Biogenic Metallic Elements in The Human Brain?
Biogenic Metallic Elements in The Human Brain?
Biogenic Metallic Elements in The Human Brain?
Copper x-ray absorption spectra from the areas highlighted in intensities (see also Fig. 1I) (42). This observation for subject Y is
Fig. 1E are shown in Fig. 1G. As shown in the reference spectra in supported by evidence for elemental metallic Cu0 in the EXAFS
Fig. 1I, Cu2+ materials display a sharp high-intensity peak at 931 eV data from subject X (Fig. 1, area G6).
and a further lower-intensity peak at 951 eV (42). In contrast, Cu+ Iron x-ray absorption spectra from iron-rich regions throughout
and Cu0 materials display peaks ca. 2.5 eV higher than Cu2+ at the plaque showed spatial variation in the iron oxidation state (Fig. 2F),
933.5 and 953.5 eV (42). From these known spectral features, it can with iron predominantly present as Fe3+ (F1: Fig. 2, C and F) as well
be seen that area G1 of the plaque contains a pure Cu2+ phase, as reduced forms (F2 and F3: Fig. 2, C and F). This was not an iso-
whereas areas G2 to G6 show both Cu2+ and Cu+/Cu0 features. For lated finding for this subject: fig. S6 shows an additional plaque
areas G2 to G4, the Cu2+ peak is dominant over Cu+/Cu0, whereas from subject Y exhibiting multiple inclusions of reduced iron.
in G5 they are approximately equal. In G6, the Cu0 peak becomes Copper mapping of a further amyloid plaque from subject X
the dominant feature. (Fig. 3) showed the presence of a single Cu+/Cu0 deposit (Fig. 3B).
These results demonstrate the presence of both iron and copper The copper x-ray absorption spectrum from this deposit (Fig. 3E)
in different chemically reduced states within the same amyloid displayed small absorption-edge steps and high post-edge absorp-
plaque. The presence of copper in multiple oxidation states within tion intensities representative of Cu0, but without the well-defined
an individual plaque suggests that redox cycling of copper may oc- EXAFS seen in the metallic Cu0 spectrum shown in Figs. 1I and
cur within these structures. A further amyloid plaque core from 2E. This spectrum may therefore represent a mixed Cu0/Cu+ phase
subject X was also found to contain chemically reduced copper, or a poorly crystalline Cu0 phase.
Cu+, shown in fig. S5.
The findings for subject X are supported by the analysis of an Discovery of ferromagnetic elemental iron
amyloid plaque from a second Alzheimer’s case (subject Y) shown Iron mapping of the amyloid plaque in Fig. 3 revealed multiple dis-
in Fig. 2, where copper (Fig. 2B) and iron (Fig. 2C) were both pres- crete areas of iron deposition. The strongest iron signal in the iron
Fig. 2. STXM images, metal maps, and copper and iron x-ray absorption spectra from a subject Y amyloid plaque. (A) STXM image showing the overall plaque
morphology. (B) Cu+/Cu0 map. (C) Iron map. (D) Composite STXM image showing plaque morphology (blue), Cu+/Cu0 (red), and iron (gray) content. (E) Copper x-ray
absorption spectrum from the copper area highlighted in (B) (cyan trace) and a Cu0 reference (black trace). Reprinted from Jiang et al. (42) with the permission of AIP
Publishing. The energies corresponding to Cu2+ and Cu+/Cu0 content are shown by the dashed and dotted-dashed lines, respectively. Asterisks highlight extended x-ray
absorption fine structure (EXAFS) indicative of metallic copper (Cu0). (F) Iron x-ray absorption spectra from the areas highlighted in (C).
Fig. 4. Schematic displaying the experimental setup for the magnetically sen-
sitive XMCD measurements. A magnet array was inserted into the rear face of the
sample holder (magnetic field lines shown in orange), placing the sample (located
on the front face of the holder) under a magnetic field of 250 mT. The incident x-ray
beam was tuned to contain either left circularly polarized (LCP) or right circularly
polarized (RCP) light. Sample regions were examined under both LCP and RCP
here. The ability to separate spatially different metal phases with reduction, in some cases coupled to the oxidation of glucose (53).
nanoscale resolution using STXM techniques provides unique char- There may be analogous reductases in the human brain, including
acterization of copper and iron in tissues. cysteine-rich Zn2+- and Cu+-binding metallothionein-3, a neuropro-
There are several plausible mechanisms for the formation of ele- tective protein with thiolate clusters, capable of reducing A-Cu2+
mental metallic Cu0 and Fe0 in amyloid deposits. The first is direct to A-Cu+ (55).
reduction of A-bound Cu+/2+ and Fe2+/3+. Given the reportedly Because A-Cu2+ is readily reduced to A-Cu+ by multiple bio-
high reduction potential of A-Cu composites compared to other logical reductants (56), Cu0 nanoclusters might be formed through
biomolecule-Cu complexes, this is feasible (47). Supporting this, we the disproportionation of A-bound Cu+ into Cu2+ and Cu0. Cu+
collected in vitro mass spectrometry (MS) data with collision- appears to prefer a linear or trigonal binding geometry to A (e.g.,
induced dissociation (CID) (see figs. S8 to S10 and Supplementary involving His13 and His14), in which it could readily bind O2 (57).
