Saudi Arabia also pursues a policy of further expanding its international refining presence.
A.5.2 Petrochemicals
By providing only limited quantities of naphtha as a basic feedstock for subsequent
petrochemical processing, the given state of the refinery sec-tor restricts to some extent the
further expansion of petrochemical production. The integration of petrochemicals with oil
refining usually considered an asset to build upon is not significant in Saudi Arabia.
While cracking the virgin naphtha provides a full range of products, that is, olefins, C4 mix and
cracking gasoline, the Saudi Arabian petrochemical industry at present relies mainly on the
utilization of methane and ethane components derived from associated gas and to an
increasing degree from non-associated natural gas.
Generally, the bulk of petrochemicals production consists of methanol-based products
(methanol-MTBE), ethylene-based products (ethylene, ethylene glycol, ethylene dichloride,
PPVC and polyethylene) and ammonia-based products (ammonia-urea).
The predominant gas feedstock dictates an unbalanced product mix compared to the full
basic petrochemical product range. This is reflected, for instance, in the underdevelopment of
the product chains based on propylene, butadiene and aromatics (benzene, toluene, and
Future perspectives of the petrochemical industry are to a large extent determined by the
optimisation of liquefied liquid petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas liquids (NGL) and light
naphtha utilization. While the proportion of utilized associated gas had already reached 99.7%
by the year 1986, the extension of the Master Gas System and the increased supply of non-
associated gas will considerably improve the feedstock base for the Saudi petrochemical
The Master Gas System was launched to capture the associated gas separated from crude
oil. The outcome of this separation is a mix of various gases: methane, suited for thermal
uses and for the production of fertilizers and methanol; ethane, which, like methane, is not
easily liquefied and therefore very difficult to export, and is the ideal feedstock for ethylene
crackers; and Liquid Petroleum Gases (LPGs) presently exported as well or as used as
petrochemical feedstock. In the long run, it is the policy of Saudi Arabia to eventually use all
LPG for petrochemical feedstock.
The main engine of development in petrochemicals is still the Saudi Basic Industries
Corporation (SABIC). SABIC was established in 1976 to harness domestic hydrocarbon and
mineral resources by investments in basic petrochemicals, fertilizers and metallurgic projects
and remains the backbone of the entire Saudi industry. SABIC is 70 percent owned by the
Saudi government and 30% by private Saudi and GCC investors. The reduction of the
governments stake has been official policy ever since the Fourth Development Plan (1985-
89), however it has not yet been implemented.
Over a period of almost three decades SABIC has been the major driving force in planning
and implementing basic and intermediate petrochemical projects, providing a wide range of
raw materials for downstream processing industries. Based on its large production facilities in
the Kingdom and its exports to more than 100 countries worldwide, SABIC has become the
largest non-oil industrial company in the Middle East and a global player in the
petrochemicals industry, focused basically on olefins and polyolefins, other petrochemical
products outside the Ethane-Ethylene-Propylene-Polyethylene-Polypropylene chain, like
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methanol (from Methane), MTBE (from C4), in addition to some other plastics like PVC and
Polystyrene, and fibres.
In 2002 31% of SABIC's total production were absorbed by the local market, while 23% of its
sales volume were exported to South East Asia, 17% to Far Eastern countries, 10% to North
America, 7% to Europe, 5% to the Middle East and the remaining 7 % to various other
Despite its impressive growth and capacity building, the petrochemical industry developed in
the KSA to a large part represents a truncated version of the chemical industry, i.e., mainly
the polyolefins end of it. This industry is characterized by relatively simple technologies and
know-how, and large plants that do not require extremely sophisticated chemical knowledge
to be built and run.
Table : SABIC petrochemicals production in 2003
(major products,1000 metric tons)
Basic Chemicals Chemical Intermediates
Ethylene 5,924 Mono-Ethylene (MEG 2,322
Methanol 4,630 Di-Ethylene Glycol (DEG) 226
MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl
3,143 Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG) 12
Propylene 1,077 Purified Terephtalic Acid (PTA) 288
Styrene 1,017 Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) 839
Benzene 350 Caustic Soda (NaOH) 661
Paraxylene 162 2 Ethyl Hexanol (2EH) 163
Pyrolysis Gasoline 132 Di-Octyle Phtalate (DOP) 20
CIE (Crude Industrial Ethanol) 249 Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) 415
Butadiene 123 Iso-Butyl Aldehyde (IBAL 19
Butene 1-1 88
Total Production 16,895 Total Production 4,965
PVC and Polyester Polyolefins
Polyvinylchlorid (PVC) 335.0 Polyethylenes
Polystyrene (PS) 177.0 KSA 3,181
Polyethylene Terephtalate (PET)
78.5 Europe 1,261
Polyester Fibers 125.0 Malaysia 205
Melamine 22.5 Polypropylene
KSA (Total SABIC plus Parters) 877
Europe 1,028
Total Production 738 Total Production 6,552
Ammonia 2,122
Urea 2,708
Phosphate, Compound and
Sulphuric Acid 96
Total Production 5,297
Lacking an absorptive domestic market, at least during the initial stages of its development,
SABIC from the very beginning exported an overwhelming proportion of its products to large
customers outside the country, a situation which made it difficult for SABIC to become part of
a home-based integrated 'learning network' and to acquire knowledge through intensive
supplier-customer relationships.
The accumulation of knowledge was therefore limited, and related only to a specific area. In
order to reduce this disadvantage, to strengthen its technological capabilities and to make full
use of the opportunities offered by the "chemical tree", SABIC has developed various
activities, at home and abroad, which, although very positive, will take some time to have their
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full effects. These efforts are directed basically at the strengthening of its technological and
R&D capacities, as well as the extension of the product portfolio and the opening up of new
market opportunities.
Contrary to its competitors, SABIC has long been a 'one-country-company', with no
production sites outside the Gulf. Against this background a certain "knowledge gap"
emerged that has not impeded growth until now, but has to be closed gradually in order to put
SABIC on the same level as its competitors. In 2002 SABIC acquired the Netherlands-based
DSM Petrochemicals with production facilities in Geleen (Netherlands) and Gelsenkirchen
(Germany) to create SABIC EuroPetrochemicals and to significantly increase its
manufacturing assets abroad and its marketing presence in Europe.
The acquisition of a strategic partner in polyolefins, with a comparable market share and
production facilities outside the KSA put SABIC in a position to:
x gain the competitive advantage of global production and marketing
x to increase the critical mass of polyolefins for worldwide production and market share
x to utilize synergies, which is very relevant for international marketing, and
x to obtain technologies and management.
By adding 2.6 million tons of polymer and chemical production capacity, SABIC jumped from
22nd to 11th in the global ranking of petrochemical manufacturers. In a number of areas
SABIC gained leading positions in terms of global production output, as for instance
Methanol, MTBE, Ethylene Glycol, Polyethylene, Polypropylene and fertilizers.
Currently SABIC runs 15 petrochemical affiliates in Saudi Arabia, with a 16th under
construction. While two of these affiliates are wholly owned by SABIC, eight are joint ventures
with foreign partners, and six are joint venture partnerships with local and regional private
sector investors. Major foreign partners in Saudi petrochemicals are Exxon Mobil Chemicals,
Mitsubishi Corporation, Shell Oil Co., Hoechst-Celanese, Pan-Energy Co. (USA), Chevron
Phillips Chemical Company, Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Neste-Oy (Finland), and Ecofuel (Italy).
Developments in petrochemicals: Companies other than SABIC
In recent years the Saudi private sector has got more and more involved in petrochemicals.
Partnerships with SABIC include:
x the Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company (IBN HAYYAN)
x the Arabian Industrial Fibers Company (IBN RUSHD)
x the Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (SAFCO)
x the National Chemical Fertilizer Company (IBN AL-BAYTAR)
x the National Industrial Gases Company (GAS)
x the Ibn Hayyan Plastic Products Company (TAYF).
In addition, the Saudi private sector runs an increasing number of independent projects,
cooperating with international firms. The Saudi International Petrochemical Company (SIPC),
the National Petrochemical Industrialization Company (NPIC), the Saudi Chevron Phillips
Company, and the Sahara Petrochemical Company among others, stand for the increasing
know how and capabilities of private investments in downstream chemicals and other valued-
added products.
The Saudi International Petrochemical Company (SIPC) has been initiated by the Zamil
Group in 1999 as a Saudi joint stock company to produce and market Maleic Anhydride
(MAN), Butanediol (BDO) and Methanol through three limited liability companies being
established through joint venture agreements with international partners. The company's
initial project, the Saudi Methanol Company, will manufacture 50,000 metric t/y of MAN/BDO
and 850,000 metric t/y of Methanol and is expected to come on stream in 2005. SIPC is now
developing new projects including the production of Acetic Acid, VAM and Poly-olefin
projects. Furthermore, in 2004 the Sahara Petrochemical Co. evolved from the former Al
Zamil Petrochemical Co. The Sahara Petrochemical Co. and will invest in two petrochemical
projects in Jubail (see below).
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The National Petrochemical Industrialization Company (NPIC) was established by the
National Industrialization Co (NIC) in 2000 as a joint stock company. NIC owns 51% of NPIC,
while other private Saudi and Gulf investors hold the remaining shares. NPIC (75%) and
Basell International (25%) have established a joint venture company, the Saudi Polyolefins
Company (SPC), to build, own and operate the largest polypropylene plant in the Middle East
with an annual capacity of 450,000 tons of propylene and 430,000 tons of polypropylene per
year. According to the project agreement, Basell International is marketing 75% of the
production in America, Europe and Asia, while the Saudi Polyolefins Company (SPC) is
marketing the remainder in the Middle East through its wholly owned subsidiary 'The National
Industrialization Company for Petrochemical Marketing Company' (NICPC). Further projects
under development by the NPIC include the establishment of production facilities for methanol
and acetic acid, and vinyl derivatives (see below).
The Saudi Chevron Phillips Company is owned jointly by Chevron Phillips Chemicals and the
Saudi Industrial Investment Group, a consortium of leading Saudi businessmen and several
Saudi public joint-stock companies, which is focused on industrial investment in the
petrochemical industry in Saudi Arabia. Based in Al-Jubail, in 2000 the venture started
manufacturing benzene and hydrogen, both of which are used in the manufacture of
The Saudi Formaldehyde Chemical Company Ltd. (SFCCL) began operations in 1991 already
and has since developed into a major producer and international supplier of Formaldehyde
and derivative products. SFCCL is a private sector enterprise developed and financed by a
group of industrialists from the GCC countries.
In 1986 XENEL Industries Group founded the SAFRA Co. Ltd., a producer of aliphatic and
aromatic solvents (110,000 t annual capacity) located in Yanbu, being the first privately
owned petrochemical plant in the Middle East. Xenel Industries and Alujain Corp. are major
shareholders in the National Petrochemical Industrial Co. (NatPet) building the 'TELDENE'
polypropylene project in Yanbu with a planned capacity of 420,000 t/year, scheduled to come
on stream by late 2006.
In early 2004, the Gulf Farabi Petrochemicals Co. promoted by the Al-Rajhi Group
commissioned the building of a plant to produce n-Paraffin (120,000 t/y) and Linear Alkyl
Benzene (70,000 t/y). The plant will be located close to the ARAMCO Shell Refinery at Al-
Jubail supplying the basic feedstock and is scheduled to begin production in 2006.
In order to support investments that contribute to the expansion and diversification of
petrochemical industries, SAUDI ARAMCO has reserved huge quantities of natural gas for a
number of projects. ARAMCO has already allocated gas quotas to newly established
industries and will reserve further amounts for projects currently under construction and
development respectively. However, availability and pricing of feedstock remain a critical
success factor for further private involvement in petrochemicals.
Apart from basic petrochemicals, private investor groups have essentially contributed to
diversifying the range of products from basic to more sophisticated products along the
petrochemical downstream. Domestically produced laminated films, barrels, storage tanks,
multi-purpose sacks, water and waste pipes, electrical switches, windows, artificial marble,
plastic sanitary ware and insulating material are increasingly used in the Saudi packaging,
construction and agricultural sectors. With the further development of food-processing,
household-chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries the demand for down-stream plastics is
expected to continue its growth. Moreover, Saudi consumers tend to demand more
sophisticated products.
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A.5.3 Other energy intensive manufacturing
Basic metal industries: steel
As an affiliate company wholly owned by SABIC, the integrated steel producer HADEED is
the pillar of the Kingdom's steel industry and a leading producer and marketer of steel
products in the Middle East. Starting production in 1983 in the industrial city of Al-Jubail, the
two basic sections of HADEED, Long Steel and Flat Steel, provide a range of steel products.
Long Steel products (2.8 million tonnes annually) include billets, rebar, wire rod and light
sections basically supplying the Kingdoms construction industry. Flat Steel production
facilities with a designed capacity of 850,000 tons produce hot-rolled, cold-rolled and
galvanized products.
Local demand for HADEED steel is largely determined by the industrial steel construction
industry and the steel pipe industry. The industrial steel construction industry comprises three
main sub-sectors:
x production of structural steel and pre-engineered buildings (for industrial and
residential construction)
x production of steel lattice towers (telecommunication and elec-tricity distribution grids)
x production of process vessels, to supply distillation, fractionation and other high-
pressure vessels basically to the petrochemicals industry.
The steel pipe industry produces:
x low-pressure pipes in four factories and many workshops for construction purposes
x medium-pressure pipes for the agricultural sector (e.g., irrigation and drilling
x high-pressure pipes used in the petrochemical and gas sectors.
The four local manufacturers of high-pressure pipes as well as those of high-pressure
vessels, in particular, have to comply with strict international quality specifications.
The enterprise structure of the steel industry is characterized by a limited number of big
producers capable of satisfying more sophisticated technological standards, while a large
number of smaller companies and workshops produce for less demanding market segments.
Fluctuating demand, caused by volatile development of the major steel-consuming sectors, as
well as overcapacities and increased competition, have damaged the profitability of the steel
sector in recent years. Existing production capacities in most areas, probably except for
product groups like high-pressure pipes and large process vessels are expected to meet the
growth predicted for the medium-term (3-5 years) future.
Basic metal industries: aluminium
The aluminium industry has grown rapidly over the past two decades. At pre-sent, there are
more than 20 factories manufacturing a variety of aluminium products with a total output of
almost 20,000 tons. Aluminium smelter plants producing the pure metal do not exist in the
Kingdom. Existing factories, therefore, rely on imported aluminium profiles or ingots.
SABIC is holding portfolio investments in ALBA (Aluminium Bahrain) and GARMCO (Gulf
Aluminium Rolling Mill Company). ALBA produces liquid metal, ingots, rolling slabs and
billets, while GARMCO produces aluminium sheets and coils. Additionally, SABIC is involved
in SABAYEK, a ferro-alloy smelter in Al-Jubail that produces silico-manganese as a raw
material for HADEEDs steel production and aluminium industry. Small-scale involvement of
foreign capital is represented by an Iranian investment in an aluminium processing plant in
Local demand for aluminium products arises primarily from the transportation and
construction sectors as well as the household appliances industries. The output of the Saudi
aluminium industry basically comprises products such as aluminium structures, profiles and
sheets, doors and windows, foils, foil trays and containers, wrapping material, handrails and
partitions, traffic signs, can ends, household items, etc. Imports of all types of aluminium
products, domi-nated by hollow profiles of aluminium alloy, aluminium plates and household
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and kitchen fittings, still represent about 85% of total Saudi aluminium supply. Saudi exports
of aluminium products (mainly household appliances, kitchen fittings, etc.) increased steadily
during the last decade, amounting to 380 mil-lion SR by the end of 2000.
Construction material industries
The construction materials, ceramic and glass industry is a main pillar of Saudi manufacturing
industries, a large provider of industrial jobs and a successful exporter of its products. While
Saudi Arabia imported large quantities of cement and clinker throughout the 1980s and the
first half of the 1990s, it then doubled its production capacities, recently becoming a net-
exporter. Domestic production of cement by the eight cement companies reached 23.3 million
tons in 2002. Apart from some minor imports, basically of white cement, the Saudi cement
industry is capable of meeting the demand of the domestic market and of exporting part of its
output in addition. Exports of cement and clinker amounted to 5.5 million t in 2002.
The Saudi Cement Company, Dammam (19.3%), the Yanbu Cement Company, Jeddah
(17.9%), and the Southern Province Cement Company, Abha, (15.9%), have had the largest
shares in total output of ordinary cement in 2002. Due to high oil prices during the beginning
decade of the 2000s and in-creasing construction activities in various sectors, the medium-
term prospects of the cement industry are considered to be quite positive. In addition to the
total cement market volume of about 5.1 billion SR, the construction-related ceramics market
basically tiles and sanitary products reached a consider-able 1.36 billion SR in 2002. The
Saudi Ceramic Company, Riyadh, is the largest domestic supplier to the Saudi market,
accounting for about 70% of locally produced ceramic tiles and 45% of sanitary items.
Apart from cement and ceramics there is a large number of factories and workshops
producing items such as asphalt, asphalt concrete, asphalt mix, bricks, products of marble
and granite, concrete, concrete units, blocks and pipes as well as float glass and other glass
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A.6.1 Oil Refineries
Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (Takreer) operates two refineries at Ruwais and Umm al-
Nar, which have capacities of 420,000 b/d and 88,000 b/d respectively. The Ruwais plant
includes two 140,000-b/d condensate processing trains, which came on stream in 2000,
tripling its capacity from 126,000 b/d to 420,000 b/d and increasing Abu Dhabi's total refining
capacity from 211,000 b/d to 508,000 b/d.
Takreer is planning to increase its condensate processing capacity by 84,000 b/d to 364,000
b/d by 2006 to handle the additional condensate that will be produced at the onshore Asab
field following the completion of a second gas development project there. It is hoping to
secure the additional capacity by debottlenecking the two existing condensate splitters at
Ruwais to increase their effective capacity by 30 per cent. The condensate units currently
process 160,000 b/d of Thamama condensate from the Bab field and 95,000 b/d from the
Asab field. They are designed to produce naphtha (50 per cent of the total), jet fuel (30 per
cent), gas oil (15 per cent) and LPG.
Meanwhile, Takreer is installing unleaded gasoline (ULG) units at both its refineries, as well
as a low-sulphur gas oil (LGSO) unit and other conversion units at Ruwais. When completed
in 2005, these units will increase the Ruwais refinery's output of gas oil and enable it to
reduce the sulphur content to as little as 50 parts per million (ppm) and no more than 500
As part of the upgrade underway at Ruwais, Takreer is also replacing the refinery's sulphur
recovery unit, which has a recovery rate of only 95 per cent. It is installing a new 50-ton/day
sulphur unit utilizing the Cold Bed Absorption process that will have a 99 per cent recovery
rate. In addition, a 300,000-ton/year base oil refinery (BOR) is being built at Ruwais, which
will boost its output of lubricating oils and greases.
Lubricants are produced not only at the two oil refineries but also at a 30,000-ton/year lube oil
blending plant that started up in the late 1980s and a 4,000-ton/year grease plant in Umm al-
Nar. The latter came on stream in October 1993 and was developed by ADNOC's distribution
subsidiary, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company for Distribution (ADNOC Distribution), to meet
the growing domestic demand for lubricating oils and greases. The Ruwais BOR will boost
Abu Dhabi's output of lubricants and greases from 50,000 tons/year at present to 90,000
tons/year by 2005-06.
Existing Refineries
Umm al-Nar
The original Umm al-Nar refinery started up in 1976 with a capacity of 15,000 b/d, but despite
the construction shortly afterwards of the much bigger plant at Ruwais, it was decided to
develop a second 60,000-b/d refinery at Umm al-Nar. The plant receives its crude oil
feedstock from the onshore Asab and Sahil fields.
The refinery's facilities include a crude desalting and distillation unit, a naphtha
hydrodesulphurizer, a continuous regeneration catalytic reforming unit, an LPG sweetening
and fractionating unit and a sour water stripper. A jet fuel maximization project was completed
in 1985, increasing the proportion of jet fuel produced from 9 per cent to 18 per cent. The
plants capacity was increased to 75,000 b/d in 1989 as a result of debottlenecking work, and
to 85,000 b/d in February l993 following the start-up of a gas oil desulphurization unit.
In September 1977 ADNOC awarded Italy's Snamprogetti a contract to build a 120,000-b/d
refinery at Ruwais, close to the Jebel Dhanna oil terminal. The plant was completed early in
1981 and was fully operational by June of that year. It comprised the following units:
* Crude oil distillation 120,000 b/d
* Naphtha hydrodesulphurization 34,350 b/d
* Catalytic reforming 19,150 b/d
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* Kerosene hydrotreating 20,780 b/d
* Heavy gas oil hydrodesulphurization 21,850 b/d
* Sulphur recovery 44 tons/day
A 27,000-b/d hydrocracker was installed in l985 to upgrade the refinery's atmospheric residue
and convert it into light and middle distillates, such as naphtha, jet fuel and gas oil. It was
designed to be highly flexible so output could be varied to meet changes in operating
conditions and shifts in market demand. In the early 1990s, moreover, the refinery's effective
capacity was increased to 126,000 b/d through debottlenecking.
The Ruwais condensate plant, which came on stream in the final quarter of 2000, consists of
two 140,000-b/d strippers, two 52,000-b/d kerosene sweetening units, two 46,500-b/d
naphtha stabilization units and an 11,000-b/d LPG amine sweetening unit.
As part of the upgrade now underway, an unleaded gasoline (ULG) unit and a low-sulphur
gas oil (LSGO) unit are being installed, hydrocracking capacity is being expanded and
additional storage tanks are being erected. The project calls for the installation of heavy and
light naphtha hydrotreaters, a continuous catalytic reformer (CCR), a gas oil hydrotreater, an
isomerization unit, and sulphur extraction and recovery facilities. The work is scheduled for
completion in July 2005.
To replace the existing sulphur recovery unit, which is frequently blocked and suffers from
corroded machinery and defective instrumentation, Takreer is installing a new 50-ton/day
sulphur unit utilizing the cold Bed Absorption process, which will have a 99 per cent recovery
Additional sulphur export facilities have already been installed at Ruwais because the
refinery's sulphur granulation plant was expanded in 2001 to enable it to handle the additional
volumes of liquid sulphur generated by the completion of the second onshore gas
development project. Four granulation units were added, which increased the plant's capacity
from 4,250 tons/day to 7,650 tons/day, making it one of the largest of its kind in the world.
The base oil refinery GOR) will be integrated in the Ruwais refinery and will utilize
hydrotreating technology to process the atmospheric residues produced by both the Ruwais
and umm al-Nar plants, which are currently blended with fuel oil. The project calls for the
installation of the following facilities: vacuum distillation and solvent deasphalting units that
will provide feedstocks for the other units; hydrocracking facilities for the production of
hydrocrackates by enhancing the viscosity index of these feedstocks and removing impurities
such as sulphur and nitrogen; and isomerization, dewaxing and hydrofinishing units for the
production of base stocks and crackates.
Jebel Ali
Dubai had no refining capacity of any sort for many years, but decided in the mid-1990s to
build a 120,000-b/d condensate refinery. Located in Jebel Ali, it was developed by state-
owned Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) at a cost of Dh 1.3 billion and started up in
1999. It consists of two 60,000-b/d fractionation trains, one for sweet and one for sour
condensate, each of which has the capacity to produce 34,000 b/d of kerosene, 11,500 b/d of
gas oil, 5,000 b/d of LPG and 33,000 b/d of naphtha. The refinery thus supplies a large
proportion of the oil products consumed in Dubai, as well as exporting some 66,000 b/d of
At the end of 2003 ENOC announced plans for upgrading the refinery to enable it to produce
gasoline and naphtha with a very low sulphur content. The $250-million project calls for
modifications to the sweet condensate train, and the company's CEO, Mr. Hussein Sultan,
said it could either implement the project on its own or in association with partners. He
explained that Dubai had to import most of the condensate processed at the refinery, mainly
from Qatar and Iran, and that sweet condensate was not often available in large quantities.
This train can thus operate at full capacity only when a sufficient volume of sweet condensate
can be obtained. The refinery was partially closed for maintenance work during the summer of
2003 and was not fully operational again until November.
A number of oil reprocessing and lube oil blending plants have been built in Jebel Ali over the
years. The first was a 30,000-ton/year plant developed by Middle East Lubricants Company
(Melubco), a joint venture between BP Middle East GPME) and Jebel Ali International
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Lubricants Company (Jelubco), which came on stream in May 1987. In 1993 EMA Lubricants
Company, a Mobil affiliate, acquired a 507o interest in Melubco under an agreement with
BPME and Jelubco that also provided for the plant's capacity to be expanded to 50,000
tons/year and for base stock storage capacity to be increased from 7,500 tons to 12,000 tons.
A lube oil recycling plant producing base stock for processing into lubricating oil or fuel oil
started up in April 1994. It was developed by Western Oil Company of India and initially had a
capacity of 25,000 tons/year, which was increased to 60,000 tons/year at the end of 1994.
Most of its output is exported to India. An oil processing plant for producing gasoline additives
and conditioning products also started up in 1994. It was developed by Ducham, a subsidiary
of Abu Dhabi-based Star Energy Corporation, and has a capacity of 20,000 b/d of unleaded
gasoline, 360 tons/day of aromatics and 240 tons/day of raffinates.
Then in May 1995 another Indian company, Gadgil Western Corporation (GWC), brought a
fuel oil reprocessing plant on stream. It started up at a rate of 125,000 tons/year and its
capacity was stepped up to 275,000 tons/year in the first quarter of 1996. The plant was
designed to utilize a proprietary GWC process for converting fuel oil into middle distillates
such as gasoline, diesel oil, basic lubricants and bunker fuel, although it has tended to
process lube oil rather than fuel oil.
The French company Total also owns a lube oil blending plant in Jebel Ali, and in November
2002 it agreed to allow ENOC to utilize it for producing 5 million litres/year of lubricants. The
agreement provides for production to be increased to 6.5 million litres/year at a later stage.
Refining Ventures Abroad
International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), the foreign investment arm of ADNOC,
has direct interests in refining and distribution ventures abroad as well as a portfolio of
financial investments. Its downstream investments include equity stakes in six refineries with
a total capacity of 642,500 b/d and service station networks totalling 2,800 outlets in various
Among IPIC's most valuable investments arc a 19, 5 per cent shareholding in the Austrian oil
company OeMV, estimated to be worth over $500 million, and a 50 per cent interest in
Hyundai Oil Refinery Company (HDO), for which it paid $510 million in November 1999. HDO
has refining capacity of over 600,000 b/d and its largest facility is the 325,000-b/d Daesan
refinery. IPIC also has a 15 per cent stake in Arab Company for Oil Pipelines in Egypt and
has entered into a joint venture with the Spanish company Cepsa for developing an oil
product and distribution network in Morocco.
In addition, IPIC is a partner in Pak-Arab Refinery Company (Parco) in Pakistan, which
inaugurated its 100,000-b/d refinery in February 2001. Parco was established in 1914 as a
joint venture between IPIC (40 per cent) and the Pakistani government (60 per cent), although
IPIC subsequently sold 10 per cent of its interest to OeMV. It was set up to engage in the
production and transport of refined products in Pakistan and started by building a 1,228-km
pipeline from Karachi to Lahore, which was completed early in 1998. The pipeline's capacity
was increased by 50 per cent to 4.5 million tons/year in 1993 through the installation of two
intermediary pumping stations.
The Parco refinery, which is located at Mahmood Kot, near Multan, in central Pakistan, cost
$886 million to build and is the country's largest, accounting for 30-40 per cent of its total
refining capacity. In addition to a 100,000-b/d distillation unit, the facility comprises a 42,000-
b/d vacuum distillation unit, a 22,450-b/d hydrocracker, a 16,350-b/d catalytic reformer and a
15,560-b/d visbreaker. It has the capacity to produce 533,000 tons/year of regular gasoline,
229,000 tons/year of high-octane gasoline, 693,000 tons/year of kerosene, 1,357,000
tons/year of diesel oil, 1,351,000 tons/year of fuel oil, 154,000 tons/year of LPG and 26,000
tons/year of sulphur.
The refinery processes a crude blend composed of Arab Light, supplied by Saudi Aramco,
and Upper Zakum, supplied by ADNOC. It supplies 1.35 million tons/year of fuel oil to the
local power generator Kapco, while Parco also concluded l5-year oil product sales contracts
with Total (for fuels), SHY of the Netherlands (for LPG) and with OeMV (for lubricants). In
addition, it has a contract to sell up to 25% of its output to Total Parco Pakistan Limited, a
joint venture oil distribution company set up in 2000 by Total (60 per cent) and Parco (40 per
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Parco subsequently built an 817-km products pipeline from its refinery to Port Qasim, near
Karachi, which has a capacity of 7.9 million tons/year of high-speed diesel and kerosene. A
$480-million contract for its construction was awarded to China Petroleum Engineering and
Construction Corporation (CPECC) in May 2001, and the pipeline was completed early in
2003. It is operated by a specially created affiliate, Pak-Arab Pipeline Company, in which
Parco has a 5l per cent interest in association with Shell Pakistan, part of the Royal
Dutch/Shell group (26 per cent), Caltex Oil (Pakistan) Limited (l1 per cent) and Pakistan State
Oil Company (12 per cent)..
Since the existing pipeline cannot be expanded, Papco is now building a second product
pipeline between Karachi and Mahmood Kot. The 782-km line will carry refined products from
the Port Qasim oil terminal to Mahmood Kot for distribution in the region or for onward
dispatch through the Papco pipeline to Machike. The construction of this second KMK
pipeline, which got under way in early 2003 and is scheduled for completion by August 2004,
is being part-financed by a $5O-million loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB).
A.6.2 Petrochemicals & Fertilizers
Although Abu Dhabi's first fertilizer plant came on stream in 1984, it was not until 17 years
later that its first petrochemical complex started up in December 2001. But the emirate is now
considering developing more chemical and petrochemical plants for the production of
derivatives such as polyethylene (PE), propylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), linear alpha olefins and aromatics.
The petrochemical complex is located in Ruwais and was developed by Abu Dhabi Polymers
Company (Borouge), a joint venture between ADNOC (60 per cent) and the Danish company
Borealis (40 per cent). It comprises a 600,000- ton/year ethane cracker and two polyethylene
units with a combined capacity of 450,000 tons/year. Around three quarters of its output is
exported at present, although Borouge expects its sales to the growing UAE market to
increase in the coming years.
Abu Dhabi has no plans for developing another base petrochemical complex, but Borouge
has expansion plans in order to exploit the growing volumes of ethane that will become
available in the coming years. In the short term, it intends to debottleneck its PE units to
increase their effective capacity by 130,000 tons/year to 580,000 tons/year at a cost of Dh
147 million.
Beyond that, it is planning to step up its PE production capacity to 1.2 million tons/year in two
stages scheduled for completion in 2005 and 2007, which would require the installation of a
second ethane cracker.
The emirate's first fertilizer plant was developed by Ruwais Fertilizer Industries (Fertil), a joint
venture between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (66.67 per cent) and Total (33.33 per
cent). It consisted of a 1,050-ton/day ammonia plant and a 1,500-ton/day urea plant, whose
capacities were subsequently expanded to 1,360 tons/day (450,000 tons/year) and 1,910
tons/day (650,000 tons/year) respectively.
Their effective capacities have exceeded those figures, in fact, since in 2003 Fertil set new
production and sales records, producing 473,987 tons of ammonia and 653,943 tons of urea
and selling 609,298 tons of urea. The company is now planning to develop a melamine plant
in Abu Dhabi with a capacity of 50,000 tons/year, for which Total and ADNOC signed a
memorandum of understanding in July 2003. The plant is expected to cost Dh 400 million and
is due to come on stream towards the end of 2006.
A new fertilizer venture called Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries Company (Adfert) brought a
plant in Mussafah on stream in June 1998, which has the capacity to produce 200,000
tons/year of water-soluble and granular compound fertilizers. It also produces liquid and
suspension fertilizers, as well as raw materials like mono-ammonium phosphate, urea
phosphate and mono-potassium. Adfert is a joint venture between Abu Dhabi-based
International Technical Trading Company (64 per cent) and the Chilean company SQM (36
per cent).
In the petrochemical sector, too, small plants are being developed by private firms. One such
venture, Emirati Investor Company (EIC), which is owned by 11 UAE businessmen, brought a
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
1.4 Promoting economic diversification as a tool to encourage countries holding major hydrocarbon reserves to increase production in line with
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formaldehyde plant in Mussafah on stream in 2001. It has a capacity of 42,000 tons/year at
present but is to be expanded to enable it to convert that primary output into 57,000 tons/year
of finished products. Another private venture called Union Factory for Polyethylene Pipes was
set up in January 2003 to develop a plant in Mussafah for the production of 15,000 tons/year
of plastic pipes.
In Dubai, A major nitrogenous fertilizer plant came on stream in Jebel Ali in the first half of
2003, nearly four years later than originally scheduled. It has a capacity of 226,000 tons/year
of ammonia and 400,000 tons/year of granular urea and was developed by Spic Fertilizers
and Chemicals (SFC), a joint venture between Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation
(SPIC) of India and Emirates Trading Agency (ETA). The plant is supplied with 40,000 million
Btu/day of natural gas feedstock by Dubai Natural Gas Company (Dugas) and exports all its
output to India.
Dubai's first fertilizer plant started up in 1990 with the capacity to produce 6,000 tons/year of
water-soluble compound fertilizers. It was developed by Kemira Dubai, a joint venture
between Kemira Agro Oy of Finland (49 per cent) and the local firm Union Agricultural Group
(5l per cent). Kemira Agro and Kemira Dubai are also shareholders, with 30 per cent and 20
per cent interests respectively, in another venture that brought a 60,000-ton/year fertilizer
plant in the Jebel Ali free zone on stream in 2001. Called Kemira Emirates Fertilizer Company
(Kefco), the other 50 per cent of its equity is held by Emirates Food Company. The Kefco
plant comprises two 30,000-ton/year units that produce phosphate and nitrogenous fertilizers
and cost some Dh 70 million to develop. Only 15 per cent of its output is supplied to the
domestic market, while another l5 per cent is sold in other Gulf countries and 70 per cent is
exported to other regions.
The 500,000-ton/year MTBE plant that entered production in 1995 was developed jointly by
Dugas and Scimitar of Canada at a cost of about Dh 920 million. It was designed by the
Canadian company Colt Engineering, while ABB Lummus Crest of the U.S. supplied the
process technology and detailed engineering.
No other major petrochemical facility has been developed since a 500,000-ton/year MTBE
plant came on stream in 1995, but a number of smaller chemical plants have been built for
the production of acetylene, aromatics and latex. A second fertilizer plant with a capacity of
60,000 tons/year started up in 2001, while a 400,000- ton/year urea plant being developed by
a joint venture with Indian interests was due to come on stream in the first quarter of 2003.
A.6.3 Industrial Development
Dubai's largest industrial venture is Dubai Aluminium Company (Dubal), which completed a
further expansion of its smelter in November 1999 and is now undertaking another at a cost of
Dh 3.3 billion. In addition, a rolling mill for the production of sheet aluminium is being
developed by Emiroll, a joint venture between Dubai Investments, the French company
Pechiney (operator with a 30 per cent interest), and the local firm Ghurair private Company.
The plant will have a capacity of 33,000 tons/year and is expected to cost Dh 400-500 million
to build. It will be located close to the Dubal smelter in Dubai Investments Park, near the
Jebel Ali free zone.
Dubai Aluminium Company (Dubal)
Dubai Aluminium Company (Dubal), a joint venture between the Dubai government (80 per
cent), Southwire Corporation of the US (7.5 per cent), Japan's Nissho Iwai (7.5 per cent) and
various local interests (5 per cent), was set up in the 1970s and brought a 135,000-ton/year
aluminium smelter on stream in Jebel Ali in 1990. The smelter's nominal capacity has been
more than tripled in three stages since then, the first of which was completed in January 1991
and raised capacity to 240,000 tons/year. A second expansion increased that by 135,000
tons/year to 375,000 tons/year early in 1997, while a third added a further 155,000 tons/year
in November 1999, boosting capacity to a nominal 530,000 tons/year (and an effective
capacity of 536,000 tons/year).
Another expansion, code-named Kestrel, is now going ahead, which will increase capacity to
710,000 tons/year by 2006. Whereas the last three expansions each entailed the addition of
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one new potline (nos. 4 to 6) and an associated accelerator, the Kestrel project calls for the
first three potlines and their respective furnaces to be revamped and expanded and for
various units of the complex, including the 1,400-MW power plant, to be refurbished and
upgraded. The three potlines are to be re-equipped with CD 20 reduction cells, while new
cells incorporating CD 20 technology are to be added. This technology was developed by
Dubal in association with the Austratian company Comalco and is already used in potlines 5
and 6.
Even before starting work on Kestrel, Alba formed an alliance with the U.S. company
Alcoa.Inc. to study plans for expanding the capacity of its smelter to 1 million tons/year by the
end of the current decade.
Since the last expansion in 1999, production has risen to 536,000 tons/year, as against just
over 400,000 tons/year in 1998-99. The Asia/Far East region is Dubal's largest market,
absorbing some 300,000 tons/year of its output, followed by the European Union (150,000
tons/year) and the United States (60,000 tons/year).
In June 2003 Dubal formed a joint venture with the private Qatari firm United Development
Company for the development of an aluminium smelter in Qatar, but pulled out of the project
in early 2004 without giving a reason for its decision.
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
The Reference Pricing System: Origins, Rationale,
Author: Robert Mabro (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies -
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Enhancing the Efficiency and Transparency of the International Oil
Task Ref.: 2
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
2.1 The Reference Pricing System: Origins, Rationale, Assessment Page 2 of 21
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: On Oil Price Concepts.......................................................... 3
2. Previous Oil Price Regimes ...................................................................... 4
3. The Current Oil Price Regime................................................................... 8
4. OPECs Production Policies and the Responses of the World Petroleum
Market ............................................................................................................ 15
5. The Price Band....................................................................................... 20
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1. Introduction: On Oil Price Concepts
What do people mean when they refer to the world price of crude oil? What do they really
mean when they state that the price of oil has risen or that it has come down? Oil pricing
regimes have radically changed from one episode to the next during the past 50 or 60 years.
And within every regime there are different concepts of the price of oil, a term which is
deceptive in its apparent simplicity.
At any point in time there are different prices for different varieties of crude oil, and different
prices according to the destination of exports from a given country. The price paid by an
importing country, when translated into the countrys own currency moves at a different rate
and sometimes in a different direction than the international dollar price. Such are the
vagaries of exchange rates.
Finally, the prices paid by consumers be it a household or a firm for a petroleum product
may differ significantly from the ex-refinery price because of excise taxes and VAT which in
many countries amount to a hefty imposition. And petroleum price movements do not always
move at the same rate be it up or down as crude oil prices.
There are reference prices for marker crudes. In the past (or more precisely between 1974
and 1985) the marker crude was Arabian Light 34
API and its price was fixed by OPEC.
Since the late 1980s the marker crudes have been at one time or another WTI, Brent, ANS,
Dubai and Oman. Their prices, used as reference, arise in spot and/or futures markets. For
this reason they are considered to be market prices. But this begs questions about the
nature and scope of these markets and their relevance to the global oil scene.
Different parties of the oil world will interpret movements in oil prices in different ways,
according to their standpoint and the way they are affected by changes. For an exporting
country the f.o.b. price relates to unit revenues. Given costs, which do not vary from day to
day, a one dollar increase (decrease) in the f.o.b. price is exactly a one dollar increase
(decrease) in per barrel revenue. Unit revenue changes by a higher percentage than price.
For the oil-importing country the price that matters most is the c.i.f. price because of the
balance-of-payments factor. This price, however, has to be adjusted for exchange rate
movements as mentioned earlier on. The domestic consumer may be concerned by the
indirect tax burden. The higher the tax the greater is the decoupling between domestic and
import price levels, and the smaller the impact of a change in international prices. Companies
are more interested in margins than in flat prices. The upstream margin is the difference
between prices and costs plus taxes; the refining margin is the difference between the crude
oil price plus costs and the realization from selling the relevant petroleum products. There are
cases, in the UK in the early 1980s for example, when the upstream margin fell because of
heavier taxes at a time when prices had risen considerably. Depending on the fiscal regime
the rate at which upstream margins may differ from the rate of price changes.
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Traders, who deal with derivatives, including futures contracts, are less interested in flat
(absolute) prices than in spreads (differentials). Hedging often deals with differentials, and
speculation (in the economic not the pejorative sense), being its counterpart, also deals with
differentials. This raises the question: What then determines the flat price?
These succinct introductory remarks are meant to sound a warning. The issues of oil prices
and pricing regimes are surrounded by confusion because relevant distinctions are rarely
made and over-simplification seems to suit vested interests. A lack of critical analysis is
responsible for serious misinterpretations. Not that those involved in governments,
companies, consultancies, the media etc are incapable of critical analysis. They just find it
more comfortable to adopt the prevailing conventional wisdom. It is easier to communicate
with others within a framework of shared views than to stand alone on the fringes.
The purposes of this paper are to critically assess the current oil price regime put in the
context of past episodes; to examine the role of OPECs production policies and its use of the
price band criterion.
2. Previous Oil Price Regimes
Before 1973 the concepts of posted prices and tax-paid costs were commonly used in
relation to the liftings of oil companies from oil-exporting countries.
By definition a posted price is that which a seller or a buyer makes public in some
conventional way to give notice that she/he is prepared to accept or to offer a certain sum for
a barrel of crude oil or a tonne of petroleum products. In the past US refiners used to post at
the gate the price at which they were prepared to buy a barrel of crude oil on a given day.
In the old concession system which prevailed in the OPEC region until the early 1970s posted
prices acquired a fiscal meaning. They were used to compute the ad valorem royalty and the
tax on notional profits per barrel produced. No other concept such as spot prices or long-
term contract prices would have been suitable for the purpose of tax computations.
The formula used to calculate the tax due was:
T = (P-C-Pr) t + Pr
Where P is the posted price of the barrel, C the notional cost of production, r the royalty rate
and t the rate of profit tax. Royalties were expensed when computing the profit tax. The
formula, re-arranging the terms becomes:
T = (P-C) t + Pr (1-t)
= Pt Ct + Pr Prt
= P (t+r-rt) Ct
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As t and r were conventionally fixed, and C treated virtually as a constant, we have:
T = Pa b
Where a = t + r - rt i.e. a constant and b = Ct also a constant. Thus T is a linear function of
P, the posted price. One could say that for all practical purposes P was an analogue of T.
Prices used as numbers in fiscal formulae tend to become something other than prices. The
posted price, because of its fiscal role, ceases to be responsive in the usual manner to the
forces of supply and demand. It will be either kept frozen by the companies to avoid higher
tax liabilities; or raised under pressures from government to enhance their revenues.
If posted prices tell us nothing about markets outside the integrated industry structure, and
nothing about the cost of crude, the need for some other concept necessarily arises. Hence
the use of an accounting concept, the tax-paid cost. This is simply Y = C + T.
Assume that the notional cost C in the tax formula is identical to the accounting cost per
barrel. We then get:
Y = Pt + (Pr + C) (1 t)
Since t is the governments share of profits and (1 t) the companys share, the tax-paid cost
as defined in the above formula is the sum of a governments share of prices and a company
share of expenses. As t = 0.50 under the fifty-fifty principle, the tax-paid cost turns out to be
the sum of half the posted price and half the company expenses. This nicely illustrates the
non-price nature of the tax-paid cost concept. Rather interestingly, the concept tells us that
under the fifty-fifty system the company acquired oil at half the posted price and was
reimbursed half the expenses incurred.
In the 1950s and 1960s the companies that were crude long such as Gulf or British
Petroleum sold oil to the Sisters that happened to be short under long-term contracts.
There were therefore contract prices whose values reflected the relative bargaining power of
the two parties of an agreement. These prices were not disclosed, always kept under the seal
of commercial secrecy. It is know, however, that in most cases they were lower than posted
Finally, in any industry which consists of vertically integrated, multinational corporations,
transactions between subsidiaries or different departments of the firm are recorded at transfer
prices. Transfer prices need not reflect economic prices or acquisition costs. Their setting is
strongly influenced by the objective of tax optimisation which seeks to reduce as far as
possible the worldwide tax liability of the company.
Here again, but in a different way, transfer prices like posted prices have a fiscal dimension.
But the room for manoeuvre that imaginative accountants had in the 1950s and 1960s has
continually been reduced by the increasing awareness of tax authorities.
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In short, we had a pricing regime in the pre-1973 period where allocative functions of prices
were not properly performed, if at all, by the various concepts used.
A structural transformation of the world petroleum industry began to occur in the early 1970s
when some governments claimed equity participation in the companies concessions. In some
cases the participation moved in steps starting at 25 per cent. In one or two other instances
governments opted with full nationalisation.
Participation led to the introduction of new price concepts. First, governments had to set a
price for the sale of their oil to potential third party buyers. Thus entered the concept of an
official or government selling price variously referred to in the literature as OSP or GSP.
Secondly, governments found it convenient at the beginning of the transition from one regime
to another (that is around 1974) to sell their own oil to the very companies which produced it
in the concessions. Thus entered the concept of buy-back prices.
The complex regime that emerged in 1974 involved distortions because the barrel could be
acquired by the same company at three different prices (tax-paid cost, discounted GSP or
buy-back). In certain instances, it could compete against the government in external markets
since some of its oil was acquired at less than the GSPs at which the government was
seeking to sell its own oil. That regime was therefore short-lived and barely survived until the
beginning of 1975.
From then on, and until the end of 1985 the pricing regime involved the setting of a reference
price by the Conference of OPEC Oil Ministers. The reference, or marker, crude was Arabian
Light 34
API. In this system OPEC countries retained their GSPs for their particular crudes
but these were determined in relation to the marker price taking into account differences in
quality and in location. In other words the GSP for a particular OPEC crude was equal to the
reference price plus or minus a differential. The setting of these differentials needed to be
changed at short intervals because varying market conditions continually altered the relative
prices of crudes. This proved to be a nightmare for OPEC. Attempts by the Organization to
set the differentials were not always successful. And when member countries did set
themselves differentials for their own crude varieties they were tempted in the increasingly
slack conditions of the early 1980s to use them to discount prices and increase their export
volumes at the expense of other OPEC countries.
At that time (i.e. the period from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s) non-OPEC production was
growing at a significant rate. Some non-OPEC countries set their own GSPs which were more
responsive to market conditions than the OPEC prices. Increasing volumes of non-OPEC oil
(as well as OPEC oil) found their way into the open international market and we thus had
market prices spot, physical forward and contract prices.
The pricing regime of that period was thus dichotomized in more than one way. This gave rise
to inevitable tensions forcing OPEC to lower this reference price on a number of occasions.
OPEC in its attempts to defend the administered part of the regime, that is the level of its
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marker price, found its export volumes being reduced in a dramatic way. The pricing regime
could not withstand the formidable competitive pressures due to the combined impact of huge
increases in non-OPEC output and decreasing world oil demand.
The collapse in late 1985 led to the introduction of a new concept, netback pricing. Put simply
netback pricing means that the buyer of crude oil will pay for it on the basis of ex post
realizations. Negotiated formulae between governments of OPEC exporting countries and
companies wishing to lift their oil defined the set of petroleum products that the refiner was
deemed to produce, the proportions in which they will be produced (the yield), the price
concepts for these products that will be used to compute the Gross Product Worth, the
notional refining costs, the relevant freight data and the time lags to be taken into account.
The netback pricing system provides the company with a guaranteed refining margin.
Companies can thus afford to compete in the petroleum product markets for even if product
prices collapse their refining margins remain intact. Oil-exporting countries, on the other hand,
used netback pricing as a competitive tool in the crude oil market. The inevitable result was
the dramatic price collapse of 1986 which forced OPEC countries to abandon netback pricing.
The current price regime was then born.
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3. The Current Oil Price Regime
The current price regime for oil in international trade was introduced in the second half of the
1980s after two disturbing experiences.
(a) The OPEC administered price system which was in operation since 1974 became
unsustainable in 1984-5 because it cost Saudi Arabia the main, and perhaps the sole
defender of the administered price a huge loss in production and therefore in exports and
(b) The netback system used during most of 1986 was associated with a dramatic price
collapse. At one point oil prices which were previously holding at around $24-26 per barrel fell
to the very low levels of $8-10 per barrel.
A different oil price regime, therefore, had to be introduced. The concept of a market-related
system which involves a formula linking the price of a given export crude to a reference price
(or a set of reference prices) arising in a particular market was pioneered by PEMEX in 1986.
PEMEX officials refused to adopt the netback pricing system. Their main objection was that
the negotiations with the buyers, necessarily conducted to reach agreement on the values of
the various parameters of the netback formula may open that door to allegations of
corruption. As they did not want to take such unpleasant risks they looked for alternatives,
and developed the idea of market-related pricing formulae.
This system has a rationale that fits to a large extent the particular conditions of the Mexican
oil export market. The reasons are as follows:
(a) Mexicos oil exports are almost entirely directed to the USA. PEMEX, therefore, need to
worry only about designing a system that fits the conditions prevailing in one specific market.
It did not face the problem of having to design a one-fit-for-all system.
(b) Oil exported from Mexico to the USA is correctly considered to be short-haul. The basis
risk (which increases the longer the time lag between the date at which oil is loaded at the
lifting point and the date at which the cargo arrives at destination) is therefore very small.
Pricing formulae for long-haul crude involve assumptions about time lags which can only be
approximate. The problem is not as complex in the Mexican case.
(c) In the US market exporters are not only competing among themselves. They also
compete with domestic oil producers. There is an active market with a large number of sellers
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of different size, and a smaller (but still significant) number of buyers. There is therefore a
market where the degree of concentration on both the selling and buying side is not very high.
A market-related pricing system makes, in principle at least, great sense. The Asian market
where other exporters use pricing formulae is different in some respects. The degree of
market concentration on the supply side is much higher than in the USA. This explains the
ability of exporters to obtain a price premium in their sales to Asia. Furthermore, the main oil
exporters to the USA are (in alphabetical order) Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and
Venezuela, that is two OPEC and two non-OPEC countries. The main exporters to Asia are
six Gulf countries, five of which are OPEC members. This adds a dimension to concentration
measures that are purely quantitative.
In other words, the introduction of a market-related pricing system is somewhat simpler in
the Mexico-USA case than for other exporters to any of the major oil markets of the world.
There are more serious problems however. In order of importance, the issue that tops any
ranking is the identification of the market to which the price formulae are made to relate. As
well-known, the pricing formula has the following form: Export price of crude X = Marker price
(or prices) R plus or minus adjustment factor F. In the Mexican case the marker price R is a
set of weighted oil prices sometimes including fuel oil. Gulf country exporters use the average
of Dubai/Oman in pricing formulae of sales to Asia. In most other cases a single marker price
is used. The most common are WTI and Brent. ANS was used in the past but abandoned
some years ago. Tapis is used by Asian exporters in the Far East.
Initially the marker prices were spot WTI, dated Brent, or spot ANS. The logic is that a marker
price must be generated in a physical market where the transactions are sales and purchases
of barrels of oil. Thus market-related meant a relationship to prices arising at the margin of
the physical market. This conforms to a fundamental economics principle that prices are
determined at the margin.
This is too good to be true however.
The problems with spot markets of marker crudes are
(1) They are very thin. Since in most cases the production of marker crudes has been
declining significantly over time the markets have become increasingly illiquid. Some attempts
have been made, however, to mitigate the problem for Brent. On the other hand, the ANS
market was so narrow as to lead to its abandonment as a marker crude.
(2) In thin or essentially illiquid markets the number of price quotations for actual transactions
is by definition very small. The quotes are far apart and their incidence may be very irregular.
But spot quotations if they are to be used in pricing formulae for reference purposes, must
arise at least on a daily basis, or in any case in a fairly regular flow. In the absence of a
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sufficient number of actual price quotes, the system relies on daily assessments made by
price reporting agencies such as Platts or Argus for example. But how reliable are
assessments? They involve subjective judgments that are as good or as bad as the
assessors abilities and skills. And they are vulnerable to manipulations by those who provide
views about prices to the assessor.
(3) Thin markets can be more easily squeezed than very liquid ones. Pipeline crudes are
more easily squeezed than waterborne ones especially when the ownership of storage tanks
is concentrated. In the former case the squeeze is operated by reserving delivery time, in the
latter one has to buy cargoes carrying 500,000 or 600,000 barrels. My impression is that the
sums of money that may do the trick for pipelines may be smaller than the amounts needed to
merit a squeeze for a waterborne crude.
(4) In Brent we have a chain of markets dated, 15-day physical forward and futures. But
there are also derivatives such as the CFDs (Contract for Differences) that have been used in
trading strategies involving a prior build-up of a large CFD position and a squeeze in the
physical market. The linkage ensures that the CFD intervention realises profits while the
squeeze causes losses. If the strategy is implemented skilfully, the profits are grater than the
losses. Any significant price change in a market in the chain influences price movements in
the other markets.
(5) In Dubai the physical basis of the market has now become so small (some 130,000 b/d at
present compared to 400,000 b/d a few years ago) that one wonders how and why Dubai can
be construed as a marker. One VLCC may be sold once every five or six weeks. And this is
only achieved by dividing the sale into small parcels, that is by enticing a number of potential
buyers to move in unison. The fact that the reference used is the average of Dubai and Oman
may appear at first sight to mitigate the problem. This is because Omans oil production is at
some 800,000 b/d much larger than Dubais. This leads us to assume that the volume of spot
transactions in Oman, although small, is nevertheless larger than in Dubai. Given this fact it
seems odd that both crudes get the same 50 per cent weight in the pricing formula. The issue
is however more complex than suggested here above because of the way Dubai and Oman
prices are assessed which has often resulted in the two prices displaying a fixed differential
for long periods of time.
For some of these (and other) reasons most exporting countries have replaced dated by
futures Brent and spot WTI by the NYMEX price of the contract for light sweet crudes (and as
mentioned earlier have given up on ANS). There has been no change in practice as regards
Dubai/Oman for obvious reasons.
So Brent, WTI, Dubai/Oman etc. remain the marker crudes but the relevant prices of the first
two are taken from what is in essence a market of financial instruments. The arguments that
led those exporting countries who had decided to take reference prices in the futures markets
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are, first, that the volume of transactions in the New York and London Exchanges are so large
that squeezes and manipulations are almost impossible; secondly, that futures prices are
posted by the Exchanges as soon as bids are recorded. The prices are those of actual
transactions, not assessed by some agency on the basis of subjective information gathered
here and there; and, thirdly, the volume of daily transactions is published as is the volume of
open interests. In other words, there is liquidity and accurate price information. On certain
occasions the optimistic view that futures markets cannot be squeezed has proved to be
wrong. But one has to admit that the incidence of squeezes is much less frequent in futures
than physical markets. The optimistic view that futures markets are transparent is only
partially true. Actual prices are immediately known (which is good) but the trading position of
the various players is not published except in some aggregates (which is not surprising but
means that important areas remain in the dark).
These are not the main objections however.
The economic price of a commodity, a good or a service is the price that arises from the
interaction of the supply of and the demand for this commodity, good or service in a market
where sellers and (buyers) offer and (purchase) them. The market may be competitive or
more likely suffer from some degree of imperfection. Concentration on the supply side usually
restricts the volumes on offer but the price that emerges is still the result of an interaction
between these volumes and the demand curve. Markets for real commodities, goods or
services are location bound which means that we rarely have (if at all) a uniform worldwide
price for a specific item even when traded internationally. Transport costs are responsible for
some differentials even when arbitrage is perfect. Other differentials emerge when arbitrage is
imperfect. But in the end the economic price is that of physical transactions in a given market.
In oil the price of a physical barrel in international trade is linked very closely to that of a
futures contract. This price results, of course, from the interaction of supply and demand; but
of the supply and demand for this item which is a futures contract, not a physical barrel of oil.
The determinants of a transaction in the futures market include expectations about
developments in the supply of and demand for oil. In that sense there is a relationship with
the physical oil world, but not to actual conditions at given points in time. It is expectations
that matter as would be to some extent, but only to some extent, the case in a physical
market. (The point is that in a physical market the buyer purchases a commodity, good or
service because it has a place in his/her consumption or investment plans but purchases are
sometimes also made or deferred in response to expectations about changes in prices or
other supply conditions. In a futures market the trader will buy or sell not because he has a
physical need for the item but entirely on the basis of expectations about subsequent price
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There are other determinants for transactions on futures markets that are not related to the oil
situation. This is because the futures oil contract is a financial instrument held by many
economic agents (particularly hedge funds, banks, other financial institutions) in a portfolio of
various financial instruments. The aim is to optimise the composition of the portfolio. Funds
move in or out of a financial market, be it oil, bonds, foreign exchange etc. etc., depending on
relative expectations. To give an example, if oil prices are expected to rise by 5 per cent in the
next three months but bond prices to rise by 10 per cent in that same period, some funds will
move from oil to bonds. The expectations about oil should induce attempts to buy oil contracts
but because the prospects are rosier in some other market some traders will sell them,
bringing the price down at least temporarily. The reverse will also occur if funds are induced
to migrate from a market affected by bearish expectations into oil where the prospects may
not be brilliant but only less bearish than elsewhere.
Hence a decoupling between price movements in the futures market and the economic
fundamentals of the supply of, and demand for, the physical barrel may occur from time to
A tidy mind will find it odd that the reference price for a physical commodity should be
borrowed from a market where people buy or sell a contract that carries its name but which is
only partly related to it.
That futures markets and other derivatives may be necessary for managing risks, the
euphemism for taking new risks in order to cope with other ones, is a plausible point. It does
not follow that they constitute the best means for establishing absolute price levels (often
referred to misleadingly as flat prices). In fact risk management uses more commonly
spreads or differentials and almost totally disregard absolute prices as they are irrelevant for
their purpose. And as trading spreads or differentials dominate the scene, one may
legitimately ask: what factors or forces determine absolute prices?
One should not infer from these arguments which criticise a system of oil price determination
based on futures markets that it would be right to return to the previous approach which
favoured reference prices supplied by spot markets. We have clearly shown, earlier on, that
the spot oil markets that exist today are not sufficiently liquid to perform appropriately the
marker price role.
Underlying all these issues is the fundamental question of whether WTI, Brent and Dubai
fulfil the conditions that justify their use as reference crudes. One can reject Dubais claim for
that role without much elaboration, given that the production volume is so small.
The case of WTI is more complex. Raul Manzo and Roberto Carmona argued in a recent
article in Oxford Energy Forum (No 56, February 2004) that the essential obstacle preventing
WTI from becoming theembodiment of a single international crude oil benchmark, and that
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is its price disconnection from other benchmarks (p3). Low inventory levels in relation to high
refinery runs in the US region where the NYMEX futures contract is delivered and an
inadequate transport infrastructure partly explain the disconnection. What tends to happen is
the opening of a wide positive price differential between WTI and other relevant crudes when
stocks at Cushing are low and an under pricing of WTI when refinery runs are depressed and
inventory levels are rising. The other known disadvantage of WTI is that its quality (light and
sweet) is not representative of most crudes that are priced on its basis. In the USA a high
proportion of the crudes in use are heavier and more sour than WTI. Or, as Peter Stewart, of
Platts, puts it in the same issue: There is a conundrum at the heart of US crude pricing: less
and less sweet crude is pricing more and more sour (p7).
One should not say therefore that WTI cannot become the single international crude oil
benchmark (which seems to be an overambitious objective) but simply and more damningly
that it does not appear to be a good benchmark in its own US market.
Brent has suffered from a significant production decline. This was temporarily remedied for by
co-mingling with Ninian several years ago. It was then hit again by future contractions of the
output of both Brent and Ninian field complexes. The recent solution is to trade under the
Brent label in the forward physical contract crudes produced by either Brent, Forties or
Oseberg. A strange feature of this system is that the crude delivered to the buyer of a BFO
contract which could be either Brent, Forties or Oseberg is entirely at the sellers discretion.
The result is that buyers will tend to bid for a BFO contract at prices that reflect their views
about the value of the lowest quality crude in this set. Some may dismiss the significance of
this point on the grounds that the price understatement may be of the order of 10 or 20 cents
per barrel. Considering the lengths that people go through to cover much smaller price risks
than these in the oil market we can legitimately ask: why few cents matter in one instance and
a bigger price differential does not matter in others?
Brent qualities are more representative of the crudes used in Europe than WTI is in the USA
but Brents role as a benchmark has suffered from manipulations made easier by the complex
structure of its market.
Urals is an informal benchmark for certain deals in Europe but suffers from a lack of
consistency in quality. Many analysts may agree with, and consider self-evident, the
proposition that the current oil pricing system is far from perfect. They will sigh, however, and
say that there is no alternative. Following Churchills disparaging remark about democracy, a
bad system among others that are worse, they would say that the market-related oil pricing
regime however imperfect remains better than any conceivable alternative. All others are bad
I am unwilling to rush to such a conclusion for a simple reason. The search for, and the critical
assessment of, pricing alternatives has not really taken place. As a cynical, now retired, trader
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told me once: if a system acknowledged to be imperfect by those involved in it survives
unchallenged this must be because everybody who matters has a powerful interest in its
survival. The various price regimes that have emerged in different periods of oil history each
reflect the balance of power prevailing in the relevant period. The theoretical arguments
proposed to justify one system or another are not what causes the demise of one regime and
the emergence of a different one.
The posted price system which ruled after the Second World War until 1973 suited the
powerful Seven Sisters oligopoly. The OPEC administered price regime prevailed from 1974
to the mid-1980s when the balance of power was in OPECs favour. Neither the major oil
companies nor the governments of their parent countries all capitalists and believers in free,
liberalised markets advocated in the 1950s or 1960s a market-related pricing regime. They
were apparently happy with posted prices that is with a market dominated by an oligopoly.
And OPEC in its golden age which lasted for a few years in the second half of the 1970s and
early 1980s was often asked to moderate its price ambitions but rarely to follow the market
irrespective of its trends. In 1979 when market prices were rising fast OPEC was urged to
keep its administered prices well below market levels. This created a dual price system with
huge differentials that yielded unjustifiable profits to some and involved the temptation of illicit
gains for others. A better policy would have been to allow administered prices to rise with the
market. And this would have made it easier to bring them down later when the market began
to slacken, and would have probably avoided the 1986 crisis. But OPEC was powerful, and
more importantly, perceived to be powerful. It held, therefore, onto a pricing system that
reflected this power with the reluctant complicity of others.
The emergence of the market-related pricing system was not due to some mystical
conversion to the lights of good economics truth. OPEC was facing strong competition from
new sources of oil production and export. It was being squeezed by a fall in world oil demand
and an increase in non-OPEC production. The call on OPEC fell in a few years in the first half
of the 1980s from more than 30 million barrels per day to between 16 and 17 million barrels
per day. This huge loss of weight is identically a loss of power. The market was bound to
prevail therefore over an oligopolistic system of price administration. And the petroleum
market developed with considerable momentum. It became a constellation of physical
markets for oil and financial markets for derivatives, all interlinked with each other and
through the financial ones to a variety of non-oil markets.
The vested interests involve in this constellation are extremely powerful. They want the
system to survive and they try to ensure its survival. But OPEC despite many premature
obituaries that appeared in the second half of the 1980s and sometimes in the 1990s is not a
spent force. The determination of oil prices in the current regime involves complex
relationships between the market and OPEC. To put it more precisely a key determinant of
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prices relates to the ways in which OPEC signals to the market and the ways in which the
market receives, interprets and responds to these signals.
This is the issue to which I turn now.
4. OPECs Production Policies and the Responses
of the World Petroleum Market
The current oil price determination system can be described succinctly as follows:
(a) The marker prices are determined in two futures exchanges NYMEX in New York and
IPE in London. Contrary to uninformed views in the general media OPEC does not fix the oil
price. Although this is obvious, the more pervasive view even among those who ought to
know better, is that OPEC has a direct influence on oil price formation. This is wrong. OPECs
influence is essentially indirect.
(b) OPEC attempts to influence price formation on the futures exchanges in two ways. The
most important is by signalling its price preferences by altering the level of its policy-
determined production ceiling (and the associated production quotas). Another signalling
device was the adoption a few years ago of a price band.
(c) Those that buy or sell futures contracts may or may not respond to the signals. Their
responses will depend on a number of factors. A positive market response to an OPEC
(production) signal only occurs when OPEC appears to be united in the making of the policy
decision. In the second half of 1998 the market continued to bid the price down despite
repeated decisions to cut production because the market believed that there were continuing
disagreements between Venezuelan and other OPEC member countries and a new
disagreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The perception of serious divergence of views
within OPEC neutralises the signal. A positive market response also depends on how credible
(that is how realistic) the OPEC policy decision appears to be. The nature of the responses
also depends on whether the market is taken by surprise by the policy decision or whether it
had widely expected it and therefore fully discounted it in the price. There is, however, a
further important point. An OPEC decision on production is one, among several factors, that
exercises an influence on the market. It often carries much weight but can be neutralised in
certain instances by other factors sufficiently powerful to move the market in another
direction. In other words the general market context is of significance and it is always
essential to assess an OPEC policy decision within this context, not in isolation.
(d) Both OPEC and the market continually assess the world petroleum situation that is the
likely future movements in supply and demand, the factors that may cause either curve to
shift in one direction or the other, and numerous sources of uncertainties the most important,
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among many others, being those which affect the world economic outlook and the geopolitical
situation (for example, in Iraq). The problems of information and interpretation in most of
these areas are immense. On the fundamentals of oil supply and demand, the IEA holds a
virtual monopoly on data. The Oil Market Report is used extensively as a source of data and
short-term forecast, not necessarily because of reliability but because it is readily available
and because everybody knows that everybody uses it. Many other sources re-hash with small
modifications the IEA numbers. On OPEC production reliance is placed on secondary
sources. It is extraordinary that an organisation whose main policy is an oil production
programme with an overall ceiling and individual quotas bases this policy on data provided by
secondary sources and not from the member country themselves. And finally we have the
weekly data on US oil inventories produced by the American Petroleum Institute and the US
Department of Energy.
The problems that affect the IEA data are well known. They result from methodological flaws
and an unwise tendency to over-interpret them in the comments of the OM Report. The
repeated revisions of some key data seem to disturb users.
The problems with production data provided by the secondary sources is that they suffer
form an upward bias for a number of inherent reasons. First no national oil company which
responds to the inquiry of an oil reporter will admit that its production is below quotas when
this happens to be the case. Secondly, a reporter who has secured two or three estimates of
a countrys production will be tempted to publish the highest one. A high number if it implies
cheating is news. Finally, a country which wants to re-negotiate its quota may want to
overstate its actual production. I am sure that, broadly speaking, the data involve a systemic
upward bias. It is impossible however to know its magnitude which in any case is bound to
vary from month to month.
The problem with the US inventory data is that the meaning of changes in their weekly levels
is often misinterpreted by many commentators. There is a view that an increase in inventory
levels means excess supplies and a fall suggests tight supplies in the world petroleum
market. In the former case, the view is that OPEC is producing too much and in the latter that
OPEC is not producing enough. This ignores the fact that changes in inventory levels involve
the demand side of the market. There is a demand for inventories which may be positive
(building them up) or negative (drawing them down instead of buying incremental oil). The
complications, of course, are that inventory levels may rise or fall as a result of planning
errors (buying a greater or smaller quantity than ultimately required), delays and/or bunching
of deliveries etc. The fact that NYMEX prices often rise (fall) when the weekly inventory levels
have fallen (risen) is well documented. One can understand that a change in inventory levels
should affect the oil price if a rise in levels is construed as a supply overhang (and a fall in
levels as creating a supply/demand gap) in the US market (PADDII and III) in the very short
term. As mentioned earlier, features of the US system in the area where WTI is delivered,
cause the WTI price to disconnect from other oil prices in response to inventory changes. The
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issue is essentially a local one. Yet the use of WTI as a major benchmark, and erroneous
interpretation of changes in US inventory levels as indicative of more universal
supply/demand imbalances enhance the price impact of these inventory data.
The structure of the futures markets has important implications for OPECs signals and the
market response. Many analysts believe that a group of traders labelled as the non-
commercial lead price movements in the NYMEX and perhaps the IPE. The non-commercial
group consists of hedge funds, banks and other financial institutions. There are different
views about the reasons that may explain leadership. The most plausible is that these
financial institutions, particularly the hedge funds, are able to move large sums of money in
and out of the market. Any change in their expectations about future price movements
becomes almost self fulfilling because the change in expectations will cause significant buying
or selling as may be the case. A complementary view is that the big banks have sophisticated
models and much good information. Together with a few commercial entities (whose position
cannot be disentangled from the broad commercial aggregate however) they lead because
other punters will follow them on the grounds that these guys must know something which I
do not know.
If this is the case then OPECs signals must focus on the non-commercial group which is
suspected to be the leader. The aggregate net position of the non-commercial may be short,
long or broadly balanced. In that latter case there would be no reason to focus on the non-
commercial group specifically.
The non-commercial entities would appear to be betting on a price fall when their net position
is very short. In that case OPEC needs to signal a cut in production to reverse the direction of
their expectations. This is precisely what OPEC did in September 2003.
The bet is on rising prices when the net position of non-commercial is very long. The
problem, however, is that any change in expectations will cause the non-commercial to sell
which they can easily do given that they hold so many buys in their portfolio. This will cause
prices to fall. To prevent this from happening OPEC has to signal that a change in
expectations is not warranted. This means that the correct signal in this context is a cut in
production. But how to explain such a policy when prices are high? This is the problem that
OPEC is encountering now, that is after the 31 March 2004 meeting.
Given that the view about the leadership of non-commercial entities (qualified, however, by
the fact that some commercial companies are part of the leadership group) is broadly correct,
we must infer that OPEC is right in sending its signals to this group. The paradox, however, is
that the signal has to be bullish (a production cut) whether the non-commercial net position is
short or long. Production cannot be repeatedly cut however. The danger is that the policy may
not be sustainable if it has to be repeated on several consecutive occasions.
The conclusion is that, given the structure of the market, and the features of the oil price
regime the correct policy is unsustainable. Clearly, the flaw is in a system which has vested
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too much power into the hands of speculators. The shift of the price determination regime in
the mid-1980s away from OPEC and into the market turned out to be a transfer of power from
OPEC to speculators. This is neither a desirable nor a comfortable state of affairs.
OPEC faces today another problem. The recent oil price rises are the results of multiple
causes from geo-political (Iraq, Nigeria, Venezuela, Russia and worries about political stability
in Saudi Arabia however unwarranted), to economic (demand growth, supply constraints) and
contingent (the Ivan hurricane). There was an unusual confluence of factors all of them pulling
prices upward. Some may prove to be of a transient nature, others are not likely to leave the
scene for a long while.
The factor, however, that may herald an important structural change in the world petroleum
industry relates to supply constraints.
In the upstream the huge volume of surplus capacity which emerged in the OPEC region
around 1983-5 something of the order of 12-14 million barrels per day slowly shrunk over
the years. But so long as the system held surplus capacity, be it 12 mb/d or 3 mb/d, the Gulf
countries which carried this economic burden had no incentive to invest in any significant
manner as this will only add idle capacity to idle capacity.
One could argue, however, that the slow but continuous downward trend in the surplus
volume available should have set alarm bells ringing. A simple extrapolation would have
revealed that the volume of surplus capacity extant will sooner or later cease to provide a
sufficient cushion to a market subject to frequent shifts in both supply and demand conditions,
and vulnerable on occasion to political shocks.
Still, the incentive to invest was dampened by two factors: the demand pessimism which was
fostered by the IEA in its Oil Market Report over a long time and by the overstatement of
expected increases of non-OPEC production also characteristic of this authoritative
publication. All that meant that the expected increases in demand for OPEC oil were low and
did not justify big investments in capacity.
We ended up with a situation in which strong demand growth and little expansion (even
stagnation) of non-OPEC production in 2004 resulted in an increase in the call on OPEC that
ate up a chunk of the idle capacity extant.
At the same time it appeared that a lack of sufficient downstream investment particularly in
the USA, combined with a severe tightening of petroleum product specifications for
environmental reasons meant that the refining system is suffering from constraints.
There is now a mismatch between the refining structure which is unable to easily use the
incremental barrels of crude oil that are available which today consist of the heavy/sour
variety and the upstream structure where the incremental capacity available is in heavy/sour
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In these conditions OPEC cannot influence oil price movements. Constraints on capacity,
particularly on the capacity to produce the particular crude varieties (light/sweet) demanded
by the market prevent it from dampening price rises even though it may wish to do so.
The paradox is that OPEC which benefits from higher prices in revenue terms, like all
producers and companies with upstream interests, has no role in a tight market.
This is not understood by OECD governments and probably by governments of other oil-
importing countries. Hence, the request addressed to OPEC by the G8 Finance Ministers on
at least two occasions: Please increase your production. And they mean, increase it now.
The important change in structure is that idle capacity upstream which existed for almost 20
years was not planned or in any way intended. It was the result of historical developments on
both the supply (emergence of non-OPEC) and the demand side (stagnation or very low
growth) that occurred between 1975 and 1985.
Today, and in the coming years, the idle capacity that the system should hold to cope with
demand and supply short-term shifts, unavoidable frictions, and emergencies (a volume that
I estimate should be of the order of 3 mb/d) will have to be the outcome of conscious
investment decisions. These are difficult decisions requiring less uncertain, or at least less
biased, estimates of demand and future non-OPEC and OPEC supplies.
The conventional wisdom that rules today is flawed. There is too much disinformation, spin,
biased reporting and imperfect methodologies in the production data, and a general lack of
critical analysis. Unless hard, independent work is undertaken to clear the confusion the
search for greater market stability will remain an evanescent dream.
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5. The Price Band
The price band is meant to express OPECs preference for a given price level. Given that an
oil market does operate and that price fluctuations are an inherent feature the preference is
expressed in terms of a range.
When OPEC introduced the band it clearly indicated that its preferred price level was $25 per
barrel for the OPEC basket of light crudes. We need to recall here that oil history since the
Second World War suggests that prices have an episodic nature and that the passage from
one episode to another is due to a dramatic crisis of varying length. We have had the $2 per
barrel episode in the 1950s and 1960s, the OPEC $11 per barrel episode in 1974-9 and the
long $18 per barrel episode of the late 1980s and the 1990s. The 1998 oil price crisis closed
the $18 episode and after a huge discontinuity inaugurated a $25 per barrel episode.
My view is that the lower bound of a price band was its important feature. Oil-exporting
countries did not want prices to fall below the level of the lower bound. This does not mean
that such falls will not occur but that price movements which tend to crash through that level
will elicit an OPEC response in the form of production cuts.
The upper bound is not terribly relevant because sellers will not want to bring down good
prices if they can avoid it. You do not reject manna falling from heaven.
There are important qualifications however. Oil price increases that tend to move upward
away from the dollar thirties range may induce an attempt to calm the market. And Saudi
Arabia has discretely increased its production when fears of overheating due to supply
disruptions in Iraq or Venezuela did emerge.
A rigid, literal interpretation of the price band, one that expects actions to keep prices
continually within two fixed lines (initially defined as $22 and $28 per barrel) is not terribly
Another factor should be taken into consideration. A price preference, be it $18 or $25 per
barrel, is not immutable. The preference may change over time as seems to be the case at
present partly because the market has created the perception that the $30-35 per barrel
range can obtain and hold for a while, and partly because the depreciation of the US dollar in
relation to the Euro and the Yen has reduced the purchasing power of oil revenues. The
trouble is that it is not easy to announce a change in price preferences and tell the world that
the price band should now be set around a price X higher than $25 per barrel. It is more
expedient to let market developments change perceptions and indicate that the field in which
prices fluctuate has shifted.
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Still, OPEC will have to face sooner or later (and I am inclined to think that sooner is better
than later) the difficult problem of changing the $22-28 per barrel band. Whether agreement
on a new level can be agreed by OPEC members without much controversy, and whether it
can be justified with good arguments or presentations to oil-importing countries are
challenges that OPEC could manage. We have to wait, however, before assessing the
probability of success.
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Reforming Reference Pricing and seeking for
Alternative Pricing Systems
Authors: Giacomo Luciani (RSCAS) with the assistance of
Ouarda Merrouche (RSCAS)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Enhancing the Efficiency and Transparency of the International Oil
Task Ref.: 2
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
In this subtask, possible modifications to the existing reference pricing system will be
discussed as well as entirely different systems which have been proposed or can be thought
of as generating more rational and stable crude prices.
x Various possibilities for improving the Reference Pricing System will be discussed,
o the possibility of adopting new/different reference crudes, and enlarge the
market and increase the significance of physical over financial transactions;
o the potential impact on reference pricing of allowing the secondary trading of
major Gulf crudes on the international oil market.
x Finally, an assessment of alternative pricing regimes will also be proposed. In
o the possibility of a return to posted prices
o auctions for marketing crude on the part of major producers which will
include a detailed discussion of different kinds of auction that might be
envisaged and which might be most suitable to the task, and of potential
consequences on the stability/volatility of crude prices.
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................. 3
2. Perspectives of the Crude Oil Market in the Mediterranean ............... 6
2.1 Russia ................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Caspian................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Iraq........................................................................................................ 9
2.4 North Africa ......................................................................................... 10
2.5 Estimating the Potential Volume of Mediterranean Trading............. 10
3. Perspectives of the Crude Oil Market in the Gulf............................... 13
4. Secondary Trading ............................................................................... 15
5. Auction-based Primary Sales .............................................................. 18
6. The Potential Impact of Auction-Based Crude Oil Primary Trading. 23
7. Conclusion............................................................................................ 25
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1. Introduction
Market forms and rules are historical phenomena dictated by circumstances and subject to
evolution. No market organization is optimal or immutable: circumstances change, and the
market must adapt. The system of reference pricing has shortcomings that are well known
and widely acknowledged. They are discussed elsewhere in this project. Suffice here to say
that authors frequently disagree on whether the glass is half full or half empty
, but no one
would venture to say that the glass is full, i.e. that the market is optimally organized.
In this context, the role of this sub task in the project is to review changes in the conditions of
the market and what impact these might have on the prevailing market organization. Some of
the changes that we shall discuss are taking place spontaneously, i.e. for reasons that are
totally unrelated to the desirability of improved market rules. Other are propositions or
initiatives that may be considered in order to improve the functioning of the market,
sometimes in conjunction with the evolutionary factors mentioned above, in other cases
independently of them.
It should be noted that the discussion on alternative forms of market organization is not very
frequent, probably because very significant interests are involved, and it is difficult to conduct
a dispassionate scientific debate. Nevertheless, it is worth trying.
The reference pricing system is based on trading a limited number of crude oils for their
absolute price, and a majority of other crude oils on the basis of indexation or differentials to
the marker crude oil. The main rationale for this is that dealing in all crude oils individually
may be an unnecessary complication, and would tend to reduce the liquidity of the market in
each of them, in addition to the fact that some sellers do not wish to see their crude being
used as a marker. In theory, the marker is the crude that has characteristics closest to an
optimum, which is determined by its quality, the physical liquidity and reliability of supplies,
the presence of multiple producers to create competition.
The literature has suggested a certain number of criteria or prerequisites for identifying a
viable benchmark
. These tend to ensure that the market in this benchmark will conform to
Verleger writes: It is also possible to argue that many petroleum markets are never going to operate
as frictionlessly as do foreign-exchange or money markets, and that trading will always tend to have a
geographical bias, but that despite their imperfections the markets operate reasonably well the barrel
is half full, not half empty in Adjusting to Volatile Energy Prices, page 69.
Here I follow in particular the list of criteria proposed by P. Steward in OEF February 04, based on
Platts. Verleger quotes much earlier work by Hieronymus and lists the following five criteria:
x The units traded must be homogeneous and standardizable
x There must be a large number of buyers and sellers
x There must be an absence of regulation
x The commodity must flow freely to the market
x There must be uncertainty concerning supply and demand.
Except for the point concerning the absence of regulation which seems entirely arbitrary these are
just different ways of presenting the same basic requirements.
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the criteria of competitiveness, transparency and level playing field that are the normal
requisites of any optimal market.
x Volume: the actual volume of production is less important than the volume
available for spot trade, but a certain minimum production volume is desirable. Too
small a volume exposes the market to the risk of squeezes or cornering, and
jeopardizes its representative role. Volume is important also for stability: it may be
argued that the smaller is the physical base - with respect to the amount of paper
trading that develops with reference to it - the more volatile will prices be, and the
more conditioned by market sentiment or speculation rather than fundamentals.
This is an important point, because it points to the desirability of developing new
benchmarks with a wider physical base than Brent or WTI. WTI production is
currently estimated at 350,000 barrels per day and appears to be declining. Brent
crude oil after becoming since the late 1980s a key global benchmark price
experienced several volume squeezes for instance in the first half of 2002
undermining confidence on the benchmark.
As a consequence Platts introduced a new BFO assessment methodology on 10
July 2002
to address the benchmarks vulnerability to manipulation following
continuous production declines. In 2002, it happened that the Brent price structure
was supported by less than 20 cargoes per month. According to operator Shell,
production has declined from 550,000 b/d in mid 1999 to around 360,000 b/d by
mid 2002. As a consequence physical control over the benchmark was feasible,
which in turn facilitated price squeezing.
x Free trade: there should be few barriers to entry for market participants, and no
destination restrictions. Appropriate transportation infrastructure is necessary, and
it should be free of bottlenecks If there are no destination restrictions, secondary
trading is possible; in this case, market participants may be not just the original
equity producers and final consumers, but also traders. The presence of traders
adds to diversification of demand and supply. In addition to transportation
infrastructure, availability of storage facilities is also important, as it increases the
flexibility of the system.
x Quality: the quality of crude should be usable by a wide variety of buyers, and
should be substitutable by other grades This simply seems to exclude very
extreme crude oils; any major internationally traded crude oil will satisfy this
requirement, as it is used by a wide variety of buyers, and is substitutable by at
least some other grades.
Peter Stewart, Oxford Energy Forum February 2003
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In theory, what should matter is that the quality is representative of a large number
of crude oils, so that market players may use the benchmark to hedge or swap with
other, similar crude oils. It is not clear that having a single benchmark of a given
quality should be preferable to having at least two geographically close
benchmarks of sufficiently different quality, so as to allow the market to provide an
indication on the value of quality differentials.
x Equity: a wide equity base and stability in the country of production are desirable;
a single party should not be able to manipulate or control production.
This criterion is in fact not entirely clear: even if the equity base of a specific crude
is relatively wide, it will always consist at best of a limited number of companies,
with one company having a significant larger share than others. The leading
company will also be the price leader, and all others will have no interest in
competing against it. To argue that the supply of a given crude is competitive
because half a dozen companies are involved, is pretending that oligopoly is a form
of competition.
What may be more important is the fact that the companies involved do not vary
their level of production in the pursuit of a price target. This may be either because
they are not in a position to influence prices by restricting production, or because
they rely on others (OPEC) to do so, and simply maximise short-term returns.
Crude oils sold by companies, whose production policy is influenced by the desire
to target a price level, cannot become the basis for futures trading, because the
producer can tamper with future prices.
However, spot and forward trading may well take place also in the latter case; in
this respect even a crude oil with a narrow equity base might perhaps be used as
benchmark for physical trading.
x Liquidity: there should be enough liquidity to make it difficult for a single player to
corner the market; an active spot and forward market are useful in this regard This
requirement is a corollary of the volume requirement which also refers to the
existence of spot trading. Liquidity also refers to financial liquidity, meaning the
amount of paper barrels (mainly futures) trading, which is connected to a given
benchmark and makes it attractive to operators. The two concepts of liquidity are
quite different, because the development of trading spot and forward in physical
barrels of a new crude oil, which has not previously been widely traded, does not
detract liquidity from existing benchmarks, but adds to the overall liquidity of the
international oil market. On the contrary, the development of a new futures market
may, though it does not necessarily, subtract liquidity from existing futures markets,
offering a competing instrument for hedging, speculation or risk management. The
prerequisite that we are primarily concerned with here is physical liquidity, which is
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the first step to establishing a crude oil as a relevant benchmark; the development
of a liquid futures market is a successive step, which may or may not succeed.
In actual fact, the two main marker crude oils used in recent years have been Brent and WTI.
Both have problems, as is discussed elsewhere in the context of the project.
We shall now briefly review tendencies in the Mediterranean, Gulf and Far East to examine
the possibility that new markets may develop, possibly, though not necessarily, entailing the
emergence of new marker crude oils.
2. Perspectives of the Crude Oil Market in the
The Mediterranean appears to be poised to come out of a long lethargic phase to acquire
renewed importance in international petroleum exchanges.
In his book on The Mediterranean Basin in the World Petroleum Market, published in 2000,
Paul Horsnell concluded:
The Mediterranean market complex hardly exists as an independent entity relative to the
highly developed markets in northern Europe and the USA. There is no price leader among
indigenous crude oils, and in oil products the size of the market is swamped in terms of
volume and influence by the Rotterdam market
The Mediterranean has no active spot
market, which is the prerequisite for the development of more complex market structures:
The current nature of price formation and crude oil trading in the Mediterranean is perhaps
best encapsulated by the answer to the question of when was a deal last transacted in flat
price terms in the area and reported to a price assessment agency. The answer is 1990
The Mediterranean basin has played only a very marginal role in the 1990s, and still does.
There have been structural reasons for this, primarily the decline of production and exports of
all the major players that usually evacuated or used to evacuate their oil through the basin,
notably the Former Soviet Union, Iraq and Libya. This left the SUMED, carrying mostly Saudi
crude oil, as the major contributor of physical liquidity into the basin.
However, conditions have entirely changed in recent years, and the consequences are
beginning to be felt.
Paul Horsnell, The Mediterranean Basin in the World Petroleum Market, page 120
ibid. page 125
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x Russian production has reversed its decline, and exports are expected to continue
increasing rapidly. Several independent companies are competing for export outlets
and markets.
x Production from the Caspian Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan is bound to increase
rapidly over the coming 10 years, adding a new stream of primarily light crude oils.
Supply will be spread among several competing companies.
x Regime change in Iraq has allowed eliminating the sanctions. The political situation is
still too unsettled to formulate a convincing scenario for future Iraqi oil exports, but it
is very reasonable to expect that Iraqi oil will again be available on the Mediterranean
in relatively large volumes, via the pipeline to Ceyhan and possibly also via the
pipeline to Banias.
x It is to be expected that production capacity will continue to increase in Algeria, and
will recover in Libya as by-product of the process of normalization of relations with
Europe and the US.
We now consider these factors in some greater detail:
2.1 Russia
With respect to Russian exports through the Mediterranean, we shall rely on estimates
published by Khartukov and Starostina (OPEC Bulletin and MEES), as summarised in Table 1
All oil exported to the Black Sea should be expected to eventually reach the Mediterranean,
an increase of about 700,000 b/d between 2002 and 2010. In addition, also oil transported
through the Druzba and Adria to the Croatian coast would enter the Mediterranean basin
another 240,000 b/d. In short, Khartukov and Starostina expect that from Russia close to a 1
million b/d additional oil will reach the Mediterranean by the end of the current decade.
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2.2 Caspian
Exports from the Caspian will overwhelmingly reach the Mediterranean, either through the
CPC or through the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline. It is reasonable to expect that Russia will make
only limited capacity available for Kazakh exports to the Baltic; and exports through Iran
remain politically difficult and commercially dubious, once pipeline capacity to the Med is
With the signing of the development plan for the Kashagan oil field, uncertainty on future
Kazakh oil production has further diminished. Newly available information leads us to revise
Table 1
Major Oil Export Outlets Used By Russia, 2002-10
(Mn B/D)
2002a 2007 2010
Export Outlet Capacity Useb Capacity Useb Capacity Useb
Eastern Europe
1.28 1.03 1.44 1.09 1.98 1.55
Druzhba 1.28 1.03 1.34 1.00 1.68 1.31
Northern Branch 0.88 0.73 0.94 0.80 1.28 1.09
0.40 0.30 0.40 0.20 0.40 0.22
Adria(Croatia) - - 0.10 0.09 0.30 0.24
Black Sea (Ports,
1.95 0.95 2.60 1.53 2.95 1.66
Novorossiysk 0.85 0.78 1.15 1.05 1.20 1.10
Tuapse 0.18 0.10 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.16
South Ozereyevka
0.48 0.01 0.83 0.08 1.13 0.16
Odessa (Ukraine) 0.26 0.06 0.26 0.08 0.26 0.08
Pivdenne (Ukraine) 0.18 - 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.16
Baltic Sea (Ports,
0.72 0.48 1.36 0.98 1.64 1.23
Primorsk 0.24 0.22 0.84 0.70 0.84 0.70
Ventspils (Latvia) 0.32 0.15 0.36 0.16 0.36 0.16
Butinge (Lithuania) 0.16 0.11 0.16 0.12 0.28 0.23
Porvoo (Finland) - - - - 0.16 0.14
BarentsSea (Ports,
0.02 0.01 0.20 0.18 1.00 0.80
Far East 0.08 0.04 0.72 0.63 1.04 0.94
De Kastri (Port) 0.04 0.02 0.12 0.11 0.24 0.22
0.04 0.02 0.20 0.16 0.20 0.18
- - 0.40 0.36 0.60 0.54
South (Kazakhstan-
China Line)
- - - - 0.60 0.20
Total 4.05 2.51 6.32 4.41 9.21 6.38
a. Actual.
b. By Russia only.
c. Excluding capacity used for additional deliveries via the Adria and Odessa-Brody pipelines.
Source: Centre for Petroleum Business Studies/PetroMarket Research Group, November
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some previous estimates (included in the MEDSUPPLY study)
: Kazakh production in 2010 is
unlikely to reach 2 million b/d, and export potential correspondingly is unlikely to exceed 1.2
million b/d, but it will be rapidly increasing.
Table 2: Revised projections of Caspian exports, (m b/d)
Country/million b/d 2010 2020
Azerbaijan 1.0 1.0
Kazakhstan 1.2 2.2
Turkmenistan .1 .1
Total 2.3 3.3
2.3 Iraq
Opinions on the prospects for Iraqi oil production differ widely. Prior to the American
intervention, some very bullish predictions were put forward, whereby Iraq might reach a
capacity of 6 million b/d by 2010. These predictions have given way to much more sober
assessments, possibly now exaggerating on the side of caution, under the influence of
unsettled political and security conditions. In order to formulate a more reliable scenario, we
shall have to wait until the political situation has stabilized, and the new Iraqi authorities have
adopted their own oil policy and strategy.
Suffice here to note that Iraq has in place important infrastructure to allow for crude oil exports
to the Mediterranean. The Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline is normally rated as presently having a
capacity of 900,000 b/d, although it was initially designed to carry 1.6 m b/d - a capacity that
could be restored under peaceful conditions. In addition, the Kirkuk-Banias pipeline has a
normal capacity of 800,000 b/d, bringing the total theoretical Iraqi export capacity to the
Mediterranean to 2.4 m b/d.
The question is: will this capacity be fully restored? Will it be fully utilized? No one can have a
firm answer in this respect, but it should be noted that this capacity might be viewed as an
advantage for Iraq with respect to other Gulf countries in competition for access to the
markets of the European Union and the United States.
Therefore, although in the last few months the Iraqi authorities have apparently laid greater
importance on increasing their export capacity on the Gulf, I believe we should expect this
country to eventually focus on restoring its export capacity to the Mediterranean and use it as
much as possible.
MEDSUPPLY, Development of Energy Supplies to Europe from the Southern and Eastern
Mediterranean Countries, Chapter 2, page 9
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For the same reason, I believe we should keep in mind the possibility that Saudi Arabia may
decide to restore the Tapline into operation at least at its original capacity of 500,000 b/d.
Saudi oil will be at a disadvantage competing in the Mediterranean (i.e. to European and
possibly North American destinations) if originating from the Gulf. I expect that Saudi Arabia
may react to the new conditions in the Mediterranean by adopting a policy of creating its own
outlets in this basin, restoring the Tapline and/or selling oil FOB Sidi Kerir.
2.4 North Africa
With respect to North Africa, I shall rely primarily on the recent MEDSUPPLY study,
completed by OME with support of Sonatrach, the RSCAS and in close consultation with all
the member companies of the OME. The conclusions of that study for oil export potential of
the Mediterranean partner countries of the European Union are summarised in table 4
Table 4: Mediterranean Oil Export Scenario (million tons per year)
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Algeria 62.3 87.6 104 116 123-143
Libya 61 92 116 131 150
Syria 16 13 3 -4 -14
Egypt 12 1 -12 -25 -36
TOTAL 151 193 223 247 273-293
It is possible that the figure for Algeria reflects an upward bias, which is also manifested by
the fork indicated for 2020. As far as Libya is concerned, its ambitions are well above the
numbers indicated here, as the level of 3 million b/d is a target already for 2010. Overall, from
Algeria and Libya we expect an addition of some 6-700,000 b/d by 2010.
2.5 Estimating the Potential Volume of Mediterranean Trading
We may now attempt to bring the various elements together, and formulate a scenario for
crude oil flows across the Mediterranean by the end of the current decade.
In order to do so, we must add to the production of countries that are on the Mediterranean
(primarily Algeria and Libya) the inflow of crude oil from neighbouring countries, via pipeline or
seaborne. The picture for pipeline capacity in the East Mediterranean is fairly clear, and it is
summarised in Table 5.
Ibid. Executive Summary, page 3
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Table 5: East Mediterranean Physical Base, Pipeline Based (m b/d)
To Ceyhan from Baku 0.9
To Ceyhan from Kirkuk 0.9-1.6
Subtotal Ceyhan 1.8-2.5
To Banias from Kirkuk 0.8
To Sidon from KSA (Tapline) 0.5?
To Sidi Kerir from KSA (SUMED) 2.2
Grand Total 5.0
The picture for seaborne oil in transit is less clear, because of uncertainties surrounding
transit across the Turkish straits. We shall here assume that, whether through the straits or by
way of one of the pipelines that have been proposed to by-pass the straits (Burgas-
Alexandroupolis; Burgas-Vlore; Costanta-Pancevo-Omisalj-Trieste), Russian and Caspian oil
will find its way out of the Black Sea. We shall further assume that no oil will be able to enter
the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Basin (because of the combined effect of the attraction of
US demand, and excess supply in the Mediterranean); and that the combined inflow from the
Suez Canal and the SUMED will not exceed 2 m b/d. Under these assumptions, we may have
the situation which is represented in the following chart, where volumes are expressed in
million tons per year.
MED Supply Scenario in 2010
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The total adds up easily to at least 500 million tons, or 10 million b/d. In other words, the
Mediterranean will be a significant portion of the global oil market, a basin in which supplies
from numerous producers will converge, and a source of crude oil for the rest of the world.
The geographical proximity of various loading terminals and the large number of producers
and crude oil qualities will create ideal conditions for physical trading spot and forward. A
refiner or trader will be able to send a tanker into the Med and wait until the ship has reached
Crete before he decides whether to load at Alexandroupolis, Ceyhan, Banias, Sidon, Sidi
Kerir or Sirte. Trading in these conditions is likely to develop even if no initiative is taken to
encourage it. The centre of this trading activity is likely to be in Ceyhan, not only because the
largest volume will be available there, but also because the crude oil will come from at least
two producing countries (Azerbaijan and Iraq) and will include at least two quite different
grades (Azeri light and Kirkuk), creating very favourable conditions for quality arbitraging.
A deliberate effort at organising a broadly based East Mediterranean market would appear
very promising. If a petroleum exchange is created to simultaneously trade, in a transparent
and well documented manner, several of the crude oil grades that will be available on the
East Mediterranean from producers which do not impose destination clauses, and thus open
the door to secondary trading, we might create a much more representative base for
international crude oil trading. It may not be necessary to select one specific crude oil as
benchmark: spot and forward trading may take place in several grades simultaneously, and
futures trading may be based on an index contract.
The creation of such a broadly based East Mediterranean market (or Mediterranean market
tout court, if we wish to encompass also Libyan and Algerian crude oils) should be viewed as
a priority by the European Union and indeed by all the major importing countries. It would
allow for considerably improving information and transparency of the global oil market, which
would almost certainly go in the direction of greater stability.
The question is: who may take the initiative of launching such a market and how should it be
organised? One possibility is that the initiative be taken in cooperation by major importers -
the EU first and foremost, but other major importers as well and the major regional
exporters. Realistically, it is difficult that all major regional exporters, and notably the major
GCC exporters, will subscribe to the idea: they might prefer to reserve their position and
maintain their freedom of manoeuvre and decision-making. Nevertheless, a market could be
launched even with initially partial participation of some of the major producers e.g. the
Caspian producers who may be convinced that this is a convenient option for them.
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3. Perspectives of the Crude Oil Market in the Gulf
It is hardly necessary to argue that a lively spot and forward market would develop in the Gulf,
if it were allowed to. The main obstacle to this development is the imposition of destination
Trading exists in Dubai and Oman crude oils, but volume is limited and neither is a fully
satisfactory benchmark.
Dubai has the ambition to become the trading hub for crude oil in the Gulf, and has recently
signed an agreement with NIMEX to explore the possibility of establishing a futures contract
based on Basrah Light. The proponents of this initiative note that Like Oman, Basrah has all
the good physical qualities for becoming a regional benchmark, however it will be essential
that SOMO (Iraqs State Oil Marketing Organization) does not regulate the sales too much
most essentially should not have destination controls. () For now, in theory SOMO is not
allowing free trade, however some lifters are engaging in reselling of Basrah (estimated at 10-
15% of the total exports). It is estimated that some 50-75% of Basrah exports in September
were resold.
It is clear that a change of attitude towards trading on the part of some at least of the national
oil companies in the Gulf would be essential for the development of trading there. There is
currently very little paper traded by the Arab national oil companies, Iran is the one exception,
Kuwait is trading some products and Oman is looking to establish an independent trading
arm. Even for products trading producer-to-user deals are preferred, though theyre less rigid
for products as compared to crude oil.
