Discourse Anaphora
Discourse Anaphora
Discourse Anaphora
On the understanding that him refers to Mark, the pronoun is the anaphor and the expression
Mark is the antecedent. Both expressions refer to the same individual. The relationship
between these expressions is not an equal one, however, since the reference of the pronoun is
dependent upon the reference of its antecedent, whereas the reference of the antecedent is
established by virtue of its meaning alone. The term "coreference" is often used to describe
this referential connection between anaphor and antecedent. But anaphor-antecedent relations
must be distinguished from the phenomenon of accidental coreference. This occurs when two
independently referring expressions happen to refer to the same individual. So, for instance, in
the following example the two italicized expressions will be coreferential, "accidentally", just
in case the president of the company is also the company's best employee: The president of
the company rewarded the best employee. This requires an understanding where the company
has a self-rewarding president, but there is no anaphoric connection established between the
expressions. Thus, anaphora is a matter of coreference, and something more.
Cataphora occurs when an expression relies on a later expression in order for the initial
statement to make sense.
Cataphora is used to make cataphoric references. These cataphoric references can be used to:
Avoid repetition.
Create a sense of mystery.
Build anticipation for the information that is going to be revealed (if the cataphor and
postcedent expression are further apart).
In fictional texts, cataphoric references can be foreboding of future revelations.
Anaphoric reference occurs when a word or phrase refers to something mentioned earlier in
the discourse.
Anaphoric reference often makes use of the definite article the, because one of the functions
of the definite article is to indicate that something has already been mentioned. Here’s another
He sat down at the table and took a small box from his pocket. The object felt heavy in his
hands. Inside it was the key to his future.
Both the object and it refer back to a small box in the first sentence.
Cataphoric reference occurs when a word or phrase refers to something mentioned later in the
Although I phone her every week, my mother still complains that I don’t keep in touch often
The book was there on the table. I’d never read Moby Dick and I didn’t intend to do so now.
Exophoric reference occurs when a word or phrase refers to something outside the discourse.
The use of exophoric reference requires some shared knowledge between two speakers, or
between writer and reader(s).