Text), which showed that A(1–42) binds Cu2+, in the N-terminal Under conditions of hypoxia, which are related to neurodegenera-
region. Analysis of the isotope distributions of Cu-bound fragments tion and increased A accumulation (58), aggregates of A-Cu+ un-
demonstrated that Cu2+ reduction to Cu+ occurs during the CID able to bind O2 may instead destabilize and disproportionate to
process. Accompanying a- and c-type peptide fragments, formed Cu2+ and Cu0.
from hydrogen-deficient peptide cation radicals (48), were also ob- Under conditions of oxidative stress, oxidative attack on coordi-
served, providing direct evidence that A(1–42) acts as the reducing nated amino acids such as Cys or His could disrupt the Cu coordi-
agent during the conversion of Cu2+ to Cu+. Thus, the reduction of nation sphere, destabilizing Cu+ toward disproportionation. Such
copper by A(1–42) is a potential source of the chemically reduced oxidative attack is feasible in the context of the oxidative damage
Cu phases observed in AD amyloid plaque cores as evidenced observed in AD brain tissue. Possible oxidants include ROS, such as
by STXM. hydroxyl radicals (produced, for example, by an A-Cu redox cycle)
Natural hydride donors such as NAD(P)H (reduced form of (57) and hypochlorous acid, which has been associated with amy-
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) and formate may also loid burden in AD mouse models (59). This possibility is supported
be capable of reducing copper and iron to metallic forms. Other by the observation of oxidized Cu-binding amino acid residues
transition metals (notably, Ru, Os, and Ir) can accept hydride, al- (e.g., His6, His13, His14, and Tyr10) in A-Cu complexes in vitro
though no in vitro evidence yet exists for copper and iron. It is no- (also shown in supporting MS data here) and A plaques from the
table that enzymes containing iron-sulfur clusters use formate as an brains of AD patients (57, 60).
electron donor (49–51). A final intriguing possibility is the catechol- and phenol-oxidizing
Multiple bacteria, fungi, and plants produce elemental metallic activity of A-Cu2+. There is evidence for a dinuclear Cu2+ center in
nanoclusters, including Cu0 and Fe0, as a means of resistance to A-Cu aggregates that is capable of both monooxygenase and oxi-
metal toxicity (52–54). The mechanisms for these syntheses are not dase activity, similar to the catechol oxidase and tyrosinase enzymes
fully understood, but are thought to proceed through enzymatic (61). The proposed inactivation mechanism for tyrosinase occurs
when oxy-tyrosinase processes a catechol as a phenol, triggering its cut into 1-cm slices, and stored at −70°C. The frozen tissue slices
monooxygenation to a hydroxyquinone rather than its oxidation to were thawed, and the gray matter from the frontal and temporal
an ortho-quinone. This mechanism results in the reductive elimina- lobes was isolated through the removal of the blood vessels, meninges,
tion of one Cu as Cu0 (62). Over time, in the presence of excess and white matter. The isolated gray matter was then homogenized
catechol, tyrosinase is gradually deactivated, as the buildup of Cu0 by heating to 95°C in the presence of 2% SDS in 50 mM tris buffer.
limits the number of catalytically active Cu2+ centers. In the case of This homogenate was filtered (100-m pore size) to remove any re-
A-Cu2+, its oxidation of catecholamines like l-DOPA and dopa- maining large tissue debris and pelleted through centrifugation at
mine (both present in high concentrations in the brain) could result 800 rpm. AD gray matter was then further homogenized through
in a similar inactivation mechanism, producing Cu0 that is then sta- the addition of 0.1% (w/v) SDS, 150 mM NaCl, and 0.02% NaN3
bilized and protected from subsequent oxidation by the A aggre- (w/v) before being filtered (35 m pore size) and pelleted at 1000 rpm
gate. The ability of A to stabilize copper in a Cu0 state would offer for ca. 30 min. Amyloid plaque cores were isolated from the filtrate
an explanation for the recently reported enrichment of isotopically through ultracentrifugation at 20,000 rpm in a sucrose gradient [1.8 to
light copper in AD brains compared to disease-free controls (63). 1.2 M sucrose, in a 0.1% (w/v) SDS, 150 mM NaCl, and 0.02% (w/v)
The accumulation of reduced metallic copper and iron observed NaN3 solution]. The resulting fractions were collected, before being
here within amyloid plaques may induce oxidative stress through recovered for a final time with 0.1% (w/v) SDS, 150 mM NaCl, and
the localized overproduction of ROS (9, 10, 64, 65), thereby contrib- 0.02% (w/v) NaN3, and concentrated via centrifugation at 1200 rpm.