There are several reasons for this: fear of political pressure and interference from other
exporting countries or major importing countries first and foremost. For the main OPEC
producers it may be more comfortable to play the role of price takers rather than price makers
which would naturally be theirs, in view of their share of global exports. Finally, one should
note the perception that if traders are involved then the producer does not get the highest
price for the commodity.
Some of these concerns are taken up later in this paper. We should here note that it is not at
all necessary for all national oil companies to liberalize trading in their crude, and a market
may well develop with only some of them participating. Indeed, some steps have already
been taken in this direction.
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As far as the Asian market is concerned, a discussion of it really lies outside the scope of our
project. Suffice to say here that Asian demand will increase rapidly, and additional supplies
will have to come almost exclusively from the Gulf. We may therefore expect that the Asian
market will be naturally less competitive than the Mediterranean market as described above,
and that it will continue to be a sellers market. However, it should also be noted that there is
considerable dissatisfaction for the current pricing regime, and especially for the Asian
premium which is imposed on loadings directed to the East. Countries in the region are
actively studying the prospect of injecting greater competition in their crude oil supplies, and
eliminating the premium, which they regard as arbitrary.
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4. Secondary Trading
One obvious possibility of injecting greater rationality in the marketing of the major Gulf crude
oils is by allowing secondary trading.
Secondary trading is the norm in other government-dominated and politically sensitive
markets. Key among all is the market for government bonds; but the same is true for
essentially all financial markets.
Secondary markets are essential for an efficient capital market system.
x They provide liquidity. Without such markets, a buyer would have to hold its good
(bond) until maturity.
x They help to determine a fair price (price discovery).
The ability of secondary equity markets to deliver governance is related to those markets'
liquidity. A liquid market provides better price discovery.
1. The secondary market, i.e. the market where goods are re-traded after having
been initially offered on the primary market, provides with regular information on
the value of goods. The periodic trading of the good reveals to the issuer the
consensus price that the good commands in an open market. Thus through
secondary trading oil producers can discover what value buyers attach to oil on a
regular basis. Such information may help oil producers to assess how efficiently
they are fixing the price on the primary market, and how receptive buyers will be
to new offerings. The secondary market also offers the opportunity for the original
buyer to reverse or maintain its position according to the evolution in the demand
for oil. Moreover the secondary market offers liquidity and information on the oils
fair or consensus price. It is also likely to bring together more traders, and can so
reduce the cost for searching likely buyers and sellers, or of acquiring
information. The secondary market therefore normally is much more competitive
than the primary market. Finally, by accommodating more traders, the secondary
market keeps the cost of transactions low.
2. Secondary markets can help correct inefficient allocations made in primary
markets, even when primary markets are organized as auctions. Trading in the
secondary market may also generate price information, which can be used as a
guide in setting oil prices in the primary market.
Why then do producers oppose secondary trading in their crude oils? We may distinguish
three main reasons. The first is political, in the sense that producers wish to maintain control
over the final destination of their oil - not so much for economic reasons, but because oil is
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perceived as a political commodity, and the intensity of oil trade between two countries
acquires a political significance. The second main reason is that maintaining control over the
final destination allows for price discrimination: different prices are charged to different
customers, depending on their access to competing sources of crude oil. This translates into
different netbacks for the exporting country, which, for perceived political reasons, wants to
export to lower-paying customers. The third reason is that, as mentioned above, producers
may fear that if traders are involved then the producer does not get the highest price for the
These motivations would seem rather weak in the light of critical analysis. That oil trade has a
political significance per se is increasingly dubious: the wider is the physical base of the
international oil market, the clearer it becomes that the fact that oil flows from country A to
country B constitutes dependency for neither of them. Flows can easily be redirected, and the
interruption of one source will have price effects that will be felt by all market participants, not
just the former clients of that source. To the extent that a problem of image remains, and
countries may compete to be the most important or a significant exporter to the US, this
objective can more easily and effectively be achieved through other means (downstream
integration first and foremost).
Price discrimination is not a very rational approach, and could still be pursued by offering
loading at terminals that are positioned in such a way that oil will naturally flow to the
intended regional market. What this means is primarily that Gulf oil intended for the European
market should be made available for loading at a Mediterranean terminal, while crude oil
intended for the Asian market will be available on the Gulf itself. This approach could easily
be adopted by Iraq we noted above the countrys facilities to export crude to the Med less
easily by Saudi Arabia, and even less by the other Gulf countries. Most of the remaining Gulf
countries oil is, in any case, already almost exclusively directed to Asian customers. In all
cases, sending oil to the US where the price differential is negative would require selling
the oil CIF the Gulf of Mexico. Alternatively, the prohibition of secondary trading might be
imposed on US customers only.
More generally, the extent to which secondary trading may develop is linked to the length of
the logistic chain from oil well to refinery gate, which the producer can in any case control by
selling its oil closer to the refinery rather than at the point of loading. The development of
several regional markets with secondary trading would still allow for indeed justify price
discrimination, because it is very unlikely that physical arbitrage would take place between
those markets.
The perception that where traders are involved the producer does not capture the full benefit
of the sale is partially correct. For sure, traders are out to make a profit, and - considered
collectively and over the longer run - they will necessarily make a profit otherwise they
would all go out of business and trading would cease. In this sense, clearly the primary seller
forfeits an opportunity to maximise his profit by allowing secondary trading. But here is the
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fallacy absence of secondary trading does not necessarily mean that the profit that the
traders would have made, will instead be made by the primary seller. Simply, nobody will ever
know if that is the case, because the absence of secondary trading prevents price discovery,
and forces the primary seller to use prices, which may be far from optimal. It is therefore
entirely possible, and indeed likely, that the revenue of the seller will in the end be lower in the
absence of secondary trading than if the latter is allowed.
Secondary trading this is the key point generates some very valuable information for the
primary seller. The profit that traders make is the compensation for the price discovery
function, which they perform to the benefit of the primary seller a function which the primary
seller cannot perform for himself, except by resorting to auctions.
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5. Auction-based Primary Sales
The established wisdom in most discussions of the oil market is that a plurality of sellers is
required for a market in a specific crude oil to exist. Where just one seller controls the entire
production of a given crude oil, there cannot be a market in that crude oil.
This view goes surprisingly unchallenged, although it is clearly inaccurate. Markets for goods
sold by a single supplier exist all around us, and are normally organised as auctions. The fact
that there is just one seller does not prevent trading and fixing of prices through market
mechanisms. Probably the most important example of this is the market for government
bonds, for which obviously the government is necessarily the sole supplier. And yet a market
in government paper, both primary and secondary, exists in almost all countries; it is the key
instrument through which the interest rate is determined, and the Central Bank manages
liquidity in the system.
I insist on the parallel with the market for government paper because it is in many ways
strikingly similar to the case of crude oil, including its implications for sovereignty and control
over government finance. The fact is that
a huge volume of economic transactions is conducted through auctions.
Governments use auctions to sell treasury bills, foreign exchange, mineral rights
including oil fields, and other assets such as firms to be privatised. Government
contracts are typically awarded by procurement auctions, and procurement
auctions are also often used by firms buying inputs or subcontracting work: in these
cases, of course, the auctioneer is seeking a low price rather than a high price.
Houses, cars, agricultural produce and livestock, art and antiques are commonly
sold by auction. Other economic transactions, for example takeover battles, are
auctions in effect if not in name. There has recently been an explosion of interest in
designing new auction forms, for example to sell radio spectrum licences, and in
using auctions to set up new markets, for example for electricity and transport.
(Klemperer 1999, page 2)
Oil producing countries are, of course, very well experienced with auctions, which they use in
several of the specific cases listed above.
Therefore, the idea that the major oil producers may use auctions as a tool for price discovery
is not as exotic as it may appear at first sight. Reluctance to use auctions for price discovery
is intuitively connected to the perceptions that the outcome of an auction is very
unpredictable: by resorting to auctions the producing countries would be exposed to even
greater uncertainty than under the existing reference pricing system. This however does not
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need to be the case at all, provided that the auction is well designed for the purpose that the
producing countries are trying to pursue, i.e. maintaining prices within a target band.
As Klemperer has written, the essence of a well-designed auction is in the details. What could
be the best way to organise an auction for crude oil? The answer is relatively simple:
1. the auction would certainly be organised as a descending bid (or Dutch, or first-price)
auction, in which the highest price, at which all the volume of oil is sold which is
available for sale, would be accepted;
2. the auction would be a multi-unit one, as the available volume of oil would be sold in
parcels, not as a single indivisible unit;
3. the auction could be conducted through open calls, but this would certainly pose
problems to the auctioneer, forcing him to make delicate decisions on the spot; more
likely, the auction would be conducted through sealed bids, or book building through
an exchange or independent intermediary;
4. finally, the auction would almost certainly be of the uniform-price type, that is, all
accepted bids would pay the same price, which is the lowest accepted bid, even if all
other bidders, except the lowest accepted, bid a higher price. The alternative is to
allow for price discrimination, that is have each bidder actually pay the price that he
has bid: this alternative is more efficient in theory, as it foils the danger of collusion,
but may lead to confusion because of simultaneous trading at several different prices.
An auction designed in this way is vulnerable to implicit collusion:
The problem of implicit collusion can arise in one special kind of sealed-bid
auction, namely a uniform-price auction for multiple units of a homogeneous good
(e.g. electricity). In a uniform-price auction the price for every unit is set only by the
lowest winning bid, so the remainder of firms bidding schedules can be used as
costless threats that will determine prices only if another bidder deviates from an
implicitly-agreed market division. That is, bidders can tacitly agree to divide up the
market at a very favourable price for themselves by each bidding extremely
aggressively for smaller quantities than its share, thus deterring other bidders
from bidding for more. The U.K. electricity regulator believes this market has fallen
prey to exactly this kind of collusion
Fortunately, this collusion problem can be solved, as the same author clearly explains in
another article:
A second way of undoing the low-price uniform-price equilibrium (the first one is to
have price discrimination) is to include some randomness in demands () or in the
sellers supply. Klemperer and Meyer (1989) take this tack and show that sufficient
Paul Klemperer What Really Matters in Auction Design CEPR Discussion Paper #2581, October
2000, page 3.
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supply uncertainty can reduce the multiplicity of uniform-price equilibria to a single
equilibrium that is highly competitive if bidders values are linear in their volumes
() Hansen (1988) considers endogenous quantity in the winner-take-all context and
shows that not only does the auctioneer prefer a first-price to a second-price auction
() but the first-price auction is also socially more efficient and may even be
preferred by the bidders. The intuition is that in the first- and second-price auctions
the quantity traded depends on the prices bid by the winner and the runner-up,
respectively. So the first-price auction is more productively efficient (the quantity
traded reflects the winners cost or value) and provides greater incentive for
aggressive bidding (a more aggressive bid not only increases the probability of
winning, but also increases the quantity traded contingent on winning).
What the above means is very simply that the seller should not commit himself to selling a
given volume of oil in advance of the auction. The total volume sold will be defined only ex
post, once the seller has received all the bids, and can on this basis construct a demand
curve for his oil on a given date. He will then choose the combination of volume sold and price
accepted that most suits his marketing strategy, and the purpose of the auction will in
essence be to determine to whom the oil should go.
Figure 1 explains the difference between a descending and ascending bid, and uniform price
or price discrimination.
Q1 Quantities
Klemperer Auction Theory: a Guide to the Literature CEPR Discussion Paper #2163, June 1999
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In this figure we have five bidders, and the seller aims at selling quantity Q1. In a descending
order auction, we examine the highest bids first and proceed to the lowest ones, until all the
intended quantity is sold; in our case, the price will be P*. In an ascending order auction, we
would start from the lowest offer, and increase the price until all excess demand is eliminated.
The price in this case would be P**, which is the exclusion price for the lowest bidder. If
bidders are very numerous, the demand curve will be continuous rather than in steps, and the
difference may almost disappear.
If the auction is with uniform price, all bidders pay the same in our case P*. If however we
allow for price discrimination, each bidder pays the price that he/she has bid. In the former
case, the revenue for the seller is the shaded triangle; in the latter case the revenue for the
seller is higher, including all the dashed area above the shaded triangle. Obviously, bidders
will adopt different bidding strategies in the presence of price discrimination.
It is also clear that recurrent multiple-unit sealed-bid auctions of a uniform good with
uncertainty in the sellers supply may, at the limit, translate into a fixed (albeit strictly speaking
not posted) price and variable volumes sold. This case is represented in the following Figure
Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Quantities
Here we have two different demand curves, each representing the result of one auction. The
seller is free to select any combination of price and quantity along the line. In practice, the
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seller wishes to maintain the price within the band P1P2, and will thus determine the volume
to be sold in the first auction, represented by A, in the interval Q0Q1; in the following auction,
represented by B, in order to maintain the price within the band the adjudicated volume will
need to be between Q2 and Q3. In practice, it is unlikely that we might witness such
significant demand shifts, and the seller will need to implement much smaller changes in
quantities sold and/or prices accepted. The limit case is one in which the price is kept fixed at
P, represented by the bold black line, and only quantities are adjusted. This would be
equivalent to imposing a fixed price: even if it is not publicly announced, the market will soon
find out.
This extreme case would of course defeat the purpose of the auction, by preventing the price
discovery function of it. Yet, it is clear that the possible alternative of reverting to posted
prices, as it is sometimes proposed, would have exactly this meaning and impact: establish
full producers control over prices, and give up control over volumes. In this respect, an
auction simply is a strategy that allows for some greater flexibility in trading, and acquiring
greater information, than straight posted prices. It is also clear where the major weakness of
the posted prices alternative lies: in that it prevents the seller from acquiring information over
market conditions. In order to gain this information, the seller must allow for a trading
mechanism and some uncertainty, as in an auction, otherwise buyers simply will keep the
information to themselves. However, there is absolutely no reason to expect that auction-
based oil trading should lead to greater price uncertainty than the current system based on
some reference crude oils, whose role in the international oil market is in fact marginal.
It is also clear that, in order to preserve the required uncertainty about the sellers supply, the
auction shall not be the only method of sale, but it should be paired with term sales to
established customers at prices, which will be referenced (indexed) to the prices established
through the auction.
The proportion of the total volume of exports that is sold through the auction will depend on
the interest for the auction. In theory, the more interest there is for the auction, the better are
the results for the seller. The seller should, therefore, adopt incentives to encourage even
term customers to participate in the auction, and progressively increase the proportion of total
exports that are directly allocated through the auction. If on the other hand interest in the
auction turned out to be insufficient, it would be normal and acceptable for the seller not to
sell any oil through the auction.
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6. The Potential Impact of Auction-Based Crude Oil Primary
In order to better visualise the potential outcome of an auction system, we should keep in
mind its recurrent nature (e.g. one auction per month or even per week) and the mutual
influence of auctions for different crude oils from different producers conducted at different
times during the month (or the week). A repetition of numerous smaller auctions would
provide the market with almost continuous information with respect to market conditions; bids
and prices would much more directly and immediately be influenced by fundamentals.
Conducting primary sales based on auctions may or may not be coupled to allowing the
development of a secondary market. If a secondary market is also allowed, it will facilitate the
task of bidders in compensating for a potentially unexpected result of the auction (whereby
they may end up being either long or short with respect to their target) and facilitate price
stability in the auction. The primary and the secondary market would in this way support each
other. This is extremely well illustrated by the market in government paper in all well-
developed financial markets.
We may therefore describe the way a market with auction-based primary trading might look
like, and review the experience of the limited precedent available, but the latter may be
misleading, because the specific circumstances of the LPG market or partial crude oil sales
cannot be generalised. What is probably impossible is to model and simulate the workings of
an auction-based market if for no other reason, because of the element of subjectivity which
is intrinsic in the buyers bidding strategy, and the sellers strategy for determination of the
volume of sales. At most it could be envisaged to organise simulation games, in which
participants take up roles on the basis of parameters as close as possible to reality, and
observe their behaviour.
It should be further noted that, while a system based on auctions, if paired with allowing
secondary trading, would be compatible with the development of an active spot and forward
market, conditions for the establishment of a futures market in a single crude oil would still not
exist. This is because the crucial condition of future price immunity from the influence of a
single player would still not be fulfilled. The seller conducting the auctions would certainly be
in a position to influence the price, thus discouraging futures trading. Rather, futures trading
could develop based on an index of several crude oils sold by different actors: however, to the
extent that OPEC may continue to pursue the strategy of maintaining the price within a band,
this too would be extremely unlikely. Therefore, the net effect of widespread adoption of
primary trading based on auctions coupled with secondary trading would be to greatly enlarge
the basis for trading in wet barrels, without as much encouraging trading in paper barrels.
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Would this be a problem? The answer clearly is negative, because after all trading in futures
is primarily an instrument for hedging and risk management, and the purpose of it is
undermined if price uncertainty and risk are reduced. If through the adoption of primary
trading based on auctions, the major oil exporting countries succeed in establishing closer
control on prices, effectively maintaining them within their target band, the need for risk
management would be drastically reduced. It is also well known that speculation is attracted
by volatility, and in turn breeds volatility. Therefore, establishing a system which will allow the
producing countries to maintain better control on prices will naturally deter speculation.
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7. Conclusion
Our argument suggests some preliminary conclusions that may deserve to be considered for
further discussion.
Both the oil producing countries and the major oil importing countries have an interest in oil
price stability, but also in prices that are responsive to market conditions, and therefore
sustainable in the long run. There is an obvious trade off between these two objectives, which
is commonly interpreted as the oil producers wishing to control prices and oil importers
wishing to rely on the market. The latter, I believe, is a misrepresentation, in the sense that it
represents as polarised two positions that in fact differ primarily in their emphasis. Provided a
market design could be arrived at, which simultaneously guarantees greater price stability and
responsiveness to market conditions, both sides would probably see its merits.
A combination of greater price stability with increased reliance on market mechanisms may
be brought about by the development of active new oil markets: candidates are in the
Mediterranean, in the Gulf itself, and probably in the Far East (Southeast Asia). However,
much will depend from the design of these markets. If they develop as non-transparent, non-
standardised, over-the-counter transactions between a few players, the impact may be very
limited. For the impact to be felt it is first of all necessary to organise these markets as
transparent and standardised contracts traded in an exchange.
But this too might not be sufficient. In order to truly ensure that fundamentals play a more
important role in price formation, it is necessary to envisage either one or both of the
following: allowing secondary trading and the development of a secondary market in major
crude oil; and/or primary trading based on recurrent multiple-unit sealed-bid auctions with
uncertainty in the sellers supply.
If only secondary trading is allowed, a lot of information will be gained for price discovery, and
the oil exporting countries will gain a much more direct influence on prices through variations
in volumes exported, relative to what they have now. If auction-based primary trading is opted
for, the price determined in such auctions will become the guide to the market, and volatility
may be very fundamentally reduced. Nevertheless, the market would still be very active,
indeed more active than under the current reference pricing system; producers would receive
its signals and be able to respond to them.
Ideally, we should propose an exchange-based trading system with frequent primary auctions
for the major crude oils organised in an appropriate weekly or monthly calendar coupled
with continuous secondary trading of standard parcels. This system would support forward
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and spot trading, but may not support futures trading because producers would possibly
retain too much control on prices, and operators may not be willing to bet against them.
However, if futures were based on an index of crude oil prices, rather than a single oil price, a
market may develop which would have the function of challenging or testing the producers
price targets not differently from what happens in exchange rate markets, where
unrealistically pegged exchange rates are soon challenged and, quite frequently, defeated.
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Strategic Stockpiles vs. Market Intervention for Price
Author: Giacomo Luciani (RSCAS)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Enhancing the Efficiency and Transparency of the International Oil
Task Ref.: 2.
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
Several countries maintain strategic stockpiles, and the IEA maintains a system for co-
operation in case of physical shortfall of oil supplies. Strategic stockpiles are not meant to be
market intervention tools, and should therefore not be used to counter price changes that may
be viewed as excessive, or too sudden. However, oil will always flow to whomever is ready to
pay for it, and any use of the oil weapon will simply translate into price changes.
The definition of new, co-operative rules for the joint management of strategic stockpiles
should be explored in the context of a broadly based EU-GCC Partnership and co-operation
in the field of energy.
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 3
2 Conceptual Problems concerning Strategic Stocks............................. 4
2.1 Defining the Threat ............................................................................ 4
2.2 Predictability and Adequacy .............................................................. 7
2.3 Cost-Benefit Analysis......................................................................... 8
2.4 Unused Capacity ............................................................................. 11
2.5 Demand Management ..................................................................... 11
3 Strategic Stocks Legislation: The US, IEA and EU Frameworks ....... 13
3.1 The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve.............................................. 13
The Royalty in Kind Initiative.................................................................... 18
SPR Drawdowns according to the DOE Web Site ................................... 19
Crude Oil Emergency & Test Sales ...................................................... 19
The 1985 Test Sale............................................................................... 19
The 1990/91 Desert Shield/Desert Storm Drawdowns.......................... 19
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act's Statutory Authority for an SPR
Drawdown................................................................................................ 21
DEFINITIONS....................................................................................... 21
3.2 The International Energy Agencys Emergency Response Systems22
3.3 EU Legislation in Force Concerning Oil Stocks ............................... 24
3.4 The Commission Proposals of September 2002 ............................. 25
4 Prospects for EU-GCC Cooperation in the Management of Supply
Emergencies................................................................................................. 30
4.1 The GCC Countries Attitude towards Supply Emergencies............ 30
4.2 The Producer Countries View of Strategic Stocks .......................... 31
4.3 Encouraging Companies and Major Consumers to Hold More Stocks
........................................................................................................ 32
4.4 Prospects for a Cooperative Approach to the Management of
Strategic Stocks.......................................................................................... 34
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1 Introduction
The legislation currently in force in the EU concerning oil stocks is Council Directive 98/93/EC
of 14 December 1998 amending Directive 68/414/EEC, imposing an obligation on Member
States of the EEC to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products. The
original 1968 directive was extensively revised already in 1973. In September 2002, the
Commission proposed a set of new measures for improving the security of energy supplies,
which did not receive the approval of the Parliament and the Council, and were finally
withdrawn on October 20, 2004. In a press communiqu published on that date it was stated
Following institutional blocking in Parliament and Council, the Commission decided
today to withdraw the legislative proposals made in September 2002 to reform the
Community management of oil stocks, especially in cases of supply crisis. However in
the current context of continuous rises in oil prices and market speculation, the
Commission remains convinced of the need to improve the current EU legislation,
dating mainly from the first oil crisis, and therefore reserves the right to make other
proposals to better meet EU needs. "This decision is in line with the framework
agreement signed between the Commission and the European Parliament at the
beginning of our mandate. However, I remain convinced that we need this tool and
particularly the improvement of the current management system of oil stocks at
European level ", declared Loyola de Palacio, Vice-President of the European
Commission in charge of Energy and Transport.
The task of proposing a new approach will therefore be taken up by the Barroso Commission
in the coming months.
This report is divided in three sections. In the first section, some conceptual problems related
to oil stocks are discussed, including a brief review of the economic literature on optimal stock
holding. In the second section a brief review of the legislation in force is proposed, examining
first the experience of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve of the US, the International Energy
Agencys Emergency Response systems, then focussing on EU legislation, reviewing
legislation in force and then outlining the proposals put forward by the Prodi Commission. On
the basis of this background, the third section discusses opportunities for greater cooperation
between the EU and the GCC in the management of supply disruptions.
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2 Conceptual Problems concerning Strategic Stocks
Strategic stocks are a well-recognised policy tool against supply disruptions at least since
Joseph advised the Pharaoh that Egypt would need to withstand seven lean years after seven
fat ones. Nevertheless, the literature on the subject does not appear to be well developed,
and indeed the state of the debate, especially with reference to oil and gas strategic storage,
is surprisingly rudimentary. In this first section, I shall focus on a list of conceptual problems
that are encountered in the definition of a sensible policy for strategic stocks. As with most
issues, it will appear evident that the question is not one of yes or no, but one of the
modalities and details of defining a policy.
In fact, defining a rational storage policy is a deceptively simple task. The rationale for storage
is compelling at first sight, but is found to be extremely problematic when looked at in greater
detail. Without divine assistance in forecasting stochastic production, the storage decision is
considerably more complex than the one Joseph faced, and the role of storage quite different.
In fact, several commonly held impressions about the role of storage of commodities such as
grains are incorrect. Rather than stabilising production, storage actually accentuates its
variability. Rather than causing a mean-price-preserving decrease or a mean-output-
preserving decrease in the dispersion of price, storage generally causes a more complex
modification of the distribution of price. Rather that being most effective at eliminating short-
falls in consumption, storage actually is more effective at eliminating the incidence of
exceedingly high consumption. (Wright and Williams, The Economic Role of Commodity
Storage, The Economic Journal, Vol. 92, No. 367 (Sep., 1982), 596-614)
2.1 Defining the Threat
The first prerequisite for elaborating a sensible strategic stock policy is an accurate definition
of the threat (or accident, or event) that the stocks are intended to provide a buffer
against. This is indispensable not only to allow for a discussion of the adequacy of the tool
(are strategic stocks an appropriate tool, what is the required size for them?), but also of the
costs and benefits of resorting to this tool.
In the case of oil supply, the threat may be defined either as a physical shortfall or a major
change in prices. The two aspects obviously are related, because a physical shortfall will
inevitably lead to an increase in prices. However, we must distinguish between physical
shortfalls that may be the result of a cut in production or exports of a major exporting country
or group of exporting countries; and shortfalls that may result from the voluntary or accidental
closure of a particular transportation or transit facility. The latter may affect a specific group of
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importers without necessarily impacting on global supplies, leading to restricted availability of
crude or products in specific markets. With respect to the US, the point has been made
several times that limited availability of gasoline in the Mid West, due to constraints on
refining or transportation capacity, can lead to price spikes which cannot be addressed with
the use of the American Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). With respect to the Far East,
navigation through the Malacca Strait has frequently been mentioned as a source of concern.
However, with respect to European supplies, the logistics and sources of supplies are
sufficiently diversified, so that it is difficult to envisage this kind of localised disruption: for
sure, closure of one of the three main access points to the Mediterranean (the Turkish straits,
the Suez Canal or the Strait of Gibraltar) would result in tension and dislocation in the
Mediterranean market, but available alternatives (the remaining access points, various
pipelines, Mediterranean producers, the possibility of redirecting supplies in Southern
Germany) provide sufficient flexibility to deal with such an emergency without major
Hence, when we speak of the European situation the threat that we should consider is
primarily the shortfall in global supplies that may result of the cutback in production or exports
on the part of one or a group of major producers. Here the main difficulty is defining the kind
of accident that we have in mind, because oil supply and demand are constantly changing,
and the concept of shortfall is a relative one.
Demand for oil is constantly increasing, but the pace of change may vary quite significantly;
and global supply is the algebraic sum of declines in certain fields and increases in other
fields. Accidents or disturbances of greater or lesser impact happen in the industry all the
time, and some producing countries have lived in a state of more or less constant turmoil for
decades: we may be hard put at defining the normal state of affairs against which the
deviation, or accident that we wish to protect against, is measured.
This is evidenced by experience in 2003 and 2004, when supply tensions and price increases
were linked to an array of events, including war in Iraq, but also strikes or disturbances in
Nigeria or Venezuela, hurricanes and other acts of God - while demand increased much
faster than anyone had expected. Prices significantly increased, but was this due to the Iraq
war? Or to the unexpected increase in demand? Or to political turmoil in Venezuela? Or was
it simply the market at work to reflect the circumstances of the day exceptional in the sense
that each day is different, no more?
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The International Energy Agency considers that the most important supply disruption that has
been experienced was consequent to the Iranian revolution, when 5.6 million b/d were lost for
a period of 6 months. However, this loss was compensated by increased production in other
countries, and total world oil production actually increased from 63.3 to 66 million b/d between
1978 and 79; it declined in subsequent years in response to a decline in demand. So: was
there a crisis?
A further difficulty is that the oil market is quite nervous, and tends to anticipate a supply
shortfall with considerable price hikes, rather than waiting for it to happen. Consequently, it is
frequently the case that we pay the price already while the discussion still is going on whether
the physical shortfall is fact or fiction which is not a condition conducive to the orderly and
predictable use of strategic stocks.
In other words, situations in which there is a single and clearly identifiable cause of a
significant supply shortfall will be extremely rare. The precedent of the 1973 OAPEC embargo
is unlikely to be repeated, and remains quite isolated. Other episodes of open war involving
oil-producing countries, notably Iraq, Iran and Kuwait, have had a variable impact on supply,
and expectations have been as important, if not more important, than facts.
A definition of the threat based on price variations would, in this respect, be much clearer than
a definition based on physical supply changes. However, if the trigger event for the use of
strategic stocks is defined as a change in prices, the distinction between strategic and
intervention stocks - the latter being instruments for managing prices on the market rather
than tools for addressing a security concern - becomes blurred.
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2.2 Predictability and Adequacy
In order for the adequacy of stocks to be rationally discussed, it is necessary that we have
some understanding of the probability of the event against which we are trying to protect
ourselves. All insurance policies are based on the statistical evaluation of the probability of an
event occurring, and the cost of it. Even in such seemingly absolute State objectives as
guaranteeing the integrity of the state we do in fact follow a probabilistic approach, in the
sense that no state actually incurs in the expense that would be required to be able to protect
against any imaginable external threat.
All discussions of strategic stocks in economic literature tend to relate to their use in
agriculture or other sectors in which production is not known a priori, but the probability
distribution of outcomes can be estimated. In the case of global oil supplies, we have a
plethora of smaller accidents, industrial or socio-political, which cause actual production to
deviate from the otherwise desired level: these can be predicted statistically, but are not the
main source of concern. It is implicitly assumed that these smaller disturbances are part and
parcel of the normal functioning of the industry, and protecting against them is the task of
private actors, who, so to speak, should be prudent enough not to wait for the very last
opportunity before they fill their tanks.
The main task of strategic storage is to protect against the possibility of a single, discrete,
major accident implicitly, this is what we have in mind when we refer to the danger of
political instability in the Gulf. However, the contours of such an event are not discussed, in
contrast with common practice in strategic and security thinking.
The adequacy of military preparedness is measured against some scenario of use of a
countrys armed forces, which defines their intended capabilities. This could well be done also
with respect to strategic oil storage: we might discuss what kind of accident we intend to
protect against, and attempt to attribute a probability factor to it, in order to guide a rational
decision. This, however, is not done: reference is commonly made to political instability and
volatility in the Gulf, somehow hinting at the possibility that all of the Gulf countries oil might
suddenly disappear from the scene. Any considerate discussion would however show this to
be almost impossible.
Alternative scenarios might be more plausible, but the compelling need for oil stocks would
quickly evaporate. After all, the Gulf has been politically unstable and volatile for decades,
and existing oil stocks were used only in 1991when hostilities began against Iraq to roll back
the invasion of Kuwait and then too late, when the market had already turned around.
One suspects that the reason why a detailed discussion is not carried out of the threat against
which stocks are intended to be used, is that this discussion might not necessarily confirm the
rationality of holding them.
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2.3 Cost-Benefit Analysis
In deciding on the rationality of holding strategic oil stocks and their optimal size, we should
be able to engage in a proper cost-benefit analysis. It is commonly assumed that a shortfall in
oil supplies may constitute a security threat or inflict serious economic damage to the
industrial countries. However, when considering the impact of oil price increases which
would be the immediate manifestation of oil supply shortages the literature overwhelmingly
suggests that this is limited and certainly far from being considered catastrophic or a security
The estimation of the impact of a disruption in oil supplies is problematic. The results critically
depend on an array of assumptions on possible production increases from non-impacted
sources, on market reactions and consequent price increases, on policy reactions of the
affected importing countries. Until quite recently, the DOE maintained a Disruption Impact
Simulator (DIS), a simple model based on an Excel spreadsheet which purported to simulate
the impact of any exogenously given disruption for up to six quarters1. However, this model
has now been discontinued and is no longer supported by the DOE. No alternative model has
been introduced to substitute for it, but the DOE uses a set of rules of thumb, also
incorporated in an Excel spreadsheet.
The DIS model has been used in the past to argue in favour of holding stocks and for
presumably determining the optimal size of such stocks. For example, the Asia Pacific
Energy Research Center published in 2002 a report entitled Energy Security Initiative:
Emergency Oil Stocks as an Option to Respond to Oil Supply Disruptions which confidently
concluded that The analysis of costs and benefits of expanding oil emergency stocks in the
APEC region presented in this report supports expanding reserves by several hundred Mbbl
for the APEC region. More specifically, for the smaller Asian oil importing economies, a
stockpile of around 30 days coverage of net imports is shown to be optimal in terms of costs
versus benefits. For an economy the size of Thailands, this implies a stockpile of around 27
Mbbl by 2010. The calculation is based on an estimate of the cost of supply disruption
arrived at using the DIS model.
In fact, it is clearly unrealistic to pretend to model the market response to a supply disruption:
we hardly can predict market response in normal circumstances, even less so in exceptional
circumstances. In practice, we see at present a tendency to conceptualise a supply disruption
as a sudden jump in price thus eliminating the need for specifying a function linking a
physical disruption to the consequent movement in prices. This means that a physical supply
disruption will be considered serious if it leads to a serious jump in prices; if prices do not
Jim Hart Disruption Impact Simulator, DOE
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move very much, the disruption is not there. However, a jump in prices is a necessary but not
sufficient condition to identify a supply disruption, because prices can register wide swings
even at times when no physical disruption is visible.
But can we consider a significant jump in prices as a security threat, which must be countered
by resorting to use of the strategic stocks? Under what conditions?
First of all, in many industrial countries with the notable exception of the United States
energy products are heavily taxed. This is done for general budgetary purposes, but is also
frequently justified in view of curbing consumption, in order to reduce import dependency
and/or mitigate the impact of emissions on the environment. Whatever the reasons for
imposing high excise taxes on energy products, the fact is that the consumer is accustomed
to paying prices that are well above market realities. This means that the consumer is
shielded against market price increases in the sense that unless excise taxes are also
increased in proportion, which would not be rational the price increase as felt by the
consumer is percentage wise much less than the increase of international market prices. In
addition, the consumer might further be shielded because in the event of a very severe
increase in international prices, such as would justify the liquidation of strategic stocks, excise
taxes might be reduced. Of course this measure would not eliminate the impact on the trade
balance, and it would have a negative impact on the government budget, thus requiring
macroeconomic adjustment: however, if the supply shortfall is temporary, then financing might
be preferable to adjustment. If, on the other hand, the supply shortfall is permanent or
sustained, then strategic stocks would be of no avail, and adjustment would be required
anyhow. In other words: strategic stocks are a tool for cushioning, not eliminating, supply
shortfall; and changes in excise taxes are a valid alternative in that function.
Even ignoring the possibility of modulating excise taxes, current estimations conclude that the
impact of changes in oil prices on GDP is not so large as to constitute a security threat
. I
refer here to the Analysis of the Impact of High Oil Prices on the Global Economy published
by the IEA in May of 2004, which may be regarded as representing the consensus of the IEA,
the OECD and the IMF on this matter. Alternative estimates come to slightly different
conclusions, but the difference is not qualitatively important.
IEAs analysis simulates the impact of a sustained $10 per barrel increase in oil prices from
$25 to $35 would result in the OECD as a whole losing 0.4% of GDP in the first and second
years of higher prices. Inflation would rise by half a percentage point and unemployment
would also increase. Such developments may be called unwelcome, especially in countries
whose growth already is lacklustre, but they hardly amount to a national emergency or
constitute a threat to national security. That the increase in prices should be sustained i.e.
maintained throughout the projection period 2004-8 is essential: a temporary increase has a
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much more limited effect. Another key assumption is that the dollar exchange rate remains
unchanged: in the event of a loss of value of the dollar relative to the euro, the impact on
Europe is much reduced.
The estimation of the impact of a sustained price increase of greater magnitude is more
problematic because we know little about the elasticity of response of various economic
variables for large, discrete shocks. However, although international oil demand and supply
are known to be inelastic in the short term, we know that large price shifts cause adjustments
to take place in both demand and supply, and are unlikely to be sustained over very long
periods of time.
In short, one gets the impression that the impact of a significant oil price increase is certainly
not indifferent, but falls very much short of being a national emergency or security threat.
When we consider that physical shortfalls are unlikely to be clearly identifiable, and price
increases are the most likely manifestation of them, we come to the conclusion that strategic
stocks are in fact not likely to be activated.
On this point see also the discussion in the paper covering Tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, by Robert Arnott
and Robert Skinner.
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2.4 Unused Capacity
An obvious alternative to holding strategic stocks is to maintain unused production capacity.
The oil exporting countries, notably Saudi Arabia, have maintained a buffer of unused
capacity that was successfully activated in the event of shortfalls in other producers exports,
compensating for them and ensuring global supplies. However, this is not the only relevant
possibility: some of the industrial countries are also important producers, and might adopt
policies to maintain some unused capacity to compensate for potential supply interruptions.
As is well known, this is not done; instead, the industrial countries reserves are exploited
much more intensively than the reserves of the major oil producing countries. By so doing, the
industrial countries have systematically undermined their security of supply, drawing down on
domestic reserves and progressively increasing their exposure to potential supply disruptions.
The reasons why this has been the case are well understood, and in addition oil in the ground
is not the same thing as oil in stocks (the latter can be drawn down much more rapidly);
however, the emphasis on maximising domestic production in all industrial countries (except
to some extent the United States, that have established the Naval Petroleum Reserve3) can
only be said to manifests a lack of concern for security of supply.
The broader argument here is that security of supply requires redundancies along the entire
supply chain. Strategic stocks may perform a useful role if they are designed in conjunction
with other tools including unutilised capacity in production and logistics and with clear
activation rules that will ensure that they are used when required. There is a contradiction
between urging Saudi Arabia to maintain a buffer of unused capacity while the industrial
countries run a system in which all redundancies are progressively eliminated. Increasing the
size of strategic stocks does not address this contradiction.
2.5 Demand Management
Another important consideration with respect to the optimal size of strategic stocks is that
demand management might also be an important tool in addressing potential supply
The Naval Petroleum Reserves are oil fields owned by the U.S. Government. Originally established in
the early 1900s to provide U.S. naval vessels with an assured source of fuel, the Naval Petroleum
Reserves once included three major oil fields. Today, the Department of Energy oversees one of the
fields - the Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 (Teapot Dome) in Wyoming. The largest of the original
Reserves - the giant Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve #1 field in California was sold in 1998. An
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disruptions. Oil products consumption is increasingly concentrated in the transportation
sector, and has been greatly reduced in other areas, which may be considered more essential
for national security (residential uses, industry).
To a considerable extent, consumption of oil products is today a form of luxury, which may be
substituted for by greater reliance on public transportation, or simply less travel.
We cannot say that all oil product uses are essential or important and should be protected in
the event of a supply disruption. A policy of singling out uses that need to be protected from
other uses may significantly reduce the need to resort to strategic stocks. That demand
nevertheless remains rigid with respect to prices simply indicates that the consumer is not
keen on energy saving and on changing his/her driving and travel habits.
Any attempt at rationing consumption and favouring priority uses is fraught with the danger
of creating rents and black markets; nevertheless maintaining strategic crude oil stocks to
protect SUV drivers who refuse to use public transportation is also dubious policy.
Oil strategic stocks should therefore be considered in a context of increasing the overall
resiliency of our energy systems. Extensive promotion of dual fuel capability is an important
component of security, and so is also energy efficiency.
A corollary of this line of reasoning is that the different attitudes of industrial countries with
respect to energy prices and conservation may lead to tensions and conflict in the use of
strategic stocks. To European and Japanese eyes, energy consumption habits in the US are
likely to appear as unacceptably profligate, and the need to protect such consumption habits
against supply disruptions dubious at best.
adjacent field, the Buena Vista Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve #2, is now leased to commercial
companies by the Department of the Interior.
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3 Strategic Stocks Legislation: The US, IEA and EU
3.1 The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve
According to the US Department of Energy
, the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the
largest stockpile of government-owned emergency crude oil in the world. Established in the
aftermath of the 1973-74 oil embargo, the SPR is intended to provide the President with a
response option should a disruption in commercial oil supplies threaten the U.S. economy. It
also allows the United States to meet part of its International Energy Agency obligation to
maintain emergency oil stocks, and it provides a national defence fuel reserve. The federally
owned oil stocks are stored in underground salt caverns along the coastline of the Gulf of
Decisions to withdraw crude oil from the SPR are made by the President under the authority
of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. In the event of an energy emergency, SPR oil
would be distributed by competitive sale. Although the SPR has been used for emergency
purposes only once (during Operation Desert Storm in 1991), the Department of Energy
claims that its size makes it a significant deterrent to oil import cut-offs and a key tool of
foreign policy. No proof is however offered for this statement, which appears prima facie to be
highly objectionable: one can hardly think of any case in which oil producing countries may
have considered cutting off oil exports - either to the US specifically, or in general - and have
been deterred by the existence and size of the SPR.
According to the DOE, the need for a national oil storage reserve has been recognized in the
US for at least five decades. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes advocated the stockpiling
of emergency crude oil in 1944 (and also contemplated buying a direct stake in Chevrons
operations in Saudi Arabia, before the final ownership structure of Aramco was defined).
President Truman's Minerals Policy Commission proposed a strategic oil supply in 1952.
President Eisenhower suggested an oil reserve after the 1956 Suez Crisis. The Cabinet Task
Force on Oil Import Control recommended a similar reserve in 1970. However no action was
taken until the 1973-74 oil embargo. Following that episode, President Ford signed the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) on December 22, 1975. This legislation declared
it to be U.S. policy to establish a reserve of up to 1 billion barrels of petroleum.
The Gulf of Mexico was a logical choice for oil storage sites. More than 500 salt domes are
concentrated along the coast. It is the location of many U.S. refineries and distribution points
for tankers, barges and pipelines. In April 1977, the government acquired several existing salt
This section is based on information available on the web site of the Department of Energy
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caverns to serve as the first storage sites. Construction of the first surface facilities began in
June 1977. The filling of the reserve then began and the most oil for the SPR was purchased
in the late 1970s and early 1980s when world oil prices often exceeded $30 per barrel.
According to the DOE, this is the primary reason why the average price of the oil currently in
the Reserve is more than $27 per barrel which of course ignores the fact that $27 of 2004 is
not the same as $27 of 1980. If a reasonable discount factor were applied, plus cost of
storage, the price of oil in the SPR would certainly exceed the highest price that the market
has seen ever since.
On January 16, 1991 President George H.W. Bush ordered the first-ever emergency draw
down of the SPR. The Department of Energy then implemented a plan to sell 33.75 million
barrels of crude oil, the United States' portion agreed to by the International Energy Agency.
Between the initial authorization and the final sale, however, world oil supplies and prices
stabilized, and the United States reduced the sales amount to 17.3 million barrels, which were
sold to 13 companies.
Fill was suspended in FY 1995 to devote budget resources to refurbishing the SPR
equipment and extending the life of the complex through at least the first quarter of the next
century. In 1999 the fill was resumed in a joint initiative between the Departments of Energy
and the Interior to supply royalty oil from Federal offshore tracts to the Strategic Petroleum
On November 13, 2001, President George W. Bush ordered the SPR to be filled to
approximately 700 million barrels by continuing to use the Royalty-in-Kind program carried out
jointly between the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior. The royalty-in-
kind program applies to oil owed to the U.S. government by producers who operate leases on
the federally owned Outer Continental Shelf. These producers are required to provide from
12.5 percent to 16.7 percent of the oil they produce to the U.S. government. The government
can either acquire the oil itself or receive the equivalent dollar value.
Today, the SPR has the capacity to hold 727 million barrels. Together, the facilities and crude
oil represent a more than $21 billion investment ($4 billion for facilities and $17 billion for
crude oil).
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Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory for November 05, 2004
Current Inventory To be Delivered
Sweet Sour Total Royalty-in-Kind
271.3 million bbls 398.9 million bbls 670.2 million bbls 16.2 million bbls
Note: Royalty-In-Kind deliveries are currently scheduled to extend through April, 2005. This
inventory and delivery schedule reflects the latest information available and may fluctuate as
Hurricane Ivan exchanges are definitized.
The following table details all the movements into and out of the Reserve. It tells us a very
simple story: notwithstanding the increasing size of the Reserve, the coverage measured as
number of days of net petroleum imports has declined since 1985, and only marginally
increased under the current Administration, from 50 to 57 days
. The point is: US oil imports
are growing as well.
This means that the US SPR is far from satisfying the obligation of holding stocks equal to 90 days of
imports, which has been agreed upon by the IEA member countries.
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Table 5.17 Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 1977-2003
(Million Barrels, Except as Noted)
Foreign Crude Oil Receipts Domestic Crude Oil Receipts Withdrawals End-of-Year Stocks
by SPR
by Others
Purchases Exchanges
Sales Exchanges Quantity
Share of
Crude Oil
Share of
Days of Net
1977 7.54 0.00
0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.46 2.1 0.6 1
1978 58.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.86 17.8 5.2 8
1979 24.43 0.00 (s) 0.00 0.00 0.00 91.19 21.2 6.8 11
1980 16.07 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 107.80 23.1 7.7 17
1981 93.30 0.00 28.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.34 38.8 15.5 43
1982 60.19 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 293.83 45.7 20.5 68
1983 85.29 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 379.09 52.4 26.1 88
1984 72.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.51 56.6 28.9 96
1985 43.12 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 493.32 60.6 32.5 115
1986 17.56 0.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 511.57 60.7 32.1 94
1987 26.52 0.00 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 540.65 60.8 33.6 91
1988 18.76 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 559.52 62.9 35.0 85
1989 20.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579.86 62.9 36.7 81
1990 9.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.91 0.00 585.69 64.5 36.1 82
1991 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.22 0.00 568.51 63.7 35.2 86
1992 3.59 0.00 2.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 574.72 64.4 36.1 83
1993 5.37 0.00 6.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 587.08 63.6 35.6 77
1994 4.49 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.67 63.7 35.8 73
1995 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.64 66.1 37.9 75
1996 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 25.82 0.90 565.82 66.6 37.5 67
1997 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.33 0.00 563.43 64.9 36.1 62
1998 0.00 7.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 571.41 63.8 34.7 59
1999 3.04 3.60 0.00 1.42 0.00 10.75 567.24 66.6 38.0 57
2000 3.01 1.50 0.00 2.29 0.00
33.35 540.68 65.4 36.8 52
2001 3.91 5.07 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.24 63.8 34.7 50
2002 5.77 35.59 0.00 7.64 0.00 0.00 599.09 68.3
2003 0.00 22.94 0.00 16.40 0.00 0.00 638.39 70.4 40.7 57
Imported crude oil received represents volumes of imported crude oil
received at SPR storage facilities for which the costs associated with the
importation and delivery of crude oil are the responsibility of the
commercial importer under contract to supply the SPR.
Includes 30 million barrels released to increase heating oil stocks in
exchange for a like quantity plus a bonus percentage to be returned in 2001
and 2002, as well as additional barrels to create a Northeast Home Heating
Oil Reserve.
The values shown for 1998 and 1999 represent an exchange agreement in
which SPR received approximately 8.5 million barrels of high quality oil in
exchange for approximately 11 million barrels of lower quality crude oil
shipped from SPR during 1999 and 2000. Also, beginning in 1999, a portion
of the crude oil in-kind royalties from Federal leases in the Gulf of Mexico
was transferred to the Department of Energy and exchanged with
commercial entities for crude oil to fill the SPR. Crude oil exchange barrels
R=Revised. (s)=Less than 0.005 million barrels.
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delivered to SPR could be either domestic or imported as long as the crude
oil met the specification requirements of SPR. All exchange barrels of
imported crude oil are included in "Foreign Crude Oil Receipts, Imported by
Others," while exchange barrels of domestic crude oil are included in
"Domestic Crude Oil Receipts, Exchanges."
Stocks do not include imported quantities in transit to SPR terminals,
pipeline fill, and above-ground storage.
Note: "SPR" is the Strategic Petroleum Reservepetroleum stocks
maintained by the Federal Government for use during periods of major
supply interruption.
Includes lease condensate stocks.
Web Page: See for
related information.
Derived by dividing end-of-year SPR stocks by annual average daily net
imports of all petroleum. Calculated prior to rounding.
Sources: Imported by Others, Domestic Crude Oil Receipts, and
Withdrawals: U.S. Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary for Fossil
Energy, unpublished data. All Other Data: 1977-1980Energy
Information Administration (EIA), Energy Data Report, Petroleum
Statement, Annual, annual reports.
1981-2002EIA, Petroleum Supply Annual, annual reports. 2003EIA,
Petroleum Supply Monthly (February 2004).
The quantity of domestic fuel oil which was in storage prior to injection of
foreign crude oil.
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The Royalty in Kind Initiative
Established in 1975 in the aftermath of the OPEC oil embargo, the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve was originally intended to hold at least 750 million barrels of crude oil as an
insurance policy against future supply cutoffs (the maximum size was later reduced when a
geologically unstable storage site was decommissioned).
The original intent was to fill the SPR primarily by purchasing crude oil on the open market.
Concern over the vulnerability of the United States to additional oil cutoffs prompted the
federal government to purchase the most oil for the SPR in the late 1970s and early 1980s
when world oil prices often exceeded $30 per barrel. (This is the primary reason why the
average price of the oil currently in the Reserve is more than $27 per barrel.)
But due largely to rising federal deficits, the Clinton Administration in 1994 suspended the
purchase crude oil on the open market. Oil imports to the United States continued to increase,
however, and the protection offered by the Reserve -- then with an inventory of less than 600
million barrels -- steadily declined.
In February 1999, the Clinton Administration announced a new plan to resume fill of the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve with federal royalty oil from production in the Central Gulf of
Mexico. The initiative was designed to replace approximately 28 million barrels of oil which
were sold from the Reserve in fiscal years 1996 and 1997 largely for deficit reduction
Royalty oil is owed to the U.S. government by operators who acquire leases on the federally-
owned Outer Continental Shelf. Under current law, federal ownership ranges from 12.5
percent to 16.7 percent of the oil produced from federal leases. The Minerals Management
Service (MMS) is responsible for collecting royalties. MMS has traditionally collected royalties
from federal oil and gas leases in cash, but, in 1998, it started testing the effectiveness of
collecting royalties "in kind" - or in other words, acquiring the crude oil itself. This mechanism
was adopted to begin refilling the SPR.
In May 2001 the Bush Administration released its National Energy Policy. The Policy
endorsed adding oil to the Strategic Reserve using the "royalty in kind" program, and in
November 2001, President Bush announced his intent to fill the Reserve to 700 million
On several occasions, the Energy Department has rescheduled incoming oil shipments to the
Reserve, deferring them for several months to a year or more. In these instances, companies
under contract to deliver crude oil to the Federal Government agree to increase the volume of
oil shipped to the Reserve at the later date at no additional cost to the taxpayer. This also
permits more oil to remain on the market and available to consumers during times when
supplies are tight.
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SPR Drawdowns according to the DOE Web Site
The following provides a brief history of the times when crude oil has been released from the
Crude Oil Emergency & Test Sales
Only once in the history of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has the President ordered its use
in an emergency situation. That occurred in 1991 in conjunction with Operation Desert Storm.
Twice the Administration has conducted test sales to ensure the readiness of the Reserve
and its personnel to carry out a Presidentially-ordered drawdown. The first took place in 1985,
the second in the months immediately preceding Operation Desert Storm.
The 1985 Test Sale
Oil has been pumped into and out of the Reserve's storage sites many times in routine tests.
But until 1985, the competitive sales process had never been tested outside of internal
simulations run inside the government. In 1985 Congress and the Administration agreed it
was time to test the full system, both the pumps and paperwork, that would be needed to
release oil from the Reserve in the event of an energy emergency. When it extended the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act in June 1985, Congress authorized the Department to
conduct a 1.1 million barrel test sale that would involve the private sector and the competitive
bidding process for the first time.
On November 18, 1985, the Department announced that it would begin accepting bids for the
crude oil. One week later, on November 26, 1985, 17 companies submitted offers. Since no
energy emergency existed at the time, the law governing the sale specified that the Energy
Department could not accept any bid for less than 90 percent of market price for similar
quality crudes. On November 27, the Department announced that it would sell to the five
highest bidders who offered prices ranging from $27.69 to $31.25 per barrel. By December 4,
the first contract had been awarded, and the first oil delivery occurred on December 11. By
January 8, 1986, all oil had been delivered and the test sale was successfully concluded.
The 1990/91 Desert Shield/Desert Storm Drawdowns
The 1990 incursion by Saddam Hussein's Iraqi troops into neighboring Kuwait set into motion
the first, and to this date the only, Presidentially- ordered, emergency use of the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve.
When Saddam's forces breached the Kuwaiti border on August 2, 1990, world oil prices shot
upward. With the Middle East accounting for nearly half the crude oil the United States was
importing at the time, concerns escalated over a possible disruption in oil supplies. Five days
after the invasion, the United States hurriedly dispatched the 82nd Airborne and several
fighter squadrons to the Persian Gulf, beginning Operation Desert Shield.
On September 27, 1990, Secretary of Energy James D. Watkins, after consulting with
President George Bush, ordered a 5-million-barrel test sale of Strategic Petroleum Reserve
crude oil to "demonstrate the readiness of the [Reserve] system under real life conditions."
Stressing that the test was not an emergency drawdown, Watkins nonetheless emphasized
that increasing the familiarity of the private sector with the Reserve's sales process was
important "should it become necessary in the future to conduct an emergency strategic stock
drawdown in coordination with our allies."
On October 10, 1990, the Energy Department announced that it would sell just under 4 million
barrels of crude oil to 11 firms that submitted the highest bids from the 33 companies that had
responded to the Department's solicitation. The sale amount was less than the amount
offered because of a lack of bids for one of the six types of crude oil the Department offered.
The first crude oil moved out of the Reserve on October 19, 1990, to the Citgo Petroleum
Corp., and the test sale was completed on December 3, 1990.
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Saddam's aggression continued, however, and on January 16, 1991, President Bush in a
nationally televised address announced that U.S. and allied warplanes had begun attacks
against Baghdad and other military targets in Iraq. Simultaneously, the President announced,
the United States would begin releasing a portion of its Strategic Petroleum Reserve stocks
as part of an international effort to minimize world oil market disruptions.
Immediately following the President's address, Secretary Watkins directed the Energy
Department to prepare for a drawdown of 33.75 million barrels of Strategic Reserve oil -
equivalent to 1.123 million barrels per day, the proportional amount assigned to the United
States under a coordinated emergency response plan drawn up by the International Energy
Less than 12 hours after the President's authorization, on January 17, 1991, the Energy
Department released the crude oil sales notice, and on January 28, 1991, 26 companies
submitted bids.
The rapid decision to release crude oil from government-controlled stocks in the United States
and other OECD countries helped calm the global oil market, and prices began to moderate.
On January 30, 1991, the Energy Department accepted bids from 13 companies offering the
best prices for 17.3 million barrels of Strategic Reserve oil.
The total volume sold during the Desert Storm drawdown was just over half the amount
offered, primarily because industry bids for the higher-sulfur "sour" crude oil were
substantially lower than bids for the lower-sulfur "sweet" crude.
"We clearly must remain sensitive to the market by making available the crude oil the industry
is saying it really needs and not allowing bargain hunters to take advantage of the taxpayers,"
Watkins said in announcing his decision to accept only those bids that were above 97.5
percent of benchmark prices of comparable crude oils.
On February 5, 1991, the first crude oil in the emergency drawdown was delivered to Crown
Central Petroleum Corp.
On February 23, 1991, allied ground forces moved into Iraq and Kuwait, and Hussein's troops
began to pull back. Four days later, on February 27, President Bush ordered a cease fire, and
on March 3, Iraqi leaders formally accepted cease fire terms. The Persian Gulf war was over.
World oil markets had remained remarkably calm throughout most of the war, due largely to
the swift release of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve oil in combination with other oil response
measures taken around the world. By April 3, 1991, the Energy Department had completed its
contractual obligations, delivering the last of the 17.3 million barrels.
In wrapping up the first-ever emergency drawdown the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Energy
Secretary Watkins said, "We have sent an important message to the American people that
their $20 billion investment in an emergency supply of crude oil has produced a system that
can respond rapidly and effectively to the threat of an energy disruption."
Conditions for the utilisation of the SPR are defined by the Energy Policy and Conservation
Act (see text box below). In essence, the reserve is targeted for use in the event of a severe
energy supply interruption, which is primarily defined as physical shortfall. The definition
abounds with less than precise parameters: the interruption must be of significant scope and
duration and must have an emergency nature; and it must have major adverse impact on
national safety or the national economy.
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However, in establishing whether a severe energy supply interruption has occurred, one of
the criteria is also whether a severe increase in the price of petroleum products has resulted
from such emergency situation; what exactly is a severe increase in the price of petroleum
products is not said. In addition, the Act also envisages the possibility that the Reserve might
be used pre-emptively, to prevent the manifestation of a severe energy supply interruption.
In short, the Act attributes considerable latitude to the President in deciding if and when to
draw down from the Reserve, and the practical outcome has been that the reserve has not
been used, except in 1990. Even in that case, by the time the decision to draw down the
reserve was taken and implemented, the market had turned around. Of course, we cannot
know what would have happened to the market had the collective IEA decision to use the
strategic reserve not been taken, but a credible case can be made that the turnaround would
have occurred anyhow, as soon as it became clear that Saddams invasion of Kuwait would
be repelled. The fact that in the end the market did not show enough interest for crude sold
from the reserve and little more than half of the expected volume was actually sold would
seem to be especially telling.
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act's Statutory Authority for an SPR Drawdown
SEC. 3. As used in this Act:
(8) The term "severe energy supply interruption" means a national energy supply shortage
which the President determines -
(A) is, or is likely to be, of significant scope and duration, and of an emergency nature;
(B) may cause major adverse impact on national safety or the national economy; and
(C) results, or is likely to result, from (i) an interruption in the supply of imported petroleum
products, (ii) an interruption in the supply of domestic petroleum products, or (iii) sabotage or
an act of God.
SEC. 161.
(2) For purposes of this section, in addition to the circumstances set forth in section 3 (8),
a severe energy supply interruption shall be deemed to exist if the President determines that -
(A) an emergency situation exists and there is a significant reduction in supply which is of
significant scope and duration;
(B) a severe increase in the price of petroleum products has resulted from such emergency
situation; and
(C) such price increase is likely to cause a major adverse impact on the national economy."
(g)(1) The Secretary shall conduct a continuing evaluation of the Distribution Plan. In the
conduct of such evaluation, the Secretary is authorized to carry out test drawdown and
distribution of crude oil from the Reserve. If any such test drawdown includes the sale or
exchange of crude oil, then the aggregate quantity of crude oil withdrawn from the Reserve
may not exceed 5,000,000 barrels during any such test drawdown or distribution.
(h)(1) If the President finds that -
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(A) a circumstance, other than those described [above] exists that constitutes, or is likely to
become, a domestic or international energy supply shortages of significant scope or duration;
(B) action taken....would assist directly and significantly in preventing or reducing the adverse
impact of such shortage,
then the Secretary may...draw down and distribute the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
(2) In no case may the Reserve be drawn down under this subsection -
(A) in excess of an aggregate of 30,000,000 barrels with respect to each such shortage;
(B) for more than 60 days with respect to each such shortage;
(C) if there are fewer than 500,000,000 barrels of petroleum product stored in the Reserve; or
(D) below the level of an aggregate of 500,000,000 barrels of petroleum product stored in the
3.2 The International Energy Agencys Emergency Response Systems
The International Energy Agency was established in the wake of the 1973 export restrictions
to the US and other selected industrial countries imposed by OAPEC. Ensuring security of
supply and solidarity among the major industrial countries is a key objective of the IEA. The
agencys emergency response system is therefore a key feature of the organisation: the
International Energy Program (IEP), which is contained in the IEAs governing treaty, commits
participating countries to:
x maintain emergency oil reserves equivalent to at least 90 days of net oil imports;
x provide programmes of demand restraint measures to reduce national oil
x participate in oil allocation among IEA countries in the event of a severe supply
The IEA also has an additional set of co-ordinated stockdraw and other response measures,
known as Co-ordinated Emergency Response Measures (CERM). This was established by a
July 1984 IEA Governing Board Decision and updated more recently. In making the Decision,
the Governing Board recognised the importance of responding rapidly to a supply disruption
in order to minimise the potential economic damage. CERM may apply even if the oil supply
disruption is not large enough to activate the IEP emergency measures.
The decision to activate emergency response measures pertains to the Agencys Governing
Board. The governing Board receives advice from industry experts, through the Industry
Advisory Board.
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According to the latest information available from the Agency, IEA Member countries currently
are holding nearly 3.9 billion barrels of public and industry oil stocks, which represent at least
111 days of net imports. IEA net oil importing countries have legal obligation to hold
emergency oil reserves equivalent to at least 90 days of net oil imports of the previous year.
IEA net exporting countries (Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom) do not have
stockholding obligations under the IEP. However, Denmark and the United Kingdom do hold
stocks under consumption-based EU regulations: in fact the EU stock holding obligations are
based on consumption rather than imports, meaning that net exporters have the same stock
holding obligations as net importers. Another difference between the IEA and EU stock
holding obligations is that, the IEA applies a 10% reduction for unavailable stocks (including
tank bottoms), whereas the EU applies no reduction for unavailable stocks.
IEA Member countries presently hold some 1.4 billion barrels of public oil stocks. The
maximum drawdown profile of IEA public oil stocks for the first month is about 12.9 mb/d,
consisting of 9.6 mb/d crude oil and 3.3 mb/d oil product stockdraw. However, such maximum
drawdown potential could not be sustained for long: after four months, maximum drawdown
would be reduced to little more than a third of the initial peak.
Thus, claims by the Agency that public and compulsory industry stocks are sufficient in
magnitude and sustainability to cope with the largest historical supply disruption must be
interpreted critically. In actual fact, past supply disruptions have been met primarily by
increases in supplies from alternative producers i.e. overall supply disruptions at the global
level have not really occurred. This however was possible primarily because supply
disruptions did not affect Saudi Arabia, which not only is the largest global exporter but also
holds the largest unutilised capacity, which can be mobilised to compensate for other
producers shortfalls.
Thus if we ask the question: for how long available stocks could compensate for the
disappearance of Saudi Arabia from the market assuming that no other producer has spare
capacity, and no demand measures are undertaken the answer is about 5 months if we
consider public stocks only, and in excess of one year if we consider also stocks held by
private companies. Considering that in fact a total loss of Saudi production is an extreme
hypothesis, and that demand measures would certainly be possible, the available level of
strategic stocks would appear to be in any case quite sufficient.
Strictly speaking, IEAs emergency response has been activated only once, at the time of the
outbreak of hostilities in the Gulf (Desert Storm). The IEA activated its Contingency Plan on
17th January 1991 to make available to the market 2.5 million barrels of oil per day. However,
the market turned around almost immediately after the outbreak of hostilities, and IEAs
intervention proved unnecessary
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Preparations for the use of emergency response were made also in connection with the Y2K
scare, which proved entirely unfounded.
Perhaps more seriously, preparations were made also in 2003, when global oil markets were
tight, affected by low inventories and high uncertainty with strikes in Venezuela, disturbances
in Nigeria, and the war in Iraq. The IEA claims that its experience in emergency response
management during this period highlighted the appropriateness of IEA emergency response
procedures. Notably, Member countries and the IEA Secretariat demonstrated rapidity and
flexibility in responding to the situation through its decision making framework. Using this
framework, the IEA carefully and continuously assessed the situation and shared these
assessments with Member countries, the oil industry and strategic non-Member countries.
The IEA was ready to reinforce the efforts of oil-producing countries, and the markets knew it.
The risk of a possible disruption was minimized. Nevertheless, the fact is that the shortfall in
Iraqi production was met by increased production in Saudi Arabia, and there was no need to
use emergency stocks.
3.3 EU Legislation in Force Concerning Oil Stocks
Council Directive 68/414/EEC of 20 December 1968 was the first piece of legislation
imposing an obligation on Member States of the EEC to maintain minimum stocks of crude
oil and/or petroleum products. The directive notes the growing dependence of the EU on oil
imports and the gravity of the consequences of any difficulty, even temporary, having the
effect of reducing supplies of such products imported from third States, but does not specify
what exactly is meant by difficulty.
The directive mandates Member States to establish stocks of petroleum products at a level
corresponding to at least 65 days average daily consumption in the preceding calendar year.
In 1972 the level was increased to 90 days. Member States were left free to decide whether
to establish an agency entrusted with the task of maintaining these stocks, or impose on oil
companies an obligation to do so. The emphasis was on creating stocks of petroleum
products, rather than crude oil. Stocks should be physically located in the territory of the
Member State, or in another Member State under individual agreements between
Council Directive 98/93/EC of 14 December 1998 introduced several modifications to the
1968 Directive. The 98 Directive refers to any difficulty, even temporary, having the effect of
reducing supplies of such products, or significantly increasing the price thereof on
international markets, thus not clarifying the exact definition of emergency, and indeed
opening the door to the possibility that not just a physical shortfall, but also a significant
increase in prices might be considered one.
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The Directive reiterates that in order to organise the maintenance of stocks, Member States
may have recourse to a system based on a stockholding body or entity which will hold all, or
part, of the stocks making up their stockholding obligation; the balance, if any, should be
maintained by refiners and other market operators. This has led to a mixed system, with
some Member States creating a stockholding body, and others relying entirely on companies.
The role of indigenous production is recognised (the oil market evolution can justify an
appropriate derogation from the obligation to maintain oil stocks for Member States with
indigenous oil production) and Member States may exempt undertakings from the obligation
to maintain stocks in respect of an amount not exceeding the quantity of products which those
undertakings manufacture from indigenously produced crude oil
The Directive specifies that stocks must be located in one of the EU member countries,
although each member country may arrange for another member country to hold its stocks.
Requirements concerning ownership of the stocks are not entirely clear. The directive reads:
Stocks maintained in accordance with Article 1 shall be fully at the disposal of Member
States should difficulties arise in obtaining oil supplies. Member States shall ensure that they
have the legal powers to control the use of stocks in such circumstances. At all other times,
Member States shall ensure the availability and accessibility of these stocks; they shall
establish arrangements allowing for the identification, accounting and control of the stocks. It
does however not clarify whether stocks should be owned by legal entities incorporated in the
Member State, or majority controlled by physical or legal persons nationals of the Member
State; or finally could be owned by foreign entities. In the latter case which does not seem
to be excluded a priori, provided that stocks are fully at the disposal of Member States should
difficulties arise etc there is no indication as to the permissible nationality of the owner.
Concerning physical availability, the directive clearly states that reserves of oil in the ground
not yet produced should not be considered as part of strategic stocks. However, Member
States are allowed to reduce their stockholding obligations if their domestic demand is
partially satisfied with domestic production, in proportion to the latter. Indeed, the directive has
a strong bias in favour of holding stocks of petroleum products, rather than crude oil; and
requires that stocks of crude oil be translated into stocks of products in accordance with one
of three permissible accounting rules.
3.4 The Commission Proposals of September 2002
On September 11 of 2002, the Commission proposed a new set of measures for improving
the security of energy supplies.
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The new proposals are based on a new definition of the relevant risk, which goes further than
in the past in including price volatility. Indeed, the Commissions explanatory memorandum
distinguishes between two types of risks:
Physical risks may result from the exhaustion or abandonment of an energy source.
North Sea oil reserves, for example, are expected to run out by 2030-2050. They may
also result from a temporary disruption of supplies due to a transport accident or an
event of a political and/or military nature in a production zone.
Economic risks stem from the volatility of crude oil and petroleum product prices, and
the impact of such volatility on natural gas prices which are tied to oil prices. They
may in particular stem from a "general perception" that supplies are physically
disrupted. This is the currently the main risk to the energy supply.
The document then argues that available instruments are insufficient:
Ineffectiveness of EU measures relating to oil stocks. Current directives, now more
than 30 years old, require Member States to maintain stocks equivalent to 90 days'
consumption of oil or petroleum products. They must also draw up contingency plans to
deal with any physical disruption to supplies. However, these mechanisms are ill-adapted
to the situation on the energy market:
x In the event of a crisis, the Commission has no powers to use the security stocks.
Apart from major disruption of the internal market, measures taken individually by
Member States will have little or no effect given the size of the market;
x Some Member States have a stocks agency. In others, stocks are held by the oil
x This fragmentation of the system distorts competition. Moreover, the volume of
stocks that can actually be mobilised in a crisis is highly uncertain;
x Under the current legislation, harmonised rules on the use of stocks only apply in
the event of a physical disruption to supplies. There is no instrument available to
ensure coordinated, mutually supportive use of stocks in response to extreme
market volatility.
Inadequacy of the International Energy Agency (IEA) framework. The IEA Treaty
requires participating States to maintain oil stocks and also stipulates how to respond to a
supply crisis.
However, these mechanisms do not sufficiently meet the needs of the EU countries:
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x The IEA's existing crisis mechanism requires unanimity among the 26
participating countries. Hence this unanimity rule links the management of EU oil
stocks to that of many external partners whose priorities do not necessarily
coincide with those of the Union, in particular with the objective of creating an
integrated energy market;
x These procedures were put in place to cope with a possible physical disruption of
supplies only, such as the embargo imposed by OPEC at the end of 1973.
To remedy the insufficiency of currently available instruments, the Commission proposes a
strategy for the coordinated and effective use of oil stocks:
Harmonising the national storage systems
x All Member States should set up a public oil storage body to which operators
without refining capacity (independent distributors, importers) can turn to meet
their stock obligation through payment of an equitable fee;
x This body will be required to own stocks equivalent to at least one third of the
storage obligations of each Member State.
Coordinated use of security stocks
x The Union should decide on a common strategy to be applied by all Member
States in the event of a physical or economic disruption in supplies. This strategy
will set out the measures, the objectives, the duration and the resources that
Member States will have to provide;
x In practical terms, in cases of imperative need, the Commission, assisted by a
committee made up of representatives of the Member States, will be empowered
to adopt the necessary measures as a matter of urgency.
Harmonisation of intervention criteria
x In addition to contingency measures to cope with a physical disruption of
supplies, it should henceforth be possible to use the stocks where there is a
general perception of a risk of disruption causing volatility in the markets;
x In this context, in which mechanisms for using security stocks will play an
increasingly important role, the volume of the stocks will have to be increased
from 90 days' consumption to 120 days' consumption;
x Any decision to act will be based on a convergence of factors. The potential
activation threshold will be attained when the price of crude oil on the markets is
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such that, were the price maintained at that level for 12 months, the EU's oil bill
would increase by the equivalent of more than 0.5% of its GDP (a barrel price of
approximately $30 at present).
It should be noted here that the extension of the concept of emergency from the narrow
definition of physical disruption to the broader definition of market or price disruption is
problematic. If the issue is a general perception of a risk of disruption causing volatility in
the markets, then it is unlikely that strategic stocks will be used, for the very simple reason
that under such circumstances it will appear preferable to hold to the stocks and keep them
for use when the actual physical disruption occurs, rather than wasting them for calming a
nervous market. For addressing market volatility, other initiatives would be more appropriate,
notably enlarging the physical base of the markets, and encouraging a larger share of global
crude oil supplies to be sold through a market, rather than being sold on the basis of
reference prices.
It should also be noted that no justification is offered for the need to increase the level of
stocks from 90 to 120 days, in the sense of an analysis of threats or emergency scenarios
showing that holding stocks of 120 days would significantly improve the situation. There
simply appears to be an assumption that the larger the better
Similarly the determination of the price activation threshold being expressed in terms of
increase in the share of the EUs GDP that is required to pay for its oil bill appears to be just
as arbitrary as the producers requests to maintain the purchasing power of their oil exports or
guaranteeing a target minimum oil revenue for the budget: all are arbitrary benchmarks
whose logic is external to the functioning and realities of the oil market. Per se, the threshold
proposed is not even a proper measure of volatility.
A final very important point aspect of the Commissions proposed approach is the
establishment of a dialogue between producers and consumers:
The measures to coordinate action on the security of oil and gas supplies are
conceivable only in concert with the producer countries.
In proposing an amendment which struck out price volatility as a justification for stocks, the
European Parliament stated: All the experts heard by the ITRE-committee expressed their doubts
about the effectiveness of any measures aiming at influencing oil prices through the maintenance of or
the increase in oil stocks. Bearing in mind the considerable cost of these measures, there should be no
obligation on the Member States to release their oil stocks in the case of price rises. See also the
deletion of article 8.
The European Parliament has objected to the increase from 90 to 120 days, stating: There is no
evidence that the present level of security stocks (90 days of consumption according Directive 98) is
insufficient to face disruptions. The proposed increase has not been justified nor quantified by the
Commission either in terms of expected benefit or in terms of costs to the Community. The increase in
stock will imply new depots being built with an increase in environmental impact and risk of relevant
accident to the territory and nearby populations, according to Seveso 2 regulations.
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The geographical benefit of enlargement will have to be taken into account when
considering where to locate oil and gas stocks. Stocks could, for example, be held in
the EU Member States and candidate countries or equally in producer or transit
Consequently, the European Community must develop, provide an institutional
framework for and flesh out the energy dialogue between producer and consumer
countries. A dialogue between producer and consumer countries will help improve the
stability of supplies. It will enable EU safety standards to be applied to our external
supplies, particularly as regards the construction of oil and gas infrastructure and the
transport of oil and gas by sea. It will also help improve the price mechanism and
facilitate the conclusion of satisfactory supply agreements.
In this context, the dialogue on which the European Union has embarked with
Russia has a model character.
However, the draft directive only contemplates the case of stocks held in the EU.
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4 Prospects for EU-GCC Cooperation in the Management
of Supply Emergencies
4.1 The GCC Countries Attitude towards Supply Emergencies
The immediate cause of the establishment of the US and IEA oil strategic storage
programmes was the 1734-74 embargo imposed by OAPEC on the US and some other
countries. The EU strategic storage system predates that episode, but has nevertheless been
conditioned by it. Today, most of the GCC member countries that were involved in that
decision would probably acknowledge that it was a political mistake: although voices have
been heard arguing for a new embargo, primarily in conjunction with one or the other of
various crises in the region, these suggestions have ever since been resolutely rejected, and
one can hardly conceive of a scenario in which the history of 1973-74 would be repeated.
Rather, it has been the US and the UN that have imposed embargoes on oil producers
notably Iran, Iraq and Libya.
Indeed, GCC countries have been conscious of the danger of supply emergencies and have
moved to establish the capacity to deal with them.
Specifically, investment has been made in alternative pipelines to reduce dependency on
specific loading harbours, notably in the Gulf. Hence Iraq has established a North-South
strategic pipeline, and has pursued increased export capacity to the Mediterranean through
the pipeline to Ceyhan in Turkey as well as the line from Kirkuk to Banias in Syria. It had also
established a link connecting the Southern fields to the Saudi port of Yanbu on the Red Sea
Saudi Arabia has established an East-West pipeline to be able to export oil from Yanbu on
the Red Sea. A project to take oil from the UAE and Qatar to Oman to allow for bypassing the
Strait of Hormuz and loading directly on the Indian Ocean has also been considered.
In addition, Saudi Arabia has established a strategic storage of its own in the countrys
hinterland, to be able to continue to access oil in case of turmoil affecting its producing fields
in the Eastern province. Little is known in detail about this strategic storage, except that it has
required significant investment, demonstrating the Kingdoms awareness of the problem.
But, more importantly, Saudi Arabia has been ready to increase its production at times of
tension on the international market - whether we want to call these occurrences
The section of this pipeline on Saudi territory was originally paid by Saudi Arabia. The latter has
since decided to use this pipeline for other purposes, and this facility is therefore no longer available to
Iraq, at least for the time being.
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emergencies or not. Its ability to quickly compensate for shortfalls in production from other
sources has de facto eliminated the need to draw down from strategic stocks even at times
when this move was considered.
Reasons why Saudi Arabia would maintain an unused production capacity may well be
multiple. To some extent, it may be argued that the existence of unused capacity is simply the
outcome of OPEC policies of restricting exports to defend a target level of prices, which led to
the displacement of OPEC oil with non-OPEC oil. In fact, Saudi Arabia has not systematically
increased production capacity beyond the level required by the market it has simply
maintained capacity constant at the level it had reached in 1980, although OPEC quotas did
not allow the full utilisation of it. Now that existing capacity may come to be almost fully
utilised, it is not at all clear how willing Saudi Arabia will be to engage in the additional
investment required to recreate a buffer of unused capacity.
Unused capacity is also a tool for Saudi Arabia to increase its bargaining power within OPEC.
Past experience proves that Saudi unused capacity is a useful deterrent to re-establish
discipline within OPEC as well as with non-OPEC producers. Saudi Arabia otherwise is
vulnerable to the cheating and free riding of other producers, and is pushed in the unwanted
position of being the sole swing producer. In this respect, it is likely that the Kingdom will in
any event attempt to preserve some unused capacity, although the latter would not be
required at all times, but only when the market is slack and discipline is more problematic. At
times when all other producers are maximising production and exports, unused capacity can
only serve a purpose if it is used. Therefore, the rules for judging of the adequacy of unused
capacity may be different depending on whether it is intended to keep discipline among
producers or to meet supply emergencies to the benefit of the major importers.
That said, it is also true that Saudi Arabia and the other major GCC exporters share an
interest in the long-term stability of the oil market, and are wary that excessively high prices
may encourage the importing countries to reduce their structural dependence on oil imports.
In this respect, they also have an interest in cooperating in addressing supply emergencies.
4.2 The Producer Countries View of Strategic Stocks
The oil producing countries have traditionally viewed stocks with little sympathy not just
strategic stocks, all stocks including commercial ones because they tend to reduce the
direct influence of producers on prices through the management of quotas. It should be noted
here that the adoption of new and probably more effective market rules as proposed
elsewhere in this project would potentially eliminate this problem, by granting to the
producers a much more direct control over prices.
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The long-run tendency of companies to reduce stocks in favour of a just in time supply
policy is widely credited with increasing the fragility of the oil products supply chain, leading
to more frequent localised imbalances and price spikes.
It is hardly deniable that the holding of somewhat larger stocks at different stages in the
supply chain may lead to greater reliability of physical supply conditions, and stability of
prices. In this sense, reducing the level of stocks at different stages and other redundancies in
the system may serve the purpose of tightening the link between OPEC production policies
and market prices, but it does so at the cost of much increased fragility in the system. In
addition, the link between OPEC production policies and international prices remains an
indirect one that cannot be trusted to produce the intended results.
In fact, the level of stocks influences prices, but is also influenced by them. Stock
accumulation or decumulation is a rational decision based on the expected level of prices in
the near future: if operators expect prices to increase, they will accumulate stocks, and the
contrary if they expect prices to decrease. To the extent that future prices may be considered
predictors of prices in the future (excuse the inevitable pun), stocks are accumulated when
markets are in contango, and drawn down when they are in backwardation. Mabro has
observed that this may create a vicious circle, abundant stocks being interpreted as justifying
an even steeper contango, and low stocks an even steeper backwardation. This is one more
reason to rely less on the level of stocks for price formation, and more on demand and supply
fundamentals, of which the level of stocks is but one component.
Once the impact of the level of stocks on prices is reduced, the common interest of producers
and importers for a supply chain that is flexible and resilient may be expected to prevail. If
reduced volatility is the objective, then an adequate level of stocks at different stages in the
supply chain is a plus and most observers would agree that in recent years the normal level
of stocks has fallen too low.
4.3 Encouraging Companies and Major Consumers to Hold More
We should clearly distinguish between the wisdom of maintaining large public stocks and that
of encouraging large(r) private stocks. The problems we have been highlighting concerning
public stocks are very much related to their public nature that is to the need to have clear
activation criteria, cost-benefit analysis, and differentiation between emergency contingencies
and market intervention. None of these arguments applies to privately held stocks, and the
wisdom of encouraging private actors in the industry to hold larger stocks would appear to be
out of discussion.
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The drive towards cost cutting and maximisation of return on invested capital has meant that
all companies have strived to minimise their working capital, and one way to do so is to
reduce stocks and progressively eliminate all redundancies in ones logistics system. The
consequence is much greater vulnerability to supply disruptions, which however is clearly not
considered much of a problem by the financial community, whose analysis influences market
evaluation of the stock. This is not a problem just for oil; it is a problem for network energy
and for other industries as well.
The debate about insufficient investment under conditions of market liberalisation is ongoing,
and may be expected to eventually converge on solutions that will re-establish some stability
and resilience to the system. This debate, however, mainly concentrates on network energy,
and appears to have overlooked the problems of the oil industry.
We may think in terms of adopting regulations at various stages in the industry mandating a
certain level of stocks and redundancies in several crucial facilities, which may contribute to
the overall reliability of the system. In a sense, this is what is done when oil companies are
mandated to maintain stocks equal to at least x days of consumption except that these
stocks are then called strategic and are not freely controlled by the companies themselves.
We should introduce rules to mandate companies to mandate stocks of crude and products
as well as maintain a certain redundancy in capacity in crucial logistics or refining capacity,
which the companies might more flexibly resort to when they feel a need to do so. E.g.
requiring companies to maintain a minimum average level of crude oil stocks over a 12
months period, but allowing drawdowns in the event of specific tensions or shortages.
Major users should also be encouraged to invest in flexibility. Depending on the
circumstances, this may mean maintaining a dual firing capability, or maintaining sufficient
stocks. Consumers should be educated about the volatility of energy prices and encouraged
to protect themselves against it. Presently, contractual instruments that may allow this are not
on offer, but they might be encouraged or even mandated on oil product suppliers. E.g.
requesting oil products suppliers to offer contracts that will guarantee prices or limit price
increases to the final consumer over a given period of time may create sufficient incentive in
the industry to hold larger stocks and invest in redundancy. Such contracts are certainly
feasible on the basis of direct or indirect trading on futures markets but are out of reach for
the individual or small consumer.
Similarly, limiting by regulation the extent to which refiners, distributors and major industrial
consumers can transfer oil price increases on to the final consumer would encourage futures
trading and holding of stocks.
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In general, it is my impression that the discussion on oil stocks cannot be separated from the
discussion on the volatility of crude oil prices, and that strategic stocks should be understood
in a very narrow sense, and resorted to only to deal with actual and clearly identifiable
exceptional circumstances; otherwise the emphasis should be on creating a more resilient
and stable international oil trading environment, capable of absorbing the shocks to which the
final consumer is exposed.
4.4 Prospects for a Cooperative Approach to the Management of
Strategic Stocks
The hypothesis of some kind of cooperative management of supply emergencies has been
greatly enhanced by the informal agreement between the Executive Director of the
International Energy Agency, Claude Mandil, and the Minister of Petroleum of Saudi Arabia,
Ali Naimi, in the run-up to the 2003 war in Iraq. The agreement envisaged that Saudi Arabia
would use its unutilised capacity to make up for any shortfall in global crude oil supplies, and
the IEA would abstain from using its strategic stocks.
This agreement constitutes a powerful and extremely significant precedent, because it
implicitly asserts that existing unutilised capacity in Saudi Arabia and to some extent in
other GCC member countries as well, but the role of Saudi Arabia is quite unique because of
the extraordinary elasticity of the Kingdoms oil production is the first line of defence against
unexpected and undesirable interruptions or disturbances in the regular patter of crude oil
supplies. In this respect, the notation in the Commissions paper concerning the model
character of the EU-Russia dialogue is not entirely convincing, because Russia is normally
producing at full capacity and does not have a policy of systematically maintaining unused
capacity that might be resorted to in case of a shortfall of other countries exports. The same
is true of all non-OPEC countries, and it is only within OPEC, and indeed within the Gulf, that
significant unused capacity is systematically maintained.
Although the Mandil/Naimi understanding is a purely informal kind of pact, it has been publicly
described by its two parties, and not objected to therefore implicitly ratified by their
respective constituencies. We may therefore speak of an informal agreement to cooperatively
manage unutilised capacity and strategic stocks to compensate for unexpected and
unintended shortfalls in crude oil availability. In this context, several interesting questions
become of relevance.
Firstly, it becomes all the more obvious that the major industrial countries cannot be
indifferent to the existence of unutilised production capacity. Indeed, the interest of the
importing countries in having a sufficient cushion of unutilised capacity available for situations
of stress is clear already now. Nevertheless, the importing countries do nothing to share the
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investment burden, which is required to maintain such unused capacity. Indeed, the importing
countries constantly claim that the producing countries should allow more of an involvement
of the international oil companies in investing upstream however the international oil
companies are certainly not interested in investing in unused capacity. It is probably
impossible to envisage that governments of the importing countries would contribute to the
financing of investment in unused capacity; however, in the context of a cooperative approach
to dealing with supply emergencies, the investment by producing countries in unused capacity
should be credited to them as their contribution to the overall stability of the system.
Secondly, the issue of location of stocks: should stocks necessarily be held in the EU or may
they be held outside of the Union? As quoted above, the Commission document explicitly
indicates: stocks could be held in the EU Member States and candidate countries or equally
in producer or transit countries. This opens the door to some very interesting possibilities that
may deserve in depth discussion:
x The EU might decide to invest in the creation of storage facilities offering their use for
free to producers wishing to deposit their crude in them. Producers would retain
ownership and control of the crude under normal circumstances, but the EU would be
allowed access under emergency conditions. Producers might receive a certificate for
the crude they deposit in the storage, which they might use as collateral to borrow
from the financial system. The European Investment Bank might specifically be
mandated to issue loans against these certificates, e.g. to finance investment in
creating unutilised capacity in the same producing countries. The availability of such
an oil deposit window would encourage producing countries to abandon the attempt
to modify their production levels in anticipation of changes in market balance:
experience has told us that such anticipations can prove unfounded, leading to even
worse market imbalances. The ability to divert oil to a deposit window in case of
weak demand, or to withdraw from it in case of unexpectedly strong demand, would
enhance the ability of major producers to maintain prices at levels close to their
x Storage facilities might be created in connection with major pipelines. They might, in
this context, be functional to the stability of the Mediterranean crude oil market,
whose creation is ventilated in the paper for subtask 2.2. For crude oil originating in
the GCC countries, which would enter the Mediterranean primarily through the Suez
Canal and/or the SUMED pipeline, creation of storage facilities in Egypt might be
x Should we include in strategic stocks only crude oil and oil products that have been
sold by the original owner to a titleholder of a different nationality? What if national oil
companies integrate downstream into refining and marketing in the EU, and thus
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
2.3 Strategic Stockpiles vs. Market Intervention for Price Stabilisation Page 36 of 36
become subject to stockholding obligations and own stocks within the EU? What if
national oil companies simply establish stocks of crude oil possibly for trading
purposes within the territory of the EU?
It is not difficult to see - along this line of reasoning, which is in many ways simply an
extrapolation of the approach already contained in the Commissions document -that the
nature of the relationship with respect to the management of oil stocks is probably much less
us against them than is frequently assumed.
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Task 3 Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the
development of an interconnected GCC gas network
and competitive gas market; as well as increased
exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG
Author: Naji Abi-Aad (Econergy)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of
an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as
well as increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and
LNG projects
Task Ref.: 3
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
For a very long time, gas has been considered as the normally inevitable and not too welcome
by-product of crude oil production. Although this attitude has now changed, a systematic effort at
exploiting the abundant gas resources available in the GCC to promote economic diversification
and industrialisation has been the exception rather than the rule.
Gas has been a prominent victim of the inability of countries in the GCC and in the wider Near
East region to cooperate rationally. Most countries in the region hold large reserves of
hydrocarbons and consider resorting to imports of any kind of energy products as politically
unacceptable. This however leads to irrational exploitation of resources.
The GCC has for a long time had a GCC Gas Network concept on the drawing board, but has so
far failed to reach agreement to implement it. This is an area in which a EU-GCC dialogue may
be of help, in the light of European experience for the creation of a single, competitive regional
gas market. The EU could effectively promote, on the basis of the experience of its member
countries, the benefits to be derived from establishing a GCC-wide gas network, allowing
individual producers to sell to any customer along the network, and breaking the pattern of
segmented projects geared to export; or closed, vertically integrated projects for the domestic
transformation of gas.
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 2 of 55
Subtask 3.1: Potential for Greater Gas Utilisation in the GCC Countries
Subtask 3.2: Creating an Integrated GCC Gas Grid and Promoting a
Competitive and Transparent GCC-wide Gas Market
Subtask 3.3: Promoting Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC to the Near
East and Europe
Subtask 3.4: Potential for Increased LNG Exports from the GCC Countries
to Europe
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 3 of 55
Table of Contents
General Frame: Natural Gas in the GCC Countries .........................................5
Subtask 3.1 Potential for Greater Gas Utilisation in the GCC Countries..
1. The Advantages of Increasing Use of Natural Gas .............................15
1.1 Natural Gas in Industrial Applications ...............................................15
1.2 Natural Gas for Generating Power ....................................................17
1.3 Natural Gas in Household Applications.............................................19
Subtask 3.2 Creating an Integrated GCC Gas Grid and Promoting a
Competitive and Transparent GCC-Wide Gas Market ...................................20
1. Interconnection Issues ..........................................................................25
2. Prospects................................................................................................26
Subtask 3.3 Promoting Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC to the Near
East and Europe ...............................................................................................29
1. Assessing Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC..................................34
2. The Pivotal Role of Turkey ....................................................................37
3. The Balkan Link......................................................................................38
Subtask 3.4 Potential for Increased LNG Exports from the GCC
Countries to Europe .........................................................................................41
1. GCC LNG to Europe...............................................................................42
Challenges Ahead.............................................................................................45
1 Pricing Risks ..........................................................................................45
2 Project Finance ......................................................................................47
3 Political Risks.........................................................................................48
4. Last Word: Closer Dialogue and Concrete Steps................................49
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 4 of 55
Annex ...............................................................................................50
Figures From the GCC-EU Gas Study, Completed in February 2001 by
Eras of the UK, and Analysed in the Present Report .................................50
Figure 1 (Figure 496 in the Eras Study) ...................................................50
Figure 2 (Figure 497 in the Eras Study) ...................................................50
Figure 3 (Figure 510 in the Eras Study) ...................................................51
Figure 4 (Figure 511 in the Eras Study) ...................................................51
Figure 5 (Figure 523 in the Eras Study) ...................................................52
Figure 6 (Figure 524 in the Eras Study) ...................................................52
Figure 7 (Figure 538 in the Eras Study) ...................................................53
Figure 8 (Figure 539 in the Eras Study) ...................................................53
Figure 9 (Figure 552 in the Eras Study) ...................................................54
Figure 10 (Figure 553 in the Eras Study) .................................................54
Figure 11 (Figure 566 in the Eras Study) .................................................55
Figure 12 (Figure 566 in the Eras Study) .................................................55
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 5 of 55
General Frame: Natural Gas in the GCC Countries
The member countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates - UAE) include large actual and potential gas
producers, which could significantly alter the supply and demand picture in the medium and long
term, both within the Gulf and the Middle East region, and on the international level. A major
factor is the quite huge gas resource base in the area in relation to its current and foreseeable
level of demand. While the region currently plays only a marginal role in the world gas market
(almost essentially to the South-East Asian markets), it has surely the will and the potential to
become a major exporter of gas to the rest of the world.
However, while natural gas in the GCC has a significant opportunity of meeting the increasing
demand of the world's market, it has to face the challenge of overcoming the institutional, political
and economic barriers inhibiting it from achieving its full potential. This is especially true when
taking into account that natural gas is currently viewed by GCC countries as one component of
different strategies that consist either of using it domestically in order to release more crude oil for
export, or enhancing its output to increase their share in the global oil and gas market and their
financial receipts at a time when oil output and revenues are limited by output quotas. Some other
countries with more modest gas reserves are using them to moderate their growing dependence
on liquid petroleum gases (LPG), thus minimising their fuel imports and contributing to their
energy self-sufficiency.
The GCC region contains huge quantities of proved natural gas reserves, estimated at the
beginning of 2004 at an aggregate figure of 40,550 billion cubic metres (cu m). That accounts for
around 23 per cent of the world total, while the regions population represents less than one per
cent of the worlds (Table 1). The bulk of gas reserves in the area are concentrated in a small
number of supergiant fields
. The region has nine such accumulations (including the North Dome
in Qatar, the worlds largest non-associated gas field), out of twenty of those structures in our
The size of natural gas reserves extremely differs from one GCC country to another, from as low
as 90 billion cu m in Bahrain to as large as 25,770 billion cu m in Qatar. A simple calculation
A supergiant field refers to a structure with estimated ultimate recoverable
reserves of between 1,420 and 14,200 billion cu m, while a giant field refers to that with
reserves of between 142 and 1,420 billion cu m.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 6 of 55
dividing the reserves of each country by its actual population gives us the reserves-to-population
ratio, which also widely fluctuates from one country to another, going for the year 2003 from 170
billion cu m/1 million inhabitants in Bahrain to up to 43,000 as in Qatar (Table 1). Nevertheless,
the region average reserves-to-population ratio for 2003 (1,352 billion cu m/1 million inhabitants)
is more than 50 times larger than the worlds mean (26 billion cu m/1 million inhabitants).
The 2003 reserves-to-production
average ratio for natural gas in the GCC, a measure often used
as an indication of near-term supply capability, was relatively very high, covering around 240
years compared to a global average of only 67 years. That ratio also widely differs from one
country to another in the region. It is also interesting to notice that the proved reserves of natural
gas in the GCC as estimated in early 2004 are alone sufficient, even if no further discoveries are
made, to satisfy current worldwide gas consumption for more than 15 years.
Even though, many believe that natural gas reserves in the GCC have been underestimated
and underestimated to a large extent. In this context, a comparison of the ratio of crude oil
reserves to those of natural gas on a regional basis is very revealing. On an energy-equivalent
basis, oil reserves in the GCC are 87 per cent larger than those of gas, the ratio being double that
of the world as a whole, where oil and gas reserves are roughly equal. The GCC might be a
particularly oily province, but should the average global ratio of oil to gas reserves also hold for
the region, then the potential for new gas discoveries is indeed vast.
In addition, the ratio of natural gas reserves in associated form (found and produced with crude
oil) to non-associated (or free) gas in the GCC is higher than in most other regions of the world.
Indeed, associated gas reserves in the area represent around 27 per cent of the total, leaving
about 73 per cent of non-associated gas, whereas the average world ratio is some 15 per cent
and 85 per cent respectively. This indicates that the potential for the discovery of significant
volumes of non-associated gas in the region could be high (Table 1).
Production here equals gross production minus reinjection.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 7 of 55
Table 1: Proved Natural Gas Reserves in the GCC, End 2003
Country Proved
Of Worlds
tion (2003)
tion (2003)
Bcm/1 Ml
Bahrain 90 20/80 * * 170 9
Kuwait 1,560 92/8 3 1 880 **
Oman 950 25/75 2 * 370 57
Qatar 25,770 1/99 64 15 43,000 **
Saudi Arabia 6,680 60/40 16 4 300 **
UAE 6,060 81/19 15 3.4 3,000 **
Of which
Abu Dhabi 5,617 85/15 19 3.2 5,500 **
Dubai 115 97/3 * * 220 50
Sharjah 296 1/99 1 * 980 27
Others 32 n.a. * * 150 n.a.
TOTAL 40,550 27/73 - 23 1352 240
World 15/85 26 67
* Less than 1
** More than 100
n.a. Non-available
Sources: (1) BP World Energy 2004
(2) Various Sources, Independent Estimates
(3) Authors Calculations (Rounded Figures)
Of course, those two ratios by themselves are not considered as sufficient grounds for surely
asserting that natural gas reserves in the region are underestimated and undervalued. However,
there are a number of other factors, which suggest that actual gas reserves may be far greater
than presently reported.
In fact, the huge increases of (oil and gas) reserves in the GCC over the last 40 years or so have
been mainly the result of development work not of exploration activities. Exploration has become
insignificant in the area. Out of some 2,300 active exploration rigs in the world (excluding Eastern
Europe) in 2003, about 115 only were doing work in the region, a disproportionately small figure
(around 5 per cent of the total) in relation to the areas existing petroleum reserve stock,
production level, and discovery prospects.
Earlier exploration activities in the GCC had mostly concentrated on the search for crude oil
rather than natural gas and, as a result, gas discoveries had occurred more by chance than by
design. In addition, discoveries of natural gas were often not accorded any value, and wells that
encountered gas rather than oil were considered dry holes. Moreover, license areas found to
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 8 of 55
contain large quantities of gas but no crude were most of the time relinquished by exploration
Furthermore, gas fields that had been found were often not delineated or fully appraised, with
only a preliminary estimate of reserves if any being made. There was little incentive to carry
out the testing and further drilling necessary to evaluate the gas discovery at a time when natural
gas was perceived as having little or no value, being regarded as an unwanted by-product of
crude production, vast quantities of which were being flared in oil fields.
Nevertheless, since nearly two decades only, natural gas reserves have assumed any great
importance in the Gulf, especially in those countries that also happen to have large reserves of
crude oil. That explains why it is only in recent years that exploration specifically targeted at
discovering gas has been undertaken in many GCC countries. This effort, although still timid, has
involved exploring and drilling in previously identified, but unexplored, structures as well as
undertaking the drilling of more sophisticated and deep wells. Deep horizons promise to hold
more gas reserves than oil, and it is this fact that has discouraged the drilling of expensive deep
wells in the past in many countries.
Many believe that a new and systematic review of the real potential of all the structures in the
GCC could spring many positive surprises, especially since the presence of giant and supergiant
fields made it unnecessary in the past to mobilise very fine approaches. The proved natural gas
reserves (and even those of crude oil) in the region would be therefore much higher when new
and improved technologies are applied.
Besides, no serious exhaustive investigation has yet been attempted to identify the satellite
accumulations of the main petroleum fields discovered in the GCC. In the North Sea, for example,
this type of approach has helped to double the producible reserves. Without drawing a parallel
with this region, it is reasonable to assume that this approach should also benefit the GCC.
