Week 1 Replies 2 Sovereignty of God
Week 1 Replies 2 Sovereignty of God
Week 1 Replies 2 Sovereignty of God
Hello Joey, Thanks for the profound sharing of the word of knowledge that God is the
source of our salvation and that through the Paschal Mystery of our Lord Jesus Christ
(passion, death, and resurrection), we have been pardoned and shown mercy to
become the children and given the grace to be part of the salvation of God for His
children bought by the precious blood of Christ on the cross. As Paul said in
Ephesians 2:8-9 “For, it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not
from yourself, it is the gift of God.” In this case, we are called to live in this grace
with good works, such as spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Thus, loving God
and our neighbor, as Matthew 22:36 admonishes us. James 2:17 talks about faith and
works as true virtues of Christian identity. So, our faith and good works must draw us
closer to God to acknowledge his sovereignty over our lives to surrender our will and
life by self-denial, as Matthew 16:24 tells us, “If anyone would come after me, let him
deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. So, to deny ourselves for God
opens us to his forgiveness and the infilling of the Holy Spirit to conform to His
image, who is the source of life and salvation in a mature way to preach His word to
Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs:
NavPress, 2014