uting to the pattern of neuroinflammation and neuronal failure in Forty microliters of pelleted amyloid plaque core material was
AD-affected brain areas. The presence of metallic elemental nano transferred into a centrifugal concentrator (Corning Spin-X UF;
particles would be expected to further exacerbate these effects due 40-kDa cutoff) and spun at 6690 rpm for 10 min. Amyloid plaque
to the increased reactivity of metallic phases compared to their cores were dehydrated through an ethanol series (100 l; 40 to 100%
oxide counterparts. Alternatively, the sequestering of redox-active dry), with waste ethanol being removed at each step through cen-
additional ferric (Fe3+) iron standard was also prepared in an organic of STXM scanning parameters” section and the Supplementary
polymer matrix [as described by Brooks et al. (68)] to further assess Materials).
the effect on iron oxidation state of successive x-ray beam doses. To Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy–x-ray magnetic
avoid cross-contamination of samples, the preparation of metal circular dichroism
nanoparticle standards was performed after the preparation and To establish the magnetic state of the iron inclusions identified with-
storage of amyloid plaque core materials. in the amyloid plaque cores, magnetically sensitive XMCD measure-
ments were performed. These measurements were facilitated by
Scanning transmission x-ray microscopy inserting a NdFeB ring magnet array (allowing x-ray transmission)
STXM experiments were performed at the Advanced Light Source into the rear face of the STXM sample holder and mounting the
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA) beamline 11.0.2 sample to the front face of the holder (see Fig. 4 for STXM-XMCD
and Diamond Light Source (Oxfordshire, UK) beamline I08. Fo- sample holder schematic and fig. S1 for STXM beamline schematic).
cused x-ray spot sizes were ≤50 nm at both sources. Single-energy The magnetic field strength at the sample position was measured to
x-ray images taken at the iron L3-edge (706 eV; fig. S6) or copper be ~250 mT, which we have previously shown is sufficient to induce
L3-edge (928 eV; Figs. 1 to 3 and figs. S2 and S5) were used to locate a significant degree of magnetic polarization in iron mineral (e.g.,
and visualize the overall morphology of the amyloid plaques. magnetite) standards, as well as magnetic iron inclusions within
STXM metal maps amyloid plaque cores (15). X-ray absorption spectra from such mag-
To generate maps showing the spatial distribution of metal phases netized samples were created by performing paired stacks over the
associated with the amyloid plaque cores, paired images were taken: iron L2,3-edge using both left and right circularly polarized (RCP)
one peak image at the energy corresponding to a feature of interest light. The dichroism is revealed as the difference spectrum obtained
(e.g., the Cu2+ L3-edge peak; 931 eV) and a further off-peak image a by subtracting the x-ray absorption spectra obtained using RCP
few electron volts below this feature. The off-peak image was then light from the equivalent spectra obtained using left circularly po-
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Author contributions: Conceptualization: J.E., F.L., G.P., P.J.S., P.B.O., J.F.C., and N.D.T.
Acknowledgments: We thank S. Siedlak (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, Methodology: J.E., F.L., G.P.-V., G.P., J.F.C., and N.D.T. Investigation: J.E., F.L., J.B., V.T.-T., G.P.-V.,
USA) for technical assistance in isolation of the amyloid plaque cores. We thank B. Kaulich, I.H.-P., J.M.D., K.B., G.P., J.F.C., and N.D.T. Visualization: J.E., F.L., G.P.-V., G.P., P.J.S., P.B.O., J.F.C.,
T. Araki, and M. Kazemian for their support at Diamond Light Source beamline I08, and D. Vine and N.D.T. Supervision: J.F.C. and N.D.T. Writing—original draft: J.E. Writing—review and
for support at the Advanced Light Source beamline 11.0.2. The amyloid plaque cores were editing: J.E., F.L., J.B., V.T.-T., G.P.-V., I.H.-P., J.M.D., K.B., G.P., X.Z., P.J.S., P.B.O., J.F.C., and N.D.T.
isolated from donated tissues obtained with informed consent and were analyzed in Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki under the remit of ethical approval 07/MRE08/12 materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in
from the UK National Research Ethics Service. The amyloid plaque cores in this study were the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. The datasets from this study are available
analyzed under the remit of a material transfer agreement between the University of Texas at through the Keele University research repository at:
San Antonio and the University of Warwick. The Advanced Light Source is supported by the
Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy Submitted 11 November 2020
under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Funding: This work was supported by the following: Accepted 22 April 2021
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/K035193/1 (J.F.C.), Engineering and Published 9 June 2021
Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/N033191/1 (J.F.C., P.B.O., and P.J.S.), Engineering and 10.1126/sciadv.abf6707
Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/N033140/1 (N.D.T.), Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council grant EP/P030572/1 (P.J.S.), Engineering and Physical Sciences Citation: J. Everett, F. Lermyte, J. Brooks, V. Tjendana-Tjhin, G. Plascencia-Villa, I. Hands-Portman,
Research Council grant EP/N509796/1 (J.B.), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research J. M. Donnelly, K. Billimoria, G. Perry, X. Zhu, P. J. Sadler, P. B. O’Connor, J. F. Collingwood, N. D. Telling,
Council grant EP/L015307/1 (K.B.), University of Warwick alumni donations (J.E. and V.T.-T.), Biogenic metallic elements in the human brain?. Sci. Adv. 7, eabf6707 (2021).