With all these factors in mind, one can be fairly confident that proved reserves of natural gas in
the GCC will continue to grow, and that the region will account for a far larger share of the worlds
gas resources. That leads us to analyse the prospects of undiscovered gas resources in the
region, which are based on a purely geological concept that is concerned neither with
technological and economic constraints, nor with a time scale.
There is only one public source estimating the worlds undiscovered petroleum resources, namely
the US Geological Survey (USGS, Charles Masters and others) that normally publishes its figures
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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once every three years. The latest figures by the USGS were released in the year 2000 when it
estimated the undiscovered gas resources of the six GCC countries at around 23,300 billion cu m
), or around 16 per cent of the world total (Table 2).
Table 2: Undiscovered Resources of Natural Gas in the GCC, 2000
Country 95% (**) Mode
50% (**)
Mean (**) Mean:
1 Ml
Inhbt (2)
Bahrain 188 446 822 468 6/94 2 * 936
Kuwait 53 155 323 168 66/34 1 * 96
Oman 255 872 1,933 956 21/79 4 * 382
Qatar 447 1,106 2,077 1,164 12/88 5 * 1,940
Saudi Arabia 6,010 18,158 36,266 19,292 18/82 83 13 877
UAE 323 1,142 2,592 1261 29/71 5 * 630
TOTAL 7,276 21,879 44,013 23,309 18/82 - 16 794
World 27/73 24
* Less than 1
** The USGS figures are recorded as low, most likely, and high estimates which are
intended to reflect a 90-per cent range of probability (95 to 5 per cent) that the occurrence of
natural gas will lie between the two stated values. The most likely occurrence is referred to as
mode. If the consistency between the USGS assessors and average values produces a
consensus, the estimates are then fit to a log-normal distribution to calculate the mean and other
Sources: (1) United States Geological Survey (USGS), 2000
(2) Authors Calculations (Rounded Figures)
The undiscovered gas resources-to-population average ratio for the GCC, which amounted in
2000 to 794 billion cu m/1 million inhabitants, is more than 33 times larger than the world ratio of
24. Nevertheless, the proportion of non-associated gas resources to be discovered in the GCC
region is different from that of the world, 82 per cent and 73 per cent respectively (Table 2).
When the estimates of proved reserves of natural gas are added to those of undiscovered
resources in the region, the sum for the year 2000-03 reaches around 64,420 billion cu m. That
represents about 22 per cent of the global total, compared to a GCC population ratio of less than
one per cent of the worlds (Table 3).
The USGS figures are recorded as low, most likely, and high estimates which are intended
to reflect a 90-per cent range of probability (95 to 5 per cent) that the occurrence of natural gas
will lie between the two stated values. The most likely occurrence is referred to as mode. If the
consistency between the USGS assessors and average values produces a consensus, the
estimates are then fit to a log-normal distribution to calculate the mean and other fractiles.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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To determine the ratio-to-population of the aggregate of natural gas proved reserves and
undiscovered resources, the expected population of the GCC countries in the year 2025 are
taken into account, together with the assumption that most of the undiscovered gas resources
would be located within the coming two decades. The resulting aggregate proved reserves and
undiscovered resources-to-population ratio for the region as a whole for the year 2025 is
estimated at 1,150 billion cu m/1 million inhabitants, about 29 times larger than the world average
of 40 (Table 3).
Considering the enormous gas potential of the GCC, only little has been done so far to exploit its
reserves. The regions countries started the development of their gas resources, especially
those in associated form, only in the mid-1970s, following a long period during which gas had
been burned at the flare.
The exploitation of associated gas reserves was encouraged despite the drawbacks of
establishing a gas industry purely on such reserves. Although that gas is produced in association
with crude oil, its utilisation does not necessarily involve low costs. In fact, associated gas may be
economically less attractive than free gas. In particular, associated gas has usually to go through
a number of gas/oil separation stages before it can be used and, consequently, it is only available
at very low pressure often little higher than atmospheric pressure requiring the installation of
compressors for its transmission. Non-associated gas, on the other hand, is generally available at
much higher pressures.
Secondly, the output rate of associated gas is dependent by definition on that of crude oil, which
leads to great fluctuations in supply. In the case of GCC OPEC member countries, the sharp drop
in their oil output during the first half of the 1980s had led to serious shortages of gas at a time
when it had just become an important domestic fuel and industrial feedstock.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Table 3: Proved Reserves & Undiscovered Resources of Natural Gas in the GCC, 2000-03
Country Reserves
& Resources
Of Regions
Of Worlds
Ratio To
Bcm/1 Ml
Inhbtnts (3)
Bahrain 558 1 * 507
Kuwait 1,728 3 * 455
Oman 1,906 3 * 400
Qatar 26,934 42 9 29,927
Saudi Arabia 25,972 40 9 618
UAE 7,321 11 2 2,440
TOTAL 64,419 - 22 1,150
World 40
* Less than 1
Sources: (1) BP World Energy 2004
(2) United States Geological Survey (USGS), 2000
(3) Authors Calculations (Rounded Figures)
Concerted efforts followed aimed at the development and exploitation of discovered non-
associated gas fields. Fortunately, those efforts have continued, and were not hampered by
subsequent falling oil revenues and related declines in investment seen in the 1990s, and the fact
that the development of non-associated gas is highly capital intensive much more than the
development of oil fields of comparable size and must in most cases be undertaken together
with the involvement of the gas purchasers.
As a result, huge gas developments have been seen in Qatar and to a lesser extent in Oman.
Qatar is now aiming to be one of the major exporters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the world, if
not the largest by the early years of the next decade, as well as the World Capital of GTL (gas-
to-liquids). Meanwhile, Kuwait has been working hard to develop its minor non-associated gas
resources, especially those discovered in the Neutral Zone shared with Saudi Arabia. In Saudi
Arabia itself, a extremely ambitious Natural Gas Initiative was launched in autumn 1998, but was
leading to no concrete results. Tenders for natural gas exploration followed that Initiative, and
have resulted in the signing in early 2004 of four major exploration agreements, covering different
regions of the Kingdom.
It has been made clear to the six companies involved in the Saudi gas exploration agreements
(four of them are European (Total, Shell, Eni and Repsol), the others being Russian (Lukoil) and
Chinese (Sinopec) that their activities would involve exploration and development of non-
associated gas, and that any crude oil discovered would remain the property of Saudi Aramco. In
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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addition, the first priority for any produced gas is to satisfy local demand. Moreover, international
trade in gas both imports and exports is ruled out.
It is hereby worth to raise a theoretical question mark by asking if the oil producing and exporting
countries in the region find a real interest in encouraging the development of natural gas within
their territories or in their neighbouring states for export into the world energy markets. In fact,
there could be many divergences in interests between countries with large crude oil and reserves
and those with huge natural gas. The GCC region has a collection of countries, which either have
large crude oil and (associated) gas reserves, those that have little oil and gas reserves, and
those with huge non-associated natural gas resources.
In fact, many believe that developing an alternative energy source as important as natural gas
could affect the long-term interests of countries with huge oil reserves in the region, if not by
taking existing markets from them, then certainly by depriving them of much of the potential for
further growth. However, we still believe that the market niche for crude oil and petroleum
products (especially in the transport sector) does not look in danger by natural gas and its
applications, at least in the foreseeable future.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Subtask 3.1 Potential for Greater Gas Utilisation in the GCC
With the gradual development of natural gas exploitation in the GCC countries (associated gas
burned at the flare, then recovered and used, and finally the development of non-associated gas),
marketed natural gas production in the GCC countries saw a steep growth during the last 25
years. Within the last decade, annual gas output doubled there, increasing from around 85 billion
cu m in 1993 to nearly 171 billion cu m ten years later.
Even though, the GCC gas production is still very tiny if compared to the regions reserves and
output potential. In fact, gas production in the area represented just 4.5 per cent of the world total
in the early 1990s and 6.5 per cent in 2003, when the region produced only 0.42 per cent of its
natural gas reserves, compared to the worlds ratio of 1.5 per cent.
Of the total natural gas produced in many GCC countries, associated gas still accounts for
between 80 and 100 per cent. In fact, most of the proved natural gas reserves in three of the four
GCC countries with large gas reserves (more than 1,000 billion cu m) with the exception of
those discovered in Qatar are in associated form, found and eventually produced together with
oil. Natural gas output there is thus closely linked to that of crude oil.
In those countries, the development of the limited reserves of non-associated gas has been a
difficult and costly undertaking. Indeed, most of the non-associated fields in the region have
proved to be relatively small and well dispersed. In addition, there are technical limits to how
much non-associated gas reserves, especially those found in Khuff reservoirs, can be produced
or transported. Those field structures are usually very deep (between 12,000 and 17,000 feet),
abnormally pressured, and contain as much as 13 per cent of N
, 8 per cent of CO
, and a
"significant" amount of H
S, in addition to extremely corrosive fluids.
In the mean time, the domestic demand for natural gas in the GCC countries had increased by
some 59 per cent between 1993 and 2003 from around 85 billion cu m to about 135 billion cu m,
while the local consumption of oil and petroleum products over the same period saw a modest
growth of just 30 per cent.
The bulk of marketed natural gas production in the GCC has been consumed locally, with a small,
but growing portion exported into foreign outlets. Natural gas in the region is used as fuel and
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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increased exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects Page 14 of 55
feedstock in many vital and politically sensitive applications such as power generation, water
desalination, industries, petrochemicals and fertilisers, gas-condensate recycling, oil field uplift,
and enhanced recovery.
The factors that have contributed to the extremely rapid development of gas consumption in the
GCC region up to now are expected not only to continue but even to gather momentum in the
coming years. Those factors are essentially the sharp growth in energy demand in all countries in
the region, the policy of substituting natural gas for oil and petroleum products in domestic energy
consumption, the growing concern about environmental issues in the area, and the comparative
economic advantage of using gas-fuelled power generation units with higher efficiencies, as well
as the evident advantage of using a relatively cheap and amply available energy source for
producing added-value products and services.
Indeed, the potential for future expansion in GCC gas demand is considerable. Gas use by the
power generation and water desalination sector is expected to keep growing at a high rate
(around 8-10 per cent annually) in most of the regions countries at least until the year 2010.
Power generation and water desalination would continue to absorb around half of the total
demand for gas in the area, with the industrial sector accounting for nearly 35 per cent, and the
rest needed for petroleum operations and pressure maintenance of oil wells. In fact, the
reinjection of natural gas into mature oil fields in the region, most of which have been in
production since more than 50 years, has been growing with every passing year.
Nevertheless, it would be more useful to project the growth in gas demand not only on the basis
of a backward-looking approach, but also to take into consideration the structural changes that
may well affect the future patterns of energy consumption. Indeed, the potential for an increase in
natural gas demand in the GCC area largely depends on the degree of liberalisation of the energy
sector and its power generation and water desalination segments, which remain the main gas
consuming sections, as well as the participation of private capital in the funding of new electricity
and water capacities and other related energy infrastructure projects. Those and other associated
reforms would in the short to medium term reduce energy demand, but in the long run, the
hardening of the budget constraints of the restructured local power and water utilities would lead
to sustainable energy consumption levels.
With all that in mind, together with the fact that crude oil production and the subsequent output of
associated gas in the GCC countries in the foreseeable future are not anticipated to grow in the
same rate as gas demand in the region, growing serious constraints on domestic natural gas
flows are to be expected.
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1. The Advantages of Increasing Use of Natural Gas
For the GCC countries it is extremely useful to use natural gas as feedstock and fuel in many
classical and new industrial applications, in addition to its use for generating power. This is true
for every GCC country, but especially for those with large gas reserves in non-associated form.
Natural gas has a very important advantage for the whole society, as its combustion does not
produces fumes, releases very little sulphur and no volatile hydrocarbons in the atmosphere: a
good management of its burning avoids also the nitrogen oxides which are produced by every
combustion. Gas burning produces carbon dioxide in smaller quantities than any other
competitive energy source. Electricity is also very clean, but requires bulk burning at the
production stage and can compete with gas on the environment side only if actually produced by
gas-firing stations.
In addition, natural gas offers to the consumers and to the society in which it is consumed so
many advantages as to make it the preferred source of thermal energy wherever it is available.
This is borne out by the success of gas world wide, and especially in developed areas, and by its
successful competition with heavy and light fuel oil and gas oil. Such an advantage makes it the
prime energy source for a programme of industrial development, especially of the diffusive kind,
and for an adequate comfort in the house. It has justified the rule of thumb that gas supply
creates its own demand which also means that demand always grows more than it is expected.
This is because with gas, as an industrial fuel, products and processes become competitive
which would not be otherwise; and, as a household source, it provides a comfort, which always
goes beyond its cost, and would not be available otherwise.
Natural gas also offers important advantages to fuel consumers. It has a high caloric value per
unit of volume (9,000-10,000 calories per cubic meter), it is delivered directly from a well or a
pipeline network, and competes with various energy sources (coal, fuel oil, gas oil) which have
higher utilisation costs.
1.1 Natural Gas in Industrial Applications
The industrial consumer of natural gas does not need to invest in a tank farm, or in a coal loader,
or to pulverise, clean or otherwise move his energy source; his equipment is simple and easy to
run. Gas is supplied in a continuous flow and is usually consumed as it comes out of the pipeline.
Natural gas contracts include - exactly like those for electricity - a provision for power that is, the
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maximum amount the user can require in the unit of time, and for energy that is, the actual
volume consumed in a certain period of time.
Natural gas burns exactly as required by the industrial process: its flame can be pinpointed
almost at will, and being clean, can be brought into contact with the object to heat with the use of
direct-heat ovens. Production of manufactured objects is therefore simpler and cheaper, can be
fully automated, and the product is of a high and constant quality. Ceramics, glass, metallurgy
and metal casting, plastic objects, food preparation, and many other industries obtain from the
use of natural gas many important advantages in energy and, generally speaking, in production
As feedstock, natural gas represents around 77 per cent of the raw material used to produce
ammonia around the world, as well as some 79 per cent of that globally used to yield methanol.
In Europe, and mainly in Italy, and particularly in its southern regions, the introduction of natural
gas has helped the local industry to rely on it as energy source, in preference to other fuels,
notably crude oil or heavy oil products. According to the statistics released by Italys Snam in
1999, natural gas has been the preferred fuel for many industrial sectors in the country, including
the ceramic industry (tiles, pottery, sanitary wares, refractory), that of brick, glass (bottle glass,
flat glass, other products), rubber and plastics, paper, food (sugar industry, confectioneries,
milk/cheese, pasta and others), the chemical (primary and secondary chemical processes,
pharmaceuticals, petroleum and coal), mechanical (car industry, foundries, miscellaneous
mechanical industries) and textile industries (textile finishing and related industries), that of iron
and steel, and the non-ferrous metal industry.
In the Italian ceramic industry, in 1999, natural gas contributed by 96 per cent of the energy for
thermal uses in the sector, as well as 79 per cent of the total energy directly used in this industrial
segment. It represents 8 per cent of the natural gas used by the Italian industrial sector. For the
other applications, the ratios are the following:
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Industrial Sector % of Natural gas % of Natural Gas Share of Total
For Thermal Use in Total Energy Industrial Gas Use
Brick 81 74 4
Glass 78 73 5
Rubber & plastics 50 67 2
Paper 82 58 10
Food 79 58 10
Chemical 76 41 17
Mechanical 70 40 11
Textile 67 40 6
Iron and steel 94 38 2
Non-ferrous metal 94 23 11
1.2 Natural Gas for Generating Power
The inherent characteristics of natural gas and the relatively high oil prices have enabled gas to
make great inroads into the electric power sector in many countries. Where natural gas is easily
available at an acceptable price and the infrastructure well established, it has been able to
dominate the power market and become oils fiercest competitor.
The recently introduced combined-cycle gas-driven technology which reduces the capital cost
and the cost of production by combining a gas turbine with a steam-driven generator strongly, has
increased the efficiency of the power generating industry. As its equipment is not very sensitive to
scale economies, and as natural gas is a clean source, it becomes possible to break down the
electricity producing industry in a large number of small plants inside the cities, thereby avoiding
costly energy transport, reducing construction time and related interests.
Table 4 presents the results of a comparison between different sources and different technologies
to produce electricity, and concludes that a gas-driven gas turbine or a combined-cycle plant is
competitive with other sources or technologies up to a price of gas of $4 per million BTU, a price
higher by far than in any GCC country. This result has been confirmed practically by every study
conducted on this matter: in fact combined-cycle gas-driven power plants are now considered the
most competitive solution for electricity production all over the world. The combination of lower
investment per kilowatt and lower total production cost, plus the lack of pollution and the more
flexible location of plants has made the combined-cycle the preferred way for new electricity
production and it has provided the main force for privatisation drive in electricity and gas in
Europe and elsewhere.
In addition to their lower capital costs, combined-cycle gas plants can be built much more quickly,
which helps the generators to keep pace with the rapidly rising demand for electricity and thus
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avoid power cuts and brown-outs. Although the direct fuel costs of a gas plant may be relatively
higher, the initial capital investment and construction lead-time are both considerably lower; for a
private company, whose discount rates are likely to be significantly higher than those used by a
public firm, this is enough to swing the balance in favour of gas.
Table 4: Comparative Costs of Electricity Production (US cents/kWh)
Power Station Fuel Gas
Gas/Fuel Oil
Fuel Oil
Investments (US cents per kWh) 0.6 1.4 1.9 2.4
Operating Costs excluding fuel 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Price of fuel at the station Total cost of electricity production (US cents/kWh)
$/GJ Natural
0.5 0.5 21.0 14.0 1.4 2.2 3.0 3.6
2.0 2.1 84.0 56.0 3.2 3.3 4.4 5.1
3.0 3.2 125.0 83.0 4.3 4.0 5.4 6.1
4.0 4.2 167.0 112.0 5.5 4.8 6.4 7.0
5.0 5.3 209.0 140.0 6.7 5.5 7.4 8.0
Source: Eni/Snam
Natural gas-fired power plants are not only highly efficient, but also pollute less, a boon in an era
of heightened concern about atmospheric pollution and environmental issues. The burning of oil
and coal is regarded, rightly or wrongly, as the real culprit of climate change and is held
responsible for the so-called global warming by raising the level of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Increasing pressures stemming from those concerns have led to the adoption of the
Kyoto Protocol, which is aimed at a drastic reduction in oil and coal consumption in favour of
friendlier sources of energy like natural gas.
Indeed, the use of natural gas in combined-cycle gas turbine plants, compared with conventional
oil- or coal-fired units, results in a halving of carbon dioxide emissions, a cut in nitrogen oxide
emissions by two-thirds and the virtual elimination of sulphur dioxide and particulate emissions.
This environmental aspect ought to work in favour of natural gas, not only in the power industry
but in many other energy-using economic sectors, helping this energy source to be clearly
positioned as the cleanest of fossil fuels, ideally coping with increasing environmental pressures.
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1.3 Natural Gas in Household Applications
Like electricity, natural gas is transported in dedicated carriers (pipelines and city networks), and
can be supplied instantaneously in any volume, from the largest to the smaller: gas and electricity
are brought into the very home of the energy consumer to supply exactly what he needs. In
household uses like cooking, gas flame can be not only almost directly applied to the food to be
cooked, but also fine-tuned at will. This means that, besides enjoying important quality
advantages, the consumer pays only the energy he actually uses, and has therefore a cheaper
energy budget. This explains why in Europe and America cooking is done with gas, even by using
LPG if piped methane is not available. LPGs are clearly a second best, as the cost of bottling the
gas is not negligible and as having to change the bottles implies not only a certain discomfort for
the housekeeper, but also a costly road transport and distribution system inside the cities.
Wherever methane piped is available, LPGs are used for heating and cooking only in areas too
remote or too sparsely populated to be economically reached by the gas grid.
Of course, gas and electricity compete with each other in the household for the heat-producing
uses (hot water, space heating, air conditioning). Global efficiency criteria are particularly relevant
as far as such competition is concerned. Low temperature energy - for example, hot water -
should be obtained by using gas and not electricity, thus saving energy by avoiding the high
temperature reached in power stations.
In hot countries, like those in the GCC, household will only rarely use gas for space heating, and
gas-driven air conditioning is not common yet, although it was recently commercialised as being
appropriate for central air conditioning in large buildings or even individual units for larger
apartments. However, natural gas offers a clear advantage in cooking and hot water in winter
months. Cooking was the usage for which gas was originally distributed in the European and
American cities, and the demand it provoked was at that time enough to justify the laying down of
a capillary city network.
In the GCC, and specifically in the UAEs emirate of Sharjah, a domestic gas network was
recently built with 500 km of main lines and 200 km of secondary ones. The network is currently
connected to around 43,000 gas residential, commercial and industrial costumers within the
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Subtask 3.2 Creating an Integrated GCC Gas Grid and
Promoting a Competitive and Transparent GCC-
Wide Gas Market
As mentioned earlier, the growth in demand for natural gas, coupled with supply constraints, is
resulting into an increasing, although still latent, gas deficit in most of the GCC countries. That is
summarised in Table 5, according to which there would be a huge, annual growing gas deficit
(and import potential) in many countries in the region, estimated at some 46 billion cu m in 2005
from nearly 25 billion cu m in 2002, and about 77 billion cu m in 2008-10. At that time, annual gas
deficit of around 20 billion cu m is likely to be seen in Saudi Arabia, some 17 billion cu m in Abu
Dhabi, about 15.5 billion cu m in Dubai, nearly 10.5 billion cu m in Kuwait, and around 8 and 6
billion cu m respectively in Bahrain and the northern regions of Oman.
The GCC-EU Gas Study, completed in February 2001 by Eras of the UK, has provided other
figures for the gas market developments in the GCC region. While it is not our goal to discuss the
results of that study, some outcomes related to the present report need to be highlighted and
critically analysed, especially Chapter 6, which deals with GCC Gas Forecasts By Country
Table 5: Gas Deficit in GCC Countries, 2002-2010
(Billion cu m/year, Rounded Figures)
Country 2002 2005 2008-2010
Abu Dhabi 3.0 9.0 17.0
Bahrain 2.0 5.0 8.0
Dubai 8.0 11.5 15.5
Kuwait 5.0 7.0 10.5
Northern Oman 2.0 3.5 6.0
Saudi Arabia 5.0 10.0 20.0
Total 25.0 46.0 77.0
Sources: Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Various Others
The Figures shown in the Eras study and analysed in this chapter are copied in the annex of the
present report.
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In fact, while we believe that the gas import needs of Bahrain until the year 2020 are on the low
side (Figures 496/497, pages 205/206 of the original Eras study), we have had difficulties
understanding the logic behind the forecast figures for Kuwait (Figures 510/511, pages 212/213),
especially when it comes to domestic gas supply. In fact, the data advanced assume that all the
gas produced in Kuwait is in associated form, and that by 2020 oil production (the reference to
OPEC quotas here (page 212) is not relevant) would increase by 136 per cent over the year
2000. We believe this is an over-optimistic view, considering that the EIA, in its IEO 2004
reference case forecasts, believes that Kuwait would only double its production by that time.
Moreover, Eras does not take into consideration the fact that Kuwait had been importing gas from
Iraq, and will be resuming those imports in the near future, while being into serious talks with
Qatar and Iran for importing gas from those two neighbouring countries. In addition, no mention
has been made as to the possibility of developing the large non-associated gas reserves found in
the Neutral Zones field of al-Dorra.
For Oman, it is interesting to notice that the study of Eras, while clearly mentioning that 70 per
cent of the proved reserves (estimated then at 855 billion cu m) has already been committed, and
that new discoveries are required before any additional gas exports (what about additional gas
output?) can be contemplated (page 218), has allowed its forecasters (in Figures 523/524, page
220) to expect gas production of the country to rise from 5.7 billion cu m in 2000 (and actually
16.5 billion cu m in 2003) to 29.6 billion cu m in 2005, 35.4 billion cu m in 2010 (an increase of
521 per cent over the year 2000), and 42.3 billion cu m in 2020 (642 per cent!). All that without
mentioning a word about the prospects of undiscovered natural gas resources in the Sultanate.
Obviously, these levels of gas output will not necessitate any imports to meet the growing
domestic needs of Oman, although Oman has been since the early years of this decade in
serious talks aimed to import supplies of natural gas from Qatar via the UAE to its northern
regions through the Offset Dolphin project.
For Qatar, and although Eras mentioned that abundant non-associated gas reserves provide
Qatar with the luxury of rapid expansion of both domestic and exports projects, it only assumed
that RasGas will add two new trains in both 2002 and 2003 (page 226). No exercise has been
done to predict new gas developments and export plans. As a result, and according to Eras, gas
exports from Qatar will increase from 10.8 billion cu m in 2000 to 26.4 billion cu m in 2005 and
stay at this level till 2020! (Figures 538/539, page 227). It is worth mentioning hereby that already
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in 2004 Qatar declared that all the volumes of LNG it expects to produce until 2010 (when output
is to reach around 77 million tons/year), are already sold out
When analysing the situation in Saudi Arabia (Figures 552/553, page 237), Eras did not take into
consideration the Natural Gas Initiative, which was launched in autumn 1998 and the subsequent
four gas exploration agreements concluded in early 2004, and their impacts on the gas market
and industry in the Kingdom.
For the neighbouring UAE, the Eras study looked at the federation as an aggregate, without
mentioning the radical differences in the gas situation between the different emirates. That
resulted in national data (Figures 566/567, page 245) at the level of the UAE federation, which is
not useful for any analysis there.
The growing natural gas deficit in many GCC countries leads to the tendency seen lately to link
some of them with gas pipelines. This could be the precursor to establishing an inter-GCC gas
network, under which non-associated gas-rich producers would supply countries or regions with
shortfalls. That would boost intra-regional trade and would be an important step towards the long-
sought public objective of political co-operation and economic integration.
In fact, many projects have been considered to build interconnection gas pipelines in the region,
proposing all possible and imaginable routes (Qatar-Kuwait, Qatar-Bahrain, Qatar-Abu Dhabi-
Dubai, UAE-Oman, Qatar-Saudi Arabia, Iran-Dubai, Iran-Kuwait), but nothing concrete has
happened yet, although serious progresses have been lately reported on the Dolphin Project,
promoted by the UAE Offsets Group, with the aim to supply Qatari gas to the Emirates and
Oman. Until this project sees the light, inter-GCC gas trade is to be limited to minor pipeline
exchanges between Oman and Ras Al-Khaimah, and intra-UAE trade between Sharjah and
Dubai, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
At this point, it is worth asking: is there any possible alternative for the GCC countries other than
being linked together through a natural gas network?
One option for gas-deficit countries in the GCC could be to replace natural gas by oil and
petroleum products, especially in those facilities that have or seek to establish the capacity to
consume liquid fuels. But this choice would raise political and social questions regarding the
region's clean air, at a time when environmental issues are starting to get serious attention in this
part of the world. It is true that the volumes of the crude oil directly burned in the Gulf have been
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minimized, but large quantities of heavy fuel oil are still being used there, especially for
generating power and in industrial applications.
Anyway, a growing domestic consumption of crude oil and petroleum products in the GCC is
considered to be a costly one as local demand of crude and oil products is calculated on the
basis of production quotas set by OPEC, which includes four of the six GCC countries (except
Bahrain and Oman). In fact, the domestic consumption of crude oil and petroleum products is part
of the OPEC quotas, which are based on the actual production and not on export volumes.
This logic would gain more and more weight, considering that most of the member countries of
OPEC, including the GCC nations, have been producing at their maximum capacities at relatively
high prices. That leads to say that the growing use of oil and petroleum products in the GCC
countries have been resulting in an increasing loss in revenues.
Growing domestic demand for crude, diesel and fuel oil has then come at the expense of export.
With crude and refined products increasingly used to satisfy domestic demand, export potential
no longer appears as strong as it once was. The losses of revenue from export sales, which
currently yield somewhere between 100 per cent and 400 per cent above domestic sales is
certainly unwelcome.
Moreover, it is true that most of the GCC countries have to invest in order to get the needed gas
supplies for substituting the oil and petroleum products currently used, either by exploring and
developing domestic resources or importing gas from neighbouring countries. But substituting oil
products by natural gas would save the investments needed to build oil refineries to meet local
demand, or keep the saved products for exports.
The argument for substituting oil with natural gas is not only related to the export income lost by
the GCC: it is also imperative and more important, because of the need to supply the growing
manufacturing industry in the region with the fuel better suited for its development; to put the
electricity production on a better footing from the point of view of efficiency and modernity; to
reduce the environmental impact.
Therefore, there is a need for the GCC energy system to be rationalised and wasteful uses to be
reduced. Of course not all crude oil could be exported, as there is a growing demand for
petroleum products. However, some of this demand, and especially in the fields of electricity and
water production, is satisfied with crude oil and petroleum products, which would be better
exported, and are not particularly efficient in those kinds of use. Its substitution with natural gas
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would not only free exportable crude oil and petroleum products, but also reduce industrial costs,
and strongly improve the environment.
In the same context, it is useful to mention that domestic and intra-regional gas prices in the Gulf
have been relatively low, when compared to international ones, and that fact is surely helpful for
any oil/gas substitution effort in the region. But that needs to be complemented with an
adjustment of the extremely cheap prices of petroleum products in the GCC, and thus raise
them to economically acceptable level.
The following is a list of domestic and intra-regional natural gas prices in the Gulf:
- Dolphin Project: Gas from Qatar's North Field will be supplied (fob) to Dolphin Energy
Limited (DEL) at $0.87/million BTU, and delivered (CIF) to Abu Dhabi at a fiscal price
of around $1.30/million BTU.
- Abu Dhabi supplies Dubai with 500 million cubic feet/day of gas at $1.00/million BTU.
- Sharjah supplies small volumes of gas to the UAE's Ministry of Electricity and Water
for consumption in the northern emirates at $1.60/million BTU, while bigger volumes
are supplied to Dubai at an effective price of $1.10-1.20/million BTU.
- Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) supplies the Abu Dhabi Water and
Electricity Authority (ADWEA) at Dh 4 ($1.09)/million BTU.
- The Omani government is to supply gas to Omifco at $0.80/million BTU.
- The Omani government is to supply gas to the Fujairah water/power project at
$1.30/million BTU at the UAE border.
- Natural gas is supplied to power and industrial consumers at $0.75/million BTU in
Saudi Arabia, at $0.62/million BTU in Kuwait, and $1.09/million BTU in the UAE.
All that must be put within the context of the new phase of development currently lived by the
GCC countries, which requires that new policies be added to the ones pursued with success up
to now. In the recent past, a concentrated, highly capitalised petrochemical industry was very
effectively developed. More recently, the spontaneous energy of GCC citizens, which is of course
the main engine for development, has taken the first steps of a diffusive industry, which
integrates and supplements the first one, and develops the internal market.
This new drive seems poised strongly to increase the contribution of private industry to the
economic growth. GCC entrepreneurial spirit is setting up a growing number of manufactures,
which need an abundant and cheap source of energy to increase their efficiency and ability to
compete. Some of the industrial areas sprung up in various areas of the region do not have up to
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now a cheap source of thermal energy (and industrial feedstock), which is in a way a paradox for
the countries in the area, many of which are large exporters of hydrocarbons.
1. Interconnection Issues
Basically, the development of natural gas and the creation of a GCC-wide system for its transport
will increase the resources available to the internal GCC economy and will create a fresh
development drive. Nevertheless, before linking all or some of the GCC countries together with a
gas grid, many issues have to be addressed.
To begin with, there is the swing nature of gas demand in the region and the way to handle it.
Demand for electric power (and consequently for natural gas) peaks in summer, when all
households maximise their air-condition needs. There is therefore a huge swing between summer
and winter power and gas demand. Options to manage this swing by either creating storage
facilities at the upstream producing end, or at the downstream consuming one, should be
evaluated together with their impacts on both the capital and operating costs.
Second, the huge latent gas demand in the GCC region would be materialised and the resulting
gas deficit covered only if ample supplies of attractively priced gas are found, in a region that is
extremely rich with other energy sources, which are sold at relatively cheap prices. This is
especially true for petroleum products marketed within the regions countries. The extremely
cheap prices of oil products domestically sold in the GCC could be considered as one of the main
real obstacle facing any process of gas substitution in the area, in addition of being an incentive
for a wasteful growth in the demand for those products. The governments in the region have to
give this issue a top priority and work on ways to adjust the prices of petroleum products sold
domestically, while taking into consideration that already the gas prices in the Gulf are low when
compared to international ones.
Another issue to be raised is that of transit fees, especially when a link between two countries
passes through the territories of third ones. Those fees in money or nature terms, could well
affect the whole economic feasibility of a pipeline network project, while indirectly helping to add
more stability and security to the gas exchanges through what we call the mutual dependency
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Another important issue related to the transit of gas (or other petroleum products) through
pipeline is connected to the agreements and terms of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In
fact, each member of the WTO must allow the owner or operator of any pipeline passing through
its territories the access to its own domestic market. In the case of a gas pipeline in the Gulf, that
right for market access has not always been accepted by all the countries in the region, due to
different reasons. This fact has led to the (definite?) postponement of gas pipeline schemes in the
There is finally the question of energy independence. Usually, states do not want to depend on
neighbouring countries for their fuel supplies. Another related element to be taken into
consideration is that all the GCC countries are oil producers and there is a psychological desire
for self-sufficiency among them, which promotes a greater willingness to burn more liquid fuels
despite their higher relative cost and damaging environmental impact. In fact, many countries
there, proud of their large hydrocarbon reserves (including huge associated gas resources), find it
difficult to import gas (or any other energy sources) from anywhere
To a certain extent, Kuwait can exemplify such a situation: while trying hard to import greatly-
needed gas supplies, without success however, Kuwait has made it clear that the final option for
it would be to keep relying on petroleum products. With that in mind, the government in Kuwait
City recently endorsed plans for the construction of a fourth oil refinery, with configurations
suitable to meet the petroleum products needed for the growing power and industrial sectors.
When talking about energy independence, it is worth recalling hereby that during the Cold War,
Western European has been relying on Soviet natural gas supplies to fulfil their demand,
without letting the ideological differences affecting the feasibility and usefulness of those vital
links between the two parts of the European Continent. The GCC countries, which are interlinked
through various historical, cultural, economical and political relationships, are surely able the
world an even better experience than the European one.
2. Prospects
All those factors and many others related to political tensions and sensitivities have led to the
failure of reaching agreement to implement the GCC Gas Grid, which has been on the drawing
board since the early 1980s. Instead, Qatar, the main promoter of gas interconnection in the Gulf,
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has trying hard, without big success until now, to link with its GCC neighbours, such as Bahrain,
the UAE, Oman and Kuwait, through single and segmented projects.
One of the reasons for that failure could be the little experience of the GCC in building and
operating gas transportation networks or grids. Here, we believe that a EU-GCC dialogue may be
extremely helpful, with the Europeans bringing to mind their experience in the gas industry and its
transport sector.
In addition, the EU could effectively promote, on the basis of the experience of its member
countries, the benefits to be derived from establishing a GCC-wide gas network, allowing
individual producers to sell to any customer along the network, and breaking the pattern of
segmented projects geared to export, or closed, vertically integrated projects for the domestic
transformation of gas. The GCC could also learn from the EU experience regarding power and
gas deregulation and liberalisation, as well as the interlinks between domestic process of
petroleum products and those of natural gas.
As a way to encourage and promote a GCC Gas Grid, the EU could well encourage its member
countries to establish natural gas consuming and export-oriented value-added downstream
ventures and related industries in the GCC region. This is especially true if the future gas
development in the region would be reoriented more and more towards domestic markets due
to export constraints and market saturation.
In addition, and in case of all the GCC countries acceding to the WTO and consequently bringing
to an end the dual price system of their natural gas used as fuel and feedstock, the EU could
assist those countries by giving the industrial goods originating from the GCC a favourable and
positive treatment.
At the end, we believe that linking the GCC together through a gas grid is an important
prerequisite which would allow a serious thinking of building a pipeline between the GCC to the
Near East and Europe (as proposed in Task 3.3 of the present study). In fact, in order for the
Qatari gas reserves to be supplied by pipeline to the nearest point connecting with the European
gas network (Turkey?), they must be channelled through one or more GCC countries. That leads
us to stress by saying that without linking the GCC countries together by a gas grid, there is little
hope, if any, to see an export pipeline from the region to Europe!
We suppose that the key decision in this context would have to be taken by Riyadh, which has to
wait and see the results of the gas exploration activities done by international oil companies on its
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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territory. If those companies found huge gas resources, more than the volumes needed for
domestic consumption, the Kingdom could then consider exporting its natural gas (and other
GCC gas resources?) to Europe by linking its territories with the European network in Turkey.
However, if those foreign firms did not find the needed resources to fulfil the domestic Saudi
demand, that would lead Riyadh to urgently seeking external sources of gas supply to meet the
growing actual and potential demand in the Kingdom. These gas supply sources could well be in
form of piped gas from neighbouring countries, especially Qatar. Such scheme will bring the GCC
Gas Grid project back to life
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Subtask 3.3 Promoting Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC
to the Near East and Europe
While the domestic gas consumption of the GCC will not match its gas resources in the medium-
and long-term, only exports to the major consuming zones will allow the full utilisation and
valorisation of its huge reserves.
Nevertheless, in 2003, the GCC had a marginal share (5.7 per cent) in the international gas trade,
limited to flow of LNG export from Qatar, Oman and Abu Dhabi to Japan and South Korea (with
some spot cargoes to Europe and the US), and minor piped volumes from Oman to Ras Al-
Khaimah. Some flows were limited to national trade (from Sharjah to Dubai and the other
northern UAE emirates).
In the near future, the GCC, and especially Qatar, is keen to play an important role on the world
gas market. Indeed, countries in the region have the strong will and the aggressive and right
policy to expand their natural gas exports, while possessing very important assets that contribute
to promote that growth in trade, including an important margin for gas exports even with an
increase in the domestic consumption, and a relative proximity to Western Europe and Asia,
strengthened by the opening up of East European countries.
In Europe, and more specifically in the 15 member countries of the EU (those members before
the Unions enlargement in 2004), long-term outlook for natural gas demand shows an increase
to some 430 billion cu m/year by the year 2005, at an average rate of growth of about 3.2 per
cent per year for the period 2002-2005. It is then expected, according to figures released by
Eurogas, to slowly advance, getting to around 486 billion cu m/year in 2010, and some 543 billion
cu m/year in 2020 (Table 6). That represents an annual average growth rate of about 1.9 per cent
for the whole period 2000-2020. By the year 2020, the share of natural gas in the total primary
energy consumption in the EU would reach nearly 28 per cent, as compared to about 22 per cent
in 2000 and some 24 per cent in 2002, and to an expected share of around 26 per cent in 2010.
The main driving forces behind the expected increase in natural gas demand in the EU countries
include the growing concern about a possible enhanced green house effect; the comparative
economic advantage of using gas-fuelled power generation units with higher efficiencies; the high
level of convenience to consumers that represents natural gas in its networked form; and the
diversification of energy sources.
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3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Nevertheless, some analysts do believe that the fast growth in the European gas demand is far
from certain. The increase in the power demand for gas, which is the main driving force for the
steep rise in European gas consumption, could well be challenged by the call on coal, especially
if environment-friendly technology became available, and the rising price of oil that is pushing the
gas prices into high levels.
Table 6: EU* Natural Gas Demand by Sector, 2002-2020
(Billion cu m/year, rounded figures)
Sector/Year 2002 2005 2010 2020
Commercial 148 172 178 192
Industrial 105 110 120 130
Power Generation 70 88 114 135
Others** 58 60 74 86
Total 381 430 486 543
* 15 EU member countries
** Including CHP and NGV
Source: Eurogas 2003
Back to the Eurogas gas demand forecasts for the EU region, which are characterised by
geographical differences. While north-western European gas industries have already attained a
high gas market penetration in the energy mix, there is still considerable demand potential for
some southern European gas industries. There, in Italy, the annual demand for natural gas is
expected to reach around 75 billion cu m by the year 2010 and some 93 billion cu m in 2020. The
use of natural gas in Spain is likely to attain about 23 billion cu m/year in 2010, and around 30
billion cu m by 2020. Portugal and Greece would see their respective annual gas demand rising
to some 5 billion cu m and 4 billion cu m in 2010, and to about 10 billion cu m and 7 billion cu m
by 2020.
In the mean time, and according to Eurogas, indigenous natural gas output in the 15 EU
countries, concentrated among a small number of producers (the United Kingdom and the
Netherlands, and to a lesser extent Germany and Italy), is expected to show a slight decrease
from around 215 billion cu m/year in 2002 (some 56 per cent of the total demand in the region) to
about 203 billion cu m/year by the year 2005 (47 per cent), before continuing a declining path to
reach some 190 billion cu m/year in 2010 and about 132 billion cu m/year in 2020 (around 24 per
cent, Table 7). During the next few years, only the United Kingdom and the Netherlands would be
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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able to slightly increase their gas production level. Then, in the following years, virtually all EU
producers would see the output level of their natural gas stagnate or even fall.
Table 7: EU* Natural Gas Supply by Source, 2002-2020
(Billion cu m/year, rounded figures)
Source/Year 2002 2005 2010 2020
Production 215 203 190 132
Already-Contracted Imports
166 223 248 260
Total 381 426 438 392
* 15 EU member countries
Source: Eurogas 2003
To fulfil their demand, the 15 EU countries have been relying on external gas supplies, which
totalled around 166 billion cu m in 2002. During that year, imports of Russian gas amounted to
about 19 per cent of the total EU demand, followed by those from Algeria (nearly 14 per cent) and
Norway (around 12 per cent). To partly make up for the growth in demand, the already-contracted
imports of natural gas by the EU countries are projected to increase to about 223 billion cu
m/year in the year 2005, around 248 billion cu m/year in 2010, and nearly 260 billion cu m/year in
2020 (Table 7).
Indeed, a comparison of natural gas supply and demand forecasts for the 15 EU countries, as
predicted by Eurogas, shows a balanced situation until the year 2005. At that time, the region
would need growing import of gas as a result of a deficit, increasing from just 4 billion cu m/year
in 2005 to some 48 billion cu m/year in 2010, before steeply growing in the second decade of the
new century, reaching around 151 billion cu m/year by 2020 (Table 8). At that time, the new
necessary imports of natural gas, in form of new contracts to be defined, would amount to some
27.8 per cent of the whole forecast gas demand in the EU, and around 36.7 per cent of the
expected gas import requirements of the region.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Table 8: EU* Natural Gas Deficit, 2002-2020
(billion cu m/year, rounded figures)
Year 2002 2005 2010 2020
Demand 381 430 486 543
Supply** 381 426 438 392
Deficit - 4 48 151
* 15 EU member countries
** Indigenous Production and Already-Contracted Imports
Source: Eurogas 2003
There is little doubt that the main existing external gas suppliers to the EU countries, namely
Russia, Norway and Algeria, will continue to meet most of the incremental demand, and to remain
the main pillars of natural gas supply to the region. Indeed, those countries are already tied to the
European market by transportation infrastructure, notably pipelines, which are currently in the
process of being expanded. They therefore enjoy a very significant advantage for satisfying
additional demand. It is in fact much easier to increase the capacity of an existing pipeline than to
build one from scratch. And it is much easier for an established supplier that already has sales in
a market to decide to build an entirely new pipeline, than it is for a new supplier that has no
market share at all to build its first pipeline. New gas suppliers will then have substantial barriers
to overcome before acquiring weight in the EU gas market.
Russia, being the country with the largest natural gas reserves in the world, and being connected
to the European market by the most extensive and largest pipeline network, will almost certainly
increase its share of the European gas market. Russia currently supplies around 42 per cent of
European gas imports, a share expected by the EU Green Book to increase under the effect of
enlargement and pressure of consumption to over 60 per cent! This clearly would represent an
excessive dependence on a single natural gas supplier.
Considering that their gas resource base is minimal compared to that of Russia, neither Algeria
nor Norway could or would have an interest in challenging the position of Russia as Europes
main gas supplier. That being the case, competition on the gas market will remain limited.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Connecting other producers to the European gas grid have therefore to be a priority objective,
with the ultimate aim of assuring the security of gas supplies by diversifying their sources. Other
suppliers would particularly include Libya from which a new line recently started to pump gas to
the continent through Italy, Central Asian countries, and principally GCC exporters (especially
One should keep in mind that the bulk of international gas trade takes place by pipeline, and will
continue to do so. Although the importance of LNG is rising, international LNG exchanges
accounts for only 27 per cent of globally traded gas. Therefore, while increasing LNG imports
may well contribute to diversification of the gas supplies to the EU, a more competitive European
gas market requires establishing physical pipeline links with some of the producers that may
seriously challenge, or at least limit, the predominance of the existing gas suppliers, especially
The European Commission's communication on Security of Gas Supply (COM (1999) 571 final
pp. 18) underscores the political will that exists to enhance the prospects for gas trade with new
suppliers including the GCC countries: "The EU has a common interest in continuing and
deepening the development of strategic relations with external suppliers and transit countries in
order to mitigate both political and technical risks associated with future supplies to the EU and to
ensure multiple import pipelines supplying Europe".
In fact, connecting other producers to the European gas grid has to be a priority objective also
because if things are left to the market, the outcome is almost certain to be simply increasing
reliance on consolidated suppliers for the rest of this decade and quite likely the next one as well.
However, the end result would be a tight oligopoly, and consequently relatively higher prices,
diminishing to almost nil the positive impacts of the under-established competitive gas market in
the EU. Europe would become even more dependent on barely three countries.
The GCC countries as well, especially Qatar, have to consider any serious pipeline project aiming
to connect their huge gas reserves with the EU network as a top priority scheme. We believe it is
extremely important for the holders of the GCC gas resources to build a direct and strong
physical link with one of the main market for natural gas in the world.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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1. Assessing Gas Pipeline Exports from the GCC
In this context, we believe it is useful to start by looking at the gas export prospects of the Gulf
neighbouring countries, namely Iran and Iraq, which could well constitute real competitors to GCC
in supplying piped gas to the EU.
Iran has the second largest gas reserves in the world. It shares with Qatar the single largest non-
associated gas field in the world, which is called North Dome in Qatar and South Pars in Iran. Iran
has lagged behind Qatar in developing its portion of the field, but since the late 1990s has
launched a succession of South Pars projects, enlisting some of the prime non-American
international oil companies. We may therefore expect that South Pars will be developed in
Iran has a take-or-pay contract to supply Turkeys Botas, which envisaged deliveries beginning in
early 2000. Deliveries began in fact only in December 2001, and are expected to build up
progressively to 10 billion cu m/year by 2007, although many analysts think that Iranian gas
exports to Turkey are not straightforward but affected by many political and geo-strategic
Further into the future, Iran has all the required characteristics to supply growing volumes of gas
into Turkey and beyond, into the EU. Its reserves are approximately half those of Russia, and its
current production is only a fraction. In short, once Iran becomes connected, it has enough gas to
take up the entire contestable share of the European market, to the exclusion of any other Gulf
But Iran has been suffering from many weaknesses and disadvantages resulted from political
problems and the US pressure on the Tehran regime, which have led to a low level of gas (and
oil) development in the country. In addition Iran has enormous need for gas to be fulfilled, both for
local use and for injection into its ageing oil fields.
In neighbouring Iraq has relatively small proven gas reserves, estimated in early 2004 at 3,110
billion cu m, or 1.8 per cent of the worlds total. But this may be the consequence of the fact that
the country never attributed priority to exploring for gas.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Potential gas routes from (or through) Iraq to Europe have been considered. Iraq is, in terms of
location, the best placed of the Middle Eastern and Caspian producers for potential exports to
Turkey and on to Europe. The distance for a pipeline from the south of the country, running north
parallel to existing oil pipeline infrastructure, to Istanbul is estimated at around 2,100 km, mostly
over fairly easy terrain.
In recent years, Iraq went through the motion of launching a gas export project to Turkey, based
on fields that are in the north-eastern part of the country, very close to the Turkish borders. An
agreement was signed with Ankara, and an international tender launched, which resulted in the
selection of Italys Agip to develop the upstream part of the project, and Gaz de France (GdF) to
develop the midstream, but nothing happened on the ground pending the lifting of UN sanctions.
As the portfolio of projects to be implemented following the lifting of the sanctions is very
considerable indeed, it is not at all clear that gas exports will receive a topmost priority.
Iraq will surely have a role to play, either by exporting its own gas (associated gas supplemented
later on by free reserves), or by allowing developers in the GCC, notably Qatar, to use its south-
north spine to transit their gas to Turkey (and Europe). That role would be enhanced if Iraq is
accepted in the future as a new member of the GCC. However, the political and economic
situation in Iraq must be such as to facilitate the building of such pipelines through the country.
In Saudi Arabia, the development of natural gas reserves have always aimed at fulfilling the
growing local demand in the Kingdom, with the idea of exporting Saudi gas remaining out of
question. However, if the foreign companies exploring for gas in different parts of the country
found huge resources, more than the volumes needed for domestic consumption, Riyadh could
then consider exporting its gas (and other GCC gas resources?) to Europe by linking its territories
with the European network in Turkey through Iraq.
With respect to Iran and Iraq, Qatar finds itself at a distinct disadvantage. Although its gas is
physically in the same reservoir as Iran's, the latter has a border in common with Turkey, while
Qatar should obtain transit through two or three countries (Saudi Arabia then Jordan and Syria, or
Iraq). This has proven an elusive goal for the Qataris so far.
The Qatar-Turkey project would easily be commercially attractive, and in fact has been pursued
by several major international oil and gas companies at different times. Its difficulties lay entirely
in the number of countries whose agreement must be obtained and which need to participate in
its establishment. Creating conditions suitable for its implementation is a very complex diplomatic
task, and only once the appropriate framework of intergovernmental agreements will be
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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established, private companies may be expected to become involved to invest the required
resources and take care of the industrial and commercial aspects. Establishing such framework is
a very important objective, which could be pursued with priority in the context of the EU-GCC co-
As a consequence, bringing natural gas from the GCC, and more specifically Qatar, to Europe,
requires solving a complex puzzle of several pieces, all of which must fall in place. Nevertheless,
if an export pipeline is put in place linking Qatar to Turkey across Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria
and capable of serving Lebanon as well, several very important objectives would be served. It
should be pursued as a priority in the context of a EU-GCC Partnership. That would go hand by
hand with the EU support of the Arab Gas Pipeline project, which is to link Egypt with Jordan,
Syria, Lebanon, and ultimately Cyprus and Turkey.
This is especially important, considering that serious doubts have been raised about the medium
and long-term gas export capabilities of Egypt. In fact, the Egyptian gas reserves (currently
estimated at around 1,760 billion cubic metres, or nearly 1 per cent of the worlds total) are
relatively modest compared to the countrys rapidly growing domestic needs (with the government
highly encouraging the use of natural gas in substitution of petroleum products in almost every
economic sector) and its commitments, in addition to the Arab Gasline to the East Mediterranean
countries, for at least two major LNG export projects aimed to supply southern European markets
(Spain, France, Italy).
What must also be kept in mind is that Egypt still considers Israel as the ultimate natural outlet for
its gas (as an Egyptian official said Israel is our best gas market with the best price!), although
that gas has been played with as a political ball between the two countries. When and if peace
will prevail in the region, it is almost sure that Israel will become a main, if not the main, recipient
of Egyptian natural gas.
With that in mind, we believe that there is a need to seriously consider linking Qatar, being the
real huge potential new supplier of natural gas to Europe in the medium- to long-term, with the
European network, through a pipeline connecting with Turkey either at the Iraqi borders, or at the
Syrian ones.
Indeed, great hopes should be attributed to the possibility of significant supplies coming from
Qatar, where the cost of the gas at the wellhead is probably lowest, and the distance to the EU
gas network is almost the same as for Iran. The difference is of course in the politics with Iran
being part of the US Axis of Evil and Qatar considered as the main US military base in the Gulf,
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as well as in the regional impact of the alternative solution - because exports from either Iran or
Iraq would have no positive regional impact, while a pipeline connecting Qatar to Turkey would
serve the entire region
2. The Pivotal Role of Turkey
A salient feature of all pipeline projects from the GCC to Europe is that they must first land in
Turkey. Turkey is also the essential bridge for many other gas export schemes, which ultimately
aimed to reach the EU market.
Turkey is - in and of itself - a rapidly growing and potentially very important gas market.
Therefore, diversification of supplies from the GCC (and the Caspian region) must be sought first
and foremost through encouraging a rapidly growing and competitive gas market in Turkey, and
improving gas transportation facilities between Turkey and the core European markets (notably
Hungary, Austria and Italy).
In April 2001, an important new gas law was passed in Ankara in the context of emergency
measures requested by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to extend fresh support to the
beleaguered Turkish economy. The new law abolishes the monopoly of Botas, and creates a
regulatory authority for electricity and gas. Botas is to be separated into transmission, storage
and gas marketing arms. The existing and currently planned Botas transmission network is to
form a national transmission system, but other companies are to be able to build and own
transmission lines. A gas release programme is to be set up under which Botas is to auction at
least 10 per cent of its supply portfolio every year until 2009, or until its market share is reduced
to 20 per cent Botas is to conclude no new gas import agreements until its market share is
reduced to 20 per cent. No other company is to be able to conclude an import agreement with
any company with which Botas has an importation contract.
This law appears to bring Turkey fully in line with the acquis communautaire with respect to the
organisation of the gas market - in fact Turkey may be quite a lot more advanced than several
member countries in the direction of liberalisation. Whether the law will be swiftly and efficiently
implemented is another matter, but the incentives for the Turkish state are quite substantial, in
terms of potential foreign investment inflow and decreased energy costs.
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3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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This last point is crucially important. Turkey is surrounded by very large gas reserves, and the
development of a gas industry has been hindered by Botass monopoly and insufficient
investment funds. The monopoly meant that producers could not directly access the market, but
had to sell to Botas. They therefore requested Botas to sign take-or-pay contracts at relatively
high prices. Botas did not have sufficient financial strength to guarantee such import contracts,
and, at the same time, undertake the investment necessary in expanding gas networks - a
prerequisite to increasing gas demand.
Botas signed such take-or-pay import contracts with several foreign suppliers - notably Russia,
Azerbaijan and Iran. Memorandums of understanding (MoUs) were signed with Iraq and Egypt.
Presently, the situation is that Botas has contracted for 47 billion cu m per year of gas by 2005,
but demand in 2003 was only 16 billion cu m. For a long time Turkey has been obsessed that not
enough gas was available, and now it is likely to face excess supplies.
The new law "forces" Botas to relinquish 80 per cent of its import contracts (one may note that the
company might have had a hard time honouring these contracts anyhow) and creates conditions
for a very competitive market in Turkey. Prices may go sharply down and the potential for re-
exports to the rest of Europe will be created, although lower prices could also lead to an increase
in domestic demand.
This means that a very important piece in the mosaic a potentially competitive and open Turkish
gas market - is now in place. The EU should support this development and other related ones
with all possible instruments. Another piece could be the accession of Turkey to the EU. In
addition, the situation concerning the other piece of the mosaic - connecting Turkey to the EU gas
grid - is nearing the reality.
3. The Balkan Link
Turkey has been receiving natural gas from Russia by way of a pipeline that runs all around the
Black Sea, crossing the Ukraine, Moldova, Rumania and Bulgaria. Relations between Gazprom
and all of these countries have been difficult, indeed very difficult. This has encouraged Gazprom
to launch the Blue Stream gas pipeline across the Black Sea, which was recently completed.
With gas supplies from the Blue Stream, and from Iran and, further down in time, from Azerbaijan,
it may become possible for Turkey to reverse the flow of the pipeline coming from Bulgaria and
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Romania, and use it to export gas from Turkey rather than import gas from Russia. Bulgaria and
Romania would welcome the possibility of diversifying their supplies, as they are at present
entirely dependent on imports from Russia, plus domestic production. But their markets are small.
A better alternative was found through projects to connect Turkey to Austria either through
Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary (the Nabucco scheme), or through Macedonia, Bosnia-
Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia (or possibly both), but those projects would still
require substantial political backing. On a purely commercial basis, Gazprom is in a position to
saturate the Balkan markets and shut off any potential competitor. With that in mind, supply
diversification must be pursued as a matter of political priority, or will not take place at all.
Meanwhile, linking Turkey with Greece is certainly going to be established: it has an enormous
political significance, the clear backing of the European Commission, and is a relatively small
project. However, the Greek market is comparatively tiny, and saturated by Gazprom. The further
link connecting Greece and Italy is unlikely to see the light on a commercial basis if it is to land in
Puglia, in an oversupplied market in Southern Italy, close to a major regasification terminal in
Brindisi, and with insufficient transmission capacity to reach the more substantial market in
Northern Italy along the Adriatic coast.
Whatever the solution that is adopted, it is clear that connecting Turkey to the main EU gas grid,
with or without accession, is a very important priority that should be pursued by the European
Commission, even independently of a renewed EU-GCC Partnership.
Nevertheless, depending on the progress in its accession into the EU, Turkey is expected to play
a key role. Two scenarios can be proposed hereby: an optimistic scenario would see Turkey
becoming a member of the EU before the end of the current decade, rapid economic growth and
a competitive gas and electricity market stimulating gas demand growth. By 2010, Turkey would
receive gas from Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Iraq, for a total exceeding its domestic needs by 8-
10 billion cu m/year, which would be exported to Greece and to Hungary and Austria through the
existing pipeline across Bulgaria and Romania (themselves to become members of the EU in
2007). By 2020 the level of re-exports from Turkey could reach maybe 25 billion cu m/year.
A pessimistic scenario would see Turkey excluded from the EU, continuing economic and
financial instability and slow gas demand growth. Contractual disputes would erupt and create
uncertainty discouraging new supplies and projects to re-export gas to the rest of Europe. Under
these conditions, possibly 2 billion cu m could annually flow into Greece by 2010, and no more
than 10 billion cu m/year would flow across Turkey by 2020. Russia would be confirmed as the
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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prime supplier of Europes gas, and would either buy or re-export gas from Turkmenistan and
Kazakhstan, or offer transmission services to them
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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Subtask 3.4 Potential for Increased LNG Exports from the
GCC Countries to Europe
Until now, the markets in Asia-Pacific have been the main niche for GCC LNG. However, if all
new and expanding export-oriented LNG projects in the GCC go ahead in full and on schedule,
capacity of liquefying natural gas in the region could rise by nearly 35 million tons/year by 2005
and 90 million tons/year in 2010. Such a sharp rise in capacity is likely to outstrip the ability of the
Asian markets it is mainly aimed at to absorb.
Moreover, in Asia-Pacific, where GCC gas export projects have been dependent on supplies to
only two countries, namely Japan and South Korea, the economic crisis in 1998-99 has revealed
fundamental weaknesses, and major restructuring efforts have been subsequently required to
build the basis for a sustained and strong recovery. That could have some serious long-term
impacts on gas demand and prices, with the GCC LNG exporters being already under pressure
from their existing Japanese and South Korean customer bases to lower or abandon floor prices,
as Qatars RasGas did for Koreas Kogas nearly six years ago.
That issue, as well as any other new, possible economic difficulties in Asia-Pacific, or any
adverse changes affecting the structure of the gas market there (especially that of the power
sector) will have serious implications for the existing and planned LNG export projects in the
Meanwhile, the GCC has been facing a growing competition from the LNG developers within Asia
itself. That rivalry is likely to become intense, with the aim to secure the earliest possible place in
the areas natural gas market, and with projects trying to avoid being delayed, having also in mind
that long distance gas pipelines could eventually start competing with LNG. Many pipeline
projects are now either under construction or consideration in the region, and as markets there
develop and grow, pipeline imports could become a real competitive threat to LNG.
Another challenge to the GCC could well come from the recent trend of seriously exploring for
natural gas in the Asia region. There is a somehow large potential of discovering more gas
resources, which are to add to the proved reserves already found in the area (a total of about
13,470 billion cu m in early 2004, around 7.7 per cent of the world total, and a 2003 reserves-to-
production ratio of 43 years). Until recently, the petroleum industry there had never really
explored for natural gas as such, the objective has always been crude oil. Gas reserves have
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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typically been found while looking for oil and developed incidentally. Nevertheless, any new
commercial gas discoveries in Asia will be immediately considered as candidate for fast
development to supply the region's markets. Pakistan could be seen here as a good example,
where increasing gas reserves and production are actually presenting some challenges for gas
import schemes.
Also on the Asian scene, natural gas from the GCC, particularly that in LNG form, would continue
to face growing competition from oil but especially from coal. The cost of imported coal, on a
thermal value basis, is consistently below the price of LNG, which is most of the time higher than
that of imported oil. Nevertheless, while consumers in Asia might be willing to keep paying a
premium for natural gas in line with growing concerns in the region about the environmental
impact of energy production and use, most governments in the area continue to see economic
growth as their top priority, and this together with the availability of relatively cheap coal within the
region, coupled with new, clean coal technologies, could limit that premium, at least in the
medium term.
Facing all those actual and potential problems, as well as a near-saturation in the two Asian
established markets, the target for GCC expansion has been oriented into riskier opportunities in
untested India and China, where the GCC gas producers are faced with a baleful combination of
greater competition, shorter contracts, lower prices and less creditworthy customers, and into US
and European outlets.
The appetite of the US market is so big that it could transform LNG into a sellers market. From a
base of some 5 million tons of LNG imports in 2002, US imports could reach 30-40 million
tons/year by 2010 and 50-80 million tons/year by 2015-20, overtaking the position of Korea by
2010 and that of Japan by 2015.
1. GCC LNG to Europe
To some extent, diversification of gas supplies to the EU can come from increasing imports of
LNG which being transported by ship, enjoys greater flexibility, at least in theory. However, it
should be noted that, besides being a major exporter of gas via pipeline, Algeria is also by far
Europes largest supplier of LNG, currently accounting for around 65 per cent of the total. In this
sense, LNG is not a significant diversification from pipeline gas at least not until the present
date. Nigeria is the only other important supplier, while limited volumes of LNG reach Europe
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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from Libya, Trinidad, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia and Oman. In the coming years, Egypt and
Qatar are expected to become major LNG suppliers to Europe.
Let us here focus on Qatar. Since 2001, that GCC country had concluded many landmark deals
aimed to supply its LNG into European markets. In April 2001, Qatargas signed two agreements
with the Gas Natural Group of Spain for the supply of up to 12.6 million tons of LNG between
2001 and 2012. Those contracts represent Qatars first medium-term LNG export deals. Under
the first agreement, the Qatari company will supply 5.6 million tons of LNG to Spain between
2001 and 2009, while the second deal covers the deliveries of 3.5 million tons between 2002 and
2007, with an option for a further 3.5 million tons to be delivered between 2007 and 2012.
That was followed in June 2001 by the conclusion of the first long-term contract for the sale of
natural gas from Qatar (and the GCC) to a European customer. At that time, a sales and
purchase agreement was concluded between RasGas and Italys Edison Gas for the supply of
3.5 million tons/year of LNG for 25 years with deliveries beginning in 2005. The two sides agreed
in November 2003 to increase the volume of LNG under that agreement to 4.7 million tons/year
for a 25-year period starting in 2007. The additional 1.2 million tons/year is due to be sold on to
third parties. RasGas will also be responsible for securing the carriers to transport the LNG to
Italy, while Edison will build a new receiving/regasification terminal at Caverzere, north of the
Adriatic Sea.
The contract with Edison was followed in October 2001 by a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) between Qatargas and both Italys Enel and Spains Repsol, providing for them to carry
out a feasibility study of the fourth train, with a 4.8-million ton/year of capacity, that the Qatari
company is planning to install at its liquefaction plant. The MoU also calls for Enel and Repsol to
lift the output of the new train and sell it on European Union markets. In return, the two European
companies are to have an equity stake in the fourth train as well as the sector of the North Field
gas field allocated to provide its feedstock. The agreement also states that Qatargas will be the
operator of the project, which is expected to last for 20 years, extendable by a further five years.
The MoU, if finalised, will constitute another landmark deal, by being one of the largest long-term
GCC LNG sale to Europe so far.
In June 2002, Qatar signed a heads of agreement with ExxonMobil for the supply of LNG to the
UK from two 7-million ton/year new trains to be built within the framework of new joint venture,
Qatargas II, with export due to start in 2006/07.
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One year later, in July 2003, RasGas II concluded a 20-year sales and purchase agreement with
Spains Endesa for the supply of 0.8 million tons/year of LNG. Deliveries are scheduled to start in
In March 2004, Total signed an agreement with Qatargas II, under which the French company will
market 5 million tons/year of LNG in European and US markets. Details of the agreement are still
to be made public. Three months later, in June 2004, Qatargas finalised an agreement with the
Gas Natural Group for the supply of 1.5 million tons/year of LNG to Spain over the period 2005
and 2025.
In other developments, Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Exxon Mobil announced in July 2004 a long-
term deal to book LNG import capacity at the Fluxys-owned LNG terminal at Zeebrugge on the
Belgium coasts for around 3.4 million tons/year from their RasGas II venture. Two months later,
both firms agreed to set up a new company to manage and operate a new 8-million ton/year LNG
terminal to be built at Milford Haven in the UK.
With the 2001-04 agreements between Qatar and European customers, the prospects of Qatari
regular LNG flowing into European terminals became reality, in addition to the already well-
established trade of spot cargoes. In 2010, Qatar is expected to export around 40 billion cu m of
LNG to European markets, up from 10 billion cu m/year in 2005. That volume would increase to
between 40 and 50 billion cu m/year in 2015 and some 50-60 billion cu m/year by 2020.
What is important to mention hereby is that all the volumes of LNG expected to be produced by
Qatar until 2010 (when output will reach around 77 million tons/year) are already sold out! Then
Qatar will not be able to supply more LNG to international markets, other than those already
committed, before 2010. Even if Doha decided to develop more gas reserves in order to increase
its LNG exports, it will have problems, already seen, in having the needed shipyard transport
capacity in form of LNG carriers.
In Oman, the other GCC LNG exporter, Oman LNG and BP Gas Marketing finalised in November
2003 an MoU, under which the British firm is to lift 3.6 million tons of LNG over a six-year period
starting in 2004. BP will market that LNG in Spain. Spain has already bought some Omani LNG
cargoes on spot market in recent years.
Considering that LNG from Oman is now sold out with the production of the third train to be
imported mainly by Japanese customers, we do not expect to see any more Omani LNG on
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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European markets, other than in Spain, unless Muscat decides to expand its liquefaction plant, a
move that is not likely to happen in the near future.
It is extremely important to bear in mind that LNG carriers from the GCC to Europe have to transit
Egypts Suez Canal. In a development related to the gas transit role of the Canal, the Suez Canal
Authority recently refused to grant higher discounts than 35 per cent of transit fees to LNG
carriers that are going from Qatar (and any other GCC potential gas exporter) to Europe. That
discount has been awarded since late 1997 in a bid to win lucrative GCC gas export trade and
thwart plans for rival pipelines. But would Cairo continue to adopt this discount policy if it finds
that LNG from the GCC is competing with the export prospects of its own products, which started
to flow in early 2005?
Challenges Ahead
Natural gas in the GCC, which enjoys important advantages including ample reserves and low
development and production costs, have the potential to make a significant contribution to the
security of European natural gas supplies especially after 2005 when new supply sources will be
increasingly required.
Nevertheless, and assuming that the gas policy and development conditions in the GCC are
satisfied, there remains a number of important challenges to be faced before a mutually beneficial
gas partnership with the EU can evolve. Even with strong political will on both sides, fundamental
commercial criteria for the viability of cross-border pipeline projects must be met.
Although many studies have indicated that GCC gas could be delivered to major consumer
markets at a competitive price even at today's prices, there are other important issues at stake,
such as the pricing risk, the ability to finance international pipelines, and the associated political
and economic risks.
1 Pricing Risks
Pricing risk is the responsiveness of gas pricing and contractual structures to supplier costs. In
Europe, the emergence of gas-to-gas competition will undermine long-term volume commitments
by many major buyers (e.g. gas distribution companies) because their sales will be less
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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predictable. Prices will also become more volatile as they become more responsive to supply and
demand shocks.
These new developments will not impact so much on the actual volumes of gas required by the
market but the way the gas is traded. With the demise of long-term take-or-pay commitments
over time, new risk mitigation measures will be required to ensure that needed gas volumes flow
to Europe. Inevitably, this will mean a re-balancing of risk between gas suppliers and buyers that
will be reflected in contract terms and pricing. Spot and futures markets will need to develop
depth to enable risk mitigation strategies.
The de-coupling of gas prices from oil will require the development of widely accepted European
price indexes for settling contracts. The pricing of gas, based on oil prices, has proved
unsatisfactory when oil prices are low, and it can inhibit gas market development when oil prices
are too high.
While the emergence of new contract and pricing structures in a competitive market are largely
commercial issues, governments can play a role in mitigating risk and ensuring the smooth
operation of markets through their regulatory/competition powers.
All that being said, GCC gas exporters have to deal with this evolution of the regulatory
framework in Europe, which introduces shorter-term concerns for the gas importing companies
and put serious constraints on their costs and expenditures, while pushing prices down. In this
context, there is an urgent need to open a EU-GCC discussion on the fate and future of the long-
term take-or-pay contracts and destination clauses, a discussion that would include all the players
in the international gas trade.
The under-going abolition of the gas monopolies in the EU countries also means that markets
there are likely to be dispersed, smaller and less lucrative than before. Furthermore, GCC gas
exporting countries and companies will find themselves forced to deal with a greater number of
smaller sized and less experienced companies than those formerly responsible for gas
Moreover, for GCC gas to capture a significant portion of the consumer markets in Europe, it
must reach those outlets at a price competitive with that offered by other potential gas suppliers,
and those of other primary fuels. For achieving this goal, continuously balancing royalties,
transportation and transit costs, as well as associated expenses against market realities is surely
playing an important role.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
3. Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market; as well as
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An important commercial issue specific to the development of long-distance pipelines from the
GCC to Europe will be the average load factor. Due to the high proportion of fixed costs in the
total project economics, the maximisation of gas throughput has an important bearing on the
delivered price of gas. The major influences on throughput levels will be a competitive cost
structure, an efficient system (market) matching buyers and suppliers to ensure that a viable
base-load demand structure can be achieved, and the mitigation of non-commercial risk.
2 Project Finance
Of the challenges to be overcome in building an EU-GCC gas partnership are those concerned
with the huge financing of the required new gas production capacities and transport infrastructure,
that necessitates new and innovative financing approaches under which both gas producing and
consuming countries share the financial burden resulted from such capital-intensive projects.
In fact, an aggressive (and expensive) gas exploration and development programme in the GCC
would be necessary to have a real impact on EU supply security and justify long term investment
in transport infrastructure. This by the way presupposes an important policy evaluation: GCC
states with surplus gas have to analyse the value of gas exports compared with retaining these
resources for longer term domestic use. Constraints on the exploitation of associated gas should
form a part of this analysis.
New approaches to project funding are then required to mitigate project risk in a competitive
environment. The funding of LNG plants and long-distance pipeline projects has often depended
on state-owned energy companies with access to government lending. However, growing
constraints on public resources and the greater risks in competitive markets increasingly militate
against this approach.
International gas project financing will involve a sharing of risk across a wider range of project
participants. This could include multinational energy companies, governments of the suppliers
and buyers, traders adept at risk management, multinational development agencies, export credit
agencies, banks and other financial institutions.
The trend towards a reallocation of project risk is already apparent, with international oil
companies participating in financing large gas projects, and with investment banks and export
credit agencies contributing to the funding of such schemes.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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The provision of low cost funds and loan guarantees by participating governments improves the
ability of project developers to attract equity participation as they can leverage their return on
investment at an acceptable risk.
In conclusion, a coordinated action to promote key gas supply projects from the GCC is a
common interest. The EU has financial resources and means that could be made available to
promote and encourage new investment in inter-regional infrastructure (as exemplified by the
Maghreb-Europe pipeline project). Opportunities for extending these resources through
coordination with other regional and international institutions should be explored.
3 Political Risks
The political risks, especially those associated with long-distance pipelines transiting a number of
countries with different legal and regulatory systems, are a major impediment to new projects.
Within the EU, the Gas Transit Directive sets out rules for ensuring gas transit through third party
states but, notwithstanding the efforts of the Energy Charter, this does not yet exist in a wider
international context.
A framework for negotiating gas supply, transit and transportation agreements is fundamental to
the feasibility of pipeline projects. This would improve the availability of funding and mitigate risk
so that investors could be reasonably assured of an acceptable return on investment.
To reach that objective, coordinated efforts to support the development of a Multilateral Transit
Framework agreement to strengthen international law covering gas transit are strongly
recommended as a priority to enable long distance pipeline projects to develop.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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4. Last Word: Closer Dialogue and Concrete Steps
While GCC-EU gas trade must develop in a competitive environment with operational
responsibilities resting firmly with the gas industry, the GCC and European Union can play an
important role in coordinating and supporting this trade. The establishment of an advisory body to
facilitate the development of common gas strategies and the exchange of information between
the GCC and EU gas industry and buyers could make an important contribution to gas trade.
Such a body is particularly important in the current period of transition to a competitive gas
market as uncertainty can impede the development of investment and trade. The body could
ensure the transparency of data and facilitate contacts between potential buyers and suppliers.
A dialogue between the GCC and EU gas industries and transit countries is also important in the
context of facilitating and safeguarding new investment and commercial opportunities. New
opportunities for foreign participation in the GCC gas and downstream industries are emerging
and this should stimulate the development of trade.
The emergence of risk mitigation strategies and financial instruments is an important
development that is not fully understood in the gas industry. Seminars and exchanges of
information between financial and commodity exchanges in the two areas that focus on the
application of these tools to energy are recommended.
The EU is already making a direct political and financial contribution to the development of gas
infrastructure through its Trans European Network (TEN) programme. A closer dialogue with the
GCC could have an impact in identifying and prioritising new projects that could facilitate the
development of gas trade with the GCC.
* * *
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
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Figures From the GCC-EU Gas Study, Completed in February 2001 by Eras
of the UK, and Analysed in the Present Report
Figure 1 (Figure 496 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 9,928 10,257 10,256 13,108 14,351 15,433 16,860
Gross production 9,928 10,257 10,256 13,108 13,393 13,393 13,393
Exports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imports 0 0 0 0 958 2,040 3,467
Gas Use in Primary Energy 2,384 2,414 2,414 3,085 3,377 3,632 3,968
Flaring & reinjection 2,384 2,414 2,414 3,085 3,377 3,632 3,968
Processing losses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic Gas Consumption 7,544 7,843 7,842 10,023 10,973 11,801 12,892
Gas Delivery Capacity 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 14,000
Domestic + Imp. capacity 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 14,000
Export capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic Gas Supply: Bahrain
Figure 2 (Figure 497 in the Eras Study)
BCM 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 11.1 11.5 11.5 14.7 16.1 17.3 18.9
Gross production 11.1 11.5 11.5 14.7 15.0 15.0 15.0
Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 2.3 3.9
Gas Use in Primary Energy 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4
Flaring & reinjection 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4
Processing losses 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Domestic Gas Consumption 8.4 8.8 8.8 11.2 12.3 13.2 14.4
Gas Delivery Capacity 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 13.4 15.7 15.7
Domestic + Imp. capacity 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 13.4 15.7 15.7
Export capacity 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Domestic Gas Supply: Bahrain
Found in Page 205 of the Eras Study
Found in Page 206 of the Eras Study
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Figure 3 (Figure 510 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 6,572 8,449 7,569 9,683 11,754 14,467 17,860
Gross production 6,572 8,449 7,569 9,683 11,754 14,467 17,860
Exports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 797 1,024 918 1,174 1,425 1,754 2,165
Processing losses 797 1,024 918 1,174 1,425 1,754 2,165
and reinjection
Domestic Gas Consumption 5,775 7,424 6,651 8,509 10,329 12,713 15,694
Gas Delivery Capacity 8,000 8,000 8,000 9,500 12,500 14,000 16,000
Domestic + Imp. capacity 8,000 8,000 8,000 9,500 12,500 14,000 16,000
Export capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic Gas Supply: Kuwait
Figure 4 (Figure 511 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 6,572 8,449 7,569 9,683 11,754 14,467 17,860
Gross production 6,572 8,449 7,569 9,683 11,754 14,467 17,860
Exports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 797 1,024 918 1,174 1,425 1,754 2,165
Processing losses 797 1,024 918 1,174 1,425 1,754 2,165
and reinjection
Domestic Gas Consumption 5,775 7,424 6,651 8,509 10,329 12,713 15,694
Gas Delivery Capacity 8,000 8,000 8,000 9,500 12,500 14,000 16,000
Domestic + Imp. capacity 8,000 8,000 8,000 9,500 12,500 14,000 16,000
Export capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic Gas Supply: Kuwait
Found in Page 212 of the Eras Study
Found in Page 213 of the Eras Study
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Figure 5 (Figure 523 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 3,205 3,380 5,118 26,472 31,589 34,519 37,739
Gross production 3,610 3,785 8,830 34,914 40,031 42,961 46,181
Exports 405 405 3,712 8,442 8,442 8,442 8,442
Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 800 850 1,900 16,176 19,686 21,279 22,853
Flaring & reinjection 650 675 1,200 10,217 12,433 13,440 14,433
Processing losses 150 175 700 5,960 7,253 7,840 8,419
Domestic Gas Consumption 2,405 2,530 3,218 10,295 11,903 13,239 14,887
Gas Delivery Capacity 12,789 19,307 27,425 27,425 27,425 27,425 27,425
Domestic + Imp. capacity 12,384 18,902 18,902 18,902 18,902 18,902 18,902
Export capacity 405 405 8,523 8,523 8,523 8,523 8,523
Domestic Gas Supply: Oman
Figure 6 (Figure 524 in the Eras Study)
BCM 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 3.6 3.8 5.7 29.6 35.4 38.7 42.3
Gross production 4.0 4.2 9.9 39.1 44.8 48.1 51.7
Exports 0.5 0.5 4.2 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 0.9 1.0 2.1 18.1 22.0 23.8 25.6
Flaring & reinjection 0.7 0.8 1.3 11.4 13.9 15.1 16.2
Processing losses 0.2 0.2 0.8 6.7 8.1 8.8 9.4
Domestic Gas Consumption 2.7 2.8 3.6 11.5 13.3 14.8 16.7
Gas Delivery Capacity 14.3 21.6 30.7 30.7 30.7 30.7 30.7
Domestic + Imp. capacity 13.9 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2
Export capacity 0.5 0.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Domestic Gas Supply: Oman
Found in Page 220 of the Eras Study
Found in Page 220 of the Eras Study
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Figure 7 (Figure 538 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 16,811 17,731 19,907 27,298 33,319 37,417 43,332
Gross production 21,362 25,308 29,526 50,914 56,935 61,033 66,948
Exports 4,551 7,577 9,619 23,616 23,616 23,616 23,616
Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 3,960 4,705 5,575 10,961 12,395 13,236 14,447
Flaring & reinjection 2,700 3,208 3,801 7,473 8,451 9,025 9,850
Processing losses 1,260 1,497 1,774 3,488 3,944 4,212 4,597
Domestic Gas Consumption 12,850 13,026 14,333 16,337 20,925 24,181 28,885
Gas Delivery Capacity 26,920 32,578 32,578 45,616 45,616 53,616 53,616
Domestic + Imp. capacity 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 30,000 30,000
Export capacity 4,920 10,578 10,578 23,616 23,616 23,616 23,616
Domestic Gas Supply: Qatar
Figure 8 (Figure 539 in the Eras Study)
BCM 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 18.8 19.9 22.3 30.6 37.3 41.9 48.5
Gross production 23.9 28.3 33.1 57.0 63.8 68.4 75.0
Exports 5.1 8.5 10.8 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4
Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 4.4 5.3 6.2 12.3 13.9 14.8 16.2
Flaring & reinjection 3.0 3.6 4.3 8.4 9.5 10.1 11.0
Processing losses 1.4 1.7 2.0 3.9 4.4 4.7 5.1
Domestic Gas Consumption 14.4 14.6 16.1 18.3 23.4 27.1 32.4
Gas Delivery Capacity 30.2 36.5 36.5 51.1 51.1 60.0 60.0
Domestic + Imp. capacity 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 33.6 33.6
Export capacity 5.5 11.8 11.8 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4
Domestic Gas Supply: Qatar
Found in Page 227 of the Eras Study
Found in Page 227 of the Eras Study
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Saudi Arabia
Figure 9 (Figure 552 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 52,500 52,916 54,847 85,368 90,575 96,957 106,320
Gross production 52,500 52,916 54,847 85,368 90,575 96,957 106,320
Exports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imports 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 15,000 15,033 15,700 27,117 28,587 29,841 30,795
Processing losses 15,000 15,033 15,700 27,117 28,587 29,841 30,795
Domestic Gas Consumption 37,500 37,883 39,147 58,252 61,988 67,116 75,525
Gas Delivery Capacity 38,500 38,700 39,286 51,786 62,500 65,500 79,000
Domestic + Imp. capacity 38,500 38,700 39,286 51,786 62,500 65,500 79,000
Export capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Domestic Gas Supply: Saudi Arabia
Figure 10 (Figure 553 in the Eras Study)
BCM 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 58.8 59.3 61.4 95.6 101.4 108.6 119.1
Gross production 58.8 59.3 61.4 95.6 101.4 108.6 119.1
Exports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Imports 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Gas Use in Primary Energy 16.8 16.8 17.6 30.4 32.0 33.4 34.5
Processing losses 16.8 16.8 17.6 30.4 32.0 33.4 34.5
Domestic Gas Consumption 42.0 42.4 43.8 65.2 69.4 75.2 84.6
Gas Delivery Capacity 43.1 43.3 44.0 58.0 70.0 73.4 88.5
Domestic + Imp. capacity 43.1 43.3 44.0 58.0 70.0 73.4 88.5
Export capacity 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Domestic Gas Supply: Saudi Arabia
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Found in Page 237 of the Eras Study
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Figure 11 (Figure 566 in the Eras Study)
000 toes 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 25,956 35,343 37,026 49,225 59,055 70,226 82,064
Gross production 32,800 42,187 43,870 51,602 60,698 71,396 83,980
Exports 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044
Imports 200 200 200 4,667 5,401 5,874 5,128
Gas Use in Primary Energy 14,361 18,029 18,708 24,974 28,790 32,667 35,263
Flaring & reinjection 12,721 16,362 17,015 22,969 26,431 29,894 32,000
Processing losses 1,640 1,667 1,693 2,005 2,358 2,774 3,263
Domestic Gas Consumption 16,605 17,314 18,118 24,251 30,265 37,558 46,802
Gas Delivery Capacity 34,633 34,633 34,633 48,830 48,830 48,830 48,830
Domestic + Imp. capacity 27,589 27,589 27,589 41,786 41,786 41,786 41,786
Export capacity 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044 7,044
Domestic Gas Supply: UAE
Figure 12 (Figure 566 in the Eras Study)
BCM 1998 1999 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Total Primary Gas Supply 29.1 39.6 41.5 55.1 66.1 78.7 91.9
Gross production 36.7 47.2 49.1 57.8 68.0 80.0 94.1
Exports 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9
Imports 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.2 6.0 6.6 5.7
Gas Use in Primary Energy 16.1 20.2 21.0 28.0 32.2 36.6 39.5
Flaring & reinjection 14.2 18.3 19.1 25.7 29.6 33.5 35.8
Processing losses 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.7
Domestic Gas Consumption 18.6 19.4 20.3 27.2 33.9 42.1 52.4
Gas Delivery Capacity 38.8 38.8 38.8 54.7 54.7 54.7 54.7
Domestic + Imp. capacity 30.9 30.9 30.9 46.8 46.8 46.8 46.8
Export capacity 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9
Domestic Gas Supply: UAE
Found in Page 245 of the Eras Study
Found in Page 245 of the Eras Study
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Task 4: Development of Renewable Energies, Promotion of the
Rational Use of Energy and Reduction of CO
in the GCC Region
Author: EPU-NTUA
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Development of Renewable Energies, Promotion of the Rational Use of
Energy and Reduction of CO
Emissions in the GCC Region
Task Ref.: 4
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
The purpose of this document is to support the RES development prospects and the
promotion of RUE in the GCC region and assess the EU-GCC co-operation. Information and
data presented has been collected by national and international organisation publications.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Scope 1
Subtask 4.1: Analysis of the constraints for the market development of RES in
the GCC member countries and needs for financial support
2. Energy and Climate Change in the GCC Region 4
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 Energy 4
2.3 Climate Change 6
3. Development of RES and RUE in EU 9
3.1 Background 9
3.2 Usual constraints to RES development 11
3.2.1 Introduction 11
3.2.2 Cost and pricing 11
3.2.3 Legal and regulatory 14
3.2.4 Market performance 15
3.3 Factors influencing RES development 16
3.3.1 Introduction 16
3.3.2 Political 16
3.3.3 Legislative 17
3.3.4 Financial 18
3.3.5 Fiscal 18
3.3.6 Administration 19
3.3.7 Technological development 19
3.3.8 Information, education and training 19
3.4 Promotion of RUE in EU 19
3.4.1 Trends 19
3.4.2 Policy 21
3.5 CO
capture and sequestration technologies 22
3.5.1 Overview 22
3.5.2 Difficulties 23
3.5.3 Perspectives 23
3.6 Concluding remarks 24
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4 RES and RUE Activities in the GCC Countries 26
4.1 RES and RUE development 26
4.1.1 Constraints 26
4.1.2 Review of the implemented activities 27
4.1.3 Perspectives 28
4.2 Bahrain 31
4.2.1 Implemented activities 31
4.2.2 Potential 32
4.3 Kuwait 34
4.3.1 Implemented activities 34
4.3.2 Potential 34
4.4 Oman 35
4.4.1 Implemented activities 35
4.4.2 Potential 37
4.5 Qatar 38
4.5.1 Implemented activities 38
4.5.2 Potential 39
4.6 Saudi Arabia 39
4.6.1 Implemented activities 39
4.6.2 Potential 43
4.7 United Arab Emirates 46
4.7.1 Implemented activities 46
4.7.2 Potential 47
4.8 Carbon Capture and Storage technologies 48
4.8.1 Overview 48
4.8.2 Perspectives 49
4.9 Concluding Remarks 49
Subtask 4.2: Potential role of the CDM to support the development of RES 53
Subtask 4.3: Potential role of a CO
Emission-Trading scheme in the GCC
member countries to enable the development of RES projects
5. Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms 54
5.1 General description 54
5.1.1 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) 55
5.1.2 Emission Trading (ET) 55
5.1.3 Joint Implementation (JI) 55
5.2 Potential role of the CDM to support the development of RES & RUE 56
5.2.1 Objective 56
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5.2.2 Analysis 56
5.2.3 Perspectives 59
5.3 Potential role of a CO
ET scheme to support the development of RES
& RUE 60
5.3.1 Objective 60
5.3.2 Analysis 61
5.3.3 Perspectives 63
5.4 Recent Developments 64
Subtask 4.4: Establishing an initial list of RES projects for priority consideration
in the context of EU-GCC co-operation
6. RES and RUE Project Ideas 66
6.1 MCDA: Description 66
6.2 MCDA: Models 67
6.3 The methodological approach 70
6.4 Identification of the criteria 71
6.5 Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas 73
6.6 Assessment of the RES and RUE project ideas 86
6.6.1 Calculations 86
6.6.2 Assumptions 88
6.6.3 Prioritized list of the RES and RUE projects 88
Subtask 4.5: Short pre-feasibility check of promising RES and RUE project
7. Short Pre-feasibility Check of Promising RES and RUE
Project Ideas 91
7.1 Introduction 91
7.2 The Structure of the Short Pre-feasibility Checks 91
7.3 Solar power to GSM telecom towers 92
7.3.1 Background 92 Policy & Legislation 92 Technology 93 Market 94
7.3.2 Project Development 95 Objective 95 Technical Description 95 Economic and Financial Check 96 Environmental Impact 98 Socio- Economic Impact 98
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7.3.3 Concluding Remarks 98
7.4 Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads 99
7.4.1 Background 99 Policy & Legislation 99 Technology 100 Market 101
7.4.2 Project Development 102 Objective 102 Technical Description 102 Economic and Financial Check 103 Risks 104 Environmental Impact 104 Socio- Economic Impact 105
7.4.3 Concluding Remarks 105
7.5 Know-how Transfer for RUE 106
7.5.1 Background 106 Policy & Legislation 106 Technology 107 Market 108
7.5.2 Project Development 108 Objective 108 Technical Description 109 Economic and Financial Check 110 Environmental Impact 112 Socio- Economic Impact 112
7.5.3 Concluding Remarks 112
7.6 Solar Cooling Systems 113
7.6.1 Background 113 Policy & Legislation 113 Technology 114 Market 115
7.6.2 Project Development 115 Objective 115 Technical Description 116 Economic and Financial Check 117 Environmental Impact 118 Socio- Economic Impact 118
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7.6.3 Concluding Remarks 119
7.7 Solar Water Heaters 119
7.7.1 Background 119 Policy & Legislation 119 Technology 120 Market 121
7.7.2 Project Development 122 Objective 122 Technical Description 122 Economic and Financial Check 124 Environmental Impact 125 Socio- Economic Impact 125
7.7.3 Concluding Remarks 125
7.8 Enhanced Oil Recovery 126
7.8.1 Background 126 Policy & Legislation 126 Technology 126 Market 128
7.8.2 Project Development 129 Objective 129 Technical Description 129 Economic and Financial Check 131 Environmental Impact 132 Socio- Economic Impact 132
7.8.3 Concluding Remarks 133
8. Conclusions 134
Annex A: RES and RUE Success Stories 138
I. Solar energy in lighting tunnel 138
II. Solar Cooling Systems 140
III. Energy Saving: Cooling load and air-conditioning 141
IV. Energy audit in the buildings 142
V. Dissemination activities: Lessons Learned 143
VI. Utilization of solarhydrogen energy 144
Annex B: Project Ideas Evaluation 145
References 146
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Executive Summary
I. Introduction
The energy dialogue between the European Union (EU) and the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) on energy issues has been going on for over a decade now. GCC
countries are major suppliers of oil and gas to EU and at the same time a market for
European exports. Nowadays, a regional dialogue between the EU and the GCC is
possible to contribute to improving European and global energy supply conditions and
should be pursued. Due to the EU growing energy import requirements, EUs major
interest is to develop a strategic partnership with the GCC member countries to:
x Guarantee continuing oil supplies in conditions of stability and security.
x Develop gas supplies to contribute to the diversification of European sources of
imported gas.
The energy share of the total primary energy supply in GCC countries is heavily based
on fossil fuels, mainly oil and natural gas. Electricity production is also mainly produced
from fossil fuels. Furthermore, rapid population increase and massive infrastructure
development is fuelling the increasing demand for electricity throughout the region.
The use and development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Rational Use of
Energy (RUE) could make a significant contribution to improving environmental
protection and to guarantying continuing oil supplies in conditions of stability and
security. GCC region offers massive business potential for regional and international
companies involved in the power generation, lighting and RES energy industries since
the potential development of RES in the GCC region would have mutual benefits for both
the EU and the GCC countries.
The assessment of the constraints that RES projects have to encounter in order to be
implemented and the investigation of the effective application of the Kyoto Flexible
Mechanisms are essential for the exploitation of the RES and RUE potential in the
region. Furthermore, the development of a rigid methodological approach for the
establishment of an initial list of RES and RUE projects could:
x Provide a useful aid to potential investors and project developers for the identification
of the most promising RES and RUE projects in the GCC region.
x Contribute to the achievement of the most effective EU-GCC cooperation in the field
of RES and RUE.
II. Energy and Climate Change
The GCC countries are well known for their large petroleum and gas reserves. They
produce approximately 15 million barrels per day, representing 18% of the world's oil
production. The use of oil and gas as primary fuels is expected to further expand, due to
the accelerated developments in the respective technologies, which lead to more
efficient processes in all aspects of exploration and production activities. This is a reason
for GCC member states to take steps towards reforming the oil and gas sector, in order
to guarantee profitable operations, allowing for new developments.
At present, the contribution of RES in the GCC countries is relatively low, because of
both the large oil and gas resource base and the greater competitiveness of conventional
energy supply technologies based on oil and gas. However, the increase of energy
consumption in the GCC region is, to a certain extent, an inevitable outcome of social
and economic development. In addition, since 1991, CO
emissions have increased by
more than 50% in the region.
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As concerns the climate change, all the GCC countries have signed and ratified into the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Furthermore,
most of the GCC countries (Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) have
recently (January 2005) accessed the Kyoto Protocol.
With respect to the above, GCC countries are currently stating a process of
environmental awakening. GCC governments are fully aware that they have to exploit
their RES and RUE potential, especially in the prevailing situation of price fluctuations,
the rapid population and consequently the increasing demand for electricity throughout
the region. In this framework, GCC governments have intensified their efforts to increase
public awareness regarding environmental issues and especially the climate change.
Nevertheless, it is in the interests of both the GCC and the EU countries to ensure that
the adverse environmental impact of GCC development is minimized.
III. RES and RUE Activities
The development of RES - particularly energy from wind, water, sun and biomass - is a
central aim of the world and EU energy policy, since:
x RES have an important role to play in reducing CO
x RES help to improve the security of energy supply by reducing dependence on
imported energy sources.
However, there have been many reasons expounding the reason why RES market
development worldwide has been much slower than predicted. The market development
of RES has been stiffed by usual constraints.
These constraints are often quite situational - specific in any given region or country.
Nevertheless, all of these constraints can be included into one of the following
x Cost and pricing, such as subsidies for competing fuels, initial capital cost, difficulty
of fuel risk assessment and transaction cost.
x Legal and regulatory, including the absence of legal framework / agreements,
restrictions on sitting and construction and accessibility to transmission system.
x Market performance, comprising the non-existence of country assistance
strategies, technology performance uncertainty / risk, awareness / experience in
social, rural, environment sectors.
Based on the above structure, the main RES and RUE constraints in the GCC countries
are presented as follows:
x Cost and Pricing: The availability of governmental subsidies for oil and electricity
generation and non-availability of similar subsidies for RES and RUE activities is a
common characteristic of the GCC energy system. Such subsidies inhibit the RES to
compete with the available commercial energy sources. Moreover, due to the high
initial capital cost and the unfavorable power pricing assessment for the RES and
RUE, investments are needed to be increased.
x Legal and Regulatory: A common characteristic for all GCC countries is the absence
of legal framework / agreements for the promotion of RES and RUE. The industry
needs encouragement by the governments in the form of national goals, legislation
and partnership - agreements with the international industry to kick-start a viable
domestic market.
x Market Performance: The most important market performance constraint is the non-
existence of country assistance strategies regarding RES and RUE. Furthermore,
other market performance constraints that these projects have to encounter are the
low awareness / experience in the rural sector and the lacking of commercial skill and
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Till now, RES and RUE activities (pilot, research and real life projects) were conducted
by institutions, scientific and research centres, companies and some relevant
governmental and non-governmental bodies. As a result, several small and medium
capacity projects were installed and tested.
Taking into consideration both the implemented activities and potential, it is possible to
distinguish groups of GCC countries with similar characteristics:
x The first group of countries includes Saudi Arabia and UAE, which have shown a
significant effort regarding the development of RES and RUE. More specifically:
o Saudi Arabia has been at the forefront of research and development regarding
RES and especially solar energy. There are a number of RES and RUE
implemented activities and major institutes and companies that support these
efforts (e.g. Energy Research Institute ERI, BP Solar Arabia LTD etc.).
Furthermore, the government has intensified its efforts to increase public
awareness regarding environmental issues and especially the climate change.
o As concerns the UAE, taking into consideration the research and development
efforts concerning the solar hydrogen economy and the significant number of
projects implemented in the region it can be assumed that RES development is a
major priority for the country. In addition, the Ministry of Electricity and Water of
UAE decided to establish a department to investigate solar power and its uses.
x The second group comprises countries that have performed some progress
regarding the promotion of RES and RUE projects, but still need significant efforts to
be made. In this group belong Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. More specifically:
o Bahrain has a great solar and wind potential. Due to the regional character of
most RES technologies, they can play a virtual role to the commercialization and
provision of energy and energy services to remote and isolated areas, since this
country consists of a large number of islands.
o Oman recently started to exploit RES. Applications such as wind-powered,
electric water-pumping systems and desalination plants using solar power to run
reverse osmosis are tested and they appear to be particularly useful in remote
rural areas in Oman, which do not have the social amenity and infrastructure
enjoyed by the large towns and cities.
o In Qatar, the promotion of environmental friendly technologies didnt seem to be
of high importance in the country during the last years. However, recent studies
regarding the assessment of the potential and economical feasibility of adopting
off-shore/on-shore wind energy and the economic evaluation of PV technology
brought the RES to the forefront.
o In Kuwait, applications of solar energy for power generation, desalination and
air-conditioning were the major areas of research during the mid-seventies.
However, even though these applications provided a series of benefits, the
development and dissemination process of such technologies has been slower
than expected. As concerns the energy conservation measures, new energy-
efficient products and energy management procedures have not been introduced
in the energy system, since the electricity is highly subsidized and the regulatory
framework has not been updated since 1983.
Nowadays, it is clear that GCC region is keenly interested in taking a more active part in
the development of new technologies for exploiting and utilizing RES and RUE, because
of the following considerations:
x GCC has significant potential for exploiting RES and especially solar energy.
x GCC has an area where many remote villages can benefit from RES applications.
x A significant technological background exists based on research activities in the
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region. Applications of RES and RUE technologies (i.e. solar) have already been
developed and can be assumed as matured.
IV. The Role of the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms
The debate in the EU regarding the Kyoto Protocol objectives and more specifically the
possible use of its flexible mechanisms, could open up new avenues for cooperation with
the GCC, taking into consideration the characteristics of GCC member countries and the
status of EU international commitments with respect to the UNFCCC.
More analytically, the main objectives of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are:
x To encourage the sustainable development of non-Annex I countries by means of
institutional capacity building and technology transfer.
x To enable Annex I countries to meet part of their Kyoto commitments cost-effectively
by means of abatement projects in non-Annex I countries.
Nowadays, according to recent studies, CDM should focus on small scale RES and
RUE activities, in order to be a real and successful mechanism. This is supported by the
following arguments:
x RES maximise the total funds that will flow from developed to developing countries
via the CDM, by keeping out cheap and low quality projects.
x Since RES and RUE technologies are the fastest growing energy industries in the
world today, a RES / RUE possible project through the CDM could ensure that
developing countries are part of that transition.
x These projects could minimise wasted investment and infrastructure in dead-end
fuels and technologies.
x The development of these activities could minimise 'lock-in' of dependence on fuels
like coal.
x The implementation of these projects through the CDM could maximise the transfer
of technology and provision of power to most of the developing countries.
Furthermore, Emissions Trading (ET) refers to the ability of Annex I countries to
exchange part of their emission commitments and to redistribute in effect the division of
allowed emissions between them. This market-based instrument allows Annex I
countries to purchase the rights to emit greenhouse gases from other Annex I countries,
which have reduced their GHG emissions below their assigned amounts.
Intergovernmental emission trading or inter-source trading, where assigned amounts are
allocated to sub-national entities, can also be possible.
In this context, the EU member states have agreed to fulfil their commitments to reduce
anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol jointly, in
accordance with Decision 2002/358/EC. This Directive aims to contribute to fulfilling the
commitments of the EU more effectively, through an efficient market in GHG emission
allowances, with the least possible diminution of economic development and
employment. Furthermore, the Linking Directive has been adopted and is expected to
open the EU ET scheme to credits from the Kyoto Protocol project-based mechanisms.
Operators of the installations covered by the EU-ETS will be able to buy credits from the
Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) from 2005.
Taking into consideration the fact that recently the Russian government approved the
Kyoto Protocol on global warming, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 16 February
2005. Most of the GCC countries (Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates)
have recently (January 2005) accessed the Kyoto Protocol. Now, GCC countries
estimate that via the Kyoto Protocol, great investment opportunities will emerge for the
region and new avenues for EU-GCC cooperation will be opened.
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Based on the above, nowadays, through joint technology programmes, financial
assistance and private investments, the EU can support the improvement of the regions
energy efficiency and promote the development of RES in the GCC countries.
Furthermore, GCC countries can take advantage of the unexploited RES potential with
particular reference to solar and wind power gaining additional revenues from the sale of
CERs. International organisations, governments and numerous of non-governmental
organisations could facilitate the implementation of CDM projects in these countries.
Technology transfer will also contribute to strengthening security of supply by improving
access to resources and by contributing to the diversity of fuel availability.
V. Initial List of RES and RUE Projects
An initial list of RES and RUE project ideas has been developed, taking into
x The implemented activities in the GCC region.
x The perspectives and directions for the development of RES in the GCC countries.
x The provision by the GCC member states of ideas for RES and RUE projects.
This list will be used in order to establish a discussion basis. Following, it will be
evaluated and prioritized under a set of criteria, using the Multiple Criteria Decision
Analysis (MCDA). Analytically, the methodology comprises the following four stages:
x Identification of the criteria.
x Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas.
x Assessment of RES and RUE project ideas.
x Finalisation of the initial list of RES and RUE projects.
In the developed project assessment methodology, there will be an evaluation of energy
projects under a set of criteria. Some of the criteria are the ones expressing:
x The potential of the most available RES in the GCC region, based on the research
and development work in the area.
x The potential of improving energy efficiency to the maximum level.
x The improvement of security of supply in the GCC involved.
x The improvement of hydrocarbons exploitation efficiency.
In the set of criteria, special focus has been also given to the environmental criteria,
reflecting the contribution to the climate change and the impact on land resources. The
assessment of the technology, introduced by the project, in terms of its level of maturity,
the financial risk and the cost / benefit ratio has been also taken into consideration
through the assignment of the respective criteria. In addition, the set of criteria used
includes a number of social criteria reflecting poverty alleviation, urbanization and the
commercialization of the energy and energy services to the remote areas.
The above criteria include the impacts on the income and the living standards in the local
community and the reduction of inequalities due to the projects implementation.
Furthermore, when assigning a value to these criteria, the projects contribution to
meeting the increasing energy demand should be considered. Finally, estimation is
conducted regarding the level of involvement of the GCC countries.
The assessment of project ideas, based on the MCDA approach and the selected set of
criteria, will help decision makers to:
x Organize and synthesize information.
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x Feel comfortable and confident about making a decision.
x Minimize the potential of disregarding one or more criteria that should have properly
been taken into account.
Fifteen (15) RES, RUE and CO
sequestration project ideas were selected in total. The
selected project ideas mostly concern the exploitation of solar and wind energy and aim
to reduce GHG emissions, the dependency on fossil fuels for energy production and the
energy cost in the final demand sector (e.g. solar water heaters, solar cooling system).
More specifically, the examined RES project ideas are the following:
x Solar Power for Electricity Generation for desert communities throughout the
region aiming to reduce the need for conventional peak saving power plants.
x Solar Hydrogen Energy for Electricity Generation for the exploitation of the
increased hydrogen flexibility in order to meet the future energy needs of the
electricity generation.
x Wind Farm for Electricity Generation via small to medium-size wind energy
turbine systems, which is proved to be both efficient and competitive in some
remote locations.
x Fuel Cells for Electricity Generation in remote areas for the promotion and use of
fuel cells and the reduction of the energy cost in the electricity sector.
x Promotion of the Utilization of Biomass for electricity production in GCC,
enhancing in long term the capability of GCC, in order to manage and convert the
municipal wastes to energy in a sustainable manner.
x Development of a GIS (Geographical Information System) for the identification of
the technical and economical exploitable RES potential in each GCC country and
especially the high-potential areas for RES applications.
Accordingly, the proposed RUE project ideas are the following:
x Solar Power for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) Telecom
Towers in remote areas and therefore reduction of the energy cost in the tertiary
sector using stand alone solar power systems.
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads, aiming at the development of RUE
for the reduction of the energy cost in the tertiary sector, using solar energy systems
for lighting.
x Solar Power for Small Cash Crop (vegetable/fruits etc) including integrated drip
irrigation systems, which could help overcome water shortages and make small
plots economically viable.
x Solar Water Heaters for domestic water heating purposes and therefore reduction
of the energy cost in the final demand sectors.
x Solar Cooling Systems for the reduction of the annual electricity production and
the implementation of energy conservation measures in air-conditioned buildings.
x Desalination with Solar and Wind Power for the production of potable water from
a solar desalination plant and wind for groundwater pumping.
x Know-how Transfer for RUE for the promotion of mutually beneficial technological
co-operation between organizations and professionals for innovative efficient
technologies and transfer of the appropriate know-how in energy management and
in particular energy auditing procedures in the GCC.
Last, two additional CO
sequestration project ideas were selected. More specifically, the
project ideas that will be investigated are:
x Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) for the oil industry in order to substantially reduce
emissions, and, in the case of EOR, to increase the recovery from oil fields.
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x Reduce Gas Flaring, to maintain the pressure in the hydrocarbon reservoirs
through the re-injection of the gas, thus enhancing their life, while eliminating the
emissions not just on a local but on a global level.
The assessment of the above project ideas based on the MCDA leads to the elaboration
of a prioritized list of RES, RUE and CO
sequestration projects, which could be
considered for the future. The finalized list is also taken for consideration in the context of
the EU-GCC co-operation.
The weights and values provided to the criteria are subject to discussions among the
energy experts. The above methodology aims at supporting or aiding decision making.
Therefore, the methodology doesnt prescribe how decisions should be made, nor is it
about describing how decisions are made in the absence of formal support.
Based on the evaluation of project ideas and the elaboration of a prioritized list of RES
and RUE actions, a number of promising projects can be considered in the future. More
specifically, the six most promising projects, which can be considered of high priority in
the context of the EU-GCC co-operation are the following:
x Solar power for GSM Telecom Towers.
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads.
x Know-how Transfer for RUE.
x Solar Cooling Systems.
x Solar Water Heaters.
x CO
VI. Short Pre-Feasibility Check of RES and RUE Projects
Most of the above projects concern RUE projects using solar energy, and a CO
sequestration project. For these promising projects, a short pre-feasibility check has
been conducted to quantify for each project impacts and benefits. This short pre-
feasibility check comprises the EU and GCC region context influencing the project
activity (policy and legislation, market), a technical description of the project employed
technology, a short economic check, the identification of the most important risks and the
project contribution to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable development.
More analytically, the main parts of the six pre-feasibility checks are briefly presented as
x Solar Power for GSM Telecom Towers:
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: Many incentives exist in the EU for the PV promotion,
especially as concerns Telecom Towers applications. On the other hand,
legislative barriers are responsible for limited development of these
technologies in the GCC region.
9 Technology: Highly developed solar telecommunication systems exist in the
EU, already considered as fully commercialized and vigorously pursued by
many companies within the PV industry. Solar telecommunication projects
have been developed in GCC, constituting of telecommunication sites,
cathodic protection systems, GSM base stations and pay phones.
9 Market: EU is now the second world's largest manufacturer of PVs for
telecommunications. Moreover, universities, institutes and multinational
companies in the GCC region are focused on PVs development and their
potential applications.
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o Project Development
9 Objective: This project demonstrates the concept of a mobile, highly reliable
and isolated PV system for GSM Telecom Towers in remote areas without
grid connection.
9 Technical Description: Solar power systems for telecommunications
typically supply power to continuous loads ranging from 1 W single terminal
to multi-kW repeater stations located in places with no access to the
electricity grid. These solar photo-voltaic panels are self draining and
cleaning and have maximum reliability.
9 Economic and Financial Check: These systems are attractive investments,
with a short payback period (a5 year), which can be reduced using
financing mechanisms such as grants, TPF and leasing.
9 Risks: There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project.
However, most of them can be controlled during the implementation phase.
The most important is the technical risk concerning the dust effect.
9 Environmental Impact: These systems are generally considered of benign
environmental impact.
9 Socio - Economic Impact: This project can improve communication
accessibility in all rural communities and strengthen the market for PV
o Concluding Remarks: Telecom Tower applications are viable to particular
power supply requirements and attractive for application in GCCs desert areas.
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads:
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: EU has adopted energy efficiency legislation and
directives, giving special attention to the lighting products. On the other
hand, cost and pricing constraints due to the governmental subsidies for
electricity generation are the main reasons explaining the relatively limited
development of these projects in the GCC region.
9 Technology: The use of PV lighting projects for streets and roads in the EU
has been extended in the previous years. In addition, stand alone lighting
systems, solar powered pay phones and aviation obstruction warning lights
have been specially adapted to the GCC region conditions.
9 Market: The size of the EUs technological infrastructure is gigantic, thus it
has a huge market for such systems. Furthermore, a few, mostly
multinational, companies from the GCC region have developed a number of
aviation warning or obstruction lights.
o Project Development
9 Objective: This project will demonstrate the usability of reliable, self-
contained solar power systems, used for street lighting, telecom towers,
bridges, pylons and other structures in the GCC region.
9 Technical Description: These systems are independent of the grid thanks to
the solar module and safety officials and can now be sure of autonomous
and reliable operation without sacrificing safety.
9 Economic and Financial Check: An indicative solar powered street lighting
project is an attractive investment with a very short payback period (a1,2
9 Risks: There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project,
such as the risk of falling rocks or wild animals damaging PV systems.
9 Environmental Impact: These projects can play an important role in
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mitigating environmental problems.
9 Socio - Economic Impact: The project has a powerful social benefit since
road safety is a major issue throughout the GCC region.
o Concluding Remarks: The presumed EU-GCC co-operation in the framework
of this project can take advantage of the massive infrastructure development in
EU regarding solar lighting and the huge market potential for energy efficiency
improvement in the lighting sector in the GCC region.
x Know-how Transfer for RUE:
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: In EU there are important networks of experts and
support programmes for non-technical actions in the field of energy
efficiency, especially for transferring know-how and exchanging
experiences. However, in the GCC region there are no energy conservation
programs for the promotion of such actions.
9 Technology: A huge number of programmes exist in the EU to promote
RUE actions. In the GCC region, a few technical studies have been
conducted for energy efficient technologies, which have helped local energy
actors to gain experience in the fields of instrumentation, calibration, data
collection and monitoring and analysis.
9 Market: Great emphasis has been given in EU regarding the building of
scientific and political consensus. In this framework, EC has set up a
number of communication channels on different policy-making and policy-
drafting levels, such as websites, publications and workshops. On the other
hand, significant market barriers still exist in the GCC region, such as the
lack of database on such projects, inadequate demonstration experiences
and insufficient training in the energy efficiency-related field.
o Project Development
9 Objective: The project aims to transfer appropriate know-how in energy
management and in particular energy auditing procedures in the GCC. In
addition, it promotes mutually beneficial technological co-operation between
organizations and professionals for innovative efficient technologies,
addressed to the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors.
9 Technical Description: The main activities for the promotion of RUE in the
context of the project comprise newsletters and publications, training
programmes seminars, workshops, use of standards and labels, energy
site educating on basic energy efficiency measures and informative material
to a wide society range.
9 Economic and Financial Check: The specific budget for an action plan
raising public awareness regarding RUE, which consists of 2 workshops
and web sites is estimated to be around 50-60 thousand Euros. Grants can
be provided from EC and international financing programmes (e.g. GEF), as
well as governmental funds.
9 Risks: Project risks that can bring out some threats to the achievement of
the projects objectives are political, legislative, financial and technical.
However, most of them can be controlled during the implementation phase.
9 Environmental Impact: Given the nature of the project, there are no
negative environmental impacts.
9 Socio - Economic Impact: The current project aims to stimulate the interest
of decision makers and industry leaders for the adaptation of energy
efficient technologies.
o Concluding Remarks: There is a pressing need to renew commitment both at
EU and GCC level to promote energy efficiency more actively and this project
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constitutes of a number of actions so as to convince local decision makers and
industry leaders for the adaptation of energy efficient technologies.
x Solar Cooling Systems:
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: The main EU drivers to reduce the level of energy
consumed within buildings and to accelerate the growth of the market for
solar cooling systems are the recent directives on the buildings energy
performance and on the useful heat and electricity co-generation. In the
GCC region, pricing and legislative constraints have blocked the wide
spread implementation of solar cooling technologies.
9 Technology: A significant number of solar-cooling projects were held in EU.
In addition, solar heating and cooling technological development has been
supported by multinational EU programmes. Research or pilot projects have
been developed in the GCC countries, especially in Kuwait.
9 Market: Many solar cooling companies exist in Europe. In addition, in some
EU countries, solar cooling systems are supported by the government
through subsidy programs, demonstrational projects and information
campaigns (e.g. Germany). On the other hand, even though the GCC
region offers massive market potential for such applications, not many
manufacturers of solar cooling systems exist.
o Project Development
9 Objective: This project aims to reduce the yearly electricity production and
the implementation of energy conservation measures in air-conditioned
buildings. Solar space cooling is important in these countries, where nearly
half of the total produced electricity is used for air conditioning.
9 Technical Description: Solar cooling based on the use of vapour absorption
chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100 qC using flat plate collectors is an
attractive proposition. In addition, these technologies are a very good
solution for commercial applications, such as supermarkets, theatres and
9 Economic and Financial Check: This investment has a payback period of
about 12,5 years. Taking into consideration the high initial capital cost, a
number of financing mechanisms have been designed to facilitate financing
of such projects, such as grants, TPF and leasing.
9 Risks: The most important risk is related to the very high initial capital cost
of these systems, compared to conventional systems.
9 Environmental Impact: The current project is generally considered of benign
environmental impact, generating no noise or chemical pollutants during
9 Socio - Economic Impact: The most important social benefits concern the
improvement of the life quality through the delivery of modern social
services. On the economical aspect, this project will be helpful for the
strengthening of the solar cooling market and the dispersion of the energy
o Concluding Remarks: A significant reduction of the yearly electricity production
can be achieved through the implementation of energy conservation via solar
cooling systems in air-conditioned buildings.
x Solar Water Heaters:
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: EC has released directives to promote SWHs. In
addition, there exist initiatives to promote and enhance solar market at the
European as well as the national and regional level. In the GCC region,
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various regulatory and awareness issues pose a barrier towards the wide
scale adoption of this technology.
9 Technology: The EU gives great emphasis to SWHs technology, since solar
heating can make a significant contribution to meeting the EU's Kyoto
targets for CO
-emission reductions. EU companies have developed a
range of high quality products and a significant level of expertise. In the
GCC region, only the ERI of the KACST has completed technical studies on
these systems and introduced individual SWHs.
9 Market: In EU, the solar industry still consists of many small and medium
enterprises, whereas in GCC only few SWHs local manufacturers exist.
o Project Development
9 Objective: The specific project aims to develop the solar energy and to
reduce the energy cost in the final demand sectors, successfully utilizing the
regions significant solar potential.
9 Technical Description: Forced closed-type solar water heating systems,
constituting of a special metallic absorber for flat plate collectors and a
hydraulic press for bulk manufacturing could provide sufficient hot water for
a family of five persons living in a GCC country.
9 Economic and Financial Check: The calculated cost of 1 kWh of useful
heating energy from solar power is around 0,035 . Generally, it is an
attractive investment with a short payback period, a little less than 1 year.
9 Risks: The most important risk is the business, since most potential users
still do not have motivation to consider investing in solar thermal systems.
9 Environmental Impact: This project can play an important role in mitigating
environmental problems, since it is generally considered of benign
environmental impact.
9 Socio - Economic Impact: The current project can support the growth of the
solar thermal market. In addition, it can improve the quality of life through
the delivery of modern social services.
o Concluding Remarks: It is an attractive solution in order to reduce electricity
consumption in water-heating sectors for many hot water domestic and industrial
x CO
o Background
9 Policy & Legislation: In the EU there is a regulatory framework to support
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project development. On the contrary,
in the GCC region the correlated legislation and the awareness regarding
climate change is limited.
9 Technology: The R&D of the sequestration technologies in the EU has been
a matter of high priority and a number of programmes and on-going projects
exist, ensuring that the EU remains at the forefront of the international
communitys efforts to combat climate change. On the contrary to the GCC
countries huge potential for the application of CCS technologies, the
applied projects are very limited.
9 Market: In Europe, a significant number of oil & gas power companies and
suppliers & manufacturers exist, which have the knowledge on CO
technologies. On the other hand, the GCC market for these technologies is
still niche, since only a small number of project developers exist as regards
CCS in the gulf region.
o Project Development
9 Objective: The specific project aims to demonstrate the opportunities
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emerging for the oil industry to participate in activities that will substantially
reduce emissions, and, in the case of EOR, increase the recovery from oil
9 Technical Description: Technology to re-inject carbon dioxide into oil fields
to enhance recovery is already deployed in more than 70 sites around the
world. The injection of CO
into depleted oil reservoirs, in the context of
EOR, improves recovery rates in oil and gas production.
9 Economic and Financial Check: Even though the current project technology
is proven, it is not fully commercialized yet. Mostly, demonstration and R&D
projects have been developed and consequently, the proposed financial
schemes cant be very specific since the experience from real life projects is
extremely limited.
9 Risks: The most important is the technical risk, mainly depending on the
natural settings, the integrity of the reservoirs, the quality of well and sealing
package and the possibility of unforeseeable events.
9 Environmental Impact: CO
-EOR technology may be one of the most
important technology issues on reduction of CO
from fossil fuel usage in
the future. However, there are some uncertainties, mainly due to the slow or
sudden release of CO
to the atmosphere.
9 Socio - Economic Impact: The current project can provide affordable, clean
energy to meet expanding energy demand and ease the economic costs of
sustainable development.
o Concluding Remarks: The potential for commercial-scale EOR provides the
incentive for oil producers to become involved in CO
capture in order to meet
the rising level of oil demand. Many have already recognized that this is a win-
win situation for them.
The results from this task provide design recommendations to project developers and will
assist project investors and other potentially interested project participants to identify
commercially profitable projects, which are also promoting the sustainable development
goals of the GCC country.
VII. Concluding Points
A number of new and more effective energy-efficient products and techniques have been
tested in the region. In addition, some energy small-scale solar applications and
management procedures in public buildings are expected to be intensified in the near
However, these efforts cant be considered as sufficient enough. More specifically, GCC
governments are fully aware that they cannot depend on oil for their income forever,
especially in the prevailing situation of price fluctuations, the rapid population and
consequently the increasing demand for electricity throughout the region. Consequently,
their major challenge for the near future needs to be the commercialization and industrial
use of large-scale RES and RUE applications.
The previous paragraphs demonstrated the multitude of opportunities for market diffusion
of RES technologies in the GCC region. They provided quantitative evidence of the vast
undeveloped RES potential, showed numerous applications of RES technologies
suitable for GCC consumers and looked at the current RES industry in GCC.
The assessment of the fifteen (15) RES and RUE project ideas, presented in the
previous paragraphs, based on a number of criteria led to the elaboration of a prioritized
list of RES, RUE and CO
sequestration projects, which could be considered of high
priority in the future, in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation.
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From the short pre-feasibility check conducted to the six (6) most promising ones, it was
clearly illustrated that solar applications seem to be the best and least expensive
means of providing the basic energy services that are lacking to every individual in the
GCC region. These technologies can make commercial energy and energy services
available to remote GCC areas and improve the quality of life through the delivery of
modern social services. This is indeed true, especially taking into consideration the vast
unexploited solar potential of the GCC region and the enormous technological
infrastructure in EU.
Moreover, there is a pressing need to renew commitments both at EU and GCCs level to
promote energy efficiency more actively. This is especially important when seen in the
light of the Kyoto agreement to reduce CO
emissions, where improved energy efficiency
will play a key role in meeting international commitments. Dissemination and diffusion
activities for raising public awareness in energy efficient technologies and promotion of
mutually beneficial technological co-operation between organizations and professionals
for innovative efficient technologies are actions of high priority.
In addition, the CO
sequestration technologies are drawing increasing interest from
around the world, since they can be applied to each of the fossil energy industries.
Taking into account the vast oil reserves & production capacity, the GCC regions
potential for the application of these technologies is huge. Many had already recognized
that it was a win-win situation for them.
The use of the aforementioned attractive projects can play an important role in starting a
cleaner and environmentally sound energy market. Using the clean and energy efficiency
technologies that have already proven to be competitive, GCC companies can make a
profit today, while creating a path for the future renewable energy technological
advantages. As GCC business become experienced with installation and maintenance
on a large scale, new markets for these technologies will open up, creating even more
competitive opportunities.
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1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The energy dialogue between the EU and GCC on energy issues has been going on for
over a decade now. In 1989 the EC and the GCC concluded a Cooperation Agreement
under which the EU and GCC foreign ministers met once a year at a Joint Ministerial
Meeting. The objective of this agreement was to facilitate trade relations, as well as more
generally to contribute to strengthening stability in a strategic part of the world. Working
groups have been established in the fields of industrial cooperation, energy and
environment. In 1996, decentralised cooperation (university, business and media
cooperation) was added to the agenda.
The 1989 Cooperation Agreement also contained a commitment from both EC and GCC
sides to enter into negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement. The negotiating mandate
from the Council of the European Union, adopted in 2001, states as condition for
signature of such an agreement the constitution of a GCC Customs Union. The Custom
Union finally came into force on 1
January 2003, even though some other implementing
measures remain to be applied.
GCC countries are major suppliers of oil and gas to the EU and at the same time a
market for European exports. In 2001, ~11% of the EUs oil imports came from the GCC
area and GCC is the EUs principal trading partner in the Arab world. The GCC remains
the EUs 5
largest export market. [1]
Analytically, the European companies have progressively become more and more
involved in the Middle East, first the oil and gas companies by entering into exploration
and production licenses or contracts and then the European service and equipment
companies. EU Member States are the second most important foreign investor in the
GCC after the United States, which is almost exclusively within the petrochemical sector.
Nowadays, a regional dialogue between the EU and the GCC may contribute to
improving European and global energy supply conditions and should be pursued. This
dialogue does not exclude parallel initiatives promoted from other institutional forums,
and should be coordinated with the latter. [3-4]
1.2 Scope
The current project concerns the following two topics included in the SYNERGY
x Security of energy supply of the EU.
x Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in third countries in the framework of the
Kyoto protocol.
Due to the growing energy import requirements of the EU, it is of major interest for the
EU to develop a strategic partnership with the GCC member countries to guarantee
continuing oil supplies in conditions of stability and security and develop gas supplies to
contribute to the diversification of European sources of imported gas.
In addition, the promotion in these countries of the use of cleaner fuels, notably natural
gas, and the development of RES in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol, will contribute
to limit CO
emissions and local oil demand, and thus free additional volumes of oil for
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The present document is a first draft of the report: Development of Renewable Energies,
promotion of the Rational Use of Energy and Reduction of CO
emissions in the GCC
region, which aims at:
x Elaborating proposals to promote the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and
Rational Use of Energy (RUE) in the GCC countries with the support of the EU.
x Analysing the role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the EU Emission
Trading Scheme (ETS) in order to exploit the significant RES and RUE potential.
x Establishing an initial list of RES and RUE projects for priority consideration in the
context of the EU-GCC co-operation.
x Performing short pre-feasibility checks of promising RES and RUE projects.
The purpose of the document is to suggest and support the RES development prospects
and the promotion of RUE in the GCC region and assess the EU-GCC cooperation.
Information and data presented in the document has been collected by international
organisation publications.
The document is structured along eight main parts and two annexes:
x The first section presents the introduction.
x The second section presents an overview of the energy and climate change issues in
the GCC region.
x The third section aims to present the development of RES and RUE as well as CO
Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technologies in EU. More specifically, the
identification of the usual constraints for the market development of RES, the main
factors influencing RES development and the EU policy regarding promotion of RUE
are presented. In addition, a brief overview of the CCS technologies current status,
difficulties and perspectives in EU is being conducted.
x A review is performed in the fourth section, concerning the main RES and RUE
constraints in the GCC countries. Furthermore, the RES and RUE implemented
activities and the relevant potential in the GCC countries are analysed. CCS
technologies current status, difficulties and perspectives in the GCC region is also
x The fifth section presents the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms. More specifically, the
potential role of the CDM and the CO
ET scheme to support the development of RES
and RUE projects is presented. Special emphasis has been given to the recent
developments, which can formulate some additional investment opportunities for the
GCC countries.
x In the sixth section, a list of RES and RUE project ideas has been established. This
list is evaluated and prioritized under a set of criteria, using the Multiple Criteria
Decision Analysis (MCDA) in order to identify promising projects to be taken under
consideration in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation.
x The seventh section is devoted to the development of short pre-feasibility checks of
the promising RES and RUE project ideas. These short pre-feasibility checks will
quantify for each one of the RES and RUE promising project ideas impacts and
benefits and will provide design recommendations appropriate to the GCC region
x The last part is the Conclusions, where all the main points that have arisen from this
study concerning the development of RES, promotion of the RUE and reduction of
emissions in the GCC region will be summarized.
x The Annex A presents some RES and RUE success stories in the GCC countries.
x Finally, Annex B presents the analytical performance of each project idea to the
selected criteria used in the MCDA.
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Analysis of the constraints for the market
development of RES in the GCC member countries
and needs for financial supportG
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2. Energy and Climate Change in the GCC Region
2.1 Overview
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) is a regional organisation
created in May 1981 by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab
Emirates. Behind the creation was a general perception by these states of their
vulnerability arising from their oil wealth in contrast to their small and dispersed
populations (~33 million) and their vast surface area (~2,3 million km
). [1,5]
Basic general data of the GCC countries are presented in brief in table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Basic general data of the GCC countries
Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar
Area (Sq Km) 665 17.820 212.460 11.437 1.960.582 82.880
boundaries (km)
0 462 1.374 60 4.431 867
Population 2004 677.886 2.257.549 2.903.165 840,290 25.795.938 2,523,915
growth rate (%)
1,6 3,3 3,4 2,9 3,3 1,6
GDP 2003
(billion $ PPP)
11,29 41,46 36,7 17,54 287,8 57,7
Climate Arid, mild,
very hot,
Dry desert,
short and
cool winters
Dry desert,
hot and
coast, hot
and dry
monsoon in
far south.
Arid, mild,
very hot,
Harsh, dry
desert with
cooler in
Source: EU and CIA web sites
2.2 Energy
The GCC countries are well known for their large petroleum and gas reserves. The GCC
member countries produce approximately 15 million barrels per day, representing ~18%
of the worlds oil production. GGC countries hold ~500 billion barrels reserves,
representing ~45% of world total. [6]
Moreover, estimated reserves of natural gas stand at ~23 trillion cubic meters or ~16% of
the world reserves of natural gas. In addition to huge oil and gas production and treatment
facilities, the GCC countries have built a world-class refining, petrochemical, fertilizers and
energy intensive industries such as primary aluminium, iron and steel and water
desalination. [6-7] Basic energy data of the GCC countries are presented in brief in
following Table 2.2.
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Table 2.2: Basic energy data of the GCC countries
Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar
United Arab
Proven Oil
Reserves 2003
(bil. Bbl)
0,13 96,50 5,50 15,20 264,20 97,80
Oil Production
2003 (mil. Bbl/d)
0,04 2,00 0,90 0,93 8,80 2,65
Oil Consumption-
2003 (mil. Bbl/d)
0,03 0,29 0,05 0,03 1,550 0,31
Natural Gas
3,25 52,20 29,30 509,00 224,70 212,00
Natural Gas
0,32 0,34 0,49 1,14 1,90 1,59
Natural Gas
2003 (Tcf)
0,32 0.34 0,22 0,56 1,90 1,34
Total Energy
15,27 105,99 62,52 56,03 462,81 142,15
Total Primary
Energy Supply
6,87 22,19 10,83 12,16 126,39 36,07
1,1 8,5 2,4 1,50 26,6 5,6
2002 (TWh)
6,74 35,16 8,54 9,47 133,57 38,36
- % Fossil Fuel 100 100 100 100 100 100
- % RES 0 0 0 0 0 0
- % Nuclear 0 0 0 0 0 0
Source: EU, IEA and EIA web sites
Oil and gas will remain the major energy sources in the foreseeable future. Their use as
primary fuels is expected to further expand, due to the accelerated developments in the
respective technologies, which lead to more efficient processes in all aspects of
exploration and development technologies.
Exploration and production activities elsewhere in the world are expected to increase, this
being a reason for GCC member states to take steps towards reforming the oil and gas
sector, in order to guarantee profitable operations, allowing for new developments.
Oil demand is expected to grow somewhat faster in the future than over the past two
decades. This is due, primarily, to the continuing increase in world demand and to the lack
of commercially viable and easily storable alternative, non-fossil energy resources,
compounded by the expected fast economic growth in the rest of the world, in spite of the
recent economic recession in the Far East. [4]
On the other hand, world demand for natural gas is projected to increase rapidly to 2010,
this being the fossil fuel with the fastest growing consumption. Close to 60% of the
increase in annual gas demand is accounted for by the power generation sector. In the
recent past, technological improvements in the design, efficiency and operation of
combined cycle gas turbines have moved the economics of power generation in favour of
natural gas. [8,9]
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In addition, energy demand in the EU is expected to increase from the current 1.450 Mtoe
to 1.612 Mtoe in 2020. In addition the share of imported energy will also increase from the
current 50% to more than 70% in the year 2030. In particular for oil these imports may
increase up to the unacceptable level of 90% of total EU consumption. Unless a
breakthrough is reached which removes the almost complete dependence of the
expanding transport sector on oil, Europes reliance on Middle East oil is likely to be
virtually complete in the long term, providing that supplies are technically and
geopolitically available. [1]
Contribution of RES is likely to continue to be relatively low in the foreseeable future
because of both the large oil and gas resource base and the greater compositeness of the
oil and gas based conventional energy supply technologies.
2.3 Climate Change
The GCC countries are currently stating a process of environmental awakening. The
governments, the private sector and the general public are realizing the inevitability of
putting environmental issues and especially climate changes on the top of the list of
priorities in the process of economic and social development. [10-11]
The GCC region is an important transit route for energy products, especially oil tankers,
and the regions transit role is expected to increase. Bearing in mind the detrimental
effects of already experienced oil spills and tanker accidents, promoting maritime safety of
oil transportation via implementation of more strict and effective measures and assigning
due consideration to developing economically viable and environmentally safe pipelines
are of crucial concern.
All the GCC countries has signed and ratified into the Convention of Climate Changes, but
they are not signatory parties of the Kyoto Protocol.
The increase of energy consumption in the GCC region is, to a certain extent, an
inevitable outcome of social and economic development. However, it is in the interests of
both the GCC countries and the EU, to ensure that the adverse environmental impact of
GCC development is minimized. Since 1991, CO
emissions have more than increased by
over 50% in GCC region. [7] The carbon emissions in the GCC region between 1992 and
2001 are presented in the Figures 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.
Figure 2.1: CO
Emissions 2002
Source: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2002, 2004
Asia and Oceania
Former USSR
Latin America
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Figure 2.2: Carbon Emission in the GCC region
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Bahrain Kuwait Oman
Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual 2001, 2003
Figure 2.3: Carbon Emission in the GCC Countries
Source: Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual 2001, 2003
In addition, the values of the indicators of Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) per capita
are very high in the GCC region. For example, the TPES in Bahrain was 9,84 Toe per
capita, in Kuwait 9,53 Toe per capita, in Oman 4,27 Toe per capita, in Qatar 19,93 Toe
per capita, in Saudi Arabia 5,77 Toe per capita, while the average of 25-EU countries was
2,42 Toe per capita and the average of OECD countries was 4,67 Toe per capita. In
addition, CO
emissions per capita, energy intensities and CO
emissions per GDP in the
GCC countries are higher than the average of 25-EU and the average of OECD countries.
[7] So, it is clear that energy efficiency could be improved in the region.
The use and promotion of RES, based on the specific potential of the GCC region (in
particular solar energy), should make a significant contribution to improving environmental
protection. The development of RES will also contribute to efforts to diversify energy
Basic environmental Indicators of the GCC countries are presented in brief in table 2.3.
Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab
Natural Gas
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Table 2.3: Environmental Indicators of the GCC countries - 2001
Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar
(million tones)
15,60 57,46 26,12 27,56 301,03 88,63
- % Oil 23,0 70,0 65,5 11,7 66,0 41,1
- % Natural Gas 77,0 30,0 34,5 88,3 34,0 58,9
n (toe/capita)
9,84 9,53 4,27 19,93 5,77 11,21
(PPP)(toe/ 000
95 US$ PPP)
0,68 0,72 0,36 0,63 0,53 0,60
Consumption /
9,65 15,10 3,36 15,52 5,89 11,92
2,27 2,59 2,41 2,27 2,38 2,46
(t CO2/capita)
22,35 24,68 10,29 45,18 13,75 27,54
(Kg CO2/ 95 US$
1,55 1,86 0,87 1,42 1,26 1,48
United Nations
December 28th,
1994 (Non-
Annex I)
December 28th,
1994 (Non-
Annex I)
February 8th,
1995 (Non-
Annex I)
Ratified April
18th, 1996
(Non-Annex I)
December 28th,
1994 (Non-
Annex I)
29th, 1995
Kyoto Protocol
Not signatory Not signatory Ratification
limited natural
fresh water
resources are
dependence on
facilities, rising
sea levels
Limited natural
fresh water
facilities, air and
water pollution,
Rising soil
salinity, Beach
pollution from
oil spills, very
limited natural
fresh water
Limited natural
fresh water
resources are
dependence on
depletion of
al pollution from
oil spills
Lack of
n, beach
from oil
Source: 1) International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2002, 2004,
2) Energy Information Administration, Web-site, 2004
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3. Development of RES and RUE in EU
3.1 Background
The development of RES - particularly energy from wind, water, sun and biomass - is a
central aim of the world and EU energy policy. There are reasons for this:
x RES have an important role to play in reducing CO
x Increasing the share of RES in the energy balance enhances sustainability and
helps to improve the security of energy supply by reducing dependence on imported
energy sources.
In 2001, RES accounted for approximately ~13,5% of the 10.029 Mtoe of Total Primary
Energy Supply (TPES) in the world. Combustible RES and waste (97% of which is
biomass, both commercial and non-commercial) accounted almost 80% of total RES
followed by hydro (16,4%). It is expected that the world share of RES would decline
from ~13,5% in 2001 to ~12,5% in 2030. In the OECD, the share of RES will continue
to increase from 6,4% in 2000 to a projected 8% in 2030. Most RES will be used for
power generation (72% in 2000, 75% in 2030). [7]
Figure 3.1: Shares in World Renewable Energy Supply - 2001
Source: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2001, 2003
More specifically, the European Union (EU) accounts for only 6,4 % of the worlds use
of RES. Despite this low figure, however, EU is a world leader in terms of energy
technology. [12]
Nowadays, there is a great deal of information about the development and increased
production of our global energy needs from alternative energy sources in the EU. Solar
energy, wind power and hydropower are all traditional sources of alternative energy
that are making progress.
It has become quite obvious that using coal and oil does not fit in with the trend
towards "sustainable" development. The need for Community support of RES has
been clear. Several technologies, especially wind energy, but also small-scale
hydropower, energy from biomass, and solar thermal applications, are more
economically viable and competitive. The others, especially photovoltaic, depend
mainly on how rapidly increases the demand and thus the production volume to
achieve the economy of scale necessary for competitiveness with central generation.
Solar tide
Renewable &
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Figure 3.2: 25-EU - Electricity Production in RES - 2001
Source: EC, European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030, 2003
RES are expected to be economically competitive with conventional energy sources in
the medium to long term. International energy developments depict a future in which
energy use continues to grow inexorably; fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy
mix and developing countries fast approach OECD (Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development) countries in terms of energy consumption. [13]
In the figure 3.3 the primary energy potential in the 25 EU member states is presented.
The supply of RES is expected to increase modestly despite the very limited growth in
hydro and biomass after 2005. Waste as well as the more novel forms of RES, such as
wind energy, are expected to grow significantly. [1]
Figure 3.3: 25-EU - Renewable Energy Supply
Source: EC, European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030, 2003
International projections raise serious concerns about the security of supply,
investment in energy infrastructure and the threat of environmental damage caused by
energy production. RES are plentiful and will be more widely used. Beyond 2020, new
technologies, such as hydrogen-based fuel cells and carbon sequestration, hold out
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Hydro Biomass
Waste Wind
Solar and Others Geothermal
Small Hydro
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the prospects of plentiful, clean energy supplies in the world. [1]
Despite falling costs, wind energy remains more expensive than conventional energy
sources, therefore cost continues to be the most serious constraint to its further
development, in particular since the environmental and social cost is not taken into
account. The wind industry will continue to rely on public support for the short to
medium term. In addition to this, hydroelectric power is harnessed in several different
methods. The most popular is through dams. Biomass or energy from burning plants
and other organic matter is one of first sources of energy. Wood was once the main
source of power for heat, and it still is in many developing countries.
3.2 Usual constraints to RES development
3.2.1 Introduction
Some typical problems in the route towards the development of RES are:
x Many potential users of RES have no or little experience with RES projects. In
general, the assistance provided in the development of such projects is not enough.
Furthermore, the experience of the EU - RES projects hasnt been disseminated yet
outside the EU;
x It is difficult to get information on the success and failure of existing projects.
Therefore, dissemination of information and experience should be improved;
x In terms of policies, RES are not within the countries priorities worldwide, thus there
is a significant administrative bureaucracy. Moreover, there are no official policies
and strategies for the promotion of RES, nor any institutional / legal framework;
x There is a difficulty of firm dispatch in utility grid operations. Power from sources
such as solar and wind may not provide the same levels of firm dispatch to which a
utility is accustomed and may require changes to a utilitys dispatch procedures;
x In most cases environmental concerns and environmental costs of conventional
power plants are not included in the assessment of energy potential at planning
x The RES energy market faces the opposition of existing interest groups. In
particular, groups that benefit from the actual reliance on conventional energy
sources may delay RES development through political or coercive means.
The above lead to the conclusion that market development of RES has been stiffed by
a combination of mainly non- technical constraints. These constraints are often quite
situation - specific in any given region or country, nevertheless, all of them can be
included into one of the following categories:
x Cost and pricing;
x Legal and regulatory;
x Market performance.
These three main categories of constraints are described in the following paragraphs.
3.2.2 Cost and Pricing
There is an argument that RES cost more than other energy sources, resulting in cost-
driven decisions and policies that avoid RES. In practice, a variety of factors can distort
the comparison. For example, public subsidies may lower the costs of competing fuels.
Although it is true that initial capital costs for RES technologies are often higher on a
cost-per-unit basis (i.e., /kW), it is widely accepted that a true comparison must be
made on the basis of total lifecycle costs.
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Lifecycle costs account for initial capital costs, future fuel costs, future operation and
maintenance costs, decommissioning costs, and equipment lifetime. Here lies part of
the problem in making comparisons:
x What are fuels costs going to be in future?
x How should future costs be discounted to allow comparison with present costs
based on expected interest rates?
The uncertainties inherent in these questions affect cost comparisons. Existing
analytical tools for calculating and comparing costs can discriminate against RES if
they do not account for future uncertainties or make unrealistic assumptions. Many
policies attempt to compensate for cost-related constraints by providing additional
subsidies for RES in the form of tax credits or incentives, by establishing special
pricing and power-purchasing rules, and by lowering transaction cost. Thus practical
policies have tended to focus on increasing subsidies for RES rather than reducing
subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear power.
The main cost and price constraints than need to be removed in order to accelerate
the promotion of RES are discussed in the following paragraphs.
x Subsidies for competing fuels
Large public subsidies, both implicit and explicit, are channelled in varying amounts
to all forms of energy, which can distort investment cost decisions. Public subsidies
can take many forms:
o Direct budgetary transfers;
o Tax incentives;
o R&D spending;
o Liability insurance;
o Leases;
o Land rights-of-way;
o Waste disposal;
o Guarantees to mitigate project financing or fuel price risks.
Large subsidies for fossil fuels can significantly lower final energy prices, putting
RES at a competitive disadvantage if it does not enjoy equally large subsidies.
Although most energy prices have risen to market levels and now reflect true
production costs (are no longer directly subsidized), electricity prices are based
upon fuel and operating-and-maintenance costs, and still dont reflect adequately
the capital replacement costs of the generation system. These indirect subsidies are
a handicap for competing RES generation.
Direct price subsidies remain for residential heating and hot water, preventing the
proper incentives for households to invest in solar hot water heating. It also seems
that subsidies still remain for diesel-generated electricity in off-grid applications,
which reduces incentives to replace these systems with RES.
x Initial capital cost
Even though lower fuel and operating costs may make RES cost-competitive on a
life-cycle basis, higher initial capital costs can mean that RES provides less installed
capacity per initial euro invested than conventional energy sources. Thus, RES
investments generally require higher amounts of financing for the same capacity.
Depending on the circumstances, capital markets may demand a premium in
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lending rates for financing renewable energy projects because more capital is being
risked up front than in conventional energy projects. Renewable energy
technologies may also face high taxes and import duties. These duties may
exacerbate the high first-cost considerations relative to other technologies and fuels.
x Difficulty of fuel risk assessment
Risks associated with fluctuations in future fossil-fuel prices may not be
quantitatively considered in decisions about new power generation capacity
because these risks are inherently difficult to assess. Historically, future fuel price
risk has not been considered an important factor because future fossil fuel prices
have been assumed to be relatively stable or moderately increasing. Thus, risks of
severe fluctuations are often ignored. However, with greater geopolitical
uncertainties and energy market deregulation, new awareness has risen about
future fuel price risks.
RES technologies do not involve fuel costs (with the exception of biomass) and so
avoid fuel price risk. However, this benefit, or risk-reduction premium, is often
missing from economic comparisons and analytical tools because it is difficult to
quantify. Further, for some energy monopolies, fuel costs are factored into regulated
power rates, so that consumers rather than utilities bear the burden of fuel price
risks, and utility investment decisions are made without considering fuel price risk.
x Power pricing assessment
RES feeding into an electric power grid may not receive full credit for the value of
their power. Two factors are at work. First, RES generated on distribution networks
near final consumers rather than at centralized generation facilities may not require
transmission and distribution (i.e., would displace power coming from a transmission
line into a node of a distribution network). But utilities may only pay wholesale rates
for the power, as if the generation was located far from final consumers and
required transmission and distribution. This of course is not applicable to standalone
systems serving isolated consumers or industries.
Thus, in general, the producer does not capture the locational value of the power.
Secondly, RES is often an intermittent source whose output level depends on the
resource (i.e., wind and sun) and cannot be entirely controlled. Utilities cannot count
on the power at any given time and may lower prices for it. Lower prices take two
common forms:
o A zero price for the capacity value of the generation (utility only pays for the
energy value);
o An average price paid at peak times (when power is more valuable), which is
lower than the value of the power to the utilityeven though the renewable
energy output may directly correspond with peak demand times and thus
should be valued at peak prices.
x Transaction cost
RES projects are typically smaller than conventional energy projects. Projects may
require additional information not readily available, or may require additional time or
attention to financing or permitting because of unfamiliarity with the technologies or
uncertainties over performance. For these reasons, the transaction cost of RES
projectsincluding resource assessment, sitting, permitting, planning, developing
project proposals, assembling financing packages, and negotiating power-purchase
contracts with utilitiesmay be much higher on a per-kilowatt (kW) capacity basis
than for conventional power plants. Higher transaction cost is not necessarily an
economic distortion in the same way as some other constraints, but simply make
RES more expensive.
However, in practice some transaction cost may be unnecessarily high, for example,
overly burdensome utility interconnection requirements and high utility fees for
engineering reviews and inspection.
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x Exclusion of environmental externalities in the cost
The environmental impacts of fossil fuels often result in real costs to society, in
terms of human health (i.e., loss of work days, health care costs), infrastructure
decay (i.e., from acid rain), declines in forests and fisheries, and perhaps ultimately,
the costs associated with climate change.
Cost of environmental externalities is difficult to evaluate and depend on
assumptions that can be subject to wide interpretation and discretion. Although
environmental impacts and associated euro () costs are often included in economic
comparisons between renewable and conventional energy, investors rarely include
such environmental costs in the bottom line used to make decisions.
3.2.3 Legal and Regulatory
The main constraints that need to be overcome so as to facilitate RES promotion are
as follows:
x Absence of legal framework / agreements
Institutional innovations and structures are lacking, that would provide the proper
framework and incentives for investments in energy efficiency and renewable
energies. For RES, centralised electricity utilities and the absence of institutional
frameworks for independent power producers have been constraints in many
countries. Furthermore, cogeneration by electric utility consumers may not be
provided for in the legal frameworks, or cogenerators may not be allowed to sell
excess power back to electric power utilities.
In these circumstances RES developers may not be able to obtain power purchase
agreements from electric utilities or may not be able to plan and finance projects on
the basis of transparent tariff and regulatory framework. Or utilities may negotiate
power purchase agreements on an individual ad-hoc basis, making it difficult for
project developers to plan and finance projects on the basis of known and
consistent rules.
x Restrictions on sitting and construction
Waste-to-energy facilities may face permit problems in urban areas. Wind turbines,
rooftop solar hot-water heaters, photovoltaic installations on rooftops and biomass
combustion facilities may all face building restrictions based upon height, aesthetics,
noise, or safety, particularly in urban areas.
Wind turbines have faced specific environmental concerns related to sitting along
migratory bird paths and coastal areas. Urban planning departments or building
inspectors may be unfamiliar with renewable energy technologies and may not have
established procedures for dealing with sitting and permitting. Competition for land
use with agricultural, recreational, scenic, or development interests can also occur,
although it is unjustifiable, since such uses can be combined.
x Accessibility to transmission system
Utilities may not allow favourable transmission access to RES producers, or may
charge high prices for transmission access. Transmission access is necessary
because some RES resources like windy sites and biomass fuels may be located
far from population centres. Transmission or distribution access is also necessary
for direct third-party sales between the renewable energy producer and a final
consumer. New transmission access to remote RES sites may be blocked by
transmission-access rulings or right-of-way disputes.
x Utility interconnection requirements
Individual home or commercial systems connected to utility grids can face
burdensome, inconsistent, or unclear utility interconnection requirements. Lack of
uniform requirements can add to transaction cost. Safety and power-quality risk
from non-utility generation is a legitimate concern of utilities, but a utility may tend to
set interconnection requirements that go beyond what is necessary or practical for
small producers, in the absence of any incentive to set more reasonable but still
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technically sound requirements. In turn, the transaction cost of hiring legal and
technical experts to understand and comply with interconnection requirements may
be significant. Policies that create sound and uniform interconnection standards can
reduce interconnection hurdles and costs.
x Liability insurance requirements
Small power generators (particularly home PV systems feeding into the utility grid
under net metering provisions) may face excessive requirements for liability
insurance. The phenomenon of islanding, which occurs when a self-generator
continues to feed power into the grid when power flow from the central utility source
has been interrupted, can result in serious injury or death to utility repair crews.
Although proper equipment standards can prevent islanding, liability is still an issue.
3.2.4 Market Performance
The main constraints that need to be overcome so as to facilitate RES promotion are
as follows:
x Accessibility to credit
Consumers or project developers may lack access to credit to purchase or invest in
renewable energy because of lack of collateral, poor creditworthiness, or distorted
capital markets. In rural areas, microcredit lending for household-scale RES
systems may not exist. Available loan terms may be too short relative to the
equipment or investment lifetime. In some countries, power project developers have
difficulty obtaining bank financing because of uncertainty as to whether utilities will
continue to honor long-term power purchase agreements to buy the power.
x Technology performance uncertainty/risk
Proven, cost-effective technologies may still be perceived as risky if there is little
experience with them in a new application or region. The lack of visible installations
and familiarity with renewable energy technologies can lead to perceptions of
greater technical risk than for conventional energy sources. These perceptions may
increase required rates of return, result in less capital availability, or place more
stringent requirements on technology selection and resource assessment. Lack of
utility acceptance is a phrase used to describe the historical biases and prejudices
on the part of traditional electric power utilities. Utilities may be hesitant to develop,
acquire, and maintain unfamiliar technologies, or give them proper attention in
planning frameworks. Finally, prejudice may exist because of poor past
performance that is out of step with current performance norms.
x Technical skills and information
RES projects can be quite different from traditional energy-sector investment
projects. Project managers in the energy sector and their normal set of consultants
may not possess the necessary skills or knowledge. Relevant lessons and best
practices must be identified and incorporated into project design, for example
institutional development, test activities, and social surveys. Project managers, as
engineers and economists, may not be trained or skilled in institution building.
They may have to hire consultants outside of the normal skill set or qualifications
to which they are accustomed. Markets function best when everyone has low-cost
access to good information and the requisite skills. But in specific markets, skilled
personnel who can install, operate, and maintain renewable energy technologies
may not exist in large numbers.
Project developers may lack sufficient technical, financial, and business
development skills. Consumers, managers, engineers, architects, lenders, or
planners may lack information about renewable energy technology characteristics,
economic and financial costs and benefits, geographical resources, operating
experience, maintenance requirements, sources of finance, and installation
services. The lack of skills and information may increase perceived uncertainties
and block decisions.
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x Non-existence of country assistance strategies
Governments, who control preparation and manpower budgets and assignments,
have no mandates or strong managerial incentives to devote their resources to
renewable energy projects. A government may see renewable energy as a low
priority and unworthy of legislative or executive action or research funding.
x Awareness / experience in social, rural, environment sectors
RES is still seen as primarily an energy-sector activity. The social and rural
development sectors still have limited experience with renewable energy, despite
being in a good position to implement rural energy projects and utilize community-
based institutions.
3.3 Factors influencing RES development
3.3.1 Introduction
This part of the present document aims to identify the range of factors that can
influence the likely successful implementation of RES projects and assess how they
work. [19]
The principal factors studied are based around the constraints that are given in the part
x Political;
x Legislative;
x Financial;
x Fiscal;
x Administration;
x Technological development;
x Information, education and training.
Each factor is presented in more detail below.
3.3.2 Political
European Commission has also adopted energy papers for supporting RES
development. More analytically:
x White paper for a Community Strategy and Action Plan for RES: [8]
o In the White Paper Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy
(1997) the European Commission defined a strategy and an action plan to
promote the market penetration of RES.
x In order to implement the strategy, concrete measures are proposed. The Action
Plan sets out individual actions by categories, and indicates the form of each action.
Actions were attributed to the EU and most of these actions have already been
x The Green Paper Towards a European strategy for the security of energy Supply.
There are three main reasons why it was necessary for the EU to launch this Green
Paper on the security of energy supply as follows: [13]
o The Union's increasing dependence as regards its energy supplies.
o The disturbing consequences (oil prices volatility).
o The new challenges to face like climate change and internal energy market
changes, no discussion about energy supply has ever really taken place and
the need of a comprehensive through-going discussion.
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In addition, there is the Directive 2001/77/EC, on the promotion of electricity produced
from RES in the internal electricity market - EU directive for RES-EU (2001). In
addition, European Commission has also adopted directives for supporting RES
development. More analytically: [19]
x The Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy
sources, 2001/77/EC - OJ L283/33 27.10.2001;
x The Directive on energy performance of buildings, 2002/91/EC - OJ L1/65
x The Directive on the promotion of biofuels 2003/30/EC - OJ L123/42 17.5.2003;
x The Directive for the taxation of energy products and electricity, 2003/96/EC - OJ
L283/51 31.10.2003;
x The Directive on the promotion of cogeneration, 2004/8/EC - OJ L52/50
x The Directives on labelling of electric ovens, of air conditioners and of refrigerators:
o 2002/40/EC - OJ L283/45 - 15.5.2002;
o 2002/31/EC - OJ L86/26 3.4.2003;
o 2003/66/EC - OJ L170/10 9.7.2003.
x The Regulation on Energy Star labelling for office equipment, 2001/2422/EC - OJ
L332/1 15.12.2001;
x The Directive on Eco design requirements for energy using products, Proposal
COM (2003) 453;
x The Directive on energy efficiency and energy services, Proposal COM (2003) 739.
Moreover, the RES Programmes of the European Commission are:
x Altener Programme;
x Intelligent Energy for Europe;
x Concerto Programme.
EU-wide support for a greater use of energy from RES is demonstrated strongly
through the 1997 EU White Paper on renewable energy sources, and more recently
the 1999 Campaign for Take-Off and the 2001 directive on RES in the internal
electricity market.
All of above form the basis for action plans for subsequent implementation at EU
Member States level, through coordinated activities at national, regional and local
levels. In particular, support is demonstrated through the adoption of policies in favour
of RES. These are often developed in conjunction with the development of an overall
national energy plan. One of the most important elements to consider here is the
adoption of official targets for the level of uptake of RES, usually expressed as a target
level of use of renewable energy (heat and/or power) in the EU Member State. For
Member States that have strong regional governments, these national targets may
also be translated to appropriate regional targets. Alternatively, there may be no
national targets at all, but only targets developed at the regional level.
3.3.3 Legislative
For small independent power generators (renewable or fossil-fuelled), it is essential
that there are access agreements that permit them access to the electricity grid to
distribute their electricity. The costs and logistics of connecting to the grid can be
significant for small energy schemes, and the imperfections associated with grid
connection arrangements have not yet been removed in many member states.
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Another important aspect for renewable power producers is the availability of a market
for their power, usually achieved by connection and transmission via the main
electricity supply grid. Due to the generation characteristics of renewable energies and
their higher generation costs compared with other forms of energy, the absence of a
guaranteed market for renewable power seriously jeopardises the financial viability of
many renewable energy projects.
Different countries have adopted different approaches to providing support for a
guaranteed market for renewable generation, but generally there have been two main
mechanisms which governments have used:
x Feed-in arrangements with a fixed price for electricity generated, and
purchase/sale arrangements available continuously, coupled with a purchase
obligation by the utilities. The feed-in arrangement is a legal obligation on utilities to
purchase electricity from RES.
x Tendering arrangements a competitive process based on periodic calls for
tender, to support a certain predetermined quantity of renewable electricity. Under
this system, a fixed amount of renewable energy is supported through a levy on
electricity consumers, which is directed at specific renewable technologies through
a tendering system. This system enables specific renewable technologies to be
supported, even those at differing stages of technological development, because
the tendering system encourages competition within technologies. This has resulted
in cost reductions for many of the technologies supported.
3.3.4 Financial
The capital costs of building RES projects are a significant constraint to their
Implementation, especially for newer technologies that are more costly and that have
less of a track record in implementation (e.g. photovoltaics). Finance may be provided
from either public or private sources:
Public support can be made available for renewable energy projects through grants or
x Grants public sector support at EU, national, regional or local level;
x Low-interest loans usually through national or regional financial institutions with
public subsidy support;
x Loan guarantees again, usually provided with public subsidy support.
Private sector funding of RES projects from banks and other financial institutions such
as venture capital organisations is of vital importance to the long-term
commercialisation of RES. It can be provided either in conjunction with or without
public funds, depending on the financial viability of the project.
3.3.5 Fiscal
Cost of renewable generation is currently higher than that of conventional (fossil or
nuclear) generation. Some EU member states have started to address these issues,
usually through the introduction of a carbon or energy tax. These aim to modify energy
consumption levels and patterns to encourage greater energy efficiency and a greater
use of renewable resources.
Some EU member states also provide tax exemptions/reductions or tax incentives (for
example accelerated depreciation of capital investments in renewable energy) to
companies or individuals making use of or investing in renewables-related goods or
services. These encourage investment in clean energy projects.
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3.3.6 Administration
Achieving planning permit can be one of the biggest constraints to implementation of
new RES projects in some countries or regions. This is especially true for wind energy
conversion projects, but large biomass and many hydro installations also encounter
problems related to their construction.
However, the ease with which planning permission can be obtained varies between
different EU member states. Responsibility for giving permission may be at the local,
regional or national level, and may be carried out on a project-by-project basis, or may
form part of a wider planning process that has already provided a framework for the
location of new projects.
3.3.7 Technological development
All RES technologies benefit from R&D support to ensure the continued development
of a strong and competitive industry. Support is especially important where renewable
energy technologies are still at early stages of development (for example
Technological support focuses not only on R&D, but also on demonstration and
implementation of new technologies as they mature. For a EU member state to build
up its indigenous capabilities in a developing market such as the RES market, it is
important for the emerging industry to be given consistent and targeted support for
demonstration and implementation projects.
3.3.8 Information, education and training
Dissemination activities to promote the benefits of RES are a vital component of a
national RES support programme. These include the provision of information to all of
the principal actors and groups involved with the development of RES financiers,
planners, politicians (local and national), and the general public to raise awareness
and educate about the potential of renewable energies. It is also very important to
support training initiatives for new renewable energy developments, such as for solar
heating installers or for farmers wishing to grow new energy crops.
The development of renewable energy is closely linked to its level of acceptance by
the people who will benefit from it and who will see the new renewable energy projects
being built in their area. Public acceptability is vitally important for new renewable
energy developments, particularly since projects are often smaller scale and their
greatest impacts occur at the local (community) level.
3.4 Promotion of RUE in EU
3.4.1 Trends
Rational Use of Energy means improving efficiency to the maximum level in the
process of consuming energy for a specific objective for the purpose of achieving the
same objective with less energy consumption. The main trends for the promotion of
RUE in Europe are as follows: [21]
x Industry
Energy efficiency improved by about 18 % since 1990. In the first half of the 1990s,
structural changes towards more energy intensive sub-sectors within EU industry
have partly counterbalanced the energy efficiency improvements. Since the mid
1990s, this trend was reversed: structural changes towards less energy-intensive
branches now strengthen the influence of efficiency improvements on actual energy
intensity in industry.
x Household
Energy efficiency improvements are 4% since 1990. Large appliances experience
the greatest energy efficiency improvement: +21% since 1990, close to 2%/year.
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For space heating, the improvement was rapid until 1995 but a reverse trend is
observed. The different trends observed for the average unit consumption per
household and the energy efficiency index, (respectively -0.1% and 0.6%/year
between 1990 and 1999) reflects the influence of lifestyle or consumer behaviour
(greater comfort, more appliances) that offset more than half of the energy efficiency
x Transport
Energy efficiency improved by 6% since 1990. The specific consumption of cars is
regularly decreasing, with more rapidly improvements for new cars since 1995, after
about 10 years of relative stability. However, part of this improvement is offset by a
shift to larger new cars. Since 1993 the energy used for road transport of goods per
tonne km is decreasing faster than the specific consumption, reflecting a greater
improvement in the efficiency of transport services.
x Institutions
Energy efficiency institutions are being strengthened in many countries. Between
1995 and 2001, 11 agencies were set up in Austria. In Germany nearly all Lander
have their own energy agency (total of 23 local and regional agencies). Several
agencies were also recently created in Greece (19 agencies) and Portugal (17 local
and regional agencies). In Spain, 13 Autonomous Regions have their own agency,
with 27 regional and local agencies. In Sweden, there are 11 regional energy
agencies and 7 in Finland. In Italy, it exist 3 regional agencies and 29 local
agencies. In Ireland, there are 12 local energy agencies.
x Taxes
The main taxes for the promotion of RUE in Europe are as follows:
o A CO
tax in Denmark since 1992 for household and public services and 1993
for enterprises; with a 25% taxes increase for gasoline (period 1998-2002) and
for diesel in 2000 (Pinsepkken 1998);
o An energy tax on electricity and gas implemented in June 1996 in Austria;
o An energy regulating tax in the Netherlands since 1996;
o An energy tax Ecological tax reform implemented in 1999 in Germany with a
planned increase from 2000 to 2003;
o An electricity tax in Finland to compensate the removal of CO2 tax on fuels
used for electricity generation; doubling of CO
tax on fuels in 1997;
o A CO2 tax in Sweden since 1991 on oil products; regular increase in electricity
law and decision to switch from labour taxes to environmental taxation over 10
o A climate change levy since 2001 in UK, to support energy saving technology
and practices (through a carbon trust);
o In several countries, the registration tax for cars (either the purchase or annual
fee) is based on the energy or CO
performance of the cars.
x Energy saving in buildings
Buildings codes have been reinforced in 2001 in several countries: in Germany, with
a 30% energy savings compared to the previous standards of 1994, in France (10%
savings) and in Ireland (22-33% savings). The buildings standards were revised
previously in Denmark in 1996, in 1997 in most Austrian Provinces, in 2000 in the
Netherlands, where an ambitious Energy Performance Advice (EPA) was launched.
x Energy labelling
The EU Directives on labelling of several electrical appliances, such as refrigerators,
freezers, washing machines, dishwashers and dryers is now implemented in all
countries. The new EU Directive on labels for new cars has already been adopted in
several countries (Denmark, The Netherlands, and Portugal)
x Energy efficiency measures
The main energy efficiency measures for the promotion of RUE in Europe are as
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o Directive on energy performance of buildings (2002/91/EC);
o Directive on efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired
o Directive on energy labelling of households refrigerators, freezers (94/2/EC);
o Directive on energy labelling of households washing machines (95/12/EC);
o Proposed directive on energy end-uses efficiency and energy services (Dec
o Directive on energy efficiency requirements for ballast for fluorescent lighting
o Directive on energy efficiency requirements for ballast for refrigerators
o Agreement on the reduction of CO
emissions from passenger cars;
o Community energy efficiency labelling programme for office equipment
(Energy Star Label).
3.4.2 Policy
At present energy efficiency policy goals are pursued through a number of different
programmes on technological development (JOULE-THERMIE), legislation and
capacity building (SAVE) and international co-operation (PHARE, TACIS, INCO-
Copernicus, and SYNERGY). In addition, the European Regional Development fund
and the Cohesion Fund may contribute investment in energy efficiency. The most
important programme to promote energy efficiency in the Community is the SAVE
programme (European Commission, DG XVII, 1998). The first SAVE programme ran
from January 1991 to December 1995. SAVE II began in 1996 and was integrated into
the Energy Framework Programme. [22]
According to the Communication Preparing for Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol,
the Community is close to reaching its Kyoto targets, but a 6% increase in CO
emissions is expected between 1990 and 2010. This means that there will have to be
close to a 14% reduction on the base-case scenario if the Kyoto target of 8% reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions by 2008-12 is to be met (the most important greenhouse
gas is CO
). Much of the growth will come from the transport sector, from where
emissions are expected to increase by 39% in this period. In the Communication, the
Council is taken to task for not acting on concrete proposals made by the Commission,
in particular on taxation, and for providing inadequate funding for SAVE II and
The Communication stressed the importance of promoting energy efficiency in other
policies, in particular, regional, transport, fiscal, research and development and
international cooperation policies. It proposes seven areas of action as priorities in the
short to medium term: [23]
x Energy management and public and co-operative technology procurement;
x Energy efficient buildings;
x Energy efficient household appliances and other end-use equipment;
x Energy efficiency in the electricity and gas sectors and combined heat and power;
x Wider use of negotiated and long-term agreements on minimum efficiency
x Third party financing, guarantee of results and other creative financing schemes;
x Increased dissemination of information.
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Finally, energy efficiency is one of the key policy tools for achieving the European
Unions Kyoto target of an 8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels
by 2008-2012. In addition it could potentially be an important factor in improving the
competitiveness of the European economy.
x Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on
establishing a framework for the setting of Eco-design requirements for Energy-
Using Products and amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC (COM/2003/0453 final).
This is a proposal for a framework Directive to allow a faster implementation of
energy efficiency requirements through Commission implementing Directives and a
Regulatory Committee. Future should be based on the minimum of the Life Cycle
Cost. Also other environmental impact of equipment shall be taken into account.
During the first reading the EP expressed great support for this initiative, recently
(June 2004) the Council reached a political agreement on the proposal.
x Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy
endues efficiency and energy services (COM/2003/0739 final). This proposal aims
at increasing investments in energy efficiency when cost-effective through the
promotion of audits, energy services by energy distributors, and by energy Service
Companies (ESCOs). In addition a mandatory additional efficiency improvement of
1% per year for six years is imposed on Member States.
3.5 CO
Capture and Sequestration technologies
3.5.1 Overview
Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technologies address the emissions related to
large stationary sources such as power plants. More specifically:
x Capture technologies are grouped as pre-combustion (e.g. coal to gas processes),
post-combustion (e.g. removal of CO
from exhaust gas), and oxyfuel technologies
involving closed cycle systems.
x Sequestration technologies include: geological sequestration (in depleted oil and
gas fields, coal-beds or saline aquifers), deep ocean repositories, phytoplankton
fertilisation, terrestrial ecosystems (forests, soils, etc.) and chemical sequestration
There are a number of programmes and projects on-going, ensuring that the EU
remains at the forefront of the international communitys efforts to combat climate
change. In June 2000, the Commission launched the European Climate Change
Programme (ECCP). In addition, with the back-up of the Fifth and Sixth Framework
Programme, funding is being provided for a number of projects aimed at investigating
issues associated with the sequestration of CO
in geological formations. A number of
these initiatives comprise substantial collaborative multi-partner programmes,
addressing a range of issues. Specific projects are examining CO
sequestration in
saline aquifers, coal seams and oil wells. For instance, the Commission is part-
sponsoring an important monitoring project in Canada, based on activities at the
Weyburn oilfield, a project demonstrating CO
storage in deep aquifers in the North
Sea (Sleipner) and an assessment of the European potential for geological storage of
produced by the combustion of fossil fuels (GESTCO).
Moreover, different techniques are investigated so as to address environmental and
safety issues. In addition, European Carbon Dioxide Thematic Network, CO
NET and
European Network of Excellence on Geological Storage of CO
established a European Network of researchers, developers and users of CO
technology, facilitating co-operation between these organisations and the European
projects on CO
geological storage, CO
capture and zero emissions technologies.
With all of these efforts, EU aims to make a major contribution to the reduction of CO
emissions to the atmosphere so as to achieve a continued stable supply of affordable
and environmentally acceptable energy.
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3.5.2 Difficulties
Even though these technologies are proven, they are not yet fully commercialized. This
is due to the fact that it is difficult to predict all risks related to injecting very large
volumes over long time frames. In addition, given the limited CCS experience, there
are not enough data available to obtain a quantitative estimate of actual risks of CO
escaping from geological sites. [25]
In the above framework, indicative risks are the following:
x Because CO
is heavier than air, there may be concerns about the safety of
underground storage - either possible slow leakage or sudden large-scale emission
resulting from seismic activity.
x Fugitive emissions due to transport and distribution losses occur at compressor and
pump stations and at the point of loading and unloading of the CO
In addition, there are a number of environmental impacts and uncertainties such as:
x The effect of slow or sudden release of CO
x The effect of drilling on the integrity of depleted oil and gas field caps;
x Likely reactions between CO
and underground minerals, and their possible impact
on CO
sequestration periods and on the integrity of oil and gas field caps;
x The nature of deep saline reservoirs and their impact on CO
storage over time;
x Seismic activity possible impact;
x The impact on marine life of deep ocean storage of CO
and of natural CO
absorption from the atmosphere.
3.5.3 Perspectives
CCS technologies are still under development and there are many possible options
available. This part aims to identify the range of factors that can influence
implementation of CCS projects.
More specifically, the principal factors studied are based around the constraints and
include financial, technological development and information / education / training.
Each factor is presented in more detail below.
x Financial
Even though in some limited circumstances the cost of CO
capture is modest (e.g.
in gas processing and the production of some chemicals), generally the cost of CCS
is a significant barrier.
However, in some circumstances the geologic storage of CO
adds value (e.g. in
Enhanced Oil Recovery - EOR and reservoir pressure maintenance). These
circumstances may provide opportunities for investing in this technology, especially
when tremendous reductions in CO
are obtained through CO
emissions captured
from large sources, e.g. power production.
x Technological
The costs of all the CCS technologies are expected to decrease in future because
of technological improvements and larger markets.
The key technological developments that have to be achieved for the full
commercialization of these technologies are:
o Accurate assessment of geologic storage potential.
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o Field tests to determine the future prospects of CO
injected into geologic
formations and the deep ocean and its environmental impact.
o Cost reduction of existing CO
separation techniques.
o R&D on modern capture and storage technologies.
o Development of technologies for the production, transportation and use of
hydrogen derived from fossil fuels. [26]
x Dissemination
Public acceptance and support is of great importance for CCS. At this stage the
public is largely unaware of CCS. It is important to involve a wide range of
interested groups in considering the environmental and social issues related to
GHG emissions.
The views of environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs), relevant
industries and governmental agencies, scientists and researchers are needed, to
identify how CCS technologies contribute to the sustainable development. [27]
3.6 Concluding remarks
Nowadays, there is a great deal of information about the development and increased
production of our global energy needs from alternative energy sources. Solar energy,
wind power and hydropower are all traditional sources of alternative energy that are
making significant progress. As regards solar energy, the sun provides enough energy
that can be stored for use long after the sunsets and even during extended cloudy
periods. But making it available is much easier said than done. It would be cost
prohibitive to make solar energy mainstream for major world consumption in the near
future. The technology is ready for many business and consumer applications, but it
would be way too expensive to replace the current energy infrastructure used from
fossil fuel energy. [28-29]
On the other hand, most commercial PV cells are manufactured from crystalline silicon,
although research is identifying other suitable materials, some of which are now being
marketed. The individual cells are grouped into modules and encapsulated between a
sheet of glass and a backing material (also often glass) within a frame. Modules are
then connected together to provide the voltage and current levels required meeting a
particular load. These systems are particularly attractive for remote locations (farms,
islands, radar stations) and for non-interconnected users. [30-31]
Despite falling costs, wind energy remains more expensive than conventional energy
sources; therefore cost continues to be the most serious constraint to its further
development. The wind industry will continue to rely on public support for the short to
medium term, until at least the environmental cost is embodied in the cost calculations.
Co-generators and remote users are the ones who can benefit a lot from using wind
energy systems.
In contrast with subsidies, premium paid in the feed-in systems could provide essential
incentives for the promotion of RES development. Subsidies do not ensure an optimal
performance of the system over its lifetime due to the lack of incentive to run the
installation properly after the subsidy has been paid. Hence subsidy programs have to
be accompanied by monitoring programs and supervision to ensure the system
performance. Moreover, subsidies cannot be considered to be a sustainable promotion
instrument. They are useful to support an emerging technology. Yet, they should be
replaced as soon as possible by other strategies, which are based on incentives
related to performance. The utilisation of premiums, as extra money given to the
producer for the production on top of the market price sold to the grid, provide a form
of compensation to the producer for the associated benefits of RES and for the
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avoided external costs (socio-economic and environmental). Therefore, compensation
premiums could effectively support the development of RES, since in practical terms
the external costs are taken into account.
In addition, CCS technologies are still under development and there are many possible
options available. However, even though there are a number of programmes and
projects on-going in EU and concomitantly these technologies can be considered as
proven, they are not yet fully commercialized. Financial, technological and information /
awareness constraints still should be encountered.
Beyond the cost constraint, there are many institutional constraints to the wide spread
utilization of RES and CCS technologies. The Kyoto Protocol Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) may well become a significant vehicle for renewable energy
technology. CDM will be analytically discussed in the fourth section.
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4. RES and RUE in the GCC Countries
4.1 RES and RUE development
The energy share of the total primary energy supply in the GCC countries is heavily
based on fossil fuels, mainly oil and natural gas. Electricity production is also mainly
produced from fossil fuels. It is important to underline the fact that the countries have
not begun to take concrete measures in the promotion of RES yet. However, rapid
population increase and massive infrastructure development is fuelling the increasing
demand for electricity throughout the region. There is a high demand for the latest
technological innovations in energy related equipment across all the industry sectors,
from power generation to lighting.
4.1.1 Constraints
As already mentioned in chapter 3, the three main usual categories of constraints that
have to be encountered for the successful development of RES and RUE are the
following: [31]
x Cost and pricing;
x Legal and regulatory;
x Market performance.
In the table 4.1, the types and the possible values of the constraints are depicted.
Table 4.1: RES and RUE constraints
Categories Value
1: Cost and pricing
1.1: Subsidies for competing fuels (Yes No)
1.2: Initial capital cost (High-Normal-Low)
1.3: Difficulty of fuel risk assessment (Yes No)
1.4: Power pricing assessment (Favourable-
1.5: Transaction cost (High-Normal-Low)
1.6: Exclusion of environmental externalities in the cost (Yes No)
2: Legal and Regulatory
2.1: Absence of legal framework / agreements (Yes No)
2.2: Restrictions on sitting and construction (Yes No)
2.3: Accessibility to transmission system (Good-Fair-Problems)
2.4: Utility interconnection requirements (High-Normal)
2.5: Liability insurance requirements (High-Normal)
3: Market Performance
3.1: Accessibility to credit (Good-Fair-Problems)
3.2: Technology performance uncertainty/risk (High-Normal-Low)
3.3: Technical skills and information (Existing-Lacking)
3.4: Commercial skills and information (Existing-Lacking)
3.5: Non-existence of country assistance strategies (Yes No)
3.6: Awareness / experience in social, rural, environment sectors (Good-Fair-Low)
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These constraint categories, their types and the possible values are presented in the
table. The above structure illustrated the status of constraints in the region. Their
values are qualitative and represent the existence or not of the specific constraint and
its magnitude.
Based on this structure, a questionnaire was developed for the identification of the
main constraints especially for each GCC country. The questionnaire was filled in
successfully based on the information and data that were collected by international
organization publications and the kind contribution of energy experts from the region.
These constraints are presented for each GCC country in table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Identification of the RES and RUE constraints
GCC Country
No Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
High High High High High High
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unfavourable Unfavourable Unfavourable Unfavourable Favourable Favourable
High High High High Normal Normal
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes No Yes No No No
Fair Problems Fair Problems Good Good
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Fair Problems Fair Problems Fair Fair
Normal Normal Normal Normal Low Low
Existing Lacking Existing Lacking Existing Existing
Lacking Lacking Lacking Lacking Existing Existing
Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Fair Low Fair Low Good Good
The further contribution of all GCC countries is essential because their remarks and
recommendations can be very useful in order to better illustrate and finalize the current
situation of RES and RUE and the perspectives for their future in the region.
4.1.2 Review of the implemented activities
GCC countries have studied and developed some activities regarding the available
promotion of RES and RUE, some of which are presented in the following sections for
each GCC country. These presented programmes are mostly research or pilot
programmes, thus the further contribution of all GCC countries will be essential in order
to finalize the current situation of RES and RUE in this region.
Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish groups of GCC countries with similar
characteristics. A first group of countries comprises those that have shown a significant
effort regarding the development of RES and RUE, which are Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Saudi Arabia has been at the forefront of research and development into RES and
especially solar energy. There are a number of RES and RUE implemented activities
(pilot, research and real life projects) and major institutes and companies that support
these efforts (such as the BP Solar Arabia LTD and the Energy Research Institute -
ERI). Furthermore, the Government has intensified its efforts to increase public
awareness regarding environmental issues and especially the climate change.
As concerns the UAE, taking into account the great solar energy potential, the R&D
efforts concerning the solar hydrogen economy and the significant number of projects
implemented in the region it can be assumed that RES development is a major priority
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for the country. It must be also underlined the fact that the UAE Ministry of Electricity
and Water decided to establish a department to investigate solar power and its uses.
A second group comprises countries that have performed some progress regarding the
promotion of RES and RUE but still need significant efforts to be made. In this group
belong Bahrain and Oman.
Bahrain has a great solar and wind technology. Furthermore, due to the regional
character of most RES technologies, they can play a significant role to the
commercialization and provision of energy and energy services to remote and isolated
areas, since this country consists of a large number of islands.
Oman is nowadays seeking to develop its capacity to export liquefied natural gas.
However, exploiting RES can be particularly useful in remote rural areas in Oman,
which do not have the social amenity infrastructure enjoyed by the large towns and
In a third group, countries where it is not clear whether they have decided to move
towards the development of RES and RUE projects are included. These countries are
Qatar and basically Kuwait. Qatars policy mainly aims to increase the exports of
Natural Gas (major natural gas reserves) and till now the promotion of environmental
friendly technologies seems not to be of high importance in the country.
On the other hand, Kuwait has no RES and RUE activities to demonstrate, except of
some applications of solar energy, mostly for air-conditioning (vapor absorption
In terms of RUE, the promotion of effective energy-efficient products and techniques
can result in considerable energy conservation. However, Kuwait has been practically
left untouched as their electricity is highly subsidized and the 1983 code of Ministry of
Electricity and Water (MEW) has not been modified.
Considering all the above, GCC countries have developed activities regarding the
promotion of RES and RUE. The implemented activities and the RES RUE potential
are presented in the following sections separately for each GCC country. The selected
information and data has been collected by international organisation publications and
the kind contribution of experts from the region.
4.1.3 Perspectives
GCC region offers massive business potential for regional and international companies
involved in the power generation, lighting and RES energy industries since the potential
development of RES in the GCC region would have mutual benefits for both the EU
and the GCC countries.
Moreover, the use and development of RES, based on the specific potential of the
GCC region (in particular solar energy), could make a significant contribution to
improving environmental protection and to guarantying continuing oil supplies in
conditions of stability and security. [44] Even though GCC region is a leading oil
producer, it is keenly interested in taking an active part in the development of new
technologies for exploiting and utilizing RES, because of the following considerations:
x GCC has an area where many remote villages and settlements can benefit from
RES applications;
x GCC has enormous potential for exploiting solar energy. Therefore, if a major
breakthrough is achieved in the field of solar-energy conversion, GCC region can be
a leading producer and exporter of solar energy in the form of electricity;
x RES are essentially considered as providing support to depletable sources of
energy (hydrocarbon resources), which in the past were generously consumed and
dissipated. Such exhaustible resources ought to be used more wisely, for the
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development of other products more beneficial and useful to humankind, such as
Especially as concerns solar energy, it is a valuable RES that should be fully exploited,
since GCC is blessed in abundant measure (~2.200 kWh per square meter).
Applications of solar energy in Saudi Arabia have been growing since 1960 given that
the electrical peak load period is between 12 noon and 5 p.m. This situation actually
represents an ideal case to exploit solar energy, since the curve of demand almost
matches the peak output curve of solar energy (PV/thermal). Research activities
commenced with small-scale university projects during 1969, and systematized major
R&D work for the development of solar energy technologies was started by the King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in 1977. The Energy Research
Institute (ERI) has a number of international joint programs in the field of solar energy
including SOLERAS with the United States of America, and HYSOLAR with the
Federal Republic of Germany. These joint programs were directed towards projects
that were of mutual interest to the committed countries involved and concentrated on
large demonstration projects such as electricity generation, water desalination,
agricultural applications, and cooling systems.
In addition, BP solar LTD, a wholly owned subsidiary of BP Amoco p.l.c., is one of the
worlds largest solar power companies. A number of solar applications of BP Solar
have been implemented in the GCC region in the last twenty years. Thus, BP solar has
been a leader in the design, manufacture and supply of advanced photovoltaic power
systems, using the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity in the Middle East and
particularly GCC countries.
Furthermore, with respect to the RUE, a study by Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) on electricity conservation and sustainable
development in the GCC shows that the average rate of growth in demand for
electricity exceeds 6% in GCC countries, 15% well above that in industrialized
countries and the peak load of the electricity systems has reached an alarming level,
close to installed capacity. [67] This study calls for using energy more efficiently with a
new planning approach, which is aimed at integrating the power sector in to a
comprehensive strategy for sustainable development. This integrated resource
planning (IRP) includes electricity supply and demand side management (for energy
conservation) in the planning process. For this reason, the architects of large buildings
are now obliged to incorporate ice-thermal storage systems in their designs. By
incorporating such systems, the electrical energy could be used during the night (off-
peak time) for manufacturing ice. Then, the stored ice can be used for cooling during
the day (peak time).
Taking into consideration the fact that the demand for electricity in the GCC countries is
expanding at between 7 and 10 percent per annum, way beyond the global average of
three percent, 150 billion are estimated to be invested in the near term. More
specifically, it is estimated that the 2004 exhibition will feature three dedicated industry
arenas that focus on power generation, industrial and commercial lighting and new and
renewable energy. New technology and systems from USA and Europe will showcase
at GCC Electricity 2004. For example, Germany's IBC-Solar AG plans to put solar
photovoltaic complete solutions in the show spotlight believing the GCC region will turn
to alternative energy sources within the near future.
PV is widely regarded today as the best and least expensive means of providing
the basic energy services that are lacking. Based on minimum energy requirements to
provide basic energy services to every individual in the GCC region, the corresponding
potential for PV is estimated to be 16 GW (approximately 15 W per capita).
In the above framework, GCC countries are available to use PV modules for the
following applications:
x Lighting especially for homes and community buildings such as schools and health
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centres to enable education and income generation activities to continue after dark.
x Solar home systems in order to provide power for domestic lighting and other DC
appliances such as TVs, radios, sewing machines, etc.
x Solar power for small cash crop (vegetable/fruits etc) including integrated drip
irrigation systems.
x Large solar power plants to desert communities throughout the region. In addition to
supplying off-grid communities, these solar power plants could be grid connected,
supplying solar power to the grid at peak demand periods when air conditioning
demand is high. More specifically:
o Pumping systems in order to supply water to villages, for land irrigation or
livestock watering.
o Refrigeration systems in order particularly to preserve vaccines, blood and
other consumables vital to healthcare programs.
o Battery charging stations in order to recharge batteries, which are used to
power appliances ranging from torches and radios to televisions and lights.
In terms of average unit costs calculated using traditional accounting techniques, PV
generated electricity cannot yet compete with efficient conventional central generating
plants. Accordingly, the vast majority of PV installations to date have been for relatively
low-power applications in locations, which do not have access to the main electricity
grid. In such cases, PV has been selected because it offers a secure and reliable
power supply, and is often the cheapest power option. Some of the appropriate
examples of applications for PV in the region are presented in the following table:
Table 4.3: PV applications in the GCC
Sector Application
Agriculture x Water pumping, irrigation;
x Electric fencing for livestock and range management;
x Water pumping, desalination and purification systems;
x Water pumping.
Residential x Lighting, enabling studying, reading, income producing activities
and general increase in living standards;
x TV, radio and other small appliances.
Commercial x Lighting systems, to extend business hours and increase
x Power for small equipment, such as sewing machines, freezers,
grain grinders, battery charging;
x Lighting and radio in restaurants, stores and other facilities.
Tertiary x Lighting for schools and other community buildings;
x Lighting for wards, operating theatre and staff quarters;
x Medical equipment;
x Refrigeration of vaccines;
x Communications (telephone, radio communications systems);
x Security lighting.
Source: BP SOLAR ARABIA LTD, Products and Services, 2004
More specifically, as concerns the PV applications in the agricultural sector the
following combinations are the options most commonly used when desalination units
are powered by RES:
x PV or wind-powered reverse osmosis, electro dialysis or vapour compression;
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x Solar thermal or geothermal energy and distillation processes.
These small unit desalination plants using RES are more feasible for remote locations
that are not connected with the electrical grid. Important research activity has been
conducted in these fields by the Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC)
in the GCC region. [32]
In addition, the use of solar energy in thermal desalination processes is one of the most
promising applications of RES to seawater desalination. A solar distillation system may
consist of two separated devices (solar collector and distiller) or of one integrated
system. The first case is an indirect solar desalination process, and the second one is a
direct solar desalination. Many small-size systems of direct solar desalination and
several pilot plants of indirect solar desalination have been designed and implemented.
Nevertheless, in 1996 solar desalination was only 0,02% of the desalted water
production. Indirect solar desalination has interesting potential for development. A
number of solar distillation plants is presented in table 4.4.
Table 4.4: Solar distillation plants
Country Desalination
Capacity Solar collector
Kuwait MSF auto-regulated 100 Parabolic trough
UAE (Abu Dhabi) ME, 18 effects 120 Evacuated tube
UAE (Al-Ain)
ME, 55 stages,
MSF, 75 stages
500 Parabolic trough
Source: Atsu S.S. Dorvlo, David B. Ampratwum, Modelling of weather data for Oman, Renewable Energy
17, (999) 421-428
With respect to the wind energy, it is clear from the preliminary data collection that the
available wind data, depicted in table 4.5, are not sufficient to accurately evaluate wind
electricity potentials in all the GCC member countries. However, based on them, it can
be considered that wind electricity potential for GCC member countries can be
classified into two groups: [33]
x GCC countries with limited or no potential for wind electricity generation: Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
x GCC countries with moderate potential for wind electricity generation: Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.
Table 4.5: Range of annual wind speed at windy in GCC countries
Country Wind speed (m/s)
Bahrain 5-6
Kuwait 5-6,5
Oman 4-6
Qatar 5-7
Saudi Arabia 2,5-4,5
United Arab Emirates 3,5-4,5
Source: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Potential and prospects for renewable energy
electricity generation in the ESCWA region, United Nations, New York, 2001
4.2 Bahrain
4.2.1 Implemented activities
The major implemented activities in Bahrain are described as follows:
x A mobile solar and wind-powered mobile generator that produces 1.5 kW has been
designed and constructed at the University of Bahrain, in collaboration with Long
International, Bahrain. The RES system was erected on a trailer and is self-
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contained. It contains 16 solar panels with each panel capable of producing 75 W.
This system is more suitable than trailed diesel engines, which have the
disadvantage of producing hydrocarbon pollutants and sulfur oxides (SOx), which
can cause human respiratory problems, hydrogen sulfide (H
S), which is highly toxic
and odours, carbon dioxide (CO
) which leads to the Green-house Effect, as well as
oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which cause photochemical smog, acidification and other
odorous substances.
x Ascension Technology, Inc, committed to photovoltaic power development, has
provided solar resource assessment, systems instrumentation, component research
and development, complete systems design, integration and construction to many
locations, among others to Bahrain.
x National Central Cooling Co. PJSC (Tabreed), Esterad (Esterad Investment
Company BSC) and A.A Bin Hindi Group are investing up to BD 5 million in the
initial capital of Bahrain District Cooling Company BSCC (Tabreed Bahrain), to
provide district cooling services to the Bahrain market. Tabreed Bahrain will aim to
provide both existing and new building complexes with efficient and environmentally
friendly district cooling services, for the public, commercial and industrial sectors in
Bahrain. Centralized cooling plants strategically located across the Kingdom of
Bahrain, will distribute chilled water to single and multiple clients, via underground
pipe networks.
4.2.2 Potential
x Renewable Energy Sources
The state comprises a group of 36 islands, with a total land area of about 700 km
The largest of these is Bahrain, where the capital city Manama is situated. This
island accounts for nearly 85% of the total land area.
Oil production has decreased. In 1970, Bahrain produced almost 30 million barrels
while by 2000 production had halved to only 15 million barrels. There are several
sources of RES, such as solar, wind, ocean wave, water flow, tidal, geothermal,
hydroelectric and biomass energy. The resource base of these RES is extremely
A study that has been implemented by W. E. Alnase, estimates the potential of the
most available RES in Bahrain and specifically the solar, tidal, wind and water
current power. [30]
First of all, adoption of solar technology in Bahrain will be very advantageous
because solar energy is the most pollution-free and almost unlimited energy source.
The main drawback of using such technology is the decrease of the photovoltaic
cells' efficiency because of the high temperatures in Bahrain (sometimes, in
summer, they reach 42C), which in turn reduces the efficiency. Of course, the high
cost of the cells, energy storage and short operating lifetime are other
disadvantages. Moreover, the mixture of dust and humidity in Bahrain plays an
important role in limiting the efficiency of the solar cells.
With respect to the wind energy, the annual mean daily wind-power density is
estimated to be 66,2 Wm
. This corresponds to the annual energy production of
34,9 MWh. Moreover, the wind power density in Bahrain is not encouraging.
Furthermore, noise from the wind turbine is another problem. If windmills are
installed in the areas now considered to be isolated, in about 10 years time, they
will become inhabited, thereby reducing the local wind's kinetic energy because of
the obstruction by buildings. It is interesting to note that the maximum wind potential
is available when the solar potential is also maximum (i.e. in June).
In addition, the calculated tidal power density is least in June (i.e. unlike the wind
and the solar power density) and in September and March is maximum. However,
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this type of energy is pollution-free, but it has the disadvantage that it is very cost-
ineffective. It may not be effective for Bahrain, because maximum tidal height does
not exceed 3 m. Unless a location with a tidal height larger than 6 m is chosen, it is
not recommended to invest money on such a project.
Finally, adopting water technology will cause a disturbance for fishermen. This does
not hold out a worthwhile promise as a practical source of energy for Bahrain.
However, the estimated power density in the water currents around Bahrain shows
that the available flow power is 552 Wm
(a daily energy of 4,8 MJ or 1,8 GJ
annually). A very large number of turbines is estimated possible to be installed from
this type of RES (i.e. nearly 10.000 turbines) in the near future. [34]
Table 4.6: The RES power densities in Bahrain
Months Wind power (Wm
) Solar power (Wm
) Tidal power (Wm
January 62,8 317,4 0,303
February 97,2 374,3 0,290
March 88,5 405,4 0,340
April 65,3 458,3 0,298
May 70,5 494,1 0,284
June 125,5 497,4 0,276
July 56,3 428,9 0,310
August 48,9 433,0 0,313
September 25,9 427,1 0,339
October 37,0 410,6 0,333
November 50,9 352,5 0,321
December 65,1 292,7 0,307
Total 66,2 407,6 0,335
Source: W.E. Alnaser, Renewable Energy Resources in the State of Bahrain,
Applied Energy, 50 (1995), 23, 30
x Rational Use of Energy
The population of Bahrain is increasing and therefore electricity consumption for
domestic use is rising accordingly. For example, domestic electricity consumption in
2001 in Bahrain reached 6,2 TWh and the electricity generation per capita 9,51
MWh/capita. This prompted the government to increase the annual production of
electricity to almost 4.000 million kWh. This underlines the urgency of promoting
According to the study of W.E. Alnaser a good solution can be a mobile RES
(hybrid) system consisting of wind generators and solar panels to produce 1,5 kWp
of (alternating current) electricity for rural areas. This system may utilize solar power
(which is abundant in Bahrain) and wind power and can be suitable for many
applications, such as mini mobile clinics, small schools, libraries and camping sites.
Furthermore, energy conservation can be achieved by installing energy efficient
motors instead of standard efficiency motors. This transition becomes a necessity as
a direct result of limitation in energy sources and escalating energy prices. Although
the unit energy price is low and motor costs are at least 100% more in Bahrain than
in the EU retrofitting energy efficient motors instead of standard efficient motors may
be economic in many cases since pay back periods of about 3 years can be
achieved. It is proven that, with the same amount of energy consumption, it is
possible to increase motors output by ~4% by installing energy efficient motors,
which can lead to a very significant saving over the life cycle of the motors. [36]
4.3 Kuwait
4.3.1 Implemented activities
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Kuwait is one of the world regions that receive a great portion of solar radiation per
year. Application of solar energy for power generation, desalination and air-
conditioning, were the major areas of research during the mid-seventies at the Kuwait
Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). [37] More specifically, the major implemented
activities in Kuwait are described as follows:
x Ericsson: Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of solar
power system for radio repeater. The installed total peak power is almost 2,54 kW.
x A 100 kW solar power system and a solar thermal energy powered multi-stage-flash
desalination unit were successfully installed.
x Application of solar energy for power generation, desalination and air-conditioning,
were the major areas of research during the mid-seventies at the Kuwait Institute for
Scientific Research (KISR). A number of solar cooling systems were successfully
installed and tested in addition to a 100 kW solar power system and a solar thermal
energy powered multi-stage-flash desalination unit. The research and development
work in the area of solar cooling was mainly confined to the use of vapour
absorption chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100
C using flat plate collectors.
For Kuwait, it is an attractive proposition as the thermal energy collection subsystem
has year-round utility for summer cooling, winter heating and hot water for services.
x In Kuwait, large proportion of funds was allocated for research in solar cooling
applications. By the year 1985, several small and medium capacity demonstration
projects were installed and tested and more were anticipated for the future. These
systems used flat plate collectors and small vapour absorption refrigeration (VAR)
system of 5 to 10 tons cooling capacity (TR). The first large installation in Kuwait
was carried out in the early eighties for a school building. Immediately thereafter, an
equally important installation comprising of 300 m
of flat plate collector area and
three 10 TR VAR chillers, was completed in 1983 for an office building of the
Ministry of Defense. These two well instrumented installations were tested for more
than one summer season. [38]
x Energy conservation measures have been in practice in Kuwait since 1983, through
a well defined code of practice enforced by the Ministry of Electricity and Water.
Additional energy-efficient products and techniques were developed thereafter,
however, have not been introduced as the electricity is highly subsidized and the
code has not been modified. Application of some of the cost-effective energy-
conservation measures and use of cool storage for peak-power savings have been
carried out as a demonstration project in two-storey buildings in the Center for
Speech and Audio Therapy (CSAT). [39]
x Kuwait has seen a continuous rise in the subsurface water table. The impact of the
water rise is manifested in flooded basements, surface water ponds, cracks in
buildings and damaged roads. A study carried out by the KISR recommended
drainage by deep wells to lower and maintain the subsurface water at a desired
level. In this framework, a small reverse osmosis (RO) system was installed in the
Kifan residential area and fed with water from a 50-m-deep well that already exists
at this site. The product water is intended to be used for landscaping, thus saving
the brackish groundwater supply. [40]
4.3.2 Potential
x Renewable Energy Sources
The research and development work in the area of solar cooling was mainly
confined to the use of vapour absorption chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100q
C using flat plate collectors. [38]
Furthermore, grid connected PV systems is a promising technique to enhance the
performance of the traditional grid utility system by reducing the total and peak
electrical load demands for Kuwait. The performance of grid connected photovoltaic
systems in the Kuwait climate has been evaluated and it was found that the peak
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load matches the maximum incident solar radiation. So, the role of using the PV
station to minimize the electrical load demand and to cover peaks should be
emphasized. [41]
x Rational Use of Energy
Domestic electricity consumption in 2001 in Kuwait reached ~33 TWh and the
electricity generation per capita 15,8 MWh/capita. Thus, the promotion of RUE is
both important and urgent. [7]
For a country like Kuwait, thermal energy collection subsystems are an attractive
proposition due to the year-round utility for summer cooling, winter heating and hot
water for services. As of today, the overall useful conversion of solar thermal energy
to cooling is limited to 35%, whereas the thermal energy collection and the cooling
conversion subsystems have capabilities of 50% and 70%, respectively. These
subsystems also need electrical energy for the auxiliary motors and consume water
in their cooling tower, the latter being an important factor in arid zone countries,
where soft water is produced from seawater desalination. The overall realistic
conversion of solar-to-cooling thus, gets reduced further.
Moreover, air-conditioning (A/C) is an important sector for Kuwait. It is the single
largest consumer of electricity as it accounts for nearly 70% of the peak-load
demand and over 45% of the yearly electricity consumption. Energy conservation
measures have been in practice for more than two decades. Kuwait was the first
country in the Arab Gulf to implement energy-conservation measures in air-
conditioned buildings through well defined codes requiring adequate institution of
walls and roofing, and not permitting the cooling demand or power requirement per
unit area to exceed a specific value, i.e. 65 W/m
for residential buildings and 100
for institutional buildings. There have been significant developments over the
last decade in new and more effective energy-efficient products and techniques that
have resulted in considerable energy conservation worldwide. [39]
4.4 Oman
4.4.1 Implemented activities
The Ministry of Water Resources tried to exploit the Sultanate's RES in 1998. More
specifically, water for the camp was traditionally supplied by tanker from a well at
Heelat Ar Rakah village, a short distance away. With self sufficiency in mind, the
Ministry decided to drill its own well at the camp. [42]
Consequently, a desalination plant was designed and built at the camp in 1995 to
utilise this water and a degasser tower installed to remove the hydrogen sulphide gas.
For the first time in Oman, solar power was used to run a reverse osmosis desalination
plant to produce fresh water for the camp and a wind turbine was installed to generate
electricity in order to run the submersible pump in the camp's well. Design of the solar
power system was based upon total electrical power requirements necessary for the
efficient operation of the desalination plant at the Heelat Ar Rakah camp. This equates
to 5,5 kWh/m
In addition, the present status of some of the major RES activities are described as
follows: [43-44]
x Petroleum Development Oman LLC:
o Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of solar power
systems for radio base stations in the interior. The total peak power installed is
27 kW;
o Design, manufacture and supply of: a) Skid mounted solar power systems; b)
Solar powered RTU systems; c) Cathodic protection systems; d)
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Instrumentation and control system. The installed total peak power is more
than 40 kW.
x Oman Telecommunications:
o Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of solar power system LD
repeaters. The total sites executed are 27 and the installed total peak power is
27 kW;
o Design, manufacture and supply of solar powered pay phones. The total peak
power installed is more than 8 kW.
x Governmental Projects:
o Expansion of solar power systems at 64 TV and FM transposer site accessed
by helicopter all over Oman. The installed total peak power is almost 22 kW;
o Design, manufacture, supply and installation of stand alone lighting systems for
9 KM road in Sohar of Oman. The installed total peak power is 85 kW;
o Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of wind electric
water pumping system of capacity 10 kW and solar power system for water
desalination. The installed total peak power is 3,5 kW;
o Design, manufacture and installation of stand alone solar power systems for
radio base and radar stations. The installed total peak power is almost 6 kW;
o Supply, installation and commissioning of solar power systems for Rustak and
Wadi Maval dam sites. The installed total peak power is 2,6 kW;
o Supply, installation and commissioning of solar power water pumping system
at Haima, Maabar & Wilayat. The installed total peak power is 8,3 kW;
o Supply, installation and commissioning of solar power systems for Damanyat
island and Izki hill site. The installed total peak power is almost 2 kW.
x Sultan Qaboos University through Kinemetrics Inc: Design, manufacture, supply,
installation and commissioning of solar power systems for seismic equipment for 10
sites spread all over Oman. The installed total peak power is 6,6 kW.
x Solar power was used to run a reverse osmosis desalination plant to produce fresh
water for the Heelat At" Rakah camps by the Ministry of Water Resources. A wind
turbine was installed to generate electricity in order to run the submersible pump in
the camp. [36]
x In December 1996, the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) successfully installed
the first wind-powered, electric water-pumping system in a remote location some
900 kilometres south of Muscat, the capital city of Oman. A weather-monitoring
station comprising temperature, wind speed/ direction, humidity and barometric
pressure equipment was also installed to investigate the relationship between
weather conditions and power output. Both systems are still in operation and are
providing valuable data for analysis. [45]
x Accurate weather data are needed for design optimization and performance
prediction of solar technologies and environmental control systems. However, these
types of data are not often readily available in easily usable form. A model for
weather data has been developed in Oman, which assessed the monthly average
daily data of climatic conditions over the period 1987-1992. [46]
x According to the study of A.S.S. Dorvlo, D.B. Ampratwum the wind power potential
was summarized using data from thirteen weather stations. The overall long term
average wind speed calculated a moderate 3,67 m/s yielding a potential power of
30,3 W. Wind speeds at four stations, Thumrait, Sur, Masirah and Marmul, are
appreciably higher than the national average and hence these stations have a great
potential for wind power utilization. [61]
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4.4.2 Potential
x Renewable Energy Sources
Oman is a country where oil and gas are the main sources of energy. The
detrimental effects of these conventional energy sources to the environment are
debatable. Moreover, these fuels have finite lifetime and are non-renewable.
Therefore alternative energy sources need to be explored and developed.
One possible RES is wind. Some parts of the Sultanate experience high winds for
long periods of time, which also has potential to be converted into wind energy. The
Sultanate of Oman lies between latitudes 40N and 40S. The climatic conditions
are mainly desert in the north and subtropical in the far south. The estimated
average wind speed is 3,7 m/s. This is the minimum speed, needed in general for
effective wind turbines, but it is enough for water pumping applications and Sur and
Thumrait are the most promising locations. Sur and Masirah are estimated to have
average annual wind speed exceeding 5 m/s and annual wind power density of
222,1 Wm
and 167,4 Wm
respectively, i.e. they are also suitable for wind
turbines. [46]
Table 4.7: Wind power
Power (W)
January 20,80
February 28,81
March 32,99
April 31,83
May 38,24
June 45,32
July 61,36
August 50,37
September 35,66
October 16,72
November 11,38
December 16,44
Source: A.S.S. Dorvlo, D.B. Ampratwum, Wind energy potential for Oman, Renewable Energy, 2002.
According to the above study, wind energy can be used successfully for the
abstraction of groundwater in remote locations where adequate wind energy
resources are available. A carefully planned and highly efficient, modern irrigation
system can aid a lot in the effective utilisation of the wind powered water-abstraction
system. [45]
In addition, Oman enjoys a climate with many hours of continuous sunshine and
consequently receives substantial amounts of solar radiation, which can be
converted to solar energy. Taking into consideration the estimated weather data of
Oman, the model for radiation is adequate. The three main indicators of solar
energy potential, ambient temperature, global radiation and sunshine hours have
very high averages, 26,8 qC, 18,7 MJ/m
/day and 9,5 h respectively. These high
values are maintained for a considerable part of the year. [46]
Climatic data (for the three years 1988-1990) have been surveyed for various
locations in Oman and hence the prospects there for the solar desalination of water
have been assessed. In particular, the behaviour of a solar still on Masirah island
(located at 21q N) has been predicted. [47] Furthermore, a hybrid system combining
wind/solar photovoltaic/diesel power generator elements could be used to power a
water supply/treatment facility in remote locations of Oman. [46]
The experimental research station at Heelat ar Rakah has been extremely useful in
testing RES in a field environment. According to this organization, the following
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activities could be developed in the near future: [42]
o Desalination by reverse osmosis is a very successful method for eliminating
fluoride from groundwater;
o Solar power is a feasible method for operating a desalination plant when there
is sufficient solar energy available, but for completeness and safety, should
always be provided with a back up more conventional power supply (i.e.
generator) if possible;
o It is possible to abstract groundwater using wind energy from a well with a
head of 30 meters. An average pump rate of 3,8 m
/hr has been obtained with
a wind speed at 3 m/sec. This is considered acceptable especially as this
speed is the minimum average wind speed throughout the year. Using this
wind speed, maximum water demands for the camp by 20 hours pumping each
o Future design of wind powered water abstraction should first pump directly
from the well to a storage tank before being consumed. The tank capacity
should be at least two times the daily water demand;
o Serious thought should be given to the implementation of wind powered
electrical generating systems in regions enjoying high wind speeds and where
conventional electrical powered schemes are expensive to run.
Harnessing the above RES can be particularly useful in remote rural areas, which
do not have the social amenity infrastructure enjoyed by the large towns and cities.
x Rational Use of Energy
Domestic electricity consumption in 2001 in Oman reached 8,1 TWh and the
electricity consumption per capita 3,3 MWh/capita, thus introduction of the RUE
concept could be considered. [7]
Oman suffers a chronic shortage of water and over 80% of all fresh water consumed
is used for agriculture. As fresh water resources are finite, there is an inexorable
pressure to reduce agricultural use of water to meet the growing demand for
domestic and industrial use. A variety of solar desalination devices has been
developed. Nowadays, both efficiency and economics have been studied in order to
be considered when choosing a solar desalination system in Oman. In the above
framework, the Seawater Greenhouse is a new development that can produce fresh
water from seawater, and cools and humidifies the growing environment, creating
optimum conditions for the cultivation of temperate crops in Oman. [48]
4.5 Qatar
4.5.1 Implemented activities
The major RES and RUE activities in Qatar are described as follows:
x An assessment of the potential and economical feasibility of adopting off-shore/on-
shore wind energy has been contacted in Qatar. An analysis is presented for the
long term measured on-shore wind speed (19762000) at Doha International
Airport. A similar analysis is presented for the measured off-shore wind speed at the
Qatari Haloul Island.
x Some major district cooling service providers are developed. So, ongoing contracts
have already been expanded regionally in Qatar. [49]
x Qatar joined the consensus adoption of the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED) along with the principles of Agenda 21.
One of the principle calls for the commitment of the State to institutionalize
environmental impact assessment for its new development projects. Within this
context, a policy has been laid down for environmental impact assessment of new
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industries and major infrastructure projects. [50]
4.5.2 Potential
x Renewable Energy Sources
An assessment of the potential and economical feasibility of adopting off-shore/on-
shore wind energy as a RES in Qatar has been implemented by A-Hamid Marafia et
al. This economical assessment takes into consideration the interest recovery factor,
the lifetime of the wind energy conversion system, the investment rate and operation
and maintenance costs. The results indicate that the cost of electricity generation
from the wind in Qatar compares favourably to that from fossil fuel resources. [51]
More specifically, in the state of Qatar, where the average wind speed at a height of
20 m above ground ranges between about 5,1 m/s on-shore and 6 m/s off-shore,
utilization of small to medium-size wind energy turbine systems can prove to be both
efficient and competitive. Small generators can be implemented for water pumping
and to produce sufficient electricity to meet vital, limited needs of remote locations,
such as isolated rural homes and farms, which do not have access to the national
electricity grid.
On the other hand, establishment of wind farms on islands like Haloul with means to
transfer generated electricity to the nearby on-shore areas is expected to be both
technically feasible and economically viable.
According to one other study by A.-Hamid Marafia, a basic economic evaluation of
electricity generation in Qatar suggests that PV technology is not far from being
economically feasible. The advanced technology and wide market demand for PV
systems should result in improved conversion efficiency and lower unit cost.
However, PV systems are a clean source of energy and their positive impact on the
environment in the Qatar should be taken into consideration.
Qatar plans to promote RES and RUE technologies in the future by establishing a
link to international databases and encouraging local colleges and universities to
conduct research and development projects, in relation to environmental issues
specific to the nation's industries and ecosystems. [50]
x Rational Use of Energy
Domestic electricity consumption in 2001 in Qatar reached 9,2 TWh and the
electricity generation per capita 15,3 MWh/capita. This underlines the urgency of
RUE promotion. [7]
4.6 Saudi Arabia
4.6.1 Implemented activities
Since the mid-seventies, Saudi Arabia has been at the forefront of research and
development into RES and especially solar energy. For example, two major
international joint Research and Development (R&D) programs were funded, in
cooperation with the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany,
aimed at developing RES technology and demonstrating its applications by designing
and installing several pilot projects. [52]
Table 4.8: Saudi Arabias mean wind speed (m/s)
Station Annual January-
April-June July-
Badanah 3,8 3,9 4,5 3,7 2,9
Bisha 2,5 2,4 2,5 2,7 2,4
Dhahran 4,5 4,4 5,1 4,4 3,9
Al-Qasim 2,9 3,0 3,4 2,7 2,5
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Jizan 3,5 3,4 3,5 3,8 3,2
Hail 3,1 3,3 3,4 2,8 2,7
Jeddah 3,5 3,7 3,7 3,5 3,0
Mabinah 3,7 3,9 3,8 3,7 3,3
Najran 2,8 2,4 3,0 3,6 2,2
Qaisumah 4,2 4,3 4,6 4,3 3,5
Rafah 3,4 3,8 3,8 3,0 2,8
Riyadh 3,5 3,7 3,9 3,6 2,7
Tabuk 3,0 3,0 3,5 3,1 2,3
Taif 3,9 3,7 3,8 4,8 3,1
Yanbu al-Bahr 4,4 4,3 3,8 4,7 3,9
Source: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Potential and prospects for renewable energy
electricity generation in the ESCWA region, United Nations, New York, 2001
Figure 4.1. Solar and Wind station networks in Saudi Arabia
Source: Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaKing Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Energy Research
The major RES and RUE implemented activities in Saudi Arabia are described as
follows: [53]
x The Solar Village is situated about 50 km north-west of Riyadh (Altitude 650 m,
Latitude 24,54:47N, Longitude 46,24:21E) and is representative of a typical Saudi
Arabian location. The Solar Village Photovoltaic Power System (PVPS), consisting
of a 350 kW PV concentrator field, was completed by SOLERAS in 1981
(Williamson and Key 1987). This PVPS has been operating very well in the hot
desert environment since its inception, however the net permanent power is
degraded by 20% due to the solar cell / ceramic substrates solder joint delimitation
problem by the daily thermal cycling and fatigue, short circuit problems, and water
penetration/condensation inside the modules. The temperature of the cells was
found excessively higher than the original designed value, and the heat sink
assembly was not enough to cool down the cells. In general, the experience
acquired through the execution of this project is very significant to understanding,
maintaining and advancing the technology;
x A solar thermal seawater desalination pilot plant was completed by SOLERAS in
1984 in Yanbu. It used an indirect contact heat transfer freeze process to produce
200 m
of potable water per day. The operation, maintenance, and performance
results enabled collector component manufacturers to use the project as test bed for
new concepts. Other organizations learned more about the freeze desalination
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process and developed new commercial equipment. This plant, however, was
closed down for economic reasons (Huraib 1989);
x A PV powered brackish water desalination plant was installed in 1994 at Sadous
Village in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL
USA). The plant has two separate PV fields. One (980 Wp) is to energize a
submersible pump for pumping water from a well, and the other (~10 kWp) is to
provide power to a Reverse Osmosis Unit (ROU) and to other accessories and
equipment. The preliminary investigation has shown an excellent overall
performance of PV plant for water pumping and desalination, however, the potable
water recovery rate is only about 30%. Further work is underway in order to increase
this recovery rate. Simultaneously, a separate study also seeks to incorporate a
solar thermal system (probably a pilot plant of solar stills) with the existing PV
powered ROU in order to use the high rejection rate of brine (70% of input water to
ROU) for water distillation;
x An initial joint program (solar thermal dish project) with Germany was carried out to
produce a 100 kW with two thermal dishes. It involved the development,
construction and testing of two 17 meter diameter large scale membrane solar
concentrators. Results revealed that development of smaller diameter thermal
dishes would be more appropriate for remote applications due to the operational and
maintenance problems and cost effectiveness, therefore, work on large diameter
dishes has been concluded;
x A 350 kW solar hydrogen production plant (HYSOLAR program) has been installed
to demonstrate the safe and reliable production of hydrogen from solar energy in the
technical scale. This plant used the DC electricity being produced by the 350 kW PV
field / AC power. More specifically, this electricity is consumed by advanced alkaline
water electrolysers (0,25 m
of electrode area, 120 cells) to produce 463 cubic
meters of hydrogen per day at normal pressure. Results showed that the required
improvements are the following:
o Hardware improvement of PV-field and electrolyze;
o Improvement of the AC power supply for the rectifier;
o Installation of a new pressurized air system and adaptation of specific
measurement techniques.
x The R&D work on Phosphoric Aid Fuel Cells (PAFC) using hydrogen has
successfully progressed in the past four years in the development of a 100 W and
0,25 kW stacks from half and mono cells. Valuable experience such as acid
management techniques, and control of leakage of hydrogen gas and intermixing of
hydrogen and air in the cells of the stack due to lack of electrolyte in the matrix, etc.,
led to an improved design and fabrication of the 1 kW PAFC stack. These lessons
will be useful for scale-up of power generating modules (50 kW) for power utility
applications in remote areas of Saudi Arabia. In another hydrogen utilization activity,
locally available internal combustion engines and ceramic mantle gas lamps have
been modified to use hydrogen as a fuel for small scale demonstration purposes. A
commercial thermoelectric power generator originally designed to be fueled by
methane or propane has been modified to run using hydrogen. Safe and reliable
utilization of hydrogen has been demonstrated. Most of the required components
used in these activities have been designed and fabricated locally at ERl, therefore,
the staff of the ERl has gained professional experience in this field.
x King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST) has introduced individual
units of a forced closed type Solar Water Heating System (SWHS) for domestic
water heating. More than 1.100 solar flat plate collectors have been installed on the
rooftop of ~380 residences in KACSTs campus in Riyadh (Alathel 1996). The use of
imported SWHS in this project face many problems, therefore, a theoretical and
experimental study on the development of SWHS has begun. In this study a number
of suitable SWHS will be designed and fabricated using locally available material
and field tested for all seasons. Results will help interested industries in mass
production and commercialization. The preliminary results show that the final cost of
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locally fabricated and field tested SWHS will be about 70% cheaper than the
imported SWHS. [54]
x KACST has used the PV system to power highway devices in various remote
locations within the Kingdom. The most significant projects are the lighting systems
for two remote tunnels located in the southern mountains of Saudi Arabia; however,
a significant degradation of the system outputs was experienced during operation.
The failure could be due to the design of the system, a type or specification of
particular elements. Maintenance difficulties resulted in discontinuing of the project.
x A 3 kW photovoltaic power system was installed at the solar village site for
evaluation of orientation, tracking, reliability, dust and temperature of PV modules on
efficiency and energy output. It has been found that, the best tilt angle for fixed PV
modules (facing south) to produce substantial amount of energy annually is equal to
25 and accumulation of dust on the panels reduced efficiency. Performance
evaluation of various other photovoltaic flat-plate and concentrator module
technologies are conducted on a continuous basis. Recently, a 6 kW PV system
was also installed in order to evaluate a scheme for a PV system to integrate with
electric grid, especially during peak hours for electric load leveling purposes.
x Reliable quantitative data on the daily and annual distribution of solar energy and
potential of wind energy at given locations is essential for assessing the economic
feasibility of solar energy utilization. It has been found that the existing Saudi solar
radiation atlas does not cover all the areas of the Kingdom and even it does not
contain reliable information required for solar energy application. Similarly, data
recorded in the existing wind atlas is not reliable enough to determine the wind
potential. Therefore, two separate projects in solar wind energy assessment have
been initiated by the ERI in order to record reliable data and to asses the wind
potential of Saudi Arabia. The installation of assessment equipment is in progress in
different parts of the country. Solar and wind atlas will be compiled. KACST has
achieved a success in joint international programs in the advancement of solar
energy technology and transfer thereof. It has learned several administrative and
management type of lessons from operating these programs.
x From 1993 to 2000, KACST and the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) conducted a joint solar radiation resource assessment project to upgrade
the solar resource assessment capability of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KACST
deployed a high quality 12-station network in Saudi Arabia for monitoring solar total
horizontal, direct beam, and diffuse radiation. The project was operated under Solar
Radiation Resource Assessment to the Joint United StatesSaudi Arabian Technical
Agreement on Renewable Energy Research and was called the New Energy
Project. The goals of the project were to improve the monitoring of solar radiation
resources for alternative energy within the Kingdom, exchange technical expertise
with KACST scientists in the principles of solar radiation measurements,
instrumentation, network operations, data quality assessment and management,
solar radiation modelling and to generate a solar radiation atlas for the Kingdom.
x The ERI, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, conducted
various research studies in order to develop the most efficient systems for drying
dates using solar energy. Drying immature dates is a problem for many countries
where the relative humidity is high during the drying season. Drying dates by solar
energy is important for reducing the overall maturation time, as well as for
minimizing the quantity of dates lost during the process. Within this context, a
number of solar dryers have been designed, installed and experimentally tested at
the Al-Hassa and Qatif Agricultural experimental sites. A new design for a solar
dryer is currently under fabrication and is at the field test stage. The tested design
will subsequently be handed over to those industries who are interested in its
commercialisation. [56]
x In order to promote the important benefits of solar energy to the general public, the
ERI and the KACST participated in a number of energy related exhibitions and used
all possible means to demonstrate the importance of solar-emerging technologies.
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Due to the importance of solar-energy education, a survey was recently conducted
by the Institute on the availability of solar energy educational programs at different
educational levels around the world. [56]
x Water pumping and desalination, using energy produced by a PV generator, is
expected to be reliable and cost effective in remote rural areas of Saudi Arabia. A
demonstration plant for the purpose of R&D and public awareness was designed
and installed in Sadous village, near Riyadh. The construction of the plant was
completed in December 1994 and the test for primary operation started in January
1995. The performance of all elements in the plant has been excellent to date.
Valuable data about the plant operation was collected, and then intensive evaluation
was carried out toward the end of 1995. [57]
4.6.2 Potential
x Renewable Energy Sources
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a variety of natural resources of energy, namely
underground (oil and gas), in the air (wind), from the sky (solar) and different
industrial minerals and raw materials, such as quartz, sand, iron, copper, zinc, lead,
underground water, sea water etc. With good vision and a flexible strategy, Saudi
Arabia may rationally utilize these resources and play a more effective role in the
energy world in the coming decades. [58]
In the above framework, even though Saudi Arabia is a leading oil producer, it is
keenly interested in taking an active part in the development of new technologies for
exploiting and utilizing RES because of the following considerations:
o Saudi Arabia has an area of more than 2 million km
where many remote
villages and settlements can benefit from RES applications.
o Saudi Arabia has enormous potential for exploiting solar energy. Therefore, if a
major breakthrough is achieved in the field of solar-energy conversion, Saudi
Arabia can be a leading producer and exporter of solar energy in the form of
o RES are essentially considered as providing support to depletable sources of
energy (hydrocarbon resources), which in the past were generously consumed
and dissipated. It is the Kingdoms view that such exhaustible resources ought
to be used more wisely, for the development of other products more beneficial
and useful to humankind, such as petrochemicals.
More specifically, wind remains the worlds fastest growing source with significant
potential in the Kingdom for some applications. The average wind speed at a height
of 20 m exceeds 4 m/s in the east, west and the northern parts of the country. This
wind speed is appropriate to be utilized for electrical energy production and for water
pumping, especially in remote areas. The electrical energy produced could be used
for lighting, water desalination and cooling. Also, there are many ways to store
energy converted from the wind, compressed air storage, pumped storage, flywheel
storage, battery storage and hydrogen storage. Solar chimneys might be a suitable
option to utilize wind energy, combined with thermal solar, in the central region of
Saudi Arabia (less wind speed) for electric power production.
Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is also looking forward to develop grid connected wind
farms to supply additional requirements of electricity. King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals worked on identification of potential sites in Saudi Arabia. In
addition to this, the electricity utility in Saudi Arabia is also looking forward to
develop wind-diesel hybrid systems for remote villages away from the grid. A
feasibility study, for a village with 3,5 MW peak load is being conducted by King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. [59]
For the identification of high-potential areas for RES applications in Saudi Arabia,
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KACST is using 40-meter high mast to collect wind speed and direction data at 20,
30, and 40 meters above ground level. These masts are moved from one site to
another after 3 or 4 years data collection. KACST is also maintaining 14 new
generation solar radiation data collection stations in different parts of the Kingdom.
Another 40 or more stations were being maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture to
collect global solar radiation and sunshine duration data. [60]
Within this context, the solar energy availability in the country exceeds 2.200
/year, which is among the highest rates for solar energy in the world. The
solar belt is the region of the earth between the latitudes of 40N and 40S, which
receives plentiful solar energy. Saudi Arabia is centred on 25N latitude, having an
average of bright sunshine of more than 8 hours.
The photovoltaic effect seems to be the most attractive option for solar energy
exploitation in Saudi Arabia. The availability of the raw materials, with good purity of
silicon, its conversion of solar radiation directly into electrical energy and the
increasing demand for such systems (e.g. the power capacity produced worldwide
reached 200 MW in 1999) makes these industries extremely attractive to potential
investors. There are two photovoltaic assembly factories existing in the Kingdom.
Theoretically, there is no limit for photovoltaic power systems. The electrical output
could be used directly, or through DC/AC converters for different applications. The
most common uses are in the villages and remote areas. Batteries are the most
known means to store the electrical energy. However, hydrogen has started to get
the attention of scientists and researchers as an energy carrier. As an application of
photovoltaics in the villages in Saudi Arabia, the Energy Research Institute (ERI) of
KACST is conducting research on water pumping and a desalination pilot plant
using PV and Reverse Osmosis (RO) units with an average of 600 l/h water
Furthermore, ERI describes a range of projects concerning solar energy besides
water pumping and desalination plants throughout Saudi Arabia and has confirmed
that solar energy has a multitude of practical uses in the region. These include:
lighting, cooling, water heating, crop/fruit drying, water desalination, operation of
irrigation pumps, operation of meteorological stations, road and tunnel lighting,
traffic lights, road instruction signals, and small applications at remote sites.
After more than twenty years of research and development, the evaluation of all
these R&D activities is essential in order to determine their benefits to the scientific
community, the country and society in general. [56] Within this context, Saudi Arabia
benefits from the R&D efforts on RES in the following ways:
o Qualifying manpower at local research centers: the joint work of local people
with expert scientists from developed countries is a good opportunity for them
to gain experience. The ERI, Saudi universities and local industry have gained
qualified experts in the field of renewable energy research, development and
o Establishing laboratories for supporting R&D in the field of renewable energy at
the main research centers in the KACST and at universities.
o Helping to transfer the technology of the PV industry to Saudi Arabia: a number
of local factories are importing ready made solar cells and then assembling PV
modules to meet the demand of the local market. Even though these industries
have been in operation for the last 10 years, the PV market potential in Saudi
Arabia is still quite small.
x Rational Use of Energy
Population growth in Saudi Arabia has been recording high rates, as trends around
the world, grown by an average of 4,3% per annum over the period 19772000,
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rising from 8,1 million in 1977 to 24,3 million in 2003. The factors that contributed to
the rise in the population of Saudi Arabia included a marked improvement in the
standard of living, health and social conditions during the last three decades and a
rise in per capita income. These factors affected the population structure in favour of
more population migration from rural to urban areas, a rise in fertility rates, a decline
in mortality rates among children and an increase in the ratio of the youth to total
Furthermore, table 4.9 illustrates the present and future trends of the annual growth
rate of the Net Generation, which is supposed to be reduced in the following years.
Table 4.9: Final energy consumption data
Year Net Generation (GWh) Peak Load (MW) Annual Growth Rate (%)
1995 44.168 7,7 -
1999 50.538 8,1 3,6
2003 62.788 9,9 5,5
2010 77.986 12,6 3,4
2015 78.653 14,3 2,7
2020 96.729 16,1 2,3
2023 102.814 17,2 2,3
Source: Predictions of King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST)
Because of the population growth and rapid development in Saudi Arabia, the
demand for electrical energy in recent years is approaching the power generated,
mainly during the summer months.
More specifically, the electrical energy consumption in the residential sector is at the
highest levels compared to the industrial and agricultural sectors. The percentage of
energy consumption in various sectors is 63,4% for residential and governmental,
24,9% for industrial and 2% for agricultural. Electrical energy conservation in Saudi
Arabia can be achieved through the integration of three tools: [61]
o The use of efficient electrical equipment.
o The application of passive energy technology in buildings, such as insulation,
evaporative cooling, ventilation and solar heating.
o Supportive tools such as public awareness, energy codes, regulations, energy
information and databases.
To achieve the best results of energy conservation, these tools should be launched
and should be treated as a single factor. Governmental subsidies are urgently
required for supporting the industry involved in manufacturing energy efficient
equipments and technologies i.e. insulation material manufacturing.
The solar energy availability in the country exceeds 2.200 kWh/m
/ year, which is
among the highest rates for solar energy in the world. As mentioned above, this
energy could be exploited in providing hot water and/or steam for domestic,
institutional and industrial use by using solar flat-plate or concentrating collectors.
A study by Khonkar and Elani estimated that a saving of about 2% of the electrical
energy in the industrial sector in the Kingdom could be achieved by applying solar
thermal systems. There are already two factories in the country producing flat-plate
collectors. It is known that concentrated collectors are used for higher temperatures.
The high temperature water might be used for different purposes, such as in
industries for heating and drying, in refrigeration for food preservation and in space
cooling, which is the most attractive application in the Kingdom, since more than
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60% of the electrical energy consumed in homes and in public and commercial
buildings is used for cooling purposes. Solar thermal absorption systems are ideal
systems to be adopted and implemented for cooling and refrigeration.
Furthermore, the high temperature water (steam) could be used to generate
electricity. The electrical energy could be used immediately or stored through the
production of hydrogen via electrolyzers. It is mentioned that the worldwide solar
thermal power generation is large and could reach an annual installation rate of
2.000 MW. [58-59]
The electrical peak load period is between 12 noon and 5 p.m. This situation
actually represents an ideal case to exploit solar energy, since the curve of demand
almost matches the peak output curve of solar energy (PV/thermal). The availability
of the raw materials, land and the industrial infrastructure will promote the
exploitation of solar energy.
4.7 United Arab Emirates
4.7.1 Implemented activities
The major RES implemented activities in UAE are described as follows:
x Solar Power Systems and Solar Photovoltaic Systems projects executed in UAE:
o Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of stand alone
solar power systems and passive cooled shelters for 33 GSM base stations.
These systems were installed all over UAE including island sites. The installed
total peak power is almost 600 kW;
o Design, manufacture and supply of solar powered pay phones. The total peak
power installed is ~29 kW.
o Design, manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of solar power
systems for cell enhancers. The installed total peak power is ~9 kW.
o Supply, installation and commissioning of aviation obstruction warning lights.
The quantity is 46 systems and the installed total peak power is 5 kW.
x An important Solar Photovoltaic System Project concerning the supply, installation
and commissioning of aviation obstruction warning lights was executed in UAE on
behalf of the Ministry of Defense, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The installed total peak power is
approximately 1,6 kW. [43]
x There are some enterprises that specialize in alternative power solutions especially
designed for Middle-East, meeting the energy requirements of the region with solar,
wind energy and power backup systems. So, some installations in UAE were carried
out and they are characteristic examples of how RES can help UAEs daily activities
in order to be in total harmony with the surrounding environment. [55]
x A study has been executed in order to examine the developments in the UAE using
an assessment tool that measures the performance of buildings in terms of their
sustainability. This study attempts to: [64]
o Develop a comprehensive definition of sustainability to suit UAE needs;
o Classify sustainable building practices at international and regional levels;
o Assess building performance in the UAE;
o Establish guidelines for future sustainable architecture.
4.7.2 Potential
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x Renewable Energy Sources
UAE has one of the most diversified economies of all the major oil-producing
Arabian Gulf states. This diversity has helped to cushion the economic impact of the
collapse of crude oil prices in 1998. Nevertheless, with oil and derivative products
accounting for approximately 78% of the UAEs total exports, the oil price crash has
put considerable pressure on the economy. [65]
Furthermore, the UAE, according to the population prediction for the next 100 years
cannot fulfill its share in the world energy market after the year 2015, and this
problem intensifies as the gap between the demand and production curves widens,
creating a serious dilemma by the middle of the century. Consequently, this would
lead to an enormous impact on the nations economy, which depends mainly on
fossil fuels.
Solar energy could play a key role in bridging the gap between the UAE supply of
fossil fuels and the world energy demand. The UAE has a great potential of solar
energy with average solar isolation exceeding 8,5 GJ/m
yr, which could be used to
generate electricity through photovoltaic cells and hydrogen through electrolysis. In
addition, the UAE Ministry of Electricity and Water decided to establish a department
to investigate solar power and its uses.
In addition, a possible hydrogen energy system was studied in UAE. The only
remedy to the above problem is to exploit solar energy and to produce hydrogen
through an electrolysis process, in order to satisfy the gap between demand and
fossil fuel productions. According to the results of the above study, hydrogen energy
should co-exist with fossil fuels at the beginning of the fossil fuel demand/
production divergence period and gradually take over the energy production when
fossil fuel production is almost nil. Hydrogen could start around 2020 with an energy
production of 109 GJ/yr, increasing to 7,8109 GJ/yr by the year 2040. After that,
hydrogen production is tripled to 20109 GJ/yr by the year 2060, and then doubled
by the year 2080. Implementing solar hydrogen energy systems on the overall
energy picture in the UAE would lead to additional income for the country, hence
improving income per capita of the country. [65]
x Rational Use of Energy
In European Union, 50% of material resources taken from nature are building-
related, over 50% of national waste production comes from the building sector and
also 40% of the energy consumption is building-related. In the UAE, these figures
are even higher. [66]
Some recent studies compared the total energy use, artificial lighting and cooling
energy use per square metre in a year for contemporary and traditional buildings.
These studies indicated that contemporary buildings in the UAE use almost six
times more energy than traditional buildings. The energy performance of these
building is relatively high in comparison with examples in Europe. This is due to the
lack of energy saving features in contemporary buildings in the UAE.
The average energy use per area in domestic buildings is high, and public buildings
in UAE show less sustainable measures in terms of energy features, energy
performance and environmental features, and privacy. Issues considered in the
assessment of buildings such as energy use per square metre and CO
are alarming. Traditional buildings in the UAE were found to be more sustainable
than the contemporary buildings. [64]
In terms of other energy intensity figures in UAE, the domestic electricity
consumption reached 37,7 TWh in 2001 and the electricity generation per capita
12,3 MWh/capita. This underlines the urgency of the promotion of RUE. [7]
The increased level of the domestic electricity consumption is owed to a large
degree to the air conditioning, which is a major source of electrical energy
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consumption in UAE. Consequently, the relationship between climate conditions and
electric energy consumption is considered as matter of crucial importance. An
electricity demand model has been constructed using time series techniques. The
fitted model seems to represent these relationships rather well. Forecasts for
electricity consumption using the estimated model indicate that a small reduction in
cooling degrees requirement might induce a significant reduction in electric energy
demand. Hence, a Demand Side Management (DSM) program has been proposed
with policy actions to include, among others, measures to reduce cooling degrees
requirement. [67]
4.8 Carbon Capture and Storage technologies
4.8.1 Overview
Even though there is a significant need for CCS technologies in the whole region, the
implemented activities are limited. Some successfully implemented Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR) projects are located in United Arab Emirates by the Abu Dhabi Oil
Company Ltd (ADOC) as well as in Bahrain, Qatar and Oman by Petroleum
Development Oman (PDO).
More specifically, some of the CCS projects implemented in the region are the
x ADOCs EOR project into oil reservoirs in Umm al-Anbar and Neewat al-Ghalan
fields of United Arab Emirates. The increased volume of injected gas has
significantly improved oil recovery from the two fields.
x Cleaner Production Concepts in the Old Aluminium Smelter and a New Extension
Project at the Aluminium Bahrain Company in Bahrain.
x Harweel Cluster, located in the far south of the Sultanate of Oman.
As concerns gas flaring from oil fields, it is also a major contributor of CO
The gas flaring emissions in the GCC region are illustrated in the following table 4.10.
Oil companies in the GCC region are currently showing great interest regarding
technologies that reduce gas flaring.
Table 4.10: CO
Emissions from gas flaring (thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide)
Country 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
Kuwait 962 981 969 962 384
Oman 2.288 1.860 726 692 876
2.751 1.904 23.948 24.429
UAE 2.886 2.924 750 692 750
Source: Earth Trends, The Environmental Information Portal
In this context, refineries in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates are starting recently to use new technologies to reduce gas flaring as part of
their efforts towards environmental-friendly production.
In addition, the ADOC has implemented a zero-gas flaring project, which recovers gas
from Mubarraz Offshore and Mubarraz island for injection into oil reservoirs in these
fields. ADOC had achieved dramatic reductions in gas flaring and therefore air pollution
was reduced and the gas availability for export or internal use was increased.
4.8.2 Perspectives
GCC countries are major producers of both oil and natural gas globally, thus decline in
their production will have severe effects on the whole world. As a result, Oman has
faced the problem of declining oil production by using EOR.
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More specifically, to maintain oil production at current levels and avoid future declines,
the government is pursuing a two-pronged strategy of developing smaller fields and
applying EOR and secondary techniques at existing fields. EOR techniques are applied
to the mature fields. In the north, additional wells have been drilled, and water injection
facilities have been constructed at the Jibal field. Gas injection is used at Fuhud and
Natih and up to now the strategy appears successful.
capture and storage and EOR present opportunities for the oil industry to
participate in activities that will substantially reduce emissions, and, in the case of
EOR, increase the recovery from oil fields. The potential for commercial-scale EOR
provided the incentive for oil producers to become involved in CO
capture in order to
meet, in a timely and effective manner, the rising level of oil demand that has been
forecasted for the 21st century. Many had already recognized that it was a win-win
situation for them, such as the Oman government. [72]
In addition, oil production contributes to air pollution in the form of flaring, the burning of
natural gas extracted along with crude oil. Flaring is the cheapest way to dispose of the
natural gas that GCC is not fairly well equipped to utilize. Worldwide, this process
contributes to 35 million tons of carbon dioxide annually as well as 12 million tons of
methane, two very potent greenhouse gases. The flaring also fills the air with smoke
and covers the land in soot, meanwhile contributing to the rising acidity of the rain.
The reduction in flaring has both economic and environmental implications, since the
re-injection of the gas helps to maintain the pressure in the hydrocarbon reservoirs,
thus enhancing their life, while the elimination of emissions helps to maintain the quality
of the atmosphere, not just on a local but on a global level.
4.9 Concluding Remarks
The previous paragraphs described the current situation and demonstrated some of the
opportunities for market diffusion of RES and RUE technologies in the GCC region.
Major constraints that prevent the promotion of RES and RUE were identified. In
addition, the small or pilot applications of RES and RUE technologies that were
developed in the GCC countries were presented. It is concluded that the GCC region
has a very high unexploited potential for the further development at the RES and RUE
industry suitable for both of GCC consumers and EU investors.
First of all, the review performed on the existing constraints for the development of
RES activities in the GCC countries illustrated the fact that these countries have not
begun to take concrete measures for the promotion of RES yet. The main RES and
RUE constraints are presented as follows:
x Cost and pricing: The availability of governmental subsidies for oil and electricity
generation and non-availability of similar subsidies for RES and RUE activities is a
common characteristic of the GCC energy system. Such subsidies inhibit the
chances for RES to compete with the commercial energy sources that are available.
These countries need to develop friendly environmental technologies for the energy
sector, since heavily subsidized energy tariffs have limited the development
opportunities. Furthermore, due to the high initial capital cost and the unfavorable
power pricing assessment for the RES and RUE, investments are needed to be
increased so as these technologies will have access to rural areas.
x Legal and Regulatory: A common characteristic for all GCC countries is the
absence of legal framework / agreements for the promotion of RES and RUE. The
industry needs encouragement by the governments in the form of national goals,
legislation and partnership - agreements with the international industry to kick-start a
viable domestic market.
x Market Performance: The most important market performance constraint is the
non-existence of country assistance strategies regarding RES and RUE. On the
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contrary, most of the GCC countries (especially Oman and Qatar) are nowadays
seeking to develop their capacity to export natural gas. Furthermore, other market
performance constraints that these projects have to encounter are the low
awareness / experience in the rural sector and the lacking of commercial skill and
information. More specifically, RES applications can be particularly useful in these
remote areas which do not have the social amenity infrastructure enjoyed by the
large towns and cities. Finally, the dissemination and utilization of scientific
knowledge gained in laboratories, interaction with potential users, policy makers,
planners and manufacturers is essential for the awareness build in the region.
However, till now, RES and RUE activities (pilot, research and real life projects) have
been conducted by institutions, scientific and research centres, companies and some
relevant governmental and no-governmental bodies. As a result, several small and
medium capacity projects were installed and tested. More analytically:
x Significant institutes and research centers have conducted research regarding
RES and RUE, such as:
o The King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) of Saudi Arabia
has been at the forefront of research and development of RES and especially
solar energy;
o The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) has implemented a number
of solar energy applications for power generation, desalination and air-
o The Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC) has conducted an
important research activity for matching renewable energy with desalination
x Some of the major governmental actions are presented as follows:
o The government of Saudi Arabia intensified the efforts to increase public
awareness regarding environmental issues and especially the climate change.
Furthermore, in recent years the Kingdoms Ministry of Communication turned
its attention to providing daytime lighting for the region's tunnels, using PV
o Ministries of Electricity in UAE and Kuwait tried to promote effective energy-
efficient products and techniques that can result in considerable energy
o The Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) of Oman tried to exploit the
Sultanate's renewable energy;
o The government of Bahrain is actively seeking to reduce the stress on the
natural environment;
o The government of Qatar tried to apply an environmental impact assessment
of new industries and major infrastructure projects;
x Companies have implemented a number of RES (mostly solar - PV) projects. More
o BP Solar Arabia Ltd. has implemented a number of solar applications in the
GCC region, especially using photovoltaic solar systems;
o A number of other enterprises specialize in alternative power solutions
especially designed for Middle-East, meeting the energy requirements of the
region with solar, wind energy and power backup systems.
x Universities in the GCC region have carried out small-scale RES and RUE
projects, such as:
o The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals has conducted feasibility
studies for the development of grid connected wind farms;
o The University of Bahrain has participated in the design and construction of a
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mobile solar and wind-powered mobile generator that produces 1.5 kW;
o The Sultan Qaboos University of Oman has participated in the design,
manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of solar power systems
for seismic equipment for 10 sites spread all over Oman.
Based on the implemented activities and potential, it is possible to distinguish groups of
GCC countries with similar characteristics.
x A first group of countries comprises those, which have shown a significant effort
regarding the development of RES and RUE, which are Saudi Arabia and UAE.
o Saudi Arabia has been at the forefront of research and development into RES
and especially solar energy. There are a number of RES and RUE
implemented activities and major institutes and companies that support these
efforts (such as the BP Solar Arabia LTD and the Energy Research Institute -
ERI). Furthermore, the government has intensified its efforts to increase public
awareness regarding environmental issues and especially the climate change.
o As concerns the UAE, taking into consideration the research and development
efforts concerning the solar hydrogen economy and the significant number of
projects implemented in the region it can be assumed that RES development is
a major priority for the country. In addition, the Ministry of Electricity and Water
of UAE decided to establish a department to investigate solar power and its
x A second group comprises countries that have performed some progress regarding
the promotion of RES and RUE but still need significant efforts to be made. In this
group belong Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.
o Bahrain has a great solar and wind technology. Furthermore, due to the
regional character of most RES technologies, they can play a significant role to
the commercialization and provision of energy and energy services to remote
and isolated areas, since this country consists of a large number of islands.
o In Kuwait, applications of solar energy for power generation, desalination and
air-conditioning, were the major areas of research during the mid-seventies.
However, even though these applications provided a series of benefits, the
development and dissemination process of such technologies has been slower
than expected. As concerns the energy conservation measures, energy-
efficient products and energy management procedures have not been
introduced in the energy system since the electricity is highly subsidized and
the regulatory framework has not been updated since 1983.
o Oman recently started to exploit renewable energy. Applications such as wind-
powered, electric water-pumping systems and a desalination plant using solar
power to run reverse osmosis are tested and they appear to be particularly
useful in remote rural areas in Oman, which do not have the social amenity
infrastructure enjoyed by the large towns and cities.
o In Qatar, the promotion of environmental friendly technologies in the previous
years didnt seem to be of high importance in the country. However, recent
studies regarding the assessment of the potential and economical feasibility of
adopting off-shore/on-shore wind energy and the economic evaluation of PV
technology brought the RES to the forefront.
Nowadays, it is clear that GCC region is keenly interested in taking a more active part
in the development of new technologies for exploiting and utilizing RES and RUE,
because of the following considerations:
x GCC has significant potential for exploiting RES and especially solar energy;
x GCC has an area where many remote villages and settlements can benefit from
RES applications;
x A significant technological background exists based on research activities in the
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region. Applications of RES and RUE technologies (i.e. solar) have already been
developed and can be assumed as matured;
x GCC governments are fully aware that they cannot depend on oil for their income
forever, especially in the prevailing situation of price fluctuations, the rapid
population and consequently the increasing demand for electricity throughout the
Taking into consideration the fact that the demand for electricity in the GCC countries is
expanding at between 7 and 10 percent per annum, way beyond the global average of
three percent, urgent is the need for energy conservation and peak load reduction
measures to be applied. It has to be noted that due to the rapid development and
heavily subsidy of electricity costs, a huge investment either for building new power
plants or upgrading the existing electric power systems will be required in the future.
As regards the CCS technologies and especially EOR, they present opportunities for
the GCC oil industry to participate in activities that will substantially reduce emissions,
and, in the case of EOR, increase the recovery from oil fields. In addition, oil production
contributes to air pollution in the form of flaring, the burning of natural gas extracted
along with crude oil. The reduction in flaring has both economic and environmental
benefits for the GCC countries, since the re-injection of the gas helps to maintain the
pressure in the hydrocarbon reservoirs, thus enhancing their life, while the elimination
of emissions helps to maintain the quality of the atmosphere, not just on a local but on
a global level.
It is concluded that governments and institutes should intensify their efforts for
investigating areas for RES, RUE and CCS applications. Especially as concerns RES
and RUE, a number of new and more effective energy-efficient products and
techniques have been tested in the region, such as solar cooling systems and ice
thermal storage systems with the conventional central air conditioning system. In
addition, some energy small-scale solar applications and management procedures in
public buildings could be intensified. However the major challenge for the near future
need to be the commercialization and industrial use of large-scale RES and RUE
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Potential role of the CDM to support the development
Potential role of a CO
emission-trading scheme in the
GCC member countries to enable the development of
RES projects
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5. Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms
5.1 General description
The heating of the ground by sunlight causes the Earth's surface to become a radiator
of energy in the long wave band (sometimes called infrared radiation). This emission of
energy is generally directed to space. However, only a small portion of this energy
actually makes it back to space. The majority of the outgoing infrared radiation is
absorbed by a few atmospheric gases known as the greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Absorption of this energy induces additional heat energy to be added to the Earth's
atmospheric system. The result is that the temperature of Earth is increased, causing
Global Worming (or Greenhouse Effect), as it is presented in the figure 5.1.
The main contributor to Global Warming is the carbon dioxide (CO
), which accounts
for about 55% of the change in the intensity of the Earths greenhouse effect. The
increase in CO
emission in the atmosphere the recent decades is primarily due to the
energy production activities of humans.
Figure 5.1: The greenhouse effect
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,,
January 2000.
Nowadays, there are manners for the mitigation of emissions. Concerning Greenhouse
Gas Emissions (GHGs) the action on a policy level is the implementation of targets set
by the Kyoto Protocol decided by the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC). Moreover, EU member states have some important
tools for implementing the EU environmental policy (e.g. regulatory instruments, fiscal
instruments etc.). In addition, the increase of the use of RES is estimated to have an
important reduction potential of CO
as well as the other emissions in the EU. Finally,
an environmental management system can be developed according to a national or
international standard.
More specifically, the Kyoto Protocol of the UNFCCC was formally adopted by the third
session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 3) on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto,
Japan. The Protocol establishes a legally binding obligation on Annex I countries
(subject to entry into force) to reduce emissions for six GHGs in total by about 5,0%
below 1990 levels by the years 2008-2012. More specifically, the Annex I parties
agreed to differentiated reductions including 8% for the European Union, 7% for the
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United States, 6% for Canada, Japan, Hungary and Poland, and 5% for Croatia.
Russia and Ukraine promised to stabilise their emissions at 1990 levels, while Norway,
Australia and Iceland were allowed increases of 1,8 and 10% respectively.
Furthermore, under the Kyoto Protocol, three mechanisms were established to help
developed countries meet their targets. These include the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), the International Emissions Trading (ET) and the Joint
Implementation (JI). The CDM and JI help industrialized countries, to achieve their
Kyoto targets in a cost-effective manner. The above mechanisms are described in
more detailed in the following paragraphs.
5.1.1. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
The purpose of the CDM, as defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, is to assist
Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and to assist
Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission
limitations and reduction commitments.
Analytically, CDM enables Annex I countries of the Kyoto Protocol to partially meet
cost-effectively their emission reduction commitments by undertaking GHG mitigation
projects in developing countries, which do not have any GHG abatement obligations
and where the emission reductions are cheaper. By investing in a CDM project, Annex
I countries can earn emission credits called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)
that can either be subtracted from their Kyoto emission reduction targets or be sold on
emission trading markets.
Based on the above, the CDM would allow Annex I countries to work with other
countries to reduce emissions through projects consistent with local development
needs and gain credits from such actions. In this framework, the CDM can be termed
as a mechanism which helps address the issues of global climate change through a
market-based concept.
5.1.2 Emission Trading (ET)
ET, as defined in article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol, refers to the ability of Annex I
countries to exchange part of their emission commitment and, hence, to redistribute in
effect the division of allowed emissions between them. This market-based instrument
allows Annex I countries (basically, the industrialised nations) to purchase the rights to
emit GHGs from other Annex I countries, which have reduced their GHG emissions
below their assigned amounts.
Intergovernmental emission trading or inter-source trading, where Assigned Amount
Units (AAUs) are allocated to sub-national entities, can be possible. Building on the
flexible mechanisms under Kyoto and aware of the urgency to curb greenhouse gas
emissions, the EU has decided to introduce an internal emissions trading system from
2005 onward, which limits carbon dioxide emissions from a broad range of industries,
such as power generation, and places them within a regulatory framework. This EU
scheme will be the first multi-national emissions trading scheme in the world covering
all the Member States of the enlarged EU. It is estimated that about 46% of the EU's
total CO
emissions in 2010 will be brought under the scheme.
5.1.3 Joint Implementation (JI)
JI is defined in article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol and refers to a mechanism that assists an
Annex I country to meet (part of) its Kyoto commitment through investments in GHG
abatement projects in another Annex I country. Such investments result in the
generation of Emission Reduction Units (ERUs). Depending on the agreements made
on credit-sharing between the parties involved, these ERUs are fully or partially added
to the amount of assigned GHG emissions of the investing country, while they are
subtracted from the assigned amount of the host country.
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The amount of credits generated is usually an estimate of the emission reductions
achieved by a JI project relative to a baseline situation. The latter refers to the
estimated level of GHG emissions that would occur without the JI project.
5.2 Potential role of the CDM to support the development of RES &
5.2.1 Objective
The CDM main objectives are:
x To encourage the sustainable development of non-Annex I countries by means of
institutional capacity building and technology transfer;
x To enable Annex I countries to meet part of their Kyoto commitments cost-
effectively by means of abatement projects in non-Annex I countries.
These twin objectives reflect the need to coordinate action between differently
positioned developed and developing countries, which nevertheless share a common
aim of reducing the build-up of GHGs. [76]
5.2.2 Analysis
x CDM project cycle
The procedure from the inception of the CDM project to the issuance of CERs is
called the project cycle. The project cycle comprises of the following steps: [72-74]
Step 1: Project identification
The project participants define the concept of the project and its characteristics
(technical, economic, environmental, social etc.)
Step 2: Project screening
The CDM project must comply with the eligibility criteria concerning:
o The CDM projects;
o The host countries;
o The investor countries;
o The project types.
Step 3: Development of the Project Design Document (PDD)
The development of the PDD is the starting point of the CDM project. The PDD is
drawn up by the project participants. In the PDD a more detailed analysis of the
project is carried out. The PDD forms the basis for the evaluation of the project by
the Designated Operational Entities.
Step 4: Host country approval
In the Marrakech Accords it is stated that the host country needs to provide written
approval for the implementation of a CDM project. The host countrys approval
takes the form of a formal letter of approval provided by the Designated National
Authority (DNA) of the host country. In the host country approval letter, the host
country must state that it approves the CDM project and confirms that the project
assists it in achieving sustainable development.
Step 5: Validation of the CDM project activity
Validation is the process of the independent evaluation of a project activity by a
Designated Operational Entity (DOE). During the validation process all documents
that are relevant to a CDM project are reviewed and evaluated by a DOE selected
by the project participants.
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Step 6: Registration of the CDM project activity
The registration is a function of the Executive Board (EB). The registration implies
that the project is accepted as a CDM project activity. The request for registration
takes the form of a validation report including the PDD, the approval of the host
country and the explanation of how the comments received have been taken in to
account. The validation report is submitted to the EB by the DOE.
Step 7: CDM project financing and implementation
Once the project has been registered with the EB as a CDM project, the project
participants can proceed to the development of the financial structure of the project
and the resolution of other matters not related to the CDM procedures. After that,
the project participants can continue with the implementation of the project.
Step 8: CDM project monitoring
The monitoring of the CDM project is the responsibility of the project participants.
Once a project has started its operations, the project has to be monitored in order to
determine the amount of emission reductions. The project participants are
responsible for design as well as the implementation of the monitoring plan. In the
PDD a first estimation of the achievable emission reductions has been made. The
purpose of the monitoring is to inform about the project performance and to review
whether the emission reductions that were estimated in the PDD, prior to the project
operation, have actually been achieved.
Step 9: Verification and certification
Verification is the periodic review and ex-post determination of the monitored GHG
emission reductions that have occurred as a result of the CDM project. The
verification is a function that is conducted by the DOE. It is the project participants
responsibility to contact a DOE in order to perform the verification process. For
regular CDM projects, the DOE performing the verification and certification must be
different from the DOE having validated the same project.
Step 10: Issuance of CERs
The certification report shall constitute a request for issuance of CERs to the EB,
equal to the verified amount of emission reductions. The EB will issue CERs that
correspond to the reduction in emissions achieved within 15 days of receipt of the
certification report unless one of the Parties involved or at least three members of
the EB request a review. After the CERs have been verified and issued by the EB
the first payment for the CERs can be made.
The project cycle is presented in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2: CDM Project Cycle
x Baseline determination
The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents
the anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHGs that would occur in the absence
of Carbon
Does project
fit CDM
Implementation Monitoring
of Carbon
Does project
fit CDM
Implementation Monitoring
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of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall cover emissions from all GHGs,
sectors and source categories listed in Annex A (of the Kyoto Protocol) within the
project boundary. [76]
In other words, the baseline is a representation of what might have happened in the
absence of the CDM project. The baseline is a situation, which, by definition, will
never exist. The baseline is measured in project output/t CO
-eq. (example MWh/ t
The emission reductions achieved by a CDM project are equal to the difference
between the emissions in the baseline scenario and the emissions in the project
scenario. Schematically, the emission reductions, the baseline, and the project
emissions are presented in Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3: Baseline
As the baseline is a counterfactual situation, in general, many scenarios could be
developed to represent what would have happened in case the project had not
taken place. It is the project participants responsibility to select the scenario that
most reasonably represents the without the project situation.
This requires a justification as to why this particular scenario is the most reasonable
choice to use as a basis for calculation of the emission reductions from the
particular project activity.
x CDM project type
The eligible projects types under the CDM are not explicitly mentioned neither in the
Kyoto Protocol nor the Marrakesh Accords. However, the eligible project types that
are internationally known and acceptable so far are:
o RES (examples: wind, photovoltaic, small hydro, biomass, geothermal etc);
o Fuel switch to lower carbon fuels in the electricity and heat sector;
o Gas-fired electricity generation;
o Cleaner coal technologies in electricity generation;
o Energy efficiency improvement to the supply side (for example improvement of
the electricity and heat generation, transmission and distribution networks,
district heating networks etc.);
o Energy efficiency improvement in the demand side (in all sectors including
residential, industry, commercial, agricultural etc.);
o Energy management;
o Combined heat and power projects;
Baseline Emissions
Project Emissions
Baseline Emissions
Project Emissions
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o Transport sector projects (examples: improved public transport, urban planning
and traffic management, vehicle efficiency, vehicle fuel switching, switching
from road to rail transport);
o Waste management projects;
o Landfill gas recovery and reduction of methane from landfills;
o Afforestation and reforestation activities;
o Reduction of methane emissions from coal mines.
x Crediting lifetime
The agreed Marrakech text limits the crediting lifetime for CDM projects according to
two approaches:
o 10 years with no revision and no renewal;
o 3 periods of 7 years with a baseline renewal after each 7-year period.
Project participants have to choose the one of the two approaches which they deem
is more suitable to their project.
5.2.3 Perspectives
Even though RES and RUE provide a series of benefits in national and private scale,
the development and dissemination process of such technologies is slower than
expected. A pool of inhibits that justify this attitude, includes:
x The high initial cost of RES and RUE projects in relation with the long time period
of depreciation of the investment;
x The lack of available funds of the enterprises for the implementation of these
projects. In most cases the enterprises cannot allocate sufficient amounts of their
budget in such projects, since they have to overcome more demanding priorities,
such as the improvement of their competitiveness and the identification of new
x The financial, technological and performance risks of these projects are often high
for an enterprise related to the expected results;
x The lack of awareness regarding the performance of modern and innovative
renewable technologies.
However, through the additional funding channel of CDM, GCC countries will be able
to reach some of their environmental and sustainable development objectives, such as
emission reductions, cleaner air and water and reduced dependence on fossil
fuels. More specifically, CDM projects are comprised of two parallel income flows.
x The first flow refers to the base project and is typical of any traditional investment
in an energy project.
x The second flow is the carbon flow. The products of this flow are tonnes of
carbon dioxide avoided or reduced in the case of energy projects. Through the
CDM project cycle, these reductions are converted into Certified Emission
Reductions (CERs). These CERs can be purchased by greenhouse gas emitting
sources, such as thermal power generation companies in industrialized countries
to meet domestic emission reduction requirements. [80]
The market price of CERs will fall in between the cost of production (including the
transaction cost incurred in the CDM project cycle) and the maximum purchaser price.
This price is not anticipated to exceed the cost of domestic reduction measures in
industrialized countries. The sale of CERs can significantly increase the Internal Rate
of Return (IRR) of an entire project. In the case of projects with a healthy IRR on the
traditional flow, the CER is an incentive to implement a more greenhouse gas efficient
project. In the case of projects that are not quite commercially viable, the added input
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of financing for the resulting CERs could make them viable. [80]
In addition, technology transfer can be accomplished through CDM, which
consequently will minimize the technological and performance risks of RES projects.
Figure 5.4: Investment Differences
The CDM could be an important mechanism for improving the global condition of
earths climate by reducing the cost of abating GHGs and, simultaneously, positively
affect developing countries, creating trends towards sustainable development. CDM
investments focussed on RES and RUE technologies are the best options to overcome
the threats from the CDM, especially as concerns the developing country interests.
This is supported by the following arguments:
x RES maximize the total funds that will flow from developed to developing countries
via the CDM, by keeping out cheap, low quality projects.
x Since RES technologies are the fastest growing energy industries in the world
today, a renewable CDM would ensure that developing countries are part of that
x It will minimize 'lock-in' of unsustainable energy technologies and therefore
dependence on fuels like coal.
x It will maximize the transfer of technology and provision of power to most of
countries and group of sectors including both on and off grid, commercial,
industrial and domestic, urban and rural.
5.3 Potential role of a CO
ET scheme to support the development of
5.3.1 Objective
Emissions Trading (ET) refers to the ability of Annex I countries to exchange part of
their emission commitments and, hence, to redistribute in effect the division of allowed
emissions between them. This market-based instrument allows Annex I countries
(basically, the industrialised nations) to purchase the rights to emit GHGs from other
Annex I countries, which have reduced their GHG emissions below their assigned
amounts. Intergovernmental emission trading or inter-source trading, where AAUs are
allocated to sub-national entities, can be possible.
In contrast to JI and CDM, ET is a facilitating mechanism to enhance market efficiency
with regard to reducing GHG emissions. In fact, an optimal system of ET minimizes
overall abatement costs by ensuring that emission reductions take place where
marginal costs are lowest.
Financial Benefits
Equity Financial Benefits
Financial Benefits
Financial Benefits
Equity Financial Benefits
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In the Kyoto Protocol, ET is treated briefly in Art. 17. It mainly urges the Conference of
the Parties to define the relevant principles, modalities, rules and guidelines, in
particular for verification, reporting and accountability for Emissions Trading. In
addition, it states that ET shall be supplemental to domestic actions. Hence, the issue
of defining supplementarity is also relevant in ET.
5.3.2 Analysis
x Description
Emission Trading is a market-based instrument used for environmental protection,
which has been adopted as one of the primary tools for international cooperation to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. A simple problem of
the emission trading system and how it works is the following. Two companies, A
and B, emit significant quantities of a given pollutant. Their emissions may damage
air quality, and the relevant authorities decide that emissions should be reduced by
a given amount, 10 per cent. The solution may become very simple if both A and B
cut their emissions by 10 per cent. But this may impose very different burdens on
the two companies. For example, company A may, by the nature of its activities, be
able to reduce its emissions by 10 per cent or even more at relatively low cost.
Company B, on the other hand, may find this a difficult and costly process. It is this
potential difference in reduction cost between A and B that creates a market
opportunity. According to the emission-trading concept once the authority has
decided how much of the pollutant is allowed to be emitted in a given area or region
in a given time, it divides this quantity into a number of emission rights that are
distributed equally among the various sources of the pollutant. It is here that the
market comes into play, as illustrated by Figure 5.5. [83]
Figure 5.5: Emission Trading Model
Company A can reduce its emissions by the required amount at a relatively low cost
and can then make further affordable reductions. For company B, the cost of
reductions is far greater, and it would welcome a way of avoiding some of the
outlay. A solution to this is that company A agrees to make those additional
reductions instead of company B, provided company B would be willing to pay for
them at a price that is above the cost to A, but below what it would cost company B.
In this situation:
x Emissions are cut, overall, by the required amount;
x Company B saves money;
x Company A earns a profit for its additional reductions and the total cost is
In this simplified model of a trading system, it makes no difference whether the cuts
are made at company A or company B, it is the overall amount that counts.
Emissions Right
Emissions Right
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x Status of the EU ET scheme
Due to their Kyoto commitments several EU countries have examined the possibility
of inserting additional climate policy instruments. Some proceeded by including into
their compliance plans an ETS. In 1998 an expert advisory group was established in
Ireland to study the perspective of a domestic emissions trading scheme. The
scheme has not yet been implemented due to doubts whether such a market-based
instrument will actually deliver emissions reductions. There are thoughts of
additional measures as well.
The same year a Commission of Experts was established in Norway in order to
study the introduction of a national ETS. The final recommendations of the
Commission for a domestic ETS were included in the Norwegian climate policy
white paper that was announced by the government in August 2001. The scheme
should cover 80% of GHG emitting sources compared with the 1990 data. The
regime will start in 2005 and replace the CO
tax that was introduced in 1991.
Denmark established a national CO
emissions trading system in 2000, but only on
electricity production. United Kingdom launched its own scheme in August 2001
(DEFRA, 2000). It is the first fully developed European scheme because it concerns
all GHG emissions and a large number of sectors. Finally, Switzerland launched in
2001 a voluntary ETS covering only CO
emissions. Participants receive their
permits free (IETA, 2002). If there are no satisfactory results, the scheme will be
substituted by a CO
The European Community and its Members States have agreed to fulfil their
commitments to reduce GHG emissions under the Kyoto Protocol jointly, in
accordance with Decision 2002/358/EC. This Directive aims to contribute to fulfilling
the commitments of the European Community and its Member States more
effectively, through an efficient European market in GHG emission allowances, with
the least possible diminution of economic development and employment. The first
(pilot) phase of the ET will start form 2005 till 2008 and the second phase will be
from 2008 to 2012. Member States must develop a National Allocation Plan (NAP)
that will specify how allowances are to be allocated and must submit it to the
Commission in order to participate in this Scheme.
Furthermore, the Linking Directive has been adopted and is expected to open the
EU emissions trading scheme to credits from the Kyoto Protocol project-based
mechanisms. Operators of the installations covered by the EU ETS will be able to
buy credits from the CDM (CERs) from 2005 and credits from JI (ERUs) from 2008.
Linking the EU-ETS with CDM and JI is very important in order to achieve the goals
of both reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the cost-effective
functioning of the Community Scheme. Generally, the EU-ETS will encourage the
use of renewable energy sources and more energy-efficient technologies, including
combined heat and power technology, producing less emission per unit of output.
These settlements in the European level provide enough time for learning by doing
on a broader level, before the beginning of IET in 2008. A second primary objective
is the experience that enterprises will gain through an early launch of an ETS. One
other objective is to improve the effectiveness of national climate policy. This aspect
was also one of the reasons for introducing the EU Directive. [84-85]
x Benefits
The cost savings from international GHG trading may be considerable. This
depends on the amount of gains from trade that the international community allows
countries to reap and the organization of the emission reduction markets.
A second benefit associated with global emission trading benefit derives from the
fact that it separates who pays for emission reductions from who undertakes the
reductions. Those countries that find themselves with lower abatement costs and
more generous emission ceilings can generate a valuable commodity to export.
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Emission trading thus can be used to provide financial inducements for participation
to those countries that due to the lower incomes or other reasons are less eager to
join in meeting numerical emission targets.
In the future, this same approach may lead developing countries to find it
advantageous assume national emission limits, which provide room for future
emissions growth. Consequently, opportunities for emission permit sales to
developed countries will be nearer-term and a significant investment capital will be
generated. [86]
x Constraints
An important concern is that the richer industrialized countries, by purchasing
international permits, will act too slowly to make the long-term changes in their
energy and economic systems necessary for sharper future GHG reductions. Such
changes are the energy conservation and the development and spread of new
Another important constraint is that the effectiveness of a trading system depends
on the enforceability of the cap (limit) on emissions within all countries trading
permits. Most countries lack the necessary institutions or lack the political will to
enforce caps, which is essential in order to become the trading system a reality.
Furthermore, if a country chooses to purchase permits rather than reduces domestic
emissions it loses benefits, which might emerge from co-control of other harmful air
pollutants. For example, if a country puts in place GHG control policies that reduce
coal combustion, the policy also can reduce emissions of SO
, nitrogen oxides and
fine particulates pollutants that cause health problems and ecological damage. If
instead GHG emitters bought permits internationally, they would not reduce their
coal combustion and local pollutants so much.
Another concern is with the large size of the international revenue transfers that
might occur from Annex B trading given the Kyoto targets for emissions control.
These transfers pose a political problem in that they are likely to flow toward certain
countries with great surplus of emissions according to the Kyoto Protocol (such as
Ukraine and Russia). This may have undesirable economic side effects and
negative impacts on exchange rates and patterns of trade. [86]
5.3.3 Perspectives
There is a no experience with emission trading in GCC countries and there are many
complexities for the implementation of this scheme, as noted before. According to
other relative experiences and pilot programmes, some essential points which should
be taken into account for the application of CO
emissions trading scheme in GCC
member states are: [87-88]
x Confidence in the environmental benefits of the system is crucial to ensure broad
x Emission limits or baselines should be legally-binding and clearly defined for all
participants to an emission trading system.
x Simplicity should guide the design of a trading system, with respect to units to be
traded, approval of trades, monitoring, reporting and review.
x National limits should be translated into commitments for individual emitters if
possible, since this would improve the economic efficiency of trading.
x One advantage of emission trading is that a fully functioning market would reveal
the marginal cost of emission reductions, providing information for policy-making.
x Legal and institutional frameworks need to be robust enough to allow authorities to
establish and administer the system and to monitor and enforce the emission
limits. Such robustness adds value to traded emission by assuring their integrity.
Setting up emissions trading may require significant administrative resources,
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some adjustments to the legal system as well as other institutional arrangements.
x Well-designed monitoring and reporting can significantly help reduce cost to the
government and the overall transaction cost to traders by limiting government
intervention once the goal has been set and monitoring is in place.
5.4 Recent Developments
Nowadays, the recent developments are making clear that CDM will play a significant
role as an effective mechanism for achieving the binding targets of the Kyoto Protocol.
Taking into consideration the fact that the Russia's Cabinet approved the Kyoto
Protocol on global warming, the Kyoto Protocol is entering into force. In addition, the
decisions adopted at the COP 10 and the adaptation of the linking directive, which
connects the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading Scheme with the
implementation of RES and RUE projects through flexible mechanisms, made clear
that great investment opportunities will emerge for non Annex I Countries and new
avenues for international cooperation will be opened.
Most of the GCC countries (Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) have
recently (January 2005) accessed the Kyoto Protocol. Now, all GCC countries are
estimated to ratify the Kyoto Protocol since great investment opportunities will emerge
for the region and new avenues for EU-GCC cooperation will be opened.
Furthermore, it is expected that the EU Governments will make further use of the CDM
funding programmes. Through joint technology programmes, financial assistance and
private investments, the EU can support the improvement of the regions energy
efficiency, and promote the development of RES in these countries that can take
advantage of the unexploited RES potential with particular reference to solar and wind
power and gain additional revenues from the sale of CERs. International organisations,
governments and numerous of non-governmental organisations can facilitate the
implementation of CDM projects in these countries. Technology transfer will also
contribute to strengthening security of supply by improving access to resources and by
contributing to the diversity of fuel availability.
Today, CDM funds and investment approaches are growing and expanding. More
specifically, the Prototype Carbon Fund (180 million Euro), the Community
Development Carbon Fund (100 million Euro) and the World Bank Bio-Carbon Fund
(100 million Euro) are the main multilateral funds. The CERUPT tender, on the other
hand, approved 18 projects in 2003, to generate emissions reductions of 16,7 Mtn
CO2. A number of PCF projects have been commissioned in 2002. Most of the PCF
and CERUPT projects are commissioned between 2003 and 2007. Furthermore, the
Finnish and Swedish government launched CDM tenders in 2002 while the Austrian
government is currently in the process of preparing CDM/JI tenders. [81]
In addition, commercial/development banks, such as RaboBank (Dutch Government),
the Japanese Bank of Industrial Cooperation (Japan CDM Fund - 4 billion yen) and the
Development Bank of Japan (Japan CDM Fund - 3 billion yen) conducted contacts with
the governments for the sale and purchase of project-related emission reductions from
projects in developing countries.
Initial experiences have been gained from the World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund
PCF and the Dutch CDM tender programme - CERUPT. The most important result
of these initial experiences is the creation of appropriate organisation structures and
the use of qualified personnel by both the host and investor countries and the
respective participants in the project, thus, building the capacity to facilitate the CDM.
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Establishing an initial list of RES projects for priority
consideration in the context of EU-GCC co-operation
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6. RES and RUE Project Ideas
GCC countries have developed some activities regarding the promotion of RES and RUE
as it was described in the previous sections. Moreover, GCC member countries have
each delegated research institutions to pursue research on various RES hypothesis.
An important objective of the current sub-task 4.4 of the work is the collection of
information on these activities, as well as on the perspectives for the development of RES
and RUE in the GCC countries, aiming at defining an initial list of projects, which might be
considered in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation. The other important objective of
this sub-task is the assessment of the resulting list of projects and their prioritisation. This
will be implemented based on the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).
More specifically, there will be an evaluation of projects under a set of criteria
(economical, financial, political, environmental, etc.) and consequently a selection of the
most appropriate ones by using a proven multicriteria method. [84] This is expected to
lead to the elaboration of a prioritized list of RES and RUE actions which could be
considered for the future.
The current part 6 is structured along six sections. Section 6.1 presents a general
description of the MCDA theory. The section that directly follows provides a brief
description of MCDA models. Section 6.3 presents the methodological approach adopted
for the current analysis and the next section is devoted to the set of criteria used for the
assessment of the RES and RUE project ideas. Section 6.5 presents a number of RES
and RUE project ideas, which could be implemented in the GCC region. The last section
is devoted to the prioritised list of RES and RUE projects and the guidelines, strategic
considerations for the achievement of the most effective EU-GCC cooperation in the field
of RES and RUE.
6.1 MCDA: Description
One of the principal aims of the MCDA approach is to help decision makers to organize
and synthesize information in a way, which leads them to feel comfortable and confident
about making a decision and minimize the potential of disregarding one or more criteria
that should have properly been taken into account. Furthermore, every decision requires
the balance of multiple factors (i.e. criteria) sometimes explicitly, sometimes without
conscious thought. So, in one sense everyone is practiced in multicriteria decisions.
Decision making problems, according to their nature, the policy of the decision maker and
the overall objective of the decision, may require the choice of an alternative solution, the
ranking of the alternatives from the best to the worst ones or the assignment of the
considered alternatives into predefined homogeneous classes. The MCDA approach can
solve all the above-mentioned decision problems.
The expression of MCDA is used as an umbrella term to describe a collection of formal
approaches, which seeks to take explicit account of multiple criteria in helping individuals
or groups explore decisions that matter.
It should be underlined the fact that the focus of the MCDA approach is on supporting or
aiding decision making. It is not on prescribing how decisions should be made, nor is it
about describing how decisions are made in the absence of formal support.
Figure 6.1 illustrates the main stages of the process from the identification of a problem, to
problem structuring, model building and using the model to inform and challenge thinking,
and ultimately to determine an action plan. This plan may take many forms, for example,
to implement a specific choice, to put forward a recommendation, to establish a procedure
for monitoring performance or simply to maintain a watching brief on situation. These are
grouped into three main key phases: [89]
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x 1
Phase: The initial problem-structuring phase is one of divergent thinking, opening
up the issue, surfacing and capturing the complexity, which undoubtedly exists and
beginning to manage this and to understand how the decision makers might move
forward. Before any analysis can begin, the various stakeholders, including facilitators
and technical analysts, need to develop a common understanding of the problem, of
the decisions that have to be made and of the criteria by which such decisions are to
be judged and evaluated.
x 2
Phase: A primary characteristic of MCDA is the development of formula models of
decision maker preferences, value tradeoffs, goals etc., so that the alternative policies
or actions under consideration can be compared relative to each other in a systematic
and transparent manner. The phase of model building and use represents a more
convenient mode of thinking, a process of ex-tracking the essence of the issue from
the complex representation in a way, which supports more detailed and precise
evaluation of potential ways of moving forward.
x 3
Phase: All the management scientific and MCDA in particular are concerned also
with the implementation of results that is translating the analysis into specific plans of
action. It is noted that analysis does not solve the decision problem.
A phase which captures the nature of the overall process very effectively is: through
complexity to simplicity. [84] More analytically, methodologies and models for the above
decision problems will be analysed in the following section.
Figure 6.1: The Process of MCDA
Source: Valerie Belton, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, An Integrated Aproach,
Kluwer Academic Publishers [84]
6.2 MCDA: Models
The key philosophical departure point for MCDM as a formal approach for problem
solving, as a distinct from the classical approaches of Operational Research and
Management Science, lies in the presentation of several conflicting criteria. MCDM has
been one of the fastest growing areas of Operational Research during the last two
decades, as it is often realized that many concrete problems contain several criteria. The
theory of MCDM can be divided into Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) and Multi
Attribute Decision Making (MADM).
Identification of
the problem
an action
Key issues
Eliciting values
Synthesis of
Creating new
Using the model to
inform and
challenge thinking
Phase 3
Identification of
the problem
an action
Key issues
Eliciting values
Synthesis of
Creating new
Using the model to
inform and
challenge thinking
Phase 3
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The following figure illustrates the basic fields of MCDM.
Figure 6.2: Systemization of the field of MCDM
Source: Sutter C., Sustainability Check-Up for CDM Projects - How to assess the sustainability of international
projects under the Kyoto Protocol, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, October 2003. [86]
MODM analysis a sub-set of a continuous vector space, usually restricted by constraints,
by locating all efficient solutions, before determining the optimum dependent on the users
preferences. Therefore, MODM offers feasible methods for operational planning, e.g. goal
On the other hand, for the comparison of several particular alternatives or in strategic
planning, when a certain number of recycling techniques are to be pre-selected for further
investigation, the approaches of MADM should be used. As illustrated in Figure 6.2, there
are three categories of MADM, differentiated by the way they weight the various criteria:
x Single synthesizing criterion methods;
x Outranking methods;
x Methods based on interactive local judgements with trial-and-error iteration.
MADM comprises two steps:
x The aggregation of the judgment with regard to each criterion and each alternative;
x The ranking of the alternatives according to the aggregation rules.
To introduce the basic notation of MADM, consider the set A of T alternatives that have to
be ranked and K criteria that have to be optimized:
x A = {a
}: set of discrete alternatives or techniques a
x F = {f
}: set of criteria relevant for the decision f
Then the resulting multiple criteria decision problem can be concisely expressed in a
matrix format. The decision matrix D:= (x
is a (TxK) matrix whose element
) indicate the evaluation or value of alternatives a
, with respect to criterion f
Multi Multi- -Criteria Decision Criteria Decision
Making (MCDM) Making (MCDM)
Multi Multi- -Criteria Decision Criteria Decision
Making (MCDM) Making (MCDM)
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The MADM methods are classified according to the given information. In the
environmental assessment, information on the criteria is mainly cardinal, but substitution
rates cannot be given.
From the methods suitable for cardinal information, the Analytical Hierarchy Process
(AHP) is one of the most frequently applied MADM methods, and a comfortable software
package (Expert Choice) is commercially available. AHP provides a logical, easy to use
framework, where the decision maker has to assess the weights of each criterion using a
nominal nine-point scale, which is also available for fuzzy weights.
In the context of environmental assessment, however, the method should be suitable for
finding a compromise between different personal points of view. From an analytical point
of view, the interpretation of the values on the nominal scale with verbal expression as a
ratio scale using numbers is also doubted. The basic principle of preference measurement
is the establishment of a value function based on a simple addition of score representing
goal achievement according to each criterion, multiplied by the particular weights.
Therefore, the concept of trade-off between the scores on different criteria is central to the
interpretation of the value function, as it also underlies the Multi Attribute Value=Utility
Theory (MAVT=MAUT). This means that complete `compensation' between attributes is
possible, so that a sufficiently large gain in a lesser attribute will eventually compensate
for a small loss in a more important attribute, no matter how important one attribute is. In
environmental assessment, for example good results concerning releases into the water
might counterbalance worse emissions into the air, but this mathematical representation
does not match the real effects caused by the emissions in the environment. [90]
In order to overcome the assumption of complete compensation and of the existence of a
`true' ranking of the alternatives which only needs to be discovered, the outranking
methods have been developed. Outranking takes into account that preferences are not
constant in time, are not unambiguous, and are not independent of the process of
analysis. Therefore outranking" could be thus defined: alternative a
outranks a
, if there
is a sufficiently strong argument in favour of the assertion that a
is at least as good as a
from the decision maker's point of view". Accordingly, the outranking-relation is the result
of pair wise comparisons between the alternatives with regard to each criterion.
Classical decision making is based on:
x Strict preference (a
), i.e. alternative a
is definitively preferred to a
x Indifference (a
), i.e. a
is as good as a
But in reality, situations may also exist, in which neither of a pair of alternatives outranks
the other. This holds especially true for decision situations with numerous criteria, as in
environmental assessment. If the decision maker consequently cannot declare a
than a
or vice versa, the outranking methods allow explicitly for incomparability (a
Moreover, the concept of weak preference (a
) is used if for example the decision
maker declares alternative a
to be just slightly better than a
The algorithms also take account of partial compensation: a good score for alternative a
on criterion fx might only offset a poor score for criterion fy, when the difference between
the scores exceeds a certain threshold. Furthermore, veto functions can be used, if it is
essential for the decision that a particular score does not exceed or fall below a certain
threshold. The result of the algorithm is a graph showing the partial pre-order of the
alternatives, represented as nodes, with the outranking relations depicted as arcs. The
outranking graph helps to gain insight into the decision maker's preference structure and
to focus attention on critical issues, which might be regarded as the aim of soft decision
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analysis. Especially the principles of weak preference and incomparability are valuable in
environmental decision support, because they better represent the real situation.
One basic decision problem is the ranking of the alternatives from the best to the worst
ones. For this decision problem PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method
for Enrichment Evaluation) can be used. The PROMETHEE is an outranking, software
driven and user-friendly method, which provides direct interpretation of parameters and a
sensitivity analysis of the results.
Another basic type decision problem is the assignment of the considered alternatives into
predefined homogeneous classes. This last type of decision problem is referred to as
classification or sorting. Although both these terms describe the general objective of the
problem (i.e., the assignment of alternatives into groups), they refer to two slightly different
situations. Classification refers to the assignment of alternatives into groups, which are not
necessarily ordered. On the other hand, sorting refers to the problem in which the
alternatives should be classified into groups, which are ordered from the best to the worst
ones. Thus, while classification is based on nominal measurements (attributes), sorting is
based on ordinal measurements (criteria).
The ELECTRE TRI is for use in classification problems. The original procedure was
designed to allocate alternatives to one of three categories (hence the name)
acceptable, unacceptable or indeterminate. This has been extended for use in
classification problems in which there are more than three categories. The ELECTRE
approaches are a popular manner of rendering the outranking concept operational.
However, through the underlying assumptions for the algorithm, the method is rather
difficult to explain to decision makers in industry or politics, especially since the introduced
thresholds do not have a realistic meaning. For this reason, the idea of inferring
preference models from exemplary decision made by decision makers on some reference
alternatives has been very attractive and motivated conception of multicriteria sorting
methods UTADIS (Jacquet-Lagreze, 1995; Zopounidis and Doumpos, 1999) and
ELECTRE TRI Assistant (Mousseau and Slowinski, 1998; Mousseau et al., 2000) based
on the use of utility function and outranking relation preference model, respectively. [92]
6.3 The methodological approach
Within the framework of this project, the role of EPU-NTUA focuses mainly on the
development of a rigid methodology in order to evaluate the development of RES, the
promotion of the RUE and the reduction of CO
emissions in the GCC region. The main
outcome will be the establishment of an initial list of RES and RUE projects for priority
consideration in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation. The methodology comprises the
following four stages:
I. Identification of the criteria;
II. Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas;
III. Assessment of RES and RUE project ideas;
IV. Finalization of the initial list of RES and RUE projects.
The methodology is outlined in the Figure 6.3.
With respect to the above methodology, the following four stages will be undertaken, in
order to come up with the initial prioritized list of RES and RUE projects.
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Figure 6.3: The Methodological Approach
6.4 Identification of the criteria
The following thirteen (13) criteria were considered to assess the RES and RUE projects:
x C.1: RES potential exploitation
This criterion expresses the potential exploitation of the most available RES in the
region, based on the research and development work in the area. Only energy
technologies that exploit RES with significant potential and are advantageous for the
specific country obtain very high score in this criterion.
x C.2: Improvement of RUE
This criterion expresses the potential of improving energy efficiency to the maximum
level. More analytical, this criterion assesses the energy savings achieved in the
process of consuming energy for a specific objective. This is expressed through the
examined project idea achieved improvements in the following areas:
o Energy consumption per capita;
o Energy intensity;
o Management procedures.
x C.3: Improvement of security of supply in the GCC involved
Some of the GCC countries should continue to guarantee oil supplies in conditions of
stability and security. This criterion examines the contribution of the potential project
ideas to the following:
o Improvement of diversity of primary fuels;
o Improvement of diversity of fuels used for electricity generation.
x C.4: Contribution to the climate changes
This criterion reflects the impact of a project on climate change. It is expressed
o The increase of the share of RES;
o The reduction of CO
Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas
Assessment of RES and RUE project ideas
Finalisation of the initial list of RES and RUE projects
Presentation of the Presentation of the prioritized list of RES and prioritized list of RES and
RUE projects RUE projects
Identification of the criteria
Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas
Assessment of RES and RUE project ideas
Finalisation of the initial list of RES and RUE projects
Presentation of the Presentation of the prioritized list of RES and prioritized list of RES and
RUE projects RUE projects
Identification of the criteria
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x C.5: Knowledge of the technology
This criterion is used to assess the level of maturity of the technology employed by a
project. A technology that is not matured enough cant be considered as commercial.
The value of the criterion is identified by the number of relative RES and RUE projects
executed in the area (pilot, research or real life projects).
x C.6: Risk
This criterion is used in order to assess the risk envisaged by a project, under two
o Technical risk;
o Financial risk (including possibility of funding from national and external sources).
x C.7: Cost / Benefit
This criterion is used to assess the benefits derived by the proposed project in
relevance to the indicative cost. Due to the rather diversified character of the project
ideas considered, the benefits and side-effects derived by them cannot be fully
quantified. Therefore, the cost/benefit is assessed according to the overall future
benefits that the project is expected to have.
x C.8: Impact on land resources
This criterion examines the consequences on land resources due to the:
o Soil acidification / contamination;
o Land-use change;
o Unsustainable use of biomass;
o Waste production.
x C.9: Poverty alleviation and equity
This criterion refers to the mitigation of the number of people that are in the state of
poverty, which is defined as the state of physical want regarded as insufficient means
to meet minimum needs for nutrition, housing, health and education. Equity is defined
as the equality of access to employment and other opportunities. The indicator
includes the impacts on the income and the living standards in the local community
and the alleviation of several discriminations between sexes, races etc.
x C.10: Make energy services available to the remote areas
Satisfying the energy needs of the poor people in remote and isolated areas with
modern technologies has the potential to improve standards of living and health and
to create new jobs and business opportunities in these areas. The project idea should
also fulfil the objective of meeting the increasing energy demand and this issue should
be considered when assigning a value to this criterion.
x C.11: Improvement of Hydrocarbons exploitation efficiency
Efficient processes in all aspects of exploration and development technologies are
extremely significant towards meeting the target of environmentally-friendly
production. Enhancing of the oil reservoirs life as well as eliminating emissions not
just on a local but on a global level are assessed by this indicator. Project ideas that
substantially reduce emissions and increase the recovery from oil fields in order to
meet the rising level of oil demand obtain a very good performance in this criterion.
x C.12: Urbanization
This criterion is used to express whether the project attracts people to move to urban
areas for any reason or if the reverse situation occurs, namely the project provides
incentives to the people to move or stay to the rural areas where they live.
Subsequently, project ideas that contribute to the regional development obtain a high
performance in this criterion.
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x C.13: GCC mobilization
This criterion is used in order to assess the level of involvement of the GCC countries
in each project. It is expressed through the number of GCC countries that the specific
project can be implemented, providing significant benefits.
6.5 Identification of draft RES and RUE project ideas
This part presents the project ideas considered as of high interest in the context of the
EU-GCC co-operation and includes a short description of them.
Fifteen (15) finalized RES, RUE and CO
sequestration project ideas were selected in
total. More specifically, an initial list of project ideas was presented during the 2
workshop, in order all the representatives to make comments, discuss and finalize the
proposals. The kind contribution of all GCC representatives was extremely important in
order to better illustrate the perspectives for the future in the region. In the paragraphs
that directly follow, a brief description of each proposed RES and RUE project is provided.
Number: P.1
Title: Solar Power for Electricity Generation
Objective: Development of solar energy for electricity production.
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: The solar energy has been at the forefront of research and
development in the region. In this framework, large solar
power plants (typically supplying 4 to 5 MW each of them)
could be developed throughout the region. In addition to
supplying off grid communities, these solar power plants
could be also grid connected, supplying solar power to the
grid at peak demand periods when air conditioning
demand is high.
Furthermore, solar power would reduce the need for a
conventional peak saving power plant, which is very
expensive owing to low average throughput levels. Finally,
this project could provide "sustainable and green energy"
for irrigation and small industries and release oil or gas for
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall project
idea performance:
x C.1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.12: GCC mobilisation;
x C.4: Contribution to the climate changes;
x C.3: Improvement of security of supply in the GCC
Potential source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
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Number: P.2
Title: Solar Hydrogen Energy for Electricity Generation
Exploitation of the increased hydrogen flexibility in
order to meet the future energy needs of the electricity
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: Using RES mitigates problems associated with
dependence on fossil energy resources, climate
change effects and local economy energy
expenditures. In the above framework, solar hydrogen
could play a key role in bridging the gap between the
supply of fossil fuels and the energy demand. The fact
that hydrogen is an energy carrier, like electricity,
rather than a primary energy source, increases the
possible options for its production. Hydrogen can be
produced regionally via the most economical
combination of local resources and delivery modes.
The cost of producing hydrogen from sunlight may not
always compete with the cost of producing it from other
resources, such as wind. However, significant
opportunities exist for lowering the cost of solar-
derived hydrogen from todays photovoltaic/electrolysis
process. PV electrolysis is indeed considered the most
suitable method due to its simplicity, high quality of
hydrogen produced, less geographical limitations and
the ease of coupling electrolyzers to the PV cells.
Solar-derived hydrogen can benefit from electrolyzer
cost reductions, as well as integration with the grid. If a
solar array can generate electricity for sale to the grid
during periods of peak demand, while producing
hydrogen during the other period, overall costs can be
reduced. Such hydrogen/ grid interaction could reduce
the production price of hydrogen by as much as 60%.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: RES potential exploitation;
x C.4: Contribution to the climate changes;
x C.3: Improvement of security of supply in the GCC
Potential source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Saudi Arabia and UAE
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.3
Title: Wind Farm for Electricity Generation
Objective: Development of wind energy for electricity production
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
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Short Description: According to the international research studies, the
utilization of small to medium-size wind energy turbine
systems could prove to be both efficient and
competitive, where the average wind speed at a height
of 20 m above the ground ranges between about 5,1
m/s on-shore and 6 m/s off-shore.
More specifically, some economical feasibilities of
adopting off-shore/ on-shore wind energy in some
locations of the GCC region (e.g. Qatar) have been
implemented. The results indicated that the cost of
electricity generation from the wind compares
favourably to that from fossil fuel resources in the
above locations.
Furthermore, the establishment of wind farms on
islands (like Haloul in Qatar) with means to transfer
generated electricity to the nearby on-shore areas
could be both technically feasible and economically
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.10: Make energy available to the remote areas;
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.4: Contribution to the climate change;
x C.11: Urbanization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Bahrain and Qatar.
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.4
Title: Fuel Cells for Electricity Generation in Remote
Objective: Promotion and use of fuel cells for the reduction of the
energy cost in the electricity sector.
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: Valuable experience such as acid management
techniques, control of hydrogen gas leakage and
intermixing of hydrogen and air in the cells of the stack
- led to an improved design and fabrication of the 1 kW
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) stack.
In the above framework, initial steps have been taken
to initiate these activities at KACST, since this
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technology has several potential advantages (such as
power density, high efficiency and low operational
temperature) and applications over the PAFC
technology have been implemented.
More specifically, a commercial thermoelectric power
generator, originally designed to be fuelled by methane
or propane, has been modified to operate using
hydrogen. In another hydrogen utilization activity,
locally available internal combustion engines and
ceramic mantle gas lamps have been modified to use
hydrogen as a fuel for small scale demonstration
purposes. These lessons are useful for scale-up of
power generating modules (50 kW) for power utility
applications in remote areas of Saudi Arabia.
Therefore, safe and reliable utilization of hydrogen has
been demonstrated.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.10: Make energy services available to remote
x C.6: Risks;
x C.7: Cost/benefit ratio;
x C.11: Urbanization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Saudi Arabia and UAE
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.5
Title: Promotion of the Utilization of Biomass
Objective: Promotion of the utilization of biomass for electricity
production in GCC, giving emphasis to the
environmental and energy generating benefits.
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: The project aims to promote the utilization of pure
organic municipal and industrial waste for biogas
production. The project could enhance in long term the
capability of GCC, in order to manage and convert the
municipal wastes to energy in a sustainable manner.
By this, rapid land fill and greenhouse gas emissions
will be prevented and the dependency on fossil fuels
for energy production will be reduced.
More specifically, the project proposal includes the
following indicative tasks:
x Application of the appropriate technologies
internationally available;
x Identification of the impacts of promoting wastes to
energy technologies in the GCCs and identification
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of technical, technological, social and economical
x Promotion of know-how transfer events on the
specific aspects identified during the previous
The project is expected to contribute to reducing
biodegradable waste accumulation, thereby improving
environment and reducing global emissions of GHGs
and CO
The overall objective will be reached by introducing
biogas technology. Combined with the introduction of a
new environmentally friendly technology a capacity
training program will ensure the project sustainability.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.12: GCC mobilisation;
x C.6: Risks.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCCs: Most of the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.6
Title: Development of a GIS for RES Potential
Objective: Development of a Geographical Information System
(GIS) with all the necessary information and algorithms
for the identification of the technical and economical
exploitable RES potential in each GCC country and
especially the high-potential areas for RES
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: The project proposal could include the following
indicative tasks:
x Development of a geographical database, where
the RES information will be organized and
represented for each area of the GCC region;
x Development of the algorithm for the assessment
of the RES potential of each area;
x Development of the algorithm for the assessment
of the techno-economically exploitable RES
potential of each area;
x Evaluation of the parameters for the connection
with the transmission network;
x Financial assessment of possible RES applications
in each geographical area.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
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project idea performance:
x C.1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.12: GCC mobilisation;
x C.6: Risk;
x C.7: Cost/benefit ratio.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.7
Title: Solar Power for GSM Telecom Towers
Objective: Development of solar energy for the reduction of the
energy cost in the tertiary sector.
Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Short Description: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) users
have greater demand for network coverage in remote
areas than ever before. Operators are asking for low
investment, high quality and wider coverage network
construction in rural villages. In those areas where
electric power infrastructure is lacking or the grid is not
stable, solar electricity technology, featuring exceptional
reliability and flexibility, is becoming an ideal choice for
power supply.
More specifically, many stand alone solar power systems
have been developed for telecommunications in Middle
East, which ensures the field-proven reliability of these
products. The solar power provides a competitive
alternative to diesel generators in this use, owing to
lower maintenance and refueling costs. Solar power
systems for telecommunications typically supply power
to continuous loads ranging from 1W single terminals to
multi-kW repeater stations located in places with no
access to the electricity grid.
These systems can be customized according to the
power and characteristics of the load, irradiance and
environmental conditions of the site, as well as reliability
requirements, in order to ensure non-interrupted and
stable operation of the load and extension of the battery
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.10: Make energy services available to the remote
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
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x C.11: GCC mobilisation;
x C.7: Cost/benefit ratio;
x C.6: Risks.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.8
Title: Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads
Objective: Development of RUE for the reduction of the energy
cost in the tertiary sector.
Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Short Description: Road safety is a major issue throughout the region,
which has very high accident and road death levels
and thus the scheme would have a powerful social
Companies from the GCC region have developed a
number of aviation warning or obstruction lights with
simplified installation and long life with minimum
Reliable, self-contained aviation warning light systems
can be used for telecom towers, bridges, pylons and
other structures. This has to be by charging batteries
through the day with use of power at night. These
systems will fully comply with international standards
for both aviation (ICAO, FAA, etc) and solar power
The obstruction light systems are independent of the
grid thanks to the solar module, and safety officials can
now be sure of autonomous and reliable operation
without sacrificing safety. Moreover, these systems are
less sensitive to lighting damages.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C1: RES potential expoitation;
x C.10: Make energy services available to the
remote areas;
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.11: GCC mobilisation;
x C.6: Risks.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
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All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.9
Title: Solar Power for Small Cash Crop
Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Objective: Development of solar energy for the reduction of the
energy cost in the tertiary and residential sector.
Time period (from to): 2005 2006
Short Description: Drying immature dates is a problem for many countries
where the relative humidity is high during the drying
season. Drying dates by solar energy is important for
reducing the overall maturation time, as well as for
minimizing the quantity of dates lost during the
Solar dryers protect grain and fruit, reduce losses, dry
faster and more uniformly and produce a better quality
product. The basic components of a solar dryer are an
enclosure or shed, screened drying trays or racks and
a solar collector. In hot and arid climates the collector
may not even be necessary. The southern side of the
enclosure itself can be glazed to allow sunlight to dry
the material. The air heated in the solar collector
moves, either by natural convection or forced by a fan,
up through the material being dried.
Furthermore, solar power for small cash crop
(vegetable, fruits etc) can include integrated drip
irrigation systems. This would help overcome water
shortages and make small plots economically viable. A
viable project would aim at installing 10.000 such
systems. Some enterprises in the region have modular
systems available for half-acre farms but could be
easily expanded to larger farms.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C.8: Make energy available to remote areas;
x C.9: Poverty alleviation and equity;
x C.11: Urbanization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE
EU: Any interested EU member state.
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Number: P.10
Title: Solar Water Heaters
Objective: Development of solar energy for the reduction of the
energy cost in the final demand sectors.
Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Short Description: It is reported, that a domestic solar water heating
system (based on locally fabricated solar collectors
with an area of 3,6 m
) could provide sufficient hot
water for a family of five persons living in a GCC
country and would cost 1.200 .
More specifically, the average solar heating energy,
produced per square meter of collection area is about
30 kWh per day. The calculated cost of 1 kWh of
useful heating energy from solar power is around
0,035 . A special metallic absorber for flat plate
collectors is designed, with a hydraulic press for bulk
manufacturing. The design of the tested absorber and
other technical know-how could be handed over to
interested industries for commercialization purposes.
For example, KACST introduced imported units of
forced closed-type solar water heating systems for
domestic water heating purposes in Saudi Arabia.
More than 1.100 solar flat-plate collectors have been
installed on the rooftops of 373 residences of different
categories (like villas, terraced houses and
apartments) in the KACST campus at Riyadh.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.12: GCC mobilisation;
x C.7: Cost/benefit ratio;
x C.6 Risks.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: All the GCC countries.
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.11
Title: Solar Cooling Systems
Reduction of the yearly electricity production and the
implementation of energy conservation measures in
air-conditioned buildings. These technologies are a
very good solution for commercial applications, such
as supermarkets, theatres and cinemas.
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Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Short Description: Air-conditioning (A/C) is an important sector for many
GCC countries since it is one of the largest consumers
of electricity.
Solar cooling based on the use of vapor absorption
chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100 qC using flat
plate collectors is an attractive proposition as the
thermal energy collection subsystem has year-round
utility for summer cooling, winter heating and hot water
for services.
Furthermore, solar absorption cooling is attractive
because of its ability to save electricity as compared to
an equivalent cooling capacity conventional vapor
compression machine (achieved electrical energy
savings of the order of 40%).
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C1: RES potential exploitation;
x C.12: GCC mobilisation;
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.6 Risks.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Most of the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.12
Title: Desalination with Solar and Wind Power
Objective: Production of potable water from a solar desalination
plant and wind for groundwater pumping.
Falling under category: Renewable Energy Sources
Short Description: The prospect of using the solar energy for desalination
plant has been assessed in some GCC countries (such
as Oman). Desalination by reverse osmosis is a very
successful method for eliminating fluoride from
groundwater and solar power is a feasible method for
operating a desalination plant when there is sufficient
solar energy.
In particular, the behavior of a solar still on Masirah
island (in Oman) has been predicted and found
sufficient enough. It is possible to abstract groundwater
using wind energy from a well with a head of 30
meters. An average pump rate of 3,8 m
/hr has been
obtained from the experimental research station at
Heelat ar Rakah with a wind speed at 3 m/sec.
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This is considered acceptable especially as this speed
is the minimum average wind speed throughout the
year. So, the design of wind powered water
abstraction, which could pump water directly from the
well to a storage tank, is a very interesting and
economically feasible solution for some places.
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.10: Make energy services available to the
remote areas;
x C.4: Contribution to the climate changes;
x C.9: Poverty alleviation and equity;
x C.11 Urbanization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
GCC: Bahrain, Oman and Qatar
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.13
Title: Know-how Transfer for RUE
Objective: Promotion of mutually beneficial technological co-
operation between organizations and professionals for
innovative efficient technologies, addressed to the
residential, tertiary and industrial sectors. In addition,
the project aims to transfer appropriate know-how in
energy management and in particular energy auditing
procedures in the GCC.
Falling under category: Rational Use of Energy
Short Description: There is a pressing need to renew commitment both at
EU and GCCs level to promote energy efficiency more
actively. This is especially true when seen in the light
of the Kyoto agreement to reduce CO
where improved energy efficiency will play a key role in
meeting international commitments.
It is expected that the energy demand of GCCs within
the next two decades will significantly increase. Such a
development, however is taking place without much
control or consideration of quality aspects. This leads
to the construction of energy inefficient buildings and
problems associated with comfort level, over design of
building and heating/cooling systems.
The main components of the project could be as
x Networking to identify regional and local expertise
to be involved in the project, collect/exchange
information and define future actions for regional
co-operation targeted to the building sector;
x Analysis of the energy management and in
particular energy auditing and monitoring &
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x Identification of an energy consumption baseline in
terms of energy types, units, costs and GHG
x Analysis of technologies and potential applications
and benefits;
x Organization of workshops for the dissemination of
the projects results and the further promotion of
RUE in the residential, tertiary and industrial
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C.5: Knowledge of the technology;
x C.7: Cost/benefit ratio;
x C.12: GCC mobilization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
Number: P.14
Title: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
x Meet the rising level of oil demand;
x Combat the climate change by achieving
tremendous CO
emission reductions;
x Offer the possibility for new industrial applications,
such as the production of hydrogen, together with
electricity, from fossil fuels.
Falling under category: CO
Short Description: Today, there is a pressing need to operate in an
industry that is increasingly subject to carbon
constraints (Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC). In order to
stabilize GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at
acceptable levels, deeper cuts in emissions (by more
than 50% globally over the next 50 years) will be
necessary. The geological storage of CO
is a safe
and environmentally acceptable mitigation option.
The main options for storing CO
underground are in
depleted oil and gas reservoirs, deep saline reservoirs
and coal seams. Already today CO
is injected
underground in many Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
capture and storage and EOR present
opportunities for the oil industry to participate in
activities that will substantially reduce emissions, and,
in the case of EOR, increase the recovery from oil
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fields. The potential for commercial-scale EOR
provided the incentive for oil producers to become
involved in CO
capture in order to meet, in a timely
and effective manner, the rising level of oil demand
that has been forecast for the 21st century. Many had
already recognized that it was a win-win situation for
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C.3: Improvement of security of supply;
x C4: Contribution to the climate change in the
GCCs involved;
x C.12: GCC mobilization.
Potential Source of
Private and public funds / European Investment Bank /
other IFIs
Countries involved:
All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state
Number: P.15
Title: Reduce Gas Flaring
x Eliminate routine venting of associated gas, and
eliminate or significantly reduce continuous flaring
of associated gas.
x Achieve significant reductions in associated gas
venting and flaring in the short term, as well as
encourage improvement over a longer time period.
Falling under category: CO
Short Description: When crude oil is brought to the surface from several
kilometers below, gas associated with such oil
extraction usually comes to the surface as well. If oil is
produced in areas of the world which lack gas
infrastructure or a nearby gas market, a significant
portion of this associated gas may be released into the
atmosphere, unignited (vented) or ignited (flared).
Despite the efforts for reducing flaring, the overall
effect has been limited due to:
x The increase in global oil production and
associated gas production;
x Major constraints hindering the development of
gas markets, gas infrastructure, and flaring
reduction projects, which often require a
collaborative approach with key stakeholders
taking complementary and supportive action.
The reduction in flaring has both economic and
environmental implications, since the reinjection of the
gas helps to maintain the pressure in the hydrocarbon
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reservoirs, thus enhancing their life, while the
elimination of emissions helps to maintain the quality of
the atmosphere, not just on a local but on a global
In this context, refineries in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are starting
recently to use new technologies to reduce gas flaring
as part of their efforts towards environmentally-friendly
Alignment with criteria: Alignment based on their importance on the overall
project idea performance:
x C.2: Improvement of RUE;
x C.3: Improvement of security of supply;
x C4: Contribution to the climate change in the
GCCs involved;
x C.12: GCC mobilization.
Potential Source of
Global Gas Flaring Reduction Public-Private
Partnership (GGFR) / Private and public funds /
European Investment Bank / other IFIs
Countries involved:
All the GCC countries
EU: Any interested EU member state.
6.6 Assessment of the RES and RUE project ideas
This part presents the comparative assessment of the RES and RUE projects, according
to the identified criteria.
6.6.1 Calculations
The proposed methodological approach includes a set of twelve criteria that are used in
order to assess the impacts of the RES and RUE project ideas. The value and the
calculation for each one of the criteria are presented in the following table.
Table 6.1: Value of the criteria
No. Criterion Value Calculation
C.1 RES potential exploitation 0-5 According to note 1
Improvement of RUE 0-5 z
*(2.1) + z
*(2.2) +
C.2.1 Improvement of energy consumption per capita 0-5 According to note 2
C.2.2 Improvement of energy intensity 0-5 According to note 2
C.2.3 Improvement of the management procedures 0-5 According to note 2
Improvement of security of supply in the
GCC involved
0-5 u
*(3.1) + u
C.3.1 Improvement of diversity of primary fuels 0-5 According to note 2
C.3.2 Improvement of diversity of fuels used for
electricity generation
0-5 According to note 2
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Contribution to the climate changes in the
GCCs involved
0-5 y
*(4.1) + y
C.4.1 Increase of share of RES 0-5 According to note 2
C.4.2 Reduction of CO
emissions 0-5 According to note 2
C.5 Knowledge of the technology 0-5 According to note 2
C.6 Risk 0-5 d
*(7.1) + d
C.6.1 Technical 0-5 According to note 3
C.6.2 Financial (including finance ability from national
and external funding sources)
0-5 According to note 3
C.7 Cost/benefit ratio 0-5 According to note 3
C.8 Impact on land resources 0-5 According to note 3
C.9 Poverty alleviation and equity 0-5 According to note 2
C.10 Make energy services available to the
remote areas
0-5 According to note 2
C.11 Improvement of Hydrocarbons exploitation
0-5 According to note 2
C.12 Urbanization 0-5 According to note 3
C.13 GCC mobilisation 0-5 According to note 4
[1] Qualitative assessment in the range of 0-5. 0 represents that there is no RES
potential exploitation by the specific project idea, while 5 represents that there is a
solar power potential exploitation through PV systems. Values are given based on
the research and development work in the GCC area. The range of the values 0-5,
is as follows:
o 0: not relevant
o 1: Other type of RES (e.g. fuels cells)
o 2: Hydro
o 3: Wind
o 4: Solar thermal
o 5: PV
[2] Qualitative assessment in the range of 0-5. 0 represents that no impact is
envisaged by the examined project concerning the specific criterion/ sub-criterion,
while 5 represents that a very high impact is envisaged by the examined project
concerning the specific criterion/ sub-criterion. Values are given by the professional
expertise and judgment based on the relevant international literature. The range of
the values 0-5, is as follows:
o 0: not relevant;
o 1: very low impact;
o 2: low impact;
o 3: moderate impact;
o 4: high impact;
o 5: very high impact.
[3] Qualitative assessment in the range of 0-5. 0 represents that a very high impact
is envisaged by the examined project, while 5 represents that there is no impact
envisaged by the examined project values to the criterion/ sub-criterion. The range
of the values 0-5, is as follows:
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o 0: very high impact;
o 1: high impact;
o 2: moderate impact;
o 3: low impact;
o 4: very low impact;
o 5: not relevant.
[4] Semi Qualitative assessment in the range of 0-5. 0 represents that no GCC
country is involved, while 5 represents that more than five GCC countries can be
involved in the specific project idea. Values are given taking into consideration the
potential and implemented activities in each GCC country regarding RES and RUE.
The range of the values 0-5, is as follows:
o 0: no GCCs involved;
o 1: 1 GCCs involved;
o 2: 2 GCCs involved;
o 3: 3 GCCs involved;
o 4: 4 GCCs involved;
o 5: 5 GCCs involved.
6.6.2 Assumptions
The values of the weights are to be decided. The proposed values are as follows:
x z
: 50%
x z
: 30%
x z
: 20%
x u
: 30%
x u
: 70%
x y
: 50%
x y
: 50%
x d
: 50%
x d
: 50%
6.6.3 Prioritized list of the RES and RUE projects
In order to come up with a prioritized list of RES and RUE projects, weights have to be
defined for each criterion. The weights express the policy of the decision maker.
Therefore, definition of the weights can be subject to decision by the project proposers
(energy ministers, regional enterprises, funding EU organizations etc.).
Through a clear policy decision, the Consultant aims to facilitate this process by providing
an indicative example of a set of weights. This example has been developed under the
concept of giving priority to criteria 1, 2, 5 and 10. More specifically, the indicative weights
given are as follows (Table 6.2).
Table 6.2: Indicative weights of the criteria
No. Criterion Weight
1. RES potential exploitation 0,14
2. Improvement of RUE 0,14
3. Improvement of security of supply in the GCCs involved 0,08
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4. Contribution to the climate changes in the GCCs involved 0,06
5. Knowledge of the technology 0,10
6. Risk 0,06
7. Cost/benefit ratio 0,07
8. Impact on land resources 0,01
9. Poverty alleviation and equity 0,05
10. Make commercial energy and energy services available to
the remote areas
11. Improvement of hydrocarbons exploitation efficiency 0,08
12. Urbanization 0,02
13. GCC mobilisation 0,08
Based on the above weights for the twelve criteria, and the values given to the projects,
as presented in Table 6.2, a tentative prioritized list of RES and RUE projects ideas is
presented as follows:
1. P.7: Solar power for GSM Telecom Towers;
2. P.8: Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads;
3. P.13: Know-how Transfer for RUE;
4. P.11: Solar Cooling Systems;
5. P.10: Solar Water Heaters;
6. P.14: CO
7. P.12: Desalination with Solar and Wind Power for Electricity Generation;
8. P.1: Solar Power for Electricity Generation;
9. P.9: Solar power for Small Cash Crops;
10. P.15: Reduce Gas Flaring;
11. P.2: Solar Hydrogen Energy for Electricity Generation;
12. P.6: Development of a GIS for RES Potential;
13. P.3: Wind Farm for Electricity Generation;
14. P.5: Promotion of the Utilization of Biomass;
15. P.4: Fuel Cells to Electricity Generation in Remote Areas.
It is noted that the above list presents the results of this subtask of setting priorities among
the RES and RUE projects. The values given to the projects are based on the views of the
consultant regarding the impact of each RES and RUE project idea to the above criteria.
In this context, the values provided were subject to discussion among the representatives
during the previous period. Furthermore, the analytical calculation of the project ideas
performance to each one of the aforementioned criteria is illustrated in Annex B: Project
Ideas Evaluation.
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Short pre-feasibility check
of promising RES and RUE project ideas
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7. Short Pre-feasibility Check of Promising RES and
RUE Project Ideas
7.1 Introduction
The objective of this subtask of the work under Task 4 is to develop a short pre-feasibility
check of promising RES and RUE project ideas. The more attractive RES and RUE project
ideas will be selected for a deeper analysis so as GCC representatives and EU investors
can discuss the possible implementation and financing of these project ideas, especially in
the final conference.
More specifically, GCC countries have a significant RES and RUE potential as well as the
capacity to host RES and RUE projects. Based on the previous chapter evaluation of
project ideas and the elaboration of a prioritized list of RES and RUE actions, a number of
promising projects can be considered in the future, in the context of the EU-GCC co-
More specifically, the six most promising project, which can be considered of high priority
in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation are the following:
x Solar power for GSM Telecom Towers;
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads;
x Know-how Transfer for RUE;
x Solar Cooling Systems;
x Solar Water Heaters;
x CO
For these six projects, a short pre-feasibility check will be conducted. This short pre-
feasibility check will quantify for each RES and RUE project impacts and benefits. The
results from this task will provide design recommendations and will aid the selection of
those project ideas appropriate to the GCC region circumstances.
The current part 7 is structured along eight sections. Section 7.2 presents the main aim
and the structure of the short pre-feasibility check. The following six sections are devoted
to the presentation of the short pre-feasibility check of each one of the six most promising
7.2 The Structure of the Short Pre-feasibility Checks
The main purpose of this short pre-feasibility check is to assist project investors and other
potentially interested project participants to identify commercially profitable projects, which
are also promoting the sustainable development goals of the host country. These
promising project ideas could be described as investments in an environmentally sound
technology, the implementation of which is commercially feasible with a view from the
medium to longer term.
The short pre-feasibility check will contain:
x The GCC region context influencing the project activity (policy and legislation,
technological and market current status and potential). Furthermore, the same factors
will be also investigated for the EU, since the technological know-how as well as the
financial support will be derived from EU investors.
x A description of the project objectives and a technical description.
x An estimation of the economic and financial data of the project and the elaboration of a
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short economic and financial check of the project idea.
x The identification of the most important risks associated with the project idea,
according to the severity of their impacts.
x A brief environmental impact analysis, without conducting an in-depth analysis, in order
to check whether the project has significantly harmful environmental impacts.
x The project contribution to the socio-economic dimension of sustainable development,
laying special emphasis on the regional communities development and improvement
of local people quality of life.
x The concluding remarks, where all the key points drawn up from the analysis are
Figure 7.1: The Structure of the Pre-feasibility Check
In the following sections, a detailed presentation of these short pre-feasibility checks, for
each one of the six most promising project ideas has been developed.
7.3 Solar power to GSM telecom towers
7.3.1. Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
The Commission showed its desire on the development of solar energy and significant
solar energy programmes exist, as an extension of this support (e.g. Altener
Programme, Intelligent Energy for Europe, Concerto Programme, etc.). Policy and
legislation support for Photovoltaics (PVs) differs quite a lot from country to country.
This is due to the different support programmes for PVs.
Some of the most common incentives-instruments for PV promotion in the remote areas
in the EU are the investment subsidies, the feed-in-tariffs, the green tariffs and the
investment grants. It is also noted that Germany has become one of the biggest markets
for PVs due to the 100,000 roof programme and the new Feed-In-Law.
I. Background:
Policy & Legislation:
II. Project Development:
Technical Description;
Economic and Financial Check:
Environmental Impact;
Socio-economic Impact.
III. Concluding Remarks.
I. Background:
Policy & Legislation:
II. Project Development:
Technical Description;
Economic and Financial Check:
Environmental Impact;
Socio-economic Impact.
III. Concluding Remarks.
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Nowadays, there exist close linkages between the amounts of PV production used for
telecommunications purposes versus the total output. In case PV production is
increased, concomitantly the PV Telecom Towers will be extended. Consequently, the
policy instruments mentioned above are also used for the promotion of solar Telecom
Even though GCC region offers massive business potential for regional and
international companies on solar energy applications in remote areas, policy and
legislative constraints have to be surpassed, such as:
o Cost and pricing constraints, caused due to the governmental subsidies for oil and
electricity generation and non-availability of similar subsidies for solar energy
o Legislative constraints, as consequences of the absence of relevant legal
framework for the promotion of these activities.
Although the above difficulties, a significant number of implemented GSM telecom
towers research, pilot and real life projects have been developed in remote areas in the
GCC countries, based on the individual activities of some research institutions and
enterprises. Technology
x EU
Photo-voltaic technological development continues to be supported by the 6
Framework Programme (FP6) through both research and demonstration actions
especially in remote areas. The focus has been put on the development and
demonstration of integrated approaches for new PV system design options and
concepts, with a stronger emphasis on cost reduction.
The stand alone applications (including rural electrification and remote professional
systems) are developed in Europe. In addition, the solar telecommunication systems are
highly developed and already considered as fully commercialized and vigorously
pursued by many companies within the PV industry. Many applications are economic
viable to particular power supply requirements because the alternatives, usually
batteries or diesel generators, are expensive both in terms of capital costs, ongoing
maintenance and fuel supply. Examples of PV telecommunication projects held in EU
o 15 GSM Telephone Station with PVs in Spain with, 5,7 kW each. The covered load
is 500 W and the systems work continuously 24 h and 365 days per year.
o 4 TV repeater stations, powered by PV and wind hybrid systems, 1.664 Wp PV +
1.000 W (at 12 m/s) wind, have been installed at remote sites in Portugal at
Piodao, Alvoco, Loriga, Alpedrinha. Each power system consists of a PV array of
55 W modules, plus horizontal axis, 3 - blade wind turbines with brushless AC
generators, battery storage and charge control equipment working at a common
voltage of 48 Volts DC.
A significant number of solar telecommunication systems in remote areas have been
executed in the region by project developers who have a significant experience
regarding the design, manufacturing and installation of solar telecom systems, specially
adapted to the GCC region conditions. The solar telecommunication projects executed
consist of:
o More than 50 systems for telecommunication sites in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and
o Cathodic Protection system (output voltage of up to 60V and Max Load of up to 50
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Amps) in Qatar.
o More than 30 GSM base stations and pay phones in the UAE.
o Solar powered LD repeaters with total peak power 27 kW and solar powered pay
phones with total peak power installed of more than 8 kW in Oman.
o Solar power systems for radio repeaters in Kuwait (almost 2,5 kW) and UAE. Market
x EU
EU is now the world's second largest manufacturer of PVs for Telecommunications,
behind Japan and ahead of the USA. Current forecasts for EU show a large potential (of
over 30% per year) for solar Telecom applications, over the last decade. European
manufacturers of PV Telecom systems - most of them being multinational companies -
having traditionally a strong position in world markets. These companies have
developed a range of high quality products and a significant level of expertise.
Figure 7.2: Market shares of the EU
1990 1993 1996 1997 1998 2000
Source: PV-Powered Wireless Telecommunications Systems, Environmental Energy Solutions [93]
The most important solar cell manufacturers in Europe who have developed some
relevant solar application, such as GSM telecom tower in remote areas, are: BP Solar,
Shell Solar, Isofotn, RWE-Schott Solar, Photowatt, ErSol, Eurosolare, Q-Cells AG,
Sunways AG, Wrth Solar GmbH.
Figure 7.3: European PV companies
Source: Paul Maycock, PV News [94]
The Figure 7.2 illustrates the close linkage between the amounts of PV production used
for telecommunications purposes vs. the total output. The Figure 7.3 presents the main
Shell Solar
BP Solar
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solar cell manufacturers in the EU, based on their market share. (2002: 135 MW totally).
The Gulf Region has a significant number of project developers as regards solar
systems (PV), such as:
o The University of Bahrain, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), the
Oman Sultan Qaboos University and the Saudi Arabia Energy Research Institute
(ERI) of King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST), which are
focused on RES and RUE development, especially PVs and their potential
o Many companies are specialized in the design, manufacture and supply of
advanced PV power systems using the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity
in the GCC region:
BP Solar Arabia LTD. with a significant experience concerning solar power
generation in the last twenty years.
Naps Systems Group, headquartered in Finland, which has built a large
number of solar electricity systems for telecommunication sites in Saudi
Arabia, UAE and Oman and Cathodic Protection & Telecommunication sites in
Oman Solar Systems Co, with important activities regarding solar power
systems (LD repeaters, pay phones) and solar powered pay phones in Oman
and UAE.
Ericsson also installed solar power systems for radio repeater in Kuwait.
Other relevant companies are the Al-Afandi Solar Wafers and Cells Factory
(Saudi Arabia), Emirates Applied Solar Energy (EASE), Gulf Solar
Technologies, Strong Plant & Supplies FZE, UNACOMM (U.A.E) and Long
International (Bahrain).
7.3.2. Project Development Objective
The Solar Power to GSM Telecom Towers project aims to demonstrate the concept of a
mobile, highly reliable and isolated PV system for remote areas without grid connection. It
will be illustrated the fact that, with a very easy and fast set-up, these PVs are cost
competitive and technically advantageous, compared to the use of diesel generator sets.
In remote and inaccessible areas, day and night, through all kinds of weather, solar power
systems are used to keep communications channels open all over the world. Reliability,
low maintenance requirements and proven ability to provide continuous power in virtually
all environments, have led to the use of solar power in telecommunication systems of every
size and type. GSM base stations are powered through standalone solar photovoltaic
power systems because of high degree of reliability and low maintenance. Generally, these
sites are kept at high altitudes to provide better coverage and most of them are accessed
by helicopter where providing conventional power becomes impossible because of terrain
and cost. These solar systems consist of highly efficient solar modules, batteries, passive
cooled enclosures or shelters, charge controllers with remote monitoring and control
facilities for monitoring the system through telephone lines. Technical Description
Solar power systems for telecommunications typically supply power to continuous loads
ranging from 1 W single terminal to multi-kW repeater stations located in places with no
access to the electricity grid. The stand alone solar power systems, developed for
telecommunications clients in GCC, can ensure the field-proven reliability of such products.
These solar photo-voltaic panels are self draining and self cleaning. Furthermore, these
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systems have maximum reliability as there are no long transmission wires and they are
easily expandable, since panels can be added whenever required to enhance its capacity.
Figure 7.4 shows the components of a solar-powered telecommunications system. A
typical telecommunications system installation includes the following major components:
x Solar Array: It is the full collection of all solar photovoltaic generators, where several
dozens of PV modules are interconnected. These are mounted on ground installations
using a simple frame that holds the modules at a fixed tilt angle towards the sun.
x Batteries: An electrochemical storage battery is used to store the electricity converted
by the solar module. During the day, electricity from the module charges the storage
battery. Batteries are generally 12-volt lead-acid ("car") batteries, ranging in capacity
from 20-100 Amp-Hours (Ah) and deep-cycle batteries to operate over larger ranges
of charge levels. Car batteries have a 3-5 year lifetime while deep-cycle, both sealed
and unsealed, can last 7-10 years.
x Charge Controller: A charge controller is utilized to control the flow of electricity
between the module, battery, and the loads. It prevents battery damage by ensuring
that the battery is operating within its normal charge levels. If the charge level in the
battery falls below a certain level, a "Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) will cut the
current to the loads, to prevent further discharge. Likewise, it will also cut the current
from the module in cases of overcharging.
x Remote monitoring and control system: A remote and automated monitoring and
control system is often installed to minimize the number of site visits.
x Shelter/ Insulated Enclosure: The enclosure protects the sensitive electronic
components from the elements.
x Back - up diesel generator (optional): A back-up diesel generator might be installed in
areas with marginal solar resources.
Figure 7.4: Solar Power Systems for powering GSM equipment
Source: The World Bank Group, PV Telecommunication Systems [95] Economic and Financial Check
x Economic
Generally, PV systems produce 100 Watts or cost between 5 and 30 Euro per watt.
Smaller systems are more expensive on a per-watt basis. The cost of the PV modules is
typically 1/3 to 1/2 of the total system cost. The average production of each watt of PV is
between 2 and 6 watt-hours of energy per day, depending on the season and location.
Very dark conditions and very bright conditions will produce energy outside this range.
Using typical borrowing costs and equipment life, the life-cycle cost of PV - generated
energy generally ranges from 0,2 to 1,0 Euro/kWh. Moreover, for power system
mentioned above, materials and installation will cost 150.000 Euro ().
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A key parameter related to the use of PV is the so-called energy pay-back time, which is
now typically two to four years, or ~10% of the operational lifetime. These numbers may
be still improved substantially, namely to less than 1 year and better than 3%,
respectively. In addition, for power system materials and installation, the cost is ranged
between 180.000 and 300.000 .
In order to investigate the economic indicators of solar GSM Telecom Towers, a specific
project will be examined, which will have the following characteristics:
o 22 stations equipped with PV generators.
o Each PV generator ranges in size from 780 W to 7,1 kW.
o A total of 40 kW of PV generators will be installed.
o Installation cost: 185.000 .
o Price of electricity sold: 0,5 /KWh.
o Expected Energy savings: 63.100 kWh per year.
The Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were calculated for
the 15 years of the project lifetime, and the results are the following:
o NPV: 85.052 .
o IRR: 14,9 %.
These facts clearly illustrate that this is an attractive investment with a short payback
period (a5 year).
x Financial
A number of innovative financing mechanisms have been designed to facilitate financing
of solar energy projects. The main existing financing mechanisms relevant to solar
energy projects are the following:
o Grants: Some projects are offered fixed cash grants for each system installed
once certification of the installation is available. More specifically, having a grant of
40% of the initial capital cost can reduce the payback period to 3 years.
o TPF: Under the Third Party Finance (TPF) deal the customer does not have to put
up cash to finance the initial investment and does not have to be concerned about
technical matters. The agreement that may be reached with the third party
depends on the ownership of the assets, duration of the service provision, return
on investment and others. It is estimated that for the specific investment, the
payback period will be decreased to 3,5 years.
o Leasing: The approach will allow investors to lease rather than buy some very
expensive components of the solar-powered telecommunications system, such as
the PV modules. With this financial scheme, the payback period of this investment
will be decreased a 3-4 years.
o CDM: Another very interesting option could be the Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM), since through the CDM project cycle, the achievable emission reductions
are converted into Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The sale of CERs can
significantly increase the IRR of this project and decrease the payback period to
4,5 years.
x Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project. However, most of
them can be controlled during the implementation phase. More specifically, project risks
that can bring out some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are the
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o Political: GCC countries are major oil producers in the world and solar energy
programs are occasionally considered as less important.
o Business: Solar energy has not yet made reasonable progress in the GCC region
because of the wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost.
o Financial: The governmental subsidies for oil and electricity generation and non-
availability of similar subsidies for solar energy programs inhibit the chances for
solar energy to compete with the commercial energy sources that are available.
o Technical: The abilities of the RES project to perform as declared and
subsequently to deliver the expected emission reductions can be threatened by:
Technology risk under - performance of the installed plant.
The dust effect, which in some parts with low rainfall can reduce solar energy
by 10% to 20% by covering I-V arrays reducing intensity of solar radiation. Environmental Impact
The current project is generally considered of benign environmental impact, generating no
noise or chemical pollutants during use. The solar energy is one of the most viable RES
technologies for use in an urban environment, replacing existing building cladding
materials. This project can play an important role in mitigating environmental problems like
x Burning fossil fuels generates a number of air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide,
nitrous oxides, particulate matter (soot) and toxic materials such as mercury. In
contrast, PV systems produce no air pollution while operating.
x Solar power produces no GHGs, so it can contribute to the climate change. Socio- Economic Impact
The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Creation and strengthening of market for PV technology.
o Reduction of oil usage security of energy supply.
o Diffusion and dissemination of project technology.
x Social impact:
o Improvement of the communication accessibility in all rural communities.
o Improvement of the quality of life through the delivery of modern social services.
o Stimulation of investments in rural areas so as to create employment and increase
o Facilitation of links between the end users and equipment suppliers.
o Strengthen community capacity in managing and administrating local supply parts
for PV systems.
7.3.3. Concluding Remarks
This project aims to demonstrate the concept of a mobile, highly reliable and isolated PV
system for remote areas without grid connection. Solar power systems for
telecommunications typically supply power to continuous loads ranging from 1 W single
terminal to multi-kW repeater stations, located in places with no access to the electricity
grid. These solar systems consist of highly efficient solar modules, batteries, passive
cooled enclosures or shelters, charge controllers with remote monitoring and control
facilities for monitoring the system through telephone lines. Many PV telecom tower
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applications are economic viable to particular power supply requirements because the
alternatives, usually batteries or diesel generators, are expensive both in terms of capital
costs, ongoing maintenance and fuel supply.
Taking into consideration the fact that EU companies have developed a range of high
quality products and a significant level of expertise, the project can be considered of high
priority in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation.
The project is estimated to have a highly positive impact on the countrys sustainable
development. From the environmental point of view it will lead to the reduction of GHG
emissions, contributing in this way to the environmental protection. The most important
social benefits include the improvement of the communication accessibility in all rural
communities and consequently the quality of life through the delivery of modern social
services. On the economical aspect, this project will be helpful for the creation and
strengthening of market for PV technology and the dispersion of energy sources thus
reducing the oil usage.
7.4 Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads
7.4.1 Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
Energy efficiency is as important as renewable energy for increasing the security of
energy supply and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. EU energy efficiency
legislation firstly dealt with individual products, and prior to 2000, it covered minimum
energy efficiency and labelling requirements for a variety of products. In the years since
2000 the EU has continued with energy efficiency legislation, for setting efficiency
requirements for individual products. Special attention has been given to the lighting
products, especially considering the fact that the Ballasts directive (a component of
fluorescent lights) is expected to achieve savings of 1 Mtoe to the primary energy
consumption. At the same time, the EU began to adopt legislation that addresses
energy efficiency across whole sectors, with directives covering energy efficiency in
buildings, transports, and combined heat and power.
Nowadays, the EU focuses on what is realistically and economically feasible in the
short and medium term. The EU sixth environment action programme identifies the
promotion of energy efficiency as a priority action (Council of the EU, 2002). The
Barcelona European Council, March 2002, stressed the need to show substantial
progress in energy efficiency by 2010 (European Council, 2002). In this context, an
area with substantial potential for energy efficiency is the lighting in the tertiary sector.
The SAVE Programme is the only union-wide programme dedicated exclusively to
promoting energy efficiency and encouraging energy-saving behaviour in transport and
lighting, among other sectors, through policy measures, information, studies and pilot
actions and the creation of local and regional energy management agencies.
Rapid population increase and massive infrastructure development is fuelling the
increasing demand for electricity throughout the region. There is a high demand for the
latest technological innovations in energy related equipment across all the industry
sectors, from power generation to lighting. Thus, for the energy efficiency improvement
and the reduction of energy intensity, there are some incentives in the region, which are
listed as:
o Introduction of stricter building codes and load management devises for large
domestic, industrial and commercial consumers.
o Establishment of energy services companies and development of appropriate
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financing mechanisms.
o Facilitating the introduction of energy efficient equipment.
However, cost and pricing constraints are caused due to the governmental subsidies for
oil and electricity generation and legislative constraints are consequences of absence
of relevant legal framework for the development of these projects. Technology
x EU
The European Community is working intensively to improve energy efficiency in all
sectors whilst at the same time increasing the use of RES. EU mainly focuses his R &
D efforts in cases where the costs of the extension of the electricity grid to a remote
location can be higher than the installation of PV systems. These off-grid systems are
also called autonomous systems and consist in general of PV modules controllers.
Examples of existing high quality products that fit in this category are: solar home
systems, water pumping systems, battery charge systems, communication systems
(repeater stations), street lighting systems and signalling systems like buoys.
Especially the use of off-grid systems applications for streets and roads in the EU has
been extended and in can be overviewed as:
o Local Councils:
Parking meters and pay & display machines.
Car park security lighting.
Street/path lighting.
Bus stop lighting.
o Highways Authorities:
Emergency phones.
Road-side information and hazard warning signs.
Mobile units for temporary warning signs.
Speed cameras.
Remote junction/crossroads lighting.
Powered cats-eyes.
Vehicle weigh-in-motion measurement.
Traffic and pollution monitoring.
Examples of PV lighting projects held in EU are:
o The Danish Meteorological Institute - Roesneas Lighthouse stand alone system
with 3x0,03 kW monocrystalline cells.
o The Danish Street directory - PV technology on measuring station, ice warning
and more on main street E20 with 10x0,3 kW monocrystalline cells.
o The Swedish National Energy Administration - Sponsored of two pilot road lighting
projects, alternative solutions for lighting of road junctions and roads.
o Solar-powered street lighting for the London Borough of Camden, England.
o Solar-powered sign lighting for Pasque Hospital, Luton, England.
o Transport for London had provided solar powered lighting to 420 unlit bus shelters
in locations remote from the national grid.
o Solar powered street lighting at Stornoway, Western Isles, UK.
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o Full scale demonstration of professional public lighting by Stand-Alone PV
Systems in the Netherlands.
Warning or hazard signs are a useful application of photovoltaic systems in the GCC
region. Another interesting application could be high-voltage distribution line warning
signs. For this purpose, it is more feasible to use photovoltaic systems than
transforming high-voltage current from the utility lines. Navigational buoys and
lighthouses (because of the isolation from the national grid) can benefit from this
technology, but special precautions must be taken to ensure the system is corrosion
Stand alone lighting systems, solar powered pay phones, aviation obstruction warning
lights, tunnels lighting projects have been carried by various companies who have
significant experience regarding the design, manufacturing and installation of solar
lighting systems, specially adapted to the GCC region conditions. The most well known
solar lighting projects executed in the region are:
o Approximately 46 aviation obstruction warning lights have been constructed in
UAE with total power 5 kW.
o Stand Alone lighting systems with 85 kW total peak power for 9 km road in Sohar-
o Solar systems in tunnels with 1,806 km at Al-Baha and 1,742 km at Abha with
total power 48.429 W and 44.850 W respectively in Saudi Arabia.
o Electrification of two remote tunnels 240 m and 546 m long with 48 kW & 4900
and 57 kW & 600 Amp-hr battery life, respectively in Saudi Arabia. Moreover
warning and traffic signals construction with total power of 40 kW have been also
constructed. Market
x EU
The estimated size of the EU has a gigantic technological infrastructure, thus it has a
huge market for energy efficiency improvement. Decision makers are continually
developing new options for achieving more energy efficient and cost-effective products
for such applications.
These application mostly consist of using PVs in navigational aids, road signalling,
environmental monitoring, control and reporting stations, warning and signal lights on
land and sea, electrified fencing, perimeter security at large sites, intruder detection,
temporary lighting, parking meters, emergency highway telephones, street lights, ticket
machines, newspaper dispensers, fountains for garden ponds and car sunroofs.
Some indicative solar outdoor lighting business firms in EU are NOZON Lighting NV/SA
in Belgium, DSR Scandinavia in Denmark, IMEX Group International in France,
Heizmann-System-Elektronik GmbH in Germany, IV Solar and ASETEC in Spain and
Sunshine BECOSOLAR and Solargen in UK.
There is a great interest in the GCC region on solar lighting and aviation warning
especially in Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of Communication requested the KACST to
conduct experiments in order to determine the economic feasibility of using solar
energy in highway illumination in the country. In addition, a significant number of
companies from the GCC region have developed a number of aviation warning or
obstruction lights with simplified installation and long life with minimum maintenance.
Oman Solar Systems Co. LLC (Oman), A1 Solar Prince (GET), Shuwayer Electrical
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Engineering Systems, Building Lighting Est. (Saudi Arabia), Jubilee Stores, E-SOLAR
FZCO, Gulf Solar Technologies, Strong Plant & Supplies FZE (U.A.E) are the well-
known companies in this market.
7.4.2 Project Development Objective
Road safety is a major issue throughout the region, since many accidents take place there
and consequently, the road death levels are very high. Thus, the project Energy Efficiency
in the Lighting of Roads has a powerful social benefit. Reliable, self-contained aviation
warning light systems can be used for telecom towers, bridges, pylons and other
structures. This has to be by charging batteries through the day with use of power at night.
The obstruction light systems are independent of the AC (Alternating Current) grid thanks
to the solar module and safety officials and can now be sure of autonomous and reliable
operation without sacrificing safety. Also these systems are less sensitive to lighting
damages. Technical Description
Solar outdoor area lighting system is a device that operates using the light energy
available from the sun to provide lighting during night time. The solar PV lighting is a
reliable and an efficient stand-alone system.
Solar streetlights are fully self-contained, since there are no trenches, no external cabling
and no need to connect to the main power grid. With absolutely no power bills and very
low maintenance, these solar streetlights will pay for themselves.
The solar photovoltaic street lighting system automatically switches On and Off and is
designed to operate from dusk to dawn. A typical system comprises of solar modules, low
pressure sodium vapour lamp & high efficient inverter enclosed in a weather proof lamp
fixture, sealed lead-acid battery & charge regulator with night light function enclosed in a
suitable fibre glass enclosure with locking arrangement, cables & necessary hardware.
The Solar Modules mounted on the top of the pole charge the battery bank during the
sunshine hours.
Figure 7.5: A typical solar cell
Source: Gujarat Energy Development Agency - GEDA, Solar Street Light [96]
The light switches ON automatically at dusk, works all night and then automatically
switches Off at dawn. The batteries should be selected to render minimal maintenance of
total system. The battery capacity is adequately sized to operate the light for three days of
no sun-days or cloudy inclement weather conditions.
Solar PV Module
Lamp with charge controller
Battery Box
Lamp Post
Solar PV Module
Lamp with charge controller
Battery Box
Lamp Post
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Because of low cost of diesel fuel in GCC, hybrid PV systems would be the best option for
lighting the tunnels and roads. Such systems are supported by diesel generators, when
clouds obscure the sun. Use of diesel generators reduces the size and cost of the
batteries that are required to maintain continuous PV system operation during such cloudy
periods. In these hybrid systems, the advantages of using PV power are as follows:
x It conserves fuel;
x Diesel-only systems in remote areas are difficult and expensive to maintain;
x Diesel is expensive to transport;
x Broken-down diesel generators may take several days to repair because of the need
to bring spare parts from distant cities. Economic and Financial Check
x Economic
Solar tunnel lighting is one of the most expensive project types which can be done for
this type of projects. The lighting of 13 tunnels with solar power costs 4,5 million in
Saudi Arabia over 20 years. Project systems costs approximately 3,4 million and
maintenance costs 1 million . In case of a back-up diesel systems used, it costs
approximately 2,2 million .
In order to investigate the economic indicators of an indicative solar powered street
lighting project, a specific project will be examined, which will have the following
o Installation cost: 3. 500 .
o A 160watt photovoltaic module.
o 8 hours per day.
o A 2 x 100 Ah 12v batteries.
o Heavy-duty column 114 mm diameter x 6m long.
o Battery box & cover.
o Fluorescent lamp.
o Solid-state battery management & dusk sensor/timer module.
o Stainless steel fittings.
o Assumed energy production: 35.000 kWh.
o Price of electricity sold: 0,8 /KWh.
The Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were calculated for
the 15 years of the project lifetime, and the results are the following:
o NPV: 15.288 .
o IRR: 79,77%.
These facts clearly illustrate that this is an attractive investment with a short payback
period (a1,2 years).
x x Financial
A number of innovative financing mechanisms have been designed to facilitate
financing of solar energy projects. The main existing financing mechanisms relevant to
solar energy projects are the following:
o Grants: Some projects are offered fixed cash grants for each system installed
once certification of the installation is available. More specifically, having a grant of
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40% of the initial capital cost can reduce the payback period to 0,5 years.
o TPF: Under the Third Party Finance (TPF) deal the customer does not have to put
up cash to finance the initial investment and does not have to be concerned about
technical matters. The agreement that may be reached with the third party
depends on the ownership of the assets, duration of the service provision, return
on investment and others. It is estimated that for the specific investment, the
payback period will be decreased to 0,6 years.
o Leasing: The approach will allow investors to lease rather than buy some very
expensive components of the solar lighting system, such as the PV modules. With
this financial scheme, the payback period of this investment will be decreased to a
0,7 years.
o CDM: Another very interesting option could be the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM), since through the CDM project cycle, the achievable emission
reductions are converted into Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). The sale of
CERs can significantly increase the IRR of this project and decrease the payback
period to 1 year. Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the implementation of the project, but most of
them can be controlled during the implementation phase. Project risks that can bring out
some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are the following:
x Political: GCC countries are major oil producers in the world and solar energy
programs are occasionally considered as less important.
x Business: Solar energy has not yet made reasonable progress in the GCC region
because of the wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost.
x Financial: The availability of governmental subsidies for oil and electricity generation
and non-availability of similar subsidies for solar energy programs. Such subsidies
inhibit the chances for solar energy to compete with the commercial energy sources
that are available.
x Technical: The abilities of the RES project to perform as declared and to subsequently
deliver the expected emission reductions are identifiable as follows:
o Technology risk under - performance of the installed plant.
o The dust effect, which in some parts with low rainfall can reduce solar energy by
10% to 20% by covering I-V arrays reducing intensity of solar radiation.
o Risk of falling rocks or wild animals damaging PV systems. Environmental Impact
Solar electric systemsalso known as PV systems are considered as one of the
cleanest power-generating technologies available while they're operating. PV systems
produce no air pollution, hazardous waste, or noise, and they require no transportable
fuels. Because of these benefits, PV can play an important role in mitigating environmental
x PV and Air Pollution: Burning fossil fuels generates a number of air pollutants, including
sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, particulate matter (soot), and toxic materials such as
mercury. In contrast, PV systems produce no air pollution while operating.
x Global Warming: Solar power produces no greenhouse gases, so it does not contribute
to global warming.
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The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Creation and strengthening of market for PV technology.
o Development of renewable energy technology (Solar Power, PVs).
o Reduction of oil usage security of energy supply.
o Diffusion and dissemination of project technology.
o Reduction of accident costs.
o Reduction of the life-cycle costs of installing, operating and maintaining lighting
x Social impact:
o Improvement of the quality of life by improving personal safety.
o Creation of new employment opportunities.
o Reduction of fatal accidents.
o Significant effect on the reduction of accident rates at night.
o Stimulation of investments in rural areas so as to create employment and increase
7.4.3 Concluding Remarks
The main objectives of the current project are the development of RUE and the reduction
of the cost in the tertiary sector by the development of efficient road / warning lighting on
roads. Road safety is a major issue throughout the GCC region, since many accidents
occur due to the illumination difficulties in remote areas on highways. Consequently, the
road death levels are very high and thus the scheme would have a powerful social benefit.
In this context, the proposed project aims to introduce fully self-contained solar streetlights
PV systems to roads in the GCC region.
Companies from the EU and GCC region have developed a significant number of aviation
warning or obstruction lights with simplified installation and long life with minimum
maintenance. The presumed EU-GCC co-operation in the framework of this project can
take advantage of the massive infrastructure development in EU regarding solar lighting
and the huge market for energy efficiency improvement in the lighting sector in the GCC
In addition, solar powered street lighting projects are considered as a very attractive
investment with a short payback period (a 1 year), which can be further reduced by using
financing mechanisms relevant to solar energy projects, such as Grants, TPF, Leasing
and CDM.
The project is estimated to have a highly positive impact on the countrys sustainable
development. From the environmental point of view it will lead to the reduction of GHG
emissions, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides and particulate matter (soot). The social and
economic benefits are nested in each other, since the project will diminish the risk of fatal
accidents, which is due to the illumination difficulties in remote areas on highways. In
addition, this project will make energy services available to the remote areas. Furthermore
the reduced life-cycle costs of installing, operating and maintaining lighting systems will be
demonstrated through this project, which will generally strengthen the PV market
technology in the GCC region.
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7.5 Know-how Transfer for RUE
7.5.1. Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
One of the most important objectives of the EU is the reduction of the energy
consumption by improving energy efficiency. In order to meet this objective, the
Commission has set detailed targets and tried to ensure the long-term improvement of
energy efficiency (EE), through the use of market forces and new technologies.
In this framework, there are important networks of experts both within and outside
government that have evolved in Europe Union over the past decade or more.
These are important in transferring know-how and exchanging experiences. They can
also play an important role through the use of the Intelligent Energy programme.
This type of action could protect the environment, increase security of supply and
establish a more sustainable energy policy. Consequently, a wide range of
instruments have been used to implement the plan at EU and national level.
Supporting programmes for non-technological actions in the field of energy, precisely
in the field of energy efficiency, such as the "Intelligent Energy - Europe" (EIE) are in
progress for the effective promotion of EE technologies.
Moreover, in the context of the EU Action plan to improve Energy Efficiency (April
2000), a number of actions have been proposed, divided into three categories:
o Measures to integrate energy efficiency into other EU policies.
o Initiatives to strengthen and extend existing policies.
o New policies and measures.
A network of both governmental and non-governmental experts from the 25 member
states is planned to meet at regular intervals to discuss outstanding implementation
issues related, not only to the recent directives, but to the broader approaches to
energy efficiency in buildings.
As a result of GCC efforts in research and development of Renewable Energy
Sources, valuable lessons have been learned. In addition, assessment projects on
RES and RUE have helped Saudi staff to gain valuable experience, especially in the
fields of instrumentation, calibration, data collection, monitoring and analysis.
However, researchers in the field of RES have responsibilities beyond the scientific
and technical aspects of research and beyond the efforts made for publication of their
findings. These include dissemination and utilization of scientific knowledge gained in
laboratories and interaction with potential users, policy makers and manufacturers.
There is still limited development of such dissemination activities in the GCC
countries. No successful energy conservation program exists in the GCC region,
encouraging demonstration in the field of rational used of energy.
Therefore, due to lack of up-to-date information on energy efficient technologies and
technical expertise, personnel at institutions and ministries are often not able fairly to
evaluate the technical merit or true potential of RUE.
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x EU
Improving the efficiency with which energy is consumed by end-users is a central
theme of energy policy within the European Community. EU had a number of R&D
projects for the commercialization of a number of energy efficient technologies. More
specifically, a number of end-use efficient energy applications have reached a fully
matured level of development, in the following sectors:
o Residential, such as Lighting devices, Household appliances, Consumer
Electronics and Information Equipment and Heating and cooling devices.
o Tertiary, such as Commercial and street lighting, Office equipment, Cooling and
ventilation, Commercial refrigeration, Pace and water heating, Pumps, Cooking
and Conveyors.
o Industrial, such as Electronic motors.
Moreover there is a close link between the development of renewable energy sources
and the efficiency use of energy and electricity to maximize the benefit of renewable
energy sources. The Renewable Energy Unit of Institute for Environment &
Sustainability of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides
technical and scientific advice (Scientific Technical Reference System) to the
Commission services (DG TREN, DG ENV) for the design and implementation of EU
energy efficiency policies and programmes. Moreover a number of EU programmes
are directly managed by JRC on behalf of DG TREN, such as:
o The European GREENLIGHT programme, an initiative promoted by the
European Commission.
o The European Design Competition, namely "Lights of the Future", to encourage
and promote innovative, highly attractive and decorative designs of energy
efficient dedicated lighting fixtures for the residential and office market.
o The EU Stand-by Initiative, a European Actions to improve the Energy Efficiency
of Electrical Equipment while either OFF or in Stand-by.
o The EU ENERGY STAR Programme, a community voluntary energy labelling
programme for office equipment.
o The Motor Challenge Programme, an initiative promoted by the European
o ESCOs (Energy Service Companies), where the European Commission DG JRC
is promoting the activities of ESCO as part of its promotion of the GreenLight
and Motor Challenge programmes.
o The Eurodeem, a database of energy-efficient electric motors.
o The European GreenBuilding Programme.
o Electricity end-use efficiency in buildings in New Member States, Candidate
Countries and West Balkans.
In the GCC region, a lot of studies have been conducted, analysing the feasibility of
using some energy efficient technologies, such as:
o Mobile RES (hybrid) system consisting of wind generators and solar panels to
produce electricity for rural areas.
o Solar thermal systems for electrical energy savings.
o Energy saving features in building applications.
o Energy efficient motors instead of standard efficiency motors.
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All these studies have helped local energy actors to gain valuable experience,
especially in the fields of instrumentation, calibration, data collection and monitoring
and analysis. However, close contacts and effective interaction need to be achieved
between centers of R&D and local industry in order to bring the new developed
product to practice.
In addition, the efforts should be mainly directed to finding applications of those
systems that have already been developed in EU countries, so as to reduce spending
funds on basic research, already being conducted in EU. Market
x EU
The RES and RUE energy market in Europe has been extended in recent years.
Energy efficiency institutions are being strengthened in many EU countries. Between
1995 and 2001, 11 agencies were set up in Austria. In Germany, nearly all Lander
have their own energy agencies (total of 23 local and regional agencies). Several
agencies were also recently created in Greece (19 agencies) and Portugal (17 local
and regional agencies). In Spain, 13 Autonomous Regions have their own agency,
with 27 regional and local agencies. In Sweden, there are 11 regional energy
agencies and 7 in Finland. In Italy, 3 regional and 29 local agencies exist. In Ireland,
there are 12 local energy agencies.
In addition, further to the research conducted regarding these technologies, another
important activity concerns the building of scientific and political consensus. In this
framework, European Commission has set up a number of communication channels
on different policy-making and policy-drafting levels. Websites, publications,
workshops for stakeholders and methodology experts have been organized in a
regular level so as policy-makers as well as individuals are able to trigger specific
answers to urgent questions concerning the best set of economically feasible, socially
acceptable and environmentally friendly EE technology options.
The market for energy efficient technologies has not been developed in the GCC
region. Even though SMEs (Small, Medium Enterprises) exist in the region, especially
regarding solar applications (solar water heaters, solar dryers, etc.), significant market
barriers still exist for the full commercialization of these technologies, such as the:
o Lack of information or database on successful energy efficiency technologies;
o Inadequate demonstration experiences and information dissemination;
o Lack of skilled personnel and behavioural barriers;
o Insufficient training and human resource development in the energy efficiency-
related field;
o Lack of awareness and realization of potential benefits from the key decision
7.5.2. Project Development Objective
There is a pressing need to renew commitments both at EU and GCCs level to promote
energy efficiency more actively. This is especially true when seen in the light of the Kyoto
agreement to reduce CO
emissions, where improved energy efficiency will play a key
role in meeting international commitments.
It is expected that the energy demand of GCCs within the next two decades will
significantly increase. Such a development, however is taking place without much control
or consideration of quality aspects. This leads to the construction of energy inefficient
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buildings and problems associated with comfort level, over design of building and
heating/ cooling systems.
The main components of the project could be as follows:
x Networking to identify regional and local expertise to be involved in the project.
x Collect/ exchange information and define future actions for regional co-operation
targeted to the building sector.
x Analysis of the energy management and in particular energy auditing, monitoring &
x Identification of an energy consumption baseline in terms of energy types, units,
costs and GHG emissions.
x Analysis of technologies and potential applications and benefits.
x Organization of workshops for the dissemination of the projects results and the
further promotion of RUE in the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors. Technical Description
In recent years, the importance of implementing appropriate energy conservation and
management measures at the national and the regional level in the GCC countries has
been realized.
In buildings, thermal materials, environmental control systems, energy management
measures and RES systems could potentially reduce energy loss. Similarly, in the
industrial and agricultural sectors, the introduction of energy management techniques,
the use of waste heat recovery technique, the improved combustion efficiency, the use of
thermal insulation, energy storage systems, electrical grid connection, continuous
upgrading of equipment performance and the gradual use of RES can greatly enhance
the efficient use of energy. RES could be also used in strategic projects for rural
electrification, information networks, desalination of sea / brackish water and other
thermal applications.
Consequently, a successful energy conservation program includes the following:
x A comprehensive promotion of the energy conservation measures.
x A basic energy policy with stable supply.
x Expanding the economical renewable energy application and encouraging research,
development and demonstration in the field of renewable energy.
Figure 7.6: Techniques for improving energy management & conservation
Energy Conservation
and Management
Education and
public awareness
Electrical Grid
Equipment and
Energy Savings
Electrical loads
& management
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As illustrated in the above figure, one of the most important instruments for improving
energy management & conservation and therefore promotion of RUE is the education
and public awareness. The main activities of this component, in the context of this
project comprise:
x Newsletters and publications, distributed on a regular basis giving advice on new
initiatives and information on related events.
x Training programmes seminars, to show companies how they can identify and
implement measures that benefit both their company finances and the environment.
This is achieved by:
o Assisting the industrial participants in identifying, developing and implementing
their own energy efficiency measures and initiating a long-term internal process.
o Disseminating know-how to local experts who can promote and implement future
x Workshops, where the national experiences and possibilities of improving the policy
framework can be discussed. These workshops will allow energy companies and
other market actors to play their role in assisting the customers to use electricity and
gas more efficiently as well as meeting the countrys expectations towards a cleaner
x Usage of standards and labels.
x Energy site educating on basic energy efficiency measures, perhaps even providing
a list of options for each energy consuming case.
x Five - minute radio talks to be broadcasted at least twice per week.
x Dissemination of informative material to a wide society range, perhaps more targeted
towards schools and universities.
More specifically, mass & print media, exhibition and demonstration centres could
effectively be utilised for this purpose. Publication of literature in local languages is also a
very important factor for effective commercialisation of energy efficient technologies.
In addition, a proper campaign has to be started to convince decision makers and
industry leaders for the adaptation of energy efficient technologies. Due to lack of up-to-
date information on energy efficient technologies and technical expertise, personnel at
institutions such as the World Bank, Nations Departments and Agencies are often not
able fairly to evaluate the technical merit or true potential of RUE. Therefore, conducting
short training course workshops, seminars or briefing sessions for such key personnel
(i.e. decision makers) is necessary. Even, organising seminars, workshops and
conferences in the related agencies like Energy Agents, Universities and Electric Utilities
on the subject of RUE is a good tool for gathering the interested people. These meetings
will provide the environment to effectively discuss and exchange ideas among the
specialists. Economic and Financial Check
x Economic
In order to investigate the economic indicators of such a project, a specific action plan
for promoting RUE and raising public awareness regarding EE technologies will be
examined. This action plan will consist of the following:
o Organization of 2 workshops in the GCC region, with invited experts as speakers
from European Union: 20.000 Euros;
o Honoraria for Instructors: 20.000 Euros;
o Traveling Costs: 1.000 Euros;
o Web service will be developed in order to increase awareness for energy
efficiency technologies, which could be elevated into a sustainable vertical portal
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providing list of options for each energy consuming case: 5.000 Euros;
o Brochures and briefing notes, which will be distributed in relevant agencies and
governmental bodies all over the world: 5.000 Euros;
o Miscellaneous: 1.000 Euros;
o Other contingencies: 5.000 Euros;
Consequently, the total budget needed is estimated to be around 57.000 Euros.
x Financial
For the financial support of these projects, loans can be provided from banks (e.g.
World Bank). Grants can be provided from European and international financing
programmes, such as:
o The Global Environment Facility (GEF), which helps developing countries to
fund projects and programs that protect the global environment. Funding by GEF
for project preparation is available in three categories:
Block A grants (up to 32.500 ) fund the very early stage of the project
Block B grants (up to 455.000 for single-country projects and up to
910.000 for multiple-country projects) fund information gathering
necessary to complete project proposals and provide necessary supporting
Block C grants (up to 1,3 million ) provide additional financing, where
required, for larger projects to complete technical design and feasibility work.
o The EIE (Intelligent Energy for Europe) programme, where grants (EC
contribution) cover up to the 50% of the total budget. One of the EIE
programmes is the COOPENER, which aims to promote RES and Energy
Efficiency and strengthen local energy expertise in these fields, with a total
budget of 18 million for the period of 2003-2006.
Finally, the current capacity building project concerning the promotion of RUE can be
supported by governmental funds from GCC countries, relevant Ministries,
Departments and Agencies, which are directly interested for the project results.
x Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project. However, most
of them can be controlled during the implementation phase. More specifically, project
risks that can bring out some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are
the following:
o Political: GCC countries are major oil producers in the world and energy
efficiency measures are occasionally considered as less important.
o Legislative: Building codes, where they exist, have not been updated for many
decades and the more effective energy-efficient products and techniques
developed have not been used.
o Business: Rational Use of Energy has not yet made reasonable progress in the
GCC region because of the wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost.
o Financial: The governmental subsidies for oil and electricity generation inhibit
the chances for energy efficient programmes to compete with the commercial
energy sources that are available.
o Technical: The ability of the current project to achieve the expected results as
declared and to subsequently deliver the presumable training to local
stakeholders can be inhibited by:
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Limited number/ absence of knowledgeable personnel locally in the rational
use of energy field.
Materials may be lacking/ limited. Environmental Impact
The current project is mainly focused to dissemination and diffusion activities for raising
public awareness in energy efficient technologies. Given the nature of the project, there
are no negative environmental impacts. On the other hand, the reduction of the
consumed electricity amounts causes the reduction of GHG emissions and acid rain,
thus improving the residents living standards. Socio- Economic Impact
The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Creation of a market for energy efficiency systems;
o Reduction of energy usage security of energy supply;
o Transfer and development of the know-how technology to GCC region;
o Diffusion and dissemination of energy efficient technology.
x Social impact:
o Amelioration of the residents living standards;
o Stimulation of the decision makers and industry leaders interest for the
adaptation of energy efficient technologies;
o Dissemination of know-how to local experts who can promote and implement
future programmes;
o Improvement of the quality of life through the delivery of modern social services;
o Stimulation of investments in energy efficient technologies so as to create
employment and increase income;
o Facilitation links between the end users and equipment suppliers.
7.5.3. Concluding Remarks
European Union has been a frontrunner in the development of energy efficiency
technologies and a number of actions (directives and programmes) have been initiated
for promoting RUE. On the contrary, even though the energy consumption in the GCC
region has been increased in recent years, a number of financial, institutional and
regulatory barriers have to be surpassed for RUE promotion.
Consequently, there is a pressing need to renew commitments both at EU and GCC
countries to promote energy efficiency more actively. This is especially true when seen in
the light of the Kyoto agreement to reduce CO
emissions, where improved energy
efficiency will play a key role in meeting international commitments.
In this context, this project aims to promote of mutually beneficial technological co-
operation between organizations and professionals for innovative efficient technologies,
addressed to the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors. In addition, the project aims
to transfer appropriate know-how in energy management and in particular energy
auditing procedures in the GCC.
Through training course workshops, seminars or briefing sessions and mass & print
media dissemination activities conducted by the project, policy-makers will be able to
trigger specific answers to urgent questions concerning the best set of economically
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feasible, socially acceptable and environmentally friendly EE technology options. For the
financial support of such a project, loans can be provided from banks (e.g. World Bank)
and grants from European and international financing programmes (GEF, EIE). In
addition, the current capacity building project concerning the promotion of RUE can be
supported by governmental funds from GCC countries relevant Ministries, Departments
and Agencies.
7.6 Solar Cooling Systems
7.6.1. Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
The 160 million buildings within the 15 Member States account for around 40% of all
energy consumed within the EU. Of this, around two-thirds are consumed within
homes and one-third within commercial buildings. The biggest single requirement for
this energy is for heating and increasingly cooling and hot water, representing around
70% of domestic energy consumption and 50% of commercial energy consumption.
In this context, it is clearly illustrated the necessity to promote energy efficiency
technologies for heating and cooling, such as solar cooling systems. There are two
main drivers to reduce the level of energy consumed within European buildings:
o Environmental concerns deriving from energy consumption, particularly climate
o Energy security, in terms of the increasing need to import energy to meet EU
Some starting-points to accelerate the growth of the market for RES heating and
cooling and consequently the promotion of solar cooling systems are:
o The Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (2002);
o The Directive on the Promotion of Co-generation of Useful Heat and Electricity
o The Directive 93/76/EEC to limit carbon dioxide emissions by improving energy
Solar space cooling is important in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where
nearly half of the total produced electricity is used for air conditioning of residential
commercial and public buildings. Consequently, GCC region offers huge business
potential regarding solar energy applications for regional and international companies.
However, policy and legislative framework is lacking due to the following constraints:
o Cost and pricing constraints, due to the governmental subsidies for oil and
electricity generation and non-availability of similar subsidies for solar energy
o Legislative constraints, due to the absence of relevant legal framework for the
promotion of these activities.
Even though the above difficulties have blocked the wide spread implementation of
these technologies, a significant number of Solar Cooling projects have been
implemented and research or pilot programmes have been developed in remote areas
in the GCC countries, especially in Kuwait.
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x EU
The building sector contains one of the biggest potentials for energy efficiency and
thus, major focus has been given by the EU. Solar Heating and Cooling technological
development has been supported by SAVE, ALTENER and ATLAS programmes.
According to these programmes, it was reported that at least 20% of the energy used
in buildings for heating, cooling, hot water and lighting could be saved by profitable
investments in viable technologies such as thermal insulation, efficient heating and
cooling systems or air circulation in EU.
Examples of solar-cooling projects held in EU are:
o New building climatization technique (desiccant cooling technique) is utilized for
a Portuguese office building;
o Cooling the office headquarters building of J. Wolfferts GmbH in Hansestrasse in
the summertime, Germany;
o Rational supply of power, heat and cooling in buildings demonstrated in a
hospital in Dresden, Germany;
o The project The European Green Cities project, in Stadtgemeinde Radstadt,
o Installation of a solar cooling system at the Hotel Novotel, a member of the Accor
chain, on Grande Terre in the Guadeloupe archipelago, France;
o A desiccant cooling plant, installed in a public library building in Matar, Spain;
o Big demonstration project in Sarantis SA cosmetic industrial complex, in Athens,
A number of solar cooling systems were successfully installed and tested in the GCC
region. Solar cooling and air-conditioning are one of the major research areas in the
region. Applications of solar energy for power generation, desalination and air-
conditioning have been tested by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR),
especially during the mid-seventies. The research and development work in the area
of solar cooling was mainly confined to the use of vapour absorption chillers fired by
hot-water at less than 100 qC using flat plate collectors. Some of the solar cooling
projects performed in the region are indicatively:
o The fist large size installation was erected in 1981 for a kindergarten. It
comprised of 4 units, each one having 10 TR Water-Lithium Bromide chillers and
360 m
of roof mounted collectors. The system was in continuous operation till
the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990.
o The most successful solar cooling system established in 1983 for a single-story
Ministry of Defence (MOD) office building with an approximate area of 530 m
The solar energy collection of 1,7 m
subsystem of this system consists of 172
flat plate collector panels, having a window area and a vertical hot water
reservoir of 20 m
(2,2 m diameter and 5,3 m height).
o Saudi Universities Solar Cooling Test Facilities Project: In an attempt to assist
and enhance the research capabilities of national universities in solar energy
technology, agreements were concluded with the following Saudi Arabian
Universities: King Saudi University, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals, King Abdulaziz University and King Faisal University to establish solar
cooling laboratories for this purpose.
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x EU
In Europe energy consumption for air conditioning is rising rapidly. This is due to the
increased internal loads through electrical office appliances but also to increased
demand for comfort in summer. Summer overheating in highly glazed buildings is
often an issue in modern office buildings, even in northern European climates.
Between 1990 and 1996 the electricity consumption for air conditioning in the
European Union has risen from about 1.400 GWh/year to 11.000 GWh/year and
further increases of up to 28.000 GWh/year are predicted for the year 2010. Cooling
energy is often required in commercial buildings in Europe, with the cooling energy
demand varies between 3 and 30 MWh/year.
For instance, in Germany, solar cooling is expected to become an important
application, since it is supported by the government through subsidy programs,
demonstrational projects and information campaigns. It is expected that the German
market will be extended to 10 million m
in 2015.
Solar cooling companies in Europe, who have developed some relevant solar cooling
applications, are: Renewable Technology (UK) Ltd, Ibersolar Energia S.A, RR-
Solarsystems, BIS Both Industrial Services B.V, BAXTER ENGINEERING LIMITED,
Energomechaniki, TECHNOTHERM S.A. (Greece), PARADIGMA RITTER Energie-
und Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co.KG, Accent Water and Energy Pty Ltd.
The KISR is focused on solar cooling research and has implemented a number of pilot
and demonstration projects. In addition, Sole UAE is a manufacturer of solar air-
conditioning systems. However, the present situation in the GCC region, with the
generous subsidies imposed by the governments does not warrant incentives for end-
users to apply such technologies.
Therefore, even though the region offers massive market potential for such
applications, not many manufacturers of solar cooling systems exist due to the fact
that applications of such systems are based on sustainable development issues rather
than on economical viability.
7.6.2. Project Development Objective
Air-conditioning (A/C) is an important sector for many GCC countries since it is one of
the largest consumers of electricity. Conventional air-conditioners and refrigerators work
with electrically powered compressors, which, when having a higher energy need, will
also give off more heat to the incoming air.
The basic concept of solar cooling is to use the excess solar energy to cool buildings or
machines when it happens to be most hot during the day. Solar cooling based on the use
of vapour absorption chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100 qC using flat plate
collectors is an attractive proposition as the thermal energy collection subsystem has
year-round utility for summer cooling, winter heating and hot water for services.
Furthermore, solar absorption cooling is attractive because of its ability to save electricity
as compared to an equivalent cooling capacity conventional vapour compression
machine (achieved electrical energy savings of the order of 40%). These technologies
are a very good solution for commercial applications, such as supermarkets, theatres
and cinemas.
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The demand for cooling is rising rapidly. Typically, 50% of the electricity demand stems
from heating and cooling. Peak demand for power runs almost parallel with peak solar
radiation, therefore solar cooling is a natural peak shaving solution.
The main components of a solar cooling system are solar collectors that generate water
at high temperatures and a single stage absorption chiller.
There are two types of commercially-available cooling systems powered by solar thermal
energy, namely absorption refrigeration and desiccant cooling.
x Absorption cooling is the first type of air conditioning system. Heat, rather than
electricity, drives the system, allowing absorption cooling systems to operate on
natural gas or another heat source, like the sun. Solar absorption cooling systems are
configured to operate at lower temperatures. Single stage systems are driven by a
warm fluid heated to between 180 and 250 (82 to 121C) degrees Fahrenheit, while
two-stage systems work at around 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The difference between
these two types of systems is that the latter uses low-temperature solar energy to
boost the efficiency of the cooling system rather than supplying all the energy for
cooling while the former uses high-temperature solar energy to drive the cooling
system. The coefficient of performance (COP), which refers to the amount of cooling
energy provided for a given amount of energy input, can theoretically be about 0,7 for
a single-effect absorption cooling system.
Figure 7.7: Absorption System Schematic
Source : Design Guide for the Application of Solar Cooling and Supplementary Heating of Commercial
Buildings [97]
x Desiccant cooling systems make the air seem cooler by removing most of its
moisture. In these systems, the hot, humid outdoor air passes through a rotating,
water-absorbing wheel. The wheel absorbs most of the incoming air's moisture. This
"desiccates" (heats and dries) the air. The heated exhaust air continues through an
additional heat source, raising its temperature to the point that the exhaust air
evaporates the moisture collected by the desiccant wheel. The moisture is then
discharged outdoors. The various system components require electricity to operate,
but they use less than a conventional air conditioner. Most desiccant cooling systems
are intended for large applications, such as supermarkets and warehouses. They are
also ideal for humid climates.
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Figure 7.8: Desiccant System Schematic
Source: Design Guide for the Application of Solar Cooling and Supplementary Heating of Commercial
Buildings [97] Economic and Financial Check
x Economic
In order to investigate the economic indicators, we assumed a solar cooling system to
be applied in a public hospital with:
o Total area: 30.520 m
o Effective area: 20.200 m
o Capital cost: a 2 Million .
o Electricity saving: 2.000.000 kWh.
o Project lifetime: 20 years.
o Estimated emission reductions (yearly): 440 tn CO
The NPV and the IRR were calculated for the 20 years of the project lifetime and the
results are the following:
o NPV: -429.096 .
o IRR: 4.96 %.
These facts clearly illustrated that this is an attractive investment with a payback
period of about 12,5 years.
x Financial
A number of financing mechanisms have been designed to facilitate financing of solar
energy projects with a high initial capital cost. Some indicative financing options,
which could be really helpful for the solar cooling project are the following:
o Grants: Some projects are offered fixed cash grants for each system installed
once certification of the installation is available. More specifically, having a grant
of 40% of the initial capital cost can reduce the payback period to 7,5 years.
o TPF: Under this scheme the customer does not have to put up cash to finance
the initial investment and does not have to be concerned about technical
matters. The agreement that may be reached with the third party depends on the
ownership of the assets, duration of the service provision, return on investment
and others. It is estimated that for the specific investment, the payback period
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will be decreased to 9 years.
o Leasing: The approach will allow investors to lease rather than buy some very
expensive components of the solar-powered telecommunications system, such
as the PV modules. With this financial scheme, the payback period of this
investment will be a decreased to a 8-9 years.
o CDM: Another very interesting option could be the CDM, since through the CDM
project cycle, the achievable emission reductions are converted into CERs. The
sale of CERs can significantly increase the IRR of this project and decrease the
payback period to 10,5 years.
x Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project. However, most
of them can be controlled during the implementation phase. More specifically, project
risks that can bring out some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are
the following:
o Political: GCC countries are major oil producers in the world and solar energy
programs are occasionally considered as less important.
o Business: Solar energy has not yet made reasonable progress in the GCC
region because of the wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost.
o Financial: The most important risk is on the economical aspect of these systems
and more specifically, on the very high initial capital cost, compared to
conventional systems. In addition, the cost analysis in the whole life-cycle
indicates that solar cooling systems are again more expensive from conventional
cooling systems. Environmental Impact
The current project is generally considered of benign environmental impact, generating
no noise or chemical pollutants during use. The solar energy is one of the most viable
RES technologies for use in an urban environment, replacing existing building cladding
materials. This project can play an important role in mitigating environmental problems,
such as:
x Air Pollution: Burning fossil fuels generates a number of air pollutants, including
sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, particulate matter and toxic materials such as
x Global Warming: Solar power produces no GHGs/ CFC/ HCFC, so it does not
contribute to global warming. Socio- Economic Impact
The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Creation and strengthening of market for solar cooling.
o Reduction of oil usage security of energy supply.
o Diffusion and dissemination of project technology.
o Reduction of the energy costs due to the reduction in the quantity of energy
consumed and the peak demand.
o Combined heating and cooling benefits may be achieved by using the solar
cooling system to both heat and cool the building.
x Social impact:
o Improvement of the quality of life through the delivery of modern social services.
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o Stimulation of the investments in rural areas so as to create employment and
increase income.
o Improved air quality, since full outside air (desiccant system) can be provided,
rather than 90% recirculation of the air as is typical in conventional systems.
o Environmental benefits, such as reduced CO
emissions and no CFC/HCFC
refrigerants used in the solar system.
7.6.3. Concluding Remarks
The project aims at the reduction of the yearly electricity production and the
implementation of energy conservation measures in air-conditioned buildings. These
technologies are a very good solution for commercial applications, such as
supermarkets, theatres, cinemas and mosques.
Solar space cooling is important in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where nearly
half of the total produced electricity is used for air conditioning of residential commercial
and public buildings.
Therefore, GCC region offers huge business potential regarding solar energy
applications for regional and international companies. On the other hand, EU companies
have high quality products, significant level of expertise and innovative & rationalistic
projects. Consequently, this project is one of the highest priority projects of EU-GCC
cooperation as considering the benefits on both economical and social aspects.
More specifically, the project is estimated to have a highly positive impact on the region
countrys sustainable development. From the environmental point of view it will lead to
the reduction of GHG emissions, contributing in this way to the environmental protection
and improved air quality.
The most important social benefits concern the improvement of the life quality through
the delivery of modern social services. On the economical aspect, this project will be
helpful for the creation and strengthening of market for solar cooling technology, besides
the dispersion of energy sources thus reducing the oil usage and energy costs.
7.7 Solar Water Heaters
7.7.1. Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
European Commission has released directives to promote Solar Water Heaters
(SWHs), such as:
o Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (2002).
o Directive 93/76/EEC to limit carbon dioxide emissions by improving energy
In addition, there exist some initiatives to promote and enhance SWHs market such
o The Initiative Solar Heat Plus, which is a campaign to promote the acceptance
and sale of solar water heaters.
o The Soltherm Europe Initiative, which aims to contribute substantially to the
White Paper on RES (including the EU Campaign for Take-Off) with the short-
term goal to catalyse the implementation of 15 Million m
of solar thermal
collector surface in 2004.
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At the national-level, important marketing activities have been implemented for the
promotion of SWHs, such as:
o Denmark: National advertisements with TV-spots in the decade 1980-1990.
o Greece: Large campaign with television supported by the government in the
period 1984-1986.
o France: The Plan Soleil.
o Netherlands: A short TV campaign in the mid-nineties and a more recent
national campaign to promote SWHs organized by the PDE (a national
renewable energy agency).
Further promotion activities can be also found at a regional level, in the following
o The Catalonia and Andalusia regions of Spain.
o The Walloon region of Belgium.
o Several provinces in the Netherlands like Brabant and Limburg.
o Several regions in Austria like Upper-Austria.
o Several regions in France like Alsace and Rhne-Alpes.
Given the abundance of solar energy resources in the GCC countries, SWHs could
potentially be the one clean energy technology with the biggest potential in the region.
However various regulatory and awareness issues pose a barrier towards the wide
scale adoption of this technology. For instance, a major barrier is the restrictions on
sitting and construction, since SWHs face building restrictions based upon height and
aesthetics, particularly in urban areas. Technology
x EU
The EU gives great emphasis to SWHs technology, since solar heating can make a
significant contribution to meeting the EU's Kyoto targets for CO
-emission reductions.
Based on the previous years great success of EUs R&D on SWHs, these
technologies can now be considered as matured and proven. At the moment this huge
technological knowledge is fully commercialised. A number of projects have been
executed in EU, such as:
o Large-scale solar heating systems for housing developments sites/projects,
located in many European countries.
o The Renewable Energy today project in the Rhnes-Alpes region.
o The Improvement of energy performance and integration of renewable
energies project in Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas de Alqueva
S.A.(EDIA) buildings and in rural villages (Portugal).
o The Total Mobilization of CO
Reduction Potentials in Residential Building Stock
by Optimized Energetic Rehabilitation project in Hannover and Utrecht.
o The Optisol-Monitoring of solar multi family buildings for efficient heat supply
systems project in Austria.
o The Solar offensive for sport arenas project in the counties of Styria and
Salzburg in Austria.
o The Soltherm Wallonia project, which comprises large solar thermal systems in
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o Solar heating at institutions in Aarhus county in Denmark.
o Energy conservation in public buildings in Greece.
SWHs could be a viable solution in order to reduce electricity consumption in water-
heating sectors for many hot water domestic and industrial applications. A number of
research projects have been implemented in the region and the feasibility of this
technology has been proven.
More specifically, the ERI of the KACST has completed projects such as a technical
Study on Solar Water Heating Systems and PV Lighting for Local Mosques. KACST
has also introduced individual Solar Water Heating Systems of a forced closed type
for domestic water heating. More than 1.100 solar flat plate collectors have been
installed on the rooftop of ~380 residences in KACSTs campus in Riyadh.
However, the use of imported SWHS in this project faced many problems. Therefore,
a theoretical and experimental study on the development of SWHS from the local
manufacturers has begun. In this study a number of suitable SWHS will be designed
and fabricated using locally available material and field tested for all seasons. Results
will help interested industries in mass production and commercialisation of this
technology. Market
x EU
The solar industry still consists of many small and medium enterprises. Based on the
Soltherm National Reports, the number of manufacturers is given in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1: Manufacturers in EU
Country Number of manufacturers
Austria Over 20
Belgium 3 (plus a number of importing companies)
Denmark 8
France 30
Germany 100
Greece About 70
Italy 18
Netherlands 9 (plus 4 importing companies)
Spain 14 (plus 13 importing companies)
United Kingdom 50
Total ~ 340
Source: Soltherm Europe -European market report [98]
In countries with a well-developed market, like Greece and Austria, the ratio between
the annual collector sales and the number of main manufacturers is 12.000 and 5.000
per manufacturer, respectively. The EU heating industry has started to take over
solar manufacturers in order to extend its product range, most notably in Germany,
Austria and the Netherlands. Components of solar thermal systems like absorbers
and pumps are traded internationally. However, the market for complete solar thermal
systems (collector, storage and control) is still national.
Cross-boundary trade of solar heating products in Europe is on a steep rise.
Absorbers have been exported for a long time inside Europe, mainly from Sweden. In
Austria, over 200.000 m
(more than half of the production) of solar collectors have
been exported in 2001, mainly to Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Spain. Also in
Greece, a large part (150.000 m
or about 50%) of the production is exported to other
European countries, mainly to Germany. Furthermore Belgium is a large exporter of
collectors, since export amounts to about 75.000 m
, which is ten times the size of the
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internal market.
The present market size & development goals for a number of European countries
and regions are illustrated in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2 :Market Potential in EU
Country/ Region Total Installed (m
) 2001 (m
/a) Target 2010 (m
Austria 2.371.000 170.000 400.000-600.000
Belgium 25.000 3.500 -
Denmark 259.000 13.000 -
France 554.500 35.500 -
Germany 4.365.000 900.000 10.000.000
Greece 2.960.000 (2000) - -
Italy 271.000 (2000) 55.0000 700.000
Spain 400.000 (2000) 40.000 -
Sweden 172.000 15.000 -
The Netherlands 218.000 27.000 150.000
United Kingdom 170.000 (1997) 10.000 -
Source: Soltherm Europe European Market Report [98]
The region has a significant number of project developers existing as regards solar
thermal systems. Some companies, which are specialized in the manufacturing, retail
sales, wholesale supplying, exporting and importing of SWHs systems are indicatively
the following: Bahwan Engineering Co LLC, A1 Solar Prince (GET), Alafaq for Solar
Equipment, Saudi Solar Heaters Factory, Al-Owais Group, Gulf Solar Technologies,
Sole UAE, Specialised & Interactive Systems LLC.
7.7.2. Project Development Objective
Solar energy is used mainly in two forms, thermal and electrical energy. In most
applications, where thermal energy is used, invariably, electrical energy is also required.
The electrical energy is used to run the pump, which circulates the fluid through the
thermal system.
However, the electrical energy used can be substituted by solar energy. In this context,
one of the most widely used thermal systems is the SWH. SWHs are well established,
reliable, and problem-free alternatives to conventional electric systems.
With respect to the above, the Solar Water Heaters project aims to develop the solar
energy and concomitantly to reduce the energy cost in the final demand sectors. The
project has additional attributes on RUE improvement, RES potential exploitation,
technology knowledge transfer and GCC mobilization regarding RES development. Technical Description
A SWH uses the sun's energy rather than electricity or gas to heat water, thus reducing
monthly utility bill. When installed properly, SWHs are more economical over the life of
the system than heating water with electricity, dedicated heat pumps, heat recovery units
or propane. Three types of solar systems are used: pumped, integral collector storage
(ICS), and thermo-siphon. The direct circulation system circulates potable water from the
water storage tank through one or more collectors and back into the tank. The solar
collector is the main component of the solar system. It is usually a metal box with
insulation and a black absorber plate that collects solar radiation and heats the water.
The circulating pump is regulated by an electronic controller, a common appliance timer
or a photovoltaic (PV) panel.
In integral collector storage systems, the solar water storage system is built into the
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collector. The potable water in the collector unit is heated by the sun and delivered by
city or well water pressure to an auxiliary tank (which contains non-solar back-up
heating) or directly to the point of use.
A thermo-siphon solar water heating system has a tank mounted above the collector
(normally on the roof) to provide a natural gravity flow of water. Hot water rises through
piping in the collector, which is mounted below the tank; heavier cold water sinks to the
lowest point in the system (the collector), displacing the lighter hot water which rises to
the tank.
As sunshine strikes the collector, the water inside it is heated. If the circulating pump is
regulated by a PV panel, the pump starts turning as the PV panel is activated by the
same sunshine. This direct current (DC) motor pump moves water from the tank through
the collector and back to the tank. As the sun's intensity changes throughout the day, the
circulating pump also changes its speed accordingly. By the end of the day, the water in
the tank has been circulated many times through the collector and has been heated to
usable hot water temperatures.
Figure 7.9: A solar water heating system
Source: David Block, John Harrison, Solar Water Heating [99]
If the circulating pump is regulated by an electronic differential controller, a sensor at the
outlet of the collector and a sensor at the bottom of the tank (Figure 7.9) activate the
circulating pump when the water in the collector is about 15-200 F warmer than the water
at the bottom of the tank.
The pump then circulates water from the collector and the tank. This process continues
as long as the water temperature at the collector outlet is about 50 F higher than that in
the bottom of the tank. If the temperature difference decreases further, the controller
automatically shuts off the pump.
Common appliance timers may also control system operation. The timer is set to operate
during a period of the day when solar radiation is available to heat the potable water. It is
important that the timers used in these systems incorporate battery back-up in the event
of power failures.
In order to avoid loss of energy from the tank during overcast days, the collector feed
and return lines are both connected at the bottom of the storage tank. During normal
operation, natural stratification allows the warmer water to rise to the top part of the tank.
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x Economic
In order to investigate the economic indicators we assumed a solar water heating
system with:
o Capacity: 3.000 (litres/day).
o Total area of collection: 40 m
o Capital cost: a 9000 .
o Electricity saving (yearly): 15 000 kWh.
The Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were calculated
for the 20 years of the project lifetime, and the results are the following:
o NPV: 55.196 .
o IRR: 83.32 %.
These facts clearly illustrate that this is an attractive investment with a short payback
period, a little less than 1 year.
x Financial
A number of financing mechanisms have been designed to facilitate financing of solar
energy projects. The main existing financing mechanisms relevant to solar energy
projects are the following:
o Grants: Some projects are offered fixed cash grants for each system installed
once certification of the installation is available. More specifically, having a grant
of 40% of the initial capital cost can reduce the payback period to 0,5 years.
o TPF: Under the TPF deal the customer does not have to put up cash to finance
the initial investment and does not have to be concerned about technical
matters. The agreement that may be reached with the third party depends on the
ownership of the assets, duration of the service provision, return on investment
and others. It is estimated that for the specific investment, the payback period
will be decreased to 0,7 years.
o Leasing: The approach will allow investors to lease rather than buy some very
expensive components of the solar-powered telecommunications system, such
as the PV modules. With this financial scheme, the payback period of this
investment will be a decreased to 0,8 - 1 years.
o CDM: Another very interesting option could be the CDM, since through the CDM
project cycle, the achievable emission reductions are converted into CERs. The
sale of CERs can significantly increase the IRR of this project and decrease the
payback period to 0,8 years.
x Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project. Project risks that
can bring out some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are the
o Political: GCC countries are major oil producers in the world and solar energy
programs are occasionally considered as less important.
o Business: Solar energy has not yet made reasonable progress in the GCC
region because of the wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost.
o Financial: The governmental subsidies for oil and electricity generation and non-
availability of similar subsidies for solar energy programs inhibit the chances for
solar energy to compete with the commercial energy sources that are available.
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o Awareness: Most potential users still do not have motivation to consider
investing in solar thermal systems. Environmental Impact
The current project is generally considered of benign environmental impact, generating
no noise or chemical pollutants during use. This project can play an important role in
mitigating environmental problems, since:
o Burning fossil fuels generates a number of air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide,
nitrous oxides, particulate matter and toxic materials such as mercury. In contrast,
PV systems produce no air pollution while operating.
o Solar power produces no GHGs, so it can contribute to the climate change. Socio- Economic Impact
The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Creation and strengthening of market for SWHS.
o Reduction of oil usage security of energy supply.
o Diffusion and dissemination of project technology.
x Social impact:
o Improvement of the quality of life through the delivery of modern social services.
o Acceleration of the investment in market so as to create employment and
increase income.
7.7.3 Concluding Remarks
This project aims to develop the solar energy and to reduce the energy cost in the final
demand sectors. The SWHs project successfully utilizes the regions potential for solar
energy through new added solar thermal capacities. Taking into consideration the fact
that EU companies have developed a range of high quality products and a significant
level of expertise, the project can be considered of high priority in the context of the EU-
GCC co-operation.
The project is estimated to have a highly positive impact on the countrys sustainable
development. From the environmental point of view it will lead to the reduction of GHG
emissions, contributing in this way to the environmental protection. The social benefit is
the improvement of the life quality through the delivery of modern social services. The
economic benefits of solar thermal is that it replaces substantial amount of fuel, thus
reducing and making future heating costs more predictable. Either way, the solar energy
is one of the most viable RES technologies for use in an urban environment, replacing
existing building cladding materials.
Taking into consideration the fact that awareness is a key feature to support the growth
of solar thermal market, the project will be also very helpful for the creation and
strengthening of this sector. Finally, it will support governments effort to encourage the
development of new RES.
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7.8 Enhanced Oil Recovery
7.8.1. Background Policy & Legislation
x EU
The European Commission has taken many greenhouse gas emission reduction
, NO
etc.) initiatives since 1991. The CO
sequestration is an innovative way of
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in Europe. There are various policies for CCS in
Generally in European Union there are regulatory frameworks to support CCS project
development as well as NGOs actions to support CCS projects, especially in Italy and
the UK. But except Italy, the public opinion about CCS awareness is generally limited.
The Gulf Countries represent over half of the world's proven oil (57%) and natural gas
(45%) reserves. On the contrary to this huge potential there are very few activities in
the region regarding CO
sequestration projects. This is due to the fact that many
barriers exist, such as:
o Lack of CO
-limiting legislation.
o Lack of demand for CO
captured technologies.
o Wide availability of oil in a very low cost.
o Lack of awareness regarding climate change. Technology
x EU
The R&D of the sequestration technologies in EU has been a matter of high priority
and a great emphasis been given by many countries in recent years. In this context,
there are a number of programmes and on-going projects, ensuring that the EU
remains at the forefront of the international communitys efforts to combat climate
change. Such projects are:
o CO
Capture Commercial Projects: CO
Storage in Aquifers in Norway.
o CO
Capture R&D Projects:
NorCap Project, Power Generation with CO
Capture, Separation of CO
Using Membrane Gas/ Liquid Contactors and Development of the HiOx
Technology in Norway.
Advanced Zero Emissions Power Plant (AZEP), Alstom Power Technology
in Switzerland.
Demonstration of CO
Capture and Hydrogen Production from coal
(HYCOAL) in Spain.
Advanced CO
Capture Project (GRACE) in UK and Europe.
from Capture to Storage", Europe.
Enhanced Capture of CO
(ENCAP), Vattenfall AB, Sweden.
Carbon sequestration in Sotacarbo project, which is under construction in
Carbonia, South East Sardinia.
o CO
Geological Storage Demonstration Projects:
Sleipner Project, Snohvit (Snow White) LNG Project in Norway.
Re-use through Underground Storage (CRUST) and CO
Storage in
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Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Netherlands.
o CO
Geological Storage R&D Projects:
Saline Aquifer CO
Storage (SACS), Sleipner West Field, North Sea, in
Assessing European Potential for Geological Storage of CO
from Fossil fuel
Combustion (GESTCO) in various locations.
Reduction of CO
emission by means of CO
storage in coal seams in the
Silesian coal basin of Poland (RECOPOL).
Natural Analogues to the storage of CO
in the geological environment
(NASCENT) in various locations.
Investigation into the Basic Scientific Phenomena of CO
Injection and
Retention in Coal for CO
Storage and Enhanced Coal Bed Methane
Recovery (ICBM), Imperial College in UK.
The Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide (JOULE II) in Various
NERC British Geological Survey in UK.
The Development of Next Generation Technology for the Capture and
Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide from Combustion Processes
(NGCAS), BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd. in UK.
Storage in Aquifers, PIgeage du CO
dans les Rservoirs (PICOR), France;
Storage in Aquifers, CO
STORE in Europe.
Storage in Aquifers, CO
SINK, Ketzin near Potsdam, Brandenburg, in
o CO
Deep Ocean Storage R&D Projects:
Global Ocean Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon (GOSAC) in various
European locations.
Ocean Storage Modelling Studies, Bergen in Norway.
There are some CCS projects in the regions such as:
o The Sour Gas Injection Project of the Abu Dhabi Oil Company (ADOC), UAE.
o The Zero Gas Flaring Project, by ADOC, UAE.
o Cleaner Production Concepts in the Old Aluminium Smelter and a New
Extension Project at the Aluminium Bahrain Company.
o Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by Petroleum Development Oman (PDO).
o Use of new technologies to reduce sulphur emissions, gas flaring and other
hydrocarbon releases refineries in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United
Arab Emirates.
Taking into account the vast oil reserves & production capacity and the regions huge
potential for the application of these technologies, the applied projects are very few.
Therefore, these efforts have to be expanded in the following years, since GCC
countries are extremely interested in achieving more efficient oil extraction while
reducing GHG emissions.
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x EU
Within the European Union, CO
emission reduction market is progressing mainly on
three issues:
o Declining North Sea oil production: The oil reservoirs on the North Sea
Continental Shelf (NSCS) move into decline during the period 20002005. More
specifically, in the UK sector this has already occurred, whilst Norway should
pass peak oil production in 2005. Most operators have to make strategic
decisions regarding decommissioning versus economic life-extension.
o European dependence upon energy imports: In 2001 the European
Commission presented a discussion paper proposing revised fiscal and market
incentives to tackle key issues regarding the internal energy market, energy
security and challenge of climate-change until 2030. A major conclusion was that
Europe can become almost 70% dependent upon imported energy from Russia,
the Middle East and North Africa. The future role of coal, oil and natural gas in
addition to nuclear power and new renewable energy will remain a critical issue;
the possibility of providing clean coal, extended oil production and greener
natural gas through decarbonisation, EOR and sequestration is therefore
of considerable relevance to Europe.
o Commitment to GHG mitigation: Carbon dioxide is by far the largest
contributor to European GHG-emissions and future emissions are being
constrained in line with international commitments. Although some individual
countries are struggling to meet their target emissions, inclusion of 10 new
member states provides considerable opportunities for more cost-effective
reduction of total emissions within the EU-25 countries.
Moreover, carbon sequestration could be incorporated in power plants that are using
coal or natural gas. Capture and storage technologies are best applied in connection
with large-scale energy conversion plants, such as coal power plants and oil
refineries. Carbon sequestration offers the possibility for new industrial applications
such as the production of hydrogen, together with electricity from fossil fuels. The
European market for carbon sequestration could be large enough for a strong
domestic industry sector. But carbon sequestration is not yet economically
competitive. It is at the moment more expensive compared to other available options
to reduce CO
emissions in the production of electricity. The incentives on CCS in
European countries are outlined in Table 7.3.
In Europe there is a significant number of oil & gas power companies and suppliers &
manufacturers, which have matured technology and knowledge on CO
CCS, such
o Oil & gas companies: Statoil (NO), GDF (FR), Repsol (SP), Rohoel (AT),
ENITecnologie (IT), ELCOGAS, S.A (SP) Shell International Exploration and
Production (SIEP).
o Power companies: Elsam (DK), Energi E2 (Denmark), RWE (Denmark), PPC
(Greece), Powergen (UK), Progressive Energy Limited (UK).
o Suppliers, manufacturers: Alstom Power (France), Mitsui Babcock (UK),
Siemens (Denmark), BASF (Denmark), GVS (Italy) Ecofys BV (The
Table 7.3: Incentives for Carbon Capture and Storage in EU
Existing or
Existing or
Existing or
program or
Existing or expected
CCS pilot or
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Source: Arthur Lee, CO
Capture Projects Policies & Incentives Study [100].
On the contrary to this huge potential, the market for these technologies is still niche,
since only a small number of project developers exist as regards CCS and EOR in the
Gulf Region. Mostly, activities concerning these technologies are conducted in
cooperation with well-known world wide companies. Indicatively, the major companies
o Abu Dhabi Oil Company (ADOC) in UAE.
o Aluminium Bahrain Company in Bahrain.
o Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) in Oman.
o Some similar technologies to reduce GHG emissions in Kuwait and Saudi
7.8.2 Project Development Objective
Approximately one third of all CO
emissions due to human activity come from fossil
fuels used for generating electricity, with each power plant capable of emitting several
million tonnes of CO
annually. A variety of other industrial processes also emit large
amounts of CO
from each plant, for example oil refineries, oil extraction, cement works,
iron and steel production.
These emissions could be reduced substantially, without major changes to the basic
process, by capturing and storing the CO
. Greater efficiency in energy converting and
using, fuel switching towards less carbon-emitting fossil fuels, phasing in more non-
carbon emitting energy sources, are all means to limit energy-related CO
CCS could also be part of the solution. The CCS concept is drawing increasing interest
from around the world, since it can be applied to every fossil energy industry. This
concept applies, for example, when carbon dioxide from energy conversion processes is
used for enhanced recovery of oil and gas. It also applies to power generation from any
fossil fuel by using new energy conversion cycles that are closed loop for pollutants
rather than the open loop cycles used in traditional combustion-based systems.
In fact, CCS is believed to bear great potential to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions over the coming decades. The estimates for CO
global geological storage
potential range from 1.000 to over 10.000 Gt CO
in depleted oil and gas reservoirs,
saline aquifers and coal seams. Technical Description
The term "carbon sequestration" refers to the sequence of processes whereby CO
emitted from large-scale CO
emission sources is separated, recovered and stored
under the ground or at sea (Figure 7.10).
More specifically, the exhaust gas (mainly from combustion) from large-scale CO
emission sources such as power plants and steel mills first undergoes a process of
separation and recovery exclusively for CO
utilizing chemical reactions or the properties
of CO
This is followed by transportation to the storage site by pipeline or tanker (the latter
requiring liquefaction). The sequestration is completed with the forced injection of the
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transported CO
into the ground or in the sea.
Figure 7.10: Conceptual diagram of carbon sequestration
Source: Koichi Sasaki, Carbon Sequestration Technology - Current Status and Future Outlook [101]
The oil production industry will increasingly need enhanced oil recovery techniques to
counter the depletion of oil and gas fields. Technology to re-inject carbon dioxide into oil
fields to enhance recovery is already deployed in more than 70 sites around the world.
The injection of CO
into depleted oil reservoirs, known as CO
-Enhanced Oil Recovery
-EOR), improves recovery rates in oil and gas production.
Figure 7.11: EOR process
Source: IEA GREENHOUSE GAS R&D PROGRAMME, Depleted Oil & Gas Fields for CO
Storage [102]
More specifically, CO
-EOR is a commercially proven technology. CO
-EOR has been
used extensively in the world. It can be either miscible or immiscible depending primarily
on the pressure of the injection gas into the reservoir. In miscible CO
-EOR, the CO
mixes with the crude oil causing it to swell and reduce its viscosity, whilst also increasing
or maintaining reservoir pressure (Figure 7.11).
The combination of these processes enables more of the crude oil in the reservoir to flow
freely to the production wells from which it can be recovered. In immiscible CO
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the CO
is used to re-pressure the reservoir and as a sweep gas, to move the oil towards
the production well. A side benefit of CO
injection is that the CO
preferentially mobilises
the lighter fractions of the oil, which slightly improves the quality of the produced oil. Most
-EOR projects undertaken to date have been designed to minimise CO
losses in the
reservoir since such losses represent an additional production cost. Economic and Financial Check
x Economic
CCS costs can be considered in terms of four components: separation, compression,
transport, and injection. These costs depend on many factors, including the source of
the CO
, transportation distance and the type and characteristics of the storage
o Cost of Capture: These CO
capture techniques use mainly proven technologies,
although there is a need to integrate them and demonstrate their use at a large
o Cost of Transport: CO
can be transported to storage sites by pipeline or ship.
Over 3.000 km of CO
pipelines are already operating successfully.
o Cost of Injection and Storage: The cost of the various carbon storage
technologies on a greenhouse gas avoided basis can vary according to the
technology. For instance, for a typical base case, costs are:
EOR: 9,39 /l CO
Depleted gas: 3,75 /l CO
Depleted oil: 2,94 /l CO
Ocean pipeline: 4,25 /l CO
Ocean tanker: 13,56 /l CO
o These costs can also change as range of conditions found in the various
reservoirs (depth, permeability, etc.), distance between source and sink (a range
of 0-300 km here) and by-product prices (i.e. oil and gas).
The total cost of the Sleipner CO
Geological Storage Demonstration Project is 350 M
. In this project, about 2.800 tonnes of carbon dioxide are separated daily from
Sleipner West's gas production and injected into the Utsira sandstone formation,
rather than released to the air.
x Financial
Even though the current project technology is proven and matured, it is not fully
commercialized yet. Mostly, demonstration and R&D projects have been developed
and consequently, the financial schemes proposed cant be very specific since the
experience from real life projects is extremely limited. With respect to the above, the
main financing mechanisms that could support the current project are the following:
o Grants: Some projects are offered fixed cash grants for each system installed,
once certification of the installation is available. More specifically, having a grant
of 40% of the initial capital cost can reduce the payback period of such projects.
o FP6 Programmes: Financial support can be also obtained through the FP6
research programmes, specifically dedicated to CO
storage. The EC can
provide grants of up to 50% of the total budget for such projects.
o CDM: Another very interesting option could be the CDM, since the achievable
emission reductions are converted into CERs. Taking into consideration the fact
that tremendous emission reductions can be achieved, the CERs inflow in of
crucial importance. However, carbon prices must reach 80/tC in order for CCS
technologies to start being adopted by the power industry on a significant scale
(>5% market penetration).
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x Risks
There are some risks, which could affect the execution of the project. However, most
of them can be controlled during the implementation phase. More specifically, project
risks that can bring out some threats to the achievement of the projects objectives are
the following:
o Political: Lack of CO
-limiting legislation.
o Business: The wide availability of oil and its relatively low cost, moreover the
increase in global oil production and associated gas production.
o Financial: High costs of the capture technology and the lack of demand for
captured CO
o Technical: CO
can be stored in depleted oil and gas fields, coal fields and
saline aquifers. These reservoirs could store CO
for thousands of years but
certain elements are relevant to their integrity:
Natural setting: Current research assesses and classifies storage sites
according to criteria such as tectonic activity, geothermal regime and
surrounding rock characteristics.
Integrity of the reservoirs: The history of human usage of potential reservoirs
might be important to consider, especially in the case of depleted oil and gas
fields, where numerous wells may have been used and constitute many
potential leakage pathways.
Quality of well and sealing package: CO
can migrate along the wells and
the sealing package depending on their quality and age.
Possibility of unforeseeable events: In a worst case scenario, one might
think of CO
storage sites fractured by an earthquake. Environmental Impact
-EOR technology may be one of the most important technology issues on reduction
of CO
from fossil fuel usage in the future.
The target of zero emissions concept may potentially be applied to a broad range of
applications for each fossil fuel, spanning production, conversion and utilization.
However, there are some uncertainties on this technologies, such as:
x The effect of slow or sudden release of CO
on atmospheric CO
x The likely reactions between CO
and underground minerals, and their possible
impact on CO
sequestration periods and on the integrity of oil and gas field caps.
x The possible impact of seismic activity.
x The impact on marine life of deep ocean storage of CO
and of natural CO
absorption from the atmosphere.
x The effect of drilling on the integrity of depleted oil and gas field caps. Socio- Economic Impact
The contribution of this project to the social and economic dimensions of sustainable
development is the following:
x Economic impact:
o Address energy safety and security issues by supporting the use of diverse fossil
o Creation of CO
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o Increase the efficiency of the oil extraction.
o Diffusion and dissemination of project technology.
x Social impact:
o Provide affordable, clean energy to meet expanding energy demand.
o Solve critical environmental problems (reduce carbon dioxide and other pollutant
o Ease the economic costs of sustainable development.
o Provide better air quality to public.
7.8.3. Concluding Remarks
The human impact of burning fossil fuels or reducing trees and forests (deforestation)
increase carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, potentially causing an imbalance
in the carbon cycle. The geological storage of CO
is a safe and environmentally
acceptable mitigation option.
The main options for storing CO
underground are in depleted oil and gas reservoirs,
deep saline reservoirs and coal seams. Already today CO
is injected underground in
many Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects. In fact, the technology to re-inject carbon
dioxide into oil fields to enhance recovery is already deployed in more than 70 sites
around the world and can be considered as proven.
capture and storage and EOR present opportunities for the oil industry to participate
in activities that will substantially reduce emissions, and, in the case of EOR, increase
the recovery from oil fields. The potential for commercial-scale EOR provided the
incentive for oil producers to become involved in CO
capture in order to meet, in a
timely and effective manner, the rising level of oil demand that has been forecast for the
21st century. Many had already recognized that it was a win-win situation for them.
Till now, EOR cant be considered as fully commercialized yet, since mostly
demonstration and R&D projects have been developed. However, even though CO
EOR production will continue to be influenced by oil prices, technological improvements
and the development of GHG trading markets, the use of CO
-EOR is expected to be
expanded in the forthcoming period. Taking into consideration the fact that European
companies have the knowledge, experience and technology on CCS and CO
-EOR and
the GCC region has a huge potential for such applications, the project is of high priority
in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation.
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8. Conclusions
The GCC countries are well known for their large petroleum and gas reserves. The
contribution of RES and RUE in these countries is relatively low. A pool of obstacles
justifies this attitude, which includes:
x The large oil and natural gas resource base and the greater competitiveness of
conventional energy supply technologies based on oil and gas.
x The high initial cost of RES and RUE projects in relation with the long time period of
depreciation of the investment.
x The lack of available funds of the enterprises for the implementation of these projects.
x The financial, technological and performance risks of these projects, which are often
high for an enterprise related to the expected results.
x The lack of awareness regarding the performance of modern and innovative
Further to the above, major legislative and market constraints prevent the promotion of
RES and RUE in the GCC countries, such as:
x Cost and pricing constraints due to the availability of governmental subsidies for oil and
electricity generation and non-availability of similar subsidies for RES and RUE
x Legal and regulatory constraints, since the industry needs encouragement by the
governments in the form of national goals, legislation and agreements with the
international industry to kick-start a viable domestic market.
x Market performance constraints due to the non-existence of country assistance
strategies regarding RES and RUE as well as the low awareness / experience in the
rural sector and the lacking of commercial skill and information.
In this context, up to now some only small and medium capacity RES and RUE activities
(pilot, research and real life projects) have been conducted by institutions, scientific and
research centres, companies and some relevant governmental and non-governmental
However, these efforts cant be considered as sufficient enough. GCC governments are
fully aware that they cannot depend on oil for their income forever, especially in the
prevailing situation of price fluctuations, the rapid population and consequently the
increasing demand for electricity throughout the region. Consequently, their major
challenge for the near future needs to be the commercialization and industrial use of large-
scale RES and RUE applications.
More specifically, GCC region is able to take a more active part in the development of new
technologies for exploiting and utilizing RES and RUE, mostly, because of the following
x GCC has significant potential for exploiting RES and especially solar energy.
x GCC has an area where many remote villages can benefit from RES applications.
x GCC has very intensive energy indicators, such as the domestic electricity
consumption and the electricity generation per capita.
x A significant technological background exists based on research activities in the
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In addition, there is a pressing need to renew commitment both at EU and GCC level to
promote energy efficiency more actively. This is especially true when seen in the light of
the Kyoto agreement to reduce CO
emissions, where RES and RUE will play a key role in
meeting international commitments.
More specifically, the adaptation of the linking directive, which connects the EU Emissions
Trading Scheme with the implementation of RES and RUE projects through flexible
mechanisms, made clear that great investment opportunities will emerge for non Annex I
Countries and new avenues for international cooperation will be opened.
In the above framework, most of the GCC countries (Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
United Arab Emirates) have already accessed (January 2005) the Kyoto Protocol. Now, all
GCC countries are estimated to ratify the Kyoto Protocol since great investment
opportunities will emerge for the region and new avenues for EU-GCC cooperation will be
Furthermore, it is expected that the EU Governments will make further use of the CDM
funding programmes. Through joint technology programmes, financial assistance and
private investments, the EU can support the improvement of the regions energy efficiency,
and promote the development of RES that can take advantage of the regions unexploited
potential with particular reference to solar and wind power. In addition, such investments
have additional revenues from the sale of CERs. International organisations, governments
and numerous of non-governmental organisations can facilitate the implementation of CDM
projects in these countries. Technology transfer will also contribute to strengthening
security of supply by improving access to resources and by contributing to the diversity of
fuel availability.
With respect to the above, an initial list of RES and RUE project ideas has been developed
in order to establish a discussion basis in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation, taking
into consideration:
x The implemented activities in the GCC region.
x The perspectives and directions for the development of RES in the GCC countries.
x The provision of ideas for RES and RUE projects by the energy experts from GCC
Fifteen (15) RES, RUE and CO
sequestration project ideas were selected in total. The
majority of the selected project ideas concerns the exploitation of RES energy and aims to
reduce GHG emissions, the dependency on fossil fuels for energy production and the
energy cost in the final demand sector (e.g. solar water heaters, solar cooling system). The
selected project ideas are the following:
x Solar Power for Electricity Generation.
x Solar Hydrogen Energy for Electricity Generation.
x Wind Farm for Electricity Generation.
x Fuel Cells for Electricity Generation.
x Promotion of the Utilization of Biomass.
x Development of a GIS.
x Solar Power for GSM.
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads.
x Solar Power for Small Cash Crop.
x Solar Water Heaters.
x Solar Cooling Systems.
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x Desalination with Solar and Wind Power.
x Know-how Transfer for RUE.
x Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).
x Reduce Gas Flaring.
The assessment of the above project ideas based on a number of criteria leads to the
elaboration of a prioritized list of RES, RUE and CO
sequestration projects, which could
be considered in the future. The weights and values provided to the criteria were subject to
discussions among the energy experts, since the methodology aims at supporting or aiding
decision making and not on prescribing how decisions should be made.
Based on the evaluation of project ideas and the elaboration of a prioritized list of RES and
RUE actions, a number of promising projects are considered in the future. More
specifically, the six most promising projects, which are considered of high priority in the
context of the EU-GCC co-operation are the following:
x Solar power for GSM Telecom Towers.
x Energy Efficiency in the Lighting of Roads.
x Know-how Transfer for RUE.
x Solar Cooling Systems.
x Solar Water Heaters.
x CO
For these six promising projects, a short pre-feasibility check was developed. The main
aim of the short pre-feasibility check was to provide design recommendations to project
developers and to assist project investors and other potentially interested project
participants to identify commercially profitable projects, which are also promoting the
sustainable development goals of the GCC country. This study comprised the EU and
GCC region context influencing the project activity (policy and legislation, market), a
technical description of the project employed technology, a short economic check, the
identification of the most important risks and the project contribution to the socio-economic
dimension of sustainable development.
In the above context, it was clearly illustrated that solar applications are regarded of high
priority in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation. These applications (mainly PVs) seem
to be the best and least expensive means of providing the basic energy services that
are lacking to every individual in the GCC region. This is indeed true, especially taking into
consideration the vast unexploited solar potential of the GCC region and the enormous
technological infrastructure in EU.
Most of the promising projects consist of RUE projects, which have significant socio-
economic impacts, since they can:
x Improve the quality of life through the delivery of modern social services.
x Provide affordable, clean energy to meet expanding energy demand and ease the
economic costs of sustainable development.
x Disperse energy sources thus reducing the oil usage and energy costs.
x Stimulate the interest of decision makers and industry leaders for the adaptation of
energy efficient technologies.
x Alleviate poverty and equity.
x Make commercial energy and energy services available to remote areas.
x Improve living standards and create new jobs and business opportunities.
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Especially, as concerns the project Know-how transfer for RUE, it is an extremely
important project for the region, since it mainly aims to:
x Disseminate and diffuse activities for raising public awareness in energy efficient
x Promote of mutually beneficial technological co-operation between organizations and
professionals for innovative efficient technologies, addressed to the residential, tertiary
and industrial sectors.
In addition, the CO
sequestration technologies are drawing increasing interest from
around the world, since they can be applied to each of the fossil energy industries. Taking
into account the vast oil reserves & production capacity, the GCC regions potential for the
application of these technologies is huge. Especially as concerns the Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR), it is very useful for the oil industry in order to substantially reduce
emissions, and, in the case of EOR, to increase the recovery from oil fields. Many have
already recognized that it is a win-win situation for them.
The use of these cost-effective applications can play an important role in developing an
environmentally sound market. Using technologies that have already proven to be
competitive in the context of the EU-GCC co-operation, companies can make a profit
today, while creating a path for the future cleaner technological advantages in other
applications. In some countries, these applications have provided an economic base to
allow sufficient volume and profitability to pursue wider markets. With respect to the above,
it is clear that great investment opportunities will emerge for GCC countries and new
avenues for European cooperation will be opened.
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Annex A: RES and RUE Success Stories
I. Solar energy in lighting tunnel
x Description
In Saudi Arabia, lighting for road tunnels in mountainous areas has become one of
the most important applications of PV energy. PV energy was first used to provide
daytime lighting for the mountain road tunnels of Saudi Arabia in 1985, when the
KACST in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication, designed and
implemented two systems in the southwest of the country near the city of Abha (at
longitude 42 east, latitude 18 north and 2 km above sea level). These systems
served only two of the region's many tunnels, and the Ministry of Communication
then turned its attention to providing daytime lighting for all the tunnels needing it in
both the Abha and Al-baha city areas. [68]
The principal aims of the project were to:
o Reduce the life-cycle costs of installing, operating and maintaining tunnel
lighting systems;
o Find suitable sites for tunnel-lighting PV systems;
o Reduce the risk of falling rocks or wild animals damaging PV systems;
o Provide system autonomy that is less expensive than installing high-capacity
o Vary the intensity of light provided to the tunnel so that it remains constant
throughout the tunnel and between the tunnel and the daylight outside;
o Improve the economic feasibility of both life-cycle and energy costs.
The first step taken by the Ministry was to ask the regional utility company to assess
the possibility of connecting these tunnels to its grid. While a number of tunnels
could be supplied from the grid, a total of 13 in the two areas could not be reached
because of the difficult, mountainous terrain. The Ministry then went back to KACST
to ask it to study the potential for using PV systems to light these tunnels. KACST
assigned the project to its Energy Research Institute (ERI), which had been
responsible for the success of the two existing PV tunnel-lighting systems.
Five of the 13 tunnels are near the city of Abha on a difficult mountain road known
as the Sheaar descent. The other eight are near Al-baha. The tunnels in each group
are extremely close to one another (distances between tunnels range from 0,35 to
4,40 kilometres) so at first, it was thought that each group of tunnels could be
served from one central PV system. However, subsequent site inspection showed
that there was not enough space around the tunnels for this to work, so instead, a
separate stand-alone system was designed and installed for each tunnel.
The PV systems to be used for the 13 tunnels were modelled on the systems
installed by the KACST project in 1985. The amount of power needed to light each
metre of tunnel had to be calculated on the basis of the following factors:
o The light required in the approach area, which needs the most lighting;
o The light required at the entrance (transition) area, which needs less lighting
than the approach area;
o The light required inside the tunnel, which needs normal steady-state lighting.
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On the basis of the previous experience of KACST, power consumption was
calculated as follows:
o Tunnels up to 200 metres long consume 22 W/m;
o Tunnels more than 200 metres long consume 35 W/m.
From this, it was possible to calculate the size of the system required for each
tunnel, including: the number of PV modules and whether they should be connected
in series or parallel; the number and type of batteries and how they should be
connected; and the size of the inverters (DC/AC converters). Given that an area of
0,4 square metres is needed to generate 100 watts, it is possible to calculate the
total area required by multiplying the number of PV modules by 0,4.
The next step in designing the system was to calculate the size and cost of the
diesel generators. Three sizes of generator were used 5 KW, 10 KW and 15 KW
requiring 9.000, 18.000 and 35.000 litres of diesel fuel per year, respectively. Diesel
fuel costs 0,09 per litre, and the costs of running the different sizes of generator
for 20 years are 171.000 , 200.000 and 226.000 , respectively. These figures
include the costs for diesel fuel, filters, lubricant oil, technical transport, operation
and maintenance. A comparison of the costs of installing and running PV systems
and diesel generators over 20 years shows that PV systems cost about twice as
much as diesel systems.
This cost difference is partly explained by the need to add 30 per cent to the costs
of PV systems to compensate for the power lost as a result of mountains casting
shadows on PV panels. Because of this and the unusually low cost of diesel fuel in
Saudi Arabia, it was decided that hybrid PV systems would be the best option for
lighting the tunnels. Diesel generators support such systems when clouds obscure
the sun for more than three days (the autonomy period of the PV systems designed
for the project). Use of diesel generators reduces the size and cost of the batteries
that are required to maintain continuous PV system operation during such cloudy
x Further Development
The solar photovoltaic energy is the most viable solution for reliable and remote
application in the region because of the availability of the sun for almost 365 days in
the year. One of the most important applications of solar energy is the direct
conversion of solar radiation into electricity using semi-conductor devices that are
called PV cells. For several decades, PV cells have provided reliable power to
industries and other users in inaccessible locations with adequate sunshine and in
areas where demand for electricity is so small that it is met more economically by
stand-alone PV systems. However, widespread acceptance of PV systems has
been hampered by the high cost of their installation. Their use has therefore tended
to be limited to isolated regions, such as mountains, which are difficult for other
power sources to reach. [69]
The ideal position for a PV system is away from shadows and facing the sun for
most daylight hours throughout the year. Such positions are difficult to find in
mountainous areas, where many obstacles block the sun and cast shadows for
several hours a day. When selecting suitable sites on which to install PV systems,
the path of the sun throughout the year must be calculated, and the length and
duration of all shadows must be predicted for each season. Once these calculations
have been completed and a potential site has been selected, the security of the site
must be assessed and ensured. In mountainous areas, the costs of installing,
protecting and maintaining PV systems can be highly increased in order to:
o Avoid areas where landslides can be caused by heavy rains;
o Protect the PV systems from damages by wild animals;
o Make suitable site selection difficult.
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Like any such commodity, the total purchase price of a PV system is based on all
inherent costs of producing the individual components, transporting these to the site
and installing them. There may also be associated costs of designing and
engineering the system and purchasing land particularly for large scale or one
off projects. However, there are many other factors to consider:
o Most PV system manufacturers will offer some form of discount for bulk-
purchase agreements.
o Components imported from overseas will normally subject to some import levy.
o Where systems are purchased through a local distributor there will usually be a
mark-up for handling and some form of local sales tax will generally be
PV systems are an attractive option in rural areas where no grid-connection is
available, through simple payback terms, because of its high capital costs, PV can
often appear unattractive. However, using life-cycle costing, which accounts for all
fuels and component replacements costs incurred over the life of the system, PV
often compares favourable with the alternatives, which tend to have lower initial
costs, but incur significantly greater operating costs.
Displacing conventional technologies with photovoltaic systems can bring various
positive effects, which are difficult to quantify in direct financial terms, but which
nonetheless offer significant economic and social benefits. For instance, in
comparison to traditional kerosene lamps, PV can provide better lighting levels,
enabling educational and income generating activities to continue after dark with
reduced risk of fire and avoidance of noxious combustion fumes. The World Health
Organization has noted that PV offers a more reliable refrigeration service than
other power supply options. This has resulted in increased efficacy of stored
vaccines, which in turn has helped to reduce mortality rates. Such factors must be
considered when PV is compared to the alternatives even though the cost benefits
are not easy to assess.
Although, the PV systems will generally have some means of storing energy to
accommodate a pre-defined period of insufficient sunshine, there may still be
exceptional periods of poor weather when an alternative source is required to
guarantee power production. PV-hybrid systems combine a photovoltaic generator
with another power sources typically a diesel generator, but occasionally with
another renewable supply such as a wing turbine. The PV generator would usually
be sized to meet the base load demand, with the alternate supply being called into
action only when essential. This arrangement offers all the benefits of PV in respect
of low operation and maintenance costs, but additionally ensures a secure supply.
Hybrid systems can also be a sensible approach in situations where occasional
demand peaks are significantly higher than the base load demand. It makes little
sense to size a system to be able to meet demand entirely with PV if, for example,
the normal load is only 10% of the peak demand. By the same token, a diesel
generator-set sized to meet the peak demand would be operating at inefficient part-
load for most of the time. In such a situation a PV-diesel hybrid would be a good
II. Solar Cooling Systems
x Description
Application of solar energy for power generation, desalination and air-conditioning,
were the major areas of research during the mid-seventies at the Kuwait Institute for
Scientific Research (KISR). A number of solar cooling systems were successfully
installed and tested in addition to a 100 kW solar power system and a solar thermal
energy powered multi-stage-flash desalination unit.
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The research and development work in the area of solar cooling was mainly
confined to the use of vapour absorption chillers fired by hot-water at less than 100
qC using flat plate collectors. For a country like Kuwait, it is an attractive proposition
as the thermal energy collection subsystem has year-round utility for summer
cooling, winter heating and hot water for services. [38]
x Further Development
As of today, the overall useful conversion of solar thermal energy to cooling is
limited to 35%, as the thermal energy collection and the cooling conversion
subsystems have capabilities of 50% and 70%, respectively. These subsystems
also need electrical energy for the auxiliary motors and consume water in their
cooling tower, the latter being an important factor in arid zone countries, where soft
water is produced from seawater desalination. The overall realistic conversion of
solar-to-cooling thus, gets reduced further.
Despite the high capital investments, solar absorption cooling is attractive because
of its ability to save electricity, as compared to an equivalent cooling capacity
conventional vapour compression machine. The operation experience with some of
the solar cooling projects in Kuwait has shown that electrical energy savings of
approximately 40% can be achieved. These savings can exceed 50% value if the
absorption chillers operate at rated capacity and water for the cooling tower is
available free of energy expense.
The experience gained through the application of solar cooling systems in Kuwait
could contribute to the further development of RES in this country. It is estimated
that the electricity savings potential of the solar cooling system after 12 years in
operation is in the range of 25-40%. Furthermore, the current COP (coefficient
performance) of the VAR (Vapor Absorption Refrigeration) systems is between 0,6
and 0,7.
Nowadays, research efforts should be directed to minimise the auxiliary energy
requirements. In addition, reductions in the capital cost of solar cooling systems are
necessary for their large-scale commercial applications.
III. Energy Saving: Cooling load and air-conditioning
x Description
Air-conditioning (A/C) is an important sector for Kuwait. It is the single largest
consumer of electricity as it accounts for nearly 70% of the peak-load demand and
over 45% of yearly electricity consumption.
Energy conservation measures in Kuwait have been in practice for more than a
decade. It was the first country in the Arabia Gulf to implement energy-conservation
measures in air-conditioned buildings through well defined codes requiring
adequate insulation of walls and roofing, and not permitting the cooling demand or
power requirement per unit area to exceed a specified value, i.e. 65 W/m
residential buildings and 100 W/m
for institutional buildings. There have been
significant developments over the last decade in new and more effective energy-
efficient products and techniques that have resulted in considerable energy
conservation worldwide.
However, Kuwait has been practically left untouched as their electricity is highly
subsidized and the 1983 code of the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) has
not been modified. [69]
x Further Development
Proper selection of the design specifications and accurate estimation of the cooling
load are of paramount importance, both for comfort and economics. These also
constitute the first important step for the implementation of energy-conservation
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measures that can greatly reduce the cooling load of air-conditioned buildings. The
cooling load estimates, filled out on a load sheet are based on a steady-state
analysis and do not take into consideration the transient responses to various
contributing factors. Such estimates are significantly higher, resulting in
unwarranted additional expenditures on the A/C equipment and a larger electric-
supply connection from the national grid. Also, these estimates are hindrances to
any energy conservation scheme. Nevertheless, this approach is common in Kuwait
to date. In continuing efforts to identify additional energy conservation and power-
saving techniques, applications of some savings have been carried out as a
demonstration project in the Center for Speech and Audio Therapy (CSAT) in
Kuwait city.
According to the G.P. Maheshwari et. al. the re-estimated cooling load of the
building using ASHRAE specifications and a computer-simulation program is 31,4 %
lower than the load estimates filled out on a load sheet. Use of the computer-
simulation program is, therefore, essential for the realistic estimation of cooling load.
The use of energy-efficient glazing, electronic ballast and CRUs (Cooling energy-
Recovery Units) reduced cooling load of the A/C system by 41,7%. Also, these
measures were found to be cost-effective. This highlights the possibility of further
improving the current code of practice for energy conservation. The use of cool
storage is strongly recommended for buildings with part-day occupancy such as
clinics. It can reduce the chillers capacity by nearly 50%. [69]
IV. Energy audit in the buildings
x Description
In the last two decades, electrical energy consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia has increased rapidly. This is mainly due to the rapid development and
heavily subsidy of electricity costs. This requires a huge investment either for
building new power plants or upgrading the existing electric power systems.
The electric utilities in the Kingdom face problems of peaking hours. The demand is
very high during summer, mainly due to air conditioning consumption, lack of
thermal insulation usage in most of the buildings as well as the implementation of
the proper methods of energy conservation and the appropriate techniques for load
management. As a result, energy conservation became an important target for the
In the above framework, an energy audit in a newly constructed multi-storey Saudi
Arabia office building has been conducted in order to find out the areas for energy
and power savings. More specifically, the King Abdulaziz City for Science and
Technology (KACST) based in Riyadh are having a number of multi-storey office
A six-storey office administration, building-26 of KACST, is being selected for
conducting the energy audit and to propose energy conservation therein. This
building represents a typical example of a Saudi Arabia office building. [70]
It has been found that 75% of the energy is consumed by the air conditioning
equipment, 11,2% by the interior lights, 10% by office equipment, etc in this
building. Within the air-conditioning system 72% is consumed by chillers, 22,5% by
AHUs and 5,5% by pumps.
x Further Development
The above energy audit identified areas for energy and power savings in an office
building in order to achieve the MIE goals for energy conservation and peak load
Several efforts have been carried out; however, they dont meet the countrys
expectations since not more than 3-4% energy savings at a country level have been
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achieved. One of the essential goals of the Ministry of Industry and Electricity (MIE)
is the reduction of peak load by 20% (at least) during summer as well as reducing
energy consumption by 30%. Therefore, the MIE started advising the customers to
reduce their loads by supplying the energy conservation methods and techniques.
Methodology for use of programmable thermostats and use of single water pump in
an existing building can be adopted for energy conservation. Whereas,
incorporation of ice thermal storage system with the conventional central air
conditioning system is found to be one of the power saving tools, particularly in new
installations. [70]
V. Dissemination activities: Lessons Learned
x Description
As a result of Saudi Arabias efforts in research and development of Renewable
Energy Sources, valuable lessons have been learned. [67] In addition, assessment
projects on RES and RUE through these lessons have helped Saudi staff gain
valuable experience, especially in the fields of instrumentation, calibration, data
collection, and monitoring and analysis.
According to the results of the implemented lessons, it is not worth spending funds
on basic research for developing RES in the developing countries. Instead, such
efforts should be directed to finding applications of those projects that have already
been developed by industrialized nations. Furthermore, researchers in the field of
RES have responsibilities beyond the scientific and technical aspects of research
and beyond the efforts made for publication of their findings. These include
dissemination and utilization of scientific knowledge gained in laboratories and
interaction with potential users, policy makers, planners and manufacturers.
x Further Development
Some of the planned lessons are also believed to be very useful to other GCC
countries (similar climatic conditions).
The major categories of the planned lessons, that are estimated to contribute to the
further promotion of the RES and RUE, are presented as follows:
o Seawater desalination by solar energy;
o Hydrogen production by PV systems that can be used to store solar energy in
a convenient form that can subsequently be used at a time of need; for
example, power generation and domestic application.
o PV systems and the peak demand of the electricity grid as well as in supplying
energy for small loads at remote sites;
o The solar-thermal dish project: The development of thermal dish with a smaller
o The procedure to regularly clean the PV array in dusty weather in order to
maintain an acceptable level of system output.
Nowadays, there is a need to promote proper educational and technical training on
RES and RUE applications within academia, as well as a need to increase public
awareness about the benefits of using these sources of energy. It is clear, that close
contacts and effective interaction need to be maintained between centers of R&D
and local industry in order to bring the new developed product to practice. [71]
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VI. Utilization of solarhydrogen energy
x Description
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has one of the most diversified economies of all
the major oil-producing Arabian Gulf states. This diversity has helped to cushion the
economic impact of the collapse of crude oil prices in 1998. Nevertheless, with oil
and derivative products accounting for approximately 78% of the UAEs total
exports, the oil price crash has put considerable pressure on the economy.
The UAE is important to world energy markets because it contains roughly 98 billion
barrels of proven oil reserves, or nearly 10% of the worlds supply [1]. The UAE also
holds the worlds fourth-largest natural gas reserves and produces significant
amounts of liquefied natural gas. However, these reserves could be depleted
sooner than expected due to the rapid growth of world energy demand.
Furthermore, a study of A. Kazim et. al. indicated that the UAE would fail to meet its
share in the oil market demand by the year 2015, while in the case of natural gas it
will be by the year 2042. In order to maintain its share in the world energy market, it
is proposed that hydrogen should be gradually introduced to meet the demand. The
income generated by hydrogen energy would account for 90% of the nations total
income if such a system was utilized. [65]
Because of the foregoing an immediate and alternative energy system should be
proposed for the country to maintain its share in the world energy market. Solar
hydrogen could play a key role in bridging the gap between the UAE supply of fossil
fuels and the world energy demand.
x Further Development
The UAE has a great potential of solar energy with average solar radiation
exceeding 8.5 GJ/m
yr, which could be used to generate electricity through
photovoltaic (PV) cells and hydrogen through electrolysis. Hydrogen acts as an
energy carrier between solar energy and the energy consuming sector. This energy
carrier has attractive features, such as being environmentally clean and
economically storable. Various methods can be used in producing hydrogen. PV
electrolysis is considered the most suitable method due to its simplicity, high quality
of hydrogen produced, less geographical limitations, and the ease of coupling
electrolysers to the PV cells.
The cost of hydrogen at the present time is not as competitive as fossil fuel in the
energy market. But, the cost of hydrogen is expected to decrease in the near future
as the research and development focus on the production, storage and
transportation of hydrogen at a more economical rate. Conversely, the cost of
conventional fossil fuel is expected to increase due to future expected scarcity and
additional environmental taxes imposed. [65]
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[67] Mahmoud A.Al-Iriani, Climate-Related Electricity Demand-Side Management In Oil-
Exporting CountriesThe Case Of The United Arab Emirates, Energy Policy.
[68] Energy Institute (ERI), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST),
Lighting tunnels: Saudi Arabia, Implementation Institute.
[69] G.P. Maheshwari, R. Al-Murad, Impact of energy-conservation measures on cooling
load and air-conditioning plant capacity, Applied Energy 69 (2001) 59-67.
[70] S.M. Hasnain, S.H. Alawaji, A.M. Al-Ibrahim and S.M. Smiai, Energy audit in the KACST
building, Energy Research Intitue.
[71] F.S. Huraib, S.M. Hasnain, and S.E. Alawaji, Lessons Learned from Solar Energy
Projects in Saudi Arabia, world renewable energy congress (wrec) 1996.
[72] Article, attributed jointly to OPEC and the WPC, for the OPEC and WPC websites as well
as publications, workshop held in OPECs Secretariat, Vienna, Austria, 89 July.
[73] S. M. Hasnain, s. H. Alawaji, and U. A. Elani, Solar Energy Education - A viable pathway
for sustainable development, Renewable Energy, vol. 14, nos. 1-4, pp. 387-392, 1998.
EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
4. Development of Renewable Energy Sources, promotion of the Rational Use of Energy and reduction of CO2 Emissions in the GCC Region Page 150 of 170
[74] Crescencia Maurer, The Transition from Fossil to Renewable Energy Systems: What
Role for Export Credit Agencies?, Externe Expertise fr das WBGU-Hauptgutachten
2003 "Welt im Wandel: Energiewende zur Nachhaltigkeit", Berlin, Heidelberg 2003.
[75] Lourdes Garca-Rodrguez, Carlos Gmez-Camacho, Perspectives of solar-assisted
seawater distillation, Desalination 136 (2001) 213218.
[76] European Commission (2003), Renewable Energy Technologies and Kyoto Protocol
[77] Randall Spalding-Fecher (2002), The CDM guidebook: A resource for Clean
Development Mechanism project developers in southern Africa, Second electronic
[78] Pembina Institute (2002), A Users Guide to the Clean Development Mechanism
[79] Mark van Wees (2002), Current developments in CDM implementation: from theory to
practice, National Policy Seminar on Clean Development Mechanism, Kuala Lumpur.
[80] H. Doukas, K. Patlitzianas, A. Flamos and J. Psarras, Financing Options For
Environmental Friendly Technologies Through The Clean Development Mechanism,
International Scientific Conference, HELECO 05, 3-6 February 2005, Athens.
[81] K. Patlitzianas, A. Flamos, K. Anagnostopoulos, H. Doukas, and J. Psarras, (2004), The
Role of CDM Funding Programmes in promoting RES And Energy Efficient
Technologies International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Technologies
for Sustainable Development, Evora, June 2004.
[82] Point Carbon,, 2004.
[83] UNEP, UNCTAD and UNCTAD (2002), An emerging market for the environment: A
Guide to Emission Trading.
[84] Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003
establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the
Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC
[85] Proposal for a Directive amending the Directive establishing a scheme for greenhouse
gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in respect of the Kyoto Protocol's
project mechanisms - COM (2003)403
[86] Raymond Kopp and Michael Toman (2004), International Emission Trading,
[87] Mustafa Babiker (2003), Environment and Development in Arab Countries: Economic
Impacts of Climate Change - Policies in the GCC Region.
[88] Workshop on: International GHG Emission Trading, Workshop Report, Held in
Szentendre, Hungary, 17 & 18 April 1997.
[89] Valerie Belton, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, An Integrated Approach, Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
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[93] Environmental Energy Solutions, PV-Powered Wireless Telecommunications Systems,
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[94] Paul Maycock, PV News Annual review of the PV markets 2004.
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[98] ECOFYS, Soltherm Europe -European market report, February 2003.
[99] David Block, John Harrison, Solar Water Heating,, 2004.
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EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Discussion of the Respective role and Cooperation
between the Several International Institutions having
Competence in the Field of Energy
Author: EPU-NTUA
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Institutional Aspects of EU-GCC Cooperation in the Field of Energy
Task Ref.: 5
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
The purpose of this document is to investigate the role of several international institutions in
the context of a renewed EU-GCC partnership. Information and data presented has been
collected by national and international organisation publications.
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5.1 Discussion of the respective role and co-operation between the several international institutions having competence in the field of energy Page i of 20
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. The EU GCC Cooperation 2
2.1 Background
2.2 Constraints
3. The Respective Role of the International Organizations 4
3.1 The Renewal EU - GCC Partnership
3.2 The IEF
3.2.1 Description
3.2.2 The Current Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
3.3 The OPEC
3.3.1 Description
3.3.2 The Potential Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
3.4 The IEA
3.4.1 Description
3.4.2 The Potential Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
4. Perspectives 9
4.1 Challenges
4.2 Combination with the Expected Project Results
5. Recent Developments in EU 11
5.1 The EU Constitution
5.2 The EU-Russia Partnership
6. Conclusions 12
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Executive Summary
I. Scope
Nowadays, oil markets and energy security continue to be in the headlines as a matter of heated
debate. Therefore, the producer-consumer dialogue should be purposefully based on greater
mutual understanding and awareness of long-term common interests. Cooperation raises the
issue of relations with and of the respective roles of international organisations and institutions
that have competence in the field of energy.
In this context, the concept of a European Union (EU) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
cooperation in the field of energy and in the framework of a renewed EU-GCC Partnership is a
matter of high priority. More specifically, the EU-GCC cooperation needs to be viewed as a
possible initiator of change to be pursued within other specialised international institutions.
With respect to the above, the objective of this document is to open a round of discussions and
investigate the respective role and cooperation between several international institutions in the
context of a renewed EU-GCC partnership.
II. EU-GCC Cooperation
II.1 Background
The EU has been linked with the six countries of the GCC in a non-preferential agreement till
June 1988.
The EU-GCC cooperation within the framework of the 1989 agreement on the part of the GCC
countries was meant to serve both short - and long - term economic goals. In the short term,
they hope to gain technology transfer through greater investment and implementation of
cooperation projects. In the long term, they aim to reduce dependence on oil revenues through
diversification. In addition, they want to boost their revenues by achieving duty-free access to
the European market.
On the part of the EU, the most important goal is to secure future energy supplies by increasing
interdependence through cross-investments.
II.2 Constraints
However, both EU and GCC have been pursuing regional and rather unfruitful cooperation from
the 1989 cooperation agreement till the Amsterdam Ministerial meeting of May 2004.
Even though multilateral meeting of GCC and European ministers, diplomats, officials, or
academics was deemed to be a positive step toward the EU-GCC cooperation, peace and
stability, the energy cooperation for a long time was limited to discussions of a joint report on
energy and the environment.
The following factors acted as major constraints:
x The GCC countries were not able to unify their widely differing tariff structures and thus fulfill
the conditions that the European Community had set for engaging in free-trade negotiations.
x On the part of the EU, the main constraints that have to be encountered, are the:
9 Resistance of the strong petrochemical GCC lobby;
9 Diminished interest of the GCC countries regarding the EU environmental policies for
emission reductions.
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III. The Respective Role of the International Organizations
III.1 The Renewal EU - GCC Partnership
The energy dialogue between the EU and GCC on energy issues has been going on for over a
decade and a renewal dialogue with respect to the renewal of EU - GCC partnership is essential
and important.
In the above context, a new departure in EU-GCC relations requires a new set of premises. The
EU should start looking at its relations with the GCC as a partnership that should be based on
fostering key common interests of the two sides and compromising on points of inevitable
conflict. The GCC countries are only partially comparable to other developing countries and
must not be approached solely with classical development tools. GCC interests have to be taken
into account and cooperation has to be based on fields of mutual interest and cost-sharing
between the parties.
Indeed, a renewed EU-GCC cooperation seems to include the evolving international attempt of
the International Energy Forum Secretariat (IEFS) in order to promote an inclusive and global
dialogue. In addition, the above renewal cooperation could be based on the potential roles of the
International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
The IEFS was established in Saudi Arabia in December 2003, in order to further strengthen the
process of global dialogue on energy at the political level. More specifically, it is an evolving
international endeavour to promote dialogue in the field of energy. It is driven by governments at
ministerial level and recognises the need for active participation of other stakeholders, as well as
private industry.
The Secretariat will help to ensure the continuity of the ministerial level energy dialogue also by
organising supportive meetings and roundtables. The Secretariat will also contribute to enhance
oil data collection and transparency, through the co-ordination of data collection initiatives from
various organizations and institutions. In this context, Ministers have endorsed the Secretariat
assuming a co-ordinating role with some international organizations (e.g. Eurostat, IEA, OPEC
From the above, it is clearly illustrated the fact that the IEFS contribution on the producer
consumer dialogue is awaited tensely.
The respective role of OPEC in the renewal EU-GCC partnership is crucial, since the
organization could have a strong influence on the oil market, especially if it decides to reduce or
increase its level of production. OPEC seeks stability in the oil market and endeavours to deliver
steady supplies of oil to consumers at fair and reasonable prices.
In addition, OPEC supports sound environmental policies that are fair and equitable, based on
proven needs and designed to address those needs. OPEC also supports sustainable economic
development, which requires steady supplies of energy at reasonable prices.
The main challenge of IEA is to integrate all nations into a smoothly functioning world energy
system. The development of activities and studies in the GCC region by the IEA is essential for
the clearer understanding of issues regarding the oil production and the energy policy. In this
context, the IEA has devised (World Energy Outlook 2004) an alternative scenario to asses the
impact of environmental and energy security policies as well as the effects of faster deployment
of energy efficient technologies. This scenario is already being under consideration by many
countries including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE.
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In addition, efforts such as the Joint IEA-OPEC Workshops are extremely important, for
analyzing the future challenges involved in making the necessary investments in the oil sector,
as well as the associated key drivers, uncertainties and implications.
Moreover, IEA and OPEC cooperation is also important in the context of harmonised and
agreed data both on the scientific and political point, especially as concerns the oil supply
forecasts. In this way, policy-makers as well as individuals will be able to trigger specific
answers to urgent questions, such as oil supply and demand.
IV. Developments
IV.1 The EU Constitution
The EU governments agreed on 18 June 2004 to establish an EU Constitution. The aim is to
make the EU more efficient, transparent and democratic and to ensure the European institutions
continue to function effectively after enlargement on 1 May 2004.
EU Constitution is expected to bring the most far-reaching changes to the EU, with wide ranging
implications for business especially in the oil and gas sector. Taking into consideration the
enlargement, the EUs dependency on imported oil and gas is reinforced and subsequently
security of energy supply becomes a critical matter for EU now, more than ever. This is the
reason why, the Commission is getting a clear mandate to deal with energy and security of
supply for the first time.
IV.1 The EU-Russia Partnership
The EU-Russia cooperation in the energy sector could serve as a model for the renewed EU-
GCC cooperation in terms of energy.
The creation of a focal point for industrial cooperation between GCC and the EU, such as the
EU-Russia Technology Centre, could provide the forum with the exchange of ideas and
information between EU and GCC companies and mark a significant achievement in the
bilateral technological cooperation.
V. Concluding Points
The concept of an EU-GCC cooperation in the field of energy in the context of a renewed EU-
GCC partnership should be concisely focused on the following aspects:
x The IEFS, which can facilitate meetings on regional or inter-regional basis, explore in
greater depth issues addressed in past plenary discussions and prepare the ground for
future plenary discussions as well as contribute to enhance oil data collection and
x The OPEC, which seeks stability in the oil market and endeavours to deliver steady supplies
of oil to consumers at fair and reasonable prices. However, OPEC cannot do this alone,
since it is extremely difficult to encourage all oil producers to co-operate in the oil market,
and therefore to help preserve the balance of the world economy. Consequently, additional
effort has to be done so as all oil producers finally realise that they all depend upon each
other for trade, investment and a healthy life.
x The basic objective of the IEA is the integration of all nations into a smoothly functioning
world energy system. A precondition for this accomplishment is the development of activities
and studies in the GCC region for the clearer understanding of issues regarding the oil
production and the energy policy. Cooperation with OPEC for analyzing the future
challenges in the oil sector, as well as for harmonizing data both on the scientific and
political point are actions of significant importance.
x The more fruitful EU-GCC Meetings, based on an EU comprehensive energy policy towards
the GCC region. The EU and GCC countries need a critical re-assessment of their
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cooperation in terms of energy based on a clear strategy, clearly defined objectives and
instruments to be used in order to advance long-term objectives.
x The EU-Russia model for the energy dialogue, which is considered as extremely effective
for the external relationships of the EU. The milestones of this cooperation could be the
base for the renewed EU-GCC partnership.
In addition, the expected results of the project focus on regional (EU-GCC) and global interest
and could be associated with the intended respective role and cooperation between the
aforementioned international organizations.
Even though the market for oil is global in nature, a more enhanced regional dialogue between
the EU and the GCC could contribute to improving European and global energy supply
conditions and should be pursued. Europe is one of the prime consumers of the Gulf energy
resources, and consequently it should be the one to make significant efforts to keep the flow of
oil from the region stable. Securing oil from the Gulf by helping to maintain the balance of power
there, is an important pre-requisite for EU, which in case it will be realized, political cooperation
between the EU and the GCC will no longer be a myth but an enforced reality.
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1. Introduction
Nowadays, oil markets and energy security continue to be in the headlines as a matter of
heated debate. Political leaders of industrialized countries in the oil-importing warn of the
detrimental effects that high oil prices have on the world economy. [1]
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has responded to calls to
increase official production quotas to help bring prices down. Experts identify driving
factors behind the higher level of oil prices to:
x Surging demand in Asia;
x Economic recovery in the USA;
x Terrorist attacks and political uncertainties in the Middle East.
As a result, it is time for a producer-consumer dialogue and cooperation, which should
be purposeful based on greater mutual understanding and awareness of long-term
common interests. Cooperation raises the issue of relations with and of the respective
roles of other international organisations and institutions that have competence in the
field of energy.
In this context, it is not possible to envisage that the European Union (EU) and the Gulf
Cooperation Countries (GCC) might alone implement some of the actions and results
that will be considered in this project. Therefore, the EU-GCC cooperation needs to be
viewed as a possible initiator of change to be pursued within other specialised
international institutions.
Consequently, the concept of EU-GCC cooperation in the field of energy in the context of
a renewed EU-GCC partnership should be focused on the respective roles of the OPEC
and the International Energy Agency (IEA). More specifically, it has to be considered to
what extent the envisaged EU-GCC cooperation might duplicate or conflict with initiatives
undertaken by the above two organisations. In addition, it is important to investigate the
evolving international endeavour of the International Energy Forum (IEF) to promote an
inclusive, global dialogue on energy at the political level.
In the above framework, the objective of this document is to open the discussion and
investigate the respective role and cooperation between several international institutions
in the context of a renewed EU-GCC partnership. The current document is structured
along six (6) sections, as follows:
x The section that directly follows briefly reviews the important EU-GCC cooperation
milestones from 1989 till now.
x The third part focuses on the respective roles of the IEF, OPEC and IEA in the
context of a broader effort in establishing a renewed EU-GCC partnership.
x The fourth section includes the main perspectives that have to be expected in the
future. More specifically, the challenges that have to be encountered from the
renewed EU-GCC partnership, the expected results of the project and how each of
them pertains to each institution are being presented.
x The fifth section presents the EU recent developments regarding the signing of the
EU Constitution and the EU-Russia energy dialogue.
x The last section summarizes the main points that have arisen in the current analysis.
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2. The EU GCC Cooperation
2.1 Background
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf is a regional organisation
created in May 1981 by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab
Emirates. Behind the creation was a general perception by these states of their
vulnerability arising from their: [2]
x Oil wealth in contrast to their small and dispersed populations (28 million);
x Vast surface area (2,6 million km
x Limited military capabilities in a generally instable region.
A Cooperation Agreement was signed on 15 June 1988. It came into force on 1 January
1990. Since then, the Union has been linked with the six countries of the GCC in a non-
preferential agreement. The Cooperation Agreement established cooperation in a wide
range of fields: economy and trade, agriculture and fisheries, industry, energy, science
and technology, investment and environment. Under the Agreement, the EU and GCC
Foreign Ministers met once a year at a Joint Council. The objective of this agreement
was to facilitate trade relations, as well as more generally to contribute to strengthening
stability in a strategic part of the world. Working groups were established in the fields of
industrial cooperation, energy and environment. In 1996, decentralised cooperation
(university, business and media cooperation) was added to the agenda.
After a period of relatively slow progress, the agreement has now started to produce
some concrete results and the 1997 and 1998 meetings enumerated the areas in which
progress had been made. Regarding the Energy, Environment and Technology
cooperation, the following progress has been made:
x Energy Cooperation: A Conference on Natural Gas took place in Doha on 17-18
November 1996 and a Conference on Oil and Gas Technologies took place in
Bahrain on 13-17 October 1997. In addition, meetings of the EC-GCC Energy
working groups were held in Dubai, in 1999 and 2000.
x Environment Cooperation: In marine pollution, the technical phase of the feasibility
study on marine port reception facilities in the Gulf is nearing completion. The EU-
GCC Marine Pollution Workshop, held in Kuwait on 2-4 November 1998, made
recommendations for future cooperation projects. In hazardous waste management,
a workshop was held in Saudi Arabia on 11-13 October 1998. Furthermore, the GCC
is preparing a proposal for a follow-up project to the successful EU-assisted project
of the Jubail Marine Wildlife Sanctuary, which would lead to the creation of a network
of marine protected areas in GCC countries, based on experience in the Jubail
x EU-GCC Technology Information Centre: The 1996 Joint Council agreed to
support the establishment of an EU-GCC Technology Information Centre (TIC) and
endorsed the proposal for a study examining the setting up of such a centre in
Muscat, Oman. The 1998 Joint Council was informed of the findings of the concept
study made by the Commission on the Centre. The EU has offered to contribute to
the overall financial arrangements as well as to finance an Implementation Study for
the project, when agreement has been reached on financing of the Centre. For
budgetary reasons, the project was not realised yet.
The 1989 Cooperation Agreement also contained a commitment from both sides to enter
into negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the GCC. The
negotiating mandate adopted in 2001 from the EU council, stated as condition for
signature of such an agreement the constitution of a GCC customs union. In December
2001, at the annual GCC summit, the GCC countries made a significant gesture of their
willingness to unblock the negotiations by deciding to advance the introduction of their
internal GCC customs union by two years. Finally, the custom union came into force on
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January 2003, even though some other implementing measures remain to be applied.
More recently, in September 2003, a first session of an EU-GCC Economic Dialogue
took place in Riyadh, at the GCC Secretariat. In this first dialogue, topics such as: unified
trade policy, the fiscal aspects of a single currency and the move from the customs union
to a single market were covered from both an EU and a GCC perspective.
On the part of the GCC countries, the EU-GCC cooperation within the framework of the
1989 agreement was meant to serve both short - and long - term economic goals. In the
short term, they hope to gain technology transfer through greater investment and the
implementation of cooperation projects. In the long term, they aim to reduce dependence
on oil revenues through diversification. In addition, they want to boost their revenues by
achieving duty-free access to the European market. On the part of the EU, the most
important goal is to secure future energy supplies by increasing interdependence
through cross-investments. Additional goals, especially as concerns the DG (Directorate
General) Trade are to:
x Foster economic integration between the parties, with a view to diversifying and
increasing the mutual trade in a sustainable way;
x Promote regional integration within the GCC.
As regards the related studies & activities, a sustainability impact assessment study on
the Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations has been carried out by an independent
consultant, under the initiative of the Commission. The above study is dedicated to
inform policy-makers of possible impacts on economy, social and environment linked
with the free trade agreement. It also aims at ensuring a future implementation of the
agreement compatible with sustainable development by proposing flanking measures to
mitigate any possible adverse effects and amplify the benefits of the agreement. [3]
Concisely, both EU and GCC have been pursuing regional cooperation in a rather
uncritical fashion from the 1989 cooperation agreement till the Amsterdam Ministerial
meeting (IEF Ministerial, 22-24 May 2004). However, even though multilateral meetings
of GCC and European ministers, diplomats, officials, or academics were deemed to be a
positive step toward the EU-GCC cooperation, peace and stability, this cooperation till
now rested on trade liberalization talks, economic cooperation and political dialogue. As
concerns the energy cooperation, for a long time it was limited to discussions of a joint
report on energy and the environment. [3]
2.2 Constraints
Real progress towards a broader and more fruitful EU-GCC cooperation remains limited
and the trade liberalization talks turned out to be a difficult undertaking. The following
factors acted as major constraints:
x The GCC countries were not able to unify their widely differing tariff structures and
thus fulfill the conditions that the European Community had set for engaging in free-
trade negotiations.
x On the part of the EU, the main constraints that have to encountered, are the:
9 Resistance of the strong petrochemical GCC lobby;
9 Diminished interest of the GCC countries regarding the EU environmental
policies for CO
emission reductions.
According to the international studies, there are several other reasons for the
underdevelopment of EU - GCC relations. The GCC originated as a security pact and
has made progress in economic cooperation, but has not yet succeeded in establishing
a common market. In contrast, the EU is based on economic cooperation and is over
time progressively developing a foreign policy and security dimension. On some of the
issues of great importance for both sides - e.g. energy - neither the EU nor the GCC
enjoy a strong mandate. Because of the importance of issues that have remained
primarily under the control of EU member governments, bilateral relations have prevailed
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- sometimes with mercantilist undertones, especially in the field of arms trade - tendering
to hamper common EU action. In the case of other regions, specific EU member
countries have promoted a greater involvement, but the same phenomenon has not
taken place for the GCC.
Indeed, the relationship between the EU and the GCC and its member countries has
been of low intensity and reflects neither the geographic proximity nor the vital links in
several fields existing between the two sides. Although the involvement of certain EU
member countries has been very substantial both historically and in recent times, this
has not led to significant common EU involvement. Conclusively, the existing 1989
cooperation agreement between the GCC and the EU has important difficulties in order
to spark a meaningful cooperation.
3. The Respective Role of the International Organizations
3.1 The Renewal EU - GCC Partnership
GCC countries are major suppliers of oil and gas to the EU and at the same time a
market for European exports. In 2001, ~11% of the EUs oil imports came from GCC
region with the latter being the EUs principal trading partner in the Arab world. The GCC
remains the EUs 5
largest export market. [4]
Nowadays, a purposeful global dialogue on energy assumes wider significance as a
means to promote equitable and sustainable economic and social development and to
improve relations between countries and the overall geopolitical climate.
The energy dialogue between the EU and GCC on energy issues has been going on for
over a decade, as it was described in the previous part. In this framework, a renewal
dialogue with respect to the renewal EU - GCC partnership is essential and important.
In the above context, a new departure in EU-GCC relations requires a new set of
premises. The EU should start looking at its relations with the GCC as a partnership that
should be based on fostering key common interests of the two sides and compromising
on points of inevitable conflict.
The GCC countries are only partially comparable to other developing countries and must
not be approached solely with classical development tools. GCC interests have to be
taken into account and cooperation has to be based on fields of mutual interest and cost-
sharing between the parties. Final and foremost, the EU should show its determination to
intensify its relations with the GCC countries through the opening of an EU delegation in
the GCC, preferably in Riyadh. [5,6]
Indeed, a renewed EU-GCC cooperation in the field of energy seems to include the
evolving international attempt of the IEF in order to promote an inclusive and global
dialogue. In addition, the above renewal cooperation could be based on the potential
roles of the IEA and OPEC. In this framework, the following paragraphs aim to set off a
round discussion and investigate the respective role and cooperation between the above
international organizations in the context of a renewed EU-GCC partnership.
3.2 The IEF
3.2.1 Description
The International Energy Forum (IEF) is an evolving international endeavour to promote
dialogue in the field of energy and is driven by governments at ministerial level and
recognises the need for active participation of other stakeholders, not least private
industry. [1]
More specifically, the IEF is unique in approach. Ministers come to the IEF to discuss
common concerns, to exchange information and policy views and to look for consensus-
oriented approaches to the energy challenges ahead with a growing awareness of long-
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term common interests. These exchanges have contributed to greater mutual
understanding, enabling more enlightened national decision making and closer
cooperation within and between energy organisations.
The IEF is not a decision-making organisation. Nor is it an organisation for negotiating
legally binding settlements and collective actions. The idea of multilateral fixing of prices
and production levels remains out of bounds. Decisions are made in capitals and in
international organisations that are mandated for decision-making. IEF seeks to build
confidence, exchange information and develop understanding of the underlying energy-
related issues affecting the world community.
With respect to the above, IEF acts to maintain the informality of the dialogue and
facilitates the channels of communication between oil and gas producers and
consumers. Therefore, the main objectives of the IEF Secretariat are:
x Strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between oil and gas producing and
consuming countries and international organizations in fields of common interest.
x Ensuring the continuity of the dialogue between the biennial forums and follow up on
international energy development.
x Fostering and promoting the relationship between the energy industry and the
governments of oil and gas producing and consuming countries through the active
involvement of the industry in the activities of the IEF.
x Broadening the dialogue to include international and regional energy issues.
Although the dialogue is international in character, there are interregional as well as
specific issues (oil, gas, RES, technology, environment etc.) that emanate from the
dialogue and need to be addressed and elaborated.
x Facilitating contacts between the parties involved in oil and gas matters at all times.
x Improving oil and gas data collection and dissemination among countries,
international organizations and the industry, since the availability,
comprehensiveness and coverage of data is a cornerstone to the relations between
the parties involved in the world energy relations.
x Providing the necessary contacts among the relevant organizations involved in oil
market forecasting by exchanging experiences on relevant inputs and parameters in
the forecasting methodologies.
3.2.2 The Current Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
The International Energy Forum Secretariat (IEFS) established in Saudi Arabia on
December 2003, in order to further strengthen the process of global dialogue on energy
at a political level. The IEFS has begun fully operational till the end of 2004 and its
contribution on the producer consumer dialogue is awaited tensely. The Secretariat was
honoured to present itself and outline its working strategy for Ministers at the 9
International Energy Forum and the 1
International Energy Business Forum in
Amsterdam on 22-24 May 2004.
The main aim of the IEFS is to interact with governments, industry and organisations
with a view to channelling and generating workable ideas for strengthening the global
energy dialogue in an evolving global environment. In this context, IEFS facilitates
meetings on regional or inter-regional basis on wide range of issues affecting the world
energy markets, the world economy and the global environment. Such meetings could
explore in greater depth issues addressed in past plenary discussions and prepare the
ground for future plenary discussions.
In this framework, the IEF Secretariat and the Observatoire Mediterraneen de l'Energie
(OME) held a joint workshop on the producer-consumer dialogue in Ankara on 11 June
2004. The workshop gathered high-level participants from the Mediterranean energy
industry and national ministries. In addition, in the framework of the 9
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Energy Forum in Amsterdam (22-24 May 2004) Ministers highlighted investment
challenges to meet increasing future energy demand. A special focus for the discussions
in the Ankara workshop was the relationship between governments and industry in
promoting the producer-consumer dialogue.
A future cardinal task for the Secretariat in Riyadh is to support host country Qatar, and
co-hosts China and Italy, in preparing the next Ministerial that will take place in Doha in
2006. The Secretariat will help to ensure the continuity of the ministerial level energy
dialogue between the biannual IEF Ministerials also by organising supportive meetings
and roundtables. Moreover, the Secretariat will contribute to enhanced oil data collection
and transparency. Ministers have endorsed the Secretariat assuming a co-ordinating role
in the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI), a pioneering international and inter-organisational
endeavour developed by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Eurostat, IEA,
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), OPEC and the United Nations Statistics
Division (UNSD). [7]
3.3 The OPEC
3.3.1 Description
OPEC was formed at a meeting held on September 14, 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq, by five
Founder Members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. OPEC was
registered with the United Nations Secretariat on November 6, 1962.
Representatives of OPEC member countries meet at the OPEC conference to co-
ordinate and unify their petroleum policies in order to promote stability and harmony in
the oil market. They are supported in this by the OPEC Secretariat, directed by the
Board of Governors and run by the Secretary General and by various bodies including
the Economic Commission and the Ministerial Monitoring Committee. [8]
The member countries consider the current situation and forecast of market
fundamentals, such as economic growth rates and petroleum demand and supply
scenarios. They then consider what, if any, changes they might make in their petroleum
policies. For example, in last conferences the Member Countries have decided variously
to raise or lower their collective oil production in order to maintain stable prices and
steady supplies to consumers in the short, medium and longer term.
OPEC seeks stability in the oil market and endeavours to deliver steady supplies of oil to
consumers at fair and reasonable prices. The organization tries to achieve this in a
number of ways: sometimes by voluntarily producing less oil, sometimes by producing
more when there is a shortfall in supplies.
In addition, OPEC supports sound environmental policies that are fair and equitable,
based on proven needs and designed to address those needs. OPEC also supports
sustainable economic development, which requires steady supplies of energy at
reasonable prices. Many countries have already introduced heavy taxes on oil products.
In some countries, the price that motorists pay for gasoline is three or four times higher
than the price of the original crude oil. Taxes account for 70 per cent or more of the final
price of oil products in some countries.
As a result of these oil taxes, some of the oil-consuming countries (especially those in
Europe where taxation levels are highest) receive much more income from oil than
OPEC does.
3.3.2 The Potential Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
Even though OPEC seeks stability in the oil market and endeavours to deliver steady
supplies of oil to consumers at fair and reasonable prices, OPEC cannot do this alone.
Till now it has not the fully control of the oil market. More analytically, OPEC member
countries produce about 41 per cent of the world's crude oil and 15 per cent of its natural
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Even though OPEC's oil exports represent about 55 per cent of the oil traded
internationally, it is extremely difficult to encourage all oil producers to co-operate in the
oil market, and therefore to help preserve the balance of the world economy.
Consequently, additional effort has to be done so as all oil producers finally realise that
they depend upon each other for trade, investment and a healthy life.
In the context of the EU-GCC cooperation, Europe will continue to play a vital role in the
global supply and demand chain, and equally, OPEC will continue to pursue a road of
cooperation that represents the only strategy for guaranteeing oils future in an ever-
demanding world of globalization.
The EU-GCC renewed cooperation can significantly contribute to this effort so as the full
benefit of cooperation and improving economies will be enjoyed, not only in the
developing world, but in the industrialised world as well. The respective role of OPEC in
the renewal EU-GCC partnership is crucial, since the organization could have a strong
influence on the oil market, especially if it decides to reduce or increase its level of
3.4 The IEA
3.4.1 Description
The IEA is the energy forum for 26 industrialised countries. IEA member governments
are committed to taking joint measures to meet oil supply emergencies. They have also
agreed to share energy information, to co-ordinate their energy policies and to co-
operate in the development of rational energy programmes. These provisions are
embodied in the agreement on an international energy program, which established the
Agency in 1974.
More specifically, the oil crisis of 1973-74 literally shocked the nations of the industrial
world into taking action to ensure that they would never again be so vulnerable to a
major disruption in oil supplies. The result was the creation in 1974 of the IEA, a co-
operative grouping of most of the member countries of the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), committed to responding swiftly and effectively
in future oil emergencies and to reducing their dependence on oil.
IEA countries recognise the significance of increasing global interdependence in energy.
They therefore seek to promote the effective operation of international energy markets
and encourage dialogue with all participants. In order to secure their objectives they
therefore aim to create a policy framework consistent with the following goals: [9]
x Diversity, efficiency and flexibility within the energy sector are basic conditions for
longer-term energy security.
x Prompt and flexibly response of energy systems to energy emergencies.
x Achievement of environmentally sustainable provision and use of energy. Decision-
makers should seek to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of energy
activities, just as environmental decisions should take account of the energy
x Development of more environmentally acceptable energy sources. Clean and
efficient use of fossil fuels is essential. The development of economic non-fossil
sources is also a priority. RES will also have an increasingly important contribution to
x Improved energy efficiency for the promotion of both environmental protection and
energy security in a cost-effective manner. There are significant opportunities for
greater energy efficiency at all stages of the energy cycle from production to
x Continued research, development and market deployment of new and improved
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energy technologies. International cooperation in the development and dissemination
of energy technologies, including industry participation and cooperation with non-
Member countries should be encouraged.
x Undistorted energy prices for efficient market operation. Energy prices should not be
held artificially below the costs of supply to promote social or industrial goals.
x Free and open trade and a secure framework for investment to efficient energy
markets and energy security. Distortions to energy trade and investment should be
x Cooperation among all energy market participants to improve information and
understanding, and encourage the development of efficient, environmentally
acceptable and flexible energy systems and markets worldwide.
3.4.2 The Potential Role in the Renewal EU-GCC Partnership
More than ever, the IEA should now be presented as an international forum, which
contributes to openness and confidence in the energy markets.
Benefiting from unmatched sources in government and industry, the IEAs extensive
statistical work and expanding data bases could provide:
x Information on the rational management of world energy resources;
x Analyses of the energy policies of member and non-member countries;
x Recommendations to governments so as to enhance the cooperation in the energy
In the above framework, the most important challenge IEA will face in order to
encompass these activities today is how to reconcile energy production and use with
protection of the environment, including the global climate. The IEA is strongly committed
to helping countries meet both energy and environmental goals. IEAs studies in this
area could assist in the integration of environmental and energy policies.
Another challenge is to integrate all nations into a smoothly functioning world energy
system. International trade in fossil fuels is increasing and the economies of the world
are becoming increasingly interdependent. Consequently, the role of the EU-GCC
cooperation is in line with some of the basic priorities of the IEA.
The development of activities and studies in the GCC region by the IEA is essential for
the clearer understanding of issues regarding the oil production and the energy policy.
In this context, the IEA has recently devised (World Energy Outlook 2004) an alternative
scenario to asses the impact of environmental and energy security policies that countries
(including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE) are already considering, as well as the effects
of faster deployment of energy efficient technologies.
Moreover, in the latest IEAs Oil Market Report, the worries about potential oil supply
problems are evident. More specifically, while the price of oil pushed back up toward $50
a barrel, the IEA worried if suppliers would be able to keep up with demand if demand
growth in 2005 exceeded expectations. The report noted a major increase in Chinese
demand in November 2004. Previous months had seen something of a slackening of the
rapid pace of expansion earlier in the year but Novembers apparent demand of 6,7
million barrels per day set a new record and was up 16% year-on-year. For 2005, the
IEA has also slightly reduced its forecast for the growth in oil supply from non-OPEC
producers. Even in the base forecast scenario for 2005, the global markets reliance on
OPEC continues to increase. [10]
With respect to the above, extra work could be done by the IEA in the GCC countries,
which are major oil supplies of the global energy system, taking also into consideration
the fact that the energy industry is possible to supply far more energy than in the past.
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In addition, efforts such as the Joint IEA-OPEC Workshops (April 2004 and June 2003)
are extremely important, for analyzing the future challenges involved in making the
necessary investments in the oil sector, as well as the associated key drivers,
uncertainties and implications. IEA should be encouraged to pursue dialogue with OPEC
along the same lines proposed for the EU-GCC. [11]
IEA and OPEC cooperation is also important in the context of harmonised and agreed
data both on the scientific and political point, especially as concerns the oil supply
forecasts. More specifically, the OPEC and the IEA are among the organizations that
release forecasts of future oil supplies. OPEC publishes the World Energy Model
(OWEM) and the IEA produces the World Energy Outlook (WEO). In most cases, these
forecasts have discrepancies among each other and consequently policy-makers as well
as individuals are not able to trigger specific answers to urgent questions, such as oil
supply and demand. Taking into consideration the fact that global market is heavily relied
on OPEC oil production, accuracy is extremely necessary.
4. Perspectives
4.1 Challenges
The possibility of creating a more integrated EU-GCC cooperation in the fields of energy
is possible, but only if efforts and resources are invested in more promising directions.
This includes a renewed EU-GCC partnership assisting the GCC countries to enhance
their council, supporting closer integration of the GCC and closer EU-GCC cooperation.
EU could develop a more comprehensive energy policy towards the GCC region with
more relevant and appropriate energy programmes.
Nowadays, the EU and the GCC countries need a critical re-assessment of regional
cooperation. Regional cooperation is not an aim in itself. It has to be pursued with a clear
strategy, clearly defined objectives and instruments to be used in order to advance long-
term objectives, and a clear sense of priorities.
In the above framework, the main challenges of the future seems to be as follows:
x The economic challenge will be to mobilize new investments. The question is how
necessary investments will find their way to the energy sector considering
competition for funds also from other important sectors of the economy. And more
specifically, the question is who will invest how much, in what, and where, in order to
manage supply and demand for both present and future generations.
x The political challenge will be to ensure a common energy future, where energy
supply and demand can be balanced in such a way so as to promote, and not
jeopardize the political goals of sustainable global economic, social and
environmental development. The world will need more and cleaner energy used in a
more efficient way. It should be accessible and affordable to a larger share of the
worlds population. The issues are of such character and importance that they must
be addressed in dialogue not only between nations at political level, but also in
dialogue and partnerships between governments and industry.
x The social challenge will be to promote cultural and religious dialogue, including
exchange of experiences and best practices. EU is attractive for the GCC in terms of
social coherence, since it is an example of successful regional cooperation. More
specifically, according to an editorial of the Saudi daily Arab News, the EU seems to
be the most recent example of nations with centuries of war and mayhem behind
them that have now erased, for all practical purposes, the borders dividing them.
Consequently, GCC should look for areas of political agreement with the model EU.
The drive and initiative to take on these challenges and to implement the necessary
political, economic and social reforms must come from within the region itself. The Union
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must work in partnership with the region to help it meet these challenges. In addition, the
Union should adopt a set of guiding principles for its engagement and implement these
primarily through sharpening the focus of existing instruments and ensuring coherence
between them. Success in this endeavour will be of mutual benefit to Europe and the
4.2 Combination with the Expected Project Results
The expected results of the project focus on regional (EU-GCC) and global interest and
could be associated with the intended respective role and cooperation between the
aforementioned international organizations.
In the above framework, the associated targets of the project could be as follows:
x Improving the organization and transparency of the international oil market;
x Promoting stable prices that are consistent with the need to progressively
complement conventional oil with petroleum products produced from non-
conventional oil or from gas;
x Addressing security of supply at the regional level;
x Promoting vertical integration of energy companies in both directions;
x Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an
interconnected GCC gas network and competitive gas market;
x Increasing reliance on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Rational Use of
Energy (RUE), in order to meet constantly growing global energy demand;
x Analyzing the potential for developing RES in the GCC member countries with the
support of the Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms.
A discussion regarding the efficiency and transparency of the international oil markets as
well as the assessment and proposed modifications of the pricing system are of global
interest. These issues aiming to generate more rational and stable crude prices cannot
meaningfully be carried out just at the regional level (EU-GCC), therefore necessarily
entail the OPEC, IEA and the IEFS. Therefore, the renewal EU-GCC cooperation with
the aforementioned institutions and organizations (OPEC, IEA, IEFS) can open up new
horizons in the GCC region and add much to the specific tasks of the project.
However, some aspects are exactly regional in nature and would involve just the EU and
GCC. More analytically, some of the above regional aspects could be the following:
x Development of a competitive and transparent GCC-wide gas market;
x Promoting greater GCC reliance on gas through the development of an
interconnected GCC gas network;
x Discussing the desirable rate of exploitation of GCC hydrocarbon resources in the
light of the objectives of maximising revenue and achieving economic development
in the long run;
x Increasing exports to the EU through major new pipelines and LNG projects;
x Development of renewable energies, promotion of the rational use of energy and
reduction of CO
emissions in the GCC region.
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5. Recent Developments in EU
5.1 The EU Constitution
The EU governments agreed on 18 June 2004 to establish an EU Constitution. The aim
is to make the EU more efficient, transparent and democratic, and to ensure the
European institutions continue to function effectively after enlargement on 1 May 2004.
On Friday 29 October 2004 Heads of State or Government and Ministers of Foreign
Affairs of 28 European countries signed in Rome the Treaty establishing a Constitution
for Europe. The Treaty was signed by the 25 Member States of the European Union,
Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. [13]
The EU Constitution seeks to ensure that the EU institutions will continue to function
effectively after the unprecedented enlargement to 25 members that took place on 1 May
2004. Generally, the EU Constitution will: [14]
x Set out a single simplified EU treaty and incorporate the charter of fundamental
x Create the post of president of European Council and an EU foreign minister;
x Scrap the system of weighted votes in the Council, which will be replaced by double
majority voting;
x Give new powers to the European Parliament on legislation and the annual EU
budget, and abolish national veto on immigration and asylum;
x Reduce the size of the European Commission from 2014;
x Allow for enhanced cooperation whereby a group of states can go ahead with closer
According to the international publications and estimations, EU Constitution is expected
to bring the most far-reaching changes to the EU since its foundation in 1957 with the
Treaties of Rome, with wide ranging implications for business especially in the oil and
gas sector. More specifically, it will be able to deliver to business:
x A smoother, more efficient regulatory system;
x Greater consultation;
x Better impact assessments;
x Greater lobbying opportunities with the European Parliament, as the policy areas
where it acts as co-legislator will almost double.
Last, it is noted that the Constitution has to be ratified by all 25 member states before it
can come into force in 2007 (at the earliest). At least nine members will put the text to a
popular vote.
With respect to the above, it is clearly illustrated the fact that the establishment of the EU
Constitution is also a crucial point in the field of energy. EU is the largest importer and
the second largest consumer of energy in the world, dependent on imports for half its
supplies. Taking into consideration the enlargement, this trend is reinforced and
subsequently security of energy supply becomes a critical matter for EU now, more than
ever. This is the reason why, the Commission is getting a clear mandate to deal with
energy and security of supply for the first time.
5.2 The EU-Russia Partnership
The EU-Russia energy partnership aims to improve the investment opportunities in
Russias energy sector in order to: [15]
x Upgrade and expand the energy production and transportation infrastructure;
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x Improve their environmental impact;
x Encourage the ongoing opening up of energy markets;
x Facilitate the market penetration of more environmentally friendly technologies and
energy resources;
x Promote energy efficiency and energy savings.
The most important step for the cooperation between EU and Russia was the
Technology Centre, which was opened in Moscow, 5 November 2002 as a platform for
the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue. [15]
The creation of the EU-Russia technology centre represents the first concrete output
resulting from the EU-Russia energy dialogue and marks a significant achievement in the
bilateral technological cooperation. The Centre will host all future EU / Russia energy
cooperation projects and act as a focal point for industrial cooperation between Russia
and the EU in the following areas: oil and gas, coal, electricity, renewable energy
resources and energy efficiency.
The EU-Russia Technology Centre is expected to provide the forum for the exchange of
ideas and information between Russian and EU companies on energy technologies in
the above sectors, with a view to facilitating the attraction of investment financing for
priority projects. Activities will include joint analyses, seminars, transfer of know-how,
investment promotion events, publications, surveys, etc. All activities will be carried out
in accordance with the priorities and results of the ongoing EU-Russia energy dialogue.
The initial, analytical phase had been successfully completed and the dialogue is now
entering a more practical, operational stage. Consequently, the short term progress in
fields such as the implementation of new transport infrastructures and pilot projects in
the Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan regions of Russia are being planned.
The EU-Russia cooperation in the energy sector can be progressed significantly a kind
of test case for the further development of an EU-Russia strategic partnership.
Success in the energy sector could then serve as a model for other areas of common
Last, taking into consideration the fact that recently the Russia's Cabinet approved the
Kyoto Protocol on global warming, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force probably in
February 2005. In this framework, new avenues for EU-Russia cooperation will be
In the above framework, the EU-Russia energy dialogue for the majority is considered as
a model for the external relationship of the EU. The progress made so far has been
significant and the main pillars of this cooperation could be the base for the renewed EU-
GCC cooperation.
6. Conclusions
The EU needs to raise the level of its engagement with the region, since it is an area of
enormous strategic significance. The dialogue between EU and GCC should be
broadened, deepened and become more inter-active. In addition, this dialogue does
need to include parallel initiatives promoted from other institutional forums (such as IEA
and OPEC), and should be coordinated with the latter. In particular, the IEA should be
encouraged to pursue dialogue with OPEC along the same lines proposed for the EU-
With respect to the above, the concept of an EU-GCC cooperation in the field of energy
in the context of a renewed EU-GCC partnership should be focused on the following
x The IEFS, which can interact with governments, industries and organizations with a
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view to channeling and generating workable ideas for strengthening the energy
dialogue in an evolving global environment. In this framework, the IEFS can facilitate
meetings on regional or inter-regional basis, explore in greater depth issues
addressed in past plenary discussions and prepare the ground for future plenary
discussions. Moreover, it can contribute to enhance oil data collection and
transparency, through the co-ordination of data collection initiatives from various
organizations and institutions.
x The OPEC, which seeks stability in the oil market and endeavours to deliver steady
supplies of oil to consumers at fair and reasonable prices. However, OPEC cannot
do this alone, since it is extremely difficult to encourage all oil producers to co-
operate in the oil market, and therefore to help preserve the balance of the world
economy. Consequently, additional effort has to be done so as all oil producers
finally realise that they all depend upon each other for trade, investment and a
healthy life.
x The IEA, which seeks to promote the effective operation of international energy
markets and encourage dialogue with all participants. The basic objective of IEA is
the integration of all nations into a smoothly functioning world energy system. A
precondition for this accomplishment is the development of activities and studies in
the GCC region for the clearer understanding of issues regarding the oil production
and the energy policy. Cooperation with OPEC for analyzing the future challenges in
the oil sector, as well as for harmonizing data both on the scientific and political point
are actions of significant importance.
x The more fruitful EU-GCC Meetings, based on an EU comprehensive energy policy
towards the GCC region. Even though bilateral meetings of GCC and European
ministers, diplomats, officials, or academics were deemed to be a positive step
toward the EU-GCC cooperation, peace and stability, the energy cooperation for a
long time was limited to discussions of a joint report on energy and the environment.
The EU and GCC countries need a critical re-assessment of their cooperation in
terms of energy based on a clear strategy, clearly defined objectives and instruments
to be used in order to advance long-term objectives.
x The EU-Russia model for the energy dialogue, which is considered as extremely
effective for the external relationships of the EU. The milestones of this cooperation
could be the base for the renewed EU-GCC partnership. The creation of a focal point
for industrial cooperation between the GCC and EU, such as the EU-Russia
Technology Centre, could provide the forum for the exchange of ideas and
information between the EU and GCC companies and mark a significant
achievement in the bilateral technological cooperation. The 1996 Joint Council
agreed to support the establishment of an EU-GCC Technology Information Centre
(TIC) in Muscat, Oman, which has not been yet realized for budgetary reasons.
Even though the market for oil is global in nature, a more enhanced regional dialogue
between the EU and the GCC could contribute to improving European and global energy
supply conditions and should be pursued. Europe is one of the prime consumers of the
Gulf energy resources, and consequently it should be the one to make significant efforts
to keep the flow of oil from the region stable. Securing oil from the Gulf by helping to
maintain the balance of power there is an important pre-requisite for EU, which in case it
will be realized, political cooperation between the EU and the GCC will no longer be a
myth but an enforced reality.
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[1] Ambassador Arne Walther, The International Energy Forum and the Producer-
Consumer Dialogue, International Energy Forum Secretariat, Observatoire
Mediteraneen de lEnergie, Joint Workshop on the Producer-Consumer Dialogue,
Ankara, Turkey, 11 June 2004.
[2] The EU & the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),, April 2002.
[3] EC - DG Trade, Gulf Region: Overview of bilateral relations,
[4] European Commission (2000), Directorate General External Relations, Euro-Gulf
Cooperation Council Relations Overview.
[5] Bertelsmann Foundation, Center for Applied Policy Research (2002), The EU and the
GCC. A new Partnership, Center for Applied Policy Research (eds.), March 2002.
[6] Nivien Saleh, The European Union and the Gulf States: a growing partnership, middle
east policy, vol. vii, no. 1, October 1999.
[7] Newsletter, Issue 1, International Energy Forum Secretariat, December 2004.
[8] Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,, October 2004.
[9] International Energy Agency,, October
[10] International Energy Agency, Oil Market Report, January 18, 2005.
[11] 2
Joint IEA-OPEC Workshop on Oil Investment Prospects, International Energy
Agency, Paris 28 April 2004.
[12] Euromed Report, Interim Report on an EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean
and the Middle East, June 2004.
[13] EU2004.NL, Signing of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in Rome on 29
October 2004, Press release, 09/09/2004.
[14] Freshfields Bruckhaus, Deringer, Focus on the European constitution, Supplement to
Forecast, June/July 2004.
[15] EU-Russia Energy Dialogue: October 2004
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
The Relevance of the Energy Charter Treaty for EU-GCC
Author: Sanam SALEM HAGHIGHI (Law Department,
European University Institute EUI)
Project Title: EUROGULF: An EU-GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Project Ref.: 4.1041/D/02-008-S07 21089
Client: The Commission of the European Communities
Document Title: Institutional Aspects of EU-GCC Cooperation in the Field of Energy
Task Ref.: 5
Version 02.03.2005
Final Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 April 2005
Task 5 of the Project analyses the institutional aspects of the EU-GCC Cooperation in the
field of energy. Subtask 5.2 discusses the relevance of the Energy Charter Treaty for this
cooperation. This Treaty was conceived of as a tool to stabilise relations between oil and gas
exporting and importing countries. The initial inspiration was very much linked to the collapse
of the Former Soviet Union and the desire to establish a new European order, however
interest in this initiative widened, and what was initially called the European Energy Charter
became the Energy Charter tout court. However, membership has remained very much short
of universal, and the question should be raised whether the ECT is a useful blueprint for
global relations in the field of energy, and as such should be maintained as reference also in
relations between the EU and the GCC. This discussion will take into account also the
provisions of the WTO, of which all GCC countries are members - except Saudi Arabia, which
is expected to become a member in the near future.
2005 All rights reserved.
No part of this paper may be distributed, quoted or reproduced in any form without permission
by the author(s).
5.2. The Energy Charter Treaty and Future Membership of the GCC Countries Page 2 of 47
EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability EUROGULF: EUROGULF: An EU An EU- -GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability GCC Dialogue for Energy Stability and Sustainability
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2.1. The Trade Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty ........................................................................... 7
5.2.1.I. Future Rights and Obligations of the GCC Countries in the Energy Charter Treaty: National and
Most Favoured Nation Treatments.......................................................................................................... 8
5.2.1.II. Provisions of the ECT on Quantitative Restrictions on Import and Export ......................... 10
5.2.1.III. General Exceptions to Trade Embodied in Article XX GATT................................................... 11
5.2.1.III. a. OPEC Production Quotas and Prohibition of Quantitative Restrictions under the ECT.........13
5.2.1.IV. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the ECT ........................................................ 15
5.2.1.V. Trade-Related Investment Measures Agreement (TRIMs) and the ECT......................................... 16
5.2.1.VI. Agreements on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the ECT............................................. 17
5.2.1.VII. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the ECT............................................ 18
5.2.2. The Investment Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty ................................................................. 20
5.2.3. The Dispute Settlement System of the Energy Charter Treaty ..................................................................... 23
5.2.3.I. Investor-State Investment Arbitration ........................................................................................ 23
5.2.3. I. a. The Applicable Law in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System......................................25
5.2.3.II. State State Arbitration ........................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3.III. Trade-Related Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the ECT..................................................... 27
5.2.4. The Transit Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty........................................................................ 28
Concluding Remarks .............................................................................................................................. 32
Annex 5.2.A. Dual Pricing....................................................................................................................... 35
5.2. A. The Practice of Dual Pricing and the WTO Rules ....................................................................... 35
5.2.A.I. The Practice of Dual Pricing and the Case of Saudi Arabia...................................................... 35
5.2.A.II. Is Dual Pricing a Hidden Subsidy?........................................................................................... 37
5.2.A.III. The State Trading Enterprises, Subsidies and the Practice of Dual Pricing....................... 42
5.2.A.IV. The Rel evance of the Approach of the European Communi ty to the Practi ce of
Dual Pri ci ng for the WTO................................................................................................................ 44
5.2.A.V. The Exceptions to the Rules on Subsidies and the Issue of Dual Pricing .......................... 46
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The GCC Countries and their Future Membership
in the Energy Charter Treaty:
Rights and Obligations under the Energy Charter Treaty
The idea of an international treaty regulating energy trade, transit, and cross-border investment
was proposed at the European Council in Dublin on 25 June 1990. In reaction to the collapse of
the USSR and the vast endowment of energy resources in the former Soviet Union Countries
(FSU) an East-West energy corridor was proposed in order to secure Europe's need for energy
supplies and provide eastern countries with capital and technology. The Treaty sought to serve
as a political and legal foundation for cooperation between these two sets of countries and
enhance political stability throughout Europe by promoting eastern economic development.
The European Energy Charter was initially drawn up as a declaration of intent after the initial
proposal of the then Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, who launched the idea of a pan-
European energy community. The original idea was welcomed and expanded beyond a merely
European scheme to a multilateral effort comprising all OECD countries. This led to the
signature of the Charter on 16-17 December 1991 by 50 participating governments, including
the European Community. The negotiations on the Charter continued for another three years,
and led to the formation of the legally binding "Energy Charter Treaty" (hereinafter the ECT),
which was signed in Lisbon on December 17, 1994.
After the ratification of 30 states, the ECT
entered into force in April 1998.
The Energy Charter Treaty covers broad provisions on energy trade, transit, investment, energy
efficiency and dispute settlement. The Energy Charter Conference, the governing and decision
making body of the Treaty, authorizes negotiations on Energy Charter Protocols or Declarations
to pursue the objectives and principles of the Charter in separate instruments. These Protocols
envisage separate rules for more specific areas in the energy sector, or may address a certain
group of countries. The preamble of the Energy Charter Treaty - an important element in
determining the main objective of a Treaty - does elaborate, rather minimally, on the aims to be
achieved. The preamble refers to the 'desire' to establish the structural framework required to
implement the principles enunciated in the European Energy Charter
and the 'wish' to
implement the European Energy Charter's concept of 'catalyzing economic growth by means of
For the text of the Energy Charter Treaty see 35 ILM 509 (1995), or see
52 States, including the European Community, are the signatories of the Energy Charter Treaty at the time of writing
(47 of them had already ratified the Treaty). Australia, Belarus, Iceland, Norway, and Russia have not yet ratified the
Treaty. 14 countries are observers: Algeria, Bahrain, China, Iran, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. Russia and Belarus apply
the Treaty provisionally.
The text of the 'European Energy Charter - which is the initial effort to create a Treaty regulating energy cooperation
between East and West - has not been integrated in the ECT. Therefore, repeated reference to the "European Energy
Charter" necessitates the interpretation of the provisions of the ECT while having regard to the clauses of the European
Energy Charter.
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measures to liberalize investment and trade in energy', and the 'necessity for the most efficient
exploration, production, conversion, storage, transport, distribution and use of energy'.
The preamble also refers to the importance of competition rules, and the significance of the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change, and the Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution. Article 2 articulates
the "purpose of the Treaty" to establish 'a legal framework in order to promote long-term
cooperation in the energy field based on complementarities and mutual benefits, in accordance
with the objectives and principles of the Charter'.
The remainder of the preamble refers to the importance of the membership of the contracting
parties of the Charter in the World Trade Organization. In fact, the trade provisions of the ECT
are the mirror-image of the trade rules embodied in the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT).
The ECT provisions seek not only to guarantee the safe and secure investment in, and trade
with GCC countries, but also contribute to their industrial development, and protect their
outward investment and trade. In January 2003, the Secretary General of the Energy Charter
Secretariat (hereinafter ECS) highlighted the 'tremendous advantages' that accession to the
Treaty would bring to oil and gas exporting countries'.
The ECT seeks to overcome existing
legal problems of today's energy environment and guarantee stable political and economic
cooperation. For that purpose, membership of the ECT would make the voice of some of the
most important energy-rich countries heard in the progressive definition of an energy regime at
the international level. Although the Treaty may be seen as one of the many ways through
which energy cooperation can be developed, the ECT has surely created a preferential
investment, trade and transit area that the GCC Countries could be interested in being a part of.
Although members of the GCC were not asked to participate in Treaty negotiations, no
provision impedes their eventual membership. While the main objective of the Treaty was to
build an energy community between two sides of the iron curtain, which has led some to believe
that non-ratification of Russia has rendered the Treaty futile, its scope has expanded by
granting observer status to other important energy producing countries, from Algeria and
Nigeria to Iran and all members of the GCC. Although Russia's rejection to accede to the Treaty
should not be considered as an obstacle to the development of the Treaty in gradually
strengthening energy co-operation between many actors, energy producing and consuming
alike, the lack of the membership of all the major energy producing countries in the ECT (except
Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan that are already members), should be analyzed for the energy
security purposes of the European Union. It is also appropriate to address the issue of possible
See the report issued by the OPEC News Agency, January 2003, reproduced in
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membership of the GCC countries to the ECT and discuss the advantages that this membership
may bring to these countries and to the international energy community as a whole.
There are three ways that Members of the GCC can be involved in the activities of the ECT.
They can either accede to the Energy Charter Treaty, or establish an association agreement or
obtain observer status. 'Observer status' does not create any rights or obligations for the
observing countries. It provides them with the possibility of being in close contact with the ECT
and allows them to present their views on specific measures. An association agreement creates
obligations for the associated country which could either fall short or add to the provisions of the
ECT. However, the provisions of an association agreement should be eventually approved by a
unanimous vote of the ECT Contracting Parties (Article 36(1) (c)). Upon accession, the rights
and obligations embodied in the ECT will be extended to cover the GCC Countries. It is,
therefore, necessary to examine carefully all the provisions of the Treaty and determine in
which areas they need to reform their legal regime and to what extent they can obtain
exceptions due to a conflict of obligations arising out of their membership in other institutions
such as OPEC.
Although nothing in the ECT provisions prevents the membership of the countries of the GCC,
their status at the ECT level has remained as mere observers and there are no indications to
their eventual membership. One reason could be the reluctance of the countries to subject
themselves to a Treaty in the creation of which they played no role. The negotiations on the
ECT was initially about the energy cooperation between Europe and the FSU countries focusing
on the interests of these two blocks, and the GCC countries may claim that its provisions do not
reflect their interests and demands. The question remains as what these demands and
interests really are.
Hence, the first step is to analyze in detail the provisions of the ECT in order to establish a
comprehensive study of what this treaty seeks to achieve. This study is provided below. The
second step is to identify the shortcomings of the ECT from the point of view of the energy
producing countries of the GCC. The paper concludes by referring to the role of the Energy
Charter Treaty in the relationship between the European Union and the countries of the GCC
and by highlighting the necessary steps that should be taken at the level of the ECS to
strengthen its role as an institution that is specifically designed to address the issues of concern
for both consuming and producing nations.
The GCC, as a separate body, cannot become a member of the ECT because this Treaty is only open to accession by
states and Regional Economic Organizations (Article 1(3)) (the definition of an REIO does not cover the GCC because
at least a limited state competence should be handed over to the Council by the GCC countries in some fields) (Article
41). In other words, some kind of supra-nationalism should be exercised by the Council. The GCC established an
"Economic Integration Agreement" (See Article 25 ECT), which is different from REIO. Neither customs unions nor free
trade areas are sufficient to qualify as a REIO. However, this does not prevent the GCC to obtain observer status in the
ECT or conclude an association agreement with the ECT.
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Before analyzing the provisions of the ECT it should be mentioned that the membership of the
Gulf countries touches upon two other important questions. One is whether Europe is still eager
to negotiate with major energy producing countries through the channel of the ECT. Recently,
different attitude of the European Commission can be sensed in approaching the major energy
producing countries independent from the ECT channel. Although that does not per se create a
legal problem,
this approach is unsolicited, especially considering the role that Europe played
in initiating the negotiations on the ECT while conveying the message that multilateralism in
energy cooperation better guarantees Europes security of energy supply. If there is a change of
attitude on the part of Europe to abandon this principle, it should be clarified in order to start
fresh negotiations with individual energy producing countries, and no longer drag the issue of
the relevance of the ECT for those countries. The second question, which should be
addressed to the major energy producing countries, is what advantages are there for them to
join a multilateral treaty where they may better satisfy their demands bilaterally or regionally. It
is time for the Energy Charter Secretariat to prepare a comprehensive study of the advantages
that the membership of the ECT has brought to the energy producing countries, members of the
ECT, such as Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Such report could bring the relevance of the
Treaty for these countries to light.
It should briefly be highlighted here that for the purposes of our project, two other studies should
also be considered in parallel to this work. These studies are not elaborated on in this paper but
their relevance for completing the picture is indisputable: 1) a study on the investment climate of
the GCC Countries
and 2) an analysis of the climate of GCC outward investment in other
Contracting Parties of the ECT. Investment could be facilitated if it is on a mutual basis and
these studies can reveal those areas where investment can be further promoted, and also
determine those sectors in which GCC countries wish to invest. Although these two studies
highlight the importance of investment in these countries, it should not be forgotten that the
question still lingers as to whether the ECT is the best tool in satisfying the investment demands
of these countries, if any.
There is ample literature analyzing the various provisions of the ECT and the ways through
which they should be interpreted. The focus here, however, is to analyze those provisions that
are most relevant for the Gulf countries. This study is undertaken to give a brief overview of the
most important provisions of the Treaty and also to determine the potential conflict of the
provisions of the ECT with the long-practiced obligations of those countries of the GCC that are
also members of the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Contracting Parties to an international treaty are obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and the
purpose of treaty because every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by them in good
faith. This obligation also applies when the Contracting Party enters into another treaty with a third country, unless that
Contracting party decides to withdraw from the treaty altogether, following the procedure of Article 47 of the ECT.
The 2001 study on the investment climate in the GCC Countries should be updated to reflect the recent changes in the
investment regimes of these countries.
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Members of the GCC OPEC Membership WTO Membership ECT Membership
Bahrain N Y (1995) Observer
Kuwait Y Y (1995) Observer
Oman N Y (2000) Observer
Saudi Arabia Y N Observer
Qatar Y Y (1996) Observer
UAE Y Y (1996) Observer
5.2.1. The Trade Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty
The inclusion of trade rules within the ambit of the ECT is not surprising. Petroleum has been
'the single most important commodity both in value and volume terms, traded internationally,
accounting for nearly a third of world seaborne trade'.
At the time of drafting the ECT in 1991,
negotiators based the trade rules on the then-existing GATT 1947 and Related Instruments.
Later, in 1998, they took account of the new provisions contained in the 1994 Marrakech
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and its Annexes. These new provisions
replaced the old trade rules of the ECT and are elaborated in the 'Amendment to the trade-
related provisions of the ECT' (the "Trade Amendment"). The goal of the ECT in incorporating
the GATT/WTO trade regime into the Treaty was to introduce the standards of international
trade in the energy sector, as embodied in the GATT/WTO, and take advantage of the well-
established expertise of that system in regulating international trade. The incorporation of GATT
rules in the ECT was perceived as facilitating the integration of FSU members into the
multilateral trading system and their future accession to the WTO system.
The idea was not to
extend GATT rules to non-parties of GATT, but make them acquainted with their application in
the energy sector.
With respect to GCC Countries, this particular aim can only be extended to
benefit Saudi Arabia as the only GCC country not yet member of the WTO.
Although the trade rules of GATT are incorporated in the ECT, their interpretation should not
overlook the peculiarities of the energy sector in general and trade in energy products, materials
and equipment in particular. Energy, its products and materials, have unique characteristics.
The way they move across borders is associated with various concerns and sensitivities that do
not exist in other forms of commodity transfers (e.g. transfer through grids and pipelines, no
storage facility for electricity etc.). Moreover, a history of strong state-owned and vertically
integrated operators that controlled, or still control the sector, should be a yardstick against
See GATT study of 1988, GATT Doc. MTN.GNG/NG3/W/16 at 12.
7 out of 15 Soviet Union Republics are already members of the WTO: Armenia (2003), Estonia (1999), Georgia
(2000), Kyrgyz Republic (1998), Latvia (1999), Lithuania (2001), Moldova (2001).
See in general, I. Frasl, "The Trade Rules of GATT and Related Instruments, and the Energy Charter Treaty" in T.
Wlde (ed.) The Energy Charter Treaty: an East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade (London: Kluwer Law
International 1996) [hereinafter East-West].
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which the incorporated GATT rules should be analyzed.
The details of application of trade
rules in the ECT are described below.
5.2.1.I. Future Rights and Obligations of the GCC Countries in the Energy
Charter Treaty: National and Most Favoured Nation Treatments
National treatment (NT) and Most Favoured Nation treatment (MFN Treatment) are the two
most important principles applied in the context of the WTO (Article I and III), which are
incorporated in the ECT (Article 29(2)(a)). The explanation of these two principles clarifies the
rights and obligations of future members of the ECT, here the GCC Countries, in not only these
activities related to the importation of energy-related materials and equipment for exploration
and production of energy, but also in the sale of energy to importing countries.
Based on MFN principle, the products of any contracting party imported into the territory of any
other contracting party shall be afforded treatment 'no less favourable than that accorded to 'like
products' of national origin...'. Therefore, if any advantage or privilege is given to any
Contracting Party, this advantage should be given, immediately and unconditionally, to any 'like'
product of any other Contracting Party, both at the border and in the market of that Contracting
The National treatment principle in trade in energy prescribes that imports should be treated
similarly to 'like' domestic products.
The importing Contracting Party is allowed to tax the
product, here an energy product, or subject them to internal regulation. However, as long as the
same tax or regulation applies to domestic energy products no claim of discrimination can be
For example, a law that allows only nationals of a country to obtain a trade license to
engage in importation activities could be challenged based on this provision.
In order to determine 'likeness' of energy products, reference is generally made to the degree of
competitiveness of two products through the method of tariff classification of various types, their
nature and quality, or the broader category of 'directly competitive or substitutable products'. If
See Trade in Energy: WTO Rules Applying under the Energy Charter Treaty (Brussels: Energy Charter Secretariat
2001) at 9-11 [hereinafter the ECS Report]. They later elaborate on why trade in energy is special by enumerating the
various concerns and sensibilities associated with this trade. Included in these particular characteristics, they mention
claim to national sovereignty, social welfare concerns, political stability, energy being a scarce product which should be
dealt with differently than any other product, the economic role of energy, environmental issues associated with
exploration, production, and use of energy, and the social function of energy to ensure everyone a secure access to
energy at a reasonable price.
For the limits on the application of this rule see Article I of GATT.
For an analysis of the 'likeness' concept see R. Zedalis, "A Theory of the GATT 'like' Product Common Language
Cases" (1994) 27 Vanderbilt J. Tran'l L. 33. See also G. Verhoosel, National Treatment and WTO Dispute Settlement:
Adjudicating the Boundaries of Regulatory Autonomy (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2002) at 23. See also W. Choi, Like
Products in International Trade Law: towards a Consistent GATT/WTO Jurisprudence, (Oxford: OUP 2004).
It should be added that based on Article III (4) different charges imposed on the transmission or distribution of energy
are justified if they are exclusively based on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the nationality
of the product concerned. Article III(4) provides: "The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the
territory of any other contracting party shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of
national origin in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase,
transportation, distribution or use. The provisions of this paragraph shall not prevent the application of differential internal
transportation charges which are based exclusively on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the
nationality of the product".
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tariffs imposed on various types of energies, from electricity to nuclear and natural gas, are not
the same and their physical characteristics are different, they cannot be considered like
products. For instance, it is not possible to differentiate between the electricity generated from
renewable resources and nuclear-generated electricity. Their end-use is the same, and so are
their physical characteristics and their tariff classification.
Therefore, they will be considered
'like products' for the purposes of the MFN treatment.
For substitutability of energy products, on the other hand, it should be determined whether
consumers would consider two products as alternative ways of satisfying a particular need or
taste. This is confirmed by the WTO jurisprudence that 'potential competition' is also sufficient to
establish 'direct competitiveness' as they are capable of being substituted by one another.
this respect and in relation to oil and natural gas, the principle should be approached with
caution. Gas and oil are substitutes in a range of energy uses but there is an 'asymmetry'. "Oil
can easily replace gas in virtually all the sectors where gas has an established market, but gas
has greater difficulty in replacing oil in the transport sector where gasoline, automotive diesel
and jet kerosene have their stronghold".
Therefore, here again, depending on the energy
source and the sector in which that energy is used, the principle is approached differently. As
there is growing flexibility in switching from one source of energy to another due to
technological advances,
the analysis of dissimilar taxes will definitely change over time and
should, therefore, be done on a case by case basis.
A 'Customs Union' exists among GCC Countries since 1 January 2003. Based on the WTO
rules, as incorporated in the ECT, some privileges can be exchanged between the constituent
parties of a Customs Union without them being obliged to extend it to other Contracting Parties
of the ECT. However, some conditions should first be met for this Union to fit within the
definition of the WTOs Customs Union.
One important condition is that uniform tariffs or other
regulation of commerce should be maintained "for a substantial part of the trade". The
contribution of a Customs Union, i.e. contributing to the expansion of world trade through closer
economic integration between some countries (as embodied in the WTO), is said to diminish if
duties are eliminated in some but not all sectors. Although Article 2 of the "Unified Economic
Agreement between the GCC Countries" extends trade among the GCC Countries to
agriculture, animal, industrial and natural resource products, it remains to be seen to what
extent this trade is freely exchanged between GCC Countries in practice. Some submit that still
See the ECS Report at 21.
See Panel Report on Korea, taxes on beverages, at 114.
See R. Mabro, "Saudi Arabia's Natural Gas: A Glimpse at Complex Issues" (October 2002) Oxford Energy Comment
See also OECD, Environmentally-Related Taxes in OECD Countries, Issues and Strategies (Paris: OECD 2001) at
See S. Zarrilli, "Domestic Taxation of Energy Products and Multilateral Trade Rules: Is this a Case of Unlawful
Discrimination?" (2003) 37 Journal of World Trade 359 at 382.
Compare Article 4 of the GCC "Economic Cooperation Agreement" with Article 24 (4)(a) of the ECT and Article XXIV
of the GATT and its 'Understanding' as incorporated in the ECT.
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a large number of national products enjoy protection and are excluded from the coverage of the
Customs Union.
To sum up, laws, regulations and requirements affecting the internal sale, offering for sale,
purchase, transportation, distribution or use of energy in every member country of the ECT
should be examined in order to determine compliance with these principles. This consideration
will both guarantee the non-discriminatory importation of GCC energy in other countries of the
ECT, and the non-discriminatory importation of energy equipment to GCC countries to be used
in energy activities, such as in energy exploration and production.
After explaining the two most important principles embodied in the ECT, we should now turn to
the issue of 'quantitative restrictions' on the importation or exportation of energy products, which
is relevant for those countries of the GCC that are also members of OPEC, namely Kuwait,
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE.
5.2.1.II. Provisions of the ECT on Quantitative Restrictions on Import
and Export
The imposition of quantitative restrictions, such as bans, quotas or licenses or other measures
that have equivalent effect
on the importation or exportation of energy products are prohibited
by Article XI GATT. Imposition of quantitative restrictions results in discrimination between the
imported and domestic products and they are deemed to cause 'nullification and impairment of
benefits accruing under GATT not only because of any effect they have on the volume of trade
but also for their role in increasing transaction costs and creating uncertainties, which could
affect investment plans'.
This provision, however, is a soft law obligation in the ECT as it
mentions that Contracting Parties shall 'endeavour' not to increase any customs duty or charge
of any kind imposed on or in connection with the exportation of Energy Materials, Products and
Equipment or their importation, above the level most recently notified to the Secretariat (Article
The exceptions provided for in the context of Article XI are relevant here.
1. This Article provides that export restrictions are justified if they are adopted in order to
'prevent' or 'relieve critical shortages of products' essential to the exporting ECT Contracting
Quantitative restrictions do not apply to price-based restrictions, i.e. duties, taxes, or other charges. These fall under
Article II on tariff binding or Article III on internal taxes. See also the ECS Report at 40.
See the Panel Report on Japan Measures on Imports of Leather, L/5623, adopted on 15/16 May 1984, 31S/94,
paras. 47-48, 53, 55.
For exceptions to this rule see Article 29(2)(b) and Annex W which provides a list of those WTO Agreements that
were not incorporated in the ECT (e.g. Agreement on Textiles and Clothing or Agriculture).
Article XII (2)(b).
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2. The second exception provided in Article XI(2)(b) deals with import and export prohibitions or
restrictions 'necessary to the application of standards or regulations for the classification,
grading, or marketing of commodities in international trade'.
This exception could be applied to
a situation where the export of some energy products from an energy producing country is
limited due to the fact that they do not maintain some quality standards which, if not prohibited,
reduce the country's ability to keep its trading/marketing opportunities.
3. Restrictions are justified for balance of payment purposes (GATT Article XII). They can only
be justified on an MFN basis and should apply to all imported products (Article XII (2)) unless
they are 'essential products', i.e. products vital for basic consumption needs. Energy products
could fall within this category (Article XII (3)(b)). Therefore, an exporting country dealing with an
importing country with balance of payment difficulties could still be sure of the continuity of its
energy importation.
It is important to mention that all these rules are applied in the same manner to enterprises
under direct control of a given government. Based on Article XVII, these enterprises are either
state enterprises or those enterprises to which the government grants exclusive or special
These enterprises are important for energy trade purposes because historically
they have played a very important role in managing the energy market, and governments have
exercised a substantial control over their activities. Nothing in the WTO system, and for that
purpose the ECT, limits governments' rights to establish these types of enterprises. However,
they shall act in a manner consistent with the general principles of non-discriminatory treatment
prescribed in the GATT. The activities of state enterprises in the field of energy have not been
scrutinized as such by the WTO system. However, the more energy markets liberalize and
energy producing countries join the WTO the more likely that their activities are examined. In
addition, there will be ample opportunity for the inspection of these activities within the
framework of the ECT.
5.2.1.III. General Exceptions to Trade Embodied in Article XX GATT
In order for an exception to be justified under Article XX, it should first fall under one of the
categories of exceptions mentioned in the Treaty, and also it should not be applied in a manner
which would 'constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries
where the same conditions prevail', or which 'constitutes a means of disguised restriction on
international trade' (the so-called Chapeau of Article XX). Four exceptions are most relevant for
trade in energy:
See Panel Report on Canada-Measures Affecting Exports of Unprocessed Herring and Salmon, adopted on 22
March 1988, L/6268, BISD 35S/98, 112, para. 4.3. See also the Secretariat Report at 43.
There is no consensus as to the definition of a state trading enterprise. Although the first and second paragraph of
Article XVII seeks to provide a definition, the provision is too broad to clarify the exact scope and definitional criteria of
these enterprises.
See Article 29(2)(a) and 22 of the ECT. See also Operations of State Trading Enterprises as They Relate to
International Trade (WTO 1995). See also an elaborate analysis of such activity in the Annex attached on dual pricing
and the accession of Saudi Arabia to the WTO.
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1) Measures necessary to protect human, animal, or plant life or health (Article XX(b)): This
exception is only acceptable if no such alternative existed and if that is the case, the restriction
should entail the least degree of inconsistency with other GATT provisions.
Imposition of
higher taxes on oil that was produced in a non-environmentally friendly manner can be justified,
for instance, only if other alternatives - labelling the product as having been produced in an
environmentally unfriendly manner - do not exist.
2) Measures relating to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources if such measures are
made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption: This
exception can be widely used by energy producing countries when they restrict export of energy
due to the fact that their reserves are in danger of depletion or because the exploration
techniques are not sufficiently well-developed to avoid the loss of energy, among other things. If
it is shown that the concern results in a decrease of domestic consumption (non-discrimination
principle), the country can resort to this exception.
The fact that energy reserves are exhaustible is common knowledge,
and only its degree and
the time period after which a reserve will be depleted is controversial.
It is doubtful that the
degree with which the exhaustion rate is determined will be used in order to accept a claim
based on this provision and therefore, it seems that an energy producing country can rely on
this provision to protect its energy reserves without having the burden of proof by calculating the
rate of depletion. ECT goes further by preserving the right for each state to decide on the
recovery rate of a reserve found in its territory and geographical area to be made available for
exploration and development of energy resources (Article 18).
3) Measures necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not
inconsistent with GATT, including those relating to customs enforcement and enforcement of
monopolies: A contracting party is not asked to change its substantive law or its desired level of
enforcement of that law, provided that such law does not discriminate between domestic and
foreign products.
4) Measures essential to the acquisition or distribution of products in general or local short
See Panel Report on Thailand Restrictions on Importation of and Internal Taxes on Cigarettes, adopted on 7
November 1990, DS10/R, BISD 37S/200, paras. 74-75.
See the Appellate Body Report United States Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, October
12, 1998, (WT/DS58/AB/R).
The controversy is over the method used for determining the time during which the reserve will be exhausted which is
a ratio of reserve to production (R/P ratio) that necessitates the knowledge about the capacity of a reserve and the rate
of production of that reserve. This method is not accepted by many as the most accurate way for determining the rate of
exhaustion of a reserve.
See the GATT Panel Report, United States Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, L/6439, adopted on 7 November
1989, 36S/345, paras. 5.25 5.27.
Another exception within the ambit of Article XX should be mentioned here. Measures involving restrictions on
exports of domestic materials necessary to ensure essential quantities of such materials to a domestic processing
industry, during periods when the domestic price of such materials is held below the world price as part of a
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Article XXI (b) also adds another category of exception as those related to security matters, and
allows a member country to take action which it considers necessary for the protection of its
'essential' security interests. For example, a country could ban the import of nuclear energy for
security purposes or prohibit export of energy if it is used for military purposes in another
Measures to prevent any contracting party from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations
under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security is
another permitted act in the ambit of which, for example, an UN-based embargo allows the
prohibition of energy exports to the embargoed country (Article XXI (c)).
5.2.1.III. a. OPEC Production Quotas and Prohibition of Quantitative Restrictions under the ECT
OPEC is an international organization of 11 members and membership is open to those
countries 'with a substantial net export of crude petroleum, which has fundamentally similar
interests to those of Member countries of OPEC'.
The principal aim of the Organization is 1)
Coordination and unification of the petroleum policies of member countries, and 2)
determination of the best means for safeguarding their interests, individually and collectively
(Article 2). The organization shall
Devise ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil
markets with a view to eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations. Due
regard shall be given at all times to the interests of the producing nations and to
the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing counties, an efficient,
economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations, and a fair return
on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.
In order to pursue the price-stabilization objectives, OPEC adopts quota setting and
management of supplies through supervision of production in each member country.
In order to compare these activities with obligations in the WTO two issues should be
mentioned: Firstly, already in 1950 a Report of the Working Party of the GATT examined the
use of export restrictions that are applied for protective, promotional, or other commercial
purposes, two of which are relevant for our study.
1) Export restrictions on the export of raw
materials, in order to protect or promote a domestic industry (through reduction of supply or
price advantage to the industry for the purchase of its materials), or 2) Export restrictions used
to avoid price competition among exporters (through maintenance of export price). Secondly, as
long as GATT case law is concerned, 'price setting techniques' are prohibited based on Article
governmental stabilization plan, are allowed. Such restrictions shall not operate to increase the exports of or the
protection afforded to such domestic industry, and shall not depart from the provisions of this Agreement relating to
non-discrimination. When there is a need for an industry to use a domestic energy source as an input, an export
prohibition is allowed only if that ban is taken in association with a governmental stabilization plan, which seeks to keep
the domestic prices of energy below world market prices. Again this article should be interpreted on a case by case
basis and the objective of any given export restriction should be determined.
See Article 7 of the OPEC Statute at
See GATT, Analytical Index: Guide to GATT Law and Practice, 6
Edition, Geneva 1994 at 297.
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XI on quantitative restrictions. In a GATT Panel Report, it was mentioned that the 'import
regulation allowing the import of a product in principle but not below a minimum price level
constituted a restriction on importation, and the same principle was found to cover restrictions
on exports below certain prices.
Therefore, the extent to which OPEC decisions restricting
supplies are caused by links to prices within OPEC-approved price band or any other threshold,
such measures could qualify as quantitative restrictions.
Another application of Article XI to
OPEC activities is the management of supplies through issuance of production quotas.
Although Article XI deals with export quotas, the direct link between production quotas and
export quotas cannot be overlooked especially when a large amount of domestic production is
used for export. Therefore, it could be argued that OPEC activities are in violation of WTO
for that purpose, the ECT regulations.
What is, however, interesting is that OPECs practice has never been raised as a violation of
WTO rules in a GATT or WTO Panel (neither from a violation of GATT Article XI nor from an
anti competitive perspective).
The non-existence of any claim so far is clearly due to political
consideration playing a role outside the ambit of the WTO.
There is argument as to the possibility of using Article XX exception to GATT trade rules in
order to exempt the activities of OPEC in establishing production quotas from obligations of
Article XI on prohibition on quantitative restrictions. As mentioned above one possible exception
to GATT rules is when a specific measure is undertaken to conserve exhaustible natural
resources. As energy reserves are exhaustible, some believe that the OPEC's production quota
policy can be linked to conservation of energy reserves. They argue that "conservation of a
mineral resource such as oil cannot be seen in isolation from the financial return of its
exploitation for its owners, and production restriction decisions caused by falling market prices
should be construed as relating to the conservation of the resource".
It remains to be seen
whether this argument could be sustained considering that the main objective of OPEC's price
See the Panel Report Japan Trade in Semi Conductors, L/6309 BISD 35S/116, adopted on 4 May 1988, para.105.
See also M. G. Desta, "The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties, the World Trade Organization, and
Regional Trade Agreements" (2003) 37 Journal of World Trade 523 at 534.
See for example the WTO evaluation of Venezuela and Nigeria's production quotas in the framework of their
obligations under OPEC in WT/TPR/S/10 and WT/TPR/S/39.
There is controversy whether OPEC is a cartel. OPEC argues that it is not a cartel because firstly it controls only less
than one half of the petroleum market and secondly it responds to both low and high oil prices. See luncheon address
by former OPEC Secretary General, R. Lukman, to the 16
World Petroleum Congress, Calgary, Canada, 13 June
2000. For counter-arguments see M. G. Desta, supra note 36 at 547.
However, OPEC's activities were challenged as anti-competitive in the United States. The first claim was brought in
1979 by a US labor Union before the US District Court for the Central District of California. This claim was dismissed by
the Court, among other things, on the ground that the activities of OPEC members were within their acts as sovereign
states to which no claim could be made. The Appellate Court accepted the lower court's judgment but based its
argument on 'act of state' doctrine, which does not allow a court of one country to judge the acts of other governments.
The second claim was brought in the United States before the District Court for the Northern District of Alabama in April
2000 by Prewitt Enterprises, a company operating a gas station in Alabama. This company claimed that the activities of
OPEC are adversely affecting its company because of price fluctuation. The District Court accepted the claim and
interpreted the 'sovereign act' and 'act of state doctrine' differently in a way to address OPEC as an international
organization and not comprised of sovereign states. OPEC condemned this decision and filed an appeal in April 2001
and the Appeals court ruled that procedural regulations were not properly done and summons were not correctly
served. It remains to be seen how this challenge will be brought up again.
See Desta, supra note 36 at 536.
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band and production management is not said to be about conservation of energy resources of
OPEC member countries. Therefore, it should be revealed whether this indirect effect, that
some suggest, can be sustained.
5.2.1.IV. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and the ECT
The Agreement on Technical Barriers to trade came into existence in order to prevent the use
of barriers, through imposition of regulations and standards that adversely affect the free flow of
goods with the aim of protecting the domestic producers to the disadvantage of importers. This
Agreement tends to prohibit technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment
that could be imposed by importing countries or the non-governmental bodies, for
reasons other than protection of human health or safety, national security requirements,
prevention of deceptive practices, animal or plant life or health, or the environment (non-
exhaustive list).
For energy purposes, the complexity of technical regulations, standards and
procedures necessitated the incorporation of this Agreement in the ECT. Since the ECT also
covers 'energy-related equipment', the imported equipment used for energy exploration,
production, transmission and distribution falls under the incorporated provisions of the TBT.
Parties are required to use international standards 'as a basis' for their technical regulations,
except when they would be ineffective or inappropriate for the fulfilment of the legitimate
objectives (Article 2.2.4). For energy purposes, the regulations related to the protection of
environment are relevant. However, regulations that demand higher environmental standards
for the production of a specific type of imported energy could be justified if the importing country
applies the same or higher standards to its domestic production.
This should also be done
without adversely affecting the competitive position of the exporting countries and their access
to their main trading partners' markets.
Based on the definition of a technical regulation, a technical energy regulation should address
product characteristics or their related 'processes' and 'production methods'. A technical
regulation can be imposed on the imported energy if the process or the method through which
energy is produced affects, firstly, the characteristic of that energy and, secondly, is not
protective of the environment. For this definition to apply various sources of energy should be
dealt with differently. As the Secretariat Report rightly highlights, the way electricity is produced
does not alter the physical characteristic of the final product of electricity.
The final product is
electricity no matter if it is produced by renewable or nuclear. Therefore, the adoption of a
For the definition of technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment procedures see the TBT
Agreement, Annex 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
See the TBT Agreement Article 2.2. This list is not exhaustive.
See the list of energy-related equipments in Annex EQ I and EQ II. See also the ECS Report at 68.
See the WTO Panel Report on US Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, adopted on 20 May
1996, WTO/DS2/R, paras. 6.5-6.16).
See UNCTAD, Trade Agreements, Petroleum and Energy Policies (New York: UN 2000) at 38.
See also the ECS Report at 69.
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technical regulation with an environmental objective is not accepted under the TBT Agreement
for electricity exactly because the 'process' is not related to the characteristics of electricity.
However, the way natural gas and crude oil are produced could change their characteristics.
The technical regulation could address their processing method and restrict their import if the
method, for example, does not extract all impurities. Here, depending on how the regulation
addresses the issue, its acceptability can be justified. For example, the regulation can require a
specific percentage of carbon dioxide in the imported natural gas, or can require that the
product has a minimum level of pollution or flammability depending on which has a less trade
distorting effect. The same analysis is applicable to crude oil and its refining process.
From what was said above, it is clear that each matter should be approached on a case by case
basis as there are various methods and processes through which energy sources are produced.
As this discussion reveals, the limits on imports through technical regulations can be of
relevance to exporting countries where, for example, they impose regulations on the importation
of energy-related equipment for exploration or production, or when their energy export faces
some barriers in the form of technical regulations, standards or conformity assessment
procedures in the importing country. Although in the GCC countries standards and labelling
practices have restricted trade, they are mostly applied in relation to food and pharmaceutical
products. However, it is necessary to inquire about the energy regulations in these countries to
determine those regulations that could be considered as 'technical' in the sense of this
Agreement as incorporated in the ECT.
5.2.1.V. Trade-Related Investment Measures Agreement (TRIMs) and the ECT
The TRIMs Agreement only applies to investment measures as they relate to trade in goods.
The agreement also provides that no signatories shall apply any TRIM inconsistent with Articles
III and XI (National Treatment and General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions) of the GATT
1994. A list of these measures, which are deemed to be inconsistent with the above articles, is
annexed to the Agreement.
There is no consensus on how best to determine the effects of TRIMs. Some TRIMs, such as
local content requirements, trade balancing requirements and minimum export requirements are
quite common and their trade effects clear, and they are prohibited in the TRIMs Agreement.
Some other measures which could be argued as having trade distorting effects are not
prohibited. For example, 'export performance requirement' that obliges the investor to export a
certain share of its output, or 'product mandate requirement' which requires that the investor
supplies certain markets with a designated product or products manufactured from a specified
facility or operation, and 'investment incentives', which provides tax holidays, cash grants and
See TRIMs Agreement Annex, Art. 1 (a) and 1(b).
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loan guarantees, are not prohibited.
All of these measures are widely used in the energy
sector and, hence, Article 5 of the ECT enumerates some measures as contained in the TRIMs
The main problem with respect to these measures is that their trade-distorting effect is not at all
clear in many areas and many sectors. It is vital to approach the issue on a sector by sector
basis. In the energy sector, specifically, an analysis of trade distorting effects of trade-related
investment measures should be completed in order to determine to what extent the ECT should
remain under influence of the WTO in this respect. This is because, as some scholars have
concluded, "TRIMs are not necessarily bad".
What they conclude is that there should be a
balance struck between investment incentives (for those countries in dire need of investment),
and investment disincentives. If all trade-related investment measures are outlawed there is the
risk that those that are beneficial for the host country are eliminated when their real trade effect
is not proved. An empirical study should be undertaken within the Charter Secretariat to
highlight the most important investment measures that are investment incentives, and balance
them with their potential trade effect in the energy sector. As the negotiation on an investment
agreement within the WTO and also in the broader framework of a multilateral agreement on
investment (MAI) has proved unsuccessful until now, there is the perception that the same may
happen within the context of the ECT. Nonetheless, this should not prevent a thorough analysis
of trade-related investment measures within the ECT where the promotion of investment is
considered as one of its main objectives.
5.2.1.VI. Agreements on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the ECT
The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of the WTO classifies subsidies as
prohibited, actionable and non-Actionable subsidies. Subsidies, as defined by Article 1.1 of
the 'Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures', are prohibited if they are 1)
financial contributions 2) by a government or any public body within the territory of a Member
State which 3) confers a benefit. All three requirements mentioned above should be satisfied for
an act to be considered as a subsidy under the WTO.
A contribution can be in the form of
A. Subramanian & P. Low, "TRIMs in the Uruguay Round: An Unfinished Business", in W. Martin & L. A. Winters
(Eds.) the Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) at 417. R. H.
Edwards Jr. & S.N. Lester, "Towards a More Comprehensive World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Related
Investment Measures" (1997) 33 Stan. J. Int'l L. 169 at 202. See S. Guisinger, "Do Performance Requirements and
Investment Incentives Work?" (1986) 9 World Economy 79 at 90. See also P. Sauv, "A First Look at Investment in the
Final Act of the Uruguay Round" (1994) 28 J. World T. 5 at 8. P. Sauv, "Qs and As on Trade, Investment and the
WTO" (1997) 31 J. World T. 55 at 61.
M. E. Footer, "Trade and Investment Measures in the Energy Charter Treaty", in Wlde East and West, supra note 10
at 458.
Some subsidies fall outside the Agreement on Subsidies. Article III(8)(b) permits payment of subsidies only to domestic
producers and not to foreign producers. Therefore, discrimination against foreign producers will not be considered as a
violation of national treatment. This Article, however, has been interpreted narrowly. Firstly, these subsidies should
exclusively be addressed to domestic producers and not to domestic purchasers. In other words, subsidies can only be
granted to producers of energy and not to facilitate purchase of specific energy machinery for the production of energy.
Secondly, there is a difference between tax exemptions in the form of a subsidy and direct payment. Payments to domestic
producers only - from the taxes previously collected on a non-discriminatory basis - are justified under this exception. Here
there is a clear distinction between taxes and subsidies. At the first stage taxes are collected from both domestic and
foreign producers and the proceeds from non-discriminatory product taxes may be used for subsequent subsidies. The idea
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direct or potential transfer of funds, forgone or relinquished government revenue, provision of
goods or services or purchase of goods by the government for an entity, and making payments
to a funding mechanism.
However, as long as subsidies are to provide petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas to
all domestic consumers at prices below those prevailing in the international market and not
only to some specific consumers, it does not fall within the ambit of the provisions of this
Agreement. Nonetheless, based on Articles 2.1(C) of this Agreement other factors will be
considered if there are reasons to believe that the subsidy may in fact be specific.
While there is no GCC-wide export subsidy program, certain member states have programs to
support local industries. For example, Bahrain has phased out most subsidies for export
industries but permits duty-free importation of raw materials for export products and of
equipment and machinery for newly established industries, and Oman Development Bank
provided export payment guarantees below local market rates. Along the same line of
reasoning, a government subsidy to all industries or enterprises in difficulty cannot be specific
for the purposes of this Agreement.
It can be submitted that as long as these activities are not
specific or do not tend to increase export volume or are not contingent upon the use of domestic
energy rather than imported one, they cannot be subject to the WTO sanctions. The law on
subsidies is further elaborated on in detail in the Annex attached to this paper on dual pricing.
5.2.1.VII. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the ECT
The energy industry employs various energy services which play an extremely important role in
this sector. Energy services are required in every step of the energy process, from exploration
to production and distribution. Just to name a few, drilling, processing, refining, distributing,
storing etc. are services in the energy sector. These services were previously undertaken by
monopolies or state-owned enterprises that thoroughly dominated the services sector. Due to
increasing competition in some countries, existing integrated services are being divided into
various parts, each part adopting a distinct role in the energy process from other services.
here is that separation of taxes and subsidies in this way contributes to greater transparency and renders abuses of tax
policies for protectionist purposes more difficult.
Regarding energy subsidies this Article becomes important as, for
example, governments tax domestic electricity generated from renewable and imported nuclear-generated electricity equally
- therefore no violation of Article III (2) - but later subsidize domestic electricity generated from renewable resources by the
tax money collected.
For a wider definition of energy subsidies see the IEA Study, Looking at Energy Subsidies: Getting the Prices Right,
World Energy Outlook (Paris: IEA 1999). This study focuses on energy subsidies as those that encourage energy
consumption by keeping prices below cost, and analyses whether they impose a weight on economic efficiency,
environmental performance and governmental budgets.
Such factors are: use of a subsidy programme by a limited number of certain enterprises, predominant use by certain
enterprises, the granting of disproportionately large amounts of subsidy to certain enterprises, and the manner in which
discretion has been exercised by the granting authority in the decision to grant a subsidy. In applying this
subparagraph, account shall be taken of the extent of diversification of economic activities within the jurisdiction of the
granting authority, as well as of the length of time during which the subsidy programme has been in operation. See
Article 2(1)(C) of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
See Trade in Energy: WTO Rules Applying under the Energy Charter Treaty (Brussels: Energy Charter Secretariat
2001) [hereinafter the ECS Report] at 75
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Furthermore, this competition has led to the creation of new services, such as the operation of
power pools, energy trading, energy management, and green house gas emissions trading.
Each energy source has its specific service for supplying the energy market. Petroleum
services include drilling services, well casing, and pipeline construction, among other things.
Although natural gas' exploration and production involves the same services, its transmission
and distribution necessitates a different range of services, and due to the specific characteristic
of transportation of natural gas, which is more rigid compared to oil, fewer services are available
in transporting gas from the point of delivery to the consumer. The services in the coal industry
are very similar to those of any other good, and services involved in generation, transmission
and distribution of electricity undertake a different range of activities, such as metering and
billing or direct trading and brokering via internet.
Services can be traded, and therefore, within the framework of the WTO, an Agreement is
specifically designed to regulate this type of trade. The General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS) defines trade in services as the supply of a service a) from the territory of one
Member into the territory of any other Member; (b) in the territory of one Member to the service
consumer of any other Member; (c) by a service supplier of one Member, through commercial
presence in the territory of any other Member; (d) by a service supplier of one Member, through
the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member. Although
GATS does not specifically enumerate energy services, energy services can be extended to be
covered by these supply modes. For energy purposes, supply of services such as transmission
or distribution of natural gas or electricity through pipelines or grids falls within category (a) as
they are supplied from the territory of one member state into the territory of another. Category
(c) covers all different forms of foreign commercial presence that is practiced in the energy
sector where an operator or contractor has presence in the territory of the host country and
builds an energy facility and operates it until the period of the contract lapses and the ownership
of the facility is transferred to the host country.
Mode (d) covers the presence of persons
involved in technical and managerial professions that render their services in supervising the
activities in the energy sector. Specific barriers for the delivery of energy services include
limited access to electricity transmission grids, discriminatory transmission fees, restricted cross
border trading which could be subject to commercial presence, limitation to cross border
transfer of capital to finance the transaction etc.
The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is not incorporated in the ECT. The text
of the ECT was already put in place in 1991 before the creation of GATS in the framework of
the WTO. However, energy services are not left out, and the ECT definition of an 'Economic
Activity' covers energy services. An economic activity in the ECT means an activity concerning
A dominant form of commercial presence is the "Build, Operate & Transfer" (BOT) system where the contractor
finances an energy facility and operates it for a long period of time and recovers the costs of its investment during this
time, and after the end of this period the ownership is transferred to the host country.
See also S. Zarilli, "International Trade in Energy Services and the Developing Countries", UNCTAD 2002, at 11.
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the exploration, extraction refining, production, storage, land transport, transmission,
distribution, and marketing, which are energy services. The European Energy Charter
Conference places energy services in 7 different categories. They are activities ranging from
exploration to distribution of finished products such as drilling, processing, refining, transport,
transmission, distribution, waste management and storage, maintenance of networks,
decommissioning of energy facilities, marketing and sale, research, and consulting.
provisions on non-discriminatory treatment embodied in the ECT are applied to energy services.
There is an on going discussion at the WTO level to create an exhaustive list of the specific
sector of energy services and this debate would probably lead to reconsideration of the issue of
energy services within the ECT through establishment of a separate chapter that regulates this
type of activities. Although the ECT has already taken these types of activities into account, the
strong influence that the WTO rules have on the development of trade rules in the ECT, on the
one hand, and the strong link between trade in goods and trade in services, on the other,
necessitates a close look at the development of GATS in the WTO by the Charter Secretariat in
order to adopt the necessary changes into the text of the Treaty and also assist the WTO in
categorizing energy services that reflect the demands of both consuming and exporting
5.2.2. The Investment Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty
Exploration, extraction, production and other activities in the energy sector necessitates a large
amount of investment. An efficient investment regime governing the investor-host state
relationship guarantees protection and promotion of foreign investment, and for this reason the
Energy Charter Treaty dedicated one part (Part III) to provisions regulating foreign investment.
The Charter deals mainly with the period when investment is actually accepted, the technology
and know-how are brought to the host country, and activities on contractual terms have begun.
It does not create obligations for the period when the investor is researching and negotiating
(this may include transaction costs to secure a deal which could be substantial).
The initial aim of the Energy Charter Treaty was to regulate both stages based on National and
Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment. However, the signatories of the ECT sought to retain
their sovereignty for pre-investment stage as to be able to determine freely which investment is
allowed entry, and under what conditions. The logic was said to be 'to protect vulnerable
domestic industries during the transition period'
and was, therefore, possibly a short-term
phenomenon. Due to the possibility given to host states to regulate this stage, the National
treatment and MFN principles are not legally binding obligations on the host states at this stage.
See the Final Act of the European Energy Charter Conference, Understandings with respect to Article 1(5).
See Negotiating Proposals on Energy Services, Communication from Venezuela, S/CSS/W/69, 29 March 2000.
See A. Seck, in Wlde East-West, supra note 10 at 122.
Ibid, at 123.
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Although the Charter does not explicitly differentiate between these two stages, the wording
used for "making an investment" as opposed to 'investment' reveals the difference.
a rather weak language is used for the pre-investment stage by stating that "signatories shall
endeavour to accord' to investors the non-discriminatory treatments' (Article 10(2)), or that each
Contracting Party shall 'encourage and create stable, equitable, favourable and transparent
conditions for investors of other contracting parties to 'make investment' (Article 10(1)).
Although Article 10(6) creates the possibility for signatories to voluntarily commit themselves to
a binding obligation with regards National Treatment and MFN at the pre-investment stage, no
contracting party has so far done so. Since no legally biding obligation is thus explicitly provided
at this stage, a breach of such an obligation would not invoke the dispute resolution procedures
embodied in Article 26 (investor-state dispute settlement) discussed below.
Nonetheless, since 1998 there is a debate taking place within the Charter Secretariat as to
introduce a 'Supplementary Treaty' that has the objective of transforming the 'best endeavours'
commitment into a legally binding obligation which necessitates the grant of 'national treatment'
in that stage as well as post-investment stage. However, the Member States decided that
further work on the Supplementary Treaty should only proceed once a negotiation on
multilateral investment framework within the WTO is launched.
Article 18 of the Energy Charter Treaty provides that 'Contracting Parties undertake to facilitate
access to energy resources by allocating, in a non-discriminatory manner, on the basis of
published criteria, authorizations, licenses, concessions and contracts to prospect and explore
for or to exploit or extract energy resources'. This provision is excluded from the ambit of
investor-state dispute settlement mechanism of the ECT, and the only recourse for the investor
is to seek the support of their host government to bring a claim based on the provisions of state-
state dispute settlement. However, as some rightly believe, 'governments are notoriously
reluctant to sponsor investor complaints, disrupting relations between foreign ministries".
Moreover, the Treaty provides that contracting parties reserve the right to deny advantages of
Part III (on investment protection) to investors of a third state with which the denying
Contracting Party does not maintain a diplomatic relationship, among other things (Article 17 (2)
(a)). An effort outside the ambit of the ECT should be undertaken to establish these relations as
the starting point for facilitating investment in the energy sector of that given country.
Investment should be associated with any 'economic activity in the Energy Sector" which based on Article 1(5)
concerns the exploration, extraction, refining, production, storage, land transport, transmission, distribution, trade,
marketing, or sale of Energy Materials and Products except those included in Annex NI (some petrochemicals), or
concerning the distribution of heat to multiple premises. Based on Annex EMI, energy materials and products are
generally considered to be nuclear energy, coal, natural gas, electrical energy, petroleum and petroleum products, fuel
wood and charcoal.
See the 2002 Annual Report of the Energy Charter Secretariat (Brussels: Energy Charter Secretariat 2002) at 15.
See T. Wlde, "International Investment under the 1994 Energy Charter Treaty" in T. Wlde, East- West, supra note
10 at 279.
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The "Reference Model Regulation for the Promotion of Foreign Investment in the GCC States",
(i.e. a Regulation adopted by the Gulf Cooperation Council which lays down guidelines to attract
foreign investment in order to achieve economic integration), allows the exercise of this freedom
by giving priority to projects that help 'minimize dependence of the Council states on some
foreign sources for the supply of their essential and strategic requirements, those which
diversify production and broaden its base, those which are export oriented' etc. Although a
Supplementary Treaty to the ECT, with the objective of creating a legally binding obligation
(which necessitates the grant of 'national treatment' in pre, as well as, post-investment stage)
has been negotiated, Member States decided that further work on such a Treaty should only
proceed once a negotiation on multilateral investment framework within the WTO is launched. It
remains to be seen whether the GCC countries ratify such an investment Treaty - if it ever
comes to exist - upon accession, and subject themselves to more liberalized investment and
trade rules.
It is clear from what is described that the mere existence of an energy-rich country as a member
of the ECT does not, in itself, guarantee open access to energy reserves of that country. It
could, however, be argued that due to their membership there would be more transparency,
and most likely a duty of cooperation will be felt by those countries to facilitate access by
investors. In any case, at the entry stage, investment can be bilaterally opened up; this means
that two countries could facilitate investment in various sectors on a reciprocal basis.
With respect to the period when investment has actually taken place, the rules take a different
turn. They are designed to render more protection to foreign investors whose investments are
already established in the host country. Fair and equitable treatment shall be accorded to
'investment of investors' at all times (article 10). Constant protection and security should be
provided, and management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal of contracting parties'
investment shall in no way be unreasonably impaired or discriminated against. Principles of
National treatment and the Most Favoured Nation Treatment are applied at this stage.
Nonetheless, there is always the question whether the host country maintains its obligations at
all times. The life of ECT is still too short to give a broad overview of how in practice this
protection is afforded through the efficient application of its provisions.
However, some
aspects of these obligations can be highlighted here.
Article 12 covers the area of compensation for any loss that the investor suffers due to political
instability in a country because of war, other armed conflicts, a state of national emergency, civil
There has been an arbitration pending under the ECT, AES vs. Hungary, which was settled between the parties. The
only case that was decided by an arbitration panel in relation to the investor-state dispute settlement of the ECT was
between a Norwegian company, that has acquired the share of a Latvian company, and another Latvian state company
for breach of contract under the ECT (2004). The issue was both in relation to the degree of the control of the state on
the state company and a specific discriminatory treatment undertaken by the state company.
The details of this case
are not accessible although it is essential for energy investors to be aware of how the provisions of the ECT are applied
in practice and by international tribunals. The Energy Charter Secretariat should encourage the publication of these
awards and persuade Member Countries to allow this transparency for the sake of predictability that the application of
law normally dictates. For a general overview of the case and its general claims see
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disturbance, or other similar events. If the government of the host country is not directly
responsible, and compensation is awarded to any investor of a third state, the equivalent
compensation should be afforded to the investor of the contracting party. If the government is
directly responsible, the investor shall be afforded a 'prompt, adequate and effective'
compensation or restitution (Article 12 (2)).
The provisions of expropriation (Article 13), which are the mirror image of the provisions of
various bilateral investment treaties (BITs), also call for the payment of prompt, adequate and
effective compensation where the investment is nationalized, expropriated or subject to any
other measure with equivalent effect.
Expropriation can also involve the abrogation of
contractual rights through enactment of new laws or regulations which could lead to breach of
contract between the state and the investor. The famous 'stabilization clauses' which guarantee
that states agree not to alter or enact new laws that lead to abrogation of contracts, were thus
introduced in investment contracts. The enactment of new laws, which result in abrogation of
contracts, could be considered as measures with equivalent effect as expropriation.
One of the most important concerns for foreign investors is the possibility to transfer their capital
and the returns from the host country to their home country. Article 14 provides rules on
guarantee for freedom of transfers of initial capital, returns, payments under a contract, unspent
earnings, proceeds from sale or liquidation, payments arising out of a dispute settlement and
payments of compensation. These transfers should take place without delay.
5.2.3. The Dispute Settlement System of the Energy Charter Treaty
5.2.3.I. Investor-State Investment Arbitration
The investor-State Dispute Settlement System of the ECT provides the possibility for an
individual investor to raise his claims against the host government. This possibility creates a
strong guarantee for an investor to invest and be able to compensate his losses without having
to rely on his home state's initiative.
Based on Article 13 the compensation must be at a fair market value based on an assessment equivalent to a
valuation prior to the expropriation occurring and in a freely convertible currency including accrued interest. See P. M.
Norton, "Back to the Future: Expropriation and the Energy Charter Treaty" in Wlde East- West , supra note 10 at 367.
See in general, P. M. Norton, "A Law of the Future or a Law of the Past?: Modern Tribunals and International Law of
Expropriation" (1991) 85 AJIL 474.
A good example is provided by A. Seck as to how this provision could be circumvented by national legislation of the
host country. For example, in the case of Russia, in 1992, there existed a mandatory obligation on all enterprises
(including domestic ones) to sell 50% of their hard currency receipts at the official exchange rate to the Central Bank.
This was due to the fact that Russia was in dire need for hard currency. Only when hard currency becomes available
does the ECT provide guarantees for the right to exchange the domestic currency to foreign currency followed by
repatriation. The ECT does not ameliorate the problem of 50% mandating hard currency conversion and it may still be
difficult to convert the domestic currency back to foreign currency for repatriation due to delays, or excessive transaction
costs, or even lack of hard currency in general. With this example in mind it is clear that national legislation could
circumvent the prompt transfer of capital through imposing obligations on enterprises, which could indirectly render this
transfer difficult. Clearly the dispute settlement system of the ECT could not alleviate the problem of excessive
transaction costs and lack of hard currency. See Seck, supra note 58.
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What is important to highlight here is that this settlement mechanism only applies to the 'breach
of an obligation" of the host state under Part III. Obligations in other parts of the Treaty such as
trade, competition, transit, environmental issues, etc. are not covered by this Article. Moreover,
this Article excludes the possibility of the host state alleging a breach of an obligation by the
investor. Nonetheless, as some argue, once the arbitration has commenced, it is very possible
that the host state, party to the dispute, would raise counter-claims which might concern the
contract, or national law obligations, etc. which, should be dealt with by the arbitral tribunal.
The Treaty provides that the investor should first seek to settle the dispute amicably. If no
amicable resolution is reached in three months, the investor should either 1) submit the dispute
for resolution in the courts or administrative tribunals of the Contracting party, or 2) act in
accordance with any previously existing settlement procedure, or 3) if the contracting party had
unconditionally consented to the submission of a dispute to international arbitration or
conciliation. An unconditional consent means that an already established arbitration agreement
between the Contracting Party and the investor is no longer necessary. Although the concept of
'arbitration without privity' is not a new concept in international investment protection, it is
expressly provided for in the ECT for the first time.
Based on the third method provided by Article 26, the settlement will be carried out either
through the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), or additional
facility rules of ICSID (if not both are parties to ICSID), a single arbitrator or ad hoc tribunal
established under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules,
or the arbitration Institute of the Stockholm
Chamber of Commerce (Art. 26 (4)). The degree of flexibility in choosing one of the above-
mentioned forums is due to the particularities of each case as to the amount in dispute, the
issues raised, nationalities of the parties, the desirable venue and the effect of the choice of
rules on the composition of the arbitral tribunal.
Moreover, the fact that an 'investor' can submit
the dispute to any of the above settlement procedures for resolution means that resort to these
mechanisms are at the sole discretion of the investor and states are bound to arbitrate in this
way even if the parties had previously agreed that such disputes should be resolved through
other mechanisms.
Article 26(3)(b)(i) provides that the unconditional consent to the submission of a dispute to
international arbitration or conciliation can be avoided where the Investor has previously
submitted the dispute to the courts or administrative tribunals of the Contracting party, or to any
previously agreed dispute settlement procedure (Treaty-based vs. contractbased arbitration).
In this case the Contracting Party that is willing to opt out from the submission of the dispute to
future international arbitration should inform the Secretariat no later than the date of the deposit
See also A. E. L. Tucker, "The Energy Charter Treaty and 'compulsory' International State/Investor Arbitration" (1998)
11 Leiden J. Int'l L. 513 at 522.
See the "United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Arbitration Rules",
See J. Paulsson, "Arbitration Without Privity" in Wlde East West, supra note 10at 436.
See Tucker, supra note 66 at 522.
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of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. Annex ID provides a list of those
countries that do not allow an investor to resubmit the same dispute to international arbitration
at a later stage.
Contracting Parties are allowed to provide a detailed analysis of how this
issue should be approached in practice.
The clear reference to the possibility of opting out of Article 26(3)(a) means that if there is no
other agreement between the investor and the Contracting Party, the investor is not obliged to
exhaust the local remedies before resorting to international arbitration, a practice which is
prescribed in many bilateral investment treaties.
5.2.3. I. a. The Applicable Law in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System
Article 26(6) provides that a tribunal shall decide the issues in dispute in accordance with the
Energy Charter Treaty and applicable rules and principles of international law. This Article
seems to take a completely different view of the established principles of international
investment law, as seen in bilateral investment treaties. These principles are based on the free
will of the parties to designate the applicable law to their dispute. If no applicable law is
determined the Rules of the Washington Convention or the UNCITRAL rules provide principles
to determine the applicable law. For example, Article 33 of the UNCITRAL rule provides that the
law designated by the parties or, if no such law is chosen, the law determined by the conflict of
law rules applies which would be decided in accordance with the terms of the contract and the
usages of the trade applicable to the transaction. Article 42(1) of the ICSID Convention provides
that in the absence of any express choice of law by the parties, the Tribunal shall apply the law
of the Contracting state and such rules of international law as may be applicable. Hence
importation of national law to settle a dispute is not available under the ECT. An approach to
conflict of law rules which would allow the national law of ECT Contracting Parties to be
considered by an arbitration tribunal was deemed inadequate to protect investors. Therefore,
only principles of international law or those embodied in the ECT were to apply.
The ECT also guarantees the enforcement of arbitral awards by providing that each Contracting
Party shall carry out without delay any such award and shall make provision for the effective
enforcement of such awards (Article 26(8)). What is important here is to determine not only
whether all parties of the ECT are members of the institutions mentioned above, but also that
nothing in their domestic legislation indirectly or directly hampers the enforcement of awards. It
is only in this respect that the obligations of Article 26(8) in carrying out arbitral awards without
delay and the effective enforcement of such awards would be enforceable, which could in turn
mitigate the political risks faced by a foreign investor. Qatar is not yet a member of International
Countries of Annex ID are: Australia (pending ratification) Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada (have not signed), Croatia,
Cyprus, The Czech Republic, European Communities, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, United States of
America (have not signed), Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Norway (pending ratification), Poland, Portugal, Romania,
The Russian Federation pending (ratification),Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey.
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Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the UAE is not a member of the
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York
Convention). Their membership should be encouraged as courts in the GCC have recently
approved parties' agreement to arbitration. On the other hand, parties can elect to resolve their
disputes in the GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre in Bahrain, which would decide on a
dispute, based on ECT provisions and general principles of international law, and could provide
a more workable solution. Experience has shown that arbitration awards issued in certain
countries of the GCC are the most widely enforceable remedies as opposed to foreign arbitral
awards, and a local arbitration, such as the Bahrain Arbitration Rules, could facilitate this
enforcement (Article 26(8) of the ECT [provides that enforcement of awards should be without
5.2.3.II. State State Arbitration
There are three different mechanisms provided by the ECT that regulate disputes between
states: the procedure of Article 27, the special procedure for trade-related disputes of Annex D,
and the special sub-national procedure of Annex P.
Article 10 enumerates obligations, the violation of which will result in the application of Article
27. Investment of foreign investors should be accorded non-discriminatory treatment, fair and
equitable treatment, constant protection and security and 'non-impairment of their management,
maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal at all times. Unlike the title of Article 26 which limits
the settlement to investment issues, Article 27 can 'possibly' be extended to cover other issues
such as competition, transit, environment, and taxation. Article 27 can 'possibly' be extended
since this provision does not explicitly enumerate the areas covered.
Article 27, first of all, provides that Contracting Parties shall 'endeavour' to settle disputes
through diplomatic channels "within a reasonable period of time". Unlike Article 26 on investor-
state dispute settlement, which sets the duration for an amicable resolution for three months,
this provision does not delimit this period. When this period of time elapses, an ad hoc tribunal
should decide on the matter.
Generally, a state, not party to the dispute, should be allowed to intervene in a case where the
decision in that case would adversely affect that state. However, nowhere in Article 27 is this
possibility of third party intervention prescribed. The repercussion of the lack of reference to this
intervention is significant specifically in the energy sector. The dispute between an energy
producing country and a transit country could have direct impact on the security of supply of
This Annex will not be discussed here in detail as it provides a special dispute regime for Canada and Australia. It
suffices to say that the provisions of this Annex applies where a tribunal finds that a measure of a regional or local
government or authority is not in conformity with a provision of the ECT the responsible party shall take reasonable
measures to ensure observance.
Article 21 of the Transit Protocol stipulates that the legal basis for settling disputes between states over transit is
Article 27.
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another Contracting Party, or the country of destination. However, based on Article 27 the fate
of this supply is either in the hands of the producing country or the transit country in the
settlement of dispute between the two. The other Contracting party can only raise a claim in
another arbitration, the decision of which may be different from the arbitration between the
producing and the transit countries. This is especially the case considering the general
shortcoming of the arbitration system which may result in conflicting awards on the same issue
by different arbitral tribunals.
The other problem in the provision of settlement of investment disputes is the lack of a
relationship between the investor-state dispute settlement and state-state dispute settlement. In
the case of non-compliance of one party of the arbitral award, NAFTA provides the possibility of
the state of the investor requesting a panel seeking a determination that the recalcitrant party's
conduct is inconsistent with its obligations and demand further compliance (Article 1136(5)). In
other words, the investor's home state can interfere and guarantee compliance. This possibility
is not provided for in the ECT.
5.2.3.III. Trade-Related Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the ECT
Based on Article 29(9) of the ECT, Annex D of the ECT applies to disputes regarding 1)
Compliance with provisions applicable to trade or 2) A measure not in conflict with the
provisions of Article 29 but directly or indirectly nullifying or impairing any benefit accruing to a
Contracting Party, and 3) unless agreed otherwise, disputes regarding compliance with Article 5
(trade-related investment measures) between Contracting Parties at least one of which is not a
WTO member. Annex D does not apply to disputes arising within a Free Trade Area or
Customs Union or within an agreement based on Article 29(2)(b) (which regulates trade
between the Republics of the ex USSR).
Based on Annex D Contracting Parties should make every effort to resolve their disputes
through cooperation and consultation. If, within 60 days the dispute is not resolved through
either conciliation, mediation, arbitration or other methods, the complainant should submit a
written request to the Secretariat for the establishment of an in-house panel.
investment disputes, a third party that may have a substantial interest in the disputed matter
has the right to be heard by the Panel. The Panel is composed of three members designated by
the Secretariat.
Based on this Article trade agreements that have entered into force on or before 1 December 1999 (or their accession
to the WTO whichever is earlier) among the Republics of the ex-USSR are not governed by the trade rules of Article 29.
The detailed provisions of the procedure, through which these agreements can be entered into, are described in Annex
TFU of the ECT.
The panellists are GATT or WTO panellists designated by each Contracting Party or approved by the Energy Charter
Conference unanimously. A panel is composed of three members who are chosen by the Secretary General of the
Charter Secretariat from the roster.
Each Contracting Party to the WTO shall designate two individuals who shall be persons whose names appear on the
indicative list of governmental and non-governmental individuals, referred to in article 8 of the Understanding on Rules
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Annex D prescribes that the Secretariat shall adopt rules of procedure for confidential panel
proceedings which shall be 'as close as possible to those of the WTO Agreement'. Panels shall
be guided by the 'interpretations' given to the WTO Agreement within the framework of this
Agreement. If the non-complying party fails to comply with a ruling or recommendation of a final
panel within a reasonable time, the injured contracting party may request that the non-
complying party enters into negotiations with a view to agreeing upon mutually acceptable
compensation. If the non-complying party refuse to negotiate, the injured contracting party is
allowed, based on specific procedure, to suspend its obligations towards the other party, on a
temporary basis. The advantage of an in-house Panel for the resolution of disputes is that over
time there will be a body of jurisprudence which deals specifically with trade in energy, through
which more transparency and predictability will be guaranteed. The same guarantee does not
exist in investment disputes as regulated in the ECT as they are decided through various
channels and similar disputes will not necessarily be decided in the same way unless arbitrators
take the awards of other tribunals into account at all times.
5.2.4. The Transit Regime of the Energy Charter Treaty
Article 7 of the Energy Charter Treaty on transit of energy products, materials and equipment is
one of the most controversial articles in the Treaty and negotiations on approving a protocol on
transit has been suspended.
Article 7 of the ECT obliges Contracting Parties to take
'necessary measures' to 'facilitate transit'. In doing so they shall apply the principle of "freedom
of transit" and they should refrain from distinguishing between materials, products and
equipments as to origin, destination, ownership, and pricing and they should allow transit
without imposing any unreasonable delays, restrictions or charges. Moreover, Contracting
Parties shall not hinder the construction of new energy transit facilities (unless justified based
on security reasons). Transit should not be interrupted in the event of a dispute over transit.
Until a dispute is resolved, a conciliation procedure will be established where the conciliator
sets interim tariffs and other terms and conditions for a period of 12 months or until the
resolution of the dispute, whichever is the earlier.
The Protocol on transit, the ratification of which met resistance in December 2003 and its fate is
yet to be decided, purported to develop some additional provisions of international law in the
area of energy transit, which applies to energy carriers of crude oil, oil products, natural gas or
electricity only. First of all, the Protocol does not contain any obligation on mandatory third party
and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes contained in Annex 2 to the WTO Agreement or have in the past
served as panellists to the GATT or WTO dispute settlement panel. (See Subparagraph 7 of Annex D).
Transit, for the purposes of Article 7, means "the carriage through the Area of a Contracting Party, or to or from
facilities in its Area for loading and unloading, of Energy Materials and Products originating in the Area of another state
and destined for the Area of a third state, so long as either the other state or the third state is a Contracting Party.
Transit also means the carriage through the Area of a Contracting Party of Energy Materials and Products originating in
the Area of another Contracting Party and destined for the Area of that other Contracting Party, unless the two
Contracting Parties concerned decide otherwise ..". Transit in the ECT is takes place only through high-pressure gas
transmission pipelines, high voltage electricity transmission grids and lines, crude oil transmission pipelines, coal slurry
pipelines, oil product pipelines, and other fixed facilities specifically designed for handling energy materials and
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access to energy transport facilities. However, a good faith obligation applies during
negotiations with regard to requesting access to and use of available capacity for transit.
Moreover, the Protocol is not to be interpreted in a way which derogates from or affects the
interpretation of existing international law governing submarine pipelines and cables. Secondly,
the Transit Working Group has faced difficulty regarding establishing provisions codifying a
common approach to the public regulation of natural monopolies and they have only made a
reference to prohibition of the abuse of a dominant position.
The transit tariff design of the Protocol provides that each state shall take such measures that
are necessary to ensure that transit tariffs are objective, reasonable, transparent, and non-
discriminatory. The amount is calculated using 'the operational and investment costs, including
a reasonable rate of return (Article 10 of the Protocol).
The Protocol also regulates 'energy swaps'. Based on this Protocol Contracting Parties shall not
place obstacles to the conclusion or execution of international energy swap agreements, except
as may be otherwise provided in applicable legislation and they shall not take or interfere with
energy products and materials exchanged in manners inconsistent with the provisions of the
ECT or the transit Protocol. The exchanged energy should be of equivalent quantity and of the
same type to fall under the obligations of the Transit Protocol.
Transit of GCC energy via pipeline could be facilitated through the application of the provisions
of the ECT and its Protocol. However, uninterrupted transit of GCC energy could be guaranteed
when important transit countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria or Iraq become members
of the ECT (for an analysis of the prospect of the GCC gas network, see Task 3 of the
EUROGULF Project). Hence, their accession should also be encouraged. International
cooperation towards the development of commercially viable international energy transit or
international swap agreements necessitates the inclusion of the most important energy
producing and transit countries alike.
The Energy Charter Secretariat should be informed of any particular problem that the GCC
countries have with respect to the provisions of the transit protocol in its future negotiations in
order to incorporate them in the text of the Protocol. Furthermore, as has been the case with
respect to many other international treaties, there is always a leeway to add provisions to the
Treaty that while they do not violate the basic principles of the Treaty, they reflect the concerns
See the Draft Final Act of the Energy Charter Conference with Respect to the Energy Charter Protocol on Transit at
These tariffs may be determined by appropriate means, including regulation, commercial negotiations, or congestion
management mechanisms. See Article 10, para. 4 of the Draft Transit Protocol. The reasonable rate of return is a
function of the cost of debt for the entity owning the energy transport facilities, the composition of debt and equity used
to finance the capital expenditure, the expected required rate of return on equity of the entity owning the energy
transport facilities and, finally, the corporate tax system in the state of establishment of the entity owning the energy
transport facilities. See K. P. Waern, "Transit Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol
on Transit" (2002) 20 J. Energy & Natural resources L. 172 at 183.
The Transit Protocol faced three barriers due to the conflict between Europe and Russia namely the issue of the right
of first refusal, the Regional Economic Integration Clause, and the calculation of transit tariffs.
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of newly joined member states (e.g. the insertion of new flexible provisions addressing the
concerns of developing countries in the GATT and later in the WTO Agreements, or general
exceptions applicable to specific countries). This can take place through the amendment
procedure of the ECT, as reflected in Article 42 of this Treaty where the possibility of proposing
new amendments to the Treaty by any Contracting Party is provided. For example, if the
membership of the GCC Countries in the ECT is found vital for a member country or region of
the ECT (e.g. the European Community), that member can seek an amendment, the text of
which shall be communicated to the Contracting Parties by the Secretariat, which shall submit
them to all Contracting Parties for ratification, acceptance and approval. The Treaty, as
amended, applies to those countries that have ratified the amended Treaty. This is especially
necessary as the ECT does not permit any reservation requested by future member states
(Article 46).
What is important here is to compare the rules on transit of the ECT and those of the WTO, as
embodied in GATT 1994, Article V. Article V of the GATT calls for freedom of transit through
the territory of each contracting party, via the routes most convenient for international transit
(para. 2). Firstly, as some believe, it seems that this provision provides a stricter rule as it calls
for freedom of transit whereas the ECT refers to facilitation of transit.
Other commentators
rightly believe that this provision necessitates that parties take the necessary measures to
facilitate access as opposed to a positive requirement merely to allow free access.
This is
especially the case considering the fact that the GATT Article V does not provide for absolute
freedom of transit as will be elaborated on below. Secondly, the use of the word convenient
suggests that the duty to grant free transit does not extend to all routes but those preferable
ones from the point of view of the transit country.
This provision differs from the more
restricted provision of the Energy Charter Treaty. Although, based on this provision, a
Contracting Party of the ECT is not obliged to permit the construction or modification of Energy
transport facilities or permit new or additional transit through existing energy transport facilities,
in so doing it has to demonstrate that such modification or construction endangers the security
or efficiency of its energy systems. A comparative analysis of these two provisions could
suggest that a Contracting Party of the ECT is yet restricted in its freedom to choose the
convenient transit route. Therefore, more responsibility is imposed on the Contracting Parties
on the ECT to facilitate transit.
See M. Roggenkamp, Transit of Network-bound Energy: the European Experience in T. Wlde (Ed.) The Energy
Charter Treaty: an East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade (London: Kluwer Law International 1996) at 509.
See Fatouros, A.A (1998) Energy Transit and Investment in the Energy Charter Treaty,, last updated 23/1/1998, rewritten in B. Clark, Transit and
the Energy Charter Treaty: Rhetoric and Reality, at
See the Note by the WTO Secretariat on Article V of the GATT 1994 Scope and Application, G/C/W/408, 10 Sept.
There has been already a dispute between Slovenia and Croatia with respect to transit of oil and oil products where
Croatia, as a transit country has disrupted this transit through an administrative order. Croatia maintained a partial ban
on the road transit of oil and oil derivates and maintained a general clause that road transit, import and export of oil and
oil derivates shall be carried out under the provisions established by the Government, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of
Maritime, Transport and Communications, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection
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Furthermore, similar to the ECT, the transit provision of the GATT also prohibits the
differentiation between goods in transit (here oil and gas) based on the origin, or destination or
any circumstances relating to the ownership of goods. The national treatment, as embodied in
the ECT differs from that of Article V of the GATT. Article 7 of the ECT provides that the
Contracting Parties should undertake that their provisions, relating to transport of energy, shall
treat transit through its territory in no less favourable a manner than provisions that treat
products destined for its own Area (unless an existing international agreement provides
otherwise). Article V of GATT 1994 (para. 6), on the other hand, has a more complicated and a
narrower approach. This article provides that
Each contracting party shall accord to products which have been in transit through
the territory of any other contracting party treatment no less favourable than that
which would have been accorded to such products had they been transported from
their place of origin to their destination without going through the territory of such
other contracting party.
A WTO document seeks to interpret this Article by providing that this provision covers a
situation where four countries are involved, two transit countries, one country of origin and one
country of destination. In order for the national treatment to be applicable it is necessary that the
product transits first another country and then crosses the second transit country. This latter
country is then obliged to abide by the national treatment principle.
This Article lacks specificity
and clarification, and improvements are warranted, as suggested by various Member Countries
of the WTO, as the situation to grant national treatment is too limited to be justifiable because
transit also takes place when three countries, rather then four, are involved. However, as the
ECT provision prescribes, members of the ECT are obliged to abide by the provisions of transit
as embodied in that Treaty which suggests the application of national treatment no matter how
many transit countries are involved.
With regard to charges or tariffs, Article 7 of the ECT is silent. It is only in the Protocol that
reference is made to transit tariffs as referred to above. GATT Article V explicitly prohibits the
imposition of customs duties on goods in transit. This Article suggests that all goods in transit
should be exempted from transit duties or other charges except charges for transportation or
and Physical Planning, and the State Inspectorate. Only oil and oil products were treated in such an exceptional way.
The result was a much higher total cost of transport through Croatian territory, causing it to be uneconomical. Croatia
justified the measures with environmental protection arguments. The case was not brought up to the dispute settlement
body because the Croatian government justified its measures by explaining that no new fees have been introduced, all
charges and regulations imposed by Croatia in transit to or from the territories of other parties were reasonable, and the
determined corridors were the most convenient international roads for international transit as long as safety of transit
was concerned. See Road transit of Hazardous Materials in Croatia, Communication from the Republic of Croatia,
G/C/W/360, 18 March 2002.
The interpretation of this Article as embodied in a WTO document is as follows: The text might be read to imply that a
country V would have to treat goods transported through its territory from country X with a destination in country Z, after
having already been carried through country Y, in the same manner that it would treat goods passing through its
territory from X directly to Z, without having passed through Y. It may be open to discussion, however, whether
paragraph 6's equal treatment requirement only covers products passing through a party's territory after having already
passed through another country, or whether it extends to products, which, having passed through a country, enter
another party's territory to remain there as their final destination. In other words, it may be debatable whether paragraph
6 applies only to cases where the goods are shipped from X through Y and V to Z, or whether it also covers goods
coming from X through Y to V (without continuing to go to Z). See the Note by the WTO Secretariat on Article V of the
GATT 1994 Scope and Application, G/C/W/408, 10 Sept. 2002.
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those commensurate with administrative expenses entailed by transit or with the cost of
services rendered (Paragraph 3) which should be reasonable and non-discriminatory. The
general principle, therefore, is that transit shall not be a source of fiscal revenue.
provision differs from the provisions of the transit Protocol only to the extent that the ECT allows
for a reasonable rate of return.
Within the framework of the WTO the new focus is on the issue of transit through the
simplification and harmonization of international trade procedures as embodied in the trade
Facilitation discussion which has been on the WTOs agenda since the first WTO Ministerial in
Singapore in 1996 (Singapore issues). In the framework of trade facilitation the Doha
Declaration later emphasized on expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods,
including goods in transit which is still in the agenda of the WTO. Therefore, a new approach to
the issue of transit was found necessary which calls for simplification of formalities and
procedures related to transit. This issue will be studied by the WTO in future negotiations of
coming years. It remains to be seen how the issue of transit of energy will be dealt with.
One last issue to emphasize on is that goods in transit do not fall within the legal framework of
trade in goods, i.e. goods that enter free circulation within a specific country, region or a
customs Union. In other words, the WTO obliges the Member States to open up their markets to
goods (e.g. oil and gas) and services (i.e. services of the energy sector) but goods in transit are
not considered as part of this open market while in transit. They are considered as tied up
capital and not subject to purchase and sale unless an agreement between the exporting and
the transit country provides otherwise, an agreement for which the WTO does not provide a
regulation and it is up to the Member States to enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements.
The WTO does not oblige the transit country to automatically open up its market to the goods in
transit. Therefore, goods in transit do not enter the market of the transit country unless taxes
and customs designed for importation of such goods are paid and goods are legally cleared
and released based on a bilateral agreement. Hence, as long as the movement of oil and gas
falls within the definition of transit, the activity does not fall within the principles of the WTO or
the ECT on importation, exportation, or domestic transportation, unless otherwise agreed
between the Member States.
Concluding Remarks
The Energy Charter Treaty is first and foremost a treaty that governs the conditions under which
investments in the energy sector can be made with minimum risks. At the second level the
Treaty governs the transit and trade in energy products. The Treaty, by virtue of the
membership of the various states party to it and the impact that it has on national laws of those
states, has become a unique legal document, and it is definitely a success compared to
See the Note by the WTO Secretariat on Article V of the GATT 1994 Scope and Application, G/C/W/408, 10 Sept.
2002 at 8.
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previous attempts in creating a multilateral legal regime, particularly for the protection of foreign
investment. The importance of this Treaty is due to its aim for supervising its Contracting
Parties in forming and executing their investment, transit and trade policies in the energy sector
and its endeavour for setting standards for energy cooperation between energy producing and
consuming states where the expectations of both sides are met. Whether this goal is actually
achieved in practice is yet to be determined.
One objective of the Energy Charter Treaty is to liberalize investment and trade in energy.
Nonetheless, liberalization within the context of this Treaty does not mean that the role of
governments diminishes; it only means that it works through different structures and various
forms. Energy differs from other industries that are subject to liberalization, and the political and
economic implications of it dictate some kind of state control. This characteristic is reflected in
the ECT through incorporation of the principle of sovereignty over energy resources due to
which parties have the right to determine, inter alia, their own national system of property
ownership of energy resources and direct participation of governments or their state enterprises
in exploration of energy resources. As it is clear, the ECT is not about 'open' investment policies
but a 'managed' policy which allows some degree of regulatory intervention by the host states.
This is reflected in the provisions on investment protection at both post and pre-investment
Considering the aim of the Energy Charter Treaty in establishing a framework for energy
cooperation, the question still remains as to why the major energy exporting countries are not
yet members of the ECT. No holds barred, the ECT does not impose strict obligations in the
areas of investment, trade and transit. The investment provisions of the ECT are similar to the
ones found in bilateral investment treaties. With respect to trade rules, those members of the
GCC that are also members of the WTO (all except Saudi Arabia) have already incorporated
the trade principles of the WTO into their national systems, and they have gradually become
acquainted with those rules. The transit provisions also seek to guarantee minimum protection
that is vital for both supplying and transit countries. Moreover, if there are details of the Treaty
on which some countries do not agree, the Treaty, similar to any other international treaty, can
be amended and its structure can be reformed. In any case, the day to day legal development
necessitates such flexibility.
This being said, the question still remains whether this Treaty brings an added value to the
energy exporting countries, a value that they cannot obtain otherwise through bilateral relations
with consuming nations. For instance, one of the most important demands of the energy
producing nations is economic development. To what extent the ECT contributes to this
development? This question is an important one to be tackled in our analysis of the relevance of
the ECT for the countries of the GCC, and it is a question that has been repeatedly asked by
the delegates of the GCC countries.
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Clearly, the uniform application of the provisions of the ECT on trade, transit and investment,
along with those on energy efficiency that was not elaborated on in this paper, encourages the
Contracting Parties to cooperate and better reveal their economic demands. This will in turn
pave the way for gradual economic development. Protection of investment, transit and trade
attracts more investment, guarantees steady flow of income through secure provision of energy
supply, and warrants competition respectively. However, this all, although with more difficulty,
can be done through bilateral or regional relations. Hence, the Energy Charter Secretariat
needs to take up an active role in creating an added value for this cooperation framework.
The reason for the analysis of the issue of dual pricing in the accession negotiation of Saudi
Arabia was not only to reveal the interesting legal issues at stake for a major energy exporting
country, but also to reveal where the interests of these countries lie. In the Annex attached to
this paper it is discussed that the reason why Saudi Arabia takes up the dual pricing mechanism
is to attract foreign investment for its petrochemical industry. Both the WTO and the European
Union has issued general claims as to the incompatibility of this practice with the WTO law. As
this Annex demonstrates, this legal analysis cannot be stated in general terms and it needs to
be done on a case by case basis. The analysis shows that as the situation in Saudi Arabia
reveals, this practice is not incompatible with the WTO law. But the pressure from the WTO and
the EU continues. Is it too far-fetched to design a role for the Energy Charter Secretariat in this
controversy? As the only institution that is designed to deal specifically with the energy sector,
with strong links to both the WTO and the EU, a comprehensive legal analysis should have
been conducted by the Secretariat to reveal the legal issues related to this matter and convey
their conclusions to these institutions. The ECS claims to be an institution that guarantees
industrial development of its member countries. The justification of Saudi Arabia to establish the
practice of dual pricing was to achieve such development, something that they could not obtain
easily otherwise. Although Saudi Arabia is not yet a member of the ECT, its membership is
without doubt desired in this framework. Witnessing an effort on the part of the ECS to confirm
its mission is a legitimate expectation.
The GCC, without the active role of the ECS to guarantee its economic demands, can seek a
separate relation with the European Union. In establishing this relation Europe also needs to re-
examine whether the ECT is still considered as the most important international treaty through
which their security of energy supply is guaranteed. If it is proved otherwise, the implications of
relations outside the framework of the ECT should be evaluated, and its logic, if any, explored.
In short, both sides should determine whether the ECT is a receptacle full of possibilities for
their energy cooperation, and if yes, whether there is a will to take advantage of it.
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Annex 5.2.A. Dual Pricing
5.2. A. The Practice of Dual Pricing and the WTO Rules
5.2.A.I. The Practice of Dual Pricing and the Case of Saudi Arabia
Dual pricing is practiced in various economic sectors including energy. Usually this practice is
aimed at providing lower prices for products if they are deemed for export and higher if they are
for domestic consumption, or vice versa. The reason for this activity is to boost either export or
domestic production. This activity has been challenged in the WTO accession negotiations of
Saudi Arabia and Russia.
The dual pricing practice has been coined as a hidden subsidy, the idea being that such
activity has similar effects as a subsidy, which is regulated in the WTO. What is argued is that
the price of feedstock is determined by the government at a level which could not be maintained
if it was otherwise exposed to market forces. Through this activity, an advantage is established
for those that take the cheaper product, that may adversely affect trade and it can, therefore, be
challenged from the point of view of the WTO law. This study seeks to elaborate on those
provisions of the WTO Agreements that regulate this activity and analyze the ways through
which Saudi Arabia can maintain such practice, if necessary for its economic growth.
The dual pricing, as practiced in Saudi Arabia favours feedstock (i.e. the raw material used for
producing petrochemicals such as Ethane, Propane, Butane) for use in domestic production
over those for export. In other words, the feedstock is sold cheaper if used domestically (i.e. in
the petrochemical industry of that country), and higher, if exported. Previously, this pricing
mechanism dedicated 30% discount for domestic use of feedstock based on the lowest export
price. Recently, however, in 2003, this mechanism changed and Saudi Arabia adopted a
system where the price of feedstock is indexed that of Naphtha prices in Japan. It is claimed
that as long as there is discrimination in prices based on the end-use of the product, industries
that use the same feedstock in some other countries, may suffer. One example could further
clarify this issue: The United States imports Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), a
petrochemical product made from Methanol, from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia provides cheaper
feedstock to those producers (either domestic or foreigner) that use them in Saudi Arabian
petrochemical industry. The feedstock is sold higher if exported. American producers of Ethanol
(i.e. a product that competes with MTBE), claim that the 'dual pricing' system of Saudi Arabia,
subsidizes the MTBE through low-cost provision of the raw material (i.e. natural gas and
methanol) to refiners in Saudi Arabia and therefore, the U.S. ethanol industry suffers as the
import of the competing product from Saudi Arabia increases.
Due to this strategy Saudi
See UNCTAD, Trade Agreements, Petroleum and Energy Policies (New York: UN 2000) at 35.
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Arabia can attract investors to invest in the petrochemical industry of Saudi Arabia and
therefore, reap the benefits of the advantages of the foreign investment that ensue.
Before examining the compatibility of this practice with the WTO, a brief reference to the issue
of dual pricing in Russia is also useful for the sake of comparing the issues at stake in two
countries. Russia's dual pricing is concerned with natural gas itself. The dual pricing takes place
because Russia charges natural gas destined for domestic consumption lower than for export.
As one writer analyzes, differentiated wholesale prices are set by the Russian Federal Agency
Commission, and this differentiation is controlled on the basis of numerous legislative and
administrative acts.
There is also a special export tax on gas exports. Moreover, the market of
the Common Wealth of Independent States is charged less than other markets, such as
Russia is not willing to fully abandon this practice as a result of which their accession
negotiations in the WTO had faced obstacles. They have raised many arguments to clarify that
dual pricing does not fall within any category of subsidy as defined in the WTO Agreements.
Moreover, a World Bank study enumerate the merits of dual pricing of Russian natural gas by
explaining that if Russia eliminates this practice and unifies the price of natural gas, which is to
charge the same price for the exports of its natural gas as it charges in its home market, it
would lose between 5 to 7 billion dollars per year, which is an amount that cannot be
overlooked in any given economy.
Russia believes that domestic prices of natural gas should
be raised, but they find no rationale for unified pricing between the gas that is sold domestically
and exported gas.
Interestingly, the European Union intervened in this debate through the framework of the EU-
Russia bilateral trade talks, and reached an agreement with Russia. Europe previously argued,
similar to what was mentioned above, that domestic prices of energy in Russia are much lower
than the world prices, which led to unfair competition, and it, therefore, proposed their
elimination during the WTO accession agreement. The reason was said to be that as the
Russian government has a monopoly over the energy industries, it imposes very high export
taxes to support a domestic price of gas at a level below the market price which was found to
be inconsistent with the WTO principles. On the other hand, Russia argued that firstly, this
practice is not undertaken to support the domestic markets and secondly, it is impossible for
Russia to move to world energy prices in a single day. Finally, what Europe achieved in its
bilateral trade talks with Russia was to convince Russia to increase the price of natural gas for
For a detailed analysis of the practice of dual pricing in Russia see J. Selivanova, World Trade Organization Rules
and Energy Pricing: Russias Case (2004)38 Journal of World Trade 559.
D. Tarr and P. Thomson, "The Merits of Dual Pricing of Russian Natural Gas", World Bank Study, July 2003,$FILE/russia_natural_gas_eng.pdf.
The World Bank Study at 3.
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industrial users from the current 27-28$ to 37-42$ by 2006 and 49-57$ by 2010.
Although this
increase was previously established in Russias energy strategy and domestic plan, Europe
sought to expedite the process.
Although the rationale behind this increase is not readily
available, or can be explained only through complex economic terms, this achievement was
claimed to bring Russia a step closer to the WTO membership.
Moreover, it was also claimed
that the other advantage of this agreement is that the increase in domestic energy prices
encourages a more efficient use of energy resources in Russia, which would also be in line with
the obligations of Russia under the Kyoto Protocol, which they ultimately ratified.
This being said, in order to approach the issue of dual pricing, as practiced in these countries,
and compare it to the regulations of the WTO, the rationale for the use of dual pricing should
also be looked out (e.g. boosting of petrochemical industry through attraction of investment,
etc.), because based on this rationale the activity could be exempted or eliminated altogether.
The issue will be elaborated on below. For the purposes of our project, emphasis is only on the
practice of dual pricing in Saudi Arabia.
5.2.A.II. Is Dual Pricing a Hidden Subsidy?
Granting the status of a subsidy to the dual pricing as practiced in Saudi Arabia is complicated
and the complaint by the WTO is not forthright. There is no express provision in the WTO that
prohibits this activity. Although the dual pricing is referred to in the Agreement on Subsidies, it is
designed differently from what occurs in pricing of feedstock in energy producing countries.
The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of the WTO defines subsidy as
when there is a financial contribution by a government or any public body within the territory of a
Member where a benefit is thereby accrued (Article 1). Moreover, the Agreement classifies
subsidies into three different groupings: 1) prohibited 2) actionable, and 3) non-actionable.
Prohibited subsidies, which are subsidies that should be abandoned immediately by the
Member States of the WTO, are those subsidies contingent upon export performance (including
those mentioned in Annex I) and subsidies contingent upon domestic rather than imported
goods (Article 3). Only Annex I, paragraph (d) that deals with one type of prohibited subsidy is
relevant for our analysis here.
See the Press Conference on Russia WTO Accession, speaking Points by EU Trade Commissioner, Pascal Lamy,
Moscow, 21 May, 2004.
For a discussion on the advantages of Russia accession to the WTO see V. Kharitonov, & T.L. Walmsley, Impact of
Russias WTO Accession on the Structure of the Russia Economy, at
See Russia-WTO: European UnionRussia Deal Brings Russia a Step Closer to WTO Membership, Brussels, 21
May 2004
Interestingly, some believe that although the price differential inherent in dual pricing can be expected to diminish over
time as Russia moves to a market economy, the system of dual pricing remains the most efficient environmental policy
for Russia in the near term and the difference between domestic and exported natural gas should be kept, no matter if it
is very small. See D. Dudek, A. Golub & E. Strukova, Environmental Aspects of Dual Pricing for Natural Gas in Russia,
Environmental Defense, at
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Paragraph (d) of Annex I of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of the
WTO, in its illustrative list of prohibited subsidies, provides one type of prohibited subsidy as
The provision by governments or their agencies either directly or indirectly through
government-mandated schemes, of imported or domestic products or services for
use in the production of exported goods, on terms or conditions more favourable
than for provision of like or directly competitive products or services for use in the
production of goods for domestic consumption, if (in the case of products) such
terms or conditions are more favourable than those commercially available
world markets to their exporters.
This provision can be named as one example of dual pricing. As mentioned in this Article, for
this activity to be called a prohibited subsidy, few conditions should be met. In simple terms
these conditions are: 1) Government or its agencies should address domestic or imported
products for use in the production of exported goods; 2) Preference should be given to these
types of products only, and not to those like products or directly competitive ones that are used
for domestic consumption; 3) in order to determine whether this discrimination exists, the terms
and conditions based on which preference is given to goods for export should be more
favourable than those 'commercially available' on world markets to their exporters.
The last condition means that there should be unrestricted access to both domestic and
exported products and the only way to prefer one product over another is based on commercial
consideration. One commercial consideration can be named as the price of the product. For
example, an exporter is attracted to export domestic products to a given country because that
product is cheaper compared to other products on world markets, since a preference is given to
that product if it is for export. Here, the cheap price of the product makes it commercially
available to the exporter. Hence, a dual pricing has taken place because products for export are
treated more favourably than those destined for domestic consumption through cheaper prices.
This Annex, therefore, deals with dual pricing with respect to favouring goods for export as
opposed to those for domestic consumption. The Saudi activity, however, could only fall within
the ambit of this provision (Annex I(d)) if the feedstock that is used in the production of
petrochemicals for export is cheaper than the feedstock that is used for the production of
petrochemicals for domestic consumption. As was explained earlier, what happens in the sale
of feedstock in Saudi Arabia is the difference in price between the feedstock itself, which is
higher, and the feedstock that is domestically used in the Saudi Petrochemical industry. Surely,
only a very broad interpretation of this article could encompass the Saudi practice. Therefore,
as long as this paragraph is concerned the dual pricing cannot be tackled outright by the WTO.
As mentioned above, through a subsidy a benefit should be accrued (the other condition was
mentioned as financial contribution by the government, which will be explained below in the
The term "commercially available" means that the choice between domestic and imported products is unrestricted
and depends only on commercial considerations.
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section on the activities of state enterprise). Article 14 of the Agreement on Subsidies and
Countervailing Duties, provides formulas for calculating the benefit to the recipient (e.g. the
buyer of the feedstock from Saudi Arabia that uses the feedstock in domestic production),
through looking at the price charged. This price should be determined in relation to the
'prevailing market conditions for the goods or services in question in the country of provision or
purchase (including price, quality, availability, marketability, transportation and other conditions
of purchase or sale)'. Therefore, what should be analyzed here is whether the price charged to
the feedstock sold to customers, which was less than the one sold for export, enjoys a
preferential rate (i.e. price discrimination) with respect to other customers in Saudi Arabia.
The preferential rate could be considered as a 'benefit' for the purposes of the Subsidies
Agreement. However, Article 14 does not provide adequate information on how and against
what benchmark the difference in prices should exactly be determined.
One could argue that
the mere fact that the government or the government body is selling feedstock at a lower price
to selected companies is adequate to determine a preferential treatment. However, the price
should be 'less than adequate remuneration". And this adequacy is evaluated in relation to the
prevailing market conditions for the good or service in question in the country of provision or
purchase (Article 14(d)). The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing duties is not clear on
this latter point. One case only refers to this issue by providing that the benchmark should be
the prices set by private suppliers of the product, and if that does not exist, they should be
compared to similar goods quoted on world markets, or proxies constructed on the basis of
production costs. However, the Appellate Body vaguely adds that the comparative advantage
in producing respective products of a given country should also be taken into account in
analyzing the adequacy but does not further elaborate on that.
What is clear is that the use of
such benchmark is not without difficulty, and it is interesting to see that the US commerce
Department has already announced that "they are reluctant to go beyond the terms of the
statute and they intend to apply this new standard (i.e. standard for determining price
discrimination) on a case by case basis".
Therefore, it is still not clear when charging "less"
would amount to a 'benefit'. It remains to be seen whether the fact that prices are per se
cheaper in Saudi Arabia can be challenged. We will turn to this issue again later in this study.
Moreover, this issue is particularly problematic in relation to the pricing of NGLs in Saudi Arabia
because prices for some feedstock vary depending on their location and trading conditions and
there is no international price for feedstock. One feedstock may be priced higher in the Gulf
than in North West Europe and in order to determine the discrimination, they should be
compared either with each other or with other competitive feedstock such as Ethane, Naphtha
The case is clear on one point where it is established that the market benchmark does not refer to the entire market
available to the subsidized producers but to the market of the subsidizing country.
See the Panel and the Appellate Body Report, Canada-Softwood Lumber case, 2004. See also Selivanova, at 571.
See 62 Fed. Reg. 8818, 8836 (February 27, 1997) cited in G. N. Horlick & K.H. Mowry, "The Treatment of Activities of
State Trading Enterprises under the WTO Subsidies Rules" in T. Cottier & P.C. Mavroidis, State Trading in the Twenty-
First Century (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press 1998) at 103.
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and Gasoline. Moreover, the possible scenario is that when the price of the Saudi NGL is based
on a link to Naphtha prices in Japan, this price may be higher than the price of NGL in North
West Europe, because of which no potential competition would exist.
As the practice of dual pricing in Saudi Arabia does not fall within the ambit of the law on
prohibited subsidies, we should move on to the analysis of actionable subsidies (non-actionable
subsidies are not relevant to be discussed here). Actionable subsidies are those subsidies that
injure the domestic industry of another member, or nullify or impair the benefits to other
members, or creates serious prejudice to the interests of another Member (Article 5).
First of all, as it was explained in the main paper, on the relevance of the Energy Charter Treaty
for the Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the section on subsidies, the first issue to
be revealed in connection to actionable subsidies is whether an activity is specific in order to
be subject to the disciplines of the Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement (SCM).
The general rule is that prohibited subsidies are deemed as specific, whereas other types of
subsidies should satisfy some conditions to be called specific. A subsidy is specific when some
enterprises are favoured as opposed to others. In other words, the subsidy should not be
granted to all enterprises. Hence, the first condition for specificity in relation to sale of NGL in
Saudi Arabia is that cheaper feedstock for domestic production should be granted only to
certain enterprises. Therefore, some kind of discrimination should exist between various
enterprises in receiving this benefit. This discrimination does not exist in the way dual pricing
takes place in Saudi Arabia. The raw material is available at a cheaper price for whichever
enterprise established in Saudi Arabia and it is not granted selectively, no matter if they are
linked to the petrochemical industry or fertilizer industry or any other industry that uses the
feedstock or natural gas.
The second condition as provided in Article 2(b) is also not satisfied. Article 2(b) provides that
when granting authority establishes objective criteria or conditions governing the eligibility of a
subsidy, the 'specificity' does not exist if the eligibility is automatic. Automatic eligibility means
that the criteria and conditions governing the eligibility are neutral and do not favour certain
enterprises over others (e.g. based on nationality). This discrimination is not practiced in Saudi
Arabia. Cheaper feedstock is available to both domestic and foreign producers on equal terms.
The third condition is more challenging. Article 2(c) provides that there are cases where
although an activity may not fall within the first two parts of Article 2 on specificity, there are
reasons to believe that the subsidy is in fact specific. The factors to determine the specificity
1. Use of a subsidy programme by a limited number of certain enterprises,
2. Predominant use by certain enterprises,
3. The granting of disproportionately large amounts of subsidy to certain
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4. The manner in which discretion has been exercised by the granting authority in
the decision to grant a subsidy.
In applying this subparagraph, account shall be taken of the extent of
diversification of economic activities within the jurisdiction of the granting authority,
as well as of the length of time during which the subsidy programme has been in
The first paragraph is ambiguous. It is not clear what exactly amounts to 'certain enterprise'.
Whatever the interpretation, it should be different from Article 2(1)(a) where specificity exists
when there is 'express limitation' on the use of subsidy for some enterprises. There should be
an indirect specificity, and one possibility is that the subsidy could only be used by some
enterprises due to the nature of that enterprise. In our case, the subsidy can only be provided
for those enterprises that use feedstock. We could also link this result to the second sub-
paragraph which talks of "predominant use by certain enterprises". This could mean that since
subsidy can only be used by some enterprises, an indirect specificity is established.
Through this interpretation, however, as many subsidies as possible could be included, since
the probability of any activity to fall under this category is relatively high. Although it may have
been the will of negotiators to include a priori as many subsidies as possible under the term
it seems dubious that the WTO Panel accepts such broad interpretation.
This is
more so the case when we look at the last sentence of this paragraph where 'the extent of
diversification of economic activities of the jurisdiction of the granting authority' should be taken
into account in addressing the 'specificity' issue. The reason is that if economic activities of a
given country are not diversified, it would be impossible to favour one enterprise over another
since there will be one or maximum two major sectors on which the economy of the country is
dependent. This consideration could be directly linked to the situation of energy producing
countries, where their failed attempts to diversify their economy from energy is common
knowledge. These countries, with high dependence on energy rents, have great difficulties in
departing from the old patterns of their economy and have low capacities to promote new ones.
Exactly because of this lack of diversification, major activities are mostly circulated around one
sector, i.e. energy. Hence favouring one enterprise over another does not broaden to the extent
that justifies the application of this provision.
Hence, there are only two possibilities for this preferential treatment to be established: when
locating a new petrochemical plant close to available sources of feedstock of a given country
(e.g. Saudi Arabia) is restricted to some enterprises (i.e. discrimination), or the competing
feedstock is priced cheaper based on an established benchmark which takes the complications
of the NGL market into account. These details should be taken up by the WTO in order to
establish a yardstick against which the preferential treatment is determined.
See also M. Matsushita, the World Trade Organization: Law, Practice, and Policy (Oxford: OUP 2003) at 271.
See M. Matsushita, at 271.
There are no WTO cases yet that deals specifically with this issue.
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This being said, it should also be added that even if some other legal interpretations conclude
that the dual pricing practice of Saudi Arabia is an actionable subsidy, this does not result in
pressuring Saudi Arabia to abandon this practice in the accession negotiations. If an injury is
inflicted or a benefit nullified, the injured Member State may impose a countervailing duty to
offset the injury or bring the claim to a dispute settlement body and request the removal of such
subsidy. Abandoning this practice, therefore, cannot be automatic. Hence, the issue of dual
pricing should be approached with caution. If the practice is claimed to be a subsidy, the
arguments referred to above can be raised to show the complex analysis because of which a
straightforward attack on such practice cannot be maintained.
This emphasized, two more important details should be revealed. One issue of high importance
is that the body which undertakes the dual pricing activity should also be looked at. Only when
that body is the government or a government body with direct or indirect control by the
government, its dual pricing activity can be examined by the WTO. For that reason, it should be
analyzed how and to what degree the activity of a state enterprise can be questioned. The
second issue is the possible adoption of the approach of the European Community towards the
issue of dual pricing by the WTO. If taken up by the WTO, their approach could potentially find
this practice as violating the WTO rules. These two details are analyzed in the following parts.
5.2.A.III. The State Trading Enterprises, Subsidies and the Practice of
Dual Pricing
Governments can achieve some policy objectives through assigning some activities to State
trading Enterprises (STEs). Due to the fact that GATT/WTO rules could be easily circumvented
if there was no control on the activities of STEs, their activities are scrutinized and their possible
unfair trading analyzed. Nothing in the WTO system limits governments' rights to establish
these types of enterprises but there are obligations imposed on state-trading enterprises which
are, based on Article XVII, either state enterprises or those enterprises to which the
government grants exclusive or special privileges.
The Understanding of Article XVII defines these enterprises to include "governmental and non-
governmental enterprises (), which have been granted exclusive or special rights or
privileges, including statutory or constitutional powers, in the exercise of which they influence,
through their purchases or sales, the level or direction of imports or exports".
Although this
Agreement tends to clarify the vagueness surrounding the definition and the activities of STEs,
There is no consensus reached as to the definition of a state trading enterprise. Although the first and second
paragraph of Article XVII seeks to provide a definition, the provision is too broad to clarify the exact scope and
definitional criteria of there enterprises.
The WTO Secretariat Background Paper on "Operations of State Trading Enterprises as They Relate to International
Trade" divides STEs in several major categories: 1) Marketing boards 2) fiscal monopolies, 3) canalizing agencies; 4)
Foreign trade enterprises; 5) nationalized Industries. G/STR/2 (26 October 1996).
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some ambiguities still prevail. For example, it is not yet clear what the scope of "exclusive or
special rights or privileges" is, and at what degree the "influence" is established.
The activities of state enterprises in the field of energy have not been scrutinized by the WTO
system. However, the more energy markets liberalize and energy producing countries join the
WTO the more their activities are examined. In addition, there will be ample opportunity for the
inspection of these activities within the framework of the Energy Charter Treaty.
It is here that
the relevance of the issue of dual pricing undertaken by the government-owned enterprises
becomes relevant.
A WTO background paper compiles a list of 17 different STE operations. These operations are,
for example, involvement of STEs in support schemes for domestic production; import and
export operations including monopoly, intervention in purchase and sales based on floor and
ceiling price, and credit guarantees for producers and processors. If dual pricing could be
interpreted to fall within one of these categories, the involvement of STEs in this practice would
be questionable and the government could be found in violation of the WTO rules. Nonetheless,
the difficulties in linking the issue of dual pricing to subsidies in general, as mentioned above,
will be applied in this case as well.
The key concern with respect to enterprises is that their relationship with their governments is
not transparent and there are ambiguities regarding their respective role.
Therefore, the
determination of 'exclusive right' or 'privilege' is not without difficulty. This is important because
the practice of dual pricing should be linked to the government, either directly or indirectly. If the
practice is undertaken by an enterprise, the activity of which is stripped from government
control, the WTO law does not apply, as these rules only apply to the acts of governments or
their public bodies. The main critic of the EU and the WTO with respect to the dual pricing
activity of Saudi Arabia has also been the direct involvement of the government in this activity.
Therefore, if, in the energy producing countries, the feedstock is sold by a government-owned
entity or a private entity, upon which no government influence is exerted, the dual pricing would
not fall under the WTO scrutiny, and could be carried out. Different criteria could be used to
establish this influence. This criteria can be named as the rules governing the functioning of the
entity providing the funds, the composition of the management boards, and the powers of
intervention of public organs in the decision-making process of those entities, etc.
It remains
to be seen what criteria will be taken up by the WTO.
See T. Cottier & P.C. Mavroidis, State Trading Enterprises in the Twenty-First Century (Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press 1998) at 25.
See Article 29(2)(a) and 22 of the ECT. See also Operations of State Trading Enterprises as They Relate to
International Trade (WTO 1995).
See also V. Drebentsov & C. Michalopoulos, "State Trading in Russia" in Mavroidis STE at 307.
See the United States Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel
Products in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, 15 November 1984, GATT Doc. SCM/185 (not adopted).
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As the last remark, what is also noteworthy is that recently there are discussions within the
WTO to deal with the SCM Agreement for further clarification, development and improvement.
Greater disciplines are suggested on those types of subsidies which most directly and
substantially contravene marketdetermined economic growth and international trade
and dual pricing could - if argued as embodying these characteristics - fall within this
category. If that will be the case, in the negotiations of which obviously all those energy
producing countries members of the WTO should be involved, the already existing exceptions
embodied in the WTO Agreements could be used to maintain such practice for some time, as
explained later in this study.
5.2.A.IV. The Relevance of the Approach of the European
Community to the Practice of Dual Pricing for the WTO
The issue of dual pricing had already been dealt with in the context of the law of the European
Economic Community. The practice of charging various prices depending on their end use, for
domestic or for export, has been analyzed by the Commission in few Commission decisions. In
this context, the issue of dual pricing has been criticized as being anti-competitive, and if the
exceptions of Article 81 on competition were not applicable to this practice,
the Member State
was asked to abandon such activity.
The approach to this issue in the context of the Community is interesting. Although the main
theme of this approach has been the effect of dual pricing on parallel trade - a phenomenon that
exists within an integrated market- other aspects of this practice have also been looked at by
the Commission. In one particular case, the national authority of a given country has
established a maximum price based on which the price for products could be set. A private
company has established conditions for sale of specific products based on this benchmark only
if the product is marketed domestically. They, therefore, imposed higher prices than the ones
the national authority prescribed if the products were destined for export (similar to dual pricing
See "Subsidies Disciplines Requiring Clarification and Improvement: Communication from the United States"
TN/RL/W/78, 19 March 2003. See Communication by the U.S. Ibid. For a general overview of the reform of laws on
subsidies in the WTO, see M. J. Trebilcock & R. Howse, the Regulation of International Trade (London: Routledge
1995) at 153.
Within the discussion on the reform of the law of subsidies it has been argued that while the principle that trade
flows should be determined by comparative advantage is broadly accepted, it must also be accepted that preferential
natural resource pricing has been, and, if not addressed, will continue to be, a source of considerable trade distortion
and friction. Simply put, there is no difference between the government provision of a natural resource at less than fair
market value and the government provision of a cash grant allowing the purchase of a natural resource at less than fair
market value. As it is clear from this statement, the issue of pricing of the product of a national resource will come on
the agenda of the WTO especially when more energy producing countries join this organization. See "Subsidies
Disciplines Requiring Clarification and Improvement: Communication from the United States" TN/RL/W/78, 19 March
2003. This would mean that governments sovereign decision to dispose of their natural resource would be addressed
although so far the exercise of this right has not been questionable and a country could not be penalized by another
because of how it sells and prices its resources.
See Article 81 describes rules on competition applying to undertakings which prescribes those activities that are
incompatible with the rules of common market. The provisions of this Article in applicable between 1) Any Agreement
or category of agreements between undertakings, 2) any decision or category of decisions by associations of
undertakings, 3) any concerted practice or category of concerted practices, which contributes to improving the
production or distribution of goods or to promoting technical or economic progress, while allowing consumers a fair
share of the resulting benefit, and which does not: (a) impose on the undertakings concerned restrictions which are not
indispensable to the attainment of these objectives; (b) afford such undertakings the possibility of eliminating
competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question.
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in Saudi Arabia). Although the private company argued that dual pricing only takes place when
the company can set both prices, i.e. domestic and export, the Commission did not accept this
argument because they declared that the private company had the power to bargain with the
national authority to set the maximum price and therefore, they are involved in setting the
domestic price indirectly as well.
For this reason, the private company was found to be
directly involved in the price-setting of the product.
On the other hand, it was declared that due to the discrimination in prices based on their end
use, an indirect export ban is provided that eventually distorts trade. Obliging exporters to
purchase the products at higher prices impedes export. In other words, a pricing policy which
makes it economically uninteresting for exporters to involve in export must be considered to be
at least as effective as an outright contractual export ban.
The refusal to grant cheaper
prices for export makes the export less attractive and exports are no longer viable without
This export ban, by its very nature, is liable to affect trade since it impedes the
movement of products between member states.
This export ban was found to be in
contradiction with Article 81 of the EC Treaty based on which there was no need for an
assessment of their actual effects. An agreement between two undertakings, which makes
exports more expensive and less profitable, is contrary to Article 81 since the object and effect
of such an agreement is to protect a higher price level in the countries of destination,
and "it
was not relevant that the exports were not formally prohibited by the agreement but were simply
made less profitable". The actual agreement between a company and its wholesalers per se
produces a restrictive effect on competition in the Community, by excluding or limiting the
possibilities of export of those products.
The same line of reasoning can be adopted by the WTO in the negotiations of the accession of
Saudi Arabia. The main rationale for prohibiting the practice of dual pricing in the EC has been
its restrictive effect on trade, as the arrangement between undertakings made exports more
expensive and less profitable. The same rationale can be used based on Article XI of the GATT
on prohibition of quantitative restriction on export as explained in detail elsewhere.
It could be
argued that in our case, restrictions on the export of raw materials through dual pricing
constitute a form of indirect export subsidy to goods that are made from those materials. This
activity stimulates export of specific products manufactured by the dual priced raw material and
See the Commission Decision of 8 May 2001relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 81 of the EC Treaty Cases:
IV/36.957/F3 Glaxo Wellcome (notification), IV/36.997/F3 Aseprofar and Fedifar (complaint), IV/37.121/F3 Spain
Pharma (complaint), IV/37.138/F3 BAI (complaint), IV/37.380/F3 EAEPC (complaint) OJ L 302/1.
See Glaxo Wellcome, para. 118.
See the Commission Decision of 15 May 1991 relating to a proceeding pursuant to Article 85 of the EEC Treaty
(IV/32186 Gosme/Martell - DMP), 91/335/EEC: OJ L 185 , 11/07/1991 p. 0023 0030 at para. 20.
See the Commission Decision of 27 November 1981 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/30.188 Mot
et Chandon (London) Ltd.), 82/203/EEC, OJ L 094 , 08/04/1982 p. 0007 0011 at para 13.
See also Gosme/Martell DMP, para. 32.
See page 10 of the main paper on the Relevance of the ECT for EU-GCC Cooperation, the section on the
quantitative restriction on trade.
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a restraint is imposed on the export of raw materials that are kept in the country for use in
domestic production, which lessens the availability of these products in the world market.
The analysis of the effect of dual pricing in the WTO is less complicated and straightforward
from the point of view of an 'export restriction' rather than 'subsidy'. If, based on the analysis
provided above, the reference to dual pricing as a subsidy is altogether abandoned, the issue
could still be looked at through the analysis of the initial arrangement, i.e. the cheaper sale of
feedstock, which could - if all the necessary conditions exist - limit or exclude the export of this
feedstock in the first place. The analysis of the provisions of quantitative restrictions would then
be relevant. In that case, however, Saudi Arabia could explore the possibility of using
exceptions of Article XX of GATT to determine whether paragraph (h) of that Article can be
used to justify such restriction on export (see page 12 of the main paper on the Energy Charter
Treaty). The exception that can be used in relation to subsidies is elaborated on below.
5.2.A.V. The Exceptions to the Rules on Subsidies and the Issue of
Dual Pricing
If 'dual pricing' is considered as a prohibited subsidy, either through addition of new clear
provisions to the SCM Agreement or through the broad interpretation of the WTO provisions on
subsidy, some exceptions are available to those countries to maintain this practice for a specific
period of time.
The reason for emphasizing on the continued use of dual pricing is due to the advantages that
energy producing countries can gain through this practice that they can otherwise gain with
more difficulty or not at all, such as attraction of foreign investment in petrochemical or fertilizer
industries. The risk would be that investment would be concentrated only in exploration of
energy and its export without the promotion of the petrochemical industries of these countries.
Based on Article 27 of the SCM, the role that subsidies play in economic development of a
given country is recognized, and developing countries of the WTO can take advantage of a
special treatment provided for in this Agreement. This Article falls under the general rules of the
WTO on designing rules on special and differential treatment of developing countries. Although
developing countries are not defined in the WTO, any country, upon accession, declares its
status in the WTO as a developing country. This status is not granted automatically and should
be approved by other Contracting Parties. If the status of Saudi Arabia as a developing country
is approved in the accession negotiations of this country in the WTO, this Article can assist this
country to keep the practice of dual pricing for quite some time.
Based on Article 27(2)(b) the subsidies of Annex I are not prohibited for developing countries for
a period of 8 years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement. Moreover, if a
developing country Member deems it necessary to apply such subsidies beyond the 8-year
period, it shall not, later than one year before the expiry of this period, enter into consultation
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with the WTO Subsidies Committee, which will determine whether an extension of this period is
justified, after examining all the relevant economic, financial and development needs of the
developing country Member in question.
This Article could clearly be used by those developing countries producers of energy. Petroleum
Exporting Countries could claim to be eligible to use this exemption based on legitimate
developmental goal, such as regional growth, technology research and development funding,
production diversification and development, and implementation of environmentally sound
methods of production.
The link between attracting foreign investment and development of a
given country being evident, the use of low cost gas liquids as an important factor for attracting
foreign investment in order to expand the petrochemical industry in many petroleum exporting
countries could be justified based on the above-mentioned conditions.
As explained, the practice of dual pricing cannot be attacked by the WTO based on the
provisions on subsidy unless the WTO Panel analyzes these provisions and establishes clear
guidelines as future reference for approaching the practice of dual pricing. No matter how this
practice is approached, it should be undertaken by either the government or a government body
or a state trading enterprise (STE), which is directly or indirectly controlled by the government. If
an enterprise is government-owned and it is stripped from any government control its activities
does not fall within the ambit of the WTO and the ECT regulations.
The analysis of the dual pricing of feedstock in Saudi Arabia sought to reveal the accuracy of
the claims of incompatibility of such practice with the WTO law. No general statement can be
made regarding the violation of the WTO law. The issue necessitates not only a thorough
analysis of the Saudi practice but also a close scrutiny of the claims of other Member States as
to the injuries that are inflicted upon them as a result of this practice. This issue should only be
approached on a case by case basis. It is, therefore, surprising that this practice has been
wrongly labelled as a violation of the basic principles of the WTO law in the accession
negotiations of Saudi Arabia.
See WTO Document "Implementation-Related Issues and Concerns" "Draft Decision, WT/MIN(01)/W/10 (10
November 2001) at page 6.